brunswick majestic lanes lynnwood wa


brunswick majestic lanes lynnwood wa
Volume 2
Trolley Tales
50 Years of Service
To the community
Installation Ceremony Part II
Two esteemed leaders of the Kiwanis Club of Lynnwood were unavailable on the night of our gala
celebration and installation ceremony at Old Spaghetti Factory so on Thursday, October 11, during
the regular meeting of the club, Mr. John Baker was
officially installed by President David Little as the
Vice President of Lynnwood Kiwanis. Mr. Bill Temple was installed as a member of the Board of Directors. We can look forward to a year of mischief
and foolishness from the leaders of the “Back Row”
as they assume their official roles. Your editor has
absolutely no proof but upon looking at some photos of the ceremony (see picture on page 4) it was
noticed that the club gavel was lying on the front
table next to the bell where it belongs but shortly
after the ceremony the gavel was missing. I am not
saying any particular individuals might be responsible but I will say it is highly unusual and against
long standing Kiwanis tradition for the stealing of
the gavel to be an “inside job” and not an instance
of members from another club taking the gavel to
encourage an interclub visit to their club to reclaim
it. I can only hope, for our president’s sake, the
gavel returns before he ruins our bell by using a
metal hammer on it.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to
November 1, 2012
October’s Projects
The first month of the new Kiwanis year found
Lynnwood Kiwanis active in the community, as always. Thanks to the volunteer hours contributed by
Dave Dubois, David Little, Meg Ortiz, Ginger Merwin, Larry Merwin and Billie Swengel, the concession stand at Shoreline Stadium was staffed on
four separate occasions and funds were raised for
the Lynnwood Kiwanis Foundation. The crews
were kept busy cooking hot dogs and cookies and
popcorn and serving those along with coffee and
hot chocolate, candy, soda and water etc. The job
is not difficult but it does mean a five hour commitment by three people each time so be sure to thank
those that pitched in to help provide some income
for our Foundation. Your Board of Directors will
discuss the future of this project. In order for it to
continue we will need a few more members to step
up to help out. If you feel the call please let your
Board know so they can make an informed decision.
Special Olympics Bowling Tournament was held
on Sunday, October 21 at Brunswick Majestic
Lanes in Lynnwood. Every year I report on this
event and try to convey my feelings that this is one
project we do each year that really brings joy to my
heart. To see the enthusiasm of these special
Olympians as they compete and the great pride
they have as they receive their medals is truly heart
warming. This year we had Meg Ortiz, Stephanie
Wittenbrink and myself at the morning shift along
with some Lynnwood High Key Clubbers. The afternoon shift had Jay Rust and Ginger Merwin and
again some Lynnwood High Key Clubbers. We
were serving as helpers at the lanes and assigned
to a team of 3 or 4 bowlers and helped them with
lane assignments and mostly just being cheerleaders and making new friends. I believe if you ask the
other Kiwanians about this experience you will find
they feel, as I do, that it is a true experience of what
Kiwanis service is all about.
changing the world one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis Projects Continued
At our annual Fundraiser Spaghetti Feed one of
our popular raffle items was a prize of 100 tulip
bulbs and the planting of those bulbs by Lynnwood Kiwanis members. On Friday, October, 19
a group of brave hearted souls drove up to a home
in Everett and working hard in the cold, damp soil
they planted the 100 bulbs which had been donated for the cause. The dirty four were Bill Temple, who graduated in bulb planting from Michigan
State, UW horticulture grad, John Baker, Western
Washington agriculture grad, David Little and Nick
Aldrich who specializes in transplants at Swedish
so is also qualified to plant. Wish I had a picture
for you but none has been provided.
Other project related activity this past month was
in the form of planning meetings. Billie Swengel
(Chairperson) hosted the first meeting for the May
2013 Fundraiser/Spaghetti Feed and David Little
hosted the first meeting of a committee to plan a
special celebration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the chartering of the Kiwanis Club of
Lynnwood. Meg Ortiz and Larry Merwin serve as
chairs for this event. In both cases you can consider yourself as one of the key members of the
committee and your help is needed. Vice President John Baker is heading up a special committee looking at Lynnwood Kiwanis Risk management. They met to work on making sure our raffles, picture taking, insurance coverage etc. are in
place to protect us from liability.
November 1, 2012
Lynnwood Kiwanis Will Turn 50!
While all plans are still tentative at this early point
in the game, it is our sincere hope and plan to
have a special celebration near the time of our
50th anniversary of being chartered as a Kiwanis
Club. The date was May 23, 1963. Byron Gourley
and several of his friends officially began the Kiwanis Club of Lynnwood. Mr. Arv Hullin served as
the first president. Meg Ortiz and I are serving as
co-chairs to plan an event to celebrate this great
occasion. It is hoped that many past members,
past presidents, spouses of past presidents who
have passed, Lynnwood and area civic leaders,
representatives of organizations in the community
that we have supported, friends, family and, of
course, you, current members of Lynnwood Kiwanis, will be on hand. We have just begun the
planning and the date and time and location are
not confirmed as yet but here is a sample of what
we are hoping will happen. Please mark your
planning calendar and STAY TUNED!
As always, the Board of Directors met and your
Key Club Advisors met with the Key Clubs at Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace High School.
As you can see we are a busy club. If you notice
you are missing from these activities please know
that we need you and want you to fill in where and
when your schedule allows For instance, Mr. Bill
Temple is scheduling our annual Fall Food Drive
for November 17. We will need shifts of volunteers
at each of two doors at both QFC on 176th & Hwy
99 and at Albertsons in James Village on 196th &
99. Check with Bill to sign up for a shift or two so
we can have a successful effort to collect food for
the Lynnwood Food Bank to help serve those in
need in our community. This is what we are about
and this is your chance to serve.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to
changing the world one child and one community at a time.
November 1, 2012
Key Club News
As always, our two Key Clubs are busy. Lynnwood High Key Clubbers attended a district meeting and were on hand at the Special Olympics
Bowling event on Sunday, October 21. I saw three
or four at the morning shift and I believe some
were on hand for the afternoon as well. Advisor
Billie Swengel held a special social gathering at
her home on
What is coming up?
Nov 2 We desperately need volunteers to staff the
concession stand at Shoreline Stadium for playoff
football games. It will be busy and fun work and
we are in need of three or four workers.
Nov 7 is Division Council At 7:00 PM and will be
held at Brighton Court-Fairwinds (Activities Room)
6520 196th St SW, Lynnwood
Nov 17 Lynnwood Kiwanis Food Drive
at QFC 176th & Hwy 99
and Albertson’s at 196th & 99
Mountlake Terrace Key Club continues with the
Trick or Treat for Unicef collection and they are
making plans for the holiday adopt a family gift
program. They are planning on helping approximately 15 people (mostly children) this year. The
Key club Food Drive is set for November 26 with a
second weekend date to be arranged as well. I
was taken by surprise when I showed up for the
Wednesday meeting October 24. The students
had made several cakes as treats and it turns out
is was in my honor. The four students who attended our installation banquet took notice of my
being honored as Kiwanian of the Year (along with
Billie) and decided to recognize me for that
achievement. Needless to say they are awesome
kids and I love working with them.
I got to cut the cake and take my piece before
the crowd gathered to devour the rest. I suppose I should have grabbed a piece for Billie as
well. Sorry!
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to
Nov 22 is our annual “Round Table” In lieu of a
regular Kiwanis meeting since it is Thanksgiving.
8 AM at Marco’s
June 27- 30, 2013 Kiwanis International Convention in Vancouver BC
It may seem a bit early but hotels have been assigned for the various districts, schedules are taking shape, entertainment has been scheduled and
our PNW District is the host for the convention. It
is just a 3 hr train ride to Vancouver so much easier to be a part of the event. If you have never
been to an International Convention here is your
chance. I have already registered, booked my
train ride and my hotel and am looking forward to
supporting our Past Governor Patrick Ewing as he
runs for International Trustee. Hope you will join
Ginger and I in Vancouver!
changing the world one child and one community at a time.
November 1, 2012
Lt. Governor’s Goals for 2012-13
Help Build a New Club in Mill Creek
Dear Kiwanians,
A message from Lt. Governor Jim Garcia
The need to belong is an integral part of our psychological development. We need to recognize that belonging to Kiwanis is a vital and essential part of our
relationship with ourselves and others. It is important for our organization to have a color that our
members and community can associate with. We
have chosen the color green for Division 22, 20122013 Kiwanis year. Red will be the color for Pacific
Northwest District. Green contains the powerful energies of nature, growth, and desire to expand or
increase. Each Club is challenged to increase their
membership at a minimum of five and take a more
active role in Division, District and International. We
will become more involved in the District project
(KCCP) and International project (Eliminate). Our
service projects will be design to meet the needs of
our community and we will become more visible to
our community.
We are looking for team members to help us start a
new club in Mill Creek. Specifically the team works
together to ensure that the club will:
We would like this year to be the start of the
“greening” of Kiwanis. Seeking out newer members
and younger generations and growing a more vigorous Kiwanis. We will charter a new Kiwanis Club in
the City of Mill Creek. We will start a CKI at Edmonds Community College. We want to raise funds
to help find the cure for children with cancer. We
want to play a key part in giving hope to children
and families that are presently coping with the diagnosis of cancer. Our vision is to have a world free of
children cancer.
Assist in conducting effective meetings.
We need to have a true belief that no problem is too
big or too small. Working together, our members
achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
When we give a child a chance to learn, dream and
succeed, great things happen. Green is the color of
nature, fertility, life. We cannot hide our Kiwanis light
in a hole. We need to plant the seed that lets it grow
to shine the values of Kiwanis. Let our Kiwanis values be a beacon to all those that want to make a
difference by Serving the Children of the World.
Remember that everything is impossible until
somebody is doing it. It will be a magical year for
us. I am here to support your clubs, just let me
know what I can do to help.
Jim Garcia
Conduct a charter presentation ceremony
Create a working club structure of officers, board of
directors and committees.
Train club officers, board members and committee
Establish effective club administrative practices.
Provide orientation for new members.
Establish ongoing Kiwanis education for members.
Conduct meaningful, successful service projects
and fundraisers.
Continue to recruit new members.
Promote the new club within the community.
If you would like to join the team please let me
Lt. Governor, Division 22
Jim Garcia, Lt. Governor
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to
changing the world one child and one community at a time.
November 1, 2012
Recent Kiwanis News in Pictures
Stephanie with a Special Olympics Bowler
and a helper. The smiles tell it all!
Larry and the Special Olympics Everett Team
Yes we are having fun!
Newest Member at a service project
8 AM on a Sunday
and in her yellow
Meg and her team of Special Olympics Bowlers
Again the smiles tell the story!!
The Gavel
Two shady looking characters?? The team Ginger assisted showing their excitement as
Who can solve the mystery??
medals are awarded. Sorry no pictures of Ginger or Jay
7 am
Kiwanis Meeting
4:00 –10:00 PM
11 Veteran’s
6 Election
Council 7 PM
at Brighton
Court on 196th
in Lynnwood
7 am
Kiwanis Board
Meeting @ Marcos
7 am
Kiwanis Meeting
7 am
Kiwanis Meeting
8 am
Round Table at
7 am
Kiwanis Meeting
Lynnwood Kiwanis Trolley Tales
C/O Larry Merwin, Editor
3327 227th Street SW
Brier, WA 98037
Kiwanis International
2012 - 2013
Pacific Northwest
District Governor
Lt. Governor,
Division 22
Tom DeJulio
Greg Holland
Jim Garcia
1832 St, Ann's Drive
Duncan, BC V9L 5M4
Home: (250) 748-4260
3636 Woodview Trace
Indianapolis, IN 46268
(800) Kiwanis
Larry Merwin
Mr. John D. Baker
USNR Retired
Past President
Lynnwood Kiwanis
Past Lt. Governor
Division 22
Congratulations to
Lynnwood Kiwanis 50 yrs!
UW Husky
Jack “Pops” Snellgrove
Michelle Macris, Owner/Realtor
Phone: (425) 931-1136
Fax: (425) 357-6543
Mobile: (425) 931-1136
Former Member & Past President
Kiwanis Club of Lynnwood
Dave Dubois
Kiwanis Club
of Lynnwood
By Gourley
Proud to Be A Marine & A
Cougar & Lynnwood Kiwanis Charter Member
15913 Larch Way Lynnwood, WA 98087
Cell 425 870 9332 HM 425 743 3465
William Alfred Vincent
Past Lt. Governor, Div 22
Past President, Lynnwood Kiwanis
Parties, Receptions, Lounge, Accompaniment.
Weddings, Coaching
(425) 776-3352
Robert Zwink, D.D.S.
Office Hours
By Appointment
8405 196th S.W.
Edmonds, WA 98026