03.31.2015 Agenda Packet
03.31.2015 Agenda Packet
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAST PEORIA, 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS MARCH 31, 2015 DATE: MARCH 31, 2015 TIME: 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: MAYOR MINGUS COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER COMMISSIONER DECKER COMMISSIONER JEFFERS COMMISSIONER JOOS INVOCATION: PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Working Session held on March 17, 2015. COMMUNICATIONS: Proclamation by Mayor Mingus proclaiming April as “Community College Month.” COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON AGENDA ITEMS: CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE: (All matters listed under CONSENT AGENDA are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion and one roll call vote. There will not be separate discussion on these items. If discussion is desired by Members of the City Council, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed immediately after approval of the Consent Agenda. Citizens desiring discussion on any item listed under the CONSENT AGENDA should contact a City Council Member and request that the item be removed for discussion.) Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-109 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal for the City at a cost not to exceed $28,175.50. Item No. 2 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-110 on its Second Reading – Resolution approving a contract with Vital Signs, Inc. for the installation of signs along the hiking/biking trail at a cost of $2,148.00. Item No. 3 - Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-111 on its Second Reading - Resolution regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan. Item No. 4 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-112 on its Second Reading - Resolution regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan. COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: Motion to adopt – Ordinance No. 4220 – (AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZNG A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3901 N. MAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS TO ALLOW FOR OUTDOOR STORAGE AND VEHICLE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE.) Motion to adopt – Resolution No. 1415-114 - Resolution accepting the public improvements constructed within Shady Knolls, Extension Five. Motion to adopt – Resolution No. 1415-115 - Resolution regarding the City of East Peoria Insurance & Benefits Committee to revise the Committee Membership. Motion to accept – Resolution No. 1415-116 - Resolution approving the Eastport Marina Management Agreement between the City of East Peoria and Riverside Marina Management, LLC. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Motion to accept – Resolution No. 1415-117 - Resolution authorizing the Lease of one Caterpillar 305.5E CR Excavator (CAT Mini Excavator) from Altorfer Cat for the EastPort Marina to replace EastPort Marina dredge machinery. To be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: Motion to adopt – Resolution No. 1415-113 on its Second Reading – Resolution Regarding Purchase of New Vehicles for City Police Department (State Bid). Page 2 Motion to adopt – Ordinance No. 4221 (AN ORDINANCE ADDING NEW SUBCLASS LICENSE TO LIQUOR CODE FOR BEER GARDENS AT EASTPORT MARINA.) COMMISSIONER JOOS: MAYOR MINGUS: COUNCIL BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: COMMISSIONER DECKER: COMMISSIONER DENSBERGER: COMMISSIONER JEFFERS: COMMISSIONER JOOS: MAYOR MINGUS: MOTION FOR CLOSED MEETING: MOTION TO ADJOURN: /s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader City Clerk, Morgan R. Cadwalader Dated and Posted: March 27, 2015 MINUTES NEW COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN THE CIVIC COMPLEX 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET, EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS MARCH 17, 2015 The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of East Peoria, Illinois was called to order by his Honor Mayor David Mingus at 6:05 P.M. Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor David Mingus, Commissioner Gary Densberger, Commissioner Timothy Jeffers, and Commissioner Benjamin C. Joos. Absent: Commissioner Daniel Decker. The invocation was given by Commissioner Jeffers. Mayor Mingus led the Council and the audience in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; Mr. Mayor, I move that the minutes of the Regular Meeting and Executive Session/Closed Meeting held on March 3, 2015 and the minutes of the Special Meeting and Executive Session/Closed Meeting held on March 10, 2015 be approved as printed. Yeas: Commissioner Decker, Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Mayor Mingus proclaimed April as “Parkinson’s Awareness Month.” Mayor Mingus asked Roger Halleen and his wife to come up to accept the proclamation. Mr. Halleen discussed a support group and a fundraiser at Chili’s. He discussed other information available on their website. It is not just an old persons disease. Commissioner Densberger discussed the difficulty with the disease and his father-in-law’s battle with the disease. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items on the agenda to come to the podium and state the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE: Mayor Mingus asked if any Commissioner wished to remove any items from the Consent Agenda for discussion. There was no response. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move to adopt a consent agenda consisting of items numbered 1 and 2 as listed on the agenda for this meeting to be considered by omnibus vote. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Items numbered 1 and 2 listed on the Consent Agenda be hereby approved and adopted, the item numbered 2 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection be adopted as presented. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Item No. 1 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-108 - Resolution to Approve Payment of the Schedule of Bills Listed on Schedule No. 21. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Item No. 2 – Adoption of Resolution No. 1415-103 on its Second Reading – Resolution authorizing contract with R.A. Cullinan & Son, Inc. for Pavement Overlay component of the City’s 2015 Street Maintenance Program in the amount of $559,431.75. (Adopted by omnibus vote) Resolution No. 1415-107 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-107 hereto attached, a Resolution approving a Development Agreement with Frontier Hospitality Group, LLC, be hereby approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-107 having been read once by its title and having laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection, be adopted as presented. Commissioner Densberger discussed the terms in the Development Agreement. Commissioner Joos discussed meeting with a number of hotel developers over the past few years and that the individuals with Frontier Group are impressive. He outlined the agreement on three separate points: (1) the City is offering free land on a little over two acres of property; (2) the City agreeing to run any necessary infrastructure to the property; and (3) the City providing up to $300,000 in property tax rebate over seven years to offset foundation expenses that are higher than typical foundation expenses based on the location. He discussed running infrastructure as being the responsibility of the City as other property owners selling the property would do the same. He explained that he has a comparison property that was sold and would put this lot somewhere in the range of $600,000. He explained that he will not support this agreement for that reason. Page 2 Commissioner Jeffers discussed the payback of the property is a three year period based on the anticipated revenue. He discussed the property potentially sitting vacant if the property is not sold and developed. The advantage of the property is that it allows the City to develop other lots around this property. He discussed the property increasing the value of the other lots. He explained that he believes that this is a great investment for the City and not money spent. Mayor Mingus explained that he has had extensive conversations on this item, and he will be voting in favor of this as it is the will of the Council. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, and Mayor Mingus. Nays: Commissioner Joos. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Resolution No. 1415-107 be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1415-109 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Joos; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-109, hereto attached, a Resolution approving Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal for the City at a cost not to exceed $28,175.50, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-109 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Densberger discussed this item being an annual expense to keep the City’s license up on Microsoft Software. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1415-110 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-110, hereto attached, a Resolution approving a contract with Vital Signs, Inc. for the installation of signs along the hiking/biking trail at a cost of $2,148.00, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-110 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Densberger explained that this is something that Director of Planning & Community Development, Ty Livingston, has been working on for some time with the Park District and other governing bodies and organizations. Director Livingston explained that way finding signs have a huge connection with economic development. It is a connection with those trail users and economic development for retail and other places along the trail. He discussed the signage and that it is graphic signs that are universal. Commissioner Jeffers commented that this item does not need to come to the agenda due to the low cost of the expenditure. Commissioner Joos asked what particular locations will the signs be placed and asked if the City has incurred expenses for signage on the trail in the past. Director Livingston explained the segment that the signs would cover. He explained that typically the signs are on park district property. These are informational signage. The City has done required signage that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources has required on trails. This portion of the trail is owned and maintained by the City. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1415-111 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-111, hereto attached, a Resolution regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-111 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Densberger discussed the committee and rates being down. Commissioner Joos discussed the structure of the plan being self-insured and how a self-insured plan works. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Resolution No. 1415-112 by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-112, hereto attached, a Resolution regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan, be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-112 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Page 3 Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that Ordinance No. 4219 hereto attached, (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 31 OF THE EAST PEORIA CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF DANCE HALLS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT) be read at length by the Clerk, and that said Ordinance No. 4219 be accepted on its first reading, and be hereby adopted as presented. The City Clerk read the ordinance at length. Commissioner Densberger discussed that the ordinance was out of date and that this clarifies places of amusement. City Attorney Dennis Triggs explained that the City is anxious to have something on the books that is enforceable. He explained that the main issue is the safety of teenagers and young people. Commissioner Joos is concerned about removing certain distances in certain areas. He explained that he feels that unreasonably disturbing and unnecessary noises language is vague. Commissioner Jeffers explained that it is an improvement from the old ordinance. Mayor Mingus explained that the City has the responsibility to look at the safety of youth. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, and Mayor Mingus. Nays: Commissioner Joos. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 4219 to be duly adopted as presented. Resolution No. 1415-113 by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS that Resolution No. 1415-113, hereto attached, a Resolution Regarding Purchase of New Vehicles for City Police Department (State Bid), be approved, and that this Resolution No. 1415-113 be accepted on its first reading as read by its title, and be laid on the table for no less than one week for public inspection. Commissioner Jeffers discussed this being an annual item and this includes the amount to purchase and outfit the vehicles. Chief of Police Dick Ganschow discussed the vehicles and costs for outfitting the vehicles. Commissioner Jeffers discussed the type of vehicle being a Sports Utility Vehicle (“SUV”) and advantages to having an SUV. Commissioner Densberger discussed this being a cost of doing business and that if vehicles are not replaced the costs of maintenance go up. He feels that we should look at the maintenance lines items and allocate maintenance costs properly. He discussed the six year rotation for a squad car. Commissioner Joos explained that this is a gaming revenue request and that there is over a $400,000 deficit in requests for next year’s budget. He explained that he will vote no. Mayor Mingus discussed being over in the gaming requests every year and that public safety is important and ensuring the safety of our residents is of the utmost importance. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, and Mayor Mingus. Nays: Commissioner Joos. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried. Mayor Mingus stated if there was anyone in the audience who wanted to speak on any items not on the agenda to come to the podium state the matter or matters to be discussed. There was no response. Mayor Mingus then asked for comments from Council. There was no response. Motion by Commissioner Jeffers, seconded by Commissioner Densberger; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn until Tuesday evening, March 31, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:04 P.M. _/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader________ City Clerk Morgan R. Cadwalader MINUTES WORKING SESSION CITY COUNCIL 401 WEST WASHINGTON STREET EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS March 17, 2015 Mayor Mingus called the Working Session of the City Council of East Peoria, Illinois to order at 5:01 P.M. Upon the roll being called the following answered present: Mayor Mingus, Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, and Joos. Absent: Commissioner Decker. Mayor Mingus explained that no official action would take place by the City Council at the meeting. He explained that the purpose of the meeting is to have a working session on the Civic Plaza and Sculpture Walk Consultant Presentation, and Buildings and Inspections Fees and Proposed Changes. He turned the discussion over to Director of Planning & Community Development, Ty Livingston. Director Livingston discussed the process thus far in the Civic Plaza and Sculpture Walk conceptual process. He explained that this is just a concept to receive feedback tonight, and there would be future plans to make the project more concrete. Dan Weinbach from Weinbach & Associates introduced himself and his partner. Mr. Weinbach presented a site plan of the proposed concept plan. He discussed the features of the plan, including a water feature, terraced seating, pavilion, upper plaza with sculpture, and other items. Mr. Weinbach discussed details of the terraced water feature. He showed several visual renderings on a projected screen to represent the concepts for the space. He explained that lighting was recently discussed and that lighting would be an important aspect of the space that would help year-round. Mayor Mingus asked if it would be possible to phase this project over time. Mr. Weinbach explained that it is possible and recommended that the structural elements be done at the beginning. Commissioner Jeffers asked who is paying for the project. Mayor Mingus explained that there is a Foundation that has been established to raise money to pay for the project. Commissioner Jeffers discussed the idea of a paved place of gathering that was included in the concept. He explained that he likes the concept as a place of gathering and that it includes aspects that he favors. Mr. Weinbach discussed the sculpture walk. He explained that this has been looked at in a very conceptual way. He displayed a map that showed the location of the sculpture walk including existing and proposed additions. He displayed pictures of examples of another sculpture walk/park. He discussed the potential uses of the sculpture walk that includes bicyclers, walkers, and others. There are proposed bridges across the levee. He discussed another component along the Illinois River in Riverfront Park and next to Bass Pro Shops. The concept is for a linear park setting with sculptures. He discussed using native plants that once established do not require much maintenance. Commissioner Densberger asked about a mechanism to provide the sculptures. Mr. Weinbach explained that it can be a combination of permanent and temporary ones. He explained that a sculpture park in Evanston, Illinois was generated by a single donor. There are permanent and rented or rotated sculptures. He anticipates a mixture of both in East Peoria. He explained that the more sculptures that you can get the better and the more you change the sculptures the better. Director Livingston discussed federal funding coming through the State through a grant that he hopes will still come through to the City. He discussed the bones for the walk being there and making connections as the funds are available. This is a vision for the future. Page 2 Mayor Mingus asked for additional comments from City Council. There was no response. Mayor Mingus asked for comments from the audience. Bob Jorgensen of East Peoria asked about a water garden being possible for rainwater control. Director Livingston explained that it may lend itself to those rainwater controls to assist in watering the plants and grasses. Mayor Mingus asked for any additional questions or comments. There was no response. Director of Buildings and Inspection, Robert Cole, and Residential Building Inspector, Steve Minner, began discussions about Buildings and Inspections Fees and Proposed Changes. Director Cole discussed the regional partnership with Peoria, Pekin, Washington, Counties, and others. He discussed the need for consistency across municipal lines. He discussed increasing efficiencies in the Department. He explained that the proposed fees represent efficiencies and additional inspections required. Inspector Minner began discussions about the fee schedule. He discussed a packet handed out that includes code changes that would be required. He discussed East Peoria calculating new construction for residential differently than other municipalities. The City was not following inflation so the department is recommending using a higher multiplier for calculating new construction. He discussed other permit fees and proposed changes. He discussed plumbing fees in the City Code and recommended changes to the City Code. There was a discussion about educating the public on when permits are required. There was a discussion about a refundable inspection deposit. Inspector Minner discussed electrical fees and those proposed fee changes and City Code proposed changes. He discussed further changes to the City Code. Mayor asked Council for any questions or comments. Commissioner Densberger explained that this is a lot of information to digest and this is an information session for City Council to look at now and in the future. Mayor Mingus asked for another working session in the future. Commissioner Joos explained that he was a little confused by raising new construction fees and that new construction is not busy. He asked why we have not had a working session on neighborhood blight when it is one of the City Council’s top priorities. John Kahl of East Peoria explained that he agrees with Commissioner Joos. Jeff Giebelhausen of East Peoria explained that what the City needs to be doing is waiving or cutting fees to promote residential growth. Motion by Commissioner Densberger, seconded by Commissioner Jeffers; Mr. Mayor, I move you that we adjourn the meeting. Yeas: Commissioners Densberger, Jeffers, Joos, and Mayor Mingus. Nays: None. Mayor Mingus declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 5:58 P.M. __/s/ Morgan R. Cadwalader___________________ Morgan R. Cadwalader, City Clerk XVISfiV W V1W9-415 v , The v v :, v v City v 'v v v .r of v w :, v 'v v v v .. w vi vi v v v v v v vgftfx East Peoria I 6 3 1Jlrtwtamathnt WHEREAS, the 48 community colleges within 39 college districts in Illinois serve nearly one million residents each year; and WHEREAS, the Illinois Community College System is the third largest in the nation; and 3 WHERAS, nine out of 10 of Illinois' community college graduates choose to remain in Illinois after graduation to live, work, pay taxes and raise their families; and WHEREAS, the b enefits of earning an Associate in Applied Science or long-term certificate an Illinois community collge e translates to an average of more than$ 570, 000 in lifetime from earnings; and WHEREAS, nearly 74 percent of Illinois employers have hired a community college student; and WHEREAS, Illinois community colleges partnered with local school districts to offer 8,780 dual credit courses to 82, 895 high school students; and WHERAS, the colleges within the Illinois Community College System share a common mission to prepare people for college and the workforce, to transfer to other colleges and universities, and continually respond to the communities they serve through adult, literacy and continuing education services; NOW, THEREFORE, I, DAVID W. MINGUS, Mayor of the City of East Peoria, Illinois, do hereby proclaim the month of April as Community College Month in the City of East Peoria. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, have hereunto set myY hand and caused the seal of the City tY of City of East Peoria, Illinois to be affixed this 31st day of March, 2015. MAYOR aLam ATTEST: ne`',., n, n nnnon " . CITY CLERK nnn*nn\ nnnAA ,. nnnAnAAAnAAAnnAn ei, gaistfragu x Resolution No. 1415-109 100 South Main Street East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4715 Fax: (309) 698-4747 David W. Mingus Mayor COMMISSIONERS Benjamin C. Joos Public Health & Safety Gary R. Densberger Dept. of Accounts & Finance Daniel S. Decker Dept. Streets & Public improvements Timothy J. Jeffers Dept. Public Property _________ J. Thomas Brimberry City Administrator Morgan Cadwalader City Clerk TO: TheHonorableMayorDavidMingusandMembersofthe CityCouncil THRU: TomBrimberry,CityAdministrator FROM: DATE: RobertCole,DirectorofBuildingsandInspectionsand MattBerger,ITCoordinator SUBJECT: AnnualMicrosoftLicensingRenewal March12,2015 DISCUSSION: Thecity’sfirstyearofitsthreeyearMicrosoftlicensing agreementexpiresonMarch31,2015.Itisnecessarytorenewthis licensingforthesecondyearofthisagreement,expiringonMarch31, 2016.Thislicensingaffectstheoperationofallcityserversand computers,mobiledevicesandphones. RECOMMENDATION: Approvetheattachedrenewalquotesforyear twoofthisthreeyearagreement. Theresa L. Gualandi Treasurer/Comptroller Dick Ganschow Police Chief Matt Berger IT Coordinator Office: (309) 427-7741 Email: mattberger@cityofeastpeoria.com William J. Darin Fire Chief Ty Livingston Director of Planning and Community Development Steven J. Ferguson Director of Public Works Douglas E. McCarty Director of Tourism & Special Events Robert Cole Director of Buildings & Inspections Dennis R. Triggs City Attorney - “EAST PEORIA HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” RESOLUTION NO. 1415-109 East Peoria, Illinois , 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _______________________________ RESOLUTION APPROVING MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSING RENEWAL FOR THE CITY WHEREAS, the City’s Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 provides for the continued procurement of the Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal for use by all departments of the City; and WHEREAS, the Microsoft Software Licensing Renewal costs are estimated not to exceed $28,175.50; and WHEREAS, the City’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 provides sufficient funds for the Renewal of the Licenses; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to procure the Renewal of the Microsoft Software Licensing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Mayor or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and make all payments necessary for the Renewal of the Microsoft Software Licenses in a total amount not to exceed $28,175.50; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this Resolution until all necessary documents have been delivered to the Licensing Company. APPROVED: _________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk SALES QUOTE Sales Quote No: 13567 Date: 3/11/15 Account No: E00500 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 P: 309-685-8400 F: 309-685-9522 Bill To: East Peoria, City of 100 S. Main Street East Peoria, City of Attn: Matt Berger 100 S. Main Street Ship To: East Peoria, IL 61611 USA Sales Person East Peoria, IL 61611 USA P.O. Number Cory G. Knoll Ship Method Payment Terms Quote Expires On email Net 30 4/10/15 Notes Microsoft Open Value 2nd year Subscription renewal Agreement # V8844449 Expires 03-31-2017 Matt Berger MattBerger@cityofeastpeoria.com Item No Description Quantity UM Price Disc Amount W06-01123 Microsoft Core CAL Suite, OV License w/SA, 1YR Enterprise device CAL 13.00 EA $46.00 0.00 $598.00 W06-01141 Microsoft Core CAL Suite, Enterprise - user OVS AddProd Lic w/SA 1-year 136.00 EA $53.00 0.00 $7,208.00 312-03719 Microsoft Windows Exchange Server 2013 Standard Edition ,OLV Level D,Lic w/ SA, Addtl Prod, 1-year 1.00 EA $201.00 0.00 $201.00 5HU-00046 Microsoft Lync Server 2013 OLV Level D AddProd Lic w/SA 1-year 1.00 EA $1,033.00 0.00 $1,033.00 021-09108 Microsoft Office Standard Edition License with SA OLV 1 year 24.00 EA $122.00 0.00 $2,928.00 76P-00739 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server OVS Lic/SA LevelD 1yr AP 1.00 EA $1,926.00 0.00 $1,926.00 D87-03975 Microsoft Visio Professional Software Assurance License Government OLV NL 1Yr / Acq Y1 3.00 EA $158.00 0.00 $474.00 6VC-00855 Microsoft Remote Desktop Services CAL-user, OLV Level D, AddProd Lic w/SA,1-year 5.00 EA $28.00 0.00 $140.00 P73-05631 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std Ed 2-Proc OLV Level D AddProd Lic w/SA 1-year 16.00 EA $250.00 0.00 $4,000.00 76A-00361 Microsoft Enterprise CAL, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, 1-year, Ent User-CAL w/ Services 26.00 EA $119.00 0.00 $3,094.00 76A-00360 Microsoft Enterprise CAL, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, 1-year, Ent Device-CAL w/ Services 2.00 EA $104.00 0.00 $208.00 7NQ-00146 Microsoft SQL Server 2013 Std Ed 2-Core OLV Level D AddProd Lic w/SA 1-year 2.00 EA $1,016.00 0.00 $2,032.00 YEG-00151 Microsoft Lync Plus CAL - user, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, Additional Product, 1-year 23.00 EA $35.00 0.00 $805.00 TERMS: Full payment due upon receipt of this invoice, Balances past due 30 days are subject to 1.5% service charge per month. Use of a credit card to pay terms account will be subject to a 3% handling fee. Thank you for your business. Invoice Subtotal: $24,647.00 Discount: $0.00 Freight: $0.00 -AU1: $0.00 Total Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total: $24,647.00 NT 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 GST: 37-0841284 309-685-8400 Page 1 of 1 SALES QUOTE Sales Quote No: 13625 Date: 3/11/15 Account No: E00500 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 P: 309-685-8400 F: 309-685-9522 Bill To: East Peoria, City of 100 S. Main Street East Peoria, City of Attn: Matt Berger 100 S. Main Street Ship To: East Peoria, IL 61611 USA Sales Person East Peoria, IL 61611 USA P.O. Number Ship Method Payment Terms Quote Expires On email Net 30 4/10/15 Cory G. Knoll Notes Microsoft Open Value 2nd year Subscription Add-on Quote for Agreement # V8844449 Expires 03-31-2017 Matt Berger MattBerger@cityofeastpeoria.com Item No Description Quantity UM Price Disc Amount 76A-00883 Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite,SA Step Up, OLV Level D, 1-year, CoreCAL Ent User CAL w/Services 21.00 EA $66.50 0.00 $1,396.50 76A-00361 Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, 1-year, Ent User-CAL w/ Services 2.00 EA $119.00 0.00 $238.00 YEG-00140 Microsoft Lync Plus CAL - device, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, Additional Product, 1-year 2.00 EA $30.50 0.00 $61.00 YEG-00151 Microsoft Lync Plus CAL - user, LicSAPk, OLV Level D, Additional Product, 1-year 25.00 EA $35.00 0.00 $875.00 D87-03975 Microsoft Visio Professional Software Assurance License Government OLV NL 1Yr / Acq Y1 3.00 EA $158.00 0.00 $474.00 228-07282 Microsoft Windows SQL Server Std Ed, English,Lic/SA, OLV D, 1YR Acq, 2YR addtl Product 1.00 EA $484.00 0.00 $484.00 TERMS: Full payment due upon receipt of this invoice, Balances past due 30 days are subject to 1.5% service charge per month. Use of a credit card to pay terms account will be subject to a 3% handling fee. Thank you for your business. Invoice Subtotal: $3,528.50 Discount: $0.00 Freight: $0.00 -AU1: $0.00 Total Tax: $0.00 Invoice Total: $3,528.50 NT 2450 N. Knoxville Avenue Peoria, IL 61604 GST: 37-0841284 309-685-8400 Page 1 of 1 Resolution No. 1415-110 TO: The Honorable Mayor and the City Council THRU: J. Thomas Brimberry, City Administrator FROM: Ty Livingston, Director of Planning & Community Development DATE: March 12, 2015 SUBJECT: Trail Signage BACKGROUND: Over the past few years, staff has been meeting with a local group of cyclists and park district representatives (both Peoria and Fondulac) to discuss signage improvements to our hiking biking trail now that it is completed – the segment which runs through the entire City from the foot of the Bob Michael Bridge to the Morton village limits. The signs proposed here are basic, way-finding signage to identify the name of the trial – The River Trail of Illinois - along with providing guidance to trail users on where to find places to eat, restrooms, shop, etc… It has also been shown that trail users are an untapped source of customers for our businesses and since we have so many located along the trail between River Road and Main Street, it just makes sense for us to offer some information along the trail which will aid hikers and bikers, alike, the means to find them. Given this economic development connection, the funds for this pilot program will come from the City’s New Markets Tax Credit proceeds. The City received three bids from area sign shops and Vital Signs was the low bid at $2,148. Public Works will install these posts at appropriate locations. RECOMMENDATION: Approval as presented. RESOLUTION NO. 1415-110 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the City has solicited proposals for the installation of signage along that portion of the River Trail of Illinois located within the corporate limits of the City (the “Project”); and WHEREAS, Vital Signs, Inc. (the “Contractor”) has offered to complete the Project under the terms and conditions set forth in the proposal attached hereto labelled as “Exhibit A” (the “Proposal”) at a total cost of $2,148.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the City Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to accept the Proposal on behalf of the City; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this Resolution until an executed original of the Proposal has been delivered to the Contractor. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk EXHIBIT A 3/12/2015 Vital Signs Estimate #47351 Prepared For: Prepared By: CITY OF EAST PEORIA Christina Alcaraz-427-7772 Tim Vital Signs Inc 2349 washington rd washington, illinois 61571 Phone: 3097459361 Alt. Phone: E-Mail: tim@vitalsigns.us.com Phone: 427-7606 Fax: Alt. Phone: E-Mail: chris@cityofeastpeoria.com Fax: 3097458774 Description: Trail Signs Estimated time for production: Quantity 8 10 working days Description Each 10 x 10 x 8' Treated lumber posts Total 123.00 $984.00 32 8' x 8" .080 aluminum Signs digital graphics with graphiti proof lam 18.00 $576.00 16 8' x 4" .080 aluminum Signs digital graphics with graphiti proof lam 12.00 $192.00 20 8' x 2" .080 aluminum Signs digital graphics with graphiti proof lam 10.50 $210.00 160.00 $160.00 26.00 $26.00 1 Install only signs on post that EP installs in ground 1 stainless 1 way screws Subtotal $2,148.00 Total $2,148.00 Taxable Terms: Estimate Good for 30 Days, Terms 30 Days Net: In the event we must enforce our rights under this Agreement after your failure to pay all charges due within 30 days of our first Invoice, you must pay all charges to include collection agency fees, which are typically 33% to 50% of the unpaid balance, reporter's fees, for depositions and at trial expenses we incur in enforcing our rights under this Agreement. Also, in the event that you have not paid all charges due within 30 days of our first Invoice, a finance Charge will begin to accrue at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum. By my signature, I have read and understand terms, and authorize work to begin and agree to pay the above amount in full according to the terms on this agreement. Date Signed by Page 1 of 1 Amt. Paid Today Resolution No. 1415-111 MEMORANDUM March 13, 2015 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council THRU: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolutions for the City’s Group Health Care Plan (1) Resolution Regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan (2) Resolution Regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: Annually, the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee reviews the City’s self-funded Group Health Care Plan and the financial status of the Plan. With the assistance of Consociate (the Third Party Administrator for the City’s Health Care Plan), the Committee has again completed this annual review process. As a part of this annual review process, the Insurance Committee adjusts the Plan contribution rates for plan options under the City’s Health Plan for the City and the City’s employees for the upcoming plan year. Due to lower medical inflation for the past year and the City-wide move to the reduced benefit PPO plan option on January 1, 2015, the Plan’s overall financial picture has seen a slight decrease in costs for the upcoming year for both reinsurance and claims funding. Accordingly, effective May 1, 2015, the monthly employee contribution rates for the two plan options are as follows (the change from current rates are shown in parentheses): Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family PPO Plan High Deductible Plan $155.12 $280.64 $327.40 $483.32 $125.12 $235.64 $277.40 $408.32 (-3.78) (-6.48) (-7.50) (-10.90) (-26.28) (-41.48) (-45.00) (-65.90) As a reminder, all rate adjustments (increases and decreases) are split evenly between the City and the City employees when the new rates are set. With regard to the High Deductible Plan option, as participation rates have been extremely low, the contribution rates have also been adjusted to make this plan option a more attractive option. The Insurance Committee is also recommending maintaining the $25 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s wellness program. Further, the Insurance Committee is recommending that the City maintain the current HSA (health savings account) contributions for active employees who enroll in the High Deductible Plan option under the City’s Health Plan (Individual coverage: $50 per month; Individual + Children coverage and Individual + Spouse coverage: $75 per month; and Family coverage: $100 per month). As you may recall, the Insurance Committee has recommended shifting the enrollment period for the City’s Health Plan from the month of December to the month of April. This shift in the enrollment period will allow employees to review the new contribution rates for both of the plan options and determine which option is the best choice for the employee for the upcoming 12-month period. This shift in the enrollment period was approved by the City Council in November 2014, and this shift is now being implemented for this upcoming fiscal year and will remain in place for future fiscal years, as the upcoming enrollment period will take place this April for the upcoming 2015-16 fiscal year that starts on May 1, 2015. Regarding the Committee’s annual review of reinsurance rates for the Plan, the Committee is recommending that the City approve a reinsurance contract with HM Life (as underwritten by Consociate) for the upcoming fiscal year, as HM Life has again provided the most competitive rates. HM Life has provided the City’s reinsurance coverage during the past several fiscal years. Additionally, the Committee is recommending that the City increase the annual specific deductible for each covered individual from $100,000 to $110,000 as provided in the reinsurance contract with HM Life. The second resolution approves the reinsurance policy with HM Life at this individual specific deductible rate. The determination of the Plan contribution rates (and ultimately the employee contribution rates) is primarily based upon the reinsurance rates and the associated funding rates received from the City’s reinsurance carrier. RECOMMENDATION: The Insurance & Benefits Committee, as well as our office, recommends that the Council pass each of these two Resolutions. c: Brad Lovell, Co-Chair of the Insurance & Benefits Committee Teresa Durm Terri Gualandi DRT RESOLUTION NO. 1415-111 East Peoria, Illinois , 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _________________________________ RESOLUTION REGARDING EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION RATES FOR THE CITY’S GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria maintains a self-insured group health care plan (“Plan”) for the benefit of its employees, and the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee oversees the Plan; and WHEREAS, under the Plan, two plan options are available for employee and retiree participation, which includes the PPO plan (preferred provider option) and the HDHP plan (high deductible health plan option); and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has undertaken their annual review of the financial aspects of the Plan and contribution rates for the upcoming new plan year for the Plan which begins May 1, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has accepted and approved the administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and the funding costs for the new fiscal Plan Year which will change employee monthly contribution rates for the two plan options as provided below; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee seeks to continue offering the $25 per month wellness incentive to employees participating in the Plan who participate in the City’s wellness program as a means to improve the health and welfare of the participating employees and as a means to lead to long-term cost savings for the Plan; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee also seeks to continue providing an incentive for employees to choose the HDHP plan option by providing City-funded contributions to an employee’s health savings account (HSA) for employees choosing coverage under the HDHP plan option, while also making the employee contribution rates more attractive for all tiers of the HDHP plan option; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee, by a proper vote, has approved these recommended adjustments to the employee contribution rates for both Plan options that will be effective at the beginning of the new Plan year on May 1, 2015; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to change the employee monthly contribution rates for the City’s PPO plan option effective May 1, 2015, as follows: PPO Plan Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family $155.12 $280.64 $327.40 $483.32 Section 2. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to change the employee monthly contribution rates for the City’s HDHP plan option effective May 1, 2015, as follows: HDHP Plan Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family $125.12 $235.64 $277.40 $408.32 Section 3. The City further adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to continue offering the $25.00 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s Wellness Plan, as defined by the City’s Wellness Committee, during the Plan year commencing May 1, 2015, and ending on April 30, 2016. Section 4. The City also adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to continue offering the City’s contribution into a Health Savings Account during the 2015-2016 fiscal year for employees enrolled in the High Deductible Health Plan at the rates of $50 per month for Individual coverage, $75 per month for Individual plus Children coverage, $75 per month for Individual plus Spouse coverage, and $100 per month for Family coverage Section 5. The City Treasurer and the City’s Human Resources Director are hereby authorized and directed to take appropriate action as necessary to implement the new employee contribution rates for the City’s Plan effective May 1, 2015. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ City Clerk Resolution No. 1415-112 MEMORANDUM March 13, 2015 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council THRU: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolutions for the City’s Group Health Care Plan (1) Resolution Regarding Employee Contribution Rates for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan (2) Resolution Regarding Reinsurance Carrier for the City’s Group Health Insurance Plan _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: Annually, the City’s Insurance & Benefits Committee reviews the City’s self-funded Group Health Care Plan and the financial status of the Plan. With the assistance of Consociate (the Third Party Administrator for the City’s Health Care Plan), the Committee has again completed this annual review process. As a part of this annual review process, the Insurance Committee adjusts the Plan contribution rates for plan options under the City’s Health Plan for the City and the City’s employees for the upcoming plan year. Due to lower medical inflation for the past year and the City-wide move to the reduced benefit PPO plan option on January 1, 2015, the Plan’s overall financial picture has seen a slight decrease in costs for the upcoming year for both reinsurance and claims funding. Accordingly, effective May 1, 2015, the monthly employee contribution rates for the two plan options are as follows (the change from current rates are shown in parentheses): Individual Individual + Child(ren) Individual + Spouse Family PPO Plan High Deductible Plan $155.12 $280.64 $327.40 $483.32 $125.12 $235.64 $277.40 $408.32 (-3.78) (-6.48) (-7.50) (-10.90) (-26.28) (-41.48) (-45.00) (-65.90) As a reminder, all rate adjustments (increases and decreases) are split evenly between the City and the City employees when the new rates are set. With regard to the High Deductible Plan option, as participation rates have been extremely low, the contribution rates have also been adjusted to make this plan option a more attractive option. The Insurance Committee is also recommending maintaining the $25 per month wellness incentive for employees participating in the City’s wellness program. Further, the Insurance Committee is recommending that the City maintain the current HSA (health savings account) contributions for active employees who enroll in the High Deductible Plan option under the City’s Health Plan (Individual coverage: $50 per month; Individual + Children coverage and Individual + Spouse coverage: $75 per month; and Family coverage: $100 per month). As you may recall, the Insurance Committee has recommended shifting the enrollment period for the City’s Health Plan from the month of December to the month of April. This shift in the enrollment period will allow employees to review the new contribution rates for both of the plan options and determine which option is the best choice for the employee for the upcoming 12-month period. This shift in the enrollment period was approved by the City Council in November 2014, and this shift is now being implemented for this upcoming fiscal year and will remain in place for future fiscal years, as the upcoming enrollment period will take place this April for the upcoming 2015-16 fiscal year that starts on May 1, 2015. Regarding the Committee’s annual review of reinsurance rates for the Plan, the Committee is recommending that the City approve a reinsurance contract with HM Life (as underwritten by Consociate) for the upcoming fiscal year, as HM Life has again provided the most competitive rates. HM Life has provided the City’s reinsurance coverage during the past several fiscal years. Additionally, the Committee is recommending that the City increase the annual specific deductible for each covered individual from $100,000 to $110,000 as provided in the reinsurance contract with HM Life. The second resolution approves the reinsurance policy with HM Life at this individual specific deductible rate. The determination of the Plan contribution rates (and ultimately the employee contribution rates) is primarily based upon the reinsurance rates and the associated funding rates received from the City’s reinsurance carrier. RECOMMENDATION: The Insurance & Benefits Committee, as well as our office, recommends that the Council pass each of these two Resolutions. c: Brad Lovell, Co-Chair of the Insurance & Benefits Committee Teresa Durm Terri Gualandi DRT RESOLUTION NO. 1415-112 East Peoria, Illinois , 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _________________________________ RESOLUTION REGARDING REINSURANCE CARRIER FOR THE CITY’S GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria maintains a self-insured group health care plan (“Plan”) for the benefit of its employees, and the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee oversees the Plan; and WHEREAS, in order to secure the financial viability of the Plan, the City obtains reinsurance (stop loss) coverage for the Plan which covers catastrophic claims made against the Plan by persons covered under the Plan or catastrophic charges made against the Plan by the group of covered persons as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee has recently completed their annual review of quotes for renewal of this reinsurance coverage from several insurance companies in an effort to obtain the best coverage at the lowest cost to the City and its employees; and WHEREAS, the City’s Insurance and Benefits Committee has also recently reviewed the appropriate level of deductible for the individual specific reinsurance coverage that is obtained as part of the City’s reinsurance coverage for the Plan, and has determined that it is in the best interests of the City and the Plan to increase the individual specific deductible from $100,000 to $110,000 per year; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee has reviewed the quotes for reinsurance coverage for the Plan for the upcoming 2015-2016 fiscal year, and recommends that the City contract with HM Life (the City’s current reinsurance coverage provider) for the 20152016 fiscal year based upon the quotes for individual specific monthly premium rates for single coverage at $86.64 per employee and family coverage at $202.19 per employee and for aggregate monthly premium rates at $7.53 per employee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to obtain reinsurance coverage for the City’s Group Health Care Plan from HM Life for the 2015-2016 fiscal year at the rates set forth above and to increase the individual specific deductible to $110,000 per year. Further, this Resolution ratifies any prior action taken by City officials to lock in these quoted rates with HM Life for the 20152016 fiscal year. Section 2. The Mayor, or his designee, is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to execute and implement an agreement for the reinsurance coverage as described above for the 2015-2016 fiscal year that begins May 1, 2015. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________________ City Clerk Ordinance No. 4220 ORDINANCE NO. 4220 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL USE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3901 N. MAIN STREET IN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, East Peoria Grade School District No. 86 (the "Petitioner") has petitioned for a special use to allow a bus garage, storage yard and mechanical repair facility on real property zoned as “M-1 Manufacturing District, Limited” which property is shown and described at "Exhibit A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (which property as so described is hereinafter referred to as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, after hearing pursuant to duly published notice, the East Peoria Zoning Board of Appeals has recommended approval of the proposed special use subject to certain conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. A special use to allow a bus garage, storage yard and mechanical repair facility on the Property is hereby approved. Section 2. The continuation of the special use hereby authorized is contingent upon continual compliance with all applicable provisions of the City Code and the following special condition: 1. Petitioner shall submit a site plan approved by the Director of Planning and Community Development showing compliance with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code, including, without limitation, those relating to parking and landscaping. Upon the violation of or failure to comply with the forgoing condition or with any provisions of the City Code applicable to the Property or its use, the City Council may, after providing reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearing, terminate the special use hereby approved. Section 3. This Ordinance is hereby ordered to be published in pamphlet form by the East Peoria City Clerk and said Clerk is ordered to keep at least three (3) copies hereof available for public inspection in the future and in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 4. This Ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances on the subject and shall be construed therewith excepting as to that part in direct conflict with any other ordinance, and in the event of such conflict, the provisions hereof shall govern. 1 Section 5. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and ten (10) day period of publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS ______ DAY OF __________________, 2015. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: ________________________________ Corporation Counsel 2 3 Resolution No. 1415-114 RESOLUTION NO. 1415-114 East Peoria, Illinois __March 31, 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the development of Shady Knolls Extension 5 (the “Subdivision”) has been completed; and WHEREAS, the final plat of the Subdivision dedicates public streets, easements and other improvements (the “Public Improvements”) to the public use; and WHEREAS, the engineer for the Subdivision has certified that the Public Improvements comply with applicable requirements of the Subdivision Code; and WHEREAS, the subdivider of the Subdivision has submitted as built plans for the Public Improvements to the Department of Public Works; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the dedication of the Public Improvements as shown and described in the final plat of the Subdivision is hereby accepted; provided, however, that such acceptance shall not become effective until the subdivider of the Subdivision provides a two year written warranty against structural failure of the Public Improvements together with security for a period of one year, all in the manner prescribed by the Subdivision Code. APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk Resolution No. 1415-115 MEMORANDUM March 26, 2015 TO: Mayor David W. Mingus and Members of City Council THRU: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator FROM: City Attorney’s Office (Scott A. Brunton) SUBJECT: Resolution Revising Membership of Insurance Committee _____________________________________________________________________ DISCUSSION: The Insurance Committee has recently reviewed the membership positions on the Committee. In May 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 0001-05 forming the Insurance Committee. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 0001-05 based upon a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and each of then-existing employee unions that had been entered into during April 2000. That MOU, in part, addressed formalizing the status of the Insurance Committee and its procedures. Resolution No. 0001-05 and the MOU remain valid operational documents for the City’s Insurance Committee. Pursuant to Resolution No. 0001-05, the Insurance Committee is made up of 15 members as follows: 2 members of Police Officers’ bargaining unit 2 members of Fire Fighters’ bargaining unit 2 members of Telecommunicators’ bargaining unit 2 members of Public Works employees’ bargaining unit 1 member from 2 EastSide Centre bargaining units 1 non-union employee from EastSide Centre 1 non-union employee from City Hall 1 City retiree City Clerk City Administrator / Designee (HR Director) City Attorney / Designee For the last couple of years, the Insurance Committee has basically been operating with only 14 members because the one seat for the two EastSide Centre bargaining units has been vacant. This is due to the fact that one of the EastSide Centre bargaining units no longer exists, and the other EastSide Centre bargaining unit only has one remaining member. Upon reviewing the membership positions of the Insurance Committee, the Committee looked at all City employees to determine and ensure that all employees have an active representative on the Committee. The Public Works bargaining unit members agreed to include the one member of the EastSide Centre bargaining unit in their group for purposes of representation on the Committee. Further, several Department Heads are covered by their respective non-union employee representatives at EastSide Centre and City Hall. For the purposes of this review, the Insurance Committee placed the Buildings & Inspections Department employees in with “City Hall”, as these employees will be moving to the new City Hall after it is constructed in the next year. Upon completing this review, the following group of employees was left without having a designated representative on the Committee: the command staff of the Police, Fire, and Telecommunication Departments and their administrative assistants and the Director, Supervisors, and administrative assistant for Public Works (collectively hereinafter referenced as the “Command Staff”). This Command Staff group covers approximately 21 employees across these departments. Thus, in an effort to bring the Insurance Committee back up to a full 15 members, the Committee is recommending that the one seat on the Committee formerly filled by one representative from the two EastSide Centre bargaining units be replaced. The Insurance Committee is recommending that this seat be replaced with one representative from the group of employees comprising the Command Staff. As a result, all City employees would then have a specified representative on the Insurance Committee. This Resolution makes this change to the membership of the Insurance Committee such that the Command Staff shall now have a representative with a seat on the Insurance Committee. The other 14 seats on the Insurance Committee will remain the same. RECOMMENDATION: The Insurance & Benefits Committee, as well as our office, recommends that the Council pass this Resolution. c: Brad Lovell, Co-Chair of the Insurance & Benefits Committee Teresa Durm DRT RESOLUTION NO. 1415-115 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER RESOLUTION REGARDING THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA INSURANCE & BENEFITS COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the City of East Peoria maintains a self-insured group health care plan for the benefit of its employees (the “Plan”); and WHEREAS, in May 2000, based upon a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and each of then-existing employee unions, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 0001-05 to formally established the Insurance Committee consisting of City employees and City officials to oversee the City’s health care plan; and WHEREAS, since May 2000, the Insurance Committee has been operating under the terms of Resolution No. 0001-05, including the selection and appointment of the 15 members of the Insurance Committee; and WHEREAS, the Insurance Committee (now designated as the “Insurance & Benefits Committee”) has recently undertaken the review of its membership due to one seat on the Committee being vacant for the past couple of years, being the seat originally designated under the terms of Resolution No. 0001-05 for a member of the then-existing two bargaining units at EastSide Centre; and WHEREAS, the one remaining member of the two EastSide Centre bargaining units is now being represented on the Insurance & Benefits Committee by the two members for the Public Works employees’ bargaining unit; and WHEREAS, upon reviewing which employees have a designated representative on the Insurance & Benefits Committee, the Committee determined that the command staff and administrative assistants in the Police, Fire, Telecommunication, and Public Works Departments do not have a specifically designated employee representative on the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Insurance & Benefits Committee hereby recommends that the vacant seat on the Committee be filled by one employee representative from the command staff and administrative assistants in the Police, Fire, Telecommunication, and Public Works Departments, thereby ensuring that each City employee has a specifically designated representative on the Committee; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City adopts the recommendation made by the Insurance Committee to re-designate the vacant seat on the Insurance & Benefits Committee as an employee representative from the command staff and administrative assistants in the Police, Fire, Telecommunication, and Public Works Departments. Section 2. Effective upon the adoption of this Resolution, the City Council hereby designates the following employee representatives and City officials to compose the City’s Insurance Committee: • • • • • • • • • • • Two members from the Police Officers’ bargaining unit Two members from the Fire Fighters’ bargaining unit Two members from the Telecommunicators’ bargaining unit Two members from the Public Works employees’ bargaining unit One non-union employee from EastSide Centre One non-union employee from administrative offices at City Hall One non-union employee from the command staff and administrative assistants for the Police, Fire, Telecommunication, and Public Works Departments One City of East Peoria retiree City Clerk (or representative) City Administrator (or representative) City Attorney (or representative) Section 3. The primary mission for the Insurance & Benefits Committee shall remain seeking the best possible health care benefits under the Plan for all City employees in the most cost effective manner, while maintaining the financial viability of the Plan. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk Resolution No. 1415-116 TO: Mayor David Mingus and Commissioners Dan Decker, Gary Densberger, Tim Jeffers and Chad Joos FROM: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator t13 DATE: March 23, 201' 5 SUBJECT: Renewal of Marina Management Agreement Attached is a revised EastPort Marina Management Agreement with Riverside Marina Management, aka Mike Childers and staff. The Agreement is revised from previous Agreements to increase management fee from $ 65,000 to$ 75,000, to increase bonus opportunity which is one-third net operating revenues from $40,000 to$ 80,000( one-third net revenues would have been$ 67, 002 this past year when the bonus was capped at$ 40,000), and decrease line item in budget for Vehicle Expense from $17, 200 to 8, 000. Mike Childers has been HarborMaster four years now, beginning in 2011, and we have appreciated his hands-on construction and maintenance operations and attention to the Marina' s finances and longterm sustainability. At times he has had to address customers who had below-market costs for slip rentals arranged by the prior HarborMaster, and they have objected to this. Changes to the Agreement will pay a fair management fee for the 24- hour/ 7- days week services provided during the boating season, limit the Marina' s costs for vehicle purchase and operation, and incentivize activities to keep and attract boating customers at EastPort. RECOMMENDATIOM: Approve the attached Marina Management Agreement. RESOLUTION NO. 1415-116 East Peoria, Illinois , 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _______________________________ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE EASTPORT MARINA MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA AND RIVERSIDE MARINA MANAGEMENT, LLC WHEREAS, the City has constructed and operates a first-class quality marina known as Eastport Marina (the “Marina”); and WHEREAS, the City has previously entered into a Management Agreement to operate and manage the Marina with Riverside Marina Management, LLC; and WHEREAS, the City has negotiated in new agreement with Riverside Marina Management, LLC, which the parties understand will supersede and replace the prior agreement in its entirety; and WHEREAS, the City desires Riverside Marina Management, LLC to operate and manage Eastport Marina under the terms specified in the attached Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the Eastport Marina Management Agreement with Riverside Marina Management, LLC in the form attached hereto labeled as "Exhibit A," is hereby approved. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the aforesaid agreement on behalf of the City together with such changes therein as the Mayor in his discretion may deem appropriate; provided, however, that such agreement shall not be binding upon the City until an executive original thereof has been delivered to Riverside Marina Management, LLC. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk EASTPORT MARINA MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT THIS MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT (" Agreement") is this day of 2015, by and between the CITY OF EAST PEORIA, an Illinois Municipal Corporation ( hereinafter referred to as the " City") and RIVERSIDE MARINA MANAGEMENT, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company ( hereinafter referred to as made Riverside"). WHEREAS, the City owns property located within the City on the Illinois River and known as Eastport Marina, consisting of a marina for recreational watercraft and other related improvements, including but not limited to service, storage, fueling and launching facilities for watercraft ( hereinafter collectively referred to as " Eastport"); and WHEREAS, Riverside is located in and does business in the City; and WHEREAS, Riverside has experience as a boater and assisted in maintaining a public marina; and WHEREAS, the City desires that Eastport shall be managed locally and that its operations shall be fully integrated into the City's general operations; and WHEREAS, the City is desirous of Riverside operating and managing Eastport for succeeding boating seasons, and Riverside is willing to accept such appointment upon the terms, conditions and for and in consideration of the fees hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Appointments: The City hereby appoints Riverside as the sole managing agent of Eastport and Riverside hereby accepts such appointment and agrees to manage and operate Eastport in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Term: Term: The term of this Agreement shall commence May 1, 2015 and continue thereafter until April 30, 2016. This term may be extended from a) year to year unless either party shall give the other party written notice, consistent with § 18, at least 90 days prior to the end of any term that the agreement shall not be automatically extended. b) Severe Damage: substantially unusable so as not In the event that Eastport is rendered to be usable for normal business due to storm, flood, fire, ice, or other cause, nothing in this Agreement shall require the City to rebuild the damaged property. 3. Operation of Eastport: Operation: In order to maximize and maintain the economic value of Eastport and maximize profits and meet debt obligations a) Standard of of the City, Riverside covenants and agrees at all times to continuously operate, manage and maintain the marina and related facilities in a first class and superior manner, achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and shall, in connection therewith, consistent with superior marina management, perform the services required of Riverside in the Agreement. b) Hours of Operation: During the boating season, the Eastport office shall be open seven ( 7) days per week, unless different hours are established in the approved Annual Plan. At all other times the office shall be open on a regular business schedule as approved by the City in the Annual Plan. Service and storage hours will flex with the seasonal demands the business. It is anticipated that service will generally operate on a 5. 5 day schedule with on call technicians being available from noon Saturday through Sunday. of c) Marketing: Immediately upon commencement of this Agreement, during its term, Riverside will market Eastport so as to maximize slip occupancy, drystack storage, and transient traffic each boating season. Riverside understands and acknowledges that achieving and maintaining optimum occupancy levels is crucial to the success of Eastport. A website will be developed for Eastport Marina' s marketing needs including and continuing but not limited, transient docks rentals, seasonal dock rentals, and general marketing of the facilities. d) Slip Rental Rates: Rental rates to be charged for slips shall be in the budget. Riverside may, however, after consulting with and obtaining approval from the City Administrator offer special temporary incentives in an effort to maximize long term slip occupancy levels. established e) approved annual Boat Launch Operation: At the City's request, Riverside shall operate and maintain the public boat launch and related improvements Boat Launch") as located on adjacent Fon du Lac Park District property as operation. Such responsibility shall include, but not be limited to, collection of a reasonable boat launch fee as established by the City; maintaining appropriate staffing to ensure safe and orderly operation; part of Eastport performance of all appropriate repairs and maintenance to the Boat Launch, surrounding property and channel ( excluding mowing of the area generally 2 bounded by the public boat launch, the public parking area on Park District property, and the roadways connecting the same). f) Pool: Riverside shall operate and manage the swimming pool as part of Eastport operation. Such responsibility shall include, but not be limited to, reasonable monitoring of persons utilizing the pool, maintaining appropriate staffing to ensure safe and orderly operations; performance of all appropriate repairs and maintenance to the pool and surrounding property. g) Equipment Maintenance: Riverside shall also provide reasonable maintenance of the Marina, including, but not limited to the forklifts and computer equipment. Annual Plan and Budget: During each year of the initial term or during any extension, on or before February 1, Riverside will submit to the City a comprehensive annual plan, including without limitation, marketing, h) sales, succeeding and operations and contract year related for approval comprehensive by the budgets, City (" Annual for Plan"). the The annual operating budget included as part of the Annual Plan shall include, without limitation, the anticipated income from all sources and expenses for non- capital repairs and maintenance, materials and supplies, disbursement and supporting information therefore, and a summary of anticipated capital for the next contract year. The City shall by expenditures and/ or repairs March 1 of each such year, either approve the Annual Plan or give detailed reasons for its disapproval. In the case of disapproval, Riverside will alter the Annual Plan to address City concerns. The parties will make good faith efforts to resolve any disputes in time for such Annual Plan to be properly implemented by Riverside. Once the Annual Plan is agreed to by the City, Riverside will implement such Annual Plan without material deviation unless it secures the prior written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In addition, Riverside shall not exceed any particular line item the expense entire in the budgeted approved expense by budget more by more than ten than five percent( percent( 10%), or 5%) without the prior written consent of the City. In the event of budget discussions going beyond Riverside shall operate under the budget set forth in the previous Annual Plan until the new budget is finalized. April 1, It is understood by all parties that successful adherence to the annual budget for all Eastport expenses is important to the financial success of Eastport. Therefore, Riverside agrees that should the total of all Riverside controlled expenses in their entirety exceed the approved budget for such expenses by more such approval to than 5% not without the prior written approval of the City withheld), Riverside may be found at be unreasonably fault and that the City may, pursuant to the right to cure provisions contained herein, dismiss Riverside and cancel this Agreement. 3 i) Public Nature of Eastport: It is understood that Eastport is a publicly owned marina and that the public shall, consistent with necessary security for slip renters, have access to Eastport. Further, the City reserves the right to utilize the Eastport facility for various public events, such as festivals or similar celebrations, for not less than six days per year during the boating season and without limitation during the off season. Riverside will facilitate and help promote public events and generally welcome the public to Eastport. Public ownership of Eastport shall be acknowledged and users shall be treated as welcomed customers of or visitors to the City. j) Boat Repairs and Part Sales: Riverside shall at all times strive to provide quality boat repair and service, as well as limited boat parts and accessories for the convenience of boaters at Eastport. To provide this quality boat repair service, Riverside may lease space to a separate entity that will employ one or more highly skilled marine mechanics to service boats at Eastport. Income from the lease of space for this purpose shall be income to EastPort. However, all costs associated with boat repair, the sale of boat parts and accessories, and the overhead operational costs of the business shall be the responsibility of the separate entity. port at k) Slip: Riverside shall have the right to one boat slip and one jet no cost to Riverside. One of the two slips shall be for the purpose of providing docking for a boat to be used as the residence of its principal, Michael Childers. In the event a slip is in fact utilized for the docking of a boat to be used as a residence for Michael Childers, said boat shall at all times be well maintained and aesthetically pleasing so as not to detract from The boat shall be utilized in a manner compatible with the residential neighbor of Harbor Pointe. the appearance I) of Eastport. Construction improvements at Management: Eastport, With respect to all capital Riverside shall function as a construction manager, overseeing, by way of example, but not by way of limitation, the construction of any new or renovated docks, buildings, parking lots and such landscaping as may be authorized by the City. All capital improvements at Eastport shall be authorized in the annual budget or authorized in writing by the City Administrator. 4. Riverside' s Personnel: a) Riverside shall hire, pay and supervise all persons necessary to be employed in order to properly market, maintain, operate and provide security for Eastport, including marina office, service department, storage, parts, seasonal attendants, boat launch, accounting, fuel docks, sanitary pump-outs, etc., and to adequately keep records for Eastport in accordance with standard marina operating practice and generally accepted accounting principles. 4 Riverside shall use due care and diligence in the hiring of such employees; and cause shall employees to be discharged be the all persons undesirable. of employees All such as an independent Riverside, contractor hereunder, and not the employees of the City. Because customer relations is crucial to the success of Eastport, however, employees determined by the City Administrator to be unsatisfactory shall be released. b) Riverside shall pay all employees hired pursuant to § 4( a) and shall maintain adequate payroll records and shall make and remit to proper authorities all income tax deductions, unemployment insurance, worker's compensation payments, social security payments, pensions and other similar deductions or payments which may from time to time be applicable to such persons or other similar employees of Riverside. Riverside shall pay the costs of standard medical insurance, including hospitalization, medical, surgical and group life insurance plans hereinafter imposed by or included in agreements implemented with the consent of the City as indicated by approval of the annual budget, such approval to not be unreasonably withheld. Whenever possible, Riverside shall use administrative resources of the City so as to minimize administrative costs of Eastport. c) Riverside shall cause to be prepared and filed the necessary forms for unemployment insurance, social security and withholding taxes, and all other forms required by any federal, state or municipal authority or insurance company with respect to all persons employed pursuant to this All costs of personnel including but not limited to salaries, wages, and benefits shall be Expenses of Operation of Eastport. 4). d) During the term of this Agreement, Riverside shall cause its principal, Michael Childers, to provide management services on behalf of Riverside in connection with its management of Eastport, such management services of Michael Childers shall not be considered expenses of operation of Eastport. Subject only to direction from the City Administrator, Michael Childers shall be in charge of all aspects of Eastport operations and shall Riverside acknowledges that this Agreement is serve as Harbor Master. contingent upon Michael Childers' s personal participation and, therefore, Riverside warrants that Michael Childers shall not cease to be a majority shareholder of Riverside, director of Riverside or its president without written consent of the City and should Michael Childers transfer a majority interest in the corporation ( voluntary or involuntary) or cease to be a director and president, or for any reason cease serving as Harbor Master, this Agreement may be immediately terminated by the City at its absolute discretion. Riverside may not assign this Agreement to a corporate entity of which Michael Childers is not a majority shareholder and any assignment shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the City. 5 All Riverside employees shall undergo a thorough orientation and training program, with key emphasis on customer service skills, safety and accident prevention, and environmental compliance. All Riverside employees shall be in uniform while on duty. 5. Maintenance, Repair and Purchase of Materials: Riverside shall maintain Eastport, Boat Launch ( unless the City a) makes other arrangements for maintenance of the Boat Launch) and Pool and property surrounding either in a condition similar to that of other first class marina operations, and shall cause repairs and alterations of Eastport, Boat Launch and Pool and the improvements associated with them, including, without limitations, cleaning, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, decorating and such other similar repairs, alterations, acquire materials and engage services to ensure such maintenance and repairs( excluding mowing of the area generally bounded by the public boat launch, the public parking area on Park District property, and the roadways connecting the same), and acquire the same upon the most reasonable possible terms available to Riverside consistent with the operation of a first class marina. Riverside shall cause Eastport, Boat Launch and Pool and property surrounding them to be kept free from debris and other accumulations and shall cause any rubbish to be removed promptly therefrom. Riverside shall at all times provide access to all Eastport areas to the City for purposes of inspecting for compliance with this section. b) Riverside shall routinely discuss with the City Administrator the alternative of utilizing existing City equipment and employees to maintain and repair Eastport and the Boat Launch and Pool whenever it may be to City resources. If it is the decision of the City Administrator to utilize City resources, then Riverside shall do so as to economical utilize such existing minimize the Expenses of Operation. c) Riverside shall cause all acts to be performed in and about Eastport and Boat Launch and Pool as shall be necessary or desirable to comply with any and all orders, codes, regulations or ordinances affecting Eastport or Boat Launch or Pool imposed by any federal, state or local authority. d) All legitimate expenditures provided for in the Annual Plan incurred in accomplishing the responsibilities outlined in 5( a) shall be considered as Expenses of Operation of Eastport and shall be paid from the Eastport operating account as per the terms of normal trade or specific agreement. Unless otherwise specifically set forth in the Annual Plan approved by the City, repairs, alterations or purchases of materials and services therefore, 6 involving an expenditure of more than Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars 2, 500) for any one item, shall be made only with the prior approval of the City Administrator. 6. Contracts: a) above, Subject to limitations set forth in the Annual Plan and in § 3( h) Riverside on behalf of the City shall enter into contracts and agreements for ordinary and usual maintenance of Eastport, electricity, gas, telephone, cleaning, landscaping, rubbish removal, security, or other services or such of them as Riverside shall deem advisable. Riverside on behalf of the City shall purchase all supplies which shall be necessary to properly operate Eastport. b) Riverside shall promote and protect the City' s interest under the condominium agreement for the building housing Eastport' s administrative office and private commercial property. Riverside shall assure that the City pays only its percentage share of all condominium association maintenance and other costs. An accounting of all matters relating to the condominium association shall be included under the Annual Plan and Budget referenced in § 3( h) and reports due under § 9. c) Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, all contracts relating to the collection of revenues including, but not limited to, slip rental contracts and contracts for any other revenue source shall be in the name of the City and the property of the City. All customer lists, including names, addresses and telephone numbers, and location of boats, shall be the property of the City. d) The City's officers or designated agents shall have the right to inspect and copy all contracts and agreements entered into by Riverside with respect to Eastport and all other information relating to Eastport at reasonable times. 7. Collection and Remission of Revenues: Riverside will, for and on behalf of the City, collect all revenues or income derived from slip rentals, transient rentals, drystack, dry dock, fuel sales, winter storage, trailer storage, boat club, pool, the detail shop, boat launch fees and any and all other income producing activity at Eastport a) for boat repairs, part and accessory sales and boat revenues and income shall constitute the " Revenues". except 7 rentals. Such b) All monies received by Riverside for and on behalf of the City shall be and remain the property of the City and shall be deposited promptly in the No City' s Eastport accounts at a financial institution by specified the City. such monies shall be mingled with the funds of Riverside nor the City general All funds withdrawn from the " Eastport Account" by a Riverside representative shall be withdrawn only by those representatives to whom the accounts. City has granted the power to sign checks against the City Eastport Account. Riverside shall, on behalf of the City, in order to fulfill its obligations under 6( b), serve as custodian of a separate account for the condominium association. 8. Payment of Expenses: a) Subject to the limitations in the Annual Plan and in § 3( h) and 5( d) above, Riverside shall, and is hereby authorized on behalf of and at the sole cost of the City, make all necessary disbursements out of the Eastport Account for Expenses of Operation. During the term of this Agreement, the City agrees to maintain a balance in the fund in an amount sufficient to permit Riverside to pay necessary expenditures pursuant to this Agreement and the Annual Plan. In the event that at any time there be insufficient funds available in the Eastport Account to pay such expenses, the City agrees to immediately supply Riverside with funds to make such payments or allow Riverside to retain sufficient funds from all revenues or income of sales received to make such The City agrees to reimburse Riverside promptly for any payments. disbursement which Riverside may elect to advance for the Eastport Account of the City pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Expenses of Operation" as used in this Agreement, shall include any costs of sales attributable to those revenues or income belonging to or collected on behalf of the City, direct or indirect cost of operation and expenses incurred in the operation of Eastport including, without limitations, costs personnel and benefits, insurance, advertising and marketing expenses, utility costs, taxes, fuel costs, cost of inventory and all other costs of operating all facets of Eastport including management fees paid to Riverside. " Expenses of Operation" shall not include, however, debt service amortization or other charges relating to Eastport debt obligations. Expenses of Operation" shall not include capital outlays, but shall include reasonable depreciation costs determined according to accepted accounting practices. b) Riverside shall ensure that all employees with access to receipts are bonded in an amount mutually agreed by the parties hereto or Riverside shall maintain sufficient dishonest employee insurance coverage. 8 9. Reports to City: a) Riverside shall prepare and submit to the City written reports for Eastport as follows: i) On or before the 20th day of each month, Riverside shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the City a profit and loss statement showing the results of operations for the preceding month and for the year to date of the contract year, which statement shall reflect an accounting of actual to budgeted amounts. On the 20th day of March, the report shall also include an estimated statement of Riverside' s incentive fee calculation. ii) Within 60 days after the end of each contract year, Riverside will deliver or cause to be delivered to the City a balance sheet and related statement of profit and loss showing the assets employed in operation of Eastport and the liabilities incurred in connection therewith, as of the contract year-end, and the results of the operation of Eastport during the preceding contract year. Such report shall also include a final statement of Riverside' s incentive fee calculation. iii) On or before the 1st day of December, Riverside shall deliver to the City a comprehensive list reflecting the name and address of each person then renting a slip or boat storage at Eastport and each person who has at any time during the contract year rented a slip or boat storage at Eastport and location of each boat. iv) At any reasonable time, upon the request of the City copies of any and all materials or reports maintained by Riverside for Eastport shall be available to the City. b) Riverside shall cooperate with the City or the City's public accountant in connection with the preparation and filing of federal, state and other tax returns required by any governmental authority. c) Riverside shall cooperate with the City's public accountant in connection with the preparation of an annual audit of the books of account of the City, including an annual report each year of the operations of Eastport for the year then ended. Further, Riverside shall adopt such practices necessary to assure sound accounting as may be reasonably recommended by the City's public accountant. 9 d) The City or the City's officers or designated agents shall have the right at any reasonable time or interval to examine Riverside' s books for Eastport or any portion thereof. e) Riverside shall prepare, keep and maintain at all times for a period of not less than five ( 5) years complete and accurate books of account and records during each calendar year and such other records as would normally be required to be kept and examined by an independent public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing practices in performing an audit. Upon five ( 5) days written notice to Riverside at anytime during the term or within one ( 1) year of the expiration or sooner termination thereof, the City shall have the right to cause a complete audit to be made by an independent public accountant designated by the City of all business affairs conducted at, upon and from Eastport and of all books and records pertaining thereof, and Riverside will make all such books and records available, or cause the same to be made available for such examination at Eastport or such other location agreed to by the City. 10. Insurance: a) Riverside shall obtain at its favorable rates insurance coverage in less than One Million Dollars ($ 1, 000, 000) with respect to an amount of not its operation of Eastport for the benefit of both the City and Riverside and to name the City and its lenders as additional insured. The cost of said insurance shall be considered an operating expense of Eastport. In no event shall Riverside or Mike Childers be deemed an agent of the City of East Peoria. Any separate entities leasing space for boat repairs, service agrees and sale of convenience boat parts and accessories shall obtain separate insurance that identifies Riverside and the City as additional insured. 11. Management Fees: Base Management Fee: During the term of this Agreement, the City shall pay to Riverside a base management fee of Seventy- Five Thousand Dollars ($ 75, 000) annually. The City shall pay the $ 75, 000 a) management fee in installments of Fifteen Thousand ($ 15, 000) on the first day of the month commencing April of each year and Fifteen Thousand 15, 000) for each subsequent month continuing through the first day of August. b) Incentive Fee: For each year this Agreement is in effect, the City shall pay to Riverside an incentive fee in an amount equal to one-third ( 1/ 3) of the net operating revenues for the preceding boating season. " Net operating revenues" shall be the difference between Revenues as defined in 10 7 and Expenses Operation of as defined in § 8. The base management fee and depreciation shall be recognized as expenses of operation in calculating net operating revenues. The incentive fee shall, defined however,asbefollows: capped$ 80, so that 000 in the incentive fee no event shall exceed a cap less any other net revenue received by Riverside at Eastport, excluding the base management fee. 70% of the estimated incentive fee shall be paid no later than the 15th day of November based upon the City's confirmation of the accuracy of the report No later than December 31, The parties shall reconcile the identified in § 9( a)( i). fee any remaining incentive shall be paid. accounting for the incentive fee based upon final accounting for the contract year. Eastport Marina revenues shall pay vehicle expenses not to c) exceed $ 8, 000 for Michael Childers. Eastport Marina revenues shall also pay costs of a standard rate healthcare insurance policy for Mike Childers. d) Riverside shall derive no further remuneration from serving as manager of Eastport except as set forth above in this § 11. Riverside shall not promote its business in any manner which would serve to deprive Eastport of revenue or otherwise be detrimental to Eastport. e) Riverside shall avoid any conflict or appearance of conflict which could be perceived as inconsistent with its duty of loyalty to the City. 12. Restrictive Covenants: Riverside agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, or by an affiliate own, operate, manage or otherwise have an interest in any other marina operation, provide slip rentals, boat storage or boat service within 50 miles of Eastport nor allow any of its principals, officers, or employees to do so. The sale of boats is specifically exempted. The restrictive covenants contained herein shall continue only during the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof. 13. Discretion of City: Notwithstanding any provision hereunder, the City retains the right to modify its administrative and organizational structure in such a manner that Riverside and the Harbor Master, may upon notification, be required to report to and seek approval from an employee of the City other than the City Administrator. Further, the City retains the right to cause such modifications and improvements of Eastport which it believes in its discretion are in the best interests of the City, providing such modifications and improvements 14. do not Revenues materially detract from as defined in § 7. Representations and Warranties; Indemnification: a) The City and Riverside each represent and warrant to the other that it has the authority to enter into this Agreement and to fully perform its respective obligation hereunder. 11 b) Riverside shall defend, indemnify and hold the City of East Peoria and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against attorneys any and fees), losses damages, including or liabilities arising out of any claim made as a result all claims, actions, expenses ( of Riverside' s bad faith, recklessness, gross negligence, gross misconduct in its management and operation of Eastport, or arising out of any breach or claimed breach of any representation or any of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. c) The City shall defend, indemnify and hold Riverside and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, expenses (including attorneys fees), losses or liabilities arising out of any claim made as a result of the City's bad faith, recklessness, gross negligence, gross misconduct in its management and operation of Eastport, or arising out of any breach or claimed breach of any representation or any of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. d) The parties shall notify each other of the existence of claims relating to Eastport and shall cooperate with each other in defense of thirdparty claims. 15. Termination of Agreement by City: If one or more of the following events shall occur, the City may terminate this Agreement by notice to Riverside: a) i) If Riverside shall be in material default in the performance of any material term, covenant or condition which this Agreement requires it to perform, and shall fail to cure such material default within thirty ( 30) days of written notice from the City specifying such default; or ii) If Riverside shall make any assignment of its property for the benefit of creditors; or iii) If Riverside' s interest under this Agreement shall be taken on execution of a judgment; or iv) If Riverside files a petition for adjudication as a bankrupt, for reorganization or for an arrangement under any bankruptcy or insolvency law, or if any involuntary petition under such law is filed against Riverside and not dismissed within ninety ( 90) days thereafter; or 12 v) If Michael Childers for any reason ceases actively serving as Harbor Master; b) Upon the occurrence of one or more events under( a) above, the City may exercise any or all of the following remedies in addition to termination of the Agreement: i) The City may, immediately, or at anytime thereafter, and without further notice or demand, enter on Eastport premises and expel Riverside and remove Riverside' s effects forcibly if necessary); and/ or ii) deliver to The City may require that Riverside immediately the City all leases, slip boat storage rental agreements and similar agreements. c) The rights of termination granted to the City in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other right or remedy that may otherwise be available to the City including, but not limited to, recovery of amounts due and owing, to the City, any and all damages, and equitable relief resulting from any or all of the above event or events. 16. Termination of Agreement by Riverside: Riverside may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the City, if the City shall be in material default in the performance of any material a) term, covenant or condition which this Agreement requires it to perform and shall fail to cure such material default within thirty ( 30) days of notice from Riverside specifying such default( unless such default cannot reasonably be cured within such thirty( 30) day period and during such thirty( 30) day period the City commences to cure such default and proceeds with diligence to complete such cure), provided that the City shall not be deemed to be in default pursuant to this Agreement if its failure to satisfy the requirements hereof is caused by Riverside's failure to perform its obligations hereunder. b) The right of termination granted to Riverside in this paragraph shall be in addition to any other right or remedy that may otherwise be available to Riverside including, but not limited to, recovery of amounts due and owing to Riverside, any and all damages, and any equitable relief resulting from the City's default. 17. Riverside' s Rights Upon Termination: a) Upon termination of this Agreement, Riverside shall be entitled to the following unless this Agreement is unilaterally terminated by Riverside without cause or is terminated by the City 13 under § 16( a): i) Reimbursement of all expenses incurred with respect to Eastport, provided such expenses are authorized by this Agreement and are within the parameters of the approved Annual Plan; ii) be Payment of all of its compensation to which it would entitled under § 11 iii) to the date of termination. Payment of any other sums due Riverside hereunder. b) The obligations contained in this paragraph shall survive expiration or other termination of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Riverside shall have the right to assign, and the City shall have the obligation to assume, all contracts entered into on behalf of the City, provided said contracts are within the parameters of the approved Annual Plan. 18. Subordination: This Agreement and Riverside's authority and rights hereunder are subject to the lien upon, and security interest in, Eastport and revenues generated by Eastport held by any financial institution to whom the City has granted a security interest in Eastport and/ or its revenues. 19. Notices: Any notices required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be valid and sufficient if delivered personally or dispatched in any post office of the United States by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the other party as follows: If to the City: City of East Peoria 100 S. Main Street East Peoria, IL 61611- 2496 With copy to: Dennis R. Triggs Miller, Hall & Triggs 416 Main Street, Suite 1125 Peoria, IL 61602- 1161 If to Riverside: Mike Childers EastPort Marina 309- 256- 6887 Mchilders342@comcast. net and any party may change such address by notice given to the other party in the manner set forth above. 14 20. Miscellaneous: a) Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Illinois. b) Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in two ( 2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Headings: c) Titles and headings of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Agreement are for the convenience of reference only and do not form a part of this Agreement and shall not in any way affect the interpretation hereof. d) Amendment: No explanation or information by either of the parties hereto shall alter or affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement and no modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and executed by both parties hereto. e) Successors assignability contained and Assigns: Except for the restrictions on in § 4 hereof, the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. f) Waiver: The waiver of any breach of any term or condition hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of any other or subsequent breach, whether of like or different nature. g) Severability: If any term or provision of this Agreement or the performance thereof shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect or render invalid or unenforceable any other provision of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. the Parties: The relationship of the City and Riverside shall be solely as owner and manager with Riverside acting as an independent contractor and in no event and for no purpose shall the City and h) Relationship of Riverside be deemed partners or joint venturers. i) Entire Agreement: This Agreement supersedes and replaces in its entirety any prior agreement between the parties for management of EastPort. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the first date set forth above. 15 CITY OF EAST PEORIA RI RS 2E By By ALA&N 16 - I A ENT, LLC Resolution No. 1415-117 TO: Mayor David Mingus and Commissioners Dan Decker, Gary Densberger, Tim Jeffers and Chad Joos FROM: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator DATE: March 23, 201' 5 SUBJECT: Lease of Mini Excavator to Replace EastPort Marina Dredge Machinery Attached is an offer for a Three- Year Lease of an Altorfer Cat 305. 5E CR Excavator to replace broken and unrepairable machinery on the dredge boat that included the cab/ boom/ clamshell assembly. The ballbearing turret that attached this assembly to the dredge boat cannot be repaired, and HarborMaster Mike Childers has researched and found that an anchored, mini- excavator will serve needed purposes better than the prior assembly. A Kubota, Volvo and CAT mini- excavator have been researched and compared for lease period operational costs, purchase price, warranty and resale of the equipment at the end of three-year lease. The CAT machine is recommended with a municipal discount and a " let' s put CAT products in our own backyard" incentive that lowers the sale price to that of the Kubota and Volva, and the CAT machine has a longer warranty and all annual maintenance is offered at no additional cost. A 36- month lease is presented that will cost$ 13, 200/ year, which is within the Marina' s ability to include as part of the annual budget. In the recent past the Marina has replaced its gasoline pumps and dispensers, rebuilt forklifts and the hydraulic trailer, etc. RECOMMENDATIOM: Approve the attached offer for 36- month Lease of CAT 305. 5E CR Excavator RESOLUTION NO. 1415-117 East Peoria, Illinois ________________, 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the City proposes to acquire one Caterpillar 305.5E CR Excavator (the “CAT Mini Excavator”) for use at the EastPort Marina to replace broken and unrepairable machinery on the dredge boat; and WHEREAS, a Kubota, Volvo, and Caterpillar Mini Excavator have been researched and compared; and WHEREAS, Altorfer Cat has offered to lease the CAT Mini Excavator to the City for a three-year period at a cost of $13,200.00 each year under the terms and conditions set forth in the lease agreement (the “Lease”) attached hereto labeled as “Exhibit A”; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to lease the CAT Mini Excavator; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT the City Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Lease at a cost during the term of the Lease of $13,200 each year; provided, however, that the City shall have no obligation under the terms of this Resolution until executed originals of the Lease have been delivered to Altorfer Cat. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ City Clerk r„- HON, G_ T March 18, 2015 City of East Peoria/ Eastport Marina 701 Mariner Way East Peoria, IL 61611 Attention: Mr. Mike Childers We are pleased to provide the following proposal for your review: One ( 1) New Caterpillar 305. 5E CR Excavator, Includes the following standard equipment and options: FOPS, Tip- Over Protection Enclosed Cab Cat® C2. 4 Engine Retractable Front Window High Ambient Cooling Air Conditioner& Two- Speed Travel, Automatic Shift Heater/ Defroster Cat® High Back, Cloth Suspension Seat Auto Idle w/ Travel Alarm 12V Power Outlet 16" Rubber Belt Tracks Control Levers w/ Straight Line Travel 78" Straight Blade w/ Float Control Hand Control Pattern Changer Integrated Counterweight Left& Right Mirrors Long Stick with 12' 8" Dig Depth Two- Way Auxiliary Hydraulics Lifting Eye on Bucket Linkage Cab & Boom Work Lights COMPASS Display& Control Panel Cat® 30" High Capacity 8. 5 ft3 Bucket w/ Tips Equipment Protection Plan ( Warranty) Includes 36- Mont/ 3, 000 Premier Equipment Protection Plan and 36/ 3, 000 SMH Level 4 CSA with 500 SMH services List Price Selling 99. 071. 00 Price 64, 348 Sales Tax Additional, if applicable Availability Machine is in Inventory, subject to prior sale. Altorfer Inc. Guaranteed Buyback 36 Months / 3, 000 SMH Financing 29, 500 from Cat Financial Services ( CFSC)/ Lease Plan Government Purchase Agreement 3G - L t fig r rt 0 6, 00 Payments calculated in arrears Subject to CFSC Credit Approval Payments based on 1, 000 Annual Hours Interest rates are subject to change based on delivery Also available as 60 month Installment Sales Contract 60 mos @ 3. 20% APR= 1, 165. 00/ mo We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal, and trust that it will merit your favorable consideration. Sincerely, Tim Kirchner Machine Sales Representative Altorfer Cat 2 RESOLUTION NO. 1415-113 East Peoria, Illinois , 2015 RESOLUTION BY COMMISSIONER _______________________________ RESOLUTION REGARDING PURCHASE OF NEW VEHICLES FOR CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (STATE BID) WHEREAS, the Police Department is in need of 2015 Ford all-wheel drive Police Interceptor SUVs (the “Interceptors”) (for use as Patrol vehicles and for use as other Police Department vehicles); and WHEREAS, Morrow Brothers Ford, Inc. has a supply of the Interceptors available for purchase at $25,820 each; and WHEREAS, there are costs associated with outfitting the Interceptors that will be included in the $240,000; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City to purchase and outfit the Interceptors for the Police Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. The City approves the purchase of the Interceptors through the State Bid process from Morrow Brothers Ford, Inc. and the outfitting of the Interceptors from an equipment dealer at total cost not to exceed $240,000. Section 2. The City Administrator or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to enter into agreements or execute purchase orders which provide for the acquisition of the vehicles identified in this resolution and to take such other action as is necessary to conclude the transaction herein authorized; provided, however, that the total cost to purchase and outfit the Interceptors as provided herein shall not exceed $240,000.00 and the City shall have no obligation to Morrow Brothers Ford, Inc. or equipment dealer to outfit the Interceptors until an original purchase order or agreement has been delivered to that respective business. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ City Clerk 2 Ordinance No. 4221 100 South Main Street East Peoria, Illinois 61611 Phone: (309) 698-4715 Fax: (309) 698-4747 David W. Mingus Mayor COMMISSIONERS Benjamin C. Joos Public Health & Safety Gary R. Densberger Dept. of Accounts & Finance Daniel S. Decker Dept. Streets & Public improvements Timothy J. Jeffers Dept. Public Property _________ J. Thomas Brimberry City Administrator Morgan Cadwalader City Clerk Theresa L. Gualandi Treasurer/Comptroller Dick Ganschow Police Chief William J. Darin Fire Chief TO: The Honorable Mayor David Mingus and Members of the City Council THRU: Tom Brimberry, City Administrator FROM: Morgan R. Cadwalader, City Clerk DATE: March 27, 2015 SUBJECT: Adding a Subclass 2 Beer Garden License to the Liquor Code and Changing the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses DISCUSSION: The new restaurant at the EastPort Marina has a unique layout that includes a beer garden. The beer garden provisions of the City Liquor Code provide restrictions on beer gardens that do not make sense for this location. Some of those provisions include that the beer garden be attached to the building itself and only allow for egress and not ingress from the portion of the beer garden that is not attached to the building. The proposed changes would add a Subclass 2 classification that would be applicable only to this location and that would allow for a detached beer garden on the adjacent deck that still ensures safeguards for alcohol consumption and safeguards in cases of emergency. The proposed change allows for five feet between the building and beer garden. It is also necessary to change the number of Class D (Restaurant) liquor licenses at various times throughout the year. At this time, it is necessary to increase the number of Class D liquor licenses from 25 to 26. RECOMMENDATION: To approve the recommended amendments to the City Code adding a Subclass 2 Beer Garden License to the Liquor Code and approving an increase of Class D liquor licenses limit to 26. Ty Livingston Director of Planning and Community Development Steven J. Ferguson Director of Public Works Douglas E. McCarty Director of Tourism & Special Events Robert Cole Director of Buildings & Inspections Dennis R. Triggs City Attorney Web Site: www.cityofeastpeoria.com “EAST PEORIA – HOME OF THE FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS” ORDINANCE NO. 4221 AN ORDINANCE ADDING NEW SUBCLASS LICENSE TO LIQUOR CODE FOR BEER GARDENS AT EASTPORT MARINA AND CHANGING THE NUMBER OF CLASS D LIQUOR LICENSES AUTHORIZED TO BE ISSUED WITHIN THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, the Eastport Marina complex includes a small cantina area that serves marina patrons and is under private ownership; and WHEREAS, due to the unique qualities of the Eastport Marina complex and the layout of the outdoor deck of Eastport Marina building, a new subclass license for beer gardens is being established to accommodate the cantina’s unique setting at the Eastport Marina while maintaining the numerous safeguards implemented for beer garden settings; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that the creation of this new subclass of liquor license for marina beer gardens is in the best interests of the City while enhancing the viability of the cantina operation and the services available for patrons of the Eastport Marina; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT: Section 1. Title 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.14(n) and (o) of the City Code (the Liquor Code) of the City of East Peoria is hereby amended and added as follows (additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout): 3-3-1.4. Licenses; classifications. Licenses to sell alcoholic liquor at retail shall be of the following classes: (n) In addition to the classes of license established in previous subsections, a subclass 1 license may be issued by the Liquor Control Commission on any terms and conditions to be imposed for the safety of the citizens of East Peoria including without limitation the following: 1. Subclass 1. A subclass 1 license may be approved only for holders of class A, C, D, E, V or RB licenses, except a class D license located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a public marina. The subclass 1 license, if approved, permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages or, for a class E license holder the sale of beer and wine only, in a Beer Garden as defined under 3-3-1.1. Access to the Beer Garden or outdoor area shall be permitted only from the interior of the licensed premises. The annual fee shall be as specified in section 3-3-1.5. The application fee shall be as specified in section 3-3-1.8. Any application for a subclass 1 (Beer Garden) license must first be referred to the Director of Planning and Community Development to verify compliance with zoning regulations and the Director of Buildings and Inspections to verify compliance with building codes. The application shall include a scale drawing of the proposed outdoor facility which addresses and details the following: a. The seating area must be contained within a permanent fence or other suitable barrier measuring at least four feet high and which defines the seating area and sets that area apart from the surrounding property. The fence or barrier shall prevent passage of alcoholic liquor from locations within the beer garden to locations outside the beer garden and shall restrict noise to the approved area and to provide access to the area only from the interior of the licensed premises. b. The square footage of the proposed beer garden cannot exceed the square footage of the existing structure. c. The proposed beer garden’s appearance should be consistent with the character of the existing structure. d. The existing structure must be in compliance with all applicable City codes prior to approval of the Subclass 1 license. e. The proposed beer garden must contain a reasonably substantial structure across which alcoholic liquor shall be served which shall afford bartenders reasonable protection from patrons, unless the outdoor facility is serviced directly by the indoor licensed premises. f. The proposed beer garden must contain the locations of at least two exits from the area, only one of which shall be through a building or, in the case of a patio, deck, open porch, balcony or rooftop facility, such exits as are required by the City fire codes. Except in the case of an emergency, patrons must enter and exit the beer garden only through the licensed establishment to which it is attached. 2 g. Service of alcoholic liquor to patrons in the outdoor location shall cease at least 45 minutes before the time for the cessation of service in section 3-3-4.2 for the particular class of license. 2. The subclass 1 license shall not be issued for any premises located in the City, which is zoned as a Residential District or zoned as B-1 pursuant to the Zoning Code of the City of East Peoria. 3. The subclass 1 license shall not be issued to the holder of class C, D, E or RB licenses for any premises that is located within 300 feet of any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use except under the following exceptions: a. Provided that for a class D licensed premises located within 150 feet of a public marina, this distance shall be zero feet. b. A one year probationary subclass 1 license may be issued to the holder of a license pursuant to the provisions of subsection 10 with respect to licensed premises located within 300 feet of any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use. A subclass 1 license issued under authority of this section for premises located within 300 feet of any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use may be revoked after its issuance if the Liquor Control Commission finds that operation of the outdoor facility adversely affects the use and enjoyment of any such residential use established prior to the first issuance of a probationary subclass 1 license for the licensed premises. 4. The subclass 1 license shall not be issued to the holder of a class V license for any premises that is located within 100 feet of any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use. 5. The subclass 1 license shall not be issued to the holder of a class A license for any premises that is located within 300 feet of any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use. However, this limitation 3 applicable to class A licenses shall not prohibit a class A licensee from obtaining a subclass 1 license based upon the premises being located within 300 feet of a residential use when the residential use or uses are located on the same parcel of land as the licensed premises and the residential properties are owned and controlled by the owner of the parcel of land where the licensed premises is located and where the owner of the land consents to the issuance of the subclass 1 license. 6. The subclass 1 license shall not, however, for any class of license, be issued to any premises that does not comply with the minimum distance requirement contained in sections 3-31.7 or 3-3-1.12 of this section even if the licensed premises is not presently in compliance with those sections. If a subclass 1 license is granted to any premises within 700 feet of residentially zoned property, no live entertainment shall be permitted outside except live music performed without electronic amplification and by no more than two instrumentalists plus a vocalist but only if the premises has otherwise obtained all licenses required under this code. 7. For the purpose of measuring the minimum distance required for a class V license, said measurement shall be made from the nearest part of the outdoor premises to the nearest part of the adjacent building used for residential uses. For all other classes, the measurement shall be made as provided in section 3-4.23 of this chapter. 8. At no time shall a licensee permit any person to consume alcoholic liquor at any place other than in the licensed premises or within the entirely enclosed outdoor area designated as a Beer Garden. 9. It shall be understood that any violation of state law or any violation under the City Code may be grounds to revoke or suspend both the license and any subclass license then held by the licensee. 10. Any subclass 1 license used pursuant to this section 3-31.4(n) must first be issued as a one-year probationary subclass 1 license under the terms and conditions of this subsection. A probationary subclass 1 license allows the sale of alcoholic beverages from an outdoor facility which complies with the limitations imposed by this section. A probationary subclass 1 license automatically expires on the first 4 anniversary of its issuance and may not be renewed; however, at any time during the one-year probationary period, the Liquor Control Commission has the authority to revoke the probationary subclass 1 license if it determines that the outdoor facility has adversely affected the use and enjoyment of (1) any immediately adjacent property to the licensed premises, or (2) any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use located within 500 feet of the licensed premises. If, upon the expiration of a probationary subclass 1 license, the Liquor Control Commission finds that alcoholic beverages were regularly sold from and consumed within the authorized outdoor facility and that such sale and consumption did not adversely affect the use and enjoyment of (1) any immediately adjacent property to the licensed premises, or (2) any residentially used property located within 500 feet of the licensed premises, then the Liquor Control Commissioner may, in its sole discretion, issue a non-probationary subclass 1 license with respect to the licensed premises. (o) In addition to the classes of license established in previous subsections, a subclass 2 license may be issued by the liquor control commission on any terms and conditions to be imposed for the safety of the citizens of East Peoria including without limitation the following: (1) Subclass 2. A subclass 2 license may be approved only for holders of class D license located within one-hundred fifty (150) feet of a public marina. The subclass 2 license, if approved, permits the retail sale of alcoholic beverages in a beer garden as defined under 3-3-1.1. The annual fee shall be as specified in section 3-3-1.5. The application fee shall be as specified in section 3-3-1.8. Any application for a subclass 2 (beer garden) license must first be referred to the director of planning and community development to verify compliance with zoning regulations and the director of buildings and inspections to verify compliance with building codes. The application shall include a scale drawing of the proposed outdoor facility which addresses and details the following: a. The seating area must be contained within a permanent fence or other suitable barrier measuring at least four (4) feet high and which defines the seating area and sets that area apart from the surrounding property. The fence or barrier shall prevent passage of alcoholic liquor from locations within the beer garden to 5 locations outside the beer garden and shall restrict noise to the approved area. b. The square footage of the proposed beer garden cannot exceed the square footage of the existing structure. At least one side of the beer garden must be located within five feet of the licensed premises as measured from the outside wall of the licensed premises to the fence or barrier enclosing the beer garden, with the main entryway to the beer garden being no more 12 feet from an entryway into the licensed premises. The corridor between the main entryway of the beer garden and the closest entryway to the licensed premises must be open and unobstructed. c. The proposed beer garden's appearance should be consistent with the character of the existing structure. d. The existing structure must be in compliance with all applicable city codes prior to approval of the subclass 2 license. e. The proposed beer garden must contain a reasonably substantial structure across which alcoholic liquor shall be served which shall afford bartenders reasonable protection from patrons, unless the outdoor facility is serviced directly by the indoor licensed premises. f. The proposed beer garden must contain the locations of at least two (2) exits from the area in a manner as required by the city fire codes. g. Service of alcoholic liquor to patrons in the outdoor location shall cease at least forty-five (45) minutes before the time for the cessation of service in section 3-3-4.2 for the particular class of license. (2) The subclass 2 license shall not be issued for any premises located in the city, which is zoned as a residential district or zoned as B-1 pursuant to the Zoning Code of the City of East Peoria. (3) The subclass 2 license shall not, however, for any class of license, be issued to any premises that does not comply with the minimum distance requirement contained in sections 3-36 1.7 or 3-3-1.12 of this section even if the licensed premises is not presently in compliance with those sections. If a subclass 2 license is granted to any premises within seven hundred (700) feet of residentially zoned property, no live entertainment shall be permitted outside except live music performed without electronic amplification and by no more than two (2) instrumentalists plus a vocalist but only if the premises has otherwise obtained all licenses required under this Code. (4) At no time shall a licensee permit any person to consume alcoholic liquor at any place other than in the licensed premises or within the entirely enclosed outdoor area designated as a beer garden. (5) It shall be understood that any violation of state law or any violation under the City Code may be grounds to revoke or suspend both the license and any subclass license then held by the licensee. (6) Any subclass 2 license used pursuant to this subsection 3-31.4(o) must first be issued as a one-year probationary subclass 2 license under the terms and conditions of this subsection. A probationary subclass 2 license allows the sale of alcoholic beverages from an outdoor facility which complies with the limitations imposed by this section. A probationary subclass 2 license automatically expires on the first anniversary of its issuance and may not be renewed; however, at any time during the one-year probationary period, the liquor control commission has the authority to revoke the probationary subclass 2 license if it determines that the outdoor facility has adversely affected the use and enjoyment of: (1) any immediately adjacent property to the licensed premises; or (2) any building or structure designed for or devoted to or being used for any residential use located within five hundred (500) feet of the licensed premises. If, upon the expiration of a probationary subclass 2 license, the liquor control commission finds that alcoholic beverages were regularly sold from and consumed within the authorized outdoor facility and that such sale and consumption did not adversely affect the use and enjoyment of: (1) any immediately adjacent property to the licensed premises; or (2) any residentially used property located within five hundred (500) feet of the licensed premises, then the liquor control commission may, in its sole discretion, issue a non- 7 probationary subclass 2 license with respect to the licensed premises. Section 2. Title 3, Chapter 3, Section 3.2(d) of the City Code (the Liquor Code) of the City of East Peoria is hereby amended as follows (additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout): 3-3-1.5. Licenses; fees. (d) With the exception of a class F license for which no fee is charged, the fees due on or after May 1, 2006 for all licenses referred to in section 3-3-1.4 are as follows, subject to adjustment as provided in subsection (e) of this section: Semi-Annually Per Year Class A $500.00 1,000.00 Class B 600.00 1,200.00 Class C 600.00 1,200.00 Class D 600.00 1,200.00 Class E 600.00 1,200.00 Class V 150.00 300.00 Class Z 225.00 450.00 Class G 600.00 1,200.00 Class RB 600.00 1,200.00 Class H 600.00 1,200.00 Class CR 600.00 1,200.00 Class CC 975.00 1,950.00 Subclass 1 150.00 300.00 Subclass 2 150.00 300.00 8 Section 3. Title 3, Chapter 3, Section 1.8 of the City Code (the Liquor Code) of the City of East Peoria is hereby amended as follows (additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout): 3-3-1.8. Investigation; investigation fee; approval; examination of applicant. (a) All applications for licenses under this chapter shall be presented to the local liquor control commission and shall be accompanied by an investigation fee in the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). All applications for a subclass 1 or 2 license shall be presented to the local liquor control commission and shall be accompanied by an additional nonrefundable investigation fee in the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00). In addition to the fees specified herein, each applicant, shareholder, manager, or other individual shall pay all charges made by the State of Illinois or any other entity for criminal history, fingerprint, or background investigation, as those charges are from time to time established. Every application shall be investigated by the local liquor control commission to its satisfaction, and it shall, within a reasonable time, either approve or reject said application. Upon the approval of such application and the certificate of bond specified in section 3-3-1.9, and upon the payment of the license fee in the amount specified In section 3-3-1.5, the local liquor control commissioner shall designate written approval and direct the city clerk to issue a license or a subclass 1 license to such license applicant. Such license and subclass license shall be signed by the Local liquor control commissioner and the city clerk. (b) At any time during the pendency of an application, the local liquor control commission shall have the right to compel the applicant to submit to any examination and to produce any books and records, which, in the judgment of the local liquor control commission, are material to the determination of whether the applicant is qualified to receive a license or a subclass license under the provisions of this chapter, or whether the premises sought to be licensed are suitable for such purposes. The local liquor control commission shall also have the right to require the applicant to answer any charges made in any objection to the issuance of the license by the liquor control commissioner, chief of police, or the city attorney. The failure of any applicant to appear at the time and place fixed by the local liquor control commission for his examination or to produce books and records requested, unless for good cause shown, shall be deemed to be an admission that the applicant is not qualified to receive a license. (c) The building inspector, fire chief and police chief or their respective designees may at any reasonable time inspect the licensed 9 premises for compliance with applicable provisions of the East Peoria City Code. (d) Applications for licenses or subclass licenses shall be considered in the order in which they are presented to the local liquor control commission. Once an application has been rejected by the local liquor control commission for any reason, including the lack of availability of a license, the applicant shall be ineligible for further consideration unless and until the applicant submits a new application to the local liquor control commission. (e) At any time when a business conducted by a manager designates a new or additional manager, the new or additional manager must submit an application for approval to the City on the forms designated. Said application shall be accompanied by an investigation fee in the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00). Said person shall not perform the duties of manager until approval has been received from the City. Section 4. Title 3, Chapter 3, Section1.10 of the City Code (the Liquor Code) of the City of East Peoria is hereby re-numbered as new Section 3.6 with revisions as follows (additions are indicated by underline; deletions by strikeout): 3-3-1.10. Licenses; limitation upon number issued. So that the health, safety and welfare of the people of the city shall be protected and minors shall be prevented from the purchase of alcoholic liquors, and temperance in the consumption of alcoholic liquors shall be fostered and promoted: (a) No additional class A licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than seventeen (17); (b) No additional class B licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than twenty-four (24); (c) Class C licenses may be issued without limit upon approval by the liquor control commission; (d) No additional class D licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at that time shall be less than twenty-fivesix (2526); 10 (e) No additional class E licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at that time shall be less than four (4); (f) There may be only one class F license in force at any time; (g) Class V licenses may be issued without limit to those organizations qualifying upon approval by the liquor control commission; (h) No additional class Z licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than one (1); (i) No additional class G licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than two (2); (j) No additional class RB licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than four (4); (k) No additional class H licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than two (2); (l) No additional class CR licenses shall be issued as a standalone license or as a sublicense under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than four (4); (m) No additional class CC licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than two (2); (n) No additional subclass 1 licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than sixteen (16).; (o) No additional subclass 2 licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this chapter unless the number of such licenses in force at the time shall be less than one (1). Provided however, that upon the surrender and cancellation of an existing license, the local liquor control commission may reissue such license to a person who has purchased the business or premises of the prior 11 licensee; and provided, further, that in the event of annexation of any territory to the city, in which territory there is located any business or property for which a valid county retail liquor license has been issued and in force at the date of such annexation, the local liquor control commission is empowered to authorize the issuance of a new license strictly under the provisions of this Code to the person named in the county retail liquor license issued for such business or property, notwithstanding the foregoing limitations upon the number of licenses to be issued. Section 5. This Ordinance is hereby ordered to be published in pamphlet form by the City Clerk and said Clerk is ordered to keep at least three (3) copies hereof available for public inspection in the future and in accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 6. This Ordinance is in addition to all other ordinances on the subject and shall be construed therewith except as to that part in direct conflict with any other ordinance, and in the event of such conflict, the provisions hereof shall govern. Section 7. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and ten (10) day period of publication in the manner provided by law. PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST PEORIA, TAZEWELL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, IN REGULAR AND PUBLIC SESSION THIS DAY OF , 2015. APPROVED: ________________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ City Clerk EXAMINED AND APPROVED: ________________________________ Corporation Counsel 12