"My Card" Credit Card Disclosures
"My Card" Credit Card Disclosures
‹hC’G ∞°ûµdG á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S äÉbÉ£H Initial Disclosure SABB Credit Cards ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H á«bÉØJG ¢üî∏e Summary of the Credit Card Agreement ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉM äÉeƒ∏©e Cardholder Information *ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉM º°SG Cardholder Name* *…QÉéàdG πé°ùdG hCG ÊóŸG πé°ùdG ºbQ ID No./Commercial Registration No.* á«bÉØJ’G ïjQÉJ ™LôŸG ºbQ Date of Agreement Reference No. ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H äÉfÉ«H Credit Card Information Credit Limit (Saudi Riyals) ™eh ÜÉ°ù◊G ∞°ûc »`a ô¡¶«°S ójÈdG ᣰSGƒH ºµd á∏°SôŸG ábÉ£ÑdG Credit limit will appear on the account statement along with the credit card via mail (∫ÉjQ 50 »àbÉ£H) (My Card SAR 50) Management Fee (Saudi Riyals) N/A at the moment (My Card: one time fee SAR 50) Foreign Currency Exchange Fee Depends on the country of transaction Other Fees N/A at the moment (∫ÉjQ) ájQGOE’G Ωƒ°SôdG á«ÑæLC’G á∏ª©dG πjƒ– Ωƒ°SQ kÉ«dÉM ≥Ñ£æj ’ iôNCG Ωƒ°SQ (APR) …ƒæ°ùdG áÑ°ùædG ∫ó©e πLC’G áØ∏c ≥ëà°ùŸG ≈fOC’G ó◊G ≠∏Ñe ** %28.68 28.68%** Term Cost N/A at the moment Minimum Amount Due 5% of the credit limit or SAR 100, which is higher (My card 100%) Depends on the date of submission of theapplication Late Payment Fee (IóMGh IôŸ ∫ÉjQ 50 :»àbÉ£H) kÉ«dÉM ≥Ñ£æj ’ ádhódG Ö°ùM Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Settlement Date Ék «dÉM ≥Ñ£æj ’ ∫ÉjQ 100 hCG ÊɪàF’G ó◊G øe %5 (% 100 »àbÉ£H) ÌcCG ɪ¡jG Ö∏£dG Ëó≤J ïjQÉJ ≈∏Y óªà©j ájƒ°ùàdG ïjQÉJ ôNCÉàŸG OGó°ùdG Ωƒ°SQ **∫ÉjQ 100 SAR 100** á«fɪàF’G ábÉ£ÑdG á«bÉØJG ΩɵMCG RôHCG Major provisions of the Credit Card Agreement Article (∫ÉjQ) ábÉ£Ñ∏d ÊɪàF’G ó◊G Page áëØ°üdG óæÑdG hCG IOÉŸG Consequences of payment of the Minimum Amount Due** 5 1 1 5 Consequences of payment default (grace period of 20 days)** 9 - 7.8 2 2 9 - 7.8 Consequences of cash withdrawals** 6.2 1 1 6.2 IòØæŸG äÉ«∏ª©dG ≈∏Y áÑJΟG QÉKB’G á«ÑæLC’G äÓª©dÉH ó◊G ≠∏Ñe OGó°S ≈∏Y áÑJΟG QÉKB’G **≥ëà°ùŸG ≠∏Ѫ∏d ÊOC’G OGó°ùdG »`a Ì©àdG áé«àf áÑJΟG QÉKB’G **(Ωƒj 20 IóŸ ìɪ°S IÎa) **ájó≤ædG äÉHƒë°ùdG ≈∏Y áÑJΟG QÉKB’G Consequences of cash transfers** 2.4 A-5 1 1 2.4 A-5 **ájó≤ædG äÓjƒëàdG ≈∏Y áÑJΟG QÉKB’G Consequences of transactions in foreign currencies Account Statement errors/ disputed transactions 10.13 2 5 1 2 10.13 1 5 âfÎfE’G ™bƒe ™LGQ Credit Card features Please visit our website www.sabb.com – You won’t be charged any additional fees when you pay the full amount due. – Disclaimer: This summary does not relieve you from reading the complete content of the Credit Card Agreement and its appendices. *These fields have to be filled in when you apply for a Credit Card. **This does not apply to my card Credit Card Agreement and its appendices. The Low-limit cardholder shall pay all amounts due as per the account statement, regardless of his objection on transactions until the verification of such objections. Failure to pay all amounts due, including the objected transaction according to the account statement will have a negative effect on the credit history of the cardholder. Stamp and Authorised Signatory of the issuer á¡é∏d ¢VƒØŸG ¢üî°ûdG ™«bƒJ ºàÿGh IQó°üoŸG For further information, please call 920007222 »`a É¡«∏Y ´RÉæàŸG hCG áÄWÉÿG äÉ«∏ª©dG ÜÉ°ù◊G ∞°ûc ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H äGõ«‡ ájƒæ°ùdG Ωƒ°SôdG ábÉ£ÑdG ´ƒf Annual Fees Card Type …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ ∂«°SÓc SAR 225 …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ SAR 300-400 …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ SAR 350-475 …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ Classic Ωƒ«fÉà«J Titanium á«æ«JÓÑdG Platinum ô°ûàæé«°S SAR 1,000 Signature AÓª©d kÉfÉ› ¢ùfÉaOCG ÜÉ°S Advance Free for SABB Advance Customers ¢ùfÉ"OCG ábÉ£ÑdG ≈∏Y ≥ëà°ùŸG ≠∏ÑŸG πeÉc OGó°S ∫ÉM »`a á«aÉ°VEG Ωƒ°SQ ™aO ºàj ’ .¥É≤ëà°S’G ïjQÉàH á«bÉØJG äÉjƒà áaÉc IAGôb øY »æ¨j ’ ¢üî∏ŸG Gòg ≈∏Y ´ÓW’G :¬jƒæJ .¬«a IOQGƒdG äÉeGõàd’G øe »Ø©j ’h ¬JÉ≤ë∏eh á«fɪàF’G ábÉ£ÑdG .ábÉ£ÑdG Ö∏£H Ωó≤àdG óæY äÉfÉÿG √òg áÄÑ©J ºàj* .»àbÉ£H ≈∏Y ≥Ñ£æj ’ ** .¬«a √OQGƒdG äÉeõàd’G øe ≈Ø©j’h ¬JÉ≤ë∏eh ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H á«bÉØJEG ,ÜÉ°ù◊G ∞°ûc ܃LƒÃ á≤ëà°ùŸG ≠dÉÑŸG ™«ªL OGó°ùH ¢†ØîæŸG ó◊G äGP ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉM Ωõà∏j ≈∏Y ¬°VGÎYG áë°U ióe øe ≥≤ëàdG ÚM ¤EG ∂dPh äÉ«∏ª©dG ≈∏Y ¬°VGÎYG øY ô¶ædG ¢†¨H äÉ«∏ª©dG ∂dP ‘ Éà ɡ©«ªL á≤ëà°ùŸG ≠dÉÑŸG OGó°S ‘ ¥ÉØNEG …CGh É¡«∏Y óªà©j »àdG äÉ«∏ª©dG .ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉ◊ ÊÉ“E’G πé°ùdG ≈∏Y kÉÑ∏°S ¢ùµ©æj ób ÜÉ°ù◊G ∞°ûc ≥ah É¡«∏Y ¢VΩŸG Cardholder Signature ΩÓà°S’Gh ´ÓW’ÉH ábÉ£ÑdG πeÉM ™«bƒJ 920007222 - á«fɪàF’G äÉbÉ£ÑdG IQGOEG - ÜÉ°S ∂æH