lY:Ieasuring~O.rm - Flat Knit Custom
lY:Ieasuring~O.rm - Flat Knit Custom
lY:Ieasuring~O.rm SunMED Medical PH:800-714-7434 FX: 800-715-5423 - Flat Knit Custom I feel better. To process fax insurance information and this order to 800-715-5423 ____________ _ _ _ _-----"P.O. # Date Account~ ____________ Bill to: Ship to: Account Name Patient Name He ight _ _ _ _ Weight ________l.LDi agn 0 s is 1 CIRCUMFERENCES MATERIAL em T o Below Knee 0 Thigh-High o Pantyhose o Thigh w/ waist attachment o One-Leg Panty o Bicycle Shorts (T to F) o Capri Shorts (T to C) o Leggings (T to B) o Men's Waist w/Fly o Maternity Panty (tricot panel) LH eK (around both legs) H ~(L l' I eCl III I em LG RIGHT em em em em LF em (straight line) REQUIRED FOR THIGH AND PANTY/WAIST 7 BACK LK2 (gluteal fold to floor) em (straight line) em em LE em em reD em em LD em em CCLIV 2 t5 3 B Pair lnlt Pair LEFT ____cm Left side Right side cA em eA em LAi em LAI em LA em LA em LZ em LZ em 49-60~ Right Leg Right _ J!j~ I LK2T WEIGHT BEARING (must complete all) 8 C Right _ RIGHT em (straight line) em LK1 (pubic bone to floor) ____cm eE Left Leg Black Left _ eG I eC QUANTITY/COLOR I LK1T F Panty Section Caramel _ Left _ LEFT eF ~ I :i l eel II (straight line) G 550 only 18-2lmm/Hg 23-32rrvn/Hg 34-46rrvn/Hg LT em I STYLE I REQUIRED FOR THIGH AND PANTY/WAIST 6 "Y IJi Ideal for lymphedema eeLi 5 cm FRONT o MONDI (CCL 2,3) o 550 (CCL1,2,3,4) COMPRESSION LENGTHS cm 4 I I eB1 em em em em LC LB1 em em em em lAi LZ lA FOOT eB em em eY em em LB em em 9 o Open Toe o Closed Toe o Netting (no compression) (550 only) o Tricot Standard (half compression) Medi USA. 6481 Franz Warner Parkway. Whitsett, NC 27377 • Phone 1-800-633-6334 c.q (\ c a. lft~mit~ \M'~a$urihg Form -Flat Knit Custom SunMED Medical PH:800-714-7434 FX: 800-715-5423 I feel better. To process fax insurance information and this order to 800-715-5423 P.O. # Date Account # Account Name Patient Name 10 ADDED LENGTH o Y Knitting mark at ankle = lcm o Below Knee Stocking - 4cm added outside length o Thigh Length Stocking (may choose both of o E Knitting mark at knee = 4cm LYMPHPADS - At: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SILK LINING - At: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ following options) (take straight line measurement from floor to crease behind knee) 18 14 KNITTING MARKS/ANATOMICAL JOINT ANGLES ______,cm (Provide sketch and dimensions in Notes area) D Added length in front (must provide LKl and LK2 measurements), Standard D Added length on side SILICONE TOPBAND OPTIONS Bcm 19 11 LEVAMED SILICONE ANKLE PADS (OPTIONAL) 15 o Profile (honeycomb pattern), 5cm width only, Standard o Beaded Left Dinner ZIPPER - At: (Provide sketch and dimensions in Notes area) Notes/Illustrations/Special Requests D outer D Small (2.5cm width) D Wide (5cm width) Right Dinner o Peony (beaded with lace) ) D outer 5cm width only ADDITIONAL BEADED SILICONE OPTIONS 12 o Horizontal strip at "G"jside of thigh (5x15 cm) o Vertical strip above knee (5xl0cm) o Vertical strip below gluteal fold (5xl0 cm) WAISTBAND OPTIONS o Adjustable Waistband (Standard) o Velcro Waistband o Knitted Ending o Silicone Beaded Waistband (5cm width only) 13 16 GENITAL LYMPHEDEMA o Female o Full Compression o Half Compression - Standard o Male - If selected, Pouch will replace open fly o Full Compression o Half Compression o Non Compressive Netting Pouch Circumfrence Pouch Length Open Crotch Pantyhose o Female o Male (no open fly) cm cm 17 email pictures to 20 Compression stockings with seams should not be measured until the best possible decongestion effort has been achieved. Circumference and length measurements are taken in a distal to proximal sequence. It is essential to mark the measuring points on the leg so that the circumference and length measurements are taken at the same point. The amount of tension applied must be determined by a person experienced in bandaging techniques and depends on the edema and tissue characteristics, sensitivity to pain, fibrosis , location of the edema, mobility and strength of the patient. cA Measuring Options Foot circumference (1) Vl=slanted ending V2=straight ending a) Take cA measurement when patient is weight-bearing b) Measure circumference for either slanted or straight endings Leg circumference (2) a) Relax leg when measuring b) Mark the measuring points Knee slightly flexed c) For circumference cY, bring the foot to the 90' position d) Take the remaining circumference measurements (except cE) up to cF with the leg relaxed e) For circumference measurement cE, the knee must be slightly flexed Leg length (3) Foot positioned at 90' a) Relax leg when measuring b) Hold foot in 90' position and take each length measurement Edge of heel c) Always measure along the contour of leg, preferably on medial aspect. If edema is more pronounced on lateral (outside) side , take measurements laterally Foot length (4) Measure medial, lateral and total lengths on weight-bearing foot as shown tz = Total foot length tAi = From point of medial cA circumference to heel tA = From point of lateral cA circumference to heel Thigh topband (5) a) In standing position, measure circumference cG 3 cm below crotch or at widest part of upper thigh b) Measure length tG in standing position from same landmark still following the contour of the leg r Added thigh length (6) a) Measure tKi in standing position from floor to pubic bone (straight line) b) Measure tK2in standing position, from floor to gluteal fold (straight line) Panty section circumference (7) a) Measure circumference cH in standing position at the widest part b) Measure circumference cT in standing position at waist or desired term ination point c) Measure length t H in standing position at same landmark as cH (straight line) I ---- - ' Length of panty section (8) a) Measure front of panty section tKiT from crotch to height of cT circumference measurement following the contours of the body b) Measure back panty section t K2T from gluteal fold to height of cT circumference measurement following the contours of the body again