metro delivery services
metro delivery services
Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out For Navigation Instruction Please Click here Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, COMMUNICATIONS APPLICATIONS, AND INDUSTRY ® MAY/JUNE 2012 VOLUME 29 NO. 3 ANALYSIS WORLDWIDE WWW.LIGHTWAVEONLINE.COM ___________________________ Packet-optical transport systems: Platforms for metro transformation ___________________________ _________________________ Packet-optical transport for metro services delivery 3 EDITORIAL /// Don’t go there By STEPHEN HARDY 10 CWDM solves wireless backhaul “router to tower” issues CWDM combines low cost, flexibility, and efficiency to meet wireless backhaul requirements. By DR. FRANCIS NEDVIDEK and DAVID ATMAN 15 Better backhaul with MPLS to the cell site MPLS improves backhaulnetwork efficiency and resiliency, while enabling flexibility and service customization. By NIR HALACHMI 20 OFC/NFOEC 2012: The interviews Catch Lightwave’s exclusive interviews with leading industry decision-makers. 21 “Soft decision” FEC benefits 100G The latest generation of forward error correction, soft decision FEC offers greater reach and other performance improvements. By RANDY EISENACH ________________________ BY FRANK WIENER , Cyan Packet-optical transport systems offer world-class transport, and more important, a foundation for transformation to more profitable softwaredefined metro networks. What’s ahead for multimode-fiber communication systems? ___________________ __________________ ____________________________ BY GASTÓN E. TUDURY, Ph.D., and AL BRUNSTING, Ph.D. No standard could predict that some assumptions about the physical phenomena expected to limit optical-link performance would become obsolete. But multimode-fiber communication has now reached this point. Death of the OB van _______________________ BY PER LINDGREN , Net Insight It’s time for the outside broadcast (OB) van to worry about the future. Fiber networks are becoming more commonplace in arenas and media environments and slowly transforming production workflows, especially for live events. Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents You know us because you depend on our technology every day. JDSU products and services give you a competitive advantage at each stage of the network lifecycle across a full range of applications. Access our video library and learn more about the JDSU products and services that are right for you: Future-Ready, Comprehensive Solutions Enabling Video and Broadband Communications ! "# $! %&! '& (# )*+, & &! - &$! - !!( & ( & /&0 Visit to learn more about how we can help you prepare for the future — today. Visit our video media gallery at to learn more. 1110)*+,02+ __________________________ NORTH AMERICA 344 553'6745 LATIN AMERICA 8 9; 433 ;44 ASIA PACIFIC 83;5 5395 99 *< =$ 2<<- > = < ( + '?*+'5 @ + A +& ? 469 = (& ( 1 <? B C> A EMEA 89 75 34 5555 Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page MAY/JUNE 2012 EDITORIAL 3 STEPHEN HARDY Don’t go there hose who remember the optical bubble of the early part of this century likely would tell you that our current times are nothing like those heady years. No one in the optical communications business and route diversity have led to new links between financial centers. The underseasystem market has exploded, with market research firm Telegeography noting that the past two years have seen the launch of 19 submarine-cable systems. Telegeography reports that 33 additional systems Click to view are on the books for 2012 Stephen's video blog and 2013, despite what the company says is “tremen(Having trouble? Click here.) dous untapped potential capacity on many existing submarine cables.” is swimming in cash, venture capitalists Such projects have led to the installaare not tripping over themselves to supply tion of about 19 million miles of fiber in even more money, and more companies the U.S. alone last year, according to CRU are being consolidated than created. Group. That’s the most fiber deployed But on one point they would be wrong. in any one year since 2000. And we all Just as in the early 2000s, there’s a ton know what happened after that, right? of fiber-optic cable being installed. Two words: “fiber glut” National broadband plans have driven Not surprisingly, the current fiber fiber to homes, businesses, and anchor instiboom has some in the financial tutions. The opportunities in low latency T FOLLOW STEPHEN ON ____________________________________ sector nervous. There’s still too much capacity out there, many fear. Are these concerns warranted? Not yet, I don’t think. The principal difference between what occurred in 2000 and the current fiber builds is location. At the apex of the previous boom, most carriers built capacity between the same cities and along the same routes. They seemed to believe that infinitely growing Internet traffic would require infinite amounts of fiber. That belief proved wrong, of course. Fortunately for the industry (and those paying for today’s fiber installations), the current catalyst in most instances is a desire to put fiber where it presently doesn’t exist. The broadband build-outs represent the most salient example of this trend. However, the same could be said for a variety of middle-mile and alternative backbone installations. Fiber to the tower initiatives fall into this category as well. Previous Page | Left Zoom in EDITORIAL | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page continued The riskiest projects are aimed at offering low-latency routes, either terrestrial or undersea. There’s no guarantee there will be enough demand to pay the build costs – particularly if operators of existing routes can find ways to lower the latency figures on their plant. The same could be said for builds whose business cases rest upon route diversity. The trick to avoiding over-capacity rests in how much fiber to install in these new projects. There seems little reason, particularly in backbone and middle-mile projects, not to add a little fiber-count cushion. The question then for fiber suppliers is, what happens to demand once the current round of builds concludes? For now, I’m betting most would rather not go there just yet. They’re too happy with where they are right now. Be the LabMaster 65 GHz GROUP PUBLISHER ERNESTO BURDEN (603) 891-9137 EDITORIAL DIRECTOR & ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER STEPHEN HARDY (603) 891-9454 MANAGING EDITOR RON KARJIAN MARKETING MANAGER JONI MONTEMAGNO PRESENTATION MANAGER CINDY CHAMBERLIN PRODUCTION MANAGER SHEILA WARD SENIOR ILLUSTRATOR CHRIS HIPP AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER DEBBIE BOULEY AD SERVICES MANAGER SARAH PATE DIGITAL MEDIA SALES MANAGER ANGEL BALDWIN EDITORIAL OFFICES PennWell Corporation, Lightwave 98 Spit Brook Road LL-1, Nashua, NH 03062-5737 (603) 891-0123; Fax: (603) 891-0574; CORPORATE OFFICERS CHAIRMAN FRANK T. LAUINGER PRESIDENT & CEO ROBERT F. BIOLCHINI CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MARK C. WILMOTH TECHNOLOGY GROUP EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD DR. DONALD BOSSI Technology Venture Partners SENIOR VP & PUBLISHING DIRECTOR CHRISTINE SHAW SENIOR VP, AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT GLORIA S. ADAMS WILLIAM J. CADOGAN Nistica SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES ANDY CHRAPLYVY Alcatel-Lucent DONALD T. GALL Pulse Broadband (847) 559-7520; TDD: (918) 831-9566; Fax: (847) 291-4816; e-mail:; MICHAEL LEBBY Translucent Inc. STAN LUMISH Chiral Photonics STEPHEN MONTGOMERY ElectroniCast Consultants HUNTER NEWBY, Allied Fiber PAUL W. SHUMATE, JR. IEEE LEOS ALAN E. WILLNER University of Southern California We make portions of our subscriber list available to carefully screened companies that offer products and services that may be important for your work. If you do not want to receive those offers and/or information, please let us know by contacting us at List Services, Lightwave, 98 Spit Brook Road LL-1, Nashua, NH 03062. ISSN 0741-5834 Beyond the Limits Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents MAY/JUNE 2012 Packet-optical transport for metro services delivery By ROBERT KEYS Five elements to ponder when evaluating packet-optical transport systems for the metro. S THE “ONRAMP” for A wholesale, consumer, and business traffic, the metro network is rapidly becoming the most critical link in the valueadded services delivery chain (see Figure 1). This trend is unfolding in an environment where bandwidth demands are increasing exponentially but budgets to add capacity remain constrained. Meanwhile, subscriber churn has reached an all-time high and competition has continued to escalate. New strategies must be developed to transform metro services delivery – or else content and service providers risk commoditization. Packet-optical transport platforms can enable network service providers to capitalize on new revenue opportunities while overcoming the metro network’s challenges. We’ll present the points network planners should consider to determine the optimal approach for transforming legacy metro infrastructures into new efficient networks that can profitably handle large volumes of over-the-top 5 video, cloud computing, and mobile broadband traffic – and capture the new revenue-generating opportunities that accompany this transition. The metro problem/opportunity Unprecedented levels of traffic growth have pushed many existing metro networks to the brink (see Figure 2). For example: • Worldwide subscriber spending for online video soared to $3.5 billion in 2011 (Strategy Analytics). • In the U.S. alone, 181 million people watched online video content in January 2012 – or 58% of the U.S. population (comScore). • Netflix consumes as much as 30% of the Internet’s bandwidth during peak hours (Sandvine). • One billion consumers will own smartphones by 2016, with mobile spending reaching $1.3 trillion by then (Forrester Research). ROBERT KEYS is chief optical architect at BTI Systems y . Previous Page | Left Zoom in FEATURE | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents Packet-optical transport Experience the Power of Dow Inside Access Metro Core Mobile networks Content providers Content delivery networks Services delivery quality of experience lives in the metro Exchanges Internet FIGURE 1. The “onramp” for wholesale, consumer, and business traffic, the metro network is ideal for enabling high-value services. • There will be 1.8 billion broadband subscribers worldwide by 2014 (Infonetics Research). • The global cloud services market is anticipated to triple in size over the next four years with a compound growth rate of 29.4% to reach revenues of $66 billion in 2016 (Ovum). Yet the formidable challenges this growth presents come with a multibillion-dollar opportunity for new services and revenues. The necessary network transformation starts with a reevaluation of existing infrastructures. The resulting plan should enable providers to migrate their networks and monetize assets and market services, yet control capital and operational expenditures. Traditional transport networks feature discrete optical and packet layers with distinct networking equipment, management interfaces, and provisioning systems. Fixed optical layers are expensive to manage and maintain over time and represent inherent risks. They require user-intensive procedures and significant preplanning. These legacy optical networks cannot ensure efficient support of increasing bandwidth demands. Additionally, legacy optical networks are often Connecting people, at work or at play—there are thousands of ways to do it and new ones appear daily. For six decades, Dow Electrical & Telecommunications has provided the innovation and materials to help make better connections. We’ve helped the industry stay steps ahead with a full line of jacketing and insulation materials for cables ranging from twisted pair to coax and RF to fiber optics, all with the power of DOW INSIDE. And as telecommunications became the virtual lifeblood of our modern world, we enhanced your capability to market “green” products with the introduction of DOW ECOLIBRIUM™ bio-based plasticizers. As the wired world goes wireless and new technologies evolve, we haven’t forgotten our role—providing the leadership, materials and technology solutions that ensure your success. ®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company Dow Electrical & Telecommunications is a global business unit of The Dow Chemical Company and its subsidiaries. Previous Page | Left Zoom in FEATURE | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page Packet-optical transport Is Your 100G Testing Limited by the Speed of Your BERT? OTT video Metro service providers Mobile broadband Cloud computing FIGURE 2. Growth in over-the-top (OTT) video, cloud computing, and mobile broadband are driving bandwidth demands in the metro. difficult to provision, which can make it hard for a network operator to move quickly to add services to win important new business. Many metro-network operators also have had limited visibility into or control of the upper layers of the network stack and are thus unable to implement service-level agreements (SLAs) based on application or content type. Notably, this deficiency also precludes their ability to influence IP video, rich media, and other bandwidth-intensive, delay-sensitive traffic flows. Today, metro services networks have to be able to support the breadth of services based on: • Applications, industry verticals, and specific customer requirements. • The ability to move large amounts of traffic into, across, and out of the network. • The creation of services, assurances, and delivery. • Highly leveraged, optimized assets for a better return on investment. Accommodating growth and accelerating services delivery requires that service providers identify and proactively address issues of scalability, capacity expansion, ease of use, management, and costs. Additionally, providers must seek strategies to move up the value chain to gain new revenues while cost-effectively managing the enormous growth of content (see Figure 3). Other BERTs Centellax BERT (true 4x32G data rate) Stay full throttle with the Centellax 100G solution. Most bit error rate testers serving 100G applications don’t have the muscle to allow testing the channel at full speed. With maximum data rates of only 28 or 30 Gb/s, they can only handle the 4 x 28G raw data rate. This speed limitation can force you to disable encoding or FEC, not allowing the channel to operate at the full symbol rate. While others are promising future 32G offerings, Centellax has been shipping the 32 Gb/s SSB32 from the start. Our system is designed precisely for 100G applications requiring extra headroom for virtually any level of FEC. Our commitment to affordable test equipment means that you won’t need to pay a premium for that performance either. Don’t enter the 100G race track with just a tricycle. Winning metro strategy Visit for details. Recognizing that rapid bandwidth growth is a reality – and that metro services delivery is changing dramatically – metro providers must Affordability without compromise Scan the QR code to see how the SSB32 can keep your channel racing at full speed. Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE Packet-optical transport alleviate capacity issues and network inefficiencies to improve the customer quality of experience (QoE) and enable the delivery of rich new highvalue services. There are five key considerations for a winning strategy. Reduce complexity and improve scalability by converging Ethernet and optical service layers into a converged packet-optical infrastructure. Consider starting the network transformation by converging service layers to create a simpler, more dynamically scalable network with fewer layers, less equipment, and unified operations, administration, and management. Converged optical and Ethernet layers will consolidate equipment and cabling; save energy, cooling, and facility costs; and reduce expenses. This strategy also will create a solid foundation to optimize bandwidth and accelerate the delivery of rich high-value services. Streamline provisioning and troubleshooting functions to achieve end-to-end visibility into services and customers. Converged network layers eliminate the need for separate organizations to handle packet and optical traffic, a structure that’s costly and inefficient. By breaking down the “wall” between the Ethernet and optical layers, network operators can easily adjust transport capabilities and realize end-to-end visibility of service demands and customer requirements. With a real view into what’s happening in the network, operators can deploy new services quickly, scale the network almost automatically, and make better decisions to alleviate bandwidth strain while freeing resources. Analyze, monitor, and control services based on content or application type to reduce strain on bandwidth and make more effective use of resources. End-to-end network visibility supports the development of new revenue-generating services that include SLAs. The ability to keep track of traffic ensures delivery of required levels of bandwidth and low latency for consumers and businesses and creates a clear competitive advantage – and the opportunity to charge SLA premiums. Network-view Internet services Carrier Ethernet services MAY/JUNE 2012 Service-centric management End-to-end service management Application-aware services Application and content intelligence Packet-optical networking Dynamically scalable capacity 8 Ethernet services Wavelength services Optical services FIGURE 3. Service providers require a services delivery framework that addresses scale, end-to-end service visibility, and application awareness. analytics can also help use resources more effectively. For example, analytics can help determine if certain types of traffic, such as Netflix, should be stored in a cache device closer to the subscriber to reduce bandwidth strain and improve QoE. Create new value-added or tiered services with assured QoE based on the ability to intelligently prioritize traffic flows. With the ability to monitor and control traffic, metronetwork operators can create new service bundles for subscribers, such as unlimited high-speed social networking or YouTube access. Service bundles can help reduce customer churn and act as a differentiator to secure new subscribers. Traffic can be prioritized based on customer demands rather than treating all traffic with the same level of importance, enabling more efficient use of bandwidth resources without having to add new equipment. Use integrated platforms to move up the value chain, participate in new revenue streams, and avoid marginalization. Service providers control the QoE of the subscriber. Consumers expect high-quality, predictable experiences, especially when viewing purchased content. Dissatisfaction drives subscriber churn. An intelligent, converged infrastructure with analytics enables Previous Page | Left Zoom in FEATURE | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page Packet-optical transport service providers to create Taking an active role These are exciting – and challenging alternatives to conventional content – times for metro-network operadelivery networks. Such infrators. Digital media is pervasive and structure also supports two-sided growing, especially with the prolifebusiness models in which operaration of mobile smart devices. A data tors capture incremental revenues point: Apple has sold more than 55 from upstream content providers million iPads since and downstream its launch in 2010, content consuLEARN MORE with an additional 55 mers. Metro million expected to providers thus FOR MORE INFORMATION be sold in 2012. With can become on packet-optical a new iPad model part of the transport systems, Article just being unveidigital media READ: “Packet-optical transport led, those numbers distribution systems: The new POTS” may well increase. chain, building Metro service provirelationships with ders can avoid the content provirisks of commoditization by transforders and aggregators by offering ming their networks and becoming SLAs and detailed subscriber inforactive participants in the digital media mation in exchange for subscription ecosystem. By doing so, they will commissions or advertising revenue increase margins, grow revenues, sharing. Also, metro-network and be more competitive. operators have the opportunity to introduce premium service bundles (as mentioned earlier) to consuSHARE THIS ARTICLE mers to boost revenues, margins, and subscriber base expansion. _______________________ Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE CWDM combines low cost, flexibility, and efficiency to meet wireless backhaul requirements. MAY/JUNE 2012 10 By DR. FRANCIS NEDVIDEK AND DAVID ATMAN CWDM solves wireless backhaul ‘router to tower’ issues T HE AVALANCHE of mobile data traffic around the world is exposing vulnerability in the wireline-based backhaul infrastructure: a bottleneck in the first mile “tower to router” link. Classic fiber exhaust explains much of this problem. There’s simply not enough capacity to accommodate the increasing number of gigabit and 10G links. Another factor is the desire – or even requirement – of many wireless carriers for dedicated links through their connectivity supplier’s network. They may even demand dedicated backhaul fiber strands to connect access and core meshes with mobile tower sites. Let’s examine first-mile fiber challenges from several angles. We’ll survey the options and underscore the advantages of CWDM, look at the outside plant DR. FRANCIS NEDVIDEK K is CEO of Cube Optics p AG. DAVID ATMAN is president off Lindsay y Broadband Inc. (OSP) connectivity involved in upgrading backhaul architectures, show how CWDM can expand fiber capacity while eliminating network elements, and look at CWDM’s ability to create virtual fibers and add even more capacity. The value of CWDM Before assessing the technology options, here are the requirements that operators must satisfy in their first-mile backhaul networks: • Segregation of bandwidth on a per-wireless-carrier basis, according to service-level agreements (SLAs). • Guaranteed bandwidth of up to 10 Gbps per first-mile backhaul link. • Uncomplicated and reliable operation (truck-roll avoidance). • Provisioning simplicity. • Reach of up to 80 km “tower to the router” in the first mile but typically much less. • OSP environmental hardening. • Ability to preserve legacy 1550or 1310-nm fixed connections. The technology options for this portion of the network include active optical networking, passive DWDM, and passive CWDM. Active optical. As an approach to address wireless backhaul congestion, active optical networking equipment typically amounts to overkill. The complexity of active methods presents an abundant superset of features and functionality that the operator pays for in hardware costs, software licensing, ongoing maintenance, electrical power, and upgrade costs. Segregating or partitioning bandwidth occurs at a logical level within the active electronics. But these higher-level logical approaches yield only best-effort bandwidth performance when emulating individual physical connections. Then there are costs related to Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Future-Ready 100G Test Solutions Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page Speed up 100 Gigabit Ethernet Testing Innovative JDSU 40/100 Gigabit Ethernet test solutions provide the most robust tools for evaluating and verifying components, subassemblies, and network equipment with confidence to unlock the performance and revenue potential of optical transport network (OTN) technologies. JDSU offers the most comprehensive OTN test coverage available with an OTU3/4 feature set that complements 40/100 GE physical layer tests, such as photonic and electrical signal testing and protocol testing for Layers 1, 2, and 3. Download a free 100G Poster Watch a Video Visit to learn more about how we can help you be ready for the future of 100G—today. WWW.JDSU.COM/TEST __________________________ NORTH AMERICA 1 866 228-3762 LATIN AMERICA +1 954 688 5660 ASIA PACIFIC +852 2892 0990 EMEA +49 7121 86 2222 Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents MAY/JUNE 2012 ® FEATURE CWDM’s backhaul edge training personnel to maintain and manage proprietary network gear. Associated operating, sparestocking, and repair costs further diminish return on investment (ROI). Active optical equipment is best placed in close proximity to the network core; unsophisticated and low-cost passive gear belongs in the access and middle-mile networks. Passive DWDM. DWDM represents a more practical option. Where the number of connections or channels exceeds 16 and creates transmission capacity requirements of up to 160 Gbps (as in 10 Gbps × 16), DWDM technology may offer a viable alternative. But operators should be aware that DWDM is not the least expensive option and will not accommodate the plethora of form factors – from pedestal to line-card to central office (CO) rack – that characterize the first mile of the network. In that light, DWDM compares unfavorably with CWDM schemes. Passive CWDM. An optimal balance between right-sized functionality and right-sized cost, CWDM satisfies the best-fit rule of Occam’s razor: Essentially, the simplest solution, all things being equal, is the best among more complex solutions. CWDM expands the capacity of existing fiber infrastructure by enabling individual fibers to function as multiple optical links; each link supports at least 10 Gbps over spans of up to 80 km. CWDM is unique in its ability to support legacy 1310- and 1550-nm single-fiber connections while permitting additional CWDM links via the same fiber pair. Like DWDM, CWDM physically partitions connections at the physical layer into separate wavelengths that provide a unique and exclusive optical connection for each 10-Gbps traffic channel. The flexibility of CWDM facilitates cell-site capacity planning and design. Adding CWDM to an existing legacy fiber network is straightforward; both previously deployed and newly introduced channels are handled similarly, which means legacy channels are relayed and routed undisturbed. CWDM thus provides the simplest, most robust, and yet most multifaceted option for future expansion. Backhaul upgrades Several connectivity issues affect upgrades to a wireline network operator’s backhaul architecture. In a typical radio-access-network OSP backhaul network, the feeder cable often extends several kilometers from the CO or aggregation point to a remote terminal (RT) in the vicinity of the wireless tower or cell site. In such situations, it is not uncommon to be confronted with an 2G / 3G / 4G / LTE / WiMax UMTS 4G / LTE / WiMax LTE WiMax 3G base station CDMA UMTS UMTS Base station Base station Cell site aggregation STM-1 / STM-4 OC-3 / OC-12 Ethernet backhaul Ethernet backhaul 4G node WiMax LTE Base station ATM or IP over TDM GbE 4G / LTE / WiMax gateway FIGURE 1. Linear 2G / 3G LTE Remote radio hub 2G / 3G MSC existing link comprising only a limited number of 6, 8, or 12 fiber strands, with electrical supply lines accommodating the optical cable along the same trench to the distribution terminal (DT). On the radio-networkcontroller (RNC) side, twisted-pair or coax carries mobile telephone and community microwave relay services from the tower. WiMax and other private dedicated or industrial and security antennas may be co-located at the tower as well. It is relatively easy to expand legacy installed fiber that supports CDMA WiMax 12 architecture with intermediate add/drop nodes. Ethernet Base station backhaul ATM over TDM Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page ® FEATURE CWDM’s backhaul edge low-bandwidth 2G and some 3G wireless services by upgrading the speeds of the CO and RT transceivers or adding blocks of four CWDM channels. Bandwidth-hungry 4G and LTE services in most cases, however, will require expansion of the optical bandwidth of the CO-to-RT link and very possibly converting the RT and DT links and the coax tower drops to fiber as well. Whether installing twisted-pair, coax, electrical power grid cabling, or fiber, trenching and duct engineering represent the majority of costs. When the opportunity arises, laying flexible and future-proof optical cable (48-plus strands) yields a very high ROI and virtually eliminates future capacity restrictions. By the same token, the business case for upgrading the CO-to-RT link (middle mile) part of the OSP using CWDM wins handsomely over any option involving retrenching. Capacity expansion Boosting the capacity from the CO straight through to the DT via WDM can easily multiply the bandwidth of existing DT fibers – and eliminate the RT in the process. Two scenarios that enable new efficiencies involve connecting with wireless service providers (WSPs) and linking up a series of cell sites. Not all configurations, however, are amenable to these kinds of upgrades. The first scheme increases fiber capacity from the CO to the DT, but also extends the CWDM channels all the way to the WSPs. There is ample fiber in today’s fiber cables to permit dedicated fibers running from the CWDM enclosure to the wavelength multiplexers that belong to each WSP. When several WSPs share facilities at each tower, individual gear may be compartmentalized into a so-called base station hotel, or fibers may run directly to towers outfitted with remote radio head technology. Another architecture that takes advantage of CWDM consists of stitching together a series of cell sites along a fiber (four in this case) using the add/drop capabilities of CWDM. One such example CWDM / DWDM MUX / DEMUX Headend, central office Remote terminal FIGURE 2. Using CWDM to multiply bandwidth for critical fiber-limited sections. is shown in Figure 1. Here a CO serves four cell sites with four pairs of wavelengths. A wavelength pair is added or dropped at each cell site. Since cell sites may reside tens of kilometers from the CO, minimizing insertion loss and selecting the appropriate optical power of transceivers become an essential priority. Individual cell sites may be housed in pedestals, small cabinets, and even suspended or buried in pods. Depending on the particular regulatory situation or jurisdiction, not all WDM upgrade configurations may be practicable. Regulations may prohibit certain digital multiplexing of data or channels from particular subscribers. Others traditionally prefer dedicated fiber MAY/JUNE 2012 13 strands. Circumstances that require dedicated access fiber(s) may be accommodated in the middle mile through consigning WDM capacity or other fiber strands. Furthermore, transmission reliability and incorruptibility concerns typically arise with respect to latency. Networks that transport SONET/SDH overhead or Frame Relay or pseudowire protocols strive to eliminate delays from provisioning, queuing, buffering, switching, or other electronic processing. WDM technologies offer one of the more effective approaches to minimizing latency because end-toend delays are essentially reduced to the propagation speed of the optical signal through the optical link. Virtual fibers, more capacity An alternative architecture uses CWDM multiplexers to partition a single fiber strand (or pair) and in effect create virtual fibers. CWDM multiplexers are placed at the CO and in a remote enclosure, as depicted in Figure 2. A CWDM system uses 1 to 16 Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE CWDM’s backhaul edge Ethernet MAY/JUNE 2012 14 CDMA LTE wavelengths based on the ITU-T standard xDSL UMTS WiMax CO / hub PON headend grid (and two more channels of the full CWDM / DWDM MSAN RNC / gateway FTTx MUX / DEMUX ITU complement of 18 channels if low “water peak” fiber has been deployed). The transmission equipment at the cell site can use CWDM small-formFIGURE 3. Upgrade of an existing access network factor pluggable (SFP) to support additional wireless traffic. transceivers. If not, separate CWDM transponders may the WDM equipment. Alternatively, convert low-power 1310-nm signals adding or dropping more wavelengths to the desired CWDM wavelength. can increase link capacity. CWDM SFPs and transponders Boosting capacity of the OSP infrareliably span fiber transmission structure using CWDM technology distances of 60 km or more. adequately relieves wireless bandwidth A CWDM system can scale as bottlenecks in a vast majority of cases. capacity demand from the wireless But for situations where 18 CWDM subscribers grows. Operators can channels do not suffice, overlaydedicate additional wavelengths to ing DWDM wavelengths onto the particular wireless sites in anticiCWDM grid permits further expanpation of “lighting up” addition sion of transmission capacity. channels. Flexible transmission rate But the option to adopt DWDM per wavelength permits wireless connectivity carries the attendant need providers to increase bandwidth to for controlled environment enclosures particular cell sites, independent of and deployment of the appropriate (more costly) DWDM transceivers. DWDM upgrades or deployments also require the right electrical power to support the additional equipment and thermal regulation. Supplementary space requirements may arise in RTs that serve as DWDM add/drop locations. Finally, operators may need to add wireless capacity to existing access networks where the network subscription areas overlap with cell phone, same-service-provider WiMax, and even microwave and private wireless footprints. In such circumstances, operational continuity and integrity of the legacy subscription base must be maintained while augmenting bandwidth to individual wireless sites. Figure 3 demonstrates such a situation. The network segment typically composes part of a ring in urban areas, but the topology often branches to a linear configuration in rural or remotely populated areas. Both configurations are possible where new wireless capacity supplements the existing 10-Gbps connectivity that links subdivisions, enterprises, and institutions to the co-location sites, distribution hub, and headend. Today and tomorrow The rising tide of wireless backhaul traffic is creating bottlenecks in the wireline networks that serve them. CWDM relieves backhaul bandwidth exhaustion in harmony with the dictum that the simplest choice, all things being equal, tends to be the best. Applicable in a range of scenarios, CWDM demonstrates admirable flexibility – especially when combined with highly reliable, customizable, and compact low-cost components. The technology solves the problem of future expansion with a minimalist approach: only as much as you need, when you need it, without expensive or unnecessary extras. CWDM is thus able to remedy the “tower to the router” backhaul link challenges of today and tomorrow. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE MAY/JUNE 2012 15 By NIR HALACHMI Better backhaul with MPLS to the cell site MPLS improves backhaul-network efficiency and resiliency, while enabling flexibility and service customization. L AST YEAR LEFT North American mobile operators breathless. A wide adoption of smartphones, an exponential increase in smart devices (phones, tablets, game consoles, etc.), and rapid growth in smartphone applications compounded to make the mobile economy very dynamic. This mobile data usage and LTE deployment trials drove operators to address bandwidth shortages for mobile backhaul. More important, carriers had to face the realization that there is a true need for network change to support the troika of the new mobile economy tsunami: the convergence of mobile broadband, smartdevice growth, and applications adoption. The first quarter of 2012 was no different, with exciting applications like Instagram added to Android (later acquired by NIR HALACHMI is product manager, mobile backhaul products, at Telco Systems y . He is responsible for the design and development of Telco Systems’s mobile backhaul offerings focusing on both cellular and wireless technology as well as QoS, data security, and communications. Facebook) or Apple announcing iPad3 with LTE connectivity. The rapid rise of smart devices and applications acceptance has been staggering – and it’s a global phenomenon (see Figure 1). This rising data use has forced many mobile operators to massively invest in the network infrastructure to remain competitive and minimize churn, despite the fact that they can’t link this capital investment to increased revenues. Since data traffic is taking the higher share of the operator networks, there is a need to migrate mobile backhaul links to technologies that are more efficient in delivering these services as well as supporting the exponential growth in demand. Change is in the air Change is expected in almost all aspects of the network (perhaps beside the OSS/ BSS) as a result of mobile services trends. To address the mobile broadband arena, carriers are adapting their networks through a number of mechanisms. • RAN technology is moving forward with HSPA+, progressing to LTE and later LTE Advanced to accommodate up to 1 Gbps of downlink bandwidth. It is ironic that needs are changing so fast that while LTE is hardly commercialized, the next “advanced” generation is already being introduced. The fast pace of changing technologies may cause some operators to skip some technological generations while others will have an even bigger mix of technologies in their network. • Mobile architecture is changing, with new concepts entering the market, such as “small cell” and “Cloud RAN.” The Evolved Packet Core (EPC) concept of flat, all-IP-based network also has caught on as LTE offerings mandate an end-to-end IP service. Such architecture will enable easier introduction and creation of services to support new business models, partnerships, and deployment options. As a result of these changes, the mobile backhaul space is evolving Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page ® FEATURE 7,000 6,000 Better backhaul with MPLS Petabytes per month 5.5% 6.2% 7.8% 9.2% Central and Eastern Europe Middle East and Africa Latin America Japan 15.7% North America 26.3% Western Europe 29.3% Asia-Pacific 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 FIGURE 1. The explosion in mobile bandwidth demand is a worldwide phenomenon, with a projected 92% CAGR from 2010 through 2015. Source: Cisco VNI Mobile, 2011 as well. But unlike the RAN and packet core, which have been well defined by the 3GPP standards body, mobile backhaul traditionally hasn’t been defined at all, leaving operators with multiple technology options that offered different values and disadvantages. Fortunately, two standard bodies have noticed this problem and taken action. The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) now offers MEF22.1 and the new CE2.0 initiative, which promotes assured services; operations, administration, and maintenance; and network-to-network interconnection for Carrier Ethernet in the role of transport technology. Meanwhile, the Broadband Forum has created the TR-221 specifications for MPLS use in mobile backhaul networks. Mobile backhaul requirements and options Regardless of who provides mobile backhaul – the mobile operator itself, carrier’s carriers, utilities, bandwidth wholesalers, etc. – the requirements remain complex. For example, the typical mobile network combines multiple mobile technology generations like 2G, 3G, and 4G – all of which may coexist in the same cell or in different cells. Therefore, any backhaul network’s technology must offer a seamless migration path from TDM- to packet-based transport. Since each mobile macro cell will serve a large number of customers and may serve multiple base stations, operators must implement a transport protocol(s) that can provide high resiliency with sub-50-msec recovery time. While there are few technological options for mobile backhaul, there is one common denominator: The most viable options are packet-based. Two options stand out: IP/MPLS and Layer 2 Carrier Ethernet. But as the network grows with more cell sites (both large and small), scalability can become a limiting factor in the use of Layer 2 Ethernet. Therefore, mobile backhaul providers should consider the benefits of IP/MPLS to the cell site for mobile backhaul. Why extend MPLS to the cell site? MPLS was created to combine the best of two worlds: ATM switching and IP routing. MPLS decouples the MAY/JUNE 2012 16 data plane from the control plane; it is a connection-oriented technology, so the connection has to be established prior to the data’s delivery. The MPLS control plane establishes the connection by signaling through each hop along the path. MPLS has significant traffic engineering capabilities that can be used to provide end-to-end service-level-agreement assurance. The MPLS data plane switches the packets based on MPLS labels that are carried inside a 32-bit MPLS header. IP/MPLS is the de facto standard in the core today. While most edge and access networks are Layer 2, rapid changes due to the dynamic nature of mobile connectivity have forced operators to consider extending MPLS to the access and aggregation layers for easier control, resiliency, redundancy, and scalability. MPLS at the edge of the network for mobile backhaul provides multiple advantages. Maximizing scalability. MPLS is highly scalable. The 20-bit label enables more than one million labelswitched paths (LSPs) per node. With Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents Better backhaul with MPLS FEATURE each node changing the label and reusing labels, practically infinite LSPs can be supported. By using virtual private wire/line services (VPWS/VPLS), such a network can support thousands of customers and each customer can have a different logical topology. Hierarchical VPLS (H-VPLS) technology further increases scalability by segmenting the network into several fully meshed partitions, each concentrating into the VPLS hub (see Figure 2). In contrast, Ethernet’s 12-bit VLAN tags support only 4,000 VLANs per switch. VLAN stacking (Q-in-Q) enables 4,000 customer VLANs to be carried in 4,000 provider VLANs. Since each customer is likely to use multiple VLAN IDs, the number of customers that can be supported is quite limited. Dynamic path creation. As mentioned, MPLS is a connectionoriented technology where control plane protocols (namely LDP and RSVP variants) handle path creation, starting from the source label edge router (LER), traversing the label switch routers all the way through the destination LER. These protocols base their path creation on the dynamic routing information exchanged between peers. The dynamic nature of MPLS minimizes service creation time while increasing VPLS network MTU Hierarchical VPLS network MTU PE MTU MTU PE Spoke VCs PE CE VLANs, routers stacked VLANs, MTU PE or VC labels MTU MTU PE MTU MTU FIGURE 2. Virtual MTU MTU PE PE MTU Hub VCs PE MTU MTU private line services (VPLS) network vs. hierarchical VPLS network. network scalability since most of the work is done by dynamic protocols. When path creation can be accomplished by configuring only the end devices, manageability of the network becomes even easier. Traffic engineering capabilities. MPLS provides strong traffic engineering capabilities embedded in the MPLS control protocols. The control plane can check and reserve bandwidth when establishing a path only after assuring the required committed information rate is available throughout the proposed path. The control plane also can mandate that traffic pass through specific nodes using strict rules or provide other protocols full dynamic control to ease the operational management of the network as changes occur. Support of TDM and other legacy services. Because it is essentially a tunneling protocol, MPLS supports the transport of any service available today – TDM, Ethernet, Frame Relay, ATM, IP, etc. These services and protocols are encapsulated with MPLS _______________________ ____________ Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE Better backhaul with MPLS Network edge (aggregation and demarcation) Network core AGN SN ABR ABR AGN AGN AN ABR ABR AGN AGN AN AN AGN MPLS domain FIGURE 3. A “seamless” MPLS architecture decouples the service layer from the transport layer. This decoupling increases the flexibility to define and introduce new services by enabling service nodes to be placed at optimal locations in the network. labels, then switched to the destination, which may be another customer site or a service within the provider network. Taking into account the very strict timing requirements of TDM-based mobile technologies, traffic engineering can be used to assure the proper delivery of these services concurrently, combined with other less sensitive data services. MPLS with traffic engineering thus can guarantee dedicated bandwidth for the TDM-based mobile elements still in service to minimize the dreaded “iPhone dropped call” problems when bandwidth-hungry applications usurp the link capacity. Designing the network for resiliency. As each cell site supports a large amount of end users, downtime translates into large revenue loss. Redundancy therefore must be part of the network design from the cell site, across the access and aggregation networks, and through the core. Primary and backup paths using VPLS technologies enable two levels of protection – at the tunnel level and service level – while restricting the use of backup bandwidth for failure scenarios only. If a failure occurs, MPLS Fast ReRoute and Bidirectional Forwarding Detection provide sub-50-msec switchover, using local repair techniques and signaling across the services to identify and initiate rerouting. Seamless network improves service creation time With the increasing deployment of small-cell technologies, the number of cells will grow exponentially. This trend has caused scalability issues and service creation challenges. The best way to improve service creation/ delivery time is to have a network that operates independent of the services yet can support any servicedeployment scenario. The network should not have transport boundaries MAY/JUNE 2012 18 that limit access to services. A “seamless” MPLS architecture inherently has no boundaries and hence decouples the service layer from the transport layer. This decoupling increases the flexibility to define and introduce new services by enabling service nodes to be placed at optimal locations in the network rather than at the “boundary nodes.” Although both the service and transport layers use the same MPLS packet formats, the difference is in the use of the MPLS control plane. Using the MPLS control plane end-toend enables a management system to select the endpoints of the service then trigger signaling to set up the services across the network between the endpoints (see Figure 3). Winning move Moving MPLS to the cell site or aggregation point integrates access and aggregation networks with the core onto a single MPLS-managed network to create significant operational advantages. This network architecture is decoupled from Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents FEATURE SALES OFFICES MAIN OFFICE 98 Spit Brook Road, LL-1, Nashua, NH 03062-5737 (603) 891-0123; fax (603) 891-0574 GROUP PUBLISHER Ernesto Burden tel (603) 891-9137 ADVERTISING & SPONSORSHIPS MANAGER Kathleen Skelton tel (603) 891-9203; fax (603) 891-0587; DIRECTOR LIST RENTAL Kelli Berry tel (918) 831-9782; AUSTRIA, EASTERN EUROPE, GERMANY, NORTHERN SWITZERLAND Holger Gerisch 49-8801-302430; fax 49-8801-913220 UK/SCANDINAVIA Tony Hill 44-1442-239-547; fax 44-1442-239-547 FRANCE, BENELUX, SPAIN, PORTUGAL, WESTERN SWITZERLAND, GREECE Luis Matutano 33-1-3076-5543; fax 33-1-3076-5547 ISRAEL Dan Aronovic (Tel Aviv) 972-9-899-5813; fax 972-9-899-5815 HONG KONG/CHINA/AUSTRALIA Adonis Mak 852-2-838-6298; fax 852-2-838-2766 JAPAN Manami Konishi 81-3-3219-3641; fax 81-3-3219-3628 Better backhaul the service architecture and incorporates intelligent switching closer to the cell site to optimize network resources and improve the network’s overall performance in an increasingly dynamic mobilefocused world. It also enables true customizable services, because quality of service parameters can be incorporated end-to-end. MPLS is manageable and scalable and can support any legacy services required to enable smooth migration to a pure IP network. Factoring in the cost savings for bandwidth efficiency and network resiliency in an increasingly dynamic, bandwidth-hungry environment, MPLS enables additional revenues from customized services and cost savings through improved service creation. Combined, all these factors make a strong business case for driving MPLS to the cell site. TAIWAN Alice Chen 886-2-2396-5128 #246 Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page EXHIBIT AND SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Jan. 29-31, 2013 • San Diego Convention Center • San Diego, Calif. Exhibit at Utility Products Conference & Exposition 2013 Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this unique event co-located with DistribuTECH. Book your 2013 exhibit space today for the best selection of exhibit locations. Showcase your newest solutions, products, vehicles and equipment for the workplace on the exhibit floor. For Utility Products Conference & Exposition Exhibit and Sponsorship Information, contact: Sandy Norris Exhibit and Sponsorship Manager Phone: 918-831-9115 Email: Candice Doctor Sales Director Phone: 918-831-9884 Email: Owned & Produced By: Media Sponsor: Chris Long Sales Manager Phone: 205-647-9137 Email: SHARE THIS ARTICLE Presented By: Supporting Publications: ® Host Utility: Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® OFC/NFOEC 2012: The interviews Opnext’s Bosco on floods, 100G u See the interview JDSU discusses 400G, 100G Sinclair Vass, senior director of marketing for the CCOP unit of JDSU, talks about what’s necessary for 400G, plus his company’s plans for 100G as well as agile networking. u See the interview ADVA talks metro 100G Christoph Glingener, CTO of ADVA Optical Networking, describes why a 4×28-Gbps approach is right for provision of 100-Gbps services in the metro. Finisar’s Rawls talks 100G at OFC/NFOEC 2012 Finisar Executive Chairman Jerry Rawls tells Lightwave’s Stephen Hardy that he’s not worried about his customers turning to in-house development of technology — particularly 100G. MAY/JUNE 2012 u See the interview Before the merger with Oclaro was announced, Opnext CEO and President Harry Bosco reviewed the company’s progress in overcoming the Thai flooding, its work in 100G, and future technology. u See the interview Huawei offers next-gen tech guidance Reg Wilcox, vice president of network marketing and product management for Huawei Technologies USA, offers his company’s views on 400-Gbps technology and demand. He also describes a petabit photonic crossconnect. u See the interview 20 Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents ® FEATURE MAY/JUNE 2012 21 By RANDY EISENACH ‘Soft decision’ FEC benefits 100G The latest generation of forward error correction, soft decision FEC offers greater reach and other performance improvements. O NE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL limitations in designing optical transport networks is optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). WDM networks must operate above their OSNR limit to ensure error-free operation. The OSNR limit is one of the key parameters that determine how far a wavelength can travel before regeneration. Depending on whether a ROADM is designed for metro, long-haul, or ultra-long-haul applications, 10G wavelengths can be transported 800 to 2,000 km without any unusual measures before regeneration is required. At data rates above 10 Gbps, however, advanced modulation schemes are needed to achieve similar reach. These modulation formats minimize the effects of such optical impairments as chromatic and polarization-mode dispersion as well as ensure the optical signal fits within the ITU 50-GHz grid used on modern DWDM RANDY EISENACH is a WDM product marketing manager at Fujitsu j Network Communications Inc. systems. The downside of these higher data rates and advanced modulation schemes is that they require substantially better OSNR performance than do conventional 10-Gbps transmissions. At 100 Gbps, the minimum OSNR required is +10 dB higher than for 10-Gbps wavelengths. Without some type of correction or compensation, the OSNR requirements would limit 100G optical transport to extremely short distances. Fortunately, sophisticated forward error correction (FEC) techniques, particularly “soft decision” FEC, can extend the reach of 100G signals to much longer, more usable distances. Basics of FEC FEC is a method of encoding a signal with additional error detection and correction overhead information (i.e., parity bytes) so that optical receivers can detect and correct errors that occur in the transmission path. FEC dramatically lowers the bit-error rate (BER) and extends the distances that optical signals can be transmitted without regeneration. There are a number of FEC algorithms available that vary in complexity, strength, and performance. One of the more common and standardized first generation FECs is Reed-Solomon (255, 239). Reed-Solomon adds slightly less than 7% overhead for the FEC bytes and provides about 6-dB net coding gain. In highspeed optical networks, a 6-dB gain is a very significant performance improvement – approximately quadrupling the distance between regenerators. In addition to Reed-Solomon FEC, many vendors offer stronger second generation FEC schemes as a provisionable parameter on 10G and 40G optical interfaces. These “ultra” FEC and “enhanced” FEC (EFEC) algorithms still use 7% overhead but implement stronger, more complex encoding and decoding algorithms that provide an additional 2- to 3-dB coding gain over Reed-Solomon. While first generation Reed-Solomon Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page ® FEATURE ‘Soft decision’ FEC benefits 100G FEC and second generation EFEC have provided substantial performance improvements for 10G and 40G wavelengths, even stronger, more complex third generation FEC algorithms are needed at 100G to achieve optimal performance. Soft decision FEC At 100G rates, leading optical suppliers are implementing third generation FEC capabilities to extend performance and overall optical distances even further. These third generation FECs are based on even more powerful encoding and decoding algorithms, iterative coding, and something referred to as soft decision FEC (SD-FEC). In a hard decision FEC implementation, the decoding block makes a firm decision based on the incoming signal and provides a single bit of information (a “1” or “0”) to the FEC decoder. A signal is received and compared to a threshold; anything above the threshold is a “1” and anything below the threshold is a “0.” A soft decision decoder uses additional data bits to provide a finer, more granular indication of the incoming signal. In other words, the decoder not only determines whether the incoming signal is a “1” or “0” based on the threshold, but also provides a “confidence factor” in the decision. The confidence factor provides an indication of how far the signal is above or below the threshold crossing. The use of confidence or “probability” bits along with the stronger, more complex third generation FEC coding algorithms enables the SD-FEC decoder to provide 1–2 dB of additional net coding gain. In practice, a 3-bit confidence estimation normally provides most of the theoretically achievable performance improvement. While 1–2-dB coding gain doesn’t sound like much, it can translate into a 20% to 40% improvement in overall achievable distances, which is a very substantial improvement at 100G. One tradeoff with these more advanced FECs is they require ~20% overhead for the FEC bytes, more than twice the ~7% overhead of first and second generation FECs. The higher 20% FEC overhead translates to slightly higher optical data rates, which are already operating at the edges of currently available technology at 100G. Implementing 100G SD-FEC While the mathematics behind SD-FEC algorithms have been known for many years and used in the wireless industry, it is only recently that SD-FEC has gained interest for use on high-speed optical signals. Numerous technology and ASIC limitations prevented implementation of third generation SD-FEC in optical applications. In other words, the semiconductors weren’t fast enough and didn’t have enough processing power or memory to support SD-FEC at 100G optical rates. Take, for example, the highspeed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) used inside a 100G receiver. These devices operate at an incredible 56 gigasamples per second (Gsa/sec) and just became generally available in 2011. SD-FEC requires the use of even higher-speed MAY/JUNE 2012 ADCs, operating at 63 Gsa/sec to implement the SD-FEC processing, along with an equally fast and powerful SD-FEC silicon implementation. Fortunately, such component limitations are now part of the past, meaning that SD-FEC for 100G optical signals has become a reality. Ready for use As backbone speeds increase from 10G to 100G per wavelength, the OSNR requirements increase by +10 dB. Without some type of compensation or correction, 100G optical distances would be very limited and uneconomical. First and second generation FEC algorithms have been used at both 10G and 40G to lower the BER and improve overall distances. Soft decision FEC is a third generation encoding algorithm that enables longer distances and fewer regenerations on 100G optical networks. SHARE THIS ARTICLE 22 Previous Page | Left Zoom in | Zoom out | Cover / Contents Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page ® PRODUCT SHOWCASE These are the latest products being featured by Lightwave’s partners. For more information, click on the link at the end of each description. For advertising information, contact Kathleen Skelton. MAY/JUNE 2012 EQUIPMENT DESIGN TEST AND MEASUREMENT TEST AND MEASUREMENT IntelliGain™ Optical Channel Performance Monitors C, L, CWDM, Wideband Optical Wavelength Meters Modular Multi-Terabit Solution for Testing your Elastic Optical Network Designs BaySpec, Inc. 100% Made-in-theUSA, BaySpec’s Optical Channel Monitors feature ultra fast sub-50 millisecond response, high compact size, and low power consumption. With over 30,000 units shipped, the ruggedized design ensures long life – now available in reduced height option <10mm! Bristol Instruments Optical wavelength meters precisely characterize the wavelength of DWDM lasers. Multi-wavelength meters measure wavelength, power, and OSNR of DWDM signals. High accuracy and reliability achieve the most meaningful test results. Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute ID Photonics and Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute launch multi-Terabit test solution for multi-format, flexi-grid and flexi-rate optical transport systems up to 54 Tb/s. EQUIPMENT DESIGN EQUIPMENT DESIGN NETWORK DESIGN advertisers index LX8220 Rev2 Micro-Polisher Hardened Passive Optical Multiplexers BaySpec, Inc. ......................................................23 GigOptix Krell Technologies Lindsay Broadband The LX8220 is a compact 40G DQPSK optical modulator enabling 4.5×5.5" 300-pin transponders for metro applications. Its low drive voltage ensures low power consumption without compromising on optical performance. 2 Rev automates connector air-polishing using a “micro-feed” feature that gradually lowers the ferrule to the polishing surface at a controlled rate. This provides superior control for fiber-denub and epoxy removal. Cube Multiplexers are a flexible plugand-play network solution that allows service providers to cost effectively implement point to point or ring based WDM optical networks. WDM network cubes are modular, scalable and are perfectly suited to transport PDH, SDH / SONET, ETHERNET services over WWDM, CWDM and DWDM in optical metro edge and access networks. Bristol Instruments Inc........................................23 Centellax ..............................................................7 Corning Cable Systems .........................................9 DOW Electrical & Telecommunications...................6 Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute ......................23 GigOptix, Inc. ......................................................23 EQUIPMENT DESIGN TEST EQUIPMENT DESIGN JDS Uniphase Corporation ............................... 2, 11 USB To Fiber Optic Bit-Driver Terahertz Technologies’ FTE-7500A OTDR Coherent 64 Gbaud Photodetector Krell Technologies ...............................................23 Terahertz Technologies Inc. The CPDV1200R, extends u²t’s family of highly integrated coherent products. It consists of a polarization diversity network as well as two 90° hybrids and 4 balanced photodiode pairs monolithically integrated on InP. S.I. Tech Supports USB 1.1 and 2.0 plug and play, multimode or singlemode for secure communication, remote security cameras, instruments, or other USB devices, extended-distance. EMI/RFI immunity. y Order: 1.KIT #26 for complete multimode system. 11.3181/3182 for tempest version. om This US made OTDR has a generous 36dB dynamic range, a short 1 meter dead zone and an updated easy to read menu that offers quick navigation between features. u2t Photonics AG LeCroy ..................................................................4 Lindsay Broadband .............................................23 S.I. Tech .............................................................23 Terahertz Technologies Inc. .................................23 u2t Photonics AG .................................................23 23 Previous Page | Left Zoom in ADVERTISER | Zoom out Print | Right Zoom in | Zoom out | Search | Subscribe | Next Page | Cover / Contents RESOURCES AND OFFERS Centellax Inc. 100G testing solutions — the only affordable BER tester for 100G applications with a top data rate of 32 Gb/s — enough headroom to handle virtually any level of FEC. Learn more: Centellax Inc. High-speed analog semiconductor products for 40G and 100G optical communications, and RF/Microwave applications. Visit for product information and datasheets. Corning Incorporated and Lightwave Open Nominations for the Ninth Annual FTTXcellence Award Award honors individual excellence in FTTx deployment To be eligible for the award, candidates must be nominated by a peer. Nominees may include individuals at carriers and system operators, home developers, utilities, municipalities or other organizations that have launched an FTTx project; individuals at vendors or research organizations whose work has benefited FTTx technology development; politicians or other policymakers who have made a significant positive impact in the regulatory or legal arena; and other deserving individuals. CLICK HERE AND NOMINATE NOW! Lightwave Webcasts This month’s spotlight webcasts: The OFC/NFOEC Conference Wrap-up Editorial Director and Associate Publisher Stephen Hardy will leverage what he learned at the recent OFC/NFOEC Conference in Los Angeles, CA, to provide an overview of the advances and trends in optical networking technology. Sponsored by: Speeding Up Design & Test of 40G & 100G Technologies This webcast will review the following: 1. the importance of precisely controlled frequency roll off of optical-to-electrical conversion for standards-based performance and eye diagram test margin; 2. how to make eye pattern measurements to predict effective bit error ratio results without a long acquisition test time; 3. considerations for building an efficient, high throughput electro-optical test system that will address your current IEEE802.3ba – based standard tests today. Sponsored by: What Will Be Hot in Equipment Design in 2012 Dow Electrical & Telecommunications Telecommunications cable materials provide superior environmental and physical protection, excellent surface smoothness and outstanding processability. Click here to browse portfolio. JDS Uniphase Corporation Register to receive your Free Fiber Reference Guide, Volume 2. LeCroy Corporation NEW WEBCAST: Coherent Demodulation: Beyond 100 Gbps As networking standards move beyond 100 GSymbols/s new test and measurement challenges evolve. Specializing in presenting innovative tools to identify and debug issues during the Silicon verification and systems development stage. Lightwave Editorial Director and Associate Publisher Stephen Hardy reviews his picks for the most influential technology initiatives in equipment design for 2012. Sponsored by: Meeting the Challenge 100Gbps Design at the Board Level This webcast will identify issues for 100Gbps designers, and highlight techniques being used to overcome hurdles, as well as the latest test solutions available. To view all webcasts visit Sponsored by: