File - Pedro C. Lujan Elementary School


File - Pedro C. Lujan Elementary School
Pedro C. Lujan
Elementary School
Parent & Student Handbook
School Year 2014-2015
Buenas Parents and Students,
On behalf of the faculty and staff of P.C. Lujan Elementary, I would
like to welcome you back to school. I proudly applaud the dedicated
teachers, staff, parents and most importantly students for their
Diligence. We continue to work together on our cycle of improvement
as we anticipate the upcoming six year accreditation visit in 2015.
With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards, our
belief here at P.C. Lujan continues to be that we will use student data
to create learning and behavioral goals, work towards establishing a
Guaranteed and Viable curriculum through collaborative teams, provide on-going assessments and adjust instruction according to your
child’s needs. We believe that if all of these components are in place,
all students can and will learn.
Let us strengthen our school partnership with collaboration, open
communication, and a positive outlook so that all of our
Stakeholders are successful. Keeping an open line of communication
between school and home, is crucial. This process encourages and
supports your child’s academic and behavioral success. My open
door policy allows for you, parents, to meet with me to voice a concern
or provide a suggestion with solution, to improve our school environment. As the school mission clearly outlines, we are working partners
in ensuring success for all.
This handbook is a guide for you, parents and students, to read
through and discuss the expectations and other crucial information
here at Pedro C. Lujan Elementary School. Also, please visit our
website at for electronic updates.
I look forward to meeting with each and everyone of you as we work
together to provide quality education and attain high student
achievement so that your child will be college or career
ready. Si Yu’os Ma’ase yan Senseramente!
Germaine M. Iglesias
Ginen I mås Takhelo’ gi Hinasso-ku,
I mås Takhalom gi Kurason-hu, yan
I mås Figo’ na Nina siña-hu, hu
Ufresen Maisa yu’ para bai hu
Prutehi yan Difende’ I Hinengge’,
I Kottura, I Lengguahi, I Aire
I Hanom yan I Tåno’
Chamoru ni’ Irensia-ku Direchu ginen As
Yu’os Tåta. Este hu Afitma gi hilo’ I
Bipblia yan I Bandera-hu, I Banderan
School History- Who is Pedro C. Lujan?
Pedro Camacho Lujan was born on September 22, 1908 and was elected
to the Pre-Organic Act Guam Congress as an assemblyman in 1946.
From 1948 to 1953, he served as a Senior Judge in the Island Court. He
was elected to the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 6th Guam Legislature. He died in
August, 1961 at the age of 52.
School Song (Sung to the tune of ABBA’s “Super Trooper”)
Verse I: P.C. Lujan Elementary School, My Alma Mater true, being part of
you, Soaring to the white and blue.
Verse II: Success is here in things I do.
Guiding me with patience filled with love
Learning seems so easy and it’s true
Reaching for the stars up above
Sharing with a lot of friends around me
Suddenly I feel alright and it’s gonna be so lively ‘cause I’m here at my school
Refrain: P.C. Lujan Elementary School
Lifting me up high, shining in the sky
Smiling and soaring high
P.C. Lujan Elementary School
Lifting me up high, shining in the sky
Feeling like a number one (Repeat Verse II and Refrain)
Verse III: So I’ll be there when you need me the sight of you will prove to me
I’m still a part of you as we move on to reach our goal I know it’s gonna mean
so much to all.
(Repeat Refrain)
P.C. Lujan Elementary School
Lifting me up high, shining in the sky
Feeling like a number one (Fade Out)
Lyrics by: Ms. Rosary Leon Guerrero (Former Principal) & Ms. Joanne Leon
Guerrero (Former 5th Grade Teacher)
P.C. Lujan Elementary was first established in 1961 and was given the
name, “East Barrigada Elementary School”. In 1969, under Public Law 9
-221, the school was renamed, “PEDRO CAMACHO LUJAN
The school currently Services 460 students in grades Head Start —
5th grade. Special Programs include:
Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Emotionally Disturbed (ED)
Gifted & Talented Education
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Pre-School and Resource Room SPED
Speech / Vision Services
Department of Education (DOE) Vision Statement
Our Educational Community prepares all students for life, Promotes
Excellence, and Provides Support!
PC Lujan Mission Statement
The students, parents, staff, and community of Pedro C. Lujan Elementary are “Working Partners,” in providing a nurturing child-friendly
environment and the best education possible to ensure success for “All”
Expected School-Wide Learning Results: Students will demonstrate…
Problem Solving, Solution Focused Skills
Communication and Coping Skills
Law Abiding Citizenship
Self Acceptance and Respect for Others
7:00 a.m.
Gates Open / *Office opens* / Reporting time for
7:00 a.m. - 7:45a.m.
Breakfast for Students
7:45 a.m.
7:50 a.m.
Reporting time for teachers
Teachers Pick-Up Students
Classrooms Open / Attendance in Power School
8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
1st Instructional Block (K-5th)
9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.
9:45 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.
Primary Recess
Intermediate Recess
9:45 a.m.- 10:45 a.m.
9:45 a.m.- 11:15 a.m.
2nd Instructional Block (K-2nd)
2nd Instructional Block (3rd-5th)
10:45a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
11:15a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
3rd Instructional Block (K-2nd)
3rd Instructional Block (3rd-5th)
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
2:10 p.m.
Gates Close (Entrance / Exit/ Walkers
Dismissal (K-5th)
Dismissal of Busses (1st Trip)
2:15 p.m.
All Gates open for *Car –Riders / Walkers/Teachers Dismissal
2:30 p.m.
Dismissal of Busses (2nd Trip)
2:15 p.m.-5:15 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
ASPIRE Program
Staff Dismissal
Enter the school campus through the
“Enter” gate only. The “Exit” gate will
be closed from 8:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. ,
The “Enter” gate will be the entrance
and exit way during this time. Busses will
be allowed in between 1:30 p.m. to 2:15
No earlier than 7:00 a.m. and
no later than 7:45 a.m. Supervision is not guaranteed before
7:00 a.m.
Off-Island requests must be submitted on a “PreArranged Absence Form” in the main office. Medical
referral documents must be attached to the request
form. Airline tickets must also be presented. The
Principal May or May Not approve the request. If the
absence from school is beyond 10 days, the principal
may request the parent to withdraw the child from
the school and enroll them in the school of the country they will be traveling to.
Parents are encouraged to visit the school to meet
and to confer with the teachers and administrators
on matters concerning students. All visitors will be
fully entertained provided the procedures below are
An appointment is made in advance whenever possible. Before or after school conferences are encouraged. In case of an “emergency”, conferences may be
held during instructional time.
Each visitor must register in the school office, and
obtain a pass to go to the child’s classroom. In exchange for the pass, please provide a valid form of
identification. Upon returning the visitor’s pass, the
I.D. will be returned. Please note that
Instructional time is sacred. The visitor must present this pass to the teacher to receive assistance.
All students will be referred to the nurse’s office due to illness
or injury. The nurse will assess, document and administer
the necessary course of action / treatment to address the student’s concern.
Parents will be informed utilizing one of the following forms of
1. Telephone call
2. Injury Report
*Parents must inform the school administrators and faculty of
the student’s allergies (if applicable) and change of emergency
Content Standards and Performance Indicators Based and
Common Core State Standards Curriculum
P.C. Lujan is in line with the GDOE’s Content Standards and
recently adopted Common Core State Standards. Teachers will
base their learning concepts and assessments focusing on the
expectations of the Guam Department of Education. Supplemental academic support include but is not limited to the Response to Intervention framework of first ensuring instruction
at the first level must be effective, then proceeding to smaller
groups and eventually individualized assistance.
Faculty Members
Germaine M. Iglesias -Principal
Kindergarten: (4)
Edana Reyes
Mary Rusko
Eden Quitoriano
Deanna Lee Ranson
First Grade:(3)
Therese Pablo
Natasha Aguon
Myleen Ramos
Maria Perez
Special Education
School Guidance
Vera Elliott
Marijul Taitano
Health Counselor:(1)
Glory Ann Cefre, RN
DHH Program:(2)
Second Grade:(3)
Virgie Bacani
Mae Mendiola
Joyce Quiambao
Third Grade:(3)
Ann Marie Trusso
Cecile Sucgang
Cecilia Villaverde
Patricia Roman
Erica Acfalle—Primary
Chamorro Studies :(3)
Sinora Jessica Mafnas Mia KobayashiSinora Carolyn Cepeda Intermediate
Sinora Ana Leon Guerrero IEP Coordinator(:1)
Elaine Erickson
ESLTeachers :(2)
Speech / Language
Agnes Rivera
Julie Perez
Liz Napoli
Gifted and Talented :(1)
Subjects taught on a daily basis:
Reading, Language Arts, Math
Other content area as required by Board Policy
Fourth Grade:(3)
Annette Payne
Deborah Aguon
Julie Taitague
Other Services:
ESL / GATE / Library / Counseling / ED / DHH /
SPED Pre-School and Resource Room
Resource Teachers:(2)
Fifth Grade:(3)
Elizabeth Umagat– Primary
Francine Leon Guerrero
Eleanor Quichocho –
Corinne Sablan-Camacho
Kimberly Torres
ED Program:(1)
Leslie Ward
Eimee Delgado
Head Start:(1)
Melissa Merfalen
Staff Members
Germaine M. Iglesias—Principal
Marissa Castro
SPED School Aids
1:1 Aides:(6)
Ann Blas
Marcialynn Gay
Computer Operator:(1) Vivian Esteves
Cecilia Benavente
Georgie Timothy
Custodial Staff:(3) __________________
Patrick Castro
Lori Miclat
Inecenta Weirsun
School Aides:(4)
Barbara Guerrero
Ana Iriarte
Elizabeth Pinzon
Lillian Unchangco
Pre-School Aides:(2)
Rosaline Guerrero
Rose Quinata
E.D. Aides:(1)
Marie Mafnas
Head Start:(1)
Lani Charfauros
Deaf & Hard of
Hearing Program:(6)
Catalina Santos
Fe Gillans
Tina Artero
Marda Palsis
Sina Sam
Albert Muna
Privatized by
Parent Family Outreach Program(1)
Rose Mafnas
Jhorden Cruz
Ashley Rosario
Teacher Assistants
Cynthia Mesa
Kenneth Guerrero
Justin Masnayon
Jovani Acfalle
Maria Rosalin
Due to the safety liabilities involved regarding serving food outside of the cafeteria and our effort to
comply with the Food and Nutrition guidelines,
classroom food parties will no longer be allowed.
SCHOOL UNIFORMS (Board Policy 401)
We are proud that P.C. Lujan Elementary School does have school uniforms. Uniforms are mandatory, however, we highly encouraged parents
to obtain uniforms for their children attending our school. School uniforms worn by our students show school pride and school unity. Parents
may purchase P.C. Lujan school uniforms at Gino’s located in the Agana
Shopping Center.
Children visit the school library for story time, learning Library skills, and
research purposes. Books may be checked out bi-weekly. Please advice
your child of their responsibility in caring for the library books. If there
are any lost or damaged books, a fine will be charged. Notices will be sent
home to the parents to inform them. If the fine is not paid or the book is
not found, your child may not be able to check out a book for the remainder of the school year and report cards will not be issued at the end of the
A signed, written permission by the parent/guardian is required for any
student to go a fieldtrip. If the permission form is misplaced or lost, the
parent/guardian may write a letter of permission to the school, to include the date, place of fieldtrip and signature.
Scanned and email approvals will be permitted. Email to See rules for volunteers, page 11.
Phone calls / verbal authorizations are not permitted.
The Department of Education furnishes textbooks
and workbooks free of charge to students. However,
your child will be required to pay for the books if it is
Parents and guardians have certain rights based on the Buckley
Amendment. The school has the responsibility to inform you of
the following rights:
* To inspect your child’s cumulative and health folder.
* To have copies of documents in the folder made. (A fee may
be charged.)
* To ask for the removal or any items in the folders. (School
administrator must review any documents before removed
from folders.)
* To include any information you think is important.
1964 Civil Rights Act, Title VI
1974 Lau vs. Nichols
U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
“No person in the United
States shall, on the ground of
race, color, or national
origin…be denied the benefits
of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or
activity receiving Federal
financial assistance.”
Equity of education opportunity
is not achieved by merely providing all students with “the same
facilities, textbooks, teachers,
and curriculum [because] students who do not understand
English are effectively foreclosed
Parent Teacher Advisory Counsel (2013-2014)
Pending Upcoming Election
Last School Year’s Officers
Ursula Garrido
Cheryl Wegner
Gina Call
Ramona Longa
Alyssa Uncanco
Diane Vice
Teacher Liaison:
Francine Leon Guerrero
Cil Villaverde
Goals for school year 2013-2014
1. School stage seed money - accomplished pending permits.
2. Other school goals will be discussed at the first general meeting—
date and time TBA
Power School’s Parent Portal
Parent Portal is a web-based system that will
serve as our main communicating tool to link
school to home and the community.
With Parent Portal you can access the following:
1. Grades and Attendance
2. Grades History
3. Attendance History
4. Teacher Comments
This communicating tool will be beneficial in the
event a concern or issue is brought up regarding
your child’s academic or behavioral performance.
In order to access the site, you will need to
come in to main office and sign out for your
On-going parent training to access Parent Portal
will take place during parent orientation and
throughout the school year, as needed.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
The meals served at school include breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is served
each morning from 7:00 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. Lunches are staggered during the
day to accommodate all grade levels. Please see the bell schedule for specific
times for each grade level. The cost for breakfast and lunch are as follows:
Full Price
Reduced Price $.30
SATELLITE Behavior Matrix
Be Prepared
“Solution Focused’
Be Productive
“Problem Solving
Be Respectful
“Respect for Self &
Be Responsible
“Law Abiding”
Be a Team Player
“Communication &
Be on time.
Always have
Use time well.
Ask questions
when needed.
assignments on
Reduced Meals & Free Meals
Your child will be given an application form to apply for free or reduced lunch under the Federal Food Lunch Program. Please fill out
the application and submit to the Computer Operator as soon as possible.
Collection of Financial Obligations (S.O.P)
1. If your child has an outstanding balance of any amount they will
be verbally informed.
2. After accumulating $5.00, the administrator in conjunction with
the lunch clerk will contact parents / guardians to verbally inform
you. You may make arrangements for payment.
3. After three days of non-payment, a written notice will go out. This
notice will contain notification with the school contacting Child
Protective Services. The charges will be child deprivation and
Obtaining Breakfast or Lunch Meals
All students who will be eating the school lunch must purchase their
meals in the morning (between 7:25a.m. to 7:45am.) or during recess
time (9:30am.-9:45am.) This includes full paid and reduced meals.
Stay in line.
Arrive to your
assigned area
on time.
Pick up trash
that may not be
Wash hands.
Face forward
when in line.
Listen for
from an adult.
Walk to your
table in an
orderly fashion.
Eat your meal
in a timely
Use indoor
Patiently wait
for signal to go
out and come
Use toilet and
drink water
before going
out and before
returning to
Use toilet
during recess
and before
Use time
Engage in
active play.
Cooperate with
one another.
Have all items
ready to go.
Wait your turn.
Work cooperatively and quietly.
Listen when others
are speaking.
Use quiet voices
and feet.
Keep hands, feet,
and objects to self.
Greet and respond
to people.
Be aware of new
faces in your
Keep hands, feet,
and objects to
Sit with both feet
on the floor.
Face the table.
Say ‘Please’ and
‘Thank You.’
Always wash
hands before
Patiently wait
in line.
Look for a seat.
Follow directions.
Take care of
Follow classroom
Help one another.
Seek help when
Clean up after self.
Return books/
materials promptly.
Walk safely at all
Avoid danger.
Hold playground
equipment in your
Be aware of your
Keep food on your
Clean up.
Tell an adult about
Offer help to those
who need it.
Seek help when
Allow others to
Say ‘Excuse me.’
Allow others to sit
with you.
Seek help when
Go to assigned area
after eating.
Talk to the person
next to you.
Play fair.
Be a good sport.
Use kind words
and actions.
Walk through
halls away
from doors.
Students bringing a packed lunch may report to the cafeteria at their
designated lunch periods.
Purchasing Advance Breakfast and/or Lunch Meals
You may purchase meals, in advance, for your child(ren) on a weekly,
biweekly, or monthly basis. You may make payments in the office or
send the payment via your child in an envelop. Please write the
name(s) or your child(ren), the number of days you are paying for
(indicate lunch and/or breakfast), and the amount enclosed. If you
have any questions, please feel free to call us.
Always walk
facing forward.
Use kind words
and actions.
Wait your turn.
Give privacy.
Close the stall
Use indoor voices.
Patiently wait
while others look
for a seat.
Use kind words
and actions.
Keep hands and
feet to yourself.
Ask permission to
leave playground.
Stay within boundaries.
Be a problem
Take care of and
use equipment
Ask permission.
Flush toilet.
Wash hands.
Follow rules of the
Include others.
Seek help when
Show self-control.
Seek help when
Keep area clean
and dry.
Throw trash.
Go back to class on
Follow directions.
Stay in your seat at
all times.
Please do not eat.
Use indoor voices.
Seek help when
Offer an available
Pick up trash.
Excused Absences An absence from school for any of several reasons, which
the Principal recognizes as legitimate, is identified as an excused
Illness of the student, Scheduled medical, dental visits, or required legal
BUS CONDUCT (Board Policy 435)
 Bus riders will conform to school bus regulations;
 You are under the direct authority and responsibility of the bus
driver while you are inside the bus. Obey his/her instructions.
 Your driver is authorized to assign seats to passengers.
 Always remain seated when the bus is in motion.
 Always be courteous to your driver, other passengers and passers-by. Shouting and horse-playing in the bus is strictly prohibited.
 Never extend your hands and arms outside bus windows.
 Please do not leave your litter inside the bus and never throw anything out the window.
 Damaging the bus in any way is prohibited. If you are responsible or are involved with damages you will have to pay for repairs as
well as lose your privilege to ride the bus.
 Also no eating, drinking or smoking inside the bus.
 No student shall disembark from a school bus until it has arrived
at its destination.
Death in the immediate family
Bus transportation’s challenges
Travel, prior approval from school administrator
Natural catastrophe or disaster, (e.g., typhoon, earthquake, etc.)
Participation in authorized school related activities.
These absences will be considered excused. After any
absence, a written note must be submitted to the child’s teacher.
Students absent for three or more consecutive days require a
doctor’s note to explain the reason for the absence. The
Principal may require a doctor’s note for habitual absences.
The Student Conduct Procedural Manual SOP 1200-018 states
that elementary students must be in attendance for half of the
instructional day in ordered to be considered present.
Unexcused Absences An absence from school for reasons not
recognized by the Principal as legitimate is
identified as an unexcused absence:
Baby sitting
Parental neglect
Attending rosaries
Absence due to lice after the two days given by the nurse
Helping with parties
3rd Unexcused Absence – Teacher will call and / or send a note home. Conference with Student,
refer to the Parent Family Outreach worker (PFO) (if needed), Truancy Notice acknowledged
and sent home. Parent will be informed that after the 6th unexcused absence, a mandatory meeting with the administrator will be required.
6th Unexcused Absence – Referral to the administrator. A Mandatory Conference with the Administrator and parent. Student placed on school attendance contract, referral to the counselor and
PFO (as needed), and truancy notice acknowledged and sent home. Parent will be informed after
the 9th unexcused absence a meeting with the Truancy Officer will be scheduled. Truancy Notice acknowledged and sent home.
9th Unexcused Absence – Meeting with truancy officer will be scheduled. Student placed on
school attendance contract, referral to the school psychologist and PFO (as needed), and Truancy
Notice acknowledged and sent home. Parent will be informed that after the 12th unexcused
absence a referral will be made to the School Attendance Officer. Informs parent that after the
12th unexcused absence, a referral to the court / truancy officer will be made.
Tardies (Board Policy 411)
Tardies—defined as coming to class after the beginning of the
instructional hour—8:oo a.m. If your child is tardy, please proceed to
the main office for a tardy pass.
Excused tardies include:
Late Bus
Doctor or Dental Appointment
In nurse’s office
Unexcused tardies include:
Waking up late
Personal transportation problems
Missing the bus
Eating Breakfast or Lunch
Doing Homework
Excessive unexcused tardies will be dealt with according to section
6402 of Title 17, Guam Code Annotated. Habitual Tardies may result
in a Principal, Social Worker and teacher meeting.
If you are an approved OUT of DISTRICT applicant and your
child’s attendance (excessive unexcused absences or tardies)
becomes a concern then you will have to dis-enroll and apply at
your district school.
The registration clerk MUST be notified at least three days in advance to request a transfer / withdrawal for your child to another
school. This will give the staff and teachers ample time to prepare the
necessary documents.
Requests for verification of enrollment must be made at least one day
in-advance. A fee of $1.50 will be collected for processing the school
Students are not allowed to leave campus without authorization from
the office. Authorized signers must sign the Student-Log-Out Book
located in the main office. You will be asked to wait in the main office
and the child will be called to meet you. Students will not be released
to persons not listed on the student emergency card unless there is
written authorization from the parent / guardian with appropriate
intimidate or bully as defined in 17 GCA Section 3112 (2).
C. Sexting
9 GCA §28.100; a minor is guilty of an offense of Illegal use of a Computer Telecommunication Device Involvi9ng a minor, otherwise known as sexting, if the minor, by use of a computer or any telecommunications device, recklessly or knowingly creates, receives, exchanges,
sends, disseminates, transmits or possesses a photograph, video, depiction or other material
that shows himself or herself, or of any other minor, in the state of nudity.
D. Sexual Harassment
Office of Civil Rights Title IX – Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature.
Sexual harassment can include unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment of a student
can deny or limit, on the basis of sex, the student’s ability to participate in or to receive benefits, services, or opportunities in the school’s program. Sexual harassment of student is, therefore, a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.
1 Use indoor voices AT ALL TIMES.
2. Use good manners.
3. Stay with your class until called on to leave the cafeteria.
5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
6. Clean up when you are done eating.
The playground is a privilege.
1. Play safely with other students AT ALL TIMES.
2. Be courteous – take turns with playground equipment.
3. Listen and follow directions given by adults supervising on
4. Make sure all trash get into their proper place.
5. Eating and drinking will only be permitted in designated
1. Flush toilet after each use.
2. Wash your hands after use.
3. Put trash in garbage cans.
4. No playing in the restrooms.
Speak softly.
Keep hands to yourself.
the play-
Fighting w/physical & uncontrollable aggression
Overt Defiance (disrespectful to adults)
SEE Board Policy 409
Mandatory Parent Conference
with Detention / Loss of Privileges/GPD notification
Mandatory Parent
Homework is a crucial component in the learning process. Please
ensure that you communicate with your child’s teacher regarding
any homework assignments and due dates.
Mandatory Conference
Payment/Restoration of property
Mandatory parent
conference w/
Attempted Theft/Theft of Property
Mandatory Conference & Detention/ Replacement of property
Mandatory Parent
Parent Shadowing or Detention
Possession and / or Use of Drugs /Alcohol
(Board Policy 635)
Possession of Weapons or Explosives (Board
Policy 425)
Mandatory Conference with
Detention and/or GPD notification
Mandatory Parent
Conference w/
The following infractions warrant a referral to the Principal’ or Assistant Principal’s Office.
(Board Policy 409) – Prevention and Intervention Against Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
Cyber bullying, Sexting, and Sexual Harassment
Students who assault another student(s) will be issued an allegation of assault to the other party
that they assaulted.
A. Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
17 GCA Section 3112.1 (a) – “any gesture or written, verbal, or physical act that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a pupil or damaging his
or her property or placing a pupil in a reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his
or her property, or that has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such
a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any pupil.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying includes but is not limited to, such gesture or written, verbal,
or physical act that is reasonably perceived as being motivated by a pupil’s religion, race, color,
national origin, age sex, sexual orientation, disability, height, weight, or socioeconomic status, or
by any other distinguishing characteristic”.
B. Cyber Bullying
17 GCA Section 3112.1 (3) – the use of any electronic communication device to harass,
Students are dismissed at 2:00 p.m. in the following order:
Bus Riders - Board the bus. 1st trip / 2nd Trip is at 2:30 p.m.
Walkers—Released after bus riders and supervised to exit gate.
Car Riders—Lined up to be released while waiting in designated areas.
Please note that the school gate will open at 7:00 a.m. Since supervision begins at this time, the school is not liable for any incidences
that may occur prior to this time.
Drop-off before 7:00 a.m., is not allowed.
Please make note of the after school pick-up time that is between
2:00—2:30 p.m. GPD will be called in the event that students are
left behind after the office closes and students who are habitually
picked up late.
For emergency
parents must
inform the
office immediately of any
change of address,
telephone numbers, or
changed of authorized
adults to care for the
child if a parent cannot
be contacted.
(Board Policy 470)
A volunteer is identified as a person who performs or gives his services of his own free will. To volunteer, a “VOLUNTEER FORM”
must be submitted to the school
principal for review, approval, and
filing before the volunteer begins
work. In addition to this form, a
“RESULTS” must also be submitted.
This also applies
for volunteering
during field trips.
School Wide Rules
Students who excel academically each quarter will be
recognized for their achievements. Student of the month
awards will be based on good character and awards are
provided on a monthly basis.
Inappropriate behaviors as defined in the minor and major
infractions will adversely affect your child’s chances of receiving an award.
The following awards will be provided at the end of the year
during promotional exercises, students must score at or above
grade level in the end of the year reading and math summative / diagnostic for some of the awards, meet quarterly
benchmark percentage scores that define each award and be
in good standing for character development. Good standing is
defined as not having any N’s on their report card or office
disciplinary referrals.
* Principal’s Award
* Golden Satellite
* Silver Satellite
* Bronze Satellite
* Satellite
Discipline is EXTREMELY important. The school and home must work
together to reinforce appropriate behaviors. Teachers and parents are
partners in this effort and SHALL work together to achieve this goal.
Students, parents and the school must work together in true
PARTNERSHIP to make sure everyone understands the rules at the beginning of the school year. Once school rules have been explained and further discussed at home, ALL students are expected to BEHAVE
accordingly. You will receive a copy of your child’s classroom rules.
Please review all school and classroom rules with your child(ren).
School Wide General Rules
Be Prepared
Be Productive
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be a Team Player
These offenses include, but are not limited to:
 gum chewing
 teasing
 lying (initial)
 cheating (initial)
 hair cutting (initial)
 inappropriate touching (initial)
 insolence, i.e., “dirty” looks,
 demeaning or derogatory remarks to staff
 harassing others; or other than those addressed by major offenses
The following consequences will be given to students that misbehave:
The specific criteria for each will be given out during
Open House for your review and signature of
1st offense
2nd offense
3rd offense
4th offense
No Recess
Teacher to call parent for a mandatory conference
Intervention provided (counseling or other agreed upon interventions)
After the 4th minor offense, the student will be referred to
the Assistant Principal’s office.