Bibliocon - Biblioteca UTCB


Bibliocon - Biblioteca UTCB
informaţii din domeniul construcţiilor
nr.1 / 2016
Biblioteca U.T.C.B.
Biroul de Informare Bibliografică şi
Referinţe Ştiinţifice
Bibliocon este o revistă de documentare bibliografică în domeniul
construcţiilor, realizată în urma selectării şi prelucrării articolelor de revistă,
a cărţilor şi a materialelor de informare recent intrate în Bibliotecă sau
existente în sursele de literatură în format electronic la care U.T.C.B are
Referinţele prezentate sunt o mică parte din informaţiile pe care le
puteţi găsi accesând on-line baza de date creată de colectivul nostru, la
Colectivul de elaborare a lucrării mulţumeşte anticipat pentru orice
sugestie de îmbunătăţire a ediţiilor viitoare.
Pentru informaţii şi documentare suplimentare vă aşteptăm la
Biblioteca U.T.C.B. – Biroul de Informare Bibliografică şi Referinţe Ştiinţifice,
Bd. Lacul Tei 124, bloc TESA, etaj 2.
BIBLIOCON – ISSN 2457-8665
Cărţi intrate recent în Biblioteca U.T.C.B.........................4
Bibliografii tematice din baza de date............................17
- Alunecări de teren şi măsuri de consolidare a
maselor de pământ................................................18
- Prevenirea alunecărilor de teren..............................28
Oferte de carte din cataloage on-line ale
unor edituri străine......................................................30
Congrese, conferinţe, simpozioane 2016.......................57
Site-uri utile................................................................63
A guide to terminology.
Raluca Ghenţulescu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 186p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-387-0
Cuprins: 1. General considerations, 2. Theoretical
terminology and its importance for translation studies, 3.
Terminographic issues.
Managementul lucrărilor de construcţii - Îndrumător proiect.
Specializare drumuri.
Mădălina Stoian, Ana-Maria Nica
Editura Conspress, 2015, 168p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-390-0
Cuprins: I. Introducere, II. Documentaţia tehnicoeconomică pentru lucrările de construcţii, III. Planificarea
execuţiei lucrărilor de construcţii, IV. Studiu de caz.
Amintiri dintr-o breaslă.
Nicolae Dăscălescu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 244p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-400-6
Cuprins: Motivare, Ani de ucenicie, Printre oamenii care
aduc ploaia, În mijlocul făuritorilor de baraje, Amintirile unui
secretar, Puţin mai departe de hidrotehnicieni, Epilog.
Matematici superioare : Calcul diferenţial.
Gavriil Păltineanu, Mariana Zamfir
Editura Conspress, 2015, 210 p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-401-3
Cuprins: 1. Şiruri de numere reale, 2. Serii de numere, 3.
Şiruri de funcţii reale, 4. Serii de funcţii, 5. Funcţii de mai multe
variabile reale, 6. Calculul diferenţial al funcţiilor de mai multe
variabile, Bibliografie, Index.
Măsurători geodezice inginereşti în construcţii şi industrie :
Îndrumător pentru lucrări practice.
Constantin Coşarcă, Aurel Sărăcin, Tudorel Silviu Clinci
Editura Conspress, 2015, 147p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-388-7
Cuprins: 1. Lucrări topografice la proiectarea şi execuţia
căilor de comunicaţii, 2. Trasarea centrelor infrastructurilor
podurilor, 3. Lucrări topografice în timpul execuţiei construcţiilor
hidrotehnice, Bibliografie.
Bazele măsurătorilor geodezice inginereşti.
Petre Iuliu Dragomir, Daniela Cristiana Docan, Tudorel Silviu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 175p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-396-2
Cuprins: 1. Noţiuni de bază, 2. Reţele de trasare, 3.
Trasarea elementelor topografice din proiect, 4. Metode de trasare
în plan a punctelor construcţiilor, 5. Trasări utilizând staţiile totale,
6. Trasări utilizând tehnologia GNSS în timp real, Bibliografie.
Tratat : Calculul curbelor pe baza echilibrului spaţial al
deplasării auto la drumurile moderne.
Vol. 1: Elemente teoretice.
Victor H. Guţu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 419p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-393-1
Tratat : Calculul curbelor pe baza echilibrului spaţial al
deplasării auto la drumurile moderne.
Vol. 2: Aplicaţii practice.
Victor H. Guţu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 105p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-394-8
Elemente de analiză a hazardului seismic.
Radu Văcăreanu, Florin Pavel, Alexandru Aldea, Cristian Arion,
Cristian Neagu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 215p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-386-3
Cuprins: 1. Introducere, 2. Analiza seismicităţii, 3. Relaţii
de atenuare (GMPE), 4. Metode de evaluare a hazardului seismic,
5. Exemple de calcul şi rezultate numerice pentru hazardul
seismic al României, 6. Condiţii locale de amplasament,
Maşini şi acţionări electrice : Culegere de probleme.
Robert Pécsi
Editura Conspress, 2015, 176p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-384-9
Cuprins: 1. Maşina asincronă trifazată, 2. Maşina de
curent continuu cu excitaţia în derivaţie, 3. Încălzirea şi alegerea
motoarelor electrice.
Modelarea proiectelor în construcţii : Aplicaţii în
Managementul Proiectelor.
Augustin Purnuş
Editura Conspress, 2015, 205p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-385-6
Cuprins: Realizaraea unei clădiri de apartamente S+P+4
E, Realizarea unui centru comercial, Bibliografie.
A course in differential equations, calculus of variations and
Vol. 1. Differential equations.
Sever Angel Popescu, Marilena Jianu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 268p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-380-1/978-973-100-381-8
Cuprins: 1. Fourier series, 2. Ordinary differential
equations (ODE), 3. Systems of differential equations (SDE), 4.
First-order partial differential equations, 5. Laplace and Fourier
transforms, 6. Second-order partial differential equations,
Bibliography, Index.
A course in differential equations, calculus of variations and
Vol. 2. Calculus of variations and probabilites.
Sever Angel Popescu, Marilena Jianu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 138p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-380-1/978-973-100-382-5
Cuprins: 1. Calculus of variations, 2. Elements of
probability theory, Bibliography, A. Some basic formulas for
exam, B. The standard normal distribution function ф(×), C.
Exam samples, Index.
Analiză combinatorică şi algoritmica grafurilor.
Ghiocel Groza
Editura Conspress, 2015, 154p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-377-1
Cuprins: 1. Analiză combinatorică, 2. Algoritmica
grafurilor, Bibliografie, Index.
Evaluarea interacţiunii dintre apele subterane şi lucrările de
Alexandru Dimache, Iulian Iancu, Loretta Batali
Editura Conspress, 2015, 285p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-379-5
Cuprins: 1. Introducere, 2. Problemele mediului urban
construit, 3. Modelarea numerică a interacţiunii apă subterană –
structuri, 4. Studiu de caz: zona Bucureşti. Model hidrogeologic pe
o zonă pilot, 5. Studiu de caz: zona Bucureşti. Definirea
infrastucturii şi a scenariilor de analiză, 6. Studiu de caz 1.
Modelarea interacţiunii apei subterane cu caseta Dâmboviţei etc.
Dispute Adjudication Boards. Practical Aspects
Bogdan Oprea
Editura Conspress, 2015, 117p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-374-0
Think twice! Risk management – the hidden side of translation.
Carmen Ardelean
Editura Conspress, 2015, 147p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-366-5
Managementul lucrărilor de construcţii : Îndrumător proiect.
Specializare poduri.
Mădălina Stoian, Ana Maria Nica
Editura Conspress, 2015, 169p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-364-1
Cuprins: I. Introducere, II. Documentaţia tehnicoeconomică pentru lucrările de construcţii, III. Planificarea
execuţiei lucrărilor de construcţii, IV. Studiu de caz, Anexe,
- 10 -
Teoria şi practica urbanismului şi amenajării teritoriului.
Partea I.
Cristina Iacoboaea
Editura Conspress, 2015, 136p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-375-7/978-973-100-376-4
Cuprins: 1. Amenajarea teritoriului şi urbanism: definiţie,
scurt istoric, 2. Funcţiuni economico-sociale. Clasificare. Relaţii
între funcţiuni, 3. Indicatori şi indici. Indici globali, 4. Sisteme
informaţionale şi informatice. 5. Noţiuni de demografie, 6.
Activităţi productive, 7. Locuire, 8. Locuinţa socială, 9.
Regenerare urbană, 10. Tipuri de clădiri eficiente energetic, 11.
Disfuncţionalităţi, Bibliografie.
Materiale de construcţie. Vol. I.
Ion Robu, Claudiu Mazilu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 220p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-371-9/978-973-100-372-6
Cuprins: 1. Proprietăţi generale ale materialelor de
construcţie şi metode de încercare, 2. Roci şi materiale de
construcţie din piatră naturală, 3. Agregate pentru mortare şi
betoane, 4. Lianţi minerali, 5. Mortare cu lianţi minerali, 6.
Betoane de ciment, Bibliografie.
Dinamica stucturilor : Abordări energetice.
Mihail Iancovici
Editura Conspress, 2015, 269p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-370-2
Cuprins: 1. Probleme actuale şi abordări avansate în
Dinamica stucturilor, 2. Acţiuni dinamice, 3. Analiza dinamică
a structurilor, 4. Echilibrul energetic al sistemelor liniare, 5.
Echilibrul energetic al sistemelor neliniare. Caracterizarea
proceselor de degradare structurală la acţiuni dinamice, 6.
Structuri neconvenţionale, Bibliografie.
- 11 -
Staţii de pompare : Aplicaţii
Sorin Perju
Editura Conspress, 2015, 52p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-368-9
Cuprins: 1. Dimensionarea hidraulică a unei staţii de
pompare, 2. Funcţionarea a două pompe centrifuge cu
caracteristici diferite cuplate în serie, 3. Funcţionarea a două
pompe centrifuge cu caracteristici diferite cuplate în paralel, 4.
Determinarea turaţiei de antrenare a unei pompe centrifuge,
astfel încât aceasta să asigure înălţimea de pompare cerută etc.
Mécanique. Notions théoriques et applications. Statique.
Andrei Vasilescu, Constantin Văcărescu
Editura Conspress, 2015, 205p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-367-2
Poduri metalice : Ghid de proiectare.
Marian Daraban
Editura Conspress, 2015, 104 p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-383-2
- 12 -
Măsurători geodezice inginereşti în construcţii
Petre Iuliu Dragomir
Editura Conspress, 2015, 154p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-365-8
Geotehnică : Curs
Andrei Constantin Olteanu
Editura Conspress, 2014, 126p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-348-1
Analyse Mathématique. Équations différentielles ordinaires,
calcul intégral. Cours, applications et exercices.
Ileana Toma, Valerica Moşneguţu, Ştefania Constantinescu
Editura Conspress, 2014, 394p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-363-4
- 13 -
Aplicaţie la sisteme manageriale pentru lucrări de construcţii.
Ghid didactic.
Mihai Dicu, Mirela-Mădălina Stoian, Teodora Boghian, Alina
Florentina Lighean
Editura Conspress, 2014, 114p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-362-7
Cuprins: 1. Evaluarea producţiei de executat, 2. Analiza
schemei tehnologice de lucru, 3. Elaborarea documentaţiei
tehnico-economice de deviz, 4. Planificarea şi organizarea
lucrărilor de execuţie, 5. Optimizarea soluţiilor de execuţie prin
utilizarea soft-ului specializat Tilos.
Chimie pentru constructori. Curs pentru studenţii din
profilul construcţii
Dorinel Voiniţchi
Editura Conspress, 2014, 250p.
ISBN: 978-973-100-361-0
Proiectarea geotehnică a lucrărilor de susţinere.
Horaţiu Popa
Editura Printech, 2014, 61p.
ISBN: 978-606-23-0221-4
- 14 -
Metode experimentale în ingineria geotehnică. Note de curs.
Horaţiu Popa
Editura Printech, 2014
ISBN: 978-606-23-0222-1
Cuprins: 1. Modelare în ingineria geotehnică, 2. Legi de
similitudine şi factori de scară, 3. Modelarea experimentală la
scară redusă în centrifugă, 4. Modelarea experimentală pe masa
vibrantă, 5. Modelarea experimentală la scară reală.
Instrumentarea unor structuri reale, 6. Măsurători geodezice, 7.
Monitorizarea structurilor geotehnice, 8. Bibliografie.
Research trends in Mechanics. Vol. 3
Editori Dinel Popa, Veturia Chiroiu, Ligia Munteanu
Editura Academiei Române, 2009, 468p.
ISBN: 978-973-27-1574-1
ISBN: 978-973-27-1816-2
Research trends in Mechanics. Vol. 4
Editori Ligia Munteanu, Veturia Chiroiu, Tudor Sireteanu
Editura Academiei Române, 2010, 402p.
ISBN: 978-973-27-1574-1
ISBN: 978-973-27-1945-1
- 15 -
Proiectul feroviar românesc (1842-1916)
Toader Popescu
Editura Simetria, 2014, 294p.
ISBN: 978-973-1872-34-6
- 16 -
Alunecări de teren şi măsuri de consolidare a maselor de pământ
(cărţi prezente în biblioteca U.T.C.B.)
/ University of Tokushima. - Tokushima : University, 1993. - 189p.multigr. - Primul seminar
internaţional asupra tehnicii stabilităţii pantelor de la Tokushima: 17 dec.1993 Tokushima,
UTCB - 624.13/I-58 CDR
Modelling of the Seismic Response of Slopes by Rigid Blocks Connected with Elasstic
Joints / Roberto Andrighetto, Ezio Faccioli. - Milano : Politecnico, [1992]. - [14]f.multigr. Extras din : Proceedings of the French-Italian Conference on Slope Stability in Seismic Areas,
Bordighera, May 14-15, 1992, p.142-154. - Modelarea răspunsului seismic al taluzurilor din
blocuri rigide interconectate cu îmbinări elastice.
UTCB - 624.13/A 54 CDR
Contribuţii la determinarea zonelor afectate de alunecări de teren pe bază de calcul
determinist şi probabilistic / Adrian Andronic. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2013. - 188 f. multigr. + 1
CD-ROM. - UTCB. Fac. de Hidrotehnică. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific
Anton Chirică.
624.131.53/A 55 SLI
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1988. - 85p. - Îngheţarea artificială şi
stabilizarea pămînturilor.
UTCB - 625.7/A 84 CDR
Övervakningssystem - Släntbeteende - Skredinitiering : Resultat från ett fullskaleförsök i
Norrköping = Monitoring system - Slope behaviour - Slide initiation : Results from a full
scale test in Norrkoping / Björn Möller, Helen Åhnberg. - Linköping : Statens Geotekniska
Institut, 1992. - 193p. - Sistem de monitorizare - Comportarea taluzului la înclinare - Debutul
alunecării de teren : Rezultatele testelor la scară naturală în regiunea Norrköping.
UTCB - 624.13/M 87 CDR
Contribuţii privind optimizarea proiectării lucrărilor de susţinere din pământ armat /
Andrei Mihai Baicu. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2011. - 106 f. multigr. - UTCB. Teză de doctorat. Cond.
ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Anton Chirică.
624.131.5/B 18 SLI
- 18 -
Apărarea terenurilor agricole împotriva coroziunii, alunecărilor şi inundaţiilor / Vasile
Băloi, Viorel Ionescu. - Bucureşti : Ceres, 1986. - 315p.
UTCB - 631.459/B 23 H THE
Stabilizarea versanţilor : îndrumător de lucrări / Biali Gabriela. - Iaşi : Universitatea Tehnică
"Gh.Asachi", 2002. - 143p.
UTCB - 624.13/B 51 DR H
Terasamente rutiere / Vasile Boboc, Horia Gh. Zarojanu. - Iaşi : Editura Societăţii Academice
"Matei-Teiu Botez", 2005. - 353p.
625.731/B 60 DR
Contribuţii privind studiul stabilităţii masivelor de pământ / Alexandra Boldurean. Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2008. - 213p. - Universitatea Politehnica din Timişoara. Teză de
doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific Virgil Haida.
624.131.537(043)/B 66 SLI
Contribuţii la metodele de proiectare a lucrărilor de combatere a alunecărilor de teren /
Mircea Victor Bucur. - [Bucureşti] : [s.n.], 2004. - 345p. - UTCB. Teză de doctorat. Cond.
ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Silvan Andrei.
UTCB - 624.131.537/B 87 SLI
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1983. - 37p. - Caracterizarea şi utilizarea
cenuşii zburătoare şi a zgurii de afinare a cuprului : stabilizarea pămînturilor.
UTCB - 625.7/C 39 CDR
Contribuţii la studiul unor tehnologii de consolidare a alunecărilor de teren / Cimpoieru
Cornel. - Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2009. - 183 p. - Universitatea "Politehnica" din
Timişora. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Marin Marin.
624.13/C 49 SLI
/ J.H.Atkinson, I.F.Symons, W.G.K.Fleming, W.Powrie. - London : City University, 1990. [152]p. - Construcţia şi proiectarea zidurilor de susţinere.
UTCB - 624.13/C 68 CDR
Optimizarea soluţiilor constructive pentru asigurarea stabilităţii versanţilor la lucrările de
drumuri / Atena Ştefania Corlăteanu. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii, 1980. – 199 p.
multigr. - ICB. Teză de doctorat. Cond.ştiinţific prof.univ.emerit ing.: Emil Botea.
UTCB - 624.138.23/C 71 SLI
- 19 -
Lucrări de reţinere TER-VOILE / ing.Valerian Curt. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii,
1986. - 212p. - ICB. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. Radu Prişcu.
UTCB - 624.137/C 95 SLI
Earth Anchors / Braja M. Das. - Amsterdam : J.Ross Publishing, 2007. - 241p. - Ancorarea
624.13/D 20 CDR
/ coaut. Gheorghe Flegont, Corneliu Andrei, Dimitrie Dorojneac, Mircea Rusu. - Buzău : Editura
MAD Linotype, 2006. - 368p.
627.5/D 41 H
Contribuţii la studiul condiţiilor de stabilitate şi rezistenţă a terasamentelor de cale ferată /
Liviu Droaşcă. - Timişoara : Editura Politehnica, 2006. - 162 p. - Univ. Politehnica Timişoara.
Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Virgil Haida.
625.1/D 84 SLI
Contribuţii la evaluarea stabilităţii pantelor şi a sistemelor rutiere în terenuri specifice
zonelor calde / Ahmad El Najjar. - Bucureşti : Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, 1997. – 246
f.multigr. - UTCB. Fac. de Hidrotehnică. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Ion
UTCB - 624.13/N 18 SLI
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1980. - 74p. - Stabilizarea rambleurilor şi
mecanica pămîntului.
UTCB - 625.725/E 48 CDR
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1983. - 8p. - Evaluarea elementelor chimice
utilizate în stabilizarea pământurilor.
UTCB - 624.138/E 93 CDR
Contribuţii la îmbunătăţirea consolidării şi impermeabilizării prin injecţii de ciment a
masivelor de roci stâncoase / Fediuc Liliana Florentina. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2010. - 219 p. UTCB. Fac. de Hidrotehnică. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Eugeniu
624.137(043)/F 30 SLI
Soluţii constructive alternative pentru lucrările de retenţie a pământului / Valentin
Feodorov. - Bucureşti : Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, 1997. - 270p.multigr. - UTCB.
Facultatea de Hidrotehnică. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. ing. Ramiro Sofronie.
UTCB - 624.13/F 37 SLI
- 20 -
/ R.Dyvik, H.K.Andersen, S.B.Hansen, H.P.Christophersen. Field tests of anchors in clay II:
Predictions and interpretation / H.K.Andersen, R.Dyvik, K.Schroder,... - Oslo : Norwegian
Geotechnical Institute, 1994. - [75]p. - (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute; 193). - Teste de teren
ale ancorărilor în argilă I : descriere. Teste de teren ale ancorărilor în argilă II : anticipări şi
UTCB - 624.13/F 49 CDR
Hillslope Analysis / Brian Finlayson, Ian Statham. - London : Butterworths, 1980. - 230p. Analiza zonelor colinare.
UTCB - 624.13/F 56 CDR
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1986. - 42p. - Stabilizarea cu ciment în
UTCB - 625.7/G 33 CDR
Geomorfologie dinamică / Florina Grecu, Giovanni Palmentola. - Bucureşti : Editura Tehnică,
2003. - 392 p.
UTCB - 551.4/G 79 CIV DR H
Ground stabilisation : deep compacting and groundind / D.A.Greenwood, G.H.Thomson. London : Thomas Telford, 1984. - 47p. - Stabilizarea pamântului : compactarea şi injectarea
UTCB - 624.138/G 19 CDR
The Loen Rockslides - a Historical Review / E.Grimstad, S.Nesdal. - Olso : Norwegian
Geotechnical Institute, 1991. - [71] p. - (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Publ., ISSN 00781193 ; 182). - Alunecări de stânci la Loen - o analiză a evenimentelor.
624.13/G 86 CDR
Construction of diaphragm walls / I.Hajnal, J.Marton, Z.Regele. - Chichester : John Wiley &
Sons, 1984. - 399p. - Construirea pereţilor diafragmă.
UTCB - 624.1/H 16 CDR
Stability Analysis of Earth Slopes / Yang H.Huang. - New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1983. - 305p. - Studiul stabilităţii pantelor.
UTCB - 624.137/H 91 CDR
/ ed. Ch.Bonnard, F.Forlati, C.Scavia. - London : A.A.Balkema, 2004. - XVII, 317p. Identificarea şi reducerea riscului de producere a marilor alunecări de teren în Europa : progrese
în evaluarea riscului.
UTCB - 624.131.537/I-34 CDR
- 21 -
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1989. - 45p. - Sisteme inovatoare în susţinerea
UTCB - 625.7/ I-54 CDR
Critical Evaluation of the Approaches to Stability Analysis of Landslides and Other Mass
Movements / N.Janbu. - Trondheim : Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1982. - [76]p. Evaluare critică a abordărilor analizei stabilităţii alunecărilor de teren şi altor deplasări ale masei.
UTCB - 624.13/J 25 CDR
Karl Terzaghi - the Founder of Geotechnical Engineering / N.Janbu. Slope Stability
Evaluations. Behaviour of Clays After Loading / N.Janbu. Prediction of Capacity and
Displacements of Large Diameter Piles / L.Grande. - Trondheim : Norwegian Institute of
Technology, 1985. - [62]p. - Karl Terzaghi - fondatorul ingineriei geotehnice. Evaluări ale
stabilităţii taluzurilor. Comportarea în timp a argilelor după încărcare. Anticiparea capacităţii şi
deplasărilor piloţilor de diametre mari.
UTCB - 624.13/J 25 CDR
Mechanisms of Failure in Natural and Artificial Soil Structures / N.Janbu. Pile-Soil
Interaction Analysis on Effective Stress Basis / Lars Grande, Steinar Nordal. Failure
Mechanism in Quick Clays / N.Janbu. - Trondheim : Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1980.
- [70]p. - Mecanismele de cedare ale solului pentru structuri cu teren artificial sau natural.
Analiză a interacţiunii pilot-sol pe baza tensiunii efective. Mecanismul cedării solului pentru
argile fluide.
UTCB - 624.13/J 25 CDR
Opening Address BOSS '76 / Nilmar Janbu. Effective Stress Stability Analysis for Gravity
Structures / Nilmar Janbu, Lars Grande, Kare Eggereide. Soils Under Cyclic Loading / Nilmar
Janbu. - Trondheim : Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1980. - [70]p. - Discurs de deschidere
la BOSS'76. Analiza stabilităţii tensiunii efective pentru structuri gravitaţionale. Soluri sub
încărcare ciclică.
UTCB - 624.13/J 25 CDR
Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Pressuremeter Tests / A.Stordal, N.Janbu.
Plastic collapse loads by the finite element methode / S.Nordal, P.Antonsen. - Trondheim :
Norwegian Institute of Technology, 1986. - [30]p. - Parametrii rezistenţei la tăiere obţinuţi prin
teste de măsurare a presiunii. Încărcări de distrugere plastică prin folosirea metodei elementului
UTCB - 624.13/S 86 CDR
Shear Strength Parameters Obtained from Static Cone Penetration Tests / K.Senneset,
N.Janbu. Determination of Effective Stress-Based Shear Strength Parameters from Static
- 22 -
and Cyclic Triaxial Tests / A.Skotheim, N.Janbu, K.Senneset. - Trondheim : Norwegian
Institute of Technology, 1986. - [86]p. - Parametrii rezistenţei la tăiere obţinuţi prin teste de
penetrare statică cu con. Determinarea parametrilor rezistenţei la tăiere efective pe baza efortului
prin teste triaxiale statice şi ciclice.
UTCB - 624.13/S 44 CDR
Slopes and Excavations et Co-Report / Nilmar Janbu. Slide in Overconsolidated Clay Below
Embankment / N.Janbu, O.Kjekstad, K.Senneset. - Trondheim : Norwegian Institute of
Technology, 1980. - [70]p. - Pante şi excavaţii - Raport. Alunecări în argilă supraconsolidată sub
UTCB - 624.13/J 25 CDR
Can We Predict Landslide Hazards in Soft Sensitive Clays ? : summary of norwegian
practice and experience / Karlsrud K., G.Aas, O.Gregersen. - Oslo : Norwegian Geotechnical
Institute, [s.a.]. - 24p. - Putem prevedea riscurile alunecărilor argilelor moi, sensibile ? : sumar
din practica şi experienţa norvegiană.
UTCB - 624.13/K 22 CDR
Evaluarea riscului de alunecare a versanţilor / Sanda Manea. - Bucureşti : Conspress, 1998. 192p.
624.131.543/M 24 H
. - Roma : FAO, 1992. -158 p. - Manual de teren pentru amenajarea versanţilor.
UTCB - 624.137/M 30 CDR
Geologie pentru ingineri constructori cu elemente de protecţie a mediului geologic şi
geologie turistică / Eugeniu Marchidanu. - Bucureşti : Editura Tehnică, 2005. - 458p.
UTCB - 550.8/M 33 CIV DR H
Asigurarea stabilităţii terasamentelor şi versanţilor : Concepţii şi soluţii moderne /
Constantin Marinescu. - Bucureşti : Editura Tehnică, 1988. - 2 vol.
Vol.1. - 1988. - 356p.
Vol.2. - 1988. - 400p
UTCB - 624.13/M 40 H
Contribuţii la studiul comportării în timp a terasamentelor de cale ferată / Adrian Ciprian
Mayer. - Timişoara : Politehnica, 2013. - 248 p. - Universitatea "Politehnica" Timişoara. Teză de
doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing. Virgil Haida.
625.1/M 52 SLI
- 23 -
Reducerea şi prevenirea riscului seismic al versanţilor prin structuri din pământ armat /
Dan Adrian Mocanu. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2011. - 119 f. multigr. - UTCB. Fac. de Hidrotehnică.
Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Ramiro Sofronie.
624.131.53/M 84 SLI
Consolidarea şi stabilizarea pământurilor / Lazăr Nicolescu. - Bucureşti : Ceres, 1981. - 236p.
UTCB - 624.13/N 60 CIV DR H TEH
Contribuţii la analiza stabilităţii versanţilor supuşi acţiunii apei / Dan N.Păunescu. Bucureşti : Universitatea Tehnică de Construcţii, 1999. - 195p. - UTCB. Fac. de Hidrotehnică.
Cond. ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Silvan V. Andrei.
UTCB - 624.13/P 45 DOC
Contribuţii la studiul stabilităţii taluzurilor şi versanţilor sub acţiuni seismice / Victor
Matei Petrescu. - Bucureşti : [s.n.], 2011. - 124 f. multigr. - UTCB. FCCIA. Teză de doctorat.
Cond. ştiinţific Iacint Manoliu
624.131.53/P 57 SLI
Modelarea numerică şi în laborator a comportării pereţilor îngropaţi / Horaţiu Popa. Bucureşti : Conspress, 2003. - 240 p.
624.137.4/.7/ P 79 H
Quelques considerations sur l'analyse de la stabilité au glissement des talus et des versants /
M. Popescu. - Napoli : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, [1985]. - [16]p. - Extras "Rivista italiana di
geotecnica organe dell'Associazione Geotecnica italiana. Anno XIX. N.1-1985. p.7-22. - Câteva
consideraţii asupra analizei stabilităţii la alunecare a taluzurilor şi versanţilor.
UTCB - 624.131.53/P 81 CDR
Îndrumător de proiect : Stabilitatea taluzurilor şi versanţilor / Mihail Popescu. - Bucureşti :
Institutul de Construcţii, 1983. - 74 p.
624.131.53/P 53 DR
Landslides in Overconsolidated Clays as Encountered in Eastern Europe / Mihail E.
Popescu. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1984. - p.83-106 multigr. - Extras din : State-of-the-art lecture Session
IV : 4th International Symposium on Landslides Toronto, 1984. - Alunecările de pămînt în zonele
cu argile foarte consolidate din Europa estică.
UTCB - 624.13/P 81 CDR DR H
Stabilitatea taluzurilor şi versanţilor / Mihail E.Popescu. - Bucureşti : Institutul de Construcţii,
1982. - 180p.multigr.
UTCB - 624.131/P 81 H
- 24 -
Tehnologii informaţionale în analiza instabilităţii masivelor de pământ şi a măsurilor de
stabilizare : aplicarea metodelor de risc în analiza instabilităţii masivelor de pământ /
Mihail Popescu. - [s.n.], 1997. - 20f.
UTCB - 624.13/P 81 CDR
Tehnologii informaţionale în analiza instabilităţii masivelor de pământ şi a măsurilor de
stabilizare : elemente privind eficienţa lucrărilor de prevenire şi remediere a alunecărilor
de teren / Mihail Popescu. - [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1999. - [16]p.
UTCB - 624.13/P 81 CDR
Tehnologii informaţionale în analiza instabilităţii masivelor de pământ şi a măsurilor de
stabilizare : program general de analiză a stabilităţii pantelor după suprafeţe de cedare
cilindro-circulare şi de formă oarecare / MihailPopescu. - [s.n.], 1998. - [39]f.
UTCB - 624.13/P 81 CDR
Stabilizarea versanţilor / Nicolae Popovici. - Iaşi: Institutul Politehnic, 1993. -132p.multigr.
UTCB - 624.13/P 83 H
. - Istanbul : Bogazici University, 1991. - Lucrările Comitetului european asupra stabilizării
alunecărilor de teren în Europa - Istambul 1991.
Vol.3. - 61p.
UTCB - 624.13/P 93 CDR
/ International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ; chairman Ergun Togrol
Lucrările subcomitetului european privind stabilizarea alunecărilor de teren în Europa.
Vol.1. - 1985. - 109p.
Vol.3. - 1991. - 61p..
UTCB - 624.13/I-58 CDR CDR
. - Seoul : Korean Geotechnical Society, 1994. - 356p. - Lucrările Simpozionului din Asia de
Nord-Est asupra alunecărilor de teren şi torentelor. Seul, Koreea, 28 iunie-16 iulie, 1994.
624.13/P 93 CDR
. - London : Thomas Telford, 1986. - 104p. - Pereţi rigizi rezemaţi şi în consolă.
ISBN 0-7277-0271-8 : 0.01..
UTCB - 624.137/P 94 CDR
- 25 -
- Paris : Presses de l'École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1991. - 271 p. - Recomandări
CLOUTERRE 1991 pentru proiectarea, calculul, execuţia şi controlul susţinerilor realizate prin
fixarea pământurilor.
624.13/R 36 CDR
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1987. - 323 p. - Stabilizarea pantelor şi a
625.736/R 41 CDR
Asecarea şi stabilitatea lucrărilor miniere în cariere / Ilie Rotunjanu. - Petroşani : Institutul
de Mine, 1984. - 304p.multigr.
UTCB - 622.27/R 84 H
. - Christchurch : ISL, 1992. - 19 f. - Al 6-lea seminar al pre-simpozionului ISL : 7-9 februarie
1992, Queenstown, Noua Zeelandă : ghid privind evaluarea tehnică a alunecărilor de teren :
defileele Kawarau şi Cromwell.
UTCB - 624.13/S 61 CDR
/ M.G.Anderson, K.S.Richards. - Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1992. - 648p.
UTCB - 624.13/S 63 CDR
/ ed. D.V.Griffiths, Gordon A. Fenton, Timothy R.Martin. - Reston, Virginia : ASCE Press,
2000. - 375p. - (Geotechnical Special Publication ; 101). - Stabilitatea taluzurilor 2000 : lucrările
sesiunii Geo-Denver 2000.
UTCB - 624.13/S 63 CDR
. - Skokie, Illinois : Portland Cement Association, 1983. - 8p - (PCA.Concrete Information). Importanţa zidurilor mici de sprijin din beton.
UTCB - 624.137/S 64 CDR
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1991. - 108p. - Stabilizarea solurilor: 1991.
UTCB - 625.7/S 66 CDR
. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, 1982. - 40p.- Stabilizarea solului 1982.
UTCB - 625.731.2/S 66 CDR
. - Washington : National Academy Press, 1998. - 96p. - Stabilizare şi geosintetice.
UTCB - 625.73/S 75 CDR
- 26 -
Contribuţii la studiul comportării pămînturilor în zona activă în regim de solicitări statice
şi dinamice cu aplicaţii la dimensionarea fundaţiilor complexelor rutiere / Manole Stelian
Şerbulea. - [Bucureşti] : [s.n.], 2007. - 96p. - UTCB. Facultatea de Căi Ferate, Drumuri şi Poduri.
Teză de doctorat. Conducători ştiinţifici prof. dr. ing. Anton Chirică şi prof. dr. ing. Stănculescu
624.13/S 48 SLI
Stabilizarea pământurilor cu enzime / Manole Stelian Şerbulea. - Bucureşti : Printech, 2007. 61p.
624.131/S 48 SLI
Cercetări privind comportarea lucrărilor hidrotehnice executate pe formaţiunile torenţiale
din judeţul Vâlcea / Mircea Tuas. - [Bucureşti] : [s.n.], 2005. - 226p. - UTCB. Fac. de
Hidrotehnică. Teză de doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. asoc. dr. ing. Gheorghe Mihaiu.
UTCB - 627.14/T 90 SLI
Contribuţii privind metodele de tratare şi ranforsare a pământurilor cu structură
metastabilă în cazul căilor de comunicaţii / Diana Doina Ţenea. - [Bucureşti] : [s.n.], 2007. 176p. - UTCB. Facultatea de Căi Ferate, Drumuri şi Poduri. Teză de doctorat. Conducător
ştiinţific prof. dr. ing. Anton Chirică.
624.13/T 43 SLI
Landslides and Their Stabilization / Christian Veder. - New York ; Wien : Springer, [s.a.].
247 f. xerograf. - Alunecările de teren şi stabilizarea lor.
UTCB - 624.131/V 40 CDR
Utilizarea tehnologiilor geodezice moderne pentru monitorizarea, prelucrarea şi analiza
unor alunecări de teren şi construcţii din pământ armat / Clara-Beatrice Vîlceanu. Timişoara : Politehnica, 2014. - 334 p. - Universitatea "Politehnica" Timişoara. Teză de
doctorat. Cond. ştiinţific prof. univ. dr. ing. Marin Marin.
528.7/.8/V 60 SLI
Slope Development / Antony Young, Doreen M.Young. - London : MacMillan Education,
1983. - 35p. - Consolidarea versanţilor.
UTCB - 624.13/Y 70 CDR
- 27 -
Prevenirea alunecărilor de teren
(articole extrase din baza de date ScienceDirect)
Alimohammadlou Y, Najafi A, Yalcin A (2013) Landslide process and impacts: A proposed
classification method. CATENA 104, 219-232.
Anderson MG, Holcombe E, Blake JR, Ghesquire F, Holm-Nielsen N, Fisseha T (2011)
Reducing landslide risk in communities: Evidence from the Eastern Caribbean. Applied
Geography 31(2), 590-599.
Andersson-Sköld Y, Bergman R, Johansson M, Persson E, Nyberg L (2013) Landslide risk
management—A brief overview and example from Sweden of current situation and climate
change. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 3, 44-61.
Angell E, Stokke KB (2014) Vulnerability and adaptive capacity in Hammerfest, Norway. Ocean
& Coastal Management 94, 56-65.
Chen X, Huang J (2011) Stability analysis of bank slope under conditions of reservoir
impounding and rapid drawdown. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 3,
Supplement 1, 429-437.
Choi KY, Cheung RWM (2013) Landslide disaster prevention and mitigation through works in
Hong Kong. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 5(5), 354-365.
Di B, Zeng H, Zhang M, Ustin SL, Tang Y, Wang Z, Chen N, Zhang B (2010) Quantifying the
spatial distribution of soil mass wasting processes after the 2008 earthquake in Wenchuan, China:
A case study of the Longmenshan area. Remote Sensing of Environment 114(4), 761-771.
Eab KH, Likitlersuang S, Takahashi A (2015) Laboratory and modelling investigation of rootreinforced system for slope stabilisation. Soils and Foundations 55(5), 1270-1281.
Fujisawa K, Marcato G, Nomura Y, Pasuto A (2010) Management of a typhoon-induced
landslide in Otomura (Japan). Geomorphology 124(3–4), 150-156.
Giannecchini R, Galanti Y, D'Amato Avanzi G, Barsanti M (2016) Probabilistic rainfall
thresholds for triggering debris flows in a human-modified landscape. Geomorphology 257, 94107.
Guoqing Y, Haibo Y, Zhizong T, Baosen Z (2011) Landslide Risk Analysis of Miyun Reservoir
Area Based on RS and GIS. Procedia Environmental Sciences 10, Part C, 2567-2573.
Hadji R, Boumazbeur Ae, Limani Y, Baghem M, Chouabi AeM, Demdoum A (2013) Geologic,
topographic and climatic controls in landslide hazard assessment using GIS modeling: A case
study of Souk Ahras region, NE Algeria. Quaternary International 302, 224-237.
- 28 -
Halim A, Normaniza O (2015) The effects of plant density of Melastoma malabathricum on the
erosion rate of slope soil at different slope orientations. International Journal of Sediment
Research 30(2), 131-141.
Huang R, Li W (2011) Formation, distribution and risk control of landslides in China. Journal of
Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 3(2), 97-116.
Huang R, Li W (2014) Post-earthquake landsliding and long-term impacts in the Wenchuan
earthquake area, China. Engineering Geology 182, Part B, 111-120.
Lin CH, Jan JC, Pu HC, Tu Y, Chen CC, Wu YM (2015) Landslide seismic magnitude. Earth
and Planetary Science Letters 429, 122-127.
Mulia AY, Prasetyorini LA (2013) Slope Stabilization based on Land use Methods in Ambang
Sub River Basin. Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 240-247.
Peng L, Niu R, Huang B, Wu X, Zhao Y, Ye R (2014) Landslide susceptibility mapping based on
rough set theory and support vector machines: A case of the Three Gorges area, China.
Geomorphology 204, 287-301.
Sun Y-j, Zhang D, Shi B, Tong H-j, Wei G-q, Wang X (2014) Distributed acquisition,
characterization and process analysis of multi-field information in slopes. Engineering Geology
182, Part A, 49-62.
Tokimatsu K, Tamura S, Suzuki H, Katsumata K (2012) Building damage associated with
geotechnical problems in the 2011 Tohoku Pacific Earthquake. Soils and Foundations 52(5),
Wang X, Niu R (2010) Landslide intelligent prediction using object-oriented method. Soil
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 30(12), 1478-1486.
- 29 -
ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers
Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and
Other Structures 2015
Edited by Roberto T. Leon
2015, 833 p.
e-book (PDF), ISBN: 9780784479728
Price: $134
Proceedings of the Second ATC & SEI Conference on Improving the Seismic
Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, held in San Francisco, California,
December 10-12, 2015. Sponsored by the Applied Technology Council and the Structural
Engineering Institute of ASCE.
This collection contains 67 papers on the tools, techniques, and innovations available to
assist engineers in meeting the challenges of seismic evaluation and rehabilitation.
Topics include: resilience and mitigation programs; innovative use of new technologies
and materials; historic structures; managing risk; concrete structures; wood soft story; socioeconomic issues; and implementation case studies.
This proceedings will be valuable to practitioners and researchers working in all aspects
of seismic evaluation and rehabilitation.
Permeable Pavements
edited by: Bethany Eisenberg, Kelly Collins Lindow, David R. Smith
2015, 262 p.
ISBN: 9780784413784
Price: $120.00
Sponsored by the Low Impact Development Committee of the Urban Water Resources
Research Council of the Environmental and Water Resources Institute of ASCE.
Permeable Pavements is a comprehensive resource for the proper design, construction,
and maintenance of permeable pavement systems that provide a transportation surface and a best
management practice for stormwater and urban runoff. A cornerstone for low impact
development (LID) and sustainable site design, permeable pavements are considered a green
infrastructure practice. They offer many environmental benefits, from reduced stormwater runoff
and improved water quality to better site design and enhanced safety of paved surfaces.
Commonly used for walkways, driveways, patios, and low-volume roadways as well as
recreational areas, parking lots, and plazas, permeable pavements are appropriate for many
different land uses, particularly in highly urbanized locations.
This volume synthesizes today’s knowledge of the technology, drawing from
academia, industry, and the engineering and science communities. It presents an overview of
typical permeable pavement systems and reviews the design considerations. Detailed design,
construction, use, and performance information is provided for porous asphalt, pervious concrete,
permeable interlocking concrete pavement, and grid pavements. Fact sheets and checklists help to
successfully incorporate permeable pavement systems into design projects. Additional chapters
summarize emerging technologies, maintenance considerations, hydrologic design approaches,
key components for specification writing, and key areas for additional research. Appendixes
include a fact sheet clarifying information on common concerns, as well as data tables
summarizing water quality treatment performance and costs.
Permeable Pavements is an essential reference for engineers, planners, landscape
architects, municipalities, transportation agencies, regulatory agencies, and property owners
planning to implement this best management practice for stormwater and urban runoff.
Low Impact Development Technology. Design Methods and Case Studies
Edited by: Michael L. Clar, Robert G. Traver, Shirley E. Clark, Shannon
Lucas, Keith Lichten, Michael A. Ports, Aaron Poretsky
2015, 242 p.
ISBN: 9780784413883
Price: $100.00
Selected papers from the 2011 Low Impact Development Conference, held in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 25-28, 2011. Sponsored by the Low Impact Development
Committee of the Urban Water Resources Research Council of the Environmental and Water
Resources Institute of ASCE
As federal, state, and local governments realize that traditional approaches to stormwater
management are not achieving the desired environmental protection goals, they are increasingly
adopting low impact development (LID) technology as the preferred approach to stormwater
management in land development and redevelopment. Low Impact Development Technology:
Design Methods and Case Studies contains 22 papers that address a wide range of LID design
applications and includes a number of practical case studies.
Topics include: rain gardens and bioretention systems; green streets and hardscapes; green
roofs; and watershed restoration. A companion volume, Low Impact Development Technology:
Implementation and Economics, is also available.
Both collections will be of interest to engineers, land planners, and government officials
working on stormwater management and land use policy.
Editura Springer
Advances in Hydroinformatics
Philippe Gourbesville, Jean Cunge, Guy Caignaert (Eds.)
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-981-287-614-0 181, price 89 €
e-book, ISBN: 978-981-287-615-7, price 142,79 €
About this book:
 Presents a collection of extended papers from the SIMHYDRO 2014 conference
 Describes the state-of-the-art in the modeling and simulation of fast hydraulic transients
 Written by leading experts in the field
This book is a collection of extended papers based on presentations given during the
SIMHYDRO 2014 conference, held in Sophia Antipolis in June 2014. It focuses on the modeling
and simulation of fast hydraulic transients, on 3D modeling, and on uncertainties and multiphase
flows. The book explores both the limitations and performance of current models and presents
the latest developments based on new numerical schemes, high-performance computing,
multiphysics and multiscale methods, and better interaction with field or scale model data. It
addresses the interests of practitioners, stakeholders, researchers and engineers active in this field.
External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)
An Evaluation of Hygrothermal Behaviour
Eva, Barreira, Vasco Peixoto de Freitas
Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-20381-2, price 53,49 €
e-book, ISBN: 978-3-319-20382-9, price 41,64 €
About this book:
 Explores a little-investigated topic: the hygrothermal behaviour of external thermal
insulation composite systems (ETICS)
 Presents a methodology to estimate the risk of surface humidification, which can then be
used as a decision support tool
 Introduces new validated routine to simulate factors affecting the exterior surface
temperature of walls at night
This book analyzes the hygrothermal behaviour of external thermal insulation composite
systems (ETICS), components that increase the thermal efficiency of buildings. Treating a topic
that has largely been neglected, it explores the main cause of biological growth within ETICS.
The results of two experimental test series are presented: (i) a long-term assessment of four
façades covered with ETICS and (ii) an evaluation of the factors affecting the façades’
hygrothermal behaviour. Furthermore, using a previously validated numerical model, it presents a
sensitivity analysis of the hygrothermal behaviour of façades coated with ETICS. It also provides
a methodology to assess the surface humidification of ETICS, which combines the effect of
surface condensation, wind-driven rain and the drying process (three of the most prevalent
parameters influencing the surface moisture content), which can then be used as a decisionsupport tool. ETICS are now frequently used in Europe to improve the thermal efficiency of
buildings. Despite their advantages in terms of thermal efficiency, their low cost and their ease of
application, these systems are adversely affected by microbiological growth, which causes
defacement of cladding. Although the thermal and mechanical performance of the system is not
impaired, biological defacement has an enormous aesthetic impact, affecting the inhabitants’
living experience and restricting the full implementation of this technology. External Thermal
Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS): An Evaluation of Hygrothermal Behaviour provides a
valuable resource to engineers and architects utilizing ETICS in their work, and for researchers
and students interested in the hygrothermal behaviour of ETICS. It is also intended for those
employed in industry and manufacturers of ETICS.
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering
M. Beer, I.A. Kougioumtzoglou, E. Patelli, I.S.-K. Au (Eds.)
2015, 3966 p.
Print, ISBN: 978-3-642-35343-7, price 2033 €
e-book, ISBN: 978-3-642-35344-4, price 2280 €
About this book:
Crosses disciplines to create a single reference work of considerable breadth
Covers all major aspects of the science of earthquake Engineering
Explains protection of natural and man-made environments
Considers the ways to limit the seismic risk to socio-economically acceptable levels
The Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering is designed to be the authoritative and
comprehensive reference covering all major aspects of the science of earthquake engineering,
specifically focusing on the interaction between earthquakes and infrastructure. The encyclopedia
comprises approximately 265 contributions. Since earthquake engineering deals with the
interaction between earthquake disturbances and the built infrastructure, the emphasis is on basic
design processes important to both non-specialists and engineers so that readers become suitably
well-informed without needing to deal with the details of specialist understanding. The content of
this encyclopedia provides technically inclined and informed readers about the ways in which
earthquakes can affect our infrastructure and how engineers would go about designing against,
mitigating and remediating these effects. The coverage ranges from buildings, foundations,
underground construction, lifelines and bridges, roads, embankments and slopes. The
encyclopedia also aims to provide cross-disciplinary and cross-domain information to domainexperts. This is the first single reference encyclopedia of this breadth and scope that brings
together the science, engineering and technological aspects of earthquakes and structures.
Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding
Series: GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences
Robert Jankowski, Sayed Mahmoud
2015, 156 p.
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-16323-9, price 85,59 €
eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-16324-6, price 67,82 €
About this book:
 Presents a comprehensive summary of structural pounding observed during earthquakes
 Includes a special chapter on the mitigation of pounding effects
 Shares insights into aspects of seismic design for structures prone to pounding
This books analyzes different approaches to modeling earthquake-induced structural
pounding and shows the results of the studies on collisions between buildings and between bridge
segments during ground motions. Aspects related to the mitigation of pounding effects as well as
the design of structures prone to pounding are also discussed.
Earthquake-induced structural pounding between insufficiently separated buildings, and
between bridge segments, has been repeatedly observed during ground motions. The reports after
earthquakes indicate that it may result in limited local damage in the case of moderate seismic
events, or in considerable destruction or even the collapse of colliding structures during severe
ground motions. Pounding in buildings is usually caused by the differences in dynamic properties
between structures, which make them vibrate out-of-phase under seismic excitation. In contrast,
in the case of longer bridge structures, it is more often the seismic wave propagation effect that
induces collisions between superstructure segments during earthquakes.
Tunnel Fire Dynamics
Haukur Ingason, Ying Zhen Li, Anders Lönnermark
2015, 504 p
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-1-4939-2198-0, price 181,89 €
eBook, ISBN 978-1-4939-2199-7, price 142,79 €
About this book:
 Closely analyzes tunnel ventilation systems, and serves as a reference guide for
optimizing fire safety
 Presents a unique combination of theoretical science and practical engineering in tunnel
fire safety
 Examines the major issues facing fire safety engineers in tunnels, and outlines solutions
for each
This book covers a wide range of issues in fire safety engineering in tunnels, describes the
phenomena related to tunnel fire dynamics, presents state-of-the-art research, and gives detailed
solutions to these major issues. Examples for calculations are provided. The aim is to
significantly improve the understanding of fire safety engineering in tunnels. Chapters on fuel
and ventilation control, combustion products, gas temperatures, heat fluxes, smoke stratification,
visibility, tenability, design fire curves, heat release, fire suppression and detection, CFD
modeling, and scaling techniques all equip readers to create their own fire safety plans for
tunnels. This book should be purchased by any engineer or public official with responsibility for
tunnels. It would also be of interest to many fire protection engineers as an application of
evolving technical principles of fire safety.
Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction
Series: Springer Natural Hazards
Sujit Mandal, Ramkrishna Maiti
2015, 292 p.
Hardcover, ISBN 978-981-287-145-9, price 106,99 €
eBook, ISBN: 978-981-287-146-6, price 82,29 €
About this book:
 Discusses case studies to elaborate on the introduced model
 Elaborates the role of land, water and soil in landslide phenomena
 Provides knowledge and understanding about the causes and consequences of landslides,
as well as suitable methods to mitigate landslips
In the present authors attempted to have a clear insight into the interworking of
geotectonic, geomorphic, hydrologic and anthropogenic factors leading to landslide in the
Shivkhola Watershed, the most worst affected region of Darjiling Himalaya. This book includes
the parameters responsible for landslide events in mountainous areas. It provides knowledge and
understanding to the local people, planners, and policy makers about the causes and
consequences of landslides as well as provides a suitable method to mitigate the landslips. The
book deals with the role of land, water and soil in landslide phenomena. These three attributes
have been described in terms of critical rainfall, critical slope, critical height and changes and
development of drainage network in landslides. Mitigations and site-specific management
options are evaluated considering the roles of local govt., community and other organizations in
both pre-slide and post-slide periods. Various scientific methods have been used to assess the
landslides that will bring about tremendous help to researchers in the field. In particular,
Researchers in Mountain Geomorphology and Geological and Geographical Society will get
tremendous help from some topics such as 1-D slope stability model, SCS Curve Number
Technique, Assessment of morphological parameters, application of RS & GIS, Application of
Analytical Hierarchy Process. Semi-quantitative approach is followed for understanding spatial
distribution of cohesion, friction angle slope, lithology and lineaments, drainage, upslope
contributing area, land use and land cover types etc. This book also reveals some techniques and
models for initiating slope instability.
Recent Advances in Modeling Landslides and Debris Flows
Series: Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Wei Wu (Ed.)
2015, 323 p.
Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-319-11052-3, price 106,99 €
eBook, ISBN 978-3-319-11053-0, price 83,29 €
About this book:
 Recent advances in modeling landslides and debris flows
 Presents contributions to the workshop on Recent Developments in the Analysis,
Monitoring and Forecast of Landslides and Debris Flow, held in Vienna, Austria,
September 9, 2013
 Covers a broad spectrum of topics from material behavior, physical modeling over
numerical simulation to applications and case studies
Landslides and debris flows belong to the most dangerous natural hazards in many parts of
the world. Despite intensive research, these events continue to result in human suffering, property
losses, and environmental degradation every year. Better understanding of the mechanisms and
processes of landslides and debris flows will help make reliable predictions, develop mitigation
strategies and reduce vulnerability of infrastructure.
This book presents contributions to the workshop on Recent Developments in the Analysis,
Monitoring and Forecast of Landslides and Debris Flow, in Vienna, Austria, September 9, 2013.
The contributions cover a broad spectrum of topics from material behavior, physical modelling
over numerical simulation to applications and case studies. The workshop is a joint event of three
research projects funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program:
MUMOLADE (Multiscale modelling of landslides and debris flows,,
REVENUES (Numerical Analysis of Slopes with Vegetations, and
HYDRODRIL (Integrated Risk Assessment of Hydrologically-Driven Landslides,
Editura Thomas Telford
Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing For Monitoring Geotechnical
A Practical Guide
Edited by C. Kechavarzi, K. Soga, N. da Battista, L. Pelecanos,
M. Elshafie and R.J. Mair
July 2016, 192 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7277-6055-5
Price: $110.00
Consolidating academic knowledge on distributed optical fibre sensing, this guide
demonstrates the capabilities of fibre optic strain sensing, the opportunities it can offer to the
construction industry, and how it can be implemented to monitor geotechnical infrastructures.
This will be the first in a series produced by the Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and
Construction and published by ICE. The Centre for Smart Infrastructure aims to develop and
commercialise emerging technologies which will provide radical changes in the construction and
management of infrastructure, leading to considerably enhanced efficiencies, economies and
adaptability, and the series will offer best practice guidance towards these aims.
Polymer Support Fluids in Civil Engineering
C. Lam and S. Jefferis
August 2016, 312 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7277-5786-9
Price: $210.00
Polymer Support Fluids in Civil Engineering provides the practising geotechnical/
foundation engineer with an introduction to fluid-supported excavation processes, a brief history
of the use of polymers in excavation support with discussion of past successes and importantly
reasons for failures. It includes a specification for the use of polymer fluids and all the
information necessary to optimise the use of these materials and the performance of the resulting
foundation elements, and covers all major aspects, from the fundamental material properties to
site testing and case histories of polymer use.
This is a unique book and a vital resource for geotechnical engineers working for
foundation contractors, consulting engineers, and clients, as well as project managers, project
engineers and design engineers.
Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2nd edition
A. Zingoni
October 2016, 498 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7277-6028-9
Price: $130.00
Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering comprehensively describes the
theories governing the membrane and bending behaviour of thin elastic shells, and then applies
these theories to obtain practical solutions for various types of shell structures. By conducting
parametric studies and discussing the design implications of results obtained from analytical
solutions, Shell Structures clearly explains the implications of varying shell parameters during
the course of design.
The new edition of Shell Structures in Civil and Mechanical Engineering explores the
evolution over the past two decades of comprehensive design codes for shells, versatile numerical
methods (such as the finite-element method) and modelling of the non-linear behaviour of shells,
such as large-deformation response, instability and buckling.
Deep Excavations, 3rd edition
Malcom Puller and David Puller
May 2016, 336 pages
ISBN: 9780727741172
Price: $120.00
Deep Excavations assembles the practical rules and details for the efficient and
economical execution of deep excavations. The third edition uses international case examples,
including the Nicoll Highway, Singapore; the Silken Hotel, Aldwych, London; Economic deep
basement design in Romford, UK, alongside the experience of both design and construction from
published work and practical experience to do this. Each chapter is fully updated to current
practice, including the latest contractor safety measures, construction regulations (including
manslaughter) and causes and avoidance of injury and fatality. New material has been included
 basic reasons behind deep excavations
 typical design calculations for basement excavation support and for cofferdams
 underpinning and ground freezing in design of soil support
 risk of deep cofferdams in soft ground
 CTRL cut and cover
 well formulae; computer programmes – FLAC, ABACUS, etc.
Editura CRC Press
Structural Analysis and Design to Prevent Disproportionate Collapse
Feng Fu
March 2016, 184 Pages
ISBN: 9781498706797
Price: £82.00
 Introduces European, British and US design guidance in some detail
 Covers a large range of structural types such as tall buildings, bridges, and space
 Provides case studies on different types of structures designed against progressive
Hard Guidance on Preventing Disproportionate Collapse.
Disproportionate collapse is a pressing issue in current design practice. Numerous causes
are possible – especially forms of extreme loading, such as blast, fire, earthquake, or vehicle
collisions. But it is the mechanism and its prevention which are of especial interest and concern.
After the World Trade Center collapse in 2001, interest was sparked, and it is now
imperative for a design engineer to have sufficient knowledge on both the analysis and design
against disproportionate collapse. Detailed structural design guidance for preventing this has been
developed in Europe and the US – such as BS5950 in the UK, and guidance from the Department
of Defense and the General Services Administration in the US. However, Structural Analysis and
Design to Prevent Disproportionate Collapse is the first systematic text in the market to help
design engineers or structural engineering students to properly understand this guidance.
Covers the design and analysis of a structure to prevent disproportionate collapse.
Provides an understanding of disproportionate collapse problems for different structures
under different loads.
Contains detailed knowledge on the design and progressive collapse analysis of complex
Incorporates ABAQUS®, ETABS, SAP2000, and Highlights 3D Modeling Techniques.
As progressive collapse analysis is a distinctive and complicated procedure, it normally
requires an ability to use a modern commercial finite element package, and Structural Analysis
and Design to Prevent Disproportionate Collapse features a detailed introduction to the use of
FE programs such as ABAQUS® in progressive collapse analysis. In addition, case studies are
performed using 3D FE models based on various types of structures such as multi-storey
buildings, long-span space structures, and bridges. These models replicate real collapse incidents
and prestigious construction projects, such as progressive collapse analysis of the Twin Towers,
structural fire analysis of World Trade Center 7, blast analysis of the Murrah Federal Building
and progressive collapse analysis of the Millau Viaduct, which help designers to fully understand
the failure mechanisms and effective mitigation methods in practice.
Rainfall Induced Soil Slope Failure: Stability Analysis and Probabilistic
Lulu Zhang, Jinhui Li, Xu Li, Jie Zhang, Hong Zhu
May 2016, 376 Pages
ISBN: 9781498752794
Price: £140.00
 Combines a range of approaches to present a reasoned and systematic way of analysing
rainfall-induced landslides.
 Accounts for the coupling between pore water and the soil skeleton
 Addresses the stability of slopes with non-homogenous soils
 Presents a method for model calibration of slopes based on time varied field monitoring
Rainfall-induced landslides occur globally. With global climate change, their frequency is
increasing and the consequences are becoming greater. Previous studies focus on a single
discipline, correlating landslides with rainstorms, geomorphology and hydrology to establish a
threshold prediction value; taking a geomechanical approach to slope stability; and assessing risk
from field records. This book integrates probabilistic approaches with the geotechnical modelling
of slope failures under rainfall conditions with unsaturated soil. It covers theoretical models,
reliability analysis based on coupled hydro-mechanical modelling, slope stability, and
probabilistic model calibration.
Inventive Engineering: Knowledge and Skills for Creative Engineers
Tomasz Arciszewski
March 2016, 397 Pages
ISBN: 9781498711241
Price: £38.99
 The first textbook on Inventive Engineering, the science of inventing
 Learning Inventive Engineering will give students a huge competitive advantage
 Prepares students for a transformation from regular students to successful engineers and
 Presents unique transdisciplinary knowledge with roots in engineering, cognitive
psychology, heuristics, and the social sciences
 Written by an engineer who is also an academic teacher and inventor with several patents
Inventive Engineering is an emerging engineering science focused on the conceptual
designing processes whereby creative designs are developed. Its core concepts are too often
unknown and even surprising, but they are also feasible and can be learned, leading to potentially
patentable designs. Inventive engineers have a tremendous competitive advantage over other
engineers, because they have gone beyond practical and analytical intelligence and have learned
how to be creative.
Inventive Engineering: Knowledge and Skills for Creative Engineers has its roots in
engineering, psychology, history, systems engineering, political science, and computer science. It
presents a body of knowledge integrated from these fields. It provides:
 Background knowledge, which will motivate and prepare students for learning inventive
 A general outline of Inventive Engineering, with an understanding of the conceptual
designing process and its various stages
 Guidance on several inventive designing methods set in their cultural context to encourage
students to develop practical skills for their use
Low Energy Low Carbon Architecture: Recent Advances & Future
Khaled Al-Sallal
February 2016, 258 Pages
ISBN: 9781138027480
Price: £89.00
 Explains how to reduce a building’s carbon footprint using design startegies and and
building technologies
 Presents strategies sustainable energy policies/standards and performance modeling
 Discusses several greenhouse gas counting tools for buildings
 Emphasizes architectural design strategies
 Includes more than 150 figures & tables
Providing a complete and in-depth overview of the available knowledge in the area of low
energy and low carbon architecture. The scope of this edited book includes several important
topics ranging from chapters giving a broad view of the progressing models in ecologically
responsible environments to other chapters focussing on recent advances in design strategies and
building technologies in low energy heating, cooling, daylighting, materials, and building
sustainable systems. Two other essential topics are covered, providing a link between theory and
implementation: sustainable energy policies/standards and performance modeling in low energy
architecture. Finally, the book will give the readers insight into the future of low energy and low
carbon architecture in the beyond-green era and discussed in the broader context of the
progressing theories of regenerative design.
Rock Engineering Risk
John A. Hudson, Xia-Ting Feng
April 2015, 400 Pages
ISBN: 9781138027015
Price: £76.99
 Clearly explains basic material so that readers from different backgrounds will be able to
understand the content
 Emphasizes the linking of uncertainty and risk analysis concepts to practical rock
engineering projects
 Features illustrative examples of risks in major rock engineering projects and how these
were minimised
 Uses risk analysis protocols to enable the reader to assess the risks involved in any rock
engineering project
 Disseminates knowledge generated by the 4-year work of the ISRM Design Methodology
There are risks in all construction projects, but engineering in rock masses for civil
engineering purposes requires consideration of many more factors than engineering with manmade materials — because the host material, rock, a natural material containing fractures and
pre-existing stresses, can have many adverse engineering properties. Accordingly, when
excavating and supporting tunnels and caverns, special approaches are required to ensure the
safety of the construction personnel and the structures themselves. Moreover, the current
increasing emphasis on safety, accountability and sustainability requires stricter attention to risk
and greater reliability than ever before.
This book provides a fresh, scholarly and valuable practical approach to the consideration
of risk in underground rock engineering projects based on the supporting subject of rock
mechanics. The risks are discussed through the ‘before construction’ and ‘during construction’
aspects — with Chapters on uncertainty and risk, rock engineering systems, rock fractures and
rock stress, and the design of a repository for radioactive waste. Establishing the validity of
computer modelling and simulation programs, plus two major case examples, relating to the
headrace tunnels and caverns for a hydroelectric project highlight in detail the authors’ new rock
engineering risk approach, especially how analysis before and monitoring during construction
can significantly reduce the construction risks.
Written by two eminent authors, the two most recent past-Presidents of the International
Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM), this modern and well illustrated guide on Rock Engineering
Risk complements the authors’ previous 2011 book on Rock Engineering Design. The book will
benefit engineers, contractors, clients, researchers, lecturers and advanced students who are
working on rock engineering projects in civil, mining, geological and construction engineering.
Building Acoustics
Marc Asselineau
March 2015 , 248 Pages
ISBN: 9781466582446
Empowers non specialists to work with acousticians
Provides practical guidance on what to do and what to avoid
Applies as much to basic and ordinary buildings as to concert halls
Includes numerous illustrations from practice
Avoid Costly Mistakes for Specialists and Non-Specialists Alike.
Bad acoustics in buildings is a nuisance that is not dealt with easily. The problem applies
just as much to open-plan offices and restaurants and to production facilities and transportation
stations as it does to performance halls, not to mention homes. It does not merely affect oral
communication or enjoyment of music but has quite profound consequences on well-being.
Gives Guidance on What to Expect from Design Teams and Contractors.
Building Acoustics is devoted to practical building and room acoustics, illustrated by
numerous examples. It introduces the basics for the different specialists in a design team and for
the client and sets out the issues for shared consideration. It guides them in the drawing up of
sensible acoustic specifications. It is written for non-specialists and gives an outline of potential
problems. It also shows what to consider before the construction stage. It empowers its readers to
express their needs to a specialist consultant and to avoid the worst pitfalls.
 Covers interactions between acoustics and other disciplines
 Shows through numerous real-life examples the route to understanding and solving the
 Illustrates various points of views through real projects
Random Vibration: Mechanical, Structural, and Earthquake
Engineering Applications
Zach Liang, George C. Lee
April 2015, 668 Pages
ISBN: 9781498702348
Series: Advances in Earthquakq Engineering
Price: £82.00
 Focuses on basic methodologies to handle random processes in engineering practices —
without too much rigorous math — so the material can be covered in one semester
 Explains the fundamental methodologies to account for random data and processes, and
apply them to mechanical and structural engineering problems by using real-world
 Presents class-tested course material that has been refined over several years to optimize
student learning
 Includes information on inverse engineering and related problem-solving
Focuses on the Basic Methodologies Needed to Handle Random Processes.
After determining that most textbooks on random vibrations are mathematically intensive
and often too difficult for students to fully digest in a single course, the authors of Random
Vibration: Mechanical, Structural, and Earthquake Engineering Applications decided to revise
the current standard. This text incorporates more than 20 years of research on formulating bridge
design limit states. Utilizing the authors’ experience in formulating real-world failure probabilitybased engineering design criteria, and their discovery of relevant examples using the basic ideas
and principles of random processes, the text effectively helps students readily grasp the essential
concepts. It eliminates the rigorous math-intensive logic training applied in the past, greatly
reduces the random process aspect, and works to change a knowledge-based course approach into
a methodology-based course approach. This approach underlies the book throughout, and
students are taught the fundamental methodologies of accounting for random data and random
processes as well as how to apply them in engineering practice.
Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Randomness in Sequences.
Presented in four sections, the material discusses the scope of random processes, provides
an overview of random processes, highlights random vibrations, and details the application of the
methodology. Relevant engineering examples, included throughout the text, equip readers with
the ability to make measurements and observations, understand basic steps, validate the accuracy
of dynamic analyses, and master and apply newly developed knowledge in random vibrations and
corresponding system reliabilities.
Progress in Environmental Engineering: Water, Wastewater
Treatment and Environmental Protection Issues
Janusz Tomaszek, Piotr Koszelnik
March 2015, 90 Pages
ISBN: 9781138027992
Price: £69.00
Progress in Environmental Engineering contains theoretical and experimental
contributions on water purification, new concepts andmethods of wastewater treatment, and
ecological problems in freshwater ecosystems. The issues dealt with in the book include:
 Causes and control of activated sludge bulking and foaming
 The use of new support materials in activated sludge technology as a result of studies on
wastewater treatment in a sequencing batch reactor with keramsite grains as the porous
carrier in Moving Bed Sequencing Batch Biofi lm Reactors
 Greenhouse gas emissions from WWTPs especially mechanisms of N2O production in
biological wastewater treatment under nitrifying and denitrifying conditions and strategies
to mitigate N2O emissions from biological nitrogen removal systems as well as
spatiotemporal variation of nitrous oxide emissions from reservoirs
 Novel techniques of water protection against eutrophication and reclamation, in particular
aspects of chemical methods of reclamation e.g. using lime for the inactivation of
 A method for risk management in water distribution system operation and maintenance
using Bayesian process. e proposed method makes it possible to estimate the risks
associated with the possibility of partial or total loss of the ability of water supply system
Progress in Environmental Engineering includes unique contributions to understand
selected aspects of environmental protection and proposes methods to eff ectively solve pollution
problems. The book will be of interest to academia and professionals interested or involved in
environmental engineering.
Performance-Based Fire Safety Design
Morgan J. Hurley, Eric R. Rosenbaum
April 2015, 160 Pages
ISBN: 9781482246551
Price: £44.99
 Contains information written by two of the world's leading practitioners
 Provides a dependable but concise overview of the subject
 Presents an in-depth treatment of performance-based fire safety design
Master an Approach Based on Fire Safety Goals, Fire Scenarios, and the Assessment of
Design Alternatives.
Performance-Based Fire Safety Design demonstrates how fire science can be used to
solve fire protection problems in the built environment. It also provides an understanding of the
performance-based design process, deterministic and risk-based analysis techniques,
development of design fire scenarios, trial design development and analysis, and building
lifecycle management.
Develop a Strategy That Meets the Fire Safety Goals for a Building.
Topics addressed include designing to protect people from fire, design of detection
systems, smoke control systems and structural fire resistance, addressing computational and
design uncertainty, and fire testing to support design development or evaluation.
 Identifies key attributes of performance-based design
 Reviews the advantages and disadvantages of performance-based design over
specification-based prescriptive design
 Provides a series of steps offering a framework/process for performance-based design
Performance-Based Fire Safety Design focuses on the development and application of
performance-based fire safety design approaches. Written by leading experts in the field, this text
addresses the unique features and uses of a building and helps you gain a better understanding of
how a building will perform in the event of a fire.
GPS for Land Surveyors, Fourth Edition
Jan Van Sickle
June 2015, 360 Pages
ISBN: 9781466583108
Price: £63.99
Contains up-to-date information on GNSS and GPS
Provides clear and straightforward explanations
Delivers a practical approach to the subject
Avoids heavy reliance on mathematical explanations
Written by an experienced and well-known land surveyor
For more than a decade, GPS for Land Surveyors has been unique among other books due
to its clear, straightforward treatment of the subject matter. It minimizes reliance on mathematical
explanations and maximizes use of illustrations and examples that allow readers to visualize and
grasp key concepts. Neither simplistic nor overly technical, this book introduces the concepts
needed to understand and use GPS and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Fully
updated, the fourth edition addresses changes in hardware, software, and procedures. Novel
signals on new blocks of satellites previously addressed in the third edition (L5 and L2C) are now
given a more comprehensive treatment. All chapters have been updated.
Editura Elsevier
Steel Corrosion-Induced Concrete Cracking, 1st Edition
Author(s) : Y. Zhao, W. Jin
March 2016, 206 Pages
ISBN : 9780128091975
Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
Key Features:
 Proposes a new corrosion-induced concrete cracking model, which takes into account the
phenomenon of the simultaneous occurrence of corrosion layer accumulation and
corrosion filling paste
 Investigates the parameters and values of expansion coefficients and elastic modulus of
steel corrosion, which enables a more rational prediction of concrete surface cracking
 Introduces the use of the Gaussian function to describe the non-uniform spatial
distribution of corrosion products
Steel Corrosion Induced Concrete Cracking presents the latest advances in the origin,
mechanism and development of corrosion-induced cracking in concrete. It investigates topics
including expansion coefficient and elastic modulus of steel corrosion, rust layer and rust
distribution, spatial distribution of corrosion products, the shape of corrosion-induced cracks and
so on.
This book concludes by proposing an improved corrosion-induced cracking model, which
considers the phenomena of the simultaneous occurrence of corrosion layer accumulation and
corrosion filling in concrete.
This book will be a valuable reference book for researchers and graduate students in the
field of concrete durability and concrete structure, and industry engineers who are concerned with
the deterioration mechanisms and the life cycle of reinforced concrete structures.
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Structures, 1st Edition
Editor : A. Poursaee
March 2016, 312 Pages
ISBN : 9781782423812
Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
Key Features:
 Provides comprehensive coverage on a broad range of topics related to the corrosion of
steel bars in concrete
 Discusses the latest measuring methods and advanced modeling techniques
 Reviews the range of reinforcing materials and types of concrete
As the corrosion of reinforcing steel is recognized as a major cause of degradation in
concrete structures, this book provides a comprehensive review of the subject, as well as analysis
of the major advances and technological developments that have taken place in recent years
regarding the topic and its indisputable societal and economic importanceCorrosion of
reinforcing steel is now recognized as the major cause of degradation of concrete structures in
many parts of the world. Despite this, infrastructure expenditure is being unreasonably decreased
by sequestration and the incredible shrinking discretionary budget. All components of our
infrastructure including highways, airports, water supply, waste treatment, energy supply, and
power generation require significant investment and are subjected to degradation by corrosion,
which significantly reduces the service life, reliability, functionality of structures and equipment,
and safety. Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Structures provides a comprehensive review of the
subject, in addition to recent advances in research and technological developments, from
reinforcing materials to measurement techniques and modelling.
This book contains not only all the important aspects in the field of corrosion of steel
reinforced concrete but also discusses new topics and future trends. Part One of the book tackles
theoretical concepts of corrosion of steel in concrete structures. The second part moves on to
analyse the variety of reinforcing materials and concrete, including stainless steel and galvanized
steel. Part Three covers measurements and evaluations, such as electrochemical techniques and
acoustic emission. Part Four reviews protection and maintenance methods, whilst the final
section analyses modelling, latest developments and future trends in the field.
The book is essential reading for researchers, practitioners and engineers who are
involved in materials characterisation and corrosion of steel in concrete structures.
Dry Stone Retaining Structures, 1st Edition
DEM Modeling
Author(s) : E. Vincens, J.-P. Plassiard, J.-J. Fry
January 2016, 162 Pages
ISBN : 9781785480805
Key Features:
 The only DEM technique to model the behavior of discrete civil engineering structures
 A specific and sophisticated tool to address the general features observed on site
 Details physical models, modeling and site measurements
A unique approach using DEM to model the behavior of discrete civil engineering
Dry stone retaining structures are structures made of individual decimeter stone blocks in
contact. One advantage of this construction technology lies in the weak amount of embodied
energy required for their construction, and uses only local materials. This technology may be a
positive answer to the challenges brought by sustainable policies in civil engineering.
Many of these structures are older than one hundred years and sustain damage due to
ageing; this places the owners in front of a challenging issue. Usual scientific tools cannot
address the specific behavior of such structures. Due to the discrete nature of the system, a large
amount of energy can be dissipated at contact level before failure of the structure. The shape,
arrangement and possible breakage of blocks may play a major role in their overall behavior,
specific to these structures. This book brings an overview of the DEM technique to model the
behavior of discrete civil engineering structures. Physical models, modeling and site
measurements are all explored, helping the civil engineer evaluate the behavior of unique
Advances in Asphalt Materials, 1st Edition
Road and Pavement Construction
Editor(s) : Huang & Di Benedetto
April 2015, 492 Pages
Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN : 9780081002698
A key resource documenting advances in the research and technological developments of
bituminous materials.
 Provides an insight into advances and techniques for bituminous materials
 Comprehensively reviews the physicochemical characteristics of bituminous materials
 Investigate asphalt materials on the nano-scale, including how RAP/RAS materials can be
recycled and how asphalt materials can self-heal and rejuvenator selection
The urgent need for infrastructure rehabilitation and maintenance has led to a rise in the
levels of research into bituminous materials. Breakthroughs in sustainable and environmentally
friendly bituminous materials are certain to have a significant impact on national economies and
energy sustainability. This book will provide a comprehensive review on recent advances in
research and technological developments in bituminous materials.
Opening with an introductory chapter on asphalt materials and a section on the
perspective of bituminous binder specifications, Part One covers the physiochemical
characterisation and analysis of asphalt materials. Part Two reviews the range of distress
(damage) mechanisms in asphalt materials, with chapters covering cracking, deformation, fatigue
cracking and healing of asphalt mixtures, as well as moisture damage and the multiscale
oxidative aging modelling approach for asphalt concrete. The final section of this book
investigates alternative asphalt materials. Chapters within this section review such aspects as
alternative binders for asphalt pavements such as bio binders and RAP, paving with asphalt
emulsions and aggregate grading optimization.
Green Building Technology Guide: Emerging Technologies
Edited by: Fred Andreas,
August 2015, , 200 Pages
Imprint: Academic Press
ISBN: 978-0-12-407911-3
Green Building Technology Guide: Emerging Technologies provides users with a
comprehensive set of tools to understand, evaluate, design, and execute green building strategies.
Expert authors share clear and concise steps to achieve high-performance building
solutions at multiple levels, from basic LEED projects, to advanced Zero Net Energy Buildings
(ZNEB), exploring all aspects of green building design.
Materials, equipment, systems, methods, and resources are all broken down by CSI
format and aligned with USGBC LEED categories, as well as Enterprise Green Communities
The book focuses on emerging green building technologies, discussing materials (plastics,
shape-memory alloys, metallic foams, thin-film technology), building systems (magnetic systems
and nanotechnology), and energy systems (gasification, anaerobic digestion, renewable ocean
technology, and more).
Users will find valuable information on how to confidently incorporate these cutting-edge
concepts into their designs and projects.
Acoustic Emission and Related Non-destructive Evaluation
Techniques in the Fracture Mechanics of Concrete.
Fundamentals and Applications
Masayasu Ohtsu
May 2015, 348 Pages
Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-78242-327-0
The development of NDT (non-destructive testing) techniques used for the inspection of
concrete structures is currently in high demand, because many existing structures have become
aged and deteriorated in service. In order to formulate predictions on their stability and to
estimate their safety, it is necessary to identify damage signals and to determine their causes. In
this regard, the development and establishment of innovative and highly advanced nondestructive methods are required. Acoustic Emission (AE) and related NDE (non-destructive
evaluation) techniques have been extensively used to determine crack detection and damage
evaluation in concrete.
With the move towards a more sustainable society, and the need to extend the long-term
service life of infrastructure and aging and disastrous damage due to recent earthquakes, Acoustic
Emission (AE) and Related Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) Techniques in the Fracture
Mechanics of Concrete: Fundamentals and Applications is a critical reference source for civil
engineers, contractors working in construction and materials scientists working both in industry
and academia.
Hydrothermal Analysis in Engineering Using Control Volume
Finite Element Method, 1st Edition
March 2015, 236 Pages
Imprint: Academic Press
ISBN : 9780128029503
 Introduces a detailed explanation of Control Volume Finite Element Method (CVFEM) to
provide for a complete understanding of the fundamentals
 Demonstrates applications of this method in various fields, such as nanofluid flow and
heat transfer, MHD, FHD, and porous media
 Offers complete familiarity with the governing equations in which nanofluid is used as a
working fluid
 Discusses the governing equations of MHD and FHD
 Provides a number of extensive examples throughout the book
 Bonus appendix with sample computer code
Control volume finite element methods (CVFEM) bridge the gap between finite
difference and finite element methods, using the advantages of both methods for simulation of
multi-physics problems in complex geometries. In Hydrothermal Analysis in Engineering Using
Control Volume Finite Element Method, CVFEM is covered in detail and applied to key areas of
thermal engineering. Examples, exercises, and extensive references are used to show the use of
the technique to model key engineering problems such as heat transfer in nanofluids (to enhance
performance and compactness of energy systems), hydro-magnetic techniques in materials and
bioengineering, and convective flow in fluid-saturated porous media. The topics are of practical
interest to engineering, geothermal science, and medical and biomedical sciences.
Editura Willey
The Water Sensitive City
Gary Grant
April 2016, 216 pages
ISBN: 978-1-118-89766-9
This book advocates a more thoughtful approach to urban water management. The
approach involves reducing water consumption, harvesting rainwater, recycling rainwater and
adopting Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) where surface water is not sent straight to drains
but is intercepted by features like green roofs, rain gardens, swales and ponds.Cities in particular
need to change the existing linear model of water consumption and use to a more circular one in
order to survive. The Water Sensitive City brings together the various specialised technical
discussions that have been continuing for some time into a volume that is more accessible to
designers (engineers and architects), urban planners and managers, and policymakers.
Sustainable Construction: Green Building Design and Delivery, 4th
Charles J. Kibert
May 2016, 696 pages
ISBN: 978-1-119-05517-4
Sustainable Construction is the leading reference for the design, construction, and
operation of high performance green buildings. With broad coverage including architecture,
engineering, and construction, this book nevertheless delivers detailed information on all aspects
of the green building process, from materials selection to building systems and more. This new
fourth edition has been updated to reflect the latest codes and standards, including LEED v4, and
includes new coverage of carbon accounting. The discussion has been updated to align with the
current thinking on economics, climate change, net zero buildings, and more, with contributions
by leaders in the field that illustrate the most recent shifts in thinking and practice. Ancillary
materials including an instructor's manual and PowerPoint presentations for each chapter help
bring this clear and up-to-date information into the classroom, making this book a valuable
reference for working construction professionals. Also, Interactive graphics found throughout the
course help activate the content and highlight key concepts for students.
Sustainable construction has gone mainstream, and will one day be the industry norm.
This book provides a comprehensive reference to all aspects of a project to show you how green
building concepts and principles apply throughout the design and construction process.
 Get up to date on the latest green building codes and standards
 Learn about the newest technology in green building materials
 Adopt the best practices in procurement and delivery systems
 Apply sustainability concepts to all aspects of construction and design
Green buildings operate at a very high level of efficiency, which is made possible only by
careful consideration every step of the way. Appropriate land use, landscaping, construction
materials, siting, water use, and more all play a role in a structure's ultimate carbon footprint.
Sustainable Construction provides clear guidance for all aspects of green building, including the
most recent advances and the latest technology.
Reclamation of Mine-impacted Land for Ecosystem Recovery
Nimisha Tripathi, Raj S. Singh, Colin D. Hills
April 2016, Wiley-Blackwell, 232 pages
ISBN: 978-1-119-05790-1
Mining activities significantly impact the environment; they generate huge quantities of
spoil, promote deforestation and the loss of agricultural production, as well as releasing
contaminants that result in the loss of valuable soil resources. These negative impacts are now
being recognized and this book shows how corrective action can be taken.
The introduction of sustainable mining requires mitigation strategies that start during the
mine planning stage and extend to after mineral extraction has ceased, and post-closure activities
are being executed.
Reclamation of Mine-impacted Land for Ecosystem Recovery covers: methods of
rejuvenation of mine wasteland including different practices of physical, chemical and ecological
engineering methods; benefits of rejuvenation: stabilization of land surfaces; pollution control;
aesthetic improvement; general amenity; plant productivity; and carbon sequestration as well as
restoring biodiversity and ecosystem function; best management practices and feasible solutions
to the impacts of mining which will reduce the pollution load by reducing the discharge rate and
the pollutant concentration; reduce erosion and sedimentation problems, and result in improved
abandoned mine lands; and ecosystem development.
The authors explain how mining impacts on soil properties and how soil carbon
reserves/soil fertility can be restored when mining has ceased. Restoration involves a coordinated
approach that recognizes the importance of key soil properties to enable re-vegetation to take
place rapidly and ecosystems to be established in a low cost and sustainable way.
This book’s unique combination of the methods for reclamation technologies with
policies and best practice worldwide will provide the background and the guidance needed by
scientists, researchers and engineers engaged in land reclamation, as well as by industry
Modeling, Design, and Optimization of Net-Zero Energy Buildings
Editors: Andreas Athienitis, William O'Brien
February 2015, 396 pages
ISBN: 978-3-433-03083-7
Building energy design is currently going through a period of major changes. One key
factor of this is the adoption of net-zero energy as a long term goal for new buildings in most
developed countries. To achieve this goal a lot of research is needed to accumulate knowledge
and to utilize it in practical applications. In this book, accomplished international experts present
advanced modeling techniques as well as in-depth case studies in order to aid designers in
optimally using simulation tools for net-zero energy building design. The strategies and
technologies discussed in this book are, however, also applicable for the design of energy-plus
buildings. This book was facilitated by International Energy Agency’s Solar Heating and Cooling
(SHC) Programme and the Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC) Programme through the
joint SHC Task 40/EBC Annex 52: Towards Net Zero Energy Solar Buildings R&D
After presenting the fundamental concepts, design strategies, and technologies required to
achieve net-zero energy in buildings, the book discusses different design processes and tools to
support the design of net-zero energy buildings (NZEBs). A substantial chapter reports on four
diverse NZEBs that have been operating for at least two years. These case studies are extremely
high quality because they all have high resolution measured data and the authors were intimately
involved in all of them from conception to operating. By comparing the projections made using
the respective design tools with the actual performance data, successful (and unsuccessful) design
techniques and processes, design and simulation tools, and technologies are identified.
Written by both academics and practitioners (building designers) and by North Americans
as well as Europeans, this book provides a very broad perspective. It includes a detailed
description of design processes and a list of appropriate tools for each design phase, plus methods
for parametric analysis and mathematical optimization. It is a guideline for building designers
that draws from both the profound theoretical background and the vast practical experience of the
Hyperbolic Structures: Shukhov's Lattice Towers - Forerunners of
Modern Lightweight Construction
Matthias Beckh
February 2015, 152 pages
ISBN: 978-1-118-93268-1
Hyperbolic structures analyses the interactions of form with the structural behaviour of
hyperbolic lattice towers, and the effects of the various influencing factors were determined with
the help of parametric studies and load capacity analyses. This evaluation of Shukhov’s historical
calculations and the reconstruction of the design and development process of his water towers
shows why the Russian engineer is considered not only a pathfinder for lightweight structures but
also a pioneer of parametrised design processes.
Soil Strength and Slope Stability, 2nd Edition
J. Michael Duncan, Stephen G. Wright, Thomas L. Brandon
October 2014, 336 pages
ISBN: 978-1-118-65165-0
The definitive guide to the critical issue of slope stability and safety.
Soil Strength and Slope Stability, Second Edition presents the latest thinking and
techniques in the assessment of natural and man-made slopes, and the factors that cause them to
survive or crumble. Using clear, concise language and practical examples, the book explains the
practical aspects of geotechnical engineering as applied to slopes and embankments. The new
second edition includes a thorough discussion on the use of analysis software, providing the
background to understand what the software is doing, along with several methods of manual
analysis that allow readers to verify software results. The book also includes a new case study
about Hurricane Katrina failures at 17th Street and London Avenue Canal, plus additional case
studies that frame the principles and techniques described.
Slope stability is a critical element of geotechnical engineering, involved in virtually
every civil engineering project, especially highway development. Soil Strength and Slope
Stability fills the gap in industry literature by providing practical information on the subject
without including extraneous theory that may distract from the application. This balanced
approach provides clear guidance for professionals in the field, while remaining comprehensive
enough for use as a graduate-level text. Topics include:
 Mechanics of soil and limit equilibrium procedures
 Analyzing slope stability, rapid drawdown, and partial consolidation
 Safety, reliability, and stability analyses
 Reinforced slopes, stabilization, and repair
The book also describes examples and causes of slope failure and stability conditions for
analysis, and includes an appendix of slope stability charts. Given how vital slope stability is to
public safety, a comprehensive resource for analysis and practical action is a valuable tool. Soil
Strength and Slope Stability is the definitive guide to the subject, proving useful both in the
classroom and in the field.
E,, C
E,, S
9th International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL and GEOLOGICAL
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
15th International Conference on INSTRUMENTATION, MEASUREMENT,
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
3rd International Conference on ACOUSTICS, SPEECH and AUDIO
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
14th International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS &
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
14th International Conference on HEAT TRANSFER, THERMAL
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
7th International Conference on THEORETICAL and APPLIED
7-9 May, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia
Din 2016: SUSI 2016: 14th International Conference on Structures Under
Shock and Impact
24 - 26 May 2016, Crete, Greece
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
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Risk Analysis 2016: 10th International Conference on Risk Analysis
25 - 27 May 2016, Crete, Greece
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Complex Systems 2016: The New Forest Conference on Complex Systems
1 - 3 June 2016, New Forest, UK
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Waste Management 2016: 8th International Conference on Waste
Management and the Environment
7 - 9 June 2016, Valéncia, Spain
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Environmental Impact 2016: 3rd International Conference on Environmental
and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development
8 - 10 June 2016, Valéncia, Spain
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Air Pollution 2016: The 24th International Conference on Modelling,
Monitoring and Management of Air Pollution
20 - 22 June 2016, Crete, Greece
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Urban Transport 2016: 22nd International Conference on Urban Transport
and the Environment
21 - 23 June 2016, Crete, Greece
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
11th International Conference on REMOTE SENSING (REMOTE '16)
24-26 June, 2016, Ischia, Italy
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4th International Conference on INTEGRATED SYSTEMS and
24-26 June, 2016, Ischia, Italy
4th International Conference on APPLIED, NUMERICAL and
24-26 June, 2016, Ischia, Italy
Water Pollution 2016: 13th International Conference on Modelling,
Monitoring and Management of Water Pollution
27 June - 29 June 2016, San Servolo, Venice, Italy
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Urban Water 2016: 3rd International Conference on Design, Construction,
Maintenance, Monitoring and Control of Urban Water Systems
27 - 29 June 2016, San Servolo, Venice, Italy
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
FRIAR 2016: 5th International Conference on Flood Risk Management and
29 June - 01 July 2016, San Servolo, Venice, Italy
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Sustainable City 2016: 11th International Conference on Urban Regeneration
and Sustainability
12 - 14 July 2016, Alicante, Spain
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Eco-Architecture 2016: 6th International Conference on Harmonisation
between Architecture and Nature
13 - 15 July 2016, Alicante, Spain
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
- 60 -
COMPRAIL 2016: 15th International Conference on Railway Engineering
Design and Operation
19 - 21 July 2016, Madrid, Spain
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
8th International Conference on NATURAL HAZARDS (NAHA '16)
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
9th International Conference on WASTE MANAGEMENT, WATER
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
5th International Conference on APPLIED and COMPUTATIONAL
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
15th International Conference on APPLICATIONS of COMPUTER
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
10th International Conference on ENERGY and DEVELOPMENT,
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
6th International Conference on GEOGRAPHY and GEOLOGY (GEO '16)
19-21 August, 2016, Mallorca, Spain
AFM 2016: 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics
5 - 7 September 2016, Ancona, Italy
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Energy Quest 2016: 2nd International Conference on Energy Production and
Management in the 21st Century
6 - 8 September 2016, Ancona, Italy
- 61 -
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Heat Transfer 2016: 14th International Conference on Simulation and
Experiments in Heat Transfer and its Applications
7 - 9 September 2016, Ancona, Italy
Contact: Priscilla Cook, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton,
SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Design & Nature 2016: 8th International Conference on Comparing Design in
Nature with Science and Engineering
13 - 15 September 2016, New Forest, UK
Contact: Irene Moreno Millan, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
HPSM/OPTI 2016: The 2016 International Conference on High Performance
and Optimum Design of Structures and Materials
19 - 21 September 2016, Siena, Italy
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
BEM/MRM 39: 39th International Conference on Boundary Elements and
other Mesh Reduction Methods
20 - 22 September 2016, Siena, Italy
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
MARAS 2016: 5th International Conference on Mobile, Adaptable and
Rapidly Assembled Structures
21 - 23 September 2016, Siena, Italy
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
Sustainable Development and Planning 2016: 8th International Conference on
Sustainable Development and Planning
6 - 8 December 2016, Penang, Malaysia
Contact: Stephanie Everest, Wessex Institute of Technology, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst,
Southampton, SO40 7AA, Tel: 44 (0) 238 0293223, Fax: 44 (0) 238 0292853
- 62 -
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DIGILIB – Biblioteca digitală
Biblioteca U.T.C.B. dispune de un modul care oferă cititorilor acces la colecţiile on-line
ale bibliotecii şi la informaţiile de circulaţie asociate acestora (la un nivel corespunzător
utilizatorilor neiniţiaţi). Simplu de utilizat şi ultrarapid, modulul este catalogul electronic global
al bibliotecii.
Modulul este destinat cititorilor, fiind extrem de simplu de utilizat; permite consultarea
cataloagelor de titluri, autori, sistematico-alfabetic; permite regăsirea informaţiilor după cuvinte
cheie, editură, nume autor, dată publicare etc; permite efectuarea de căutări combinate. Modulul
utilizat se numeşte DIGILIB, iar adresa la care poate fi accesat este:
Motorul de căutare DIGILIB este în limba română, pentru o mai bună utilizare.
Fig. 1. Tipuri de criterii în vederea căutării unei publicaţii
Căutarea unei cărţi/articol se poate face folosind şi diacriticele (Ş, Ţ, ă, î) prin activarea
opţiunii „Utilizare caractere diacritice“. Acestea nu se scriu din tastatură, ci se selectează din
lista oferită de motorul de căutare DIGILIB.
În cazul în care nu se cunoaşte numele întreg al autorului, se tastează la criteriul
Autor/Editor prima literă (sau silabă) din numele autorului şi se dă click pe butonul Listă. În
acest moment programul va deschide din baza de date lista cu autorii al căror nume începe cu
litera aleasă (în cazul de faţă Ş). Exemplul este prezentat în fig.2.
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Fig. 2. Căutare după o literă în criteriul autor, utilizându-se diacritice
Din lista cu nume afişată se alege autorul cu click pe numele acestuia, iar apoi, cu ajutorul
butonului „Caută“, se continuă căutarea cărţii sau articolului dorit. Se face click pe titlul cărţii
dorite pentru a deschide fereastra cu Detaliile de înregistrare. Pentru a se vedea localizarea
publicaţiei şi dacă e disponibilă pentru împrumut, se face din nou click pe detalii exemplare.
Astfel se poate afla depozitul unde este acea carte (ex: H (Hidrotehnică), Ut (Utilaj) etc.).
Exemplificarea acestor acţiuni este prezentată în fig.3. şi fig.4.
Fig. 3. Detaliile de înregistrare ale publicaţiei
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Fig. 4. Localizarea unei publicaţii
Acest modul permite şi generarea listei de publicaţii ce pot fi citite integral on-line. Pentru
a obţine această listă se face căutare simultan după cuvintele cheie: fulltext şi doctorat (pentru
tezele de doctorat) sau fulltext şi curs (pentru cursuri) (fig.5.) Se selectează cartea dorită cu click.
În fereastra deschisă, cu detaliile de înregistrare, se face click pe câmpul Imagine (în acest
exemplu BurchiuE) şi se deschide varianta pdf a cărţii (tezei de doctorat în acest caz).
Fig. 5. Exemplu de căutare după cuvânt cheie fulltext
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Căutarea poate fi făcută şi după mai multe criterii în acelaşi timp. De reţinut: cuvânt cheie
poate fi orice cuvânt din titlul cărţii căutate. Mai multe informaţii pentru o căutare optimă se pot
găsi în partea de Ajutor a programului, a cărei prezentare se face în fig.6.
Fig. 6. Prezentarea secţiunii de Ajutor a programului DIGILIB
Biblioteca U.T.C.B. a organizat şi o sală de patrimoniu care cuprinde cărţi tipărite în
perioada 1865–1940. Sala se află în Blocul administrativ, la etajul 2, camera 72. Pentru a putea
vedea lista cărţilor, se face o căutare cu ajutorul programului DIGILIB după criteriul subiect:
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Elaborat : Luminiţa-Magdalena Sburlea
Tehnoredactare: Luminiţa-Magdalena Sburlea
Data: Martie 2016