Case Study - DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH


Case Study - DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
Case Study:
Azerbaijan Air Navigation Services
Supporting the Azerbaijan Air Navigation
Services with fast-time simulation
As part of the complex challenges related to
airspace and system changes, the simulation
Model of the future terminal at Heydar Aliyev International Airport
experts of DFS supported AZANS in testing
In the air transport system, time and capacity
future scenarios with several fast-time
Reference Customer
are scarce resources. This is a critical consid-
simulations. The aim is to ensure that the re-
Azerbaijan Air Navigation Services
eration given the constant growth in air traffic.
sulting airspace structure is controllable and
Heydar Aliyev International Airport
Several questions arise such as: How can we
that the proposed air traffic can be handled
increase airspace capacity and improve safety
without an increase in potential conflict areas.
without negatively impacting costs and delays?
DFS supported AZANS by creating a new
How can we organise airspace without produc-
As a first step to optimise the traffic flow,
SIDs and STARs structure as well as by
ing capacity bottlenecks?
the Terminal Control Area (TMA) of Baku
testing a new airspace structure
International Airport has been improved.
Air traffic in Azerbaijan is steadily growing,
AZANS is planning on implementing new
both in the number of traffic movements as
Standard Instrument Departure Routes
■ Develop new Standard Instrument
well as in passenger numbers. Furthermore, in
(SIDs) and Standard Arrival Routes (STARs)
Departure Routes and Standard Arrival
the creation process of a Functional Airspace
at Baku International Airport with only one
Routes on the basis of area navigation
Block, new airspace structures seamlessly
TMA sector instead of two. During the first
procedures taking into account the
spanning national borders are planned.
fast-time simulation carried out by DFS, the
ECAC Criteria
■ Analyse the strengths and weaknesses
current Baku TMA as well as the proposed
Consequently, Azerbaijan is actively taking
SIDs/STARs structure with one TMA, both
of the current and planned airspace
part in the current developments by improv-
developed by AZANS, were analysed.
ing and extending Heydar Aliyev International
■ Verify that the proposed air traffic can (Baku) Airport and other airports as well as
The results of this simulation showed that
reorganising airspace. For this purpose, the
the new arrival and departure routes resulted
■ Identify conflict areas
Azerbaijan Air Navigation Services Department
in improvements compared to the current
■ Measure the workload
(AZANS) awarded the German air navigation
situation. Further potential for optimisation
service provider DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung
has also been identified. To eliminate the
the contract to conduct fast-time simulations
identified deficiencies, the arrival and depar-
to support the reorganisation of airspace
ture routes had to be changed.
be handled
structure at Baku airport.
The future TMA structure at Heydar Aliyev International Airport
About DFS:
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, the German air navigation service provider, is a State-owned company under private law and has 6,000
employees. DFS ensures the safe and punctual flow of air traffic over Germany. DFS operates control centres in Langen, Bremen, Karlsruhe
and Munich. In addition, DFS is represented in the Eurocontrol Centre in Maastricht, the Netherlands, and in the control towers of the 16 international
German airports. DFS provides training and consultancy services around the world and develops and sells air traffic management systems. The
company‘s portfolio also comprises flight-relevant data, aeronautical publications and aeronautical information services.
DFS took on the task of developing new
adapted to ATC demands. Furthermore, the
Customer feedback
SIDs and STARs on the basis of area
number of aircraft movements per sector,
”AZANS was very satisfied with
navigation (RNAV) procedures using the
the maximum number of aircraft at one time
the cooperation with DFS and
European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)
in the sector and the average flight time per
the quality of the services pro-
Criteria. ECAC is an independent sub-orga-
sector were recorded and analysed.
vided met our expectations. We
are satisfied with the simulations
nisation of ICAO with the aim to harmonise
civil aviation policies and practices among
and may use the services
its 44 European member states.The next
All results of the simulations are based on
for some of our future projects.”
step was to analyse the entire airspace
values used by DFS. They also assume an
of Azerbaijan in relation to the strengths
infrastructure and working methods equiva-
Farhan Guliyev,
and weaknesses of the current and future
lent to those of DFS.
AZANS Head of Development
airspace structure, including a revised
SIDs/ STARs structure developed by DFS in
Under these conditions, the fast-time simu-
cooperation with AZANS.
lation showed that the actual traffic in the
TMA and control area would be manageable
One of the main evaluation criteria in this
in the future scenario. In the reorganised
simulation was the number of potential
airspace structure, the risk of conflicts,
conflicts in the sectors of the entire
especially in the TMA, was reduced by im-
airspace and their distribution. The DFS
proved separation of arrival and departure
“workload model” gives an additional
routes. As a result of the improvements, the
impression whether a sector can handle
measured workload values indicated that
the simulated traffic or if a reorganisation
the traffic of each sector can be controlled
of the sector is necessary. This model
throughout a whole day without overload
is a method to measure workload in
the working environment and has been
For further information,
please contact:
DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
Business Unit Aeronautical Solutions
Am DFS-Campus 10
63225 Langen
Telephone: +49 (0)6103 707-2051