Elmo re Primary Scho ol
Elmo re Primary Scho ol
Friday, February 7th, 2014 Term One, Week Two elmore.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Michie Street Elmore, 3558 5432 6247 Elmore Primary School www.elmoreps.vic.edu.au Dear Parents and Caregivers, Newsle tters co me hom Fridays e on ! Inform ation fo Newsle r tter to B ek on Wednes day by 1 1:30am You can please. email h e r at elmore.p s@edum ail.vic.g ov.au It has been an incredibly busy week with so much going on! It is very exciting to be back and into full swing again. On Monday afternoon staff completed their first aid training updates. There is information further on in this Newsletter about medication and medical conditions. Please ensure that any information updates sent home by Bek are completed and returned to the school, even if you have a child in a higher Grade, as information may have changed since their original enrolment and we need to keep up to date with that. Independence Respect Resilience Integrity Students who travel on the Elmore / Avonmore Bus Route (with Jason) would have received an ATV form to complete and return to school. Thank you to those people who have done that already. Please ensure they come back to school as soon as possible so we can update our records. Community Personal Best On Wednesday we held a farewell morning tea for Wendy Young who has retired from her teaching position here at Elmore Primary School. Wendy has been at Elmore Primary since 1990 and is a well known and loved member of our community. It was important for students, staff and families to have this opportunity to thank her and say farewell. We thank her for her generous gifts of books for both grades and a lovely water-garden bowl for our new garden area. We wish her all the best and look forward to having her come back and visit. On Wednesday afternoon, Nicole and I attended a KidsMatter Training session in Bendigo which was very informative and has helped in developing a plan for our Action Team meetings for Term 1. Looking forward to a great 29014! Enjoy your weekend, Michelle. griffiths.michelle.j@edumail.vic.gov.au February 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Term One 2014 Calendar * Please note some dates will change from week to week due to updates Week 3: February 10th – 14th * Water Familiarisation Program each day this week * Preps do not attend Wednesday 12th February * Final School Council meeting Thursday 13th February. Week 4: February 17th – 21st * Active After Schools starts this week. Application forms in this Newsletter * Call for nominations for School Council Monday 17th February * Getting to Know You Interviews all week (School will send information home regarding making a time. This is Grade 1—6 only. Grade Preps will be later in term once assessment completed.) * Book covering morning tea / catch up Tuesday 18th Feb * Preps do not attend Wednesday 19th February * KidsMatter morning Tea February 21st All welcome * House swimming sports Thursday 20th Feb, Elmore Pool. See Newsletter for further info closer to the date. Week 5: February 24th – 28th * Closure of nominations for school council Monday 24th February * Buildings and Grounds meeting Tuesday 25th February, 7:00pm in the staff room * Preps do not attend Wednesday 26th February * KidsMatter Action Team meeting in Grade P-2 room 3:30pm; Parents and Friends meeting 2:45pm in the Library; SRC meeting 1:30pm in the Grade P-2 room – Thursday 27th Feb Week 6: March 3rd – 7th * Responsible pet ownership incursion Monday 3rd March * Finance Committee meeting Thursday 6th March 8am. * Prep’s first Wednesday – 5th March. Full time attendance from now on. * Pupil Free Day #2 – Staff attending Cluster Professional Development Day Week 7: March 10th – 14th Week 8: March 17th – 21st Week 9: March 24th – 28th Week 10: March 31st – April 4th * School Council AGM Thursday 13th March, 7:00pm. * Prep interviews this week. * Finance Committee meeting 8:00am; KidsMatter Action Team meeting in Grade P-2 room 3:30pm; Parents and Friends meeting 2:45pm in the Library; Education and Policy meeting 4:30pm in the Grade P-2 room; SRC meeting 1:30pm in the Grade P-2 room – Thursday March 27th. * Final day of term Friday 4th April. 2:30pm finish. * Crazy Hair Day—gold coin donation Book Covering Catch Up Morning—Tuesday 18th February 9am Come along and help me cover our lovely new books with contact! Kari Giffin and I have been trying to get through it but it is such a slow job and we would love to have some help! No special skills required! I’m thinking coffee, nibbles (I will provide these!), chocolate, radio, having a chat / catch up (a good change for an informal exchange of ideas/thoughts) —Sounds like fun, right? (Ha ha!) Toddlers/babies very welcome! Just let me know if you can come along. Michelle. Silly Picture of the Week: (Did you sing it out loud when you worked out it was a song too? ) Malachie Connally For having the courage to share with his Grade his recent experiences of fire. (And well done to his grade for being so supportive and caring) Numeracy Award: Literacy Award: Sam Trewick for his excellent work in his Maths Mate exercise and demonstrating the school values of Personal Best and Respect. Paige Simmie for her terrific efforts at writing each day. Quote of the week: “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” Albert Einstein. Library News This year we kicked off our Library sessions on Thursday (yesterday). It was great to be able to explore some new books together and talk about what we have enjoyed. For Term One we will be looking at the following topics: Grade P-2 will be doing an author study on Dr Seuss. We are going to enjoy reading lots of books by Dr Seuss including The Lorax, The Foot Book, One Fish, Two Fish , Horton Hears a Who and Fox in Sox. We have lots of exciting activities planned around these books. Grade 3—6 will be focussing on information texts and some interesting stories to do with natural disasters. We will read some fantastic books about this topic and complete some research using technology, texts and organisations such as the CFA to help us find out more. All students will need to have a library bag if they wish to borrow. Two books may be borrowed during Library sessions and kept for the week. Students can just tell me if they want to extend it for another week and I will record that in the borrowing book. Although every attempt is made to ensure that Library sessions always take place at the same time each week, for various reasons such as the Water Familiarisation Program or Principal Class meetings away from school, I may need to change the day or have someone else take the session. This will not prevent students from continuing on with their scheduled program.3 Michelle. 2014 Water Familiarisation Program It’s that time again! The 2014 water familiarisation program will begin on Monday February 10th until Friday February 14th. This year we are trialling a change of times. We will be attending at the same time as OLSH so that all students from the same grades can swim together. Grade 3-6: Leave EPS at 12:00. Walk to the pool. Change. In pool by 12:30 Out at 1:30. Change. Have lunch there. Walk back. At school by 2:00pm. Grade P-2: Lunch at 1:00 (normal time) Leave EPS at 1:30. Walk to the pool. In the water by 2:00 Out around 2:30/2:45 depending on how tired they are Change and head back to school in time for 3:20pm dismissal. This means that we will have minimal disruption to our curriculum and ensures the morning Literacy block is uninterrupted. It also allows students to have some social interaction with OLSH students which is particularly useful for the seniors training for the Cluster Swimming day. They will have more intensive training because they will have the whole pool to themselves. House Sports Day will be on the following Thursday, February 20th. Further information regarding times for the day etc will be sent home in the coming Newsletters. Cluster Swimming Sports Day at Rochester swimming pool where our Grade 3—6 students compete against other schools in our cluster is on Friday 28th February. Further information regarding this day will also come home in subsequent Newsletters. Students will need to bring their bathers, a towel, a rashi or t-shirt, underwear to change into after, a bag to put their wet things into and a water bottle. It is very hot at this time of year so all students are expected to wear a rashi or other appropriate top whilst at the pool. No top, no swim. Parents, Guardians and family/friends are very welcome to attend. Students who leave straight from the pool must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian unless previous permission has been sought from me to allow them to leave with another adult. Please ensure they are signed out with their teacher or myself before taking them away from the pool. Families who have a swimming pool pass will not need to make any payment. Those families who do not will need to pay $3.50 per day to cover the cost of entry to the pool and this payment is required to be paid by all persons entering the pool enclosure. Payment, whether for a membership or for the week, should be made directly to the pool, not to the school. School does not charge families for the cost of the swimming lessons but requests that the pool pass be presented at the office to either Michelle or Bek so that families can be ticked off the list. Otherwise their name will be passed onto the pool as part of the list of families paying daily, which the pool will follow up. On the first day we will organise students into groups based on observations of their abilities and knowledge from last year. These groupings are fluid and may change as teachers become aware of student needs and capabilities. Taking the most capable swimming students this year in both grades will be Katie Brown. Katie worked with us for last year’s program too. Katie has a great deal of experience teaching swimming privately in Bendigo and is Auswim qualified. Teachers from both schools will be in the water with students. There4is a life guard on duty at all times and I will be present as an emergency and first aid person. 2014 Water Familiarisation Program Continued Although each grade will walk down to the pool with their teacher, some parents may prefer to drive their child to and from the pool or even take them straight home afterwards, for the junior students, who finish later in the day. That is fine. Just please make sure you sign your child out when you collect them to place in the car and sign them in again at the pool when you arrive. Given that we are working in collaboration with Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School this year, it is important that we are mindful of being punctual with our arrival so we will need to adhere to the times listed on the previous page as closely as possible. If you do decide to take your child straight home from the pool then it is very important that you sign them out with their teacher or myself before leaving please. If you have any questions about this program please do not hesitate to speak with me. Michelle. School Hours 2014 A reminder to all parents/carers of our school hours: 9:00am School day begins. Session 1. 11:00—11:30am Recess 11:30—1:00pm Session 2 1:00—1:50pm Lunch play 1:50—3:20pm Session 3 3:20pm Students dismissed At the start of the day and at the end of each play time we have two bells. The first one means stop, pack up, get a drink and go to the toilet. By the second bell all students should be lined up and ready for learning. Supervision of students before school. Please note that students are not supervised at school until 8:45am when staff begin yard duty outside. Time prior to this is used by staff for preparation should they be at school, and should be free of supervisory duties. Students should not be inside the school buildings at all until the bell rings at 9:00am. Can I Help? Parents often want to help out at school and there are many different ways to suit different abilities. We will never turn down an offer of assistance! Some ways you might like to consider are: listening to reading (both grades0, helping with math work, covering books in the Library, re-shelving books in the Library, sorting out reader boxes, laminating activities and signs in the office, watering the orchard, pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, cutting branches back, removing green waste, joining a sub-committee (Parents and Friends always has a long list of jobs to do and always welcomes assistance, however small. So does Buildings and Grounds!) or joining school council. The list goes on. Staff and other parents will always be willing to support people who are willing to take on jobs they Crossing the Highway Last week I received a call from our local Police Officer, Dave Rowland. He wanted to inform me that he had been monitoring traffic along the highway in front of our school and had observed several parents crossing the road with their children and not using the crossing. Dave wanted to remind us that it is very important to show children the safest way to cross such a busy road, and using the crossing is a priority. Please discuss this with your child and show them where they should cross so that we can ensure we are doing everything we can to keep them safe at all times. Rhys Holmberg Students: Look for these people if you need help. Our School and House Captains Congratulations to our two School Captains, Koby Bacon and Rhys Holmberg of Grade 6. Congratulations to our Vice Captain Blair Broadhurst and Congratulations to our House Captains Blair Broadhurst (Red House) and Tyler Falzon (Blue House). Blair Broadhurst It is wonderful to have such enthusiastic and responsible students leading in our school and to have a strong student voice. I am looking forward to working with these boys this year. Remember —Terms 1 & 4 students must wear a wide-brimmed or Legionnaire-style hat when outside. No hat = no play! Koby Bacon Please remember your water bottle too. Tyler Falzon 6 Prep/1/2 News Welcome to our first newsletter item for 2014. Everyone is settling nicely and the preps have been developing great routines with changing their readers in the morning before school to putting their hands up to ask or answer questions. Books and pencils, etc. have been handed out and can be taken home for naming on Friday, if you like, but definitely returned on Monday please. English Reading: Readers have been sent home and it is beneficial to the success of your child’s ongoing reading development that you hear them read each night please. It is also helpful if they learn the routine of placing their readers in their bags to bring back to school each day. The routine we are establishing at school is to 1- place their completed reader into their basket on the shelf; 2 – choose a new reader in their reading bag; and 3 – place their reading bag into the reading box. The aim of the reading basket is for students of each year level to have a collection of books they have read giving them independence to read familiar books over and over again and assist with consolidating their reading skills. As you can appreciate hearing students read each day is an essential and rewarding task for a teacher, but can be a time consuming one with 18 students. Therefore, it would be beneficial to the students if parents or caregivers could spare an hour once a week, or team up with another parent and reduce it to half an hour, to hear reading. Thank you to Tanya Czuczman for hearing the children read this week. Times are reasonably flexible, i.e. anytime during the first two hours or the last half hour of each day. I will place a roster up on the grey cupboard if you would like to assist thank you. Handwriting: Preps – Ll and Ii – We begin with teaching the down stroke letters as they are the easiest to write and have been developing a word wall of Ll and Ii words. Next letter will be Tt. Grade 1/ 2 – As above and have also been contributing to the word wall which will provide them with a variety of words to help with language development and spelling. Writing : P-2 - Recount or retell of school holidays and daily activities to inform the reader of what happened. Preps are tracing over or copying sentences that Wendy or I have written and having a go at some first letter sounds or familiar words. Gr 1 have been writing detailed sentences and Gr 2 have been writing detailed paragraphs and stories over a few days. A very impressive start by all! Spelling: Gr 1 /2 – Words have been sent home for homework please check the inside cover of the homework book for activities. Mathematics: Shape – 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes, recognition, describing and drawing. Number and Algebra – Preps – numbers to 20, Grade 1 – numbers to 100, skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s and Grade 2 – numbers to 1000, skip counting by 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Homework - Family photo that I can copy for our ‘About Me’ activity next week please. Spelling words and activity for the Grade 1 and 2 students. Sent home on Monday and due back on Friday please. Buddies – Koby Bacon– Riley Power, Rhys Holmberg– Darcy McKenzie, Tyler Falzon – Cody Broadhurst, Blair Broadhurst – Jordan Messfeldt, Emily Giffin– Isabella Richardson and Paige Simmie, Lilly Czuczman– Kaitlyn Pollock and Stephany West– Samantha Lacey. News/Show and Tell – As we have a larger class this year I have decided to allocate days to students to share their news or show and tell. The roster is as follows: Monday – Letisha, Angus, Della, Xavier. Tuesday – Joe, Jordan, Riley and Summer. Wednesday - Zara, Brigid, Cody McK, Shaeya. Thursday – Isabella, Darcy, Paige and Cody B. Friday - Kaitlyn and I. Thank you to everyone in Grade 1 and 2 for getting their interview times in. Craig and I will be sending home confirmations next week. Prep parents I will catch up with you in week 7. Have a lovely weekend and think cool thoughts! Cheers, Andrea Bacon 3/4/5/6 News It’s great to be back in 2014 and I am really looking forward to the school year ahead. I hope all the students enjoyed their holidays and are ready for an exciting Term 1. We start our Water Familiarisation program next week and I look forward to the parent teacher interviews in week 4. The Inquiry Project for Term 1 will be “What does my community mean to me and what does it look like?” This investigation will see students learn about what makes a community a good place to live in, responsibilities we have living in a community and things you would change to make the community a better place to live in The students will get the chance to build their own community with 3D materials. We are also planning a walk around the local area of Elmore to see what is in the community. Next week we are covering the following: Literacy Spelling- Inventory Spelling Word lists and activities. Language- Language for Interaction- PowerPoint presentations on “About Me” project, summarising and being able to report back to a group. Literature – Responding to Literature – Examining similarities and differences of texts on similar themes and plots in guided reading. Literacy – Interacting with Others – Students working in groups with their “My Community Inquiry Project”. Grammar – Nouns – Students write sentences using common nouns, proper nouns and pronouns. Writing Recount/Journal Writing. Numeracy Number and Algebra- Number and place value – Addition and Subtraction of 2,3,4, and 5 digit numbers. Measurement and Geometry – Shape- 3D objects Homework Students are to do two pages of handwriting, one page of math and a spelling activity relating with their weekly spelling words. Students are also encouraged to learn their times tables. Homework will be due in on Fridays each week please. Active After Schools The Active After Schools program will start next week and will take place on the following days: Monday (Skateboarding) and Wednesday (Basketball). The time schedule for each day is as follows: from 3:20pm to 3:30pm a healthy snack will be provided by us for the children, and then the program will start at 3:30pm and run until 4:30pm. The program is free of charge but parents must fill out the required forms that come home with this Newsletter and return them by Monday please. All equipment needed will be provided at the school. There is no need to bring anything (just in case you were being pressured to purchase new skateboards…!). Student Medication On occasions it is necessary for children to take medication while they are at school. In line with Department Guidelines, we keep a Medications Book at the office. If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, a signed medication request form needs to accompany the medicine, and this medicine is to be left at the office. For safety reasons, it is not advisable for medication to be sent along with your child or left in school bags. The student will come to the office for the medication at the designated time, and may collect the medication at the end of the day. Only asthma medication can be kept in classrooms or schoolbags. Student Accident Insurance As a school we do as much as we can to protect and care for injured students including first aid, notifying parents and emergency contacts if students are injured or hurt, and if necessary, an ambulance is called. Parents and guardians are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. Most medical costs will be refunded by Medicare. If you are a member of an ambulance or health insurance fund, you may also be able to claim transport or other expenses from that fund. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development does not hold accident insurance for school students. Reasonably low cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector and these can be obtained by parents for their children. Personal Goods Brought to School at Owner’s Risk Personal property is often brought to school by students, staff and visitors. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it will generally not pay for any loss or damage to such property. Therefore, bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school is discouraged. Medical information In order to provide a safe and secure school environment, it is very important for you, as parents or guardians, to inform the school of any medical issues relating to your child, or children, that you feel we should know about. Thank you to those who have already done so. If there are any changes, or new medical conditions arise throughout the year, the school should be informed. If your child suffers from asthma, we do require an up to date Asthma Plan specific to your child. If necessary, relevant asthma medication can be kept in our first aid cupboard in a labelled container or in your child’s bag. If your child carries their Asthma medication with them each day, their classroom teacher needs to be informed. If your child suffers from any allergies we do require specific information and action as required. All Anaphylactic students need to provide an up to date Anaphylaxis Action Plan including relevant medication to be kept at school. All staff are trained in the use of Epi-Pens. Getting-to-know-you-interviews (re-run from last week) Our fist interviews will take place for parents of students in Grades 1—6 in the week beginning Monday 17th February. A note will come home soon for you to fill out your preferred times to meet with your child’s teacher. The purpose of these interviews is for you to tell us anything we might need to know about you child in order to ensure their experiences at school are as successful as they can be. It is a good time to talk about friendships, whether they are eating their lunch, checking on classroom routines and expectations and sharing any information that teachers might need to know about their abilities, significant events in their lives and so on. Prep interviews will be held the week beginning Tuesday 11th March to allow time for staff to complete initial assessments in Literacy and Numeracy and to have an opportunity to begin to get to know students a little better. Further information will come home soon but please contact me if you have any questions. Student Safety / Early Dismissal / Collecting Students (re-run from last week) There may be occasions when you need to collect your child from school early. If this is the case please ensure that you sign them out in the book at the office. For security reasons, students will not be allowed to leave the school with anyone other than those persons listed on their enrolment form as parents/guardians or emergency contacts. If you require someone else to collect your child you should provide the office with written permission beforehand. If there are any custodial issues please keep the school up to date and ensure the school holds a copy of any Court Orders as we cannot act upon them unless we have them in our possession. When collecting your child from a sporting activity or any activity off the school grounds it is a legal requirement that you sign them out on the roll held by their classroom teacher. Similarly, please also sign for them when collecting out the front after an excursion or camp. Tedious as these requirements may seem at times, they are essential in keeping your children safe, which is everyone’s priority. Thank you for your support with these matters, Michelle Review of fire safety plans The DEECD has advised all schools to remind families that it is important to review their fire safety plans and ensure they are up to date and everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire. Further information on fire safety can be found at www.cfa.vic.gov.au. Term Planner Term 1, 2014. Inquiry My Community wks1-4 Push It Energy & Force wks 5-9 Week 1 Tues 28th – Fri 31st Feb Literacy Writing Focus: Recount – ScreencastOMatic – all about me Language:Language Variation & Change Week 2 3 – 7 Feb Writing Focus : Recount Language: Language for Interaction Week 3 – 10 – 14 Feb Writing Focus : Recount Language: Language for Interaction Week 4 17 – 21 Feb Writing Focus : Persuasive Language: Text Structure and Organisation Week 5 24 – 28Feb Writing : Persuasive Language: Text Structure and Organisation Week 6 3 - 7 March Writing : Persuasive Language: Expressing & Developing Ideas Week 7 10 – 14 March Writing : Persuasive Language: Expressing & Developing Ideas Week 8 17 – 21 March Writing : Persuasive Language: Expressing & Developing Ideas Week 9 24 – 28 March Writing : Persuasive Language: Presentation of work/Revision Week 10 31 – 4 April Revision Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Literature & Context Literacy: Text in Context Numeracy Number & Algebra– Number & Place Value Assessment Schedule Gr 1 – observation survey Running Records Gr P-6 Spelling Inventory Test Measurement & Geometry – Shape Maths Mate Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Responding to Literature Literacy: Interacting with Others Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Responding to Literature Literacy: Interacting with Others Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Examining Literature Literacy: Interpreting, Analysing, Evaluating (text) Number & Algebra– Number & Place Value Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Examining Literature Literacy: Interpreting, Analysing, Evaluating (text) Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Creating Literacy: Creating Text Number & Algebra– Number & Place Value Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature Creating Literacy: Creating Text Number & Algebra – Money & Financial Mathematics Maths Mate Statistics & Probability - Chance Number & Algebra – Money & Financial Mathematics On Demand Tests Spelling P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Creating Literacy: Creating Text Spelling: P-2 High Frequency words 3-6 Individual spelling lists and activities Literature: Presentation of work/ Revision Literacy: Presentation of work/ Revision Revision Maths Mate Burt Reading Test Measurement & Geometry – Shape Number & Algebra– Number & Place Value Maths Mate Running Records Measurement & Geometry – Shape Number & Algebra– Number & Place Value Torch test EYOI – P-2 Maths Mate EYOI – P-2 Measurement & Geometry – Shape Maths Mate Running Records Measurement & Geometry – Shape Number & Algebra – Money & Financial Mathematics Mon 3 – Prep EYN Assessment begins Maths Mate Statistics & Probability - Chance Statistics & Probability - Chance Number & Algebra – Money & Financial Mathematics Running Records Maths Mate On Demand Tests Running Records Statistics & Probability - Chance Revision Revision Our School Values and how they look in action...a good one for the fridge.