16 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL THE LIST October 22, 2012 Largest Private Companies Next week The Largest Talent Agencies and Environmental Firms in L.A. County Ranked by 2011 revenue the trends Growth Rate Year-over-year revenue change for the largest private companies in L.A. County. Categories Listed Total Sales The largest private companies by industry group. Revenue at Los Angeles County’s 100 largest private companies. Categories Listed Total$100 Sales Manufacturing The largest private companies by industry group. Food Distribution 39% 0-10% 30% (in billions) Revenue at Los Angeles County’s 100 largest private companies. Manufacturing Construction $100 80 FoodFinance Distribution 80 60 Construction Technology 11-25% Finance (in billions) 60 40 Automotive Technology 18% Negative Food/Retail 40 20 Automotive Logistics 13% Food/Retail 26%+ 20 Real Estate Logistics Apparel/Retail Real Estate 0 Apparel/Retail 5 0 Rank 10 5 10 15 20 15 20 0 25 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008Source: 2009 Business 2010 2011 Journal research 25 Source: Business Journal research Company Revenue1 Profile the pacesetter ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title T ¥ website ¥ year founded ¥ phone he largest private company headquartered in Los Angeles County is Platinum Equity with $12 billion in revenue last year. The Beverly Hills-based private-equity firm focuses on mergers, acquisitions and operations of its portfolio companies. Recent acquisitions include Caterpillar Logistics Services LLC, a third-party logistics company. The Downers Grove, Ill., firm was acquired Gores in August in a deal valued at $750 million. Caterpillar Inc. retained a 35 percent equity stake in the company as part of the deal. In March, Platinum Equity completed the transaction for diagnostic imaging solutions firm DMS Health Technologies from Otter Tail Corp. Terms of that deal were not disclosed. Platinum Equity was founded in 1995 and has made more than 115 acquisitions since inception. It operates companies in a wide range of industries such as technology, automotive, manufacturing, logistics and media. The firm is owned by Tom Gores. – David Nusbaum 1 2 3 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GROCER: Structured as a co-operative, Unified Grocers is the largest retailerowned wholesale grocery distribution company in the western United Plamann States, serving about 2,500 independently owned retail grocery stores. 13 14 Description Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive ¥ name(s) ¥ name Platinum Equity $12,200 NA mergers, acquisitions and Tom Gores Tom Gores 360 N. Crescent Drive $10,400 4 operations chairman, ceo Beverly Hills 90210 1995 (310) 712-1850 Trader Joe's Co. Inc. 10,0002 NA specialty food and beverage retail Albrecht family Dan Bane 9,0002 800 S. Shamrock Ave. 280 chain chairman, ceo Monrovia 91016 1958 (626) 599-3700 7,000 investment management WND Philip de Toledo Capital Group Cos. 7,5002 (in thousands) (in millions) (in thousands) (in millions) NA 23 president 333 S. Hope St. 1931 (213) 486-9200 Los Angeles 90071 Unified Grocers Inc. 3,847.8 2,783 retailer-owned wholesale grocery Cooperative Alfred A. Plamann 5200 Sheila St. 3,921.1 17 distributor ceo Commerce 90040 1922 (323) 264-5200 Forever 21 Inc. 3,390 30,000 retailer of fashion apparel and Do Won Chang/Jin Sook Do Won Chang 3880 N. Mission Road 2,664 NA accessories Chang ceo Celling Out Tick Tock Los Angeles 90031 1984 (213) 741-5100 The number Average Celling Out of wireless subscribers in the United States continues to grow. Tickminutes Tock of use per month per wireless subscriber. to grow. minutes of use& per subscriber. United The Oil number of wireless subscribers in the United 3,234.3States continues 728 retail gas stationsAverage and Ron Jeffmonth Appel per wirelessRon Appel 800 300 17311 S. Main St. 2,852.4 1 convenience stores president (in millions) Gardena 90248 1955 (310) 323-3992 800 300 260 720 (in millions) Newegg Inc. 2,700 2,600 online-only retailer640 of720 computer WND Fred Chang 260 220 16839 E. Gale Ave. 2,500 29 components and consumer chairman, ceo City of Industry 91745 2001 electronics (626) 271-1420 560640 220 180 480560 Parsons 180 140 2,676 11,500 engineering, procurement, ESOP Charles L. Harrington 100 W. Walnut St. 2,760 88 program/construction chairman, ceo 400 Pasadena 91124 management (626) 440-2000 480 140 100 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1944 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2010 2011 Source: Federal Communications Commission Roll Global100 LLC 2,600 5,500 diverse business interests Stewart & Lynda Resnick Lynda & Stewart Resnick 400 11444 West Olympic Floor 2,400 NA including 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 vice 2008chairwoman/chairman 2009 2010 2011 2002 Blvd., 200310th 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 agriculture, food, Los Angeles 90064 1959 beverage, consumer packaged (310) 966-5700 Commission Source: Federal Communications goods World Oil Corp. 2,505 NA petroleum refining, real estate, Roth family Robert Roth 9302 S. Garfield Ave. 2,355 17 retail petroleum sales, president South Gate 90280 1940 environmental, transportation (562) 928-0100 N/A America Chung Nam 2,406 350 waste paper and plastics Yan Cheung Peter Wang 1163 Fairway Drive 1,812 5 exporter ceo City of Industry 91789 1990 (909) 839-8383 Guitar Center Inc. 2,081.6 9,540 music equipment retailer Bain Capital Greg Trojan 5795 Lindero Canyon Road NA 221 ceo, president Westlake Village 91362 1959 (818) 735-8800 Red Chamber Group 1,602 1,000 seafood supplier Kou family Ming Bin Kou 1912 E. Vernon Ave. 1,678 15 president Vernon 90058 1973 (323) 234-9000 Panda Restaurant Group 1,570.8 21,532 owner and operator of restaurant Andrew and Peggy Cherng Peggy Cherng 1683 Walnut Grove Ave. 1,404.5 1,526 chain, which includes Panda Andrew Cherng Rosemead 91770 1973 Express, Panda Inn & Hibachi co-chairwoman/co-chairman San (626) 799-9898 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 1 2 knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum Please see page 18 Source: Fed 18 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL Continued from page 16 Rank The List Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website GROWTH: OpenGate Capital re-ported increased revenue of $1 billion from 2009 to 2011. The privateequity firm acquires and operates noncore assets Nikou from major companies. It has completed more than 20 transactions since it was founded in 2005. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 October 22, 2012 OpenGate Capital 10250 Constellation Blvd., 17th Floor Los Angeles 90067 Guthy-Renker LLC 3340 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica 90405 Altour 12100 W. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles 90064 ViewSonic Corp. 381 Brea Canyon Road Walnut 91789 J.F. Shea Co. Inc. 655 Brea Canyon Road Walnut 91789 Topa Equities Ltd. 1800 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1400 Los Angeles 90067 Superior Grocers 15510 Carmenita Road Santa Fe Springs 90670 Keyes Automotive Group 5855 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys 91401 Sunkist Growers Inc. 14130 Riverside Drive Sherman Oaks 91423 Belkin International Inc. 12045 Waterfront Drive Playa Vista 90094 Act 1 Group Inc. 1999 W. 190th St. Torrance 90504 John Paul Mitchell Systems 9701 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1205 Beverly Hills 90212 BCBG Max Azria Group 2761 Fruitland Ave. Vernon 90058 ValleyCrest Landscape Cos. 24151 Ventura Blvd. Calabasas 91302 Easton-Bell Sports Inc. 7855 Haskell Ave., Suite 200 Van Nuys 91406 Bailes & Associates 12121 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 322 Los Angeles 90025 Rusnak Auto Group 325 W. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena 91105 Galpin Motors Inc. 15505 Roscoe Blvd. North Hills 91343 AppleOne Employment Services 327 W. Broadway Glendale 91204 Lawrence Wholesale LLC 4353 Exchange Ave. Vernon 90058 Bernards 555 First St. San Fernando 91340 TelePacific Communications 515 S. Flower St., 47th Floor Los Angeles 90071 1 2 3 In millions. Business Journal estimate. Information has been obtained from Ward's Auto. Description Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive ¥ name(s) ¥ name $1,560 $950 5,050 acquisition and operation of 3 global businesses 2005 Andrew Nikou Andrew Nikou ceo, managing partner (310) 432-7000 1,5002 NA NA direct marketing NA 1988 WND 1,300 1,200 1,100 travel agency for corporate, 57 entertainment, sports, leisure 1991 and group clients Alexandre Chemla Bill Guthy Greg Renker founding principals (310) 581-6250 Alexandre Chemla president (310) 571-6000 1,2002 NA NA visual display products 26 1987 James Chu James Chu chairman, ceo (800) 888-8583 1,1002 1,1002 NA general contractor, homebuilder, 25 heavy construction, property 1958 development and management Shea families John F. Shea chairman (909) 594-9500 1,100 1,074.7 1,1002 9502 1,0973 982.63 2,185 beverage distribution, automobile Marion Anderson 1 dealerships, insurance, real 1962 estate, and manufacturing NA grocery stores NA 1995 NA automotive dealerships NA NA John E. Anderson Jr. vice chairman, executive vice president (310) 203-9199 Mimi Song president (562) 345-9000 WND WND Howard Keyes president (818) 782-0122 1,019 1,012.7 NA cooperative marketer of fresh NA and processed fruits 1893 Cooperative Russell L. Hanlin ceo, president (818) 986-4800 1,0002 NA NA manufacturer of networking 15 devices, home theater 1983 accessories, power protection and mobility devices 1,572 workforce management and 187 human capital technology 1978 provider WND Chet Pipkin ceo, president (310) 751-5100 Janice Bryant Howroyd; Howroyd Family Trust Janice Bryant Howroyd chairwoman, ceo (310) 750-3400 WND John Paul DeJoria chairman, ceo (310) 248-3888 960 960 900 NA NA professional salon hair care NA products manufacturer 1980 8512 954 NA global fashion branding and retail Max Azria 682 1989 850 835 834.9 772.8 10,000 integrated landscape services: 150 development, maintenance, 1949 design, tree care, golf course maintenance NA sports equipment manufacturer NA 1922 Max Azria chairman, ceo (323) 589-2224 WND Richard A. Sperber/Roger Zino chairman/ceo (818) 223-8500 WND Paul Harrington ceo, president (818) 902-5800 686.5 790.8 19 real estate consulting and 2 brokerage from the tenant rep 1981 side Leonard Bailes Leonard B. Bailes president (310) 445-4300 678.93 604.8 NA auto dealerships NA 1966 WND Paul Rusnak ceo, president (888) 218-9033 658.9 557.7 1,151 automotive dealerships 6 1946 Herbert F. Boeckmann II Herbert F. Boeckmann II owner, president (818) 787-3800 6482 NA NA temporary and full-time NA employment services 1964 Bernard Howroyd Bernard Howroyd ceo (818) 240-8688 550 NA NA food wholesaler NA 2000 WND Mark Liszt ceo (323) 235-7535 517.7 467 251 general construction and 5 construction management 1974 services Douglas Bernards/Gregory Bernards Douglas D. Bernards president (818) 898-1521 503.1 462.7 1,500 IP, voice, data and Internet Investcorp & Clarity 39 services, business continuity and Partners 1998 network security Dick Jalkut ceo, president (213) 213-3000 NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Researched by David Nusbaum Please see page 20 20 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL Continued from page 18 Rank The List Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 BRIGHTON: The company was started by high school sweethearts – when they were still in high school in 1969. Each day when class ended, they opened their store selling T-shirts and leather goods to classmates. Kohl After graduating in 1969, they operated their store full time. The company has grown into a manufacturing and retail operation with more than 160 stores. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 October 22, 2012 US Airconditioning Distributors 16900 Chestnut St. City of Industry 91748 Acco Engineered Systems 6265 San Fernando Road Glendale 91201 Shammas Auto Group 3330 S. Figueroa St. Los Angeles 90007 Ready Pac Produce Inc. 4401 Foxdale Ave. Irwindale 91706 Hitchcock Automotive Resources 1303 John Reed Court City of Industry 91745 N/A Shapco Inc. 1666 20th St. Santa Monica 90404 N/A Goldline International Inc. 1601 Cloverfield Blvd., 100 S. Tower Santa Monica 90404 Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co. 17295 E. Railroad St. City of Industry 91748 Rehrig Pacific Co. 4010 E. 26th St. Los Angeles 90058 Superior Communications Inc. 5027 Irwindale Ave., Suite 900 Irwindale 91706 C.W. Driver Builders 468 N. Rosemead Blvd. Pasadena 91107 Markwins International Corp. 22067 Ferrero Parkway City of Industry 91789 Bergelectric Corp. 5650 W. Centinela Ave. Los Angeles 90045 Westlake Financial Services 4751 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 110 Los Angeles 90010 C.R. Laurence Co. Inc. 2503 E. Vernon Ave. Los Angeles 90058 Brighton Collectibles Inc. 14022 Nelson Ave. City of Industry 91746 PMC Global Inc. 12243 Branford St. Sun Valley 91352 TravelStore Inc. 11601 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 90025 K.V. Mart Co. 1245 E. Watson Center Road Carson 90745 Pelican Products 23215 Early Ave. Torrance 90505 JM Eagle 5200 W. Century Blvd. Los Angeles 90045 $5002 $5002 Description 2 ¥ name(s) ¥ name NA air conditioning distributor 43 1990 WND John Staples ceo, president (800) 937-7222 2,400 mechanical contractor 22 1934 ESOP John Aversano ceo, president (800) 998-2226 440 378.3 657 seven automobile dealerships 2 1955 Jeanette Shammas Jeanette Shammas owner (213) 748-6141 4402 NA NA provider of fresh-cut produce NA 1969 WND Michael Solomon ceo, president (626) 856-8686 427.8 419.9 509 retail automobile sales and 5 service 1980 Frederick E. Hitchcock Frederick E. Hitchcock chairman, ceo (626) 839-8401 417.6 303.8 NA pipe manufacturer and Shapiro family 53 distributor, water well equipment 1962 manufacturer, developer 415.5 755 229 precious metals and rare coins 1 1960 WND 4132 NA NA manufacturer and distributor of 10 semi-truck trailers 1914 Bennett family Paul F. Bennett ceo (626) 965-1541 412 412 NA manufacturer of plastic pallets, 10 refuse and recycling containers, 1913 reusable plastic crates WND William J. Rehrig ceo, president (323) 262-5145 409 346 246 manufacturer and distributor of 5 wireless phone accessories 1991 Solomon Chen Solomon Chen ceo, chairman (626) 856-6020 NA general contractor 5 1919 WND Dana Roberts ceo, president (626) 351-8800 NA cosmetic developer and 2 manufacturer 1984 Eric Chen Eric Chen ceo (909) 595-8898 394 403.5 1,785 electrical contractor 11 1946 Thomas Anderson and William M. Wingerning William M. Wingerning executive vice president (310) 337-1377 387.7 266.8 1,147 private finance company 2 specializing in the acquisition 1978 and servicing of prime to subprime loans 1,500 manufacturer and distributor of 43 glazing and architectural 1963 products and services Don Hankey Trust Don R. Hankey/Ian Anderson chairman/president (888) 389-3532 WND Donald Friese ceo (323) 588-1281 2,576 manufacturer and retailer 2 1972 Jerry & Terri Kohl Jerry Kohl ceo, president (626) 961-9381 NA manufacturer of chemicals, NA pharmaceuticals, equipment and 1971 plastics WND Phillip E. Kamins ceo, president (818) 896-1101 NA travel management 8 1975 ESOP Wido L. Schaefer chairman, ceo (310) 575-5540 1,850 grocery stores 25 1977 Darioush Khaledi Darioush Khaledi chairman, ceo (310) 816-0200 NA designer and manufacturer of 22 cases and advanced portable 1976 lighting systems Behrman Capital Lyndon J. Faulkner ceo, president (310) 326-4700 1,000 plastic pipe manufacturer NA 2007 WND Walter Wang ceo, president (800) 621-4404 451 463 402 415.6 4002 NA 375 310 363.6 346.1 3622 NA 351.8 318.8 350 350 342.4 327.3 3282 NA In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 1 Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive Bernard J. Shapiro Leonard Shapiro chairman/president (310) 264-1666 Mark Albarian executive chairman (310) 587-1420 knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum October 22, 2012 Rank The List Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 66 65 66 Allen Lund Co. Inc. 4529 Angeles Crest Highway, Suite 300 La Ca–ada 91011 Morrow-Meadows Corp. 231 Benton Court City of Industry 91789 Beachbody LLC 3301 Exposition Blvd., Third Floor Santa Monica 90404 Sunrider International 1625 Abalone Ave. Torrance 90501 Wolfgang Puck Cos. 100 N. Crescent Drive, Suite 100 Beverly Hills 90210 Marvin Engineering Co. Inc. 261 W. Beach Ave. Inglewood 90302 Dunn-Edwards Corp. 4885 E. 52nd Place Los Angeles 90058 Environ 707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 4950 Los Angeles 90017 TwinMed LLC 11333 Greenstone Ave. Santa Fe Springs 90670 Description LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 21 ¥ name(s) 319 transportation brokerage and 30 logistics 1976 WND D. Allen Lund ceo, president (818) 790-8412 312.1 277.5 1,452 electrical/data communications 9 contractors and engineers 1964 Karen V. Price Karen V. Price president (909) 598-7700 3002 425 NA in-home fitness and weight loss 5 products 1998 Carl Daikeler Carl Daikeler/Jonathan Congdon ceo/president (310) 883-9000 300 NA NA herbal products 300 1982 WND Tei-Fu Chen chairman (310) 781-8096 3002 NA NA restaurants, catering, licensing NA 1982 WND Wolfgang Puck ceo, president (310) 432-1500 287 285 NA aerospace and defense 4 1963 M. Gussman/G. Friedman Gerald Friedman chairman, ceo (310) 674-5030 2812 NA NA paint manufacturer 108 1925 ESOP Karl E. Altergott ceo, president (323) 771-3330 280.6 235.3 1,300 environmental, sustainability and employee-owned 88 health sciences consulting 1982 services Stephen T. Washburn ceo (213) 943-6300 278.6 216 451 medical supply distribution to 12 nursing homes and alternate site 1998 markets Steve Rechnitz ceo (323) 582-9900 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 2 Talk About US LA Business journal 10x6.5_Layout 1 8/9/12 8:44 AM Page 3 WND knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum The power of community involvement. The power of “At Inner-City Arts we firmly believe in the saying ‘It takes a village.’ U.S. Bank’s support affords our organization the resources to provide arts education to empower students, teachers and families and create a better Los Angeles.” Joseph Collins CEO, Inner-City Arts U.S. Bank is proud to partner with Inner-City Arts, helping young people, their teachers and their families to dream and achieve through the arts. Community involvement is at the core of our brand promise – All of us serving you. Because, we know it takes more than just financial investment to make our hometown thrive. It takes everyone doing whatever they can do, no matter how small, to help make a difference in people’s lives. All across our city, U.S. Bankers are offered up to eight hours of paid time-off to volunteer with nonprofit organizations. With nearly 22,000 volunteer hours, we are putting the power of US to work for Los Angeles. Like to help? Visit today! Deposit products offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Member FDIC. ©2012 U.S. Bank. All rights reserved. .com/usbank ¥ name $313.7 $322.6 1 branch Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive HEALTH CARE: TwinMed LLC is a health care distribution company that caps daily spending by health care facilities. The model was created in response to Medicare enacting its prospective payment system, which caps the dollar amount that a facility can bill Medicare. Company founder Steve Rechnitz has been a guest lecturer at Stanford Business School, where the patient-per-day model has become a case study. Please see page 22 22 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL Continued from page 21 Rank The List Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website FAMILY: Ben Myerson Candy Co. is a third-generation family business originally started as a candy manufacturer. The candy business was sold in 2006 to Jelly Belly Candy Co, but other subsidiaries remained. James Myerson and sister Linda Myerson-Dean bought out other family members in 2011 to become sole owners. Wine Warehouse, a wholly owned subsidiary, was started as a hobby by brothers Bob and James Myerson in 1973. 67 68 68 69 70 71 TECHNOLOGY: Nexus IS in Valencia has reported increasing revenue every year since its founding in 2008. The company Pearson expects to surpass $300 million in revenue for 2012. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 October 22, 2012 Wedbush Inc. 1000 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 90017 Ben Myerson Candy Co./dba Wine Warehouse 6550 E. Washington Blvd. Commerce 90040 Ellison Technologies 9912 S. Pioneer Blvd. Santa Fe Springs 90670 Nexus IS Inc. 27202 W. Turnberry Lane, Suite 100 Valencia 91355 Micro Technology Concepts Inc. 17837 Rowland St. City of Industry 91748 Walters Wholesale Electric Co. 2825 Temple Ave. Signal Hill 90755 Majestic Realty Co. 13191 Crossroads Parkway, Sixth Floor City of Industry 91746 Sage Automotive Group 3550 Cahuenga Blvd. West Los Angeles 90068 Wash Multifamily Laundry Systems 100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 12th Floor El Segundo 90245 Matt Construction Corp. 9814 Norwalk Blvd., Suite 100 Santa Fe Springs 90670 Browntrout Publishers Inc. 201 Continental Blvd., Suite 200 El Segundo 90245 DataDirect Networks Inc. 9351 Deering Ave. Chatsworth 91311 Lakeshore Learning Materials 2695 E. Dominguez St. Carson 90810 Pacific American Fish Co. 5525 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vernon 90058 American Golf Corp. 2951 28th St. Santa Monica 90405 Cacique Inc. 14940 Proctor Ave. City of Industry 91746 Ocean Duke Corp. 3450 Fujita St. Torrance 90505 Rockview Dairies Inc. 7011 Stewart and Gray Road Downey 90241 Morley Builders 3330 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica 90405 WorldLink 6100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1400 Los Angeles 90048 Accuride International Inc. 12311 Shoemaker Ave. Santa Fe Springs 90670 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose 1 2 $274.1 $281.6 274 247 2652 NA 256.8 205.1 Description Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive ¥ name(s) ¥ name 971 financial services, securities 104 brokerage, commercial and 1955 investment banking, investing and asset management 550 wholesale wine, beer and spirits 2 distributor 1937 WND Eric D. Wedbush ceo, president (213) 688-8080 James P. Myerson James P. Myerson chairman, ceo (323) 724-1700 NA machine tool distributor NA 1960 WND Tim Kilty ceo, president (562) 949-8311 498 systems integrator specializing in 13 collaboration, data center, 1983 borderless networks, managed services Deron Pearson, Jon Jensen, Mike Heiman, Tom Lyon, Dale Hardy, Dave Elsner, Dan Dougherty, Waheed Choudry WND Deron Pearson ceo (877) 286-3987 250 250 80 information technology 3 1989 247 255 NA wholesale electrical sales 31 1953 John Walter 2452 NA NA real estate development 6 1948 Edward P. Roski Jr. Edward P. Roski Jr. chairman, president (562) 692-9581 2402 NA NA auto dealership sale and service 5 1970 Leonard Schrage Leonard Sage president (818) 769-8100 238.5 230.4 541 laundry service provider for 12 multi-unit housing 1947 CHS Capital Adam Coffey ceo, president (800) 421-6897 233.5 175 NA general contractor 2 1991 Steve Matt 2302 NA NA calendar publisher NA 1986 WND Paul Matt/Steve Matt/Marvin Wheat chairman/ceo/president (562) 903-2277 Mike Brown ceo (800) 777-7812 550 storage infrastructure provider 15 1998 Founders Alex Bouzari ceo (818) 700-7600 2252 NA NA educational materials NA 1958 WND Bo Kaplan ceo, president (310) 537-8600 221 160 270 seafood supplier 3 1977 Peter Huh Peter Huh ceo, president (323) 319-1515 2202 NA NA golf course management NA 1968 WND Paul Major ceo, president (310) 664-4000 2002 NA NA manufacturer and distributor of NA cheese, sausage and beverage 1970 products WND Gilbert de Cardenas ceo (626) 961-3399 2002 NA NA seafood importer and wholesaler NA 1986 WND Duke Lin ceo, president (310) 326-3198 2002 NA NA dairy processor and distributor NA 1965 WND Ted DeGroot general manager (562) 927-5511 198.8 168.8 NA general contractor, concrete 4 subcontractor 1947 ESOP Mark Benjamin ceo (310) 399-1600 189.2 177.6 62 multiplatform media sales 5 including media placement, 1997 negotiation, billing, accounting and collection NA ball bearing slides manufacturer NA 1962 Toni Erickson Knight Toni Erickson Knight ceo, founder (323) 866-5900 WND Scott Jordan president (562) 903-0200 226 187.8 1872 NA Roy Han/Alan D'Jen ceo, president/ director of marketing (626) 839-6800 Bill Durkee president (562) 988-3100 Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. Researched by David Nusbaum The List October 22, 2012 Rank Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website 88 89 90 91 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Ore-Cal Corp. 634 S. Crocker St. Los Angeles 90021 Hillstone Restaurant Group 147 S. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills 90212 JC Sales 2600 S. Soto St. Los Angeles 90023 Windsor Capital Group Inc. 3000 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 3010 Santa Monica 90405 WDCW 8500 Steller Drive, Suite 5 Culver City 90232 American Fish & Seafood Co. 625 Kohler St. Los Angeles 90021 Oltmans Construction Co. 10005 Mission Mill Road Whittier 90601 Z Gallerie 1855 W. 139th St. Gardena 90249 Biotab Nutraceuticals Inc. 401 Huntington Drive Monrovia 91016 M.C. Gill Corp. 4056 Easy St. El Monte 91731 Levine Leichtman Capital Partners 335 N. Maple Drive., Suite 130 Beverly Hills 90210 Coppersmith Inc. 525 S. Douglas St. El Segundo 90245 Triton Pacific Capital Partners LLC 10877 Wilshire Blvd., 12th Floor Los Angeles 90024 Keenan & Associates 2355 Crenshaw Blvd., Suite 200 Torrance 90501 MCL Fresh Inc. 5555 E. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles 90022 Montrose Travel 2349 Honolulu Ave. Montrose 91020 Mercado Latino Inc. 245 Baldwin Park Blvd. City of Industry 91746 Swatfame Inc. 16425 Gale Ave. City of Industry 91745 Robinson Helicopter Co. Inc. 2901 Airport Drive Torrance 90505 Howard Building Corp. 707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 3750 Los Angeles 90017 Telacu Industries 5400 E. Olympic Blvd., Third Floor Los Angeles 90022 Description LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 23 2 ¥ name(s) ¥ name NA seafood provider NA 1961 WND William L. Shinbane president (213) 680-9540 NA restaurant operator NA 1976 WND George Biel ceo, president (800) 230-9787 179.8 167.1 270 general merchandise wholesaler 1 1993 James H. Shim 178.5 178.7 1,953 commercial real estate 22 acquisition/development, hotel 1983 ownership, development and management 150 advertising agency 2 1993 WND James H. Shim/ Kenny K. Suh chairman/ceo, president (323) 881-0099 Patrick M. Nesbitt Sr. chairman, ceo (310) 566-1100 Pat Doody, Tracy Wong, Ben Wiener Ben Wiener ceo (310) 280-7800 NA seafood distributor NA 1947 WND Jack King president (213) 612-0350 NA commercial and industrial 3 general contractor 1932 WND J.O. Oltmans II chairman, ceo (562) 948-4242 1602 NA NA home furnishings and 55 accessories retailer 1979 WND Michael Zeiden ceo, president (310) 630-1200 1552 NA NA nutraceutical products NA NA WND Robert Winter ceo (888) 712-6061 NA composite materials NA manufacturer 1945 WND Stephen Gill chairman (626) 443-4022 52 private investment firm 5 specializing in middle market 1985 companies Lauren B. Leichtman Lauren B. Leichtman founding principal, ceo (310) 275-5335 1502 NA NA global logistics 10 1948 Jeffrey and Bud Coppersmith Jeffrey Coppersmith president (310) 607-8000 150 142 12 equity investor in profitable 3 private companies with 2001 sustainable cash flow WND Craig J. Faggen managing partner (310) 943-4990 $1852 NA 1832 NA 177 166 1702 NA 162.1 NA 1542 NA 153.7 134.9 140.6 138.5 1362 NA NA produce distributor NA 1993 WND 158 travel agency 5 1956 Joe, Julie, Andi McClure Joe McClure president (818) 553-3200 1302 NA NA Hispanic food products NA distributor 1963 WND Graciliano Rodriguez president (626) 333-6862 130 NA NA apparel designer and NA manufacturer 1977 WND Bruce Stern chairman, ceo (626) 961-7928 1272 NA NA helicopter designer and 1 manufacturer 1973 Frank Robinson Kurt Robinson president (310) 539-0508 95 general contractor 2 1983 Gary B. Conrad/Paul E. McGunnigle/Mike Howard Gary B. Conrad president (213) 683-1850 600 community development 28 corporation, financial services, 1968 real estate development, construction WND Michael Lizarraga ceo, president (323) 721-1655 135 126.5 125.1 81.4 125 130 HOTELS: Santa Monica-based Windsor Capital Group manages operations for 21 hotels spread across 11 states. 656 insurance solutions for California John R. Keenan Family and Sean Smith 9 public agencies and health care ESOP ceo 1972 organizations (310) 212-3344 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 1 Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive David Lake ceo, president (323) 201-5800 knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum TRAVEL: Montrose Travel, a travel management company with more than 150 employees and 700 independent contractors, has a completely debt-free balance sheet. “Our financial stability will ensure that we will be here tomorrow,” said President Joe McClure. Please see page 24 24 LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL Continued from page 23 Rank The List Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website 109 ADVERTISING: RPA is the largest independent advertising agency headquartered in Los Angeles. Among its many projects, the company worked on Hagelstein Super Bowl campaigns for Acura and Honda. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 CHATSWORTH: Regency Lighting surpassed $100 million in annual revenue for the first time last year. The familyowned company provides lighting products and services and has seven warehouses across the United States. 119 120 121 122 Regenstreif, Goldstone 123 124 125 PRINTING: Lithographix expanded operations in 2004, moving into its current 265,000-square-foot building. The company added grand format, large format and retail divisions to its commercial printing operation. 126 127 128 129 October 22, 2012 Koos Manufacturing Inc. 2741 Seminole Ave. South Gate 90280 Fruit Growers Supply Co. 14130 Riverside Drive Sherman Oaks 91423 Rubin Postaer and Associates 2525 Colorado Ave. Santa Monica 90404 Andrews International 27959 Smyth Drive Valencia 91355 Anthony Inc. 12812 Arroyo St. San Fernando 91342 Haralambos Beverage Co. 2300 Pellissier Place City of Industry 90601 N/A L A Foods LLC 7301 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Suite 200 Canoga Park 91303 Tri-West Ltd. 12005 Pike St. Santa Fe Springs 90670 Lexicon Marketing Corp. 640 S. San Vincente Blvd. Los Angeles 90048 Super A Foods Inc. 7200 Dominion Circle Los Angeles 90040 Cyberpower Inc. 5175 Commerce Drive Baldwin Park 91706 Regency Lighting 9261 Jordan Ave. Chatsworth 91311 Lights of America Inc. 611 Reyes Drive Walnut 91789 Murray Co. 2919 E. Victoria St. Rancho Dominguez 90221 Jacobson Group 11835 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 500 Los Angeles 90064 F. Gavi–a & Sons Inc. 2700 Fruitland Ave. Vernon 90058 Bentley Prince Street Inc. 14641 E. Don Julian Road City of Industry 91746 Consolidated Fabricators Corp. 14620 Arminta St. Van Nuys 91402 Watt Cos. 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 2025 Santa Monica 90405 North Hollywood Toyota 4606 Lankershim Blvd. North Hollywood 91602 Lithographix Inc. 12250 Crenshaw Blvd. Hawthorne 90250 Description 2 ¥ name(s) 800 apparel manufacturing 1 1985 1232 NA NA manufacturer of citrus fruit WND NA shipping supplies, irrigation tools 1907 Nazir Khan ceo, president (818) 986-6480 670 independent advertising agency 8 1986 WND Bill Hagelstein ceo, president (310) 394-4000 1212 NA NA security services provider NA 1988 WND Randy Andrews chairman, ceo (661) 775-8400 1212 NA NA distributor of case doors, WND NA shelving and lighting systems for 1998 commercial refrigeration Jeff Clark ceo, president (818) 365-9451 1202 NA NA beverage distributor NA 1920 WND Anthony Haralambos ceo, president (562) 347-4300 NA nationwide food distribution 2 1991 Mark Davis/Max Gold Mark Davis managing partner (818) 587-3787 118 112 NA distributor of Armstrong flooring NA materials 1981 WND Dan Proctor president (562) 692-9166 1152 NA NA bilingual educational materials NA 1974 WND Valeria Rico ceo, president (800) 650-4444 1152 NA NA supermarket chain NA 1971 WND Jim Amen president (323) 869-0600 113.6 101.4 126 computer and parts seller 1 1998 Stanley Ho, Eric Cheung Eric Cheung ceo (626) 813-7730 112.4 90.9 288 national lighting distributor 7 offering lighting products and 1983 services Ron Regenstreif/Michael Goldstone NA light bulb manufacturer NA 1978 WND Ron Regenstreif/Mike Goldstone ceo/coo (800) 284-2024 Usman Vakil ceo (800) 321-8100 109.4 136.2 650 mechanical and site utility 3 contractor 1913 ESOP Kevan Steffey ceo (310) 637-1500 109.2 104.3 NA entertainment payroll and 1 accounting 1990 Marcia Jacobson Marcia Jacobson president (310) 444-5255 109.1 95 NA coffee distributor 2 1967 Pedro, Jose, Francisco, Leonor Gavi–a Pedro L. Gavi–a president (323) 582-0671 109 105 333 designer and manufacturer of 6 carpets 1979 BPS Holdings Anthony P. Minite ceo, president (800) 423-4709 1092 NA NA container manufacturer NA 1974 WND Michael Melideo ceo (818) 901-1005 108 93 80 real estate 2 1947 Watt family 205 auto dealerships 1 1967 Don Hankey Trust 275 printing 1 1980 Herb Zebrack Nadine Watt Howard Press presidents (310) 314-2430 Don R. Hankey/Chris Ashworth dealer principal/v.p., general manager (818) 508-2900 Herbert Zebrack president (323) 770-1000 122.4 111.3 119.2 85 1122 NA 106.9 108.5 105 105 U Yul Ku ¥ name $123 $108 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 1 Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive U Yul Ku president (323) 564-2100 knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum The List October 22, 2012 Rank Company Revenue1 Profile ¥ name ¥ 2011 ¥ employees ¥ address ¥ 2010 ¥ offices ¥ title ¥ year founded ¥ phone ¥ website 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 Maas-Hansen Steel Corp. 2435 E. 37th St. Los Angeles 90058 Jules and Associates Inc. 515 S. Figueroa St., Suite 1950 Los Angeles 90071 Weber Distribution 13530 Rosecrans Ave. Santa Fe Springs 90670 G&C Equipment Corp. 1875 W. Redondo Beach Blvd., Suite 102 Gardena 90247 Acorn Engineering 15125 E. Proctor Ave. City of Industry 91744 Umina Bros Inc. 1601 E. Olympic Blvd., Suite 405 Los Angeles 90021 Psomas 555 S. Flower St., Suite 4400 Los Angeles 90071 Security Industry Specialists Inc. 6071 Bristol Parkway Culver City 90230 Evolve Media Corp. 5140 Goldleaf Circle., Third Floor Los Angeles 90056 Main Electric Supply Co. 6700 S. Main St. Los Angeles 90003 APR Consulting Inc. 22632 Golden Springs Drive, Suite 380 Diamond Bar 91765 Coast Produce Co. 1791 Bay St. Los Angeles 90021 Imperial Toy LLC 16641 Roscoe Place North Hills 91343 Oak Paper Products Co. Inc. 3686 E. Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles 90023 Fatburger 9606 Santa Monica Blvd. Beverly Hills 90210 BankCard Services 3055 Wilshire Blvd., Third Floor Los Angeles 90010 Beauchamp Distributing Co. 1911 S. Santa Fe Ave. Compton 90221 N/A LD Products Inc. 3700 Cover St. Long Beach 90808 TrueCar Inc. 225 Santa Monica Blvd., 12th Floor Santa Monica 90401 Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP 11444 W. Olympic Blvd., 11th Floor Los Angeles 90064 Emergent Medical Associates 111 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 210 Manhattan Beach 90266 Description LOS ANGELES BUSINESS JOURNAL 25 2 ¥ name(s) ¥ name $1052 NA NA steel products manufacturer NA 1929 WND Mark Tinyo president (323) 583-6321 101.9 95.6 43 equipment lease financing 1 1989 Jules Buenabenta Jules Buenabenta ceo, president (213) 362-5600 100 100 NA asset-based provider of logistics 20 services, warehousing and 1924 transportation WND Harry Drajpuch ceo, president (562) 356-6327 100 80 30 sale and lease of construction 3 equipment, materials and 1981 supplies Gene Hale Gene Hale ceo (310) 515-6715 1002 NA NA manufacturer of stainless steel NA plumbing fixtures 1954 WND Donald Morris ceo (626) 336-4561 100 NA NA fruit and vegetable distributor 2 1914 WND Richard Flamminio president (213) 622-9206 952 NA NA consulting engineering firm 10 specializing in water, 1946 transportation and land ESOP Tim Psomas chairman (213) 223-1400 90 69 2,146 provider of contract security 4 services 1999 Thomas P. Seltz/John C. Spesak 89.1 74.4 86 NA NA online advertising and marketing 8 2001 John Spesak/Thomas Seltz ceo, co-president/ cfo, co-president (310) 215-5100 Aaron Broder, Brian Aaron Broder Fitzgerald, Great Hill Equity ceo Partners (310) 449-1890 NA electrical contractor NA 1946 WND Paul Vowels chairman (323) 753-5131 NA talent acquisition, recruitment 6 and contingent workforce 1980 solutions Erlinda Stone Erlinda R. Stone ceo (714) 544-3696 85 NA NA supply chain management NA 1962 WND John Dunn ceo (213) 955-4900 852 NA NA toy manufacturer NA 1969 WND Art Hirsch president (818) 536-6500 852 NA NA manufacturer and distributor of 5 corrugated boxes and packaging 1946 supplies; sanitary and janitorial supply distribution 65 fast casual restaurant 140 1952 WND David Weissberg ceo (323) 268-0507 WND Andy Wiederhorn ceo (310) 319-1850 216 merchant credit card processing 10 1987 WND Patrick Hong ceo, president (213) 365-1122 77.3 78.4 168 beverage distributor 1 1971 WND Patrick Beauchamp president (310) 639-5320 77.1 66.1 160 online retailer of printer 1 cartridges 2000 Aaron Leon Aaron Leon ceo (888) 321-2552 76.3 38.1 300 auto pricing information and 4 analysis 2005 USAA, Capricorn Investment Group, and GRP Partners Scott Painter ceo (800) 200-2000 74.6 68 312 tax, accounting, audit and 7 consulting services for 1991 businesses and individuals 31 partners Philip J. Holthouse managing partner (310) 566-1900 74.5 67.9 359 emergency room physician 22 group 1991 Irv Edwards and Mark Bell James B. Edwards ceo (310) 379-2134 85.2 75.8 82 72.6 81 79 In millions. Business Journal estimate. NA - Not Available N/A - Not Applicable WND - Would Not Disclose Note: Due to the right of privately held companies to withhold information, the Business Journal makes no pretense of this being a complete list of all privately held companies in Los Angeles County. Unless otherwise noted, the information on this list was provided by the companies themselves. Companies are ranked by 2011 revenue. To the best of our 1 Controlling Stakeholder(s) Top Local Executive knowledge, this information is accurate as of press time. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the list, omissions and typographical errors sometimes occur. Please send corrections or additions on company letterhead to the Research Department, Los Angeles Business Journal, 5700 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 170, Los Angeles 90036. ©2012 Los Angeles Business Journal. This list may not be reprinted in whole or in part without prior written permission from the editor. Reprints are available from the YGS Group, (800) 290-5460 ext. 100. Researched by David Nusbaum
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