2012年三大索引网络版收录我校论文情况汇编 - 图书馆
2012年三大索引网络版收录我校论文情况汇编 - 图书馆
三大索引(网络版) 收录西北工业大学论文统计 (2012 年) 西北工业大学图书馆 2013 年 4 月 2012 年三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 前 言 《科学引文索引》、《科技会议录索引》、《工程索引》是国际著名的三大检索系统,统称 三大索引。 《科学引文索引》 (Science Citation Index,简称 SCI)和《科技会议录索引》 (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings,简称 ISTP)是由美国科技信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,ISI)编辑出版的大型多学科综合性检索工具。 《工程索引》 (The Engineering Index , 简称 Ei)是由美国工程信息公司(Engineering Information Inc.)编辑出版的全面报导世界上工 程技术领域主要文献的信息检索工具。SCI 收录了世界上 60 多个国家和地区的 7,000 种以上 涵盖 150 多个学科的世界一流学术科技期刊,学科范围涵盖有农业、天文学、生物化学、生物 学、生物技术、化学、计算机科学、材料科学、数学、医学、神经学、肿瘤学、药物学、物理 学、植物学、精神病学、外科医学、兽医学、动物学等自然科学基础领域。ISTP 收录了 6 万 多场国际著名科技会议所提供论文的题录信息和作者摘要,涵盖的学科包括农业和环境科学、 生物化学和分子生物学、生物技术、医学、工程、计算机科学、化学和物理等领域。Ei 收录 了全世界 5,000 多种工程类期刊、会议论文集和技术报告,涉及 175 个学科和工程专业,包括 核技术、生物工程、交通运输、化学和工艺工程、照明和光学技术、农业工程和食品技术、计 算机和数据处理、应用物理、电子和通信、控制工程、土木工程、机械工程、材料工程、石油、 宇航、汽车工程以及这些领域的子学科与其他主要的工程领域。 对科研人员发表论文被三大索引收录情况进行统计,已成为各高校在国家重点实验室评 估、高校硕士点及博士点评估、专业人员技术职称评定、学位授予等工作中的一项重要考核指 标。一所高校科研论文被三大索引收录的数量,可以反映出该校科研的国际化水平。 为方便我校师生查阅论文收录情况,并引导我校师生将高水平的文章投向被权威检索系 统收录的期刊,提高我校论文被权威检索系统的收录率,近年来,我馆将三大索引对我校论文 的收录情况分学院按季度、年度进行详细统计,并将季度统计详细结果在图书馆主页上予以公 布。每年年初,我馆都将上一年度《三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计》汇辑成 册,受到了广大师生的欢迎。为使我校师生能全面了解 2012 年三大索引收录我校论文的详细 情况,现将 2012 年度收录论文汇编出版,并将数据库收录中国期刊列表附后,便于作者投稿 时选择,从而增加我校论文三大索引收录率,共同为提高我校科研水平,扎实推进国际知名高 水平研究型大学建设做出贡献。 西北工业大学图书馆 2013 年 4 月 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 统 计 说 明 1、本次统计时间段为 2012 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日;数据来源于 Ei、SCIE、ISTP 三个数据 库。 2、检索和统计方法: ①检索词:“西北工业大学”各种英文拼写方式及西工大邮政编码(710072 或者 710129) ; ②检索字段:Ei 为“Author Afflication”字段、SCIE 和 ISTP 为“ADDRESS”字段; ③检索结果和统计方法:检索结果经工作人员认真核对、筛选出我校作者的论文,然后 按学院分类整理并统计。 3、本次统计对象,SCI、Ei、ISTP 均统计第一作者,我校非第一作者的论文不予以统计。 4、根据中国科学院文献情报中心 2011 年公布的 SCI 期刊分区表,今年对我校被收录的 SCI 论文进行了期刊大类分区统计。 5、各院收录论文顺序按第一作者姓名汉语拼音排序,个别作者由于信息不全,中文姓名无法 核对。 6、本次统计和分析工作由西工大图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部工作人员完成。 7、本 统 计 分 析 的 电 子 版 可 通 过 西 工 大 图 书 馆 主 页 下 载 , 网 址 : http://tushuguan.nwpu.edu.cn/zwym/dzfwa/xkfw/sdxywxlw.htm。 8、统计结果若有不准确之处,请各位作者谅解,并请及时与我们联系更正。 审 稿:李铁虎、刘秋让 统 计:路 霞、谭 英、张燕、罗星华 分 析:路 霞 责任编辑:郭永建 印 务:关 红 联系电话:88492928 E –mail: luxia@nwpu.edu.cn 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 目 录 2012 年三大索引网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计分析............................................. 2 2012 年 SCI 网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计 ................................................ 9 航空学院(70 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 9 航天学院(17 篇) ............................................................................................................................................ 14 航海学院(23 篇) ............................................................................................................................................ 15 材料学院(496 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 17 机电学院(78 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 54 力学与土木建筑学院(34 篇) .................................................................................................................... 59 动力与能源学院(17 篇) ............................................................................................................................ 62 电子信息学院(28 篇) ................................................................................................................................ 63 自动化学院(32 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 65 计算机学院(26 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 67 理学院(264 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 69 管理学院(3 篇) .............................................................................................................................................. 89 生命学院(19 篇) ............................................................................................................................................ 89 2012 年 EI 网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计 ................................................ 92 航空学院(263 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 92 航天学院(183 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 110 航海学院(180 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 123 材料学院(421 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 136 机电学院(287 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 168 力学与土木建筑学院(92 篇) ...................................................................................................................... 188 动力与能源学院(108 篇) ............................................................................................................................ 195 电子信息学院(169 篇) ................................................................................................................................ 203 自动化学院(246 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 215 计算机学院(206 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 233 理学院(247 篇) ............................................................................................................................................ 248 管理学院(32 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 266 人文与经法学院(14 篇) .............................................................................................................................. 269 软件与微电子学院(16 篇) .......................................................................................................................... 270 生命学院(7 篇) ............................................................................................................................................ 271 国防研究院(24 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 272 无人机研究所(6 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 273 其他(8 篇) .................................................................................................................................................... 274 2012 年 ISTP 网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计 ............................................. 277 航空学院(46 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 277 航天学院(39 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 280 航海学院(35 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 282 材料学院(30 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 285 I 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 机电学院(87 篇) ...................................................................................................................................... 287 力学与土木建筑学院(22 篇) .................................................................................................................. 293 动力与能源学院(17 篇) .......................................................................................................................... 294 电子信息学院(30 篇) .............................................................................................................................. 295 自动化学院(35 篇) .................................................................................................................................. 297 计算机学院(26 篇) .................................................................................................................................. 300 理学院(27 篇) .......................................................................................................................................... 302 管理学院(8 篇) ........................................................................................................................................ 303 人文与经法学院(8 篇) ............................................................................................................................ 304 软件与微电子学院(2 篇) ........................................................................................................................ 305 国防研究院(6 篇) .................................................................................................................................... 305 无人机研究所(3 篇) ................................................................................................................................ 305 其它(4 篇) ................................................................................................................................................ 305 II 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 2012 年 三大索引网络版 收录西北工业大学论文统计分析 1 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 2012 年三大索引网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计分析 2012 年我校教学、科研、师资队伍、学科建设、人才培养、成果转化、论文发表等方面 取得了突出成绩,尤其学术研究方面,获得 2012 年度国家科学技术奖有三项,学术论文方面, 根据统计显示,2012 年度我校被三大索引收录的学术论文共有 4041 篇(均为第一作者)。为 全面反映我校科研水平及科研人员的学术影响力,我们将三大索引收录的论文,按学院分布、 作者分布、期刊分布等几个方面进行统计分析,以期提供一个客观、详实的评价依据。 1.学院分布情况 通过对三大索引在 2012 年收录作者单位为西北工业大学的论文进行统计,并根据第一作 者进行学院分类与作者中文姓名标著(第一作者为学生的归入导师所在学院、合作者归入排 名在前的作者所在学院),三大索引网络版共收录西北工业大学论文 4041 篇,其中 SCI 收录 1107 篇、Ei 收录 2509 篇、ISTP 收录 425 篇。各学院被收录论文的分布情况详见表 1。 表1 三大索引收录我校论文学院分布情况 学院名称 SCI Ei ISTP 合计 航空学院 70 263 46 379 航天学院 17 183 39 239 航海学院 23 180 35 238 材料学院 496 421 30 947 机电学院 78 287 87 452 力学与土木建筑学院 34 92 22 148 动力与能源学院 17 108 17 142 电子信息学院 28 169 30 227 自动化学院 32 246 35 313 计算机学院 26 206 26 258 理学院 264 247 27 538 管理学院 3 32 8 43 人文与经法学院 0 14 8 22 软件与微电子学院 0 16 2 18 2 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 生命学院 19 7 0 26 国防研究院 0 24 6 30 无人机研究所 0 6 3 9 其他 0 8 4 12 合计 1107 2509 425 4041 通过表 1 可以看出,材料学院被 SCI、Ei 收录论文分别为 496 篇和 421 篇,理学院被 SCI、 Ei 收录论文分别为 264 篇和 247 篇,机电学院被 Ei、ISTP 收录论文分别为 287 篇和 87 篇。 在 Ei 中被收录超过百篇论文的学院有 10 个。在 SCI 中被收录超过 20 篇论文的学院有 9 个。 在 ISTP 中被收录超过 20 篇论文的学院有 10 个。另外,偏重于收录数、理、化等基础研究 领域的 SCI,对我校材料学院、理学院发表的论文收录较多,分别为 495 篇和 264 篇;偏重 于工程和应用技术领域的 Ei,对我校机电学院、航空学院、航天学院、航海学院、材料学院、 力学与土木建筑学院、电子信息学院、自动化学院、计算机学院、理学院发表的论文收录较 多;着重收录会议论文的 ISTP,对我校机电学院、自动化学院、计算机学院发表的会议论文 收录较多。 2.作者分布情况: 在 SCI 中,统计了被收录论文 10 篇以上的作者,共 54 人,分布情况详见表 2。 表2 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 英文姓名 LI, HJ YANG, H CHEN, Z LIU, F CHENG, LF FU, HZ JIE, WQ ZHANG, LT HUANG, WD LIU, L LI, KZ ZHANG,J LIN, X ZHANG,QY LI, JS ZHOU, WC ZENG, WD FAN, HQ YANG,YQ LUO, F OUYANG, J LI,FG SCI 网络版收录我校论文作者分布情况 中文姓名 李贺军 杨 合 陈 铮 刘 峰 成来飞 傅恒志 介万奇 张立同 黄卫东 刘 林 李克智 张 军 林 鑫 张秋禹 李金山 周万城 曾卫东 樊慧庆 杨延清 罗 发 欧阳洁 李付国 所在学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 理学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 理学院 材料学院 3 收录篇数 41 32 30 28 27 27 27 26 25 25 24 23 21 21 19 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 百分数 3.70% 2.88% 2.70% 2.52% 2.43% 2.43% 2.43% 2.34% 2.25% 2.25% 2.16% 2.07% 1.89% 1.89% 1.71% 1.71% 1.62% 1.62% 1.53% 1.44% 1.44% 1.35% 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 刘正堂 李铁虎 赵建林 朱冬梅 徐 伟 张卫红 赵晓鹏 赵永庆 魏炳波 陈长乐 周 廉 王 涛 冯丽萍 罗 贤 王永欣 殷小玮 李京龙 李淼泉 李文亚 李玉龙 钮鹏程 齐乐华 商 澎 查钢强 张雨雷 付前刚 耿旺昌 刘其军 齐暑华 苏克和 张艳宁 王 猛 LIU, ZT LI,TH ZHAO,JL ZHU, DM XU, W ZHANG, WH ZHAO, XP ZHAO, YQ WEI,BB CHEN, CL ZHOU,L WANG,T FENG,LP LUO, X WANG,YX YIN,XW LI, JL LI, MQ LI,WY LI,YL NIU,PC QI, LH SHANG,P ZHA,GQ ZHANG,YL FU,QG GENG,WC LIU,QJ QI, SH SU,KH ZHANG,YN WANG,M 材料学院 材料学院 理学院 材料学院 理学院 理学院 理学院 材料学院 理学院 理学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 航空学院 理学院 机电学院 生命学院 材料学院 材料学院 材料学院 理学院 材料学院 理学院 理学院 计算机学院 材料学院 1.35% 1.26% 1.26% 1.26% 1.17% 1.17% 1.17% 1.17% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 1.08% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 从表 2 作者分析看出,2012 年度被 SCI 收录 10 篇以上的作者,主要集中于材料学院 和理学院,尤其是材料学院,前 52 名中有 38 名是材料学院的作者,张立同、成来飞、李贺 军、杨合、介万奇、黄卫东、刘峰等均有超过 20 篇论文被收录,反映出我校材料学科的强 大实力、以及在该领域的科研影响力。 作者分布情况主要依据于三大索引数据库提供的分析数据,因作者英文姓名拼写方式多 样,有可能造成数据库漏检或不准确之处,敬请各位作者谅解,并及时与我们联系更正。 (由 于 Ei、ISTP 数据库统计功能有所限制,所以 Ei、ISTP 未做作者分析) 3.期刊分布情况 期刊分布情况着重统计了 SCI 数据库收录我校论文超过 5 篇的期刊,分布情况详见表 3。 SCI 在 2012 年度收录我校论文中,刊载论文最多的期刊是“RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING”(稀有金属材料与工程),被收录论文有 76 篇,占该年度总量的 6.85%。 “ MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 4 A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING”(材料科学与工程 A),被收录论文有 42 篇,占该年度总 量的 3.78%。 “ACTA PHYSICA SINICA”(物理学报),被收录论文有 25 篇,占该年度总量的 2.25%。从表 3 中我们不但可以了解该刊收录我校论文的情况,也可以通过影响因子了解该刊 本身的学术影响力,影响因子是期刊品质的一个评价指标。表 3 中影响因子最高的是“CARBON” (碳),我校被收录的论文有 5 篇。通过统计分析,作者要提高论文被 SCI 的收录率,必须 将论文投稿到 SCI 收录的期刊上,而要提高论文的学术水平在学术界的影响力,还需将论文 投稿到影响因子较高的期刊上。 表 3 SCI 网络版中刊载我校论文期刊分布表 序号 1 2 期 刊 名 称 RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING 影响因子 收录篇数 百分比 0.164 76 6.85% 2.101 42 3.78% 3 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 1.027 25 2.25% 4 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2.103 22 1.98% 5 TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 0.751 21 1.89% 6 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 2.289 18 1.62% 7 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE 1.574 16 1.44% 8 SCIENCE CHINA TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES 0.884 15 1.35% 9 MATERIALS DESIGN 1.696 14 1.26% 10 MATERIALS LETTERS 2.307 14 1.26% 11 ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 0.464 13 1.17% 12 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 1.751 11 0.99% 13 CORROSION SCIENCE 3.734 11 0.99% 14 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2.168 11 0.99% 15 JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 1.726 10 0.90% 16 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 0.759 10 0.90% 17 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS 0.276 10 0.90% 18 ACTA MATERIALIA 3.755 9 0.81% 19 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 0.731 9 0.81% 20 INTERMETALLICS 1.649 9 0.81% 21 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 1.783 9 0.81% 22 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 0.772 9 0.81% 23 CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS 0.406 8 0.72% 24 CHINESE PHYSICS B 1.376 8 0.72% 25 INFORMATION AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL 8 0.72% 26 APPLIED PHYSICS A MATERIALS SCIENCE PROCESSING 1.765 7 0.63% 27 CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 1.321 7 0.63% 28 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2.272 7 0.63% 29 SURFACE COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 2.141 7 0.63% 30 ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 0.860 6 0.54% 31 JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 1.289 6 0.54% 5 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 32 JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS 0.445 6 0.54% 33 JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS 1.780 6 0.54% 34 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 2.015 6 0.54% 35 MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN 2.105 6 0.54% 1.545 6 0.54% METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND 36 MATERIALS SCIENCE 37 NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 1.247 6 0.54% 38 PHYSICA B CONDENSED MATTER 0.856 6 0.54% 39 AIAA JOURNAL 1.057 5 0.45% 40 CARBON 5.378 5 0.45% 41 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 1.103 5 0.45% 42 JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY 1.812 5 0.45% 43 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION 5 0.45% 44 OPTICS EXPRESS 5 0.45% 45 PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL 5 0.45% 3.587 4. SCI 分区统计情况分析: 我校图书馆依据中国科学院文献情报中心 2011 年公布的 SCI 期刊分区表,对该年度 SCI 数据库收录我校论文情况进行了大类分区统计,统计情况详见表 4。 表4 SCI 网络版刊载我校论文分区统计表 学院 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 国防研 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 院 究院 1区 1 1 1 14 0 1 0 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 28 2区 6 2 1 127 10 0 1 5 6 10 51 1 0 5 0 225 3区 19 1 8 116 27 9 1 11 9 5 90 0 0 4 0 300 4区 43 12 13 234 41 23 15 12 13 11 105 2 0 8 0 532 无分区 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 0 3 0 9 0 0 2 0 22 合计 70 17 23 496 78 34 17 28 32 26 264 3 0 19 0 1107 合计 SCI 分区 从上表统计看出,我校被收录的学术论文,在 4 区类期刊收录最多,其次是 3 区类期刊, 但是一、二类期刊的数量比去年均有所提高,如果要想提高论文在学术界的影响力,还需向 1 区或 2 区的期刊投稿。因此提醒我校论文作者,投稿时请多关注 1 区或 2 区期刊的学术动 态及其变化。 5.2012 年与前期情况比较分析: 我们将三大索引网络版 2005 年-2012 年收录西北工业大学论文情况汇总统计,详见表 5。 6 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 表5 年 度 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 SCI 451 586 666 803 931 832 924 1107 2005 年-2012 年三大索引收录量对比 EI 957 1540 1792 2418 2160 3170 3538 2509 ISTP 329 391 451 776 551 717 572 425 合 计 1737 2517 2909 3997 3642 4719 5034 4041 通过表 5 分析, 2012 年发表论文被收录的总量比 2011 年减少了 993 篇,但是 SCI 数据 库 2012 年比去年同期增加了 183 篇,在此强调 2012 年 SCI 数据库我校被收录的论文中,只 统计了第一作者的论文,而以第二合作者身份被收录的论文,未予以统计。由于学校衡量论 文的标准有所变化,逐步体现在 Ei 、ISTP 数据库上,比去年同期减少了 1029 篇和 147 篇。 纵观全校,针对 SCI 数据库,每个学院都有不同程度的增加。 7 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 2012 年 SCI 网络版 收录西北工业大学论文统计 (1107 篇) 8 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 2012 年 SCI 网络版收录西北工业大学论文统计 (1107 篇) 信息项说明: 1. 中文姓名 2. AU:作者英文姓名 3. TI: 文章题目 4. SO:来源 5. UT ISI:SCI 中论文唯一编号 6. SCI 分区 6.布树辉;刘贞报等 AU:Bu, SH;Liu, ZB;Shiina, T;Kondo, K;Yamakawa, M;Fukutani, K;Someda, Y;Asao, Y TI:Model-Based Reconstruction Integrated With Fluence Compensation for Photoacoustic Tomography SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303201000017 SCI 分区:2 航空学院(70 篇) 7.布树辉;刘贞报等 AU:Bu, SH;Liu, ZB;Shiina, T;Fukutani, K TI:Matrix Compression and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Photoacoustic Tomography SO:ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA UT ISI:000311600600025 SCI 分区:4 1.Zakir, Sheikh Muhammad;薛璞;王波;李玉龙 AU:Xue, P;Iqbal, N;Liao, HJ;Wang, B;Li, YL TI:Experimental study, on strain rate sensitivity of ductile porous irons SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING UT ISI:000306449800010 SCI 分区:3 8.布树辉;刘贞报等 AU:Bu, SH;Liu, ZB;Shiina, T;Fukutani, K TI:Matrix Compression and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Photoacoustic Tomography SO:ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA UT ISI:000311600600025 SCI 分区:4 2.Chen, Gang;左英桃等 AU:Chen, G;Zuo, YT;Sun, J;Li, YM TI:Support-Vector-Machine-Based Reduced-Order Model for Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction of Nonlinear Aeroelastic System SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301371000001 SCI 分区:4 9.陈春林;李玉龙等 AU:Chen, CL;Li, YL;Yuan, FG TI:Impact source identification in finite isotropic plates using a time-reversal method: experimental study SO:SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES UT ISI:000309511000025 SCI 分区:3 3.Pan, Shu-Cheng;;蔡晋生 AU:Pan, SC;Cai, JS TI:Investigation of vortical flow over bluff bodies with base cavities SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000310884300002 SCI 分区:4 4.Pan, Shu-Cheng;;蔡晋生 AU:Pan, SC;Cai, JS TI:Investigation of vortical flow over bluff bodies with base cavities SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000310884300002 SCI 分区:4 10.褚胡冰;张彬乾;陈迎春等 AU:Chu, HB;Zhang, BQ;Chen, YC;Li, YL;Mao, J TI:Investigation of micro vortex generators on controlling flow separation over SCCH high-lift configuration SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000305420400022 SCI 分区:4 5.Song, HY;李玉龙 AU:Song, HY;Li, YL TI:Effect of twin boundary spacing on deformation behavior of nanotwinned magnesium SO:PHYSICS LETTERS A UT ISI:000299607300061 SCI 分区:3 11.崔利杰;吕震宙;周长聪 AU:Cui, LJ;Lu, ZZ;Zhou, CC TI:The trajectory importance measure of the shaping machine under stochastic excitation SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 9 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 19.郭亚洲;李玉龙 AU:Guo, YZ;Li, YL TI:A NOVEL APPROACH TO TESTING THE DYNAMIC SHEAR RESPONSE OF Ti-6Al-4V SO:ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA UT ISI:000306825200006 SCI 分区:4 UT ISI:000300455700022 SCI 分区:4 12.崔利杰;吕震宙等 AU:Cui, LJ;Lu, ZZ;Wang, Q TI:Parametric sensitivity analysis of the importance measure SO:MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000301549900034 SCI 分区:2 20.郝文锐;吕震宙等 AU:Hao, WR;Lu, ZZ;Wei, PF;Feng, J;Wang, BT TI:A new method on ANN for variance based importance measure analysis of correlated input variables SO:STRUCTURAL SAFETY UT ISI:000307202500007 SCI 分区:3 13.段焰辉;蔡晋生;李尹喆 AU:Duan, YH;Cai, JS;Li, YZ TI:Gappy Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Based Two-Step Optimization for Airfoil Design SO:AIAA JOURNAL UT ISI:000302277000018 SCI 分区:4 21.郝文锐等 AU:Hao, WR;Lu, ZZ;Tian, LF TI:Importance measure of correlated normal variables and its sensitivity analysis SO:RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY UT ISI:000301016400015 SCI 分区:2 14.范学领 AU:Fan, XL;Xu, R;Zhang, WX;Wang, TJ TI:Effect of periodic surface cracks on the interfacial fracture of thermal barrier coating system SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000307729600052 SCI 分区:3 22.侯兵;李玉龙等 AU:Hou, B;Zhao, H;Pattofatto, S;Liu, JG;Li, YL TI:Inertia effects on the progressive crushing of aluminium honeycombs under impact loading SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES UT ISI:000308262400005 SCI 分区:3 15.范学领;;孙秦; AU:Fan, XL;Zhang, WX;Wang, TJ;Sun, Q TI:The effect of thermally grown oxide on multiple surface cracking in air plasma sprayed thermal barrier coating system SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310119900002 SCI 分区:2 23.姜洪开;姚培等 AU:Jiang, HK;He, YN;Yao, P TI:Incipient defect identification in rolling bearings using adaptive lifting scheme packet SO:JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING UT ISI:000305361700040 SCI 分区:4 16.范学领;孙秦;刘彦杰 AU:Fan, XL;Sun, Q;Liu, YJ TI:A MODIFIED DUCTILE FRACTURE MODEL INCORPORATING SYNERGISTIC EFFECTS OF PRESSURE AND LODE ANGLE SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS UT ISI:000306370100011 SCI 分区:无分区 24.姜洪开等 AU:Jiang, HK;Duan, CD TI:An adaptive lifting scheme and its application in rolling bearing fault diagnosis SO:JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING UT ISI:000305361700039 SCI 分区:4 17.谷迎松;杨智春 AU:Gu, YS;Yang, ZC TI:Modified p-k Method for Flutter Solution with Damping Iteration SO:AIAA JOURNAL UT ISI:000299587000024 SCI 分区:4 25.金朋;宋笔锋;钟小平 AU:Jin, P;Song, BF;Zhong, XP TI:Structure Optimization of Large Composite Wing Box with Parallel Genetic Algorithm SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000297967200034 SCI 分区:4 18.谷迎松;杨智春等 AU:Gu, YS;Zhang, XP;Yang, ZC TI:Robust flutter analysis based on genetic algorithm SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000307623500013 SCI 分区:4 26.李锋;叶正寅;高超 AU:Li, F;Ye, ZY;Gao, C TI:Design of a new tandem wings hybrid airship 10 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY UT ISI:000308953800022 SCI 分区:4 SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000307623500012 SCI 分区:4 27.李凯;钟诚文;卓丛山等 AU:Li, K;Zhong, CW;Zhuo, CS;Cao, J TI:Non-body-fitted Cartesian-mesh simulation of highly turbulent flows using multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method SO:COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000304514500006 SCI 分区:3 34.裴扬;孟浩;宋笔锋 AU:Pei, Y;Meng, H;Song, BF TI:Shotline Method for Estimating Aircraft Infrared Radiant Intensity SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000297967200012 SCI 分区:4 35.裴扬;宋笔锋 AU:Pei, Y;Song, BF TI:Method for Assessing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vulnerability to High-Energy Laser Weapon SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000300076400032 SCI 分区:4 28.李璐祎;吕震宙;周长聪 AU:Li, LY;Lu, ZZ;Zhou, CC TI:Importance analysis for models with correlated input variables by the state dependent parameters method SO:COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000298824900024 SCI 分区:3 36.裴扬;宋笔锋等 AU:Pei, Y;Li, P;Song, BF TI:Kronecker Product Method for the Exact Solution of Aircraft Vulnerability SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000300076400036 SCI 分区:4 29 李璐祎;吕震宙等 AU:Li, LY;Lu, ZZ;Li, W TI:State dependent parameter method for importance analysis in the presence of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000304121200022 SCI 分区:4 37.宋海洋;李玉龙 AU:Song, HY;Li, YL TI:Atomic simulations of effect of grain size on deformation behavior of nano-polycrystal magnesium SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000300948600100 SCI 分区:3 30.李璐祎;吕震宙等 AU:Li, LY;Lu, ZZ;Feng, J;Wang, BT TI:Moment-independent importance measure of basic variable and its state dependent parameter solution SO:STRUCTURAL SAFETY UT ISI:000307202500005 SCI 分区:3 38.宋海洋;李玉龙 AU:Song, HY;Li, YL TI:Effect of stacking fault and temperature on deformation behaviors of nanocrystalline Mg SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000309072200135 SCI 分区:3 31.李沛峰;张彬乾;陈迎春;袁昌盛;林宇 AU:Li, PF;Zhang, BQ;Chen, YC;Yuan, CS;Lin, Y TI:Aerodynamic Design Methodology for Blended Wing Body Transport SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000308560500003 SCI 分区:4 39.宋述芳;吕震宙;崔利杰 AU:Song, SF;Lu, ZZ;Cui, LJ TI:A generalized Borgonovo's importance measure for fuzzy input uncertainty SO:FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS UT ISI:000300130800004 SCI 分区:1 32.刘沙;钟诚文 AU:Liu, S;Zhong, CW TI:Modified unified kinetic scheme for all flow regimes SO:PHYSICAL REVIEW E UT ISI:000305256400004 SCI 分区:3 40.汤金钢;刘道新;唐长斌;张晓化等 AU:Tang, JG;Liu, DX;Tang, CB;Zhang, XH;Xiong, H;Tang, B TI:Tribology behavior of double-glow discharge Mo layers on titanium alloy in aviation kerosene environment SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 33.吕广亮;叶正寅 AU:Lu, GL;Ye, ZY TI:Investigation on the mechanism of aeroelastic hazard during ground test of rocket nozzle 11 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS-ASCE UT ISI:000305012200010 SCI 分区:4 UT ISI:000308691100026 SCI 分区:4 41.唐小军;刘贞报;张加圣 AU:Tang, XJ;Liu, ZB;Zhang, JS TI:Square-root quaternion cubature Kalman filtering for spacecraft attitude estimation SO:ACTA ASTRONAUTICA UT ISI:000303789200009 SCI 分区:4 42.唐樟春;吕震宙;李大伟等 AU:Tang, ZC;Lu, ZZ;Li, DW;Feng, Z TI:Nonprobabilistic Reliability Analysis Inside Flap of an Aircraft SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000300076400023 SCI 分区:4 for 48.王刚;蒋跃文;叶正寅 AU:Wang, G;Jiang, YW;Ye, ZY TI:An Improved LU-SGS Implicit Scheme for High Reynolds Number Flow Computations on Hybrid Unstructured Mesh SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000302124000004 SCI 分区:4 49.谭亚梅;王海峰; AU:Tan, YM;Wang, HF TI:Modeling constrained dendrite growth in rapidly directional solidification SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000302698400027 SCI 分区:3 an 43.唐樟春;吕震宙等 AU:Tang, ZC;Lu, ZZ;Li, DW;Zhang, F TI:Optimal design of the positions of the hoops for a hydraulic pipelines system SO:NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN UT ISI:000298764900029 SCI 分区:4 50.王巍;李斌;杨智春;刘金利等 AU:Wang, W;Zhang, XP;Yang, ZC;Li, B;Liu, JL TI:Piezoelectric active control for tail buffeting at high angle of attack SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000308701800003 SCI 分区:4 44.田龙飞;吕震宙 AU:Tian, LF;Lu, ZZ;Wei, PF TI:Global Sensitivity Analysis Using Moving Least Squares for Models with Correlated Parameters SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000297967200030 SCI 分区:4 51.魏鹏飞;吕震宙;袁修开等 AU:Wei, PF;Lu, ZZ;Yuan, XK TI:Discussion of paper by Ming Xu, Tao Chen and Xianhui Yang "The effect of parameter uncertainty on achieved safety integrity of safety system", Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 99 (2012) 15-23 SO:RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY UT ISI:000310822400002 SCI 分区:2 45.田龙飞;吕震宙;郝文锐 AU:Tian, LF;Lu, ZZ;Hao, WR TI:Investigation of the uncertainty of the in-plane mechanical properties of composite laminates SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE UT ISI:000305558600006 SCI 分区:4 52.魏鹏飞;吕震宙;袁修开等 AU:Wei, PF;Lu, ZZ;Yuan, XK TI:Discussion of paper by Ming Xu, Tao Chen and Xianhui Yang "The effect of parameter uncertainty on achieved safety integrity of safety system", Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf., 99 (2012) 15-23 SO:RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY UT ISI:000310822400002 SCI 分区:2 46.王栋 AU:Wang, D TI:Vibration and Sensitivity Analysis of a Beam With a Lumped Mass of Translational and Rotary Inertias SO:JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000303262800013 SCI 分区:4 53.魏鹏飞;吕震宙等 AU:Wei, PF;Lu, ZZ;Hao, WR;Feng, J;Wang, BT TI:Efficient sampling methods for global reliability sensitivity analysis SO:COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000304384500020 SCI 分区:3 47.王栋 AU:Wang, D TI:Sensitivity Analysis and Shape Optimization of a Hole in a Vibrating Rectangular Plate for Eigenfrequency Maximization 54.魏鹏飞等 AU:Wei, PF;Lu, ZZ;Tian, LF 12 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 on the aerodynamic performance of micro flapping-wing SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000307401500011 SCI 分区:3 TI:New Linear Programming-Based Bound Method for Structural System Reliability SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000302758400034 SCI 分区:4 62.姚培;刘贞报;王仲生;布树辉 AU:Yao, P;Liu, ZB;Wang, ZS;Bu, SH TI:Fault Signal Classification Boosting Algorithm SO:ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA UT ISI:000310422400022 SCI 分区:4 55.毋玲等 AU:Wu, L;Golinval, JC;Noels, L TI:A micro-model for elasto-plastic adhesive-contact in micro-switches: Application to cyclic loading SO:TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000311474800016 SCI 分区:3 63.姚培;刘贞报;王仲生;布树辉 AU:Yao, P;Liu, ZB;Wang, ZS;Bu, SH TI:Fault Signal Classification Boosting Algorithm SO:ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA UT ISI:000310422400022 SCI 分区:4 56.项新梅;李玉龙等 AU:Xiang, XM;Li, YL;Pan, ZL TI:Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deformation of Shear Bands in Alloy Glass Metal Cu64Zr36 SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400020 SCI 分区:4 using Adaptive using Adaptive 64.姚小飞;吴向清等 AU:Yao, XF;Xie, FQ;Han, Y;Zhao, GX;Wu, XQ TI:Comparison of Friction Wear Properties between TC4 Titanium Alloy and P110 Tubing Steel SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310046300008 SCI 分区:4 57.许和勇;叶正寅 AU:Xu, HY;Ye, ZY TI:Numerical simulation of rotor-airframe aerodynamic interaction based on unstructured dynamic overset grids SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000308701800014 SCI 分区:4 65.姚小飞;谢发勤;吴向清等 AU:Yao, XF;Xie, FQ;Han, Y;Zhao, GX;Wu, XQ TI:Effects of Temperature on Wear Properties and Friction Coefficient of TC4 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400032 SCI 分区:4 58.许和勇;叶正寅;史爱明 AU:Xu, HY;Ye, ZY;Shi, AM TI:Numerical Study of Propeller Slipstream Based on Unstructured Overset Grids SO:JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000302758400004 SCI 分区:4 66.张伟伟;叶正寅等 AU:Zhang, WW;Wang, BB;Ye, ZY;Quan, JG TI:Efficient Method for Limit Cycle Flutter Analysis by Nonlinear Aerodynamic Reduced-Order Models SO:AIAA JOURNAL UT ISI:000303365700003 SCI 分区:4 59.许泽建;李玉龙 AU:Xu, ZJ;Li, YL TI:A novel method in determination of dynamic fracture toughness under mixed mode I/II impact loading SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES UT ISI:000300031800011 SCI 分区:3 67.张晓化;刘道新;刘国华;王振亚等 AU:Zhang, XH;Liu, DX;Liu, GH;Wang, ZY;Tang, B TI:Improvement of the fretting damage resistance of Ti-811 alloy by Cu/Ni multilayer films SO:TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000297485400031 SCI 分区:3 60.许泽建;李玉龙等 AU:Xu, ZJ;Li, YL;Huang, FL TI:Application of split Hopkinson tension bar technique to the study of dynamic fracture properties of materials SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000303861000020 SCI 分区:4 68.郑博睿;高超等 AU:Zheng, BR;Gao, C;Li, YB;Liu, F;Luo, SJ TI:Flow Control over a Conical Forebody by Duty-Cycle Actuations SO:PLASMA SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000300258400013 61.杨文青;宋笔锋;宋文萍;王利光 AU:Yang, WQ;Song, BF;Song, WP;Wang, LG TI:The effects of span-wise and chord-wise flexibility 13 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES UT ISI:000305925900004 SCI 分区:无分区 SCI 分区:4 69.周建;杨智春;谷迎松 AU:Zhou, J;Yang, ZC;Gu, YS TI:Aeroelastic stability analysis of heated panel with aerodynamic loading on both surfaces SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000308701800006 SCI 分区:4 70.卓丛山;钟诚文等 AU:Zhuo, CS;Zhong, CW;Cao, J TI:Filter-matrix lattice Boltzmann incompressible thermal flows SO:PHYSICAL REVIEW E UT ISI:000302701200006 SCI 分区:3 model 6.廖林泉等 AU:Liao, LQ;Wei, HJ;Li, JZ;Fan, XZ;Zheng, Y;Ji, YP;Fu, XL;Zhang, YJ;Liu, FL TI:Compatibility of PNIMMO with some energetic materials SO:JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY UT ISI:000308252000059 SCI 分区:4 for 7.泮斌峰等 AU:Pan, BF;Lu, P;Chen, Z TI:Coast Arcs in Optimal Multiburn Orbital Transfers SO:JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS UT ISI:000301631100010 SCI 分区:4 航天学院(17 篇) 8.泮斌峰等 AU:Pan, BF;Lu, P;Chen, Z TI:Three-dimensional closed-form costate solutions in optimal coast SO:ACTA ASTRONAUTICA UT ISI:000305303700017 SCI 分区:4 1.Raza, MA;王亮 AU:Raza, MA;Liang, W TI:Robust Design Optimization of an Aerospace Vehicle Prolusion System SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000298791700001 SCI 分区:4 2.Raza, Muhammad Aamir;王亮 AU:Raza, MA;Liang, W TI:Uncertainty-based computational robust design optimisation of dual-thrust propulsion system SO:JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN UT ISI:000306495400004 SCI 分区:4 9.彭丽娜;何国强;秦飞等 AU:Peng, LN;He, GQ;Li, J;Wang, L;Qin, F TI:Effect of combustion gas mass flow rate on carbon/carbon composite nozzle ablation in a solid rocket motor SO:CARBON UT ISI:000301007800012 SCI 分区:1 3.Raza, Muhammad Aamir;王亮 AU:Raza, MA;Liang, W TI:Robust performance optimization of dual thrust rocket motor SO:AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000307686500005 SCI 分区:4 10.孙得川等 AU:Sun, DC;Liu, S TI:Experimental research on bidirectional vortices in cold wall rocket thruster SO:AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000302766500008 SCI 分区:4 4.Raza, Muhammad Aamir;王亮 AU:Raza, MA;Liang, W TI:Robust Design Optimization of Dual Thrust Solid Propellant Motors due to Burning Rate Uncertainties SO:PROPELLANTS EXPLOSIVES PYROTECHNICS UT ISI:000307223200013 SCI 分区:4 11.孙剑 AU:Sun, J TI:A Fast MEANSHIFT Algorithm-Based Target Tracking System SO:SENSORS UT ISI:000305801400077 SCI 分区:3 5.代洪华等 AU:Dai, HH;Schnoor, M;Atluri, SN TI:A Simple Collocation Scheme for Obtaining the Periodic Solutions of the Duffing Equation, and its Equivalence to the High Dimensional Harmonic Balance Method: Subharmonic Oscillations 12.校金友等 AU:Xiao, JY;Ye, WJ;Cai, YX;Zhang, J TI:Precorrected FFT accelerated BEM for large-scale transient elastodynamic analysis using frequency-domain approach SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN 14 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:L-p Norm Localized Multiple Kernel Learning via Semi-Definite Programming SO:IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS UT ISI:000307904000001 SCI 分区:3 ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301433000006 SCI 分区:2 13.徐朝启等 AU:Xu, CQ;Konnov, AA TI:Validation and analysis of detailed kinetic models for ethylene combustion SO:ENERGY UT ISI:000305863400003 SCI 分区:2 3.崔荣鑫;严卫生 AU:Cui, RX;Yan, WS TI:Mutual Synchronization of Multiple Manipulators with Unknown Dynamics SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000310432300003 SCI 分区:4 14.杨涓;李鹏飞;杨乐 AU:Yang, J;Li, PF;Yang, L TI:Thrust prediction of propellantless microwave thruster operating on variational power SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000299359800027 SCI 分区:4 Robot 4.崔荣鑫;严卫生;徐德民 AU:Cui, RX;Yan, WS;Xu, DM TI:Synchronization of multiple autonomous underwater vehicles without velocity measurements SO:SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES UT ISI:000305330600019 SCI 分区:4 15.杨涓;王与权;李鹏飞;王洋;王雲民等 AU:Yang, J;Wang, YQ;Li, PF;Wang, Y;Wang, YM;Ma, YJ TI:Net thrust measurement of propellantless microwave thruster SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000305377400011 SCI 分区:4 5.崔荣鑫等 AU:Cui, R;Ren, B;Ge, SS TI:Synchronised tracking control of system with high-order dynamics SO:IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000302785800001 SCI 分区:3 16.赵吉松;谷良贤等 AU:Zhao, JS;Scholz, P;Gu, LX TI:Measurement of surface shear stress vector distribution using shear-sensitive liquid crystal coatings SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000310884300004 SCI 分区:4 multi-agent 6.崔荣鑫等 AU:Cui, RX;Gao, B;Guo, J TI:Pareto-optimal coordination of multiple robots with safety guarantees SO:AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS UT ISI:000302037300003 SCI 分区:3 17.赵吉松;谷良贤等 AU:Zhao, JS;Scholz, P;Gu, LX TI:Measurement of surface shear stress vector distribution using shear-sensitive liquid crystal coatings SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000310884300004 SCI 分区:4 7.蒋敏;黄建国等 AU:Jiang, M;Huang, JG;Jin, Y;Han, J TI:Target estimation using MIMO radar with multiple subcarriers SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000300518100008 SCI 分区:4 8.雷波;杨坤德;马远良;王露 AU:Lei, B;Yang, KD;Ma, YL;Wang, L TI:Forward acoustic scattering by moving objects: Theory and experiment SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000299923300002 SCI 分区:3 航海学院(23 篇) 1.Han, Yina AU:Han, YN;Liu, GZ TI:Biologically inspired task oriented gist model for scene classification SO:COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING UT ISI:000311773400006 SCI 分区:2 9.雷烨;盛美萍等 AU:Lei, Y;Pan, J;Sheng, MP TI:Investigation of structural response and noise reduction of an acoustical enclosure using SEA method SO:APPLIED ACOUSTICS 2.Han, Yina;杨坤德等 AU:Han, Y;Yang, KD;Liu, GZ 15 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000300266000007 SCI 分区:4 UT ISI:000311028300005 SCI 分区:3 10.黎雪刚;杨坤德;马远良 AU:Li, XG;Yang, KD;Ma, YL TI:Flow-Noise Calculation Using the Mutual Coupling Between Vulcanized Rubber and the Flow Around in Water SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000305481400049 SCI 分区:4 17.苏郁;冯西安 AU:Su, Y;Feng, X TI:Performance Improvement of the Precise Paging in Co-LAC for 2G/3G Convergence Core Networks with Path Diversity SO:MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000311028300005 SCI 分区:3 11.李佳;杨坤德;何正耀 AU:Li, J;Yang, KD;Lei, B;He, ZY TI:Research on the temporal-spatial distributions and the physical mechanisms for the sound speed profiles in north-central Indian Ocean SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000303900900039 SCI 分区:4 18.王银涛;严卫生;李俊兵 AU:Wang, Y;Yan, W;Li, J TI:Passivity-based formation control of autonomous underwater vehicles SO:IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000301183700005 SCI 分区:3 19.魏照宇;石秀华;王永虎 AU:Wei, ZY;Shi, XH;Wang, YH TI:THE OBLIQUE WATER ENTRY IMPACT OF A TORPEDO AND ITS BALLISTIC TRAJECTORY SIMULATION SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND MODELING UT ISI:000305392000013 SCI 分区:3 12.马远良;杨益新;杨坤德;孙超;王英民 AU:Ma, YL;Yang, YX;He, ZY;Yang, KD;Sun, C;Wang, YM TI:Theoretical and Practical Solutions for High-Order Superdirectivity of Circular Sensor Arrays SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000308661100020 SCI 分区:1 13.彭星光;徐德民 AU:Peng, XG;Xu, DM TI:Intelligent Online Path Planning for UAVs in Adversarial Environments SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000306512300001 SCI 分区:4 20.徐振华;黄建国;张群飞 AU:Xu, ZH;Huang, JG;Zhang, QF TI:New method for detection fusion of MAC based on DCM and NP rule SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000307892600018 SCI 分区:4 14.史文涛;黄建国;侯云山 AU:Shi, WT;Huang, JG;Hou, YS TI:Fast DOA estimation algorithm for MIMO sonar based on ant colony optimization SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000303067000002 SCI 分区:4 21.闫靓;陈克安等 AU:Liang, Y;Chen, KA;Stoop, R TI:Noise annoyance from a mixture of multiple single sources: rating and prediction SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000309089200041 SCI 分区:4 15.苏郁;冯西安 AU:Su, Y;Feng, X TI:Analysis and Implementation of MSC-Pool in Mobile Communication Core Networks with Path Diversity SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000299301100033 SCI 分区:4 22.杨惠珍等 AU:Yang, HZ;Zhang, FM TI:Robust Control of Formation Dynamics for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Horizontal Plane SO:JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000303256200009 SCI 分区:4 16.苏郁;冯西安 AU:Su, Y;Feng, X TI:Performance Improvement of the Precise Paging in Co-LAC for 2G/3G Convergence Core Networks with Path Diversity SO:MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS 23.张国军;杨士莪 AU:Zhang, GJ;Liu, LX;Wang, PP;Yang, S;Xiong, JJ;Zhang, WD TI:Performance Research on MEMS Bionic Vector Hydrophone Based on "Sandwich"-Type Package Structure 16 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 7.Pi, Huilong;范尚武;王一光 AU:Pi, HL;Fan, SW;Wang, YG TI:C/SiC-ZrB2-ZrC composites fabricated by reactive melt infiltration with ZrSi2 alloy SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000309645000060 SCI 分区:3 SO:SENSOR LETTERS UT ISI:000309018700004 SCI 分区:4 材料学院(496 篇) 1.Hu, Q.; 曾燮榕等 AU:Hu, Q;Fu, MW;Zeng, XR;Ma, CL TI:Thin-walled Ti41.5Zr2.5Hf5Cu42.5Ni7.5Si1 bulk metallic glass tubes: Promising energy absorbers and lightweight structures SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311503000028 SCI 分区:2 8.Wang, H. L.;张程煜;刘永胜;韩栋;乔生儒 AU:Wang, HL;Zhang, CY;Liu, YS;Han, D;Li, M;Qiao, SR TI:Temperature dependency of interlaminar shear strength of 2D-C/SiC composite SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301580500025 SCI 分区:3 9.Zheng, Guopeng;;殷小玮等 AU:Zheng, GP;Yin, XW;Wang, J;Guo, ML;Wang, X TI:Complex Permittivity and Microwave Absorbing Property of Si3N4-SiC Composite Ceramic SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309037200010 SCI 分区:4 2.Hu, Q.; 曾燮榕等 AU:Hu, Q;Fu, MW;Zeng, XR;Ma, CL TI:Thin-walled Ti41.5Zr2.5Hf5Cu42.5Ni7.5Si1 bulk metallic glass tubes: Promising energy absorbers and lightweight structures SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311503000028 SCI 分区:2 3.Jiang, JF;林鑫等 AU:Jiang, JF;Lin, X;Wang, Y;Qu, JJ;Luo, SJ TI:Microstructural evolution of AZ61 magnesium alloy predeformed by ECAE during semisolid isothermal treatment SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000302864800011 SCI 分区:4 10.艾诚;刘刚;刘林;张军;傅恒志 AU:Ai, C;Liu, G;Liu, L;Gong, SK;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:Effects of Re and Ru Additions on Solidification Partition Coefficients and Solidification Characteristic Temperatures of Nickel Base Single Crystal Superalloys SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400005 SCI 分区:4 4.Kong, Luo;;殷小玮;张立同;成来飞 AU:Kong, L;Yin, XW;Zhang, LT;Cheng, LF TI:Effect of Aluminum Doping on Microwave Absorption Properties of ZnO/ZrSiO4 Composite Ceramics SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000309451700024 SCI 分区:2 11.柏广海;胡锐;李金山;钟宏;寇宏超;傅恒志 AU:Bai, GH;Hu, R;Li, JS;Zhong, H;Kou, HC;Fu, HZ TI:Secondary M23C6 Precipitation Behavior in Ni-Cr-W Based Superalloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303698200010 SCI 分区:4 5.Li, L.;;杨延清等 AU:Li, L;Sola, F;Xia, ZH;Yang, YQ TI:Effect of amorphous carbon coatings on the mechanical behavior of silicon carbide nanowire SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000304109900120 SCI 分区:3 12.曹斌;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 AU:Cao, B;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:Linear stability analysis on a spherical particle growing from a binary melt under the far-field flow SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000303999000070 SCI 分区:3 6.Li, Zuo-Xi;介万奇;查钢强;徐亚东 AU:Li, ZX;Jie, WQ;Zha, GQ;Wang, T;Xu, YD TI:Nitrate-Templated 1D EE-Azide-Cobalt Chain Exhibits Canted Antiferromagnetism and Slow Magnetic Relaxation SO:EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000306733800002 SCI 分区:3 13.曹斌;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 AU:Cao, B;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:The effect of two-dimensional shear flow on the stability of a crystal interface in a supercooled melt SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000307501600058 SCI 分区:3 14.曹珺;林鑫;黄春平;陈婧;黄卫东 17 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 21.陈成;陈铮;张静;杜秀娟 AU:Chen, C;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Du, XJ TI:Phase-field crystal modeling of shape transition of strained islands in heteroepitaxy SO:SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY UT ISI:000309474600010 SCI 分区:4 AU:Cao, J;Liu, FC;Lin, X;Huang, CP;Chen, J;Huang, WD TI:Effect of overlap rate on recrystallization behaviors of Laser Solid Formed Inconel 718 superalloy SO:OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310401800035 SCI 分区:4 15.查钢强;介万奇等 AU:Zha, GQ;Xiang, H;Liu, T;Xu, YD;Wang, T;Jie, WQ TI:The analysis of X-ray response of CdZnTe detectors SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000306693700026 SCI 分区:4 22.陈福义;袁力等 AU:Chen, FY;Yuan, L;Johnston, RL TI:Low-loss optical magnetic metamaterials on Ag-Au bimetallic fishnets SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000303418100006 SCI 分区:4 16.车兴森;刘正堂;李阳平;王宁 AU:Che, XS;Liu, ZT;Li, YP;Wang, N TI:Effects of hydrogen and substrate temperature on the chemical bonding and optical properties of germanium carbon films deposited by reactive sputtering SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000303112100007 SCI 分区:3 23.陈福义等 AU:Chen, FY;Li, ZY;Johnston, RL TI:Surface reconstruction precursor to melting in Au-309 clusters SO:AIP ADVANCES UT ISI:000302139600005 SCI 分区:无分区 17.陈波;李付国;何敏 AU:Chen, B;Li, FG;He, M TI:Experimental Characterization of Damage Variables of Ductile Metal SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303782000031 SCI 分区:4 24.陈福义等 AU:Chen, FY;Alemu, N;Johnston, RL TI:Collective plasmon modes in a compositionally asymmetric nanoparticle dimer SO:AIP ADVANCES UT ISI:000302139600034 SCI 分区:无分区 18.陈成;陈铮;杜秀娟等 AU:Chen, C;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Yang, T;Du, XJ TI:Faceting transitions in crystal growth and heteroepitaxial growth in the anisotropic phase-field crystal model SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000310950400078 SCI 分区:3 25.陈正;刘峰等 AU:Chen, Z;Liu, F;Yang, XQ;Shen, CJ TI:A thermokinetic description of nanoscale grain growth: Analysis of the activation energy effect SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000307415200017 SCI 分区:1 26.陈正;刘峰等 AU:Chen, Z;Liu, F;Yang, XQ;Liu, N;Shen, CJ TI:The effect of non-equilibrium delta/gamma transition on the formation of metastable "dendrite core" in undercooled Fe-Cu alloy SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000306605400028 SCI 分区:4 19.陈成;陈铮;杜秀娟等 AU:Chen, C;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Yang, T;Du, XJ TI:Faceting transitions in crystal growth and heteroepitaxial growth in the anisotropic phase-field crystal model SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000310950400078 SCI 分区:3 27.陈忠伟;陈培;马翠英 AU:Chen, ZW;Chen, P;Ma, CY TI:Microstructures and mechanical properties Al-Cu-Mn alloy with La and Sm addition SO:RARE METALS UT ISI:000307369400005 SCI 分区:4 20.陈成;陈铮;杨涛等 AU:Chen, C;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Yang, T TI:Simulation of morphological evolution and crystallographic tilt in heteroepitaxial growth using phase-field crystal method SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000304976200067 SCI 分区:4 28.陈忠伟;陈沛等 AU:Chen, ZW;Zhao, J;Chen, P 18 of 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured A8006 ribbons SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000307025700025 SCI 分区:2 TI:Effect of SiC Nanowires on the Mechanical and Oxidation Protective Ability of SiC Coating for C/C Composites SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000299733100048 SCI 分区:2 29.陈忠伟;李士顺等 AU:Chen, ZW;Chen, P;Li, SS TI:Effect of Ce addition on microstructure of Al20Cu2Mn3 twin phase in an Al-Cu-Mn casting alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301160100084 SCI 分区:2 36.褚衍辉;付前刚;李贺军;吴恒;陶珺;秦磊 AU:Chu, YH;Fu, QG;Li, HJ;Wu, H;Li, KZ;Tao, J;Lei, Q TI:SiC coating toughened by SiC nanowires to protect C/C composites against oxidation SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000298766900025 SCI 分区:3 37.褚衍辉;李贺军;付前刚;齐乐华;魏炳波 AU:Chu, YH;Li, HJ;Fu, QA;Qi, LH;Wei, BB TI:Oxidation protection of SiC-coated C/C composites by SiC nanowire-toughened CrSi2-SiC-Si coating SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000299758000048 SCI 分区:2 30.陈忠伟;李士顺等 AU:Chen, ZW;Li, SS;Zhao, J TI:Homogenization of twin-roll cast A8006 alloy SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000306275100004 SCI 分区:4 38.褚衍辉;李贺军;付前刚;齐乐华等 AU:Chu, YH;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Qi, LH;Zou, X TI:Toughening by SiC Nanowires in a Dense SiC-Si Ceramic Coating for Oxidation Protection of C/C Composites SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000310600900054 SCI 分区:2 31.陈忠伟;马翠英;陈培 AU:Chen, ZW;Ma, CY;Chen, P TI:Eutectic modification of A356 alloy with Li addition through DSC and Miedema model SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000299846300007 SCI 分区:4 32.陈忠伟;马翠英等 AU:Chen, ZW;Ma, CY;Chen, P TI:Modifying agent selection for Al-7Si alloy by Miedema model SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000299419100007 SCI 分区:4 39.褚衍辉;李贺军;付前刚;史小红;齐乐华;魏炳波 AU:Chu, YH;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Shi, XH;Qi, LH;Wei, BB TI:Oxidation-protective and mechanical properties of SiC nanowire-toughened Si-Mo-Cr composite coating for C/C composites SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000302980100037 SCI 分区:2 33.陈忠伟;马翠英等 AU:Chen, ZW;Ma, CY;Zhao, J TI:Eutectic nucleation in Al-7 wt pct Si-Mg casting alloys SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS UT ISI:000311869400002 SCI 分区:无分区 34.陈梓山;;李贺军;付前刚;强新发 AU:Chen, ZS;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Qiang, XF TI:Tribological behaviors of SiC/h-BN coating at elevated temperatures SO:TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000308284000007 SCI 分区:3 40.褚衍辉;李贺军;付前刚等 AU:Chu, YH;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Wang, HP;Hou, XH;Zou, X;Shang, GN TI:Oxidation protection of C/C composites with a multilayer coating of SiC and Si plus SiC plus SiC nanowires SO:CARBON UT ISI:000300471700063 SCI 分区:1 composite 41.崔春娟;张军;刘林;傅恒志等 AU:Cui, CJ;Zhang, J;Wu, K;Ma, YP;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Microstructure and properties of Ni-Ni3Si composites by directional solidification SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000305792400049 SCI 分区:4 35.褚衍辉;付前刚;李贺军;史小红;李克智等 AU:Chu, YH;Fu, QG;Li, HJ;Shi, XH;Li, KZ;Wen, X;Shang, GN 19 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 42.崔军辉;杨合;孙志超 AU:Cui, JH;Yang, H;Sun, ZC TI:Research on Hot Deformation Behavior Constitutive Model of Titanium Alloy TB6 SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900009 SCI 分区:4 49.邓娟利;成来飞;苏克和;张立同等 AU:Deng, JL;Cheng, LF;Zheng, GP;Su, KH;Zhang, LT TI:Thermodynamic study on co-deposition of ZrB2-SiC from ZrCl4-BCl3-CH3SiCl3-H-2-Ar system SO:THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000308207000037 SCI 分区:3 and 50.丁冬海;周万城;罗发;穆阳;朱冬梅 AU:Ding, DH;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Mu, Y;Zhu, DM TI:The effects of CVD SiC interphase on mechanical properties of KD-1 SiC fiber reinforced aluminum phosphate composites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301989600043 SCI 分区:2 43.崔军辉;杨合;孙志超;李宏伟;李智军等 AU:Cui, JH;Yang, H;Sun, ZC;Li, HW;Li, ZJ;Shen, CW TI:Flow Behavior and Constitutive Model Using Piecewise Function of Strain for TC11 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700005 SCI 分区:4 44.代志强;杨延清;张伟;赵光明;罗贤;黄斌 AU:Dai, ZQ;Yang, YQ;Zhang, W;Zhao, GM;Luo, X;Huang, B TI:Interfacial Reaction of SiCf/Ti-43Al-9V Composite SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500009 SCI 分区:4 45.单迪;周廉;李金山等 AU:Shan, D;Yan, G;Zhou, L;Li, JS;Li, CS;Wang, QY;Xiong, XM;Jiao, GF TI:Multifilamentary MgB2 wires fracture behavior during the drawing process SO:PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000311348800005 SCI 分区:4 46.单迪;周廉;李金山等 AU:Shan, D;Yan, G;Zhou, L;Li, JS;Li, CS;Wang, QY;Xiong, XM;Jiao, GF TI:Multifilamentary MgB2 wires fracture behavior during the drawing process SO:PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000311348800005 SCI 分区:4 47.单迪;周廉;邵晖等 AU:Shan, D;Yan, G;Zhou, L;Wang, QY;Xiong, XM;Jiao, GF;Liu, GQ;Shao, H TI:Effect of Ti3SiC2 doping on critical current density and flux pinning in MgB2 SO:CRYOGENICS UT ISI:000310406900008 SCI 分区:4 51.丁冬海;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Ding, DH;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Chen, ML;Zhu, DM TI:Dip-coating of boron nitride interphase and its effects on mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC composites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000303298400001 SCI 分区:2 52.丁冬海;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Ding, DH;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Zhu, DM TI:Influence of pyrolytic carbon coatings on complex permittivity and microwave absorbing properties of Al2O3 fiber woven fabrics SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000301290500018 SCI 分区:4 53.丁冬海;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Ding, DH;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Chen, ML;Zhu, DM TI:Mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of SiCf/CVI-SiC composites with PIP-SiC interphase SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000303634900053 SCI 分区:3 54.丁冬海;周万城;周璇;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Ding, DH;Zhou, WC;Zhou, X;Luo, F;Zhu, DM TI:Structure and Microwave Absorbing Property of Polycarbosilane Derived Silicon Carbide Ceramic SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000304577700010 SCI 分区:4 48.单迪;周廉等 AU:Shan, D;Yan, G;Zhou, L;Li, CS;Wang, QY;Zhang, SN;Xiong, XM;Liu, GQ TI:Superconducting Properties of Ti3SiC2-Doped Bulk MgB2 Superconductor SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900002 SCI 分区:4 55.杜秀娟;陈铮;范晓丽等 AU:Du, XJ;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Yao, CS;Chen, C;Fan, XL TI:Structural and electronic properties of conducting Cu nanowire encapsulated in semiconducting zigzag carbon nanotubes: A first-principles study SO:PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS 20 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Reaction Mechanisms SO:JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C UT ISI:000308855600037 SCI 分区:2 UT ISI:000303201200032 SCI 分区:4 56.杜秀娟;陈铮;张静;陈成等 AU:Du, XJ;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Yao, CS;Chen, C TI:First-principles studies on stabilities electronic properties of AlN nanostructures SO:SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES UT ISI:000309297300008 SCI 分区:4 63.范晓丽等 AU:Fan, XL;Liu, Y;Liu, C;Lau, WM TI:Reaction Pathways of Acetylene Adsorption on the Ge(001) Surface SO:ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA UT ISI:000304575400014 SCI 分区:4 and 57.杜园园;介万奇;王涛;郑昕;徐亚东;栾丽君 AU:Du, YY;Jie, WQ;Wang, T;Zheng, X;Xu, YD;Luan, LJ TI:Solution growth of In-doped CdMnTe crystals by the vertical Bridgman method with the ACRT technique SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000307121900006 SCI 分区:4 64.范晓孟;殷小玮;程瑜;张立同;成来飞 AU:Fan, XM;Yin, XW;Cheng, Y;Zhang, LT;Cheng, LF TI:Microstructure and tribological behaviors of C/C-BN composites fabricated by chemical vapor infiltration SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000309645000008 SCI 分区:3 58.杜园园;介万奇等 AU:Du, YY;Jie, WQ;Zheng, X;Wang, T;Bai, XX;Yu, H TI:Growth interface of In-doped CdMnTe from Te solution with vertical Bridgman method under ACRT technique SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310567300025 SCI 分区:4 65.范晓孟;殷小玮;张立同;成来飞等 AU:Fan, XM;Yin, XW;He, SS;Zhang, LT;Cheng, LF TI:Friction and wear behaviors of C/C-SiC composites containing Ti3SiC2 SO:WEAR UT ISI:000301159700021 SCI 分区:3 59.樊晓光;杨合等 AU:Fan, XG;Yang, H;Gao, PF;Yan, SL TI:Dependence of microstructure morphology on processing in subtransus isothermal local loading forming of TA15 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304296500007 SCI 分区:2 66.方频阳;樊慧庆;陈卫星等 AU:Fang, PY;Fan, HQ;Xi, ZZ;Chen, WX TI:Studies of structural and electrical properties on four-layers Aurivillius phase BaBi4Ti4O15 SO:SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000304795500002 SCI 分区:3 67.费杰;李贺军;付业伟等 AU:Fei, J;Li, HJ;Huang, JF;Fu, YW TI:Study on the friction and wear performance of carbon fabric/phenolic composites under oil lubricated conditions SO:TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000308284000004 SCI 分区:3 60.樊晓光;杨合等 AU:Fan, XG;Yang, H;Yan, SL;Gao, PF;Zhou, JH TI:Mechanism and kinetics of static globularization in TA15 titanium alloy with transformed structure SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000306092600001 SCI 分区:2 61.范晓丽;池琼等 AU:Fan, XL;Chi, Q;Liu, C;Lau, WM TI:From Nondissociative to Dissociative Adsorption of Benzene-thiol on Au(111): A Density Functional Theory Study SO:JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C UT ISI:000298978700123 SCI 分区:2 68.冯菲;曾卫东;朱艳春等 AU:Feng, F;Zeng, WD;Zhu, YC;Zhao, YQ;Zhou, YG TI:Hot Deformation Behavior and Processing Map of As-Cast TC21 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302112200014 SCI 分区:4 62.范晓丽;张超等 AU:Fan, XL;Zhang, C;Liu, Y;Lau, WM TI:Effects of Intrinsic Surface Defects on Thiophenol Self-Assembly on Au(111): Surface Structures and 69.冯丽萍;刘正堂;刘其军 AU:Feng, LP;Liu, ZT;Liu, QJ TI:Structural, elastic and mechanical properties of orthorhombic SrHfO3 under pressure from 21 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:A multilayer MoSi2-SiC-B coating to protect SiC-coated carbon/carbon composites against oxidation SO:VACUUM UT ISI:000308672000033 SCI 分区:4 first-principles calculations SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000303803000007 SCI 分区:4 70.冯丽萍;刘正堂;田浩;刘璐 AU:Feng, LP;Liu, ZT;Tian, H;Liu, L TI:Influence of RF power on structure and electrical properties of sputtered SrHfON thin films SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000305779800021 SCI 分区:2 77.付前刚;贾丙林;李贺军;李克智;褚衍辉 AU:Fu, QG;Jia, BL;Li, HJ;Li, KZ;Chu, YH TI:SiC nanowires reinforced MAS joint of SiC coated carbon/carbon composites to LAS glass ceramics SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301160100035 SCI 分区:2 71.冯丽萍;刘正堂等 AU:Feng, LP;Wang, YQ;Tian, H;Liu, ZT TI:Effect of annealing on composition, structure and optical properties of SrHfON thin films SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000307729600034 SCI 分区:3 78.傅茂森等 AU:Fu, MS;Ni, L;Liu, XQ;Chen, XM;Zeng, YW TI:Phase Transition Domains in Ca-based Complex Perovskite Dielectric Ceramics SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000308290400050 SCI 分区:2 72.冯松科;李双明;罗钦雁;傅恒志 AU:Feng, SK;Li, SM;Luo, QY;Fu, HZ TI:Directional Growth and Thermoelectric Properties of the Directionally Solidified Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 Ternary Alloys SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500030 SCI 分区:4 79.高宾;樊慧庆等 AU:Gao, B;Fan, HQ;Zhang, XJ TI:Hydrothermal synthesis of single crystal MoO3 nanobelts and their electrochemical properties as cathode electrode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries SO:JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS UT ISI:000300469300007 SCI 分区:3 73.冯涛;李贺军;付前刚等 AU:Feng, T;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Yang, X;Wu, H TI:High-temperature erosion resistance and aerodynamic oxidation mechanism of multi-layer MoSi2-CrSi2-Si/SiC coated carbon/carbon composites in a wind tunnel at 1873 K SO:CARBON UT ISI:000302050200013 SCI 分区:1 80.高宾;樊慧庆等 AU:Gao, B;Fan, HQ;Zhang, XJ;Song, LX TI:Template-free hydrothermal synthesis and high photocatalytic activity of ZnWO4 nanorods SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS UT ISI:000309313000018 SCI 分区:3 74.冯涛;李贺军;史小红;李逸仙;姚西媛 AU:Feng, T;Li, HJ;Shi, XH;Yang, X;Li, YX;Yao, XY TI:Sealing role of B2O3 in MoSi2-CrSi2-Si/B-modified SiC coating for C/C composites SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000305600400003 SCI 分区:2 81.高俊宁;介万奇;何亦辉;孙颉;周昊;查钢强;袁妍妍;仝 俊利;王涛等 AU:Gao, JN;Jie, WQ;He, YH;Sun, J;Zhou, H;Zha, GQ;Yuan, YY;Tong, JL;Yu, H;Wang, T TI:Study of Te aggregation at the initial growth stage of CdZnTe films deposited by CSS SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000306543100028 SCI 分区:3 75.冯周荣;沈军;闵志先;王灵水;傅恒志 AU:Feng, ZR;Shen, J;Min, ZX;Wang, LS;Fu, HZ TI:New initiating mechanism of coupled growth in directionally solidified Fe-Ni peritectic system in diffusive regime SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000298272200005 SCI 分区:2 82.高俊宁;介万奇;谢涌;郑昕;王涛等 AU:Gao, JN;Jie, WQ;Xie, Y;Zheng, X;Yu, H;Wang, T;Pan, GQ TI:Towards the cost effective epitaxy of hillocks free CdZnTe film on (001)GaAs by close-spaced sublimation SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000305779800014 76.付前刚;褚衍辉;李贺军;邹继兆等 AU:Fu, QG;Zou, X;Chu, YH;Li, HJ;Zou, JZ;Gu, CG 22 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Influences of processing parameters microstructure during investment casting nickel-base single crystal superalloy DD3 SO:CHINA FOUNDRY UT ISI:000304667300011 SCI 分区:4 SCI 分区:2 83.高俊宁;介万奇;袁妍妍;查钢强;徐凌燕;吴恒;王亚彬等 AU:Gao, JN;Jie, WQ;Yuan, YY;Zha, GQ;Xu, LY;Wu, H;Wang, YB;Yu, H;Zhu, JF TI:In-Situ SRPES Study on the Band Alignment of (0001)CdS/CdTe Heterojunction SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000304187700055 SCI 分区:4 on of 90.高斯峰;刘林;赵新宝;傅恒志等 AU:Gao, SF;Liu, L;Zhao, XB;Huang, TW;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:Effects of spiral geometries on grain selection during casting of single crystal superalloys SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000298235000005 SCI 分区:4 84.高俊宁;介万奇;袁妍妍等 AU:Gao, JN;Jie, WQ;Yuan, YY;Wang, T;Xie, Y;Wang, YB;Huang, YH;Tong, JL;Yu, H;Pan, GQ TI:One-step fast deposition of thick epitaxial CdZnTe film on (001)GaAs by close-spaced sublimation SO:CRYSTENGCOMM UT ISI:000300045200041 SCI 分区:2 91.高涛;杨合;刘郁丽 AU:Gao, T;Yang, H;Liu, YL TI:Implementation of 3D Backward Simulation for Preform Design with Uniform Deformation in Net-Shape Forging of Blade of Titanium Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304072600017 SCI 分区:4 85.高鹏飞;;杨合等 AU:Gao, PF;Yang, H;Fan, XG;Yan, SL TI:Microstructure evolution in the local loading forming of TA15 titanium alloy under non-isothermal condition SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309569400038 SCI 分区:3 92.葛丙明;刘林;张军;傅恒志等 AU:Ge, BM;Liu, L;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ;Tang, X;Cao, LM TI:Influence of Solidification Parameters on the Microstructure and Properties of DZ125 Superalloy Castings SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500019 SCI 分区:4 86.高鹏飞;杨合;樊晓光等 AU:Gao, PF;Yang, H;Fan, XG;Yan, SL TI:Microstructural features of TA15 titanium alloy under different temperature routes in isothermal local loading forming SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000302511600029 SCI 分区:2 93.葛丙明;刘林;张胜霞;张军;李亚峰;傅恒志 AU:Ge, BM;Liu, L;Zhang, SX;Zhang, J;Li, YF;Fu, HZ TI:INFLUENCE OF WITHDRAWAL RATE ON MICROSTRUCTURES OF BLADE SHAPED DIRECTIONALLY SOLIDIFIED DZ125 SUPERALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000299492300018 SCI 分区:4 87.高斯峰;刘林;傅恒志等 AU:Gao, SF;Liu, L;Wang, N;Zhao, XB;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:Grain Selection During Casting Ni-Base, Single-Crystal Superalloys with Spiral Grain Selector SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000308187100038 SCI 分区:3 94.顾斌;刘峰;姜伊辉;张科 AU:Gu, B;Liu, F;Jiang, YH;Zhang, K TI:Evaluation of glass-forming ability criterion from phase-transformation kinetics SO:JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS UT ISI:000307028900008 SCI 分区:3 88.高斯峰;刘林;王宁;赵新宝;张军;傅恒志 AU:Gao, SF;Liu, L;Wang, N;Zhao, XB;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:EBSD STUDIES OF GRAIN EVOLUTION AND GRAIN SELECTION BEHAVIOR DURING THE PREPARATION OF Ni-BASED SINGLE CRYSTAL SUPERALLOY DD3 SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000298903300005 SCI 分区:4 95.郭领军;李贺军等 AU:Guo, LJ;Li, HJ;Guo, C;Li, KZ;Feng, T TI:Joining of C/C Composites and GH3128 Ni-based Superalloy with Ni-Ti Mixed Powder as an Interlayer SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299663200006 SCI 分区:4 89.高斯峰;刘林;徐义库;杨初斌;张军;傅恒志 AU:Gao, SF;Liu, L;Xu, YK;Yang, CB;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ 96.郭耀麟;王锦程;王志军;唐赛;周尧和 23 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:3 AU:Guo, YL;Wang, JC;Wang, ZJ;Tang, S;Zhou, YH TI:Phase field crystal model for the effect of colored noise on homogenerous nucleation SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000307422900047 SCI 分区:4 103.侯翠岭;李铁虎;赵廷凯;张文娟等 AU:Hou, CL;Li, TH;Zhao, TK;Lv, J;Zhang, WJ;Ma, YS TI:Microwave absorption properties of rare metal-doped multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyvinyl chloride composites SO:JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES UT ISI:000310877100003 SCI 分区:4 97.韩远飞;曾卫东等 AU:Han, YF;Zeng, WD;Qi, YL;Zhao, YQ TI:Optimization of forging process parameters of Ti600 alloy by using processing map SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000297391700052 SCI 分区:2 104.胡国辛;高峰;刘亮亮;许贝;刘正堂 AU:Hu, GX;Gao, F;Liu, LL;Xu, B;Liu, ZT TI:Microstructure and dielectric properties of highly tunable Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/MgO/Al2O3/ZnO composite SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000300186500009 SCI 分区:2 98.何敏;李付国;蔡军;陈波 AU:He, M;Li, FG;Cai, J;Chen, B TI:An indentation technique for estimating the energy density as fracture toughness with Berkovich indenter for ductile bulk materials SO:THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS UT ISI:000298621800006 SCI 分区:4 105.胡强;曾燮榕;谢盛辉;盛洪超等 AU:Hu, Q;Zeng, XR;Qian, HX;Xie, SH;Sheng, HC TI:CORRELATION BETWEEN THE GLASS-FORMING ABILITY AND CHARACTERISTIC FREE VOLUMES OF THE IRON BASE BULK METALLIC GLASSES SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000311525900007 SCI 分区:4 99.何亦辉;介万奇;徐亚东;王涛;查钢强;郑昕;周岩;刘航 AU:He, YH;Jie, WQ;Xu, YD;Wang, T;Zha, GQ;Yu, PF;Zheng, X;Zhou, Y;Liu, H TI:Matrix-controlled morphology evolution of Te inclusions in CdZnTe single crystal SO:SCRIPTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000304851600002 SCI 分区:2 106.胡强;曾燮榕;谢盛辉;盛洪超等 AU:Hu, Q;Zeng, XR;Qian, HX;Xie, SH;Sheng, HC TI:CORRELATION BETWEEN THE GLASS-FORMING ABILITY AND CHARACTERISTIC FREE VOLUMES OF THE IRON BASE BULK METALLIC GLASSES SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000311525900007 SCI 分区:4 100.洪智亮;成来飞;邓娟利;鲁琳静;王一光 AU:Hong, ZL;Cheng, LF;Deng, JL;Lu, LJ;Wang, YG TI:An Investigation of Environment Barrier Coating on 2D C/SiC Composites Prepared by Liquid Phase Process SO:JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000305224400004 SCI 分区:4 107.胡强;曾燮榕等 AU:Hu, Q;Zeng, XR;Fu, MW TI:Characteristic free volume change of bulk metallic glasses SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000303598800038 SCI 分区:3 101.侯翠岭;李铁虎;程涛;张文娟;李光明 AU:Hou, CL;Li, TH;Zhao, TK;Cheng, T;Zhang, WJ;Li, GM TI:Microwave absorption and mechanical properties of La(NO(3))(3)-doped multi-walled carbon nanotube/polyvinyl chloride composites SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000298272200025 SCI 分区:2 108.胡勤;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Hu, Q;Liu, L;Zhao, ZL;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:A Preliminary Study of the Fabrication of Rhenium Nanowires by Directional Solidification of NiAl-Re Eutectic Alloys SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400037 SCI 分区:4 102.侯翠岭;李铁虎;赵廷凯;张文娟;程有亮 AU:Hou, CL;Li, TH;Zhao, TK;Zhang, WJ;Cheng, YL TI:Electromagnetic wave absorbing properties of carbon nanotubes doped rare metal/pure carbon nanotubes double-layer polymer composites SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000297391500057 109.胡锐;柏广海;李金山;傅恒志等 AU:Hu, R;Bai, GH;Li, JS;Zhang, JQ;Zhang, TB;Fu, HZ TI:Precipitation behavior of grain boundary M23C6 and its effect on tensile properties of Ni-Cr-W based superalloy 24 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Hot-Pressed Sintered Csf/Al2O3 Ceramic Composites SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000301229900020 SCI 分区:3 SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304745800012 SCI 分区:2 110.胡小武;李双明等 AU:Hu, XW;Li, SM;Ai, FR;Yan, H TI:Banding structure formation during directional solidification of Pb-Bi peritectic alloys SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310564400012 SCI 分区:4 111.黄开金等 AU:Huang, KJ;Tan, CD TI:Preparation and Thermal Characterization HTPB-coated Aluminum Nanopowders Prepared Laser-induction Hybrid Heating SO:CURRENT NANOSCIENCE UT ISI:000300606400018 SCI 分区:2 117.黄智斌;周万城;唐秀凤;罗发;朱冬梅;沙婷 AU:Huang, ZB;Zhou, WC;Kang, WB;Tang, XF;Luo, F;Zhu, DM;Sha, T TI:Dielectric and microwave-absorption properties of the partially carbonized PAN cloth/epoxy-silicone composites SO:COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310403600012 SCI 分区:3 of by 118.贾蔚菊;曾卫东;周义刚;王庆江 AU:Jia, WJ;Zeng, WD;Liu, JR;Zhou, YG;Wang, QJ TI:On the influence of processing parameters on microstructural evolution of a near alpha titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100016 SCI 分区:2 112.黄丽梅;樊慧庆 AU:Huang, LM;Fan, HQ TI:Room-temperature solid state synthesis of ZnO/alpha-Fe2O3 hierarchical nanostructures and their enhanced gas-sensing properties SO:SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL UT ISI:000308572700166 SCI 分区:2 119.贾蔚菊;曾卫东;周义刚;王庆江 AU:Jia, WJ;Zeng, WD;Liu, JR;Zhou, YG;Wang, QJ TI:Influence of thermal exposure on the tensile properties and microstructures of Ti60 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100065 SCI 分区:2 113.黄卫东;王理林 AU:Huang, WD;Wang, LL TI:Solidification researches using transparent model materials - A review SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000299175100007 SCI 分区:4 120.姜凤阳;苏晓磊等 AU:Jiang, FY;Wang, JB;Fu, C;Yang, MG;He, XH;Su, XL;Ding, BJ;Liu, JN TI:Electrical Property of Nanocomposite Ag/SnO2 Electrical Contact Material Prepared by Plasma Spraying SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400028 SCI 分区:4 114.黄勇兵;王永欣;陈铮 AU:Huang, YB;Wang, YX;Chen, Z TI:Phase Field Simulation of the Second Phase Particle Precipitation at Boundaries and Its Pinning Effect SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400013 SCI 分区:4 121.姜伊辉;刘峰;宋韶杰 AU:Jiang, YH;Liu, F;Song, SJ TI:An extended analytical model for solid-state phase transformation upon continuous heating and cooling processes: Application in gamma/alpha transformation SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000304844400014 SCI 分区:1 115.黄育红;介万奇;查钢强 AU:Huang, YH;Jie, WQ;Zha, GQ TI:First principle study on the electronic and magnetic properties in Zn0.75Cr0.25M (M = S, Se, Te) semiconductors SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000307825300047 SCI 分区:2 122.姜伊辉;刘峰;宋韶杰 AU:Jiang, YH;Liu, F;Song, SJ TI:Extension of analytical model of solid-state phase transformation SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 116.黄智斌;周万城;罗发;朱建坤等 AU:Huang, ZB;Zhou, WC;Tang, XF;Luo, F;Zhu, JK;Ma, RF TI:Dielectric and Mechanical Properties of 25 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Quantitative Identification of Multiple Cracks in a Rotor Utilizing Wavelet Finite Element Method SO:CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES UT ISI:000305599900001 SCI 分区:无分区 UT ISI:000305087000028 SCI 分区:4 123.姜伊辉;刘峰;宋韶杰;孙宝 AU:Jiang, YH;Liu, F;Song, SJ;Sun, B TI:Determination of activation energies for nucleation and growth from isothermal differential scanning calorimetry data SO:JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS UT ISI:000306822000002 SCI 分区:3 130.李海亮;李贺军;卢锦花;李克智;孙粲;张东生 AU:Li, HL;Li, HJ;Lu, JH;Li, KZ;Sun, C;Zhang, DS TI:Mechanical properties enhancement of carbon/carbon composites by in situ grown carbon nanofibers SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304581200020 SCI 分区:2 124.蒋力;胡锐;李金山;傅恒志 AU:Jiang, L;Hu, R;Kou, HC;Li, JS;Bai, GH;Fu, HZ TI:The effect of M23C6 carbides on the formation of grain boundary serrations in a wrought Ni-based superalloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301319300006 SCI 分区:2 131.李海亮;李贺军;卢锦花;李克智;张东生;王永杰 AU:Li, HL;Li, HJ;Lu, JH;Li, KZ;Zhang, DS;Wang, YJ TI:Effects of a predeposited pyrocarbon layer on the microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000309497300035 SCI 分区:2 125.焦更生;李贺军;卢国锋 AU:Jiao, GS;Li, HJ;Lu, GF TI:Structure and oxidation behaviors of C/C-SiC coated with Al2O3-CrAl0.42Si1.58-SiC-Al4SiC4 oxidation protection system SO:ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS UT ISI:000310606100001 SCI 分区:4 132.李海亮;李贺军;卢锦花;孙粲;王永杰;姚栋嘉;李克智 等 AU:Li, HL;Li, HJ;Lu, JH;Sun, C;Wang, YJ;Yao, DJ;Li, KZ;Wang, HP TI:Improvement in toughness of carbon/carbon composites using multiple matrixes SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100008 SCI 分区:2 126.解永锋;介万奇等 AU:Xie, Y;Madel, M;Zoberbier, T;Reiser, A;Jie, WQ;Neuschl, B;Biskupek, J;Kaiser, U;Feneberg, M;Thonke, K TI:Enforced c-axis growth of ZnO epitaxial chemical vapor deposition films on a-plane sapphire SO:APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000303598600025 SCI 分区:2 127.介燕妮;樊慧庆等 AU:Jie, YN;Niskala, JR;Johnston-Peck, AC;Krommenhoek, PJ;Tracy, JB;Fan, HQ;You, W TI:Laterally patterned magnetic nanoparticles SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000298970700034 SCI 分区:1 128.雷应毅;姚泽坤;宁永权;谢兴华;郭鸿镇等 AU:Lei, YY;Yao, ZK;Ning, YQ;Xie, XH;Guo, HZ;Tao, Y TI:Improvement of Forging Heat Treatment on Inhomogeneous Deformation of P/M Superalloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310046300039 SCI 分区:4 133.李贺军;王鹏云;齐乐华;左寒松;钟宋义等 AU:Li, HJ;Wang, PY;Qi, LH;Zuo, HS;Zhong, SY;Hou, XH TI:3D numerical simulation of successive deposition of uniform molten Al droplets on a moving substrate and experimental validation SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000310357400043 SCI 分区:3 134.李贺军;张磊磊等 AU:Li, HJ;Zhao, XN;Cao, S;Li, KZ;Chen, MD;Xu, ZW;Lu, JH;Zhang, LL TI:Na-doped hydroxyapatite coating on carbon/carbon composites: Preparation, in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000311217500028 SCI 分区:3 135.李恒;杨合;詹梅等 AU:Li, H;Yang, H;Song, FF;Zhan, M;Li, GJ TI:Springback characterization and behaviors of high-strength Ti-3Al-2.5V tube in cold rotary draw 129.李炳等 AU:Li, B;Dong, HB 26 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Li, JH;Sha, G;Jie, WQ;Ringer, SP TI:Precipitation microstructure and their strengthening effects of an Mg-2.8Nd-0.6Zn-0.4Zr alloy with a 0.2 wt.% Y addition SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301901200036 SCI 分区:2 bending SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000306627800022 SCI 分区:3 136.李宏;李淼泉;刘宏彬 AU:Li, H;Li, MQ;Han, T;Liu, HB TI:The deformation behavior of isothermally compressed Ti-17 titanium alloy in alpha plus beta field SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304296500006 SCI 分区:2 143.李杰华;介万奇等 AU:Li, JH;Sha, G;Wang, TY;Jie, WQ;Ringer, SP TI:Precipitation microstructure and age-hardening response of an Mg-Gd-Nd-Zn-Zr alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301989600001 SCI 分区:2 137.李宏伟;杨合 AU:Li, HW;Yang, H TI:An efficient parallel-operational explicit algorithm for Taylor-type model of rate dependent crystal plasticity SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300471500040 SCI 分区:3 144.李俊杰;王志军;王雅琴;王锦程 AU:Li, JJ;Wang, ZJ;Wang, YQ;Wang, JC TI:Phase-field study of competitive dendritic growth of converging grains during directional solidification SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000301989500005 SCI 分区:1 138.李健;杨延清;罗希 AU:Li, J;Yang, YQ;Luo, X TI:First-principles study of the Al(001)/Al3Ti(001) interfacial properties SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000306106000022 SCI 分区:3 145.李克伟;李双明;薛艳丽;傅恒志 AU:Li, KW;Li, SM;Xue, YL;Fu, HZ TI:Halo formation in arc-melted Cr-Nb alloys SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000308525900006 SCI 分区:4 139.李江;李付国;蔡军;王瑞亭;袁战伟;薛凤梅 AU:Li, J;Li, FG;Cai, J;Wang, RT;Yuan, ZW;Xue, FM TI:Flow behavior modeling of the 7050 aluminum alloy at elevated temperatures considering the compensation of strain SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000308077400047 SCI 分区:3 146.李克智;邓海亮;李贺军;罗慧娟等 AU:Li, KZ;Deng, HL;Li, HJ;Li, X;Zhao, XN;Luo, HJ TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites doped with LaCl(3) SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000297391700024 SCI 分区:2 140.李江;李付国;何敏;张明杰等 AU:Li, J;Li, FG;He, M;Xue, FM;Zhang, MJ;Wang, CP TI:Indentation technique for estimating the fracture toughness of 7050 aluminum alloy with the Berkovich indenter SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000304545000022 SCI 分区:3 147.李克智;和永岗;李贺军;魏建锋;张磊磊;李淑萍 AU:Li, KZ;He, YG;Li, HJ;Wei, JF;Zhang, LL;Li, SP TI:Deposition model and microstructure of low temperature pyrocarbon produced by chemical vapor deposition SO:NEW CARBON MATERIALS UT ISI:000304330100001 SCI 分区:4 141.李江;李付国;薛凤梅;蔡军;陈波 AU:Li, J;Li, FG;Xue, FM;Cai, J;Chen, B TI:Micromechanical behavior study of forged 7050 aluminum alloy by microindentation SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301591700064 SCI 分区:3 148.李克智;宋强等 AU:Li, KZ;Song, Q;Qiang, Q;Ren, C TI:Improving the oxidation resistance of carbon/carbon composites at low temperature by controlling the grafting morphology of carbon nanotubes on carbon fibres SO:CORROSION SCIENCE 142.李杰华;介万奇等 27 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:CHINA FOUNDRY UT ISI:000298832600002 SCI 分区:4 UT ISI:000305600400040 SCI 分区:2 149.李克智等 AU:Zaman, W;Li, KZ;Ikram, S;Li, W;Zhang, DS;Guo, LJ TI:Morphology, thermal response and anti-ablation performance of 3D-four directional pitch-based carbon/carbon composites SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000305861900015 SCI 分区:2 156.李权;殷小玮;封立运 AU:Li, Q;Yin, XW;Feng, LY TI:Dielectric properties of Si3N4-SiCN composite ceramics in X-band SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000307027300089 SCI 分区:3 150.李克智等 AU:Li, KZ;Wang, J;Ren, XB;Li, HJ;Li, W;Li, ZQ TI:The preparation and mechanical properties of carbon-carbon/lithium-aluminum-silicate composite joints SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000310572200043 SCI 分区:3 157.李瑞迪等 AU:Li, RD;Liu, JH;Shi, YS;Wang, L;Jiang, W TI:Balling behavior of stainless steel and nickel powder during selective laser melting process SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000302103400016 SCI 分区:4 151.李丽丽;杨延清等 AU:Li, LL;Xia, ZH;Yang, YQ TI:Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanoimprinting Under a High-Frequency Vibration Perturbation SO:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE UT ISI:000302828700007 SCI 分区:4 158.李淑萍;李克智;张守阳;沈学涛 AU:Li, SP;Li, KZ;Du, HY;Zhang, SY;Shen, XT TI:Effect of hafnium carbide content on the ablative performance of carbon/carbon composites as rocket throats SO:NEW CARBON MATERIALS UT ISI:000309154100012 SCI 分区:4 152.李培森;李焕勇;介万奇 AU:Li, PS;Li, HY;Jie, WQ TI:Stabilization of lanthanum sulfides with different dopants SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000305234100026 SCI 分区:4 159.李思维;张立同;成来飞等 AU:Li, SW;Zhang, LT;Huang, MH;Yu, ZJ;Xia, HP;Feng, ZD;Cheng, LF TI:In situ synthesis and microstructure characterization of TiC-TiB2-SiC ultrafine composites from hybrid precursor SO:MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS UT ISI:000303281500059 SCI 分区:2 153.李朋博;李京龙;熊江涛;张赋升等 AU:Li, P;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Zhang, FS;Raza, SH TI:Diffusion bonding titanium to stainless steel using Nb/Cu/Ni multi-interlayer SO:MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION UT ISI:000305307200012 SCI 分区:3 160.李文亚;郭学平等 AU:Li, WY;Yin, S;Guo, XP;Liao, HL;Wang, XF;Coddet, C TI:An Investigation on Temperature Distribution Within the Substrate and Nozzle Wall in Cold Spraying by Numerical and Experimental Methods SO:JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000299008600005 SCI 分区:3 154.李强;樊慧庆;介万奇等 AU:Li, Q;Fan, HQ;Jie, WQ;Peng, BAL;Long, CB TI:Dielectric properties and relaxation behavior of the indium doped cadmium zinc telluride single crystal SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000303598800101 SCI 分区:3 161.李文亚;马铁军;杨长林;陈忠伟等 AU:Li, WY;Wu, H;Ma, TJ;Yang, CL;Chen, ZW TI:Influence of Parent Metal Microstructure and Post-Weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Linear Friction Welded Ti-6Al-4V Joint SO:ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS UT ISI:000303916300017 SCI 分区:3 155.李强;郝启堂;介万奇 AU:Li, Q;Hao, QT;Jie, WQ TI:Pressurization control system for low pressure crucible casting 28 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 162.李文亚;余敏等 AU:Li, WY;Yu, M;Wu, H;Liao, HL TI:Effect of Mesh Resolution on the Deformation during Cold Spraying by Formulation SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303635900081 SCI 分区:4 TEMPERATURE ALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000311525900016 SCI 分区:4 Particle Eulerian 169.李艳;介万奇 AU:Li, Y;Wanqi, J;Gao, H;Kang, RK TI:A New High-Efficiency and Low-Damage Polishing Process of HgCdTe Wafer SO:MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES UT ISI:000302357400018 SCI 分区:4 163.李文亚;张志函;李京龙等 AU:Li, WY;Zhang, ZH;Li, JL;Chao, YJ TI:Numerical Analysis of Joint Temperature Evolution During Friction Stir Welding Based on Sticking Contact SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE UT ISI:000308185800004 SCI 分区:4 170.李照谦;李贺军;李克智;张守阳 AU:Li, ZQ;Li, HJ;Li, KZ;Zhang, SY TI:Growth mechanism of silica nanowires without a metal catalyst via oxyacetylene torch ablation SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000302763200034 SCI 分区:2 164.李向明;张立同;殷小玮 AU:Li, XM;Zhang, LT;Yin, XW TI:Synthesis, electromagnetic reflection loss and oxidation resistance of pyrolytic carbon-Si3N4 ceramics with dense Si3N4 coating SO:JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000303279600004 SCI 分区:2 171.李照谦;李贺军;张守阳;李克智 AU:Li, ZQ;Li, HJ;Zhang, SY;Li, KZ TI:Microstructure and ablation behaviors of integer felt reinforced C/C-SiC-ZrC composites prepared by a two-step method SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000302522700108 SCI 分区:3 165.李向明;张立同;殷小玮 AU:Li, XM;Zhang, LT;Yin, XW TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of three porous Si3N4 ceramics fabricated by different techniques SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000305373800007 SCI 分区:2 172.林鑫;曹永青;吴晓瑜;杨海欧;黄卫东等 AU:Lin, X;Cao, YQ;Wu, XY;Yang, HO;Chen, J;Huang, WD TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser forming repaired 17-4PH stainless steel SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000307086900012 SCI 分区:2 166.李向明;张立同;殷小玮 AU:Li, XM;Zhang, LT;Yin, XW TI:Effect of chemical vapor infiltration of Si3N4 on the mechanical and dielectric properties of porous Si3N4 ceramic fabricated by a technique combining 3-D printing and pressureless sintering SO:SCRIPTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000306722100018 SCI 分区:2 173.刘长友;王涛;查钢强;介万奇 AU:Liu, CY;Wang, T;Zha, GQ;Gu, Z;Jie, WQ TI:ZnCl2-assisted Synthesis of ZnSe Polycrystal SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000304285100015 SCI 分区:4 167.李轩;郭喜平 AU:Li, X;Guo, XP TI:EFFECTS OF ACTIVATORS ON FORMATION OF Si-Zr-Y CO-DEPOSITION COATINGS ON Nb-Ti-Si-Cr BASE ULTRAHIGH TEMPERATURE ALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000311525900016 SCI 分区:4 174.刘翠霞;杨延清;罗贤 AU:Liu, CX;Yang, YQ;Luo, X TI:Influence of CH3SiCl3 consistency on growth process of SiC film by kinetic monte carlo method SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000310473400013 SCI 分区:4 168.李轩;郭喜平 AU:Li, X;Guo, XP TI:EFFECTS OF ACTIVATORS ON FORMATION OF Si-Zr-Y CO-DEPOSITION COATINGS ON Nb-Ti-Si-Cr BASE ULTRAHIGH 175.刘刚;刘林;张胜霞;杨初斌;张军;傅恒志 AU:Liu, G;Liu, L;Zhang, SX;Yang, CB;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:EFFECTS OF Re AND Ru ON MICROSTRUCTURE AND SEGREGATION OF Ni-BASED SINGLE-CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS 29 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 rotary draw bending SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000299617500011 SCI 分区:4 SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000306448200011 SCI 分区:4 176.刘佳;张立同;成来飞;王一光等 AU:Liu, J;Zhang, LT;Yang, J;Cheng, LF;Wang, Y TI:Fabrication of SiCN-Sc(2)Si(2)O(7) coatings on C/SiC composites at low temperatures SO:JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000298972300023 SCI 分区:2 183.刘来君;樊慧庆等 AU:Liu, LJ;Fan, HQ;Fang, L;Dammak, H;Mai, PT TI:Dielectric characteristic of nanocrystalline Na0.5K0.5NbO3 ceramic green body SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS UT ISI:000302811600010 SCI 分区:4 177.刘建睿;黄卫东等 AU:Liu, JR;Guo, YN;Huang, WD TI:Phytic acid conversion coatings on magnesium surface treatment with cerium chloride solution SO:PROTECTION OF METALS AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF SURFACES UT ISI:000301788600014 SCI 分区:4 184.刘磊;陈铮等 AU:Liu, L;Chen, Z;Wang, YX TI:The simulation of precipitate splitting in alloy (I): segmentation mechanism SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000311836700057 SCI 分区:4 178.刘建睿;黄卫东等 AU:Liu, JR;Guo, YN;Huang, WD TI:Formation process and properties of phytic acid conversion coatings on magnesium SO:ANTI-CORROSION METHODS AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000311584700003 SCI 分区:4 185.刘亮亮;高峰;胡国辛等 AU:Liu, LL;Gao, F;Hu, GX;Liu, JN TI:Phase field simulation for the evolution of textured ceramics microstructure SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000307027300014 SCI 分区:3 179.刘建睿;黄卫东等 AU:Liu, JR;Guo, YN;Huang, WD TI:Formation process and properties of phytic acid conversion coatings on magnesium SO:ANTI-CORROSION METHODS AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000311584700003 SCI 分区:4 186.刘璐;刘正堂;田浩;刘其军等 AU:Liu, L;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Tian, H;Liu, QJ;Wang, XM TI:Effects of Annealing on the Properties of SrHfON Gate Dielectric Films SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500036 SCI 分区:4 180.刘婧;杨合;詹梅;江志强 AU:Liu, J;Yang, H;Zhan, M;Jiang, ZQ TI:Accurate prediction of the profile of thick-walled titanium alloy tube in rotary-draw bending considering strength-differential effect SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000303657700013 SCI 分区:3 187.刘宁;刘峰;陈正;杨根仓;周尧和 AU:Liu, N;Liu, F;Chen, Z;Yang, GC;Yang, CL;Zhou, YH TI:Liquid-phase Separation in Rapid Solidification of Undercooled Fe-Co-Cu Melts SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000308570200007 SCI 分区:4 181.刘静;杨合;朱帅等 AU:Liu, J;Yang, H;Li, HW;Li, H;Zhu, S TI:A new hybrid identification method for determining the material parameters of thin-walled tube under compressive stress state SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000310572200006 SCI 分区:3 188.刘其军;刘正堂;车兴森;冯丽萍;田浩 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Che, XS;Feng, LP;Tian, H TI:First-principles calculations of the structural, elastic, electronic, chemical bonding and optical properties of zinc-blende and rocksalt GeC SO:SOLID STATE SCIENCES UT ISI:000299149000018 SCI 分区:4 182.刘宽心;刘郁丽;杨合;赵刚要 AU:Liu, KX;Liu, YL;Yang, H;Zhao, GY TI:Experimental study on cross-section distortion of thin-walled rectangular 3A21 aluminium alloy tube by 189.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;田浩 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Tian, H TI:First-principles study of electronic and optical properties of N-doped SrHfO3 30 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 electronic, optical properties and pressure-induced phase transition of CuInO2 polymorph SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000311026800011 SCI 分区:4 SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000303803000049 SCI 分区:4 190.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;田浩 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Tian, H TI:Study of structural, elastic, electronic and optical properties of seven SrZrO3 phases: First-principles calculations SO:JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000310394500063 SCI 分区:3 197.刘霄;樊慧庆;时婧 AU:Liu, X;Fan, HQ;Shi, J TI:Anomaly diffuse and dielectric relaxation in strontium doped lanthanum molybdate SO:MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN UT ISI:000298130000056 SCI 分区:2 191.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;田浩等 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Chen, JC;Feng, LP;Tian, H;Zeng, W TI:Structural and electronic properties of cubic SrHfO3 surface: First-principles calculations SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000300185800020 SCI 分区:3 198.刘小冲;成来飞;张立同;梅辉;栾新刚;洪智亮等 AU:Liu, XC;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT;Mei, H;Fu, ZQ;Zhao, DL;Luan, XG;Hong, ZL;Li, ZH TI:The degradation behavior of C/SiC composites in complex environment SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304296500028 SCI 分区:2 192.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;田浩等 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Tian, H;Zeng, W TI:Orthorhombic SrHfO3 (001) surfaces: Surface structure and electronic properties with first-principles calculations SO:COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000303908600009 SCI 分区:无分区 199.刘印刚;罗皎;李淼泉 AU:Liu, YG;Luo, J;Li, MQ TI:The fuzzy neural network model of flow stress in the isothermal compression of 300M steel SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000305988100012 SCI 分区:3 193.刘其军;刘正堂;冯丽萍;田浩等 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Tian, H;Zeng, W TI:First-Principles Investigations on Structural, Elastic, Electronic, and Optical Properties of Tetragonal HfSiO4 SO:BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS UT ISI:000305562300004 SCI 分区:4 200.刘莹莹;郭鸿镇等 AU:Liu, YY;Yao, ZK;Qin, C;Guo, HZ TI:Elevated Temperature Properties of the Welding Interface for Ti3Al/TC11 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400029 SCI 分区:4 194.刘其军;刘正堂;高倩倩;冯丽萍;田浩 AU:Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT;Gao, QQ;Feng, LP;Tian, H TI:The doping effect of N substituting for different atoms in orthorhombic SrHfO(3) SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000299331500005 SCI 分区:3 195.刘文婷;刘其军;刘正堂 AU:Liu, WT;Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT TI:First-principles studies of structural, mechanical, electronic, optical properties and pressure-induced phase transition of CuInO2 polymorph SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000311026800011 SCI 分区:4 196.刘文婷;刘其军;刘正堂 AU:Liu, WT;Liu, QJ;Liu, ZT TI:First-principles studies of structural, mechanical, 31 201.刘永胜;成来飞;张立同;杨文彬;张伟华 AU:Liu, YS;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT;Yang, WB;Zhou, ST;Zhang, WH TI:Fabrication and mechanical behaviors of 2D C/SiC-BCx composite at room temperature SO:JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS UT ISI:000303928400011 SCI 分区:4 202.龙昌柏;樊慧庆 AU:Long, CB;Fan, HQ TI:Effect of lanthanum substitution at A site on structure and enhanced properties of new Aurivillius oxide K0.25Na0.25La0.5Bi2Nb2O9 SO:DALTON TRANSACTIONS UT ISI:000308097900023 SCI 分区:2 203.龙昌柏;樊慧庆等 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000303299300037 SCI 分区:2 AU:Long, CB;Fan, HQ;Li, MM;Li, Q TI:Effect of lanthanum and tungsten co-substitution on the structure and properties of new Aurivillius oxides Na0.5La0.5Bi2Nb2-xWxO9 SO:CRYSTENGCOMM UT ISI:000309414300022 SCI 分区:2 210.吕晓卫;林鑫;吴晓瑜;黄卫东等 AU:Lu, XW;Lin, X;Wu, XY;Hu, J;Gao, B;Huang, WD TI:Fabrication and microstructure of C(a)TiO(3) coating by laser cladding SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000298328000014 SCI 分区:4 204.娄菊红;杨延清;罗贤 AU:Lou, JH;Yang, YQ;Sun, Q;Li, J;Luo, X TI:Study on longitudinal tensile properties of SiC(f)/Ti-6Al-4V composites with different interfacial shear strength SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000297391700012 SCI 分区:2 211.栾丽君;介万奇;王涛;杜园园 AU:Luan, LJ;Jie, WQ;Wang, T;Du, YY TI:Effects of Indium Doping on the Properties of Cd1-xMnxTe Crystals SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700002 SCI 分区:4 205.娄菊红;杨延清;罗贤 AU:Deng, F;Zeng, XR;Zou, JZ;Li, XH TI:Effects of Preparation Temperature on Pyrolytic Carbon Coated LiFePO(4)/Vapor-grown Carbon Fiber (PCLFP/VGCF) Composite Cathode Material SO:JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000298857900004 SCI 分区: 212.栾新刚;张军;成来飞 AU:Luan, XG;Zhang, J;Cheng, LF TI:Effects of water vapor on corrosion behaviors of C/SiC in oxidizing atmosphere containing Na2SO4 vapor SO:COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310403600010 SCI 分区:3 206.卢翠英;成来飞;赵春年;张立同;叶昉 AU:Lu, CY;Cheng, LF;Zhao, CN;Zhang, LT;Ye, F TI:Effects of Residence Time and Reaction Conditions on the Deposition of SiC from Methyltrichlorosilane and Hydrogen SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000303667500019 SCI 分区:3 213.罗皎;李淼泉 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ TI:Modeling of grain size in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using fuzzy neural network SO:RARE METALS UT ISI:000298392800001 SCI 分区:4 207.卢朋辉;刘建睿;薛蕾;刘奋成;黄卫东 AU:Lu, PH;Liu, JR;Xue, L;Liu, FC;Huang, WD TI:Microstructure and Cracking Behavior of K418 Superalloy by Laser Forming Repairing SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302112200027 SCI 分区:4 214.罗皎;李淼泉 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ TI:Strain rate sensitivity and strain hardening exponent during the isothermal compression of Ti60 alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301901200021 SCI 分区:2 208.卢艳丽;陈铮;王永欣;杨坤等 AU:Lu, YL;Chen, Z;Wang, YX;Zhang, J;Yang, K TI:Study on the Effect of Elastic Strain Energy on the Ordering Process of Ni-Al Alloy by Phase-Field SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900019 SCI 分区:4 215.罗皎;李淼泉;吴斌 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ;Wu, B TI:The correlation between flow behavior and microstructural evolution of 7050 aluminum alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100071 SCI 分区:2 209.吕晓卫;林鑫;黄卫东 AU:Lv, XW;Lin, X;Hu, J;Gao, B;Huang, WD TI:Phase evolution in calcium phosphate coatings obtained by in situ laser cladding SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 216.罗皎;李淼泉等 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ;Ma, DW TI:The deformation behavior and processing maps in the isothermal compression of 7A09 aluminum alloy 32 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 223.马瑞芳;李淼泉等 AU:Ma, RF;Li, MQ;Li, H;Yu, WX TI:Modeling of void closure in diffusion bonding process based on dynamic conditions SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000307623500006 SCI 分区:4 SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301160100076 SCI 分区:2 217.罗皎;李淼泉等 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ;Ma, DW TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of 7A09 aluminium alloy after isothermal compression and solution treatment SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000301685400006 SCI 分区:3 224.马铁军;李文亚;仲斌;张勇等 AU:Ma, TJ;Li, WY;Zhong, B;Zhang, Y;Li, JL TI:Effect of post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and property of linear friction welded Ti17 titanium alloy joint SO:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING UT ISI:000300821100003 SCI 分区:3 218.罗皎;李淼泉等 AU:Luo, J;Li, MQ;Liu, YG;Sun, HM TI:The deformation behavior in isothermal compression of 300M ultrahigh-strength steel SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301989600039 SCI 分区:2 225.马铁军;仲斌;李文亚等 AU:Ma, TJ;Zhong, B;Li, WY;Zhang, Y;Yang, SQ;Yang, CL TI:On microstructure and mechanical properties of linear friction welded dissimilar Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6.5Al-3.5Mo-1.5Zr-0.3Si joint SO:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING UT ISI:000298118100002 SCI 分区:3 219.罗皎;吴斌;李淼泉 AU:Luo, J;Wu, B;Li, MQ TI:3D finite element simulation of microstructure evolution in blade forging of Ti-6Al-4V alloy based on the internal state variable models SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000299419100006 SCI 分区:4 226.马文强;陈福义 AU:Ma, WQ;Chen, FY TI:Optical and electronic properties of Cu doped Ag clusters SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000308868300015 SCI 分区:2 220.罗贤;杨延清;于滢娟;黄斌等 AU:Luo, X;Yang, YQ;Yu, YJ;Wang, XR;Huang, B;Chen, Y TI:Effect of Mo coating on the interface and mechanical properties of SiC fiber reinforced Ti6Al4V composites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000305918300037 SCI 分区:2 227.马雄;曾卫东;孙宇;王凯旋;赖运金等 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Sun, Y;Wang, KX;Lai, YJ;Zhou, YG TI:Modeling constitutive relationship of Ti17 titanium alloy with lamellar starting microstructure SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301901200024 SCI 分区:2 221.罗贤;杨延清等 AU:Luo, X;Yang, YQ;Sun, Q;Yu, YJ;Huang, B;Chen, Y TI:Effect of Cu/Mo duplex coating on the interface and property of SiCf/Ti6Al4V composite SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301402400002 SCI 分区:2 228.马雄;曾卫东;田飞;孙宇等 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Tian, F;Sun, Y;Zhou, YG TI:Modeling Constitutive Relationship of BT25 Titanium Alloy During Hot Deformation by Artificial Neural Network SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE UT ISI:000306549400004 SCI 分区:4 222.马健;胡锐;常辉;刘君;周廉 AU:Ma, J;Hu, R;Chang, H;Bai, GH;Liu, J;Zhou, L TI:Evolution of Oxidation Scale for a Ni-22Cr-20Co-18W Alloy at 1100 degrees C SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700022 SCI 分区:4 229.马雄;曾卫东;田飞等 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Tian, F;Zhou, YG;Sun, Y TI:Optimization of hot process parameters of Ti-6.7Al-2Sn-2.2Zr-2.1Mo-1W-0.2Si alloy with lamellar starting microstructure based on the processing map SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL 33 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:2 MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000303791700019 SCI 分区:2 236.梅辉;成来飞等 AU:Mei, H;Liu, YN;Cheng, LF TI:Comparison of oxidation resistance of NiCoCrAlTaY-coated and -uncoated Mar-M247 superalloys in the air at 1150 degrees C SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000299081500030 SCI 分区:3 230.马雄;曾卫东;田飞等 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Tian, F;Zhou, YG TI:The kinetics of dynamic globularization during hot working of a two phase titanium alloy with starting lamellar microstructure SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304745800002 SCI 分区:2 237.梅辉;李海青;邓晓东;成来飞 AU:Mei, H;Li, HQ;Deng, XD;Cheng, LF TI:Nondestructive investigation of density defect in C/SiCs and its effect on the mechanical properties SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000307086900007 SCI 分区:2 231.马雄;曾卫东;王凯旋;赖运金等 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Wang, KX;Lai, YJ;Zhou, YG TI:The investigation on the unstable flow behavior of Ti17 alloy in alpha plus beta phase field using processing map SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000305918300017 SCI 分区:2 238.梅辉;陶建新;成来飞等 AU:Mei, H;Li, HQ;Tao, JX;Cheng, LF TI:Non-destructive investigation of quasi-static indentation damage to C/SiC composites and its effects on compressive properties SO:ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS UT ISI:000311304200008 SCI 分区:4 232.马雄;曾卫东;许冰;孙宇;薛晨;韩远飞 AU:Ma, X;Zeng, WD;Xu, B;Sun, Y;Xue, C;Han, YF TI:Characterization of the hot deformation behavior of a Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy using processing maps based on the Murty criterion SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000297889300001 SCI 分区:2 239.梅辉;陶建新;成来飞等 AU:Mei, H;Li, HQ;Tao, JX;Cheng, LF TI:Non-destructive investigation of quasi-static indentation damage to C/SiC composites and its effects on compressive properties SO:ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS UT ISI:000311304200008 SCI 分区:4 233.毛旺;郭喜平 AU:Mao, W;Guo, XP TI:Effects of alloying and high-temperature heat treatment on the microstructure of Nb-Ti-Si based ultrahigh temperature alloys SO:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000303936600010 SCI 分区:4 240.莫尊理;付前刚等 AU:Mo, ZL;Deng, ZP;Guo, RB;Fu, QG;Feng, C;Liu, PW;Sun, Y TI:Synthesis and luminescence properties for europium oxide nanotubes SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS UT ISI:000298775500021 SCI 分区:3 234.梅辉 AU:Mei, H TI:Thermal Shock Damage and Microstructure Evolution of Thermal Barrier Coatings on Mar-M247 Superalloy in a Combustion Gas Environment SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000303457000007 SCI 分区:3 235.梅辉;成来飞;张立同等 AU:Mei, H;Liu, YA;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:Corrosion mechanism of a NiCoCrAlTaY Mar-M247 superalloy in molten salt vapour SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000299758000025 241.莫尊理等 AU:Mo, ZL;Liu, PW;Guo, RB;Deng, ZP;Zhao, YX;Sun, Y TI:Graphene sheets/Ag2S nanocomposites: Synthesis and their application in supercapacitor materials SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000300480600119 SCI 分区:2 coated 242.莫尊理等 AU:Mo, ZL;Gou, H;He, JX;Yang, PP;Feng, C;Guo, RB TI:Controllable synthesis of functional 34 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Ning, YQ;Fu, MW;Chen, X TI:Hot deformation behavior of GH4169 superalloy associated with stick 8 phase dissolution during isothermal compression process SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000302511600021 SCI 分区:2 nanocomposites: Covalently functionalize graphene sheets with biocompatible L-lysine SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000306134900033 SCI 分区:3 243.南瑞华;介万奇;查钢强;白旭旭等 AU:Nan, RH;Jie, WQ;Zha, GQ;Bai, XX;Wang, B;Yu, H TI:Determination of trap levels in CZT:In by thermally stimulated current spectroscopy SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310567300026 SCI 分区:4 250.宁永权等 AU:Ning, YQ;Fu, MW;Yao, W TI:Recrystallization of the hot isostatic pressed nickel-base superalloy FGH4096. II: Characterization and application SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000302047300015 SCI 分区:2 244.南瑞华;介万奇;查钢强;徐亚东等 AU:Nan, RH;Jie, WQ;Zha, GQ;Wang, B;Xu, YD;Yu, H TI:Irradiation-Induced Defects in Cd0.9Zn0.1Te:Al SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000309677200010 SCI 分区:3 251.彭彪林;樊慧庆等 AU:Peng, BL;Fan, HQ;Zhang, Q TI:The Contribution of the "Extrinsic" Polarizations to the Dielectric Tunability of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)1-xTixO3 Relaxor Ferroelectrics SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000303797500030 SCI 分区:2 245.南瑞华;介万奇等 AU:Nan, RH;Jie, WQ;Zha, GQ;Wang, B;Yu, H TI:Thermally stimulated current spectroscopy applied on defect characterization in semi-insulating Cd0.9Zn0.1Te SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000311076000005 SCI 分区:4 252.彭彪林;樊慧庆等 AU:Peng, BL;Fan, HQ;Li, Q;Zhang, Q TI:High dielectric non-linear properties of the Pb[(Mg1/3Nb2/3)(0.8)(Sc1/2Nb1/2)(0.2)]O-3 ceramics SO:MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN UT ISI:000305779900037 SCI 分区:2 246.宁永权;姚泽坤 AU:Ning, YQ;Yao, ZK TI:RECRYSTALLIZATION NUCLEATION MECHANISM OF FGH4096 POWDER METALLURGY SUPERALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000308838500016 SCI 分区:4 253.彭晗;付前刚;贾丙林;李贺军 AU:Peng, H;Fu, QG;Jia, BL;Li, HJ TI:Thermal shock resistance of SiC/MAS-LAS multilayer joint of carbon/carbon composites to LAS glass-ceramic SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000309497300076 SCI 分区:2 247.宁永权;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇等 AU:Ning, YQ;Yao, ZK;Yang, Z;Guo, HZ;Fu, MW TI:Flow behavior and hot workability of FGH4096 superalloys with different initial microstructures by using advanced processing maps SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000300200900013 SCI 分区:2 254.彭小娜;郭鸿镇;王涛;姚泽坤 AU:Peng, XN;Guo, HZ;Wang, T;Yao, ZK TI:Effects of beta treatments on microstructures and mechanical properties of TC4-DT titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000300205800009 SCI 分区:2 248.宁永权;姚泽坤;刘延辉 AU:Ning, YQ;Yao, ZK;Liang, XM;Liu, YH TI:Flow behavior and constitutive model for Ni-20.0Cr-2.5Ti-1.5Nb-1.0Al superalloy compressed below gamma '-transus temperature SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000306824700002 SCI 分区:2 255.钱锦文;李建林;林鑫等 AU:Qian, JW;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Zhang, FS;Li, WY;Lin, X TI:Periodic variation of torque and its relations to interfacial sticking and slipping during friction stir welding 249.宁永权等 35 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 262.任鹏荣;樊慧庆;汪鑫;刘昆 AU:Ren, PR;Fan, HQ;Wang, X;Liu, K TI:Effects of Magnesium Doping on Phase Transitions and Dielectric Figure of Merit of Barium Strontium Titanate Ceramics SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000301229900014 SCI 分区:3 SO:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING UT ISI:000302545100013 SCI 分区:3 256.钱锦文;李京龙;熊江涛;张赋升;林鑫 AU:Qian, JW;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Zhang, FS;Lin, X TI:Study on Reaction Kinetics in Diffusion Bonding of Ti2AlNb and GH4169 with Nb+Ni Foils as Interlayer SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299663200010 SCI 分区:4 263.任鹏荣;樊慧庆;汪鑫;谭晓惠 AU:Ren, PR;Fan, HQ;Wang, X;Tan, XH TI:Modified tunable dielectric properties by addition of MgO on BaZr(0.25)Ti(0.75)O(3) ceramics SO:MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN UT ISI:000298130000021 SCI 分区:2 257.钱锦文;李京龙;熊江涛;张赋升;林鑫 AU:Qian, JW;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Zhang, FS;Lin, X TI:In situ synthesizing Al3Ni for fabrication of intermetallic-reinforced aluminum alloy composites by friction stir processing SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000305918300036 SCI 分区:2 264.任宣儒等 AU:Ren, XR;Tan, GQ;Miao, HY;Li, ZY TI:Controllability study on the preparation of pure phase BiFeO3 thin films by liquid phase self-assembled method SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000305940700039 SCI 分区:3 258.强新发;李贺军;张雨雷;姚栋嘉;郭领军;魏建锋 AU:Qiang, XF;Li, HJ;Zhang, YL;Yao, DJ;Guo, LJ;Wei, JF TI:Fabrication and thermal shock resistance of in situ SiC nanowire-SiC/SiC coating for carbon/carbon composites SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000304337700039 SCI 分区:2 265.商昭;沈军;张建飞;傅恒志等 AU:Shang, Z;Shen, J;Zhang, JF;Wang, L;Fu, HZ TI:Effect of withdrawal rate on the microstructure of directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo) hypereutectic alloy SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000299983100015 SCI 分区:2 259.秦春;姚泽坤;郭鸿镇;周伟;赵张龙等 AU:Qin, C;Yao, ZK;Guo, HZ;Zhou, W;Zhao, ZL;Cao, JX TI:Effect of Thermal Exposure on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Welding Seam of Ti3Al/TC11 Dual Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500013 SCI 分区:4 266.商昭;沈军;张建飞;王雷;傅恒志 AU:Shang, Z;Shen, J;Zhang, JF;Wang, L;Fu, HZ TI:Perfect cellular eutectic growth in directionally solidified NiAl-Cr(Mo) hypereutectic alloy SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000306605400024 SCI 分区:4 260.任宁;詹梅;杨合;张子悦;秦亚涛等 AU:Ren, N;Zhan, M;Yang, H;Zhang, ZY;Qin, YT;Jiang, HM;Diao, KS;Chen, XP TI:Constraining effects of weld and heat-affected zone on deformation behaviors of welded tubes in numerical control bending process SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000301685400012 SCI 分区:3 267.邵晖;曾卫东等 AU:Shao, H;Zhao, YQ;Ge, P;Zeng, WD;Wang, KX;Yang, Y TI:Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Eolution of TC21 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500038 SCI 分区:4 261.任鹏荣;樊慧庆;汪鑫 AU:Ren, PR;Fan, HQ;Wang, X TI:Electrospun nanofibers of ZnO/BaTiO3 heterostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activity SO:CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000306771600007 SCI 分区:3 268.邵晖;曾卫东等 AU:Shao, H;Zhao, YQ;Zeng, WD;Ge, P;Yang, Y TI:Review on Influence of Microstructure on Strength and Fracture Toughness in alpha plus beta Titanium Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900040 36 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000298244500028 SCI 分区:2 SCI 分区:4 269.史小红;石祥虎;刘峰;杨根仓;周尧和 AU:Chen, YZ;Shi, XH;Liu, F;Yang, GC;Zhou, YH TI:Catalytic nucleation of a meta-stable delta phase in phase-seeded undercooled Fe75Ni25 melts SO:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000305964200013 SCI 分区:4 276.苏海军;张军;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Su, HJ;Zhang, J;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Preparation, microstructure and dislocation of solar-grade multicrystalline silicon by directional solidification from metallurgical-grade silicon SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310565200033 SCI 分区:4 270.宋衎;张军;苏海军;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Song, K;Zhang, J;Jia, XJ;Su, HJ;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:MICROSTRUCTURE OF Al2O3/YAG/ZrO2 HYPEREUTECTIC ALLOY DIRECTIONALLY SOLIDIFIED BY LASER FLOATING ZONE METHOD SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000303099100015 SCI 分区:4 277.苏海军;张军;宋衎;刘林;傅恒志等 AU:Su, HJ;Zhang, J;Wang, HF;Song, K;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Effect of solidification path on the microstructure of Al2O3-Y2O3-ZrO2 ternary oxide eutectic ceramic system SO:JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000306298300016 SCI 分区:2 271.宋衎;张强;贾晓菁;苏海军;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Song, K;Zhang, J;Jia, XJ;Su, HJ;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Solidification microstructure of laser floating zone remelted Al2O3/YAG eutectic in situ composite SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000303144000010 SCI 分区:4 278.隋国发;李金山;李宏伟;孙峰;张铁邦;傅恒志 AU:Sui, GF;Li, JS;Li, HW;Sun, F;Zhang, TB;Fu, HZ TI:Investigation on the explosive welding mechanism of corrosion-resisting aluminum and stainless steel tubes through finite element simulation and experiments SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000299419100011 SCI 分区:4 272.宋强;李克智;李贺军等 AU:Song, Q;Li, KZ;Li, HL;Li, HJ;Ren, C TI:Grafting straight carbon nanotubes radially onto carbon fibers and their effect on the mechanical properties of carbon/carbon composites SO:CARBON UT ISI:000305851700070 SCI 分区:1 279.孙颉;傅莉 AU:Sun, J;Fu, L TI:Direct observation of extended dislocation in Cd0.9Zn0.1Te single crystals by HRTEM SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000306109700023 SCI 分区:4 273.宋韶杰;刘峰;姜伊辉 AU:Song, SJ;Liu, F;Jiang, YH TI:Impact of anisotropic growth on kinetics of solid-state phase transformation SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000303936200023 SCI 分区:4 280.孙可为;周万城;黄珊珊;唐秀凤 AU:Sun, KW;Zhou, WC;Huang, SS;Tang, XF TI:Effect of Sputtering Pressure on Al-doped ZnO Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering SO:JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000310860800019 SCI 分区:4 274.宋韶杰;刘峰;姜伊辉 AU:Song, SJ;Liu, F;Jiang, YH TI:An analytic approach to the effect of anisotropic growth on diffusion-controlled transformation kinetics SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000304616000010 SCI 分区:3 281.孙可为;周万城;唐秀凤;黄智斌;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Sun, KW;Zhou, WC;Tang, XF;Huang, ZB;Luo, F;Zhu, DM TI:Effects of air annealing on the structure, resistivity, infrared emissivity and transmission of indium tin oxide films SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305662400038 SCI 分区:2 275.苏海军;刘林;傅恒志等 AU:Su, HJ;Zhang, J;Liu, L;Eckert, J;Fu, HZ TI:Rapid growth and formation mechanism of ultrafine structural oxide eutectic ceramics by laser direct forming 282.孙前江;李淼泉 37 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000301798500004 SCI 分区:4 AU:Sun, QJ;Wang, GC;Li, MQ TI:Enhanced the superplasticity in Ti-6.5Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy by a two-step deformation method SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301578700010 SCI 分区:3 289.孙志平;郭喜平等 AU:Sun, ZP;Guo, XP;Zhang, C TI:Thermodynamic modeling of the Nb-rich corner in the Nb-Si-Sn system SO:CALPHAD-COMPUTER COUPLING OF PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMOCHEMISTRY UT ISI:000300863000012 SCI 分区:4 283.孙宇;曾卫东;韩远飞;马雄 AU:Sun, Y;Zeng, WD;Zhao, YQ;Han, YF;Ma, X TI:Intelligent method to develop constitutive relationship of Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000306275100029 SCI 分区:4 290.孙志平;郭喜平等 AU:Sun, ZP;Guo, XP;Zhang, C TI:Liquid-solid phase equilibria in Nb-rich corner of the Nb-Ti-Si-B system SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000300952200028 SCI 分区:2 284.孙宇;曾卫东;马雄等 AU:Sun, Y;Zeng, WD;Zhao, YQ;Han, YF;Ma, X TI:Modeling of Chemical Elements and Mechanical Property for TC11 Titanium Alloy Based on the Artificial Neural Network SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304072600007 SCI 分区:4 291.谭华;张凤英;温如军;陈婧;黄卫东等 AU:Tan, H;Zhang, FY;Wen, RJ;Chen, J;Huang, WD TI:Experiment study of powder flow feed behavior of laser solid forming SO:OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000300268600015 SCI 分区:3 285.孙宇;曾卫东;邵一涛等 AU:Sun, Y;Zeng, WD;Zhao, YQ;Shao, YT;Zhou, YG TI:Modeling the Correlation of Composition-Processing-Property for TC11 Titanium Alloy Based on Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Network SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE UT ISI:000310085800003 SCI 分区:4 292.唐斌;常辉;寇宏超;李金山;周廉 AU:Tang, B;Cui, YW;Chang, H;Kou, HC;Li, JS;Zhou, L TI:A phase-field approach to athermal beta -> omega transformation SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300722900026 SCI 分区:3 286.孙宇;曾卫东等 AU:Sun, Y;Zeng, WD;Han, YF;Ma, X;Zhao, YQ;Guo, P;Wang, G;Dargusch, MS TI:Determination of the influence of processing parameters on the mechanical properties of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy using an artificial neural network SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000303657700031 SCI 分区:3 293.唐斌;常辉;寇宏超;周廉;周亮等 AU:Tang, B;Cui, YW;Chang, H;Kou, HC;Li, JS;Zhou, L TI:Modeling of Incommensurate omega Structure in the Zr-Nb Alloys SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000305732900004 SCI 分区:3 287.孙宇等 AU:Sun, Y;Zeng, WD;Zhao, YQ;Shao, YT;Han, YF;Ma, X TI:Model Prediction of Processing-Property of TC11 Titanium Alloy Using Artificial Neural Network SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303782000015 SCI 分区:4 294.唐斌;寇宏超;李金山;周廉等 AU:Tang, B;Cui, YW;Kou, HC;Chang, H;Li, JS;Zhou, L TI:Phase field modeling of isothermal beta -> omega phase transformation in the Zr-Nb alloys SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000304562000012 SCI 分区:3 288.孙志超;杨合等 AU:Sun, ZC;Yang, H;Sun, NG TI:Effects of Parameters on Inhomogeneous Deformation and Damage in Isothermal Local Loading Forming of Ti-Alloy Component SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE 295.唐斌;寇宏超;王义红;李金山等 AU:Tang, B;Kou, HC;Wang, YH;Zhu, ZS;Zhang, FS;Li, JS TI:Kinetics of orthorhombic martensite decomposition in TC21 alloy under isothermal conditions SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000298326000058 38 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 alloys SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000302864800024 SCI 分区:4 SCI 分区:3 296.唐赛;王志军;郭耀麟;王锦程;周尧和等 AU:Tang, S;Wang, ZJ;Guo, YL;Wang, JC;Yu, YM;Zhou, YH TI:Orientation selection process during the early stage of cubic dendrite growth: A phase-field crystal study SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000308842100011 SCI 分区:1 303.王海丰;刘峰;王慷等 AU:Wang, HF;Liu, F;Zhai, HM;Wang, K TI:Application of the maximal entropy production principle to rapid solidification: A sharp interface model SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000301989500002 SCI 分区:1 297.汪程鹏;;李付国;王磊;董俊哲等 AU:Wang, CP;Li, FG;Li, QH;Li, J;Wang, L;Dong, JZ TI:A novel severe plastic deformation method for fabricating ultrafine grained pure copper SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000309242500059 SCI 分区:3 304.王海丽;杨延清;冯广海;罗贤;张荣军;刘斌 AU:Wang, HL;Yang, YQ;Feng, GH;Luo, X;Zhang, RJ;Liu, B TI:Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in SiC Fiber Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304072600016 SCI 分区:4 298.汪程鹏;李付国;李庆华;王雷 AU:Wang, CP;Li, FG;Li, QH;Wang, L TI:Numerical and experimental studies of pure copper processed by a new severe plastic deformation method SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304745800004 SCI 分区:2 305.王剑中;黄卫东等 AU:Wang, JZ;Xi, ZP;Tang, HP;Huang, WD;Zhu, JL;Li, C;Ao, QB;Zhi, H TI:Research Progress of Electromagnetic Shielding Material of Metal Fiber SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000297897800040 SCI 分区:4 299.汪程鹏;李付国等 AU:Wang, CP;Li, FG;Wang, L;Qiao, HJ TI:Review on modified and novel techniques of severe plastic deformation SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000307623500001 SCI 分区:4 306.王杰;李克智;郭领军等 AU:Wang, J;Li, KZ;Song, XR;Guo, LJ;Li, W;Li, ZQ TI:The study on joining carbon/carbon composites using Ti-Ni-Si compound SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304581200003 SCI 分区:2 300.汪鑫;樊慧庆;任鹏荣 AU:Wang, X;Fan, HQ;Ren, PR TI:UV light-assisted synthesis of coral SnO2: Characterization and its enhanced photocatalytic properties SO:COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS UT ISI:000304840600007 SCI 分区:4 307.王雷;沈军;秦岭;冯周荣;王灵水;傅恒志 AU:Wang, L;Shen, J;Qin, L;Feng, ZR;Wang, LS;Fu, HZ TI:The effect of the flow driven by a travelling magnetic field on solidification structure of Sn-Cd peritectic alloys SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000308078900006 SCI 分区:4 301.汪鑫;樊慧庆;任鹏荣;余花娃;李靖 AU:Wang, X;Fan, HQ;Ren, PR;Yu, HW;Li, J TI:A simple route to disperse silver nanoparticles on the surfaces of silica nanofibers with excellent photocatalytic properties SO:MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN UT ISI:000305112000022 SCI 分区:2 308.王理林;林鑫;黄卫东等 AU:Wang, LL;Wang, XB;Wang, HY;Lin, X;Huang, WD TI:Effect of crystallographic orientation instability behavior of planar interface directional solidification SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000307422900059 SCI 分区:4 302.王海丰;刘峰;王慷等 AU:Wang, HF;Liu, F;Wang, K;Zhai, HM TI:Effect of back diffusion on overall solidification kinetics of undercooled single-phase solid-solution 309.王理林;王志军;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 39 on in 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 316.王晓鹏;刘芳等 AU:Wang, XP;Wang, YX;Tang, HK;Min, JX;Wang, YB;Liu, F TI:Microscopic Phase-Field Simulation of Precipitation Process and Atomic Site Occupation of gamma ' Phase in Ni75Al15Mn10 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302112200013 SCI 分区:4 AU:Wang, LL;Wang, ZJ;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:The effect of interfacial energy anisotropy on planar interface instability in a succinonitrile alloy under a small temperature gradient SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000305403900062 SCI 分区:3 310.王领航;介万奇等 AU:Wang, LH;Jie, WQ TI:Bridgman growth and defect characterization of large diameter mercury indium telluride crystals for near infrared detectors SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000311647400072 SCI 分区:4 317.王兴;成来飞;范尚武;张立同 AU:Wang, X;Cheng, LF;Fan, SW;Zhang, LT TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of the GH783/2.5D C/SiC joints brazed with Cu-Ti plus Mo composite filler SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301580500068 SCI 分区:3 311.王敏;蔺成效 AU:Wang, M;Lin, CX TI:Microstructure Evolution of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy during Superplastic Deformation SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900011 SCI 分区:4 318.王兴;成来飞;范尚武;张立同 AU:Wang, X;Cheng, LF;Fan, SW;Zhang, LT TI:Microstructure and Properties of 2D C/SiC Composite/GH783 Joint Brazed with Cu-Ti plus Mo Composite Filler SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310046300009 SCI 分区:4 312.王敏;杨合;郭良刚 AU:Wang, M;Yang, H;Guo, LG TI:Numerical Study on Motions of Rolls in Hot Rolling of Titanium Alloy Large Rings SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301216500004 SCI 分区:4 319.王雅琴;王锦程;李俊杰 AU:Wang, YQ;Wang, JC;Li, JJ TI:Phase field modeling of the growth and competition behavior of tilted dendrites in directional solidification SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000305377400069 SCI 分区:4 313.王鹏云;李贺军;齐乐华;李克智;罗俊 AU:Wang, PY;Li, HJ;Qi, LH;Li, KZ;Jun, L TI:Modeling of Generation of Uniform Metal Droplet During Drop-On-Demand Spray Forming SO:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE UT ISI:000309495900057 SCI 分区:4 320.王艳;杨合;詹梅等 AU:Wang, Y;Yang, H;Li, H;Zhan, M;Song, FF;Li, GJ;Xu, XD TI:Effect of Springback on Wall Thinning and Section Distortion for High Strength TA18 Tube in NC Bending SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308053900020 SCI 分区:4 314.王庆阳等 AU:Wang, QY;Yan, G;Sulpice, A;Mossang, E;Xiong, XM;Liu, GQ;Jiao, GF;Zhang, PX TI:Influence of Amorphous Carbon Doping on Superconductivity of MgB2/Nb/Cu Wires SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400004 SCI 分区:4 321.王耀;周廉;李金山等 AU:Wang, Y;Zhou, L;Yu, ZM;Li, CS;Li, JS;Jin, LH;Lu, YF TI:Growth and characterization of doped CeO2 buffers on Ni-W substrates for coated conductors using metal organic deposition method SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000305234100015 SCI 分区:4 315.王小丽;赵永庆;王耀奇;侯红亮 ;曾卫东 AU:Wang, XL;Zhao, YQ;Wang, YQ;Hou, HL;Zeng, WD TI:Kinetics of Hydrogen Absorption in Ti-V-Cr Burn-Resistant Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000297897800003 SCI 分区:4 322.王一光;范尚武;成来飞等 AU:Wang, YG;Yang, J;Liu, J;Fan, SW;Cheng, LF TI:Fabrication of oxidation protective coatings on C/C-SiC brake materials at room temperature 40 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309501600065 SCI 分区:2 SO:JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA UT ISI:000302590900007 SCI 分区:2 323.王一光;马百胜;李璐璐等 AU:Wang, YG;Ma, BS;Li, LL;An, LN TI:Oxidation Behavior of ZrB2-SiC-TaC Ceramics SO:JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000298735300061 SCI 分区:2 330.王志军;李俊杰;王锦程;周尧和 AU:Wang, ZJ;Li, JJ;Wang, JC;Zhou, YH TI:Phase field modeling the selection mechanism of primary dendritic spacing in directional solidification SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000302835300006 SCI 分区:1 324.王一光;朱晓娟;张立同;成来飞 AU:Wang, YG;Zhu, XJ;Zhang, LT;Cheng, LF TI:C/C-SiC-ZrC composites fabricated by reactive melt infiltration with Si0.87Zr0.13 alloy SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000303634900106 SCI 分区:3 331.魏剑;李克智等 AU:Wei, J;Li, KZ;Chen, J;Yuan, HD TI:Fabrication of Centimeter-scale SiC/SiO2 Core-shell Nanowires by Vapor-diffusion Reaction Method SO:CURRENT NANOSCIENCE UT ISI:000310390700012 SCI 分区:2 325.王义红;周廉;李金山等 AU:Wang, Y;Zhou, L;Li, CS;Yu, ZM;Li, JS;Jin, LH;Shen, Y;Wang, PF;Lu, YF TI:Chemical solution approach to SrTiO(3) synthesis using a new precursor SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000298326000047 SCI 分区:3 332.魏雷;林鑫;黄卫东等 AU:Wei, L;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:Cellular automaton model with MeshTV interface reconstruction technique for alloy dendrite growth SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000304514200074 SCI 分区:4 326.王毅;周廉;李金山等 AU:Wang, Y;Zhou, L;Li, CS;Yu, ZM;Li, JS;Jin, LH;Wang, PF;Lu, YF TI:Texture Transfer Mechanism of Buffer Layer in Coated Conductors SO:JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM UT ISI:000305222200013 SCI 分区:4 327.王永杰;李贺军;付前刚;吴恒;姚栋嘉;李海亮 AU:Wang, YJ;Li, HJ;Fu, QG;Wu, H;Yao, DJ;Li, HL TI:SiC/HfC/SiC ablation resistant coating carbon/carbon composites SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305662400010 SCI 分区:2 Well-aligned Interlaminar 333.魏雷;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 AU:Wei, L;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:A cellular automaton model for a pure substance solidification with interface reconstruction method SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300471500011 SCI 分区:3 334.魏雷;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 AU:Wei, L;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:Orientation selection of equiaxed dendritic growth by three-dimensional cellular automaton model SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000304664500021 SCI 分区:4 for 328.王勇;郭喜平 AU:Wang, Y;Guo, XP TI:Microstructure and Room Temperature Fracture Toughness of Directionally Solidified Nb-Ti-Si Based Ultrahigh Temperature Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299663200029 SCI 分区:4 335.魏璐等 AU:Wei, L;Sevilla, M;Fuertes, AB;Mokaya, R;Yushin, G TI:Polypyrrole-Derived Activated Carbons for High-Performance Electrical Double-Layer Capacitors with Ionic Liquid Electrolyte SO:ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS UT ISI:000300447500019 SCI 分区:1 329.王赞霞;傅莉等 AU:Wang, ZX;Fu, L;Xu, H;Shang, Y;Zhang, L;Zhang, JM TI:Density, Viscosity, and Conductivity for the Binary Systems of Water plus Dual Amino-Functionalized Ionic Liquids 336.魏艳妮;李京龙;熊江涛;黄甫;张赋升 AU:Wei, YN;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Huang, F;Zhang, FS TI:Microstructures and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy and stainless steel weld-joint made by 41 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 343.肖美立;李付国;王雨峰等 AU:Xiao, ML;Li, FG;Xie, HF;Wang, YF TI:Characterization of strengthening mechanism and hot deformation behavior of powder metallurgy molybdenum SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000298120300015 SCI 分区:3 friction stir lap welding SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000297391500015 SCI 分区:3 337.魏艳妮;李京龙;熊江涛;黄甫;张赋升等 AU:Wei, YN;Li, JL;Xiong, JT;Huang, F;Zhang, FS;Raza, SH TI:Joining aluminum to titanium alloy by friction stir lap welding with cutting pin SO:MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION UT ISI:000308972600001 SCI 分区:3 344.肖美立;李付国等 AU:Xiao, ML;Li, FG;Zhao, W;Yang, GL TI:Constitutive equation for elevated temperature flow behavior of TiNiNb alloy based on orthogonal analysis SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301578700024 SCI 分区:3 338.吴斌;李淼泉等 AU:Wu, B;Li, MQ;Ma, DW TI:The flow behavior and constitutive equations in isothermal compression of 7050 aluminum alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000302838600011 SCI 分区:2 339.吴欢等 AU:Wu, H;Zhao, YQ;Ge, P;Zhou, W TI:Effect of beta Stabilizing Elements on Strengthening Behavior of Titanium alpha Phase SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500012 SCI 分区:4 345.谢兴华等 AU:Xie, XH;Yao, ZK;Ning, YQ;Guo, HZ;Tao, Y;Zhang, YW TI:Investigation on Hot Deformation Behavior of P/M Superalloy FGH4096 SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301216500019 SCI 分区:4 the 346.谢涌;介万奇;王涛;王亚彬等 AU:Xie, Y;Jie, WQ;Wang, T;Wiedenmann, M;Neuschl, B;Madel, M;Wang, YB;Feneberg, M;Thonke, K TI:Growth-induced Stacking Faults of ZnO Nanorods Probed by Spatial Resolved Cathodoluminescence SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000306551200068 SCI 分区:4 340.伍林等 AU:Wu, L;Chen, Z;Wang, YX;Zhuang, HC;Huang, YB;Yang, T TI:Study on the Correlation between Vanadium Concentration and Nucleation Incubation Period of Ni75Al25-xVx Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310046300014 SCI 分区:4 347.谢涌;介万奇等 AU:Xie, Y;Madel, M;Neuschl, B;Jie, WQ;Roder, U;Feneberg, M;Thonke, K TI:Silicon-on-insulator based ZnO nanowire photodetector SO:JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B UT ISI:000311667300094 SCI 分区:3 341.武川;杨合;李宏伟;樊晓光 AU:Wu, C;Yang, H;Li, HW;Fan, XG TI:Static coarsening of titanium alloys in single field by cellular automaton model considering solute drag and anisotropic mobility of grain boundaries SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000303388200002 SCI 分区:3 348.谢涌;介万奇等 AU:Xie, Y;Jie, WQ;Reiser, A;Feneberg, M;Tischer, I;Wiedenmann, M;Madel, M;Frey, R;Roeder, U;Thonke, K TI:Suppression of gallium inhomogeneity in ZnO nanostructures on GaN using seed layers SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000308118500010 SCI 分区:2 342.武志红;周万城;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Wu, ZH;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Zhu, DM TI:Effect of MoSi2 content on dielectric and mechanical properties of MoSi2/Al2O3 composite coatings SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000299846300018 SCI 分区:4 349.熊江涛;解庆;李京龙;张赋升;黄卫东 AU:Xiong, JT;Xie, Q;Li, JL;Zhang, FS;Huang, WD TI:Diffusion Bonding of Stainless Steel to Copper with Tin Bronze and Gold Interlayers SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE UT ISI:000298657800005 42 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Evidence of recrystallization mechanism of grain refinement in hypercooled Co80Pd20 alloys SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000307483300021 SCI 分区:2 SCI 分区:4 350.熊江涛;李京龙;黄卫东等 AU:Xiong, JT;Li, JL;Qian, JW;Zhang, FS;Huang, WD TI:High strength lap joint of aluminium and stainless steels fabricated by friction stir welding with cutting pin SO:SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING UT ISI:000300821100006 SCI 分区:3 357.徐小龙;刘峰等 AU:Xu, XL;Chen, YZ;Liu, F TI:Evolution of solidification microstructure in undercooled Co80Pd20 alloys SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311302700018 SCI 分区:4 351.熊江涛;李京龙;魏艳妮;张赋升;孙兵兵;黄卫东 AU:Xiong, JT;Li, JL;Wei, YN;Zhang, FS;Sun, BB;Huang, WD TI:Low Temperature Joining Single-Crystal Silicon by Pre-Eutectic Joining SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303698200013 SCI 分区:4 358.徐小龙;刘峰等 AU:Xu, XL;Chen, YZ;Liu, F TI:Evolution of solidification microstructure in undercooled Co80Pd20 alloys SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311302700018 SCI 分区:4 352.徐洁;杨合;李恒;詹梅 AU:Xu, J;Yang, H;Li, H;Zhan, M TI:Significance-based optimization of processing parameters for thin-walled aluminum alloy tube NC bending with small bending radius SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000299846300024 SCI 分区:4 359.徐亚东;何亦辉;郭榕榕;介万奇 AU:Xu, YD;He, YH;Wang, T;Guo, RR;Jie, WQ;Sellin, PJ;Veale, M TI:Investigation of Te inclusion induced glides and the corresponding dislocations in CdZnTe crystal SO:CRYSTENGCOMM UT ISI:000298839400017 SCI 分区:2 353.徐凌燕;介万奇等 AU:Xu, L;Jie, W;Bolotnikov, AE;Roy, UN;Stein, J;Hossain, A;Camarda, GS;Kim, KH;Yang, G;Gul, R;Cui, Y;Xu, Y;Wang, T;Zha, G;James, RB TI:Concentration of extended defects in CdZnTe single crystals: Effects of cooling rate after growth SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000307121900014 SCI 分区:4 360.徐义库;刘林;葛丙明等 AU:Xu, YK;Liu, L;Loser, W;Ge, BM TI:Precipitates identification in R(2)PdSi(3) (R=Pr, Tb and Gd) single crystal growth SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000298152300013 SCI 分区:4 354.徐韦锋;刘金合等 AU:Xu, WF;Liu, JH;Chen, DL;Luan, GH;Yao, JS TI:Improvements of strength and ductility in aluminum alloy joints via rapid cooling during friction stir welding SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000304745800013 SCI 分区:2 361.许贝;高峰;曹宵;刘亮亮;胡国辛 AU:Xu, B;Gao, F;Cao, X;Liu, LL;Hu, GX TI:Microstructure and dielectric relaxor behavior of Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3-(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3-BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramics by tape casting SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000308648200007 SCI 分区:4 355.徐小龙;刘峰等 AU:Xu, XL;Chen, YZ;Liu, F TI:TEM observation of recrystallisation in rapidly solidified hypercooled Co80Pd20 alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305211600022 SCI 分区:4 362.许军锋;刘峰;宋韶杰;张凯 AU:Xu, JF;Liu, F;Song, SJ;Zhang, K TI:Parameter determination of critical nucleation frequency in solidification of undercooled metallic melts SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000304824100008 SCI 分区:4 356.徐小龙;刘峰等 AU:Xu, XL;Chen, YZ;Liu, F 363.许军锋;刘峰;徐小龙;陈豫增 43 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Xue, C;Zeng, WD;Xu, B;Liang, XB;Zhang, JW;Li, SQ TI:B2 grain growth and particle pinning effect of Ti-22Al-25Nb orthorhombic intermetallic alloy during heating process SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000306721200006 SCI 分区:2 AU:Xu, JF;Liu, F;Xu, XL;Chen, YZ TI:Determination of Solid Fraction from Cooling Curve SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300520700016 SCI 分区:3 364.许军锋;刘峰;张琨等 AU:Xu, JF;Liu, F;Zhang, K;Gong, MM TI:Simple approach for description of undercooled solidification SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000298667200002 SCI 分区:4 371.薛春岭;杨延清等 AU:Xue, CL;Yang, YQ;Luo, X;Sun, Q;Zhang, W;Dai, ZQ TI:Interface and Properties of Cu/Mo Duplex-Coated SiC Fiber-Reinforced Ti6Al4V Composites SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304072600020 SCI 分区:4 365.许军锋;刘峰等 AU:Xu, JF;Liu, F;Zhang, D;Zhang, K TI:Comparison of baseline method and DSC measurement for determining phase fractions SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311302700008 SCI 分区:4 372.薛凤梅;李付国;蔡军;袁战伟;陈波;刘太盈 AU:Xue, FM;Li, FG;Cai, J;Yuan, ZW;Chen, B;Liu, TY TI:Characterization of the elasto-plastic properties of 0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al steel by microindentation SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000301580500012 SCI 分区:3 366.许军锋;刘峰等 AU:Xu, JF;Liu, F;Zhang, D;Zhang, K TI:Comparison of baseline method and DSC measurement for determining phase fractions SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311302700008 SCI 分区:4 373.薛凤梅;李付国;陈波;范娟;王瑞亭 AU:Xue, FM;Li, FG;Chen, B;Fan, J;Wang, RT TI:A ductile-brittle fracture model for material ductile damage in plastic deformation based on microvoid growth SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000310357400027 SCI 分区:3 367.许玮;胡锐;李金山;傅恒志等 AU:Xu, W;Hu, R;Li, JS;Zhang, YZ;Fu, HZ TI:Tribological behavior of CNTs-Cu and graphite-Cu composites with electric current SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000299846300013 SCI 分区:4 374.薛凤梅;李付国等 AU:Xue, FM;Li, FG;Li, J;He, M TI:Strain energy density method for estimating fracture toughness from indentation test of 0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al steel with Berkovich indenter SO:THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS UT ISI:000310949400008 SCI 分区:4 368.许玮;胡锐;刘懿文;李金山;傅恒志 AU:Xu, W;Hu, R;Liu, YW;Li, JS;Fu, HZ TI:Chopping Current and Cathode Spot Movements of Gra./Cu and CNTs/Cu Composites SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000297897800024 SCI 分区:4 375.薛凤梅;李付国等 AU:Xue, FM;Li, FG;Li, J;He, M TI:Strain energy density method for estimating fracture toughness from indentation test of 0Cr12Mn5Ni4Mo3Al steel with Berkovich indenter SO:THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS UT ISI:000310949400008 SCI 分区:4 369.许占位;李贺军;傅茂森;罗慧娟;李克智;卢锦花;赵雪 妮 AU:Xu, ZW;Li, HJ;Fu, MS;Luo, HJ;Sun, HH;Zhang, LJ;Li, KZ;Wei, BQ;Lu, JH;Zhao, XN TI:Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes synthesized by pyrolysis of nitrogen-rich metal phthalocyanine derivatives for oxygen reduction SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000307582800022 SCI 分区:1 376.闫锋;刘正堂;刘文婷 AU:Yan, F;Liu, ZT;Liu, WT TI:The preparation and properties of Y(2)O(3)/AlN anti-reflection films on chemical vapor deposition diamond SO:THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000297988500016 SCI 分区:3 370.薛晨;曾卫东;徐彬等 44 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000302124000001 SCI 分区:4 377.严科飞;张程煜;乔生儒等 AU:Yan, KF;Zhang, CY;Qiao, SR;Song, CZ;Han, D;Li, M TI:Measurement of In-Plane Shear Strength of Carbon/Carbon Composites by Compression of Double-Notched Specimens SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE UT ISI:000298657800009 SCI 分区:4 384.杨合;任宁;詹梅;张志勇等 AU:Yang, H;Ren, N;Zhan, M;Zhang, ZY;Qin, YT;Jiang, HM;Diao, KS;Chen, XP TI:Experimental and numerical studies on the prediction of bendability limit of QSTE340 welded tube in NC bending process SO:SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES UT ISI:000306693700022 SCI 分区:4 378.晏韦;樊慧庆;翟玉纯;杨超;任鹏荣等 AU:Yan, W;Fan, HQ;Zhai, YC;Yang, C;Ren, PR;Huang, LM TI:Low temperature solution-based synthesis of porous flower-like alpha-Fe(2)O(3) superstructures and their excellent gas-sensing properties SO:SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL UT ISI:000298768100190 SCI 分区:2 385.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Wang, F;Kang, Y;Li, TH;Zhang, J TI:A microporous indium-organic framework with high capacity and selectivity for CO2 or organosulfurs SO:DALTON TRANSACTIONS UT ISI:000300443000005 SCI 分区:2 379.杨初斌;刘林;傅恒志等 AU:Yang, CB;Liu, L;Zhao, XB;Li, YF;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:Dendrite morphology and evolution mechanism of nickel-based single crystal superalloys grown along the < 001 > and < 011 > orientations SO:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000311683100006 SCI 分区:4 386.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Li, TH;Wang, F;Zhang, J TI:Unusual heterometallic ZnMg(COO)(3) building blocks for the construction of a homochiral srs-type metal-organic framework SO:INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000300468800021 SCI 分区:4 380.杨初斌;刘林;赵新宝;张军;傅恒志 AU:Yang, CB;Liu, L;Zhao, XB;Liu, G;Zhang, J;Fu, HZ TI:DENDRITE ARM SPACINGS AND MICROSEGREGA TIONS IN < 001 > AND < 011 > ORIENTATED SINGLE CRYSTAL SUPERALLOYS DD407 SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000298903300004 SCI 分区:4 387.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Wang, F;Tan, YX;Kang, Y;Li, TH;Zhang, J TI:Charge Matching on Designing Neutral Cadmium-Lanthanide-Organic Open Frameworks for Luminescence Sensing SO:CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL UT ISI:000303239700031 SCI 分区:2 381.杨高林;林鑫;刘奋成;胡桥;黄卫东 AU:Yang, GL;Lin, X;Liu, FC;Hu, Q;Ma, L;Li, JF;Huang, WD TI:Laser solid forming Zr-based bulk metallic glass SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000299983100017 SCI 分区:2 388.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Li, TH;Kang, Y;Wang, F TI:Unusual Cd-2(COO)(4)Cl-2 building blocks for the construction of a dia or ths-type metal-organic framework SO:INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000305665800007 SCI 分区:4 382.杨光昱;孟宏帅;刘少军;齐元昊;介万奇 AU:Yang, GY;Meng, HS;Liu, SJ;Qi, YH;Jie, WQ TI:MICROSTRUCTURES AND ROOM TEMPERATURE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF Al-6.3Zn-2.8Mg-1.8Cu CASTING ALUMINUM ALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000303099100014 SCI 分区:4 389.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Wang, F;Kang, Y;Li, TH;Zhang, J TI:Chiral assembly of dodecahedral cavities into porous metal-organic frameworks SO:CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000307777700029 SCI 分区:2 383.杨合;李恒;张志勇;詹梅等 AU:Yang, H;Li, H;Zhang, ZY;Zhan, M;Liu, J;Li, GJ TI:Advances and Trends on Tube Bending Forming Technologies 390.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Li, TH;Kang, Y;Wang, F 45 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 397.姚西媛;李贺军;张雨雷;任俊杰;姚栋嘉;陶珺 AU:Yao, XY;Li, HJ;Zhang, YL;Ren, JJ;Yao, DJ;Tao, J TI:A SiC/ZrB2-SiC/SiC oxidation resistance multilayer coating for carbon/carbon composites SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000301624000018 SCI 分区:2 TI:Unusual Zn-5(mu(3)-OH)(2)(COO-)(8) secondary building units for the construction of a metal-organic framework SO:INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000310943400023 SCI 分区:4 391.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Li, TH;Kang, Y;Wang, F TI:Unusual Zn-5(mu(3)-OH)(2)(COO-)(8) secondary building units for the construction of a metal-organic framework SO:INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000310943400023 SCI 分区:4 398.姚西媛;李贺军;张雨雷;吴恒;强新发 AU:Yao, XY;Li, HJ;Zhang, YL;Wu, H;Qiang, XF TI:A SiC-Si-ZrB2 multiphase oxidation protective ceramic coating for SiC-coated carbon/carbon composites SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000301611700046 SCI 分区:3 392.杨辉;李铁虎等 AU:Yang, H;Li, TH;Kang, Y;Wang, F TI:A chiral qtz-type metal-organic framework based on 4-coordinate Cd(II) centers SO:INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000308271900022 SCI 分区:4 399.叶昉;张立同;刘永胜;李思维;殷小玮;成来飞 AU:Ye, F;Zhang, LT;Liu, YS;Li, SW;Su, M;Yin, XW;Cheng, LF TI:Investigation on preparing boron nitride by nitriding pure boron at 1200-1550 degrees C SO:PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE-MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000311683100009 SCI 分区:4 393.杨坤;王永欣;陈铮;张明义 AU:Yang, K;Wang, YX;Dong, WP;Chen, Z;Zhang, MY TI:Influence of the Competitive Growth between Two Phases on Rafting during Early Precipitation through Microscpic Phase-Field SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000297897800022 SCI 分区:4 400.叶昉;张立同;殷小玮;左新章;刘永胜;成来飞 AU:Ye, F;Zhang, LT;Yin, XW;Zuo, XZ;Liu, YS;Cheng, LF TI:Fabrication of Si3N4-SiBC composite ceramic and its excellent electromagnetic properties SO:JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY UT ISI:000310392600009 SCI 分区:2 394.杨坤;张明义;陈铮;范晓丽 AU:Yang, K;Zhang, MY;Chen, Z;Fan, XL TI:Microscopic phase-field study for mechanisms of directional coarsening and the transformation of rafting types in Ni-Al-V ternary alloys SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000306106000025 SCI 分区:3 401.殷小玮;薛叶叶;张立同;成来飞 AU:Yin, XW;Xue, YY;Zhang, LT;Cheng, LF TI:Dielectric, electromagnetic absorption and interference shielding properties of porous yttria-stabilized zirconia/silicon carbide composites SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000301611700092 SCI 分区:3 395.杨涛;陈铮;董卫平 AU:Yang, T;Chen, Z;Dong, WP TI:PHASE FIELD CRYSTAL SIMULATION OF STRESS-INDUCED ANNIHILATION OF SUB-GRAIN BOUNDARY WITH DOUBLE-ARRAY DISLOCATION SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000298903300012 SCI 分区:4 402.于建政;张军;苏海军;宋衎;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Yu, JZ;Zhang, J;Su, HJ;Song, K;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Fabrication and Characterization of Al2O3/Y3Al5O12 Eutectic in situ Composite Ceramics by Double Side Laser Zone Remelting Method SO:JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000307844200012 SCI 分区:4 396.杨涛;陈铮;伍林等 AU:Yang, T;Chen, Z;Zhang, J;Dong, WP;Wu, L TI:Effect of Grain Boundary on Spinodal Decomposition Using the Phase Field Crystal Method SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000306551200071 SCI 分区:4 403.于卫新;李淼泉;罗皎 AU:Yu, WX;Li, MQ;Luo, J TI:Variation effect of strain rate on microstructure in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy SO:RARE METALS 46 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000299520000002 SCI 分区:4 UT ISI:000306278700028 SCI 分区:3 404.于源;谢发勤;张铁邦;寇宏超;胡锐;李金山 AU:Yu, Y;Xie, FQ;Zhang, TB;Kou, HC;Hu, R;Li, JS TI:Microstructure Control and Corrosion Properties of AlCoCrFeNiTi0.5 High-Entropy Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305303500023 SCI 分区:4 411.袁战伟;李付国;何敏 AU:Yuan, ZW;Li, FG;He, M TI:Fast Fourier transform on analysis of Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in Al 5052 SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100049 SCI 分区:2 405.余敏;李文亚;李京龙等 AU:Yu, M;Li, WY;Li, JL;Chao, YJ TI:Modelling of entire friction stir welding process by explicit finite element method SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305211600011 SCI 分区:4 412.曾军;樊慧庆等 AU:Zeng, J;Fan, HQ;Wang, YL;Zhang, SQ;Xue, J;Zhang, CJ TI:Oxidized electroplating zinc-covered carbon fibers as microwave absorption materials SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000302123500010 SCI 分区:2 406.余敏;李文亚;王非凡等 AU:Yu, M;Li, WY;Wang, FF;Liao, HL TI:Finite Element Simulation of Impacting Behavior of Particles in Cold Spraying by Eulerian Approach SO:JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000303472800044 SCI 分区:3 413.曾军;樊慧庆等 AU:Zeng, J;Fan, HQ;Wang, YL;Zhang, SQ;Xue, J;Cheng, XY TI:Ferromagnetic and microwave absorption properties of copper oxide/cobalt/carbon fiber multilayer film composites SO:THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000304568300041 SCI 分区:3 407.原梅妮;杨延清等 AU:Yuan, MN;Yang, YQ;Li, C;Heng, PY;Li, LZ TI:Numerical analysis of the stress-strain distributions in the particle reinforced metal matrix composite SiC/6064Al SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000302122900001 SCI 分区:3 414.曾燮榕;胡强;谢盛辉等 AU:Zeng, XR;Hu, Q;Fu, MW;Xie, SH TI:Investigation of the free volume change of Fe41Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 bulk metallic glass using the cyclic thermal dilatation test SO:JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS UT ISI:000311175900018 SCI 分区:3 408.原梅妮;杨延清等 AU:Yuan, MN;Yang, YQ;Xia, ZH TI:Modeling of push-out test for interfacial fracture toughness of fiber-reinforced composites SO:ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS UT ISI:000311690400004 SCI 分区:4 415.曾燮榕;胡强;谢盛辉等 AU:Zeng, XR;Hu, Q;Fu, MW;Xie, SH TI:Investigation of the free volume change of Fe41Co7Cr15Mo14C15B6Y2 bulk metallic glass using the cyclic thermal dilatation test SO:JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS UT ISI:000311175900018 SCI 分区:3 409.袁海 AU:Yuan, H TI:Structural, electrical and optical properties of Si doped ZnO films grown by atomic layer deposition SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000309679600023 SCI 分区:4 416.翟玉纯;樊慧庆;李强等 AU:Zhai, YC;Fan, HQ;Li, Q;Yan, W TI:Morphology evolutions and optical properties of Cu(2)O films by an electrochemical deposition on flexible substrate SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000299162300166 SCI 分区:3 410.袁力;陈福义等 AU:Yuan, L;Chen, FY;Zheng, CF;Liu, J;Alemu, N TI:Parasitic absorption effect of metal nanoparticles in the dye-sensitized solar cells SO:PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE 417.张程煜;乔生儒等 AU:Zhang, CY;Qiao, SR;Liu, YW;Yang, ZM;Wang, YP;Guo, Y 47 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000300480600020 SCI 分区:2 TI:Cathode Erosion of Graphite and Cu/C Materials in Airares SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000300653100003 SCI 分区:4 424.张建飞;沈军;商昭;冯周荣;王灵水;傅恒志 AU:Zhang, JF;Shen, J;Shang, Z;Feng, ZR;Wang, LS;Fu, HZ TI:Microstructure and room temperature fracture toughness of directionally solidified NiAl-Mo eutectic in situ composites SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000298519800003 SCI 分区:2 418.张程煜;严科飞;乔生儒等 AU:Zhang, CY;Yan, KF;Qiao, SR;Li, M;Han, D;Guo, Y TI:Effect of oxidation on fracture toughness of a carbon/carbon composite SO:JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION UT ISI:000310473400027 SCI 分区:4 425.张晋辉;詹梅;杨合;江志强;韩栋 AU:Zhang, JH;Zhan, M;Yang, H;Jiang, ZQ;Han, D TI:3D-FE modeling for power spinning of large ellipsoidal heads with variable thicknesses SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300722900041 SCI 分区:3 419.张大伟;杨合;李宏伟;樊晓光 AU:Zhang, DW;Yang, H;Li, HW;Fan, XG TI:Friction factor evaluation by FEM and experiment for TA15 titanium alloy in isothermal forming process SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000304097500011 SCI 分区:4 426.张静;陈铮;杜秀娟;陈成;杨涛 AU:Zhang, J;Chen, Z;Du, XJ;Chen, C;Yang, T TI:Characterization of lattice defects for L1(2)-Ni3Al involving the ordering process via the microscopic phase field method SO:SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES UT ISI:000309297300028 SCI 分区:4 420.张大伟;杨合;孙志超;樊晓光 AU:Zhang, DW;Yang, H;Sun, ZC;Fan, XG TI:Influences of fillet radius and draft angle on local loading process of titanium alloy T-shaped components SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000299318300021 SCI 分区:4 427.张静;陈铮;卢艳丽等 AU:Zhang, J;Chen, Z;Zhuang, HC;Lu, YL TI:Microscopic Phase-Field Study of the Occupancy Probability of alpha Sublattices Involving Coordination Environmental Difference for D0(22)-Ni3V SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000300619100043 SCI 分区:4 421.张大伟;杨合;孙志超;樊晓光 AU:Zhang, DW;Yang, H;Sun, ZC;Fan, XG TI:Deformation behavior of variable-thickness region of billet in rib-web component isothermal local loading process SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310167400001 SCI 分区:4 428.张柯;刘峰;许军锋;杨根仓 AU:Zhang, K;Liu, F;Xu, JF;Yang, GC TI:Phase Selection and Microstructure Evolution in Nonequilibrium Solidification of Fe40Ni40B20 Alloy SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000302097400024 SCI 分区:3 422.张东生;李克智;郭领军;李贺军;李海亮 AU:Zhang, DS;Li, KZ;Guo, LJ;Li, HJ;Li, HL TI:Texture characterization and mechanical properties of pyrocarbon obtained by chemical vapor deposition at 1450-1550 degrees C SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000302047300001 SCI 分区:2 429.张柯;刘峰;许军锋;杨根仓 AU:Zhang, K;Liu, F;Xu, JF;Yang, GC TI:Microstructure refinement of Fe40Ni40B20 alloy in non-equilibrium solidification: possibility of nanostructure formation SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305211600016 SCI 分区:4 423.张东生;李克智;李贺军等 AU:Zhang, DS;Li, KZ;Li, HJ;Jia, Y;Guo, LJ;Li, HL TI:Coefficients of thermal expansion of low texture and isotropic pyrocarbon deposited on stationary substrates SO:MATERIALS LETTERS 430.张柯;刘峰;杨根仓 AU:Zhang, K;Liu, F;Yang, GC TI:Re-analysis of the critical nucleation work in the 48 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 case of diffusive interface SO:PROGRESS IN NATURAL INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000303936600004 SCI 分区:4 TI:Microscopic Phase Field Simulation on the Solute Segregation and Composition Evolution of Heterointerfaces in Ni-Al-V Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400013 SCI 分区:4 SCIENCE-MATERIALS 431.张磊磊;李贺军;卢锦花;李克智;曹盛;赵雪妮;何子博 AU:Zhang, LL;Li, HJ;Lu, JH;Li, KZ;Cao, S;Zhao, XN;He, ZB TI:Surface characteristic and cell response of CVD SiC coating for carbon/carbon composites used for hip arthroplasty SO:SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS UT ISI:000308303100003 SCI 分区:4 437.张平祥;张琨等 AU:Zhang, PX;Zhang, K;Guo, JH;Jia, JJ;Tang, XD;Li, JF;Liu, JW;Du, SJ;Liu, XH;Feng, Y TI:Optimization of Bronze Processed Nb3Sn Strand for ITER at WST SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY UT ISI:000307364700256 SCI 分区:4 438.张铁邦;胡锐;李金山;薛祥义;傅恒志等 AU:Zhang, TB;Wang, XF;Hu, R;Li, JS;Yang, XW;Xue, XY;Fu, HZ TI:Hydrogen absorption properties of Zr(V1-xFex)(2) intermetallic compounds SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY UT ISI:000301157300030 SCI 分区:1 432.张磊磊;李贺军;张守阳;卢锦花;张雨雷;赵雪妮;曾燮 榕 AU:Zhang, LL;Li, HJ;Zhang, SY;Lu, JH;Zhang, YL;Zhao, XN;Gu, CG;Zeng, XR TI:Characterisation of wear particles from biomedical carbon/carbon composites with different preforms in hip joint simulator SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310565200035 SCI 分区:4 439.张铁邦;胡锐;李金山等 AU:Zhang, TB;Hu, R;Zhong, H;Ge, GN;Li, JS TI:Microstructure of Directionally Solidified Gd5Si4 by Laser Zone Remelting SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400031 SCI 分区:4 433.张明杰;李付国;陈博等 AU:Zhang, MJ;Li, FG;Chen, B;Wang, SY TI:Investigation of micro-indentation characteristics of P/M nickel-base superalloy FGH96 using dislocation-power theory SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000301402400023 SCI 分区:2 440.张铁邦;胡锐;钟宏;李金山等 AU:Zhang, TB;Hu, R;Zhong, H;Ge, GN;Li, JS TI:Phase Selection and Microstructure Characteristics of Directionally Solidified Gd5Ge4 Alloy by Laser Zone Re-melting SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299663200028 SCI 分区:4 434.张明杰;李付国;王雷等 AU:Zhang, MJ;Li, FG;Wang, L;Wang, SY TI:Investigations of inhomogeneous mechanical properties and plastic deformations in HIPed P/M nickel-base superalloy FGH96 by using micro-indentation methods SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000309497300027 SCI 分区:2 441.张铁邦;李金山;胡锐;傅恒志等 AU:Zhang, TB;Yang, XW;Li, JS;Hu, R;Xue, XY;Fu, HZ TI:On the poisoning effect of O-2 and N-2 for the Zr0.9Ti0.1V2 hydrogen storage alloy SO:JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES UT ISI:000300139100028 SCI 分区:1 435.张明义;陈铮;杨坤等 AU:Zhang, MY;Liu, F;Chen, Z;Guo, HJ;Yue, GQ;Yang, K TI:Site occupation evolution of alloying elements in L1(2) phase during phase transformation in Ni75Al7.5V17.5 SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310565200016 SCI 分区:4 442.张铁邦;王旭峰;胡锐;李金山;薛祥义;傅恒志 AU:Zhang, TB;Wang, XF;Hu, R;Li, JS;Yang, XW;Xue, XY;Fu, HZ TI:Hydrogen Storage Properties of Melt-Spun Zr(V1-xFex)(2) (x=0.15) Alloys SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303698200020 SCI 分区:4 436.张明义;杨坤;陈铮;王永欣;范晓丽 AU:Zhang, MY;Yang, K;Chen, Z;Wang, YX;Fan, XL 49 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:4 443.张铁邦;钟宏;胡锐;薛祥义;李金山等 AU:Zhang, TB;Ding, H;Deng, ZH;Zhong, H;Hu, R;Xue, XY;Li, JS TI:Synergistic Effect of Nb and Mo on Oxidation Behavior of TiAl-Based Alloys SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301216500008 SCI 分区:4 450.张莹;王猛;林鑫;黄卫东 AU:Zhang, Y;Wang, M;Lin, X;Huang, WD TI:Effect of Substrate Wettability and Surface Structure on Nucleation of Crystal SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310178300016 SCI 分区:4 444.张伟华;成来飞;刘永胜;张立同;杨文彬等 AU:Zhang, WH;Cheng, LF;Liu, YS;Zhang, LT;Yang, WB;Zhou, ST TI:Fracture behaviors and mechanism of 2D C/SiC-BC(x) composite under tensile load SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000298311100037 SCI 分区:2 451.张永建;刘正堂;冯丽萍;臧渡洋 AU:Zhang, YJ;Liu, ZT;Feng, LP;Zang, DY TI:Effect of oxygen partial pressure on the structure and properties of Cu-Al-O thin films SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000301797700009 SCI 分区:3 452.张永建;刘正堂;冯丽萍等 AU:Zhang, YJ;Liu, ZT;Zang, DY;Feng, LP;Che, XS;Li, YY TI:Optical and Electrical Properties of Magnetron Sputtering Deposited Cu-Al-O Thin Films SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION UT ISI:000308165600001 SCI 分区:4 445.张卫国;刘林;傅恒志 AU:Zhang, WG;Liu, L;Fu, HZ TI:Effect of cooling rate on MC carbide in directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy under high thermal gradient SO:CHINA FOUNDRY UT ISI:000301459800003 SCI 分区:4 446.张文娟;李铁虎;侯翠岭;赵廷凯;李光明 AU:Zhang, WJ;Li, TH;Liu, HG;Dang, AE;Hou, CL;Zhao, TK;Li, GM TI:Preparation and carbonization behavior of cinnamaldehyde modified coal tar pitch SO:JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS UT ISI:000303088200008 SCI 分区:3 453.张勇;马铁军;谢红霞;谭义明等 AU:Zhang, Y;Ma, TJ;Xie, HX;Tan, YM;Li, PY TI:Estimating the Cooling Rates of a Spot Welding Nugget in Stainless Steel In this study, the projected results show the cooling rate from the nugget edge to nugget center decreases gradually from 10(5) to 10(4) K/s SO:WELDING JOURNAL UT ISI:000308058400023 SCI 分区:4 447.张绪虎;唐斌;张下陆;寇宏超;李金山;周廉 AU:Zhang, XH;Tang, B;Zhang, XL;Kou, HC;Li, JS;Zhou, L TI:Microstructure and texture of commercially pure titanium in cold deep drawing SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000302864800002 SCI 分区:4 454.张雨雷;李贺军;李克智;费杰;曾燮榕 AU:Zhang, YL;Li, HJ;Li, KZ;Jie, F;Zeng, XR TI:C/SiC/Si-Mo-Cr multilayer coating for carbon/carbon composites for oxidation protection SO:NEW CARBON MATERIALS UT ISI:000304330100005 SCI 分区:4 448.张莹;林鑫;黄卫东等 AU:Zhang, Y;Wang, M;Lin, X;Huang, WD TI:Effect of Substrate Surface Microstructure on Heterogeneous Nucleation Behavior SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000300648200010 SCI 分区:4 455.张雨雷;李贺军;李克智等 AU:Zhang, YL;Li, HJ;Wang, PY;Li, KZ;Zeng, XR TI:Si-Mo-Cr coating for C/SiC coated carbon/carbon composites against oxidation SO:SURFACE ENGINEERING UT ISI:000307963500014 SCI 分区:4 449.张莹;王猛;林鑫;黄卫东 AU:Zhang, Y;Wang, M;Lin, X;Huang, WD TI:Effect of substrate micro-morphology heterogeneous nucleation SO:CHINA FOUNDRY UT ISI:000307890400007 456.张雨雷;李贺军;姚西媛;李克智;强新发 AU:Zhang, YL;Li, HJ;Yao, XY;Li, KZ;Qiang, XF TI:Oxidation resistant Si-Mo-Al coating for C/SiC coated carbon/carbon composites at high temperature SO:SURFACE ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304747900005 on 50 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Preparation and electrochemical property of CMC/MWCNT composite using ionic liquid as solvent SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000303388600004 SCI 分区:3 SCI 分区:4 457.张雨雷;曾文英;李贺军;李克智 AU:Zhang, YL;Zeng, WY;Li, HJ;Li, KZ TI:C/SiC/Mo-Si-Cr multilayer coating for carbon/carbon composites against oxidation at high temperature SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000307616100046 SCI 分区:2 464.赵晓明;林鑫;黄卫东等 AU:Zhao, XM;Gong, SL;Lin, X;Chen, J;Huang, WD TI:Mechanical Properties and Microstructure Characteristics of Laser Rapid Forming Rene88DT Superalloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000298569800063 SCI 分区:4 458.张正中;李贺军;马超;付前刚;张雨雷;吴恒;陶珺 AU:Zhang, ZZ;Li, HJ;Ma, C;Fu, QG;Zhang, YL;Wu, H;Tao, J TI:MODIFIED SiC-MoSi(2) OXIDATION PROTECTIVE COATING FOR SiC-COATED CARBON/CARBON COMPOSITES THROUGH INFILTRATING LIQUID Si SO:SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS UT ISI:000298188000005 SCI 分区:4 465.赵晓明;林鑫;黄卫东等 AU:Zhao, XM;Gong, SL;Lin, X;Chen, J;Huang, WD TI:Coarsening Behavior of gamma ' Precipitates in Laser Solid Forming Rene88DT Superalloy during High Temperature Treatment SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304072600009 SCI 分区:4 459.赵娜;杨延清;罗贤;冯广海;张荣军 AU:Zhao, N;Yang, YQ;Han, M;Luo, X;Feng, GH;Zhang, RJ TI:Finite element analysis of pressure on 2024 aluminum alloy created during restricting expansion-deformation heat-treatment SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310564400026 SCI 分区:4 466.赵雪妮;李贺军;李克智;卢锦花;张磊磊;曹盛 AU:Zhao, XN;Li, HJ;Chen, MD;Li, KZ;Lu, JH;Zhang, LL;Cao, S TI:Nano/micro-sized calcium phosphate coating on carbon/carbon composites by ultrasonic assisted electrochemical deposition SO:SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS UT ISI:000303245200003 SCI 分区:4 460.赵朋;李双明;傅恒志 AU:Zhao, P;Li, SM;Fu, HZ TI:THREE-DIMENSIONAL MICROSTRUCTURE RECONSTRUCTION AND THE EUTECTIC SPACING ADJUSTMENT DURING DIRECTIONAL SOLIDIFICATION OF Al-40%Cu HYPEREUTECTIC ALLOY SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000301635900005 SCI 分区:4 467.赵雪妮;李贺军;李克智;卢锦花等 AU:Zhao, XN;Li, HJ;Chen, MD;Li, KZ;Wang, B;Xu, ZW;Cao, S;Zhang, LL;Deng, HL;Lu, JH TI:Strong-bonding calcium phosphate coatings on carbon/carbon composites by ultrasound-assisted anodic oxidation treatment and electrochemical deposition SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000301002600019 SCI 分区:3 461.赵廷凯;李光明;刘乐浩;李铁虎等 AU:Zhao, TK;Li, GM;Liu, LH;Du, L;Liu, YN;Li, TH TI:Hydrogen Storage Behavior of Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes at Low Pressure and Room Temperature SO:FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES UT ISI:000299740200001 SCI 分区:4 468.赵雪妮;李贺军;李克智等 AU:Zhao, XN;Li, HJ;Li, KZ;Lu, JH;Zhang, LL;Cao, S TI:Electrodeposition of nanostructured calcium phosphate coating under magnetic field SO:MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309970700006 SCI 分区:4 462.赵廷凯;刘乐浩;李光明;党阿磊;李铁虎 AU:Zhao, TK;Liu, LH;Li, GM;Dang, AL;Li, TH TI:Electrochemical Determination of Melamine with a Glassy Carbon Electrode Coated with a Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube/Chitosan Composite SO:JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY UT ISI:000302211800088 SCI 分区:2 469.赵张龙;郭鸿镇;姚泽坤 AU:Zhao, ZL;Guo, HZ;Yao, ZK TI:The deformation instability and stability analysis of Ti-17 powder compact during thermo-rnechanical processing SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL 463.赵廷凯;刘乐浩;李铁虎等 AU:Zhao, TK;Liu, LH;Li, GM;Du, L;Zhao, X;Yan, J;Cheng, YL;Dang, AL;Li, TH 51 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 476.周军等 AU:Zhou, J;Li, ZK;Zhang, JJ;Wang, WS;Tian, F;Shi, MH TI:Influence of Hot Rolling Temperature on Mechanical Properties of NZ2 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303782000037 SCI 分区:4 MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000305373800028 SCI 分区:2 470.赵张龙;郭鸿镇;姚泽坤;秦川等 AU:Zhao, ZL;Guo, HZ;Yao, ZK;Shi, ZF;Peng, XN;Qin, C TI:The microstructure and properties of ultra-fine grained Ti-17 powder compact improved through isothermal forging SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000304020800006 SCI 分区:3 477.周军等 AU:Zhou, J;Li, ZK;Zhang, JJ;Tian, F TI:Effect of Hydrogen Content on Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Zr-Sn-Nb Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310046300006 SCI 分区:4 471.郑倩;樊慧庆 AU:Zheng, Q;Fan, HQ TI:Influence of Fabrication Parameters on the Phase Formation and Dielectric Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311582700008 SCI 分区:4 478.周亮;周万城;罗发;苏进步;朱冬梅 AU:Zhou, L;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Su, JB;Zhu, DM;Dong, YL TI:Microwave dielectric properties of low power plasma sprayed NiCrAlY/Al2O3 composite coatings SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310945300015 SCI 分区:2 472.郑倩;樊慧庆 AU:Zheng, Q;Fan, HQ TI:Influence of Fabrication Parameters on the Phase Formation and Dielectric Properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 Ceramics SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000311582700008 SCI 分区:4 479.周亮;周万城;罗发;苏进步;朱冬梅 AU:Zhou, L;Zhou, WC;Luo, F;Su, JB;Zhu, DM;Dong, YL TI:Microwave dielectric properties of low power plasma sprayed NiCrAlY/Al2O3 composite coatings SO:SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310945300015 SCI 分区:2 473.钟宏;杨彦龙;李金山;王军等 AU:Zhong, H;Yang, YL;Li, JS;Wang, J;Zhang, TB;Li, S;Zhang, J TI:Influence of oxygen on microstructure and phase transformation in high Nb containing TiAl alloys SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000308118500059 SCI 分区:2 480.周亮;周万城;苏进步;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Zhou, L;Zhou, WC;Su, JB;Luo, F;Zhu, DM;Dong, YL TI:Plasma sprayed Al(2)O(3)/FeCrAl composite coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption application SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000299162300077 SCI 分区:3 474.周广钊;王永欣;陈铮 AU:Zhou, GZ;Wang, YX;Chen, Z TI:PHASE-FIELD METHOD SIMULATION OF THE EFFECT OF HARD PARTICLES WITH DIFFERENT SHAPES ON TWO-PHASE GRAIN GROWTH SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000303099100016 SCI 分区:4 481.周亮;周万城;苏进步;罗发;朱冬梅 AU:Zhou, L;Zhou, WC;Su, JB;Luo, F;Zhu, DM TI:Effect of composition and annealing on the dielectric properties of ZnO/mullite composite coatings SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000300472500026 SCI 分区:3 475.周广钊;王永欣;陈铮 AU:Zhou, GZ;Wang, YX;Chen, Z TI:PHASE-FIELD METHOD SIMULATION OF THE EFFECT OF ELASTIC STRAIN ENERGY ON COARSENING DYNAMICS DURING THE alpha(2) -> O PHASE TRANSFORMATION IN Ti-Al-Nb ALLOYS SO:ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA UT ISI:000304338700016 SCI 分区:4 482.周璇;朱冬梅;谢乔;罗发;周万城 AU:Zhou, X;Zhu, DM;Xie, Q;Luo, F;Zhou, WC TI:Friction and wear properties of C/C-SiC braking composites SO:CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000301611700099 SCI 分区:3 483.周勋;寇宏超;李金山;周廉等 AU:Zhou, X;Kou, HC;Wang, J;Li, JS;Zhou, L 52 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Crystallization and compressive behaviors of Ti40Zr25Ni8Cu9Be18 BMG cast from different liquid states SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000307038700007 SCI 分区:2 484.朱满;李俊杰等 AU:Zhu, M;Li, JJ;Jian, ZY;Chang, FE TI:Non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics Fe71Nb6B23 Amorphous Ribbons SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311588400009 SCI 分区:4 490.朱艳春;曾卫东;张学敏等 AU:Zhu, YC;Zeng, WD;Zhao, YQ;Shu, Y;Zhang, XM TI:Effect of processing parameters on hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution during hot compression of Ti40 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000307025700051 SCI 分区:2 of 491.朱英霞;刘郁丽;杨合 AU:Zhu, YX;Liu, YL;Yang, H TI:Sensitivity of springback and section deformation to process parameters in rotary draw bending of thin-walled rectangular H96 brass tube SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000310564400027 SCI 分区:4 485.朱帅;杨合;郭良刚;樊晓光 AU:Zhu, S;Yang, H;Guo, LG;Fan, XG TI:Effect of cooling rate on microstructure evolution during alpha/beta heat treatment of TA15 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION UT ISI:000306766000014 SCI 分区:3 492.朱英霞;刘郁丽;杨合等 AU:Zhu, YX;Liu, YL;Yang, H;Li, HP TI:Development and application of the material constitutive model in springback prediction of cold-bending SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000308077400031 SCI 分区:3 486.朱帅;杨合;郭良刚等 AU:Zhu, S;Yang, H;Guo, LG;Gu, RJ TI:Investigation of deformation degree and initial forming temperature dependences of microstructure in hot ring rolling of TA15 titanium alloy by multi-scale simulations SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000310357400033 SCI 分区:3 493.左强;刘峰;郭耀麟;姜伊辉等 AU:Zuo, Q;Liu, F;Guo, YL;Jiang, YH TI:Modelling dissolution of precipitates considering overlapping of solute fields SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000306070400007 SCI 分区:4 487.朱晓敏;于家康;王新宇 AU:Zhu, XM;Yu, JK;Wang, XY TI:Microstructure and properties of Al/Si/SiC composites for electronic packaging SO:TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA UT ISI:000307819300023 SCI 分区:4 494.左书鹏;孙志超;杨合;周稳静 AU:Zuo, SP;Sun, ZC;Yang, H;Zhou, WJ TI:Research on Microstructure Evolution in Preforming of Large Complex Integral Component of TA15 Titanium Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700008 SCI 分区:4 488.朱艳春;曾卫东;刘景林等 AU:Zhu, YC;Zeng, WD;Liu, JL;Zhao, YQ;Zhou, YG;Yu, HQ TI:Effect of processing parameters on the hot deformation behavior of as-cast TC21 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS & DESIGN UT ISI:000297391500036 SCI 分区:3 489.朱艳春;曾卫东;张赋升;张学敏;王凯旋等 AU:Zhu, YC;Zeng, WD;Zhang, FS;Zhao, YQ;Zhang, XM;Wang, KX TI:A new methodology for prediction of fracture initiation in hot compression of Ti40 titanium alloy SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000307086900016 SCI 分区:2 53 495.左新章;张立同;刘永胜;成来飞 AU:Zuo, XZ;Zhang, LT;Liu, YS;Cheng, LF;Xia, YP TI:Oxidation behaviour of two-dimensional C/SiC modified with self-healing Si-B-C coating in static air SO:CORROSION SCIENCE UT ISI:000311192800010 SCI 分区:2 496.左新章;张立同;刘永胜;李思维;成来飞 AU:Zuo, XZ;Zhang, LT;Liu, YS;Li, SW;Cheng, LF TI:Effect of Deposition Temperature on Dynamics and Mechanism of Deposition for Si-B-C Ceramic from 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION SYSTEMS UT ISI:000304307700006 SCI 分区:3 BCl3/SiCH3Cl3/H-2 Precursor SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310178300005 SCI 分区:4 STORAGE AND PROCESSING 7.晁艳普;齐乐华;肖渊;罗俊;周计明 AU:Chao, YP;Qi, LH;Xiao, Y;Luo, J;Zhou, JM TI:Manufacturing of micro thin-walled metal parts by micro-droplet deposition SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000298465200017 SCI 分区:3 机电学院(78 篇) 1.You, Tao;;许英杰 AU:You, T;Xu, YJ TI:An efficient global/multi-local stress analysis of complicated engineering composite structures using multi-goal MapReduce SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000310357400022 SCI 分区:3 8.陈方;常洪龙;苑伟政等 AU:Chen, F;Chang, HL;Yuan, WZ;Wilcock, R;Kraft, M TI:Parameter optimization for a high-order band-pass continuous-time sigma-delta modulator MEMS gyroscope using a genetic algorithm approach SO:JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING UT ISI:000309219500006 SCI 分区:2 2.Zhao, Fuqing;王俊彪等 AU:Zhao, FQ;Wang, JZ;Wang, JB;Jonrinaldi, J TI:A Dynamic Rescheduling Model with Multi-Agent System and Its Solution Method SO:STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000306823500002 SCI 分区:4 9.陈君;张振明;田锡天; 耿俊浩;等 AU:Chen, J;Zhang, ZM;Tian, XT;Geng, JH;Liu, SN TI:An approach to partner selection in virtual enterprises based on grey relational analysis SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE UT ISI:000298983200013 SCI 分区:4 3.柏龙;葛文杰;陈晓红等 AU:Bai, L;Ge, WJ;Chen, XH;Chen, RF TI:Design and Dynamics Analysis of a Bio-inspired Intermittent Hopping Robot for Planetary Surface Exploration Regular Paper SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000309962500004 SCI 分区:4 10.程晖;李原;张开富等 AU:Cheng, H;Li, Y;Zhang, KF;Luan, C;Xu, YW;Li, MH TI:Optimization method of fixture layout for aeronautical thin-walled structures with automated riveting SO:ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000311268500004 SCI 分区:4 4.卜忠红;刘更;吴立言 AU:Bu, ZH;Liu, G;Wu, LY TI:Modal analyses of herringbone planetary gear train with journal bearings SO:MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY UT ISI:000304248100006 SCI 分区:3 11.程晖;李原;张开富等 AU:Cheng, H;Li, Y;Zhang, KF;Luan, C;Xu, YW;Li, MH TI:Optimization method of fixture layout for aeronautical thin-walled structures with automated riveting SO:ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000311268500004 SCI 分区:4 5.常洪龙;姜澄宇;苑伟政等 AU:Chang, HL;Xue, L;Jiang, CY;Kraft, M;Yuan, WZ TI:Combining Numerous Uncorrelated MEMS Gyroscopes for Accuracy Improvement Based on an Optimal Kalman Filter SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT UT ISI:000309866500026 SCI 分区:4 12.程晖;王润孝;李原;张开富 AU:Cheng, H;Wang, RX;Li, Y;Zhang, KF TI:Modeling and analyzing of variation propagation in aeronautical thin-walled structures automated riveting SO:ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000302520100003 SCI 分区:4 6.常洪龙;张峰;丁继亮;洪水金;苑伟政 AU:Chang, HL;Zhang, F;Ding, JL;Chen, FL;Hong, SJ;Kraft, M;Yuan, WZ TI:A highly reliable integrated PDMS interconnector with a long cast flange for microfluidic systems SO:MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND 13.高彤;张卫红等 54 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:3 AU:Gao, T;Zhang, WH;Duysinx, P TI:A bi-value coding parameterization scheme for the discrete optimal orientation design of the composite laminate SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305183200005 SCI 分区:2 20.李妙玲;齐乐华;李贺军 AU:Li, ML;Qi, LH;Li, HJ TI:An imaging technique using rotational polarization microscopy for the microstructure analysis of carbon/carbon composites SO:MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE UT ISI:000298599300010 SCI 分区:4 14.谷小军;;朱继宏;张卫红 AU:Gu, XJ;Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH TI:The lattice structure configuration design for stereolithography investment casting pattern using topology optimization SO:RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL UT ISI:000308835800003 SCI 分区:4 21.李世峰;张定华;卜昆 AU:Li, SF;Zhang, DH;Bu, K TI:A new production technique for wear resistant ring-hammers SO:CHINA FOUNDRY UT ISI:000298832600008 SCI 分区:4 15.郭强等 AU:Guo, Q;Gao, L TI:Distribution of individual incomes in China between 1992 and 2009 SO:PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000307613500011 SCI 分区:3 22.李世峰;张定华;卜昆 AU:Li, SF;Zhang, DH;Bu, K TI:Research Progress in Precise Shape-controlling Technology of Single Crystal Hollow Turbine Blades SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700039 SCI 分区:4 16.贺辛亥;齐乐华等 AU:He, XH;Qi, LH;Wang, JB;Shen, MQ;Chang, W;Fu, C;Yang, MG;Su, XL TI:Preparation of SnO2/C biomorphic materials by biotemplating from ramie fibres SO:BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000301641200020 SCI 分区:4 23.李天成;孙树栋等 AU:Li, TC;Sattar, TP;Sun, SD TI:Deterministic resampling: Unbiased sampling to avoid sample impoverishment in particle filters SO:SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000301694100008 SCI 分区:3 24.李晓莹;乔大勇等 AU:Li, XY;Jin, Q;Qiao, DY;Kang, BP;Yan, B;Liu, YB TI:Design and fabrication of a resonant scanning micromirror suspended by V shaped beams with vertical electrostatic comb drives SO:MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS UT ISI:000300589500007 SCI 分区:3 17.侯军占;赵宁等 AU:Hou, JZ;Zhao, N;Zhu, SL TI:Influence of Cutting Speed on Flank Temperature during Face Milling of Magnesium Alloy SO:MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES UT ISI:000299577100015 SCI 分区:4 18.惠辉等 AU:Hui, H;Lenczner, M;Pillet, E;Cogan, S TI:A two-scale model for one-dimensional arrays of cantilevers and its verification SO: UT ISI:000306883000004 SCI 分区:3 25.刘光磊;樊红卫 AU:Liu, GL;Fan, HW TI:Pinion Tooth Surface Generation Strategy of Spiral Bevel Gears SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000306382600015 SCI 分区:4 19.姜澄宇;薛亮;常洪龙;袁广民;苑伟政 AU:Jiang, CY;Xue, L;Chang, HL;Yuan, GM;Yuan, WZ TI:Signal Processing of MEMS Gyroscope Arrays to Improve Accuracy Using a 1st Order Markov for Rate Signal Modeling SO:SENSORS UT ISI:000300720300032 26.刘键;齐乐华;周计明等 AU:Liu, J;Qi, LH;Guan, JT;Ma, YQ;Zhou, JM TI:Compressive behavior of C-sf/AZ91D composites by liquid-solid extrusion directly following vacuum infiltration technique 55 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING UT ISI:000300200900022 SCI 分区:2 33.罗俊;齐乐华;周计明;李贺军等 AU:Luo, J;Qi, LH;Zhou, JM;Hou, XH;Li, HJ TI:Modeling and characterization of metal droplets generation by using a pneumatic drop-on-demand generator SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000300816300023 SCI 分区:3 27.刘天祥;刘更等 AU:Liu, TX;Wriggers, P;Liu, G TI:A MOLECULAR DYNAMICS-CONTINUUM CONCURRENT MULTISCALE MODEL FOR QUASI-STATIC NANOSCALE CONTACT PROBLEMS SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MULTISCALE COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000305852900001 SCI 分区:4 34.马尚君;刘更;佟瑞庭等 AU:Ma, SJ;Liu, G;Tong, RT;Zhang, XC TI:A New Study on the Parameter Relationships of Planetary Roller Screws SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311448300001 SCI 分区:4 28.刘岩 AU:Liu, Y;Li, KL;Zhang, JZ;Wang, H;Liu, LG TI:Numerical bifurcation analysis of static stall of airfoil and dynamic stall under unsteady perturbation SO:COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION UT ISI:000302619600029 SCI 分区:2 35.马尚君;刘更;佟瑞庭等 AU:Ma, SJ;Liu, G;Tong, RT;Zhang, XC TI:A New Study on the Parameter Relationships of Planetary Roller Screws SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311448300001 SCI 分区:4 29.刘岩等 AU:Liu, Y;Liu, LG;Wang, H TI:Study on Congestion and Bursting in Small-World Networks with Time Delay from the Viewpoint of Nonlinear Dynamics SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000305481400016 SCI 分区:4 36.马志波;姜澄宇;苑伟政 AU:Ma, ZB;Jiang, CY;Yuan, WZ TI:A triple-layer protection process for high-aspect-ratio silicon micromachining by DRIE of SOI substrates SO:JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING UT ISI:000303197000028 SCI 分区:2 30.刘一龙;张定华;吴宝海 AU:Liu, YL;Zhang, DH;Wu, BH TI:An efficient full-discretization method for prediction of milling stability SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE UT ISI:000309314000006 SCI 分区:3 37.牛刚刚;孙树栋;张映锋;王军强 AU:Niu, GG;Sun, SD;Lafon, P;Zhang, YF;Wang, JQ TI:Two decompositions for the bicriteria job-shop scheduling problem with discretely controllable processing times SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH UT ISI:000310604200023 SCI 分区:4 31.吕海峰;姜澄宇;侯辉;邓进军;马炳和;苑伟政 AU:Lv, HF;Jiang, CY;Hou, H;Zhou, Z;Deng, JJ;Ma, BH;Yuan, WZ TI:Flexible balloon actuators for active flow control SO:MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS UT ISI:000300589500004 SCI 分区:3 38.齐乐华;晁艳普;罗俊;周计明;李贺军 AU:Qi, LH;Chao, YP;Luo, J;Zhou, JM;Hou, XH;Li, HJ TI:A novel selection method of scanning step for fabricating metal components based on micro-droplet deposition manufacture SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE UT ISI:000302049400006 SCI 分区:3 32.罗俊;齐乐华;钟宋义;周计明;李贺军 AU:Luo, J;Qi, LH;Zhong, SY;Zhou, JM;Li, HJ TI:Printing solder droplets for micro devices packages using pneumatic drop-on-demand (DOD) technique SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309032500010 SCI 分区:3 39.齐乐华;刘建;关俊涛;周计明;李贺军 AU:Qi, LH;Liu, J;Guan, JT;Zhou, JM;Li, HJ TI:Tensile properties and damage behaviors of C-sf/Mg composite at elevated temperature and containing a small fraction of liquid 56 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309330700019 SCI 分区:2 46.司书宾;兑红炎;蔡志强;孙树栋;张映锋 AU:Si, SB;Dui, HY;Cai, ZQ;Sun, SD;Zhang, YF TI:Joint Integrated Importance Measure for Multi-State Transition Systems SO:COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS UT ISI:000310320900004 SCI 分区:4 40.齐乐华;苏力争;周计明;李贺军等 AU:Qi, LH;Su, LZ;Zhou, JM;Guan, JT;Hou, XH;Li, HJ TI:Infiltration characteristics of liquid AZ91D alloy into short carbon fiber preform SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000302776600003 SCI 分区:2 47.司书宾;兑红炎;张胜贵;孙树栋 AU:Si, SB;Dui, HY;Zhao, XB;Zhang, SG;Sun, SD TI:Integrated Importance Measure of Component States Based on Loss of System Performance SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY UT ISI:000301198500020 SCI 分区:3 41.乔大勇;郑晓沛 AU:Qiao, DY;Zheng, XP TI:Determination of residual stress in deep submicron thick films by the critical buckling technique of annular thin plates SO:MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES-MICRO-AND NANOSYSTEMS-INFORMATION STORAGE AND PROCESSING SYSTEMS UT ISI:000300589500005 SCI 分区:3 48.孙惠斌;王展;张映锋;常智勇;莫蓉;刘阳 AU:Sun, HB;Wang, Z;Zhang, YF;Chang, ZY;Mo, R;Liu, Y TI:Evaluation method of product-service performance SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000301920300003 SCI 分区:4 42.邵忍平;黄欣娜;胡文涛等 AU:Shao, RP;Huang, XN;Hu, WT TI:Multi-faults Classification of Gear System Based on Combining Wavelet Packet Transform with Support Vector Machine SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066200052 SCI 分区:4 49.唐明;张定华;罗明;吴宝海 AU:Tang, M;Zhang, DH;Luo, M;Wu, BH TI:Tool Path Generation for Clean-up Machining of Impeller by Point-searching Based Method SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000302124000016 SCI 分区:4 50.佟瑞庭;刘更;刘岚 AU:Tong, RT;Liu, G;Liu, L TI:Multiscale Analysis on Two-dimensional Nanoscale Adhesive Contacts SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302282100005 SCI 分区:4 43.邵忍平;黄欣娜;胡文涛等 AU:Shao, RP;Huang, XN;Hu, WT TI:Multi-faults Classification of Gear System Based on Combining Wavelet Packet Transform with Support Vector Machine SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066200052 SCI 分区:4 51.佟瑞庭;刘更等 AU:Tong, RT;Liu, G;Liu, TX TI:Multiscale Analysis on Two Dimensional Nanoscale Sliding Contacts of Textured Surfaces SO:JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000301648300003 SCI 分区:4 44.史耀耀;阎龙等 AU:Shi, YY;Yan, L;He, XD TI:Variable Tension Control for Discontinuous Tape Winding of Composites Based on Constant Extension Ratio SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308386500024 SCI 分区:4 52.万敏;卢鸣声;张卫红;杨昀 AU:Wan, M;Lu, MS;Zhang, WH;Yang, Y TI:A new ternary-mechanism model for the prediction of cutting forces in flat end milling SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE UT ISI:000305726300005 SCI 分区:3 45.司书宾;兑红炎;蔡志强;孙树栋 AU:Si, SB;Dui, HY;Cai, ZQ;Sun, SD TI:The Integrated Importance Measure of Multi-State Coherent Systems for Maintenance Processes SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY UT ISI:000304910800001 SCI 分区:3 53.万能;刘琳琳 57 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION UT ISI:000300262900001 SCI 分区:3 AU:Wan, N;Liu, LL TI:A New Method of 3D Machining Procedure Model Creation Based on Process Knowledge SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066200046 SCI 分区:4 60.魏永辉;张永振等 AU:Wei, YH;Zhang, YZ;Chen, Y;Du, SM TI:Impact of material permeability on friction and wear Properties under the interference of DC steady magnetic field SO:TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000311474800019 SCI 分区:3 54.万能;刘琳琳 AU:Wan, N;Liu, LL TI:A New Method of 3D Machining Procedure Model Creation Based on Process Knowledge SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066200046 SCI 分区:4 61.吴建军;张舜颖等 AU:Wu, JJ;Zhang, SY;Jin, L TI:Study on Control of Deep-Drawing Orthotropic TA2M Sheet Metal SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302112200005 SCI 分区:4 55.王丹;张卫红 AU:Wang, D;Zhang, WH TI:A bispace parameterization method for shape optimization of thin-walled curved shell structures with openings SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000304525800003 SCI 分区:2 Ear for 62.夏凉;朱继宏;张卫红 AU:Xia, L;Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH TI:A superelement formulation for the efficient layout design of complex multi-component system SO:STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION UT ISI:000303053500002 SCI 分区:3 56.王丹;张卫红;杨军刚;王振培 AU:Wang, D;Zhang, WH;Yang, JG;Wang, ZP TI:A virtual punching method for shape optimization of openings on curved panels using CAD-based Boolean operations SO:COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN UT ISI:000301812400004 SCI 分区:3 63.夏凉;朱继宏;张卫红 AU:Xia, L;Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH TI:Sensitivity analysis with the modified Heaviside function for the optimal layout design of multi-component systems SO:COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308782100010 SCI 分区:2 57.王佩;张定华;陈冰等 AU:Wang, P;Zhang, DH;Li, S;Chen, B TI:Machining Error Control by Integrating Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Stream of Variations Methodology SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000311346300014 SCI 分区:4 64.谢公南;陈智勇;张卫红等 AU:Xie, GN;Chen, ZY;Sunden, B;Zhang, WH TI:NUMERICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE FLOW AND THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF WATER-COOLED SINGLE-LAYER AND DOUBLE-LAYER WAVY MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINKS SO:NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000311385600003 SCI 分区:3 58.王佩;张定华;陈冰等 AU:Wang, P;Zhang, DH;Li, S;Chen, B TI:Machining Error Control by Integrating Multivariate Statistical Process Control and Stream of Variations Methodology SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000311346300014 SCI 分区:4 65.谢公南;陈智勇;张卫红等 AU:Xie, GN;Chen, ZY;Sunden, B;Zhang, WH TI:NUMERICAL PREDICTIONS OF THE FLOW AND THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF WATER-COOLED SINGLE-LAYER AND DOUBLE-LAYER WAVY MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINKS SO:NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000311385600003 SCI 分区:3 59.王战玺;秦现生等 AU:Wang, ZX;Qin, XS;Yang, HTY TI:Active suppression of panel flutter with piezoelectric actuators using eigenvector orientation method 66.徐志佳;李原;程晖;唐文斌等 AU:Xu, ZJ;Li, Y;Zhang, J;Cheng, H;Jiang, SS;Tang, WB 58 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:A dynamic assembly model for assembly sequence planning of complex product based on polychromatic sets theory SO:ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000304515800006 SCI 分区:4 73.张桥;张卫红;朱继宏;高彤 AU:Zhang, Q;Zhang, WH;Zhu, JH;Gao, T TI:Layout optimization of multi-component structures under static loads and random excitations SO:ENGINEERING STRUCTURES UT ISI:000307146100011 SCI 分区:3 67.许英杰;张卫红 AU:Xu, YJ;Zhang, WH TI:A strain energy model for the prediction of the effective coefficient of thermal expansion of composite materials SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000300722900033 SCI 分区:3 74.张映锋等 AU:Zhang, YF;Jiang, PY;Huang, G;Qu, T;Zhou, GH;Hong, J TI:RFID-enabled real-time manufacturing information tracking infrastructure for extended enterprises SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000311507600026 SCI 分区:4 68.许英杰;张卫红等 AU:Xu, YJ;Zhang, WH;Chamoret, D;Domaszewski, M TI:Minimizing thermal residual stresses in C/SiC functionally graded material coating of C/C composites by using particle swarm optimization algorithm SO:COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000304562000015 SCI 分区:3 75.张映锋等 AU:Zhang, YF;Jiang, PY;Huang, G;Qu, T;Zhou, GH;Hong, J TI:RFID-enabled real-time manufacturing information tracking infrastructure for extended enterprises SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000311507600026 SCI 分区:4 69.薛亮;姜澄宇;常洪龙;苑伟政 AU:Xue, L;Jiang, CY;Chang, HL;Yang, Y;Qin, W;Yuan, WZ TI:A novel Kalman filter for combining outputs of MEMS gyroscope array SO:MEASUREMENT UT ISI:000301877500012 SCI 分区:4 76.张映锋等 AU:Zhang, YF;Jiang, PY;Huang, GQ;Qu, T;Hong, J TI:Task-driven e-manufacturing resource configurable model SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000308820200017 SCI 分区:4 70.杨宏安;孙启峰;孙树栋等 AU:Yang, HA;Sun, QF;Saygin, C;Sun, SD TI:Job shop scheduling based on earliness and tardiness penalties with due dates and deadlines: an enhanced genetic algorithm SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000305907200022 SCI 分区:4 77.赵志龙;刘岩;刘林 AU:Zhao, ZL;Liu, Y;Liu, L TI:Grain Refinement Induced by a Pulsed Magnetic Field and Synchronous Solidification SO:MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES UT ISI:000299577200015 SCI 分区:4 78.赵志龙;齐天;胡鹏;任海果;刘林 AU:Zhao, ZL;Qi, T;Hu, P;Ren, HG;Liu, L TI:Alignment and Permeability of Al-7Si Alloy Directional Solidification with the Application of a Pulsed Magnetic Field SO:MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES UT ISI:000303610900014 SCI 分区:4 71.张杰;张卫红等 AU:Zhang, J;Zhang, WH;Zhu, JH;Xia, L TI:Integrated layout design of multi-component systems using XFEM and analytical sensitivity analysis SO:COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311654600006 SCI 分区:2 72.张进;张卫红;朱继宏 AU:Zhang, J;Zhang, WH;Zhu, JH TI:An extended stress-based method for orientation angle optimization of laminated composite structures SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000298387200014 SCI 分区:4 力学与土木建筑学院(34 篇) 1.Fang, Xiong;闫五柱;高行山;岳珠峰等 AU:Fang, X;Yan, WZ;Gao, HS;Yue, ZF;Liu, J;Wang, FS TI:Finite element simulation of surface deformation of polycrystal with a rough surface under repeated load 59 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN UT ISI:000306110900007 SCI 分区:4 SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000306214300024 SCI 分区:4 2.陈效鹏等 AU:Chen, XP TI:APPLICATIONS OF LATTICE BOLTZMANN METHOD TO TURBULENT FLOW AROUND TWO-DIMENSIONAL AIRFOIL SO:ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000311756700007 SCI 分区:4 9.胡伟鹏;邓子辰等 AU:Hu, WP;Han, SM;Deng, ZC TI:Analyzing dynamic response of non-homogeneous string fixed at both ends SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS UT ISI:000309325400008 SCI 分区:4 10.李春;张少斌等 AU:Li, C;Zhang, SB;Jin, W;Xiang, HP;Lefkidis, G;Hubner, W TI:Coherent ultrafast local spin-switching Lambda processes in chainlike nanostructures with two identical magnetic centers SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000308556400010 SCI 分区:4 3.高宗战;支希哲;侯乃先;岳珠峰 AU:Gao, ZZ;Zhi, XZ;Hou, NX;Yue, ZF TI:Deformation and failure mechanisms of single crystal superalloy under temperature gradient SO:THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS UT ISI:000300077100007 SCI 分区:4 4.谷旭东;徐伟等 AU:Gu, XD;Zhu, WQ;Xu, W TI:Stochastic optimal control of quasi non-integrable Hamiltonian systems with stochastic maximum principle SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS UT ISI:000309940000062 SCI 分区:3 11.李春;张少斌等 AU:Li, C;Zhang, SB;Jin, W;Lefkidis, G;Hubner, W TI:Laser-induced ultrafast spin transfer in linear magnetic molecular ions SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000309568300069 SCI 分区:4 5.郭章新;韩小平;朱西平 AU:Guo, ZX;Han, XP;Zhu, XP TI:Finite Element Analysis of Interlaminar Stresses for Composite Laminates Stitched Around a Circular Hole SO:APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS UT ISI:000304297700025 SCI 分区:4 12.李元生;李磊;岳珠峰等 AU:Li, YS;Li, L;Yu, M;Yue, ZF TI:Adaptive Multi-Objective Optimum Design of Journal Bearing Based on a Back-Stepping Approach SO:TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS UT ISI:000302603800002 SCI 分区:4 13.刘大顺;王佰智;韩建锋;温志勋;岳珠峰 AU:Liu, DS;Wang, BZ;Han, JF;Wen, ZX;Yue, ZF TI:Tensile Property of a Modeling Specimen of DD6 Single Crystal Cooling Turbine Blade SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309019400010 SCI 分区:4 6.和兴锁;闫业毫;邓峰岩 AU:He, XS;Yan, YH;Deng, FY TI:Analysis of dynamic properties of a spatial flexible beam with large overall motion and nonlinear deformation in non-inertial reference frame SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000302129500047 SCI 分区:4 14.刘明;陈效鹏等 AU:Liu, M;Chen, XP;Premnath, KN TI:Comparative Study of the Large Eddy Simulations with the Lattice Boltzmann Method Using the Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-Viscosity and Vreman Subgrid Scale Models SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000309962700035 SCI 分区:4 7.胡伟鹏;邓子辰;韩松梅 AU:Hu, WP;Deng, ZC;Han, SM TI:AN IMPLICIT DIFFERENCE SCHEME FOCUSING ON THE LOCAL CONSERVATION PROPERTIES FOR BURGERS EQUATION SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS UT ISI:000306076900005 SCI 分区:3 8.胡伟鹏;邓子辰;秦于越;张文荣 AU:Hu, WP;Deng, ZC;Qin, YY;Zhang, WR TI:Multi-symplectic method for the (2+1)-dimensional KdV-mKdV equation 15.刘永寿;;岳珠峰等 AU:Yongshou, L;Xindang, H;Youhai, Z;Zhufeng, Y TI:Dynamical strength and design optimization of generalized 60 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION UT ISI:000305954500004 SCI 分区:4 pipe-joint system under pressure impact load SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING UT ISI:000307762500010 SCI 分区:4 23.王心美;邓朝晖;岳珠峰等 AU:Wang, XM;Zhou, QT;Liu, H;Deng, CH;Yue, ZF TI:Experimental Study of the Biaxial Cyclic Behavior of Thin-Wall Tubes of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys SO:METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000309239900022 SCI 分区:3 16.罗阳军;邓子辰等 AU:Luo, YJ;Wang, MY;Zhou, MD;Deng, ZC TI:Optimal topology design of steel-concrete composite structures under stiffness and strength constraints SO:COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES UT ISI:000311595500019 SCI 分区:3 24.王心美等 AU:Wang, XM;Zhou, QT;Liu, H;Li, L;Deng, CH TI:Analysis of the compression process and dimensional optimization of self-expanding stent of a nickel titanium alloy SO:MATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK UT ISI:000308103800008 SCI 分区:4 17.罗阳军等 AU:Luo, YJ;Kang, Z TI:Topology optimization of continuum structures with Drucker-Prager yield stress constraints SO:COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES UT ISI:000298521100006 SCI 分区:3 25.徐斌等 AU:Xu, B;Ou, JP;Jiang, JS TI:Integrated optimization of structural topology and control for piezoelectric smart plate based on genetic algorithm SO:FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN UT ISI:000311638200001 SCI 分区:4 18.罗阳军等 AU:Luo, YJ;Li, A;Kang, Z TI:Parametric study of bonded steel-concrete composite beams by using finite element analysis SO:ENGINEERING STRUCTURES UT ISI:000299150200005 SCI 分区:3 26.徐斌等 AU:Xu, B;Ou, JP;Jiang, JS TI:Integrated optimization of structural topology and control for piezoelectric smart plate based on genetic algorithm SO:FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN UT ISI:000311638200001 SCI 分区:4 19.秦卫阳;孙涛;杨永锋等 AU:Qin, WY;Sun, T;Jiao, XD;Yang, YF TI:Chaos synchroniztion by function coupling in a class of nonlinear dynamical system SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000304514200005 SCI 分区:4 20.王富生;霍世慧;岳珠峰等 AU:Wang, FS;Huo, SH;Yue, ZF;Qian, W TI:Further study on aeroelastic response of aircraft wing with freeplay SO:JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL UT ISI:000309355300010 SCI 分区:4 27.闫五柱;高行山;元辛;王富生;岳珠峰 AU:Yan, WZ;Gao, HS;Yuan, X;Wang, FS;Yue, ZF TI:On the fatigue performance of Aluminum alloy 2024 scarfed lap joints SO:STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS UT ISI:000310122500003 SCI 分区:4 21.王富生;张钧然;王佩艳;霍世慧;岳珠峰 AU:Wang, FS;Zhang, JR;Wang, PY;Huo, SH;Yue, ZF TI:Reliability analysis of laminated composite under compression and shear loads SO:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY UT ISI:000309585800002 SCI 分区:无分区 28.闫五柱;王晓森;高行山;岳珠峰 AU:Yan, WZ;Wang, XS;Gao, HS;Yue, ZF TI:Effect of split sleeve cold expansion on cracking behaviors of titanium alloy TC4 holes SO:ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS UT ISI:000306534900007 SCI 分区:3 22.王其昂;吴子燕;刘书奎 AU:Wang, Q;Wu, ZY;Liu, SK TI:Seismic fragility analysis of highway bridges considering multi-dimensional performance limit state 29.杨海峰;吴子燕;刘书奎;孙鸿宾 AU:Yang, HF;Wu, ZY;Liu, SK;Sun, HB TI:Research on Optimal Sensor Placement Based on 61 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Reverberation Matrix for Structural Health Monitoring SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS UT ISI:000311155700001 SCI 分区:4 2.邓君香;严传俊;郑龙席;黄希桥 AU:Deng, JX;Yan, CJ;Zheng, LX;Huang, XQ TI:Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Gas Turbine Engine Embedded with Pulse Detonation Combustor SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBO & JET-ENGINES UT ISI:000297474100006 SCI 分区:4 30.杨海峰;吴子燕;刘书奎;孙鸿宾 AU:Yang, HF;Wu, ZY;Liu, SK;Sun, HB TI:Research on Optimal Sensor Placement Based on Reverberation Matrix for Structural Health Monitoring SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS UT ISI:000311155700001 SCI 分区:4 3.范珍涔;范玮;涂洪妍;李建玲;严传俊 AU:Fan, ZC;Fan, W;Tu, HY;Li, JL;Yan, CJ TI:The effect of fuel pretreatment on performance of pulse detonation rocket engines SO:EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE UT ISI:000305591200016 SCI 分区:3 31.余龙等 AU:Yu, L;Su, ZQ TI:Application of Kernel Density Estimation in Lamb Wave-Based Damage Detection SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308173500001 SCI 分区:4 4.范珍涔;范玮;赵琳;严传俊等 AU:Fan, ZC;Fan, W;Zhao, L;Song, HY;Yan, CJ TI:EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FLASH ATOMIZATION OF AVIATION KEROSENE SO:ATOMIZATION AND SPRAYS UT ISI:000309638200004 SCI 分区:4 32.赵梦华;陈效鹏 AU:Zhao, MH;Chen, XP TI:A COMBINED DATA PROCESSING METHOD ON WATER IMPACT FORCE MEASUREMENT SO:JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS UT ISI:000310781800007 SCI 分区:3 5.高丽敏;王欢;刘波;周强 AU:Limin, G;Huan, W;Jie, G;Bo, L;Qiang, Z TI:Study on Influence of PSP Measurement System Characteristics SO:EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES UT ISI:000304041300009 SCI 分区:4 33.赵翔;王峰会等 AU:Zhao, X;Wang, FH;Hang, JY;Liu, TJ TI:Determining the mechanical properties of solid oxide fuel cell by an improved work of indentation approach SO:JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES UT ISI:000300264400031 SCI 分区:1 6.李杰;樊丁等 AU:Li, J;Fan, D;Sreeram, V TI:Optimization of Aero Engine Acceleration Control in Combat State Based on Genetic Algorithms SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBO & JET-ENGINES UT ISI:000307014800004 SCI 分区:4 34.周述光;张洵安等 AU:Zhou, SG;Zhang, XA;Chen, XX TI:Pozzolanic activity of feedlot biomass (cattle manure) ash SO:CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS UT ISI:000301156700064 SCI 分区:3 7.刘存良;朱惠人;张宗卫;许都纯 AU:Liu, CL;Zhu, HR;Zhang, ZW;Xu, DC TI:Experimental investigation on the leading edge film cooling of cylindrical and laid-back holes with different hole pitches SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER UT ISI:000309042300054 SCI 分区:2 动力与能源学院(17 篇) 8.罗飞腾;宋文艳;张志强;李卫强;李建平 AU:Luo, FT;Song, WY;Zhang, ZQ;Li, WQ;Li, JP TI:Experimental and Numerical Studies of Vitiated Air Effects on Hydrogen-fueled Supersonic Combustor Performance SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000303594000003 SCI 分区:4 1.陈文娟;范玮;张群;彭畅新;袁成;严传俊 AU:Chen, WJ;Fan, W;Zhang, Q;Peng, CX;Yuan, C;Yan, CJ TI:Experimental Investigation of Nozzle Effects on Thrust and Inlet Pressure of an Air-breathing Pulse Detonation Engine SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000306360200009 SCI 分区:4 62 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:4 9.邱华;熊姹;严传俊;范玮 AU:Qiu, H;Xiong, C;Yan, CJ;Fan, W TI:Propulsive Performance of Ideal Detonation Turbine Based Combined Cycle Engine SO:JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000306760800001 SCI 分区:4 16.周莉;蔡元虎等 AU:Zhou, L;Fan, HZ;Wei, W;Cai, YH TI:Experimental and numerical analysis of the unsteady influence of an inlet guide vane SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE UT ISI:000300455700010 SCI 分区:4 10.王可;范玮;严传俊等 AU:Wang, K;Fan, W;Yan, Y;Zhu, XD;Yan, CJ TI:Operation of a Rotary-valved Pulse Detonation Rocket Engine Utilizing Liquid-kerosene and Oxygen SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000302285900005 SCI 分区:4 17.周莉;张鑫;蔡元虎等 AU:Zhou, L;Fan, HZ;Zhang, X;Cai, YH TI:INVESTIGATION OF EFFECT OF UNSTEADY INTERACTION ON TURBINE BLADE FILM COOLING SO:ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000298273900004 SCI 分区:4 11.王治武;陈星谷;郑龙席;彭畅新;严传俊 AU:Wang, ZW;Chen, XG;Zheng, LX;Peng, CX;Yan, CJ TI:Experimental Research on Induction Systems of an Air-breathing Valveless Pulse Detonation Engine SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBO & JET-ENGINES UT ISI:000307016400007 SCI 分区:4 电子信息学院(28 篇) 1.Qadir, Shahida G;樊养余 AU:Qadir, SG;Fan, YY TI:A Comment on "Joint elevation and Azimuth direction finding using L-shaped array" SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION UT ISI:000306138900061 SCI 分区:2 12.吴亚锋;李强;张鹤飞;楚武利 AU:Wu, Y;Li, Q;Zhang, H;Chu, W TI:Numerical investigation into the mechanism of spike-type stall inception in an axial compressor rotor SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART A-JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY UT ISI:000305615100003 SCI 分区:4 2.Qadir, Shahida Ghulam;;樊养余 AU:Qadir, SG;Fan, YY TI:Modified two-stage separated virtual steering vector-based algorithm for high resolution inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging SO:SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000309849400026 SCI 分区:3 13.吴艳辉;李清鹏;田江涛;楚武利 AU:Wu, YH;Li, QP;Tian, JT;Chu, WL TI:Investigation of Pre-Stall Behavior in an Axial Compressor Rotor-Part I: Unsteadiness of Tip Clearance Flow SO:JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000308404500027 SCI 分区:4 3.符小卫;冯慧成;高晓光 AU:Fu, XW;Feng, HC;Gao, XG TI:UAV Mobile Ground Target Pursuit Algorithm SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000310084800011 SCI 分区:4 14.吴艳辉;李清鹏;田江涛;楚武利 AU:Wu, YH;Li, QP;Tian, JT;Chu, WL TI:Investigation of Pre-Stall Behavior in an Axial Compressor Rotor-Part II: Flow Mechanism of Spike Emergence SO:JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME UT ISI:000308404500028 SCI 分区:4 4.高霞;任杰等 AU:Gao, X;Ren, J;Chen, D TI:Developing an effective algorithm for dynamic UAV path planning with incomplete threat information SO:PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING UT ISI:000300928600004 SCI 分区:4 15.周莉;蔡元虎;等 AU:Zhou, L;Fan, HZ;Zhang, X;Cai, YH TI:Experimental Investigation of the Unsteady Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor Stage SO:EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES UT ISI:000310251700005 5.侯静;万帅 AU:Hou, J;Wan, S 63 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS UT ISI:000309834600002 SCI 分区:3 TI:Optimal Bitstream Adaptation for Scalable Video Based On Two-Dimensional Rate and Quality Models SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL UT ISI:000305258800006 SCI 分区:4 13.万帅;杨楷芳等 AU:Wan, S;Yang, KF;Zhou, HY TI:Efficient bitstream extraction for scalable video based on simulated annealing SO:CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE UT ISI:000306125400007 SCI 分区:3 6.黄炎辉;樊养余等 AU:Huang, YH;Zhang, X;Fan, YY;Yin, LJ;Seversky, L;Allen, J;Lei, T;Dong, WJ TI:Reshaping 3D facial scans for facial appearance modeling and 3D facial expression analysis SO:IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING UT ISI:000310389100007 SCI 分区:3 14.王景;许家栋等 AU:Wang, L;Xing, ZJ;Li, JY;Wei, K;Sandikie, MS;Xu, JD TI:FAST CARRIER CANCELLATION FOR UHF NEAR FIELD RFID SYSTEMS SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000307121200003 SCI 分区:3 7.蒋毅;张若男 AU:Jiang, Y;Zhang, RN TI:An Adaptive Combination Query Tree Protocol for Tag Identification in RFID Systems SO:IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS UT ISI:000307894800013 SCI 分区:3 15.王乃志;许家栋等 AU:Wang, NZ;Wang, XB;Xu, JD TI:Design of a novel compact broadband patch antenna using binary PSO SO:MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS UT ISI:000298303500044 SCI 分区:4 8.李慧敏;樊养余;孙恒义等 AU:Li, HM;Fan, YY;Sun, HY;Zhang, J;Jia, M TI:Growing two-dimensional manifold of nonlinear maps based on generalized Foliation condition SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000302129500079 SCI 分区:4 16.吴昌英;任安康等 AU:Wu, CY;Du, J;Ren, AK;Li, JY TI:Large-area RFID reader antenna for smart shelf at UHF SO:ELECTRONICS LETTERS UT ISI:000306711700007 SCI 分区:4 9.李慧敏;樊养余等 AU:Li, HM;Fan, YY;Zhang, J TI:A NEWALGORITHM FOR COMPUTING ONE-DIMENSIONAL STABLE AND UNSTABLE MANIFOLDS OF MAPS SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS UT ISI:000300776100024 SCI 分区:3 17.吴昌英;王甜;任安康 AU:Wu, CY;Wang, T;Ren, AK TI:Measurement of the paraelectric property of bulk ferroelectrics under high DC bias at microwave frequencies SO:MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS UT ISI:000301715800042 SCI 分区:4 10.刘江凡;万国兵等 AU:Liu, JF;Wan, GB;Zhang, JS;Xi, XL TI:An Effective CFS-PML Implementation for Cylindrical Coordinate FDTD Method SO:IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS UT ISI:000305155000009 SCI 分区:2 18.吴昌英;郑奎松;李竣屹 AU:Wu, CY;Zheng, KS;Li, JY TI:A chip antenna in via-free LTCC with symmetric structure for Bluetooth applications SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000307846400010 SCI 分区:3 11.任安康;吴昌英;高尧等 AU:Ren, AK;Wu, CY;Gao, Y;Yuan, Y TI:A Robust UHF Near-Field RFID Reader Antenna SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION UT ISI:000302730500003 SCI 分区:2 12.施展;郑如萍;丁君;郭陈江 AU:Shi, Z;Zheng, RP;Ding, J;Guo, CJ TI:A Novel Pattern-Reconfigurable Switched Printed Elements Antenna 19.谢端;彭进业 AU:Xie, D;Peng, JY TI:Effects of Quantum Noise on Quantum Synchronization SO:COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS UT ISI:000307583500008 Using 64 Clock 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:4 27.郑奎松;李南京;许家栋等 AU:Zheng, KS;Li, NJ;Ren, AK;Wei, G;Xu, JD TI:DESIGNING AND MEASUREMENT OF A SINGLE LAYERED PLANAR GAIN-ENHANCED ANTENNA RADOME WITH METAMATERIALS SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000303023500002 SCI 分区:3 20.谢端;彭进业等 AU:Xie, D;Peng, JY;Zhao, J TI:Time Accuracy for Superposition of Coherent States in Quantum Clock Synchronization SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS UT ISI:000309858800031 SCI 分区:4 28.朱富国;李建周;许家栋等 AU:Zhu, FG;Gao, S;Ho, ATS;Abd-Alhameed, RA;See, CH;Li, JZ;Xu, JD TI:Miniaturized Tapered Slot Antenna With Signal Rejection in 5-6-GHz Band Using a Balun SO:IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS UT ISI:000306519600004 SCI 分区:3 21.邢自健;王伶;吴昌英等 AU:Xing, ZJ;Wang, L;Wu, CY;Li, JY;Zhang, M TI:Characteristics and Application of a Novel Loop Antenna to UHF RFID Receivers SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION UT ISI:000298435800001 SCI 分区:4 22.邢自健;魏昆等 AU:Xing, Z;Wang, L;Wu, C;Wei, K TI:Study of broadband near-field antenna for ultra-high-frequency radio frequency identification applications SO:IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION UT ISI:000298347000001 SCI 分区:4 自动化学院(32 篇) 1.Niu, XL;刘卫国等 AU:Niu, XL;Liu, WG;Liu, P;Cai, CL TI:Determination of the liquid crystals phase transition temperatures using optical rotation effect SO:PHASE TRANSITIONS UT ISI:000299705900015 SCI 分区:4 23.闫伟;许家栋;韦高;何华兵等 AU:Yan, W;Xu, JD;Wei, G;Fu, L;He, HB TI:A FAST 3D IMAGING TECHNIQUE FOR NEAR-FIELD CIRCULAR SAR PROCESSING SO:PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER UT ISI:000306596700016 SCI 分区:2 2.陈建忠;史忠科等 AU:Chen, JZ;Shi, ZK;Hu, YM TI:Numerical solutions of a multi-class traffic flow model on an inhomogeneous highway using a high-resolution relaxed scheme SO:JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE C-COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000301343200004 SCI 分区:无分区 24.翟永智等 AU:Zhai, YZ;Pang, SL;Bao, ZQ;Lu, GY TI:A novel signal detection approach for fading channels with parameter statistics characteristics unknown SO:DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000302190600010 SCI 分区:3 3.陈建忠;史忠科等 AU:Chen, JZ;Shi, ZK;Hu, YM TI:STABILIZATION ANALYSIS OF A MULTIPLE LOOK-AHEAD MODEL WITH DRIVER REACTION DELAYS SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C UT ISI:000305905500008 SCI 分区:4 25.张安;汤志荔;张超 AU:Zhang, A;Tang, ZL;Zhang, C TI:Man-machine Function Allocation Based on Uncertain Linguistic Multiple Attribute Decision Making SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000302285900016 SCI 分区:4 4.陈伟;张绍武;程咏梅;潘泉 AU:Chen, W;Zhang, SW;Cheng, YM;Pan, Q TI:Identification of protein-RNA interaction sites using the information of spatial adjacent residues SO:PROTEOME SCIENCE UT ISI:000299782200016 SCI 分区:3 26.张易凡等 AU:Zhang, YF;Duijster, A;Scheunders, P TI:A Bayesian Restoration Approach for Hyperspectral Images SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING UT ISI:000308105600016 SCI 分区:2 5.程塨;郭雷;赵天云;李晖晖;方俊等 AU:Cheng, G;Guo, L;Zhao, TY;Han, JW;Li, HH;Fang, J TI:Automatic landslide detection from remote-sensing 65 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:On the Complexity of Generating Gate Level Information Flow Tracking Logic SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY UT ISI:000304091600018 SCI 分区:2 imagery using a scene classification method based on BoVW and pLSA SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING UT ISI:000308994100003 SCI 分区:3 6.池程芝;章卫国;刘小雄 AU:Chi, CZ;Zhang, WG;Liu, XX TI:Application of Analytic Redundancy-based Fault Diagnosis of Sensors to Onboard Maintenance System SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS UT ISI:000303594000011 SCI 分区:4 13.胡新韬;李凯明;郭雷等 AU:Hu, XT;Li, KM;Han, JW;Hua, XS;Guo, L;Liu, TM TI:Bridging the Semantic Gap via Functional Brain Imaging SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA UT ISI:000302702500007 SCI 分区:2 7.戴大蒙;慕德俊 AU:Dai, DM;Mu, DJ TI:An Algorithm for Bus Trajectory Extraction Based on Incomplete Data Source SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000310669100004 SCI 分区:4 14.李凯明;郭雷等 AU:Li, KM;Guo, L;Faraco, C;Zhu, DJ;Chen, HB;Yuan, YX;Lv, JL;Deng, F;Jiang, X;Zhang, T;Hu, XT;Zhang, DG;Miller, LS;Liu, TM TI:Visual analytics of brain networks SO:NEUROIMAGE UT ISI:000303954600010 SCI 分区:2 8.戴大蒙;慕德俊 AU:Dai, DM;Mu, DJ TI:An Algorithm for Bus Trajectory Extraction Based on Incomplete Data Source SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000310669100004 SCI 分区:4 15.李凯明;郭雷等 AU:Li, KM;Guo, L;Zhu, DJ;Hu, XT;Han, JW;Liu, TM TI:Individual Functional ROI Optimization Via Maximization of Group-Wise Consistency of Structural and Functional Profiles SO:NEUROINFORMATICS UT ISI:000305415000002 SCI 分区:3 9.邓正宏 AU:Deng, ZH TI:Robust Finite-Time H-infinity Control for Uncertain Systems Subject to Intermittent Measurements SO:DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY UT ISI:000309009100001 SCI 分区:3 16.李伟林;张晓斌等 AU:Li, WL;Li, HM;Ni, F;Zhang, XB;Monti, A TI:Digital automatic voltage regulator for synchronous generator considering sensor failure SO:EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER UT ISI:000311613700002 SCI 分区:4 10.丁晓峰;Mi, Chris AU:Ding, XF;Mi, C TI:MODELING OF EDDY CURRENT LOSS AND TEMPERATURE OF THE MAGNETS IN PERMANENT MAGNET MACHINES SO:JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS UT ISI:000297938900006 SCI 分区:4 17.刘勇;潘泉 AU:Liu, Y;Hu, YH;Pan, Q TI:Distributed, Robust Acoustic Source Localization in a Wireless Sensor Network SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000306517300032 SCI 分区:2 11.高昂;潘泉等 AU:Gao, A;Pan, Q;Hu, Y TI:The Research of Differentiated Service and Load Balancing in Web Cluster SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL UT ISI:000308334500006 SCI 分区:4 18.刘勇;潘泉等 AU:Liu, Y;Pan, Q;Yu, HH;Liang, Y TI:Robust Acoustic Source Localization Energy-stringent Sensor Networks SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000303552300026 SCI 分区:4 12.胡伟;慕德俊等 AU:Hu, W;Oberg, J;Irturk, A;Tiwari, M;Sherwood, T;Mu, DJ;Kastner, R 19.刘准钆;潘泉等 AU:Liu, ZG;Dezert, J;Mercier, G;Pan, Q 66 in 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000309940000022 SCI 分区:3 TI:Dynamic Evidential Reasoning for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Images SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING UT ISI:000303205400020 SCI 分区:2 27.徐滨等 AU:Xu, B;Sun, F;Liu, H;Ren, J TI:Adaptive Kriging controller design for hypersonic flight vehicle via back-stepping SO:IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000301183700002 SCI 分区:3 20.刘准钆等 AU:Liu, ZG;Dezert, J;Mercier, G;Pan, Q TI:Belief C-Means: An extension of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in belief functions framework SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS UT ISI:000300135300009 SCI 分区:3 28.张德刚;郭雷等 AU:Zhang, DG;Guo, L;Hu, XT;Li, KM;Zhao, Q;Liu, TM TI:Increased cortico-subcortical functional connectivity in schizophrenia SO:BRAIN IMAGING AND BEHAVIOR UT ISI:000300576500003 SCI 分区:4 21.史俊等 AU:Shi, J;Miao, L;Ni, M;Shen, J TI:Optimal robust fault-detection filter for micro-electro-mechanical system-based inertial navigation system/global positioning system SO:IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000299110800009 SCI 分区:3 29.张通;胡俊杰等 AU:Zhang, T;Zhang, J;Hu, JJ TI:Dynamic model and simulation of aseismatic system about laser gyro strapdown inertial measure assembly based on MSTMM SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000310275300014 SCI 分区:4 22.王改堂等 AU:Wang, GT;Li, P;Cao, JT TI:Variable activation function extreme learning machine based on residual prediction compensation SO:SOFT COMPUTING UT ISI:000307535400003 SCI 分区:3 30.张拓;郭雷等 AU:Zhang, T;Guo, L;Li, KM;Jing, CF;Yin, Y;Zhu, DJ;Cui, GB;Li, LJ;Liu, TM TI:Predicting Functional Cortical ROIs via DTI-Derived Fiber Shape Models SO:CEREBRAL CORTEX UT ISI:000302004600012 SCI 分区:1 23.王小旭;梁彦;潘泉;杨峰 AU:Wang, XX;Liang, Y;Pan, Q;Yang, F TI:A Gaussian approximation recursive filter for nonlinear systems with correlated noises SO:AUTOMATICA UT ISI:000308454100040 SCI 分区:2 31.赵永强;杨劲翔;张清勇;程咏梅;潘泉 AU:Zhao, YQ;Yang, JX;Zhang, QY;Song, L;Cheng, YM;Pan, Q TI:Hyperspectral imagery super-resolution by sparse representation and spectral regularization SO:EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING UT ISI:000300998200001 SCI 分区:无分区 24.王晓暄;潘泉;程咏梅;赵春晖 AU:Wang, XX;Pan, Q;Cheng, YM;Zhao, CH TI:New sigma point filtering algorithms for nonlinear stochastic systems with correlated noises SO:JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000302249800021 SCI 分区:4 25.王勇;;潘泉等 AU:Wang, Y;Liang, Y;Zhang, L;Pan, Q TI:Adaptive spatiotemporal background modelling SO:IET COMPUTER VISION UT ISI:000309959000010 SCI 分区:4 32.赵永强;张清勇;杨劲翔 AU:Zhao, YQ;Zhang, QY;Yang, JX TI:High-resolution multiband polarization epithelial tissue imaging method by sparse representation and fusion SO:APPLIED OPTICS UT ISI:000300408400005 SCI 分区:无分区 26.徐滨;史忠科等 AU:Xu, B;Wang, DW;Sun, FC;Shi, ZK TI:Direct neural discrete control of hypersonic flight vehicle SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 计算机学院(26 篇) 1.郭斌等 67 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Guo, B;Fujimura, R;Zhang, DQ;Imai, M TI:Design-in-play: improving the variability indoor pervasive games SO:MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000303869800013 SCI 分区:4 TI:Synthetic aperture imaging using pixel labeling via energy minimization SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION UT ISI:000309785000016 SCI 分区:2 of 9.孙蓬;吴子燕;李战怀;康慕宁 AU:Sun, P;Wu, ZY;Hua, QY;Li, ZH;Kang, MN TI:DynaView: General Dynamic Visualization Model for SHM SO:MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308495300001 SCI 分区:4 2.梁韵基;周兴社;於志文;王海鹏;郭斌 AU:Liang, YJ;Zhou, XS;Yu, ZW;Wang, HP;Guo, B TI:A context-aware multimedia service scheduling framework in smart homes SO:EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING UT ISI:000302339900001 SCI 分区:4 10.王超;李战怀;胡娜;聂艳明 AU:Wang, C;Li, ZH;Hu, N;Nie, YM TI:S-TRAP: Optimization and Evaluation of Timely Recovery to Any Point-in-time (TRAP) SO:COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS UT ISI:000302206000020 SCI 分区:4 3.娄颖;李战怀;陈群 AU:Lou, Y;Li, ZH;Chen, Q TI:Semantic relevance ranking for XML keyword search SO:INFORMATION SCIENCES UT ISI:000301273200009 SCI 分区:2 11.王佳;高德远等 AU:Wang, J;Gao, DY;Hu-Guo, C;Jaaskelainen, K;Hu, Y TI:A High Load Current, Low-Noise, Area-Efficient, Full On-Chip Regulator for CMOS Pixel Sensors SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE UT ISI:000305576100001 SCI 分区:3 4.陆艳洪;翟正军等 AU:Lu, YH;Lu, WK;Zhai, ZJ TI:An edge-preserving seismic data interpolation method SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION UT ISI:000302332300029 SCI 分区:4 12.王晓暄;谢磊等 AU:Wang, XX;Xie, L;Lu, MM;Ma, B;Chng, ES;Li, HZ TI:Broadcast News Story Segmentation Using Conditional Random Fields and Multimodal Features SO:IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS UT ISI:000304573100004 SCI 分区:4 5.牛伟等 AU:Niu, W;Cheng, J;Wang, GQ TI:Study on GM(1,1) Model Property of Approximate Non-homogeneous Exponential Sequence SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066500006 SCI 分区:4 13.谢磊;郑李磊;张艳宁 AU:Xie, L;Zheng, LL;Liu, ZH;Zhang, YN TI:Laplacian Eigenmaps for Automatic Story Segmentation of Broadcast News SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING UT ISI:000298325600027 SCI 分区:3 6.牛伟等 AU:Niu, W;Cheng, J;Wang, GQ TI:Study on GM(1,1) Model Property of Approximate Non-homogeneous Exponential Sequence SO:INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL UT ISI:000311066500006 SCI 分区:4 14.姚睿;张艳宁 AU:Yao, R;Zhang, YN TI:Compressive sensing for small moving space object detection in astronomical images SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000305707000008 SCI 分区:4 7.裴炤;张艳宁 AU:Pei, Z;Zhang, YN;Yang, T;Zhang, XW;Yang, YH TI:A novel multi-object detection method in complex scene using synthetic aperture imaging SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION UT ISI:000300459000034 SCI 分区:2 15.於志文;於志勇;周兴社 AU:Yu, ZW;Yu, ZY;Zhou, XS;Becker, C;Nakamura, Y TI:Tree-Based Mining for Discovering Patterns of Human Interaction in Meetings 8.裴炤;张艳宁等 AU:Pei, Z;Zhang, YN;Chen, XD;Yang, YH 68 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 classification SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION UT ISI:000309785000030 SCI 分区:2 SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING UT ISI:000300662500014 SCI 分区:2 16.於志文等 AU:Yu, ZW;Cheng, DR;Khalil, I;Kay, J;Heckmann, D TI:Theme issue on adaptation and personalization for ubiquitous computing SO:PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING UT ISI:000304563900001 SCI 分区:3 23.张艳宁;郭哲;林增刚等 AU:Zhang, YN;Guo, Z;Xia, Y;Lin, ZG;Feng, DD TI:2D representation of facial surfaces for multi-pose 3D face recognition SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS UT ISI:000301212400006 SCI 分区:3 17.张海超;张艳宁 AU:Zhang, HC;Nasrabadi, NM;Zhang, YN;Huang, TS TI:Joint dynamic sparse representation for multi-view face recognition SO:PATTERN RECOGNITION UT ISI:000300459000006 SCI 分区:2 24.张艳宁;郭哲;林增刚等 AU:Zhang, YN;Guo, Z;Lin, ZG;Zhang, HX;Zhang, C TI:The NPU Multi-case Chinese 3D Face Database and Information Processing SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000303552300016 SCI 分区:4 18.张海超;张艳宁;李海森等 AU:Zhang, HC;Zhang, YN;Li, HS;Huang, TS TI:Generative Bayesian Image Super Resolution With Natural Image Prior SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING UT ISI:000307896800019 SCI 分区:2 25.张艳宁等 AU:Zhang, YN;Wei, W TI:A realistic dynamic facial expression transfer method SO:NEUROCOMPUTING UT ISI:000304638500003 SCI 分区:3 19.张海超;张艳宁等 AU:Zhang, HC;Nasrabadi, NM;Zhang, YN;Huang, TS TI:Multi-View Automatic Target Recognition using Joint Sparse Representation SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000306517100040 SCI 分区:4 26.周珊丹;於志文等 AU:Zhou, SD;Chu, CH;Yu, ZW;Kim, J TI:A context-aware reminder system for elders based on fuzzy linguistic approach SO:EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000303281800093 SCI 分区:2 20.张海超;张艳宁等 AU:Zhang, HC;Zhang, YN;Nasrabadi, NM;Huang, TS TI:Joint-Structured-Sparsity-Based Classification for Multiple-Measurement Transient Acoustic Signals SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS UT ISI:000311353700007 SCI 分区:2 理学院(264 篇) 1.Hou, QW;曹炳阳 AU:Hou, QW;Cao, BY TI:Phonon relaxation and heat conduction in one-dimensional Fermi-Pasta-Ulam beta lattices by molecular dynamics simulations SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000300258200043 SCI 分区:3 21.张海超;张艳宁等 AU:Zhang, HC;Zhang, YN;Nasrabadi, NM;Huang, TS TI:Joint-Structured-Sparsity-Based Classification for Multiple-Measurement Transient Acoustic Signals SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS UT ISI:000311353700007 SCI 分区:2 2.Hou, QW;汤杭飞;刘亚红;赵晓鹏 AU:Hou, QW;Tang, HF;Liu, YH;Zhao, XP TI:Dual-Frequency and Broadband Circular Patch Antennas With a Monopole-Type Pattern Based on Epsilon-Negative Transmission Line SO:IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS UT ISI:000303503100008 SCI 分区:3 22.张海超;张艳宁等 AU:Zhang, HC;Zhang, YN;Huang, TS TI:Simultaneous discriminative projection and dictionary learning for sparse representation based 3.Li, H;;金克新;王建宇等 69 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Cai, ZB;Zhao, JL;Peng, T;Li, H TI:Hot-images induced by the random distribution defects in high power laser systems SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000298442100053 SCI 分区:4 AU:Li, H;Jin, KX;Yang, SH;Wang, J;He, M;Luo, BC;Wang, JY;Chen, CL;Wu, T TI:Ultraviolet photovoltaic effect in BiFeO3/Nb-SrTiO3 heterostructure SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000310597500022 SCI 分区:3 11.蔡力;谢文贤;聂玉峰等 AU:Cai, L;Zhou, J;Zhou, FQ;Xie, WX;Nie, YF TI:NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF 2D LIQUID SLOSHING SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS UT ISI:000306370100003 SCI 分区:无分区 4.Li, H;;金克新;王建宇等 AU:Li, H;Jin, KX;Yang, SH;Wang, J;He, M;Luo, BC;Wang, JY;Chen, CL;Wu, T TI:Ultraviolet photovoltaic effect in BiFeO3/Nb-SrTiO3 heterostructure SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000310597500022 SCI 分区:3 12.曹崇德;弓素莲;郭晋波;宋瑞波等 AU:Cao, CD;Gong, SL;Guo, JB;Song, RB;Sun, ZB;Yang, S;Wang, WM TI:Amorphous-crystalline dual-layer structures resulting from metastable liquid phase separation in (Fe50Co25B15Si10)(80)Cu-20 melt-spun ribbons SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000307501600053 SCI 分区:3 5.Wang, Caifang;;邢辉;陈长乐等 AU:Wang, CF;Xing, H;Yao, FP;Chen, CL;Wang, JY;Fan, F TI:Integral Solution of the Interface Profile of Grain Boundary Grooving by Surface Diffusion SO:ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311300200001 SCI 分区:无分区 13.常健;王海鹏;魏炳波等 AU:Chang, J;Wang, HP;Zhou, K;Wei, B TI:Rapid dendritic growth and solute trapping within undercooled ternary Ni-5%Cu-5%Mo alloy SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000309224600021 SCI 分区:3 6.Wang, Caifang;;邢辉;陈长乐等 AU:Wang, CF;Xing, H;Yao, FP;Chen, CL;Wang, JY;Fan, F TI:Integral Solution of the Interface Profile of Grain Boundary Grooving by Surface Diffusion SO:ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000311300200001 SCI 分区:无分区 14.常健;王海鹏;周凯;魏炳波 AU:Chang, J;Wang, HP;Zhou, K;Wei, B TI:Surface tension measurement of undercooled liquid Ni-based multicomponent alloys SO:PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS UT ISI:000306977400002 SCI 分区:3 7.Wang, Li;;于美;钮鹏程 AU:Wang, L;Yu, M;Niu, PC TI:Periodic solution and almost periodic solution of impulsive Lasota-Wazewska model with multiple time-varying delays SO:COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000310173300002 SCI 分区:3 15.晁敏;寇开昌;吴广磊;张冬娜 AU:Chao, M;Kou, KC;Wu, GL;Zhang, DN TI:Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Sulfone-containing Polyimides Molding Powder Derived from 2, 2-Bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl] Sulfone and Aromatic Dianhydrides SO:JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART A-PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000304923000007 SCI 分区:4 8.安国斐;赵晓鹏等 AU:An, GF;Jin, SH;Yang, CS;Zhou, YW;Zhao, XP TI:Photoluminescence enhancement and quenching of Sm, Au Co-doped TiO2 SO:OPTICAL MATERIALS UT ISI:000309648400009 SCI 分区:3 9.白延东;李斌龙;张胜贵 AU:Bai, YD;Li, BL;Zhang, SG TI:Covering the edges of digraphs in D(3,3) and D(4,4) with directed cuts SO:DISCRETE MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000303288500002 SCI 分区:4 16.晁敏;寇开昌;张教强;李宁;张冬娜 AU:Chao, M;Kou, KC;Wu, GL;Zhang, JQ;Li, N;Zhang, DN TI:Synthesis and Properties of Semicrystalline Copolyimides Based on 4,4 '-Diaminodiphenylether and 1,3-Bis(4-aminophenoxy) Benzene SO:JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE PART B-PHYSICS UT ISI:000308022800008 SCI 分区:4 10.蔡朝斌;赵建林;彭涛等 70 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Chen, S;Zhao, XR;Xie, HY;Liu, JM;Duan, LB;Ba, XJ;Zhao, JL TI:Photoluminescence of undoped and Ce-doped SnO(2) thin films deposited by sol-gel-dip-coating method SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000299162300170 SCI 分区:3 17.陈恒;田威;范晓东等 AU:Chen, H;Kong, J;Tian, W;Fan, XD TI:Intramolecular Cyclization in A(2)+B-3 Polymers via Step-Wise Polymerization Resulting in a Highly Branched Topology: Quantitative Determination of Cycles by Combined NMR and SEC Analytics SO:MACROMOLECULES UT ISI:000307479100041 SCI 分区:1 24.陈营;张秋禹;任杰;孙九立等 AU:Chen, Y;Zhang, QY;Ali, N;Ren, J;Sun, JL TI:Synthesis and properties of hyperbranched polyimides from A(2)+ B ' B-2 monomers and A(2)+ B ' B-2 + B-2 monomers with various comonomer ratios SO:JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH UT ISI:000302642100008 SCI 分区:4 18.陈建等 AU:Chen, J;Yan, W;Miao, J;Peng, YL;Fan, XH TI:TEM Analysis of Drawn Single Crystal Copper Wires Produced by OCC Method SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303698200008 SCI 分区:4 25.陈占寿;田铮 AU:Chen, ZS;Tian, Z TI:Moving ratio test for multiple changes persistence SO:JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY UT ISI:000305230600014 SCI 分区:4 19.陈立勇;陈长乐;金克新等 AU:Chen, LY;Chen, CL;Jin, KX;Du, XJ TI:Potential enhancement in magnetoelectric effect at Mn-rich Co2MnSi/BaTiO3 (001) interface SO:EPL UT ISI:000308862300027 SCI 分区:2 in 26.陈占寿;田铮;齐培艳等 AU:Chen, ZS;Jin, Z;Tian, Z;Qi, PY TI:Bootstrap testing multiple changes in persistence for a heavy-tailed sequence SO:COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS UT ISI:000302106700009 SCI 分区:2 20.陈少杰;张秋禹;顾军渭;周艳阳等 AU:Chen, SJ;Zhang, QY;Gu, JW;Ma, ML;Zhang, L;Zhou, J;Zhou, YY TI:A new conjugated polymer with donor-acceptor architectures based on alternating 1,4-divinyl-2,5-dioctyloxybenzene and 5,8-(2,3-dipyridyl)-quinoxaline: Synthesis, characterization, and photoinduced charge transfer SO:EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS UT ISI:000302630600003 SCI 分区:4 27.陈志;郝丽梅;陈长乐 AU:Chen, Z;Hao, LM;Chen, CL TI:A fast electrodeposition method for fabrication of lanthanum superhydrophobic surface with hierarchical micro-nanostructures SO:COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS UT ISI:000303953900001 SCI 分区:4 21.陈少杰;张秋禹;张和鹏;顾军渭;马明亮等 AU:Chen, SJ;Zhang, QY;Zhang, HP;Gu, JW;Ma, ML;Xin, TJ;Zhou, YY;Zhou, J;Liu, Q TI:Three new conjugated polymers based on benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b ']dithiophene: synthesis, characterization, photoinduced charge transfer and theoretical calculation studies SO:POLYMER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000305964400040 SCI 分区:4 28.陈志;郝丽梅;陈长乐等 AU:Chen, Z;Hao, LM;Chen, AQ;Song, QJ;Chen, CL TI:A rapid one-step process for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface by electrodeposition method SO:ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA UT ISI:000299911500026 SCI 分区:1 22.陈少杰;张秋禹;张军平;顾军渭;周健;史有强 AU:Chen, SJ;Zhang, QY;Zhang, JP;Gu, JW;Zhou, J;Shi, YQ TI:Dispersion of ZnO Nanocrytals in Co-solvent and Its Application in Photovoltaic Material SO:CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES UT ISI:000298123600002 SCI 分区:4 29.崔学伟;钮鹏程 AU:Cui, XW;Niu, PC TI:Weighted Morrey Regularity for Linear Degenerate Elliptic Dirichlet Problems on Hormander's Vector Fields SO:FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA UT ISI:000307369800005 SCI 分区:4 23.陈帅;赵小如;谢海燕;刘金铭;段利兵;赵建林等 71 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:4 30.崔学伟;钮鹏程;王永忠 AU:Cui, XW;Niu, PC;Wang, YZ TI:HOLDER CONTINUITY OF WEAK SOLUTIONS FOR DEGENERATE QUASILINEAR SUBELLIPTIC SYSTEMS WITH DIFFERENT WEIGHTS SO:COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000302053800004 SCI 分区:3 37.杜人君;解文军 AU:Du, RJ;Xie, WJ TI:Evaporation induced solidification of cyclohexane drops under acoustic levitation condition SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000298442100062 SCI 分区:4 31.邓娟利;成来飞;洪智亮;苏克和;张立同 AU:Deng, JL;Cheng, LF;Hong, ZL;Su, KH;Zhang, LT TI:Thermodynamics of the production of condensed phases in the chemical vapor deposition process of zirconium diboride with ZrCl4-BCl3-H-2 precursors SO:THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000300459200125 SCI 分区:3 38.段利兵;赵小如;刘金铭;耿旺昌;孙慧楠;谢海燕 AU:Duan, LB;Zhao, XR;Liu, JM;Geng, WC;Sun, HN;Xie, HY TI:Band gap modified Al-doped Zn1-x Mg (x) O and Zn1-y Cd (y) O transparent conducting thin films SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS UT ISI:000302817600007 SCI 分区:4 32.丁明涛;田铮;段西发;赵为;杨丽娟等 AU:Ding, MT;Jin, Z;Tian, Z;Duan, XF;Zhao, W;Yang, LJ TI:Object registration for remote sensing images using robust kernel pattern vectors SO:SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES UT ISI:000310226800018 SCI 分区:4 39.段利兵;赵小如;刘金铭;耿旺昌;孙慧楠;谢海燕 AU:Duan, LB;Zhao, XR;Liu, JM;Geng, WC;Sun, HN;Xie, HY TI:Effect of annealing atmosphere on structural, optical and electrical properties of Al-doped Zn1- Cd O thin films SO:JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000303885100011 SCI 分区:3 33.董艳;钮鹏程 AU:Dong, Y;Niu, PC TI:Estimates in Morrey Spaces and Holder Continuity for Weak Solutions to Degenerate Elliptic Systems SO:MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA UT ISI:000304099200008 SCI 分区:4 40.段利兵;赵小如;刘金铭;耿旺昌;孙慧楠等 AU:Duan, LB;Zhao, XR;Liu, JM;Geng, WC;Xie, HY;Sun, HN TI:Effect of annealing ambient on the structural, optical and electrical properties of (Mg,Al)-codoped ZnO thin films SO:PHYSICA SCRIPTA UT ISI:000301342000038 SCI 分区:4 34.都琳;徐伟;王亮等 AU:Lin, D;Wei, X;Yong, X;Liang, W TI:Noise-induced synchronization of two-dimensional complex spatiotemporal systems SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000303170800011 SCI 分区:4 41.范飞;罗炳成;段萌萌;邢辉;金克新;陈长乐等 AU:Fan, F;Luo, BC;Duan, MM;Xing, H;Jin, KX;Chen, CL TI:Ferroelectric domain switching investigation of BiFeO3 thin film on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si (111) substrate SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000304254000028 SCI 分区:3 35.窦金波;张秋禹;吉志强 AU:Dou, JB;Zhang, QY;Ji, ZQ TI:Research of Silica Particles Dispersion in Polymer Matrix Under Acoustic Levitation SO:JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000307059800007 SCI 分区:4 42.冯文;杨德兴 AU:Feng, W;Yang, DX;Zhu, XC;Guo, YN;Liao, W TI:Simulation of laser-generated longitudinal and shear ultrasonic waves in a diamond anvil cell by the finite element method SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000299127200007 SCI 分区:3 36.窦金波;张秋禹;马明亮;顾军渭 AU:Dou, JB;Zhang, QY;Ma, ML;Gu, JW TI:Fast fabrication of epoxy-functionalized magnetic polymer core-shell microspheres using glycidyl methacrylate as monomer via photo-initiated miniemulsion polymerization SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000305754200022 43.冯文;杨德兴;郭钰宁;常瑛 AU:Feng, W;Yang, DX;Guo, YN;Chang, Y TI:Finite element modeling of bulk ultrasonic waves generated by ring-shaped laser illumination in a diamond anvil cell 72 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 spectra and bode diagrams SO:SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL UT ISI:000311329000075 SCI 分区:2 SO:OPTICS EXPRESS UT ISI:000301877700090 SCI 分区:2 44.冯晓晶;钮鹏程 AU:Feng, XJ;Niu, PC TI:Regularity lifting of weak solutions for nonlinear sub-Laplace equations on homogeneous groups SO:ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK UT ISI:000303470800007 SCI 分区:4 51.耿旺昌;段利兵;顾军渭;张秋禹等 AU:Geng, WC;Yuan, Q;Jiang, XM;Tu, JC;Duan, LB;Gu, JW;Zhang, QY TI:Humidity sensing mechanism of mesoporous MgO/KCl-SiO2 composites analyzed by complex impedance spectra and bode diagrams SO:SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL UT ISI:000311329000075 SCI 分区:2 45.冯晓晶;钮鹏程 AU:Feng, XJ;Niu, PC TI:Global Orlicz regularity for sub-Laplace equations on homogeneous groups SO:BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES UT ISI:000308784500003 SCI 分区:4 52.龚伯仪;赵晓鹏 AU:Gong, BY;Zhao, XP TI:Three-dimensional isotropic consisting of domain-structure SO:PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER UT ISI:000301043000016 SCI 分区:4 46.甘雪涛等 AU:Gan, XT;Mak, KF;Gao, YD;You, YM;Hatami, F;Hone, J;Heinz, TF;Englund, D TI:Strong Enhancement of Light-Matter Interaction in Graphene Coupled to a Photonic Crystal Nanocavity SO:NANO LETTERS UT ISI:000311244400031 SCI 分区:1 metamaterial 53.顾军渭;党婧;耿旺昌;张秋禹 AU:Gu, JW;Dang, J;Geng, WC;Zhang, QY TI:Surface modification of HMPBO fibers by silane coupling agent of KH-560 treatment assisted by ultrasonic vibration SO:FIBERS AND POLYMERS UT ISI:000310468000004 SCI 分区:4 47.甘雪涛等 AU:Gan, XT;Mak, KF;Gao, YD;You, YM;Hatami, F;Hone, J;Heinz, TF;Englund, D TI:Strong Enhancement of Light-Matter Interaction in Graphene Coupled to a Photonic Crystal Nanocavity SO:NANO LETTERS UT ISI:000311244400031 SCI 分区:1 54.顾军渭;党婧等 AU:Gu, JW;Dang, J;Wu, YL;Xie, C;Han, Y TI:Flame-Retardant, Thermal, Mechanical and Dielectric Properties of Structural Non-Halogenated Epoxy Resin Composites SO:POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308026200004 SCI 分区:4 48.高云燕;王中丽;欧植泽等 AU:Gao, YY;Wang, ZL;Ou, ZZ;Li, Y;Wang, XS;Yang, GQ TI:Regulation of Glucose Oxidase Activity through Interaction with Fullerene Derivatives SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000300674000039 SCI 分区:4 55.顾军渭;张秋禹;党婧;尹常杰;陈少杰 AU:Gu, JW;Zhang, QY;Dang, J;Yin, CJ;Chen, SJ TI:Preparation and properties of polystyrene/SiCw/SiCp thermal conductivity composites SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000298637300015 SCI 分区:4 49.耿德路;解文军;魏炳波 AU:Geng, DL;Xie, WJ;Wei, B TI:Containerless solidification of acoustically levitated Ni-Sn eutectic alloy SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000309224600036 SCI 分区:3 56.顾军渭;张秋禹;党婧等 AU:Gu, JW;Zhang, QY;Dang, J;Xie, C TI:Thermal conductivity epoxy resin composites filled with boron nitride SO:POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES UT ISI:000303497700013 SCI 分区:3 50.耿旺昌;段利兵;顾军渭;张秋禹等 AU:Geng, WC;Yuan, Q;Jiang, XM;Tu, JC;Duan, LB;Gu, JW;Zhang, QY TI:Humidity sensing mechanism of mesoporous MgO/KCl-SiO2 composites analyzed by complex impedance 57.顾仁财;许勇;张慧清;孙中奎 73 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 64.华洪波 AU:Hua, HB TI:ON THE DEGREE DISTANCE OF SOME COMPOSITE GRAPHS SO:BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY UT ISI:000299715400016 SCI 分区:4 AU:Gu, RC;Xu, Y;Zhang, HQ;Sun, ZK TI:Phase transitions and the mean first passage time of an asymmetric bistable system with non-Gaussian Levy noise SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000298442100028 SCI 分区:4 65.华洪波;张胜贵 AU:Hua, HB;Zhang, SG TI:On the reciprocal degree distance of graphs SO:DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000303223100024 SCI 分区:3 58.郭千桥;韩军强;钮鹏程 AU:Guo, QQ;Han, JQ;Niu, PC TI:Existence and multiplicity of solutions for critical elliptic equations with multi-polar potentials in symmetric domains SO:NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000306602800004 SCI 分区:2 66.华洪波;张胜贵 AU:Hua, HB;Zhang, SG TI:Relations between Zagreb Coindices and Some Distance-Based Topological Indices SO:MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000307149200013 SCI 分区:3 59.韩军强;王永达;钮鹏程 AU:Han, JQ;Wang, YD;Niu, PC TI:EXISTENCE OF SOLUTIONS TO THE PARABOLIC EQUATION WITH A SINGULAR POTENTIAL OF THE SOBOLEV-HARDY TYPE SO:ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA UT ISI:000309153200015 SCI 分区:4 67.华洪波;张胜贵等 AU:Hua, HB;Zhang, SG;Xu, KX TI:Further results on the eccentric distance sum SO:DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000299144700016 SCI 分区:3 60.郝丽梅;陈志等 AU:Hao, LM;Chen, Z;Wang, RP;Guo, CL;Zhang, PL;Pang, SF TI:A non-aqueous electrodeposition process for fabrication of superhydrophobic surface with hierarchical micro/nano structure SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000306134900087 SCI 分区:3 68.黄韵;马晓燕;王旭等 AU:Huang, Y;Ma, XY;Wang, SH;Wang, X;Lin, YH TI:Determination of the interaction using FTIR within the components of GPE based on the synthesized grafted polymer SO:IONICS UT ISI:000300677300022 SCI 分区:4 61.郝丽梅;丁昌林;赵晓鹏 AU:Hao, LM;Ding, CL;Zhao, XP TI:Tunable acoustic metamaterial with negative modulus SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000302641600007 SCI 分区:3 69.黄韵;马晓燕等 AU:Huang, Y;Ma, XY;Lin, YH;Wang, X TI:Study on the Interaction Between Lithium Ion and Polar Group in GPE Based on the Crosslinked Polymer of P(MMA-MAh)-PEG1500 with FTIR SO:ACTA CHIMICA SINICA UT ISI:000302840600011 SCI 分区:4 62.何敏;张秋禹 AU:He, M;Zhang, QY TI:Application of Ammonium alpha-Allyl Alkyl Phenol Polyoxyethylene Ether Sulfonate in Acrylic Emulsion Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive SO:POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299778600013 SCI 分区:4 70.姜碧强;赵建林;黄钊;秦川等 AU:Jiang, BQ;Zhao, JL;Huang, Z;Rauf, A;Qin, C TI:Real-time monitoring the change process of liquid concentration using tilted fiber Bragg grating SO:OPTICS EXPRESS UT ISI:000306176100073 SCI 分区:2 63.胡亮;王海鹏;李留辉;魏炳波 AU:Hu, L;Wang, HP;Li, LH;Wei, BB TI:Electrostatic Levitation of Plant Seeds and Flower Buds SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000305481400034 SCI 分区:4 71.姜冰一;郑建邦;曹崇德等 AU:Jiang, BY;Zheng, JB;Wang, CF;Hao, J;Cao, CD TI:Optimization of quantum dot solar cells based on 74 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES UT ISI:000300580600043 SCI 分区:2 structures of GaAs/InAs-GaAs/ZnSe SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000306677600076 SCI 分区:4 79.兰岚;郑亚萍;张爱波;张娇霞;王楠 AU:Lan, L;Zheng, YP;Zhang, AB;Zhang, JX;Wang, N TI:Study of ionic solvent-free carbon nanotube nanofluids and its composites with epoxy matrix SO:JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH UT ISI:000302639600030 SCI 分区:2 72.姜宏振;赵建林;邸江磊 AU:Jiang, HZ;Zhao, JL;Di, JL TI:Digital color holographic recording and reconstruction using synthetic aperture and multiple reference waves SO:OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000303629900013 SCI 分区:3 80.郎伟伟;王力工 AU:Lang, WW;Wang, LG TI:Energy of generalized line graphs SO:LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000307916100024 SCI 分区:3 73.姜宏振;赵建林;邸江磊 AU:Jiang, HZ;Zhao, JL;Di, JL TI:Numerical correction of splicing dislocation between sub-holograms in synthetic aperture digital holography using convolution approach SO:CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS UT ISI:000308782400006 SCI 分区:4 81.雷佑铭;管福丽 AU:Lei, YM;Guan, FL TI:DISORDER INDUCED ORDER IN AN ARRAY OF CHAOTIC DUFFING OSCILLATORS SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C UT ISI:000309682000008 SCI 分区:4 74.蒋涛;欧阳洁;任金莲等 AU:Jiang, T;Ouyang, J;Zhang, L;Ren, JL TI:The SPH approach to the process of container filling based on non-linear constitutive models SO:ACTA MECHANICA SINICA UT ISI:000303861000018 SCI 分区:4 82.李斌龙 AU:Li, BL TI:Notes on heavy cycles in weighted digraphs SO:APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS UT ISI:000307326600009 SCI 分区:3 75.焦向阳;刘圣;王倩;赵建林等 AU:Jiao, XY;Liu, S;Wang, Q;Gan, XT;Li, P;Zhao, JL TI:Redistributing energy flow and polarization of a focused azimuthally polarized beam with rotationally symmetric sector-shaped obstacles SO:OPTICS LETTERS UT ISI:000302212200018 SCI 分区:2 83.李斌龙;张胜贵等 AU:Li, BL;Broersma, H;Zhang, SG TI:Pairs of forbidden induced homogeneously traceable graphs SO:DISCRETE MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000307620500006 SCI 分区:4 76.金克新;陈长乐等 AU:Jin, KX;Li, H;Wang, JY;Tan, XY;Zhao, SG;Chen, CL TI:Crossover of magnetoresistance from positive to negative in La0.5Sr0.5CoO3-sigma/Si heterostructure SO:THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000303084200046 SCI 分区:3 subgraphs for 84.李斌龙;张胜贵等 AU:Li, BL;Ryjacek, Z;Wang, Y;Zhang, SG TI:PAIRS OF HEAVY SUBGRAPHS FOR HAMILTONICITY OF 2-CONNECTED GRAPHS SO:SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS UT ISI:000309976400016 SCI 分区:4 77.金克新;王建元;罗炳成;陈长乐等 AU:Jin, KX;Zhao, SG;Wang, JY;Luo, BC;Chen, CL TI:Rectifying and photovoltaic properties in La(0.7)Sr(0.3)CoO(3-sigma)/Si heterostructure SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000298644100031 SCI 分区:3 85.李东喜;徐伟;孙春艳;王亮 AU:Li, DX;Xu, W;Sun, CY;Wang, L TI:Stochastic fluctuation induced the competition between extinction and recurrence in a model of tumor growth SO:PHYSICS LETTERS A UT ISI:000304338100003 SCI 分区:3 78.孔令臣;李恩普;杨德兴等 AU:Kong, LC;Li, EP;Yang, DX;Xing, H TI:The PSD General Response Function 75 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Preparation, magnetic and electromagnetic properties of polyaniline/strontium ferrite/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composite SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000300185800051 SCI 分区:3 86.李东喜;徐伟;岳晓乐;雷佑铭 AU:Li, DX;Xu, W;Yue, XL;Lei, YM TI:Bounded noise enhanced stability and resonant activation SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS UT ISI:000310089000043 SCI 分区:3 94.李园园;郭千桥;钮鹏程 AU:Li, YY;Guo, QQ;Niu, PC TI:The existence of solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems with combined critical Sobolev-Hardy terms SO:JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000299186000044 SCI 分区:2 87.李峰;耿兴国;陈志等 AU:Li, F;Geng, XG;Chen, Z;Zhao, L TI:A novel and expeditious method to fabricate superhydrophobic metal carboxylate surface SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000298644100005 SCI 分区:3 88.李宁;寇开昌;晁敏;张冬娜;吴广磊等 AU:Li, N;Kou, KC;Chao, M;Zhang, DN;Wu, GL;Ma, LP TI:Preparation and Characterization of Micro-coiled Carbon Fibers SO:JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000304722500017 SCI 分区:4 95.李志强;王伟丽;翟薇;魏炳波 AU:Li, ZQ;Wang, WL;Zhai, W;Wei, BB TI:Formation mechanism of layered microstructure and monotectic cell within rapidly solidified Fe-62.1 Sn-27.9 Si-10 alloy SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000300718700110 SCI 分区:4 89.李鹏;赵建林;甘雪涛等 AU:Li, P;Zhao, JL;Liu, S;Gan, XT;Peng, T;Jiao, XY TI:Dynamic behaviors of optical vortices in dual-core photonic crystal fibers SO:OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000302042500015 SCI 分区:3 96.理莎莎;齐暑华;刘乃亮;曹鹏等 AU:Li, SS;Qi, SH;Liu, NL;Cao, P;Zhang, Y TI:Preparation and thermal conductivity novolac/Ni/graphite nanosheet composites SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000300971400105 SCI 分区:4 90.李强;欧阳洁;吴国荣;许晓阳 AU:Li, Q;Ouyang, J;Wu, GR;Xu, XY TI:Numerical Simulation of Melt Filling and Gas Penetration in Gas Assisted Injection Molding SO:CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES UT ISI:000301467200004 SCI 分区:无分区 97.栗雪娟;欧阳洁;李强;任金莲 AU:Li, XJ;Ouyang, J;Li, Q;Ren, JL TI:Simulations of a full three-dimensional packing process and flow-induced stresses in injection molding SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000308472100006 SCI 分区:4 91.李强;欧阳洁;杨斌鑫;栗雪娟 AU:Li, Q;Ouyang, J;Yang, BX;Li, XJ TI:Numerical simulation of gas-assisted injection molding using CLSVOF method SO:APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING UT ISI:000300527100034 SCI 分区:2 98.梁滨;陈立新;董建娜;赵慧欣;梁凤飞 AU:Liang, B;Chen, LX;Dong, JN;Zhao, HX;Liang, FF TI:A thermosetting phenolic film and its application in the resin film infusion SO:JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS UT ISI:000299611600003 SCI 分区:4 92.李颖;张广成等 AU:Li, Y;Zhang, GC;Jiang, Y;Hou, ZZ;Peng, LG TI:Synthesis and characterisation of side-chain liquid-crystalline polysiloxane exhibiting spherulite texture of polymeric smectic a phase SO:JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH UT ISI:000299480700013 SCI 分区:4 99.刘迪;徐伟;许勇 AU:Liu, D;Xu, W;Xu, Y TI:Dynamic responses of axially moving viscoelastic beam under a randomly disordered periodic excitation SO:JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION UT ISI:000305098000008 SCI 分区:3 100.刘根起;宋金月 AU:Liu, GQ;Song, JY TI:Electroresponsive 93.李玉青;黄英 AU:Li, YQ;Huang, Y;Qi, SH;Niu, L;Zhang, YL;Wu, YF 76 behavior of of 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 2-hydroxypropyltrimethyl ammonium chloride chitosan/poly(vinyl alcohol) interpenetrating polymer network hydrogel SO:POLYMER INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000301484800015 SCI 分区:3 TI:Generation of arbitrary spatially variant polarization beams with a trapezoid Sagnac interferometer SO:OPTICS EXPRESS UT ISI:000308865600110 SCI 分区:2 101.刘金铭;赵小如;段利兵;陈长乐等 AU:Liu, JM;Zhao, XR;Duan, LB;Sun, HN;Bai, XJ;Chen, L;Chen, CL TI:Effect of annealing ambient on electrical and optical properties of Ga-doped MgxZn1-xO films SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000303112100019 SCI 分区:3 108.刘伟清;刘郁杨;廖小卿;田威 AU:Liu, WQ;Liu, YY;Liao, XQ;Tian, W TI:Release of Ftorafur from pH-sensitive hydrogels with hyperbranched poly(4-vinylbenzyl chloride) moieties SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000303299300048 SCI 分区:2 102.刘钦朋;邵敏等 AU:Liu, QP;Qiao, XG;Zhao, JL;Jia, ZA;Gao, H;Shao, M TI:Novel Fiber Bragg Grating Accelerometer Based on Diaphragm SO:IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL UT ISI:000307901200009 SCI 分区:3 109.刘亚红;顾帅;罗春荣;赵晓鹏 AU:Liu, YH;Gu, S;Luo, CR;Zhao, XP TI:Ultra-thin broadband metamaterial absorber SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000306126600004 SCI 分区:3 110.刘亚红;刘辉;赵晓鹏 AU:Liu, YH;Liu, H;Zhao, XP TI:Isotropic negative permeability metamaterials and left-handed metamaterials based on miniature structure SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000303900900023 SCI 分区:4 103.刘清;张秋禹;周健;雷星锋 AU:Liu, Q;Zhang, QY;Chen, SJ;Zhou, J;Lei, XF TI:Progress in Thiol-Ene/Yne Click Chemistry SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000311063800008 SCI 分区:3 104.刘清;张秋禹;周健;雷星锋 AU:Liu, Q;Zhang, QY;Chen, SJ;Zhou, J;Lei, XF TI:Progress in Thiol-Ene/Yne Click Chemistry SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000311063800008 SCI 分区:3 105.刘圣;甘雪涛;赵建林等 AU:Liu, S;Hu, Y;Zhang, P;Gan, XT;Lou, CB;Song, DH;Zhao, JL;Xu, JJ;Chen, ZG TI:Symmetry-breaking diffraction and dynamic self-trapping in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices SO:APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000300214000036 SCI 分区:2 106.刘圣;甘雪涛;赵建林等 AU:Liu, S;Hu, Y;Zhang, P;Gan, XT;Lou, CB;Song, DH;Zhao, JL;Xu, JJ;Chen, ZG TI:Tunable self-shifting Bloch modes in anisotropic hexagonal photonic lattices SO:OPTICS LETTERS UT ISI:000305410500005 SCI 分区:2 107.刘圣;李鹏;彭涛;赵建林 AU:Liu, S;Li, P;Peng, T;Zhao, JL 111.刘艳;苏克和;曾庆丰;成来飞;张立同 AU:Liu, Y;Su, KH;Zeng, QF;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:Reactivity of H2O and the Si-terminated surface of silicon carbide studied with ONIOM method SO:THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS UT ISI:000302296000022 SCI 分区:3 112.刘艳;苏克和;曾庆丰;成来飞;张立同 AU:Liu, Y;Su, KH;Zeng, QF;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:Reaction paths of BCl3 + CH4 + H-2 in the chemical vapor deposition process SO:STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000310427900003 SCI 分区:4 113.栾静繁;张爱波;郑亚萍等 AU:Luan, JF;Zhang, AB;Zheng, YP;Sun, L TI:Effect of pyrene-modified multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the properties of epoxy composites SO:COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000305369300003 SCI 分区:2 114.罗炳成;陈长乐;范飞;金克新 77 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU:Luo, BC;Chen, CL;Fan, F;Jin, KX TI:The Photovoltaic Properties BiFeO3La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Heterostructures SO:CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000300309500076 SCI 分区:4 SCI 分区:4 of 121.穆承广;范晓东;田威;白阳;杨政;范伟伟;陈恒等 AU:Mu, CG;Fan, XD;Tian, W;Bai, Y;Yang, Z;Fan, WW;Chen, H TI:Synthesis and stimulus-responsive micellization of a well-defined H-shaped terpolymer SO:POLYMER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000311328800021 SCI 分区:4 115.罗炳成;陈长乐;金克新 AU:Luo, BC;Chen, CL;Jin, KX TI:Photo-induced properties in BiFeO3 film SO:MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS UT ISI:000301083800021 SCI 分区:2 122.穆承广;范晓东;田威;白阳等 AU:Mu, CG;Fan, XD;Tian, W;Bai, Y;Zhou, X TI:Miktoarm star polymers with poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) or poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) as building blocks: synthesis and comparison of thermally-responsive behaviors SO:POLYMER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000302315800007 SCI 分区:4 116.马明亮;张秋禹;窦金波;张和鹏;尹德忠;耿旺昌等 AU:Ma, ML;Zhang, QY;Dou, JB;Zhang, HP;Yin, DZ;Geng, WC;Zhou, YY TI:Fabrication of one-dimensional Fe3O4/P(GMA-DVB) nanochains by magnetic-field-induced precipitation polymerization SO:JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000302446900045 SCI 分区:3 123.聂玉峰等 AU:Nie, YF;Li, YQ;Wang, L TI:Parallel Node-based Local Tetrahedral Mesh Generation SO:CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES UT ISI:000303632100002 SCI 分区:无分区 117.马明亮;张秋禹;刘燕燕;张和鹏;王伟强;陈营;顾军渭 AU:Ma, ML;Zhang, QY;Liu, YY;Zhang, HP;Wang, WQ;Chen, Y;Gu, JW TI:Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of Large-Size Monodisperse P(Glycidyl methacrylate-Styrene) Microspheres by Batch Dispersion Copolymerization SO:JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000307059800013 SCI 分区:4 124.欧植泽;高云燕等 AU:Ou, ZZ;Jin, H;Gao, YY;Li, SY;Li, HX;Li, Y;Wang, XS;Yang, GQ TI:Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of a Supramolecular Host-Guest Assembly Constructed by Fullerenes and Tryptamine Modified Hypocrellin SO:JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B UT ISI:000301156300004 SCI 分区:2 118.马明亮;张秋禹;张和鹏;耿旺昌;尹德忠;陈少杰等 AU:Ma, ML;Zhang, QY;Dou, JB;Zhang, HP;Geng, WC;Yin, DZ;Chen, SJ TI:Fabrication of 1D Fe3O4/P(NIPAM-MBA) thermosensitive nanochains by magnetic-field-induced precipitation polymerization SO:COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000306591200011 SCI 分区:3 125.戚鲁媛;徐伟等 AU:Qi, LY;Xu, W;Gu, XD TI:Nonstationary probability densities of a class of nonlinear system excited by external colored noise SO:SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY UT ISI:000301850100018 SCI 分区:4 119.马明亮;张秋禹;张和鹏等 AU:Ma, ML;Zhang, QY;Yin, DZ;Dou, JB;Zhang, HP;Xu, HL TI:Preparation of high-magnetization Fe3O4-NH2-Pd (0) catalyst for Heck reaction SO:CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000300483300033 SCI 分区:3 126.齐暑华;杨永清;秦云川等 AU:Qi, SH;Yang, YQ;Qin, YC;Wang, FQ TI:Effect of rare earth substitution on the composite prepared by nickel ferrite with graphite nanosheet SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000311794500014 SCI 分区:4 120.穆承广;范晓东;田威;白阳;杨政;范伟伟;陈恒等 AU:Mu, CG;Fan, XD;Tian, W;Bai, Y;Yang, Z;Fan, WW;Chen, H TI:Synthesis and stimulus-responsive micellization of a well-defined H-shaped terpolymer SO:POLYMER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000311328800021 127.乔胜宁;张胜贵 AU:Qiao, SN;Zhang, SG TI:Spanning Cyclic Subdivisions of Vertex-Disjoint Cycles and Chorded Cycles in Graphs 78 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Peri-eutectic solidification and microstructural evolution of liquid Cu-Ag-Sb alloy SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000310399000034 SCI 分区:2 SO:GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS UT ISI:000300775500011 SCI 分区:4 128.任宏江;苏克和;刘艳;王艳丽等 AU:Ren, HJ;Su, KH;Liu, Y;Wang, X;Wang, YL;Xiao, J TI:Proton transfer tautomerization mechanisms of 2-thioxanthine SO:COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000303098000007 SCI 分区:无分区 complicated undercooled 135.阮莹;鲁晓宇 AU:Ruan, Y;Lu, XY TI:Abnormal growth relationship between Si and other phases in undercooled Al-Cu-Si alloy SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000309106700039 SCI 分区:2 129.任金莲;欧阳洁;蒋涛;李强 AU:Ren, JL;Ouyang, J;Jiang, T;Li, Q TI:Simulation of complex filling process based on the generalized Newtonian fluid model using a corrected SPH scheme SO:COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS UT ISI:000303017600007 SCI 分区:3 136.邵敏等 AU:Shao, M;Qiao, XG;Zhao, X;Fu, HW;Jia, ZA;Feng, DQ TI:Simultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Strain Based on Long-Period Fiber Grating and Sagnac Interferometer Spectrum SO:SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS UT ISI:000308855500004 SCI 分区:无分区 130.任金莲;欧阳洁;杨斌鑫;蒋涛;麦宏晏 AU:Ren, JL;Ouyang, J;Yang, BX;Jiang, T;Mai, HY TI:Simulation of container filling process with two inlets by improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS UT ISI:000299686900001 SCI 分区:4 137.邵学鹏;解文军 AU:Shao, XP;Xie, WJ TI:Sectorial oscillation of acoustically levitated viscous drops SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000306677600034 SCI 分区:4 131.任金莲;欧阳洁等 AU:Ren, JL;Ouyang, J;Jiang, T;Li, Q TI:A corrected symmetric SPH method to simulate viscoelastic free surface flows based on the PTT model SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS UT ISI:000311380600002 SCI 分区:4 138.宋科;赵晓鹏;付全红;刘亚红;朱卫仁 AU:Song, K;Zhao, XP;Fu, QH;Liu, YH;Zhu, WR TI:Wide-angle 90 degrees-polarization rotator using chiral metamaterial with negative refractive index SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309127700019 SCI 分区:3 139.苏斌;龚伯仪;赵晓鹏 AU:Su, B;Gong, BY;Zhao, XP TI:Numerical simulation of leaf-shaped metamaterial absorber at infrared frequency SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000307422900028 SCI 分区:4 132.阮春蕾;欧阳洁 AU:Ruan, CL;Ouyang, J;Liu, SG TI:Multi-scale modeling and simulation of crystallization during cooling in short fiber reinforced composites SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER UT ISI:000300967600012 SCI 分区:2 140.苏进;欧阳洁;王小冬 AU:Su, J;Ouyang, J;Wang, XD TI:Lattice Boltzmann method for an advective transport equation coupled with incompressible flow field SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000304976200037 SCI 分区:4 133.阮莹;代富平 AU:Ruan, Y;Dai, FP TI:Rapid dendrite growth subjected to multi-solute trapping in an undercooled Fe-based quaternary alloy SO:INTERMETALLICS UT ISI:000303905600013 SCI 分区:2 141.苏军;徐伟;段东海;徐根玖 AU:Su, J;Xu, W;Duan, DH;Xu, GJ TI:New explicit exact solution of one type of the 134.阮莹;解文军 AU:Ruan, Y;Xie, WJ 79 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000306558300012 SCI 分区:3 sine-Gordon equation with self-consistent source SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000298442100003 SCI 分区:4 149.唐亚宁等 AU:Tang, YN;Tu, JY;Ma, WX TI:Two new Wronskian conditions (3+1)-dimensional Jimbo-Miwa equation SO:APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION UT ISI:000303982000005 SCI 分区:2 142.苏妍妍;龚伯仪;赵晓鹏 AU:Su, YY;Gong, BY;Zhao, XP TI:Zero-index metamaterial based on double-negative structure SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000303900900022 SCI 分区:4 for the 143.孙九立;张秋禹;郭飞鸽;顾军渭;张军平 AU:Sun, JL;Zhang, QY;Guo, FG;Gu, JW;Zhang, JP TI:Preparation and characterization of magnetic polyimide hybrid thin films SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000302349700086 SCI 分区:4 150.田威;刘郁杨;范晓东等 AU:Tian, W;Lv, XY;Mu, CG;Zhang, WH;Kong, J;Liu, YY;Fan, XD TI:Cyclodextrin-overhanging hyperbranched core-double-shell miktoarm architectures: Synthesis and gradient stimuli-responsive properties SO:JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000298838100016 SCI 分区:2 144.孙中奎;徐伟 AU:Sun, ZK;Yang, XL;Xu, W TI:Resonance dynamics evoked via noise recycling procedure SO:PHYSICAL REVIEW E UT ISI:000305567800001 SCI 分区:3 151.田威;魏晓莹;范晓东等 AU:Tian, W;Wei, XY;Yang, G;Fan, XD TI:Synthesis of amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers for the controlled release of double-guest molecules SO:JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE UT ISI:000299125600066 SCI 分区:1 145.谭兴毅;陈长乐;金克新 AU:Tan, XY;Chen, CL;Jin, KX TI:p-type transparent conductive first-principles calculations SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000300718700084 SCI 分区:4 152.田威;谢发勤等 AU:Tian, W;Xie, FQ;Zhao, XH TI:Effects of Heat Treatment on the Resistance of the Ni-Based G3 Alloy SO:RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302969700021 SCI 分区:4 BaSnO3: A Corrosion 146.谭兴毅;陈长乐;金克新;陈鹏 AU:Tan, XY;Chen, CL;Jin, KX;Chen, P TI:Ferromagnetism properties in nitrogen-doped titanate: A first principles calculations SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000299359800064 SCI 分区:4 153.王海鹏;魏炳波 AU:Wang, HP;Wei, B TI:Ordered structure formation from disordered atoms within undercooled liquid rhodium SO:CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000298967100012 SCI 分区:3 147.檀雨默;郑亚萍;兰岚 AU:Tan, YM;Zheng, YP;Lan, L TI:Preparation and Characterization of Solvent-free Fe3O4 Nanofluids SO:CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE UT ISI:000299715900035 SCI 分区:4 154.王海鹏;魏炳波等 AU:Wang, HP;Yang, SJ;Wei, B TI:Molecular dynamics prediction of density for metastable liquid noble metals SO:CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000305802600007 SCI 分区:3 148.唐亚宁;徐伟等 AU:Tang, YN;Ma, WX;Xu, W TI:Grammian and Pfaffian solutions as well as Pfaffianization for a (3+1)-dimensional generalized shallow water equation SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B 155.王海鹏;杨尚京;魏炳波 AU:Wang, HP;Yang, SJ;Wei, BB TI:Density and structure of titanium SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000300771200003 80 undercooled liquid 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 temperature distribution of heat conduction process in glass based on digital holographic interferometry SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000304109900011 SCI 分区:3 SCI 分区:3 156.王建元;邢辉;翟薇;金克新;陈长乐 AU:Wang, JY;Xing, H;Zhai, W;Jin, KX;Chen, CL TI:Morphological determination of forced shear flow rate during directional solidification of succinonitrile-1%salol alloy SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000302046800053 SCI 分区:2 163.王秋芬;黄英等 AU:Wang, QF;Huang, Y;Miao, J;Zhao, Y;Wang, Y TI:Synthesis and properties of carbon-doped Li2SnO3 nanocomposite as cathode material for lithium-ion batteries SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000301034900020 SCI 分区:2 157.王梁;师义民 AU:Wang, L;Shi, YM TI:Reliability analysis based on progressively first-failure-censored samples for the proportional hazard rate model SO:MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION UT ISI:000304430000001 SCI 分区:3 164.王秋芬;黄英等 AU:Wang, QF;Huang, Y;Miao, J;Wang, Y;Zhao, Y TI:Hydrothermal derived Li2SnO3/C composite as negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000304004100032 SCI 分区:3 158.王六定;吴宏景;沈中元 AU:Wang, LD;Wu, HJ;Shen, ZY;Guo, SL;Wang, YM TI:Enhanced microwave absorption properties of Ni-doped ordered mesoporous carbon/polyaniline nanocomposites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS UT ISI:000310767500012 SCI 分区:3 165.王秋芬;黄英等 AU:Wang, QF;Huang, Y;Miao, J;Zhao, Y;Wang, Y TI:Synthesis and properties of Li2SnO3/polyaniline nanocomposites as negative electrode material for lithium-ion batteries SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000307729600062 SCI 分区:3 159.王楠;姚文静;文喜星等 AU:Wang, N;Yang, RN;Yao, WJ;Xu, JF;Wen, XX TI:Interactive Effect of Grain Orientation and Grain Size on Magnetic Properties of Fe-78 wt% Ni Ribbons SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000310178300012 SCI 分区:4 166.王伟丽;李留辉;魏炳波 AU:Wang, WL;Zhang, XM;Li, LH;Wei, BB TI:Dual solidification mechanisms of liquid ternary Fe-Cu-Sn alloy SO:SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY UT ISI:000301850100014 SCI 分区:4 160.王楠;郑亚萍;姚文静等 AU:Wang, N;Zhang, L;Zheng, YP;Yao, WJ TI:Shell phase selection and layer numbers of core-shell structure in monotectic alloys with stable miscibility gap SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000306813700039 SCI 分区:2 167.王伟丽;王伟丽;魏炳波 AU:Wang, WL;Qin, HY;Xia, ZC;Wei, BB TI:Primary dendrite growth of Ni3Sn intermetallic compound during rapid solidification of undercooled Ni-Sn-Ge alloy SO:CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN UT ISI:000301441800016 SCI 分区:3 161.王楠;郑亚萍等 AU:Wang, N;Ji, L;Yao, J;Zheng, YP TI:Correlation between fragility and eutectic instability and glass-forming ability in binary metallic glasses under growth controlled conditions SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000305363700061 SCI 分区:3 162.王倩;赵建林等 AU:Wang, Q;Zhao, JL;Jiao, XY;Di, JL;Jiang, HZ TI:Visual and quantitative measurement of 168.王雯雯;张秋禹 AU:Wang, WW;Zhang, QY TI:Synthesis of block copolymer poly (n-butyl acrylate)-b-polystyrene by DPE seeded emulsion polymerization with monodisperse latex particles and morphology of self-assembly film surface SO:JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000302446900008 SCI 分区:3 the 81 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000298491700073 SCI 分区:3 169.王小冬;欧阳洁 AU:Wang, XD;Ouyang, J TI:Time-related element-free Taylor-Galerkin method with non-splitting decoupling process for incompressible steady flow SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS UT ISI:000299628700002 SCI 分区:4 176.王永忠;钮鹏程;崔学伟 AU:Wang, YZ;Niu, PC;Cui, XW TI:Local boundedness of local weak solutions for doubly degenerate parabolic systems with singular weights SO:APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS UT ISI:000307326600024 SCI 分区:3 170.王晓东;欧阳洁;苏进;杨斌鑫 AU:Wang, XD;Ouyang, J;Su, J;Yang, BX TI:On the superiority of the mixed element free Galerkin method for solving the steady incompressible flow problems SO:ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS UT ISI:000307691700012 SCI 分区:3 177.王志超;寇开昌;张冬娜;毕辉;晁敏;赵清新 AU:Wang, ZC;Kou, KC;Liu, ZW;Zhang, DN;Bi, H;Chao, M;Zhao, QX TI:Structural characterization and high-temperature compressive creep of PTFE-based composites filled with inorganic nanoparticles SO:POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES UT ISI:000299945300035 SCI 分区:3 171.王晓东;欧阳洁;杨斌鑫;任金莲;蒋涛 AU:Wang, XD;Ouyang, J;Yang, BX;Ren, JL;Jiang, T TI:Simulating free surface flow problems using hybrid particle element free Galerkin method SO:ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS UT ISI:000300335000012 SCI 分区:3 172.王岩;黄英;王秋芬 AU:Wang, Y;Huang, Y;Wang, QF TI:Preparation and magnetic properties BaFe12O19/Ni0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4 nanocomposite ferrite SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000305754200013 SCI 分区:4 178.魏堃;刘婷婷等 AU:Wei, K;Zhu, GM;Tang, YS;Li, XM;Liu, TT TI:The effects of carbon nanotubes on electroactive shape-memory behaviors of hydro-epoxy/carbon black composite SO:SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES UT ISI:000306713800017 SCI 分区:3 of 179.魏堃;朱光明;唐玉生等 AU:Wei, K;Zhu, GM;Tang, YS;Tian, GM;Xie, JQ TI:Thermomechanical properties of shape-memory hydro-epoxy resin SO:SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES UT ISI:000303760600024 SCI 分区:3 173.王艳丽;苏克和等 AU:Wang, YL;Su, KH;Wang, X;Liu, Y;Ren, HJ;Xiao, J TI:A density functional theory study on the most stable ultra long B-N co-doped (5,5) single walled carbon nanotubes SO:CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000302141500018 SCI 分区:3 180.魏娜;钮鹏程;唐素芳;朱茂春 AU:Wei, N;Niu, PC;Tang, SF;Zhu, MC TI:Estimates in generalized Morrey spaces for nondivergence degenerate elliptic operators with discontinuous coefficients SO:REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE A-MATEMATICAS UT ISI:000300326200001 SCI 分区:4 174.王艳丽;张军平;苏克和等 AU:Wang, YL;Zhang, JP;Su, KH;Wang, X;Liu, Y;Sun, X TI:A density functional theory study on parameters fitting of ultra long armchair (n, n) single walled boron nitride nanotubes SO:CHINESE PHYSICS B UT ISI:000305403900004 SCI 分区:3 181.吴广磊;寇开昌;晁敏;卓龙海;张教强;李宁 AU:Wu, GL;Kou, KC;Chao, M;Zhuo, LH;Zhang, JQ;Li, N TI:Preparation and characterization of bismaleimide-triazine/epoxy interpenetrating polymer networks SO:THERMOCHIMICA ACTA UT ISI:000304026100007 SCI 分区:4 175.王益军;王六定;杨敏等 AU:Wang, YJ;Wang, LD;Yang, M;Yan, C TI:Effects of B and N dopings and H(2)O adsorption on structural stability and field emission properties of cone-capped carbon nanotubes 82 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SCI 分区:3 182.吴国荣;欧阳洁;杨斌鑫;李强等 AU:Wu, GR;Ouyang, J;Yang, BX;Li, Q;Wang, F TI:Lagrangian-Eulerian simulation of slugging fluidized bed SO:PARTICUOLOGY UT ISI:000301813900011 SCI 分区:3 189.武鹏;齐暑华等 AU:Wu, P;Deng, KQ;Qi, SH;Nie, HY TI:Thermodynamic interactions and characterisation of naphthenic oil by inverse gas chromatography SO:PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS UT ISI:000299701600004 SCI 分区:4 183.吴宏景;王六定;沈中元等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Shen, ZY;Zhao, JH TI:Catalytic oxidation of toluene and p-xylene using gold supported on Co(3)O(4) catalyst prepared by colloidal precipitation method SO:JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL UT ISI:000298127200023 SCI 分区:3 190.向礼琴;赵晓鹏;尹剑波;范宝林 AU:Xiang, LQ;Zhao, XP;Yin, JB;Fan, BL TI:Well-organized 3D urchin-like hierarchical TiO(2) microspheres with high photocatalytic activity SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000299104300039 SCI 分区:3 184.吴宏景;王六定;沈中元等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Wang, YM;Guo, SL;Shen, ZY TI:Enhanced microwave absorbing properties of carbonyl iron-doped Ag/ordered mesoporous carbon nanocomposites SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS UT ISI:000303231300005 SCI 分区:3 191.肖发俊;张鹏;赵建林等 AU:Xiao, FJ;Zhang, P;Liu, S;Zhao, JL TI:Discrete soliton interaction in quasi one-dimensional optically induced photonic lattice SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000306677600029 SCI 分区:4 192.肖发俊;赵建林等 AU:Xiao, FJ;Liu, KH;Bie, YQ;Zhao, JL;Wang, F TI:Absorption spectroscopy of individual cadmium selenide nanowire SO:APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000308408100058 SCI 分区:2 185.吴宏景;王六定;沈中元等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Wang, YM;Guo, SL;Shen, ZY TI:Enhanced microwave performance of highly ordered mesoporous carbon coated by Ni2O3 nanoparticles SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000302574800016 SCI 分区:2 193.肖骏;苏克和;任宏江;曾庆丰;成来飞;张立同等 AU:Xiao, J;Su, KH;Liu, Y;Ren, HJ;Zeng, QF;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:Decomposition Reaction Rate of BCl3-C3H6(propene)-H-2 in the Gas Phase SO:JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A UT ISI:000305933700001 SCI 分区:3 186.吴宏景;王六定;沈中元等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Guo, SL;Shen, ZY TI:Double-layer structural design of dielectric ordered mesoporous carbon/paraffin composites for microwave absorption SO:APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING UT ISI:000306543100027 SCI 分区:3 194.谢文贤;蔡力;岳晓乐;雷佑铭;徐伟 AU:Xie, WX;Cai, L;Yue, XL;Lei, YM;Xu, W TI:Information entropies and dynamics in stochastic ecosystem of two competing species SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000309568300015 SCI 分区:4 187.吴宏景;王六定等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Guo, SL;Wang, YM;Shen, ZY TI:Electromagnetic and microwave-absorbing properties of highly ordered mesoporous carbon supported by gold nanoparticles SO:MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS UT ISI:000303281500062 SCI 分区:2 188.吴宏景;王六定等 AU:Wu, HJ;Wang, LD;Wang, YM;Guo, SL TI:Microwave absorption properties Zn-modified CeO2 microstructures SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000307729600085 of CeO2 the 195.邢辉;陈长乐等 AU:Xing, H;Wang, JY;Chen, CL;Shen, ZF;Zhao, CW TI:Bubbles engulfment and entrapment by cellular and dendritic interfaces during directional solidification SO:JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000299720400048 SCI 分区:4 and 83 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 203.延伟东;田铮;温金环;潘璐璐 AU:Yan, WD;Tian, Z;Wen, JH;Pan, LL TI:Feature matching using modified nonnegative matrix factorization SO:JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING UT ISI:000304189800017 SCI 分区:4 196.邢瑞英;张秋禹;孙九立 AU:Xing, RY;Zhang, QY;Sun, JL TI:Preparation and Properties of Self-healing Microcapsules Containing an UV-curable Oligomers of Silicone SO:POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES UT ISI:000300533700016 SCI 分区:4 projective 204.闫娜;洪振宇;王伟丽;魏炳波 AU:Yan, N;Hong, ZY;Geng, DL;Wang, WL;Wei, B TI:Phase separation and structure evolution of ternary Al-Cu-Sn immiscible alloy under ultrasonic levitation condition SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311196400002 SCI 分区:2 197.徐根玖;孙浩;苏军等 AU:Xu, GJ;Driessen, TSH;Sun, H;Su, J TI:Consistency for the additive efficient normalization of semivalues SO:EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH UT ISI:000311260300014 SCI 分区:2 205.闫娜;洪振宇;王伟丽;魏炳波 AU:Yan, N;Hong, ZY;Geng, DL;Wang, WL;Wei, B TI:Phase separation and structure evolution of ternary Al-Cu-Sn immiscible alloy under ultrasonic levitation condition SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311196400002 SCI 分区:2 198.徐根玖;孙浩;苏军等 AU:Xu, GJ;Driessen, TSH;Sun, H;Su, J TI:Consistency for the additive efficient normalization of semivalues SO:EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH UT ISI:000311260300014 SCI 分区:2 199.许晓阳;欧阳洁;蒋涛;李强 AU:Xu, XY;Ouyang, J;Jiang, T;Li, Q TI:Numerical simulation of 3D-unsteady viscoelastic free surface flows by improved smoothed particle hydrodynamics method SO:JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000306047400012 SCI 分区:3 206.阎岩;张胜贵等 AU:Yan, Y;Zhang, SG;Wu, FX TI:Applications of graph theory in protein structure identification SO:PROTEOME SCIENCE UT ISI:000299782200017 SCI 分区:3 200.许勇;顾仁财;张慧清;李东喜 AU:Xu, Y;Gu, RC;Zhang, HQ;Li, DX TI:CHAOS IN DIFFUSIONLESS LORENZ SYSTEM WITH A FRACTIONAL ORDER AND ITS CONTROL SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS UT ISI:000304248700023 SCI 分区:3 207.杨斌鑫;欧阳洁;栗雪娟 AU:Yang, BX;Ouyang, J;Li, XJ TI:Dynamic simulation of fiber orientation in mold filling process in a complex cavity SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000301563800042 SCI 分区:4 201.许勇;王喜英;张慧清;徐伟 AU:Xu, Y;Wang, XY;Zhang, HQ;Xu, W TI:Stochastic stability for nonlinear systems driven by Levy noise SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS UT ISI:000302482100002 SCI 分区:3 208.杨斌鑫;欧阳洁;郑素佩;李强;周文 AU:Yang, BX;Ouyang, J;Zheng, SP;Li, Q;Zhou, W TI:Simulation of polymer molding filling process with an adaptive weld line capturing algorithm SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIAL FORMING UT ISI:000307244100003 SCI 分区:无分区 202.许勇;武娟;张慧清;马少娟 AU:Xu, Y;Wu, J;Zhang, HQ;Ma, SJ TI:Stochastic resonance phenomenon in an underdamped bistable system driven by weak asymmetric dichotomous noise SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS UT ISI:000309940000043 SCI 分区:3 209.杨春燕;张蓉;张利民等 AU:Yang, CY;Zhang, R;Zhang, LM;Ke, XW TI:Electronic structure and optical properties of 0.5NdAlO(3)-0.5CaTiO(3)from first-principles calculation SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000303029500064 SCI 分区:4 84 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 217.杨永清;齐暑华等 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH;Wang, JN TI:Characterization of a microwave absorbent prepared by coprecipitation reaction of iron oxide on the surface of graphite nanosheet SO:MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS UT ISI:000311926900002 SCI 分区:3 210.杨健华;苏克和;曾庆丰;成来飞;张立同等 AU:Yang, JH;Su, KH;Liu, Y;Wang, YL;Zeng, QF;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:NEW REACTION PATHWAYS OF PROPENE + BCl3 DECOMPOSITION IN CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION PROCESS SO:JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000300432900004 SCI 分区:4 211.杨阳;刘哲;张盟 AU:Yang, Y;Liu, Z;Zhang, M TI:A new undersampling image reconstruction method based on total variation model SO:JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES UT ISI:000303782400012 SCI 分区:4 218.姚文静;李金山;王建元等 AU:Yao, WJ;Li, JS;Wang, JY;Wang, N TI:Effect of rare earth Th on thermophysical properties of ternary Co-Fe-Th liquid alloy SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311195000031 SCI 分区:2 212.杨永清;齐暑华 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH;Wang, JN TI:Preparation and microwave absorbing properties of nickel-coated graphite nanosheet with pyrrole via in situ polymerization SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000300841600018 SCI 分区:2 219.姚文静;李金山;王建元等 AU:Yao, WJ;Li, JS;Wang, JY;Wang, N TI:Effect of rare earth Th on thermophysical properties of ternary Co-Fe-Th liquid alloy SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000311195000031 SCI 分区:2 220.姚文静;叶子蓬;王楠;王建元;文喜星 AU:Yao, WJ;Ye, ZP;Wang, N;Han, XJ;Wang, JY;Wen, XX TI:Competitive Nucleation and Rapid Growth of Co-Si Intermetallic Compounds during Eutectic Solidification under Containerless Processing Condition SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000298198900020 SCI 分区:4 213.杨永清;齐暑华 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH TI:Preparation of pyrrole with iron oxide precipitated on the surface of graphite nanosheet SO:JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000302784700010 SCI 分区:4 214.杨永清;齐暑华;秦云川;张欣欣 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH;Qin, YC;Zhang, XX TI:Synthesis and characterization of silver-coated graphite nanosheets with pyrrole via in situ polymerization SO:JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE UT ISI:000302350700046 SCI 分区:4 221.尹常杰;张秋禹;顾军渭;张和鹏等 AU:Yin, CJ;Zhang, QY;Gu, JW;Zhao, ZC;Zheng, JC;Gong, GB;Liang, T;Zhang, HP TI:Cure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Vinyltriethoxysilane Grafted Styrene-Butadiene Rubber/Silica Blends SO:POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000308026200008 SCI 分区:4 215.杨永清;齐暑华;张新鑫 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH;Zhang, XX;Qin, YC TI:Preparation and microwave absorbing property of silver-coated graphite nanosheet NanoG with Pyrrole SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000297660300069 SCI 分区:2 222.尹德忠;张秋禹;尹常杰;赵兴波;张和鹏 AU:Yin, DZ;Zhang, QY;Yin, CJ;Zhao, XB;Zhang, HP TI:Hollow microspheres with covalent-bonded colloidal and polymeric shell by Pickering emulsion polymerization SO:POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES UT ISI:000299945300001 SCI 分区:3 216.杨永清;齐暑华等 AU:Yang, YQ;Qi, SH;Wang, JN TI:Electromagnetic properties of Nd3+ substituted iron oxide on graphite nanosheet SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000303623000035 SCI 分区:2 223.尹剑波;王笑笑;赵晓鹏等 AU:Yin, JB;Wang, XX;Chang, RT;Zhao, XP TI:Polyaniline decorated graphene sheet suspension 85 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 with enhanced electrorheology SO:SOFT MATTER UT ISI:000301791100006 SCI 分区:1 nanoparticle monolayer by an indentation approach SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000302129500054 SCI 分区:4 224.尹剑波;夏翔;赵晓鹏 AU:Yin, JB;Xia, X;Zhao, XP TI:Conductivity, polarization and electrorheological activity of polyaniline nanotubes during thermo-oxidative treatment SO:POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY UT ISI:000310655000032 SCI 分区:3 231.臧渡洋等 AU:Zang, DY;Zhang, YJ;Hou, QW TI:Effect of hydrophobicity on tensile rheological properties of silica nanoparticle monolayers at the air-water interface SO:COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS UT ISI:000300206400037 SCI 分区:4 225.尹剑波;赵晓鹏等 AU:Yin, JB;Shui, YJ;Chang, RT;Zhao, XP TI:Graphene-supported carbonaceous dielectric sheets and their electrorheology SO:CARBON UT ISI:000308898900031 SCI 分区:1 232.翟薇;王伟丽;魏炳波等 AU:Zhai, W;Wang, WL;Geng, DL;Wei, B TI:A DSC analysis of thermodynamic properties and solidification characteristics for binary Cu-Sn alloys SO:ACTA MATERIALIA UT ISI:000311188400008 SCI 分区:1 226.于美等 AU:Yu, M;Fu, YQ;Li, W TI:Existence of Solutions for the p(x)-Laplacian Problem with the Critical Sobolev-Hardy Exponent SO:ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS UT ISI:000308492700001 SCI 分区:2 233.翟薇;魏炳波等 AU:Zhai, W;Geng, DL;Wang, WL;Wei, B TI:A calorimetric study of thermodynamic properties for binary Cu-Ge alloys SO:JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS UT ISI:000306103500013 SCI 分区:2 227.岳红波等 AU:Yue, HB;Cui, YD;Shuttleworth, PS;Clark, JH TI:Preparation and characterisation of bioplastics made from cottonseed protein SO:GREEN CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000305627500027 SCI 分区:2 234.张爱波;栾静繁;郑亚萍;唐蒙等 AU:Zhang, AB;Luan, JF;Zheng, YP;Sun, L;Tang, M TI:Effect of percolation on the electrical conductivity of amino molecules non-covalently coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes/epoxy composites SO:APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE UT ISI:000306134900010 SCI 分区:3 228.岳晓乐;徐伟;王亮;周丙常 AU:Yue, XL;Xu, W;Wang, L;Zhou, BC TI:Transient and steady-state responses in a self-sustained oscillator with harmonic and bounded noise excitations SO:PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS UT ISI:000308842200008 SCI 分区:3 235.张爱波等 AU:Zhang, AB;Tang, M;Luan, JF;Li, JY TI:Noncovalent functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with amphiphilic polymers containing pyrene pendants SO:MATERIALS LETTERS UT ISI:000298272200081 SCI 分区:2 229.岳晓乐;徐伟等 AU:Yue, XL;Xu, W;Zhang, Y TI:Global bifurcation analysis of Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator through the composite cell coordinate system method SO:NONLINEAR DYNAMICS UT ISI:000304651400034 SCI 分区:3 230.臧渡洋;张永建 AU:Zang, DY;Zhang, YJ TI:Interfacial rheological study of 236.张宝亮;张秋禹;张和鹏;雷星锋;尹德忠等 AU:Zhang, BL;Zhang, QY;Zhang, HP;Lei, XF;Yin, DZ;Fan, XL;Zhou, LW TI:Preparation of diamine-POSS/Ag hybrid microspheres and its application in epoxy resin SO:JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH UT ISI:000309339000015 SCI 分区:4 silica 86 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Synthesis, Characterization and Performance Study of Borosilazane as UV-Curable Borazine-Type Single Source Precursors for SiBNC Ceramic SO:ACTA CHIMICA SINICA UT ISI:000304284400014 SCI 分区:4 237.张宝亮;张秋禹;张和鹏;厉向杰等 AU:Zhang, BL;Zhang, QY;Zhang, HP;Li, XJ;Fan, XL;Lei, XF TI:ZnO@P(AA/MMA/GMA)@Fe3O4 Composite Microspheres: Preparation and Photocatalysis SO:CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY UT ISI:000302392500012 SCI 分区:4 245.张秋禹;张军平;张和鹏等 AU:Zhang, QY;Ren, H;Wang, WW;Zhang, JP;Zhang, HP TI:Molecular simulation of oligomer inhibitors for calcite scale SO:PARTICUOLOGY UT ISI:000305299500002 SCI 分区:3 238.张冬娜;寇开昌;晁敏等 AU:Zhang, DN;Kou, KC;Gao, P;Hou, M;Chao, M TI:Preparation and characterization of PTFE-g-GMA modified PTFE/SiO2 organic-inorganic hybrids SO:JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH UT ISI:000304135400012 SCI 分区:4 246.张卫红;范晓东;田威;范伟伟 AU:Zhang, WH;Fan, XD;Tian, W;Fan, WW TI:Polystyrene/nano-SiO2 composite microspheres fabricated by Pickering emulsion polymerization: Preparation, mechanisms and thermal properties SO:EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS UT ISI:000303607200003 SCI 分区:4 239.张帆等 AU:Zhang, F;Zhao, Q;Sun, J;Zhou, J;Lippens, D TI:COUPLING EFFECT OF SPLIT RING RESONATOR AND ITS MIRROR IMAGE SO:PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER UT ISI:000300644900014 SCI 分区:2 247.张晓军;陈长乐 AU:Zhang, XJ;Chen, CL TI:Phonon Dispersion in the Fcc Metals Ca, Sr and Yb SO:JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS UT ISI:000308064400004 SCI 分区:4 240.张帆等 AU:Zhang, F;Sadaune, V;Kang, L;Zhao, Q;Zhou, J;Lippens, D TI:COUPLING EFFECT FOR DIELECTRIC METAMATERIAL DIMER SO:PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER UT ISI:000310130300030 SCI 分区:2 241.张富利等 AU:Zhang, FL;Kang, L;Zhao, Q;Zhou, J;Lippens, D TI:Magnetic and electric coupling effects dielectric metamaterial SO:NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS UT ISI:000302370400001 SCI 分区:2 248.张晓燕;徐伟;周丙常 AU:Zhang, XY;Xu, W;Zhou, BC TI:Stochastic resonance in a time-delayed asymmetric mono-stable system modulated by periodic rectangular signal SO:ACTA PHYSICA SINICA UT ISI:000301008900009 SCI 分区:4 of 249.张彦彦;赵建林;王骏等 AU:Zhang, YY;Zhao, JL;Di, JL;Jiang, HZ;Wang, Q;Wang, J;Guo, YZ;Yin, DC TI:Real-time monitoring of the solution concentration variation during the crystallization process of protein-lysozyme by using digital holographic interferometry SO:OPTICS EXPRESS UT ISI:000307356300112 SCI 分区:2 242.张和鹏;张秋禹;张宝亮;厉向杰等 AU:Zhang, HP;Zhang, QY;Zhang, BL;Fan, XL;Li, XJ TI:Preparation and Influencing Factors of Inner Asymmetric Structure Composite Microspheres SO:ACTA CHIMICA SINICA UT ISI:000301396000021 SCI 分区:4 243.张和鹏;张秋禹;张宝亮等 AU:Zhang, HP;Zhang, QY;Zhang, BL;Xu, HL;Fan, XL TI:Preparation of inner asymmetric composite microspheres SO:POLYMER INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000304139300019 SCI 分区:3 250.张翼;齐暑华;段国晨;吴新明 AU:Zhang, Y;Qi, SH;Duan, GC;Wu, XM TI:Preparation and characterization of high electrically conductive polypyrrole/nickel plating graphite nanosheets composites SO:SYNTHETIC METALS UT ISI:000308051700009 SCI 分区:2 244.张建柯;陈立新;何玮奇等 AU:Zhang, JK;Chen, LX;Zhang, HX;He, WQ 87 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000303207100002 SCI 分区:1 251.张翼;齐暑华;张帆 AU:Zhang, Y;Qi, SH;Zhang, F TI:Preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on amino group-terminated multi-wall carbon nanotubes and bismaleimide resin SO:JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES UT ISI:000306484700005 SCI 分区:4 258.赵兴波;张秋禹;顾军渭;尹德忠;尹常杰 AU:Zhao, XB;Zhang, QY;Gu, JW;Yin, DZ;Yin, CJ TI:Effects of Carbon Black on the Properties of HNBR Reinforced by in-situ Prepared ZDMA SO:POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000299778600001 SCI 分区:4 252.赵晨辉;张广成等 AU:Zhao, CH;Zhang, GC;Wu, YB TI:Resin Flow Behavior Simulation of Grooved Foam Sandwich Composites with the Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion (VARI) Molding Process SO:MATERIALS UT ISI:000306750400010 SCI 分区:无分区 259.郑素佩;欧阳洁等 AU:Zheng, SP;Ouyang, J;Zhao, ZF;Zhang, L TI:An adaptive method to capture weldlines during the injection mold filling SO:COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000310717300008 SCI 分区:3 260.周华龙;马晓燕;王毅霏;管兴华等 AU:Zhou, HL;Ma, XY;Wang, YF;Guan, XH;Wang, B TI:Transmission Performance and Free Volume of Gel Electrolyte Membranes Based on Comb-like Methyl Methacrylate Copolymers SO:ACTA CHIMICA SINICA UT ISI:000302927900016 SCI 分区:4 253.赵晨辉;张广成等 AU:Zhao, CH;Zhang, GC;Zhao, L TI:Effect of Curing Agent and Temperature on the Rheological Behavior of Epoxy Resin Systems SO:MOLECULES UT ISI:000306752700072 SCI 分区:4 254.赵纯颖;张爱波;郑亚萍;栾静繁 AU:Zhao, CY;Zhang, AB;Zheng, YP;Luan, JF TI:Electromagnetic and microwave-absorbing properties of magnetite decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes prepared with poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) SO:MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN UT ISI:000300272200010 SCI 分区:2 261.周健;张秋禹等 AU:Zhou, J;Zhang, QY;Zhang, HP;Chen, SJ;Liu, Q TI:Epoxy monoacrylate synthesis and photopolymerization in a thiol-ene/cationic hybrid system SO:JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH UT ISI:000311672600010 SCI 分区:4 255.赵海;张教强;季铁正;杨满红;晁敏;寇开昌 AU:Zhao, H;Zhang, JQ;Ji, TZ;Yang, MH;Chao, M;Kou, KC TI:Investigation of Tribological Properties of PI/FEP Laminated Composites Under Dry Sliding, Water- and Oil-Lubricated Conditions SO:TRIBOLOGY LETTERS UT ISI:000299136400011 SCI 分区:3 262.周凯;王海鹏;魏炳波 AU:Zhou, K;Wang, HP;Wei, B TI:Determining thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid Ti-Al alloy by electromagnetic levitation SO:CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS UT ISI:000298967100011 SCI 分区:3 256.赵建林等 AU:Wang, J;Zhao, JL;Qin, C;Di, JL;Rauf, A;Jiang, HZ TI:Digital holographic interferometry based on wavelength and angular multiplexing for measuring the ternary diffusion SO:OPTICS LETTERS UT ISI:000302768300026 SCI 分区:2 257.赵晓鹏 AU:Zhao, XP TI:Bottom-up fabrication methods metamaterials SO:JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY of 263.周雅伟;方振华;赵为;赵晓鹏等 AU:Zhou, YW;Fang, ZH;Zhao, W;Zhao, XP TI:Synthesis of photoluminescent colloidal CdS nanocrystals via a non-injection method SO:OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS UT ISI:000310498100011 SCI 分区:4 264.朱继宏;张卫红等 AU:Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH;Xia, L;Zhang, Q;Bassir, D TI:Optimal Packing Configuration Design with Finite-Circle Method optical 88 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO:JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY UT ISI:000310159000027 SCI 分区:4 SO:JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS UT ISI:000307716700002 SCI 分区:4 4.狄升蒙;田宗成;骞爱荣;李京宝;王哲等 AU:Di, SM;Tian, ZC;Qian, AR;Li, JB;Wu, JW;Wang, Z;Zhang, DY;Yin, DC;Brandi, ML;Shang, P TI:Large gradient high magnetic field affects FLG29.1 cells differentiation to form osteoclast-like cells SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY UT ISI:000310536700002 SCI 分区:4 管理学院(3 篇) 1.车阿大;周珍等 AU:Che, A;Zhou, Z;Chu, CB;Chen, HX TI:Multi-degree cyclic hoist scheduling with time window constraints SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH UT ISI:000299895300003 SCI 分区:4 5.何琳琳等 AU:He, LL;Yang, NL;Isales, CM;Shi, XM TI:Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) Antagonizes TNF-alpha Inhibition of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation SO:PLOS ONE UT ISI:000303006500007 SCI 分区:2 2.晏鹏宇;车阿大;杨乃定等 AU:Yan, PY;Che, A;Yang, ND;Chu, CB TI:A tabu search algorithm with solution space partition and repairing procedure for cyclic robotic cell scheduling problem SO:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH UT ISI:000310597900014 SCI 分区:4 6.呼延霆;马晓亮;尹大川等 AU:Huyan, T;Zhang, CY;Ma, XL;Yin, DC TI:Progresses on Crystallization Methodology of Membrane Proteins SO:PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS UT ISI:000300856200003 SCI 分区:4 3.周珍;车阿大;晏鹏宇 AU:Zhou, Z;Che, A;Yan, PY TI:A mixed integer programming approach for multi-cyclic robotic flowshop scheduling with time window constraints SO:APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING UT ISI:000303947000023 SCI 分区:2 7.靳明亮;徐春兰;商澎等 AU:Jin, ML;Zhao, K;Huang, QS;Xu, CL;Shang, P TI:Isolation, structure and bioactivities of the polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) 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Title:Investigations of transonic flow field reconstruction and inverse airfoil design based on proper orthogonal decomposition ROM Authors:Liu, Hao ;Xu, Min ;Ye, Mao Source title:Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 54.李朋;岳晓奎;袁建平 Accession number:20124115554334 Title:Coupled control of relative position and attitude based on θ-D technique for on-orbit operations Authors:Li, Peng ;Yue, Xiaokui ;Yuan, Jianping Source title:Zhongguo Kongjian Kexue Jishu/Chinese Space Science and Technology 62.刘林林;何国强;王英红 114 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Source title:Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock Accession number:20124515655089 Title:Research on the combustion heat testing of boron with double base propellant as combustion improver:70 Authors:Liu, Lin-Lin ;He, Guo-Qiang ;Wang, Ying-Hong Source title:Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology:74 70.刘玉霞;周军;葛致磊 Accession number:20122415110720 Title:Correction method of magnetic measurement error based on locus 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number:20121814985439 Title:Experimental investigation on interior ballistics of variable depth underwater launch system Authors:Lv, Xiang ;Li, Jiang ;Chen, Jian ;He, Guo-Qiang ;Liang, Cai ;Jin, Cheng-Xue Source title:Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 65.刘睿;周军;李朋 Accession number:20125015792958 Title:A method for components fault model building Authors:Rui, Liu ;Jun, Zhou ;Peng, Li Source title:Advanced Materials Research 73.马卫华;罗建军;袁建平;岳晓奎;李曙光 Accession number:20123015279550 Title:The positioning performance analysis of COMPASS integrated with GPS Authors:Ma, Weihua ;Luo, Jianjun ;Yuan, Jianping ;Yue, Xiaokui ;Li, Shuguang Source title:62nd International Astronautical Congress 2011, IAC 2011 66.刘睿;周军;刘莹莹 Accession number:20121114863322 Title:Exploring abort of manned lunar module from powered descent phase Authors:Liu, Rui ;Zhou, Jun ;Liu, Yingying Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 74.孟京 Accession 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number:20120214676502 Title:Adaptive active vibration control for frictional structures based on LuGre model Authors:Liu, Yong ;Wen, Li-Hua 76.牛冰;谷良贤;龚春林;尚腾 Accession number:20122615179744 Title:Optimization design of missile vertical launch turning control 115 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 and Shock Authors:Niu, Bing ;Gu, Liang-Xian ;Gong, Chun-Lin ;Shang, Teng Source title:Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology 84.石磊;何国强;秦飞;刘佩进 Accession number:20125015787228 Title:Numerical investigation of effects of cowl lip shape on 2-D inlet Authors:Shi, Lei ;He, Guo-Qiang ;Qin, Fei ;Liu, Pei-Jin Source title:Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology 77.潘科玮;何国强;刘佩进;秦飞 Accession number:20121814982108 Title:Numerical simulation and experiment investigation in rocket induced secondary combustion of RBCC engine Authors:Pan, Kewei ;He, Guoqiang ;Liu, Peijin ;Qin, Fei Source title:Energy Procedia 85.史格非;方群 Accession number:20123715431925 Title:Exploring Venus' swing-by flight orbit 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dynamics model Authors:Sun, Chong ;Fang, Qun ;Yuan, Jianping Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 91.孙建勋;谷良贤等 Accession number:20120814790946 Title:An efficient strategy for reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization Authors:Sun, Jianxun ;Chen, Jianjiang ;Gu, Liangxian ;Li, Liansheng ;Liu, Jihong Source title:Proceedings of ICCIA 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Application 98.孙琦;周军;葛致磊 Accession number:20120414707352 Title:A new pulse modulator for solid propellant attitude control motors Authors:Sun, Qi ;Zhou, Jun ;Ge, Zhilei Source title:Advanced Materials Research 99.孙嗣良;陈韧;孙力;闫杰 Accession number:20120714765548 Title:Contrast on infrared tank simulation software system based on 2D/3D Authors:Sun, Siliang ;Chen, Ren ;Sun, Li ;Yan, Jie Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering 92.孙建勋等 Accession number:20121014841985 Title:Integrated design platform of 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39.顾江建;王海燕 Accession number:20124815711663 Title:Influence of underwater acoustic multipath structure on time reversal passive detection Authors:Gu, Jiang-Jian ;Wang, Hai-Yan Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 46.贺昱耀;冯威;宋石磊 Accession number:20121714972129 Title:A cascaded Z-source three-level neutral point clamped inverter Authors:He, Yuyao ;Feng, Wei ;Song, Shilei Source title:Dianwang Jishu/Power System Technology 40.韩翃;康凤举;王圣洁 Accession number:20120614745863 Title:Design of intelligent decision-making system in Multi-UUV formation control simulation Authors:Hong, Han ;Kang, Fengju ;Wang, Shengjie Source title:Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011 41.韩翃;康凤举;杨惠珍;王圣洁 Accession number:20124515650058 Title:Study on Holon environment model in battle deduction simulation system Authors:Han, Hong ;Kang, Fengju ;Yang, Huizhen ;Wang, Shengjie Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 47.侯宏;孙亮 Accession number:20124815737247 Title:Measurement of sound absorption coefficient in an impedance tube using echo-pulse method Authors:Hou, Hong ;Sun, Liang Source title:38th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2009, INTER-NOISE 2009 48.花飞;申晓红;陈钊;杨伏洲;顾江建等 Accession number:20124815711685 Title:Bayesian DOA estimation method using Population Monte Carlo Authors:Hua, Fei ;Shen, Xiao-Hong ;Chen, Zhao ;Yang, Fu-Zhou ;Gu, Jiang-Jian Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 49.黄建国;高伟等 Accession number:20124015487638 Title:Multi-channel differencing adaptive noise cancellation based on kernel-based normalized least-mean-square algorithm Authors:Huang, Jianguo ;Gao, Wei ;Richard, C&#;dric Source title:Program Book - OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu: The Living Ocean and Coast - Diversity of Resources and 42.韩一娜 Accession number:20124815712510 Title:Biologically inspired task oriented gist model for scene classification Authors:Han, Yina ;Liu, Guizhong Source title:Computer Vision and Image Understanding 126 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, MIC 2012 Sustainable Activities 50.黄建国;韩晶;申晓红 Accession number:20122615164261 Title:Hypothesis-feedback equalization for multicode direct-sequence spread spectrum underwater communications Authors:Huang, Jianguo ;Han, Jing ;Shen, Xiaohong Source title:European Signal Processing Conference 57.荆海霞;刘郑国;王海燕;申晓红 Accession number:20124815732504 Title:Development of portable intelligent configuration terminal based on WinCE Authors:Jing, Haixia ;Liu, Zhengguo ;Wang, Haiyan ;Shen, Xiaohong Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials 51.黄建国;张群飞等 Accession number:20122915247222 Title:Bayesian Maximum a posterior DOA Estimator based on Gibbs Sampling Authors:Huang, Jianguo ;Li, Xiong ;Zhang, Qunfei Source title:13th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2005 58.景连友;黄建国 Accession number:20124815711681 Title:Cyclic shift keying spread spectrum OFDM method over underwater acoustic channel Authors:Jing, Lianyou ;Huang, Jianguo Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 52.黄伟稀;侯宏等 Accession number:20122415110610 Title:Broadband sound-absorption of perforated lining in the presence of grazing flow Authors:Huang, Wei-Xi ;Hou, Hong ;Li, Bin ;Fang, Xian-Liang ;Zhu, Yong-Ding Source title:Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power 59.雷波;杨坤德;马远良 Accession number:20124215574351 Title:Range estimation for forward scattering of an underwater object with experimental verification Authors:Lei, Bo ;Yang, Kunde ;Ma, Yuanliang Source title:Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 53.惠月娇;黄建国;卫哲 Accession number:20124815711677 Title:Modified eigenspace projection approach for signal separation Authors:Hui, Yuejiao ;Huang, Jianguo ;Zhe, Wei Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 60.雷波;杨坤德;汪勇 Accession number:20121914999550 Title:Optimal sidelobe reduction of matched filter for bistatic sonar Authors:Lei, Bo ;Yang, Kunde ;Wang, Yong Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, CDCIEM 2012 54.霍爱清;贺昱耀等 Accession number:20120314683027 Title:Research of dynamic parameter identification of LuGre model based on weights boundary neural network Authors:Huo, Ai-Qing ;He, Yu-Yao ;Ruan, Yan ;Tang, Nan Source title:Energy Procedia 61.雷波;杨坤德;汪勇 Accession number:20124815716443 Title:Enhancement of acoustic field aberration for underwater forward detection with experimental verification Authors:Lei, Bo ;Yang, Kunde ;Wang, Yong Source title:Advanced Materials Research 55.焦亚萌;黄建国;侯云山 Accession number:20122415110750 Title:Detection of the number of sources using peak-to-average power ratio modified by Gerschgorin radii Authors:Jiao, Yameng ;Huang, Jianguo ;Hou, Yunshan Source title:Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 62.李代金;罗凯;党建军;王育才;张宇文 Accession number:20124215582179 Title:Kinematic modeling and trajectory simulation for underwater supercavitating vehicles Authors:Li, Dai-Jin ;Luo, Kai ;Dang, Jian-Jun ;Wang, Yu-Cai ;Zhang, Yu-Wen Source title:Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii 63.李道江;陈航;倪云鹿 Accession number:20122615179360 Title:Research and experiments of mutual radiation impedance effect on array directivity:33 Authors:Li, Daojiang ;Chen, Hang ;Ni, Yunlu Source title:Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica:37 56.解占林;王英民 Accession number:20124115543361 Title:Attenuation property analysis of lidar transmission in seawater Authors:Xie, Zhanlin ;Wang, Yingmin Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International 127 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Title:Fuzzy grey GM(1,1) model of maintaining cost for torpedo Authors:Liang, Qingwei ;Zhao, Minquan ;Jiang, Shanshan Source title:Energy Procedia 64.李宏;王崇武 Accession number:20123815454042 Title:A method for getting optimum commutation advance angle in Brushless DC motor Authors:Li, Hong ;Wang, Chongwu Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 72.梁庆卫;赵民全;杨璞 Accession number:20115214632216 Title:Grey verhulst neural network model of development cost for torpedo Authors:Liang, Qing-Wei ;Zhao, Min-Quan ;Yang, Pu Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 65.李宏;谢红普;易欣;郑勇 Accession number:20120314690800 Title:Research on low speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor based on state observer Authors:Li, Hong ;Xie, Hongpu ;Yi, Xin ;Zheng, Yong Source title:Proceedings - 2011 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2011 73.刘浩;张群飞;雷开卓;方益喜;刘小龙等 Accession number:20124815711689 Title:Dual bunching performance of underwater UWB signal Authors:Liu, Hao ;Zhang, Qunfei ;Lei, Kaizhuo ;Fang, Yixi ;Liu, Xiaolong ;Qiao, Ziliang Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 66.李宏宏;康凤举;顾浩;杨惠珍 Accession number:20124515647529 Title:Design of intelligent UUV model based on the command mechanism Authors:Li, Honghong ;Kang, Fengju ;Gu, Hao ;Yang, Huizhen Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 74.刘明雍;沈超;张立川;龚雪晴 Accession number:20120614748255 Title:A new and effective AUV cooperative navigation method based on UKF in a moving acoustic network Authors:Liu, Mingyong ;Shen, Chao ;Zhang, Lichuan ;Gong, Xueqing Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 67.李涛;宋保维 Accession number:20120414714039 Title:The design and calculation of an underwater carrier's hood separation Authors:Li, Tao ;Song, Baowei Source title:Advanced Materials Research 75.刘望生;李亚安;崔琳等 Accession number:20120514722686 Title:The mutual impedance analysis of a broadband dense plane array Authors:Liu, Wang-Sheng ;Li, Ya-An ;Cui, Lin ;Wang, Ming-Huan Source title:Advanced Materials Research 68.李雨田;张宇文 Accession number:20115214643780 Title:Mid-profile design and numerical simulation for supercavitating vehicle Authors:Li, Yu-Tian ;Zhang, Yu-Wen Source title:Advanced Materials Research 69.李雨田;张宇文;李代金 Accession number:20121014842421 Title:Three-channel control for rectilinear motion trajectory of supercavitating underwater vehicle and its dynamic characteristics simulation Authors:Li, Yu-Tian ;Zhang, Yu-Wen ;Li, Dai-Jin Source title:Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock 76.刘望生;李亚安等 Accession number:20124615669547 Title:Acoustic radiation analysis and experimental verification of broadband dense plane array Authors:Liu, Wang-Sheng ;Li, Ya-An ;Yu, Hong-Pei Source title:39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering 2010, INTER-NOISE 2010 77.刘卫东;李翔宇;高立娥 Accession number:20124815718509 Title:Design of a gateway for remotely underwater vehicles Authors:Liu, Weidong ;Li, Xiangyu ;Gao, Li'e Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials 70.李雨田;张宇文;刘立栋;张纪华 Accession number:20121915007695 Title:Cruise phase stability control for underwater supercavitating vehicle Authors:Li, Yu-Tian ;Zhang, Yu-Wen ;Liu, Li-Dong ;Zhang, Ji-Hua Source title:Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics 78.刘小龙;黄建国;黄海 Accession number:20121915002666 Title:Numerical simulation of underwater plasma 71.梁庆卫;赵民全;蒋姗姗 Accession number:20121814982139 128 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 intense acoustic focusing sound field Authors:Liu, Xiaolong ;Huang, Jianguo ;Huang, Hai Source title:Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011 85.马远良;杨益新;何正耀;杨坤德;孙超;王英民 Accession number:20123815453778 Title:Theoretical and practical solutions for high-order superdirectivity of circular sensor arrays:37 Authors:Ma, Yuanliang ;Yang, Yixin ;He, Zhengyao ;Yang, Kunde ;Sun, Chao ;Wang, Yingmin Source title:IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics:41 79.刘小龙;黄建国;雷开卓 Accession number:20122815240225 Title:Analysis and research on acoustic efficiency of underwater plasma sound source Authors:Liu, Xiaolong ;Huang, Jianguo ;Lei, Kaizhuo Source title:Gaojishu Tongxin/Chinese High Technology Letters 86.孟庆微;黄建国;韩晶;何成兵等 Accession number:20124015487794 Title:An improved direct adaptive multichannel turbo equalization scheme for underwater communications Authors:Meng, Qingwei ;Huang, Jianguo ;Han, Jing ;He, Chengbing ;Ma, Chuang Source title:Program Book - OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu: The Living Ocean and Coast - Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities 80.卢健;徐德民;张立川;张福斌 Accession number:20123515381340 Title:Cooperative navigation based on moving long baselines and error correction algorithm for multiple UUVs Authors:Lu, Jian ;Xu, De-Min ;Zhang, Li-Chuan ;Zhang, Fu-Bin Source title:Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision 87.孟庆微;黄建国;韩晶;何成兵等 Accession number:20124815711704 Title:Sparse channel estimation and measurement matrix optimization for zero padded SCBT system using compressed sensing Authors:Meng, Qingwei ;Huang, Jianguo ;Jing, Han ;He, Chengbing ;Jun, Sun Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 81.卢满宏;周三文;黄建国;孟庆微 Accession number:20124815719354 Title:Efficiency analysis for signal combining of antenna arraying in deep space TT&C systems Authors:Lu, Manhong ;Zhou, Sanwen ;Huang, Jianguo ;Meng, Qingwei Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 88.孟庆微;黄建国;韩晶等 Accession number:20125015795464 Title:Compressed sensing based sparse channel estimation method for underwater single carrier block transmission Authors:Meng, Qing-Wei ;Huang, Jian-Guo ;Han, Jing ;Wang, Gang ;Ma, Chuang Source title:Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 82.卢颖;康凤举等 Accession number:20120914805706 Title:Study of wireless network traffic model and design of traffic generation method based on OPNET Authors:Ying, Lu ;Feng-Ju, Kang ;Lian-Jiong, Zhong ;Xiang-Yang, Liang Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 83.罗建;吴英杰 Accession number:20122015031852 Title:Passive directional accuracy study based on Monte Carlo random experiment Authors:Luo, Jian ;Wu, Yingjie Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Engineering Applications, ISDEA 2012 89.孟庆微;黄建国;何成兵等 Accession number:20124115547584 Title:An compressed sensing estimation method for sparse channels using time domain measurement matrix Authors:Meng, Qingwei ;Huang, Jianguo ;He, Chengbing ;Hua, Nan ;Lin, Zhong Source title:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 84.马艳;于文娟;石星 Accession number:20122515123878 Title:Sensitivity analysis of effects of node mobility on target location with underwater wireless sensor array network (UWSAN) based on least squares approximation Authors:Ma, Yan ;Yu, Wenjuan ;Shi, Xing Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 90.倪云鹿;陈航 Accession number:20124315590093 Title:Time frequency analysis of underwater carrier-free pulse Authors:Ni, Yunlu ;Chen, Hang Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 129 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Source title:Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 91.倪云鹿;陈航 Accession number:20124815711627 Title:Underwater transient signal detection based on Orthogonal Empirical Mode Decomposition Authors:Ni, Yunlu ;Chen, Hang Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 98.彭星光;徐德民 Accession number:20122415114251 Title:Intelligent online path planning for UAVs in adversarial environments Authors:Peng, Xingguang ;Xu, Demin Source title:International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 92.牛云;吴旭光;洪亮等 Accession number:20122515123880 Title:An effective integrated design method of discrete linear quadratic regulator and bandwidth scheduling of networked control system Authors:Niu, Yun ;Wu, Xuguang ;Kang, Jun ;Hong, Liang Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 99.彭星光;徐德民 Accession number:20124415633455 Title:Intelligent online path planning for UAVs in adversarial environments Authors:Peng, Xingguang ;Xu, Demin Source title:International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 93.牛云;吴旭光等 Accession number:20123815452704 Title:Optimal co-design of control and scheduling for distributed industrial automation based on embedded soft PLC Authors:Niu, Yun ;Cao, Lurong ;Wu, Xuguang ;Song, ShouJun Source title:Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 100.彭星光;徐德民;严卫生 Accession number:20121915010957 Title:Intelligent flight for UAV via integration of dynamic MOEA, Bayesian network and fuzzy logic Authors:Peng, Xingguang ;Xu, Demin ;Yan, Weisheng Source title:Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 101.邱宏安;刘杰 Accession number:20123815454008 Title:Robust optimum beamforming via SOCP for expanded acoustic vector sensor array Authors:Qiu, Hong-An ;Liu, Jie Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 94.潘光;杜晓旭等 Accession number:20121314894603 Title:Research on hydrodynamic characteristics of underwater gliding UUV based on the CFD technique Authors:Pan, Guang ;Hu, Bin ;Du, Xiaoxu ;Wang, Yiyun Source title:Advanced Materials Research 102.任惠娟;盛美萍 Accession number:20124915763347 Title:Radiation efficiency of a thin circular plate vibrating flexurally Authors:Ren, Hui-Juan ;Sheng, Mei-Ping Source title:Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock 95.潘光;刘欢欢;杜晓旭 Accession number:20123415362941 Title:Exploring feasibility of low altitude penetration of high-altitude long-distance gliding UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle) Authors:Guang, Pan ;Huanhuan, Liu ;Xiaoxu, Du Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 103.沙林秀;贺昱耀 Accession number:20123815448624 Title:A novel self-adaptive quantum genetic algorithm Authors:Sha, Lin-Xiu ;He, Yu-Yao Source title:Proceedings - International Conference on Natural Computation 96.潘光;施瑶;杜晓旭;黄桥高 Accession number:20124615671382 Title:Numerical simulation of sink-stability for unmanned underwater lurk vehicle Authors:Pan, Guang ;Shi, Yao ;Du, Xiao-Xu ;Huang, Qiao-Gao Source title:Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 104.史文涛;黄建国;侯云山 Accession number:20122915245753 Title:Fast DOA estimation algorithm for MIMO sonar based on ant colony optimization Authors:Shi, Wentao ;Huang, Jianguo ;Hou, Yunshan Source title:Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 97.裴譞;王育才;张宇文;邓飞;袁绪龙 Accession number:20120314688568 Title:Experimental research on tail rudder efficiency of super-cavitaion vehicle Authors:Pei, Xuan ;Wang, Yucai ;Zhang, Yuwen ;Deng, Fei ;Yuan, Xulong 105.史文涛;黄建国等 Accession number:20124315596911 130 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 mode in Co-LAC for 2G/3G convergence core networks with path diversity Authors:Su, Yu ;Feng, Xian Source title:Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Title:Robust sparse spectral fitting in element and beam spaces for Directions-Of-Arrival and power estimation Authors:Shi, Wentao ;Zheng, Jimeng ;Kaveh, Mostafa ;Huang, Jianguo Source title:ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 113.唐政;孙超;刘宗伟;孟荻 Accession number:20122315092907 Title:Research on efficiency evaluation for underwater acoustic countermeasure system based on grey hierarchy analysis Authors:Tang, Zheng ;Sun, Chao ;Liu, Zong-Wei ;Meng, Di Source title:Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii 106.宋保维;丁文俊;毛昭勇 Accession number:20123215308773 Title:Conversion system of ocean buoys based on wave energy Authors:Song, Baowei ;Ding, Wenjun ;Mao, Zhaoyong Source title:Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mechanical Engineering 114.汪勇;杨益新 Accession number:20122615179359 Title:On direct optimization in mode space for robust supergain beamforming of circular array mounted on a cylinder Authors:Wang, Yong ;Yang, Yixin Source title:Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 107.宋保维;田文龙;毛昭勇 Accession number:20121414923852 Title:Dynamic modeling and motion simulation of a Movable-Winged Underwater Glider Authors:Song, Baowei ;Tian, Wenlong ;Mao, Zhaoyong Source title:Advanced Materials Research 108.宋保维;朱信尧;单志雄;王鹏 Accession number:20121114863329 Title:Hydrodynamic characteristics and stability analysis of UUV (unmanned underwater vehicle) parking on the seabed Authors:Song, Baowei ;Zhu, Xinyao ;Shan, Zhixiong ;Wang, Peng Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 115.汪勇;杨益新;马远良;王晓宇 Accession number:20124815711717 Title:Robust minimum sidelobe beamforming in mode space for circular arrays Authors:Wang, Yong ;Yang, Yixin ;Ma, Yuanliang ;Wang, Xiaoyu Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 109.宋东;胡海豹;宋保维 Accession number:20122215069951 Title:Numerical simulation of drag reduction of superhydrophobic surface in turbulent channel flow Authors:Song, Dong ;Hu, Hai-Bao ;Song, Bao-Wei Source title:Kongqi Donglixue Xuebao/Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 116.王定华;康凤举;吴华兴等 Accession number:20124515650153 Title:Study of real-time wave simulation in virtual battlefield environment Authors:Wang, Dinghua ;Kang, Fengju ;Wu, Huaxing ;Huang, Wei Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 110.宋东;宋保维;胡海豹 Accession number:20124515655630 Title:The analysis of noises of flows across the superhydrophobic surfaces with microscale structures Authors:Song, Dong ;Song, Baowei ;Hu, Haibao Source title:Advanced Materials Research 117.王海强;黄建国;高伟 Accession number:20124815711645 Title:DOA estimation for coherent sources in the presence of unknown correlated noise Authors:Wang, Haiqiang ;Huang, Jianguo ;Gao, Wei Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 111.苏郁;冯西安 Accession number:20124815729589 Title:Performance Improvement of the Precise Paging in Co-LAC for 2G/3G Convergence Core Networks with Path Diversity Authors:Su, Yu ;Feng, Xian Source title:Mobile Networks and Applications 118.王海涛;曾向阳等 Accession number:20121114863330 Title:An effective Galerkin meshless model for calculating sound fields in arbitrarily shaped enclosures Authors:Wang, Haitao ;Zeng, Xiangyang ;Chen, Ling Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of 112.苏郁;冯西安 Accession number:20124515647716 Title:Analysis and implementation of a precise paging 131 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Source title:Proceedings - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EEESYM 2012 Northwestern Polytechnical University 119.王海涛;曾向阳等 Accession number:20124815740272 Title:Calculation of sound fields in small enclosures using a meshless model:4 Authors:Wang, Haitao ;Zeng, Xiangyang ;Chen, Ling Source title:Applied Acoustics:8 126.王磊;刘郑国等 Accession number:20121314902208 Title:Research of air defense target assignment for warship formation based on MAS Authors:Wang, Lei ;Wang, Wei ;Liu, Zhengguo ;Qiu, Chuchu ;Zhang, Yuzhi Source title:Proceedings of 2011 3rd International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology, iCAST 2011 120.王海燕;白峻;申晓红;杨伏洲 Accession number:20120714773470 Title:A design of passively omnibearing directivity acoustic cylinder array Authors:Wang, Haiyan ;Bai, Jun ;Shen, Xiaohong ;Yang, Fu-Zhou Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 127.王圣洁;康风举;杨惠珍;韩翃 Accession number:20124515650143 Title:Research on the distributed environment module of SPMM Authors:Wang, Shengjie ;Kang, Fengju ;Yang, Huizhen ;Han, Hong Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 121.王静;黄建国 Accession number:20124015499765 Title:New targets number estimation method based on spatial smoothing with auxiliary vectors Authors:Wang, Jing ;Huang, Jianguo Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 128.王伟伟;高天德;郭淑霞 Accession number:20124815711650 Title:Design of a sound localization system based on SOPC Authors:Wang, Weiwei ;Wang, Xujun ;Gao, Tiande ;Guo, Shuxia Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 122.王静;黄建国;侯云山 Accession number:20121114863113 Title:A detection method for underwater multiple source under low signal-to-noise ratio using peak-to-average power ratio Authors:Wang, Jing ;Huang, Jianguo ;Hou, Yunshan Source title:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 129.王晓娟;张纪华;张宇文 Accession number:20122515123879 Title:Experimental study of supercavity shape under sudden change of ventilation Authors:Wang, Xiaojuan ;Zhang, Jihua ;Zhang, Yuwen Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 123.王静;黄建国;焦亚萌 Accession number:20123515381600 Title:Performance analysis for frequency domain detection method in spatial color noise background Authors:Wang, Jing ;Huang, Jianguo ;Jiao, Yameng Source title:Beijing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 130.王晓宇;杨益新;吴姚振;田丰;汪勇 Accession number:20124815711708 Title:Passive reverberation nulling for target enhancement based on reverberation subspace estimation Authors:Wang, Xiao-Yu ;Yang, Yi-Xin ;Wu, Yao-Zhen ;Tian, Feng ;Wang, Yong Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 124.王静;黄建国;张群飞;韩晶 Accession number:20123415362942 Title:An effective noise spatial spectrum pre-whiten approach in passive detection using small aperture array Authors:Jing, Wang ;Jianguo, Huang ;Qunfei, Zhang ;Jing, Han Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 131.王亚东;袁绪龙;张宇文;刘维 Accession number:20122815240157 Title:Research on the effect of wave to vertical launch missile water trajectory:4 Authors:Wang, Ya-Dong ;Yuan, Xu-Long ;Zhang, Yu-Wen ;Liu, Wei Source title:Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii:8 125.王磊;李涛等 Accession number:20124015531978 Title:Optimized deployment of naval ship formation Authors:Wang, Lei ;Wang, Wei ;Liu, Zhengguo ;Li, Tao ;Tong, Shuai ;Zhou, Huimin 132 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 132.王艳丰;胡欲立;孟生等 Accession number:20122315092914 Title:CFD analysis on thermal process in battery compartment of an underwater vehicle Authors:Wang, Yan-Feng ;Hu, Yu-Li ;Meng, Sheng ;Wang, Peng Source title:Binggong Xuebao/Acta Armamentarii 139.吴华兴;康凤举等 Accession number:20124515650144 Title:Modeling and simulation of pilot behavior interfaced with avionics system Authors:Wu, Huaxing ;Kang, Fengju ;Huang, Wei ;Lu, Yi Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 133.王艳峰;胡欲立 Accession number:20122815240506 Title:Influence by heat conductivity of battery framework to thermal process of underwater vehicle's battery compartment Authors:Wang, Yan-Feng ;Hu, Yu-Li Source title:Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 140.肖和业;盛美萍;陈永辉 Accession number:20124315604904 Title:Wave number method for young's modulus and loss factor measurement of damping material Authors:Xiao, Heye ;Sheng, Meiping ;Chen, Yonghui Source title:Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis 141.肖和业;盛美萍;雷烨 Accession number:20123515376563 Title:Absorption analysis and optimization of dynamic vibration absorber with consecutive parameters Authors:Xiao, Heye ;Sheng, Meiping ;Lei, Ye Source title:Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis 134.王艳峰;胡欲立 Accession number:20123415362943 Title:Successfully improving heat dissipation effect inside battery compartment using aluminium-based and plastic-covered battery framework Authors:Yanfeng, Wang ;Yuli, Hu Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue 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146.徐振华;黄建国;高伟 Accession number:20121314900052 133 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 Title:A method for distributed and quantitative estimation fusion of multi-sensor subject to unknown noise variance Authors:Xu, Zhenhua ;Huang, Jianguo ;Gao, Wei Source title:Shengxue Xuebao/Acta Acustica 153.杨宏等 Accession number:20124615663828 Title:A method of weak signal chaotic detection based on Labview Authors:Yang, Hong ;Li, Guohui Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Processing, CSIP 2012 147.徐振华;黄建国;张群飞 Accession number:20123615406156 Title:New method for detection fusion of MAC based on DCM and NP rule Authors:Xu, Zhenhua ;Huang, Jianguo ;Zhang, Qunfei Source title:Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 154.杨宏晖;戴健;孙进才;杜方键等 Accession number:20120114659316 Title:A new adaptive immune feature selection algorithm for underwater acoustic target classification Authors:Yang, Honghui 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2012 3rd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2012 198.薛丽;高社生;胡高歌 Accession number:20124315597682 Title:Proposed robust auxiliary particle filtering for navigation system Authors:Xue, Li ;Gao, Shesheng ;Hu, Gaoge Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2012 191.徐淑萍等 Accession number:20121814982102 Title:The research of remote control based on the virtualized reality Authors:Xu, Shu-Ping ;Su, Xiao-Hui Source title:Energy Procedia 199.薛丽;高社生;赵岩 Accession number:20124415631380 Title:Unscented particle filtering with adaptive adjusted weight and its application in integrated navigation Authors:Xue, Li ;Gao, Shesheng ;Zhao, Yan Source title:Zhongguo Guanxing Jishu Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology 192.徐小野;李爱军;张丛丛等 Accession number:20123415362927 Title:Applying Q-learning to designing feasible morphing UAV control system Authors:Xiaoye, Xu ;Aijun, Li ;Congcong, Zhang ;Zongxin, Yao Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 200.严恭敏;周琪;翁浚;秦永元 Accession number:20120714767151 Title:Inner lever arm compensation and its test verification for SINS Authors:Yan, Gong-Min ;Zhou, Qi ;Weng, Jun ;Qin, Yong-Yuan Source title:Yuhang Xuebao/Journal of Astronautics 193.徐琰珂;梁晓庚等 Accession number:20120614748241 Title:A new and efficient evidence combination method based on conjunctive set and disjunctive set weighting and its application Authors:Xu, Yanke ;Liang, Xiaogeng ;Jia, Xiaohong Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 194.徐琰珂;梁晓庚等 Accession number:20121114853044 Title:Information fusion algorithm for radar/IR compound seeker Authors:Xu, Yanke ;Liang, Xiaogeng ;Jia, Xiaohong Source title:Hongwai yu Jiguang Gongcheng/Infrared and Laser Engineering 201.杨南方;骆光照;刘卫国;王康 Accession number:20124015496969 Title:Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor control for electric vehicle using look-up table Authors:Yang, Nanfang ;Luo, Guangzhao ;Liu, Weiguo ;Wang, Kang Source title:Conference Proceedings - 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2011 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2011 10.杜承烈;姜学锋;刘君瑞 Accession number:20120114660839 Title:Using the knowledge integration teaching method to improve the teaching quality in C language Authors:Du, Chenglie ;Jiang, Xuefeng ;Liu, Junrui Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 3.畅绍枫;董云卫;张凡 Accession number:20124715689497 Title:On reliability analysis for embedded systems with AADL behavior model Authors:Shaofeng, Chang ;Yunwei, Dong ;Fan, Zhang Source title:Proceedings - International Conference on Quality Software 11.杜洪涛;李战怀 Accession number:20120614745652 Title:DHFS: A high-throughput heterogeneous file system based on mainframe for cloud storage Authors:Du, Hongtao ;Li, Zhanhuai Source title:Proceedings - 2011 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, PAAP 2011 4.陈肖宇;付中华;谢磊 Accession number:20124015499570 Title:Multiple sparse sources separation based on multichannel frequency domain adaptive filtering Authors:Chen, Xiaoyu ;Fu, Zhong-Hua ;Xie, Lei Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - 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Source title:IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 15.杜洪涛;李战怀 Accession number:20124115543161 Title:PsFS: A high-throughput parallel file system for secure Cloud Storage system Authors:Du, Hongtao ;Li, Zhanhuai Source title:Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control, MIC 2012 22.高武;高德远;魏廷存等 Accession number:20122015022558 Title:Design of a monolithic multichannel front-end readout ASIC for PET imaging based on scintillation crystals read out by photodetectors at both ends Authors:Gao, Wu ;Gao, Deyuan ;Hu-Guo, Christine ;Wei, Tingcun ;Hu, Yann Source title:ANIMMA 2011 - Proceedings: 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications 16.段俊花;朱怡安 Accession number:20121114863334 Title:A new and effective design and application of swarm-intelligence-based multi agent system architecture Authors:Duan, Junhua ;Zhu, Yi'an Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 23.葛永琪;董云卫等 Accession number:20124715689518 Title:A cyber-physical energy system architecture for electric vehicles charging application Authors:Ge, Yongqi ;Dong, Yunwei ;Zhao, Hongbing Source title:Proceedings - International Conference on Quality Software 17.段俊花;朱怡安;李兵哲 Accession number:20124115542785 Title:Study and design of multi-robots pursuing based on improved ant colony labor division method Authors:Duan, Junhua ;Zhu, Yi-An ;Li, Bingzhe Source title:CSAE 2012 - Proceedings, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering 24.耿会东;於志文;张欣欣;夏云云;王海鹏 Accession number:20120814797918 Title:Physical object searching system in smart home Authors:Geng, Hui-Dong ;Yu, Zhi-Wen ;Zhang, Xin-Xin ;Xia, Yun-Yun ;Wang, Hai-Peng Source title:Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software 18.符宁;周兴社;詹涛 Accession number:20115214639194 Title:QPi: a calculus to enforce trustworthiness requirements Authors:Fu, Ning ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Zhan, Tao Source title:Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development 25.谷建华;周兴社 Accession number:20122715186931 Title:A dynamic structure of counting bloom filter Authors:Gu, Jianhua ;Zhou, Xingshe Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 19.付中华等 Accession number:20123715424135 Title:Moving sound image rendering in realistic audio effects 26.郭斌;王柱等 234 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Jiezhong Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Accession number:20121014828417 Title:Living with internet of things: The emergence of embedded intelligence Authors:Guo, Bin ;Zhang, Daqing ;Wang, Zhu Source title:Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings/CPSCom 2011 33.郭阳明;马捷中;肖凡等 Accession number:20124515642070 Title:SVM with optimized parameters and its application to electronic system fault diagnosis Authors:Guo, Yangming ;Ma, Jiezhong ;Xiao, Fan ;Tian, Tao Source title:PHM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Int. Conf.on Prognostics and Health Management: Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, Availability, and Effectiveness of Systems Through PHM Technology and Application, Conference Program 27.郭斌;於志文;梁韵基;王柱;周兴社等 Accession number:IP52212120 Title:From the internet of things to embedded intelligence Authors:Guo, Bin ;Zhang, Daqing ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Liang, Yunji ;Wang, Zhu ;Zhou, Xingshe Source title:World Wide Web 28.郭斌;於志文;周兴社等 Accession number:20123115289492 Title:Opportunistic IoT: Exploring the social side of the internet of things Authors:Guo, Bin ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Zhang, Daqing Source title:Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2012 34.郭哲;张艳宁;林增刚 Accession number:20120714774053 Title:Multi-pose 3D facial landmark localization based on multi-model information Authors:Guo, Zhe ;Zhang, Yan-Ning ;Lin, Zeng-Gang Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 35.郭哲;张艳宁;林增刚 Accession number:20121514937742 Title:3D face feature extraction based on extended 2D invariant moment Authors:Guo, Zhe ;Zhang, Yan-Ning ;Lin, Zeng-Gang Source title:Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) 29.郭斌;於志文;周兴社等 Accession number:20124815727325 Title:Hybrid SN: Interlinking opportunistic and online communities to augment information dissemination Authors:Guo, Bin ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Zhang, Daqing Source title:Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and IEEE 9th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, UIC-ATC 2012 36.郭哲;张艳宁;夏勇;林增刚;樊养余等 Accession number:IP52218865 Title:Multi-pose 3D face recognition based on 2D sparse representation Authors:Guo, Zhe ;Zhang, Yan-Ning ;Xia, Yong ;Lin, Zeng-Gang ;Fan, Yang-Yu ;Feng, David Dagan Source title:Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 30.郭阳明;蔡小斌;马捷中等 Accession number:20123715431942 Title:An effective prediction model for aircraft chaos time series based on echo state networks(ESN) Authors:Guo, Yangming ;Cai, Xiaobin ;Fu, Linjuan ;Ma, Jiezhong Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 37.韩立敏;安建峰;高德远;樊哓桠;任向隆;姚涛 Accession number:20124815711733 Title:A survey on cache coherence for tiled many-core processor Authors:Han, Limin ;An, Jianfeng ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya ;Ren, Xianglong ;Yao, Tao Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 31.郭阳明;李晓磊;马捷中 Accession number:20125015788044 Title:AGO-based time series prediction method using LS-SVR Authors:Guo, Yangming ;Li, Xiaolei ;Ma, JieZhong Source title:Applied Mechanics and Materials 38.韩立敏;高德远;樊哓桠;史莉雯;安建峰 Accession number:20120614745867 Title:Global prefetcher aggressiveness control for chip-multiprocessor Authors:Han, Limin ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya ;Shi, Liwen ;An, Jianfeng 32.郭阳明;李晓磊;马捷中等 Accession number:20124715683123 Title:Time series prediction method based on LS-SVR with modified Gaussian RBF Authors:Guo, Yangming ;Li, Xiaolei ;Bai, Guanghan ;Ma, 235 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Source title:Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011 (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 45.霍宏;周兴社;董云卫;张凡等 Accession number:20121814982052 Title:Research on safety analysis and verification for AADL model Authors:Huo, Hong ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Song, Deming ;Dong, Yunwei ;Zhang, Fan Source title:Energy Procedia 39.韩立敏;高德远;樊哓桠;史莉雯;安建峰 Accession number:20125015796061 Title:Reusable data predicting mechanism for shared last level Cache in chip multi-processor Authors:Han, Li-Min ;Gao, De-Yuan ;Fan, Xiao-Ya ;Shi, Li-Wen ;An, Jian-Feng Source title:Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) 46.贾瑞勇;张延园;冯泳 Accession number:20120614746840 Title:Group communication system specification and design for non-replicated service Authors:Jia, Ruiyong ;Zhang, Yanyuan ;Yong, Feng Source title:Simulation in Wider Europe - 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2005 40.贺秦禄;李战怀;孙鉴等 Accession number:20120614745680 Title:Research on disk array parallel test Authors:He, Qinlu ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Le, Xiaowang ;Hui, Fengwang ;Sun, Jian Source title:Proceedings - 2011 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, PAAP 2011 47.姜学锋;刘君瑞 Accession number:20120114660817 Title:The construction of the program design online community Authors:Jiang, Xuefeng ;Liu, Junrui Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 41.贺秦禄;李战怀;王博;王惠峰;孙鉴 Accession number:20120614754587 Title:Research on cloud storage environment file system performance optimization Authors:He, Qinqin ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Wang, Bo ;Wang, Huifeng ;Sun, Jian Source title:Proceedings - 2011 4th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2011 48.姜学锋;刘君瑞 Accession number:20121714971652 Title:The research of teaching mode in basic computer courses Authors:Jiang, Xuefeng ;Liu, Junrui Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 42.贺秦禄;李战怀;王惠峰;孙鉴 Accession number:20120314681673 Title:Research on the conversion efficiency of InfiniBand Authors:He, Qinlu ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Wang, Huifeng ;Sun, Jian Source title:Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, MINES 2011 49.孔劼;蔡皖东;丁军平 Accession number:20121514937925 Title:Pollution for selection strategy of file segment in peer-to-peer system with modeling and analyzing:4 Authors:Kong, Jie ;Cai, Wandong ;Ding, Junping Source title:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:8 43.侯颖;李映 Accession number:20123715424134 Title:Hyperspectral image lossy-to-lossless compression using 3D SPEZBC algorithm based on KLT and wavelet transform Authors:Hou, Ying ;Li, Ying Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 50.雷伍琴;郑江滨 Accession number:20124015499677 Title:Voxel data based marker-less human motion capture using geometry model Authors:Lei, Wuqin ;Zheng, Jiangbin Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 44.胡杰;李映等 Accession number:20123715424080 Title:Automatic SAR image enhancement based on curvelet transform and genetic algorithm Authors:Hu, Jie ;Li, Ying ;Jia, Yu Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science 51.李兵哲;朱怡安;段俊花;赵佐 Accession number:20124115543089 Title:LDGR: An efficient load-balancing inter dimension group routing selection strategy in on-chip networks Authors:Li, Bingzhe ;Zhu, Yi'An ;Duan, Junhua ;Zhao, 236 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 58.李慧贤 Accession number:20121014842232 Title:Design and analysis of the light-weight mutual authentication protocol for RFID Authors:Li, Huixian Source title:Xi'an Dianzi Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Xidian University Zuo Source title:CSAE 2012 - Proceedings, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering 52.李兵哲;朱怡安;黄姝娟等 Accession number:20123415362949 Title:Proposing an effective " gradual runtime shared cache partitioning algorithm" for multi-core Authors:Bingzhe, Li ;Yi'an, Zhu ;Qi, Liu ;Shujuan, Huang Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 59.李慧贤;尹平;王璇等 Accession number:20120614745978 Title:A novel hash-based RFID mutual authentication protocol Authors:Li, Huixian ;Ping, Yin ;Xuan, Wang ;Pang, Liaojun Source title:Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011 53.李峰;魏廷存;郑宇亮;郑然 Accession number:20122615178714 Title:Design of digital DC-DC converter based on modified discrete power stage model Authors:Li, Feng ;Wei, Ting-Cun ;Zheng, Yu-Liang ;Zheng, Ran Source title:Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control 60.李慧贤等 Accession number:20120114659528 Title:Secure communication protocol based on trust management Authors:Li, Huixian ;Pang, Liaojun ;Wang, Yumin Source title:Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 54.李峰;魏廷存;郑宇亮;郑然 Accession number:20122915263922 Title:Digital cycle-borrowing current mode control for buck converters with trailing-edge modulation Authors:Li, Feng ;Wei, Ting-Cun ;Zheng, Yu-Liang ;Zheng, Ran Source title:Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control 61.李慧贤等 Accession number:20121414931356 Title:A domain-based secure communication scheme with fault-tolerant capacity Authors:Li, Huixian ;Pang, Liaojun ;Wang, Yumin Source title:Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 55.李海森;张艳宁;段锋;朱宇 Accession number:20123715424084 Title:Blind image deblurring based on dictionary replacing:3 Authors:Li, Haisen ;Zhang, Yanning ;Duan, Feng ;Zhu, Yu Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics):7 62.李慧贤等 Accession number:20124415630859 Title:Certificateless multi-receiver signcryption scheme based on multivariate public key cryptography Authors:Li, Hui-Xian ;Chen, Xu-Bao ;Pang, Liao-Jun ;Wang, Yu-Min Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 56.李杭;郑江滨 Accession number:20123715424111 Title:Blind detection of digital forgery image based on the edge width Authors:Li, Hang ;Zheng, Jiangbin Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 63.李磊;孙瑾秋;朱宇;李海森 Accession number:20123715424074 Title:Dim target tracking base on GM-PHD filter Authors:Li, Lei ;Sun, Jinqiu ;Zhu, Yu ;Li, Haisen Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 64.李敏姝;王海鹏;郭斌;於志文 Accession number:20124915762741 Title:Extraction of human social behavior from mobile phone sensing Authors:Li, Minshu ;Wang, Haipeng ;Guo, Bin ;Yu, Zhiwen Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial 57.李杭;郑江滨 Accession number:20123715431943 Title:An useful blind detection method of digital forgery image of artificial blur Authors:Li, Hang ;Zheng, Jiangbin Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 237 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 65.李宁;李思男;张利军;李战怀等 Accession number:20124815732149 Title:STVsm: Similar structural code detection based on AST and VSM Authors:Li, Ning ;Shen, Mingda ;Li, Sinan ;Zhang, Lijun ;Li, Zhanhuai Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 71.李秀秀;郑江滨;张艳宁;陈宁 Accession number:20120314682053 Title:3D dynamic reconstruction of rigid object using space-time correlation in multi-view Authors:Xiuxiu, Li ;Jiangbin, Zheng ;Yanning, Zhang ;Ning, Chen Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 72.李秀秀;郑江滨;张艳宁;陈宁 Accession number:20123515381264 Title:Multiple photo-consistency constraints for 3D volumetric reconstruction in multi-view Authors:Li, Xiu-Xiu ;Zheng, Jiang-Bin ;Zhang, Yan-Ning ;Chen, Ning Source title:Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) 66.李宁;李战怀;孙夕凌等 Accession number:20121114853125 Title:A graphed language to describe software defects Authors:Li, Ning ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Sun, Xiling ;Yang, Ying Source title:Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) 67.李勤俭;钟诚文;李凯等 Accession number:20124915766671 Title:Implementation of a lattice Boltzmann method for large eddy simulation on multiple GPUs Authors:Li, Qinjian ;Zhong, Chengwen ;Li, Kai ;Zhang, Guangyong ;Lu, Xiaowei ;Zhang, Qing ;Zhao, Kaiyong ;Chu, Xiaowen Source title:Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2012 73.李秀秀;郑江滨等 Accession number:20123715424097 Title:Motion estimation for 3D rigid object shapes based on 3D-2D color-consistency in multi-view Authors:Li, Xiuxiu ;Zheng, Jiangbin ;Xu, Huan Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 74.李映;白本督等 Accession number:IP52267508 Title:Detecting and tracking dim small targets in infrared image sequences under complex backgrounds Authors:Li, Ying ;Liang, Shi ;Bai, Bendu ;Feng, David Source title:Multimedia Tools and Applications 68.李勤俭;钟诚文等 Accession number:20124915766675 Title:Implementation and analysis of AES encryption on GPU Authors:Li, Qinjian ;Zhong, Chengwen ;Zhao, Kaiyong ;Mei, Xinxin ;Chu, Xiaowen Source title:Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2012 75.李映;陈瑞鸣等 Accession number:20123715424087 Title:A new image denoising method based on shearlet shrinkage and improved total variation Authors:Li, Ying ;Chen, Rui-Ming ;Liang, Shi Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 69.李霞;李战怀;陈群;李宁 Accession number:20121314911510 Title:XIOTR: A terse ranking of XIO for XML keyword search Authors:Li, Xia ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Chen, Qun ;Li, Ning Source title:Journal of Software 76.李映;宁慧君;张艳宁等 Accession number:20120514730244 Title:Nonlinear curvelet diffusion for noisy image enhancement Authors:Li, Ying ;Ning, Huijun ;Zhang, Yanning ;Feng, David Source title:Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 70.李霞;李战怀;陈群;张利军;李宁等 Accession number:20121414921145 Title:XIO-SLCA: Optimize SLCA for effective keyword search in XML documents Authors:Li, Xia ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Wang, PeiYing ;Chen, Qun ;Zhang, Lijun ;Li, Ning Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science 77.李勇军等 Accession number:20124415622456 Title:A kind of access control mechanism based on commodity market in P2P file sharing system 238 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Authors:Li, Yong-Jun ;Dai, Ya-Fei Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Computers Journal Accession number:20121814981963 Title:An novel algorithm for detecting edges on triangular mesh Authors:Lin, Zenggang ;Zhang, Yanning ;Guo, Zhe Source title:Energy Procedia of 78.李振兴;李伟华 Accession number:20122715215235 Title:Improved vector quantization learning using sharing features Authors:Li, Zhenxing ;Li, Weihua Source title:Journal of Computational Information Systems 85.林增刚;张艳宁;郭哲 Accession number:20121814982394 Title:A new effective algorithm for detecting 3D corners on triangular mesh surfaces Authors:Lin, ZengGang ;Zhang, YanNing ;Guo, Zhe Source title:Energy Procedia 79.李振兴;齐勇;李伟华 Accession number:20125015790839 Title:A new adaptive feedback learning algorithm for multitask learning Authors:Li, Zhenxing ;Qi, Yong ;Li, Weihua Source title:2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology, SCET 2012 - Proceedings 86.林增刚;张艳宁;郭哲;梁君 Accession number:20120314683082 Title:An effective algorithm for detecting edges on triangular mesh Authors:Lin, Zeng Gang ;Zhang, Yan Ning ;Guo, Zhe ;Liang, Jun Source title:Energy Procedia 80.梁君;张艳宁;林增刚;郭哲;张超 Accession number:20123715424064 Title:Object recognition based on three-dimensional model Authors:Liang, Jun ;Zhang, Yanning ;Lin, Zenggang ;Guo, Zhe ;Zhang, Chao Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 81.梁石;白本督;李映 Accession number:20123715424070 Title:An approach to infrared dim target detection and tracking Authors:Liang, Shi ;Bai, Bendu ;Li, Ying Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 87.刘钢锋;王云岚;赵天海;李东洋 Accession number:20124815708648 Title:Research on the parallel text clustering algorithm based on the semantic tree Authors:Liu, Gangfeng ;Wang, Yunlan ;Zhao, Tianhai ;Li, Dongyang Source title:Proceedings - 6th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology, ICCIT 2011 88.刘进锋;郭雷 Accession number:20125015794765 Title:Implementation of neural network backpropagation in CUDA Authors:Liu, Jinfeng ;Guo, Lei Source title:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 89.刘君瑞;樊哓桠等 Accession number:20121814986507 Title:Research of the high-speed fibre switch network NIC based on the memory communication:56 Authors:Liu, Jun-Rui ;Chen, Ying-Tu ;Fan, Xiao-Ya Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing:60 82.梁韵基;周兴社;於志文;郭斌;杨乐 Accession number:20122115043364 Title:Energy efficient activity recognition based on low resolution accelerometer in smart phones Authors:Liang, Yunji ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Guo, Bin ;Yang, Yue Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 90.刘君瑞;姜学锋 Accession number:20120114660818 Title:The reform of the many-branched setting in software development technology course Authors:Liu, Junrui ;Jiang, Xuefeng Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 83.林增刚;郭哲;梁君 Accession number:20123715424112 Title:An effective 3D facial segmentation algorithm based on SNAKE model Authors:Lin, Zenggang ;Guo, Zhe ;Liang, Jun Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 91.刘君瑞;姜学锋 Accession number:20121714971651 Title:Seizing the big and freeing the small in program design teaching 84.林增刚;张艳宁;郭哲 239 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Authors:Liu, Junrui ;Jiang, Xuefeng Source title:Advances in Intelligent Computing and 98.罗知林等 Accession number:20124815709454 Title:Predicting retweeting behavior based on autoregressive moving average model Authors:Luo, Zhilin ;Wang, Yue ;Wu, Xintao Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) Soft 92.娄颖;李战怀;陈群 Accession number:20123715419951 Title:Semantic relevance ranking for XML keyword search Authors:Lou, Ying ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Chen, Qun Source title:Information Sciences 99.马峻岩;周兴社;李士宁;李志刚 Accession number:20121014828432 Title:Connecting agriculture to the internet of things through sensor networks Authors:Ma, Junyan ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Li, Shining ;Li, Zhigang Source title:Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings/CPSCom 2011 93.芦建军;张晓;周小鹏 Accession number:20124515635607 Title:Based on Markov model analyze a new RAID reliability Authors:Lu, Jian-Jun ;Zhang, Xiao ;Zhou, Xiao-Peng Source title:ICCSE 2012 - Proceedings of 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education 100.马峻岩;周兴社;张羽;李士宁;李志刚 Accession number:20121814985753 Title:Debugging sensor networks: A survey Authors:Ma, Jun-Yan ;Zhou, Xing-She ;Zhang, Yu ;Li, Shi-Ning ;Li, Zhi-Gang Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 94.芦咪咪;谢磊等 Accession number:20123715410781 Title:Probabilistic latent semantic analysis for broadcast news story segmentation Authors:Lu, Mimi ;Leung, Cheung-Chi ;Xie, Lei ;Ma, Bin ;Li, Haizhou Source title:Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 95.芦咪咪;郑李磊;谢磊等 Accession number:20124015499613 Title:Broadcast news story segmentation using probabilistic latent semantic analysis and laplacian eigenmaps Authors:Lu, Mimi ;Zheng, Lilei ;Leung, Cheung-Chi ;Xie, Lei ;Ma, Bin ;Li, Haizhou Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 96.陆艳洪;蔡小斌;翟正军;秦晓红 Accession number:20123815453924 Title:An image interpolation method with edge-preserving Authors:Lu, Yanhong ;Cai, Xiaobin ;Zhai, Zhengjun ;Qin, Xiaohong Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 97.陆洲;张凯龙;周兴社 Accession number:20120514720982 Title:A software fault-tolerant method based on exception handling in RT/E system Authors:Lu, Zhou ;Zhang, Kailong ;Zhou, Xingshe Source title:Proc. 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2011, 8th IEEE Int. Conf. on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS 2011, 6th Int. Conf. on FCST 2011 101.马瑜;张艳宁等 Accession number:20124015484788 Title:A tracking algorithm based on fractional differential gradient within 3D image:4 Authors:Ma, Yu ;Zhang, Yanning ;Liang, Huiling ;Xu, Shuang ;Yu, Ting Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB 2012:8 102.倪红波;於志文;周兴社等 Accession number:20121914996960 Title:Towards non-intrusive sleep pattern recognition in elder assistive environment Authors:Ni, Hongbo ;Abdulrazak, Bessam ;Zhang, Daqing ;Wu, Shu ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Wang, Shengrui Source title:Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 103.倪红波;周兴社;苗克坚等 Accession number:20122515123505 Title:Multi-modal non-intrusive sleep pattern recognition in elder assistive environment Authors:Ni, Hongbo ;Abdulrazak, Bessam ;Zhang, Daqing ;Wu, Shu ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Miao, Kejian ;Han, Daifei Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 104.聂艳明;李战怀;陈群 240 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Accession number:20124315599693 Title:Multiple objects event detection over RFID data streams Authors:Peng, Shanglian ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Li, Qiang ;Chen, Qun ;Liu, Hailong Source title:Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development Accession number:20120114659319 Title:Enhanced probabilistic interpretation over uncertain radio frequency identification data streams Authors:Nie, Yanming ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Chen, Qun Source title:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 105.牛伟;王国庆等 Accession number:IP51928113 Title:Applications of extension grey prediction model for power system forecasting Authors:Niu, Wei ;Cheng, Juan ;Wang, Guoqing Source title:Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 112.亓晓振;王庆 Accession number:20122615179691 Title:An image classification approach based on sparse coding and multiple kernel learning Authors:Qi, Xiao-Zhen ;Wang, Qing Source title:Tien Tzu Hsueh Pao/Acta Electronica Sinica 106.牛伟;翟正军等 Accession number:20124815723740 Title:Multi-parameter prediction model of the aeroengine based on chaos particle swarm optimization Authors:Niu, Wei ;Cheng, Juan ;Wang, Guo-Ging ;Zhai, Zheng-Jun Source title:Hangkong Taikong ji Minhang Xuekan/Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series B 113.裘莹;李士宁;杨东裕;李志刚 Accession number:20123815452499 Title:RWB: An efficient receiver-initiated single-hop broadcast protocol for asynchronous MAC in wireless sensor networks Authors:Qiu, Ying ;Li, Shining ;Yang, Dongyu ;Li, Zhigang Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 107.潘巍;李战怀;陈群;彭商濂;索勃;徐剑 Accession number:20123615405653 Title:MSMapper: An adaptive split assignment scheme for MapReduce Authors:Pan, Wei ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Chen, Qun ;Peng, Shanglian ;Suo, Bo ;Xu, Jian Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 114.任向隆;安建峰;高德远;樊哓桠 Accession number:20122715215223 Title:Improved asymmetric multi-channel structure of router and its analyzing model Authors:Ren, Xianglong ;An, Jianfeng ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya Source title:Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) 108.潘巍;李战怀;陈群;谢芳全 Accession number:20124415622450 Title:Solving cross read problem in RFID dense reader environments Authors:Pan, Wei ;Li, Zhan-Huai ;Chen, Qun ;Xie, Fang-Quan Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 115.任向隆;安建峰;高德远;樊哓桠 Accession number:20124115547579 Title:Fusion strategy with genetic and ant algorithms for low-power NoC mapping Authors:Ren, Xianglong ;An, Jianfeng ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya Source title:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 109.彭成章;蒋泽军 Accession number:20120914815947 Title:Building a Cloud Storage Service System Authors:Peng, Chengzhang ;Jiang, Zejun Source title:Procedia Environmental Sciences 110.彭商濂;李战怀;陈群;李强 Accession number:20121814985764 Title:Complex event processing over live archived data streams Authors:Peng, Shang-Lian ;Li, Zhan-Huai ;Chen, Qun ;Li, Qiang Source title:Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers 111.彭商濂;李战怀;李强;陈群;刘海龙 241 116.任向隆;高德远;安建峰;姚涛;韩立敏;樊哓桠 Accession number:20124815711727 Title:Channel allocation for low-power NoC design based on Improved Asymmetric Multi-Channel router Authors:Ren, Xianglong ;Gao, Deyuan ;An, Jianfeng ;Yao, Tao ;Han, Limin ;Fan, Xiaoya Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 117.任向隆;高德远;樊哓桠;安建峰 Accession number:20121214882830 Title:Adaptive Low-Power Transmission Coding for Serial links in network-on-chip Authors:Ren, Xianglong ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya ;An, 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Jianfeng Source title:Procedia Engineering 124.孙鉴;李战怀;张晓 Accession number:20124515635608 Title:The performance optimization of lustre file system Authors:Sun, Jian ;Li, Zhan-Huai ;Zhang, Xiao Source title:ICCSE 2012 - Proceedings of 2012 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Education 118.邵利平;任越美等 Accession number:20123715424140 Title:A DCT multi-channel image information sharing scheme in resisting JPEG lossy compression attack Authors:Shao, Liping ;Zhang, Xuanping ;Ren, Yuemei Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 125.孙蓬;吴子燕;李战怀;康慕宁 Accession number:20123815447585 Title:DynaView: General dynamic visualization model for SHM Authors:Sun, Peng ;Wu, Ziyan ;Hua, Qingyi ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Kang, Muning Source title:Mathematical Problems in Engineering 119.佘红伟;孟庆洁;任越美 Accession number:20123715424071 Title:Subspace divided semi-supervised SVM classification for hyperspectral images Authors:She, Hong-Wei ;Meng, Qing-Jie ;Ren, Yue-Mei Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 126.孙蓬等 Accession number:20120614746123 Title:Structural health monitoring via dynamic visualization Authors:Sun, Peng ;Guo, Xin Source title:Proceedings - 2011 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security, CIS 2011 120.史豪斌;董文杰等 Accession number:20121014828441 Title:A kind of case similarity evaluation model based on case-based reasoning Authors:Shi, Haobin ;Xin, Mingjun ;Dong, Wenjie Source title:Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings/CPSCom 2011 127.田杭沛;高德远;朱怡安 Accession number:20120714765747 Title:Gaining flexibility and performance of computing using application-specific instructions and reconfigurable architecture Authors:Hangpei, Tian ;Deyuan, Gao ;Yian, Zhu Source title:International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology 121.宋德铭;董云卫;张凡;霍宏等 Accession number:20124015533736 Title:Study of safety analysis and assessment methodology for 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Control and Electronics Engineering, ICICEE 2012 123.孙博;董云卫等 Accession number:20124815727368 Title:On enhancing adaptive random testing for AADL model Authors:Sun, Bo ;Dong, Yunwei ;Ye, Hong Source title:Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and IEEE 9th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, UIC-ATC 2012 130.王国庆;牛伟;翟正军;郭阳明等 Accession number:20123415362950 Title:A new and effective early fault diagnosis of rotor using order wavelet packet and markov chain model Authors:Guoqing, Wang ;Wei, Niu ;Juan, Cheng ;Zhengjun, Zhai ;Yangming, Guo Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of 242 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Authors:Wang, Yuying ;Zhou, Xingshe ;Liang, Dongfang Source title:Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC-2012 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, ICESS-2012 Northwestern Polytechnical University 131.王淼;尚学群;缪苗;李战怀等 Accession number:20120814795022 Title:FTCluster: Efficient mining fault-tolerant biclusters in microarray dataset Authors:Wang, Miao ;Shang, Xuequn ;Miao, Miao ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Liu, Wenbin Source title:Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 138.夏平;周兴社 Accession number:20120614745653 Title:Security-driven fault tolerant scheduling algorithm for high dependable distributed real-time system Authors:Ping, Xia ;Zhou, Xingshe Source title:Proceedings - 2011 4th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming, PAAP 2011 132.王明辛;王少熙;张盛兵;樊哓桠 Accession number:20124515641876 Title:Multivariate process capability index with spatial coefficient modification Authors:Wang, Mingxin ;Wang, Shaoxi ;Zhang, Shengbing ;Fan, Xiaoya Source title:Proceedings - 2012 3rd International Conference on Digital Manufacturing and Automation, ICDMA 2012 139.肖瑜;樊哓桠;安建峰 Accession number:20122115034243 Title:The design of host interface unit in 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Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 141.杨春鑫;董云卫;张凡等 Accession number:20123015276260 Title:Formal semantics of AADL models with machine-readable CSP Authors:Yang, Chunxin ;Dong, Yunwei ;Zhang, Fan ;Ahmad, Ehsan ;Gu, Bin Source title:Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2012 135.王涛;李伟华;史豪斌;刘尊 Accession number:20120214672869 Title:Software defect prediction based on classifiers ensemble Authors:Wang, Tao ;Li, Weihua ;Shi, Haobin ;Liu, Zun Source title:Journal of Information and Computational Science 142.杨东;樊哓桠等 Accession number:20122415104513 Title:Implementation of Mersenne primes solution algorithm based on CUDA Authors:Yang, Dong ;Fan, Xiaoya ;Li, Yuyan Source title:2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012 - Proceedings 136.王晓暄;谢磊等 Accession number:20121915006535 Title:Broadcast news story segmentation using conditional random fields and multimodal features Authors:Wang, Xiaoxuan ;Xie, Lei ;Lu, Mimi ;Ma, Bin ;Chng, Eng Siong ;Li, Haizhou Source title:IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 143.杨涛;张晓强;冉令燕;余瑞;郗润平 Accession number:20123715424126 Title:Camera array synthetic aperture focusing and fusion based hidden object imaging Authors:Yang, Tao ;Zhang, Xiaoqiang ;Ran, Lingyan ;Yu, 137.王宇英;周兴社等 Accession number:20124915766813 Title:Study on integrated modeling methods toward co-simulation of cyber-physical system 243 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering Rui ;Xi, Runping Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 150.姚涛;高德远;任向隆;韩立敏;樊哓桠等 Accession number:20124815719355 Title:A novel floating-point function unit combining MAF and 3-input adder Authors:Yao, Tao ;Gao, Deyuan ;Ren, Xianglong ;Han, Limin ;Fan, Xiaoya ;Yang, Lei Source title:2012 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing, ICSPCC 2012 144.姚睿;段锋;张臻;张永鹏 Accession number:20123715424096 Title:Faint moving object detection in optical astronomical image using a 2D-1D IUWT Authors:Yao, Rui ;Duan, Feng ;Zhang, Zhen ;Zhang, Yongpeng Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 151.姚远;周兴社;张凯龙;王雯 Accession number:20123815440426 Title:A self-constructing fuzzy neural network with new learning algorithm and its control application Authors:Yao, Yuan ;Zhou, Xin-She ;Zhang, Kai-Long ;Wang, Wen Source title:Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI 2009 145.姚睿;张艳宁 Accession number:20122715198714 Title:Compressive sensing for small moving space object detection in astronomical images Authors:Yao, Rui ;Zhang, Yanning Source title:Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics 152.尤涛;许英杰 Accession 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Notes in Bioinformatics) 154.于辉等 Accession number:20120814791015 Title:Particle swarm optimization route planner algorithm for air vehicle Authors:Hui, Yu ;Xin, Yu ;Min, Su Source title:Proceedings of ICCIA 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Application 148.姚涛;安建峰;高德远;樊哓桠 Accession number:20121914994083 Title:Dual-path architecture of floating-point dot product computation Authors:Yao, Tao ;An, Jianfeng ;Gao, Deyuan ;Fan, Xiaoya Source title:Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011 155.於志文;梁韵基;徐步刊;杨乐;郭斌 Accession number:20121014828435 Title:Towards a smart campus with mobile social networking Authors:Yu, Zhiwen ;Liang, Yunji ;Xu, Bukan ;Yang, Yue ;Guo, Bin Source title:Proceedings - 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings/CPSCom 2011 149.姚涛;高德远;樊哓桠 Accession number:20124115543058 Title:A multi-path fused add-subtract unit for 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Source title:Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 160.张超;张艳宁 Accession number:20120314683005 Title:A method based on moment invariants and sparse representation for 3D face recognition Authors:Zhang, Chao ;Zhang, Yanning Source title:Energy Procedia 167.张海超;张艳宁等 Accession number:20123715437102 Title:Simultaneous discriminative projection and dictionary learning for sparse representation based classification Authors:Zhang, Haichao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Huang, Thomas S. Source title:Pattern Recognition 161.张超;张艳宁;廖亮 Accession number:20124015499557 Title:Two dimensional partitioned sparse representation for head pose estimation Authors:Zhang, Chao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Liao, Liang Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 168.张海超;张艳宁等 Accession number:20124315596737 Title:Kernel multi-metric learning for multi-channel transient acoustic signal classification Authors:Zhang, Haichao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Nasrabadi, Nasser M. ;Huang, Thomas S. Source title:ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 162.张海超;张艳宁;李海森等 Accession number:20123515384680 Title:Generative Bayesian image super resolution with natural image prior Authors:Zhang, Haichao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Li, Haisen ;Huang, Thomas S. Source title:IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 169.张海超;张艳宁等 Accession number:20124515636536 Title:Exploiting structured sparsity for image deblurring Authors:Zhang, Haichao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Huang, Thomas S. Source title:Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 163.张海超;张艳宁等 Accession number:20120614756934 Title:Close the loop: Joint blind image restoration and recognition with sparse representation prior 245 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 176.张利军;李战怀;李宁;李霞 Accession number:20124115554728 Title:Structural similarity measurement for semi-structured data based on tag sequences Authors:Zhang, Lijun ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Li, Ning ;Li, Xia Source title:Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition) 170.张海超;张艳宁等 Accession number:20130415931159 Title:Pose-robust face recognition via sparse representation Authors:Zhang, Haichao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Huang, Thomas S. Source title:Pattern Recognition 171.张贺;蒋冬梅;吴鹏等 Accession number:20124015499661 Title:Photo-realistic mouth animation based on an asynchronous articulatory DBN model for continuous speech Authors:Zhang, He ;Jiang, Dongmei ;Wu, Peng ;Sahli, Hichem Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 177.张敏情;吴旭光 Accession number:20121915005373 Title:Evaluating node importance in complex networks based on factor analysis Authors:Zhang, Minqing ;Wu, Xuguang Source title:Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology, ICCSNT 2011 178.张敏情等 Accession number:20122615178881 Title:Spatial domain image steganalysis based on wavelet coefficient dependency:61 Authors:Zhang, Min-Qing ;Lei, Yu Source title:Guangdianzi Jiguang/Journal of Optoelectronics Laser:65 172.张健;付中华;谢磊 Accession number:20124015499764 Title:A block-based blind source separation approach with equilateral triangular microphone array Authors:Zhang, Jian ;Fu, Zhonghua ;Xie, Lei Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 179.张胜兵;蔡皖东;李勇军;吴博;罗知林 Accession number:20124515649796 Title:The influence of spatial relationship between nodes and information on information spreading in social network Authors:Zhang, Shengbing ;Cai, Wandong ;Li, Yongjun ;Wu, Bo ;Luo, Zhilin Source title:Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 173.张凯龙;姚远;陆洲;吴晓等 Accession number:20123015276230 Title:A new universal-environment adaptive multiprocessor scheduler for autonomous cyber-physical system Authors:Zhang, Kailong ;Yao, Yuan ;Lu, Zhou ;Wu, Xiao ;Labanni, Ouassila Source title:Proceedings - 2012 IEEE/ACIS 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2012 180.张晓;张小芳;梁凯 Accession number:20122115034620 Title:Research on the recovery strategy of incremental-data-based continuous data protection Authors:Zhang, Xiao ;Zhang, Xiao Fang ;Liang, Kai Source title:Proceedings - 2012 International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, ICCSEE 2012 174.张利军;李战怀;陈群;李霞;李宁;娄颖 Accession number:20121614951298 Title:Mining frequent association tag sequences for clustering XML documents Authors:Zhang, Lijun ;Li, Zhanhuai ;Chen, Qun ;Li, Xia ;Li, Ning ;Lou, Ying Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 181.张晓洁;白本督;李映 Accession number:20123715424099 Title:Tri-training based on neural network ensemble algorithm Authors:Zhang, Xiaojie ;Bai, Bendu ;Li, Ying Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 175.张利军;李战怀;陈群;娄颖;李宁 Accession number:20125015796062 Title:Classifying XML documents based on term semantics Authors:Zhang, Li-Jun ;Li, Zhan-Huai ;Chen, Qun ;Lou, Ying ;Li, Ning Source title:Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) 182.张欣欣;於志文;郭斌等 Accession number:20124815727443 Title:Context-aware mobile web browsing based on html5 Authors:Zhang, Xinxin ;Yu, Zhiwen ;Tian, Jilei ;Wang, Zhitao ;Guo, Bin 246 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Source title:Proceedings - IEEE 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and IEEE 9th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing, UIC-ATC 2012 Authors:Zhang, Yi ;Cheng, Xiaohui ;Cai, Wandong ;Zhan, Tao Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 183.张艳宁;郭哲;林增刚;张红霞;张超 Accession number:20122015027072 Title:The NPU multi-case Chinese 3D face database and information processing Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Guo, Zhe ;Lin, Zenggang ;Zhang, Hongxia ;Zhang, Chao Source title:Chinese Journal of Electronics 190.张永鹏;林增刚;姚睿;朱宇;李海森 Accession number:20123715424113 Title:Out-of-sample embedding of spherical manifold based on constrained least squares Authors:Zhang, Yongpeng ;Lin, Zenggang ;Yao, Rui ;Zhu, Yu ;Li, Haisen Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 184.张艳宁;姜学锋;刘君瑞 Accession number:20124815710152 Title:Research of the double clue knowledge system of program design Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Jiang, Xuefeng ;Liu, Junrui Source title:2012 International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education, ICEEE 2012 191.张云;李伟华 Accession number:20123215310987 Title:AHP construct mining component strategy applied for data mining process Authors:Zhang, Yun ;Li, Weihua Source title:Proceedings of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Technology, ICIST 2012 185.张艳宁;李映等 Accession number:20123715424043 Title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Zhou, Zhi-Hua ;Zhang, Changshui ;Li, Ying Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 192.张臻;张艳宁;姚睿;李海森;朱宇 Accession number:20123715424050 Title:Generalized kernel density estimation based robust estimator and its application Authors:Zhang, Zhen ;Zhang, Yanning ;Yao, Rui ;Li, Haisen ;Zhu, Yu Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 186.张艳宁;魏巍 Accession number:20121814980583 Title:A realistic dynamic facial expression transfer method Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Wei, Wei Source title:Neurocomputing 193.张志珂;蒋泽军;彭成章;刘志强 Accession number:20124015486917 Title:Analysis of data fragments in deduplication system Authors:Zhang, Zhike ;Jiang, Zejun ;Peng, Chengzhang ;Liu, Zhiqiang Source title:Proceedings 2012 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, ICSSE 2012 187.张艳宁;魏巍 Accession number:20123715424078 Title:A hybrid semi-supervised topic model Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Wei, Wei Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 194.赵建华;李伟华 Accession number:20123915473344 Title:Intrusion detection research based on SVM and intelligence algorithm Authors:Zhao, Jian-hua ;Li, Wei-hua Source title:International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology 188.张艳宁;张秀伟;余瑞等 Accession number:IP52309962 Title:An IR and visible image sequence automatic registration method based on optical flow Authors:Zhang, Yanning ;Zhang, Xiuwei ;Maybank, Stephen J. ;Yu, Rui Source title:Machine Vision and Applications 195.赵建华;李伟华 Accession number:20124315590226 Title:Improvement intrusion detection based on SVM Authors:Zhao, Jian-Hua ;Li, Wei-Hua Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 189.张怡;蔡皖东;詹涛等 Accession number:20123715431944 Title:An effective algorithm of mixed-criticality driven real-time scheduling 247 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Accession number:20124415631423 Title:A triangulation method based on minmaxKKT Authors:Zhou, Guo-Qing ;Wang, Qing Source title:Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica 196.赵建华;李伟华 Accession number:20124315590195 Title:Intrusion detection based on BP neural network and genetic algorithm Authors:Zhao, Jian-Hua ;Li, Wei-Hua Source title:Communications in Computer and Information Science 204.周延年;朱怡安 Accession number:20123515381353 Title:Algorithm for adjusting weights of decision-makers in multi-attribute group decision-making based on grey system theory Authors:Zhou, Yan-Nian ;Zhu, Yi-An Source title:Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision 197.赵景萱;吴晓;蒋冬梅 Accession number:20123815454018 Title:Audio-visual emotion recognition based on Hidden Markov Model Authors:Zhao, Jingxuan ;Wu, Xiao ;Jiang, Dongmei Source title:Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 205.朱宇;张艳宁;李海森 Accession number:20124015499680 Title:An example-based method in multi-frame super resolution Authors:Zhu, Yu ;Zhang, Yanning ;Li, Haisen Source title:APSIPA ASC 2011 - Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2011 198.赵宁社;王恒;王国庆 Accession number:20121814981816 Title:Analysis of prognostics and health management issues from the perspective of availability consumption Authors:Zhao, Ningshe ;Wang, Heng ;Wang, Guoqing Source title:Energy Procedia 206.卓涛;张艳宁;杨涛;张晓强 Accession number:20123715424105 Title:Moving people detection in dynamic scenes by stereo vision Authors:Zhuo, Tao ;Zhang, Yanning ;Yang, Tao ;Zhang, Xiaoqiang Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 199.赵煜;蔡皖东 Accession number:20122115037171 Title:Research of cascaded conditional random fields model for sentence sentiment analysis based on isotonic constraints Authors:Zhao, Yu ;Cai, Wandong Source title:Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 200.赵佐;丁军平 Accession number:20124515654822 Title:New data verify algorithm on P2P specific information monitoring Authors:Zhao, Zuo ;He, Hong ;Ding, Jun-Ping Source title:Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 理学院(247 篇) 1.Nazakat, Ali;吴寅;张秋禹;陈营 Accession number:20121114863338 Title:An effective modification of bismaleimide resin with PES/PEK Authors:Nazakat, Ali ;Wu, Yin ;Zhang, Qiuyu ;Chen, Ying Source title:Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University 201.郑李磊;谢磊等 Accession number:20124315597507 Title:Acoustic TextTiling for story segmentation of spoken documents Authors:Zheng, Lilei ;Leung, Cheung-Chi ;Xie, Lei ;Ma, Bin ;Li, Haizhou Source title:ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings 2.安国斐;杨超舜;周雅伟;赵晓鹏等 Accession number:20123715437512 Title:Photoluminescence enhancement and quenching of Sm, Au Co-doped TiO<inf>2</inf> Authors:An, Guofei ;Jin, Shaohu ;Yang, Chaoshun ;Zhou, Yawei ;Zhao, Xiaopeng Source title:Optical Materials 202.周果清;王庆 Accession number:20123715424098 Title:A hybrid steepest descent method for L-infinity geometry problems Authors:Zhou, Guoqing ;Wang, Qing Source title:Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 3.白晓军;赵小如;曹崇德等 Accession number:20115114629941 Title:Tunnelling magnetoresistance effects in FeCoGd(t)/AlO/FeCo multilayers Authors:Bai, X.J. ;Yang, M. ;Ge, J.J. ;You, B. ;Zhang, W. ;Zhao, X.R. ;Cao, C.D. ;Du, J. Source title:Physica Status Solidi (C) Current Topics 203.周果清;王庆 248 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 in Solid State Physics 11.晁敏;寇开昌;吴广磊;张冬娜 Accession number:20122515131691 Title:Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Sulfone-containing Polyimides Molding Powder Derived from 2, 2-Bis[4-(4-aminophenoxy) phenyl] Sulfone and Aromatic Dianhydrides Authors:Chao, Min ;Kou, Kaichang ;Wu, Guanglei ;Zhang, Dongna Source title:Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 4.白延东;李斌龙;张胜贵 Accession number:IP51884068 Title:Covering the edges of digraphs in D(3,3) and D(4,4) with directed cuts:33 Authors:Bai, Yandong ;Li, Binlong ;Zhang, Shenggui Source title:Discrete Mathematics:37 5.蔡力;聂玉峰;谢文贤等 Accession number:20124815723508 Title:An efficient third-order scheme for three-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws Authors:Cai, Li ;Feng, Jian-Hu ;Nie, Yu-Feng ;Xie, Wen-Xian Source title:International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing 12.晁敏;寇开昌;吴广磊;张教强;李宁;张冬娜 Accession number:20123415351188 Title:Synthesis and properties of semicrystalline copolyimides based on 4,4-diaminodiphenylether and 1,3-bis(4-aminophenoxy) benzene Authors:Chao, Min ;Kou, Kaichang ;Wu, Guanglei ;Zhang, Jiaoqiang ;Li, Ning ;Zhang, Dongna Source title:Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics 6.蔡力;周军;谢文贤;聂玉峰等 Accession number:20123015268874 Title:Numerical simulation of 2d liquid sloshing Authors:Cai, Li ;Zhou, Jun ;Zhou, Fengqi ;Xie, Wenxian ;Nie, Yufeng Source title:International Journal of Applied Mechanics 13.陈恒;孔杰;田威;范晓东 Accession number:20123415363689 Title:Intramolecular cyclization in A<inf>2</inf> + B<inf>3</inf> polymers via step-wise polymerization resulting in a highly branched topology: Quantitative determination of cycles by combined NMR and SEC analytics Authors:Chen, Heng ;Kong, Jie ;Tian, Wei ;Fan, Xiao-Dong Source title:Macromolecules 7.曹崇德;弓素莲;郭晋波;宋瑞波等 Accession number:20123315342022 Title:Amorphous-crystalline dual-layer structures resulting from metastable liquid phase separation in (Fe<inf>50</inf>Co<inf>25</inf>B<inf>15</inf>Si <inf>10</inf>)<inf>80</inf>Cu<inf>20</inf> melt-spun ribbons Authors:Cao, Chong-De ;Gong, Su-Lian ;Guo, Jin-Bo ;Song, Rui-Bo ;Sun, Zhan-Bo ;Yang, Sen ;Wang, Wei-Min Source title:Chinese Physics B 14.陈名华;寇开昌;张冬娜等 Accession number:20121414924295 Title:Self-lubricating SiC/PTFE composite coating formation on surface of aluminium alloy Authors:Chen, Minghua ;Kao, Kaichang ;Tu, Mingwu ;Zhang, Dongna Source title:Advanced Materials Research 8.曹鹏;齐暑华;理莎莎 Accession number:20115214648080 Title:Preparation and thermal properties of novolac resin/ graphite nanosheet composites Authors:Cao, Peng ;Qi, Shuhua ;Li, Shasha Source title:Advanced Materials Research 15.陈少杰;张秋禹;顾军渭;马明亮;张力;周健;周艳阳 Accession number:20121414925798 Title:A new conjugated polymer with donor-acceptor architectures based on alternating 1,4-divinyl-2,5-dioctyloxybenzene and 5,8-(2,3-dipyridyl)-quinoxaline: Synthesis, characterization, and photoinduced charge transfer Authors:Chen, S.J. ;Zhang, Q.Y. ;Gu, J.W. ;Ma, M.L. ;Zhang, L. ;Zhou, J. ;Zhou, Y.Y. Source title:Express Polymer Letters 9.常健;王海鹏;周凯;魏百荣 Accession number:20124015491956 Title:Rapid dendritic growth and solute trapping within undercooled ternary Ni-5%Cu-5%Mo alloy Authors:Chang, J. ;Wang, H.P. ;Zhou, K. ;Wei, B. Source title:Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 16.陈少杰;张秋禹;张和鹏;顾军渭;马明亮;辛铁军等 Accession number:20124615675236 Title:Three new conjugated polymers based on benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b] dithiophene Authors:Chen, Shaojie ;Zhang, Qiuyu ;Zhang, Hepeng ;Gu, Junwei ;Ma, Mingliang ;Xin, Tiejun ;Zhou, Yanyang ;Zhou, Jian ;Liu, Qing 10.常健;王海鹏;周凯;魏炳波 Accession number:20123315336730 Title:Surface tension measurement of undercooled liquid Ni-based multicomponent alloys Authors:Chang, J. ;Wang, H.P. ;Zhou, K. ;Wei, B. Source title:Philosophical Magazine Letters 249 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 graphite nanoplatelets/ PVC nanocomposites prepared by melt blending Authors:Bo, Cheng ;Hua, Qi Shu ;Na, Ma Li Source title:Advanced Materials Research Source title:Polymer Chemistry 17.陈蔚蔚;聂玉峰;张伟伟;王雷 Accession number:20125015796109 Title:A fast local mesh generation method about high-quality node set Authors:Chen, Wei-Wei ;Nie, Yu-Feng ;Zhang, Wei-Wei ;Wang, Lei Source title:Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics 24.底楠;赵建林 Accession number:20121214886741 Title:Reducing magnetic zero drift by optimizing proportions of neon dual isotopes in laser gyros Authors:Di, Nan ;Zhao, Jian-lin Source title:Optoelectronics Letters 18.陈云;崔俊芝;聂玉峰 Accession number:20121514937543 Title:The thermo-mechanical coupled model of single crystal based on rate-dependent slip deformation theory and its FEM computation Authors:Chen, Yun ;Cui, Junzhi ;Nie, Yufeng Source title:Guti Lixue Xuebao/Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 25.丁明涛;田铮;徐海霞 Accession number:20125115823115 Title:Adaptive kernel principal analysis for online feature extraction Authors:Ding, Mingtao ;Tian, Zheng ;Xu, Haixia Source title:World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 26.窦金波;张秋禹;吉志强 Accession number:20123215324556 Title:Research of Silica Particles Dispersion in Polymer Matrix Under Acoustic Levitation Authors:Dou, Jinbo ;Zhang, Qiuyu ;Ji, Zhiqiang Source title:Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 19.陈云;于艳 Accession number:20122415111018 Title:Micro-structure of composites with randomly distributed particles on the impact of the effective thermal conductivity parameters Authors:Chen, Yun ;Yu, Yan Source title:Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 27.段利兵;耿旺昌;张富利;史小龙 Accession number:20125015792918 Title:Teaching transition for international education from 'foreign students class' to 'international class': The case of materials physics courses Authors:Duan, Libing ;Geng, Wangchang ;Zhang, Fuli ;Shi, Xiaolong Source title:Advanced Materials Research 20.陈志;陈长乐等 Accession number:20120214668511 Title:Simulation of faceted dendrite growth of non-isothermal alloy in forced flow by phase field method Authors:Chen, Zhi ;Hao, Li-Mei ;Chen, Chang-Le Source title:Journal of Central South University of Technology (English Edition) 28.段利兵;赵小如;刘金铭;耿旺昌;孙慧楠;谢海燕 Accession number:20122415109960 Title:Effect of annealing atmosphere on structural, optical and electrical properties of Al-doped Zn<inf>1-x</inf>Cd<inf>x</inf>O thin films Authors:Duan, L.B. ;Zhao, X.R. ;Liu, J.M. ;Geng, W.C. ;Sun, H.N. ;Xie, H.Y. Source title:Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 21.陈志;段萌萌;陈长乐 Accession number:IP52229809 Title:Electrodeposition fabrication of Co-based superhydrophobic powder coatings in non-aqueous electrolyte Authors:Chen, Zhi ;Hao, Limei ;Duan, Mengmeng ;Chen, Changle Source title:Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 29.段利兵;赵小如;刘金铭;耿旺昌;谢海燕;孙慧楠 Accession number:20121114862612 Title:Effect of annealing ambient on the structural, optical and electrical properties of (Mg,Al)-codoped ZnO thin films Authors:Duan, L.B. ;Zhao, X.R. ;Liu, J.M. ;Geng, W.C. ;Xie, H.Y. ;Sun, H.N. Source title:Physica Scripta 22.程博;齐暑华;曹鹏等 Accession number:20121114852761 Title:Fabrication and properties of graphite nanosheets/poly(vinyl chloride) composites Authors:Cheng, Bo ;Qi, Shuhua ;He, Dong ;Cao, Peng Source title:Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica 23.程博;齐暑华;马莉娜 Accession number:20115214648143 Title:Conductive and mechanical properties 30.段西发;田铮;齐培艳;刘向增 Accession number:20120614754088 Title:A robust weighted kernel principal component analysis algorithm of 250 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Authors:Duan, Xifa ;Tian, Zheng ;Qi, Peiyan ;Liu, Xiangzeng Source title:Proceedings - 2011 International Conference of Information Technology, Computer Engineering and Management Sciences, ICM 2011 Accession number:20120714763657 Title:Three-dimensional isotropic metamaterial consisting of domain-structure Authors:Gong, Boyi ;Zhao, Xiaopeng Source title:Physica B: Condensed Matter 31.段西发;田铮等 Accession number:20124815740494 Title:Registration of remote-sensing images using robust weighted kernel principal component analysis Authors:Duan, Xifa ;Tian, Zheng ;Ding, Mingtao ;Zhao, Wei Source title:AEU - 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Northwestern Polytechnical University 7.赵雯;张宏;卢婷利;马玉樊;陈涛等 Accession number:20130215887851 Title:Electrostatic self-assembly: An innovative approach to fabricate novel-structured magnetic liposomes Authors:Zhao, Wen ;Zhang, Hong ;Lu, TingLi ;Liu, WenLong ;Ma, YuFan ;Chen, Tao Source title:Applied Surface Science 7.胡楚锋;周洲;李南京;张麟兮;许家栋等 Accession number:20121014835131 Title:Investigation on vegetation parameters invesion algorithm based on oriented volume model and indoor wide-band measurements Authors:Hu, Chu-Feng ;Zhou, Zhou ;Li, Nan-Jing ;Zhang, Lin-Xi ;Xu, Jia-Dong Source title:Dianzi Yu Xinxi Xuebao/Journal of Electronics and Information Technology 国防研究院(24 篇) 1.段晓军;吴成富;陈怀民 Accession number:20120314683668 Title:Real-time high precision pulse width measurement based on VxWorks Authors:Duan, Xiao-Jun ;Wu, Cheng-Fu ;Chen, Huai-Min Source title:Energy Procedia 8.李南京;周阳;许家栋;胡楚锋 Accession number:20124615658474 Title:A novel method of planar three dimensional synthetic aperture radar imaging 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AU:作者英文姓名 3. TI:论文题目 4. SO:论文来源 5. UT ISIP: : ISTP 中论文唯一编号 AIRWORTHINESS (ISAA) UT ISI:000300396000058 6.谷迎松;杨智春 AU: Gu, YS;Yang, ZC TI:Improved Mu Method with Mixed Perturbation to Dynamic Pressure SO: ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307265200136 航空学院(46 篇) 7.关迪;孙秦 AU: Guan, D;Sun, Q TI:Numerical Simulation of the Cold Expansion and Residual Stress Relaxation for Aluminum Alloy 7050 SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600348 1.Chen, C.;Li, Y.;Yuan, FG AU: Chen, C;Li, Y;Yuan, FG TI:Impact and Damage Location Detection on Plate-Like Structures Using Time-Reversal Method SO: STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING 2011: CONDITION-BASED MAINTENANCE AND INTELLIGENT STRUCTURES, VOL 1 AND VOL 2 UT ISI:000297634100033 8.郭庆;宋笔锋 AU: Guo, Q;Song, BF TI:The Effect of Structural Geometric Nonlinearities on The Flutter of The Straight and Swept Wing Configurations SO: FRONTIER IN INFORMATION ENGINEERING FOR MECHANICS AND MATERIALS UT ISI:000309943400063 2.陈利丽;宋笔锋;宋文萍;杨文青 AU: Chen, LL;Song, BF;Song, WP;Yang, WQ TI:Dynamic Fluid-Structure Coupling Research on Micro Flapping Wing SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700050 9.郭英男;孙秦;吴领 AU: Guo, YN;Sun, Q;Wu, L TI:Study of Dynamic Impact Behaviors and Ballistic Properties of Ceramic/UHMWPE Composite Armor SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400078 3.邓磊;高永卫;乔志德 AU: Deng, L;Gao, YW;Qiao, ZD TI:A Constrainted Design Approach for NLF Airfoils by Coupling Inverse Design and Optimal Techniques SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700039 10.郝礼书;乔志德;宋文萍 AU: Hao, LS;Qiao, ZD;Song, WP TI:Control of Stall Flow over Airfoil using Vortex Generators SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700052 4.杜东兴;刘道新;汤金钢;张晓化 AU: Du, DX;Liu, DX;Sun, YF;Tang, JG;Zhang, XH TI:The effects of machined workpiece surface integrity on the fatigue life of TC21 titanium alloy SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MEASURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310816200091 11.黄政庭;王仲生;刘贞报 AU: Huang, ZT;Wang, ZS;Liu, ZB TI:Fault Diagnosis of Aircraft Power Supply Based on Priority Dynamic Fault Tree SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800041 5.冯婷婷;赵越让;侯小军;孙炎;包雨 AU: Feng, TT;Zhao, YR;Hou, XJ;Sun, Y;Bao, Y TI:Research on software testing technique of airborne equipment based on airworthiness SO: 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AIRCRAFT 12.李亮;孙秦 277 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000300396000047 AU: Liang, L;Qin, S TI:Structural Optimization and Aeroelastic Analysis of a Composite T-tail Configuration SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600228 20.马玉娥;刘宝琪;赵振强 AU: Ma, YE;Liu, BQ;Zhao, ZQ TI:Damage tolerance properties of 2198-T8 integral fuselage panel between double friction stir weld joints SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900111 13.李亮;孙秦 AU: Li, L;Sun, Q TI:Structural Optimization Research of Composite Aircraft Based on Different Wing Stiffness Constraints SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600059 21.马玉娥;刘宝琪等 AU: Ma, YE;Wang, LN;Liu, BQ TI:Residual Stress Effects on Crack Growth in Nugget of Al-Li Alloy 2195-T8 Friction Stir Welded Joints SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900110 14.李松;崔友;吕胜利;张伟;童小燕 AU: Li, S;Cui, Y;Lv, SL;Zhang, W;Tong, XY TI:The Corrosion Fatigue Life Research of Shot Peening Aluminum Alloy SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON MATERIAL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIZATION UT ISI:000309483700005 22.马玉娥;云双;何文浩 AU: Ma, YE;Yun, S;He, WH TI:Crack Paths in 2198-T8 Offset Hole SE(T) Plates with FSW Jointed under Fatigue Load SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900109 15.李占科;刘超 AU: Li, ZK;Liu, C TI:Integrated Analysis and Research of Advanced Wingtip Devices SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (AEIT 2011) UT ISI:000297656500051 23.马智;张炜;俞金海;李宝峰 AU: Ma, Z;Zhang, W;Yu, JH;Li, BF TI:Glare Prediction Method Based on SPEOS Simulation for Civil Airplane Flight Deck SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016402154 16.刘欧子;蔡晋生 AU: Liu, OZ;Cai, JS TI:Numericl Analysis Supersonic Cavity Unsteady Flow SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370300119 24.孟宣市;蔡晋生等 AU: Meng, XS;Cai, JS;Luo, SJ;Liu, F TI:Control of Unsteady Plasma Flows over Conical Forebody SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700141 17.卢颖慧;赵越让;侯晓军;孙焱;包羽 AU: Lu, YH;Zhao, YR;Hou, XJ;Sun, Y;Bao, Y TI:Coverage analysis of airborne software testing based on DO-178B standard SO: 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS (ISAA) UT ISI:000300396000057 25.孙中雷;赵美英;尹子栋 AU: Sun, ZL;Zhao, MY;Yin, ZD TI:Part Design of Giant Magnetostrictive Actuator SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICPST) UT ISI:000298855300010 18.罗利龙;赵美英 AU: Luo, LL;Zhao, MY TI:The Secondary Development of ABAQUS by using Python and the Application of the Advanced GA SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICPST) UT ISI:000298855300008 26.索涛;李玉龙;赵锋;谢奎 AU: Suo, T;Li, YL;Zhao, F;Xie, K TI:Temperature Effects on the Mechanical Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Material SO: NANOMATERIALS BY SEVERE PLASTIC DEFORMATION: NANOSPD5, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000299234300137 19.马存宝;高滋;杨林 AU: Ma, CB;Gao, Z;Yang, L TI:Safety analysis of airborne weather radar based on failure mode, effects and criticality Analysis SO: 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AIRCRAFT AIRWORTHINESS (ISAA) 27.唐樟春;吕震宙;李大伟等 278 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 35.薛小锋;冯蕴雯;秦强等 AU: Xue, XF;Feng, YW;Qin, Q;Feng, YS TI:Residual Strength of Multiple-Site Damage Structure on Aged Aircraft Using Interactions of Dugdale-Type Cracks and Stable Tearing SO: EMERGING MATERIALS AND MECHANICS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309697900107 AU: Tang, ZC;Lu, ZZ;Li, DW;Zhang, F TI:Optimal design of the positions of the hoops for a hydraulic pipelines system SO: NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN UT ISI:000298764900029 28.王豪杰;李杰;付炜嘉 AU: Wang, HJ;Li, J;Fu, WJ TI:Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of Propeller for Solar Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900075 36.杨文青;宋笔锋;宋文萍;李占科;张亚锋 AU: Yang, WQ;Song, BF;Song, WP;Li, ZK;Zhang, YF TI:Aerodynamic Mechanism Research of Flapping Flight SO: PROGRESS IN POWER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370300129 29.王健磊;李华星;孟宣市;刘锋;罗时钧 AU: Wang, JL;Li, HX;Meng, XS;Liu, F;Luo, SJ TI:Plasma Flow Control over Slender Delta Wing and Low Dorsal Fin Combination SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700139 37.杨文青;宋笔锋;宋文萍;李占科等 AU: Yang, WQ;Song, BF;Song, WP;Li, ZK;Zhang, YF TI:Computational Fluid-Structure Dynamics Coupling Research of Flexible Wing SO: PROGRESS IN POWER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370300125 38.杨显昆;陈浩远;成李南;郑锡涛 AU: Yang, XK;Chen, HY;Cheng, LN;Zheng, XT TI:A novel approach to predict the pin load distribution of multiple bolt-jointed composite laminate based on the circuit model SO: THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART MATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY IN ENGINEERING UT ISI:000303519900081 30.王平;屈展;张炯 AU: Ping, W;Zhan, Q;Jiong, Z;Bing, ZJ;Liang, W TI:A multiaxial fatigue reliability analysis method of Casing drilling in casing string SO: RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000309147800330 31.谢伟;徐绯等 AU: Wei, X;Fei, X;Yan, HM TI:Observations on Mechanics Properties of Stitched Foam-Core Sandwich by Flexural Testing SO: EMERGING MATERIALS AND MECHANICS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309697900068 39.殷之平;黄其青;张炯等 AU: Yin, ZP;Li, GF;Huang, QQ;Zhang, J;Xu, MB TI:Optimization of Lug Design Based on Damage Tolerance Analysis SO: EMERGING SYSTEMS FOR MATERIALS, MECHANICS AND MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000306674500042 32.许和勇;叶正寅;史爱明 AU: Xu, HY;Ye, ZY;Shi, AM TI:Numerical Study of Propeller Slipstream Based on Unstructured Overset Grids SO: JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT UT ISI:000302758400004 40.余雷;宋文萍 AU: Yu, L;Song, WP TI:Application of Hybrid Method for Aerodynamic Noise Prediction SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700098 33.许建华;宋文萍;杨旭东 AU: Xu, JH;Song, WP;Yang, XD TI:Effects of Proplet on Propeller Efficiency SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700041 41.张强;高正红 AU: Zhang, Q;Gao, ZH TI:Numerical Simulation of Ice Accretions Based on Unstructured Grids SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700061 34.薛璞;王俊璞;陶肖明 AU: Xue, P;Wang, JP;Tao, XM TI:Strain Sensing Behaviour of PPy-coated XLA Fibers SO: INTELLIGENT MATERIALS, APPLIED MECHANICS AND DESIGN SCIENCE UT ISI:000306346500029 42.张伟伟;叶正寅;全景阁等 279 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 CONFIGURATION FOR DUAL THRUST SOLID ROCKET MOTOR SO: BALLISTICS 2011: 26TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BALLISTICS, VOL 1 AND VOL 2 UT ISI:000297632200090 AU: Zhang, WW;Wang, BB;Ye, ZY;Quan, JG TI:Efficient Method for Limit Cycle Flutter Analysis by Nonlinear Aerodynamic Reduced-Order Models SO: AIAA JOURNAL UT ISI:000303365700003 43.张晓化;刘道新;刘国华;王振亚等 AU: Zhang, XH;Liu, DX;Liu, GH;Wang, ZY;Tang, B TI:Improvement of the fretting damage resistance of Ti-811 alloy by Cu/Ni multilayer films SO: TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL UT ISI:000297485400031 4.曹琪;冯喜平;李洁 AU: Cao, Q;Feng, XP;Li, J;Dong, T TI:Research on the Performance Detecting System of High-Precision Small-scale Solid Rocket Motor SO: SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309496200124 44.赵志彬;贺尔铭;王红建 AU: Zhao, ZB;He, EM;Wang, HJ TI:Experimental Investigation on Natural Characteristics and Forced Response of Bladed Disks SO: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT I, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000302666100007 5.段小龙;刘小勇 AU: Duan, XL;Liu, XY TI:Noise Prediction of Liquid Rocket Engine by the Software AutoSEA2 SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600162 45.周勇;姜洪开;周奇勋;张清江 AU: Zhou, Y;Jiang, HK;Zhou, QX;Zhang, QJ TI:A Novel Method for Modeling and Simulation of Brushless DC Motor with Kalman Filter SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL II UT ISI:000297605100123 6.凡永华;于云峰 AU: Fan, YH;Li, X;Yu, YF TI:High Altitude Airship Flight Control System Design and Simulation SO: MEASURING TECHNOLOGY AND MECHATRONICS AUTOMATION IV, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307026800032 46.周勇;张清江;周奇勋;姜洪开 AU: Zhou, Y;Zhang, QJ;Zhou, QX;Jiang, HK TI:Research on Nonlinear PID Control of Digital Governor for Diesel Engine SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL II UT ISI:000297605100122 7.郭东;徐敏;陈士橹;钱宇 AU: Guo, D;Xu, M;Chen, SL;Qian, Y TI:A New Method for Modeling of Fully Flexible Aircrafts SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016401067 8.贺武生;毛根旺;陈茂林 AU: He, WS;Mao, GW;Chen, ML TI:Research on attenuation effects of plasma to electromagnetic waves and influences to the spacecraft communication SO: FUTURE MATERIAL RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY APPLICATION, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309483300244 航天学院(39 篇) 1.Abbas, Naqvi Najam;韩啸;李言俊等 AU: Abbas, NN;Xiao, H;Jun, LY;Raza, M TI:An Architecture Analysis of ADCS for Cube Sat: A Recipe for ADCS Design of ICUBE SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370303099 9.黄德东;吴斌 AU: Huang, D;Wu, B TI:Design of vibration isolation system for Laser strapdown IMU SO: EMERGING SYSTEMS FOR MATERIALS, MECHANICS AND MANUFACTURING UT ISI:000306674500077 2.Abbas, Naqvi Najam;王欣;李言俊等 AU: Abbas, NN;Wang, X;An, CY;Li, YJ TI:An Architecture Design of Navigation Solution Using Signal Information from Global Navigation Satellite System SO: OPTIMIZATION OF THE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, ROBOTICS AND AEROSPACE UT ISI:000310934500044 10.及鹏飞 AU: Ji, PF TI:RLV Attitude Control System Design in Reentry Flight Phase SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016402282 3.Raza, M. A;Liang, Wang AU: Raza, MA;Liang, W TI:ROBUST DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF 3D TANDEM GRAIN 280 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 11.李东升;符文星 AU: Li, DS;Fu, WX TI:A Signal Processing Method for Ground Monitoring System of a Certain Missile's Guidance Module SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON ENGINEERING MATERIALS, ENERGY, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000302663400176 19.王民钢;李伟;杨尧 AU: Wang, MG;Li, W;Yang, Y TI:Application of NI Real-Time Hypervisor in Bellows Swing Measurement and Control System SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING 2011 UT ISI:000300042400089 20.王民钢;孙传新 AU: Wang, MA;Sun, CX TI:Design of Programmable Laser Receiver Signal Simulator SO: KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING UT ISI:000310186700018 12.李浩;唐硕;闫晓东 AU: Li, H;Tang, S;Yan, XD TI:Study on Theory of Model Test in Model Credibility Evaluation SO: SOFWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING: THEORY AND PRACTICE, VOL 2 UT ISI:000311058400107 21.王民钢;田永刚 AU: Wang, MG;Tian, YG TI:Target Recognition of Infrared Bridge Image Based on Morphological Operator SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING 2011 UT ISI:000300042400092 13.龙国庆;祝小平 AU: Long, GQ;Zhu, XP TI:Cooperative Area Coverage Reconnaissance Method for Multi-UAV System SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016402047 14.鲁卫平 AU: Lu, WP TI:On Construction of Scientific Evaluation System of Multimedia Teaching Effects SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL III UT ISI:000297605200062 22.王伟;李江;张可;刘洋 AU: Wang, W;Li, J;Zhang, K;Liu, Y TI:Computing Method Investigation and Verification of Gas-Solid Combustion in Magnesium-Aluminum Based Propellant Ducted Rocket SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MEASURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310816200115 15.泮斌峰;唐硕 AU: Pan, BF;Tang, S TI:Numerical Improvements to Closed-loop Ascent Guidance SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016402202 23.王溪筠 AU: Wang, XY TI:Algorithm for the Detection of Feeble Edge of Complex Image SO: EMERGING MATERIALS AND MECHANICS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309697900182 16.孙琦;周军;葛致磊 AU: Sun, Q;Zhou, J;Ge, ZL TI:A New Pulse Modulator for Solid Propellant Attitude Control Motors SO: MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302661700054 24.王小勇 AU: Wang, XY TI:Research on Technologies of Stability and Calibration Precision of Mapping Camera SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PHYSICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ICPST) UT ISI:000298855300077 17.王春光;陈聪等 AU: Wang, CG;Liu, HC;Yang, DM;Chen, C TI:Study of Development Status and Future Development Proposals for Pulse Solid Rocket Motor SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370301122 25.王征;李言俊 AU: Wang, Z;Li, YJ;Sun, XW TI:Satellite Fault Detection and Isolation through Decoupling Parity Space SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370302192 18.王军;李鹏 AU: Wang, J;Li, P TI:On the HIL Simulation via LOS Angle for MMW Guidance SO: ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II UT ISI:000309785100045 26.吴斌;冯松等 AU: Wu, B;He, Y;Feng, S TI:Extracting Modal Parameters of Constrained Structure from Free Test Data SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 281 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000303370302164 34.张胜敏;胡春波;何国强;姚亮 AU: Zhang, SM;Hu, CB;He, GQ;Yao, L TI:Experimental Investigation of Powdered Magnesium-Carbon Dioxide Rocket Propulsion System SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (AEIT 2011) UT ISI:000297656500025 27.徐超等 AU: Xu, C;Wang, D TI:An Evaluation of Damage Features Extraction from Attractors in Structural Health Monitoring SO: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT I, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000302666100148 35.张胜敏;胡春波;夏盛勇;魏祥庚等 AU: Zhang, SM;Hu, CB;Xia, SY;Li, L;Wei, XG TI:Ignition and Combustion of Magnesium Particles in Carbon Dioxide SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300042 28.徐朝启;Konnov, Alexander A. AU: Xu, CQ;Konnov, AA TI:Validation and analysis of detailed kinetic models for ethylene combustion SO: ENERGY UT ISI:000305863400003 36.张翔宇;何国强;刘佩进;李江 AU: Zhang, XY;He, GQ;Liu, PJ;Li, J TI:Heat Flux Measurement Method of Two-phase Flow in SRM SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300164 29.许涛;祝小平;张晓峰 AU: Xu, T;Zhu, XP;Zhang, XF TI:Infrared Imaging Maneuvering Reentry Vehicle Counter Target lost Algorithm using Modified Gain Extended Kalman Filter SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656801152 37.赵瑜;鲍福廷;胡声超 AU: Zhao, Y;Bao, FT;Hu, SC TI:Numerical Study of Heat Feedback Influence on Combustion of ADN SO: ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000308830100180 30.许志;唐硕 AU: Xu, Z;Tang, S TI:Design of Rapid Control Prototyping Platform Based on RTX SO: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, CYBERNETICS, AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (ICCE2011), VOL 1: INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND NETWORK COMMUNICATION UT ISI:000301960900055 38.郑晓亚;李朋 AU: Zheng, XY;Li, P TI:Comparison of Temperature Computation Methods for Nozzle in SRM SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300229 31.杨飒;何国强;刘洋;李江 AU: Yang, S;He, GQ;Liu, Y;Li, J TI:Turbocharged Solid Propellant Ramjet for Tactical Missile SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300039 39.朱苏朋;符文星等 AU: Zhu, SP;Fu, WX;Li, XQ TI:Modeling and Simulating the Stratosail of Stratopheric Satellite SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656801004 32.张民庆 杨国华 周立新 洪流 张忠利 AU: Zhang, MQ;Yang, GH;Zhou, LX;Hong, L;Zhang, ZL TI:Experiment of Cooling-film Flows in a Hot-fire Environment SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700118 航海学院(35 篇) 1.陈景东;Benesty, Jacob AU: Chen, JD;Benesty, J TI:A TIME-DOMAIN WIDELY LINEAR MVDR FILTER FOR BINAURAL NOISE REDUCTION SO: 2011 IEEE WORKSHOP ON APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL PROCESSING TO AUDIO AND ACOUSTICS (WASPAA) UT ISI:000298302900027 33.张民庆;吴旭光 AU: Zhang, MQ;Wu, XG TI:Evaluating Node Importance in Complex Networks Based on Factor Analysis SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100353 2.程洪杰;李斌茂等 AU: Cheng, HJ;Zhao, Y;Li, BM;Zhan, JC TI:Research on the Bearing Capacity of Unsupported 282 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Random Launching Site SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309489700208 of a Solar Powered Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(SAUV) SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, AND MATERIALS, PT C UT ISI:000306066200090 3.崔琳;李亚安;李晓花;刘望生 AU: Cui, L;Li, Y;Li, XH;Liu, WS TI:Application of Support Vector Regression in Beamforming SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100290 10.黄海;雷开卓;黄建国;张玲玲;屈健康 AU: Huang, H;Lei, KZ;Huang, JG;Zhang, LL;Qu, JK TI:The Performance Test for Trigger Switch of Underwater Plasma Acoustic Source SO: SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309496200120 4.冯斌;石秀华;康智强 AU: Feng, B;Shi, XH;Kang, ZQ TI:Study of the Bullet Position Measuring Model With Six Light Screens SO: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTOELECTRONIC DETECTION AND IMAGING 2011: SENSOR AND MICROMACHINED OPTICAL DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES UT ISI:000297572400008 11.黄建国;高伟;Richard, Cedric AU: Huang, JG;Gao, W;Richard, C TI:Multi-Channel Differencing Adaptive Noise Cancellation Based on Kernel-based Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm SO: OCEANS, 2012 - YEOSU UT ISI:000309461400077 12.黄晓燕;高天德;冯西安 AU: Huang, XY;Gao, TD;Feng, X TI:HIGH SPEED DATA PROCESSING SOPC SYSTEM BASED ON NIOS II RECONFIGURABLE SOFT IP CORES SO: 2011 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT (ICCTD 2011), VOL 1 UT ISI:000307481200078 5.高颖;马晓辉;姜涛等 AU: Gao, Y;Ma, XH;Jiang, T;Xu, ZG TI:Based on Two and Three Dimensional Technology to quickly build a Virtual Battlefield SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE ELECTRICAL POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEM, PT A UT ISI:000306073700093 13.霍爱清;贺昱耀等 AU: Huo, AQ;He, YY;Ruan, Y;Tang, N TI:Research of Dynamic Parameter Identification of LuGre Model Based on Weights Boundary Neural Network SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096400117 6.高颖;张金汇;姬维君;郭淑霞 AU: Gao, Y;Zhang, JH;Ji, WJ;Guo, SX TI:Digital Oil Depot Designing and the Research of Visual Interactive Technology SO: SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309496200023 14.雷开卓;杨海博等 AU: Lei, KZ;Su, J;Shang, JT;Cui, QS;Yang, HB TI:Ultra-Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000305960300274 7.韩鹏;陈克安;张效民;韩亚妮 AU: Han, P;Cheng, K;Zhang, XM;Han, Y TI:The exploration of organization and management mode of university students' scientific and technological Innovative activities SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL III UT ISI:000297605200074 15.李金明;陆晶 AU: Li, JM;Lu, J TI:A Modified Super-exponential Algorithm for Joint Blind Equalization and Carrier Recovery SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802141 8.郝莉莉;杨惠珍 AU: Hao, LL;Yang, HZ TI:Improvement and Simulation of Contract-Net-Based Task Allocation for Multi-robot System SO: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, VOL 1 UT ISI:000310244700008 16.李涛;宋保维 AU: Li, T;Song, BW TI:The Design and Calculation of An Underwater Carrier's Hood Separation SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON ENGINEERING MATERIALS, ENERGY, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000302663400084 9.胡欲立;王家军 AU: Hu, YL;Wang, JJ TI:Study on Power Generation and Energy Storage System 283 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED PHYSICS AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 2012, PT C UT ISI:000306477500102 17.李雨田;张宇文 AU: Li, YT;Zhang, YW TI:Mid-profile Design and Numerical Simulation for Supercavitating Vehicle SO: EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309144400117 25.王静;黄建国;焦亚萌;张群飞 AU: Wang, J;Huang, JG;Jiao, YM;Zhang, QF TI:ADAPTIVE MATCHED FILTER DETECTION METHOD ON UNDERWATER SMALL APERTURE ARRAY SO: 2011 IEEE STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING WORKSHOP (SSP) UT ISI:000298377500025 18.刘望生;李亚安;崔琳等 AU: Liu, WS;Li, YA;Cui, L;Wang, MH TI:The Mutual Impedance Analysis of a Broadband Dense Plane Array SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800175 26.王新平;党建军;赵志草 AU: Wang, XP;Dang, JJ;Zhao, ZC TI:Research on Closed-Loop Control of the Step Response SO: NUMBERS, INTELLIGENCE, MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND MACHINERY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000306934500012 19.刘小龙;黄建国;黄海 AU: Liu, XL;Huang, JG;Huang, H TI:Numerical Simulation of Underwater Plasma Intense Acoustic Focusing Sound Field SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100286 27.邢蓉;宋保维;毛昭勇;丁浩 AU: Xing, R;Song, BW;Mao, ZY;Ding, H TI:Design of Bionic Flapping-Wing Propulsion Device SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800163 20.罗建;周洪伟;吴英杰;王韫 AU: Luo, J;Zhou, HW;Wu, YJ;Wang, Y TI:The Research on Channel Coding of Shortwave Automatic Link Establishment Communication System SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802122 28.姚林海;康凤举;韩翃 AU: Yao, LH;Kang, FJ;Han, H TI:Research of the Design of a Scene Simulation General Framework SO: INSTRUMENTATION, MEASUREMENT, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS UT ISI:000310864800115 21.孟庆微;黄建国;韩晶;何成兵等 AU: Meng, QW;Huang, JG;Han, J;He, CB;Ma, C TI:An Improved Direct Adaptive Multichannel Turbo Equalization Scheme for Underwater Communications SO: OCEANS, 2012 - YEOSU UT ISI:000309461400232 29.张福斌;鲍鸿杰;段小伟;沈俊元 AU: Zhang, FB;Bao, HJ;Duan, XW;Shen, JY TI:A multiple AUVs cooperative navigation algorithm considering the effect of ocean current SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802142 22.秦侃;罗凯;李代金;李淼;胡峰 AU: Qin, K;Luo, K;Li, DJ;Li, M;Hu, F TI:Working characteristic Analysis of Waterjet Propulsion for Underwater Vehicle SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656801219 30.张福斌;段小伟;鲍鸿杰 AU: Zhang, FB;Duan, XW;Bao, HJ TI:CAN Bus Based for AUV internal communication system design SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802177 23.秦侃;罗凯;李代金;李淼;胡峰 AU: Qin, K;Luo, K;Li, DJ;Li, M;Hu, F TI:Design of a Novel Oceanic Oscillating Power Generation System SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON MATERIAL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIZATION UT ISI:000309483700096 31.张鹏;宋保维;杜晓旭 AU: Zhang, P;Song, BW;Du, XX TI:Landing Motion Simulation of Autonomous Underwater Lurk Vehicle SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON MATERIAL ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIZATION UT ISI:000309483700099 24.时永刚;吴旭光 AU: Shi, YG;Wu, XG;Chen, HJ;Xu, TX TI:A Research of Weapon System Storage Reliability Simulation Method Based on Fuzzy Theory 284 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 32.张珍斌;李斌 AU: Zhang, ZB;Li, B TI:Underwater Electromagnetic Sources 2-D DOA and Polarization Estimation SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON INDUSTRY, INFORMATION SYSTEM AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309144100118 TI:Influences of Heat Treatment on Spinning Process with Large Thinning Rate and Performance of 30CrMnSiA SO: ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT STRUCTURE AND VIBRATION CONTROL UT ISI:000310242300018 33.赵娥;宋保维 AU: Zhao, E;Song, BW TI:Modeling and Variable Structure Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Moving Mass SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501049 of 5.胡国辛;高峰;曹宵;刘亮亮 AU: Hu, GX;Gao, F;Cao, X;Liu, LL TI:Microstructure and dielectric properties Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 ceramics co-doped Al2O3-MgO SO: FUNCTIONAL AND ELECTRONIC MATERIALS UT ISI:000302589200061 6.贾建利;刘金合等 AU: Jia, JL;Liu, JH;Meng, SS TI:Design on ECM Device of Engine Connecting Rod Hot-forging Die SO: PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING UT ISI:000310488200064 34.赵民全;梁庆卫等 AU: Zhao, MQ;Liang, QW;Jiang, SS;Chen, P TI:Learning Curve Model for Torpedo Based on Neural Network SO: ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2011, PT II UT ISI:000301950800019 7.姜伊辉;孙宝;刘峰 AU: Jiang, YH;Sun, B;Liu, F TI:Analytical Approach for Describing Solid-State Phase Transformation SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309943300009 35.赵芝梅;盛美萍 AU: Zhao, ZM;Sheng, MP TI:Influence of the Connection Mode for the Vibration Characteristics of a Plate-shell Coupled System SO: MANAGEMENT, MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309691400253 8.李恒;杨合;师开鹏 AU: Li, H;Yang, H;Shi, KP TI:Study on 3D Strain Distribution Characteristics Using Etched Grid Method in Tube Bending SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500106 材料学院(30 篇) 1.卜文德;刘金合 AU: Bu, WD;Liu, JH TI:The coupled thermal-mechanical modeling of the inertia friction welding process for Inconel718 SO: PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF MATERIAL PROCESSING VI, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309487300122 2.单迪;闫果;周廉等 AU: Shan, D;Yan, G;Zhou, L;Ji, P;Li, CS;Wang, QY;Zhang, SN;Yang, F;Liu, GQ TI:The effect of Ti3SiC2 doping on the microstructure and superconducting properties of MgB2 SO: ADVANCES IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY XXIV UT ISI:000305968900042 3.高中堂;张敏华 AU: Gao, ZT;Zhang, MH TI:Research on technological parameters of laser cladding SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600046 9.李恒;杨合;田玉丽;师开鹏 AU: Li, H;Yang, H;Tian, YL;Shi, KP TI:Experimental Study on Bendability of Thin-walled 6061-T4 Tube under Different Bending Velocities SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500039 10.李健;薛峰;邓学良 AU: Li, J;Xue, F;Deng, XL TI:The Channel Bending Forming Process of Ti-6Al-4V Blank Based on Finite Element Method SO: MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370100050 11.李健;杨滨婷 AU: Li, J;Yang, BT TI:Influence of Temperature and Stress Factors on Warm Compaction Process of Molybdenum Powder Density SO: MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370100025 4.韩冬;杨合;詹梅;李甜等 AU: Han, D;Yang, H;Zhan, M;Yang, MY;Mou, SZ;Li, T 285 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Modeling of Generation of Uniform Metal Droplet During Drop-On-Demand Spray Forming SO: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE UT ISI:000309495900057 12.李俊杰;王志军;王锦程 AU: Li, JJ;Wang, ZJ;Yang, YJ;Wang, JC TI:Competitive grain growth in directional solidification investigated by phase field simulation SO: MCWASP XIII: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODELING OF CASTING, WELDING AND ADVANCED SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES UT ISI:000307779900098 20.王晓娟;徐敏 AU: Wang, XJ;Xu, M TI:Aero-elastic Active Control Modeling via Improved POD method SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600067 13.刘崇;范晓丽 AU: Liu, C;Fan, XL TI:Methods to Improve Properties of Gate Dielectrics in Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308114100265 21.王志军;李俊杰;王锦程;杨根仓;周尧和 AU: Wang, ZJ;Li, JJ;Wang, JC;Yang, GC;Zhou, YH TI:Phase field investigation on the selection of initial sidebranch spacing in directional solidification SO: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES UT ISI:000301192900009 14.罗怡;刘金合 AU: Luo, Y;Liu, JH;Du, CH;Xu, HB;Li, CT TI:The evaporation effect of front keyhole wall in penetration welding with an electron beam SO: ADVANCED STRUCTURAL MATERIALS UT ISI:000302587600064 22.闫锋;刘正堂;刘文婷 AU: Yan, F;Liu, ZT;Liu, WT TI:The preparation and properties of Y(2)O(3)/AlN anti-reflection films on chemical vapor deposition diamond SO: THIN SOLID FILMS UT ISI:000297988500016 15.任宁;詹梅;杨合;张志勇等 AU: Ren, N;Zhan, M;Yang, H;Zhang, ZY;Jiang, HM;Diao, KS;Chen, XP TI:SIGNIFICANCE ANALYSIS OF WELD AND PROCESSING PARAMETERS ON WALL THINNING AND CROSS-SECTIONAL DEFORMATION OF WELDED TUBE IN NC BENDING PROCESS SO: ADVANCES IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIAL MECHANICS 2011 UT ISI:000297713100113 23.杨茜;李贺军;虞跨海 AU: Yang, X;Li, HJ;Yu, KH TI:Effects of bending cyclic load on mechanical properties of 2D Carbon cloth laminated C/C composites SO: MECHATRONICS AND APPLIED MECHANICS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310935600162 16.王理林;林鑫;王猛;黄卫东 AU: Wang, LL;Lin, X;Wang, M;Huang, WD TI:Measurement of Solid-Liquid Interfacial Energy and Its Anisotropy of Succinonitrile SO: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES UT ISI:000301192900083 24.余敏;李文亚;王非凡等 AU: Yu, M;Li, WY;Wang, FF;Liao, HL TI:Finite Element Simulation of Impacting Behavior of Particles in Cold Spraying by Eulerian Approach SO: JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000303472800044 17.王领航;介万奇 AU: Wang, LH;Jie, WQ TI:Bridgman growth and defect characterization of large diameter mercury indium telluride crystals for near infrared detectors SO: JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH UT ISI:000311647400072 25.张兵;陈忠伟等 AU: Zhang, B;Chen, ZW;Yuan, SQ;Zhao, TL TI:Evolutions of Microstructure for Multi layered Al-Mg Alloy Composites by Accumulation Roll Bonding (ARB) Process SO: PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING UT ISI:000310488200109 18.王猛;郑浩勇;林鑫;黄卫东 AU: Wang, M;Zheng, HY;Lin, X;Huang, WD TI:Wenzel model based investigation of heterogeneous nucleation on a coarse substrate SO: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES UT ISI:000301192900006 26.张平祥;张科;郭建华等 AU: Zhang, PX;Zhang, K;Guo, JH;Jia, JJ;Tang, XD;Li, JF;Liu, JW;Du, SJ;Liu, XH;Feng, Y TI:Optimization of Bronze Processed Nb3Sn Strand for ITER at WST SO: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 19.王鹏云;李贺军;齐乐华;李克智;罗俊 AU: Wang, PY;Li, HJ;Qi, LH;Li, KZ;Jun, L 286 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000307364700256 UT ISI:000309184100018 27.张瑜;郭喜平 AU: Zhang, Y;Guo, XP TI:Si-B co-deposition coatings on an Nb suicide based ultrahigh temperature alloy prepared by pack cementation technique SO: ADVANCED STRUCTURAL MATERIALS UT ISI:000302587600111 4.常智勇;卫海峰;赵杰 AU: Chang, ZY;Wei, HF;Zhao, J TI:Research on the generation of casting model for cast then machined parts SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309489700013 28.章国伟;陈铮等 AU: Zhang, GW;Chen, Z;Chen, W;Xin, HY;Zhai, J;Guo, AZ;Ma, L;Chen, G TI:Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-9Al-6.5Ca-3Zn-0.6Mn-xNd alloys prepared by spray forming SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600305 5.陈涛;莫蓉;宫中伟 AU: Chen, T;Mo, R;Gong, ZW TI:Imposing Essential Boundary Conditions in Isogeometric Analysis with Nitsche's Method SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401210 6.陈学永;赵宁 AU: Chen, XY;Zhao, N TI:Structure Design And Finite Element Analysis of Airborne Equipment Integrated Mounting shelf SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600042 29.赵刚要;刘郁丽;田珊;杨合 AU: Zhao, GY;Liu, YL;Tian, S;Yang, H TI:Side Wrinkling Characteristics in Rotary-Draw Bending Process of Thin-walled Rectangular 3A21 Tube SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900074 7.陈学永;赵宁;蔡艳召;王跃宗等 AU: Chen, XY;Zhao, N;Cai, YZ;Yan, ZJ;Wang, YZ TI:Research on a New Cooling System of Airborne Electronic Equipment SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900020 30.赵廷凯;刘乐浩;李光明等 AU: Zhao, TK;Liu, LH;Li, GM;Tang, MT TI:Zinc and cobalt recovery from Co-Ni residue of zinc hydrometallurgy by an ammonia process SO: ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000308830100011 8.初苗;田少辉;余隋怀 AU: Chu, M;Tian, SH;Yu, SH TI:Design of Intelligent Spray Equipment SO: PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING UT ISI:000310488200007 机电学院(87 篇) 1.白玉梅;徐颖强;张涛 AU: Bai, YM;Xu, YQ;Zhang, T TI:A Generalized Model for Residual Stress Caused by Thermal Mismatch in Multi layer Structures SO: PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF MATERIAL PROCESSING VI, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309487300218 9.董飞飞;邵忍平;马杰 AU: Dong, FF;Shao, RP;Ma, J TI:Research on Stress Intensity Factor of Gear Crack and Its Variation with Changes of Gear Parameters SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401104 2.柏龙;葛文杰;陈晓红;孟祥艳 AU: Bai, L;Ge, WJ;Chen, XH;Meng, XY TI:Hopping Capabilities of a Bio-inspired and Mininally Actuated Hopping Robot SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656801147 10.董亮;闫振国;张杰;王延平等 AU: Dong, L;Yan, ZG;Zhang, J;Du, KP;Wang, YP TI:A Method for Setting the Optimal Production Status Based on Genetic Algorithm in a Discrete Assembly System SO: ADVANCED DESIGN TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309483000147 3.蔡志强;孙树栋;司书宾;王宁 AU: Cai, ZQ;Sun, SD;Si, SB;Wang, N TI:Integrated Importance based Maintenance Decision Making SO: 2012 PROCEEDINGS - ANNUAL RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM (RAMS) 11.窦杨柳;卜昆;董一巍;窦杨青 AU: Dou, YL;Bu, K;Dong, YW;Dou, YQ TI:Optimization of Geometric Parameters for Turbine 287 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 19.淮斌;杨海成;万能 AU: Huai, B;Yang, HC;Wan, N TI:The Process DNA Model of Significant Model Project SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400099 Blades Based on Inverse Adjustments SO: MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370100019 12.杜微;莫蓉;李山 AU: Du, W;Mo, R;Li, S TI:Key Characteristics Extraction Method In Product Concept Design SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100495 20.贾晓亮 AU: Jia, XL TI:Research on Complex Product Lifecycle Quality Management Technology Based on 3D Product Model SO: SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309496200016 13.杜微;莫蓉;李山等 AU: Du, W;Mo, R;Li, S;Li, B TI:Research on Collaborative Product Design Issue Tracking Management Model SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000305960300101 21.靳力;吴建军;朱彤;王永军等 AU: Jin, L;Wu, JJ;Zhu, T;Wang, YJ;Li, SL TI:Numerical Simulation of Residual Stress in Quenching 2024 Honeycomb Aluminum Alloy Thin plates SO: EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309144400162 14.甘忠;谭海兵;朱加赞 AU: Gan, Z;Tan, HB;Zhu, JZ TI:Simulation and Springback Prediction of integral panel with high ribs in Age Forming SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300026 22.赖长亮;刘闯;张贤杰 AU: Lai, CL;Chuang, L;Zhang, XJ TI:A Digital System Implement for Aircraft Sheet Metal Cutting SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370301014 15.甘忠;朱加赞;谭海兵等 AU: Gan, Z;Wu, YP;Zhu, JZ;Tan, HB TI:Structure of Mold Surface for Stress Relaxation Forming of Integral Panel of 2124 Aluminum Alloy SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300027 23.李海宁;孙树栋;张映锋 AU: Li, HN;Sun, SD;Zhang, YF TI:Using Auto-ID Technologies to Implement Real-time Manufacturing Resources Tracking and Tracing SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400308 16.谷小军;朱继宏;张卫红;李金山 AU: Gu, XJ;Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH;Li, JS TI:The Topology Optimization Design for the Stereolithography Based Investment Casting Pattern SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900125 24.李山;汪焰恩;陈冰;杨挺;董芊里 AU: Li, S;Wang, YN;Chen, B;Yang, T;Dong, QL TI:Study on Modeling and Simulation of Digital Factory Technology in Complex Production Development SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016401073 17.关栋;杨小辉;刘更;佟瑞庭;马尚君 AU: Guan, D;Yang, XH;Liu, G;Tong, RT;Ma, SJ TI:The Study of Electromechanical Brake Device Based on the Ball Screw SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND GREEN MANUFACTURING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310498800100 25.李亚杰;何卫平 AU: Li, YJ;He, WP TI:PIM Driven Component-based MES Reconfiguration SO: MANAGEMENT, MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309691400131 26.李郁;田卫军;杨振朝;姚倡锋;任军学 AU: Li, Y;Tian, WJ;Yang, ZC;Yao, CF;Ren, JX TI:The Effect of Cutting parameters on Machined Surface Microstructure During High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloy TC17 SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800022 18.郭飞燕;王仲奇;杨勃 AU: Guo, FY;Wang, ZQ;Yang, B TI:Edge Distance Determination for Aeronautical Thin-Walled Structures with Automated Riveting SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500035 288 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Stability of Milling Process of Thin-walled Blades SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800004 27.李原;程晖;张开富 AU: Li, Y;Cheng, H;Zhang, KF TI:GAAA-based Layout Method of Locating Points for Aero Thin-Walled Structure Automated Riveting SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092000081 28.李洲洋;谷文韬等 AU: Li, ZY;Gu, WT;Lei, YN TI:Process Data Driven Based Process Equipment Automatic Control Technology SO: ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307265200203 29.李洲洋;田锡天;耿俊浩 AU: Li, ZY;Tian, XT;Geng, JH TI:A CAD/CAPP/CNC Integrated System Based on Lightweight 3D Model SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016403146 35.鲁卫平;赵硕 AU: Lu, WP;Zhao, S TI:On Monitoring and Evaluation of Classroom Teaching Quality in Science and Engineering University SO: EDUCATION AND EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000302381000015 36.马杰;邵忍平;董飞飞 AU: Ma, J;Shao, RP;Dong, FF TI:Three-Dimensional Extended Analysis and Life Prediction of Gear Crack SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402291 37.莫蓉;宫中伟;杨海成;张欣 AU: Mo, R;Gong, ZW;Yang, HC;Zhang, X TI:The detection of avalanche propagation in engineering change SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402046 30.刘德胜;孙树栋 AU: Liu, DS;Sun, SD TI:Development and Protection Techniques for Stone World Heritage Sites SO: 2012 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (SOSE) UT ISI:000310375800091 38.乔虎;杨海成;莫蓉;张栋梁 AU: Qiao, H;Yang, HC;Mo, R;Zhang, DL TI:A Modular Design Method Based on Control-model SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400124 31.刘海霞;王三民;郭家舜;单宁 AU: Liu, HX;Wang, SM;Guo, JS;Shan, N TI:A Multi-Parameter Multi-Step Chaos Control Method of High-Dimensional Systems SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096401138 39.邱克鹏;张卫红;高彤 AU: Qiu, KP;Zhang, WH;Gao, T TI:Microstructure Design with Multiphase Materials under Mass Constraints SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900123 32.刘杰;秦现生 AU: Liu, J;Qin, XS TI:Integration Method for Information System with Cloud Computing SO: ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE INNOVATION, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000308895900692 40.司书宾;杜莉;蔡志强;兑红炎 AU: Si, SB;Du, L;Cai, ZQ;Dui, HY TI:Integrated Importance Analysis with Markov Bayesian Networks SO: 2012 PROCEEDINGS - ANNUAL RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY SYMPOSIUM (RAMS) UT ISI:000309184100019 33.刘琳琳;路菲等 AU: Liu, LL;Lu, F;Bai, JY TI:Simulation of inking system based on elastohydrodynamic lubrication SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401230 41.苏华;王喜春 AU: Su, H;Wang, XC TI:Performance Analysis of Hydrodynamic Finger Seal with Herringbone-Grooved Structure SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400203 34.刘维伟;高晓娟;单晨伟;田卫军 AU: Liu, WW;Gao, XJ;Shan, CW;Tian, WJ TI:Influence of Cutter Geometric Parameters on the 289 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Transform SO: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS UT ISI:000310242800008 42.苏进展;方宗德 AU: Su, JZ;Fang, ZD TI:Mathematical model of spherical gears with helix traces SO: MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309696000065 50.田海波;方宗德;孟凡军;杨小芳 AU: Tian, HB;Fang, ZD;Meng, FJ;Yang, XF TI:Analysis for Obstacle Negotiation Capability of Wheel-Legged Robot SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016400029 43.孙惠斌;常智勇;万能;莫蓉 AU: Sun, HB;Chang, ZY;Wan, N;Mo, R TI:Study on Key Technologies of Aero-engine AMRO Support System SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900116 51.田卫军;杨振朝;姚倡锋;任军学等 AU: Tian, WJ;Li, Y;Yang, ZC;Yao, CF;Ren, JX TI:The Influence of Cutting parameters on Machined Surface Microhardness during High Speed Milling of Titanium Alloy TC17 SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800021 44.孙建中;卢健康;李俊丽等 AU: Sun, JZ;Lu, JK;Yang, B;Li, JL TI:Sliding Mode Variable Structural Control of Nonlinear Inverted Pendulum SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092000013 45.孙振锋;齐乐华;舒扬 AU: Sun, ZF;Qi, LH;Shu, Y TI:Influence analysis for the controllable growth of carbon nanotubes with CCVD method SO: ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307265200129 46.汤兴刚;张卫红;Bassir, D. H. AU: Tang, XG;Zhang, WH;Bassir, DH TI:ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SANDWICH MATERIALS WITH HEXAGONAL HONEYCOMB CORE SO: ADVANCES IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIAL MECHANICS 2011 UT ISI:000297713100096 52.佟瑞庭;刘更;刘岚 AU: Tong, RT;Liu, G;Liu, L TI:Studies on Nanoscale Sliding Contacts of Textured Surfaces by Multiscale Method SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND GREEN MANUFACTURING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310498800173 53.万敏;卢鸣声;张卫红等 AU: Wan, M;Lu, MS;Zhang, WH;Yang, Y;Li, Y TI:A New Method for Identifying the Cutter Runout Parameters in Flat End Milling Process SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900015 54.万能;杨阳 AU: Wan, N;Yang, Y TI:Research on a New Model of MBD-based Machining Process Design SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425400207 47.唐博等 AU: Tang, B;Jiang, L TI:Preliminary analysis of thorax CT image pre-processing and 3D modeling of patients with pectus excavatum SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON INDUSTRY, INFORMATION SYSTEM AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309144100104 55.万能;杨阳 AU: Wan, N;Yang, Y TI:Key Technologies of Network Collaborative Modeling Based on B/S Structure SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402130 48.唐博等 AU: Tang, B;Jiang, L TI:Spectral analysis for temporal and spatial variability of AF signal SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON INDUSTRY, INFORMATION SYSTEM AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309144100111 56.汪焰恩;韩琴;魏生民;李鹏林;杨明明;秦琰磊;王月波; 周金华 AU: Wang, YE;Han, Q;Wei, SM;Li, PL;Yang, MM;Qin, YL;Wang, YB;Zhou, JH TI:Analysis to effective elastic modulus and porosity for artificial bone scaffold with hydroxyapatite microspheres 49.唐宁;蔡晋;李原 AU: Tang, N;Cai, J;Li, Y TI:An Enhanced Resolution Three-dimensional Transformation Method based on Discrete Wavelet 290 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON ENGINEERING MATERIALS, ENERGY, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000302663400056 57.王丹;张卫红;朱继宏;张苗苗等 AU: Wang, D;Zhang, WH;Zhu, JH;Yang, JG;Zhang, MM TI:Buckling Optimization of Perforated Curved Shells SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900127 TI:Research of Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making for Aviation Manufacturing Enterprise Material Supplier SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401015 65.徐颖强;张琼伟;赵建华 AU: Xu, YQ;Zhang, QW;Zhao, JH TI:Finite Element Analysis on the Brake Shimmy of Drum Brake SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND GREEN MANUFACTURING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310498800223 58.王洪海;秦现生 AU: Wang, HH;Qin, XS TI:Risk analysis on fabrication process of IRFPA SO: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTOELECTRONIC DETECTION AND IMAGING 2011: ADVANCES IN INFRARED IMAGING AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000297573900111 66.徐颖强;张琼伟等 AU: Xu, YQ;Wang, LL;Zhang, QW TI:Residual stress and thermal stress in Ni/YSZ anode support micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cell SO: RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000309147801273 59.王江永;莫蓉 AU: Wang, JY;Mo, R TI:Studies on Process Information Expression Techniques of 3D CAPP SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401113 67.徐颖强;赵建华等 AU: Xu, YQ;Shi, ZH;Guo, CH;Zhao, JH TI:Analysis of key stresses of coated tool in high speed cutting SO: NEW TRENDS IN MECHATRONICS AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING UT ISI:000306815200092 60.王俊彪;曾东子;蒋建军 AU: Wang, JB;Zeng, DZ;Jiang, JJ TI:Research on the Prediction of Static Contact Anglein Circular Capillary Tubes SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309943300005 68.徐颖强等 AU: Xu, YQ;Zhang, T;Bai, YM TI:Analysis of the surface residual stress in grinding Aermet100 SO: PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF MATERIAL PROCESSING VI, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309487300055 61.王淼;余隋怀;韩卫荣;初建杰等 AU: Wang, M;Yu, SH;Qi, B;Han, WR;Chu, JJ TI:Research on Extraction of Product Form Gene Based on Style Constraints SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425401023 69.徐志佳;李原;程晖;张杰;张开富 AU: Xu, ZJ;Li, Y;Cheng, H;Zhang, J;Zhang, KF TI:A Virtual Grasp Method Based on Grasp-Behavior-Model SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096400132 62.吴宝海;郑程宇;罗明等 AU: Wu, BH;Zheng, CY;Luo, M;He, XD TI:Investigation of Trochoidal Milling Nickel-based Superalloy SO: HIGH SPEED MACHINING V UT ISI:000309323200057 70.杨军刚;张卫红;朱继宏 AU: Yang, JG;Zhang, WH;Zhu, JH TI:Optimal Design of Aero-Engine Stator Structure with combined shape and topology optimization method SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900129 63.夏凉;朱继宏;张卫红;李金山 AU: Xia, L;Zhu, JH;Zhang, WH;Li, JS TI:Integrated Optimal Design of Complex Multi-component System in Three-Dimension SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900126 71.杨昀;万敏;张卫红 AU: Yang, Y;Wan, M;Zhang, WH;Li, Y TI:Chip Thickness Analysis in Peripheral Milling of Curved Surfaces with Variable Curvature Considering Cutter Runout 64.熊丹丹;杨海成;杨阳 AU: Xiong, DD;Yang, HC;Yang, Y 291 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 TI:Real-time Information Capturing and Integration Framework of the Internet of Manufacturing Things SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402139 SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900016 72.姚倡锋;杨振朝;黄新春;任军学;张定华 AU: Yao, CF;Yang, ZC;Huang, XC;Ren, JX;Zhang, DH TI:The Study of Residual Stresses in High-Speed Milling of Titanium Alloy TC11 SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800027 80.张云鹏;孙广标;张安洲 AU: Zhang, YP;Sun, GB;Zhang, AZ TI:Study on the Surface Quality of Titanium Alloy in Ultrasonic- assisted EDM Milling SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500266 73.张成;莫蓉;杨海成 AU: Zhang, C;Mo, R;Yang, HC;Wang, XJ;Lu, XR TI:Study on the Processing Technology of ERTI-7 Titanium Wire Based on AHP-PQ Model SO: PRODUCT DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE UT ISI:000306579600043 81.赵凯 AU: Zhao, K TI:Research on Network Data Fusion Based on Wireless Sensor SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096401093 74.张栋梁;莫蓉;万能;乔虎 AU: Zhang, DL;Mo, R;Wan, N;Qiao, H TI:Research of 3D Machining Procedure Model Parameterized Modeling Method SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402236 82.赵磊;李原;王延平 AU: Zhao, L;Li, Y;Wang, YP TI:A computer aided assembly sequence evaluation method based on the fuzzy theory for the complex products SO: ADVANCED DESIGN TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309483000080 75.张刚;杨海成;经小川;王潇茵 AU: Zhang, G;Yang, HC;Jing, XC;Wang, XY TI:The Application of Visualization Technology in Advancement Degree of Difficulty Computing Process SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309489700268 83.赵宁;侯圣文;郭辉;高浩 AU: Zhao, N;Hou, SW;Guo, H;Gao, H TI:The Correction of Face Gear Tooth Flank Deviation SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MEASURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310816200259 76.张军;李原;程晖;张开富 AU: Zhang, J;Li, Y;Cheng, H;Zhang, K TI:Effective Variation Analysis Model for the Riveting Press Process of a Flush Rivet SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016403150 84.赵宁;贾清健 AU: Zhao, N;Jia, QJ TI:Research on windage power loss of spur gear base on CFD SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500094 77.张文磊;莫蓉;万能;张勤 AU: Zhang, WL;Mo, R;Wan, N;Zhang, Q TI:Isogeometric Analysis of Heat Transfer in Fluids SO: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT I, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000302666101122 85.周奇勋;周勇;张玉峰 AU: Zhou, QX;Wang, MH;Zhou, Y;Zhang, YF TI:A Method for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control Based on Single-Loop SVPWM SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL III UT ISI:000297605200046 78.张晓彩;刘更;马尚君;佟瑞庭;罗皓 AU: Zhang, XC;Liu, G;Ma, SJ;Tong, RT;Luo, H TI:Study on Axial Contact Deformation of Planetary Roller Screw SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND GREEN MANUFACTURING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310498800153 86.周宪;赵青 AU: Xian, Z;Qing, Z TI:Key Technologies of Computer Aided Color Design System for the Color Blind SO: PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING 79.张映锋;王军强;孙树栋 AU: Zhang, YF;Wang, JQ;Sun, SD 292 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000310488200128 UT ISI:000302054700160 87.朱继宏;张卫红;谷小军等 AU: Zhu, JH;Wang, H;Zhang, WH;Gu, XJ TI:Aircraft Skin Stretch-Forming Die Light-Weight Design using Topology Optimization SO: ADVANCES IN MATERIALS MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY XIV UT ISI:000303179900124 7.胡伟鹏;韩松梅;邓子辰 AU: Hu, WP;Han, SM;Deng, ZC TI:Analyzing dynamic response of non-homogeneous string fixed at both ends SO: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS UT ISI:000309325400008 8.李雪华;和兴锁等 AU: Li, XH;He, XS;Zhong, QF TI:Investigation on Reachable Domain of Satellite with a Single Impulse SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001499 力学与土木建筑学院(22 篇) 1.Zhang, Chunlan;贾普荣;李亮;矫桂琼 AU: Zhang, CL;Jia, PR;Li, L;Jiao, GQ TI:Compression Failure Analysis of Adhesively Stiffened Composite Panels SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MEASURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310816200076 9.连业达;王宪杰;李涛 AU: Lian, YD;Wang, XJ;Li, T TI:Analysis of Seismic Response for the Mega-sub Controlled Frame with Friction Damper SO: TRENDS IN BUILDING MATERIALS RESEARCH, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309497800256 2.敖良波;李磊;李元生;温志勋;岳珠峰 AU: Ao, LB;Li, L;Li, YS;Wen, ZX;Yue, ZF TI:Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Cooling Turbine Blade Based on Kriging Model SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500065 10.刘铁军;王峰会等 AU: Liu, TJ;Zhang, Y;Li, G;Wang, FH TI:Dynamic Response Analysis for the Solar-Powered Aircraft Composite Wing Panel with Viscoelastic Damping Layer SO: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT I, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000302666100100 3.常晓通;闫云聚 AU: Chang, XT;Yan, YJ TI:Study on the Distributed and Non-stationary Dynamic Load Being Transformed Into Several Equivalent Centralized Loads for Aerocraft SO: VIBRATION, STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MEASUREMENT I, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000302666100192 11.刘煜等 AU: Peng, H;Liu, Y;Zhang, YL;Tan, MQ;Gan, C TI:A case study of integrated and human-oriented sustainable architectural design SO: ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE INNOVATION, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000308895900738 4.陈昌宏;黄莺;单建 AU: Chen, CH;Huang, Y;Shan, J TI:The Finite Element Model Study of the Pre-twisted Timoshenko Beam SO: TRENDS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, PTS 1-4 UT ISI:000308576701305 5.陈昌宏;黄莺;单建 AU: Chen, CH;Huang, Y;Shan, J TI:The Finite Element Model Research of Pre-twisted Beam SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND CIVIL ENGINEERING II UT ISI:000310935900006 12.刘志群;周红;陈政辨 AU: Liu, ZQ;Zhou, H;Chen, ZB TI:Strength Reliability and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Missile airfoil Structure SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500165 the 13.楼康;王峰会;李明 AU: Lou, K;Wang, FH;Li, M TI:POROUS MATERIAL MODELING AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS OF A PLANAR SOLID OXIDE FUEL CELL WITH GRADUAL POROSITY BASED ON FINITE ELEMENT METHOD SO: ADVANCES IN HETEROGENEOUS MATERIAL MECHANICS 2011 UT ISI:000297713100173 6.陈效鹏 AU: Chen, XP TI:Simulation of Bubble Nucleation in Channel Flow by Multirange Lattice Boltzmann Method SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS 293 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 INNOVATION, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000308895900333 14.彭湖;布诺;顾林;徐舟 AU: Peng, H;Bu, N;Gu, L;Xu, Z TI:Creative design on portable emergent building after earthquake SO: ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE INNOVATION, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000308895900156 22.周丽萍;凌云等 AU: Zhou, LP;Ling, Y;Sun, HS TI:INSTANCE ANALYSIS OF STEEL REFORCED CONCRETE IN SOIL SO: TRENDS IN BUILDING MATERIALS RESEARCH, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309497800321 15.孙涛;秦卫阳;焦旭东 AU: Sun, T;Qin, WY;Jiao, XD TI:Response of Two-disk Rotor with Squeeze Film Dampers and Its Variation with Parameters SO: MATERIALS AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000303483600073 动力与能源学院(17 篇) 16.王宪杰;张洵安;Limazie, Toi;连业达 AU: Wang, XJ;Zhang, XA;Limazie, T;Lian, YD TI:Structural Two-Parameter Exponential Damage Model Performance Analysis under Earthquake Excitation SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL COMPUTATION AND GEOTECHNICAL MECHANICS (SCGM 2012) UT ISI:000309601800046 1.曹铭栋;王占学;蔡元虎 AU: Cao, MD;Wang, ZX;Cai, YH;Wang, JQ;Kong, DY TI:Analysis of the Interferential Reversed Flow Field for the Unilateral Wing with Double Engines SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700060 17.王艳;王博 AU: Wang, Y;Wang, B TI:Symplectic Method for Stokes Flow in a Shear-Free Circular Pipe SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700179 2.陈立海;杨青真;崔金辉 AU: Chen, LH;Yang, QZ;Cui, JH TI:Aerodynamic Optimization Design of Compressor Cascade Based on Parallel Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900092 18.吴昊;张洵安 AU: Wu, H;Zhang, XN TI:The Random Response Analysis of Structure subjected to Non-stationary Seismic Excitation SO: TRENDS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, PTS 1-4 UT ISI:000308576701248 3.陈立海;杨青真;崔金辉 AU: Chen, LH;Yang, QZ;Cui, JH TI:Numerical Simulation on the Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Ejector Nozzle Based on RMCM SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900152 19.袭著有;闫云聚;张宇;刘鎏 AU: Xi, ZY;Yan, YJ;Zhang, Y;Liu, L TI:Detection of Early Structural Damage Using Stochastic Resonance SO: ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE INNOVATION, PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000308895900334 4.东亚斌;廖明夫;张小龙等 AU: Dong, YB;Liao, MF;Zhang, XL;He, YM TI:A New Morphological Method for Faults Diagnosis of Rolling Element Bearings SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300279 20.张娟;白斌;张磊等 AU: Zhang, J;Li, ZJ;Bai, B;Zhang, L TI:Analysis and Simulation of Air Drag in Vehicles Close-following SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300261 5.符江锋;李华聪;韩小宝;彭凯 AU: Fu, JF;Li, HC;Han, XB;Peng, K TI:Global Convergence Iterative Learning Controller Design for Aeroengine Nozzle Actuating System SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802044 21.张宇;余龙;闫云聚等 AU: Zhang, Y;Yu, L;Yan, YJ;Guo, Y TI:Application of Phased Array Antenna Technique in Structural Damage Detection SO: ADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE 6.韩小宝;李华聪 AU: Han, XB;Li, HC TI:Controller Design for Polynomial Linear Parameter Varying Model of Turbofan Engine 294 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 14.苏立超;刘振侠;吕亚国 AU: Su, LC;Liu, ZX;Lu, YG TI:Performance Research on the High-Altitude Valve of an Aero-engine Ventilation System SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900093 SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802015 7.李长征;雷勇 AU: Li, CZ;Lei, Y TI:Fuzzy Control of Hydraulic Dynamometer Water Pressure Based on Visual C plus SO: NEW TRENDS IN MECHATRONICS AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING UT ISI:000306815200126 15.王远刚;黄秀全 AU: Wang, YG;Huang, XQ TI:Study on Effects of Blade Geometric Scale on the Unsteady Turbomachinery Flows SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700121 8.李长征;雷勇 AU: Li, CZ;Lei, Y TI:Compressor Surge Detection Based on Support Vector Data Description SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300280 16.杨训;雷勇 AU: Yang, X;Lei, Y TI:The Measurement and Process of Aeroengine Inlet Total Pressure Field SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016402078 9.李静;刘振侠;任众 AU: Li, J;Liu, ZX;Ren, Z TI:Effects of Cooling Air on performance of Turbine blade Based on CHT Simulation SO: FRONTIERS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310257500037 17.周红;王占学;张晓博 AU: Zhou, H;Wang, ZX;Zhang, XB TI:Numerical Simulation and Research on Aero-engine Performance with Wet Compression SO: RECENT PROGRESSES IN FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLUID MECHANICS UT ISI:000302054700158 10.李尚;樊丁 AU: Li, S;Fan, D TI:A special test platform observation system design based on PXI technology SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100467 电子信息学院(30 篇) 11.米磊磊;刘乃瑞;孟明 AU: Mi, LL;Liu, NR;Meng, M TI:Studies on solar drying of oily sludge SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800010 1.Mueed, Abdul;许家栋 AU: Mueed, A;Xu, JD TI:Comparative Study of Antenna Embedded in Singly and Doubly Curved Dielectric Surfaces SO: 2012 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS (COMM) UT ISI:000307808200039 12.潘常军;郭迎清 AU: Pan, CJ;Guo, YQ TI:Design and Simulation of high altitude air-launched automatic underwater vehicles SO: MEASURING TECHNOLOGY AND MECHATRONICS AUTOMATION IV, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307026800291 2.白勃;樊养余等 AU: Bai, B;Chen, G;Xu, ZY;Fan, YY TI:Visible Light Positioning based on LED Traffic Light and Photodiode SO: 2011 IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (VTC FALL) UT ISI:000298891500037 13.彭凯;樊丁;符江锋等 AU: Peng, K;Fan, D;Fu, J;Zhang, L TI:Improved Genetic Algorithm and Its Application in Parameter Optimization for Certain Aeroengine Compressor Guide Vane Regulator SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656802052 3.白勃;樊养余等 AU: Bai, B;He, QF;Xu, ZY;Fan, YY TI:The color shift key modulation with non-uniform signaling for visible light communication SO: 2012 1ST IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATIONS IN CHINA WORKSHOPS (ICCC) UT ISI:000311860500007 295 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 12.梁广东;卢广山等 AU: Liang, GD;Lu, GS;Gao, XJ;Ren, L TI:The Study of Integrated Maintenance Support Information System for Aviation Equipment SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656801069 4.曹璐;张安;郭凤娟 AU: Cao, L;Zhang, A;Guo, FJ TI:Cooperative Target Allocation for UCAV Team Air-to-ground Attack Based on Decision Graph Bayesian Optimization Algorithm SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309489700135 13.刘国美;郭陈江 AU: Liu, GM;Guo, CJ TI:A Ku Band Band-pass Filter With Two Transmission Zeros Using LTCC Technology SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (AEIT 2011) UT ISI:000297656500065 5.曹宇明;冯燕;贾应彪;窦长胜 AU: Cao, YM;Feng, Y;Jia, YB;Dou, CS TI:Block Compressed Sensing Based On Image Complexity SO: MECHATRONICS AND APPLIED MECHANICS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310935600258 6.常帅;李宏;徐长辉;裘超 AU: Chang, S;Li, H;Xu, CH;Qiu, C TI:MIMO Radar Detection Performance Analysis SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001199 14.陆伟;张龙妹 AU: Wei, L;Zhang, LM TI:A Novel Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Cluster Based Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS SCIENCE UT ISI:000305960300331 7.崔力;谢松云 AU: Cui, L;Xie, SY TI:The Application of Genetic Algorithm Based Support Vector Machine for Image Quality Evaluation SO: ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2011, PT II UT ISI:000301950800027 15.马颖;田维坚;樊养余 AU: Ma, Y;Tian, WJ;Fan, YY TI:A Controllable Quantum Sequential Multi-signature Scheme SO: THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UT ISI:000302377600006 8.戴玉超;何明一等 AU: Dai, YC;Li, HD;He, MY TI:A Simple Prior-free Method for Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion Factorization SO: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR) UT ISI:000309166202023 16.梅少辉;何明一 AU: Mei, SH;He, MY TI:MINIMUM ENDMEMBER-WISE DISTANCE CONSTRAINED NONNEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION FOR SPECTRAL MIXTURE ANALYSIS OF HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES SO: 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM (IGARSS) UT ISI:000297496301090 9.党正;谢松云;王歌;Raza, Fahad AU: Dang, Z;Xie, SY;Wang, G;Raza, F TI:Fast Moving Target Detection Based on Gray Correlation Analysis and Background Subtraction SO: ADVANCES IN NEURAL NETWORKS - ISNN 2011, PT II UT ISI:000301950800046 17.齐敏;崔赫琳;樊养余;何贵青 AU: Qi, M;Cui, HL;Fan, YY;He, GQ TI:Research on Course Quality Evaluation Method of University Bilingual Education SO: ADVANCES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310251800095 10.高进;段哲民 AU: Gao, J;Duan, ZM TI:Circuit Modeling and Simulation Based on VHDL-AMS SO: ELECTRICAL INFORMATION AND MECHATRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307326200124 18.齐敏;周加军;崔赫琳;樊养余;何贵青 AU: Qi, M;Zhou, JJ;Cui, HL;Fan, YY;He, GQ TI:Discussion on the Bilingual Teaching Methods of Chinese University SO: ADVANCES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UT ISI:000310251800096 11.侯晓琴;齐敏;李大健;吕国云;王毅 AU: Hou, XQ;Qi, M;Li, DJ;Lv, GY;Wang, Y TI:The Model of Extracting the Height of Buildings by Shadow in Image SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100491 19.苏云;赵惠玲;黄李昊等 AU: Su, Y;Zhao, HL;Liu, XF;Huang, LH TI:Design of the Dielectric Resonator Oscillator with 296 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 SO: 2011 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT (ICCTD 2011), VOL 2 UT ISI:000307481500063 Buffer Amplifier SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001283 27.张亚明;史浩山等 AU: Zhang, YM;Shi, HS;Liu, Y;Liu, C TI:Multipath reduction of shaft tower monitoring with GPS in mine SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING MATERIALS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309489700057 20.孙锋利;高全华;王晋国 AU: Sun, FL;Gao, QH;Wang, JG TI:Ridgelet Probabilistic Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm Selecting Center Vectors SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100305 28.张易凡;梅少辉;何明一 AU: Zhang, YF;Mei, SH;He, MY TI:BAYESIAN FUSION OF HYPERSPECTRAL AND MULTISPECTRAL IMAGES USING GAUSSIAN SCALE MIXTURE PRIOR SO: 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM (IGARSS) UT ISI:000297496302138 21.王浩;高晓光 AU: Wang, H;Gao, XG TI:A Midcourse Guidance Method of Long Range Air-to-Air Anti-Radiation Missile SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092002222 29.周加军;齐敏;李大健;崔赫琳等 AU: Zhou, J;Qi, M;Li, DJ;Cui, HL;Zhang, XX;Han, YH;Wang, Y TI:A Method of Generating Three-Dimensional Terrain Based on Digital Geographical Topographic Map SO: ADVANCED RESEARCH ON ENGINEERING MATERIALS, ENERGY, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000302663400245 22.王威;樊养余等 AU: Wang, W;Fan, YY;Fu, YN;Wang, JC;Wu, W;Wang, J;Guo, Q;Liu, JM TI:Research on bad pixel variation of IRFPA by high temperature storage and temperature shock SO: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHOTOELECTRONIC DETECTION AND IMAGING 2011: ADVANCES IN INFRARED IMAGING AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000297573900079 30.朱方石;谢松云;许家栋等 AU: Zhu, FS;Xie, SY;Xu, JD;He, HB;Xu, JD TI:Various Artifacts Reduction Algorithms for EEG Recorded in Continuous fMRI Scan Environment SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS (IJCNN) UT ISI:000309341302032 23.薛峰;史国庆 AU: Xue, F;Shi, GQ TI:Analysis of the Stability of Synchronous Motor Driving without Sensor SO: MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS ENGINEERING UT ISI:000302661700048 自动化学院(35 篇) 24.张建东;刘明阳;史国庆 AU: Zhang, JD;Liu, MY;Shi, GQ;Pan, WH TI:A MIL-STD-1553B Bus Command Optimization Algorithm Based on Load Balance SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487502080 1.Khan, Arsalan H.;章卫国;史静平;Khan, Zeashan H. AU: Khan, AH;Zhang, WG;Shi, JP;Khan, ZH TI:Optimized Reconfigurable Modular Flight Control Design using Swarm Intelligence SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING 2011 UT ISI:000300042400116 25.张星;王伶;陈赟等 AU: Zhang, X;Wang, L;Chen, LG;Chen, Y TI:Multi-beam Interference Suppression Method in Satellite Navigation System SO: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2012) UT ISI:000306605300124 2.Lu, Xinhua;史忠科 AU: Lu, XH;Shi, ZK TI:The Construction of Target Tracking System and the Comparison Analysis of Scenarios SO: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATICS, CYBERNETICS, AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (ICCE2011), VOL 3: COMPUTER NETWORKS AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING UT ISI:000301989900012 26.张星;王伶;张兆林;张坤等 AU: Zhang, X;Wang, L;Zhang, ZL;Zhang, K;Lv, HL TI:Conformal Cylindrical Antenna Array for Interference Suppression in Satellite Navigation Systems 3.曹文伦;陈蓓;贺昱耀 297 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU: Cao, WL;Chen, B;He, YY TI:Research on Inverter Test System and Performance Analysis SO: ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE UT ISI:000310241100025 11.贺建龙;史忠科 AU: He, JL;Shi, ZK TI:Analysis Changing of Software Requirements on Control Systems of Chinese Performance Evaluation SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092000295 4.曹文伦;陈蓓;贺昱耀 AU: Cao, WL;Chen, B;He, YY TI:The Life Prediction System Design of He-Ne Gas Laser SO: SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING UT ISI:000309496200082 12.胡新韬;郭雷;张德刚;李凯明;张拓;韩军伟等 AU: Hu, XT;Guo, L;Zhang, DG;Li, KM;Zhang, T;Lv, JL;Han, JW;Liu, TM TI:ASSESSING THE DYNAMICS ON FUNCTIONAL BRAIN NETWORKS USING SPECTRAL GRAPHY THEORY SO: 2011 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING: FROM NANO TO MACRO UT ISI:000298849400492 5.陈蓓;曹文伦;贺昱耀 AU: Chen, B;Cao, WL;He, YY TI:An advanced algorithm for highway pavement fissure detection SO: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2012) UT ISI:000306605300012 13.吉祥;韩军伟;胡新韬;李凯明;方俊;郭雷 AU: Ji, X;Han, JW;Hu, XT;Li, KM;Deng, F;Fang, J;Guo, L;Liu, TM TI:RETRIEVING VIDEO SHOTS IN SEMANTIC BRAIN IMAGING SPACE USING MANIFOLD-RANKING SO: 2011 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) UT ISI:000298962503192 6.陈蓓;曹文伦;贺昱耀 AU: Chen, B;Cao, WL;He, YY TI:Fractal dimension applied in highway surface crack detection SO: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (ICDIP 2012) UT ISI:000306605300011 14.李晖晖;刘琨 AU: Li, HH;Liu, K TI:SAR and Optical Image Fusion Based on Contourlet Hidden Markov Tree Model SO: MIPPR 2011: MULTISPECTRAL IMAGE ACQUISITION, PROCESSING, AND ANALYSIS UT ISI:000298797100061 7.凡国龙;梁晓庚;凡永华 AU: Fan, GL;Liang, XG;Fan, YH TI:Suboptimal Control Theory for Vehicle Attitude Control System Design SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600198 15.李耀军;潘泉;赵春辉 AU: Li, YJ;Pan, Q;Zhao, CH TI:Natural-Landmark Scene Matching Vision Navigation based on Dynamic Key-frame SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED PHYSICS AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 2012, PT C UT ISI:000306477500019 8.范蟠果;仲秦;陈思宇 AU: Fan, PG;Zhong, Q;Chen, SY TI:Design of Networked Dual-core Parallel Processing Data Acquisition System SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001485 16.刘哲元 AU: Liu, ZY TI:An Enhanced Instruction Tracer for Malware Analysis SO: BUSINESS, ECONOMICS, FINANCIAL SCIENCES, AND MANAGEMENT UT ISI:000310559900075 9.高嵩;高敏;肖秦琨 AU: Gao, S;Gao, M;Xiao, QK TI:Multisensor Tracking of a Maneuvering Target in Clutter with Proposed Parallel Updaing Approach SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016400056 17.苗晓锋;范蟠果;慕德俊 AU: Miao, XF;Fan, PG;Mu, DJ TI:The Study on Wireless Sensor Networks Security Access Scheme SO: ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING - PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2009 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TEACHING AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE (WTCS 2009), VOL 2: EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE UT ISI:000310927900033 10.顾晓婕;王新民;李文超 AU: Gu, XJ;Wang, XM;Li, WC TI:Observability Analysis for TDOA Passive Localization system SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501202 298 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 25.王申龙;张磊;梁彦;潘泉 AU: Wang, SL;Zhang, L;Liang, Y;Pan, Q TI:Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning with Applications to Image Super-Resolution and Photo-Sketch Synthesis SO: 2012 IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION AND PATTERN RECOGNITION (CVPR) UT ISI:000309166202048 18.倪龙强;高社生;薛丽;倪龙强 AU: Ni, LQ;Gao, SS;Xue, L;Ni, LQ TI:Improved Probabilistic Data Association and Its Application for Target Tracking in Clutter SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND CONTROL (ICECC) UT ISI:000298656800074 19.秦思渊;闫建国 AU: Qin, SY;Yan, JG TI:Vision-based Aerial Refueling Docking based on SURF algorithm SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501298 26. 王 雅 萍 ;Chastain, Paul;Yap, Pew-Thian;Kaufman, David;Guo;郭雷等 AU: Wang, YP;Chastain, P;Yap, PT;Cheng, JZ;Kaufman, D;Guo, L;Shen, DG TI:AUTOMATED DNA FIBER TRACKING AND MEASUREMENT SO: 2011 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING: FROM NANO TO MACRO UT ISI:000298849400307 20.苏坡;杨建华 AU: Su, P;Xue, Z;Lu, KK;Yang, JH;Wong, ST TI:Fast CT-CT Fluoroscopy Registration with Respiratory Motion Compensation for Image-Guided Lung Intervention SO: MEDICAL IMAGING 2012: IMAGE-GUIDED PROCEDURES, ROBOTIC INTERVENTIONS, AND MODELING UT ISI:000305070200055 27.王志峰;熊光彩 AU: Wang, ZF;Xiong, GC TI:Neuro-aided H-2 Controller Design for Aircraft under Actuator Failure SO: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, VOL 2 UT ISI:000310243500061 21.王宝华;史忠科 AU: Wang, BH;Shi, ZK TI:Dynamic Adaptive Sliding Mode DC Power Modulation Controller in Parallel AC/DC Transmission System SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092002170 28.肖鹏;王晓彬等 AU: Xiao, P;Wang, XB;Yan, ZB;Yang, J TI:Mechanism and Effect of Charges Accumulation on Differential Capacitance Detector Diodes in MEMS Accelerometer SO: PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING UT ISI:000310488200091 22.王斐;梁晓庚;崔彦凯;吴晓军;孙传新;刘刚 AU: Wang, F;Liang, XG;Cui, YK;Wu, XJ;Sun, CX;Liu, G TI:Infrared Image Denoising and Enhancing Algorithm Using Adaptive Threshold Shrinkage in a New Contourlet Transform SO: MIPPR 2011: MULTISPECTRAL IMAGE ACQUISITION, PROCESSING, AND ANALYSIS UT ISI:000298797100030 29.杨涛;范蟠果;慕德俊 AU: Yang, T;Fan, PG;Mu, DJ TI:Maximizing the Lifetime of Sliding Wireless Sensors in Barrier Coverage SO: MECHATRONICS AND APPLIED MECHANICS, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310935600105 30.杨星辉;任建新;赵兴梅等 AU: Yang, XH;Ren, JX;Zhao, XM;Chen, R TI:MEMS Gyro Signal De-noising Based On Adaptive Stationary Wavelet Threshold SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600200 23.王改堂;李平;苏成利 AU: Wang, GT;Li, P;Su, CL TI:Soft Sensor Modeling Based on Multiple Extreme Learning Machine SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001023 31.袁朝辉;曹年霞 AU: Yuan, ZH;Cao, NX TI:Design of Flow Simulation Subsystem of Ground Simulation Test for Aircraft Fuel System SO: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM AND APPLIED MATERIAL, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000310188600237 24.王旻月;李岁劳;马戎;贾继超;冷月香 AU: Wang, MY;Li, SL;Ma, R;Jia, JC;Leng, YX TI:In-Motion Alignment Algorithm of Sins for Marching Vehicle SO: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING: THEORY AND PRACTICE, VOL 1 UT ISI:000310715400082 32.袁奕萱;郭雷;胡新韬;张德刚;韩军伟等 299 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU: Yuan, YX;Guo, L;Lv, PL;Hu, XT;Zhang, DG;Han, JW;Xie, L;Liu, TM TI:ASSESSING GRAPH MODELS FOR DESCRIPTION OF BRAIN NETWORKS SO: 2011 8TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING: FROM NANO TO MACRO UT ISI:000298849400191 4.谷建华;周兴社 AU: Gu, JH;Zhou, XS TI:A Dynamic Structure of Counting Bloom Filter SO: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2011 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, VOL 2 UT ISI:000310243500005 33.张朋;何鹏举;陈明 AU: Zhang, P;He, PJ;Chen, M TI:Prototype Architecture of the Medical Cyber Physical System based on Grid Computing SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092000147 5.郭斌;於志文;周兴社;张大庆 AU: Guo, B;Yu, ZW;Zhou, XS;Zhang, DQ TI:Hybrid SN: Interlinking Opportunistic and Online Communities to Augment Information Dissemination SO: 2012 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS INTELLIGENCE & COMPUTING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMIC & TRUSTED COMPUTING (UIC/ATC) UT ISI:000310381500030 34.赵永强;杨劲翔;张清勇;宋琳 AU: Zhao, YQ;Yang, JX;Zhang, QY;Song, L TI:Unsupervised Hyperspectral Imagery Classification via Sparse Multi-way Models and Image Fusion SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON IMAGE PROCESSING AND OPTICAL ENGINEERING UT ISI:000300173700066 6.姜学锋;刘君瑞 AU: Jiang, XF;Liu, JR TI:The Research of Teaching Mode in Basic Computer Courses SO: KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING UT ISI:000310186700056 35.郑先成;刘卫国;张晓斌;王欢欢;姜建伟 AU: Zheng, XC;Liu, WG;Zhang, XB;Wang, HH;Jiang, JW TI:Digital Voltage Regulator for Aircraft Brushless Synchronous Generator SO: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000302092001092 7.李映;宁慧君;张艳宁 AU: Li, Y;Ning, HJ;Zhang, YN;Feng, D TI:NONLINEAR CURVELET DIFFUSION FOR NOISY IMAGE ENHANCEMENT SO: 2011 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) UT ISI:000298962502172 8.林伟;张延园;李战怀 AU: Lin, W;Zhang, YY;Li, ZH TI:A Real-Time Flash Memory Storage System in Embedded Environment SO: MATERIAL AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309370100158 计算机学院(26 篇) 1.畅绍风;董云卫;张凡 AU: Chang, SF;Dong, YW;Zhang, F TI:On Reliability Analysis for Embedded Systems with AADL Behavior Model SO: 2012 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUALITY SOFTWARE (QSIC) UT ISI:000309942600016 9.林增刚;张艳宁;郭哲;梁君 AU: Lin, ZG;Zhang, YN;Guo, Z;Liang, J TI:An Effective Algorithm for Detecting Edges on Triangular Mesh SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096401029 2.杜洪涛;李战怀 AU: Du, HT;Li, ZH TI:Data Rearrange based on Mining Block Access Sequence in Cloud Storage SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100568 10.刘钢锋;王云岚;赵天海;李东洋 AU: Liu, GF;Wang, YL;Zhao, TH;Li, DY TI:Research on The parallel Text Clustering Algorithm Based on the Semantic Tree SO: 2011 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCES AND CONVERGENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ICCIT) UT ISI:000309767600082 3.葛永琪;董云卫等 AU: Ge, YQ;Dong, YW;Zhao, HB TI:A Cyber-Physical Energy System Architecture for Electric Vehicles Charging Application SO: 2012 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUALITY SOFTWARE (QSIC) UT ISI:000309942600037 11.刘君瑞;陈颖图;樊哓桠 AU: Liu, JR;Chen, YT;Fan, XY 300 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 AU: Zhang, C;Zhang, YN TI:A Method Based on Moment Invariants and Sparse Representation for 3D Face Recognition SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096400095 TI:Research of the High-Speed Fibre Switch Network NIC Based on the Memory Communication SO: AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION UT ISI:000310937400076 12.刘君瑞;姜学锋 AU: Liu, JR;Jiang, XF TI:Seizing the Big and Freeing the Small in Program Design Teaching SO: KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING UT ISI:000310186700055 20.张海超;张艳宁 AU: Zhang, HC;Nasrabadi, NM;Huang, TS;Zhang, YN TI:MULTI-VIEW FACE RECOGNITION VIA JOINT DYNAMIC SPARSE REPRESENTATION SO: 2011 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) UT ISI:000298962503040 13.聂艳明;李战怀;陈群 AU: Nie, YM;Li, ZH;Chen, Q TI:Complex Event Processing over Unreliable RFID Data Streams SO: WEB TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000302001600029 21.张海超;张艳宁 AU: Zhang, HC;Yang, JC;Zhang, YN;Huang, TS TI:MULTI-SCALE NON-LOCAL KERNEL REGRESSION FOR SUPER RESOLUTION SO: 2011 18TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) UT ISI:000298962501120 14.牛伟;王国庆;翟正军等 AU: Niu, W;Wang, GQ;Zhai, ZJ;Cheng, J TI:Fault Diagnosis Model based on Support Vector Machine and Genetic Algorithm SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501173 22.张海超;张艳宁等 AU: Zhang, HC;Nasrabadi, NM;Zhang, YN;Huang, TS TI:Multi-observation Visual Recognition via Joint Dynamic Sparse Representation SO: 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION (ICCV) UT ISI:000300061900076 15.孙博;董云卫等 AU: Sun, B;Dong, YW;Ye, H TI:On Enhancing Adaptive Random Testing for AADL Model SO: 2012 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS INTELLIGENCE & COMPUTING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMIC & TRUSTED COMPUTING (UIC/ATC) UT ISI:000310381500068 23.张海超;张艳宁等 AU: Zhang, HC;Yang, JC;Zhang, YN;Nasrabadi, NM;Huang, TS TI:Close the Loop: Joint Blind Image Restoration and Recognition with Sparse Representation Prior SO: 2011 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION (ICCV) UT ISI:000300061900098 16.谢芳全;李战怀;陈群;聂艳明;彭商濂 AU: Xie, FQ;Li, ZH;Chen, Q;Nie, YM;Peng, SL TI:RFIDTango: A Scenario-based Massive RFID Data Generator SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501077 24.张欣欣;於志文;郭斌等 AU: Zhang, XX;Yu, ZW;Tian, JL;Wang, ZT;Guo, B TI:Context-Aware Mobile Web Browsing based on HTML5 SO: 2012 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UBIQUITOUS INTELLIGENCE & COMPUTING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMIC & TRUSTED COMPUTING (UIC/ATC) UT ISI:000310381500147 17.姚涛;安建峰;高德远;樊哓桠 AU: Yao, T;An, JF;Gao, DY;Fan, XY TI:Dual-Path Architecture of Floating-Point Dot Product Computation SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK TECHNOLOGY (ICCSNT), VOLS 1-4 UT ISI:000304720100516 25.张艳宁;姜学锋;刘君瑞 AU: Zhang, YN;Jiang, XF;Liu, JR TI:Research of the Double Clue Knowledge System of Program Design SO: 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING AND E-TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION (ICEEE) UT ISI:000310434700038 18.于辉等 AU: Yu, H;Wu, TA TI:A Model of Tactic Threat Assessment in PAAIS SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487500046 26.赵煜;蔡皖东 AU: Zhao, Y;Cai, WD TI:Research of Cascaded Conditional Random Fields 19.张超;张艳宁 301 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 Model for Sentence Sentiment Analysis Based on Isotonic Constraints SO: ADVANCES IN FUTURE COMPUTER AND CONTROL SYSTEMS, VOL 1 UT ISI:000310547200004 7.李东;温丹丹;赵建林 AU: Li, D;Wen, DD;Zhao, JL TI:Statistical analysis on the optical axis perturbation in nonplanar ring resonators SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY: OPTOELECTRONIC MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS UT ISI:000298794700018 理学院(27 篇) 1.白晓军;赵小如;曹崇德等 AU: Bai, XJ;Yang, M;Ge, JJ;You, B;Zhang, W;Zhao, XR;Cao, CD;Du, J TI:Tunnelling magnetoresistance effects in FeCoGd(t)/AlO/FeCo multilayers SO: PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C: CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, VOL 9, NO 1 UT ISI:000301545800022 8.李军鹏;齐暑华;谢璠 AU: Peng, LJ;Hua, QS;Fan, X TI:Insulating and Thermally Conductive Composite Filled with Boron Nitride Particles SO: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309082700059 2.曹鹏;齐暑华;理莎莎 AU: Cao, P;Qi, SH;Li, SS TI:Preparation and Thermal Properties of Novolac Resin/graphite Nanosheet Composites SO: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309082700044 9.刘金铭;赵小如;段利兵;白晓军;陈长乐等 AU: Liu, JM;Zhao, XR;Duan, LB;Bai, XJ;Jin, N;Chen, CL TI:Influence of multi-round annealing process on the optical and electrical properties of sol-gel derived TiO2-delta films SO: ADVANCED IN NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UT ISI:000309083100031 3.程博;齐暑华;马莉娜 AU: Bo, C;Hua, QS;Na, ML TI:Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Graphite Nanoplatelets/PVC Nanocomposites Prepared by Melt Blending SO: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309082700107 10.刘圣;张鹏;甘雪涛;赵建林等 AU: Liu, S;Hu, Y;Zhang, P;Gan, XT;Zhao, JL;Lou, CB;Song, DH;Chen, ZG TI:Observation of symmetry-breaking beam dynamics in optically induced hexagonal photonic lattices SO: 2011 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO) UT ISI:000295612402381 4.郜捷;管萍;胡小玲;曹梅 AU: Gao, J;Guan, P;Hu, XL;Cao, M TI:Structure and Properties of Cobaltous Chloride/Polyvinyl Alcohol-Glutaraldehyde(CC/PVA-GA) Reversible Thermochromic Microcapsule SO: PROGRESS IN POLYMER PROCESSING UT ISI:000303365600042 11.齐锴亮;张广成 AU: Qi, KL;Zhang, GC TI:Research on Moulding Process Property of Polyimide Foam SO: PROGRESS IN POLYMER PROCESSING UT ISI:000303365600039 and Dielectric 12.钱立伟;胡小玲;管萍等 AU: Qian, LW;Hu, XL;Guan, P;Guo, XQ TI:Bi-Functional Magnetical Chiral Ionic Liquids derived from Imidazolium and Pyridinium SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309943300023 5.管萍;胡小玲;朱丽 AU: Guan, P;Hu, XL;Zhu, L TI:The Binding Performance of Erythromycin Imprinted Polymeric Microspheres SO: PROGRESS IN POLYMER PROCESSING UT ISI:000303365600048 13.孙伟民;张广成;李和霖等 AU: Sun, WM;Zhang, GC;Su, MM;Li, HL;Xia, L TI:Synthesis, Characterization, and flocculating properties of Coply(AM-DAC) in Water and Wastewater Treatment SO: ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000308830100266 6.姜亚军;杨德兴;王骏;秦川;廖威;赵建林等 AU: Jiang, YJ;Yang, DX;Wang, J;Xu, J;Qin, C;Liao, W;Zhao, JL;Wang, HY;Jiang, SQ TI:Strain monitoring of drilling riser in deepwater based on fiber Bragg gratings SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND TECHNOLOGY: OPTICAL SENSORS AND APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000298788500024 14.田威;魏晓莹;杨光;范晓东 AU: Tian, W;Wei, XY;Yang, G;Fan, XD 302 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 PTS 1-6 UT ISI:000307425402159 TI:Synthesis of amphiphilic hyperbranched polymers for the controlled release of double-guest molecules SO: JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE UT ISI:000299125600066 22.张利民;张蓉;武跃维;陈文静等 AU: Zhang, LM;Zhang, R;Wu, YW;Chen, WJ;Li, N TI:Evolution of directional solidification microstructure of Pb-80wt%Sn alloy under medium-density direct current SO: 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN SOLIDIFICATION PROCESSES UT ISI:000301192900014 15.王楠;冀林;姚军燕;郑亚萍 AU: Wang, N;Ji, L;Yao, J;Zheng, YP TI:Correlation between fragility and eutectic instability and glass-forming ability in binary metallic glasses under growth controlled conditions SO: JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS UT ISI:000305363700061 23.张卫红等 AU: Zhang, WH;Liu, Y TI:Research on forecasting model of high building measure expense in Xi'an SO: EMERGING MATERIALS AND MECHANICS APPLICATIONS UT ISI:000309697900161 16.王欣;王艳丽;刘艳;苏克和;曾庆丰;成来飞;张立同 AU: Wang, X;Wang, YL;Liu, Y;Su, KH;Zeng, QF;Cheng, LF;Zhang, LT TI:A Study of Predominated Pathway of Initial Processes in Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon-Carbide from Methyltrichlorosilane and Hydrogen System SO: FUTURE MATERIAL RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY APPLICATION, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309483300115 24.张翼;齐暑华;张帆 AU: Zhang, Y;Qi, SH;Zhang, F TI:Preparation and Characterization of Nickel Plating Graphite Nanosheet Filled Conductive Adhesive SO: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309082700225 17.王艳丽;苏克和;王欣 AU: Wang, YL;Su, KH;Wang, X TI:A Density Functional Theory Study on the Ultra Long Single Walled Armchair (3,3) (Bn)(x)c(y) Nanotubes SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308114100282 25.张媛媛;姚文静;孙文;王建元;王楠等 AU: Zhang, YY;Yao, WJ;Sun, W;Wang, JY;Han, XJ;Wang, N TI:Rapid Growth and Magnetic Properties of Fe7Co3 Intermetallic Compound SO: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000307327300094 18.王艳丽;苏克和;张军平 AU: Wang, YL;Su, KH;Zhang, JP TI:Studying of B, N, S, Si and P Doped (5,5) Carbon Nanotubes by the Density Functional Theory SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308114100293 26.赵晨辉;张广成;孙伟民;史爱华 AU: Zhao, CH;Zhang, GC;Sun, WM;Shi, AH TI:Study on Processing Properties of Epoxy Resin System in VARI SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308114100135 19.魏宗田等 AU: Wei, ZT;Qi, NN TI:Extreme Graphs with Given Order and Edge-Neighbor-Scattering Number SO: 2012 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY REASONING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING (URKE) UT ISI:000310348600017 27.郑刚;王汝敏 AU: Zheng, G;Wang, RM;Zhao, GY;Yu, XJ TI:Adsorption and Dispersion Characteristics of Superplasticizer with Waste Plexiglas (WPS) on the Surface of Gypsum Particles SO: NUMBERS, INTELLIGENCE, MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND MACHINERY AUTOMATION UT ISI:000306934500050 20.邢瑞英;张秋禹等 AU: Xing, RY;Zhang, QY;Sun, JL TI:Preparation and Properties of Self-healing Microcapsules Containing an UV-curable Oligomers of Silicone SO: POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES UT ISI:000300533700016 管理学院(8 篇) 1.姜继娇;孙彤彤 AU: Jiang, JJ;Sun, TT TI:An Empirical Research on the Correlation between Market Sentiment and Returns of Stocks SO: ADVANCES IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, WEB APPLICATION AND COMMUNICATION, VOL 1 21.张朝阳;田铮;延伟东 AU: Zhang, ZY;Tian, Z;Yan, WD TI:Spectral feature matching based on isometric projection of matrix SO: FRONTIERS OF MANUFACTURING AND DESIGN SCIENCE II, 303 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 UT ISI:000310558900021 AU: He, S;Chang, MM TI:The Analysis of Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in China SO: NATURAL RESOURCES AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, PTS 1-3 UT ISI:000309373900310 2.李娟;梁工谦 AU: Li, J;Liang, GQ TI:A Quantitative Approach to Assessing Product Design for Remanufacturing SO: MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000303370303025 2.畅阳;杨尚勤 AU: Chang, Y;Yang, SQ TI:Literature Review on Endowments of Factor of Production SO: RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, PTS 1-7 UT ISI:000309147801208 3.施薇;张树娟;胡琪波 AU: Shi, W;Zhang, SJ;Hu, QB TI:Resilience and social support as moderators of work stress of young teachers in engineering college SO: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING 2011 UT ISI:000300042400159 3.房慧;赵硕 AU: Hui, F;Shuo, Z TI:IDEOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL EDUCATION OF COLLEGES UNDER THE NETWORK ENVIORNMENT SO: 2011 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT (ICCTD 2011), VOL 1 UT ISI:000307481200017 4.孙安伟;黄依 AU: Sun, AW;Huang, Y TI:The Optimization of Chain of Talents on The Development of Large Aircraft SO: MANAGEMENT, MANUFACTURING AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000309691400117 4.高惠莉;赵硕 AU: Gao, HL;Zhao, S TI:STUDY ON COMPUTER AND WEB-BASED COLLEGE ENGLISH TEACHING MODEL SO: 2011 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT (ICCTD 2011), VOL 1 UT ISI:000307481200025 5.杨宏玲;郭高玲 AU: Yang, HL;Guo, GL TI:An examination of the concern for information privacy in China SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (ICFCE 2011), VOL II UT ISI:000297605100010 5.刘咏芳 AU: Liu, YF TI:The Evaluation on Ideological and Political Teachers' Competency SO: ADVANCES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND EDUCATION UT ISI:000310768200065 6.杨青;陈明月;高琼琼 AU: Yang, Q;Chen, MY;Gao, QQ TI:Research on the Circular Economy in West China SO: 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (ICEED2010) UT ISI:000298299400246 6.刘咏芳;员智凯 AU: Liu, YF;Yun, ZK TI:The Application of Set Pair Analysis in College Ideological and Political Education SO: ADVANCES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND EDUCATION UT ISI:000310768200066 7.杨青;高琼琼;陈明月 AU: Yang, Q;Gao, QQ;Chen, MY TI:Study and Integrative Evaluation on the development of Circular Economy of Shaanxi Province SO: 2010 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT (ICEED2010) UT ISI:000298299400268 7.强华;杨蕊;张国栋 AU: Qiang, H;Yang, R;Zhang, GD TI:Wavelet-based filtering method for sleep EEG signal SO: MECHANICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING III, PTS 1-5 UT ISI:000307487501093 8.张亚莉;杨慧秀;姜香美 AU: Zhang, YL;Yang, HX;Jiang, XM TI:Study of Project Risk Continuous Process Pattern SO: AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION UT ISI:000310937400062 8.沈阳;杨尚勤;鲁宽民;畅阳 AU: Shen, Y;Yang, SQ;Lu, KM;Chang, Y TI:Extraction of Interest Association Rule in Web-Based Education SO: ADVANCES IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, WEB APPLICATION AND COMMUNICATION, VOL 1 UT ISI:000310558900065 人文与经法学院(8 篇) 1.He, Su;常明明 304 2012 三大索引(网络版)收录西北工业大学论文统计 软件与微电子学院(2 篇) UT ISI:000306674500004 1.王少熙;韩茹;张萌;樊哓桠等 AU: Wang, SX;Han, R;Zhang, M;Fan, XY;Zhang, SB TI:Improving Teaching Efficiency with Heuristic Teaching Method in Information Technology SO: ADVANCES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION, PT I UT ISI:000302336400064 6.潘宏亮;严杰 AU: Pan, HL;Yan, J TI:Implement of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Control of Aero Variable Stroke Plunger Pump SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800055 2.张云鹏等 AU: Zhang, YP;Xu, P;Xiang, LZ TI:Research of Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Magic Square SO: ADVANCES IN ELECTRONIC COMMERCE, WEB APPLICATION AND COMMUNICATION, VOL 2 UT ISI:000310720300016 无人机研究所(3 篇) 1.曹健;祝小平等 AU: Cao, J;Zhu, XP;Wu, JF TI:Research of Optimal End Guidance Law about Target-Seeking UAV under Passive Guidance SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1-8 UT ISI:000309016400268 国防研究院(6 篇) 2.党群等 AU: Dang, Q;Lei, XL TI:Doppler Frequency Shift Tolerance Extension in Burst Spread Spectrum Communication System SO: MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000308895800042 1.段晓军;吴成富;陈怀民 AU: Duan, XJ;Wu, CF;Chen, HM TI:Real-Time High Precision Pulse Width Measurement Based On VxWorks SO: 2011 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ICEES 2011 UT ISI:000299096405025 3.肖伟;周洲 AU: Xiao, W;Zhou, Z TI:Analysis on Flight Dynamics of Solar UAV with Multiple Propulsion Systems SO: APPLIED MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING II, PTS 1 AND 2 UT ISI:000307193900079 2.李圣山;童小燕;姚磊江;李斌 AU: Li, SS;Tong, XY;Yao, LJ;Li, B TI:Microstructure Modeling for Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Plain Weave C/SiC Composites Considering Manufacturing Flaws SO: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND ITS APPLICATION UT ISI:000309153300075 其它(4 篇) 3.刘建军;姚磊江;李斌;童小燕 AU: Liu, JJ;Yao, LJ;Li, B;Tong, XY TI:Study on the Influence of Manufacturing Defects on Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of Plain Weave C/SiC SO: PROGRESS IN NEW MATERIALS AND MECHANICS RESEARCH UT ISI:000309371700011 1.郭光;翁艳 AU: Guo, G;Weng, Y TI:Research on 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