Time really has flown, it doesn`t seem like a whole year ago when
Time really has flown, it doesn`t seem like a whole year ago when
2014 Time really has flown, it doesn’t seem like a whole year ago when hundreds of children descended on the studio in a space of three weeks, I still have a headache from it, just kidding, it went last week. Anyway, now to this year. We promised you bigger and better than ever, and that’s what we have delivered. With over £10k worth of prizes, free raffle, donations to amazing children’s charities and topping the list, one lucky winner receiving 12 months representation from a leading North west Modelling agency, we want this years Lil Cuties to go with a bang. There are only a limited number of entries available, and we expect these to be gone within 7-14 days after we start taking bookings on March 4th. The ONLY way to book is with payment and either over the phone or in person, and its first come first served. The next pages will tell you all the rules, and points about this years Lil Cuties competition, if you want to ask anything though, drop us a line or give us a call. www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk 2014 Categories and Prizes For Lil Cuties 2014 there will be four categories, which are: Category 1 – Under 2 year old Category 2 – 2 to 3 years old inclusive Category 3 – 4 to 7 years old inclusive Category 4 – 8 and over (Newborn to 23 months) (24 months to 47 months) (48 months to 83 months) (84 months to 15 years) Entry is only open to under 16s In each category there will be three entries chosen by our independent judges as 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Prizes are as follows: 1st Place – Dream World Photography photoshoot for up to 6 people 40”x30” Canvas with image of your choice from shoot 10”x10” Luxury memory book containing photos from your photoshoot Disk of all finished images in high resolution format with full print rights. £200 Print credit to use in the studio following your session Total Prize Value Over £1300 www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk 2014 Categories and Prizes 2nd Place – Dream World Photography photoshoot for up to 6 people 24”x30” Print with image of your choice from shoot £150 Print credit to use in the studio following your session 3rd Place - Dream World Photography photoshoot for up to 6 people 20”x16” Print with image of your choice from session £100 Print credit to use in the studio following your session Raffle Draw – With each full paid entry there will be a FREE raffle ticket awarded. Following the completion of the competition the raffle will be drawn and TEN winners will receive FREE Dream World Photoshoot sessions for up to 6 people along with a 10”x8” Print www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk 2014 Categories and Prizes Modelling Contract As well as all the prizes in each category, this year we have one amazing top prize for one lucky winner. Following all the category winners being chosen and the raffle tickets drawn, one entry will be chosen to be represented by Impact (a leading north west modelling agency) for 12 months. This includes representation free of charge, along with appropriate licenses required and help and support from the agency. Impact have worked with many high street and blue chip companies including: Tesco, John Lewis, Shreddies, Trafford centre, Morrisons, Stoneacre, Regatta and more This prize also includes: Professional Portfolio in digital format with print rights 12”x12” Portfolio Book with ten images chosen by the winner, in a high quality printed format. Total Prize Value Over £1000 www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk 2014 Important things about Lil Cuties 2014 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Each Category Prize has a 12 month validity to use The competition is NOT stating which child is cuter than another, its which entry photo is cuter to the judges Be creative with ideas for your lil cutie. Think about hair, outfits, props etc. 2 outfits can be worn. Remember siblings can join in on the shoot, but only photos of the entrant alone can be chosen as an entry copy. Please be aware, last year, we did notice a lot of parent loved more than one photo and bought some. We have some great and massively reduced deals for you all, but if you don’t want to buy that’s fine too, no obligation. The booked slot is a maximum of 30 minutes from the appointment start time, not from arrival if you are late. Session date and time is finalised and non transferable Changing an appointment will require cancellation of original appointment and a new entry fee taken. The raffle ticket from original entry is still valid. The model representation is for a 12 month period from a date yet to be chosen. The FREE Print of the entry image is a 10”x8” print, this is non transferable. The free print also has no airbrushing and only basic editing applied. It will be available following the whole competition. Winners will be decided by independent judges, their decision and the decision of management is final. No appeal or petition of any kind is valid. Booking entry can ONLY be achieved in person or by phone and requires payment in advance along with agreement to competition rules and our normal terms and conditions which can be seen at www.dreamworldphotography.co.uk or on our facebook page in the notes section. All prizes in category will only be available if our minimum entrant quota is completed. Prizes may be reduced or altered on a need to be done basis. This is at our discretion, and without prior notice. Print credit won in any category can only be used on prints up to 16”x12” and not on enlargements. www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk Terms of Booking-When booking and entering Lil Cuties, the 2014 parent/guardian responsible for the minor is agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below and on the following page. Al reorders or ancillary products ordered will be treated as an extension of this contract and noresponsibility for errors will be accepted unless orders are agreed in writing. Dream World Photography will not change the Package price once a booking is confirmed and deposit received. However, please note that the price of reprints and / or other ancillary products will be subject to price reviews and may change. Once the deposit has been paid, you (the customer) has booked in agreement with these terms and conditions. Once payment has been received in accordance with any of our offers, shoots, sessions, competitions or otherwise, and the payment is in full, you have agreed to our terms and conditions The Client agrees that photographic coverage will be at the discretion of Dream World Photography .Whilst every effort will be made to incorporate special requests, final decisions on poses and photographic composition will rest with the photographer. Such requests are not binding instruction and will be excluded if the photographer in his or her professional opinion deems it appropriate, if external conditions are prohibitive or models are unwilling to participate However, Dream World Photography will always endeavour to comply with the Client’s wishes. Any special requests not included in the Booking Form must be made in writing from the Client to Dream World Photography. On occasions and without notice it may be necessary to substitute the original photographer(s) for others This will only happen in instances of illness or other emergency Al image sizes are nominal. Dream World Photography cannot guarantee an absolute colour match due to light reflection on certain materials However, al images will be colour balanced to ensure a ‘close as possible’ match Dream World Photography will endeavour to print at the sizes stated However, from Time to time itmay be necessary t crop an image slightly or alter the size of the print due to image composition and sizing. Dream World Photography will use its discretion to assess best approach in order to preserve the integrity of the image. If your print is destined for a specific fame then please notify Dream World Photography in advance Retouching of images will be at the discretion of Dream World Photography. Basic retouches areincluded in the package price. However, if the Client requests particularly detailed digitalmanipulation of images, beyond that of basic enhancement of presentation, a charge may beincurred. This will be agreed in advance, in writing Any images or copies of images, whether stored digitally or otherwise and any computer programme including any source or object code, computer file or printed documentation relating to such images are protected by the Copyright and Design Act 1988. It is contrary to the Act to copy or allow to be copied photographic / electronically or by any other means an image created as part of this contract without the written permission of Dream World Photography.Al digital files are the property of Dream World Photography. Where a CD of high resolution images is included as part of the package, Dream World Photography gives permission for the Clien tto use the images freely. However, ownership of the images remains with Dream World Photography. The Client hereby gives permission for Dream World Photography to display any images included in this contract in studios, portfolios, literature, exhibitions, advertising, competitions, magazines and on websites No use of any of the images will be used for other commercial reasons, except with written permission from the Client. The due performance of this contract is subject to alteration or cancellation by either part owing toany cause beyond their control In the event of an Act of God, the unlikely event of total photographic failure or the cancellation ofthe contract for any other reason, the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the total value of the contracted package. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or inconsequential loss The Client may cancel the contact at any time by giving written notice to Dream World Photography. In doing so, however, the Client will forfeit al monies paid. Additionally, further amounts shall be payable as compensation for the estimated loss to Dream World Photography, as follows:Less than 7 days before the event 80% of the total package value (less monies already paid)7 days+ before the event Limited to monies already paid www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk 2014 Any complaints should be raised directly with Dream World Photography in writing within 28 days of becoming aware of the issue and in any event, within 28 days of receipt of the images /products Terms of use and ownership of images.All images on this disk are the property of Dream World Photography, as are all ownership rights and copyright.Below are the terms and conditions to which the customer in possession of this disk and the images within must adhere.Any breach of the terms may result in being asked to return the photographs, and/or disks, and compensation may be applied for by Dream World Photography due to their copyright being broken. The disk holder/customer may use all images with logo on for social networking sites and personal use only. The logo on any image is not to be covered, edited, deleted in anyway. The lower resolution images with logo present have no permission to be adjusted, edited, cropped or be changed in anyway. The lower resolution images must not be printed or used publicly except where permission has been granted, ie social networking sites. They are also not to be used for any commercial reasons. Any high resolution images on disk, with no logo present, have permission to be printed and/or copied by the customer. The images are still the property of Dream World Photography, who retain full ownership rights of said images. They are not to be used for commercial reasons.They are not to be edited or adjusted in anyway except for size reasons for printing. Lil cuties further terms ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Each Category Prize has a 12 month validity to use The competition is NOT stating which child is cuter than another, its which entry photo is cuter to the judges Be creative with ideas for your lil cutie. Think about hair, outfits, props etc. 2 outfits can be worn. Remember siblings can join in on the shoot, but only photos of the entrant alone can be chosen as an entry copy. Please be aware, last year, we did notice a lot of parent loved more than one photo and bought some. We have some great and massively reduced deals for you all, but if you don’t want to buy that’s fine too, no obligation. The booked slot is a maximum of 30 minutes from the appointment start time, not from arrival if you are late. Session date and time is finalised and non transferable Changing an appointment will require cancellation of original appointment and a new entry fee taken. The raffle ticket from original entry is still valid. The model representation is for a 12 month period from a date yet to be chosen. The FREE Print of the entry image is a 10”x8” print, this is non transferable. The free print also has no airbrushing and only basic editing applied. It will be available following the whole competition. Winners will be decided by independent judges, their decision and the decision of management is final. No appeal or petition of any kind is valid. Booking entry can ONLY be achieved in person or by phone and requires payment in advance along with agreement to competition rules and our normal terms and conditions which can be seen at www.dreamworldphotography.co.uk or on our facebook page in the notes section. All prizes in category will only be available if our minimum entrant quota is completed. Prizes may be reduced or altered on a need to be done basis. This is at our discretion, and without prior notice. Print credit won in any category can only be used on prints up to 16”x12” and not on enlargements. www.lilcuties.co.uk Dream World Photography, 230 Chester Rd, Helsby, WA6 0PW 01928 722025 Info@dreamworldphotography.co.uk