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View - Munis Entomology and Zoology
____________ Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016___________ This volume is dedicated to the lovely memory of the chief-editor Hüseyin Özdikmen’s khoja MEVLÂNÂ CELALEDDİN-İ RUMİ MUNIS ENTOMOLOGY & ZOOLOGY Ankara / Turkey I II ____________ Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016___________ Scope: Munis Entomology & Zoology publishes a wide variety of papers on all aspects of Entomology and Zoology from all of the world, including mainly studies on systematics, taxonomy, nomenclature, fauna, biogeography, biodiversity, ecology, morphology, behavior, conservation, paleobiology and other aspects are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Munis Entomology & Zoology. Submission of Manuscripts: Works published or under consideration elsewhere (including on the internet) will not be accepted. At first submission, one double spaced hard copy (text and tables) with figures (may not be original) must be sent to the Editors, Dr. Hüseyin Özdikmen for publication in MEZ. All manuscripts should be submitted as Word file or PDF file in an e-mail attachment. If electronic submission is not possible due to limitations of electronic space at the sending or receiving ends, unavailability of e-mail, etc., we will accept “hard” versions, in triplicate, accompanied by an electronic version stored in a floppy disk, a CD-ROM. Review Process: When submitting manuscripts, all authors provides the name, of at least three qualified experts (they also provide their address, subject fields and e-mails). Then, the editors send to experts to review the papers. The review process should normally be completed within 45-60 days. After reviewing papers by reviwers: Rejected papers are discarded. For accepted papers, authors are asked to modify their papers according to suggestions of the reviewers and editors. Final versions of manuscripts and figures are needed in a digital format. Preparation of Manuscripts All manuscripts must be typed in English, using Microsoft Word. Entire manuscript must be double-spaced, with margins of at least 2-3 cm on all sides of the page (A4). Pages should be numbered consecutively. Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to have their manuscripts read by a native English-speaking colleague before submission. Nomenclature must be in agreement with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (4th edition 1999). Author(s) of species name must be provided when the scientific name of any animal species is first mentioned (the year of publication needs not be given; if you give it, then provide a full reference of this in the reference list). Authors of plant species name need not be given. Metric systems should be used. If possible, use the common font Times New Roman (12 pt) and use as little formatting as possible (use only bold and italics). Special symbols (e.g. male or female sign) should be avoided. ____________ Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016___________ III Title and Name(s) of Author(s): The title should be informative and as possible as brief, in boldface capital letters, not exceed twenty words. The higher taxa containing the taxa dealt with in the paper should be indicated in parentheses. Full name(s) of author(s) should come underneath the title with full address, each on a separate line. The author(s) name (s) should be given in boldface lower case. Abstract: The abstract should be concise and should draw attention to the significant contents of the paper and the author's main conclusions. It should normally not exceed 200 words and should contain no uncommon abbreviations or references. Any new names or new combinations proposed in the paper should be mentioned. The abstract should be followed by a list of key words. Up to seven keywords should be suggested by the author. Text: Regular papers include as the main sections (except in Book Reviews and Scientific Notes etc.); Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments and Literature Cited. The section introduction should be written without a title. However, the main sections may be varies with different types of papers. According to types of papers, main section can be changed. All scientific names (only genus and species group names) should be italicized throughout the paper, including literature cited. References should be cited in the text as Turgut (2003), Turgut & Turgut (2000) or Turgut et al. (2001) (3 or more authors), or alternatively in a parenthesis (Turgut, 2003; Turgut & Turgut, 2000 or Turgut et al., 2001). All literatures in the text must be listed alphabetically in the literature cited in the following format. Journal paper: Turgut, S. 2003. Title of the paper. Title of the journal in full, volume number: page range. Book chapter: Turgut, S. & Turgut, A. 2000. Title of the Chapter. In: Turgut, A., Turgut, B. & Turgut, C. (Eds.), Title of Book. Publisher name and location, page range. Book: Turgut, A., Turgut, B. & Turgut, C. 2001. Title of Book, Publisher name and location, number of pages (e.g. 123 pp). Internet resources: Turgut, S. 2002. Title of website, database or other resources, Publisher name and location (if indicated), number of pages (if known). Available from: (Date of access). IV ____________ Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016___________ Tables, Illustrations and Photographs: Tables, illustrations and photographs should be submitted in a separate file, not embedded in the text. They should be given at the end of the manuscript. Please use the table function in your word processor to build tables so that the cells, rows and columns can remain aligned when font size and width of the table are changed. Illustrations should be clean, sharp, with good contrast. Small illustrations should be grouped into plates. For species illustration, line drawings are preferred, although good quality B&W photographs are also acceptable. Maximum size of printed illustration, including all legends, is 12 x 16 cm. Images must be submitted either in .tif, .jpg, or .pdf (PC compatible format strongly preferred). Digital versions of illustrations should be prepared as follows: photographs should be saved as .pdf or .tif format at 300 dpi. Line figures should be saved in .tif or .jpg at 300 dpi. All illustrations must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. They should be cited “Fig. 1” or “Figs. 1–4” in sequential order. Photographs must be of exceptional quality, good contrast. Scientific Notes and Book Reviews. These are usually short contributions, typically not exceeding one (Book Review) or two (Scientific Notes) printed pages. Scientific notes and book reviews lack an abstract and most of the main headings, except for the acknowledgements and the literature cited sections. Page Charge: There is no page charge for publishing with MEZ. MEZ is indexed in Zoological Record, Biological Abstract, Biosis Preview, Agricola, …… _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 1 A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS COPTOSIA (S.L.) FAIRMAIRE, 1864 FROM CENTRAL GEORGIA (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) David Navrátil* and Milan Rozsíval** * Smetanovo náměstí 56, CZ-57001 Litomyšl, CZECH REPUBLIC. E-mail: ** 1 máje 557, CZ-51761 Rokytnice v Orlických horách, CZECH REPUBLIC. E-mail: [Navrátil, D. & Rozsíval, M. 2016. A new species of the genus Coptosia (s.l.) Fairmaire, 1864 from Central Georgia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 1-3] ABSTRACT: Coptosia (s.l.) georgiana sp. n. from Shida Kartli region in the central part of the Georgia is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to the Coptosia (s.l.) species group. KEY WORDS: Cerambycidae, Coptosia, new species, Georgia, West Palaearctic region. The genus Coptosia (s.l.) Fairmaire, 1864 contains nearly 23 known species in West Palaearctic region. In the present paper, the authors described a new species of Coptosia recently collected in Georgia. Coptosia (s.l.) georgiana sp. n. (Figs. 1-2) Type material. Holotype ♂: Georgia, Shida Kartli reg., 4km NE of Gori, 42°00´N 44°10´E, 950-1050 m. a. s. l., 16.5.2015, lgt. D. Navrátil (coll. D. Navrátil); 18 paratypes: 1♂ the same collection data as the holotype, lgt. D. Navrátil (coll. D. Navrátil); 3♂♂ and 1♀ the same locality, 21.5.2015, lgt. D. Navrátil (coll. D. Navrátil); 1♂ the same collection data as the holotype, lgt. M. Rozsíval (coll. M. Rozsíval); 1♀ the same locality, 21.5.2015, lgt. M. Rozsíval (coll. M. Rozsíval); 1♂ and 3♀♀ the same collection data as the holotype, lgt. L. Havlík (coll. L. Havlík); 4♂♂ and 1♀ the same collection data as the holotype, lgt. P. Turek (coll. P. Turek); 2♂♂ the same locality, 21.5.2015, lgt. P. Turek (coll. P. Turek). Description. Males body length: 12.2-14.2 mm, females: 12.2-13.6 mm; males body width: 3.5-4.4 mm, females: 3.6-4.6 mm. Body is black with distinct bronze lustre. Head, pronotum and elytra have a white-grey tomentum. Head and pronotum also have a distinct protruding white pubescence. Pronotum is transverse with three condensed white hairy longitudinal stripes. One is at the centre, two are on sides of the pronotum. The area between the stripes has only a sparse pubescence. Males occassionaly have little round black glossy spots in the middle of this area. Females median stripe crosswise widens from its middle. Scutellum also has the condensed white pubescence. Male elytra have a whitegrey pubescence over the entire surface with very light marbling which does not create stripes. Female elytra have the marbling more distinctive. Whole body bottom has a long white-grey tomentum with distinct protruding hairs. No stripes or spots. All abdominal sterna have no teeth, last sternum has a deep impression before apex. Male antennae almost reach the end of the elytra, female reach their last third. Antennae are thick in their whole length. Their second segment is short and round. The third segment is longer than the first and the fourth one. The fourth segment has the same length as the first one. Antennae also have an 2 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ equally spread thight white-grey pubescence without distinct ringing. Head and pronotum are heavily dotted. Spaces between punctures are smaller than their diameter. The punctures are often connected. The first third of the elytra is heavily dotted, but the spaces are more distinctive and the punctures not doubled. The punctures get thinner and flatter towards the apex of the elytra. Eyes are strongly carved, not separated. Mandibular apex is unidentate, not bidentate. Elytra are elongated, from their second third narrowing gradually, more in the last third. Apex of the elytra is rounded. Differential diagnosis. Coptosia (s.l.) georgiana sp. n. mostly looks like species from the subgenus Barbarina Sama, 2010. It mainly differs in clearly thicker white-grey tomentum of the elytra, which covers their marbling. The marbling is spread equally and does not create any visible longitudinal stripes on the elytra. Remark on bionomy. Develops unknown. Host plants unknown. Adults were caught in flight or sitting on the ground only. Etymology. Toponymic. Adjective derived from the name of the country where the type specimens was collected. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank to Petr Kabátek (Praha, Czech Republic) for valuable information for the description of the new species; Lubor Havlík (Jedlová, Czech Republic) and Pavel Turek (Lanškroun, Czech Republic) for providing all specimens of the study. Special thanks to Stanislav Krejčík (Tvrdkov, Czech Republic) for taking excellent digital photographs. We also thank to Vít Rozsíval (Rokytnice v Orlických horách, Czech Republic) for English text review and translation assistance. Last but not least, big thanks to our wives (Martina Navrátilová and Šárka Rozsívalová) for their endless patience with our hobby. LITERATURE CITED Breuning, S. 1943. Nouveaux cérambycides paléarctiques (2e note). Miscellanea Entomologica, 40: 89-104. Breuning, S. 1951. Révision du genre Phytoecia Mulsant (Col. Cerambycidae). Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, 2: 1-103, 353-460. Danilevsky, M. L. 1992. New species of Cerambycidae from Transcaucasia with some new data (Insecta: Coleoptera). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 72 [1991]: 107-117. Holzschuh, C. 1984. Beschreibung von 21 neuen Bockkäfern aus Europa und Asien (Col., Cerambycidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 57: 141-165. Holzschuh, C. 1991 - Neue Bockkäfer aus Europa ud Asien II., 63 neue Bockkäfer aus Asien vorwiegend aus China und Thailand (Coleoptera: Disteniidae und Cerambycidae). FBVA Berichte–Schriftenreihe der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanhalt in Wien, 60: 1-71. Kraatz, G. 1882. In: Heyden L. F. J. D. von & Kraatz G: Käfer um Samarkand gesammelt von Haberhauer. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 26 (2): 297-338. Löbl, I. & Smetana, A. 2010. Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea. Stenstrup, Apollo Books, 924 pp. Rejzek, M. & Kakiopoulos, G. 2004. Phytoecia (s.l.) nausicae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Phytoecini) a new species from continental Greece. Lambillionea, 104: 405-409. Sama, G. 1997. Nouveaux longicornes de Grèce et du Proche Orient avec la description de trois espèces nouvelles. Biocosme Mésogéen, 13 [1996]: 97-105. Sama, G. & Rejzek, M. 1999. Phytoecia (s.l.) behen spec. nov. from north-eastern Anatolia (Turkey)(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Phytoecini). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 109: 330-333. Semenov, A. P. 1891. Diagnoses Coleopterorum novorum ex Asia centrali et orientali. III. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 25 [1890-1891]: 262-382. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 3 Figure 1. Coptosia (s.l.) georgiana sp. n.: Holotype, male (left) and paratype, female (right). A B Figure 2. A. Lateral lobes, B. Subgenital plate, C. Aedeagus. Figure 3. Type locality (the slopes 4 km NE of Gori). C 4 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ TWO NEW SPECIES GROUP TAXA OF CORTODERA (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE: LEPTURINAE) FROM TURKEY WITH UPDATED SPECIES GROUP LIST Hüseyin Özdikmen* * Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, 06500 Ankara, TURKEY. E-mail: [Özdikmen, H. 2016. Two new species group taxa of Cortodera (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) from Turkey with updated species group list. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 4-17] ABSTRACT: A new species of the genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae: Rhagiini) is described as Cortodera neslihanae sp. nov. from Çankırı province (Turkey). Also a new subspecies of Cortodera orientalis Adlbauer, 1988 from Mardin province is described as Cortodera orientalis didemae ssp. nov.. Accordingly, all Turkish members of Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 are updated with their type information and known distribution data in Turkey. KEY WORDS: Cortodera, Cortodera neslihanae, Cortodera orientalis didemae, new species and subspecies, updated species group list, Turkey. Although Turkey is adjacent to large bodies of water to the south, west, and north, it has continental properties. Turkey is the center of origin of many taxa, and its exceptionally diverse topography has provided refugia in which many species have survived in spite of harsh geological and climatic changes. The great biological importance of Turkey is evident from the remarkable variety of arthropods in Turkey. Nevertheless, the fauna of Turkey has not been thoroughly studied and documented. The genus Cortodera was described by Mulsant (1863) with the type species Grammoptera spinosula Mulsant, 1839 from Rhône: Monts-d’Or lyonnais (France). Grammoptera spinosula Mulsant, 1839 is a synonym of Leptura humeralis Schaller, 1783 from Halle (Germany). So the type species of genus Cortodera is Cortodera humeralis (Schaller, 1783). The genus belongs to the tribe Rhagiini of the subfamily Lepturinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 is distributed in Holarctic region. According to Bezark & Monné (2013), the genus includes a total of 20 species (22 species group taxa) in Nearctic region (America, Canada and Mexico). Löbl & Smetana (2010) mentioned 45 species (69 species group taxa) for Palaearctic Region except North Africa. According to the latest work of Danilevsky (2015a), the genus includes a total of 53 species (135 species group taxa) in Palaearctic Region. So, the genus contains a total of 73 species (157 species group taxa) worldwide. Chiefly, there was no work focused on Cortodera in Turkey until 2003. Özdikmen (2003a,b) included the lists of known species group taxa of Cortodera in Turkey as a total of 25 taxa. Özdikmen & Turgut (2008) stated Cortodera differens is a new taxon for Turkey. Löbl & Smetana (2010) mentioned 19 species (21 species group taxa) for Turkey. So, the catalogic list of Löbl & Smetana (2010) was not reflected the real status of Cortodera in Turkey. For example, Cortodera rosinae Pic, 1902, Cortodera zoiai Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2009 and Cortodera flavimana corallipes Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2009 were not included in their Palaearctic catalogue. Cortodera rosinae was described by Pic from Turkey (Konya province) in 1902. Cortodera zoiai and Cortodera flavimana corallipes were described by Pesarini & Sabbadini from Turkey (İzmir province) in 2009. In addition, the subspecies Cortodera pumila meltemae was described by Özdikmen et al. (2012) from Turkey (Ankara province), and Cortodera aksarayensis was _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 5 described by Özdikmen & Özbek (2012) from Turkey (Aksaray province) as new taxa after Löbl & Smetana (2010). Recently, Cortodera rufipes (Kraatz, 1876) that was described from Turkey (İzmir province), was accepted by Özdikmen et al. (2014) as a separate species. Cortodera flavimana corallipes that was described by Pesarini & Sabbadini (2009) from Turkey (İzmir province), was regarded by Özdikmen & Cihan (2015) as a synonym of Cortodera rufipes (Kraatz, 1876). Recently Danilevsky (2015b) described 2 new species and 18 new subspecies from Turkey. According to the latest work of Danilevsky (2015a), the genus includes a total of 24 species (51 species group taxa) in Turkey. Some opinions of Danilevsky (2015a) about acception as species or subspecies of known species group taxa in Turkey, however, do not accept according to findings of the present work. Moreover, during the study of the collected Cerambycidae specimens in my collection, I identified two female specimens belonging to a new species that collected from Çankırı province in Northern part of Central Anatolian Region of Turkey, and a male specimen belonging to a new subspecies that collected from Mardin province in Dicle part of South Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey, of Cortodera Mulsant, 1863 which will be described in the present text. MATERIAL AND METHODS Samples were carried out among 1966 and 1997–2015 in various parts of Turkey. Two females among them are measured and described as C. neslihanae sp. nov. from Çankırı province in Northern part of Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. Also a male among them is measured and described as C. orientalis didemae ssp. nov. from Mardin province in Dicle part of South Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. Information in the present text is given in following order: Species reported from Turkey are given alphabetically within the genus. The Turkish distribution patterns for each species are given only concerning provinces. Turkish endemic taxa are marked with the sign (*). The type information for each species is arranged according to Tavakilian (2015). For distributional data of the species, Özdikmen (2007, 2008a, b, 2011, 2013) for Turkey, and Löbl & Smetana (2010) and Danilevsky (2015a) for Palaearctic region are chiefly used in the text. All specimens are deposited at Gazi University of Ankara (Turkey). RESULTS Cortodera neslihanae sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Type material. Holotype ♀: Turkey: Anatolia: Çankırı: Orta: Elden village, 40° 39' 22" N; 32° 58' 21" E, 21.V.2014, 1446 m, leg. N. Silkin. Paratype ♀: The same as holotype. The specimens were deposited in Gazi University in Ankara (Turkey). Description. Female (holotype): Body length: 9 mm. Coloration: Some parts of legs (fore femora and tibiae completely, middle and hind femora except for apical parts) and elytra except for black sutural and lateral stripes dark reddish-brown. The remaining parts of the body quite black. Pubescence: Body clothed with golden-yellow hairs. Head and pronotum with rather dense and long, semi-recumbent and sometimes erect hairs. First antennal segment with rather dense, semi-recumbent hairs. 2-4th and even 5th antennal segments with rather dense, less long, recumbent hairs. The remaining antennal segments with dense, short and recumbent hairs. Elytra and scutellum with rather dense, semi-recumbent hairs that less longer than the pubescence of head and 6 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ pronotum. Underside of the body clothed with dense, recumbent hairs completely. Punctation: Head and pronotum with very dense, distinct punctation. Pronotum with a glabrous and impunctate, small area on the posterior half of median line. Elytra with rather regular, deeply punctate. The punctation of head and pronotum denser but smaller than that of elytra. Elytra with robust punctation in basal portion, gradually weakened but still distinct to apex. Scutellum distinctly punctate. Moreover, apical segment of maxillary palp broader towards the apex, flattened, slightly securiforme. 3rd antennal segment smaller than 5th segment. Male. Unknown. Remarks. This new species is closely related to C. flavimana that described from İstanbul province in Turkey (Figs. 1-2). It is easily distinguished from C. flavimana by the coloration of the legs (only profemora and protibiae entirely reddish in C. flavimana, while profemora and protibiae entirely dark reddishbrown, and also most parts of middle and hind femora except for black apical parts dark reddish-brown in the new species) and coloration of elytra: (yellowish in C. flavimana, dark reddish-brown in C. neslihanae). In addition, the third antennal segment is as long as the fifth segment in C. flavimana, while the third antennal segment is shorter than fifth segment in the new species. Etymology. The specific epithet is dedicated to my student Neslihan Silkin (Turkey) who collected the holotype specimen of the new species. Cortodera orientalis didemae ssp. nov. (Fig. 4) Type material. Holotype ♂: Turkey: Anatolia: Mardin prov., 4.V.1966, leg. A. Demirtola. The specimen was deposited in Nazife Tuatay Plant Protection Museum (Turkey, Ankara). Description. Male (holotype): Body length: 9,25 mm. Coloration: Mouth parts (except for dark colored apical parts of mandibles, and black colored last segments of maxillary and labial palpes), labrum, clypeus, some parts of legs (fore femora completely, middle and hind femora except for black colored apical parts, all tibiae, fore tarsi completely, middle and hind tarsi except for darker colored claw segments) and elytra completely reddish-brown. The remaining parts of the body quite black. Pubescence: Body clothed with golden-yellow hairs. Head and pronotum with rather dense and long, semi-recumbent and sometimes erect hairs. First antennal segment with rather dense, semi-recumbent hairs. 2-3rd antennal segments with rather dense, less long, recumbent hairs. The remaining antennal segments with densely, short and recumbent hairs. Scutellum glabrous. Elytra with rather dense, long, semi-recumbent hairs that less longer than the pubescence of head and pronotum. Underside of the body clothed with dense, recumbent hairs completely. Punctation: Head and pronotum with very dense, distinct punctation. Pronotum with a glabrous and impunctate median line. Elytra with rather regular, deeply punctate. The punctation of head and pronotum denser but smaller than that of elytra. Scutellum impunctate. Elytra with robust punctation in basal portion, gradually weakened but still distinct to apex. Moreover, apical segment of maxillary palp broader towards the apex, flattened, slightly securiforme. 3rd antennal segment as long as 5th segment. Female. Unknown. Remarks. This new subspecies is a geographical race of Cortodera orientalis that was described by Adlbauer (1988) from Central Taurus (Osmaniye province) in Southern Anatolia (Figs. 3-4). It is easily distinguished from C. orientalis _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 7 orientalis by the coloration of legs: black colored apical parts of middle and hind femora are smaller than that of C. orientalis orientalis, all tibiae are reddishbrown completely (middle and hind tibiae are black completely in C. orientalis orientalis), and almost all tarsi (except for darker colored claw segments of middle and hind tarsi) are reddish-brown (all tarsi are black completely in C. orientalis orientalis), and the coloration of antennae: first four antennal segments are reddish-brown completely, and 5-11th segments are dark colored completely (first two antennal segments are reddish-brown completely, and 3rd and 4th antennal segments are black in basal half, and 5-11th segments are black completely in C. orientalis orientalis). Etymology. The subspecific epithet is dedicated to my student Didem Coral Şahin (Turkey). The updated list of Cortodera species from Turkey is provided below. Also, information of type material, range and Turkish distribution are given. Turkish endemic taxa are marked with the sign (*). Subfamily Lepturinae Latreille, 1802 Tribe Rhagiini Kirby, 1837 Genus Cortodera Mulsant, 1863: 572 Type species: Grammoptera spinosula Mulsant, 1839: 290 (= Leptura humeralis Schaller, 1783) *C. aksarayensis Özdikmen & Özbek, 2012: 931 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection H. Özdikmen, Zoological Museum of Gazi University, Ankara [Type locality “Aksaray” (Turkey)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Aksaray, Antalya, İçel, Konya, Malatya, Muş and Sivas provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. It is regarded by Danilevsky (2015) as a subspecies of C. colchica Reitter, 1890. C. alpina Ménétriés, 1832: 230 (Pachyta) C. alpina armeniaca Pic, 1898a: 114 (umbripennis var.) Type material information: Lectotype ♀, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Arax Valley” (Armenia)]. Range: Asia: Armenia, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ardahan, Artvin, Erzincan, Erzurum, Iğdır, Kars, Muş, Tunceli and Van provinces. *C. alpina rosinae Pic, 1902: 8 (xanthoptera var.) Type material information: Holotype, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Akşehir” (Turkey: Konya)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: İçel and Konya provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. alpina xanthoptera Pic, 1898a: 114 [RN] (umbripennis var.) Type material information: Syntypes, ex collection K. L. Escherich, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde as Cortodera flavimana var. flavipennis Ganglbauer, 1897 [Type locality “Ankara” (Turkey)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ankara province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. alpina tatvanensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1065 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Tatvan env.” (Turkey: Bitlis)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Bitlis province. 8 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. Known other subspecies of C. alpina: C. alpina alpina Ménétriés, 1832: 230 (Pachyta) Europe: Russia: South European Territory (Dagestan) Asia: Azerbaijan, Georgia. C. alpina baksaniensis Danilevsky, 2014: 199 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. alpina fischtensis Starck, 1894: 11 Europe: Russia: South European Territory (Kavkaz). C. alpina gudissensis Danilevsky, 2013: 28 Asia: Georgia. C. alpina matusiaki Danilevsky, 2014: 200 Europe: Russia: South European Territory Asia: Georgia. C. alpina rosti Pic, 1892: lxxxiii Europe: Russia: South European Territory (Kavkaz). C. alpina starcki Reitter, 1888: 280 Europe: Russia: South European Territory (Kavkaz) Asia: Georgia. C. alpina svanorum Danilevsky, 2014: 203 Asia: Georgia. C. alpina umbripennis Reitter, 1890: 245 Europe: Russia: South European Territory Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran. C. alpina zekarensis Danilevsky, 2014: 203 Asia: Georgia. *C. cirsii Holzschuh, 1975: 82 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Nurdağı pass” (Turkey: Adana)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adana, Konya, Niğde and Osmaniye provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. C. colchica Reitter, 1890: 246 (Cartodera) *C. colchica aestiva Sama & Rapuzzi, 1999: 466 (Cortodera aestiva) Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection G. Sama, Cesena [Type locality “Sarıkamış” (Turkey: Kars)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Kars province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. C. colchica colchica Reitter, 1890: 246 (Cartodera) Type material information: Syntypes, ex collection Edmund Reitter, Magyar Természettudományi Mûzeum, Budapest [Type locality “Ordubad” (Armenia: Nakhchivan)]. Synonyms: ordubadensis Reitter, 1890: 246 (Cartodera colchica var.) [Armenia: Nakhichevan: Ordubad]; rutilipes Reitter, 1890: 246 (Cartodera colchica var.) [Armenia: Nakhichevan: Ordubad]; pygidialis Reitter, 1890: 246 (Cartodera colchica var.) [Armenia: Nakhichevan: Ordubad]; truncatipennis Pic, 1929: 119 [DA] [Turkey: Trabzon]; atropyga Pic, 1929: 119 [DA] (Cortodera trucatipennis var.) [Turkey: Trabzon]; distincta Pic, 1933: 6 (Cortodera colchica var.) [Caucasus]; lederi Pic, 1933: 6 (Cortodera colchica var.) [Armenia: Nakhichevan: Araxesthal]. Range: Europe: Russia: South European Territory Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adana, Adıyaman, Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Bayburt, Bingöl, Burdur, Erzurum, Hakkari, Isparta, İçel, Kayseri, Konya and Sivas provinces. *C. colchica erzurumensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1058 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Palandöken Mts.: Tekederesi village” (Turkey: Erzurum)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Erzurum province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. colchica porsukensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1060 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Porsuk Dam” (Turkey: Eskişehir)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Eskişehir province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. Known other subspecies of C. colchica: C. colchica aishkha Danilevsky, 2014: 180 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. colchica bulungensis Danilevsky, 2014: 181 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. colchica danczenkoi Danilevsky, 1985: 139 [1987: 615] Asia: Azerbaijan (Talysh). C. colchica deyrollei Pic, 1894: 66 Asia: Georgia. C. colchica dilizhanica Danilevsky, 2014: 178 Asia: Armenia. C. colchica erevanica Danilevsky, 2014: 177 Asia: _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 9 Armenia. C. colchica kalashiani Danilevsky, 2000: 39 Asia: Armenia. C. colchica murzini Danilevsky, 2014: 181 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. colchica ossetica Danilevsky, 2014: 181 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. colchica ponomarenkoi Danilevsky, 2014: 179 Asia: Azerbaijan. C. colchica psebayensis Danilevsky, 2014: 180 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. colchica pseudalpina Plavilstshikov, 1936: 278 Asia: Georgia. C. differens Pic, 1898b: 50 C. differens magdae Danilevsky, 2012: 916 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Eminska Planina” (Bulgaria)]. Range: Europe: Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: European Turkey, Ankara, Antalya and Konya provinces. Known other subspecies of C. differens: C. differens differens Pic, 1898: 50 Europe: Greece, Romania. *C. discolor Fairmaire, 1866: 277 *C. discolor ankarensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1063 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Çamlıdere” (Turkey: Ankara)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ankara province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. discolor bitlisiensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1065 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Tatvan env.” (Turkey: Bitlis)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Bitlis province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. discolor discolor Fairmaire, 1866: 277 Type material information: Syntypes, ex collection L. Fairmaire, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Bozdağ” (Turkey: İzmir)]. Synonyms: testaceipes Pic, 1898: 112 (Cortodera discolor var.) [?Turkey: İzmir: Bozdağ]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Aksaray, Antalya, Hatay, İçel, İzmir, Konya, Malatya, Manisa and Niğde provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. discolor gumushanensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1064 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Pass SW Yeniyol” (Turkey: Gümüşhane)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Gümüşhane province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. C. flavimana Waltl, 1838: 471 (Leptura villosa var.) (Fig. 2) *C. flavimana angorensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1051 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Çamlıdere” (Turkey: Ankara)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ankara province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. C. flavimana flavimana Waltl, 1838: 471 (Leptura villosa var.) Type material information: Syntypes ♂ & ♀, ex collection Joseph Waltl, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien [Type locality “İstanbul env.” (Turkey)]. Range: Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Turkey, Serbia & Montenegro Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Bayburt, Bolu, Bursa, Çankırı, Düzce, Erzurum, Gümüşhane, Isparta, İçel, İstanbul, İzmir, 10 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Kahramanmaraş, Karabük, Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli, Kocaeli, Konya, Niğde, Rize, Samsun, Sinop, Sivas, Yozgat and Zonguldak provinces. *C. flavimana inonuensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1050 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “İnönü” (Turkey: Eskişehir)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Bursa, Eskişehir and Kütahya provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana karsensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1052 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Sarıkamış env.” (Turkey: Kars)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ardahan and Kars provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana oezdikmeni Danilevsky, 2015: 1053 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Çağlayancerit” (Turkey: Kahramanmaraş)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Kahramanmaraş province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana sergeyi Danilevsky, 2015: 1053 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Pülümür env.” (Turkey: Tunceli)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Tunceli province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana sultanensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1055 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Sultan Mts.” (Turkey: Afyonkarahisar and Konya)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Afyonkarahisar and Konya provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana torosensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1055 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Mut env.” (Turkey: İçel)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adana and İçel provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. flavimana zoiai Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2009: 16 (Cortodera zoiai) Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection Carlo Pesarini & Andrea Sabbadini, Milano [Type locality “Kozak” (Turkey: İzmir)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: İzmir province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. Known other subspecies of C. flavimana: C. flavimana schurmanni Sama, 1997: 107 Europe: Greece (Peloponnese). C. humeralis Schaller, 1783: 297 (Leptura) C. humeralis humeralis Schaller, 1783: 297 (Leptura) Type material information: Holotype, ex collection Johann Gottlob Schaller (Waisenhaus Halle a. S.) [Type locality “Halle” (Germany)]. Synonyms: quadriguttata Herbst, 1786: 171 (Leptura) [Germany: Saxe-Anhalt: Halle]; suturalis Fabricius, 1787: 159 (Leptura) [Germany: Saxe-Anhalt: Halle]; quadrinotata Gmelin, 1790: 1873 (Leptura) [Germany: Brandenburg: Berlin]; schalleri Gmelin, 1790: 1874 (Leptura) [Germany: Saxe-Anhalt: Halle]; spinosula Mulsant, 1839: 290 (Grammoptera) [France: Rhone: Monts-d'Or lyonnais]; inhumeralis Pic, 1892: 140 (Cortodera humeralis var.) [France: Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme)]; nicolasi Bedel, 1901: 369 (Cortodera humeralis var.) [France: Yvelines]; discoidalis Pic, 1931: 6 (Cortodera _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 11 humeralis var.) [France: Auvergne (Puy-de-Dôme): Royat]; apicenotata G. Schmidt, 1951: 12 (Cortodera humeralis f.) [Austria: Tyrol]. Range: Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Russia: Central European Territory, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldavia, Netherland, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Russia: South European Territory, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia & Montenegro Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ankara, Artvin, Bolu, Kırklareli and Rize provinces. Known other subspecies of C. humeralis: C. humeralis aspromontana G. Müller, 1948: 61 Europe: Italy, Greece. *C. imrasanica Sama & Rapuzzi, 1999: 464 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection G. Sama, Cesena [Type locality “Çakıllı pass” (Turkey: Antalya)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Antalya, Burdur and Isparta provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. kadleci Danilevsky, 2015: 1061 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Tercan” (Turkey: Erzincan)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Erzincan province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. longipilis Pic, 1898: 50 Type material information: Holotype ♂, ex collection G. Kraatz > M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Syria” but undoubtedly mislabeled, should be Turkey: ?Hatay]. Synonyms: rubrofemorata Pic, 1898: 113 (Cortodera longipilis var.) [not Syria, should be Turkey]; tauricola Pic, 1908: 3 (Cortodera longipilis var.) [Turkey: Taurus Mts.]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: ?Hatay province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. napolovi Danilevsky, 2015: 1061 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Buğlan pass” (Turkey: Muş)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Muş province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. neslihanae Özdikmen sp. nov. (Fig. 1) Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection H. Özdikmen, Zoological Museum of Gazi University, Ankara [Type locality “Orta: Elden village” (Turkey: Çankırı)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Çankırı province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. obscurans Pic, 1894: 116 (semilivida var.) Type material information: Holotype, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Akbez” (Turkey: Hatay)]. Synonyms: flavescens Pic, 1894: 116 (Cortodera obscurans var.) [Turkey: Hatay: Akbez]; fulvipennis Pic, 1898: 50 (Cortodera obscurans var.) [Turkey: Hatay: Akbez]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Hatay province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. omophloides Holzschuh, 1975: 77 Type material information: Holotype ♀, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Çamlıyayla” (Turkey: İçel)]. 12 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Antalya, İçel and Osmaniye provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. orientalis Adlbauer, 1988: 264 (humeralis ssp.) (Fig. 3) *Cortodera orientalis didemae ssp. nov. (Fig. 4) Type material information: Holotype ♂, Nazife Tuatay Plant Protection Museum, Ankara [Type locality “Mardin” (Turkey)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Mardin. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. orientalis orientalis Adlbauer, 1988: 264 (humeralis ssp.) Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection K. Adlbauer, Graz [Type locality “Nurdağı pass” (Turkey: Osmaniye)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Ankara, Antalya, Bolu, Burdur, Isparta and Osmaniye provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. C. pseudomophlus Reitter, 1889: 40 Type material information: Syntypes ♂ & ♀, ex collection Edmund Reitter, Magyar Természettudományi Mûzeum, Budapest [Type locality “Ordubad” (Armenia: Nakhchivan)]. Range: Asia: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Erzurum, Kahramanmaraş and Van provinces. C. pumila Ganglbauer, 1882: 710 *C. pumila meltemae Özdikmen, Mercan & Cihan, 2012: 746 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection H. Özdikmen, Zoological Museum of Gazi University, Ankara [Type locality “Kızılcahamam” (Turkey: Ankara)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Aksaray, Ankara, Bilecik, Bolu, Eskişehir, Kars, Kastamonu, Sivas, Tokat and Zonguldak provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. C. pumila tournieri Pic, 1895: 75 (Cortodera tournieri) Type material information: Syntypes ♂ & ♀, ex collection H. Tournier > M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Persati” (Caucasus: Georgia)]. Range: Asia: Armenia, Georgia, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Artvin and Kars provinces. Known other subspecies of C. pumila: C. pumila crataegi Holzschuh, 1986: 121 Asia: Iran. C. pumila pumila Ganglbauer, 1882: 710 Europe: Russia: South European Territory Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia. *C. ranunculi Holzschuh, 1975: 80 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Varto” (Turkey: Muş]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Muş province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. rubripennis Pic, 1891: 102 (discolor var.) Type material information: Holotype, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Akbez” (Turkey: Hatay)]. Synonyms: obscura Pic, 1898: 49 (Cortodera rubripennis var.) [Turkey: Hatay: Akbez]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adana, Adıyaman, Hatay and Konya provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. rufipes Kraatz, 1876: 344 (Grammoptera) Type material information: Holotype, ex collection G. Kraatz, Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde [Type locality “Smyrna” (Turkey: İzmir)]. Deutsches _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 13 Synonyms: corallipes Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2009: 17 (Cortodera flavimana ssp.) [Turkey: Erzurum: Aşkale]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Aksaray, Ankara, Artvin, Bursa, Çankırı, Erzurum, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri and Konya provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. It is regarded as a subspecies of C. flavimana Waltl, 1838. *C. semilivida Pic, 1892: cxciii Type material information: Syntypes ♂♂ & ♀♀, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Akbez” (Turkey: Hatay)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Hatay province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. simulatrix Holzschuh, 1975: 83 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Şavşat” (Turkey: Artvin)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Artvin province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. C. syriaca Pic, 1901: 90 C. syriaca nigroapicalis Holzschuh, 1981: 95 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Uludere, Tanin pass” (Turkey: Hakkâri)]. Range: Asia: Iran, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Hakkâri province. C. syriaca syriaca Pic, 1901: 90 Type material information: Holotype, ex collection M. Pic, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris [Type locality “Syria”]. Synonyms: aureopubens Pic, 1913: 178 (Cortodera syriaca var.) [Lebanon: Lebanon Mts.]; korbi Pic, 1914: 4 [DA] (Cortodera syriaca var.) [Turkey: Konya: Akşehir]. Range: Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey. Turkish distribution: Adıyaman, Aksaray, Ankara, İçel, Kahramanmaraş, Muş provinces. *C. uniformis Holzschuh, 1975: 79 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Gümüşhane” (Turkey)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Erzurum and Gümüşhane provinces. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. wewalkai Holzschuh, 1995: 9 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Tekir” (Turkey: İçel)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: İçel province. Remarks: This species is endemic to Turkey now. *C. wittmeri Holzschuh, 1995: 9 *C. wittmeri akshehirensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1043 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Akşehir: Yeşilköy env.” (Turkey: Konya)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Konya province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. 14 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ *C. wittmeri gevashensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1046 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Gevaş” (Turkey: Van)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Van province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. wittmeri malatyaensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1045 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Eskiköy village” (Turkey: Malatya)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Malatya province. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. wittmeri sivasensis Danilevsky, 2015: 1044 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection M. Danilevsky, Moscow [Type locality “Karabayır pass” (Turkey: Sivas)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Erzurum and Sivas provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. *C. wittmeri wittmeri Holzschuh, 1995: 9 Type material information: Holotype ♂, collection C. Holzschuh, Villach [Type locality “Ulukışla” (Turkey: Niğde)]. Range: Asia: Turkey. Turkish distribution: Aksaray, Antalya, İçel, Konya and Niğde provinces. Remarks: This subspecies is endemic to Turkey now. DISCUSSION Löbl & Smetana (2010) mentioned 45 species (69 species group taxa) for Palaearctic Region and thereby 19 species (21 species group taxa) for Turkey. As the latest work for Palaearctic catalogue, Danilevsky (2015a) stated 53 species (135 species group taxa) for Palaearctic Region and thereby 24 species (51 species group taxa) for Turkey. The present work showed that all members of updated Turkish Cortodera consist of 27 species (52 species group taxa) with the new species and subspecies. Danilevsky (2015a) accepted C. aksarayensis as a subspecies of C. colchica and C. rufipes as a subspecies of C. flavimana. Both taxa are separate species certainly. Also he gave C. flavimana corallipes of which synonymy with C. rufipes was published by Özdikmen & Cihan (2015) recently, as a valid subspecies of C. flavimana. According to present work, 19 of 27 species are endemic to Turkey. In other words, endemism ratio of the known species of Turkish Cortodera is high (70%). According to Danilevsky (2015), only 16 species of the known species of Palaearctic Cortodera except the members of Turkish Cortodera are endemic to different countries. These are: C. bamiyana Danilevsky, 2014: 256 Asia: Afghanistan. C. farsensis Danilevsky, 2014: 255 Asia: Iran. C. hroni Danilevsky, 2012: 1 Europe: Bulgaria. C. ivanovi Danilevsky, 2013: 218 Asia: Kazakhstan. C. kazaryani Danilevsky, 2014: 163 Asia: Armenia. C. khatchikovi Danilevsky, 2001: 13 Europe: Russia: South European Territory. C. kochi Pic, 1935: 4 Asia: Israel. C. kokpektensis Danilevsky, 2007: 47 Asia: Kazakhstan. C. komarovi Danilevsky, 1996: 63 Asia: Kazakhstan. C. metallica Holzschuh, 2003: 152 Asia: China: Sichuan. C. moldovana Danilevsky, 1996: 64 Europe: Moldavia. C. neali Danilevsky, 2004: 2 Asia: Iran. C. tatianae Miroshnikov, 2011: 53 Asia: Azerbaijan. C. turgaica Danilevsky, 2001: 9 Asia: Kazakhstan. C. ussuriensis Tsherepanov, 1978: 101 Asia: Russia: Far East. C. vicina Pic, 1914: 4 Asia: Lebanon. Accordingly, real endemism ratio of the known species of Palaearctic Cortodera with the Turkish members is high (66%). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 15 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank to Neslihan Silkin (Turkey) for the donation of the type material described in this work. LITERATURE CITED Adlbauer, K. 1988. Neues zur Taxonomie und Faunistik der Bockkäferfauna der Türkei (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Entomofauna Zeitschrift für Entomologie, Linz, 9: 257-297. Bezark, L. G. & Monné, M. A. 2013. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ NOTES ON ORIENTAL GALERUCINAE LATREILLE, 1802 WITH DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS PALPOXENA BALY, 1861 (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) Igor V. Kizub* * Department of Experimental Therapeutics, Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, 14 Eugene Pottier Str., 03680, Kiev, UKRAINE. E-mails:; [Kizub, I. V. 2016. Notes on Oriental Galerucinae Latreille, 1802 with description of a new species of the genus Palpoxena Baly, 1861 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 18-25] ABSTRACT: The paper contains new faunistic information and taxonomic notes regarding several Galerucinae species from the Oriental Region, namely Altica aenea (Olivier, 1808), Chaloenus apicicornis (Jacoby, 1884A), and Mimastra jelineki Bezděk, 2009. Updated maps of these species distribution in the Oriental Regions are represented. Also, Palpoxena shayakhmetovai, a new species of chrysomelid beetle of the subfamily Galerucinae, is described from Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. KEY WORDS: Altica, Chaloenus, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Mimastra, Oriental Region, Palpoxena. Oriental beetles of the subfamily Galerucinae Latreille, 1802 have been studied extensively for a long time. However, the subfamily still remains to be largely unexplored. The subfamily Alticinae Newman, 1835 is closely related to the subfamily Galerucinae and recently many authors subordinated this group as a tribe Alticini Newman, 1835 within the Galerucinae subfamily (Biondi & D’Alessandro, 2012; Konstantinov et al., 2013). In the present paper, new data related to the faunistic records of several Galerucine beetles from the Oriental Region, namely Altica aenea (Olivier, 1808), Chaloenus apicicornis (Jacoby, 1884A), and Mimastra jelineki Bezděk, 2009 are reported, and a new species Palpoxena shayakhmetovai sp. nov. from Peninsular Malaysia is described. MATERIALS AND METHODS The insects were collected manually in the daytime. The material used for this study is deposited in the author`s private collection in Kiev, Ukraine. The following keys were used for the identification of the specimens: Mohamedsaid, 1997; Medvedev, 2004; Bezděk, 2009; Bezděk & Lee, 2011; Takizawa, 2012; Reid & Beatson, 2015. Photographs were taken by Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera with Canon Macro Lens EF 100 mm 1:2.8 L IS USM and flash Nissin MF18 Macro. Author of photographs is Maksym Leshchenko (Kiev, Ukraine). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Altica aenea (Olivier, 1808) (Fig. 1). = australis (Blackburn 1889); = bicolora (Jacoby 1904); = cyanea sensu Maulik 1926; = coerulea sensu Weise 1923; = corrusca sensu Bryant & Gressitt 1957; = jussiaeae Gressitt, 1955. All synonyms are given according to Reid & Beatson (2015). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 19 Material examined: 4 males and 8 females, Sri Lanka, Southern Province, Matara district, Kananke vill. environs, 04. 03. 2011, Kizub I.V. leg. et det.; 4 males and 8 females, Southern Andaman Isl., Wandoor, Wandoor vill. environs, 25. 02 - 10. 03. 2012, Kizub I.V. leg. et det. The studied material is deposited in the author`s private collection in Kiev, Ukraine. Taxonomic notes: The genus Altica Geoffroy, 1762 has recently been revised for the Indomalayan Archipelago, the Western Pacific region and Australia by Reid & Beatson (2015), who reported 6 valid species: A. aenea (Olivier, 1808), A. birmanensis (Jacoby, 1896), A. caerulea (Olivier, 1791), A. corrusca (Erichson, 1842), A. cyanea Weber, 1801, and A. gravida (Blackburn, 1896). According to this review, A. aenea from South Asia and the central Pacific has, until recently, often been misidentified by different authors as various other species, including A. corusca, A. gravida, and A. cyanea (Reid & Beatson, 2015). Based on the external and internal morphology, A. aenea belongs to “A. aenea” species-group, which also includes A. birmanensis, A. corrusca, and A. cyanea. Specimens of Oriental Altica, including A. aenea, can best be reliably distinguished by careful examination of primarily male genitalia, as some females may be completely indistinguishable. The species A. aenea is characterized by the external face of the midtibia at the midpoint convex and the apical quarter of the first antennomere which is orange to reddish-brown or dark brown (Reid & Beatson, 2015). The penis long (1.65–2.15 mm), straight in lateral view, shallowly transversely ridged on the middle of the dorsal surface, with the apicoventer with a short pair of depressions and the apex abruptly bent in lateral view (Reid & Beatson, 2015 and Figs. 1B-D). Geographical distribution: According to Reid & Beatson (2015) A. aenea is widely distributed in the Oriental and the Australian geographic Regions. However, so far A. aenea has not been reported neither from Sri Lanka nor the Andaman Islands (Reid & Beatson, 2015). 8 males and 16 females of A. aenea were collected in Sri Lanka and the Andaman Islands by the author. Based on the data reported by Reid & Beatson (2015) and the author’s records, an updated map of A. aenea distribution in the Oriental Region is presented in Fig. 4. Chaloenus (Chaloenus) apicicornis (Jacoby, 1884A) (Figs. 2A, B). = Delocephala apicicornis Jacoby, 1884B Material examined: 1 male, Malaysia, Sarawak, Bako National Park, 04 - 14. 03. 2014, Tkachenko I.B. leg., Kizub I.V. det. The studied material is deposited in the author`s private collection in Kiev, Ukraine. Taxonomic notes: Chalaenus Westwood, 1861, is a genus that occurs only in the Oriental Region, and incorporates 44 known species (Takizawa, 2012; Nadein, 2013; Reid & Beatson, 2013). The genus is now placed by most of authors in the tribe Alticini Newman, 1835 (Kimoto, 2001; Medvedev, 2004; Takizawa, 2012; Nadein, 2013; Reid & Beatson, 2013). The majority of species are described from Borneo. The peculiar to this genus is that males of many species in the nominate subgenus have heads transversely widened with the eyes protruding laterally (Fig. 2B). Recently a number of revisions of the genus hav been published (Medvedev, 2004; Takizawa, 2011; Takizawa, 2012) and several new species have been described (Medvedev, 2004; Takizawa, 2012; Nadein, 2013). The genus Chalaenus used to be synonymised with the genus Priostomus Jacoby, 1884 (Konstantinov & Prathapan, 2008), but later Chalaenus was divided into two subgenera, the nominate one and the subgenus Priostomus (Takizawa, 2011, 2012). 20 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Chalaenus apicicornis (Jacoby, 1884A) originally was described as a genus Delocephala Jacoby, 1884B and placed in the subfamily Galerucinae Latreille, 1802, but was later united with the genus Chalaenus (Wilcox, 1975). Also, Ch. apicicornis was later synonymized with Ch. matangensis Bryant, 1943 (Mohamedsaid, 2004), but the synonymy was not recognized by other researchers (Medvedev, 2004; Takizawa, 2012). According to Medvedev (2004) and Takizawa (2012), Ch. apicicornis can be easily distinguished from the rest of Chalaenus species by the following characteristics: elytra densely and confusedly punctated, upper side entirely metallic, legs and underside blackish blue to black, basal 6 antennal segments piceous, 5 apical antennal segments pale fulvous. In males, the head is broader than the prothorax. It is important to note, that Ch. apicicornis is a very poorly known species and its specimens have not been available for personal examination neither to Medvedev (2004) nor Takizawa (2012) who have revised the genus. In the present paper, I have an opportunity to illustrate the general appearance of the Ch. apicicornis male (Figs. 2A, B). Geographical distribution: Ch. apicicornis is known only from Sumatra (Lebong, Indonesia) (Medvedev, 2004; Mohamedsaid, 2004; Takizawa, 2012), from where it was described, and Borneo (Sarawak, Malaysia) (Mohamedsaid, 2004; Takizawa, 2012). In the present study, I reported a new record of Ch. apicicornis from Sarawak (Bako National Park). The distributional map and the location of the new record site of Ch. apicicornis are given in Fig. 4. Mimastra jelineki Bezděk, 2009 (Fig. 2C). Material examined: 1 male and 1 female, Indonesia, Bali, Gerokgak Province, Pemuteran vill. environs, 26. 02. – 08. 03. 2015, Kizub I.V. leg. et det. The studied material is deposited in the author`s private collection in Kiev, Ukraine. Taxonomic notes: The genus Mimastra Baly, 1865 currently comprises at least 65 described species and is widely spread in the Oriental Region (Mohamedsaid, 1992; Zhang et al., 2006; Bezděk, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013; Bezděk & Lee, 2011). A number of publications report Mimastra from different geographical areas (Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963; Kimoto, 1989; Mohamedsaid, 1992; Zhang et al., 2006), and the genus has recently been completely revised by Bezděk in a series of publications (Bezděk, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013; Bezděk & Lee, 2011). Following this revision, a new species, Mimastra jelineki Bezděk, 2009, has been described from Bali Island (Indonesia) (Bezděk, 2009; Bezděk & Lee, 2011). M. jelineki can be distinguished from other Mimastra species which have a longitudinal metallic stripe on the elytra (M. limbata Baly, 1879, M. kremitovskyi Bezděk, 2009, M. maai Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963, and M. malvi Chen, 1942) by a very narrow metallic green stripe extending from the humeral callus to before apex. All the other above-mentioned species have a much broader stripe which covers most of the elytral disc, with only elytral margins remaining pale (Bezděk, 2009). Geographical distribution: So far, M. jelineki has only been reported from the eastern extremity of Java and from Bali, Indonesia (Bezděk, 2009). In this paper, I report a new record of M. jelineki in Bali, based on my collected material. One male and one female specimens were collected by me in Gerokgak Province of Bali Island (Fig. 4). Palpoxena shayakhmetovai sp. nov. (Fig. 3). Material examined: Holotype 1 male, Peninsular Malaysia, Pahang, Fraser`s Hill, Silver Park Resort Hotel, h = 1300 m., 22. 03 - 01. 04. 2013, Azarov A. leg., _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 21 Kizub I.V. det. The studied material is deposited in the author`s private collection in Kiev, Ukraine. Taxonomic notes: The genus Palpoxena Baly, 1861 is widely distributed in Southeast Asia, India and Africa and represented by approximately 54 species (Mohamedsaid, 1997). Malaysian species of Palpoxena have been reviewed by Mohamedsaid (1997) and in Malaysia the genus is represented by five species, including one described in the present paper: P. jacobyi (Baly, 1888), P. laeta Baly, 1861, P. variabllis (Jacoby, 1886), P. sabahensis Mohamedsaid, 1997 (Mohamedsaid, 1997, 2004), and Palpoxena shayakhmetovai sp. nov. The representatives of the genus can be distinguished by maxillary palpi with a dilated third segment, as well as by expressed secondary sexual characteristics in males. In males of the genus Palpoxena the clypeus is strongly depressed or concave, the first segment of the protarsus with a pad on its ventral surface, and the apical sternite usually trilobed (Maulik, 1936; Mohamedsaid, 1997; Mohamedsaid & Furth, 2011). In contrast, the female clypeus is depressed, the first segment of the protarsus without a pad on its ventral surface, and the apical sternite entire (Mohamedsaid, 1997). Description: Male (Fig. 3). Body reddish brown. Elytra bluish black with apical extremity reddish. Body length 8.0 mm. Head together with eyes slightly broader than prothorax, vertex smooth, minutely shagreened and its surface covered with sparse and minute punctures, frontal tubercles elongated and flattened; vertex with rounded deep groove between frontal tubercles and two setiferous pores bearing long setae; clypeus broadly and deeply excavated, smooth and shining; labrum moderate, trapezoidal, glabrous, does not conceal sides of mandibles as seen from above; maxillary palpi with third segment greatly enlarged and swollen, cup-shaped, convex on underside and concave above; apical segment very small, conical, embedded slightly on one side near apex. Eyes moderately large, shortly-oval, convex; interocular space approximately 2 times as broad as the transverse diameter of each eye. Antennal sockets moderately separated, with interantennal space 2 times as broad as the transverse diameter of each antennal socket. Antennae moderately slender, long, extended a slightly beyond the apex of elytra, entirely brownish; antennomere 1 club-shaped, slightly shorter than antennomere 3; antennomere 2 the shortest, as long as broad; antennomere 3 slightly longer than 1 and equal in length to 4; antennomeres 4-10 filiform, gradually shortened; antennomeres 3-6 covered with long hairs on the ventral surface; antennomere 11 leaf-shaped, flattened behind middle, and thickened and darkened toward apex. Pronotum reddish brown, transverse, width 1.5 times greater than length, narrowed towards the base; sides straight and oblique from the base to apex; anterior border with no margins, lateral and posterior borders margined. Pronotal disc minutely shagreened, sparsely and minutely punctated, dull; transversely depressed slightly behind the middle, the depression being less prominent in the middle of the disc; anterior and posterior angles with seta-bearing pore. Scutellum reddish brown, smooth, shagreened more coarsely than pronotum and elytra; its surface without punctures; triangular, with width greater than length, rounded at apex. Elytra bluish black with the apical extremity reddish; broader at base than prothorax and broader at apex than at base, finely shagreened and densely punctated, dull; elytral punctures larger and deeper than those of pronotum; humerus convex, basal area on each side of scutellum slightly convex; elytra slightly widened behind middle and rounded at apical margins; transversely 22 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ depressed beyond meddle and with postscutellar elevations; elytral epipleuron broad extended toward apex. Ventral surfaces reddish brown, sparsely covered with pale hairs. Apical sternite conical, rounded at apex. Legs entirely brownish with protarsomer 1 dilated and with a pad on its ventral surface. Aedeagus is shown in Figs. 3C-E. Diagnosis: The new species resembles P. coerulipennis (Baly, 1888) and P. sabahensis Mohamedsaid, 1997 by its coloration only: head, pronotum and ventral surfaces entirely reddish brown, and elytra bluish black, with the apical extremity reddish (Mohamedsaid, 1997). However, male P. shayakhmetovai do not have such prominent secondary sexual structures on the head as P. coerulipennis and P. sabahensis (Mohamedsaid, 1997). On the other hand, P. shayakhmetovai resembles P. jacobyi (Baly, 1888) males by large eyes, narrow interocular and interantennal space; broadly depressed clypeus, and maxillary palpi with the third segment broadened and swollen. Also, P. shayakhmetovai is similar to P. violaceipennis (Jacoby, 1896) described from Burma with the clypeus broadly depressed, the penultimate segments of the maxillary palpi profoundly convex and the apical bluntly conical (Maulik, 1936). It is important to note, that the male of the new species has entire abdominal apical sternite, not the modified trilobed sternite characteristic of males of the other Palpoxena species (Mohamedsaid, 1997). Based on external morphology, P. shayakhmetovai can be categorized into the “P. laeta” species-group (Dr. Jan Bezděk personal communication). Derivatio nominis: The new species` name is dedicated to my friend and colleague Dr. Ganna M. Shayakhmetova. Geographical distribution: P. shayakhmetovai is known form Fraser`s Hill, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia (Fig. 4). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author thanks Ievgen B. Tkachenko (Kiev, Ukraine) for collecting the study material, Jan Bezděk (Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic) and Mohamed S. Mohamedsaid (Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia) for consultation, Maksym Leshchenko (Kiev, Ukraine) for taking the photographs, and Andrii Rozhok (The University of Colorado, Denver, USA) for editing of the paper draft. LITERATURE CITED Baly, J. S. 1861. 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Colored circles – newly recorded localities of the species; colored lines – known borders of the species distribution. 26 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ EFFECTS OF SOME PLANTS SEED EXTRACTS ON HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA HÜBNER (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE) MIDGUT PROTEASE ACTIVITY Narjes Askari*, Reza Farshbaf Pourabad*, Davoud Mohammadi** and Samad Khaghaninia* * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz-IRAN. E-mail: ** Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Azarbaijan Shahd Madani University, Tabriz-IRAN. [Askari, N., Pourabad, R. F., Mohammadi, D. & Khaghaninia, S. 2016. Effects of some plants seed extracts on Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) midgut protease activity. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 26-32] ABSTRACT: Helicoverpa armigera is one of the most important pests of crops, such as cotton, cereals and vegetables. Using plant derived enzyme inhibitors in transgenic plants is one of the safe methods in IPM programs. In this study protease inhibitory activity of some plants seed extracts from poaceae and fabaceae family were studied. Insects reared in controlled condition and the last larval instars alimentary canal were used in enzymatic assays. The crude seed extracts were subjected for ammonium sulfate precipitation. The seed extracts of six plants were fractionated into four fractions (0-30 %, 30-50, 50-70 and 70-80%). The percentage of inhibition to cotton bollworm midgut protease activity obtained in crude and each protein fraction of ammonium sulfate. Proteolytic activity of midgut enzyme extracts was evaluated using the azocasein as substrate. The results revealed that seed extracts of Phasaeolus vulgaris and Cicer arietinum are potentially effective in inhibiting the proteolytic activity of cotton bollworm (54.5 and 53.2% respectively). Also total extracts of Triticum aestivum, Hordeum vuIgare, Zea mays, and sophora alopecuroides inhibited HGP activity by 17.7, 18.74, 20.62 and 29.31% respectively. Results revealed that the F1 fraction protein of all studied plants showed less than 20% inhibitory activity against HGP, and the F2 and F3 fraction exhibited the same inhibitory activity in the range of 10-20% in poaceae species. The legume plants especially in F1, F2 and F3 fractions exhibited near 15-50% inhibitory activity on HGP. In over all, among studied plants, Z. mays, P. vulgaris and C. arietinum have strong inhibitory activity in compare with others. KEY WORDS: Inhibitory activity, poacea, fabacea, azocasein, ammonium sulfate, cotton bollworm Cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), is one of the most important pests worldwide. It is polyphagous insect with a wide range of host plants including cultivated and wild plants such as cotton, mays, chickpea, tomato, vegetables, and other crops (Harsulkar et al., 1999; Nair et al., 2013). The wide application of chemical insecticides has been the main strategy for the control of H. armigera in different parts of the world. High levels of resistance to conventional insecticides also harmful effects on the environment and human health were developed due to improper use of insecticides (Giri et al., 1998; Parde et al., 2010). Pests such as cotton bollworm rely on a proteinases enzymes present in their guts to digest protease present in seeds, leaves and flowers of host plants (Shukla et al., 2005; Mohammadi et al., 2010). Insect pests depend on peptides obtained from proteolytic digestion for growth and development. Disruption in an insect’s ability to digest protein by transgenic plants expressing proteinase inhibitors, seems to be an alternative approach to conventional insecticides (Fan & Wu, 2005). Proteinase inhibitors are generally small proteins (less than 20 kDa) that mainly have been identified in storage tissues, such as tubers, seeds and aerial parts of plants such as flowers and leaves (Grover et al., 2014; Ryan, 2006). They _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 27 are also inducible in plants in response to attack by herbivores (Ryan, 2006). Protease inhibitors have been isolated and characterized from a large number of organisms, including plants, animals, and microorganisms (Christeller, 2005; Nair et al., 2013). A useful strategy for enhancing plant defense systems is to identify PIs with high activity against the target pests. Protease inhibitors (PIs) are compounds that form complexes with proteases and inhibit their proteolytic activity and suppression of the normal assimilation of food proteins (Ryan, 1990; Fan & Wu, 2005). Plants utilize proteinase inhibitors in order to moderate the adverse effects from attacking herbivores. So many studies have been carried on protease inhibitors, which active against different insect species, both in in vitro and in in vivo (Dorrah, 2004; Shukla, 2005). Reduction in fecundity and fertility, reducing larval growth and development and delay in pupation period after feeding of C. annum leaf extracts to H. armigera larvae through artificial diet has reported by Tamhane et al. (2005). Also they observed that about 91-98% of protease activity of H. armigera gut protease was inhibited by extracts of C. annum. Protein proteinase inhibitors extracted from the seeds of Momordica charantia L. were identified as effective inhibitor of cotton bollworm gut proteinases (Telong et al., 2003). Five plants including Arachis hypogaea, Vigna sinensis, Dolichos lablab, Phaseolus aureus and Cassia siamea reported inhibitory active plants with 22.91 to 58.33 % inhibition against H. armigera protease activity (Padul, 2012). Serine protease activities of S. littoralis midgut were inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor in vitro. Consumption of SBI by the larvae, causes variable effects such as reduction in weight gain and survival of the larvae (Dorrah, 2004). Partially purified inhibitor from soybean seeds extracts inhibiting cotton bollworm total protease activity by 91%. While inhibition of trypsin and chymotrypsin like proteases were found near 65 and 40% respectively (Ghodke, 2013). In a study aimed to test the efficacy of pigeonpea genotypes against H. armigera development were observed that, insects fed with diet containing seed powder exhibited larval and pupal weight reduction. also certain abnormalities such as larval-pupal intermediates were reported (Grover, 2014). Grover et al. (2014) reported that cotton bollworm fed with diet containing pigeon pea seed powder exhibited larval and pupal weight reduction and certain abnormalities. Some studies about screening of host and non-host plant-derived inhibitors has resulted in effective proteins that demonstrated high levels of inhibitory and biological effects against various insects. Some researchers reported that non-host plant PIs showed more inhibitory activity than host plants (Gruden et al., 1998; Harsulkar et al., 1999; Jamal et al., 2013). Parde et al. (2010) in their studies reported that, in vivo studies indicated that non-host plant PIs were good candidates as inhibitors of the HaGPs. The PIs from the non-host plants can be expressed in transgenic plants to confer resistance to insect pests. Most of plants proteinase inhibitors that have been characterized are from the poaceae, fabaceae, and solanaceae families. Usually seed extracts of plants showed more inhibitory activity than leaf and flower tissues and this may be due to higher accumulation of proteins in seeds than leaves and flowers (Qutchkourov et al., 2003; Harrison et al., 2012; Chougule et al., 2005). Currently, the main emphasis of plant proteinase inhibitor studies is on identifying potential inhibitors of digestive proteinases of the target insects and present study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro assays of the some poaceae and fabaceae family crude seed extracts and partial purified fractions proteins against the cotton bollworm gut proteases activity. 28 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ MATERIALS AND METHODS Insect rearing Cotton bollworm larvae were provided by a colony in plant protection department of Tabriz University. Larvae were reared on artificial diets based on cowpea (Shorey & Hall, 1965) in controlled condition of 26±2°C, 50±5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h. Enzyme preparation One day old last-larval instars of cotton bollworm were selected for gut extraction. The individuals were chilled and dissected in cold petri dishes. Each gut with lumen contents was moved to 1.5 ml micro tubes containing 1 ml cold Glycine-NaOH, pH 10, buffer. The collected guts were then homogenized using Ultra turrax T8 homogenizer then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 10000 rpm and 4°C. The supernatant was used as enzyme solution (Mohammadi et al., 2015). Crude extracts and protein fractions preparing of Inhibitors Plant seeds were prewashed with distilled water and dried in room temperature then ground using mortar and pestle. The prepared flour was soaked in Glycine-NaOH buffer, pH 10.0 for 90 minutes in 6°C. The homogenates were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 30 minutes at 4°C.The proteins collected from the supernatant were used for protease inhibition assay (Baker, 1987; Melo et al., 1999). For partial purification of proteins, crude extracts obtained from the seeds of studied plants were precipitated at 0-30, 30-50, 50-70 and 70-80% saturation with ammonium sulfate and four protein fractions (F1 – F4) were obtained (Mohammadi et al., 2010). Determination of protein concentration Protein concentration was estimated by the method of Bradford (1976) using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the standard. Enzyme activity and inhibitory assays Total protease activity determined using azocaseinolytic assay. Azocasein at final concentration of 1% (w/v) was incubated with the enzyme fraction in Glycine-NaOH 200 mM buffer, pH 10, containing 5 mM CaCl2, at 37°C for 60 min. The reaction was terminated by the addition of 300 μl of TCA (10% v/v) and the sample was centrifuged for 10 min at 10000 rpm. The supernatant was added to 1M NaOH in equal volumes. And the absorbance of the supernatant was read at 450 nm. Protease and inhibitory activity was defined as the amount of enzyme that increased the absorbance by 1.0 OD under the given assay condition. For the inhibitory assays, a suitable volume of seed extract was added to the gut proteinase extract and incubated at room temperature (27°C) for 15 min. The residual proteinase activity was then estimated for every assay. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses were done using SPSS 15 software. The effects of PIs from plant materials on H. armigera last larval instars. enzyme activity analysed using one way-ANOVA. When a significant effect was found the Duncan’s multiple range test was performed to compare the means (P=0.05). All experiments carried out in three replications. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Efficiency of crude seed extracts against HGP inhibitory activity The crude extracts possess activities in the range between 18.11 to 55.33 % which are considered to have strong inhibitory activity (Fig. 1). The fabaceae species showed strong inhibitory activity against HGP (mean 45%) in while poaceae family species showed a moderate inhibitory activity (mean 19%). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 29 All the species showed inhibitory activity in vitro against HGP activity while P. vulgaris crude seed extract showed a strong inhibitory activity of 55% against HGP among studied plant species. HGP inhibitory activity of different protein fractions of Poaceae species In different fractions of Poaceae species, inhibitory activity without significant differences was observed. Only Z. mays F4 fraction protein significantly affected HGP activity more than other fractions by 30% (Fig. 2). HGP inhibitory activity of different protein fractions of Fabaceae species Analysis of variances showed significant differences among F1 to F4 protein fractions in Fabaceae species. HGP activity strongly affected by F. vulgaris fractions and specially 70-80% fraction inhibited HGP activity more than 45%. About C. arietinum 70-80% protein fraction has more efficiency than other ones. The first fraction in all plants showed moderately to weak inhibitory activity in the range of 1016%. The most inhibitory activity in S. alopecuroides was measured in 50-70% fraction by 26% (Fig. 3). The use of conventional insecticides to control insect pests poses hazards to human health, non-target species, beneficial insects and environment. Indiscriminate use of chemical insecticides can also select insecticide resistance populations of pests (Harrison & Bonning, 2010). The digestive enzymes such as proteolytic and amylolytic enzymes are a target for insect pest management programs that are safe and environmentally friend method. Digestive enzymes play important roles in insect growth, development and reproduction; other functions including enzyme activation and detoxification are in relation with protease enzymes in insects digestive system (Christeller et al., 1992; Terra et al., 1996). Digestive systems of the lepidopteran larva contain proteases such as trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase. Özgur et al. (2009) studies on H. armigera digestive protease showed that, serine proteases are dominant protease in the H. armigera midgut. Several families of proteinase inhibitors has recognized among the animal and plant kingdom. Majority of proteinase inhibitors studied in plant kingdom originates from three main families namely Fabaceae, Solanaceae and Poaceae (Wee, 2000). Many investigators have isolated and characterized enzyme inhibitors from poaceae species such as barley, wheat and maize. Divya et al. (2014), reported that Z. mays contains PIs with trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity and these enzymes are abundant in cotton bollworm gut (Ozgur et al., 2009). Also Gourinath et al. (2000) reported that the members of Poaceae family have serine protease inhibitors. Odani et al. (1983) has reported that a large number of inhibitors in poaceae family have only α-amylase-inhibitory activity; however inhibitors from barley, rye and tall fescue are active against trypsin. Maize and ragi inhibitors showed dual activities and can inhibit serine proteinases as well as α-amylase (Mahoney et al., 1984; Shivraj & Pattabiraman, 1981; Habib & Fazili, 2007). Boisen (1983), reported that, Inhibitors of trypsin, chymotrypsin and microbial proteases are the most common PIs in barley and are present mostly in seeds also trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was detected in barley by Casaretto et al. (2004). Constantin et al. (2008) and Poerio et al. (2003) demonstrated that protease inhibitors are present in leaf and seeds of wheat. In present study protease inhibitory activity of different poaceae species has observed and all fractions with minor differences contains HGP inhibitory activity which is in agreement above mentioned reports. The present study concluded that all the species possess the potential to inhibitory H. armigera gut protease activity. Results revealed that the F1 fraction protein of all studied plants 30 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ showed less than 20% inhibitory activity against HGP, and the F2 and F3 fraction exhibited the same inhibitory activity in the range of 10-20% in Poaceae species. Fabaceae species are rich of proteins and protease inhibitors and plenty of studies isolated and characterized different PIs from leaves, seeds and foliage of different Fabaceae species (Giri et al., 1998; Franco, 2003; Fan & Wu, 2005; Kansal, 2008; Abd El-latif, 2015). The PIs from the wild relatives of pigeonpea showed considerable potential against the HaGPs (Parde et al., 2012). Our results were concurrent with those by Nair et al. (2013), C. arietinum (chickpea) seeds are known to contain, inhibitors of proteases. This study has shown that P. vulgaris and C. arietinum protease inhibitor caused a significant decrease in proteolytic activity in the gut of H. armigera compared to the other inhibitors. 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PI activity of different protein fractions of Fabaceae family plants prepared with saturation in Ammonium sulfate (The means followed by different letters in each plant are significantly different, p=0.01). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 33 AN ASSESSMENT ON POPULATION DENSITY OF SAN JOSE SCALE QUADRASPIDIOTUS PERNICIOSUS (COMSTOCK) (HEMIPTERA: DIASPIDIDAE) AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CONTROL IN KASHMIR Abdul A. Buhroo*, Farak N. Rasheed and Abdul L. Khanday * P. G. Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar-190006, INDIA. E-mail: [Buhroo, A. A., Rasheed, F. N. & Khanday, A. L. 2016. An assessment on population density of San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) and its biological control in Kashmir. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 3338] ABSTRACT: San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus is a key pest of apple crop in the northern states of India. An assessment on its population density was carried out in five districts of Kashmir Valley. In district Baramulla, the pooled mean scale population ranged from 10.29 per cm2 area to 37.32 /cm2 over the course of its active period from April to October. This population range was 10.74–36.45 scales /cm2 area in district Bandipora, 11.39–37.48 /cm2 area in district Srinagar, 10.22–35.57 /cm2 area in district Anantnag, and 10.14–33.72 /cm2 area in district Budgam. The efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi– Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato and Lecanicillium lecanii at three concentrations against the pest was examined in an experimental orchard. Mortality of the pest was monitored at 2-day intervals until 30 days after application and the maximum mortality was used for data analysis. All three fungal pathogens caused mortality of the pest particularly with the increase of treatment concentration. High mortality (77%) was determined with B. bassiana at 15 × 105 conidia /ml. concentration followed by L. lecanii at the same concentration (mortality 75%). However, M. anisopliae sensu lato was significantly less effective (mortality 53–68%) among the three concentrations tested during field trial. The results demonstrate the suitability of entomopathogenic fungi for controlling San Jose scale. KEY WORDS: Population density, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, Hemiptera, Diaspididae, biological control. San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) is a key pest of apple in certain hilly tracts of India (Malik et al., 1972; Masoodi et al., 1993). Its distribution throughout the temperate regions of the world and its expansion to additional host species make this insect a serious pest. Female San Jose scales produce crawlers which settle on the bark, leaves and fruit and because of their small size are difficult to detect visually. A single female produces up to 500 crawlers (Korchagin, 1987) and crawler emergence continues from middle of May to middle of October in Kashmir apple orchards (Masoodi & Trali, 1987; Buhroo et al., 2000). If crawlers from heavy infestations are left untreated, they may cause appreciable fruit damage. Biological control based on parasites and predators have been tested with variable success (Masoodi & Trali, 1987; Rawat et al., 1988; Masoodi et al., 1989a,b; Thakur et al., 1989; Thakur et al., 1993; Masoodi et al., 1996). Among the causal agents of diseases in insects such as protozoans, bacteria, viruses, rickettsia and nematodes, the entomogenous fungi also play a relevant role. There are minimal effects of entomopathogenic fungi on non-targets and they offer a safer alternative for use in IPM than chemical insecticides (Goettel & Hajek, 2000; Pell et al., 2001; Hajek & Delalibera, 2010; Khan et al., 2012). The objective of this study was to assess the population density of San Jose scale in Kashmir and to test the effectiveness of various concentrations of entomopathogenic fungi– Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill, Metarhizium 34 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ anisopliae sensu lato (Metsch.) Sorokin, and Lecanicillium lecanii (Zimm.) Zare & Gams against the pest during field trial. MATERIALS AND METHODS Population density San Jose scale population density was assessed in five districts of Kashmir viz. Baramulla, Bandipora, Srinagar, Anantnag and Budgam during the year 2008. At each district three orchards were taken and from each orchard ten apple trees (Red Delicious cultivar) were randomly selected. Orchards were categorized as high, medium and least infested on visual basis taking into account live scale population. The twigs of selected trees were examined for recording scales per square centimeter area on five spots in each tree. The observations were recorded at fortnightly intervals from last week of March to October. Field trial The field trial for determining efficacy of fungal applications was carried out in an apple orchard located at Pulwama district in Kashmir. At the trial site, the orchard had many apple cultivars but Red Delicious was the predominant cultivar. The orchard was spread over 0.81 hectares having 15-20 year old trees and the rows planted at a distance of 5 meters from each other. The average height of the trees was 3.5 meters (±1.5 SD) and trees were infested with San Jose scale. The orchard was taken mainly on the basis of heavy infestation caused by the pest during the preceding years and 30 infested apple trees were labeled for different applications. Fungal treatment The commercial forms of insect pathogenic fungi were obtained from Varsha Bioscience and Technology, Vinay Nagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059. They included Beauveria bassiana NCIM 1216 (spore count 1 × 108 CFU /g.), Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato NCIM 1311 (CFU 1 × 108 /g.) and Lecanicillium lecanii NCIM 1312 (CFU 1 × 108 /g.). Each product also contained Talc as a dispersant. The products were stored under cryogenic conditions. Conidial suspensions of each fungus for bioassays were made in distilled water at three concentrations – low (5 × 105 conidia /ml.), medium (1 × 106 conidia /ml.) and high (15 × 105 conidia /ml.). The fungal treatments (5 litres of each formulation) were applied with the help of a foot sprayer to the complete tree. Treatments consisted of application to three replicate trees with each of the three fungi at each of 3 concentrations (low, medium and high). Beauveria bassiana at low concentration was applied to three trees, medium concentration to three trees and high concentration to three trees (and the same was done for M. anisopliae and L. lecanii). In the vicinity of these applications, three infested apple trees were sprayed with distilled water which served as control trees during the course of experimentation. At the treatment site, the treatments were started 10 days after the emergence of first crawlers. This helped to provide the additional host material (fresh as well as old scales) to the fungal pathogen. Live San Jose scales were counted on the surface of the bark on five, 1 cm2 areas per tree (= 1 replicate). The areas selected for counting were based on large insect population presence. This was done one day before treatment (one spray only) and at subsequent interval of 2-days after treatment for a period of 30 days. During counting, the waxy covers of the scales were carefully removed with the help of a scalpel. The shrunk and flaccid scales under the waxy cover were treated as dead. The percentage mortality of San Jose scale was calculated at the experimental site. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 35 Statistical analysis Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 20.0 for Windows. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the percentage mortalities after applications were separated using Tukey’s HSD test. The treatment effects were statistically significant at P ≤ 0.05. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The data collected on population density of San Jose scale in district Baramulla is presented in Figure 1. The results revealed that the pooled mean of live scale population was 10.29 per cm2 area at the end of March which increased to a peak of 37.32 /cm2 at the end of July and from there onwards it gradually declined to 26.48 /cm2 area in the first fortnight of October. The data collected in district Bandipora (Figure 2) revealed that the pooled mean population of the scales was 10.74 /cm2 area in the 1st week of April which reached to a maximum of 36.45 /cm2 area at the end of July and thereafter slowly declined to a low of 25.45 /cm2 area until the middle of October. In district Srinagar (Figure 3) the live scale population was 11.39 /cm2 area in the first week of April which gradually increased to a maximum of 37.48 /cm2 area up to the first week of August. Then the population declined to a low of 26.32 /cm2 area up to the middle of October. The data collected in district Anantnag (Figure 4) revealed that the population of the scales was 10.22 /cm2 area in the first week of April which increased to a maximum of 35.57 /cm2 area in the first week of August and then it came down to 24.17 /cm2 area in the third week of October. The data collected at district Budgam (Figure 5) showed a population of 10.14 scales /cm2 area in the first fortnight of April which gradually increased to 33.72 /cm2 area in the first week of August and then it again declined to 24.39 /cm2 area in the second fortnight of October. The above observations showed that the sequence of population level of San Jose scale in different apple orchards remained more or less the same throughout the districts surveyed in Kashmir. The peak population was always observed in August in all the districts surveyed. However, the maximum population was observed in districts Srinagar and Baramulla followed by districts Bandipora, Anantnag and Budgam. The data collected on percentage mortality at the Awantipora experimental site is presented in Figure 6. The treatments showed that the scales infesting apple trees were highly susceptible to the fungal species tested and the high mortality was achieved on 30th day after treatment. At low concentration (5 × 10 5 conidia /ml.), the mortality of scales reached a maximum of 61.66% (±1.15 SD) with B. bassiana, 53.16% (±1.58 SD) with M. anisopliae, and 62.56% (±1.41 SD) with L. lecanii. At medium concentration (1 × 106 conidia /ml.), mortality reached a maximum of 69.33% (±2.19 SD) with B. bassiana, 57.10% (±1.47 SD) with M. anisopliae, and 65.93% (±1.61 SD) with L. lecanii. At high concentration (15 × 105 conidia /ml.), mortality reached a maximum of 77.23% (±2.85 SD) with B. bassiana, 67.60% (±1.55 SD) with M. anisopliae, and 74.80% (±0.90 SD) with L. lecanii. The data also revealed that there were no significant differences between B. bassiana and L. lecanii among the fungal species at each of the three treatment concentrations (P = 0.723 for low concentration; P = 0.127 for medium concentration; and P = 0.343 for high concentration). However, both the species produced significantly higher mortality than M. anisopliae at each treatment concentration (P ≤ 0.001 for low concentration; P ≤ 0.002 for medium concentration; and P ≤ 0.009 for high concentration). The overall maximum mortality was produced by B. bassiana at high conidial (15 × 105 conidia /ml.) concentration. 36 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ In control trees, there was almost negligible mortality (3.58% ±0.72 SD) of San Jose scale during the experimental period. This natural mortality occurs due to environmental factors including parasitic wasps and predators. This work demonstrates that entomopathogenic fungi are capable of infecting San Jose scale and killing the early settled crawlers and nymphs on the bark of the apple tree. All three fungal pathogens used in the present study showed high efficacy against the pest especially with the increase of treatment concentration. The fungal pathogen B. bassiana has been tested and developed as a commercial mycoinsecticide by a number of researchers in the USA (e.g. Bradley et al., 1992; Poprawski et al., 1999; Vandenberg et al., 1998). Finally it was allowed for commercial use in 1999 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is a promising biocontrol candidate used on a large variety of tree and field crops for control of grasshoppers, whiteflies, thrips, aphids and many other insect pests in North America (Shah & Pell, 2003). The present results showed that among the three species of entomopathogenic fungi, the highest mortality– 77.25% was caused by B. bassiana at 15 × 105 conidia /ml. concentration followed by L. lecanii (with same concentration) during the field trial. This high mortality obtained with B. bassiana is similar to the mortality observed by Sheeba et al. (2001) in rice weevils where B. bassiana produced mortality up to 75.8% when monitored at 5day intervals until 25 days. In similar experiments, B. bassiana caused maximum mortality of 71.10% in plant bug (Liu et al., 2003) and 80% in broad mite (Nugroho & Ibrahim, 2004). In addition commercial preparations of B. bassiana are infective even after more than 12 months’ storage at 25 °C (Wraight et al., 2001). L. lecanii also produced better results and caused more than 70% mortality of the scale pest in the present experiment. This pathogen has already been recommended for control of aphids and related insects in Europe (Shah & Pell, 2003) and good efficacy against a number of aphid species has been demonstrated (Hall, 1981; Milner, 1997; Burges, 2000; Yeo et al., 2003). It was also observed that among the three species of entomopathogenic fungi used, M. anisopliae was significantly less effective than the other two against San Jose scale. CONCLUSION The aim of this study was to find an alternative for synthetic insecticides so as to formulate the ecofriendly management strategies against San Jose scale. It has been noted (Shah and Pell 2003) that most entomopathogenic fungi are best used when total eradication of a pest is not required, but instead insect populations are controlled below an economic threshold, with some crop damage being acceptable. Therefore, entomopathogenic fungi could be used against the scale pests in conjunction with other conventional and cultural methods in IPM. LITERATURE CITED Bradley, C. A., Black, W. E., Kearns, R. & Wood, P. 1992. Role of production technology in mycoinsecticide development. In: Leatham, G. F. (ed). Frontiers in industrial mycology. New York, USA: Chapman and Hall. pp. 160173. Buhroo, A. A., Chishti, M. Z. & Masoodi, M. A. 2000. Degree-day (DD) Phenology of San Jose scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Comstock) and the assessment of its predator, Chilocorus bijugus Mulsant in Kashmir orchard ecosystem. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 28 (2): 117-123. Burges, H. D. 2000. 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Production, stabilization and formulation of fungal biocontrol agents. In: Butt, T. M., Jackson, C., Magan, N. (eds). Fungi as biocontrol agents. Wallingford: CAB International. pp. 253-287. Yeo, H., Pell, J. K., Alderson, P. G., Clark, S. J. & Pye, B. J. 2003. Laboratory evaluation of temperate effects on the germination and growth of entomopathogenic fungi and on their pathogenicity to two aphid species. Pest Management Science, 59: 156-165. Figure 1. Pooled mean population of San José scale on Red Delicious cultivar of apple in district Baramulla. Figure 2. Pooled mean population of San José scale on Red Delicious cultivar of apple in district Bandipora. 38 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Figure 3. Pooled mean population of San José scale on Red Delicious cultivar of apple in district Srinagar. Figure 4. Pooled mean population of San José scale on Red Delicious cultivar of apple in district Anantnag. Figure 5. Pooled mean population of San José scale on Red Delicious cultivar of apple in district Budgam. Figure 6. Pooled mean percentage mortality of San Jose scale due to entomopathogenic fungi at three different concentrations. Different letters above bars (mean ± 1SD) indicate statistical significance (Tukey’s test). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 39 A CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE OF TURKISH LONGHORNED BEETLES FAUNA FROM ÇORUM PROVINCE IN NORTHERN ANATOLIA (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) Gamze Özdikmen* and Hüseyin Özdikmen* * Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, 06500 Ankara / TÜRKİYE. Emails:; [Özdikmen, G. & Özdikmen, H. 2016. A contribution to knowledge of Turkish longhorned beetles fauna from Çorum province in Northern Anatolia (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 39-51] ABSTRACT: The work presents new faunistical data for Turkish longhorned beetles fauna from Çorum province in N Anatolia. The fauna of Çorum province is also given with old and newly recorded species in the text. KEY WORDS: Cerambycidae, new data, Çorum, Turkey. Çorum province is in Central Black Sea Part of Black Sea Region in N Anatolia. It is located between 40°33′00″ N longitude and 34°57′14″ E latitude. It is limited Sinop province in the North, Kastamonu province in the North-West, Samsun province in the North-East, Amasya province in the East, Yozgat province in the South, Kırıkkale province in the South-West and Çankırı province in the West. Çorum has 13 counties as Alaca, Bayat, Boğazkale, Dodurga, İskilip, Kargı, Laçin, Mecitözü, Oğuzlar, Ortaköy, Osmancık, Sungurlu and Uğurludağ (Fig. 1). Knowledge about longicorn beetles of Çorum province is far from satisfaction. The planned work on this subject is also absent. In any work, the recorded information has not also been reviwed yet. Besides even information related faunistical composition of Çorum province has not been determined yet. This scattered information can be obtained from cited references (Breuning, 1966; Perissinotto & Luchini, 1966; Breuning & Villiers, 1967; Gfeller, 1972; Braun, 1975, 1978, 1979; Sama, 1982; Öymen, 1987; Adlbauer, 1992; Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999; Tauzin, 2000; Özdikmen & Çağlar, 2004; Özdikmen et al., 2005; Özdikmen, 2007). Clearly, there is no any work on Cerambycidae of Çorum province related the whole territories of it. Previous works were either short notes on shortlived expeditions. Also, works including description of new taxons are sometimes encountered. In this study, longicorn beetles specimens belong to the family Cerambycidae that collected in the year of 2013 from various localities of Çorum province are evaluated. On the results of identification of these specimens are determined a total of 52 species belonging to 19 genera and 5 subfamilies. 33 of them are the first records to Çorum province. Moreover, four new species for science were described from Çorum province on the base of the specimens in the present work as Subfamily Dorcadioninae: Dorcadion dombilicoides, Dorcadion erdemi, Dorcadion yılmazi and Subfamily Lamiinae: Phytoecia aligamgami. The remaining 19 species are known from the research areas. Thus, known Çorum’s fauna that consisted of a total of 33 species belonging to 14 genera and 5 subfamilies according to old references, was determined as a total of 66 species belonging to 25 genera and 5 subfamilies. With the present work, known number of species in Cerambycidae fauna of Çorum province is rised up the ratio 100 % (33 to 66 species). In the following list, known taxa from Çorum province are only given the taxon name simply. 40 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ LONGHORNED BEETLES FAUNA OF ÇORUM PROVINCE SUPERFAMILY CERAMBYCOIDEA Latreille, 1802 FAMILY CERAMBYCIDAE Latreille, 1802: 211 SUBFAMILY LEPTURINAE Latreille, 1802: 218 GENUS DINOPTERA Mulsant, 1863: 494 SUBGENUS DINOPTERA Mulsant, 1863: 494 SPECIES D. collaris (Linnaeus, 1758: 398) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS VADONIA Mulsant, 1863: 559 SPECIES V. monostigma (Ganglbauer, 1882: 29) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀; Alaca-Sungurlu road, entry of Gökçam village, 40˚ 08’ N - 34˚ 34’ E, 02.VI.2013, 954 m, 1 ♂; Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1234 m, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The Turkish endemic species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES V. unipunctata (Fabricius, 1787: 157) SUBSPECIES V. unipunctata unipunctata (Fabricius, 1787: 157) Material examined: Çorum-Alaca road, 40 km to Çorum, Alaca Dam env., 40˚ 14’ N - 34˚ 47’ E, 22.VI.2013, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS PSEUDOVADONIA Lobanov, Danilevsky & Murzin, 1981: 787 SPECIES P. livida (Fabricius, 1777: 233) SUBSPECIES P. livida bicarinata (N. Arnold, 1869: 137) Material examined: Entry of Dodurga, 40˚ 49’ N - 34˚ 50’ E, 01.VI.2013, 522 m, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers, 29 ♂♂ and 26 ♀♀ and 24.VI.2013, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 4 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS STICTOLEPTURA Casey, 1924: 280 SUBGENUS STICTOLEPTURA Casey, 1924: 280 SPECIES S. cordigera (Fuessly, 1775: 14) SUBSPECIES S. cordigera cordigera (Fuessly, 1775: 14) Material examined: İskilip-Bayat, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 01.VI.2013, 685 m, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Çorum-Alaca road, 40 km to Çorum, Alaca Dam env., 40˚ 14’ N - 34˚ 47’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; Çorum-Ortaköy road, pass to Amasya return, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 24.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS ANASTRANGALIA Casey, 1924: 280 SPECIES A. dubia (Scopoli, 1763: 47) SUBSPECIES A. dubia dubia (Scopoli, 1763: 47) Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS JUDOLIA Mulsant, 1863: 496 SPECIES J. erratica (Dalman, 1817: 490) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 18 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀ and 24.VI.2013, 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Osmancık road, Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 41 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Osmancık road, Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 42’ N - 34˚ 54’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The species was reported only by Sama (1982) and Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS STENURELLA Villiers, 1974: 214 SUBGENUS PRISCOSTENURELLA Özdikmen, 2013: 516 SPECIES S. bifasciata (O. F. Müller, 1776: 93) SUBSPECIES S. bifasciata bifasciata (O. F. Müller, 1776: 93) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 3 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀ and 24.VI.2013, 3 ♀♀; ÇorumOrtaköy road, pass to Amasya return, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 3 ♂♂; Ankara-Çorum road, exit of Sungurlu, 22.VI.2013, 40˚ 10’ N - 34˚ 25’ E, on flowers, 1 ♂; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 6 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀; OrtaköyGöynücek road, pass to İncesu Canyon, 40˚ 18’ N - 35˚ 19’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26’ N - 35˚ 16’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀; Çorum-Osmancık road, Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 42’ N - 34˚ 54’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀; Çamlıca road, entry of Laçin, 40˚ 46’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♀♀. Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SPECIES S. septempunctata (Fabricius, 1793: 346) SUBSPECIES S. septempunctata latenigra (Pic, 1915: 5) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 2 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBFAMILY CERAMBYCINAE Latreille, 1802: 211 GENUS PURPURICENUS Dejean, 1821: 105 SPECIES P. budensis (Götz, 1783: 72) Material examined: Entry of Dodurga, 40˚ 49’ N - 34˚ 50’ E, 01.VI.2013, 522 m, on flowers, 3 ♂♂ and 23.VI.2013, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀; İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 01.VI.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♀♀ and 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀; Çamlıca road, entry of Laçin, 40˚ 46’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; Dodurga-İskilip road, pass to Oğuzlar return, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 9 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Alpagut, 40˚ 52’ N 34˚ 44’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂; Ayva village, 40˚ 48’ N - 34˚ 51’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS CERTALLUM Dejean, 1821: 111 SPECIES C. ebulinum (Linnaeus, 1767: 637) Material examined: Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 40˚ 8’ N - 34˚ 14’ E, 27.IV.2013, 705 m, on flowers with net, 1 ♀; Çorum-Sungurlu road, 25 km to Sungurlu, 27.IV.2013, 660 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 20 km to Sungurlu, 40˚ 05’ N - 34˚ 07’ E, 27.IV.2013, 665 m, on Carduus sp. with net, 7 ♂♂ and 6 ♀♀; Oğuzlar-Dodurga road, 5 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50’ N - 34˚ 46’ E, 28.IV.2013, 742 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀; İskilipBayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 28.IV.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 3 ♂♂; Entry of Oğuzlar, 40˚ 45’ N - 34˚ 42’ E, 28.IV.2013, 671 m, on flowers with net, 2 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23’ N - 34˚ 43’ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Laçin road, Buharevler, 40˚ 34’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 01.VI.2013, 843 m, 1 ♂; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♀; Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 40˚ 6’ N - 34˚ 8’ E, 02.VI.2013, 758 m, on herbs, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. 42 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ GENUS HYLOTRUPES Audinet-Serville, 1834: 77 SPECIES H. bajulus (Linnaeus, 1758: 396) Material examined: Gölünyazı, VI.2013, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS PHYMATODES Mulsant, 1839: 47 SUBGENUS PHYMATODES Mulsant, 1839: 47 SPECIES P. testaceus (Linnaeus, 1758: 396) Material examined: İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 01.VI.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS PLAGIONOTUS Mulsant, 1842: 1 SUBGENUS ECHINOCERUS Mulsant, 1862: 143 SPECIES P. floralis (Pallas, 1773: 724) Material examined: Entry of Dodurga, 40˚ 49’ N - 34˚ 50’ E, 01.VI.2013, 522 m, on flowers, 3 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23’ N - 34˚ 43’ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on flowers, 5 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀; Çorum-Alaca road, 30 km to Alaca, 40˚ 24’ N - 34˚ 48’ E, 02.VI.2013, 834 m, on flowers, 3 ♂♂; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 3 ♂♂; Alaca-Sungurlu road, entry of Gökçam village, 40˚ 08’ N - 34˚ 34’ E, 02.VI.2013, 954 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 21 ♂♂ and 12 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, pass to Cemilbey, 22 km to Ortaköy, 40˚ 18’ N - 35˚ 04’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♀♀; Ortaköy-Göynücek road, pass to İncesu Canyon, 40˚ 18’ N 35˚ 19’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; Sungurlu-Alaca road, pass to Alaca return, 40˚ 10’ N - 34˚ 28’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 4 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; Ankara-Çorum road, exit of Sungurlu, 40˚ 10’ N - 34˚ 25’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 3 ♀♀; Alaca-Çorum road, 49 km to Çorum, 40˚ 11’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Ortaköy road, pass to Amasya return, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 11 ♂♂ and 10 ♀♀; Çorum-Alaca road, 40 km to Çorum, Alaca Dam env., 40˚ 14’ N - 34˚ 47’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 3 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26’ N - 35˚ 16’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 10 ♂♂ and 7 ♀♀; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 24.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 3 ♂♂. Remarks: The species was reported only by Sama (1982) and Özdikmen & Çağlar (2004) from Çorum province. SUBGENUS NEOPLAGIONOTUS Kasatkin, 2005: 51 SPECIES P. bobelayei (Brullé, 1832: 253) Material examined: Çamlıca road, entry of Lâçin, 40˚ 46’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 23.VI.2013, 685 m, on flowers, 2 ♂♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS CHLOROPHORUS Chevrolat, 1863: 290 SUBGENUS CHLOROPHORUS Chevrolat, 1863: 290 SPECIES C. damascenus (Chevrolat, 1854: 483) Material examined: Çorum-Ortaköy road, pass to Amasya return, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES C. varius (O. F. Müller, 1766: 188) Material examined: Ortaköy-Göynücek road, pass to İncesu Canyon, 40˚ 18’ N - 35˚ 19’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBGENUS CRASSOFASCIATUS Özdikmen, 2011: 538 SPECIES C. aegyptiacus (Fabricius, 1775: 194) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 02.06.2013, 1025 m, on herbs and flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀; Alaca-Sungurlu road, entry of Gökçam village, 40˚ 08ˈ N - 34˚ 34ˈ E, 02.06.2013, 954 m, on herbs and _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 43 flowers (Umbelliferae), 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy road, pass to Amasya return, 22.06.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26ˈ N - 35˚ 16ˈ E, 22.06.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES C. trifasciatus (Fabricius, 1781: 244) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 02.06.2013, 1025 m, on herbs and flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♂; Alaca-Çorum road, 49 km to Çorum, 40˚ 11ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers 1 ♂; Alaca-Sungurlu road, entry of Gökçam village, 40˚ 08ˈ N - 34˚ 34ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 954 m, on herbs and flowers (Umbelliferae), 4 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, pass to Cemilbey, 22 km to Ortaköy, 40˚ 18ˈ N - 35˚ 04ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26ˈ N - 35˚ 16ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 3 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS XYLOTRECHUS Chevrolat, 1860: 456 SUBGENUS XYLOTRECHUS Chevrolat, 1860: 456 SPECIES X. arvicola (Olivier, 1795: 64) SUBSPECIES X. arvicola arvicola (Olivier, 1795: 64) Material examined: İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 23.VI.2013, 685 m, on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. GENUS CLYTUS Laicharting, 1784: 88 SUBGENUS CLYTUS Laicharting, 1784: 88 SPECIES C. rhamni Germar, 1817: 223 SUBSPECIES C. rhamni temesiensis (Germar, 1824: 519) Material examined: Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 9 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES C. schurmanni Sama, 1996: 108 Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 14 ♂♂ and 25 ♀♀, and 24.VI.2013, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SUBFAMILY STENOPTERINAE Gistel, 1848: [9] (unnum. section) GENUS STENOPTERUS Illiger, 1804: 120 SPECIES S. rufus (Linnaeus, 1767: 642) SUBSPECIES S. rufus geniculatus Kraatz, 1863: 104 Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 10 ♂♂ and 15 ♀♀; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N - 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀; ÇorumOsmancık road, Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 42’ N - 34˚ 54’ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 9 ♂♂ and 7 ♀♀; Çorum-Alaca road, Pempecik village, 40˚ 20’ N - 34˚ 48’ E, 24.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SUBFAMILY DORCADIONINAE Swainson, 1840: 290 GENUS DORCADION Dalman, 1817: 397 SUBGENUS CRIBRIDORCADION Pic, 1901: 12 SPECIES D. afflictum Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999: 54 Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported only by Pesarini & Sabbadini (1999) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. bangi Heyden, 1894: 89 SUBSPECIES D. bangi heinzorum Braun, 1975: 17 Material examined: Gölünyazı, VI.2004, 1 ♀ and 18.IV.2004, 3 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; BoğazkaleAlacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 12’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 27.IV.2013, 1234 m, on Graminae, 21 ♂♂ and 9 ♀♀. 44 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1975, 1978, 1979), Adlbauer (1992) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. enricisturanii Breuning & Ruspoli, 1971: 127 SUBSPECIES D. enricisturanii enricisturanii Breuning & Ruspoli, 1971: 127 Material examined: 7 km pass to Oğuzlar, İskilip return, 40˚ 48’ N - 34˚ 40’ E, 31.III.2013, 1020 m, under stones and on Graminae, 24 ♂♂ and 13 ♀♀, and 28.IV.2013, on the ground, 6 ♂♂ and 6 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1978), Adlbauer (1992) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. erdemi Özdikmen, Kaya & Al-Hamadani, 2014: 179 Material examined: Çorum-Sungurlu road, Kemallı return, 30.III.2013, 774 m, under stones, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀; Çorum-Laçin road, exit of Sarmaşa village, 40˚ 39’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 31.III.2013, 987 m, under stones, 1 ♀. Remarks: The new species was described on the base of the specimens in the present work. It is endemic to Turkey. SPECIES D. hampii Mulsant & Rey, 1863: 157 SUBSPECIES D. hampii hampii Mulsant & Rey, 1863: 157 Material examined: Oğuzlar road, near Kızılırmak, from Dodurga-Osmancık return to Oğuzlar, 40˚ 48’ N - 34˚ 48’ E, 31.III.2013, 496 m, on Graminae, 1 ♂. Remarks: The Turkish endemic species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES D. iconiense K. Daniel, 1900: 140 Material examined: Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 30.III.2013, 1234 m, under stones, on the ground and on Graminae, 1 ♂ and 6 ♀♀; ÇorumSungurlu road, 25 km to Sungurlu, 30.III.2013, 660 m, under stones, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1979) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. infernale Mulsant & Rey, 1863: 158 SUBSPECIES D. infernale infernale Mulsant & Rey, 1863: 158 Material examined: Gölünyazı, VI.2013, 7 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀; 7 km pass to Oğuzlar, İskilip return, 40˚ 48’ N - 34˚ 40’ E, 01.VI.2013, 1020 m, under stones and on Graminae, 4 ♂♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1978) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. linderi Tournier, 1872: 285 Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Breuning (1966), Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61 SUBSPECIES D. micans micans J. Thomson, 1867: 61 Material examined: Gölünyazı, 18.IV.2013, 26 ♂♂ and 15 ♀♀, and VI.2013, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. muchei Breuning, 1962: 38 Material examined: Çorum-Sungurlu road, 25 km to Sungurlu, 30.III.2013, 660 m, under stones, 1 ♂; Çorum-Sungurlu road, Kemallı return, 30.III.2013, 774 m, under stones, 1 ♂; Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 30.III.2013, 1234 m, under stones, on the ground and on Graminae, 3 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Çorum-Laçin road, exit of Sarmaşa village, 40˚ 39’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 31.III.2013, 987 m, on Graminae, 1 ♂ and 3 ♀♀; Çorum-Çankırı road, Bayat-Hacıbayram village, 40˚ 37’ N - 34˚ 23’ E, 31.III.2013, 688 m, on Graminae,1 ♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Breuning (1966), Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. piochardi Kraatz, 1873: 85 Material examined: Gölünyazı district, 18.IV.2013, 57 ♂♂ and 10 ♀♀; Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 12’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 27.IV.2013, 1234 m, on Graminae, 5 ♂♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1978, 1979) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. pittinorum Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999: 48 Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported only by Pesarini & Sabbadini (1999) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 45 SPECIES D. rigattii Breuning, 1966: 145 Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1978) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. scabricolle (Dalman, 1817: 174) SUBSPECIES D. scabricolle scabricolle (Dalman, 1817: 174) Material examined: Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 30.III.2013, 1234 m, under stones, on the ground and on Graminae, 44 ♂♂ and 27 ♀♀, and 27.IV.2013, 14 ♂♂ and 5 ♀♀; Yazılıkaya to Alaca, 20 km to Alaca, 40˚ 14’ N - 34˚ 47’ E, 30.III.2013, 1138 m, under stones, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species was reported by Perissinotto & Luchini (1966), Braun (1978) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. subatritarse Breuning, 1966: 146 Material examined: Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 30.III.2013, 1234 m, under stones, on the ground and on Graminae, 7 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀, and 27.IV.2013, 5 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Exit of Laçin, Osmancık road, 40˚ 47ˈ N - 34˚ 52ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 677 m, on Graminae, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Breuning (1966), Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. sulcipenne Küster, 1847: 87 SUBSPECIES D. sulcipenne argonauta Suvorov, 1913: 74 Remarks: The species was recorded by Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) from Çorum as D. caucasicum Küster, 1847. However, the species D. sulcipenne is represented only by the subspecies D. sulcipenne argonauta in Turkey. D. sulcipenne caucasicum occurs only in Armenia and Georgia. It was reported only by Perissinotto & Luchini (1966) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SPECIES D. yilmazi Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015 Material examined: Exit of Laçin, Osmancık road, 40˚ 47ˈ N - 34˚ 52ˈ E, 31.III.2013, 677 m, under stones and on Graminae, 15 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀; Çorum-Laçin road, exit of Sarmaşa village, 40˚ 39’ N - 34˚ 55’ E, 31.III.2013, 987 m, under stones, 1 ♂; Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 12’ N - 34˚ 37’ E, 27.IV.2013, 1234 m, on Graminae, 2 ♂♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The new species was described on the base of the specimens in the present work. It is endemic to Turkey. GENUS MEGALODORCADION Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999: 58 SUBGENUS ANATOLODORCADION Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015: 3 SPECIES M. dombilicoides (Özdikmen & Kaya, 2013: 494) Material examined: Gölünyazı, VI.2013, 1 ♂ and 2 ♀♀. Remarks: The new species was described on the base of the specimens in the present work. It is endemic to Turkey. SUBGENUS FUSODORCADION Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015: 3 SPECIES M. parallelum (Küster, 1847: 79) Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported by Braun (1978), Adlbauer (1992) and Özdikmen (2010) from Çorum province. SUBFAMILY LAMIINAE Latreille, 1825: 401 GENUS ANAESTHETIS Dejean, 1835: 348 SPECIES A. testacea (Fabricius, 1781: 235) SUBSPECIES A. testacea testacea (Fabricius, 1781: 235) Remarks: The species was reported only by Gfeller (1972) from Çorum province. GENUS TETROPS Kirby, 1826 (in Kirby & Spence 1826: 498) SPECIES T. praeustus (Linnaeus, 1758: 399) SUBSPECIES T. praeustus angorensis Pic, 1918: 11 Remarks: The subspecies is endemic to Turkey. It was reported only by Breuning & Villiers (1967) and Öymen (1987) from Çorum province. GENUS OBEREA Dejean, 1835: 351 SUBGENUS AMAUROSTOMA J. Müller, 1906: 223 46 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ SPECIES O. erythrocephala (Schrank, 1776: 67) SUBSPECIES O. erythrocephala erythrocephala (Schrank, 1776: 67) Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS OXYLIA Mulsant, 1863: 398 SPECIES O. argentata (Ménétriés, 1832: 227) SUBSPECIES O. argentata argentata (Ménétriés, 1832: 227) Material examined: Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on herbs, 2 ♀♀; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26’ N - 35˚ 16’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂; Çorum-Ortaköy, Mollahasan village, 40˚ 17’ N 35˚ 03’ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Osmancık road, Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 41ˈ N 34˚ 54ˈ E, 23.VI.2013, on herbs, 3 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Alaca road, entry of DSİ Dam, 40˚ 22’ N - 34˚ 48’ E, 24.VI.2013, on herbs, 2 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Alaca road, Pempecik village, 40˚ 20’ N - 34˚ 48’ E, 24.VI.2013, on herbs, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species was reported only by Gfeller (1972) from Çorum province. GENUS PHYTOECIA Dejean, 1835: 351 SUBGENUS HELLADIA Fairmaire, 1864: 176 SPECIES P. humeralis (Waltl, 1838: 471) SUBSPECIES P. humeralis humeralis (Waltl, 1838: 471) Material examined: Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 40˚ 8’ N - 34˚ 14’ E, 27.IV.2013, 705 m, on flowers with net, 2 ♀♀; Çorum-Sungurlu road, Kemallı return, 27.IV.2013, 774 m, on Carduus sp., 3 ♀♀; Çorum-Sungurlu road, 25 km to Sungurlu, 27.IV.2013, 660 m, on Carduus sp., 3 ♂♂; Boğazkale road, 40˚ 75’ N - 34˚ 28’ E, 27.IV.2013, 814 m, on Carduus sp., 5 ♀♀; Boğazkale-Alaca road, 40˚ 8’ N - 34˚ 34’ E, 27.IV.2013, 953 m, with net, 1 ♀; 7 km pass to Oğuzlar, İskilip return, 40˚ 48’ N - 34˚ 40’ E, 28.IV.2013, 1020 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂; Oğuzlar-Dodurga road, 5 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50’ N - 34˚ 46’ E, 28.IV.2013, 742 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♂♂; İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41’ N - 34˚ 29’ E, 28.IV.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 14 ♂♂, and 01.VI.2013, 1 ♂; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19’ N - 34˚ 49’ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBGENUS NEOMUSARIA Plavilstshikov, 1928: 123 SPECIES P. aligamgami Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015 Material examined: Sungurlu-Çorum road, Koparan II bridge env., 30 km to Çorum, N 40˚22’ N- 34˚43’ E, 01.VI.2013, 910 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♀♀. Remarks: The new species was described on the base of the specimens in the present work. It is endemic to Turkey. SPECIES P. balcanica (Frivaldszky von Frivald, 1835: 268) Material examined: Dodurga-İskilip road, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 47ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 680 m, 2 ♂♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES P. pauliraputii (Sama, 1993: 295) Material examined: Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23ˈ N - 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: The Turkish endemic species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBGENUS PHYTOECIA Dejean, 1835: 351 SPECIES P. baccueti (Brullé, 1832: 262) Material examined: Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 20 km to Sungurlu, 40˚ 05ˈ N - 34˚ 07ˈ E, 27.IV.2013, 665 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂ and 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES P. caerulea (Scopoli, 1772: 102) SUBSPECIES P. caerulea caerulea (Scopoli, 1772: 102) Material examined: Çorum-Osmancık road, 40˚ 49ˈ N - 34˚ 51ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 480 m, on herbs, 2 ♂♂; Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 41ˈ N - 34˚ 54ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 1140 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES P. gamzeae Özdikmen, 2015 Material examined: Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 20 km to Sungurlu, 40˚ 05ˈ N - 34˚ 07ˈ E, 27.IV.2013, 665 m, on Carduus sp. with net, 1 ♂; Çorum-Osmancık road, 40˚ 49ˈ N - 34˚ 51ˈ _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 47 E, 28.IV.2013, 480 m, 1 ♂; Oğuzlar-Dodurga road, 5 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 46ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 742 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀; Exit of Laçin, 40˚ 46ˈ N - 34˚ 52ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 695 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀; Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23ˈ N - 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀. Remarks: The new species was described on the base of the specimens from Çankırı, Çorum, Kırıkkale and Konya. The specimens in the present work are paratypes. It is endemic to Turkey. SPECIES P. geniculata Mulsant, 1863: 420 SUBSPECIES P. geniculata geniculata Mulsant, 1863: 420 Material examined: Oğuzlar-Dodurga road, 5 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 46ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 742 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀; Osmancık-Dodurga road, 6 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 50ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 512 m, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES P. icterica (Schaller, 1783: 292) Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen et al. (2005) from Çorum province. SPECIES P. pubescens Pic, 1895: 64 Material examined: Kırıkkale-Çorum road, 20 km to Sungurlu, 40˚ 05ˈ N - 34˚ 07ˈ E, 27.IV.2013, 665 m, on Carduus sp. with net, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES P. virgula (Charpentier, 1825: 225) Material examined: İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41ˈ N - 34˚ 29ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 3 ♀♀; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on flowers (Umbelliferae), 3 ♀♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBGENUS OPSILIA Mulsant, 1863: 387 SPECIES P. coerulescens (Scopoli, 1763: 49) Material examined: Entry of Oğuzlar, 40˚ 45ˈ N - 34˚ 42ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 671 m, on flowers with net, 1 ♀; Osmancık-Dodurga road, 6 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 50ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 512 m, 4 ♀♀; Sungurlu-Çorum road, Koparan 2 bridge env., 30 km to Çorum, 40˚ 22ˈ N 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 910 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♂♂; Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 41ˈ N - 34˚ 54ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 1140 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♀; İskilip-Bayat return, 31 km to Bayat, 40˚ 41ˈ N 34˚ 29ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 685 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂; Central-Alaca road, 5 km to Küre village, 40˚ 19ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 1025 m, on herbs, 1 ♂; Boğazkale-Alacahöyük National Park (Hattuşa), 40˚ 1ˈ N - 34˚ 37ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 1234 m, on herbs, 2 ♀♀; Sungurlu-Alaca road, Alaca return env., 40˚ 10ˈ N - 34˚ 28ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀; Çorum-Alaca road, 40 km to Çorum, Alaca Dam env., 40˚ 14ˈ N - 34˚ 47ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 2 ♂♂; Çorum-Alaca road, entry of DSİ Dam, 40˚ 22ˈ N - 34˚ 48ˈ E, 24.VI.2013, on herbs, 8 ♂♂; Çorum-Alaca road, Pempecik village, 40˚ 20ˈ N - 34˚ 48ˈ E, 24.VI.2013, on herbs, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species was reported by Breuning & Villiers (1967), Gfeller (1972) and Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS AGAPANTHIA Audinet-Serville, 1835: 35 SUBGENUS SYNTHAPSIA Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2004: 121 SPECIES A. kirbyi (Gyllenhal, 1817: 186) Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SUBGENUS EPOPTES Gistel, 1857a: 93 [1857b: 605] SPECIES A. cynarae (Germar, 1817: 222) SUBSPECIES A. cynarae cynarae (Germar, 1817: 222) Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SPECIES A. lateralis Ganglbauer, 1884: 541 Material examined: Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23ˈ N - 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on flowers and Carduus sp., 3 ♂♂ and 6 ♀♀; İskilip-Çorum road, exit of İskilip, 40˚ 42ˈ N - 34˚ 29ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 735 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂; Çorum-Laçin road, 40˚ 37ˈ N - 34˚ 54ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 907 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; OsmancıkDodurga road, 6 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 50ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 512 m, 1 ♂ and 3 ♀♀; Sungurlu-Çorum road, Koparan 2 bridge env., 30 km to Çorum, 40˚ 22ˈ N - 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 910 m, on Carduus sp., 2 ♂♂; Entry of Dodurga, 40˚ 49ˈ N - 34˚ 50ˈ E, 48 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 01.VI.2013, 522 m, on flowers, 11 ♂♂ and 2 ♀♀; Alaca-Sungurlu road, entry of Gökçam village, 40˚ 08ˈ N - 34˚ 34ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 954 m, on herbs, 2 ♂♂; Göynücek-Mecitözü road, 13 km to Mecitözü, 40˚ 26ˈ N - 35˚ 16ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂; Çorum-Osmancık road, Gölünyazı district, 40˚ 42ˈ N - 34˚ 54ˈ E, 23.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is endemic to Turkey. It was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. SUBGENUS AGAPANTHIA Audinet-Serville, 1835: 35 SPECIES A. cardui (Linnaeus, 1767: 632) Material examined: Çorum-Sungurlu road, 25 km to Sungurlu, 27.IV.2013, 660 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂; Oğuzlar-Dodurga road, 5 km to Dodurga, 40˚ 50ˈ N - 34˚ 46ˈ E, 28.IV.2013, 742 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂; Çorum-Alaca road, 30 km to Alaca, 40˚ 24ˈ N - 34˚ 48ˈ E, 02.VI.2013, 834 m, on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES A. suturalis (Fabricius, 1787: 149) Material examined: Sungurlu-Çorum road, 25 km to Çorum, 40˚ 23ˈ N - 34˚ 43ˈ E, 01.VI.2013, 878 m, on Carduus sp., 1 ♂. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SUBGENUS SMARAGDULA Pesarini & Sabbadini, 2004: 128 SPECIES A. frivaldszkyi Ganglbauer, 1884: 546 Material examined: Alaca-Çorum road, 49 km to Çorum, 40˚ 11ˈ N - 34˚ 49ˈ E, 22.VI.2013, on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: The species is the first record for Çorum province. SPECIES A. violacea (Fabricius, 1775: 187) Material examined: Çorum-Alaca road, entry of DSİ Dam, 40˚ 22ˈ N - 34˚ 48ˈ E, 24.VI.2013, on herbs, 1 ♂. Remarks: The species was reported only by Özdikmen (2007) from Çorum province. GENUS AGAPANTHIOLA Ganglbauer, 1900: 139 SPECIES A. leucaspis (Steven, 1817: 184) Remarks: The species was reported only by Tauzin (2000) from Çorum province. CONCLUSION Consequently, fauna of longhorned beetles of Çorum province with additional taxa in the present work comprises of 66 species belonging to 25 genera of 5 subfamilies. 33 of them are old records. Among the old records, 14 species are only known from available references. And 19 of them, are known from both the available references and the present work. 33 of 66 species are new records to the fauna according to the present work. 24 of 66 taxa are endemic to Turkey. So endemism ratio for fauna of Çorum province is high (approximately 37%). With the present work, known number of species in Cerambycidae fauna of Çorum province is rised up in ratio 100 % (33 to 66 species). Note: This work is derived a part of master thesis of the first author. It supported by BAP project of Gazi University (05/2012-02). LITERATURE CITED Adlbauer, K. 1992. Zur Faunistik und Taxonomie der Bockkäferfauna der Türkei II (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Entomofauna, 13: 485-509. Braun, W. 1975. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dorcadion (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 85: 17-21. Braun, W. 1978. Ein neue Art der Gattung Dorcadion aus Anatolien (Col.: Cerambycidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Stuttgart, 88: 185-187. Braun, W. 1979. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dorcadion Systematisch neu bewertete Dorcadion-Formen (Col., Cerambycidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen, 28: 81-86. Breuning, S. 1966. Deux nouvelles espèces du genre Dorcadion Dalm. d'Anatolie (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana, Genova, 96: 145-147. Breuning, S. & Villiers, A. 1967. Cérambycides de Turquie (2. note). L’ Entomologiste, 23: 59-63. Gfeller, W. 1972. Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) der Türkei-Persienexpedition 1970 der Herren Dr. H. c. W. Wittmer und U. v. Botmer. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Geselschaft Basel, 22: 1-8. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 49 Öymen, T. 1987. The Forest Cerambycidae of Turkey. İ. Ü. Forest Faculty, İstanbul, 146 pp. Özdikmen, H. 2007. The Longicorn Beetles of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Part I - Black Sea Region. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 2: 179-422. Özdikmen, H. 2010. The Turkish Dorcadiini with zoogeographical remarks (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5: 380-498. Özdikmen, H. & Çağlar, Ü. 2004. Contribution to the knowledge of longhorned bettles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from Turkey, Subfamilies Prioninae, Lepturinae, Spondylidinae and Cerambycinae. J. Ent. Res. Soc., 6 (1): 39-69. Özdikmen, H., Özdemir, Y. & Turgut, S. 2005. Longhorned Beetles Collection of the Nazife Tuatay Plant Protection Museum, Ankara, Turkey (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). J. Ent. Res. Soc., 7: 1-33. Perissinotto, A. & Luchini, S. R. 1966. Coleotteri Raccolti Nel Vicino e Medio Oriente Nota I. Dorcadion Dalm. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Bollettino della Societa Entomologica Italiana, 96: 147-149. Pesarini, C. & Sabbadini, A. 1999. Osservazioni sistematiche su alcuni Dorcadion della fauna anatolica, con descrizione di 9 nuovi taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Ferrara, 1: 45-61. Sama, G. 1982. Contributo allo studio dei coleotteri Cerambycidae di Grecia e Asia Minore. Fragmenta Entomologica, Roma, 16: 205-227. Tauzin, P. 2000. Complement a l’inventaire des Coleopteres Cerambycidae de Turquie. L’Entomologiste, 56 (4): 151-153. APPENDIX. A simple list of longhorned beetles fauna of Çorum province. In the following list, known taxa from only cited literatures for Çorum province are marked with the sign (*), known taxa from both cited literatures and the present work for Çorum province are marked with the sign (**), firstly recorded taxa for Çorum province are marked with the sign (***), endemic taxa for Turkey are marked with the sign (+), newly described taxa for science are marked with the sign (x). A SIMPLE LIST OF LONGHORNED BEETLES FAUNA OF ÇORUM PROVINCE FAMILY CERAMBYCIDAE Latreille, 1802 SUBFAMILY LEPTURINAE Latreille, 1802 Dinoptera (Dinoptera) collaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (***) Vadonia monostigma (Ganglbauer, 1882) (***+) Vadonia unipunctata (Fabricius, 1787) (***) Vadonia unipunctata unipunctata (Fabricius, 1787) Pseudovadonia livida (Fabricius, 1777) (***) Pseudovadonia livida bicarinata (N. Arnold, 1869) Stictoleptura (Stictoleptura) cordigera (Fuessly, 1775) (***) Stictoleptura (Stictoleptura) cordigera cordigera (Fuessly, 1775) Anastrangalia dubia (Scopoli, 1763) (*) Anastrangalia dubia dubia (Scopoli, 1763) Judolia erratica (Dalman, 1817) (**) Stenurella (Priscostenurella) bifasciata (O. F. Müller, 1776) (**) Stenurella (Priscostenurella) bifasciata bifasciata (O. F. Müller, 1776) Stenurella (Priscostenurella) septempunctata (Fabricius, 1793) (***) Stenurella (Priscostenurella) septempunctata latenigra (Pic, 1915) SUBFAMILY CERAMBYCINAE Latreille, 1802 Purpuricenus budensis (Götz, 1783) (**) Certallum ebulinum (Linnaeus, 1767) (***) Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus, 1758) (***) Phymatodes (Phymatodes) testaceus (Linnaeus, 1758) (***) Plagionotus (Echinocerus) floralis (Pallas, 1773) (**) Plagionotus (Neoplagionotus) bobelayei (Brullé, 1832) (***) Chlorophorus (Chlorophorus) damascenus (Chevrolat, 1854) (***) Chlorophorus (Chlorophorus) varius (O. F. Müller, 1766) (***) Chlorophorus (Crassofasciatus) aegyptiacus (Fabricius, 1775) (***) Chlorophorus (Crassofasciatus) trifasciatus (Fabricius, 1781) (***) Xylotrechus (Xylotrechus) arvicola (Olivier, 1795) (***) Xylotrechus (Xylotrechus) arvicola arvicola (Olivier, 1795) 50 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Clytus (Clytus) rhamni Germar, 1817 (***) Clytus (Clytus) rhamni temesiensis (Germar, 1824) Clytus (Clytus) schurmanni Sama, 1996 (**+) SUBFAMILY STENOPTERINAE Gistel, 1848 Stenopterus rufus (Linnaeus, 1767) (**) Stenopterus rufus geniculatus Kraatz, 1863 SUBFAMILY DORCADIONINAE Swainson, 1840 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) afflictum Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999 (*+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) bangi Heyden, 1894 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) bangi heinzorum Braun, 1975 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) enricisturanii Breuning & Ruspoli, 1971 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) enricisturanii enricisturanii Breuning & Ruspoli, 1971 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) erdemi Özdikmen, Kaya & Al-Hamadani, 2014 (***+x) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) hampii Mulsant & Rey, 1863 (***+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) hampii hampii Mulsant & Rey, 1863 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) iconiense K. Daniel, 1900 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) infernale Mulsant & Rey, 1863 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) infernale infernale Mulsant & Rey, 1863 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) linderi Tournier, 1872 (*+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) micans J. Thomson, 1867 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) micans micans J. Thomson, 1867 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) muchei Breuning, 1962 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) piochardi Kraatz, 1873 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) pittinorum Pesarini & Sabbadini, 1999 (*+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) rigattii Breuning, 1966 (*+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle (Dalman, 1817) (**) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) scabricolle scabricolle (Dalman, 1817) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) subatritarse Breuning, 1966 (**+) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) sulcipenne Küster, 1847 (*) Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) sulcipenne argonauta Suvorov, 1913 Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) yilmazi Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015 (***+x) Megalodorcadion (Anatolodorcadion) dombilicoides (Özdikmen & Kaya, 2013) (***+x) Megalodorcadion (Fusodorcadion) parallelum (Küster, 1847) (*+) SUBFAMILY LAMIINAE Latreille, 1825 Anaesthetis testacea (Fabricius, 1781) (*) Anaesthetis testacea testacea (Fabricius, 1781) Tetrops praeustus (Linnaeus, 1758) (*) Tetrops praeustus angorensis Pic, 1918 (+) Oberea (Amaurostoma) erythrocephala (Schrank, 1776) (*) Oberea (Amaurostoma) erythrocephala erythrocephala (Schrank, 1776) Oxylia argentata (Ménétriés, 1832) (**) Oxylia argentata argentata (Ménétriés, 1832) Phytoecia (Helladia) humeralis (Waltl, 1838) (***) Phytoecia (Helladia) humeralis humeralis (Waltl, 1838) Phytoecia (Neomusaria) aligamgami Özdikmen & Kaya, 2015 (***+x) Phytoecia (Neomusaria) balcanica (Frivaldszky von Frivald, 1835) (***) Phytoecia (Neomusaria) pauliraputii (Sama, 1993) (***+) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) baccueti (Brullé, 1832) (***) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) caerulea (Scopoli, 1772) (***) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) caerulea caerulea (Scopoli, 1772) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) gamzeae Özdikmen, 2015 (***+) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) geniculata Mulsant, 1863 (***) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) geniculata geniculata Mulsant, 1863 Phytoecia (Phytoecia) icterica (Schaller, 1783) (*) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) pubescens Pic, 1895 (***) Phytoecia (Phytoecia) virgula (Charpentier, 1825) (***) Phytoecia (Opsilia) coerulescens (Scopoli, 1763) (**) Agapanthia (Synthapsia) kirbyi (Gyllenhal, 1817) (*) _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 51 Agapanthia (Epoptes) cynarae (Germar, 1817) (*) Agapanthia (Epoptes) cynarae cynarae (Germar, 1817) Agapanthia (Epoptes) lateralis Ganglbauer, 1884 (**+) Agapanthia (Agapanthia) cardui (Linnaeus, 1767) (***) Agapanthia (Agapanthia) suturalis (Fabricius, 1787) (***) Agapanthia (Smaragdula) frivaldszkyi Ganglbauer, 1884 (***) Agapanthia (Smaragdula) violacea (Fabricius, 1775) (**) Agapanthiola leucaspis (Steven, 1817) (*) Figure 1. The counties of Çorum province and the location of Çorum province in N Turkey. 52 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ TEMPORAL SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS OF ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES (HETERORHABDITIDAE AND STEINERNEMATIDAE) WITH PROVIDENCIA RETTGERI AND PSEUDOCHROBACTRUM SP. Reza Sharifi and Naser Eivazian Kary* * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, IRAN. E-mail: [Sharifi, R. & Eivazian Kary, N. 2016. Temporal symbiotic relationships of entomopathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditidae and Steinernematidae) with Providencia rettgeri and Pseudochrobactrum sp.. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 52-62] ABSTRACT: Phylogenetic analysis of 16S-rDNA sequences of isolated bacteria from hemolymph of infected Galleria mellonella cadavers with entomopathogenic nematodes revealed different strains of non-symbiont bacteria. Biochemical tests and phylogenetic analysis using Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Neighbor Joining methods were done and two species including three strain of Providencia rettgeri and four strains of Pseudochrobactrum sp. were identified to be associated with H. bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae, respectively. As a supplementary tool, RNA secondary structure and minimum free energy was involved in analysis for more confirmation. KEY WORDS: Entomopathogenic nematodes, Providencia rettgeri, Pseudochrobactrum Entomopathogenic nematodes from the families Heterorhabditidae Poinar, 1976 and Steinernematidae Travassos, 1927 families nematodes have proven to be the most effective biological control organisms. They are soil-inhabiting organisms and can be used effectively to control soil-borne insect pests (Kaya & Gaugler, 1993). These nematodes are symbiotically associated with entomopathogenic bacteria Photorhabdus (Boemare et al., 1993) and Xenorhabdus (Thomas & Poinar, 1979). The bacterial symbionts are carried monoxenically in a special vesicle in the infective stage of members of the Steinernematidae and throughout the whole intestine of infective juveniles. Both nematodes and bacteria are pathogenic for most insects when they are released into the hemolymph. The bacterial symbionts contribute to the symbiotic relationship by establishing and maintaining suitable conditions for nematode reproduction, providing nutrients and antimicrobial substances that inhibit the growth of a wide range of microorganisms (Boemare et al., 1993). Until now several non-symbiotic bacteria have been reported from EPNs infected cadaver, for example, Flavobacterium sp. was isolated from sawfly larvae infected with S. kraussei (Mracek, 1977), Ochrobacterum cytisi and Schineria larvae associating with Steinernema siamkayai and O. anthropic with H. indica (Razia et al., 2011). For Steinernema carpocapsae several non-symbiotic bacteria including Alcaligenes sp., Pseudomonas aureofaciens, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Enterobacter agglomerans, Serratia liquefaciens and Acinetobacter sp. have been reported as temporal associated bacteria (Gouge & Snyder, 2006a; Lysenko & Weiser, 1974). Similarly, Ochrobactrum anthropi, Paracoccus denitrificans and Pseudomonas maltophilia have been found to be associated in Steinernema scapterisci (Aguillera, 1993; Aguillera & Smart, 1993), H. indica and H. bacteriophora (Babic et al., 2000). Recently, the bacteria Flavobacterium sp., Providencia vermicola and Alcaligenes faecalis were isolated from the nematode Rhabditis blumi (Park et al., 2011). Genes that encode proteins and enzymes that are related to pathogenicity, toxicity, and host/environment interactions have been recently reported in A. faecalis (Quiroz-Castaneda et al., 2015). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 53 The current investigation was done to identify the bacteria from cadavers of G. mellonella infected with different species of EPNs. Furthermore, we conducted the phylogenetic analysis within the genus and species level and compared their RNA secondary structure and minimum free energy of aligned16s-rDNA sequences with the related ones. MATERIAL AND METHODS EPN species During a survey of entomopathogenic nematodes throughout north-west of Iran in 2013, several entomopathogenic nematodes were isolated using Galleria baiting method from soil samples and identified as H. bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae based on morphology and morphometric characters, cross breeding test, as well as molecular data (Eivazian Kary et al., 2009). Isolation of bacterial non-symbionts from insect hemolymph Surface sterilized infective juveniles were used to infect last instar great wax moth larvae which have been already immersed in 70% alcohol to remove putative bacterial contaminations. In each sealed Petri dishes 10 larvae exposed to 500 IJs for 24 hours at room temperature then transferred to sterile Petri dishes for another 24 h. Hemolymph from infected cadavers with typical signs of EPNs infection was chosen for bacterial isolation. Hemolymph were extracted by dissecting larvae ventrally between the 5th and 6th abdomen segments and was collected with a sterile loop and streaked on both MacConkey and NBTA agar. Bergeyʼs manual was followed for primarily biochemical characteristics of the strains (data not presented) (Krieg & Holt, 1984). DNA extraction and PCR Genomic DNA was purified from isolates in culture using the DNeasy tissue kit (QIAgen) as per the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA was eluted from the column into 20 µl of TE buffer and stored at -20° C.16s-rDNA gene amplification was carried out by a standard PCR reaction mixture that included 10X Taq buffer, 1.25 mM of Mgcl2, 0.25 mM dNTPs, 1 mM of each primer and 1 µl of Taq polymerase using forward primer 5´-GAAGAGTTTGATCATGGCTC and reverse primer 5′AAGGAGGTGATCCAGCCGCA-3′. All amplifications were performed with an initial denaturation at 95°C for 2 min, 30 cycles of 95°C for 45 s, 50°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 90 s, and a final extension at 72°C for 10 min. PCR products were purified using QIAquick PCR purification kit (Qiagen) in order to remove the salts, primers and unincorporated dNTPs then subjected to direct sequencing. DNA sequences were analyzed and assembled using the SeqMan program of the DNAstar Lasergene software. Sequence data generated for 16s-rDNA (accession numbers KR091943, KR091944, KR091945, KR091946, KR091947, KR091948 and KR091949) have been deposited in GeneBank. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis The entire 16S rRNA gene sequences from type strains of the genus were obtained from NCBI databases linked in LPSN (List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature) ( BLASTN software ( was also used to find the most closely related sequences (Table 1). Two separate phylogenetic analyses were conducted to show the genealogic relationships of studied strains within the genus and phylogeographic relationships with other strains of species. Clustal X 2.0.11 (Thompson et al., 1997) with the default parameters (gap opening penalty 10 and gap extension penalty 5) was used to align 16s-rRNA sequences strains along with other homologous sequences obtained from GeneBank. MEGA6 with the 54 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ following settings were used for evolutionary analysis. The bootstrap consensus tree inferred from 1000 replicates was taken to represent the evolutionary history of the taxa analyzed. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (1000 replicates) are shown next to the branches. The MP tree was obtained using the Subtree-Pruning-Regrafting (SPR) algorithm with search level 1 in which the initial trees were obtained by the random addition of sequences (10 replicates). For ML analysis, Initial tree(s) for the heuristic search were obtained automatically by applying Neighbor-Join and BioNJ algorithms to a matrix of pairwise distances estimated using the Maximum Composite Likelihood (MCL) approach, and then selecting the topology with superior log likelihood value. In the case of NJ, The evolutionary distances were computed using the Maximum Composite Likelihood method and are in the units of the number of base substitutions per site. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated. Pairwise distances were conducted using the Maximum Composite Likelihood model. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated. GeneBee-Net program (Brodsky et al. 1995; Brodsky et al. 1992) using greedy algorithm was used to RNA secondary structure prediction and minimum energy calculations of aligned sequences. The parameters were set as: energy threshold= -4.0; cluster factor=2; conserved factor=2; compensated factor=4 and conservativity=0.8. RESULTS Seven strains of non-symbiotic bacteria including two species were isolated from the infected cadavers of G. mellonella. According to biochemical test, these strains were identified as Providencia rettgeri strains IR14, IR16 and IR21 (nonsymbiont of H. bacteriophora) and Pseudochrobactrum sp. Isolates IR5, IR7, IR13 and IR17 (non-symbiont of S. carpocapsae). Furthermore we conducted a throughout 16S-rDNA based phylogenetic analysis within the genus with a complete set of well-defined species in reconstructed MP, ML and NJ phylogenetic trees. Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Providencia All constructed phylogenetic trees (MP, ML and NJ) yielded same hypothesis of relationships between Providencia spp. Minor differences (not conflict) were observed between ML (Fig. 1) and MP (Fig. 2) trees in depicting relationship between P. burthodogranariea and P. heimbachae. In MP tree these species fall into one monophyletic group albeit bootstrap MP analysis of the 16S-rDNA dataset revealed moderate support for this clade. In all trees, P. rettgeri isolates IR14, IR16, IR21 and P. rettgeri type strain appeared as members of monophyletic group with relatively high support in which isolates IR16 and IR21 appeared as a closest relatives (100% bootstrap value). Reconstructed phylogenetic trees on the basis of 16S-rDNA sequences of 10 strains with different sources or geographic origins yielded different topologies. Remarkable result was found for P. rettgeri strain IR21 and P. rettgeri IR16, despite having EPN symbionts with different geographic origins, these strains appeared as closest relatives in trees. P. rettgeri strain IR14 appeared as different clade in all trees. Free energy of secondary structures of ribosomal RNA offers an additional source of information for genealogic study (Fig. 6). Compared to type strain (287.4 kcal/mol), free energy of secondary structures of ribosomal RNA of strains IR14, IR16 and IR21 (-303.6, -299.4 and -298.9 kcal/mol respectively) were significantly related, and correspond to intraspecific phylogenetic trees, IR16 and IR21 strains were the closest ones. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 55 Phylogenetic analysis of the genus Pseudochrobactrum In MP, ML and NJ trees Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR5, IR13, IR7 and IR17 grouped together with high bootstrap value (~100%) to make high supported monophyletic group but in depicting relationship with sister group different patterns were observed. In ML and NJ trees P. asaccharolyticum type strain appeared as a most relative clade to mentioned monophyletic group, but in MP tree polytomy were observed. In MP tree, terminal nodes received high bootstrap supports: 100% (Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR5, Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR13); 100% (Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR7, Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR17); 80% (P. kiredjianiae, P. glaciei); 68% (P. saccharolyticum, P. lubricantis) but polytomies were observed in deeper nodes. In depicting intraspecific phylogenetic relationships (Fig. 10), similar hypothesis were observed by ML and NJ trees. Two major monophyletic groups observed for homologous sequences. Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains IR5, IR13, IR7 and IR17 grouped together with high bootstrap value (~100%) to make high supported monophyletic group and other isolates made another clade in which the relationships between lineages were unresolved. Predicted hypothesis by MP tree was somewhat different from others but similar topology, ((strain IR15, strain IR13)(strain IR7, strain IR17)), was observed (Fig. 11). The free energy of secondary structures of ribosomal RNA in studied isolates were too close to each other, among them strain IR13 with -302.7 kcal/mol was different from strain IR5 (-295.7 kcal/mol), strain IR7 (-292.3 kcal/mol) and strain IR17 (-295.7 kcal/mol) (Fig.12). DISCUSSION Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus species are symbiotically associated with entomopathogenic nematodes of the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae respectively. The symbiotic bacteria are released in the host hemolymph by infective juvenile where they proliferate and produce a wide range of toxins and hydrolytic exoenzymes that are responsible for the death and bioconversion of the insect larva into a nutrient soup that is ideal for nematode growth and reproduction (Fodor et al., 1997). In this study, seven isolates of non-symbiotic bacteria are reported from hemolymph of insect G. mellonella infected by indigenous species of EPNs, H. bacteriophora and S. carpocapsae. Although the isolation of non-symbiotic bacteria from IJs may be the results of inadequate surface sterilization procedures, a mechanism for the transmission of non-symbiotic bacteria into the host insect has been detected. Bonifassi et al. (1999) proposed that the cuticular space between J2 and J3 is the main penetration route for bacteria in the case of S. scapterisci (Bedding & Molyneux, 1982). Gouge & Snyder (2006b) showed that there was no difference in bacterial species identified from non-sterile or surface sterilized nematodes, suggesting that the bacteria identified originated from either inside the nematode or between the second and third stage juvenile cuticles. Providencia rettgeri is a Gram negative bacterium that is commonly found in both water and land environments. It is a faculative anerobe, and is fairly ubiquitous across a wide range of environments. P. rettgeri is known mainly for its association in the gut microbiome with humans and insects, and can potentially be the cause of oppurtunistic infections among these species. P. rettgeri has been known to interact with a variety of organisms, including loggerhead sea turtles, humans, insects (Galac & Lazzaro, 2011), nematodes (Jackson et al., 1995), and frogs (Penner & Hennessy, 1979). Depending on context, it can either function as a pathogen or a non-pathogenic symbiont. Isolates of P. rettgeri have been prepared from a variety of insect types, such as 56 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ the oil fly Helaeomyia petrolei (Kadavy et al., 2000), the great wax moth Galleria mellonella (Jackson et al., 1995), however, P. rettgeri may play a non-pathogenic role, such as in Australian tropical fruit flies Bactrocera cacuminata and B. tryoni (Thaochan et al., 2010). In these flies, P. rettgeri were found to occupy the midgut region of the digestive system, along with a variety of other bacteria. While the role of each member within this system is unknown, it is possible that in this context, P. rettgeri might play a mutualistic role. It is reported that the majority of Heterorhabditis spp. strains tested contained a second bacterial species which was identified as Providencia rettgeri. Injection of the bacteria into wax moth larvae has showed that P. rettgeri was at least as pathogenic as Photorhabdus sp. K122. Both had LD50 values of less than one bacterial cell/larva, but P. rettgeri killed the insects at a considerably faster rate than K122 at both 28°C and 9°C. Since Photorhabdus kills very slowly at low temperatures, it appeared that P. rettgeri might be a better pest control agent under these conditions. However, P. rettgeri was not pathogenic when carried into insect larvae by the nematode, indicating that the nematode suppressed either its release or pathogenicity (Jackson et al., 1995). Association of Pseudochrobactrum sp. with EPNs is reported here for the first time. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of 16s-rDNA sequences, studied isolates are differed from all other well defined species in the genus and form separate monophyletic group, it is possible that these strains are representative of putative new species. Complementary studies are undertaken for exact characterizations of the isolates. The evolutionary impact of this temporary tripartite association in InsectNematode-Bacteria triangle remains to be elucidated. Phylogenetically two scenarios could be postulated, first, the non-symbiotic bacteria have shared common ancestor and this mode of action is a plesiomorphic character belonged to their ancestor tried to establish a permanent symbiotic association with entomopathogenic nematodes which is obvious in its extreme form in Xenorhabdus and Photorhabdus as an autapomorphic character. Second, these characters are homoplasies shared by different taxa without having genealogic relationships. Regardless to the evolutionary path, such temporary associations could be assumed as an evolutionary novelty which temporarily enables bacteria to access new host in interaction with phoretic nematodes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was financially supported by Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. LITERATURE CITED Aguillera, M. M. 1993. Bacterial symbionts of Steinernema scapterisci. 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International journal of systematic bacteriology, 29: 352-360. Thompson, J. D., Gibson, T. J., Plewniak, F., Jeanmougin, F. & Higgins, D. G. 1997. The CLUSTAL_X windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by quality analysis tools. Nucleic acids research, 25: 4876-4882. Travassos, L. 1927. Sorbe o genera Oxysomatium. Boletim Biologico, 5: 20-21. 58 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 1. Geographic origins and sources of different isolates of Providencia and Pseudochrobactrum. P. rustigianii AM040489 97 P. alcalifaciens AJ301684 P. burhodogranariea HM038004 65 P. heimbachae AM040490 P. thailandensis KC447298 74 P. stuartii AF008581 99 P. sneebia HM038003 P. vermicola AM040495 P. rettgeri AM040492 P. rettgeri IR14 P. rettgeri IR16 59 P. rettgeri IR21 100 Figure 1. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Providencia based on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum likelihood. 97 P. rustigianii AM040489 P. alcalifaciens AJ301684 P. burhodogranariea HM038004 63 52 P. heimbachae AM040490 P. thailandensis KC447298 100 P. stuartii AF008581 P. sneebia HM038003 P. vermicola AM040495 P. rettgeri AM040492 P. rettgeri IR14 69 P. rettgeri IR16 60 100 P. rettgeri IR21 Figure 2. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Providencia based on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum pars. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 69 30 59 NR 042413 USA AM040492 Type strain 64 KC456551 China NR 115880 Italy 64 JN644625 India KF923809 India 64 65 KC456550 China IR14 IR21 100 IR16 Figure 3. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Providencia rettgeri strains on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum likelihood. based KF923809 India 70 48 KC456550 China JN644625 India 35 IR14 IR21 48 IR16 99 NR 115880 Italy 27 KC456551 China 66 AM040492 Type strain NR 042413 USA Figure 4. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Providencia rettgeri strains on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum likelihood. 68 25 based NR 042413 USA AM040492 Type strain 63 NR 115880 Italy KC456551 China 63 JN644625 India KF923809 India 68 63 KC456550 China IR14 IR21 100 IR16 Figure 5. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Providencia rettgeri strains on 16S-rDNA produced by neighbor-joining. based 60 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A B C D Figure 6. Graphical depiction of the predicted minimum free energy secondary structure for the 16S-rDNA sequences of Providencia rettgeri (A) IR14; (B) IR16; (C) IR21 and (D) type strain. 100 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR5 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR13 99 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR7 87 99 77 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR17 P. asaccharolyticum AM180485 P. saccharolyticum AM180484 71 P. lubricantis FM209496 P kiredjianiae AM263420 P. glaciei AB369864 Figure 7. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Pseudochrobactrum based on 16SrDNA produced by maximum likelihood. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 61 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR5 100 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR13 99 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR7 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR17 100 P kiredjianiae AM263420 P. glaciei AB369864 80 P. asaccharolyticum AM180485 P. saccharolyticum AM180484 P. lubricantis FM209496 68 Figure 8. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains based on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum parsimony. 85 58 KC618329 China HQ406751 Mexico 87 KM488426 Mexico JQ612518 Pakistan NR 042474 USA KF263562 China KC456600 China 100 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR5 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR13 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR7 98 99 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR17 Figure 9. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Pseudochrobactrum strains on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum likelihood. 87 based KC618329 China HQ406751 Mexico 88 KM488426 Mexico 50 54 100 JQ612518 Pakistan Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR5 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR13 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR7 98 100 Pseudochrobactrum sp. IR17 NR 042474 USA KF263562 China KC456600 China Figure 10. Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains based on 16S-rDNA produced by maximum parsimony. 62 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A C B D Figure 11. Graphical depiction of the predicted minimum free energy secondary structure for the 16S-rDNA sequences of Pseudochrobactrum sp. strains (A) IR5; (B) IR7; (C) IR13 and (D) IR17. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 63 DIVERSITY, ABUNDANCE AND TISSUE MINERAL COMPOSITION OF INDIGENOUS EARTHWORM SPECIES OF SAWMILLS OF ABEOKUTA, SOUTH-WESTERN NIGERIA J. A. Bamidele*, A. B. Idowu, K. O. Ademolu and S. O. Bankole * Department of Pure and Applied Zoology, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, NIGERIA. E-mail: [Bamidele, J. A., Idowu, A. B., Ademolu, K. O. & Bankole, S. O. 2016. Diversity, abundance and tissue mineral composition of indigenous earthworm species of sawmills of Abeokuta, South-Western Nigeria. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 63-67] ABSTRACT: The influence of earthworm’s environment on its biology needs to be well understood. This study investigated the impact of sawmilling activities on the diversity, abundance and mineral composition of the tissues of earthworm species in Lafenwa, Sapon, Isale-Ake and Kotopo sawmills of Abeokuta (7o9’12’’N-3o19’35’’E). The arboretum of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta was used as control. Earthworms were sampled in the morning hours from four random samples of 25x25x30cm and carefully counted. Weight of the earthworms was taken and tissues mineral composition determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Average population of earthworms were significantly higher (P<0.05) (140–516 earthworms/m2) in the sawmill soils than in the soil of the control site (96 earthworms/m2). A total of five earthworm species were identified from the study locations. Mean weight of adult E. eugeniae from Sapon (1.18g) and Kotopo (1.21g) sawmills were significantly higher than that of the control site (0.92g). K and Na were higher in the tissues of earthworms from Sapon sawmill. Significantly lower (P<0.05) Ca and Mg concentrations were recorded in the tissues of E. eugeniae from the control site compared to those of Kotopo and Sapon sawmills. Sawmilling activities is therefore not totally detrimental to earthworms’ habitation. KEY WORDS: Earthworm species, population density, sawmill, tissue minerals, diversity, soil, environment. Earthworms have been reported to play important roles in the terrestrial ecosystem. Some of these roles include soil aeration (Olayinka et al., 2011; Owa et al., 2002), humus formation (Renu et al., 2006) and organic matter recycling (Satchell, 1967). In the tropics, they are known to help in plant residue decomposition (Tian et al., 1995) and also convert plant residue into soil organic matter (Lavelle, 1988). Sawmills are a very common industry in the south-western part of Nigeria (Bamidele et al., 2014). This sawmills, over the years has been a major enterprise providing direct and indirect employment for thousands of people in the tropical rain forest region of Nigeria where there is abundance of trees (Ihekwaba et al., 2009). Sawdust which is the major residue of sawmilling operations is a byproduct of wood processing and is generally regarded as waste (Lennox et al., 2010). Bamidele et al. (2014) reported that the sawdust produced in the sawmills are usually spread over the sawmill soils especially during the wet season. Earthworms, being the most abundant and common soil fauna found around sawmills (Bamidele et al., unpublished) has been reported to possess more gut microflora diversity which could be needed to aid the digestion of wood particles from the abundant sawdust in the sawmills, thereby serving as a cheap source of nutrient for the earthworms’ use (Bamidele et al., 2014). Type of vegetation was regarded as a major biotic factor which determines the distribution and diversity of earthworms (Ramanujam et al., 2000). Lalthanzara et al. (2011) submitted that different land use systems may affect the abundance and diversity of soil and litter fauna. Although some literature has been documented on earthworm ecology, there is still the need to monitor the 64 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ abundance, diversity and tissue mineral composition of earthworm species based on land use system. This study therefore aims at evaluating the diversity, abundance and mineral composition of the tissues of indigenous earthworm species in major sawmills of Abeokuta, South-western Nigeria. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental Site: Four major sawmills located in Abeokuta, south-western Nigeria namely Lafenwa (7o09’44’’ N-3o19’35’’ E), Sapon (7o09’12’’ N-3o20’49’’ E), Isale-Ake (7o09’48’’ N-3o21’23’’ E) and Kotopo (7o11’05’’ N-3o25’39’’ E) sawmills were selected and used for this study. They are very busy in activities and supply most of the processed wood and wood products used in Abeokuta and neighbouring towns. Earthworm samples were collected from each of the study sawmill respectively. Earthworms collected from the arboretum of the Federal University of Agriculture, Alabata, Abeokuta (7010’00’’ N-3002’00’’ W) were used as control. Earthworm sample collection: Sexually mature earthworms as determined by the presence of the clitellum (Oboh et al., 2007) were collected according to the method described by Owa et al. (2013). The soil was carefully turned using a spade while the earthworms were handpicked into containers and transported to the laboratory where they were washed with distilled water. The worms were kept under refrigeration for three to four hours in order to kill them without causing any harm to them.The earthworm species were then identified to species level. Earthworm abundance: Earthworms were collected in the morning hours from four random samples of 25 x 25 x 30 cm (Lalthanzara et al., 2011). Earthworms present in each of the sample points were carefully counted using hand-sorting method. Density of the earthworms was calculated as the number of earthworms present per meter square. Earthworm species common to the both the control site and the study sawmills was selected for weight measurement and tissue mineral analysis while the available earthworm species was used where only one species was identified. Weight measurement: Thirty (30) adult earthworms were randomly selected, killed for 3 – 4 hours in the refrigerator and the weight of the earthworms was taken using a sensitive electric weighing balance (Mettler PM11-K). Mineral analysis: Earthworm samples were oven dried at the temperature of 60oC for 48 hours. Dry matters of each of the earthworms were weighed and crushed to powder. To 1g each of the powdered samples, 7ml of hydrochloric acid and 21ml of nitric acid was added and boiled on heating mantle until the colour turns colourless. The mixture was allowed to cool, filtered, and then diluted with distilled water to 100ml. An Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS Buck 210VGP System) was used to determine the concentration of magnesium while flame photometer was used in the determination of calcium, sodium and potassium in the digested samples. Statistical analysis: Data collected were subjected to statistical analyses which included descriptive statistics and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 16.0. Post Hoc test was done using S-N-K. P-value was set at 0.05. RESULTS Earthworm Species Identified A total of five earthworm species were identified from all the study locations (Table 1) which were Eudrilus eugeniae, Dichogaster modiglani, Alma millsoni, Hyperiodrilus africanus and Libyodrilus violaceous. The greatest earthworm diversity was found in Sapon sawmill with four different earthworm species while _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 65 only one earthworm species was discovered in Lafenwa and Isale Ake sawmills respectively. Alma millsoni was only found in the control site (Table 1). H. africanus and L. violaceous were found to be common among the earthworms of the study sawmill sites but absent in the control site while E. eugeniae found in the control site was also found both in Kotopo and Sapon sawmills. Earthworm Abundance The result of the population sampling of the earthworms on the sawmill soils is presented in Table 1. Average population of earthworms were significantly higher (140 – 516 earthworms/m2) in the sawmill soil than in the soil of the control site (96 earthworms/m2). Average population of the earthworms recorded in all the locations followed the trend: Sapon sawmill > Lafenwa sawmill > Isale-Ake sawmill > Kotopo sawmill > Control site. E. eugeniae occurred most in the control site, Sapon and Kotopo sawmills, H. africanus in Isale Ake sawmill and L. violaceous in Lafenwa sawmill. Mean weight of the earthworm species The mean weight (g) of the most abundant earthworm species found in all the study location was presented in figure 1. The mean weight of adult E. eugeniae from Sapon (1.18g) and Kotopo (1.21g) sawmills were significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of the control site (0.92g) with those from Kotopo sawmill recording the highest mean weight. Average weight of 1.03g and 1.14g respectively were recorded for H. africanus and L. violaceous from Isale Ake and Lafenwa sawmills respectively. Mineral analysis Na, K, Ca and Mg were detected in the tissues of the earthworms collected from the sawmill locations and the control site (Table 2). Levels of Na and K recorded in the tissues of E. eugeniae from the sawmills and the control site were not significantly different (P > 0.05). However, Ca and Mg were significantly different in the tissues of E. eugeniae from the study locations (Table 2). K and Na concentration were recorded higher in the tissues of earthworms collected from Sapon sawmill. Significantly lower (P < 0.05) levels of Ca and Mg were recorded in the tissues of E. eugeniae collected from the control site compared to those of Kotopo and Sapon sawmills. DISCUSSION This study revealed a higher population density of earthworms in the sawmills than in the control site. The sawmill soils are usually moist, particularly under sheds, beside and under piles of logs and planks awaiting processing most especially during the wet season. This is conducive for the proliferation of earthworms as clusters of earthworm casts were present there. The activities of earthworms in sawmill soil were believed to be connected with their role in the degradation of sawdust as well as soil humidification and their pedobiological roles (Bamidele et al., 2014). Aina et al. (2006) estimated about 2288m3 of wood waste as being generated daily from sawmills in Abeokuta. However, Bamidele et al. (2014) reported that the high volume of wood wastes released to the sawmill soils could make an enhanced litter composition of the sawmill soils and this may serve as a cheap source of nutrient for the earthworms’ use. Mishra and Ramakrishnan (1988) earlier reported that the first factor determining high values of earthworm population in an area is the litter composition of the soil. Hence, the higher earthworm population recorded in the 66 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ sawmills than the control site might be due to the presence of more litter composition in form of wood residue and wood dust in the sawmill soils. The success of the earthworms from the sawmills than those of the control site in term of mean weight could also be associated with the presence of more organic matter from wood residue and wood dust on the soil of the study sawmills. Bamidele et al. (2014) earlier reported higher microbial load in the gut of earthworms from sawmills and this was assumed to be responsible for the utilization of wood dust as a source of carbon and energy in the gut of these earthworms. Because of the constant disturbing activities and anthropogenic influence on the sawmill soils, the earthworms of the sawmill areas may need to be more active than those of the undisturbed location. This might be the reason for the higher levels of Ca and Mg recorded in the tissues of E. eugeniae from the study sawmills than those of the control site. In order to perform their various physiological bioactivities, Dedeke et al. (2010) suggested that the earthworm must maintain a constant electrical potential of the nerve and muscle cells and needed for this is the higher calcium and magnesium concentration. Calcium and Magnesium have been shown to be involved in regulating nervous excitability and muscular contraction i.e. maintaining the electrical potential in nerve and muscle cells (Ganong, 1995). The levels of Mg, K and Na recorded in for E. eugeniae in this study were higher than those reported by Dedeke et al. (2010) for E. eugeniae. The values of K and Mg recorded in the tissues of H. africanus and L. violaceous in this study were also higher than those recorded for H. africanus and L. violaceous by Dedeke et al. (2010). LITERATURE CITED Aina, O. M., Adetogun, A. C., Adedokun, M. O. & Onilude, M. A. 2006. Alternative Cooking Fuels From Sawmill Wastes. Farm Management Association of Nigeria (FAMAN) Journal, 8 (1): 45-49. Bamidele, J. A., Idowu, A. B., Ademolu, K. O. & Atayese, A. O. 2014. Microbial diversity and digestive enzyme activities in the gut of earthworms found in sawmill industries in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 62 (3): 1241-1249. Dedeke, G. A., Owa, S. O. & Olurin, K. B. 2010. Macromineral Profile of Four Species of Earthworm Hyperiodrilus africanus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceus and Alma millsoni from Nigeria. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 2 (2): 103-106. Ganong, W. F. 1995. A review of Medical Physiology. 7th Edn. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. Ihekwaba, A. E., Nwafor, A. & Adienbo, O. M. 2009. Lung Function Indices in Primary and Secondary Sawmill Workers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. African Journal of Applied Zoology & Environmental Biology, 11: 101-105. Lalthanzara, H., Ramanujam, S. N. & Jha, L. K. 2011. Population dynamics of earthworms in relation to soil physico-chemical parameters in agroforestry systems of Mizoram. India Journal of Environmental Biology, 32: 599605. Lavelle, P. 1988. Earthworms and the soil system. Biol. Fertil. Soil, 6: 237-251. Mishra, P. C. & Ramakrishnan, P. S. 1988. Earthworm population dynamics in different Jhum fallows developed after slash and burn agriculture in north-eastern India. Proceedings: Animal Sciences, 97 (4): 309-318. Olayinka, O. T., Idowu, A. B., Dedeke, G. A., Akinloye, O. A., Ademolu, K. O. & Bamgbola, A. A. 2011. Earthworm as Bio-indicator of Heavy Metal Pollution around Lafarge, Wapco Cement Factory, Ewekoro, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 489-496 pp. Owa, S. O., Dedeke, G. A. & Yeye, A. J. 2002. Earthworm cast characteristics under Bahama grass and the question of why earthworms cast. African Journal of Science and Technology, 3 (1-2): 33-35. Owa, S. O., Olowoparija, S. B., Aladesida, A. & Dedeke, G. A. 2013. Enteric bacteria and fungi of the Eudrilid earthworm Libyodrilus violaceus. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8 (17): 1760-1766. Ramanujam, S. N., Roy, B. & Jha, L. K. 2000. Inventory studies on the earthworm population in agroforestry systems of Mizoram. Proceedings of International Workshop on Agroforestry and Forest Products, Aizawl, 191-194 pp. Satchell, J. E. 1967. Lumbricidae. In A. Burges & F. Raw (eds.). Soil biology. Academic: London. 259-322 pp. Tian, G., Brussard, L. & Kang, B. T. 1995. Breakdown of plant residues with contrasting chemical compositions: Effect of earthworms and millipedes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 27: 277-280. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 67 Table 1. Earthworm species diversity and abundance (earthworm/m2) in the study locations, Abeokuta, Nigeria. EARTHWORM SPECIES EARTHWORM POPULATION 96d Control Eudrilus eugeniae, (Kinberg,1866) Dichogaster modiglani (Rosa,1896) Alma millsoni (Grube, 1855) Kotopo sawmill Hyperiodrilus africanus, (Beddard,1890) 140cd Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceous (Beddard,1891) Sapon sawmill Hyperiodrilus africanus, 516a Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyorilus violaceous, Dichogaster modiglani Isale Ake sawmill Hyperiodrilus africanus 264bc Lafenwa sawmill Libyorilus violaceous 364b **Mean values of earthworm population having the same superscripts are not significantly different (P >0.05) Table 2. Mineral composition (mg/g) of the earthworm tissues. Earthworm species Na K Ca Mg Control E. eugeniae 1.50±0.30a 1.60±0.30ab 1.49±0.01c 1.98±0.00c Kotopo E. eugeniae 1.60±0.30a 1.30±0.30b 1.54±0.01b 2.11±0.01a Sapon E. eugeniae 2.00±0.20a 2.00±0.20a 1.87±0.01a 2.04±0.00b Isale-Ake H. africanus 2.30±0.30 2.00±0.20 1.93±0.00 2.45±0.00 Lafenwa L. violaceous 1.20±0.20 1.20±0.20 1.83±0.00 2.16±0.01 *Mean values (±Standard Deviation) for E. eugeniae in the same column having the same superscripts are not significantly different (P > 0.05) Figure 1. Mean weight of the most abundance earthworm species in the study locations. 68 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ ENTOMOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE FOR VECTOR OF PLAGUE AND SCRUB TYPHUS AT CHENNAI PORT TRUST (CPT), CHENNAI, INDIA Abhay K. Sharma* and Kaushal Kumar * Centre for Medical Entomology and Vector Management, National Centre for Diseases Control, (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare) Govt. of India, 22-Sham Nath Marg, Delhi110054, INDIA. E-mail: [Sharma, A. K. & Kumar, K. 2016. Entomological surveillance for vector of plague and scrub typhus at Chennai Port Trust (Cpt), Chennai, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 68-72] ABSTRACT: Rodents are responsible for the transmission of many human diseases. The diseases can be viral, bacterial or rickettsial e.g. lyssavirus, scrub typhus, plague and hantavirus. These disease can be transmitted to humans in a number of ways including animal bite, contact with animal waste, eating food or water contaminated by rodent waste or through parasites that use rodents and humans as hosts e.g. fleas, mites and ticks. Presence of rodents in and around port areas plays an important role in the transportation of rodents and their ectoparasite from one country to another. In view of the seriousness of the problem present study was undertaken at Chennai port area (CPT), Chennai (India). Inside port area total 170 rodent traps were laid and 14 rodents were trapped. Rattus rattus, R. norvegicus and Suncus murinus were the species collected from port area. Two species of flea viz. Xenopsylla cheopis and X. astia were recovered from rodents and overall flea index was recorded as 3.3. Larval trombiculid chigger mite (Leptotrombidium deliense) and mesostigmatid mites (Laelaps sp.) were collected and 1.1 chigger index was recorded. Present study confirm presence of rodents, vector of plague and scrub typhus in and around CISF Barrack, Canteen CISF Barrack, M.O.H.P. Office, Dumper House, CISF ‘A’ Coy Barrack and CISF ‘A’ Coy Mess. Result of the study suggests an urgent need to establish an entomology unit at CPT for doing regular surveillance of vector-borne zoonotic and other diseases. KEY WORDS: Rodent, Plague, Scrub typhus, Xenopsylla cheopis, Leptotrombidium deliense, Chennai port trust. In the past century alone, more than 10 million people have died from rodentborne diseases. Rodents by their nature and design, make excellent “vehicles” for harboring and rapidly transporting diseases to human being mainly Plague and Scrub typhus along with several other diseases. Rodents can act as reservoirs of a number of human diseases and as hosts for arthropod vectors such as fleas, mites and ticks. In addition, rodent can also transmit Leptospirosis, Salmonellosis, ratbite fever, Chagas' disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, Murine typhus, and Lassa fever etc., which are non vector borne (Bell et al., 1988). In India, flea species X. cheopis (Rothschild, 1903) and X. astia (Rothschild, 1911) are the principal vectors for plague which is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. In India, there was several plague episodes reporting millions of deaths before 1940s; thereafter, morbidity and mortality due to plague among human reduced greatly. During the resurgence of plague in 1994 a total of 454 cases and 54 deaths were reported from district Beed in Maharashtra and Surat in Gujarat state (India). Thereafter, plague cases has been reported from Himachal Pradesh in 2002 and Uttarkashi in 2004. Although, no human case of plague have been reported so far from any part of Mumbai but the entire Maharashtra state has the potential for plague and falls in the endemic zone (Agarwal, 2002; Agarwal et al., 2005). The presence of rickettsial disease including scrub typhus has been documented in different parts of Maharashtra and other states (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttranchal, Rajasthan, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu) of India (Padbidri & Gupta, 1978; Mahajan et al., 2006). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 69 In the resent past scrub typhus cases have been reported from Chennai also. In view of the emergence of ectoparasite borne diseases in different parts of country and role of ports in introduction of diseases, vectors and rodents from one country to another, we undertook the present study in April 2014 in Chennai Port Trust, Chennai and determined the prevalence of rodent species, its association with ectoparasites and potential for ectoparasite borne diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area: Chennai Port, formerly known as Madras Port, is the largest port in the Bay of Bengal. Port area is divided into north, central and south zones and fishing harbours. The port has 26 alongside berths, including 21 deep-drafted berths and 2 oil jetties, in the 3 docks, viz., Dr. Ambedkar Dock, Satabt Jawahar Dock, and Bharathi Dock along with the container terminal, and draft ranging from 12–16.5 m (39–54 ft). Dr. Ambedkar Dock has 12 berths, Jawahar Dock has 6 berths, Bharathi Dock has 3 berths (for oil and iron ore), the container terminal has 3 berths and the moorings has 1 berth. The port is situated on the thermal equator and is also coastal, which prevents extreme variation in seasonal temperature. The climate is tropical, specifically tropical wet and dry, and for most of the year, the weather is hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from a maximum of 42 °C in May to a minimum of 18 °C in January. The mean minimum temperature is 18 °C in January and 26.8 °C in May. The mean highest temperature is 29.3 °C in December and 39.6 °C in May. The port gets most of its seasonal rainfall from the northeast monsoon winds, from mid-September to mid-December. Occasionally, cyclones in the Bay of Bengal hit the coast. The average annual rainfall in the region is about 1298.11 mm, with 443.5 mm during southwest monsoon (June– September), 753.1 mm during northeast monsoon (October–December), 37.3 mm during winter season (January–February) and 64.2 mm during hot weather (March–May). The tides in the port area are semi-diurnal in nature, that is, occurrence of two high and two low waters every day. Rodents trapping locations: Chennai port has an area of 274 hectares and divided into north, central and south zones and fishing harbours. During present study nine sites were selected for trapping rodents in Chennai Port Trust (CPT) areas: (i) CISF Barrack, (ii) Canteen CISF Barrack, (iii) M.O.H.P. Office, (iv) D P Building, (v) Mechanical engineer Office, (vi) Dumper House, (vii) Electrical Shop, (viii) CISF ‘A’ Coy Barrack (ix) CISF ‘A’ Coy Mess. Rodent and ectoparasites collection & identification: Rodents were collected using live traps. The traps were set at pre-selected sites. The traps were baited with fried eatables smeared with butter and laid in the evening. Next morning caught rodents were kept individually, and brought back to the laboratory, where all rodents were anaesthetized, and identified after recording their different morphological characteristics. The rodents were placed in a white enamel tray and combed vigorously from the tail forward with a fine comb. Dislodged ectoparasites that fell from the host to the bottom of the enamel tray were collected with a fine pointed forceps, brush or stick. Ectoparasites on the body of animal were also extracted. Ear and nasal canals were examined for chiggers. All extracted ectoparasites were preserved in 70% alcohol labelled collection tubes for further processing. A separate tube was used for each rodent host. All ectoparasites were later mounted using clearing, dehydration and mounting procedure for identification using the standard method described earlier by Kumar et al. (1997a). Fleas and mites were mounted in 70 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Hoyer’s medium. Mounted slides were then incubated at 40°C for a week and identified under microscope. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total 170 rodent trap were laid and 14 traps were found positive for rodent, giving an overall trap positivity rate of 8.2 per cent. From positive traps, total 14 animals comprising three species of rodents were caught from port area. R. rattus was the dominant rodent caught (50%) followed, R. norvegicus (35.7%) and S. murinus (14.3%) with 71.4% male and 28.6% female. During the combing of these rodents, total 46 fleas were recovered, giving an overall flea index as 3.3. The maximum number of flea (12) retrieved from R. rattus trapped from CISF ‘A’ Coy Mess. The flea species collected from rodents were identified as X. cheopis and X. astia (Table 1). A total 15 vector larval trombiculid chigger mite (L. deliense) and 47 mesostigmatid mites (Laelaps sp.) were collected with 1.1 chigger index. Only one S. murinus was found infested with chigger mites collected from Dumper House in the port area. Laelaps mites were recovered from the rodents collected from CISF ‘A’ Coy Mess and Barrack (Table 1). There is not much data on rodent and ectoparasite surveillance from Chennai or other port of India. Earlier in 2014 in a similar rodent ectoparasite surveillance at Kolkata Port Trust, Kolkata (India) two species (Bandicota indica and R. rattus) were collected with trap positivity rate 3.8 percent and flea index 1.53 (Sharma & Kumar, 2014). The threat of transportation and introduction of diseases, vectors and rodents from one country to another from port is a international problem (Goh & Kumarapathy, 1985; Jenkin et al., 1995; Song et al., 2006). In similar kind of study at different seaport of Indonesia the flea index was calculated as 8.4 in R. norvegicus, 4.9 in R. r. diardii and 0.7 each of R. exulans and S. murinu (Semarang seaport), 9.4 in R. norvegicus (Soekarno seaport) and 10.3 in R. norvegicus (Hatta seaport) (Megawe et al., 1987). In the present survey flea index was 3.3, more than critical index (i.e. index 1.0) for plague transmission (Dennis et al., 1999). This finding re-emphasizes the need of anti-fleas measure in the port area. Earlier in other part of India, in a study in Maharashtra, trappositivity rate was found to be 49.0% and overall flea index of 2.34 with highest 16.5 in village Chinchoti and 8.5 in village Purshotampuri of Maharashtra (Kumar et al., 1997a). However, in Beed district of Maharashtra and Gujarat, X. cheopis was found as a main vector of plague with flea index ranging from 0.26-1.0 in different district and examination of blood serum, tissue organ revealed no evidence of plague pathogens (Kumar et al., 1997b). In other part of India flea index was found 0.89 in Himachal Pradesh, which was below the critical index of 1.0 (Kumar et al., 2004) and in Shimoga district of Karnataka flea index was 1.64, which was just above the critical limit (Kumar et al., 2008). In scrub typhus affected areas of Meghalaya, (India) 43 rodents, and 28 fleas were collected with trap positivity rate 24.8 per cent, and flea index 1.44 (Sharma, 2013a). In Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India) flea index was recorded as 0.13 (Sharma, 2013b). In the present study, the chigger infestation was found only on S. murinus and B. indica. Earlier in Kolkata Port, India, a total 78 L. deliense were collected with high chigger index (11.14) in B. indica (Sharma & Kumar, 2014). While in an outbreak investigation in Himachal Pradesh (India) (Kumar et al., 2004) collected same vector larval trombiculid mite chigger (L. deliense) with 2.46 chigger index. In Meghalaya and Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India) chigger index was calculated as 1.80 and 1.74 respectively (Sharma, 2013a,b). These earlier studies confirm the wide spread of rodents and their ectoparasites in different parts of _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 71 India and inside port areas their presence is a serious problem. In our study rodent activity was detected, rodents were trapped and ectoparasites were retrieved in and around CISF Barrack, Canteen CISF Barrack, M.O.H.P. Office, Dumper House, CISF ‘A’ Coy Barrack and CISF ‘A’ Coy Mess. Presence of rodent rat flea and chigger mites in and around CISF Barracks and Canteen is a matter of concern depicting potential for Scrub typhus. The present investigation emphasized the importance of regular and continuous rodent and flea surveillance to monitor the flea/chigger index. If any area reports flea index/chigger index above critical limit, then vector control measures should be carried out to maintain vector density below critical level and to prevent diseases transmission, if any. As per International Health Regulation Act (2005) there is an urgent need to establish an entomology unit at Chennai Port Trust (CPT) for doing effective regular surveillance for rodent and their arthropods ectoparasite to apply appropriate control methods for controlling transmission and spreading of rodent borne diseases. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors would like to thank Port Health Officer and their technical staff for their active cooperation and help during the survey. Thanks are also due to Mr. TC Pathak and Mr. BD Gupta of NCDC, Delhi, for the technical assistance during the fieldwork. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. LITERATURE CITED Agarwal, S. P. 2002. Plague: Surveillance and Control, National Institute of Communicable Diseases. C.D. Alert, 6 (2): 16. Agarwal, S. P., Lal, S., Ichhpujani, R. L., Mittle, V. & Singh, J. 2005. Plague Control in India,” NICD (DGHS, MoHFW), New Delhi. 125. Bell, J. C., Plamer, S. R. & Payne, J. M. 1988. The zoonosis: infection transmitted from animal to man. Edward Arnold Press London UK. Dennis, D. T., Gratz, N., Poland, J. D. & Tikhomirov, E. 1999. Plague manual: epidemiology, distribution, surveillance and control. Geneva: World Health Organization. Goh, K. T., Ng, S. K. & Kumarapathy, S. 1985. Disease-bearing insects brought in by international aircraft into Singapore. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 16: 49-53. Jenkin, G. A., Ritchie, S. A., Hanna, J. N. & Brown, G. V. 1995. Airport malaria in Cairns. Medical Journal of Australia, 166: 307-308. Kumar, K., Sharma, S. K., Gill, K. S., Katyal, R., Kaur, R., Thomas, T. G. & Baruah, K. 1997a. Entomological and rodent prevalence in Plague suspected area during Sept. 1994 and thereafter. Japanese Journal of Medical Science & Biology, 50 (3): 97-113. Kumar, K., Sharma, S. K., Gill, K. S., Katyal, R., Biswas, S. & Lal, S. 1997b. Entomological and rodent surveillance of suspected plague foci in agro-environmental and feral biotopes of a few districts in Maharashtra and Gujarat states of India. Japanese Journal of Medical Science & Biology, 50 (6): 219-226. Kumar, K., Saxena, V. K., Thomas, T. G. & Lal, S. 2004. Investigation of scrub typhus outbreak in Himachal Pradesh, India. Journal of Communicable Diseases, 36 (4): 277-283. Kumar, K., Saxena, V. K. & Lal, S. 2008. Prevalence of vectors of scrub typhus, plague and Kyasanur forest Disease (KFD) in district Shimoga (Karnataka),” Vector Borne Disease: Epidemiology and Control, Edited by B K Tyagi, Scientific Publishers, 205-211. Mahajan, S. K., Kashyap, R., Kanga, A., Sharma, V., Prasher, B. S. & Pal, L. S. 2006. Relevance of Weil-Felix test in diagnosis of scrub typhus in India. Journal of Association of Physicians of India, 54: 619-621. Megawe, K. C., Hadi, T. R., Sarwadi, H., Santosa, M., Hadi, T. K. & Liat, L. B. 1987. Surveillance of seaport rodents and its flea-indices in Cilacap, Central Java and Panjang, Sumatera, Indonesia. Bulletin Penelitian Kesehatan, 15 (1): 1-9. Padbidri, V. S. & Gupta, N. P. 1978. Rickettsiosis in India: A review. Journal of Indian Medical Association, 71: 104107. Song, M., Wang, B., Liu, J. & Gratz, N. 2006. Insect vectors and rodents arriving in China aboard international transport. Journal of Travel Medicine, 4 (10): 241-244. Sharma, A. K. 2013a. Entomological surveillance for rodent and their ectoparasites in Scrub typhus affected areas of Meghalaya, (India). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 1 (6): 27-29. Sharma, A. K. 2013b. Eco-entomological investigation in Scrub typhus affected area of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala (India) and their control/containment measures. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2 (11): 43-49. Sharma, A. K. & Kumar, K. 2014. Entomological surveillance for rodent and their ectoparasites with special reference to potential of scrub typhus at Kolkata Port Trust (KPT), Kolkata (India). Journal of Paramedical Sciences, 5 (2): 2-6. 72 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 1. Details of the rodent and their ectoparasite collected from Chennai Port Trust, Tamil Nadu (India) during April, 2014. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 73 COREOIDEA (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA) OF ARAS FREE ZONE AND VICINITY, NW IRAN Mohammad Havaskary*, Reza Farshbaf Pourabad**, Aras Rafiee*** and Somayeh Mohammadi**** * Young Researchers Club, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-IRAN. ** Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, TabrizIRAN. *** Department of Biology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran-IRAN. **** Kaleybar Branch, Islamic Azad University, East Azarbaijan province, IRAN. [Havaskary, M., Pourabad, R. F., Rafiee, A. & Mohammadi, S. 2016. Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Aras Free Zone and vicinity, NW Iran. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 73-76] ABSTRACT: Survey of Coreoidea fauna along southern side of Aras River in the Aras free zone (East Azarbaijan province, North West of Iran) was conducted during 2011-2014. A total of 27 species belonging to 4 families including Alydidae, Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Stenocephalidae were identified. KEY WORDS: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreoidea, Fauna, Aras Free Zone, Iran. The fauna of Iranian Coreoidea is studied by Askari et al. (2010), Khaganinia et al. (2010a,b, 2011), Hoberlandt (1985, 1989), Hoberlandt & Švihla (1990a,b), Hosseini & Linnavuori (2002), Linnavuori & Modarres (1998), Heiss (2002), Dolling (2006), Linnavuori (2007), Farshbaf (2000), Hassanzadeh et al. (2009a,b), Havaskary (2012), Havaskary et al. (2010), Modaress Awal (1996a,b, 1997a,b), but the Aras free zone is not studied so far. Aras Free Zone with an area of 51,000 hectares including three parts of Jolfa , Nordoz and Khodafarin is located in northwest of Iran at the border neighboring Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Armenia and Azerbaijan countries. This reserve is adjoined with Arasbaran region in Khodafarin town (Fig. 1). Arasbaran protected area contains mountains up to 2,200 meters (altitude between 250 and 2 887 meters above sea level), high alpine meadows, semi-arid steppes, meadows and forests, rivers and springs. MATERIAL AND METHOD The specimens were collected by sweeping net, light trap and directly with forceps from the various locations of Aras Free Zone and its neighborhood (East Azarbaijan Province, North west Iran). Collected materials were put in ethanol 70% for identification in suitable time. Specific name, author and description date, locality and date of collection are provided. The system and nomenclature follow principally Aukema & Rieger (2006). RESULTS In the current study totally 27 species of 4 families were determined from Aras free Zone and its adjacent area. Family Alydidae Amyot & Serville, 1843 Subfamily Alydinae Amyot & Serville, 1843 Camptopus lateralis (Germar, 1817) Material Examined: Golibaglo of Khodafarin (4 specimens) 22 May 2012; Oshtobin (4 specimens), 1 July 2011; Marand (5 specimens), Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (4 specimens), 10 July 2013; Golan (2 specimens), 12 June 2012; Oshtobin (3 specimens), 7 July, 2011. 74 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Jolfa (7 specimen), 25 August 2011; Nordoz (7 specimens), ; Misan (2 specimen) 3 June 2012; 10 June 2012; Kordasht (5 specimens), 28 May 2011. Camptopus tragacanthae (Kolenati, 1845) Material Examined: Oshtobin (1 specimen), 1 July 2011. Family Coreidae Leach, 1815 Subfamily Coreinae Leach, 1815 Centrocoris spiniger (Fabricius, 1781) Material examined: Marand (2 specimens), Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 10 July 2013; Misan (3 specimens) 3 June 2012; Kordasht (2 specimens), 28 May 2011. Misan (2 specimen) 3 June 2012; 10 June 2012; Parsabad (4 specimens), 22 May 2011. Centrocoris volxemi (Puton, 1878) Material examined: Oshtobin (1 specimen), 7 July, 2011. Coreus marginatus marginatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Material Examined: Marand (10 specimens), 2 August 2014; Alamdar (7 specimens), 5 June 2011; Scent Stepanus Church grasslands (2 specimens), 18 June 2013; Kordasht (8 specimens), 13 May 2011. Golibaglo of Khodafarin (5 specimens) 22 May 2012; Oshtobin (3 specimens), 1 July 2011; Golan (7 specimens), 12 June 2012; Jolfa (3 specimens), 25 August 2011; Nordoz (7 specimens), ; Parsabad (2 specimens) 6 June 2012; 10 June 2012; Kordasht (2 specimens), 28 May 2011. Enoplops disciger (Kolenati, 1845) Material examined: Jananlo of Khodafarin (1 specimen), 6 August 2011; Golan (2 specimens), 12 June 2012; Khodafarin (1 specimen), Near of Scent Stepanus Church (1 specimen), 15 June 2013. Haploprocta pustulifera (Stål, 1860) Material Examined: Misan (1 specimen) 3 June 2012; Oshtobin (2 specimens), 1 July 2011; Marand (2 specimens), 10 July 2013; Khodafarin (1 specimen), Near of Scent Stepanus Church (1 specimen), 15 June 2013. Phyllomorpha lacerata Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Material examined: Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (1 specimens); Oshtobin (1 specimen), 1 July 2011; Siah Rod (2specimens), 30 May 2011; Misan (1 specimen) 3 June 2012; Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 7 July, 2011; Jolfa grasslands (2 specimens), 1 June 2013. Spathocera lobata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) Material examined: Aynalo forests of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 20 May 2013; 12 June 2012; Oshtobin (1 specimen), 7 June, 2011. Syromastus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1767) Material examined: Material Examined: Aynalo forests of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 20 May 2013; 12 June 2012; Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (6 specimens); Oshtobin (1 specimen), 1 July 2011; Siahrod (2 specimens), 2 July 2012; Golan (5 specimens), 1 June 2012. Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778) Material Examined: Marand (2 specimens), 10 July 2013. Ceraleptus gracilicornis (Herrish-Shaffer, 1833) Material Examined: Haras (3 specimens) 4 June 2012. Coriomeris affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839) Material Examined: Parsabad (1 specimen), 8 May 2011; Haras (2 specimens) 4 June 2012; Oshtobin (1 specimen), 1 July 2011; Siah Rod (3 specimens), 5 May 2014; Alamdar (1 specimen), 5 June 2011; Marand (2 specimens), 26 May 2013. Coriomeris scabricornis scabricornis (Panzer, 1809) Material Examined: Khodafarin (1 specimen), 12 August 2013. Coriomeris scabricornis scabricornis (Panzer, 1809) Material Examined: Mardanagum (1specimen), 30 June 2014. Family Rhopalidae Amyot & Serville, 1843 Subfamily Rhopalinae Amyot & Serville, 1843 Agraphopus lethierryi Stål, 1872 Material Examined: Misan (1specimen), 3 July 2011. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 75 Chorosoma schillingi (Schilling, 1829) Material Examined: Marzabad (1 specimen); Siah Rod (1 specimen), 30 May 2011; Jolfa grasslands (2 specimens), 1 July 2013; Aynalo forests of Khodafarin (1 specimen), 5 June 2012. Brachycarenus tigrinus (Schilling, 1829) Material Examined: Jolfa grasslands (2 specimens), 1 July 2013; Misan (1specimen), 3 July 2011. (2 specimens), 5 June 2012; Marzabad (3 specimens); Siah Rod (1 specimen), 30 May 2011; Aynalo forests of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 5 June 2012. Corizus fenestella fenestella Horváth, 1917 Material Examined: Golan (2 specimens), 1 June 2012. Corizus hyoscyami hyoscyami (Linnaeus, 1758) Material Examined: Aynalo forests of Khodafarin (4 specimens), 20 August 2013; Kiamaki (6 specimens), 15 June 2012. Golibaglo of Khodafarin (8 specimens) 22 May 2012; Marand (5 specimens), Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (5 specimens), 10 July 2013; Golan (5 specimens), 12 June 2012; Oshtobin (5 specimens), 7 July, 2011. Jolfa (1 specimen), 25 August 2011; Nordoz (7 specimens), ; Misan (6specimen) 3 June 2012; 10 June 2012; Kordasht (5 specimens), 28 May 2014. Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius, 1794) Material Examined: Kordasht (3 specimens), 28 May 2011; Golibaglo of Khodafarin (4 specimens) 22 May 2012; Marand (7 specimens), Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (8 specimens), 10 July 2013; Golan (5 specimens), 2 June 2014; Oshtobin (4 specimens), 7 July, 2011. Jolfa (1 specimen), 25 August 2011. Maccevethus caucasicus (Kolenati, 1845) Material Examined: Kordasht (2 specimens), 13 May 2011; Misan (1 specimen), 30 May 2011; Marand (5 specimens), 20 May 2012; Oshtobin (3 specimen), 7 July, 2011. Rhopalus (Rhopalus) parumpunctatus Schilling, 1829 Material Examined: Ayanlo forests grasslands (2 specimens) 4 June 2013; Oshtobin (1 specimen), 7 July, 2011; Kordasht (3 specimens), 28 May 2011; Golibaglo of Khodafarin (4 specimens) 22 May 2012; Marand (5 specimens), Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (3 specimens), 10 July 2013; Golan (7 specimens), 12 June 2012; Oshtobin (5 specimens), 7 July 2011. Jolfa (1 specimen), 25 August 2011. Stictopleurus pictus (Fieber, 1861) Material Examined: Ayanlo forest grasslands (1 specimen) 4 June 2013; Near of Scent Stepanus Church (2 specimens) 18 June 2013. Stictopleurus punctatonervosus (Goeze, 1778) Material Examined: Jolfa (1 specimen) 25 August 2011. Family Stenocephalidae Dallas, 1852 Dicranocephalus agilis (Scopoli, 1763) Material examined: Aynalo grasslands (2 specimens), 3 May 2011; Jolfa grasslands (2 specimens), 1 June 2013. Eshgali ojagi of Khodafarin (2 specimens), 10 July 2013; Golan (3 specimens), 12 June 2012; Oshtobin (1 specimen), 7 July, 2011. Jolfa (1 specimen), 25 August 2011. Dicranocephalus setulosus (Ferrari, 1874) Material examined: Kordasht (specimen), 13 May 2011. ACKNOWLEDGEMETS The authors are grateful to Mr. Mohsen Arab Baghi (Managing Director of Aras Free Zone organization) for their invaluable supports. LITERATURE CITED Aukema, B. & Rieger, C. 2006. Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II[M]. Amsterdam: The Netherlands Entomological Society. 550 pp. Askari, O., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R. & Khaganinia, S. 2009. Faunistic study of Heteroptera of Zanjanroud region in Zanjan province of Iran. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4 (2): 560-563. Dolling, W. R. 2006. Superfamily Coreoidea Leach, 1815, pp. 1–101. In: Aukema, B. & Rieger, Ch. (eds.): Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 5, Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp. [Stenocephalidae, pp. 2–7; Rhopalidae, pp. 8–27; Coreidae, pp. 43–101]. Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R. 2000. Heteroptera fauna of alfalfa fields of Maragheh and nearby cities. Proceedings of 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Isfahan University of Technology, p. 232. 76 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Hassazadeh, M., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R. & Shayesteh, N. 2009a. An investigation on some Heteroptera in Marand region (Iran). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4 (1): 19-24. Hassazadeh, M., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R., Gharaat, M. A. & Beykpor, A. R. 2009b. A study of the Heteroptera fauna of Shend Abad region and environ (Iran). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 4 (2): 527-530. Havaskary, M. 2012. Fauna of Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha from southern littorals of Aras River, North West of Iran. MSc thesis, Tabriz Islamic Azad University. 240 pp. Havaskary, M., Hosseinpour, F. & Modarres Awal, M. 2010. Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera) of alfalfa from Mashhad and vicinity, NE Iran. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (1): 253-261. Heiss, E. 2002. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Wanzenfauna (Heteroptera) Irans, I, pp. 87–97. In: Gutleb, B. & Wieser, Ch. (eds.): Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Exkursion in den Nordiran, 2001. Carinthia II, 112, 33-140. Hosseini, R. & Linnavuori, R. 2002. Faunistic study of Coreidae (Heteroptera) in Guilan province. Proceedings of 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress, Razi University of Kermanshah, p. 178. Hoberlandt, L. 1955. Hemiptera–Heteroptera from Iran, I. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 29 (1954): 121148. Hoberlandt, L. 1959. Hemiptera–Heteroptera from Iran, II. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 33: 497-523. Hoberlandt, L. 1985. Results of the Czechoslovak-Iranian entomological expeditions to Iran 1970, 1973 and 1977. Kerzhner, I. M. & Rieger, C. H. 1985. Wanzen aus Iran (Insecta: Heteroptera). Senckenbergiana Biologica, 66: 51-53. Khaghaninia, S., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R., Askari, O. & Fent, M. 2010a. An introduction to true bugs fauna of Gunber valley including two new records for Iranian fauna (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (2): 354-360. Khaghaninia, S., Askari, O., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R. & Shahim, K. 2010b. Some additional notes about Heteroptera fauna of Qaradag forests-Iran. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 5 (2): 513-518. Khaghaninia, S., Farshbaf Pour-Abad, R. & Askari, O. 2011. A contribution to the Heteroptera fauna of Zunuz region, northwest of Iran. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 7 (1): 35-38. Modaress Awal, M. 1996a. Studies on some Cimicomorpha and Pentatomorpha (Heteroptera) fauna in Ardabil province. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Mashhad University), 10 (1): 102-112. Modaress Awal, M. 1996b. Studies on some Pentatomorpha [sic!] (Heteroptera) fauna in North of Khorasan province. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Mashhad University), 9 (2): 121-144. Modaress Awal, M. 1997a. Determination of some fauna of Cimicomorpha and Pentatomorpha (Het.) in Tabriz area. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7 (3-4): 43-56. Modaress Awal, M. 1997b. Alydidae (Heteroptera). P. 69. In: List of agricultural pests and their natural enemies in Iran. Ferdowsi University Press, Mashhad, 427 pp. Rider, D. A. 2006. Family Pentatomidae. Pp. 233-402, In: Aukema, B. and C. Rieger (eds.), Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Vol. 5. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam. Figure 1. Map of Aras Free Zone limited area in Jolfa, Nordoz and Khodafarin counties (green portions) at the border of Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan, Armenia and Azarbaijan countries with Islamic Republic of Iran. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 77 TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON ACRIDIDAE (ORTHOPTERA: ACRIDOIDEA) OF GUJARAT REGION UNDER WESTERN GHATS OF INDIA Hirdesh Kumar* and Mohd. Kamil Usmani* * Section of Entomology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002, INDIA. E-mail:; [Kumar, H. & Usmani, M. K. 2016. Taxonomic studies on Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 77-86] ABSTRACT: Thirteen species of locusts and grasshoppers representing ten genera and seven subfamilies belonging to the family Acrididae are reported from different localities of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India. Localities surveyed and distribution of each species collected from Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India is discussed. A comprehensive report of Acridoid fauna of this region is given for the first time. KEY WORDS: Acrididae, Gujarat, Taxonomy, Diversity, Orthoptera. Acrididae is a family of economically important species of Orthopterous pests. It is not only the most diverse group in the superfamily Acridoidea but also have the greater number of species. All the agriculturally important species of locusts and grasshoppers belong to this family. They cause considerable damage to agricultural crops, grasslands and pastures. Identifying features of these pests are absence of fastigial furrow, frontal ridge wide and usually depressed at media ocellus; antennae longer than fore femora; dorsum of pronotum usually with median and lateral carinae; prosternal process present or absent; tympanum usually present; tegmina and wings fully developed, reduced or absent; lower basal lobe of hind femur mostly shorter or as long as upper one; Brunner’s organ present, external apical spine of hind tibia mostly absent. Bolivar (1902, 1914), Kirby (1914), Uvarov (1927, 1966), Henry (1937, 1940), Tandon & Shishodia (1969, 1977), Usmani & Shafee (1983, 1984, 1990), Bhowmik (1985), Shishodia & Mandal (1990), Shrinivasan & Muralirangan (1992), Hazra et al. (1993), Shishodia (1997, 1999, 2000, 2008), Shishodia & Tandon (2000), Shishodia et al. (2003), Ingrisch et al. (2004), Saini & Mehta (2007), Chandra et al. (2007, 2010), Shishodia & Gupta (2009), Usmani et al. (2010), Usmani et al. (2011), Usmani & Kumar (2011), Kumar & Usmani (2012a,b) and Kumar & Usmani (2014) have contributed to the taxonomy of Indian Acridids. Gujarat is a state in the western part of India. It has an area of 196,204 km2 (75,755 sq mi) with a coastline of 1,600 km (990 mi). The state is bordered by Rajasthan to the north, Maharashtra to the south, Madhya Pradesh to the east, and the Arabian Sea as well as the Pakistani province of Sindh to the west. The great river Tapti, flowing in a deep trench from the east cuts through Surat and the eastern country is mountainous. This is the northern extension of the Western Ghats and further south, the Ghats are forested and the small district of the Dangs is in this area. The west flowing rivers which originate in the Western Ghats are: Purna, Auranga and Par. The districts of Gujarat in Western Ghats ecoregion are The Dangs, Surat, Navsari and Valsad. No survey work so far has been done exclusively for this group from Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India. There are very few reports such as Muralidharan & Patel (2007a,b) and Shishodia et al. (2010) on the taxonomy of acridids from this region. Except for some sporadic reports there is no systematic study on the locusts and grasshoppers belonging to the family Acrididae from this region, a hot spot of Biodiversity. Keeping in view the above fact, the present work 78 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ is aimed at studying one of the families of Orthoptera which is most widely distributed and shows a very high degree of biological diversity. In the present study the authors uphold Orthoptera Species File (Eades et al., 2015) in classifying Acrididae. Species identification is based on both the conventional and genitalic characters. Most of the genera are represented by single species. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present authors collected new material (477 specimens) of adult grasshoppers of both sexes from various localities of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India which served the basis for the present critical study. A complete record was also maintained indicating the reference number, locality, data of collection and name of host plants etc. I) Collection of adult grasshoppers: The authors surveyed various agricultural areas of various localities of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India during the period 2013-2014 for the collection of grasshoppers and locusts. They were caught by hands, by forceps, and by the ordinary aerial insect net. The net was used for catching insects individually or by sweeping on grasses, bushes and other vegetables. Attempts were made to collect the specimens from their host plants as well as those attracted to light during the night. They were captured on different dates in different months from various crops. Different parts of crops were examined. Attention was also given to fruits and vegetables. The collected specimens were killed in cyanide bottles. II) Preparation for morphological studies: Dry mounts were also prepared for better understanding of certain characters like size, colour, texture etc. For this purpose, the specimens were first relaxed, stretched and later, pinned and labeled. Permanent collections of pinned specimens were kept in store boxes and cabinets for further studies on their morphological structures. III) Preparation for genitalic studies: For a detailed study of the various components of genitalia, the permanent slides were prepared and examined under the microscope in order to make a detailed study of the genitalic structures. Drawings were initially made with the help of a camera lucida. Details were filled in by conventional microscope examination. The material collected during survey has been deposited in the Zoological Museum of the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The present study included 477 specimens of family Acrididae from different habitats of various cultivated and non-cultivated areas of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India. This captured material includes thirteen species over ten genera and seven subfamilies. A key for their separation is given below: Key to Acrididae of Gujarat region under Western Ghats of India 1. Prosternal process usually absent, if present, body strongly elongate and antennae ensiform; hind tibia without external apical spine; epiphallus bridge shaped, bridge undivided; spermatheca with apical diverticulum short or rudimentary, pre-apical diverticulum sac like……………………………..………………………………………………………..…………..8 - Prosternal process present; hind tibia with or without external apical spine; epiphallus disc or bridge shaped, bridge divided or undivided; spermatheca with apical and pre-apical diverticula tubular……………….………………………………………………………………………..................2 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 79 2. Lower knee lobe of hind femur never spined; valves of ovipositor never serrate or spined; hind tibia never flattened…………………………….…………………………………..................................5 - Lower knee lobe of hind femur spined; valves of ovipositor serrate or spined; hind tibia flattened……................................................................................................................................3 3. Male supra-anal plate with a tubercle on each side of a median apical process, making the plate appear weakly trilobate; posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites of ovipositor with one or two tooth like spines on its inner ventral margin.................................................................4 - Male supra-anal plate without lateral tubercles; posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites of ovipositor without any well defined spines on its lower inner margin....................................... ………………………….....................................................Oxya grandis grandis Willemse, 1925 4. Male cercus weakly bifurcate; ventral surface of subgenital plate with a broad median longitudinal groove......................................................Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall, 1836) - Male cercus obtuse or truncate; ventral surface of subgenital plate convex, flat or, at most, with a weak apical concavity …................................................Oxya hyla hyla Serville, 1831 5. Radial area of tegmen without transverse stridulatory veinlets; valves of aedeagus flexure…………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………...6 - Radial area of tegmen with a series of regular, parallel, thickened, transverse stridulatory veinlets; valves of aedeagus divided or connected by small or indistinct flexure....................... …………..............................Spathosternum prasiniferum prasiniferum (Walker, 1871) 6. Mesosternal interspace open; external apical spine of hind tibia usually absent................7 - Mesosternal interspace closed; external apical spine of hind tibia present............................. ………………..............................................................Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber, 1853) 7. Last abdominal tergite in male without well developed furcula; bridge of epiphallus usually undivided medially......................Eyprepocnemis alacris alacris (Serville, 1838) - Last abdominal tergite in male with well developed furcula; bridge of epiphallus divided medially........................................................................Eucoptacra praemorsa (Stal, 1860) 8. Frons usually oblique; medial area of tegmen usually without intercalary vein, if present, never serrated in both sexes………..............................................................................................9 - Frons usually vertical; medial area of tegmen with intercalary vein usually serrated..........11 9. Head elongate; hind femur very long and slender..............................................................10 - Head never elongate; hind femur never very long and slender………………………………………… ………………………………….………………………………...……….Phlaeoba infumata Brunner, 1893 10. Lateral carina of pronotum not edged within with black line; apical diverticulum of spermatheca with rounded apex……......……..…...……………..Acrida exaltata (Walker, 1859) - Lateral carina of pronotum edged within with black line; apical diverticulum of spermatheca with truncated apex...…………..................……Acrida gigantea (Herbst, 1786) 11. Dorsum of pronotum without longitudinal ridges…………………...………………...................12 - Dorsum of pronotum with numerous longitudinal parallel ridges……………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….……Morphacris fasciata (Thunberg, 1815) 12. Pronotum with median carina equally raised in prozona and metazona, not forming tooth like projection………………………………….…………………………………………………………….....13 - Pronotum with median carina strongly raised in prozona forming two tooth like projections, sharp in metazona...………...…………...Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg, 1815) 13. Frontal ridge of uniform width with nearly parallel margins; foveolae shorter................... ………………………….................……………….……A. thalassinus thalassinus (Fabricius, 1781) - Frontal ridge gradually tapered towards the fastigium; foveolae longer.................................. ……………………………………....................................A. thalassinus tamulus (Fabricius, 1798) Oxya grandis grandis Willemse, 1925 Oxya grandis Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 36. Oxya grandis Willemse; Usmani & Shafee, 1985. Oriental insect, 19: 315. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; 3♀, 09-XII2013, on grasses; Navsari, 3♀, 10-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 1♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 2♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 1♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♀, 15-X2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Female: Body: 26.17; Pronotum: 6.46; Antenna: 9.30; Tegmina: 27.90; Hind Femur: 19.09. Distribution: Assam, Punjab, Gujarat and Kerala. Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall, 1836) Gryllus fuscovittatus Marschall, 1836. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 1 (2): 211. 80 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Oxya turanica Uvarov, 1912. Trudy Russk. Entomol. Obshch., 40 (3): 28. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 289. Oxya oryzivora Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 25. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 289. Oxya uvarovi Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 11, 22. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 289. Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 133. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 1♂, 2♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 5♂, 4♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Valsad, 2♂, 4♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; 2♂, 1♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 2♂, 4♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 1♂, 3♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♂, 3♀, 1-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 21.91; Pronotum: 4.53; Antenna: 9.19; Tegmina: 18.72; Hind Femur: 14.18. Female: Body: 26.28; Pronotum: 6.09; Antenna: 8.43; Tegmina: 23.81; Hind Femur: 16.69. Distribution: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Oxya hyla hyla Serville, 1831 Oxya hyla Serville, 1831. Ann. Sci. nat., 22 (86): 28-65, 134-167, 262-292. Heteracris viridivitta Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 605-801. Syn. By Bolivar, 1918. Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat., Madrid (Ser. zool.), 34: 15. Oxya acuminata Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 42. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent, 26 (7): 282. Oxya ebneri Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 46. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 282. Oxya multidentata Willemse, 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 44. Syn. By Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 282. Oxya hyla hyla Serville; Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 133. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 3♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; 1♂, 2♀, 09XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 3♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Tapi, 4♂, 7♀, 11-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 3♂, 5♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; 3♂, 4♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 5♂, 3♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 2♂, 5♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 2♂, 1♀, 13-X2014, on grasses; 1♂, 2♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♂, 4♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 22.50; Pronotum: 4.42; Antenna: 8.09; Tegmina: 19.05; Hind Femur: 13.13. Female: Body: 26.59; Pronotum: 5.16; Antenna: 7.96; Tegmina: 27.21; Hind Femur: 15.73. Distribution: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttrakhand, Goa, Delhi, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Spathosternum prasiniferum prasiniferum (Walker, 1871) Heteracris prasinifera Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Br. Mus. London, 65. Caloptenus caliginosus Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Br. Mus. London, 69. Syn. By Bey-Bienko & Mishchenko, 1951. Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries, 1: 160[168]. Stenobothrus strigulatus Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Br. Mus. London, 82. Syn. By Bey-Bienko & Mishchenko, 1951. Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries, 1: 160[168]. Stenobothrus simplex Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Br. Mus. London, 82. Syn. By Bolivar, 1899. Ann. Soc. Entom. Belgique, 43: 589. Stenobothrus rectuss Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Br. Mus. London, 83. Syn. By BeyBienko & Mishchenko, 1951. Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries, 1: 160[168]. Spathosternum prasiniferum prasiniferum (Walker); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 134. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 81 Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 6♂, 10♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; 2♂, 1♀, 07XII-2013, on grasses; 4♂, 2♀, 09-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 12♂, 8♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Tapi, 4♂, 2♀, 11-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 3♂, 3♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; 4♂, 2♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 5♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 4♂, 3♀, 12X-2014, on grasses; 5♂, 8♀, 13-X-2014, on grasses; 3♂, 6♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 7♂, 10♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 16.15; Pronotum: 2.79; Antenna: 4.89; Tegmina: 13.77; Hind Femur: 7.86. Female: Body: 18.17; Pronotum: 3.58; Antenna: 3.95; Tegmina: 14.75; Hind Femur: 9.43. Distribution: Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh and Goa. Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber, 1853) Opsomala longicornis Fieber, 1853. Lotos, 3: 98. Opsomala syrica Walker, 1871. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum Supplement: 51. Syn. By Mishchenko, 1965. Fauna of Russia Orthopt., 190[164]. Opomala cylindrica Giglio-Tos, 1893. Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. Comp. R. Univ. Torino, 8(164): 11. Syn. By Massa & Fontana, 1998. Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona, 22: 76. Tropidopola nigerica indica Uvarov, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 10 (19): 519. Syn. By Mishchenko, 1965. Fauna of Russia Orthopt., 190[164]. Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber); Massa, 2009. Jour. Orth. Res., 18 (1): 81. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 09-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 1♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 1♂, 14-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 33.99; Pronotum: 5.13; Antenna: 8.76; Tegmina: 22.00; Hind Femur: 13.15. Female: Body: 46.43; Pronotum: 7.10; Antenna: 10.11; Tegmina: 31.05; Hind Femur: 17.32. Distribution: Bihar, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Punjab. Eyprepocnemis alacris alacris (Serville, 1838) Acridium alacre Serville, 1838. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Orthopteres, 682. Acridium deponens Walker, 1859. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 3 (4): 222. Syn. By Willemse, 1957. Publ. natuurhist. Genootsch. Limburg, 10: 241. Heteracris rudis Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 662, 664. Syn. By Willemse, 1957. Publ. natuurhist. Genootsch. Limburg, 10: 241. Caloptenus reductus Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 714. Syn. By Dirsh, 1958. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London, (B) 27: 33-45. Acridium scitulum Walker, 1871. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum Supplement, 62. Syn. By Willemse, 1957. Publ. natuurhist. Genootsch. Limburg, 10: 241. Euprepocnemis plorans intermedia Bolivar, 1902. Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., 70: 630. Syn. By Willemse, 1957. Publ. natuurhist. Genootsch. Limburg, 10: 241. Eyprepocnemis alacris alacris (Serville); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 136. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; 2♂, 1♀, 09XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 1♂, 3♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Valsad, 3♂, 1♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; 1♂, 2♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 3♂, 2♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 1♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 2♂, 13-X-2014, on grasses; 1♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♂, 5♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 25.12; Pronotum: 4.81; Antenna: 9.38; Tegmina: 23.40; Hind Femur: 14.52. Female: Body: 33.79; Pronotum: 6.19; Antenna: 10.52; Tegmina: 28.25; Hind Femur: 19.04. Distribution: Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal and Maharashtra. 82 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Eucoptacra praemorsa (Stal, 1860) Acridium (Catantops) praemorsum Stal, 1860. Kongliga Svenska fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden under befal af C.A. Virgin aren 1851-1853 (Zoologi), 2 (1): 330. Acridium saturatum Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 704. Syn. By Bolivar, 1917. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact., Fisic. Natur., 16: 404. Caloptenus obliterans Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 712. Syn. By Bolivar, 1917. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact., Fisic. Natur., 16: 404. Caloptenus sinensis Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 704. Syn. By Bolivar, 1917. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact., Fisic. Natur., 16: 404. Caloptenus striqifer Walker, 1871. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum Supplement, 66. Syn. By Bolivar, 1917. Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exact., Fisic. Natur., 16: 404. Eucoptacra praemorsa (Stal); Nayeem & Usmani, 2012. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 7 (1): 401. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 1♂, 3♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Valsad, 3♂, 3♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; The Danges, 1♂, 1♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 2♂, 3♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 16.78; Pronotum: 3.55; Antenna: 7.46; Tegmina: 18.31; Hind Femur: 10.99. Female: Body: 17.94; Pronotum: 4.46; Antenna: 5.22; Tegmina: 20.75; Hind Femur: 11.75. Distribution: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtara, Manipur, Meghalaya, Orissa, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal. Phlaeoba infumata Brunner, 1893 Phlaeoba infumata Brunner, 1893. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, 2-13 (33): 124. Phlaeoba infumata Brunner; Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 144. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 1♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Valsad, 2♂, 4♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; 3♂, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 2♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 3♂, 5♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 2♂, 1♀, 13-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 3♂, 7♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 22.08; Pronotum: 4.32; Antenna: 8.37; Tegmina: 19.98; Hind Femur: 14.29. Female: Body: 31.92; Pronotum: 6.58; Antenna: 9.06; Tegmina: 27.55; Hind Femur: 19.06. Distribution: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Gujarat, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. Acrida exaltata (Walker, 1859) Truxalis exaltata Walker, 1859. Ann. Nat. Hist., (3) 4: 222. Tryxalis brevicolis Bolivar, 1893. Feuille Jeunes Nat., 23: 162. Syn. By Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 96: 232. Acrida lugubris Burr, 1902. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 157. Syn. By Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 96: 232. Acrida exaltata (Walker); Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), 3 (2): 94. Acrida curta Uvarov, 1936. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 39: 536. Syn. By Dirsh and Uvarov, 1953. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 96: 232. Acrida lugubris astigmata Prasad, 1956. Proc. nation. Acad. Sci. India, B-26 (1): 22. Syn. By Dirsh, 1961. Eos, 37: 398. Acrida exaltata (Walker); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 143. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 09-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 10-XII2013, on Grasses; Tapi, 2♂, 1♀, 11-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 1♂, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 83 2♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 1♂, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 3♂, 1♀, 12-X2014, on grasses; 2♂, 13-X-2014, on grasses; 1♂, 3♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♂, 15-X2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 3; Pronotum: 5.10; Antenna: 12.81; Tegmina: 27.81; Hind Femur: 20.11. Female: Body: 49.67; Pronotum: 7.72; Antenna: 11.59; Tegmina: 37.89; Hind Femur: 26.76. Distribution: Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Assam and Uttar Pradesh. Acrida gigantea (Herbst, 1786) Truxalis giganteus Herbst, 1786. Herausgegeben von Johan Caspar Fuessly, 7-8: 191. Acrida gigantea (Herbst); Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), 3 (2): 93. Acrida gigantea (Herbst); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 143. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 09-XII-2013, on grasses; Tapi, 3♂, 2♀, 11-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 1♂, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 1♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 1♂, 2♀, 13-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 30.39; Pronotum: 4.98; Antenna: 9.72; Tegmina: 25.39; Hind Femur: 17.80. Female: Body: 46.54; Pronotum: 7.25; Antenna: 11.52; Tegmina: 36.37; Hind Femur: 25.27. Distribution: Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand. Morphacris fasciata (Thunberg, 1815) Gryllus fasciatus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg 5: 211-301. Gryllus sanguineus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg, 5: 231. Syn. By Johnston, 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers, 521. Gryllus sulcatus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg, 5: 234. Syn. By Dirsh, 1966. Publ. Cult. Comp. Diamant. Angola Ser. 3, Vol. 74: 437. Oedipoda strigata Serville 1838. Histoire naturelle des insectes. Orthopteres, 726. Syn. By Johnston, 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers, 522. Morphacris adusta Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 3: 790. Syn. By Johnston, 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers, 522. Cosmorhyssa costata Saussure, 1888. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 30 (1): 37. Syn. By Dirsh, 1966. Publ. Cult. Comp. Diamant. Angola Ser. 3, Vol. 74: 437. Morphacris fasciata (Thunberg); Nayeem and Usmani, 2012. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 7 (1): 405. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; 1♂, 07-XII2013, on grasses; Valsad, 4♂, 1♀, 13-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 1♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 3♂, 1♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 25.39; Pronotum: 4.98; Antenna: 9.89; Tegmina: 19.39; Hind Femur: 11.80. Female: Body: 29.48; Pronotum: 5.65; Antenna: 11.22; Tegmina: 22.71; Hind femur: 13.41. Distribution: Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Kerala, Lakshadweep Island, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg, 1815) Gryllus annulatus Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg, 5: 234. Gryllus bidens Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg, 5: 235. Syn. By Willemse, 1930. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 73: 57. Acridium vulnerata Haan, 1842. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche bezittingen 16 Zoologie, 161. Syn. By Willemse, 1930. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 73: 55. Epacromia turpis Walker, 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 775. Syn. By Willemse, 1930. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 73: 55. 84 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg); Bolivar, 1902. Ann. Soc. ent. Fr., 70: 604. Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 139. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; Surat, 1♂, 5♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 2♂, 1♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Tapi, 2♀, 11-XII2013, on grasses; Valsad, 3♂, 2♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 4♂, 1♀, 13-X-2014, on grasses; 5♂, 4♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 16.42; Pronotum: 3.37; Antenna: 6.47; Tegmina: 17.18; Hind Femur: 8.66. Female: Body: 21.63; Pronotum: 3.79; Antenna: 6.05; Tegmina: 19.01; Hind Femur: 9.43. Distribution: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala and West Bengal. Aiolopus thalassinus thalassinus (Fabricius, 1781) Gryllus thalassinus Fabricius, 1781. Species Insectorum, 1: 367. Acridium grossum Costa, 1836. Fauna del regno di Napoli. Ortotteri, 25. Syn. By Johnston, 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers, 507. Acridium laetum Brulle, 1840. In Webb, P.B. & Berthelot. Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries. 2(2): 77. Syn. By Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), 3 (2): 191. Gryllus flavovirens Fischer, 1846. Nouv. mem. Soc. Imp. natur. Moscou, 8: 299. Syn. By Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), 3 (2): 191. Epacromia angustifemur Ghiliani, 1869. Ann. Soc. Entom. Belgique, 12 C.R. 179. Syn. By Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera (Orthoptera Saltatoria, Locustidae vel Acridiidae), 3 (2): 191. Epacromia rufipes Ivanov, 1888. Proc. nat. hist soc. Kharkov Univ., 21: 309-377. Syn. By Benediktov, 2000. Vestnik Zoologii, 34 (3): 81. Aiolopus thalassinus kivuensis Sjostedt, 1923. Ark. Zool., 15 (6): 18. Syn. By Johnston, 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers, 509. Aiolopus acutus Uvarov, 1953. Publ. Cult. Comp. Diamant. Angola, 21: 111. Syn. By Hollis, 1968. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 22 (7): 340. Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabricius); Hollis, 1968. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 22 (7): 340. Aiolopus thalassinus thalassinus (Fabricius); Bughio, Sultana, Rind and Wagan, 2014. J. Bio. & Env. Sci., 4 (4): 413. Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 5♂, 4♀, 06-XII-2013, on grasses; Surat, 3♂, 3♀, 07-XII-2013, on grasses; Navsari, 1♀, 10-XII-2013, on Grasses; Tapi, 2♂, 1♀, 11-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 2♂, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 3♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 3♂, 5♀, 12-X-2014, on grasses; 5♂, 2♀, 14-X-2014, on grasses; Surat, 1♂, 1♀, 15-X2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 18.45; Pronotum: 2.96; Antenna: 6.25; Tegmina: 18.35; Hind Femur: 9.72. Female: Body: 22.83; Pronotum: 3.60; Antenna: 6.11; Tegmina: 20.28; Hind Femur: 11.00. Distribution: Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Aiolopus thalassinus tamulus (Fabricius, 1798) Gryllus tamulus Fabricius, 1798. Supplementum Entomologiae Systematicae Suppl., 195. Gomphocerus tricoloripes Burmeister, 1838. Handbuch der Entomologie, 2-2(I-VIII): 649. Syn. By Rehn, 1902. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 54: 631. Epacromia rufostriata Kirby, 1888. Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1888 (4): 550. Syn. By Hollis, 1968. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 22 (7): 314. Aiolopus thalassinus tumulus (Fabricius); Hollis, 1968. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 22 (7): 347. Aiolopus thalassinus tumulus (Fabricius); Kumar and Usmani, 2014. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 141. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 85 Material examined: INDIA, Gujarat, Surat, 3♂, 7♀, 09-XII-2013, on grasses; Valsad, 2♂, 2♀, 10-X-2014, on grasses; Navsari, 1♂, 3♀, 11-X-2014, on grasses; The Danges, 3♂, 1♀, 13-X2014, on grasses; Surat, 2♂, 1♀, 15-X-2014, on grasses. Measurements (length in mm): Male: Body: 14.82; Pronotum: 2.90; Antenna: 5.99; Tegmina: 17.20; Hind Femur: 9.34. Female: Body: 21.32; Pronotum: 3.58; Antenna: 6.15; Tegmina: 19.09; Hind Femur: 10.71. Distribution: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to extend our gratitude to Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi for providing financial assistance during the tenure of a major research project (Ref. No. 23/14/2010 – RE; Dt: 23.01. 2012) being carried out on “Diversity of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) in different parts of Western Ghats of India”. Thanks are also due to Prof. Iqbal Parwez, Chairman, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for providing necessary facilities. LITERATURE CITED Bhowmik, H. K. 1985. Outline of distribution with an index-Catalogue of Indian grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Part I. Subfamilies - Acridinae, Truxalinae, Gomphocerinae and Oedipodinae. Records of the Zoological Survey of India Misc. Publ. Occasional Paper no. 78: 1-51. Bolivar, I. 1902. Les Orthopteres de St Joseph’s College a Trichinopoly (Sud de 1’ Inde). 3me partie. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France., 70: 580-635. Bolivar, I. 1914. Estudios entomologicos Segunda parte. Trabajos del Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Serie Zoologica), 20: 1-110. Chandra, K., Gupta, S. K. & Shishodia, M. S. 2007. A checklist of Orthoptera of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. Zoos` Print Journal, 22 (5): 2683-2687. Chandra, K., Shishodia, M. S. & Gupta, S. K. 2010. Diversity of Orthoptera (Insecta) in India: State of our Knowledge. Advancements in Invertebrate Taxonomy and Biodiversity: 43-80. Pub :Agrobios (India), Jodhpur. Eades, D. C., Otte, D., Cigliano, M. M. & Braun, H. 2015. Orthoptera Species File. Version 5.0/5.0. [visited 10.i.2015]. <>. Hazra, A. K., Tandon, S. K., Shishodia, M. S., Dey, A. & Mandal, S. K. 1993. Insecta: Orthoptera:Acridoidea. State Fauna Series, 3: Fauna of West Bengal, Part 4, Zoological Survey of India: 287-354. Henry, G. M. 1937. A new genus and species of Acridan from South India and Ceylon (Orthoptera). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 6: 197-200. Henry, G. M. 1940. New and little known South Indian Acrididae (Orthoptera). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 90 (19): 497-540. Ingrisch, S., Willemse, F. & Shishodia, M. S. 2004. New species and interesting records of Acrididae (Orthoptera) from Northeast India. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 147: 289-320. Kirby, W. F. 1914. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Orthoptera (Acrididae). Ix + 276 pp. London. Kumar, H. & Usmani, M. K. 2012a. A Checklist of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) of Punjab, India. Journal of Entomological Research, 36 (2): 173-175. Kumar, H. & Usmani, M. K. 2012b. A Checklist of Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) of Himachal Pradesh. Advances in Life Sciences, 1 (2): 162-163. Kumar, H. & Usmani, M. K. 2014. Taxonomic studies on Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from Rajasthan (India). Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 2 (3): 131-146. Muralidharan, C. M. & Patel, G. M. 2007a. Species richness, evenness and diversity status of grasshopper community in a forest ecosystem of north Gujarat. Journal of Plant Protection and Environment, 4 (2): 103-109. Muralidharan, C. M. & Patel, G. M. 2007b. 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On a collection of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) from the Nagarjuna Sagar Dam Area. Oriental Insects, 3 (3): 265-267. Tandon, S. K. & Shishodia, M. S. 1977. The Acridoidea (Insecta: Orthoptera) of Goa. Records of the Zoological Survey of India, 72: 295-307. Usmani, M. K. & Kumar, H. 2011. Female genitalia as a taxonomic tool in the classification of Indian Acridoidea (Orthoptera). Journal of Threatened Taxa, 3 (11): 2207-2210. Usmani, M. K. & Shafee, S. A. 1983. A new genus and two new species of the subfamily Acridinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from India. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique Suisse, 56: 401-403. Usmani, M. K. & Shafee, S. A. 1984. A new tribe of Oxyinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Bulletin de la Societe entomologique Suisse, 57: 295-296. Usmani, M. K. & Shafee, S. A. 1990. Classification of Indian Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Indian Journal of Systematic Entomology, 7 (2): 89-102. Usmani, M. K., Khan, M. I. & Kumar, H. 2010. Studies on Acridoidea (Orthoptera) of Western Uttar Pradesh. Biosystematica, 4 (1): 39-58. Usmani, M. K., Kumar, H. & Naiku, S. M. 2011. Taxonomic Significance of Phallic Complex in some Indian species of Acridoidea (Orthoptera). Biosystematica, 5 (1): 55-63. Uvarov, B. P. 1927. Distributional records of Indian Acrididae. Records of Indian Museum, 29: 233-239. Uvarov, B. P. 1966. Grasshoppers and Locusts. A Hand book of General Acridology. Cambridge, XI + 481 pp. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 87 EFFECT OF ABIOTIC FACTORS ON INFESTATION OF UZIFLY (EXORISTA SORBILLANS WIEDEMANN) IN DIFFERENT INSTAR MUGA SILKWORM, ANTHERAEA ASSAMENSIS Ranjana Das* and K. Das * Central Muga Eri research & Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Lahdoigarh, Jorhat, Assam, INDIA. [Das, R. & Das, K. 2016. Effect of abiotic factors on infestation of Uzifly (Exorista sorbillans Wiedemann) in different instar muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 87-89] ABSTRACT: Infestation of Uzi fly (Exorista sorbillans ) in muga silkworm was studied in six different crop seasons. Though the infestation was made throughout the year but severity was recorded during Chatua (Feb-Mar) and Jarua (Dec-Jan) crops with 89.3, and 61.4% infestation and also infestation was started from the 3 rd instar silkworm larvae. During Jethua (Apr-May) and Katia (Oct-Nov) crops, the infestation was recorded 11.3 and 13.3% and infestation was observed in 4th and 5th instar silkworms. However, least number of infestation was recorded in Aherua (Jun-Jul), Bhodia (Aug-Sep) with 4.7and 3.9% infestation which were observed in 5th instar larvae only. Correlation coefficient analyses between infestation and weather parameters in different crops seasons showed that low temperature and high humidity were positively highly significant for infestation of Uzifly in muga silkworms. KEY WORDS: Antheraea assamensis, crop, Exorista sorbillans, Multivoltine, Polyphagous. The golden silk producer muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis Helfer, is a multivoltine and polyphagous insect. The silkworm can be reared five to six times in a year in different crop seasons (Choudhury, 1970). Due to out door nature of rearing, the silkworm is exposed to various pests and predators in all the seasons with varied intensity of effecting on cocoon production (Thangavalu et al., 1988). The pest spectrum of muga silkworm is complex and plays a major role in limiting the production of silk (Sahu, 2005). Negi & Sengupta (1993) reported that due to infestation of Uzifly around 50-70% cocoons rejected inspire of good harvesting during winter crop. Out of different pests, Uzifly (Exorista sorbillans, Wiedemann) is one of the most serious endo-parasite of muga silkworm which caused 20 to 90% crop lost (Anonymous, 2003). This fly has also been reported in other silkworms such as Bombyx mori, Samia cynthia ricin and Antherea royali and economically lost the crop production (Thompson, 1950; Sarkar, 1980; Patil & Givindan, 1984). Literature survey revealed that no systematic approach has been done on instar wise seasonal infestation of muga silkworm by Uzi-fly in different crop seasons, hence the study was carried out to ascertain a concrete results of infestation in different instar of silkworm in different crop seasons. MATERIALS AND METHODS For studying the infestation of the Uzi-fly on muga silkworm, rearing was conducted in six different crop seasons namely, Jethua (Apr-May), Aherua (JunJul), Bhodia (Aug-Sep), Katia (Oct-Nov), Jarua (Dec-Jan) and Chatua (Feb-Mar) in experimental field of Central Muga Eri Research and Training Institute,(CMER&TI) Lahdoigarh, Jorhat, Assam, India. In every rearing, randomly 500 muga silkworms were selected in five different bamboo made ‘chalonies’ individually from the 10 different locations of rearing field. Percentage of Uzi infestation as well as instar wise infestation was calculated out by using the following formulae: 88 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ No of infection of worm Percentage of infection = ---------------------------------- x 100 Total no worm considered No of instar wise infested worm Percentage of instar wise infestation = ------------------------------------------ x 100 Total no of worm infested Data on infestation in instar wise in different crops seasons along with meteorological parameters were recorded analyzed statistically and presented in Table 1 & 2. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The results revealed that uzifly (Exorista sorbillans) infestation was recorded throughout the year in muga growing areas but intensity of infestation was variable (Table 1). Maximum infestation was recorded in Chatua (Feb-Mar) with 89.3% followed by Jarua (Dec-Jan) with 61.6%, Katia (Oct-Nov) 13.3% and Jethua (Apr-May), 11.3% respectively. Least infestation was recorded during Bhodia (Aug-Sep) and Aherua (Jun-Jul) crops with 3.4% and 4.7% only. Instar wise higher infestation was recorded during Chatua (Feb-Mar) and Jarua (DecJan) crops. In both the crop seasons, infestation was recorded from third instar on wards till ripening with different magnitude. In case of Jethua (Apr-May) and Katia (Oct-Nov) crops, infestation was observed in fourth and fifth instar where as in Aherua (Jun-Jul) and Bhodia (Aug-Sep) infestation was recorded in fifth instar only. The results showed that abiotic factors played vital role for occurrence of uzifly in different crop seasons. Heavy infestation was recorded during Chatua (Feb-Mar) and Jarua (Dec-Jan) and temperature and relative humidity were ranged from 07-29 OC and 63-81% respectively. However rainfall was recorded 59- 92 mm during that period. During Jethua (Apr-May) and Katia (Oct-Nov) crops, temperature recorded from 22-33 OC, relative humidity was 64-88% and rainfall raged from 104-109mm. Highest temperature, relative humidity and rainfall were recorded during Bhodia (Aug-Sep) and Aherua (Jun-Jul) crops such as, 23-37 OC, 65-91% and 580-989mm respectively. The results revealed that high temperature, high relative humidity and high rainfall significantly negatively effect on uzifly infestation on muga silkworm where as low temperature, low humidity and low rainfall response positive effect on occurrence and infestation of uzifly in muga silkworm. From the Correlation coefficient between uzi infestation and different abiotic factors revealed that maximum temperature during Jethua (Apr-May), Aherua (Jun-Jul),Bhodia (Aug-Sep) and Katia (Oct-Nov) were negatively effect on occurrence of uzifly (Table 2). Similarly trend of effect was observed in maximum humidity also. On the other hand, rainfall is negatively significant in Aherua (Jun-Jul) and Bhodia (Aug-Sep) crops. The results indicated that the fly could not multiply during high temperature, high humidity and high rainfall. The temperature both maximum and minimum in Chatua (Feb-Mar) and Jarua (Dec-Jan) were highly significant on occurrence of Uzifly infestation. Besides this, maximum relative humidity in Chatua (Feb-Mar) was highly significant but during Jarua (Dec-Jan) was positively significant only. In case of minimum temperature and rainfall during Chatua (Feb-Mar) crop was found negative effect on occurrence of the pest. From the result it was concluded that the environmental factors like temperature, relative humidity and rainfall are main important physical factors which are responsible for occurrence and infestation of Uzifly(Exorista sorbillans Wiedemann) during different muga silkworm rearing seasons. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 89 LITERATURE CITED Anonymous. 2003. CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh, Jorhat. Assam. Choudhury, S. N. 1970. Muga Silk Industry, Directorate of Sericulture and Weaving, Govt of Assam. Negi, B. K. & Sengupta, A. K. 1993. Pest status associated with the muga silkworm. Jr. of pure and applied Zoology, 3: 189-193. Patil, G. M. & Givindan, R. 1984. Biology of Uzifly (Exorista sorbillans) on Eri silkworm. Indian J. Seric., 23: 32-37. Sahu, M. 2005. Pests of muga silkworm and their management. Workshop on Diseases and pests forewarning system for muga silkworm and host plants, held at CMER&TI, Lahdoigarh. Sarkar, D. C. 1980. Ericulture in India. Central Silk Board Bombay, pp. 51. Thangavalu, K., Chakraborty, A., Bhagawati, A. K. & Md. Isa. 1988. Hand Book of Muga culture, Central Silk Board, Bangalore. Thompson, W. R. 1950. A catalogue of parasites and predtors of insect pests. Sect. 1. Part 10. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. Pp. 107. Table 1. Effect of abiotic factors on infestation of uzifly in muga silkworm in different crop seasons. Crop season Jethua (Apr-May) Aherua (Jun-Jul) Bhodia (Aug-Sep) Katia (Oct-Nov) Jarua (Dec-Jan) Chatua (Feb-Mar) Infestation in different Instar (%) 1st 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2nd 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3rd 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.5 16.4 4th 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.7 19.6 33.9 5th 10.9 4.7 3.9 12.6 31.3 39.0 Tem OC Total 11.3 4.7 3.9 13.3 61.4 89.3 Max 33 36 37 31 19 29 R.H. (%) Min 22 23 23 22 07 20 Max 88 91 89 85 81 81 Rainfall (mm) Min 68 70 65 64 63 64 Table 2. Correlation Coefficient between Uzifly infestation and weather parameters in different crops seasons. Crop season Jethua (Apr-May) Aherua (Jun-Jul) Temperature OC Max Min -0.3783 0.4627 -0.2983 0.4271 Relative Humidity (%) Max Min -0.4287 0.3809 -0.3838 0.4792 Rainfall (mm) 0.4927 -0.5326* Bhodia (Aug-Sep) -0.4962 0.4751 -0.4873 0.3921 -0.57843* Katia (Oct-Nov) -0.3982 0.4132 -0.4725 0.4623 0.4859 Jarua (Dec-Jan) 0.8199** 0.9843** 0.6239* 0.0473 0.2246 Chatua (Feb-Mar) 0.8652** 0.9936** 0.8341** - 0.0584 -0.0413 190 580 989 104 92 59 90 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ STABILITY OF IRANIAN HELICOVERPA ARMIGERA NUCLEOPOLYHEDROVIRUS FORMULATIONS UNDER DIFFERENT STORAGE CONDITIONS Ali Mehrvar* * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University-5375171379, East-Azarbaijan, Tabriz, IRAN. E-mail: [Mehrvar, A. 2016. Stability of Iranian Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus formulations under different storage conditions. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 9095] ABSTRACT: Impacts of storage on the shelf life of an Iranian Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus talc-based formulation under five sets of storage conditions has been evaluated in room temperature (25-33°C) as well as refrigerated condition (3±2°C) over the time. Monthly bioassays were conducted with all the treatments against early second instars larvae of H. armigera. Results showed that the LC50 values increased gradually with time in all the cases. The talc-based wettable powder formulation packed with nitrogen under vacuum had the lowest LC50 value after 6 months of storage under both temperature conditions. Also, the lowest LT50 value was seen in virus stored as unformulated suspension at refrigerated condition after 6 months of storage (154.3 hours), whereas, it was the highest (173.6 hours) when the unformulated virus was stored at room temperature. The present study revealed the compatibility of the talc-based formulation with nitrogen under vacuum condition in both the temperatures showing storage of the formulation could effectively delay the virus inactivation. This would be crucial to marketing flexibility and timely supply of good quality products. KEY WORDS: HearNPV, Talc-based formulation, Nitrogen, Vacuum, Shelf life. The nucleopolyhedrovirus has been found to be effective in the control of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) on several crops (Jayaraj et al., 1989). But, inactivation of baculoviruses in storage and on plants has been recognized as a major problem in the development of viral insecticides for use in insect pest management systems (Burges, 1998; Moscardi, 1999). The occluded baculoviruses can persist for years under normal environmental temperatures. This stability in their storage and distribution is critical for development of bioinsecticides (Jones and Burges, 1998). Factors affecting the stability of baculoviruses under storage conditions have been listed by several authors (Couch and Ignoffo, 1981; Griffiths, 1982; Rhodes, 1993; Salama and Morris, 1993; Burges and Jones, 1997; Burges, 1998; Jones and Burges, 1998). However, of the factors affecting shelf life of formulated and unformulated viruses in storage conditions can be stated as temperature, pH, container quality, air condition, secondary contaminants and some other factors (Burges, 1998). This study was, therefore, undertaken to evaluate impacts of different set of storage conditions on the stability and biological activity of Iranian Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HearNPV) formulations. MATERIALS AND METHODS Insect and virus: The insect culture used in the study was maintained on a semi-synthetic diet based on Shorey and Hale (1965) for culturing H. armigera in the Department of Plant Protection, University of Maragheh, Iran. The Iranian isolate of HearNPV used in this study (EAZ-I) were collected from tomato fields of Maragheh region of East-Azarbaijan province, Iran(Mehrvar, 2013a,b). The isolate was passaged through early fifth instar larvae of host insect at 25±1˚C to get uniformity in their virulence. All the experiments were performed in insect _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 91 research laboratory of the Department of Plant Protection, University of Maragheh, and in a facility away from the colony. Virus formulation: Mass multiplication of HearNPV was carried out using early fifth instar larvae of H. armigera and semi-purification of crude NPV was done based on Mehrvar (2011). Talc powder (145.5 g) was passed through 100 mesh sieve, heat sterilized and was thoroughly mixed with 4.5 g of Lissapol (D) as a dispersant agent using a homogenizer. To this, 1×1010 OB was added and mixed together to get a homogenate preparation and dried over CaCl2 in a desiccator. The preparation was homogenized briefly in a blender and stored in sealed polythene bags at 3±2°C until further use. The final product contained 6×109OB/g. Experiments: Shelf life of the HearNPV in talc-based formulation was studied under different laboratory conditions. The formulation was prepared and then stored based on the following five methods: i) Wettable powder under vacuum with Nitrogen (N2) in thick polythene bags (wp. ptb+vac+N2) ii) Wettable powder under vacuum in polythene bags (wp. ptb+vac) iii) Wettable powder in polythene bags (wp. ptb) iv) Wettable powder in poly-propylene containers (wp. ppc) v) Water suspension in poly-propylene containers (ufs. ppc) Two sets of each treatment were prepared of which, one was held under room temperature (25-33°C) whereas the other was stored at 3±2°C. Vacuum packing was done using a vacuum sealing machine with the ability of different gas packing. In each polythene bag a quantity of 1.5 g of the formulation has been put separately for each month of the assay. Laboratory assays were carried out monthly for each treatment to evaluate the efficacy of the formulated NPV against second instar larvae of H. armigera. For this purpose the viral concentration range which has been inoculated into the glass vials containing the semi-synthetic diet was from 1.9660 to 0.0006 OB/mm2with five times reduction in each treatment. The semi-synthetic diet was prepared based on Shorey and Hale (1965) and then filled in five ml glass vials up to one third of the vials height, and 10 µl of the suspension was dispensed uniformly over the entire diet surface by a polished blunt end of a glass rod (6 mm). Second instar larvae of uniform age and size were released on to the diet 20 minutes after surface treatment. Each dose had 30 larvae. In each bioassay, an untreated control was also included. The larvae after inoculation were incubated at 25±1˚C in a laboratory incubator. The observations on larval settlements on the diet were checked out from the first day and mortalities were recorded from third till tenth day at 24 hours interval. Each treatment was replicated thrice. The Probit analyses in various experiments (LC50 and LT50 values) were carried out in a Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21 for windows. RESULTS The shelf life of HearNPV formulations under either room temperature or refrigerated condition was studied. Bioassays conducted at regular intervals against second instar larvae of H. armigera revealed the LC50 values increased gradually with time in all the cases. However, the increases were not significant as the fiducial limits overlapped up to the fourth month. On the fifth month, there was a significant drop in the activity of the wettable powder as well as the unformulated virus when stored at refrigerated condition without vacuum. Meanwhile, storage of the virus at room temperature showed that the virus formulation recorded a significant drop in the LC50 value even when packed under 92 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ vacuum from the second months of storage onwards (Tables 1 and 2). The talcbased wettable powder formulation packed with nitrogen under vacuum had however the lowest LC50 value after 6 months of storage under both temperature conditions (Tables 1 and 2). Probit analyses of time mortality responses of the larvae to the formulations showed a progressive increase in the LT50 values as the period of storage increased. The lowest LT50 value was seen in virus stored as unformulated suspension at refrigerated condition after 6 months of storage (154.3 hours), whereas, it was the highest (173.6 hours) when the unformulated virus was stored at room temperature. However, unlike in the case of LC 50 the increase in the LT50 values was significant on the third month onwards of storage at refrigerated condition with highest inactivation of wettable powder in polypropylene containers (Table 3), and from the fourth month onwards in the case of storage at room temperature with unformulated suspension in the same containers (Table 4). However, before the third month of storage, LT50 values of the formulations under refrigerated condition did not vary significantly from that stored under room temperature in the same month of storage(Tables 3 and 4). DISCUSSION The present study on the shelf life of HearNPV formulations under different storage conditions at room temperature and refrigerated condition revealed that the talc-based formulation packed with nitrogen under vacuum condition had the lowest LC50 value after 6 months of storage showing the compatibility of nitrogen with HearNPV wettable powder under both storage temperatures (Tables 1 and 2). The LC50 values increased gradually with time in all the cases. However, the increases were not significant as the fiducial limits overlapped up to the fourth month. The LT50 values were also showed same trends as seen in LC50 values which approving that the refrigerated condition can effectively inhibit the virus inactivity over the time (Tables 3 and 4). However, storage of the talc-based HearNPV formulation packed with nitrogen under vacuum condition could effectively delay the virus inactivation. Thennarasan (1997) reported a decrease in the virulence of oil formulations of HearNPV after five months of storage. Cherry et al. (1994) showed a seven percent loss of H. armigera NPV activity on storage at 4°C for 18 months. Gopali and Lingappa (2001) reported that HearNPV stored under refrigerated condition did not lose virulence throughout the year. Similarly, Narabenchi (2004) found no loss of virulence in the activity of HearNPV under refrigerated condition after 12 months of storage. Same results were also stated by Mehrvar (2012) for an Indian HearNPV isolate which formulated as wettable powder. The present study on the shelf life of HearNPV formulations could be an effective pace to find out long-term storage impacts on the virulence of the virus. This would be crucial to marketing flexibility and timely supply of good quality products. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are extended to all my colleagues and officials at the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh for their genuine assistance and the facilities provided. LITERATURE CITED Burges, H. D. 1998.Formulation of microbial biopesticides, Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands, 412 pp. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 93 Burges, H. D. & Jones, K. A. 1997. Formulation of bacteria, viruses and protozoa to control insects. In: Burges, H.D.(Ed.), Formulation of microbial biopesticides, beneficial microorganisms and nematodes. Chapman and Hall, London, 357-410. Cherry, A. J., Parnell, M. A., Smith, D. & Jones, K. A. 1994. Oil formulation of insect viruses. IOBC Bulletin, 17: 254-257. Couch, T. L. & Ignoffo, C. M. 1981. Formulation of insect pathogens. In: Burges, H.D.(Ed.), Microbial control of pests and plant diseases. Academic Press, London, 621-634. Gopali, J. B. & Lingappa, S. 2001. Evaluation of safety period for field use of virus (HaNPV) under different set of storage conditions, Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 14: 1072-1074. Griffiths, I. P. 1982. A new approach to the problem of identifying baculoviruses. In: Kurstak, E.(Ed.),Microbial and viral pesticides. Marcel-Dekker, New York, 527-583. Jayaraj, S., Rabindra, R. J. & Narayanan, K. 1989. 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In: Entwistle, P.F., Cory, J.S., Bailey, M.J. &Higgs, S.(Eds.),Bacillus thuringiensis, an environmental biopesticide, theory and practice. John Wiley, Chichester, 237-253. Shorey, H. H. & Hale, R. L. 1965. Mass rearing of the larvae of nine noctuid species on a simple artificial medium. Journal of Economic Entomology, 58: 522-524. Thennarasan, M. 1997. Studies on the development of oil formulations of nuclear polyhedrosis virus of Helicoverpa armigera (Hbn.), M.Sc. Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India, 108 pp. Table 1. Probit analyses of concentration-mortality response of second instar larvae of H. armigera to HearNPV wettable powder formulation under different methods of storage at 3±2°C. 94 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 2. Probit analyses of concentration-mortality response of second instar larvae of H. armigera to HearNPV wettable powder formulation under different methods of storage at room temperature. Table 3. Probit analyses of time-mortality response of second instar larvae of H. armigera to HearNPV‡ wettable powder formulation under different methods of storage at 3±2°C. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 95 Table 4. Probit analyses of time-mortality response of second instar larvae of H. armigera to HearNPV‡ wettable powder formulation under different methods of storage at room temperature. 96 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A REVIEW OF THE GENERA DIORHABDA WEISE AND RADYMNA REITTER IN TURKEY AND THE COLOUR VARIATIONS OF RADYMNA FISCHERI (FALDERMANN) FROM TURKEY (CHRYSOMELIDAE: GALERUCINAE) Hüseyin Özdikmen* and Neslihan Silkin* * Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, 06500 Ankara, TURKEY. E-mail: [Özdikmen, H. & Silkin, N. 2016. A review of the genera Diorhabda Weise and Radymna Reitter in Turkey and the colour variations of Radymna fischeri (Faldermann) from Turkey (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 96-104] ABSTRACT: Species of the genera Diorhabda Weise, 1883 and Radymna Reitter, 1913 in Turkey are reviewed and a complete checklist with provincial distributions is presented. Eight species are catalogued in total. Also the colour variations of Radymna fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) from Turkey are described and photographed. KEY WORDS: Radymna, Radymna fischeri, check-list, colour variations, Turkey. The genus Diorhabda was erected by Weise (1883) with the type species Galeruca elongata Brullé, 1832, by original designation. The genus Radymna was introduced by Reitter (1913) with the type species Diorhabda rickmersi Weise, 1900, by monotypy, formerly included in Diorhabda. After Beenen (2008), Radymna includes all former Diorhabda species except for only Diorhabda elongata and the related species (D. elongata species-group) that remain in the genus Diorhabda. D. elongata species-group was revised by Tracy & Robbins (2009). These species are D. carinata (Faldermann, 1837), D. carinulata (Desbrochers, 1870), D. elongata (Brullé, 1832), D. meridionalis Berti & Rapilly, 1973 and D. sublineata (Lucas, 1849). Also D. octocostata Gahan, 1896 is correctly classified in Diorhabda according to Beenen (2014). In addition some Chinese and Himalayan species have not been reviewed recently and thus have remained in Diorhabda too (Beenen, 2010). Beenen (2014) stated these species should also be included in Radymna. These species are D. lusca Maulik, 1936, D. rybakowi Weise, 1890, D. tarsalis Weise, 1889 and D. trirakha Maulik, 1936. However, key of Beenen (2014) did not included these species. Besides, Warchalowski (2010) gave 3 species for the genus Radymna as R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837), R. maculipennis (Chen, 1942) and R. persica (Faldermann, 1837), and 8 species for the genus Diorhabda as D. carinulata Desbrochers, 1870, D. elongata (Brullé, 1832), D. koltzei Weise, 1900, D. octocostata Gahan, 1896, D. quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850), D. rickmersi Weise, 1900, D. rybakowi Wesie, 1890 and D. tarsalis Weise, 1889. However, Beenen (2014) stated the structure of antennal segments of Clitena maculipennis Chen, 1942 does not correspond with any of the species in Radymna. According to Beenen (2014), D. quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850) and D. rickmersi Weise, 1900 are in the genus Radymna and Galerupipla brunnea Maulik, 1936 is conspecific with Galeruca turcica Stierlin, 1867 and thus it is a junior synonym of R. persica (Faldermann, 1837). Consequently the genus Diorhabda can include 6 species as D. carinata (Faldermann, 1837), D. carinulata (Desbrochers, 1870), D. octocostata Gahan, 1896, D. elongata (Brullé, 1832), D. meridionalis Berti & Rapilly, 1973 and D. sublineata (Lucas, 1849). Also the genus Radymna can include 12 species as R. damascena (Joannis, 1865), R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837), R. latifrons Beenen, 2014, R. lusca (Maulik, 1936), R. maculicollis Beenen, 2014, R. nigrifrons _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 97 (Laboissière, 1914), R. persica (Faldermann, 1837), R. quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850), R. rickmersi (Weise, 1900), R. rybakowi (Weise, 1890), R. tarsalis (Weise, 1889) and R. trirakha (Maulik, 1936). MATERIAL AND METHOD A total of 44 Diorhabda specimens and 527 Radymna specimens were collected from 6 different provinces in Turkey as Aksaray, Ankara, Çankırı, Kayseri and Niğde in the years of 1993, 1997, 2013, 2014 and 2015. As a result of identification of them, one species of the genus Diorhabda as Diorhabda elongata and two species of the genus Radymna as Radymna fischeri and Radymna persica were determined. Among the collected specimens from Çankırı province, an aberrant variation of R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) was determined on the base of two damaged male specimens. This variation is described and illustrated in the present text. The available specimens for the present study are deposited in Gazi University and Nazife Tuatay Plant Protection Museum (NTM) (Turkey: Ankara). Information in the present text is given in following order: For the genus name, the type species is provided under the taxon name. For each species, reported from Turkey, are given alphabetically within the genus. The Turkish distribution patterns for each species are given only concerning provinces. Turkish endemic taxa are marked with the sign (*). For distribution data of the taxa, Tracy & Robbins (2009), Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen & Topcu (2014), Beenen (2014) for Turkey, and Döberl in Löbl & Smetana (2010) for World are used in the text chiefly. RESULTS Turkish Diorhabda and Radymna species are reviewed on the base of 571 specimens of 7 species from 6 different provinces in Turkey with the present work. All species of the genera Diorhabda Weise, 1883 and Radymna Reitter, 1913 in Turkey are presented as follows: Genus DIORHABDA Weise, 1883 Type sp.: Galeruca elongata Brullé, 1836 The genus Diorhabda is represented by 2 species in Turkey as D. carinata (Faldermann, 1837) and D. elongata (Brullé, 1832) according to Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen et al. (2014) and Özdikmen & Topcu (2014). Diorhabda carinata (Faldermann, 1837) Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Ağrı, Artvin, Erzurum, Iğdır and Siirt provinces. Range: Europe: Ukraine, Asia: Armenia, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, Iran, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Syria, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and introduced to Nearctic region. Remarks: The record of Aralık (Iğdır province) in Tracy & Robbins (2009) is given for the first time according to Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen et al. (2014) and Özdikmen & Topcu (2014). Diorhabda elongata (Brullé, 1832) Material examined: Çankırı prov.: Hasakça, Central, 27.VII.1993, 1 specimen; Kayseri prov.: Süleymanlı, Central, 27.VII.1993, 39 specimens; Çankırı prov.: Central, İnanç village, 761 m, 24.VII.2013, 2 specimens; Çerkeş, between Karaşar-Uluköy, 901 m, 26.VIII.2013, 2 specimens. 98 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Records in Turkey: European Turkey (Thracia): Edirne province; Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Aydın, Çankırı, Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Erzurum, Isparta, İzmir, Kayseri, Malatya, Manisa, Mersin, Samsun, Uşak, Yozgat and Zonguldak provinces. Range: Europe: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, South part of European Russia, Yugoslavia, North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Asia: Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and introduced to Nearctic region. Diorhabda carinata (Faldermann, 1837) was regarded as a synonym of Diorhabda elongata (Brullé, 1832) for a long time (e.g. Warchalowski, 2010). Since both species are similar morphologic characters. Both species can easily be distinguished by male and female genitaliae (Tracy & Robbins, 2009). A key for Turkish Diorhabda species on the base of Tracy & Robbins (2009) 1. In male: Elongate endophallic sclerite armed with spines on blade extending over an area greater than or equal to 0.31 times (or greater than about one third) the length of the sclerite, with blade extending greater than or equal to 0.43 times the total length of the sclerite; elongate endophallic sclerite sometimes bearing a lateral appendage, lateral notch (pointed basally) or hooked apex. Palmate endophallic sclerite with distal margin truncate serrate and with two to six (commonly three to five) usually distal spines (maximum one spine subdistal) and a lateral appendage, or with distal margin narrowly or acutely rounded and one or two small subdistal spines and no lateral appendage (sometimes with lateral notch). Subsutural and submarginal elytral vittae, if present, often extending from apical half of elytra into the basal half. Length 4.2–7.3 mm. In female: Vaginal palpi triangulate, narrowly rounded. Width of the widest lobe on the stalk of internal sternite VIII from 0.08–0.18 mm. Subsutural and submarginal elytral vittae, if present, often extending from apical half of elytra into the basal half. Length 4.9–8.4 mm………………………………………….D. carinata (Faldermann, 1837) -. In male: Elongate endophallic sclerite armed with spines on blade extending over an area less than or equal to 0.16 times (or less than about one fifth) the length of the sclerite, and blade extending less than or equal to 0.42 times the total length of the sclerite; elongate endophallic sclerite never bearing a lateral appendage, lateral notch (pointed basally), or hooked apex. Palmate endophallic sclerite with distal margin usually broadly rounded and with one to six (commonly two to four) usually subdistal spines (maximum of two distal spines), and no lateral appendage (rarely with a lateral notch). Subsutural and submarginal elytral vittae, if present, never extending from apical half of elytra into the basal half. Length 5.3–6.8 mm. In female: Vaginal palpi broadly rounded. Width of the widest lobe on the stalk of internal sternite VIII from 0.06–0.11 mm. Subsutural and submarginal elytral vittae, if present, never extending from apical half of elytra into the basal half. Length 5.8–7.7 m.……..D. elongata (Brullé, 1832) Genus RADYMNA Reitter, 1913 Type sp.: Diorhabda rickmersi Weise, 1900 The genus Radymna had been represented by 3 species in Turkey as R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837), R. nigrifrons (Laboissière, 1914) and R. persica (Faldermann, 1837) according to Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen et al. (2014) and Özdikmen & Topcu (2014). After Beenen (2014), the number of species rose up to 5 with the addition of a new species and a new record as R. maculicollis Beenen, 2014 and D. quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850) respectively. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 99 Radymna fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) Material examined: Çankırı prov.: Korgun, Kayaçivi village, 1003 m, 23.IV.2013, 1 specimen; Central, İnanç village, 761 m, 24.VII.2013, 1 specimen; Kızılırmak, Karallı village return, 606 m, 25.IV.2014, 21 specimens; Central, exit of Eldivan, 857 m, 26.IV.2014, 1 specimen; Kurşunlu, Köprülü return, 1130 m, 20.V.2014, 7 specimens; Kızılırmak, exit of Cacıklar, 558 m, 12.VII.2014, 3 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Karamürsel-Boyacıoğlu, 547 m, 12.VII.2014, 36 specimens; Central, entry of Danabaşı, 582 m, 13.VII.2014, 1 specimen; Central, Aşağıçavuş village, 880 m, 15.VII.2014, 1 specimen; Central, entry of Dereçatı village, 1068 m, 09.VIII.2014, 1 specimen; Central, between Dereçatı-Başeğnez, 1099 m, 09.VIII.2014, 2 specimens; Eldivan, entry of Gölezkayı, 1022 m, 09.VIII.2014, 1 specimen; Eldivan, between Gölezkayı-Gölez, 924 m, 09.VIII.2014, 1 specimen; Kızılırmak, between Yukarı Alagöz-Alıca, 590 m, 11.VIII.2014, 53 specimens; Central, between Karadayı-Çatalelma village, 569 m, 11.VIII.2014, 96 specimens; Kızılırmak, Ovacık return, 575 m, 11.VIII.2014, 36 specimens; Kızılırmak, Yeniyapan village, 702 m, 11.VIII.2014, 1 specimen; Kızılırmak, Karadibek village, 601 m, 11.VIII.2014, 29 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Küçükbahçeli-Tepe Alagöz, 572 m, 11.VIII.2014, 26 specimens; Kızılırmak, Tepe Alagöz village, 574 m, 11.VII.2014, 48 specimens; Kızılırmak, Cacıklar road, 556 m, 11.VIII.2014, 6 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Cacıklar-Karamürsel villages, 527 m, 11.VIII.2014, 4 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Korçullu-Kenallı, 557 m, 12.VIII.2014, 18 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Saraycık-Karallı, 592 m, 12.VIII.2014, 10 specimens; Central, Danabaşı-Sarı Mehmet village return, 602 m, 13.VIII.2014, 11 specimens; Central, between Kuzuköy-Ovacık, 677 m, 13.VIII.2014, 5 specimens; Central, between Bayındır-Hasakça, 1104 m, 13.VIII.2014, 1 specimen; Bayramören, entry of Sazak, 1408 m, 21.VIII.2014, 3 specimens; Eldivan, Akbulut village return, 1076 m, 14.V.2015, 2 specimens; Central, between Külburun-Karadayı, 614 m, 16.V.2015, 21 specimens; Kızılırmak, Yukarıalagöz village, 642 m, 16.V.2015, 12 specimens; Kızılırmak, Tepealagöz return, 557 m, 16.V.2015, 7 specimens; Kızılırmak, exit of Büyükbahçeli, 611 m, 16.V.2015, 1 specimen; Kızılırmak, Kavaklı, 542 m, 16.V.2015, 3 specimens; Kızılırmak, between Korçullu-Kemalli, 586 m, 17.V.2015, 4 specimens; Kızılırmak, Karallı-Kahyalı return, 556 m, 17.V.2015, 16 specimens; Kızılırmak, Kahyalı village, 634 m, 17.V.2015, 25 specimens; Atkaracalar, between Kükürt village: Demirciler district-Yazıören, 924 m, 20.VI.2015, 3 specimens; Niğde prov.: Bor, Bor-Altunhisar road, Üstünkaya, 1150 m, 17.VII.1997, 2 specimens. Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Ankara, Çankırı, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Iğdır, Isparta, Kars, Kayseri, Konya (Tuz Lake), Nevşehir, Niğde and Zonguldak provinces. Range: Europe: South part of European Russia, and Asia: Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Turkey. Remarks: The species is recorded for the first time from Çankırı province. Also the records of Eskişehir, Konya, Nevşehir and Zonguldak provinces in Beenen (2014) are given for the first time according to Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen et al. (2014) and Özdikmen & Topcu (2014). The colour variations of R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) is a very variable species in terms of coloration of the body. During the study of the collected specimens of R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) from Turkey in the years of 1997, 2013, 2014 and 2015, we have determined many variations including an aberrant variety Galerucella fischeri var. subnigra Weise, 1878. In the typical form, according to original description of Faldermann (1837), body is light rust-reddish; antennae completely reddish; vertex, scutellum, underside of the body, longitudinal median stripe on pronotum black; elytral suture blackened; legs rust-reddish with tarsi dark brown. Also Faldermann (1837) stated that var. B. is “somewhat larger, darker, especially antennae black apically”. Then this variety was described by Weise (1878) as Galerucella fischeri var. subnigra. In this variety, according to original description of Weise (1878), the body flattaned with equally broad elytra, with extremely finely pubescence (the hairs seem to be more abraded). The head is forward, often only the frons and two frontal tubercles red-brown. Pronotum red-brown, exactly twice as wide as long, 100 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ with a broad black longitudinal median stripe on disc. Elytra with a wide black sutural stripe which begins basically, occupies at least 1/3 of length of each elytron and does not reach the apex; a second black longitudinal stripe on the outer edge, which covered the middle 3/5 of the edge of elytron and also 1/3 of the width of elytron, so that at any of the same, only the middle third in the form of a wider longitudinal stripe, elytron in front and rear of the stripe red-brown colored. The antennae black with sometimes first 4 antennomeres pitch-brown, antennomeres 1, 3 and 4 stretched, antennomere 4 slightly longer than 3, antennomeres 2 and 5-8 among themselves equal long, 9 to 11 slightly longer. The whole underside black, joints between the femora and tibiae in form of ringed expansion reddish-yellow. Among the collected specimens from Çankırı province, two damaged male specimens were determined as an aberrant variation R. fischeri var. subnigra (Weise, 1878) of the species R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837). This variation is described and illustrated as follows: Material examined: Çankırı prov.: Eldivan, Akbulut village return, 40˚ 30’ 48’’ N, 33˚ 30’ 36’’ E, 1076 m, 14.V.2015, 2 males. This aberrant variation, R. fischeri var. subnigra (Weise, 1878), is also known from Isparta province in Turkey according to R. Beenen (pers. comm., 2015). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 101 Description: Length 4,65-4,70 mm. Humeral width: 2,000-2,125 mm. Head bicolorous. Mouth parts including labrum blackish-brown; labrum unpunctured; frons and frontal tubercles entirely red-brown, without pubescence and almost unpunctured; vertex black, rather closely deeply punctured; head behind the eyes reddish; head clothed with yellowish-white pubescence except for frons and frontal tubercles. Antennae relatively short and robust. First four antennomere mostly reddish-brown, the remaining antennomeres black. Antennomeres 3 and 4 with equal length. Pronotum clearly transversal, yellowish with a broad black longitudinal median stripe; each medio-lateral part of pronotum with a hollow; pronotal disc rather closely deeply punctured; pronotum clothed with yellowish-white pubescence. Scutellum black, punctured and clothed with pubescense. Elytra reddish-brown, clothed with yellowish-white pubescence; each elytron with a broad sutural and a broad lateral black stripe; sutural stripe absent only in 1/7 apical part of elytral length. Lateral stripe can only be showed along the mid part, absent in basal and apical parts of elytra. Elytra densely deeply randomly punctured. Pygidium black. Epipleura rather long, gradually narrowed towards apex, extends to ¼ apical part of elytral length. Ventral side of the body black, clothed with rather long, dense slanting whistish pubescence. Legs entirely black except for reddish-brown trochanters. Aedeagi of these specimens are completely fitting to that of R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837). Consequently, the species R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) has many colour variations between the unicolorous form (light rust-reddish) and R. fischeri var. subnigra (Weise, 1878). All forms known by us are described in respect of parts of the body. Coloration of head Entirely light rust-reddish to more or less black vertex with the exception for darkened mouth parts. Usually mouth parts darkened (dark brown to blackish-brown); frons and two frontal tubercles always pale (light reddish-brown to dark reddish-brown); vertex light rust-reddish or more or less black. 102 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Coloration of antennae Entirely reddish to entirely black. Entirely reddish; black with first 4 antennomeres pitch-brown; black with first four antennomeres light reddish-brown to dark reddish-brown; entirely black. Coloration of pronotum Entirely light rust-reddish-brown to red-brown with a black longitudinal median stripe on disc. Entirely light rust-reddish-brown; light rust-reddish, red-brown or yellowish with a black longitudinal median stripe which narrow or more or less broad, reaches or does not reach to anterior and posterior margins of pronotum. Coloration of scutellum Entirely black or entirely light rust-reddish. Coloration of elytra Entirely light rust-reddish to red-brown with a broad black sutural stripe and a broad lateral black stripe. Entirely light rust-reddish or light rust-reddish with blackened suture; entirely light reddish-brown; red-brown with a darkened sutural stripe; entirely brown or dark reddish-brown with a darkened sutural stripe; red-brown with a broad black sutural stripe and a broad lateral black stripe. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 103 Coloration of underside of the body At most parts light rust-reddish to entirely black. Entirely black; black with red-brown anal sternite; light rust-reddish with blackened mesosternum and metasternum. Coloration of legs Almost entirely pale to almost entirely black. Entirely pale with reddish-brown femora, yellowish tibiae, and darkened claws; entirely pale with red-brown femora and tibiae, darkened joints between femora and tibiae, and darkened tarsi; red-brown to dark red-brown with darkened joints between femora and tibiae, and darkened tarsi; light rust-reddish with dark brown tarsi; light rust-reddish with darkened joints between femora and tibiae, and darkened tarsi; entirely black with reddish-yellow joints between the femora and tibiae in form of ringed expansion; entirely black except for reddish-brown trochanters. Radymna maculicollis Beenen, 2014 Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Bingöl province. Range: Asia: Iran, Israel and Turkey. Radymna nigrifrons (Laboissière, 1914) Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Iğdır and Kars provinces. Range: Asia: Armenia and Turkey. Radymna persica (Faldermann, 1837) Material examined: Aksaray prov.: Zengen, Yukarı Göndelen, 1060 m, 23.06.1997, 1 specimen; Ankara prov.: Şereflikoçhisar, Tuz Gölü, 980 m, 03.06.1997, 2 specimens; Kayseri prov.: Yahyalı, Derebağı, Şelale district, 1280 m, 25.06.1997, 4 specimens; Konya prov.: Kulu, Tavşançalı, 1000 m, 31.05.1997, 1 specimen. Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Aksaray, Ankara, Kayseri, Konya and Kars provinces. Range: Europe: Greece, and Asia: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan and Turkey. Radymna quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850) Records in Turkey: Asian Turkey (Anatolia): Bingöl, Elazığ and Tunceli provinces. Range: Asia: Iran and Turkey. Remarks: The records from Turkey in Beenen (2014) are given for the first time according to Ekiz et al. (2013), Özdikmen et al. (2014) and Özdikmen & Topcu (2014). 104 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Key to the species of Radymna Reitter, 1913 was presented by Beenen (2014). A key for Turkish Radymna species on the base of Beenen (2014) 1. Elytra brown to olive-green with yellow spots at humerus and elytral apex, which may merge………………………………………………………………………………………….2 -. Elytra yellow, or yellow with suture and lateral margin dark………………………….3 2. Pronotum mostly black or black with yellow margins. Aedeagus narrow with blunt apex. Length 4.60-4.75 mm…….….R. quadrimaculata (Redtenbacher, 1850) -. Pronotum yellow with elongate central black marking which is wide at base and narrows towards front margin. Aedeagus broad with asymmetrical sharp apex. Length 4.60-4.75 mm………….…………….……………….…R. maculicollis Beenen, 2014 3. Lateral depressions on pronotum deep. Elytra yellow, or yellow with suture and lateral margin dark. Length 4.50 mm.……………....R. nigrifrons (Laboissière, 1914) -. Lateral depressions of pronotum shallow. Elytra brown to olive-green….………..4 4. Pronotum relatively wide. Fourth antennomere in male on underside slightly excavated, with a brush of setae. Aedeagal sides more or less parallel and the apex blunt Length 4.0-5.0 mm…………………..………….……R. fischeri (Faldermann, 1837) -. Pronotum relatively narrow. Fourth antennomere in male normal, without a brush of setae. Aedeagal sides regularly converging and the apex sharply pointed or in some populations slightly blunt Length 4.20-5.40 mm..................................... ……………………………………………………….………………..R. persica (Faldermann, 1837) LITERATURE CITED Beenen, R. 2008. Taxonomical and nomenclatural changes in Palaearctic Galerucinae and description of a new species (Chrysomelidae). Entomologische Blätter, 103/104: 63-80. Beenen, R. 2010. Galerucinae. In: Löbl, I. & Smetana, A. (ed.), Catalogue of the Palaearctic Coleoptera 6: 74-75, 443-491. Apollo Books, Stenstrup. Beenen, R. 2014. Key to the species of Radymna Reitter, 1913 with taxonomic and faunistic comments and description of two new species (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). Entomologische Blätter und Coleoptera, 110: 87-100. Döberl, M. 2010. Alticinae. Pp. 491-563 in: Löbl, I. & Smetana, A. (eds). Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 6. Chrysomeloidea. Stenstrup: Apollo Books. Ekiz, A. N., Şen, İ., Aslan, E. G. & Gök, A. 2013. Checklist of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Turkey, excluding Bruchinae, Journal of Natural History, 47 (33-34): 2213-2287. Faldermann, F. 1837. Fauna entomologica trans-caucasica. Coleoptera. Pars II. Nouveaux Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 5: 3-433. Özdikmen, H., Mercan, N., Cihan, N., Kaya, G., Topcu, N. N. & Kavak, M. 2014. The importance of superfamily Chrysomeloidea for Turkish biodiversity (Coleoptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (1): 17-45. Özdikmen, H. & Topcu, N. N. 2014. Chorotype identification for Turkish Chrysomeloidea (Coleoptera) Part VI – Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (1): 214-226. Reitter, E. 1913. Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. Band IV. Stuttgart, [1912]: 1-236. Tracy, J. L. & Robbins, T. O. 2009. Taxonomic revision and biogeography of the Tamarix-feeding Diorhabda elongata (Brullé, 1832) species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Galerucini) and analysis of their potential in biological control of Tamarisk. Zootaxa, 2101: 1-152. Weise, J. 1878. [new taxa]. In Schneider, O. & Leder, H. (ed.). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der kaukasischen Käferfauna. Brünn: W. Burkart, 358 pp. Weise, J. 1883. Ueber die mit Galeruca Geoffr. verwandten Gattungen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 27: 315-316. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 105 RE-DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULTS OF INDIAN GYPSY MOTH LYMANTRIA OBFUSCATA WALKER (LEPIDOPTERA: LYMANTRIIDAE) IN HIMACHAL PRADESH, INDIA Bhopesh Thakur*, Sumit Chakrabarti** and Vinod Kumar Mattu* * Department of Biosciences, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA. E-mail: ** Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Panthaghati, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA. [Thakur, B., Chakrabarti, S. & Mattu, V. K. 2016. Re-description of the adults of Indian gypsy moth Lymantria obfuscata Walker (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Himachal Pradesh, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 105-113] ABSTRACT: Lymantria obfuscata Walker is a serious pest of about 200 broad-leaved tree species, including oaks, throughout India. It is a small moth, belonging to family Lymantriidae (class Insecta), which over-winter in egg stage in the form of egg-masses and has six larval instars. Sexual dimorphism was distinct, as the female moths were dull brown having shiny pubescence and sedentary, while the males were dark coloured having welldeveloped wings. The taxonomic description was not completely available in the past so the present study emphasized on the re-description of the adult stages of L. obfuscata. KEY WORDS: Lymantria obfuscata, IGM, genitalia, wing venation, scales. The forests of Himachal Pradesh are composed of valuable species like deodar, chir, kail, oak and various other conifers and broad-leaved species. In the recent past, these valuable forests have been sufferings a huge loss on the account of diseases and outbreak of insect pests, which constitute a serious problem in the management of forest resources (Baker, 1972; Furniss & Carolin, 1977). The majority of important forest defoliators are Lepidoptera. Lymantria obfuscata Walker (1865), commonly known as Indian Gypsy Moth (IGM) is a serious pest of about 200 broad-leaved tree species throughout India, viz. willow (Salix spp.), poplar (Populas spp.), oak (Quercus spp.), walnut (Jugulans spp.), apple (Malus spp.), apricot (Prunus spp.), cherry (Prunus cerasus) and almond (Prunus amygdalis) (Beeson, 1941; Dharmadhikari et al., 1985; Rishi & Shah, 1985). It is found in the montane and submontane zones of northwestern India and West Pakistan and reported from northern and southern plains of India. Several outbreaks as well as sporadic attack of this pest have been reported from Himachal Pradesh (Verma et al., 1979). An outbreak was reported in year 2005, from Sarahan and Narag in Sirmour district (H.P.), where massive defoliation of oak trees took place (Singh et al., 2007). Infestations of IGM cause major loss of the fodder trees and cash crops. L. obfuscata is one of the most destructive pests of fruit and forest plantations including willows and poplars in Kashmir (Malik et al., 1972; Sheikh, 1975). Fletcher (1919) was the first to focus attention on L. obfuscata as a serious pest of apple, apricot, willow and poplar and Rahman (1941) observed it feeding on apple trees at Kotgarh, Shimla. Incidence of L. obfuscata on apples, poplars, willows and other plantations in India has also been reported by Pruthi & Batra (1960) and Singh & Singh (1986). Earlier the same species was described under the Genus Porthetria. At present the Taxonomy ID for Lymantria obfuscata Walker is 78900, which is internationally accepted. It was felt that taxonomic re-description of the adult moth of Lymantria obfuscata Walker was necessary because detail account of both the male and female moths was incomplete. All the adult moths studied, were from the laboratory reared stock. 106 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ MATERIALS AND METHODS The biology of L. obfuscata was studied under the laboratory conditions for four consecutive years, 2006 to 2009 at HFRI, Shimla, with the average temperature and relative humidity of 19.98±4.535ºC and 58.46±16.627%, respectively [Thermo-Hygro Clock M288CTH, Mextech]. The egg-masses of IGM were collected from the areas of Sarahan and Bhuntar (H.P.). These egg-masses were then placed in the laboratory for over-winter storage. The hatching of eggs took place around mid March and the neonate larvae were placed on fresh tender leaves of Quercus leucotrichophora Roxb. (ban oak), in the wire-meshed wooden cages of dimensions, 65 cm × 68 cm × 99 cm, having a sliding glass on one side and the bottom resting on the wooden base. The adult moths, as they emerged from laboratory reared stock, were instantly killed by exposing them to cotton soaked ethyl acetate and were subsequently stretched, pinned and preserved. Morphology of the male and female adult moths was studied by taking observations on different body parts of the moth. The body length and wing span of adult moth were measured with Digital Caliper [Aerospace, Resolution 0.01 mm]. The colour, shape and size, structure of antennae, legs, wings and body segments were studied. The length and wing span of the adult moths were measured by taking the mean of five male and five female moths. Slides of insect body parts, such as head, antennae, fore- and hind-wings and genitalia were prepared. The weight of the adult moths was measured by taking the mean of sixty male and female moths each with the help of electronic balance [Denver Instrument, TB-214, d=0.1 mg]. Mounting of wings For the preparation of slides of forewing and hindwing of adult moth, the wings were detached from the body of the adult moth with fine pointed forceps by piercing the body cuticle surrounding the wing base and then pulling the wing loose. The wings were bleached by immersing them in sodium hypochlorite solution for 1-3 minutes and after that the surface of the wings was rubbed softly, with a fine brush so as to separate the scales. Unwanted parts of body cuticle and muscles at the base of wing were also removed. Dehydration of the wings was done in 70%, 90% and 100% grades of alcohol, for 5-10 minutes each. Then the wings were mounted in modified Bersale’s mounting media. Preparation of genitalia For the preparation of genitalia, the posterior segments of the adult were exposed and sliced with the help of scissors. These segments were taken in the test tube and boiled in 10% KOH for 5-10 minutes in water bath. After cooling, the samples were cleared of their respective tergum, sternum, muscles and internal tissues in the cavity block. Dehydration was done in 70%, 90% and 100% grades of alcohol, for 5-10 minutes each. Lastly, drying was done with the help of blotting paper and then warmed gently in chloral phenol solution (clearing agent) and mounted in modified Bersale’s mounting media. Microscopic observations Morphometric studies were made with the help of compound microscope [Nikon E400] and Radical stereo zoom microscope [RSM-9] with USB Digital Scale 1.1E software in a digital microscopic workstation. Photography was done with the help of Nikon D80 Digital SLR camera. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Lymantria obfuscata Lymantria obfuscata, Walker (1865) Lymantria obfuscata, Hampson (1892) Lymantria obfuscata, Strand (1910) _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 107 Lymantria obfuscata, Strand (1923) Lymantria obfuscata, Schintlmeister (2004) Lymantria (Porthetria) obfuscata, Pogue & Schaefer (2007) Liparis obfuscata, Swinhoe (1923) Morphology In the present study it was observed that Lymantria obfuscata was a small moth, which exhibited sexual dimorphism. The female was dull brown with shiny pubescence on abdomen and possessed vestigial wings, whereas, the male was dark coloured having well developed wings with characteristic designs. Hampson (1892) also made the similar observations regarding the study of L. obfuscata. The male moths were smaller, greyish in appearance and had bipectinate type of antennae (Fig. 1A). They have well developed pairs of wings, and fly actively in a zig-zag course, after their emergence from the puparium. The mean wing expanse, body length and weight of the male moth recorded was 31.80±3.768 mm, 13.60±1.140 mm and 60.14±19.847 mg, respectively (Table 1). Ferguson (1978) has also reported that the male antennae were strongly bipectinate and have a few long, divergent spinules at the end of each pectination. The female moths were creamy-white with heavy abdomen and serrate type of antennae. The wings were light yellow in appearance with the characteristic marks on them. The wings were not developed to such an extent that they can fly and therefore were sluggish (Fig. 1B). The mean wing expanse, body length and weight of the female moth recorded were 36.80±6.611 mm, 18.40±3.209 mm and 457.25±142.135 mg, respectively (Table 1). Barbosa & Capinera (1978) also studied the adult gypsy moth females and found that they were flightless and dispersal was accomplished primarily by ballooning first instars. Forewings of IGM were covered with greyish scales, were small sized with light fuscous or greyish brown colouration. The hindwings were trapezoidal and the forewings were oblong. The forewings and hindwings were well fringed. The hindwings have lighter colouration and were smooth without any pattern. Frenulum was characteristically present on the hindwing. Ferguson (1978) considered the resting posture of the adult to be diagnostic, as the wings were held flattened against the substrate, the forewings meeting at their dorsal margins, tending to form a triangle. The head of male moth was hypognathus, front and vertex light brown, with a pair of light brown bipectinate antennae, and a pair of brown labial palpi, which were ventrally cream-coloured (Fig. 2A). The mean length and width of male head and antennae was recorded as 1.66±0.192 mm and 2.38±0.064 mm; and 6.53±0.302 mm and 0.20±0.019 mm, respectively, and mean length of male palpi measured was 0.99±0.045 mm (Table 1). Similarly, the head of female moth has front and vertex white, with a pair of black serrate antennae with short pectinations, and a pair of dark grey labial palpi (Fig. 2B). The mean length and width of female head and antennae was recorded as 1.89±0.182 mm and 2.40±0.115 mm; 6.04±0.081 mm and 0.18±0.027 mm, respectively, and mean length of female palpi measured was 0.71±0.258 mm (Table 1). The total mean length of foreleg of male was recorded as 8.06±0.205 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.31±0.027 mm, 0.39±0.044 mm, 2.01±0.050 mm, 1.97±0.116 mm, 2.38±0.074 mm and 0.24±0.034 mm, respectively. The total mean length of midleg of male was recorded as 9.51±0.106 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.47±0.070 mm, 0.54±0.033 mm, 2.45±0.032 mm, 2.24±0.104 mm, 2.80±0.138 mm and 0.27±0.057 mm, respectively. The total mean length of hindleg of male was recorded as 9.95±0.124 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.48±0.034 mm, 0.55±0.078 mm, 2.55±0.029 108 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ mm, 2.29±0.069 mm, 3.09±0.063 mm and 0.26±0.048 mm, respectively. Hence, the foreleg was smaller and hindleg was longer than the midleg in case of male moth (Table 2). Similarly, the total mean length of foreleg of female was recorded as 9.00±0.427 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.52±0.146 mm, 0.56±0.058 mm, 2.21±0.116 mm, 2.06±0.093 mm, 2.64±0.119 mm and 0.35±0.046 mm, respectively. The total mean length of midleg of female was recorded as 10.31±0.904 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.93±0.166 mm, 0.76±0.059 mm, 2.40±0.210 mm, 2.45±0.266 mm, 2.78±0.243 mm and 0.34±0.032 mm, respectively. The total mean length of hindleg of female was recorded as 10.42±0.782 mm, with coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, tarsus and claw, measuring 1.87±0.149 mm, 0.69±0.046 mm, 2.40±0.201 mm, 2.69±0.295 mm, 2.76±0.179 mm and 0.32±0.051 mm, respectively. Hence, in case of female moth also, the foreleg was smaller and hindleg was longer than the midleg (Table 3). The abdomen of L. obfuscata was ten-segmented and in case of male moth, it was slender, tapering towards the hind end, reddish-brown dorsally and creamcoloured ventrally. The abdomen of the female moth was swollen, dark reddishbrown dorsally and ventrally and thickly covered with golden brown hairs. Casey (1980) has considered that in male gypsy moth the thorax is spherical in shape, having a diameter of 4-5 mm. The abdomen is long (11-12 mm), slender (diameter 2-3 mm) in shape, and poorly insulated. The dorsal surface of the first three abdominal segments is loosely covered with long, hair-like scales (1 mm) but they are much less dense than those on the thorax. Wing venation Forewing was found with discal cell almost equal to half the length of wing; costa minutely straight; apex obtusely angulate; termen slightly wavy; tornus obtusely angulate; inner margin nearly straight; Sc free from base; R 1 free originated from before upper angle of the discal cell; R 2-R5 stalked, very near to upper angle of discal cell. M1 from upper angle of discal cell; M2 from near lower angle of discal cell; M3 from lower angle of discal cell; m 1-m2 angulated; m2-m3 straight; CuA1 from before lower angle of discal cell; Anal 1A free and straight (Figs. 3, 5). Hindwing was observed with discal cell almost equal to half the length of wing; costa minutely straight; apex obtusely angulate; termen slightly wavy; tornus obtusely angulate; inner margin nearly straight; Sc+R1 originated from base, approximated with discal cell from before middle, then diverging toward apex; RS and M1 shortly stalked from upper angle of discal cell; M2 from near to lower angle of discal cell; M3 from lower angle of discal cell; CuA1 from before lower angle of discal cell; CuA2 from behind middle of discal cell; Anal 1A free and straight; Frenulum present (Figs. 4, 6). Genitalia Male genitalia were found with uncus well-developed, curved, adorned with a single highly sclerotized spine-like structure; tegumen broad, partially sclerotized; lateral processes absent from tegumen; gnathus wanting; valva cone-shaped, highly sclerotized, undivided, not fused ventrally; vinculum almost equal to tegument; juxta partially sclerotized, a square plate with dorsal margin slightly concave, ventral margin with broad excavation; sacculus apex broadly rounded; saccus variable, from V-shaped to narrow U-shaped; aedeagus, sclerotized, straight, slightly curved distal to opening for ductus ejaculatorius; vesica ovate, ventrally produced lobe; cornuti absent (Figs. 7A,B, 8). Female genitalia with ovipositor lobes well developed, setosed, sclerotized; papillae anales quadrate, dorsal margin truncate; anterior and posterior _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 109 apophyses short; ventral plate of ostium bursae broad, U-shaped, with vertical indentations or medial pockets, apices of these pockets merge medially; ductus bursae shorter than corpus bursae; corpus bursae oblong (Figs. 9A,B). Wing scales The presence of scales on the wings of order Lepidoptera, comprising moths and butterflies, characterizes this order of insects. The colour and pattern of wings was formed due to the scattering of light by scales present on the wings. The scales of L. obfuscata were seen under the compound microscope and variable shapes and sizes were observed. Some were small and stout, other long and even long and stout, with variable number of dentations (one, two, three or four). The body of a typical scale consisted of an upper and lower lamina and scales were attached on the wing by a stalk or pedicel (Fig. 10). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The corresponding author is highly thankful to University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India for providing financial assistance in the form of Research Fellowship, during the present study. Acknowledgments are also owed to Himalayan Forest Research Institute, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India for providing the necessary laboratory facilities during the course. LITERATURE CITED Baker, W. L. 1972. Eastern forest insects. USDA Forest Services Miscellaneous Publications No. 1175, 642 p. Barbosa, P. & Capinera, J. L. 1978. Population quality, dispersal and numerical change in the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Oecologia (Berlin), 36: 203-209. Beeson, C. F. C. 1941. Ecology and control of the forest insects of India and the neighboring countries. Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun (Revised 1961), 767 pp. Casey, T. M. 1980. Flight energetics and heat exchange of gypsy moths in relation to air temperature. Journal of Experimental Biology, 88: 133-145. Dharmadhikari, P. 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Resurgence of Indian gypsy moth, Lymantria obfuscata Walker (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) on ban oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) forests in Rajgarh Forest Division, Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry, 30 (1): 83-85. Strand, E. 1910. 18. Genus: Lymantria. pp. 129-136. In: Seitz, A. (Ed.), The Macrolepidoptera of the World. 1. Division. The Macrolepidoptera of the Palaerctic Fauna. 2. Volume: The Palaerctic Bombyces and Sphinges. Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart, 479 pp. Strand, E. 1923. 30. Genus: Lymantria. pp. 321-328. In: Seitz, A. (Ed.), The Macrolepidoptera of the World. 10. Volume: The Indo-Australian Bombyces and Sphinges. Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart, 909 pp. Swinhoe, C. 1923. A revision of the genera of the family Liparidae.The Annals and Magazine of Natural History [9th series], 64: 400-442. Verma, T. D., Thakur, J. R. & Dogra, G. S. 1979. Outbreak of Indian Gypsy moth Lymantria obfuscata Wlk., on oak in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Forester, 105 (8): 594-597. Walker, F. 1865. List of the specimens of Lepidopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Edward Newman, London, 32: 324-706. 110 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A B Figure 1. A) Adult male of Lymantria obfuscata. B) Adult female of Lymantria obfuscata. A B Figure 2. A) Dorsal view of head of adult male moth (x20). B) Dorsal view of head of adult female moth (x40). Figure 3. Forewing of adult male moth (x35). (C= Costa, Sc= Subcosta, R= Radial, Rs= Radial Sector, M= Medial, Cu= Cubital, A= Anal). Figure 4. Hindwing of adult male moth (x35). (C= Costa, Sc= Subcosta, R= Radial, Rs= Radial Sector, M= Medial, Cu= Cubital, A= Anal). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 111 Figure 5. Forewing of adult female moth (x35). (C= Costa, Sc= Subcosta, R= Radial, Rs= Radial Sector, M= Medial, Cu= Cubital, A= Anal). Figure 6. Hindwing of adult female moth (x35). (C= Costa, Sc= Subcosta, R= Radial, Rs= Radial Sector, M= Medial, Cu= Cubital, A= Anal). A B Figure 7. A) Genitalia of adult male moth without aedeagus (x30). B) Aedeagus of adult male moth (x30). Figure 8. Genitalia of adult male moth (x100). (A= Aedeagus, S= Saccus, T= Tegumen, U= Uncus, V= Valva). 112 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A B Figure 9. A) Genitalia of adult female moth (x75). B) Genitalia of adult female moth (x15). (AA= Anterior Apophyses, CB= Corpus Bursae, DB= Ductus Bursae, OB= Ostium Bursae, OV= Ovipositor Lobe, PA= Posterior Apophyses). Figure 10. Different types of scales of wing of adult moth (x400). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 113 Table 1. Morphometric observations of adults of Lymantria obfuscata. Parameters Adult male length (mm) R.V. 12-15 Mean±S.D. 13.60±1.140 Adult male wing expanse (mm) Male head length (mm) 28-38 1.35-1.83 31.80±3.768 1.66±0.192 Male head width (mm) 2.27-2.42 2.38±0.064 Male palpi length (mm) Male antenna length (mm) 0.96-1.07 6.08-6.86 0.99±0.045 6.53±0.302 Male antenna width (mm) Adult female length (mm) Adult female wing expanse (mm) Female head length (mm) 0.18-0.23 15-23 30-46 1.68-2.18 0.20±0.019 18.40±3.209 36.80±6.611 1.89±0.182 Female head width (mm) Female palpi length (mm) Female antenna length (mm) 2.26-2.53 0.38-1.01 5.94-6.15 2.40±0.115 0.71±0.258 6.04±0.081 Female antenna width (mm) 0.16-0.21 0.18±0.027 Table 2. Mean length of different leg segments of foreleg, midleg and hindleg of adult male of Lymantria obfuscata. Male Leg Parts Foreleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Midleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Hindleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Coxa Trochanter 1.27-1.34 0.36-0.47 1.31±0.027 0.39±0.044 1.37-1.54 0.52-0.60 1.47±0.070 0.54±0.033 1.44-1.53 0.45-0.66 1.48±0.034 0.55±0.078 Femur Tibia Tarsus 1.96-2.07 1.88-2.17 2.27-2.47 2.01±0.050 1.97±0.116 2.38±0.074 2.42-2.50 2.12-2.36 2.67-2.98 2.45±0.032 2.24±0.104 2.80±0.138 2.51-2.59 2.22-2.39 2.98-3.15 2.55±0.029 2.29±0.069 3.09±0.063 Claw 0.19-0.27 0.24±0.034 0.22-0.34 0.27±0.057 0.22-0.33 0.26±0.048 Total 7.75-8.23 8.06±0.205 9.41-9.67 9.51±0.106 9.77-10.08 9.95±0.124 Table 3. Mean length of different leg segments of foreleg, midleg and hindleg of adult female of Lymantria obfuscata. Female Leg Parts Foreleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Midleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Hindleg (mm) R.V. Mean±S.D. Coxa 1.38-1.77 1.52±0.146 1.65-2.07 1.93±0.166 1.73-2.09 1.87±0.149 Trochanter 0.50-0.64 0.56±0.058 0.66-0.82 0.76±0.059 0.62-0.74 0.69±0.046 Femur 2.09-2.36 2.21±0.116 2.04-2.57 2.40±0.210 2.04-2.50 2.40±0.201 Tibia 1.96-2.15 2.06±0.093 2.00-2.71 2.45±0.266 2.18-2.93 2.69±0.295 Tarsus 2.48-2.77 2.64±0.119 2.40-3.04 2.78±0.243 2.54-2.91 2.76±0.179 Claw 0.31-0.41 0.35±0.046 0.31-0.39 0.34±0.032 0.26-0.37 0.32±0.051 Total 8.51-9.52 9.00±0.427 8.75-11.09 10.31±0.904 9.12-11.07 10.42±0.782 114 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ BIOACTIVITY OF MARRUBIUM VULGARE AND ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM LEAF EXTRACTS ON POTATO TUBER MOTH PHTHORIMAEA OPERCULELLA ZELLER Nazila Mahin Allahverdizadeh and Davoud Mohammadi* * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz-IRAN. E-mail: [Allahverdizadeh, N. M. & Mohammadi, D. 2016. Bioactivity of Marrubium vulgare and Achillea millefolium leaf extracts on potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella Zeller. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 114-122] ABSTRACT: The potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lep., Gelechiidae) is one of the most important pests of potato worldwide. Plants are a rich source of novel natural substances that can be used to produce safe materials in IPM. In this study, ovicidal, oviposition deterring and fumigant activity of hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and aqueous extracts of Achillea millefolium and Marrubium vulgare on different developmental stages of PTM have been investigated. The results indicate that maximum ovicidal activity was observed in hexane extract in both plants with LC50 values of 6.55 and 8.03 mg/l. All tested concentrations of M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extracts caused great reductions in the number of eggs deposited. Among the tested extracts, except hexane extract of M. vulgare and ethyl acetat extract of A. millefolium remains induced the greatest antioviposition deterring effect, with no eggs oviposited. The fumigant toxicity of the M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extract against 1st larval instar and adults of PTM was different. Among tested extracts only Hexane extract of M. vulgare had fumigant activity on adults of PTM. KEY WORDS: Ovicidal activity, Fumigant activity, Plant extract, Hexane, Ethyl acetat, Methanol. The potato tuber moth (PTM), Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is an oligophagous and serious pest of the solanaceous plants such as potato, tomato, tobacco and egg-plant worldwide (Fenemore, 1988; Rondon, 2010). Larvae bores into the potato tubers, leaves and stems in the field and storage. Excreta deposited in the feeding channels increases the risk of infection by plant pathogens (Koul et al., 2008; Moawad & Ebadah, 2007; Fathi & Shakarami, 2014). The PTM originated in southern and central America but now it can be found in almost all potato production areas worldwide and recently emerged as a potential economic pest of potatoes in the most parts of Iran. The control of this pest is based on the application of wide spectrum insecticides. Chemical insecticides cause health hazards to human beings, natural enemies and environment (Ishaaya & Horowitz, 2009; Relyea, 2005). Plants are a rich source of novel natural substances that can be used to develop environmentally safe materials (Scott et al., 2003). Zoubiri & Baaliouamer (2014) in their studies found various plant species with insecticidal potential. Insecticidal activity of many plants against several insect pests has been investigated (Sharaby et al., 2009). The effects of plant extracts on insects can be manifested in several manners including toxicity, mortality, antifeedant, growth inhibitor, suppression of reproductive behavior and reduction of fecundity and fertility (Keita et al., 2000; Niroula & Vaidya, 2004; Rakesh, 2009; Nerio, 2010; Bokaeian et al., 2013; Adlin et al., 2015). Plants of the Asteraceae and lamiaceae family contain effective secondary metabolites that could affect insect’s behavior and biology (Abd El-Aziz 2011). Achillea contains various species of perennial plants found worldwide. The member of Achillea genus contained terpenoids, lignans, flavonoids and other _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 115 compounds in its foliage and flowers with different biological activity against insects and microorganisms (Vitalini et al., 2011; Zhiani & Moradi, 2014). The lamiaceae plants were considered as one of the large plant families that was evaluate the occurrence of typical secondary metabolites. The genus Marrubium comprises different species, which are found wildly in many regions of Azarbaijan province in Iran. Among them, Marrubium vulgare L. is a perennial plant that it's foliage and flowers contains aromatic compounds with biological activity (Kadri et al., 2011; Zawiślak, 2012; Abdi & Hassani, 2013; Hamedeyazdan et al., 2013). Aromatic plants, and their essential oils, are among the most efficient botanicals that could induce fumigant and topical toxicity as well as antifeedant or repellent effects. They are toxic to different developmental stage of insects (Regnault-Roger, 1997). For example, oviposition deterrent and ovicidal activity was found in crude extracts of Syzigium lineare leaves against Spodoptera litura Fab. (Jeyasankar et al., 2013) and the maximum oviposition deterrent and ovicidal activity were observed in ethyl acetate extract. In Mentha citrata essential oil containing linalool and linalyl acetate exhibit significant fumigant toxicity to the rice weevils Sitophilus oryzae and Maruubium persicum contains higher proportions of non-terpenoid keton, namely acetophenone (Hamedeyazdan et al., 2013). Acetophenone was demonstrated to cause acute and delayed types of insecticidal and ovicidal activities (Zohair, 1995; Liu et al., 2014). Some plant's volatiles contain compounds with fumigant toxicity against insects. The fumigant toxicity of plants extracts from ailanthus was investigated by Lu & He (2010). All the plant extracts had potent fumigant activities against O. surinamensis and S. oryzae adults. Lu et al. (2012) reported that A. officinarum rhizome extract exhibited strong fumigant, repellent activity in a dosagedependent manner against T. castaneum adults. Other aspects of plant derived compounds were ovicidal activity that was efficient on different insect species. Adline et al. (2015) reported that hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of Glinus lotoides have ovicidal potential against the Corcyra cephalonica eggs. The maximum egg mortality was caused by ethyl acetate extract. All the concentrations of the extracts applied were able to cause ovicidal activity against the C. cephalonica. Studies on ovicidal effects of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of different plants were carried out against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) results revealed that extracts of all plants had significant ovicidal activity (Kumar et al., 2009). Ovicidal activity of acetone extracts of some plant species were evaluated. Murraya Tabernaemontana,Chenopodium and Lantana camara showed ovicidal activity against C.cephalonica (Dwivedi & Venugopalan, 2001). In addition with ovicidal activity some plants showed oviposition deterring activity which is so important in depressing the population of insects and good equipment in IPM. Singh (2011), Arivoli & Tennyson (2013) and Rana et al. (2013) reported some aspects of oviposition deterring activity of different plant species and their potential on population of insects in field and storage. Oviposition deterrent and ovicidal activity of crude extracts of Syzigium lineare leaves, were tested against Spodoptera litura Fab. The maximum oviposition deterrent and ovicidal activity were observed in ethyl acetate extract (Jeyasankar et al., 2013). All of studies on efficiency of plants extracts on biology and behavior of insects shows potential of them in controlling insects in IPM programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the insecticidal activity of the hexane, ethyl acetat, methanol and aqueous extracts from Marrubium vulgare and Achillea millefolium against eggs, larvae and adults of P. operculella in laboratory condition. 116 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ MATERIAL AND METHODS Insects rearing: The adults of PTM were obtained from the laboratory colony maintained at the plant protection department of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University. Larvae were reared on potato tubers in controlled condition of 26±2°C and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h in 50±10% relative humidity. The bottoms of rearing cages were furnished with a thin layer of soft sand as a pupation substrate (Maharjan and Jung 2011). Collection and processing of plants: Aerial parts of the plants studied in this investigation were collected from different localities in north-western regions of Iran, before flowering period, dried in shadow and room temperature, then powdered. About 1000 gr of each plant material was sequentially extracted with n-hexane, ethyl acetat, methanol and distilled water for a period of 3 days and then filtered. The filtered contents were subjected to rotary evaporator until solvents were completely evaporated and solid crude extracts collected in vials for proper assays. Ovicidal bioassay: The ovicidal activity of plants extracts was examined with contact method. Egg batches of 1 day-old and 6 hour old were collected, numbered and divided into treatment and control groups. In order to test the contact toxicity of extracts, the first group of eggs was dipped in different concentrations of test extracts diluted in water. Aqueous solution was used only for control (second) group. After drying for 20 minutes, egg batches were inserted in Petri dishes and subsequently covered. Number of eggs hatched in control and treatments were recorded and the corrected percentage of ovicidal activity was calculated using Abbott’s formula. The ranges of concentrations for different compounds were determined by preliminary dose setting experiments (Arivoli and Tennyson, 2013). Abbot corrected mortality (%) = (unhatched eggs in treatment - unhatched eggs in control) ×100 (100- unhatched eggs in control) Oviposition deterrence assay: The oviposition deterrent activity was assessed using methods used by Arivoli and Tennyson (2013), with slight modifications. To study the oviposition deterrence effect and the number of eggs deposited in the presence of different extracts of experimental plants, a multiple concentration test was carried out (50, 25 and 12.5 g/l). Adults were provided continuously with 10 percent sucrose solution with a filter paper. The same Potato slices provided (1cm thickness), and then each slice sprayed with extracts served as treated while those sprayed with solvent and water acted as negative and positive control respectively. Five pairs of newly emerged adult (male and female) moths were introduced into a cage with treated potato slices and control. After 48 hours the number of eggs laid by the females was recorded on treated and control potato slices. A total of eight trials with three replicates per trial were carried and percent oviposition deterrent activity calculated according to Arivoli and Tennyson (2013) and Abd-el Aziz (2011) method with modifications. Oviposition deterring activity %= (number of eggs in control-number of eggs in treatment) (number of eggs in control+ number eggs in treatment) ×100 Fumigant toxicity: The fumigant activity of tested extracts was determined according to the method described by Abd El-Aziz (2011). The fumigant toxicity _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 117 experiments carried out on first larval instars and adults of PTM. The concentrations loaded on an exact surface of filter paper then attached to the cap of vials (20 ml) then covered with organza cloth to prevent direct contact of insects to extracts. Five first larval instars (24h old) introduced to each vials and percent of mortality recorded after 48 hrs in treated and control vials. About adult insect’s fumigant bioassay, filter papers were impregnated with the required concentration of extracts then were placed underside surface of the screw caps of the glass jars after solvent evaporation (10 min). The inner surface of caps covered with organza cloth to prevent direct contact of insects to extracts. After introducing the adults (5 adults per jar) to the jars, the lids covered with parafilm. The adults were provided with 10% honey solution. These jars were transferred to growth chamber at 26±2ºC, 50±10% RH and photoperiod of 16:8 (L: D) h. Each experiment was replicated three times. Mortality was counted after 24 h of exposure to plant crude extracts. Statistical Analysis: LC50 value of extracts was determined according to Hong et al (1988) for the contact method. Corrected percentage mortality was calculated using Abbott`s formula. From the corrected mortality larval LC 10, LC50 and LC90 values were calculated using the computation program of probit analysis using SPSS software. The ovicidal, fumigant and oviposition deterring activity were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Significant differences between treatments were determined using Duncan’s multiple-range test (𝑃 ≤ 0.05). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ovicidal activity of plants crude extracts Results of ovicidal activity of M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extracts on 6 and 24 h old eggs of PTM are presented in Table 1 and 2. Maximum ovicidal activity was observed in hexane extract in both plants with LC50 values of 6.55 and 8.03 mg/l respectively. Methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of M. vulgare showed similar activity with LC50 values of 10.7 and 11.5 mg/l in 6 h old eggs and 10.7 and 12.79 mg/l in 24 h old eggs respectively. The least ovicidal activity was determined in aqueous extract of both studied plants with LC50 values of 19.4 and 19.95 mg/l in 6h old eggs and 13.54 and 20.71 mg/l in 24 h old eggs respectively. The obtained χ2 values were non-significant for all the tested extracts. The probit analysis clearly indicates that the hexane extract of both plants has the potential to kill the eggs of PTM at different embryogenesis periods. Oviposition deterring activity results of plants extracts Oviposition deterrent activity normally indicates deterrent activity potential of plant extracts (Table 3). All tested concentrations of M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extracts caused sharp reductions in the number of eggs deposited. Among the tested extracts and concentrations, except Hexane extract of M. vulgare and Ethyl acetat extract of A. millefolium remains induced the greatest antioviposition effect, with no eggs laid at treated potato slices. And about two exceptions these treatments also reduced the number of eggs laid in comparison with control. Oviposition deterring activity increased with concentration dependent manner. Fumigant toxicity results The fumigant toxicity of the M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extract against 1st larval instar and adults of PTM is shown in Tables 4. Plants extracts showed strong fumigant activity against PTM in a concentration-dependent manner. Among tested extracts only Hexane extract of M. vulgare had fumigant activity on adults of PTM. About 1st larval instar, the LC50 values of hexane extract of M. vulgare were more than other extracts (17.27 mg/l). Aqueous Extract of both plants had no fumigant toxicity against PTM. Also ethyl acetate and methanol extract of A. millefolium had no fumigant activity against studied stages 118 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ of PTM. It seems that 1st larval instar of PTM are susceptible to extracts than adults. DISCUSSION The most effective botanical extracts would be those offering a broad spectrum of activity against various life stages of the pest. The effective control agent should reduce the insect population at all life stages. This study provides evidence that M. vulgare and A. millefolium crude extracts have toxic effects against studied stages of Phthorimaea operculella. Pesticides based on plant metabolites have demonstrated efficacy against a range of stored product pests. They may be applied as fumigants, or direct sprays with a range of effects from lethal toxicity to repellence or oviposition deterrence in insects. These features indicate that pesticides based on plants metabolites could be used in a variety of ways to control a large number of pests (Duke, 1990; Ishaaya & Horowitz, 2009; Nerio et al., 2010). In this study except aqueous extract of both plant species, remained extracts was more toxic on eggs of PTM. Hexane with a non-polar property, extracted compounds affects eggs in both plants, in some cases non-polar solvents extracts more efficient compounds that are more effective against insects. For example Ho et al. (1995) reported that nonpolar extracts of Illicium verum completely suppressed F1 adult emergence in Tribolium castaneum and Sitophilus zeamais while polar extracts only caused a significant reduction in F1 adult emergence. In other study the effects of four natural plant oils were tested against eggs of PTM. The cardamon oils exhibited the best reduction in percentage of eggs hatchability (Moawad & Ebadah, 2007). Studies on ovicidal effects of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of four different plants against the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) revealed that plants extracts had significant effect on the mortality of eggs. However, the alcoholic extracts were found to be better than the aqueous extracts (Kumar et al., 2009). Different chemical compounds from plants containing, carvacrol, carveol, geraniol, linalool, menthol, terpineol, thymol, verbenol, carvones, fenchone, menthone, pulegone, thujone, verbenone, cinnamaldehyde, citral, citronellal, and cinnamic acid have ovicides activity against M. domestica (Rice & Coats, 1994). Phytochemical screening on Glinus lotoides showed a varied composition of secondary metabolites including flavonoids, tannins, terpenes, sterols, coumarins and saponins that may be responsible to ovicidal activity of this plant on Corcyra cephalonica eggs. Dwivedi & Garg (2003) reported ovicidal activity of flower extract of turmeric and Lantana camara against C.cephalonica. They reported that ovicidal effect which may be due to its easy penetration through delicate covering of vitellin and chorion membrane thereby increasing the mortality rate. High percentage of egg mortality caused by the extract is assumed to be caused by the active ingredients present in them which might have disrupted blastokinesis and induced impaired larval hatching. Furthermore, PTM adults showed high susceptibility to the fumigation by hexane extract of M. vulgare. But other extracts had no effect on adults while first larval instar of PTM strongly affected by Hexane, ethyl acetat and methanol extract of this plant and hexane extract of A. millefolium. Results shows that first larval instar of PTM are susceptible to M. vulgare fumigant toxicity. The fumigant toxicity of three plant extracts from Ailanthus against Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Sitophilus oryzae and Liposcelis paeta adults were investigated. All the plant extracts had potent fumigant activities against O. surinamensis and S. oryzae adults. Similar to present results, the fumigant toxicity significantly increased with the increasing concentration (Lu & He, 2010). Lu et al. (2012) reported that A. officinarum rhizome extract exhibited strong fumigant, repellent _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 119 activity in a dosage-dependent manner against T. castaneum adults. In different studies it has been demonstrated that chemical compounds with high repellent activity include: α-pinene, limonene, citronellol, citronellal, camphor and thymol. Although synthetic chemicals are still more frequently used as repellents than plant extract materials, these natural products have the potential to provide efficient, and safer repellents for humans and the environment (Nerio et al., 2010). Oviposition deterring, ovicidal and fumigant activity of plants extract are in relation with chemical composition of them. The Lamiacea family has been reported to have insecticidal activities due to presence of phytochemicals. Hamedeyazdan et al. (2013) reported that Maruubium persicum contains higher proportions of non-terpenoid keton, namely acetophenone. Acetophenone was demonstrated to cause acute and delayed types of insecticidal and ovicidal activities (Zohair, 1995; Liu et al., 2014). These studies reveal that ketones were more effective as fumigants. Trans-anethole, thymol, 1,8-cineole, carvacrol,terpineol, and linalool have been evaluated as fumigants against T. castaneum. The major components of Marrubium vulgare were eudesmol, citronellol, citronellyl formate (Kadri et al., 2011; Zawiślak, 2012) and Tetramethyl heptadecan, Germacrene, Pinene, Phytol, Dehydro-sabina Ketone, Piperitone, Cadinene, Octen and Benzaldehyde (Abadi & Hassani, 2013). Secondary metabolites such as piperine, caryophyllene and limonene are reported act as insecticide. Many insecticidal components of plant extracts are mainly monoterpenes, such as limonene which have been shown to be toxic to PTM (Fang et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2014). Studies on extracts of M. vulgare had indicated that piperine and other active piperamides were responsible for the toxicity of thee extracts to the Callosobruchus chinensis L. (Tavares et al., 2011; Scott et al., 2003). Ateyyat & Abu-Darwish (2009) revealed that A. millefolium contains compounds such as flavonoids which are soluble in polar solvents such as acetone and ethanol. Flavonoids have a catecholic B-ring that seems to be responsible for the toxicant activity to insects (Onyilagha et al., 2004). Nadim et al. (2011) reported that, the predominant constituents of A. millefolium were sabinene, cineole, borneol, bornyl acetate, pinene, pinene, terpinine and chamazulene. Effects of A. millefolium extracts on different developmental stages of insects were investigated and in some cases the compounds showed a acceptable control on pest insects (Conti et al., 2010; Zoubiri & Baaliouamer, 2014). Dehghan & Elmi (2014) reported that chemical compounds of essential oils of Achillea species were highly variable, which may be due to the differences in their chemical polymorphic structure and environmental conditions. Difference on type and composition of metabolites is responsible to insecticidal activity of extracts, thus we suggest determining the chemical composition of studied plants extracts to identify potent insecticidal metabolites in these native plants. Plant species of the families Asteraceae and Labiatae are known for their content in diterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes display extensive structure variety and have been reported to serve as toxic or feeding deterrents to herbivore insects (Fraga, 2004). The results suggest that extracts of both the species have a potential to act as ovipositional deterrent and can be employed against PTM in stored condition. Studies showed that secondary metabolites such as monoterpenes volatiles are more effective as insect fumigants. Pulegone, linalool and limonene are known effective fumigants against Sitophilus oryzae. While Mentha citrata oil containing linalool and linalyl acetate exhibit significant fumigant toxicity to these rice weevils (Singh, 2011; Aryvoli & Tennyson, 2013; Rana et al., 2013; Jeyasankar et al., 2013). 120 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank the Phytochemistry laburatory, Department of Science, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University -Tabriz, for technical support. LITERATURE CITED Abadi, A. & Hassani, A. 2013. Chemical composition of Marrubium vulgare L. essential oil from Algeria. International Letters of Chemistry. Physics and Astronomy, 8 (3): 210-214. Abadi, A. & Hassani, A. 2013. Essential oil composition and antioxidant activity of Marrubium vulgare L. growing wild in Eastern Algeria. International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, 14: 17-24. Abd El-Aziz, M. 2011. 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Crab spider species of Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey – Part I (Araneae: Thomisidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 123-141] ABSTRACT: This study is based on materials were collected from eastern Mediterraneaen region of Turkey between April-August in 2007-2009. A total of 18 species were recorded in the genus Xysticus belonging to Thomisidae. The main aim of this study is to determine the presence of crab spider species in the research area. This work is the first attempt for this purpose. KEY WORDS: Araneae, Thomisidae, Xysticus, fauna, Turkey. The Turkish crab spider fauna is not well studied. The first reports were made by Kulczyński (1903), Nosek (1905), Roewer (1959), and Simon (1875, 1879, 1884, 1914). Demir (2008) listed 41 species of the genus Xysticus; subsequently some new records were added and the number of species known from Turkey is now 45 (Demir et al., 2009; Demir et al., 2010a,b; Demir, 2012). Nevertheles, it is impossible to say that the fauna of Turkey is fully investigated. It needs to be studied more comprehensively. In this part faunistic data of 18 species belonging to genus Xysticus from the family Thomisidae are presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study, the specimens were collected from eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey. The specimens were preserved in 70% ethanol. The identification was made by means of a SZX61 Olympus stereomicroscope. Examined specimens were deposited in the GUZM (Zoology Museum of Gazi University) and NUAM (Arachnology Museum of Niğde University). RESULTS Xysticus C. L. Koch, 1835 Xysticus abditus Logunov, 2006 Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Yahyalı plateau, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 988m, 04.05.2007; 2♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Zorkun, Karınca plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 01.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°59´N, 1186m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun 1, 36°17´E 37°01´N, 765m, 23.05.2007. Records in Turkey: Niğde (Demir, 2008), Hatay, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Bulgaria, Turkey (Logunov, 2006). Xysticus abramovi Marusik & Logunov, 1995 Material еxamined: 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 18.10.2008; 1♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 1584m, 19.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°21´E 38°16´N, 1560m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°08´N, 1367m, 19.10.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 124 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 19.10.2008; 2♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Çürükler village, 35°57´E 37°52´N, 1522m, 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Andırın-Geben 1, 36°26'E 37°38'N, 1389m, 14.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), AndırınGeben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 14.10.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Karaağaç village, 37°20´E 37°36´N, 1214m, 21.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 21.10.2008. Records in Turkey: Adana, Kahramanmaraş (Demir et al., 2010b). World Distribution: Tajikistan, Turkey (Demir et al., 2010b; Marusik & Logunov, 1995). Xysticus caperatus Simon, 1875 Material еxamined: 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Aladağ, Eğner village, 35°26'E 37°25'N, 242m, 19.06.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Meydan plateau 1, 35°23'E 37°31'N, 925m, 19.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Kayırcık village, 36°17´E 38°09´N, 1325m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Köprücek village, 35°30´E 37°38´N, 1248m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Gerdibi village, 35°09´E 37°30´N, 1248m, 19.06.2008; 3♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Meydan plateau, 35°22´E 37°30´N, 1200m, 19.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 19.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Beypınarı village, 36°14´E 38°06´N, 1521m, 12.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53'E 37°42'N, 870m, 19.05.2009; 2♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°08´N, 1367m, 30.06.2009; 2♂♂ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 30.06.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19'E 38°15'N, 1442m, 30.06.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Kozan Dam, 35°50'E 37°31'N, 292m, 30.06.2009; 4♂♂5♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 30.06.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Kaan pass, 36°20'E 38°15'N, 1565m, 30.06.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 30.06.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 24.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 3, 36°23´E 36°50´N, 1260m, 24.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Dermek village, 36°25´E 36°40´N, 496m, 03.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Hassa-Akbez, 36°31´E 36°51´N, 605m, 03.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Silifke, Evkaf Çiftliği, 33°38´E 36°28´N, 441m, 21.04.2007; 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 2♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619 m, 21.04.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değirmendere village, 34°31´E 37°02´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız dam, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605 m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 3, 34°05´E 36°42´N, 1298m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 793m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´N, 652m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 02.07.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°08´N, 711m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Taşobası village, 34°55´E 37°05´N, 256m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Çamalan, 34°48´N 37°11´E, 778m, 02.07.2009; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Tekir, Çevreyol village, 36°37´E 37°50´N, 1590m, 20.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 21.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 1, 37°18´E 37°48´N, 1670m, 21.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 2, 37°25´E 37°55´N, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 125 1361m, 21.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1544m, 25.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 25.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 26.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 26.06.2007; 12♂♂5♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´E 37°30´N, 840m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 2, 37°19´E 37°53´N, 1383m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°15´E 37°30´N, 917m, 24.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 17.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 3, 36°30'E 37°42'N, 1267m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´D 37°30´N, 840m, 14.10.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Geben, Değirmendere village, 36°26´E 37°53´N, 1518m, 14.08.2009; 1♀ (NUAM), Kilis province, Musabeyli, Karbeyaz village, 36°55´E 36°52´N, 550m, 03.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Elbeyli, Yavuzlu village, 37°16´E 36°41´N, 540m, 03.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Elbeyli, Sabuncu village, 36°53´E 36°49´N, 506m, 03.05.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 22.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, 36°14´E 37°15´N, 235m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Çukurköprü village, 35°55´E 37°21´N, 38m, 24.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çürükler village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Sumbaş, Yeşilyayla village, 36°05´E 37°33´N, 644m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz 2, 36°21´E 37°03´N, 1337m, 26.06.2007; 4♂♂5♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Kaman village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 1118 m, 17.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Yaylalık village, 36°36´E 37°15´N, 1019m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Hasanbeyli, Çolaklı village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 684m, 17.06.2008; 5♂♂6♀♀ (NUAM), Boğaz plateau, 36°20´E 37°05´N, 587m, 17.06.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 17.06.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 18.06.2008; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Hierapolis castle, 37°10'N 36°11'E, 100m, 20.05.2009; 6♀♀ (GUZM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 20.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Yarpuz, 36°20'E 37°05'N, 600m, 01.07.2009. Records in Turkey: Osmaniye (Demir et al., 2009), Adana, Hatay, İçel, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis (present study). World Distribution: Algeria, Spain, Israel, Italy, Russia, Tunusia (Demir et al., 2009; Levy, 1976). Xysticus cor Canestrini, 1873 Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Aladağ, Meydan plateau 1, 35°23'E 37°31'N, 925m, 19.06.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°20´E 38°15´N, 1584m, 12.05.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Kayırcık village, 36°17´E 38°09´N, 1325m, 12.05.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Çakırlar village, 36°17´E 38°19´N, 1556m, 12.05.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Darılık village, 35°27´E 37°35´N, 950m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Büyüksofulu village, 35°09´E 37°33´N, 937m, 19.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Yardibi village, 36°07´E 37°51´N, 738m, 12.06.2008; 2♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 30.04.2009; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Çürükler village, 35°57´E 37°52´N, 1522m, 30.04.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Eğner village, 35°26'E 37°25'N, 242m, 29.04.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Gedikli village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399 m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ 1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Belen, Güzelyayla, Müftüler village, 36°08´N 36°29´E, 662m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Belen, Kıcı village, 36°16´E 36°28´N, 628m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), BelenAntakya 1, 36°11´E 36°16´N, 101m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya 2, 36°11´E 36°21´N, 206m, 14.05.2008; 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 126 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Güngören village, 32°38´E 36°12´N, 780m, 17.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çamlıpınar village, 32°41´E 36°11´N, 989m, 17.04.2008; 1♂ 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Kavaközü village, 33°23´E 36°53´N, 1560m, 18.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Çömelek village, 33°44´E 36°43´N, 1300m, 18.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 1, 33°19´E 36°48´N, 1255m, 19.04.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 2, 33°17´E 36°51´N, 1498m, 19.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek district, 34°48´E 37°12´N, 815m, 20.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Tarsus, Kandil pass, 34°44´E 37°17´N, 1340m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Çiftepınar village, 34°20´E 36°43´N, 325m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Gülnar, Balandız district, 33°46´E 36°22´N, 712m, 21.04.2008; 7♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Halkalı village, 32°56´E 36°23´N, 1364m, 22.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Köseçobanlı (Alanboğazı) village, 33°09´E 36°25´N, 1319m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°08´N, 711m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Doğançay village, 34°26´E 36°51´N, 742m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karayakup village, 34°24´E 36°44´N, 190m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız göleti, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Silifke, Silifke castle, 33°55´E 36°22´N, 133m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´K, 652m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 3, 34°05´E 36°42´N, 1298m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 79 m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Evciler village, 32°55´E 36°11´N, 556m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Göksu village, 33°10´E 36°45´N, 596m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, Zeyne village, 33°31´E 36°26´N, 415m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, 33°26´E 36°38´N 436m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, Bozdoğan village, 33°13´E 36°41´N, 676m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ 2♀♀ (GUZM), Mut, Kurtsuyu village, 33°32´E 36°30´N, 105m, 29.04.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1544m, 20.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 20.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), AndırınTorun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın, Sarımollalı village, 36°35´E 37°35´N, 1184m, 21.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Andırın-Geben 3, 36°30'E 37°42'N, 1267m, 21.05.2009; 3♂♂6♀♀ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Boğaz plateau, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 01.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun-Erzin, 36°18´E 36°58´N, 1264m, 01.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Yaylalı village, 36°37´E 37°17´N, 382m, 22.05.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 23.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Boğaz plateau, 36°20´E 37°05´N, 587m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Boğaz plateau, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Karınca plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 27.06.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 27.03.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Boğaz plateau, 36°20´E 37°05´N, 587m, 24.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 18.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Armutdüzü plateau, 36°16´E 37°01´N, 805m, 18.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Zorkun-Erzin, 36°18´E 36°58´N, 1264m, 18.06.2008. Records in Turkey: Adana, Hatay, İçel, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (Demir et al., 2010a). World Distribution: Southern Europe, Azores, Iran (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus edax (O. P.-Cambridge, 1872) Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Yumurtalık, Hamzalı village, 35°52´E 36°54´N, 86m, 04.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Yumurtalık, Narlıören village, 35°49´E 36°52´N, 49m, 04.05.2007; 6♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°44´E 37°00´N, 110m, 24.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°49´E 37°22´N, 974m, 28.03.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 880m, 20.04.2008; 1♂11♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 127 Akçatekir, 34°49´E 37°22´N, 974m, 20.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Hacılı village, 35°09´E 37°17´N, 191m, 23.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Çatalan dam, 35°17´E 37°14´N, 133m, 23.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Suluhan village, 35°50'E, 37°33´N, 355m, 23.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kozan, Çukurköprü village, 35°56´E 37°20´N, 37m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karataş, 35°23´E 36°35´N, 20m, 23.04.2008; 4♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, Gökbuket village, 35°33´E 37°09´N, 238m, 23.04.2008; 1♀, (NUAM), Seyhan 1, 35°07´E 37°02´N, 132m, 23.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Akkaya village, 35°36´E 37°46´N, 1520m, 23.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Marankeçili village, 35°38´E 37°40´N, 1100m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Darılık village, 35°27´E 37°35´N, 950m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Büyüksofulu village, 35°09´E 37°33´N, 937m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Kökez village, 35°17´E 37°34´N, 815m, 19.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Yardibi village, 36°07´E 37°51´N, 738m, 12.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Beypınarı village, 36°14´E 38°06´N, 1521m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 19.06.2008; 2♂♂7♀♀ (GUZM), Pozantı, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 902m, 28.04.2009; 4♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Meydan Plateau–2, 35°22´E 37°30´N, 1200m, 29.04.2009; 1♂3♀♀ (GUZM), İmamoğlu, Gökbuket village, 35°33´E 37°09´N, 238m, 29.04.2009; 4♂♂6♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Kozan Dam, 35°50'E 37°31'N, 292m, 30.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53´E 37°42´N, 870m, 30.04.2009; 7♂♂10♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Kazancı village, 35°56´E 37°49´N, 863m, 30.04.2009; 4♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Horzum village, 35°50´E 37°38´N, 665m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 1442m, 19.05.2009; 4♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Gaziantep province, İslahiye, Fevzipaşa, 36°37´E 37°05´N, 514m, 06.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurdağı, Karaburç village, 36°42´E 37°08´N, 517m, 26.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Hatay province, Kırıkhan, Hassa, Aktepe village, 36°29´E 36°42´N, 308m, 03.05.2007; 4♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Erzin, Isos harabeleri, 36°07´E 36°58´N, 47m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese, 36°15´E 36°49´N, 221m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), İskenderun, Çamlık Evler, 36°08´E 36°32´N, 204m, 25.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erzin, Isos harabeleri, 36°07´E 36°58´N, 47m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya, 36°14´E 36°28´N, 739m, 25.03.2008; 3♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Hassa, Aktepe village, 36°29´E 36°42´N, 308m, 26.03.2008; 5♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Hassa-Akbez, 36°32´E 36°50´N, 450m, 26.03.2008; 7♂♂7♀♀ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Ilıkpınar village, 36°11´E 36°10´N, 113m, 26.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kumlu, Akkerpiç village, 36°24´E 36°25´N, 82m, 25.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Reyhanlı, Paşahöyük village, 36°29´E 36°21´N, 434m, 25.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Reyhanlı, Üçtepe village, 36°30´E 36°17´N, 95m, 25.03.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Altınözü, Akdarı village, 36°14´E 36°04´N, 412m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Güzelyurt village, 36°03´E 35°55´N, 507m, 25.03.2008; 7♀♀ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Hisarcık village, 36°06´E 35°57´N, 910m, 25.03.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Fidanlı village, 36°01´E 36°09´N, 146m, 25.03.2008; 5♀♀ (NUAM), Erzin, Körhan village, 36°14´E 36°57´N, 267m, 24.04.2008; 1♂8♀♀ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese, 36°15´E 36°49´N, 221m, 24.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Erzin, Akoluk plateau, 36°27´E 37°02´N, 1092m, 24.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese, Çökek plateau, 36°16´E 36°50´N, 520m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Hassa, 36°50'N 36°32'E, 450m, 20.05.2009; 3♀♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Silifke, Kayhan village, 33°58´E 36°34´N, 982m, 21.04.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çataloluk village, 32°46´E 36°08´N, 592m, 17.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çamlıpınar village, 32°41´E 36°11´N, 989m, 17.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Dağpazarı village, 33°25´E 36°48´N, 1442m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Demirkapı village, 33°28´E 36°54´N, 1450m, 18.04.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Çivi village, 33°32´E 36°49´N, 1390m, 18.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Kurtçukuru village, 34°46´E 37°09´N, 733m, 20.04.2008; 2♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Zirve village, 34°48´E 37°09´N, 634m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamalan, Kaburgediği 128 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ village, 34°48´E 37°10´N, 622m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karayakup village, 34°24´E 36°44´N, 190m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çevlik village, 34°28´E 36°45´N, 128m, 20.04.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Tece, 34°26´E 36°43´N, 60m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Çiftepınar village, 34°20´E 36°43´N, 325m, 21.04.2008; 2♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Yeşildere village, 34°18´E 36°41´N, 288m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Aydıncık, Yeniyörük village, 33°23´E 36°14´N, 713m, 15.04.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Alahan, 33°21´E 36°46´N, 911m, 19.04.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 3, 33°16´E 36°54´N, 1550m, 19.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), , Bozyazı, Bozağaç village, 33°23´E 36°17´N, 754m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Tekeli village, 33°10´E 36°11´N, 617m, 22.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Silifke castle, 33°55´E 36°22´N, 133m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´N, 652m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, İlemin village, 34°20´E 36°43´N, 485m, 21.04.2008; 7♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çarıklar village, 32°52´E 36°06´N, 58m, 22.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Evciler village, 32°55´E 36°11´N, 556m, 22.04.2008; 3♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Bozdoğan village, 32°54´E 36°06´N, 404m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Göksu village, 33°10´E 36°45´N, 596m, 22.04.2008; 4♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Köseçobanlı village, 33°08´E 36°26´N, 1302m, 22.04.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Gülnar, Çukurkonak village, 33°19´E 36°23´N, 1082m, 22.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Gülnar, Kayrak village, 33°31´E 36°20´N, 1213m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Zeyne village, 33°31´E 36°26´N, 352m, 22.04.2008; 5♂♂5♀♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek district, 34°48´E 37°12´N, 815m, 28.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Karboğazı, 34°46´E 37°18´N, 1261m, 28.04.2009; 5♂♂1♀ (GUZM), Çamlıyayla, Zirve village, 34°48´E 37°09´N, 634m, 28.04.2009; 2♂♂8♀♀ (GUZM), Çamlıyayla, Kadıncık dam, 34°42´E 37°08´N, 862m, 28.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Mut, 33°26´E 36°38´N 436m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, Bozdoğan village, 33°13´E 36°41´N, 676m, 29.04.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (GUZM), Mut, Kurtsuyu village, 33°32´E 36°30´N, 105m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ 1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 6♂♂ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Eoğankonak village, 36°25´E 38°12´N, 1604m, 20.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 1, 37°18´E 37°48´N, 1670m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 2, 37°25´E 37°55´N, 1361m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, 37°37´E 37°30´N, 1590m, 21.05.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kızıleniş village, 36°46´E 37°20´N, 655m, 22.05.2007; 32♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°15´E 37°30´N, 815m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 1, 37°22´E 37°58´N, 1525m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°47´E 37°19´N, 485m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°14´N, 485m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´E 37°30´N, 840m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Geben, Değirmendere village, 36°26'E 37°53'N, 1518m, 21.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Andırın, Dermek village, 36°38'E 37°37'N, 515m, 21.05.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Andırın, Yenidemir village, 36°41'E 37°38'N, 515m, 21.05.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Kilis province, Oğuzeli, Küpeli village, 37°14´E 36°44´N, 609m, 03.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Polateli, Çakaldere village, 37°05´E 36°47´N, 652m, 03.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Elbeyli, Yavuzlu village, 37°19´E 36°41´N, 537m, 03.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Oğuzeli, Bayramlı village, 37°17´E 36°46´N, 593m, 03.05.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Toprakkale castle, 36°08´E 37°03´N, 70m, 01.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 01.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 02.05.2007; 2♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Yaylalı village, 36°37´E 37°17´N, 382m, 02.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Düziçi, Yarbaşı village, 36°25´E 37°10´N, 380m, 02.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Kaman village, 36°39´E 37°10´N, 820m, 02.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Yaylalı village, 36°37´E 37°17´N, 382m, 22.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kesmeburun village, 36°10´E 37°09´N, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 129 70m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çakıcılar village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Aslantaş dam, 36°13´E 37°15´N, 127m, 24.05.2007; 11♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Toprakkale castle, 36°08´E 37°03´N, 70m, 25.03.2008; 3♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, 36°13´E 37°15´N, 127m, 27.03.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Hemite village, Hemite castle, 36°05´E 37°11´N, 65m, 27.03.2008; 10♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çakıcılar village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 27.03.2008; 13♂♂17♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 27.03.2008; 3♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 23.04.2008; 4♂♂9♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Sağlamerler village, 36°14´E 37°17´N, 156m, 23.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çürükler village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 24.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 24.04.2008; 3♂♂7♀♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Nohut village, 36°32´E 37°11´N, 543m, 24.04.2008; 8♂♂11♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 13.05.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 18.06.2008; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Kadirli, Karatepe Milli Parkı, 36°13'E 37°15'N, 297m, 30.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11'E 37°10'N, 100m, 30.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11'E 37°10'N, 100m, 20.05.2009. Records in Turkey: Hatay Kilis, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (Demir et al., 2009). World Distribution: Israel, Turkey (Levy, 1976; Demir et al., 2009). Xysticus gallicus Simon, 1875 Material еxamined: 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°49´E 37°22´N, 1036m, 28.06.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°49´E 37°22´N, 1047m, 10.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, Kandil pass, 36°46´E 37°18´N, 1255m, 10.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Kandil pass, 36°46´E 37°18´N, 1267m,10.06.2008. Records in Turkey: Kayseri (Demir, 2008), Adana (present study). World Distribution: Palearctic (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus gymnocephalus Strand, 1915 Material еxamined: 2♂♂ (NUAM), Adana province, Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 1584m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°08´N, 1417m, 19.10.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 12.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Kaan pass, 36°21´E 38°16´N, 1568m, 12.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 18.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 18.10.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53'E 37°42'N, 870m, 19.10.2008; 2♂♂ 3♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 19.10.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Gedikli village, 35°52D 37°30'N, 399m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´E 37°30´N, 840m, 14.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 1, 36°26´E 37°38´N, 1281m, 21.10.2008; 1♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28´E 37°40´N, 1281m, 21.10.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 21.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 3, 36°23´E 37°25´N, 722m, 21.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Göksun, Bozhüyük village, 36°30´E 38°08´N, 1556m, 22.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 22.10.2008; 2♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°15´E 37°30´N, 815m, 14.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Yarbaşı village, 37°13´E 37°28´N, 842m, 14.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Boylu village, 37°14´E 37°42´N, 1592m, 14.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 14.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 1, 37°18´E 37°48´N, 1670 m, 14.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 2, 37°25´E 37°55´N, 1361m, 14.10.2008; 130 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 1♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°16´N, 485m, 14.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, İmalı village, 36°43´E 37°20´N, 1104m, 14.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 14.10.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°46´E 37°17´N, 543m, 14.10.2008. Records in Turkey: Ankara (Demir, 2008), Adana, Kahramanmaraş (present study). World Distribution: Turkey, Lebanon, Israel (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus kaznakovi Utochkin, 1968 Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), Adana province, Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 23.04.2008; 6♂♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 485m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°56´E 37°49´N, 860m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Kaan pass, 36°21´E 38°16´N, 1568m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Kayırcık village, 36°17´E 38°09´N, 1325m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Feke, Oruçlu village, 35°42´E 37°55´N, 1545m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Çakırlar village, 36°17´E 38°19´N, 1556m, 12.05.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 12.05.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Feke, Çürükler village, 35°57´E 37°52´N, 1522m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 04.05.2007; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), İçel province, Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Çamlıyayla, Kadıncık dam, 37°08´N 34°42´E, 862m, 28.04.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Taşobası village, 34°55´E 37°05´N, 256m, 28.04.2009; 2♂♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Çamalan, 34°48´N 37°11´E, 778m, 28.04.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Bozhüyük village, 36°30´E 38°08´N, 1556m, 20.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1544m, 20.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Boylu village, 37°14´E 37°42´N, 1592m, 21.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 21.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, İmalı village, 36°43´E 37°20´N, 1104m, 22.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 22.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), AndırınTorun 3, 36°23´E 37°25´N, 722m, 25.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 25.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°15´E 37°30´N, 815m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Yarbaşı village, 37°13´E 37°28´N, 842m, 14.05.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 15.05.2008; 5♂♂ (GUZM), Andırın, Sarımollalı village, 36°35'E 37°35'N, 1184m, 21.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Geben, Değirmendere village, 36°26'E 37°53'N, 1518m, 21.05.2009; 6♂♂ (GUZM), Andırın, Yenidemir village, 36°41'E 37°38'N, 515m, 21.05.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Bahçe, Yaylalık village, 36°36´E 37°15´N, 1019m, 22.05.2007; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Kaman village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 1118m, 22.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz 1, 36°26´E 37°02´N, 1132m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz 2, 36°21´E 37°03´N, 1337m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Yarpuz 3, 36°21´E 37°05´N, 727m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun 1, 36°17´E 37°01´N, 765m, 23.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Zorkun 2, 36°18´E 37°00´N, 1028m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 717m, 24.04.2008; 3♂♂ (GUZM), Hemite castle, 36°05´E 37°11´N, 78m, 30.04.2009. Records in Turkey: Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (Demir et al., 2009), Adana, Hatay, İçel (present study). World Distribution: Central Asia, Turkey (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus kochi Thorell, 1872 Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Pozantı 2, 34°53´E 37°26´N, 841m, 19.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 1, 34°55´E 37°21´N, 798m, 19.06.2007; 1♂, (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 2, 34°58´E 37°19´N, 571m, 19.06.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 131 Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 1036m, 19.06.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, Saygeçit village, 35°37´E 37°15´N, 96m, 23.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°07´N, 1367m, 12.05.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Yardibi village, 36°07´E 37°51´N, 738m, 12.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Beypınarı village, 36°14´E 38°06´N, 1521m, 12.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Hacılı village, 35°09´E 37°17´N, 191m, 19.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Çatalan dam, 35°17´E 37°14´N, 133m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Köprücek village, 35°30´E 37°38´N, 1248m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Büyüksofulu village, 35°09´E 37°33´N, 937m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Gerdibi village, 35°09´E 37°30´N, 1248m, 19.06.2008; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Kelerbaşı (Çarkıpare) village, 35°24'E 37°28'N, 700m, 29.04.2009; 2♂♂ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 19.05.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53'E 37°42'N, 870m, 19.05.2009; 2♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°46´E 37°00´N, 32m, 30.06.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (GUZM), Gaziantep province, Nurdağı, Başpınar village, 36°43'N 37°11'E, 638m, 20.05.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 24.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 3, 36°23´E 36°50´N, 1260m, 24.04.2008; 4♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Hassa-Akbez, 36°31´E 36°51´N, 605m, 03.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Dermek village, 36°25´E 36°40´N, 496m, 03.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Belen, Kıcı village, 36°16´E 36°28´N, 628 m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya 2, 36°11´E 36°21´N, 206m, 14.05.2008; 6♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Erzin, Akoluk plateau, 36°27´E 37°02´N, 1092m, 24.04.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Erzin, Körhan village (İçmeler), 36°57'N 36°14'E, 267m, 01.07.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Erzin, Isos harabeleri, 36°07´E 36°58´N, 47m, 01.07.2009; İçel province, Silifke, Kayhan village, 33°58´E 36°34´N, 982m, 21.04.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 21.04.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Kavaközü village, 33°23´E 36°53´N, 1560m, 18.04.2008; 1♀, (NUAM), Mut, Çömelek village, 33°44´E 36°43´N, 1300m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Tekeli village, 33°10´E 36°11´N, 617m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Bozağaç village, 33°23´E 36°17´N, 754m, 22.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değirmendere village, 34°31´E 37°02´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız göleti, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 1, 33°19´E 36°48´N, 1255m, 19.04.2008; 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 3, 33°16´E 36°54´N, 1550m, 19.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 3, 34°05´E 36°42´N, 1298m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 793m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´N, 652m, 21.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Güngören village, 32°38´E 36°12´N, 780m, 17.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Anamur, Çamlıpınar village, 32°41´E 36°11´N, 989m, 17.04.2008; 2♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Bozdoğan village, 32°54´E 36°06´N, 404m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Zeyne village, 33°31´E 36°26´N, 352m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Göksu village, 33°10´E 36°45´N, 596m, 22.04.2008; 4♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Köseçobanlı village, 33°08´E 36°26´N, 1302m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, 33°26´E 36°38´N 436m, 29.04.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059m, 02.07.2009; 3♂♂1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 02.07.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, 132 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°08´N, 711m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Taşobası village, 34°55´E 37°05´N, 256m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Çamalan, 34°48´N 37°11´E, 778m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 22.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°46´E 37°17´N, 543m, 22.05.2007; 5♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°16´N, 513m, 22.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Göksun, Püren pass, 36°30´E 37°56´N, 1581m, 25.06.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 26.06.2007; 2♂♂1♀ (NUAM), AndırınTorun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 26.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1544m, 25.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 25.06.2007; 2♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°15´E 37°30´N, 815m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Yarbaşı village, 37°13´E 37°28´N, 842m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 2, 37°19´E 37°53´N, 1383m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 14.08.2009; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Yarpuz 1, 36°26´E 37°02´N, 1132m, 23.05.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz 2, 36°21´E 37°03´N, 1337m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz 3, 36°21´E 37°05´N, 727m, 23.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun, Armutdüzü plateau, 36°16´E 37°01´N, 805m, 18.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Karınca plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 18.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Zorkun plateau, 36°17'E 37°01'N, 703m, 20.05.2009. Records in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Bolu, Bursa, Çankırı, Denizli, Isparta, İçel, İstanbul, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sakarya, Sinop, Van, Yozgat, Zonguldak (Demir, 2008), Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Europe, Mediterranean to Central Asia (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus laetus Thorell, 1875 Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), Adana province, Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°44´E 37°00´N, 110m, 24.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55´E 37°40´N, 660m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Çatalan dam, 35°17´E 37°14´N, 133m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Hacılı village, 35°09´E 37°17´N, 191m, 23.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Çatalan dam, 35°17´E 37°14´N, 133m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, 35°43´E 37°17´N, 56m, 23.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, Saygeçit village, 35°37´E 37°15´N, 96m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Silifke, , Evkaf Çiftliği, 33°38´E 36°28´N, 441m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059 m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Doğançay village, 34°26´E 36°51´N, 742m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çevlik village, 34°28´E 36°45´N, 128m, 20.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°08´N, 711m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Çiftepınar village, 34°21´E 36°42´N, 183m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 793m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Türkoğlu, Kızıleniş village, 36°46´E 37°20´N, 655m, 22.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 22.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Bahçe, Nohut village, 36°31´E 37°11´N, 700m, 22.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Kaman village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 1118m, 02.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, 36°14´E 37°15´N, 235m, 24.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Sofular village, 36°13´E 37°21´N, 291m, 24.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 717m, 02.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Yaylalık village, 36°36´E 37°15´N, 698m, 22.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çakıcılar village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 27.03.2008; 1♂7♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 27.03.2008. Records in Turkey: Antalya, Bolu, Bursa, Çankırı, İçel, Kırıkkale, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Yozgat (Demir, 2008), Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Italy to Central Asia (Platnick, 2014). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 133 Xysticus lanio C.L.Koch, 1835 Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Yahyalı plateau, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 988m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 3, 36°23´E 36°50´N, 1260m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Zorkun, Karıncalı plateau, 36°20´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun 1, 36°17´E 37°01´N, 765m, 23.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 23.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), ZorkunErzin, 36°18´E 36°58´N, 1264m, 18.06.2008. Records in Turkey: Hatay, İçel, İstanbul, Niğde (Demir, 2008), Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Palearctic (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus luctuosus (Blackwall, 1836) Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), İçel province, Anamur, Çarıklar village, 32°52´E 36°06´N, 58m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Anamur, Evciler village, 32°55´E 36°11´N, 556m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Anamur, Bozdoğan village, 32°54´E 36°06´N, 404m, 22.04.2008. Records in Turkey: Gaziantep, Konya, Van (Demir, 2008), İçel (present study). World Distribution: Holarctic (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus ninnii Thorell, 1872 Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Pozantı 2, 34°53´E 37°26´N, 841m, 19.06.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belememdik 1, 34°55´E 37°21´N, 798m, 19.06.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 1036m, 19.06.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Meydan plateau 1, 35°23'E 37°31'N, 925m, 19.06.2007; 2♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 06.07.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°20´E 38°15´N, 1584m, 06.07.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 06.07.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Çakırlar village, 36°17´E 38°19´N, 1556m, 06.07.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°05´E 37°59´N, 1005m, 06.07.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 06.07.2008; 3♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), Pozantı, Bürücek plateau, 34°49´E 37°20´N, 1202m, 02.07.2009; 3♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), İçel province, Çamlıyayla, Kadıncık dam, 34°42´E 37°08´N,862 m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 02.07.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 02.07.2009; 2♂♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Kurtçukuru village, 34°45´N 37°09´E, 526m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°08´N, 711m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Çamalan, 34°48´N 37°11´E, 778m, 02.07.2009; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 26.06.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Göksun, Bozhüyük village, 36°30´E 38°08´N, 1556m, 25.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 25.06.2007; 2♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Püren pass, 36°30´E 37°56´N, 1581m, 25.06.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 17.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 3, 36°30'E 37°42'N, 1267m, 17.06.2008; 7♀♀ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Zorkun, Karınca plateau, 36°19´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 18.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°59´N, 1186m, 18.06.2008; 1♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun 1, 36°17´E 37°01´N, 765m, 18.06.2008. Records in Turkey: Adana, Çankırı, İçel, Kayseri, Konya, Sivas, Van (Demir, 2008), Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Eastern Europe to Mongolia (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus pseudoluctuosus Marusik & Logunov, 1995 Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 21.04.2007. Records in Turkey: İçel (Demir et al., 2010b). World Distribution: Turkey, Tajikistan (Marusik & Logunov, 1995, Demir et al., 2010b). 134 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Xysticus pseudorectilineus (Wunderlich, 1995) Material еxamined: 1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 19.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 1, 34°55´E 37°21´N, 798m, 19.06.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 2, 34°58´E 37°19´N, 571m, 19.06.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°44´E 37°00´N, 110m, 24.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 880m, 28.03.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Bürücek plateau, 34°49´E 37°20´N, 1202m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Kandil pass, 36°46´E 37°18´N, 1255m, 20.04.2008; 5♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı 1, 34°50´E 37°29´N, 889m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, 35°43´E 37°17´N, 56m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, Saygeçit village, 35°37´E 37°15´N, 96m, 23.04.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°56´E 37°49´N, 860m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Yardibi village, 36°07´E 37°51´N, 738m, 12.06.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Hacılı village, 35°09´E 37°17´N, 191m, 19.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Boztahta village, 35°12´E 37°23´N, 367m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 19.06.2008; 4♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Kazancı village 35°56´E 37°49´N, 863m, 19.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°08´N, 1367m, 19.10.2008; 5♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Kazancı village, 35°56'E 37°49'N, 863m, 30.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Kozan dam, 35°50'E 37°31'N, 292m, 30.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Meydan Plateau 1, 35°22'E 37°30'N, 1200m, 29.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Kelerbaşı (Çarkıpare) village, 35°24'E 37°28'N 700m, 29.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19'E 38°15'N, 1442m, 19.05.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ 1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Gedikli village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 30.06.2009; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Gaziantep province, Nurdağı, Karaburç village, 36°42´E 37°08´N, 517m, 26.03.2008; 8♀♀ (NUAM), Hatay province, Kırıkhan, Hassa, Aktepe village, 36°29´E 36°42´N, 308m, 03.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Erzin, Isos harabeleri, 36°07´E 36°58´N, 47m, 04.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Yeşiltepe village, 36°02´E 35°59´N, 741m, 27.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Hisarcık village, 36°06´E 35°57´N, 910m, 27.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Fidanlı village, 36°01´E 36°09´N, 146m, 27.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Yeşilköy, 36°01´E 36°07´N, 68m, 27.06.2007; 8♀♀ (NUAM), İskenderun, Çamlık Evler, 36°08´E 36°32´N, 204m, 25.03.2008; 6♀♀ (NUAM), Samandağ, Yeşil village, 36°02´E 36°07´N, 107m, 25.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya, 36°14´E 36°28´N, 739m, 25.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Altınözü, 36°15´E 36°06´N, 474m, 26.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Hassa, Aktepe village, 36°29´E 36°42´N, 308m, 26.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Belen, Kıcı village, 36°16´E 36°28´N, 628m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 21.04.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çamalan, Kaburgediği village 34°48´E 37°10´N, 622m, 19.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Evkaf Çiftliği, 33°38´E 36°28´N, 441m, 21.04.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kayhan village, 33°58´E 36°34´N, 982m, 21.04.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çataloluk village, 32°46´E 36°08´N, 592m, 17.04.2008; 1♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Güngören village, 32°38´E 36°12´N, 780m, 17.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Dağpazarı village, 33°25´E 36°48´N, 1442m, 18.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Demirkapı village, 33°28´E 36°54´N, 1450m, 18.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Çömelek village, 33°44´E 36°43´N, 1300m, 18.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Alahan, 33°21´E 36°46´N, 911m, 19.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 1, 33°19´E 36°48´N, 1255m, 19.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 2, 33°17´E 36°51´N, 1498m, 19.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 3, 33°16´E 36°54´N, 1550m, 19.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Kandil pass, 34°44´E 37°17´N, 1340m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Akçatekir, Karboğazı, 34°45´E 37°18´N, 1255m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karayakup village, 34°24´E 36°44´N, 190m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız göleti, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Namrun castle, 34°37´E 37°11´N, 1286m, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 135 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Sebil village, 34°32´E 37°07´N, 1110m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀, (NUAM), Çamlıyayla 1, 34°38´E 37°11´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değirmendere village, 34°31´E 37°02´N, 1286 m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Doğançay village, 34°26´E 36°51´N, 742m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çevlik village, 34°28´E 36°45´N, 128m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Akova, 33°10´E 36°24´N, 1352m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059m, 28.04.2008; 6♀♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 28.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 28.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli 3, 34°05´E 36°42´N, 1298m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Limonlu, 34°14´E 36°34´N, 11m, 21.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tece, 34°25´E 36°44´N, 110m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Çiftepınar village, 34°21´E 36°42´N, 183m, 21.04.2008; 1♀, (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 793m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´N, 652m, 21.04.2008; 1♀, (NUAM), Silifke, Silifke castle, 33°55´E 36°22´N, 133m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Evciler village, 32°55´E 36°11´N, 556m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Bozdoğan village, 32°54´E 36°06´N, 404m, 22.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Köseçobanlı village, 33°08´E 36°26´N, 1302m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Karaisalı village, 33°00´E 36°08´N, 202m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Tekeli village, 33°10´E 36°11´N, 617m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aydıncık, Yeniyörük village, 33°23´E 36°14´N, 713m, 15.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Aydıncık, Hacıbahattin village, 33°21´E 36°10´N, 121m, 15.04.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Karboğazı, 34°46´E 37°18´N, 1261m, 28.04.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Mut, 33°26´E 36°38´N 436m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Bozdoğan village, 33°13´E 36°41´N, 676m, 29.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Mut, Kurtsuyu village, 33°32´E 36°30´N, 105m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Gülnar, Kayrak village, 33°33'E 36°20'N, 1050m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Boğazkonak village, 36°25´E 38°12´N, 1604m, 20.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Tekir, Çevreyol village, 36°37´E 37°50´N, 1590m, 20.05.2007; 6♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Püren geçiti, 36°30´E 37°56´N, 1581m, 20.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Ağabeyli, 37°23´E 37°29´N, 917m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Torun-Andırın, 36°21´E 37°29´N, 611m, 24.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Karacuasu village, 36°01´E 37°29´N, 637m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Boylu village, 37°14´E 37°42´N, 1592m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°23´E 37°29´N, 917m, 21.05.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Kartalkaya dam, 37°37´E 37°28´N, 1590m, 21.05.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 1, 37°18´E 37°48´N, 1670m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 25.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1356m, 25.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 1, 37°22´E 37°58´N, 1525m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 2, 37°19´E 37°53´N, 1383m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°47´E 37°19´N, 485m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°14´N, 485m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın, Sarımollalı village, 36°35´E 37°35´N, 1184m, 15.05.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°14´N, 485m, 20.10.2008; 2♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 21.10.2008; 2♂♂5♀♀ (NUAM), TorunAndırın, 36°21´E 37°29´N, 611m, 21.10.2008; 3♂♂ 2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın, Dermek village, 36°38'E 37°37'K, 515m, 21.10.2008; 5♂♂6♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 21.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´E 37°30´N, 840m, 14.10.2008; 5♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben, 36°24´E 37°37´N, 1281m, 03.12.2008; 5♀♀ (GUZM), Geben, Değirmendere village, 36°26'E 37°53'N, 1518m, 21.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Andırın, Yenicekale village, 36°37'E 37°35'N, 988m, 21.05.2009; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kilis province, Sabuncu village, 36°53´E 36°50´N, 521m, 02.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Elbeyli, Yavuzlu village, 37°19´E 36°41´N, 537m, 03.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Musabeyli, Karbeyaz 136 _____________Mun. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ village, 36°58´E 36°50´N, 500m, 03.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Boğaz plateau, 36°20´E 37°05´N, 587m, 01.05.2007; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Kaman village, 36°39´E 37°10´N, 820m, 02.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Toprakkale castle, 36°08´E, 37°03´N, 70m, 25.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 375m, 26.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çakıcılar village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 27.03.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 27.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, 36°13´E 37°15´N, 127m, 27.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 27.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Hemite village, Hemite castle, 36°05´E 37°11´N, 65m, 27.03.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 24.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 13.05.2008; 5♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 20.10.2008; 7♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 20.10.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Kadirli, Karatepe Milli Parkı, Çakıcılar village, 36°13'E 37°15'N, 297m, 30.04.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11'E 37°10'N, 100m, 30.04.2009; 5♀♀ (GUZM), Yarpuz , 36°20E 37°05'N, 600m, 30.04.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Yarpuz, 36°20'E 37°05'N, 600m, 20.05.2009. Records in Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Gaziantep, İçel, Kayseri, Nevşehir, Niğde, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa (Demir et al., 2008), Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis (present study). World Distribution: Greece, Turkey (Wunderlich, 1995; Demir et al., 2008; Platnick, 2014). Xysticus striatipes L. Koch, 1870 Material еxamined: 2♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Adana province, Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13´E 38°12´N, 1352m, 12.09.2008; 3♀♀, (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 12.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 18.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 18.10.2008; 10♀♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 12.10.2008; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53'E 37°42'N, 870m, 12.09.2008; 2♂♂ 3♀♀, (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.10.2008; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 12.09.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°11´E 38°08´N, 1367m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Çakırlar village, 36°17´E 38°19´N, 1556m, 19.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m, 19.10.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 21.10.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 3, 36°30'E 37°42'N, 1267m, 21.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 21.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 3, 36°23´E 37°25´N, 722m, 21.10.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Bozhüyük village, 36°30´E 38°08´N, 1556m, 22.10.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Mehmetbey village, 36°27´E 38°05´N, 1544m, 22.10.2008. Records in Turkey: Ankara, Bursa, İçel (Demir, 2008), Adana, Kahramanmaraş (present study). World Distribution: Palearctic (Platnick, 2014). Xysticus thessalicus Simon, 1916 Material еxamined: 2♂♂ (NUAM), Adana province, Yumurtalık, Narlıören village, 35°49´E 36°52´N, 63m, 04.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Yumurtalık, Hamzalı village, 35°51´E 36°52´N, 58m, 04.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 2, 34°58´E 37°19´N, 571m, 19.06.2007; 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°49´E 37°22´N, 974m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karataş, Doğankent, 35°20´E 36°54´N, 14m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karataş, 35°23´E 36°35´N, 30m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karataş, Havutlu village, 35°13´E 36°44´N, 6m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Seyhan 1, 35°07´E 37°02´N, 132m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Seyhan 2, 35°10´E 37°02´N, 96m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Yumurtalık, Yeşilköy village, 35°29´E 36°45´N, 7m, 23.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, 35°43´E 37°17´N, 56m, 23.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Kozan, Marankeçili village, 35°38´E 37°40´N, 1100m, _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 137 23.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), İmamoğlu, Saygeçit village, 35°37´E 37°15´N, 96m, 23.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 485m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Güzelim village, 36°06´E 38°07´N, 1367m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Obruk şelalesi, 36°16´E 36°50´N, 520m, 12.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Halilbeyli village, 36°12´E 37°47´N, 1482m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Hacılı village, 35°09´E 37°17´N, 191m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Boztahta village, 35°12´E 37°23´N, 36 7m, 19.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Pozantı, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 902m, 28.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Kelerbaşı (Çarkıpare) village, 35°24'E 37°28'N, 700m, 29.04.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (GUZM), Aladağ, Eğner village, 35°26'E 37°25'N, 242m, 29.04.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Saimbeyli, Obrukbaşı village, 36°07´E 38°03´N, 1460m, 19.05.2009; 1♀, (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53´E 37°42´N, 870m, 19.05.2009; 1♂2♀♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 1442m, 19.05.2009; 2♀♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°21´E 38°16´N, 1560m, 19.05.2009; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Feke, Köleli village, 35°48´E 37°52´N, 1269m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°46´E 37°00´N, 32m, 30.06.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Ceyhan, İncetarla village, 35°51´E 37°05´N, 28m, 30.06.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Gedikli village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 30.06.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19´E 38°15´N, 1442m, 30.06.2009; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Gaziantep province, İslahiye, Fevzipaşa, Zincirli village, 36°39´E 37°06´N, 531m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Hatay province, Kırıkhan, Hassa, Aktepe village, 36°29´E 36°42´N, 308m, 03.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kırıkhan, Dermek village, 36°25´E 36°40´N, 496m, 03.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kumlu, Akkerpiç village, 36°24´E 36°25´N, 82m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Reyhanlı, Paşahöyük village, 36°29´E 36°21´N, 434m, 25.03.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Altınözü, Akdarı village, 36°14´E 36°04´N, 412m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Altınözü, Büyükburç village, 36°17´E 36°09´N, 216m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Yeşiltepe village, 36°02´E 35°59´N, 741m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Güzelyurt village, 36°03´E 35°55´N, 507m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Fidanlı village, 36°01´E 36°09´N, 146m, 25.03.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Yeşilköy, 36°01´E 36°07´N, 68m, 25.03.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Belen, Kıcı village, 36°16´E 36°28´N, 628m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya 2, 36°11´E 36°21´N, 206m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 24.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 24.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), İçel province, Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 21.04.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Silifke, Kayhan village, 33°58´E 36°34´N, 982m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Evkaf Çiftliği, 33°38´E 36°28´N, 441m, 21.04.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çataloluk village, 32°46´E 36°08´N, 592m, 17.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Anamur, Çamlıpınar village, 32°41´E 36°11´N, 989m, 17.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Demirkapı village, 33°28´E 36°54´N, 1450m, 18.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Kavaközü village, 33°23´E 36°53´N, 1560m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Çömelek village, 33°44´E 36°43´N, 1300m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 1, 33°19´E 36°48´N, 1255m, 19.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 3, 33°16´E 36°54´N, 1550m, 19.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Zirve village, 34°48´E 37°09´N, 634m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Fındıkpınarı village, 34°23´E 36°54´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çevlik village, 34°28´E 36°45´N, 128m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Tarsus, Gülek district, 34°48´E 37°12´N, 815m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 1, 34°45´E 37°15´N, 1059m, 20.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Taşobası village, 34°55´E 37°05´N, 256m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Namrun castle, 34°37´E 37°11´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Sebil village, 138 _____________Mun. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 34°32´E 37°07´N, 1110m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla 1, 34°38´E 37°11´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karayakup village, 34°24´E 36°44´N, 190m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM) Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız göleti, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, İlemin village, 34°20´E 36°43´N, 485m, 21.04.2008; 3♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Çiftepınar village, 34°20´E 36°43´N, 325m, 21.04.2008; 3♂♂ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük, Yeşildere 34°18´E 36°41´N, 288m, 21.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Tece, 34°26´E 36°43´N, 60m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 21.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Silifke castle, 33°55´E 36°22´N, 133m, 21.04.2008; 2♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çarıklar village, 32°52´E 36°06´N, 58m, 22.04.2008; 3♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Karlı plateau, 32°54´E 36°13´N, 1345m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Kayabaşı village, 33°50´E 36°22´N, 307m, 21.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Balandız district, 33°46´E 36°22´N, 712m, 21.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Gülnar, Olukbaşı, 33°01´E 36°30´N, 1450m, 22.04.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Ovacık, 33°23´E 36°08´N, 206m, 22.04.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Çukurkonak village, 33°18´E 36°21´N, 1137m, 22.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Karaisalı village, 33°00´E 36°08´N, 202m, 22.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Tekeli village, 33°10´E 36°11´N, 617m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Aydıncık, Hacıbahattin village, 33°21´E 36°10´N, 121m, 15.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Bozağaç village, 33°23´E 36°17´N, 754m, 22.04.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Gülnar, Zeyne village, 36°26´N 33°31´E, 415m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Balandız village, 33°46´E 36°22´N 740m, 29.04.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, 33°26´E 36°38´N 436m, 29.04.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Boğazkonak village, 36°25´E 38°12´N, 1604m, 20.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1356m, 20.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 2, 37°25´E 37°55´N, 1361m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Kaledibi village, 36°38´E 37°17´N, 1098m, 22.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°46´E 37°17´N, 543m, 22.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 1, 37°22´E 37°58´N, 1525m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 2, 37°19´E 37°53´N, 1383m, 14.05.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 3, 36°23´E 37°25´N, 722m, 15.05.2008; 4♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´D 37°30´N, 840m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Yarbaşı village, 37°13´E 37°28´N, 842m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 21.05.2009; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kilis province, Musabeyli, Karbeyaz village, 36°55´E 36°52´N, 525m, 03.05.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Musabeyli, Sabuncu village, 36°53´E 36°49´N, 506m, 03.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Yarpuz 3, 36°21´E 37°05´N, 727m, 23.05.2007; 1♂5♀♀ (NUAM), Düziçi, Yarbaşı village, 36°26´E 37°12´N, 489m, 22.05.2007; 6♀♀ (NUAM), Düziçi, Çitli village, 36°28´E 37°19´N, 807m, 22.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, 36°14´E 37°15´N, 235m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Çukurköprü village, 35°55´E 37°21´N, 38m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Elbistanlı village, 36°08´E 37°27´N, 180m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Sumbaş, Höyük village, 36°01´E 37°29´N, 156m, 24.05.2007; 6♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Kadirli, Sumbaş, Alibeyli village, 36°03´E 37°26´N, 142m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Toprakkale 1, 36°07´E 37°03´N, 53 m, 01.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Zorkun, Olukbaşı plateau, 36°19´E 36°59´N, 1186m, 23.05.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°09´N, 64m, 18.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Kesmeburun village, 36°10´E 37°09´N, 75m, 18.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 717m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Nohut village, 36°31´E 37°11´N, 700m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Hasanbeyli, Çolaklı village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 684m, 17.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun, Karıncalı plateau, 36°20´E 36°58´N, 1520m, 18.06.2008. Records in Turkey: Ankara, İçel, Konya, Manisa, Yozgat (Demir, 2008), Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Israel (Platnick, 2014). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 139 Xysticus tristrami (O.P.-Cambridge, 1872) Material еxamined: 1♂ (NUAM), Adana province, Pozantı, Akçatekir, 34°50´E 37°22´N, 1036m, 19.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Pozantı 2, 34°53´E 37°26´N, 841m, 19.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Kelerbaşı (Çarkıpare) village, 35°24'E 37°28'N, 700m, 19.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Eğner village, 35°26'E 37°25'N, 242m, 19.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Aladağ, Meydan plateau 1, 35°23'E 37°31'N, 925m, 19.06.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Tufanbeyli, İğdebel village, 36°22´E 38°16´N, 1621m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, 36°06´E 37°58´N, 1492m 12.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Oruçlu village, 35°42´E 37°55´N, 1545m, 12.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Feke, Musalar village, 35°40´E 37°48´N, 886m, 12.05.2008; 7♀♀ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik village, 34°54´E 37°20´N, 706m, 19.06.2008; 3♂♂3♀♀ (GUZM), Pozantı, Bürücek plateau, 34°49´E 37°20´N, 1202m, 10.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Boztahta village, 35°12´E 37°23´N, 367m, 19.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Karaisalı, Cingöz village, 35°17´E 37°22´N, 617m, 19.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Pozantı, Belemedik 2, 34°58´E 37°19´N, 571m, 19.06.2008; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Ayvacık village, 36°09´E 37°48´N, 1334m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Saimbeyli, Yardibi village, 36°07´E 37°51´N, 738m, 12.06.2008; 1♀ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Bozgüney village, 36°19'E 38°15'N, 1442m, 19.05.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tufanbeyli, Pınarlar village, 36°13'E 38°12'N, 1352m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Ceyhan, Yılan kale, 35°46´E 37°00´N, 32m, 30.06.2009; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Çulluuşağı village, 35°55'E 37°40'N, 716m, 19.05.2009; 1♂1♀ (GUZM), Kozan, Karahamzalı village, 35°52E 37°30'N, 399m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Feke, Akkaya village, 35°53'E 37°42'N, 870m, 19.05.2009; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Feke, Çürükler village, 35°57´E 37°52´N, 1522m, 19.05.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), İmamoğlu, Saygeçit village, 35°37´E 37°15´N, 96m, 30.06.2009; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Gaziantep province, Nurdağı, Karaburç village, 36°42´E 37°08´N, 517m, 02.05.2007; 3♀♀ (GUZM), Nurdağı, Başpınar village, 36°43'N 37°11'E, 638m, 02.05.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Hatay province, Dörtyol, Karakese 1, 36°17´E 36°49´N, 875m, 04.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Dörtyol, Karakese 2, 36°17´E 36°48´N, 735m, 04.05.2007; 4♂♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Belen, Kıcı village, 36°16´E 36°29´N, 541m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Yeşiltepe village, 36°02´E 35°59´N, 741m, 15.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Yayladağı, Güzelyurt village, 36°03´E 35°55´N, 507m, 15.05.2008; 1♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Fidanlı village, 36°01´E 36°09´N, 146m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Samandağı, Yeşilköy, 36°01´E 36°07´N, 68m, 15.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Belen-Antakya 1, 36°11´E 36°16´N, 101m, 14.05.2008; 1♀, (NUAM), Belen-Antakya 2, 36°11´E 36°21´N, 206m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), İçel province, Silifke, Kayhan village, 33°58´E 36°34´N, 982m, 21.04.2007; 1♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Kocaoluk village, 33°54´E 36°40´N, 1402m, 21.04.2007; 1♂1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Güngören village, 32°38´E 36°12´N, 780m, 17.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Çamlıpınar village, 32°41´E 36°11´N, 98 9m, 17.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Çamalan, Kaburgediği village, 34°48´E 37°10´N, 622 m, 16.07.2007; 1♂2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Dağpazarı village, 33°25´E 36°48´N, 144 2m, 18.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Demirkapı village, 33°28´E 36°54´N, 1450m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Çivi village, 33°32´E 36°49´N, 1390m, 18.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Mut, Alahan, 33°21´E 36°46´N, 911m, 19.04.2008; 1♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 1, 33°19´E 36°48´N, 1255m, 19.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Mut, Sertavul 3, 33°16´E 36°54´N, 1550m, 19.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karayakup village, 34°24´E 36°44´N, 190m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Hacıalanı village, 34°11´E 36°49´N, 1600m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Karakız göleti, 34°13´E 36°51´N, 1605m, 21.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Namrun castle, 34°37´E 37°11´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Değirmendere village, 34°31´E 37°02´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Değnek village, 34°23´E 37°02´N, 1215m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Arslanköy, 34°16´E 36°59´N, 1390m, 20.04.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çevlik village, 34°28´E 36°45´N, 128m, 20.04.2008; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla, Sebil village, 34°32´E 37°07´N, 1110m, 20.04.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Çamlıyayla 1, 34°38´E 37°11´N, 1286m, 20.04.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Erdemli 3, 34°05´E 36°42´N, 1298m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli, Tömük 1, 34°20´E 36°47´N, 793m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Evkaf Çiftliği, 33°38´E 36°28´N, 441m, 13.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Silifke, Ortaören village, 33°43´E 36°27´N, 652m, 140 _____________Mun. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Kanlıdivane, 34°05´E 36°32´N, 619m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Erdemli 2, 34°08´E 36°40´N, 886m, 13.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Evciler village, 32°55´E 36°11´N, 556m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Anamur, Bozdoğan village, 32°54´E 36°06´N, 404m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Göksu village, 33°10´E 36°45´N, 596m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Tekeli village, 33°10´E 36°11´N, 617m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Aydıncık, Yeniyörük village, 33°23´E 36°14´N, 713m, 14.05.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Bozyazı, Bozağaç village, 33°23´E 36°17´N, 754m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Gülnar, Köseçobanlı village, 33°08´E 36°26´N, 1302m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Gülnar, Çukurkonak village, 33°19´E 36°23´N, 1082m, 14.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Mut, Kesik köprü, 33°27´E, 36°32´N, 203m, 14.05.2008; 1♂ (GUZM), Mut, Bozdoğan village, 33°13´E 36°41´N, 676m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Mut, Göksu village, 33°26´E 36°33´N, 123m, 29.04.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 2, 34°46´E 37°19´N, 1436m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Gülek 3, 34°45´E 37°13´N, 1028m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (GUZM), Tarsus, Taşobası village, 34°55´E 37°05´N, 256m, 02.07.2009; 1♀ (GUZM), Tarsus, Çamalan, 34°48´N 37°11´E, 778 m, 02.07.2009; 1♂ (NUAM), Kahramanmaraş province, Göksun, Boğazkonak village, 36°25´E 38°12´N, 1604m, 20.05.2007; 7♂♂5♀♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Püren geçiti, 36°30´E 37°56´N, 1581m, 20.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, 37°28´E 37°39´N, 1001m, 21.05.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Çağlayancerit, Emiruşağı village, 37°16´E 37°40´N, 1695m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Çağlayan Cerit-Nurhak 1, 37°18´E 37°48´N, 1670m, 21.05.2007; 5♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Armutlu village, 37°23´E 37°29´N, 917m, 21.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Ağabeyli, 37°23´E 37°29´N, 908m, 21.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Pazarcık, 37°37´E 37°30´N, 1590m, 21.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Göksun, Gölpınar village, 36°30´E 37°58´N, 1356m, 25.06.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 2, 36°28'E 37°40'N, 1299m, 25.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 2, 36°22´E 37°31´N, 610m, 26.06.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Andırın-Torun 1, 36°20´E 37°33´N, 894m, 26.06.2007; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Nurhak 1, 37°22´E 37°58´N, 1525m, 14.05.2008; 6♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Şekeroba village, 36°46´E 37°14´N, 485m, 14.05.2008; 3♂♂3♀♀ (NUAM), Pazarcık, Ulubahçe village, 37°21´E 37°30´N, 840m, 14.05.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, İmalı village, 36°43´E 37°20´N, 1104m, 14.05.2008; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Türkoğlu, Beyoğlu village, 36°46´E 37°17´N, 543m, 14.05.2008; 4♂♂1♀ (NUAM), Andırın-Geben 3, 36°30'E 37°42'N, 1267m, 17.06.2008; 1♂ (NUAM), Osmaniye province, Yarpuz 2, 36°21´E 37°03´N, 1337m, 23.05.2007; 3♀♀ (NUAM), Düziçi, Çitli village, 36°28´E 37°19´N, 807m, 22.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Elbistanlı village, 36°08´E 37°27´N, 180m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Kızyusuflu village, 36°12´E 37°20´N, 180m, 24.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Sumbaş, Yeşilyayla village, 36°05´E 37°33´N, 644m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Toprakkale 1, 36°07´E 37°03´N, 53m, 01.05.2007; 2♂♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun 1, 36°17´E 37°01´N, 765m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Zorkun 2, 36°18´E 37°00´N, 1028m, 23.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 2♂♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Çakıcılar village, 36°13´E 37°16´N, 100m, 24.05.2007; 1♂ (NUAM), Kadirli, Karatepe, Aslantaş dam, 36°13´E 37°15´N, 127m, 24.05.2007; 1♀ (NUAM), Yarpuz village, 36°25´E 37°03´N, 903m, 24.04.2008; 2♂♂ 1♀ (NUAM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11´E 37°10´N, 100m, 13.05.2008; 1♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Aşağı Arıcaklı village, 36°36´E 37°11´N, 717m, 17.06.2008; 5♂♂4♀♀ (NUAM), Bahçe, Nohut village, 36°31´E 37°11´N, 700m, 17.06.2008; 2♀♀ (NUAM), Hasanbeyli, Çolaklı village, 36°32´E 37°09´N, 684m, 17.06.2008; 1♂8♀♀ (GUZM), Hierapolis castle, 36°11'E 37°10'N, 100m, 30.04.2009. Records in Turkey: Hatay, Kayseri, Konya, Niğde (Demir, 2008), Adana, Gaziantep, İçel, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye (present study). World Distribution: Saudi Arabia to Central Asia (Platnick, 2014). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am very grateful to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No. 106T133) and Gazi University Scientific Research Project Unit (Project No. 05/2009–13) for financial support of this work. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 141 LITERATURE CITED Demir, H. 2008. An updated checklist of the Thomisidae (Araneae) of Turkey with zoogeographical remarks, Serket, 11 (2): 37-50. Demir, H., Aktaş, M. & Seyyar, O. 2008. The female of Xysticus pseudorectilineus (Wunderlich, 1995) (Araneae: Thomisidae) from Turkey. Zootaxa, 1674: 65-68. Demir, H., Aktaş, M. & Topçu, A. 2008. Xysticus anatolicus n. sp. (Araneae: Thomisidae), a new species from Turkey. Entomological News, 119: 287-290. Demir, H., Aktaş, M. & Topçu, A. 2009. New records of little-known species of Xysticus C. L. Koch, 1835 in Turkey. Zoology in the Middle East, 46: 99-102. Demir, H., Aktaş, M. & Topçu, A. 2010a. Additional notes on crab spider fauna of Turkey (Araneae: Thomisidae and Philodromidae). Serket, 12: 17-22. Demir, H., Aktaş, M. & Topçu, A. 2010b. Notes on two crab spiders (Araneae: Thomisidae) from Turkey. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 62: 253-257. Demir, H. 2012. Xysticus tenuiapicalis sp. nov. (Araneae: Thomisidae) from Turkey. Florida Entomologist, 95(2):359361. Kulczyński, W. 1903. Arachnoidea in Asia Minore et ad Constantinopolim a Dre F. Werner collecta. Sitzungsberichte der mathematiseh-naturwissenschaft lichen Classe der kaiserlichen akademie der Wissenschaften, 112: 627–680. Levy, G. 1976. The spider genus Xysticus (Araneae: Thomisidae) in Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 25: 1-37. Logunov, D. V. 2006. Notes on Xysticus kempeleni Thorell, 1872 and two closely related spider species (Araneae: Thomisidae). Acta Arachnologica, 55: 59-66. Marusik, Y. M. & Logunov, D. V. 1995. The crab spiders of Middle Asia (Aranei, Thomisidae), 2. Beiträge zur Araneologie, 4: 133-175. Nosek, A. 1905. Araneiden, Opilionen und Chernetiden. In Penther, A. und E. Zederbauer, Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftlichen Reise zum Erdschias-Dagh (Kleinasien). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 20: 114–154. Platnick N. I. 2014. The world spider catalog version 15.5. Available from: (25.11.2014). Roewer, C. F. 1959. Die Araneae, Solifuga und Opiliones der Sammlungen des Herrn Dr. K. Lindberg aus Griechenland, Creta, Anatolien, Iran und Indien. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskapsoch vitterhets-Samhalles Handlingar, (6B) 8(4): 147. Simon, E. 1875. Liste d'arachnides de Constantinople et description de deux Opilionides. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 5(5): 96-98. Simon, E. 1879. Liste d'arachnides de Constantinople et description d'une espèce nouvelle Epeira turcica. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, (5) 9(Bull.): 36-37. Simon, E. 1884. Etudes arachnologiques. 15e Mémoire. XXII. Arachnides recuellis par M. l'abbé David à Smyrne, à Beirouth et à Akbès en 1883. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, (6) 4: 181-196. Simon, E. 1914. Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae; 1re partie. Paris, 6: 1-308. Wunderlich, J. 1995. Zur Kenntnis west-paläarktischer Arten der Gattungen Psammitis Menge 1875, Xysticus C. L. Koch 1835 und Ozyptila Simon 1864 (Arachnida: Araneae: Thomisidae). Beiträge zur Araneologie, 4: 749-774. 142 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ TAXONOMIC STUDIES ON SOME HEMIPTERA OF TRIPURA, NORTH EAST, INDIA M. E. Hassan*, B. Biswas and K. Praveen * Zoological Survey of India, Parni VigyanBhavan, 535, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700 053, West Bengal, INDIA. E-mail: [Hassan, M. E., Biswas, B. & Praveen, K. 2016. Taxonomic studies on some Hemiptera of Tripura, North East, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 142-150] ABSTRACT: Present study is based on the backlog collection made by the different tour parties during the period of 1988 to 1992 from the state of Tripura, which revealed 20 species under 19 genera belonging to 9 families. A key to the different levels of taxa has been. Distributions of each species in India and abroad have been included. KEY WORDS: Hemiptera, Tripura, North East. There are about 751,000 known species of insects, which is about threefourths of all species of animals on the planet. While most insects live on land, their diversity also includes many species that are aquatic in habit. Tripura is the third smallest state in the country, is bordered by Bangladesh (East Bengal) to the north, south, and west, and the Indian states of Assam and Mizoram to the east. MATERIALS AND METHODS Hemipteran bugs were collected along with the other insect fauna by the different tour parties manly during the period 1988 to 1992 by sweeping with the help of an insect net and by light trap. About ten to fifteen net sweepings were taken each time and bugs collected were aspirated from net, killed with ethyl acetate swab and transferred to vials (borosil) having 70% ethyl alcohol, labeled and brought to the laboratory and set and pinned by using standard technique. Collected bugs were sorted out, pinned and identified with the help of reference collection and literature present in ZSI, Headquarters. Measurements and photographs were taken with the help of stereoscopic microscope (Leica M 205A). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SYSTEMATIC LIST Suborder AUCHENORRHYNCHA Infraorder CICADOMORPHA Superfamily MEMBRACOIDEA Family CERCOPIDAE Genus Clovia Stål, 1866 Clovia conifera (Walker, 1851) Clovia puncta (Walker, 1851) Genus Poophilus Stål, 1866 Poophilus costalis (Walker, 1851) Family CICADELLIDAE Genus Ledra Fabricius, 1803 Ledra mutica Fabricius, 1803* Suborder HETEROPTERA Infraorder PENTATOMOMORPHA Superfamily PENTATOMOIDEA Family PENTATOMIDAE _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 143 Subfamily Pentatominae Genus Agonoscelis Spinola, 1837 Agonoscelis nubilis (Fabricius, 1775) Genus Eurydema Lap., 1833 Eurydema pulchra (Westwood, 1837)* Genus Plautia Stål, 1865 Plautia crossota (Dallas, 1851)* Genus Nezara Amy. & Serv., 1843 Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) Family SCUTELLERIDAE Genus Chrysocoris Hahn., 1834 Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff., 1801) Family CYDNIDAE Genus Adrisa Amy. & Serv., 1843 Adrisa magna (Uhler, 1860) Genus Stibaropus Dallas, 1851 Stibaropus callidus (Schiodti, 1849)* Superfamily COREOIDEA Family ALYDIDAE Genus Leptocorisa Latreille, 1829 Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius, 1794)* Genus Riptortus Stål, 1859 Riptortus linearis (Fabricius, 1775) Superfamily PYRRHOCOROIDEA Family LARGIDAE Genus Physopelta Amy. & Serv., 1843 Physopelta slanbuschii (Fabricius, 1787)* Superfamily LYGAEOIDEA Family LYGAEIDAE Subfamily Rhyparochrominae Tribe Rhyparochromini Genus Dieuchus Dohrn, 1860 Dieuchus insignis (Distant,1904)* Tribe Myodochini Genus Horridipamera Malipatil, 1978 Horridipamera nietneri (Dohrn, 1860)* Subfamily Lygaeinae Genus Spilostethus Stål, 1868 Spilostethus hospes (Fabricius, 1794)* Genus Graptostethus Stål, 1868 Graptostethus trisignatus Distant, 1879 Subfamily Geocorinae Genus Geocoris Fallen, 1814 Geocoris ochropterus (Fabricius, 1844)* Infraorder GERROMORPHA Family BELOSTOMATIDAE Genus Diplonychus Laporte, 1833 Diplonychus annulatus (Fabricius, 1781) SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Key to the subordes of the Order Hemiptera 1. Rostrum touches sternum in between fore coxae; hemelytra placed slanting and side by side upon abdomen; Lower wings membranous and upper wings uniformly coriaceous………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Auchenorrhyncha 144 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ - Rostrum never touches sternum on repose; hemelytra are always overlapping with its apical portion membranous where as distal portion is coriaceous…………………….Heteroptera Suborder AUCHENORRHYNCHA Infraorder CICADOMORPHA Superfamily MEMBRACOIDEA Key to the families of the Superfamily Membracoidea 1. Hind tibiae short with 1 or 2 strong lateral spines and a crown of short spines at tip; Head normally is not largely covered by pronotum ; Face slants backwards; beak length variable…. ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………Cercopidae - Hind tibiae long bearing 1 or more rows of small spines, occasionally bearing spurs but then with narrow apical pecten; Hind coxae transverse, plate like…………..…..……Cicadellidae Family CERCOPIDAE Key to the genera of family Cercopidae 1. Face more or less flattened, not convexly produced………………………………………………Clovia - Face more or less convexly produced………………………..……………….……………………Poophilus Genus Clovia Stål, 1866 1866. Clovia Stål, 1866, Hemiptera Africana, 4: 75. Key to the species of the Genus Clovia 1. Tegmina with a median large and even larger apical, costal hyaline or subhyaline spot, head subtriangularly rounded between the eyes and its length is almost equal to medial length of pronotum……………………………………………………………………………………………conifera - Tegmina with a small black spot at posterior angle of inner margin, head a little shorter than the medial length of pronotum………………………………………………………………………puncta Clovia conifera (Walker, 1851) 1851. Ptyelus conifer Walker, 1851, List Homopterous Insetcs in BMNH, 3: 711. 2000. Clovia conifer: Ghosh et al., State Fauna Series 7: Fauna of Tripura, 2: 320. 2012. Clovia conifer: Chandra et al., IAPAES: 2 (4): 257-263. Material examined: 1 ex. Simna N. of Agartala, Dist.West Tripura, 10. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 2 exs. Kalamchura, Dist. W. Tripura, 16. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (West Tripura, South Tripura), Assam, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. Clovia puncta (Walker, 1851) 1851. Ptyelus puncta Walker, List. Hom., 3: 718. 2000. Clovia conifer: Ghosh et al., State Fauna Series 7: Fauna of Tripura, 2: 320. Material examined: 1 ex. Shalgara, South Tripura,13. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura, S.Tripura), Bihar, Gujrat, Maharashtra, Sikkim, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Sikkim, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Malay Peninsula, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia. Genus Poophilus Stål, 1866 1866. Poophilus Stål, Hem. Afr., 4: 72. Poophilus costalis (Walker,1851) 1851. Poophilus costalis Walk., List. Hom., 3: 707. 1908. Poophilus costalis Distant, Fauna Brit. India. Rhynchota, 4: 86. 2012. Clovia conifer: Chandra et al., IAPAES: 2 (4): 257-263. Material examined: 5 exs. Kalamchura, W. Tripura, 16. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 145 Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura, S. Tripura), Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Africa, Bangladesh, China, Japan, Malay Peninsula, Philippines Is. and Siam. Family CICADELLIDAE Genus Ledra Fab., 1803 1803. Ledra Fab., Syst. Rhyn.: 24. Ledra mutica (Fabricius,1803)* 1803. Ledra mutica Fab., Syst. Rhyn.: 25. Material Examined: 1 ex. Debipur, Dist. S. Tripura, 20. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (S. Tripura), Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Punjab; Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Myanmar. Suborder HETEROPTERA Key to the Infraorder of the Suborder Heteroptera 1. Abdominal sterna 3-7 generally with 2 or 3 trichobothria placed sublaterally, or submedially on sterna 3 and 4 and sublaterally on sterna 5-7, fore wings divided into corium, clavus and membrane…………………………………………………………….Pentatomomorpha - Head with 3 or 4 pairs of trichobothria placed near inner margin of compound eyes , inserted in distinct pits, fore wings when present not demarcated into corium, clavus and membrane…………………………………………………………………………………………………Gerromorpha Infraorder PENTATOMOMORPHA Key to the superfamilies of the Infraorder Pentatomomorpha 1. Ocelli absent………………………………………………………………………………………..Pyrrhocoroidea - Ocelli present…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….2 2. Antennae usually 5-segmented, scutellum enlarged to cover greater part of the abdomen.. ...........................................................................................................................…Pentatomoidea - Antennae usually 4 segmented, scutellum relatevely small, not extending beyond half of the abdomen…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…3 3. Antennae inserted on the upper side of the head above the line drawn from the eyes to the base of the rostrum; front wing having many veins; hind tibiae in some species expanded giving leaf like appearance……………………………………………………………………………….Coreoidea - Antennae inserted below a line drawn through centre of the eyes; front wing in lygaeids have only four to five veins……………………………………………………………………………..Lygaeoidea Superfamily PENTATOMOIDEA Key to the families of the Superfamily Pentatomoidea 1. Primary and subcostal veins of the wings remote, including a central broad area; humus present………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2 - Primary and subcostal veins of the wings usually conterminal and diverging at apex, somewhat parallel: humus usually absent; scutellum extending to about or beyond middle of the abdomen, rarely shorter, if shorter the apex narrowed and only slightly produced behind the frena, membrane moderate or small………………………………………………..PENTATOMIDAE 2. Scutellum covering the whole of the hemelytra, excepting the extreme base of outer margin………………………………………………………………………………………………SCUTELLERIDAE - Scutellum of moderate size, corium always exposed, basal ventral segment almost completely covered by the metasternum; scutellum variable in size and shape…..CYDNIDAE Family PENTATOMIDAE Subfamily PENTATOMINAE Key to the genera of the Subfamily: Pentatominae 1. Scutellum longer than broad with the apex more or less acuminately narrowed……………..2 - Scutellum as broad as long…………………………………………………………………………………………3 146 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 2. Body remotely pilose…………………………………………………………………………………Agonoscelis - Body glabrous, not pilose, anterior and anterior lateral margins of pronotum elevated……… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…Eurydema 3. Abdomen centrally obscurely tuberculate but not spined at base……………………..Nezara - Abdomen distinctly spined at base…………………………………………………………………….Plautia Genus Agonoscelis Spin., 1837 1837. Agonoscelis Spin., Ess.: 327. Agonoscelis nubilis (Fabricius, 1775) 1775. Cimex nubila Fabr., Syst. Ent.: 712. 1902. Agonoscelis nubila: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 1: 189. 2002. Agonoscelis nubilis: Rider et al., ZOOSYST ROSSICA, 2: 136. Material examined: 1 ex., Kanthalchhari, sabroom, Dist. S. Tripura, 02. i. 1992, Coll. M. Dutta and party. Distribution: India: Tripura (S. Tripura), Assam, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisa, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. Elsewhere: China, Japan, Malayan Peninsula, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Genus Eurydema Lap., 1832 1832. Eurydema Lap., Ess. Hem.: 61. Eurydema pulchra (Westwood, 1837)* 1837. Pentatoma pulchrum Westwood, Hope Cat.: 34. 2000. Eurydema pulchrum: Chakarborty and Ghosh, State Fauna Series 7: Fauna of Tripura, 2: 420. 2002. Eurydema pulchra: Rider et al., ZOOSYST ROSSICA, 2: 139. Material examined: 2 exs. Kanthalchhari Sabroom, Dist. S. Tripura, 02. i. 1992, Coll. M. Dutta and Party. Distribution: India: Tripura (S. Tripura), Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Margherita, Khais and Naga Hills. Elsewhere: Myanmar, Teinzo, Bhamo, China, Sumatra. Genus Plautia Stål, 1865 1865. Plautia Stål, Ofv. Vet.-Ak. Forh.: 514. Plautia crossota (Dallas,1851)* 1851. Pentatoma crossota Dallas, List. Hem. Brit. Mus., 2: 221. 2002. Plautia crossota: Rider et al., ZOOSYST ROSSICA, 2: 144. Material examined: 1 ex. Simna, Dist. N. of Agartala, 10. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura), Andaman and Nicobar Is., Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, Congo, Gambia, Indonesia, Japan, Macao, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Phillipines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thiland. Genus Nezara Amy. & Serv., 1843 1843. Nezara Amy. & Serv., Hem.: 143. Nezara viridula (Linnaeus,1758) 1758. Cimex viridula Linn., Syst. Nat., 10: 444. 1902. Nezara viridula: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 1: 220. 2010. Nezara viridula: Biswas and Bal, Fauna of Uttarakhand: State Fauna Series, 18 (2): 236. Material examined: 1 ex. Mahanpur, Dist. S. Tripura, 21. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Throughout whole of British India. Elsewhere: Australasian, Ethiopian, Nearctic, Neotropical, Paleartic. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 147 Family SCUTELLERIDAE Genus Chrysocoris Hahn., 1843 1843. Chrysocoris Hahn, Wanz. Ins., 2: 38. Chrysocoris stollii (Wolff., 1801) 1801. Cimex stollii Wolff., Ic., 2: 48. 1902. Chrysocoris stallii: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, 1: 58. Material examined: 8 exs. Kalamchura, Dist. W. Tripura, 11.ix.1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 6 exs. Kalamchura, Dist. W. Tripura, 16. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 5 exs. Koreloong, Teliamura, 13. Ii. 1974, Coll. M. S. Shishodia and Party; 8 exs. Debipur, Dist. S. Tripura, 20. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 8 exs. Sonamura, Dist. W. Tripura, 15. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (N. Tripura, W. Tripura, S. Tripura), Andaman & Nicobar islands, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, West Bengal. Elsewhere: China, Pakistan, Myanmar. Family CYDNIDAE Key to the genera of family Cydnidae 1. Anterior tarsi inserted at the apex of the tibiae; posterior tibiae cylindrical; antennae four jointed………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Adrisa - Anterior tarsi inserted before the apex of the tibiae; posterior tibiae thickened…Stibaropus Genus Adrisa Amy. & Serv., 1843 1843. Adrisa Amy. & Serv., Hem.: 89. Adrisa magna (Uhler, 1830) 1830. Acatalectus magna Uhler, Proc. Ac. X. S. Phil.: 222. 1902. Adrisa magna: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 1: 89. Material examined: 1 ex., Mohanpur, South Tripura, 21.ix.1992, Coll. B. N. das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura), Chhattisgarh, Nagaland; Elsewhere: Hong Kong, Myanmar. Genus Stibaropus Dall., 1851 1851. Stibaropus Dall., List. Hem., 1: 111, 125. Stibaropus callidus (Schiodti,1849 )* 1849. Scaptocoris callidus Schiodte, in Kroy. Nat. Tidsskr., (2) 2: 400. 1902. Stibaropus callidus : Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 1: 85. Material examined: 1 ex., Mohanpur, South Tripura, 21.ix.1992, Coll. B. N. das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (S.Tripura), Chhattisgarh, Nagaland. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar. Superfamily COREOIDEA Family ALYDIDAE Key to the genera of the Family Alydidae 1. Head transverse, broader than thorax, hind femora with ventral spine………………Riptortus - Head elongate and relatively slender, legs very long and slender, lacking spines……………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Leptocorisa Genus Leptocorisa Latreille, 1829 1892. Leptocorisa Latreille, Fam. Nat.: 421. Leptocorisa oratorius (Fabricius,1794)* 1794. Gerris oratorius Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Em. Auc. Sec., 4: 191. 2006. Leptocorisa oratorius: Dolling, Cat. Het. Palae. Reg., 5: 30. 148 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Material examined: 12 exs. Nahadebtila, Dist. W. Tripura, 22. Vi. 1990, Coll. Dr. G. N. Saha and Party; 3 exs. Debipur, Dist. S. Tripura, 20. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 9 exs. Sepahijala, Dist. S. Tripura, 24. ii. 1991, Coll. G. K. Srivastava and Party; 1 ex. Mahakan, Dist. S. Tripura, 21. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura, S. Tripura), Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Odisha, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Solomon Island, Sri Lanka and Tibet. Genus Riptortus Stål, 1859 1860. Riptortus Stål, Ofv. Vet. -Ak. Forh.: 460. Riptortus linearis (Fabricius, 1775) 1775. Lygaeus linearis Fabr., Syst. Ent.: 710. 1902. Riptortus linearis: Dist., Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 1: 415. Material examined: 1 ex, Manu, Kailasahar, Dist. Unokoti, 8. Xii. 1988, Coll. Dr. R. C. Basu and Party. Distribution: India: Tripura (Unokoti), Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Sikkim, Karnataka, Maharashtra. Elsewhere: Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Malayan Archipelago. Superfamily PYRRHOCOROIDEA Family LARGIDAE Genus Physopelta Amy. & Serv., 1843 1843. Physopelta Amy. & Serv.: 27. Physopelta slanbuschii (Fabricius, 1787)* 1787. Cimex slanbuschii Fabracius, Mant. Ins., 2: 299. 2010. Physopelta schlansbuschi: Saha and Bal., Fauna of Uttarakhand. State Fauna Series. 18 (2): 247-248. Material examined: 7 exs. Garjee, Dist. W Tripura, 13. Vi. 1978, Coll. J. K. Jonathan; 9 exs. Kalamchura, Dist. W Tripura, 16. ix. 1992, Coll. B. n. Das and S. K. Saha; 6 exs. Kalawchura, Dist. W. Tripura, 16. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tipura (W. Tripura), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. Elsewhere: China, Hong- Kong, Myanmar. Superfamily LYGAEOIDEA Family LYGAEIDAE Key to the genera of the family Lygaeidae 1. Sutures between 4th and 5th sternite not extending to latersl margin and curving forward laterally; generally three dorsal scent gland openings……………………………Rhyparochrominae - All abdominal sutures extending to lateral margin; generally two dorsal scent gland openings………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………2 2. Abdominal spiracle on segment 2nd to 7th located dosally, apcal margin of corium straight usually brightly coloured with red and black……………………………………………………..Lygaeinae - Abdominal spiracle of segment 5th to 7th ventral……………………………………………..Geocorinae Subfamily Rhyparochrominae Key to the tribes of the subfamily Rhyparochrominae 1. Abdominal spiracles of the segments 3rd and 4th dorsal and 2nd ventral….Rhyparochromini - Abdominal spiracles of segments 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dorsal…………………………………Myodochini Tribe Rhyparochromini Genus Dieuches Dohrn, 1860 1860. Dieuches Dohrn, Slett. Ent. Zeit., 21: 159. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 149 Dieuchus insignis (Distant,1904)* 1904. Critobulus insignis Distant, Fauna Brit. India. Rhynchota, 2: 77. 1964. Dieuchus insignis Slater, The Catalogue of the Lygaeidae of the World, 2: 1212. Material examined: 1 ex. Shalgara, South Tripura,13. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (S. Tripura), Assam, Chhattishgarh. Elsewhere: Malaya. Tribe Myodochini Genus Horridipamera Malipatil, 1978 1978. Horridipamera Malipatil, Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. series no., 56: 89. Horridipamera nietneri (Dohrn,1860)* 1860. Plociomerus nietneri Dohrn, Ent. Zeit., 21: 404-405. 1988. Horridipamera nietneri Mukhopadhyay, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper No., 107: 35. Material examined: 1 ex. Debipur, Dist., 20. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 1 ex. Mahan, Dist. S. Tripura, 21. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha; 1 ex. Shalgara, South Tripura,13. ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (S. Tripura), Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Myanmar, Sri Lanka. Subfamily Lygaeinae Key to genera of the subfamily Lygaeinae 1. Metathoracic scent gland openings inconspicuous……………………………………….Spilostethus - Osteolar peritreme well formed; two maculate spots at the basal area of pronotum…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Graptostethus Genus Spilostethus Stål, 1868 1868. Spilostethus Stål, Kongl. Svensk.Vet. Akad. Handb., 7 (1): 72. Spilostethus hospes (Fabricius, 1794)* 1794. Lygaus hospes Fabricius, Ent. Syst., 4: 150. 1988. Spilostethus hospes: Mukhopadhyay, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper No., 107: 15. Material examined: 1 ex., Mohanpur, South Tripura, 9.ix.1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (South Tripura), Assam Chhattisgarh Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Java, Myanmar, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, Sumatra. Genus Graptostethus Stål, 1868 1868. Graptostethus Stål, Kongl. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Hand., 11 (7): 73, 74. Graptostethus trisignatus Distant, 1879 1879. Graptostethus trisignatus Distant, A. M. N. H., 3 (5): 130. Material examined: 1 ex, Manu, Kailasahar, Dist. Unokoti, 8. Xii. 1988, Coll. Dr. R. C. Basu and Party. Distribution: India: Tripura (Unokoti), Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya. Elsewhere: Myanmar. Subfamily Geocorinae Genus Geocoris Fallen, 1814 1814. Geocoris Fallen, Spec. Nov. Hem. Disp. Met.: 10. Geocoris ochropterus (Fabricius, 1798)* 1798. Cimex tricolor Fabricius, Ent. Syst. Supp.: 536. 1988. Geocoris ochropterus Mukhopadhyay, Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Paper No., 107: 26. Material examined: 2 exs. Kalachura, Dist. W. Tripura, 16. ix. 1992, Coll. B, N, Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura), Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Myanmar, Sri Lanka. 150 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Infraorder GERROMORPHA Family BELOSTOMATIDAE Genus Diplonychus Laporte, 1833 1833. Diplonychus Laporte, Guerin’s Mag. Zool., 2: 18. Diplonychus annulatus (Fabricius, 1781) 1781. Nepa annulata Fabricius, Species insutorum, 2: 333. 1833. Sphaerodema rotundata: Laporte, Systematique Hemipteres, Zoologie, Paris: 18. 2002. Diplonychus annulatus: Thirumalai et al., Res. Bull. Punjab Univ., 52: 157. Material examined: 5 exs. Kalamchura, W. Tripura, 16. Ix. 1992, Coll. B. N. Das and S. K. Saha. Distribution: India: Tripura (W. Tripura), Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, West Bengal. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Pakistan. This paper deals with 20 species of Hemipteran bugs belonging to 19 genera under 9 families from the state of Tripura, of these, 9 species (marked *) belonging to 9 genera constitute new record from the state of Tripura. Paper deals with distribution in India and elsewhere. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. K. Venkataraman, Director, Zoological Survey of India for providing necessary research facilities and to carry out the work. Thanks are also due to Dr. Kailash Chandra, Scientist-F and Dr. K.A. Subramanian, Scientist- D, Officer-in-charge, Entomology Division-B for their encouragement and support. LITERATURE CITED Chakraborty, S. P. & Ghosh, L. K. 2000. State fauna series 7: Fauna of Tripura, 2: 417-425. Distant, W. L. 1902. Fauna Brit. India Including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, 2: 196-430. Distant, W. L. 1902. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, I: 1-330. (Published by Taylor & Francis, London). Ghosh, M., Biswas, B. & Ghosh, L. K. 2000. State fauna series 7: Fauna of Tripura, 2: 417-425. Hussey, R. F. 1929. Pyrrhocoridae General catalogue of the Hemiptera. Part III, pp. 144. Smith Coll., North Hampton, Mass, USA. Chandra, K., Kushwaha, S., Ghosh, M., Biswas, B. & Bal, A. 2012. Diversity of Grassland Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadidae, Cercopidae, Cicadellidae and Fulgoridae) in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, India, IAPAES, 2 (4): 257-263. Lis, J. A. 1999. Burrower bugs of the Old World- a catalogue (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae), Genus. Wroclaw, 10 (2): 165-249. Mukhopadhyay, A. 1988. Taxonomic study of Lygeidae (Heteroptera: Insecta) from West Bengal (India). Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Misc. Pub. Occ. Paper No., 107: 1-72. Rider, D. A., Zheng, L. Y. & Kerzhner, I. N. 2002. Checklist and nomenclatural notes on the Chinese Pentatomidae Heteroptera). II.Pentatominae. Zoosyst Rossica, 2: 135-153. Schuh, R. T. & Slater, J. A. 1995. True bugs of the World (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Classification and Natural History, Cornell University press, Ithaca, USA. 336 pp. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 151 CHANGES IN ZUCCHINI DEFENSE RESPONSES AGAINST MELOIDOGYNE JAVANICA (RHABDITIDA: MELOIDOGYNIDAE) INDUCED BY POCHONIA CHLAMYDOSPORIA Motahareh Lalezar*, Mohammad Reza Moosavi* and Abdoreza Hesami** * Department of Plant Pathology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, IRAN. E-mail: ** Department of Organic Chemistry, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, IRAN. [Lalezar, M., Moosavi, M. R. & Hesami, A. 2016. Changes in Zucchini defense responses against Meloidogyne javanica (Rhabditida: Meloidogynidae) induced by Pochonia chlamydosporia. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 151-159] ABSTRACT: Meloidogyne javanica causes serious damage to many crops and its management is not easily achievable. Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia (Pcc) is a potent biocontrol agent whose ability in stimulating plant defense has been ambiguous. This study was designed to analyze the kinetics of some defense-related enzymes in the roots of zucchini plants after inoculation with either one or both of Pcc and M. javanica. Activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and catalase (CAT) in root samples were examined in a week with one day interval beginning from the next day following inoculation with M. javanica. When the plants were inoculated with both Pcc and nematode, the activity of PAL, POX and CAT was significantly improved during the experiment compared with other treatments. The PPO activity in such plants was more than PPO activity in nematode-infected plants only on the 5th and 7th day after inoculation. Individual application of Pcc frequently resulted in enhanced activity of PAL, POX and CAT compared with these enzymes activity in control treatment. This is the first report on the ability of Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia for inducing or improving the plant innate defense. KEY WORDS: Catalase, nematophagous fungi, peroxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, plant defense induction, polyphenol oxidase, root-knot nematode Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) can annually destroy about 5% of agricultural products worldwide (Agrios, 2005). Meloidogyne javanica (Treub, 1885) Chitwood, 1949 is an economically important nematode that can parasitize more than 2000 different plant species (Perry et al., 2009). This nematode has a widespread distribution in Iran (Moosavi, 2012) and often imposes a considerable loss to many crops including zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) (Ghaderi et al., 2012). Nowadays, chemical nematicides are the main controlling method of plantparasitic nematodes (PPNs) (including M. javanica) which adversely impact the environment and human health (Moosavi & Zare, 2015). These harmful effects have intensified the search for finding safer, environmentally friendly control alternatives (Moosavi & Askary, 2015) such as biological control (Davies & Spiegel, 2011). Biocontrol of plant diseases will be more successful if the potent biocontrol agent (BCA) could also stimulate the plants innate immunity systems (Walters & Bennett, 2014). It has been demonstrated that many microorganisms have good potential in the management of PPNs, however their significance is not similar (Cumagun & Moosavi, 2015). Fungi are one of the most important antagonistic groups among them the species of Pochonia have been considered as one of the top four BCAs against PPNs (Moosavi & Zare, 2012). Pochonia spp. are facultative egg parasites of cyst and root-knot nematodes that penetrate into their hosts’ eggshell via producing appressorium and extracellular enzymes (Manzanilla-López et al., 152 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 2013). The fungus can successfully colonize the root epidermis and cortex (Bordallo et al., 2002; Macia-Vicente et al., 2009) but there is no information on its ability to induce plant defense mechanisms. Many enzymes in plants are induced in response to biotic or abiotic stimulator leading to systemic resistance. Increasing in the amount or activity of these enzymes is usually considered as a sign of plant defense activation. These enzymes include phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and catalase (CAT) (Garcion et al., 2014). PAL is an important enzyme involves in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway. This enzyme is also responsible for the synthesis of the polyphenol compounds such as phenylpropanoids, flavonoids and lignin (MacDonald & D’Cunha, 2007). Peroxidases (POX) catalyze many important biological processes of plantdefense mechanisms (Passardi et al., 2005; Gupta, 2010). For example, they play a significant role in the strengthening of cell wall structures by catalyzing the suberin polymerization (Arrieta-Baez & Stark, 2006), lignin biosynthesis (Almagro et al., 2009) and cross-linkage of the structural proteins like extensions (Jackson et al., 2001). Plant peroxidases also facilitate the formation of diferulic acid linkages (Fry, 2004) and production of hydroxyl radical (Schweikert et al., 2000). Plant PPOs oxidize polyphenols into quinines which are considered as antimicrobial compounds. It is suggested that they are also involved in the lignifications of plant cell wall during the attack of pathogens (Constabel & Barbehenn, 2008; Tran et al., 2012). Catalase (CAT) involves in the antioxidative defense system of plants. This enzyme detoxifies H2O2 when the level of hydrogen peroxide elevates in cell (Bilgin, 2010). This study was designed to determine whether P. chlamydosporia could induce the defense mechanism of zucchini plants by itself or could improve the defense responses of zucchini plants to M. javanica. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fungal isolate and inoculum preparation One indigenous isolate of Pochonia chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia (Pcc; IRAN 1212 C) was selected for this experiment whose efficiency in controlling M. javanica was previously confirmed (Moosavi et al., 2010). The fungus was grown on PCA (potato-carrot agar) medium to stimulate the production of conidia (Zare & Gams, 2004). The plates were inoculated by streaking the surface of culture media in parallel lines with the fungal inoculum. Ten days later, the conidia were collected by sterile distilled water and their concentration was estimated by average of three counts. The concentration of the propagule was finally adjusted to 106 propagule per mL distilled water. Preparation of nematode inoculum The needed inoculum was prepared on tomato plants (cv. Early-Urbana) starting from a single nematode egg mass formerly identified as M. javanica (Moosavi et al., 2011). The eggs were isolated from the 0.5 to 1 cm pieces of galled roots by agitating for 2 to 3 min in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution. The suspension was then rinsed over 60- and 20-μm sieves (Hussey & Barker, 1973) and the inoculum on 20-μm sieve was transferred to a beaker. The number of eggs and second stage juveniles (J2s) were estimated by means of three counts and adjusted to 100 eggs and J2s per mL. Plant material, inoculation and experimental design Seeds of zucchini (cv. Tees F1-801, Samyer, USA) were surface sterilized with 1% NaOCl for 5 minutes and planted in 500 g plastic pots. The pots (15 cm diameter, 15 cm depth) had been filled with sterile sandy loam soil (sand 67.3%, clay 12.1%, silt 20.6%, organic matter 3.5% with pH 7.5). There were 4 sets of _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 153 treatment including 1) zucchini plants inoculated with fungal inoculum, 2) zucchini plants inoculated with nematode inoculum, 3) zucchini plants inoculated with both fungal and nematode inoculum, and 4) not- inoculated zucchini plants (control). The seedlings were inoculated with Pcc when they had developed the first set of true leaves. The inoculation was done by drenching the soil around the crown of the seedlings with 20 mL of conidial suspension at a concentration of 10 6 conidia / mL. After one week, nematode inoculum was added to soil around the roots of zucchini plants at a rate of two eggs and J2s / g soil. Each treatment had five replications and pots were arranged in a completely randomized design in a greenhouse. Determination of enzymatic activity Activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and catalase (CAT) in root samples of treatments were evaluated in a week with one day interval beginning from the next day following inoculation with M. javanica. Fresh roots were homogenized with liquid nitrogen after being cleaned in tap water and dried with a filter paper. The same volume of 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6 at 4°C) was mixed with the homogenized tissue and was then filtered into a centrifuge tube through a 0.2 mm nylon filter. The mixture was centrifuged at 12,000 g for 20 min at 4°C and the supernatant was stored at –80°C until being examined (Chen et al., 2000). Soluble protein concentration of the supernatant was measured by the standard Bradford assay (Bradford, 1976) using crystalline bovine serum albumin as a reference. PAL activity Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL; EC activity was determined by the method of Ochoa-Alejo & Gomez-Peralta (1993). One mL of 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.8 containing 15 mM of β-mercaptoethanol) was mixed with 0.5 mL of 10 mM L-phenylalanine, 0.4 mL of deionized water and 0.1 mL of enzyme extract and the reaction mixture was incubated at 37ºC for 1 h. The reaction was terminated by adding 0.5 mL of 6M HCl and the product was extracted with 15 mL diethyl ether. The extraction solvent was evaporated at 22 ºC under reduced pressure. The solid residue was suspended in 3 mL of 0.05M NaOH. The concentration of trans-cinnamic acid in the mixture was quantified with the absorbance at 290 nm. One unit of PAL activity is equal to 1 μmol of cinnamic acid produced per min. POX activity Total peroxidase (POX; EC activity was detected according to Mohammadi and Kazemi (2002). 25 mM citrate–phosphate buffer (pH 5.4) was added to root’s enzymatic extract contained 20 µg protein and 1 mM guaiacol (as an electron donor) to make a final volume of 1 milliliter. The reaction was started by adding 10 µL of 30% H2O2 (Merck Co., Germany). The rate of increase in absorbance at 475 nm was measured over 30 s at 25 °C using Perkin Elmer lambda-45 spectrophotometer. Potassium cyanide (7 µM) was used as an inhibitor for POX. The results were expressed as changes in absorbance (A) / min / mg protein. PPO activity Polyphenol oxidase (PPO; EC activity was determined by mixing 25 mM citrate–phosphate buffer (pH 6.4) with the root’s enzyme extract contained 30 µg protein and 5 mM L-proline to make a final volume of 1 mL. The samples were ventilated in a test tube for 2 min and the reaction was then initiated by addition of pyrocatechol (1, 2-dihydroxybenzene) as the substrate at a final concentration of 20 mM. The initial rate of increase in absorbance at 515 nm was measured over a time period of 1 min at 25°C. The PPO activity was expressed as the changes in absorbance (A) / min / mg protein. Ascorbic acid prepared in the same buffer solution (7 mM final concentration) was used as an inhibitor of PPO activity (Mohammadi & Kazemi, 2002). 154 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ CAT activity Total catalase (CAT; EC activity was calculated by following the decline in A240 as H2O2 was catabolized in a 3 mL reaction mixture containing 10 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), appropriate amount of root extract containing 30 µg protein, and 35 µL H2O2 (3%). The activity of CAT on consumption of H2O2 was measured using the extinction coefficient (40 mM-1 cm1) and stated as changes in absorbance at 240 nm / min / mg protein (Kato & Shimizu, 1987). Statistical analysis Statistical analysis was carried out using SAS software (version 9.1.3; SAS Institute, Cary, NC) (1990). All data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and treatment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. RESULTS PAL activity PAL activity in various treatments was significantly different (F=64.24; df=15; P< 0.0001). The highest PAL activity was recorded in the plants treated with both Pcc and M. javanica. PAL activity had a rapid increase when the plants treated by both fungus and nematode from the first upto the fifth day after inoculation (DAI), and then decreased. The lowest activity of PAL was detected in untreated control plants. The PAL activity on the first DAI was similar in the plants treated only with Pcc or nematode. PAL activity in nematode-infected plants was higher than in fungus-infected ones on the third and fifth DAI, however a lower activity was observed for the same comparison on the 7th DAI (Figure 1). POX activity Compared with control treatment and at similar time span, POX activity significantly increased when the zucchini plants were inoculated with either one or both of Pcc and M. javanica (F=124.06; df=15; P< 0.0001). The enzymatic activity in all treatments was increased until the fifth DAI, and then decreased. The highest POX activity was observed in the roots that were inoculated with both Pcc and M. javanica. The fungus could stimulate the POX activity in roots; however except for the first DAI, the enzymatic activity was lower compared with the nematode-inoculated plants. The POX activity in the control plants remained around a constant level during the experiment (Figure 2). PPO activity There was a significant difference between treatments in stimulation of PPO activity in zucchini roots (F=91.8; df=15; P< 0.0001). Though the differences were not so distinguishable at the first DAI, the PPO activity in nematode-infected plants was slightly higher than other treatments. The enzymatic activity on the third DAI was greatest in the plants which were inoculated with M. javanica, but no significant difference was seen between the activity of enzyme in the plants that were inoculated with either PCC or with both PCC and nematodes. A prominent rise in PPO activity was seen at the fifth DAI when the greatest activity was recorded for the plants inoculated with both fungus and nematode. Afterward, the PPO activity declined until 7th DAI (Figure 3). CAT activity Changes in catalase activity over the studied days was different among treatments (F=89.5; df=15; P< 0.0001). Enzyme activity in control treatment was similar from the first DAI till the end of experiment. When the plants were only inoculated with Pcc, catalase activity was more than control treatments except for _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 155 the 7th DAI. The greatest enzyme activity was recorded when the nematodeinfected plants had Pcc around their roots. CAT activity in inoculated plants was increased until the 5th DAI and then declined. The activity of CAT in each treatment was similar on the first and 7th DAI apart from the plants that were inoculated with both fungus and nematode (Figure 4). DISCUSSION Plants can resist against pathogen infection using several layers of constitutive and induced defense mechanisms (Walters, 2011a; Sholevarfard & Moosavi, 2015). Many plant enzymes like phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and catalase (CAT) are involved in defense responses against plant pathogens (Anderson et al., 2006; Dubey, 2010). Rise in concentration of defense enzymes in nematode-infected plants (especially Meloidogyne-infected plants) have been repeatedly reported (Zacheo et al., 1997; Walters, 2011b; El-Beltagi et al., 2012; Pourjam et al., 2015). It has also been reported that many microorganism could induce plant systemic resistance against pathogens such as phytonematodes (Ramamoorthy et al., 2001; Sharon et al., 2011; Pieterse et al. 2013; Walters & Bennett, 2014), but it was not clear whether Pochonia chlamydosporia has the ability to stimulate or improve the plant-defense mechanisms. Stimulation of the plants innate immunity systems is a new approach in crop protection (Reglinski et al., 2014). Pcc was applied to soil one week before nematode inoculation to provide enough time for the fungus to establish itself successfully in rhizosphere and cortex. Our results showed that inoculating the plants with both Pcc and nematode would significantly improve the activity of PAL, POX and CAT during the experiment compared with other treatments. The PPO activity in such plants was more than PPO activity in nematode-infected plants only on the 5th and 7th DAI. Inoculating the plants merely with Pcc often resulted in enhanced activity of PAL, POX and CAT compared with these enzymes activity in control treatment. This is the first report on the ability of Pcc in stimulating the plant defense. M. javanica is exposed to a variety of plant defense responses since most stages of its life cycle occur in their host plant. A rapid and temporary increase in defense-enzymes activity occurs following second stage juveniles (J2s) penetration, however the activity quickly declines in susceptible hosts (Melillo et al., 2006; Gao et al., 2008). Maintaining the enzymatic activity at higher level during longer time can benefit the host plant in protecting itself. Several biocontrol fungi (Sahenani & Hadavi, 2008; Malek Ziarati et al., 2012; Mostafanezhad et al., 2014) and bacteria (Chen et al., 2010; Siahpoush et al., 2011; Tavakol Norabadi et al., 2014) can enhance the activity of defense-related enzymes and induce plant defense. At nematode presence, the enzymes activity increased till the 5th DAI and then decreased. The same trends were observed when the plants were inoculated with either Pcc or both Pcc and nematode. The pattern of changes in activity of defense-related plant enzymes in current research are similar to many previous studies in which the enzymes activity increased upto 4th or 5th DAI and then declined (Sahebani & Hadavi, 2008; Chen et al., 2010; Siahpoush et al., 2011; Mostafanezhad et al., 2014). The results of current study showed that presence of Pcc in rhizosphere or cortex of host plant could elevate the plant defense enzymes activity over a longer time and thus may leading to induced resistance in plants. It can be consequently concluded that Pcc can use both direct (parasitism) and indirect (induce resistance) mechanisms to control M. javanica. It means that the fungus could induce the resistance mechanisms at least at the early stages of plant infection by 156 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ nematode, and may lessen J2 penetration and establishment of feeding cells. Then the fungus parasitizes the nematode eggs at their emergence. Further studies are required to examine defense-enzyme activity in above-ground parts of the plant after soil application of Pcc to see whether the fungus has the ability of inducing systemic resistance. 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Same letters above bars (mean ± SE) indicate no statistical significance (P < 0.05). Figure 3. Changes in polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in the zucchini roots after inoculation with P. chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia (F) and M. javanica (N) or without inoculation (C). Same letters above bars (mean ± SE) indicate no statistical significance (P < 0.05). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 159 Figure 4. Activity of catalase in the roots of zucchini plants inoculated with P. chlamydosporia var. chlamydosporia (F) and M. javanica (N) or non-inoculated plants (C). Columns with unlike letters above their bars (mean ± SE) are significantly different (P < 0.05). 160 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ NEW FAUNASTIC RECORDS OF DERMESTIDAE (COLEOPTERA) FROM KARGIL, INDIA Mohd Feroz*, J. S. Tara**, Jiri Háva***, Mohammad Azam**** and V. V. Ramamurthy***** * Department of Zoology, Govt. Degree College Sopore, Kashmir- 193201. J&K, INDIA. Email: ** Department of Zoology, Division Entomology, University of Jammu, Jammu -180006, J&K, INDIA. *** Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Kamýcká 1176, CZ-165 21, Prague 6 - Suchdol, CZECH REPUBLIC. **** Department of Zoology, Govt. Degree College, Poonch-185 101, J&K, INDIA. ***** Division Entomology, IARI, New Delhi-110012, INDIA. [Feroz, M., Tara, J. S., Háva, J., Azam, M. & Ramamurthy, V. V. 2016. New faunastic records of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from Kargil, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 160-164] ABSTRACT: The present study determined new faunastic records of Family dermestidae from Kargil. Kargil is one of the two districts of ladakh region known as Cold desert of the country (India) and falls in the transhimalayan mountain system. A total of 3 species belonging to 3 subfamilies viz., Dermestinae, Attageninae and Megatominae were recorded and described for the first time from the area under study. Notes on the bionomy of all the three species is presented. Two species Anthrenus indicus and Attagenus gobicola are new records for the area. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, new record, high altitude, Kargil, Dermestidae, cold desert, diversity. Dermestids are usually found on flowers, dried animal carcasses, bird and mammal nests where they feed on pollen, feathers, hair, fur or remains of insects. Most dermestids are household and museum pests; they cause damage to a wide variety of products such as carpets, silk, fur, feathers, wool, leather, seeds, grain, cereal products as well as dried insects collections. Some dermestid species are well-known throughout the world as pests of stored woollen fabrics and garments, and are often the cause of major losses in wool stores. However, there was no information available regarding the dermestid fauna of Kargil until Feroz et al. (2015), in which two dermestids, viz., Dermestes undulates and Anthrenus sp. indetermined, were reported from Kargil. In a more recent survey of the area under study carried out by the authors two species Anthrenus indicus and Attagenus gobicola were recorded in addition to Dermestes undulatus. Attagenus gobicola was earlier recorded by Veer & Rao (1995) from Leh India as a new record. This recent discovery thus brings the total number of known dermestidae fauna of the area to 3. The authors got the opportunity to study and incorporate the bionomy of the species recorded from Kargil (A cold desert of India-region) an almost untouched area for insect biodiversity. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area The study area located in Ladakh region of the J&K State at an altitudinal range of 2,636 meters above sea level lying in between 34o36′ North Latitude and 76o06′ East Longitude. Topography variable, ranging from 2,636 meters upto 7,135 meters, comprises of a maze of valleys. Most of the area is barren with high slopes ranging from 60-80%. Only areas with water sources and human _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 161 habitation are seen with good amount of vegetation. Average rain fall is very low and mostly in the form of snow during winter months. The study area experienced both arctic and desert climate and commonly known as “Cold Desert” of the country. The vegetation cover of the area under study comprises of Agricultural Land, Forest Trees (Poplar sp. and Salix Sp.), Herbs, Shurbs and Grasses. Collection and Identification In order to ensure maximum catch of Beetles from various habitats, wide variety of collecting and trapping methods were used such as hand collection, butterfly nets were used for flying beetles, Light traps, visual observation and collection using forcep etc. After collection the insects were killed by using ethyl acetate either in the killing bottle or by introducing cotton balls dipped and subsequently squeezed in ethyl acetate in closed polythene bags. After killing the beetles were pinned/cardened, stretched and dried in oven. The killed specimen were sent to Entomological section IARI, New Delhi for identification. The insects were photographed using Sony Cyber Shot T-30 Digital Camera with Macro option and 8MP picture quality. Beetle Sampling Random sampling of the area was done from Agricultural land, herbs, Shurbs, Forest Trees (Salix sp. & Poplar sp.) & River banks, Area predominant with Alfalfa fields wheat fields and human habitation. RESULTS During the study three species of which two species are new records to the area were recorded and described in details. Family Dermestidae (carpet beetles) Anthrenus indicus Kadej, Háva & Kalik, 2007 (Figs. 1 & 4) Material examined. 3 exs. Poyen Kargil; 2 exs. Sankoo Kargil. Host. Achillea millefolium in the area of study. Distribution. Species known from India: Himachal Pradesh (Háva, 2015). Present study. Recorded from Poyen, Sankoo and Pashkum. Diagnostic Features. Length varies from 3.0 to 4.30 mm and breadth 2.0 to 2.88 mm. However (Kadej et al., 2007) recorded 3.00 to 3.01 mm in length. Elongate, oval. General brownish black & covered with scales forming patterns of white, yellow and brown. Head hypognathus, small, retracted into prothorax, triangular & covered with scales in between eyes. Eyes large, prominent, entire, present on either side of head towards the base of head capsule. Antenn 11 segmented, short, brown, capitate, fitting into sharply defined cavity on hypomeron. Labrum small, black, pubescent, punctate, without scales; mandibles small, black; maxilla small with short maxillary palp; labium small with short labial palp. Thorax: Pronotum transverse, covered with yellow, dark brown and white scales, broad posteriorly, antero lateral margin deflexed; posterior margin produced into a median lobe almost covering scutellum. Scutellum very small, black, triangular covered by pronotum and only a small portion is visible. Ventrally prosternum transverse, narrow, covered by white scales, posteriorly prosternal lobe extends behind between the fore coxa, mesosternum small, emarginated and covered by scales; metasternum large, finely punctate, shield like, raised in the middle with longitudinal groove and covered by white scales. Legs: Pro-thoracic leg: Coxa large, oval, slightly curved backward, covered with white scales; trochanter small, covered with white scales; femur large, cylindrical, grooved, dark brown, covered with both dark brown and white scales; tibia long, 162 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ narrow, spinose, brown, without scales; tarsi 5 segmented, small, last segment long, claws apical. Meso-thoracic leg: Coxa small, completely covered with scales; trochanter small, also covered with scales; femur large, broad at base, narrow apically, grooved, covered with scales; tibia long, constricted at base, spinose (small spines), brown; tarsi 5 segmented, claws apical. Meta-thoracic leg: Coxa large, transverse, covered with white scales; trochanter small, covered with white scales; femur large, long, broad at base, slightly narrows apically; tibia long, narrow, spinose; tarsi 5 segmented, claws apical. Elytra short, not covering whole of the abdomen, covered completely with dark brown, yellow and white scales, patches of yellow scales present anteriorly and posteriorly, a patch of white scales present almost mid dorsally surrounded from both sides (anterior and posterior) by dark brown scales, suture complete, antero lateral angles obtuse, sides parallel in the anterior 1/3rd and slightly constricted posteriorly. Pygidium pointed and pubescent, without scales, ventrally five sternum visible, basal sternite broad with postcoxal line, covered with scales, apical sternite small with round end, a patch of dark brown scale at middle of posterior margin of apical sternite, all the sternites covered with white scales. Attagenus gobicola Frivaldszky, 1982 (Figs. 2 & 6) Material examined. 2 exs. 11.iv.2007 & 13.iv.2009 Kurbathang Kargil; 1 ex. 3.v.2009 Baroo Kargil and 1 ex. Sankoo Kargil. Host. Woollen products Veer & Rao, (1995), Carpet in the area of study. Distribution. Russia (Trans-Baikal Region), Mongolia, North and West China, East Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, India: Sikkim, Kashmir and from Leh (J&K) (Veer & Rao, 1995; Háva, 2015). Present study. Recorded from Kurbathang and Pashkum. Description. Adult. Length 4.5-6.25 mm; width 2.08-2.30. Body oblong ovate, bicoloured with head and pronotum black and elytra reddish brown. Legs dark brown except black coxae and femora. Ventral integument black. Pubescence on head golden brown, on pronotum golden brown with a small patch of brown setae submedially at base; elytra predominently with golden brown setae, a few brown setae scattered among them. Pubescence on ventral surface of body golden brown. Antennae 1 l-segmented, club segments 9-11 black, segments 3-8 light brown, 1 and 2 dark brown. Club sexually dimorphic, apical segment in male elongate and 6-7 times as long as combined length of preceding two segments; apical segment in female about 1.5 times as long as combined length of preceding two segments. Pronotum with base moderately produced and truncate medially, lateral margin declivous in male. Prosternum broad laterally, slightly raised in front of procoxae, anterior margin with weak carina, median process narrow with a thread like carina at middle and with long setae. Mesosternal process channelled in apical half. Epipleuron reaching metepimeron. Fore tibia not carinate on dorsal surface but with numerous stout spines. Hind tarsi with 2nd segment about 3.3 times as long as the 1st and subequal to the 5th. Hind coxa extending to metepimeron, hind trochanter produced into a spine on inner side. Dermestes undulatus Brahm, 1790 (Figs. 3 & 5) Material examined. 2 exs. Kurbathang Kargil, 06.v.2008 Baroo Kargil. Host. In normal conditions Dermestes spp. found feeding on pollen and nectar of flowers in nature (Ayappa et al., 1958; Blake, 1959; Woodroffe & Southgate, 1955). Also feeding on hairs, feathers, bristles, fur, horn and tortoise shell as observed by Hassan et al. (2007). In the area of study found under stones. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 163 Distribution. Holarctic species (Háva, 2015). Recorded from New Zealand (Leschen et al., 2003). Present study. Recorded from Kurbathang and Baroo. Diagnostic Features. 7.0 to 8.0 mm in length and 3.0 to 3.34 mm in breadth. Elongate, elliptical and hairy. Genral dark brown with golden yellow, black and white hairs. Head hypognathus, small, roughly triangular, punctuate, pubescent (golden yellow), clypeus with apical fringe of hairs. Eye large, globular, black, lateral, towards the base of the head capsule. Antenna 11 segmented, brown, capitate, (club, 3 segmented) pubescent, scape large, punctate, intervening segments small with very few hairs, apical segment pointed. Labrum small, punctate, pubescent; mandibles black, pubescent, with pointed black tip; maxilla brown, small, with 3 segmented small maxillary palp; labium small, pubescent, with very short labial palp. Pronotum broad punctate, pubescent (golden yellow and black), anterior end deflexed gradually from centre towards sides, antero lateral margin greatly deflexed, posterior margin sinuate. Scutellum small, pubescent (white hairs). Ventrally prosternum punctate, pubescent (black hairs), centrally narrow with broad sides, prosternal lobe extends between fore coxae; mesosternum small, with lobe extending behind between mid coxae, pubescent (dense white hairs); metasternum large, shield like, covered by dense white hairs, anterior margin sinuate with a lobe extending upward between mid coxae, posterior margin slightly straight. Legs: Pro-thoracic leg: Coxa conical, pubescent, black, large with apical fringe of hairs; trochanter small, pubescent; femur large, broad at base, narrow apex, grooved, pubescent; tibia long, narrow, setose, tibial spurs small, apical and black; tarsi 5 segmented, last segment large, claws apical and together. Meso-thoracic leg: Coxa globular, pubescent (white apical, black basal); trochanter small, triangular, pubescent (patch of white hairs apically); femur long, broad at base, narrow apex, pubescent (white patch of hairs, transverse and middle), grooved; tibia long, narrow basally, apex broad, setose, apical fringe of setae, spur apical; tarsi 5 segmented, pubescent, last segment large, claws apical. Meta-thoracic leg: Coxa large, flat ventrally, slightly triangular, pubescent (white hairs); trochanter small, slightly triangular, densely covered with white pubescence; femur large, broad at base, narrow apex, stout, a patch of white transverse hairs in the middle; tarsi long, pubescent, setose bears apical fringe of setae, spur apical; tarsi 5 segmented, last segment large with apical claws. Elytra long, covering whole of the abdomen dorsally, pubescent (basal small portion golden brown, rest with white and black hairs), suture complete, lateral sides parallel, slightly constricted apically with round apex and slightly separated. Abdomen long, broad basally, narrow apex, 5 visible abdominal sternites, basal segment large with median patch of white hairs along with black marginal hair, 2nd, 3rd and 4th segment with small patch of black hairs marginally with median white hairs, 5th segment slightly triangular and completely covered by black hairs. Male having a small papilla of brown hairs on the 3rd and 4th abdominal sternite whereas female do not posses it. CONCLUSSION It is concluded that the area has a vast potential for the discovery of the new species or new records. So, in addition to further faunastic surveys, detailed biological and ecological studies are needed to be carried out in the area of study so as to record other species and families. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are highly thankful to the Head, Department of Zoology University of Jammu for providing necessary facilities to work. The authors 164 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ acknowledge the help rendered by Dr. V.V. Ramamurthy, Principal Scientist, Entomology Deptt., IARI, New Delhi and Jiri Háva for the identification of the insects mentioned in the paper. The first author acknowledges gratefully Faculty Improvement Programme granted by UGC, New Delhi. LITERATURE CITED Beal, Jr. R. S. 1983. Anthrenus thoracicus (Coleoptera:Dermestidae), A distinct species. The Coleopterist Bulletin, 37 (4): 314-316. Feroz, M. 2008. Coleopteran (Insecta) diversity from three altitudinal ranges in District Kargil of JandK State. M. phil. Dissertation, University of Jammu, Jammu. Hassan, A. M. A., Hossain, M. D., Hasan, M. M. & Rahman, M. S. 2007. A pest of stuffed museum specimen Anthrenus scrophulariae (L.) (Coleoptera: Dermistidae). University Journal Zoology Rajshahi University, 26: 99-102. Háva, J. 2015. World Catalogue of Insects. Dermestidae (Coleoptera). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 13: xxvi + 419 pp. Kadej, M. & Hava, J. 2006. Description of two new species of Anthrenus o. f. Muller, 1764 from southern Africa (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae: Anthreninii). Genus, 17 (1): 95-105. Leschen, R. A. B., Lawrence, J. F., Kuschel, G., Thorpe, S. & Wang, Q. 2003. Coleoptera genera of New Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, 26: 15-28. Veer, V. & Rao, K. M. 1995. Taxonomic and biological notes on three Attagenus spp. (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) not previously recorded as pests of stored woollen Fabrics in India. Journal of stored products research, 31 (3): 211-219. Veer, V., Prasad, R. & Rao, K. M. 1991. Taxonomic and biological notes on Amgenus and Anthrenus spp (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) found damaging stored woollen fabrics in India. Journal of Srored Products Research, 27: 185-198. Figures 1-6. 1. Dorsal habitus of Anthrenus indicus, 2. Dorsal habitus of Attagenus gobicola, 3. Dorsal habitus of Dermestes undulatus, 4. Collection site Anthrenus sp., 5. Collection site Dermestes sp., 6. Collection site Attagenus sp.. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 165 EVALUATION OF CASSAVA VARIETIES FOR ERI SILKWORM, SAMIA CYNTHIA RICINI BOISDUVAL N. Sakthivel* * Research Extension Centre, Central Silk Board, Srivilliputtur – 626 125, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. E-mail: [Sakthivel, N. 2016. Evaluation of cassava varieties for eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini Boisduval. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 165-168] ABSTRACT: Seven popular Indian cassava varieties namely CO2, CO3, CO (TP) 4, H165, H226, Mulluvadi (MVD1) and Kunguma Rose were screened for rearing of eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini Boisduval for effective utilization in eri silk production. The variety MVD1 recorded highest values of essential nutrients viz. protein, total carbohydrate, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and total minerals which was closely followed by H226 whereas CO2 exhibited least values. With respect to anti- nutrients, highest content of total tannins and HCN were recorded with the variety CO2 and it was least in MVD1. The variety MVD1 registered superior economic traits of eri silkworm followed by H226 while CO2 was noted as poor performer. All the nutrients exhibited positive correlation with economic traits except that of larval period which was decreased with increase in nutritional content of leaves while it was vice versa in case of anti nutrients. The order of merit of cassava varieties suitable for ericulture was recorded as MVD1 > H226 > CO (TP) 4 > CO3 > Kunguma Rose > H165 > CO2. KEY WORDS: Cassava varieties, biochemical compositions, eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini, economic traits. Ericulture is mainly confined to North-east India since the time immemorial as an integral part of the local tribals who traditionally rear the eri silkworms primarily for pupae as food and conventionally weave silk fabric for their family use. The main reason hindered the spread of ericulture from North-eastern region to other states in the country has been the perception that its production would be uneconomical because similar food habits and socio-cultural patterns do not prevail in these areas. In recent past, introduction of advanced machineries for spinning of eri cocoons facilitating production of finer yarns paved the way to commercially attractive designs and products which included blends with other natural silks, cotton, wool, synthetic materials etc. (Somashekar, 2004). As the eri silk gained the market value, there has been increasing demand in production of eri cocoons. This has attracted the non-traditional states and other countries where the food plants of eri silkworm viz. castor and cassava are cultivated in large scale as agricultural crops, to go for ericulture as a source of additional income by using a part of foliage without affecting the main produce and primary income from host plant. Eri silk, among all non-mulberry silks, is exploited to the maximum extent accounting for 63% of total non mulberry silk production and 13% of the total silk production in India (Anonymous, 2014). Castor (Ricinus communis L.), the primary host plant of eri silkworm Samia cynthia ricini Boisdual is greatly exploited for eri silk production in nontraditional states whereas cassava, the most preferred food plant after castor has also been proved to be suitable for commercial rearing (Sakthivel, 2012). Cassava is cultivated over 2.32 lakh hectare in the country. The southern states viz. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh together account for 88.65 % of total cassava cultivation and have great potential to enhance the nation’s eri silk production. In this context, the present study was undertaken to find out the feasibility of utilizing different popular cassava varieties for commercial eri silkworm rearing. 166 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ MATERIALS AND METHODS Seven popular cassava varieties namely CO2, CO3, CO (TP) 4, H165, H226, Mulluvadi (MVD1) and Kunguma Rose were selected for the studies. Stems with uniform thickness from 8-10 months old, pest and disease free plants of above varieties were obtained from Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Yethapur, Salem, India. Plantation was raised after preparing sets of 10 cm length from the stems, directly in farmer’s field at Karumapuram village, Namakkal district in a randomized block design and replicated five times. Each plot measured 5.4 X 5.4 m with 49 plants in 90 x 90 cm spacing. The crop was raised under irrigated conditions as per recommended package of practices (George et al., 2000). In order to study the influence of cassava varieties on growth and economic traits of eri silkworm, rearing was conducted 8 months after plantation with standard rearing techniques (Anonymous, 2004). The leaves from each variety were plucked separately and fed to worms in five replicates @ 100 larvae per replication. The top fully opened tender and middle leaves at the rate of one leaf per plant were harvested and used for first two and third instar respectively, whereas the bottom green leaves at the rate of 30% of totally available leaves per plant were used for rearing of 4th and 5th instars. The matured silkworms were collected and transferred to plastic collapsible mountages placed separately in another set of labeled rearing trays as per different treatments. After mounting of worms the trays were covered with perforated news papers to permit aeration and to avoid migration of larvae from the mountages between replications and treatments. The cocoons were harvested five days after mounting. At each harvest, the composite leaf samples of each variety were retained separately for biochemical analysis. All samples were rinsed with distilled water and shade dried after removing the petioles and was transferred to hot air oven maintained at 70oC until constant weight was obtained. The leaf samples were then powdered, sieved and the biochemical contents viz. total carbohydrate (Dubois et al., 1956), crude protein, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, total minerals (Jackson, 1973), total tannins (Anonymous, 1984) hydrocyanic acid (Bradbury et al., 1991) were determined as per the standard chemical analytical methods. The economic parameters such as larval period (hrs), weight of mature larvae (g), effective rate of rearing (%), cocoon yield (kg / 100 dfls), shell yield (kg/ 100 dfls), single cocoon weight (g), single shell weight (g), silk ratio (%) were recorded. The pupae were used for grainage to observe fecundity and hatching percentage. The experimental results obtained were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Biochemical constituents of leaf as influenced by cassava varieties The biochemical constitutions were varied markedly among the leaves of different cassava varieties (Table 1). Highest values of all nutrients studied viz. protein (28.18%), total carbohydrate (34.97%), nitrogen (4.83), phosphorus (0.40%, potassium (0.94%) and total minerals13.02%) were recorded with the variety MVD1 which was closely followed by H226 (25.28, 33.51, 4.36, 0.40, 0.93, 12.12 % respectively) whereas CO2 exhibited comparatively least values in all parameters (19.75, 29.47, 3.48, 0.33, 0.78, 8.78 %). With respect to anti- nutrient values, highest content of total tannins (4.15%) and HCN (389 mg/kg) were recorded with the variety CO2 followed by CO4 in tannins (3.35%) and CO3 in HCN (380 mg/kg). However, the varieties MVD1 exhibited least values (2.86% & 329 mg/kg) which was followed by H226 in total tannins (2.96%) and Kunguma Rose (331 mg/kg) in HCN contents respectively. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 167 Influence of cassava varieties on economic traits of eri silkworm Similarly, the rearing parameters and economic traits of eri silkworm reared on different cassava varieties also varied substantially (Table 2). The larval duration (D: H) did not differ significantly among the varieties (27:22) except that of CO2 where it was a little longer (28:20) whereas MVD1 recorded shorter (26.19) than all varieties. However, MVD1 registered highest values in matured larval weight (6.93 g), effective rate of rearing (97.65%), cocoon yield (79.223 kg/100 dfls), shell yield (12.571 kg / 100 dfls), silk ratio (15.86%), fecundity (349.75) and hatchability (95.86%) which was closely followed by the variety H226 with the respective values (6.86g, 96.33%, 75.766 kg/100 dfls, 11.596 kg/100 dfls, 15.305 %, 347.73 and 95.28%). The varieties CO3 and CO4 recorded on par results and found next best to H226 where as poor performance of the silkworm was recorded (6.28g, 90.90%, 64.924 kg/100 dfls, 8.272 kg/100 dfls, 12.741 %, 312.50 and 85.64% respectively) with CO2 variety. The present observations are in agreement with the findings of Chandrasekhar et al. (2013) who reported significant variations in nutritive value of leaves in different genotypes of castor, the primary food plant of eri silkworm. Similarly, the influence of variations in nutrient values of mulberry varieties on the silkworm Bombyx mori was also documented (Sujathamma & Dandin, 2000). The nutritional status in the leaves of food plants which influences the economic characters of silkworm crop depends upon the level of moisture, total protein, total carbohydrates and total minerals (Bongale et al., 1991). In the present study, the cassava variety MVD1 was found superior in all economic traits followed by H226 while the variety CO2 was noted as poor performer. The relationship between quality parameters of cassava varieties viz. crude protein, total carbohydrates, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, total minerals exhibited positive correlation with all economic traits except that of larval period which decreased with increase in nutritional content of leaves. The anti nutrients viz. total tannins and hydrocyanic acid were had negative impact on the economic traits of eri silkworm irrespective of variety (Tables 3). The highest nutritional values and lower values of anti-nutrient contents in MVD1 and H226 could be attributed to the superior economic traits including cocoon yield and silk percentage and found most suitable for ericulture compared to the other varieties whereas in CO2 the economic traits and cocoon yield were recorded least which could be due to poor nutrient contents in leaf. Further, the increased level of tannin and HCN in this variety could have caused reduced intake of leaves and digestibility as reported by earlier workers (Reed et al., 1982) in silkworm. The main limiting factor to the use of cassava leaves as animal feed is the presence of cyanogenic glucoside, which gives rise to hydrocyanic acid (HCN) when the plant tissues are broken down during various metabolic processes in the body of animals (Ravindran, 1995). The order of merit of tapioca varieties suitable for ericulture was recorded as MVD1 > H226 > CO (TP) 4 > CO3 > Kunguma Rose > H165 > CO2. LITERATURE CITED Anonymous, 1984. (eds.), Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Agricultural Chemist, 13 th Edition, Washington (D.C.). Anonymous, 2004. (eds.), Package of practices for eri host plant cultivation and silkworm rearing. Central Muga, Eri Research and Training Institute, Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Lahdoigarh, Jorhat, Assam. Anonymous, 2014. Note on the performance of Indian silk industry, ( Bongale, U. D. & Chaluvachari, 1993. Evaluation of four mulberry varieties by leaf biochemical analysis and bioassay with Bombyx mori L.. Journal of Indian Botanical Society, 72: 59-62. Bradbury, J. H., Egan, S. M. & Lynch, M. J. 1991. Analysis of cyanide in cassava using acid hydrolysis of cyanogenic glucosides. J. Sci. Food and Agric., 55: 277-290. Chandrashekhar, S., Sannappa, B., Manjunath, K. G. & Govindan, R. 2013. Nutritive value of leaves in different genotypes ofcastor (Ricinus communis L.). Indian J. Plant Sci., 2 (2): 22-27. 168 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Dubois, M., Gilles, K. A., Hamilton, T. K., Robeos, P. A. & Smith, F. 1956. Calorimetric determination of sugars and related substances. Annals of Chemistry, 28: 350-356. George, J., Mohankumar, C. R., Nair, G. M. & Ravindran, C. S. 2000. Cassava agronomy research and adoption of improved practices in India- Major achievements during the past 30 years. In: Proceeding of the 6 th Regional Cassava Workshop. 21-25 February 2000. International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, pp. 279299. Jackson, M. L. 1973. (eds.), Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. p. 260. Ravindran, V. 1995. Preparation of cassava leaf products and their use in animal feed. In: Roots, tubers, plantains and bananas in animal feeding, FAO Animal Production and Health Paper, No. 95. pp. 11-116. Reed, J. D., McDowell, R. E., Van Soest, P. J. & Horvath, P. J. 1982. Condensed tannin: A factor limiting to use of cassava foliage. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture, 33: 21-31. Sakthivel, N. 2012. Studies on utilization of tapioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) for ericulture in Tamil Nadu, Ph.D., thesis, submitted to the Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu. pp. 175-178. Somashekar, T. H. 2004. Recent advances in Eri silk spinning, weaving and future prospects. In: Proc. Workshop on Prospects for Development of Ericulture in Karnataka. 12 th June 2004, (UAS, Dharwad), Central Silk Board, Bangalore, India, pp. 30-35. Sujathamma, P. & Dandin, S. B. 2000. Leaf quality evaluation of mulberry genotypes by chemical analysis. Sericologia, 39 (2): 117-121. Table 1. Biochemical composition (%) in different varieties of cassava leaves. Crude Protein (%) Total Carbohydrate (%) N (%) CO2 19.75 29.47 3.48 CO3 CO4 H165 H226 MVD1 KR CD (5%) 22.63 24.54 22.47 25.28 28.18 21.44 0.135 30.15 31.16 33.05 33.51 34.97 32.37 0.337 3.94 4.24 3.91 4.36 4.83 3.75 0.036 Varieties K (%) Total Minerals (%) 0.33 0.78 8.78 4.15 389 0.34 0.35 0.31 0.40 0.40 0.32 0.048 0.86 0.88 0.90 0.93 0.94 0.79 0.039 8.44 9.67 8.22 12.12 13.02 8.69 0.444 3.20 3.35 3.23 2.96 2.86 3.22 0.318 380 342 351 333 329 331 11.710 P (%) Total tannins (%) HCN (mg/kg) Table 2. Influence of feeding leaves of different cassava varieties on economic traits of eri silkworm. Variety Larval period D:H Matured larval weight(g) ERR % CO2 CO3 CO4 H165 H226 MVD1 KR CD(5%) 28.20 27.22 27.22 27.22 27.03 26.19 27.22 -- 6.28 6.59 6.78 6.76 6.86 6.93 6.73 0.116 90.90 94.28 94.89 92.18 96.33 97.65 94.00 5.668 Cocoon yield (kg/100 dfls) 64.924 71.031 71.654 65.882 75.766 79.223 66.949 4.128 Shell yield (kg/100 Dfls 8.272 10.019 10.494 9.079 11.596 12.571 8.987 0.525 SCW (g) SSW (g) Silk (%) Fecundity (no.) Hatching (%) 2.480 2.616 2.622 2.444 2.731 2.817 2.473 0.161 0.316 0.369 0.384 0.342 0.418 0.447 0.332 0.033 12.741 14.105 14.645 13.993 15.305 15.867 13.424 0.512 312.50 325.40 339.19 322.29 347.73 349.75 325.25 17.445 85.64 89.17 92.91 90.45 95.28 95.86 90.14 2.222 Table 3. Correlation co-efficient between biochemical compositions of cassava varieties and economic traits of eri silkworm. Parameters Crude protein Total carbohydrate Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Total minerals Total tannins HCN -0.908 Matured larval weight (g) 0.835 -0.849 0.872 -0.909 -0.630 -0.774 -0.701 0.917 0.739 0.833 0.545 0.793 0.622 -0.931 -0.901 Larval period D:H 0.924 Cocoon yield (kg/100 dfls) 0.947 Shell yield (kg/100 Dfls 0.975 0.698 0.637 0.698 0.925 0.854 0.718 0.847 -0.837 -0.709 0.948 0.941 0.782 0.913 -0.727 -0.542 0.975 0.922 0.842 0.911 -0.767 -0.598 ERR % SCW (g) Hatchin g (%) SSW (g) Silk (%) Fecundity (no.) 0.904 0.975 0.985 0.948 0.941 0.538 0.689 0.760 0.729 0.833 0.906 0.959 0.733 0.909 -0.624 -0.430 0.975 0.923 0.859 0.908 -0.754 -0.575 0.984 0.852 0.923 0.856 -0.826 -0.656 0.947 0.887 0.812 0.890 -0.782 -0.749 0.939 0.799 0.856 0.838 -0.852 -0.834 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 169 EFFICACY OF OZONE MIXED WITH CARBON DIOXIDE ON THE MORTALITY OF RHYZOPERTHA DOMINICA (F.) INSIDE FOOD PACKAGING Mohammad Nateq Golestan* and Ali Asghr Pourmirza** * Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Birjand Branch, Birjand, IRAN. E-mail: ** Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, P.O. Box 57135-165, IRAN. E-mail: [Nateq Golestan, M. & Pourmirza, A. A. 2016. Efficacy of ozone mixed with carbon dioxide on the mortality of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) inside food packaging. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 169-175] ABSTRACT: The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), is a primary beetle pest of stored grain in many regions of the world. Fumigation as a pest control method plays a key role in control and management of infestation stored commodities worldwide. This study was conducted to control the beetles in food packaging under modified atmosphere storage. Experiments were designed on three factors, including foodstuff (3 treatments), wrapper (4 treatments) and the concentration of ozone mixed with 40% carbon dioxide (3 levels). The results showed that the behavior of wheat is different from wheat flour and rolled oats foodstuffs. Accordingly, while the most mortality beetles in wheat (alive) was observed in the BOPP 40μm film (biaxially oriented polypropylene) with low permeability, the most mortality in wheat flour and rolled oats (non-alive) occurred in Non-woven PP (polypropylene) wrapper with high permeability. Mortality of beetles located in all of foodstuffs showed a significant decrease in 40% CO2+150 ppm O3, 40% CO2+100 ppm O3 and 40% CO2+50 ppm O3 in the level of 0.05 respectively. Arrangement of morality mean in the foodstuffs was significant as wheat four < rolled oats< wheat in 0.05 level. KEY WORDS: Stored grain insect, Modified atmosphere, Spunbond, Perforated woven polypropylene Stored products of agricultural and anima l origi n are attacked by more than 600 species of beetle pests (Rajendran and Sriranjini, 2008). The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), is a primary beetle pest of stored grain in many regions of the world. This insect is injurious to cereals; breeds in corn, rice, wheat, and in other substrates containing starch (Edde, 2012). Fumigation as a pest control method plays a key role in control and management of infestation stored commodities worldwide. Therefore, numerous investigators have studied the application and effectiveness of fumigants to control stored-product insects. In addition, exposure of insects to toxic concentrations of atmospheric gases has been practiced for centuries and has been promoted in recent years as a biorational substitute for chemical fumigations (Sadeghi et al., 2011). O3 gas, a powerful oxidant, has numerous beneficial applications and is very familiar to the food processing industry. This gas has regulatory acceptance by the Food and Drug Administration (USA) (FDA, 2001), and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (USA) MSDS defines it as “pure air” (Mason et al., 2006). On the other hand, CO2 is efficient only when concentrations higher than 40% are maintained for long periods. Exposure periods longer than 14 d are required to kill the insects when the concentration of CO2 in the air is below 40% (Sadeghi et al., 2011). Food packaging as one of the most important parts of food industry is related with food security. Food packaging provides not only a method for transporting food safely, but extends product's self-life via preventing from harmful bacteria, contamination and degradation (Chin, 2010). Furthermore packaging can be security for food product, insect can enter goods during transportation, storage in the warehouse, or in retail stores, and also it is possible that the initial 170 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ contaminants develop and destroy foodstuffs (Allahvaisi et al., 2010). Accordingly, the use of type of packaging to eliminate probable contamination of the food and to prevent re-contamination is one of the underlying subjects in packaging industry. When an infected packaging with an insect's life stage, enters into the warehouse, it can spread the contamination to other packages and in addition reducing food quantity, the quality of food is annihilated. Highland & Wilson (1981) believed that polypropylene has a higher resistance than polyethylene to insect penetration (with equal thickness). Bowditch (1997) found that the polypropylene film tested was resistant to penetration by 1st-instar larvae of Ephestia cautella (Walker). In another study, from 4 kinds of used polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinylchloride and cellophane, polypropylene had the least permeability against the pest insect as most of the pests were unable to penetrate this polymer and if penetration occurred, it was less (Allahvaisi et al., 2010). On the other hand, in recent years, especially biaxially oriented polypropylene films (BOPP) have become one of the most popular h i g h -growth films in the world market (Lazic et al., 2010). In another study on BOPP 80μm laser films was expressed that BOPP films without holes and with the maximum number of holes were the most suitable for controlling of Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val. in alive and non-alive foodstuffs respectively (Nateq Golestan et al., 2015). Sacks made from woven polypropylene are replacing jute sacks for commodity storage in developing countries. Woven polypropylene (WPP) sack manufacture was developed in Japan in the late 1960s and was quickly adopted in Europe, South Africa, Australia and North America. These sacks are lighter and relatively stronger than jute (Kennedy & Devereau, 1994). Spunbonded bags made of synthetic polymers were commercialized by the technology of Freudenberg (Germany) and Du Pont (USA) in the 1950s and 1960s. Many polymers, including polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, polyamide, polyurethane, etc. are used in the spunbond process. Among various polymers, isotactic polypropylene (PP) is the most widely used polymer for spunbond non woven production. Non woven products made by using the spunbond process are used in different industries such as packaging (Lim, 2010). Food packaging with non woven wrappers is developing and now is used for packaging products such as rice. This wrapper has a high permeability to gases and vapor. When a product is packaged, it may be contamination or initial contamination may be developed, and because percentage of insect's penetration and contamination development can depend on the type of packaging material, finding the best wrapper for packaging is inevitable. This study examine the simultaneous effects of mixture of ozone and carbon dioxide gas, current wrappings of food packaging and type of food on mortality of stored pest. Furthermore, it suggests the appropriate wrapper based on type of food. MATERIAL AND METHODS This study was carried out at Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Razavi Khorasan Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources during the years 2012-2013. Mixed concentrations of 50, 100 and 150 ppm O 3 along with 40% CO2 gas was tested on packages made of 4 wrappers, including 2 BOPP films with 40 and 80µm width, woven polypropylene wrapper laminated/perforated (WPPL/P) and non-woven polypropylene fabric (Spunbond) filled with wheat, rolled oats wheat flour foodstuffs. Insect The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) was prepared from laboratory of Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, Urmia University in Urmia (37°33'N 45°04'E) a city in Iran. Cultures _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 171 were established and maintained on healthy uncontaminated food at 25±2ºC and 65±10% r.h. in plastic bottles and were closed with pieces of muslin cloth fixed by rubber bands. Rearing medium used was composed of wheat. All insects were cultured under moderately crowded conditions to ensure proper development and equal size of the resultant adults. Supply of gases Ozone gas was generated by ozone Generator, Ozonica series, Oz 100 models (, that generate 100 gram/hour ozone from purified oxygen with 4 reactors. Purified oxygen produce by oxygen generator, LFY-I-5F-W model, provided by Longfei Group Co. Ltd., and produce purified oxygen 93%±3% with flow rate 0-5 L/min. Specified O3 concentration was measured based on the volume of the chamber and the default generator. A local factory supplied CO2 gas needed inside cylinders of 40 kg with 99.9% purity. Wrappers Woven polypropylene wrapper laminated/perforated was taken from Kabir Industrial Group located in Tehran, Iran and made of 95% PP+2% PE+2% CaCO3+1% Color material and perforated by needle rollers with a distance 5 mm from each other. Non-woven polypropylene fabric was taken from Baftineh Ltd. located in Tehran, Iran and made from 100% PP with 90 gram/m2 and white color. BOPP film rolls with 40µm width was taken from Poushineh Industrial Group located in Tehran, Iran. We laminated 2 BOPP film rolls with 40µm width together and produced film 80µm. At the first, the packages 20×30 cm were filled with 1 kilogram of wheat and rolled oats separately. Then a cage (10×10 cm) containing 40 insects and 3 gr. food was entered into each package and sealed with a plastic press machine. Subsequently, packages transferred into chamber 70×120×180 cm and placed horizontally at the bottom it and the chamber closed tightly. Afterwards, CO2 gas (CO2 cylinder with purity 99.9%) was injected into the upper left, and air exited from the bottom right until concentration of CO2 was 40% and in the final step, we injected O3 gas daily at a specified time and every day on reaching the specified concentration, ozone injection was stopped. A total 7 injections with equal doses during 7 d performed. During CO2 injection and until 1 hour after O3 injection, the system was circulated. During experiments, upper surface of packages exposed chamber atmosphere. Exposure period was considered 7 d at 25±2°C, 35±5% r.h. After exposure period, the specimens were transferred to a clean jar containing 3 gr. of food with the same condition. Mortality rates of the insects were recorded 6 h after termination of the treatment. Each test was replicated 3 times on different days, and results were pooled. Bioassay In this experiment, we used adults Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) 7±2 days old. Preliminary dose-mortality tests were carried o u t prior l a st experiment to determine a range of doses that produce 25 to 75% mortality at the lowest and the highest doses, respectively (Robertson et al., 2007). In ultimate experiment compared average mortality in 3 foodstuffs separately by independent sample's ttest and also, analyzed mean mortality in gas mixtures and wrapper treatments together by factorial experiment in the completely randomized design. Comparison of the average mortality rates performed by Tukey’s test separately. All of data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) software (SPSS Inc., 2007). First, mortality rates of various treatments were adjusted with Abbott's formula and then, for normalizing of residuals variance, the data were transformed to . 172 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ RESULTS The initial factorial experiment showed that all three factors including foodstuff, gas mixture and wrapper have a significant effect on mortality at 0.05 level. ANOVA test in the first analysis explained 89% of the variance of mortality based on the independent variables. In this test, the foodstuff factor attained the largest effect size (ω2= 0.72.7) and two other factors created much smaller effect size (Tab. 1). Initial observations showed that wheat treatment from foodstuff factor because of behavior difference with other treatments (rolled oat and flour wheat) made this very large effect size (Fig. 1). This opinion was confirmed by removing wheat treatment and ANOVA re-test. In this analysis, effect sizes of interactions decreased and Foodstuff * Wrapper and Dose * Wrapper not significant at 0.01 and 0.05 levels respectively. The effect sizes three factors were also close to each other (Tab. 1) and the maximum effect size was related to wrapper factor (ω2= 0.32.5). As a result, it should be stated wheat treatment has very different characteristics with rolled oat and wheat flour treatments. By removing wheat from analysis, foodstuff factor was more homogeneity and consequently effect of ozone concentration on foodstuff increased and conversely, the effect of this gas on wrapper factor was not significant at the 0.05 level (Tab. 1). Grouping mean mortality performed for wrapper, foodstuff and ozone dose factors separately by Tukey’s test. The result without wheat treatment showed that the lowest and highest mortality was in Bopp film 80μm and Nonwoven fabric respectively (Tab. 2). It should be noted that the two wrappers mentioned have the lowest and the highest permeability to gas. Therefore, by increasing the permeability of wrapper in rolled oats and wheat flour foodstuffs, the mortality also increased. The result in the presence of wheat treatment showed that there is no direct relationship between the permeability of wrapper with the mortality rate and the lowest and highest mortality obtained on woven PP (L/P) and BOPP film 40μm respectively (Tab. 3). Mortality of beetles located in all of foodstuffs showed a significant decrease in 40% CO2+150 ppm O3, 40% CO2+100 ppm O3 and 40% CO2+50 ppm O3 in the level of 0.05 respectively (Tab. 2,3). The most mortality was observed in wheat treatment and then rolled oats and wheat flour were by large margins in the level of second and third (Fig. 2). Table 4 showed percentage mortality rate for treatments (wrapper-Ozone mixed CO2 -foodstuff) without data transformation and accordingly, the lowest of mortality level was in the BOPP 80μm- 50 ppm O3wheat flour treatment. CONCLUSIONS Three types of foodstuffs used, are from the main stored products. Wheat grains are alive and breathing and other foodstuffs aren't alive. Research shows that the seed respiration led to an increase in the CO2 concentration within sealed packages, and this is an important factor influencing mortality (Moreno, 1991). And so, wheat respiration increased CO2 concentration in the packages, and this condition led to elevation of pest mortality. Accordingly, it can be concluded that in live products, packaging films with low permeability is proper for fumigation. Our results confirmed this assumption and BOPP film with thickness of 40 µm created the highest mortality and therefore, was the most appropriate in wheat (Tab. 3). On the other hand, in non-alive products such as rolled oats and flour wheat, because there is no respiration and no bio-increasing in the mount of gases within the packages, pest mortality was almost exclusively influenced by chamber atmosphere and with elevating CO2 and O3 concentrations, increased mortality was followed. Therefore, non woven polypropylene fabric was the most suitable _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 173 (Tab. 2). BOPP film and non-woven polypropylene fabric showed the highest and lowest penetration resistance to insects, respectively. About ozone gas, the results indicate that decomposition it on the grain surface occurs in 2 phases. The first phase, due to the high interaction with the grains surface, the penetration rate is low and in the second phase, movement through the grain is rapid with very little impedance (Kells et al., 2001; Dos Santos et al., 2007). For this reason, we used low doses of O3 intermittently to achieve minimum damage to the product and maximum performance on the pest control. In this study, for control of beetles within foodstuffs packages in the chamber, in the case of rolled oats and wheat flour was applied only O3 and CO2 gases injected into chamber and in the case of wheat apart from the injected gases, an additional CO2 gas produced by the respiration of wheat grains within the packages influenced on the pest control. The results showed that in the wheat foodstuff (alive), the mortality of the adult beetles in the packaging with low permeability was more compared with packaging with high permeability. Conversely, in the rolled oat and wheat flour foodstuffs (non-alive), this mortality in the packaging with low permeability was less compared with packaging with more permeability (Fig. 1). Accordingly, we can hypothesize that suitable model for packaging of live foodstuffs is Low Gaspermeable Packaging (LGPP) and for packaging of non-live foodstuffs, the High Gas-permeable Packaging model (HGPP) is an appropriate option. Overall, it can conclude that mixture of CO2 and O3 gases was appropriate treatment for control of beetles and use of O3 gas with safe concentrations intermittently with specified interval can reduce the CO2 concentrations used in modified atmospheres. Furthermore, obtained mixture due to the use of 2 controlling agents can reduce development of pest resistance compared to use of them separately. In addition, respiration of foodstuffs and permeability of wrapper can be factors influenced mortality. ACKNOWLEGEMENTS The authors thank the Razavi Khorasan Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources for providing facilities for this study and thank the Kabir Industrial Group and Baftineh Ltd. for giving materials and Ozoneab Company for the using generator. LITERATURE CITED Allahvaisi, S., Pourmirza, A. A. & Safaralizadeh, M. H. 2010. Control of Callosobruchs maculates (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) in industry of packaging foodstuffs. Romanian Journal of Biology – Zoology, 55 (2): 167-176. Bowditch, T. G. 1997. Penetration of Polyvinylchloride and Polypropylene Packaging Films by Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae and Tribolium confusom (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 90 (4): 1028-1031. Chin, A. 2010. Polymers for Innovative Food Packaging. Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Massachusetts, 55 pp. Dos Santose, J. E., Martins, M. A., Faroni, L. A., De Andrade, M. P. & Carvalho, M. C. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Nateq Golestan, M., Ghosta, Y., Pourmirza, A. A. & Valizadegan, O. 2015. Study on laser perforated films as gas permeable packaging for confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val.) control inside food packaging. Journal of Stored Products Research, 60: 54-59. Rajendran, S. & Sriranjini, V. 2008. Plant products as fumigants for stored-product insect control. Journal of Stored Products Research, 44: 126-135. Robertson, J. L., Russell, R. M., Preisler, H. K. & Savin, E. 2007. Pesticide bioassays with arthropods. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 201 pp. Sadeghi, G. R., Pourmirza, A. A. & Safaralizade, M. H. 2011. Combined effect of ozone mixed with carbon dioxide on the mortality of five stored-product insects. Egyptian Academic Journal of biological Sciences, 4 (2): 9-19. SPSS Inc. 2007. SPSS for windows user’s guide release 16. SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL. Table 1. Two factorial experiments for three factors of foodstuff, ozone concentration and wrapper. Table 2. Grouping arcsin treatment. mean of mortality for three factors in the absence of wheat Table 3. Grouping arcsin treatment. mean of mortality for two factors in the presence of wheat _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 175 Table 4. Percentage mortality rate for treatments (wrapper-Ozone mixed CO2 -foodstuff) without data transformation. Figure 1. Comparison of arcsin mean of mortality in three foodstuffs located in different concentrations of ozone along with 40% carbon dioxide Figure 2. Comparison of arcsin different wrappers mean of mortality in three foodstuffs located in 176 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ BIONOMICS OF BACTROCERA DORSALIS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) – AN IMPORTANT PEST OF MANGO (MANGIFERA INDICA) IN JAMMU (J & K) J. S. Tara and Madhvi Gupta* * Department of Zoology, University of Jammu, Jammu (Tawi) - 180006, J&K, INDIA. Email: [Tara, J. S. & Gupta, M. 2016. Bionomics of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) – an important pest of Mango (Mangifera indica) in Jammu (J & K). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 176-180] ABSTRACT: Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is known as “king of fruits”. Several insects are known to cause significant damage to mango and affect its productivity. One of them is Bactrocera dorsalis which is an important pest of mango in India. Keeping in view the medical, economical and dietary importance of mango and damage done to it by different insect pests, work was done to study the biology of this pest which causes huge damage during (May to September). Adults are strong fliers, eggs are laid in the soft skin of ripening fruits. On hatching, the maggots bore into the fruit further and feed on soft pulp. The infested fruits bear depressions with dark green punctures and when cut open wriggling maggots were seen inside. Later, the affected fruits get malformed and in conjugation with bacterial activity, fruits rot and ultimately fall down. Maggots emerge from these fruits and pupate in the soil. KEY WORDS: Bionomics, Bactrocera dorsalis, Mango. Tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are the most devastating insect pests having a foremost influence on global agricultural products, effecting yield losses, and dropping the value and marketability of horticultural crops. The genus Bactrocera is considered a serious threat of horticultural crops because of the wide host range of its species and the invasive power of some species within the genus (Clarke et al., 2005). They deposit their eggs into fruits and vegetables, the flesh of which is subsequently consumed by the developing larvae (White & ElsonHarris 1992). There are about 325 species of fruit flies occurring in the Indian subcontinent, of which 205 are from India alone (Kapoor, 2005). Out of which Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, is also considered as a serious pest of horticultural crops. In India, the loss in fruit yield ranges from 1 to 31% with a mean of 16% (Verghese et al., 2002). According to Butani (1979) it breeds profusely on guava (Psidium guajava) during March, shifts to Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and Plum (Prunus domestica) during April- May, then migrates to peach (Prunus persica) and fig (Ficus carica) in June and finely to Mango (Mangifera indica) during JuneAugust. Peak activities of adults coincide with the availability of developed fruits of Mango and Guava which form the principal hosts of the fruit fly (Prasad and Bagle, 1978). Feeds on mango, guava, Peach, Apricot, Cherry, Pear, Chiku, Ber, Citrus and other Plants totaling 250 hosts (Atwal, 1976). Keeping in view the role played by these crops in raising the economy of a country, the present studies were undertaken to study the mode, extent and nature of damage caused by Bactrocera dorsalis in J&K. MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies were carried out from May 2013 to April 2014 at four different Locations viz. Marh, Udheywala, Udhampur and Samba. The infested fruits were collected from different collection sites and were kept in the laboratory in rearing cages with wire guage on the sides and the top and filled basally with a thick bed _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 177 of soil for recording the mode of pupation, pupal period and pattern of adult emergence. Copulatory behavior of the flies was studied under field conditions as they donot copulate in the lab. The cages were filled basally with a thick bed of soil for recording the mode of pupation, pupal period and pattern of adult emergence. For studying the nature and mode of damage, observations were made both in the field and the lab at different times. Under natural conditions, fruit selected after oviposition by female flies were wrapped with a muslin cloth. Egg hatching and pupal period was observed under lab conditions. RESULTS Biological studies: Copulation Field observation reveals that mating takes place during early morning hours. During copulation, male fly climbs on the back of the female making a grip on its body with pro and meso thoracic legs, while meta thoracic pair is used for balancing itself on the substratum. It has been seen that if mating pair when disturbed, they fly together in this posture to a distant place and continue the process. Copulation in Bactrocera cucurbitae takes place at dusk and found males to be more active than females (Lal & Sinha, 1960). Selection of fruit stage for oviposition Adult females prefer to oviposit on both unripened and ripened fruits. Tender and over ripe frits are not selected for oviposition. However, Sharma (2005) while studying the oviposition behavior on guava in jammu recorded that only those fruits were selected whose colour changes from yellow to green i.e which are at the ripening stage. Similar observations were made on citrus plants by Chhetry (2009). Ripen bananas are most conducive to stinging by Dacus dorsalis than less ripe ones (Armstrong, 1983). The present investigator observed that fruit flies do not prefer to lay eggs on the over ripe fruits. The fruits which were previously infested with maggots were not selected by gravid females for oviposition. It is due to the reason that the odour emanated by the overripe fruit and the maggot infested fruits repel female flies to oviposit on these fruits. Similar observtions were made by Green et al. (1983) that Bactrocera dorsalis declined to oviposit in the fruit containing conspecific larvae. Oviposition Before ovipositing, female fly scan one fruit after another possibly for sensing the presence of conspecific larvae or select a suitable site for puncturing. After sometime, female thrusts its ovipositor inside the fruit and lay eggs in small clusters just under the skin of fruit (Fig. 3). Wings are placed laterally and remain fully stretched during the act of oviposition and slightly bend its abdomen while inserting its ovipositor into the fruit surface. Female remain nearly motionless. The female flies after ovipositing were seen cleaning their ovipositor with the help of hind pair of legs. The author also observed that a single fruit can be attacked by a number of flies and more than one female may lay eggs in a single fruit. Oviposition behavior of Dacus dorsalis was also studied by Sharma (2005) who also recorded the similar observations on guava in jammu region of J&K state. The present investigator has noticed that besides actual ovipositional sites the, female punctures number of sites. This is because after initial puncture if the site does not found fit, fly leaves the spot and flies to some other suitable place or spot. 178 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Field observations revealed that oviposition lasted for 4-6 minutes. Similar observations was made by Chhetry (2009) who found that on citrus plants oviposition lasted for 3-5 minutes whereas Sharma (2005) while studying oviposition period on guava recorded that oviposition is completed in 8-10 minutes. As the female oviposits at different fruis at a time, therefore the fecundity of the female could not be determined. However, at a spot the female fly laid 2-36 eggs. Sharma (2005) recorded the presence of 2-5 eggs at one place inside the guava fruit. Egg: The freshly laid eggs are laid below the skin of host fruit in groups by puncturing it by means of ovipositor. They are shiny, translucent, white, cylindrical and slightly curved (Fig. 4). It measures about 0.8- 1 mm in length. Average width of egg is 0.18-0.22mm (Table 2). Sharma (2005), however reported egg length of 0.9-1.00 mm. Incubation period Incubation period varies from 2-5 days. However, Doharey (1983) reported 3.2 days as incubation period of the eggs of D.dorsalis when fed on guava at IARI, New Delhi and also recorded 98.4 percent survival of eggs. Sharma (2005) recorded incubation period of 2-5 days during summer and 4-8 days in winter. Chhetry (2009) recorded incubation period of 7-10 days. Larvae: Freshly hatched larvae (Fig. 5) are transparent and elongated while full grown are creamy white. The Maggots are Pointed anteriorly and broader towards posterior end. It is 11 segmented and the first segment is somewhat darker in colour with phyrangeal hooks. The segments from 1-5 gradually increases in size while there is a gradual increase in size from 6-10. Paired spiracles are present. Maggot length varies from 1.45-7.00mm in length and 0.48-3.70 mm in width. Sharma (2005) observed full grown maggot length of 8-9 mm and width of 5mm. Since the size of the larvae is small so number of larval instars could not determined. The total larval period recorded was 5-6 days with an average of 5.5 ± 0.5 days (Table 2). Sharma (2005) has observed larval period to range between 5-6 days during summer and 9-32 days during winter on guava. Chhetry (2009) has reported larval period to range between 14-35 days on citrus plants. Post hatching and feeding behavior of maggot Maggots feed on the soft fruit pulp and make the fruit unfit for human consumption in association with bacterial degradation. When the fruits are cut open wriggling maggots were seen inside it. Full grown maggots are active and can hop from a looped state to a distance of 3 to 6 inches in length and 1 to 1.5 inches in height. Prepupa Before undergoing pupation, The mature larva emerges from the fruit, drops to the ground enters in the soil and transforms into a non feeding prepupal stage which lasts for 1-2 days Sharma (2005) has also reported the same for 1 day on guava and Chhetry (2009) recorded that prepupal stage lasted for 1to 3 days on citrus. Pupa: Pupae (Fig. 6) are Barrel shaped with round posterior and flattened anterior ends. Pupae are light brown in color with distinct segments. It measures 4-5mm to 2-3 mm in width. Pupation of the full grown maggot takes place in the soil. Duration of pupal period was observed to be 4-10 days. Sharma (2005) has also reported that pupal period lasted for 4-10 days during summer and 14- 42 days during winter months. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 179 Adult migration: While pupation, paupae tends to orient themselves in soil in such a way so that maximum emergence of the adult takes place. At the emergence of the fly, the author has observed a latero ventral cleft is formed at the anterior end of pupa upto the middle of the 4 th abdominal segment. The pupa remains intact from the dorsal side. Newly hatched fly is light in colour which gradually acquires adult colour after sometime. Adult: Adult flies (Figs. 1 & 2) are stout, slightly larger than a housefly. It measures 14mm across the wings and 7 mm in body length. Forewings are transparent and hind wings are reduced to slender organs called Haulters. Antennae are of aristate type. Color of fly is brown with dark brown lines and the thorax has bright yellow markings. Female flies are larger than males and are distinguished by having ovipositor. The ovipositor is very slender and sharply pointed. LITERATURE CITED Armstrong, J. W. 1983. Infestation biology of three fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) species on 'Brazilian', 'Valery', and William's' cultivars of banana in Hawaii. Journal of Economic Entomology, 76 (3): 539-543. Atwal, A. S. 1976. Agricultural pests of india and south East Asia. Pests of citrus, Kalyani publishers, Ludiana, pp. 195213, p. 529. Butani, D. K. 1979. Insects and fruits. Pp. 13, 14, 19. Chhetry, 2009. Diversity Distribution, Biology and Management of insect pests of some subtropical fruit plants in jammu region. Phd thesis, University of Jammu, Jammu. Clarke, A., Armstrong, K. F., Carmichael, A. E., Milne, J. R., Raghu, S., Roderick, G. K. & Yeates, D. K. 2005. Invasive phytophagous pests arising through a recent tropical evolutionary radiation: the Bactrocera dorsalis complex of fruit flies. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 50: 293-319. Doharey, K. L. 1983. Bionomics of fruit flies (Dacus spp.) on some fruits. Indian J. Entomol., 45: 406-413. Green, T. A., Prokopy, R. J., Vargas, Kanehisa D. & Albrecht, C. 1993. Intra-tree foraging behavior of Dacus dorsalis flies in relation to host fruit quantity, quality and type. Entomol. exp. appl., 66: 13-20. Kapoor, V. C. 2005. Taxonomy and biology of economically important fruit flies of India. Israel Journal of Entomology, 35-36: 459. Lall, B. S. & Sinha, S. N. 1960. A trap for the control of melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae coq. (Diptera: Trypidae). Sci. and cult., 25 (9): 544-546. Sharma, R. 2005. Survey, biology and damages caused by insects to guava (Psidium guajava ) in jammu region Mphil. Dissertation, University of Jammu, Jammu. Verghese, A., Nagaraju & Sreedevi, N. N. 2002. Pre and post harvest IPM for management of mango fruit fly Bacterocera dorsalis( Hendel). Proc.of seventh Int. Sym. On Fruit flies of Economic Importance, 10-15 September 2006, Salvador, Brazil 179-182. White, I. M. & Elson-Harris, M. 1992. Fruit Flies of Economic Importance: Their Identification and Bionomics. CAB International, Oxon, UK. 601 pp. Table 1. Morphometric measurements of different stages of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel. Stage Length (mm) Min-Max Mean ± S.E Width (mm) Min-Max Mean± S.E Egg 0.8- 1 0.9±0.1 0.18-0.22 0.21-0.01 Larvae 1.45-7.00 3.49±2.19 0.48-3.70 2.50- 2.70 Pupa 4.25-5.00 4.47 ±0.54 2.00 -2.25 2.21 ±0.2 Adult 7.00-7.25 7.1±0.12 13.25-14.2 14±.45 180 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 2. Duration of different stages of the life cycle of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel on Mango. Developmental Duration (days) stages Range Mean ± S.E Egg 2-5 3.3 ± 1.20 Larvae 5-6 5.5 ± 0.5 Pre pupal period 1-1.5 1.1 ± 0.28 Pupa 4-10 6.6 ± 2.4 Adult longevity 4-5 4.5 ±0.35 Total life cycle 16-27 19.6 ±4.3 Figures 1-8. 1. Adult female of Bactrocera dorsalis, 2. Adult male, 3. Ovipositing female, 4. Eggs, 5. Larvae, 6. Pupa, 7. Damage, 8. Damage made to pulp. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 181 TAXONOMIC STUDIES OF THE GRASSHOPPERS OF THE SUBFAMILY TROPIDOPOLINAE (ACRIDIDAE: ORTHOPTERA) IN LARGEST INDIAN STATE, UTTAR PRADESH Md. Humayoon Akhtar*, M. R. Nayeem and Mohd. Kamil Usmani * Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh- 202002, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA. Email: [Akhtar, Md. H., Nayeem, M. R. & Usmani, M. K. 2016. Taxonomic studies of the grasshoppers of the subfamily Tropidopolinae (Acrididae: Orthoptera) in largest Indian state, Uttar Pradesh. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 181-187] ABSTRACT: Family Acrididae is widely distributed in India and members are called typical grasshoppers. Grasshoppers are the most abundant aboveground insect found especially in dry habitat and also distributed in crop fields. Plant feeding by grasshoppers can deplete plant biomass and damage crops. In extreme cases herbivory can cause ecosystem damage. This can occurs directly from disruption of habitat by loss of vegetation or indirectly through induced erosion of soil. Members of the subfamily Tropidopolinae are purely raminivorous but also feed on crops and cause defoliation. Two species of grasshoppers Tristria pulvinata (Uvarov, 1921) and Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber, 1853) of the subfamily Tropidopolinae recorded from Uttar Pradesh, India. KEY WORDS: Taxonomy, Tropidopolinae, Acrididae, grasshoppers, Uttar Pradesh. Subfamily Tropidopolinae was erected by Jacobson in 1905 to include Tropidopola as its type genus. Subfamily has been studied by Dirsh (1961), Uvarov (1966), Hazra et al. (1995) and Day & Hazra (2003). This is represented by two genus viz. Tristia and Tropidopola from India. Genus Tristria was originally erected by Stal (1873) to include a new species lacerta described from China. Uvarov (1921) erected the genus Tapinophyma to include a new Indian species pulvinata. Later on Uvarov (1923) synonymized the genus Metapula (erected by Giglio-Tos, 1907) and Tapinophyma with Tristria. Genus Tropidopola was erected by Stal (1873) to include cylidrica as a type species. Taxonomy of this species has been done by Bei-Beinko & Mishchenko (1951), Harz (1975) and Usmani (2008) respectively. Recently taxonomy of these species have been done by Chandra et al. (2007) from Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh, Shishodia et al. (2010) from India, Usmani & Khan (2010) from Northestern states, Usmani & Nayeem (2012) from Bihar, Nayeem & Usmani from Jharkhand (2012), Kumar & Usmani (2013) from Rajasthan, Nayeem et al. (2013) from Bihar and Kumar & Usmani (2013) from Punjab respectively. There is no consolidated study of the grasshoppers belonging to this subfamily in Uttar Pradesh except Usmai et al. (2010) who reported only Tropidopola longicornis from Western Uttar Pradesh, thus authors tried to study the taxonomy and distribution of these species of grasshoppers in order to make the record up to date. Largest Indian state in terms of population is Uttar Pradesh, located at 26.8500° N, 80.9100° E has a humid temperate climate, demarcated into three distinct regions. Himalayan region in the north, Gangetic plains in the centre and Vindhya Hills & Plateau to the south. The state is bordered by Rajasthan to the west, Haryana and Delhi to the northwest, Uttarakhand and the country of Nepal to the north, Bihar to the east, Jharkhand to the southeast, and Madhya Pradesh to the southwest. The climate varies from moderately temperate in the Himalayan region to tropical monsoon in the central plains and southern upland regions. In the plains, the average temperatures vary from 12.5°C to 17.5°C in January and 182 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 27.5°C to 32.5°C in May and June. Rainfall in the state ranges from 40-80 inches in the east to 24-40 inches in the west. It is the second largest state of India by economy, the leading sector is agriculture and majority of the population depends upon farming. Orthoptera constitutes 26,330 valid species found throughout the world (>. dated 20.3.2014) and out of that 1033 species, 400 genera and 21 families are known from India (Shishodia et al., 2010). The Order is divided into two suborders i.e. Caelifera called short horned grasshoppers and Ensifera called long horned grasshoppers (Ander, 1939). Suborder Ensifera have antennae longer than the body length thus called long horned grasshoppers. The auditory organs located on the fore legs and they stridulate through the base of their forewings. The females usually have long ovipositors extended from the end of their abdomen. Suborder Caelifera includes the short-horned grasshoppers have antennae shorter than the body length. The auditory organs are found on the first abdominal segment and they stridulate by lateral part of their forewings. Females normally larger than males with short ovipositor. Acrididae is the family under the Caelifera called grasshoppers and locust, comprising 8,000 species around the world and out of that136 species and 28 genera are endemic (Chandra & Gupta, 2013). Members of this family usually have their wings well developed and sometimes brightly coloured. Most of them have an annual life cycle. Some species, under some conditions, will migrate in a dense swarms form, known as locusts. Grasshoppers are the small creature of nature, small to large sized insect found everywhere and well known for their jumping behavior. They cause considerable damage to agricultural crops, pastures and forests (Joshi et al., 1999). The primary diet for grasshoppers is grasses and forbs (Behmer & Joern, 1993). It is primarily graminivorous, feeding on several common grasses and sedges (Mulkern, 1967). MATERIAL AND METHODS I. Collection, killing and identification Authors surveyed paddy fields of Uttar Pradesh to collect the grasshopper Tristria pulvinata and Tropidopola longicornis during the period of 2010-2012. They were caught by the ordinary aerial insect net and through hand picking as well. The collected specimens were killed in bottles having soaked cotton with ethyl acetate. Dry mounts were prepared for better understanding the certain characters like size, colour, texture etc. For this purpose, the specimens were first relaxed, stretched, later pinned and labeled. Specimen identifies the with the help of binocular stereoscopic microscope (Nikon SMZ 1500) upto species level on the basis of characters like size, colour and texture, running with available literature and keys. II. Morphometry and preservation Measurement in mm of four important differentiating parts of body (Body length, pronotum, tegmina and hind femur) has been done with the help of Vernier Calliper. Mean value, Standard Deviation of male and female are calculated to show the differentiation and intraspecific variation. Permanent collections of pinned specimens were kept in store boxes and cabinets with complete records indicating the reference number, locality, date of collection and name of host plants. To prevent decomposition of the specimens, naphthalene balls were kept in boxes and for wet preservation specimens are stored in plastic vials using 70 % ethyl alcohol. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 183 RESULTS Two species of grasshoppers Tristria pulvinata and Tropidopola longicornis of the subfamily Tropidopolinae recorded from Uttar Pradesh, India during the survey of the duration 2010-2012. SUBFAMILY TROPIDOPOLINAE JACOBSON, 1905 Tropidopolini Jacobson, 1905. Orthopteroid and Pseudoneuropteroid Insects of Russian Empire and adjacent countries, 73, 306. Type-genus: Tropidopola Stal, 1873. Recencio Orthopterorum. Revue critique des Orthopteres decrits par Linne, De Geer et Thunberg, 1: 43, 86. Diagnostic characters: Body strongly elongate, narrow; head cylindrical in profile; frons usually oblique; fastigium of vertex short, dorsum of pronotum of variable shape, crossed by three transverse sulci, median and lateral carinae present or absent; dorsum of pronotum of variable shape; prosternal process present; mesosternal interspace closed; tegmina or wings fully developed or shortened; tympanum present; hind femur never robust, lower basal lobe shorter than upper one; external apical spine of hind tibia present; arolium medium to large sized. Two genera of this subfamily have been reported from the region and a key for their separation is given below. KEY TO INDIAN GENERA OF TROPIDOPOLINAE JACOBSON, 1905 1. Pronotum flattened, lateral carinae present, posterior margin truncated; lower genicular lobe of hind knee short and round; frontal ridge flat…………………………….…Tristria Stal, 1873 - Pronotum cylindrical, lateral carinae lacking, posterior margin rounded; frontal ridge shallowly sulcate; lower genicular lobe of hind femora acute angular..Tropidopola Stal, 1873 Genus Tristria Stal, 1873 Tristria Stal, 1873. Recencio Orthopterorum. Revue critique des Orthopteres decrits par Linne, De Geer et Thunberg, 1: 40, 80. Type-species: Tristria lacerta Stal, 1873 (= pisciforme). Revue critique des Orthopteres decrits par Linne, De Geer et Thunberg, 1: 80. Metapula Giglio-Tos, 1907. Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. Comp. R. Univ. Torino, 22 (554): 10. Syn. by Otte, 1995. Orthoptera Species File, 4: 99. Type-species: Metapula olivacea Giglio-Tos, 1907 (= Tristria discoidalis). Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. Comp. R. Univ. Torino, 22 (554): 11. Tapinophyma Uvarov, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 9-7: 496. Syn. by Otte, 1995. Orthoptera Species File, 4: 99. Type-species: Tapinophyma pulvinata Uvarov, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 9-7: 497. Diagnostic characters: Body small to medium size; antennae thick, filiform, in basal half compressed, shorter than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex convex, much shorter than longest diameter of eye, with median carinula; frons slightly oblique; frontal ridge flat; dorsum of pronotum flattened, crossed by three transverse sulci, median and lateral carinae distinct, almost straighjt; metazona much shorter than prozona, posterior margin truncate; porsternal process compressed antero-posteriorly, reaching anterior margin of mesosternum, apex rectangular; mesosternal interspace contiguous for short distance; tegmina and wings fully developed; hind femur slender, knee lobe short and rounded; external apical spine of hind tibia present, arolium medium sized. The genus is represented by single species from the region. 184 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Tristria pulvinata (Uvarov, 1921) (Fig. 1) Tapinophyma pulvinata Uvarov, 1921. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 9 (7): 497. Tristria pulvinata (Uvarov); Nayeem & Usmani, 2012. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 7 (1): 399. Diagnostic characters: Body medium sized; antennae considerably shorter than head and pronotum together; head conical with apex rounded, frons strongly oblique; fastigium of vertex obtusely parabolic, convex, elevated, median carinula of fastigium of vertex present; pronotum elongated, tectiform, with flattened dorsum, median carina and lateral carinae weak, crossed by three transverse sulci, lateral carinae diverging posteriorly; prosternal process curved backwards, strongly flattened antero-posteriorly; mesosternal interspace closed, lobes rounded, inner margin angulated and coinciding medially; metasternal pits very closely set; tegmina fully developed extending up to hind knee but shorter than abdomen; wings hyaline, wingspan short; hind femora slender; hind tibiae straight with fourteen dorso-external and eleven dorso-internal spines; dorsoexternal apical spine of hind tibiae present; spurs not specialized, tarsal region weakly flattened; arolium medium sized. Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Elsewhere: Sri Lanka. Material Examined: India: Uttar Pradesh: Allahabad, 3♂,3♀, 06-X-2010, On paddy & grasses; Ghazipur, 4♂,3♀, 09-X-2010, On paddy & grasses; Deoria, 2♂,4♀, 12-X-2010, On paddy & grasses; Faizabad, 5♂,4♀, 24-X-2010, On paddy & grasses; Sultanpur, 4♂,2♀, 25-X-2010, On paddy & grasses; Hamirpur, 4♂,6♀, 04IX-2011, On paddy & grasses; Fatehpur, 4♂,4♀, 11-IX-2011, On paddy & grasses; Farrukhabad, 5♂,3♀, 06-VIII-2012, On paddy & grasses; Meerut, 8♂,7♀, 21-VIII2012, On paddy & grasses; Muzaffarnagar, 7♂,4♀, 22-VIII-2012, On paddy & grasses; Saharanpur, 6♂,5♀, 23-VIII-2012, On paddy & grasses. Morphometry: Measurement (mm) Body length Pronotum Tegmina Hind Femur Male 28.32-30.14 4.35-5.31 14.45-16.19 12.54-14.19 Female 30.23-32.68 6.51-7.62 19.23-20.52 17.53-18.84 Mean ± SD Male Female 28.93± 0.57 32.80±1.17 4.99±0.30 7.10±0.40 15.17± 0.63 19.76±0.48 13.33±0.64 18.12±0.47 Standard deviation of 0.30 in case of male pronotum, 0.63 in case of tegimna, 0.64 in case of hind femur and 0.57 in case of body length indicates that size of pronotum, hind femur, tegmina and body length are not of much variable and may varies with little fractions among individuals of the species. Standard deviation of 0.40 in case of female pronotum, 0.48 in case of tegimna and 0.47 in case of hind femur indicates that size of pronotum, tegmina and hind femur are not of much variable whereas body length may varies with little fractions among individuals of the species. Genus Tropidopola Stal, 1873 Tropidopola Stal, 1873. Recencio Orthopterorum. Revue critique des Orthopteres decrits par Linne, De Geer et Thunberg, 1: 43, 86. Type-species: Gryllus cylindricus Marschall, 1836 (= Tropidopola cylindrical cylindrica). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 1 (2): 210. Opomala Fischer, 1853. Orthoptera Europaea, 296, 305. Syn. by Otte, 1995. Orthoptera Species File, 4: 102. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 185 Type-species: Not available. Opsomala Fieber, 1853. Lotos, 3: 90-104. Syn. by Otte, 1995. Orthoptera Species File, 4: 102. Type-species: Not available. Diagnostic characters: Body slender and of medium size; antennae thick, filiform, shorter than head and pronotum together; head acutely conical, not longer than length of pronotum; fastigium of vertex angular, not longer than longest diameter of eye, with median carinula; fastigial foveolae present; frontal ridge shallowly sulcate; dorsum of pronotum cylindrical, crossed by three transverse sulci, median and lateral carinae absent; metazona shorter than prozona, posterior margin rounded; prosternal process inflated in apical part, with wide, slightly convex, flat apical surface; tegmina narrow, reaching the tip of abdomen; hind femur slender; hind tibia with external apical spine, arolium medium sized. The genus is represented by single species from the region. Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber, 1853) (Fig. 2) Opsomala longicornis Fieber, 1853. Lotos, 3: 98. Opsomala syrica Walker, 1871. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum Supplement: 51. Syn. by Mishchenko, 1965. Fauna of Russia Orthopt., 190 [164]. Opomala cylindrica Giglio-Tos, 1893. Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. Comp. R. Univ. Torino, 8 (164): 11. Syn. by Massa & Fontana, 1998. Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona, 22: 76. Tropidopola nigerica indica Uvarov, 1937. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 10 (19): 519. Syn. by Mishchenko, 1965. Fauna of Russia Orthopt., 190 [164]. Tropidopola longicornis (Fieber); Massa, 2009. Jour. Orth. Res., 18 (1): 81. Diagnostic characters: Body medium sized; antennae filiform, slightly shorter than head and pronotum together; head conical; fastigium of vertex flattened, median and lateral carinulae sharp, median carinula extending up to vertex; frontal ridge shallowly sulcate, gradually narrowing upwards with sharp carinulae; fastigial foveolae present; pronotum finely rugose and shiny, nearly of uniform width, dorsum cylindrical, with three transverse sulci, median carina obtusely present, lateral carinae lacking; prosternal process moderate in size; tegmina fully developed, reaching abdomen; wings hyaline, wingspan narrow; hind femora slender; lower lobe of hind-knee angular; hind tibiae straight, hairy, flattened distally with two rows of black spines, eleven dorso-external while thirteen dorso-internal; spurs not specialized; arolium of large size. Distribution: India: Bihar, Maharashtra, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Elsewhere: Africa, Egypt, Europe and Pakistan. Material Examined: India: Uttar Pradesh: Azamgarh, 2♂,2♀, 08-X-2010, On grasses; Ghazipur, 1♂,2♀, 09-X-2010, On grasses; Sultanpur, 2♂,2♀, 25-X2010, On paddy & grasses; Hamirpur, 3♂,2♀, 04-IX-2011, On grasses. Morphometry: Measurement (mm) Body length Pronotum Tegmina Hind Femur Male 32.56-34.51 5.62-6.88 21.85-23.04 13.37-14.71 Female 38.41-42.56 6.68-7.79 22.28-23.34 14.54-16.15 Mean ± SD Male Female 33.32± 0.73 39.95±1.63 6.10± 0.43 7.10±0.45 22.42± 0.38 22.66±0.31 13.90±0.53 15.33±0.64 Standard deviation of 0.43 in case of male pronotum, 0.38 in case of tegimna, 0.53 in case of hind femur and 0.73 in case of body length indicates that size of 186 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ pronotum, hind femur, tegmina and body length are not of much variable and may varies with little fractions among individuals of the species. Standard deviation of 0.45 in case of female pronotum, 0.31 in case of tegimna and 0.64 in case of hind femur indicates that size of pronotum, tegmina and hind femur are not of much variable whereas body length may varies with little fractions among individuals of the species. DISCUSSION Grasshoppers of the subfamily are purely graminivorous, also occurs in forest and barren areas. Adults are found from June to October. These are the economically important reported in many parts of the country by numerous authors from grasses and rarely from crops. These are defoliators feeds on whole leaves except the mid rib, resulting arrested growth and size of plants. Hoppers are vigorous feeders at particular place because of lack of wings, thus more dangerous than adults and on moulting wings developed then moves towards the periphery for feeding on another host of choice. Population of grasshoppers relatively becomes low with decreasing temperature from the month of November and appears healthy with increasing temperature and on first shower of monsoon in the month of June/July. Population also crashed due to extreme drought that results in exploitation of vegetations i.e., lack of food which bounces back on return vegetation. In the present study distribution and taxonomy of these grasshoppers has been discussed for the first time. Taxonomy is the backbone of science without identification no one can conclude the result. Study reveals that the host plant of these grasshoppers and extensively found in grasses than crops that clearly indicate grasses are the most preferred food of this grasshopper thus may be concluded that these grasshoppers are major pest of paddy. On the absence of grasses feeds upon crops, thus cultivation techniques should be modified in such a way that grasses which support population of grasshoppers may be grown around the crop field to prevent feeding to crops thus damage may be prevented. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors are thankful to University Grant Commission, New Delhi, for financial assistance under Maulana Azad National Fellowship (MANF- MUSBIH- 1999). Also grateful to The Chairman, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for providing necessary facilities. LITERATURE CITED Ander. 1939. Division of Orthoptera into two suborders, Ensifera and Caelifera. Opuscula Entomologica, 2 (Suppl.): 306. Behmer, S. T. & Joern, A. 1993. Diet choice by grass feeding grasshoppers based on the need for the limiting nutrient. Functional ecology, 7: 522-527. Bie- Bienko, G. Y. & Mischenko, L. L. 1951. Locusts and grasshoppers of USSR and adjacent countries. Part I & II. Pp. 400. Monston, Jerusalam. Chandra, K. & Gupta, S. 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Z. 2016. Genetic variability of host populations of the European corn borer, Osrtinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in Iran. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 188-196] ABSTRACT: The European corn borer is one of the most important economic pests that could find in all parts of Iran. To study the genetic diversity of O. nubilalis during summer 2013-2014 from first generation in wheat and in second generation from other hosts, 15 individuals of each sex were collected for preliminary analysis. The genomic DNA from European corn borer larvae extracted from host populations of corn, wheat, okra, barley, melon, sugar beet and cocklebur from Ardabil province of Iran using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and 10 different SSR primers produced 36 polymorphic bands. Nine of the SSR primers showed high variability across the distinct populations with 100 percent polymorphism. Within populations, genetic diversity based on Nei’s gene index ranged from 0.214 to 0.600 at wheat and cocklebur in host populations, respectively. Mean and standard deviation of observed number of alleles were 3.600 and 1.265. Mean of observed hetorozygosity and gene flow for all loci were 0.0857 and 0.020, respectively. Molecular variance analysis showed significant differences within and among populations with groups variance accounted for 13.08 and 97.73, respectively. Using the un-weighted pair-group method analysis, cocklebur population grouped as unique in one cluster while the other populations grouped separately. KEY WORDS: Genetic diversity, Ostrinia nubilalis, SSR, Hetorozygosity It is important to develop a better understanding of the insect’s genetic structure, genetic variation, and gene flow that can provide the basis for improvement and changes in current management strategies for insect control and resistance management (Alstand, 1995). During the early stages of diversification, incipient species often maintain high levels of gene flow, such that introgression occurs in regions of the genome not linked to genes directly involved in speciation (Wu, 2001; Lassance et al., 2010). Molecular genetic markers within or linked to genes affected by a recent selective sweep can be associated with divergent traits, and thus used to predict individual phenotypes in natural environments (Schulze & McMahon, 2004). Correspondence of phenotype with genotypes (mutations) has been established for insecticide resistance traits (French-Constant et al., 1993), but population associations can be complicated by effects of inbreeding, population structure or selection (Berlocher & McPheron, 1996; Baxter et al., 2010). The European corn borer (ECB), O. nubilalis (Lep.: Crambidae) is one of the key pests causing severe yield losses, infesting several crops such as cereals, potato, cotton, pulses, tomato, vegetables and fruit crops as well as wild hosts. It is known as the most important pest of maize (Zea mays L.), causing worldwide crop losses. Apart from maize, there are more than 200 plants which can serve as hosts for ECB, e.g.: mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and hop (Humulus lupulus) (Lewis,1975). ECB is native to Europa, North and West of Africa, and Western Asia (Mutuura &Monroe, 1970). Understanding the genetic variation between the _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 189 Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lep.: Noctuidae), populations occurring on host plants has become necessary to find the variation in their susceptibility to distinct insecticides and suitable management (Subramanian & Mohankumar, 2006). An appropriate resistance management, however, can only be developed based on an understanding of the genetic basis and the modes of action of pest adaption (Hawthorne, 2001). Therefore it is crucial to consider information on the genetic background of the respective insect population, and on its reaction and degree of susceptibility towards the toxin of the genetically modified crop. Furthermore, there is a need for more information on the dispersal and migration behavior, the levels of gene flow between populations and alternative host plants of ECB since these data contribute to the adoption of Insect Resistance Management (IRM) plans. Genetic Variability of Geographical Populations of the Bollworm, H. armigera (Lep.: Noctuidae) was evaluated using SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) molecular marker in Iran. Molecular variance analysis stated significant within and among population variance. The maximum and minimum genetic distances were observed among Gorgan- Mughan & Kermanshah- Shahindej (Khiaban et al., 2010). ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) as genetic markers was used in studying intra-specific variation in Noctuids. In India genetic variability of H. armigera (Lep.: Noctuidae) populations from six different host plants was studied using 10 microsatellite SSR marker. Finally nine of the SSR primers indicated high variability across the different host associated populations with polymorphism ranging from 75% to 100%. Cotton population grouped as unique in one cluster while all other hosts grouped separately. Microsatellite markers are highly polymorphic and co-dominant, and useful for population genetic and genome mapping studies (Goldstein & Schlotterer, 1999). SNP markers consist of base substitutions at a single genomic locus, where individual mutations are generally bi-allelic and have lower allele diversities and provide less statistical power to discriminate unique genotypes compared to microsatellite loci (Xing et al., 2005). Some studies have focused on population genetics of the ECB (Harrison & Vawter, 1977; Cardé et al., 1978; Willet & Harrison, 1999; Bourguet et al., 2000a,b). Allozyme polymorphism is well suited for population studies and has been used to investigate the genetic population structure in several migrant Noctuidae species (Daly & Gregg, 1985; Pashley et al., 1985; Korman et al., 1993; Bues et al., 1994). Allelic distinction between pairs of populations and hierarchical decompositions of pools of examples from each host plant demonstrate that the group of populations feeding on maize differed from the group of populations feeding on mugwort (Martel et al., 2003). Phenological, phytochemical and morphological distinctions between host plants may extend genetic isolation following host changes a first step toward speciation (Bush, 1994). Genetic variability of O. nubilalis was studied for 18 sub-populations in the upper Midwestern United States using AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism). The result indicate that more variation exists within populations than between populations (Jeffrey et al., 2008). Pornkulwat et al. (1998) used RAPD marker that were able to distinguish univoltine from bivoltine and multivoltine ecotypes. Geographical Variation in Pheromone Response of the ECB O. nubilalis (Lep.: Crambidae), in North Carolina was studied. The results cleared, the distribution of the two pheromone races (97Z: 3E) seemed to remain basically unchanged from that observed in the late 1980s, and no proof of a continued westward expansion of E responsive moths was detected (Sorenson et al., 2005). The studying in different regions observed that may be explained by the voltinism patterns (univoltine vs. multivoltine, respectively) of O. nubilalis: multivoltine populations have opportunities for multiple matings for the duration of the year (Jeffrey et al., 2008). Saldanha (2000) taked RAPD marker 190 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ to discriminate between local populations of O. nubilalis and found a large genetic group consisting of univoltine, bivoltine, and multivoltine ecotypes in all parts of Nebraska. However, disadvantages of RAPD marker are apparent and therefore results can be arguable. Molecular Diversity of Cotton Bollworm H. armigera in India was assessed Using RAPD Marker. The level of genetic difference detected among the H. armigera populations with analysis suggested that RAPD marker an efficient marker technology for delineating genetic relationships amongst populations and estimating genetic diversity, thus gaining insight into genetic structure of populations and its further use in formulation of appropriate area extensive management strategies for this pest (Yenagi et al., 2012). The two pheromone races of O. nubilalis show partial reproductive isolation when in sympatry, and may represent incipient species in the early stages of divergence (Dopman et al., 2010; Lassance et al., 2010). Estimates of hybridization between the E- and Z-races are important for understanding the dynamics involved in maintaining race integrity, and are consistent with previous estimates of low levels of genetic divergence between Eand Z-races and the presence of weak prezygotic mating barriers (Coates et al., 2005). Populations of ECB differ in situations of pheromone blends (E vs Z) and voltinism (univoltine vs bivoltine) (Hudon et al., 1989). Coates et al. (2005) showed that ten polymorphic dinucleotide (CA / GT and GA / CT) microsatellite loci are suitable for population genetic screening from enriched partial ECB genomic libraries. In North America, ECB consists of several morphologically indistinguishable races with different sex pheromone communication systems (Roelofs et al., 1985). Only a few studies have focused on the genetic relationships between these races. Harrison & Vawter (1977) and Carde et al. (1978) found that two sympatric pheromonal races displayed slight differences in their allelic frequencies. Recent studies have revealed that, at least in France, ECB comprises two sympatric host-associated species: a maize and mugwort associated species. The mugwort associated species infests mostly mugwort and hop, while the maize-associated species infests mostly maize, and occasionally other plants such as bird pepper, sunflower, cocklebur, and sorghum (Leniaud et al., 2006). These two host differentiated species are genetically differentiated from each other (Bourguet et al., 2000; Martel et al., 2003; Leniaud et al., 2006) and show assortative mating in the field and in cages (Malausa et al., 2005; Bethenod et al., 2004). Bourguet et al. (2000) also assayed gene flow of French populations of ECB and discriminated a great and homogenous gene flow. Finally Coates et al. (2004) significant genetic differentiation found among Atlantic coast and Midwestern United States samples. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was devoted to assessing genetic differentiation between samples of ECB collected over a restricted area from Ardabil province in Iran on seven different host plants: maize, corn, wheat, okra, barley, melon, sugar beet and cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) from family Asteraceae (Table 1). Larvae of ECB were collected during summer 2013-2014. Larvae of O. nubilalis were selected for the isolation of genomic DNA and stored at −70° C. DNA Extraction The larvae were washed thoroughly in double distilled water and the genomic DNA was extracted from the larvae using by modified protocol (Zimmerman et al., 2000). Briefly, the cleaned larvae were ground liquid nitrogen and then 500 μl buffer containing 100 mMTris-HCI (pH 8.0), 0.1 M sodium chloride, 20 mM EDTA, 0.1% of SDS and suspended in the same buffer. The suspension was incubated at 60°C for 3 hours and then the same volume of chloroform: isoamylalcohol (24:1) was added. The suspension was centrifuged at 13000g for 5 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 191 min at 4° C. The upper liquid blanket was transmited to a fresh micro centrifuge tube taking care not to eliminate the middle protein interface. Then, was added 15 μlNacl 5M and shacked by hand slowly. DNA was precipitated by adding equal volume of ice-cold isopropanol. The tube was kept for 20 min at -20°C. The precipitated DNA was spun at 13000g for 5 min and the supernatant was deleted and the DNA pellet was finally washed twice using ethanol 70% and dissolved in 200 μl TE (Tris EDTA, 100 mM). Extracted DNA was further cleaned of RNA contaminants by addition of 10 μl/100 μl of RNase. The intact genomic DNA was visualized in a 1% agarose gel. Depending upon the concentration, the DNA examples diluted by sterile water to get a working solution of 20–25 ng/μl. PCR amplification The genomic DNA from ECB larvae gathered from seven different hosts were prepared to PCR using 10 different SSR primers (Tan et al., 2001;Ji et al., 2003) (Table 1) obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. PCR was carried out in 20 μl reaction mixture containing 50 ng DNA the same as the template. Genomic DNA 2.0 μl (25 ng), dNTPs 0.8 μl (2.5 mM), assay buffer 1 μl (10X), SSR forward primer 2 μl (20 μM), SSR reverse primer 2 μl (20 μM), Taq DNA polymerase 0.15 μl (3 units), magnesium chloride 0.15 μl (25mM), sterile distilled water 3.7 μl, were added and PCR was performed in thermal cycler programmed for 5 min at 94° C for initial denaturation. Following the Preliminary denaturation the thermal cycler programmed for 35 cycles of 1 min at 94° C for denaturation , 1 min for annealing belong on primers and 50 second at 72° C for extension and additional cycle of 10 min at 72° C for final extension. Elecrtophoresis of PCR products PCR products were analyzed by electrophoresis in 3% metaphor gel electrophoresis run at 70 W for 30 min in 1x TBE buffer. The bands was visualized using the Ethidium bromide method. Data Analysis The molecular size of the amplified outputs was evaluated using a 100bp DNA marker (Fermentas Inc., The samples were analyzed all 10 primers to check the producing of bands. According to log molecular weight of the movement 100bp DNA marker (Fermentas Inc., USA) and their migration distances scatter plots were established and trend lines with best fit was fitted. Based on the mathematical expression of the trend lines the molecular weight of the fragment corresponding to their migration distances was computed. The individual DNA bands were scored in the amplification profile of each one sample. Only apparent bands with fine resolution were scored. The percentage of polymorphism was computed as the proportion of the polymorphic markers to the all numbers of markers. The polymorphism information content value was also examined (Smith et al., 1997). After cluster analysis of the similarity coefficients by the un-weighted pair-group technique analysis, UPGMA, dendrogram drawed (Sneath & Sockal, 1973) using NTSYS Pc-2.0. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA, Excoffier et al., 1992) was conducted with ARLEQUIN 2.0 (Schneider et al., 2000).We put wheat, barley and corn in one group therefore 7 host populations changed to 5 groups. In this analysis, variance of the SSR data set was partitioned at three hierarchical levels: (1) between-population component (2) a regional or 5 sub- population component (3) and a within-population component. Unlike the calculations used for Nei’s GST values. The significance of the three variance components was checked using 1000 random permutations. A two-part AMOVA analysis was conducted to check genetic divergence (FST) as a factor of variation between individuals within a given population and between populations. An Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) consensus cluster was analyzed as outlined by Sneath & Skoal (1973) was conducted using NTSYSpc ver. 2.1 on all 7 populations 192 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ of ECB to illustrate genetic similarity. Data were analyzed using POPGENE version 1.32 (Yeh & Boyle, 1997). Applying a Co-dominant marker data set 36 markers assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The percent (%) polymorphism, genetic diversity or heterozygosity (H), GST, and gene flow determination (Nm) was then assessed within and among every one of populations. Individual populations were analyzed for genetic diversity (H) for every sub-population as per Nei (1973). RESULTS The genetic variability of 7 populations of ECB collected from different hosts was investigated by PCR analysis of DNA from one larvae randomly selected from each of these populations using 10 SSR primers. All 10 primers listed produced scorable markers in each DNA sample. A total of 36 markers from 10 primers were available for analysis across the different populations. The highest numbers of 6 markers were produced by the primer OS6, followed by 5 markers by OS4 with high degree of polymorphism 75–100%. The ECB populations occurring on corn, wheat, okra, barley, melon, sugar beet were found to be closely related, while the population occurring on cocklebur was found to differ widely (Figure 1). However, this study suggests that, although ECB populations are found on several different types of host plant, the ECB populations on non-maize plants may constitute separate subpopulations and, therefore, cannot necessarily be viewed as alternative refuges as proposed by Gould (1998) and Alstad & Andow (1995). Our results show that populations may also be distinguished on the basis of the type of host plant colonized (maize vs cocklebur). Molecular variance analysis showed significant within and among population with groups variance accounted for 13.08 and 97.73, respectively (Table 2). Computed FST values for these comparisons were low to moderate, from 0.72727 to 1.0000 with a mean of 0.13797 (Table 3). Cluster analysis based on molecular data in host populations assigned the studied ECB populations into two groups. The maximum and minimum genetic distance matrix was observed between melon- cocklebur (1.8281) and barley -corn (0.5108), respectively (Table 4). In the present study the grouping of the ECB populations indicated high similarity among populations, while the population collected from the cocklebur was found to be more variable. This phenomenon indicates a strong genetic variability among ECB populations collected from different host plants. Reddy & Kumar (2004) found differences in susceptibility to different insecticides among H. armigera populations collected from three hosts tomato, chickpea and grapes, they suggested that this difference might be due to the variation in plant factors. The results of the present study also suggest that genetic variation among populations collected from different host plants might be due to host characteristics. Cunningham (1999) by studying the genetic diversity between bollworm populations in different host crops, suggested that polyphagous insects tend to be monophagic at the micro ecological level. The reason this tendency might be due to the migration of populations from different locations (Subramanian & Mohankumar, 2006). The result of the relative abundance studying of Bollworm on different host plants proved a multicrop situations can be as an important natural refuge in central and southern India (Subramanian & Mohankumar, 2006). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 193 DISCUSSION The results of studying explained importance in a multi crop ecosystem such as in India where a polyphagous insect has many of its hosts in the vicinity which may lead to interbreeding among isolated populations. Such an interbreeding phenomenon between varying host associated populations indicates the presence of natural refugee in multi crop environments. 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Location Population Family Latitude Longitude Date (month/year) Mogan Okra Malvaceae 39.28"N 48.38"E 07/2013 Mogan Melon Cucurbitaceae 39.42"N 47.41"E 07/2013 Mogan Sugar beet Chenopodiaceae 39.28"N 47.41"E 07/2013 Mogan Cocklebur Asteraceae 39.35"N 47.34"E 07/2013 Mogan Corn Poaceae 39.49"N 47.81"E 06/2013 Mogan Wheat Poaceae 39.28"N 47.41"E 06/2013 Mogan Barley Poaceae 39.33"N 47.38"E 06/2013 Table 2. AMOVA of 7 tested host populations of O.nubilalis using 10 SSR primers. Source of variation d.f. Sum of Variance Percentage of squares components variation Among groups 4 23.690 -0.35417 Va -10.80836 Among population within 2 13.667 3.20238 Vb 97.72934 within populations 7 3.000 0.42857 Vc 13.07902 Total 13 40.357 3.27679 groups Fixation Indices: FST: 0.86921,FSC: 0.88197,FCT: -0.10808 Table3. Population pairwise FST of 7 tested host populations comparisons using 10 SSR primers. Melon Okra Barely Corn Cocklebur Sugar beet Melon 0.0000 Okra 0.85714 0.0000 Barely 0.93750 0.91667 0.0000 Corn 0.75000 0.72727 0.85714 0.0000 Cocklebur 0.88889 0.87500 0.91667 0.80000 0.0000 Sugar beet 0.87500 0.80000 0.93750 0.78571 0.85185 0.0000 Wheat 0.92857 0.90000 1.0000 0.85714 0.91667 0.92857 Wheat 0.0000 196 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 4. Distance genetic matrix for O.nubilalis populations collected from different host species using SSR markers. Melon Okra Barely Corn Cocklebur Sugar beet Melon 0.0000 Okra 1.5404 0.0000 Barely 0.8818 0.8818 0.0000 Corn 0.8102 0.9438 0.6216 0.0000 Cocklebur 1.8281 1.5404 1.1695 1.2802 0.0000 Sugar beet 1.5404 0.8473 1.1695 0.9438 0.9808 0.0000 Wheat 1.1695 0.8818 0.5108 1.1324 1.1695 1.1695 Wheat 0.0000 Fixation Indices, FST: 0.86921,FSC: 0.88197,FCT: -0.10808 Figure 1. Cluster analysis of Ostrinia nubilalis in different hosts Dendrogram Based Neis (1972) Genetic distance: Method UPGMA Modified from NEIGHBOR procedure of PHYLIP Version 3.5. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 197 A CHECKLIST OF ENCYRTIDAE (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA) FROM PUNJAB, INDIA Sarfrazul Islam Kazmi* and P. Girish Kumar** * Northern Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Dehradun, Uttrakhand- 248 195, INDIA. E-mail: ** Zoological Survey of India, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700 053, INDIA. E-mail: [Kazmi, S. I. & Kumar, P. G. 2016. A checklist of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Punjab, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 197-201] ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with the study of family Encyrtidae of Punjab which includes 16 genera with 28 species. Copidosoma floridanum (Ashmead) is new record form Indian state Punjab. KEY WORDS: Checklist, Parasitic wasp, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae, Punjab, India. The family Encyrtidae is second largest among chalcidoidea whose members are used in the biological control of insect pests. The family Encyrtidae is mostly primary internal parasitoids and hyper-parasitoids of coccoidea (Homoptera), Lepidoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera and also attack on aphids and psyllids. In recent year several new genera and species of Encyrtidae described from various Indian states by Mani (1989), Noyes & Hayat (1984, 1994), Huang & Noyes (1994), Hayat (2002, 2003, 2006, 2010), Kazmi (2006, 2008, 2012), Kazmi & Hayat (1995, 1998), Hayat & Kazmi (1999, 2011), Anis & Hayat (1998, 2002), Singh & Hayat (2005). The family Encyrtidae is represented by 148 genera under 560 species in India. Accordingly an updated checklist of the Encyrtidae fauna of Indian state Punjab is presented here. It includes 16 genera with 28 species. Subfamily ENCYRTINAE Walker Genus Anicetus Howard Hosts: Parasitoids of Homoptera (Coccidae). Species and Distribution: World 41 species; 13 species from India and one species from Punjab. Anicetus integrellus Trjapitzin Hosts: Ceroplastes sp. on Citrus aurantifolia; Ceroplastodes cajani on Ficus sp.; Ceroplastodes sp. on edible fig. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi. Genus Cheiloneurus Westwood Hosts: Hyperparasitoids of Coccidae and Pseudococcides (Homoptera) via other chalcidoids (Hymenoptera). Species and Distribution: World 125 species; 33 species from India and one species from Punjab. Cheiloneurus neparvus Hayat Hosts: Unknown. Distribution: India: Punjab. Genus Copidosoma Ratzeburg Hosts: Polyembryonic parasitoids of larvae of Lepidoptera. Species and Distribution: World 185 species; 25 species from India and two species from Punjab. Copidosoma floridanum (Ashmead) Hosts: Plusia signata, Cosmophila sabulifera. 198 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Distribution: India: Punjab,Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Jammu & Kashmir, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal. Remarks: New record form state Punjab, India. Copidosoma varicorne (Nees) Hosts: ?Anarsia ephippias, ?A. sigmatica, Dichomeric eridontis, Eucosma sp. Distribution: India: Kerala, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu. Genus Diaphorencyrtus Hayat Hosts: Parasitoids of nymph of Psyllidae (Homoptera). Species and Distribution: World 02 species, 01 species from India and Punjab. Diaphorencyrtus aligarhensis (Shafee et al.) Hosts: Diaphorina sp., D. cardiae, Psylla sp. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan. Genus Homalotylus Mayr Hosts: Parasitoids of larvae of lady bird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Species and Distribution: World 40 species; 12 species from India and two species from Punjab. Homalotylus flaminius (Dalman) Hosts: Coccinellids predaceous on Nipaecoccus viridis on Solanum sp.. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Delhi. Homalotylus turkmenicus Myartseva Hosts: Coccinellids predaceous on: Centrococcus sp. on Wittania somnifera; Coccidohystrix insolita on Solanum melongena; W. somnifera; Nipaecoccus sp. on Peristropha bicalyculata; coccids on Dalbergia sisso, Zizyphus sp.; mealybugs on Solanum sp. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana. Genus Metaphycus Mercet Hosts: Parasitoids of mainly soft scale insects (Homoptera: Coccidae). Species and distribution: World more than 400 species, 15 species from India and two species from Punjab. Metaphycus gilvus Compere Hosts: Ceroplastes sp. on Mangigera indica; Ceroplastodes cajani on Ficus sp.; Chloropulvinaria sp. on Dalbergia sissoo; Chloropulvinaria polygonata; Pulvinaria maxima. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh. Metaphycus zebratus (Mercet) Hosts: Ceroplastodes cajani on Ficus sp.; (?)Aonidiella orientalis on Dalbergia sissoo; (?) Nipaecoccus sp. on Citrus sp. Distribution: India: Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh. Genus Ooencyrtus Ashmead Hosts: Oophagous, parasitoids of eggs of various insects, notably Lepidoptera and Heteroptera. Also hyperparasitoids of Lepidoptera and Auchenorrhyncha (Homoptera) via other Hymenoptera. Species and distribution: World over 120 species, 29 species from India and two species from Punjab. Ooencyrtus manii Huang & Noyes Hosts: Eggs of Pyrilla perpusilla. Distribution: India: Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Ooencyrtus segestes Trjapitzin Hosts: Unknown. Distribution: India: Punjab, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Genus Psyllaphycus Hayat Hosts: Parasitoids of nymphs of Psyllidae (Homoptera). Species and distribution: One species, India and Punjab. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 199 Psyllaphycus diaphorinae Hayat Hosts: Diaphorina cardiae on Cardia ruyxa (Hayat, 1972; 1979); Diaphorina sp. (Hayat, 1972). Distribution: India: Punjab, Maharashtra. Genus Xenostryxis Girault Hosts: Parasitoids on diaspidid scales (Homoptera: Diaspididae). Species and Distribution: World 09 species; 03 species from India and one species from Punjab. Xenostryxis bella Hayat & Badruddin Hosts: Unknown. Distribution: India: Punjab. Genus Prochiloneurus Silvestri Hosts: Hyperparasitoids on Homoptera (Coccidae and Pseudococcidae). Species and Distribution: World 29 species; 09 species from India and three species from Punjab. Prochiloneurus comperei Viggiani Hosts: Icerya formicarum on Acacia sp., Nipaecoccus sp. on Casuarina equisetifolia and Morus alba. Distribution: India: Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh. Prochiloneurus pulchellus Silvestri Hosts: Centrococcus spp. on Leucas cephalotus, Pupalia lappacea and Wittania somnifera, C. insolita; Ferrisis virgata; Icerya aegyptica; Nipaecoccus spp. Distribution:India: Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Punjab, Gao, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh. Prochiloneurus testaceus (Agarwal) Hosts: Coccus viridis; Nipaecoccus sp.; Nipaecoccus viridis; Rastrococcus iceryoides. Distribution: India: Uttar Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Is., Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh. Genus Tassonia Girault Hosts: Parasitoids of Aphididae (Homoptera). Species & Distribution: World 03 species, 03 species from India and one species from Punjab. Tassonia gloriae Girault Hosts: Hysteroneura setariae; Longiunguis sacchari; Myzus persicae. Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tanil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand, West Bangal. Subfamily TETRACNEMINAE Howard Genus Aenasius Walker Hosts: Parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Species and distribution: World 36 species, 05 species from India and two species from Punjab. Aenasius advena Compere Hosts: Ferrisia virgata. Distribution: India: Andaman & Nicobar Islans, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh. Aenasius indicus (Narayanan & Subba Rao) Hosts: Icerya formicarum on Psidium guajava; Nipaecoccus spp. on Citrus, Morus alba, Acasia sp.; N. viridis on Citrus sp., Euphorbita hirta, Morus alba, Dalbergia sissoo, Vitis vinifera; Planococcides robustus on Atrocarpus heterophyllus, Mangifera indica. Distribution: India: Punjab, Delhi, Himachal, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh. Genus Alamella Agarwal Hosts: Parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Species and distribution: World 05, one species from India and one species from Punjab. 200 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Alamella flava Agarwal Hosts: Eriococcus greeni; Maconelliococcus hirsutus; Nipaecoccus sp.; Nipaecoccus viridis. Distribution: India: Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala, Punjab, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Genus Anagyrus Howard Hosts: Parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Species and distribution: World about 250, 50 species from India and six species from Punjab. Anagyrus agraensis Saraswat Hosts: Centrococcus sp. on Morus indica; Ferrisia virgata; Nipaecoccus sp. on Citrus sp., Ficus sp.; Nipaecoccus viridis on wild plant, Ziziphus sp. Ficus sp., Jatropa sp.; Planococcus citri on coffee; Pseudococcus sp. on Casuarina; Rastrococcus iceryoides on Ziziphus sp. Distribution: India: Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Anagyrus aligarhensis Agarwal Hosts: Saccharicoccus sacchari on sugarcane; Kiritshenkella sacchari on sugarcane. Distribution: India: Bihar, Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Haryana, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Odisha, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh. Anagyrus dactylopii (Howard) Hosts: Planococcus citri on Citrus medica; Pseudococcus sp. on Citrus aurantifolia; Rastrococcus cappariae; Ferrisia virgata on Acacia sp. Maconellicoccus hirsutus on Anona squamosa and grapes. Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Goa, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh. Anagyrus indicus (Subba Rao) Hosts: Ferrisia virgata on guava, Psidium guajava; Planococcus sp. on Giricidia sepium. Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. Anagyrus mirzai Agarwal & Alam Hosts: Ferrisia virgata; Icerya formicarum on Psidium guajava; Nipaecoccus viridis, same host on wild plant; Nipaecoccus sp. on Casuarina equisetifolia, Tamarindus indica, Morus alba; Planococcus citri on Citrus medica; Rastrococcus iceryoides on Citrus. Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Karnataka, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Odisha, Kerala, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. Anagyrus saccharicola Timberlake Hosts: Ripersia [=Kiritshenkella] sacchari (Ahmad, 1942); Saccharicoccus sacchari [on sugarcane] (Mani, 1939; Pruthi & Mani, 1940; Puttarudriah, 1954; Usman & Puttarudriah, 1955; Narayanan et al., 1957); Trionymus sacchari (Dorge et al.). Distribution: India: Punjab, Maharashtra, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu. Genus Leptomastix Foerster Hosts: Parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Species and distribution: World 33 species; 10 species from India and one species from Punjab. Leptomastix nigrocoxalis Compere Hosts: Coccidohystrix sp. on Achyranthes aspera, Pupalia lappacea, Wittania somnifera; C. insolita on A. aspera and W. somnifera; Icerya aegptica; Nipaecoccus sp. on Citrus, Acacia, Peritropha bicalyculata, Morus alba; N. viridis on Ziziphus sp., Acacia sp., Tephrosia purpurea; Planococcus citri on Citrus medica. Distribution: India: Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Odisha, Pondicherry, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal. Genus Rhopus Foerster Hosts: Parasitoids of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 201 Species and distribution: World about 50 species; 15 species from India and one species from Punjab. Rhopus gramineus Hayat Hosts: Antonina sp. on Cynodon sp.. Distribution: India: Punjab, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, for providing facilities and useful suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Anis, S. B. & Hayat, M. 1998. The Indian species of Homalotylus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Oriental Ins., 32: 191-218. Anis, S. B. & Hayat, M. 2002. A revision of Indian species of Cheiloneurus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae). Oriental Ins., 36: 129-209. Hayat, M. 1979. Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) V. Oriental Ins., 33: 349-407. Hayat, M. 1981. Taxonomic notes on Indian Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)III. Colemania, 1 (1): 13-34. Hayat, M. 1985. “Family Encyrtidae” In “The Chalcidoidea (Insecta : Hymenoptera) of India and the adjacent countries. Part I.” (B.R. Subba RAo & M. Hayat eds.). Oriental Ins., 19: 192-223. Hayat, M. 1986. “Family Encyrtidae” In “The Chalcidoidea (Insecta : Hymenoptera) of India and the adjacent countries. 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Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ STUDIES ON THE TAXONOMY OF OXYINAE (ORTHOPTERA: ACRIDOIDEA: ACRIDIDAE) FROM NORTH-EASTERN STATES OF INDIA Mohd. Imran Khan*, Mohd. Kamil Usmani** and Shahnila Usmani*** * Section of Entomology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh202002 U.P INDIA. E-mail: ** Section of Entomology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh202002 U.P INDIA. E-mail: *** Section of Entomology, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh202002 U.P INDIA. [Khan, M. I., Usmani, M. K. & Usmani, S. 2016. Studies on the taxonomy of Oxyinae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Acrididae) from North-Eastern states of India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 202-218] ABSTRACT: From a survey of North Eastern states of India, eleven species belonging to six genera of subfamily Oxyinae were isolated. In addition to conventional morphological characters, the detailed structure of male and female genitalia were also studied. All the species are described and illustrated. A key to the known genera of subfamily Oxyinae is also provided. KEY WORDS: Acrididae,Oxyinae, Key, North-East, India. The genus Oxya was proposed by Serville (1831) for Oxya hyla Serville. Species of the genus are well known pests of paddy, sugarcane, betel and other crops in India. Hollis (1971) reviewed the species of Oxya and recognized 18 species. Tandon (1976) listed 10 species from the Indian region: bidentata Willemse, chinensis (Thunberg), diminuta Walker, fuscovittata (Marschall), grandis Willemse, hyla Servile, japonica (Thunberg), nitidula (Walker), paravicina Willemse, and velox (Fabricius). Hollis (1975) placed diminuta and peravicina in the genus Caryanda Stal and bidentata in a new genus Oxyina. At sub-familial level Oxyinae was found to be the most diverse subfamily in Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Tripura. This may be due to the fact that the members of this subfamily prefer feeding on paddy cultivation and grasses, which were found prevalent during the survey period. MATERIAL AND METHODS A survey for collection of Acridid specimens during 2008-2011 from grasslands and agricultural fields of north-eastern states was made. Specimens were handpicked or collected by sweeping net. Collected specimens were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol. Specimens were stretched and photographed. For genitalic studies apical tip of abdomen was cut and boiled in 10% KOH solution and genital structures were isolated. All drawings were prepared under Camera lucida attached to standard microscopes. Descriptions of phallic complex follows the terminologies used in Dirsh (1956). SUBFAMILY OXYINAE BRUNNER, 1893 Oxyinae Brunner von Wattenwyl. 1893. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, 213 (33): 1-230. Diagnosis: Body small to medium size; pronotum cylindrical or weakly flattened, median carina weak or absent, lateral carinae absent; prosternal process present; mesosternal interspace open and usually longer than wide; tegmina and wings fully developed, reduced or absent; radial area of tegmina _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 203 usually without series of regular, parallel transverse stridulatory veinlets; tympanum present; hind femur with lower basal lobe shorter than upper one, lower genicular lobe produced posteriorly into a spine; hind tibia usually expanded in apical half or third, external apical spine usually present; arolium large; apical abdominal sternites with tuft of short hairs; male cercus usually conical. The subfamily is represented by six genera from this region. A key for their separation is given below: Key to the genera of the subfamily Oxyinae Brunner, 1893 recorded from North Eastern States of India 1. Tegmina without series of regular, parallel transverse stridulatory veinlets on radial area; female ovipositor valves long and slender; male epiphallus with indistinct or short ancorae…………………………………………………..………....…………….………………………………………...2 - Tegmina with series of regular, parallel transverse stridulatory veinlets on radial area; female ovipositor valves short; male epiphallus with long ancorae…Gesonula Uvarov, 1940 2. Hind tibia expanded in apical half……………………………………….……………………………….……3 - Hind tibia not expanded in apical half; male epiphallus with one pair of outer lophi and two pairs of inner lophi………………….………………………………..….……...…Caryanda Stal, 1878 3. Fully winged or brachypterous species………………….............................................................4 - Micropterous species………………………….…...…………………....…………………………………..………5 4. In male 10th abdominal tergite with fercula..………………….……Pseudoxya Yin & Liu, 1987 - In male 10th abdominal tergite without fercula….…..................................Oxya Serville, 1831 5. In male 10th abdominal tergite without fercula………………………..........…Cercina Stal, 1878 - In male 10th abdominal tergite with fercula……………...……………………..Lemba Huang, 1983 Genus Oxya Serville, 1831 Oxya Serville, 1831. Ann. Sci. nat., 22 (86): 264, 286. Type-species: Oxya hyla Serville, 1831. Zulua Ramme, 1929: 327. (Hollis), 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 220. Type-species: Zulua glabra Ramme, 1929. Diagnosis: Body of medium size; antennae filiform, longer than, as long as, or shorter than head and pronotum together; fastigium of vertex short, without midlongitudinal carinula; frontal ridge sulcate; dorsum of pronotum slightly flattened, crossed by three transverse sulci, median carina weak, lateral carinae absent; metazona shorter than prozona, posterior margin rounded or obtusely angular; prosternal process conical with rounded or subacute apex, often slightly bent backwards; mesosternal interspace open; tegmina fully developed or shortened, radial area without series of regular, parallel transverse stridulatory veinlets; hind femur slender with lower genicular lobe spined; hind tibia expanded in apical half, external apical spine present. The genus is represented by five species from this region. A key for their separation is given below: Key to the species of the genus Oxya Serville, 1831 1. Posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites of ovipositor with one or two tooth like spines on its inner ventral margin…………………..…………………………………………………...………………………2 - Posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites of ovipositor without any well defined spines on its lower inner margin………………………………………….………………………..O. velox Fabricius, 1787 2. Ventral surface of subgenital plate with a broad median longitudinal groove running from posterior margin at least two middle of plate, with or without longitudinal ridge on each side.……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………..3 - Ventral surface of subgenital plate convex, flat or, at most, with a weak apical concavity....4 3. Ovipositor valves with long hook like dents, posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites with very small spinelets on its inner ventral margin. Male cercus with subacute or truncate apex. …..………………..............................................................................….O. hyla hyla Serville, 1831 204 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ - Ovipositor valves with short dents, posterior ventral basivalvular sclerites with a large spine on its inner ventral margin. Male cercus with bifid apex…………………………………………… …………………..………………………………………………..… O. japonica vitticolis Blanchard, 1853 4. Posterior margin of female subgenital plate with one or two spines medially. Male supra anal plate without lateral tubercles, cercus never much compressed, narrowing apically….…5 - Posterior margin of female subgenital plate almost straight and smooth. Male supra anal plate with a tubercles on each side of median apical process, cercus laterally much compressed and of uniform width………………………………….O. fuscovittata Marschall, 1836 5. Posterior margin of female subgenital plate with a single spine medially. Male supra anal plate usually with well developed basilateral folds…………………………………...………………….….6 - Posterior margin of female subgenital plate with a pair of spines medially. Male supra anal plate relatively flat, without basilateral folds……….……………....O. chinensis Thunberg, 1815 Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall, 1836) (Plate 1; Fig. 1) Gryllus fuscovittatus Marschall, 1836. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 1 (2): 211. Oxya turanica Uvarov, 1912. Trudy Russk. Entomol. Obshch., 40 (3): 28. Oxya oryzivora Willemse, C. 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 25. Syn. by Hollis. 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 289. Oxya uvarovi Willemse, C. 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 11, 22. Syn. by Hollis. 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 289. Oxya fuscovittata (Marschall); Mishchenko, 1965. Fauna of Russia Orthopt.: 148 [125]. Male genitalia: Supra-anal plate triangular, trapezoid, lateral tubercles prominent, posterior lobe slightly less developed, cercus broad, strongly compressed, apex bifid. Sub genital plate broad, lateral margin straight, narrowing apically, apex rounded, setose confined to apical margin (centrally). Epiphallus with narrow bridge, without an ancorae and with tooth like lophi; valvular plate of cingulum with shallow structure; apical valve of aedeagus is thickened. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate short, broad, wider than long, lateral margins converging invert, apical margins narrowing and making apex rounded, cercus wide uniformly broad, one and half times as long as wide, apex truncated. Sub genital plate with very broadly flattened ventral surface. Posterior margin emerginates medially straight or with two very small medial spines. Spermatheca short, apical diverticulum short and pre-apical diverticulum is double the size of apical diverticulum and forms an inverted ‘L’ shaped loop. Valve of ovipositor with tooth like marginal spines. Material Examined: Meghalaya, Nongstoin, 15-I-2011, on grasses, 3♀♀. Shillong, Ladmawphlong, 23-X-2008, on grasses, 2♀♀. Arunachal Pradesh, East Siang, Pasighat, 31-I-2009, on grasses, 1♀. Mizoram, Aizwal, Selesih, 11-II-2009, on grasses, 5♀♀, 2♂♂. Manipur, West Imphal, 15-X-2009, on grasses, 2♀♀. Nagaland, Dimapur, 19-X-2009, on grasses, 7♀♀, 3♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body length 20.15, Tegmina 16.43, Pronotum 1.61, Hind femur 12.92 Female: Body length 25.0, Tegmina 20.05, Pronotum 1.75, Hind femur 15.84 Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Elsewhere: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and USSR (Southwest). Oxya japonica vitticolis (Blanchard, 1853) (Plate 2; Fig. 2) Acridium vitticole Blanchard, 1853. In Hombron & Jacquinot [Ed.]. Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l' Océanie sur les Corvettes l' Astrolabe et la Zélée exècuté par ordre du roi pendant les années 1837-1838-1839-1840 371, 373. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 205 Heteracris gavisa Walker, F. 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 669. Syn. by Key. 1986. CSIRO Entomol. Tech. Paper, 24: 10. Oxya japonica vitticolis (Blanchard); Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 307. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate longer than wide, lateral margins highly diverging posteriorly, apex broadly rounded. Cercus broad basally and narrowing apically, two times as long as wide, apex conical. Sub genital plate, lateral margin straight, posterior margin concave with two notches medially, jannone’s organ present, two in number. Egg-guide broad basally, gradually narrowing apically, apex pointed, three times as long as wide. Spermatheca, apical diverticulum slender, moderately broad, much longer than pre-apical diverticulum, pre-apical diverticulum elongate narrow. Ovipositor valves long and slender, slightly less than two times as long as wide, dorsal valve with edges serrated, apex obtusely rounded, ventral valve with edges denticulate, apex conical, lateral apodeme short and narrow. Material Examined: Meghalaya, East Khasi Hills, CPRS, 14- X-2009, on grasses, 5♀♀. Morphometry: (length in mm) Female: Body length 21.0, Tegmina 15.5, Pronotum 4.3, Hind femur 12.1 Distribution: India: Meghalaya. Oxya velox (Fabricius, 1787) (Plate 3; Fig. 3) Gryllus velox Fabricius, 1787. Mantissa insectorum exhibens species nuper in Etruria collectas a Ptro Rossio, 1: 239. Heteracris apta Walker, F. 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 666. Syn. by Hollis. 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 297. Oxya velox (Fabricius); Kirby, 1910. A Synonymic Catalogue of Orthoptera, London: 393. Oxya velox (Fabricius); Hollis, 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.): 297. Male genitalia: Supra-anal plate rounded, triangular posterior portion, cercus conical with subacute apex. Sub genital plate wide basally, narrowing apically, apex truncated setae, confined to apically. Epiphallus with narrow bridge, without ancorae, vulvular plate of cingulum large, upcurved, apex enlarged, apodeme is long, flat, curved at the anterior end, vulvular plate of cingulum more or less bean shaped. Aedeagus, apical valve much narrow, elongate, apex blunt, basal valve narrowing apically and broad at base almost as long as apical valve. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate short, broad, wider than long, lateral margins converging invert, apical margins narrowing and making apex rounded, cercus elongate narrow, narrowing apically, two and half times as long as wide, apex bluntly rounded. Ventral surface of sub genital plate in posterior half with median longitudinal concavity bordered on each side by lateral longitudinal ridge. Median pair is spiny on posterior margin, widely spread. Spermatheca of medium size, apical diverticulum bent downwards and pre-apical diverticulum narrow, more or less straight and coiled at the anterior end, pre-apical diverticulum broadly tubular and curved, as long as apical diverticulum. Ovipositor, dorsal valve slightly less than twice the length of lateral apodeme, dorsal margin with small and uniform blunt dents, ventral valve with small uneven blunt dents. Valve of ovipositor with tooth-like spiny structures. Material Examined: Tripura, Agartala, Mohanpur, 15-II-2009, on grasses, 5♀♀, 7♂♂. Manipur, West Imphal, 15-X-2009, on grasses 8♀♀, 3♂♂. Nagaland, Kohima, 21-X-2009, on grasses, 9♀♀, 3♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body 22.4, Pronotum 6.1, Tegmina 19.4, Hind femur 14.4 206 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Female: Body 26.6, Pronotum 6.4, Tegmina 23.0, Hind femur 17.6 Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajsthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Oxya chinensis (Thunberg, 1815) (Plate 4; Fig. 4) Gryllus chinensis Thunberg, 1815. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Peterburg, 5: 253, 254. Oxya vicina Brunner, 1893. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, 213 (33): 152. Oxya adentata Willemse, C. 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 26. Oxya shanghaiensis Willemse, C. 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 54. Oxya chinensis (Thunberg ); Uvarov, 1926. Bull. Ent. Res., 17: 48. Oxya manzhurica Bei-Bienko, 1929. Konowia, 8: 105. Oxya rammei Tsai, P. 1931. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 17: 439. Syn. by Hollis. 1971. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Ent., 26 (7): 322. Oxya manzhurica nakii Furukawa. 1939. Rep. First scient. Exped. Manchoukuo Sect. V, Div., 15 (16): 84, 164. Oxya sinuosa Mishchenko, 1951. In Bei-Bienko & Mishchenko. Keys to the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. [1963 English translation no. 38]. Locusts and Grasshoppers of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries, 1: 167 [177]. Oxya sianensis Zheng, Z. 1964. Acta Entomol. Sin., 13 (6): 885. Male genitalia: Supra-anal plate broad, wider than long, lateral margins diverging apically, apex rounded. Cercus long and slender, slightly narrowing apically, almost three times as long as wide, apex rounded. Sub genital plate triangular, lateral margin forming blunt apex. Epiphallus with bridge divided medially, lophi well developed. Aedeagus with apical valve long, narrow, much longer than basal valve broad. Apical valve strongly curved downward. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate broad basally, lateral plates diverging apically, longer than wide, apex bluntly rounded. Cercus broad basally, narrowing basally incurved, apex blunt. Sub genital plate with lateral margin straight, posterior margin wavy, concave medially, jannone’s organ present with two small patches. Egg-guide elongate narrow, more than three times as long as wide, apex pointed. Spermatheca, apical diverticulum narrower than pre-apical diverticulum, basal half broad with protuberance, apical half long, elongate narrow. Ovipositor, dorsal valve broad, robust, slightly shorter than lateral apodeme, dorsal edge dentate, apex pointed, ventral valve long and slender, edge dentate, apex acutely rounded. Material Examined: Assam, Diphu, Karbi Anglong, 13-II-2011, on grasses, 15♀♀, 17♂♂. Assam, Morigaon, Moirabari, 13-IV-2010, on grasses, 13♀♀, 7♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body 20.4, Pronotum 3.4, Tegmina 15.9, Hind femur 13.5 Female: Body 20.75, Pronotum 5.4, Tegmina 21.4, Hind femur 13.3 Distribution: India: Kerala and Meghalaya. Elsewhere: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan,Vietnam and USSR. Oxya hyla hyla Serville, 1831 (Plate 5; Fig. 5) Oxya hyla Serville, 1831. Ann. Sci. nat., 22 (86): 28-65, 134-167, 262-292. Heteracris viridivitta Walker, F. 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum, 4: 605-801. Syn. by Johnston, Henry Bennett. 1956. Annotated catalogue of African grasshoppers 251. Oxya serrulata Krauss, 1890. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abt. Syst. Geogr. und Biol. der Tiere, 5 (4): 662. Oxya serrulata minor Sjöstedt. 1910. In Sjöstedt [Ed.]. Abteilung 15-22. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen zoologischen Expedition nach dem _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 207 Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas, 19051906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjöstedt, 3: 185, 196. Oxya acuminate Willemse, C. 1925. Tijdschr. v. Entomologie, 68: 44. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate broadly angular, wider than long, apex broadly rounded; apex elongate, incurved, twice as long as wide, apex rounded. Sub genital plate with posterior margin truncated in middle; posterior marginal setae absent; jannone’s organs present; egg-guide broad at base, long and narrow apically. Spermatheca with apical diverticulum long, bearing a small protuberance as its apical one-fifth; pre-apical diverticulum broad and curved, thrice the width of apical diverticulum. Ovipositor with dorsal valve long and narrow, five and a half times as long as wide, longer than lateral apodeme, dorsal edge with acute spines, basal sclerite narrow and serrated. Material Examined: Tripura, South Tripura, Udaipur, 16-II-2009, on grasses, 15♀♀. Manipur, East Imphal, 16-X-2009, on grasses, 5♀♀. Nagaland, Dimapur, 20X-2009, on grasses, 8♀♀. Morphometry: (length in mm) Female: Body 26.5, Tegmina 23.0, Pronotum 6.4, Hind femur 17.6 Distribution: India: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajsthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttrakhand, Goa, Delhi, Chattisgarh, Kerala, Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Elsewhere: Afghanistan, Africa, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroun, Chad, Iran, Gambia, Ghana, Giunea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagaskar, Maldieve Island, Mali, Malawi, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire and Zambia. Genus Caryanda Stal, 1878 Caryanda Stal, 1878. Bihang Kungl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 5 (4): 47. Type-species: Acridium (Oxya) spuriun Stal, 1860. Dibastica Giglio-Tos, 1907: 9 (Hollis, 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.): 217). Typespecies: Dibastica modesta, Giglio-Tos, 1907. Austenia Ramme, 1929: 331. (Preoccupied by Austenia Nevill, 1878: 16). (Hollis 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.): 217). Type-species: Austenia Cylindrica Ramme, 1929. Austeniella Ramme, 1931: 934. (Replacement name for Austenia Ramme, 1929). (Hollis, 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.): 217). Diagnosis: Head conical; fastigium of vertex, from above, pentagonal, wider than long, without median longitudinal carinula; frontal ridge sulcate. Eyes normal. Antenna as long as combined lengths of head and pronotum. Prosternal process conical with subacute apex. Dorsum of pronotum weakly flattened, median carina weak, lateral carinae absent, weakly crossed by three transverse sulci; mesosternal interspace slightly longer than wide. Tegmina and hind wings normally reduced to micropterous condition, some species brachypterous and one species is rarely macropterous. Lower genicular lobe of hind femur spined; hind tibia hardly expanded apically, upper margins acute, external apical spine present. The genus is represented by a single species from this region. Caryanda paravicina (Willemse, 1925) (Plate 6; Fig. 6) Oxya paravicina Willemse, 1925. Tidjschr. Ent., 68: 55. Caryanda paravicina (Willemse); Hollis, 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 31: 218. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate triangular, apex pointed, much longer than wide. Cercus broad basally, narrowing apically, two times as long as wide, apex bluntly rounded. Sub genital plate, lateral margins convex medially and concave posteriorly with straight in the middle. Egg-guide narrowing apically, three times as long as wide, apex pointed. Spermatheca pre-apical diverticulum long and 208 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ slender, curved medially. Pre-apical diverticulum long and narrow. Ovipositor, dorsal valve moderately broad, slightly shorter than lateral apodeme, dorsal edge smooth, apex bluntly rounded, ventral valve curved medially, dorsal edge with tooth, apex pointed, dorsal valve slightly shorter than lateral apodeme. Materaial Examined: Meghalaya, Jowai, Ummolong, 22-X-2008, on grasses, 17♀♀. Manipur, Thoubal, 17-X-2009, on grasses, 7♀♀. Nagaland, Kohima, 21-X2009, on grasses, 5♀♀. Morphometry: (length in mm) Female: Body 13.0, Tegmina 3.6, Pronotum 5.8, Hind femur 12.8 Distribution: India: Meghalaya. Genus Cercina Stal, 1878 Cercina Stal, 1878. Bihang Kungl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 5 (4): 97. Type-Species: Cercina obtusa Stal, 1878. Diagnosis: Head conical; fastigium from above, short, triangular or pentagonal, wider than long, median longitudinal carina absent; frontal ridge widely sulcate and not quite extending to clypeus; eyes normal; antennae shorter than head and pronotum together; prosternal process subconical, antero-posteriorly flattened with subacute apex; dorsum of pronotum flattened, shallowly crossed by two or three transverse sulci, median carina very weak, lateral carinae absent; mesosternal interspace longer than wide; tegmina and hind wings reduced, scalelike, former not extending beyond 3rd abdominal tergite; lower genicular lobe of hind femur pointed or spined; hind tibia moderately expanded in apical half, with acute upper margins, external apical spine of hind tibia present. The genus is represented by a single species from this region. Cercina mussoriensis Prasad & Sinha, 1956 (Plate 7; Fig. 7) Cercina mussoriensis Prasad & Sinha. 1956. Proc. nation. Acad. Sci. India B, 26 (1): 30. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate elongate, angular; slightly less than one and half times longer than wide, apex rounded, cerci broad basally, narrowing apically; almost two times as long as wide, apex bluntly rounded. Sub genital plate wide, apical margin semicircular without setae, egg-guide short, narrow; apex pointed. Ovipositor valves elongate, narrow; dorsal edge of dorsal valve smooth, apical tip bluntly rounded, dorsal valve shorter than lateral apodeme; ventral valve uniformly broad, apical condyle not prominent, apical tip blunt. Material Examined: Assam, Guwahati, Patorkuchi, 30-X-2008, on grasses, 2♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Female: Body length: 16.75, Tegmina: Brachypterous, Pronotum: 1.47, Hind femur: 11.3 Distribution: India: Uttarakhand, Assam. Genus Gesonula Uvarov, 1940 Gesonula Uvarov, 1940. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 115: 174. Type-species: Acridium punctifrons Stal, 1878. Gesonia Stal, 1878: 46. (Preoccupied by Gesonia Walker, 1858: 75, in Lepidoptera). Typespecies: Acridium punctifrons Stal, 1878. Gesonula Uvarov, 1940a: 174. (Replacement name for Gesonia Stal, 1878). Diagnosis: Body of medium size; antennae filiform, slightly longer than head and pronotum together; head conical; fastigium of vertex parabolic, without midlongitudinal carinula; frontal ridge sulcate; dorsum of pronotum flattened, shallowly crossed by three transverse sulci, median carina weak, lateral carinae absent; metazona shorter than prozona, posterior margin broadly rounded; prosternal process conical with rounded apex; mesosternal interspace open; _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 209 tegmina and wings fully developed, radial area of tegmina with series of regular, parallel transverse stridulatory veinlets; hind femur slender with lower genicular lobe spined; hind tibia expanded in apical half, external apical spine present. The genus is represented by a single species from this region. Gesonula punctifrons (Stal, 1861) (Plate 8; Fig. 8) Acridium (Oxya) punctifrons Stal, 1861. Kongliga Svenska fregatten Eugenies Resa omkring jorden under befäl af C.A. Virgin åren 1851-1853 (Zoologi), 2 (1): 336. Heteracris tenuis Walker, F. 1870. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum 4: 647, 668. Syn. by Bolívar, Ignacio. 1918. Trab. Mus. Cienc. nat., Madrid (Ser. zool.), 34: 14. Oxya punctifrons (Stal); Stal, 1878. Bihang Kungl. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 5 (4): 47. Gesonula punctifrons (Stal); Mishchenko, 1952. Fauna of Russia, 4 (2): 144. Male genitalia: Cerci simple, spine like and incurved, supra-anal plate triangular, oval, the groove of which tubular in shape, large anterior process diverged, tip more or less rounded. Posterior process with a notch like structure, below which bilobed structure present. The upper lobe connected with a membrane. Subgenital plate broad, lateral margin straight, narrowing apically, apex rounded, setose confined to apical margin. Epiphallus, bridge undivided, short, broad, anchorae broad basally, narrowing apically, apex pointed, lophi well developed lobiform. Aedeagus, apical valve short narrow, much shorter than basal valve, apex pointed, basal valve broad uniformly. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate elongate, narrow, one and half times as long as wide, apex rounded, cercus broad basally, narrowing apically, two times as long as wide, apex blunt. Sub- genital plate elongate, lateral margins diverging, central margin semi-circular, setae confined, in the middle egg-guide short, elongate narrow, twice as long as wide, apex pointed, Jannone’s organ present. Spermatheca apical diverticulum short, broad, apex curved and rounded, preapical diverticulum moderately broad, much longer than apical diverticulum. Ovipositor broad, robust, large. Upper one is moderately enlarged, tip end with a large upcurved spine; lower valve which is narrower, less widened, tip of the valve with a large spine which is directed downwards, rest of spines in the both valves uniform. Material Examined: Assam, Guwahati, Bongra, 28-X-2008, on paddy field, 7♂♂, 12♀♀. Assam, Tezpur, 7-II-2011, on grasses, 5♂♂, 8♀♀. Manipur, East Imphal, 16-X-2009, on grasses, 4♀♀, 3♂♂. Nagaland, Dimapur, 19-X-2009, on grasses, 3♀♀, 2♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body length 18.06, Tegmina 18.58, Pronotum 1.35, Hind femur 10.30 Female:Body length 2.0, Tegmina 18.7, pronotum 4.0, Hind femur 12 Distribution: India: Andman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Goa, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Borneo, China, Hainan, Japan, Java, Kalimantan, Malacca, Myanmar, North Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Tongking. Genus Lemba Huang, 1983 Lemba Huang, C. 1983. Zool. Res., 4 (2): 149. Type-Species: Lemba daguanensis Chunmei, 1983. Diagnosis: Body of medium size; Head conical; fastigium of vertex short, rounded, separated from vertex by a shallow depression; frontal ridge distinct but subobsolete at clypeo-frontal suture; interocular distance longer than subocular furrow; pronotum rugose, disc with lateral angles rounded into lateral lobes, 210 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ posterior margin obtusely angularly excised; prosternal process slightly compressed, conical, apex acute; mesosternal lobes longer than wide, metasternal lobes contiguous (male) or very narrowly separated (female); tegmina covering tympana; hind femur moderately slender and dorsal carina smooth, hind tibia with dorsal margin angularly rounded, with 8 external and 20 internal spines at dorsal margins; apical spine present at both sides. The genus is represented by one species from this region. Lemba motinagar Ingrisch et al., 2004 (Plate 9; Fig. 9) Lemba motinagar Ingrisch et al., 2004. Tijdschr. Voor Entomol., 147: 290. Male genitalia: Supra-anal plate broad, as long as wide, lateral margins slightly diverging apically, apex rounded. Cercus broad basally and gradually narrowing apically, twice as long as wide, apex conical. Sub genital plate with lateral margin straight, strongly diverging posteriorly, posterior margin extended with a notch medially. Epiphallus, bridge divided, ancorae short and broad, apex blunt, lophi well developed. Aedeagus with apical valve very long and narrow, downcurved, basal valve long and broad, much longer than basal valve, apex blunt. Female genitalia: Supra-anal plate, lateral margins forming rounded apex, slightly longer than wide. Cercus short and broad, narrowing apically, less than twice as long as wide, apex bluntly rounded. Sub genital plate, lateral margins straight, posterior margin slightly curved, serrated medially forming dents on either side of egg-guide. Apical half of egg-guide broad, abruptly narrowing apically, apex pointed. Spermatheca, long and slender with protuberance. Ovipositor, dorsal valve robust, dorsal edge strongly serrated, apex bluntly rounded, slightly shorter than apodeme, ventral valve elongate narrow, edge curved and serrated, apex or tip bluntly rounded. Material Examined: Meghalaya, East Khasi Hills, CPRS, 10-X-2009, on grasses, 15♂♂, 20♀♀; Kyrdemkhla, 10-X-2009, on grasses, 10♂♂, 15♀♀. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body length 12.0, Pronotum 4.4, Hind femur 8.5 Female: Body length 18.2, pronotum 5.5, Hind femur 13.5 Distribution: India: Meghalaya and Tripura. Genus Pseudoxya Yin & Liu, 1987 Pseudoxya, Yin, X.-C. & Z.-W. Liu, 1987. Acta Zootaxonomica Sin., 12 (1): 66 [71] Mishchenko & Storozhenko. 1990. In Gorochov [Ed.]. News of 210 etazoan 210 c and faunistics of Vietnam insects part 1. Trudy Zool. Inst., Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad, 209: 32. Type-Species: Oxya diminuta Walker, 1871. Diagnosis: Body moderately sized. Head shorter than pronotum. Antennae filiform. Face, in profile, oblique. Vertex convex from above, fastigium rounded. Lateral foveolae absent. Frontal ridge sulcate, with lateral carinae nearly parallel. Eyes oval. Pronotum cylindrical, slightly flattened in the back, posterior margin convex; median carina present, lateral carinae absent. Prosternal process conical with rounded apex. Mesosternal lateral lobes somewhat wider than long. Metasternal lateral lobes meeting in hind part. Elytra and wings developed, extending beyond the middle of hind femur, touching in mid dorsal line when folded and elytra with stridulatory pegs in frontal areas. Upper carina of hind femur smooth, keenly spined in apex; lower genicular lobe spined. Hind tibia expanded in apical half and with external apical spine. Tympanum developed. The genus is represented by a single species from this region. Pseudoxya diminuta (Walker, 1871) (Plate 10; Fig. 10) Oxya diminuta Walker, 1871. Cat. Derm. Salt. Brit. Mus., 5: 64. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 211 Oxya rufipes Brunner, 1893. Ann. Mus. Civ. Star. Nat. Genova Ser., 2, 13: 153. Syn. by Willemse, Cornelis Jozef Maria. 1955 [1956]. Publ. Natuurhist. Genootsch. Limburg, 8: 146. Pseudoxya diminuta (Walker); Hollis, 1975. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 31: 217. Male genitalia: Supra-anal plate broad, slightly broader than long, lateral margins strongly diverging apically, apex rounded. Cercus elongate, narrowing apically, three times as long as wide, apex acutely rounded. Sub genital plate, lateral margin straight, gradually diverging apically, apex rounded. Epihallus, bridge divided medially, lophi developed. Aedeagus, apical valve long and narrow, incurved. Material Examined: Meghalaya, East Khasi Hills, CPRS, 12-X-2009, on grasses, 20♂♂. Morphometry: (length in mm) Male: Body length 12.0, Tegmina 11.9, Pronotum 4.4, Hind femur 8.5 Distribution: India: Andman and Nicobar Islands, Assam and Nagaland. Elsewhere: Bhutan, Combodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Sumatra, Thailand, Vietnam and West Malaysia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to extend our gratitude to the University Grants Commission, New Delhi for providing financial assistance during the tenure of a major research project (Ref. no. 33-33/2007 (SR)) being carried out on “Studies on taxonomy and diversity of North Eastern States of India”. LITERATURE CITED Hollis, D. 1971. A Preliminary Revision Of The Genus Oxya Audinet Serville (Orthoptera, Acridoidea). Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 26: 267-343. Hollis, D. 1975. A Review Of The Subfamily Oxynae (Orthoptera, Acridoidea), Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Ent.), 31: 189234. Serville. 1831. Revue méthodique des insectes de l'ordre des Orthoptères. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 22 (86): 2865, 134-167, 262-292. Tandon, S. K. 1976. A check list of the Acridoidea (Orthoptera) of India. Part I Acrididae. Rec. Zool. Surv. India, Occ. Pap. No., 3: 1-48. male female Figure 1. Oxya fuscovittata. Figure 2. Oxya japonica vitticolis (female) female 212 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ male female Figure 3. Oxya velox. male female Figure 4. Oxya chinensis. Figure 5. Oxya hyla hyla. female female Figure 6. Caryanda paravicina. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ female Figure 7. Cercina mussoriensis. male female Figure 8. Gesonula punctifrons. male female Figure 9. Lemba motinagar. male Figure 10. Pseudoxya diminuta. 213 214 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Plate 1. Oxya fuscovittata A-D (male); E-H (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus, E. Supra anal plate, F. Subgenital plate, G. Spermatheca, H. Ovipositor. Plate 2. Oxya japonica vitticolis (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Spermatheca, D. Ovipositor. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 215 Plate 3. Oxya velox A-D (male); E-H (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus, E. Supra anal plate, F. Subgenital plate, G. Spermatheca, H. Ovipositor. Plate 4. Oxya chinensis A-D (male); E-H (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus, E. Supra anal plate, F. Subgenital plate, G. Spermatheca, H. Ovipositor. 216 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Plate 5. Oxya hyla hyla (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Spermatheca, D. Ovipositor. Plate 6. Caryanda paravicina (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Spermatheca, D. Ovipositor. Plate 7. Cercina mussoriensis (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Ovipositor. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 217 Plate 8. Gesonula punctifrons A-D (male); E-H (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus, E. Supra anal plate, F. Subgenital plate, G. Spermatheca, H. Ovipositor. Plate 9. Lemba motinagar A-D (male); E-H (female) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus, E. Supra anal plate, F. Subgenital plate, G. Spermatheca, H. Ovipositor. 218 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Plate 10. Pseudoxya diminuta (male) A. Supra anal plate, B. Subgenital plate, C. Epiphallus, D. Aedeagus. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 219 CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE ON DISTRIBUTION OF AQUATIC COLEOPTERA IN HAKKARİ AND MALATYA PROVINCES IN TURKEY (HELOPHORIDAE AND HYDROPHILIDAE) Abdullah Mart* * Bingöl University, Sciences and Arts Faculty, Department of Biology, Bingöl, TURKEY. [Mart, A. 2016. Contribution to the knowledge on distribution of aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae and Hydrophilidae) in Hakkari and Malatya provinces in Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 219-222] ABSTRACT: The collected aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae and Hydrophilidae) specimens from inland water in Hakkari and Malatya provinces are examined. In this study 14 taxa belonging to two family were determined and their distribution Turkey are given. KEY WORDS: Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Hakkari, Malatya, Turkey The Helophoridae is a large family consisting of a single subfamily only of a single genus, Helophorus. This genus comprises more than 190 species, represented in three major zoogeographical regions (Palearctic, Nearctic and Ethiopian) (Angus, 1992; Smetana, 1985; Hansen, 1987, 2004; Hebauer, 1994). The Hydrophilidae is also a large family, represented in all parts of the world and consisting of 172 genera and about 2716 known species. Of the four subfamilies recognized only two (Hydrophilinae, Sphaeridiinae) are recorded from the Palearctic region (Hansen, 1999; Fikácek, 2006). The purpose of this study is to make a contribution to Turkish aquatic Coleoptera fauna. MATERIAL AND METHODS In summer seasons between 2012 and 2013, specimens of Hydrophilidae were collected by means of a sieve, ladle and net with 1 mm pores from the shallow areas of various springs, streams, lakes and ponds in Hakkari and Malatya provinces of Turkey. Firstly collected samples were killed by ethyl acetate in the research area and then aedeagophores of the beetles were dissected under a stereo microscope in the laboratory. Photographs of the main diagnostic characters were made using a Olympus SZX16 microscope. All samples have been deposited in the Zoological Museum, Bingöl University, Science and Arts Faculty, Department of Biology, Bingöl, Turkey. RESULTS Family Helophoridae Genus Helophorus Fabricius, 1775 Helophorus (Helophorus) syriacus Kuwert, 1885 Material examined: Hakkari-Çukurca: 2♂♂ 2♀♀, 37°14'44 K, 43°36'16 D, 1228 m. 11.05.2013. Hakkari-Şemdinli: 2♂♂ 1♀, Bağlar, 37°17'24 K, 44°31'14 D, 1355 m, 08.05.2013; 18 ♂♂ 8♀♀, Karaağaç, 37°21'54 K, 44°23'056 D, 1505 m,11.05.2013; 2♂♂ 1♀, Yeşil öz, 36°16'42 K,44°36'40 D, 1464 m, 13.05.2013; 2♂♂ 1♀, Üçgöze 37°16'29 K,44°34'42 D, 1396 m, 13.05.2013. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Antakya, Amanos mountains, Balıkesir, Bingöl, Çorum, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Izmir, Kastamonu, Mardin, Muş, Samsun and Tokat (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Hakkari province. 220 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Helophorus (Helophorus) aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) Material examined: Hakkari-Şemdinli: 1♂ 1♀, Bağlar, 37°17'24 K, 44°31'14 D, 1355 m, 08.05.2013; 1♂, Yeşil öz, 36°16'42 K,44°36'40 D, 1464 m,13.05.2013; 2♂♂ 1♀, Üçgöze, 37°16'29 K, 44°36'42 D, 1396 m, 13.05.2013. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Aksaray, Ankara, Bayburt, Bilecik, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bursa, Bolu, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ; Hakkâri, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Isparta, Içel, Istanbul, Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kırklareli, Mardin, Muş, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Sinop, Sırnak and Van (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Helophorus (Eutrichelophorus) micans Falderman, 1835 Material examined: Malatya-Yazıhan: 8♂♂ 1♀, Kuruçay, 38°34'16 K, 38°14'37 D, 711 m, 26.V.2012; Malatya-Arguvan: 5♂♂ 1♀, Keban road, 38°41'30 K, 38°21'46 D, 707 m, 26.V.2012. Hakkari-Çukurca: 1♂1♀, 37°14'44 K, 43°36'16 D, 1228 m, 11.05.2013. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ağrı, Aksaray, Bayburt, Bingöl, Hatay, Balıkesir, Burdur, Çanakkale, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, İçel, İzmir, Kayseri, Muş, Samsun, Tokat, Trabzon, Tuz Lake and Van Lake (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Hakkari and Malatya provinces. Until the present work, no record of belonging to the Helophoridae family has been known in Malatya province. Helophorus (Empleurus) nubilus Fabricius, 1776 Material examined: Hakkari-Çukurca: 2♂♂ 3♀♀, 37°14'44 K, 43°36'16 D, 1228 m, 11.05. 2013. Hakkari-Şemdinli: 2♂♂ 10♀♀, Bağlar, 37°17'24 K, 44°31'14 D, 1355 m, 08.05.2013; 2♂♂ 7♀♀, Üçgöze, 37°16'29 K, 44°36'42 D, 1396 m, 13.05.2013; 1♀, Yeşilöz, 36°16'42 K, 44°26'40 D, 1464 m, 13.05.2013. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ağrı, Amanos mountains, Ankara, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Isparta, Içel, Istanbul, Izmir, Kırklareli, Konya, Muğla, Muş, Ordu, Sakarya, Sırnak, Tokat,Van and Zonguldak (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Helophorus (Atracthelophorus) daedalus d’Orchymont, 1932 Material examined: Hakkâri-Şemdinli: 1♀, 37°23'47 K, 44°29'36 D, 1838 m, 08.08.2012. Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bolu, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Izmir, Kayseri, Muş, Ordu, Samsun, Şırnak, Tokat and Van (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Helophorus (Atracthelophorus) lewisi Angus, 1985 Material examined: Malatya-Darende: 1♂, Ayvalı, 38°42'02 K, 37°33'39 D,1642 m, 26. V. 2012. Distribution in Turkey: Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Çorum, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hatay, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Muş, Ordu, Samsun, Şırnak and Tokat (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Until the present work, no record of belonging to the Helophoridae family has been known in Malatya province. Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) frater d’Orchymont, 1926 Material examined: Hakkari-Şemdinli:1♀ 1♂ Bağlar, 37°17'24 K, 44°31'14 D,1355 m, 08. 05.2013. Distribution in Turkey: Bayburt, Bingöl, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, İzmir, Kayseri, Muş, Samsun, Tokat and Van (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et. al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Hakkari province. Family Hydrophilidae Genus Enochrus Thomson, 1859 Enochrus (Lumetus) bicolor (Fabricius, 1792) Material examined: Malatya-Arguvan: 2♂♂ 1♀, Keban road, 38°41'30 K, 38°21'46 D, 707 m, 26.V.2012. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 221 Distribution in Turkey: Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya, Bitlis, Denizli, Edirne, Erzincan, Elazığ, İçel, İzmir, Kars, Kayseri, Kırşehir, Muş, Ordu, Sivas and Van (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Enochrus (Lumetus) fuscipennis (Thomson, 1884) Material examined: Malatya-Arguvan: 5♂♂ 2♀♀, Keban road, 38°41'30 K, 38°21'46 D, 707 m, 26.V.2012. Malatya-Darende: 5♂♂ 4♀♀, Karaçayır, 38°50'24 K, 37°41'00 D, 1221 m, 26.V.2012; 1♂ 1♀, Ayvalı, 38°42'02 K, 37°33'39 D,1642 m, 26.V.2012. Malatya-Yaygın: 1♂ 3♀♀, 38°17’41 K, 38°31’25 D,1106 m, 26.V.2012. Malatya-Yazıhan: 1♂ 1♀, Kuruçay, 38°34’16 K, 38°14’37 D, 711 m, 26.V.2012. Distribution in Turkey: Artvin, Aksaray, Ankara, Balıkesir, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Çorum, Denizli, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hatay, Hakkari, Isparta, İzmir, Kayseri, Muş, Ordu, Rize, Sivas and Van (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014a-b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Enochrus (Lumetus) quadripunctatus (Herbst, 1797) Material examined: Malatya-Darende: 1♀, Ayvalı, 38°42’02 K, 37°33’39 D,1642 m, 26.V. 2012. Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Antalya, Bingöl, Bitlis, Denizli, Edirne, Elazığ, Isparta, Ordu, Sivas and Van (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014ab). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Enochrus (Lumetus) politus (Küster, 1849) Material examined: Malatya. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Bitlis, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Osmaniye, Muş, Uşak and Van (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Bektaş et al., 2014; Mart et al., 2014a-b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Genus Laccobius Erichson, 1837 Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) syriacus Guillebeau, 1896 Material examined: Malatya-Arguvan: 1♂, Keban road, 38°41'30 K, 38°21'46 D, 707 m, 26.V.2012. Malatya-Darende: 2♂♂ 1♀, Ayvalı, 38°42’02 K, 37°33’39 D,1642 m, 26.V.2012. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray, Ankara, Antakya, Antalya, Artvin, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bilecik, Bitlis, Bolu, Burdur, Bursa, Çorum, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Edirne, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkâri, Hatay, Isparta, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kars, Kayseri, Kastamonu, Konya, Mardin, Mersin, Muğla, Muş, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, Sinop, Sivas, Şanlıurfa, Tokat, Trabzon and Van (Darılmaz & Incekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) simulatrix d’Orchymont, 1932 Material examined: Malatya-Hekimhan: 1♂, 38°51’50 K, 37°48’10 D, 1427 m, 26.V.2012. Malatya-Yazıhan: 5♂♂ 6♀♀, Kuruçay, 38°34’16 K, 38°14’37 D, 711 m, 26.V.2012. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ağrı, Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Bolu, Bursa, Çanakkale, Çankırı, Çorum, Denizli, Edirne, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Eskişehir, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Hakkari, Hatay, Isparta, İçel, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kırklareli, Kırşehir, Kocaeli, Kütahya, Manisa, Muğla, Muş, Niğde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Samsun, Sivas, Tokat, Trabzon, Van and Yozgat (Topkara & Balık, 2010; Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et. al, 2014a-b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) hindukuschi Chiesa, 1966 Material examined: Malatya-Darende: 1♂, Ayvalı, 38°42'02 K, 37°33'39 D,1642 m, 26.V. 2012. Malatya-Hekimhan: 5♂♂ 1♀, 38°51’50 K, 37°48’10 D, 1427 m, 26.V.2012. 222 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Distribution in Turkey: Antalya, Artvin, Balıkesir, Bayburt, Bingöl, Bitlis, Burdur, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Erzurum, Elazığ, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gümüşhane, Isparta, İstanbul, İzmir, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Mardin, Mersin, Muş, Ordu, Sivas, Tokat, Tunceli and Van (Darılmaz & İncekara, 2011; Mart et al., 2014b). Remarks: Newly recorded from Malatya province. DISCUSSION In this study, totally 14 species belonging to two family of the aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae and Hydrophilidae) were determined in Malatya and Hakkari provinces. Of these, Helophorus (Eutrichelophorus) micans has been recorded in both Hakkari and Malatya provinces for the first time. Helophorus (Atracthelophorus) lewisi, Enochrus (Lumetus) bicolor, Enochrus (Lumetus) fuscipennis, Enochrus (Lumetus) quadripunctatus, Enochrus (Lumetus) politus, Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) syriacus, Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) simulatrix, Laccobius (Dimorpholaccobius) hindukuschi have been recorded in Malatya province for the first time. Helophorus (Helophorus) syriacus, Helophorus (Rhopalhelophorus) frater have only been recorded in Hakkari province for the first time. Until the present work, no record of belonging to the Helophoridae family has been known in Malatya province but only two species have been known (Laccobius striatulus and Berosus spinosus) belonging to Hydrophilidae family. LITERATURE CITED Angus, R. B. 1992. Süsswasserfauna von Mitteleuropa (Insecta: Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Helophorinae). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, p. 144. Bektaş, M., Polat, A., İncekara, Ü. & Taşar, G. E. 2014. Confirmation of Enochrus affinis in Turkey, some notes on the Enochrus politus (Küster, 1849) (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2): 770-773. Darılmaz, M. C. & Incekara, Ü. 2011. Checklist of Hydrophiloiedea of Turkey (Coleoptera: Polyphaga), Journal of Natural History, 45 (11): 685-735. Fikácek, M. 2006. Taxonomic status of Cercyon alpinus, C. exorabilis, C. strandi and C. tatricus and notes of their biology (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Sphaeridiinae). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, 107B: 145-164. Hansen, M. 1987. The Hydrophilidae (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica, 18: 1-253. Hansen, M. 1999. World Cataloque of Insects. Hydrophiloidea (Coleoptera). Apollo Books, Stenstrup,Vol. 2. p. 416. Hansen, M. 2004. Hydrophiloidea. In: Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (eds. I. Löbl and A. Smetana), Vol. 2, pp 3643, Apollo Books, Stenstrup, Denmark. Hebauer, F. 1994. The Hydrophilidae of Israel and Sinai (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 10: 74137. Mart, A., Aydoğan, A. & Fırat, Z. 2014a. A contribution on zoogeographical distribution of Hydrophilidae species in Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 9 (2): 842-847. Mart, A., Tolan, R., Caf, F., Koyun, M. 2014b. A Faunistic Study on Aquatic Coleoptera (Helophoridae: Hydrophilidae) Species in Elazığ Province, Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 46 (3): 681-696. Smetana, A., 1985. Revision of the subfamily Helophorinae of the Nearctic Region (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). Mem. Ent. Soc. Can., 131: 1-151. Topkara, E. T. & Balık, S. 2010. Contribution to the Knowledge on Distribution of the Aquatic Beetles (Ordo: Coleoptera) in the western Black Sea Region and Its Environs of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sceinces, 10: 323-332. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 223 CONTRUBITION TO TABANIDAE FAUNA OF WEST AEGEAN REGION (INSECTA: DIPTERA) Ferhat Altunsoy* and A. Yavuz Kılıç* * Anadolu University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 26470 Eskişehir / TURKEY. [Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2016. Contrubition to Tabanidae fauna of West Aegean Region (Insecta: Diptera). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 223-229] ABSTRACT: This study is conducted to determine West Aegean Region Tabanidae fauna in 2012 to 2013. As a result 3 subfamilies, 10 genera and 52 species are determined. 16 species are firstly reported from region. These species are Atylotus loewianus Villeneue, 1920, Therioplectes tunicatus Szilady, 1927, Hybomitra caucasi Szilady, 1923, Tabanus cordiger Meigen, 1820, Tabanus fraseri Austen, 1924, Tabanus maculicornis Zettersted, 1842, Tabanus miki (Brauer, 1880), Tabanus nemoralis Meigen, 1820, Tabanus oppugnator Austen, 1925, Tabanus portschinskii Olsufjev, 1937, Tabanus spodopteroides Olsufjev, Moucha & Chvála, 1969, Tabanus sudeticus Zeller 1842, Tabanus tergestinus Egger, 1859, Tabanus unifasciatus Loew, 1858, Haematopota italica Meigen, 1804, Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820). As a conclusions number of species which are distributing in the region reach to 67. KEY WORDS: West Aegean, Fauna, Horse fly, Tabanidae, Diptera, Turkey Female horse fly species during the blood-feeding period frequently change hosts in mammals including human. They have great importance in terms of medical and veterinary, because they are potential mechanical vectors for the diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and protozoans and the economic significance of stress resulting directly from bites, or indirect secondary infections such as anemia through blood loss, allergic responses, etc. (Chvala et al., 1972; Krinsky, 1979; Foil, 1989). Studies about Tabanidae fauna of Turkey have begun in the 19th century (Walker, 1854; Loew, 1856a,b,c, 1858, 1859) and still continue. Many studies were reported about distribution, seasonality and habitat preferences of Turkish horse fly species (Kılıç, 1992, 1993, 1996a,b,c, 1999, 2001a,b,c, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005a,b, 2006; Kılıç & Schacht, 1995; Altunsoy & Kılıç, 2011a,b, 2012, 2014; Altunsoy, 2011). Newertheless these studies are not adequate for the put forth of Turkish horse fly fauna. Based on reports of recent studies, Turkish horse fly fauna is representing with 3 subfamilies, 9 genera, 171 species and 15 subspecies (Kılıç, 1999, 2006; Altunsoy & Kılıç, 2014) and previously 51 species were reported from Aegean region (Schacht, 1984, 1985, 1987). In this study, totally 1672 samples were collected and 52 species were identified and 16 species were reported for the first time from the study area. As a result, the number of species which are distributed in Aegean region was reached 67. MATERIAL AND METHODS Adult female horse flies were collected from different habitats in West Aegean Region (Aydın, Denizli, İzmir, Manisa and Muğla) with Malaise and Nzi Traps, which were baited with 1-octen-3-ol, and water traps. Collection and preparation of samples were done according to the principles of Chvala et al. (1972) and Olsufjev (1977). Tabanids were killed by ethyl-acetat jars. The specimens were brought to the laboratory in 70 degree alcohol solution and were pinned with insect pins. 224 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Samples were identified according to Chvala et al. (1972), Olsufjev (1977), Peus (1980), Yücel (1987), Schacht (1987), Leclercq (1966a,b, 1967a,b) and Rubio (2002). Identified samples were preserved in the Zoological Museum of Anadolu University (AUZM). The distributions of species in Turkey and worldwide because of given in previous studies, not presented here again (Kılıç, 1999, 2006; Schacht, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987; Andreeva et al., 2009; Altunsoy & Kılıç, 2010). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Totally 52 species belonging to 9 genera and 3 subfamilies were identified and 16 species were recorded for the first time from Aegean Region. Family TABANIDAE Subfamily PANGONINAE Tribe Pangoniini Pangonius fulvipes (Loew, 1859) Material examined: İzmir (Kemalpaşa), 10.05.2012, 2♀♀. Pangonius pyritosus Loew, 1859 Material examined: İzmir (Kemalpaşa), 10.05.2012, 2♀♀. Subfamily CHRYSOPSINAE Tribe Chrysopsini Chrysops caecutiens (Linne, 1761) Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 5♀♀, 1♂; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 1♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 10♀♀; Uşak (Central), 12.06.2012, 3♀♀; Uşak (Çamyuva), 15.06.2012, 4 ♀♀; İzmir (Kiraz), 13.07.2012, 13♀♀. Chrysops flavipes (Linne, 1761) Material examined: Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 3♀♀; 11.06.2013, 12♀♀; Uşak (Derbent), 09.09.2013, 2♀♀; Marmaris (Çamlı), 16.05.2013, 3♀♀. Silvius alpinus Scopoli, 1763 Material examined: Manisa (Demirci), 07.07.2013, 1♀. Subfamily TABANINAE Tribe Tabanini Atylotus fulvus (Meigen, 1820) Material examined: Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 2♀♀. Atylotus loewianus Villeneue, 1920 Material examined: Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 1♀. Therioplectes tricolor Zeller, 1842 Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 1♀; 10.06.2013, 2♀♀; Marmaris (Çamlı), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀; Kuşadası, 12.05.2013 2♀♀; Uşak (Güre), 16.05.2013, 1♀. Therioplectes tunicatus Szilady, 1927 Material examined: Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 1♀. Hybomitra acuminata (Loew, 1858) Material examined: Denizli (Central), 25.05.2012, 5♀♀, Denizli (Buldan), 15.05.2013, 8♀♀. Hybomitra caucasi Szilady, 1923 Material examined: Denizli (Central), 25.05.2012, 4♀♀, 2 ♂♂. Hybomitra caucasica (Enderlein, 1925) Material examined: Manisa (Central), 23.05.2012, 3♀♀. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 225 Hybomitra ciureai (Séguy, 1937) Material examined: Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 15♀♀, 2 ♂♂; Muğla (Fethiye), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 3♀♀; Muğla (Köyceğiz), 16.05.2013, 5♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 1♀♀. Tabanus autumnalis (Linne, 1761) Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 1♀ 11.05.2013, 1♀, 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Köyceğiz), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Datça), 11.06.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 4♀♀, 11.05.2013 2♀♀ ; Uşak (Ulubey), 09.07.2012, 2♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 17.05.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Central), 20.07.2012, 1♀; Denizli (Çal), 10.07.2012, 3♀♀; Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 2♀♀; 14.05.2013, 8 ♀♀. Tabanus bifarius Loew, 1858 Material examined: Denizli (Cankurtaran), 09.06.2012, 15♀♀ 12.05.2013 5♀♀, 12.08.2013 3♀♀; Denizli (Pamukkale), 08.06.2012, 7♀♀; Uşak (Central), 11.06.2012, 4♀♀; 20.07.2012, 6♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 09.06.2013, 2♀♀; 20.07.2012 1♀; 17.05.2013 1♀; Uşak (Çamyuva), 15.06.2012, 4♀♀; Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 4♀♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 1♀; Manisa (Central), 11.06.2012, 3♀♀ 10.06.2013 3♀♀; Manisa (Demirci), 07.07.2013, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 12.06.2012, 5♀♀; 10.06.2013, 4♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 4♀♀; 05.06.2012 2♀♀; 16.05.2013 1♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 1♀; 10.06.2012, 9♀♀; 11.05.2013 2♀♀, 13.08.2013 2♀♀, 11.06.2013, 4♀♀; Marmaris (Değirmen), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye), 16.05.2013, 4♀♀; Muğla (Köyceğiz), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Datça), 11.06.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Değirmen), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Kuşadası, 15.05.2013, 14♀♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 16.05.2013, 1♀; İzmir (Ödemiş, Bozdağ), 08.07.2013, 2♀♀. Tabanus bromius Linne, 1761 Material examined: Uşak (Central), 14.07.2012, 3♀♀; 10.06.2013, 4♀♀; 07.07.2013, 4♀♀; 13.08.2013, 6♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 11.08.2012, 8♀♀, 08.07.2013 5♀♀, 14.08.2013, 6♀♀; İzmir (Ödemiş), 12.08.2012, 5♀♀, 10.06.2013, 4♀♀, Manisa (Salihli), 12.08.2012, 23♀♀; Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 17♀♀; İzmir (Kiraz), 13.07.2012,2 3♀♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 2♀♀ 12.06.2013 5♀♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 1♀; Denizli (Çameli), 10.07.2012, 8♀♀; Muğla (Ula), 11.07.2012, 18♀♀, 06.07.2013 10♀♀; İzmir (Beydağı), 13.07.2012, 2♀♀; Uşak (Central), 11.06.2012, 4♀♀; 20.07.2012, 1♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 10♀♀, 16.08.2013 7♀♀; Uşak (Çamyuva), 15.06.2012, 14 ♀♀; 16.06.2013, 10♀♀, 11.05.2013, 9♀♀; Muğla (Milas), 10.06.2012, 5♀♀, 11.06.2013, 2♀♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 12.06.2012, 10♀♀; Uşak (Ulubey) , 09.07.2012, 5♀♀; Denizli (Çal), 10.07.2012, 5♀♀, Kuşadası 12.05.2013, 2♀♀; Aydın (Horsunlu), 10.06.2013, 8♀♀; Muğla (Ören), 12.06.2013, 8 ♀♀; 09.07.2013, 12 ♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Kale), 12.09.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 3♀♀. Tabanus cordiger Meigen, 1820 Material examined: Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 3♀♀; Manisa (Central), 11.06.2012, 3♀♀; İzmir (Spil Dağı), 13.07.2013, 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 3♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 1♀. Tabanus exclusus Pandelle, 1883 Material examined: Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 13♀♀; Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 1♀; Uşak (Central), 20.07.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 21♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris-Fethiye, Ula Yolu), 11.07.2012, 6♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 25.04.2012, 3♀♀. Tabanus fraseri Austen, 1924 Material examined: Uşak (Derbent), 09.09.2013, 8♀♀; Muğla (Kavaklıdere), 11.09.2013, 1♀; İzmir (Ödemiş, Bozdağ), 01.09.2013, 2♀♀; İzmir (Beydağ), 11.09.2013, 1♀; Aydın (Bazdoğan), 11.09.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Central), 12.09.2013, 2♀♀; İzmir (Beydağ, ÇamedliAlısu), 11.09.2013, 1♀. 226 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Tabanus glaucopis Meigen, 1936 Material examined: İzmir (Dikili), 16.07.2012, 5♀♀; Denizli (Buldan) 10.07.2012 15♀♀; 14.07.2012, 4♀♀; Uşak (Central), 12.07.2012, 11♀♀; 20.07.2012, 2♀♀; Aydın (Nazilli), 12.07.2013, 11♀♀. Tabanus indrae Hauser, 1939 Material examined: Muğla (Datça), 17.06.2012, 4♀♀. Tabanus leleani Austen, 1920 Material examined: Uşak (Derbent), 09.09.2013, 2♀♀. Tabanus laetitinctus Becker, 1912 Material examined: Muğla (Datça), 17.06.2012, 6 ♀♀. Tabanus lunatus Fabricius, 1794 Material examined: Muğla (Ortaca), 11.07.2012, 15♀♀, 13.07.2013 10♀♀; Deniz (Kale), 12.07.2012, 6♀♀, Uşak (Central), 14.07.2012, 5♀♀; 20.07.2012, 2♀♀; İzmir (Kiraz), 13.07.2012, 32♀♀, Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 25♀♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 3♀♀; Denizli (Çameli), 10.07.2012, 30♀♀; Muğla (Ula), 11.07.2012, 14♀♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 13.07.2012, 10♀♀, İzmir (Beydağı), 13.07.2012, 5♀♀, Muğla (Milas), 10.06.2012, 5♀♀, 10.06.2013 6♀♀, 09.07.2013 4♀♀; 11.06.2013, 3♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2013, 7♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 16♀♀; Denizli (Çal), 10.07.2012, 18♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris-Fethiye, Ula Yolu), 11.07.2012, 5♀♀; Manisa (Demirci), 07.07.2013, 3♀♀. Tabanus maculicornis Zettersted, 1842 Material examined: Muğla (Marmaris, Değirmen), 16.05.2013, 1♀. Tabanus miki (Brauer, 1880) Material examined: Denizli (Kiraz), 13.07.2012, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 8♀♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 4♀♀; Denizli (Buldan), 14.07.2012, 2♀♀; Aydın (Horsunlu), 10.06.2013, 2♀♀; İzmir (Beydağı), 13.07.2012, 5♀♀; İzmir (Beydağ, ÇamedliAlısu), 11.09.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Central), 14.07.2012, 3♀♀; 20.07.2012, 1♀; Muğla (FethiyeKöyceğiz), 11.08.2012, 8♀♀; İzmir (Ödemiş), 12.08.2012, 15♀♀, Manisa (Salihli), 12.08.2012, 5♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 1♀. Tabanus nemoralis Meigen, 1820 Material examined: Uşak (Eşme), 09.06.2013, 1♀. Tabanus obsolescens (Pandelle, 1883) Material examined: Manisa (Turgutlu) 15.06.2012, 4♀♀; Denizli (Buldan) 12.06.2012 2♀♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 2♀♀; İzmir (Ödemiş, Bozdağ), 01.09.2013, 4♀♀; 11.09.2013, 1♀; İzmir (Beydağ), 11.09.2013, 1♀; İzmir (Beydağ, Çamedli-Alısu), 11.09.2013, 17♀♀; Muğla (Central), 12.09.2013, 43♀♀; Muğla (Kale), 12.09.2013, 21♀♀; Muğla (Kavaklıdere), 11.09.2013, 27♀♀; Aydın (Bazdoğan), 11.09.2013, 21♀♀; Uşak (Derbent), 09.09.2013, 3♀♀; Muğla (Milas, Labranda), 09.07.2013, 1♀. Tabanus oppugnator Austen, 1925 Material examined: Uşak (Güre), 08.06.2013, 2♀♀. Tabanus prometheus Szilady, 1923 Material examined: Uşak (Central), 11.06.2012, 2♀♀. Tabanus portschinskii Olsufjev, 1937 Material examined: Uşak (Central), 15.07.2012, 8♀♀; Denizli (Buldan) 10.07.2012 2♀♀. Tabanus quatuornotatus Meigen, 1820 Material examined: Denizli (Pamukkale), 06.05.2012, 8♀♀, 1♂; 08.06.2012, 4♀♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.05.2012, 5♀♀; Muğla (Datça-Kinidos), 07.05.2012, 6♀♀; Muğla (MarmarisKnidos), 09.05.2012, 5♀♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Datça), 11.06.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 5♀♀: Denizli (Central), 25.05.2012, 5♀♀, 2♂♂; İzmir (Spil Dağı), 14.06.2012, 9♀♀; Aydın (Kuşadası), 12.05.2013, 5♀♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 16.05.2013, 12♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 17.05.2013, 7♀♀; 20.07.2012, 6♀♀; Uşak (Central), 11.06.2012, 3♀♀; 20.07.2012, 12♀♀; Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 1♀. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 227 Tabanus regularis Jaennicke, 1866 Material examined: İzmir (Kemalpaşa), 10.05.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 2♀♀; Denizli (Kiraz), 13.07.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Milas, Labranda), 09.07.2013, 4♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 3♀♀; Muğla (Gökova), 11.07.2013, 1♀. Tabanus rupium (Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1880) Material examined: Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz), 10.07.2012, 1♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 5♀♀; Uşak (Çamyuva), 15.06.2012, 4♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 17.05.2012, 2♀♀; 20.07.2012, 16♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Datça), 11.06.2012, 2♀♀; Uşak (Central), 20.07.2012, 6♀♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Güney), 17.05.2013, 1♀. Tabanus spodopterus Meigen, 1820 Material examined: Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 4♀♀; Denizli (Çameli), 10.07.2012, 4♀♀; Denizli (Buldan) 12.07.2012 12♀♀. Muğla (Ula), 11.07.2012, 4♀♀; Muğla (Ortaca), 11.07.2012, 2♀♀; Denizli (Kale), 12.07.2012, 1♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 13.07.2012, 4♂♂; İzmir (Beydağı), 13.07.2012, 2♀♀; İzmir (Kiraz), 13.07.2012, 6♀♀; Uşak (Central), 14.07.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 11.08.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris-Fethiye, Ula), 2♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Köyceğiz), 20.04.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye, Çamedli), 2♀♀; Muğla (Milas, Labranda), 09.07.2013, 1♀. Tabanus spodopteroides Olsufjev, Moucha & Chvála, 1969 Material examined: Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 10.07.2012, 11♀♀; Denizli (Çameli), 10.07.2012, 4♀♀; Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye-Çameli Yolu), 10.05.2012, 1♀. Tabanus sudeticus Zeller 1842 Material examined: Denizli (Buldan) 12.07.2012 2♀♀. Tabanus tunicatus Szilady, 1927 Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye) 17.05.2013, 2♀♀. Tabanus tinctus (Walker, 1850) Material examined: Denizli (Buldan) 12.07.2012 2♀♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 13.07.2012, 4♂♂; 2♀♀; Uşak (Central), 14.07.2012, 3♀♀. Tabanus tergestinus Egger, 1859 Material examined: Muğla (Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 15♀♀; 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (Fethiye) 15.05.2013, 10♀♀; Kuşadası, 15.05.2013, 14♀♀. Tabanus unifasciatus Loew, 1858 Material examined: Uşak (Çamyuva), 15.06.2012, 4♀♀; Uşak (Karaağaç), 15.06.2012, 6♀♀; Uşak (Central), 20.07.2012, 7♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye) 15.05.2013, 4♀♀; Muğla (Datça), 11.06.2012, 2♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 20.07.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 10.06.2012, 4♀♀. Tribe Haematopotini Haematopota bigoti Gobert, 1880 Material examined: İzmir (Dikili), 16.07.2012 1♀. Haematopota longeantennata (Olsufjev 1937) Material examined: Aydın (Karacasu), 10.06.2013, 2♀♀. Haematopota grandis Meigen 1820 Material examined: Muğla (Datça), 17.06.2012, 6♀♀. Haematopota ocelligera (Krober 1922) Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye), 08.06.2013 9♀♀. Haematopota pallens Loew 1871 Material examined: İzmir (Dikili), 16.07.2012 2♀♀. Haematopota subcylindrica Pandelle, 1883 Material examined: Uşak (Central), 12.06.2012, 5♀♀. Haematopota italica Meigen, 1804 Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye- Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 5♀♀, Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 1♀. 228 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Tribe Diachlorini Dasyrhamphis carbonarius (Meigen, 1820) Material examined: Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 1♀; 10.06.2012, 2♀♀; Marmaris (Çamlı), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 12.06.2012, 2♀♀; Uşak (Central), 12.06.2012, 2♀♀; 14.06.2013, 4♀♀; Uşak (Eşme), 20.07.2012, 1♀; Aydın (Karacasu), 10.06.2013, 2♀♀. Dasyrhamphis umbrinus (Meigen, 1820) Material examined: Denizli (Pamukkale), 06.05.2012, 1♀, Muğla (Fethiye- Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 2♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 6♀♀; Muğla (Köyceğiz), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀; Marmaris (Çamlı), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Muğla (DatçaKinidos), 07.05.2012, 1♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 1♀; Denizli (Honaz Dağı), 12.06.2012, 5♀♀ ; İzmir (Spil Dağı), 14.06.2012, 7♀♀; Aydın (Kuşadası), 12.05.2013, 1♀; Uşak (Güney), 17.05.2013, 1♀. Philipomyia aprica (Meigen, 1820) Material examined: Uşak (Central), 15.07.2012, 12♀♀; Uşak (Güre), 09.06.2013, 6♀♀; Kuşadası, 15.05.2013, 12♀♀; Muğla (Fethiye), 16.05.2013, 1♀; 08.06.2013 9♀♀, 6♂♂; İzmir (Ödemiş, Bozdağ), 08.07.2013, 9♀♀. Philipomyia graeca (Fabricius, 1794) Material examined: Muğla (Fethiye- Köyceğiz), 07.05.2012, 12♀♀; 13.06.2013, 22♀♀; Muğla (Marmaris), 07.05.2012, 12♀♀; Marmaris (Çamlı), 16.05.2013 2♀♀; Muğla (DatçaKinidos), 07.05.2012, 3♀♀, Muğla (Milas), 10.06.2012, 25♀♀, Milas (Labranda), 11.06.2013, 2♀♀; Muğla (Köyceğiz), 16.05.2013, 5♀♀; Muğla (Dalaman), 16.05.2013, 2♀♀. In the previous studies, a total of 51 species were reported from Aegean Region. 16 species are firstly reported from this region with this work: Atylotus loewianus Villeneue, 1920, Hybomitra caucasi Szilady, 1923, Tabanus cordiger Meigen, 1820, Tabanus fraseri Austen, 1924, Tabanus miki (Brauer, 1880), Tabanus maculicornis Zettersted, 1842, Tabanus nemoralis Meigen, 1820, Tabanus oppugnator Austen, 1925, Tabanus portschinskii Olsufjev, 1937, Tabanus spodopteroides Olsufjev, Moucha & Chvála, 1969, Tabanus sudeticus Zeller 1842, Tabanus tergestinus Egger, 1859, Tabanus tunicatus Szilady, 1927 Tabanus unifasciatus Loew, 1858 ve Haematopota italica Meigen, 1804. Results of study indicated that the Tabanus bromius as the most abundant species with 18%. It was determined in previous studies that Tabanus bromius most abundant species in the any habitats (Yücel, 1987; Kılıç, 1992, 2001c, 2004, 2005b). This species is followed by Tabanus lunatus (13.3%) and Tabanus obsolescens (8.8%). These three species consist of 40.1% of the horse fly fauna on the study area. This study does not contain all species for West Aegean Region, but shows the importance of periodic studies and isolated areas for faunistic studies. In addition, it can be inferred that the species which known as unique can be observed in many different areas. LITERATURE CITED Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2010. A New Record for Turkish Tabanidae (Insecta: Dıptera) Fauna. J. Ent. Res. Soc., 12(2): 109-111. Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2011a. New Data About Tabanus karaosus Timmer 1984 (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Turkey. J. Ent. Res. Soc., 13 (1): 75-80. Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2011b. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Tabanidae (Diptera: Insecta) Faunası. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1 (1): 24-36. Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2012. Seasonal Abundance of Horse Fly (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Western Anatolia. J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 14 (1): 95-105. Altunsoy, F. & Kılıç, A. Y. 2014. 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List of the specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum London, V, I: 450-458, Tabanidae 450-545 pp. Yücel, Ş. 1987. İç Anadolu Bölgesinde bulunan Tabanidae (Diptera) türleri üzerinde araştırmalar, Ankara Üni. Sağlık Bil. Ens. Doktora Tezi, 155 pp. 230 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ PSEUDERIMERUS GAHAN, 1919 (HYMENOPTERA: TORYMIDAE: MICRODONTOMERINI) SPECIES FROM TURKEY, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES Mikdat Doğanlar* * Honorary Professor, Biological Control Research Station/ Adana, TURKEY. E-mail: [Doğanlar, M. 2016. Pseuderimerus Gahan, 1919 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Microdontomerini) species from Turkey, with descriptions of new species. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 230-237] ABSTRACT: The species of Pseuderimerus Gahan 1919 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), were reviewed: 5 species, Pseuderimerus bouceki Zerova & Seregina, 1994; Pseuderimerus flavus (Nikol'skaya 1952); Pseuderimerus irani Zerova & Seryogina, 2008; Pseuderimerus luteolus Zerova & Seregina, 1990 and Pseuderimerus luteus Boucek, 1954 were transfered to Idiomacromerus Crawford (new combinations). Two new species found in the SouthEastern and Southern Anatolia of Turkey. The species, P. sanliurfanensis n. sp. from Şanlıurfa, Bozova, Kangörmez and P. adananensis n. sp. from Adana were described, diagnostic characters were illustrated, and an identification key for the palearctic species was provided. KEY WORDS: Pseuderimerus spp., Torymidae, Turkey The genus Pseuderimerus was described by Gahan (1919) having type species Pseuderimerus mayetiolae Gahan, 1919 by monotypy. Zerova & Seregina (1990) described Pseuderimerus luteolus n. sp. from Tadzhikistan, and gave an identification key for 3 species from Palearctic region. Grissell (1995) recorded Pseuderimerus as valid genus in the tribe Microdontomerini (Torymidae), and recorded 8 species all over the world, 3 of them as Nearctic, and 4 of them as Palearctic species, Pseuderimerus indicus Subba Rao & Bhatia from the Oriental and Palearctic regions. Later, Burks & Redak (2004) described Pseuderimerus burgeri Burks from USA, Zerova & Seryogina (2008) described Pseuderimerus irani Zerova & Seryogina from Iran and provided an identification key for the palearctic species. Narendran et al. (2012) described Pseuderimerus corianderi Narendran & Mercy from India. Recently Doğanlar (2016a) transferred 3 species from Idiomacromerus to Pseuderimerus. Host records have been given for some species as parasitoid of Mayetiola destructor (Cecidomyiidae) (Gahan, 1919; Boucek, 1978), Tetramesa sp. (Eurytomidae) (Nikol'skaya, 1952) and some other hosts were given by Noyes (2015) for the present species. In this work morphological characters of the Pseuderimerus species from the Palearctic region were studied, their taxonomic status discussed and two species from Turkey were described, and a new identification key for the Palearctic species was provided. MATERIAL AND METHOD This study is based upon examination and identification of the specimens collected from Şanlıurfa and Adana of Turkey, and the figures and descriptions of the species were by the works. The examined specimens and types of the new species were deposited in Insect Museum of Biolocical Control Station, Yüreğir, Adana, Turkey (IMBC). Specimens were collected by sweeping net and putting the whole contents of the swept materials directly in 96 % ethanol. After sorting the material, individuals were mounted on cards for further morphological studies. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 231 The species were identified by following the keys of Grissell (1995) and Zerova & Seregina (1999, 2008). Wings and antennae of the holotypes were slide-mounted in Canada balsam. Photographs of diagnostic characters of the genera were taken by using of Leica DM 500 microscopes with a digital Leica ICC 50 camera attached to it. Terminology and abbreviations Morphological terminology follows Gibson (1997), and terminology of hypopygia was taken from Doğanlar (2016b). Abbreviations used in the key and descriptions are: OOL= shorter distance between ocello-ocular line, POL= distance between posterior ocelli, F1-6 = funicular segments. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pseuderimerus Gahan, 1919 Pseuderimerus Gahan 1919:124. Type species Pseuderimerus mayetiolae Gahan (orig. desg. and monotipic) USNM. Lochitimorpha Szelenyi 1957: 382. Type species Lochitimorpha semiaenea Szelenyi(orig. desg. and monotipic) Hungary.(Synoymized by Grissell (1995). The distribution and host records of the known species were given by Grissell (1995) and Noyes (2015). Diagnostic characters: Hind femur simple; hind tibia with 1 apical spur; the structure of antennal clava of female with apical spicula, anellus in both sexes wider than long plus 1-5 reduced flagellomers (appear to be, are, anelli, see figs. 2f, 3b), and males with eyes reduced (Figs. 88-89 of Grissell, 1995). Hypopygium (Fig. 1) with width of hypopygium/median length of hypopygium=3.04; width of hypopygium/lateral length of hypopygium=1.67; width of hypopygium/distance between anterior margin of median lobe and posterior edge of median sclerotized area=2.5. Length of posterior median incision 6.0x as long as length of anterior median incision; median sclerotized area 0.4x as long as posterior median incision; median length of hypopygium 1.8x length of anterior lobe; median sclerotized area 0.5x as long as its own minimum width (Doğanlar, 2016b). The diagnostic characters of Pseuderimerus, especially "the structure of antennal clava of female with apical spicula, anellus in both sexes wider than long plus 1-5 reduced flagellomeres" have been miss-understood by some works (Boucek, 1954, 1965; Szelenyi, 1957; Zerova & Seregina, 1990; Zerova & Seryogina, 1999, 2008; Askew, 2004). Up to now 11 palearctic species were listed by Noyes (2015). By following Doğanlar (2016a) and the works mentioned above the number of the palearctic species of Pseuderimerus has been recorded as 14 species. I have not seen the types but by examining the their descriptions the following species of Pseuderimerus were transferred to the genus Idiomacromerus which were fits definition given for the characters by Grissell (1995), i.e. hind femur simple; the occipital carina absent or weakly expressed; marginal vein 2.0-4.5x as long as stigmal vein; 2 or more anelli, and the unreduced eyes of the male. Additionally, in females, metaterga 2 and 3 are at most somewhat emarginated, in males only metaterga 2 is very slightly emarginated medially, and based on those assessments, the species would appropriately be placed as species of Idiomacromerus, listed below: bouceki (Zerova & Seregina). PALEARCTIC: Turkmenistan (New combination). Pseuderimerus bouceki Zerova & Seregina, 1994: 124. New species, Holotype female, ZIKU, The new combination is a result of the study on the illustrations of female habitus and forewing and female antenna given by Zerova & Seregina, (1994). 232 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ flavus (Nikol'skaya). PALEARCTIC: Tadzhikistan (New combination). Ditropinotus flavus Nikol'skaya, 1952: 140. New species, Types absent. Pseuderimerus flavus (Nikol'skaya), Boucek, 1965: 544. New combination for Ditropinotus flavus Nikol'skaya. Zerova & Seryogina (1990) gave the figures of antenna, fore wing veins and metasoma (Fig. 2, 4-6). irani (Zerova & Seryogina). PALEARCTIC: Iran (New combination). Pseuderimerus irani Zerova & Seryogina, 2008: 264-265. New species, Holotype female, ZIKU. The new combination is a result of the study on the illustrations of female habitus and forewing, female antenna and legs (Figs. 1, 1-6, given by Zerova & Seryogina (2008) ex stem galls of Timaspis lorestanicus and T. irani in stem of Lactuca orientalis collected 29-viii-2002, emerged summer, 2003 (Tarakoli leg). deposited in the Zoological Institue Kiev, Ukraine (ZIKU). luteolus (Zerova & Seregina). PALEARCTIC: Tadzhikistan (New combination). Pseuderimerus luteolus Zerova & Seregina, 1990: 150-152. New species, Holotype female, ZIKU. The new combination is a result of the study on the illustrations of female habitus and forewing, female antenna and legs (Figs. 1, 1-8, given by Zerova & Seryogina (1990) ex Cousinia radians and C. refracta (Astereceae) collected 22-24-iii-1981, (M.D.Zerova leg). deposited in the Zoological Institue Kiev, Ukraine (ZIKU). luteus Boucek. PALEARCTIC: Czechoslovakia (New combination). Pseuderimerus luteus Boucek, 1954: 70. New species, figs., Holotype female, NMP, The new combination is a result of the study on the illustrations of female habitus and forewing, female antenna and hind leg (Figs. 2, 1-3, given by Zerova & Seryogina (1990), and Figs. 28, 1-4, given by Zerova & Seryogina (1999). Key to Palearctic species of Pseuderimerus 1- Antenna with 2 anelli and 6 funicular segments...................................................................2 - Antenna with 4-5 anelli form segments, 3-4 funicular segments...........................................3 2- Ovipositor index 1.0-1.1; female metasoma (less ovipositor) 1.1-1.2x as long as mesosoma, gaster plus ovipositor 1.4x as long as rest of body; Antenna with club having spicula, and apical 2 segments yellow; funicular segments transverse, gradually widening apically, F6 1.6x as wide as F1; head and thorax dull yellowish to brown, without metallic coloration abdomen of female is completely brilliant yellow. Ovipositor 0.46x as long as abdomen. 1,7- 2.2 mm. (Figs. 25, 1-3)............................................................P. semiaeneus (Szelenyi) - Ovipositor index 1.6; antenna with funicular segments less compacted, gradually widening apically; 1st anellus almost quadrate, 2nd distinctly transverse; F1 slightly transverse (4/5); F2-F3 quadrate; F4-F6 distinctly transverse, about 1.5x wider than long; club with apical 2 segments darker, having distinct spicula, without spicula about twice as long as width; female with gaster plus ovipositor 1.8x as long as rest of body; head and thorax dull yellowish to brown, without metallic coloration; body including ovipositor 3.3 mm...............................................................................................P. urospermi (Askew) 3- Ovipositor sheath (Fig. 2d) very long, ovipositor index 2.75; antenna sheath (Fig. 2f) with fagellomers distinctly transverse, gradually widening apically; 1st 4 flagellomers distinctly transverse, anelli form; other flagellomers transverse, 5th-6th almost twice as wide as long; 7th-8th, about 1.5-1.75x wider than long; club with apical segment white, having distinct, fine spicula, about twice as long as width; female sheath (Fig. 2 a,d) with metasoma plus ovipositor 1.66x as long as rest of body; head and thorax brown, with greenish metallic reflexion; body including ovipositor 2.1 mm. (ovi. 0.9 mm)……............. .........................................................................................................P. sanlıurfanensis n. sp. - Ovipositor sheath sheath (Fig. 3a; Figs. 26, 6 of Zerova & Seryogina (1999) distinctly shorter than metasoma, first 5 segments anelli form, distinctly transverse; other characters variable...............................................................................................................4 4- Ovipositor sheath (Figs. 26, 6 of Zerova & Seryogina (1999) 0.43x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 1.0; antenna pale yellow, except pedicel dorsally darker, with flagellomers gradually widening apically; 6th -8th flagellomers transverse, about 1.8x as wide as long; club with distinct spicula, club without spicula about twice as long as width; metasoma plus ovipositor 1.3x as long as rest of body; head and thorax brown, with greenish metallic reflexion; body including ovipositor. 1.2 mm................................. ............................................................................................P. bouceki (Zerova & Seryogina) _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 233 -Ovipositor sheath (Fig. 3a) 0.24x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 0.7; only metasomal terga 2 deeply emarginated. Antenna (Fig. 3b) testaceous, with flagellomers gradually widening apically; 6th-8th flagellomers transverse, 6th about 2.8x; 7th 2.17x; 8th 1.7x as wide as long; club with distinct spicula, about twice as long as width; metasoma (Fig. 3 a) 1.1x rest of body and excluding ovipositor 0.95x rest of body; head and thorax brown, with greenish metallic reflexion; metasoma yellow, ovipositor brown; body including ovipositor 1.34 mm (ovip. 0.14 mm).........................P. adananensis n. sp. Pseoderimerus semiaeneus (Szelenyi) Lochitimorpha semiaenea Szelenyi 1957:386-387, (Fig. A), Holotype Female, (HNHM) (transferred semiaenea to Pseuderimerus by Grissell and recorded again in Grissell 1995: 253). Idiomacromerus semiaenea (Szelenyi, 1957): Zerova & Seregina 1999: 58-59, figs. 25, 1-3; Askew et al. 2004: 215, 216. Diagnostic characters: (Based on Zerova & Seregina 1999 and Askew et al. 2004): Head and thorax dull yellowish to brown, without metallic coloration; metatibia with only one distinct apical spur (Fig. 5C of Askew et al., 2004). Ovipositor sheath about as long , or very slghtly longer than, metatibia; female gaster (less ovipositor) 1.1-1.2x as long as mesosoma, gaster plus ovipositor 1.4x as long as rest of body; Antenna with club having spicula, and apical 2 segments yellow; funicular segments transverse, gradually widening apically, F6 1.6x as wide as F1, female antenna with a colorless process at apex of clava (Figs. 5A-B of Askew et al., 2004); abdomen of female is completely brilliant yellow. ovipositor 0.46x as long as abdomen. Male with relatively small eyes.1,7- 2.2 mm. (Figs. 25, 1 of Zerova & Seregina, 1999; Askew et al., 2004). Description: given by Zerova & Seregina (1999). Distribution: Hungary, Somlovasarhely, type was deposited in the Hungarian National History Museum (Szelenyi, 1957); Spain, Madrid, Dehesa de Arganda, 05. x. 1994, F. (Ronquist, leg). Host: reared from Centaurea stems, containing galls of Phanacis centaureae Förster, but it is not certain that they emerged from the cynipid galls (Askew et al., 2004). Pseoderimerus urospermi (Askew) Idiomacromerus urospermi Askew 2004: 145-146, (figs. 3,4, 5A-F). Holotype Female, (MNCN). Diagnostic characters: (Based on Askew et al., 2004): Head and thorax dull yellowish to brown, without metallic coloration; metatibia with only one distinct apical spur (Fig. 5C of Askew et al., 2004), Ovipositor sheath almost 1.6x as long as metatibia; funicle segments less compacted, apical 2 segments of club darker; female antenna with a colorless process at apex of clava (Figs. 5A,B); female gaster (less ovipositor) 1.6x as long as mesosoma, metasoma plus ovipositor 1.8x as long as rest of body; body including ovipositor 3.3 mm.. Male with relatively small eyes. Description: given by Askew et al. (2004). Distribution: Spain. Types were deposited in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid) (MNCN). Host: gall of Timaspis urospermi in stem of Urospermum picroides collected 29viii-2002, emerged 16.ıx-2003 (J. L. Nieves-Aldrey leg). Pseoderimerus sanlıurfanensis Doğanlar n. sp. (Figs. 1e, 2e, 3e) E t y m o l o g y . The name is derived from the name of Adana, from where the holotype was collected. 234 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ D i a g n o s i s. Ovipositor sheath very long, almost 2.75x as long as metatibia; antenna with fagellomers distinctly transverse, gradually widening apically; 1st 4 flagellomers distinctly transverse, anelli form; other flagellomers transverse, 5th6th almost twice as wide as long; 7th-8th, about 1.5-1.75x wider than long; club with apical segment white, about twice as long as width, having distinct, fine spicula; female with metasoma plus ovipositor 1.66x as long as rest of body; head and thorax brown, with greenish metallic reflexion. Description: Female. Body (Fig. 2a,d) bicolored, head and mesosoma brown dorsally with greenish metallic reflexion, metasoma dorsally black, ventrally yellow, legs yellow, except coxae concolorous with body, except apices of femora, tibiae mostly and tarsi pale yellow; antenna with scape brown, other part of antennae yellow, except apical segment of club and spicula hyaline. Body including ovipositor 2.1 mm. (ovi. 0.9 mm). Head (Fig. 2g) in dorsal view as wide as mesoscutum, width to length 45:26; POL 2.57x OOL; OOL equal to diameter of lateral ocellus. Head (Fig. 2b,c,e) in frontal view 1.11x as wide as high in ratio 50:45; dorsal margin of torulus slightly belove level of lower edge of eyes; head (Fig. 2c) in lateral view with malar space consists 0.43x hight of eye; face with fine sculpture; head (Fig. 2c) in hind view with occipital carina absent; antenna (Fig. 2f) with flagellomers distinctly transverse, gradually widening apically; 1st 4 flagellomers distinctly transverse, anelli form; other flagellomers transverse, 5th-6th almost twice as wide as long; 7th-8th, about 1.5-1.75x wider than long; club with apical segment white, about twice as long as width, having distinct, fine spicula. Mesosoma (Figs. 2a,g) moderately bulged in profile, propodeum declined, distinctly visible from above; sculpture of pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum with distinct reticulation; pronotum 0.30x as long as mesoscutum; propodeum almost smooth. All coxae with fine reticulation. Forewing lost. Hind femora (Fig. 2a) 3.6x as long as wide. Metasoma (Fig. 2d) 0.9x rest of body; excluding ovipositor slightly shorter than rest of body; tip of hypopygium about 3/5 length metasoma; Ovipositor 1.7x as long as metasoma; ovipositor index 2.75. Male: unknown Material examined: Holotype, female, Turkey: Şanlıurfa, Bozova, Kangörmez, 07.v. 2005, MD M. Doğanlar, swept from wheat field, on card, left antenna slide mounted in Canada balsam, deposited in the Insect collection of Research Station of Biological Control, Adana. Distribution: Turkey: Şanlıurfa, Bozova. Host: unknown. Comments: Female: Pseuderimerus sanliurfanensis n.sp. is a unique species in having very long ovipositor, ovipositor index 2.75 (in other Palearctic species of Pseuderimerus at most 1.6 in P. urospermi. Pseoderimerus bouceki (Zerova & Seryogina) Liodontomerus bouceki Zerova & Seryogina, 1997: 970-971, Holotype female (ZIKU). Idiomacromerus bouceki (Zerova & Seryogina, 1997): Zerova & Seregina (1999) Figs. 26, 6-8); Zerova et al.(2013) (Figs. 1, 13-15). Diagnostic characters: Description: given by Zerova & Seregina (1997), and Zerova & Seregina (1999), Figs. 26, 6-8); Zerova et al. (2013) gave the Figs. 1, 13-15. Distribution: Ukranie. Types were deposited in the Zoological Institute of Kiev, Ukraine (ZIKU). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 235 Host: reared from galls of Tetramesa punctata Zer. (Eurytomidae) on Stipa lessingiana Grin. & Rupr. (Zerova leg.). Pseoderimerus adananensis Doğanlar n. sp. (Figs. 1; 3a-d) E t y m o l o g y . The name is derived from the name of Adana, from where the Holotype was collected. D i a g n o s i s. Ovipositor sheath 0.24x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 0.7; only metasomal terga 2 deeply emarginated. Antenna testaceous, with flagellomers gradually widening apically; 6th-8th flagellomers transverse, 6th about 2.8x; 7th 2.17x; 8th 1.7x as wide as long; club with distinct spicula, about twice as long as width; head and thorax brown, with greenish metallic reflexion; metasoma yellow, ovipositor brown. Description: Female. Body (Fig. 3a) bicolored, head and mesosoma brown dorsally with greenish metallic reflexion, except mesosoma laterally, pronotum and propodeum paler, legs and antenna yellow; metasoma yellow, ovipositor sheaths brown. Body including ovipositor 1.34 mm (ovip. 0.14 mm). Head (Fig. 3a) in dorsal view slightly wider than mesoscutum, width to length 48:25; POL 1.8x OOL; OOL twice diameter of lateral ocellus. Head (Fig. 3c) in frontal view as wide as high in ratio 50:50; dorsal margin of torulus distinctly belove level of lower edge of eyes; malar space consists 0.34x hight of eye; face with fine sculpture; antenna (Fig. 3b) with fagellomers distinctly transverse, gradually widening apically; 1st 5 flagellomers distinctly transverse, anelli form; other flagellomers transverse, 6th-7th almost 2.5x 8th, twice as wide as long; club about twice as long as width, having distinct spicula. Mesosoma (Fig. 3a) moderately bulged in profile, propodeum declined, distinctly visible from above; sculpture of pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum with distinct fine reticulation; pronotum 0.54x as long as mesoscutum; propodeum almost smooth. All coxae with fine reticulation. Forewing (Fig. 3d) with basal cell and speculum closed, basal cell a few setae apically, speculum broad, below marginal vein with a few setae, apical part with very short and dense pubescence; marginal vein 2.2x stigmal vein and 1.57x postmarginal vein. Hind femora large, 2.8x as long as wide; hind tibia slightly longer than hind femora (50:45). Metasoma (Fig. 3a) 1.1x rest of body and excluding ovipositor 0.95x rest of body; tip of hypopygium about 4/5 length metasoma; Ovipositor sheath 0.24x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 0.7. Male: unknown Material examined: Holotype, female, Turkey: Female, Adana, Karataş, 8.viii. 1984. M. Doğanlar, swept from wheat field, on card, left antenna slide mounted in Canada balsam, deposited in the Insect collection of Research Station of Biological Control, Adana. Paratype: 1 female, same data as holotype. Distribution: Turkey: Adana, Karataş,. Host: unknown. Comments: Female: Pseuderimerus adananensis n.sp. is similar to Pseoderimerus bouceki (Zerova & Seryogina) and P. corianderi Narendran & Mercy in having very short ovipositor, but it differs from P. bouceki by ovipositor sheath 0.24x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 0.7; metasoma (Fig. 1 e) 1.1x rest of body and excluding ovipositor 0.95x rest of body (in P. bouceki ovipositor 0.43x as long as metasoma, and ovipositor index 1.0; metasoma plus ovipositor 1.3x as long as rest of body). Pseuderimerus adananensis n.sp. differs from P. corianderi in having ovipositor index 0.7; malar space consists 0.34x hight of eye; POL 1.8x OOL; occipital carina absent; antenna 236 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ inserted distinctly belove level of ventral margin of eyes (in P. corianderi ovipositor index 0.4; malar space consists 0.43x hight of eye; POL 2.25x OOL; occipital carina present; antenna inserted at level of ventral margin of eyes). LITERATURE CITED Askew, R. R., Gomez, J. F. & Nieves-Aldrey, J. L. 2004. Species of Microdontomerini (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae) associated with galls of Cynipidae (Hymenoptera) in Europe. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 13 (2): 214-222. Boucek, Z. 1965. Synonymic and taxonomic notes on some Chalcidoidea, with corrections of my own mistakes. Sbornik entomologickeho oddeleni Narodniho Musea v Praze, 36: 543-554. Crawford, J. C. 1907. New North American Hymenoptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 15: 177-183. Doğanlar, M. 2016a. Idiomacromerus Crawford (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Microdontomerini) Species from Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, (in press). Doğanlar, M. 2016b. The morphology of hypopygia and its importance in taxonomy of the genera of Torymidae (Hymenoptera), with review of the genera and species of Turkey. Entomofauna, (in press). Gahan, A. B. 1912. Descriptions of two new genera and six new species of parasitic Hymenoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 14: 5-6. Gahan, A. B. 1921. On the identity of several species of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 22 (9): 235-243. Gibson, G. A. P. 1997. Morphology and terminology. pp. 16–44. In: Gibson, G. A. P., Huber, J. T. & Woolley, J. B. (Eds). Annotated keys to the genera of Nearctic Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera). Ottawa, Ontario, National Research Council Research Press. Grissell, E. E. 1995. Toryminae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Torymidae) a redefinition, generic classification, and annotated world catalog of species. Mem. Entomol. Int., 2: 1-470. Narendran, T. C., Mercy, I. & Menon, P. L. D. 2012, A review of Pseuderimerus Gahan (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) with description of a new species and key to species. Journal of Experimental Zoology India, 15 (1): 50-52. Nikol'skaya, M. 1952. Chalcids of the fauna of the USSR (Chalcidoidea). 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New Palaearctic species of Chalcidoidea wasps from the genus Liodontomerus (Hymenoptera, Torymidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 76: 970-974. Zerova, M. D. & Seryogina, L. Y. 1999. Torymid chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) of tribes Podagrionini and Monodontomerini of the Ukrainian fauna. Vestn. Zool. Suppl., 12: 1-130. Zerova, M. D. & Seryogina, L. Y. 2008. A review of palearctic species of the genus Pseuderimerus (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) with a description of one new species from Iran. Vestnik Zoologii, Kiev, 42 (3): 263-288. Zerova, M. D., Seryogina, L. Ya., Kuslitzky, W. S. & Arov, Ya. 2013. Species of the genus Idiomacromerus (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Torymidae) reared from flower heads of some Asteraceae in Israel. Vestnik Zoologii, 47 (2): 167-171. Figure 1. Pseuderimerus adananensis n. sp., Hypopygium from Doğanlar (2016b) (scale bar = 0.125 mm). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 237 Figure 2. Pseuderimerus sanliurfanensis n.sp. female. a. head and mesosoma in lateral view; b. head in frontal view: c. head in lateral view; d. metasoma; e. head in hind view; f. antenna; g. head and mesosoma in dorsal view (scale bar for a,d= 0.5 mm; for b,c,g= 0.25 mm; for f= 0.15 mm;) Figure 3. Pseuderimerus adananensis n.sp. female. a. body in dorsal view; b. antenna; c. head in frontal view: d. fore wing (scale bar for a= 0.42 mm; for b= 0.15 mm; for c= 0.22 mm; for d= 0.25 mm) 238 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ SPECIES OF CERANISINAE (HYMENOPTERA: EULOPHIDAE) AND THEIR THYSANOPTEROUS INSECTS AND PLANT ASSOCIATIONS IN TURKEY Mikdat Doğanlar* and Sibel Aydın** * Honorary Professor, Biological Control Research Station / Adana, TURKEY. E-mail: ** Ziraat Yüksek Mühendisi, Antakya, Hatay, TURKEY. [Doğanlar, M. & Aydın, S. 2016. Species of Ceranisinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) and their thysanopterous insects and plant associations in Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 238-245] ABSTRACT: From 8 provinces in Turkey, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Niğde, Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Diyarbakır, and Bingöl-Muş province border, and from 36 localities, 20 species of Thysanoptera (18 species of Thripidae and 2 species of Phlaeothripidae), and 19 species of Ceranisinae, were collected. In the future, each Ceranisinae species and their thysanopterous associate(s), together with their host plants, should be collected from the localities, cultured under laboratory conditions and their hosts should be identified. In that case, the parasitoids could potentially be used in biological control programmes of the thrips species. KEY WORDS: Species, Ceranisinae, Eulophidae, Hymenoptera, thysonapterous associate, Turkey In the last 25 years, several works on species of thrips-attacking genera and of Thysanoptera have been conducted. The genera of Ceranisinae (Eulophidae) are known as thrips-attacking, but there are not many records on specific hosts of the species, such as: Ceranisus Walker (hosts of 5 of the nine species are known); Epomphale Girault (hosts of one of the ten species are known); Urfacus Doğanlar (hosts of the nine species are unknown); Gaziantepus Doğanlar & Doğanlar (hosts of the two species are unknown); Guelsenia Doğanlar & Doğanlar (hosts of the two species are unknown); and Sergueicus Doğanlar & Doğanlar (hosts of one species is unknown); Entedonomphale Girault (= Entedonastichus Girault) (hosts of 5 of the fourteen species are known); Goetheana Girault (hosts of the four species are known); Thripoctenus Crawford (=Thripobius Ferriere) (hosts of the four species are known), and they have been recorded as larval parasitoids of Thysanoptera worldwide (Boucek, 1976, 1988; Triapitsyn, 1978; Schauff, 1991; Triapitsyn & Headrick, 1995; Gauthier et al., 2000; Triapitsyn, 2005; Triapitsyn & Morse, 2005; Doğanlar, 2003; Doğanlar & Triapitsyn, 2007; Doğanlar et al., 2009, 2010, 2011; Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013, 2014; Noyes, 2014). Most of the phytophagous Thysanoptera have been recorded as important pests on several agricultural plants (Tunç, 1992, 1998; Lodos, 1993; Tunç & Göçmen, 1994; Atakan & Özgür, 1999; Vierbergen, 2001; Doğanlar & Yiğit, 2002; Karsavuran & Gücük, 2003; Kılıç & Yoldaş, 2004; Atakan & Tunç, 2004; Şenkonca et al., 2006; Sertkaya et al., 2006; Kumar et al., 2006; Alavi et al., 2007; Atakan, 2007, 2008a,b; Nas et al., 2007; Diffie et al., 2008; Mound & Azidah, 2009; Doğanlar & Aydın, 2009; Aydın, 2010). However, there are not many works on the parasitoids controlling their populations. Only the following species have been used as biological control agents of several thrips species around the world, namely Epomphale menes (Walker) (Murai, 1990; Loomans et al., 1992; Loomans et al., 1995; Tagashira & Hirose, 2001), Thripoctenus jawae (=Thripobius semiluteus ) (Froud et al., 1996; Mineo et al., 1999; Froud & Stevens, 2002) and Goetheana shakespearei Girault (Viggiani & Nieves Aldrey, 1993). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 239 The present work was aimed at obtaining the host associations of the thripsattacking genera from different parts of the South and Southeastern Anatolia, and Central Anatolia Regions of Turkey from 2005 to 2012. MATERIAL AND METHODS The study focused on the species of the genera of Ceranisinae (Eulophidae: Hymenoptera) that parasitise young stages of some thrips species belonging to Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera) n Turkey. In the period from the beginning of April to the end of June in the years 2005 to 2012 from different parts of south and southeastern Anatolia, and the central Anatolia region, Turkey, specimens were collected by net sweeping plants at collecting sites. All of the swept materials were put directly into jars with 96 % ethanol, including larvae and adults of thrips and adults of Ceranisinae. The plants at the collecting sites were identified. After sorting the materials, individuals were stored in 96% ethanol for DNA extractions to be done in the future works. The specimens were slidemounted in Canada balsam. The Ceranisinae species were identified by following the keys of several works (Triapitsyn 2005; Doğanlar 2003; Doğanlar & Triapitsyn 2007; Doğanlar et al. 2009; Doğanlar et al. 2010 a; Doğanlar et al. 2011; Doğanlar & Doğanlar 2013; 2014) by the first author; and the thysanopterous species by following the keys of Zur Strassen (2003), with the aid of the CD-ROM of Moritz et al. 2004, by the both authors; and some of the problematic species were identified by Dr. Mound (CSIRO, Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra, Australia). The examined specimens were deposited in the Insect Museum of the Research Station of Biological Control, Adana, Turkey. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From different parts of Turkey, 19 species of Ceranisinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were collected but none of them were reared from the host/hosts. They were collected together with some species of Thysanoptera from several habitats. The genera and their species of Ceranisinae in Turkey, including their primary hosts, associates, plant associates and localities, are listed below: Ceranisus Walker 1841 Ceranisus antalyacus Tryapitsyn, 2004 Primary host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Thrips major (Cameron et al., 2004). Thysanoptera: Aeolohripidae: Aeolothrips glorious Bagnall, Aeolothrips vesicolor Uzel, Melanthrips ficalbii Buffa, M. pallidior Priesner, Phlaeothripidae: Haplothrips andresi Preisner, H. reuteri Karny, Neoheegeria dalmatica Schmutz, Thripidae: Ceratothrips vesicolor Uzel, Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande, Isoneurothrips australis Bagnal, Oxythrips ajugae Uzel, Taeniothrips inconsequens Uzel, T. meridionalis Preisner, Thrips minutissimus L. (Cameron et al., 2004). in the current study T. inconsequens. Plant associates: Ericaceae: Arbutus andrachne Collinson, Rosaceae: Pyrus communis L. (Cameron et al., 2004 and in the current study). Localities: Antalya (Cameron et al., 2004). In the current study: Hatay: Çayır, Altınözü. Ceranisus onuri O. Doğanlar, 2010 Primary host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. meridionalis (Doğanlar et al., 2010). Associates: none. Plant associates: Asphodeline damascena (Boiss) (Doğanlar et al., 2010). Localities: Niğde: Ulukışla, Maden (Doğanlar et al., 2010). 240 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Ceranisus pacuvius (Walker, 1841) Primary host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Kakothrips pisivorus Westwood (Thompson, 1955), K. robustus Uzel (Boucek, 1961; Boucek & Askew, 1968; Triapitsyn, 1978). Associates: Thysanoptera: Aeolohripidae: Aelothrips intermedius Bagnall, Thripidae: Aptinothrips rufus Haliday, Chirothrips hamatus Trybom, Frankliniella intonsa Trybom, K. robustus, Odontothrips meliloti Preisner (Thuroczy & Jenser, 1996); In the current study Thrips angusticeps (Uzel), Kakothrips priesneri Pelikan, K. acantus Berzosa. Plant associates: Fabaceae: Lathyrus tuberosus L., Melilotus alba Medikus (Thuroczy & Jenser, 1996), Lens culinaris Medicus, Medicago sativa L. (Doğanlar & Triapitsyn, 2007), Sarothamnus scoparius (Triapitsyn, 2005). In the current study L. culinaris, M. sativa, M. alba. Localities: Hatay: Hassa, Saylak,Reyhanlı, Atçana; Şanlıurfa: Birecik, İnnaplı, Arat Mount., Bozova (5 km to Atatürk Barage), Kangörmez, Gaziantep: İslahiye, NurdağAkyokuş passage, from Nizip to Karkamış 15 km; Kahramanmaraş: Pazarcık, Araban, Yukarımülk; Diyarbakır: Silvan, Aslanlı. Epomphale kocaki Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2014 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Unknown. Plant associates: Herbaceous plants. Localities: Bingöl-Muş province border. Epomphale menes (Walker, 1839) Primary host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Ceratothripoides claratris Shumsher (Murai et al., 2000), F. intonsa (Murai, 1988; Murai & Loomans, 1995; Tachikawa, 1986; Triapitsyn & Headrick, 1995), F. occidentalis, F. schultzei Trybom (Goodwin & Steiner, 1996, 1998; Loomans & Murai, 1994; Loomans et al., 1993, 1995; Triapitsyn & Headrick, 1995), Kakothrips sp. (Boucek, 1961, 1977), K. pisivorus (Thompson, 1955), K. robustus (Boucek & Askewi 1968; Antsiferova & Timraleev, 1974; Triapitsyn, 1978), Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom) (Tamò et al., 1993), M. usitatus (Bagnall) (Chang, 1990; Tamò et al., 1993; Triapitsyn, 2005), Microcephalothrips abdominalis (Crawford), Thrips flavus Schrank (Boucek & Askew, 1968; Trjapitzin, 1978), Pseudodendrothrips mori Niwa (Shimada, 1998), Scirtothrips citri (Moulton), S. perseae Nakahara (Triapitsyn & Morse, 1999, 2005; Triapitsyn, 2005), Taeniothrips sp. (Boucek, 1961), Thrips palmi Karny (Castineiras et al., 1996; Daniel et al., 1988; Hirose, 1991; Hirose et al., 1992, 1993; Suasa-ard & Charernsom, 2000). Laboratory reared host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: F.intonsa (Tagashira & Hirose, 2001; Triapitsyn, 2005), F. occidentalis (Fourez & Impe, 1995; Lacasa et al., 1996; Loomans, 1991, 1997; Loomans & Lenteren, 1995; Loomans & Pakozdi, 1996), T. palmi (Tagashira & Hirose, 2001). Associates: in the current study: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: K. priesneri, F. occidentalis, Thrips angusticeps Uzel, T. meridionalis (Priesner), Thrips tabaci Lindeman, Collembolothrips mediterraneus Preisner, Oxythrips cannabensis Knechtel, Neohydatothrips gracilicornis Williams, F. occidentalis, Ceratothrips ericae Haliday. Plant associates: Trifolium sp, Medicago sp., Sinapis arvensis L. Localities: Hatay: Serinyol, Üniversity campus, Reyhanlı, Atçana, Adıyaman: Gölbaşı, Gaziantep: Islahiye, Kahramanmaraş: Pazarcık, Yukarımülk. Epomphale oezdikmeni Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2014 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Limothrips cerealium (Haliday) , T. meridionalis. Plant associates: S.arvensis, Avena spp. Astragallus sp. Localities: Niğde: Ulukışla- Gümüş. Gaziantepus hirsutus (Doğanlar &Triapitsyn, 2007) Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Thripidae: N. gracilicornis , K. acantus , K. priesneri, L. cerealium , F. occidentalis, T. angusticeps, Thrips dubius Preisner, T. meridionalis, T. tabaci, C. ericae, Chirothrips africanus Preisner, C. mediterraneus, Sericothrips bicornis Karny, O. cannabensis. Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: Haplothrips tritici Kurdjumov. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 241 Plant associates: Triticum vulgare L., Astragallus sp. Triticum sp., Avena spp., L. culinaris, Trifolium sp., Medicago sp., S. arvensis, herbaceous plants. Localities: Kahramanmaraş, Pazarcık, Centrum, Yukarımülk, Adıyaman: Side of Atatürk Barage, Gaziantep: Islahiye, Oğuzeli -Keçikuyusu, Sekili, Şanlıurfa: Bozova (5 km), Bozova, Kangörmez, Birecik, İnnaplı. Gaziantepus oguzeliensis O. Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T.angusticeps , K. priesneri, K. acantus, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: S.arvensis, Trifolium sp, Medicago sp., Triticum spp., Avena spp. Localities:Gaziantep: Oğuzeli -Keçikuyusu, Sekili. Goetheana sp. Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. angusticeps; Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: Triticum spp., Avena spp. Trifolium sp., Medicago sp., herbaceous plants. Localities: Adıyaman: Side of Atatürk Barage. Guelsenia amanosus (Doğanlar, Gumowsky & Doğanlar, 2009) Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T.meridionalis, T. angusticeps, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: Trifolium sp, Medicago sp., S.arvensis, herbaceous plants. Localities: Hatay: Belen, Amanos mount. Kömürçukuru road connection. Thripoctenus jawae (Girault, 1917) Primary host: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: Retithrips syriacus (Mayet). Associates: none. Plant associates: Vitis vinifera L. Localities: Hatay: Samandağ, Çevlik. Urfacus adiyamanensis Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. angusticeps, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: Astragallus sp.,Triticum spp., Avena spp., Trifolium sp., Medicago sp. and herbaceous plants. Localities: Adıyaman: Çelikhan, Side of Atatürk Barage. Urfacus atcanacus Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: C. africanus, L. cerealium, T.angusticeps, T. tabaci, T. meridionalis. Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: Triticum vulgare L., Avena spp., S. arvensis. Localities: Hatay: Reyhanlı, Atçana, Altınözü, Yanık pınar, Belen, Amanos mount. Kömürçukuru- road connection. Urfacus bozovaensis Doğanlar, 2005 Primary host: Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. meridionalis, T. angusticeps, C. ericae, C. africanus, C. mediterraneus, O. cannabensis, L. cerealium, N. gracilicornis, F. occidentalis. Plant associates: T.vulgare, Avena spp., M. sativa, S. arvensis, Astragallus sp. Localities: Şanlıurfa: Bozova, Kangörmez,Birecik, İnnaplı, Hatay: Hassa, Saylak, Altınözü, Kozkalesi, Yanıkpınar, Reyhanlı, Hacıpaşa, Belen, Amanos mount. Kömürçukuru road connection, Kahramanmaraş: Pazarcık, Yukarımülk,Adıyaman: Gölbaşı, Gaziantep: Oğuzeli -Keçikuyusu, Sekili, Diyarbakır: Silvan-Aslanlı. 242 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Urfacus karacadagi Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: T. vulgare, S. arvensis, Avena sativa L.. Localities: Diyarbakır: Karacadağ-road connection. Urfacus karkamisus Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. meridionalis, T. angusticeps, K. acantus, K. priesneri, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: L. culinaris, Triticum spp., Avena spp., S. arvensis, Medicago sp. Localities: Diyarbakır: Siverek, Gaziantep: From Nizip to Kargamış road, NurdağAkyokuş passage,Islahiye, Şanlıurfa: Bozova-Hilvan yolu, Bozova, Kangörmez, Birecik, İnnaplı. Urfacus komurcukurus Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: T. angusticeps, T. meridionalis, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: M. sativa, S. arvensis, herbaceous plants. Localities: Hatay: Belen, Amanos mount. Kömürçukuru road connection. Urfacus nizipus Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: C. aculeatus, C. africanus, C. mediterraneus, F. occidentalis, K. acantus, K, priesneri, L. cerealium, N. gracilicornis, T. angusticeps, T. meridionalis, T. tabaci. Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: Astragallus sp., Pisum sativum L., L. culinaris, M. sativa, Trifolium sp., T. vulgare, Avena spp., S. arvensis. Localities: Hatay: From Dörtyol to Erzin 5 km, Yayladağ: Şakşak,Yaloz, Hassa: Saylak, Şanlıurfa: Bozova (5km), Bozova, Kangörmez, Suruç, Adıyaman: Gölbaşı, Gaziantep: Nurdağ-Akyokuş passage, Oğuzeli -Keçikuyusu, Sekili, From Nizip to Kargamış 15 km. Urfacus sekilinensis Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: K. priesneri, T.angusticeps, Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: S. arvensis, Trifolium sp., Medicago sp., Triticum spp., Avena spp. Localities: Gaziantep: Oğuzeli -Keçikuyusu, Sekili. Urfacus sincanus Doğanlar & Doğanlar, 2013 Primary host: Unknown. Associates: Thysanoptera: Thripidae: C. africanus, C. aculeatus, C. mediterraneus, F. occidentalis, K. priesneri, L. cerealium, T. angusticeps, T. meridionalis, T. tabaci. Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae: H. tritici. Plant associates: T. vulgare, Hordeum spp., Avena spp., Trifolium sp., Medicago sp., S. arvensis. Localities: Hatay: İskenderun, Sincanköy, Antakya: Serinyol, MKU Campus. The species of Ceranisinae and their hosts and/or associates collected in the present study are summarized in Table 1. The most abundant Thripidae were T. angusticeps, F. occidentalis, K. priesneri, T. meridionalis and C. africanus, and of Phlaeothripidae was H. tritici, and the abundant parasitoids were U. bozovaensis, G. hirsutus, C. onuri and E. menes. Most of the Urfacus spp. are associated with the pests of Graminae, and C. pacuvius is associated with thrips species found on Fabaceae spp.. The hosts should be found by conducting the necessary studies for to help explain their usefulness in the biological control of thrips pests, such as E. menes against F. occidentalis, F. intonsa and T. palmi; T. jawae (=T. semiluteus ) and G. shakespearei against Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 243 Table 1. No of the specimens of Thripidae (Thysanoptera) and Ceranisinae spp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) collected from several parts of Turkey. LITERATURE CITED Alavi, J., Strassen, Z. & Begharani, N. R. 2007. Thrips (Thysanoptera) species associated with wheat and barley in Golestan province, Iran. Journal of Entomological Society of Iran, 27 (1): 1-28. Antsiferova, T. A. & Timraleev, Z. A. 1974. Enemies of the pea thrip Kakothrips robustus. Zashchita Rasteniy, Moskva, 1974 (10): 262-31. Atakan, E. 2007. Thrips (Thysanoptera) species occurring on fruit orchards in Çukurova region of Turkey. 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Monographia Chalcidium, Vol. I, London. 333 pp. zur Strassen, R. 2003. Die terebranten Thysanopteren Europas und des Mittelmeer-Gebietes. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands, 74: 1-271. 246 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ A NEW SPECIES OF AESCHROCORIS BERGROTH (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE: PENTATOMINAE) FROM INDIA M. E. Hassan*, Paramita Mukherjee* and B. Biswas* * Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, INDIA. E-mails:; [Hassan, M. E., Mukherjee, P. & Biswas, B. 2016. A new species of Aeschrocoris Bergroth (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) from India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 246-249] ABSTRACT: A new species of Aeschrocoris Bergroth, 1887, Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. is described and illustrated from India. Diagnostic characters of the genus Aeschrocoris Bergroth, 1887 are given in brief. This new species is closely related to Aeschrocoris fumosus Distant by sharing common characteristics such as head a little longer than broad between eyes, lateral margins slightly concavely sinuate; pronotum with a transverse series of small prominent tubercles on disk, but the former can easily be distinguished from the latter by having pronotum with apical angles produced in a short porrect acute tooth, humeral angles spinously produced; scutellum terminating in a small concolorous tubercle. KEY WORDS: Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae, Aeschrocoris spinosum, new species, Chhattisgarh, India Pentatomidae is the 3rd largest family in the Heteropterous Rhynchota after Miridae and Reduviidae, represented in all parts of the world. They exhibit conspicuous coloration and are commonly known as “stink bugs”, as their bodies are usually covered with a shield shaped scutellum covering more than half of the abdomen. They are also characterised by tibia with weak or no spine, fivesegmented antennae and most of them emit an unpleasant odour, offensive in nature, produced by a pair of glands in the thorax and is released through openings in the metathorax. Family Pentatomidae represents 4722 species within 896 genera and distributed in eight subfamilies (Pentatominae, Asopinae, Podopinae, Edessinae, Phyllocephalinae, Discocephalinae, Cyrtocorinae and Serbaninae). Genus Aeschrocoris Bergroth is mainly confined to the Oriental region and can easily be recognised by having body strongly convex; elongated head, antennae five-segmented, rostrum passing posterior coxae; pronotum more than twice as long as broad, its lateral angle produced in stout, cylindrical processes directed upward or forward; scutellum broad, wider than long; corium short; membrane with reticulated veins. This genus is represented by eight species viz. A. ceylonicus Distant, A. fumosus Distant, A. obscurus (Dallas), A. tuberculatus (Stal), A. nodiventris Breddin, A. rugulosus (Distant), A. saucius Bergroth, A. testudinarius (Walker) from the world (Distant 1902, 1907, Bergroth 1922). Of which, first four species viz. ceylonicus Distant, fumosus Distant, obscurus (Dallas) and tuberculatus (Stal) are so far known from India. This paper presents a new species, viz. Aeschrocoris spinosum from Chhattisgarh, India. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study is based on the materials collected during a field survey from Surguja District of Chhattisgarh. The specimens were collected in 70% alcohol and then set pinned. The specimens are deposited in the National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Hemiptera Section, Kolkata. Measurements and photographs of the specimens and the different parts of the body were taken with the aid of Leica M 205A. The following dimensions were _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 247 measured: body length (from apex of mandibular plates to apex of membrane), head length (from apex of mandibular plates to anterior margin of pronotum), head width (maximum width across eyes), interocular width (between inner margins of compound eyes), length of each antennal segment (maximum length), pronotum length (medially in most exposed, anterodorsal view), pronotum width (maximum width between processes on humeral angles), scutellum length (medially from base to apex) and scutellum width (maximum width at base). All measurements are in millimetres. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Genus Aeschrocoris Bergroth, 1887 1887. Aeschrocoris Bergroth, Ent. Nachr., 13: 152. Type species: Aeschrus obscurus Dallas, 1851, by monotypy Diagnosis Member of the genus Aeschrocoris Bergroth can easily be recognised by having body strongly convex; head elongated, lateral margin slightly concave, apex truncate, apical angles obtusely acute; antennae five-segmented, basal segment not reaching apex of head; rostrum passing posterior coxae; pronotum more than twice as long as broad, its lateral angle produced in stout, cylindrical processes directed upward or forward; scutellum broad, wider than long, basal area gibbous; corium small, short; membrane with reticulated veins; abdomen with tubercle at lateral posterior angle of each segment. The new species Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. is closely related to Aeschrocoris fumosus Distant from which it can easily be separated by having following key characters. 1. Pronotum with their apices notched and posteriorly distinctly dentate; scutellum not tuberculate…………….………......…Aeschrocoris fumosus Distant -. Pronotum with apical angles produced in a short porrect acute tooth, humeral processes spinously produced; scutellum terminating in a small concolorous tubercle............................................................Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. (Figs. 1-6) Description: Colour: Body brownish yellow; head, anterior area of pronotum and margins of produced lateral angles, basal angle of scutellum, dark brown to black (Fig. 1); antennae with first three segments yellowish brown except base and apex of first segment, fourth and fifth segments of brownish yellow; rostrum brown (Fig. 5); body beneath black suffused with yellowish brown markings (Fig. 2); femora black, medially with two brownish yellow annulations, tibia yellowish brown with their bases black, and with an apical and medial reddish brown annulations (Fig. 2). Structure: Head: Head elongated, coarsely punctate, strongly deflected, a little longer (1.15 mm) than broad between eyes (0.94 mm), about 1.22X as broad as interocular distance, (1.00:0.82), lateral margins slightly concavely sinuate, anterior angles prominent, a central raised longitudinal line on disk which posteriorly reaches two short basal similar lines (Fig. 3); antennae fivesegmented, basal segment (0.52 mm) not nearly reaching apex of head, third (0.56 mm) and fourth (0.59 mm) segments sub-equal in lengths, apical segment (0.79 mm) longer than rest of the segments, relative length of antennal segments: I:II:III:IV:V=0.65:0.56:0.70:0.74:1.00 (Fig. 5); rostrum slender, passing posterior 248 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ coxa, second segment longest (1.67 mm), relative length of rostral segments: I:II:III:IV= 0.51:1.00:0.48:0.20 (Fig. 2). Thorax: Pronotum rugulose, punctate, broader (5.10 mm) than long (2.07 mm), about 2.46X as long as wide, with a somewhat obscure, irregular raised longitudinal line, a transverse series of small prominent tubercles on disk, apical angles produced in a short porrect acute tooth, humeral angles spinously produced (Fig. 3); scutellum rugulosely punctate and terminating in a small concolorous tubercle (Fig. 4), slightly broader (2.83 mm) than long (2.13 mm); corium coarsely punctate, short; membrane with reticulated vein (Fig. 1); femora thicker and longer than tibia, hind femora about 1.04X as long as hind tibia (Fig. 2); tarsus three-jointed, claws subequal. Abdomen: Body beneath thickly punctate, more finely on abdomen than on sternum; abdomen with a small tubercle at lateral angles of each segment (Fig. 2); mesosternum broadly sulcate. External female genitalia: 1st gonocoxae triangular with posterior margins convex, medially fused; gonapophyses small and subtriangular; 8 th and 9th paratergites apparently fused, lobulate, rounded at posterior margin with outer margins concave (Fig. 6). Measurements: (in mm). Total body length 5.62; head length 1.15, interoccular distance 0.94, head width across compound eyes 1.56; length of antennae 2.79, lengths of antennal segments I : 0.52, II : 0.45, III : 0.56, IV: 0.59 and V: 0.79; rostral length 3.67, length of rostral segments I : 0.85, II : 1.67 III : 0.81 and IV: 0.34; medial length of pronotum 2.07; width across the humeri 5.10; medial length of scutellum 2.13, basal width of scutellum 2.83; length of fore coxae: 0.34, trochanter: 0.52, femur: 1.82, tibia: 1.56, tarsus: 0.50, claws: 0.10; mid coxa: 0.40, trochanter: 0.55, femur: 2.04, tibiae: 1.58, tarsus: 0.76, claws: 0.12; hind coxae: 0.47, trochanters: 0.56, femur: 2.64, tibia: 2.55, tarsus: 0.89, claws: 0.19. Type material: Holotype female. INDIA: Chhattisgarh: Surguja District: Tara: Avaya nala, 16.IX.2012, coll. A. Raha and party (Lat.: 22.84˚, Long.: 82.74, Alt. 559 m).Paratypes. 1 female, Chhattisgarh: Surguja District: Tara: Avaya nala, 16.IX.2012, coll. A. Raha and party (Lat.: 22.84˚, Long.: 82.74, Alt. 559 m). Distribution: INDIA: Chhattisgarh. Etymology: It denotes spinously produced humeral angles of the pronotum. Discussion: This new species, Aeschrocoris spinosum is closely related to Aeschrocoris fumosus Distant from Uttarakhand by sharing common characters such as body brownish yellow; head, anterior area of pronotum and margins of produced lateral angles, basal angle of scutellum black; body beneath black suffused with yellowish brown markings; femora black, medially with two brownish yellow annulations; head elongated, coarsely punctate, strongly deflected, a little longer than broad between eyes, lateral margins slightly concavely sinuate, anterior angles prominent, a central raised longitudinal line on disk which posteriorly reaches two short basal similar lines; pronotum rugulose, punctate, broader than long and with irregular raised longitudinal line, a transverse series of small prominent tubercles on disk; corium coarsely punctate; body beneath thickly punctate, more finely on the abdomen than on the sternum. However Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from Aeschrocoris fumosus Distant by following diagnostic characteristics: pronotum with apical angles produced in a short porrect acute tooth, humeral angles spinously produced (Fig. 3); scutellum terminating in a small concolorous tubercle (Fig. 4); antennae with first three segments yellowish brown except base and apex of first segment, fourth and fifth segments of brownish yellow(Fig. 5); tibia yellowish brown with their bases black, and with an apical and medial reddish brown annulations (Fig. 2). Host: unknown _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 249 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr. K. Venkataraman, Director, Zoological Survey of India, for encouragements and laboratory facilities. We sincerely thank Dr. Kailash Chandra, Scientist-F and Dr. K.A. Subramanian, Scientist- D, Officer-incharge, Entomology Division-B for their encouragement and support. LITERATURE CITED Ahmed, I. & Afzal, M. 1989 A revision of Myrocheini (Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) from Indo-Pakistan area. Oriental Ins., 22: 185-240. Bergroth, E. 1922. Some Hemiptera Heteroptera from N. W. Borneo. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 83: 76-87. Distant, W. L. 1902. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, I: 1-330. Distant, W. L. 1907. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, IV: 420-466. Distant, W. L. 1918. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, VII: 110-151. Henry, T. J. 2009. Biodiversity of Heteroptera. In: Robert G. Foottit and Piter, H. Adler (Eds.), Insect Biodiversity Science and Society, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 224-263. Figures 1-6. Aeschrocoris spinosum sp. nov. 1. Dorsal view of female; 2. ventral view of female;3. dorsal view of head and pronotum; 4. scutellum, dorsal view; 5. antennae, ventral view; 6. abdominal tip of female, ventral view. 250 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ EVALUATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL DIET FOR THE SURVIVAL OF WORKERS IN LABORATORY OF ACROMYRMEX LOBICORNIS EMERY (INSECTA: HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE) Milton Ruiz Espíndola*, Alberto Pilati* and Estela M. Quirán* * Faculty of Natural Sciences, UNLPam, Uruguay 151, CP LC6300CLB, Santa Rosa, La Pampa, ARGENTINA. E-mail: [Espíndola, M. R., Pilati, A. & Quirán, E. M. 2016. Evaluation of an artificial diet for the survival of workers in laboratory of Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 250-256] ABSTRACT: Cutting ants are social insects comprising two genera Atta and Acromyrmex (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae). They have the habit of cutting and transporting fragments of various vegetables, flowers and / or seeds to their underground nests. These habits have become pests of cultivated areas and natural pastures of South America, Central and North, especially eucalyptus and pine forest plantations because they cause damage to the productivity of plants. For their control are used agrochemicals and is currently initiating the study of plant extracts with insecticidal properties, which must be pre-tested. Therefore, the objective of this work was to obtain an artificial diet that meets the metabolic requirements of ants A. lobicornis E. in the laboratory, and ensure their survival while they last bioassays. Various diets ants were tested and concluded that SOL 24, LIQ 24, LIQ 48, 24 and SOL SOL 48 diets are suitable for the survival of A. lobicornis workers during toxicity bioassays. KEY WORDS: Cutting ants, diets, survival, Argentina Ants belonging to the family Formicidae the order Hymenoptera, further including wasps and bees. It has eleven subfamilies, 300 genera and almost no less than twenty thousand species (Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990). Within this family we are the Myrmicinae subfamily in which the tribe Attini containing all the ants cultivate fungus is located. This tribe contains two genera Atta and Acromyrmex, and are of great importance in agriculture due to the damage caused (Della Lucía, 1993). The genera Atta and Acromyrmex are described by Hölldobler & Wilson (1990) as the dominant herbivores of the Neotropical Region, consuming many more plants than any other comparable group taxonomic diversity. Cutting ants attack a large number of plants, being selective as to the plants foraged (Pilati et al., 1997). Generally not forages for a long time on a single species, but this behavior depends a lot of plants available. The selectivity appears to be related to an amount of water and nutrients, as well as attractive compounds, repellent or plant deterrents (Diehl Fleig, 1995). They are distributed in the neotropics from Texas to northern Argentina. Acromyrmex genus contains 31 species that are distributed in South America, parts of Central America and some caribbean islands. They are commonly known as "leaf-cutter ants" within the genus Acromyrmex, the species A. lobicornis Emery, 1887 reached a significant geographic spread in Argentina from the north to the parallel 44º s, in Chubut (Franzel & Farji-Brener, 2000) and is the only species to harvest both monocots and dicots (Pilati et al., 1997). These ants to cut and transport fragments of various vegetables, flowers and / or seeds to their underground nests, the pests have become cultivated areas and natural pastures of South America, Central and North (Della Lucía, 1993) especially eucalyptus and pine forest plantations because they cause damage to _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 251 the productivity of plants. Because of this, countries spend huge amounts of agrochemicals to control them as ants (Marsaro & Della Lucía, 1997). In the search for new active ingredients for pest control it has begun using plants, which was noted by the popular knowledge are indicated as they have a negative effect on insects in general and for the control of leaf-cutting ants in particular. Undoubtedly, natural insecticides from plant extracts are an interesting alternative insect control, to replace synthetic pesticides, plus only very few plants have been evaluated in relation to the natural source that provides the planet (Chen et al., 1984, 1997; Vieira et al., 1997; Iannacone, 2003). To perform the indicated bioassays (Hebling et al., 1993; Maroti et al., 1993) is required to have abundant biological material, in this case, workers of cutting ants, so it is essential to the survival of anthills in the laboratory, during throughout the year, and given that winter in the field, the insects are not active, you must have an artificial diet that meets the metabolic requirements of ants A. lobicornis E., during that season. The survival of A. lobicornis laboratory for bioassays, can be achieved with a suitable artificial diet. Studies on biology, ecology, behavior and control of ant species are made to field or laboratory ant stocked with fresh plant material. For this breeding systems of different types they are used but in all cases the environmental conditions must be perfectly controlled (Della Lucía, 1993). The bioassays with insects in artificial conditions requires alternative feeding to keep them alive for long enough period of time to complete the necessary observations. Among the attempts to generate a suitable alternative diet, they may be mentioned Howard et al. (1988), Atta cephalotes on operatives of (L.), and Bueno et al. (1997) adult operatives Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, isolated artificial nests. Hence the objective of this study is to evaluate artificial diets for workers isolated the anthills of field on ant Acromyrmex lobicornis of the Pampeana Region, allowing their survival in the laboratory, in order to use in bioassays of toxicity. It is expected to achieve a suitable artificial diet for the survival of A. lobicornis in laboratory bioassays for toxicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS For this study they were used workers of Acromyrmex lobicornis ant isolated field. Four ant nests were collected, both located at the Faculty of Agronomy (La Pampa) and the other two in the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina. (Fig. 1). They were placed in the brood chamber Invertebrate Biology II Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, the UNLPam, artificial anthills, under controlled temperature, humidity and light. While the experience lasted, ants were fed Erodium cicutarum (Brad) collected from the surrounding countryside to the brood chamber (Hall of Biology, UNLPam) and rose petals. The composition of the diets was: -Diet Liquid: 5% glucose, 0.1% yeast extract (Difco) and 1% of bacteriological peptone dissolved in 100 ml. of distilled water -Diet Solid: liquid diet plus 1.5% bacteriological agar (Difco) -Experience Control: single ant They were applied in 6 treatments as follows: T1 (water: H2O), T2 (liquid diet every 24 Hs: LIQ24), T3 (liquid diet every 48 hours: LIQ48), T4 (solid diet every 24 Hs: SOL24) T5 (solid diet every 48 hours: SOL48) and T6 (only ants: Control), in Petri dishes with 10 ants were placed. 252 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ The tests were conducted under controlled conditions (24 +/- 2 ° C, 70% RH and 12 h photoperiod). 6 mentioned treatments with 8 repetitions were performed. The average maximum longevity was compared using ANOVA. 10 (ten) ants were placed with an average length of 6.5 to 7.5 mm in a Petri dish of 15 cm diameter for each of the treatments. Data were analyzed using statistical program PAST (Paleontologic Stadistic Software Package). While the trials lasted five days, the data on the third day of the experiment were analyzed performed because usually tests with chemical insecticides not last longer than 72 hours. RESULTS For each of the diets the following results: Diet 1: (Table 1, Graphic 1) Individuals exposed to the first diet showed a low rate of supervivenvia. This is seen from the second day of testing for most repetitions. Diet 2: (Table 2, Graphic 2) Diet 2 consisted only of water, with replacement every 24 hours. Suvervivencia rate was very low, although most individuals survived until the third day of the experiment. Diet 3: (Table 3, Graphic 3) For testing liquid diet replaced every 24 hours, the results showed a low rate of superviencia for the last day of the experiment. Diet 4: (Table 4, Graphic 4) Diet 4 (liquid diet replaced every 48 hours) showed a high survival rate, it remains constant during the five days of the trial. Diet 5: (Table 5; Graphic 5) Individuals exposed to solid foods with replacements every 24 hours (diet 5) had a high survival from the start to the end of the trial. Diet 6: (Table 6, Graphic 6) Finally, in June diet (solid diet replacements every 48 hours), it had a high rate of individuals who set survived the trials end. Analyzing the five diets it is observed that except water fed ants, all showed a similarity in the survival rate of the working Acromyrmex lobicornis (Graphic 7). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Diets showed similarity in the survival rate of workers of Acromyrmex lobicornis. Choosing the best diet may be affected by factors that influence it, such as: ease of preparation, the time required for handling during the replacement, and less pollution. Thus, the results agree with those reported by Bueno et al. (1997) for A. sexdens rubropilosa. The solid diet replacements every 24 hours (SOL 24) showed a higher survival rate of individuals in the 8 reps, so this diet may be the most advisable to use. Diets: Liquid replaced every 24 hours (LIQ 24), fluid replaced every 48 hours (LIQ 48), solid replaced every 24 hours (SOL 24) and solid replaced every 48 hours (SOL 48) were shown to be suitable for laboratory testing . These four diets were similar in terms of the survival rate of worker A. lobicornis, so any of these _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 253 diets can be used to maintain a stable population of ants for a specified short time, for laboratory toxicity bioassays. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS At the Faculty of Natural Sciences (UNLPam) and those who contributed one way or another with this work. LITERATURE CITED Bernard, F. 1968. Les fourmis d'Europe accidéntale et septentrionale. Faune eur. et Bass. Med. 3. Masson. París. 411 pp. Bueno, O., Morini, M. S. C., Pagnocca, F., Hebling, M. & Silva, O. 1997. Sobrevivencia de operarias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) isoladas do formiguero e alimentadas con dietas artificiais. Annales de la Sociedad Entomologica de Brasil, 26 (1): 107-113. Chen, T. K., Amico, L. A. & Speelman, D. J. 1984. Ant-repellent triterpenoids from Cordia alliodora. The Journal Organic Chemistry, 48 (20): 3525-3531. Costa, C. G., Bueno, O. C., Hebling, M. J. A. & Pagnocca, F. C. 1997. Toxicidad de substancias presentes no gergelim (Sesamum indicum) sobre Atta sexdens Forel (Hym, Formicidae). In: Anais di VI Internacional Pest Ant Symposium & XIII Encontro de Mirmecologia, Ilheus, Bahia, Brasil, pp 134. Della Lucia, T. 1993. As formigas cortadeiras. Ed. T. M. C. Della Lucia. Visosa. Brasil. 262 pp. Diehl Fleig, L. 1995. As formigas. Unisinos, Brasil. 85 pp. Franzel, C. & Farji-Brener, A. G. 2000. Oportunistas o selectivas Plasticidad en la dieta de la hormiga cortadora de hoja Acromyrmex lobicornis en el noroeste de la Patagonia. Ecoogial Austral, 10: 159-168. Hebling, M. J. A., Maroti, P. S., Bueno, O. C., Silva, O. A. & Pagnocca, F. C. 1993. Efeito das folhas de Ipomea batatas (batata-doce) no desenvolvimiento de formigueiros de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 em laboratorio. In: Resumos Congreso Brasileiro de Entomologia, 14, Piracicaba, pp. 230. Hòlldobler, B. & Wilson, E. O. 1990. The Ants. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge. Howard, J. J., Green T. P. & Wiemer, D. F. 1988. Comparative deterrency of two terpenoids to two genera of attine ants. The Journal Organic Chemistry: 2279-2288. Iannacone, O. J. 2003. Efecto insecticida de cuatro extractos botánicos y del cartap sobre la polilla de la papa Phthorimaea opercullella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), en el Perú. Entomotrópica: Revista Internacional para el Estudio de la Entomología Tropical, 18 (2): 95-105. Hebling, M. J. A., Maroti, P. S., Bueno, O. C., Silva, O. A. & Pagnocca, F. C. 1993. Tratamientos de formigueiros com folhas de Ricinus communis e Ipomea batatas: efeitos fisiológicos em operarias de Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Resumos Congreso Brasileiro De Entomologia, 14, Piracicaba, pp 18. Marsaro Junior, A. L. & Della Lucia, T. M. C. 1997. Avaliação da nao-preferencia de Acromyrmex laticeps nigrosetosus Forel ao corte de Eucapylptus. In: Anais di VI Internacional Pest Ant Symposium & XIII Encontro de Mirmecologia, Ilheus, Bahia, Brasil; pp 117. Oster, G. & Wilson, E. O. 1978. The Insect Societies. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Cambridge, 548 pp. Past (Paleontologic Stadistic Software Package). 2012. Pilati, A., Quirán, E. M. & Estelrich, H. D. 1997. Actividad forrajera de Acromyrmex lobicornis Emery (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en un pastizal natural semiárido de la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina). Ecologia Austral, 7: 49-56. Vieira, P. C., Fernandez, J. B., Da Silva, M. F. G. F., Hebling, M. J. A., Bueno, O. C., Pagnocca, F. C. & Da Silva, O. A. 1997. A Utilizaçao de plantas inseticidas no controle de saúvas. In: Anais di VI Internacional Pest Ant Symposium & XIII Encontro de Mirmecologia, Ilheus, Bahia, Brasil; pp. 121. Table 1. "Survival rate to control ants 2012/2013 trials". Table 2. "Survival rate ants fed water tests 2012/2013". 254 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Table 3. "Survival rate to a liquid diet ants replaced every 24 hours assays 2012/2013". Table 4. "Survival rate ants replaced with liquid diet every 48 hours in trials of 2012/2013". Table 5. "Survival rate to solid diet ants replaced every 24 hours assays 2012/2013". Table 6. "Survival rate to solid diet ants replaced every 48 hours assays 2012/2013". Graphic 1. "Evaluation of survival in control tests ants 2012/2013". _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 255 Graphic 2. "Evaluation of survival in ants fed water tests 2012/2013". Graphic 3. "Evaluation of survival in liquid diet ants replaced every 24 hours in assays 2012/2013". Graphic 4. "Evaluation of survival in liquid diet ants replaced every 48 hours assays 2012/2013". Graphic 5. "Evaluation of survival in solid diet ants replaced every 24 hours assays 2012/2013". 256 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Graphic 6. "Evaluation of survival in solid diet ants replaced every 48 hours assays 2012/2013". Graphic 7. "Evaluation of the survival rate for five diets and control". Figure 1. Geographical location of the study area. _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 257 NEW RECORD OF NABIS BREVILINEATUS SCOTT (HEMIPTERA: NABIDAE: NABINAE) FROM INDIA ALONG WITH REDESCRIPTION Paramita Mukherjee* and M. E. Hassan* * Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, INDIA. E-mails:; [Mukherjee, P. & Hassan, M. E. 2016. New record of Nabis brevilineatus Scott (Hemiptera: Nabidae: Nabinae) from India along with redescription. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 257-259] ABSTRACT: Nabis brevilineatus Scott, 1874, of family Nabidae recorded for the first time from Uttarakhand, India and redescribed along with additional diagnostic characters. KEY WORDS: Nabidae, Nabis brevilineatus, new record, India The family Nabidae consist of 31 genera and representing 386 species (Lattin, 1989; Cassis & Gross, 1995; Zoological Record, 1996-2007), which is a small group of important generalist predators. They are commonly known as “damsel bugs” and can be easily separated from the family Reduviidae by having foursegmented rostrum, the basal segment being short and usually stout. Although they are mostly terrestrial and some are found in moist areas on the ground or at the edge of streams, pond and marshes. They prey on a variety of small invertebrates. This family comprises of two subfamilies viz. Nabinae and Prostemmatinae (Schuh & Stys, 1991). Prostemmatines are largely grounddwelling predators, nabines are frequently found on plants and are often used in biological control of crop pests (Lattin, 1989). Present study deals with a new record of Nabis brevilineatus Scott of subfamily Nabinae from India. Earlier Distant (1904) reported Nabis capsiformis Germar, 1837, N. funebris Distant, 1904, N. indicus (Stal, 1873) and N. nigrescens Distant, 1904 from India, however N. tibialis from Sri Lanka and N. brevilineatus Scott, 1874 from Myanmar and Japan. Chandra et al. has further recorded Nabis tibialis Distant from India. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study is based on the materials collected from a field survey from Dehra Dun and Ramgarh Districts of Uttarakhand. The specimens are deposited in the National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Hemiptera Section, Kolkata. Different body parts were measured and their ratios were calculated for the establishment of additional diagnostic characters. Measurement and photographs of the species were taken with the aid of Leica M 205A. All measurements are in millimetres. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS Nabis Latreille, 1802 Type species: Nabis apterus Fabricius Distribution: Cosmopolitan. Nabis brevilineatus Scott, 1874 1874. Nabis brevilineatus Scott, A.M.N.H., (4) 14 : 40. 1904. Nabis brevilineatus, Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 2: 401-402. 258 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Material examined: 1ex., INDIA: Uttarakhand: Dehra Dun District : Musouri, 22.IX.2000, coll. G.C. Sen; 1ex., Nainital District : Ramgarh, 4.X.2004, coll. M. Ghosh and party. Redescription: Colour: Body yellowish brown (Fig. 1); posterior lobe of the pronotum and hemelytra dull in hue and opaque; anterior lobe of pronotum with transverse reddish striae extending upto base of posterior lobe (Fig. 3); a central spot to scutellum, basal halves of claval and subclaval areas, a linear spot near apex of corium, discal shading to membrane, two broad annulations to anterior femora, two annulations on intermediate and posterior femora, an annulation near apex and base of intermediate and posterior tibia, apex of first and second segments of antennae, spots on connexivum above and beneath, dark brown; clavus, corium and connexivum spotted with reddish markings; apex of intermediate and posterior femora and base of intermediate and posterior tibia, reddish. Structure: Body oblong or subelongate. Head: Head sub-cylindrical, longer (1.08 mm) than broad (0.48 mm) between eyes (Fig. 3), ratio of length of head (HL= 1.08): maximum width of head across compound eyes (HW= 1.04) = 1.00:0.96; eyes longer (0.42 mm) than broad (0.28 mm) and well separated from anterior margin of pronotum, ratio of width of compound eye (WCE=0.28 mm): length of compound eye (LCE=0.42 mm)= 0.66:1.00; antennae finely pilose, first segment (2.28 mm) longer than head (1.08 mm), subequal in length to second segment (2.38 mm), ratio of length of head (HL=1.08 mm): length of first antennal segment (A1= 2.28 mm) = 0.47:1.00; rostrum long, extending beyond the anterior coxae, first segment (0.45 mm) very short, second segment (1.35 mm) longest, ratio of rostral segments: I:II:III:IV = 0.33:1.00:0.70:0.34 (Fig. 2). Thorax: Pronotum strongly narrowed anteriorly and near middle transversely impressed, anterior lobe (1.13 mm) slightly longer than posterior lobe (1.02 mm) which is thickly granulate (Fig. 3), ratio of length of pronotum (PL= 2.15 mm): width of pronotum (PW= 2.45 mm) = 0.87:1.00, ratio of width of pronotum (PW=2.45 mm): maximum width of head across compound eyes (HW=1.04 mm)= 1.00: 0.42; scutellum broader than long, ratio of length of scutellum (LSC=0.80 mm): width of scutellum at base (WSC=1.10 mm)= 0.72:1.00; legs long, slender, anterior femora very strongly incrassated and minutely serrate beneath, anterior and intermediate femora slightly longer than tibia, posterior tibia (5.79 mm) longer than femora (4.67 mm) (Fig. 2). Abdomen: Abdomen longer (4.85 mm) than broad (1.75 mm), sinuate at middle, broadened and projecting beyond middle; membrane passing abdominal tip (Fig. 1). Measurements: (1 female in mm). Body length 9.79; head length 1.08, width between eye 0.48, width across eye 1.04; length of collar 0.19; length of eye 0.42, width of eye 0.28; rostral length 3.22, length of rostral segments I : 0.45, II : 1.35, III : 0.95 and IV: 0.47; length of pronotum2.15; length of anterior pronotal lobe 1.13, posterior pronotal lobe 1.02, width of anterior pronotal lobe 1.42, posterior pronotal lobe 2.45; length of scutellum0.80, width of scutellum 1.10; length of hemelytra 6.58, width of hemelytra 2.43; length of fore coxa: 1.84, trochanter: 0.62, femur: 3.80, tibia: 3.11, tarsus: 0.83, claws: 0.14; mid coxa: 0.83, trochanter: 0.49, femur:3.77, tibia: 3.69, tarsus: 0.85, claw: 0.15; hind coxa: 0.85, trochanter: 0.50, femur: 4.67, tibia: 5.79, tarsus: 0.99, claw: 0.18. Distribution: INDIA: Uttarakhand. Elsewhere: Myanamar, Japan. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors express their sincere gratitude to the Director, Zoological Survey of India for providing all sorts of laboratory facilities. The authors are also thankful _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 259 to Dr.Kailash Chandra, Scientist- F, and Dr. K.A. Subramanian, Scientist- D and Officer-in-charge of Entomology Division- B for their help and support. LITERATURE CITED Chandra, K., Kushwaha, S., Biswas, B. & Mukherjee, P. 2013. Nabistibialis Distant (Hemiptera: Nabidae), A first record from India. Munis Journal of Entomology and Zoology, 9: 178-181. Distant, W. L. 1904. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, 2: 198-389. Henry, T. J. 2009. Biodiversity of Heteroptera, Insect Biodiversity Science and Society (By Robert, G. Foottit & Piter, H. Adler eds.): 224-263. Lattin, J. D. 1989.Bionomics of the Nabidae. Ann. Rev. Entomol., 34: 383-400. Schuh, R. T. & Stys, P. 1991. Phylogenetic analysis of cimicomorphan family relationship (Heteroptera). J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc., 99: 298-350. Figures 1-4. Nabis brevilineatus Scott. 1. Dorsal view of female; 2. ventral view of female; 3. dorsal view of head and pronotum; 4. abdominal tip of female, ventral view. 260 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ THREE NEW RECORDS OF REDUVIIDAE (HETEROPTERA: HEMIPTERA) FROM PUNJAB, INDIA Paramita Mukherjee* and M. E. Hassan* * Zoological Survey of India, ‘M’ Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, INDIA. E-mails:; [Mukherjee, P. & Hassan, M. E. 2016. Three new records of Reduviidae (Heteroptera: Hemiptera) from Punjab, India. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 260-262] ABSTRACT: The paper deals with new record of three species viz. Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville), Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius) and Sycanus collaris (Fabricius) from the state of Punjab, India. Key to the different taxa and distributions of each species in India and abroad have been included. KEY WORDS: Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Punjab. The family Reduviidae is the largest and the most diverse group of true bugs. It belongs to the Superfamily Reduvioidea of the Suborder Heteroptera of the Order Hemiptera under the Division Exopterygota of Class Insecta. They are commonly known as “assassin bugs” and occurs throughout the world but mostly common in tropical ecosystem. There are about 6878 described species and subspecies under 981 genera belonging to 25 subfamilies of the family Reduviidae recorded from the world (Henry, 2009). Of which, 465 species under 144 genera belonging to 14 subfamilies are recorded from India (Biswas & Mitra, 2011). Reduviid predators are polyphagous and feed on wide array of preys. Some of them are blood suckers and transmit various diseases to man and animals. A total of 5 species under 4 genera belonging to 3 subfamilies viz. Acanthaspis flavipes Stal of Reduviinae, Ectomocoris cordatus (Wolff), Ectomocoris tibialis Distant, Lestomerus sanctus (Fabricius) of Peiratinae and Rhynocoris reuteri (Distant) of Harpactorinae are so far recorded from Sind, Punjab (Distant, 1904, 1910; Ambrose, 2006). Present study presents three new records from the state of Punjab viz. Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville) of Peiratinae, Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius) and Sycanus collaris (Fabricius) of Harpactorinae. The keys to the subfamily, genera and distribution of species in India and abroad are also included. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study is based on the materials collected by different survey parties of Zoological Survey of India during field surveys from Punjab (19631964). The specimens are deposited in the National Zoological Collection of Zoological Survey of India, Hemiptera Section, Kolkata. Photographs and measurements of the species were taken with the aid of Leica M 205A. All measurements are in millimetres. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Key to the subfamilies of the family Reduviidae 1. Hemelytra with a quadrangular areolet or cell at interior area of corium near base of membrane…………………………………………………..…………………………………...HARPACTORINAE -. Hemelytra without a quadrangular areolet or cell at interior area of corium near base of membrane…………………………………………………………………………………...…………..PEIRATINAE _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 261 Suborder HETEROPTERA Infraorder CIMICOMORPHA Family REDUVIIDAE Subfamily I. HARPACTORINAE Key to the genera of the subfamily Harpactorinae 1. Head oblong or moderately elongate, pronotum may or may not be armed.......................... ……………….....................................................……………...….................……..Rhynocoris Kolenati -. Head long and slender, pronotum unarmed…………………….….…..Sycanus Amyot & Serville Genus 1. Rhynocoris Kolenati, 1857 1857. Rhynocoris Kolenati, Fascia Bulletin Moscou, 29: 419-502. Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius, 1794) (Fig. 1) 1794. Reduvius marginatus Fabricius, Ent. Syst., 4: 196. 1904. Harpactor marginatus: Distant, Fauna of Brit.. India, Rhynchota, 2: 332. 2006. Rhynocoris marginatus: Ambrose, Zoos’ Print Journ., 21 (9): 11. Material examined: 5exs., INDIA: Punjab: Nangal, Rupnagar District: a patch of land near Sutlej Sadan, 22.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 8exs., Rupnagar District, Nangal, a patch of land near the left side of the road to Bhakra near checkpost, 21.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 8exs., Ambala District, NalaGarh, 18.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 3exs., Pathankot District, Pathankot, 11.II.1970, coll. Asket Singh; 11exs., Rupnagar District, on the bank of canal road side fields near Nangal Dam, 23.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 1ex., Rupnagar District, on the road fields about 2 miles from Rupar bus stand to Chandigarh, 17.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 1ex., Rupnagar District, Chamkaur Sahib, 16.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 1ex., Rupnagar District, Nangal, a patch of land near Sutlej Sadan, 21.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 2exs., Jhelam District, Choa, 10 miles from Khewra Salt Range, 15-21.X.1930, coll. S.L. Hora and H.S. Pruthi. Diagnostic character: Body blood reddish; scutellum, inner area of membrane, eyes, antennae, apical two thirds of tibiae, abdomen beneath violaceous black; pronotum with the anterior lobe sculptured, the posterior lobe wrinkled; first joint of antennae almost equal in length to anterior femora; corium wrinkled, the transverse cell near base of membrane with blood reddish margin; disc of sternum, coxae, trochanters and anterior lobe of pronotum reddish brownish yellow. Length: 19.50-20 mm. Distribution: India: Punjab (Ambala, Jhelam, Pathankot, Rupnagar), Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand. Elsewhere: China, Sri Lanka. Genus 2. Sycanus Amyot & Serville, 1843 1843. Sycanus Amyot & Serville, Hem.: 360. Sycanus collaris (Fabricius, 1785) (Fig. 2) 1785. Reduvius collaris Fabricius, Spec. Ins., 2: 380. 1904. Sycanus collaris: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 2: 351. 2006. Sycanus collaris: Ambrose, Zoos’ Print Journ., 21 (9): 14. Material examined: 4exs., INDIA: Punjab: Gurdaspur District: Pathankot forest division: Noorpur forest range, 20.VI.1963, coll. R.K. Bhatnagar. Diagnostic character: Body black in colour; pronotum piceous; apical half of corium excluding apical angle and basal half of membrane reddish brown; membrane bronzy; antennae black, basal and subapical annulations to first joint, subbasal annulation to second joint and apex of rostrum reddish brown; head about as long as pronotum and scutellum together; first joint of antennae subequal to anterior femora; scutellar spine long, obliquely erect, apex bifid; abdomen strongly dilated on each side especially at third and fourth segments, posterior angles of second and third segments acute. Length: 22-25 mm. Distribution: India: Punjab (Gurdaspur), Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu, Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya. Elsewhere: China, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand. Subfamily II. PEIRATINAE Genus 3. Catamiarus Amyot & Serville, 1843 1843. Catamiarus Amyot & Serville, Hem.: 323. 262 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville, 1831) (Fig. 3) 1831. Pirates brevipennis Serv., Ann. Sc. Nat., 23: 217. 1904. Catamiarus brevipennis: Distant, Fauna Brit. India, Rhynchota, 2: 302. 2006.Catamiarus brevipennis: Ambrose, Zoos’ Print Journ., 21 (9): 15. Material examined: 36exs., INDIA: Rupnagar District: Nangal : a patch of land near Sutlej Sadan, 21.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 4exs., Rupnagar District, Nangal, a patch of land near the left side of the road to Bhakra near checkpost, 25.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota; 18exs., Rupnagar District, Nangal, a patch of land near Sutlej Sadan, 22.I.1964, coll. T.D. Soota. Diagnostic character: Body black; a large rounded spot adjoining to the apex of the clavus and a very large discal spot to membrane brownish yellow; antennae hairy; head with the lateral margin hirsute; legs and margins of the body with long hair or hirsute. Length: 20-26 mm. Distribution: India: Punjab (Rupnagar), Chhattisgarh, Uttaranchal, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka. This paper presents three new records viz. Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville), Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius) and Sycanus collaris (Fabricius) of the family Reduviidae from the state of Punjab, India. Paper also deals with key to the subfamilies, genera and distribution of species in India and abroad. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors expresses their sincere gratitude to the Director, Dr. K. Venkataraman, Zoological Survey of India, for providing the necessary facilities and encouragement. Authors are also grateful to Dr. Kailash Chandra, Scientist-F and Dr. K. A. Subramanian, Scientist- D, Officer-in-charge, Entomology DivisionB for their encouragement and support. LITERATURE CITED Ambrose, D. P. 2006. A Checklist of Indian Assassin bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with taxonomic status, distribution and diagnostic morphological characteristics. Zoos’ Print Journal, 21 (9): 2388-2406. Amyot, C. J. B. & Serville, A. 1843. Histoire Naturelle des Insects Hemipteres Libraire Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris: Fain et Thunot., 1 xxvi + 675 +6 pp., 12 pls. Biswas, B. & Mitra, B. 2011. Checklist on Indian Assassin Bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Zool. Surv. India: 133. Distant, W. L. 1904. The Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma, Rhynchota, 2: 198-389. Fabricius, J. C. 1792/4. Entomologia Systematica. Hafniae. Proft., 1: I – XX+ 1- 538. Henry, T. J. 2009. Biodiversity of Heteroptera. In: Robert G. Foottit and Piter, H. Adler (Eds.), Insect Biodiversity Science and Society, Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 224-263. Kolenati, F. A. 1857. Meletemata entomologica. Hemipterorum Heteropterorum caucasi. Harpagocorisae, Monographice dispositae. Fasc. VI. Bull. Moscou, 29: 419-502. Maldonado, C. 1990. Systematic Catalogue of the Reduviidae of the World (Insecta: Heteroptera).Carribbean J. Sci. (special ed.), University of Puerto Rico, 1-694. Serville, J. G. 1831. Description du genre Peirates 1’ordre des Hemipteres, familie. Des Geocorises tribu des Nudicolles. Annales des Sciencies Naturelles, 23: 213-222. Figures 1-3. 1. Rhynocoris marginatus (Fabricius); 2. Sycanus collaris (Fabricius); 3. Catamiarus brevipennis (Serville). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 263 SOME ADDITIONAL NOTES ON THE GENUS PHILONTHUS STEPHENS (COLEOPTERA: STAPHYLINIDAE: STAPHYLININAE) IN TURKEY İnanç Özgen*, Eduard A. Khachikov**, Semih Örgel*** and Çağatay Altin**** * Baskil Vocational School, Fırat University, Elazığ, TURKEY. E-mail: ** Rostov Branch of Russian Entomological Society, 59 Alexandrovsky spusk str., 344030 Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIA. *** Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ege, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, TURKEY. **** Alaşehir Vocational School, Celal Bayar University, 45600, Alaşehir, Manisa, TURKEY. [Özgen, İ., Khachikov, E. A., Örgel, S. & Altin, Ç. 2016. Some additional notes on the genus Philonthus Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) in Turkey. Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 263-267] ABSTRACT: In this study, 24 species of the genus Philonthus were recorded from different regions of Turkey. Additional notes on most of them new to certain Turkish regions and provinces are given. Among them P. concinnus (Gravenhorst, 1802), P. nitidicollis (Lacordaire, 1835) and P. rufimanus (Heer, 1839) are found the most common and abundant species. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylininae, Philonthus, fauna, Turkey The Staphylinidae is a widespread and rather large family of the order Coleoptera, comprising about 60.000 species belonging to 33 subfamilies in all zoogeographical regions of the world (Newton, 2007). 1600 species of Staphylinidae are listed in Turkey by Anlas (2009), 346 of them are belong to the subfamily Staphylininae. The genus Philonthus is one of the largest genus within Staphylininae, at the present state of knowledge comprising some 1200 species in the world. (Schillhammer, 1998). In Turkey, 65 Philonthus species are known (Anlaş, 2009, updated). The Philonthus fauna of Turkey are still poorly investigated. The aim of this study is to enhance scientific knowledge on the distribution of Turkish Philonthus. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present paper is based primarily on material collected in different parts of Turkey by using different collection methods in 2006-2011. Material is deposited in the private collection of the first author. Classification and nomenclature of the Philonthus suggested by Herman (2001) and Smetana (2004) has been followed in this study. RESULTS Philonthus alberti (Schillhamer, 2000) Material examined: Afyonkarahisar: 1 ex., Şuhut, Dadak 2 km N, 1320 m, 38°36’18’’N, 30°26’59’’E, 11.VIII.2010, leg. Anlaş. Erzincan: 2 exs., Refahiye, Şahverdi- Aydıncık, 1753 m, 39°50'58’’N, 38°48'57’’E, 17.V.2011, leg. Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen; 2 exs., Üzümlü, Küçük Sarıkaya creek bank, 1713 m, 39°14'20’’N, 39°50'02’’E, 18.V.2011, leg. Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Kırklareli: 1 ex., Demirköy, Rhodendron forest, 25.V.2010, leg. Kunt. Distribution in Turkey: Artvin, Bolu (Anlaş, 2009). 264 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Aegean Region. Philonthus atratus (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Diyarbakır: 1 ex., Silvan, Boyunlu, 1084 m, 38°13'45’’N, 40°58'50’’E, 15.IV.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Çermik, Çakmak, Çamaltı, 29.IX.2010, leg. Özgen. Muş: 2 exs., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Batman, Çankırı, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Konya, Malatya, Mersin, Niğde (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009; Kesdek et al., 2009; Özgen et al., 2010). Philonthus carbonarius (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Bursa: 1 ex., Uludağ, Kilimli Lake, 2279 m. 40°04’57’’N, 23°13’31’’E, 28.VII.2008, leg. Koç. Kahramanmaraş: 2 exs., Başkonuş Yaylası, 41°59’58’’N, 37°28’61’’E, 1291 m. 21.VI.2007, leg. Yağmur. Distribution in Turkey: Antalya, Ardahan, Bingöl, Elazığ, Erzurum, Kars, Manisa (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009a; Kesdek et al., 2009; Özgen & Anlaş, 2010). Philonthus cochleatus (Scheerpeltz, 1937) Material examined: Muş: 3 exs., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Adana (Smetana, 1954; Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus cognatus (Stephens, 1832) Material examined: Afyonkarahisar: 3 exs., Şuhut, Dadak 2 km N, 1320 m, 38°36’18’’N, 30°26’59’’E, 11.VIII.2010, leg. Anlaş. Gaziantep: 2 exs., Şahinbey, Sarısalkım 1 km S, 12.XI.2006, leg. Yağmur. Izmir: 4 exs., Bozdag Zirve, 2500 m, 28.III.2007, leg. Anlaş. Manisa: 1 ex., Turgutlu, Ovacık Yaylası, 14.VII.2006, leg. Anlaş. Distribution in Turkey: Ardahan, Artvin, Erzurum, Kars, Mersin, Trabzon, (Anlaş, 2009; Kesdek et al., 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Western Anatolia. Philonthus concinnus (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Afyonkarahisar: 3 exs., Sinanpaşa 15 km SW, Uluköy 2 km N, 1600 m, 38°42'48’’N, 30°04'40’’E, 23.IV.2010, leg. Anlaş. Bursa: 4 exs., Uludağ, Kovukdere Lake (Saklıgöl) 2206 m, 40°05’12’’N 29°12’22’’E 29.VII.2008, leg. Koç; 1 ex., Uludağ, Aynalı Gölü, 2310 m, 40°04’13’’N, 29°14’01’’E, 30.VIII.2008, leg. Koç; 2 exs., Uludağ, Kilimli Lake, 2279 m. 40°04’57’’N, 23°13’31’’E, 28.VII.2008, leg. Koç. Diyarbakır: 1 ex., Silvan, Boyunlu, 1084 m, 38°13’45’’N, 40°58’50’’E, 15.IV.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Silvan, Boyunlu 4 km S, 21.V.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Ergani pass, 26.V.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Eğil road 3 km inside, 04.VI.2010, leg. Özgen; 5 exs., Eğil, Kalkan, 21.V.2010, leg. Özgen & Yağmur; 3 exs., Çermik, Artuklu, 775 m., 38˚08’26’’N, 39˚31’33’’E, 01.VI.2010, leg. Özgen. Elazığ: 1 ex., Doğukent, 12.VI.2010, leg. Özgen; 1 ex., Gümüşkavak, 13.VI.2010, leg. Özgen. Erzincan: 6 exs., 17.V.2011, Refahiye, Şahverdi-Aydıncık, 1753 m, 39°50’58’’N, 38°48’57’’E, leg. Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Gaziantep: 3 exs., Şahinbey, Sofalıcı village, Sof Mts., 37°08’42’’N, 37°07’44’’E, 23.III.2008, leg. Yağmur. Gümüşhane: 4 exs., 16.V.2011, Kelkit, Çimenli, 1689 m, 39°58’06’’N, 39°22'48’’E, leg. Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Izmir: 6 exs., Ödemiş, Bozdağlar, road to ski resort, ca. 1600 m, 38°21’N, 28°06’E, 21.V.2006, leg. Anlaş. Malatya: 1 ex., Hekimhan 2 km NW, İpekyolu beldesi, Girmana mevkii, 25.VII.2007, leg. Yağmur. Manisa: 3 exs., Spil National Park, ca. 1200 m, 38°33’43’’N, 27°23’25’’E, 30.IX.2006, leg. Anlaş; 2 exs., Spil National Park, ca. 1000 m, 38°33'N, 27°23'E, 27.IX.2008, leg. Anlaş. Mersin: 4 exs., Çamlıyayla, Korucak 1 km E, 715 m, 37°08’56’’N, 34°42’51’’E, 22.VII.2010, leg. Anlaş. Muş: 2 exs., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin; 2 exs., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Siirt: 5 exs., Baykan 4 km NE, ca. 770 m, 38°11’42’’N, 41°49’03’’E, 17.XI.2010, leg. Anlaş. Tunceli: 2 exs., Pülümür 3 km SE, 19.V.2011, leg. Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Uşak: 4 exs., Eşme, Kısık 2 km NE, Gediz river bank, 470 m., 38°38’06’’N, 28°57’19’’E, 29.V.2010, leg. Anlaş. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Ardahan, Bingöl, Bolu, Diyarbakır, Erzincan, Erzurum, Iğdır, Kayseri, Konya, Manisa, Mardin, Mersin, Tunceli (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009; Kesdek et al., 2009; Özdemir & Sert, 2009; Özgen & Anlaş, 2010; Özgen et al., 2010). Philonthus corruscus (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Gümüşhane: 2 exs., Kelkit, Çimenli, 1689 m, 39°58’06’’N, 39°22’48’’E, 16.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Manisa: 1 ex., Otoman, 330 m, 38°44’47’’N, 27°10’34’’E, 04.X.2008, leg. Anlaş. Muş: 1 ex., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Izmir, Mardin, Mersin? (Anlaş, 2009; Özdemir & Sert, 2009; Özgen & Anlaş, 2010). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 265 Philonthus cruentatus (Gmelin, 1790) Material examined: Gümüşhane: 2 exs., Kelkit, Yukarı Özlüce 4 km S, 1615 m, 39°58’27’’N, 39°29’42’’E, 16.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Distribution in Turkey: Antalya, Denizli, Istanbul (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus debilis (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Afyonkarahisar: 3 exs., Şuhut, Dadak 2 km N, 1320 m, 38°36’18’’N, 30°26’59’’E, 11.VIII.2010, leg. Anlaş. Erzincan: 1 ex., Refahiye, ŞahverdiAydıncık, 1753 m, 39°50’58’’N, 38°48’57’’E, 17.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Denizli, Mersin (Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus ebeninus (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Elazığ: 2 exs., Doğukent, 12.VI.2010, leg. Özgen. Muş: 2 exs., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin; 1 ex., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Bursa, Izmir, Mersin (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus fumarius (Gravenhorst, 1806) Material examined: Muş: 1 ex., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin; 1 ex., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Istanbul (Apfelbeck, 1901; Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus intermedius (Lacordaire, 1835) Material examined: Adıyaman: 4 exs., Gölbaşı, Akçalar road inside 1 km, 02.VII.2007, leg. Yağmur; 3 exs., Gölbaşı, Karakuyu village, 1 km W, 1210 m, 37°41’52”N, 37°38’14”E, 05.IV.2008, leg. Yağmur. Erzincan: 1 ex., Üzümlü, Küçük Sarıkaya creek bank, 1713 m, 39°14'20’’N, 39°50'02’’E, 18.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Gümüşhane: 2 exs., Kelkit, Yukarı Özlüce 4 km S, 1615 m, 39°58’27’’N, 39°29’42’’E, 16.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Izmir: 6 exs., Ödemiş, Bozdağlar, road to ski resort, ca. 1600 m, 38°21’N, 28°06’E, 21.V.2006, leg. Anlaş. Muş: 1 ex., Buğlan Geçidi, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Ankara, Antalya, Denizli, Izmir, Kahramanmaraş, Mardin, Mersin (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009; Özgen & Anlaş, 2010). Philonthus micans (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Kırklareli: 2 exs., Demirköy, Hamam Gölü, 01.IX.2009, leg. Kunt. Distribution in Turkey: Mersin [Tarsus (=Tarsous), Caramania] (Peyron, 1858; Fauvel, 1874; Herman, 2001; Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is recorded for the second time from Turkey. Philonthus nitidicollis (Lacordaire, 1835) Material examined: Bursa: 2 exs., Uludağ, Aynalı Gölü, 28.VIII.2007, leg. Koç. Denizli: 3 exs., Babadağ, 1450 m 37°47’16’’N, 28°47’45’’E, 12.IV.2009, leg. Yağmur. Diyarbakır: 1 ex., Dicle university campus, 05.VI.2010, leg. Özgen. Gaziantep: 3 exs., Şehitkamil, Sofalıcı 5 km SW, 37˚07’44’’N, 37˚05’13’’E, 23.III.2008, leg. Yağmur. Izmir: 7 exs., Bozdag Zirve, 2500 m, 28.III.2007, leg. Anlaş; 5 exs., Bozdağ Kayak Merkezi, ca. 2000 m, 29.V.2010 and 28.VII.2009, leg. Anlaş; 5 exs., Karaburun, Hades cave, 06.04.2009, leg. Yağmur & Durmuş. Manisa: 4 exs., Spil National Park, ca. 1200 m, 38°33'43’’N, 27°23'25’’E, 30.IX.2006, leg. Anlaş. Mardin: 2 exs., Mazıdağı, Gürgöze, 950 m., 37˚29’16’’N, 40˚31’06’’E, 31.V.2010, leg. Özgen. Siirt: 8 exs., Baykan 4 km NE, ca. 770 m, 38˚11’42’’N, 41˚49’03’’E, 21.V.2010 and 17.XI.2010, leg. Anlaş & Yağmur. Şırnak: 2 exs., Dicle river 4 km W, Yalıntepe village, 12.V.2007, leg. Yağmur. Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Bingöl, Gaziantep, Isparta, Izmir, Konya, Siirt (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009; Özgen & Anlaş, 2009; Japoshvili & Anlaş, 2011). Philonthus parvicornis (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Muş: 2 exs., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Distribution in Turkey: Isparta, Muğla (Anlaş, 2009; Assing, 2013). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus quisquiliarius (Gyllenhal, 1810) Material examined: Diyarbakır: 2 exs., Eğil, Kalkan 1 km SW, 38˚08’37’’N, 40˚03’37’’E, 13.IV.2008, leg. Yağmur; 1 ex., Eğil road 3 km inside, 04.VI.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Eğil, Kalkan, 21.V.2010, leg. Özgen & Yağmur. 266 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ Distribution in Turkey: Adana, Ankara, Izmir, Mersin (Anlaş, 2009; Özgen et al., 2010). Remarks: This species is recorded for the first time from Eastern Anatolia. Philonthus rotundicollis Menetries, 1832 Material examined: Erzincan: 2 exs., Üzümlü, Küçük Sarıkaya creek bank, 1713 m, 39°14’20’’N, 39°50’02’’E, 18.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Distribution in Turkey: Gaziantep (Anlaş, 2007, 2009). Philonthus rubripennis (Stephens, 1832) Material examined: Mardin: 2 exs., 31.V.2010, Mazıdağı, Gürgöze, 950 m, 37°29'08’’N, 40°31'38’’E, leg. Özgen. Tunceli: 1 ex., 13.IX.2007, Ovacık, Munzur Gözeleri, leg. Anlaş. 2 exs., Pülümür 3 km SE, 19.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Uşak: 3 exs., Eşme, Kısık 2 km NE, Gediz river bank, 470 m., 38˚38’06’’N, 28˚57’19’’E, 23.IV.2010, leg. Anlaş. Distribution in Turkey: Erzurum, Mersin (Anlaş, 2009; Kesdek et al., 2009). Philonthus rufimanus (Heer, 1839) Material examined: Bursa: 3 exs., Uludağ, Aynalı Gölü, 28.VIII.2007, leg. Koç. Elazığ: 2 exs., Doğukent, 1080 m, 38˚40’50’’N, 39˚15’42’’E, 27.V.2010 and 01.VIII.2010, leg. Özgen; 1 ex., Gümüşkavak, 02.VIII.2010, leg. Özgen; 2 exs., Keban, Ulupınar 2 km NW, 1009 m, 38°43’58’’N, 38°49’46’’E, 20.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Gümüşhane:, 1 ex., Manastır 3 km N, Cehennem valley, 1867 m, 40°31’56’’N, 39°36’16’’E, 15.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Kahramanmaraş: 2 exs., Andırın, Boztopraklı, ca. 700 m, ca. 37°31'N, 36°22'E, 23.VI.2007, leg. Yağmur. Kilis: 3 exs., Musabeyli, Akbayır, 08.VII.2006, leg. Anlaş. Kütahya: 4 exs. Simav 10 km NW, near Simav Lake, 720 m, 39˚10’32’’N, 28˚55’21’’E, 24.IV.2010, leg. Anlaş; 2 exs., Simav 5 km W, Yeşilköy 1 km N, 24.IV.2010, leg. Anlaş. Malatya: 2 exs., Arapgir 3 km NE, 912 m, 39°04'13’’N, 38°30'34’’E, 14.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş. Manisa: 3 exs., Soma, Yağcılı, 256 m, 39°20’07’’N, 27°40’34’’E, 08.IV.2007, leg. Anlaş; 1 ex., Selendi, Eskin, 29.VII.2007, leg. Anlaş; 4 exs., Demirci çayı, Bozköy 2 km E, 342 m, 38°52’55’’N, 28°31’47’’E, 24.IV.2010, leg. Anlaş. Mardin: 2 exs., Mazıdağı, Gürgöze, 950 m, 37°29'08’’N, 40°31'38’’E, 31.V.2010, leg. Özgen. Muş: 1 ex., Buğlan, 30.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin; 2 exs., Varto, 31.V.2011, leg. Khachikov & Kasatkin. Siirt: 7 exs., Baykan 4 km NE, ca. 770 m, 38˚11’42’’N, 41˚49’03’’E, 21.V.2010, leg. Anlaş. Tunceli: 1 ex., Ovacık, Munzur Gözeleri, 13.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş; 3 exs., Ovacık, Ağaçpınar 6 km E, Munzur river banks, 1197 m, 39°21’28’’N, 39°15’51’’E, 13.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş; 4 exs., Tunceli 5 km N, Anafatma, Munzur river bank, 920 m ca. 39°07’N, 39°30’E, 13.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş & Yağmur; 6 exs., Çemişgezek 1,5 km NW, Ormanyolu creek, 948 m, 39°04’06’’N, 38°54’18’’E, 14.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş; 3 exs., Çemişgezek, Payamdüzü, 955 m, 38°59’57’’N, 39°02’28’’E, 14.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş & Yağmur; 1 ex., 19.V.2011, Pülümür 3 km SE; 19.V.2011, leg. Anlaş; 2 exs., Uzuntarla 2 km E, leg. Anlaş. Uşak: 8 exs., Eşme, Kısık 2 km NE, Gediz river bank, 470 m., 38˚38’06’’N, 28˚57’19’’E, 23.IV.2010 and 29.V.2010, leg. Anlaş. Distribution in Turkey: Aydın, Bayburt, Izmir, Kilis, Mersin? Manisa, Tunceli (Anlaş, 2009; Anlaş & Rose, 2009). Philonthus succicola (Thomson, 1860) Material examined: Kırklareli: 1 ex., Demirköy, Dupnisa-Sarpdere road, 01.X.2009, leg. Kunt. Distribution in Turkey: Istanbul (Apfelbeck, 1901; Anlaş, 2009). Philonthus svanetiensis (Coiffait, 1974) Material examined: Erzincan: 1 ex., Üzümlü, Küçük Sarıkaya creek bank, 1713 m, 39°14'20’’N, 39°50'02’’E, 18.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Distribution in Turkey: Artvin, Erzurum, Rize (Assing, 2007; Anlaş, 2009). Philonthus tenuicornis Mulsant & Rey, 1853 Material examined: Kırklareli: 1 ex., İğneada-Demirköy, Siğlioba, 03.X.2009, leg. Kunt. Manisa: 1 ex., Otoman, 330 m, 38°44’47’’N, 27°10’34’’E, 04.X.2008, leg. Anlaş. Distribution in Turkey: Not cited (Smetana, 2004; Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is reported for the first time as exact locality records. Philonthus umbratilis (Gravenhorst, 1802) Material examined: Tunceli: 1 ex., Tunceli 5 km N, Anafatma, Munzur river bank, 920 m ca. 39°07’N, 39°30’E, 13.IX.2007, leg. Anlaş & Yağmur. Distribution in Turkey: Not cited (Smetana, 2004; Anlaş, 2009). Remarks: This species is reported for the first time as exact locality records. Philonthus varians (Paykull, 1789) Material examined: Gümüşhane: 1 ex., Torul 10 km SW, 1314 m, 40°30’34’’N, 39°17’16’’E, 14.V.2011, Anlaş, Khachikov & Özgen. Distribution in Turkey: Mersin, Sinop (Peyron, 1858; Anlaş, 2009; Assing, 2010). _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ 267 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Authors would like to thank our colleagues for making their staphylinid bycatches to us. LITERATURE CITED Anlaş, S. 2007. The present situation of the Staphylinidae fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera). Linzer biologische Beiträge, 39 (1): 5-9. Anlaş, S. 2009. 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Revision of the East Palaearctic and Oriental species of Philonthus Stephens - Part 1. The cyanipennis group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Staphylininae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 68: 101-118. Smetana, A. 1954. Vy´sledky zoologické expedice Národního musea v Praze do Turecka. 17. Coleoptera VI. Staphylinidae (genera Philonthus Curt., Gabrius Steph.). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae, 29 (439): 177-180. Smetana, A. 2004. Family Staphylinidae (except subfamilies Pselaphinae and Scaphidiinae). In: Löbl I. & A. Smetana (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 2. Hydrophiloidea, Histeroidea, Staphylinoidea. Apollo Books, Stenstrup: 237-698. 268 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 1, January 2016__________ SCIENTIFIC NOTES A NEW RECORD FOR THE TENEBRIONIDAE FAUNA OF ISRAEL: AKIS SUBTRICOSTATA REDTENBACHER, 1850 (COLEOPTERA: TENEBRIONIDAE). Oz Rittner* and Henk K. Mienis** * Steinhardt National Collections of Natural History, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University, IL-6997801 Tel Aviv, ISRAEL. E-mail: ** National Natural History Collections, Berman Building, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Il-91904 Jerusalem, ISRAEL. E-mail: [Rittner, O. & Mienis, H. K. 2016. A new record for the Tenebrionidae fauna of Israel: Akis subtricostata Redtenbacher, 1850 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (1): 268] Akis subtricostata Redtenbacher, 1850 (Fig. 1) is reported from Israel for the first time with further notes on its distribution in Jordan. The distribution range of Akis subtricostata includes Iran, Iraq, Syria (Löbl et al., 2008) and Turkey (Keskin & Yağmur, 2008). Although this species is not mentioned from Jordan in Löbl et al. (2008). It is mentioned by Katbeh-Bader (1996) from Jordan (Dhulayl) and Waitzbauer (2002) mentioned also the area of Petra and Wadi Arava, which will here be treated as 'Arava Valley. On the 12th of September 2014, three specimens of Akis subtricostata were collected in the Southern area of the 'Arava Valley, Israel. This is the first record of this species from Israel. Further examination of the Akis specimens deposited in TAU revealed three specimens, all collected in 1968 by J. Klapperich (Bonn) during his 1956-1969 collecting in Jordan. Bytinski-Salz (1969, p. 186) wrote that "the material has been distributed to specialists, but nothing has been published so far". These three specimens are now the earliest known record from Jordan. It seems these specimens were later on sent back to Israel without being treated and so Akis subtricostata remained unknown from Jordan until the publication of Katbeh-Bader (1996), which was based on a single specimen from Dhulayl. In Israel, the beetles were collected around midnight with the help of a flashlight. The beetles were seen wandering actively on semi stabilized sand dunes near Samar dunes. Further study is needed in order to learn the distribution pattern of Akis subtricostata in Israel. The possibility of its existence in Saudi Arabia, which is bordering Jordan at about 30 km to the south of Wadi Rum, where Klapperich collected the three specimens, is also naturally high and needs to be examined. Material examined: Israel: Arava valley, 2km N.W. of Elifaz, 12.ix.2014, 29°48'15"N / 35° 02'07"E (Alt. 75m). Leg. O. Rittner, 3 exx. Jordan: Wadi Rum, 10.x.1968, Leg. J. Klapperich, 3 exx. LITERATURE CITED Bytinski-Salz, H. 1969. The present status of systematic entomology in Israel. Israel Journal of Entomology, 4 (1): 157201. Katbeh-Bader, A. 1996. Contribution to our knowledge of the Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera) of Jordan. Zoology in the Middle East, 13 (1): 99-106. Keskin, B. & Yağmur, E. A. 2008. A new record for the Tenebrionidae fauna of Turkey: Akis subtricostata Redtenbacher, 1850 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Zoology in the Middle East, 43: 113-114. Löbl, I., Merkl, O., Ando, K., Bouchard, P., Lillig, M., Masomuto, K. & Schawaller, W. 2008. Tenebrionidae, pp. 105-351. In I. Löbl & A. Smetana (ed.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, Vol. 5. Stenstrup: Apollo Books, Stenstrup, 670 pp. Waitzbauer, W. 2002. Vorläufiges Arteninventar der zwischen 1990 und 2002 in Jordanien aufgesammelten Tenebioniden (Coleoptera). Unveröff. Manskript, 1-22.