Pleistocene fluvial systems of the Creuse river (Middle - INFO-SED
Pleistocene fluvial systems of the Creuse river (Middle - INFO-SED
Jackie Despriée Robert Gageonnet Pierre Voinchet Jean Jacques Bahain Christophe Falguères Jean Duvialard François Varache Pleistocene fluvial systems of the Creuse river (Middle Loire Basin - Centre Region, France) [ Les systèmes fluviatiles pléistocènes de la Creuse (Bassin moyen de la Loire, Région Centre, France).] In: Quaternaire - Volume 15 - Numéro 1-2 - 2004. pp. 77-86. Citer ce document / Cite this document : Despriée Jackie, Gageonnet Robert, Voinchet Pierre, Bahain Jean Jacques, Falguères Christophe, Duvialard Jean, Varache François. Pleistocene fluvial systems of the Creuse river (Middle Loire Basin - Centre Region, France) [ Les systèmes fluviatiles pléistocènes de la Creuse (Bassin moyen de la Loire, Région Centre, France).]. In: Quaternaire - Volume 15 - Numéro 1-2 2004. pp. 77-86. doi : 10.3406/quate.2004.1756 Abstract The Creuse River is a tributary of the Vienne River which joins the Loire Valley on its left bank downstream Tours (Centre Region, France). Recent field works has significantly increased the number of fossil fluvial formations identified in the Middle Creuse River Valley, has confirmed their penglacial character and shown the impact of recent tectonics and the magnitude of uplift which affect the geometry of the deposits on the northern edge of the Massif Central and the southern and western parts of the Pans Basin. Three sectors have been distinguished : - a "Massif Central" sector, with an endogenous bed-rock, where some five stepped higher alluvial formations are studied. - an "Intermediate" sector characterized by the opening of the valley when the river joins the Pans Basin. Eleven sandy formations, which constituted advancing fans in this actively tectonic zone, have been identified. - a "Pans Basin" sector in which the Creuse flows westwards along a major fault. Eight stepped terraces have been recognized here. Several geochronological data were obtained by electronic spin resonance (ESR) method applied to bleached alluvial quartz. The results show a good reproducibihty and generally a good coherence with the altimetry. They indicate, in close correlation with sedimentological and tectonic studies, that the response of the river is variable and depends of local geology and tectonic characteristics. From the results obtained on each sector, a first synthetic but schematic history of the fluvial system can be proposed for the Middle Creuse River valley between 1,7 Ma BP and today Some major tectonic movements are dated between 1,7 and 1,2 Ma, around 600 ka and between 450 and the present. On the other hand, the "Pont-de-Lavaud" Early Palaeolithic site with archaic pebble quartz industry was dated to the end of the Lower Pleistocene, around 1,1 Ma BP. Résumé La Creuse est un affluent de la Vienne qui rejoint la Loire sur sa rive gauche en aval de Tours (Région Centre, France). Dans sa moyenne vallée, les recherches récentes ont permis d'augmenter significativement le nombre de formations alluviales, de confirmer leur caractère pénglaciaire, et de montrer l'impact de la tectonique récente et l'ampleur du soulèvement de la bordure nord du Massif Central et du sud-ouest du Bassin de Paris. Trois secteurs ont été distingués : - un secteur " Massif Central " au substrat endogène, où sont actuellement reconnues cinq formations alluviales ; - un secteur "intermédiaire ", caractérisé par l'élargissement de la vallée à son entrée dans le Bassin Pansien. Onze nappes sableuses formant des cônes d'épandage progradants ont été individualisées dans cette zone tectonique active ; - un secteur "Bassin parisien" dans lequel la rivière suit une grande faille orientée E-0. Un système de huit nappes étagees y a été reconnu. Plusieurs points de repères géochronologiques ont été obtenus par la méthode de Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE) appliquée aux quartz fluviatiles blanchis. D'une excellente reproductibilité et d'une bonne cohérence, elles permettent, en liaison avec la sédimentologie, de souligner l'importance de la géologie locale et de ses caractéristiques tectoniques. A partir des résultats obtenus pour chaque secteur, une première synthèse chronologique schématique de la vallée moyenne de la Creuse couvrant les derniers 1,7 Ma est proposée. Plusieurs périodes de mouvements tectoniques sont ainsi datés du Quaternaire notamment entre 1,7 et 1,2 Ma, autour de 600 ka, et entre 450 et l'actuel. Le site préhistorique de " Pont-de-Lavaud ", avec son industrie archaïque sur quartz et son sol aménagé, a pour sa part été daté du Pléistocène inférieur, vers 1 , 1 Ma BP. Quaternaire, 15, (1-2), 2004, p 77-86 PLEISTOCENE FLUVIAL SYSTEMS OF THE CREUSE RIVER (Middle Loire Basin - Centre Region, France) Jean- Jacques Jackie DESPRIÉE*, BAHAIN*, Robert Christophe GAGEONNET*, FALGUÈRES*, Pierre VOINCHET*, Jean DUVIALARD** and François VARACHE*** ABSTRACT The Creuse River is a tributary of the Vienne River which joins the Loire Valley on its left bank downstream Tours (Centre Region, France). Recent field works has significantly increased the number of fossil fluvial formations identified in the Middle Creuse River Valley, has confirmed their penglacial character and shown the impact of recent tectonics and the magnitude of uplift which affect the geometry of the deposits on the northern edge of the Massif Central and the southern and western parts of the Pans Basin. Three sectors have been distinguished : - a "Massif Central" sector, with an endogenous bed-rock, where some five stepped higher alluvial formations are studied - an "Intermediate" sector characterized by the opening of the valley when the river joins the Pans Basin Eleven sandy formations, which constituted advancing fans in this actively tectonic zone, have been identified - a "Pans Basin" sector in which the Creuse flows westwards along a major fault Eight stepped terraces have been recognized here. Several geochronological data were obtained by electronic spin resonance (ESR) method applied to bleached alluvial quartz. The results show a good reproducibihty and generally a good coherence with the altimetry They indicate, in close correlation with sedimentological and tectonic studies, that the response of the river is variable and depends of local geology and tectonic characteristics. From the results obtained on each sector, a first synthetic but schematic history of the fluvial system can be proposed for the Middle Creuse River valley between 1,7 Ma BP and today Some major tectonic movements are dated between 1,7 and 1,2 Ma, around 600 ka and between 450 and the present On the other hand, the "Pont-de-Lavaud" Early Palaeolithic site with archaic pebble quartz industry was dated to the end of the Lower Pleistocene, around 1,1 Ma BP Key-words: Creuse River, pleistocene fluvial systems, ESR dating, Early Palaeolithic, tectonics. RÉSUMÉ • LES SYSTÈMES FLUVIATILES PLEISTOCENES DE LA CREUSE (Bassin moyen de la Loire, Région Centre, France) La Creuse est un affluent de la Vienne qui rejoint la Loire sur sa rive gauche en aval de Tours (Région Centre, France) Dans sa moyenne vallée, les recherches récentes ont permis d'augmenter significativement le nombre de formations alluviales, de confirmer leur caractère pénglaciaire, et de montrer l'impact de la tectonique récente et l'ampleur du soulèvement de la bordure nord du Massif Central et du sud-ouest du Bassin de Pans Trois secteurs ont été distingués - un secteur " Massif Central " au substrat endogène, où sont actuellement reconnues cinq formations alluviales ; un secteur "intermédiaire ", caracténsé par l'élargissement de la vallée à son entrée dans le Bassin Pansien Onze nappes sableuses formant des cônes d'épandage progradants ont été individualisées dans cette zone tectonique active ; un secteur "Bassin pansien" dans lequel la nvière suit une grande faille onentée E-0 Un système de huit nappes étagees y a été reconnu. Plusieurs points de repères géochronologiques ont été obtenus par la méthode de Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique (RPE) appliquée aux quartz fluviatiles blanchis D'une excellente reproductibihté et d'une bonne cohérence, elles permettent, en liaison avec la sédimentologie, de souligner l'importance de la géologie locale et de ses caracténstiques tectoniques. A partir des résultats obtenus pour chaque secteur, une première synthèse chronologique schématique de la vallée moyenne de la Creuse couvrant les derniers 1,7 Ma est proposée Plusieurs pénodes de mouvements tectoniques sont ainsi datés du Quaternaire notamment entre 1,7 et 1,2 Ma, autour de 600 ka, et entre 450 et l'actuel Le site préhistonque de " Pont-de-Lavaud ", avec son industne archaïque sur quartz et son sol aménagé, a pour sa part été daté du Pleistocene inféneur, vers 1 , 1 Ma BP. Mots-clés : Vallée de la Creuse, systèmes fluviatiles pleistocenes, datations par RPE, neotectonique, industnes prehistonques archaïques du Paléolithi que ancien. * Département de Préhistoire du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, 1 rue René Panhard, F-75013 PARIS FRE 2677 du CNRS (jache despnee@free fr) ** Comité Départemental du Patrimoine et de l 'Archéologie en Loir-et-Cher, les Jacobins, rue Anne-de-Bretagne, F-41000 BLOIS *** Centre Régional de Recherches Archéologiques, 18, rue Charles-Lindbergh, F-41000 BLOIS Manuscrit reçu le 04/12/2002, accepté le 03/01/2004 78 INTRODUCTION The Creuse River is a tributary of the Loire catchment system which drains the south-western part of the Paris Basin (France) (fig. 1). The studied area corresponds of the middle part of the valley between Eguzon and Le Blanc, in the Indre department (Centre Region), before the river arrives in the Touraine area and joins the Vienne River, a left-bank tributary of the Loire River. At the end of the XIXth century, several alluvial terra ceswere identified, and the presence of Pleistocene fauna and biface industries was recorded (Hubert, 1905). More recently, additional alluvial levels, especially higher for mations, have been studied (Velasquez, 1974; Flageolet, 1977; Macaire, 1981; Rolin, 1981; Gageonnet, 1986, 1987, 1988; Lorenz et al, 1990; Rasplus et al, 1989; Cohen- Jullien et al, 1989, 1998). Over the past more than twenty years, thematic surveys researching of the most ancient human industries in Europe were underta ken in this valley (Despriée and Alilaire, 1991; Despriée and Gageonnet, 1999). Important engineering works, some are very large, have allowed researchers to observe the different fluvial sequences of the Creuse River more thoroughly. Finally, significant improvements in the Elec tron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating method applied to bleached sedimentary quartz have enabled us to begin fitting these fluvial systems into Quaternary chronology (Voinchet, 1997; Falguères et al, 2002; Voinchet, 2002). Not all of the Creuse alluvial formations have been thoroughly studied as yet. Identification, surveying and dating are still in progress. Here, therefore, we present the current state of our research. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL CONTEXT The Creuse river has its source in the Limousin Mount ains, on the Millevaches Plateau (877 m), near Ussel (Corrèze). It is a torrent who flows northward to Aubusson, then turns towards the north-west along a major fault between the Marche Mounts and the Combrailles Region. Its narrow basin is constrained between the Cher and the Vienne Basins. The Creuse then crosses the Marche Fault and flows northward through the crystalline rocks of the Aigurande Plateau (Eguzon-Chantôme area) (fig. 1) (Rolin, 1981) and, upstream of Argenton, through the sedimentary fo rmations of the Paris Basin (Freytet et al, 1986; Lorenz and Lorenz, 1984 and 1985; Lorenz et al, 1990; CohenJullien et al, 1989 and 1998). The river then heads westward, along the major "Saint-Gaultier Fault" into the Jurassic limestones, towards the Touraine Region. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH This study is primarily based on the field works of Jackie Despriée and Robert Gageonnet since twenty years in the Middle Creuse River Valley. Since 1999, intense survey and systematic sedimentological and electron spin resonance (ESR) dating analyses have been undertaken in the context of a research program financially supported by the french Ministry of Culture and the Centre Region Council. Recent improvement of the ESR method and its appli cation to the dating of bleached quartz extracted from sediments currently allows to provide chronological dates on Pleistocene fluvial deposits and associated archaeol ogicalsites (Yokoyama et al, 1985; Laurent et al, 1998; Voinchet et al, 2004, this issue). An ESR age is obtained from the ratio of the total dose received by the sample during its history (palaeodose) to the annual radiation dose rate. The application on sedimentary quartz is well described by Voinchet et al (2004). For this material, the palaeodose is not related to the time elapsed since the mineral formation, but to the time elapsed since its deposition and burial in an alluvial terrace. In fact, the dating is based on the hypothesis of a zeroing of the ESR traps by sunlight during the trans portphase in the river. However, the ESR center used for the age determination, here the Al-center (Yokoyama et al, 1985), is not completely bleached during the sunli ghtexposure; its intensity decreases in terms of the expo sure time and reaches a plateau value which represents a «residual» dose. The palaeodose received by the sample since the burial is obtained then by subtraction of this residual dose to the total dose. This residual value is determined by studying the response of the quartz sam ples to an ultra-violet light exposure. The maximal blea ching value is generally obtained after a equivalent six months exposure (Voinchet et al, 2003). THE MIDDLE CREUSE VALLEY ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS The bedrocks geological and tectonic characteristics provide a three part division of the Middle Creuse Valley, respectively called "Massif Central", "Intermediate" and "Paris Basin" sectors (fig. 1). THE "MASSIF CENTRAL" SECTOR The Massif Central sector is located between Crozant and Ceaulmont (fig. 1 & 2). Here the valley is cut into igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Aigurande Plateau more than 140 m deep along a path largely dependent on the innumerable fractures and faults in the old basement. Five alluvial formations, indexed from A (the lowest) to E (the higher), have been identified in this part of the valley. The present-day topographic position of the known outcrops of the two higher formations leads us to believe that the valley must have been about 1 km wide during the aggradation phases. ESR data obtained for this sector are showed in table 1 . - Sheet E (+115 / +130 m) - "le Pin" alluvial format ion. Only one outlier of the very high formation has been identified near the hamlet of "le Pin ". The major part of the alluvial deposits is sandy and the upper part contains many well-rounded quartz pebbles. This outcrop was previously included into the Sheet D (+90 / +110 m) (Gageonnet, 1986, 1987, 1988; Aârab, 79 CHANNEL Dogger-Tertiary I I. I I I \, 1, , 'I i,I i,I' ',II' I'I 1i,I i,I III II l\M 1,3. I.*S IT-T i,I1' I'I Ii,I Ii,I' FT 1', I, I I' I 'Argenton-sur-Creuse Sj Z Lias-Trias + -h Metamorphic and magmatic rocks ±1^ // Faults / ~k ^: Sector's limits ESR Samples Fig. 1: Location map of the Middle Creuse River Valley between Crozant (Creuse) and Le Blanc (Indre), from the northwestern part of the Aigurande Plateau (Massif Central) to the entrance in the Touraine Region (after Freytet et ai, 1986; Cohen-Jullien et ai, 1989; Freytet et ai, 1989; Rasplus et ai, 1989; Lorenz et al., 1990; Cohen-Jullien et ai, 1998). Fig 1 Carte de situation de la vallée de la Creuse moyenne entre Crozant (Creuse) et Le Blanc (Indre), de la bordure nord-ouest du plateau d' Aigu rande (Massif Central) a l'entrée en Touraine (d'après Freytet et al , 1986, Cohen-Jullien et al , 1989, Freytet et al , 1989, Rasplus et al , 1989, Lorenz étal, 1990, Cohen-Jullien et al , 1998) 1994) because the present altimetry of the remnant is +100 / +1 16 m). However, the ESR results (tab. 1) assign an age around 1.7 ± 0,2 Ma to this formation which is much older than the D sheet age. In fact, a major fault, the "Gargilesse fault" (F2) separates the "/e ftn" outlier from the closest remnant of the Sheet D at "le Cerisier" (fig. 2). The small altitudinal difference between these two formations is probably due to a postdepositional reacti vation of this fault (Freytet et al, 1986, 1989; Cohen-Jull ien, 1989, 1998). Therefore, on account of the remaining thickness of the Sheet E (15 m) and of the relative alt itude of the plateau at the top of the slope (140 m), the "le Pin " alluvial remnant should be initially located at an approximate altitude of around +115/+130m. The fault down-throw would thus be around 15 to 20 m. - Sheet D (+ 90 / + 110 m) - "le Cerisier / Pont-deLavaud" alluvial formation. This alluvial formation is the best preserved in this sector of the valley, especially downstream from the Eguzon dam, over a distance of more than 15 km on both sides of the river valley (fig. 2). The base of the sheet, at a constant altitude of + 90 m, has been observed only upstream the Eguzon dam. Fur ther south, significant erosion, probably due to the uplift of a post-depositional anticline (Freytet et al., 1986), has reduced the thickness of the rare outcrops that still exist over small surface areas in hollows in the substra tum than 2 m (Crozant, "la Chaudronnière"; EguzonChantôme, "Fressignes", "la Croix-de-Chambon" and "Pont-de-Lavaud". This basal unit corresponds to slope 80 I/Intermediate sector Ceaulmon Gargilesse - Dampierre "la Garenhe Bourny le Censm, Massif Central sector 1 I Fressignes uzon iwm Pont-de Lavaud Plateau deposits Sheet E +115/+130m SheetD+90/+110m SheetC+60/+75m Sheet B +45 /+S0 ra Sheet A altitude) (relative +15/+25m Plateau deposits Sheet E +U5/+l30m SheetD+90/+110m "Pont de-Lavaud" site SheetC+60/+75m Sheet A +15/+25mOttten Fig. 2: Middle Creuse River Valley, "Massif Central" Sector: map of outcrops of the alluvial formations on the Aigurande Plateau and in the Creuse River Valley; synthetic transverse profile of the step ped sheets that have not been flooded by the dam (after Despriée et Gageonnet, 2003, modified). Fig 2 Vallée moyenne de la Creuse, secteur " Massif Central " carte des affleurements des formations alluviales du plateau et de la vallée de la Creuse et profil transversal synthétique des nappes etagées non mas quées par les barrages (d'après Despnée et Gageonnet, 2003, modif iée) deposits that include authigenic weathered rocks (micaschist, gneiss, amphibolite), blocks of vein quartz and well-rounded quartz pebbles probably derived from an overlying alluvial formation, with interbedded lenses of sand. At "Pont-de-Lavaud", cryoturbation phenomena, preferentially developed in the fracture zones in relation with the weathered and decayed rocks, have deformed and penetrated the basal unit, creating various types of structures (polygons, circles, diapirs, injections of alterite...) (Despriée and Gageonnet, 2003). The fluvial deposits, 10 to 15 m thick, are made up, for the most part, of inclined beds of coarse-grained sand cut by discontinuous beds of quartz pebbles, more abundant in the top. One prehistoric site has been found in the basal deposits of the sheet D, at Eguzon-Chantôme "Pont-de-Lavaud" (Indre). This site has been excavated between 1984 and 0/+5m +5/+ 10m +10/+15m +15/+30m +30/+4Sm +45/+50m +50/+55m +55/+60IÎ! +60/+70m +78Z+85 m +85/+ 105 m Fig. 3: Middle Creuse River Valley, " Intermediate " Sector: loca tion map of the alluvial formations showing the highest layers about + 78/+ 105 m in Ceaulmont, the insetted alluvial fans in the Le Pêchereau "buttonhole" and the extensives layers in the half graben below Saint-Marcel to Le Pont-Chrétien. The numbers indicate the sampled and dated sites (from J. Despriée and J. Duvialard fieldtrips). Fig 3 Vallée moyenne de la Creuse, secteur "Intermédiaire " carte des nappes alluviales des hauts niveaux de +78/+105 m à Ceaulmont, des dépôts progradants du secteur du Pêchereau et des nappes étalées dans le demi-fosse de Saint-Marcel - Le Pont-Chretien (Indre) Les étoi lesindiquent les sites prélevés et dates 1994. The prehistoric industry was found in the basal deposits and also on anthropic pavements builded with quartz blocks in the upper part of these deposits (Des priée and Gageonnet, 1999 and 2003). About 5 000 arte facts have been recording, included pebble-tools, core and flakes, as well as pebbles and vein quartz, broken with hammer-stone on quartz anvil, and their fragments. No weathering of this very archaic prehistoric industry is observable. Ten ESR dates have been obtained for this formation and place it at the end of the Early Pleistocene, between 0.9 and 1.2 Ma (tab. 1). In fact, the dates derived from the sediments sampled in the best preserved sections (up to 15 m thick - Baraize, "Montcocu"; Dampierre-Gargilesse, "le Cerisier") are grouped between 1.1 and 1.2 Ma, whereas samples from the thinnest outcrops (less than 2 m thick preserved - Eguzon-Fressignes «le Jardinle-Nué» ; Eguzon, "Pont-de-Lavaud") have been dated at about 0.9-1 Ma. These slightly younger ages would result from pedogenesis (Aârab, 1994; Laurent, 1993). 81 Relative altitudes (m) E +115/+130 D +90/+110 C B +60/+75 +52 Samples Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Pin" 1 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Pin" 2 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Pin" 3 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Cerisier" 1 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Cerisier" 2 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Cerisier" 3 Gargilesse-Dampierre "le Cerisier" 4 Baraize "Montcocu" 1 Baraize "Montcocu" 2 Eguzon, Fressignes "Jardin le Nué" Eguzon " Pont-de-Lavaud" 1 Eguzon "Pont-de-Lavaud" 2 Eguzon "Pont-de-Lavaud" 3 Gargilesse "Bourny" Gargilesse "la Garenne" Fressignes "Chantecreuse" ' Sheets Bleaching Archaeological doses Water (%) Annual doses (%) (Gy) (u Gy/year) 257 ± 24 22 25 151± 14 273 ± 26 24 20 162 ±15 269 ±27 19 20 153 ±15 25 198 ±20 18 167 ±16 202 ± 20 30 17 183 ±18 27 195 ±20 17 168 ±17 211 ±21 34 18 189 ±19 219±22 28 20 198 ±20 229 ± 22 34 20 204 ± 20 227 ± 22 21 12 217±22 212 ±20 211 ±21 25 17 22 225 ± 22 17 230 ±22 226 ± 22 249 ± 25 24 17 210±20 350 ±32 26 18 31 172 ±18 23 287 ±28 26 155 ±16 20 355 ±32 Ages (ka) 1702 ±200 1686 ±200 1756 ±200 1187 ±200 1103 ±200 1161 ±200 1116 ± 150 1106 ±150 1122 ±150 1045 ± 160 1001 ± 150 977 ±100 905 ± 100 602 ± 65 600 ± 65 437 ± 50 Tab. 1: ESR results obtained on samples carried out from the "Massif Central" Sector, showing analytical data (archaeological and annual doses, water content in sediment, maximal bleaching percentages) and ages. Tab 1 Tableau de résultats des analyses RPE du secteur " Massif Central ", présentant les données analytiques (Dose archéologique et dose annuelle, teneur en eau des sediments, taux de blanchiment maximum) et les âges obtenus - Sheet C (+ 60 / +75 m) - "Gargilesse" alluvial for mation. Only one remnant of the Sheet C was observed south of Gargilesse ( "la Garenne " and "Bourny "). The strat igraphy, about 10 m thick, is essentially sandy with irr egular beds of quartz pebbles embedded in rubified and reddish-brown sandy clay. ESR measurements gave cons istent results, around 600 ka (tab. 1). The river valley narrowed, probably due to relatively more rapid general uplift, which reactivate old faults nearer to each other (Despriée and Gageonnet, 2003, fig. 5). - Sheet B (+ 45 / + 50 m) - "Fressignes D. 45" alluvial formation Downstream the Eguzon dam (+60 m), is a very small remnant of the Sheet B shown a gravely sand ; the thick nessand the area of which are unknown. One ESR age of 437 ± 50 ka was obtained for this sheet (tab. 1). - Sheet A (+ 15 / + 25 m) and eventual lower alluvial formations In the Massif Central sector, the lower part of the valley is hidden by recent sediments or by several barrier lakes. Sheet A was recognized at Baraize, "le Pré-Marteau ". The sediment is rich in pebbles and blocks, including very large metamorphic and magmatic rocks, especially amphibolite and granite examples. THE "INTERMEDIATE" SECTOR The transition of the river from the crystalline Massif Central into the sedimentary Paris Basin can be seen clearly in the morphology of the valley and in the deve lopment of its alluvial formations. This can be attributed both to the lithological differences and to a very active recent tectonics. This "Intermediate" sector of the river, from Ceaulmont to Pont-Chrétien (about 15 km long) was divided in three subsectors : the first one from Ceaul mont to Le Menoux, the second from Le Menoux to Argenton-sur-Creuse and the third from Argenton-surCreuse to Le Pont-Chrétien (fig. 3). Eleven sheets, indexed from I to XI, have been distin guished, in the intermediate sector. The complete stepped terraces system has never been observed however (fig. 3). Not all the recognized terraces have been studied. Table 2 summarizes ESR data for this sector. - Subsector 1 (ssl - fig. 3) From Ceaulmont to Le Menoux, the Creuse river cuts successively northward the migmatites then Liassic fo rmations (clay and clayey limestones). Intense faulting (lowered substratum blocks) coupled with the less resis tantsubstrat has led to the widening of the valley. In this context, the alluvial sheets was spreading in large dejec tioncones, which can be observed over an area nearly 4 km wide on either side of the river from Badecon-LePin to "les Granges ". The main alluvial outcrops observed in this area are the higher sheets near Ceaulmont. Sheet XI (+ 85 / +105 m) and Sheet X, (+ 78 / + 85 m) were respectively recogni zed at "les Granges " and at "les Pessols ", but these fo rmations have not be studied at this time. Below these deposits, the valley narrows and its straight SE-NW section follows the Ceaulmont fault (F3). In this part of the valley, only small remnants of the middle sheets survive. Sheet VIII (+ 55 / + 60 m - "Villarnoux" formation) corresponds to a thick bed of coarse basal deposits, including blocks and pebbles of endogeneous rocks (quartz, granite, micaschiste, etc.), covered by 3 m of coarse clayey rubified sand. The stratigraphy of Sheet VI (+ 45 / + 50 m - "la Châtaigne" formation) shows four metres of fine to coarse grained sands, with little pebbles and horizontal or oblique stratifications, capped by a layer of 5 to 50 cm long pebbles of endogeneous rocks. Only this last alluvial sheet was dated by ESR. Three samples gave ages ranging between 300 and 350 ka (tab. 2). - Subsector 2 (ss2 - fig. 3) In this area, the river erodes the poorly resistant format ionsof the Lias and the basal Dogger limestone. 82 Sheets Relative altitudes (m) VII +50/+55 VI +45/+50 V +30/+45 IV +15/+30 III II I +10/+15 +5/+ 10 0/+5 Samples Saint-Marcel "les Coutures" 1 Saint-Marcel "les Coutures" 2 Ceaulmont "la Châtaigne" 1 Ceaulmont "la Châtaigne" 2 Ceaulmont "la Châtaigne" 3 Saint Marcel "Les Pommeurs" 1 Saint Marcel "Les Pommeurs" 2 Saint Marcel "Les Mersans" 1 Saint Marcel "Les Mersans" 2 Ceaulmont "le Petit-Multon" Le Pêchereau "Maison-Rouge" Le Pêchereau "Courbas" Saint Marcel "la Sous station" Saint Marcel "le Motocross" Le Pont Chrétien "Les Champs-de-laChaume" Saint Marcel " les-Champs-du-Chereau" Le Pont Chrétien "la Sablière Deville" Saint Marcel "les Chambons" Bleaching Archaeological doses (%) (Gy) 28 142 ±15 26 164 ±16 23 162 ±18 25 142 ±15 140 ± 16 19 20 129 ±12 29 155 ±15 27 153 ±15 35 159 ±16 19 201 ±20 18 69 ±7 25 82 ±8 28 90 ±9 22 92 ±9 29 69 ±7 22 67 ±7 30 70 ±7 23 51 ±5 Water (%) 12 13 19 20 19 22 23 15 15 18 19 18 18 16 9 18 15 14 Annual doses (u Gy/year) 277 ± 27 329 ±31 462 ± 44 469 ± 46 456 ± 45 374 ± 37 309 ±31 418 ±42 350 ±34 439 ±44 293 ± 30 429 ±43 419 ±42 406 ±40 309 ±31 325 ± 32 310 ±31 392 ± 40 Ages (ka) 510 ±59 498 ± 58 351 ± 40 303 ± 45 307 ± 45 344 ± 45 501 ± 62 366 ± 45 453 ± 55 458 ± 60 236 ± 28 190 ± 22 215 ± 25 227 ± 25 221 ± 27 206 ± 28 226 ± 27 131 ± 20 Tab. 2: ESR results obtained on samples carried out from the "Intermediate" Sector, showing analytical data (archaeological and annual doses, water content in sediment, maximal bleaching percentages) and ages. Tab 2 Tableau de résultats des analyses RPE du secteur " Intermédiaire ", présentant les données analytiques (Dose archéologique et dose annuelle, teneur en eau des sédiments, taux de blanchiment maximum) et les âges obtenus The rare outcrops of the highest alluvial formations have not been studied. Below 50 m of relative altitude, the valley is shaped like a buttonhole. Its width varies from 0,250 km at Le Menoux to 2,7 km at Le Pêchereau then the valley narrows down to 0,4 km near Argenton-sur-Creuse. Fluvial sediments are deposited in large prograding fans in this sector, forming a basin in the con tinuation of the Ceaulmont-Le Menoux fault (F3). The eight lowest sheets are present in this subsector, but only Sheet IV (+ 15 / + 30 m) has been studied by ESR on three different localities with various sedimentological characteristics. At "le Petit-Multon" the stratigr aphy (10 m thick observed) shows an alternance of sandy cross-bedded strata and coarse levels with quartz pebbles and endogeneous rocks. An age of 458 ± 60 ka was obtai ned; At "la Maison-Rouge" and at "le Courbas", the deposits are exclusively sandy but the sedimentological data vary considerably between these two localities. A prehistoric biface industry was identified at the end of the XlXth century near the " la Maison-Rouge" locality (Hubert, 1905). The ESR results are respectively of 236 ± 28 ka and 190 ± 22 ka for these two sites (tab. 2). - Subsector 3 (ss3 - fig. 3) From Argenton-sur-Creuse, the bottom of the valley narrows rapidly where the river flows through the Dogger limestone. On its left bank, the valley is then limited by a 60-meters-high cliff. Below Saint-Marcel, in a large halfgraben more than 3 km wide (Argenton Fault, F4) (Freytet et al., 1986; Cohen- Jullien et al, 1998) eight sandy alluvial formations were observed on the right bank, des cending from East to West from an relative altitude of + 60 m down to the present river bed. In this wider valley, these layers up to 12 to 15 m thick are very extensive (fig. 3). Locally, the alluvial deposits partly fill karstic cavities. The different sheets of this subsector show prac tically the same sedimentological features. ESR analyses were performed on sediments sampled from sheets I to V and VII (tab. 2). Sheet I (0 / + 5 m), studied at SaintMarcel «les Chambons», gave an age of 13 1 ± 20 ka. The ESR results obtained for the samples from sheets II (+5 / + 10 m), III (+10 / + 15 m) and IV (+15 / + 30 m) are quite similar, respectively 226 ± 27, 206 ± 28 and 222 ± 30 ka (3 samples). Two groups of dates were determined for the sediments of sheet V (+30 / + 45 m), sampled at Saint-Marcel «les Mersans» and «les Pommeurs». At these two localities, the lower part was dated at 450-500 ka when the ages of the upper part range around 350 ka. Finally, two samples of sheet VII (+50 / + 55 m) provide an mean age around 500 ka. The "Paris Basin" sector Between Le Pont-Chrétien and Le Blanc, the river flows westward along the major Saint-Gaultier Fault (F5) (Freytet et al., 1986) and the valley is asymmetrical (fig. 4). The plateau deposits (around 75 m at Oulches) are only observed on the top of the south slope. It corres ponds to residual veneer of water worned blocks quartz, sands and gravels (Rasplus et al, 1989). On this left bank, the north- facing slope is rather steep and the allu vial formations are clearly truncated by erosion. The right bank has a gentler slope, which might corre spond to the tilting of northern blocks. Its lower altitude at the summit (+ 55 m) might also have been caused by subsidence of the La Brenne tectonic Basin (Lorenz and Lorenz, 1984). All of the studied formations (sheets 8, 7, 6, 3) are situated on the right bank. The eight alluvial formations, their relative position, and the limestone bedrock have been recently observed over a 3 -km- wide strip all along a gas pipeline (fig. 4). - Sheet 8 (base at + 55 m) - the "les Brandes-deMontflamme" formation The sheet 8 is constituted by a gravel layer with sandy lenses, nearly 3 m thick, visible at the top on the edge of the Brenne Basin (Ciron, Indre). This outcrop represents 83 . la PiecelesBrandes- du-Cormier Le Champ- . \ Scou le-Mont/lamme^ de-Chaume / Altitude (mNGF) 90 -I 05 15 25 3km Fig. 4: Middle Creuse River Valley. Situation of the samples in the " Paris basin " Sector; and north-south section crossing Thenay and Chasseneuil showing the dissymetry of the valley which follows the major Saint-Gaultier Fault. Fig 4 Vallée de la Creuse moyenne Situation des prélèvements dans le secteur " Bassin parisien " et coupe n-s (Thenay-Chasseneuil) montrant la dissymetne de la vallée qui suit la faille majeure de Saint-Gaultier the base of the alluvial formation. An ESR age of 794 ± 1 10 ka was obtained on a sandy sediment (tab. 3). - Sheet 7 (base at + 45 m) - the "les Grands-Champs" formation A fluvial terrace (sheet 7) is well developed at Scoury (Ciron, Indre). The alluvial sequence contains clayed coarse sands with rare small quartz pebbles and was dated at 450 ± 55 ka (tab. 3). - Sheet 6 (+30 / +45 m) - the "Chitray-gare" format ion The sheet 6 is a thick (> 5 m) sandy cross-bedded layers formation, overlayed by a gravel deposit (granite and metamorphic rocks). ESR results range around 320-350 ka (tab. 3). - Sheet 3 (+ 10 / + 20 m) - the "les Champs-deChaume" and "la Pièce-des-Cormiers" formation This terrace (about 10 m thick) is visible along all the "Paris Basin" sector. Its is exclusively sandy (horizontal and cross-bedded layers) with heterogeneous gravel over lays. Prehistoric industries, with pebble-tools, handaxes and cores are founded on the Jurassic bedrock. ESR data assign to this level an age of 200-280 ka (tab. 3). SYNTHESIS AND DISCUSSION Different conclusions can be drawn from this study, still incomplete, of the Middle Creuse Valley. - The sedimentology of the Middle Creuse River fo rmations show very similar deposits, although the river flowed successively through the Aigurande crystalline Relative altitudes +50/+55 +45/+47 +30/+45 ' Bleaching Archaeological doses Water (%) Annual Samples doses Ages (ka) (%) (Gy) (u Gy/year) Ciron " Brandes-de-Montflamme" 8 28 152,95 ±15 18 192,53 ± 19 794 ± 110 7 24 153,8 ±15 17 341,2 ±34 450 ±55 Ciron, Scoury, "les-Grands-Champs" Chitray "la Gare" 1 35 126,54 ±12 19 365,74 ± 36 345 ± 40 6 Chitray "la Gare" 2 30 119,3 ±12 18 365,59 ±36 326 ± 42 Ciron "Pièce des Cormiers" 1 24 56,37 ± 5 20 239,02 ± 24 235 ± 28 3 +10/+20m Ciron "Piece des Cormiers"! 28 50,12 ±4 19 240,17 ±24 208 ± 25 Ciron carrière "les-Champs-de-Chaumes" 335,97 ± 32 278 ± 32 20 93,65 ±9 27 Tab. 3: ESR results obtained on samples carried out from the "Paris Basin" Sector, showing analytical data (archaeological and annual doses, water content in sediment, maximal bleaching percentages) and ages. Tab 3 Tableau de résultats des analyses RPE du secteur " Bassin de Paris ", présentant les données analytiques (Dose archéologique et dose annuelle, teneur en eau des sédiments, taux de blanchiment maximum) et les âges obtenus Sheets 84 Plateau then the sedimentary aureoles of the Paris Basin. The classical alluvial sequence presents slope gravels, not always visible, containing authigenic weathered rocks and well rounded quartz pebbles, then sandy-clayed deposits with endogenous rocks pebbles, finally format ionsincluding large blocks and pebbles in argilloferruginous matrix. These upper deposits correspond to the last river response to the cold climatic variations. - The total incision from the plateau to the present river bed decreases downstream. It peaks at about + 140 m in the Aigurande plateau (Crozant-Eguzon), + 125 m at the opening of the "Paris Basin" (Ceaulmont), + 80 m at Saint-Marcel, + 75 m at Oulches to about + 60 m near Le Blanc. - ESR geochronological results permit the construction of a logical chronostratigraphical framework for each studied sector, but the influence of local tectonics is also clearly perceptible. In the «Massif Central» sector, the ages of the studied sheets range from 450 ka (sheet B) to 1.7 Ma (sheet E), with for each alluvial formation a good reproducibility and a overall coherence. These results suggest a fault reactivation in the Gargilesse area, which had signi ficantly modified the relative altitude of the «le Pin» ter race. Tectonics had also effected on the geometry of the "Pont-de-Lavaud" block (Sheet D), which has recently tilted probably during the Lower Pleistocene (Despriée and Gageonnet, 2003). Finally, ESR data permit to place the archaeological «Pont-de-Lavaud» site in the Lower Pleistocene and to connect it with mediterranean Early Palaeolithic sites as Monte Poggiolo (Italy) or Atapuerca Gran Dolina (Spain). In the «Intermediate sector», some ESR results seem to be aberrant but might also be explained by the influence of tectonics. Hence, the ages obtained on «la Châtaigne» and «le Petit-Multon» localities seem to be reversed in comparison to their relative altitude. This could be rela ted to movements along the major fault of Ceaulmont which has caused tilting of scattered bedrock blocks. Sedimentological differences between «le Petit Multon» and the others localities of Sheet IV seem to corroborate such an explanation. Another apparent discrepancy cor responds to the results obtained on the sites of «les Mersans» and «les Pommeurs» at Saint-Marcel. On these both localities, the two groups of ESR ages seems in l Plateau Massif Central depoMb sector _^Sheet E(+115/+130m)-17Ma SheetD(^90/+ll0m)-llMa "Pont-de-Lavaud" .site \ SheetC(+6O/+75m) 600 ka Sheet B (+45/+50 m) - 450 ka Sheet A (+15 +25 m) fact related to the superposition of two distinct alluvial formations, which is confirm both by stratigraphical and sedimentological studies (Aârab, 1994). Finally, in this sector, the ages obtained for sheets II to IV are undistinguishable and seem indicate the deposits of several alluvial formations during isotopic stage (IS) 7, around 180-220 ka. Only a few ESR data are available for the «Paris Basin» sector and new analyses are necessary, but the great diffe rence observed between the ages of sheets 7 and 8 seems to be in contradiction with their altimetric gap. - The comparison of the obtained synthetic stepped systems (fig. 5) permits to observe several analogies. Sheets B, VI and 7 (+ 45 / + 50 m) can be attributed to the IS 12, around 450 ka. In the same way, sheets V and 6 (+30 / + 45 m) are dated around 350 ka and could cor respond to IS 10. These results permit the suggestion that during a part of the Middle Pleistocene, the three sectors have known the same evolution. For the higher formations, only the «Massif Central» sector outcrops have been consistently dated, but, in this sector where the survey is particularly difficult, the age gap between the various alluvial formations could indi cate the existence of unidentified intercalated terraces. In the intermediate and Paris Basin sectors, ESR analyses of sheets VIII to XI and 8 are in progress, in order to confirm the supposed Early Pleistocene age of these formations. Four and five alluvial formations are observed, respec tivelyin the intermediate and Paris Basin sectors, between the present river valley and the 350 ka terrace. It could indicate either the act of recent tectonics or local land slides, or the formation of several stepped terraces during a same isotopic stage, in particular IS 7. Such a model has been proposed for the Somme system where two allu vial sheets were attributed to IS 7 (Antoine et al, 2000). However, the poor ESR sensitivity of the Al-center do not permit a precise estimation of the ages of these youngest levels. New studies using the titanium-ESR center, which is more sensitive, are still in progress. CONCLUSION Systematic surveys and analyses undertaken on the alluvial remnants of the Middle Creuse River Valley between Crozant and Le Blanc have permitted the recoPans Bassin sector Plateau Sheet VIII (+55/+60 m) deposits Sheet 8 (+S2/+S5 m) 800 ka Sheet VII (+5O/+55m) 500 ka Sheet 7 Q 45/ 47m)- 450 ka SheetVU^45+50m} 450 ka ' Sheet V (+30/+45 m) 350 ka Sheet 6 Sheet (+30 +45 m) 330mjka 5 [+25/+3O Sheet IV [+15 +30 m) 220 ka Sheet 4 H20/->25 m) Sheet Ul (+10M5 m) 200 ka / Sheet 3jt +1O/+20 mj( -J50 ka f Sheet Sheet U(+5/+10m) I (0-5m) 130 fc Sheet 1 MOjn) (0/+5. n Fig. 5: Schematic chronological synthesis of the Creuse River fluviatil system, according to the ESR dating results obtained in the three sectors. Fig 5 Synthèse chronologique schématique des trois secteurs de la vallée moyenne de la Creuse d'après les résultats obtenus par la méthode RPE 85 gnition of a complex fluvial system which covers all the Pleistocene. Numerous ESR analyses allow a prelimi nary chronological framework to be proposed. At least eleven alluvial formations are identified. The more ancient alluvial formation, at "Le Pin", is dated at 1.7 Ma and indicate the antiquity of the beginning of the incision; this date is quite similar to data obtained in the Somme (Antoine et al, 2000 and 2003) and Thames sys tems (Maddy et al, 2001; Westaway et al, 2002). Anot her sheet is attributed to the Early Pleistocene, around 1.1 Ma. In this terrace, archaeological remains attest of a local ancient human settlement, as observed in others sites of the Mediterranean area. As noted in others north european fluvial systems, the Middle Pleistocene is characterized by an increase of the uplift rate. However, the interpretation of the Creuse system is complicated by intense local tectonics and the exact number of alluvial sheets need to be precisate. Only the IS 12 and 10 are clearly recognized in the dif ferent studied sectors. Finally, the response of the fluvial system to IS 7 could be complex, with at least two allu vial sheets. Not all the alluvial formations are not yet been thor oughly studied, but their relative positions were recently recognized over a three kilometers wide strip along the gas pipeline that was being laid in 2000. New ESR ana lyses but also the use of other geochronological methods (such as OSL and palaeomagnetism) will help reconst ructa more precise chronostratigraphical history for the setting of this fluvial system. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank : - The french Ministry of Culture (Sous-Direction de l'Archéologie, Service régional de l'Archéologie en région Centre), the Centre Région Council, the Indre department, the Community of Argenton-sur-Creuse Country Communes, the towns of Argenton-sur-Creuse, Baraize, SaintMarcel and Le Pêchereau, the " Association de sauvegarde du Site Archéologique d'Argentomagus " (ASSAAM) and the archaeological museum of Saint-Marcel for financial and technical supports ; - The Ile-de-France Région Council for financial support related to the ESR spectrometer acquisition ; - Mr Jean-Michel Dolo (LNHB-CEA) for the irradiation facilities, Miss Cécile Pansseaux (Ecole des Mines, Pans) and Mr Bernard Monn (SIARE, university of Pans VI) for their helps dunng ESR measure ments; - Ms Anna Kay-Bourg and Miss Hannelore Janssens for the english translation; - Mr Martin R Bates, David Bndgland and Rob Westaway for their comments and suggestions to ameliorate this paper. 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