User Guide - Ariot CAL
User Guide - Ariot CAL
Ariot‐CAL Release Candidate(RC) 1 User Guide Version 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................ 2 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 4 ABOUT THIS USER GUIDE ..................................................................................................................... 5 GETTING STARTED – ARIOT‐CAL FOR THE STUDENT.............................................................................. 6 INFORMATION NEEDED FOR OPENING CLASSES AND ASSIGNING PROGRAMS (TEACHER)............................................ 6 Students' List.......................................................................................................................................... 6 OPEN GRADES AND CLASSES, INSERT STUDENTS AND ASSIGN PROGRAMS (SITE MANAGER) ...................................... 9 PREPARE THE COMPUTER LAB (IT MANAGER).................................................................................................. 12 Lab Requirements................................................................................................................................ 12 Schools Settings ................................................................................................................................... 13 School's Details ................................................................................................................................ 14 Media Source ................................................................................................................................... 16 Location Recognition........................................................................................................................ 17 Allow Flash to Record / Avoid Pop Up box Repeating ..................................................................... 19 Check Headset.................................................................................................................................. 20 Create Desktop Shortcut for Ariot‐Cal................................................................................................. 20 Run Lab Test (IT Manager / Site Manager): ........................................................................................ 21 FIRST ARIOT LESSON IN LAB (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER / IT MANAGER) ............................................................. 22 ARIOT‐CAL FOR THE STUDENTS, FLOW AND FEATURES (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER) ............................................... 23 Logging In............................................................................................................................................. 23 Navigation............................................................................................................................................ 25 Current Student Location/Path in the Lomda ..................................................................................... 29 Activities Key Features......................................................................................................................... 30 Recording Activities ............................................................................................................................. 35 Nikud Movie......................................................................................................................................... 37 Printing an Activity............................................................................................................................... 38 Progress Blocking................................................................................................................................. 39 LOGGING OUT:............................................................................................................................................ 40 TroubleShooting .................................................................................................................................. 41 BUGS REPORT: ............................................................................................................................................ 42 ARIOT STRUCTURE (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER)............................................................................................... 43 Review and Reinforcement ................................................................................................................. 44 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 2 ADMIN (BACK END) – TEACHERS' INTERFACE (SITE MANAGER / IT MANAGER)................................... 45 LOGIN AND PERMISSIONS .............................................................................................................................. 45 USERS AND GROUPS TAB .............................................................................................................................. 47 Create New .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Creating New School: ....................................................................................................................... 48 Creating a New Class:....................................................................................................................... 49 Creating New Students: ................................................................................................................... 50 Moving a Student from Class to Class:............................................................................................. 51 View / Edit............................................................................................................................................ 52 Assign Programs................................................................................................................................... 53 REPORTS TAB .............................................................................................................................................. 54 Profile Form ......................................................................................................................................... 54 Marks Report (Teacher / Site Manager / IT manager) ....................................................................... 57 Comparative Report ............................................................................................................................ 62 Skills Report ......................................................................................................................................... 63 Path Report.......................................................................................................................................... 66 RECORDINGS TAB (TEACHERS / SITE MANAGERS / IT MANAGER) ........................................................................ 68 ORDER LICENSES TAB ................................................................................................................................... 69 GENERAL FEATURES ..................................................................................................................................... 70 MARKS CALCULATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 71 SKILLS TREE........................................................................................................................................ 73 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 3 INTRODUCTION Ariot‐Cal is an internet based multimedia application which is an integral part of the TaLAM first grade Hebrew as a foreign language curriculum. The program allows students to work at their own pace according to their own personal needs. Teachers are able to easily manage the learning process while receiving instant reports on students' progress and achievements. Ariot‐Cal is accessible, to students and to teachers, from school, from home or from any location that's connected to the internet. Student Access: Teacher/admin access: Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 4 ABOUT THIS USER GUIDE This user guide is written for 3 types of users, the Teacher, the lab Site Manager and the IT manager. The chapters that refer to each one of the user types are marked as such. The first section of the guide, Getting started – Ariot‐Cal for the students, covers all the basic information needed for using Ariot‐Cal and all there is to know about the students' experience. There are 31 pages containing mainly pictures so there's not a lot to read. The second section deals with the teacher / administrator side of Ariot‐Cal. It applies mainly to the site Manager and the IT Manger. The second section chapters that are important also for the teachers are Marks Report and Recordings Tab. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 5 GETTING STARTED – ARIOT‐CAL FOR THE STUDENT This section of the manual is an overview of Ariot‐Cal’s functionality. Its sections refer to three school players: the teachers (indicated by green), the lab site manager (indicated by purple) and the lab IT manager (indicated by red). The following "getting started" chapters are color coded accordingly. INFORMATION NEEDED FOR OPENING CLASSES AND ASSIGNING PROGRAMS (TEACHER) STUDENTS' LIST In order for the lab site manager to assign the lomdot to your students please provide him with a table that includes the information below: This table should be provided in the format of MS word. TIP: 1. Do not use MS Excel as the table fields can be made smaller and some of the words may not be visible if they are longer than the cell width. When the IT person copies the text he will not copy the whole text but only what is visible. Number First Name Last Name User Name Password Gender 1 David Cohen David 123 Male 2 Shira Ben Harouche Shira Shirab Female 3 Rest of Students . . . . . . . . . . . . TIPS: 1. Keep the User Names and Passwords extremely simple and easy to remember as students will have to type them in each time they access Ariot‐Cal. You may want to use the same password for all of them. 2. Password can be changed later on, by teacher or site manager. User name is fixed and cannot be changed, so think carefully before assigning a username‐ are there other students with the same name? Some ideas are to use the first name and the first letter of the last name (tovas) or use the first letter of the first name and the last name (tshimon). In general it’s not a good idea to use the first name and last name as some students have long surnames and they cannot spell them. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 6 3. Create "login cards" for your students displaying their user name and password. Give them their cards when they enter the lab and collect them when the leave. You may also want to send a login card home with them. Tip: when you create login cards print the usernames and passwords in capital letters, so that it matches the letters on the keyboard. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 7 Class Expected Marks Please set the expected marks range for your class by defining a default "lower mark" and an "upper mark" value for the class. These values indicate what kind of instant feedback the students will get when finishing an activity: if they finish it with a mark that is higher than the "upper mark" value they'll get "Excellent", if they get a mark that is between the 2 values, they'll get "Very Good" and if they get a mark that is below the "lower mark" value they'll get "Good". For example if the upper mark is 85 and the lower is 65 then is a student gets 90, he'll get the "Excellent" feedback, if he gets 78 he'll hear "Very Good" and if 60 he'll see the " Good" feedback. Note: These values can be modified later on for individual students or for the entire class.. TIP: Don't set the upper mark to 100 as they'll never get "Excellent". The reinforcement mechanism is also based on the "lower mark" figure. If a student finished a section (shalom aleph, beit story and so on…) with a mark that's below his "lower mark" he will be presented with a repeat of one or more of the activities in that section, as a reinforcement activity, before being allowed to progress to the next letter. These activities are noted on the reports with a (Ch) next to them, representing "Chizuk" (reinforcement in Hebrew). If you are a classroom teacher, you can skip to page 22. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 8 OPEN GRADES AND CLASSES, INSERT STUDENTS AND ASSIGN PROGRAMS (SITE MANAGER) Make sure you receive the new students' lists and new classes lower and upper marks default values from the teachers as described in the previous chapter. Log into Ariot‐Cal back end: http: Using your school’s admin user name and password. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 9 2 4 1 3 5 The left hand folders tree sets the school hierarchy (#1): School > Grades > Classes > Teachers and Students. By choosing the "Users" tab (#2) and the "Create New" mode from the drop down menu (#3) you will be able to insert new entities. If you select the school from the left hand folders tree you can insert new grades, If you select a grade you can insert new classes and if you select a class you can insert a teacher and students. When you create a new class you have the option to assign one of the teachers that already exists in the database or to create a new one (#4). You must always save (#5) before leaving the screen other wise changes will not take place. Note: When you click on the “+” to open up a grade or class level in the left hand tree, the folder will not be selected. You need to click on the actual name of the grade or class to open the relevant form in the window on the right. TIP: Create one class that contains virtual students for testing purposes. Class name "Testing Class", Students names "kush01". "kush02" and so on… Create these names with relation to your school (here for example, "kush" stands for Kushner) so that they don't clash with other schools' test students user names. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 10 2 1 3 4 Once all students are in place, choose a class folder (#1), the "Assign Programs" mode (#2) and the actual program you'd like to assign (#3). By selecting the checkbox (#4) next to the students' names and clicking on "save" you will assign the lomda to the selected students. Tip: Assign programs to the test students as well. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 11 PREPARE THE COMPUTER LAB (IT MANAGER) LAB REQUIREMENTS 1. The program is designed to run on PC's only running windows XP with SP2 and Internet Explorer 7. 2. PC’s need minimum of 500MB RAM, at least 1GB is recommended. 3. A server is needed for the lab to install the local media and run it off the local server. If no local server is available, the local media can be installed on each individual PC. 4. The lab needs to have enough bandwidth to run the program. If the lab network bandwidth is shared by the rest of the school, the response may be slow during peak hours. Ideally the lab should have a few Mb of bandwidth for running the program. Recording activities take up more bandwidth than regular activities. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 12 SCHOOLS SETTINGS Log into Ariot‐Cal back end: http: Using schools admin user name and password. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 13 Select the "Users" tab > "View / Edit" from drop down (#1). Select the school level from the left hand tree (#2). If a lower level is selected (grade, class…) use the schools drop down to go back to "select school" and then re‐ select the school name. 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 S CHOOL ' S D ETAILS School Net (#3) is set and can be changed only by school net admin. So is school admin user name (#5). School name (#4) and school admin password (#6) name are editable. Set the school's time zone (#7). Daylight saving is enabled by selecting the checkbox (#8). It will affect all times recorded by the system for activities from after the “save’ button is clicked and all the changes are saved. Remember that if you do not save the settings you have made, they will be lost. Note: If you switch back from daylight saving in the middle of a school day then some later activities may appear to have been done before earlier ones. It is best to switch to and from daylight saving time when students are not Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 14 using the system (probably early in the morning). If you forget to switch, you cannot retroactively change the time of activities that have already been done. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 15 M EDIA S OURCE Ariot‐Cal runs relatively heavy flash interactive activities (up to about 1MB each). When 20‐30 computers download this media, the school internet connectivity might be insufficient. To over come this obstacle Ariot‐Cal provides the option to run the media from the school's server or even from the computer's hard drive. 1 2 3 4 5 7 If your school internet infrastructure allows it, you can run the media directly from the Ariot‐Cal server (#1). However, it is strongly recommended that you run it from a local server (#2). To do so you need to download and install the media (#7) and insert the fixed server IP address on which the media was installed (#3). A specific computer can use the school's default settings (#4) or to override them by running the media from its own hard drive (#5). This is possible only after the media has been downloaded and installed on that actual computer (#7). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 16 L OCATION R ECOGNITION Ariot‐Cal detects the students work location (i.e. working from school or from home). Navigation mode, reports and progress options may differ for each location. To allow Ariot‐Cal to recognize the user's location you need to configure the settings in the right hand column. 1 2 3 Location recognition is based on the schools IP address (#1) or on Ariot Cal computer tagging mechanism (#2). Note: Schools may have more than one IP address for different schools sections and/or sometimes have a changing IP address within a given range. The way to overcome this is to insert a series of IP addresses, with each IP address separated by a semicolon (; ). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 17 4 To recognize the PC as a “school PC”, regardless of whether the school has a fixed IP address or not, you can tag each computer by installing a cookie (#2). This may be useful for schools who do not have fixed IP addresses or for schools that have individual computers sitting in other networks outside the main network. Note: you need to make sure that thecookie is not erased when re‐booting. First set the cookie and then make an image of the computer for rebooting. After completing the school's setting don't forget to save (#3) At the bottom of every screen, student end and admin, you'll find a status line (#4) stating the: 1. Application Server: This tells you the current version of the platform running on the Ariotcal server. 2. Media source: This tells you the location of the media (Ariot‐Cal Server / Schools Server / Computer's Hard Drive) and the version number of the media that you are using. If you are using local media and newer version is available for download, a notification message will appear. 3. Location: This will tell you how the platform recognizes the location of your computer ‐ School / Home and the method it uses to do so (IP address / Tagging). You may need to scroll down to see the status line. Note: If you find that you are working from school and the PC is recognized as working from home (or visa versa, please check the settings of the computer and school defaults in the user tab. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 18 Enable Recording A LLOW F LASH TO R ECORD / A VOID P OP U P BOX R EPEATING Some of the Ariot activities involve students recording themselves. For privacy reasons an internet site is not allowed to operate the flash recorder to access the computers microphone unless the user explicitly allows it and gives permission. The permission is per computer. To activate the recording option you must follow the steps outlined below: 1 3 2 4 Go to Ariot‐Cal login page: left click on the lion and then right click on it. Choose "Settings…" from the dropdown menu. The "Adobe Flash Player Setting" popup will appear (#1). Select the security tab (#2). Then click the "Allow" radio button (#3). To avoid the popup of this box each time the student is trying to record tick the "Remember" check box (#4). Note: This has to be done for each computer. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 19 C HECK H EADSET To make sure your headset works properly and the computer settings are properly defined use the microphone tab (#1) 4 1 When you speak you should see the visual signal (#4). If it doesn't react check headset and computer settings. Note: This has to be done for each head set and computer. Note: if you are using an external microphone, you may find that in the above test you see a visual signal, even though your microphone is not plugged in. Your computer may be listening to you via the built in microphone but the settings may be for the external microphone. In this case it looks like the microphone is working but you will not be able to record. Make sure that the microphone is plugged in! CREATE DESKTOP SHORTCUT FOR ARIOT‐CAL Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 20 Create a desktop shortcut to ease the students' login process. Make sure this shortcut doesn't get erased when rebooting the computers. RUN LAB TEST (IT MANAGER / SITE MANAGER): This test is to verify if the lab is ready for the students. You will need 3‐5 people to run this test and it will last about 30 minutes. Use the "Testing Class" you opened to ensure success when the actual students visit the lab for the first time. 1. Turn on all computers 2. Use the "Testing Class" user names and passwords to login to Ariot‐Cal from all of them. 3. Enter the letter Aleph from all computers (if you are in linear mode then you will automatically start with Aleph). Make sure activities load quickly (5‐10 seconds) and that none of the computers freeze. 4. Note: the first 2 activities you'll be facing will be recordings ones. This is a good opportunity to check them. Record yourself, listen to yourself and then click the (v) icon to send the recording to the system. Although you are now in linear navigation mode, recording activities will not progress to the next activity unless you click the left hand lower arrow (or if you run out of time). Click those arrows to check loading speed in your lab. 5. Once you are logged in, look at the status line at the bottom of the screen and confirm that the media source and location corresponds to how you have setup the computer. 6. Check ALL student's User Names and Passwords: To make sure no mistakes were made while creating user names and passwords and to avoid students not being able to login, take one computer and login as each and every student. Note: Make sure their login cards are accurate. Note: Do not to go past the intro movie other wise the system will "think" the particular student has already progressed to the first activity, or beyond. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 21 FIRST ARIOT LESSON IN LAB (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER / IT MANAGER) We recommend running the first lesson of a class in the following way: 1. Additional adults familiar with the program should be present in the lab for the first lesson so they can assist the students as needed. 2. Explain to the students what Ariot‐Cal is all about. 3. Show them (on a smart board or a presentation) how to log in. 4. Show them the activities features: instructions and pause buttons. Let them know they can pause at any needed time. Although each activity is limited in time, the time countdown pauses when hitting the pause button. 5. Guide them through one recording activity (See Ariot‐Cal for the Student > Recording Activities). 6. IMPORTANT: show the students how to work in a full screen mode (F11 on the computer's keyboard).It is highly advisable that the site manager/IT manager goes around to all the computers and makes sure that they are in full screen mode before the students come into the class. 7. Hand them the login cards, see that they login and get started. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 22 ARIOT‐CAL FOR THE STUDENTS, FLOW AND FEATURES (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER) LOGGING IN When the students come into the lab hand them their login cards. Each login card contains the student’s Ariot‐Cal user name and password. Instruct the students to double click the Ariot‐Cal shortcut that's on the desktop. That shortcut will bring them to the login page: Once a student is logged in he'll be presented with the intro movie. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 23 2 1 The intro movie can be watched till the end, restarted (#1) or skipped (#2). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 24 NAVIGATION When the intro movie ends the student will be presented with the following screen: Ariot Cal offers 2 modes of navigation for the student: 1. Linear Navigation: With this mode the application navigates for the student while taking him from one acitivty to the next. This navigation mode is the default mode for when logging in from School however it can be set differently through the Profile form (See Back End > Profile). 2. Non‐Linear Navigation Here also, when a student finishes an activity, the next one will load itself automatically, only with this mode the student can click the upper letters bar to get to a chapter's menu and choose which ever activity he wants. He can also use the lower "next" and "previous" arrows. This navigation mode is the default mode for when logging in from home however it can be set differently through the Profile form (See Back End > Profile). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 25 Note: If a student is set to work in a linear navigation mode from school and a non‐linear mode from home and while working from home he skipped some activities, the next time he logs in from schools he'll be presented with the skipped activities before being allowed to further progress. Note: Reinforcement activities are presented to a student when advancing to a new letter, only when working in linear navigation mode. If the student is set to work in linear navigation mode he will only have the option of clicking the "lehamshich" (to continue) button as above. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 26 If the student is set to non‐linear navigation mode he will also have the option of clicking one of the upper bar letters to get to the main menu for that letter and pick an activity. 3 2 1 The colors of the upper letter bar indicate the following: #1) Colored letter, blue background: a letter already started by the student #2) Colored later, light background: a letter available to the student but not yet started by him #3) Transparent letter, light background: a letter not yet available for the student Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 27 1 2 When in non‐linear navigation mode the student will also have the option to use the forward (#1) and back (#2) arrows to navigate to the next and previous activities. (This is in addition to choosing an activity by clicking on the upper letters bar.) Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 28 CURRENT STUDENT LOCATION/PATH IN THE LOMDA In the lower, mid section of the screen you will see the student's name and current location in the lomda (#1). 1 This student, Tova Shimon, is in Ariot 1 > Aleph Chapter > Aleph Story Section > Where's the right picture Activity. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 29 ACTIVITIES KEY FEATURES 4 3 2 1 Activities share the following functions: Activity name and its Instructions are heard automatically when starting the activity. Instructions can be played again anytime by clicking the "!" button (#1). If the student does not click anywhere on the activity for 30 seconds, the instructions will be played again automatically. An instructions movie, that shows how to play the activity is available by clicking on the "?" button (#2). This movie plays automatically each time a new type of activity is presented. Where remembering the story is a precondition for playing the activity, a button (#3) for viewing the animated story again is available. You can pause the activity at any time using the pause button (#4), while pausing, the countdown timer pauses as well. TIP: It is important to explain to the student that every time they have a problem or even if they just need to take a break, they can use the "Pause" button. Make sure they know where it is. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 30 1 Beginning in Ariot 2 and onward an additional help button (#1) is available. The system counts the amount of times a student had used this button and it is noted on the students report. Tip: Show the help button to the weaker students. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 31 1 Activities that don't have a clear cut ending (such as answering all the questions) have an inner next button (#1) to allow students in linear mode to progress to the next activity when they are done. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 32 An activity has 3 feedback screens, "Excellent," "Very Good" and "Good". For every class you need to define default values for expected "lower mark" and "upper mark". These values indicate what kind of instant feedback the students will get when finishing an activity: if they finish it with a mark that is higher than the "upper mark" value, they'll get "Excellent", if they get a mark that is between the two values, they'll get "Very Good" and if they get a mark that is below the "lower mark" value they'll get "Good". For example if the upper mark is 85 and the lower mark is 65 then if a student gets 90, he'll get the "Excellent" feedback, if he gets 78 he'll hear "Very Good" and if 60 he'll see the " Good" feedback. Note: These values can be modified later on for the entire class or for individual students. TIP: Don't set the upper mark to 100 as they'll never get "Excellent". Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 33 1 Each activity has a time limit. 30 seconds before the time runs out an animated hourglass will appear (#1). When the allowed time is over the student will move on to the next activity. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 34 RECORDING ACTIVITIES Ariot‐Cal allows students to record themselves reading and singing. The teacher needs to listen to these recordings and assign marks to them (see Back End > Recordings Tab chapter). This is how it works. 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 By clicking on the "Lehakshiv" (listen) button (#1) you hear the singing or the reading (depends on the specific activity) of the poem. Each of the 3 upper buttons (#1, #2, #3) will have waves around them and the small rectangle on top of them when they are in "playing" mode as shown on button #2 here. A second click on the button stops its action. Clicking on the second button "Lashir" or "Likro" (sing or read, depends on the activity) allows the student to practice singing or reading before recording themselves. During singing activities it plays the playback music and lights the words in a synchronized manner. During reading activities it allows the student s to read at their own pace and therefore it doesn't light the words. When a student is ready to record himself, he can click the "Lehaklit" (record) button (#3). After the student recorded himself the first 3 buttons will become disabled and the last 3 will be activated. "Lishmoa and Livdok" (listen and check) button (#4) serves to listen to the recording that was just made. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 35 If he's satisfied with the result he'll click "Lishmor" (save) button (#5) which will send the recording to the teacher to listen and assign a mark to. If he's not satisfied he can click the "Lomchok" (trash) button (#6) which will erase the recording. Clicking "save" or "erase" returns the activity to the starting point: first 3 buttons active and the last 3 disabled. Until time runs out, a student can record himself as many times as he likes. (If the students saved each recording, the system saves them all.) The recording activity does not have a clear cut ending, if a student had enough and he wishes to move ahead he needs to click on the "next activity" button (#7) which will always be available for him. . Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 36 NIKUD MOVIE 1 Clicking the Nikud icons on the right of the screen (#1) will play the nikud flag movie for that letter. Clicking anywhere on the Nikud popup window closes it. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 37 PRINTING AN ACTIVITY 1 When printing an activity (#1) the user and activity information are added to the printout as below (#2). 2 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 38 PROGRESS BLOCKING To prevent students from progressing too quickly, especially when working from home, Ariot‐Cal monitors their progress and blocks them if needed. A student can only progress one letter ahead from where he last finished in the school computer lab. If he finished his last session in the computer lab in the middle of Gimel, in the next session he'll be allowed to progress until the end of Daled. Note: The progress blocking method means that if a student is working consecutive days away from school he may be blocked from progressing by the system. Tip: If you want to open the blocking for a student that is working a few days in a row from home, a sick student for example, you need to: 1. Set his navigation mode to be non‐linear from school 2. Login from school using that student user name and password 3. Go to the next, blocked, letter first activity. You don't need to actually answer any question, just go in and out. Note: when exiting the activity you must use the lower arrows, the upper letters bar or the log out X. Don't just close the browser as the activity will not send a report and the system will not recognize you've been there. 4. That will open the next letter for him. 5. By repeating this action: opening a letter, logging out and entering again with the student user name and password you can open more then one letter for that student. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 39 Logging Out: To exit the application a student should click on the X located on the top left corner of the screen (#1). 1 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 40 TROUBLESHOOTING On each of the students screens there is a FAQ (frequently asked questions) button (#1) that may help you troubleshoot common issues: 1 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 41 BUGS REPORT: In case you find a bug in the program or want to offer a suggestion please e‐mail: Please write Ariot CAl bugs report in the subject line. It is helpful to include as much information about the problem as possible including screens shots. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 42 ARIOT STRUCTURE (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER) 1 2 3 "Ariot" is made up of 4 programs (Lomdot) Ariot 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each lomda contains 5 or 6 chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to 1 letter and is represented on the upper letter navigation bar (#1). Clicking on a letter (when in non‐ linear navigation mode) will take you to that letter’s menu. Each Chapter (letter) contains a few sections. The sections are represented by the round icons (#2). Clicking on a section icon (when in non‐linear navigation mode) will open a pop up menu showing the activities in this section. Each section contains a number of activities. These activities are represented by the thumbnails shown in the section popup menu (#3). Clicking on a thumbnail (when in non‐linear navigation mode) will take you to that activity. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 43 REVIEW AND REINFORCEMENT Ariot‐Cal will re‐present an activity to a student in one of the following scenarios: 1. At the beginning of each chapter (letter), except for Aleph, there's a "Chazara" (review) section that contains 2 activities from the previous chapter. 2. In addition, when passing to the next chapter, Ariot‐Cal checks the student's marks. If the mark for a specific section is lower the student's "lower mark" (see Getting started > Class Expected Marks), one activity from that section will be re‐presented to him before allowing moving on. This is applicable in linear navigation only. Note: when passing from one letter to another a student may be presented with up to 5 (!) activities from the previous letter, three for reinforcement and two for review. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 44 ADMIN (BACK END) – TEACHERS' INTERFACE (SITE MANAGER / IT MANAGER) LOGIN AND PERMISSIONS To access the admin:\admin An admin or teacher logs in by entering a user name and password on the login screen. The Ariot CAL 2.0 platform recognizes 4 levels of administrators: 1. The highest level is the TaLAM admin which can see and manage all Ariot‐CAL users. a. The Talam Admin is the only one who can create profile templates (see reports tab > profile form chapter). b. The Talam Admin is the only one who can delete users or groups c. If you want to save a profile you've created to a template or if you need to delete a user or a group please contact Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 45 2. School network admins can see and manage all Ariot‐CAL users that belong to schools of their network. 3. School admins can see and manage all Ariot‐CAL users that belong to their school. 4. Teachers can see their classes. 1 The different administrators levels are color coded (#1). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 46 USERS AND GROUPS TAB CREATE NEW The Users Tab (#1) controls the management of users and groups (schools, grades, teachers and students) and the assignment of Lomdot. Note: All details except user names can be edited by choosing the relevant entity from the tree and the "view/edit" from the modes drop down. See next chapter: "View/Edit". 1 3 2 4 The "Create New" mode lets you build the users tree displayed on the left hand window (#2). You can open new grades; new classes, assign teachers to these classes and create usernames and passwords for students. In order to create a new entity you need to select its parent entity from the tree and then select the "create new" from the mode selection drop down (#3). In the above example the grade level is selected from the tree and therefore the "create new" mode allows me to insert a new class. Note: Changes must be saved (#4) before leaving the screen or they will be lost. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 47 C REATING N EW S CHOOL : 2 1 3 When creating a new school you need to define the schools details (#1), its media source (#2) and its location recognition method (#3). For details see Getting Started > Schools Settings chapter. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 48 C REATING A N EW C LASS : 1 2 When creating a new class you have to fill in the class default upper and lower marks (#1). These mark define the feedback the student will see at the end of each activity (Excellent, Very good or Good) as well as the need for reinforcement. If the teacher for the class is already assigned to another class, then you can select that teacher from the dropdown (#2). This way a teacher can be assigned to more then one class. If you want to define a new teacher for the class, then leave ‘new teacher’ in the dropdown. After you save the class form and create the class, the new class folder will appear on the tree on the left. When clicking on that class folder the “create new” mode will first ask you to insert the new teacher's details and only afterwards will it allow you to insert the students. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 49 C REATING N EW S TUDENTS : 1 When creating a new student the student's Gender and Grouping (#1) need to be defined. This data will be used for future reports and analysis. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 50 M OVING A S TUDENT FROM C LASS TO C LASS : 2 3 1 If you want to move a student from one class to another ,select the student on the left hand tree (#1), select the "view/edit" mode (#2) and use the grade and the class dropdowns (#3) to change his location. Note: When a student is moved to a different class his achievements history moves with him, for example, if you move a weak student from class 1a to class 1b, the average class mark of class 1b may drop and the average class mark of class 1a may rise. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 51 VIEW / EDIT 1 2 By choosing View / Edit mode from the mode selection drop down (#1) you can view or edit any of the entities (#2) from the left hand tree. For safety purposes, deleting (#3) is a privilege assigned to Talam Admin only. If you wish to delete a user or a group please contact Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 52 ASSIGN PROGRAMS 2 1 3 4 To Assign Lomdot to specific students choose a class from the school's tree (#1) , select "assign programs" from the modes drop down (#2) , select the program you'd like to assign (#3) and select the checkbox next to the student (#4) to whom you want to assign the program. Note: Do not forget to “save” or the programs will not be assigned. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 53 REPORTS TAB PROFILE FORM 2 3 5 8 9 4 7 6 1 Update Screen Shot The Student's (#1) Profile form lets you personalize the learning profile of the student. By choosing the Profile (#2) report from the modes selection dropdown and the Lomda (#3) you want to personalize, you can define the navigation modes (#4) for school and home, adjust the higher and lower marks (#5) , turn off activities or sections (#6) and control the time budget (#7). The time budget includes the expected time for each activity and the allowed time for each activity. Students get extra marks for finishing activities in less than the expected time and marks are deducted for taking longer than the expected time. The allowed time determines when the activity will time out. All activities have preprogrammed defaults for allowed and expected time. These values can be changed and saved for individual student profiles. You can load pre‐saved profile templates (#8). When you load a profile template, the current student profile will change to match the template. Do not forget to save the changes. Only TaLAM admin has admin privileges to save a modified profile as a template (#9) for all other users to load. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 54 Note: When setting navigation modes it affects ALL lomdot assigned to that student and not only the one you're currently viewing. Note: Don't forget to save. The save button is at the bottom of the screen. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 55 Profile templates will be created for common student profiles and can be assigned to students by using the class profile from. Note: Only Talam Admin can publish a profile as a profile template. If you have created a profile that you think would serve other students and you'd like to publish it as a profile template please contact and indicate which student profile it is. Note: When setting navigation modes it affects ALL lomdot and not only the one you're currently viewing. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 56 MARKS REPORT (TEACHER / SITE MANAGER / IT MANAGER) 2 3 5 7 8 1 4 6 8 The marks report is the main report of the system. It shows the students’ achievements broken down into activities, sections, chapters (letters) and Lomdot. Select a student (#1) from the tree and then from the reports dropdown select “marks” (#2). A dropdown box will appear and allow you to select a lomda (#3). Once you select a lomda, a new dropdown box will appear and allow you select a chapter. As you make selection from each subsequent dropdown that opens, you can continue to drill down into the lomda until the level of a specific activity as follows: Lomda > Chapter (letter) > Section > Activity. You can generate the report (#4) at any stage. If you generate the report after selecting the Lomda only, you will get a report for the entire Lomda. If you generate the report after selecting the Lomda and chapter you'll get the report for the chapter and so on. You can generate a current report which will display the most recent results until today’s date or you can generate a previous report by choosing a different date (#5). The table (#6) in the lower part of the report presents all the data used to generate the upper graph (see next page for shortcut explanations). The data categories chosen on the right hand bar (#7) are presented on the upper chart (#8) when the graph is generated. They are color coded to match the bars in the graph. The graph will show the data elements that have been selected. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 57 Tip: While it is possible to select all the data elements, it will result in a longer waiting period for the graph to be generated and we recommend selecting a maximum of 3‐4 elements per report for best performance. You can also print the entire report or export the table to excel (#9) Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 58 The following data is presented in the report (table shortcuts explanation): See marks calculation algorithms in the Marks Calculation chapter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Marks ‐ orange a. (ST) For the Student b. (CL) Class average Help (not present on upper chart) – no color a. (I) Number of times instruction were called b. (S) Number of times the story animation was called M + T = Mark adjusted to include activity completion time factor in relation to expected time ‐ green a. (ST) For the Student b. (CL) Class average Comp = % Completion ‐ purple a. (ST) For the Student b. (CL) Class average Time on Task (on table shown in minutes, on chart as a percentage of allowed time) ‐ blue a. (ST) Actual time taken for the Student to complete each activity, section, chapter etc. b. (CL) Class average for time taken to complete each activity, section, chapter etc. c. (Exp) Expected time for the Student to complete each activity, section, chapter etc. d. (Allow) Allowed time for the Student to complete each activity, section, chapter etc. This is the core data of the system and it will be presented on Mark, Comparative and Skills reports. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 59 This is a marks report for the student Yoni Raveh for Ariot 1 > Chapter Aleph > Section words with Aleph. The chart presents Yoni's marks as compared to the class average These charts emphasize the marks compared to completion or time factors. Note: When changing the data you want to present on the chart by selecting the checkboxes on the right bar, you have to click on the "Get Report" button again. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 60 2 1 The marks report for the class (#1) presents a comparison graph of the students' (#2) achievements in that class. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 61 COMPARATIVE REPORT The comparative report is an advanced mode of the marks report. It helps you compare sections of the lomda that are not consecutive. This screen shot, as an example, shows a comparison between the sections Shalom Aleph, Shalom Vav and Shalom Lamed, each belongs to a different Ariot. You can also compare different levels (lomdot, chapters, sections, activities). For example you can compare the preparation section for Gimel (a section that summarizes the knowledge needed to continue to that letter) to the entire lomda of Bet and discover that although the student didn't do so well in Bet, he is ready for Gimel (or vise versa). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 62 SKILLS REPORT Each activity on the TaLAM CAL Lomdot is related to its section and chapter. It is also related to one or more skills from a master skills list created as a tree hierarchy of applicable skills. This activity belongs to Ariot 1 > Aleph > Words with Aleph. As opposed to the Lomda structure, in the skills structure an activity can be related to more than one parent. This activity is related to the following skills: • מערך הלמידה < בדיקה • מושגים מארגנים < משפחה • מקומות < בבית • קריאה < חזותית • משפט שמני < פשוט • שמות עצם < זכר ונקבה The entire skills structure is presented in the Skills Tree chapter. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 63 2 3 4 5 1 The skills report presents the exact same data as the marks report only for a different set of activities grouping. You select a student (#1) from the users' tree, the skills from reports tab mode drop down (#2). Then you select the skill itself from the skills tree dropdown menus (#3). You can also filter the results (#4) by choosing the specific areas of the lomda you want to investigate. Then you click on the "Get Report" button (#5) to generate the report. Note: You need to select at least the lomda level from the filter dropdown otherwise the system does not know for which activities to generate a skills report. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 64 1 2 The skills report includes an option of generating a report over the course of time. By selecting the "History" radio button (#1) you have the option to choose a range of dates, and to indicate whether you want to present the data weekly or monthly (#2). The report shows how the student is progressing in mastering the skill over the course of time. You can choose which data to display on the graph by selecting the checkboxes on the right bar. Class current and historical skills report show the same data for the entire class. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 65 PATH REPORT 1 3 4 5 2 6 7 The Path report (#1) shows the order in which the student has been performing activities (#2). You get to see whether he worked from home or from school (#3), the navigation mode he used (#4), the activities he performed (#5), how much time he spent on each (#6) and the marks he received for each activity (#7). Icons Legend: 1. 2. Location a. School b. Home Navigation a. Linear b. Non‐Linear Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 66 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 67 RECORDINGS TAB (TEACHERS / SITE MANAGERS / IT MANAGER) 2 3 1 4 5 6 8 7 The recording activities are the only activities that are not assigned marks by the platform. Instead they have to be listened to and marked by the teacher. Choose a student from the school tree (#1). Click on the recording tab and select a Lomda to listen to its recordings (#3). For each recording that was made you will see a line of information (#4) which contains, from left to right, the date, location, navigation mode, time, letter and section. Then you get a page icon (#5), by clicking on it you'll be presented with the recorded text. The player (#6) allows you to listen to the recording while the drop down menu (#7) allows you to assign the mark. A student can record himself as many times as he wants (until running out of time on the activity). While the system displays and saves all the recordings, only the last given mark of each recording activity is used. Note: After assigning the marks don't forget to save (#8). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 68 ORDER LICENSES TAB The order licenses tab will be added to the system in the near future. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 69 GENERAL FEATURES 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 Clicking on the "?" button (#1) activates help tips (#2) that summarize key functionality. When you move your mouse over elements a popup box will appear with an explanation for that element. Clicking on the ‘?” button again deactivates the help tips. In order to keep students' privacy during public TaLAM CAL presentations or class reports, you can hide all names (#3, #4) by un‐checking the "Show Names" check box (#5). If the report was already generated before hiding the names you have to click on "Get Report" to re‐generate it with hidden names. All screens are printable (#6). The lower data table can also be exported to excel (#7). Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 70 MARKS CALCULATIONS The Ariot CAL activities are built in such a way that if a student made a mistake the question is either going to remain in front of him until finding the right answer or return later on. Therefore the marks calculation is not based on whether the student found the answer but rather how many mistakes he made until he found it. Marks are calculated as following: Student Mark 100 ‐ (% of actual mistakes made out of the total number of possible mistakes). For example: if an activity has 10 possible mistakes and a student made 2 he'll get the mark of 80. Class mark Sum of the Mark for each student in a class (who had this activity in his profile) divided by the number of students subscribed {Average} Student mark + time Mark – [20 * (actual time – expected time) / expected time)] Class mark + time Average of above Student completion The percentage of questions the student had answered out of the total amount of questions in the activity (if he answered 7 of 10 questions he'll get 70% completion) Class completion Average of above Student time on task The amount of time he spent on the activity. Presented on upper chart as a percentage of the allowed time. Class time on task Average of above Expected time on task Estimated time set for that activity Allow time on task Max time of activity Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 71 Recording Activities Student mark Assigned by teacher Class mark Average of above Student mark + time Mark – [20 * (actual time – expected time) / expected time)] Class mark + time Average of above Student completion 100 Class completion Average of above Student time on task The amount of time he spent on the activity. Presented on upper chart as a percentage of the allowed time. Class time on task Average of above Expected time on task Estimated time set for that activity Allow time on task Max time of activity Grade (with the assumption there are different profiles for different students) Class mark Average of subscribed students in class Class mark + time Average of subscribed students in class Class completion Average of subscribed students in class Class time on task Average of subscribed students in class Expected time on task Average of subscribed students in class Allow time on task Average of subscribed students in class Special Activities: Browsing the book (Ani Koreh ani Koret) and puzzles always get a mark of 100. Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide 72 רמה 1 אפיקי תקשורת רמה 2 רמה 3 SKILLS TREE האזנה תפקודית 601 עיונית 602 יוצרת 603 קריאה רמה 1 תוכן רמה 2 מערך הלמידה רכישה 101 למידה 102 בדיקה 103 הפנמה 104 יצירה 105 הערכה 106 תפקודית פונטית 701 עיונית 702 יוצרת 703 חזותית 704 מלאה 705 הבעה בע"פ תפקודית 801 עיונית 802 יוצרת 803 מושגים מארגנים משפחה 201 דומם 202 צומח 203 חי 204 כלי תחבורה 205 מקצועות ועבודות כיתה 207 צורות 208 צבעים 209 ביגוד 210 חגים 211 שבת 212 רגשות 213 גוף 214 חושים 215 אינטיליגנציות 216 אוכל 217 נקיון 218 ריהוט 219 תכונות 220 כתיבה תפקודית 901 עיונית 902 יוצרת 903 רמה 1 תבניות לשון רמה 2 רמה 3 משפט שמני פשוט 1001 מורחב 1002 כולל 1003 בחיוב 1004 בשלילה 1005 משפט פועלי פשוט 1006 מורחב 1007 כולל 1008 בחיוב 1009 בשלילה 1010 מקומות בכיתה 301 בביה"ס 302 בבית 303 בחוץ 304 בביהכנ"ס 305 בישראל 307 בעולם 308 משפט שאלה פשוט 1011 מורחב 1012 כולל 1013 בחיוב 1014 בשלילה 1015 משפט ציווי זמן יממה 401 ימי השבוע 402 שבת 403 חודשי השנה 404 עונות השנה 405 קו הזמן 406 ימים מיוחדים 407 פשוט 1016 מורחב 1017 כולל 1018 בחיוב 1019 בשלילה 1020 אוצר מילים פעיל 1101 נושא 1102 מבנה רמה 3 מידע שורש 1103 שם פועל 1104 סמיכות 1105 ערכים 501 עקרונות 502 איך לומדים 503 תווך 1106 מיליות 1107 ריבוד לשוני 1108 73 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide רמה 1 מיומנויות למידה רמה 2 רמה 3 מדרש תמונה תפקודי 1301 עיוני 1302 יוצר 1303 איתור מידע 1304 סדר לפי 1305 בדיקה עצמית 1306 תכנון 1307 שאילת שאלות שימוש בכל החושים רמה 1 מיומנויות חשיבה רמה 2 עובדה או הנחה השוואה 1402 הנגדה 1403 כלל ופרט 1404 רצף 1405 גורם ותוצאה 1406 קישור 1407 חשיבה רב כיוונית חשיבה יוצרת 1409 נקיטת עמדה 1410 רמה 11 1 דקדוק רמה 2 רמה 3 שמות עצם יחיד רבים 1201 זכר נקבה 1202 התאמת שם פעלים -זמנים הווה 1204 עבר 1205 עתיד 1206 ציווי 1207 בנינים פעל 1208 נפעל 1209 פיעל 1210 פועל 1211 הפעיל 1212 הופעל 1213 התפעל 1214 רמה 3 גזרות שלמים 1215 פ"נ 1216 ל"ה 1217 ל"א 1218 ע"ו 1219 ע"ע 1220 פ"י/ו 1221 74 Ariot‐CAL RC1 User Guide