muscles - SA Stud Merino Sheep Breeders


muscles - SA Stud Merino Sheep Breeders
s Rd
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Farrell Flat
East Bungaree
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Merino Annual 2015
Plains Rd
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Herds H
What: Elders SA Stud Merino
Where: On-property
When: Monday, March 16
Time: From 9.30am
Whitwarta Participating Studs
 Collinsville
2 East Bungaree
Grannys Ck Rd
3 Glenowie
4 Greenfields
5 Gum Hill
6 Hamilton Run
7 Moorundie Park
8 North Ashrose
9 Nyowee Owen
 Old Ashrose
 Pindari
 Springvale North
e Rd
Sutherland Rd
Robbins Rd
What, where, when
Marshall Rd
Snow Rd
is Rd
lands R
Ngapala Rd
ast Bungaree was founded afterBundthe
y Church
of the original Bungaree Stud. From 1980 to
1986, the Wylie family, Kangaringa, held the
stud. In 1986, the Hawker family repurchased
it and kept it until late 1995, when the stud
and property were sold to the Litchfield
family, Hazeldean Stud, Cooma, NSW. In
Tony Brooks
ill Rd
en H 2005, East Bungaree was bought
by Tony and Mark Brooks dand will continue
to be maintained asRoacky distinct
strain of South
is to retain
the valuable attributes of the East Bungaree
Merinos – including
size, fertility and the
w Rd
Point Pass
Golf Course Rd
ability to thrive in pastoral country – but at the
Greenhills Rd
same time improve the quality of wool they
Mark Brooks
grow. There are au3300
ewes in the stud,
s Rd
Border Rd
Emm ewes artificially inseminated
rs H
to the best sires the stud can identify. These
ill R
ill R
sires are a combination ofeep HEast
Bungaree andSutherlands
outside sires of
Macaw Ck
proven ability to maintain wool quality and carcass value. East
iben producers looking for productive
Bungaree Merinos are bred
Days Hill Rd
dual-purpose sheep that deliver in a range of environments. At
the South Australian
Field Days in March, the stud sold EB23 for
Coorington Rd
Gants Hill Rd
Flat Banyandah Pastoral, Swan
$13,500 to Ian and Camilla
Sm Neales
ith R
Hill, NSW.
At the annual on-property
sale on September 23,
Clarke Rd
Altman Rd
2014, the
stud offered and sold 260 rams and averaged $1350
s R Bungaree’s annual ram sale is on
with a topersprice
of $6000. keEast
Wild Dog Hill Rd
Allendale North
September 22 at
1pm. Frankton
Belt R
ell R
ite W
h Rd
Details: Tim Dalla 0488 773 329,
Olga Vale Rd
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Harvey Hwy
ith an enthusiastic long-term
commitment, Collinsville Merino studsowla
b Rd
famous Collinsville station were
purchased by George and Sophie Millington in
late 2014. They have embraced the exciting
challenge of this new venture. Tim Dalla has
remained as stud manager and will be based
George Millington
at the new location – Cappeedee property
Hallett near Hallett. Tony Connell will also continue in
his role as manager of the pastoral property
east of Hallett. Collinsville produces superior
Rd genetics with a consistent commitment to
directly influencing a
ack R large number of flocks across Australia. The
stud’s ongoing
aim is to breed sheep that
ls Rd
e Hil
are large-framed,
plain-bodied and produce
Tim Dalla
true heavy cutting, stylish, medium-wool
Mount Bryanfleeces. Stud ewes average 9 kilograms of 21
micron wool. Uniquely, Collinsville will continue to breed a large
number of sale rams at Collinsville station east of Hallett. The
stud believes that it is important to maintain the constitution and
survivability of the Collinsville bloodline and that is the reason
it adapts so well into Australia’s pastoral zones. Lot 1 at the
Adelaide Ram Sale created some spirited bidding, eventually
being sold to Kolindale Poll Merino stud for $66,000. This was
the highest price at the sale for nearly 20 years. Congratulations
to the Ledwith family and thank-you to all other purchasers and
underbidders. Collinsville will display at the SA Stud Merino Field
Days on property at Cappeedee on Monday, March 16, and the
Burra Oval on Tuesday, March 17. Large selections of top quality
and affordable flock-improving rams will be available throughout
2015 by appointment. Collinsville will once again offer stud sires
at the Adelaide Ram Sale and will also have an on-property
auction on Tuesday, September 15.
bank R
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Moore Rd
Day One – On-property
one Rd
Trig H
Zwar Rd
Sambell Rd
ll Dr
Day One – On-property
make the correct breeding selection for their flocks. With clients spread across
Australia, the Gum Hill breeding flock can meet most commercial sheep
breeders’ objectives required from the modern Merino.
lenowie is 18 kilometres south of Burra. The Merino
stud was founded in 1937 on a Collinsville bloodline and
acquired by the Stockman family in 1969. The Glenowie
Poll Merino Stud was formed on a Collinsville and Ashrose
blood base. Collinsville and Ashrose rams are still being
incorporated into the breeding program by purchasing
sires. Glenowie is noted for breeding robust, large-framed,
Angus Stockman
soft-handling, early maturing and heavy cutting multipurpose rams with an average fibre diameter of 21 microns. The stud breeds
profitable hardy sheep that perform. Glenowie mates 2000 ewes. The stud
is National Johnes Programme and Brucellosis accredited. All sheep are run
under natural paddock conditions and are suited to all climatic conditions.
The stud sells rams to all parts of SA, NSW and Qld. Rams are available for
selection in spring and at the on-property field day, all with wool test figures.
Private selections are also available.
Hamilton Run
he Hamilton Run Poll Merino stud is a continuation of
stud Merino sheep breeding which began in the 1950s
by the Andrews family. Third-generation stud Merino
breeder Greg Andrews has established and based the
stud in the undulating country at Jamestown. Sheep are
run between the home property and pastoral country of
the Southern Flinders ranges. Auction sale results from
Greg Andrews
the progeny of Hamilton Run’s leading sire HR160 – sold
to Coddington Poll for $20,000 in 2013 – saw 26 rams
averaging $2900, with a top price of $6000 at the Dubbo National Sale. This
ram also won Champion Autumn-Shorn Fine Wool Poll. Progeny from HR160
will be available again this year. Hamilton Run produces sheep with outstanding
constitution and structure, growing stylish medium wool of high follicle density.
Hamilton Run genetics influence flocks over a wide range of environs including
those in south-east Qld, central and northern NSW, the southern and Wimmera
areas in Vic, plus all regions of SA. Client successes support the versatility
and adaptability of Hamilton Run sheep. Wool type selection is so important
in the range of testing climatic conditions in this country and Hamilton Run’s
highly waxed and low suint wools have excelled in all areas. In 2014, lambing
results of 140 per cent were recorded at weaning, with an average of 130pc
in the past four years. All lambs are bred in pastoral country. The stud uses
an electronic tagging system to collect data. Rams are selected visually and
backed by the use of ASBVs, providing additional selection pressure at classing.
A Pedigree Matchmaker system provides accuracy of mothering in the large
ewe base, saving a lot of labour and time. To assist repeat clients, free ram
delivery and complimentary ewe classing services are offered. The Hamilton
Run ram sale at Jamestown is held every September and this year is on
September 3. A ram selection day at Mundulla is staged in late September for
southern and Victorian producers who are unable to make the Jamestown sale.
Enquiries for private selection rams are welcome.
reenfields Merino stud, founded in 1949 on Ashrose
bloodlines, had regular purchases of Ashrose stud rams
and ewes as well as stud rams and semen from
Collinsville. Collinsville blood formed the basis of the
Greenfields Poll Merino Stud, founded in 1957. The stud
sells rams to all parts of SA and interstate. They are keenly
sought for their well-nourished, bright, stylish wool and
large, plain bodies. Emphasis is on breeding early maturing
Jim Sullivan
sheep with strong constitutions. Greenfields clients
regularly achieve high returns for their quality wool clip and
top prices for livestock sold at saleyards. In 2014, the stud
offered and sold 7 stud Merino and Poll Merino rams at the
Royal Adelaide Show ram sale to a top price of $18,500 –
for its Supreme Champion ram Randall which weighed a
massive 180kg – averaging $8214. Its annual on-property
sale in September was another highlight, with 98 rams
Robert Sullivan
sold to a top of $9000, averaging $1825. The 40 miniSullivan
auction rams averaged $701. Greenfields has two lambings
a year, enabling quality rams to be available for selection
throughout. Studmasters Jim, Robert and James Sullivan
are committed to breeding top-quality Merinos and Poll
ric Davidson founded the Moorundie Park Poll Merino
Merinos, constantly striving to produce rams with superior
Stud in 1955 and grandson Tom now operates the stud
genetics. They are available to assist clients with classing
at Gulnare in the Mid North. Moorundie Park sheep are
and provide general advice with ram selection and flock
noted for their large frames and free-growing white wool.
management. A highlight of this year’s field day display will
The stud continues to maintain a focus on profit-driving
James Sullivan
be some outstanding progeny of Greenfields 2.11 (Hussey)
attributes such as fertility, early maturity and robustness.
by EM Jonty and Greenfields 2.2 (Tyson). Both Merino rams were the winning
A measure of its success has been the excellent results
Ramsey Bros sponsored pair of ram lambs at the 2013 Burra Field Day
Tom Davidson
achieved by its clients who consistently feature in all
competition. Some outstanding Poll Merino sons of new semen sire Charinga
regional livestock markets. Moorundie Park will host an
120345, PE44 (Leroy) and T94 will also be on display. The stud’s annual
on-property field day as part of the Mid North Field Days in March, where a
on-property production sale is on Monday, September 14, where 150 rams
large number of sheep will be on display. Rams will be offered at the Adelaide
and 300 stud ewes will be offered.
Ram Sale in September and there will be an on-property ram sale of 180
rams on Friday, September 18. The stud held a successful on-property sale
in 2014, selling all 180 rams on offer with an average of $1607. Moorundie
Park endeavours to breed profitable Poll Merinos and build honest and friendly
relationships with clients.
stablished in 1885, Gum Hill Merino Stud has
experienced and survived many economic and seasonal
changes. These challenges have directed the type of
Merino that the studmasters, over many years, have
chosen to pursue. As one of only two surviving studs that
originally began practising extensive measurement for
ocated in the rich landscape of SA’s Mid North, North
economic factors from the mid 1950s, the need for a
Ashrose Merino Stud encompasses more than 100
profitable and productive animal has resulted in plainyears of breeding. The stud’s breeding program and
Glan Lines
bodied, strong-constitution, fertile, easy-care animals that
continuous improvement will see another exceptional
perform for clients under a range of commercial
year in 2015. The ewe flock is ever evolving with
Tom Ashby
environments. Gum Hill believes that the individual animal’s
continual assessment and evaluation of market trends,
all-round performance for fleece weight, body weight,
technology advancements and environmental needs.
micron, comfort factor, and fleece rot or flystrike is as
From a Collinsville blood base, North Ashrose has a solid
important as pedigrees. The family owned and run
background of structural soundness and constitution
business has been in the Lines family since 1885, and
within the ewe flock, which aims to breed a long-stapled,
covers properties at Mount Bryan in the Mid North and
well-nourished, deeply crimped fibre on a plain-bodied
Justin Lines
Keith in the South East, allowing for diversity in client
big-frame carcass with a five-year micron average of 20.4.
requirements. Rams are bred at both properties, and the top 60 per cent of the The stud is constantly moving forward, ensuring clients are
drop are offered for private selection during July and October. Gum Hill does
securing and selecting sheep best suited for their flocks
Matt Ashby
not auction its rams because it believes that clients need individual time to
to remain sustainable. This consistent breeding has been
Moorundie Park
Gum Hill
North Ashrose
Merino Annual 2015
Day One – On-property
evident throughout 2014, illustrated by Booleroo Area School winning the
overall champion group of three wethers at the Royal Adelaide Show with
sheep supplied by North Ashrose. The team placed first for fleece value and
carcass value – true profit drivers in the commercial Merino industry. This
was an amazing achievement, repeating the success in 2013. At the 2014
Adelaide Ram Sale, North Ashrose scored a record average with seven rams
selling to a top of $15,000 and $11,000 average amidst strong competition
from all states. The on-property annual sale in September is a highlight in
the stud’s ram selling calendar. In 2014, North Ashrose recorded a top price
of $11,000 and a solid average of $1827 for the 160 rams offered and sold.
Clients report consistently high returns and feedback for their quality of wool,
and reputable livestock sales at sheep markets. North Ashrose is continually
striving for excellence and firmly building its solid foundations and integrity,
service and reputation with clients. A feature of the 2015 field days will be the
displayed progeny of Metric, JC&S Premier 102, Imperial 242 and White River
2232. These are exciting young sires that show outstanding wool qualities
with impressive frames deep bodies. The annual on-property ram sale is on
Wednesday, September 16.
he Nyowee Poll Merino Stud, operating as BA Michael
& Co, Balaklava, was founded in 1955. In recent
years, it has concentrated on using Nyowee sires with
some semen from leading eastern state studs in artificial
insemination matings. The stud aims to produce sheep
with large frames and a high percentage of top quality,
nourished, long-stapled wool. It places more emphasis
on using rams with good dual-purpose traits. Nyowee will Ian Michael
once again display on-property, enabling visitors to inspect
a good cross-section of sheep. It will feature rams reserved
for Adelaide and its on-property sale, and pens of graded
hogget rams rising one-year-olds. Ewes and ewe hoggets
will be penned for inspection and young ewes rising
1.5 years old will be shorn, fleece-weighed and valued
during the day. The stud will participate and display at
the Bendigo Sheep Show in Vic, and offer show rams and Rob Michael
ewes at the Royal Adelaide Show and Adelaide Ram Sale.
It has had a successful 2014 Adelaide Ram Sale, selling 8
to an average of $5000 and a top price of $9000. Nyowee
also had a very successful on-property sale in September
last year, selling 130 rams for a record price average of
$1915 and a top price of $5250. The stud annually sells
between 500 and 600 rams, which go to all parts of SA,
the western division of NSW, Qld and Vic. It will hold its
Andrew Michael
16th on-property sale on Wednesday, September 16 at
Old Ashrose
ld Ashrose was first registered in 1979, following the
division of the Ashby family’s Ashrose stud which was
founded in 1910. Old Ashrose Proprietors was formed in
2002 with the partnership of Robert and Susan Ashby and
Nick and Kate Wadlow. The stud breeds large-frame, plainbodied sheep with sound confirmation and constitution.
Wools are well-nourished, soft handling and white, with
strong selection placed on quality, staple length, strength
Robert Ashby
and yield. The five-year average fibre diameter is 21
microns. Objective measurement is used to focus on
increasing fleece and weaning weights. Market trends for
wool and meat quality are continually reviewed to ensure
Old Ashrose sheep remain relevant to present and future
requirements. In 2014, a total of 2800 Merino and Poll
Merino stud ewes were mated. At the 2014 on-property
sale, 100 rams in the main auction were offered and
Nick Wadlow
sold to $4200 for an average of $1729. A further 43 mini
auction rams averaged $781. A pleasing feature of the sale
was the number of interstate and local ram breeders who
bought quality stud rams at reasonable prices. Ram marketing in September
will continue to focus on the on-property auction and the Adelaide Ram
Sale with private selections by appointment throughout the year. ASBVs are
available on all sale rams. The annual on-property ram sale is on Thursday,
September 17, at 1pm.
indari Merino stud was formed in 1966, while the Poll
Merino stud was registered in 1980, with many
infusions of Moorundie Park in the early years. In recent
years, Robin, Mary-Anne and Greg Schwartz have sought
the judicious use of plain-bodied, free-growing, bold
crimping rams, while maintaining conformation, to produce
a more modern Poll Merino. Rams with ASBVs have also
been sought in recent years, targeting improvement in
Robin Schwartz
clean fleece weight, maintaining micron, and looking for
above-average weaning weight and genetic fat. This will
continue the trend for easy-care, faster growing and
genetically resilient Merinos. Pindari is consistently
producing lambing percentages of 105 to 110, but with the
use of pregnancy scanning and identifying twins, plans to
keep pushing these goals higher. The stud is consistently
achieving 40 per cent or more of the ewe flock scanning
Greg Schwartz
with multiples, with the challenge to get more of these
surviving from scanning to weaning with a July/August
lambing. Mature ewes are consistently producing 7-8
kilograms of wool annually, 20-21 micron, at high winter stocking rates, and
minimal worm control. On October 15, 2014, wool from one-year-old Stud Poll
ewes, with eight months growth, produced the following tests: 19 micron,
99.2pc comfort factor, 0.3 vegetable matter, 88 millimetres staple length, 41
newtons per kilotex staple strength, 75 yield and a price of 915 cents/kg.
Rams are offered for sale for the first time at 13 months in September, when
the on-property auction is held, and privately at any time thereafter yearround. Seven-month-old ram lambs will be displayed at the 2015 Stud Merino
Expo, along with select 18-month-old rams, and some stud ewes running with
sires. Pindari will have displays both on-property at Waterloo and at Burra, and
looks forward to catching up with all interested breeders at that time, and in
the year ahead. The on-property ram auction is on Tuesday, September 22 at
Springvale North
he Springvale North Poll Merino stud was founded after
the division of the Springvale stud in 1997 and has
a breeding history dating back to 1977. It is now run by
Peter Stockman Snr and sons Alex and Peter and families,
based at Burra. The stud aims to breed large-framed,
early maturing, plain-bodied sheep with free-growing,
long-stapled, bright white wools with plenty of character
that can survive and thrive in all environments. Springvale
Peter Stockman Snr
North aims to breed dual-purpose, highly productive
sheep – the modern Merino – that can improve the
profitability of clients’ flocks. Springvale North will have a
complete display on-property on Monday, March 16, and
exhibit at Burra Oval on Tuesday, March 17, as part of
the SA Stud Merino Expo. The stud is able to offer clients
numerous opportunities to select rams as it runs two lines
of stud ewes, with one lambing in April/May and another in
Peter Stockman Jnr
September/October. This results in two complete lines of
1.5-year-old rams for sale each year, one line for the field
days in March by private selection and another line for the
on-property auction in September. At the 2014 on-property
auction, a full clearance of 81 rams were sold at an
average of $1157 – Springvale North’s best average for 13
years. The stud continues to focus on serving its growing
client base. Its annual on-property auction is on Friday,
September 18 at The Grove.
Alex Stockman
Details: Old Ashrose is also on facebook.
Merino Annual 2015
Day Two – Burra Oval
Just S
What, where, when
Ram of the Year
Collandra North
East Bungaree
2014 Elders SACoStud Merino
Expo Competition
Participating studs
Elders SA Stud Merino Expo
Burra Oval
Tuesday, March 17
From 9am. Competitions mid-afternoon. Food and
refreshments available
Judges: Wool: Garry Kopp, Towalba Merino Stud, NSW, Meat: Clayton
Rowett, Ulandi Poll Dorsets
Merino Pair
All Purpose Pen of Two
Ram Lambs
radfield Merino Stud was founded in 1942 and the
Poll Merino Stud was founded in 2004 by the Bradtke
family. The two studs aim to breed free-growing, reliable
and profitable sires that continuously maximise returns in
meat and wool. The true dual-purpose rams weigh, test
and breed well. The 2015 line-up has been influenced by
a need from clients to have sires that simply continue to
Stacey Bradtke
breed, survive and thrive. Based not only on the stud’s
proven genetics but also that of Leahcim and Glenlea Park,
it is enjoying big success with infusions of specific genetics
for wool over the renowned Bradfield frame. Bradfield
sires truly are early maturing, correct and large-framed,
wrinkle-free, with high fertility rates and free-growing,
easycare fleeces. They have the whole package. Based at
Mannanarie in the Mid North, Bradfield is pleased to host
its on-property sale on Friday, September 4. Stud masters Gary Bradtke
Stacey and Gary are always available to assist clients with
classing, general advice or assistance to improve sheep businesses. Meet
the team in the tent at Burra for a chat about what they can do for you – you
never know what you might find!
Details: Jayden Harris 08 8687 6037, 0459 101 834 or
Merino Annual 2015
he Bunyara Merino and Poll Merino Studs at Moculta,
north east of the Barossa Valley, aim to produce
large-framed, plain-bodied sheep with stylish free-growing,
long-staple wool. Bunyara also strives to have early
maturing sheep that produce wool cut of bulky quality.
At its 30th on-property auction, 66 rams were sold
averaging $1430, with the top price of $4000 for a Poll
Merino. Clients have the opportunity to buy quality sires at Ian Koch
affordable prices. In recent years, they have topped meat and wool markets.
Bunyara genetics are an ideal fit for meat and wool production for breeding
and commercial flocks. Rams are suited to a wide range of environments and
conditions, from pastoral properties to cropping and sheep enterprises and
high-rainfall grazing. The stud’s 31st annual on-property auction will be on
Thursday, September 17, starting 1.30pm at the Bunyara Stud at Moculta.
Next-generation rams are available for inspection at local country shows,
the Merino Expo at Burra in March and at the Royal Adelaide show or the
pre-inspection day before the ram sale.
Details: Ian Koch 0408 554 180, email
rimanna is 23 kilometres north-west of Yeelanna on the
Eyre Peninsula. After another successful year in 2014,
the stud looks forward to offering more top-quality sires for
selection. In the past two years, Brimanna invested no less
than $25,000 in sires, giving clients the opportunity to buy
quality rams. In 2014, it once again finished in the top six
in the All Purpose Pair of Ram Lambs competition at Burra, Jayden Harris
this time taking third spot. With this result, Brimanna is
confident it is producing early maturing, truly dual-purpose
rams. The stud also bought a top sire from North Ashrose for $7800. This
ram is very correct, with rich stylish wool and tremendous depth of body, and
will improve its already successful breeding programme. Brimanna will be
exhibiting at the SA Merino Expo in Burra and the EP Pre-Sale Merino Expo
at Wudinna. Well-grown young rams will be on display and later offered at
its on-property ram sale. Progeny will feature the first sons from Minta 215,
sons that are showing early potential with rich well-nourished wools on sound
frames. More sons of Ridgway Advance B80 and his son Brimanna 040 will
also be featured, with their free-growing, white, deep-crimping wools and
remarkable early growth. The stud looks forward to interacting with those at
the expos or at its on-property sale on Monday, July 27, starting at 2pm.
Orrie Cowie
Hamilton Run
Pepper Well
Hilton Heath
Kamora Netley Park Pindari
Kamora Park
Rices Creek
Springvale North
White River
North Cowie
Old Ashrose
Old Kelvale
alcookara has always strived to breed the whitest,
softest wool possible on a large, easy-care carcase.
Stock suit rainfall environments from 500 millimetres down
to 200mm districts. The stud is very strict on conformation
to get the best out of sheep. It owns a lot of big, rolling hills
Brenton Smith
and the stock must be fit to not only survive but also raise
lambs in them. Calcookara rarely pampers its rams – even display teams are
only moderately pampered compared to a lot of other studs. The sale team
are only paddock-run with a barley feeder and hay, from January till sale time.
The 2014 on-property auction averaged $1180 for quality rams. There were
49 rams that sold for under $1000, making them affordable for all budgets.
The top-price ram sold to Pepperwell stud for $3600. This son of L858 was
a well-built animal with bold crimping wool that measured 19.5 micron, 15.7
per cent coefficient of variation, 3.1 standard deviation and 99.6pc comfort
factor. For the fourth year running, the entire 2014 woolclip fell into the 19M
category. This was sold in a tough period in mid-October but averaged $1550
a bale, meaning quality still sells. Calcookara also had good clients in Neil and
Emily Byerlee, Carrieton, with an average of $150 a head for cull ewe hoggets
which also cut them $34.50 of wool, meaning they almost returned $185/hd.
Grown ewes averaged 6.8kg of wool a head. Pete and Matt Story averaged
up to 130pc lambing in some mobs, an example of how Calcookara helps put
the money back into enterprises. The 2015 on-property auction will be held
on Friday, September 4 with inspection from 11.30am and the sale starting at
1.30pm. A pre-sale inspection day is on Friday, August 28 from 1pm to 5pm.
Day Two – Burra Oval
arricowie Poll Merino stud was established in 1984 with
mated stud ewes from Orrie Cowie stud. The stud is
renowned for breeding big-frame sheep with heavy cutting,
well-nourished, soft handling, white wool of a medium
quality. Each year the stud runs an artificial insemination
Robin Blyth
program using genetics to enhance its objectives. All sale
rams are paddock run and exhibit tremendous potential,
helping clients achieve great results. Progeny will be
available from Moorundie Park R007 and Terrick West 1.3,
both purchased at the Adelaide Ram Sale in 2012. Robin,
Judith, Bronte and Lee are excited about the 2015 sale
team and look forward to welcoming clients and friends
to the inspection day on Wednesday, August 12 and
Bronte Blyth
on-property sale on Wednesday, August 19 at 2.30pm.
Collandra North
n Wednesday, August 12 Collandra North Poll Merino
Stud – founded in 1977 –will offer 120 well-grown
quality rams with heavy cutting medium wool and a
brilliant constitution. These rams have been carefully
selected and bred by renowned stud consultant Tom
Padbury and owners Sydney and Graeme Lawrie. Collandra
North also welcomes Ben Watts, NSW, to assist with
operations and represent the stud in the eastern states. At Sydney Lawrie
the 2014 on-property sale, 109 of the 110 rams offered
sold to an average of $1716. The top price ram sold to
Bralca Merino Stud, Molong, NSW for $4000. Three rams
to $3900 went to Walkindyer Poll Merino, WA. Elite sires:
Bond XP87, bought from Greenfields 2011 for $29,000,
son of Wallaloo Park Maximus 400, by WP290, by
Nerstane 002; Hot spot, son of Ashrose Blue Print bought
from Charinga in 2008 for $8000; Collandra North Yellow
Graeme Lawrie
198, son of Hot Spot; Collandra North Green 095, great
grandson of Barton Hill 015; Collandra North Black M 1728,
son of PC 30 sire was Collinsville 051, by 540, by Monarch
215, by Monarch 23; VP 247, son of VP 51, by Banavie Lustre 002. Selective
breeding for 34 years from Collinsville, Greenfields, Charinga, Barton Hill and
Collandra North genetics has resulted in superior sires, which Collandra North
clients from across NSW and SA have used to achieve top-quality flock. The
stud will present rams at the Wudinna Pre Sale ram expo on Monday, July
6; Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show, July 17-19; The Royal Adelaide Show,
September 9-11. Two rams will be offered by auction at the Adelaide show on
Friday, September 11.
Details: Sydney Lawrie 0428 820 216, 08 8688 2845; Graeme Lawrie 0428 846 408, 08
8688 2307, fax 08 8688 1825; stud classer Tom Padbury 08 8239 2721, Eastern states
representative Ben Watts 0428 668 706.
ith a long-term commitment in mind, Collinsville
Merino studs and the famous Collinsville station were
purchased by George and Sophie Millington in late 2014.
They have embraced the exciting challenge of this new
venture. Tim Dalla has remained as stud manager and
will be based at the new location – Cappeedee property
George Millington
near Hallett. Tony Connell will also continue in his role as
manager of the pastoral property east of Hallett. Collinsville
produces superior genetics with a consistent commitment
to commercial profitability, directly influencing a large
number of flocks across Australia. The stud’s ongoing
aim is to breed sheep that are large-framed, plain-bodied
and produce true heavy cutting, stylish medium wool
fleeces. Stud ewes average 9 kilograms of 21 micron
Tim Dalla
wool. Uniquely, Collinsville will continue to breed a large
number of sale rams at Collinsville station east of Hallett.
The stud believes that it is important to maintain the
constitution and survivability of the Collinsville bloodline and that is the reason
it adapts so well into Australia’s pastoral zones. Lot 1 at the Adelaide ram sale
created some spirited bidding, eventually being sold to Kolindale Poll Merino
stud for $66,000. This was the highest price at the sale for nearly 20 years.
Congratulations to the Ledwith family and thank-you to all other purchasers
and underbidders. Collinsville will display at the SA Stud Merino
Field Days on property at Cappeedee on Monday, March 16,
and the Burra Oval on Tuesday, March 17. Large selections of
top quality and affordable flock improving rams will be available
throughout 2015 by appointment. Collinsville will once again
offer stud sires at the Adelaide ram sale and will also have an on-property
auction on Tuesday, September 15.
Details: Tim Dalla 0488 773 329,
East Bungaree
ast Bungaree was founded after the division of the
original Bungaree Stud. From 1980 to 1986, the Wylie
family, Kangaringa, held the stud. In 1986, the Hawker
family repurchased it and kept it until late 1995, when
the stud and property were sold to the Litchfield family,
Hazeldean Stud, Cooma, NSW. In November 2005, East
Bungaree was bought by Tony and Mark Brooks and will
Tony Brooks
continue to be maintained as a distinct strain of South
Australian Merino. The objective is to retain the valuable
attributes of the East Bungaree Merinos – including size,
fertility and the ability to thrive in pastoral country – but
at the same time improve the quality of wool they grow.
There are 3300 ewes in the stud, 800 of which are elite
ewes artificially inseminated to the best sires the stud can
identify. These sires are a combination of East Bungaree
and outside sires of proven ability to maintain wool quality Mark Brooks
and carcass value. East Bungaree Merinos are bred for
producers looking for productive dual-purpose sheep
that deliver in a range of environments. At the South Australian Field Days in
March, the stud sold EB23 for $13,500 to Ian and Camilla Shippen, Banyandah
Pastoral, Swan Hill, NSW. At the annual on-property sale on September 23,
2014, the stud offered and sold 260 rams and averaged $1350 with a top
price of $6000. East Bungaree’s annual ram sale is on Tuesday, September
22 at 1pm.
lenville stud is based on the Eyre Peninsula, half
way between the towns of Cowell and Cleve. The
Smith family are now into their fifth generation of Merino
breeding, with Poll Merinos the main focus for the past 30
years. Nourished long-stapled bright deeply crimped wool
on a plain body with excellent carcase length has always
been the Glenville trademark, making for an easy-care
Barry Smith
sheep. In 2014, mature stud ewes cut 38 bales of AAAM
which averaged 19.8 micron, and ewe hoggets cut 8 bales
of AAAM PRM at 17.4M. Rams on display at Burra will
include sires used within the stud this year and some of
them will be available for sale. The stud was busy with
semen sales at Burra last year, and sold four stud rams,
including one to Will Roberts, Victoria Downs Stud, Qld.
At the 53rd on-property sale, 140 rams were offered and
sold in the main auction for a record $2236 average. There Daryl Smith
were 13 sires that sold to studs and 30 rams were sold
in a mini auction for an average of $725. The top price
Poll sold to Alma stud, NSW, for $7000 and the top price
Merino to Oak Farms, SA, for $5600. Also on the day, Len
Kelsh, Glendale Port Kenny, negotiated a deal to purchase
a ram out of the reserve pen L76-67 for $8000. Private
selection sales met strong demand with 130 rams sold in
the $500 to $1500 range and stud rams selling to $4000. Klay Smith
At the 2014 Adelaide ram sale, Glenville bought a semen
share in Moorundie Park B306 which sold for $53,000 and
was winner of the fibre meat class as well as Champion
March-shorn ram of the show out of 35 rams. It also bought runner-up
champion Greenfields Poll XP599 for $10,000. Glenville’s 54th on-property
sale will be held on Tuesday, August 4 at 1.30pm. To enable clients to buy
rams within their budget, the numbers offered have been increased to 190
paddock-run rams – 150 Polls and 40 Merinos – with the latest tests. There
will be 180 other rams available for private selection. The first sons of RA-32
& W20- 403 will be available this year. The stud offers free flock classing and
delivery services.
Details: Barry Smith 08 8628 5036, 0428 285 036 or Daryl Smith 08 8628 5032, 0428 285
Merino Annual 2015
Day Two – Burra Oval
reenfields Merino stud, founded in 1949 on Ashrose
bloodlines, had regular purchases of Ashrose stud
rams and ewes as well as stud rams and semen from
Collinsville. Collinsville blood formed the basis of the
Greenfields Poll Merino Stud, founded in 1957. The stud
sells rams to all parts of SA and interstate. They are
keenly sought for their well-nourished, bright, stylish wool
and large, plain bodies. Emphasis is on breeding early
Jim Sullivan
maturing sheep with strong constitutions. Greenfields
clients regularly achieve high returns for their quality wool
clip and top prices for livestock sold at saleyards. In 2014,
the stud offered and sold 7 stud Merino and Poll Merino
rams at the Royal Adelaide Show ram sale to a top price of
$18,500 – for its Supreme Champion ram Randall which
weighed a massive 180kg – averaging $8214. Its annual
on-property sale in September was another highlight, with Robert Sullivan
98 rams sold to a top of $9000, averaging $1825. The 40
mini-auction rams averaged $701. Greenfields has two
lambings a year, enabling quality rams to be available for
selection throughout. Studmasters Jim, Robert and James
Sullivan are committed to breeding top-quality Merinos
and Poll Merinos, constantly striving to produce rams with
superior genetics. They are available to assist clients with
classing and provide general advice with ram selection
and flock management. A highlight of this year’s field day James Sullivan
display will be some outstanding progeny of Greenfields
2.11 (Hussey) by EM Jonty and Greenfields 2.2 (Tyson).
Both Merino rams were the winning Ramsey Bros sponsored pair of ram
lambs at the 2013 Burra Field Day competition. Some outstanding Poll Merino
sons of new semen sire Charinga 120345, PE44 (Leroy) and T94 will also
be on display. The stud’s annual on-property production sale is on Monday,
September 14, where 150 rams and 300 stud ewes will be offered.
unallo Poll Merino and Merino stud is 8 kilometres
south of the Mallee Highway between Murrayville, Vic,
and Pinnaroo, SA. Gunallo breeds uncomplicated sheep
that are early maturing, fertile with long-stapled, crimpy
white wools on the large frame that they are noted for.
The sheep also have strong constitutions and the stud is
working towards mules-free sheep. Extensive artificial
insemination and some embryo transfer, and advice
Ray Schroeder
from stud classer Bill Walker, have been instrumental in
achieving these goals. In 2014, Gunallo sold rams to a top
price of $18,000 with rams going to WA, SA, Vic, and NSW.
The stud was once again glad to see clients receiving good
prices for wether lambs, young ewes and old ewes at
off-shears sales around the country. It is excited about this
year’s young rams which are showing plenty of potential,
with more having elite free-growing wools on large frames. Brad Schroeder
Sires used for this year’s rams include Kamora Park 37,
Leahcim 858, Leahcim 438, Gunallo Pride, Leahcim 2918, Charinga 008,
Roemahkita 1269, Lea 190, plus other leading sires. Gunallo will be displaying
rams at Burra, Karoonda, Bendigo and Hamilton and selling at Hamilton,
Adelaide, Classing Classic as well as its annual on-property sale on Thursday,
September 3. Wool tests will be available on all rams to be offered, as well as
ASBVs from Sheep Genetics. Gunallo is accredited brucellosis free and is MN3
status on the sheep market assurance program. The on-property sale is on
Thursday, September 3. Auction starts 1pm. Inspections are welcome.
Details: Ray 0427 778 485,; Brad 0400 335 660, bradleyschroeder@; or stud classer Bill Walker 0428 973 804.;
Hamilton Run
he Hamilton Run Poll Merino stud is a continuation of
stud Merino sheep breeding which began in the 1950s
by the Andrews family. Third-generation stud Merino
breeder Greg Andrews has established and based the
stud in the undulating country at Jamestown. Sheep are
run between the home property and pastoral country of
the Southern Flinders ranges. Auction sale results from
the progeny of Hamilton Run’s leading sire HR160 – sold
to Coddington Poll for $20,000 in 2013 – saw 26 rams
Merino Annual 2015
Greg Andrews
averaging $2900, with a top price of $6000 at the Dubbo National Sale.
This ram also won Champion Autumn-Shorn Fine Wool Poll. Progeny from
HR160 will be available again this year. Hamilton Run produces sheep with
outstanding constitution and structure, growing stylish medium wool of high
follicle density. Hamilton Run genetics influence flocks over a wide range of
environs including those in south-east Qld, central and northern NSW, the
southern and Wimmera areas in Vic, plus all regions of SA. Client successes
support the versatility and adaptability of Hamilton Run sheep. Wool type
selection is so important in the range of testing climatic conditions in this
country and Hamilton Run’s highly waxed and low suint wools have excelled in
all areas. In 2014, lambing results of 140 per cent were recorded at weaning,
with an average of 130pc in the past four years. All lambs are bred in pastoral
country. The stud uses an electronic tagging system to collect data. Rams
are selected visually and backed by the use of ASBVs, providing additional
selection pressure at classing. A Pedigree Matchmaker system provides
accuracy of mothering in the large ewe base, saving a lot of labour and time.
To assist repeat clients, free ram delivery and complimentary ewe classing
services are offered. The Hamilton Run ram sale at Jamestown is held every
September and this year is on September 3. A ram selection day at Mundulla
is staged in late September for southern and Victorian producers who are
unable to make the Jamestown sale. Enquiries for private selection rams are
Hilton Heath
ilton Heath Merino and Poll Merino Studs are run at
Sanderston, east of the Mount Lofty Ranges, and at
Keith in the South East, on properties with rainfall between
275 millimetres and 425mm a year. Hilton Heath
consistently produces high-yielding wools that make high
prices in wool sales. High yields are achieved by having
white wool with a tighter wool tip and good nourishment.
Sheep are bred for a good wool cut on a large, plainRoger Fiebig
bodied animal with high fertility and the ability to survive
when the going gets tough. The main Poll matings this year
are with Nyowee, Collinsville and Hilton Heath sires. Merino
ewes have been mated to Collinsville and Hilton Heath
sires. All sale rams have current tests at selection time.
Hilton Heath will be displaying at the Burra Expo, South
East and Karoonda Mallee Field Day to be held at Murray
Bridge showgrounds. They will hold the Annual Selection
Trevor Fiebig
Day on Wednesday, August 26, off Fromm Road at
Sanderston. Private selections are available any time by
Details: Roger and Wayne 08 8569 3031, Trevor and Matt 08 8754 2013
Kamora Park
ual-purpose, fine medium-woolled Poll Merinos that
offer consistent and repeatable performance is the key
breeding objective of Colin and Julie Boughen and family,
Kamora Park stud, Sandalwood. Their mature breeding
ewe flock averages just 20 microns fibre diameter. The
stud has been selecting for: dual-purpose traits of carcase
and wool since 1963; bigger, plainer-bodied sheep for
more than a decade; early growth and improved muscling. Colin Boughen
Independent assessment of progress is achieved through
Merino Select. This has been reinforced by successes in
show classes, particularly the RAS Fibre Meat class where
Kamora Park has been the most successful exhibitor in the
history of this class. It has been placed every year and has
two outright wins plus three wins – including one in 2014
– for the ‘three highest scoring rams’ award. The stud
has also won in a similar class at Bendigo. In CRC trials,
KP304 (RAS Fibre-meat winner) excelled in the Turretfield Wade Boughen
SARDI demonstration flock and consequently placed in
the top ten sires nationally in all three indices – FP+, MP+
and DP+. At eight years of age, he is still as sound as a bell and displaying
his great constitution and longevity traits. Semen is still available from KP304
and Kamora Park’s other top sires. Continued client successes in sheep and
wool sales are Kamora Park’s most important measuring stick of progress. A
highlight in 2014 was the sale of a half share in stud reserve ram KP 137 for
$10,000 to the Routley family, Lockhart, NSW. At the annual ram sale, 168
rams sold at auction to $7400 and averaged a solid $1172. In 2015, Kamora
Park will again be displaying at the Burra Merino Expo on Tuesday, March
17, Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show, SE Merino Field Day at Keith, Karoonda
& Districts Merino Field Day at Murray Bridge in July, Hamilton Sheepvention
Day Two – Burra Oval
on August 3-4, and Adelaide Royal Show on September 9-11. At the annual
on-property ram sale on Friday, August 7 at 11am, there will be about 180
rams on offer. Sires of the 2015 sale rams include homebred rams KP 304,
KP 1028 and KP522, plus outside sires Lachlan ‘Honda’, Roemahkita ‘Big Joe’
and West Plains ‘Supercar’. Colin, Julie, Wade and Katelyn Boughen invite
your enquiries and inspection.
Kamora Netley Park
FTER a breakout year in 2012 when Paul and Justin
Boughen and families sold rams to $25,000, the
Kamora Netley Park test was to back up that success in
2013 and 2014. It did this with flying colours, with the sale
of three rams for $10,000 in 2013 and then two sales of
$9500 in 2014. These top sales were backed up by the
on-property 2014 sale success, where 179 rams topped
at $6000 and averaged a solid $1328 while four rams
Paul Boughen
averaged $5750 at Adelaide, the same as the previous
year. Big, relatively plain-bodied Poll Merino rams carrying
quality free-growing wools with definition, density and
natural nourishment are the reason the regular Kamora
Netley Park clients are being joined by new clients each
year. Paul and Justin Boughen have not rested on their
laurels though and have made several significant sire
investments, most recently paying $11,000 at the 2013
Justin Boughen
Adelaide ram sale for a ram from Charinga. They then
attended the Charinga on-property ram sale and paid
$24,000 for another top ram. Both rams having blended
well with the Kamora Netley Park breeding ewes. Plain bodies with good
wool-cutting skins were the main attraction of these two new sires, and their
first progeny will be available this year. Another top line-up of Kamora Netley
Park rams will be offered this year. Besides the Charinga sire line, they include
many rams from homebred sire lines, none more impressive than the highly
successful KNP 1, while their Moorundie Park and Nyowee family lines also
have plenty of top rams on offer. Kamora Netley Park will be displaying rams
at Burra, Bendigo, Hamilton, Karoonda and Adelaide in 2015, with its annual
ram sale on Friday, August 7 at 1pm with about 200 Poll Merino rams on
he Kelvale Poll Merino Stud was founded in 1966 by
the Kellock family and is now managed by Stephen
and Peta Kellock with guidance from David and Bev
Kellock. Originating at Farrell Flat in the Mid North, through
secession it has relocated to Keith in the South East. Now
there are 1000 stud ewes mated to Kelvale-bred sires
with a little outside influence, through AI and ET programs.
The breeding objective is to improve the density, length
David Kellock
and quality of the wool grown by a plain-bodied sheep.
Breeding a highly productive animal, with high growth rates
and good muscle patterning, gives faster-growing animals
that excel in the market. Kelvale shears every six months,
obtaining testing lengths in excess of 60 millimetres, with
some lines above 70mm. Although the wool market offers
no discounts at this length, the aim is to genetically breed
for lengths that are consistently above 70mm. A valuable
tool employed is the individual sampling of skin, to test
Stephen Kellock
the density and length of wool follicles. Deep crimping and
bold, white wools are grown with an average flock micron
of 19.5 but with a goal to achieve 19 in the next few years. Kelvale is actively
involved in the collection of data for the Sheep Genetics program. Breeding
a plain-bodied sheep helped phase-out mulesing in 2008. The stud has also
increased its lambing percentage, now consistently more than 110 per cent
from ewes mated, with some mobs achieving more than 130pc in recent
years. Kelvale sells rams into Tas, Vic, NSW, Qld and across SA. The stud
will display sheep throughout the year and will attend the following events:
Mid North Field Days at Burra, South East Field Days at Lucindale, Australian
Sheep and Wool Show at Bendigo, South East Stud Merino Breeders Field Day
at Keith and the Hamilton Sheepvention. An on-property sale consisting of 150
rams will be held at Keith on Friday, August 7 at 1pm. Those unable to attend
can contact their local stock agent to request for genetics.
Details: Stephen 08 8755 1761,
tud master Ian Rowett founded the Mernowie Poll
Merino stud in 1975. It is situated at Marrabel, 50
kilometres south of Burra and 100km north of Adelaide.
The stud is renowned for its ability to produce quality white
wool on a large-framed, plain-bodied animal. There is
emphasis on conformation in order to withstand moderate
to high rainfall. A constitution to handle high stocking rates
and develop genetic resistance to worms is also a priority. Ian Rowett
A number of sale rams will have individual worm egg
counts this year. The stud has a structured management
program to increase fertility genetically. A number of
clients consistently wean up to 130 per cent lambs and
regularly achieve outstanding results for sheep and wool
sales. Growth rates and carcase traits have always been
important. There is an emphasis on post weaning weight
gain, targeting ASBVs of +10 and above. Mernowie
David Rowett
will have a full range of ASBVs for its 2015 sale team.
The annual on-property auction will be held on Friday,
September 18. Private inspections are always welcome.
Details: Ian 08 88472 274, 0418 486 050 or David 0419 839 280
orley’s aim is for easy-care, early maturing sheep
with an abundance of high-quality wool and rapid
body weight gain. Rams are weighed at regular intervals
to assist with this goal. Sale rams achieve weight gains
of 15 kilograms to 20kg in the six weeks leading up to
auction day, and continue to move forward thereafter. They
are all paddock-run with minimal supplementary feeding.
Morley recently added sires from Mulloorie and Nyowee,
Leonie Mills
Sherlock, Terrick West and Roemahkita to its genetic
pool, and also bought a new Mernowie sire in 2014.
These sires complement existing Morley, Collinsville and
Mernowie families that are keenly sought after by clients. The stud has also
used artificial insemination to reintroduce genetics from its original sire from
Stockman Stud, Tas, and believes this bloodline will perfectly complement
existing large, plain bodies. More than 300 ram lambs are bred at Morley each
year. The stud will offer 60 rams at the on-property auction on Friday, August
21. Paul Cousins classes sale rams and selects the auction team. Private
selections are available after the sale. All purchases come with complimentary
flock classing. Morley will attend the SA Stud Merino field days at Burra
in March and the EP Stud Merino Expo at Wudinna in July. Stud principal
Leonie Mills is always happy for a chat. Rams are kept handy and available
for inspection to anyone dropping by. The on-property auction at Cleve is on
Friday, August 21. Inspection 11am, auction 2pm.
Details: Leonie Mills 0427 631 358, 08 86285080, Address: Mills
and Horne, PO Box 9, Cowell, SA 5602
he Mulloorie Merino stud was founded on Orrie Cowie
bloodlines, while Mulloorie Poll Merino Stud was
founded on Donara and Nyowee bloodlines. The purchase
of a property at Tintinara in the Upper South East has
enhanced Mulloorie’s breeding programs. The stud
continues to use visual assessment along with additional
measurement on ewes and rams to achieve low coefficient
Paul Meyer
of variation and standard deviation with good comfort
factors. Body structures, body weight and eye muscle
measurements enhance the profitability of Mulloorie-blood
sheep for clients requiring dual-purpose animals. Success
in this area was reflected in the stud’s performance at the
2010 Bendigo Sheep Show, where it won the Champion
All Purpose two-tooth ram, judged on wool and meat
results. In 2007, Mulloorie won the Fibre Meat Class at
Peter Meyer
the Adelaide Royal Show, and was also judged on wool
and meat tests for rams showing not more than two
teeth. Mulloorie’s Expo displays at Burra on Tuesday,
March 17 and at Keith on Wednesday, July 22. Mulloorie will conduct its
fourth on-property auction at Tintinara offering 35 rams on Thursday, July
30 at 2.30pm. The annual on-property auction at Brinkworth is on Monday,
Merino Annual 2015
Day Two – Burra Oval
September 21 at 1pm and will offer 70 rams. The stud will also
offer six rams at the Adelaide Ram Sale on Friday, September
11. Mulloorie-blood sheep perform in all types of environments.
Inspections welcome.
North Cowie
orth Cowie Merino and Poll Merino Studs were
founded in 1978 as a result of Orrie Cowie Stud being
split between the Murdoch family. The late Vic Murdoch
retained Orrie Cowie and Garry Murdoch formed North
Cowie. In 1987, North Cowie began selling rams by
holding an on-property auction in July each year. This
year, the stud has mated 850 Poll Merino ewes to rams
from Glenville, Mulloorie, Ridgway and North Cowie rams
Garry Murdoch
retained in the stud, including the exciting young sire
NC3281. North Cowie has also mated 600 merino ewes
to sires retained at North Cowie, plus two impressive new
sires. One of these sires was bought from the Minta stud
on-property sale for $3600 and the other was bought
in partnership from the Collinsville Stud at the Adelaide
ram sale for $4000. North Cowie’s aim is to breed
large-framed, plain-bodied sheep carrying heavy cutting,
well-nourished, bright, white, stylish wool in the 19 micron Joseph Murdoch
to 21M range. The stud hopes clients can make more
dollars per hectare. North Cowie sheep have proven their
performance in all environments, from high-rainfall areas right through to the
pastoral areas of SA and NSW. North Cowie prides itself on breeding today’s
easy care Merinos with heavy cutting, great quality wools at affordable prices.
Last year, it sold 55 of 56 Poll Merino and Merino rams at auction to a top of
$3800 and an average of $1170. There were 97 more that sold in the mini
auction and private selection pens at an average of $600. This year, North
Cowie will display rams at the SA Stud Merino field days at Burra in March.
The on-property sale will be held a week later than in previous years, on
Wednesday, July 29 at 1pm.
Old Ashrose
ld Ashrose was first registered in 1979, following the
division of the Ashby family’s Ashrose stud which was
founded in 1910. Old Ashrose Proprietors was formed in
2002 with the partnership of Robert and Susan Ashby and
Nick and Kate Wadlow. The stud breeds large-frame, plainbodied sheep with sound confirmation and constitution.
Wools are well-nourished, soft handling and white, with
Robert Ashby
strong selection placed on quality, staple length, strength
and yield. The five-year average fibre diameter is 21
microns. Objective measurement is used to focus on
increasing fleece and weaning weights. Market trends for
wool and meat quality are continually reviewed to ensure
Old Ashrose sheep remain relevant to present and future
requirements. In 2014, a total of 2800 Merino and Poll
Merino stud ewes were mated. At the 2014 on-property
sale, 100 rams in the main auction were offered and
Nick Wadlow
sold to $4200 for an average of $1729. A further 43 mini
auction rams averaged $781. A pleasing feature of the sale
was the number of interstate and local ram breeders who
bought quality stud rams at reasonable prices. Ram marketing in September
will continue to focus on the on-property auction and the Adelaide Ram
Sale with private selections by appointment throughout the year. ASBVs are
available on all sale rams. The annual on-property ram sale is on Thursday,
September 17, at 1pm.
Details: Old Ashrose is also on facebook
Details: Graham Kellock 08 8892 2011, 0428 935 027; David Hill 08 8893 5027, 0429 935
Orrie Cowie
rrie Cowie Poll Merinos and Merinos are renowned
as large-framed, heavy cutting sheep carrying waxy,
well-nourished, white, bright, stylish and soft-handling
wools. For stud principals Dennis and Heather Dalla,
there is no better recommendation than the success of
their genetics in clients’ flocks in wide-ranging climatic
conditions. Last year saw a total clearance of 137 rams,
to a top of $11,000 and average of $1834, with long-term Dennis Dalla
repeat buyers from five states in attendance. Orrie Cowie
sold more than 500 rams from its Poll Merino, Merino and
meat sheep studs in 2014. Another highlight last year was
the successful sale of Orrie Cowie Titan, which sold for the
top price of $25,000 at the Dubbo sale. The Dallas have
placed more emphasis on plainer bodies, higher growth
and improved carcase traits in the past two decades, but
not at the expense of wool cut and nourishment. Selection Heather Dalla
for lower microns, staple length and natural nourishment
now sees the entire Orrie Cowie ewe flock producing an
average of 9kg of 20-micron wool. Breeding for Profit has
been a motto at Orrie Cowie since its inception in 1937.
The stud will display at Burra in March and Bendigo in July,
with a cross-section of all their successful family lines. The
first progeny of Coddington Poll ram, bought for $28,000
in 2013, will be on offer this year. The ram has figures of
John Dalla
16.5M, 2.6 standard deviation, 15.8 per cent coefficient of
variation and 99.7pc comfort factor. The first Titan progeny
are also on offer. With outstanding lambing in 2014, more
than 100 rams, with a dominance of Poll Merinos, will be offered in the main
auction, while the stud is transitioning towards all rams in the mini auction
having the same shearing, despite their different age groups. In Poll Merinos,
prominent families include Duke, magnificent wools; Exceller 556, best son
was the champion medium-strong wool ram at the recent 2015 Canberra
Royal; Earle, progeny have magnificent wools and are still big sheep; and V8
Supercar, an impressive infusion from the West Plains Poll stud. Their Merino
– horned – families of special interest include Exceller, which is still producing
rich white crimpy wools; Magnif 222, re-introduced and with some top
progeny; Kambali, a paternal brother to a recent Bendigo champion bought at
on-property sale; and Collinsville Promotor. Dennis and Heather invite semen
enquiries. Orrie Cowie’s 2015 annual on-property sale will be held at Warooka
on Wednesday, August 12. The family invites you to inspect their sheep at the
field days, or on-property by arrangement.
Old Kelvale
Pepper Well
y running 4500 commercial ewes in the lower rainfall
pastoral country east of Burra, Old Kelvale is well
aware of the importance of having sheep that are strong,
easy to care for and able to achieve the maximum return
possible in wool cut, lambing percentages and early
growth lambs. The aim is to produce sheep that maximise
profitability in the wool and carcase markets. In the past
five years, wether lambs averaged well more than $120,
Graham Kellock
with nine-month-olds weighing 58 kilograms sold for $148
in 2014. Bred on the pastoral country east of Burra, these
sheep are bred to survive, thrive and reproduce under
erratic seasonal conditions. From a young age, lambs learn
to travel long distances to find feed and water. The average
pastoral lambing percentage is about 100, with the 2014
lambing percentage at 112. While seasonal conditions in
the pastoral country always have an effect on the wool clip,
all sheep consistently cut 7-8kg. Wool clip microns in the
past five years are: 20.7M, 2014; 20.3M, 2013; 21.6M,
David Hill
2012; 21.3M, 2011; and 21M, 2010. Breeding with sound
and consistent genetics has resulted in a true dual-purpose
sheep. Micron testing, eye muscle testing and visual
classing has provided valuable guidelines for breeding and sire selection,
resulting in sheep that are successful in ram sales, wool sales and commercial
sheep markets. A number of young Old Kelvale rams will be on display at the
Field Days in Burra Oval. Rams are also available by private selection, to allow
for time to select the right genetics to suit individual needs.
Merino Annual 2015
he Pepper Well Poll Merino stud was founded in
2005 and has properties at Keyneton, Sedan and
Cambrai in SA. The stud selects for early maturing, big,
long-framed sheep, heavily muscled in the right places,
loin and hind leg, which is attached to a huge pelvic area.
These animals are always covered with uncomplicated
skin, draped in very long, white, bold staples of silky soft,
deeply crimped and aligned wool. Mature ewes average
20 microns. Pepper Well uses about 90 per cent maiden
ewes in the stud mob to fast-track genetic gain. It dislikes
Hans Graetz
Day Two – Burra Oval
pampered stock so stock are run tough, stud included, with no shedding and
little strategic supplementary feeding. Simplistically, it all boils down to how
much profit sheep make from each mouthful of grass they eat. Fertility rates
have been as high as 131pc lambs marked to ewes mated. Robust sheep
that breed on with high fertility, good early growth with excellent wool and
the ability to put on weight fast when the feed is on is what Pepper Well Poll
is all about. Pepper Well has been approved OJD Vaccinating since 2006, is
brucellosis free and OJD negative PFC 350. This, combined with minimal or
no shedding, no foot trimming and with ASBVs (coming soon) make the right
ram selection a breeze. The 2010 stud drop of 120 ram lambs weaned at
100 days weighed 40kg average body weight, tops at 53kg body weight after
trucking and a 24-hour feed and water curfew. To back this up this year, the
entire drop, 100-day weaning weight at 38kg, are now 172 days old at 54kg,
ranging from 20 to 69 kg. The 2015 sale will be held at the Keyneton property
on Tuesday, September 1 and inspections can be arranged by appointment.
See them on day two of the SA Stud Merino Expo at Burra, March 17, or the
Karoonda Merino Field Day on July 31 at the Murray Bridge showgrounds.
Details: Pepper Well is on facebook
indari Merino stud was formed in 1966, while the
Poll Merino stud was registered in 1980, with many
infusions of Moorundie Park in the early years. In recent
years, Robin, Mary-Anne and Greg Schwartz have sought
the judicious use of plain-bodied, free-growing, bold
crimping rams, while maintaining conformation, to produce
a more modern Poll Merino. Rams with ASBVs have also
been sought in recent years, targeting improvement in
Robin Schwartz
clean fleece weight, maintaining micron, and looking
for above-average weaning weight and genetic fat. This
will continue the trend for easy care, faster growing
and genetically resilient Merinos. Pindari is consistently
producing lambing percentages of 105 to 110, but with
the use of pregnancy scanning and identifying twins,
plans to keep pushing these goals higher. The stud is
consistently achieving 40 per cent or more of the ewe
Greg Schwartz
flock scanning with multiples, with the challenge to get
more of these surviving from scanning to weaning with a
July/August lambing. Mature ewes are consistently producing 7-8 kilograms
of wool annually, 20-21 micron, at high winter stocking rates, and minimal
worm control. On October 15, 2014, wool from one-year-old Stud Poll ewes,
with eight months growth, produced the following tests: 19 micron, 99.2pc
comfort factor, 0.3 vegetable matter, 88 millimetres staple length, 41 newtons
per kilotex staple strength, 75pc yield and a price of 915 cents/kg. Rams
are offered for sale for the first time at 13 months in September, when the
on-property auction is held, and privately at any time thereafter year-round.
Seven-month-old ram lambs will be displayed at the 2015 Stud Merino Expo,
along with select 18-month-old rams, and some stud ewes running with sires.
Pindari will have displays both on-property at Waterloo and at Burra, and looks
forward to catching up with all interested breeders at that time, and in the year
ahead. The on-property ram auction is on Tuesday, September 22 at Waterloo.
he Radnor Merino and Poll Merino Sheep Stud was
founded in 1982 by keen and passionate stock breeders
Eric and Stephen Koehler. Known for their large frames,
white, crimpy wools and easy care, Radnor is breeding
a true dual-purpose animal, evident through its many
successes in various meat and fibre classes. Utilising
genetics from all over Australia including Charinga,
Collinsville, Moorundie Park, Orrie Cowie, and Wallaloo
Stephen Koehler
Park, Radnor has sourced ideal sires and bloodlines. The
aim is to produce a true dual-purpose animal that can
survive and thrive, display good size, bone structure and
constitution, and produce a high-quality long-stapled,
white, crimpy wool which is high-yielding. This type
of wool is highly sought after by processors. Its recent
achievements were in the 2014 Adelaide Show with Junior
Champion Ram Norm Fiebig Prize, sire Prince Harrison
Brett Koehler
awarded March Shorn Reserve Medium Wool, Reserve
Grand Champion Poll Ram, and his sons available this
year showing great promise. Radnor also experienced
some encouraging interstate show results in 2014, including Most Successful
Exhibitor at the Hamilton Sheepvention, and Prince Harrison’s top four success
at Hay. Progeny from Collinsville Emperor 532, bought for
$15,000, Radnor Dangerfield, Rutten and Charinga Families
feature heavily in the on-property sale. Radnor is a regular
displayer at Burra, Hay, Bendigo, Karoonda (now at Murray
Bridge showgrounds), and Hamilton, and will hold its annual
ram sale at the Langhorne Creek property on Friday, August 14 at 1pm.
Radnor is OJD MN3-accredited.
Rices Creek
stablished in 1925, Rices Creek Poll Merino Stud is run
by the Vandeleur family from properties at Saddleworth
in the Mid North, and Tintinara in the Upper South East.
The stud aims to consistently breed big, early maturing,
plain-bodied sheep with productive skins and white wools.
Rams are sought from all Merino breeding areas, from
semi-arid pastoral to high-rainfall intensive grazing country.
Their well-nourished wools help handle any climatic
Jim Vandeleur
extremes. The stud’s annual artificial insemination program
uses top Rices Creek rams, and the best available outside
genetics to finetune its breeding program for continual
improvement. In 2014, Rices Creek held ram sales at
its Tintinara and Mid North properties. The 6th annual
on-property sale at Tintinara on August 7 achieved a top
of $4600, and an average of $1664. On September 2,
the Vandeleur family held their inaugural on-property sale
James Vandeleur
at Saddleworth, averaging $1321 with a top of $3400.
In total, 120 high-quality rams were sold at the two
on-property sales, validating the demand for the stud’s
genetics within existing and new client base. Of the rams
offered at the Adelaide Ram Sale, RC35 topped at $7500,
going to the Phelps family of Allala stud. This upstanding
ram was a son of RC902, which has had a great impact
within stud. The Schroeder family from Gunallo stud,
Pinnaroo, took home a quality structured sire for $4000
Kim Vandeleur
at the Classing Classic. In 2015, Rices Creek will display
rams at the Mid North field day at Burra, Hay Sheep Show,
South East field day at Keith, and the Bendigo Sheep Show.
The stud’s selling season will begin with the on-property
sale at Tintinara on Thursday, August 6, followed by the
Saddleworth sale on Tuesday, September 1. Following this,
rams will be offered at the Classing Classic and Adelaide
Ram Sale. Private selections will follow by appointment.
The Vandeleur family is excited with this year’s drop of ram Mark Vandeleur
lambs which are showing great growth for age with bright
white wools. Again, sons of RC902 and R214 are featured,
along with the influence of Collinsville ‘Premier’, Moorundie 002. Always
striving to remain up to date with industry demands and current technologies,
Rices Creek will provide ASBVs for its 2015 sale rams. This information can be
accessed from the stud’s website closer to the sale date.
oemahkita Poll Merino stud is a Collinsville-based
daughter stud with infusions since the late 1990s from
Wallaloo Park, Vic, Leahcim and Kamora Park, SA, and
more recently, Nerstane, NSW, Kamora Netley Park and
Collinsville. It is on the magnificent Lower Eyre Peninsula,
10 kilometres south of Cummins, in a reliable mixedfarming district. It receives about 450-500 millimetres of
rain annually. Roemahkita is 660km west of Adelaide by
Joe Dahlitz
road and 60km north of Port Lincoln. Stud classer is Bill
Walker, Murray Bridge. The stud’s objective to produce
large-frame, highly fertile, early maturing, uncomplicated
and easy-care sheep with a strong constitution, that have soft-handling,
crimpy, lustrous white wool of a medium to fine micron and a high comfort
factor, with excellent cutting ability – the complete package of meat and
fibre. At the SA Elders Burra Field Day in March 2011 and 2012, Roemahkita
won first place in the Ramsey Bros Case IH Pair of All Purpose ram lambs. In
2014, the stud took out the same prize, sponsored by Rosenberg Machinery.
In recent years, rams and semen have been successfully sold to stud
breeders and commercial clients in Vic, SA, NSW and WA. Roemahkita is
delighted with positive client feedback on breeding results. The sires of
this year’s sale rams are by Roemahkita 122732, 122651, 011031, 1156,
011552, WP 214, Kamora Netley Park 120016, Collinsville 120102 and
Merino Annual 2015
Day Two – Burra Oval
Ridgway 85. All of them ooze size, meat, muscle and fibre.
The stud continues to class rams and ewes stringently by
assessing body structure, conformation and wool, using regular
measurements to aid selections. This incorporates Sheep
Genetics Australia’s Merino Select Program which includes
all fleece measurements, eye muscle, regular body weights, growth rates,
breech and body wrinkle and estimated breeding values. Roemahkita looks
forward to this ram selling season with enthusiasm and confidence, and
invites inspections. Its on-property inspection day is on Thursday, July 23,
from 10.30am-4pm, and its 24th annual on-property ram sale will be held on
Tuesday, July 28, with inspection from 10.30am and the sale starting at 2pm.
A light luncheon will be provided.
es and Andy Titley run Sherlock Poll Merinos on
350-millimetre limestone country without irrigation.
Sheep are bred to survive and thrive, passing rigorous
classing for robustness, structure and nourished quality
wools to become truly modern and profitable Merinos.
The stud does not chase fads. Stud ewes are selected
for complete wool cover – bellies measured 91mm in
Wes Titley
2014 – with true density and length, and consistent
wool quality throughout the fleece, including breech and
scrag. Sherlock’s 16-year average micron is under 20
from ewes up to 10 years old. Wool growing is the most
profitable part of the enterprise, and the aim is to have
heavy cutting wool on uncomplicated bodies. Last year
saw the recognition of mature Sherlock sheep genetic
advances, topped by Incubator. She tested 20M, 100 per
cent comfort factor, and weighed 130 kilograms. The
Andy Titley
ewe attracted interesting stud breeder responses and
after persistent negotiation, sold to Argentina for $6000,
which the stud says is a record price for a four-year-old
Poll Merino ewe by Private Treaty. Grand Champion Poll Ewe, Adelaide 2014
‘Josie’, which Sherlock rates as one of its top overall ewes, highlights an
interesting fact – she is a second-generation from Majestic. Other top-end
2014 second-generation Majestics were a Collinsville ram to $66,000, sale
topper to Gwenap Stud, Vic, and Sherlock’s Stud Reserve that sold privately.
It is no surprise then that there has been renewed enquiry and sale of
Majestic semen. Size, structure, and feet seem to be the virtues people keep
coming back for. To enhance genetic gain, 40 per cent of stud ewes were
artificially inseminated in 2014 to rams the stud believed would stamp its
type. To increase client profitability, the main criteria used is size. Sherlock
aims to increase carcass weight on wether lambs and maintain the high wool
cuts Sherlock-blood ewes are noted for. To satisfy demand, an increased
number of rams were offered in 2014 and again, only one of them did not sell
at auction. Top-end rams saw animated bidding ($3300) and some younger
rams presented very good value. Sherlock hopes to offer an increased
number of rams at its 32nd annual auction – again haltered on grating – for
closer inspection. New genetics on offer from the 2013 AI program are JC.S
612, JC.S 531, Charinga and Adina. The auction is on Tuesday, August 11.
Inspection 11am, sale 1pm.
field days in March by private selection and another line
for the on-property auction in September. At the 2014
on-property auction, a full clearance of 81 rams were sold
at an average of $1157 – Springvale North’s best average
for 13 years. The stud continues to focus on serving its
growing client base. Its annual on-property auction is on
Friday, September 18 at The Grove.
Alex Stockman
White River
o avoid clashes with major Eyre Peninsula events, the
annual White River on-property ram sale has been
permanently scheduled for the third Tuesday of August,
and will this year be held on August 18. About 190 Merino
and Poll Merino rams will be offered on the Daniell family’s
Poochera property. Most of these big, productive White
River rams are fully paddock reared, with only the leading
few given extra preparation to fully display their genetic
Wes Daniell
capabilities. Several different and successful family lines
continue to produce top quality Merino rams with clients
consistently achieving outstanding wool cuts and high
prices in sheep markets. Last year marked the start of
a new chapter in the evolution and development of the
White River Merino and Poll Merino studs with their return
to competition in Adelaide. This was always the objective
of the Daniell family once the stud’s relocation to Minnipa
and Poochera had fully settled down and the Poll Merino
John Daniell
stud had been successfully built up to its present level.
Independent measurement through Merino Select has also
been instigated, with ASBVs available on all sale rams this
year, reinforcing White River’s reputation for producing big, productive dualpurpose Merino sheep. The Daniell family has invested astutely in new genetic
infusions in the past five years in particular, especially in the Poll Merino
program as it has been expanded. Their latest investment, and arguably the
most significant, was at the 2013 Adelaide Royal Show when White River
paid the $34,000 top price for Collinsville Poll ‘Premier 102’. While this ram
obviously impressed John and Wes Daniell then, they are more impressed
now. His first progeny are on offer this year and have even exceeded their
high expectations, having wool that is so well defined and nourished, which is
very important for clients in their environment. A sample of White River 2015
offering will be on display at the EP Merino Field Days, or can be inspected
on-property by appointment before their ram sale, or at the stud’s on-property
inspection day for the full sale team on Friday, August 14 from 1pm to 5pm.
The annual sale at Poochera is on Tuesday, August 18 where about 190
Merino and Poll Merino rams will be on sale.
Details: Wes Titley 0438 743 084.
Springvale North
he Springvale North Poll Merino stud was founded after
the division of the Springvale stud in 1997 and has
a breeding history dating back to 1977. It is now run by
Peter Stockman Snr and sons Alex and Peter and families,
based at Burra. The stud aims to breed large-framed,
early maturing, plain-bodied sheep with free-growing,
long-stapled, bright white wools with plenty of character
that can survive and thrive in all environments. Springvale Peter Stockman Snr
North aims to breed dual-purpose, highly productive
sheep – the modern Merino – that can improve the
profitability of clients’ flocks. Springvale North will have a
complete display on-property on Monday, March 16, and
exhibit at Burra Oval on Tuesday, March 17, as part of
the SA Stud Merino Expo. The stud is able to offer clients
numerous opportunities to select rams as it runs two lines
of stud ewes, with one lambing in April/May and another
Peter Stockman Jnr
in September/October. This results in two complete lines
of 1.5-year-old rams for sale each year, one line for the
Merino Annual 2015