Intrapreneurship at Mizan Publishing House


Intrapreneurship at Mizan Publishing House
1.1 Background
The world of modern publishing in Indonesia has reached the year of 60,
according to the establishment of IKAPI (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/Indonesian
Publishing Association) in May 17th 1950. More than half century, publishing in
Indonesia has serve quality books from local and international writers which have
grown very wide. It has changed the civilization and creates modern society, especially
for Indonesian people, which has developed Indonesia to be better country that would
readily face this globalization era.
Modern publishing company in Indonesia actually has grown to be more focus
in each subject. There is various publishing company which has grown with their
idealistic, and Mizan Publishing House is one publishing company which has
successfully bring positive idealism to Indonesian readers which more pointing out
about moderate Islamic, moral and ethical issues with premium packaging and good,
easy to read language. In other case, they actually make high sales of their books. Now,
they are focusing on publishing books for children and endorsing children most favorite
character Upin & Ipin, by publishing their comics, puzzle, and drawing books in
Indonesian language.
Differ from Mizan Publishing House as a private publishing company, Penerbit
ITB, as a business unit of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) which is still held as a state
owned company, or at least their staffs are being paid by the government, is chosen to
compare their Intrapreneruship spirit within the company to get the actual result of their
performance as a publishing industry. Penerbit ITB is one publishing industry that is
also a member of IKAPI which serve publishing, especially in the ITB environment.
They‟re focusing in publishing ITB lecturer‟s work and scientific works, journals or
books, but they also serve other books which related to education and research.
Talking about Intrapreneurship, the interest to choose the theme was because
what happened if an organization had stuck within their oversized organization which
had created bureaucratic and stiff environment and the company is finally decided to
reborn their first entrepreneurial spirit like when the company was born. It applies more
small, inventive, quick, driven and winning environment inside the company. The
company like P&G and GE has already applied this Intrapreneurship or some called
Corporate Entrepreneurship inside the company.
The reason to choose publishing company as the object of the final project is
because the personal love of books and publishing. Also, seeing that the age publishing
company in Indonesia has reached more than a half century, seems that Intrapreneurhsip
analysis is needed to assess and regain the spirit of entrepreneurship inside the
company, to challenge the unpredictable and competitive situation on the globalization
era. New media of online publishing is another challenge which affects publishing
company, especially in Indonesia, to repositioning their business strategies, facing the
paradigm shift of media.
1.2 Mizan Publishing House
Mizan, in Arabic means “balance” – developed in March 7th 1983 (Hernowo,
1998) by three college students with two of their seniors. At the beginning their
objective is to develop new cedar of Islamic creation in Indonesia. Starts from
publishing translated books from famous international writers, in step by step Mizan
found its shape and character of their Islamic theme publishing which represent various
perspectives in serious and modern way.
To answer the business aspect which is growing rapidly, Mizan developed
Mizan Publika as the holding company in 1999, and launch their reengineering in 2001.
Since then, Mizan is divided into autonomy and dynamic units which can adapt with the
fast change of the business environment. The reengineering program creates various
units which is divided into publishing, distribution, selling, online book gallery, printing
and learning center for training.
Mizan Group is also cooperating with entrepreneurs and other organizations,
such as Bentang Budaya Publishing and Lingkar Pena Foundation. The recent
cooperation is the launching of Ngefriend Edukomunikasi (Mizan Cinema) which
handling audiovisual production, event organizer, promotion, training and public
relation consultation.
Start from publishing three books a month in the first year, Mizan Group has
able to produce more than 600 books a year and successfully creates best seller books.
Now, Mizan is recognized as one of the biggest publishing company in Indonesia.
Not only fulfilling domestic market, Mizan expand their coverage to overseas by
special strategic business unit called Mizan International by three main activities. First,
distributing Mizan Indonesian and Malay language books to Indonesian society who
live on outside of the country; second, translating Indonesian language books into
foreign language for international market; and third, handling copyrights on Mizan
Literary Agency (MLA).
Now, Mizan has pioneering the networking of book community including
bookstore which called “Komunitas Mizan” as the place for writers, publishers, man of
letters and other parties in reading societies all over Indonesia. In further, this book
community would develop in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia.
In the future, Mizan is planning to go public through Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) after enlarge its asset through private placement (Mizan Company Profile
Figure 1: Mizan Publishing House
1.2.2 Vision and Mission
We increase the sustainable commitment in creating modern, open minded, and
at the same time religious society. This commitment applied by the knowledge based
company, which can respond challenges and demand from the fast change of the
environment cause by the progress of information and technology (Mizan Company
Profile Handbook).
1.2.3 Mizan Group
Mizan Publika
After exist for over 15 years in publishing industry in Indonesia, Mizan Group has
done reengineering and business development by establishing PT Mizan Publika which
serves as holding company and creating autonomous and strategic business units.
Now PT Mizan Publika supervises 8 companies and 5 strategic businesses which
PT Mizan Publishing House (PT Mizan Pustaka and PT Mizan Bunaya
Kreativa) (publishing company)
Hikmah Publishing (publishing line)
PT Bentang Pustaka (publishing company)
PT Lingkar Pena Kreativa (publishing company)
PT Mizan Media Utama (distribution and marketing company)
PT Mizan Grafika Sarana (printing company)
PT Mizan Dian Semesta (distribution and direct selling company)
MP Book Point (community bookstore)
Mizan Cinema (event organizer and production house)
PT Mizan Publika
MP Book Point Building
Jl. Puri Mutiara Raya No. 72 (Jeruk Purut – Cipete)
Cilandak Barat – Jakarta Selatan 12430
Ph. (021) 759 10 212; Fax (021) 759 15 759;
Mizan Pustaka
This is the first company established with the flag of Mizan. The company is
established in Bandung, West Java, in 1983, which is firstly called PT Mizan. Then in
1984, the name is changed into PT Mizan Pustaka. During the journey, Mizan Pustaka
is giving birth of DAR! Mizan, a division later on be a separate company. Now, Mizan
Pustaka is recognizing as publisher who publishes high quality books about strategic
current issues, at least for Indonesian. Mizan Pustaka is now have 7 product lines which
are Mizan Khazanah Ilmu-ilmu Islam (theme of development of Islamic thought),
Mizan Kronik Zaman Baru (theme of contemporary in various fields), Kaifa (books of
practice knowledge and “how to”), Qanita (theme of active women in developing
countries and health) and Mizania (theme of popular Islamic thought and piety).
PT Mizan Pustaka
Jl. Cinambo (Cisaranten Wetan) No. 135
Ujung Berung – Bandung 40294
Ph. (022) 783 4310; Fax. (022) 783 4311
DAR! Mizan (PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa)
Developed in 1992 as Divisi Anak dan Remaja (Children and Adolescents Division)
(DAR!) from Mizan Pustaka, this division marks its establishment by launching various
innovative products. In 2003, DAR! Mizan is transformed into different business entity
called PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa. Although it has been a company, the DAR! Mizan
brand is still maintained. DAR! Mizan has developed 7 product line and 28 series.
Moreover, DAR! Mizan is also giving birth of Pelangi Mizan line which publishes
references and exclusive encyclopedia which is direct market to the consumers. Besides
producing books and audiovisual products, this company is also producing educative
games as complements.
PT Mizan Bunaya Kretiva
Jl. Cinambo (Cisaranten Wetan) No. 137
Ujung Berung – Bandung 40294
Ph. (022) 783 4315; Fax. (022) 783 4361
Hikmah Publishing
Established in 200, Hikmah Publishing has produced more than 400 titles of books.
The character of Hikmah books is mostly practical and popular science. Hikmah is
focusing in books nuance universal wisdom, piety, self development, and settling heart
with visionary package.
Hikmah divide their products into several product lines which are Hikmah Popluer
(theme of Islam, starting from spirituality into Islamic how to), Hikmah Zaman Baru
(general theme of spiritual practice, management and self-help), Hikmah Anak (guide
books for kids), Hikmah Remaja (guide books and novel for teenagers), Hikmah Novel
(popular mature books with theme of drama, mystery, and suspence), Hikmah Memoar
(theme of biography and inspiring true stories).
Hikmah Publishing
MP Book Point Building
Jl. Puri Mutiara Raya No. 72 (Jeruk Purut – Cipete)
Cilandak Barat – Jakarta Selatan 12430
Ph. (021) 759 10 212; Fax (021) 759 15 759;
PT Bentang Pustaka
In 2004, Mizan Publika acquits Bentang Budaya Publishing, a prestigious book
publisher which focuses on theme of cultural, literature and art which domicile in
Jogjakarta. Now, Bentang Pustaka serves Indonesian society with various high quality
books from art, philosophy, literature and cultural category which attractive packaging.
PT Bentang Pustaka
Jl. Pandega Padma No. 19
Jogjakarta 55284
Ph. (0274) 517 373
Fax. (0274) 541 441
Lingkar Pena Publishing House (PT Lingkar Pena Kreativa)
PT Lingkar Pena Kreativa is a publishing company which establishes from the
cooperation of Mizan Group through PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa, with Forum Lingkar
Pena (FLP) community, a writer community includes beginners to seniors which has the
networking from all over Indonesia and overseas. Since September 2003, Lingkar Pena
is focusing on publishing enlightening, quality, and market love books. Several books
that is publish by Lingkar pena includes product lines of kids, teenagers (fiction and
nonfiction edu-teens serial), lines of mature (fiction and nonfiction edu-moms serial),
and wedding series.
PT Lingkar Pena Kreativa
Jl. Keadilan Raya No. 13 Blok XVI
Depok 16418
Ph./Fax. (021) 771 2100
Mizan Cinema
Mizan Cinema is a new line of Mizan Group which focuses on event organizer and
production house. The presence of Mizan Cinema starts from the publishing of book
“Ngefriend Sama Islam” (“In Friendship With Islam”) by DAR! Mizan. The individuals
who creates the book collaborate with Prambors Radio and use the content of the book
in on air and off air broadcast program called “Cinta, All Things About Love” on
Ramadhan 1425H/2004. Since then, “Ngefriend Sama Islam” presence their self as
product line of Mizan Group through PT Mizan Bunaya Kreativa with the name Mizan
Cinema (Ngefriend Edukomunikasi). In the future, Mizan Cinema will be focusing on
projects of education, entertainment and Islamic movies.
Mizan Cinema
MP Book Point Building
Jl. Puri Mutiara Raya No. 72 (Jeruk Purut – Cipete)
Cilandak Barat – Jakarta Selatan 12430
Ph. (021) 759 10 212; Fax (021) 759 15 759;
MP Book Point
MP Book Point is officially opened in 29 April 2006. Stand up on a land area of
1500m2, MP Book Point is designed as community based bookstore and open for
everybody. The books which are sells in MP Book Point are not only come from Mizan
Group publishers, but also from other publishers. As a community based bookstore, MP
Book Point has various programs and events which are organized by Beranda
Komunitas Mizan (Mizan Community Porch), such as film screening, discussion, light
live music, and other cooperate events with other art-cultural-social communities. MP
Book Point serves open stage, multifunction room, and other facilities such as Saqi The
Café. Starts from a location in Jakarta, MP Book Point will expand their networking to
reach book communities all over Indonesia.
MP Book Point
Jl. Puri Mutiara Raya No. 72 (Jeruk Purut – Cipete)
Cilandak Barat – Jakarta Selatan 12430
Ph. (021) 759 10212; Fax (021) 751 3190;
PT Mizan Media Utama
As the fast growing publishing company, it is important to separate the selling and
distribution from the publishing which is being the core business of Mizan, as the main
role. Mizan Media Utama is developed in 1999 as the distribution company.
PT Mizan Media Utama
Jl. Cinambo (Cisaranten Wetan) No. 146,
Ujung Berung, Bandung 40294
Ph. (022) 781 5500; Fax. (022) 780 2288;
PT Mizan Dian Semesta
Mizan Dian Semesta (MDS), previously known as Mizan Direct Selling, established
in May 2002. Consistent in serving direct selling, MDS is targeting middle and upper
economy by books which are specially packaged with luxury which is not being sold in
bookstores. Besides distributing domestic product books, MDS is also distributing
overseas books. Headquartered in Jakarta, MDS has opened branches on several big
cities such as Bandung, Surabaya, Jogjakarta, West Java, Makasar, and Medan.
PT Mizan Dian Semesta
Komp. Plaza Golden Blok G 45
Jl. RS Fatmawati 16
Jakarta Selatan 12410
Ph. (021) 766 3631; Fax. (021) 766 3806
PT Mizan Grafika Sarana
Initially, Mizan Grafika Sarana is a production division of Mizan which is
established in 1992 as a part of Mizan Pustaka. This division is handling the process of
producing books for publishing activities of Mizan, starts from the printing to bindery.
This division grows rapidly until it becoming independent company in 1995, with the
name Mizan Grafika Sarana. The increasing activities in Mizan publishing gave positive
impact to Mizan Grafika Sarana as the increasing job order which has reach over limit
capacity. Therefore, PT Mizan Publika is doing bigger investment to build a new
factory on 2500 m2 area and buying new and advance equipments.
PT Mizan Grafika Sarana
Jl. Cinambo (Cisaranten Wetan) No. 141
Ujung Berung, Bandung 40294
Ph. (022) 783 4300-02
Fax. (022) 783 4299
1.2.4 Business Competition Landscape
Mizan Publishing House, as a company of Mizan Group, has the business
competition landscape in book publishing. In Indonesia, certified book publishers are
listed in IKAPI (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/Indonesian Publishing Association), and
Mizan Publishing House is listed on the organization. Nowadays, IKAPI has members
for more than 650 book publishers all over Indonesia.
1.3 Penerbit ITB
Penerbit Insitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is established through Rector Decree
No. 24/SK/REK/ITB/1971. At first Penerbit ITB has the objective to support the
learning-teaching activities in ITB. Started with one mini offset engine donated from
Holland and Japan, at that time Penerbit ITB is trying to publish and print the written
works of lecturers and scientist in ITB. At that time Drs. Adjat Sakri, M.Sc., a lecturer
from Art and Design Faculty, is chosen to be the manager. This time, Penerbit ITB is
managed by Prof. Ir. Amrinsyah Nasution MSCE, Ph.D. Prof. Amrinsyah has already
managed Penerbit ITB before. Before he managed again in 2005-2010, Penerbit ITB is
headed by Dr. Ing. Ir. Rudi Rubiandini. Before Prof. Amrinsyah managed Penerbit ITB
at the first time, it was headed by Prof. Dr. Emmy Suparka. Before Prof. Dr. Emmy
Suparka headed Penerbit ITB, it was headed by Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso M.Sc, who was
being the ITB Rector in 2005-2010.
Head of Penerbit ITB:
1st: Drs. Adjat Sakri, M.Sc
2nd: Dr. Ir. Djoko Santoso, M.Sc
3rd: Prof. Dr. Emmy Suparka
4th: Prof. Ir. Amrinsyah Nasution MSCE, Ph.D
5th: Dr. Ing. Ir. Rudi Rubiandini
6th: Prof. Ir. Amrinsyah Nasution MSCE, Ph.D (2005-2010)
In 1985, Penerbit ITB is upgrading their publishing tools by adding
semiautomatic reproduction camera, one set of phototype setting, plate maker, A2-A0
printer machine, folding machine and automatic cutting machine. At the next year, 1
unit of local area network (LAN) IBM PC with 16 terminals and stacking machine are
added to support the publishing.
With those assets, Penerbit ITB is trying to expand by publishing papers and
scientific works of lecturers all over Indonesia. Until now, Penerbit ITB has published
more or less 275 book titles in the scope of technical and social books for college and
general educational books from various disciplines. Some of the books had already
being the textbooks in some institutions such as Seri Fisika Dasar/Serial Basic Physics
(Sutrisno), Ilmu Peluang untuk Insinyur dan Ilmuan/Science Opportunities for
Engineers and Scientists (Walpole/Myers), Tata Letak Pabrik dan Pemindahan
Bahan/Factory Layout and Material Moving (Apple), dan Fisiologi Tumbuhan/Plant
Physiology (Ross/Salisbury).
Penerbit ITB is also gaining relationship with several research institutions from
national and international, such as Varian Instrument Group from United States,
National Research Council from Canada and Centre Belgo-luxembourgeois
d’information de l’acier from Belgium, to translate the papers into Bahasa. Penerbit
ITB is also cooperating with WHO in order to educate public health. In 1990-98, more
than 12 book titles has been translated and published with help of WHO fund. This is
the result of achievement in gaining good relationship between Penerbit ITB and WHO
because in the record, WHO is seldom giving fund to a publisher in other country.
Penerbit ITB is also had cooperate with several countries. Cooperation with United
States Information Service (USIS) had helped Penerbit ITB to publish 4 translated
books, and with France Embassy is going to publish France Language education books
which is now is still in publishing.
As a member of IKAPI (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/Indonesian Publisher
Association) West Java No. 043/JBA (1), Penerbit ITB is always do the obligation to
submit their publication to IKAPI West Java, IKAPI Center, State Prosecutor, Library
Center ITB, and National Library of Indonesian Republic as the implementation of
Code No. 4 year 1990. By implementing this, with 2 other publishers in West Java, in
1998, Penerbit ITB is given award from National Library of Indonesian Republic.
Penerbit ITB is always joining the IKAPI Book Fair in 4 cities, Jakarta,
Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. Penerbit ITB books are distributed on bookstores
in 17 cities: Bandung, Bogor, Jakarta, Purwokerto, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta,
Surabaya, Malang, Denpasar, Ujung Pandang, Ambon, Jambi, Padang, Palembang, and
Tanjung Karang (Penerbit ITB Profile).
Figure 2: Penerbit ITB
1.3.2 Vision and Mission
Penerbit ITB publishes papers and scientific works, especially books which the
writers are came from ITB itself, outside of ITB in the environment of institution or
outside of institution which still connect with education, results from symposiums or
seminars, and scientific works. Through the books, especially for lecturers, could
distribute their work achievement outside of university and share it all over the world.
Penerbit ITB is always maintaining their book quality especially in the content and the
Be the “university press” which carries ITB education mission in teaching and learning
activities, through publishing dictates, teaching books, science journal or other kinds of
publishing which connect with education and research.
Serving teaching books, dictates, printed matters for ITB civitas academica from
lecturers, students, and experts and for those who directly or indirectly related with
majors of the book published (UUP Penerbit ITB).
1.3.3 Activities in Penerbit ITB
The activities which are runs in Penerbit ITB are separated between divisions of
publishing, production and printing, and general administration and finance and
marketing. Each division has their own activities to support the company. Here is the
table of activities of Penerbit ITB.
Table 1: Activities in Penerbit ITB
Penerbit ITB
a. Handling script
a. Editing
b. Copyright management
b. Setting
c. Dealing with funders c. Designing
d. Designing book covers
Production and Printing
a. Production
a. Market review for book
b. Printing
production and need
c. Reproduction
b. Production planning
d. Finishing
c. Material supply
d. Bindery
e. Packing
Administration, a. Advertising
Finance and Marketing
b. Promotion
promotion pattern
c. Book launch and review
d. Selling
promotion strategy
e. Financing
c. Marketing priority, target
f. Administration
and conditioning
e. Market networking
f. Assessing revenue
g. Revenue projections
h. Taxing; i. Royalty
1.3.4 Chain of work in Penerbit ITB book publishing
The chain of work in Penerbit ITB are includes script entry, editing, setting,
reproduction, printing, finishing, warehouse/inventory, and distribution. This chain of
wok is use to effectively publish the books in Penerbit ITB. Here is the illustration of
chain of work in Penerbit ITB.
Figure 3: Chain of work in Penerbit ITB book publishing (Penerbit ITB Profile)
1.4 Comparison between Mizan Publishing House and Penerbit ITB
After we see the general description of both companies, we could do some
comparison to see the difference and each characteristic appeal between both
companies. The comparison includes items which are the company name, time of
establish, commercial status, business type, owner, location, vision, mission and
Here is the table of comparison between Mizan Publishing House and
Penerbit ITB:
Table 2: Comparison between Mizan Publishing House and Penerbit ITB
Mizan Publishing House
Penerbit ITB
PT Mizan Pustaka
Penerbit ITB
March 1983
Commercial Private owned company
business unit/auxiliary business)
Subsidiary of PT Mizan Publika
Business unit/auxiliary business of
CEO PT Mizan Publika, Haidar Prof.
Bagir (1983-present)
MSCE, Ph.D (2005-2010)
CEO PT Mizan Pustaka, Pangestu
Jl. Cinambo no. 135 (Cisaranten Jl. Ganesa no. 10 Bandung
Wetan) Bandung 40294
sustainable Be the “university press” which
commitment in creating modern, carries ITB education mission in
open minded, and at the same teaching and learning activities,
time religious society.
teaching books, science journal or
other kinds of publishing which
This commitment applied by the Serving teaching books, dictates,
knowledge based company, which printed matters for ITB civitas
and academica from lecturers, students,
demand from the fast change of experts and for those who directly
the environment cause by the or indirectly related with majors of
and the book published.
At the beginning their objective is Penerbit
to develop new cedar of Islamic business which active in printing,
creation in Indonesia. Starts from publishing books, or literature. This
publishing translated books from unit give support to the academic
famous international writers, in programs like giving the chance for
step by step Mizan found its shape ITB lecturers to publish guidance
and character of their Islamic books for each subjects, literature
theme publishing which represent books from the works of lecturer‟s
various perspectives in serious staff especially in ITB, and publish
and modern way
international literature translated in
(Tentang Mizan ).
Fasilitas ITB).
1.5 IKAPI (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia)
IKAPI (Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia/Indonesian Publishing Association) is
established in May 17th 1950 from the initiative of several Indonesian book publishers.
Encourage by the domination of foreign book publishers, especially Dutch publishers
which are still monopolized Indonesian book publishers, IKAPI is established to
develop smart Indonesian society. Until now, IKAPI still exist as the only one book
publisher organization in Indonesia which now has 7 branches in Jakarta, West Java,
Central Java, Jogjakarta, East Java and North Sumatra and also 3 representative offices
in Aceh, South Sumatra and Bali (Indonesia).
1.5.1 Vision and Mission
To anticipate many problems and challenges deals by Indonesia in facing the
hird millennium, IKAPI formulates its vision and mission as the soul that will form the
spirit to each member in implementing various programs and activities that have been
To make Indonesian book publishing industry is able to fulfill the needs of domestic
market and could also take part in international market.
Participate in building the nation‟s intellectual life through efforts to create conducive
book publishing climate, develop competitive book publishing system, and enhance
professionalism between the associations and the staffs, so national book publishing
could act optimally in order to accelerate the formation of democratic, open and
responsible society (IKAPI).
Figure 4: IKAPI
1.6 Problem Identification
1.6.1 Paradigm shift of digital reading
Seeing the change culture of reading from physical reading to digital reading,
there is a paradigm shift (Ian Palmer, 2009) which affect readers to swift their reading
habit from books into digital reading. This shift made book publishing has to adapt the
change which is happened in all over the world. It also made publishing companies has
to be innovative and tend to catch new opportunities came through this paradigm shift.
Al DiGuido, the CEO of Zeta Interactive –marketing and digital-marketing
consultant in New York City (Mizan) told that “The world has changed to digital.
Media consumption patterns have changed because more than 50 percent of adults
online internet every day; 90 million people read the news on the Internet every week,
79 percent look for products on the Internet; 75 percent buy online, and 92 percent
check e-mail.”
While according on Regulatory Performance Report of Ministry of
Communication and Information of Indonesian Republic (Mizan), tells that on mobile
GSM in Indonesia, the users of Telkomsel has reached 64 million persons, Indosat 30
million, XL 20 million, Axis and Three 7 million, Smart 3 million, Fren 2 million, and
Star One 1 million.
This phenomenon shows that publishing companies has to be more
entrepreneurial to be able to catch the new opportunities came through this paradigm
shift. The entrepreneurial spirit or intrapreneurship could support the company
performance to catch those new opportunities. That‟s why applying intrapreneurship at
publishing companies is very important.
Figure 5: Apple IPad showing digital books on bookshelves
Figure 6: Jeff Bezos, CEO of grabbing Amazon Kindle on Newsweek cover
1.6.2 The maturity of book publishing in Indonesia
Book publishing in Indonesia has reach 60 years, according to the establishment
of IKAPI. Mizan Publishing House itself has reached 27 year and Penerbit ITB has
reached 39 year. Those ages could be classified as the mature ages of the company
which has the tendency to be bureaucratic, formal, stiff and hierarchical. This situation
would affect the decreasing of the company performance.
This problem makes book publishing industries, especially for Mizan Publishing
House and Penerbit ITB, needs to prevent the decreasing of company performance by
maturity, and happens to the company. Intrapreneurship would highly support the
company performance because it affects the internal spirit of entrepreneurship to boost
the company to catch new opportunities and adapt with the new business environment.
That‟s why applying intrapreneurhsip is very important.