Banda islands


Banda islands
I N D O N E S I A N N E W S - O C T O B E R 2 0 1 1 , V O L . X I V/1 0
(AJPF) is not just an annual event but
also a major part of a project for the
advancement of generations. AJPF is a
vehicle to bring the performing arts to
Maluku, with the main aim to generate
enough funds to build the related
education infrastructures –
Amboina Art & Science Academy
(AASA) for future generations to come.
We believe that the spirit of the industry
of art & science is in this region of
South East Asia.
After a successful AJPF 2011, held in the
center of the city of Ambon, Pattimura
park to be exact, next year, 2012, we
would like to again invite the world
to come to the officially inaugurated
the MUSIC CITY of Indonesia, Ambon.
We would like the musicians from all
over the world to consider coming,
participating, spectating, or whatever
you wan to be, during 2012 Festival in
this island city. Year 2012 will be the
year of “COMING HOME,” to those that
love musics, to those that play music,
to those that are crazy about music.
Consider coming to Ambon Jazzz Plus
Festival 2012 as your ” COMING HOME.”
Art & Music are the soul of the people of
Maluku and integrated strongly in their
culture and daily living.
Therefore, a festival in this magnitude
is more than just to do it in Ambon, the
Music City.
7 - 9 October - 2011 - Ambon - Indonesia
Ambon Jazz Plus Festival
Ambassador’s Note
October 2011
Distinguished readers,
The edition of October 2011 we have named it the “colourful” edition because it
contains a variety of news and information that are important, interesting and pleasant
to be read. The first “colour” of the month would be the news regarding the reshuffle
of the 2nd Indonesian United Cabinet by the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
in order of organizing the division of tasks between the Ministries, also to refresh the
composition to speed up the acceleration of Cabinet performance, particularly to
accelerate the economic development and national development in general.
The second “colour” is about the various agenda regarding the progressions of
ASEAN under the leadership of Indonesia in 2011, to establish the worldwide ASEAN
community along with the development of Indonesia’s international cooperation.
The month of October was also marked with 66th Anniversary of Indonesian National Defense Forces on 5th
of October 2011, at the same year as the Proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia
on 17th of August 1945. The ceremony was led by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta,
which was also commemorated on the same day in Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, followed by shooting
competition and cocktail organized by the Defense Attache of Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade.
Speaking about the “colours”, it would be incomplete if we do not speak about culture. The October’s
edition contains about increased cooperation of student exchange who are studying in Indonesia and
Serbia, inter-religious dialogue, promotion of Indonesian language and diverse culture. And the last, but not
least, is about music. This time particularly about jazz music that is highly developed in Serbia and Indonesia,
one of those are 3rd Ambon Jazz Plus Festival in Indonesia, and 27th Belgrade Jazz Festival in Serbia.
When we speak of music in Indonesia, it only could be completely if we speak of Maluku, a province in the
eastern part of Indonesia with its capital of Ambon, as the province of thousand islands that are famous
for its spices, seafood, pearls as well as for extraordinary singers – which also, is my hometown. In the travel
rubric of this edition, we are presenting the Banda Islands that has been famous since ancient time.
Wishing you pleasant reading of our “colourful” edition as reflection of the many colours of the cooperative
relations between Indonesia and Serbia.
Semuel Samson
President announced results of cabinet reshuffle
Indonesia, Slovakia stepping up economic cooperation
President: Promote ASEAN’s single identity through understanding
President to meet with world leaders during G20 meeting
Trade Expo Indonesia drew trade missions from 44 countries
Indonesia fourth in world’s trade volume growth
RI - Germany interfaith dialogue discussed multiculturalism
Around 600 Papua artists participated in Art Festival
Komodo visited by 42.000 foreign tourists this year
RI can be example of inter-religious harmony
Gorontalo aspires to become world-class corn producing region
AJPF: Ambon set to become a city of music extravagant
Banda islands
Celebration of 66th Indonesian National Armed Forces Day
Serbian scholarship students 2011 generation departed to Indonesia
Indonesian language courses in Belgrade
Ambon Jazz Plus Festival 2011
Belgrade Jazz Festival marked the 80th birthday of Serbian jazz
maestro Duško Gojković
H.E. Semuel Samson
Ariana Yulianti
Eko Himawan
Col. Agoes Joesni
Indah Mekawati
Yudi Tetra Mulya
Eni Diponegoro
Friedo Hubert
Prima Setiani
Dono Legowo
Published by:
Social & Culture Section
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Bulevar kneza Aleksandra
Karadjordjevića 18
11040 Belgrade - Serbia
Ph. 3674062, 3635666
Fax. 3672984, 3574239
Sea turtles in Banda Islands - The Banda Islands are one
of Indonesia’s top destinations for divers. Both experts and
beginners will enjoy themselves as the diving ranges from
the shallow lagoon between Banda Neira and Gunung Api
to the vertical walls of Hatta Island. Diving together with the
sea turtles are one of the most beautiful experiences that
diver could dream.
EQUATOR is a compilation of news taken from National News Agency (ANTARA) and other news sources from Indonesia. The contents does
not reflect particular policy or position of the Embassy of the Republic Indonesia and its beholders. The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
takes the privilege to sort out news material taken from the above mentioned sources and presented in accordance with the coverage of the
materials (political & security, economy, social & culture and international relation issues).
President announced results of
cabinet reshuffle
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono at the credential room of
the Merdeka Palace on October 18, 2011,
night announced the improvement of the
2nd Indonesian United Cabinet members
as the result of the reshuffle process.
The number of ministries remained 34 in accordance with
law no.39/2008 regarding the
state ministries
The number of ministries remained
34 in accordance with law no.39/2008 regarding the State ministries, Yudhoyono
said, adding that functions of two ministries are changed.
On the two ministries change of function, the previous National Education
Ministry now becomes the Education
and Culture Ministry which is equipped
with two vice ministries dealing with education and culture.
In addition, the previous Culture and
Tourism Ministry now becomes the Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry.The
cabinet lines-up as follows:
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Joko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister for the Economy M.
Hatta Rajasa, Coordinating Minister for
People`s Welfare R. Agung Laksono, Minister/State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Home
Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi, Foreign
Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa, Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro,
4 Equator - October 2011
Justice and Human Rights Minister Amir
Syamsuddin, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo, Energy and Mineral Resources
Minister Jero Wacik, Industry Minister MS.
Hidayat, Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan, Agriculture Minister Suswono, Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hasan, Transportation Minister EE Mangindaan, Marine Affairs and
Fisheries Minister Cicip Syarief Sutardjo,
Manpower and Transmigration Minister
Muhaimin Iskandar, Public Works Minister Joko Kirmanto, Health Affairs Minister
Endang Rahayu Setianingsih.
The Education and Culture Minister
Muhammad Nuh, Social Affairs Minister Salim Assegaf Aljufri, Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali, Minister
for National Development Planning/
National Development Planning Board
Chairman Armida Alisjahbana, Tourism
and Creative Economic Minister Mari Elka
Pangestu, Research and Techonology
Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta, Minister for Cooperatives, Small and Medium
Enterprises Syarif Hasan, Minister for Environment
Prof. Dr. Berth Kambuaya, Minister for
Women Empowerment and Child Protection Linda Agum Gumelar, Minister for
State Apparatatus Control and Bureaucratic Reform Azwar Abubakar, Minister
for Disadvantaged Regions Helmi Faisal
Zaini, Minister for State Enterprises Dahlan Iskan, Minister for Communication
and Informatics Tifatul Sembiring, Youth
and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng
and Public Housing Minister Djan Farid.
Meanwhile, the vice ministers linesup are: Vice Minister for Education and
Vice Minister for Culture Affairs are respectively Musliar Kasim and Wiendu
Vice Minister for State Apparatatus
Control and Bureaucratic Reform Eko
Prasodjo, Vice Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar, Vice Trade Minister Bayu
Krisnamurthi, Vice Minister for State Enterprises Mahmuddin, Vice Health Affairs Minister Ali Ghufron, Vice Foreign
Minister Wardana, Vice Tourism Minister
Sapta Nirwandar, Vice Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono
Partowidagdo, Vice Minister for Religious
Affairs Nazaruddin Umar, Vice Minister
for Justice and Human Rights Denny Indrayana, Vice Minister for Defense affairs
Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Vice Minister for
Industry Alex Retraubun, Vice Minister
for Transportation Bambang Susantono,
Vice minister for National Development
Planning Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo,
Vice Minister for Public Works Hermanto Dardak and Vice Minister for Agriculture Rusman Heryawan.
In addition, the President also promoted Lieut.General Marciano Noorman
as Chairman of the State Intelligence
Agency (BIN). Yudhoyono said the vice
ministers in accordance with law no.39/
2008 do not belong to the cabinet ministers.
Indonesia, Slovakia stepping up
economic cooperation
Jakarta - Amid its efforts to develop
economic potentials through a Master
Plan for the acceleration and expansion
of its economic development, Indonesia
is offering cooperation in various economic sectors to Slovakia.
Private Slovakian companies want
to invest US$1 billion in a number
of business sectors in Indonesia
So far, no Slovakian companies have
made investment in Indonesia while the
value of the two-way trade between the
two countries is still less than US$100 million.
Thus the conclusion of agreements
worth US$1 billion on October 11, 2011,
between the private companies of both
nations was a breakthrough in the economic relations of the two countries.
The economic cooperation between
the two countries private sectors was
concluded on sidelines of the visit to Indonesia of Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic who took with him private company leaders to explore cooperation with
their Indonesian partners.
Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa
said there were at least 11 agreements
in several sectors which were concluded
between the private sectors of the two
countries. Business sectors of cooperation included food and petrochemicals.
One of the important sectors of cooperation between a Slovakian firm and the
Andalas University in West Sumatra was
the development of wheat plantation in
Indonesia, he said.
He said that one of the reason of the
Slovakian president to visit Indonesia with
a business delegation was that he was
interested in the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia`s
Economic Development.
Earlier, President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono said that a number of private
Slovakian companies wanted to invest
US$1 billion in a number of business sectors in Indonesia. He told a joint press
conference with Slovakian President
Ivan Gasparovic that the Slovakian firms
would cooperate with Indonesian counterparts in the development of cement
factories in Central Java and West Papua.
Besides, the private companies of the two
countries would also cooperate in the development of a tire factory in Tangerang,
Banten and power plants in West Nusa
Tenggara and Batam.
“In essence, we are encouraging the
private sectors of the two countries to
make use of the opportunities in Indonesia and in Slovakia,” the President said.
In the meantime, state-owned Bank
BNI also concluded a cooperation with
its Slovakian counterpart Eimbanka SR in
order to support and facilitate trade activities between the two countries. “This
cooperation is very strategic because the
trade balance between two counties has
begun to increase significantly every year. The potentials of financial transactions between the two
counties are quite big,”
Bank BNI President Director said after signing the
The cooperation also
give a chance to the stateowned bank to expand its
business in Easter Europe.
The cooperation between
BNI and Eximbaka SR covered various aspects such
as co-financing, co-insurance, reinsurance of export credit risk, assistance
in the management of
non-performing loan, exchange of information in
goods and service trade.
between Eximbanka SR
and BNI provides an opportunity to expand its business to Eastern Europe, in Slovakia in particular. This
also gives a chance to BNI customers to
expand their business to the Western European market and the United States,” he
For this cooperation, Indonesia offers
nine proposals or cooperation agenda to
increase bilateral cooperation of the two
countries. Of the nine agenda is the cooperation in the field of banking for the
interest of trade financing.
So far, Indonesia and Slovakia have
established cooperation through their
central banks to support the increasing
transactions and cooperation in the eco-
nomic fields of the two countries.
The current visit of the Slovakian President with a delegation of private company leaders is expected to further enhance
economic cooperation between the two
The Sovakian President’s visit has
been planned since early this year when
the two countries held a meeting in Indonesia, namely in Jakarta and Surabaya,
last February. During the meeting, Indonesia and Slovakia reached an agreement
that would provide legal certainty for investment cooperation between the two
The agreement would replace an old
one made in 1994 to meet one of the
provisions regarding investment policy
within the European Union. Indonesia
and Slovakia have economic cooperation
potential which has yet to be worked out
optimally after the latter joined the European Union in May 2004.
The bilateral agreement on investment will complement efforts to step up
trade and investment between the two
countries. In the past four years since 2007,
efforts to step up trade and investment
had been made among others through
regular business meetings of Indonesian
and Slovakian Embassies officials.
Equator - October 2011 5
President Yudhoyono leads
ceremony to observe TNI anniversary
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono led a ceremony to mark
the 66th anniversary of Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) at Cilangkap
Headquarters, East Jakarta, on October
5, 2011.
As the inspector of ceremony, the
Head of State was flanked by TNI Chief
Admiral Agus Suhartono, Army Chief
of Staff Gen. Pramono Edhie Wibowo,
Navy Chief of Staf Admiral Soeparno,
and Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal
Imam Sufaat.
Also present on the occasion were
Vice President Boediono, National Police
Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo, a number of
Cabinet ministers, House of Representatives Speaker Marzuki Alie, People`s
Consultative Assembly Chairman Taufik
Kiemas, and several representatives of
friendly countries.
The memorial ceremony was led by
Colonel Sugiharto Prapto who serves as
Wing Commander of Carbolic Air Force
Academy (AAU).
The ceremony also displayed a series
of weaponry and equipment, and featured performances such as parachuting and martial arts, flyby of five Sukhoi
fighter jets and a Hawk fighter jet.
This year`s ceremony to mark the
66th anniversary of TNI was themed,
“With Integrity and Professionalism, TNI
With National Components Are Ready
to Maintain and Uphold the Sovereign-
ty and Integrity of the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)”.
RI, Japanese Foreign Ministers
completed strategic dialogue
Jakarta - Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa and his Japanese counterpart,
Koichiro Gemba, on October 14, 2011,
concluded a two-day strategic dialogue
on their countries` bilateral ties as well
as on regional and global issues.
“Japan and Indonesia have a strategic relationship as reflected in the three
dialogues held between the two countries` Foreign Ministers this year,” Minister Marty Natalegawa told the press.
According to Marty, the issues dealt
with in the strategic dialogue covered
the strengthening of cooperation in the
political sector and security, economic
and inter-community relations of the
two nations.
“In addition to bilateral ties, we also
6 Equator - October 2011
discussed issues in a regional context
such as Japan`s support for the formation of an ASEAN community by 2015
in South East Asia, peace and stability
in the Asia Pacific region and developments on the Korean Peninsula,” Marty
“In a global context, we also raised
the United Nations (UN) reform issue
about the Security Council, Middle East
developments and the climate change
issue,” Marty said.
Both Foreign Ministers also discussed a preparations for the upcoming ASEAN-Japan Summit and the East
Asian Summit (EAS) which will take
place in November 2011.
Apart from that, the two Foreign
Ministers expressed their optimism regarding the achievement of the Joint
Declaration, the ASEAN-Japan Plan of
Action and the Declaration of EAS which
is expected to open new horizons for
wider cooperation in the region.
Marty and his Japanese counterpart
also held a dialogue on the sidelines of
the United Nations General Assembly
in New York on September 21.
Koichiro Gemba paid a visit to Jakarta after visiting Singapore and Malaysia.
ASEAN groups Brunei Darussalam,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, the
Philippine and Vietnam.
President: Promote ASEAN’s single
identity through understanding
Nusa Dua, Bali - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said ASEAN`s single
identity could only be promoted through
understanding and appreciation of the diversity and history equation, cultural heritage, and the way of life.
The President made the statement at a
function to open ASEAN Fair 2011 at Nusa
Dua Convention Center in Bali on October
24, 2011.
“The idea of ASEAN Fair is in line with
the ASEAN Charter to unite its member
countries into in one vision, one identity,
and one community of sharing and caring,” the President said in his opening address. According to the Head of State, the
culture in various forms and creativity is
an international language that binds the
various state and nation.
Meanwhile, Tourism and Creative Economic Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said
the ASEAN Fair this year was themed “Hello ASEAN” and was the first of its kind. “As
ASEAN Chairman, Indonesia initiates ASEAN Fair to jointly promote ASEAN culture
and its creative economy”, Mari Pangestu
said. According to her, Indonesia wanted
to give special reverence to the identity
of ASEAN and the bond of brotherhood
among the people of ASEAN. “The ASEAN
Fair will depict the rich heritage of cultural
diversity and history equation,” she said.
President Yudhoyono on the occasion
was accompanied by among others First
Lady Ani Yudhoyono, Coordinating Minister for Economy Hatta Rajasa, Minister/
State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Presidential
Spokesman Julian A. Pasha, Presidential Special Staff for foreign affairs Teuku
Faizasyah, and Bali Governor I Made
Mangku Pastika.
ASEAN celebrates International Year
of Forests 2011
Jakarta - The 33rd Meeting of the
ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (33rd AMAF) held a Ministerial Special Event in Jakarta to pay tribute to the
UN International Year of Forests 2011.
With the theme “Forests for People”,
the event also showcased ASEAN`s cooperation on forestry in the last four
decades, the ASEAN Secretariat said in a
press statement.
Forestry cooperation is expected to
help establish a sustainable and inclusive
ASEAN Community in the year 2015.
The forest in ASEAN covers about 213
million hectares of land. It supports rich
diversity of plant and animal species and
the livelihoods of the region`s people.
At least 350 million people live in or
around forests, and depend wholly or
partially on forest resources for income
and subsistence - food, fuel, fiber, medicine, livestock grazing areas, and other
This include 60 million indigenous peoples, who are wholly dependent on these
forests for livelihoods, and, more fundamentally, for their cultural survival and identity.
“Many more people in the region
and around the globe depend on the
forests for the vital ecosystems services
they perform, including watershed protection, soil erosion control and climate
regulation”, said Dr Surin Pitsuwan, the
Secretary-General of ASEAN.
“The contribution of forests to local livelihoods, national economies and
regional vitality is significant - though
often insufficiently valued and underrecognised,” he added.
The Special Ministerial event focused on the complex forest-people
interactions at different levels. The
event included an exhibition showcasing ASEAN Cooperation with Dialogue
Partners and Development Partners
and a premier showing of a brief video
entitled “ASEAN Cooperation in Forestry: Towards a People-Centered ASEAN”.
The Ministerial Statement read during the event pledged commitment of
ASEAN Member States to fully support
the initiatives, partnership and cooperation. It tasked the senior agriculture
and forest officials to implement neces-
sary actions to promote cooperation in
forestry to contribute to a prosperous,
stable, peaceful, and safer ASEAN Community.
There is increasing recognition
within ASEAN that a people-oriented
forest strategy - one which balances
economic, social and environmental
objectives - needs to be mainstreamed
into every country`s broader development strategy and as a key element of
regional cooperation.
“Achieving the goal of ASEAN Community building and meeting the targets of the Millennium Development
Goals, will require enhanced cooperation and stronger partnership with
Dialogue Partners and Development
Partners. Strengthening Social Forestry through enhanced support for the
ASEAN Social Forestry Network as a
backbone of regional forestry cooperation will be a priority and key agenda
for creating a people-centered ASEAN
of the future”, said Sundram Pushpanathan, Deputy Secretary-General for the
ASEAN Economic Community.
Equator - October 2011 7
President to meet with world leaders
during G20 meeting
Jakarta - President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono said when attending the
Indonesia expected the G20 leaders at the Cannes summit to take
steps to restore global stability,
increase global growth, boost investment and trade and encourage just and sustainable growth
G20 meeting in Cannes, France, later
this week he expects to hold private
meetings with world leaders such as
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and
European Union President Herman Van
“During my stay in Cannes from
October 31 to November 4, I will meet
with German Chancellor Angela Merkel,
Mexican President Felipe Calderon,
President of the European Union Herman Van Rompuy and President of the
European Commission Jose Manuel
Barroso”, President Yudhoyono said on
October 31, 2011, at a press conference
before leaving for France.
Apart from meeting with the four
foreign leaders, President Yudhoyono
would also have separate meetings
with other the Head of State or Government of other G20 members.
Earlier, presidential spokesman
Teuku faizasyah said the G20 Summit
this time was meeting an urgent need
and of great importance now that the
protracted financial crisis in Europe had
turned into a real threat to global economic recovery.
Hopefully, the G20 Summit could
preserve its commitment to implementing agreements achieved at the
previous G20 Summits, he said.
He said Indonesia expected the G20
leaders at the Cannes summit to take
steps to restore global stability, increase
global growth, boost investment and
trade and encourage just and sustainable growth.
Faiza added during President
Yudhoyono`s stay in France, the Presi-
dent would also visit Paris to fulfill the
UNESCO Director General`s invitation
to speak at a special session marking
the 10th anniversary of the Universal
Declaration on Cultural Diversity.
The invitation was a manifestation
of UNESCO`s appreciation for the Indonesian Government`s commitment
to protecting and promoting cultural
diversity as living assets, he said.
Faiza said the President would make
the visit a momentum to reemphasize
the significance of preserving cultural
heritages including the Borobudur and
Prambanan temples.
Government preparing eight areas
as special economic zones
Jakarta - The Government is preparing eight areas which have the potential
to serve as special economic zones according to the criteria and conditions set
by a special team, a Minister said.
“There are eight areas which deserve
or have the potential to serve as special
economic zones,” Coordinating Minister
for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said following a coordination meeting on special
economic zones on October 21, 2011.
Hatta said the meeting discussed proposals from regional Governments and
business entities to designate 65 areas in
the country as special economic zones.
However, the Government only ap8 Equator - October 2011
proved eight of them. Two of them
would be declared as special economic
zones this year so that there would be
five special economic zones until 2014,
he said.
The two areas that would be declared as special economic zones in
2011 were Sei Mangke in North Sumatra
province and Tanjung Lesung in Banten
province, he said. The other three areas
were Bitung in North Sulawesi province, Mandalika in West Nusa Tenggara
province and one area in Kalimantan,
he said.
Deputy for Infrastructures to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs
Lucky Eko said the first phase of the development of Sei Mangke area would
cost an estimated Rp5.7 trillion.
The fund would be used among
others to develop downstream oil palm
industry, he said. Meanwhile, the development of Tanjung Lesung area as
a tourist resort would cost about Rp3.8
trillion, he said.
Lucky said areas that would be developed into special economic zones
must meet provisions on special economic zones as set forth in Law No. 39
of 2007 and Government Regulation
No. 2 of 2011.
RI, Russia target US$5 billion in trade,
economic ties
Jakarta - Indonesia and Russia plan
to increase their bilateral trade and economic transactions to US$5 billion by
2015, a Russian official said on October
27, 2011, in Jakarta.
Indonesia’s agricultural product
exports to Russia comprise crude
palm oil, rubber, coffee, tea, pepper and our manufactured product exports include clothes, shoes,
and tires
“We are not satisfied with our previous
level of trade with Indonesia. Maybe, it will
reach two billion US dollars this year. It is
not big amount for large countries such as
Russia and Indonesia,” Director General for
Asia and Africa of the Ministry of the Economic Development of the Russian Fed-
eration, Sergey Chernyshev, said at a meeting on Bilateral Economic Cooperation and
Business Forum between the Republic of
Indonesia and the Russian Federation.
Sergey Chernyshev said both countries
had road maps for trade and investments
as a framework of their economic relations
that had been discussed at the meeting.
Six economic cooperation issues were
discussed at the meeting, namely trade
and economic cooperation, creating a legal
basis for bilateral economic cooperation,
cooperation in the field of communication
and information technology, cooperation in
space exploration and aviation, cooperation
in the field of transportation, and cooperation between business communities.
“We will be able to cooperate in a number of innovative sectors such as space exploration and aviation, telecommunications,
and information technology , also in basic
economic activities like exploration of national resources,” Sergey Chernyshev said.
Sergey Chernyshev stressed both
countries needed knowledge, information, and confidence in the current conditions. “Our economic players need knowledge and information, so they can take
the right decisions on Indonesia and vice
versa,” Sergey Chernyshev said.
Meanwhile, Director General of International Trade Cooperation of Indonesia`s
Trade Ministry, Gusmardi Bustami, said Indonesia would increase its exports of agricultural and manufactured products to
Russia. “Our agricultural product exports
to Russia comprise crude palm oil, rubber,
coffee, tea, pepper and our manufactured
product exports include clothes, shoes,
and tires,” Gusmardi said.
Trade Expo Indonesia drew trade
missions from 44 countries
Jakarta - Indonesia received trade missions from a total of 44 countries during
the 26th Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) on
October 19 through 23 in Jakarta, a Government official said.
“The delegates didn`t only come to attend the TEI, but also to explore possibilities to build business networks and invest
in Indonesia,” Deputy Trade Minister Bayu
Krisnamurthi said on October 25, 2011.
and South Korea although they accounted for only about 13.45 percent of
the total number. “The high number of
buyers who came from non-traditional
markets showed the success of our market diversification policy”, he added.
One of the potential products Indonesia showed at TEI 2001, according to
Bayu, was handicrafted bags with batik
designs. Some of the foreign buyers, in-
cluding those from Iran, even showed
such big interest in Indonesia`s handicraft products that they agreed to import then on a trial basis.
Bayu said not only big companies
but also home industries that had export potential clinched deals during
TEI. “The next or 27th TEI will also be
held in Jakarta on October 10 through
14, 2012”, Bayu said.
The delegates didn`t only come to
attend the TEI, but also to explore
possibilities to build business networks and invest in Indonesia
He said the trade missions from the 44
countries comprised 1,254 delegates with
India represented by the largest delegation or 98 businessmen. “I am very glad because there were also trade missions from
potential markets such as Nigeria, Namibia,
Afghanistan and Hungary,” he said.
About 86,55 percent of the 8.311
buyers who attended TEI came from
emerging markets or non-traditional
buyers such as India, Malaysia, Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Bangladesh and Iran.
Buyers also came from Indonesia`s
traditional markets such as Japan, US,
Equator - October 2011 9
IMF: RI economy strongest in ASEAN
Jakarta - Indonesia is the strongest
in terms of economic fundamentals
among ASEAN`s member states with a
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expected to reach 6.4 percent this year, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said.
The figure was the highest among
ASEAN member states such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam, IMF Senior Resident Representative for Indonesia Milan Zavadjil
said on October 17, 2011.
“In 2011, Malaysia`s GDP was projected to reach 5.2 percent, the Philippines
4.7 percent, Singapore 5.3 percent,
Thailand 3.5 percent and Vietnam 5.8
percent,” he said. He said Indonesia`s
GDP was expected to fall 0.1 percent to
6.3 percent in 2012 from the previous
year. Yet the figure would be the highest in ASEAN.
The figure was the highest among
ASEAN member states such as
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
Overall, GDP in Asia will drop 0.2
percent to 7.7 percent in 2012 from 7.9
percent the year before, he said. “The
drop was caused by the global economic slowdown,” he said.
He said the drop in GDP was because most Asian countries were very
dependent on the export market. “Most
of demand for Asian export commodities comes from the United States and
Europe”, he said.
According to IMF`s observations,
Indonesia still could raise its GDP by
improving its investment climate and
increasing budget spending on infrastructure development.
Indonesia fourth in world’s trade
volume growth
Jakarta - Indonesia is fourth in
world`s trade volume growth (after
Egypt, India and Vietnam) with an average of growth expected to be 7.3 percent per year until 2025, a survey said.
According to a report from the HSBC
Trade Confidence Index (TCI) and HSBC
Trade Forecast announced on October
20, 2011, Indonesia`s trade volume in
the next 15 years is expected to increase
as much as 144 percent. The increase is
said to be mainly supported by export
of commodities. According to the forecast, Indonesia`s trade volume in 2025 is
expected to reach US$619.6 billion from
US$280.4 billion in 2010.
Head of Trade HSBC Indonesia Nirmala Salli who attend the announcement said traders from Indonesia are
most optimistic about trade prospects
with Greater China and South East Asia
in the next six months.
“The level of optimism from Indonesian traders is very high due to the
rising of trade volume between buyer
and supplier as well as the increasing of
trust towards the stability of foreign exchange and regulation”, she said.
She said Indonesian businessmen
were confident to do expansion abroad.
However, she added, the action would
need more capital which means banking sector need to prepare itself in supporting the businessmen.
Nirmala said fluctuation of foreign
exchange and regulations were two
main challenges for optimistic international traders.
10 Equator - October 2011
RI reelected as UN ECOSOC member
United Nations, New York - Indonesia
and 20 other countries have been elected
as members of the Economic and Social
Council (ECOSOC), United Nations organ
facilitating international cooperation on
standards-making and problem-solving
in economic and social issues.
Indonesia has been a member of
ECOSOC for eleven times, since Indonesia
was accepted as the 60th member of the
United Nations on September 28, 1950.
The 21 countries, which were elected
in a UN General Assembly session, will
serve in ECOSOC for three years, from
2012 to 2014. ECOSOC has 54 member
On October 24, 2011, the 193-member
General Assembly elected 18 ECOSOC
members, including Indonesia, while
three countries, namely Switzerland, the
Netherlands and Bulgaria, were appointed to replace Norway, Belgium and Hungary, which had withdrawn. To become
an ECOSOC member, a candidate must
get votes from at least 2/3 of the UN General Assembly`s member countries.
In the election, Indonesia, India and
Japan won the seats to represent Asia,
while Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Nigeria and Libya represent Africa.
Latin America and Caribbean are
represented by the Dominican Republic,
El Salvador, Brazil, and Cuba, while West
Europe is represented by Span, France,
Germany, Ireland, and Turkey. The only
seat available for East Europe is won by
Previously Indonesia had become
ECOSOC member for the periods of 20072009, 2004-2006, 1999-2001, 1994-1996,
1989-1991, 1984-1986, 1979-1981, 19741975, 1969-1971 and 1956-1958.
In 1970 and 2000, Indonesia had been
elected as the president of ECOSOC, and
in 1969 and 1999 as the Vice President of
In recent years there has been mounting international support for strengthening the role of ECOSOC both within the
UN system of governance and in the governance of the global economy.
Mandiri Bank aspiring to be third
best bank in South East Asia
Manado, North Sulawesi - Bank Mandiri Tbk is seeking to be the third best bank
in Southeast Asia before 2014, the bank`s
Director said.
“Most of the best banks are in Singapore. So we wish Mandiri to become a
first-rate bank in the region,” the bank`s
Director for treasury, financial institution
and special asset management, Royke
Tumilaar, said at a general lecture at Sam
Ratulangi University on October 7, 2011. To
achieve that position he said Bank Mandiri
has already taken various efforts which are
in essence aimed at developing the bank
in all aspects to become the best.
“Mandiri right now is conducting the
next or the second phase of transformation from 2010 to 2014 and our wish is
becoming an an admired institution because it shows progressive development,”
he said. He said to achieve progressive
development Bank Mandiri is focussing
on three things namely wholesale transactions from upstream to downstream
meaning the bank would not only focus
on big companies but also on their suppliers and distributors.
“Mandiri also focuses on retail payment by increasing public service networks such as the number of its automatic
teller machines (ATM) to more than 8,000
units at present and they will not only be
set up at branch levels and below them as
well”, he said.
Royke said the third focus is retail
financing to the middle and low levels
as these sectors have proven resilient
against crisis. “Right now we have set up
1,500 mini-offices in the micro-sector and
this is all done with the aim of improving
retail financing”, he said.
Royki is optimistic the three focuses
could be implemented consistently and
grow well, so that before 2014 the bank`s
goal to become a regional bank in Asia
would be achieved. To accelerate the
achievement he said Bank Mandiri would
continue to increase its market capitalization from right now at around Rp14 trillion
to Rp20 trillion before 2014.
Bank Mandiri is now one of renowned
banks in Indonesia providing services to
corporate, commercial, retail, consumer
finance, treasury, financial institution and
special asset management segments.
The bank has several subsidiaries to
support its main business namely Mandiri
Sekuritas (capital market service), Bank
Syariah Mandiri (shariah-based banking
service), AXA-Mandiri Financial Service
(insurance), Bank Sinar Harapan Bali (small
and medium business service) and Mandiri Tunas Finance (financing service). The
bank until June 2011 has 26,327 employees, 1,442 branches and seven branch/
representative/subisidiary offices abroad.
Bank Mandiri`s distribution services are completed with 61,664 units
of electronic data capture network and
electronic channels covering mobile,
internet banking, SMS banking and call
center 14000.
Equator - October 2011 11
Vice President opened Indonesian
Wayang Week and congress
Jakarta - Vice President Boediono
opened an Indonesia Wayang (traditional Javanese puppet) Week 2011 and
the 8th National Indonesian Wayang
Secretaries Congress (Senawangi) at the
Vice Presidential Palace on October 21,
In his address, the Vice President expressed hope that the 8th Senawangi
Congress would formulate attractive
programs for the younger generation to
love puppet.
Boediono on the occasion pointed
out that in the past wayang was used
as a medium of entertainment and dissemination of values for the community
including the younger generation and
Through the puppet stories, the
people were educated in noble values,
and wayang should remain an effective
medium of education by continuously
instilling noble values in the community, he said. “I hope Senawangi will
formulate an interesting program for
children and the younger generation so
that they will develop a greater love for
wayang shows,” the Vice President said.
He said the Government should continue to support and preserve wayang
as an educational tool rooted in Indonesian civilization.
Themed, “World of Wayang,” the
Indonesian Wayang Week 2011 will run
from October 21 to 30 at the Indone-
sia Wayang Building, It will showcase
various forms of wayang from Indonesia
and other countries.
Language as the most important
key towards ASEAN community
Jakarta - Language is the most important key towards the development of Association of South East Asia Nation (ASEAN) Community, Director Connector of
Singapore associated with Educational
Testing Service (ETS) Jessie Cheong said
in Jakarta, on October 13, 2011.
“People, especially ASEAN workers,
should realize the importance of mastering English as an important tool of communication of ASEAN Community 2015
so that they will not get left behind,” she
said in the opening of the seminar titled
“ETS Leadership Seminar Series 2011: Towards a Community of Nations (ASEAN
2015)” at Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta.
Jessie said there are some of ASEAN
12 Equator - October 2011
countries, like Philippines and Singapore
which have such good human resources
mastering English so that they got more
chances to work at foreign companies
or abroad.
Jessie stated the ten percent of 18,6
million of Filipinos have worked abroad
because of their good English skills.
While Singapore, with English as its official language, has much more competent workers for certain, said Jessie.
The founder of Center for Professional Assessment Thailand Robert E.
Woodhead also said ASEAN needs to
make some standards for professional
workers, especially related to their English skills.
“In order to fulfill the three pillars
of the ASEAN community, education,
especially on English, is needed so that
the development of ASEAN Community
2015 runs well and stable,” said Robert.
Robert stated an international standard of English skill is needed so that
workers, especially from ASEAN countries, will have unlimited access to work
in any ASEAN country.
Robert said skill in English can be
measured by Test Of English for International Communications (TOEIC) so that
human resource practitioners of ASEAN
country can widely open recruitment
and compare one to another worker`s
English skills effectively.
RI-Germany interfaith dialogue
discussed multiculturalism
London - Indonesia and Germany
held their second Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue which discussed multiculturalism and religious education at the
German Foreign Ministry in Berlin from
October 11 to 12, 2011.
“Multiculturalism was the main topic
of the second Indonesia-German Interfaith Dialogue,” Purno Widodo, Third
Secretary at the Indonesian Embassy in
Berlin, told ANTARA`s London correspondent on October 12, 2011.
In the dialogue, the Indonesian delegation was led by Bahrul Hidayat, Secretary General of the Religious Affairs
Ministry. Members of both delegations
were academics, journalists and religious
organization officials.
The second Indonesian-German Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue was
meant to build mutual understandings
and exchanges of experience between
cultural and religious groups in both
The results of the first dialogue which
was held in Jogjakarta in 2010 included
an agreement to hold the Interfaith and
Intercultural Dialogue regularly.
The second Indonesian-German Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue focused on educational cooperation in
order to create a religious life full of tolerance and harmony between the two
The dialogue was expected to result
in concrete educational cooperation
with German universities through student exchanges, scholarships, lecturer
exchanges and other programs. The cooperation aims to increase the quality of
education in Indonesia focusing on religious aspects.
The participants of the second Indonesian-German Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue not only held discussions
but also made comparative study trips to
some religious institutions in Berlin such
as the Zentrum Moderner Orient, Foundation New Synagogue, Sehitlik Mosque
and Museum of Islamic Art to witness religious interaction in life in Germany.
Jakarta to host Greenright conference,
EXPO in 2012
Jakarta - Green Building Council (GBC)
Indonesia will organize a “Greenright”
conference and exhibition at the Jakarta
Convention Center on April 11-13, 2012.
The event`s objectives were to promote green building practices among
the general public, policy makers, industrialists and students, GBC Indonesia
spokesperson Naning Adiwoso said on
October 14, 2011.
During the event, industrialists would
be given opportunities to display their
environmentally friendly products, she
said at the pre-launch of the Greenright
GBC Indonesia had forged cooperation with 26 campuses to popularize
Greenright. Students are encouraged to
make green products and GBC Indonesia
had made the regulations.
“They have the right to have this because they are the future generation and
have the right to lead a better life”, Naning, an interior designer said.
Bintang Nugroho, the Deputy Chairman of the GBC Indonesia`s Organization
and Development Program, said now
was the right time for Indonesia to adapt
to a sustainable life in order to survive
the impacts of climate change.
“We still have time to improve our
life style, in order to make our planet a
safer place for future generations. The
life style must look at the environment”,
Bintang said.
Various activities such as a student
day, green job fair, and GBC Indonesia free session would be held on the
conference`s sidelines.
Equator - October 2011 13
Youth and Sports Expo held in Jakarta
Jakarta - The Ministry of Youth and
Sports Affairs has organized a “Youth
and Sports Expo” in the form of a Youth
and Sports Indonesia festival outside
the Bung Karno Sports Stadium on October 22-23, 2011.
The festival was held to enliven the
83th anniversary celebrations of the
Youth Pledge. Besides the Expo which
was attended by hundreds of participants from youth and sports organizations throughout the country, the fes-
tival was also designed as a center for
various activities for creative child community.
“The ministry of sports and youth
provided 400 stands free of charge to
accommodate excellent works of Indonesian youths from various parts of the
country”, Lalu Wildan of the Sports and
Youth Affairs Ministry said.
He said that there would also be
supportive stands from community and
creative industries and sports industry.
The festival was also be enlivened with
various attractions, contests, fun-bikes
and arts performance in four stages.
Wildan said that tens of band groups
and arts troupes had registered online
at “In essence,
this is the festivity of the youths, and is
forum for them to express their creativity, channel their talents and achievements,” he said.
Around 600 Papua artists participated
in Art Festival
Biak - Around 600 representative artists from every district of Papua took part
in a Papua art festival 2011 which was
held on October 15 in Biak Numfor 11.
Through this art festival, all artists
are expected to keep the originality of Papua traditional culture
According to ANTARA on October 11,
2011, the ceremony of the Papua art festival was opened by Biak Regent Yusuf
Melianus Maryen as a representative of
Papua Governor Dr Syamsul Arief Rivai.
Previously, the Head Biak Culture and
Tourism Agency Andris Kafiar stated that
Biak, as the host of the event, was ready
to hold the Papua Art Festival and support the traditional culture of Papua.
Andris Kafiar said there was at least
eight kinds of competitions in that event
including Cenderawasih ballad dance,
folklore, socio-drama, exhibition, booth
decoration, folk songs and Papua dances.
“Through this art festival, all artists
are expected to keep the originality of
Papua traditional culture,” said Andris
Kafar. Up to October 10, at least 20 districts was ready to participated in the art
festival, including Jayapura, Jayawijaya,
Supiori, Yapen Island, Waropen, Biak (as
the host) and some rural districts.
The Head of the Department of Biak
Culture and Tourism Andris Kafiar said
Papua art festival 2011 was a medium
to promote regional tourism because it
showed various kinds of traditional arts
and culture of Papua.
14 Equator - October 2011
Komodo visited by 42,000 foreign
tourists this year
Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara - Up
to 42,000 foreign tourists have come to
Komodo Tourist Resort in Labuhan Bajo,
East Nusa Tenggara, so far this year.
“The number is an increase of 30
percent to that of last year which was
recorded at only 25.000,” Head of Promotion Section of the local tourism and
culture service, Bonafantura Rumat, said
on October 18, 2011.
He said the increase of foreign tourist
arrivals in the past few months was the
result of promotion and the nomination
of the huge lizard resort as candidates
for the the world`s seven wonders.
Bonafantura said despite some shortcomings the number of star-rated hotels
available in the region had been quite
sufficient. He said there are already two
three star-rated hotels and one four starrated hotel in the region.
He said however that other supporting infrastructure such as roads, bridges
as well as land and air transport still
needed to be improved. “The airport
meanwhile is not yet able to accommodate wide-body aircraft”, he said.
But sea transport service has been
quite adequate as some foreign tourists
have come aboard a private cruise ship
to the region, he said.
“We from the tourism and culture
service have always coordinated with
the sectors concerned with regard to improving the shortcomings to lure more
tourists to the region”, he said.
Government invites foreign film
producers to operate in Indonesia
Jakarta - New Tourism and Creative
Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu
has invited foreign film producers to
make films in Indonesia to help promote
the country`s tourism.
“The government will encourage
more international (film) producers to
choose Indonesia`s panorama and nature
for their films,” Minister Pangestu said in
a press statement on October 23, 2011.
International films using Indonesia`s
panorama as their backgrounds will
have significant benefit for the national
tourism promotion, she said.
“In the future, we will apply one-door
process and it`s complete,” Mari, former
Trade Minister, said.
The Minister visited the shooting location of Hollywood film entitled “I, Alex
Cross” which is directed by Rob Cohen,
at Jasri village, Karangsem sub district,
Bali Province.
She particularly invited Hollywood
film directors to shoot films in Bali, the
country`s most famous tourist resort. “It
will give significant impacts on Indonesia,” she said.
Therefore, she promised to ease the
licensing process for foreign film shooting in the country.
Although the shooting duration for
“I, Alex Cross” in Bali is just three days,
Minister Mari Pangestu is optimistic the
film would be effective in promoting
Bali`s tourism industry.
In 2009, filming on Hollywood project, “Eat, Pray, Love,” starring by Julia
Roberts took place in several locations
in Gianyar, including Banjar Bentuyung,
Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Pengosekan, the
Ubud Art Market and Monkey Forest
Park, Bali.
Equator - October 2011 15
Indonesia greeted ASEAN people
through ASEAN Fair by Fardah
Jakarta - Do you want to see cultural
, culinary and creative products of the
ten ASEAN member countries ?. Just
visit the ongoing ASEAN Fair 2011 and
one can satisfy one`s curiosity without
actually having to travel to those countries.
The ASEAN Fair 2011 featuring music and food festivals, theatrical performances, and book and handicrafts
expos, was officially kicked off by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at
Nusa Dua, Bali, on October 24, 2011.
“The theme of the ASEAN Fair
this time was `Hello ASEAN` as a
symbol of warm greeting from
Indonesia as the host to all fellow
members coming to Bali
“With pleasure, I invite all the people (of ASEAN) to celebrate this Fair,”
the President said in his remarks in the
front yard of the Nusa Dua Convention
The Head of State explained that the
idea of ASEAN Fair 2011 in line with the
vision of the ASEAN Charter on ASEAN
community that brings together under
one vision, one identity, and one caring
and sharing community.
“We can promote ASEAN identity
by enhancing mutual understanding
and appreciation of differences and
similarities in history, cultural heritage
and our way of life. Culture is a universal language that brings together
the ASEAN countries,” President Yudhoyono said.
According to the President, there
are two main objectives in implementing the ASEAN Fair 2011.
The first, is to promote ASEAN culture through the material exhibits explaining the history, culture and way of
life of the ASEAN community with multimedia, books, children`s drawings,
and cultural objects such as paintings
and textiles.
Secondly, it is to celebrate ASEAN`s
wealth of creative industries through
music, movies, books, cultural performances, art goods, textiles.
The ASEAN Fair is the President`s
initiative to celebrate the rich cultural
diversity in the ASEAN Community, and
16 Equator - October 2011
to bring ASEAN closer to its people.
It is a month-long celebration in Bali
and Jakarta, which will culminate in the
19th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Bali in November 2011.
Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pengestu, who was the
concurrently the Chairperson of the
Fair`s organizing committee, explained
in Nusa Dua on Sunday (Oct 23) that
“The theme of the ASEAN Fair this time
was `Hello ASEAN` as a symbol of warm
greeting from Indonesia as the host to
all fellow members coming to Bali.”
“Hello ASEAN” is a universal language deeply rooted in the culture of
ASEAN member countries in general.
“Through this universal cultural language, we want to give special honor
to the ASEAN identity. This forum will
show an ASEAN face reflecting the
diversity of its cultural heritage, and
historical, cultural and characteristic
similarities of its community that make
us one big regional community in the
world”, she said.
The event is also aimed at strengthening fraternity among the ten member countries of ASEAN.
“As the current Chair of ASEAN in
2011, Indonesia has initiated the ASEAN Fair as a forum to jointly display creative economic and cultural products
of ASEAN,” Minister Mari Pangestu told
the press in Nusa Dua on October 23,
She hoped that such an event could
be organized annually in ASEAN, even
after Indonesia was no longer the
organization`s chair.
The ASEAN Fair reflected Indonesia`s
special attention to the fraternal ties
among the peoples of ASEAN, she
The Minister said that culture was
a means to unify the nation that could
also unite countries and, through the
universal language of culture, Indonesia wanted to honor in a special way
ASEAN`s identity and the fraternal
bonds existing among its peoples.
The Government planned to allocate Rp 101 billion (US$11.8 million) to
organize the Fair with the objective of
promoting the ASEAN Community.
Trade Ministry Secretary General
Ardiansyah Parman said in Jakarta recently that Rp 14 billion of the funds
would be used for promotional and
public relations activities, Rp 68 billion
on main expo and festival activities, Rp
9.5 billion on opening and closing ceremonies and the remainder on other
The opening ceremony was highlighted by among other things parades
of decorated cars, traditional Balinese
percussion musicians and dancers, and
closed with an acrobatic flying show by
Indonesian Air Force`s “The Jupiters”
performing 15 breath-taking manoeuvre stunts.
Among Indonesia`s provinces participating in the ASEAN Fair is North
Sulawesi which is exhibiting its traditional foods.
“North Sulawesi special foods have
the potential to be further developed,
thus the local government will use the
ASEAN Fair for the promotion of its
home industry products,” the Head of
North Sulawesi`s Industry and Trade office, Sanny Parengkuan, said in Manado, North Sulawesi, recently.
Taking charge as ASEAN Chairman
in 2011, Indonesia has set a target of
making ASEAN a more people-centered and people-driven organization.
Throughout 2011, Indonesia is doing
its utmost to create a People-Oriented
and People-Centered ASEAN.
Throughout 2011, Indonesia is doing its utmost to create a PeopleOriented and People-Centered
The theme of Indonesia`s Chair is
“ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations”. This particular
theme was selected to support the success of ASEAN Community 2015.
In 1967, Indonesia was one of the
founding countries that signed the
Bangkok Declaration that marked the
establishment of ASEAN which now
groups Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand,
Singapore, the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and
RI can be example of inter-religious
Jakarta - Indonesia`s inter-religious
harmony and tolerance which have often
cited as an example to the rest of the world
are in fact an important pillar supporting
its existence as a state and nation.
Indonesia as a pluralist state and
nation was formed on the basis of an
agreement among all the elements of
the country`s society that were of various religious and ethnic backgrounds.
Boediono pointed out that all religions taught the importance of
mutual understanding, respect, and
love; and that the founders of the
Indonesian nation were well aware
of this fact
Therefore, Vice President Boediono
at a function to open the 10th Indonesian Mahasabha Parisada Hindu Dharma
meeting in the Indonesian resort island
of Bali called on all religious communities in the country to continue cultivating
inter-religious tolerance and harmony.
“Inter-religious harmony and tolerance, as well as social and cultural resilience should continue to be maintained,
strengthened, and nurtured,” the Vice
President said.
Boediono pointed out that all religions taught the importance of mutual
understanding, respect, and love; and
that the founders of the Indonesian nation were well aware of this fact.
According to the Vice President, Indonesian society was pluralist because
it was a composition of people with different religious beliefs, meaning that
a certain religious group could well be
the majority in one region but a minority in another region.
“Thus in a pluralist country, tolerance
means that the majority group can protect the minority, and the minority group
should be wise in determining their place
in society,” the Vice President said.
Inter-religious tolerance and harmony
in Indonesia was even admired by Pope
Benedict XVI and US President Barack
Obama who said it could be an example
to the rest of the world.
According to the Catholic News Service in its official website, Pope Benedict XVI said
that Indonesia could be an example of
inter-religious harmony to the world.
Speaking to some 36 bishops of
Indonesia who made a so-called “ad
limina” visit to the Vatican on October
7, 2011, the Pope said that by promoting
dialogue and defending the rights of
minorities, Catholics in Indonesia would
contribute to the harmony of their nation and be an example to people in
other parts of the world.
“Peaceful coexistence and cooperation
among Indonesia`s population of various
religious and ethnic groups means the
country is “well-placed to make important contributions to the quest for peace
and understanding among the peoples of
the world,” the Pope said.
The Pope told the bishops of Indonesia
to bear witness to the image and likeness
of God in each man, woman, and child by
encouraging everyone to be open to dialog in the service of peace and harmony.
According to Pope Benedict, the first
way to share God`s love with humanity
was to be loving and charitable. “This will
also strengthen Indonesian society by
promoting those values that your fellow
citizens hold dear: tolerance, unity and
justice for all citizens,” the Pope said.
Besides the Pope, US President Barack
Obama when visiting Indonesian in November 2010 said he was impressed by
inter-religious tolerance in the country.
In his visit to Jakarta`s Istiqlal Mosque,
Southeast Asia`s largest, Obama praised
his childhood homeland`s spirit of tolerance as a model for Islam and the West.
The US President attentively listened
to explanations from Istiqlal Mosque
Grand Imam Ali Mustafa that the mosque
was located just opposite Jakarta`s cathedral, symbolizing religious harmony and
interfaith cooperation in Indonesia.
Obama held up Indonesia - which traditionally practices a tolerant form of Islam
and has Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities - as an example of tolerance to the
world in a tense age of colliding cultures.
“Even as this land of my youth has
changed in so many ways, those things
that I learned to love about Indonesia that spirit of tolerance that is written into
your constitution, symbolized in your
mosques and churches and temples, and
embodied in your people still lives on”,
Obama said.
But Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali admitted that as a pluralist country, Indonesia was not free from
At a meeting with a German Parliamentary delegation, led by the country`s
Parliament Deputy Speaker, Wolfgang
Thierse, in Jakarta recently, Suryadharma compared the Indonesian nation to
a big family.
“As a family, small quarrels between
husband and wife, brother and sister,
and even parents and children, sometimes happen and are perhaps unavoidable,” the Minister said.
Suryadharma said that sectarian conflicts did occur at times in Indonesia but it
was really beyond the will of the religious
leaders and religious communities. “I do
not believe that there is ingrained hostility
between Muslim and Christian communities in Indonesia,” the United Development Party (PPP) General Chairman said.
Suryadharma also explained the issue of freedom of worship because there
were certain parties who considered this
freedom in Indonesia to be restricted.
He said in this world there was no
absolute freedom because there were
always restrictions under the laws and
regulations. Suryadharma said that everything in Indonesia was governed by
law, and religious life was also subject to
the religion`s laws and regulations.
“Therefore the freedom of worship,
including that of determining religious
teaching, should be based on the rule of
law,” said the Religions Affairs Minister.
He also explained to the German parliament delegation that Islam arrived a
long time ago in Indonesia with peace
and not with the sword, let alone a bomb,
and that the arrival of Islam did not eliminate the culture which was there before.
The Religious Affairs Minister also
said that there was someone who intentionally wanted to create disharmony
and sectarian conflict in Indonesia.
He said someone wanted to create
disharmony because the issue of religion
was classified as sensitive and easily ignited sectarian conflict.
“There is a mastermind from a certain
party who intentionally wants to create
disharmony among religious communities,” Suryadharma Ali said.
Equator - October 2011 17
Indonesia to increase pearl production
to seven million tons annually by Fardah
Jakarta - Having the potential to produce up to 20 million tons of South Sea
Pearl (SSP) a year, Indonesia intends to
increase its pearl production to seven
million from 5.7 million tons in 2010.
The country has so far used only
around 28.5 percent of its pearl cultivation potentials in eastern Indonesian
waters such as in West Nusa Tenggara,
Maluku Islands and Papua.
Of the total pearl production at 5.7
million tons, about 95 percent was exported to Hong Kong, India, the Philippines and Japan with a total value of
roughly 30 million dollars last year, Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel
Muhammad said on October 12 when
opening an Indonesian Pearl Festival
2011 being organized at Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, in central Jakarta,
until October 16, 2011.
“It`s far below the world`s total pearl
trade value estimated at 1.5 billion US
dollars per year,” he said.
Viewed from the country`s pearl
trade value, Indonesia ranks eight in the
list of the world`s SSP main exporting
countries, after Hong Kong, Australia,
China, Japan, Tahiti, Swiss, and the US.
Indonesia is the world`s largest producer of SSP which has unique characteristics in term of color and sparkle
that make SSP popular in the international market.
The Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Ministry`s Director General of aquaculture product management and marketing, Victor Nakijuluw, said in Jakarta on
September 7, 2011, that Indonesia supplied 53 percent of the world`s SSP demand.
The Indonesia Pearl Festival, which
is the biggest pearl exhibition in Indonesia, is being joined by around 55
pearl traders and producers, according
to Victor Nikijuluw. “The Pearl Festival
will be organized annually,” he said.
He said the aim of the exhibition was
among others to promoting Indonesia`s
SSP in domestic and international markets and disseminate information on
products and strengthen SSP marketing network.
“SSP is Indonesia`s prime commodity that has high economic value and
good market prospect,” he said.
18 Equator - October 2011
The Pearl Festival 2011, which is held
for the first time, offers various products and types of south sea pearl and
handicrafts made of marine and aquaculture products.
Colourful pearls such as white, yellow, pink and black pearls are being offered in the festival, at a price of up to
Rp75 million per pearl.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has instructed the acceleration
of development in eastern Indonesian
regions. In this case, pearl can become
main product of the regions, the Minister said.
Of the total pearl production at 5.7
million tons, about 95 percent was
exported to Hong Kong, India, the
Philippines, and Japan with a total
value of roughly 30 million dollars
last year. The NTB pearls, which
have 27 different colors, are exported to pearl jewelry producers
overseas, including in New York
(the United States), Tokyo (Japan),
Geneva and Zurich (Switzerland),
and Milan (Italy)
West Nusa Tenggara, for instance,
produced around 600 kg of pearl annually, according to Bambang Setiawan,
the deputy chairman of the Indonesian
Pearl Cultivation Association`s organization section, in Lombok Sumbawa Pearl
Festival 2011 which was held Mataram,
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), last July.
The NTB pearls, which have 27 different colors, are exported to pearl jewelry producers overseas, including in
New York (the United States), Tokyo (Japan), Geneva and Zurich (Switzerland)
and Milan (Italy).
South sea pearl has been considered
Indonesia`s main export commodity
having high economic value and bright
The SSP cultivation businesses involve at least 27 medium and large
scale companies employing more than
8,000 workers particularly in eastern Indonesian regions.
Given the huge pearl production
potentials in this country, Minister Fadel
has called for the strengthening of the
national pearl branding. “It`s pity if the
SSP branding is not managed properly.
I want this to become our image,” Minister Fadel said in the opening of Pearl
Festival 2011 at Grand Indonesia.
Minister Fadel planned to revitalize
the SSP business by among other things
strengthening associations related to
pearl cultivation, boosting promotion
activities, and issuing a presidential
decree on coastal land spatial to support the SSP cultivation business. “In
the near future a ministerial decree on
pearl culture and trade will be issued,”
he said.
He said the decree would among
other things regulate the standards of
pearls that were brought into or taken
out of the country.
Fadel said a lot of pearls had been
taken out of Indonesia easily in plastic
bags by tourists due to the absence of
regulations. “People have easily taken
pearls abroad without having been registered first causing their price to fluctuate and bad,” he said.
The Minister hoped with the issuance of the regulation on pearl culture
pearl trade would be more orderly and
progressive. He did not tell the date
when the regulation would be issued.
Other problems relating to pearl
culture meanwhile are among others
theft during harvest seasons that have
caused a loss to farmers and arrivals of
low quality or fake pearls from China,
he said.
With regard to security Fadel said
he would coordinate with the navy and
marine police to get a standard of security needed in pearl culture. Indonesia`s
SSP has received international recognition for its high quality.
“The quality of Indonesian pearls,
including from Lombok, is excellent.
In general, Indonesia`s oyster lips are
more goldish, and buyers prefer them.
So, Indonesia cannot be considered inferior in this business”, Simon Adams,
the Managing Director of Atlas South
Sea Pearl, an Australian pearl company,
said as quoted by Kompas last July.
Simon said he had traveled around
the world to look for the finest pearls,
and he has found them in Indonesia. “I
think I have found the best pearls here,
in Indonesia,” he said.
Gorontalo aspires to become
world-class corn producing region
by Otniel Tamindael
Jakarta - Gorontalo is preparing itself to
host a World Maize Conference (WMC) in
2012 which it sees as a forum that will bring
it one step closer to its goal of becoming a
world-class corn producing region.
The provincial government is ready to
be the venue of the World Maize Conference in 2012 following its big success in
hosting World Food Day celebrations from
October 20-23 this year.
Maize, known in many English-speaking
countries as corn, is a grain domesticated by
indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica in prehistoric times. After Europeans established
contacts with the Americas in the late 15th
and early 16th centuries, explorers and traders carried maize back to Europe and introduced it to other countries.
Maize then spread to the rest of the
world, including Indonesia, because of its
ability to grow in diverse climates.
Gorontalo Corn Information Center
chief Mulyadi Mario said on October 30,
2011, that the World Food Day celebration
in Gorontalo was the province`s first step to
prepare itself for the World Maize Conference in 2012.
Corn production had over the past 10
years made significant contributions to
Gorontalo province`s economic growth.
Mulyadi said the World Maize Conference
was initially to be held in 2011 but it was
postponed to next year because the province had to host World Food Day this year.
He said the world maize conference
would be a much greater event than the
World Food Day celebration. “At the World
Maize Conference we are going to discuss
corn in all of its relevant aspects, such as
technology, production, markets, and processing industries”, he said.
Mulyadi expressed optimism that
Gorontalo whose icon was corn would be
able to successfully host the WMC-2012. He
said the world maize conference next year
would be attended by government officials, businessmen, importers and exporters from many countries.
Meanwhile, a Gorontalo provincial government official, Winarni Monoarfa said
that corn from the province was exported
to neighboring countries such as Malaysia,
Japan, China and South Korea.
She said the province planned to intro-
duce new corn-growing technology to the
world during the world maize conference
next year considering that world demand
for the crop was increasing. According to
her, annual corn production in Gorontalo
was predicted to reach 1 million tons this
year and projected to increase in the years
to come.
Mulyadi Mario, the Gorontalo Corn Information Center Chief, also said that in an
effort to increase agricultural production
the province was currently working to develop genetically-modified or transgenic
Gorontalo enjoyed a surplus in the
production of the two commodities, and that`s why the province
was able to more than meet its
own food demand and export the
surplus to a number of countries
Gorontalo was chosen to host the
World Food Day ceremony this
year because the province was
able to meet its own food needs
Transgenic corn is corn that has undergone a genetic modifying (GM) process
which gives it agronomically desirable
Traits that have been engineered into
corn include resistance to herbicides and
resistance to insect pests, the latter being
achieved by incorporation of a gene that
codes for the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
According to Wikipedia, transgenic
maize was in 2009 grown commercially in
11 countries, including the United States
where 85 percent of the maize crop was
genetically modified, Brazil with 36 percent
GM), Argentina with 83 percent GM, South
Africa with 57 percent GM, Canada with 84
percent GM, the Philippines with 19 percent
GM, and and Spain 20 percent GM.
Mulyadi said the transgenic corn produced from genetically-modified seed was
resistant to insect pests and pesticides and
therefore it has higher productivity than locally produced corn. He said one hectare of
transgenic corn plants could produce 12 to
15 tons of corn but conventional local corn
plants are able to yield only three to four
Therefore Mulyadi said Gorontalo was
ambitious to be a world-class corn producing province by organizing the World Maize
Conference in 2012 after successfully hosting World Food Day.
Vice President Boediono officiated
at the the World Food Day celebration in
Gorontalo on October 20, 2011, and then
toured the field where various food-related
objects were on display. He observed a
“corn tower”, “sustainable food home” and
a World Food Day technology exhibition.
On the occasion, the Vice President also
symbolically presented representatives of
71 farmer groups with an aid package for
the development of a rural agribusiness
community worth Rp 7.1 billion.
Gorontalo Governor Gusnar Ismail at
the time said the province was ready to help
ensure food security in Indonesia by relying
on two commodities namely rice and corn.
In Bone Bolango where the ceremony
to observe the 31st World Food Day took
place, the Governor explained that increased production of both commodities
would also boost national food production.
“We are optimistic that Gorontalo will contribute significantly to national food security because of its efforts to develop corn and
rice in the past 10 years”, Gusnar declared.
Up to 2010 Gorontalo had a 2.250-hectare potential area for rice field with a production capacity of 253.563 tons besides
697.168 tons of corn. “Gorontalo enjoyed a
surplus in the production of the two commodities, and that`s why the province was
able to more than meet its own food demand and export the surplus to a number
of countries”, the Governor said.
Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister Suswono said Gorontalo was chosen to host
the World Food Day ceremony this year
because the province was able to meet its
own food needs. “I hope Gotontalo`s ambition to become a world-class corn producing region will come true and it will be able
to contribute to national and even world
food security,” the Minister said.
Indonesia`s paddy production has over
the past few years increased significantly
with its annual growth recently recorded at
3.2 percent. Rice production stood at over
54.34 million tons and corn production at
more than 53 million tons.
Equator - October 2011 19
AJPF 2011: Ambon set to become
a city of music extravagant
Ambon - Ambonese-Dutch soul,
jazz and funk singer Jessica Manuputty
performed at the Ambon Jazz Festival.
Despite a recent outbreak of violence,
attendance doubled from last year’s festival to nearly 8.000 people.
Now in its third year, the Ambon
Jazz Plus Festival brought a renewed
sense of hope to the people of Maluku
last weekend as the event united people of all religions through their shared
love of music. With the theme “Hands
for Brotherhood”, the three-day event
Art and music are the soul of the
people of Maluku and it is integreted strongly in their culture
and daily living. Therefore, the
festival was annualy held in Ambon - the city of music
celebrated local and international talent
and promoted better relations among
the people of the Spice Islands. After
the bloody violence between 1999 and
2002 that left more than 5,000 people,
religious clashes broke out again last
month, prompting fears that the festival
would be canceled.
Religious tensions grew when a text
message was circulated claiming that a
Muslim motorcycle taxi driver had been
killed by Christians, and that the death
had been covered up by the police, who
called it a road accident. Eight people
were killed and 67 injured in the resulting violence between the two communities. But the people of Ambon put
that recent ugliness behind them and
helped to make last weekend’s festival
a success. On Saturday (Oct 8, 2011), in
front of thousands of spectators, Festival Director Andy Manuhutu and Ambonese singer Andre Hehanusa led a
peace ritual, known locally as a pela
gandong, which is an oath of peace
made between different villages based
on common ancestral ties.
Ambonese people of all ages and
religious backgrounds joined hands to
form a circle, before singing “Maluku
Tanah Pusaka” (“Maluku, the Sacred
Land”), considered to be a cultural anthem for the people of the islands. “It
was a very electrifying moment”, Andy
said. Ambon has long been known as
20 Equator - October 2011
a hub for musical talent in Indonesia,
producing popular singers such as Bob
Tutupoly, Yopie Latul, Harvey Malaiholo
and the late Utha Likumahuwa.
The island’s local musicians were
joined by a strong international contingent at this year’s festival, including
American jazz guitarist David Becker,
French pianist Cedric Hanriot and the
Ambonese-Dutch jazz and soul singer
Jessica Manuputty. The international
musicians said they were thrilled to be
part of the event.
Manuputty said she was pleased to
finally have the opportunity to perform
in Ambon, and Hanriot claimed to be
the first French musician to perform
on the island. Becker also said he had
a special connection with Ambon. “My
mother was born in Indonesia and lived
for two years in Ambon”, he said.
National favorites drew the largest
crowds, including acts like the Gugun
Blues Shelter and pop singer Sandhy
Sondoro, who rose to fame after winning a singing contest in Latvia. Sandhy
said he had concerns about performing
in Ambon, but after spending a day in
the city, the singer said he found it to
be a warm and welcoming place. Fans
sang along to Sandhy’s most popular
numbers during his electrifying performance, going wild when he launched
into the hit track “Malam Biru” (“Blue
Night”). “I really hope that the people of
Ambon can live in harmony”, the singer
said. “No more conflict.” Drummer Adityo Wibowo of the Gugun Blues Shelter also found the visit to be a positive
experience. “Ambon is such a beautiful
city with so much potential”, he said.
“The crowds here were awesome, too.
We’re so glad they liked our music.”
This year’s festival was held in Ambon’s central Pattimura Square for the
first time, with the hope that the location would help draw more people.
The strategy worked — the estimated
crowd at the event doubled from last
year’s festival, with around 8.000 people
watching performances over the three
days. Director Andy said the festival’s
success made all the hard work worthwhile. “People thought we were crazy to
start an annual music event in Ambon”,
he said. “But we didn’t care, because
we always believed that we could put
on a good music festival here. And sure
enough, there were so many great musicians eager to perform.”
The festival’s Executive Director,
Semuel Samson, an entrepreneur and
Indonesia’s Ambassador to Serbia, said
he hoped the event’s success would
boost investor confidence in the region.
“Through the success of this event, I
This year’s festival was held in Ambon’s central Pattimura Square
for the first time, with the hope
that the location would help
draw more people. The strategy
worked — the estimated crowd
at the event doubled from last
year’s festival, with around 8,000
people watching performances
over the three days
hope that investors will start coming
to Ambon and Maluku”, he said. “That’s
why I insisted that the event should go
on as planned despite the clashes that
occurred in September”. Semuel Samson also said that bringing the people
of Maluku together for an internationalstandard music event promoted peace
and a sense of pride in the region. “Look
at these young people here”, he said.
“They can all have fun together, even
though they all come from different religious backgrounds”. Maluku Governor
Karel Albert Ralahalu praised the event,
and named Ambon “The city of music”.
“We have the potential to become an
icon of music in Indonesia”, he said. “We
want to create a new image for Ambon”.
He added that plans were under way to
establish a music school for the island.
Semuel pledged his commitment to
seeing the festival grow year after year.
“This event will be held every year”, he
said. “In the same week of the same
month. The spirit of consistency needs
to be maintained”. Semuel insisted that
the festival had a bigger mission than
just bringing musicians to Ambon. “It
opens the door for people of all places
to come here to Ambon and Maluku”,
he said.
Equator - October 2011 21
Indonesia’s best export products
World’s Major Supplier
Indonesian crustaceans have gained
global recognition as the exporters have
complied with food re4gulations in the
U.S., Japan and European Union (EU).
International strategic market research
institution Trade Map recorded that Indonesian crustacean export was the
world‘s four biggest in 2008. Securing
7.19 percent of the market share. during
those year, Indonesian crustacean export
reached 149,600 tones or worth around
US $ 41.07 billion.
The U.S. and Japan have been the
biggest importers of Indonesian crustaceans. The Central Statistic Agency (BPS)
recorded that the crustaceans export to
the U.S and Japan in 2009 reached US$
349 million (41.32 percent) and US$ 305
million (36.11 percent), respectively. Other
major buyers include the UK (US$34 million), Belgium US$ 25 million) and Hong
Kong (US$19million). Indonesian crustaceans have potential to further expand
the market share as export growth have
been seen in several other countries; including France (US$ 14 million or increase
by 710.39 percent); Taiwan (US$4 million
or increase by 260 percent); and Canada
(UAS$2.29 million or increase by 98.9 percent).
Indonesia exports crustaceans in various forms; fresh, chilled, frozen, not frozen, prepared, preserved and solid in not
airtight containers. Among the exporter
of crustaceans, shrimps and crabs are the
most important commodities. Shrimp
export contributed as much as US$ 1
million in 2007, the biggest from the sector. Crabs are the second most wanted
crustaceans after shrimps, contributing
around US$179 million from the export
in 2007.
Prawns are similar to the lobsters, as
they have two pairs of small pincers, but
they are similar in size to shrimps. Shrimps
and prawns are the most popular type of
seafood that is consumed in restaurants
and homes all around the world. They are
used in a wide number of dishes ranging
from curries to rice dishes to salads and
22 Equator - October 2011
even delicious just eaten on their own.
Popular varieties include the giant tiger
prawn, deep water prawn or Northern
shrimp, spot shrimp, pink shrimp, white
shrimp, brown shrimp, king prawn and
bay prawn. Prawns and shrimps can be
green, brown, blue, white or yellow color
before cooking, and turn pink with white
meat after cooking.
Shrimps continue to be the most important fishery product in term of value,
contributing more than 40 percent of
the total export value from the sector.
Shrimps are produced from both aquaculture activities (57%) and marine capture (41 %). Lampung and South Sumatera provinces are the biggest producers
of the aquaculture shrimps. As for the
shrimps from the marine capture, the
main producers are North Sumatra and
Maluku provinces.
Lobsters meat perfect for a light,
healthy meal, since fresh lobster meat
has very low cholesterol, calories and saturated fat than skinless chicken or turkey
with abundance source of protein.
Crabs are currently second most
wanted crustaceans after shrimps. These
exquisite treats are known for their mild
taste that is remarkably sweet, tender
and juicy. The white meat, containing
a hint of red, can be baked or steamed.
Most of crabs produced in Indonesia are
from marine capture (around 75 percent),
while the craps produced from aquaculture activities still contribute small portion (around 25 percent) ton the total
national output. Despite the global crisis,
crabs export showed growth in 2008.
As of September 2008, the crabs export
booked as much as US$178 million or
most equal with US$179 million booked
in the full year of 2007. Indonesian crabs
producers have been able to produce
pasteurized crabs which enable customers to enjoy crab-mix menu all year long.
List of exporters
Jl. Rungkut Industri II No. 25, Surabaya
Phone : (62-31) 8495811
: (62-31)8496167
E-mail :
• Tuna fish, Crustanceas, Moluscs, Cuttle
Fish Live, Fresh or Frozen-Fish, Cuttle
Fish Frozen-Fish, Other Invert, Octopus
Live, Fresh or Chilled/Fish, Octopus
Jl. Karang Bolong Raya No.8,
Ancol Barat Jakarta-14430, Indonesia
Phone (62-21) 5389939, 5389941
(62-21) 6909326
Email:, info@, sales@aplfishfarm.
Contact person: Aswan Kwek, Herman Oei
Product: Crustaceans, Mollusks, whether
in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled.
Gedung Sampurna Strategi Square Lt.3
A.Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav.45
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone (62-21) 57950889
(62-21) 57950890
Contact person: Handoyo Gunawan
Product: Crustaceans, whether in
shell or not, Fish Meat For Human
Consumption, Fish, frozen, Mollusks,
whether in shell or not, Live, Fresh
or Chilled, Product of Fish or
Crustaceans,•Mollusks or other Aquatic
Jl. Raya Narogong Km 26.5
Kawan Industri Kembang Kuning
Kecamatan Kelapa Nuggal
Bogor 16820-Jawa Barat Indonesia
Website :
Products: Frozen fish, pasteurized
crabmeat, baby clams, crab cakes.
Jl. KIG Raya KAV. G-1 Kebomas, Gresik
Phone :(62-31)399293, 3985321,3985320
: (62-31) 3972819, 985320
E-mail :
Contact person:
Gunawan-Director- (62-31) 3989293
Product: Shrimps and Prawns Prepared
or Pre Served, Prep. of Meat, Fish, Crust,
Jl. Muara Karang Blok 0 VI Timur No. 2
Jakarta Utara – 14450
Phone (62-21)6681576, 6680044
E-mail :
Contact person:
I Gusti Nyoan Artawan
Product: Crustaceans, whether in shell
or not, Mollusks, whether in shell or
not, Live4, Fresh or Chilled, Tuna.
Jl. KIG Raya Selatan Kav. C-5, Kawasan
Industri Gresik
Phone (62-31) 39763513
(62-31) 3976350
E-mail:, lalam@
Contact Person : Mohammad Nadjikh,
Ir. -Direktur Utama- (62-31) 3976351
Product: Fish, frozen-Fish, Crustaceans,
Mollusks, Oth.Invert, Octopus FrozenFish, Crustaceans, Mollusks, Oth.Invert
Crabs, frozen-Fish, Crustaceans,
Mollusks, Oth.Invert.
Equator - October 2011 23
Banda islands - Eastern Indonesia’s best kept secret
Once known as the Spice Islands, an
epithet also applies to the entire Maluku area, the Bandas were famous as a
source of spices, especially nutmeg. First
colonized by the Portuguese, the Dutch
soon wrested control of the islands and
fought the Spice Wars with the British.
In the Treaty of Breda in 1667, the British agreed to withdraw and gave up Run
island to the Dutch, partly in exchange
for one small island on the other side of
the world: New Amsterdam, now better
known as Manhattan, New York.
The people of Banda thrived on their
natural resources, but in later years suffered at the hands of Dutch colonizers
who wanted to dominate the world’s
spice trade.
Despite such a big reputation, the
fabled Banda islands are only a tiny
cluster of islands, composed of three
large islands and seven smaller ones.
The islands are perched on the rim of
Indonesia’s deepest underwater gorge,
the Banda Sea, where waters can reach
depths of over 6,500 meters.
Two of the biggest islands, Banda
Besar and Naira, are covered with nutmeg trees. The third island, Gunung
Api or ‘peak of fire’, is an active volcano that emerges from the deep in a
perfect cone, and is entirely rugged
and highly volcanic. In the waters surrounding these islands you’ll find some
of the world’s most spectacular marine
gardens, with bright corals and colorful
fish, bustling through the crystal-clear
waters, making it suitable for diving,
snorkeling or even simply sightseeing.
Lying about 132 kilometers southeast of Ambon, the islands are a remote
and exquisitely beautiful part of Indonesia. With multi-colored reefs, warm seas
and exotic marine life, the Banda’s are a
haven for divers who come from around
the world to explore some of the most
remote and unspoiled dive sites in the
Today, Banda attracts divers, sailors
and cruise ships from around the world
by its sheer natural beauty, both above
as below the sea.
The Banda Islands are one of the Indonesia’s most popular destinations for
divers. Both experts and beginner divers will enjoy themselves there, as the
diving spots vary from the shallow lagoon between Bandaneira and Gunung
Api, to the vertical walls of Hatta Island.
Wherever you go there, you’ll discover
stunning tropical scenery, a remarkable
history, friendly locals, and some of the
globe’s most pristine, biologically diverse coral reefs.
Scuba diving is still relatively new
here, but pioneering divers didn’t have
to work hard to find a thrill. The undersea world around Ambon and the nearby island of Saparua have top-rate dive
sites. As you explore beneath the surface you’ll see everything from sharks,
enormous turtles, schools of Napoleon
Wrasse, giant groupers, dogtooth tuna,
mobula rays, redtooth triggerfish, various species of whales, spinner dolphins,
and huge lobsters.
Come to Banda islands and visit
the best kept secret in Eastern Indonesia. While flights are now frequent, it’s
worth the wait.
Banda islands highlights
Gunung Api island or ‘peak of fire’, is an
active volcano that emerges from the
deep in a perfect cone, and is entirely
rugged and highly volcanic. In the waters
surrounding these islands you’ll find
some of the world’s most spectacular
marine gardens, with bright corals and
colorful fish, bustling through the crystalclear waters, making it suitable for diving,
snorkeling or even simply sightseeing.
24 Equator - October 2011
The Banda Islands are one of Indonesias
top destinations for divers. Both experts and
beginners will enjoy themselves here, as
the diving ranges from the shallow lagoon
between Banda Neira and Gunung Api to
the vertical walls of Hatta Island, the most
easterly in the group. The Bandas offer stunning tropical scenery, a remarkable history,
friendly villages, and some of the globe’s
most pristine, biologically diverse coral reefs.
Scuba is new here, but the pioneering divers didn’t have to work hard for their thrills.
The undersea world around Ambon and
the nearby island of Saparua have top-rate
dive sites. Highlights among reef walls here
are the presence of large marine life - sharks,
enormous turtles, schools of Napoleon
Wrasse, giant groupers, tuna, rays, and huge
lobsters - neighbors to generous schools of
reef fish.
The Banda Islands, about 132 kilometers
southeast of Ambon, consists of three larger
islands and seven smaller ones, perched on
the rim of Indonesia’s deepest sea, the Banda
Sea. Near the island Manuk, the water reaches a depth of more than 6,500 meters. Of the
three biggest islands Banda, Banda-Neira
and Gunung Api, the first two are covered
with nutmeg trees and other vegetation.
The third is entirely bare and highly volcanic.
The seas around Banda are the site of the famous Maluku sea gardens with their bright
corals and colorful fish darting through the
crystal- clear waters.
Climbing the highest peak of the Bandas
(667m above sea level) offers great views
and some vulcanic insight. The trail starts at
the few houses on the eastern shore and although it is unmarked almost impossible to
miss. Bring plenty of water (minimum 3l per
person!) as the trail is continously ascending
for around 2 hours. Good shoes are advisable as the path is stony and slippery. No
guide necessary but not a bad idea if you
intend to climb without anyone else.
Fresh seafood plucked straight from the
ocean is a treat here. Guesthouse staff will be
happy for prepare whatever seafood you are
after. Usually the fish is grilled to make one
portion of delicious ikan bakar ( grilled fish ).
While you are here in the home of nutmeg, you’ll have the chance to nutmeg jam
in mostly every guesthouse in Bandaneira.
Nutmeg is also available in form of preserved
food (manisan pala) and dried fruit slices.
Banda islands highlights
The statue is a
tribute to an anti
colonial resistance
heroine who fought
against the Dutch
alongside her father
in 19th century.
From place you’ll
see some splendid
views of the town
and Ambon bay.
Banda Islands are
amongst the most
unique destinations
in the world for
divers. Sponges
so huge you won’t
believe your eyes,
the vast variety
of life including
turtles, mobula rays
and many more
Until the middle
of 19th century
the Banda Islands
were the world’s
only source of the
spices nutmeg and
mace, produced
from the nutmeg
tree from Banda
Sail Banda is an
annual yacht
race that takes
competitors from
Darwin, Australia
through to the
beautiful Banda
Islands. More
than 100 yachts
competing from
around the world
and sail under a
bright blue sky.
Equator - October 2011 25
Embassy News
Celebration of 66th Indonesian
National Armed Forces Day
On October 5, 2011, in Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade, the Ambassador Semuel Samson has led a ceremony to mark the 66th
Anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) that was attended by all the staff of the Embassy, Dharma Wanita
Persatuan members and Indonesian community in Serbia. This year`s ceremony to mark the 66th Anniversary of TNI was themed
“With integrity and professionalism, TNI with national components are ready to maintain and uphold the sovereignty and integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI)”. After the successful ceremony, the Ambassador had the honour to
deliver the peak of the ‘Tumpeng’ to one of the local staff at the Indonesian Defense office in Belgrade, Mrs. Mira Šekarić.
In the frame of this anniversary, on October 18, 2011, the Indonesian Embassy has organized the “Mini Shooting Competition”
and cocktail party in Partizan Shooting Club in Belgrade, that was attended by the many officials from the Serbian Government,
Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, representatives of the Serbian military industry,
Head of Diplomatic Missions and their Defense Attaches, International Organizations and other respected counterparts.
This year, the celebration of the Anniversary of the Indonesian National Defense Forces was marked in different way and was
responded very positive by all the participants. The competition was in shooting using pistol CZ-999 and cal. 9 mm bullets, in
two rounds of disciplines. The first was the round target of 50x50 cm at distance of 15 meters with 3 sighting shots and 5 bullets
precise hit fire with the limit of one minute per round. The second, was the rapid fire at the round target from 15 meters with
time limits of 3 seconds for each round and with 5 bullets.
The excitement was overflowed during the competition, many of the participants had the experience in shooting but there
were also many of them who just wanted to try for the first time. While others were enjoying the cocktail, Indonesian snacks and
live music in the outdoor area of the Partizan Shooting Club.
After three hours of individual shootings and pleasant music as well, the committee of judges from the Partizan Club announced the winners. The first prize was won by Mr. Aleksandar Djenić from the Serbian Ministry of Interior Affars with 93
points, the second prize by Mr. Branislav Vukadinović with 90 points also from the Serbian Ministry of Interior Affars and the
third prize by Mr. Šandor Horvarth with 89 points from OSCE Mission. The special prize for the best beginner category among
ladies was won by Mrs. Julie Rice, spouse of Air Attache from Embassy of USA, who gain the one year free membership at the
Partizan Shooting Club.
The shooting competition was sponsored by two respected Serbian companies, the manufacturer of firearms and artillery
“ZASTAVA Arms” from Kragujevac that has provided one pistol CZ-999 for the first prize winner, and ammunition factory “PRVI
PARTIZAN” from Uzice who provided 9 mm cal. ammunitions for the rest of the winners.
26 Equator - October 2011
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Serbian scholarship students generation 2011
departed to Indonesia
The Darmasiswa program is a scholarship program offered by the Indonesian Government to foreign students from countries
which have Diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia, traditional music, traditional dance, and Indonesian craft. The program aims to promote Indonesian culture and language and is given to foreign students who are willing
to take a non-degree program. For Darmasiswa academic year of 2011/2012, the Government of Indonesia has awarded 12
students from Serbia to learn Bahasa Indonesia as well as traditional dances, art and culture in universities in Java, East Nusa
Tenggara and Bali. Each year the number of students from Serbia applied for the program has increased, which shows a great
interest from the Serbians to get to be acquainted with the Indonesian culture.
The Developing Countries Partnership (KNB) program is a scholarship program offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia for students to undergo their Master studies in Indonesia. The object of the study offered are various, starting from politic, international studies, tourism and social sciences, in many top universities in Indonesia. Since 2002 up
to 2010, there are 582 students from 53 countries that has completed the Master studies through this program. For the academic
year of 2011/2012, two students from Serbia has been awarded the scholarship to study in Indonesia.
28 Equator - October 2011
Embassy News
Indonesian language courses in Belgrade
Based on the initiative from the Indonesian Embassy to introduce Indonesian language in Serbia, Embassy of the Republic of
Indonesia in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, has received the arrival of Indonesian language teacher, Mr. Yudi Permadi, in Belgrade on October 2011. The program started soon after the teacher’s arrival
with Indonesian language class in the Embassy for the members of the Serbia-Indonesia Friendship Association “Nusantara”,
the Embassy local staff, members of the Balinese dance class, students of the Belgrade Indonesian School, as well as Indonesian
class at the Foreign Language Center in Ilija M. Kolarac Foundation.
Considering that Mr. Yudi Permadi is also a lecturer at the Padjajaran University, which already signed the MoU on educational
cooperation with the University of Belgrade, the Embassy will encourage further cooperation between the two universities,
among others regarding the possibility to open an Indonesian language major in the University of Belgrade.
RI’s students who received the scholarship
“The World in Serbia” have started their studies
The second generation of Indonesian students have arrived in Belgrade in the frame of Serbian Governments Scholarship Fund
“The World in Serbia” that was established since 2010. The Scholarship Fund “The World in Serbia” is for students from Non
Aligned Movement countries for university studies in Serbia that was built on tradition of Yugoslavia student exchange programs of the past that enabled generations of future leaders from NAM member states. For this academic year, two Indonesian
students was granted this scholarship and has started the course of Serbian language and culture, and next year will be followed by studies in one of the faculties of the prestigious University of Belgrade.
Equator - October 2011 29
Embassy News
Ambon Jazz Plus
Festival 2011
In the first week of October, the groove of Jazz has landed on
the city of Ambon in the province of Maluku, as the Ambon Jazz
Plus Festival got underway from 7 to 9 October 2011. The Festival
was held at the Pattimura square, right in the center of town,
located by the City Hall and government office buildings.
The Indonesian Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Mr.
Semuel Samson as the founder and Executive Director of AJPF
along with Governor of Maluku, Mayor of Ambon, Commander
of Military Territory “Pattimura XVI”, Director of National Bank of
Indonesia (BNI), Director of “Djarum” company and AJPF Director
have officially opened the festival on 7 October 2011.
This year, the organizing committee and its community have
decided to bring the Festival to the very center of town in order
to underline this year’s theme: “Ambon, the Music City”. This is to
broadcast to the world that Ambon is a city in the Eastern region of
Indonesia that is blessed with plentiful talents in art, songs, music
and dance. Furthermore it is hoped that, following this, the region
will also focus on art and music as the medium to develop future
generations. During the three great days of festival, over 8.000
visitors enjoyed the performances from many jazz musicians from
USA, Europe, Asia and Indonesia.
Next year in 2012, AJPF committee has invited the world to come
to the officially inaugurate the MUSIC CITY of Indonesia - Ambon. Year
2012 will be the year of “COMING HOME” to those that love musics, to
those that play music, to those that are crazy about music. Considered
the coming to Ambon Jazz Plus Festival 2012 as their ”COMING HOME”.
30 Equator - October 2011
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Embassy News
Belgrade Jazz Festival marked the 80th
birthday of Serbian jazz maestro Duško Gojković
On October 30, 2011, the Ambassador Semuel Samson has attended the 27th Belgrade
Jazz Festival in Belgrade and had the pleasure to enjoy the music performance one of
best Serbian jazz maestro Duško Gojković.
On this year, BJF had payed special attention to this Serbian legend, who has marked
his 80th birthday on the stage of Dom Omladine with Big Band RTS, and has shared his
special day with Belgrade’s citizens through
many good old jazz music.
On this ocassion, the Indonesian Ambassador had the pleasure to personaly
extend the congratulations to Mr. Duško
Gojković and invited him to participate
on the next AJPF in Ambon, Indonesia.
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Embassy News
34 Equator - October 2011
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Semuel Samson
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Photo News
Attending the 7th ECPD Conference Reconciliation, Tolerance
and Human Security in the Balkans, at Milocer in Montenegro
At the Serbian Progressive Party meeting in Niš
Meeting with Vice Governor of the National Bank of Serbia,
Mrs. Mira Erić-Jović
Meeting with H.E. Mr. Branko Branković, Adviser to the
Speaker of National Assembly of Serbia
Meeting with Ambassador of Serbia to the Republic of Indonesia,
H.E. Mr. Jovan Jovanovic
Meeting with the teaching staff of the Indonesian
School in Belgrade
Opening of the painting exhibition “From Serbia we imagine
Indonesia” organized by Friendship Association “Nusantara”
At the Belgrade Jazz Festival with the dirigent of
RTS jazz orchestra Mr. Ivan Ilić after the performance
38 Equator - October 2011
Photo News
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Austria
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Turkey
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Czech Republic
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Hungary
Reception on the ocassion of National Day of Azerbaijan
Farewell dinner hosted by Ambassador of Argentina,
H.E. Mr. Mario Ezcurra and Madame
Farewell dinner hosted by Mr. Faisal from Malaysian Embassy
Sunday lunch hosted by the Indonesian Ambassador for all
staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Belgrade
Equator - October 2011 39
Ora Beach Resort, North Seram, Maluku