COUNTY OF DARE PO Box 1000, Manteo, NC DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DARE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 954 Marshall C. Collins Dr., Manteo, NC Monday, February 07, 2011 “HOW WILL THESE DECISIONS IMPACT OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES?” AGENDA 9:00 AM CONVENE, PRAYER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ITEM 1 Oath of Office for the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners ITEM 2 Presentation of County Service Pins - February 2011 ITEM 3 Employee of the Year - 2010 ITEM 4 Employee of the Month - February 2011 ITEM 5 Public Comments ITEM 6 Present Deputy Sheriffs with Advanced Professional Certificate ITEM 7 Dare County Department of Public Health - Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) Presentation ITEM 8 Governor's Crime Commission Grant Pre-Applications ITEM 9 GEM Center's Dementia Survey Results ITEM 10 Economic Improvement Council, Inc. Presentation ITEM 11 Proposed Travel Policy Revisions ITEM 12 Draft Regulations for Wind Energy Systems in Unincorporated Dare County ITEM 13 Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church Request for Late Application for Property Tax Exemption on Vacant Parcels in Kitty Hawk ITEM 14 Award of FY2010-2011 Vehicle and Equipment Financing ITEM 15 Amendment to the Capital Project Ordinance for Emergency Communications System Land of Beginnings 1 ITEM 16 Consent Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Approval of Minutes (1.18.11) New Position - Community Programs Coordinator (Sheriff's Office) Budget Amendment - Sheriff's Office Part-time Salaries Budget Amendment : Bowsertown Landfill Phase 3 Crisis Intervention Program Budget Amendment Social Services Department of Transportation Budget Amendment Budget Amendment - Elections - HAVA Funding Dare County Dept. of Public Health - H1N1 Budget Amendment Budget Amendment - Dare County Transportation System Budget Amendment - Golden Leaf Foundation - Outer Banks Catch Advertise 2010 Tax Year Liens Road Request - Summerplace Drive, Hatteras, NC ITEM 17 Board Appointments 1. Board Appointments - NC Senior Tarheel Legislature Delegates 2. Aging Advisory Council for the Albemarle Commission 3. Planning Board 4. Upcoming Board Appointments for March 2011 ITEM 18 Commissioners’ Business Manager’s/Attorney’s Business ITEM 19 Closed Session 1. Approval of Minutes (1.18.11) ADJOURN UNTIL 5:00 P.M. ON FEBRUARY 21, 2011 2 Oath of Office for the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Description Oath to be administered to the new Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Item Presenter Chairman Warren Judge Board Action Requested Administer Oath 3 Presentation of County Service Pins - February 2011 Description Gary Gross, Deborah Alexander, Ralph Owens, Jack Flythe, and Susan Nelson are to receive pins this month. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested None 4 February 7, 2011 PRESENTATION OF COUNTY SERVICE PINS 1. Gary Gross, Clerk and Special Asst. to the Board of Commissioners, 10 Yr. Pin - Presented by Bobby Outten, County Manager 2. Deborah Alexander, Detention Center Nurse, 10 Yr. Pin - Presented by Doug Doughtie, Sheriff 3. Ralph Owens, Detention Trans/Class Officer, 10 yr. Pin - Presented by Doug Doughtie, Sheriff 4. Jack Flythe, Environmental Health Supv. II, , 25 Yr. Pin - Presented by Anne Thomas, Health Director 5. Susan Nelson, Social Worker III, 30 Yr. Pin - Presented by Jay Burrus, Social Services Director 5 Employee of the Year - 2010 Description The Employee of the Year for 2010 will be presented Item Presenter TBD Board Action Requested None 6 Employee of the Month - February 2011 Description The Employee of the Month certificate will be presented. Item Presenter TBD Board Action Requested None 7 Discuss Governor's Crime Commission Grant Pre-Applications with Commissioners Description Discuss pending Crime Commission Grant Pre-Applications with Commissioners Item Presenter Sheriff Doug Doughtie Board Action Requested Informational Purposes only 9 Print Grant Application Information Page 1 of 16 Governor's Crime Commission 2011 Grant Pre-Application Number: 353 1201 Front Street, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 733-4564 Fax: (919) 733-4625 1. Name of Project: Dare Sheriff's New Day Tech Program 3. Applicant Agency: (name, address, phone, fax) County of Dare P.O. Drawer 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Dare County DUNS Number: 082358631 CCR Registration: [ X ] Yes [ ] No Federal Tax ID: 566000293 Fiscal Year End Date: June 30 State Agency?: No 2. Committee Assignment: Crime Victims' Services ( ) Juvenile Justice Planning ( Criminal Justice Improvement ( X ) ) 4. Program Priority: A B C D E F 5. Project Starting and Ending Dates: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 6. Authorizing Official: (name and title) J. Douglas Doughtie Sheriff 7. Type of Action:(select one) [ X ] First Application [ ] Continuation of Grant / 2nd Year Grant 8. Financial Officer: (name, title, telephone, email) Dave Clawson Finance Officer (252) 475-5731 9. U.S. Congressional District(s): 3 N.C. Legislative District(s): House: 2 Senate: 1 Population of Project Area: 47,500 10. Implementing Agency: (name, address, telephone, fax) 11. Project Director: (name, title, telephone, e-mail) Charlie Nieman Dare County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Phone: (252) 475-5980 Fax: (252) 473-6371 12. Implementing Agency Profile: a. Non-profit, nongovernmental agencies, please attach a copy of your current year's line item operating budget and describe the sources of those funds. b. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project. c. Law Enforcement Agencies: Number of Sworn Officers: 77 14. Requested Budget Totals: Personnel: Contractual: Travel: Supplies: Equipment: Total Budget: Subtract Match: Federal Request: 1st Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $50,000.00 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $50,000.00 2nd Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 13. Project Summary: This project will bring the level of technological equipment to efficient minimal operational standards. We will revamp our technology program from a woefully deficient level that has consistently decreased of the past years to a workable level to ensure both public and officer safety. Project Counties: This project will operate in the following counties:Dare and the additional 99 counties, through the state VIPER Network. Page 1 10 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 2 of 16 Project Abstract and Project Narrative Project Abstract (The Problem): Briefly describe project's purpose, identify target population, and discuss program components which address the identified problem. Include local statistics to substantiate the need. Our office has, in the past, been woefully deficient in obtaining a sound technological/officer safety edge. We find ourselves in a baseline equipment crisis. We seek your help in assisting us to modernize and bring our office up to a safe and workable standard. The minimal level of technology equipment we have is well worn and not reliable for safe use. We span an enormous geographical area in north eastern North Carolina.Our unique area experiences a seasonal flux in population upwards of 250k people on any given day during our tourist season.The uniqueness of this special area, the ever present threat from weather hazards, and socioeconomic disparity in population pose us extreme challenges in providing a safe environment. Our new Sheriffs administration needs your urgent help to assist us in creating an initial technological baseline approach to our new community oriented policing model.We have 1562 sq. miles, over 40k in population, per capita income of $23,614 and five times the current state average for at risk of juvenile delinquency.Dare County leads the state in illegal prescription drug abuse as well as reported addictions to crack cocaine and methamphetamine.The uniquely tourism driven economy creates a vast dichotomy in the socio-economic standard of the population. Project Narrative (Operation): Include a description of how grant funded positions are integral to the project and how contractual, travel, operating, and equipment expenses will support the project. Discuss how you will collaborate with other agencies. Focus on the project - do not give agency history, do not repeat abstract. We seek your help in assisting us to modernize and bring our office up to a more modern and efficient standard in some very basic ways. We have applied for grants with The GHSP to begin implementing some in-car video systems to ensure officer and public safety. DCSO has always partnered with allied agencies both on a local and state level. We are nearing the completion of our new 800mhz(VIPER compatible) Public Service Radio System. This project has been a massive cooperative effort between all the LE, EMS, FIRE, and municipalities within the county. Under our leadership we have achieved this goal primarily with local tax dollars. This new technology makes most of our existing electronic equipment obsolete. We also have a great need to provide our deputies with less than lethal force technology. As part of providing law enforcement services to a growing tourist area, we find our use of force options very limited. We wish to effectively manage physical threats to public safety in a very low key manner so as to maintain a positive community oriented enforcement image. We have very few, old and well worn taser devices which have to be passed off from squad to squad. This transfer of equipment has led to the early demise of this equipment and greatly increases the potential for malfunction when needed for deployment in the field. With the grant purchase of these devices as well as some much needed MDT computers, and 800MHZ compatible cameras, crime scene recording technology, and license plate recognition systems, we can raise the level of quality law enforcement services to our citizens and visitors. As we purchase and implement this equipment we will be far more able to efficiently provide the necessary law enforcement services to our citizens and the thousands of tourists that visit Dare County yearly. We also employ a cooperative philosophy with the other public safety agencies within our county and will utilize much of this investment in technology in our efforts with our local narcotics unit,in operations requiring inter-agency cooperation, and multi-jurisdictional special events unique to our highly populated tourist areas. Page 2 11 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 3 of 16 Timeline of Project Activities Timeline of Project Activities: We have begun research on vendor eligibility and developing equipment specifications for any necessary bidding procedures. We propose to be ready to advertise bids on eligible equipment by July 1,2011. We anticipate a staged implementation of the Taser equipment while at the same time upgrading our training program. We are currently revising our operational directives as to the use of electronic compliance devices (ECD's). Though we are not a CALEA accredited agency our command staff and advisors are assisting in developing operational policies which meet national accreditation standards. This ongoing process is not limited to the use of ECD's but is applicable to all of the technology we are implementing including our new 800MHZ VIPER compatible radio systems and communications consoles. By August,2011 we anticipate full implementation of the ECD's. Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) and related computer servers will be procured and implemented in the field by November,2011. All other technology equipment purchased under this grant request will be fully implemented by December,2011. We will hold off on implementation of any maintenance agreements for purchased computer software until the Phase 2 of our implementation plan, January 1, 2012 as we will be also preparing at that time our fiscal 2012-2014 local budgets. Sheriff Doughtie inherited a partially used budget and was elected to office during the midpoint of our county's budget process. Page 3 12 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 4 of 16 Project Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures and Evaluation Methods Project Goal(s): We will reduce both the actual number of ECD deployments from 87 to less than 20 over the period of the grant and contingent upon continued implementation of devices. Project Objective #1: To deter the use of physical resistence by offenders through simple display of the units by deputies. Performance Measure #1: Use of actual statistical data to validate the reduction. Evaluation Method #1: Maintain and report accurate record of deployments versus previous years without implementation of ECD's Project Objective #2: Reduce the number of officer assaults by offenders by a minimum of 75%. Performance Measure #2: Officer related assaults that are reported will be reduced as a result of deployments or threat of deployment of ECD'S. Evaluation Method #2: We willl compare these data to data collected from years when devices were either not deployed or used to guage effectiveness and to ensure our goals are being met. Project Objective #3: Reduce the number of resist, delay, and obstruct offenses charged by a minimum of 75%. Performance Measure #3: Offenders charged with resisting arrest will be reduced through implementation of this technology. Evaluation Method #3: We will compare these data with actual charges filed in years past to validate the reduction. Page 4 13 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 5 of 16 Project Objectives, Performance Measures, Evaluation Methods and Sustainability Planning (continued) Project Objective #4: Show measurable efficiency in the collection of crime scene data through the use of digital video. Performance Measure #4: By having this new technology we can transmit digital crime scene images directly over our VIPER link to our departmental records database. Evaluation Method #4: These data wil be used to prove the efficiency of this technology Utilizing the VIPER Network as well as the NC AWARE and Magistrates network we can show the validity of the technology and reduce uninformed Magisterial pretrial release of violent offenders instantaneously over the VIPER 800 mhz net Sustainability Plannning: Describe your formal, working sustainability plan for the project and how it will result in permanent operational funding (not GCC funding) once this grant ends. (If this grant proposal is for a one-time equipment purchase or training only, do not complete this section.) Our current budgetary process is based upon a two year budget cycle. As we are in the mid point of this cycle, this will allow the new Sheriff time to develop adequate budgets to both maintain and to re-build a sound fiscal capital improvement program.This plan will be published and submitted as part of the County's overall re-investment and recovery plan during this harsh economic downturn in our local economy. Our intent is to re-build and maintain current technologies adequate to provide the best possible law enforcement services while cutting unnecessary expenditures.This assistance is critical to that effort as we have other crtitcal programming needs to aid our community.We are only seeking seed monies to address these vital services. Page 5 14 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 6 of 16 Detailed Budget Budget Category (one year only) A. PERSONNEL 1. Salaries: List each position with yearly rate. Position Title Volunteers (To include FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Salary Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % of Time Devoted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 0 2. Overtime: (Average) New Employee Current Employee Salary Subtotal: 3. Fringe Benefits: Itemize percentages applicable for each benefit for all positions. Category Formula FICA 7.65% Retirement Hospitalization Other Benefits Subtotal: 4. Volunteers (To exclude FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 Volunteers Excluding FICA Subtotal: $0.00 Total Personnel: $0.00 Page 6 15 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 7 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, rate of pay and time required. Time Required Position Title Pay Rate (hours) $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Individual Consultant Subtotal: $0.00 2. Agency: List by type of agency, rate of pay and time required. Agency Pay Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Time Required (hours) 0 0 0 0 0 Consultant Agency Subtotal: $0.00 Total Contractual Services: $0.00 C. TRAVEL: List cost for transporting clients and costs for travel and subsistence of project personnel. In-State Travel Expenses Description: Total In-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $0.00 Out of-State Travel Expenses Description: Total Out of-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $0.00 Subsistence for All Travel Description: Total Subsistence for All Travel $0.00 Client Transport Expenses Description: Total Client Transport Expenses $0.00 All Other Travel Expenditures Description: Total for All Other Travel Expenditures $0.00 Total Travel: $0.00 Page 7 16 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 8 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) Budget Category (one year only) D. SUPPLIES AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (i.e. office supplies, field supplies, training supplies, printing, computer software, registration fees, postage, utilities, office rent (not mortgage!) Be specific - do not use "miscellaneous" as a category. Do not include indirect costs.) Category Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Operating Expenses: $0.00 E. EQUIPMENT 1. Equipment Purchase only Item Description Unit Price Taser $0.00 0 $900.00 51 Taser Holster Taser Training Kit Package Quantity $50.00 51 $775.00 2 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Purchased Equipment Subtotal: $50,000.00 2. Equipment Lease or Rental only Item Description Unit Price Quantity $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Leased Equipment Subtotal: $0.00 Total Equipment: $50,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $50,000.00 Page 8 17 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 9 of 16 Budget Summary I. Description of Match: Matching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Juvenile Justice Planning, Criminal Justice Improvement 1. 25% cash match only required Describe amount and source of cash match: 2. 50% cash match required for those law enforcement agencies applying for program Priority E Describe amount and source of match: B. Crime Victims' Services 1. 25% cash match or in-kind match required for those applying for program priority C Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: 2. 20% cash match or in-kind match is required for those applying for program priorities A,B,D & E Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: C. Request For Match Waiver If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return the following page (page 10) along with the signature page. II. Budget Categories: First Year Anticipated Second Year A. Personnel: $0.00 $0.00 B. Contractual Service: $0.00 $0.00 C. Travel: $0.00 $0.00 D. Supplies/Operating Expenses: $0.00 $0.00 E. Equipment: $50,000.00 $0.00 F. Total Budget: $50,000.00 $0.00 -$0.00 -$0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 G. Subtract Matching Funds: H. TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST: Page 9 18 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 10 of 16 Request For Match Waiver Applicants may seek a match waiver due to extreme hardship or extenuating circumstances. A limited number of match waivers will be granted. The approval of waivers will be based on the availability of funds and the Commission's overall rating of the grant proposal. Because "match free" funds are limited and very competitive, applying for a waiver may reduce the likelihood of funding. Agencies applying for a match waiver must give a detailed written justification. These projects will be subjected to a much higher level of scrutiny during the review process. If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return this page along with the signature page. As the Authorizing Official for this grant pre-application, I am requesting that the Governor's Crime Commission grant this Implementing Agency a waiver of its match requirement for the following reasons: Our local economy is still suffering from the effects of higher than the state average unemployment 10.5%. Our tax revenues, including traditional sources of taxes such as land transfer taxes are substantially down. Traditional sources of stable revenue are also suffering such as taxes generated from our tourism industry. We have only tourism and commercial aquaculture as our only staple industries. Revenue from commercial fishing is also down due to both the economic state and extraordinary water related factors. We have had to cut in several departments within the county vital positions in order to meet our budget. Finally our real-estate market is severly depressed dropping home values and causing lower valuation for taxable revenue. We request a waiver of match until such a time as we can stabilize our local economy and gain more sound fiscal footing, though we are still expected to maintain vital law enforcement services to our citizens. As stated earlier our unique location creates undue pressure and socio-economic disparity in population and our ability to provide services. Along with our increased population density from visitors social departments of county government like sheriff's services are under great strain to maintain quality services. The higher than average social concerns as compared to the state as a whole also create a great dichotomy in standard of living for our citizens and tax base. We greatly need your help. Signature: ____________________________________ Authorizing Official Page 10 19 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 11 of 16 Certifications A. Certification of Non-Supplanting: X The applicant hereby certifies that federal or state funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice, Justice Assistance Grants, Victims of Crime Act, Violence Against Women Act, or Children's Justice projects. B. Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program: X The project director certifies that the applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Opportunity Program, which is dated 05/06/2002 in accordance with the Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq.,Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Office) Dare County Human Resources (Name) Elizabeth Reilly (Title) Human Resources Director (Address) PO Box 1000 / 954 Marshall Collins Drive Manteo, N (Telephone) 252-475-5823 for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or the Office of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and regulations. The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E.) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is required to be filed by the implementing agency. C. Certification of Submission of Annual Financial Reports: X The project director certifies that financial reports (or audits if required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. D. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: X The project director certifies that completed programmatic reports (provided in the GCC Grant Award Package) will be submitted as requested. Page 11 20 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 12 of 16 Certifications (continued) E. Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal or State Funds: X The project director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal or state funds. [If the director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.] F. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (for agencies receiving $100,000 or more) X The project director certifies that (1) no Federally or State appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal or State contract, the making of any Federal or State grant, the making of any Federal or State loan, the entering into of any agreement; (2) If any non-Federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal or State agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal or State grant, the project director shall initial here and complete and submit Standard Form #LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. G. Drug Free Workplace Compliance: (for state agencies only) I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on and/or will be held annually on which all grant project employees are required to attend;(2) a copy of the agenda of that program, including an attendance sheet signed by all employees, will be provided to the Governor's Crime Commission;(3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any unlawful involvement with a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantees workplace and that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate this rule;(4) all employees will receive a copy of this notice;(5) all employees must agree to abide by the statement and to notify the applicant of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within 5 days of the conviction;(6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Commission of an employee's conviction;(7) any employee so convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drug abuse treatment program; and (8) the applicant will make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. H. Certification of Compliance with Senate Bill 464: (for law enforcement agencies only) X The project director certifies compliance with Senate Bill 464. Any agency subject to the provisions of this legislation, that does not submit the information required, is not eligible to receive a Governor's Crime Commission grant until the information is submitted. In addition, if an agency fails to submit the required information during the life of an active grant, future payments will be withheld. Available Technical Assistance If you need assistance in completion of the grant pre-application, please contact the appropriate program area planner at the Governor's Crime Commission by calling (919) 733-4564 Program Area Planners Juvenile Justice Planning Committee: Kimberly Wilson, Lead Paul LaChance Brandy Dolby Crime Victims' Services Committee: Misty Brown, Lead Frances Battle Maria Fryer Criminal Justice Improvement Committee: Craig Turner, Lead Wesley Clark Navin Puri Page 12 21 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 13 of 16 CERTIFICATIONS: PROJECT SIGNATURE PAGE Pre Application Number 353 Each of the undersigned certifies that they agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including special conditions; to comply with the provisions of the Act or Statute governing these funds and all other Federal and State laws; that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that they are duly authorized by the Applicant to perform the tasks of Project Director, Financial Officer, or Authorizing Official as applicable, as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agnecy; that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that they understand that these funds are limited to a maximum of twentyfour months. Project Director Name: Charlie Nieman Title: Lieutenant Agency: Dare County Sheriff's Office Address: 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive Phone: (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Financial Officer Name: Dave Clawson Title: Finance Officer Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5731 Manteo, NC 27954 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Authorizing Official Name: J. Douglas Doughtie Title: Sheriff Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Manteo, NC 27954- Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *NOTES: Yes No The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official CAN NOT be the same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission approval. The application is not complete without all three signatures. If the applicant agency is a non-profit, the Authorizing Official must be the Board Chair and the Financial Officer must be the Board Treasurer. Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and Executive Directors can not be Authorizing Officials. Please refer to the instructions for proper identification of agency personnel. Improper selection of these 3 individuals will disqualify your application. THIS APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE ABOVE SIGNATURES. 22 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 14 of 16 Page 13 23 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 15 of 16 1/31/11 RECEIPT !!! IMPORTANT !!! Governor's Crime Commission Grant Pre-Application Number: 353 Save this receipt as proof of submission of your online grant application. This is the only documentation that you will receive. After printing the signature page, have it signed and mail it, along with any required supporting documentation, to be received no later than January 31, 2011. (Supporting documentation includes your current year’s operating budget and sources of those funds,if you are a nonprofit agency. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project.) YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL WE HAVE RECEIVED THE SIGNED SIGNATURE PAGE AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MAILING INFORMATION Mail the signature page and supporting documentation to: ATTN: ARIE DAVIS GRANTS MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION 1201 FRONT STREET; STE 200 RALEIGH NC 27609 Mail letters of collaboration directly to the appropriate Lead Planner for the Committee to which you are applying at the same address as above: Criminal Justice Improvement Juvenile Justice Planning Crime Victims' Services Craig Turner, Lead Planner Kim Wilson, Lead Planner Misty Brown, Lead Planner REVISIONS To make any revisions to your submitted application, you must have your grant pre-application number and your Federal Tax ID Number to access the application online. Simply choose "REVISE APPLICATION" rather than "NEW APPLICATION" and enter these two numbers. Proceed with making changes, saving each page, and submit revisions. Once your signature page is received in the GCC office, your pre-application will be locked and you will not be allowed to make additional changes. Page 14 24 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 16 of 16 Return to GCC homepage 25 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 1 of 16 Governor's Crime Commission 2011 Grant Pre-Application Number: 396 1201 Front Street, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 733-4564 Fax: (919) 733-4625 1. Name of Project: Dare Sheriff's New Day Innovative Tech Program II 3. Applicant Agency: (name, address, phone, fax) County of Dare P.O. Drawer 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Dare County DUNS Number: 082358631 CCR Registration: [ X ] Yes [ ] No Federal Tax ID: 566000293 Fiscal Year End Date: June 30 State Agency?: No 2. Committee Assignment: Crime Victims' Services ( ) Juvenile Justice Planning ( Criminal Justice Improvement ( X ) ) 4. Program Priority: A B C D E F 5. Project Starting and Ending Dates: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 6. Authorizing Official: (name and title) J. Douglas Doughtie Sheriff 7. Type of Action:(select one) [ X ] First Application [ ] Continuation of Grant / 2nd Year Grant 8. Financial Officer: (name, title, telephone, email) Dave Clawson Finance Officer (252) 475-5731 9. U.S. Congressional District(s): 3 N.C. Legislative District(s): House: 2 Senate: 1 Population of Project Area: 47,500 10. Implementing Agency: (name, address, telephone, fax) 11. Project Director: (name, title, telephone, e-mail) Charlie Nieman Dare County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Phone: (252) 475-5980 Fax: (252) 473-6371 12. Implementing Agency Profile: a. Non-profit, nongovernmental agencies, please attach a copy of your current year's line item operating budget and describe the sources of those funds. b. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project. c. Law Enforcement Agencies: Number of Sworn Officers: 77 14. Requested Budget Totals: Personnel: Contractual: Travel: Supplies: Equipment: Total Budget: Subtract Match: Federal Request: 1st Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $22,900.00 $77,070.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $99,970.00 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $99,970.00 2nd Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 13. Project Summary: This project will bring the level of innovative tech programming to assist us in implementing our new 800 mhz VIPER initiative. This project will also help us revamp woefully deficient officer safety tech equipment to a workable and safe standard and thereby improve tech services to the county. Project Counties: This project will operate in the following counties:Dare and the additional 99 through the state VIPER Network. Page 1 26 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 2 of 16 Project Abstract and Project Narrative Project Abstract (The Problem): Briefly describe project's purpose, identify target population, and discuss program components which address the identified problem. Include local statistics to substantiate the need. Our office has, in the past, been deficient in obtaining a sound technological/officer safety edge.We will address this situation by employing a new and complete 800 MHZ(VIPER compliant)radio system. This system has been funded entirely through our local tax base. By modernizing our system and employing innovative technology that is fully integratable with this system we can drastically improve services and inter-agency working relationships. Dare County experiences a seasonal flux in population upwards of 250,000 people on any given day during our tourist season.The uniqueness of this area,the ever present threat from weather hazards,and socio-economic disparity in pop. pose us extreme challenges in providing a safe environment.Dare County needs your help to assist us in creating an innovative deployment of this new multi-functional system. We have 1562 sq.miles over 40,000 population,per capita income of $23,614 and five times the current state average for at risk of juv. Delinquency. Dare County is among the leaders in illegal prescription drug abuse as well as reported addictions to crack cocaine and methamphetamine.The uniquely tourism driven economy creates a vast dichotomy in the economy of the population. Project Narrative (Operation): Include a description of how grant funded positions are integral to the project and how contractual, travel, operating, and equipment expenses will support the project. Discuss how you will collaborate with other agencies. Focus on the project - do not give agency history, do not repeat abstract. We seek your help in assisting us to complete the interoperable components of our new 800mhz radio program. DCSO has always partnered with allied agencies both on a local and state level. We are nearing the completion our migration to our new 800mhz initiative. This project has been a massive cooperative effort between all the LE, EMS, FIRE, and municipalities within the county. Under our leadership we have achieved this goal with local tax dollars. This cutting edge technology was initially forecast to cost over $40 million. Through innovative planning and leadership we have brought the cost to roughly $8.5 million. The major interoperable component to this system is a well worn Citrix data server which provides allied agencies the ability to obtain real-time data. This server is in great need of replacement. We also intend to employ cutting edge mobile evidentiary cameras in the field which over this network can transfer real time crime scene images to our other partnered systems such as NC AWARE and our Magistrates system. Having these data will better allow officials to make proper pre-release decisions as well as crime scene management and investigation. Agencies in the field can work cooperatively to solve violent crimes by use of this shared technology. Other components of this system will be employed to share data inter-jurisdictionally via the state VIPER network. Law enforcement agencies in our growing tourist area will rely on this new system to provide both voice and data inter-operability. We wish to effectively manage physical threats to public safety in a very innovative manner at a minimal expense to the taxpayer. We need your assistance to complete this innovative program as we seek to provide a positive community oriented enforcement image. We are still using outdated radio modems in the trunks of sheriff's vehicles to access the data VIPER network. With the grant purchase of new server devices we can replace our radio modems with 800 mhz devices as well as some much needed MDT computers. We also hope to integrate new license plate recognition hardware and software so as to be able to increase our ability to identify community threats without utilizing profiling techniques. Frankly, we believe that through the use of innovative technology. We can reduce disproportionate minority contact through our efforts with our local tasks force, inter-agency events, and multijurisdictional special events unique to our highly populated tourist areas. Page 2 27 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 3 of 16 Timeline of Project Activities Timeline of Project Activities: We have initiated our initial migration to our new VIPER network. All of our allied agencies are in possession of their radios and our communications center is on line with console equipment.We will being training on the new system in March of 2011. The proposed innovative component improvements will be purchased and implemented by August 2011 pending the award. Though we are not a CALEA accredited agency our command staff and advisors are assisting in developing operational directives which meet national accreditation standards. This ongoing process includes the operational inter-agency guidelines for participating agencies and departments who will use the technology we are implementing. Sheriff Doughtie inherited a partially used budget and was elected to office during the midpoint of our county's 2 year budget process. We see this investment as seed money to assist us to reach our goal of complete interoperability both by voice and data. Having made a local $8.5 million dollar investment into this technology, we hope to be able to complete our goals towards safe and efficient interoperable data and voice communication. Page 3 28 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 4 of 16 Project Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures and Evaluation Methods Project Goal(s): Fully implement our new 800 mhz VIPER compatable radio system in a manner consistent with state guidelines for interoperable voice and data standards.We will be able to bring on line many previously segregated databases to achieve an efficient voice and data network unparallelled in eastern NC.We have the goal to be a model tech. program in our state and hope that our inovative efforts can be replicated in other medium sized jurisdictions in NC. Project Objective #1: Bring all allied agencies on line achieve 100% interoperability within the early months of the grant period. Performance Measure #1: Begin to gather data generated from use of this technology and ensure 100% inter-agency data flow. Evaluation Method #1: Assess these data and tune future efforts. Project Objective #2: Develop a new and reproducable model for other jurisdictions. Performance Measure #2: Increase our pro-active efficency standards by minimum of 20% within the Sheriff's office and at least by 10% for allied on-line departments using the system. Evaluation Method #2: Measuring both service response times, and pro-active programming feedback using a data tool. Project Objective #3: Spend funds in a timely and efficient manner. Performance Measure #3: Follow written operational directives on product and vendor selection to ensure quality hardware and software. Evaluation Method #3: Develop a survey tool gathering user feedback to assess data quality and efficiency. Page 4 29 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 5 of 16 Project Objectives, Performance Measures, Evaluation Methods and Sustainability Planning (continued) Project Objective #4: Develop an inter-agency governance committee. Performance Measure #4: This committee will be made up of end users to provide input on technology. Evaluation Method #4: Use these data to re-shape if necessary rules, guidelines, and operational data standards. Sustainability Plannning: Describe your formal, working sustainability plan for the project and how it will result in permanent operational funding (not GCC funding) once this grant ends. (If this grant proposal is for a one-time equipment purchase or training only, do not complete this section.) This inovative program, we believe represents the best result of an interoperable radio plan extending back over ten years in planning and research. Initial estimates for this program exceeded $40 million dollars. We were able to meet our basic goal for $8.5 million. These funds will be used as seed money to aid us in completing this well planned and executed program. We fully expect to maintain our own local investment in this program. We need your assistance to help us go to the next level and achieve full voice and date interoperability on a state wide level, while we are mindful of efficiency and delivering quality law enforcement services to our public. Page 5 30 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 6 of 16 Detailed Budget Budget Category (one year only) A. PERSONNEL 1. Salaries: List each position with yearly rate. Position Title Volunteers (To include FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Salary Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % of Time Devoted 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 0 2. Overtime: (Average) New Employee Current Employee Salary Subtotal: 3. Fringe Benefits: Itemize percentages applicable for each benefit for all positions. Category Formula FICA 7.65% Retirement Hospitalization Other Benefits Subtotal: 4. Volunteers (To exclude FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 Volunteers Excluding FICA Subtotal: $0.00 Total Personnel: $0.00 Page 6 31 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 7 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, rate of pay and time required. Time Required Position Title Pay Rate (hours) $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Individual Consultant Subtotal: $0.00 2. Agency: List by type of agency, rate of pay and time required. Agency Pay Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Time Required (hours) 0 0 0 0 0 Consultant Agency Subtotal: $0.00 Total Contractual Services: $0.00 C. TRAVEL: List cost for transporting clients and costs for travel and subsistence of project personnel. In-State Travel Expenses Description: Total In-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $0.00 Out of-State Travel Expenses Description: Total Out of-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $0.00 Subsistence for All Travel Description: Total Subsistence for All Travel $0.00 Client Transport Expenses Description: Total Client Transport Expenses $0.00 All Other Travel Expenditures Description: Total for All Other Travel Expenditures $0.00 Total Travel: $0.00 Page 7 32 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 8 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) Budget Category (one year only) D. SUPPLIES AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (i.e. office supplies, field supplies, training supplies, printing, computer software, registration fees, postage, utilities, office rent (not mortgage!) Be specific - do not use "miscellaneous" as a category. Do not include indirect costs.) Category Total Interop. remote acc. software $22,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Operating Expenses: $22,900.00 E. EQUIPMENT 1. Equipment Purchase only Item Description Citrix interoperable server Unit Price Quantity $5,700.00 1 mobile message switch server $12,400.00 1 public safety domain controler $13,100.00 1 $4,170.00 11 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Mobile Evidence Camera Purchased Equipment Subtotal: $77,070.00 2. Equipment Lease or Rental only Item Description Unit Price Quantity $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Leased Equipment Subtotal: $0.00 Total Equipment: $77,070.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $99,970.00 Page 8 33 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 9 of 16 Budget Summary I. Description of Match: Matching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Juvenile Justice Planning, Criminal Justice Improvement 1. 25% cash match only required Describe amount and source of cash match: 2. 50% cash match required for those law enforcement agencies applying for program Priority E Describe amount and source of match: B. Crime Victims' Services 1. 25% cash match or in-kind match required for those applying for program priority C Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: 2. 20% cash match or in-kind match is required for those applying for program priorities A,B,D & E Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: C. Request For Match Waiver If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return the following page (page 10) along with the signature page. II. Budget Categories: First Year Anticipated Second Year A. Personnel: $0.00 $0.00 B. Contractual Service: $0.00 $0.00 C. Travel: $0.00 $0.00 D. Supplies/Operating Expenses: $22,900.00 $0.00 E. Equipment: $77,070.00 $0.00 F. Total Budget: $99,970.00 $0.00 -$0.00 -$0.00 $99,970.00 $0.00 G. Subtract Matching Funds: H. TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST: Page 9 34 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 10 of 16 Request For Match Waiver Applicants may seek a match waiver due to extreme hardship or extenuating circumstances. A limited number of match waivers will be granted. The approval of waivers will be based on the availability of funds and the Commission's overall rating of the grant proposal. Because "match free" funds are limited and very competitive, applying for a waiver may reduce the likelihood of funding. Agencies applying for a match waiver must give a detailed written justification. These projects will be subjected to a much higher level of scrutiny during the review process. If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return this page along with the signature page. As the Authorizing Official for this grant pre-application, I am requesting that the Governor's Crime Commission grant this Implementing Agency a waiver of its match requirement for the following reasons: Our local economy is still suffering from the effects of higher than the state average unemployment (10.5%). Our tax revenues, including traditional sources of taxes such as land transfer taxes are substantially down. Traditional sources of stable revenue are also suffering such as taxes generated from our tourism industry. We have only tourism and commercial aquaculture as our staple industries. Revenue from commercial fishing is also down due to both the economic state and extraordinary water factors. We have had to cut in several departments within the county vital positions in order to meet our budget. Finally our real-estate market is severly depressed dropping home values and causing lower valuation for taxable revenue. We request a waiver of match until such time as we can stabilize our services to our citizens. As stated earlier our unique location creates undue pressure and socio-econmomic disparity in population and our ability to provide services. Along with our increased population density from visitors social departments of county government like sheriffs' services are under great strain to maintain quality services. The higher than average social concerns as compared to the state as a whole also create a great dichotomy in standard of living for our citizens and tax base. We greatly need your help. Signature: ____________________________________ Authorizing Official Page 10 35 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 11 of 16 Certifications A. Certification of Non-Supplanting: X The applicant hereby certifies that federal or state funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice, Justice Assistance Grants, Victims of Crime Act, Violence Against Women Act, or Children's Justice projects. B. Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program: X The project director certifies that the applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Opportunity Program, which is dated 05/06/2002 in accordance with the Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq.,Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Office) Dare County Human Resources (Name) Elizabeth Reilly (Title) Human Resources Director (Address) PO Box 1000 / 954 Marshall Collins Drive Manteo, N (Telephone) 252-475-5823 for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or the Office of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and regulations. The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E.) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is required to be filed by the implementing agency. C. Certification of Submission of Annual Financial Reports: X The project director certifies that financial reports (or audits if required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. D. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: X The project director certifies that completed programmatic reports (provided in the GCC Grant Award Package) will be submitted as requested. Page 11 36 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 12 of 16 Certifications (continued) E. Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal or State Funds: X The project director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal or state funds. [If the director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.] F. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (for agencies receiving $100,000 or more) X The project director certifies that (1) no Federally or State appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal or State contract, the making of any Federal or State grant, the making of any Federal or State loan, the entering into of any agreement; (2) If any non-Federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal or State agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal or State grant, the project director shall initial here and complete and submit Standard Form #LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. G. Drug Free Workplace Compliance: (for state agencies only) I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on and/or will be held annually on which all grant project employees are required to attend;(2) a copy of the agenda of that program, including an attendance sheet signed by all employees, will be provided to the Governor's Crime Commission;(3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any unlawful involvement with a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantees workplace and that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate this rule;(4) all employees will receive a copy of this notice;(5) all employees must agree to abide by the statement and to notify the applicant of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within 5 days of the conviction;(6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Commission of an employee's conviction;(7) any employee so convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drug abuse treatment program; and (8) the applicant will make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. H. Certification of Compliance with Senate Bill 464: (for law enforcement agencies only) X The project director certifies compliance with Senate Bill 464. Any agency subject to the provisions of this legislation, that does not submit the information required, is not eligible to receive a Governor's Crime Commission grant until the information is submitted. In addition, if an agency fails to submit the required information during the life of an active grant, future payments will be withheld. Available Technical Assistance If you need assistance in completion of the grant pre-application, please contact the appropriate program area planner at the Governor's Crime Commission by calling (919) 733-4564 Program Area Planners Juvenile Justice Planning Committee: Kimberly Wilson, Lead Paul LaChance Brandy Dolby Crime Victims' Services Committee: Misty Brown, Lead Frances Battle Maria Fryer Criminal Justice Improvement Committee: Craig Turner, Lead Wesley Clark Navin Puri Page 12 37 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 13 of 16 CERTIFICATIONS: PROJECT SIGNATURE PAGE Pre Application Number 396 Each of the undersigned certifies that they agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including special conditions; to comply with the provisions of the Act or Statute governing these funds and all other Federal and State laws; that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that they are duly authorized by the Applicant to perform the tasks of Project Director, Financial Officer, or Authorizing Official as applicable, as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agnecy; that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that they understand that these funds are limited to a maximum of twentyfour months. Project Director Name: Charlie Nieman Title: Lieutenant Agency: Dare County Sheriff's Office Address: 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive Phone: (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Financial Officer Name: Dave Clawson Title: Finance Officer Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5731 Manteo, NC 27954 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Authorizing Official Name: J. Douglas Doughtie Title: Sheriff Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Manteo, NC 27954- Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *NOTES: Yes No The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official CAN NOT be the same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission approval. The application is not complete without all three signatures. If the applicant agency is a non-profit, the Authorizing Official must be the Board Chair and the Financial Officer must be the Board Treasurer. Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and Executive Directors can not be Authorizing Officials. Please refer to the instructions for proper identification of agency personnel. Improper selection of these 3 individuals will disqualify your application. THIS APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE ABOVE SIGNATURES. 38 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 14 of 16 Page 13 39 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 15 of 16 1/31/11 RECEIPT !!! IMPORTANT !!! Governor's Crime Commission Grant Pre-Application Number: 396 Save this receipt as proof of submission of your online grant application. This is the only documentation that you will receive. After printing the signature page, have it signed and mail it, along with any required supporting documentation, to be received no later than January 31, 2011. (Supporting documentation includes your current year’s operating budget and sources of those funds,if you are a nonprofit agency. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project.) YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL WE HAVE RECEIVED THE SIGNED SIGNATURE PAGE AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MAILING INFORMATION Mail the signature page and supporting documentation to: ATTN: ARIE DAVIS GRANTS MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION 1201 FRONT STREET; STE 200 RALEIGH NC 27609 Mail letters of collaboration directly to the appropriate Lead Planner for the Committee to which you are applying at the same address as above: Criminal Justice Improvement Juvenile Justice Planning Crime Victims' Services Craig Turner, Lead Planner Kim Wilson, Lead Planner Misty Brown, Lead Planner REVISIONS To make any revisions to your submitted application, you must have your grant pre-application number and your Federal Tax ID Number to access the application online. Simply choose "REVISE APPLICATION" rather than "NEW APPLICATION" and enter these two numbers. Proceed with making changes, saving each page, and submit revisions. Once your signature page is received in the GCC office, your pre-application will be locked and you will not be allowed to make additional changes. Page 14 40 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 16 of 16 Return to GCC homepage 41 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 1 of 16 Governor's Crime Commission 2011 Grant Pre-Application Number: 493 1201 Front Street, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27609 Phone: (919) 733-4564 Fax: (919) 733-4625 1. Name of Project: Dare SO New Theraputic Wildernes Program 3. Applicant Agency: (name, address, phone, fax) County of Dare P.O. Drawer 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Dare County DUNS Number: 082358631 CCR Registration: [ X ] Yes [ ] No Federal Tax ID: 566000293 Fiscal Year End Date: June 30 State Agency?: No 2. Committee Assignment: Crime Victims' Services ( ) Juvenile Justice Planning ( X ) Criminal Justice Improvement ( ) 4. Program Priority: A B C D E F 5. Project Starting and Ending Dates: 07/01/2011 - 06/30/2013 6. Authorizing Official: (name and title) J. Douglas Doughtie Sheriff 7. Type of Action:(select one) [ X ] First Application [ ] Continuation of Grant / 2nd Year Grant 8. Financial Officer: (name, title, telephone, email) Dave Clawson Finance Officer (252) 475-5731 9. U.S. Congressional District(s): 3 N.C. Legislative District(s): House: 2 Senate: 1 Population of Project Area: 47,500 10. Implementing Agency: (name, address, telephone, fax) 11. Project Director: (name, title, telephone, e-mail) Charlie Nieman Dare County Sheriff's Office Lieutenant 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Phone: (252) 475-5980 Fax: (252) 473-6371 12. Implementing Agency Profile: a. Non-profit, nongovernmental agencies, please attach a copy of your current year's line item operating budget and describe the sources of those funds. b. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project. c. Law Enforcement Agencies: Number of Sworn Officers: 77 14. Requested Budget Totals: Personnel: Contractual: Travel: Supplies: Equipment: Total Budget: Subtract Match: Federal Request: 1st Year $73,975.08 $0.00 $26,000.00 $56,700.00 $263,200.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $419,875.08 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $419,875.08 2nd Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 -$0.00 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ $0.00 13. Project Summary: This project will reactivate our Theraputic Wilderness Program and Alpine Skills Tower which was proven in the past to be an effective character building program thereby reducing the juvenile delinquency rate while building solid mentoring and character building modalities. Project Counties: This project will operate in the following counties:Dare Page 1 42 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 2 of 16 Project Abstract and Project Narrative Project Abstract (The Problem): Briefly describe project's purpose, identify target population, and discuss program components which address the identified problem. Include local statistics to substantiate the need. Our office has, in the past, operated a Theraputic Wilderness Program and Alpine Skills Course. Our program was abandoned several years ago and fell into disrepair. We had a solid record of decreasing juvenile delinquency recidivism by court involved youth through partnering with our local JCPC and DJJDP staff. Dare County is a large county in Northeastern North Carolina.Our coastal county increases in population upwards of 250,000 people on any given day during our tourist season.The unique geography of this area,the constant threat of weather hazards,and the socio-economic disparity in our pop. poses us extreme challenges in providing a safe environment. Our Office needs your help to assist us in creating a redeployment of the Alpine Tower/Theraputic Wilderness program. We have 1562 sq.miles over 40,000 population, per capita income of $23,614 and five times the current state average for at risk juv. Delinquency.Dare County leads the state in illegal prescription drug abuse as well as reported addictions to crack cocaine and methamphetamine.The tourism driven economy creates a vast dichotomy in the economy of the population. We also suffer from an inordinate per capita number of JJ comittments. Project Narrative (Operation): Include a description of how grant funded positions are integral to the project and how contractual, travel, operating, and equipment expenses will support the project. Discuss how you will collaborate with other agencies. Focus on the project - do not give agency history, do not repeat abstract. Our Therapeutic Wilderness program operates under the direct supervision of our Juvenile Justice Programming specialist. It is designed to provide court counselors, school officials and the JCPC a solid community sanctioned program designed to address the problem of juvenile delinquency. This character based camping program is only one part of the overall effort to prevent juvenile delinquency. The Alpine Tower and challenge course is another component of this effective effort. It is a 50' tall tower and climbing wall designed to instill character, teambuilding skills and guidance to court involved, at risk and developmentally disabled youth. This tower is the nucleus for virtually unlimited character and teambuilding exercises. The unique combination of activity, climbing, leadership and teambuilding has been hearalded as one of the most effective local programs to both prevent and intervene in delinquent behavior in the area. The tower, primarily due to age and our harsh environment,has fallen into disrepair. The previous administration was unable to develop sustainability plans for the tower and juvenile justice programming and we have seen an increase in delinquency as a result. We have a new administration and a commitment to see this successful program re-established and operational. Through new partnerships with the juvenile justice community and our commitment, we believe that we can sustain this program on our own into the future without further grant funding. Our level of disproportinate minority contact per capita we believe has reached an all time high. This effective program recognizes that antiquated practicioner attitudes towards juvenile justice may play a role in this growing problem. This renewed approach capitalizes on building relationships both internally and outwardly as we deal with juvenile delinquency issues. Our methodology is simple. We will utilize staff to assist directly in the leadership programming, using deputies as role models and mentors thereby reducing some of the basic risk factors that begin the cycle of DMC within our community while addressing the outcomes of delinquent behavior. Page 2 43 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 3 of 16 Timeline of Project Activities Timeline of Project Activities: We will begin site preparation and repair work immediately upon the receipt of the award..... Page 3 44 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 4 of 16 Project Goals, Objectives, Performance Measures and Evaluation Methods Project Goal(s): We will reduce juvenile delinquency commitments by 20% over the first year of the grant. We will further reduce our commitments by 30% in year 2. We will develop a replicatable model for DMC initiatives that can be used by other jurisdictions through innovative efforts. Project Objective #1: Many court involved youth succomb to lack of confidence. We will, through supervised camping and team building activities teach coping and confidence building skills. Performance Measure #1: In a group setting mentor individual youth about the importance of wise decision making and group peer leadership. Evaluation Method #1: We will on a case by case basis speak with the youth's parents, guardians, etc. Along with JJ court counselors to see if program had lasting value. Project Objective #2: To expose youth to unfamiliar natural environments and teach them skills and to seek guidance from approiate sources before making wrong decisions. Performance Measure #2: Through practical exercises demonstrate confidence in adult authority which the youth can then practice when he returns to normal home settings. Evaluation Method #2: We will devlop a written survey instrument to be given to various authority figures directly involving the particular youth. We will compare this data over the course of the school year to determine if they have acheived an optimal result. Project Objective #3: We will build confidence and self esteem through series of activities involving climbing and physical fitness through individual and group participation on the alpine tower and climbing wall. Performance Measure #3: Youth will be participating in structured courses involving climbing the tower to teach them how to reach higher objectives through team work and individual adult supervision and instruction. Evaluation Method #3: We will use the same instrument as above with survey questions geared to specific skills taught by the tower course. Page 4 45 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 5 of 16 Project Objectives, Performance Measures, Evaluation Methods and Sustainability Planning (continued) Project Objective #4: We will teach youth how to master a difficult zip line which requires positive group interaction in order to master. Performance Measure #4: In order to achieve mastery youth must be able to effectively and safely cooperate with other youth while receiving direct authority supervision. Obedience is necessary in order to master this activity. Evaluation Method #4: We will use the same instrument as above with survey questions geared to specific skills taught by the tower course. Sustainability Plannning: Describe your formal, working sustainability plan for the project and how it will result in permanent operational funding (not GCC funding) once this grant ends. (If this grant proposal is for a one-time equipment purchase or training only, do not complete this section.) Our current budgetary process is based upon a 2 year budget cycle. As we are in the mid point of this cycle, this will allow our new sheriff time to develop a sound capital improvement plan. This plan will be published and submitted as part of the county's overall reinvestment and recovery plan during this severe economic downturn in our local economy. Our intent is to use rebuild our JJ program. This assistance is critical to that effort. We seek these funds as seed money and not long term continual funding as we reinstate our programming. Page 5 46 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 6 of 16 Detailed Budget Budget Category (one year only) A. PERSONNEL 1. Salaries: List each position with yearly rate. Position Title Sheriff Program Coordinator Volunteers (To include FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Salary Rate $46,601.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 % of Time Devoted 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $0.00 No. of Hours 0 0 Hourly Rate $0.00 $15.00 No. of Hours 0 500 2. Overtime: (Average) New Employee Current Employee Salary Subtotal: $54,101.00 3. Fringe Benefits: Itemize percentages applicable for each benefit for all positions. Category Formula Total FICA 7.65% $4,138.73 Retirement 6% $3,262.07 Hospitalization Hosp $12,473.28 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Benefits Subtotal: 4. Volunteers (To exclude FICA) (Crime Victims' Services Committee-Only) Hourly Rate $0.00 $19,874.08 No. of Hours 0 Volunteers Excluding FICA Subtotal: $0.00 Total Personnel: $73,975.08 Page 6 47 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 7 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) B. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1. Individual Consultants: List by position, rate of pay and time required. Time Required Position Title Pay Rate (hours) $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Individual Consultant Subtotal: $0.00 2. Agency: List by type of agency, rate of pay and time required. Agency Pay Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Time Required (hours) 0 0 0 0 0 Consultant Agency Subtotal: $0.00 Total Contractual Services: $0.00 C. TRAVEL: List cost for transporting clients and costs for travel and subsistence of project personnel. In-State Travel Expenses Description: Transporting participants to and from activities. Total In-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $20,000.00 Out of-State Travel Expenses Description: Transporting participants to out of state camping activities Total Out of-State Travel Expenses for All Positions $5,000.00 Subsistence for All Travel Description: per diem for participants Total Subsistence for All Travel $1,000.00 Client Transport Expenses Description: Total Client Transport Expenses $0.00 All Other Travel Expenditures Description: Total for All Other Travel Expenditures $0.00 Total Travel: $26,000.00 Page 7 48 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 8 of 16 Detailed Budget (continued) Budget Category (one year only) D. SUPPLIES AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (i.e. office supplies, field supplies, training supplies, printing, computer software, registration fees, postage, utilities, office rent (not mortgage!) Be specific - do not use "miscellaneous" as a category. Do not include indirect costs.) Category Total Team development course $21,900.00 Laptop Computers 2 $4,500.00 Office Supplies $1,000.00 Mobile Printer $600.00 Tee Shirts for participants $1,200.00 Uniforms & Jumpsuits $2,500.00 Site CCTV & Security System $25,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Operating Expenses: $56,700.00 E. EQUIPMENT 1. Equipment Purchase only Item Description Unit Price Quantity Alpine tower 2 & giant swing $67,100.00 1 Carolina straight wall $58,600.00 1 Dual zip line system $37,500.00 1 20' enclosed trailer $5,000.00 2 climbing ropes, harness kit 30 $15,000.00 1 safety fittings, support kit $10,000.00 1 $300.00 20 tents sleeping bags $50.00 50 Gator ATV $16,500.00 1 Client transport vehicle $40,000.00 1 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Purchased Equipment Subtotal: $263,200.00 2. Equipment Lease or Rental only Item Description Unit Price Quantity $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 Leased Equipment Subtotal: $0.00 Total Equipment: $263,200.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $419,875.08 Page 8 49 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 9 of 16 Budget Summary I. Description of Match: Matching funds may include local, state or private funds, but not other federal funds. A. Juvenile Justice Planning, Criminal Justice Improvement 1. 25% cash match only required Describe amount and source of cash match: 2. 50% cash match required for those law enforcement agencies applying for program Priority E Describe amount and source of match: B. Crime Victims' Services 1. 25% cash match or in-kind match required for those applying for program priority C Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: 2. 20% cash match or in-kind match is required for those applying for program priorities A,B,D & E Describe amount and source of cash or in-kind match: C. Request For Match Waiver If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return the following page (page 10) along with the signature page. II. Budget Categories: First Year A. Personnel: Anticipated Second Year $73,975.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 C. Travel: $26,000.00 $0.00 D. Supplies/Operating Expenses: $56,700.00 $0.00 E. Equipment: $263,200.00 $0.00 F. Total Budget: $419,875.08 $0.00 -$0.00 -$0.00 $419,875.08 $0.00 B. Contractual Service: G. Subtract Matching Funds: H. TOTAL FEDERAL REQUEST: Page 9 50 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 10 of 16 Request For Match Waiver Applicants may seek a match waiver due to extreme hardship or extenuating circumstances. A limited number of match waivers will be granted. The approval of waivers will be based on the availability of funds and the Commission's overall rating of the grant proposal. Because "match free" funds are limited and very competitive, applying for a waiver may reduce the likelihood of funding. Agencies applying for a match waiver must give a detailed written justification. These projects will be subjected to a much higher level of scrutiny during the review process. If you choose to apply for a match waiver, check this box [X] , and state the reasons below. The Authorizing Official must sign and return this page along with the signature page. As the Authorizing Official for this grant pre-application, I am requesting that the Governor's Crime Commission grant this Implementing Agency a waiver of its match requirement for the following reasons: Our local economy is still suffering from the effects of higher than the state average unemployment, 10.5%. Our tax revenues including traditional sources of revenues such as land transfer taxes are substantially down. Traditional sources of stable revenue are also suffering such as taxes generated from our tourism industry. We have tourism and commercial aquaculture as our only staple industries. Revenues from commercial fishing are also down due to both the current mational economic state and extraordinary water related factors. We have had to cut several departments within the county, vital positions in order to meet our budget. Finally, our real estate market is severely depressed. Dropping home values cause lower valuation for taxable revenue. We request a match waiver until such a time as we can stabilize our local economic base and gain sound fiscal footing. Though we are expected to maintain vital law enforcement services our cuts will effect service delivery. Our unique location creates undue pressure and socio-economic disparity in our population and our ability to deliver services. Along with a seasonal population density from tourist visitors, our service departments like sheriff's services and social services are under great strain to maintain quality delivery. Our higher than average social concerns as compared to the state as a whole also create a great dichotomy in the standard of living for our citizens and tax base. We need this waiver. Signature: ____________________________________ Authorizing Official Page 10 51 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 11 of 16 Certifications A. Certification of Non-Supplanting: X The applicant hereby certifies that federal or state funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice, Justice Assistance Grants, Victims of Crime Act, Violence Against Women Act, or Children's Justice projects. B. Certification of Filing an Equal Employment Opportunity Program: X The project director certifies that the applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Opportunity Program, which is dated 05/06/2002 in accordance with the Amended Equal Employment Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq.,Subpart E, and that it is on file in the office of: (Office) Dare County Human Resources (Name) Elizabeth Reilly (Title) Human Resources Director (Address) PO Box 1000 / 954 Marshall Collins Drive Manteo, N (Telephone) 252-475-5823 for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety or the Office of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and regulations. The project director certifies that the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines have been read (28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E.) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is required to be filed by the implementing agency. C. Certification of Submission of Annual Financial Reports: X The project director certifies that financial reports (or audits if required) will be submitted to the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. D. Certification of Submission of Project Reports: X The project director certifies that completed programmatic reports (provided in the GCC Grant Award Package) will be submitted as requested. Page 11 52 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 12 of 16 Certifications (continued) E. Certification that Applicant is Eligible to Receive Federal or State Funds: X The project director certifies that neither grant applicant nor any of its officers, directors or consultants are presently debarred, proposed for debarment, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal or state funds. [If the director cannot make this certification, an explanation must be attached. If this certification cannot be provided, the applicant will not necessarily be denied participation in this program. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the determination by the Governor's Crime Commission as to whether or not to approve the application. However, if neither the certification nor an explanation is provided, the application will be rejected.] F. Certification Regarding Lobbying: (for agencies receiving $100,000 or more) X The project director certifies that (1) no Federally or State appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal or State contract, the making of any Federal or State grant, the making of any Federal or State loan, the entering into of any agreement; (2) If any non-Federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal or State agency, a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal or State grant, the project director shall initial here and complete and submit Standard Form #LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. G. Drug Free Workplace Compliance: (for state agencies only) I (project director) certify that (1) a drug-free workplace awareness program was held on and/or will be held annually on which all grant project employees are required to attend;(2) a copy of the agenda of that program, including an attendance sheet signed by all employees, will be provided to the Governor's Crime Commission;(3) a statement will be published notifying employees that any unlawful involvement with a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantees workplace and that specific actions will be taken against employees who violate this rule;(4) all employees will receive a copy of this notice;(5) all employees must agree to abide by the statement and to notify the applicant of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace within 5 days of the conviction;(6) within 10 days of receiving such notice, the applicant will inform the Governor's Crime Commission of an employee's conviction;(7) any employee so convicted will be disciplined or required to complete a drug abuse treatment program; and (8) the applicant will make a good faith effort to maintain a drug-free workplace, in accordance with the requirements of Title V, Secs. 5153 and 5154 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. H. Certification of Compliance with Senate Bill 464: (for law enforcement agencies only) X The project director certifies compliance with Senate Bill 464. Any agency subject to the provisions of this legislation, that does not submit the information required, is not eligible to receive a Governor's Crime Commission grant until the information is submitted. In addition, if an agency fails to submit the required information during the life of an active grant, future payments will be withheld. Available Technical Assistance If you need assistance in completion of the grant pre-application, please contact the appropriate program area planner at the Governor's Crime Commission by calling (919) 733-4564 Program Area Planners Juvenile Justice Planning Committee: Kimberly Wilson, Lead Paul LaChance Brandy Dolby Crime Victims' Services Committee: Misty Brown, Lead Frances Battle Maria Fryer Criminal Justice Improvement Committee: Craig Turner, Lead Wesley Clark Navin Puri Page 12 53 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 13 of 16 CERTIFICATIONS: PROJECT SIGNATURE PAGE Pre Application Number 493 Each of the undersigned certifies that they agree to comply with the general and fiscal terms and conditions of this application including special conditions; to comply with the provisions of the Act or Statute governing these funds and all other Federal and State laws; that all information presented is correct; that there has been appropriate coordination with affected agencies; that they are duly authorized by the Applicant to perform the tasks of Project Director, Financial Officer, or Authorizing Official as applicable, as they relate to the terms and conditions of this grant application; that costs incurred prior to grant approval will result in the expenses being absorbed by the implementing agnecy; that the receipt of grantor funds through the Governor's Crime Commission will not supplant state or local funds; and, that they understand that these funds are limited to a maximum of twentyfour months. Project Director Name: Charlie Nieman Title: Lieutenant Agency: Dare County Sheriff's Office Address: 962 Marshall C.Collins Drive Phone: (252) 475-5980 P.O. Box 757 Manteo, NC 27954-0757 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Financial Officer Name: Dave Clawson Title: Finance Officer Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5731 Manteo, NC 27954 Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Yes No Authorizing Official Name: J. Douglas Doughtie Title: Sheriff Agency: County of Dare Address: P.O. Drawer 1000 Phone: (252) 475-5000 Manteo, NC 27954- Signature: Bonded: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ *NOTES: Yes No The Project Director, Financial Officer, and Authorizing Official CAN NOT be the same person. Staff funded under this grant may not be any of the authorizing officials without direct Crime Commission approval. The application is not complete without all three signatures. If the applicant agency is a non-profit, the Authorizing Official must be the Board Chair and the Financial Officer must be the Board Treasurer. Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and Executive Directors can not be Authorizing Officials. Please refer to the instructions for proper identification of agency personnel. Improper selection of these 3 individuals will disqualify your application. THIS APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE ABOVE SIGNATURES. 54 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 14 of 16 Page 13 55 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 15 of 16 1/31/11 RECEIPT !!! IMPORTANT !!! Governor's Crime Commission Grant Pre-Application Number: 493 Save this receipt as proof of submission of your online grant application. This is the only documentation that you will receive. After printing the signature page, have it signed and mail it, along with any required supporting documentation, to be received no later than January 31, 2011. (Supporting documentation includes your current year’s operating budget and sources of those funds,if you are a nonprofit agency. Attach a copy of what other funding sources and amounts, if any, have been committed for this project or have been applied for or are anticipated for the project.) YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL WE HAVE RECEIVED THE SIGNED SIGNATURE PAGE AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION MAILING INFORMATION Mail the signature page and supporting documentation to: ATTN: ARIE DAVIS GRANTS MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION 1201 FRONT STREET; STE 200 RALEIGH NC 27609 Mail letters of collaboration directly to the appropriate Lead Planner for the Committee to which you are applying at the same address as above: Criminal Justice Improvement Juvenile Justice Planning Crime Victims' Services Craig Turner, Lead Planner Kim Wilson, Lead Planner Misty Brown, Lead Planner REVISIONS To make any revisions to your submitted application, you must have your grant pre-application number and your Federal Tax ID Number to access the application online. Simply choose "REVISE APPLICATION" rather than "NEW APPLICATION" and enter these two numbers. Proceed with making changes, saving each page, and submit revisions. Once your signature page is received in the GCC office, your pre-application will be locked and you will not be allowed to make additional changes. Page 14 56 1/31/2011 Print Grant Application Information Page 16 of 16 Return to GCC homepage 57 1/31/2011 GEM Center's Dementia Survey Results Description Mr. Green and Ms. Sonnesso will present the results of The GEM Center’s Survey to determine the level of general knowledge among Dare County Citizens of dementia. Item Presenter Robert Green, Ph.D & Gail Sonnesso, MS Board Action Requested Dare County Support for GEM to provide training for Care partners and professionals of people with dementia. 58 The GEM Center PO Box 3601, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 _____ PH: 252.480.3354 * Fax: 480-2798 “Celebrating Life Every Day”_______________ “Caring Effectively” “It takes more that LOVE and Good Intentions to care for a loved one with dementia!” Learn powerful interventions that will enable you to provide Effective Care! Session One: Tuesday Feb. 15th Sapphire (no Dementia) Implications of Caregiving & Understanding AD Welcome (Gail Sonnesso, MS) Mild Cognitive Impairment learn that dementia is a progressive disease with stages that you need to recognize as family caregiver or professional to provide effective care Best Care DVD #1 - The Alzheimer’s Project “the Memory Loss Tapes” Session Two: Tuesday Feb. 22 Diamond (level Five) Communications Skills Interacting with a person with dementia and with other family members. Guest speaker (Ron DeVeau, P.C.) & Lisa Levine ALZNC? Recognizing the First stages and leaning effective communication skills. The Alzheimer’s Project “the Memory Loss Tapes” ALZ Disease …Waves of Stone –GlaxoWellcome (1996)DVD Session Three: Tuesday MAR. 1 Emerald (Level Four) Offering assistance Communicating successfully with the person with dementia /understanding the progression of the disease ( Dr. Haresch OneFamilyDoctor) Learn to recognize the Middles stages Best Care DVD #2- The Alzheimer’s Project “the Memory Loss Tapes” Session Four: Tuesday MAR. 8 Amber (Level three) Avoiding Problem Behavior &Creating Meaningful Days Guest speaker (Family Caregivers Jane Smallwood& Rita Carson) Middle stages Best Care DVD# 3- The Alzheimer’s Project “the Memory Loss Tapes” No Class MAR 15th No Class MAR 15th Session Five: Tuesday MAR. 22 Ruby (level two) Are Medications Helpful /Harmful/the only Answer? GEM STAFF (Kelsey Griggs & Danielle Blake) Best Care DVD #4 Behavior –Yours, Mine and Ours Examples of behavioral interventions that WORK Session Six: Tuesday MAR. 29 Pearl( Level one) When to add additional layers of care Danielle Cross Community Educator-Community Home Care & Hospice) How to recognize “Effective Care” Steps to “choosing a caregiver” Resources available in our community 59 2 7-9PM at Holy Redeemer by the Sea February 15– March 29, 2011 Caring Effectively for a person with dementia is presented in two (2) hour sessions over Six weeks Welcome to THE GEM Center’s training for families and professionals caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. This program was developed by Gail Sonnesso, Ms. Susan Firman retired nurse educator; and Lynda Hester family caregiver and retired trainer for the US Coast Guard. The DVD was created by the Eastern Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Caregiving for family member may be provided if necessary. To register please contact Gail Sonnesso, MS @ 252-480-3354 or her cell 207-2083 1. *There is a fee ($15.00) for each participant to cover the cost of notebook and materials 2. A certificate that certifies that you have successfully completed the course of “Providing the BEST CARE for people with dementia” is available from ALZNC for a fee of $10.00 3. If you would like to observe effective caregiving a practicum is offered at the GEM Center in conjunction with this course, please let Gail know and a time will be arranged. 4. Guest speakers will offer insights into the role of family and professional caregiving. ________________________________________________________________________ Registration Name: ______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________/Cell: ___________________ Email: __________________________ I am a Family Care Partner: ___________ / Professional Care Partner: _______ I am a Church member interested in helping families through this difficult disease: ___ I would/would not like to receive the Certificate of “Providing the Best Care” from ALZNC. I learned about this class: Newspaper: __/Church Newsletter: __ /Friend: __ / GEM’s Respite Report: _____ / other: __________ Received: $15 for notebook _________/ $10 for Best Care Certificate ________ Visit our website: or e-mail ( Our Mission “GEM Delivers dementia care, education and support with love and expertise.” 60 Economic Improvement Council, Inc. Presentation Description Ms. Janie White, CSBG Director, will appear before the Board in order to present an overview of the Community Services Block Grant Program. Item Presenter Janie White, CSBG Director Board Action Requested None 61 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 TRAVEL POLICY 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the approval of travel by County employees and elected and appointed officials for the purpose of conducting County business, the reimbursement of the cost of approved ordinary and necessary travel expenses, and meeting “accountable plan” requirements of the Internal Revenue Service. The County is committed to managing travel costs while providing a reasonable balance between the needs of the County and the needs of the traveler. The policy of the County is to reimburse the employee/official traveling on authorized County business for all legitimate expenses incurred. The Department Head or his/her designee is responsible for monitoring the need for the travel, the availability of budgeted funds and ensuring that the cost of travel to the County is reasonable. 2.0 APPLICABILITY OF POLICY, DEFINITIONS AND GUIDELINES 2.1 Applicability of travel policy 2.1.1 All employees and officials of the County are subject to this policy. 2.2 Definitions 2.2.1 Approving party - individual authorized by this policy to approve or disapprove cash advances and travel reimbursements. 2.2.2 Requesting party - County employee or official who will be reimbursed for travel cost incurred while conducting County business. 2.2.3 Travel - travel between the normal job location and another location to conduct County business. For elected officials other than the Sheriff and the Register of Deeds, travel between their home or place or work and another location to conduct County business. 2.2.4 Travel Advance Form - form (attachment #1) used to request a cash advance for travel away from home. 2.2.5 Travel Form - form (attachment #2) used to request reimbursement of monthly travel expenses. 2.2.6 Transportation cost- cost incurred for travel by automobile, taxi, rental cars, bus, train or plane. It includes tolls, parking fees and tips for handling of baggage. 63 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 2.2.7 Subsistence cost - cost incurred during travel for meals and incidental expenses, including tips and lodging. In order to claim subsistence the requesting party must travel away from home. 2.2.8 Travel Away From Home - Travel away from home is when the requesting party’s duties require them to be away from home substantially longer than an ordinary day’s work and they need to sleep or rest to meet the demands of work while away from home. (Definition per IRS Publication 463 or its successor.) 2.3 Guidelines 2.3.1 Travel approval. a. For all travel, other than travel by a Department Head, the County Manager and elected County officials, the Department Head is approving party. b. For travel by Department Heads, the County Attorney and the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, the County Manager is the approving party. c. Travel expenses of the County Manager and Board members will be reviewed by the Finance Officer. Any questionable charges will be submitted to the Chairman for disposition. d. Use of County automobiles (pool vehicles) is encouraged. A reservation for use of a pool car must be made with Public Works. (See section 3.2.2) e. The only costs authorized to be reimbursable to a Board member elect, Sheriff elect or Register of Deeds elect are the costs of registration, attendance, subsistence and travel to and from the School for New County Commissioners or those costs associated with any activity that is specifically authorized by the current Chairman. f. Any travel by an employee outside of the continental United States must be approved prior to the making of any reservations and the payment of any registrations, travel advances or travel costs. The County Manager must be approved by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. All other employees must be approved by the County Manager. Approval may be made in writing or by electronic mail. 2.3.2 Arrangements, accommodations, & travel advances. a. All travel costs will be paid directly by the requesting party, and will not be billed to the County, except those persons authorized to use corporate credit cards and except those who received travel advances pursuant to Paragraph 2.3.2e. Those positions currently authorized for corporate credit card use are the Board of 64 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 Commissioners, the County Manager, the County Attorney, the Finance Director, and the Public Relations Officer. b. The following positions are approved to use County purchasing cards for hotel costs when traveling, based upon frequency of travel: the Health Director, the Planning Director, the Social Services Director, the Sheriff, and the Water Director. c. Any unusual travel arrangements should be approved by the approving party per section 2.3.1. d. The requesting party is encouraged to travel with other employees and officials of the County and representatives of other government units when possible. e. Travel advances will be issued only with the approval of a Department Head or the County Manager. Advances will be requested on a ‘Travel Advance Form’ which will be submitted to the Finance Office no later than 5 working days prior to the date the check for the travel advance is needed. The travel advance may not exceed the estimated travel cost. All travel advances must be reconciled with actual costs by submitting a ‘Travel Form’. If actual costs were less than the amount of the travel advance, the difference is to be returned to the County with the Travel Form. Any excess travel advances that are not returned to the County will be deducted from subsequent pay check and shall subject the employee to further discipline. (See section 5.1.1) 3.0 TRANSPORTATION 3.1 Reimbursable costs 3.1.1 a. All necessary bus, train, and air transportation will be obtained at the most economical rate available. Reimbursements will be made for actual costs incurred and supported by a receipt. The cost of travel to and from the normal job location or the personal residence of the requesting party and the point of departure/arrival is a reimbursable cost. This may include the costs of taxi service and parking fees. b. Where travel includes both business and personal travel, only the county business portions shall be reimbursable. Where possible the county business portion of the travel expense should be documented with a separate receipt that does not include the personal travel expense. Where the receipt for travel that includes both personal and business travel is a lump sum receipt and the personal travel cannot be distinguished from the receipt, other documentation satisfactory to the County Finance Director shall be submitted for the County business portion of the travel.. Such “other documentation” submitted for airline tickets or other modes of travel shall be obtained contemporaneous to the booking of the travel, with the same airline or carrier, for the same date, place and substantially same 65 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 time of departure, “Other documentation” may include quotes from a recognized travel website (Travelocity, Expedia, etc.), the airline, or a travel agent, indicating the cost of a ticket from the departing airport to the destination for the business portion of the travel and that amount is reimbursable. 3.2 Vehicles 3.2.1 Personal automobile - A requesting party may use his/her personal automobile for travel and be reimbursed at the current mileage reimbursement rate. The current mileage reimbursement rate as of each July 1 will be the Internal Revenue Service ‘standard mileage rate’ as of the preceding January 1. Employees using their own vehicle for County business are responsible for maintaining their own automobile liability insurance which will provide primary coverage. The County’s automobile liability insurance is secondary to the owner’s and no automobile physical damage coverage is provided by the County’s policy. The use of County ‘pool’ vehicles is encouraged. (See section 3.2.2) 3.2.2 Unit vehicles - County ‘pool’ automobiles may be used for any authorized travel and when used are considered to be a working condition fringe benefit. The requesting party must obey all laws of the jurisdiction in which the automobile is being operated. The automobile will be used for the purpose of conducting County business only and in such case the County’s automobile liability and physical damage insurance coverage is primary. A de minimis amount of personal use, such as driving the automobile to and from meals, will be allowed. Noncounty employees may accompany County employees if they have a business interest in the travel. Spouses and children of County employees may accompany them in County-owned vehicles if space is available and the trip is strictly for official County business. 3.2.3 Rental vehicles - A rental automobile will be used when it is determined that no other mode of transportation is as economical or practical. Receipts must be submitted with travel reimbursement requests. Automobile collision and liability coverage the County maintains through the NC Association of County Commissioners Insurance Pool covers rental vehicles. Insurance coverage offered by the rental company should be declined. The employee shall contact the County’s Risk Manager (Finance Department) to obtain automobile insurance policy information prior to travel. 3.2.4 Gasoline reimbursement- The cost of gasoline in a personal vehicle is not a reimbursable expense and shall not be charged on a County credit card or purchasing card. The cost of gasoline when traveling in a County vehicle is reimbursable and may be charged on a County credit card or purchasing card. The only reimbursement for vehicle expenses for county travel in a personal vehicle shall be the mileage reimbursement as provided in Paragraph 3.2.1 66 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 3.3 Local Transportation 3.3.1 Local transportation costs incurred for county business related purposes while on out-of-town business will be reimbursed either at the standard mileage rate (personal vehicle) or for actual costs (taxi, etc.). Receipts are to be obtained when possible, and submitted with travel reimbursement requests. 4.0 SUBSISTENCE 4.1 Lodging 4.1.1 Lodging cost will be reimbursed at the actual amount incurred. Receipts for lodging costs must be submitted with travel reimbursement requests. The reimbursable lodging rate is limited to the available single room rate when an employee or official is traveling with his/her spouse and children. Lodging costs should be reasonably priced in relation to the area. The individual should take advantage of any convention or negotiated rates. If an activity is being held at a hotel, the individual may select that hotel for lodging. 4.2 Meals 4.2.1 A meal and incidental expense per diem allowance will be used for each day of travel away from home (section 2.2.8). The meal and incidental expense per diem allowance, excluding tips, is the amount allowed per day by IRS Publication 1542 (CONUS Meals and Incidental Expense rate), unless travel is in a high cost area as defined by the current version of IRS Publication 1542. In that case the per diem rate will be that currently allowed per Publication 1542 or its successor. The Finance Director shall notify all departments of the per diem rate prior to each July 1, and shall post an electronic copy of IRS Publication 1542 on the County’s intranet site. 4.2.2 A Board member, the County Manager or a Department Head may, for a business purpose, pay the expense of a meal for him or herself and for another employee, Department Head or Board member or for a business associate. The actual cost of such a meal will be reimbursed to the requesting party with the attachment of a receipt and the approval required by section 2.3.1. The receipt shall include a statement indicating the purpose of the meal and the names of those whose meal costs are reflected on the receipt. 4.2.3 The meal and incidental expense per diem allowance will be prorated for partial days of travel. The daily per diem will be reduced for meal periods which the requesting party is not out of town or in transit and will be reduced by 20% for a breakfast, 25% for a lunch or 55% for a dinner. For travel with an overnight stay, employees and officials may receive allowances 67 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 for meals for partial days of travel when the partial day is the day of departure or the day of return: Day of departure: Breakfast Depart prior to 7:00 a.m. Lunch Depart prior to 11:00 a.m. (day of departure) Day of return: Lunch - Leave so that their return occurs after 2:00 p.m. Dinner - Leave so that their return occurs after 6:00 p.m. For travel with no overnight stay, to be eligible for meal allowances for breakfast or dinner, individuals must: Breakfast - Depart prior to 6:30 a.m. and extend the normal workday by two hours. Dinner - Return after 7:00 p.m. and extend the normal workday by two hours. 4.2.4 Where the cost of a meals is paid by another or is provided at a conference or event at no cost or as apart of the registration fee, no reimbursement or per diem shall be paid for such meals and such meals shall not be charged on a County credit card or purchasing card. Where meals are provided at a convention or event at an additional cost, the employee or official may elect to either include the cost for the convention or activity meal for reimbursement or to forgo such meal and eat meals in compliance with the Dare County Travel Policy. 4.3 Other Costs 4.3.1 Long distance personal telephone calls - The reimbursement of receipt supported, reasonable "safe arrival" or change of plans telephone calls will be allowed. The use of State ‘Watts’ calling cards by eligible employees and officials is encouraged. 4.3.2 Long-distance calls made to conduct official business will be reimbursed. The use of State ‘Watts’ calling cards by eligible employees and officials is encouraged. 4.3.3 A receipt supported registration fee for a convention or conference for County business will be reimbursed. Employees and officials are encouraged to pay such fees through Accounts Payable in the Finance Department. 4.3.4 Side trips or excursions offered as a part of a conference, convention, meeting or activity, at an additional cost to the convention fee, are a reimbursable travel expense if they are for a county business related purpose. Golf outings, sporting events, and other such leisure type activities shall not be reimbursable. Side trips or excursions which are not offered as a part of a convention, meeting or activity, but are taken while attending such convention, activity or meeting and which are for County business purposes, are reimbursable expenses. All receipts or requests for reimbursement for County business related side trips or excursions shall include a statement setting forth the business purpose of the trip or excursion. 68 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 4.3.5 The monthly travel stipend received by Board members is to be used for in county vehicle travel expenses for county business purposes in lieu of submitting monthly mileage reimbursement requests. The monthly travel stipend is also to be used to pay the cost of in county meals for county business purposes. The costs of meals at an event sponsored by Dare County, an event or meeting in the county to which a Board member has been invited to attend, and meals associated with the visit of dignitaries are reimbursable as provided in the Dare County Travel policy are not a part of the stipend.. Meals or snacks provided as part of monthly Board of Commissioners meetings are not a part of the travel stipend and when such meals or snacks are provided they are County expenses. 5.0 REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES 5.1 Submitting expense reports 5.1.1 A requesting party will complete a travel reimbursement request (‘Travel Form’ attachment #2) and attach required receipts for expenses. A Travel Form will be prepared for each month and will be fully completed including the description column noting travel from and to and the purpose. Travel Forms must be submitted monthly to the Finance Office by the fifth working day after the month of travel unless otherwise permitted by the Manager or Finance Director 5.1.2 The amount of any outstanding travel advance will be deducted from reimbursable costs. Travel advance amounts greater than actual reimbursable expenses must be reimbursed to the Finance Department with the submission of the reconciling Travel Form. If not reimbursed to the Finance Department within 60 days of the date of incurrence of the related expense, the amount of the travel advance greater than actual reimbursable expenses will be treated as paid under a 'non accountable plan’ and will be included as income on the requesting party’s annual W-2. 5.1.3 The Personnel Department will include in its procedures for final paychecks, section D-6 4.3 of the Dare County Personnel Ordinance, verification that any and all travel advances have been properly reconciled by the terminating employee. 5.2 Approval and processing of reimbursement requests 5.2.1 Travel reimbursement requests will be submitted to the appropriate party (per section 2.3.1) for approval. After approval, the travel form should be forwarded to the County Finance Office. 5.2.2 The Finance Officer or his/her designee will determine that the travel reimbursement request has been properly approved, that it is mathematically correct, and that requested reimbursements are supported by submitted receipts and are within the limits set by this policy. If an error in the reimbursement request is found, the requesting party will be informed and the error will be corrected before payment is made. 69 County of Dare, North Carolina Board Adopted 9/4/07 5.3 Other 5.3.1 Where an employee or county elected official is appointed to a board, commission, agency, committee or other similar body (the Body) by virtue of the appointee being an elected county official or a member of Dare County staff, travel related to the meetings of the Body shall be governed by this travel policy. Where the expenses of such travel are reimbursed by the Body, they shall not be reimbursed by the County. Travel expenses allowed under the Dare County travel policy which exceed the amounts to be reimbursed by the Body are reimbursable by the County as provided herein. Upon appointment to the Body, the appointed person shall determine the travel reimbursement policy of the Body and so advise the Dare County Finance Director. If the Body reimburses for travel expenses the appointed person shall submit to the Body, all required documentation to receive such reimbursement. To the extent that the County has advanced expenses reimbursable by the Body, any reimbursement received from the Body for such expenses shall be paid to the County. Failure to seek reimbursement for a reimbursable expense from the Body shall result in that expense being treated as a non reimbursable expense by the County and any advances made by the County for such expense shall be reimbursed to County by the appointed person. Dareserver/FinShared/share/policy/travel policy Revised 9/4/2007 Revised 2/ /2011 70 Draft Wind Energy Regulations for Unincorporated Dare County Description For several months, the Planning Board and staff have been working on drafting regulations to address the location and construction of wind energy devices and facilities in unincorporated Dare County. The draft set of regulations and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will be presented to the Board of Commissioners for their initial consideration and feedback to staff. Item Presenter Donna Creef, Planning Director Board Action Requested Consideration of draft regulations 71 January 27, 2011 MEMORANDUM TO: Dare County Board of Commissioners FROM: Donna Creef, Planning Director RE: Draft Wind Energy Regulations For several months now, the Dare County Planning Board and Planning staff have been working to develop a set of regulations to address the placement and construction of wind energy devices in unincorporated Dare County. At their January 10 meeting, the Planning Board endorsed two documents to address wind energy devices. These two drafts are attached with this staff summary for the Board’s review and consideration. The first document is a comprehensive set of regulations to address the permanent placement and construction of wind energy devices in Dare County that, if adopted, would apply to the zoned areas of unincorporated Dare County. The second document is a proposed amendment to Section 22-29 of the Zoning Ordinance which establishes procedures for height variances for temporary prototype wind energy devices. An amendment to Section 22-29 has been drafted in response to the recent discussions on the placement of temporary prototypes to study wind in unincorporated Dare County. A public input session was conducted by the Planning Board at their December 2010 meeting and several people presented comments. All of the speakers were generally in support of wind energy and the placement of such devices in unincorporated Dare County but acknowledged that aesthetics and noise may be issues especially in residentially zoned areas. In light of these comments, the draft ordinance recommended by the Planning Board is more restrictive than other ordinances that have been adopted in Currituck County, Camden County and other northeastern counties. These neighboring counties have adopted local ordinances based on a model ordinance prepared by the North Carolina Wind Working Group. The model ordinance prepared by this group allows accessory wind energy devices in residential districts and landbased utility scales farms in commercial and industrial districts. I have copies of the model ordinance and ordinances from several other counties if any of the Board members are interested in seeing these documents. A summary of the draft ordinance, as recommended by the Planning Board, is below: 1. Structure-mounted wind energy devices are permitted in all districts not to exceed the applicable building height of the zoning district. These devices would be subject to approval by the Planning staff upon submission of engineering data that may be required by the building inspector and verification of the building height. 72 2. Accessory-wind energy devices are defined as a system with a rated capacity of not more than 100 kilowatts (kW) designed to supplement other electricity sources as an accessory use to existing buildings or facilities, wherein the power generated is used primarily for on-site consumption by a structure or structures located on the same property. The draft regulations limit these devices to a maximum height of 100 feet and cannot be constructed in residentially zoned districts. The wind energy industry advises local governments that minimum lot sizes and height limits are not necessary if appropriate setbacks are established for wind energy devices. The draft regulations do not include a minimum lot size but do include a maximum height limit. The Planning Board felt it was prudent to include a height limit in addition to the setbacks. Setbacks from property lines are set at 1.1 times the device height. Accessory wind energy devices may be located in commercial, S-1, or industrial zoned districts of unincorporated Dare County under this draft version of the regulations. Approval of an accessory wind energy device would be subject to conditional use review by the Board of Commissioners. 3. The smaller, vertical-axis devices that are currently being marketed locally (referred to as “wind-spires”) are designed to be constructed at maximum heights of 30 feet or so which is below most residential building heights. These devices would be considered as accessorywind energy devices and limited to commercial, industrial, or S-1 zoned areas. 4. Land-based wind energy generating facilities are not permitted. Support facilities such as transmission lines, generators, etc for off-shore wind energy facilities may be located in commercial, industrial, or S-1 zoned areas. 5. The draft regulations address the location of temporary prototype devices with a reference to Section 22-29 for height variances. Height variances are subject to approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment according to Section 22-29. The draft language proposed for amendment to Section 22-29 has been written to correspond with the restrictions of comprehensive set of regulations-- 100 feet height limit and not to be located in residential zones. These draft regulations are being submitted for the Board’s initial consideration and are designed to serve as a starting point for the Board’s discussion and to provide feedback to the staff. As I stated earlier, the draft regulations are restrictive to reflect concerns about their location in residential settings relative to noise impacts and visual impacts. The draft regulations may prove to be more restrictive than intended and can be revised as needed based on input from the Board. The proposed amendment to Section 22-29 for temporary prototypes can be processed separately if that is the intent of the Board. All of the regulations will need to be advertised for public hearing before adoption by the Board of Commissioners. With the recent interest in the placement of a test prototype, the proposed amendment to Section 22-29 can be scheduled for public hearing while the Board continues to study the more comprehensive set of regulations for permanent wind energy systems. 73 Planning Board Recommendation Dare County Wind Energy Systems The intent of these regulations is to provide for the construction and operation of wind energy systems in all zoned areas of unincorporated Dare County, subject to reasonable conditions that will protect the environment, public health, safety and welfare, and without significantly increasing the cost or decreasing the efficiency of a wind energy system. Definitions Accessory use structure – a structure that is subordinate to the principal use structure in both size and function. Environmental Assessment – a comprehensive evaluation of a proposed wind energy facility and its potential environmental impacts on the local setting with an emphasis on (avoiding) minimizing or mitigating adverse impacts. Facility Operator – the person or entity responsible for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the Wind Energy Facility. Facility Owner – the person or entity having controlling or majority equity interest in a wind energy facility including their respective successors and assigns. Land –based support facilities -- those improvements necessary for the transmission of wind energy that is being produced and delivered from an off-shore water based wind energy generating facility. Non-participating property owner – any property owner not under agreement with the facility owner or facility operator. Participating property owner – a property owner under lease or other property agreements with the facility owner or facility operator. Principal use structure – a structure that is serves as or contains the principal use or activities of the lot on which it is located. Structure-mounted wind energy devices – a wind energy device that is mounted on and totally supported by a structure in order to provide wind generated power to the building. Setback – an area of separation measured in terms of linear feet from the center of the base of any wind energy device to the property line or right-of-way or the nearest portion of any structure. 1 74 Planning Board Recommendation Shadow flicker – the visible flicker effect of rotating wind turbine blades casting a shadow on the ground and nearby structures causing the repeating pattern of light and shadow. Tower – a monopole, free standing, or guyed structure that supports a wind energy generator and other mechanical equipment. Wind energy device – a device that is designed for use to capture and convert wind into electricity such as wind turbines or other similar wind conversion devices. Small Accessory Wind Energy Device– a system with a rated capacity of not more than 100 kilowatts (kW) designed to supplement other electricity sources as an accessory use to existing buildings or facilities, wherein the power generated is used primarily for on-site consumption by a structure or structures located on the same property. Wind turbine – a wind energy conversion device that converts wind energy through the use of a wind turbine generator and may include a nacelle, rotor, tower, guy wires, and pad transformer. Vertical axis wind turbine – a wind turbine that rotates on a vertical axis with blades forming a spiral or helical shape. Wind turbine height – the distance measured from natural grade at the center of the tower to the highest point of the turbine rotor or tip of the turbine blade when the blade reaches its highest elevation or the highest point of the tower on vertical axis wind turbine. Wind Energy Generating Facility – an energy facility that consists of one or more wind energy devices and their related or supporting facilities whose purpose is to generate electric power from wind that is fed into a power grid for sale. Off-shore wind energy generating facility – a wind energy system consisting of one or more wind energy devices that are used for the conversion of wind to another form of energy and distributed off-site to a customer or customers in which the wind energy devices are located in the estuarine waters of Dare County. A. Zoning District Use Matrix The zoning use matrix illustrates the various zoning districts in unincorporated Dare County and which wind energy devices may be permitted in these districts. 2 75 Planning Board Recommendation Zoning Structure-Mounted as Small accessory wind energy District permitted use device as conditional use NH YES NO CPR YES NO RS-1 YES NO MP-1 YES NO RS-6 YES NO RS-8 YES NO RS-10 YES NO R-1 YES NO R-1A YES NO R-2 YES NO R-2A YES NO R-2B YES NO R-2H YES NO R2-AH YES NO R-3 YES NO R-4 YES NO SP-2 YES NO MH-A YES NO MH-B YES YES C-1 YES YES SP-C YES YES SNC YES YES C-2 YES YES C-2H YES YES C-3 YES YES CS YES YES I-1 YES YES S-1 YES YES VC YES YES VC-2 YES YES SED-1 YES NO VR YES NO WR-1 YES NO BT YES NO RB YES YES* NC YES YES* HML YES YES* WVC YES YES* MC-2 YES YES* MC-1 YES YES* H345 YES YES WSIP YES YES *only associated with an on-site business use 3 76 Land-based support for offshore as conditional use NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO No NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES Planning Board Recommendation B. Structure-Mounted Wind Energy Devices Structure-mounted wind energy devices may be authorized for use by the Dare County Planning Department provided that such devices do not exceed the applicable building height as established in the Dare County Zoning Ordinance. 1. For the purposes of determining conformity with this subsection, the overall height shall be calculated from the area of placement on the structure to the highest point of the structuremounted device measured from the center of its base to the outer edge of its casing or tip of its rotor, whichever is greatest. A building height certification prepared by a licensed North Carolina surveyor, engineer or architect may be required to demonstrate compliance with these standards. 2. Structure-mounted wind energy devices may be located in any zoning district of unincorporated Dare County. These standards do not supersede any restrictive covenant or deed restriction that may apply to a lot that may prohibit wind energy devices. 3. The installation of such devices shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal codes including maximum hurricane wind zone requirements as established in the NC State building code. Engineering data to determine conformance with all applicable codes shall be submitted to the Dare County building inspector at the time a building permit application is submitted. 4. Only one structure-mounted device may be permitted for each structure on an individual parcel or lot. C. Small Accessory Wind Energy Devices 1. Small accessory wind energy devices may be authorized for use by the Dare County Board of Commissioners as conditional uses provided all of the following conditions are met: a. The wind energy device shall be setback from all property lines, public right-of-ways, and public utility lines a distance equal to 1.1 times the total height of the small accessory wind energy device. Setbacks from any accessory use structure located on the site shall be equal to ½ (one-half) of the total height of the accessory wind energy facility. b. Small accessory wind energy devices may be located on adjoining lots owned by the same individual provided that all applicable setbacks can be maintained. c. Maximum height shall not exceed 100 feet measured at the natural grade at the center of the device to the highest point of the device or the highest tip of the rotor blades when the blade reaches its highest elevation. 4 77 Planning Board Recommendation d. Only one small accessory wind energy device may be permitted on an individual parcel or lot. The wind energy device shall not be located on any pier or dock that extends over a waterbody or in wetland areas. These standards do not supersede any restrictive covenant or deed restriction that may apply to a property. e. If proposed for location on a lot with an existing residential use, then the small accessory wind energy device shall be located in the rear yard area of the lot. f. Any small accessory wind energy device shall conform to all applicable local, state, and federal codes including the hurricane wind zone requirements as established in the NC Building Code. Engineering data to determine conformance with all applicable codes shall be submitted to the Dare County building inspector at the time a building permit application is submitted. g. All moving parts of a small accessory wind energy device authorized in this subsection shall be at constructed at least 10 feet above ground to prevent injury or be constructed with factory-installed shielding to prevent injury. h. No lighting (unless required by FAA regulations), advertising, or signage of any kind shall be permitted on any small accessory wind energy device. i. If the proposed small accessory wind energy device is located within the Dare County Regional Airport Overly Zone, written approval from the Dare County Airport Authority is required. j. The small accessory wind energy device and all associated support equipment and buildings shall be of neutral colors such as white, off-white or gray. k. The small accessory wind energy device shall be removed within 90 days if the wind energy device becomes non-functioning or if no electricity is generated by the device for a continuous period of 180 days. l. Any climbing foot pegs or rungs below 12 feet of a freestanding tower shall be removed to prevent unauthorized climbing. For lattice or guyed towers, sheets of metal or wood may be fastened to the bottom tower section such that it cannot readily be climbed. m. An audible sound study of the proposed site of the wind energy generating site shall be conducted to determine ambient noise levels at the site. Audible sounds from a wind energy device shall not exceed fifty-five (55) decibels for more than 30 consecutive minutes as measured at the property line of the wind energy device site. 5 78 Planning Board Recommendation n. All wind energy devices shall an automatic braking or governing system to prevent uncontrollable rotation, over-speeding and excessive pressure on the tower structure, rotor blades, and turbine components. 2. Site Plan Review requirements a. An application for any small wind energy device as detailed in Section C shall be submitted to Dare County for review by the Dare County Board of Commissioners as a conditional use according to the procedures established in Section 22-68 of the Dare County Zoning Ordinance. b. Documents: The wind energy device application shall be accompanied by a plot plan which includes the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. A narrative describing the proposed wind energy system, including an overview of the project Property lines and physical dimensions of the property Location, dimensions, and types of existing major structures on the property Location of the proposed wind system tower The right-of-way of any public road that is contiguous with the property Any overhead utility lines Wind system specifications, including manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, tower height, tower type (freestanding or guyed), and proposed total rated capacity of the system Tower foundation blueprints or drawings Tower blueprints or drawings and/or photographs Certification of compliance with applicable local, state, and Federal regulations, such as FAA and FCC regulations Data from the wind energy device manufacturer that certifies the maximum decibel level for the device. Wind energy devices that exceed 55 decibels detectable at adjacent property lines shall not be authorized for use. Decommissioning plans that describe the anticipated life of the wind power project, the estimated decommissioning costs in current dollars, the method for ensuring that funds will be available for decommissioning and restoration, and the anticipated manner in which the wind power project will be decommissioned and the site restored 6 79 Planning Board Recommendation xiii. xiv. Other relevant information as may be reasonably requested by Dare County to ensure compliance with this ordinance Signature of the applicant c. Notice of the proposed wind energy device shall be mailed by first class mail to all abutting property owners upon submission of the site plan and scheduling of the conditional use application for review. D. Wind Energy Generating Facilities Off-shore wind energy generating facilities may be located in the ocean or estuarine waters of unincorporated Dare County and shall be located a minimum of 7 miles off-shore from any land area in unincorporated Dare County. Wind energy generating facilities that are proposed to be located entirely on land in unincorporated Dare County or on an island located within the zoning jurisdiction of unincorporated Dare County are not permitted. However, land-based support facilities and equipment associated with the delivery of off-shore wind energy generating facilities may be located in commercial zoning districts according to the table in section A. Land-based or off-shore prototype wind turbines for the study of offshore wind energy generating facilities, may be constructed within unincorporated Dare County on a temporary basis provided the prototypes meet the requirements as stated in the Dare County Zoning Ordinance Section 2229 subject to authorization by the Dare County Board of Adjustment. Any off-shore prototypes shall be located a minimum of 3 miles from any land. For off-shore wind energy generating facilities, detailed plans for the facilities shall be submitted to the Dare County Board of Commissioners for review as a conditional use according to the provisions of Section 22-68 of the Dare County Zoning Ordinance and may be approved only if the following conditions are met: 1. The wind energy generating facility will be used to supply Dare County residents with electricity. 2. An environmental assessment has been completed that includes comments from all applicable state and federal agencies. The environmental assessment shall address, at a minimum, the potential impacts on the human population (such as noise, shadow flicker) impacts on view corridors, impacts on animal and fish populations if applicable; water resources; and air resources. 3. A site plan for any land-based support facilities associated with the delivery and transmission of wind energy from the off-shore facility depicting property lines, above-ground public utility lines, roads or access easements, existing and proposed improvements. The site plan shall be prepared by a licensed North Carolina engineer or land surveyor. Notice of the site plan review 7 80 Planning Board Recommendation shall be mailed by first calls mail to all abutting property owners of the proposed site upon submission of the site plan and scheduling for conditional use permit review. 4. A narrative description of the proposed wind energy generating facility including the proposed total rated capacity of the wind energy generating facility; the specific number, representative types and heights or range of heights of wind energy devices to be constructed; dimensions and heights; manufacturers, and a description of supporting and ancillary facilities. 5. A project visibility report showing the impacts of the proposed wind energy generating facility from other locations within a radius 7 miles from the center of the project. The base map of the visibility report shall be a topographic map showing man-made features such as roads and buildings. 6. Landscaping plan depicting proposed buffers of all support facilities on the property. 7. Certification of compliance, if applicable, with Federal Aviation Administration and Federal Communication Commission regulations; 8. Other relevant reports, studies, or information as may be reasonably requested by Dare County to ensure compliance with these regulations; 9. Decommissioning plans that describe the anticipated life of the wind energy facility, the estimated decommissioning costs, the method for ensuring funds will be available to decommissioning and restoration of the site, and a narrative description of how the decommissioning will occur including a timetable for completion and restoration of the site. 10. Signed agreement between participating property owner for land-based support facilities and the facility owner/operator of the proposed wind energy facility. 11. Dare County should be notified in writing of any changes to the information contained in the permit application. 12. The installation and design of any wind energy generating facility shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards Institute, and take into consideration local conditions. 13. All structural, electrical and mechanical components of any wind energy generating device and associated land-based support facilities shall conform to relevant and applicable local, state and national codes including NC hurricane wind zone requirements. This shall include the elevation of any support equipment, substations, or accessory building associated with the wind energy generating facility to the applicable minimum base flood elevation. 8 81 Planning Board Recommendation 14. Transmission lines shall, to the maximum extent possible, be placed underground. 15. Lighting improvements for off-shore wind energy generating facilities shall be as required by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) and any other applicable authority that regulates air safety. 16. No display advertising (including flags, streamers, or other decorative devices) except for identification of the turbine manufacturer, facility owner and facility operator and contact information shall be placed on mounted on any wind energy device or land-based support facility. This does not apply to any information plaques that may be required by a governmental agency or utility company. 17. All wind energy devices and all associated support equipment and buildings shall be of neutral colors such as white, off-white or gray and shall be non-reflective. 18. All wind energy devices shall have an automatic braking or governing system to prevent uncontrollable rotation, over-speeding and excessive pressure on the tower structure, rotor blades, and turbine components. 19. A maintenance plan shall be submitted that details a regular maintenance schedule for routine and storm follow-up maintenance actions that will be taken to keep the wind energy generating facility and land-based support facilities operating efficiently and non-polluting. Such plan should detail the type of maintenance actions that are will be performed and include a section that addresses storm maintenance activities. The Applicant shall conduct preventive maintenance inspections on a January, April, July, October, and after any wind event defined as a tropical storm or Category 1-5 Hurricane. Each inspection shall look for such things as metal fatigue, loose nuts, and other potential failures that might impact the public health and safety, as well as the items detailed in the Maintenance Plan. Such inspection reports shall be provided to the Planning Director or designee within 30 (thirty) days of the inspection. 9 82 PB Recommendation SECTION 22-29 - VARIANCES AS TO HEIGHT LIMITS (proposed new text in red) a. In zoned areas of the County not affected by airport zoning enacted under Chapter 63 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the Board of Adjustment may vary the height limits of this chapter for a church spire, belfry, cupola and dome or ornamental tower not intended for human occupancy, monument, water tower, meteorological data tower, wind energy device, observation tower, transmission tower, chimney, smokestack, conveyor, flagpole, radio or television tower, mast or aerial, parapet wall not extended more than four feet above the roof line of the building and necessary mechanical appurtenances; provided, that such variances will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (11-20-75, art. 3, 3.11) Any proposed meteorological data tower or wind energy device shall meet all of the following criteria: 1. The tower or wind energy device shall be temporary in nature. 2. The tower or wind energy device shall be permitted for a time period not to exceed 18 months in duration from the date the variance is granted. 3. The tower or wind energy device shall be utilized solely for the purpose of gathering meteorological data or wind energy test data. 4. The tower or wind energy device shall not be located closer than 200 feet to any residential structure. 5. The total height of the tower or wind energy device shall not exceed 100 feet measured from the foundation base of the structure to the highest portion of the structure. 6. Any tower or wind energy device and all associated components shall be dismantled and removed from the site within 30 days of the expiration of the approval time period. b. In residentially zoned areas of the County not affected by airport zoning enacted under Chapter 63 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the Board of Adjustment may permit exceptions to the height limits of this chapter for a church spire belfry, monument, water tower, observation tower, meteorological data tower, transmission towers, chimney, smokestack, conveyor, flagpole, radio or television tower, mast or aerial, parapet wall not extended more than four feet above the roof line of the building and necessary mechanical appurtenances; provided that such exceptions will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this chapter and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. (6-22-92) Any proposed meteorological data tower shall meet all of the following criteria: 1. The tower shall be temporary in nature. 2. The tower shall be permitted for a time period not to exceed 18 months in duration from the date the variance is granted. 3. The tower shall be utilized solely for the purpose of gathering meteorological data or wind energy test data. 4. The tower shall not be located closer than 200 feet to any residential structure. 5. Any tower and all associated components shall be dismantled and removed from the site within 30 days of the expiration of the approval time period. 83 Item Summary: Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church request for Late Application for Property Tax Exemption on Vacant Parcels in Kitty Hawk Part 1: Consideration of a letter from Lighthouse Christian Fellowship requesting acceptance of a late application for property tax exemption on ten parcels for tax year 2010. Part 2: If the Board accepts the late application for good cause shown, then a decision must be made to approve or deny the exemption application on the ten parcels for 2010. Included in this agenda item for the Board’s review are the following documents: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Map showing prior and current parcels listed to Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in Kitty Hawk Subdivision Plat for Sand Hills Subdivision recorded on December 31, 2009 Restrictive Covenants for Sand Hills Subdivision recorded on January 4, 2010 Letter and Property Tax Exemption application dated December 14, 2010 from Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Letter dated December 3, 2010 from Greta Skeen to Charles Evans Letter dated October 22, 2010 from Charles Evans along with attached letter dated October 20, 2010 from Lighthouse Christian Fellowship North Carolina General Statute 105-278.3- Real and personal property used for religious purposes Lighthouse Christian Fellowship has a church located at 100 Beacon Drive in Kitty Hawk. Prior to 2010, the church property was listed as a 9.89 acre parcel (#010241-000) with the church building as an improvement. The property was exempt from taxes as it was qualified due to ownership and use per NCGS 105278.3. On December 31, 2009, a plat was recorded splitting parcel 010241-000 into an eleven lot subdivision, with the church being located on Lot 11. (see attachments 1 and 2) The status of property on January 1 of each year determines its value and taxable or exempt status for that year. The recordation of the eleven lot subdivision caused the tax department to create ten vacant lots with a taxable status for 2010, and change the size, but not the exempt status of the parcel improved with the church building. Even though the ownership remained Lighthouse Fellowship Church on all parcels, the use of the vacant properties 84 had changed from being a part of improved church property to residential subdivision lots. The recorded restrictive covenants for the subdivision further restrict the use of the lots, except for lot 11, to residential uses. (see attachment 3) In order for a property to be considered for exemption, an exemption application must be filed during the annual listing period, January 15 - February 15 for exemption for that tax year. Lighthouse Christian Fellowship did not file for exemption during the 2010 listing period, but did request prior to the end of the calendar year, for the Board of Commissioners to consider accepting their late application. Per N.C.G.S. 105-282.1 (a1) “Upon showing of good cause by the applicant for failure to make a timely application…”, an application for exemption may be considered by the Board of Commissioners for the calendar year in which the late application is made. (see attachments 4, 5, and 6) If the Board approves the untimely application for good cause shown, then a separate decision will need to be made as to whether to approve or deny the exemption application for 2010 on parcel #’s 010241-001 through -010. The statutory reference, attachment 7, should be used to determine whether to approve or deny the exemptions for 2010. If the Board denies the untimely application, appeal of that decision can be made to the Property Tax Commission. Likewise, if the Board approves the untimely application but denies the exemptions, that decision can be appealed to the Property Tax Commission. Because the properties are located within a municipality, the Town of Kitty Hawk will make its own determination as to the exemption status. 85 28 A B 27 1 B 27 1 6 26 2 26 2 6 5 25 3 25 3 5 10 10 4 3 9 RO 2 23 8 23 8 11 7 22 22 11 7 1 21 37 38 38 4 39 39 4 3 WA Y WA Y 2 31 42 42 41 31 41 40 40 3 2 1 SE OU SE OU 37 2010 Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church Tax Exempt Parcel # 010241-000 H HT LIG H HT LIG 5 2010 Taxable Parcel #'s 010241-001 - 010 created by recording 6 Sand Hills Subdivision, December 2009 5 DR IVE 21 2009 and Prior Years Lighthouse Christian Fellowship Church Tax Exempt Parcel #010241-000 6 2 RO AD AD 4 24 4 24 3 9 4 43 43 8 8 LAN E 39 9 39 44 46 44 86 38 N 37 BE AC O 45 10 48 ON AC BE 45 48 37 1 T 10 EE STR 1 38 2 EET STR 46 47 9 47 LAN E 1 TON CLIF TON CLIF 1 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 § 105-278.3. Real and personal property used for religious purposes. (a) Buildings, the land they actually occupy, and additional adjacent land reasonably necessary for the convenient use of any such building shall be exempted from taxation if wholly owned by an agency listed in subsection (c), below, and if: (1) Wholly and exclusively used by its owner for religious purposes as defined in subsection (d)(1), below; or (2) Occupied gratuitously by one other than the owner and wholly and exclusively used by the occupant for religious, charitable, or nonprofit educational, literary, scientific, or cultural purposes. (b) Personal property shall be exempted from taxation if wholly owned by an agency listed in subsection (c), below, and if: (1) Wholly and exclusively used by its owner for religious purposes; or (2) Gratuitously made available to one other than the owner and wholly and exclusively used by the possessor for religious, charitable, or nonprofit educational, literary, scientific, or cultural purposes. (c) The following agencies, when the other requirements of this section are met, may obtain exemption for their properties: (1) A congregation, parish, mission, or similar local unit of a church or religious body; or (2) A conference, association, presbytery, diocese, district, synod, or similar unit comprising local units of a church or religious body. (d) Within the meaning of this section: (1) A religious purpose is one that pertains to practicing, teaching, and setting forth a religion. Although worship is the most common religious purpose, the term encompasses other activities that demonstrate and further the beliefs and objectives of a given church or religious body. Within the meaning of this section, the ownership and maintenance of a general or promotional office or headquarters by an owner listed in subdivision (2) of subsection (c), above, is a religious purpose and the ownership and maintenance of residences for clergy, rabbis, priests or nuns assigned to or serving a congregation, parish, mission or similar local unit, or a conference, association, presbytery, diocese, district, synod, province or similar unit of a church or religious body or residences for clergy on furlough or unassigned, is also a religious purpose. However, the ownership and maintenance of residences for other employees is not a religious purpose for either a local unit of a church or a religious body or a conference, association, presbytery, diocese, district, synod, or similar unit of a church or religious body. Provided, however, that where part of property which otherwise qualifies for the exemption provided herein is made available as a residence for an individual who provides guardian, janitorial and custodial services for such property, or who oversees and supervises qualifying activities upon and in connection with said property, the entire property shall be considered as wholly and exclusively used for a religious purpose. (2) A charitable purpose is one that has humane and philanthropic objectives; it is an activity that benefits humanity or a significant rather than limited segment of the community without expectation of pecuniary profit or reward. The humane treatment of animals is also a charitable purpose. (3) An educational purpose is one that has as its objective the education or instruction of human beings; it comprehends the transmission of information G.S. 105-278.3 Page 1 101 and the training or development of the knowledge or skills of individual persons. (4) A literary purpose is one that pertains to letters or literature, especially writing, publishing, and the study of literature. It includes the literature of the stage and screen as well as the performance or exhibition of works based on literature. (5) A cultural purpose is one that is conducive to the enlightenment and refinement of taste acquired through intellectual and aesthetic training, education, and discipline. (6) A scientific purpose is one that yields knowledge systematically through research, experimentation or other work done in one or more of the natural sciences. (e) Notwithstanding the exclusive-use requirement of subsection (a), above, if part of a property that otherwise meets that subsection's requirements is used for a purpose that would require exemption if the entire property were so used, the valuation of the part so used shall be exempted from taxation. (f) The fact that a building or facility is incidentally available to and patronized by the general public, so long as there is no material amount of business or patronage with the general public, shall not defeat the exemption granted by this section. (g) Notwithstanding the exclusive-use requirement of subsection (a), above, any parking lot wholly owned by an agency listed in subsection (c), above, may be used for parking without removing the tax exemption granted in this section; provided, the total charge for said uses shall not exceed that portion of the actual maintenance expenditures for the parking lot reasonably estimated to have been made on account of said uses. This subsection shall apply beginning with the taxable year that commences on January 1, 1978. (1973, c. 695, s. 4; c. 1421; 1975, c. 848; 1977, c. 867; 2005-435, s. 59(a).) G.S. 105-278.3 Page 2 102 Award of FY2010-2011 Vehicle and Equipment Financing Description On January 14, Finance received proposals for the financing of county vehicles and equipment as approved in the fiscal year 2010-11 operating budget. As detailed in the attached RFP, the total amount to finance is $1,425,000. Six responses were received from five banks. A bid tabulation of the responses is attached. The lowest cost bid was received from Wells Fargo Bank. Item Presenter David Clawson Board Action Requested Adopt the attached Resolution to award the financing to Wells Fargo Bank at an interest rate of 1.80% for 36 months, and to authorized the County Manager, Finance Director, and Clerk to execute all necessary documents. 103 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN INSTALLMENT FINANCING CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,425,000.00 WITH WELLS FARGO BANK TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FOR USE BY THE COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED INSTRUMENTS, AND DETERMINING OTHER MATTERS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BE IT RESOLVED by the governing body for the County of Dare, North Carolina (the “Unit”): Section 1. The governing body of the Unit does hereby find and determine: a) The County of Dare proposes the acquisition of certain vehicles and equipment, which may include fixtures as more fully described in the hereinafter mentioned Contract (collectively, the “Equipment”); b) After consideration, the governing body of the Unit has determined that the most advantageous manner of financing thereof is by an installment contract pursuant to Section 160A-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended; c) Pursuant to Section 160A-20, the Unit is authorized to finance the acquisition of personal property, including fixtures, by installment contracts that create a security interest in the property financed to secure repayment of the financing; and d) Wells Fargo Bank (“Wells Fargo”) has proposed that Wells Fargo enter into an Installment Financing Contract with the Unit to finance the Equipment pursuant to which Wells Fargo will lend the Unit the amount of $1,425,000.00 (the “Contract”) and a related Escrow Agreement between the Unit and Wells Fargo (the “Escrow Agreement”). Section 2. The governing body of the Unit hereby authorizes and directs the Authorized Officer, Robert L. Outten, County Manager, to execute, acknowledge and deliver the Contract and Escrow Agreement on behalf of the Unit in such form and substance as the person executing and delivering such instruments on behalf of the Unit shall find acceptable. The Clerk is hereby authorized to affix the official seal of the County of Dare to the Contract and the Escrow Agreement and attest the same. Section 3. The proper officers of the Unit are authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all papers, instruments, opinions, certificates, affidavits and other documents and to do or cause to be done any and all other acts and things necessary or proper for carrying out this Resolution and the Contract and the Escrow Agreement. 104 Section 4. Notwithstanding any provision of the Contract or the Escrow Agreement, no deficiency judgment may be rendered against the Unit in any action for breach of a contractual obligation under the Contract or the Escrow Agreement and the taxing power of the Unit is not and may not be pledged directly or indirectly to secure any moneys due under the Contract, the security provided under the Contract being the sole security for Wells Fargo in such instance. Section 5. The Unit covenants that, to the extent permitted by the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina, it will comply with the requirements of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) as required so that interest on the Unit’s obligations under the Contract will not be included in the gross income of Wells Fargo. Section 6. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Adopted this 7th day of February, 2011. By: ____________________________________ Warren Judge, Chairman Dare County Board of Commissioners Attest: ____________________________________ Gary Gross, Clerk to the Board SEAL 105 County of Dare, NC RFP Dated January 4, 2011 $1,425,000 BB&T Governmental Finance Key Government Finance, Inc. RBC Bank SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. SunTrust Equipment Finance & Leasing Corp. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Rate 2.240% 2.910% 1.830% 2.175% 2.375% 1.800% $ $ $ $ $ $ 1/4ly Pymt 123,116.75 124,451.73 122,310.88 122,988.80 123,382.75 122,252.03 Fees $ $ $ $ $ $ 100.00 750.00 750.00 500.00 Total Cost of Loan $ 1,477,401.00 $ 1,493,420.76 $ 1,467,830.56 $ 1,476,615.60 $ 1,481,343.00 $ 1,467,524.36 Day Count Rule Prepayment Premium 360 0% 360 0% 360 0.5% not disclosed 3% not disclosed 0% 360 0% \\Darefile3\finshared\SHARE\DEBT\lease purchases\FY2011\2011 RFP results 106 January 4, 2011 The County of Dare, North Carolina wishes to enter into a lease purchase contract to finance the purchase of vehicles and related equipment as approved in the fiscal year 2010-2011 budget. The total amount to finance is $1,425,000. A detailed list of the equipment is shown on the attached schedule of funding. On August 16, 2010 the Dare County Board of Commissioners adopted “Reimbursement Resolution – Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Vehicle and Equipment Financing Project” which states that funds advanced from the General Fund and the Sanitation I Fund for the vehicle and equipment financing project are intended to be reimbursed from the financing proceeds. A copy of this resolution is attached. Conditions: 1. Desired term is (36) months. 2. County Board to adopt resolution on 2/7/2011. Closing to be held no later than 2/14/2011. 3. Escrow funding will be required with draw down of funds according to the attached schedule. 4. Repayments of monies are to be quarterly, in arrears (one payment prior to June 30, 2011). 5. Interest rate is to be fixed with equal quarterly payments. 6. There must be a non-appropriation clause in the Agreement. Non-substitution clauses are not permitted. 107 County of Dare Request for Financing Proposals Page two 7. There can be no deficiency judgment nor can the taxing power of the County be pledged. 8. List all additional costs expected to be associated with this transaction including all origination and placement fees. 9. The bid rate(s) shall be guaranteed for at least forty-five (45) days. 10. Day count rule for interest rate must be disclosed. Actual/365 is not desired, if possible. The County reserves the right to judgmentally select the successful bidder and the financing arrangement that best meets the needs of the County. The selection will be based heavily on the lowest interest rate and lowest cash outflow on a present value basis. The successful bidder will provide the County with a document package and an amortization schedule detailing principal and interest costs due by fiscal years (6/30/ f/y/e) for review by the County Attorney and the County Finance Director. The County is not a small issuer (under $10 million) for calendar year 2011 and therefore does not qualify as a small issuer under Section 265 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The current G.O. ratings for the County are: Moody's - “Aa3”; S&P - “AA”; Fitch - “AA-” and NCMC - “84”. Upgrades were received from Moody's in 1998 and 2005, S&P in 1999, 2001, 2006, and 2009, Fitch in 2002, and from NCMC in 1993, 1995, 2001, and 2006. Proposals will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, January 14, 2011. Proposals may be submitted via mail, facsimile, or email to At that time there will be a public opening of the proposals. This opening will be held at the Dare County Finance Department, 954 Marshall C Collins Drive, Manteo, NC. For any further information, please contact Sally DeFosse at 252-475-5733. Sincerely, Sally DeFosse Assistant Finance Director County of Dare 108 Request for Financing Proposals Page three Financing Schedule RFP to bidders Proposals due to Dare County Finance Bid results notification to bidders Documents due to County Resolution adopted by Board of Commissioners Closing, no later than 01/04/11 01/14/11 01/19/11 01/26/11 02/07/11 02/14/11 Estimated Schedule of Funding Description Units Patrol vehicles Ambulances Residential automated side-loading trash truck Commercial automated front-loading trash truck Total 15 3 2 1 Total Cost Estimated Date 365,000 390,000 450,000 220,000 $ 670,000 109 April 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 110 (NC Option) This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by The Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. David Clawson Finance Director INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND SECURITY AGREEMENT EN TS Dated as of February ______, 2011 O C U M between N G D DARE COUNTY, NC LO SI and D R AF T C WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS SECTION 1.1. SECTION 1.2. Definitions and Rules of Construction............................................................... 2 Exhibits. ............................................................................................................. 4 ARTICLE II REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PURCHASER AND BANK EN TS Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Purchaser........................... 5 Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Bank. ................................. 5 M SECTION 2.1. SECTION 2.2. C U ARTICLE III D O EQUIPMENT FUND AF T C LO SI N G Creation of Equipment Fund.............................................................................. 6 Acquisition of Equipment. ................................................................................. 6 Investment.......................................................................................................... 6 Disbursements.................................................................................................... 6 Termination........................................................................................................ 7 Reliance of Bank on Documents........................................................................ 7 Disclaimer of Bank. ........................................................................................... 7 D R SECTION 3.1. SECTION 3.2. SECTION 3.3. SECTION 3.4. SECTION 3.5. SECTION 3.6. SECTION 3.7. ARTICLE IV REPAYMENT OF THE ADVANCEMENT; SECURITY FOR REPAYMENT SECTION 4.1. SECTION 4.2. SECTION 4.3. SECTION 4.4. Repayment of the Advancement........................................................................ 8 Budget and Appropriation.................................................................................. 9 Security Agreement. .......................................................................................... 10 No Set-Off; Recoupment, etc............................................................................. 10 ARTICLE V INSURANCE SECTION 5.1. SECTION 5.2. Insurance. ........................................................................................................... 11 Damage and Destruction.................................................................................... 11 i 112 ARTICLE VI DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION; USE OF NET PROCEEDS SECTION 6.1. SECTION 6.2. SECTION 6.3. Obligation of the Purchaser to Repair and Replace the Equipment................... 12 Insufficiency of Net Proceeds; Discharge of the Obligation of the Purchaser to Repair the Equipment.................................................................... 12 Cooperation of the Bank. ................................................................................... 13 ARTICLE VII COVENANTS OF THE PURCHASER U M EN TS Access to the Equipment and Inspection. .......................................................... 13 Maintenance, Utilities, Taxes and Assessments ................................................ 13 Modification of the Equipment.......................................................................... 14 Encumbrances .................................................................................................... 14 Indemnification of the Bank. ............................................................................. 14 Financial Statements. ......................................................................................... 14 C SECTION 7.1. SECTION 7.2. SECTION 7.3. SECTION 7.4. SECTION 7.5. SECTION 7.6. G D O ARTICLE VIII C LO Assignment by the Bank. ................................................................................... 15 Assignment by the Purchaser............................................................................. 15 ARTICLE IX R AF T SECTION 8.1. SECTION 8.2. SI N ASSIGNMENT, LEASING AND AMENDMENT D EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES SECTION 9.1. SECTION 9.2. SECTION 9.3. SECTION 9.4. SECTION 9.5. Events of Default Defined. ................................................................................ 15 Remedies on Default.......................................................................................... 16 No Remedy Exclusive........................................................................................ 17 Agreement to Pay Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses. ............................................ 17 No Additional Waiver Implied by One Waiver................................................. 17 ARTICLE X PREPAYMENT OF INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS SECTION 10.1. Prepayment of Installment Payments................................................................. 18 ii 113 ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 11.1. Notices. .............................................................................................................. 19 SECTION 11.2. Binding Effect.................................................................................................... 19 SECTION 11.3. Severability. ....................................................................................................... 19 SECTION 11.4. Execution in Counterparts.................................................................................. 20 SECTION 11.5. Commitment Letter ............................................................................................ 20 SECTION 11.6. Applicable Law.................................................................................................. 20 SECTION 11.7. Waiver of Jury Trail........................................................................................... 20 R AF T C LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS Description of the Equipment ............................................................................ A-1 Installment Payment Schedule........................................................................... B-1 Form of Requisition ........................................................................................... C-1 D EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C iii 114 INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND SECURITY AGREEMENT This INSTALLMENT FINANCING AND SECURITY AGREEMENT, dated as of February _____, 2011 (the “Agreement”), between Dare County, NC, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (the “Purchaser”), and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a national banking association duly organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America (the “Bank”); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Purchaser is a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina; M EN TS WHEREAS, in accordance with the laws governing the actions of the Purchaser, the Purchaser is permitted to finance the acquisition of certain equipment by contracts that create in the equipment a security interest to secure repayment of the moneys advanced or made available to purchase such equipment; G D O C U WHEREAS, after due consideration, the governing body for the Purchaser has determined to acquire the equipment as more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Equipment”); T C LO SI N WHEREAS, in order for the Purchaser to obtain the funds to pay the costs of the Equipment, the Purchaser has determined to enter into this Agreement whereby the Bank will advance funds to the Purchaser to pay the costs of the Equipment, and the Purchaser will repay such advancement with interest in installments pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; D R AF WHEREAS, as security for the performance of its obligation under this Agreement, including the payment of the installment payments hereunder, Purchaser has further agreed to grant the Bank a security interest in the Equipment; WHEREAS, the Bank is willing to advance moneys to the Purchaser for payment of the cost of acquisition of the Equipment, and the Purchaser is willing to repay the moneys so advanced by the Bank in installments as more fully provided herein; and WHEREAS, the Purchaser and the Bank have each duly authorized the execution and delivery of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the mutual covenants hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: 115 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS SECTION 1.1. Definitions and Rules of Construction. Unless the context otherwise indicates, words importing the singular number shall include the plural number and vice versa. The words “hereby”, “herein”, “hereof”, “hereto”, “hereunder” and other words of similar import refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular Article, Section or subdivision hereof. All references herein to “Articles”, “Sections” and other subdivisions are to the corresponding Articles, Sections or subdivisions of this Agreement unless some other reference is indicated. EN TS “Advancement” means the advance being made by the Bank to the Purchaser pursuant to Section 3.1 of this Agreement. SI N G D O C U M “Affected Principal Amount” means, for an Affected Principal Period, the principal components of the Installment Payments scheduled to be outstanding during such Affected Principal Period determined as of the relevant Break Date before giving effect to the Break Event on such Break Date, and for any prepayment, “Affected Principal Amount” means the amount determined by multiplying each such principal amount by a fraction the numerator of which is the principal amount being prepaid and the denominator of which is the total principal components of the Installment Payments outstanding immediately prior to such prepayment on the Break Date. AF T C LO “Affected Principal Period” means each period from and including an Installment Payment Date to but excluding the next succeeding Installment Payment Date, provided however, that the first such period shall begin on and include the Break Date. D R “Agreement” means this Installment Financing Agreement, including any amendment or supplement hereto permitted herein. “Bank” means Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., a national banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, and any successor thereto. “Break Date” means the date on which a Break Event occurs. “Break Event” means any voluntary or mandatory prepayment or acceleration, in whole or in part, of the principal components of the Installment Payments occurring prior to the Scheduled Due Date. “Breakage Fee” means that amount determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.1 which shall be due and payable by the Purchaser to the Bank upon the occurrence of each Break Event. “Closing” means the date on which the Purchaser executes and delivers this Agreement, and the Bank makes the Advancement to the Purchaser. 2 116 “Closing Costs” means and further includes all items of expense directly or indirectly payable by or reimbursable to the Purchaser relating to the financing of the Equipment, including, but not limited to, filing and recording costs, settlement costs, printing costs, word processing costs, reproduction and binding costs, legal fees and charges and financing and other professional consultant fees. “Determination of Taxability” means and shall be deemed to have occurred on the date when (a) the Purchaser shall receive notice from the Bank that the Internal Revenue Service has assessed as includable in gross income the interest component of the Installment Payments made by the Purchaser under this Agreement due to the occurrence of an Event of Taxability or (b) the Purchaser or the Bank shall receive notice from the Commissioner or any District Director of the Internal Revenue Service that the interest component of the Installment Payments made by the Purchaser under this Agreement is includable in the gross income of the Bank for federal income tax purposes due to the occurrence of an Event of Taxability. C U M EN TS “Enforcement Limitation” means any laws that provide that no deficiency judgment may be rendered against the Purchaser in any action for breach of a contractual obligation and that the taxing power of the Purchaser is not and may not be pledged directly or indirectly to secure any moneys due under this Agreement. G D O “Equipment” means the equipment identified in Exhibit A attached hereto the cost of which is being paid by the Purchaser from the Advancement. LO SI N “Equipment Fund” means the account created pursuant to Section 3.1 in which the proceeds of the Advancement are deposited. D R AF T C “Event of Nonappropriation” means (a) the failure by the Purchaser or Purchaser’s governing body to budget and appropriate in its budget for the ensuing Fiscal Year adopted on or about June 30 of each year moneys sufficient to pay all Installment Payments and any reasonably estimated additional payments under this Agreement coming due in the next ensuing Fiscal Year or (b) the deletion from Purchaser’s duly adopted budget of any appropriation for the purposes specified in clause (a). In the event that during any Fiscal Year, any additional payments shall become due that were not included in the Purchaser’s current budget, and if there are no moneys available to pay such additional payments prior to the date upon which such additional payments are due, an Event of Nonappropriation shall be deemed to have occurred upon notice by the Bank to the Purchaser to such effect. “Event of Taxability” means the occurrence or existence of any fact, event or circumstance caused by the failure of the Purchaser to comply with any covenants in this Agreement or any document or certificate executed by the Purchaser or to comply with any requirement of federal law in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement which has the effect of causing the interest component of the Installment Payments made by the Purchaser under this Agreement to be includable in the gross income of the Bank for federal income tax purposes. 3 117 “Fiscal Year” means the period beginning on July 1 of any year and ending on June 30 of the following year. “Inclusion Date” means the effective date that the interest component of the Installment Payments made by the Purchaser under this Agreement is includable in the gross income of the Bank as a result of a Determination of Taxability. “Installment Payment Date” means each of the dates set forth on the Installment Payment Schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B. “Installment Payments” means the payments required to be paid by the Purchaser pursuant to Section 4.1 in order to repay the Advancement, as specified in Exhibit B. EN TS “Investment Obligation” means any security or investment authorized by the law governing Purchaser, as may be amended from time to time, or any substitute or successor laws. D O C U M “LIBOR Breakage” means any additional loss, cost or expense that the Bank may incur with respect to any hedge for the fixed rate of this Agreement based on the difference between the London interbank offered rate (for United States dollar deposits of the relevant maturity) available in the London interbank market at the beginning of the interest period in which the Break Date occurs and that which is available in that market on the Break Date. LO SI N G “Net Proceeds” means any proceeds of insurance paid with respect to the Equipment remaining after payment therefrom of any expenses (including attorneys’ fees) incurred in the collection thereof. D R AF T C “Permitted Encumbrances” means, and includes (a) liens for taxes, assessments and other governmental charges due but not yet payable; (b) landlord’s, warehouseman’s, carrier’s, worker’s, vendor’s, mechanic’s and materialmen’s liens and similar liens incurred in the ordinary course of business remaining undischarged for not longer than 60 days from the filing thereof; (c) attachments remaining undischarged for not longer than 60 days from the making thereof; (d) the lien created by the security interest of the Bank in the Equipment; (e) this Agreement and (f) any lease of the Equipment permitted by Section 8.2(b). “Purchaser” means Dare County, NC, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina, and any successor entity. “Scheduled Due Date” means the date the principal components of the Installment Payments would, but for prepayment or acceleration, have become due and payable. “State” means the State of North Carolina. SECTION 1.2. Exhibits. The following exhibits are attached to, and by reference made a part of, this Agreement: Exhibit A: Description of the Equipment 4 118 Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Installment Payment Schedule Form of Requisition ARTICLE II REPRESENTATIONS OF THE PURCHASER AND BANK SECTION 2.1. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Purchaser. The Purchaser represents, covenants and warrants to the Bank as follows: (a) The Purchaser is a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the Constitution and laws of the State of North Carolina. M EN TS (b) The Constitution and laws of the State authorize the Purchaser to execute and deliver this Agreement and to enter into the transactions contemplated by and to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. D O C U (c) The Purchaser has duly authorized and executed this Agreement in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State. AF T C LO SI N G (d) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions hereof or thereof, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of any charter provision, restriction, agreement or instrument to which the Purchaser is now a party or by which the Purchaser is bound, or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing. D R (e) No approval or consent is required from any governmental authority with respect to the entering into or performance by the Purchaser of this Agreement, and all other documents related thereto and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, or if such approval is required, it has been duly obtained. (f) There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation at law or in equity before or by any court, public board or body pending or threatened against or affecting the Purchaser challenging the validity or enforceability of this Agreement, or any other documents relating hereto and the performance of the Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and thereunder. (g) The Purchaser will obtain or cause to be obtained all licenses, permits and other approvals of any other governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Purchaser or the Equipment that are necessary for the acquisition and operation of the Equipment. SECTION 2.2. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Bank. The Bank represents, covenants and warrants to the Purchaser as follows: 5 119 (a) The Bank is a national banking association organized, existing and in good standing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America and has the power and authority to enter into this Agreement. (b) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions hereof or thereof, nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of the organizational documents of the Bank or any restriction or any agreement or instrument to which the Bank is now a party or by which the Bank is bound. ARTICLE III EQUIPMENT FUND SI N G D O C U M EN TS SECTION 3.1. Creation of Equipment Fund. In consideration of the covenants, warranties and representations contained herein, and in consideration of the Purchaser’s agreement to repay the moneys advanced hereunder and interest thereon, the Bank hereby agrees to advance to the Purchaser at Closing moneys in the aggregate amount of $1,425,000.00 (the “Advancement”). The Purchaser shall deposit the Advancement in a separate account established with the Bank designated the “Dare County, NC Equipment Fund” (the “Equipment Fund”). The proceeds of the Advancement shall be deposited in the Equipment Fund at Closing and shall be applied, together with any investment earnings thereon, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. AF T C LO SECTION 3.2. Acquisition of Equipment. The Purchaser shall enter into one or more contracts or purchase orders providing for the acquisition of the Equipment substantially as described in Exhibit A attached hereto. D R SECTION 3.3. Investment. The Purchaser shall invest and reinvest the Equipment Fund solely in Investment Obligations, and investment earnings on the Equipment Fund shall be retained in the Equipment Fund pending disbursement in accordance with Section 3.4. Unless otherwise agreed between Bank and Purchaser, the Equipment Fund shall be invested in a Wells Fargo Bank Public Funds Money Market Investment Account. The Purchaser shall be solely responsible for ascertaining that all proposed investments and reinvestments comply with federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances governing investment of funds held pursuant to an arrangement similar in substance to the arrangement contemplated by this Agreement. Accordingly, the Bank shall not be responsible for any liability, cost, expense, loss or claim of any kind, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to investment or reinvestment of all or a portion of the moneys held in the Equipment Fund, and the Purchaser hereby agrees, to the extent permitted by law, to release and indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any such liability, cost, expense, loss or claim. SECTION 3.4. Disbursements. Unless the Equipment Fund is earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.5, the moneys held in the Equipment Fund shall be used to pay the Closing Costs and the costs of the Equipment upon the prior written consent of 6 120 EN TS the Bank to a written requisition of the Purchaser signed by an officer of Purchaser, or their designee, substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit C, together with any documents or other items of evidence as the Bank may determine to be necessary to determine the appropriateness of such requisition. A fee of $25.00 per wire transfer will be applied to all disbursements. This fee will be deducted directly from moneys held in the Equipment Fund unless the Purchaser directs the Bank to invoice the Purchaser directly for any such fees. If the moneys held in the Equipment Fund and any other moneys provided by the Purchaser are insufficient to pay all of the Closing Costs and the costs of the Equipment, the Purchaser shall provide any balance of the funds needed to pay such Closing Costs and the costs of the Equipment. Any moneys remaining in the Equipment Fund (a) after the acquisition of the Equipment, as evidenced by a written certificate of completion executed by an officer of the Purchaser and delivered to the Bank stating that the Equipment has been acquired and that there are no liens against the Equipment other than the lien created by this Agreement, or (b) upon termination of this Agreement prior to such acquisition, shall be used to pay the interest component of the next scheduled Installment Payment. O C U M SECTION 3.5. Termination. The Equipment Fund shall be terminated at the earliest of (a) the final distribution of moneys from the Equipment Fund, (b) written notice given by the Bank of an event of default by the Purchaser under this Agreement and (c) the termination of this Agreement. D R AF T C LO SI N G D SECTION 3.6. Reliance of Bank on Documents. The Bank may act in reliance upon any writing or instrument or signature which it, in good faith, believes to be genuine and may assume the validity and accuracy of any statement or assertion contained in such a writing or instrument. The Bank shall not be liable in any manner for the sufficiency or correctness as to the form, manner of execution, or validity of any instrument or as to the identity, authority, or right of any person executing the same; and the Bank’s duties hereunder shall be limited to the receipt of such moneys, instruments or other documents received by it as the Bank, and for the disposition of the same in accordance herewith. SECTION 3.7. Disclaimer of Bank. The Purchaser acknowledges and agrees that the design of the Equipment has not been made by the Bank, and the Bank has not supplied any plans or specifications with respect thereto and that the Bank (a) is not a manufacturer of, nor a dealer in, any of the component parts of the Equipment or similar Equipment, (b) has not made any recommendation, given any advice nor taken any other action with respect to (i) the choice of any supplier, vendor or designer of, or any other contractor with respect to, the Equipment or any component part thereof or any property or rights relating thereto, or (ii) any action taken or to be taken with respect to the Equipment or any component part thereof or any property or rights relating thereto at any stage of the acquisition thereof, (c) has not at any time had physical possession of the Equipment or any component part thereof or made any inspection thereof or any property or rights relating thereto, and (d) has not made any warranty or other representation, express or implied, that the Equipment or any component part thereof or any property or rights relating thereto (i) will not result in or cause injury or damage to persons or property, (ii) has been or will be properly designed, or will accomplish the results which the Purchaser intends therefor, or (iii) is safe in any manner or respect. 7 121 D O C U M EN TS THE BANK MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY COMPONENT PART THEREOF TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE WHATSOEVER WITH RESPECT THERETO, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION WITH RESPECT TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR THE FITNESS OR SUITABILITY THEREOF FOR ANY PURPOSE; THE DESIGN OR CONDITION THEREOF; THE SAFETY, WORKMANSHIP, QUALITY OR CAPACITY THEREOF; COMPLIANCE THEREOF WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY LAW, RULE, SPECIFICATION OR CONTRACT PERTAINING THERETO; ANY LATENT DEFECT; THE TITLE TO OR INTEREST OF THE BANK THEREIN BEYOND THAT TITLE OR INTEREST WHICH THE PURCHASER OBTAINS FROM THE BANK PURSUANT HERETO; THE ABILITY THEREOF TO PERFORM ANY FUNCTION; THAT THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE ADVANCEMENT WILL BE SUFFICIENT, TOGETHER WITH ANY OTHER AVAILABLE FUNDS OF THE PURCHASER, TO PAY THE COST OF ACQUIRING THE EQUIPMENT; OR ANY OTHER CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EQUIPMENT, IT BEING AGREED THAT ALL RISKS RELATING TO THE EQUIPMENT, THE ACQUISITION THEREOF OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY ARE TO BE BORNE BY THE PURCHASER, AND THE BENEFITS OF ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF THE BANK ARE HEREBY WAIVED BY THE PURCHASER. N G ARTICLE IV C LO SI REPAYMENT OF THE ADVANCEMENT; SECURITY FOR REPAYMENT D R AF T SECTION 4.1. Repayment of the Advancement. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c) of this Section, the Purchaser shall repay the Advancement, with interest, computed at the rate of 1.80% per annum, calculated on 30/360 basis, in installments due at the times and in the amounts set forth in Exhibit B. (b) All payments required to be made to the Bank hereunder shall be made at the Bank’s principal office at the address set forth in Section 11.1 or as may otherwise be directed by the Bank. (c) In the event of a Determination of Taxability, the interest rate payable under this Agreement, from and after the Inclusion Date, shall be adjusted to preserve the Bank’s after-tax economic yield with respect to the interest components of the Installment Payments, taking into account any interest expense deductions lost by the Bank as a direct or indirect result of the Purchaser’s actions. In the event of a Determination of Taxability, the Bank shall provide the Purchaser with a new Installment Payment Schedule which reflects the new interest rate which will replace the Installment Payment Schedule set forth in Exhibit B. (d) The Purchaser represents that it is hereby designating any obligations hereunder as being within the $10 million limitation described within Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal 8 122 Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and that it will not breach the covenants included herein or take any action which adversely affects the deductibility of any interest payments made by the Purchaser, such actions including, but not limited to, the issuance of more than $30 million of obligations during the current calendar year in which this Agreement is executed. In the event the Purchaser breaches this representation, the interest rate payable under this Agreement shall be adjusted to preserve the Bank’s after-tax economic yield with respect to the interest component of the Installment Payments, taking into account any interest expense deductions lost by the Bank as a direct or indirect result of the Purchaser’s actions. In such event, the Bank shall provide the Purchaser with a new Installment Payment Schedule which reflects the new interest rate which will replace the Installment Payment Schedule set forth in Exhibit B. LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS SECTION 4.2. Budget and Appropriation. (a) The officer of the Purchaser at any time charged with the responsibility for formulating budget proposals shall include in the budget proposals for review and consideration by the governing body of the Purchaser in any Fiscal Year in which this Agreement shall be in effect, items for all Installment Payments and any additional payments required for such Fiscal Year under this Agreement. Any budget item referred to in this Section shall be deleted from the applicable budget by the Purchaser only by the adoption of a resolution to such effect containing a statement of its reasons therefor, which resolution shall be adopted by and spread upon the minutes of the governing body of the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall furnish the Bank with copies of its annual budget promptly after its adoption and copies of any amended budget affecting appropriations for Installment Payments or additional payments required under this Agreement. The Purchaser shall promptly provide notice of any Event of Nonappropriation to the Bank. D R AF T C (b) NO PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED OR INTERPRETED AS CREATING A PLEDGE OF THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE PURCHASER WITHIN THE MEANING OF ANY CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMITATION. NO PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED OR INTERPRETED AS CREATING A DELEGATION OF GOVERNMENTAL POWERS NOR AS A DONATION BY OR A LENDING OF THE CREDIT OF THE PURCHASER WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY OR CONTINGENTLY OBLIGATE THE PURCHASER TO MAKE ANY PAYMENTS BEYOND THOSE APPROPRIATED IN THE SOLE DISCRETION OF THE PURCHASER FOR ANY FISCAL YEAR IN WHICH THIS AGREEMENT IS IN EFFECT; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT ANY FAILURE OR REFUSAL BY THE PURCHASER TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS WHICH RESULTS IN THE FAILURE BY THE PURCHASER TO MAKE ANY PAYMENT COMING DUE HEREUNDER WILL IN NO WAY OBVIATE THE OCCURRENCE OF THE EVENT OF DEFAULT RESULTING FROM SUCH NONPAYMENT. NO DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT MAY BE RENDERED AGAINST THE PURCHASER IN ANY ACTION FOR BREACH OF A CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAW AND THE TAXING POWER OF THE PURCHASER IS NOT AND MAY NOT BE PLEDGED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY OR CONTINGENTLY TO SECURE ANY MONEYS DUE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. 9 123 No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to pledge or to create a lien on any class or source of the Purchaser’s moneys, nor shall any provision of this Agreement restrict the future issuance of any of the Purchaser’s bonds or moneys. To the extent of any conflict between this Section and any other provision of this Agreement, this Section shall take priority. SECTION 4.3. Security Agreement. Title to the Equipment and any and all additions, repairs, replacements or modifications thereto shall be in the Purchaser from and after the date of execution and delivery of this Agreement so long as the Purchaser shall not be in default hereunder and shall vest permanently in the Purchaser on the payment of all Installment Payments, free and clear of any lien or security interest of Bank therein. LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS To secure all obligations of the Purchaser hereunder, the Purchaser hereby grants to Bank a security interest in any and all of the Purchaser's right, title and interest in and to the Equipment, all additions, attachments, accessions, substitutions and replacements thereto, and any and all proceeds thereof, including without limitation, proceeds of insurance thereon. The Purchaser agrees to execute and deliver all documents, instruments and financing statements necessary or appropriate to perfect or maintain the security interest granted hereby and to maintain Bank's security interest in the items of personal property constituting the Equipment purchased pursuant to Section 3 hereof. Bank is authorized to file financing statements without the Purchaser's signature or to execute and file such financing statements without the Purchaser's signature on the Purchaser's behalf as specified by the Uniform Commercial Code to perfect or maintain Bank's security interest granted hereby. At the request of Bank, the Purchaser will keep and maintain a conspicuous marking or tag on the items of personal property constituting the Equipment that a security interest therein is held by Bank. D R AF T C The Equipment is, and shall at all times be and remain, personal property notwithstanding that the Equipment or any part thereof may now be, or hereafter become, in any manner affixed or attached to, or imbedded in, or permanently resting upon, real property or any building thereon or any fixtures, or attached in any manner to what is permanent by any means of cement, plaster, nails, bolts, screws or otherwise. Upon request of Bank, the Purchaser shall obtain, as to any place where the Equipment is located, a waiver from the landlord and mortgagee thereof with respect to any rights they may have in and to the Equipment or the rights of levy or seizure thereon. The Purchaser agrees that unless Bank otherwise consents in writing all of the personal property constituting the Equipment shall at all times remain at the location described in Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION 4.4. No Set-Off; Recoupment, Etc. Subject to Section 4.2 and the Enforcement Limitation, the obligation of the Purchaser to make the Installment Payments hereunder and to perform and observe the other covenants of this Agreement shall be absolute and unconditional, and the Purchaser will pay without abatement, diminution or deduction all such amounts regardless of any cause or circumstance whatsoever, including, without limitation, any defense, set-off, recoupment or counterclaim that the Purchaser may have against the Bank. 10 124 ARTICLE V INSURANCE EN TS SECTION 5.1. Insurance. (a) The Purchaser shall, during the term of this Agreement and at all times before all Installment Payments have been paid, continuously insure the Equipment, or cause the Equipment to be insured, against loss or damage to any portion of the Equipment in an amount equal to 100% of the replacement cost of such Equipment (subject to a deductible clause not to exceed $100,000 for any one loss), paying as the same become due all premiums in respect thereof. The policy providing for such insurance shall name the Bank as loss payee. In addition the Purchaser shall (i) maintain a comprehensive general liability policy or policies in protection of the Purchaser, its officers, agents and employees, which policy or policies shall cover such losses and shall have such deductible amounts as shall be satisfactory to the Bank and (ii) maintain workers’ compensation insurance to insure its employees against liability for workers’ compensation under the laws of the State. C U M (b) The insurance coverage required under this Section may be maintained under a blanket policy covering other properties of the Purchaser. N G D O (c) The Purchaser shall cause to be delivered to the Bank annually on or about July 1 of each year a certificate or other evidence showing that the insurance policies required or permitted by this Agreement are in full force and effect. C LO SI (d) The Purchaser shall cooperate fully with the Bank in filing any proof of loss with respect to any insurance policy maintained pursuant to this Section. D R AF T SECTION 5.2. Damage and Destruction. If at any time before all Installment Payments have been paid, the Equipment is damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, windstorm or other casualty, the Purchaser shall cause the Net Proceeds from insurance to be used for the repair, restoration or replacement of the Equipment. In the case of any damage to or destruction of the Equipment exceeding $500,000 in any Fiscal Year, the Purchaser shall give prompt written notice thereof to the Bank. All equipment, machinery or other personal property so acquired from such Net Proceeds pursuant to this Section shall be purchased free of all liens and encumbrances, other than Permitted Encumbrances, and shall become a part of the Equipment subject to the security interest created by this Agreement. The Purchaser agrees that, after exhaustion of the Net Proceeds, subject to the provisions of Section 4.2, it shall pay or cause to be paid any portion of the repair, restoration or replacement in excess of the Net Proceeds, and it shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Bank and it shall not be entitled to any abatement or diminution of the payments required to be made by the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. 11 125 ARTICLE VI DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION; USE OF NET PROCEEDS SI N G D O C U M EN TS SECTION 6.1. Obligation of the Purchaser to Repair and Replace the Equipment. Unless applied to the payment in full or in part of the remaining Installment Payments pursuant to Section 6.2, the Purchaser shall cause the Net Proceeds of any insurance policies to be deposited in a separate fund maintained by the Purchaser with the Bank or its designee. Except as set forth in Section 6.2, all Net Proceeds so deposited shall be applied to the prompt repair, restoration or replacement of the Equipment and shall be disbursed upon receipt of requisitions of the Purchaser approved by the Bank, stating, with respect to each payment to be made, (a) the requisition number; (b) the name and address of the person, firm or corporation to whom payment is due; (c) the amount to be paid; and (d) that each obligation mentioned therein has been properly incurred, is a proper charge against the separate trust fund, and has not been the basis of any previous withdrawal and specifying in reasonable detail the nature of the obligation, accompanied by a bill or a statement of account for such obligation. The Bank shall cooperate with the Purchaser in the administration of such fund and shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of requisitions under this Section. Any repair, restoration, modification, improvement or replacement paid for in whole or in part out of such Net Proceeds shall be the property of the Purchaser, subject to the Bank’s security interest and Permitted Encumbrances, and shall be included as part of the Equipment under this Agreement. D R AF T C LO SECTION 6.2. Insufficiency of Net Proceeds; Discharge of the Obligation of the Purchaser to Repair the Equipment. (a) If the Net Proceeds shall be insufficient to pay in full the cost of repair, restoration or replacement of the Equipment, the Purchaser may elect to complete the work and pay any cost in excess of the amount of the Net Proceeds, and the Purchaser agrees that, if by reason of any such insufficiency of the Net Proceeds, the Purchaser shall make any payments pursuant to the provisions of this subsection (a), the Purchaser shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the Bank, nor shall the Purchaser be entitled to any diminution of the Installment Payments payable under Section 4.1. (b) If the Purchaser elects not to apply the Net Proceeds to the repair, restoration or replacement of the Equipment, the Purchaser may apply the Net Proceeds of such insurance policies to the prepayment of the principal component of the Installment Payments in accordance with Section 10.1. In the event the amount of such Net Proceeds exceeds the amount necessary to prepay the principal component of all remaining Installment Payments, plus the interest component of the Installment Payments accrued to the date of prepayment, such excess shall be paid to or retained by the Purchaser. Within 90 days following the receipt of Net Proceeds, unless a further extension is approved by the Bank, the Purchaser shall commence the repair, restoration or replacement of the Equipment, or shall elect, by written notice to the Bank, to apply the Net Proceeds to the prepayment of the Installment Payments under the provisions of Section 10.1. For purposes of this subsection, “commence” shall include the retention of an engineer in anticipation of the 12 126 repair, restoration, modification, improvement or replacement of the Equipment. In the event that the Purchaser shall, after commencing the repair, restoration, modification, improvement or replacement of the Equipment, determine that the Net Proceeds (plus any amount withheld therefrom by reason of any deductible clause) shall be insufficient for the accomplishment thereof, the Purchaser may, subject to the proviso set forth above, elect to apply the Net Proceeds to the prepayment of the Installment Payments under the provisions of Section 10.1. SECTION 6.3. Cooperation of the Bank. The Bank shall cooperate fully with the Purchaser in filing any proof of loss with respect to any insurance policy covering the events specified in Section 5.1. In no event shall the Bank or the Purchaser voluntarily settle, or consent to the settlement of, any proceeding arising out of any insurance claim with respect to the Equipment without the written consent of the other. ARTICLE VII EN TS COVENANTS OF THE PURCHASER C LO SI N G D O C U M SECTION 7.1. Access to the Equipment and Inspection. The Bank and its agents and employees, shall have the right, at all reasonable times during normal business hours of the Purchaser upon the furnishing of reasonable notice to the Purchaser under the circumstances, to examine and inspect the Equipment and to examine and copy the books and records of the Purchaser insofar as such books and records relate to the Equipment. No right of inspection shall be deemed to impose on the Bank any duty or obligation whatsoever to undertake any inspection, and no inspection made by the Bank shall be deemed to impose upon the Bank any duty or obligation to identify any defects in the Equipment or to notify any person with respect thereto. AF T SECTION 7.2. Maintenance, Utilities, Taxes and Assessments. D R (a) Subject to the Enforcement Limitation, the Purchaser shall provide for the repair and replacement of the Equipment required on account of ordinary wear and tear or want of care. (b) Subject to the Enforcement Limitation, the Purchaser shall also pay, or provide for the payment of, all taxes and assessments, including, but not limited to, utility charges of any type or nature levied, assessed or charged against the Equipment; provided, however, that with respect to special assessments or other governmental charges that may lawfully be paid in installments over a period of years, the Purchaser shall be obligated to pay only such installments as are required to be paid as and when the same become due. (c) The Purchaser may, at the Purchaser’s expense and in its name, in good faith contest any such taxes, assessments, utility and other charges and, in the event of any such contest, may permit the taxes, assessments or other charges so contested to remain unpaid during the period of such contest and any appeal therefrom; provided, however, that prior to such nonpayment, the Purchaser shall furnish to the Bank an opinion of counsel acceptable to the Bank to the effect that, by nonpayment of any such items, the interest of the Bank in the Equipment will not be materially endangered and that the Equipment will not be subject to loss or forfeiture. 13 127 Otherwise, subject to the Enforcement Limitation, the Purchaser shall promptly pay such taxes, assessments or charges or make provisions for the payment thereof. SECTION 7.3. Modification of the Equipment. The Purchaser shall, in its sole discretion and at its own expense, have the right to make additions, modifications and improvements to the Equipment if such additions, modifications or improvements are necessary or beneficial for the use of the Equipment. Such additions, modifications and improvements shall not in any way damage the Equipment (unless such damage is to be repaired as provided in Section 6.1) or cause the Equipment to be used for purposes other than those authorized under the provisions of law, and the Equipment, upon completion of any additions, modifications and improvements made pursuant to this Section, shall be of a value which is not less than the value of the Equipment immediately prior to the making of such additions, modifications and improvements. The Equipment, as so modified, shall be subject to the lien of Bank’s security interest as set forth herein. D R AF T C LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS SECTION 7.4. Encumbrances. Except for Permitted Encumbrances, Purchaser shall not, directly or indirectly, create, incur, assume, suffer or permit to exist any mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, security interest, encumbrance or claim, as applicable, on or with respect to the Equipment, including, without limitation, labor or materials furnished in connection with any additions, modifications or improvements made to the Equipment by Purchaser pursuant to Section 7.3. Except as expressly provided in this Article and subject to the Enforcement Limitation, the Purchaser shall promptly, at its own expense, take such action as may be necessary to duly discharge or remove any such pledge, lien, charge, encumbrance or claim for which it is responsible if the same shall arise at any time; provided, however, that the Purchaser may contest any such lien, charge, encumbrance or claim if it desires to do so and if it provides the Bank with full security against any loss or forfeiture which might arise from the nonpayment of any such item in form satisfactory to the Bank. Purchaser shall reimburse Bank for any expense incurred by it in order to discharge or remove any such mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, security interest, encumbrance or claim. SECTION 7.5. Indemnification of the Bank. To the extent permitted by law, the Purchaser covenants to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Bank and its officers, directors, members, employees and agents (collectively, the “Indemnified Party”) against any and all losses, claims, damages or liabilities, joint or several, including fees and expenses incurred in connection therewith, to which such Indemnified Party may become subject under any statute or at law or in equity or otherwise in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and shall reimburse any such Indemnified Party for any legal or other expenses incurred by it in connection with investigating any claims against it and defending any actions, insofar as such losses, claims, damages, liabilities or actions arise out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. In particular, without limitation, the Purchaser shall and hereby agrees to indemnify and save the Indemnified Party harmless from and against all claims, losses and damages, including legal fees and expenses, arising out of any breach or default on the part of the Purchaser in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 7.6. Financial Statements. The Purchaser agrees that it will furnish the Bank, when the same become available, but in no event later than 180 days after the end of the 14 128 Fiscal Year, its annual audited financial statements and information regarding its annual budget as submitted or approved. ARTICLE VIII ASSIGNMENT, LEASING AND AMENDMENT SECTION 8.1. Assignment by the Bank. The Bank may assign all or any part of its interest in the Equipment or this Agreement, including, without limitation, the Bank’s rights to receive the Installment Payments and any additional payments due and to become due hereunder, without the prior written consent of the Purchaser. EN TS SECTION 8.2. Assignment by the Purchaser. (a) This Agreement may not be assigned by the Purchaser, without the prior written consent of Bank. (b) The Purchaser may lease the Equipment, subject to all of the following conditions: O C U M (i) the obligation of the Purchaser to make Installment Payments hereunder shall remain obligations of the Purchaser; SI N G D (ii) the Purchaser shall within thirty (30) days prior to the execution and delivery of any such lease, furnish or cause to be furnished to the Bank, a true and complete copy of the form of such lease; and D R AF T C LO (iii) the lease by the Purchaser shall not cause the Equipment to be used for a purpose other than a governmental or proprietary function of the Purchaser authorized under the provisions of the Constitution and laws of the State and shall not cause the interest component of the Installment Payments to be includable in gross income of the Bank for federal income tax purposes. ARTICLE IX EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES SECTION 9.1. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be “events of default” under this Agreement and the terms “events of default” and “default” shall mean, whenever they are used in this Agreement, any one or more of the following events: (a) The failure by the Purchaser to pay any Installment Payment required to be paid hereunder when due. (b) The occurrence of an Event of Nonappropriation. 15 129 (c) Failure by the Purchaser to observe and perform any warranty, covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed herein or otherwise with respect hereto other than as referred to in clause (a) or (b) of this Section, for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied has been given to the Purchaser by the Bank; provided, however, that if the failure stated in the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period and if corrective action is instituted by the Purchaser within the applicable period and diligently pursued, the Purchaser shall have such additional period of time to correct the failure as shall be necessary to correct such failure so long as such correction is diligently pursued. SI N G D O C U M EN TS (d) The Purchaser becomes insolvent or the subject of insolvency proceedings; or is unable, or admits in writing its inability, to pay its debts as they mature; or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or to an agent authorized to liquidate any substantial amount of its property; or files a petition or other pleading seeking reorganization, composition, readjustment or liquidation of assets, or requesting similar relief; or applies to a court for the appointment of a receiver for it or for the whole or any part of its property; or has a receiver or liquidator appointed for it or for the whole or any part of its property (with or without the consent of the Purchaser) and such receiver is not discharged within ninety (90) consecutive days after his appointment; or becomes the subject of an “order for relief” within the meaning of the United States Bankruptcy Code; or files an answer to a creditor’s petition admitting the material allegations thereof for liquidation, reorganization, readjustment or composition or to effect a plan or other arrangement with creditors or fails to have such petition dismissed within sixty (60) consecutive days after the same is filed against the Purchaser. AF T C LO (e) Any warranty, representation or statement made by the Purchaser herein or any other document executed and delivered by the Purchaser in connection herewith is found to be incorrect or misleading in any material respect as of the date made. D R SECTION 9.2. Remedies on Default. Upon the occurrence of any event of default under Section 9.1, the Bank may, without any further demand or notice, exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (a) declare the entire amount of the principal component of the Installment Payments and the accrued and unpaid interest component to the date of declaration to be immediately due and payable; (b) exercise all remedies available at law or in equity and/or in connection with Bank’s security interest, including sale of the Equipment, and apply the proceeds of any such sale or other disposition, after deducting all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred with the recovery, repair, storage and other sale or other disposition costs, toward the principal component and accrued and unpaid interest of the balance of Installment Payments due; and (c) subject to the Enforcement Limitation, proceed by appropriate court action to enforce performance by the Purchaser of the applicable covenants of this Agreement or to recover for the breach thereof. 16 130 NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISIONS HEREIN, IT IS THE INTENT OF THE PARTIES HERETO TO COMPLY WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, AS AMENDED. NO DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST THE PURCHASER IN FAVOR OF THE BANK OR ANY OTHER PERSON IN VIOLATION OF SAID LAWS, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT FOR AMOUNTS THAT MAY BE OWED HEREUNDER WHEN THE SALE OF ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE EQUIPMENT IS INSUFFICIENT TO PRODUCE ENOUGH MONEYS TO PAY IN FULL ALL REMAINING OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER. C U M EN TS SECTION 9.3. No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy conferred herein upon or reserved to the Bank is intended to be exclusive, and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. To the extent permitted by law, any delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall not impair any such right or power nor shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the Bank to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Article, it shall not be necessary to give any notice other than such notice as may be required in this Article or by law. D R AF T C LO SI N G D O SECTION 9.4. Agreement to Pay Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses. In the event the Purchaser should default under any of the provisions hereof and the Bank should employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of moneys or the enforcement of performance or observance of any obligation or agreement on the part of the Purchaser contained herein, the Purchaser agrees that it will pay on demand to the Bank, subject to the limitations and provisions of the laws of the state of North Carolina, as amended, the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by the Bank. For purposes of this Section, the reasonable fees of attorneys shall mean attorneys’ fees actually incurred at such attorneys’ standard hourly rate for such services and shall not be based on any percentage of the outstanding amount due; provided, however that such attorneys’ fees shall not exceed the maximum amount permitted by law. SECTION 9.5. No Additional Waiver Implied by One Waiver. In the event any provision contained in this Agreement should be breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other breach hereunder except as may be provided by law. 17 131 ARTICLE X PREPAYMENT OF INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS SECTION 10.1. Prepayment of Installment Payments. The Purchaser may prepay, in whole or in part, the outstanding principal component of the Installment Payments on any date, upon 30 days’ prior written notice to the Bank (unless otherwise waived by the Bank), at a prepayment price equal to 100% of the principal component of the Installment Payments to be prepaid, plus accrued interest thereon to the date of prepayment. EN TS The Purchaser shall also pay to the Bank a Breakage Fee for each Break Event. For each date on which a Break Event occurs, a Breakage Fee shall be due only if the rate under “A” below exceeds the rate under “B” below. The Breakage Fee shall be equal to the Present Value of [(A-B) x C] + LIBOR Breakage, where “Present Value” shall be determined as of the Break Date using “B” below as the discount rate. For purposes of determining the Breakage Fee, “A”, “B” and “C” shall mean as follows: LO SI N G D O C U M “A” shall be a rate per annum equal to the sum of (i) the bond equivalent yield (bid side) of the United States Treasury security with a maturity closest to the date on which the final installment payment is due as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto as reported by the Wall Street Journal (or other published source) on the date the interest rate paid by the Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement was set (the “Lock-In Date”) plus (ii) the corresponding swap spread of the Bank on the Lock-In Date for a fixed rate payor to pay the Bank the fixed rate side of an interest rate swap of that maturity, plus (iii) 0.25%. D R AF T C “B” shall be a rate per annum equal to the sum of (i) the bond equivalent yield (bid side) of the United States Treasury security with a maturity closest to the date on which the final Installment Payment is due as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto as reported by the Wall Street Journal (or other published source) on the Break Date, plus (ii) the corresponding swap spread that the Bank determines another swap dealer would quote to the Bank on the Break Date for paying to the Bank the fixed rate side of an interest rate swap of that maturity. “C” shall be the sum of the products of (i) each Affected Principal Amount for each Affected Principal Period, times (ii) the number of days in that Affected Principal Period divided by 360. The Purchaser and the Bank agree that Breakage Fees: (a) are payable as liquidated damages; (b) are a reasonable pre-estimate of the losses, costs and expenses that the Bank would incur in the event of any prepayment or acceleration of this Agreement; (c) are not a penalty; (d) will not require claim for, or proof of, actual damages; and 18 132 (e) the Bank’s determination thereof shall be conclusive and binding in the absence of manifest error. For any Break Event under the terms hereof, the foregoing Breakage Fee provisions supersede any other breakage compensation agreement that the Purchaser and the Bank may have executed with respect to this Agreement. ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS EN TS SECTION 11.1. Notices. All notices, certificates or other communications hereunder shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed to have been received upon the earlier of actual receipt or five days after deposit in the United States certified mail (or other mail method providing written confirmation of receipt), postage prepaid, at the following addresses: M If to the Purchaser: N G D O C U Dare County, NC 211 Budleigh Street Manteo, North Carolina 27954 Attention: Robert L. Outten, County Manager LO SI If to the Bank: D R AF T C Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 150 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 600 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Attention: Government and Institutional Banking The Purchaser and the Bank, by notice given hereunder, may designate different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates or other communications will be sent. SECTION 11.2. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Purchaser and the Bank and their respective successors and assigns. Whenever in this Agreement either the Purchaser or the Bank is named or referred to, such reference shall be deemed to include the successors or assigns thereof and all the covenants and agreements in this Agreement contained by or on behalf of the Purchaser or the Bank shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective successors and assigns thereof whether so expressed or not. SECTION 11.3. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. 19 133 SECTION 11.4. Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. SECTION 11.5. Commitment Letter. The terms of this Agreement shall supersede the terms of the Commitment Letter. To the extent of any conflict between this Agreement and the Commitment Letter, this Agreement shall take priority. SECTION 11.6. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. D O C U M EN TS SECTION 11.7. Waiver of Jury Trial. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, PURCHASER BY EXECUTION HEREOF AND BANK BY ACCEPTANCE HERE, KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT THEY MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF ANY LITIGATION BASED ON, OR ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ANY OTHER DOCUMENT CONTEMPLATED TO BE EXECUTED IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, OR ANY COURSE OF CONDUCT, COURSE OF DEALING, STATEMENTS (WHETHER VERBAL OR WRITTEN) OR ACTIONS OF ANY PARTY WITH RESPECT HERETO. THIS PROVISION IS A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO BANK TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT. AF T C LO SI N G PURCHASER AND BANK AGREE THAT THEY SHALL NOT HAVE A REMEDY OF PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES AGAINST THE OTHER IN ANY DISPUTE AND HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT OR CLAIM TO PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THEY HAVE NOW OR WHICH MAY ARISE IN THE FUTURE IN CONNECTION WITH ANY DISPUTE WHETHER THE DISPUTE OR RESOLVED BY ARBITRATION OR JUDICIALLY. D R IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Purchaser and the Bank have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date first above written. PURCHASER: Dare County, NC [SEAL] By:___________________________________ Robert L. Outten, County Manager Attest: _______________________________ 20 134 BANK: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. [SEAL] By:_________________________________ Kevin R. Harewood, Vice President Attest: D O C U M EN TS _____________________________ D R AF T C LO SI N G Tracking # 2222474 Deal #1505028 Facility # 1242362 Obligor # 2177050700 21 135 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT The Equipment consists of all equipment purchased with the proceeds of the Advancement pursuant to this Agreement, including the following: 15 Patrol Cars 2 residential automated side-loading trash trucks SI N G D O C U M 1 commercial automated front-loading trash truck EN TS 3 Ambulances D R AF T C LO ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL AT ALL TIMES REMAIN IN THE JURISDICTION OF DARE COUNTY, NC. 136 EXHIBIT B Dare County, NC Rate Period: Monthly Nominal Annual Rate: 1.800 % CASH FLOW DATA 1 2 Event Loan Payment Date 02/14/2011 05/14/2011 Amount 1,425,000.00 122,252.03 Number 1 12 Period End Date Quarterly 02/14/2014 Interest 122,252.03 122,252.03 122,252.03 366,756.09 6,412.50 5,891.22 5,367.60 17,671.32 115,839.53 116,360.81 116,884.43 349,084.77 122,252.03 122,252.03 122,252.03 122,252.03 489,008.12 4,841.62 4,313.27 3,782.55 3,249.43 16,186.87 117,410.41 117,938.76 118,469.48 119,002.60 472,821.25 958,504.82 840,566.06 722,096.58 603,093.98 N G D O C U M Payment Principal Balance 1,425,000.00 1,309,160.47 1,192,799.66 1,075,915.23 02/14/2012 05/14/2012 08/14/2012 11/14/2012 8 9 10 11 2013 Totals 02/14/2013 05/14/2013 08/14/2013 11/14/2013 122,252.03 122,252.03 122,252.03 122,252.03 489,008.12 2,713.92 2,176.00 1,635.66 1,092.89 7,618.47 119,538.11 120,076.03 120,616.37 121,159.14 481,389.65 483,555.87 363,479.84 242,863.47 121,704.33 12 2014 Totals 02/14/2014 122,252.03 122,252.03 547.70 547.70 121,704.33 121,704.33 0.00 1,467,024.36 42,024.36 1,425,000.00 Grand Totals R AF T C LO SI 4 5 6 7 2012 Totals D Loan 1 2 3 2011 Totals Date 02/14/2011 05/14/2011 08/14/2011 11/14/2011 EN TS AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE - U.S. Rule (no compounding), 360 Day Year Last interest amount increased by 0.03 due to rounding. 100363 137 EXHIBIT C FORM OF REQUISITION Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Re: Disbursement from the Equipment Fund pursuant to Section 3.4 of the Installment Financing Agreement, dated as of _______________(the “Agreement”), between the __________________________(the “Purchaser”) and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”) REQUISITION NO. ______ D O C U M EN TS The Purchaser intends to reimburse itself or to pay to Amount; Payee. _____________________ for ____________________________________________________, $______________ as an [Equipment cost/Closing Cost] from the Equipment Fund as provided in Section 3.4 of the Agreement [by wire transfer] [by check]. This [Equipment cost/Closing Cost] has been properly incurred, is a proper charge against the Equipment Fund and has not been the basis of any previous disbursements. Very truly yours, D R AF T C LO SI N G Sufficiency of Remaining Moneys. The amount remaining in the Equipment Fund, together with interest earnings thereon and any other available funds of the Purchaser, will, after payment of the amount set forth in this requisition, be sufficient to pay all remaining Equipment costs and Closing Costs for the Equipment as presently estimated. __________________________________ Title:______________________________ Date:______________________________ The Bank hereby agrees to payment of the foregoing amounts from the Equipment Fund. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. By:________________________ Title:_______________________ Date:_______________________ RALEIGH/303396 v.2 100363 138 TAX CERTIFICATE I, Robert L. Outten, County Manager for Dare County, NC (the “Purchaser”), being duly charged with others with responsibility for executing and delivering an Installment Financing Agreement, dated as of the date hereof (the “Agreement”), between Purchaser and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”), DO HEREBY CERTIFY, pursuant to Sections 103 and 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and the proposed, temporary and final Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, as follows: EN TS 1. This certificate is being executed and delivered for the purpose of establishing the reasonable expectations of the Purchaser as to future events regarding the financing of certain The undersigned has been duly U M equipment by the Purchaser as described in the Agreement. D O C authorized to execute and deliver this certificate on behalf of the Purchaser. N G 2. To the best of my knowledge, information and belief, the expectations contained in this LO SI certificate are reasonable. C 3. The Agreement is being entered into for the purpose of providing certain funds for AF T financing the cost of acquiring certain vehicles, equipment, and/or personal property which are D R essential to the governmental functions of the Purchaser (the “Equipment”). Such funds will be deposited in escrow with the Bank as specified in paragraph 4 below pending disbursement for the purposes specified in paragraph 4 below. No portion of such funds or any amounts received from the investment thereof will be used as a substitute for other funds of the Purchaser that were otherwise to be used as a source of purchasing the Equipment and that have been or will be used to acquire directly or indirectly investment property producing a yield in excess of the yield under the Agreement. 1 139 4. The funds to be advanced by the Bank to the Purchaser pursuant to the Agreement is $1,425,000.00 which will be deposited on the date hereof in the Equipment Fund (as defined in the Agreement). The funds deposited in the Equipment Fund, and the reasonably anticipated investment earnings thereon, are expected to be needed and fully expended for payment of (a) the costs of acquiring the Equipment, (b) the interest portion of the installment payments under the Agreement during the acquisition of the Equipment, and/or (c) the financing costs incurred in connection with the financing. Such funds, and reasonably anticipated investment earnings thereon, do not exceed the total amount necessary for the foregoing purposes. EN TS 5. The Purchaser hereby represents that (a) the Purchaser is a governmental unit with M general taxing powers, (b) the obligations represented by the Agreement do not constitute private O C U activity bonds within the meaning of the Code, (c) 95% or more of the net proceeds provided to the G D Purchaser under the Agreement are to be used for local governmental activities of the Purchaser and SI N (d) the aggregate face amount of all tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) issued AF T expected to exceed $10,000,000. C LO by the Purchaser (and all subordinate entities thereof) during calendar year 2011 is not reasonably D R 6. Pending expenditure, the funds deposited in the Equipment Fund and the investment earnings thereon will be invested as provided in paragraph 8 below. 7. The Agreement provides that the $1,425,000.00 deposited in the Equipment Fund will be used to pay the costs described in paragraph 4 above. Further, it is anticipated that such amount will be invested until payment of such costs is due. Any amounts earned from the investment of these funds are expected to be used to pay all or a part of the costs described in paragraph 4 above. The Purchaser hereby covenants that it will not make any use of such funds or the investment earnings thereon which will result in the Purchaser’s obligations under the Agreement being treated as an “arbitrage bond” or a “federally guaranteed bond” within the meaning of Section 148(a) or Section 149(b) of the Code respectively. The Purchaser hereby further covenants that it will fully comply with the applicable rebate requirements under Section 148(f) of the Code. 100367 140 8. The amounts deposited in the Equipment Fund may be invested at an unrestricted yield until expended for the purpose specified in paragraph 4 above, but in no event for a period in excess of three years from the date hereof. Investment earnings derived from such amounts may be invested at an unrestricted yield for a period not to exceed three years from the date hereof or one year from the date of receipt, whichever period is longer. After the expiration of such periods, such amounts will not be invested in excess of the yield under the Agreement. 9. (a) The portion of the Purchaser’s general fund or any other fund or account that is EN TS reasonably expected to be used to make the installment payments under the Agreement is collectively M referred to as the “Sinking Fund.” Amounts deposited to the credit of the Sinking Fund will be used O C U primarily to achieve a proper matching of the revenues of the Purchaser and the installment payments G D under the Agreement within each fiscal year, and amounts deposited to such fund will be expended to SI N pay such installment payments at least once a year except for any balance therein which, in the C LO aggregate, will not exceed the greater of (i) the earnings on the fund for the immediately preceding D R preceding year. AF T year or (ii) one-twelfth (1/12) of the installment payments under the Agreement for the immediately (b) There are no funds or accounts which have been or will be established by the Purchaser, other than the Sinking Fund, which are reasonably expected to be used to make installment payments under the Agreement, or which are pledged as collateral for such installment payments and for which there is a reasonable assurance that amounts therein will be available to pay such installment payments if the Purchaser encounters financial difficulties. (c) Amounts deposited in the Sinking Fund may be invested at an unrestricted yield for a period not exceeding thirteen months from the date of deposit of such amounts to the Sinking Fund. Earnings on such amounts that are retained in such Fund may be invested at an unrestricted yield for a period not exceeding one year from the date of receipt of the amount earned. 100367 141 10. There are no other governmental obligations of the Purchaser that (a) have been or will be sold within 15 days before or after the date of delivery of the Agreement, (b) are being sold pursuant to the same plan of finance together with the Agreement and (c) are reasonably expected to be paid from substantially the same source of funds as the Agreement. 11. The Purchaser has caused to be entered into, or reasonably expects to cause to be entered into within six months from the date hereof, binding contracts or commitments obligating the expenditure of not less than $1,425,000.00 toward the purchase of the Equipment. The Purchaser reasonably expects that not less than 85% of the amounts deposited in the Equipment Fund will be EN TS expended for the paying the costs of the Equipment within three years from the date hereof. The M acquisition of the Equipment will proceed with due diligence to the completion thereof. O C U 12. The Purchaser reasonably expects that 50% or less of the amounts deposited in the G D Equipment Fund will be invested in nonpurpose investments (as defined in Section 148(f)(6)(A) of SI N the Code) having a substantially guaranteed yield for four years or more. C LO 13. The Purchaser does not expect to sell or otherwise dispose of any property compromising AF T a part of the Equipment prior to the final installment payment under the Agreement, except such part course of business. D R thereof as may be disposed of due to normal wear, obsolescence or depreciation in the ordinary 14. No part of the proceeds of the Agreement or the Equipment will be used in any “private business use” within the meaning of Section 141(b)(6) of the Code. 15. Based on the Purchaser’s prior financing practices and experience, the Purchaser considers that the scheduled payments under the Agreement are reasonable and that such payments do not have a term longer than is reasonably necessary to carry out the governmental purpose for which the Agreement is being executed and delivered. The term of the Agreement does not exceed 120% of the expected weighted average economic life of the Equipment. 16. Amounts withdrawn and allocated by an entry on the books or records of the Purchaser to reimburse the Purchaser either for specified prior capital expenditures heretofore paid by the 100367 142 Purchaser in connection with the Equipment, or to reimburse the fund or account from which such prior capital expenditures were paid, are treated as an expenditure of such withdrawn amounts on the date such reimbursement allocation is made, and after the date of such reimbursement allocation, such amounts may be invested without regard to yield and may be utilized for any lawful purpose, subject to the restrictions set forth below. Allocations made within 30 days of the date hereof may be treated as made on the date hereof. Prior to or within 60 days of expending any of its own funds to pay for a portion of the Equipment which is to be reimbursed with the proceeds of the Agreement or investment earnings EN TS thereon, the Purchaser took all action necessary to declare its official intent to reimburse such costs M pursuant to Treasury Regulation Section 1.150-2, as evidenced by a resolution adopted by the O C U Purchaser on ________________________. All costs of the Equipment to be reimbursed with G D proceeds of the Agreement or investment earnings thereon will have been paid by the Purchaser on SI N or after a date which is no earlier than 60 days prior to ___________________ (except for certain C LO preliminary expenditures described in Treasury Regulation 1.150-2). Any reimbursement allocation AF T by the Purchaser will be made not later than three years after the later of (a) the date the original D R expenditure is paid and (b) the date that the portion of the Equipment for which the reimbursement is made is placed in service or abandoned. Notwithstanding the use of certain of the proceeds of the Agreement to reimburse the Purchaser for prior costs, the Purchaser certifies that within one year after the reimbursement allocation, funds corresponding to the proceeds of the Agreement for which a reimbursement allocation is made will not be used in a manner that results in the creation of replacement proceeds of the Agreement or any other issue, other than amounts deposited in a bona fide debt service fund. 17. The Purchaser hereby represents that it reasonably expects that it and all entities issuing obligations on behalf of the Purchaser and all subordinate entities of the Purchaser will not issue in the aggregate more than $10,000,000 of tax-exempt obligations (not counting private activity bonds except for qualified 501(c)(3) bonds as defined in the Code) during calendar year 2011. In addition, 100367 143 the Purchaser has designated each of the Installment Payments as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation” for the purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. WITNESS my hand this ________ day of February, 2011. Dare County, NC By: ____________________________________ D R AF T C LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS Robert L. Outten, County Manager RALEIGH/303498 v.2 Tracking #2222474, deal #1505028, fac #1242362 100367 144 ESSENTIAL USE LETTER February ____, 2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Government and Institutional Banking 150 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 600 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Ladies and Gentlemen: EN TS This letter is being written with respect to the use of the Equipment (herein so called and as defined in the hereinafter referred to Contract) to be purchased by the undersigned with funds provided by us under the Installment Financing and Security Agreement Contract, dated as of February ___, 2011 (the "Contract"), between the undersigned and yourselves. The Equipment will be used by Dare County, NC (the “Purchaser”) for the following purposes: C U M ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ D O (State how and for what purposes the Equipment will be used) C LO SI N G The undersigned hereby represents that the Equipment is essential to its proper, efficient and economic operation; that it anticipates an ongoing need for the Equipment; that the Equipment will provide an essential use and permit the Purchaser to carry out public functions that it is authorized by law to perform; and that it reasonably believes that funds in an amount sufficient to make all Installment Payments (herein so called and as defined in the Contract) under the Contract will be available. D R AF T Nothing contained in this letter shall be construed as contractually obligating or otherwise binding the Purchaser it being expressly stated that any and all obligations by the Purchaser with respect to the Equipment and the Installment Payments are limited to those expressly set forth in and accepted pursuant to the terms of the Contract. Very truly yours, _______________________________________ By: Title: Tracking #2222474 Deal id#1505028, Fac id#1242362 Obligor #2177050700 62001v1 145 INCUMBENCY AND AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE In connection with the execution and delivery by Dare County, NC (the “Purchaser”) of an Installment Financing and Security Agreement, dated February _____, 2011 (the “Agreement”), between the Purchaser and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., I,____________________, ________________ of the Purchaser, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. The Purchaser is a municipal corporation organized and existing under the Constitution and the laws of the State of North Carolina. 2. As of the date hereof, the persons named in paragraph 4 below hold the positions listed opposite their names. O C U M EN TS 3. The persons named below were authorized by a resolution of the Purchaser passed in a regular meeting held on_______________________, to execute and deliver on behalf of the Purchaser the Agreement, together with all other documents and instruments required and contemplated by the Agreement, and to carry out the terms of the foregoing, all in accordance with applicable laws governing the Purchaser. Attached hereto is a true, complete and accurate copy of such resolution. Such resolution has not been amended, rescinded, terminated or otherwise revoked and is in full force and effect. N G D 4. The signatures set opposite the names and positions of the persons named below are such person true and authentic signatures: Name Signature LO SI Position County Manager C Robert L. Outten AF T ________________________ D R ________________________ ________________________ 5. The official seal of the Purchaser, being the only seal used by the Purchaser in the execution of bonds, notes and contracts, is the seal an impression of which is affixed opposite my signature on this certificate. 100374 146 WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Purchaser as of the ____ day of February , 2011. Dare County, NC By: __________________________ Name:________________________ Title: ________________________ D R AF T C LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS [SEAL] RALEIGH/303507 v.1 Tracking #2222474, deal #1505028, fac #1242362 2147 Form 8038-G Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations © Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) © See separate instructions. Caution: If the issue price is under $100,000, use Form 8038-GC. (Rev. May 2010) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Part I Reporting Authority OMB No. 1545-0720 If Amended Return, check here 1 Issuer’s name 3 Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) 5 © 2 Issuer’s employer identification number (EIN) 4 Report number (For IRS Use Only) City, town, or post office, state, and ZIP code 6 Date of issue 7 Name of issue 8 CUSIP number 9 Name and title of officer of the issuer or other person whom the IRS may call for more information Room/suite 3 10 Telephone number of officer or other person ( TS 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 M © © © (a) Final maturity date 21 (d) Weighted average maturity (e) Yield years $ LO % Uses of Proceeds of Bond Issue (including underwriters’ discount) 22 23 D R AF T C Proceeds used for accrued interest Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 21, column (b)) 24 Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwriters’ discount) 25 Proceeds used for credit enhancement 26 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund 27 Proceeds used to currently refund prior issues 28 Proceeds used to advance refund prior issues Total (add lines 24 through 28) Nonrefunding proceeds of the issue (subtract line 29 from line 23 and enter amount here) Part V 31 32 33 34 (c) Stated redemption price at maturity (b) Issue price $ Part IV 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 G Description of Obligations. Complete for the entire issue for which this form is being filed. SI N Part III D O 20 Education Health and hospital Transportation Public safety Environment (including sewage bonds) Housing Utilities Other. Describe © If obligations are TANs or RANs, check only box 19a If obligations are BANs, check only box 19b If obligations are in the form of a lease or installment sale, check box C U 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ) Type of Issue (enter the issue price) See instructions and attach schedule EN Part II Enter Enter Enter Enter 29 30 Description of Refunded Bonds (Complete this part only for refunding bonds.) the the the the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be currently refunded remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be advance refunded last date on which the refunded bonds will be called (MM/DD/YYYY) date(s) the refunded bonds were issued © (MM/DD/YYYY) For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see separate instructions. 148 years years © © © Cat. No. 63773S Form 8038-G (Rev. 5-2010) Form 8038-G (Rev. 5-2010) Part VI Page 2 Miscellaneous 35 35 Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141(b)(5) 36a Enter the amount of gross proceeds invested or to be invested in a guaranteed investment contract 36a (GIC) (see instructions) © b Enter the final maturity date of the GIC 37 Pooled financings: a Proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other 37a governmental units © b If this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box and enter the name of the issuer © and the date of the issue © © 38 If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(B)(i)(III) (small issuer exception), check box © 39 If the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check box © 40 If the issuer has identified a hedge, check box Signature of issuer’s authorized representative EN M C U O D G SI N 149 Type or print name and title Check if self-employed TS © LO Firm’s name (or yours if self-employed), address, and ZIP code C © Date T Preparer’s signature © Date AF © R Paid Preparer’s Use Only Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. I further declare that I consent to the IRS’s disclosure of the issuer’s return information, as necessary to process this return, to the person that I have authorized above. D Signature and Consent Preparer’s SSN or PTIN EIN Phone no. ( Form ) 8038-G (Rev. 5-2010) [Letterhead of Purchaser’s Attorney] [Date] [Purchaser] Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. $___________________Installment Financing Agreement between [Purchaser] and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. EN TS Re: G D O C U M I am the Attorney for [the Purchaser] (the “Purchaser”) and have served in such capacity in connection with its authorization, execution and delivery of an Installment Financing and Security Agreement, dated _________ (the “Agreement”), between the Purchaser and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (the “Bank”). AF T C LO SI N In connection with rendering this opinion, I have reviewed (a) the Constitution and laws of the State of _________________, (b) certain proceedings taken by the governing body of Purchaser (the “_____________”) at a meeting held on ______________, evidencing the adoption of a resolution authorizing the Agreement (the “Resolution”), (c) an executed copy of the Agreement and (d) such other information and documents as we have deemed appropriate. D R Based on the foregoing, I am of the opinion, as of the date hereof and under existing law, that: 1. The Purchaser is a municipal corporation validly existing under the laws of the State of _________________. 2. The Resolution has been duly adopted by the governing body of Purchaser and has not been amended or repealed and remains in full force and effect. The Purchaser has complied with the [insert state] laws in regard to the adoption of the Resolution. 3. The Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Purchaser and, assuming due authorization, execution and delivery of the Agreement by the Bank, constitutes a valid and binding obligation of the Purchaser enforceable in accordance with its terms. 4. To the best of my knowledge after reasonable investigation, all permits, consents, approvals or authorizations of all governmental entities and regulatory bodies, and all filings and notices required on the Purchaser’s part to have been obtained or completed as of the date hereof 100368 150 [Date] Page 2 in connection with the authorization, execution and delivery of the Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby and the acquisition of the equipment being financed by the Agreement have been obtained and are in full force and effect, and we know of no reason why any further permits, consents, approvals, authorizations or orders with respect to the acquisition and use of such equipment as contemplated by the Agreement cannot be obtained as needed. EN TS 5. Neither the execution and delivery of the Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated thereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, constitutes a violation of any provision of law governing the Purchaser nor, to the best of my knowledge after reasonable investigation, results in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of any contract, agreement or instrument or order, rule or regulation to which the Purchaser is a party or by which the Purchaser is bound. T C LO SI N G D O C U M 6. To the best of my knowledge after reasonable investigation, there is no litigation or any governmental administrative proceeding to which the Purchaser (or any official thereof in an official capacity) is a party that is pending or threatened with respect to (a) the Purchaser’s organization or existence, (b) its authority to execute and deliver the Agreement or to adopt the Resolution or to comply with the terms thereof, (c) the validity or enforceability of the Agreement or the transactions contemplated thereby, (d) the title of the Purchaser officers who executed the Agreement, (e) any authority or proceedings relating to the Purchaser’s adoption of the Resolution or its execution or delivery of the Agreement, or (f) the undertaking of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement. D R AF The opinions expressed above are subject to the enforceability of the Agreement and the obligations of the Purchaser thereunder are subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium and other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and by general equitable principles. This opinion is for the sole benefit of, and may be relied upon only by, you and any permitted assignee of the Bank under the Agreement. Very truly yours, RALEIGH/303503 v.1 Tracking #2173766, deal #1474721, fac #1229941 151 Keeping Your Information Safe and Secure Highlights Of Our Commitment To You We do not sell customer information to third parties. We do not share customer information with outside parties who may wish to market their products to you. We safeguard your customer information carefully. We are committed to protecting your customer information in every transaction, at every level of our organization. We are committed to helping you protect your privacy every day. EN TS You have choices about how we share your information within Wells Fargo and Wachovia and how we contact you for marketing purposes. See inside for information about how to contact us and record your preferences. C LO SI N G D O C U M This brochure includes the Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies. For consumer accounts, this Policy describes how we use and protect customer information. This Policy also describes how we use and protect information provided by individuals in connection with business accounts, loans and leasing programs and provided by individuals associated with dealers participating in sales finance programs (called “customers” for purposes of this brochure). We believe that protecting your privacy is anintegral part of the customer service we provide to you. R AF T How We Protect And Use Customer Information D 1. We are committed to protecting the security and integrity of customer information through procedures and technology designed for this purpose. We limit employee access to customer information to those who have a business reason to know. Employees are required to honor our code of conduct, which includes standards for protecting customer confidentiality. We maintain policies and procedures covering the proper physical security of workplaces and records. Our physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards meet or exceed federal standards regarding the protection of customer information. We require contractors and outside companies who work with us to adhere to strict privacy standards through their contracts with us. 2. We collect and maintain customer information as part of servicing your account and your customer relationship. ■ 572199 (Rev 4.0) ZPCI1242362XXX001 152 NCDREGUXXX Privacy Statement.doc ■ Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies In the course of serving you, we collect information about you from a variety of sources, such as: Information you provide to us on applications or forms, such as your income and accounts with others; Information we receive from an outside company, such as a credit bureau, regarding your credit history or employment status; or Information about your transactions or experiences with companies affiliated with Wells Fargo & Company (these include Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies). D O C U M EN TS 3. The customer information we collect is used to service your accounts and meet your financial needs. Information may be used among the Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies, as well as with authorized third parties (described in section 4), for a number of purposes, such as: To protect your accounts from unauthorized access or identity theft. To process your requests such as loan applications, purchases, and ATM withdrawals. To service your accounts by issuing checks, ATM cards, and account statements. To keep you informed about financial services of interest to you. D R AF T C LO SI N G 4. We do not share customer information with outside parties who may wish to market their products to you. We may disclose the information we collect to non-affiliated third parties that are acting on our behalf, or as permitted or required by law, including: Companies that perform support services for us, such as data processors, technical systems consultants, or check printers. Companies that help us market products and services to you, conduct surveys or provide marketing research. Government entities, courts or other entities (in response to subpoenas and other legal processes), or those with whom you have requested us to share information. Important Notice about Credit Reporting: We may report information about your account(s) to credit bureaus and/or consumer reporting agencies. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account(s) may be reflected in your credit report and/or consumer report. 5. Your choices for information sharing and marketing. We may disclose all of the information we collect, as described above, within the affiliated Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies, which include administrative and service units, consumer bankers, mortgage lenders, consumer lenders, securities broker-dealers, insuranceagencies, and real estate brokerage companies. These companies include Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Wachovia Bank, N.A.,Wells Fargo Insurance, Inc., Wells Fargo 572199 (Rev 4.0) Page 2 153 Privacy Statement.doc Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies C D R AF T LO SI N G D O C U EN TS M Insurance Services, Inc., Wells Fargo Investments, L.L.C. and Wells Fargo Advisors, L.L.C. By law, information that is derived from your transactions and experiences with us may be shared among the Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies (a) for purposes other than direct marketing, and (b) unless you instruct us otherwise, for direct marketing purposes. If you choose to limit information sharing, we will not share personal financial information about you among affiliates (other than information derived from your transactions and experiences with Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies) for any purpose, except as permitted by law. In addition, if you select that option, we will limit affiliates’ use of transaction, experience and other personal financial information about you for direct marketing purposes. However, your choice regarding the use of certain information for marketing purposes does not apply to any Wells Fargo or Wachovia company that has an existing business relationship with you or where the use is otherwise permitted by law. To opt out of information sharing and marketing, use one of the methods described below. Your election will apply until you tell us to change your choice. Telephone and mail preferences. In addition to information sharing preferences, you may request that we not contact you for marketing purposes by telephone. For consumer accounts, this election will be effective while you are an active customer or a minimum of five years. For business accounts, this election will be effective for five years from the date the election is received. You may also request that we not contact you for marketing purposes by mail. For all accounts, this election will be effective for three years. Communicate your information sharing, telephone and mail preferences in any of the following ways: Wells Fargo customers Call 1-888-528-8460 Online banking customers log on to a secure session at, and choose “Change Privacy Preferences” under the “Account Services” tab. Wachovia customers Call 1-866-203-5722 (Command Asset Program, IRA, Brokerage and Insurance customers call 1-877-358-1114). Complete the Consumer Privacy Preference Form at 572199 (Rev 4.0) Customers with accounts at both Wells Fargo and Wachovia may call either Wells Fargo or Wachovia. Your preference will apply to all consumer accounts linked to your personal record. For joint accounts, any account holder may express a privacy preference on behalf of the other joint account holders. Do Not Call Policy: This Privacy Policy constitutes Wells Fargo and Wachovia’s Do Not Call Policy under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act Page 3 154 Privacy Statement.doc Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies for all consumers. Wells Fargo and Wachovia maintain an internal Do Not Call preference list. Do Not Call requests will be honored within 30 days and will be effective for at least five years from the date of request. No telemarketing calls will be made to residential or cellular phone numbers that appear on the Wells Fargo and Wachovia Do Not Call list. As a customer, please note that if you choose not to receive solicitations by mail or any other channel, you may continue to receive marketing information about Wells Fargo and Wachovia products or services in regular account mailings and statements, when you visit us online or at an ATM. You may also receive survey calls. D R AF T C LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS 6. State Laws, Trust Accounts. Some state laws may impose additional restrictions on disclosure of information on customers for certain purposes in those states. Nevada Residents – Nevada Statute Section 228.600(3) allows marketing calls to our existing customers listed on the National Do Not Call Registry. If you prefer not to receive marketing calls from us, you may be placed on our Internal Do Not Call list by following the instructions in the “Your Choices” section 5 above. or writing to: Wells Fargo Operations, P.O. Box 5277, Sioux Falls, SD 571175277. For more information contact us at the address above, or email: and include “Nevada Annual Notice” in the subject line of your email. You may also contact the Nevada Attorney General’s office: Bureau of Consumer Protection Office of the Nevada Attorney General 555 E. Washington Street, Suite 3900 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Phone: (702) 486-3132 Email: Vermont Residents – In accordance with Vermont law, we will not share personal financial information about you, other than transaction and experience information, with other Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies for any purpose, nor will we share any personal financial information about you with other Wells Fargo and Wachovia companies for marketing purposes. Trust accounts, for which Wells Fargo or Wachovia is the trustee, are protected under special rules of confidentiality, and trust account information is not shared for marketing purposes without specific consent. Tips To Help You Protect Your Personal Information Carry only necessary information with you. Leave your Social Security card and unused credits cards at home in a safe location. Make photocopies of vital information you carry regularly and store them in a secure place, such as a safe deposit box. Do not provide your Social Security Number unless absolutely necessary. 572199 (Rev 4.0) Page 4 155 Privacy Statement.doc Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies Shred documents containing personal or financial information before discarding. Fraud and identity theft often occurs as a result of mail and garbage theft. Place outgoing mail in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox to reduce the chance of mail theft. Promptly retrieve incoming mail to reduce the opportunity for theft. Monitor your credit report for accuracy. By law, you are entitled to receive one free credit file disclosure every 12 months from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies. To learn more or request a copy of your credit report, visit or call 1-877-322-8228. LO SI N G D O C U M EN TS Assistance To Victims Of Identity Theft Contact us immediately if you suspect that someone has had unauthorized access to your Wells Fargo or Wachovia account, or access to your personal identifying information such as your Social Security Number or credit card information. We will take action to protect your accounts. Wells Fargo customers call 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800869-3557), notify us online at, or visit us at your nearest Wells Fargo location. Wachovia customers please call 1-888-647-3648. In addition, you should also report the crime to your local law enforcement agency and to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). To speak with a trained FTC telephone counselor, call toll-free at 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338). To enter information about your complaint into a secure FTC online database, sign onto The site also provides links to numerous consumer education materials. D R AF T C Unsolicited Credit Offers If you want to reduce the number of credit offers you receive, contact the National Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies at 1-888-567-8688 (1-888-5-OPTOUT) or visit for details. Financial institutions and other companies provide information to the Credit Bureaus for credit verification, fraud control purposes, and prevention of identity theft. You may direct these agencies not to sell or share this information about you for marketing purposes. Customer Service If you have questions about your account or would like more information about Wells Fargo products and services please call us at 1-800-TO-WELLS (1-800-869-3557), or write to the address listed on your account statement. More information is available at You may also write to us at Wells Fargo Operations Center, MAC #N9777-111, P.O. Box 5277, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5277 Wachovia customers please visit the web site at, or call 1-866203-5722 to speak to a representative. Command Asset Program, IRA, Brokerage and Insurance customers please call 1-877-358-1114. 572199 (Rev 4.0) Page 5 156 Privacy Statement.doc Privacy Policy for Wells Fargo and Wachovia Companies EN TS This document applies to (1) consumers who have, or have had, a customer relationship or have made an inquiry or application, and (2) individuals who have provided personal information in connection with business accounts, loans, and leasing programs or individuals associated with dealers participating in sales finance programs; and where the consumer relationship, inquiry, application, or personal information is provided to one or more of the banks and companies with “Wells Fargo” or “Wachovia” in their names, as well as: WF National Bank South Central; Norwest Auto Finance, Inc.; Wells Fargo Investments doing business as Ragen MacKenzie; Flatiron Capital Corp.; NowLine and Tower Pension Specialists, Inc.; American Mortgage Network, Inc., doing business as Vertice, but NOT including (a) any non-bank company with “Wells Fargo Financial” in its name, (b) Wells Fargo Financial National Bank or (c) any insurance company, insurance agency, or insurance brokerage or other company, which has its own privacy disclosures. Effective on or about March 20, 2010, Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Wachovia Bank of Delaware, N.A. will become Wachovia Bank, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. D O C U M Additional privacy provisions apply to the use of Wells Fargo’s and Wachovia’s online services. See and for more information. C LO SI N G The policies and practices described in this disclosure are subject to change, but we will communicate any significant changes to you as required by law. The policies and practices described in this disclosure replace all previous notices or statements regarding this subject. D R AF T Si usted desea una traducción completa en español de las Normas de Privacidad de Wells Fargo, por favor pida una copia en su sucursal local de Wells Fargo o escriba a: Wells Fargo Operations Center, MAC #N9777-111, P.O. Box 5277, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5277. © 2009 Wells Fargo & Company. All rights reserved. MKT6819 (10-09) 572199 (Rev 4.0) Page 6 157 Privacy Statement.doc County of Dare, North Carolina Amendment to Capital Project Ordinance for Emergency Communications System BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Dare, North Carolina that, pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the capital project ordinance, originally adopted on December 7, 2009, and amended on August 16, 2010and December 12, 2010, is hereby amended as follows: Section 1 This ordinance is to amend the budget for an emergency communications system, the contract for which was approved by the Board of Commissioners on October 27, 2009. This amendment is for the first 7 months of Ethernet service from the 911 Center to the East Lake tower ($5,100). (Costs beginning 7/1/2011 will have to be covered through the operating budget.) This ordinance also budgets $15,842 for an AECOM maintenance consulting contract approved in January. Remaining project contingency after these items is $440,395. The following budget shall be conducted within the Capital Projects Fund (fund Section 2 #61)(project #60043). The following amounts are appropriated for the project: Section 3 Project contingency Owner costs Project contingency Owner costs 615526-750000-60043 615526-737002-60043 615526-750000-60043 615526-737002-60043 $5,100 $5,100 $15,842 $15,842 decrease increase decrease increase The Finance Officer is directed to report, on a monthly basis, the financial status of the Section 4 project as a part of the normal monthly reporting process. Section 5 Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to the Budget Officer, the Finance Officer and to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 7th day of February 2011. ___________________________________________ Chairman, Board of Commissioners [SEAL] ______________________________________________ Katie VanLear, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners share:/capital project ordinances/2010CIP/CIP 2010 CPO 2 7 11 EC Sys.docx 158 Consent Agenda Description 1. Approval of Minutes (1.18.11); 2. New Position - Community Programs Coordinator (Sheriff's Office) 3. Budget Amendment - Sheriff's Office Part-time Salaries; 4. Budget Amendment - Bowsertown Landfill Phase 3; 5. Crisis Intervention Program Budget Amendment; 6. Social Services Department of Transportation Budget Amendment; 7. Budget Amendment - Elections - HAVA Funding; 8. Dare County Dept. of Public Health - H1N1 Budget Amendment; 9. Budget Amendment - Dare County Transportation System; 10. Budget Amendment - Golden LEAF Foundation - Outer Banks Catch; 11. Advertise 2010 Tax Year Liens; 12. Road Request - Summerplace Drive, Hatteras, N.C. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested Approval of Consent Agenda 160 COUNTY OF DARE, NORTH CAROLINA District 1: Roanoke Island & Mainland; Dist 2: Nags Head, Colington, Kill Devil Hills; Dist. 3: Kitty Hawk, Southern Shores, Duck; Dist. 4: Chicamacomico, Avon, Buxton, Frisco, Hatteras; Dist. 5: At Large SUMMARY OF ACTIONS MADE ON 1/18/11 - OFFICIAL MINUTES TO BE POSTED ONCE APPROVED THE DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING January 18, 2011—5:00 P.M. Dare County Administrative Building PO Box 1000, Manteo, North Carolina 27954 Commissioners Present: Chairman Warren Judge, Dist. 3; Vice‐Chairman Burrus, Dist. 4; Virginia Tillett, Dist. 1; Richard Johnson, Dist. 1; Max Dutton, Dist. 2; Mike Johnson, Dist. 2.; Jack Shea, Dist. 5 Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: County Manager Bobby Outten, Dorothy Toolan — Public Information Officer, Dave Clawson — Finance Director, Katie VanLear—Clerk to the Board Action: Easements Assigned to Nags Head for Beach Nourishment Project— Easements Assigned & Authorized County Attorney to Coordinate Details of Agreement Building Construction for Kitty Hawk Park — Approved & Contract Awarded to KJ Construction & Remodeling Stumpy Point Water & Sewer District Wastewater Fee Presentation — Approved Motion to Amend Agenda to Omit: Roanoke Island Zoning Map Rezoning Request — Approved and Item Omitted Nancy Sawyer Subdivision—Preliminary Plat Review — Approved Series 2011 Water Revenue Bonds — Capital Project Ordinance, Bond Order and Final Resolution Adopted Update on Hatteras Medical Center — Use of Old Building Approved & Authorization for County Manager to Aid with Incorporation and Setting Up Bylaws Clerk to the Dare County Board of Commissioners Position Vacancy — New Job Description Approved & Position Filled (Gary Gross) Resolution 11‐01‐2 in Support of Albemarle RC&D Council, Inc. — Adopted Resolution 11‐01‐3 in Support of NC Going Out of Compliance with SAFMC Amendment 17B — Adopted Consent Agenda — Approved 1. Approval of Minutes (1.3.11) 2. Stumpy Point Wastewater Plant Budget Amendment 3. Road Request: Hermolet Road, Avon, NC—Hatteras Colony Subdivision Board Appointment 1. Nursing Home Community Advisory Council — Appointed (Janet Jordan) Closed Session: 1. Approval of Minutes (1.3.11) — Approved 2. Pursuant to NCGS 143‐318.11 to instruct the County staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the County in negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease with regard to the Roanoke Island Water Project easements; and to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the County in order to preserve the attorney client privilege in the matters of the Roanoke Island Water Project — Discussion Held and Attorney Consulted 800 MHz System Capital Project Ordinance Amendment (Motorola Change Order #6) — Approved 800 MHz System Tower Lease — Amendment to Reflect New Specifications Approved 800 MHz System Tower at Stumpy Point Approval of Fish & Wildlife to Obtain Bird Mortality Counts in the Future — Approved Land of Beginnings COMMISSIONERS OFFICE— PO Box 1000, Manteo, NC 27954 • 252.475.5700 • Chairman Warren Judge called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m., invited Rev. Tom Wilson, All Saints Episcopal Church, to share a prayer, and then led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Chairman Judge noted Monica Thibodeau, Mayor Bob Oakes and former Mayor, Bob Muller, in the audience and thanked them for their attendance. ITEM 1 – PUBLIC COMMENTS None ITEM 2 – PRESENTATION – NAGS HEAD BEACH NOURISHMENT (Att. 1) Mr. Bob Oakes, Nags Head Mayor, appeared before the Board to provide an update on the Nags Head Beach Nourishment Project. He explained the various funding sources for the project and shared upcoming dates for the bidding process. He announced the potential completion date for the project as Spring 2011. He also requested the assignment of easements that were collected from the Federal Beach Nourishment Project from the County to Nags Head. Vice-Chairman Burrus asked for clarification on the $2 million (not to exceed $10 million) in occupancy tax to fund the project. Mr. Oakes explained this portion of revenue would be used to repay the bond. He stated $18 million would come from the Beach Nourishment fund, and the additional $18 million would be borrowed. These occupancy tax funds would go towards repaying those borrowed funds. They would then have to raise an additional $8-$10 million to repay the bonds. Commissioner Tillett asked what would happen if these funds were not raised. Mr. Oakes noted they are hard at work on special assessments and are at fifty (50) percent of the property value needed with more consensus from the property owners now than ever. He also detailed the special tax district that is in place which would help pay back these funds. She asked if the easements could ever be assigned back to the County and Mayor Oakes replied he was sure this would be possible. Commissioner Shea asked if low profile offshore reefs could be used instead of the current plan. He explained this would give a double benefit as it would bring in and keep sand, and would bring in fish. Mayor Oakes agreed with pursuing offshore reefs, but he was apprehensive about the current resistance to hardened offshore structures and how long actions take at the State level. He also felt sand needs to be in the system to begin with in order for it to work particularly well. Commissioner Dutton asked what the start date would be for the project and Mayor Oakes responded potentially April 2011. MOTION Commissioner Tillett motioned to assign the easements that the County acquired for the Federal Project on the parcels in Nags Head. Commissioner Dutton seconded the motion. Commissioner Shea asked if there would be a dual easement in place for the property. County Manager Outten asked for permission to meet with the Nags Head attorney to, if possible, insert language to reserve future rights of these easements to the County. Vice-Chairman Burrus asked if there are any ethical issues if these easements are used for a different purpose than the original intent. County Manager Outten explained an easement is a property right and is transferrable. He noted in some of the easements that were contested, an issue that was argued about was the concern that one day the easement would be conveyed to another party. One of the issues argued in the settlement agreement was for the County to agree they would not assign them in the future. He noted the agreement was settled without this clause. County Manager Outten felt because it was settled without this language, the easements could be reassigned. Commissioner Tillett approved the changes for the motion to read: “[authorization to] assign the easements that the County has on the parcels in the Town of Nags Head to Nags Head for the purpose of their beach nourishment project with guidance to the County Manager/Attorney to investigate what rights can be retained.” Commissioner Dutton seconded the amended motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 3 – THE BEACH CLUB PRESENTATION Ms. Cindy Ehlers, Clinical Director with ECBH, shared her experience attending meetings in 2009 on concerns by families regarding what would take place in the lives of the members of The Beach Club. They met with the families and ECBH’s partner, Monarch, about the need in Dare County and a little over one (1) year later, The Beach Club has received a statewide Award of Excellence from the North Carolina Council of Community for outstanding programs for improving services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She stated this award is a result of advocacy of parents and families in the community, as well as stakeholders in The Beach Club. She invited Renada Macchirole to come forward and accept the award on behalf of Dare County. The Board congratulated all of the members. Chairman Judge noted the vision Ms. Macchirole had several years ago for this type of program and shared his pride in her for implementing such a great program. He thanked her on behalf of all those in the community for her efforts. ITEM 4 – CHICAMACOMICO BANKS FIRE AND RESCUE SAFETY PROGRAMS PRESENTATION Mr. Larry Grubbs and Lt. Ken Mason appeared before the Board to present information related to the safety programs implemented by the department over the last year. Lt. Mason explained the organization is non-profit and responds to an array of emergency situations over an area of twenty-two (22) miles. He gave an overview of their history, services and programs. He explained the program received funding which provided the ability to create a team allowing a quicker response to emergency calls. He shared there were four (4) deaths from drowning in 2009. Due to the new program and its ability to decrease response time, there were zero (0) drownings in 2010 even though the team experienced a higher call volume. He then requested the County support the program for the upcoming year. Commissioner Mike Johnson asked for clarification on the Beach Patrol Team. Capt. Grubbs detailed the number of members and their duties. Chairman Judge noted the tax district currently in place for fire and rescue for Rodanthe-Waves-Salvo. He asked if anyone had been in contact with that community regarding this fund source. He noted he has spoken with both locals and those who own property in that area, and it has been well received. Chairman Judge then asked County Manager Outten to clarify the procedures for using a special tax district already in place. Mr. Outten explained the process and noted he would need to pull the statute for the specifics. Vice-Chairman Burrus explained there are two (2) different fire districts in that area. There was discussion on whether the current district would encompass the need or if a new district would need to be established. Chairman Judge asked Mr. Outten to explore the possibilities of creating a solution that would both use what is already in place and help fund the project. Vice-Chairman Burrus noted he would speak to the DCTB to see if there is funding available for this type of project. Commissioner Tillett asked when the deadline would be and they responded preferably by Memorial Day when the season begins. ITEM 5 – BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR KITTY HAWK PARK Mr. Outten announced KJ Construction & Remodeling submitted the lowest bid for the portion of the Kitty Hawk Park project to include the building of a pavilion, dog park, fencing/shelter/plumbing, cement block restroom building, septic system and fencing around the playground. Three (3) bids were received on January 5, 2011 with KJ Construction & Remodeling being the lowest. The changes allow for an additional $31,969 (approximately six (6) percent of the project) in contingency thus giving some flexibility to deal with any unknowns as the project continues. If the project had little to no unknowns, the funds could be used to provide extra amenities for the park. Mr. DeLucia, Albemarle Engineering, noted KJ Construction is a local company. Commissioner Shea shared he was glad it was a local contract being worked on by local people. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to award the contract to KJ Construction & Remodeling. Vice-Chairman Burrus and Commissioner Dutton seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous RECESS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONVENE STUMPY POINT WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY ITEM 6 – STUMPY POINT WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WASTEWATER FEE PRESENTATION Mr. Dave Clawson, Finance Director, noted the system is up and running and began pumping on September 13th. He gave an overview of the system, possible usage rate structures and recommended the Board implement a monthly maintenance fee of $45.00 for each STEP (Septic Tank Effluent Pumping) tank installation. He explained this maintenance fee would be applied to expenses related to the maintenance and operation of each STEP tank system, collection piping and the wastewater plant facility. He noted this would not penalize the higher usage systems. Mr. Outten stated even those who have no usage still have costs associated with their systems even if nothing is being pumped. This fee system would spread the cost across to everyone and keep the rate in line with what it was expected to be. He noted it would be $1.00 per 1,000 gallons if it goes over 10,000 gallons. Commissioner Tillett requested and received clarification on what the fee includes. Commissioner Richard Johnson asked if this was an enterprise fund. Mr. Clawson responded that technically it is a separate water and sewer district. He added if it is possible under the grant requirements, they will likely recommend to get rid of the district and absorb everything into the enterprise fund. Commissioner Richard Johnson asked for clarification on the fees beyond the first 10,000 gallons of usage, as well as maintenance funding in the future. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to approve the waste water fee for the STEP systems at Stumpy Point at $45.00 with a $1.00 per 1,000 gallons over 10,000 gallons. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. Commissioner Tillett noted the sewer fee is a separate fee. Mr. Outten noted a mailing would go out as a reminder. VOTE: AYES unanimous ADJOURN STUMPY POINT WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY RECONVENE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEM 7 – ROANOKE ISLAND ZONING MAP REZONING REQUEST (Att. 2) Chairman Judge asked for a motion to amend the agenda to omit item 7. MOTION Commissioner Shea made the motion. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 8 – NANCY SAWYER SUBDIVISION – PRELIMINARY PLAT REVIEW Ms. Donna Creef, Planning Director, explained Ms. Sawyer’s request to subdivide a 5.89 acre tract of land into two (2) large parcels. She noted the size of the tract exceed the threshold for administrative approval (2 acres). She shared no road improvements are proposed and the property has frontage along Piney Ridge Road in Frisco, NC. The lots exceed the minimum square footage requirements of the applicable zoning districts. There are two (2) existing structures on the tract and the overlay of the lot lines will not create any setback issues. She announced the Planning Board reviewed the division at their January 10, 2011 meeting and recommended approval of the preliminary plat. MOTION Vice-Chairman Burrus motioned to approve the preliminary plat. Commissioner Shea seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 9 – SERIES 2011 WATER REVENUE BONDS – PRESENTATION OF DOCUMENTS AND ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER, FINAL RESOLUTION AND AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE (Att. 3) Mr. David Clawson, Finance Director, detailed the various attachments and explained the importance of each document and the action that would result if approved. Commissioner Shea asked what the term would be for the bonds and whether there would be any penalties if retired earlier. Mr. Clawson replied, thirty (30) years and there would be no penalty call. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to adopt the amendment to Capital Project Ordinance. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to adopt the Bond Order. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to adopt the Final Resolution. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 10 – UPDATE ON HATTERAS MEDICAL CENTER County Manager Outten noted University Health Systems has vacated the Hatteras Medical Center and he announced a community group is incorporating as Hatteras Medical Center, Inc. to provide medical care and has requested the use of the old medical care facility at no cost. He noted they are requesting the County Manager’s help with incorporation and to help with the creation of the bylaws. The initial Board of Directors would consist of Ted Midgett, Hal Gray, Geraldine Farrow, Dennis Robinson and Allen Burrus. Vice-Chairman Burrus noted each member represented the community organizations that are already there. He shared the Civic Association was briefed on this at their annual meeting and was supportive. He shared his support of moving forward with authorizing this organization to use the building and to authorize Mr. Outten to help with organizing the group and their bylaws. Mr. Outten clarified the County’s role as simply allowing them to use the building. Otherwise it would be a community run organization. Commissioner Shea asked if we would provide maintenance and insurance for the building. Mr. Outten replied yes as with the last tenants. Commissioner Shea then shared his support. Chairman Judge also noted the building would revert back to the National Park Service unless there are tenants providing this type of service. MOTION Vice-Chairman Burrus motioned to authorize County Manager Outten to formulate a lease for the use of the old medical care building, accept the members of the Board of Directors as listed, and approve the use of the building by the Hatteras Medical Center community group. Commissioner Shea seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous Mr. Outten confirmed with the Board that he was authorized to assist the group with their bylaws and initial organization. RECESS 6:31 P.M. – 7:01 P.M. ITEM 11 – CLERK TO THE DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS POSITION VACANCY (Att. 4) County Manager Outten distributed a job description regarding the new vacancy. Chairman Judge noted corrections had been made from an earlier circulation based on input from the Board. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to adopt the new job description. Vice-Chairman Burrus and Commissioner Dutton seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to nominate Gary Gross to fill the vacancy. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous County Manager Outten shared he assumed Mr. Gross would carryover at his current salary and that he would be subject to the job description just approved. Commissioner Shea and Vice-Chairman Burrus agreed this is what they intended in the motion. ITEM 12 – RESOLUTION 11-01-2 IN SUPPORT OF ALBEMARLE RC&D COUNCIL, INC. MOTION Commissioner Tillett motioned to adopt Resolution 11-01-2. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 13 – RESOLUTION 11-01-3 IN SUPPORT OF NORTH CAROLINA GOING OUT OF COMPLIANCE WITH SOUTH ATLANTIC MARINE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL – AMENDMENT 17B County Manager Outten noted this resolution was brought before the Board at the last meeting by Mr. Jamie Reibel, NCWU Chairman. This resolution was passed by NCWU who requested the Board of Commissioners also share their support through the adoption of a similar resolution. Commissioner Mike Johnson noted this resolution was a request by fishermen stating the Board does not agree with Amendment 17b because it is based on bad science. The resolution is asking the State not to comply. If the State goes out of compliance then the National Marine Fisheries service has to prove that their science is sound and ours is bad. The fishermen believe 17b is based on bad science and they are hoping that the State would go out of compliance in order to start the process of discussion on the bad science. MOTION Commissioner Mike Johnson motioned to adopt Resolution 11-01-3. Commissioner Dutton seconded the motion. Chairman Judge stated the Board is ready to help by assisting in this effort and will support the local fishermen. Commissioner Mike Johnson noted this affects both recreational and commercial fishing. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 14 – CONSENT AGENDA (Att. 5) Commissioner Shea motioned to approve the Consent Agenda: Approval of Minutes (1.3.11) Stumpy Point Water Plant Budget Amendment Road Request: Hermolet Road, Avon, NC – Hatteras Colony Subdivision Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous ITEM 15 – BOARD APPOINTMENTS Nursing Home Community Advisory Council Commissioner Tillett motioned to appoint Janet Jordan. VOTE: AYES unanimous Chairman Judge and Tillett thanked Ms. Kay White, who was in attendance, for her service on this council. ITEM 16 – COMMISSIONERS’ BUSINESS Commissioner Dutton – None Commissioner Tillett – None Vice-Chairman Burrus – None Commissioner Shea shared his appreciation of Clerk, Katie VanLear, and wished her the very best in the future. He thanked her for the good job she has done and stated the Board would miss her. Commissioner Richard Johnson agreed with Commissioner Shea’s comments. Commissioner Mike Johnson announced the several boat groundings in the Walter Slough area over the weekend. He summarized the Coast Guard report on one of the incidents and shared the resulting injuries incurred by those on the boat at the time of the accident. He noted many have worked to get the slough dredged as it is not a federally maintained channel. He feels it is a dangerous place and many are not aware of the perils that lie in that area. He stated the only solution is to get the channel changed to a federally maintained channel with appropriated funding for maintenance in the budget. The portion of the slough called “The Gash” also needs to be added as a marked channel. He announced the Coast Guard is moving their forty-two (42) foot life boat to Wanchese as it cannot navigate the channel in its current state. He noted the need to work with Senators and Congress members to get this changed. He then announced an upcoming Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Public Hearing on the Spiney Dogfish amendment three (3) on January 24th at 6:00p.m. at the local Division of Marine Fisheries office in Manteo. He noted this amendment is for recreational and sportfishing. Chairman Judge asked for a letter to be drafted to Congressman Jones, Senators Hagan and Burr recapping the accident report to see if the process can begin. He asked to solicit the charter fleet to do the same. Vice-Chairman Burrus expressed the importance of attending the Public Hearing as Spiney Dogfish has put business on Hatteras Island. Chairman Judge thanked Clerk, Katie VanLear, for her work and wished her success in future endeavors. MANAGER’S/ATTORNEY’S BUSINESS (Att. 6) County Manager Outten stated the 800 MHz System project is nearing completion and an amendment to the Capital Project Ordinance is needed. He shared there is a crack in the foundation at the East Lake Tower which is a crucial tower for the project. The State has been fighting with the insurance over this issue and as part of the settlement agreement, the contractor can repair the crack. However, there is not a repair schedule and the schedule is not in line with the County’s work for when the repair is needed. As a result, the antenna will be put on this tower as it does not add any load and fiber will be used until the repair is made and the dishes can be added. This has been approved by the State and engineers. The result of the delays is that the contractors have to be remobilized after the repair in order to add the dishes to the tower which carries a cost of $3,600. He requested an amendment to the Capital Project Ordinance to decrease the contingency by $3,600 and increase the Motorola contract by $3,600, and authorize him to execute the change order approving the additional cost. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned as detailed. Commissioner Richard Johnson seconded the motion. Commissioner Richard Johnson felt this cost was low compared to the costs involved in remobilizing the crews back to the area. VOTE: AYES unanimous Mr. Outten noted his second item was with regard to an amendment to a ground lease for the 800 MHz System in Buxton. There is a tower on County property and some specifications on what can be hung must be changed. He stated this would be Amendment number two (2) changing these specifications. He noted Motorola has been through the specification and approved the changes. However, the lease needs to be amended to reflect the new specifications. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to approve Amendment two (2) to the ground lease at the tower in Buxton which changes the specifications, and to authorize the County Manager to execute the documents. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous Mr. Outten noted there would be a tower built for the 800 MHz System at Stumpy Point. Currently the permitting process is underway. However, the height of the tower is a concern for Fish and Wildlife. They requested permission to conduct bird mortality counts in the future. Mr. Outten requested authorization for these counts to be conducted as long as a member of the Dare County staff is in attendance and proper notice of the visit has been given. MOTION Commissioner Shea motioned to authorize U.S. Fish and Wildlife to conduct bird mortality studies in the future at the Stumpy Point tower site with the terms and conditions outlined by County Manager Outten. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous Mr. Outten announced the helicopter has been returned after being repaired; however, it has a new issue. He detailed the repair needed and explained the expense would be approximately $50,000. He noted they took $50,000 from contingency and moved it into the maintenance account. This leaves $99,200 in contingency for the rest of the year. Mr. Outten shared the Oden Trust gave the County $400,000 for a pool on Hatteras Island. Because this pool has not been built due to economic conditions, the gift has expired and they are requesting the funds be returned to be used towards other uses in the community. Mr. Outten had instructed the Finance Officer to do so. Mr. Outten shared there is a request for qualifications in the paper to choose an engineer for the Roanoke Trails project. He reminded the Board this project is being funded pursuant to a grant from DOT and requires no County money. ITEM 17 – CLOSED SESSION MOTION Pursuant to the provisions of NCGS 143-318.11, Commissioner Shea moved that the Dare County Board of Commissioners go into Closed Session to: 1) approve the minutes of the last Closed Session held on January 3, 2011, and 2) instruct the County staff or negotiating agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the County in negotiating the price and other material terms of a contract for the acquisition of real property by purchase, option, exchange, or lease with regard to the Roanoke Island Water Project easements; and to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the County in order to preserve the attorney client privilege in the matters of the Roanoke Island Water Project. Vice-Chairman Burrus seconded the motion. VOTE: AYES unanimous AT 7:36 P.M. THE DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ENTERED INTO CLOSED SESSION AND EXITED AT 8:06 P.M. Chairman Judge reconvened the meeting and County Manager Outten reported the Board approved the minutes of the last Closed Session and gave the County Attorney with regards to the acquisition cost of real property with regard to the Roanoke Island Water Project. Commissioner Tillett thanked the Oden Family for the $400,000 gift for the swimming pool. She stated the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee looked at every piece of property to try and find a good location for the pool. She was glad to hear the money would be used on Hatteras Island. She then thanked the committee for working so diligently on the project. She also thanked Vice-Chairman Burrus for his support. She requested a letter be sent to the Oden family thanking them for their gift. She noted pools are needed throughout county and will have them one day. AT 8:03 P.M. THE DARE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNED UNTIL 9:00 A.M. ON FEBRUARY 7, 2011. (SEAL) Respectfully submitted, By: ____________________ Katie VanLear, Clerk APPROVED: By: ________________________ Warren C. Judge, Chairman Dare County Board of Commissioners SHERIFF’S OFFICE COMMUNITY PROGRAMS COORDINATOR General Statement of Duties Performs responsible, managerial, supervisory and professional work in planning, administrating and implementing community based recreational, mentoring, team-building, drug resistance and youth assistance programs that are a part of the Dare County Sheriff’s Office. Distinguishing Features of the Class An employee in this class is responsible for the development and management of nonlaw enforcement programs that are offered by the Dare County Sheriff’s Office for the purpose of increasing community involvement, mentoring, team-building, and other similar activities. The employee will further supervise the use of, and oversee the maintenance of the Alpine Tower. Work includes, under direction of the Sheriff, handling communication, and providing liaison with various local community service agencies, both public and private; evaluating potential participants in, and volunteers for, the Sheriff’s community based programs and coordinating maintenance of facilities utilized in these programs; developing and implementing policies and procedures; supervising direct reporting paid staff and civilian volunteers; keeping and maintaining confidential records of services rendered; and training civilian volunteers. Work also requires that the employee maintain a high level of physical fitness and be able to operate with a high degree of independence. Work is supervised under the Sheriff of Dare County, through the Command Structure of the Dare County Sheriff’s Office. Duties and Responsibilities Essential Duties and Tasks Under the supervision of the Dare County Sheriff, develops program plans, policies, procedures and evaluation instruments for the various community programs Implemented by the Dare County Sheriff’s Office. The employee additionally is responsible for monthly reporting regarding program performance and participation outcomes; promoting the programs in various media outlets, and with civic and faith-based groups; supervising out of county activity trips, including, but not limited to, The Therapeutic Wilderness Program; soliciting, managing and accounting for complementary or in-kind goods and services charitably donated to the Sheriff’s Office for community program purposes; screening and training volunteers to determine their suitability and placement within the various supervised programs; and documenting the total number of staff and volunteer hours spent on the programs. Employee must also be able to recognize in volunteers or staff the need for disciplinary action, and is responsible for the referral of such action to the Sheriff’s Office Chain of Command. Additional Duties Performs related duties as required by the Dare County Sheriff or his/her designee. 161 Sheriff’s Office Community Programs Coordinator Page 2 Recruitment and Selection Guidelines Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Considerable knowledge of the practice and administration of community based programs and their operation, consistent with those types of programs designed and implemented by law enforcement agencies. Considerable experience in law enforcement, and practical experience in the processes of government, including, but not limited to, budget, personnel and fiscal accountability. Ability to provide leadership and mentoring to program participants, volunteers and staff, individually and collectively. Ability to develop short and long-range plans and to organize and design programs to meet specific community needs as identified by the Dare County Sheriff, and to collaborate with other organizations with similar missions to accomplish desired program goals and outcomes. Ability to express ideas orally and in writing, including the ability to develop a budget outline and administer grants. Ability to analyze, determine options and arrive at sound and effective resolutions in the performance of duties. Ability to read and comprehend written instructions and to operate a computer terminal. Physical Requirements Must be able to physically perform the basic operational functions of stooping, kneeling, crouching, reaching, walking, fingering, talking and hearing. Additional requirements include the ability to ride a bicycle for extended distances; the ability to actively participate in the Alpine Tower program, including climbing and physical instruction and the ability to run short distances. Must be able to perform work exerting up to 50 pounds of force occasionally, and/or up to 20 pounds of force frequently to perform physical tasks required by the various programs supervised. Must possess the visual acuity to prepare reports and/or review the written work of subordinates and volunteers and/or the written instructions of the Dare County Sheriff or his/her designee. Desirable Education and Experience Graduation from an accredited high school or GED program. Completion of the North Carolina Basic Law Enforcement Training Program. Significant experience as a sworn law enforcement officer, and experience in administering and participating in community programs, particularly in programs involving mentoring, team building and youth intervention. Special Requirements Possession of a valid North Carolina Driver’s License. 162 BUDGET AMENDMENT-SHERIFF'S OFFICE PART-TIME SALARIES Description TRANSFER FUNDS TO COVER PART-TIME HELP FOR COURTROOM AND CLERICAL FUNCTIONS TO FREE UP SOME FULL TIME DEPUTIES TO INCREASE PATROL Item Presenter SHERIFF DOUG DOUGHTIE Board Action Requested ADOPT BUDGET AMENDMENT 163 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT Org CODE Object Salaries 104510 500200 Salaries-PT 104510 500201 F/Y 2010/2011 INCREASE DECREASE Project Revenues: Expenditures: 14,560 14,560 Explanation: Transfer funds to cover part-time help for courtroom and clerical functions freeing up some full-time deputies to increase patrol. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 164 166 165 CRISIS INTERVENTION PROGRAM BUDGET AMENDMENT Description This is to appropriate additional Crisis Intervention funding. This funding is 100% federal and there is no effect on county dollars. Item Presenter n/a Board Action Requested Approve budget amendment. 167 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT F/Y 2010/2011 Org CODE Object INCREASE 103026 423001 25,678 104611 580200 25,678 DECREASE Project Revenues: St & Fed Aid - Adm. Expenditures: CIP Program Explanation: This is to appropriate additional Crisis Intervention Funding. This is 100% federal funding; therefore, there is no effect on county dollars. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 168 169 Social Services Department of Transportation Budget Amendment Description Budget amendment to appropriate the additional funding for employment transportation. Item Presenter n/a Board Action Requested Approve budget amendment 170 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT F/Y 2010/2011 Org CODE Object INCREASE 103026 423060 7,212 104615 585801 7,212 DECREASE Project Revenues: DOT Transp. Grant - Work First Expenditures: Transportation - Transitional Explanation: This is to allocate additional Department of Transportation funding. This is 100% federal money and there is no effect on county dollars. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 171 172 173 Budget Amendment - Elections - HAVA Funding Description Budget Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funding awarded and received in January 2011 and the related expenditures for staffing expenses for two additional one-stop absentee voting locations. Item Presenter None Board Action Requested Adopt Budget Amendment 174 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT Org CODE Object 103430 422242 104430 500201 ACCOUNT F/Y 2010/2011 INCREASE DECREASE Project Revenues: HAVA-One Stop Voting Grant 00308 3,000 Expenditures: Salaries-PT 3,000 Explanation: Budget Help America Vote Act (HAVA) funding awarded and received in January 2011 and the related expenditures for staffing expenses for two additional one-stop absentee voting locations. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 175 Department of Public Health - H1N1 Budget Amendment Description The Dare County Department of Public Health has received additional funding from the State for H1N1 influenza public health planning, capacity enhancement and response. The amount is a one-time allocation for local health departments. The total amount received is $80,000. No Effect on County Funding. Item Presenter N/A Board Action Requested Approve Budget Amendment 176 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT F/Y 2010-2011 Org CODE Object Project 103027 424271 45142 80,000.00 104600 104600 104600 104600 104600 510700 513303 513400 525100 537400 45142 45142 45142 45142 45142 10,000.00 10,000.00 23,000.00 2,000.00 35,000.00 INCREASE DECREASE Revenues: State - H1N1 Expenditures: Contract Services Medical Supplies Operating Travel Capital Outlay Explanation: Received a CDC approved no-cost extension from the Department of Public Health Preparedness & Response division to continue our efforts of Pan Flu planning, response & admin activities. The funds will be used contract staff to assist w/these efforts, to purchase medical supplies, to cover operating & travel costs & to purchase a generator. Approved by: Board of Commissioners: Date: County Manager: Date: (sign in red) Finance only: Date entered: Reference number: Entered by: 1/28/2011 9:44 AM 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 Budget Amendement - Dare County Transportation System Description To budget anticipated revenues to be generated by the Transportation System Fare Plan as approved by the board on December 6, 2010. Item Presenter None Board Action Requested Adopt Budget Amendment. 188 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT F/Y 2010/2011 Org CODE Object INCREASE 103661 441100 15,155 104661 500201 15,155 DECREASE Project Revenues: Fare Revenues Expenditures: Salaries-PT-Drivers Explanation: To budget anticipated revenues to be generated by the Transportation System Fare Plan as approved by the board on December 6, 2010. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 189 Budget Amendment - Golden Leaf Foundation - Outer Banks Catch Description The Finance department failed to establish a carryover for $27,868 of unexpended grant funds received as of 6/30/2010 from the Golden Leaf Foundation for the Outer Banks Catch initiative. Since no carryover was established, the $27,868 of unexpended grant funds rolled into fund balance. This budget amendment removes those funds from General Fund fund balance for reappropriation and appropriates an additional $30,000 of grant funds scheduled to be expended and reimbursed in the current fiscal year in order to close out the grant. Item Presenter None Board Action Requested Adopt the attached Budget Amendment 190 DARE COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT ACCOUNT F/Y 2010/2011 Org CODE Object INCREASE Golden Leaf-Outer Banks Catch 103025 422251 Appropriated Fund Balance 103090 499900 Professional Services 104427 510900 00057 10,958 Advertising & Promotion 104427 525600 00057 43,910 Miscellaneous 104427 525700 00057 3,000 DECREASE Project Revenues: 00057 30,000 27,868 Expenditures: Explanation: The Finance department failed to establish a carryover for $27,868 of unexpended grant funds received as of 6/30/2010 from the Golden Leaf Foundation for the Outer Banks Catch initiative. Since no carryover was established, the $27,868 of unexpended grant funds rolled into fund balance. This budget amendment removes those funds from General Fund fund balance for reappropriation and appropriates an additional $30,000 of grant funds scheduled to be expended and reimbursed in the current fiscal year in order to close out the grant. Approved by: Board of Commissioners:________________________________________ Date:____________ County Manager:______________________________________________ (sign in red) Date:____________ Finance only: Date entered:______________ Entered by:_____________ Reference number:___________ 7/14/2008 1:37 PM 191 01/26/2011 16:59 631sdefo |DARE COUNTY FINANCE LIVE DB |YEAR-TO-DATE BUDGET REPORT |PG 1 |glytdbud FOR 2010 12 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 General ___________________________________ 103025 Restricted Intergovernmental ___________________________________ 103025 422251 00057 Golden LEAF-Out 0 -150,000 -150,000 -120,000.00 .00 -30,000.00 80.0%* 0 -150,000 -150,000 -120,000.00 .00 -30,000.00 80.0% 0 0 0 0 25,000 46,900 75,100 3,000 25,000 46,900 75,100 3,000 7,500.00 29,942.40 28,750.92 .00 17,500.00 6,000.00 2,439.00 .00 .00 10,957.60 43,910.08 3,000.00 100.0% 76.6% 41.5% .0% TOTAL Public Relations 0 150,000 150,000 66,193.32 25,939.00 57,867.68 61.4% TOTAL General 0 0 0 -53,806.68 25,939.00 27,867.68 100.0% TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 -150,000 150,000 -150,000 150,000 -120,000.00 66,193.32 .00 25,939.00 -30,000.00 57,867.68 GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -53,806.68 25,939.00 27,867.68 TOTAL Restricted Intergovernmental 104427 Public Relations ___________________________________ 104427 104427 104427 104427 510700 510900 525600 525700 00057 00057 00057 00057 Contr Serv-Oute Prof Serv-Outer Adv & Promo-Out Misc-Outer Bank ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Sally Defosse ** 192 100.0% Advertise 2010 Tax Year Liens Description The total unpaid taxes as of January 24, 2011 on Real Estate is $4,748,662.63. The Tax Collector will advertise unpaid taxes on Real Estate March 3, 2011 in the local paper. Item Presenter NA Board Action Requested Order the Tax Collector to advertise the 2010 Real Estate tax liens. 193 Road Request - Summerplace Drive, Hatteras, NC Description Road petition, Summerplace Drive, Hatteras, NC Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested Approval of petition and adoption of resolution 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Board Appointments - NC Senior Tarheel Legislature Delegates Description Isabel Pitcher served as Dare County's Senior Tarheel Delegate. Ms. Pitcher recently passed away. Ms. Susan Scurria, Director of Area Agency on Aging with the Albemarle Commission, has spoken with and recommended Kay White serve as the Delegate and Mary Ellen Hawthorne serve as the Alternate. Both are willing to serve. The term length is two years. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested Appoint Delegate and Alternate. 228 BOARD APPOINTMENTS NC SENIOR TARHEEL LEGISLATURE DELEGATE (Two Year Term) Isabel Pitcher served as Dare County’s Senior Tarheel Delegate. Ms. Pitcher recently passed away. Ms. Susan Scurria, Director of Area Agency on Aging with the Albemarle Commission, has spoken with: Kaye White and Mary Ellen Hawthorne Mrs. White is willing to serve as the Delegate and Mrs. Hawthorne is willing to serve as Alternate. The term length is two years. (See attached memo from Ms. Scurria) 229 230 231 232 Board Appointments - Aging Advisory Council for the Albemarle Commission Description The following terms expire this month: Brandi Rheubottom, and a Vacant seat (previously held by the late Isabel Pitcher). Mrs. Rheubottom would like to be reappointed. There are no applications on file for the vacancy. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested Make appointment/reappointment. 233 February 7, 2011 BOARD APPOINTMENTS AGING ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE ALBEMARLE COMMISSION (Two Year Term) The following terms expire this month: Brandi Rheubottom (Current Term – 2/09 – 2/11) (Originally Apptd. 2/01) Vacant (Seat held by the late Isabel Pitcher) (Current Term 2/09 – 2/11) No applications have been received. Other members: None 234 AGING ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR THE ALBEMARLE COMMISSION (Two Year Term) MEMBER TERM EXPIRATION Brandi Rheubottom Older Adult Services Director P.O. Box 1000 Manteo, NC 27954 441-1181 Nags Head Township 2/11 Vacant Atlantic Township 2/11 ACTION Apptd. 2/01 Reapptd.2/03,05,07,09 NOTES: Meeting Date – Quarterly on a called basis Albemarle Commission Hertford, NC Emma Jane McDermott replaced Clinton Crawford 2/93. Brandi Whitehurst replaced Jay Burrus 2/01. Bel Pitcher filled the unexpired term of Emma Jane McDermott 9/03. REVISED 1/11 235 Board Appointments - Planning Board Description David Overton, Beth Midgett, and Henry Haywood have terms to expire this month. All would like to be reappointed. Applications have also been received from: Robert Neilson, Jack Overman, Phelpie Edmondson, and John (Jack) Cooper. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested Make appointments/reappointments. 236 February 7, 2011 BOARD APPOINTMENTS PLANNING BOARD (Three Year Term) The following have terms to expire this month: David Overton Beth Midgett Henry Haywood All would like to be reappointed. Applications have also been received from: Robert Neilson Jack Overman Phelpie Edmondson John (Jack) Cooper Other Members: See attached list 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 PLANNING BOARD (Staggered/Three Year Term) MEMBER TERM EXPIRATION ACTION Ricky Scarborough Jr. 148 The Lane Wanchese, NC 27981 473-4966 District One 2-13 Apptd. 4-03 Reapptd.2-04,07,10 David Overton 418 Berry Dr. Manteo, NC 27954 473-4802 At Large 2-11 Apptd. 2-08 John Finelli Box 555 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 261-8786 District Three 2-12 Apptd. 3-03 Reapptd.2-06,09 Beth Midgett P.O. Box 250 Hatteras, NC 27943 986-2346 District Four 2-11 Apptd. 8-04 Reapptd.2-06,08 Elmer Midgett, Ch. 109 Stratton Lane Manteo, NC 27954 473-3545 At-large 2-13 Reapptd. 2-97,98,01, 04,07,10 Henry Haywood 2472 Colington Rd. Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 441-5034 District Two 2-11 Apptd. Dan Oden, Jr. P.O. Box 306 Hatteras, NC 27943 986-2555 At-Large 2-12 Apptd. 10-07 Reapptd. 2-09 2-08 NOTES MEETING DATE: 2ND Monday of each month 7:30 p.m., DCBC Meeting Room 2/9/96 Attorney Cole referred to the Ordinance Book regarding appointments to the Planning Board. He noted that all appointments should be for three years after an initial staggered term of one, two and three years. The appointments have been for two years. He suggested that in order to comply with the ordinance, that the members whose terms expired in February be given one more year and the rest of the members be given one more year. Approved by the DCBC, unanimous. 247 All Board members were appointed/reappointed on 2/3/97. Jim Kinghorn appointed to replace J.W. Kierzkowski 2/02. John Finelli replaced Jon Britt 3/03. Ricky Scarborough, Jr. appointed to fill unexpired term of Mary Aldridge 4/03. Beth Midgett filled unexpired term of Jim Kinghorn 8/04/ Robert Lewis replaced Marcia Parrott 2/05. Catherine Morris filled unexpired term of Robert Lewis 9/05. Dan Oden, Jr. filled unexpired term of Joseph Thompson 10/07. David Overton replaced John G.B. Myers 2/08. Henry Haywood replaced Catherine Morris 2/08. REVISED 2/10 248 Upcoming Board Appointments for March 2011 Description Lib Fearing's term on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Council expires March 2011. Item Presenter Bobby Outten, County Manager Board Action Requested None 249 February 7, 2011 UPCOMING BOARD APPOINTMENTS FOR MARCH 2011 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL (Three Year Term) Lib Fearing (Current Term 3/08 – 3/11) (Originally Apptd. 9/03) Other Members: See attached page 250 NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL (One Year Term, Three Year if reappointed) MEMBER TERM EXPIRATION ACTION Cyrithia Kalongi P.O. Box 1346 Manteo, NC 27954 252-267-0376(cell) 12-12 Apptd. 1-06 Reapptd.12-06,09 Virginia Tillett (Ex-Officio) P.O. Box 653 Manteo, NC 27954 473-2753(H) (1-12) (Apptd. 1-05) Reapptd. 1-06,08 Janet Jordan (NH Appt.) P.O. Box 692 Wanchese, NC 27981 473-1943 1-13 Apptd. Lib Fearing P.O. Box 1048 Manteo, NC 27954 473-2822 3-11 Apptd. 9-03 Reapptd. 4-05,08 Appollonia (Bella) Reber, CH. 2802 Sea Horse Court Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 255-0925 9-13 Apptd. 9-09 Reapptd. 9-10 Roger Barnett( At Large) P.O. Box 778 Wanchese, NC 27981 216-8024 1-13 Apptd. 4-10 Reapptd. 1-10 1-11 NOTES: WHEN APPOINTMENTS ARE MADE: NOTIFY: Debra N. Sheard, Regional Ombudsman The Albemarle Commission P.O. Box 646, Hertford, NC 27944 919-426-5753 The Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee acts as a liaison between the Albemarle Commission and Britthaven Nursing Home. Marjorie Lane, Ombudsman of the Albemarle Commission called to ask for a copy of Mr. Russell Langley’s letter of resignation from the Nursing Home Advisory Committee. Ms. Lane said that by law only five members from Dare County should be on the Board. She recommended not replacing Mr. Langley since there were five members after his resignation. 251 She also advised that law provides that one of the members is to be an individual recommended by the Nursing Home. She asked that the next time a term is due to expire, this slot be filled by such a person. Dorothy Meers replaced Polly Bernd 9/90. Dawn Gibbs replaced Alice Basnight 4/91. Roy Riddick appointed to fill unexpired term of Emma Cannady. He can only be appointed for 1 year since this is his first appointment. His term will expire 1/94. Liz Ann Creef appointed to fill seat left vacant by Dorothy Meers 1/95. Ms. Creef’s term will expire 9/95. Liz Ann Creef reappointed in 9/95 but later declined. Mary Hall appointed to fill her unexpired term 11/95. Helen Beshens replaced Dawn Gibbs 1/97. Lib Fearing replaced Dawn Gibbs 1/97. Comm. Hassell replaced Roy Riddick. Her term will expire 1/97. Louise Gray replaced Katherine McKimmey on 3/97. Lovey Moore replaced Helen Beshens 6/97. Mrs. Beshens could not serve due to a family member being a resident at Britthaven. Eleanor Meekins replaced Lib Fearing 6/97. Mrs. Fearing could not serve due to a family member being a resident of Britthaven. Comm. Anna Sadler replaced Shirley Hassell 1/99. Mary Conway replaced Lovie Moore 12/00. Renee Cahoon filled unexpired term of Anna Sadler 1/01. Joann Williams replaced Louise Gray 3/01. Peggy Thank filled unexpired term of Mary Hall 5/01. Lib Fearing apptd. to fill unexpired term of Joann Williams 9/03. Kaye White apptd. to fill unexpired term of Renee Cahoon 9/03. Renee Cahoon can only serve as an ex-officio member and not as an active voting member of the board according to NCGS. Dell Collins replaced Mary Conway 1/05. Gail Sonesso replaced Patricia Schwartz 1/05. Virginia Tillett replaced Renee Cahoon 1/05. Cyrithia Kalongi replaced Dell Collins 1/06. Frank Hester filled unexpired term of Peggy Thank 5/07. Jackie Wenberg replaced Gail Sonnesso 2/08. Steve Jennette filled unexpired term of Jackie Wenberg 11/08. Appollonia (Bella) Reber filled unexpired term of Frank Hester 9/09. Phelpie Edmondson filled unexpired term of Steve Jennette 9/09. Roger Barnett appointed to fill unexpired term of Phelpie Edmondson 4/10. Janet Jordan replaced Kaye White 1/11. REVISED 1/11 252 Closed Session: Approval of Minutes (1.18.11) Description The Board will enter into Closed Session to approve the minutes of the last Closed Session held on January 18, 2011. Item Presenter County Manager Outten Board Action Requested Approval 253