Sneyds of Keele Hall, Staffordshire Uncalendared
Sneyds of Keele Hall, Staffordshire Uncalendared
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES TEL: 01782 733237 EMAIL: LIBRARY Ref code: GB 172 S Sneyds of Keele Hall, Staffordshire Uncalendared family papers Estate and Manorial Estate correspondence Estate administration Estate accounts Estate maps and plans Manorial Librarian: Paul Reynolds Library Telephone: (01782) 733232 Fax: (01782) 734502 Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1782 732000 211-219 219-234 234-257 257-269 269-289 This l i s t supersedes the summary l i s t of the Sneyd Papers issued by the John Rylands Library, Manchester, in November 1950. I t c la s s ifie s the material and a llo ts a permanent reference number to each item. The Sneyd Papers were at Keele Hall after the Second World War, when they were purchased by Mr Raymond Richards, of Gawswcrth, from Cci« Balph Sneyd (1863-1949), the family’ s la s t d irect descendant. After adding the rescued papers to his colle ctio n Mr Richards placed the bulk of i t in the John Rylands Library, on deposit. The University of Keele (then the University College of North Staffordshire) purchased most of the co lle ctio n in 1957 and the Sneyd Papers therefore returned to Keele, where they are now housed in the University Library. From the time o f the C ivil War the accumulation lias had it s ups and downs and damage in terms of actual losses (particularly in the map department) accounts fo r a noticeable imbalance. Over- the years fa ir ly extensive disturbance has resulted in fragmentation of the archive and the number o f items liste d in isolation is consequently high. I t is possible that some items now incorporated with the family papers were collected by the Rev. Walter Sneyd (1809-88). One or two items which appear to be forgeries may have been produced by him, or they may have been sent to him by equally light-hearted antiquarian friends. As far as the personal correspondence is concerned the le tte rs lis te d are those which survive singly or in numbers too small to ju s tify separate calendaring. The bulk of the personal correspondence - to Ralph Sneyd (1793-1870) - w ill continue to be calendared. Except where quoted the spelling of the surname has been standardized. This l i s t omits a quantity of music (mostly of the nineteenth century), original watered curs end drawings, and some items of uncertain provenance. This material w ill be noted in supplementary lis ts * Lists /' of parts o f the accumulation deposited by the family’ s lo ca l s o lic ito r s are available in the Search Room in the University Library. May, 1975 I IHCF 212 finances of the Keele estate, with particular reference to Samuel Peake and some comment on lo c a l p o litic s in Stafford shire, Denbighshire and Pembrokeshire. With, ( i ) memorandum, proposed arrangements fo r keeping estate accounts at Keele, 1834* ( i i ) ms. particulars, lease o f Pool Park, Denbighshire, undated. 1830, [ille g ib le ], 1884 Letters ( 3 ) , relatin g to the Silverdale s ilk m ills. 1831 1837 Rentals, Keele estate, including sms estate correspondence. 1463. 183 3 L etter, William Cooper to Samuel Peake, rela tin g to the rules governing Tunstall market, and further proposals. 1464. 1842 184-3, 1894 1914, 1909 1920, undated Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to Cold Meece M ill and adjacent property, near Eccleshall. 1462. (See under ESTATE AGCOUl'ITS). With, ( i ) loose le tte r s and copy le t t e r s , separately file d , 1842-43, 1894-1914. ( i i ) loose le tte r s and receipted vouchers, 1913-20, undated. ( i i i ) unused stationery, Cold Meece M ill. 1465. 1845 1875, undated Lottery and copy le tte r s (approx. 100), rela tin g to the admin istra tio n of the estate. 1466. 18415 J.E. Naylor to Thomas Turner, rela tin g to seeds o f a new creeper from America, and other matters. 1467. 1848, 1872 1885 Letters and testimonials (29 item s), rela tin g to agents or prospective agents on the Keele estate. (Some MSS. imperfect). 1468. 1849, 1850, undated Letters ( 4 ) , Richard Armstrong to Ralph Sneyd, about the construction of an ice-house a t Keele, alterations to the vin eries, aid other work. 1469. 1849 1851 Letters (9 ), rela tin g to an investigation of the accounts of Silverdale and Sneyd Green C o llie r ie s , and matters subsequently arisin g, including a proposed new partnership and the auditing of the accounts o f the whole estate. 1470. 1849 1867 Letters (approx. 100), Andrew Thompson to Ralph Sneyd. 1471. 1855 1856 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). 1472. 1858 1859 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition variab le)* 213 1473. 1867 1869 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). 1474. 1869 1870 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition v a ria b le ). U75. 1869 1870 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition v a ria b le). 1476. 1870 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). U77. 1870 1871 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). H78. 1871 1872 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). 1479. 1872 1873 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). 1480. 1873 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1481. 1873 1874 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1482. 1874 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1483- 1874 1875 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1484. 1875 1876 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1485. 1876 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). I486. 1876 1877 Letters and copy le t t e r s , including some accounts, testimonials and memoranda (apprca:. 3*000 p ieces). 1487. 1876 1877 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1488. 1876 1877 Letters (16) ard estimate, rela tin g to the in sta lla tio n of a v?ater wheel and pump, at Keele. 1489. 1877 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1490. 1877 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1491. -Jj.O rtn /rt( L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 214 . 1492. 1377 1878 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1493- 1877 1887, undated Letters and copy le tte r s (approx. 3C0 item s), relatin g to the administration of the estate. 1494. 1877 1920 Letters and ccpy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 7, including inserted m aterial), relatin g to the "summer house", quarry and other property, Mow Cop. With, ( i ) plan, 1292. ( i i ) copy lease, 1906. 1494^* 1878 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1495. 1878 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1496. 1878 1879 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition va ria b le). 1497. 1879 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition gocd). 1493. 1879 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1499* 1879 1880 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition gocd). 1500. 1880 Letters (2 ), and l i s t of proposed alteration s, Cold Norton Farm. 1501. 1880 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1502. 1880 1881 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition gocd). 1503* 1881 1882 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition generally good). 1504* 1882 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition generally good). 1505. 1882 1883 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition generally gocd). 1506. 1883 1884 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1507. 1883, 1884 Letters (2 ), enquiries about a vacancy fo r a hermit at Keele. 1508. 1883 1885, undatec Letters, accounts and memoranda (46 items), rela tin g to building a new bridge at Cold Meece. 215 1509. 1834 1885 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition g o a l). 1510. 1885 1886 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1511. 1886 1887 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition goad). 1887 1888 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1887 1910, undated Letters and copy le tte r s (approx. 300), mainly from H.V. Boothby, agent at Keele, to Col. Ralph Sneyd, and from the la tt e r to Boothby, mainly about the stud at Keele, the race course, and about hunting, fishing and shooting. 1512 . 1513. With, ( i ) f i l e , le tte r s (20), rela tin g to a horse belonging to General E llis , 1890-96. ( i i ) specifications, fo r a yacht to be b u ilt fo r Col. Sneyd, undated. 15H* 1888 Letter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1515. 1888 ~ 1890 L etter book. (Flim sies, condition good). 1888 1902, 1949, undated Letters ard copy le tte r s (approx. 80), rela tin g to tith es due from the Keele estate. . 1516 1517. 1889j 1904 1905 With, ( i ) tracings (3 ), f rots a tith e map, unidentified, undated. Letters and copy le tte r s (6 ), rela tin g to the lease o f coal mines at Sneyd Green and Abbey Hulton to the Shelton Iron and Steel Co.. With, ( i ) d ra ft lease o f the same property to Lord G ranville, 1889. 1513. 1889 1915 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 2 ), Upper Heamies Farm, Eccleshall. 1519. 1889 » 1917 Letters and copy le t t e r s ( f i l e s , 3)> Norton Farm and other property at Horton Bridge, 1890 1916 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 3, and packet), rela tin g to K i l l Farm, Badenhall, Eccleshall. 1898 1903 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to shooting at Norton Bridge. [1892 or_ la ter - ] , 1900 ~ 1903 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 450 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1520 . 1521 . 1522 . » 216 1523. 1902, 1903 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to opening the main road, in Keele to connect the water supply. 1524. 1902 1905 Letters and copy le tte r s (approx. 150), from the Silverdale Co. to S. Danks. 1525. 1902 1914 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , 'National Provincial Bank', estate and personal business o f Col. Ralph Sneyd's. 1526. 1902 ~ Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 2, and inserted m aterial), Foxley mines, Abbey Hulton. 1922 1527. 1902 1925 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 3)> le tte r s mainly exchanged between Col. Ralph Sneyd and his agent about estate and personal a ffa ir s . 1523. 1902 1927 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 2, and inserted m aterial), rela tin g to Knutton t ile r ie s . 1529. 1903 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , re la tjjig to a trial, boring fo r minerals on the Keele estate, with analysis o f results. 1530. 1903, 1906 1912 Letters and copy le t t e r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to Lower Heamies Farm, Norton Bridge. 1531. 1903 1909 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to Mow Cop church. 1532* 1903 1912 Letters and copy le tte r ? ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to the Keele postal service. 1533- 1903 1912 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g mainly to the repair o f a water-purap at Keele H all, but also to analysis of the water, and to pipes. 1534. 1903 1915 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 2 ), rela tin g to Cold Norton Farm. 1535. [1873, 1839™], 1903 1916 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Chatteriey c o llie r y . 1536. 1903 1924 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Shelton Iron and Steel Co. and Sneyd Green C o llie ry , jo in t barrier. 1537. 190^ Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 200 item s)f mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1533. 1904 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to the purchase o f a fie ld at Millmeece, near Eccleshall. 217 1539. 1904 1907 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to drainage at Sneyd Green. 1540. 1904 1909 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to Bradwell Kail t ile r ie s . 1541- 1904 1910 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , mainly rela tin g to the receip t o f royalties from the Chesterton mines. 1542. 1904 1910 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to road-widening at Mow Cop. 1543. 1904 1915 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to Birches Farm, Hanley. 1544- 1905 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 300 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1545. 1905 1916 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to the Mew Cop Inn. 1546. 1906 1547. 1906 1913 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , property at Millmeeee, Eccleshall. 1548. 1907, 1910 1918 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , relatin g to property at and near Cold Norton. 1549. 1907 1910 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 275 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1550. 1907 1910 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , conveyance of mines at Burslea, the Duchy o f Lancaster and Mr Sneyd, including d ra ft deed and plan. 1551. 1907 -■ 1923, undated Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to the Knutton Manor Mining Co., including plans. 1552. 1908 1910 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to a slag heap at Chatterley. 1553* 1908 ~ 1911 Letters aid copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to the lease o f land t o s and bankruptcy o f, Messrs Downing, brick-makers, Chester ton. 1908. 1911 1919, 1930, undated Letters and. copy le t t e r s ( f i l e ) , claims against the Silverdale Co. fo r damage caused by mining, including case f i l e s , lis t s o f names and addresses, some specifications fo r repairs, some plans, aid closing orders. . 1554 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 250 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 218 1555. 1908 1914 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to property at, Norton Bridge. 1556. 1910 1911 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to ironstone, Keele estate. 1557. 1910 1913 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s , 3 ), p etitio n of Ralph Sneyd against th© Staffordshire Potteries Water Board. 1558. 1911 1915 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 350 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1559. 1911 1930 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Talke c o llie r y . 1560. 1915 1921 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , relatin g to Parkhouse and Crackley c o llie r ie s . 1561. 1916 1917 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 325 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Snoyd mineral estates. 1562. 1916 1928 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Clanway c o llie r ie s , including plans. 1563. 1917 1934 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Goldendale c o llie r y . 1564. 1918 Letters and memoranda (8 item s), rela tin g to a b o ile r at S ilverdale. 1565. 1918 1920 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 300 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1566. 1918 1924 Letters, copy le tte r s and memoranda (approx. 200 item s), mainly rela tin g to the sale o f the Norton Bridge estate. With, ( i ) plans (2 ). ( i i ) summary o f lo ts . 1567. 1919 1920 Letters and copy le tte r s (7 ), rela tin g to the sale o f land at Cobridge, near Burslem. With, ( i ) plan, 1919. 1568. 1921 Letters and copy le tte r s (4)? rela tin g to damage caused by outcrop workings at Sneyd Green. 1569. 1921 ~ 1924 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Goldenhill c o llie r y . 1570. 1921 1925 Letters and copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx, 350 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1571. 1921 3930 Letters and copy le t t e r s ( f i l e ) , Knutton Manor Mining Co.. With, ( i ) plan. 219 1572. 1923 1930 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , rela tin g to a lease o f property, including marl p its , at Chatterley. 1573. 1925 1929 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e s f 3 ), rela tin g to Parkhouse c o llie r y , Chatterley. 1574. 1926 1931 Letter book, typescript copies o f le tte r s mainly from J.S. Scott, agent to Col. Ralph Sneyd, rela tin g to Col. Sneyd‘ s personal a ffa ir s , to his W iltshire properties, to Keele H all, and to sales o f books. 1575. 1926 1931, undated Letters ard copy le tte r s (including a llie d m aterial, approx. 250 item s), mainly rela tin g to the Sneyd mineral estates. 1576. 1927 Letters and copy le tte r s ( f i l e ) , Talke c o llie r y . ESTATE ADMINISTRATION • 1577. [c. mid-l6th cent. ] 1578. 1568 T e rrie r, lands o f S ir William Sneyd in G lenfield (L e ic s .), in the occupation o f John Medylton o f G lenfiold. (T errier taken by the la t t e r and witnessed. The la s t witness, 1phyllypp larraunce1, describes himself as 'Reader o f the worde o f go3 in the Towne on Anstye And wrytore o f the Same’ . 1579. 1586/87 Memorandum, rela tin g to the purchase o f lands (unspecified), with some d eta ils o f the descent o f t i t l e o f the copyhold (fam ily o f Carteleche, beginning with William Carteleche, p riest o f Chaddesden (D erby.), end freehold (fam ilies o f Rowley, Carteleche, Henry, Lard Stafford, Dame Ursula his w ife , William th eir son). 1580. [l6th cent. ] and W illaston, determined by a jury. (MS. im perfect). 1581. [l6th cen t.] Memoranda, rela tin g to lands (? in Cheshire, including ton. P artly i lle g ib l e ) . 1582. [l6th cen t.] T e rrie r, lands in Willaston. (Two sheets only). 1583. 1612, 1698, 1705, 1762, 1805 1584. 1615 Survey, land in the tenure o f Edward Draycott. (MS. imperfect) ,4 1585. [c.l620] 'A note of the Rate o f the Lordship of Willaston sent by mr Smyth to Sr Rundull Crewe when he should have bought it/ . * Subscribed ’ This was taken by Sr Randall Crews Supervisor v iz t M-‘ Manwarings of Kantwch about ye year o f our lord god 1620/'. 220 1586. 1637, undated Particular and memoranda, acres and rates, W illaston. (MS. im perfect). 1587. 1640, 1649, 1650 Surveys (2) and rentals (2 ), Chatteriey, Chesterton, Great Chell, Tunstall. 1648, undated Memoranda (2 ), rela tin g to the demesne lends o f Francis Downes, in Lancashire, including Barton, 'Barton-upon-Jowell', Eccies, Laithwaite, L it t le Haughton, O rrell, Pemberton, Pendleton, Svinton, Wigan, Worsley and Warsley Mesnes. 1588 . - 158). exi assigHss&TA of •Houlden Farme’ ( endorsed ' Houlding Farm1)* 1649 called 1590. 1650 Memorandum, 'VIhat Dewoorkes [? day works] of Oates u j barley & winter Corne are within the eight Hammeil [et]es wh[i]ch of Late time hath been gathered by the minester o f the new Chappell’ . 1591. [c. aid-17th cen t.] Particu lar, Willaston. 1592. [c. mid-17th cen t.] Lands at Willaston in and out of lease, and abstract of the same. 1593. [c. mid«-17th Draft form of n o tific a tio n rela tin g to a bargain and sale of "cen t.] property (? unspecified - MS. p artly i l l e g i b l e ) , used as a wrapper fo r a copy o f another document rela tin g to an estate in Bemersley. 1594. 1650/51 Survey, Willaston. 1595. 1.653 Memorandum, signed, rela tin g to William Sneyd of Keels having taken possession, through his b a i l i f f Ralph Bostocke, of three parcels of land in Wistaston (Chesh.). 1596. 14 Car. I I [1662 1663], undated Surveys (2 ), Willaston. 1597. 1668 1694 Diary (l6S7»93, incomplete, of (? ) Edward Ryl&ndes, b a i l i f f of Norbury manor), estate and personal accounts, accounts of Staffordshire and Derbyshire rents (1685-88), survey of the Norbury demesne (1668), and memoranda on leasehold land, with directions fo r dressing a hop-yard (MS. im perfect). 1598. 1674 Survey, tith e corn, north part of Wolstanton. (MS. im perfect). 1599. 1696 Weekly returns (3 ), of coal mined, c o llie r y or c o llie r ie s unspecified. [2nd half of 17th cent.] Valuation, (? ) Vill&storu . 1600 - 221 . [2nd h alf of 17th cen t.] Valuation fo r a mortgage, manors o f Norbury, Tyrley, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). [2nd h a lf of 17th cent. ] Measurement o f land, 'mear© [or ’ raeane’ ] . . . f e i l d ’ , location unspecified. . [17th ce n t.] Survey, lands in Willaston. 1604. [17th c e n t.] L is t o f tenants, Abbey Hulton, Chatterley, Willaston. 1605. [1719 1755], undated Copy valuation, Sneyd estate, with abstracts o f leases, some schedules and memoranda. 1606 1721/22 Memorandum, rela tin g to the ownership of property 'a t or Nigh the Horns Xnne near Namptvich'. 1607. 1727 Survey, timber in Bradwell Wood, Chatterley and Abbey Hulton, 1728/29 Memorandum, rela tin g to the surrender by Ralph Sneyd of property including ’ Tittensors House1 in Penkhull. 1729 Survey, f o f Severall Farms, and Tenem^'8. in K e ele .1 1733/34 Survey, demesne land, Keele H all. (MS. im perfect). 1734 ~ 1735 Rental, arrears o f h a lf-yea rly rents, Sneyd estate, and covering le t t e r . 1733 1743 Rental, Sneyd estate (2 booklets). 1613. 1744/45 Particular, property of Ralph Sneyd (d. 1733) in Bucknall, Keele, Knutton, Norton Farm, Red Street and Wolstanton, end agreement to assign the seme as dower fo r his widow Anna. 1614. 1748 Deputation, as garae-koepar, of Edvard Sneyd o f Aimington, by Thomas Boothby Skrymsher, o f Upper Grosvenor S t., St George, Hanover Square, one of the lords o f the manor of Tyrley, the former to k i l l gams in Bales and despatch the same as d ir e c t ed, and to destroy a l l il l e g a l devices. 1615. 1743 Survey, Norton estate o f Ralph Sneyd, tenants, field«names5 areas. 1616 1749 Memorandum, rela tin g to the ’ Heath p iece’ and a c ro ft la te ly held by John Serjeant. (Written on the back of part o f The Cambridge Almanack) . 1617. [? 1st h a lf of 18th cen t.j Particular, ’ Mr: Bainbrigg’ s Estate in K e e ls ...’ . 1601 1602 . 1603 . 1608 . 1609. 1610 . 1611 . 1612 . . 222 . 1618 [1st h a lf o f 18th cen t.] Copy n otice, sent to Ralph Sneyd c/o o f a Newcastle butcher, of the sale o f tith e s, ch ief and cottage rents to Sir Nigel Greasley as impropriator o f Biddulph and lord o f the manor o f Tunstall, and o f the sale o f property in Wolstanton. (MS. im perfect). 1619. [c. mid-18th cent. ] 'A Sketch o f the Income & Outgoings o f Mr Sneyd's E s ta te.1 1620. [c. mid-18th cen t.] Survey, lands in Keele involved, in a proposed exchange, (P artly cancelled. ? Incomplete). [1750 or la t e r ] L is t o f tenants, areas o f land, rental, Snsyd estate, 1622. 1757 Survey, bark, cordwood, e t c ., in Tunstall. 162.3* 1760 Memorandum, rela tin g to the sale o f ash trees at Braddcw Wood and the Hays. 162/,. [c.1760] Memoranda, admissions and surrenders, land including customary messuages in Clayton and Seabridge. (MS. im perfect). 1625. 1760, 1761 Corn tith es gathered in the lib e r ty o f Aston, names, acreages, quantities. 1626. 1761 Measurement, 1Long-Kay* Farm, Ssabridge. 1627. 1762 1769, 1776, 1792 Memoranda, rela tin g to fis h , Sneyd estate. 1628. 1769 Employment o f labour, mainly agricultural, (? ) Keele estate, arranged by individuals, giving nature o f work and nusber o f days worked. 1629. [? 1760's] Memorandum, land to be taken in Tunstall and Chatteriey, and in the manor o f Abbey Hulton in Wolstanton, fo r the Trent and Mersey canal. [? 1770] Memoranda, on le ttin g properties on the Sneyd estate, lessees but not properties sp ecified . 1770 1nrrt Journal, work den© d a ily by labourers, (? ) Keele. 1621 1630 . . 1631. With, ( i ) inserted, payments to labourers, 1770, 1771. . 1772 1633» 1772 Memorandum, rela tin g to the lease o f a farm at Norton. 1634. 1772 1775, undated Surveys and valuations (13 booklets), names, acres, yearly value and remarks on the state o f the property and management o f i t , farms in Abbey Hulton, Bradwell, Chatteriey, Keele, Norton Farm, Tunstall, some u nidentified, and in Nantvieh and Wyburibury (Chesh.). 1632 Weight o f load o f coal, Newcastle veigh-bridge. aV 223 1635* [l7]73 Abstract, agreement to l e t Penfields, in Keele. 1636. I 1773 Memorandum, value o f glebe lands in Keele. 1637. 1773 Memoranda (2 ), on draining and managing the Sneyd estate. 1638* 1773 Memorandum, prepared fo r ’ Mr Sneyd’ , rela tin g to the rent r o lls and the p o s s ib ility o f raising money on the Cheshire estates. 1639* 1773 Memorandum, rela tin g to the lease o f property in (? ) Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1640. 1773 Draft conditions o f sale, capital messuage called Bower End, in Madeley. (MS. im perfect). 1641. 1773 Memorandum, relatin g to a lease o f Bradvell H all. 1642. 1773 The state o f Mr Sneyd1s estate in Staffordshire and Cheshire, estimated value of rents. 1643* 1774 Measurement, Mr Fernyhough’ s timber at ’ the Lymes'. 1644* 1775 Abstract, agreement to l e t property 'la t e ly held, with the Rosemary H ill Farm'. 1645. 1,776 'A Guess at the Number o f Acres belonging to Ra[lphj Sneyd Esqr . 1. 1646. 1776 'A Guess at the value o f John Tomkinson's Stock1. 1647. 1776 'A Guess at Joseph Berks's Stock'. 1648. 1776 Notice, to Ralph Sneyd, to pay fee farm rents to Lord Boston. 1649. 1777 Memorandum, amount of tith e corn gathered, (? ) Keele. Endorsed with figures calculated 'upon the request o f Mr Wm Kingston[ , ] Supervisor o f Excise*. I 65C. [l7]77 Valuation, of farms [on the Sneyd es ta te ] requiring tenants, and comments. 1651. 1779 Particulars, property in Keele. 1652. 1736 Notice o f sale by auction, of livestock and implements, in Keele. Printed. 1653. 1790 Proposals* rela tin g to the o f coal and ironstone mines by the ’ Haying Lane’ , in Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1654. 1793 1315 Minute book and journal, with some accounts, o f Thomas and James Breck, Thcsaas Poole, William Hyatt, Samuel Hopkins (and la t e r ) William Sneyd, rela tin g to coal and ironstone workings at Lycett, Scot Hay and S ilverdale, including a reference (May 1803) to the advantage o f building a railway from Silverdale to Newcastle. 1655. 1794 Deputation, as game-keeper, o f William Sneyd o f Keele, by Walter Sneyd o f Keele, to k i l l game in the manors o f Bradwell, Tunstall, Great Ghell and L i t t l e Chell, and to take and seise a ll i lle g a l devices. 1656. 1794, undated Memoranda [by Thanas Breck], rela tin g to Tunstall manor. 1657. 1795 Valuation o f timber, 'in Worthington's Ground', fo r 'Sneyd green Engine'. . 1795 Valuation o f timber, 'Carman Side' (Carmountside), fo r use in coal engines. [1795 or - la t e r ] Memorandum, rela tin g to the t i t l e o f Ralph Sneyd to the manor of W illaston. (MS. im perfect). . 1796 Particular ard valuation, Daniel Shaw's farm at Cold Norton. 1661 . 1796 Particular and valuation, Richard Blakeman's farm at 'the Eoymies*. 1662 . 1798 'Schedule' of property at Hslmer End, fo r which a c e r tific a te o f land-tax is ■required. (Printed form, completed). 1663. 1799 Memorandum, rela tin g to t illa g e . Endorsed 'T ith e in 1799 at Chatterley1. 1664. 1799 Valuation o f timber, Norton farms. 1665. [2nd h a lf o f 18th c e n t.] Estimate, yearly value o f an estate called the 'Nabbs', in Keele. (MS. im perfect), [2nd h alf of 18th ce n t.] Survey (plan missing), estates in the manor o f Willaston, tenants' names, field-names, acreages, [2nd h a lf o f 18th c e n t.] Diagram and explanation, vatar engine at Keele. [2nd h a lf o f 18th cent. ] Memoranda, rela tin g to leases, properties on the Sneyd estate, 1669. [2nd h a lf of 18th cent*] Memorandum, relatin g to a now house and land a t Brieryhurst. 1670. [2nd h a lf of 18th cent. ] 1658 1659. 1660 1666 . 1667. 1668 . Memorandum, valuation, properties on the Sneyd ©state. 225 1671. [? 2nd h a lf o f 18th cen t.] 1672. [la te ISth cen t.3 Memorandum, endorsed ’ Robinson's Copyhold Estate in Clayton at to the time o f Entry on the Court R o lls .' 1673. [la te 18th cen t.3 Rough memoranda, measurements, property in (? ) Willaston (Chesh.). 1674* [la te 18th cent. 3 'Account of Farms in Keele leased by Mr Sneyd from Mr CheWood'. 1675. [la te 18th cen t.3 Memorandum, rough figu res, (? ) area o f the Sneyd estate. Seles o f copyhold estates, Sneyd estate. With, ( i ) memorandum, rela tin g to copyhold, undated. 1676. [la te 18th cen t.3 ‘Mr Weston's Valuation o f Some Farms belonging to Ra. Sneyd E sqr.1, names, acreages, yearly value, old rent. Single sheet only. 1677. [la te 18th cen t.3 Memoranda, rela tin g to leases (places unspecified) and l i s t of names, en titled 'Tyths o f Keel©’ . 1678. [la te 18th cen t.3 Draft notice, rela tin g to ssle o f timber, and quantities. 1679. [la te 18th cen t.3 Valuation, 'Ford's la te Baddeley's1, lard at Tunstall and elsewhere. [la te 18th c e n t.3 Memorandum, rela tin g to land taken 't o the Turnpike Road' at Chesterton. . 1680 1681 . [lSth cent. ] Valuation, s e llin g price o f properties, occupants given, Sneyd estate. 1682 . [l8th cent. 3 Estimate, repairs to property, Sneyd Green. (MS. im perfect). 1683. [18th cen t.3 L is t o f properties or areas within the Sneyd estate, and names. 1684. [.18th cent. 3 S ir Richard Lane's survey of hie lards at Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1685. [lSth cen t.3 Estimate, materials fo r a house, kitchen, o ffic e s , e tc ., unspecified. . [18th cent*1 Memoranda (including 15 notebooks), rela tin g to timber, Sneyd' estate. [la te 18th or early 19th ce n t.3 Observations, on Mr Breck's proposals rela tin g to the c o llie r y at Abbey Hulton. 1686 1687. 226 1688. [la te 18th or ea rly 19th c e n t.] Memorandum, relatin g to the purchase o f a messuage called 'Machins1, and the herd.ot. 1689. [la te 18th or early 19th cen t.] Memorandum, rela tin g to the t i t l e o f Ralph Sneyd to the manor and estates o f Willaston. 1690. [la te 18th or early 19th cen t.] •Survey o f Mr Bourne's Farm at Chesterton now Mr. Fenton's1. (Single sheet). 1691. [la te 18th or early 19th ce n t.] Memoranda, figu res, -written, on, and on the back o f part of a le t t e r about a shortage o f ironstone (? at S ilverd a le). [la te 18th or ea rly 19th ce n t.] Note [? to Thcmas Breck, o f Keele] from James Breck [? iron monger, o f Newcastle], about the a rriva l o f castings from Stourpcrt at Newcastle wharf. 1693. [la te 13th or ea rly 19th cent*] Memorandum, rela tin g to ‘ Stuff* or *S t a ff1 rent paid on property in Burslem. 1694. [? la te 18th or early 19th ccn t,] Notice, o f a le y fo r c a ttle , at Wistaston. Printed* 1695. [ea rly 19th cen t.] Memorandum, rela tin g to copyhold land on the Sneyd estate, including land in Uolstanton and Hanley. 1696 [ea rly 19th c e n t.] Memorandum, rela tin g to William Barker (endorsed Baker) and property at (? ) Flash, Burslem. 1697. [ea rly 19th c e n t.] Memorandum, areas o f building plots at Stax C roft, Burslem. 1698 [? ea rly 19th cent. ] Memorandum, rela tin g to copyholders [in the manor o f Tunstall" 1699. 1800 Memorandum and l i s t , proprietors-end sums of money advanced by them, Abbey Holton c o llie r y . 1700. 1805 Memorandum, on an agreement rela tin g to coal-mining in Sneyd Green, in the manor o f Abbey Holton. 1701. 1805 Notices (2 ), o f sale o f building land in Burslem. Printed. 1702. 1805 1807 Measurements, conditions of sale, agreements to purchase, extracts from deeds end other data rela tin g to Broad Field, Rowley’ s Croft, Taylor's Croft and Star C ro ft, in Burslem (17 items). 1703. 1808,. undated Memoranda, agreement rela tin g to mining, Bernersley, Ravens™ c l i f f e and Brieryhurst. 1692 . . . 227 1704. [1808 or la t e r ] Memorandum, rela tin g to the admission o f Walter Sneyd esq., of Keele K a il, to a piece o f land in Wolstanton. 1705. 1810 Valuation, estates o f Walter Sneyd in Keele and Swynnerton, field-names, areas, comments. 1706. 1812 Deputation, by Walter Sneyd esq., lord of the manor o f Chell, William Bourne to be gamekeeper. 1707. 1812 (?) Copy notice, o f a meeting between Mr Sneyd and the inhabitants o f Bnrslem. 1708. 1813 Memorandum, rela tin g to an agreement about a bridge, and a new road at ‘ Keelings Lane1. 1709. 1813 Draft notice, to tenants o f Walter Sneyd (d. 1829) in Burslem, about the payment o f rent. 1710. 1813 Memorandum, rela tin g to a claim to cottages in Oldcott. 1711. 1813 Notice, rela tin g to the payment of rent fo r a house and garden in Ravens c l i f f e, in the manor of Tuns ts.ll. 1712. 1813 Signed statement and. recommendation, rela tin g to two inhabitants o f Cold Norton. 1713. 1813 Memorandum, rela tin g to property in Hot Lane, Burslem. 171/,. 1813 Valuation, Samuel Finney’ s house, location unspecified (? Burslem). 1715. 1813 Memoranda ( 3 ) , rela tin g to property a t the Flash, Burslem. 1716. 1814 Notice to quit, property at Sneyd Green., endorsed with comments. 1717. 1814. Notices (2 ), o f d is tra in t, property in Bemersley and Norton-in-the-Moors. 1718. I 8I 4. Copy notice, about paying rent due from property in Ravens~ c l i f f e and Oldcott, in the manor of Tunstall. 1719. 1815 “ 1816 Valuation of timber, lands to be exchanged between the Marquess of Stefford and Thomas Swinnerton, and account. 1720. 1816 1819 Proposals relatin g to a s ite fa r a court house and market h a ll, in Tunstall, and to building the same. [-1838] With, ( i ) le tte r s U ) , 1816-19. ( i i ) opinion (1838). on a lease granted in 181.6. 1819 Survey and valuation, land of Walter Sneyd in Burslem, occupants, quantities, yearly value, comments. 1721. 228 1722. 1824 Notices (2 ), to q u it, property in Burslem. 1723. 1826 ~ 1828, undated C e rtific a te , o f purchase and extinction o f tithes in Seabridge, Penkhull and Hanley, in the parish of Stoke-onTrent. With, ( i ) annexed. copy receip t, 1827. ( i i ) d ra ft a rtic le s o f agreement, 1826. ( i i i ) minutes, in reference to the sale. Printed, undated. ( i v ) abstract, 1827. (v ) Act, 7 and 8 Geo.IV, cap.41. 1724. [1827 or la t e r ] Memorandum, area o f Keele estate. 1725. [1829 or e a r lie r ] Minutes, on the question of the commutation of the tith es o f the rectory of Stoke-on-Trent, and l i s t of land-cwners w illin g to parchase. 1726. 1829 Valuation, Cotton property in Wolstanton. 1727. 1829 Conditions o f sale (2 ), property at Newcastle and Knutton. 1728. 1829, undated Memoranda (2 ), areas of Finney Green estate, Apedale, J e llic o e ’ s estate, etc*. 1729. c.1829 Memorandum, purchases o f land since 1829. 1730. 1S29 1835 L is t o f purchases o f land, and certain commitments. 1731. 1831 Particulars, Budhay, Kettlesmoor and Finney Green estates, in the manor o f Keele. 1732. 1833 1838 Memoranda, land taken fo r planting, in Swynnerton. 1733. 1835 Memorandum, value o f trespass; by the railway through land occupied by R.S. Rowley. 1734- [1835 or la t e r ] Description o f land in Tunstall to be sold by Ralph Sneyd to Joseph Booth. 1735. 1835 1836 Warnings (4)? and le t t e r , with a further warning, rela tin g to water damaging the mines a t Lycett. 1736. 1833 1845* undated Bundle o f papers rela tin g to the Grand Junction Railway. With, ( i ) account, payment fo r land at Madeley and Gold Norton, 1835* ( i i ) le tte r s (15). 1835-45. ( i i i ) copy deed* 1836* ( i v ) valuations for trespass, and awards, 1838. (v ) copy order, to erect a bridge, etc.., 1838. ( v i ) plans (3)> undated. 229 1737. 1836 Memorandum, rela tin g to stopping up a gutter 'in the f i r s t p it in p h istle berry Park1. I 1738. [1836 or la t e r ] Memoranda, rela tin g to the Sneyd estate, including examination o f the way books, measurement o f the plantations and new roads, and comment on expenditure. (Single sheet only). 1739. 1836 , 1837, 1833 Memoranda (13 item s), depths o f water in c o llie r y gutters. 1740. 1837 Notice, o f a meeting at the Crewe Arms, Madeley, to discuss the implications o f the Act o f 6 and 7 William IV, relatin g to the commutation of tith e s. (MS. im perfect). 17a. [1837 or la t e r ] Calculations [by Ralph Sneyd], rela tin g to the le ttin g of No. 6 St James's Square. 1742. 1838 Proceedings of a meeting rela tin g to the commutation of tith es in Madeley. (MS. im perfect). 1743- 1838 Report, of the Clerk to the Chester and Crewe Railway Co., second h a lf-yea rly meeting of the shareholders, including a map, sent to Samuel Peake esq., at S ilverdale. Printed. 1744- 1838 Memoranda, areas o f land [? occupied by Joseph Smith], and agents fo r parts o f the Keele estate, and (? ) th eir salaries, 1745. 1840 Memorandum, d e ta ils of the lease o f property in Harriseahead, Wdistanton, to Thomas Holland, miner. 1746. [184-0 or la t e r ] Schedule, proposed exchange o f land in Stoke-on-Trent and in the_townships o f Clayton and Penkhull. 1747. 1841 Copy, minutes o f meeting o f Board o f Guardians, Wolstanton and Burslem Union, concerning the lease o f the workhouse froml Ralph Sneyd. 1743. 1841 Measure and valuation of timber, Horton estate o f Ralph Sneyd. 1749. 1842 Particulars and. valuation, Heymeece Farm, Chebsey, and report. 1750. 1843 Schedule, tenants at the Pool [Head], in Newcastle. 1751. 1844 Minute, duties o f the farm and estate b a i l i f f , at Keele. 1752. 1844- 1845 Papers rela tin g to an exchange o f property in Newcastle, Stoke-on-Trent and Wolstanton, between Ralph Sneyd and the Duke of Sutherland, including particulars and valuations, schedules, plans and calculations. 1753» 1846 Memorandum, estate works ordered by Mr Sneyd, and expenses lik e ly to b© incurred. 230 1754- 1847 Estimate, to build a Whitechapel cart, fo r Ralph Sneyd. 1755. 1848 Particulars, parish of Keele, prepared fo r tith e commutation purposes. 1756. 184-9 Declaration, signed by Ralph Sneyd, relatin g to the payment of £300 to Francis Stanier, fo r his trouble in managing the Silverdale concerns. (MS. im perfect). 1757. [c. 1849] Memorandum, premium and duty on £14,000 insurance policy. 1757A. [c.1840’ s ] Survey, Keele estate, additions to 1840’ s. 1758. [? 184-0’ s ] Rough memorandum, Lord Harry Vane’ s o ffe r fo r lo ts (location unspecified, numbers only). 1759. [c. mid~19th cen t.] ’ Frocess fo r rep ellin g moisture from external w a lls’ , in the hand of Ralph Sneyd. 1760. [c. mid“I9th ce n t.] Method of tarring ironwork, ’ as practised at Trentham’ . (MS. im perfect). 1761. 1854 Memorandum, relatin g to the lease of a pasture at Denton, Oxon., by the Earl of Macclesfield to the Rev. Walter Sneyd. 1762. 1858 Report and valuation, land to be taken by the N.S. Railway Go. in the Biddulph Valley, from the Sneyd estate. 1763. 18$9 Report, on the Red Shagg ironstone mine, Chatteriey. 1764. i860 Schedule, land purchased from the Duke of Sutherland by Ralph Sneyd, references, tenants, quantities, prices, etc. 1765. 1860 Notice, issued by the Staffordshire P otteries Water Works, rela tin g to an application to extend th eir works, with a schedule o f the land affected (in Burslem). Printed. 1766. I860, 1861 Returns (2 ), ironstone and coal mined, by Messrs Williamsons, Chatteriey Mining Co., Red Street Mining Co., High Car Mining Co. 1767. 1861 Valuation, of minerals mined at Blackband, Red Shagg and Red Mine workings, ftcm under the Chesterton to Red Street Road, J.E. Heathcote lord o f the manor. 1763. 1863 Report, on the reduction o f the royalty on pig-iron , S ilv e r dale Ironworks. 1769. 1864 Report, trespass committed by the Silverdale Company, at Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 1770. 1864 Memorandum, exchange of lands in Swynnarton and Trentham. 1771. 1865 Report on the p o s s ib ility of subsidence of land to be b u ilt on at Knutton. 231 1772. 1868 Particulars, o f mining leases. (MS. im perfect). 1773. 1870, ■undated Estimates (2 ), fo r a park wall a t Keele. 1774. 1871 Report, on a gutter, No. 4 p it, Newfield c o llie r y , Tunstall. 1775. 1871 Notice, of application fo r a b i l l in parliament, fo r the drainage o f mines in N. S ta ffs ., and schedule o f land of the Rev. Walter Sneyd in Wolstanton and Burslem lia b le to be affected . 1776. 1871 Report, by H.W. H ollis to the Rev. Walter Sneyd, on the la tte r * s suggestion to remit 10°/o of rents to the tenants because o f d iffic u lt ie s experienced on account o f bad weather, fo o t and mouth disease, e t c .. 1777. 1872 Report, by H.W. H o llis , on the mineral potential o f the west ern (Highway) area o f the Sneyd estate. 1778. 1872, undated Reports (2 ), boring on the Keele estate, a t Rosemary H ill and at the railway station. 1779. 1873 Report, by H.W. H o llis , on the mineral resources o f the [Cold] Hoi'ton estate. 1780. 1874 Report, by H.W. H o llis , on the condition of property through out the estate, what has been spent and what needs to be spent. 1781. 1874 Memorandum, valuation of stock, Bradwell Ley. 1782. 1874, undated Analyses (2 ), o f tho spring water at Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1783. 1877 Particulars, of cottages in Keele where ledgers are taken, and cases o f overcrowding. With, ( i ) le t t e r , from the Rev, Walter Sneyd to his agent, commenting. 1784. 1879 *R ifle r Bed Sections’ , Kiveton Park c o llie r y . 1785. 1879 Memorandum, estimated yearEs income from Sneyd estates, by H.W. H o llis. (MS. im perfect). 1786. c.1879 Report, on the Silverdale c o llie r ie s (rough). 1787. [? 1870*s ] Memorandum, rela tin g to the tenure o f Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 1788. 1881 Acreage, Badenhall Farm in Chebsey and Fccleshall. 1789. 1881 Memoranda, estate work to be done at Chesterton. 232 1790. [1881 or la t e r ] / Valuation, Gorsty Bank, unworked minerals and machinery, 1791. 1883 Copy notice, by John Henshall Williamson, ironmaster, of High Carr, to the N. S. Railway, rela tin g to a siding proposed to be taken from the Jamage ( sic ) branch o f the same. With, ( i ) map. 1792* [c.1884] Report, on damage claimed to have been done to plants at M ilton, near Stoke-on-Trent, by a nearby chemical works. With, ( i ) le tte r s (7 ), 1884* 1793. 1885 Estimate, iron Dutch barns, Home Farm, Keele. 1794- 1885 1889 Memoranda, area o f lard damaged at the Silverdale c o llie r ie s . 1795. 1887 L is t o f game slaughtered at Keele and given away. 1796. 1891 Analysis, cost o f operating a pumping engine at Brownhills. 1797. 1891 Memorandum, map references, areas and amounts, Top Farm, Keele. 1793. 1891 1893 F ile , tabulated data taken from the tith e apportionment a ffectin g lessees on the Snsyd estate. 1799. 1895* Entries in the estate o ffic e diary. (At some time, although 1897 the tex t is v ir tu a lly in tact, a ll these entries have been 1914 ripped out and arc therefore loose, although clipped together and now in chronological order). 1300. 1898 Notice to determine a tenancy, premises unspecified. 1801. [19th cen t.] Cover (only, o rig in a lly enclosing) insurance policy, Imperial Fire O ffice, Keole Hall and outhouses, e t c ., giving conditions of insurance. Printed. 1802. [la ts 19th or ea rly 20th cen t.] Analysis o f ’ water flowing from Ho.6 Borehole', near Keele railway station, 1803. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memorandum, c o llie r y leases arid (? ) plans, 1804. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memorandum, rela tin g to an estimate fo r work at Cr&ckley c o llie r y , 1805. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memorandum, rela tin g to No. 4 p it , Chatteriey c o llie r y , 1806. [la te 19th or early 20th Memorandum, rela tin g to Mr MoSweeny and cottage pay sheet and other matters. 233 1807. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memorandum, Clanway c o llie r y shafts, data on seams. 1308. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memoranda, rough calculations, (? ) quantities o f minerals mined, locations unspecified. 1809. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memoranda, including a reference to a lease o f the Birches mine. 1810. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Memorandum, calculation involving trucks, weight carried end journies. 1811. [20th cen t.] L is t of twelve names and addresses, mainly people liv in g in the area of the Potteries. 1812. [20th cen t.] Return (evidently printed fo r a Welsh c o a lfie ld ), designed to record in d e ta il coke costs and labour employed, p artly completed in pencil. 1813. 1901 Railway time-table (N. S taffs. R ly .) and diary (H.V. Boothby's? with some rough entries. 1814. 1902 Amended terms, lease o f coal and ironstone, Upper Crackley c o llie ry , Chesterton. 1815. [? 1902] Prospectus (2 copies), the Foxley mines at Abbey Hullon, including a description o f the strate. [1902 or la t e r ] Report, prepared fo r the trustees o f the Sneyd estate, rela tin g to the adverse trading figures fo r S ilverd a le? subsequent to its lease to the Butterley Co.. [1871 ~] 1902 1903 [~ 1909, undated] Weekly reports, boring operations, SjJverdal©. 1816 . 1817. With, ( i ) (ii) (iii) (iv ) (v ) (v i) (v ii) (v iii) le tte r s (5 ), 1902-03. account, boring, Rosemary H ill, 1871. memorandas new !sha£t, Silverdale, [1871 or la t e r ]. memoranda., pipes required at Crackley c o llie r y , Chesterton, 1909. strata, Sneyd Green c o llie r y , undated. section, bore hole at the Koneywall and Eeelo railway station, undated. ’ Borehole to No 2 on Mr [? ] Triggs Farm1, undated, section, unidentified, boring, undated., 1818. 1903 The Keele mineral estate, present and prospective revenue from , minerals l e t , e t c .. 'f 1819. 1903 Report# on the barriers between the Snoyd Green and Abbey Eidtoa c o llie r ie s » With, ( i ) annexed, plan. 234 1820. 19^6 Report, on the ironstone and coal workings at Silverdale. 1821. 1906 'Result o f Trading*, Jan. - June, Silverdale. 1822. 1907 Copy estimate, fo r a gas-fired b o ile r fo r Silverdale. 1823. 1918 Report, by insurance company's inspector, on a b o ile r at Crackley c o llie r y , Chesterton. 1824. 1919 Copy reports ( 3 ) , o f inspection of Sneyd mine. 1825. 1919 Sale particulars (2 ), Norton Bridge estate. Printed, illu s tr a ted, single map mutilated. . 1921 Sale particulars, property at Mow Cop. Printed. 1827. 1923 Blueprints (3 ), survey, plan and section, Chesterton s ite , Upper Crackley. 1826 With, ( i ) le t t e r . ( i i ) figu res. ESTATE ACCOUNTS - See also under ESTATE CORRESPONDENCE, LEGAL, LOANS AND FAMILY SETTLEMENTS 1828. 1534 Receipt, fo r £10, by John Bagnalde, mayor o f Newcastle-underLyme, from Richard Sneyd, ju stice of Chester, by the hand o f S ir Richard Byrches, p rie st, in f u l l payment of £32, fo r land (u nspecified). 1829. 1539 Rental, property o f William Sneyd esq., in Aldersey (Chesh.) , Aston (Chesh.), 'Atherton' (cov unknown), Bebir.gton (Chesh.), Bradwell (S t a ffs .), 'Bramfylde' (co. unknown), 'Erogton' in the lordship of 1Hardyn! (co* unknown), Brosborough (Chesh.), 'Brorafelde' (? variation of ' Eramfylde' ) , ’ Castleton' (co. unknown), Chester, Christleton, Church Coppenhall (Chesh.), Clayton (S t a f fs .), 'Clayton Greset' (? Clayton G r iffith (S t a ffs .), 'Cotton' (co. unknown), 'Cotton St.ebbi s ! (? Chesh.) Dunhsm on the H ill (Chesh.), 'Eggerley' (? Chesh.), 'Feelongton & Smethye' ( go. -unknown), Fenton Culvert (S t a f fs .), Fredsham (Ghosh.) , Great Aldersey (Chesh.), Great Chell (S t a ffs .), Great Neston (Chesh.), 'Halaa' (? Hallam, co. Derby.), Halton (Chesh,), !Hiesterton’ (? Chesh.), 'Honbrege' (Hanbridge, (Chesh.), 'Hco&ey' (co. unknown), 'Hughson' (co. unknown), Burieston (Chesh.), Keele (S ta ffs # ), 'Kelsaw1 (K e ls a ll, Chesh.) , 'K elso' (? K e ls a ll), Knutton (S t a f fs .), 'Lancame in . W orall1 (? Chesh.), L it t le Acton (Chesh.), L ittle to n (? Chesh,), Malpas (Chesh.), 'The Mayre' (? Mere, Chesh.), Middlewich (Chesh.), Mouldsvorth (Chesh,), Nether^Walton ; (Cfcaeh. ) f Newbold (Chesh.) , Newcastle-under-Lyme (S t a f fs ,), Newton (Chesh.)- O iler ten (Chesh.), 'Cut Hedvshe' (a lia s. 'O tter Edishe', Chesh.), 'Over Marburyos (? Marbury, Chesh.), Over Tabley (Chesh.), PicJaaere (Chesh.), 'Quenes Hope' (alLies 'Quene Hops', ? co. F lin ts h ir e ), 'Ryggest S tre t' (? Red Street, S t a ffs .), Seabridge (S t a f fs .), Sound (Chesh»), Staple- 235 ford (Chesh.) , Sutton (? Chesh.), T&lke (Chesh.) , Trafford (Chesh.) , Trelogan (F lin ts h ire ), ’ Tronnemor’ (? Tranmere, Chesh.) , Tunstall (S t a ffs .) . Whitmore (S t a f fs .), Willaston (Chesh.), Wistaston (Chesh.;. Woodcott (? Chesh.), ’ Wossentton 1 (? Wolstenton, S t a ffs .), Winsham (Chesh.). 1830. 155-4 Discharge, by Henry, Lord Stafford, of S ir William Sneyd, fo r £44> part payment fo r property in Christleton, Chesh. 1831. [c.mid-16th cen t.] Memoranda, payments made to John Chanu and others fo r land, etc. in W illaston, Wistaston, e tc ., Chesh. 1832. 1576 Acquittance, by George, Lord Audloy, of Ralph Sneyd ’ my velbeloved uncle1, for £500 , part payment of £1,090. (Endorsed ‘ ...p a rte of the purchase moneys fo r Tunstall Court’1. 1833* [l5 77~ ], 1693 ~ 1694 [— 1725] Entry book, account of linen at Keele (1725); survey, property in Tunstall and Chesterton (undated); rent, capons and hens, Keele (1694); account of day maths at Keele (undated); the boundaries o f Tunstall (taken 1577); abstract o f sales of copyhold (1651); rental of Willaston (1694)} account, by William Sneyd, of the charges on the Keele estate at the time he inherited i t from Col. Ralph Sneyd, with comments by the same (undated); account, of mortgages, dates and in terest (1694)J account, of money owed by bond (undated); l i s t of lands purchased, and some dates, concluding; 'Dec: 20;94 Given to my son Ralph Sneyd lO li. wch was not worth thanks.1 (With note subscribed in pencil by the Rev. Walter Sneyd, that V/ill ism Sneyd died three weeks la t e r ). With, ( i ) inserted, particular of what William Sneyd had done fo r his two sons, undated. 1834. [l6th ce n t.] Rental, ’ wixsterston’ . 1835. I 6I .4 Rental, half-year, 1wigstaston’ , 1w illaston ' , ’ wistarston*. 1836. 1617, 1618, 1686, 1691, 1693j 1694, 1696 Receipts (9 ), by the Bishop of L ic h fie ld , fo r h alf-yearly rent fo r the rectory of Wolstanton. (MSS. im perfect). 1837. 1620 Valuation, of the manors, etc. la te ly Ralph Sneyd’ s, which descended to his son Ralph, the la tte r being 50 years old. (MS. im perfect). 1838. [? 1630 ’ s ] Survey, [Abbey] Hulton, Bemereley, Badlands, Bucknall, Bursle a , Chatterley, Chell, Chesterton, Haughton, Keele, Newcastle -»under~Lyme, Red Street, Scot Hay, Sneyd, Stadnarslcw, Thursf ie ld , Tunstall, Wedgwood, Whitasore, Willaston (Chash.), Wolstanton. (MS. im perfect). 1 F • rrv' In Lps 1 * > 1839. 164$ Rental, property in Suinton, Wardley, Worsley and Barton, co. Lancs., including 1Laithvaite house1. 1840' [? 1649- ]* 1650 «• 1654 [ “1655] Accounts (2 ), ’ what J Jo; Leighe have received fo r Reatetons Wood’ and ’ Rowleys house’ . (MS. im oerfect). 236 1841. [c. mid-17th cent. ] Receipt, fo r property including lands in Keele. (Fragment only - parties include William Sneyd, William Peake and Mary his w ife ). 1842. [c. mid-17th cen t.] Rentals (2 ), Willaston. (MSS. im perfect). 1843. [c. mid~-17th cen t.] Account, tra v e l, livestock , rent, references to 'Turner* and 'S is te r Lawton'. 1844- 1652 Discharge, to William Sneyd, fa r £15. 6. 0 ., owed from the p ro fits of the court at Newcastle-under-Lyme to the honour of Tutbury. 1845* 1656 , 1657, I 664 Accounts (3 ), maintenance o f horses, including horses belong ing to 'Capt. Sneade'; fo r 'seasoned boards'; and fo r haber dashery. (MSS. im perfect). 1846. 1656 1657 Account* ironstone received from the Sneyd mines 'f o r Mr. Chetwinds u se', and for William Quinton & partners' of Msdeley. 1847. [1663/6411 Account, Gabriel Keelinge, debtor, Fra: Mosse creditor, fo r work including the rebuilding o f a brewing furnace, fetching fis h frcm L ic h fie ld , the purchase o f 'burclose P o tts ', and the purchase o f butter* ( l . Date o f re c e ip t). . 1667 Rental, High O ffley , Norbury, Tyrley, rates fo r Aldington farm. (MS. im perfect). 1849. 1667 Rental, property in Drayton[-in-Hales] and Tyrley, with a reference to Shrewsbury. 1850. 1667 - Account, mainly estate but some personal expenditure. (MS, imperfect, single sheet only). 1851. 1668[? /693 Receipt, £1. 10., ’ fo r a ll the Maynor: in Tapton hall fold & other things agreed \ipon at my leaveing Tapton H a l l . . . ', by Dorothy (? ) Nemken. (MS. im perfect). 1852. 1669 Account, taxes 's e t of this Lady Day ren ts'. 1853- 1669 1671 Rentals ( 4 ) , 'Cowes Commons', E arl's Barton, Floore, Grendon, Hannington, Sywell, 'Thorplands', 'Trafford and Warden', Northants. 1854. 1671 Receipt, fo r fee farm rents paid by William Sneyd to the Crown, fo r the manor of Keele, fo r the s ite and demesnes of. '■/ the Priory of Hulton and the rectory of Wolstanton. 1855* 1674 1675 Rental, the Hon. Lady Compton5s estate, Sywell and elsewhere in Northants.. 1848 1668 237 1856. 1675 / Rental, Litchurch (Derby.). (MS. im perfect). 1857. 1676 Receipt, fa r £7, fo r rent fo r ironstone taken by William Sneyd from 'H arthstone[,] within Tunstall Courte*. (MS. im perfect). 1858. 1679 1685, undated Rental, Norbury estate, 1from ye h i l l * , including Aimington farm, Eccleshall, High O ffley, 'Jebberts Lea’ , 'Kemsey', 'Lea1, 'both Oultons & Blakemore-house' , 'Shebdon', Tunstall, 'Warton', 'Woods-eaves', sane undated. 1859. 1680 Rental, [Abbey] Hulton rents o f William Sneyd, collected by John Sneyd. 1860. 1682 Receipts (2 ), h a lf-yea r's rent fo r tith es of the lordship of Tapton (? co. Derby.), by John Fo[?]hambe from Sir Charles Skrymsher via Mrs Elisabeth Taylor. 1861 . 1682 Receipt, fo r £10. 10. 0 ., by John Wedgwood, yeoman, of Burslem, of William Sneyd esq., of Keele, fo r land called Elgre&ve, in Burslem. 1862. 1683 Voucher, reaping hooks, etc.. 1863. 1684- Receipt, by Anne Lovatt, widow of Randle Lovatt, o f Newcastleunder-Lyme, Thomas Lovatt gent., of Newcastle-under-Lyme, his h eir, Thomas Lovatt gent., of Eardley End, Audlem (Chesh.), of specified sums, from William Sneyd esq., of Keele, fo r land formerly Ralph Biddolph's in the manor of Keele. f 1864. 1684 - 1686 , 1688 1691 1865. 1866. Account book, of John Blakemore, receipts and disbursements on behalf o f Sir Charles Skrymsher, of Norbury, personal and estate. (See also item 1597 above). 1684 1692 Accounts (3 ), including an account o f tith es fo r 'fcnowle Wood'. 1685 - Account book, of Edward Rylandes, receipts and disbursements on behalf o f S ir Charleo Skrymsher, of Norbury, personal and estate, including rentals (1685-86) fo r High O ffley, 'Jebats L ea ', 'Lea Kemsey' (elsewhere 'Lea C eases'), Oulton, 'Sebdon' (elsewhere 'Shebdcn farm s'), Tunetall, ' Warton' and Woodseaves. 1688 1867. 1686 Receipt, fo r £5- 4« 0 ., by (not stated), from John Warburton o f Watford, h a lf-yea r's rent fo r (not stated), (MS. imperfect) 1868. 1689 L is t o f Christmas rent capons and hens, (? ) Norbury estate. (MS. im perfect). 1869. 1690, 1691 Rent r o l l and disbursements on behalf of Lady N oell, estate, personal, household. 238 1870. 1690 1692 Rent account, Mr Brice with Lady N oell. 1871. 1691 Receipt, fo r rent fo r Newcastle M ills , from William Sneyd, to be paid to the audit at Tutbury. 1872. 1691 1692 Account, Thomas Walker and Lady Noell. 1873. 1691 1695 Account book, of (? ) Edward Rylandes, receipts and disburse ments on behalf o f S ir Charles Skrymsher, of Norbury, personal estate. 1874. 1692 Accounts, estreats and amercements, manor o f High O ffley, and amercements, manor o f Norbury, S ir Charles Skrymsher lord. Taken from the court r o lls . (MS. im perfect). 1875. 1690 1693 1876. 1693 Account, tith e corn in terms o f cash, Keele. 1877. 1694. Receipt, rent due from William Sneyd to S ir Samuel Dashwood, fo r the manor o f Keele. 1878. „ 1694 Account, 'Madam Elizabeth Skryrasherp ]s Rents fo r Michallmas 1694-. • • ' • 1879- 1695, 1696 Account, Ralph Sneyd creditor, Widow Bealy, debtor, sale of grain and livestock , and rent. 1880. 1695, 1696 Rent accounts, of Thomas Peake, on behalf o f [Ralph Sneyd], end other items. 1881. 1695 1699 Account book, o f (? ) Edward Rylandes, receipts and disbursements on behalf o f Sir Charles Skrymsher, o f Norbury, personal estate. 1882. 1696 , 1696/97 'Robert Austen[ ' ]s Accounts with Madam S n eyd ...', estate, household, personal. (MS. im perfect). - Account, receipts on behalf o f Lady Noell. With, ( i ) another of Austen's accounts, 1696/97. 1883. L697 Account, ironstone carried from Mr Sneyd's land at the Red Street. (MS. im perfect). 1884. 1697 1699 Rental^ Lady Skrymsher's jointure at Abbey Hulton, Chatterley and the manor o f W illaston; and Robert Austen's account with Madam Sneyd. “I / *\ tr-* Rent account, James Badely with Mr Austin. 1885. 1886. 169 f 1700 1697 $ f Rental, 'Almington Farm©', 'd rayton ', 'T erley L ship' (1697- 239 1714) , *Onoly' (1706), Abbey Hulton, B entilee, Bradwell, Chatteriey, Tunatail (1709-14), some insertions, including permits to carry s a lt (3 ), duty paid at Nantwich (1699* 1700). (MS. im perfect). 1887. 1698 Accounts, sale o f corn, miscellaneous. (MS. im perfect). 1838. 1698, 1699 Assessment fo r tith es, Keele, Chesterton, Wolstanton, Ponkhull, Bucknall. 1889» 1699 Account, ironstone carried to Lawton furnace from Red Street. 1890. 1699 1704 Rent account, S ir Charles Skrymsher, debtor, Ralph Sneyd the younger, creditor. 1891» 1699 1706 Loose sheets (4 items), estate accounts, l i s t of goods delivered. (In the same hand. MSS. im perfect). 1892. [2nd half of 17th cen t.] Particular, rents payable in Draycot, land mortgaged to William Sneyd. 1893. [la te 17th cen t.] Account, disbursements made by Thomas Talbot temp. Charles I I and King William. 1894. [la te 17th cen t.] 'Mr: E llers rents[ , ] the house[ , ] Stable[ , ] Barnes &c at Bredwall'. (MS. im perfect). 1895. [17th cen t.] Account, timber fe lle d at Davenport (Chesh..), and other items, t (Fragment). 1896. [la t e Rental, rents collected by Nat. Stubbs, Chatteriey, Keole. (MS. im perfect). 1897. [la te 17th or early I8th cen t.] Rental, estates o f Ralph. Sneyd. (Rough notes). 1898. [? early 18th cent. ] Voucher, locksmith, including work done at Keele. 1899. 1700 Note, rela tin g to the arrears o f rent owed Lady Skrymsher by Jases Badely. 1900. 1700 1706 Account, James Badeley, creditor, with Sir Charles Skrymsher ' & his Lady'« 1901. 1700 ■1707 Accounts (10 item s), William Beech of Bradvell, fo r S ir Charles Skrymsher. 1902. 1700/01 Account, expenditure at Bradveil, sent to Mr Partington at Norbury, with explanatory note subscribed by Thomas Wardle. (MS, imperfect) ■» 17th or early 18th cen t.] £ 240 1903. 1701 Rental, Norton, Keelej and ‘ account o f w [ha]t c a ttle wear la y 'd into Oliver Read[ ' ]s liv in g this year 1701'. (MS. im perfect). 1904. 1701 1702 Account, 'o f what moneys I have paid upon the account o f ray M[aste]r Ralph Sneyd e s q [. ,l by his orders'. 1905. 1704 (Fragment o f a) receipt fo r £50. 0. 0 ., by T. Boothby from Sir Charles [? Skrymsher]. 1906 . 1704/05 Account, of 'Master Reade'. 1907. 1705/06 Rent account, Sir Charles Skrymsher' s tenants, Mr Sneyd's tenants, and others. 1908 1707, 1709 1710, 1712 1713 Rent accounts, arrears, steward's expenses, Sneyd ©state. 1909. 1707 1703 Rent account, arrears duo to Sir Charles Skrymsher, 1910 1708 Rent account, arrears due to Ralph Sneyd. 1911. 1708 1712 Rent accounts ( 5 ) , John Fenton, agent fo r Ralph Sneyd, in account with Lady Frances Skrymsher (guardian o f Ralph Sneyd) and disbursements. . . 1 . 1709 Rental, of Ralph Sneyd, 'w ithin the C ollection o f Jno. Fenton’ . 1913. 1710 Rental, Cheshire and Staffordshire rents o f Ralph Sneyd.. (MS. im perfect). 1914. 1713 Rent account and disbursements, John Fenton, agent fo r Ralph Sneyd, in account with Ralph Sneyd. 1915- 1713/14 Account, John Bayley, creditor, 'Mr Sneyd', debtor, miscellan eous disbursements, e.g. 't o a traveling man', 't o a trump e t e r ', 'le n t you in ye parler at Cards', 'fo r a ded horse*, 'fo r won dosen o f lemons'. 1916 1722 1723 Rentals (2 ), Abbey Hid.ton, Bradwell, Chatterley, Tunstall, account o f arreers, account o f payments on behalf of Sir John and Lady Chester, including household and personal, items. 1917. [1698], Vouchers (approx. 400), expenditure on estate administration, ^ household maintenance and personal items by Edward Sneyd of Aimington and Keele. 1912 . 1722 1752, undated 1918. [c.1724] Account, Wolstanton tith es. (MS. im perfect). 241 1919. 1727 Receipt, fo r rent, estate unspecified, by [Dame] F[ranees] Chester from Ralph Audley. 1920. 1728 Receipt, £16, (? ) rent, by Dame Frances Chester, from Mrs Sneyd, widow. 1921. 1730[?/3l] Account (3 copies), Sir Robert Corbet in account with Joseph P h illip s , his w ife , and others. . 1733 Rental, estates o f Ralph Sneyd o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1923. 1733 Rental, rents due to Ralph Sneyd at the time o f his death. 1924. 1733 1799, undated Vouchers (loose and bundled, many hundreds), estate, house hold and personal, including seme memoranda. 1925- 1734 Rent account, o f Blest Colclough, at Newcastle-under-Lyme. 1735 1743, 1744 1745 Rental, estates o f Edward Sneyd of Almington and Keele, receipts and disbursements, Blest Colclough administrator. 1736 1748 Accounts (5 ), Chicheley (Bucks.) estate, Blest Colclough and others, debtors, with Lady Chester. . 1737 Receipt, fo r 'Church lane’ , issued to Thomas Marsh by James Parratt. 1929. 1737 Receipt, fo r 'Church Lune' issued to Thomas Marsh by William More ton. 1930. 1739 1740 Receipts (19), fo r certain money, g i f t money, land tax and rent, Chicheley (Bucks.) estate of Lady Chester. 1931. 1741 Receipt, fo r £24. 14s« 2d., sum allowed fo r repairing the dwelling house o f Charles Howard at (? ) Keele, by Lady Chester from Blest Colclough, receiver of debts o f Dryden Sneyd deceased. 1932. 1743 Account, Staffordshire estate, Thomas Marsh and Mr K ild itch , debtors, with Lady Chester. 1933. 1745 Rental, h alf-yearly payment fo r Michaelmas 1745, estates of Edward Sneyd o f Almington and Keele. 1934. 1745 Account, Blest Colclough, debtor, with Edward Sneyd of Almington and Keele. 1935. 1746 1747 Account, fo r malt supplied to Ralph Sneyd. 1936. 1747 1751 'Differences bet[ween] Wm. Cooper's Accts. & ours to bo cleared u p '. 1922 1926 . 1927. 1928 't 242 1937. 1747 1799 Rentals, parts of rentals* some accounts fo r tith e s, aid memoranda, Sneyd estate. (Various years, some MSS. im perfect). 1938. 1748 Account, William Cooper with Ralph Sneyd, estate, household and personal, including l i s t s o f horse races. 1939. 1748 Receipt, fo r rent, Staffordshire estate, by [Dame] F[ranees] Chester from E. Antrobus. 1940. 1748 Account, E. Antrobus, debtor, with Lady Chester, fo r her Staffordshire estate. 1941- 1748 1752 Accounts (49/j William Cooper with Ralph Sneyd. 1942. 1748 1752 Accounts, William Cooper with Ralph Sneyd, receipts and disbursements. 1943. 1748/49 Voucher, fo r lime. 1944* [c- mid-18th cen t.] Rental, Bemersley, Burgles, Chatter!©y, C hell, Chesterton, Sneyd, Stadmorslow, Thursfield, Tunstall, Wedgwood. (MS. im perfect). 1945. 1750, 1751 Account, estate and personal expenditure on behalf of Ralph Sneyd. (? copies). 1946. 1751 Voucher, receip t fo r tith e , Penfields Farm. 1947. 1751/52 1788 Accounts, sale of farm produce, mainly calves but including sane household arid personal accounts, and rents. 1948. 1752 rvta^-3 (2 0 & 1! ) Account, Ralph Sneyd, creditor, William Cooper, debtor, personal, household and estate. 1949. 1752 ~ 1753 Accounts, (? ) William Cooper with Ralph Sneyd, receipts and disbursements. 1950. 1753 Statement o f account, William Cooper with Ralph Sneyd, and observations. 1951. 1756 1757 Rent account, John Harison, debtor, with Ralph Sneyd. 1952. 1757 ~ 1760 Rough monthly accounts, expenditure on coal, ’ Promiscuous' expenditure, labourers, hire o f horses, corn. With, ( i ) inserted, memorandum, b i l l s paid fo r work done at Keele [? tip to 1760]. 1953. 1759, 1764 1765 Receipt, fo r rent, property unspecified, Endorred with calculations fo r land tax, poor rate, church rate, Sneyd estates, 243 1954. [c.1750's] 'Observations on William Cooper's Accounts'* 1955. 1760 ~ 1763 Account, cottages in Keele not in the ren tal, dates, names, amounts. 1956. 1760 1774 Rental, cottage rents, Keele. 1957. 1761 Payments to labourers, at 'the Hay'. 1958. 1762 1763 Inventory, goods e t c . , of Martha Shukar, widow, distrained fo r arrears o f rent due to Ralph Sneyd from property in Sneyd Green, and other debts. With, ( i ) account, sale o f goods, 1762. ( i i ) account, l i a b i l i t i e s , undated. ( i i i ) receipts (4-), 1762-63. 1959. 1762 1763 Accounts, Keele estate, receipts and disbursements. 1960. 1762 1774-, 1775 Survey o f the rent r o lls o f Ralph Sneyd, showing amounts of increases and reductions in particular years. Survey made 1775. Subscribed with explanatory note. . 1763 Account, workmen's time in repairs at Keele, arranged by trades. (MS. im perfect). . 1763 Account book, talcing down and rebuilding 'the East End o f the House which contains the two p a rlo rs ', and memoranda. 1963. 1763, 1764 Vouchers (2 ), receipts fo r land and window tax. 1964. 1763 Accounts, Keele. (Exercise book, partly used fo r pot-hooks, 1773 partly unused). 1965. 1763, undated Memorandum and voucher, stable expanses, Keele estate. 1764 ~ 1765 Vouchers (28), join ery, Keele H all. 1764 1769 Accounts, payments o f workmen fo r repairs at Keele. 1764, 1765, 1767, 1770 Estate accounts (loose, 16 pages). 1969. 1765 Account, money received from Ralph Sneyd (? ) crops and farm produce. 1970. 1766 -» 1769, undated Accounts (9 booklets and in sertio n s), payments to labourers. 1961 1962 1966 . 1967. 1968 . 244 1766 1774, 1776 1781, 1783 1793 Accounts, personal, household and estate, cast under particular heads, Keele Hall. (See under PERSONAL, GENERAL, p. 305 below). 1971. 1767 1769 Account, arrears of rent in Staffordshire due to Sir Rowland Stanley B t.. 1972. 1768 Receipts and disbursements, Keele estate. (MS. imperfect, 6 pp. on ly). 1973. 1769 Accounts? payments o f labourers (? ) at Keele. 1974- 1771 Memorandum of payments in reference to a ledger account. 1975. 1771 1772 Payments to labourers. 1976. 1771, 1772 Abstracts (2)', estate accounts, balanced. 1977. 1776 Account, carpentry, Sneyd Green. 1978. 1776 Accounts (? ), arrears o f rent. 1979. 1777 Valuation, farms requiring tenants. I960. 1781 Memorandum, gross income and expenditure o f Ralph Sneyd. 1981. 1782 1784 Statements (4 ), Thomas Breck in account with Ralph Sneyd. 1982. 1782 1807, 1837 1838, •undated Account books (23, mainly small note-books), arrears, valuations and. payments, tithes o f Wolstanton, and insertions. With, ( i ) le tte r s ( 4 ) , memoranda, notices, forms, rela tin g to commutation, 1837-38. 1933. 1785 Account, ’ Neat Money1 from a yea r's rent. 1934. [c. 1785] Account, endorsed 'Ten-Foot in Scott Hay' (dated '1785' added in p en cil). 1985. 1786 Account, receipts and payments by Joseph Henshall. 1986. 1786 Expenses [? o f Thomas Peake], at- W alsall, Barr and Birming ham. 1987. 1786 1791 Notes, o f receipts of annuities, and memoranda rela tin g to Thomas Malbone, signed by Thomas Breck. 245 1988. 1788 1794 Accounts, Sneyd estate, to ta ls o f income and disbursements, including some household and personal. 1989. 1791 'Extracted from Joseph Henshall's Accnt. in 1791', bread, corn, labour. 1990. 1792 Account, sale o f alder trees at Willaston belonging to Ralph Sneyd. 1991. 1793 Account* names, references, amounts paid in taxes, cash and other items. 1992. 1793 Memorandum, rents, taxes and expenditure, Keele estate* 1993. 1794 Receipt, fo r mine rent from the Silverdale Co.. 1994. 1795 Memoranda, accounts mainly fo r cheese. 1995. 1795 Account, of ash wood sold from Bradwell Wood. 1996. 1795 Receipt, cottage rent, Tunstall. 1997. 1797, undated Assessments (? fo r t ith e s ), note-books, rough entries in pencil, names and amounts, places within the Sneyd estates. 1998. 1797 1798 Account, payments to be made out o f the rent, including taxes, household expenses, e t c .. Sneyd estates. 1999. 1797 1798, 1800 1801, c.1805 Accounts, mine rents, Sneyd Green and Birches. 1797 1802, 1804 -- Weekly figu res fo r p r o fit arid lo s s, tonnage, rent, Abbey Hulton end Sneyd Green (1811 only) c o llie r ie s . 2000 . 1805, 1807, 1809, 1811 2001 . 1798 Statements (2 ), o f cash account, 'fo r Mr Sneyd5s Inspection'. 2002 . 1798 Accounts (8 ), labour, (? Keele esta te). 2003. 1798 Receipt, fo r twenty-five guineas, fo r 7 orange trees. 2004. 1798, 1803 Rough account books (2) , one (1798) fo r the payment o f tithes in Wolstanton, the other unidentified but sim ilar. 24-6 200$. 1799 1800 Account, receipts (other than rents) and payments, Sneyd estate and personal. 2006. 1799 1800 Rent account (part on ly), including property in Keele. '2007. [2nd h a lf of 18th cent. ] Account, fragment only, 2008. [2nd h a lf of 18th cen t.] Account, timber, (?) Sneyd estate. (MS. im perfect), 2009. [2nd h a lf of 18th cent. ] Valuation of timber, Sneyd estate, 2010. [la te 18th cen t.] L is t, names and sums o f money. (MS. im perfect), [la te 18th cen t.] Memorandum, endorsed 'Acct. betw. C: Chetwood Esq . and Mr John Wedgwood*. . [18th cen t.] Rental, estates in Cheshire not in lease, and particular o f value. 2013. [18th ce n t.] Part of an account (figu res o n ly ), June and July. 201/,. 1800 1802 Note-book, account o f skins, hides, tallow , coal, inventory o f harness and tackle, l i s t o f stock, l i s t s o f grain harvested Keele estate. . 2011 2012 With, ( i ) Inserted, loose vouchers (10), 1800-02. 2015. 1802 Account, tith e s , Mow Cop. 2016 » 1802 Account, unpaid tith e , C hell, Knutton, R avenscliffe, Tunstall, Wolstanton. 2017. 1803 Receipt, of mine rent, fo r coal under the 'Black stone*. 2018. 1803 Account, Walter Sneyd with Aaron Walley, preparation of (?) crate reds. 2019. 1803 (? ) Rent account, Col. Sneyd with (? . 1S03 L is t o f tith es l e t , places, lessees, crops, value. 1803 1813 Memoranda, arrears o f rent, Sneyd estate. 180*4. Account, James Wright with Walter Sneyd. 2020 2021 . 2022 . ). 247 2023. 1804 1805 Returns (21 ), weekly tonnage o f coal, p r o fit and loss- Abbey Eulton, Birches, Sneyd Green. (MSS. im perfect). 202£. 1804 1813 Memoranda, amount o f rent due to Walter Sneyd from E. Keeling. 2025. 1807 1809 Rent account, cottages, Burslem. 1809, [c.mid-lSth cen t.] Rough account, money due to J. Pealce and others, w ritten on the back o f part o f a l i s t of those 'k lofedy' ( sic ? ready) to serve the surveyor o f the highway, Park End. [1753-], 1809 - Rent accounts (2) 'Mrs Adams' with Samuel Fynney. (MS. im perfect). 2026 . 2027. [ „ ~ undated] With, ( i ) receip ts, 3^), 1753s 1768, 1783, undated, property in the manor o f Tunstall, 1753, 1768, and rent due to Ralph Sneyd, property on Bourne Bank. 2028. 1810 2029. 1810 Receipt, cottage rent due to Walter Sneyd.. 2030 . 1812 Memorandum, arrears o f rent, endorsed sTunstall' c 2031. 1812 Memoranda, arrears o f rent owed by Mr John Smith, of Tunstall. . 1813 Account, rent due from Hugh Shrigley to William Sneyd, property. in Burslem. 2032 Account, cheese sold by Thomas Breck. 2033. 1813 - 2034. 1814 Receipt, cottage rent, Bournes Bank. 2035. 1815 Abstract, expenses incurred in making Leyoett and Balls Weed, gutter. 2036. 1815 Account, rent in arrears, cottages in Tunstall. 2037. 1815 Memorandum, receipts o f cottage rents from Mrs C artlich, of Burslea. 2038. 1815 1821 Account, James Pools with Walter Sneyd. 2039. 1815 1826, 1818 1819 Copy account (copy made 1828), administrators o f the la te James Poole with Walter Sneyd, and account, both rela tin g to 2040. Copy rent account, Bemersley. 1826 1818' “• 1829 A & 5 U U U C A • Memorandum, payments and receip ts, Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 24.8 . 1819 Memorandum, rents received (? ) at Newcastle, Keele and Nantwich, and from Samuel Waliey. 2042. 1824 Receipt, fo r £5, by R. (? ) Rhiard from William Bayley, 'fo r the Garden la t e ly purchased from E. Brassington'. 2043. 1825 1830 Cash book, 'No. 1 Twist' p it , John Cheatham & Co., la te r John Sawyer & Co., receipts and disbursements. 2044- 1828 1829 Account, chief rents in Bemersley due to the la te Walter Sneyd. 2045. 1828 18^0 Calculation o f p r o fit, Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 2041 . 1829 20i7. 1829 204S. [e.1829] 2049. 1829 ~ 1840 Memorandum, abstract o f expenditure, Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 1829 “ 1840 Memoranda, expenses, repairs to farms, Keele estate. 1829 - Memoranda, planting, fencing, timber accounts, Sneyd estate. 2046 2050. 2051. 1840 , Account, ch ief rents, Keele estate. Receipt, fo r a deposit o f 10°/o paid by Moses Booth on land purchased (? ) at Newcastle. Memorandum, rents o f 1828, 1829 (? Bradwell). undated 20>2 . 1830 Voucher, 15 years' ch ief rent, 'Bath House', Thcmas Plant Esq. to Ralph Sneyd Esq., debtor. 2053. 1830 1833 J Cash book, sale o f fr u it and vegetables from Keele Hall. / \ With, ( i ) inserted, voucher, sale o f yew plants, 1833. 2054-. 1830 1840 Statement of coal obtained and p r o fit and loss, Sneyd Green c o llie r y . With, ( i ) epitome. 1831 1837 Rentals, Keele estate, including some estate correspondence. . 1832 Memorandum (prepared 1841), expenses Burnwood Green c o llie ry . 2057. 1832 Memorandum, headed 'S tu rt's - book 1832s, rough accounts. 2053. 1832 Account, expenses, Burnwood p it , Sneyd Green c o llie r y , including memoranda rela tin g to personnel and th eir duties. 2055. 2056 p it, Sneyd il 2059. 2060 . . 1832 Account, average o f v ic a ria l tith es o f Wolstanton, 1819-30. 1832 - Receipts and disbursements, No. 3 Bumwood p it. 1836 1834 Memorandum, proposed methods of keeping the estate accounts. 2062. [c.1834] Memorandum, personal and estate expenditure, including the item 'removing s o il from s ta b les ', £194* 11* 4*, in connection with alterations. 2063. 1836 Half yearly ren tal, Finney Green. 2064. 1836 Account, rents received since 6th October I 836 , Finney Green, Keele and Knutton Heath. 2065. 1836 Account, Ralph Sneyd debtor, Alexander Wilson creditor, fo r the purchase o f land at Knutton. in Wolstanton. 2066. 1837 1838 Rough calculations? tax on land at Bentilee and Seabridge. 2067. 1838 Account, S ilverdale c o llie r y and iron-works, Messrs T. Kinnersle y & Sons in account with Ralph Sneyd. 2068. 1841 Memorandum, Miss Poole's mortgage, rough figu res. 2069. 1843. Working figu res, estate (including c o llie r ie s ) and 'Expences causing Debt to Bankers'. 2070. 18a 1844. Accounts and observations, Sneyd Green c o llie r y . 2073.,. 1841 1845 Receipts (11), payments by Ralph Sneyd to Aaron, Martha and Charles Broad, fo r a share in property in Wybunbury (Chesh.), and fo r property in Madeley. 2072. 1843 184-4 Receipts (5)> payments o f in terest and purchase money by Ralph Snoyd, property at Madeley. 2073* 1844 Account, year's rents, balanced against expenditure on certain items. 2074* [1844 or laterJ Memorandum, expenses incurred in building a new farm house at S ilverdale. Signed by Henry Sfauard. 2075. 1845. Abstracts, expenditure on buildings, Keele estate. 1846 Statement o f account, *Keele Hall Farm'» 2061 1846 2076 . 250 2077. 184-(?)6 Account, Samuel Peake with Ralph Sneyd, Keele estate. 2078. 184? Accounts (4 ), of iron made at Silverdale. 2079• 1847 Voucher, fo r supplying a buggy harness. 2080. 1847 1848 Rental, Keele, Wolstanton and Abbey Hulton estates (including Abbey Hulton, Acton, Ashley, Audley, Bradwell, Bucknall, Burslem, Chatteriey, Chesterton, Clayton, Finney Green, Keele, Knutton, Knutton Heath, Madeley, May Bank, Millstone Green, Newcastleunder-Lyme, Silverdale (including a reference, p .62, to the s ilk fa c to ry ), Stoke-on-Trent, Talke, Tunstall, and Wolstanton), and receipts and payments (including servants' wages at Keele Hall, annuities, e t c . ), and rental and estate accounts, Norton and Badnall estates, VJiliaeton estate. 2081. 1843 1849 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). U > 2082, I 848 -1849 Rental, Keele estate, location , tenant, property, rent, comments. 2083* 1848 ~ 1849 Memorandum, figures 'fm. Cash Book', dates, names, amounts. 2084. 1848 1.850, [1851 ] Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2085. I 84S 1852 Monthly accounts, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants’ wages, annuities, e tc .)* 2086. 1848 I 864 Ledger, rent account, Carmountside, Chesterton, Finney Green, Haying, Keele, Knutton, Knutton Heath, Madeley, Millstone Green, Mow Cop, Norton, P itts H ill, Rosemary H i l l , Silverdale, Sneyd C-reon, Tunst a l l , Wolstanton, arranged in numerical order of accounts. 2086^*. 1849 Rental, Keele, Wolstanton, Abbey Hulton, 'e t c . ' 2037. 1850 Rental, Keele, Wolstanton, Newcastle estates; tith es of Keele, Stoke and Wolstanton, the Norton and Badnall estates, the Willaston estate. (MS. im perfect). 2088. [c.mid~19th ce n t.] Gardening expenses, and comments, addressed to the Earl of Haddington, at Tyninghame (East Lothian). Superscribed in pencil 'LLa Kinnaird Gardn a e c ts '). 2089. 1850 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including 1851 servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2090. I 85O 1870 Annual abstracts of accounts (1850, 1851, 1854, 1855, 1861, I 864, 1.867, 1870} and 'Ways and Means' (1854- 1855, 1858. Some MSS. im perfect). 20-91. 1851 - Account, coal and Ironstone (1851-69), and balance sheets, coal, ironstone, pig-iron, coke, sand, bricks, S ilverdale, Sneyd Green, 251 Chesterton and Hanley (1869-73), Earl Granville (1872-78), Abbey Rulton (1876-77), la te r the Butterley Co. (1882-91), la te r Wm. Boulton, Chatterley, fo r marl (1913-20). 2092 . 1852 Keele estate, estimated inccoie (£25>000) and expenditure (£21,300). (MS. im perfect). 2093. 1852 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). (2 copies). 2094. 1852 1854 Account, Andrew Thompson with Swynfen J ervis, rental of farms, cottages, tith es; receipts (including Chatkyll Brickyard and Dariaston Hall Farm) and payments. 2095. 1852 ’ Minerals Got Book’ , minerals mined (quantities, rates, amounts) 1873 and wayleave, various dates, Bucknall c o llie r y , Chatterley, Chesterton, Clanway, Golden Dale, Knutton (including Knutton Farm, The Oak, and M ill Bank), Newfield, Red Street, S ilverdale, Sneyd Green (Earl G ran ville). 2096. 1853 Cash book, receipts end payments. Keele estate (including servants5 wages, annuities, e t c .). (2 copies, one audited). 2097. 1853 1859 Order book, bricks, co lla rs, pipes, t i le s , e tc ., destination e t c ., b rick field unspecified. 2098. 1853 1875 Monthly abstracts o f accounts o f Andrew Thompson to 1868, of Henry H ollis 1869-75. (Some vanning, some im perfect). see aXo© * na-cke at acca'JviS t*'(o^A 2099. 1853 1875 Rental, Mow Cop, accounts alphabetical, by surname. Indexed. 2100 . 1853 Value of coal and ironstone (1853-69) and balance sheets (18691915 75), Chatterley mines; quantities and value of ironstone, coal slack, and cannel passing over Class House Branch Railway (1873" 78); quantities and value of coal, Sneyd Green mines (1882-1915). 1854 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (3.ncluding servants’ wages, annuities, e t c .). (2 copies, one audited). 1854 1864 Contracts and payments on account, Keele estate, including drainage, upkeep and purchase of machinery, rebuilding., decorat ing, plumbing, and Keele Hall gardens, accounts alphabetical by surname. Indexed. 2103. 1855/&> Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, etc. j . (2. copies, one audited, the la tte r having material not in the former). 2104. 185% 1856, Garden expenditure, Keele H all. 2101.. 2102 . 1859-61 2105. 105-5 1857 Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants’ wages, annuities, e t c .). 252 2106. 1855 1868 Rental, property mainly in Sneyd Green but also in Abbey Hulton, Burslem, Cobridge, Hotlane, Milton, North Road, Tunstall. 2107. 1858 1861 Cash book, receipts aid payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2103. 1858 1863 Day book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2109. 1859 1888, 1904 1918 Accounts, coal, ironstone, e tc ., the Knutton mines. 1861 1867 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .}. 1861 1913 Accounts, coal, ironstone, o il and bricks, Chatteriey. 1863 Notice, of Earl G ran ville's royalty account, acreage and h alf-yearly amount. 1863 186? Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2114 1863 1876 Accounts, ro y a ltie s , the Silverdale Company and others. 2115. 1863 1926 Account, coal and ironstone (1863-69), and balance sheets, Knutton mines, including M ill Bank c o llie r y (1869-90), Hem Heath Mining Company, coal and ironstone (1898-1910), Golden Dale Iron Company, coal, Great Row, Peacock Hay, Chatteriey (1913-26). . 1863 1927 Account book, ro y a ltie s , rents and receipts from vayleave, etc.. 2117. IS64 1927 Value of coal end ironstone (1864-69) and balance sheets, North S taffs, and New North S taffs. Coal and Iron Company (1869-84) and Talk o' the H ill C o lliery Company (1909-27), Red Street mines. 2118. 1867 1869 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2119. 1867 1882, 1882 1891. 1913 1918 Accounts, coal, Bucknall c o llie r y (1867-82); ironstone, Silverdale (the Butterly Co., 1882-91); coal and ironstone, Bankey F ield s, Chatteriey (1913-18). 2120 . 1869 Account; Wolstanton tith es. 2110 . 2111. 2112 . 2113. . 2116 : 253 2121 . 2122 . 1869 Rental, Keele estate, arranged alphabetically by tenants. 1869 1873 Rental, including description of property, area, and tenant, Abbey Kulton, Bucknall, Chesterton, Keele, Knutton, Mow Cop, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Norton, Whitmore, W illaston, Wolstanton. 2123. 1869 ~ 1874 Ledger, Keele estate. 2124* 1869 1876 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2125. 1869 - Abstracts and analyses, estate income. With, ( i ) schedule, land etc. purchased by the trustees of the w ill o f Ralph Sneyd. 1871-73. ( i i ) covering le tte rs (2 ), 1885, 1887. 2126. 1870 Letter, H.W. H ollis to the Rev. Walter Sneyd, about the estate accounts fo r the h a lf year Jan.-July 1869, and analysis. 2127. 1870 Rental, Keele estate. Arranged alphabetically by tenants. 2128. 1872 1874- Account, R. Stott with the Rev. Walter Sneyd, mainly fo r labour, including blacksmith's work. 2129. 1872 1882 Rental, Keele estate. 2130. 1873 Report, H.W. H ollis to the Rev. Welter Sneyd, rela tin g to the rent paid by Messrs Williamson Bros. 2131. 1873 1880 Rental, Keele estate. 2132. 1874 Draft le t t e r , H.W. H ollis to the Rev. Welter Sneyd, analysing the estate accounts fo r 1873 and 1874* 2133. 1874 1879 Ledger, Keele estate. 2134* 1874 1893 Balance sheets, abstracts of receipts and payments, Keele estate (including personal expenditure). « 2135. 1874 " 1919 Accounts, coal and ironstone, Clanway mines (1874-1901), Peacock Hay (1900-03), Chatterley W hitfield and Williamson, including some fo r Peacock Hay and Bassey (1900-19). 2136. 1875 1923 Accounts, wayleave, Knutton siding (1875-88): mine dust sales, Birch House Farm, Chesterton (1910-23). 2X36A 1875 1889 2137. 1876 1883 Rental, Mow Cop* Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ) . 254 2138. 1876 -1921 Accounts and balance sheets, coal, Bullhurst seam, L i l l y Dale cdLliery, Bucknall (1876-79, entries blocked o f f ) ; accounts and balance sheets, coal, ironstone and cannel, Chesterton mines (1900-21). 2139» 1878 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. 2 1 /A 1878 1905 Returns, roy a lties paid on minerals from the Keele estate, including vayleave. (Many wanting or im perfect). 2j.43. * 1879 1880 Monthly abstracts, receipts end payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. 2X42. 1879 1883 Ledger, Keele estate. 21/,3- 1880 Balance sheet, Silverdale and Knutton Permanent Benefit Building Society. With, ( i ) le t t e r , 1880. 2144. 1880 -1881 Monthly abstracts,, receipts and payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate, 2145* 3.880 «“■ 1885 Rental, Keele estate. 2146. 1881 1883 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. 2147. 1882 1888 Rental, Keele estate. 2143. 1883 “ 1884 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. c 214-9. 1883 1886 Ledger, Keele estate. 2150. 1883 ~ 1889 Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants’ wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2151. 1384 Accounts half-year’ s trespass, Snapes c o llie r y . 2152, 1884 1886 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, and agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. 2153. 1886 ~ 1887 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, arid agent’ s monthly reports, Keele estate. 2154- 1886 1890 Ledger, Kesle estate, 255 2155. 1886 1893 Rental, Keele estate. 2156. 1888 Monthly abstracts, receipts and payments, and agent's monthly reports, Keele estate. 2157. 18881 Sheets (4-) torn from an abstract o f Keele estate accounts, ( l . Altered in one place to 1887). 2158. 1888 1903 Ledger, expenditure, and allowances to tenants, Keele estate. 2159* 1889 1893 Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e tc ., im perfect). 2160. 1889 1910 Abstracts of receipts and payments, 1889-1910; auditor's memoranda, 1891-95; average rent receipts and outgoings, 18981901. Some years wanting. 2161 o 1890 1893 Ledger, Keele estate. 2162. 1893 ~ 1896 Ledger, Keele estate. 2163. 1893 1897 Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2164. 1893 1914 Balance sheets, abstracts o f receipts and payments, Keele estate (including personal, expenditure). 2165. 1894 1900 Rental, Abbey Hulton, Kecle, Mow Cop, Norton. 2166. 1896 1902 Ledger, Keele estate. 2167. 1897 ~ 1901 Cash book, receipts and payments, Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2163. [2nd h a lf of 19th cen t.] Rental, property in Abbey Eulton, Burslem, Eot Lane, Longport, Sneyd Green, Smallthorhe. 2169. [? 2nd h a lf o f 19th cen t.] Rental, estate o f Ralph Sneyd in Knutton and Wolstanton. 2170. [19th cen t.] Rental.f property o f Ralph Sneyd at Nantwich. 2171. [la te 19th Rough rent accounts [property at Norton Bridge], or early 20th cen t.] 256 2172. [la te 19th Cost o f plant and machinery, mine unspecified, or early 20th cen t.] 2173. [? la te 19th Rough accounts? quantities (unspecified) and cost or value, or early 20th cen t.] 2174- 19CQ. 1907 Rental, Abbey Hulton, Keale, Mow Con, Norton, Wolstanton. 2175. 1901 1913 Rent account, Bentley Bros, with Ralph Sneyd. 2176. 1902 » 1905 Memorandum, amounts received and due from Messrs (? ) Bemsley & Sons, on account o f rents and ro y a lties . 2177. 1902 1905 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants* wages, annuities, e t c .;. 2173. 1902 “ 1907 Letter book, used fo r taking copies o f accounts submitted, accounts numbered fo r entry. Flimsies, condition variable. 2179. 1902 1913, 1925 1927 Account, trustees o f Ralph Snayd's settled estate. 2180. 1903 Abstract, receipts and payments, Keele estate. 2181. [ c.1903j Memorandum, mortgages rela tin g to Silverdale and 'Cash actually received*. 2132. 1903 1908 Ledger, Keele estate. 2183. 1905 ~ 1909 Cash book, receipts and payments. Kecle estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .;. 2184. 1905 1925, undated Returns, roy a lties paid on minerals'from the Keele estate, including wayleave. (Many wanting or im perfect), 2185. 1906 Account, cost of mining ironstone at Silverdale (Jan. -Mar. on ly ). 2186. 1907 1912 Letter bock, used fo r taking copies o f accounts submitted, accounts numbered fo r entry. Flimsies, condition variable. 2187. 1908 1913 Ledger, Keele estate. 2183. 1908 1915 Rental, Abbey Hulton, Keele, Mow Cop, Norton, Wolstanton. 257 2189- 1909 1913 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c .). 2190. 1912 1915. [1920] L etter book, used for taking o f accounts submitted, accounts numbered fo r entry* Flimsies, condition variable. 2191. 1913 ~ 1924. Accounts fo r marl, Keele estate. 2192. 1914 1916 Cash book, receipts and payments. Keele estate (including servants' wages, annuities, e t c . ). 2193. 191/+ 1922 Ledger, Keele estate. 219/4. 1915 1918 Balance sheets, abstracts o f receipts and payments, Keels estate (including personal expenditure). 2195. 1917 1922 Rental, cottage rents, Keele estate. 2196. 1919 1927 'Bought Ledger', personal, household and estate expenditure. 2197. 1920 1921 Account, mine ash sold frcm Birch House farm. 2198. 1922 1925 Account, cannel and coal worked, amount and value, Shelton Iron and Steel Company. 2199. 1926 Voucher, amount due to the D.P. Battery Company from the Keele estate. 2200. 1928 1939 Ledger, Keele estate, smithy. ESTATE MAPS AMD PLANS - See also under HOUSEHOLD FABRIC AMD ORNAMENTS 2201. [? 2nd h alf of 17th c e n t.] Sketch map, o f a barn, between Willaston and Nantwich, showing the conjectured course o f a hedge round i t . (MS. im perfect), 2202. 1757 Flan, land in or ad.joining Keele Park belonging to Thomas Stubbs. (MS. im perfect)» 2203. 176(7)5 'A Sketch o f The Roads be[tween] Newcastle and Nanptwich Copied from Mr 1.13 R ocket's'. (Paper, one-quarter section missing). ( I . Struck through). 2204. 1769 Plan, intended improvements at Keele. (Key faded). 2205. [1794. or la t e r ] Book of reference, Keele estate, references to maps (missing) of Abbey Hulton (including the Abbey, Abbey M ill, Birches Hoad, 258 Bradwall, Carmountside, Chatterley, New House, Peacock Hay, Red Street, Sneyd Green, ard VIood Head), Keele (including Bank Top, Bentilee, Finney Green, Heath End, Highway, Honeywall, Keele H all, Limes, Longhay, Old H all, Penfields, Pepper Street, Rosemary H ill, Top o' the Town- and S ilv erd a le), and Tunstall, with references to maps of Bucknall and Chesterton, tenants, field-names, areas. 22.06. [? 2nd h a lf of 18th cen t.] Book of reference to map (m issing), manor o f W illaston, names, acres,, yearly value, notes, 2207. [la te 18th cen t.] Sketch plan, fie ld s adjoining 'T h istley Leasows1, e tc .. 2203. [la te 18th cen t.] Sketch plan, waste land in Wolstanton, including Mr Sneyd's house. (MS. im perfect). 2209. [la te 18th Plan, intended stoves fo r the greenhouses at Keels. or early 19th cent.] 2210. [la te 18th Sketch plan, land sold by Ad. Child to Mr Sneyd. or early 19th cen t.] 2211. [1.810 or la t e r ] Plan, fie ld s at Birches Head, field-names and acreages, 2212. [ l S l l or la t e r ] Sketch plan, !B e lfie ld 's prem [is]es' in Burslem. 2213. [1825 or la t e r ] Sheet of reference to a plan (m issing), field-names and areas, some owned or occupied by Walter Sneyd. esq.. 2214.. 1827 Sketch plan, cast iron railway 'proposed to be la id down, from the Canal near the South end o f Harecastl© Tunnels •- To Mr Williamsons Coal works at Golden H i l l , . . . ' . 2215. 1835 L is t o f map references, properties and field-names, acreages, Finney Green c o llie r ie s . (MS. im perfect). 2216. 1838 'Plan o f the Pinfold at Tunstall Court.' 2217. [1333 or la t e r ] Plan, Heymeece farm, near Cold Norton, showing lin e o f the Grand Junction Railway through the farm. 2218. 1842 Book of reference, particulars, Cold Norton estate, names of tenants, plan (missing)*references, field-names, areas, state of cu ltivation . ^££3 223.9. I 84.3 Book of reference, Willaston, Wolstanton and Cold Norton estates (plan missing). 259 2220. 1844 Plan, property o f the Duke of Sutherland in Wolstanton. (MS. on tissue, p ra ctica lly destroyed). 2221. 18-48 Plan, lin e o f Norton Bridge branch o f the North Staffordshire Railway through Swynnerton. 2222. 18-48 Map o f the Knutton estate in Wolstanton o f Ralph Sneyd esq ., surveyed by J. Myatt, and book of reference. 2223. 1848 Book of reference, proprietor, occupier, areas but not f ie ld names. 2224- 1849 Book of reference, map (missing) o f Keele estate, property in Abbey Hulton, map reference, tenant, field-name, quantity. Ralph Hales, surveyor. (MS. im perfect). S ec NS» 3 2225. [c<.184-0! s ] Plan, proposed branches from the South Union Railway near Stone, to jo in the Grand Junction Railway near Hammer Houses and near M ill Meece. Printed. 2.226. [c .l8 4 0 's ] Plan, North Staffordshire Railway, proposed route through land belonging to Ralph Sneyd in Wolstanton and Chebsey. 2227. [1st h a lf o f 19th cen t.] 2228. [mid-19th Map, Badenhall farm, in E cdesh all, taken from the tith e map, cen t.] showing the lin e of the Liverpool-Birminghaa railway. Printed, imperfect. Sketch plan, unidentified church. (Detached from another document), With, ( i ) reference numbers to fie ld s , field-names and areas, but not occupiers or tith e payable, from the apport ionment. 2229« [c. mid-19th cent. ] Abstract from the tith e apportionment, Whitmore. 2230. [c. mid-19th cen t,] Plan., property belonging to F. Stanier e s q ., at Chesterton. 2.231. [c. mid-19th cen t.] Plan, proposed deviation and extension, Manchester and Birmingham Railway, near 'the Hammer Houses' in Chebsey. 2232. [c. mid-19th cen t.] Plan, 'Rowleys C roft in Building L o ts ', adjoining the road to Longport. 2233. [c. mid-19th cent. ] Plan, proposed lin e o f the Birmingham to Warrington railway through Madeley. With, ( i ) references. 2234« [c. mid~19th cent*1 Plan, Grand Junction Railway through land o f Ralph Sneyd, at Madeley. 2235- [c. raid-19th cent, ] Map, land at Sneyd Green. (? From the tith e map), 260 2236. [c. mid-19th cen t.] Sketch plan, flo o rs , building unspecified, 2237. [1858 or la t e r ] Book of reference, inscribed 'Bradvell E s ta te [,] reference to 1867 plan No. 69’ .* Tenants, map references, fie ld names, acreages. X rs m a p ^ 2238. [1859 or la t e r ], 1869 Map of the Keele estate (1869, imperfect) and books of reference (2 ), to the 1869 map, giving references, occupiers and quantities, and to another map (possibly a copy of the above but now missing), giving also the state of cu ltivation . (See also S2242 and S2249). With, ( i ) copies o f both books of reference above. 2239. 1861- Map, property o f Ralph Sneyd at Bucknall, in Stoke-onTrent. (1. Signed 1867). 2240. [? 1868] Plan, Keele church and surrounding graves (id e n tifie d ), 2241. 1869 Gopy plan, land between Silverdale and Alsager conveyed to the North Staffordshire Railway. 2242. 1869 Book of reference, map o f the Keele estate, arranged by tenants. (See also S2238 above ard S2249 below). 2243. [1870 or e a r lie r ] Plan, Peacock Hay. 2244* [1870 or la t e r ] Plan, sewers, property at Milton. 2245. [1870 or la t e r ] Plan, property at Black Bank, adjoining the Knutton to Alsager road. 2246. [1870 or la t e r ] Extracts, book o f reference, Plan 252 (m issing), Sneyd Green estate. 2247. [1870 or la t e r ] Plan, farm in S ilverdale, in the occupation of Michael Brown. 2248. [1870 or la te r J Book of reference, Norton estate in Chebsey and Eccleshall, references to map (missing), occupiers, areas. 2249. 1871 Book of reference, map o f the Keele estate. (See also S2233, 522/t2 above). 2250, 1872 Plan, additions to Horae Farm, Keele. Book of reference, plan (missing) of estates in the manor o f Abbey Holton, in Burslera, 2251. 2252. 1873 Book of reference, Norton estate in Chebsey and Eccleshall, plan (m issing) ''references, occupiers, areas. * $££ rA<xp$ 261 2253* 1875 Plan, land to be sold at Milton. 2254. 1875 Flan, land at Chesterton. 2255. 1876 Plan, Finney Green farm. 2256. 1876 Plan, Sneyd Arms and land at Keele. 2257. 1876 Plan, Top Farm, Keele. 2258. [c. 1876] Plan, land at Pool Dam, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2259. 1877 Plan, land at Bucknall. 2260. 1877 Plan, Westlands farm, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2261. 1877 Plan, land at the Butts, a rifle-ra n g e near or on Westlands farm, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2262. 1877 Plan, land near Pool Dam, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2263. 1877 Plan, land at Acton. 2264. 1877 Plan, H illsid e Farm, Whitmore. 2265. [18J77 Sketch map, section of the railway between Crewe and Stafford, north o f Norton Bridge, showing obstruction of lin e of vision between trains and signals by trees. 2266. 1878 Plan, land at Red Street. 2267. 1878 Plan, Birchhouse Farm, Woletanton. 2268. 1878 Plan Knutton farm. 2269. 1878 Plan, farm at Knutton. 2270. 1878 Plan, land a t Karthwocd, near Hanley. 2271. 1878 Plan, Wocd Head Farm, Carmountside. j 2272. 1878 Plan, land at Sneyd Green. 2?73« 1878 Plan, Field House Farm, Crackley. 2274. 1878 Plan, the Jovial C olliers and land, Gorsty Ban};. 2275. 1878 Plan W hitfield fans, Wolstanton. 2276. 1878 Plan, land near Hanley. 262 2277. 1878 Plan, Birches Farm, Norwood. 2278. 1878 Plan, Newhouse Farm, Crackley. 2279. 1878 Plan, Garmountside farm, Abbey Hulton. 2280. 1878 Plan, Abbey Farm and the North S ta ffs . Railway, near Foxley Bridge. 2281. 1878 Plan, land at Longport belonging to the Rev. Walter Sneyd. 2282. 1878 Plan, Sneyd land near Bradwell Wood, showing the lin e of the North S taffs. Railway. 2283. 1879 Plan, Lower Keamies farm. 2284. 1879 Plan, Upper Heaiaies farm. 2285. 1879 Plan, Norton farm. 2286. 1879 Plans (? ), Cold Norton farm, Chebsey. 2287. [c, 1879] London and North Western Railway, Crewe and Stafford widening. Printed, imperfect. 2288. [c. 1880] Plan, Bradwell estate, showing the state of cu ltivation. 2289. 1881 SBook of reference, to plan (missing) of Mow Cop estate. X Ojb s m b /tjs 2290. 1882 Gorsty Bank c o llie r y and proposed now railway. 2291. 1882 Plan, lend, near Norton Bridge, showing rights of way across the land of the North S taffs. Railway. 2292. [? 1882] Plan, land near Norton Bridge, with crossings ever the North S taffs. Railway. 2293. 1885 Plan, boundary between Sneyd and Mellcr property at Newfield, Tunstall. 2294. 1885 Plan, proposed exchange of lands near Norton Bridge. 2295. [? 1888] Plan, s ite fo r new board school at Sneyd Green. (MS. im perfect). 2296. 1890 Plan, proposed site fo r new school at Mow Cop, Wolstanton School Board. With, ( i ) copy (im perfect). 2297. 1890 Plan, Chatterley H all, p its , furnace, o il works, slag tip , railway. 263 2298. [? 1891] Book of reference (plain missing), tithes payable frcr. land in Wolstanton. 2299. 1892, 1924s undated Plans (6 ), some at one time attached to a lease, Sneyd to Sneyd C olliery & Co., c o llie r y beside 'N ettlebank', between Burslem and Leek, showing position of barriers. 2300. 1894 Plan and section, Wolstanton and Burslem Union Rural Sanitary Authority, Mow Cop water scheme in Thursfield, extension. 2301. 1894- Plan, land at North Road, Cobridge, belonging to Ralph Sneyd esq ., sold to Mr Leveson Wedgewood. 2302. 1894- Plan, Sneyd c o llie r y , Burslem. 2303* 1899 Plan, land at Silverdale leased to Abraham Brayford. 2304. [2nd h alf of 19th cent. ] Plan, land and premises in and near Milton, in Norton and Bursicm. 2305. [2nd h a lf of 19th cen t.1 Plan, Rotterdam Farm, Knutton. 2306. [2nd h a lf of 19th cent.J Plan, Top Farm, Keele. 2307. [2nd h a lf o f 19th cen t.] Plan, fie ld s adjacent to the Keel e-Newcast l e-uncl er-Lyme road, between a brickworks and clay p it near Rosemary H ill Wocd and the 'Union on tho outskirts of Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2308. [2nd h a lf o f 19th cent. ] Plan, area adjoining Newcastle-under-Lyme Union, With, ( i ) annexed« references to fie ld s , owners or occupiers , areas, rents. [2nd h a lf of 19th cen t.] Plan, Keele estate, showing the glebe, and the t o l l gate at the Pepper Street junction with the Nantwich-Newcastieunder-Lyme road. [2nd h a lf o f 19th cent. ] Plan, o ffic e buildings fo r the Earl c f Clare, by Jas. and Geo. R. Pain. 2311. [2nd hall o f 19th cen t,] Plan, Upper Heymeeee farm. 2312. [? 2nd half of 19th cen t.1 Plan, lin e o f main sewer, Keele H all, from the tank to the ou tlet, showing adjoining woods, lakes and paths. 2309. 2310. 264 2313. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, land at Milton exchanged with Mr Matthews, 23U. [la te 19th cent. ] Sketch plan, Tunstall Chemical Works adjoining the North Staffordshire Railway. (MS. im pei'feet). 2315. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, Crackley and Park House c o llie r ie s , Chesterton, 2316. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, Crackley c o llie r y , Chesterton, 2317. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, lin e o f the Apedale Fault, east of Keele Hall, 2313. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, Madeley c o llie r ie s , 2319. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, land at Highway Farm, in Keele and Madeley. 2320. [la te 19th cen t.] Plan, land belonging to the Rev. Walter Sneyd and Capt. Edvard Heathcote, adjacent to an unidentified works. 2321. [? la te 19th cen t.] Plan, 'Newcastle Foundry'. 2322. [la te 19th or early 2Oth cent, ] Plan, f ie ld id en tified as Sneyd land, Crackley. 2323. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plans (2 ), fau lts in Talke p its . (MS. im perfect), 2324. [l9th ce n t.] Street plan, (? ) Wolstanton. Printed, fragment only. 2325* [l9th cen t.] Plan, 'P ottery L in e ', through Wolstanton, sharing canal junction and tunnel. (MS. im perfect). 2326. [19th cen t.] Sections of the Crewe to Stafford, and Norton Bridge to Stone railways. 2327. [l9th cen t.] London and North Western Railway, route through Eccleshall and Madeley. 2325. [l9th c e n t.] Plan, route of London and North Western Railway past Baden Hall Farm, in Eccleshall and Chebsey. With, ( i ) copy. 2329. [l9th cen t.] Property a t Mow Cop, including the Wesleyan chapel. 2330. [2nd h a lf of 19th or early 20th ce n t.] Plan, Bradwell Hall estate. 265 2331- [2nd h a lf of Plan, township of M ill Meece, Eccleshall. 19th or early 20th ce n t.] 2332. [2nd h a lf o f Plan* Cold Meece M ill and land belonging to the Bishop of 19th or early L ich field . 20th ce n t.] 2333. [2nd half o f Plan, township of Three Farms, Eccleshall. 19th or early 20fch cent. ] 2334. [2nd half o f Plan, Badenhall Farm, Eccleshall. Printed, imperfect. 19th or early 20th cent. ] 2335. [? 2nd h a lf of Plan, property to be purchased by Mr Steele, near the junct19th cen t.] ion of N ile Street ard Wellington Street, town unspecified. 2336. [? 2nd h a lf o f Sketch, elevation of part o f a Victorian Gothic building, 19th ce n t,] \mspecified. (MS. im perfect). 2337. [? 2nd h alf o f Plan, lin e of London and North Western Railway past Baden19th ce n t.] h all. 2338. [la te 19th or Plan, lin e o f new telephone poles to be erected at Chesterearly 20th ton. cent. ] 2339. [la te 19th or Plan, Silverdale c o llie r y , old workings and fau lts, early 20th cen t.] 2340. [la te 19th or Plan, p lo t o f land fo r new school at Knutton, near the early 20th church, cen t.] 2341- [la te 19th or Plan, land near Apedale. early 20th cen t.] 2342. [la te 19th. or Plan, Birches Head Road and Horse Lane improvement- Stokeearly 20th on-Trent. cen t.] With, ( i ) sketch plan, part o f horse lane, undated. 2343. [la te 19th or Part of O.S. 25" to the m ile, showing area centred on Sneyd early 20th Green, marking the Birches Barrier and other features, cen t.] o rig in a lly with a lease to the Sheltcn Iron, Steel & Goal Go* X*ixi• * 2344. [la te 19th or Sketch plan, railway, school yard? school5 church* early 20th unspecified.. (MS. im perfect). cen t.] 266 2345. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan* Millbank c o llie r y , spoil banks and lard used. (MS. im perfect). 2346. [la te 19th or early 20th cent. ] Sketch plan, house and stables, with measurements. (Roughly drawn on the back o f an envelope, property unspecified). 234-7. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan, 'Land leased to T. W ard...’ , near Silverdale. 2348. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan, area adjoining the Chesterton-Red Street road and intersection with North Staffordshire Railway, showing 1L each1s Railway *. 2349. [la te 19th or early 20th cent. ] Plan, Silverdale mines to be leased to the Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ltd., marking Keele Hall and the supposed lin es of the Apedale Fault. 2350. [la te 19th or early 20th cent. ] Sketch map, 'Throw o f fa u lt s ', centred on Keele. 2351. [lat© 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan, p lo t o f lard , location unspecified. 2352. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan, la id at Knutton adjoining the railway. 2353. [la te 19th or early 20th cent. ] Plan, land at the Gorsty estate. 2354. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] Han, Gorsty Bank estate. 2355. [la te 19th or early 20th cent. ] Plan, Newcastle-under-Lyme foundry, adjoining the Silverdale to Newcastle road. 2356. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] References to a plan (missing) of the Silverdale mines. 2357. [late 19th or early 20th cen t.] Plan* Foxley c o llie rie s , Abbey Hulton. 2358. [late 19th or early 20th cent.] References, field-names and areas, (?) Norton Bridge estate. 267 2359. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] 2360. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] the Knutton-Wolstanton road. 2361. [la te 19th or early 20th cen t.] 2362. [? 20th ce n t.] Plan, area adjoining Bradwell Wood. (MS. im perfect). 2363. [? 20th ce n t.] Hulton. 2364. [? 20th cent, ] 2365. [early 20th cen t.] 2366. [early 20th cen t.] 2367. [20th cent. ] 2368. cent. [20th ce n t.]] Map (from sal© p a rticu la rs), Norton Bridge estate. Printpd. 2369. 1900 Plan, Mow Cop water scheme. 2370. 1902 Plan, proposed alterations, Sneyd Arms, Keele. Plan, lin e o f water main near the Sneyd Arms and Buxton S treet, location unspecified. With, ( i ) covering le t t e r . 2371. 1902 1903 L is t of plana taken from the Silverdale c o llie r y o ffic e . (MS. im perfect), 2372. 1904 Plan, land at Longport. 2373. 1905 Plan, property at Pool Side, Newcastle-under-Lyme. 2374. 1905 Plans (2 ), Parkhonse c o llie r y , extensions to boundaries. 2375. [? 1906] Plans (7 ), mine hearths at Silverdale, areas, tonnages. 2376. 1907 Plans ( 2 ) , copyhold land, Keele estate, Seabridge and Hanley. 2377. 1907 Plan, part o f the North Staffordshire Railway, at Knutton. 268 2378. [1907 or la t e r ] Plan, Crackley c o llie ry , 2379. 1908 Plan, part o f the Pool Field estate, Newcastle-under-Lyme Burgess Trust. 2380. 1911 Plan, Chatteriey mines. 2381. 1911 Plan, Norton c o llie r y , barriers. 2382. 1911 Plan, p its at Norton c o llie r y proposed to be leased to Messrs R. Heath & Sons Ltd.. 2383. 1911 Plans (6 ), seams and sections, Silverdale. 2384. 1915 Plan, barrier to be l e f t , Sneyd mines leased to the Shelton Iron and Steel Co. Ltd.. 2385. 1915 Plan and figu res, Talke c o llie r y . 2386. 1917 Plan, plots of land adjoining Milton Road, Burslem. 2387. 1917 Plan, railway siding at Chesterton, Ralph Sneyd and the Brymbo Steel Co.. 2388. 1917 1918 Blueprints (3 ), Brymbo Steel Co., railway sidings and mines, Holditch. 2389. 1918 Plan, Knutton Manor c o llie r y and surrounding land. With, ( i ) annexed. le tte r s ( 3 ) , relatin g to building workmen's houses on the land. 2390. 1918 Plan, mines in the Silverdale area. 2391. 1918 Plans (2 ), barriers, Carmountside, Milton. 2392. 1920 Plan, land near the Staffordshire Potteries Water Works reservoir, adjoining the Madeley-Silverdale road. 2393- 1921 'Plan A ', area adjoining 'Chatteriey fa u lt in Red Mine'. (MS. im perfect). 2394- 1922 Plan, Parkhouse area. (MS. im perfect). 2395. 1922 Plan, Chatteriey Ccai and Iron Works. 2396. 1922 Sketch map, proposed s ite fo r new v illa s near Bradwell Wood. 2397. 1922 1927 Plans (9 ), surface area, Clanway c o llie r y , Tunstall. 269 2398« 1923 Plan, p lo t of land near Birches Head farm. (MS. im perfect), 2399* 1923 Plan, area of land between Silverdale and Newcastle-under-Lyme referred to in a deed. 24.OO. [c. 1924] Plans (2 ), barriers, Bowling A lley , Holly Lane and other seams, area aaj oining the Sandbach road. 2401. 1925 Plan, Station Road, Keele. 2/+02. 1927 Plans and elevations ( 3 ) , alterations to the stable block (la te r the Clock Haase), Keele. 2/.O3 . 192S Plan, building s ite at Cannountside, M ilton, sections of mines. * 2404. 1929 Plan, marked area in Milton. 2405. 1929 Plan, s ite of a quarry, between Silverdale and Keele. (Detached from a deed). 2406. 1929 Plan, mines at Cannountside, Milton. 2407. 193C Plan, building s ite bounded by Leek New Road, Hanley Road and Sneyd Street, location unspecified but east of Cobridge, near Burs i eta. 2408. 1930 Area of coal worked under the estate o f M.E. and H. Peake, by Parkhouse C o llie rie s Ltd.. MANORIAL - See also under EXTRANEOUS Abbey Hulton (S ta ffs .) -- See also under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) 2409. 1729 1840 Miscellaneous court papers, manor o f Abbey Hulton, including presentments, amercements, su itors' r o lls , warrants and lis t s of inhabitants o f Sneyd Green. (Many MSS. im perfect). 2410. 1733 1765 Court r o lls (26), manor of Abbey Hulton, including amercements and other papers, some undated. (MSS. im perfect). 2411. 1734 1741 Estreats, manor of Abbey Hulton, 2412. 1770 - Estreats, manor of Abbey Hulton. Yljln’ r ->"1 L“-L//bJ With, ( i ) annexed. table, persons, years (including 1776) and amounts. ( i i ) notice, 1773. 1778 - Estreats, manor o f Abbey Hulton. 1-1781] With, ( i ) annexed, notice, 1781. 2413* 270 Aldington (S ta ffs .) - See under Blore (S ta ffs .) 'Bemberlsye1 (S ta ffs .) - See Bemersley (S ta ffs .) Bemersley (S ta ffs .) - See under TunstaU (S ta ffs .) Blore (S ta ffs .) 2414. 1685 1691 Rough account, (? ) amercements, manors of 1Blewer1 (? Blore) and Almington. Blore Heath (S ta ffs .) - See under Tyrley (S ta ffs .) Brieryhurst (S ta ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) 'Brochouse* (S ta ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) Burslem (S t a ffs .) ~ See under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) Chatteriey (S ta ffs .) - See tinder Keele (S t a ffs .), Tunstall (S ta ffs .) »«W M La— cTj»^«ifc»trJ-3B iT. a c ini—»■■■««i«—im m n............. m «miiwiii — iinM m iiwraraan —iim Chell (S ta ffs .) - See also under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) 2/15* 1679 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Great Chell. 2416. 1679 Presentment of the freeholders, manor o f Chell (re la tin g mainly to the tenure and boundaries). Chesterton (S t a ffs .) - See also under Keele (S ta ffs .) 2417. Chipnall 1809 Notices ( 2 ) , of intention to lev y estreats, manor of Chesterton. (Prepared but not signed). M ill (Salop.) - See under Tyrley (S ta ffs .) Cold Norton (S t a ffs .) - See also under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) 2418. 1775 Rental, manor o f Cold Norton. (Single sheet only). 2419. 1SS3 (Part o f a) memorandum rela tin g to fines arising in the manor of Cold Norton. Hales (S t a ffs .) - See under Tyrley (S ta ffs .) 1Haughton’ (S t a ffs .) - See under Tunstall. Keele (S ta ffs .) - See also under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) 2420. 1351 1352 Conrpotus. manor o f Keele. 2421. 1354» 1355 Court r o l l , ’ cou rts', great and l i t t l e cout, manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2422, 1368, Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor of Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1369, ille g ib le 2423. 1373, 1374 Court r d l , 242/4.. 1374 Court r o l l , 'c o u rt', manor of Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2425. 1374 2426. 1374, Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor of Kesle. (MS. im perfect). 1375, ille g ib le 2427. 1376 Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2428. 1377 Court r o l l , view of frankpledge and 'c o u rts ', manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2429. 1377 Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor o f Keele. 2430. 1377 1378 Ccmpotus. manor of Keele. “ ■ 2431. 1377, 1378 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge and 'cou rt*, manor of Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2432. 1378 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, manor o f Keele. 2433. 1378 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge, manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2434* 1378 Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor o f Keele. 2435. 1378, 1379 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2436. 1379, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, manor of Keele. (MS. ille g ib le im perfect). 2437. 1379j Court r o l l , 'cou rts’ , manor o f Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le 'c o u rts ', manor of Keele. (MS. im perfect). Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', manor o f Keele. 2.438 . 1379* 1330 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keole. (MS. im perfect). 2439. 1380, Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le 2440. 1380, 1381 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2441. 1380, 1381 Court x'oll, l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2442. 1381 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2443. 1381, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le 2444. 1381, 1382 2445. 1382, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 1383, ille g ib le 2446. 1383, (?)1384. Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 244-7* 1383, 1384 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2448. 1384 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2449* 1384, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le 2450. 1384, 1385 2451. 1385, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le 2452. 1385, 1386 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2453. 1385, 1386, 1387 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2454* 1386 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2455. 1386, 1387 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2456. 1337, Court r o l l , great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect), ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, 'c o u rts ', Keele. (MS. im perfect). 273 2457. (?)1387 Court r o l l , (? ) l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2458. 1387, 1388 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2459. 1387, 1388 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. imperfect. 2460. 1388 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 246I. 1388 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2462. 1388 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2463. 1388 Coart r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2464* 1388 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2465. 1388, 1389 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2466. 1388, 1389 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2467. 1388, 1389, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2468. [1389 or 1390] Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2469. 1390 _ 1391 Court r o l l , great ard l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2470. 1391, 1392, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great ard l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2471. 1391, 1392, 1394, ille g ib le Court r o lls , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. imperfect) 2472. 1392, 1393 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2473. 1393, 1394 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. imperfect). *10r\n Court r o l l , great aid l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. imperfect). 2474. 1394, ille g ib le 2475. 1394, ille g ib le ? |3>°U Court r o l l , l i t t l e court (date i l l e g i b l e ) , comootus (date ille g ib le to 1394), Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2476. 1394 1395 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2477. 1395 Court raL l, view o f frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2478. 1396 1397 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2479. 1397 Court r o l l , ' l i t t l e courts’ , Keele. 2480. 1398 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2481. 1398 Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2482. 1398 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2483. 1399 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2484. 1399 Court r o l l , 'c o u rts ', ' l i t t l e cou rts', Keele. 2485- 1399 1401 Court r o l l (four membranes), great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2486. [la te 14 th cent. ]p- Court r o l l , views of frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2487. 1401, 1402 Court rdLl, great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2488. 1403 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2489. 1403, 1404, 1405 . Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2490. 1404, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2491. 1405, 1406 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2492. 1406, 1407, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2493. 1409 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keels. ( l . Richard I I , but no regnal years given on this membrane, which has become separated from it s fellcw / s). . . t 275 2494. 1409 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2495. 1409, 1410 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2496. 1409, 'anno suprascripto' Court raLl, 'cou rt1 and l i t t l e court), Keele. 2497. 1410, ille g ib le Court r o l l , l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. imperfect) 2498. 1410, 1411, 1412 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2499. 14 12 , 1413 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2500. 1413 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2501. 1413, 1414, 1415 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2502. 1413, 1414, , [1416 J1 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2503. 1415 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2504. 1416 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. 2505. 1416, 1417, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2506. 1418, 1419, 1420 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2507. 1451 1454, 1456 1457, ille g ib le Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2503. 1464, 1465 Court r o l l , great courts, Keele. 2509. 1465, 1467 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. (1. Part o f the jury on ly). 276 2510. 1467, 1468,! 1470 Court r o l l , great courts, Keele. 2511. 1468 Court r o l l , great courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2512. 1471 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2513. 1471, 1472 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 25u . 1473, 1474 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2515. 1475, 1476 Court r o l l , great courts, Keele. 2516. 1477 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. 2517. 1478, Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2513. 1478, 1479, 1481 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2519. 1479, 1480 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2520. 1480 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS., im perfect). 2521. 1480, 1481 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2522. 1483 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2523. 1489, 1492 1493, 1495 1502 Court r o l l , great courts (mainly hanage), Keele.* 2524. 1509 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2525. 1509 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2526. 1509, 1510 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court3, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2527. 1509 1516 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2528. 1509 1520 Court papers, rela tin g to an unsuccessful claim by Humphry, son of John Bedulf against S ir Robert Sheffeld and Elena his w ife, on the issue o f property including Scot Hay, in the manor o f Keele* ( l . Date only, no business). 277 2529. 1510 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. 2530. 1510, 1511 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2531. 1511 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2532. 1511 Court r o l l , 'cou rt1, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2533. 1512 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2534- 1512 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2535. 1513 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. 2536. 1513 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2537. 1514 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2533. 1514 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2539. 1515 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 25AO. 1515 Court r o ll, great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2541. 1515 1517 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2542. 1516 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2543- 1516 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2544. 1517 Court r o l l , great court, Keele. 2545- 1547, 1552 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge ard great courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2546. 1553, 1555 Court r o l l , view of frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). With, ( i ) annexed, le tte r s of attorney, 1553* ( i i ) le tte r s o f attorney, 1555- 2547. 1555 1552 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with great courts, and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). With, ( i ) annexed, letters o f attorney (? ), 1556. 2543. 1559, 1561 1562 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with great courts, ard l i t t l e courts } Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 278 2549. 1564 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2550. 1564 1567, 1569, 1581, undated Court r o l l , great courts, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2551. 1568 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2552. 1570 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2553- 1570 Court r o l l , l i t t l e court, Keele. 2554- 1571, 1582, 1587, 1590 1591, 1599 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, l i t t l e court, court oapers, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2555. 1572 / Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2556. 1573 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. 2557. 1576 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2558. 1577 View o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. 2559. 1578 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court, Keele. (MS. im perfect). . 2560 . 2561 1599 16 36 , date lo s t Court papers, including copies o f court r o l l , Keele. (MSS. im perfect). [Between 1599 and 1600] -1839 Copies and drafts (approx. ICO), court r o l l , Keele, mainly admissions and surrenders, but including recoveries suffered in the manorial court and scsie supplementary papers. (MSS. imperfect) ' Stewards or deputy stewards:'John Sydway (1610), William Vernon (16 2 5), Thomas Beignall (1667), William Middleton (1680) , Thomas Foden (1685), John Fenton (1712), Walter Noel (.1716), Ralph Audley (1728), Thomas Fenton (1729), Joshua Lawton (1735), Blest Colclough (1735), William Ford (1757), Thomas Fernyhough (1768), John Dickenson (1785)» Thomas Sparrow (1794)• N.B. These copies o f court r o l l , having been given up and preserved as part of the records o f the court, have been lis t e d here rather than under DEEDS. 2562. [2nd h a lf o f 16 th cen t.] Court r o l l , (? ) Keele. (MS. im perfect). 279 2563- 1613 1614 2564- 1619 Suit r o l l , Keele. 2565. 1623, Court r o l l , court baron, Keele. 1 " Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. With, ( i ) copy o f court r o l l , 1623. ( i i ) le tte r s of attorney, 1642. 2566. 1624 1630, 1635 1636, date lo s t 2567. 1632, 1635 1637 Court papers, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2568. 1644 “ 1651 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2569. 1652 1654 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. 2570. 1655 1660 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2571. 1660 1667 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, £eele. 2572. I 664 I 665, 1667, 1669 1670 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2573- 1667 1674> 1676 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2574- 1676 1679 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2575. 1630 1634 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2576. 1684 1688 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (Fragments). 2577. 1689 1692, 1694, date lo s t Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. (Fragments). Court book, views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. (MS. im perfect). 280 . 1691 Rental, manor o f Keele. 2579. 1692 Rental, manor of Keele, including Tunstall, Chatteriey and Chesterton, with the names o f those who make hay in meadows (s p e c ifie d ). . 1693 Rental, manor of Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2581 . 1695 1698 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2582. 1699 1701 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2583. 1700 Rental, manor of Keele. 2584. 1702 1704 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2585. 1705 1711 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2586. 1712 1714 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron and l i t t l e courts, Keele. 2587. 1714 ~ 1716 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Keele. 2588. 1716 1747 Court papers, mainly presentments, Keele. (MSS. imperfect and fragments). 2589. 1727 1768, undated Court papers, including memoranda rela tin g to the custom of the manor, a le g a l issue, and fees, Keele. (MSS. im perfect), 2590. 1746 1749 Suit r o l l , Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2591. 1749 1782 Court papers, mainly presentments, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2592. 1750 1753 Suit r o l l , Keele. 2593- 1751, 1754 Small and ch ief rents, manor o f Keele. 2594. 1752 1758 Amercements, Keele. 2595- 1754 1779 Suit r o l l , Keele. (MS. im perfect). 2578 2580 2596. 1762 1735 Court papers, Keele. (MSS. im perfect). 2597. 1775 1780, 1794- (altered to 1809) Estreats, Keele. 2598. 1780 1785 Suit r o l l , Keele. 2599- 1783 1841 Court papers, mainly presentments, Keele. 2600. 1786 1791 Suit r o l l , Keele. 2601. 1792 1795 Suit r o l l , Keele. 2602. 1797 1803 Suit r o l l , Keele. 1804 , - Suit r o l l , Keele. 2603 . 1811, 1813 Newcastle-under-Lyme (S ta ffs .) 2604. 2605. [1659 - ] 1670, 1671, [- c.1707] 1805 1806, 1808 1809 Estreats, Newcastle-under-Lyme. With, ( i ) notes taken from the court r o lls , 1659-C.1707. Estreats, Newcastle-under-Lyme. New Chapel (S ta ffs .) 2606. [2nd h alf of 17th cen t.] Suit r o l l , court o f New Chapel, belonging to Sir Thomas Gresley B t., in the hamlet o f ’ Rans C l i f f ' (R avenscliffe curvdt . Norton Farm (S ta ffs .) - See Cold Norton (S t a ffs .) Norton-in-the-Moors (S t a ffs .) - See also under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) 2607. 1565 1566 Court r o l l , great courts, Norton-in-the-Moors. 282 2608. 1603, 1613 1614, 1630 Court papers and copies o f court r o l l (3 ), Norton-inthe-Moors. (MSS. im perfect). 2609. 1714 Court r o l l , great court, Norton-in-the-Moors. 2610. 1795 1814 Rough accounts and memoranda, manor of Norton-in-the-Moors. Oldcott (S t a ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Ravenscliffe (S t a ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Rowley (near Oldbury, S ta ffs .) - See under EXTRANEOUS Sneyd (S ta ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Sneyd Green (S t a ffs .) - See under Abbey Hulton (S t a f fs .), Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Stadmorslaw (S ta ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) Stafford (S t a ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S t a ffs .) Thursfielrl (S t a ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Trentham (S ta ffs .) 2611. 1763 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with court baron, Trentham. Tunstall (S ta ffs .) - See also under Keele (S t a ffs .) 2612. 1326 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts and views of frank pledge, Tunstall (including Chatteriey, 'borewardeslym' (Burslera), Sneyd, 'benberleye' (? Bemersley), Stadmorslaw, Thursfield, 'brochouse', Chell, Brieryhurst, Ravenscliffe and Oldcott, with references to John de Sneyd and Thomas de Sneyd). 2613. 1348 Court r o l l , 'cou rt' and l i t t l e court, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2614. [c. mid-14th cen t.] Court r o l l , (? ) great court, Tunstell. (MS. im perfect). 283 2615. [c. cent. ] Court r o l l (? Tunstall, fragments (2) of two membranes), 2616. 1353 Court r o l l , (?) great court, Tunstall. 2617. [? 13533 Court r o l l , Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2618. 1356 Court r o l l , ’ court1, Tunstall. 2619. [? 1360] Court r o l l , ’ co u rt', Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 1362 1363 Compotus. Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2620 . 2621 . 1366 Court r o l l , ’ courts’ , Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2622 . 1369 Court r o l l , ’ court’ , Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2623- 1372 Court r o l l , ’ courts’ , Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2624. 1374 1375 Compotus. Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2625. 1377 1378 Compotus, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). . 1378 Court r o l l , great court, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2627. 1405 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts, Tunstall. 14.05, 1407 - Court r o l l , great courts, ’ courts’ , l i t t l e courts, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2626 2628 . 1408 , date lo s t 2629. 1416 1417 Court r o l l , great and l i t t l e courts with view of frankpledge, Tunstall. 2630. 1422 1423, 1426 1428, 1430 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Tunstall. 2631. 1443 1449 Court r o l l , view of frankpledge and l i t t l e court, Tunstall. 1466 I 469 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Tunstall. 1496 1497 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge and l i t t l e courts, Tunstall. 2632 . 2633- 2634 - 1512 1514, 1520 , 1522 , 1525 2635- 1536 1537 ■ Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with great courts and •courts1, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). Court r o l l , view of frankpledge with great court, Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). With, ( i ) surrender, 1536. ( i i ) le tte r s of attorney, 1537. . 1549 Court r o l l , view of frankpledge with great court, and court papers, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1551 Court r o l l , view o f frankpledge with great court and l i t t l e court, Thursfield, manor o f Tunstall. 1561, 1569, 1572, 1575, undated Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with great courts, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1565, 1572, 1575, 1597, undated Court papers (undated) and copies of court r o l l , Tunstall. (F iled together, MSS. im perfect). 1577, 1617 1618 Memoranda rela tin g to transactions with the reeve, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). [early 17th cen t.] Surrender, copyhold land, manor o f Tunstall. (MS. Imperfect), 1600 1601 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with great courts, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2643. 1603 1607, 1610 1611 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with great courts, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2.644. 1612, 1614 1615, 1617 1620 Court r o l l , great courts and courts baron, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2645. [? C . 1 6 1 9 ] 'A particular of what moneys were raised when Tunstall Court was enfranchised'. (MS. im perfect). 2646. 1621 Rental, manor of Tunstall, h alf-yearly rents, formerly o f customary tenants, now fe e farm, manor of Haughton, and rents from Abbey Hulton, Willaston and Norton farm. 2636 2637. 2638 . 2639. 2640. MiSSi'-f p m ) 2641. I I T ftti) 2642. 235 1622, 1624 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2648 1623 1626 , 1629, 1631, undated Court book, views o f frankpledge with courts baron, and l i s t s o f tenants, Tunstall: great courts, Norton-in-the-Moors (1623-27, 1629, 1631). 2649. 1635 1636 Court book, views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 1637, 1641 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). [1st h alf of 17th cent. ] Rental, manor o f Tunstall. [1st h a lf of 17th cen t.] L is t of what land the former copyholders in the manor of Tunstall held of Mr Sneyd and the Earl o f Bath. (MS. imperfect). [1st h alf of 17th cen t.], Court papers, including views o f frankpledge with courts baron (1716-17, 1720, 1722, 1725, 1723), presentments (1681, 1705, 1716-17, 1719-20, 1722, 1725, 1728), rental, ch ief rents (1719), and an agreement rela tin g to charges to be borne by enfranchised copyholders fo r suffering a recovery (1st h a lf of 17th cent. MSS. im perfect). 2647. . 2650 . 2651. 2652 . 2653. 1681 , 1705 1728, undated - Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. - Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. - Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 2654. 1652 I 656 2655. 1660 1663 2656. 1661 1664 2657. 1662, 1665, 1670 1671, 1673, 1675 1676, 1682, undated Presentments, and fragment o f a view o f frankpledge (1673), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2658. 1663 ■ Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 1663 1671 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron (1663, 1670, 1671) and court papers (s u it r o lls , 1667, 1671, presentment, 1670), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2659. 1666, 1668 286 2660 . [? 1668] Court r o l l , view of frankpledge with court baron, Tunstall. (Fragment). 2661 1676 1679 Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 2662. 1680 1684 Court r o l l , court le e t with court baron and views of frank pledge, Tunstall. 2663* 1681 2664. 1688 1694 . - Presentment, of a survey, manor of Tunstall, court baron of Sir John Bowyer Bt. (MS. im perfect). - Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 1695 - Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 1699 1700 Court r o l l , views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 2667. [2nd h a lf of 17th cen t.] The boundaries of the manor o f Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 266S. 1704 Kental, manor of Tunstall. 2669. 1709, 1711 1715 Court r o ll, views o f frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 2670. 1711 1717 Suit r o l l , Tunstall. (MS. im perfect). 2671. 1715 1716, undated Court r o l l , views of frankpledge with courts baron, Tunstall. 2672. 1715 1756, undated Court papers, courts le e t and courts baron (1755), suit r o lls (1715-16), presentments (1752, 1755-56), estreats (1755-56), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2673. 1717, 1756 1759, undated Court papers, courts le e t and courts baron (1757-59) and presentments (1717, 1756-59), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2674. 1720 1722 Rental, ch ief and small rents, Tunstall. 2675. 1749 1758 Court papers, courts le e t and courts baron (1749-52), presentments (1749-52), estreats (1752, 1757), extracts (175058), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 2665* 1698 2666 . 287 . 2676 1753 1754 Court papers, coarts le e t and courts baron (1753-54), with estreats and presentments, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1755 1757 Rental, ch ief rents, Tunstall. 1760 1769 Court papers, courts le e t and courts baron (1760-67), present ments (1760, 1766-69), Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1770 1776, 1779 Court papers, courts le e t and courts baron (1770-76, 1779), presentments (1770-71, 1775), and l i s t of tenants (Oldcott, 1774), Tunstall. (MSS. im p e rfec t).■; 1773 Account, o f the constable of the manor o f Tunstall, fo r conduct ing prisoners to Stafford. 1780 1783, 1787 1789 Court paoers, courts le e t and courts baron (1780-83), present ments (1780-83, 1787-89), some miscellaneous papers, Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1790 1795, 1797 1799 Court papers, presentments (mainly l i s t s o f inhabitants), with warrants to summon the court, c o lle c t estreats, e tc ., Tunstall. (MSS. im perfect). 1792 Rough memoranda, encroachments, manor o f Tunstall. 2684. [early 19th cent. ] Presentment, of William Henr^; (? ) Massev, fo r encroachments at Sneyd Green in the manor o f l * TunstallJ. 2685. 1800 Presentment, lib e r ty of Wedgwood in the manor of Tunstall. 1800 1812 Letters (3 ), rela tin g to Burslem market, and instructions rela tin g to the payment o f t o lls in the manor o f Tunstall. 1800 1813, undated Court papers, Tunstall. 1809 Authorizations (3 ), o f the steward of the manor of Tunstall, to levy estreats by d istress. (Prepared but not signed). 2689. 1813 1817 Rental, ch ief rents, Tunstall. 2690. 1826 1840, undated Court papers, including le tte r s and other material rela tin g to the election of constables fo r Tunstall, manors of Tun.sta.ll court, Abbey Hulton and Keele, or Tunstall court and Abbey Hulton. 2677 . 2678 . 2679 . 2680 . 2681 . 2682. 2683 . 2686. 2687. 2688 . 288 Tyrley (S ta ffs .) 2691. 1667 Rental, John Skrymsher1s l/3rd part o f the manor o f Tyrley, including Chipnall M ill (Salop.) and property in Hales and Blore Heath. 2692. 1.685, 1688, Estreats, including some presentments, with precepts, Tyrley. 1691, 1694- 1695, 1697 Wedgwood (S ta ffs .) - See under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) Willaston (Chesh.) - See also under Tunstall (S ta ffs .) 2693. 1586 Court r o l l , court baron, Willaston. (MS. im perfect). 2694* 1599 Rental, manor o f 'w illa s to n [,] wigstaston and w illaston ' (s ic ). (MS. im perfect). 2695. Court papers, court baron (1624), estreats (1660), presentments 162^, 1660, and other court papers, manor of Willaston. (MSS. im perfect). [17th cent. ] 2696. 1636 Court papers, court baron and mainly presentments, Willaston. 2697. 1638 Survey and valuation, manor o f Willaston. 2698. 1649, 1653 Court book, courts baron, Willaston. 2699. 1670, 1683 168/+, undated Rentals, manor o f Willaston. (Some incomplete). 2700. 1686, 1692 Court r o lls , courts baron (1686, 1692), su it r o lls (1686, 1692), estreats (1686), Willaston. 2701. 1692 Court r o l l , court baron, Willaston. (MS. im perfect). 2702. 1697 (a lte re d ), 1716 1717 2703. [l7th cen t.] Survey, manor o f Willaston. (MS. im perfect). 2704. 1715 1716 Court r o l l , courts baron. W illaston, 2705. 174.6 Receipt, fo r manorial records o f Willaston. Court papers, courts baron, Willaston.