Modicut Project - Jim Henson Foundation
Modicut Project - Jim Henson Foundation
Great Small Works S-9 CONTACT Trudi Cohen 315 West 86th Street #4E New York NY 10024 917.319.8104 Project Budget $10,000 Grant Request $2,000 501 (c)(3): Great Small Works PAST GRANTS AWARDED 2007 Project - The Rapture Project 2005 Seed - The Rapture Project 2002 Project - Zangezi 2000 Project - Satie Cabaret Project Modicut Project Great Small Works, in collaboration with YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, will develop a new production based on the work of the Modicut Puppet Theater. Modicut was the first Yiddish puppet theater, based in the 1920's New York City, well-versed in handpuppets, local politics, and modernist avant-garde. This project will take design and script ideas from the original Modicut and create a contemporary puppet play. VIDEO SAMPLE Title: The White Pajamas; Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln Artists: White Pajamas Director: Jenny Romaine; Puppeteers: Trudi Cohen, Alician Gerstein, Joseph Dobkin, Samantha Wilson, Jennifer Miller, Jesse Proia. Vocalist: Judith Berkson Music: Michael Winograd Gluckel Director: Jenny Romaine; Puppeteers: Clare Dolan, Roberto Rossi; music: Frank London, Adrienne Cooper Description: March 2009, December 2000 White Pajamas video created to accompany exhibit of Kirshenblatt's work at the Jewish Museum, from a Toy Theater play telling the story of one of his paintings. Gluckel scene from stage performance at La MaMa. Selections chosen as representative of cultural collaborations similar to the Modicut project for which there is no video yet. SEED s-9 creat Small works Proiect Description, SeedGrant 2014 Modicut Project with the YIVOInstitutefor iewish GreatSmallWorksis embarkingon a projectin collaboration Research, basedon the work ofthe ModicutYiddishPuppetTheater. Foundedby artistsZuniMaudandYoslCutlerin NewYorkin 1925,ModicutYiddishPuppet and hitthe flourishing cultllralphenomenato Theaterwasoneofthe mostuniqueandinnovative diverseYiddishsrage.The first Yiddishpuppettheater,Modicut'sculturaland politicalsatireswere seenby thousandsacrossNorth America,Europeand the SovietUnion,createdby two arrists,one a schoolofrealism,the othera andpainterwho remainedtrueto the oshcon mastercalligrapher in Thetwo metworkingascartoonists with cubismandsurrealism. modernist who experimented the Yiddishpress.Their theaterwas a ground-breakingexperimentin Yiddishperformance.In additionto their connectionto the art movementsoftheir t;me,they were alsoimmersedin the with RemoBufano, amongothers.WithYiddish ofthe 1920's,collaborating Puppetrenaissance performed troupe send ups oftraditional iewish fiSures folkloredear to both Cutlerand Maud,the andbrou8htfun styleto highaft venues, broughttraditionalandexpressionistic andpoliticians, and satireto the radicalpoliticsofLower EastSidelife. EddyPortnoy,AcademicAdvisoratYIVOand a teacherin the iudaic Studiesprogramat Rutgers University,will be GreatSmallWorks' main contentproviderand collaborator.He haswritten a history ofModicut,researchingprimary sourcematerialsin the archivesofYIVOInstitute,and membersJenny puppeteers membersofModicut'stime.Company andaudience interviewing years, who has for severaldecades for 15 and in the YIV0 sound archives Romainefwhoworked language theater)andiohn to creatinga vibrant21ncenturyiterationof radicalYiddish contributed andleadingpuppetscho]arand Bell[Directorofthe BallardInstituteandMuseumof Puppetry, authorl will collaboratewith the companyto write the text; StephenKaplinand RobeftoRossiwill designand overseepuppetproduction. MembelsofGreatSmallWorks feela direct culturaland artistic kinshipwith the ModicutTheater_ in the the company's ofcommonsecularJewishroots,but alsobecause not justbecause Srounding EastVillageavant-gardetheatersceneofthe 1980'sand '90's,and immersionin radical,aesthetic activism{exemplifiedby roots in the work of Breadand PuppetTheater]parallelthework ofMaud and Cutler.Our productionwill mergetogetherthe few survivingpuppetscriptslwjth English translationsfrom the Yiddishl,adaptimageryfrom Cutler'sand Maud'sgraphicillustrationsand cartoons,and utilize film and musicalscores.We aim to createa multi_layeredproductionevoking the vivid chaosofearly 2OrhcenturyNewYork Citycultural life superimposedupon the mishegdsof some 21* centuryNYC.Theproductionwill featureclassicstylehandpuppets, contemporary modeleddirectly from Cutler'swith aaticulatedeyesand mouths,aswell as other srylesof contempomrypuppetry and projectedimagery. 2013at workedin December havealreadybeenmade:JennyRomaine A few experiments project adaptinga Modicut ofLivingTraditions) an annual KlezKamp fYiddishFolkAftsProBram, script which was performedentirely in Yiddishby youngadults,usinghandpuppetsand live actors. SmallWorks further developedthe samescript in a presentationat the company'sDecember Wollesonic Labs Kennywollesen's Dinner,accompanied by percussionist 2013Spaghetti Productionwill beginin fall/winter 2014.We will presenta first work-in-progressshowingat ylvo Institute on December11th,and will perform excerptsat ouryear end SpaghettiDinneron the completeproduction 3oth.In the winter/springof 2015,we will continuedeveloping December Theater public performances Working at Charlestown with a residenryand {Boston,MA) as part of their 40thanniversaryprogramming. Great Small Works Budget, SeedGrant 2014 Modicut Proiect INCOME NYSCA Founda6on Scherman HensonFoundation (seedgran!) YIVO InstittrLc WorkingTheater Charlestown 1,500 1,000 2,000 3,000 2,500 TOTAL: $10,000 EXPENSES Studiofor buildingandrehearsal AdministlatiYeoverhead Materials Afi;si fees(5@I ,200) Fringe Musicianfee 1,000 500 800 6,000 700 TOTAL: $ropoo r,000 GreatsmallWorks for ModicutPtoject CompanyBiographies of Puppetryandan Associate JOHNBELL is the Directorof the BallardInstituteand l\.ruseum of Connecticut.He was a memberof the Bfeadand Professorof DramaticArtsat the University PuppetTheatercompanyfrom '1976to 1986;and receivedhis doctoraldegleein theaterhistoryfrom aboutpuppettheater, in '1993.He is theauthorof manybooksandarticles lJniversity Columbia (Palgrave Ha,ds, Shadows:A lracmillan, 2008); and St/]hgq Puppet Modernism includingAmedcan and Perfoming He edited Puppets, Masks, (Dekoit ofArts, 2000). lnstitute Moden PuppetHistory The RoutledgeGuicle Orenstein co-edited Objecls(MlT Press,2001);with DassiaPosnerandClaudia to Puppetryand MaterialPeiomance (2014),and is an editorof PuppetryInternational. inVermont company memberof BreadandPuppetTheateisresident TRUDICOHENwasa fLrll-time '10 Amy productions Schumann, Janie Geise., directed by Peter in for years,andhaspuppeteered and DavidNeumann.Shewas Di.ectorof GfeatSmallWorks'2008,2010and2013 TfomDetter Spaghetti Dinner dozensofthecompany's andhascurated ToyTheaterFestivals lnternational Society SecondLineSocialAidandPleasure events. Sheplaysbassdrumwiththe Boston-based MA streel bands in Somerville, HONKI Festival of activist member of the and is a founding BrassBand, and underFrankBallard of Connecticut at the University KAPLINstudiedpuppetry STEPHEN in 1989 fromNewYo* University Studies graduated an MA in Performance in 1979.He received of puppettheater.Hispfofessional Since1981, he haslivedin NewYorkCity,workingin allaspects puppet for JulieTaymor'sLionKing,Juan and sequences shadow figures creditsinclude:building giant puppets for TIIMESSQUARE2000(lVicfrael and building Darienand TheGreenBird,designing Curry,dir.);designingshadowsequencesfor LeeBreueisPeferatd Wendy;co-designand of puppetsfor the PublicThealefs TheTempestandThe CaucasianChalkCircle(George construction & PatBirch,dirs) 1n2006'his for Bardn Be,4/,(SusanFeldman Wolfe,dir.);shadowpuppetdesigns puppetdesignsfor PingChong'sCathay:ThreeTalesof Chinawona HenryHewesAwafdfor Notable Effectsfromthe AmericanTheatreWing.Since2001,Mr. Kaplinhas beenco-artisticdirectorof puppetpfoductions ln original andbuiltnumerous TheatreWorks,forwhichhe hasdesigned Chinese (occupying Park the J:m of lvlaryland, College at theUniversity 2010-11, he wasa guestinst.uctor of twomajorexhibitions withKuang-Yu Fong).He hascurated together HensonChairfor puppetry Arts; puppets:"Puppetryof Shadowand Light"(2005)at the NewYorkPublicLjbraryfor the Performing (2007)at Flushing TownHall. and"WithandWithoutStrings" performef anddirector'Sheis as a stiltdancer,puppeteer, hasworkedextensively JENNYROMAINE overtwo decades Amok and has dedicated Award-winning Circus musicaldirectorof the Bessie/Obie York CityPublic Sheteaches in New basedNewYiddishSpectacle. of community to thecreation produced Great Schoolsand at the TischSchoolof the Artsat NewYorkUniversity.Shedirectedand show SmallWorks'TheMemoirsof Gluckelof Hameln,vttitesand performswiththe hit off-Broadway with numerousculturalorganizations spectacles Kidsand Yiddish,and hasdirectedcommunity-based with92White Paiamas,a collaboration productions film include The for theater and Hef NewYiddish film for his exhibition at the painter which was made into a year-old NlayerKifshenblatt, Yiddishmemory Jewish[ru6eum,NYC. Fenster,Bread& PuppetTheater, RoBERTOROSSIhasworkedwith Berlin'sTheaterZerbrochene Fabre, IngemafLindh,andAmy with directors Jan Cooperative, and Boston Puppeteers' andthe performance workshopswith years, intergenerational arts and he conducted Trompetter.For many (ESTA), Public Schools. He hascreated Project, and in NYC the WateNays EldersShafethe Arts ArtsFestivalsA devoted forthe D.U.M.B.O. puppets fof outdoorprocessions andvisualelements studentof the accordion,he is a recentgraduateof Yale UniversitySchoolof Architecture GreatSmallWorks,SeedGrant2014 CompanyBio GreatSmallWorkswas foundedin '1995by a collectiveof six artists,all vetefansof Breadand Roberto Rossiandl\,4ark Bell,TrudiCohen,SiephenKaplin, JennyRomaine, PuppetTheater-John andto keeptheaterat the heartof sociallife. The Sussman--to createtheaterof highadisticquality, and populartheateftraditionsto addresscontemporary companydrawson folk,puppet, issues.GreatSmallWorksperformsin theaters,schools,parks,libraries,museums,prisons,street workon manyscales, fromgigantic outdoor spectacles cornerc, andotherpublicspaces,producing in living rooms. In cufated festivals, cabarets and to miniatureshows withscoresof volunteers, provides performance withadistsfromvariedtraditions, Soirees,GreatSmallWorkscollaborates theparticipation of youngartistsin the for artistsin divercegenres,andengages opportunities pageantsand parades,the company pfocessof findingtheirownvoices. ln community-based workswithgfoupsof students,activistsandartiststo addressissuesof commonconcem.On any the spiritsof their seekto renew,cultivateandstrengthen scaleGreatSmallWorksproductions participating promoting in democracy. theateras a modelfor audiences, for Citations a VillageVoiceObieAward(1997)andtwoUNI[,4AJUSA creatSmallWorksreceived fortheArtsCommunity AssetsGrant(1998), Excellence i'1997and2008);a NewYorkFoundation andthe Puppeteers of America'sJim HensonAwardfor innovationin puppetry(2005). StephenKaplinwas awardeda HenryHewesAwardfor NotableEffectsfromthe Ame canTheater CooperDreaming in Yiddish washonored withthefirstAdrienne Wingin 2006.JennyRomaine jointly awarded the PaulVincentDavisAwardfor Awardin 2013.TrudiCohenandJohnBellwere Theateron the occasionof its 40'nannrvercary fromthe PuppetShowplace artistryand mentorship in 2 0 1 4 . production historyl Highlights of thecompany's 20+yearsof regularSpaghettiDinnercabafets,featuringshort-formpuppetry,music,and performance. hundreds ToyTheaterFestivals andexhibitions, of visualand 10 International performingartistsexploringthe traditionalpapertheaterform. creatednews-based in particular the collectively Dozensof originalToy Theaterproductions, nowin ils l3L episode. seiesToyTheateroflenotAs LJsu,)l. productions A Nightmare(1997-98,Matk includeTheMan WhoWas Thurcday: Full-length JennyRomained|r.),A Mammal's Sussmandir.),TheMemoirsof Gluckelof Hameln(1998-2000, Notebook:TheEtik SatieCabaret(2001,JohnBelldir.),TheRaptureProject(2007,collective creation). participants pageants to tellstories andcelebfations, created withvolunteer Community A Historyof Apizzain NewHaven\'1996),Ihe Breadard Roses relevantto thejrcommunities: Purimshpiel eventswithWorkmens Circle,Jewsfor Racial Pageart(1998),annualpolitical/histofical (200'1-present), processional of artists and othef organizations Economic Justice and dozens and performances (2001'present), the Rising Tide Parade to open for the DUMBO Arts Festival theater (2006), pageant a onthethemeof NYCwith500 Rivef2 Riverfestival LowerManhatan's France(2008). in Tournefeuille, schoolchildren Puppetryworkshopsfor students,artistsandcommunitygroupsof all agesin schools, writing, teaching, speaking. Academic research, museums andcultural centers. GreatSmallWorks,SeedCrant 2014 Modicut Proiect Imagesfrom work-in-progress performanceat GreatSmallWorks' 30,2013. Spaghetti Dinner,December NYC. Memorial Church, Judson PhotosrErik Mccregor Self-portraitby YoslCntler,circa 1920 StephenKaplinand JennyRomainewith Modicuthandpuppets,at YIVOInstitute, NYC.