Palladio`s Veneto - National Trust Tours


Palladio`s Veneto - National Trust Tours
P alladio’s V eneto
Exploring Northern Italy’s culture, cuisine, architecture
and art in the land of the Renaissance master
April 14-22, 2015
An exclusive National Trust journey to Northern Italy
Dear National Trust Traveler:
This exclusive custom-designed tour is set amid the rolling hills of
the Veneto where the magnificent Renaissance villas of Andrea
Palladio stand. On this tour you will follow local experts as they
reveal this historic and artistic community formed around Palladio,
Renaissance master and most influential architect in Europe and
You will gain private access to a wide variety of Palladio’s patrician
villas, palazzi, and important landmarks, which chronicle Palladio’s
life and career as a humanist architect. Among his most famous
works - including the Villa Rotonda and Villa Foscari - travelers will
also visit lesser known works like the Villa Emo, one of Palladio’s
greatest feats, and the Villa Poiana, inspired by the ancient Roman
baths. You will also visit the Villa Cornaro owned by an American
This unique program highlights both the magnificent grand exteriors
as well as the splendid interiors completed by Palladio’s colleagues
including Giulio Romano and Paolo Veronese. You will see other
great works including Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel and dine under
frescoes by Tiepolo.
Spend seven nights at the stylish Hotel Campo Marzio, a newly
renovated hotel in the heart of Vicenza’s historic city center and
Palladio’s home town. I hope that you will join us this April for a
cultural Italian journey enjoying all of the landscapes, cuisine, and
art among the impressive cache of Renaissance architecture in
Palladio’s Veneto.
For more information on National Trust tours, please visit our website at or phone: 888-484-8785
The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private, nonprofit membership
organization dedicated to saving historic places and rivatlizing America’s communities
Photo by Augusto Mia Battiglia
Villa Godi
Photo by netNicholas
Scott Gerloff
Director, National Trust Tours
Enjoy specially prepared gourmet
meals featuring the Veneto’s local cuisine
Join Palladio Scholars in Vicenza
who will reveal hidden works by the
Renaissance architect
Gain private access to Palladio’s villas
and palaces including Villa La Rotonda,
Villa Foscari, (“La Malcontenta”) and
Villa Cornaro
Stay seven nights in Vicenza, the “city
of Palladio,” seeing some of Italy’s
greatest architectural achievements
Dine with a Count and Countess
in Vicenza in their privately owned
Renaissance villa while enjoying an
elegant dinner under frescoes by
Walk the halls of Giulio Romano’s
impressive Mannerist villa, Palazzo
Te, and see Giotto’s seminal fresco at
the Scrovegni Chapel
National Trust Tours
1155 15th St., NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005
An exclusive National Trust journey to Northern Italy
Explore the historic towns of
Northern Italy including Mantua,
Padua, and the breathtaking hill town
of Asolo
Tour Highlights
Palladio’s Veneto
April 14 - 22, 2015
P alladio’s V eneto
Exploring Northern Italy’s culture, cuisine, architecture
and arts in the land of the Renaissance master
Vicenza - Asolo - Thiene - Padua - Mantua
Custom Itinerary
April 14th Depart USA on flights to Venice
Depart on independent flights for Venice.
April 15th Arrive Venice, transfer to Vicenza (D)
Arrive at Venice’s Marco Polo airport and board a group transfer to the central Hotel
Campo Marzio in Vicenza. Attend a Welcome Dinner at a nearby restaurant.
April 16th Villa Barbaro, Asolo, Emo, and Cornaro (B, L)
This morning, pass Villa Trissino (Cricoli) where Palladio’s mentor, Gian Giorgio Trissino,
lived, then continue to the village of Maser. See where Andrea Palladio designed a
tempietto and the celebrated Villa Barbaro, built to fulfill the dual function of villa chapel
and parish church for the village. Transfer to the picturesque hilltop village of Asolo to
savor some of the most incredible views in Northern Italy while sipping hand-selected
wines and enjoying an unforgettable gourmet meal. Continue to Villa Emo, one of the
largest and most accomplished of Palladio’s works, featuring long side-wings, landscaped
grounds, and frescoes by Giovanni Battista Zelotti. Finally, visit the Villa Cornaro, one of
Palladio’s patrician villas owned by an American family since 1989. Return to Vicenza.
April 17th Vicenza and La Rotonda (B)
This morning, enjoy private access to the interior of the awe-inspiring Villa “La Rotonda,”
with views overlooking Vicenza. Enter the city of Vicenza for a historic leisurely walking
tour of the hidden works of Palladio. See Santa Maria dei Servi where Palladio supposedly
worked while in Vicenza and enter the Teatro Olimpico, the final work of Palladio. This
“perfect Roman theater” still has its original stage set, which exhibits an astonishing use
of perspective. Enjoy free time for an independent lunch. Later, enter the new Palladio
Museum for a special look at architectural models of Palladio’s projects. Continue to the
13th-century Dominican church of Santa Corona, a lovely historic sanctuary where Palladio
is buried. Finish with Palladio’s largest civic project completed, the Basilica Palladiana.
April 18th Porto Colleoni, Godi, Poiana and Pisani (B, L)
This morning, visit the castle-villa Porto Colleoni (Castello di Thiene) for a special welcome
and tour hosted by the owner. See a special collection of documents once belonging to
Palladio. Pass by Villa Caldogno then, discover one of Palladio’s very first commissions, Villa
Godi. The villa is surrounded by expansive gardens, decorated with lavish frescoes, and
is home to a museum of archaeology. After the visit, a sumptuous luncheon is included
at the villa’s historic restaurant. Later this afternoon, visit Palladio’s patrician Villa Poiana,
the design of which was inspired by the ancient Roman baths and finish the day at Villa
Pisani, “La Rocca”, Vicenzo Scamozzi’s design influenced by Palladio’s “Rotonda”. Return to
Teatro Olimpico
Photo by Andrea Drago
April 19th Independent Day - Vicenza (B)
Enjoy Saturday at leisure exploring Vicenza’s art museums, city market or travel easily by
train to other cities nearby like Verona or Venice.
Villa Cornaro
Photo by Musical Photo Man
Villa Barbaro
April 21st Mantua and Private Villa Farewell (B, D)
Travel south to Mantua, the “Renaissance dream city” with a rich trove of artistic and
architectural gems. Visit Palazzo Te, the mannerist masterpiece by Giulio Romano, which
includes the astonishing Sala dei Giganti, “Room of the Giants.” Explore the center of
Mantua and the Basilica di Sant’Andrea with its brilliant frescoes executed by painters of
Giulio Romano’s school, as well as the tomb of the painter Andrea Mantegna.
Enjoy lunch at one of Mantua’s oldest restaurants known for its cherished Northern
culinary flavors. Take a special guided tour through the Ducal Palace, a 500-room
Renaissance palace built for the Gonzaga family, with its most famous room, the Camera
degli Sposi, painted by Mantegna. See also the apartments of Isabella D’Este including
her precious studiolo. Continue onto Antonio Bibbiena’s “Teatro Scientifico,” an
impressive theater with a rich history founded in the spirit of the Enlightenment.
Gather at an elegant villa overlooking the city of Vicenza for a lovely farewell dinner
where your hosts - a count and countess - welcome you for an unforgettable dining
experience under frescoes by Tiepolo.
April 22nd Depart Venice on flights for USA (B)
Take a group transfer to Venice International Airport for independent departures
returning to the U.S.A.
Scrovegni Chapel
Cover image credits (left to right): KLMircea, Fillipoglad, dreamo, GOC53
April 20th Padua, Palladio’s Birthplace (B, L)
This morning depart for Padua, where Palladio was born and known as Andrea di Pietro.
Discover the city where his early years were spent with a visit to the Scrovegni Chapel to
see Giotto’s landmark fresco cycle. Follow your expert guide on a leisurely walk through
the historic center, including its historic university, Piazza delle Erbe, and the Basilica
di Sant’Antonio. Enjoy an independent lunch at a local restaurant or at the market.
Continue this afternoon to Malcontenta to see the patrician Villa Foscari, arguably
Palladio’s grandest villas featuring interior frescoes of Ovid’s metamorphosis. Return to
Villa Valmarana
Space is limited, so register today!
Tour Cost:
Land Only: Single Supplement:
Tour price is per person based on double occupancy, with
a minimum of 18 paying participants. Land prices are
calculated as of February 2014 and are subject to change.
April 14 - 22, 2015
Tour Price Inclusions:
$4,495 7 nights at Hotel Campo Marzio in Vicenza; breakfast
$895 daily, 3 lunches, 2 dinners, wine at lunch and dinner;
Activity Level:
Deposit & Final Payment:
A deposit of $1,000 per paying participant is required
to guarantee participation in the program. This deposit
may be paid by check or by Visa or MasterCard. Final
payment will be invoiced and is due on December 15,
2014 by check only to International Seminar Design,
Inc. Registrants will be accepted beyond this date on
a space-available basis with payment in full by check
services of ISDI Tour Manager; entrances to all visits on
itinerary; land transportation by private coach; 1 group
transfer to/from VCE airport upon arrival and departure;
gratuities to local guides and drivers; entrance fees to
sites per itinerary.
Tour Price Exclusions:
Airfare, airline taxes, and fuel surcharges; individual
transfers to and from the airport; transfer from airport;
excursions, activities, or meals marked optional on the
itinerary; personal items; personal services; airport
tax, fuel surcharges, and travel extensions; personal
insurance for health, baggage, and tour cancellation;
any other items not specifically included in the itinerary.
P alladio’s V eneto
Airfare is not included in the tour price. Participants
are responsible for all aspects of their round-trip air
arrangements in and out of Venice, Italy.
Terms & Conditions:
International Seminar Design, Inc. (ISDI) acts only
as an agent for the participant with respect to
transportation, accommodations, and all other
services relating to this tour. ISDI, the National
Trust, and/or their agents assume no responsibility
or liability for any act, error or omission, or for any
injury, loss, accident, delay or irregularity, which may
be caused by any defect in any aircraft, ship, train,
bus, or other carrier, or through neglect or default
of any subcontractor or other third party, which may
be used wholly or in part in the performance of their
duty to the participants of the tour. ISDI and NTHP
reserve the right to cancel any tour prior to departure
for any reason including insufficient numbers of
participants, as well as the right to decline to accept
or retain any person as a member of the tour at any
time. If bookings fall below the minimum required,
passengers will be advised of additional costs or
itinerary alterations before departure date.
Cancellations & Refunds:
All cancellations must be received in writing by ISDI,
and are subject to a non-refundable administrative
fee of $500 per person. Written cancellation received
by ISDI on or before December 15, 2014: full refund
minus $500 per person administrative fee. Written
cancellation received by ISDI between December 16,
2014 and February 27, 2015: 50 percent of tour cost
per person. Cancellations received after February 27,
2015: no refund. After the tour has commenced,
it is not possible to issue any refunds. No refunds
for any unused portion of the tour including, but
not limited to, occasional missed meals or any
missed sightseeing tours. Costs for promotion, staff,
and other group expenses are not refundable. In
the case of cancellation, substitutions are not
accepted. The tour cost is non-transferable. If ISDI
or the NTHP cancels the tour, active registrants will
receive a full refund of all tour payments. A package
of cancellation, baggage, and medical insurance
is strongly recommended. © 2014 International
Seminar Design, Inc. / CST 2072963-40
Travel Insurance:
The National Trust for Historic Preservation strongly
recommends the purchase of trip cancellation insurance, which is available for coverage of expenses in
conjunction with cancellation due to illness or accident. Baggage insurance is also recommended. In
the event that you must cancel your participation
in a travel program, trip cancellation insurance may
be the only source of reimbursement. For additional
information, please contact National Trust Tours at
April 14 - 22, 2015
Name (as listed on passport)
Name (as listed on passport)
my spot!
Daytime Telephone / Cell Phone
E-mail Address
please send mailings to my email to receive information more quickly
Number of Persons
/ $
Amount Enclosed
CHECK (payable to National Trust Tours)
Card Number
/ Exp. (mm/yy)
Billing Zip Code (if different from above)
ROOMING OPTIONS: (please select)
Double Occupancy
( We prefer separate beds)
Single Supplement ($895)
I will share a room with
I would like a roommate but will pay the price of the
single supplement if one cannot be found.
The undersigned has read the tour itinerary and recognizes
and accepts any risks therein. The undersigned also
understands and hereby agrees for and on behalf of his/
her dependents, heirs, executors, administrators and
assigns to abide by the conditions set forth in the terms and
conditions listed in this brochure and to release and hold
harmless the NTHP and International Seminar Design, Inc
(ISDI) and any of their officers, trustees, agents, licenses,
or representatives, from any and all liability for delays,
injuries, or death or for the loss of and/or damage to his/
her property however occurring during any portion of, or in
relation to, this tour.
Registration invalid without signature
Complete and return by mail or fax to:
National Trust Tours
PO Box 418530 - Boston, MA 02241
Tel: 888-484-8785 or 202-588-6300