4th Quarter - Sheerar Museum


4th Quarter - Sheerar Museum
4th Quarter—Annual Report
January 2011
Sat & Sun 1-4pm
Closed Mondays &
After hours tours
available by
Meet t h e 2 0 11
S t i llw a t er Mu s eu m As s o ci at io n
Bo a rd o f Tru s t ees
Call Ammie to
schedule your
reunion event at
the Sheerar
Inside this
From the Director
Gifts to the Museum
Exhibits, Events, &
Heritage Garden
Visitation & Facility
Who is an Associate?
Corporate Sponsors
2010 Associates
The Stillwater Museum
Association is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization responsible
for governing the administration
of the Sheerar Museum of
Stillwater History.
Association Board of Trustees
is made up of area residents
with experience or an interest in
and interpreting
Stillwater’s history.
Stillwater Museum
Association Board President Bill
Dunn’s professional career
began as a
f o r e i g n
s e r v i c e
Haiti, Laos,
s p e n t
Bill Dunn, President of the
Stillwater Museum Association
twenty years at the
Smithsonian Institution in
administrative positions,
before retiring in 1985 and
moving to Stillwater with his
wife, Barbara. From 1992 to
1995, Bill served as the
Director of the Sheerar
Museum. It was under his
tenure as director that the
annual 4th grade education
program began.
Vice-President Althea
Wright grew up in Amarillo,
Texas and earned her B.S.
from OAMC. Later when she
continued her education, she
earned her Ed.D. from
Oklahoma State University and
then taught in the Human
Development and Family
Science department. She first
became acquainted with the
Sheerar Center through her
association with the Stillwater
Art Guild.
She is also a
member of the Stillwater
Community Singers. Althea
believes that the Sheerar
Museum is a great museum
and that it is her turn to step
up and help out through
service as a Board Trustee.
Treasurer Leanita Shelby
grew up in Stillwater,
graduating from CE Donart
High and then from George
Washington University in
Washington, DC. She spent
the next few decades working
for the US Congress. She
served twenty years as
professional staff in
parliamentary procedure for
the House Rules Committee.
The final three years of her
career she served as a policy
advisor to the Democratic
Leader of the House of
Representatives. Leanita
believes that “Oklahoma has a
rich, complex history, and
Stillwater stands at the heart
of it.”
. . . continued on Page 5
Stillwater Muse
Page 2
This past August marked the
end of my second year at the
Sheerar Museum of Stillwater
History. In my time as museum
director, I have had the
pleasure of working with an
outstanding Board of Trustees,
an army of dedicated
volunteers, and a fantastic
team of part-time staff who I
am proud to call colleagues.
Much of my time is taken up
with the administration of the
B y
Glass Fire Extinguisher
donated just in time for
the “Stillwater First
Responders” exhibit.
Museum and Cultural Center.
The daily business of running
the museum provides me with
the opportunity to wear many
hats as we work with the public
telling the story of our
community in a variety of ways—
often in partnership with some
of the greatest treasures our city
can boast, such as the Public
Library and OSU Library on the
“One Book, One Community”
G i f t s
Sarah McBride,
t o
S a r a h
This year has been busy for
the Sheerar Museum with the
annual fundraiser and multiple
exhibit openings including
“Stillwater’s First Responders”.
Along with what the public can
see in the gallery, there is a lot
of work done behind the scenes
to preserve the collections
donated by the Stillwater
community. I would like to thank
the many volunteers who have
worked so hard over the last
year to help care for the
We are excited about the
items donated over the last year.
Some items that stand out
include the Fire Training
Manuals and Fire Protection
Manuals that were very useful in
the research and display of the
“Stillwater’s First Responders”
exhibit. We were given many
textile items that were in
excellent condition such as a
Ruf Nex jacket, a suit bought at
Bates Brothers, a WWII-era
wedding dress and veil, four
little girl’s dresses from the
1950s, and a black-and-white
referee jacket. Other notable
items include a Payne County
map from 1920, a Payne County
t h e
opportunities when I get to steep
myself in Stillwater’s history
through exhibit work, my favorite
part of the job is promoting the
Museum and facility—and by
extension promoting Stillwater.
After a total of 7 years as a
Museum Professional, I am
convinced that we have one of
the best Museums around
compared with other museums
. . . Continued on page 4
Ammie Bryant,
Museum Director
M u s e u m
M c B r i d e ,
R e g i s t r a r
Jail key, a 1919 Stillwater High
School Yearbook, the Stillwater
Evening Lions Club records,
chemistry glassware from Old
Central, a pair of shoes signed
by Eddie Sutton, and even a
1938 Dictaphone found in the
basement of the First Christian
We are grateful for all
donations given to the
Museum. This list barely
touches on the extraordinary
and educationally valuable
items we received over the last
year. When telling the story of
Stillwater, these items will help
to transport our visitors to a
different time. We rely on the
public to ensure a well-rounded
and thorough representation of
Stillwater’s history.
Remember to think of the
Sheerar Museum of Stillwater
History when you are deciding
what to do with any objects,
photographs, and documents
you may have.
On behalf of the Sheerar
Museum Staff and Stillwater
Museum Association, thank you
to these 2010 donors:
John Andrews
Sue Andrews
Patricia Armbruster
Jean Barton Meeker
Gladys Bishop
Gerald Bradshaw
Vera Brown
Robert Carlisle
Diane Coffey
Ken Cox
Elite Repeat
First Christian Church
Charles G. Foreman
Siobhan Foreman
Mary Alice Foster
Friends of the Library
Louise Glass Summers
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldstein
Janet Griffith
Rebecca Groom te Velde
Habitat Restore
Ralph Hamilton
Adelia Hanson
Woody Harris
R. B. Hauf
Lynda Hillier
John R. Hinkel
Merrilyn Irby
Pat Jaynes
Vera Long
Phyllis Luebke
Gerada E. Nelson
Payne County Historical Society
Paulene Hinrichs Putnam
Alvin S. Rains
Allen B. Reding
Olga Reinholtz
Myr-Lou Rollins-Wade
Chris Rupp
Andrew Rylant
St. Andrew’s Thrift Shop
Kay Stewart
Vickie Sturgeon
Bob Swaim
Teresa M. Thomas
Virginia H. Thomas ■
Stillwater Muse
Page 3
2010 was an active year at the Sheerar
Museum of Stillwater History! The Museum’s
team of staff and volunteers are dedicated
to the Museum’s mission to collect,
preserve, and interpret the history of
Stillwater through quality programming and
exhibits. The following is a synopsis of the
year in review.
From March 2 to May 6, volunteers
assisted staff in carrying out the Spring
Education Program with 384 students
participating. Twenty volunteers helped carry
out this program including Golden K
Kiwanis: Herb Kaiser, Bob Henrickson, Bob
Swaim, Jim Dugger, Millard Noell, Lavon
Richardson, Curtis Richardson, Gerald
Bradshaw, Dan Lingelbach, Wayne Muller,
Jeff Stewart, Jack Stout, Ned Raun, and Jim
Enix. Additional volunteers included John
Withers, Adelia Hanson, Rayora Moore,
Rebecca Eytcheson, and Ann Enix.
In May, the Sheerar Museum celebrated
Oklahoma Museums Week May 16-22 by
with its annual Volunteer Appreciation event.
In 2010, the Museum has benefited from
959 recorded hours donated by volunteers
including: Adelia Hanson, Dorothy Carmain,
Vickie Sturgeon, Jessie McEver, Korie
Johnson, Lexi Brackett, Seth Ball, Lucy
Thompson, Rosalyn Weston, Rebecca
Eytcheson, the Golden K Kiwanis and the
Stillwater Museum Association Board of
Trustees. Countless more hours, while not
recorded, were very much appreciated.
In June, the Sheerar Museum offered a
History Day Camp to 4th & 5th graders.
Organized by Mason Strom for his Eagle
Scout Project, the first installment of the
camp provided a template for future
sessions. Volunteers who assisted Mason
include: Andrew Shanahan, Andy Clower,
Brady Cross, Dennis Cyr, Earline Strom,
Gage Strom, Gray Williams, Greg Miller,
Hunter Hawks, Jacob Carpenter, Jaxon
Wilczek, J.T. Gragg, Kaye Aulgur, Kelsey
Strom, Kim Strom, Kyle Eastham, Mark
Strom, Nathan Smith, Nick Miller, Robin
Clower, and Steve Miller.
In June, the Stillwater Museum
Association, with the help of honorary
co-Chairs Karen Gallagher and Bob
McCracken, put together the annual
fundraiser, “A Country Fair.” Sheerar
Museum Associates, Contributors, and
Supporters dined on old fashioned
country picnic fare and were
entertained by Stillwater’s Unique
A Cappella Ensemble. The highlight of
the evening was a silent auction
featuring suppers, brunches, weekend
get-aways, art, antiques, jewelry, and
desserts. This annual fundraiser event
continues to grow each year and
brought in nearly $8000 for the
operations of the Sheerar Museum
and its exhibits and programs.
funding for the concert series in 2010.
“1930s Royal Nepal: Photography by
Richard Gordon Matzene”
This photography exhibit, curated
by Dr. Marcella Sirhandi, opened on
June 24, 2010. The exhibit revealed
a mysterious culture as well as the
significance of world famous
photographer, Richard Gordon
Matzene, who made his home in
The exhibit closed in
August with a performance of
traditional dances by the OSU Nepal
Student Association. The Oklahoma
Humanities Council provided a grant
to help make this exhibit and
associated programming possible.
This Fall, the Sheerar Museum
partnered with the Stillwater Public
Library and OSU Library in presenting
the community wide reading event,
“One Book, One Community: Stillwater
Read’s Angie Debo’s Prairie City.” In
addition to hosting book discussions
and one of the program’s events, the
Museum presented an exhibit “Angie
Debo, First Lady of Oklahoma History,”
curated by Adelia Hanson, looking at
the life and contributions made by the
historian. The exhibit will remain on
display through February 2011.
On four Fridays in July, the Sheerar
Museum hosted the fourth season of
the Cool Classics Concert Series
featuring chamber music
performances by local and state
musicians. Organized and directed by
Mahlon Halleck, the series included
performances by New Cimarron
Chamber Orchestra, The Cimarron
Chamber Players, and Trio Aleszky
with guest violist Jeff Cowan. The
conc ert s attr act e d over 500
attendees. Co-Sponsored by the St.
Cecilia Music Club, plans are currently
being made for the fifth season
coming in July 2011. The Stillwater
Arts and Humanities Council provided
Thursday, December 2, the Sheerar
hosted its annual Open House with a
reception for its December Artist Show
of jewelry by Brittany Hadley. During
the event, the 2010 Pillar Awards for
outstanding service to the Sheerar were
presented to Dorothy Carmain and the
Golden K Kiwanis. Refreshments were
provided by the Stillwater Museum
Association Board of Trustees while the
Stillwater Community Singers sang
Christmas Carols from the entry ramp.
The event ended just in time for guests
to enjoy the lighted Downtown
Christmas Parade. ■
In September, “Stillwater’s First
Responders,” opened. This exhibit looks
at the history of the Stillwater Fire
Department, Police Department,
Ambulance Service, and Emergency
Management. This exhibit was made
possible by research conducted by the
OSU Museum Studies class and Public
History graduate student John Withers.
The Stillwater Police Department,
Emergency Management, Stillwater Fire
Department, OSU Fire Protection
School, Dr. Gene Hoyt, and Strode
Funeral Home loaned items for the
exhibit as well. This exhibit will be on
view throughout 2011.
Stillwater Muse
Page 4
The Late Bloomers
Garden Club worked
throughout the spring and
summer months to expand
the Heritage Garden to the
west of the Sheerar Cultural
and Heritage Center
building. The Heritage
Garden provides an oasis of
beauty for those working and
shopping in the downtown
area as well as for museum
visitors. Nearby preschool
students also enjoy field trips
to the garden each spring to
study ladybugs and the
Work will continue in the
new year as the Garden Club
searches out additional
plantings as well as park
furniture to enhance the
space. The sidewalk that
divides the original from the
new section also needs
If you are interested in
donating to the expansion of
the Heritage Garden, please
send donations to the
Sheerar Museum and
indicate that your donation is
intended for the Heritage
Garden. ■
Call the
Museum Office
at 377-0359 to
arrange for your
group to meet at
the Sheerar
Museum or to
rent the
During 2010, visitation to
the Sheerar Museum of
Stillwater History continued to
increase over years past. A
total of 2,357 people visited
the Museum. Of those who
signed the guest book, 1,797
indicated they were from
Stillwater. 366 people visited
from 46 different Oklahoma
communities, 146 visited
from 30 different states, and
48 visited from 10 different
The Sheerar Heritage Garden attracts many varieties of butterflies.
These numbers
represent only those visitors
who signed the guestbook or
were otherwise accounted for
by staff and volunteers.
The Auditorium housed
events with an estimated
4,064 in attendance for the
year. This also represents an
increase over usage in 2009.
The facility was used by the
following organizations: St.
Cecilia Music Club, Stillwater
Art Guild, Junior Service
League, Stillwater Writer’s
Club, Grace Church Stillwater,
Committee to Re-Elect Cory
Williams, Payne County
District Attorney’s Office,
Nepal Student Association,
Stillwater Public Library, OSU
Library, 18 recitals, 2
weddings, and 1 wedding
reception. ■
. . . From the Director continued from page 2
of roughly the same size and
budget. Telling Stillwater’s
story has also allowed me to
truly appreciate what an
outstanding place it is to live,
work, and raise a family.
The Sheerar Museum is
an independent non-profit
organization that relies on
donations, facility rentals,
and other sources of public
support including grants to
2010 was a
phenomenal year at the
Sheerar and we couldn't
have done it without our
Associates and Corporate
Sponsors as well as support
Humanities Council, the
Stillwater Arts & Humanities
Council, and the City of
2011 promises to be
another exciting year at the
Sheerar Museum with the
annual spring education
program, a program by
homegrown playwright and
journalism professor Anne
Nelson, the new summer
History Day Camp, the 5th
season of the Cool Classics,
and local artist shows in the
spring and late summer.
Staff and volunteers are
also planning changes to the
decades-based arrangement
of exhibits in the gallery as
w e l l a s u p da t e s t o
collections storage areas,
new computer work stations,
and a new network server.
These upgrades will allow us
to better care for the
Museum’s collection of
artifacts, assist patrons with
research requests, and
expand exhibits.
I have truly enjoyed my
time at the Sheerar and look
forward to another fulfilling
year facilitating its mission! ■
History Day Camp 2010
participants and volunteers
Tentative Schedule Insert
Tentative 2011 Calendar of Events
All dates are tentative or to be determined (TBD) at this point in the planning of the year at the Sheerar Museum of
Stillwater History, please check the website www.sheerarmuseum.org for dates as they become available.
February 7, 2011
Volunteer Orientation for Stillwater: Where Okla- Contact Ammie at 377-0359 if you are interested in
volunteering with this years education program
homa Began Education Program
11:00 am
February 22, 2011March 10, 2011
Other information
Session 1 of Stillwater: Where Oklahoma Began The Sheerar Museum is scheduling classes to participate February 22-March 10. Tues, Wed, Thurs 12:30
Education Program
March-April Dates TBD
Artist Show
April 2, 2011
Spring Sheerar Bazaar Trash & Treasure Side
Walk Sale
We will be cleaning out storage areas and Museum
Shop inventory to bring you unique items and great
deals! Have something to donate to the bazaar sale?
April 10, 2011
Program by Anne Nelson, playwright and author
of “The Guys” a play about 9/11.
Anne graduated from Stillwater High School and went
on to teach Journalism in NYC where she was during
9/11. She wrote “The Guys” about her work with a
NYC Fire Chief to write the eulogies of many of those
brave firefighters lost that day.
To be followed by a Reception
April 26, 2011-
Session 2 of Stillwater: Where Oklahoma Began The Sheerar Museum is scheduling classes to participate April 26-May 12. Tues, Wed, Thurs 12:30-2pm
Education Program
May 15-May 21, 2011
May Date TBD
Volunteer Appreciation Event
June Date TBD
Annual Summer Fundraiser: “A Country Fair”
June & July Date TBD
History Day Camp
July 8, 15, 22, 29, 2011
Cool Classics
Fall Dates TBD
Artist Show
S h e e r a r M u s e u m
o f S t i l l w a t e r H i s t o r y
702 S. Duncan St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: 405-377-0359
Celebrate Museums Week and support your local
Dates are still tentative, plans are in progress to
schedule four performances if possible.
E-mail: thesheerarmuseum@sbcglobal.net
Find us on Facebook and Foursquare too!
Corporate flyer insert
2011 Corporate Sponsorship
The Stillwater Museum Association invites you to become a sponsor of the Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History in 2011. The
Stillwater Museum Association is a non-profit organization, operating through the generosity of donations from the community.
Please join us, as the Sheerar Museum enters its 37th year of collecting, preserving, and sharing Stillwater’s history.
Sponsorships run for 12 months from time of gift
tours presented by the museum;
Platinum Level: $1,000 and above
Historic photo/portrait of your original business location/
founder with history of your company prepared by the
museum and displayed in the Sheerar Center Auditorium
Foyer for the 12 month period of your corporate
sponsorship; (please provide staff with any information or
photographs that you have that would be useful in
preparing this display)
4 complimentary tickets to the museum fundraiser or
program of your choice for the 12 month period of your
corporate sponsorship;
Invitations to all exhibit preview receptions, programs,
tours presented by the museum;
Recognition of your sponsorship in all printed programs,
newsletters, and exhibits.
GOLD LEVEL: $999-$500
2 complimentary tickets to a museum fundraiser
performance or program of yours choice for the 12 month
period of your corporate sponsorship
Recognition of your sponsorship on plaques at both the
museum and auditorium entrances;
Invitations to all exhibit preview receptions, programs,
Recognition of your sponsorship on in all printed
programs, newsletters, and exhibits.
SILVER LEVEL: $499-$250
Recognition of your sponsorship on plaques at both the
museum and auditorium entrances;
Invitations to all exhibit preview receptions, programs,
tours presented by the museum;
Recognition of your sponsorship on in all printed
programs, newsletters, and exhibits.
Sponsors who have been in business in Stillwater for 25 or more
years. Stillwater Business Pioneers who give at the Platinum
Level will receive the following benefits in addition to those
already mentioned at the Platinum Level:
In recognition of your business’s longevity, success, and
significance in Stillwater’s history: a 250-500 word article
about the business and founder in one quarterly issue of the
Museum’s newsletter, Stillwater Muse;
One year of 20% off all purchases in the Museum Shop for
employees of the business who provide business
identification at time of purchase.
S h e e r a r M u s e u m
o f S t i l l w a t e r H i s t o r y
702 S. Duncan St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: 405-377-0359
On the Web:
Find us on Twitter, Facebook & Foursquare too!
4th Quarter—Annual Report
Page 5
. . . Stillwater Museum Association Board continued from Page 1
Secretary Darcy Rankin grew up in
Oklahoma City and lived in Stillwater
while attending OSU. Darcy has a
Bachelor’s degree in studio art and a
Master’s degree in library and
information studies. Darcy moved
back to Stillwater in 1989 to work for
the OSU library for seven years. She
then worked for the Langston
University Library for ten and half
years. Darcy is currently employed at
Fire Protection Publications
(OSU) Library. Darcy is enthusiastic
about community-building and living
Member-at-Large Bill Bryans has
been active at the Sheerar in one
capacity or another for over twenty
years. His interest in the Sheerar is
partially professional, as he has
directed the OSU History Department’s
public history graduate program for as
long as he has been associated with
the Sheerar Museum. Bill believes it is
vital that a community collect and
preserve its past so that both longtime
residents and newcomers can have a
sense of what Stillwater has been—
and what it might yet be. Bill has
found working with the staff personally
and professionally rewarding and is
also proud of the contributions made
by his students in helping the Sheerar
further its mission.
Immediate Past President Patty
Armbruster taught second grade at
Will Rogers School for twenty-seven
years before retiring and starting a
new career as a volunteer. The
Sh e erar , W il l R og ers Li b rar y
and serving as Ombudsman at Golden
Oaks are where Patty likes to spend
her time. She is looking forward to
husband Steve's retirement later this
Ann Enix is an OSU graduate with a
degree in Home Economics Education.
Ann used her degree as a homemaker
and volunteer with groups such as
4-H, Boy Scouts, PTA, Church, Weaving
Guilds, OLLI, HCE, and the Sheerar
Museum. Ann and her husband, Jim,
also enjoy traveling and spending time
in Colorado.
Adelia Hanson was born and
schooled in Ponca City. She
graduated from OSU in 1963,
majoring in history. She married Bertil
Hanson, an OSU professor of political
science. In the 1980s, Adelia returned
to graduate school, earning her
Master’s in history in 1987. She
worked as a researcher for the OSU
Centennial Histories, and wrote the
College of Arts and Sciences history,
published in 1992. From 1994 to
2008, Adelia worked as Registrar for
the Sheerar Museum. She continues
to volunteer with the Museum,
assisting with research and sharing
her experience and knowledge with
current staff.
Judy Hull received her B.S. in
Business Education from Truman
State University in Missouri. She
taught two years in the Parkway
School District in St. Louis before
moving to Stillwater with her husband
in 1973. She and her husband ran
an Edward Jones Investment office
together for many years and she now
runs that office, located at 1417 S.
Western, with her son. Judy has been
active in serving her community on
many other local organization boards
as well.
Patricia Jaynes grew up in Ohio,
graduated from Ohio State University.
Pat worked as an elementary teacher
while her husband earned a Ph.D.,
then they moved to Omaha followed
by Stillwater where he taught
psychology. Pat earned her Master’s in
guidance and counseling and then
taught at Red Rock schools for ten
years. Pat moved on to teach school
on military bases with the Dept. of
Defense for ten years, living in Japan,
Iceland, England, and Germany and
traveling worldwide. Pat is happy in
her retirement back in Stillwater,
meeting new people, volunteering and
experiencing yet another new
adventure on the Sheerar Board
where Pat hopes to learn more of the
history of this community, and how to
make this history live for others.
Billy McCollom’s roots run deep in
Stillwater. Not only was he born in
Stillwater but both his parents were as
well. Billy attended OSU/OAMC as did
his grandparents, parents, five
brothers, sister, and his children. Billy
works in his family business, McCollom
Interior, which his parents started in
Stillwater in 1950 as McCollom Floor
Covering. Billy has been very involved
with Town and Gown Theatre over the
past twenty plus years.
Gayle Robinson was one of the
founders of the Sheerar Cultural and
Heritage Center. She was president of
the Arts &Humanities Council when the
building was purchased in 1972 for
$80,000. Gayle has been a board
member off and on for several terms
over the past thirty years. She was also
a founder (1996) of the Heritage
Garden, located on the Sheerar
grounds, west of the Center. She holds
a B.A. degree from Tulsa University and
an M.S. from OSU. She enjoyed a
career in interior design prior to her
retirement in 2001.
Susan F. Walker has a B.A. from the
University of Kansas and a MLIS from
Indiana University. Susan has worked at
the Spenser Research Library at KU;
Prints and Photographs, Chicago
Historical Society; Manuscripts Dept,
Lilly Library, IU; and Special Collections
and University Archives, Edmon Low
Library, OSU.
Susan is currently
employed at Fire Protection
Publications/IFSTA, Library and
Archives at OSU. Her career has
centered on historical collections.
OSU gave Judy White her academic
education and the community has given
her a cultural education. As a charter
member, and now president, of the
Stillwater Community Singers, Judy gets
to immerse herself in the culture of the
community through music. As a Sheerar
Trustee, she continues to
interests in the preservation of the
culture of our community. Judy believes
the Sheerar offers on-going
opportunities for leadership, service,
and to learn about our community. ■
Stillwater Muse
Page 6
Associates support the
museum through monetary
gifts on an annual basis. The
administered by the nonprofit
501 (c) 3 organization, the
Association. Donations are tax
The annual Associate Drive
begins in January of each
year. Associates’ benefits
 Invitations
to exhibit
openings and special events
Sponsor these
projects in 2011!
 Lighting
 Heritage Garden
 Collections Climate
 Collections Metal
 Additional display
 Audio-Video
 Quarterly
Stillwater Muse
 Acknowledgement of
Associates’ donation in Annual Report newsletter (4th
quarter, usually
in January)
 10% discount* off
purchases in the Sheerar
Museum Shop†
Funds given by associates
are the foundation of the
budget that allows the
to operate and
preserve Stillwater’s History as
well as offer quality programs.
Become an Associate in
2011! Just complete and cut
out the response card on the
last page of the newsletter
indicating your wish to
become an Associate, and
your choice of level of support,
then return it the Sheerar
contribution to be a part of the
year ahead!
*With the exception of artist
show sales.
†Make sure you ask for your
discount at the time of
purchase. ■
Since the Sheerar Museum
of Stillwater History opened
its doors on November 17,
1974, contributions from area
businesses have been equally
important in the success of
the Museum.
Each year,
Corporate Sponsors donate
funds to support Museum
projects and its operation.
A full description of the
Corporate Sponsorship
A d d i t i o n a l
James and Ann Halligan
John and Caroline Linehan
Betty Dahms-Lewis
Lynn and Ava Osborn
Virginia Thomas
Leone List
Barbara and Kent Houck
Beverly Collin
Patty and Steve Armbruster
Richard Giles
Exhibit Grant Funding
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Stillwater Arts and Humanities
Heritage Garden Expansion
Gayle Robinson
Phyllis Luebke
Patricia Majid
Kay Lewter
Sue Wright
Other Donations
Stanley Jones
Bill Bryans
Additional Funding
City of Stillwater
The OSU Nepalese Student
Association performed in the closing
program of “1930s Royal Nepal:
Photography of Richard Gordon
Matzene” exhibit in August.
Program is enclosed with this
Many thanks to this year’s
Corporate Sponsors!
GOLD LEVEL ($500-$900):
Oliver Roofing
Stillwater National Bank
SILVER ($250-$499):
The Hideaway
Brooner’s Floor Center
The Quapaw Company
RBC Agency Inc.
Strode Funeral Home
Ron Walker Construction Co.
Jackie Weinaug State Farm
Air-O Heat Heating & Air
Armbruster Consulting
B & L Heating and Air
Conditioning Inc.
Citizen’s State Bank
Credit Bureau Services
C o n t r i b u t o r s
In addition to Associates
and Corporate Sponsors who
supported the Sheerar,
various individuals and
organizations have donated
funds, goods, and services.
The Stillwater Museum
Association thanks the
following individuals and
Country Fair Fundraiser
Monetary Donations
Gennessee Photo Inc.
Museum Associate?
i n
In-Kind Products & Services
Special Energy, Inc.
Brown’s Bottle Shop
Stillwater Living Magazine
Tom Berry
Larry Johnson
Stillwater A Cappella Ensemble
Nancy Patton
Maxine’s Custom Frames
Patty Armbruster
Dick and Malinda Berry Fischer
Dick and Carol Ann Powell
Bill and Barbara Dunn
Patty Armbruster
Rayora Moore
Bill and Mary Bryans
Leonard Jewelry
E. W. Marland Mansion Estate
OSU Athletic Department
Zannotti’s Wine Bar
D. M. Dutt
Wiggles and Giggles
2 0 1 0
Tokyo Pot
Rocky Mountain Chocolate
Aspen Coffee
The Beadery
Adelia and Bert Hanson
Gayle and Rob Robinson
The Beauty Bar
Jennifer and Allen Glenn
Larry Johnson
Priscilla Kinnick
John and Caroline Linehan
Marilyn and Dick Heath
John Shelton of Classic Imports
of Edmond
Bob McCracken and Karen
Jack Allred
Janet Griffith
Velma Sanders
Michelle Himes-McCrory
Mary Frye
4th Quarter—Annual Report
Page 7
($1000 and up)
Patty & Steven Armbruster
Karen Gallagher & Bob
Burns & Ann Hargis,
OSU Office of the
Katherine T. McCollom
Jim Struthers & Gladeen
Jacqueline Adair
Dick & Malinda Berry Fischer
Dick & Marilyn Heath
Walter & Dianne Adams
Lou & Shelley Anella
Calvin & Linda Anthony
Eneth R. (Sally) Banks
James & Louise Bellatti
Bob & Norma Burk
Bill & Mary Bryans
Kent & Dorothy Carmain
Robert Childress
Gary & Jane Clark
Gary Corser & Deanna Powell
Richard & Marti Dermer
Bill & Barbara Dunn
Jim & Ann Enix
Frank & Vonda Evans
Dale & Donna Folger
Furniture Showcase
John & Marcia Gilbreath
Rick & Rodette Green
Mahlon & Gene Halleck
James & Ann Halligan
Joan & Bob Hert
Kent & Barbara Houck
Judy Hull
Don & Judy Hutchinson
Kermit & Bette Ingham
Edna V. Junger
Dr. Larson Keso
Norma Koeppe
Betty Dahms-Lewis
Phyllis Luebke
Jim & Phyllis Mayberry
Rick & Jan McSwain
Steve & Lynne Miller
Charles H. Moore
Jim & Barbara Motes
D. Earl Newsom
Lynn & Ava Osborn
Jon & Nancy Patton
Robert & Vicki Phillips
Lynn Pitts
Dr. Edwin & Jan Polk
Paul & Brenda Porter
Dick & Carol Ann Powell
Dennis & Carol Preston
Darrell & Ruby Ray
Karl & Verna Lou Reid
Dee Richardson
Lavon & Susan Richardson
Rob & Gayle Robinson
Rathindra Sarathy
Roy & Sharon Scott
Jo Ann Seamans
Alan & Jeri Seefeldt
Leanita Shelby
Mark Rhea & Jean Shipman
Tim and Frances Smalley
Frances Sorenson
Bill & Toni Stone
Dorothy Story
Frances Stromberg
Roy & Ruth Sturgeon
Eddie & Patsy Sutton
Bill & Cat Thompson
Mary Beth Treat
Carl & Lajean Whitcomb
Althea Wright
Sue Andrews
Joan Barrick
Ron & Cara Beer
Jim & Ann Berry
Baker & Nan Bokerney
Gerald and Jeanette Bradshaw
George & Janie Carney
Dale & Carla Chlouber
Kathleen Clark
Walter & Diane Coffey
K & Sandy Cohlmia
Kevin & Beverly Collin
Don & Dona Cooper
Jerry & Judy Davis
Sam & Jane Earnest
Sydney & Margaret Ewing
Bob & Veta Jo Fenimore
LeRoy & Martha Fischer
Mary Alice Foster
Cleo & JoAnne Fowler
Gerald Frank
Barbara Blair Gish
Allen & Jennifer Glenn
Jim and Bibi Gray
Francis Griffin
Brian & Sheri Gumm
Frank & Jan Hargrove
Charles & Carol Headrick
Mary Sue Hill
Lynda Hillier
Larry & Judith Hoberock
Don & Mary Holmes
Jill Holmes
Gerald & Chris Horn
Bob & Peggy McCormick
Terry & Martha Miller
Ron & Zona Noyes
Gwen Peatling
Gwenith Piersall
Glade & Faye Ann Presnal
Paul & Alice Richardson
Marvin & Mary Rupp
Paul & Juanita Schatz
Dick & Cynthia Shawley
Flo Shields
Don and Melba Spurrier
Kay Stewart
Louise Glass Summers
Bill & Judie Varnum
George & Hilda Waller
Harry Wohlert
Jack Allred
Gene & Janet Anderson
Bob & Betty Barnes
Dennis and Loretta Bertholf
The Browning Society of
Bill & Wanda Cooke
Rick & Annette Cowell
Ron & Thora DuBois
Gary & Nancy Franklin
Mary Frye
Lawrence & Peggy Gibbs
Nancy Goodwin
Dorothy Goss
Steven & Helen Gragert
Adelia and Bert Hanson
Woodfin & Christine Harris
Darrell & Beverly Haston
Doug & Lou Hale
Elizabeth Jo Heiliger
Helen Helt
Sue Herndon
Ann Houston
Patricia Jaynes
Helen Jordan
Theron & Wilma Karns
Leone List
Ulrich & Karen Melcher
Joeann Morgan
Pat & Kay Murphy
Stanley & Juanita Newcomer
Karl & Marlene Oltmanns
Larry & Beverly Perkins
Jim & Jackie Plaxico
Walter & Jane Price
Darcy Rankin
Ned & Essie Raun
Allen & Sydney Reding
Judy Ringwall
Al & Betty Rutledge
Harold & Velma Sanders
Ravi & Surekha Sheorey
Dorothy Spivey
B.J. Smith
Frank & Joyce Steindl
Vickie Sturgeon
Dr. Robert & Charlene Swaim
Virginia Thomas
Ken & Myr-Lou Rollins-Wade
Don & Kay Wagner
Ruthann Waldrop
Wes & Lou Watkins
Jerry & Ann Waughtal
Rosalyn Weston
Judy White
Buck & Sue Wright
L. Bentley
Jane Best
Ralph & Nancy Brumfield
Mary Lee Draper
S h e e r a r
M u s e u m
o f
S t i l l w a t e r
H i s t o r y
702 S. Duncan St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Phone: 405-377-0359
E-mail: thesheerarmuseum@sbcglobal.net
Your donations allow the Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History to remain open, free to the
public, and offering quality educational and cultural programs to the Stillwater Community.
ur Mission:
The mission of the Sheerar Museum of
Stillwater History is to receive and collect
the material culture of Stillwater,
Oklahoma, dating from prehistoric times,
but especially from the 1880s to the
present; to preserve those materials for
the future; to study them to derive
information about the past; and to use
the knowledge resulting from such study
to interpret to the public the history and
culture of the area through all effective
Many Thanks to our 2010 Corporate Sponsors!
GOLD: Air-O Heat Heating & Air Conditioning, Armbruster Consulting, B & L Heating and Air Conditioning Inc., Citizen’s
State Bank, Credit Bureau Services Association, Oliver Roofing, Stillwater National Bank;
SILVER: The Hideaway, Brooner’s Floor Center, Bancfirst, The Quapaw Company, RBC Agency Inc., Strode Funeral
Home, Ron Walker Construction Co., & Jackie Weinaug State Farm Insurance.