Keynote Speech Benn Carr - MEDIA


Keynote Speech Benn Carr - MEDIA
e news
Publication issue 19
Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry
MEDIA-TECH Partner Events
Expanding into new directions – Page 5
Exhibitor Directory
See who’s exhibiting in Long Beach – Page 12
Exhibitor News
What’s hot at MEDIA-TECH Expo 2007 – Page 16
Keynote Speech
Benn Carr (Walt Disney Studios)
“The Future of Entertainment”
– Page 5
e news
Welcome Message
May 2007, Issue No. 19
Dear Industry Colleague
Welcome Message
Welcome to the MEDIA-TECH Association 2007 Expo in Long Beach.
MEDIA-TECH Partner Events
I would like to thank all our networking sponsors and extend a special
welcome to all our visitors, who help to make industry events successful.
MEDIA-TECH Networking Party
MEDIA-TECH Partner Events
Day 1. May 15
Day 2, May 16
Day 3, May 17
MEDIA-TECH Sponsors & Partners 10
Networking Sponsors
Networking Supporter
Association Partner
Media Partner
MEDIA-TECH Workshop Program
Exhibitor Directory
Exhibitor Floor Plan
Exhibitor News
MEDIA-TECH Membership
This year’s Expo sees a number of changes in the usual line-up – while the
Association remains committed to the optical media industry, and its core
member companies, we intend to keep up with the ongoing changes and
developments that we all see virtually on a daily basis.
To that end, this event will be much more than optical media. In addition to
including exhibitions and information on the entire supply chain of the packaged media industry, Expo
2007 sees an unprecedented number of partner events covering related industries such as digital content delivery, solid state memory and magnetic storage.
We are particularly delighted that we as the Association had the opportunity to coproduce in conjunction with The Entertainment Storage Alliance and Coughlin Associates the first Creative Storage
Conference, which will focus on the latest trends and requirements for magnetic storage to serve
creative minds.
Another highlight for the show is the first ever MediaPack Summit, organized by our media partner
MediaPack magazine to cover the latest developments in the dynamic packaging sector, and free to
all Expo attendees.
It only remains for me to wish everyone a successful show and to extend the very best wishes to my
successor as President of the Association.
Carl G. Langenskiöld, President and Chairman
Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry
MEDIA-TECH Association
P.O. Box 1104, 63793 Kahl, Germany
Tim Frost, Bryan Ekus
Simon Feess, Bernhard Krause
Jan Lorenz
MetaCom Corporate Communications GmbH
Litho Communications, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Copyright 2007: MEDIA-TECH Association
Technical alterations reserved.
Dear Industry Colleague
Welcome to the MEDIA-TECH Association 2007 Expo in Long Beach, and
thank you to everyone for attending.
Our industry is all about change, and the MEDIA-TECH Association aims to
keep up with the changes that are going on around us all. However, one
thing that hasn’t changed is our effort to ensure that the Expo is more than
the industry’s best opportunity for everyone to see and learn about the
latest developments in machinery and technology. It is also about
networking, and meeting our colleagues, customers and competitors.
This year sees some big changes within the Association itself: the two
founding members of the board, Carl Langenskiöld, President, and Roland Lacher, Treasurer, have both
served two terms and will now be stepping down. While we will all be delighted to welcome our new
board members, there will be some sadness in biding farewell to these two figureheads. I would like to
thank them for their untiring efforts these past years – they have been a great asset to the Association
and to the industry.
On a happier note, I would also like to remind everyone that the traditional MEDIA-TECH Expo
Networking Party will take place immediately following the close of the show on Tuesday May 15, at
the promenade in front of the Exhibition Center. Admission is free for all badge holders, and we look
forward to seeing you there!
On behalf of the Association, I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable and successful Expo 2007.
Bryan Ekus, Managing Director
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
MEDIA-TECH Partner Events
> Day 1 / Tuesday, May 15, 2007
09.00 am
IDDA Conference
Room 202A
10.00 am
Creative Storage Conference
Presentation Theater
02.30 pm
Keynote Benn Carr (Disney) “Future of Entertainment”
Presentation Theater
03.00 pm
DEG Technical Panel
Presentation Theater
04.00 pm
Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc Update with Sony DADC,
Oerlikon Balzers Coating and Singulus Technologies
Presentation Theater
05.00 pm
HD Update with Microsoft
Presentation Theater
> Day 2 / Wednesday, May 16, 2007
09.00 am
IDDA Conference
Room 202A
10.00 am
AIMMA Spring Meetings
Room 201A
11.45 am
High-Definition Forum with Blu-ray Disc Association,
HD DVD PRG and New Medium Enterprises HD-VMD
Presentation Theater
02.00 pm
MediaPack Summit
Presentation Theater
> Day 3 / Thursday, May 17, 2007
10.00 am
AIMMA Spring Meetings
Room 201A
02.00 pm
Media-Tech Future Committee
Room 202A
MEDIA-TECH Networking Party
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Don’t miss the MEDIA-TECH Networking Party
on the first day of the Expo, May 15, 6-8 pm.
This unique social gathering of industry
professionals in a casual atmosphere starts
on the first evening of the event right after
the show closes. Take advantage of an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate and connect
with the potential partners, vendors and colleagues in the entertainment package media
The MEDIA-TECH Association particularly likes
to thank its sponsors Anwell Technologies,
HD VMD, Sony DADC, Oerlikon Balzers Coating/
Systems and Singulus Technologies for their
support to make this an unforgettable evening!
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
e news
Partner Events
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - Thursday, May 17, 2007
Keynote Speech Benn Carr (Walt Disney Studios)
“The Future of Entertainment”
Tuesday, May 15, 2.30 – 3.00 pm, Presentation Theater
Benn Carr, VP of New Technology of Walt Disney
Studios, will keynote this year’s MEDIA-TECH
Expo in Long Beach, CA, USA. He will address
the international media-manufacturing professionals of the MEDIA-TECH industry on May 15
at 2:30 pm in the "Presentation Theater” in the
exhibition hall of the Long Beach Convention
Center. The MEDIA-TECH Expo, the premier
annual trade show for the media manufacturing
industry, takes place on May 15-17, 2007 at the
Long Beach Convention Center.
In his speech, Carr will talk about the future of
packaged media in the light of ways of digital
distribution becoming more and more prominent.
The visitors will get a chance to hear Disney’s
take on this development and learn more about
the Studios plans for the future in this respect.
Benn Carr is Vice President of Technology for
the Walt Disney Studios’ New Technology
department and oversees physical and file
based distribution technologies for the studio.
He has guided the Studio's involvement in next
generation high-definition Blu-ray Disc packaged
media format development over the past 5 years.
Benn serves on the DVD Forum Steering
Committee, the Blu-ray Disc Association Board
of Directors, the DVD-CCA Board of Directors
and on the AACS Founders Board. Benn joined
Walt Disney Studios in 2000 as Director of
Technology for the Worldwide Technical Service
division, responsible for mastering, compression
and authoring of Disney, Touchstone, Hollywood
Pictures, Miramax and Pixar DVD products.
The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest
media and entertainment corporations in the
world. Founded in 1923 by brothers Walt and Roy
Disney as a small animation studio, it became
one of the largest Hollywood studios and owner
of eleven theme parks and several television
networks, including the American Broadcasting
Company (ABC). Disney Studio Entertainment,
also known as the Walt Disney Studios, includes
Disney's movie and animation studios, record
labels and Broadway-style stage shows.
DEG Technical Panel
Tuesday, May 15, 3.00 – 4.00 pm, Presentation Theater
DEG: The Digital Entertainment Group will
organize a panel discussion focusing on
technical aspects of high definition packaged
media. Participants will address the challenges
and opportunities for content providers as they
prepare content for the next generation.
The confirmed moderator of the panel is:
Thomas K. Arnold, Publisher & Editorial
Director, Home Media Magazine (left)
Confirmed panelists are (from left to right):
Bill Mandel, Vice President, Broadband
Technology, Universal Pictures
Peter Schaper, Chief Technology Officer,
Eisuke Tsuyuzaki, Vice President Corporate
Development & General Manager, Blu-ray
Disc Group, Panasonic North America
When DVD-Video launched in early 1997, the leading consumer electronics manufacturers, major
movie studios and music companies came together
to form the DVD Video Group – a nonprofit trade
consortium dedicated to promoting DVD-Video.
Bringing together both the hardware and software
community in one effort to advance the DVD format
was unprecedented. Working together, the group
helped to educate retailers, the trade and media
about the new digital home entertainment. The
DVD Video Group is credited with helping to make
DVD the fastest adopted consumer electronics
product ever .
Recently, in 2003, the group's mission expanded to
continue to advocate and promote the many benefits associated with DVD, but also to serve as a
forum for member companies to engage in ongoing
discussions concerning various issues and opportunities which relate to other emerging digital technologies.
Re-chartered as DEG: The Digital Entertainment
Group, the trade association's partnership between
hardware and software manufacturers comes
together to ensure that the DEG obtains the input
necessary to accurately represent all aspects of the
home entertainment industry.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
e news
Partner Events
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - Thursday, May 17, 2007
MEDIA-TECH Partner Events
MEDIA-TECH Expo will be this year’s largest
gathering of the entire supply chain of the
packaged media industry. An extensive program
of free educational sessions, exhibitor-led
technology discussions, and partner events will
support the product displays in the extensive
exhibit hall.
Creative Storage Conference 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm, Presentation Theater
The Creative Storage Conference focuses on digital storage and the creation and distribution of
entertainment content. Because of the large file
sizes required for high resolution moving images
the demand for high capacity storage devices is
exploding. Data storage is a key element in the
digital transformation of content creation, editing and distribution. This demand for storage
impacts all elements of content creation and distribution including movies, broadcast, IPTV and
other emerging technologies. The 2007 Creative
Storage Conference is the place to hear about
the next generation of storage for the professional media market including the views of key
end users.
The conference features a dynamite line-up of
storage companies and end users. The agenda is
as follows:
10:00 am Introduction and Overview by Tom
Coughlin, Coughlin Associates (pictured)
10:15 am Keynote 1
11:00 am Session A. Content Creation and
Digital Storage
This session includes talks by industry experts
on digital storage and the capture and editing of
new entertainment content as well as the
preservation of historical content. Topics include
digital storage for digital acquisition and film
scanning, nonlinear editing, compositing, and
special effects.
Jason Danielson, Omneon
William Reed, Abrevity
Tom Inglefield, Sun
11:30 am Session B. The Role of Optical
Storage in the Entertainment Industry
This discussion panel includes manufacturers of
optical storage technology and systems discussing the latest technologies and implementations of optical storage for entertainment creation, preservation and distribution.
Moderator: Paddy Baker, One to One Magazine
Speaker: Martin Brown, M2 Engineering
Sylvia Hitzel, Singulus Technologies
Dr. Hans Ebinger, Oerlikon Balzers
Ruud Vincent, VDL-ODMS
12:00 pm Keynote 2
12:45 pm Session C. Supporting Digital
Storage for Content Distribution
This session explores the support and service
requirements for digital storage used in content
creation and distribution. The session explores
logistical requirements for data storage for optical, hard disk and tape as well as storage systems used for the entertainment market.
Bob Saffari, LSI Logic
Dr. Robert Thibadeau, Seagate
Don Ritzman, WhiteNoise Systems
1:30 pm Session D. Breakout Session on
End Users Views on Digital Storage in
Content Creation and Distribution
This breakout panel includes analysts and end
users of digital storage technology used for all
aspects of entertainment content creation and
distribution. The panel members will discuss
important issues such as latencies, storage
capacities, total cost of ownership, format obsolescence, as well as the protection and management of digital assets.
Moderator: Mary Shindler, The Shindler
Speaker: Len Peter, Thompson
Lance Ware, Syncast
Habib Zargarpour, Electronic Arts
Michael Cioni, PlasterCITY Digital
Post, LLC
Dr. Josef Meier, Stargate Films
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
IDDA Conference
Associated with
Tuesday, May 15 & 16, 9.00 am – 2.00 pm, Room 202A
Attendees of the IDDA Conference will be
treated to a broad program of topics related to
media duplication. There will be updates on big
inkjet printers with machines in operation on the
exhibition floor, as well as plenty of opportunities
to meet disc duplicators from around the world
and gain invaluable learning.
Tuesday, May 15
Printing and Production for Disc
9:00 am Disc Printing Shootout
Here we will have presentations from disc
technology suppliers, where attendees will be
given samples from each supplier, with capital
costs, unit costs and speed to help you plan your
disc printing future. We will have presentations
from thermal, inkjet, labels, screen and offset.
You will never have a better opportunity to compare technologies, even label samples using
different laser copiers, and more. TEAC will
discuss color thermal, Tony Denning of
Tapematic their 2Print, Tom Booth of SecMedia/
CDigital their transfer technology, IMT desktop
inkjet, and more.
11:00 am Break
11:15 am Panel discussion
Panel discussion on printing technologies used
by disc duplicators, where each will describe
how they have been printing discs, and how
the previous session will change their future
12:00 pm New Production Equipment for
With dozens of suppliers of disc duplicating
machines, we will have a few short presentations
of about 5 minutes each where suppliers will
describe their equipment’s strengths. Speakers
include Melvin Clark of Global DiscWare and
1:00 pm Calculating Capital return
Now that you have seen what is available,
Franco Leoni will show you how to determine
whether you should buy new technology, the
costs of manual v automated systems, with each
attendee receiving a disc with Franco's capital
budgeting formulas. Franco has calculations for
IMT Marathon, Rimage Everest II & III,
Microboards Print Factory II, Alea Pingo Photo II,
Trace Affex Power Printer V and many more.
1:30 pm IDDA Members – General
Business Meeting
Wednesday, May 16
Trends and New Services, Products,
Directions for the Disc Duplicating Industry
11:15 am Break
11:30 am New Business Opportunities
Legitimate Music ripping from clients own CDs,
live event recording, eBay marketing, video
conversion with DRM for content owners, copy
protection for data, retail in-store kiosks and
other services that expand your markets, and
fit in your existing business. We will also have
updates on Business Software for Duplication
companies, and will discuss whether the long
tail is just a fairy tale. Speakers include
representatives from Fortium, Hexalock, Kurt
Beyer from Riptopia, Bob Jacobson of Mixonic,
Activated Content, Paul LaVigne and Bernhard
1:00 pm End
9:00 am Authoring HD formats with Kildare
9:30 am Licensing issues for duplicators
MPEG LA are actively pursuing duplicators and
replicators for non-compliance with MPEG
licensing. Find out what you need to do to avoid
being in breach of their licenses.
10:00 am Title
Philips have the new VEESA program to enforce
royalty payments on recordable media, and its
not easy to understand. Come and learn!
10:30 am Flash memory
This is a product that disc duplicators must be
involved in. Prerecorded Flash memory is going
to be big, not only for cell phones, navigation
systems, gaming consoles, audio, marketing
material, just as discs have been. Altec will
show how their automatic copy stations can do
thousands in a day, and attendees will be able
to buy a simple build-it-yourself starter system
at a special price.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
e news
Partner Events
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - Thursday, May 17, 2007
HD Update Microsoft
Tuesday, May 15, 5.00 – 6.00 pm,
Presentation Theater
Presented by Richard E. Doherty of Microsoft
(pictured), this session will look at the high-def
capabilities of the Xbox 360 and Microsoft Vista.
Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc Update
Tuesday, May 15, 4.00 – 5.00 pm, Presentation Theater
On the first day of the MEDIA-TECH Expo 2007,
Sony DADC will update attendees about the
recent developments within their production
alliance with Oerlikon Balzers Coatings and
Singulus Technologies for Dual Layer Blu-ray
Disc. The presentation will take place on
May 15, 4.00 pm in the "Presentation Theater”
in the exhibition hall at the Long Beach
Convention Center. Admission is free to all
pre-registered attendees who have signed up
Senior company representatives will discuss recent
progress in their development
of production machinery for
Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc with
a capacity of 50GB. For Sony
DADC, Ed Gehrich, Director
Engineering (top), will give
the presentation while Peter
Tinner, Senior Vice President
of Oerlikon Balzers Coatings
(middle), and Stefan A.
Baustert, Chief Executive
Officer of Singulus
Technologies (bottom), will
give updates about their
respective company’s
Showcase & Conference in
Barcelona in March 2007,
Sony DADC had announced
to share its know-how about
mass production technology
for Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc
with Oerlikon Balzers
Coatings and Singulus
Technologies and to support the two companies
in the development of production equipment for
Dual Layer Blu-ray Disc.
The goal of this production alliance is to make
available replication machines that will enable
replicators world-wide with the ability to
manufacture pre-recorded Dual Layer Blu-ray
Discs in a short period of time. Oerlikon Balzers
Coatings and Singulus Technologies will design
and manufacture Dual Layer BD-ROM replication
lines for mass production using experience
and know how from Sony DADC. Production
machines from both companies will be available
in summer of this year.
Sony DADC has extensive experience and knowledge in full service solutions for the content
industry and stands for convenience, reliability
and an outstanding quality level. Bringing
together physical and digital solutions, Sony
DADC supplies a full line of high-quality products and services to the entertainment business.
Services include brand asset management, digital asset management, authoring, editing, copy
control, graphic design, mastering, replication,
packaging, distribution for optical storage
media. Sony DADC has locations all around the
world - in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and
Oerlikon Data Storage is the world’s leading
manufacturer of total replication and coating
solutions for optical and magnetic data storage
media. Singulus Technologies is the only global
manufacturer of replication systems to offer a
comprehensive line of optical disc manufacturing
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
Doherty is the Director of Technology Strategy
for the Consumer Media Technology Group at
Microsoft, and is currently working on the future
of entertainment delivery at Microsoft, which
includes overseeing standards work in the DVD
Forum for HD DVD and content protection technologies in AACS, and developing products for
enhanced online delivery of entertainment.
Before joining Microsoft,
Doherty was the managing
director of Blu-ray and
Professional A/V at
Panasonic Hollywood
Laboratory, and was tasked
with developing new A/V
products for the professional
and consumer market. Prior
to Panasonic, Richard worked at the startup
Cineform, where he was an architect of the
Aspect HD real-time editing system.
Additionally, Doherty has had engineering management and marketing roles as a founder of the
film matchback software company FIlmMatch,
the internet entertainment company Zodo, and
as a founder of the company Silerity which delivered datapath optimization software tools for
the design automation market (and was later
acquired by Synopsys).
Doherty is also an award-winning film director,
with a dozen film festival awards. He has a
Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from the California Institute of
Technology, and a MFA in Film and Television
Production from USC.
MediaPack Summit
Wednesday, May 16, 2.00 – 6.00 pm, Presentation Theater
CMP presents the first MediaPack Summit examining and debating the role of packaging in
securing the future of packaged media. In this
half-day event, taking place on May 16, leading
industry figures will share their expertise on all
aspects of media packaging: technical, aesthetic, functional and financial.
2:00 pm Welcome by Summit Chairman
Tom O’Reilly, Editor, MediaPack
Tom O'Reilly has spent 11 years in
the packaged media industry. He is
a past-president of the American
Independent Media Manufacturers
Association and the former editor
of Tape Disc Business. He currently combines
the roles of regional sales manager for US CD
and DVD replicator Zomax with editor of
MediaPack, the international business magazine
for the media packaging industry published by
the One to One Group.
2:05 pm State of the Media Packaging
Despite news reports of the impending death of
physical media, CDs still account for the lion's
share of how music is distributed, DVDs are the
preferred means to watch a movie and $50 new
release videogames appear to be recessionproof. A who's who panel of packaging company
executives will discuss the state of the art: how
can packaging improve the fortunes of packaged
media in the age of downloads?
PANELISTS: Robert Gabriel, AGI Polymatrix;
Richard Roth, Ivy Hill; Andy Schuurs, Super
Jewel Box
2:50 pm Art vs. Commerce & the Creative
Independent art directors and designers compare
notes on life in the trenches, dealing with ever-
AIMMA Spring Meeting
May 16-17, 10.00 am, Room 201A
The American Independent Media Manufacturers
Association (AIMMA) will hold their Spring
Meeting on May 16-17.
The AIMMA is an association of independent
media manufacturers founded in 1987. Its
members comprise a majority of non-theatrical
demanding clients amid shrinking budgets,
diminished resources and faster turnarounds.
PANELISTS: Hugh Brown, Rhino; John Bailey,
Geneon; Wendy Sherman, Art Slave; Mark
Roberts, Ivy Hill
3:35 pm New Product Showcase
Want to get a quick feel for new media packaging available? Packaging suppliers both show
and provide samples of their latest media packages. Attendees will receive a set of all of the
new package samples while supplies last!
PARTICIPANTS: AGI Polymatrix; JakeBox;
Key Solutions; New Medium Enterprises
4:10 pm Automation Overview
Automation is the key to keeping packaging
costs to a minimum – but there’s a balance to be
struck: the more the package departs from one
of the standard formats, the less likely it is that
the process of putting it together can be fully
automated. Industry experts discuss the latest
media packaging trends from an automation perspective.
PANELISTS: Peter Wardell, Kyoto America;
Roland Wyman, EAM; Matti Koski, Stora Enso
4:55 pm Media packaging – the future
What are the key opportunities and challenges
facing the industry going forward? Is there
another Jewel Box or Amaray case out there?
Will any other material compete with paper and
plastic? What will happen to market demand for
secure packaging? Our final panel will look into
what the next few years are likely to bring to all
those involved in media packaging.
PANELISTS: Ross Youngs, Univenture; David
Dering, Dering Co.; Kim Sorensen, Scanavo; Rod
Streeper, Entertainment Distribution Company
capacity in the North American market and the
number is growing annually. The AIMMA meets
twice a year, once in conjunction with a leading
trade show and then again in February in an
alternate geographic location. In the past few
years, meetings have been held in the Grand
Caymans and Atlantic City.
The organization was founded to advance the
interests of its members and to further educate
its members and the marketplace regarding its
members' services. Some of the initiatives
undertaken will be of interest to those considering joining the AIMMA.
Wednesday, May 16, 11.45 am – 2.00 pm,
Presentation Theater
Presentations and updates from the Blu-ray Disc
Association, HD DVD Promotion Group and New
Medium Enterprises about the third generation
optical disc formats will be the topic of this
On behalf of the Blu-ray Disc
Association, Sandra Benedetto
(Pioneer) will give a Blu-ray Disc
technology overview and market
update as well as an update on the
High Defintion market place.
Another main topic of her presentation will be
how Blu-ray Disc helps bring High Definition
Video to the mainstream market. Sandra
Benedetto is the Director of Product Planning,
Management & Sales Engineering
for industrial optical disc products at Pioneer
Electronics USA, Inc.
Richard E. Doherty will be speaking
on behalf of the HD DVD Promotion
He is the Director of Technology
Strategy for the Consumer Media
Technology Group at Microsoft, and
is currently working on the future of entertainment delivery at Microsoft, which includes overseeing standards work in the DVD Forum for HD
DVD and content protection technologies in
AACS, and developing products for enhanced
online delivery of entertainment.
NME's Chief Technology Officer, Dr.
Eugene Levich has been invited to
present HD VMD technology as the
quality and value-driven solution for
the mass market. Dr Levich will
cover the benefits of HD VMD to
consumers, PC drive and media player manufacturers, disc replicators and content providers,
and discuss why this proprietary optical storage
solution is a major development for the packaged media industry.
Dr. Eugene Levich has been an independent
Consultant to several companies developing
new generations of optical storage based on
multilayer concept. In 1999- 2002, Dr. Levich
was President and Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Constellation, Inc. Constellation
3D, a NASDAQ company, that developed
new generation technology of optical storage
for application in consumer electronics
(High Definition TV and Digital Cinema) and
professional storage markets.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
e news
Networking Sponsors
Anwell is a global supplier
of advanced optical media
equipment and process
technologies. Founded in Year 2000, Anwell is
committed to offering an integrated manufacturing
solution to the DVDR and CD-R replication industries by offering Replication Lines for wide range
of formats.
Anwell has established itself as a leading supplier
of optical media equipment in China, Hong Kong,
Taiwan, South East Asia and Europe. With our
strengths in R&D, process technology and aftersale
service, Anwell will continue to develop new
products and provide extraordinary aftersale service
to our customers.
The HD VMD format by New
Medium Enterprises, Inc. is the
world's first affordable true
High Definition medium solution utilizing today's
Red Laser Technology and existing DVD industrial
The VMD platform is meant for 1920X1080i/p High
Definition up to 40 Mbps bit rate playback using its
20 GB-40 GB Red Laser optical discs - the players
& burners stand alone and computer embedded,
inherently backward compatible with DVD and CD.
NME has developed Versatile Multilayer Disc
(VMD), a technologically advanced optical disc
that enables mobile storage to be realized at
unprecedented price-to-performance levels; far
beyond the realm of existing DVD technology. The
Company is targeting the pre-recorded video segment of the entertainment industry by offering
them VMD as a bespoke solution to thwart video
Sony DADC has
extensive experience
and knowledge
in full service solutions for the content industry
and stands for convenience, reliability and
an outstanding quality level. Bringing together
physical and digital solutions, Sony DADC
supplies a full line of high-quality products and
services to the entertainment business. Services
include brand asset management, authoring,
editing, copy control, graphic design, mastering,
replication, packaging, distribution for optical
storage media. Sony DADC comprises replication
facilities, distribution centres and sales offices
in Europe, USA, Asia and Australia.
For further information, please contact: and visit us at
Networking Supporter
Oerlikon Data Storage is the world’s leading
manufacturer of total replication and coating
solutions for optical and magnetic data storage
media. The company develops and manufactures
high performance sputtering systems and complete production technology
for the manufacture of all existing and coming optical CD, CD-R, CD-RW,
DVD, DVD-R, DVD-RW/RAM and all Blu-ray formats) as well as magnetic
(hard disk) storage media.
Data Storage operates manufacturing, sales and service sites in 26
countries. With an installed base of more than 4000 units worldwide
Data Storage has earned an international reputation for innovation
and engineering excellence.
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is the only global
manufacturer of replication systems to offer
a comprehensive line of optical disc manufacturing processes. The company has the entire value-added chain of
supply at its disposal and is world market leader in the critical areas of
mastering and replication.
The company considers itself well-equipped for the future due to its
technological core competence and the opportunities presented by the
emerging HD DVD and Blu-ray third generation optical discs. The expansion
into new business sectors will provide the organization with still further
Association Partners/Supporting Groups Media Partners
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
MEDIA-TECH Workshop Program
> Day 1 / Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Room Cologne
11.15 am
12.15 pm
01.15 pm
Singulus: Your Guide for the High Definition Future
Digital Optical Disc Printing
All Dimensions of Blue Laser Optical Media
Quality Control
Singulus Technologies
Fujifilm Sericol
Room Berlin
10.15 am
11.15 am
Digital Printing of Optical Discs - Beyond the Spin
Electroplating for Third Generation Optical Discs
Sun Chemical
12.15 pm
Advancements in Electroforming Technology
01.15 pm
Printing Screen, Offset or Digital? Drastically reduce
your PrePress costs & make ready times with K-Flow.
Introducing the world's first online Web-To-Print
service for the optical disc industry.
The Matrix Plating Group
(Digital Matrix)
> Day 2 / Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Room Cologne
10.15 am
BD 50 -- Oerlikon’s Blu-ray Process Solution
by Embossing
11.15 am
CrystalLine: HD Mastering Comes to Life
12.15 pm
Optimum Solution for HD-DVD Production
01.15 pm
HD-DVD and Blu-ray Materials
Room Berlin
10.15 am
11.15 am
12.15 pm
01.15 pm
BD In-line and Off-line Inspection
A to Z Quality Control for High Definition Formats
Offset Offers Huge Cost Savings over Digital:
Is Digital Printing Leading Technology or Bleeding
Digital Optical Disc Printing
Oerlikon Balzers
Singulus Mastering
DIC International
Dr. Schenk
KBA Metronic
Kammann Machines
e news
Exhibitor Directory
Booth No
Best of... GmbH - Shape CD
Holmer Weg 6
23730 Neustadt in Holstein, Germany
dr. schwab Inspection Technology GmbH 2323
Industriestrasse 9
86551 Aichach, Germany
4M Systems SA
ZI les Ilettes
1870 Monthey, Switzerland
Bethel Plastics Inc.
935 East Ball Road
Anaheim, CA 92805, USA
Ace Packaging Inc.
14532 Garfield Ave
Paramount, CA 90723, USA
Bronway Ltd.
Bray Business Park, Southern Cross Route
Bray, Co Wilklow, Ireland
DVD6C Licensing Agency
201 Redwood Shores Parkway #410
Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA
Leuholz 17
8855 Wangen, Switzerland
Caliber International Corporation
9357 Richmond Place, Unit 102
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA
EAM Engineered Automation of Maine, Inc.
14 Washington Ave., Scarborough, ME 04074, USA
Advanced Media Products Inc.
18333 Dolan Way, Suite 202
Santa Clarita, CA 91387, USA
CDigital Markets LLC
2529 Washington Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21230, USA
Eclipse Data Technologies
5139 Johnson Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA
AGI Polymatrix
40 Downing Industrial Park
Pittsfield, MA 01201, USA
Chin Shing Manufacturing Ltd.
3th Floor,Kras Asia Industrial Building, 79
Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hongkong
Edizioni Turbo srl - Replix Magazine
Via Palestro, 24
20038 Seregno (Mi), Italy
AIM Screenprinting Supply
2731 Willow Ridge
Naperville, IL 60564, USA
Anton Maria Schyrle-Strasse 7
6600 Reutte, Austria
Z.A. Les Brandeaux
16400 Puymoyen, France
DCA Optical Disc Systems
1515 East Pine Street
Cushing, OK 74023, USA
Evergreen Sales LLC
3710 Rockwell Ave., Unit J
El Monte, CA 91731, USA
ANCO HK Development Co. Ltd.
28 Siu Sai Wang Road, Unit E, 51/F, Tower 6
Anwell Digital
1 Huangjin`erlu, Baima
523081 Nancheng, China
DIC International (USA), Inc.
500 Frank W. Burr Blvd.
Teaneck, NJ 07666, USA
Due Ci s.r.l
Via Lauretana, Zona Ind. C.I.A.N.
60026 Numana (AN), Italy
FMF Industries Ltd.
19 On Sum Street, Rm. 201, New Commerce Ctr.
Shatin, Hongkong
AudioDev AB
Kabingatan 9
21239 Malmö, Sweden
Digital Matrix Corporation
(The Matrix Plating Group)
92 Madison Ave, Hempstead, NY 11550, USA
Fujifilm Sericol
1101 West Cambridge Drive
Kansas City, KS 66103, USA
AWM Mold Tech AG
Gotthardstrasse 3
5630 Muri, Switzerland
Digital Media Automation Inc.
12815 Stone Canyon Rd.
Poway, CA 92064, USA
G3 Mastering Solutions, Inc.
5739 Rickenbacher Rd.
Commerce, CA 90040, USA
Axxicon Molds Los Angeles, Inc.
85 Enterprise, Suite 420
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, USA
Dometek Inc.
75 Sawyer Passway
Fitchburg, MA 01420, USA
GE Plastics
1 Plastics Avenue
Pittsfield, MA 01201, USA
Basler Vision Technologies
855 Springdale Drive, Suite 160
Exton, PA 19341, USA
Dosenspezialist GmbH
Pfullendorfer Strasse 83
99867 Gotha, Germany
Gima S.p.A.
Via Kennedy 17
40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy
Bert Co Graphics
3800 N. Mission Road
Los Angeles, CA 90031, USA
Dr. Schenk
1890 Wooddale Drive, Suite 600
Woodbury, MN 55125, USA
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
Göding + Partner GmbH
Industriezentrum 23
32139 Spenge, Germany
Guann Way Technologies
No. 4, Chung Ai Street
Shu-Lin City, 238 Taipei Shien, Taiwan
L.F.P. (La Francaise des Plastiques)
Route de Vitré, BP 4
35680 Louvigne de Bais, France
PO Box 418
5660 AK Geldrop, The Netherlands
HamaTech AG
Ferdinand-von-Steinbeis-Ring 10
75447 Sternenfels, Germany
Lamin Automatic Machine Co., Ltd.
No. 16, Lane 219, Chun-Ying St., Shu-Lin
238 Taipei Hsien, Taiwan
2444 Meadowbrook Parkway
Duluth, GA 30096, USA
Hangzhou Tinghoo
Information Material Co., Ltd.
Building 7th, Baimiao Industrial Park Wuchang,
310023 Hangzhou, China
Lenco PMC
10240 Deerpark Rd.
Waverly, NE 68462, USA
OC Oerlikon Balzers AG
4 Silver Drive # 9
Nashua, NH 03060, USA
Hanky & Partners (Taiwan) Ltd.
No. 66 Wu Chuan 7th Rd., Wu Ku Industrial
Area, Wuku Hsiang, 24248 Taipei, Taiwan
2 -1-2 Ko-raku
Bunkyo-ku, 112-0004, Tokyo, Japan
10415 Slusher Drive, Suite 1
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, USA
Heino Ilsemann GmbH
Julius-Bamberger-Straße 2
28279 Bremen, Germany
M2 Engineering AB
P.O. Box 67
Dohnarusgatan 4, 163 91, Spånga, Sweden
One To One
Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road
London, SE1 9UY, United Kingdom
Huntsman International LLC
8600 Gosling Rd.
The Woodlands, TX 77381, USA
Marabuwerke GmbH & Co. KG
Aspergerstrasse 4,
71732 Tamm, Germany
Optical Disc Systems
Sangeeta App., Bldg. 6C Flat No. 5, Ground
Floor, Juhu Rd., Bombay 400049, India
Infiniti Media Inc.
19481 Harborgate Way
Torrance, CA 91367, USA
Marubeni Disc Systems, Inc.
17332 Von Karmen, Ste. 115
Irvine CA 92614-6281, USA
Otari, Inc.
4-33-3 Kokuryo-cho
182-0022, Chofu Tokyo, Japan
K-Flow GmbH
Eschstraße 43
32257 Bünde, Germany
Media Services Group
10 Iron Trail Rd.
Biddeford, ME 04005, USA
Ozu Corporation
3-6-2, Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-Ku
103-8435 Tokyo, Japan
Kammann Machines Inc.
1730 Wallace Avenue, Unit A
St. Charles, IL 60174, USA
Memory-Tech Corporation
6-4-15 Akasaka Minato-ku
Tokyo, Japan
Paclight Media Solutions
15-9308 Keefer Ave
Richmond, BC V6Y4K9, Canada
KBA - Metronic AG
Benzstraße 11
97209 Veitshöchheim, Germany
MIP Packaging
Le Parc Paumier
72600 La Fresnaye-Sur-Chédouet, France
Philips International BV IP&S
Prof. Holstlaan 6, Building WAH 2.029
5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Kenny Packaging Machinery Limited
Units 2206-7, Honour Ind. Ctr., 6 Sun Yip Street,
Chai Wan, Hongkong
Via Granarolo 149
48018 Faenza (RA), Italy
Pilkington Special Glass Ltd.
Glascoed Road
St. Asaph LL17 OLL, United Kingdom
Key Solutions
10 rue le Dantec
75013 Paris, France
Moretto S.p.A.
Via dell' Artigianato 3
35010 Massanzago (PD), Italy
Via delle Industrie 16
30036 S. Maria di Sala, Venice, Italy
KÖRA-PACKMAT Maschinenbau GmbH 1309
Gewerbestrasse 4
78667 Villingendorf, Germany
Motan Inc.
Americas Office, 320 North Acorn St
Plainwell, MI 49080, USA
Polyline Corp.
845 N. Church Court
Elmhurst, IL 60126, USA
Kyoto America Inc.
670 Hardwick Road, Unit 2
Bolton, Ontario, L7E 5R5, Canada
Netstal Machinery Ltd.
8752 Naefels, Switzerland
Ponica Industries Corp.
125 Klug Circle
Corona, CA 92880, USA
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
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Quantized Systems
91 Lagan Road, Dublin Industrial Estate
Glasnevin, Dublin, 11, Ireland
Stora Enso Media Solutions
Duwijckstraat 17
2500 Lier, Belgium
The Matrix Plating Group
(Digital Matrix Corporation)
92 Madison Ave, Hempstead, NY 11550, USA
Quicksound Technology Inc.
13453 Brooks Drive #A
Baldwin Park, CA 91708, USA
Sumitomo Plastics-Machinery
1266 Oakbrook Drive
Norcross, GA 30093, USA
Thermal Care Inc.
7720 N. Lehigh Ave.
Niles, IL 60714, USA
Record Products of America, Inc. 701 + 702
700 Sherman Ave.
Hamden, CT 06514, USA
Sun Chemical
631 Central Avenue
Carlstadt, NJ 07078, USA
Transcontinental Ross-Ellis
300 rue Ann
Montreal, Québec H3C 2K2, Canada
Rohm and Haas Deutschland GmbH
Reinhard-Reichnow-Strasse 4
96129 Strullendorf, Germany
Suntek Instruments Corp.
8F. No. 151, Sec. 2, Ta-Tung Rd. 221
His-Chih City, Taiwan
Umicore Thin Film Products
Alte Landstrasse 8
9496 Balzers, Liechtenstein
Rollem International
1650 S Lewis St
Anaheim, CA 92805, USA
Super Jewel Box International
Einhovenseweg 75
5582 HR Waalre, The Netherlands
Daalakkersweg 8
5641 JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Scanavo Ltd.
Suite #203, 2916 -19 St. N.E.
Calgary AB, T2K 6Y9, Canada
Symcon BV
Lodewijkstraat 40
5652 AC Eindhoven, The Netherlands
VisionTech USA Corp.
20631 E. Valley Blvd. #B
Walnut, CA 91789, USA
Schneider Packaging Equipment Co., Inc. 525
5370 Guy Young Road
Brewerton, NY 13029, USA
Tapematic USA, Inc.
6881 Kingspointe Parkway, Suite A-9
Orlando, FL 32819, USA
Williams Advanced Materials
2978 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214, USA
Sibert Instruments Ltd.
Fleet Business Park, Sandylane, Church Crookham
Hampshire, GU52 8BF, United Kingdom
Target Technology Company LLC
564 Wald
Irvine, CA 92618, USA
Xenon Corporation
37 Upton Drive
Wilmington, MA 01887-1018, USA
Silo Limited
Flat A, 15F. Unit 1507, Sunrise Ind. Bldg.
Targray Technology International Inc. 1708
195 Labrosse Ave.
Pointe Claire, QC H9R 1A3, Canada
Xentura Promotions
110 W. Orion St., Ste. 136
Tempe, AZ 85283, USA
Singulus Mastering BV
Marinus van Meelweg 2
5657 EN Eindhoven, The Netherlands
TEAC America, Inc.
7733 Telegraph Road
Montebello, CA 90640, USA
Xiris Automation Inc.
1016 Sutton Drive, Unit C5
Burlington,Ontario L7L 6B8, Canada
Singulus Molding AG
Schlachthofstrasse 35
8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland
technotrans AG
Robert-Linnemann-Strasse 17
48336 Sassenberg, Germany
Yingbo Precise Machinery
Manufacturing Ltd.
No 42 Zhongxiu Road East, 226000 Nantong,
Jiang Su, China,
Singulus Technologies AG
Hanauer Landstrasse 103
63796 Kahl/Main, Germany
Teijin Kasei America Inc.
3500 Parkway Lane, Suite 310
Norcross, GA 30092, USA
Sony Chemicals Corporation of America 1630
1001 Technology Dr.
Mt. Pleasant, PA 15601, USA
Tension Envelope Corp.
20902 Brockhurst St #209
Huntington Beach 92646, CA, USA
Sony Disc & Digital Solutions Inc.
96-7-35 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku
141-0001 Tokyo, Japan
TGT Optoelectronic
Technology Company
Unit 10, 3/F, Technology Park, 18 On Lai St.
Shatin, NT, Hongkong,
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
Floor Plan
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[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
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Exhibitor News
MIRI Engineering S.p.A. and
Media Services Group join
MIRI Engineering S.p.A. ITALY
( has announced the
appointment of Media Services Group as an
exclusive U.S. sales office effective immediately. In
this new capacity, Media Services Group
will have responsibility for all MIRI activities
in the U.S. market, including sales, customer
service and support for MIRI’s optical media
packaging equipment.
Headquartered in Faenza RA, Italy, MIRI is
internationally recognized as a leader in
innovation for the optical media packaging
industry, providing advanced automated
solutions. "We softly entered the U.S. market
some three years ago but the growth we are
having now needs the support of an efficient
and effective local partner. MEDIA SERVICES
GROUP has got all the qualities to successfully
do the job” – says Franco Berardi, CEO of MIRI
Media Services Group, Biddeford, ME, has a
long proven reputation in the optical media
market. "We are looking forward to the challenges that this new representation brings. We
are very delighted to represent a top of the line
packaging equipment to the American market.
MIRI has shown the ability to be very innovative
with a keen sense of quality when manufacturing this automated packaging equipment.” says
Ed Virgie, president of Media Services Group.
Flexibility is the key of MIRI philosophy. They
use a wide network of distributors capable
to introduce their product all over the world.
Since its formation in 1964, as a portable
automobile cassette player manufacturer, MIRI
continued moving forward with every change in
media market.
made during exposing. Due to the fact that there
is no forward/backward movement of the print
head there is less wear on the machine’s parts
which means a longer lifetime.
Temperature control ensures constant coloration
across the entire print width. A number of
adjustments, for example ink key adjustment,
which have to be performed on conventional offset printing systems are not needed. The print
cylinders have a uniform diameter, and they
transfer colors 1:1 without ghosting. This
revolutionary design guarantees reproducible,
top-class quality from the first item to the last
in a wide variety of formats. Offset printing is
no longer a technology in which highly skilled
operators are needed. Both machines meet the
demands of tomorrow today.
High-Speed Offset-Printing for
CD, DVD and Formats of the
KBA-Metronic AG, the technology-leader in
waterless offset systems has installed more
than 2000 print units worldwide. The unique
four-roller-process offers highest process stability and easy operation. Two different machines
are available: the Premius and the CD-Print.
KBA-Metronic’s offset printing technology offers
easy operation in the opical disc market, short
set up times, quick motif-changes and exceptional print quality for everybody – easy to operate,
easy to adjust, easy to maintain!
Printing up to 7,200 discs per hour, the Premius
proves to be one of the fastest printing
machines in the world. Absolute accuracy and
precision are always guaranteed. Extremely
short tooling times, fully automatic processes
and operator-friendliness significantly increase
efficiency and minimise the total cost factor
behind production.
In just one hour, KBA-Metronic’s offset printing
machine, CD-Print produces up to 6,000 perfectly
printed discs. Four separate print plates ensure
re-adjustment even if a register failure should be
The entire offset unit for both machines is build
in-house at KBA-Metronic, and all know-how is
directly transferred to the customers. The printing system uses a simple arrangement of only
four rollers which are situated above one
another. The printing plates have the advantage
of being quickly exchangeable. In contrast to
conventional multi-roller offset systems with ink
keys, only 4 stacked cylinders are used.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
DaTARIUS: HD in the US
The DaTARIUS Group will be supporting the
MEDIA-TECH Expo, May 15-17 in Long Beach,
CA, USA, with a strong presence in the quality
control sector. On the 2nd day of the show
(Wednesday, May 16 at 11:15), we will hold
a workshop where our experts will provide
practical presentations as well as demonstrating
challenges and solutions for quality control of
high definition formats.
Media manufacturers who are upgrading their
facilities ahead of demand for high definition
media are still faced with the dilemma of a twoformat marketplace. We will be showing our
commitment to disc manufacturers with our
Format Exchange Program on any DaTABANK™
HD DVD, BD or DVD system. This unique
Exchange Program will be introduced at the
DaTARIUS Booth 720 during the Media-Tech Expo.
In addition to our DaTABANK™ systems, fully
equipped with driveCubes™ for BD, HD DVD and
DVD, we will also be showing our stamper
testing solutions. Here we have developed
a proprietary processing technology that applies
an easily removable cover layer to a stamper,
protecting and facilitating quality control of both
pre-recorded and recordable stampers. This
allows mastering facilities and manufacturers
to optimize stamper quality before moulding.
Mk. 2 also provides within seconds the value of
the ECC for any disc format (CD, DVD, BD or HD
DVD) at any production stage: stamper, blank
substrate, sputtered substrate and finished discs
including multi layer.
We will also be releasing our HD DVD and BD
Signal Guides to the US market. The CD, DVD
and DVDR signal guides, launched in 2001,
have served as invaluable reference publications
throughout the optical media industry, and the
HD and BD versions are eagerly awaited.
Long Beach will also see the US introduction of
our second-generation Balance and Eccentricity
Analyzer. The Balance Analyzer Mk. 2 is a
compact unit operated either as a standalone
system or connected to a PC for full GUI,
providing within seconds the value of unbalance
and its direction. The Eccentricity Analyzer
Shaping the Future
with New Formats
Smart Solutions to Drive the Future.
> Blu-ray 50 GB Dual Layer
> HD DVD Single & Dual Layer
> Mastering, Molding & Replication
Hanauer Landstrasse 103
D-63796 Kahl, Germany
phone: +49-6188-4400
e news
Exhibitor News
at shortest cycle times of less than 1.8 seconds.
The applied raw material type Makrolon® is
supplied by Bayer, while the material handling
and cooling equipment is made available by
Netstal-Maschinen AG: Latest
machine generation in time for
the company's 150th anniversary
At this year's MEDIA-TECH Expo the exhibition
highlight presented by the Swiss machine manufacturer Netstal-Maschinen AG is the new
generation of its all-electric subsystem e-Jet.
This piece of sophisticated equipment is laid out
without compromise for the most efficient production of all optical formats and shown to the
interested public for the first time.
With its new e-Jet, Netstal-Maschinen AG continues on the successful course which has
characterized this system so far. The concept
proven already a thousand times over is still at
the basis of the latest generation of this entirely
electrically driven injection moulding machine.
The performance is higher still and the cycle
times shorter than ever.
Equipped with a mould of the Swiss company
AWM Mold Tech AG, the e-Jet demonstrated at
the fair moulds DVD substrates of polycarbonate
The enormous global success of Netstal's e-Jet
is due to the system's outstanding suitability for
the production of all optical formats, including
the Blu-ray disc and HD DVD. Very short cycle
times and highest reproduction accuracy are a
must when it comes to these two types of data
carriers, and the Netstal moulding machines
cope with the task brilliantly. Moreover, the
precise closed loop control of the mould
temperatures and clamping forces on the e-Jet
permits to adapt the radial deformation of the
substrate in such a way that the requirements
of the particular line are met ideally.
At this year's MEDIA-TECH Expo Netstal has at
least one more reason to celebrate. Apart from
the newly presented e-Jet generation the Swiss
industrial enterprise celebrates its 150th
anniversary. The founder, Ulrich Rietmann, set up
the "Machine Factory, Iron and Brass Foundry" in
"Nettstal near Glarus" as far back as 1857 and
thereby laid the foundation stone for the success
of Netstal-Maschinen AG.
KÖRA-PACKMAT presents the
new ultrasonic security sealing
system SonicSeal F
One of the highlights of KÖRA-PACKMAT’s
exhibits at Long Beach is the presentation of the
new SonicSeal F, a machine for format flexible
wrapping and ultrasonic-sealing of CDs, CD
cards and software kits up to A5-size.
CD manufacturers can gain significant benefits
from the ultrasonic-sealing of the wrapping
of their CDs; ultrasonic seals provide tamperevidence, intricate patterns on the seals
increase protection against counterfeiting, and
stiffness of the seals gives extra protection to
the CD in a pack.
Material costs can be kept low as the wrapping
sleeve is formed from single wound film spooled
directly off a reel. Several wrapping designs are
optional, e.g. a hanger pack including a reclosable flap. This pack is produced by first
forming a header on the closed side of the
folded film. Then the left and right hand sides
of the pack are sealed with a security seal.
A third security seal is placed at the bottom of
the header to complete a three sided pack into
which a CD is inserted. On the forth side, a strip
of glue is deposited for the re-sealable flap
before the flap is closed.
The seals of a pack are stiff and this gives extra
protection to an optical disc inside the pack
when the pack is handled during transport and
in the retail shop.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
SonicSeal F also has format-flexibility and can
wrap CDs individually or as twin-packs. The
accuracy and repeatability of the machine
reduces trim waste to a minimum. A print registration system that enables optical discs to be
wrapped with pre-printed film is an option, as is
a Euro-slot punch for punching packs with headers.
Super Jewel Box Product News
for Long Beach
Super Jewel Box offers the most attractive and
unique line of packaging for all types of CD &
DVD-based media. From music and movies to
software and games, Super Jewel Box will add
value and distinction to whatever is packed
Duplex HD
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is introducing a new
version of the SKYLINE II Duplex HD Replication
Line for CD and DVD 5 formats which now also
has Single Layer HD DVD capability.
With the installation of over 1900 systems to
date, the SKYLINE is the industry benchmark in
CD production with an easy switch to DVD 5.
The newly upgraded SKYLINE II Dupley HD combines CD and DVD 5 with Single Layer HD DVD
production. A built-in pushbutton function to
switch from CD to DVD 5 and now to Single
Layer HD DVD and back is standard. This
machine achieves the most cost-efficient disc
production and highest product quality and yield
available in the market.
The SKYLINE II is available with EMOULD or
MOLDPRO molding machines. All other qualified
molding machines can be integrated on request.
With many patented original parts, the SKYLINE
II ensures a high daily production of CD, DVD
and HD DVD SL.
the SPACELINE II for Dual Layer DVD and HD
DVD production in combination with EMOULD
and MOLDPRO provide a complete family of HD
DVD production lines designed to meet their
customers’ needs.
Tapematic to Showcase 2Print
Digital Printers
Tapematic at Booth 2611 will be exhibiting not
one but two 2Print Digital Printers. We are very
proud to announce that along with many other
2Prints both these units are already sold within
the USA, and both units will be installed immediately following the show. Since 2Print’s debut
way back in May 2006 it has seen a number of
improvements and additional features such as
the white flood with auto dosing, improved cycle
times and operator interface all of which are
being discussed and demonstrated at the booth.
Since the first installation back in November last
year a number of customers have requested that
they use the Tapematic 2Print logo to demonstrate that they are using a digital printer to
print their discs, so Tapematic has prepared a
DPD logo (Digitally Printed Disc) which can be
used to indicate the disc has been printed
Digitally on a 2Print machine.
With multiple installations from America to
Europe we can confirm that the number of discs
printed from one litre of ink for both the inkjet
and silk screen are far superior to those first calculated and a total ink cost of under 1.5 US
cents is a reality.
All Super Jewel Box products are made from
crystal clear, high grade polystyrene and incorporate modern features such as rounded corners,
stronger hinges, and a locking clasp. The Super
Jewel Box family of products consists of nine
different products, which will all be presented in
Long Beach: SJB Standard, SJB Standard Flip,
SJB Standard Slim, SJB Standard Multi, SJB
Plus, SJB Plus Flip, SJB King, SJB King Flip, SJB
King Flip.
Learn more about
EclipseSuite and
Eclipse is the new leader in test
software and formatters for the optical disc
industry. We are proud that virtually every factory involved in producing next generation formats
is using Eclipse.
On display at booth 1611 are our HD-DVD and
Blu-ray EclipseSuite programs. Let us show you
how simple it can be to bring these new formats
into your process. Learn how one program can
quickly copy, encrypt, and verify an image while
simultaneously analyzing the CMF files, AACS
copy protection, UDF file system, and disc format structure. With the cooperation of the format founders, authoring software manufactures,
and the experience of hundreds of real titles, we
have developed a powerful set of new rules for
our HD analysis engine. We are also demonstrating our ImageSignature process. Applied at
authoring, ImageSignature provides the ultimate
method to track and verify images throughout
your process - from Authoring to final QC. This
highly-portable, highly-reliable signature is selfcontained and does not require connection to a
database. EclipseSuite and ImageSignature will
protect your process from start to finish.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
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Exhibitor News
A New Dimension on Stage:
World Premiere of the
The right tools for the job – from
For cutting-edge inspection equipment, visitors
to MEDIA-TECH Expo 2007 need look no further
than Booth 2323 where dr.schwab Inspection
Technology will be exhibiting argus XE, its latest
off-line system for replication process control.
SINGULUS MASTERING will present its brandnew fully automated PTM mastering system
for Blu-ray Disc (BD), HD DVD and DVD, the
CRYSTALLINE, at booth #2025.
The eXtended Edition argus XE is a forwardlooking modular system, configurable for all formats. In keeping with MEDIA-TECH’s high-definition focus, the system at our booth will be the
‘blu’ version for HD-DVD and Blu-ray Disc.
Controlling the application of the cover layer is
critical to the efficient production of Blu-ray
It’s vitally important to have the right measurement tools with the requisite accuracy for evaluation of cover layer properties. argus XE-blu is
equipped with a high-speed, high-resolution
spectrometer, designed and built in-house by
dr.schwab: it gives outstanding measurement
accuracy, identifying even the smallest non-uniformity in the cover layer.
By contrast, the ‘traditional’ laser interferometer
method, while adequate for previous generations, simply cannot deliver the precision necessary for cover layer control. Already the estab-
RPA: Auto-Alignment Punch is
Fast & Accurate
At the MEDIA-TECH Expo, booth 701, Record
Products of America, Inc. (RPA) will be exhibiting
the latest developments in stamper punching
and polishing technologies.
The new Model P-145 NanoPunch automatically
aligns and punches stampers for all optical disc
formats. Building on years of stamper punching
experience, RPA now offers the next generation
of stamper punching machines. The new P-145
NanoPunch uses advanced electro-optical
and electro-mechanical techniques to provide
a punching accuracy of 2-microns which is an
order of magnitude better than conventional
stamper punching machines. The combination
of advanced optics, electronics, software, and
robotics provide the most accurate punching for
demanding Blu-Laser formats and all conventional
CD & DVD formats.
RPA’s P-145 includes ultra-high resolution,
microscopic optics to image the stampers pit
information. The ultra high resolution and image
enhancement software allow the system to
Using the Phase Transition Mastering (PTM)
Process, the new system is said to offers
a perfect solution for the challenging
requirements of third generation mastering.
Similar to the traditional SINGULUS MASTERING
photoresist mastering systems, the CrystalLine is
designed as an inline, fully automated mastering
platform, based on the principle of "fresh substrate in – finished master out”.
lished choice of leading Japanese format developers, dr.schwab offers the right tools for the
job. Why not take a look? Visitors are welcome
to bring samples for evaluation to booth #2323
for a warm welcome and a friendly discussion of
your inspection requirements.
visually see the pits and subsequently center
the stamper within a fraction of a micron. The
high resolution optics provide track pitch
information not previously available for stamper
centering operations. This information is used
in combination with algorithms to command
the stamper table robotics. The robotics move
the stamper in 50 Nanometer increments to
center the data prior to punching.
The new machine’s self adjusting feedback loop
allows the system to align the stamper for
virtually perfect punch symmetry. A simple press
of a button will automatically center & punch
a stamper requiring no special operator skills.
The new P-145 machine is virtually immune
to problems associated with operator error.
It may be fully automated from start to finish
making the Model P-145 ideally suited for 1st,
2nd, and 3rd shift operations. When coupled
with RPA’s other benchmark products such as
stamper backsanders and tape apply machines,
this is a perfect combination for all optic disc
mastering operations.
[ – Magazine for the Media Manufacturing Industry ]
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MEDIA-TECH Association: Join Now!
Join MEDIA-TECH Association
The MEDIA-TECH Association has grown to become the innovative trade
association that serves every facet of the optical and removable storage
media manufacturing industry worldwide. Our members are the companies
that equip, supply, license, develop and manufacture all the current
formats of optical discs and magnetic media and are also working on
future formats such as holographic storage and the new high-density disc
formats: Blu-ray and HD DVD.
The Association works closely with its members to present the media
manufacturing industry’s principal exhibitions and conferences. The
Association is actively building forums to steer the information exchange
within the world of recordable storage and the packaged entertainment
media industry.
Full Membership
Full Membership is for those companies
involved in the games market, data storage,
entertainment media, and media manufacturing
industry. This includes plastics technology,
injection molding, quality assurance, printing,
packaging, licensing, materials and services
supply, and distribution.
• Cost: 1,500 EUR per year
• Exhibition/conference discounts
• Association voting privileges
Supporting Membership
Supporting Members include content holders,
duplicators, and companies involved in the
replication, authoring, compression, and
packaging of media.
• Cost: 500 EUR per year
• Conference discounts
• Exhibition discount for a maximum of 27sqm
(3 booth units) per annum
Individual Membership
Individual Members are those working in
institutions and universities as well as
consultants and individuals who wish to
become members of the MEDIA-TECH
• Cost: 150 EUR per year
In partnership, currently
developing Blu-ray 50GB
with innovation, imagination
and the Indigo DL line.
To find out more visit
us at booth 3219
MEDIA-TECH Association
- unlike any other
The MEDIA-TECH Association has grown to become the innovative
trade association that serves every facet of the optical and removable storage
media manufacturing industry worldwide. It is actively building forums
to steer the information exchange within the world of recordable storage
and the packaged entertainment media industry.
The MEDIA-TECH Association stands for quality and value to its members.
Take advantage of this exciting opportunity to be directly involved in the
direction of the media manufacturing industry!
Take your business one step further
– become part of the MEDIA-TECH Association!
Boris Poscic
[Area Sales Manager]
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