KLC Ohana News - Kihei Lutheran Church
KLC Ohana News - Kihei Lutheran Church
KLC Ohana News July 2012 KIHEI LUTHERAN CHURCH PASTOR DAVID J. KRUEGER THERE’S STILL TIME! When the KLC Matching Funds Drive was begun at the beginning of April, it was stated that the goal was to raise $250,000 in two months, in order to match $250,000 that had been designated as a matching funds gift to KLC from an anonymous individual’s estate. As of the end of June, $205,000+ had been received toward that goal. That’s 4/5s of the amount we are attempting to raise! That’s awesome, amazing, and something to give thanks to God for. But here’s some great news – the time period in which we are trying to reach the goal has been extended by the executor of the donor’s estate. That means we still have time to come up with the remaining $45,000, so that we can fully take advantage of the whole $250,000 in matching funds, and end up with $500,000 to use toward the expansion of the KLC facilities. If you would like to make a donation that will double your gift, dollar for dollar, please make your check payable to Kihei Lutheran Church, placing the words “Matching Funds” in the memo line, and mail it to KLC 220 Moi Place Kihei, HI 96753. Mahalo nui for your involvement. If you need further information, please contact Pastor Dave (879-7979). YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY UPDATE FOURTH OF JULY The annual KLC Fourth of July Celebration will be held at the church on Wednesday, July 4th, starting at 6:00 p.m. The Fellowship Team will provide a BBQ grill, all paper products and lemonade. This will be a pot luck dinner, so please bring something to share such as a main dish, salad, side dish or dessert, and your own beverages. Bring fireworks and come join us on the 4th! Any questions, call Vicki Nelson at 879-6908. During the last two weekends of June, a series of webcam interviews took place with a series of candidates for this new staff position at KLC. The first round was done solely by members of the task force that have been conducting the search for the Youth & Family Ministry position. The second round of interviews that were held with the top three candidates was done by members of the task force, along with two representatives from the young families segment of KLC, and some Jr. & Sr. High youth. This combined group selected one candidate to meet with in person, and plans are underway to bring that candidate and spouse to Maui so they will experience our church, congregation, and the island first hand. When that visit takes place, there will be a number of “meet and greet” opportunities for KLC members to introduce themselves to the candidate. Watch the Sunday bulletin for details as the month of July progresses. These are incredible days as this dream of a director for Youth & Family Ministry is becoming a reality. Please keep this matter, and the people involved, in your prayers, that the Holy Spirit would guide all that takes place! Dave Krueger ALOHA FROM PASTOR DAVE One of the major activities that’s been taking place around KLC during May and June has been the reviewing of resumes for the new Youth and Family Ministry position that the congregation is seeking to fill. Throughout this process, something that has been continually talked about is the fact that we are calling this person to serve at KLC - we are not hiring them. That may lead to some confusion, because so often we associate “calling” someone with the position of a pastor, and we have clearly stated that we are not calling another ordained person/pastor. But even though this person won’t be an ordained pastor, there’s a significant emphasis that’s being lifted up by talking about calling someone instead of hiring them. That emphasis is on the fact that God is at the foundation of what’s taking place here. KLC is not just hiring an employee to answer to our beck and call. We are bringing into the life of this congregation someone who will be fully involved in ministry with the youth, young adults, and young families of the congregation. What that’s saying is that when someone is involved in ministry, it’s because God has called them to do so. And when God has called someone to do ministry, the Holy Spirit is promised to be present, to guide them in following God’s will. If, indeed, we take that last statement seriously, then it’s not only full-time workers in the church that are called. It’s each and every one of us. That’s because each and every one of us is called to be doing ministry in our lives, using our gifts for the glory of God, and for the furthering of God’s kingdom. And that’s my desire for every person – that you would realize that God has given you gifts to use for doing ministry in the name of Christ. And God has not only given you those gifts, but he has called you to use them in your daily life. You, me, all of us are called to live out ministry in all that we are and all that we do. God’s promise is to use the Holy Spirit to guide us in doing so. But have you heard that calling? Have you taken the time to really listen? It’s when we listen that we hear. And when we hear that calling we cannot do otherwise than to respond. May the Holy Spirit show all of us what and where our God-given gifts are, and then empower us to use and carry them out in our daily living. Ke Akua me ke Aloha, CHECK OUT WORSHIP ON JULY 15TH! At KLC, the third Sunday of the month usually means contemporary/ praise style worship. Be sure to attend on Sunday, July 15th. That’s because on that Sunday (and the 3rd Sunday of each month thereafter) you will experience an expanded sound as there will be additional musicians helping with the music and songs, including piano, guitar, bass, drums, and ukulele. Speak with either Pastor Dave or Beth if you would like to know more. MAY ANGELS During the month of June, the interview process for finding someone to fill the new Youth & Family Ministry position at KLC took place. A huge mahalo nui goes out to the regular task force members who have been hard at work for over a year: Steve Moksnes, Sue Moorcroft, Keli & Vicki Nelson, and Barbara Rudow. In addition, we want to thank a second group of willing volunteers who spent a major portion of a Saturday participating in the 2nd round of interviews with the three top candidates. Those extra helpers were: Kristi Bendon; Billie Moksnes; Jessica & Roxi Nelson; Bailey, Eryn, & Owen Pendergast; Allie Rudow; and Skye Schultz. It has been a blessing to see how so many KLC members have played a part in the search for the right person for this position. You are all angels for doing so! Mahalos also go out to Keli Nelson for volunteering to mow the lawn at the parsonage following Pastor Dave’s “incident” at the water park on O‘ahu with the youth that injured his shoulder. You have been so gracious to take on that task, and you deserve our thanks. BUILDING EXPANSION UPDATE The Building Team continues to refine the plans, and is in the process of creating a preliminary cost estimate. The goal is to have an Implementation Plan ready to present to the congregation in August. If you have any questions or input, please speak with team chair, Jerry Embree. Family photos of babies, little kids, teens, young adults and all us older folks too! Search your albums for cute, honest, funny, weird, silly pictures of family members. REWARD for photos that will make us smile! Your Time, Talent, & Treasures Team will turn them into Attention-Attracting Posters for this year’s Stewardship Program - “Intentional Living & Joy-filled Giving.” Send digital or scanned photos to: Sharon.mcelroy@hawaiiantel.net by August 17th. 2012-2013 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Each July the church office updates the KLC Membership Directory and makes copies available to pick up at worship on Sunday mornings, or at the church office. The 2012-2013 directory is in the making and should be ready to be distributed by the middle of the month. If you would like an updated photo to appear with your listing, please submit your photo to Genevieve at klc@kiheilutheran.org, or speak with Pastor Dave and arrange with him to take a new photo on a Sunday morning. If you have updated information about an address, phone number, or email address, call Genevieve at 879-7979. NEW OFFICERS / TEAM LIAISONS CHOSEN At its June meeting, new officers for the 2012-2013 year were elected by the church council. Elected as president was Keli Nelson, vice-president – Tom Rietz, secretary – Debbie Galindo, and as treasurer Lance Ziegler. The 2012-2013 council will be installed during the worship service on Sunday, July 1st. In addition, the following assignments have been made for the council members to serve as liaisons to the congregation’s ministry teams: Administrative – Mark Fornwall and Carolyn Rixey-Wagner; Community/Outreach – Renee Romerdahl; Mutual Ministry – Keli Nelson; Property – Joel Rudow; Spiritual Growth – Debbie Galindo and Jessica Nelson; Stewardship/Finance – Tom Rietz; Stewardship/Spiritual Gifts – Jan Porter and Dave Reader; and Worship – Rhonda Stoltzfus and Zel Terluin. We thank God for those who are willing to use their gifts to help lead the congregation, and we pray that God’s Spirit would fill them with all wisdom as they serve in this coming year. UPDATING KLC’S DATA BASE Genevieve, along with some volunteers, are in the middle of updating the church’s database with your most up-to-date contact information. Mahalo nui to those of you who have already submitted your current information. If you have not already done so, please e-mail Genevieve at: klc@kiheilutheran.org with your name, mailing address, phone number, and e -mail address. For members and associate members, please also include your birthday and if applicable, your wedding anniversary. Thank you so much for helping us with this project! CONTACT INFORMATION CHANGES Harvey & Michelle Strauser: 10 Wailea Ekolu Place #101, Kihei, HI 96753 YOUTH NEWS The youth group recently returned from their servant trip to O‘ahu and the word is….it was great! We had the opportunity to work with the Wounded Warriors for two days and we did everything from planting bushes, to cleaning beaches, to cleaning the barracks. We made new friends and learned a great deal about what it means to live with physical and emotional trauma. We also worked with two homeless organizations, serving food and cleaning the grounds. It was hard work, great fun, and a life-changing experience for all of us. Thanks to all of you for your financial support and for your prayers – we couldn’t have done it without you. Be sure to check the KLC Facebook page to see many of the pictures! In other news, we are actively interviewing candidates for our Youth and Family Ministry position. We have several exciting candidates and we are on the second series of interviews. We will keep you posted on our progress! Your prayers would be appreciated! PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Aloha! The ladies of the prayer shawl ministry continue to meet during the summer on Thursday mornings from 9-11AM. Please know you are most welcome to come and join us at any time. Prayer Shawls are available for any occasion and can be picked up at the church office Monday – Friday and on Sunday mornings. The next blessing of the prayer shawls will be Sunday October 14th. This ministry continues to flourish as it wraps so many in prayer and in God’s love. Please keep this ministry in your daily prayers. God bless you and yours!! The Prayer Shawl Hui GIFTING CAN BE SIMPLE Many people would like to gift funds out of their estate to KLC or other charities, but are perplexed by the legal hassles involved. Actually gifting can be as simple as a one line entry to a codicil to your will. A codicil is merely a revision to a will and usually needs to be notarized, but the language can be quite simple. For example, you can use language similar to the following: "I direct that x dollars be gifted to the Kihei Lutheran Church Endowment Fund for use as the Fund Committee deems appropriate." -or" I direct that x dollars be gifted to the Kihei Lutheran Church General Fund to be used as the Church deems appropriate." Of course, you should seek professional advice from your attorney, or call Gregory Shepherd, our Regional ELCA gifting expert, at 909-910-6823. -Tom Rietz KLC Endowment Team NOISY OFFERING July is a fiveSunday month, so July 29th will be a Noisy Offering Sunday, which will be collected by our keiki during the Keiki Message time. This month’s offering will be given to a new program that will be started at KLC this fall called “Backpack Buddies”. This program, under the direction of the Community/ Outreach Team and directed by Kathy Reiser, will provide backpacks filled with food for students at Kihei Elementary School to take home every Friday so that they have food to eat over the weekend. To begin, the plan is to offer these backpacks to 25 students. Please use the month to collect up all your loose change, and bring it with you on Sunday, July 29th, as we collect all those coins and make allot of noise. “Silent” coins (better known as checks & paper money) will also be welcomed. Speak with Pastor Dave if you have any questions, or need additional information. LOGO CONTEST OPEN TO ALL AGES The 3 T’s Team (“Time, Talent, & Treasures”) wants a logo for this year’s Stewardship Program. Our Theme is “Intentional Living & Joy-Filled Giving.” Think of things and activities that make you feel joyful and intentional. Put them together to make a logo. Children & Adults’ Ideas Welcome. Our main colors will be red, yellow & blue. Look for the winning logos on mailings, posters and handouts. Submit as many entries as you like into the church office by August 30th. KLC’S MUSIC MINISTRY Aloha! KLC is so blessed to have such an awesome music ministry. Please prayerfully consider joining in this fall. Come and join in the praise to our Lord!! THURSDAY, AUGUST 30—HULA - 5:30-6:30PM Contact Sally Handley SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2—CHOIR – 10:20-11:20AM Contact Kathy Krueger MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10—CHIMES – 5-6PM Contact Beth Wills SONROCK KIDS CAMP VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL SonRock Kids Camp Begins on Monday, July 9th—13th. The staff and volunteers are anticipating an exciting week of faith, fun, and food with all those signed up to come!!! The children can look forward to daily challenge pennant and forest talks with Zel, Bible stories of Jesus and Peter with Vicki, crafts with Carolyn, Bible games with Peggy and John, Snacks with Sue, Donna, and Betty, and music with Beth and Renee. The enthusiasm and energy from our youth volunteers will keep things “rockin’” all week long! On Wednesday, July 11th, we will have a campfire sing-a-long dinner starting at 7:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in joining in, ALL are welcome!!! SonRock Kids Camp, where we “Build Our Faith on the Rock of Jesus!!!” KEIKI SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED As we look to the next school year, we are in need of Sunday School teachers. Please contact Margie Terluin if you are willing to teach ages 5-10 starting in September. Thank you for your consideration. July 1 — 9:00 am July 8 — 9:00 am July 15 — 9:00 am July 22 — 9:00 am July 29 — 9:00 am Worship Assistants ASSISTING MINISTERS July 1 — 9:00 am Zel Terluin July 8 — 9:00 am Roxi Nelson July 15 — 9:00 am Peggy Alexander July 22 — 9:00 am Jeanie Vance July 29 — 9:00 am Youth COMMUNION July 1 — 9:00 am Holly & Bailey P., Bert S., Nancy Kentz July 8 — 9:00 am Donna S., Zel T., Evelyn K., Nels & Renee R. July 15 — 9:00 am Nelson Ohana July 22 — 9:00 am Hilary G., Andrea H., Steve B., Sue M., Sharon S. July 29 — 9:00 am Youth READERS Wendi Gordon Gina Mohr-Casey Linda Chaney Steve Brauner Youth REFRESHMENTS (sign-up sheet on lanai table) July 1 — 9:00 am Fred & Cathy Trott July 8 — 9:00 am Jean Ellis (her birthday!) July 15 — 9:00 am VBS July 22 — 9:00 am Dori Thorngren July 29 — 9:00 am USHERS July 1 — 9:00 am Fred Trott, Nick Reeves, & Owen Pendergast July 8 — 9:00 am Bert Schifferling & Doak Schoenemann July 15 — 9:00 am Sanni Tharp & Leib Alexander July 22 — 9:00 am Jerry Embree & Sue Moorcroft July 29 — 9:00 am Fred Trott & Owen Pendergast GREETERS July 1 — 9:00 am Bert Schifferling, Holly & Bailey Pendergast July 8 — 9:00 am Donna Smith & Gail Caires July 15 — 9:00 am Tom & Cheryl Rietz July 22 — 9:00 am Dave & Sam Mather July 29 — 9:00 am Youth FLOWERS (sign-up sheet on lanai table) July 1 — 9:00 am July 8 — 9:00 am July 15 — 9:00 am July 22 — 9:00 am Bert & Bev Schifferling July 29 — 9:00 am July 1 — 9:00 am July 8 — 9:00 am July 15 — 9:00 am July 22 — 9:00 am July 29 — 9:00 am KEIKI CARE Gloriann McDowell Joy Nelson Kayana Kamoku & Emily Pluchos Ron & Ayumi Steben Eryn & Bailey Pendergast July 1 — 9:00 am July 8 — 9:00 am July 15 — 9:00 am July 22 — 9:00 am July 29 — 9:00 am MEDIA Sharyl Boren Roxi Nelson Joel Rudow Stephanie Mohr Nels Romerdahl ALL ARE WELCOME! “Women’s Hui” The women are taking a break for the months of June, July, & August. They will begin to meet again in September. “Men’s Hui” Men will meet on Tuesday, July 24th, 6:00 p.m. at the church 9:00 AM—Worship 1:30 PM—Korean UMC 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 9:00 AM—Worship 1:30 PM—Korean UMC 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 29 9:00 AM—Worship 1:30 PM—Korean UMC 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 22 9:00 AM—Worship 1:30 PM—Korean UMC 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 15 8 KEOLAHOU FOOD PANTRY INSTALLATION OF CHURCH COUNCIL 9:00 AM—Worship 1:30 PM—Korean UMC 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 1 SUNDAY 7:00 PM—Contemplative Ministry 30 4:00 PM—Spiritual Gifts Team 23 6:30 PM—CERT 31 7:30 AM—Prayer Hui 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 5:00 PM—Weight Watchers 6:00 PM—Men’s Hui 5:00 PM—Weight Watchers 25 7:30 AM—Prayer Hui 5:00 PM—Tongan UMC 5:00 PM—Weight Watchers 7:00 PM—Church Council 24 18 17 land Pastor Dave on Main- 16 7:30 AM—Prayer Hui 3:00 PM—VBS 5:30 PM—Administrative Team 6:00 PM—VBS Campfire Dinner 11 3:00 PM—VBS 4:30 PM—Finance Team 6:00 PM—Property Team 7:00 PM—Youth Planning 10 INDEPENDENCE DAY 6:00 PM—Fourth of July Celebration 4 WEDNESDAY 2:00 PM—VBS 6:30 PM—Worship Team 9 5:00 PM—Weight Watchers 7:00 PM—Spiritual Growth Team 4:00 PM—Community/ Outreach Team 7:00 PM—Mutual Ministry TUESDAY 3 MONDAY 2 w They All Kno “Where Beloved are d” n of Go Childre KIHEI LUTHERAN CHURCH JULY 2012 5 26 7:00 AM—Weight Watchers 9:00 AM—Prayer Shawl Hui 5:30 pm—Maui Summer Masterworks 7:00 PM—Adult Study Hui 7:00 PM—Korean UMC 7:00 AM—Weight Watchers 9:00 AM—Prayer Shawl Hui 5:30 PM—Maui Summer Masterworks 7:00 PM—Adult Sudy Hui 7:00 PM—Korean UMC 19 12 7:00 AM—Weight Watchers 9:00 AM—Prayer Shawl Hui 3:00 PM—VBS 5:30 PM—Maui Summer Masterworks 7:00 PM—Adult Study Hui 7:00 PM—Korean UMC 7:00 AM—Weight Watchers 9:00 AM—Prayer Shawl Hui 5:30 pm—Maui Summer Masterworks 7:00 PM—Adult Study Hui 7:00 PM—Korean UMC THURSDAY 7:00 PM—SLAA 27 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 7:00 PM—SLAA 20 3:00 PM—VBS 7:00 PM—SLAA 13 7:00 PM—SLAA 6 FRIDAY 28 21 14 7 SATURDAY IMPORTANT STATISTICS May 2011 2012 Average Sunday Worship Attendance - 146 133 Offerings For The Month (members & visitors) Offerings – Year to Date (members & visitors) $ 25,094.44 $ 17,626.68 $131,617.30 $157,346.87 ONLINE SPIRITUAL GIFTS ASSESSMENT The KLC Spiritual Gifts Team reminds you that you can take an online spiritual gifts assessment that will help you discover what your particular spiritual gifts are. Even if you have taken an inventory in the past, you’re being encouraged to take the 10 minutes needed to complete this new assessment. The results will immediately be given to you at the time you’ve completed the inventory, as well as be sent to the Spiritual Gifts Team via email. Please go to the KLC website (www.kiheilutheran.org) and click on the link posted there to take the spiritual gifts assessment and learn how your gifts can best be used to serve our God. For more information, or a “hard copy” of the assessment (if you don’t want to take it online), please contact Jan Porter at 283-6111. BUSINESS CARDS A BIG MAHALO to those who have submitted business cards! The business card binder of KLC’s businesses is now available on the greeters’ table on Sunday mornings. Please feel free to add your own business cards to the binder and Genevieve will organize them accordingly. Continue to drop them off at the church office as this will hopefully serve as a great resource for the church. What better way to support each other’s businesses! Mahalo! Next meeting will be on Tuesday, July 17th, 7:00 p.m. HAU‘OLI LA HANAU! Nancy Smith Emma Stoltzfus John Vorhes Mike Johnson Evelyn Pearce Tom Rietz Cheryl Rietz Jean Ellis Debbie Galindo Walt Grotz Roxi Nelson Jan Patrick Leib Alexander Gloria Carlsson Irene Mallory Bert Van Engen Linda Archer Nancy Kistler Don Begalke Andy Turnbull Nancy Meyer Allison Rudow Larry Ankrum Pono Evangelista Lindsay Findlay Sally Handley Linda Chaney Amy Wasson Kristi Bendon Ashlynn Kennedy Mark Fornwall Greg Stratton 7/1 7/1 7/3 7/5 7/6 7/6 7/7 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/9 7/9 7/10 7/11 7/13 7/13 7/14 7/14 7/18 7/18 7/21 7/21 7/22 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/31 7/31 HAU‘OLI LA HO‘OMANA‘O Mark & Marilyn Fornwall 7/3 Bert & Eloise Van Engen 7/16 Danny & Sharyl Boren 7/18 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK If you haven’t already “liked” KLC’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/KiheiLutheran, go ahead and do so to be the most up-to-date on upcoming church events. A link is already on the church website! SUNDAY WORSHIP Staff Pastor Church Administrative Asst. Music Coordinator 9:00 AM To Kahului Dave Krueger Genevieve Kim Beth Wills Worship Area Coordinators Assisting Ministers Chime Choir Director Choral Choir Director Communion Assistants Flowers Greeters Keiki Care Readers Refreshments Ushers Bread Coordinator Pastor Dave Beth Wills Kathy Krueger Betty Misner Charlotte Wright Dawn Misner Kathy Krueger Sanni Tharp Vicki Nelson Duane Chaney Evelyn Kaya Other Contacts Treasurer Financial Secretary Hula Group Newsletter Editor E-mail Prayer Chain Youth Group KLC To Lahaina Lance Ziegler Steve Webb Sally Handley Genevieve Kim Pastor Dave Barbara Rudow Hwy. 31 To Wailea S. Kihei Rd. Pacific Ocean Not to scale Kihei Lutheran Church 220 Moi Place, Kihei, HI 96753 Phone: 808/879-7979 Fax: 808/879-1803 E-mail Address: klc@kiheilutheran.org Website Address: www.kiheilutheran.org Parsonage: 2218 Auina Place, Kihei, HI 96753 Phone: 808/875-7753 “Where all know they are beloved children of God” Address Correction Requested Kihei Lutheran Church 220 Moi Place Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753 (808) 879-7979 Non-Profit Org. U. S. Postage Paid Permit 47 Kihei, HI