Summer Camp
Summer Camp
2014 Spring Directory Summershine Youth Camps, Activities, Daycare and Track Out a publication of the Wake County Public School System Enjoy 5 Summer visit us at Kid-Friendly Recipes from Chef Mann pages 62-63 Table of Contents pages 5-10 How Babies Learn to Read Page 16 Beat the Heat with Heat Safety Tips 11 Steps to Teach Your Child to Fish Your Teen for the SAT/ACT Page 25 Pages 35-36 Page 41 LIFELONG LEARNING WITH COMMUNITY SCHOOLS @summershinewcps Prep READY, SET, SUMMER! Kids stay active and happy in YMCA Summer Day Camps. Choose from half-day, full-day, sports, specialties, adventure camps and more! When you meet our friendly and responsible youth counselors, you’ll be happy, too! Register at your local Y starting April 6 for Summer Day Camps and summer Tracking Out options. Page 2 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition fido SUMMER READING SKILLS PROGRAMS 1IPOJDTt$PNQSFIFOTJPOt-PWFPG3FBEJOH 4UVEZ4LJMMTt4QFFE3FBEJOHt7PDBCVMBSZ 5ISFF1SPHSBNTGPSZFBSPMET through Entering 2nd Graders $MBTT4DIFEVMF 4UVEFOUTJOUIFTFQSPHSBNTXJMMNBLFTJHOJöDBOUHBJOTJOQIPOJDT TJHIUWPDBCVMBSZøVFODZBOEDPNQSFIFOTJPO"TBSFTVMUZPVS DIJMEXJMMCFDPNFBøVFOUJOEFQFOEFOUSFBEFSHBJODPOöEFODFBOE CFDPNFNPSFTVDDFTTGVMJOTDIPPM RALEIGH: The following programs meet on campus at North Carolina State University. 4-year-olds and Entering Kindergartners Fri., June 13-July 18, 9:00am-10:15am Sat., June 14-July 19, 8:30am-9:45am Sat., July 26-August 23, 8:30am-9:45am 5XP1SPHSBNTGPS&OUFSJOHSE(SBEFST and Entering 4th and 5th Graders Entering 1st Graders Sat., June 14-July 19, 10:15am-12:15pm Sat., July 26-August 23, 10:15am-12:15pm 4UVEFOUTJOUIFTFQSPHSBNTXJMMMFBSOUPSFBENPSFøVFOUMZBOE SBQJEMZBOENBLFTJHOJöDBOUHBJOTJODPNQSFIFOTJPO5IFZXJMMMFBSO UIFMPOHXPSEEFDPEJOHTLJMMTUIFZOFFEUPSFBEUIFNBOZOFX XPSETUIFZFODPVOUFSFBDIEBZ"TBSFTVMUZPVSDIJMEXJMMDPNQMFUF SFBEJOHBTTJHONFOUTNPSFRVJDLMZBOEFBTJMZCFNPSFTVDDFTTGVMJO TDIPPMBOECFDPNFBTUSPOHFOUIVTJBTUJDSFBEFS Entering 2nd Graders Sun., June 15-July 20, 10:00am-12:00pm Wed., June 18-July 16, 9:30am-11:30am Sat., July 26-August 23, 1:00pm-3:00pm Entering 3rd Graders Wed., June 18-July 16, 12:15pm-2:15pm Sat., June 14-July 19, 1:00pm-3:00pm Sun., July 27-August 24, 10:00am-12:00pm 5XP1SPHSBNTGPS&OUFSJOHUIUI(SBEFST and Entering 9th-11th Graders Entering 4th and 5th Graders Fri., June 13-July 18, 11:00am-1:15pm Sun., June 15-July 20, 12:45pm-3:00pm Tue., July 22-August 19, 2:45pm-5:00pm Sun., July 27-August 24, 12:45pm-3:00pm *OUIFTFQSPHSBNTTUVEFOUTNBLFTVCTUBOUJBMHBJOTJO DPNQSFIFOTJPOXIJMFEPVCMJOHUIFJSSFBEJOHTQFFE5IFZXJMMMFBSO UIFCFTUXBZUPSFBEUFYUCPPLTUBLFOPUFTBOETUVEZGPSUFTUT:PVS TPOPSEBVHIUFSXJMMDPNQMFUFIPNFXPSLBTTJHONFOUTRVJDLMZBOE FBTJMZHFUCFUUFSHSBEFTBOECFDPNFBNPSFNPUJWBUFETUVEFOU 4UVEFOUTXJMMFOKPZSFBEJOHNPSFBOEEFWFMPQUIFMJGFMPOHIBCJUPG SFBEJOHGPSQMFBTVSF Entering 6th-8th Graders Fri., June 13-July 18, 2:00pm-4:30pm Sun., June 15-July 20, 3:45pm-6:15pm Tue., July 22-August 19, 11:30am-2:00pm Schedule Code: 98-S4-6941 1SPHSBNGPS&OUFSJOH)JHI4DIPPM4FOJPST College Students and Adults Entering 9th-11th Graders Mon., June 16-July 14, 3:45pm-6:15pm Mon., July 21-August 18, 3:45pm-6:15pm Sun., July 27-August 24, 3:45pm-6:15pm 6QPODPNQMFUJPOPGUIJTBEVMUTQFFESFBEJOHQSPHSBNTUVEFOUT XJMMSFBEUXJDFBTGBTUJOEJóDVMUNBUFSJBMTVDIBTBDBEFNJDBOE QSPGFTTJPOBMKPVSOBMTPSDPMMFHFUFYUCPPLT*OFBTJFSSFBEJOH TVDIBTOPWFMTOFXTQBQFSTBOENPTUCVTJOFTTBOETDIPPM NBUFSJBMTTUVEFOUTXJMMSFBEUISFFUJNFTGBTUFS"EEJUJPOBMMZUIF DPNQSFIFOTJPODPODFOUSBUJPOBOESFUFOUJPOUFDIOJRVFTTUVEFOUT MFBSOXJMMFOBCMFUIFNUPSFNFNCFSNPSFBOEDVUEPXOPOSF SFBEJOH4UVEFOUTXJMMHFUNPSFPVUPGFWFSZUIJOHUIFZSFBEBOEXJMM öOESFBEJOHNPSFFOKPZBCMFBOEQFSTPOBMMZSFXBSEJOH"TBTQFDJBM CPOVTTUVEFOUTXJMMSFDFJWFBMJGFUJNFJOTUSVDUJPOQSJWJMFHFXIJDI BMMPXTUIFNUPSFQFBUUIFQSPHSBNBUBOZUJNFGPSGSFF )JHIMZ4LJMMFE5FBDIFST.BLF-FBSOJOH'VO 5IFTFFOSJDINFOUDMBTTFTBSFUBVHIUCZQSPGFTTJPOBMJOTUSVDUPSTGSPN UIF*OTUJUVUFPG3FBEJOH%FWFMPQNFOU5IFQSPHSBNTBSFPòFSFECZ /PSUI$BSPMJOB4UBUF6OJWFSTJUZT0óDFPG1SPGFTTJPOBM%FWFMPQNFOU JODPOKVODUJPOXJUIUIF*OTUJUVUFPG3FBEJOH%FWFMPQNFOU5VJUJPO BOENBUFSJBMTGFFTWBSZCZQSPHSBNMFWFM1MFBTFBTLBCPVUPVSGBNJMZ EJTDPVOU For Entering 12th Graders, Entering and Current College Students, and Adults Mon., June 16-July 14, 7:00pm-9:30pm Mon., July 21-August 18, 7:00pm-9:30pm t1SPHSBNTNFFUPODFFBDIXFFLGPSXFFLT t$BMMGPSBEEJUJPOBMTDIFEVMFTBOEOFBSCZMPDBUJPOT FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER CALL 800.483.5013 8am–10pm Monday through Friday 8am–7pm Saturday, and 9am-7pm Sunday Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 3 Year-Round Fun at the YMCA YMCA Youth Programs offer your children ways to exercise their brains and their bodies, before and after school. Once you meet our enthusiastic, responsible counselors, you’ll want to get in the action. REGISTER NOW for Tracking Out, After School and other 2014-15 YMCA School Programs throughout the Triangle. Visit the Y nearest you to enroll. After School (Grades K – 8) Tracking Out (Grades K – 8) Tracking Out Camp Seafarer Trip (Grades 2 – 8) Early Arrivals (Grades K – 5) Page 4 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition A r ticles Inside the Catalog What’s Happening - Alphabetical Listing 57 How Babies Learn to Read page 16 45 44 52 17 18 23 14 29 58 60 32-33 11 Steps to Fishing Fun page 35 47 26 19 27 48 15 21 13 46 Parent Learning Toolbox page 41 11 58 40 38 50 53 59 Prep Your Teen for the SAT/ACT page 41 24 38 56 20 12 12 5 Kid-Friendly Recipes page 62 The happy campers on the front cover are enjoying the enrichment programs at the Piedmont Wildlife Center. 54 42 All-Arts, Science & Technology Camp Amplify Math Programs ArtBuzz Kids Artspace BounceU Technology Camp Bright Horizons Family Solutions Camp Flintlock Colonial American Programs Camp Invention Camp Kanata Camp Oak Hill Cary Ballet Conservatory Cary Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Challenge Island Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons Club Scientific North Raleigh ClubWorx College Nannies & Tutors Discovery Tech Dreamsports Center Ecole2France, French Immersion Educational Services Center, Inc Falls River Music Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Genesis Children and Youth Programs Giggles Drop-In Childcare Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Graceful Expressions Dance Education Granite Falls Swim and Athletic Club Happy Trails Farm Hargrave Summer School & Camp i9 Sports of Wake County IMACS Jellybeans of Raleigh/Wakefield Track Out and Summer Camps Jellycamps Jordan Lake Boating Camp 61 Kids Educational Centers 30 Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville 27 KidzArt North Raleigh 14 Learning Assessments 49 Lee Brothers Tae Kwon Do FUN Camps 18 Marbles Kids Museum Camp Program 47 Marlins of Raleigh Swim Team 49 Meredith College Summer Music Camps 51 NC State Wolfpack Golf Schools 19 NCSU STEM Camps 39 NCSU Study Skills Camp 37 New Life Camp 3 North Carolina State University Reading Programs 28 Oxford Learning/Grade Power Learning 22 Piedmont Wildlife Center 31 Polar Ice House 15 Raleigh Little Theatre 34 Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources 24 Ravenscroft Summer Programs 42 RightTime KiDS 55 Schoolhouse of Wonder 54 SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE 46 SmartKids Wellness and Training 21 Sonshine Gymnastics 51 St. David’s School - Summer Program 53 STEM For Kids-Science and Engineering Camps 37 Success 4 School 43 Techsplorers Engineering Summer Camps 11 TGA Premier Golf & Tennis 44 The Hill Center Summer Program 13 The Justice Theater Project 59 The SMART Academy 64 Triangle Rock Club 56 Wake Forest Kids ‘R’ Kids 22 Wake Technical Community College Summer Camps 55 Wild At Art Kids Studio 2, 4 YMCA of the Triangle No tax dollars were used for this publication. Advertisers and the activities described in this publication are not endorsed by the Wake County Public School System. In addition, the Wake County Public School System makes no representation regarding the nature or quality of the services or activities promoted. These programs are not part of the Wake County Public School System and information is provided as a resource for parents. Triangle Camps and more is a catalog for programs that provide opportunities for child care, before and after school and during school breaks, including camps, clinics, arts and sports activities. Do you have a program that fits that you don’t see listed? Contact us at (919) 431-7593 to find out how your program can be included in the next edition of Triangle Camps and more. Page 5 What's Happening By Type Before/After School Continued Arts 57 44 52 17 18 60 32-33 26 19 46 58 40 53 59 54 30 27 18 49 15 34 24 54 51 53 13 22 All-Arts, Science & Technology Camp ArtBuzz Kids Artspace BounceU Technology Camp Bright Horizons Family Solutions Cary Ballet Conservatory Cary Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons Ecole2France, French Immersion Falls River Music Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Graceful Expressions Dance Education Jellycamps Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville KidzArt North Raleigh Marbles Kids Museum Camp Program Meredith College Summer Music Camps Raleigh Little Theatre Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Ravenscroft Summer Programs SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE St. David’s School - Summer Program STEM For Kids-Science and Engineering Camps The Justice Theater Project Wake Technical Community College Summer Camps 55 Wild At Art Kids Studio Before/After School 45 18 26 19 27 15 40 38 50 61 30 27 47 22 34 Page 6 Amplify Math Programs Bright Horizons Family Solutions Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons Club Scientific North Raleigh College Nannies & Tutors Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Genesis Children and Youth Programs Giggles Drop-In Childcare Kids Educational Centers Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville KidzArt North Raleigh Marlins of Raleigh Swim Team Piedmont Wildlife Center Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources 42 54 46 37 11 56 2, 4 RightTime KiDS SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE SmartKids Wellness and Training Success 4 School TGA Premier Golf & Tennis Wake Forest Kids ‘R’ Kids YMCA of the Triangle Daycare 18 23 26 19 15 40 50 53 42 61 30 37 31 24 42 54 51 37 56 2, 4 Bright Horizons Family Solutions Camp Flintlock Colonial American Programs Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons College Nannies & Tutors Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Giggles Drop-In Childcare Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Jordan Lake Boating Camp Kids Educational Centers Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville New Life Camp Polar Ice House Ravenscroft Summer Programs RightTime KiDS SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE St. David’s School - Summer Program Success 4 School Wake Forest Kids ‘R’ Kids YMCA of the Triangle What's Happening By Type Educational 57 45 17 18 14 32-33 47 26 19 15 46 11 40 38 12 42 61 30 14 18 19 39 37 3 28 24 55 54 46 51 53 37 43 44 59 22 All-Arts, Science & Technology Camp Amplify Math Programs BounceU Technology Camp Bright Horizons Family Solutions Camp Invention Cary Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Challenge Island Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons College Nannies & Tutors Ecole2France, French Immersion Educational Services Center, Inc Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Genesis Children and Youth Programs IMACS Jordan Lake Boating Camp Kids Educational Centers Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville Learning Assessments Marbles Kids Museum Camp Program NCSU STEM Camps NCSU Study Skills Camp New Life Camp North Carolina State University Reading Programs Oxford Learning/Grade Power Learning Ravenscroft Summer Programs Schoolhouse of Wonder SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE SmartKids Wellness and Training St. David’s School - Summer Program STEM For Kids-Science and Engineering Camps Success 4 School Techsplorers Engineering Summer Camps The Hill Center Summer Program The SMART Academy Wake Technical Community College Summer Camps Residential 57 23 29 58 60 53 56 37 51 All-Arts, Science & Technology Camp Camp Flintlock Colonial American Programs Camp Kanata Camp Oak Hill Cary Ballet Conservatory Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Hargrave Summer School & Camp New Life Camp St. David’s School - Summer Program Sports 17 18 32-33 26 19 48 13 40 53 24 38 20 54 42 30 49 47 51 37 31 34 24 46 21 51 11 64 2, 4 BounceU Technology Camp Bright Horizons Family Solutions Cary Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Chesterbrook Academy Elementary Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons ClubWorx Dreamsports Center Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Granite Falls Swim and Athletic Club Happy Trails Farm i9 Sports of Wake County Jellycamps Jordan Lake Boating Camp Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville Lee Brothers Tae Kwon Do FUN Camps Marlins of Raleigh Swim Team NC State Wolfpack Golf Schools New Life Camp Polar Ice House Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Ravenscroft Summer Programs SmartKids Wellness and Training Sonshine Gymnastics St. David’s School - Summer Program TGA Premier Golf & Tennis Triangle Rock Club YMCA of the Triangle Page 7 What's Happening By Type What's Happening By Zipcode Apex Address Trackout 45 17 18 32-33 47 19 15 21 13 46 58 40 38 50 53 59 24 38 12 42 61 30 49 28 22 31 34 42 55 54 46 21 53 37 11 59 64 56 22 55 2, 4 Amplify Math Programs BounceU Technology Camp Bright Horizons Family Solutions Cary Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources Challenge Island Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons College Nannies & Tutors Discovery Tech Dreamsports Center Ecole2France, French Immersion Falls River Music Garner Parks Recreation and Cultural Resources Genesis Children and Youth Programs Giggles Drop-In Childcare Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines Graceful Expressions Dance Education Granite Falls Swim and Athletic Club Happy Trails Farm Jellybeans of Raleigh/Wakefield Track Out and Summer Camps Jordan Lake Boating Camp Kids Educational Centers Kids R Kids Learning Academy Cary, Morrisville Lee Brothers Tae Kwon Do FUN Camps Oxford Learning/Grade Power Learning Piedmont Wildlife Center Polar Ice House Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources RightTime KiDS Schoolhouse of Wonder SCIENCE FUN for Everyone! SFFE SmartKids Wellness and Training Sonshine Gymnastics STEM For Kids-Science and Engineering Camps Success 4 School TGA Premier Golf & Tennis The SMART Academy Triangle Rock Club Wake Forest Kids ‘R’ Kids Wake Technical Community College Summer Camps Wild At Art Kids Studio YMCA of the Triangle Zip Page 1016 Investment Blvd 27502 2051 Shepherd's Vineyard Dr 27502 13b 18 3419 Apex Peakway 27502 17 2092 Marthas Chapel Rd 27523 42b 123 Middle Creek Park Ave 27539 32-33 8921 Holly Springs Rd 27539 2, 4 Cary 312 W Chatham St Ste 103 27511 59a 101 Wilkinson Ave 27513 32-33 101 YMCA Dr 27513 2, 4 111 James Jackson Ave Ste 131 27513 54a 1229 NW Maynard Rd 27513 28 130 Towne Village Dr 27513 26 150 Metro Park Dr 27513 32-33 150 Towne Village Dr 27513 30 1500 N. Harrison Ave 27513 12a 1500 North Harrison Ave 27513 20 267 Grande Heights Dr 27513 50 316 North Academy St 27513 32-33 3791 Nw Cary Pkwy 27513 60 800 Weston Pkwy 27513 18 2054 Kildaire Farm Rd Ste 186 27518 15a 2965 Kildare Farm Rd 27518 53b 3434 Kildaire Farm Rd Ste 122 27518 37a 1311 Fallen Acorn Cir 27519 11a 2151 Davis Dr 27519 14b 2500 Highstone Rd 27519 19a 6801 Turner Creek Rd 27519 20 Fuquay Varina 100 Fitness Dr 27526 48 103 New Rand Rd 27529 31 951 Heather Park Dr 27529 2, 4 Garner Holly Springs 151 Thomas Mill Rd 27540 21a 6112 Rex Rd 27540 20 Knightdale 4605 Old Faison Rd 27545 61 Morrisville Page 8 2500 Carpenter Upchurch Rd 27519 11b 102 Pheasant Wood Ct 27560 64 1519 Morrisville Pkwy 27560 20 5101 Grace Park Dr 27560 21b 6010 McCrimmon Pkwy 27560 30 What's Happening By Zipcode Raleigh Raleigh Continued Wendell 1000 Fayetteville St 27601 14b 10701 Common Oaks Dr 27614 12b 101 S. Wilmington St 27601 38a 10930 Raven Ride Rd 103 27614 58a 201 E Davie St 27601 52 2200 Wakefield Pines Dr 27614 11b 201 E. Hargett St 27601 18a 2500 Wakefield Pines Dr 27614 2, 4 401 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 27601 34 9927 Falls of Neuse Rd 27614 37b 505 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 27601 34 10200 Strickland Rd 27615 26 2305 Lake Wheeler Rd 27603 34 1905 Spring Forest Rd 27615 47a 900 Hillsborough St 27603 47a 1905 Spring Forest Rd 27615 34 9101 Fayetteville Rd 27603 22b 2201 Spring Forest Rd 27615 11b 911 Ileagnes Rd 27603 34 7120 Harps Mill Rd 27615 14b 1015 Halifax St 27604 34 7409 Falls Of Neuse Rd 27615 47a 3050 N. New Hope Rd 27604 34 7409 Falls of Neuse Rd 27615 24a 4201 Green Rd 27604 34 7409 Falls of Neuse Rd 27615 43 516 Dennis Ave 27604 34 7713-55 Lead Mine Rd 27615 34 Morrill Dr 27604 47a 8516 Old Lead Mine Rd 27615 18 49a 1028 Oberlin Rd Ste 242 27605 42a 8604-100 Falls of Neuse Rd 27615 1603 Hillsborough St 27605 2, 4 9200 Strickland Rd 27615 53b 1120 Buck Jones Rd 27606 54b 9216 Baileywick Rd 27615 2, 4 1410 Buck Jones Rd 27606 31 3250 Forestville Rd 27616 61 408 Ashe Ave 27606 34 6600 Louisburg Rd 27616 22b 410 Ashe Ave 27606 47a 10810 Globe Rd 27617 34 4900 Waters Edge Dr Ste 200 27606 47a 11100 Fellowship Dr 27617 54a 5601 Tryon Rd 27606 14b 2200 Hillsborough St 27695 3 909 Capability Dr Ste 1200 27606 19b NCSU 640 Poe Hall 27695 39 2011 Lake Boone Trail Rd 27607 14b 2401 Wade Ave 27607 34 2405 Wade Avenue 27607 34 301 Pogue St 27607 15b 3800 Hillsborough St 27607 49b 514 Method Rd 27607 34 800 Raleigh Corporate Center Dr 27607 18 231 Bickett Blvd 27608 55a 3400 White Oak Rd 27609 51a 5500 Dixon Dr 27609 11b 5815 Falls of Neuse Rd 27609 20 5900 Whittier Dr 27609 34 5902 Whittier Dr 27609 47a 1001 Cooper Rd 27610 34 121 North Tarboro Rd 27610 34 1300 E. Martin St 27610 34 1801 Proctor St 27610 34 2615 Fitzgerald Dr 27610 34 2623 Sanderford Rd 27610 34 3935 Barwell Rd 27610 34 756 Lunar Dr 27610 34 3808 Edwards Mill Rd 27612 34 6022 Duraleigh Rd 27612 64 6119 Creedmoor Rd 27612 14b 10000 St Francis Dr 27613 43 10224 Baileywick Rd 27613 12a 12804 Norwood Rd 27613 20 3000 Ballybunion Way 27613 51b 7921 Ray Rd 27613 34 10320 Durant Rd Ste 105 27614 42a Wake Forest 7421 Siemens Rd 27591 61 Durham Co. 218 W Morgan St 27701 2, 4 406 Blackwell St 27701 45 5101-B North Roxboro Rd 27704 55b 1219 Broad St 27705 53b 3200 Pickett Rd 27705 44b 2119 Chapel Hill St 27707 2, 4 364 Leigh Farm Rd 27707 22a 4818 S Roxboro St 27713 2, 4 Franklin Co. 1752 Long Mill Rd 27596 14b Granville Co. 1528 Oak Hill Rd 27565 58b Guilford Co. 1400 Spring Garden St 27412 57 Johnston Co. 205 Athletic Club Blvd 27527 47a 2075 NC Hwy 42 E 27527 14b 1020 Jones Dairy Rd 27587 13524 Camp Kanata Rd 27587 29 1839 S. Main St 27587 31 200 S Elliott Rd 27514 12a 1839 South Main St Ste 250 27587 2, 4 800 Market St 27516 12a 1941 Heritage Branch Rd 27587 56a 9201 Seawell School Rd 27516 43 1941 Heritage Branch Rd 27587 56a 3400 Rogers Rd 27587 20 704 Dogwood Hill Ln 27587 38b 918 Gateway Commons Cir 27587 61 42a Orange Co. Virginia 301 Saunders Hall 24061 57 200 Military Dr 24531 56b Page 9 BEFORE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS FOR WCPSS STUDENTS SCHOOL YEAR 2013-2014 Phone # (919) Before School After School Lead Mine 870-4120 WCPSS WCPSS 870-4200 WCPSS WCPSS WCPSS Elementary School Phone # (919) Before School After School Elementary School Adams 460-3431 Third party Third party Alston Ridge 544-2474 WCPSS WCPSS Leesville Road Apex 387-2150 Third party Third party Lincoln Heights 557-2587 WCPSS Aversboro 662-2325 WCPSS WCPSS Lockhart 266-8525 WCPSS WCPSS Baileywick 518-0090 Third party Third party Lynn Road 870-4074 WCPSS WCPSS Ballentine 557-1120 WCPSS Third party Middle Creek 773-9555 Third party Third party Banks Road 890-7333 Third party Third party Millbrook 850-8700 Third party WCPSS Barwell Road 661-5405 Third party Third party Mills Park 466-1466 WCPSS Third party Baucom 387-2168 Third party Third party Morrisville 460-3400 Third party Third party Brassfield 870-4080 Third party Third party North Forest Pines 570-2220 Third party Third party Brentwood 850-8720 Third party Third party North Ridge 870-4100 WCPSS WCPSS Briarcliff 460-3443 WCPSS WCPSS Northwoods 460-3491 WCPSS WCPSS Brier Creek 484-4747 Third party Third party Oak Grove 387-4490 Third party Third party Third party Olds 856-7699 WCPSS WCPSS 387-4440 Third party Third party WCPSS Brooks 881-1350 WCPSS Bugg 250-4750 WCPSS WCPSS Olive Chapel Carpenter 462-6780 Third party Third party Partnership 856-8200 WCPSS Carver 365-2680 Third party Third party Penny Road 387-2136 Third party Third party Cary 460-3455 WCPSS WCPSS Pleasant Union 870-4230 WCPSS WCPSS Cedar Fork 388-5240 Third party Third party Poe 250-4777 WCPSS WCPSS Combs 233-4300 WCPSS Third party Powell 856-7737 WCPSS WCPSS Conn 856-7637 WCPSS Third party Rand Road 662-2275 WCPSS WCPSS 380-3660 Third party Third party Creech Road 662-2359 WCPSS WCPSS Reedy Creek Davis Drive 387-2130 Third party WCPSS Richland Creek 554-6333 Third party Third party Dillard Drive 233-4200 WCPSS Third party River Bend 431-8010 Third party Third party Douglas 881-4894 WCPSS WCPSS Rolesville 554-8686 WCPSS WCPSS Durant Road 870-4220 Third party Third party Root 881-4940 WCPSS Third party East Garner 773-7411 WCPSS Third party Salem 363-2865 WCPSS Third party 570-2100 WCPSS WCPSS Farmington Woods 460-3469 WCPSS WCPSS Sanford Creek Forest Pines Drive 562-6262 WCPSS Third party Smith 662-2458 WCPSS WCPSS Forestville Road 266-8487 WCPSS WCPSS Stough 881-4950 WCPSS Third party Fox Road 850-8845 WCPSS WCPSS Swift Creek 233-4320 WCPSS WCPSS Fuller 856-7625 Third party Third party Sycamore Creek 841-4333 WCPSS WCPSS Fuquay-Varina 557-2566 WCPSS WCPSS Timber Drive 773-9500 Third party Third party Third party Turner Creek 363-1391 Third party Third party 856-7663 WCPSS Third party Green 881-1390 Third party Green Hope 388-5270 Third party Third party Underwood Harris Creek 217-5100 Third party Third party Vance 662-2472 WCPSS Third party Herbert Akins Road 567-4100 Third party Third party Vandora Springs 662-2486 Third party Third party Heritage 562-6000 Third party Third party Wake Forest 554-8655 WCPSS Third party Highcroft Drive 460-3527 Third party Third party Wakefield 562-3555 WCPSS Third party Hilburn Drive 571-6800 Third party WCPSS Wakelon 404-3844 WCPSS WCPSS Hodge Road 266-8599 Third party Third party Walnut Creek 857-9500 WCPSS Third party 856-7960 WCPSS Third party WCPSS Holly Grove 577-1700 WCPSS WCPSS Washington Holly Ridge 577-1300 WCPSS WCPSS Weatherstone 380-6988 WCPSS Holly Springs 557-2660 WCPSS WCPSS Wendell 365-2660 WCPSS WCPSS Hunter 856-7676 WCPSS Third party West Lake 662-2300 Third party Third party Jeffreys Grove 881-4910 WCPSS WCPSS Wilburn 850-8738 Third party Third party Jones Dairy 562-6181 Third party Third party Wildwood Forest 713-0600 WCPSS Third party Joyner 856-7650 WCPSS WCPSS Wiley 856-7723 Third party Third party Kingswood 460-3481 Third party Third party Willow Springs 557-2770 WCPSS WCPSS Knightdale 266-8540 WCPSS WCPSS Yates Mill 233-4244 WCPSS WCPSS Lacy 881-4920 Third party Third party York 881-4960 Third party Third party Lake Myra 365-8990 WCPSS WCPSS Zebulon 404-3680 Third party Third party Laurel Park 290-2333 Third party Third party Page 10 For the latest information go to Parents are encouraged to contact the school for final program information. All WCPSS programs operate pending sufficient enrollment. Some schools have program limits and waiting lists. TGA Premier Golf & Tennis Afterschool Enrichment Programs Summer & Track-out Camps Leagues & Tournaments Family Events Paul Maskill - Territory Director · (919) 530-9355 · SAT PREP CLASSES For the March 8th, May 3rd, and June 7th SAT Exams Eight Sessions - 24 hours of instruction ESC Choice of classroom or live online classes 9 Small groups 9 Certified teachers 9 ESC Programs offered at the following high schools: Green Hope, Wakefield, Millbrook, and Sanderson. Powerful test-taking tools 9 Improve 200+ points 9 Affordable tuition cost Educational Services Center, Inc. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. 800-762-TEST (8378) Page 11 Page 12 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition %" & "##%$#%'& ',3 %)%,#"'&'#$ ,3 • & 333&'"' #&$#%'&"("/$%"'&'"'#3:085265085$! • "&'%('#" ( '$#%'&!$ " %" ," ,#$'#"&3 • ) #$!"' &&&''&'%''6<!#"'&2=,%&3%'% &&&#% "*"%# &3 • "##%#%/%#&&" " "#,#%,#('"( '&#"' %" &&'%"&(%&3 • %',%'&/%"' &/!%##!.!#%3 $ -""'!*#%/&$#%'&/"&! "&#%#)%9,%&3%,(&" !"'#"'&(!!%&"""*"%# &"&)465#"( *!$1 (&#"###%&$ &"($'#'!"('"#%!'#"3 656: ")&'!"' )/$+7;957 ***1%!&$#%'&"'%1#!=6=28<;27=991 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 13 Where big ideas become the next big thing. ONLY AT CAMP INVENTION. Camp Invention inspires confidence in curious children like yours. Not just for a day or a week, but for a lifetime. Act Now and Save Big. $25 of through March 28. Sign up at CAMPINVENTION.ORG S . T. E.M. Brought to your community by local educators. In partnership with United States Patent and Trademark Office, an Agency of the Department of Commerce Page 14 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Nanny Services Let us find the perfect nanny for your family. We specialize in active role models who can fill the after school gap or provide expert babysitting anytime. After-school, Part-time, Full-time or On-Call Tutor Services We can help. We provide one-on-one sessions with a role-model tutor who comes to your home. An individualized learning plan ensures real results and flexible hours fit your busy schedule. All subjects | All ages | Study skills | SAT/ACT Prep Cary Placement Center | 919.896.7227 | | 919-821-4579 x225 919-821-7961 Fax Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 15 3 Tips to help your child become a 2 super reader Engage your child in the six skills of early literacy: vocabulary, print motivation, print awareness, narrative skills, letter knowledge, and sound awareness. Toddlers Tip 1: Use colorful, cloth books with lots of sensory elements. Provide opportunities to practice fine motor skills such as turning the page. 1 Infants A baby’s brain is only 25% developed at birth. Interacting with people controls the other 75% of development. So sing, talk, read, and play away! Tip 1: Sing lullabies. Not only are they comforting, but they also help your baby learn language. Tip 2: Talk to your baby. Have a conversation in which you speak. Then pause and give Baby a chance to babble. Tip 3: Read to your baby in utero and throughout infancy. Developing a regular reading habit will acclimate the child to the book as well as to Mom or Dad’s voice. Tip 4: Play make believe with Baby. Games like feeding a doll will strengthen Baby’s imagination in preparation for reading. Page 16 Preschoolers Tip 2: Incorporate plastic nursery rhyme books in the bath time ritual. Don’t worry about the waterproof book getting wet. Tots can learn to care for books as they get older. Choose nursery rhymes as they contain repetitive elements that help children recognize how words connect, break apart, and sound. Tip 3: Point to items in space and tell your tot what they are. Give him or her a chance to repeat the words. Tip 4: Give commands to see what tots understand. You might be surprised just how much receptive language they’ve picked up. Tip 5: Limit TV time. DVDs, radio, and television are no substitute for human interaction. Your tot’s first teacher is you. In the end, remember to have fun! Learning to read should be fun, not forced. So sing, talk, read, and play away! Tip 1: To expand your child’s vocabulary, use more complex words. Read complex texts, like ingredients on the back of a container. Talk about emotions to facilitate understanding of nonverbal expressions. Discuss where things are located in space and make a game of it. Tip 2: To increase the motivation to engage with print, make reading entertaining. The library is a great place to find several different book lists based on your child’s reading level and interests. Tip 3: Help your child become print aware. Point out print in signs, menus, books, flyers, coupons, food boxes, and more. Talk about how the context of print affects the purpose. Choose books and point out ads with lots of repetition to build word recognition. Orient your child to book layout. Let him or her draw an image and then dictate something to say about it as you write what is said. Tip 4: Narrative skills are about using expressive language. Ask openended questions of your children like “How was your day?” Help them understand how to share a sequence of events, such as the steps in meal preparation. Narrate to them during a bedtime story, so they see how you combine your verbal and nonverbal expressions. Tip 5: Letter knowledge and sound awareness go hand-in-hand. Spot letters and discuss them wherever you go. Purchase food letters like alphabet soup or cereal. Put magnets on the refrigerator and let them use the letters to spell out words. Talk about the similarities and differences in letters and the sounds they make. Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 17 Discover a world of School-Age Fun! Come explore Bright Horizons’ School-Age Solutions! Through Camp Explorations, your school-age child will engage in countless activities and events that provide them with opportunities to have fun, build relationships and learn about our amazing world! Track Out, School’s Out Days, Before-and-After-School, and Summer Camp • Field Trips, Creative Projects and Outdoor Activities • Small Group Sessions and much, much more! Four convenient locations throughout the Triangle area. For more information, visit us at Raleigh Bright Horizons at Raleigh Corporate Center 919-852-0509 Apex Bright Horizons at Apex 919-363-4556 Bright Horizons at the Forum 919-845-7180 Cary Bright Horizons at Harrison Park 919-678-1010 Mention this ad at the time of registration and receive a free gift. Page 18 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Discover a world of School-Age Fun! At The Clubhouse @ Bright Horizons, your school-age child will be cared for by experienced and dedicated counselors in a fun, loving and nurturing environment. We aim for each child to have an engaging, challenging and enriching experience in our program where your child can have fun, build relationships and learn about our amazing world! Track Out, School’s Out Days, After-School and Summer Camp • Creative Projects, Outdoor Activities and Field Trips • Dedicated School-age spaces including Hardwoood Floor Gymnasium with Rock Climbing Wall, IT cove, Game Avenue, Water Playground, and more! For more information, visit us at The Clubhouse at Bright Horizons 2500 Highstone Road Cary, NC 27519 919-380-2003 Mention this ad at the time of registration and receive a free gift. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 19 5HJLVWHU1RZ )ODJ)RRWEDOO6RFFHU %DVNHWEDOO7EDOO/HDJXHV 7KH(DUOLHU<RX5HJLVWHU7KH0RUH<RX6DYH 1RZ$FFHSWLQJ<HDU5RXQG 5HJLVWUDWLRQV 2UJDQL]HGSURJUDPVIRUER\VDQGJLUOVDJHV )RFXVHGRQIXQVDIHSOD\DQGFRQYHQLHQFH &RDFKHVEDFNJURXQGFKHFNHGDQGFHUWLÀHG $OOVNLOOOHYHOVZHOFRPH1RWU\RXWV 2QHGD\SHUZHHN3UDFWLFHKHOGEHIRUHJDPH 5HJLVWHU2QOLQHZZZLVSRUWVFRP RU&DOO :HDFFHSW¶6SHFLDO5HTXHVWV·VRWHOO\RXUIULHQGV DQGEHRQWKHVDPHWHDP+XUU\WRVHFXUH\RXUVSRW WRGD\ +HOSLQJ.LGV6XFFHHGLQ/LIH7KURXJK6SRUWV )LQGXVDW IDFHERRNFRPLVSRUWV LVSRUWVFRP (DFKORFDWLRQLQGHSHQGHQWO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHG Page 20 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition 6LEOLQJ 6LEOLQJ 'LVFRXQWV 'LVFRXQWV &DPSV2IIHUHG<HDU5RXQG &DPSV2IIHUHG<HDU5RXQG 'DLO\DQG 'DLO\DQG :HHNO\ :HHNO\ 5DWHV 5DWHV 6XPPHU&DPSV 6XPPHU&DPSV 7HDFKHU:RUNGD\(VFDSHV 7HDFKHU:RUNGD\(VFDSHV 7UDFN2XW&DPSV 7UDFN2XW&DPSV 2EVWDFOH&RXUVHV=LSOLQH7UDPSROLQHV)RDP3LWV 6WDWHRIWKH$UW(TXLSPHQW&OLPDWH&RQWUROOHG*\P ZZZVRQVKLQHJ\PQDVWLFVFRP ZZZVRQVKLQHJ\PQDVWLFVFRP 7KRPDV0LOO5G+ROO\6SULQJV1& 3K Technology Track-Out and Summer Camps • Lego Robotics Engage, Discover, Innovate • Movie Making • Video Game Design • Computer Programming • Digital Arts • Comic and Animations and more! 919-608-2891 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 21 1DWXUH:LOGOLIH:LOGHUQHVV6NLOOV 7UDFN2XWDQG6XPPHU&DPSV DJHVSOXV7HHQ&DPSVDJHV Meet the amazing teachers that are hidden in plants, shadows, sunlight, and wildlife. Come ready to get dirty, have fun and take part in an incredible foray into the wilds. Spring Intersession Track Out Camps March 31-April 4, April 7-11, April 14-18 Do you know of 5 children available during a different track out session? We’ll design a camp just for them! Summer Camp operates from June 9 - August 22 (Come for 1 week or all eleven!) Check out our full schedule of programs at Find us immediately off exit 273 on I-40 (919) 489-0900 Thank you SO MUCH for running these camps! We’ve done several “nature” camps elsewhere, but PWC is the best - you do NATURE right! My kids really got to explore to an extent that is not possible with other organizations. Thank you for letting them stretch their limits. They not only had fun and learned a lot, but I can tell that they gained a lot of confidence in themColleen Riceabilities “in the wild.” Summer Camp Parent selves and their 2014 WAKE TECH SUMMER CAMPS Where teens can explore interests and “try a career on for size!” Biotech · Game Design · Robotics · Web Design · Drama Photoshop · Public Safety Careers ... and more! | 919-866-5820 Page 22 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 23 ENJOY A SUMMER AT RAVENSCROFT! • 31 years of providing a caring, safe, and supportive environment • Over 70 Academic, Enrichment, Arts and Athletic programs • 125-acre campus with outstanding facilities • All classrooms, studio facilities and gyms are fully air conditioned • Half-day and full-day programs for grades K-12 COME AND SHARE A SUMMER THAT’S PACKED WITH FUN AND ADVENTURE! Program information and registration are available at For more information, call 919-861-2122 or e-mail Page 24 7409 Falls of Neuse Road, Raleigh, NC 27615 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Heat Safety for Summer Fun As summer heats up, opportunities for fun abound—from sports, to barbeques, to amusement parks. The care required to prevent heat stress also increases. Human beings are warm blooded. This means, there is a narrow core temperature that must be maintained to prevent stress from cold or heat. To maintain the best bodily temperature, heat goes from the organs to the skin and is released through sweat onto the body’s surface. If the heating process moves too quickly, this can make it difficult for the body to release heat fast enough, resulting in heat stress. Various forms of heat stress include heat rash, cramps, exhaustion, syncope, and stroke. Heat Rash Heat rash is clusters of pimplelike bumps appearing on the skin’s surface in skin folds or where clothing covers skin. Remedy: To remedy heat rash, a person should move to a dry, cool place. Using a dusting powder on the skin can keep the skin cool and dry to prevent recurrence of heat rash. Heat Cramps Balanced electrolytes (salt) and fluid levels keep the muscles moving smoothly. When electrolytes are depleted from the body, muscle cramps ensue. Remedy: When cramps set in, the best remedy is to stop activity, move to a cool, dry place, and drink water or clear liquid. Take a break for at least an hour from the activity that caused the cramps. Heat Exhaustion Heat exhaustion occurs when the body quickly loses electrolytes (salt) and fluids. Signs include sweating; dizziness; high body temperature; shallow breathing; confusion; nausea; fatigue; moist, clammy skin; pale or flushed skin; and cramps. Remedy: The best way to combat this is to move into an air conditioned space. Heat Stroke Heat stroke occurs when the sweat glands fail to function because of overload. Symptoms include slurred speech, confusion, dizziness, hallucinations, chills, headache, high body temperature, and skin that is hot and dry or sweating. Remedy: Heat stroke is an emergency requiring 911 intervention. Death and permanent disability can occur from heat stroke. Summer is a time for fun in the sun. So when considering outdoor summer activities, remember age (children and elderly cannot handle as much heat), existing health issues, and the amount of time that will be spent in the heat. Keep water on hand. Wear cotton or linen, light-colored clothing. Bring shade umbrellas. Carry dusting powder and sunscreen. And, most importantly, have fun! Heat Syncope Fainting and dizziness after prolonged sitting or lying down are outcomes of heat syncope. Remedy: After a fainting or dizzy spell, the best remedy is to sit down in a cool, dry place and drink water slowly. Popsicles also work well for slow replenishment of lost fluid. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 25 Oursummer summercamp camps are fun Chesterbrook Academy for at kids & easy for families. DISCOVERtEXPLOREtCREATE 4VNNFS$BNQTBU$IFTUFSCSPPL"DBEFNZPGGFS BHSFBUCBMBODFPGNBLJOHGSJFOETBOEMFBSOJOH OFXTLJMMT&BDIXFFLDBNQFSTKVNQJOUPBDUJPO BOEKPJOJOFYDJUJOHBDUJWJUJFTTVDIBT t 3 FDSFBUJPOBMTXJNNJOHBOETXJN MFTTPOTPOTJUFQPPM t 4QPSUTBOEHSPVQHBNFT t "SUTDSBGUTBOEJOTQJSBUJPO t 'JFMEUSJQFYDVSTJPOTBOEPOTJUF TQFDJBMHVFTUT t /BUVSFBOETDJFODFFYQMPSBUJPO t .VTJDEBODFBOEESBNB Open House for Camp & School Saturday, March 15, 10:00 am-1:00 pm Chesterbrook Academy Elementary in Cary :FBSTUI(SBEFt5PXOF7JMMBHF%SJWF IUUQDBSZDIFTUFSCSPPLBDBEFNZDPN Chesterbrook Academy Elementary in Raleigh :FBSTUI(SBEFt4USJDLMBOE3PBE IUUQOPSUISBMFJHIDIFTUFSCSPPLBDBEFNZDPN 877-959-4181 Please call or visit the school website to arrange a private tour. Page 26 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Rock It Learning Presents Camps for ages 4-5 Camps for ages 6-8 Camps for ages 9-14 Little Scientist Junior Chemist Jurassic Young Scientist Paleo Space Engineer-Lego® Cosmos Little Robot Inventor Grossology Jolly Roger Jr. Video Game Maker Young Physician CSI Deep Space-Lego® Robot Inventor Emergency Vet Robot Adventures-Lego® Special Effects June-August at Open Door Church 9801 Durant Road Raleigh 919.847.7625 Not affiliated with the LEGO® Group or LEGO® Education, June through August Raleigh’s Open Door Church on Durant Road and Brier Creek Community Center 919.264.8234 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 27 Pre-K to Grade 12 Reading Writing Math Grammar Study Skills Homework SAT/ACT Prep Better grades start with our Beyond Tutoring program School doesn’t always have to be a struggle. In fact, some kids love it—and not just because of friends or good grades. They love it because they’re willing to try, and because they feel confident in their ability to learn. All kids can love school. It just takes our Beyond Tutoring® program to show them how. Better confidence. Better motivation. Better grades. Summer Reading & Math Camp s Available Call Today To Enroll! Cary 919.462.3330 1229 NW Maynard Rd. Next to Brigs Restaurant Page 28 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition FUN IS IN OUR NATURE at YMCA Camp Kanata kayaking è canoeing è ropes course è alpine tower è rugby è lacrosse è archery è fishing è arts è soccer è basketball è swimming è double slide è water trampoline è and much more! OVERNIGHT AND DAY CAMP (June – August) Spend a week. Or more! Wake Forest, NC è 919-556-2661 A branch of YMCA of the Triangle Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 29 Page 30 Morrisville (919) 460-1500 Cary (919) 467-1112 School of Excellence School of Excellence Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 31 SPORTS MUSIC ARTS ADVENTURE DRAMA NATURE SCIENCE CRAFTS HISTORY ACTIVE FUN SKATE PLAY Page 32 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Summer days full of laughter, learning, and play is what we’re all about. Whether you need full-day, half-day, or mini-camps, we’ve got you covered. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 33 Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department 2014 SummerCamps Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department 919-996-4800 Page 34 Camp Registration Processing begins February 3, 2014 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Take Your Kids Fishing This Summer Learning to fish is a skill that lasts a lifetime. It gives children an opportunity to be outside, learn about the environment and where their food comes from, spend time with loved ones and friends, and share a mutually enjoyable activity. Taking small children fishing comes with great family memories and loads of preparation to keep it safe and fun. Here are some ideas to remember as you plan your family fishing trip: 1 Establish safety rules. Children need to be aware that Child running, not wearing shoes, and not looking before casting can be dangerous. Model safe behaviors and strictly enforce them. 2 Assign boat safety duties. Each angler should have a d responsibility on the boat. One person could make sure everyone has a floatation device. Another could be responsible for ensuring that everyone is wearing sunscreen and insect repellent. Another could hold the first aid kit and distribute as requested. Yet another could be responsible for passing around cold beverages. Having a job keeps children focused. It also gives them pride in being an essential member of the team. 3 Keep them busy. Children are very active. Having a variety of boat or land activities will keep it fun for them. They may enjoy searching for wildlife, snorkeling, or tubing in addition to learning to fish. 4 Purchase an ultra-light spinning i i or spin casting rod and reel combo. Kid-sized rods and reels don’t work as well and are often more difficult for children to handle. 5 Keep the bait around the size off th the h hook. Gigantic, pulsating, juicy bait is not necessary. Live bait around the size of the hook works best. As well, don’t use huge hooks. Fish are not as attracted to them. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. 6 Choose fish that are low in mercury. Tuna and flounder are ocean fish that are low in mercury. Tilapia and trout are freshwater fish low in mercury. Children might become ill eating fish high in mercury. Staying away from high mercury fish will ensure that the trip doesn’t turn into a day of tummy aches or upchucking. continued on page 36 Page 35 7 Help children understand the hidden dangers in handling the hook, fishing line, pole, and sinker. When you remove a fish from your hook, allow your children to see the internal damage done to the fish. This will teach them that the hook is hazardous if handled improperly. Let them run their fingers along the fishing line when not in use, so they understand that holding the line when a catch comes in is not a good idea. Before heading on the boat or to the water’s edge, cast the sinker on a piece of old metal and show them the slight dent. This way, they will understand how important it is to pay attention to where they are casting their poles. Page 36 8 Ensure that all members are wearing i a flotation device. A huge catch could pull someone into the water. You never know if you or your child will be saved by a floatation device. 9 Teach little anglers not to play with the catch. Fish have teeth; some are razor sharp. To prevent incidents, tell them never to play with fish after they are caught. 10 Set up an adult and child buddy system. Every child should stay with an assigned adult. Children should never be left alone during a fishing trip. 11 Bring a fish net with a long handle. Besides its intended purpose, a long-handled fishing net is great for getting trash or lost items from the water. Contact your local parks and recreation department for fishing locations. Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 37 Genesis After School Care (K-5) 21st Century Community Learning Center (6-8) June 17 - August 9, 2013 Applications available online at: and Page 38 “Study Island” computer subscription is used to assist students in meeting NC Common Core and Essential Standards objectives. Summershine 2014 Spring Edition 3V\FKRHGXFDWLRQDO&OLQLFDW1&68 ^ƚƵĚLJ^ŬŝůůƐĂŵƉϮϬϭϰ ΎWƌĞƉĂƌŝŶŐDŝĚĚůĞĂŶĚ,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů^ƚƵĚĞŶƚƐĨŽƌ^ƵĐĐĞƐƐΎ >ĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ^ƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐΎdĞƐƚdĂŬŝŶŐ^ŬŝůůƐΎKƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶĂů^ŬŝůůƐ ϭ͗ϳdĞĂĐŚĞƌƚŽ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚZĂƟŽ 'ƌĂĚĞƐϲͲϴ͗ Et,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů^ĞƐƐŝŽŶ :ƵŶĞϮϯͲϮϳ;ϵ͗ϯϬͲϭϭ͗ϯϬͿ Žƌ :ƵůLJϭϰͲϭϴ;ϵ͗ϯϬͲϭϭ͗ϯϬͿ Žƌ ƵŐƵƐƚϰͲϴ;ϵ͗ϯϬͲϭϭ͗ϯϬŽƌϭ͗ϬϬͲϯ͗ϬϬͿ 'ƌĂĚĞƐϵͲϭϬ͗ :ƵůLJϮϴͲƵŐƵƐƚϭ;ϵ͗ϯϬͲϭϭ͗ϯϬŽƌϭ͗ϬϬͲϯ͗ϬϬͿ &ĞĞ͗Ψϭϴϱ WĂƌĞŶƚŵĞĞƟŶŐ͗&ŝƌƐƚDŽŶĚĂLJŽĨĞĂĐŚƐĞƐƐŝŽŶ ^ƵŵŵĞƌtŽƌŬŝŶŐDĞŵŽƌLJdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŶĞǀŝĚĞŶĐĞͲďĂƐĞĚŝŶƚĞƌǀĞŶƟŽŶĨŽƌŝŵƉƌŽǀĞĚ ǁŽƌŬŝŶŐŵĞŵŽƌLJĂŶĚĂƩĞŶƟŽŶ WĂƌĞŶƚΘdĞĂĐŚĞƌZĂƟŶŐƐĨŽƌ ƩĞŶƟŽŶ/ŵƉƌŽǀĞŵĞŶƚƐ dŚĞWƌŽŐƌĂŵ͗ ǁŚĞŶƐĐŚŽŽůŝƐŽƵƚ ;ŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚĂƚŚŽŵĞŽŶĂĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌ ;ϮϱƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐƐĞƐƐŝŽŶƐŽǀĞƌϱǁĞĞŬƐ ;ƐƐŝƐƚĞĚďLJĂƚƌĂŝŶŝŶŐĂŝĚĞΘĂŽŐŵĞĚ ĐŽĂĐŚ ϭ ĨĨĞĐƚ^ŝnjĞ ;ŽŶƐŝƐƚƐŽĨϭϯŐĂŵĞͲůŝŬĞĞdžĞƌĐŝƐĞƐ ;ĞƐƚĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞƐƵŵŵĞƌ͕ Ϭ͘ϴ Ϭ͘ϲ Ϭ͘ϰ Ϭ͘Ϯ Ϭ WŽƐƚͲdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ ŽŶƚƌŽů'ƌŽƵƉ ϯŵŽŶƚŚĨŽůůŽǁͲƵƉ dƌĞĂƚŵĞŶƚ'ƌŽƵƉ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐ^ƚƵĚLJ^ŬŝůůƐĂŵƉǀŝƐŝƚ͗ǁǁǁ͘ŐŽ͘ŶĐƐƵ͘ĞĚƵͬƐƚƵĚLJƐŬŝůůƐ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶƌĞŐĂƌĚŝŶŐŽŐŵĞĚdƌĂŝŶŝŶŐ͕ǀŝƐŝƚ͗ǁǁǁ͘ŐŽ͘ŶĐƐƵ͘ĞĚƵͬĐŽŐŵĞĚ ŽƌĐĂůůƚŚĞWƐLJĐŚŽĞĚƵĐĂƟŽŶĂůůŝŶŝĐĂƚ;ϵϭϵͿϱϭϱͲϭϳϭϯ Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 39 Garner Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Camp begins June 11 7:30am - 6pm Avery Street Recreation Center Only $25 deposit per week to reserve a spot! $82 Resident $108 Non-Resident Page 40 Rising 1st-8th Grades Weekly Registrations Available! (919) 662-5051 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Parent Learning Toolbox Parents, ever wish you had more than a hammer and screw driver in your parenting toolbox? If you’re looking for teen and adult evening education opportunities, Lifelong Learning with Community Schools and WCPSS Parent Academy have the tools you need. Some classes are free, so join us. We make life and learning more fun! 919-431-7594 Classes for WCPSS Parents and Guardians Categories Class Dates Location Bellyfit W | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | 3/12-4/30 Sanderson HS Enjoy Health in an Unhealthy World M | 6:30-8:30 p.m. | 3/3-5/5 Sanderson HS F.I.T. Session 1 T | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 3/11, 4/8, 4/29 Reedy Crk MS Financial Investing Fundamentals W | 6:30-9:00 p.m. | 3/5-3/19 Leesville HS Free Vacations Th | 6:00-9:30 | 5/15 Athens HS Internet Skills and Shortcuts M | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 4/28 Millbrook HS Medical Billing I and II TTh | 6:30-9:00 p.m. | 3/4-4/8 Millbrook HS Mother and Teen Cooking Extravaganza Th | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 5/8 Sanderson HS ACT Prep MW | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 2/17-3/3 Leesville HS SAT Preparation T | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 3/4-4/29 Sanderson HS SAT Preparation T | 6:30-9:30 p.m. | 4/21-4/30 Leesville HS Personal Enrichment Classes for Teens SAT/ACT Preparation If your teen is headed into junior year, it’s time to prepare for the SAT and ACT college entry exam. Many colleges require one of these scores for consideration for admittance. High scores on these test also open doors for scholarships. To make sure your teen earns the highest score possible, invest a little money in test preparation. SAT Centers ACT Centers City Center Name Center Code Test Dates Raleigh Needham Broughton HS 34666 3/8 5/3 6/7 Raleigh Needham Broughton HS 34670 3/8 5/3 6/7 Raleigh Saint Augustine's College 34056 3/8 5/3 6/7 Raleigh Needham Broughton HS 34665 2/8 4/12 6/14 Raleigh Needham Broughton HS 34662 3/8 5/3 6/7 City Center Name Center Code Test Dates Raleigh Friendship Christian Sch. 239300 2/8 6/14 N/A Raleigh Needham Broughton HS 195860 2/8 4/12 6/14 Raleigh Saint Augustine's College 031520 2/8 6/14 N/A Raleigh Wake Christian Academy 161460 2/8 4/12 N/A Wake Forest Heritage HS 239050 2/8 4/12 6/14 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 41 You NEED it. We HAVE it. BRING IN THIS AD FOR DOUBLE THE FUN: Drop-In Camps AfterSchool Parties Got Errands? Drop-In. School’s Out? Camp’s In. Stressed Out? Win-Win. RightTime KiDS™ is your professional, no-hassle solution to all things kid-approved. Whether you need a couple of hours for adult stuff, year-round camps (designed to fit YOUR schedule, from a single half-day to a full Track Out), after-school enrichment, or a stress-free birthday party, we redefine flexibility at our secure, BUY 1 HOUR GET 1 HOUR New & existing customers. Limit 1 free hour per family. state-of-the-art centers. 18 months to 12 years. Days. Nights. Weekends. Find out why RightTime KiDS™ is chosen the #1 family favorite in the Triangle year after year. They have FUN. You get things DONE. | Page 42 Find your location at: Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Techsplorers TM Engineers of Tomorrow 2014 SUMMER CAMPS Solar Powered Tractors Intro to Aerospace and Model Rockets Intro to Electronics + Electronics Merit Badge Lawn Mower Engines + Engineering Merit Badge Line Following Robot Racecars NEW Exploring Engineering (Ages 7-11) TM LOCATIONS CCEE (Chapel Hill) Ravenscroft (Raleigh) St. Francis (Raleigh) See website for more information... Ages 11-18 No experience required Full day option available 919-901-1197 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 43 The Hill Center Now Accepting 2014 Summer Program Applications Hill’s summer program provides daily instruction in reading, written language, and math to improve skills and prevent regression in academic performance. Rising K-9 | June 23-July 25 | 8:30-11:30 a.m. “I am so grateful we found a place that teaches the way she learns.” Durham & Raleigh 4:1 Student/ Teacher Ratio Proven Methodology Tutoring Services Hill Parent Page 44 The Hill Center of Durham Hill Tutoring of Raleigh 3200 Pickett Road Durham, NC 27705 919.489.7464 6500 Falls of Neuse Road Raleigh, NC 27615 919.489.7464, ext. 2 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Become a junior designer! Amplify is seeking students in grades 6-9 to partner with us in after-school sessions to develop groundbreaking digital curriculum for math. The program is located at: American Tobacco Campus, 406 Blackwell St. Durham, NC 27701 Students will receive snacks and compensation for their participation. If you are interested contact: or 919.794.6516 Visit us at: © 2013 Amplify Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 45 Page 46 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition SWIM CLINIC DATES: APRIL 28-MAY 17, 2014 Clinic application: Information: Office: Marlins of Raleigh Swim Team 4900 Waters Edge Drive; Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 851-3000 1 Get a head start on the summer league swim season 2 Learn helpful technique tips from MOR coaches 3 Three locations—Ravenscroft School, St. Mary’s School, and Riverwood Golf & Athletic Club 4 Mon-Wed-Fri or Tue-Thu-Sat class options 5 $ 90 per participant for 9 classes over 3 weeks 6 Enrollment is limited and classes fill quickly; please print and submit application available at by April 1, 2014. The application will be on our website by Feb. 15, 2014. Novice to experienced swimmers...all are welcome! Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 47 E M O S AWE SUMMER UN We do! What makes our camps so different? We offer a physical fitness and wellness learning activity each day, recreational swim in our outdoor pool and pizza parties! Children will experience a fun, rewarding, safe camp that promotes physical fitness under the supervision of friendly, experienced staff. With more than a dozen camps and single weeks to choose from, your child is sure to find one they will love! Ongoing Summer Camp Registration Starts March 17th! Don : ,,' % New Themes for 2014! , to 4/ Lakest one m mon ve. sA Online registration st arts Mo at, April 28, 2014 lessons Co Convenient to South Western Wake County 100 South Fitness Drive, Fuquay-Varina 919.567.3400 Page 48 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition How Do We Protect Our Children! Bullying & Childhood Obesity is an epidemic At Lee Brothers Tae Kwon Do there is NO hype about quick fixes to bullying or trendy diet & exercise programs to defeat obesity. We promote results through the old school method of goal setting, hard work and discipline. Students of Lee Brothers have a long track record of successfully defeating challenges such as bullying & obesity, by adhering to a firm foundation of confidence and respect. HURRY! Spaces Fill Up FAST! Our approach is about consistent effort coupled with positive reinforcement to provide long term results. We believe it's team work that makes it possible. Our partnership with parents has allowed us to create the family atmosphere that enables us to be successful. While we are often imitated by other martial arts schools, Master Lee offers over 25 years of teaching experience that has consistently produced results unmatched by other Tae Kwon Do schools in the area. After School Program w Pick Up Track Out Camp w Caring Staff Summer Camp Lee Brothers Tae Kwon Do 8604 Falls of Neuse Road Raleigh (1/4 mile south of I-540) CALL NOW (919) 846-1234 w tons of activity Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 49 Page 50 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition SUMMER AT ST. DAVID’S SCHOOL Join us for summer fun! From challenging athletics, to entertaining arts and enrichment activities, there’s no shortage of opportunities this summer at St. David’s School. Visit us at 919-782-3331 Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 51 Page 52 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition summer camps for girls Camps for all girls ages 5-17. You don't have to be a Girl Scout to register! 800.284.4475 Locations in Raleigh Track-Out & Summer Camps Hands-on fun for grades K-5 Flexible Schedules Cary (Full/Half, 2-5 days per week) Contact Us: Experience the Complete STEMTM Computer Science Mechanical Robotics Aerospace Environmental Civil Game Making Lab STEMforKids phone: (919) 297-8366 email: @EngineerSTEM Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 53 Page 54 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition 231 Bickett Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27608 | 919.802.5088 | Celebrating Eight Years of Kids Art in Raleigh (Formerly The Painted Butterfly) This local art studio, located in the heart of Raleigh, has provided a fun and nurturing environment for children of all ages since 2005. They can come create, play and be themselves at any of our wide variety of programs. With visiting local artists, engaging teachers and amazing, unique creative projects - your kids will want to come back again and again. Full-Week programs and our Signature Half-Day Workshops provide the right programs to fit your busy summer schedules. See website for full schedule, dates and pricing. COME EXPLORE Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, Textiles, Sculpture, Yoga, Dance & More *NEW! Track-Out Camps* Our Most Popular Creative Camps Famous Artists | Plein Air Painting | Rock N Roll Art Animal Sculpture | Rainforest Adventures Paint Everything! | Intro To Ceramic Arts | Mural Painting Pop-Art Comic Characters | Wild in the Jungle Circus Carnival Movement & Art | Art & Yoga The Art of Sports with Coach Scott Princess & Fairy Art & Ballet Camps with Ms. Charlene How Does My Garden Grow STUDIO PROGRAMS *NEW! Track-Out Camps* (Year-Round) 9:30a-1p Summer Camps 9:30a-1p or 1:30-5p Signature Half-Day Workshops 9:30a-1p or 1:30-5p School’s Out Workshops | Birthday Parties | Private Lessons After-School Art Adventures | Kids Nite Art Create-Together | Preschool First Fridays *Like Us On Facebook and be entered in monthly drawings for free classes or camps. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 55 Be Intrepid. BUILD HIS FUTURE BOYS AGE 12-18 | 800-432-2480 | HARGRAVE.EDU Page 56 HARGRAVE MILITAY ACADEMY SUMMER SCHOOL & CAMP JUNE 29 to JULY 27, 2013 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 57 CAMP OAK HILL Overnight Christian Summer Camp for Boys and Girls, Rising 2-12 Grades 4-night, 5-night, and 2-week sessions “Making Christ known by lovingly presenting Him through God’s Word, Godly Example, Servant Leadership, and Building Relationships in the camp setting.” 919-782-2888 Located just one hour north of the Triangle in Oxford, NC! Page 58 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition THE SMART ENROLL T O D A Y Academy Don't work harder, just Smarter SMART Academy is an academic enrichment program that ensures that "Students Maximize Academic Resources through Technology." Led by certified Wake County Public School System teachers, the Academy's iSTREAM curriculum uses projectbased learning to foster student innovation in science, technology, reading, engineering, arts and math. The Academy offers year-round programs designed to develop the 21st Century thinking skills of students: for as little as $3.00 per hour! w w SMART Dates SMART Track-Out Camps Daily (Monday-Friday) (Tracks 1, 2, 3, 4) End of Grade (EOG) Camp Weekends (Saturdays & Sundays) April 18, 2014 -- May 11, 2014 SMART Summer Camp Daily (Monday -- Friday) June 11, 2014 -- August 8, 2014 Communities In Schools Duke Energy Learning Center at Chavis Heights 781 Bright Creek Way Raleigh, NC 27601 Wake County Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Weekend enrichment and Evening Tutorial also available. Please contact Azizi Culpepper for more information. P: 919-834-5663 ext. 108 E: Page 59 Page 60 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page 61 Shake Breakfast Lunch Dinner Dessert Summer Recipe Favorites Even the Kids Will Love Finding fun, easy-to-make, summer recipes can be a little challenging, at times. So Chef Mann is offering up some tips for good-to-you and even goodfor-you recipes you can whip up with your kids. Try these recipes covering everything you’ll eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in between! 1. In a large bowl, sift together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar. 2. In a small bowl, beat together egg and milk. Shake Breakfast Orange Heaven Blueberry Pancakes Preparation Time: 30min Preparation Method: Drink Oven Temp: N/A Yields: 4 servings Preparation Time: 10 min Preparation Method: Quick Bread Oven Temp: N/A Yields: 4 - 6 servings 12 oz 4 oz 4 oz Whole Milk Evaporated Milk Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract 4 oz sugar 1 Pinch Cinnamon To make this beverage, simply pitch all the ingredients in a blender and give it a few quick shots on high. Pour and serve! Don’t forget to garnish the glass with fresh fruit. 1 ¼ cups ½ tsp 1 Tbsp 1 ¼ tps 1 1 cup ½ Tbsp ½ cup all-purpose flour salt baking powder white sugar egg milk butter, melted frozen blueberries, thawed 4. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. 5. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot. 6. Note: Blueberries are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and manganese. More fun with Chef Mann Call 919-431-7594 or email for cooking classes with Chef Mann. Register for his current class offerings at adult-edu under “Cooking.” Page 62 3. Stir milk and egg into flour mixture. Mix in the butter and fold in the blueberries. Set aside for 1 hour. Upcoming classes - Teen Cooking Boot Camp - Parent and Tween Cooking - Cooking from the Farmer’s Market - Cooking Around the World - Chocoholics Summershine 2014 Spring Edition Lunch Dinner Dessert Spinach and Cheddar Quesadillas Chinese Longevity Noodles S’mores Pizza Preparation Time: 25min with Ginger and Garlic Preparation Time: 5 - 7 Min Preparation Method: Griddle Oven Temp: N/A Yields: 4 Servings Preparation Time: 30min Preparation Method: Pasta Oven Temp: N/A Yields: 4 Servings 4 large egg 4 small tortilla 4 tsp chili garlic paste 1 cup shredded cheddar 2 cups fresh spinach 1. In a small non-stick skillet, fry your egg until it is set. 2. While the egg cooks, smear 1 tsp of chili garlic paste on one half of the tortilla. Top that side with 1/4 cup of cheese. When the egg is finished, place the egg on top of the cheese, and then put the spinach on top of the egg. Fold the tortilla over and return it to the pan. (Keep the heat on.) 3. Cook each side of the quesadilla until it is golden brown and crispy (1-2 min each side). Wrap the crispy quesadilla in a paper towel and enjoy on-the-go! 4. Substitute: You can substitute flour tortillas with corn tortillas. 5. Note: Spinach is low in saturated fat, cholesterol. It is a good source of niacin and zinc, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese. 8 oz ¼ cup 1 Tbsp ½ tsp 1 pinch 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 large 2 cups 1 cup ¼ cup ½ cup capellini (angel hair pasta) vegetable broth tamari, more to taste toasted sesame oil crushed red pepper flakes peanut oil (vegetable or canola) finely chopped fresh ginger root clove garlic, finely chopped thinly sliced Napa cabbage fresh bean sprouts chopped fresh cilantro chopped roasted peanuts 1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add pasta and cook until al dente (about 5 minutes). Drain and then rinse in cold water and drain again; set aside. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, whisk together broth, tamari, sesame oil and pepper flakes; set aside. 2. Heat a wok or large skillet over high heat for 1 minute. Swirl peanut oil briefly around the wok and then add ginger and garlic and cook until aromatic, about 15 seconds. Add cabbage and stir-fry until hot and just wilted, 1 to 2 minutes. 3. Carefully add broth mixture to wok along with noodles and stirfry until sauce is absorbed, (1 to 2 minutes). Add sprouts and stir-fry 30 seconds more. Preparation Method: Pizza Oven Temp: 450 Yields: 1-12” Thin, 1-9” Pan, or 2 Mini Pizzas 1 ½ cup ¼ cup 1 oz 1 Tbsp 1 Tbsp 1 8 cup ½ tsp 1½ 1½ pizza dough, bought flour cornmeal slivered almonds unsalted butter sugar graham crackers, crushed salt cups mini marshmallows cups chocolate chips 1. Sprinkle flour on a work surface and roll out dough into a 12 inch round, ¼-inch thick. Dust a pizza peel with cornmeal and slide onto the pizza stone. Bake for 6 to 8 minutes or until just beginning to brown. 2. While pizza crust is baking, toast almonds in a sauté pan over medium-high heat. Remove almonds to a plate, and in the same pan, melt the butter. When butter is melted, add the graham cracker crumbs, sugar and salt. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside. 3. Remove pizza from oven and top with marshmallows. Randomly place chocolate chips over marshmallows and return to the oven 3 to 5 minutes or until marshmallows are puffed and lightly browned. Remove pizza from oven, sprinkle with graham cracker mixture and top with toasted slivered almonds. Let the pizzas rest for 3 to 4 minutes, then slice and serve. 4. Add more tamari, if you like, and then transfer noodles to a platter. Garnish with cilantro and peanuts and serve. Say you saw it here, and receive possible discount or incentive. Participating advertisers ONLY. Page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o4DPVUJOH1SPHSBNT -PDL*OTo#JSUIEBZ1BSUJFTo:(VJEFT1SJODFTTFTo"OE.PSF $POUBDU1SPHSBNT!5SJBOHMF3PDL$MVCDPNPSWJTJU 5SJBOHMF3PDL$MVCDPNDBNQTGPSNPSFEFUBJMT %VSBMFJHI3E 3BMFJHI/$ 1IFBTBOU8PPE$U .PSSJTWJMMF/$ 30$, 5SJBOHMF3PDL$MVCDPN Page 64 Summershine 2014 Spring Edition