June - Wisconsin BMW Motorcycle Club
June - Wisconsin BMW Motorcycle Club
June 2011 Volume 44, Issue 6 BEEMER BUZZ wisconsin bmw motorcycle club Dedi cated to the Unity, Sociab ility, and the good fellow ship of BMW Motorcycle Owners! 2011 Officers President Karen Jacobs womanridge@wi.rr.com Vice President Chris Blanchard chrislblanchard@yahoo.com Secretary John Policht jpolicht@wi.rr.com Treasurer Mike Cohen 2rpwis@earthlink.net One Year Trustee Mark Doggett doggettbeemer@yahoo.com TwoYear Trustee Jim Guthrie jim_guthrie@sbcglobal.com Board Member at Large Sarah Berg tvgal2000@aol.com Webmaster Tony DeLorenzo web-team@wiscbmwclub.com Wisconsin Club Membership Many long and lasting friendships have been made through the Wisconsin Club since it’s beginning in 1967. You are welcome to come join us, and meet the friendly and knowledgeable people who share a mutual respect for riding BMW motorcycles. Our membership includes men and women; families, couples and singles. Our monthly meeting is held at the New Berlin VFW Hall, and is open to all BMW riders. During the riding season we sponsor many activities, including group rides, tech days, social gettogethers, and in September host the annual Wisconsin Dells Rally. Visitors are welcome. If you are interested in membership, you will be asked to attend two club rides and two monthly club meetings within 12 months prior to being voted in by the general membership. You must be the age of majority, carry liability insurance, and above all, own and operate a BMW Motorcycle. Helmets & proof of insurance are required by all participants on club rides. Wisconsin BMW Motorcycle Club Newsletter The Beemer Buzz • June 2011 Volume 44, Issue 6 Please submit articles to: Visit our website: www.wiscbmwclub.com Newsletter Editor Christine Ledezma Editor@wiscbmwclub.com Assistant Editor Tina Doggett tinarashell333@yahoo.com Cover photo courtesy of Jim Klas The editor reserves the right to omit, correct, change, and otherwise edit all submissions. 2 Beemer Buzz June 2011 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Karen Jacobs As Emily Latella once said, “What’s this I hear about eagle rights amendment. Don’t they have enough already? For crying out loud we put them on the back of our quarter. What more do they want?” I was at a Total Control class last summer given by Dave Ruocco and staff. One of the fellows in the class mentioned he tries to attend at least one rider skills class each year. Well, Total Rider Tech gave another class this spring. 10 of our club members attended and the challenges were obvious. Slow speed control was the subject. I think, as they say, I hit-the-wall after lunch, because the last two exercises got the better of me. Maybe it was the first rider that dropped his bike and then another one who fell a bit later. Or maybe it was too much mayo on my sub at lunch. All in all, I’m sure we all learned new skills which can only make us better and safer riders. Think about it. Consider one of the many training programs that are available to us. I know Dave and a few other programs will be at the RA Rally in Chippewa Falls, Jun 30-Jul 3. I expect you will find some at the MOA rally in Pennsylvania, July 21-24th, and our own Dells Rally as well. By the time you all read this, many of us will have attended the GR3 Rally put on by the Madison Club. Yes, it’s rally season. It’s what many of us wait all winter for. The ride to Soldier’s Grove was led by our famous treasurer, Mike. He and Ernie treated us to lunch in Sauk City, half way to the rally. The Wisconsin club was well represented by 25 members. Good food, good roads and good friends. Remember to keep track of all the events you participate in. Our V.P. will want to know how many points you accumulated for the year. Who knows, there may be an award for you. Ride leaders and captains earn extra points as well. Anyone of us can lead a ride. We all have the skills. Where have you gone recently? Did you take a trip, go on an adventure or a group activity? Let’s hear about it. Write an article. Let Christine know that you want to contribute to the newsletter. That’s what makes our newsletter so popular to members and sponsors. And don’t forget. Our July meeting is July 8th, not the 1st, due to the 4th of July weekend and the RA Rally. Hope to see you all at our next meeting. Ride safe and ride often. WISCONSIN BMW MOTORCYCLE CLUB Originated 1967 Meetings are the first Friday of each month at 8:00pm [except May (fish fry) and September (rally)] New Berlin VFW Post, 17980 West Beloit Road, New Berlin, WI • 262-679-0800 N42 57.141 W88 08.241 ALL BMW RIDERS WELCOME AMA # 2580 MOA # 10 RA # 10 3 Beemer Buzz June 2011 Secretary’s Report Highlights from the May 6, 2011 Club Meeting Meeting called to order at 8:00 pm GUESTS: Rich Ryan, Grace (Jeanne Cohen’s mother) SECRETARY: Becky Policht read the minutes of the April meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT: No report. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: WI Club won “Most Members in Attendance” award at the Wild Goose. Karen brought the award for the Erdmann’s to tonight’s meeting. The award will be presented Tuesday the 10th at Southeast Sales. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: The attendance sheet is going around. SECRETARY’S REPORT: No report RALLY CHAIR: The Maple Road Blues Band has been secured. Posters have been sent to dealers in WI, IA, MN, IL, & MI. Invites were sent to previous attendees. There were 5 of our posters hanging at the Pecatonica swap meet. Registration will be interactive. Attendees can type their info into registration form. The t-shirt design is settled. Color – not settled. MOA REPORT: The MOA, RA, & BMW car clubs signed a corporate identity agreement. All must follow logo parameters set forth by BMW AG. Clubs have 6 months to comply. Discussion: Karen – plan on meeting at 7:00 before the June meeting to discuss changes/ideas. Discussion: Jim Guthrie – how does this affect the rally? Sue – we have until 12/31 to sell existing inventories. AMA REPORT: It appears that the Kids Want to Ride campaign will be shot down. Sensenbrenner is working to ban state & local lobbying by the NHTSA in regards to mandatory helmet laws. EDITOR: No report. WEB MASTER: No report. CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE: No report. SUNSHINE COMMITTEE: No report. TOUR GUIDES: April - Karen led the opening ride & one of the Wild Goose rides. Fifteen bikes abandoned ship after the first turn. Jim Guthrie also led a Wild Goose ride and managed to successfully contain all 5 riders. Jim Guthrie led a ride to Pecatonica. May – Ernie led the Fish Fry ride tonight. Mike Cohen will lead a ride to the GR3 on May 20th. Meet at Hardee’s on 83 at 9:00. Ride leaves at 9:30. Dick Burton led a ride to the Slimey Crud Run. Only 3 riders were lost but they were on Brand X anyway. We need a ride captain for July. June - Becky Policht will lead a Women’s Ride. Date TBD. Brian Manke volunteered to lead a ride to Aztalan if there is interest. OLD BUSINESS: Mike Cohen – room rates for Chula Vista are the same as in 2010. The confirmation number is listed on our website in case Chula staff gives different rates or tries to charge a resort fee. Discussion: Mike Cohen – can we still wear/use our old “stuff?” Sue – Yes but we need to come up with a new design. Mike Cohen – next month we will be voting on constitution changes. Discussion will take place before the vote. Don’t forget to wear your Packers gear at the National on Friday. NEW BUSINESS: The Round Robin will be August 13th. Tickets are $12.50. There is also a special price of $25 for two. Non-members will be $17.50 each. RA Report: Rally is June 30th to July 3rd. Let’s bring home the award for the “Most Members in Attendance.” We won in 2008. Don’t forget to preregister. Tom Stresing & Jim Guthrie will post info on the website about a spring riding tune-up. It would be held at the MATC North Campus. Motion to adjourn Submitted by Becky Policht RIDE CAPTAINS STILL NEEDED FOR JULY & AUGUST Sign up today! Contact Sarah Berg at: tvgal2000@aol.com 4 Beemer Buzz June 2011 NEWS/ARTICLES BUILD Submitted by Tina Doggett Founded by The Iron Horse Hotel in 2011, BUILD is non-profit organization dedicated to pairing students and mentors in a collective effort to learn valuable life skills while restoring vintage motorcycles. Through this new educational outreach program, The Iron Horse Hotel, along with a team of dedicated volunteers and motorcycle enthusiasts, offered local high school students the opportunity to learn vintage bike restoration while developing important business and interpersonal skills in the process. The Iron Horse Hotel was the conduit for connecting experienced and skilled Mentors with teams of Students who benefited from learning restoration skills through an after-school program. Six teams from local high schools were organized to design and rebuild a vintage Honda CB or CL160 to American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA) racing standards -- in 90 days, from February 15 through May 15, 2011. Each team was matched with at least one Faculty Advisor from their school and a pair of experienced Mentors who acted as coaches and team leaders, encouraging the students to plan, design and complete their build. Teams will be judged by regional experts on design, execution and horsepower output on a chassis dynamometer. The categories to be judged on are as follows: o “Fastest” (dyno competition) o “Art Bike” (panel of judges) o “MilVin Moto Best of Show” (voted on at the 6.2.11 event) o “Crowd Favorite” (social media-driven voting) o “Best Documentation” (presented to the team that captures the best documentation of the process Motorcycles will be displayed at The Iron Horse Hotel for judging over the weekend of June 2-5, 2011 and at other venues throughout the summer of 2011, including Rockerbox on August 6. The Mentors may race, or arrange to have the motorcycle raced, at the Vintage Motorcycle Classic (AHRMA) event at Road America, June 10-12, 2011. Each team, comprised of three to five Students and one Faculty Advisor, was also partnered with a pair of qualified and vetted Mentors. Each team began the program with a total of $2,000 to acquire the bike and complete the build. No more than the allotted $2,000 could be spent. The Mentors controlled the “checkbook” and, as a team, students created a budget and formulated an action plan, keeping the above mentioned prize categories in mind. Each team was provided with a Flip HD video camera to document the process weekly and submitted it for use in social media promotion and for production of a short film. Mark Hoedel and Jason Koschnitzke from Chicago mentored the Tech Motors team for Bradley Tech. Markel Insurance is one of the sponsors. To see photos of all the bikes, go to Markel Motorcycle or Build Milwaukee on Facebook. Better yet, see the finished bikes in-person at opening bike night June 2, 2011 at the Iron Horse. Mission: BUILD partnerships; BUILD confidence, BUILD community, BUILD motorcycles. Online voting for the “Crowd Favorite” ends May 31st. VOTE NOW at: http://www.facebook.com/Buildmoto?sk=app_208335145872779 5 Beemer Buzz NEWS June 2011 6 Beemer Buzz RIDE REPORTS/NEWS Slimey Crud Run - May 2nd - by Dick Burton Many did their best to follow Dick Burton on another spectacular ride to the SCR. He only lost three but they were on brand X bikes. A special guest even joined the ride. Kyle Henderson, Dave Henderson’s nephew, was in from LA and took in the Crud Run as part of his visit. He’s a photojournalist and writes for several motorsport magazines. June 2011 Fish Fry Ride - May 6th - by Ernie Grill Also in attendance this year was Batman himself! And our Newsletter editor got to go up on the lift for some arial shots. What a view! Too bad most of the crowd had left for Leland. This year Mother nature cooperated by giving us good riding weather. Since there were 21 riders who met me at Hardees, I won't list them all here, but I can tell you we had a nice 1 hour ride through southern Kettle Morraine. Then we skirted Waukesha to arrive at the Moose Lodge in Muskego in time for a traditional beverage and the fish fry, followed by the May club meeting. Ride to the GR3 Rally - May 20th - by Mike C We had a really nice turnout for the ride. As you can see by the picture attendees (left to right) were: Jim Guthrie, Jim Fuhrmann, Dennis Pipkorn, Mike Cohen, Glen Christianson, Dave Swanson, Gina Twing, Ron Feurer, Pat Stauss, Christine Ledezma, Doug Twing, and Linda Stauss. And not to forget, behind the camera (taking the picture) our esteemed president Karen Jacobs. Thanks to the route given to me by Ernie Grill we maneuvered some great curvy roads that everyone enjoyed. As usual, the group enjoyed brats and a soda in Sauk City and luckily we got to the rally just as the half barrel had been tapped! What a relief that it wasn't all gone! The rally itself was great, as it usually is, and we all had a good time.) Inside the “Amish Walmart” 7 Beemer Buzz NEWS/EVENTS June 2011 Appreciation Plaque Presentation Members of the club stopped by Southeast Sales recently to present a Plaque of appreciation to the Erdmann family for their many years of support to the club. The Erdmann’s were some of the founders of the club and have been major supporters ever since. As many of you know, they recently sold Milwaukee BMW but continue business at Southeast Sales. If you’re ever in the area, stop by Southeast and let them know how much you appreciate their past and continued support of the Wisconsin BMW Club. Submitted by Karen Jacobs Wisconsin Dells Rally Alert for all WI BMW Motorcycle Club Members Here is the list of all the Rally Chairs and their contact info to help you find the best place to volunteer for the Rally. You’ll find that the Rally will be more fun if you get involved in any of the jobs that are available. The good news is latrine duty is not on any chairpersons list. Registration (On-site) On-site Treasurer Set-up/Take-down (operations) Beverages Hospitality Security & Public Relations Kids Carnival Non-Motorized Field Events T-shirt Sales Door Prizes Friday Soup 5K Run Jeff Bacon Jeff Bibler Ernie Grill Mike Maszka Gary & Janet Magin Tom Stresing Jeanne Cohen Amber Mueller Virgil Weber Karen Jacobs Dave & Stacy Hess Stacy Hess jefndebbacon@wi.rr.com jbib@centurytel.net jageg@wi.rr.com sales@craneprosys.cm gmagin@wi.rr.com stres@charter.net 1jeanne@earthlink.net muelleram29@uww.edu vweber19@gmail.com womanridge@wi.rr.com stacy.lynn.hess@gmail.com stacy.lynn.hess@gmail.com Thanks to all for stepping up to make our Rally the best in the Midwest. -Jim Guthrie, 2011 Dells Rally Chair Do the Dells. AgAin! Meet Southeast Sales’ road race and moto teams at Quaker Steak & Lube on June 1st! Their AMA racers Brian Hall and Jason Farrell will be present before they race at Road America the weekend of June 3-5. There will be bike night and a live band. John Laconte will also be there! He races the BMW S1000RR and is sponsored by Southeast Sales. 8 Beemer Buzz NEWS/EVENTS June 2011 Iron Horse Hotel | 2011 Bike Night Lineup: MKE BMW Ride to Dairyland Classic - June 3 June 2 - Opening Bike Night featuring bikes from On Friday, June 3rd, Kevin Hagen will be leading a ride from Schlossmann’s BMW Motorcycles of Milwaukee to the 27th Annual Dairyland Classic at the Sheboygan County Fairgrounds in Plymouth. Meet at MKE BMW at 3:30pm, leave at 4:00pm. BUILD, a Moto Mentor Program June 9 - Ducati Bike night June 16 - Bike Night with Road America June 23 - Race Bike Night The Dairyland Classic schedule can be found at: http://dairylandclassic.com/schedule.html June 30 - Cook Custom/PCI Group Night July 7 - Patriot Guard Night July 14 - Vintage Bike Night July 21 - Bike Night w/the British Biker Cooperative July 28 - Ducati Bike Night Aug 4 - BMW Bike Night MKE BMW Monthly Service Seminar - June 11 Schlossmann’s BMW Motorcycles of Milwaukee is holding their monthly service seminar on June 11th at 1:00pm. Brats and refreshments will be served. The Topic is TBD so check their Facebook page for more details soon. https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/bmwmke Aug 11 - Cafe Racer Night MKE BMW Classic Bike Show - July 9 Aug 18 - Indian Motorcycle Bike Night Aug 25 - BUILD Bike Auction Schlossmann’s BMW Motorcycles of Milwaukee is hosting a Classic Bike show at their Triumph dealership on Saturday, July 9th from 10:00am - 1:00pm. Sept 1 - Ladies Bike Night w/the Diamond Posse Where: 27th & Layton Avenue Gravity Park USA - Chilton, WI Dirtgrinder Series What: Vintage to Modern bikes “The Bucky” Dual Sport Ride - Oct 22 Who: The Madison Motorcycle Club What: Dual sport motorcycle ride which will include on-road and off-road riding. Where: Ride starts and finishes at the American Legion Hall at 2217 American Legion Drive, Cross Plains, WI 53528. A block north of Main Street (Hwy 14). When: 7:30am - 5:00pm How: Cost for this one-day ride is $65, which includes lunch, supper, T-shirt, and a whole bunch of good fun. Net proceeds will go to local community causes. For more info go to their website at: http://madisonmotorcycleclub.org/dualsport.htm Southern Wisconsin Guided Trail Rides Open to ATV, UTV & Motorcycles. 25-30 mile loop on private property. Rides at 10am & 1pm. $30/adult, $20 kids 12+ Limited to 100 machines. Hill Point, WI: June 4th & Sept 10th Middleton, WI: Oct 22nd & Nov 5th For more info visit: http://www.gravityparkusa.com/ For more info, contact Dan Fargen at (608) 445-8228 or by email to ddkj@tds.net 9 Beemer Buzz June 2011 UPCOMING RIDES/EVENTS JUNE CLUB RIDES - by Jim Guthrie JUNE WOMENS RIDE - by Becky Policht Friday, June 3, 2011 Saturday, June 25, 2011 Trailer Trash Ride - maybe not so spirited Girls Rule - Guys Drool Follow the ride leader (w/trailer) to the Hiawatha Meet at McDonald's on Hwy Q at 9:30am, ride leaves at Rally in Money Creek, MN. Non-trailer towers also 10:00am. We'll end up at Su Casa in Sussex for lunch. welcome but, you’ll have to ride in back; it’s supposed to be kind of a parade. Meet at the Hardees at I-94 and HWY 83 at 9:00am, leave at 9:30am. Saturday, June 11, 2011 Ride to the Vintage M/C Classic (AHRMA) races at Road America in Elkhart Lake. Meet at the Sawmill Inn, 432 East Washington St. (just west of Hwy 41 and north of Holy Hill Rd). I will be there for breakfast about 8:00am and we’ll leave at 9:00am. Saturday, June 18, 2011 Ride enough Rustic Roads in about 5 hours, to get a WIDOT Rustic Roads Motorcycle Tour patch. Meet at the Hardees at I-94 and HWY 83 at 7:30am, leave at 8:00am. AZTALAN Races Motocross June 12 - More Great Motocross July 10 - District 16 Points August 14 - Triplecross Points September 10 - Vet National September 11 - District 16 Points October 9 - Triplecross/Memorial Race Short Track 5:30pm June 18 July 16 August 20/21 September 17 www.aztalancycle.com/schedule.asp ROUND ROBIN UPDATE - August 13, 2011 By Mark Doggett Here’s the latest information for our August 13th festivities. For those new members that have not been on a “Round Robin” before, here’s how it works: We have three separate club rides, each with its own ride leader. We stop at three different club members homes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Our first ride will be lead by Ernie Grill. We will meet at Hardee’s on Hwy 83 and 94 at 8:00am, with an 8:30am departure time. We will arrive at Pat and Linda Stauss’ home in Muskego at approximately 10:00am for Breakfast. Leaving the Stauss House between 11 and 11:30am, the second ride will be lead by Rick Hemenway. Our arrival time at Dewayne and Karen Williams home in Delavan is approximately 1:00pm for a light Lunch. Leaving between 2 and 2:30pm, the third and final ride will be lead by Sue Rihn-Manke. Arrival at Dave and Gail Henderson’s home in Hartford at approximately 4:30pm. Dinner and traditional Wisconsin beverages will be served at the last stop so don’t be afraid to pack a tent. Dave and Gail have plenty of space. These veteran ride captains are bound to find us enough twisties to keep us on our toes, and this is a great opportunity to get to know some of our newer members. Tickets are available now. Cost: $12.50 per member or guest. This really great price is for preregistration ONLY which ends after the August club meeting. The day of the ride it will cost $20.00 per member and $25.00 per guest. Get your tickets at the next 3 club meetings. Questions? Email : doggettbeemer@yahoo.com Or call 414-313-9885 for Mark. Remember, Ride to eat, eat to ride! 10 UPCOMING EVENTS 2011 Wisconsin Club Events 2011 Local & National Events Jun 3 • Club Meeting Jul 8 • Club Meeting* Aug 13 • Round Robin Sep 9-11 • Dells Rally, Wis Dells, WI June 2 • Opening Bike Night, Iron Horse Hotel, featuring bikes from BUILD 2011 International Events Jun 3 • American Cafe (2010) movie, Times Cinema, Milwaukee, WI Jun 30-Jul 3 • 2011 RA National Rally, Chippewa Falls, WI Jul 21-24 • 2011 MOA National Rally, Bloomsburg, PA June Birthdays June 2 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 16 June 18 June 21 June 21 Mark Smith Tina Doggett Mark Doggett John Erdmann Jeanne Cohen Tom Stresing Ruth Christiensen Anthony Law BIKE NITES Jun 2-5 • BUILD bike display at the Iron Horse Hotel http://www.facebook.com/ironhorsehotel#!/Buildmoto Jun 3 • BMW MKE ride to Dairyland Classic, Sheboygan County Fair Park, Plymouth, WI Jun 3-5 • Hiawatha Rally, Money Creek Haven Campground, near Houston, MN Jun 10-12 • Vintage Motorcycle Classic (AHRMA), Road America Jun 11-12 • Ride For Research, Wabeno, WI Jun 18 • Mods vs Rockers Vintage Motorcycle and Scooter Show Delilah’s • 2771 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL June 20 • Ride to Work Day: BBQ dinner at Markel Insurance in Pewaukee, followed by a ride to Holy Hill Tuesdays: July 9 • 13th annual M2M (Milwaukee to Madison), Fuel Cafe Cafe Lulu 2265 S. Howell Avenue • Bay View Aug 4 • BMW Bike Night at Iron Horse Hotel Culver’s 3705 N. 124th Street • Brookfield Aug 6 • Rockerbox Motorcycle Show, Milwaukee, WI Wednesdays: Aug 25 • BUILD Bike Auction, Iron Horse Hotel Quaker Steak & Lube - New Berlin 4900 S. Moorland Road Thursdays: Motor Bar and Restaurant 401 W. Canal Street Iron Horse Hotel 500 W. Florida Street Sep 24-25 • Big Woods 200, Wabeno, WI Sep 3- Oct 2 • MOA Weekend Getaway, Tomah, WI * Date change due to RA Rally 11