Power Arm Isometrics - Animal Kingdom Workouts


Power Arm Isometrics - Animal Kingdom Workouts
Animal Kingdom Workouts
Power Arm
Lean How To Build Powerful, Strong, Toned Arms In Only Minutes A Day!
By David Nordmark
Table of Contents
Power Arm Isometrics
How To Perform These Arm Exercises
Biceps Curl
Single Arm Triceps Press Down
Biceps / Triceps Cross Arm Contraction
Whether You Want The Strength and Power of Alexander Zass, the
Physique of Bruce Lee, or to be fit at any age like Noel Johnson Isometric Exercise can help you achieve the body you desire 16
Other Products From Animal Kingdom Workouts.com
Power Isometrics - The Complete System of Natural Strength
Training And Body Sculpting For Men And Women
Lose Weight Without Dieting - The Animal Kingdom Way
Natural Fitness - Natural Body Weight Exercises for Men and
Animal Workouts - Animal-Inspired Strength and Conditioning
Workouts for Men and Women
About the Author
About the Model
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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The exercises and advice contained within this
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some people, and the reader(s) should consult a
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The author and publisher of this course are not
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following the instructions herein.
Power Arm Isometrics
No part of this course may be reproduced or
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Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Nearly everyone I know of who begins a physical fitness program wants a great pair of
sculpted arms. Men typically want large, powerful, and defined 'guns' whereas women
desire strength but more of a sleek and toned look. Whether you prefer variation A or B
(or somewhere in between) these simple isometric exercises can help you achieve
them. Taken from my popular full body "Power Isometrics" course (in which you can
exercise your entire body in less than 30 minutes a day) these modern exercises are
incredibly effective. If you apply yourself diligently to them you too can have a great set
of arms in only minutes a day. How is this possible? The secret is Isometrics. Let me
Like many words, Isometrics is derived from the Greek. Iso meaning “equal” and metric
meaning “distance”. When we refer to isometric exercise we are talking about an
exercise system in which, although force is applied to the muscles, the muscles
themselves never contract. Their muscular length remains the same. This is called an
isometric contraction and it is the key to the effectiveness of these arm exercises.
Hereʼs how it works.
Any muscle in your body is made up of thousands of muscle fibers of varying lengths
and abilities. Some are explosively quick, others posses great endurance, still others
are extremely powerful. Any time your body needs to move a muscle, your brain
commands whatever muscle fibers it needs to start contracting.
Here is the key point. Your body is very efficient and it only activates the bare minimum
number of muscle fibers required. Imagine you pick up a paper cup. As it only takes a
few muscle fibers to generate the necessary force to contract the muscle to pick up the
cup, that is all that is used. If you go to pick up something heavier like, say, a jug of
lemonade, your body will use more muscle fibers. Still, it will never use ALL of them if it
doesnʼt need to.
This is the whole principle behind weightlifting. The reason you have to do 3 sets of 12
repetitions when performing a biceps curl is that you are trying to tire out and work ALL
of the muscle fibers. So, as you initially start curling, your mind activates only the bare
minimum of muscle fibers required. However, as you keep going, those fibers tire and
your brain has to activate others to keep going. This process of muscle fibers tiring and
being replaced in the task by others continues until (ideally) all of the muscle fibers have
been worked. When you reach this point you may find it impossible to perform one more
rep. This is called muscle failure in weightlifting and it means youʼve worked every
muscle fiber in your biceps.
Now, instead of performing biceps curls with weights, what happens when you work
your muscles against each other? Instead of curling a barbell imagine that you are
trying to curl your right arm while resisting it with your left. Your brain is getting the
message that it is trying to curl your right arm. In order to do this it attempts to contract
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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the biceps in your right arm. It starts to do this but as your left arm is resisting no
contraction occurs. How does your brain respond? It keeps recruiting more and more
muscle fibers in your right biceps in an attempt to contract the muscle and curl the arm.
Your brain has no idea that this is a futile exercise as the arms are acting against
themselves! In a way with an isometric contraction you are tricking your brain into using
ALL of the available muscle fibers at the same time. This is why it is possible to exhaust
ALL of the muscle fibers in 7 to 12 seconds. This is the secret of the isometric
contraction and isometric exercises in general. It is also the reason why it is possible to
get a great arm workout done in only a few minutes!
How To Perform These Arm Exercises
Like the full "Power Isometrics" course the arm exercises here are all divided into three
different (A, B and C) positions. You will want to perform these exercises over a 3 day
cycle. So on Day 1 you will perform all of the exercises in the A position. Day 2 perform
position B and Day 3 position C. On Day 4 you can either rest of start the cycle again.
It's up to you.
When performing these exercises you must always focus on two things: 1) Your breath
and how you are breathing, and 2) Your mind - you must always focus on which muscle
you are working. Let me explain further:
Your Breath - There are three distinct breathing phases for each isometric arm
1. Breathe in through your nose for 3 to 4 seconds. As you do start to build tension in
the muscles you are working. When you have finished deeply inhaling the muscles
you are working should be at maximum tension.
2. Once your muscles are at peak contraction you will want to perform a controlled
exhale through your mouth for 7 to 12 seconds. This is done by making a
“sssssssss” sound through your clenched teeth or lips. Done correctly you should
sound like a snake or like a tire losing air. Throughout the exhale you will maintain
maximum tension in the isometric contraction you are performing.
3. To release the tension slowly inhale again through your nose for 3 to 4 seconds. As
you do so, relax your muscles slowly. Once you have reached 4 seconds your
muscles should be relaxed completely.
Your Mind - Most people find this surprising, but it is the truth. The power and strength
to contract your arm muscles with greater and greater intensity and efficiency does not
exist in your muscles, it exists in your mind. Your brain controls your muscles. Because
of this it is imperative that you think into your muscles and perform each contraction as
powerfully as possible with laser-like intensity. If you are performing an isometric
contraction on your biceps imagine in your mind the blood racing into the muscle.
Visualize your biceps muscle growing larger, stronger and more defined as you do so.
In order to achieve maximum results it is imperative that you do so.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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To further illustrate this point I want to take a quote from a work entitled “Muscle Control”
by Maxick in 1911. Maxick was a famous strongman and physical culturist at the
beginning of the previous century. These are his thoughts on the mind-body connection:
How Mechanical Exercise May Hinder Muscle
“One day I was watching a journey-man filing
metal. I fell to wondering vaguely why it was that
his arm and deltoid development was so small in
comparison with that of the rest of his body,
knowing, as I did, that the man had worked at the
bench for years. Surely, according to accepted
theory, it was just these parts which should be the
more developed considering the nature of this
I was so interested in this case that I began to take
careful note of the other workmen; and my
The Great Maxick
observations at length convinced me that
mechanical exercise will not increase bulk of
strength beyond a certain degree.
I found out later by experiment that mechanical exercise will only
produce good results if interest is directed to the muscles being used. If
the mind is directed only to work being performed, a certain point of
muscular resistance is reached; but there it stops. To secure full benefit
from the exercise it is essential that the mind be concentrated on the
muscles, and not on the work performed.”
The Case of the Stonemason
“Instances by way of example may be given by the hundred. Take the
case of the stonemason, who has to use a hammer or mallet for many
hours daily, during which thousands of blows are struck, and the
shoulder and the arm have to bear the weight, as well as use the mallet.
Now, according to the theories enunciated by many teachers of physical
culture, the greater the number of repetitions performed of one
exercise, the greater the development of the muscles employed. But
here is a flat contradiction of these theories, for it will be observed that
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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the majority of stonemasons do not evince anything exceptional in the
way of arm and shoulder muscle development.
And the explanation? Perfectly simple! The stonemasonʼs mind is
necessarily concentrated upon the work before him, and he pays little or
no heed to his muscles”
Iʼve heard similar thoughts on the importance of the mind from modern bodybuilders as
well. Rachel Mclish, who was the first Ms. Olympia, stressed the importance of using
her mind and imagination to make her muscles larger and more defined. Arnold
Schwarzenegger advocated the same thing. If you want to get the most out of
performing these isometric contractions, do not let your mind wander. Always focus on
the task at hand and what you are trying to accomplish.
If You Desire Larger Arm Muscles
If you perform the isometric exercises as Iʼve outlined above you will get stronger and
your muscles will get more defined. However, if you really want to add serious size to
your frame you will need to do two things:
1. Repeat every exercise, but for the second set, perform them longer and at less
intensity. So if you are performing the biceps curl you will perform it once for 7 to 12
seconds at maximum intensity. The second time you perform it though you will want
to perform it at 35% intensity for 2 to 3 minutes. When you perform the isometric
contraction this way, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Never hold your breath. Holding the contraction for longer and at this lower intensity
will allow the blood to rush into the muscle being worked and help it to get bigger.
2. You must focus on your diet. It order to add size you must eat healthy food and
consume MORE in calories than you body needs. These extra calories will be used
by your body to build the muscle you need. If you are looking for a great program
that will outline how to build muscle you can check out the following program:
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Some Final Points Before Beginning
• When Iʼm performing an isometric contraction, I like to combine the act of breathing
and counting with my mental visualization. Letʼs say Iʼm performing an isometric
contraction with my biceps. As Iʼm breathing in for 3 to 4 seconds, I imagine the
numbers appearing before me over my biceps in big, colorful, balloon-like shapes. At
the same time Iʼm imagining the blood flowing into my biceps, and the muscle growing
and becoming more defined. This technique of seeing the numbers as well as your
muscles really helps to concentrate the mind.
• When performing these exercises I like to go from one to the next with minimal rest.
However, if you are really out of shape or havenʼt exercised for a while this is not the
best approach. In such cases it is wise to pause for a minute or two between each
exercise and take 5 to 10 full deep breaths through your nose. You should never feel
faint when performing these exercises. If you do feel faint, you will want to ease up,
take some deep breaths and maybe even sit down for a moment.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Biceps/Triceps Exercise #1
Biceps Curl
The biceps are made up of two bundles of muscles whose primary
purpose is to rotate the forearm and flex the elbow. The triceps are
made up of three bundles of muscles whose primary purpose is to
straighten the arm. The biceps and triceps work together. Whether
you want a functional athleteʼs strength or just a great look, itʼs
important to work both together. This is what the following exercises
Position A
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
2. With your right arm by your right side, bend the elbow and clench your right fist
tightly. Your fist should almost be parallel with your shoulder.
3. Place your left hand over your right fist.
4. As you breathe in through your nose for 3 to 4 seconds, slowly begin to use your
biceps in an attempt to raise your arm. Resist this motion with your left hand.
5. At the point of maximum tension breathe out for 7 to 12 seconds while making a
“ssssssss” sound.
6. Slowly relax the tension while breathing in for another 3 to 4 seconds.
7. Repeat this procedure for the left arm.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Position B - Repeat the steps as outlined in Position A, except this time begin with your
right arm at a 90-degree angle.
Position C - Repeat the steps as outlined in Position A, except this time begin with your
right elbow only slightly bent.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Biceps/Triceps Exercise #2
Single Arm Triceps Press Down
Position A
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
2. With your right arm by your right side, bend your elbow so that your right fist is in
front of your right shoulder.
3. Clench your right fist tightly and grasp it from below with your left hand.
4. As you breathe in through your nose for 3 to 4 seconds, slowly begin to use your
triceps in an attempt to press your arm down. Resist this motion with your left hand.
5. At the point of maximum tension breathe out for 7 to 12 seconds while making a
“ssssssss” sound.
6. Slowly relax the tension while breathing in for another 3 to 4 seconds.
7. Repeat this procedure for the left arm.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Position B - Repeat the procedure in Position A, except this time begin with your right
arm flexed at a 90-degree angle.
Position C - Repeat the procedure at outlined in Position A but this time begin with your
right arm only slightly bent at the elbow. Your right fist should be below your waist.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Biceps/Triceps Exercise #3
Biceps / Triceps Cross Arm Contraction
Position A
1. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
2. Clench both fists as tightly as possible, then place your left fist over your right fist in
the center of your body. Your arms should only be slightly flexed at the elbows, so
your fists should be at waist level.
3. As you breathe in through your nose for 3 to 4 seconds, slowly begin to use your left
triceps to press your left arm down with resisting with your right fist (which is using
your right biceps).
4. At the point of maximum tension breathe out for 7 to 12 seconds while making a
“ssssssss” sound.
5. Slowly relax the tension in your arms while breathing in for another 3 to 4 seconds.
6. Repeat this procedure with the right fist over your left fist.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Position B - Repeat the procedure as outlined in Position A, except this time with your
arms bent at a 90-degree angle.
Position C - Repeat the procedure at outlined in Position A, but this time begin with your
fists at shoulder level.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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And thatʼs all there is to it. If you apply yourself to these isometric arm exercises
diligently you can expect to see terrific results in no time and in only minutes a day. If
you have any questions about Isometrics or other health and fitness issues feel free to
contact me using the contact form at www.animal-kingdom-workouts.com. If you are
interested in taking your health and fitness to the next level with my complete full body
Power Isometric course check it out here:
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Whether You Want The Strength and Power of
Alexander Zass, the Physique of Bruce Lee, or to be
fit at any age like Noel Johnson - Isometric Exercise
can help you achieve the body you desire
This Lost System Of Training Can Get You in Amazing Shape In SECONDS. Here's
Dear Friend,
No matter your age or present physical condition isometric exercise can put you on
the road to achieving optimal health. Who are you exactly and what do you want?
• Are you an athlete who wants to get stronger for a sport?
• Are you looking to achieve greater muscular size and definition?
• Are you a woman who simply wants to get in great shape and possess a healthy,
feminine "Fit N Sexy" look?
• Are you an older man or woman who hasn't exercised for awhile but is looking for the
easiest and quickest way to get back in shape and turn back the clock?
If any of the above applies to you then isometric exercise might be just the ticket you
are looking for. A properly designed program of isometrics can reshape anybodies
physique and add strength beyond imagination without ever actually moving a muscle!
By performing and holding powerful isometric contractions for just seconds it's possible
to create lean, perfectly sculpted muscles, shed fat and achieve the glow of perpetual
youthfulness. How is this possible? Let me explain.
Understanding How Muscles Work And The Miracle Of The Isometric Contraction
Every muscle in your body is made up of of hundreds of individual muscle fibers or
varying lengths and abilities. When you move a limb your brain sends a signal to some
muscle fibers to contract. It is this contraction that actually moves your limbs. With me
so far? Good, because the next point is important. When your brain contracts muscle
fibers it only activates the bare minimum necessary. Let's say you pick up a paper cup.
Does your arm need every muscle fiber working in order to lift the cup? Of course not!
That would be a waste of energy. It activates the minimum required to complete the
action required and that's it.
How Traditional Exercise Works
Now let's pretend you're curling a barbell in a gym. When you perform this action the
same principles apply. In order to curl the barbell your brain activates some muscle
fibers to move the arm. However you want to get bigger and stronger which is why you
curl the barbell for 3 sets of 12 repetitions. When you do this you tire out the first bunch
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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of muscle fibers which forces your brain to activate more. These then tire out, so your
brain activates still more. This process continues until every fiber in your muscle has
been worked and is exhausted. Your body responds to this stress of exhaustion by
strengthening the existing fibers and adding new ones. This is how you get bigger and
stronger via weightlifting.
There MUST be a Better Way
Makes sense doesn't it? This is why you see so many men and women in gyms lifting
weights like there's no tomorrow. In order to build strength, size and muscular definition
they are constantly working to exhaust all of their muscle fibers. With a lot of time and
effort it definitely works but wouldn't it be great if there was another way? A way that
would work ALL of the muscle fibers at once WITHOUT having to endure hours in a gym
performing a boring weight training regimen? There is actually. It's called Isometric
The Wonder of the Isometric Contraction and how it can work for YOU
Here's how isometric exercise turns traditional weightlifting on its head. Isometric
exercise works by pitting your muscles either against themselves or an unmovable
object in order to get to the LAST rep FIRST. Imagine you are pressing your palms
together in front of your body. How does your brain react? Like usual it activates some
muscle fibers in order to move both arms. However as the arms are pitted evenly
against each other no movement occurs. So what does your brain do? It starts to
activate more and more muscle fibers in an effort to move your arms. However your
arms STILL don't move. In a way, you're tricking your brain. It has no idea that you're
forcing your arms against each other! In desperation to lift what it thinks must be an
incredibly heavy weight your mind will activate ALL of the MUSCLE FIBERS it can
WITHIN SECONDS! This is why it's possible to work EVERY muscle fiber within your
arm within SECONDS with isometrics, whereas it takes 3 sets of 12 with traditional
exercise. This is the secret of Isometrics and how it allows you to "GET TO THE LAST
Still not convinced? Well, let me illustrate how powerful these exercises can be
by telling you the story of Alexander Zass
How Isometric Exercises Turned Alexander Zass Into "THE AMAZING SAMSON"
Alexander Zass was a world famous strongman during the first half of the 20th century.
Going by the stage name "The Amazing Samson" he was known far and wide for
performing feats of strength like the following:
Bending iron bars with his bare hands
Wrapping chains around his chest and then breaking them by expanding his chest
Carrying small horses around over his back
Lifting 500 pound girders with his teeth
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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• Allowing professional boxers to punch him in the stomach
In short, Alexander Zass possessed almost unbelievable strength. How did he get this
way? Let's go back to beginning ...
His Youth
Zass was born in Vilna, Poland in 1888 although he spent his youth in Russia. One day
his grandfather took him to the circus where he became enthralled with the circus
strongmen. He decided he wanted to become just like them and he started training
immediately. His training methods consisted of traditional methods like lifting barbells
and dumbbells. However he also developed his own techniques by performing acts
such as climbing trees and bending green branches to develop his grip strength. After
practicing diligently he was able to joint a circus troupe as a strongman in his own right.
A Prisoner Of War
Life took a dramatic turn for Alexander though when World War I broke out and he was
held captive in an Austrian Prison Camp. Not only was he confined to a small cell but he
was handcuffed and shackled as well! Alexander Zass became incredibly concerned as
he feared that without exercise he would lose the great strength that it had taken years
for him to develop. Out of sheer desperation he started to pull on his bindings and
chains as well as the immovable prison bars. Without knowing it he started practicing
isometrics. The results? To his astonishment he became stronger that he ever had
before. In fact he became so strong that when the opportunity presented itself he was
able to break off his chains and shackles by hand! He then ripped out the prison bars,
bent one into a J Hook, and was thus able to escape the prison.
The Father Of Isometric Exercises
Once the War was over Alexander Zass returned to touring Europe billing himself as
"The Mighty Samson" and thrilling crowds with his unmatched displays of strength.
Aside from training exclusively with isometrics he even put out the first isometric training
course known. It was as huge hit which is why Alexander Zass is known as the father of
isometric training. Considering the above I'm sure your mind is swirling with questions.
Is this for real? Can this really work? If this is the case let's answer some of the most
common questions right now.
Common Question #1 - Alexander Zass was obviously incredibly strong and built.
However I'm curious. I really want to build muscle and add serious size onto my
physique. Can Isometric training do this for me?
Answer - A well designed isometrics course can definitely add size and mass to
anyone's physique if that's what you want. The key is how long you hold the contraction
for. For myself I'm more interested in strength and muscle tone as opposed to having
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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size. This is why I hold the isometric contraction for 7 seconds only when I train.
However if I wanted to build SERIOUS SIZE you can hold the contraction at a lower
intensity for a longer period of time. This will force that much more blood into the
muscles and will help them to grow. In addition if you really want to increase muscular
size you will also need to focus on your diet. You will need to consume MORE high
quality calories than your body burns. These extra calories will be needed to build your
muscle mass.
However I should note that although isometrics can make you much bigger and more
muscular you will not be able to achieve the freakish look of contemporary bodybuilders.
The reason for this is because that kind of size can only be a achieved with steroids. I
do not recommend you do this.
Common Question #2 - I'm not interested in building a bodybuilder physique. I want
lean and defined muscles like Bruce Lee. Can Isometric Exercises do this for me?
You bet they can. In fact isometric exercise was one of the main methods that Bruce
Lee used to build his amazing physique. What happened was that Bruce used to lift
weights in order to stay in shape. However he suffered a serious back injury while
weight training. It was so bad that he never lived another day without agonizing pain.
After his injury Bruce abandoned weight lifting and became an isometric fanatic.
The results of Bruce's training were obvious to all to see. He managed to achieve a
ripped to the bone look even though he didn't have great muscular size. Despite the fact
that he only stood 5 foot 7 and weighed less than 140 pounds Chuck Norris stated that
Bruce was pound for pound the strongest man he ever met. And what was one of the
main reasons for his amazing functional strength? Isometrics of course!
Isometric Exercise - Scientifically Proven
Scientific studies have proven how extremely effective isometric exercises can be when
done properly. Let me tell you about one of the earliest studies done - The Springfield
Frog Study of 1920. Frogs? Yes frogs. Let me explain.
The Springfield Frog Experiment
When World War I was over the medical community had a problem. There were so
many wounded soldiers in need of physical therapy yet there was not enough medical
equipment or personal to go around. There was a real concern that many of the solder's
limbs would atrophy from lack of movement. How long could a limb remain motionless
before the effects of atrophy became permanent?
A Question Posed ...
Hoping to answer this question researchers at Springfield College performed an
experiment. They took a number of otherwise healthy frogs and tethered one leg of
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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each to a pole completely immobilizing it. They allowed the other leg to remain free.
What they hoped to determine was how fast the tethered leg wasted away vs the freely
moving leg. From this they could extrapolate the results to the wounded soldiers.
Unexpected and SHOCKING Results!
After 2 weeks the researchers untethered the frogs and examined the results. To their
amazement the tethered leg had not atrophied at all! Instead it was now FAR LARGER
and STRONGER than the freely moving leg. Without intending to the Springfield
researchers had conducted the first tests on the value of isometric exercises. The
tethered frogs were constantly trying to move and free their bound leg. As such they
were always working ALL of the muscle fibers. The tethered leg for all of the frogs was
now so strong that the frogs actually hopped in a lopsided fashion! This is the power of
the Isometric Contraction. Imagine what YOU can achieve if you follow a training
program of isometric exercise!
Common Question #3 - I can see how isometric exercises worked for people like
Alexander Zass and Bruce Lee. However I'm a lot older and haven't exercised for years
(more like "decades"). Can an isometric exercise course help me?
You better believe it. What is great about isometric exercises is that they are uniquely
tailored to the individual no matter what their current physical condition. Let's say you
are Bruce Lee and you're performing an isometric exercise by pressing your palms
together. Obviously "The Dragon" is going to be able to generate a tremendous amount
of force which will benefit him greatly. However if a person does it who is out of shape
will he or she benefit? You bet and just as much as the dragon. As long as you are
exerting yourself to the best of your ability your muscles will react, get stronger, and
grow. There's no need to guess which weight is best for you. With isometric exercises
you are always be working your muscles to their maximum which leads to maximum
Here's a story that will illustrate the power of isometrics at any age. Let me tell you
about Noel Johnson. The self described "Dud at 70, Stud at 80".
How Isometrics Helped Noel Johnson, a DUD at 70, become a STUD at 80!
Noel Johnson was born in 1899 in Heron Lake, Minnesota. As a youth he exercised
regularly and was in excellent shape. Although he excelled at all sports he found he had
a particular aptitude for boxing. As a boxer he was known as "Battlin' Blue Eyes" and he
compiled an impressive win loss record. He continued to box professionally until the age
of 33 when he decided to retire (from boxing) and take on the task of raising a family.
The "American Dream" Takes Its Toll
Taking a job with Texaco Oil in California Noel began to live the American Dream. By
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DIDN'T EXERCISE ALL. Before long he started packing on the pounds and he quickly
lost his chiseled, youthful physique. As the years zoomed by he developed a host of
medical disorders including high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, bursitis, hemorrhoids
and other chronic diseases. When he retired in 1964 neither he nor his wife Zola had
the energy to do anything. This is how Noel describes it from his book "A Dud at 70, a
Stud at 80"
"When I went to work for Convair in 1939 I weighed 130 pounds and was in relatively
good health. Looking back now and with the advantage of hindsight I expect my body
began to really deteriorate about the time I stopped fighting professionally. There was
no longer the urgency to keep in shape and our lifestyle, the average American "Good
Life", included smoking, eating anything and everything I wanted and a lot of social
drinking. When I retired in 1964 25 years later I weighed 170 pounds and was in bad
physical condition.
The result was inevitable. There is just no way you or I or anyone else can ignore the
basic laws of nature and not wind up in the same shape I found myself in at age 65.
Lack of exercise combined with nutritionally empty dead food, alcohol and tobacco
made me a complete dud. Although Zola and I had many interesting things we really
wanted to do after I retired we never got to do any of them. Neither one of us had the
energy or the get up and go to leave the house and enjoy our plans. Out of the
mainstream of life we were retired from everything."
Personal Tragedy brings Renewed Resolution
Shortly after retirement Noel's beloved wife Zola passed away and Noel found himself
alone. But still something stirred in him and he wasn't about to give up on life or love.
This is how he describes what happened next in his book (pg 59).
"I finally did something I had been carefully avoiding avoiding for a long time. I thought. I
used the intelligence the Creator had given me. My mind was a rusty and unused as my
body, but I persisted and gradually ideas began to form.
I was very clear on what I didn't want. I didn't want to be a burden to my children. I didn't
want to be bed ridden and helpless. I felt it was still my personal responsibility to take
charge of my own life and health and I didn't want to turn that responsibility over to
anyone else.
First I stripped down and looked in the mirror. All the classic signs of aging and ill-health
were there. I was overweight with a bulging gut, lack-lustre eyes with unused muscles
hanging slack. I looked defeated. But I used to be a fighter and the thought "defeated"
stirred something in my ego. Here I was about to give up and take the count. I decided
then and there to beat the bell and come out swinging. They can't count you out when
you're trying."
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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A Return To Healthy Living Leads To A Return To LIFE!
Noel came out swinging by first going to a health food store to discuss his situation with
a knowledgeable sales lady. She recommended that he read a number of books on
health and fitness by Paul Bragg. Noel devoured them and followed Bragg's advice.
Besides healthy eating Bragg was also a big advocate of isometric exercise. Armed with
this knowledge started eating right and following a fitness program that was largely
made up of isometric exercises. Before long every debilitating health condition that had
bedeviled him for most of the previous 40 years simply vanished. So much so that in
1971 at the age of 73 newspapers all over California were running articles about him
with titles such as "Superman is Studied at UCD " (University of California at David).
The articles emphasized that he had won three gold medals in the Senior Olympics that
year - the marathon, mile and 10,000 meter races.
A Return To Boxing
From there Noel decided he wanted to resume boxing. In order to do this he needed a
way to dramatically increase his punching power. He decided to go to Hawaii to meet
with Paul Bragg personally in order to get his help. Once there Bragg taught Noel some
isometric exercises that would help him maximize his punching power. Later that year
Noel fought and beat a 40 year old at the senior Olympics. Not bad for an "old" man!
The Rest Is History
Armed with his knowledge of isometrics and healthy living Noel went on to win and
defend his boxing title year after year and was a champion all the way. His radio
interviews and television appearances were the stuff of legends and he was even
featured on five million Wheaties Breakfast of Champions boxes that profiled his
extraordinary exploits.
Noel Johnson passed away in 1995 at the age of 96. Through the power of healthy
eating and isometrics he was able to turn his life around at age 70 - an age long past
when most people just give up (let's face it. Most people give up when they're 30). By
doing so he gained 25 years of real life and adventure. No matter what your age, don't
you want to do the same?
Common Question#4 - I'm a woman who wants to get in shape and get toned.
However I really don't want big muscles. Can an isometric exercise program help me?
You bet they can. Isometrics are a natural form of exercise meaning they work WITH
what nature intended. As a woman when you perform them you will get stronger and
more toned but also more womanly. Your muscles will not get larger unless that is what
you want. It really is the perfect exercise.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Common Question #5 - OK - from reading the story above I can see that isometric
exercises can hugely benefit everyone. However I've also heard that they can raise a
person's blood pressure. Is this true?
Far from it. In fact it will help LOWER your resting blood pressure overtime. However
there is a small grain of truth to this. The fact of the matter is that any form of physical
exertion, from raking leaves to isometrics, will increase your blood pressure. The key is
to make sure that the rise in blood pressure does not happen too quickly or abruptly. In
my "Power Isometrics" course I teach a technique that will help with this greatly. If you
follow this protocol you'll be fine.
(Regardless though before beginning any exercise program of any kind you should see
your doctor first. End of public service announcement)
Common Question #6 - I can see that Isometrics are an incredible form of exercise. If
you want to get stronger and more defined they can help you. If you want want to gain
size they can help you. They only take a fraction of the amount of time as regular
exercises do, plus they can help anyone at any age. However if they are so great why
aren't more people doing them? This is the first time I've really heard about them.
That's a great question which I'll be happy to answer here. Let me tell you about the last
time Isometrics were really popular and the reason they (unfairly) fell out of favor ...
The 1960's Isometrics Boom And Why It Faded ...
Every exercises form, like fashion, goes through times of intense popularity before
fading, only to be rediscovered by another generation decades later. The last big boom
for isometric exercises occurred during the 1960's. During this time period isometrics
were EVERYWHERE. Popular sports stars such as Mickey Mantel and Roger Maris
practiced isometrics. I've already mentioned Bruce Lee, but even President Kennedy
followed an isometric training program on the advice of his doctor. You couldn't walk by
a bookstore or newsstand without seeing books with titles like "Isometrics: Total Fitness
Without Effort" and "The Lazy Man's Guide To Physical Fitness". Isometrics were
everywhere. So why did this popular exercise method fade?
All Fads Fade ...
Isometric Exercises were so popular during this period that I think they could rightly be
called a fad. When anything becomes a fad it typically explodes onto the public's
consciousness like a supernova only to fade just as quickly. Take another look at some
of the book titles I mentioned previously. Fitness WITHOUT EFFORT? The LAZY
MAN'S GUIDE TO PHYSICAL FITNESS? These are idiotic titles. They are promising
RESULTS WITHOUT WORK. Unfortunately far too many people, particularly people
who fall for fads, heed this siren's call. Isometrics ARE EASY TO LEARN. However,
THEY ARE NOT EASY TO DO. When people learned this it is inevitable that they would
move onto the next no effort quick fix scheme. Sad but true.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Unfairly Tarred With Steroids
The second factor in the demise of isometrics has to do with their unfair association with
steroid abuse. Here's what happened. Taking performance enhancing drugs to improve
athletic performance started to really take hold in the late 1950's. When the weightlifters
and other athletes at the time were asked how they were achieving their record setting
performances they obviously didn't say "We're taking steroids." Instead they would often
say that they were following a system of "Functional Isometrics". This was actually
partially true. Isometrics are incredibly effective and they were being used by many
athletes at this time to improve their performances. However steroids were still a major
factor in their improved performances, and this wouldn't remain a secret much longer.
The Truth Comes Out
Overtime steroid abuse began to filter down from the elite athletes down to the more
general fitness community. Whenever anyone was asked how they were making such
terrific progress the athletes in question would respond with the same story ... "Isometric
Exercises". Again, partially true but definitely not the whole story. When the truth DID
come out though (and it always does) isometrics unfortunately become smeared by the
steroid brush. In the public's consciousness ALL of the gains made by the athletes were
the results of steroids and isometrics were only a cover story with no value in and of
themselves. This is simply not true. However the damage was done and isometric
exercises faded from the fitness scene.
An Isometrics Revival?
Like I said before the truth, eventually, does come out. The fact remains that isometrics
are an incredibly effective form of exercise that anyone can do. I think as the steroid
scandals have faded people are beginning to rediscover this ancient and incredibly
effective form of exercise. Why? BECAUSE IT WORKS!
My Isometrics Story
My name is David Nordmark and I created this website. It is my firm belief that if you
want to get in terrific shape you only need to use the tools that mother nature in her
wisdom have already provided for us which is our own bodies. Any animal you can think
of posses strength, endurance and stamina that puts modern man and woman to
shame. Do they run on treadmills or lift weights? Of course not. All they need to do is to
work with their own bodies. It's all you need too.
Always Searching
I'm constantly searching and trying out new forms of exercise. Originally I fell in love
with bodyweight exercises as well as bodyweight exercises based on actual animal
movements. I've actually written two ebooks on these subjects which you can read
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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about here and here. I'm also a big believer in Yoga. However when I rediscovered
isometrics exercises I felt an excitement I haven't felt since I performed my first Hindu
Pushup. Here is a form of exercise that :
Can be done anywhere
Can be done at anytime
Takes less than 1/2 an hour to perform
Gives a full body workout
Builds muscle as well as muscular definition
Builds strength and muscle tone at the same time
Is incredibly safe
Is incredibly effective
It Just WORKS!
Through trial and error I've tried many different kinds of isometric training programs and
courses. However in my estimation they all were lacking in one degree or another. This
is why I've taken the steps to create my own course.
Introducing POWER ISOMETRICS - The Ultimate Strength Training and Body
Sculpting Course for Men and Women
This program is NOT an eBOOK. It is a full isometric course with accompanying DVD's
that will show you how to achieve your health and fitness dreams. By following my
program you will be able to achieve maximum results in the minimum amount of time.
When you follow my course it will not be long before your friends and family notice a
difference. "How are you doing it?." they'll wonder. You can tell them if you want to, or
keep it to yourself, it's up to you.
So How About IT? Are You Ready To Change Your Body And Your LIfe?
No Matter Who You Are POWER ISOMETRICS can help YOU!
• If You're an Athlete Looking to Get Stronger For Sport - Athletes as diverse as BRUCE
from isometric training. Imagine what an ISOMETRICS COURSE can do for you!
• If YOU simply wanted to look stronger and more defined POWER ISOMETRICS can
do it for you, and in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it in a gym!
• If You're a WOMAN who wants to STRONGER and FITTER without sacrificing your
femininity POWER ISOMETRICS is for you. By following this program diligently you'll
develop muscle tone and strength. Say Goodbye to flabby underarms forever!
• If You haven't exercised in decades POWER ISOMETRICS can get you back on the
road to unreal Health and Vitality. It's never too late. Being out of shape at 30 is no
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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different than 70. Think of Noel Johnson. Don't you want to regain your health so that
you can live the life of your dreams?
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Other Products From Animal Kingdom
Power Isometrics - The Complete System of Natural
Strength Training And Body Sculpting For Men And
If you like the results you are getting by following an isometrics program for your arms,
imagine what you can achieve when you exercise your entire body! This modern
isometric program will allow you to strengthen and tone your entire body in less than 1/2
an hour a day. Note that this program is not an eBook but is a full isometric training
course that includes two DVDʼs as well as a full course binder. If you want to take your
isometric training to the next level this is the course to do it.
Lose Weight Without Dieting The Animal Kingdom Way
In this eBook I outline the steps I took to lose 30 pounds naturally and easily. Living in
the modern world, most men and women find themselves cut off from the natural
rhythms of nature. Without realizing it, you have acquired many un-natural habits
concerning food, and this is why it is so hard to lose weight and keep it off. However,
once you learn what these habits are and make minor changes to them, you will find the
weight will come off an stay off. Your body WANTS to be at a healthy weight. When you
follow these simple steps that worked for me, you will be working with your natural self
and nature. You will become the person you know you can be, without the extra weight.
No dieting involved.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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Natural Fitness - Natural Body Weight Exercises for
Men and Women
Animals are able to get as strong and healthy as they are by using nothing but their own
body weight. If you want to be strong and healthy, the kind of person who turns heads,
you would be wise to follow their example. In this eBook (with the help of Karen and
Kerry) I teach you the best bodyweight exercises I know of. They can be done
anywhere at anytime, in a little as 15 minutes a day. Take the first steps to a new you
Animal Workouts - Animal-Inspired Strength and
Conditioning Workouts for Men and Women
In “Natural Fitness - Natural Body Weight Exercises for Men and Women”, I outlined
some of the best bodyweight exercises I know of to get you in animal-like shape. In this
book, I show you (with Karen and Kerryʼs help!) exercises that are truly based on animal
movements. What makes these animal workouts truly unique from anything on the
market is how FUN they are. Youʼve probably never seen anything like them. These
exercises work great as a complement to “Natural Fitness”, or they can be an incredibly
effective workout all on their own.
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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About the Author
David Nordmark has a life-long interest in health and fitness.
In the past he has participated in such sports as soccer,
basketball and hockey. He also was once an avid runner and
weightlifter but has since come to his senses. Today he
mainly does natural exercises like yoga, isometrics and the
bodyweight exercises found on his website, www.animalkingdom-workouts.com. He is also available as a personal
fitness trainer to those who are really committed to changing
their health and lifestyle for the better. Information on this can
be found on his website: www.animal-kingdom-workouts.com
David lives in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia Canada,
although he really wouldnʼt mind living somewhere else
during the winter. Heʼs currently working on making that
dream a reality.
If you have any questions for him, feel free to contact him using the contact form that
can be found on his website. Hereʼs the link:
About the Model
Carolina Sanchez is a Vancouver-based
model who is available for fitness, glamour
and commercial modeling work. She can be
reached at c_san85@hotmail.com. To view
her portfolio visit
Copyright © 2009 David Nordmark. All rights reserved.
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