Duhallow Pages


Duhallow Pages
I.R.D. Duhallow
James O’Keeffe Institute,
Newmarket, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel: 00-353-29-60633
Fax: 00-353-29-60694
I.R.D. Duhallow
P ro g re s s Re p o r t
T h e
S p i r i t
O f
R u r a l
I r e l a n d
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C o m m u n i t i e s i n D u h a l l ow
C o m m u n i t y G ro u p s i n D u h a l l ow
Duhallow The Land & People
The IRD Duhallow region includes
North West Cork and South East Kerry.
It is approximately 1,800 sq.km and has
a population density of 16 per sq.km. It is
a largely Rural area. Over 85% of the
population live in the open countryside or
in settlements of less than 200 people.
The Duhallow region has four market towns:
Kanturk (Pop 1915), Millstreet (Pop 1401),
Newmarket (Pop 949) and Rathmore (Pop 611)
and 36 villages.
I.R.D. Duhallow
James O’Keeffe Institute,
Newmarket, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel: 00-353-29-60633
Fax: 00-353-29-60694
Email: duhallow@eircom.net
Web Site: irdduhallow.com
★★ ★
★★ ★
The European Agricultural Fund
for Rural Development:
Europe investing in Rural Areas
South Eastern Duhallow Communities
Donoughmore & Stuake
New Tipperary
IRD Duhallow Representatives
John Kelleher & Gerald McSweeney
Denis Withers & John Kirwan
Jeanette O’Connell & Sean Kelly
Tom Meaney & Charlie Drake
Patrick Buckley & Michael Forde
Donie Howard & Mary Kelleher
Eileen Forde & Sheila Crowley
Billy Murphy & Donal Murphy
Clodagh McSweeney & Paudie O’Shea
Eily Buckley & Sean Radley
Eamonn Hurley & Liz Burns
Margaret O’Donovan & Peter Cafferkey
Mamie O’Shea & Tony Horgan
Western Duhallow Communities
IRD Duhallow Representatives
Richie O’ Connor & Tim Murphy
Siobhan Moynihan & Billy Lane
Margaret Murphy & Marie Casey
Tom Riordan & Hannah Kelleher
Cormac Collins & Caroline O’Sullivan
Paddy Joe O’Leary & Batt Casey
June Walsh & Ide Fitzgerald
Geraldine O’Connor & Claire Fleming
Patrick Buckley & Denis McAuliffe
Donal McCarthy & Marie O’ Leary
Mike Allen & Breda O Callaghan
Batt O’Callaghan & Jeremiah Murphy
Maureen Fleming & Tim Fitzgerald
Cynthia Daly & Lil Fleming
Liam Doody & Betty Collins
Conon Creedon & Colette Carmody
Annette O’Rielly & Geraldine Cremin.
North Eastern Duhallow Communities
IRD Duhallow Representatives
James Twohig & Andy Burke
Mary Cooney & William Morrissey
Gerald Murphy & John Linehan
Caroline O’Carroll & Pat Keane
John Fuller & Tommy Mullane
Patrick Drumm & Sinead Lynch
Colmon Jones & Sheila Kearney
Eilish Hourigan & Sean Browne
Angela Hannigan & Mary O’Connell
Pa g e
Ch a i r m a n’s Ad d re s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
M a n a g e r ’s R e p o r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
I R D D u h a l l ow L td. Co m p a ny St r u c t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
I R D D u h a l l ow B o a rd M e m b e r s
D e t a i l s o f St a f f
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 6, 7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
LEADER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
E nte r p r i s e
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 11
E nv i ro n m e nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
LIFE+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Ag r i c u l t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 , 1 5
Co m m u n i t y D e ve l o p m e nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 , 1 7
L E A D E R Pro j e c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 , 1 9
LC D P Pro j e c t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0
Lo c a l Co m m u n i t y D e ve l o p m e nt Pro g ra m m e . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Ca re r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
Eq u a l i t y, D i s a b i l i t y & M i g ra nt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
E m p l oy m e nt a n d Tra i n i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 , 2 5
M e nt a l H e a l t h a n d Tra n s i t i o n to E m p l oy m e nt . . . . . . . 2 6 , 2 7
To u r i s m & Cu l t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 , 2 9
Yo u t h a n d Ed u c at i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 , 3 1
Eq u a l i t y fo r Wo m e n & Ch i l d c a re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 , 3 3
S AO I – N e t wo r k fo r Ac t i ve R e t i re d G ro u p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4
Tra n s n at i o n a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5
R u ra l S o c i a l S c h e m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6
Wa r m e r H o m e s
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
F Á S Co m m u n i t y E m p l oy m e nt S c h e m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8
R u ra l Tra n s p o r t Pro g ra m m e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 9
Designed by: Design Print House, Waterford
Printed by: Intacta Print, Waterford
Photographs by: Patrick Casey
D u h a l l ow Co m m u n i t y Fo o d S e r v i ce s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
Minister Phil Hogan being presented with a copy of IRD Duhallow’s Progress Report by Chairman
Michael Twohig and Manager Maura Walsh.
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C h a i r m a n ’s Ad d re s s
Food Harvest 2020, the Department of
Agriculture and Fisheries vision for the Irish
Agri -food and fisheries has three elements –
Act Smart, Think Green and Achieve Growth.
This must be a source of inspiration for all rural
communities in that it plots a positive future
for Irish agriculture, a pleasant change from
the negativity toward agriculture during the
building boom.
The Board of IRD Duhallow commissioned an
independent review of our LEADER strategy
and the results show that our comprehensive
strategy with its ambitious targets is still
relevant to the area and has the potential to
achieve the Improved Quality of Life which is
the aim of the LEADER programme as set down by the
European Commission. The communities of Duhallow look to
this company to support them in their work and even a
cursory glance at the projects undertaken through LEADER
will show that community facilities have been re-roofed,
heated, refurbished, floored and painted with comfortable
chairs and tea-making facilities installed. These are used by
young and old and with the addition of playgrounds and walk
ways and the revival of festivals and provision of supports to
micro-enterprises and tourism projects as well as providing
training for 3,000 Duhallow people, the objectives of LEADER
are not only being met but surpassed. We are thirty months
into the delivery of our LEADER Programme and I am happy
to report that our commitments are at 47% with 51% of that
already paid out.
The external review also pointed to our fundamental strength
at Board and Working Group levels and I must thank sincerely
my Vice-Chairman Cormac Collins, for his support and work in
also chairing our Finance Sub-Committee. At our Board
Training day last year, we set a target that all working groups
would be chaired by a Board member, I am delighted to
report that this has been achieved and I want to pay tribute to
all of the Chairs for the leadership they provide and the work
they do in driving our strategy. Our Working Groups engage
upwards of 1,000 volunteers working for the betterment of
this region.
Last autumn we held a major enterprise conference with our
keynote speaker, Sean Gallagher of RTÉ’s Dragon’s Den and
current presidential candidate, providing inspiration and
practical advice to the budding and established
entrepreneurs attending. As a result we have three significant
enterprise projects emerging from feasibility stage, that have
the potential to create fifty new jobs. Two are in the
software/IT sector while the other is in manufacturing.
I am delighted with Cork County Manager, Martin O’Riordan’s
announcement that the council is setting aside €1.5 million
to fund enterprise in the county. I was impressed that the
Local Authority has decided that none of the fund will be
spent on administration but the existing resources of the
LEADER/Partnerships, County Enterprise Board and Enterprise
Ireland will be utilised to evaluate and administer the
Earlier this year we completed a Strategic Plan
for the new Local Community Development
Programme which tackles disadvantage.
Dr. Brendan O’Keeffe of MIC UL conducted a
review of the demographic and social profile
of the area, which shows Duhallow as second
only to the Iveragh Gaeltacht in the Haase
Index of the most disadvantaged partnership
areas in the south west region. This means that
we must double our efforts in delivering
socially-orientated family supports,
particularly for the elderly, those living alone,
youth, lone parents, those without transport,
bereaved, and those with low self esteem,
mental ill health and mobility problems. To this
end, I am glad to say our Rural Transport
targets increased again with over 58,000 passengers carried,
our Warmer Homes teams insulated 900 houses and DCFS, a
stand alone company which we support, delivered over
22,200 meals.
IRD Duhallow was delighted to be awarded two Tús Schemes
which adds forty two people to our payroll, bringing the total
we employ either directly or out in the community to 170
people with a combined payroll of over €3 million per annum.
This must only have a positive impact on the Duhallow
We were delighted to welcome the Minister for Environment,
Heritage and Local Government, Phil Hogan TD to launch our
Life+ programme during which he acknowledged the efforts
of this Board to take up challenges and deliver our services in
an integrated cost-effective way. As Chairman, it is my job to
ensure that the best value for money is got. In achieving this, I
must commend the Management and staff of the organisation
who are always courteous and professional in dealing with an
ever increasing workload. The work ethic in IRD Duhallow, I am
happy to report is second to none with tremendous flexibility
been shown at all levels.
During Minister Hogan’s visit we took the opportunity to
emphasise the tremendous value for money that
organisations like IRD Duhallow provide around the country. It
would be a pity if the winning formula of a local voluntary
board with a highly qualified flexible staff working in a
cohesive natural area of development, delivering services
relevant to that area, was to be cast aside or diminished in
favour of larger or county structures. Local authorities along
with the statutory agencies have their own roles to play and
so do we.
Michael Twohig
page 2
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
M a n a g e r ’s Re p o r t
support the Irish immigrants there. I have no
doubt but the significant contribution of so many
young women from this region, has made
Australia the land of opportunity for so many of
our current generation of young people.
The year under review has been one of IRD
Duhallow’s busiest with the LEADER Programme
roll out being cranked up, a new strategic plan
being prepared for Local Community
Development, a new programme introduced of
community based work for unemployed people
called Tús, a new Equality for Women Programme
and the introduction of the European Life+
Programme for environmental conservation.
These all came on foot of a staff salary cut in line
with senior civil servants and the redundancies of
the earlier part of the year. That our core staff
stretched even further to ensure that these new
opportunities for the Duhallow were fully
embraced, is testament to their professionalism
and loyalty to the company and the region.
I am happy to report that underpinning these new initiatives, the
core business of the company also expanded. The number of
projects developed and submitted for LEADER funding rose again
and we now have 47% of our budget committed in the first thirty
months of the programme. Our thanks to Breda Dooley, Tim Daly,
Bernard Harris and the Rural Development Team in Tubbercurry for
their ongoing guidance and support. The outputs from our Local
Community Development Programme have also seen a marked
increase, I want to thank Pádraig De Búrca and Liz O’Connor, Pobal
for their support in preparing our Strategic Plan as well as Dr.
Brendan O’Keeffe, of MIC UL for his demographic and social
analysis and wisdom.
The environmental pillar of our strategy has also got up and
running with an active Bird Watch Group established and a series
of environmental awareness seminars running throughout the
year. The plans for the year ahead are even more ambitious with
the Environment Working Group driving the strategy on.
Despite the setback in having food businesses excluded from
LEADER funding our Enterprise supports have generated increased
demand. The appointment of an Enterprise and Tourism Officer to
support our Enterprise Working Group has ensured a constant
pipeline of quality projects to deliver on our Enterprise Strategy
over the next three years. The Employment and Training Working
Group has also had a very busy year with the unemployment
situation driving demand, especially for IT Training. The lack of
quality broadband in rural areas has continued however, despite
the promises of the National Broadband Scheme.
Our communities, the life blood of the region and company remain
active and focused on improving the quality of life for everyone in
Duhallow. It is no wonder then that the first LEADER measure to be
fully committed is the Basic Service Measure. We have asked the
Department for approval to switch some of the budgets from
other measures so that other community projects that are waiting
can be progressed.
The Women’s Forum once again provided us with the highlight of
the year in the form of the St. Mary McKillop mass led by Fr. Herlihy
concelebrated by eleven priests here in our Board Room. This was
of course the chapel when this house served as a convent and
novitiate for the Sisters of St. Joseph which was founded by St.
Mary McKillop of the Cross. A fine grotto has been erected on the
grounds and it was great to see so many of the Sisters, who began
their journey here, back for the event. We were amazed and
humbled at the huge contribution of the 707 girls who entered
religious life here in Newmarket between 1927 and 1973 and set
out for Australia and New Zealand to set up schools, hospitals and
The contribution of the RSS in supporting
community projects continues in scope and
strength. This year saw the RSS take on a
significant role supporting the LIFE+ project on
the river Allow and we were delighted to welcome
two Tús supervisors and forty Tús participants to
our team. I have no doubt but that the vision
expressed by Minister Joan Burton that the
scheme will benefit each one of them in their
quest for work in the future, will be carried
through in Duhallow. I must thank Sean Murphy,
Department of Social Protection Cork and Collette Vaughan and
her staff in the local office for their help and support in the
selection process and TJ Fleming and Helen Kilcullen are heading
up the initiative nationally and lead the National Implementation
group of which I am part. Thanks also to Danielle Byrne, Tracey
Coyne and Pat Prendergast in Pobal.
I am also happy to report that DART has expanded its services
again this year with 56 routes carrying over 58,000 people even in
the harsh frost and snow of November and January.
Our Warmer Homes team had to be reduced in the face of budget
cuts. Despite this we insulated 900 homes last year. Our 9 Care and
Repair volunteers did a fantastic job, in fact they did 127 fantastic
jobs in the homes of the elderly throughout Duhallow.
The staff that I am privileged to lead are the most dedicated, loyal,
inspiring, flexible and talented one could ever wish to work with.
The Management team of Catherine Crowley, who was blessed
with a fourth baby this year, Helen O’Sullivan who stepped into the
brief, Triona Murphy who has taken up the Community
Development role this year are doing fantastic work under the
stewardship of the indefatigable and inspirational Eileen Linehan,
our Senior Team Leader.
I am indebted to our Chairman Michael Twohig for his vision,
courageous leadership and direction. His commitment to the
company and the region is second to none, volunteering his time
to the Board, Management team and a number of working groups.
He was instrumental in our successful submission for LIFE+ funding
driven by his passion and in-depth knowledge of the environment
which he has gained from many years of angling and countryside
I want to thank our front office team of Marie Fleming and Derval
Corbett and also Theresa Collins who have produced this year’s
Progress Report.
We look forward to the year ahead mindful that there will be new
challenges to be met however I am confident that the resilience of
our communities, stewardship and governance of our Board, drive
of our Working Groups and professionalism of our Management
team and staff will see us achieve even more in the coming year.
Maura Walsh
page 3
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
I R D D u h a l l ow L t d . C o m p a ny S t r u c t u re
IRD Duhallow is a Community based Rural Development
Company established in 1989. It is a company limited by
guarantee without share capital. It has charitable status and
our directors are voluntary and receive no remuneration for
their contribution. It administers and implements a number
of EU and National Programmes such as LEADER, Local
Community Development Programme and LIFE+ in order to
achieve the economic, social, cultural and environmental
development of the Duhallow Region.
The Company has adopted the good governance guidelines
as prescribed by the Department of Environment, Heritage
and Local Government. It’s Memorandum and Articles of
Association also reflect this best practice and are in
accordance with the New Charities Act.
The Board membership has been laid down by the
Government and reflects the integration of Social Inclusion
with Rural Development, the importance of the environment
and community volunteers and the democratically elected
Local Authority Members.
Reflective of the integrated nature of our work, the
Company’s Board and Sub Committee Structures have
evolved over the years and enjoy a massive amount of
good will and voluntary contribution in the region.
Upwards of 3,500 people participate from the bottom up
in these structures.
IRD Duhallow has a number of working groups with
representatives from our Board and staff as well as
community and state sector representatives. This
structure allows us to target specific expertise beneficial
to the implementation of the strategic aims of the
particular working group.
IRD Duhallow continues to strive for excellence through
the ongoing training and development of our staff. We
have maintained the FAS Excellence Through People
Standard, Ireland’s standard for Human Resource
IRD Duhallow
Social Partners
Project Evaluation
Operational Sub-Committees
Strategic Working Groups
Strategic Working Group Sub-Committees
page 4
Independant Evaluation
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
I R D D u h a l l ow B o a rd M e m b e rs
Michael Twohig
John Cooney
Michael was elected chair of IRD Duhallow
in September 2009. He is a founder member
of IRD Duhallow and served as Finance
Director until he stepped down in 1996. He
was reappointed to the Board in 2007
representing Kanturk Chamber of
Commerce. With his wife Noreen he
manages the family owned Supervalu in
Kanturk, Abbeyfeale and Askeaton. A keen
angler and hunter he has developed a
number of angling projects in Duhallow.
Michael is an active member of the
Enterprise Working Group, LIFE+ Working
Group, Finance and Audit Working Group
and HR Committee.
John represents the Trade Union Movement
on the Board of IRD Duhallow. He has
served as an official with SIPTU, the Services
Industrial Professional and Technical Union.
John is based at the Mallow Office where he
is a Branch Organiser. His remit has been
extended to the South West Region where
he supports the agri-business sector
workers. He has been an active member of
IRD Duhallow’s Employment and Training
Working Group for the past number of
years. John lives in Cork City, is married to
Linda and they have three children.
Conor Creedon
John Linehan
Conor was appointed to the Board in 2007
as a second representative of the farming
sector. He is a member of the ICMSA (Irish
Creamery Milk Suppliers Association) and
participates on its Administrative
Committee. Conor is a dairy farmer who
along with his wife Elisha manages the
family farm in Rathmore, Co Kerry. He is an
active member of IRD Duhallow’s
Agriculture Working Group. He also sits on
the Kerry Group Advisory Committee in
John, a full time Dairy Farmer from
Dromtariffe was elected on to the Board in
July 2009 as a representative of the farming
sector. John, who is married to Angela, has a
diploma in Rural Development. He is
Chairman of IRD Duhallow’s Agriculture
Working Group and is a member of the
Focal Farmer Programme. John is Chairman
of Dromtariffe IFA, is an active member of
the Duhallow IFA and is on the General and
Regional Committee for Dairygold Co-Op.
He is also the Secretary of Dromtariffe
Community Centre.
John Sheahan
Breeda Moynihan Cronin
John was re-elected to Kerry County
Council in 2009 and was appointed to the
Board of IRD Duhallow. He is an active
member of his local community in Killarney
and is a member of the Tralee Road
Residence Committee. He is a member of
Killarney Tidy Towns, Legion GAA Club,
Celtic FC, Planning SPC, Killarney National
Parks Liaison Committee, The Association of
County and City Councils, Killarney Drugs
Liaison Committee, The Board of South
Kerry Development Partnership and The
Rural Water Committee.
Breeda was a member of Dail Eireann from
1992-2007, she served in Kerry County
Council from 1999-2003. She has been coopted onto Kerry County Council following
the election of Marie Moloney to Seanad
Eireann. She is also on the Board of South
Kerry Development Partnership, Kerry
Education Services, the HSE, and the Rural
Water Committee. She is also Chair of the
Housing S.P.C on Kerry County Council.
Breeda lives in Killarney and has been
involved in politics in South Kerry for over
20 years and is very familiar with Duhallow.
Dan Joe Fitzgerald
John Paul O’Shea
Dan Joe is an elected member of Mallow
Town Council since 1994 and Cork County
Council since 1999. He has recently been
elected as Mayor of Mallow for 2011-12. He
is Director of North Cork Enterprise Board
and Mallow Development Partnership. Dan
Joe is Chairman of Housing SPC, a member
of the Corporate Policy Group, Cork County
Library and Cork County Development
Board. He is a member of Irish Red Cross
Society and former Central Council
member. He chairs IRD Duhallow’s
Enterprise Working Group and is actively
involved in many sporting organisations
including the Duhallow Hunt
John Paul was elected to the board of IRD
Duhallow in September 2009 after being
elected as a member of Cork County Council.
At just 27 years of age, he is one of the
youngest councillors in the country. John
Paul, who lives in Laharn, has been involved
in many projects in his community including
taking a leading role in the battle for the
retention and automation of rural post
offices. He is Chairman of IRD Duhallow’s
Youth & Education Working Group and has
expanded the group considerably and he
also sits on our Employment & Training
Working Group. John Paul works with the HSE.
page 5
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
I R D D u h a l l ow B o a rd M e m b e rs
Suzanne Campion
Cormac Collins
Suzanne Campion represents Inland
Fisheries Ireland where she is Head of
Business Development and is their
nominated representative to the Southern
and Eastern Regional Assembly and the
Border Midland and West Regional
Assembly. She is also on the Board of
Kilkenny LEADER Partnership. Suzanne has
worked as a manager and accountant in
the public and private sectors with
experience in the agri-food industry, retail,
hospitality, farming and development. As
head of Business Development with IFI, her
focus is on developing the business of
angling. Suzanne played a pivotal role in
establishing the partnership between IRD
Duhallow and IFI which made a successful
bid for the EU LIFE+ Programme.
Cormac is Vice Chair of IRD Duhallow. He is
ESB Networks Area Manager, and has been
appointed to the Board to represent ESB
Networks. The ESB Networks has worked
closely with IRD Duhallow’s CLÁR program
in delivering three phase electricity to
many small industries in Duhallow and has
supported the Warmer Home Scheme since
the beginning. He is chair of Gneeveguilla
Community Council, one of Duhallows
most active, whose plan has won support
of Kerry County Council, LEADER and CLAR
and received a Kerry Community Award. He
serves on the HR, Finance and Community
Development Working Groups.
Dr. Barry O’ Donoghue
Barry is a Ranger with the National Parks
and Wildlife Service, the government
agency responsible for the protection of
wildlife and natural habitats. He holds a
Bachelors and Master degree in Agriculture
& Environmental Science from University
College Dublin and was recently awarded
his Doctorate from University College Cork
for his important work on Hen Harriers.
From a background of farming and
conservation, Barry feels passionately about
enlightening, encouraging and
empowering the community to appreciate
and protect the habitats and wildlife of
Duhallow, for which the region is one of the
most important in Ireland and Europe. He
sits on our environment Working Group.
John Breen
John Breen joined the Board of IRD
Duhallow in September 2008, as a
nominee of the Kerry County Manager, Mr.
Tom Curran. John holds the position of
Director of Services, Housing & Social
Support and Community and Enterprise.
He is also Killarney Town Manager. John has
previously worked in Dublin and Limerick
City Council and Tralee Town Council.
He and his staff in the Community and
Enterprise Department support the work of
the Kerry County Development Board and
also have an overseeing role in relation to
the Kerry Local Sports Partnership, Kerry
Enterprise Action Team, Kerry County
Library and Kerry Community & Voluntary
Forum. John lives in Castleisland with his
wife Mary and their three children.
Michael Doyle
Michael represents the Environmental Pillar
on the board. He is chair of the IRD
Environment Forum and the Equality,
Disability and Migrants Working Group. He
also is a member of the Finance Committee.
He represents IRD Duhallow on the Cork
County Development Board and the Cork
Sports Partnership Board. He also
represents the Board of IRD Duhallow on
several National Fora dealing with Equality
and Intergration. Michael liaises with the
Sports council of Ireland and the National
Trails Committee on the development and
maintenance of long distance and looped
Tom Stritch
Tom Stritch is a Director of Services in Cork
County Council and joined the Board of IRD
Duhallow in 2008 as the nominee of the
Cork County Manager Mr Martin O’Rioran.
He has responsibility for the management
of services in the Northern Division
including roads, recreation and amenity
through the Divisional offices in Mallow and
the Area Offices in Charleville, Kanturk,
Millstreet and Newmarket. He also has
responsibility for the co-ordination of the
roads service across the County and is Town
Manager for Mallow Town Council
Inspector Tony Sugrue
Tony joins the Board this year. He is an
Inspector with An Garda Siochana and is
presently stationed in Macroom. Tony was
previously Area Administrator in Kanturk
Garda Station from 1994 to 2003. He is a
keen angler and is a member of Killarney
Salmon & Trout Angling Club and is also
very involved with his local football team
and manages the senior GAA team in
Kilcummin. Tony will join the Social
Economy Working Group and HR Sub
Committee. He is married to Anne and they
have three children Robert, Lisa and David.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
I R D D u h a l l ow B o a rd M e m b e rs
Sheila Crowley
John Kirwan
Sheila was elected to the Board of IRD
Duhallow in June 2009 to represent the
South Eastern Duhallow Region. Sheila is
Chair of the IRD Duhallow Carers Working
Group. She is in her fourth year as secretary
of Laharn Community Action Group and has
worked diligently with the Group to
transform the Old School House at Laharn in
to a newly refurbished Heritage Centre.
Sheila is a chef by profession and is
proprietor of Ard Na Coill Bed and Breakfast
in Laharn, on the Duhallow Way walking
John is from Banteer and was elected to the
Board of IRD Duhallow to represent the
South Eastern Duhallow Forum in June 2009.
He is Chair of the Community Development
Working Group and the Chair of the
Employment and Training Working Group.
He is an active member of Banteer, Lyre and
Districts Community Council and his local
First Responder Defibrillator Group. John is
employed by the Department of Justice &
Equality and is based in Cork. He is married
to Catherine and they have one daughter,
Jack Roche
Judy O’Leary
Jack Roche is from Rockchapel and
represents SAOĺ the Network of Active
Retired Groups. He sits on the Social
Economy and Community Development
Working Groups. He is a member of IRD
Duhallow’s Agriculture Working Group and
represents IRD Duhallow on Kerry
Community Transport and ILDN. Jack
represents ILDN on ELARD the European
Association for Rural development of which
he is a past president. He sits on the Rural
Development Forum. His interests are in all
things rural but his passion is for the
promotion of the unique culture of the
Sliabh Luachra Region.
Judy represents Women’s Groups on the
Board of IRD Duhallow. She chairs the
Women & Childcare Working Group and is a
member of the HR Working Group. Judy is a
founder member of the Duhallow Women’s
Forum. She is actively involved with the Irish
Country Women’s Association and is Public
Relations Officer for Cork County and
Information Officer for the Dromtariffe Guild.
She has also served as Vice Chair of IRD
Duhallow. Judy is a strong advocate for
equality for women through her work on the
Board of IRD Duhallow.
Deirdre Green
John Cott
Deirdre is from Freemount and was elected
to the board in June 2010 to represent North
East Duhallow. She holds a Bachelor Degree
of Business from Cork Institute of Technology
and a Higher Diploma in Education from the
University of Limerick. She works as an
accountant in Mallow. Deirdre is very
passionate about the development of rural
areas and is deeply involved in the
development of her local community. She is
a founding member of Freemount
Badminton Club and currently Joint
Treasurer of Freemount Community
Development Association. Deidre sits on our
Community Development Working Group
and the Women’s Forum where she has been
elected Vice Chair
John was elected to the Board of IRD
Duhallow in 2010 to represent the North
Eastern Community Forum. He sits on our
Community Development Working Group
and is a member of our SAOÍ Network. John
is a beef farmer from Cecilstown in the parish
of Castlemagner. He is a long time member
of Castlemagner GAA club, is also involved
with the Ladies Football Club, the Hall
Committee and Lohort, Cecilstown
Development Association and has served as
Chairman of Kanturk Mart. John is married to
Una and they have three children.
Eugene O’Connor
Collette O’Connor
Eugene newly elected to the Board of IRD
Duhallow to represent the Western Duhallow
Community Forum. He is a Dairy Farmer from
Boherbue and a member of the Board of
Boherbue Co-op with the past 10 years.
He is also a member of the Boherbue Branch
of St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Boherbue
Grotto Committee and the Boherbue Tidy
Towns Committee. Eugene is married to
Sheila and has 3 children. He will join IRD
Duhallow’s Community Development
Working Group and Agriculture Working
Colette was elected to represent Western
Duhallow Community Forum recently. She
has a degree in Business Studies and is
studying for her Masters. She spent 12 years
in New York, worked with Merrill Lynch and
was very involved in the Irish Community
serving a term as secretary with the Cork
Association and played with the Saffron Kilts
Ancient Order of Hibernians pipe Band. A
long time member of Cullen Pipe Band
Collette has always had a devout interest
developing Irish music and culture. Collette,
a native of Cullen now living in Dripsey with
her husband Eamon and family. Collette will
join IRD Duhallow’s Community
Development Working Group and also our
Enterprise Working Group.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Details of Staff
(Business Economics), Dip. Personnel Mng.
CATHERINE CROWLEY, B.Sc (Food Business),
M.Sc. (Food Marketing)
With ten years experience in Rural Development, Eileen is
Senior Team Leader with responsibility for Monitoring &
Programme Management, having previously managed
both Community & Enterprise Teams. She has
responsibility for the LCDP & LEADER Programmes.
She prepares the Programme of Activities and oversees
operations of LIFE+, RSS, Warmer Homes, National
Childcare Investment Programme. Eileen represents
Community Partnerships on the Cork County Childcare
Committee, Citizens Information Service and Pobal’s
Pension Board.
With over eight years experience in Rural Development
Catherine is the Enterprise Team Leader with IRD
Duhallow. She promotes enterprise, craft and tourism
development that will bring vital jobs to Duhallow and
she facilitates training, development and building
networks in the business community. She oversees the
day to day operations of staff within the enterprise team
and the operations of the community Service
Programmes, DART, Tourism and Farm Diversification as
well as the Job Centre.
TRIONA MURPHY, MBS Co-op and Social
Enterprise; B.Sc Public Health & Health
Triona joined IRD Duhallow in 2007 and is now the
Community Development Team Leader. She works with
the communities in Western Duhallow and through
LEADER assists them to develop their local services and
amenities. She also works on Transnational Cooperation
projects. Triona oversees FÁS CE and Equality for Women
Measure. She supports the work of the Community, Youth
and Education Working Groups and is co-ordinator of the
Towards Occupation Programme and the SAOÍ Network.
Dip Com, Leadership & Mgt, Cert in Agri.
With 6 years experience in Rural Development Helen is
the Community Development Officer for Eastern
Duhallow supporting the development of community &
voluntary groups. Helen co-ordinates IRD Duhallow’s
After-Schools Service, The Bereavement Support Group &
The Domestic Violence Helpline. Helen supports the
Community Development, Youth & Education and Social
Economy Working Groups. Helen is currently covering
maternity leave for the Enterprise Team Leader and
oversees the work of the enterprise team while
promoting enterprise development.
MARY MC HUGH, B.B.S. Postgraduate Dip in
Rural Dev, Food Mkt & Co-ops. Cert in Com Dev.
Cert in Health & Safety
Mary joined IRD Duhallow in 2006. She is responsible for
Employment and Training and has experience in
supporting individuals in accessing suitable and
sustainable employment opportunities as well as
developing a range of training initiatives through
LEADER and LCDP allowing opportunities for individuals
to up-skill and retrain. Mary supports the work of The
Equality For Women Measure; Integration Fund and is the
staff resource for the Duhallow Women’s Forum.
MARIE FLEMING, Diploma in Business Skills,
PR and Marketing.
Marie joined IRD Duhallow in May 2006 as clerical officer;
she provides administration support to Development
Officers and supports the Manager’s participation on a
number of National Fora. Marie co-ordinates the monthly
board pack and provides the administrative support for
Excellence through People, Ireland’s standard for human
resource development and co-ordinates training for staff
members. Marie is Safety Officer on the Health and Safety
Committee. Marie is undertaking a 2 year Diploma in
Rural Development through distance learning with UCC.
With fourteen years service, Margaret is the Senior
Accounts Administrator with IRD Duhallow. She is
responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the
company’s financial systems and procedures and the
implementation of the apportionment of overheads
across the various programmes delivered including
LEADER and LCDP. She also oversees the Payroll and
Pension administration and prepares Financial Reports for
Management and the Board of Directors.
KATIE CROWLEY, B.B.S. Postgraduate Dip in
Rural Dev, Food Mkt, & Co-ops, Cert in Agri.
Katie joined IRD Duhallow in 2007. She is responsible for
the Diversification measure of LEADER, the Focal Farmer
Programme, Duhallow Bird-watching Group and GIY
Duhallow. Katie supports the work of the Agricultural and
Environment Working Groups as well as Duhallow Beekeepers. The Environment Working Group puts actions in
place to maintain and further develop a sustainable
environment for Duhallow while the Focal Farmer
programme directly supports over 400 low income farm
families annually.
Masters in Management.
Louise joined IRD Duhallow in November 2010 where she
was originally a member of the community development
team. She now holds the post of Enterprise and Tourism
Officer and co-ordinates LEADER and LCDP project
applications. Louise is the appointed staff liaison for the
Duhallow Carers and the Literacy Support Group. She is
presently involved in the establishment of the newly
formed Duhallow Boxing Club.
KASIA MELLER, MA in Political Science,
IPASS Payroll Technician
Kasia, originally from Napole, a village in Central Poland,
was appointed Accounts Officer in March 2007. In January
2008, Kasia took over as Finance Officer on the
Community Development Team. She is responsible for the
preparation of weekly and monthly wages and accounts
for RSS, Walks Scheme, Warmer Homes, FÁS CE, Out of
school and Dormant Accounts Fund (Carers), financial
reports for the Social Economy Working Group and the
Board as well as Pobal.
With eleven years service as Clerical Officer with IRD
Duhallow, Derval is based in the Reception and
Administration Office. She deals with general enquiries
and administration. She is responsible for the company’s
stationery orders and oversees the Company’s IT systems.
She is also editor of the monthly Newsletter which is
circulated to 10,000 homes in Duhallow. She supports the
Manager in her participation on a number of National
Networks. Derval is the Authorised Signatory for the
processing of Garda Vetting Applications for all LEADER
page 8
Studies), Payroll Technician
Martina was appointed Accounts Administrator in
February 2007. She is responsible for the preparation of
weekly and monthly accounts and completes the reports
submitted to Pobal and the Department on a monthly
and quarterly basis. She also assists in the compilation of
financial reports presented to the Finance Board on a
monthly basis. Martina completed the IPASS Certified
Payroll Technician Course in May 2009.
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
LEADER 2007-2013 is
funded through a
number of measures
in Axis 3 and 4 of the
Rural Development
Programme, the
objective of which is
to Improve Quality of
Life in Rural Areas
through actions
which promote
diversification of the
rural economy;
through maintaining,
restoring and
upgrading the natural
Deirdre Kelly Dept of Community Environment &
and built heritage;
Local Government showing Triona Murphy of IRD
regenerating villages
Duhallow the new LEADER IT Reporting System.
and their surrounding
areas thus improving their economic prospects; improving access to
basic services by rural dwellers; encouraging rural tourism built on
sustainable development of natural resources, culture and natural
heritage’; supporting the creation and development of micro
enterprise in the broader rural economy and increasing economic
activity and employment rates; encouraging on farm diversification
in non agricultural activities.
LEADER in Duhallow
We are now more that halfway
though the programme and have
committed 47% of our project
budget and 51% of these
commitment’s have been paid
out, representing an investment
of over €1.7 million to local
communities and business’s in
Duhallow. The Basic Services
measure which was the main
fund available to communities
has been fully committed
following extensive animation by
Finnola Moylette P.O. at the Dept
our development officers with all
Community Environment & Local
of the communities in Duhallow.
Government & RDP Division.
Funding is still available under the
Village Renewal Measure and we are currently supporting
communities to access this fund through animation and capacity
building, community consultations and support. We have also
submitted a flagship project for approval to the department and
hope this will develop to realise the potential of the past LEADER
flagships including Duhallow Community Food Services, Millstreet
Country Park and Bruach na Carraige Teo.
In the past 30 months, LEADER has facilitated the delivery of 18
training courses to over 3,000 people covering areas such as IT,
computerised bookkeeping, culture, arts education, media, payroll,
running your own business, mentoring etc.
Minister Jimmy Deenihan, Dept of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht with Jack
Roche, Maura Walsh & Eileen Linehan IRD Duhallow, Pat Mitchell North & East Kerry
and John Pierce South Kerry Development Partnership.
Success of LEADER
IRD Duhallow has been delivering LEADER for 20 years in the region
and its success over this period is attributable to the seven specific
features of the programme which have been held up across Europe as
the ingredients for LEADER success. Indeed the recent European Court
of Auditors report reinforced the need to retain all seven features.
LEADER in Ireland has been the envy of our European counterparts
and if it is to continue to be a success story then these features must
remain. The seven specific features are the Area Based Approach with
our programme broadly covering the barony of Duhallow and its
environs a natural areas of development; the Bottom up Approach
which facilitates participation from all our communities; and
Integrated Approach which we have been delivering across all our
programmes since 1994; Innovation which has been at the core of
our strategy since our inception; Co-operation and Complimentary,
with our involvement in inter territorial projects testament to our
commitment, Networking and Transnational Partnerships in which
IRD Duhallow has always been involved with partners such as Poland,
Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Finland, the UK as well as our
neighbouring groups in Cork, Kerry and Limerick; Financing
Arrangements and most importantly the Local Action Group which
provides the leadership and governance to deliver the support
necessary to empower communities, businesses and individuals to
participate in the realisation of the living countryside, and which the
majority are volunteers from civil society with the state and elected
representatives supporting them.
Declan Carey (left) facilitated our board training in which Gerry Kearney (right)
outlines the importance of Governance and the role of the Board.
Status of Projects 2011
In our strategic plan we have outlined that our economic
development strategy is to deliver new sustainable jobs through the
development of enterprise infrastructure, technical support, capital
investment, mentoring and networking. Due to the stringent rules
and regulations surrounding the funding of enterprises under this
programme, we are no longer allowed to support food processing
enterprises and are only permitted to fund micro enterprise with less
than 10 employees and €2m turnover per year. Despite these
roadblocks, LEADER, in Duhallow has supported 10 local enterprises
in the current programme sustaining over 150 jobs. There is
significant funding available under the Business Support and
Development Measure and we are currently working with a number
of local businesses who hope to secure capital funding.
page 9
Pending Payment
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
The primary objective of IRD Duhallow’s enterprise strategy is to fully
realise Duhallow’s potential to become self-sustaining by
encouraging and fostering entrepreneurship, business development
and expansion. This strategy entails a proactive approach to
sustaining and creating employment in Duhallow, through fostering
a culture of enterprise and excellence, stimulating diversification,
expansion and the development of models of self-help through
Our Enterprise Strategy has excelled in providing economic activity
to attract people to live and work in Duhallow. It has encouraged
and strengthened an entrepreneurial climate that has inspired the
creation of new enterprises and provided a supportive environment
for existing businesses in Duhallow.
Catherine Crowley & Eileen Linehan IRD Duhallow with Jack & Tim McCarthy of
Kanturk, celebrating the Gold Medal for Black pudding.
Supports to Business
LEADER’s Business Creation & Development Measure continues to
provide capital grants of 50% up to €150,000 and Analysis &
Development Grants of 75% up to €30,000 to local businesses. A
Mentoring Programme was funded under the LEADER Programme in
2010 for 10 established businesses where each business received 10
sessions with a mentor to review their business in its entirety and
develop an action plan for the business going forward.
Helen O’Sullivan meets
with the Directors of
Tec 4, 3 college
graduates who are
budding entrepreneurs,
who recieved a LEADER
feasibility grant
towards their business
Maura Walsh, Catherine Crowley, Eileen Linehan, and Triona Murphy with Sean
Gallagher of RTE’s The Dragons Den who was the Keynote Speaker at IRD Duhallow
Enterprise Conference “Growing Your Business in Rural Ireland,”
Dan Buckley of Clover
Hill Ingredients
Millstreet speaks on his
experience of growing
his own business in
rural Ireland along
with Owen O’Brien of
UCC who spoke on the
Principles of
Enterprise Conference
The inaugural IRD Duhallow Enterprise Conference “Growing Your
Business in Rural Ireland,” was held in the James O’Keeffe Institute in
October with its key objective being to promote Duhallow’s potential
to become economically and socially self sustainable. Former
Minister Batt O’Keeffe officially opened the conference and was
followed by local businessman Dan Buckley of Cloverhill Ingredients
who spoke on his experience in turning his business idea into a
successful enterprise and the importance of the LEADER support he
received at the time from IRD Duhallow towards his set up costs.
Owen O’Brien, UCC spoke on the Principles of Entrepreneurship,
followed by presentations from IRD Duhallow on the supports
available to entrepreneurs from the LEADER Programme. Sean
Gallagher of RTE’s “Dragons Den” and Founder of Smarthomes was
the Keynote Speaker on the day and addressed the crowd on how to
Seize Opportunities in a Recovering Economy. The conference was a
great success with business people and future entrepreneurs availing
of the opportunity to network on the day and making contact
afterwards seeking advice and support from IRD Duhallow.
Maura Walsh Manager
and Michael Twohig
Chairperson welcome
Minister for Enterprise
Batt O’Keeffe to
Newmarket to
officially open the
Growing Your Business
in Rural Ireland
New Business Ideas
In 2010 four final year Business Students
approached IRD Duhallow with their idea
of setting up their own software business
“Tec 4” in Duhallow as the job
opportunities facing them once they
graduated were slim. They were
supported to tease out their business idea
and were awarded a feasibility grant to
examine the establishment of their
business and development of their
software product.
Business Partners Aine Collins
and Veronica Perdisatt of
Cube Consulting Millstreet
assess the findings of the
LEADER funded feasibility
study they undertook into
setting up their consultancy
Similiary two other entrepreneurs
Veronica Perdisatt & Aine Collins both
with a vast amount of experience in
business applied to IRD Duhallow for a
feasibility grant to establish a consultancy
company which would help businesses
restructure to reflect the current difficult
trading environment.
The LCDP Programme continues to support a number of new small
businesses each year. Michaela Nell, Creative Casting sought support
towards the initial costs involved in setting up her life casting business
from her home in Donoughmore. A qualified sculptor Michaela
specialises in life casting of baby’s hands and feet, couples hands and
face portraits.
Similarly, Michaela Donegan owner of Coco Chico approached IRD
Duhallow for support for her newly established design business which
specialises in handmade vintage designer aprons, and personalised
clothing. Michaela participated in the Business Start Up Programme
with IRD Duhallow and following this received grant aid towards
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Start Your Own Business
With the rise in unemployment locally a growing number of people
are now considering going into employment for themselves. IRD
Duhallow supported 15 potential entrepreneurs to explore their ideas
through a 1 day Start Your Own Business Workshop funded by the
Local Community Development Programme.
Michaela Donegan displays her unique designed aprons at the IRD Duhallow
Christmas Craft Fair.
Craft Sector
IRD Duhallow recognises that the craft sector in Duhallow has the
potential to significantly contribute to the local economy and has
placed great emphasis on developing the Hands of Duhallow Craft
Network in an effort to foster and nurture such creativity. The Crafts
Council of Ireland has designated 2011 as the ‘Year of Craft’ which
compliments the advice, guidance and support that IRD Duhallow
provides to many talented individuals in need of developing their
hobby or part time business into a successful craft enterprise. Now in
its 6th Year the Network held its Annual Christmas Craft Fair in the
distinctive setting of the James O’Keeffe Institute Newmarket for the
first time where the artistic structure of the building helped to set the
scene of creativity and flair. All exhibitors participated in a group
workshop with Consultant Jennifer Hedderman prior to the Fair with
a focus on product display and maximizing display space. The 2010
Fair was our
biggest yet with 28
exhibitors taking
part to showcase
their products and
The high standard
of products
ranging from an
artist’s corner,
jewellery design,
sculptors, hand
made cards, cut
glass, wood
products, and
bespoke designer
wedding dresses
attracted a large
crowd on both
days. This was
topped off by
local community
Community Food
Services offering a
selection of home
made cakes and
desserts in their
Tea Rooms at
the Fair.
The foyer of the James O’Keeffe Institute was
transformed for the IRD Duhallow Christmas Craft Fair.
William Allen displays some of his hand carved products
at the IRD Duhallow Christmas Craft Fair.
Tadhg de Brún tells Minister Pat Carey and Isobel Fletcher, LEADER Village
co-ordinator about his hand crafted hurleys at the Ploughing in Athy.
Craft & Enterprise Network
IRD Duhallows Enterprise & Craft Network for the Duhallow Region
meets bi-monthly to allow members to network with other small
businesses, share experiences and advice on promoting and
developing their individual businesses. The Network had the
opportunity to avail of local expertise through two workshops. Firstly
local Accountant and Auditor Gerard McCarthy spoke to the Network
on the Impact of the Budget on Small & Medium Businesses, while
Veronica Perdisatt of Cube Consulting Millstreet addressed the
network on Marketing on a Budget and the Importance of Business
Planning. Free mentoring has also been provided to members of the
network in an effort to give new and established businesses
individual support through all stages of development.
The National
Broadband Scheme
is largely rolled out
in Duhallow with 3
responsible for
bringing overall
coverage. Ripple &
Permanet are the
other two
providers in
Helen O’Sullivan assesses the packaging line in
Duhallow and
BioAtlantis Plant in Kanturk who were awarded
compliment the
LEADER funding towards a new automated line.
National Broadband
Scheme. There remains however a large number of “black spots” and
while there are claims of availability of broadband the speeds are so
slow that we have titled it “Broadish Band. This is a challenge for the
countryside as a whole and we will continue to lobby for a better
service so that rural areas are not left behind in the digital divide.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E nv i ro n m e n t
Laura Doody, Newmarket who was up bright and early on National Dawn Chorus
Morning to celebrate the world’s oldest wake-up call and the beauty of the bird song.
The Environment is one of IRD Duhallow’s four key strategic
objectives. The Environmental pillar nominated Michael Doyle to the
Board of IRD Duhallow and following that, the Environmental Forum,
to provide feed back and feed in between the sector and the Board.
The Working Group consists of 13 agencies and has had a prolific
first year with several environmental events organised as well as a
number of field trips which focused on increasing awareness of
specific environmental features of Duhallow. Many of these features
are under severe threat and it is vital that the community as a whole
gets behind the Working Group if we are to succeed in preserving for
future generations what we have inherited.
The Hen Harrier is
the most elegant and
graceful, spectacular
and exciting birds in
the world. It is an
asset to the life,
biodiversity and
heritage of any
country in which it is
found. However, the
Hen Harrier is an
endangered species
Dr. Brin McDonnell of Duhallow Bird Watch Group
and has suffered
keeping a close eye on the Birds of Duhallow.
severe decline in
recent years. Duhallow is one of the most important areas in Ireland
and indeed Europe for the Hen Harrier and the region holds two of
just five Special Protection Areas for the species in Ireland. The harrier
is indeed Duhallow’s own special bird and if we fail to protect it, the
Hen Harrier and its landscape may soon be consigned to history in
Conor Kelleher Cork County Bat Group who spoke on the Myths, Legends and
Reality of the Bat World followed by a trip to the local Island Wood to witness Bats
in full flight in the stillness of the night.
A large crowd gathered in the Island Wood Newmarket to mark National Dawn
Chorus Day which was followed by a Full-Irish breakfast prepared and served by
the staff of IRD Duhallow.
Duhallow’s Bird Watching Group
IRD Duhallow Bird Watch Group established in 2010 already has fifty
members including professional conservationists, amateur and
beginner bird watchers. Numerous seminars and field trips were
organised throughout the year including a hugely successfully Dawn
Chorus event which took place on the 15th of May National Dawn
Chorus Day. 65 people attended the event and a full Irish Breakfast
was cooked and served by the staff of IRD Duhallow which was
sponsored by Supervalu Kanturk. Emily Goldstein UCC Researcher
gave a lecture on the Native Red Squirrel. Brin McDonnell presented
on the Eagles Return to Ireland a wildlife series following the return
of some of the largest birds of prey ever to darken Irish skies, the
White Tailed Eagle, the Golden Eagle and the Red Kite. Conor Kelleher,
Cork County Bat Group delivered a highly informative seminar on
Myths, Legends and Reality of the Bat World. Barry O’Donoghue
Wild-life Ranger with the National Parks and Wildlife Services and IRD
Duhallow Board Member led a field trip in Ballydesmond which
focused on up-land flora and fauna with a particular emphasis on the
Hen Harrier.
Barry O'Donoghue, NPWS who guided members of Duhallow Bird Watching Group
on an upland flora and fauna walk in Ballydesmond during Environmental
Awareness Month.
Environmental Awareness
For the fourth consecutive year IRD Duhallow organised a highly
successful Environmental Awareness month during which seminars,
field trips and information events were organised including:
Importance of Bee Keeping for the Environment, Fresh Water Ecology,
the Native Red Squirrel, Up-land flora and fauna, the Eagles Return to
Ireland, Bats and Wildlife Gardening. Over 270 individuals attended
the month’s events with people of all ages in attendance. An
awareness raising campaign to highlight the destruction caused by
gorse fires was also conducted. Burning land from the 1st March –
31st August is self-defeating, each spring and summer, countless
numbers of songbirds, curlew, red grouse, bees, butterflies, frogs, bats,
red squirrel and Irish Hares are destroyed in fires. A poster campaign
was launched this year in order to raise awareness of the hazards of
burning during March – August
Grow it yourself
GIY Duhallow was launched
in June 2010 and
membership remains strong
at over 100. It aims to inspire
people to grow their own
food and give them the
skills to do so successfully.
Topics discussed at monthly
meetings include: growing
Michael Doyle Chairperson of the
Environmental Forum attending the Bloom
under cover, weed control,
Festival in the Phoenix Park. Radish plants
sowing seeds, crop rotation
grown by GIY Duhallow featured in the
and planning a kitchen
display of Ireland’s largest edible garden.
garden. This year GIY Ireland
participated in the Bloom Festival in the Phoenix Park which is
Ireland’s largest gardening and food event. The aim was to create
Irelands largest edible garden, GIY Duhallow contributed radish
plants which were grown in the newly constructed LCDP funded
Polytunnel which acts as a training facility for the Towards Occupation
participants, the After-Schools Children and the GIY Group.
page 12
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
BSc & MSc in BIS, Dip in Agri.
Pat joined IRD Duhallow in 2009 as a
temporary supervisor on the Rural Social
Scheme and in 2010 secured a full time post
as LIFE+ Coordinator. He is responsible for the
day to day running of the project while also
working with the project partners Inland
Fisheries Ireland and also liaises with
landowners, contractors and other stakeholders involved ensuring
that both their needs and the needs of the project are met. He
manages the LIFE team of Scientist, Administrator and also students
working on project and reports to the Senior Team Leader.
Minister Phil Hogan, raises the LIFE Flag at the official launch with Cllr’s Timmy Collins
and Dan Joe Fitzgerald, Suzanne Campion IFI, Cllr Gerard Murphy, Aine Collins TD,
Michael Twohig Chairperson IRD Duhallow, Pat Fitzpatrick, Fran Igoe, Maura Walsh,
Michael Doyle and Dr. Ciaran Byrne IFI.
LIFE Project Discussion – Michael Fawl IFI, Michael Twohig, Pat Fitzpatrick, Theresa
Collins, Fran Igoe IRD Duhallow, Cathal Gallagher IFI and Martin O’Grady IFI.
The conservation status of the river has come under increasing
pressure where bank erosion and other influences over recent times
have led to increased nutrient enrichment, channel degradation and
siltation. These issues, if left unchecked, will have serious
repercussions on land and river bank stability, native vegetation,
sedimentation of salmon spawning beds and ultimately on the
habitat and food sources of the pearl mussel, salmon, otter, kingfisher
and dipper.
In Partnership with Inland Fisheries Ireland we are working closely
with the National Parks and Wildlife Services to complete various
conservation actions designed to significantly improve the health of
the river. The Rural Social Scheme is heavily involved in the project,
whereby a team of 20
participants are completing
project actions along the river
which include bank stabilisation,
fencing, installation of alternative
forms of livestock drinks, planting
vegetation, pruning of
overgrowth, installation of
Niall Fleming, RSS participant removes
nesting boxes and the removal of
some Himalayan Balsam from the banks
Himalayan balsam from the river.
of the Allow.
The IRD Duhallow LIFE+ Project aims to improve river water
conditions while significantly promoting the river and river life to
both the general community and local schools. It was launched by
the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government,
Mr. Phil Hogan TD in July 2011. LIFE+ is an EU funded programme
which supports environmental and nature conservation projects
throughout the EU. Since 1992, LIFE+ has co-financed a total of 3314
projects, contributing to approximately €2.45 billion to the
protection of the environment. The IRD Duhallow LIFE+ Project which
began in September 2010 and will finish in August 2014 is focused
on the Allow River Special Area of Conservation (SAC) targeting
improvements of the river and the river bed, so as to improve the
habitats of the pearl mussel, salmon, otter, kingfisher and dipper,
which are in serious decline.
Community and School Education
Community involvement is an integral part of this project. We will be
conducting workshops throughout the project’s life designed to
improve people’s knowledge of the river, the problems it faces and
also the lifecycle of the target species. There is a need for greater
public awareness and a heightening of environmental stewardship
towards the river and the species it contains which will ensure the
river is maintained after the project completion in 2014. Communities
prove to be strong advocates for the environment when made aware
of and brought into a stewardship process that will benefit the SAC.
Rising in the Mullaghareirk Mountains
and flowing through Freemount and
Kanturk before joining the main
Blackwater River near Banteer, the
River Allow catchment forms part of
the Blackwater River SAC. The river is
Eroding banks on the River Allow designated an SAC due to the
causing deterioration of water
presence of the Freshwater Pearl
quality and habitat for the
Mussel and the Kingfisher bird while
Freshwater Pearl Mussel.
also being an important site for the
presence of other species including Atlantic salmon, European otter
and the Irish dipper bird. An SAC is a prime wildlife conservation area
in the country, considered to be important on a European as well as
Irish level.
Kieran Murphy, Project Student assesses Tom Drinan of UCC presents some pearl
the bridge in Kanturk as a suitable
mussel shells to Seamus Fleming and James
location for a Dipper Nest Box
Twomey of Cullen NS at our Freshwater
Ecology Information Evening.
Fran Igoe
assesses under
water conditions
for an interview
with RTE
Ireland’s Cian
It is a well recognised fact that if school children are educated about
nature they are more likely to be positive stewards of the
environment in adulthood. Children are naturally interested in
animals and plants and they will be the decision makers when it
comes to the long term
management of the river.
All schools in the
Duhallow area will be
involved in the project
through schools visits,
field visits to the river
and also a project
involving students at
both primary and
IRD Duhallow hosted a meeting of the Blackwater
secondary level.
Salmon Development Group.
page 13
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
The first principle in
sustaining rural
development requires the
diversification of the
economic base of rural
areas. While the
competitiveness of the
farming sector remains
vitally important, farming
alone cannot provide
sustainable rural
communities. If
employment in rural areas is
to be sustained and further
increased jobs must be
created in non-farm sectors.
Farm Diversification
facilitates farm families to
diversify into nonDuarrigle Coach House Self Catering Facility
which was funded through LEADER 2007-2013 agricultural activities and
maintain or increase the
income of the farm household while creating employment
opportunities across different sectors. Funding is available through
LEADER to support farmers to diversify into non agricultural activity
and €106,035 has been committed of the current programme to farm
diversification projects in the Duhallow area.
Ag r i c u l t u re
The 2020 Food Harvest report has earmarked agriculture and food
production as the main driver for Ireland’s return to economic
recovery. The agricultural sector has always been resilient, it has
overcome many challenges in the past and has demonstrated a
capacity to adapt and innovate. Its influence goes far beyond the
farm-gate, into communities the length and breadth of the country.
Against this background and guided by the Agricultural Working
Group IRD Duhallow implements a range of supports for farm
families through the LEADER and LCDP Programmes in order to
improve on-farm efficiencies, support diversification, and promote
agri-tourism enterprises to supplement farm family income.
A wood walk
adjacent to
Duarrigle Coach
House Self
Catering which
is an ideal
location for
families seeking
a self-catering
GIY Duhallow member Roger Cresswell in his vegetable garden in Millstreet.
Small Holder Programme
2010 was a relatively positive year for Irish Agriculture following on
from the two previous difficult years. Prioritisation of Low Income
Farm Families through the Focal Farmer Programme is an integral
part of IRD Duhallow’s operations and since its introduction in 1996
the programme has assisted over 4,000 farm families in the Duhallow
area. During the past year the Agriculture Working Group undertook
an extensive range of activities that directly assisted low income farm
families which included training courses, field trips, and information
seminars. Efeirm which is an IT training course specifically designed
for farm families was completed by 15 farmers while 17 farmers
completed Farm Accounts Workshops which focused on educating
farm families on capital depreciation, the tax system, tax profiles,
allowances and entitlements. Through our Focal Farmer Programme,
98 farm families received AI, milk recording and soil sampling grants
in order to maximise farm efficiency. The Rural Social Scheme has
been most effective in supporting Low Income Farm Families and IRD
Duhallow has an allocation of 58 participants on the scheme.
Duhallow Women in Agriculture
The formation of a Duhallow Women in Agricultural
group was initiated during the past year. IRD Duhallow actively
supports greater female participation, and is aware of the enormous
role that women play in agriculture, which is often invisible to the
general public. In 2010, 17 women from Duhallow attended the
A group of farming women from Duhallow who attended the Women in Agriculture
Conference in Kilkenny which was Chaired by Maura Walsh IRD Duhallow.
Participants who completed an Efeirm IT training course which was part-funded
through LCDP.
Women in Agriculture Conference in Co Kilkenny. The conference,
organised by the Country Living magazine which is part of the Irish
Farmers Journal, played host to a raft of top-quality speakers who
addressed the issues pertaining to Irish farm life and the event was
chaired for the second year running by our Manager Maura Walsh. The
Duhallow Women in Agriculture group provides a unique
opportunity for women involved in agriculture to come together to
deal with the many issues and challenges confronting farm families in
the Duhallow area.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Ag r i c u l t u re
A good environment produces top quality yields….Looking well after a winter of
good quality silage and enjoying rich grassland as a result of soil and silage sampling
Farm Assist
The number of farmers on Farm Assist is at an all time high with
10,987 farmers claiming farm assist nationally and 942 of these
farmers are from the Cork region. Duhallow has a large number of
low income farm families who will always require support in order to
remain farming whilst also supporting their families. These farm
families provide us with the landscape and environment which gives
us our living countryside that is rich in biodiversity. Farm assist is a
means tested payment and is one of the Social Welfare entitlements
enabling farmers and their families to access a place on the Rural
Social Scheme. RSS provides additional income to low income
farmers or their family while offering communities and associations
additional labour for community projects and services.
Pat Keane, Chairperson of Duhallow
Bee Keepers displaying various
varieties of Honey Bees during a
seminar on the Importance of Bee to
the Environment.
Tony Keogh Duhallow Bee Keeper
during a Bee Keeping Demonstration
at the IRD Duhallow Apiary.
Bee Keeping
The Federation of Irish Beekeepers
Associations declared 2011 as the
Year of the Honeybee. Honeybees
are one of the most important
species on the planet. They
pollinate a range of flowering
plants, which in turn provide food
for thousands of animal species.
During the past year IRD Duhallow
and Duhallow Bee Keepers
Association organised a very
successful bee-keeping course
entitled “Beginning with Bees”. The
course was designed for
individuals starting out with bees
and included lectures on: Getting
Started with Bees, The Years Work,
Swarm Control, Pest and Diseases
and Queen Raring, over twenty
individuals successfully
completed the course. A seminar
entitled “Bee Keeping and its
Influence on the Environment”
took place during the month of
April with 60 bee-keepers of
varying expertise in attendance,
guest speaker on the night was
Prof. John Breen, University of
Limerick. A number of practical
outdoor demonstrations were
organised for members of the
Duhallow Bee Keeping
Association, these demonstrations
took place in the newly developed
LCDP funded Apiary which is
located on the grounds of the
James O’Keeffe Institute. This
facility is mainly used for training
and demonstration purposes.
Members of Duhallow Bee Keeping Association during an outdoor Demonstration
in the James O’Keeffe Institute, Newmarket.
Ireland has always maintained a strong equine tradition which is
particularly significant in the Duhallow area. The Irish Sport Horse
industry is a growing rural resource. Huge potential exists to develop
locally based services, rural tourism and projects towards the
advancement of rural diversification. Through the LEADER
programme funding is available to support eligible equine activities
assisting promoters in maintaining and strengthening the sector and
enhancing its valuable contribution to Duhallow’s rural economy.
Support for equestrian tourism facilities is eligible for funding through LEADER
IRD Duhallow’s Farmers Market
Farmers Markets have experienced considerable growth in Ireland in
recent years. IRD Duhallow Farmers Market was established in 2003,
the primary focus of the market is to support local farmers and artisan
producers by ensuring they have a direct outlet in which to sell their
produce. The market is an ideal venue for producers to test out artisan
food products. The farmers market is a niche market and there is a
growing demand for supplies especially for value added products. For
the second consecutive year, IRD Duhallow Farmers Market has been
awarded the Voluntary Code of Good Practice from the Department
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in conjunction with Bord Bia. The
market is located at the rear of Twohig’s Supervalu in Kanturk and is
open from 10.30am-2.30pm every Thursday and Saturday.
A “Remember Me”
Alzheimer’s coffee
morning took
place in
IRD Duhallow’s
Farmers Market in
Kanturk on the 5th
May 2011.
L-R Katie Crowley
IRD Duhallow,
Ruth O’ Sullivan
DCFS, Noreen
O’ Connell,
Cassie O’ Riordan,
and Marie Hudner.
page 15
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C o m m u n i t y D eve l o p m e n t
Identifying, Utilising and Optimising Assets
IRD Duhallow’s Community Development Working Group promotes
the sustainable development of rural communities through an Assets
Based approach which is based on the Carnegie Charter for Rural
Development. This charter emphasises that rural communities are
the key to their own destiny and are indeed their own best assets.
The Community Development working group continues to put a face
on the issues and needs of rural communities in Duhallow and are
acutely aware that the people living in these communities are key to
collectively bringing about sustainable positive changes within their
own areas. At a time when resources are limited communities
themselves have taken ownership of local assets, contributing to
imaginative solutions to create vibrant, sustainable and equitable
rural communities. Community groups continue to volunteer their
time, expertise and resources to improving the quality of life of
people living in their respective rural areas.
Members of Lismire Community Development Group at the turning of the sod of
their new playground.
IRD Duhallow supports these rural community groups through
LEADER funding to develop long term and sustainable community
projects. IRD Duhallow’s Animation and Community Development
working group provides a vital support structure to the large number
of community groups dispersed throughout the 40 geographical
communities in Duhallow and works towards the implementation of
IRD Duhallow’s LEADER 2007-2013 Strategic Plan. This framework
places rural community groups at the core and continues to take
forward the values and principles of community development work
within a rural context. It played a pivotal role in ensuring widespread
consultation in drawing up the Local and Community Development
Strategic Plan 2011-2013.
Before and after
the extensive
footpath work
took place at
which will
enhance the
look of the
Empowering Rural Communities
Following a public meeting in 2009 to determine the future of the
old school house, Foiloighig Development Association was
established. Traditionally National Schools defined a community
providing an integral part of family, school and parish life. This
derelict building had been laying vacant since the schools closure
in 2009 and it was feared that if left vacant the building would
further deteriorate and attract anti social behaviour to the area.
With the support of the Parish Priest, Fr. McCarthy, this active
community group has obtained a long term lease and have been
approved LEADER funding to establish a community resource centre
for the area.
As an result of the increase of rural population in villages, Lyre Hall Committee has
received LEADER funding to build a new community hall for the area..
Village and Countryside Renewal and Development
Having a long interregnum between LEADER+ and the new
programme and with ongoing animation from our staff, community
groups have been quick off the mark to avail of funding under the
Basic Services to the Rural Population Measure of LEADER. This
measure affords communities the opportunity to enhance their
community and cultural centres and the measure is now at a
commitment level of 87% with 12 community halls and facilities
securing commitments of funding in the first year of the programme.
Environmental Awareness Month
Village renewal is a long term process. The development of many of
the rural villages in Duhallow has evolved over many years as a result
of successive LEADER programmes and the hard work and
determination of local tidy town committees. The LEADER Village
Renewal and Development measure aims to provide appropriate
supports to enhance the economic and social attractiveness of
villages, small towns and the surrounding countryside. Each village in
Duhallow is unique in its own way, with its own natural, cultural and
physical features. This distinctive character creates a special sense of
place for the people who live there. A Community Audit was
completed for each of the towns and villages of Duhallow in 2008 to
raise community awareness of their surrounding landscape,
environment and cultural assets as well as highlight areas of
development. These working documents provide a strategic
framework for village communities to co-ordinate specific
development actions which will add to the local distinctiveness and
character within their own villages ensuring that the full potential of
the area is realised. IRD Duhallow has been inspired time and again by
the commitment and motivation of these tidy town groups to
develop their villages. With the LEADER programme well underway
€998,162.00 is still available to communities for eligible projects
under the Village Renewal and Development Measure and we are
heartened with the responses so far.
The new Cullen Pipe Band Hall which was funded by IRD Duhallow under the LEADER
programme. The band rehearsed for years in a portacabin.
Kerry Community Awards
IRD Duhallow has supported the Kerry Community and Voluntary
Forum of the Kerry County Development Board over the past number
of years in its successful Kerry Community Awards. Gneeveguilla
Basketball Club won a community award under the sports section in
2010. With the support of IRD Duhallow the club has increased its
membership and now has over 155 members. In May, President
McAleese visited Killarney to acknowledge the forum which
symbolises the vibrant community spirit that exists in the county.
Gneeveguilla Basketball Club showcased its achievement at the event
and the president met with members of the Club. She commended
the excellent work of volunteers in the community and of Kerry
County Development Board in supporting, promoting and
recognising the role of volunteers in the community.
page 16
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C o m m u n i t y D eve l o p m e n t
Domestic Violence
IRD Duhallow has for a number of years raised awareness of the
growing problem of domestic violence and the supports available to
those in abusive relationships. Domestic Violence is widespread in all
parts of society regardless of family circumstances, education or
financial situations and Duhallow is no exception. IRD Duhallow has
continued to raise awareness through workshops including the
Transition Years in Colaiste Treasa Secondary School and also with the
Open Door Women’s Group in Kanturk. With more pressure than ever
on couples and families in these recessionary times, the risk of
domestic violence is greater and IRD Duhallow is there to provide
support. The growing rate of abuse of our elderly population is an
issue that IRD Duhallow is also very aware of due to our involvement
on the ground with older people. Greater care is needed for older
people in Duhallow and neighbours, families and friends need to
support those who may not be able to support themselves. January
2011 saw the launch of the IRD Duhallow Domestic Violence Helpline
which is one of the few in Ireland that supports both male and
females and is manned by 20 trained volunteers Monday to Saturday
10am – 10pm. This helpline provides people in abusive relationships
with support and a listening ear during this traumatic period in their
life. Information is made available to them on their choices and on the
supports that are available to them.
President Mary
McAleese meets
with Eileen Linehan
IRD Duhallow, John
Hurley and Siobhan
Collins on the
Basketball Club
stand at Kerry
Community Elections
The success of IRD Duhallow has always been attributed to its
voluntary board and strong community base, with elected
community representatives from it’s three regions. The Western
Duhallow Community Elections were held in June and Eugene
O’Connor, Boherbue Parish Council and Collette O’Connor, Cullen
Pipe Band were elected to the board. The Chairman Michael Twohig
paid tribute to Hannah Kelleher from Cullen who retired from the
board on completion of her term of service.
At the Western Duhallow Community Elections, Collette O’ Connor of Cullen pipe
band and Gene O’ Connor of Boherbue Parish Council were elected to the Board of
IRD Duhallow with Triona Murphy, Michael Twohig and Eileen Linehan.
Community Websites
IRD Duhallow’s Community Development working group is
supporting communities through LEADER to develop their own
websites. These websites offer community groups a way of
communicating with their members and the wider public containing
details such as news, history, current services, facilities and upcoming
events. Laharn were one of the first communities to develop their
website. The site is run by the Laharn Community Action Group Ltd.
and it's main purpose at present is the promotion of the summer
season of Crossroad Dancing held at Laharn Cross every Sunday
night from May to September. The administrators have been trained
in and they are updating the site themselves.
Julie Sullivan received a Special Merit Award on behalf of East Kerry Mental Health
Association pictured here with L-R Louise Bourke, Helen O’Sullivan, Maura Walsh,
Marie Fleming and Cormac Collins of IRD Duhallow at the Kerry Community Awards.
The PAL group comprises of lone parents from around the Duhallow
area, who come together to share experiences and provide peer
support. The PAL group meets monthly, and for afternoon meetings
parents can avail of subsidised childcare in the adjacent Afterschools
The group regularly runs information evenings and workshops on
topics which are relevant to Lone Parents. Throughout the last
number of months workshops organised included a night on
managing money and finances, which was facilitated by MABS. A legal
information night for those going through separation, divorce or
custody cases and this was run in conjunction with Citizen’s
Information Bureau and Michelle O’Mahony, Solicitor.
In addition members of PAL regularly participate in training courses
and seminars. In 2010-2011 the group organised a basic computer
course and a series on stress management and relaxation.
Helen O’Sullivan explaining the services provided by Duhallow Domestic Violence
Helpline Support Group to members of the Kanturk Open Door Network.
Fr Liam Comer, Parish
Priest of Dromtariffe
officially opens
Dromtariffe hall after
refurbishment funded
by LEADER. Following
the refurbishment, RSS
painted the hall and
our CE Scheme
provides ongoing
support for
maintenance and
page 17
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
L E A D E R P ro j e c t s 0 9 / 1 3
Project Name
Support for Business Creation
& Development
Hickey Metering Ltd
Terrprofile Ltd
IRD Duhallow Social Economy Working Group
Brian Paterson & Sarah Evans trading as
The Secret Garden
Remote Healthcare
Cube Business Consulting
Maritime Tourism
Bioatlantis Manufacturing
Swipe Solutions
Night Owl Blending Co
Enterprise Development Working Group
Diversification into
Non Agriculture Activities
Ballymaquirke Fruit Farm
Declan & Patricia O’ Riordan
Basic Service for the Economy and
Rural Population
Kanturk & District Community Council
Banteer Community Hall
Ballydaly Community Hall
Freemount Community Playground
Development Association
Freemount Community
Development Association
Duhallow Choral Society
Social Economy Working Group
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
JOK Trust
Kanturk & District Community Council
Dromtarriffe Parish Hall Association
Rathmore Social Action Group
Rockchapel Community Centre committee
Comhaltas Ceoilteoiri Eireann –
Rockchapel branch
Kanturk & District Community Council
Bweeng Community Hall Committee
Freemount Development Association
Ballydesmond Community Centre Committee
Meelin Community Hall
Lyre Old School
IRD Duhallow Youth & Education
Working Group
Village Renewal & Development
Boherbue Development Association
Nadd Development Group
Araglen Development Association
Kiskeam Development Association
Banteer Community Sportsfield Ltd.
Ballydesmond Village Renewal
Lismire Community Playground
Gneeveguilla Hall
Foiloighig Community Centre
Kilbrin Community Hall
Kiskeam Village renewal
Boherbue Grotto Subcommittee
Boherbue Parish Hall
Laharn Community Enhancement project
Conservation & Upgrading the
Rural Heritage
Centenary Committee Infant Child of Jesus
Boherbue Parish Council
JOK Trust
Duhallow Women’s Forum
Kanturk Angling Club
Fr. John J. O’ Riordan
Newmarket Pipe band
Inchemay Historical Society
Cullen Pipe Band
Funding to start up business of Hickey Metering which involves the sales, installation and
maintenance of milk metering systems. This project involves the purchase of hardware and software.
Purchase GPR, Resistivity and Seismic equipment for analysis of sub surface ground conditions
Analysis and development of proposals for development of Community Enterprise
To construct a classroom facility, develop outdoor demonstration area and provide car park.
Feasibility into development of new software
Feasibility on business consultancy
Feasibility study and development of CRM system
Feasibility into new software development
Feasibility into new business start up
Enterprise Conference
Upgrading of facilities of jam production
Development of 4 star accommodation & walk
Grant aid material and equipment for display boards and promotion of the first Arts Festival in Kanturk
The expansion of the facility to include changing rooms, showers, steam room,
toilets and gym equipment
To install a new heating system in the hall comprising of seven new radiators, a boiler and a tank for oil
Development of site for playground with fencing and soft tiles
Remove current floor of the Community Hall and replace with new concrete floor incorporating
under floor heating.
Purchase of equipment & Uniforms
Equipment for development of social enterprise
Development of media training room for community radio
Refurbishment of kitchen for after schools service
Replacement of Crib Figures
Refurbishments works to hall
Equipment for drama & variety shows
Refurbishment works to hall
Development of Community Hostel
Refurbishments to Edel Quinn Hall
Development of amenity area
Roofing of community hall
Refurbishment works to hall
Refurbishment works to hall
Refurbishment works to hall
Youth Animation project
Reposition the village pump to its original place and lay down stone work and flower beds
Landscaping in village
Extension of glouneen river walk
Installation of foot-bridge to complete loop walk and enhance social integration
Upgrading of existing walk
Village Renewal Works
Development of new playground
Feasibility into development of new community multipurpose hall
Refurbishment works to old school
Refurbishment works to hall
Village Renewal works
Development of grotto
Refurbishment works to hall
Enhancement of accessibility to heritage centre
Research the history of the arrival of Infant Jesus Sisters from France to Drishane and their impact
on the locality. Publish book on research and produce DVD.
To publish book on history of the church in Boherbue and Kiskeam
To develop plan for James O’ Keeffe Institute and Grounds
To produce a book in honour of Nora Herlihy’s legacy and the Credit Union Movement in Ireland.
Acquire the expertise to perform investigative monitoring and surveying on the
Freshwater Pearl Mussel in the Blackwater and its tributaries
Publication of book “Kiskeam Versus The Empire”
Publication of book on history of Pipe Band
Erection of War of Independence monument
Development of new band practice hall & purchase of uniforms and equipment
page 18
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Project Name
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Kanturk & District Community Council
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Ballydesmond development Association
Gneeveguilla Community
Development Council
Duhallow Women’s Forum
Donoughmore Historical Group
Cumann Luachra, Rathmore
Kanturk Town Twinning
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Kanturk & District Community Council
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Castlemagner Historical Society
IRD Duhallow Environment Working Group
IRD Duhallow Environment Working Group
IRD Duhallow Environment Working Group
IRD Duhallow Environment Working Group
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Dromtarriffe Actively Retired
Meelins Journey
Youth & Education Working Group
Training & Information
Duhallow Choral Society
Employment & Training Working Group
IRD Duhallow Enterprise Development
Working Group
IRD Employment & Training Working Group
IRD Agriculture Working Group
Rockchapel Comhaltas Ceoilteoiri Eireann
IRD Duhallow Enterprise Development
Working Group
IRD Duhallow SAOI Network
IRD Duhallow SAOI Network
IRD Duhallow Youth & Education
Working Group
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
IRD Duhallow Enterprise Development
Working Group
IRD Agriculture Working Group
IRD Rural Development Bursaries
IRD Duhallow Youth & Education
Working Group
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
IRD Duhallow Employment & Training
Working Group
Duhallow Women’s Forum
Encouragement of Tourism Activities
Maritime Tourism Ltd Trading as
Ballyhass Lakes
Edward & Pollie Frampton
Kanturk & District Community Council
Kanturk Cycling Club
IRD Duhallow Enterprise Development
Working Group
IRD Duhallow Community Development
Working Group
Donoughmore Community Centre Ltd.
Freemount Development Association
Co-operation projects
IRD Duhallow Agriculture Working Group
IRD Duhallow Agriculture Working Group
IRD Duhallow Enterprise Development
Working Group
IRD Duhallow SAOI Network
IRD Duhallow Youth & Education
Working Group
LEADER Village Initiative Steering Committee
LEADER Small Food Programme
Steering Committee
All Kerry tourism
Kerry Graveyards Steering Committee
Upgrading works to Duhallow Way
Refurbishment works to Trade Union Hall
Development of Community Websites
Publication of book “Ballydesmond Rural Parish”
Publication of book on History of St Josephs Church Rathmore
Erection of monument of Sr. Mary MacKillop
Publication of book on history of cemeteries
Publication of Sliabh Luachra Journal
Publication of book on history of twinning
Cork Choral Fringe Festival
Publication of book on history of Kanturk
Development of Booklet & Information boards on holy wells in Duhallow
Erection of memorial plaque to Alasdair MacDonnell
Education field trips for Bird Watching Group
Barn Owl Conservation
Development of environment resource library
Feasibility into conservation of bog land
Information boards on walk from City to Glenflesk
Publication of historical book
Publication of historical book
Folklore project in Sliabh Luachra Primary Schools
Training for members of Choral Society
To deliver a pathways to employment programme for rural dwellers and communities in Duhallow
To deliver training workshops to members of the Enterprise Network
To deliver Fetac intermediate Computer Course
To deliver counterbalance forklift training to a number of individuals in the Duhallow area.
To run a master class for young people on traditional Irish music and dance and develop a group who
will be in a position to perform and teach Sliabh Luachra music and dance.
6 Customised Basic Bookkeeping & Payroll Courses
Memory through Media Training
Third Age training
Arts Education Programme in 30 Primary Schools
Purchase of media equipment
Mentoring for business
Grow It Yourself (GIY) Training
Provision of bursaries for the Diploma in Rural development
Youth Leadership Training
Volunteer Training
Water Meter Installation Training
Personal development Training
Construction of a new store and utility building and purchase of equipment for activity centre
Development of Rural Museum
Produce & Print Walking Guides of Kanturk
Development of off road cycle track
Shell Scheme for craft fair
Wildlife panels and benches on Blackwater Way
Development of walk in Donoughmore
Revival of Freemount Festival
Training for rural abattoirs
Food stand at National ploughing championships
Young Entrepreneurial Programme for 5 secondary schools in Duhallow
Memory Matters Transnational project
Secret Musical festival
LEADER Village Initiative
Small Food Programme
Development of tourism website
Digitizing of graveyards in Kerry
page 19
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Local Development Social Inclusion Programme
Funds Committed to Projects to December 2010
Project Name
Goal 1:
To promote awareness,
knowledge & uptake
of wide range of
statutory, voluntary &
Community Services
Bereavement Support
Lone Parents
Drop in Centre
Building Quality Relationships Seminar
Basic Computer Skills
IRD Duhallow Monthly Newsletter
Goal 2:
Increase access to
formal & informal
education, recreation
and cultura
activities & resources
Adult & Second Chance Education
Education & Training Exhibition
Eleven Individual Bursaries for Adults who are continuing education
Kanturk Basketball Club - Equipment
Kanturk Foroige Youth Club Equipment
Newmarket Youth Club Equipment
Boherbue Youth Club Equipment
Careers Exhibition
2 Transition from 2nd to 3rd level seminars
Literacy Workshops
Parent Advisory Clinics
TTRS Licence & Classes
"Laugh & Learn" Literacy Summer Camp
Parents Information Night on Literacy supports
Homework Support in four Secondary Schools & one Primary School
Peer Support Education
Drive Safe
Vegetable Garden
Public Speaking Competition
Youth Health Seminar
Drug Awareness Information Night
Firmount N.S. School Orchestra Library
Sliabh Luachra Cultural Camp
Money Management Info evening for Migrants & Asylum seekers
Summer BBQ Party for Asylum seekers & Migrants
Multi Cultural Christmas Event
Lismire Community Hall Equipment
Dromtariffe Parish Hall Equipment
Tullylease Community Hall Equipment
Pathfinder Software & HE Licence
Jobseeking Skills Course
Self Employment Option Programme
Jobseekers Workshops
Internet & Email Training
"Know Your Rights" Info Evening for Unemployed
Business Fundamentals
Enterprise Network Meetings
Coco Chico
Mikeala Nell Creation Casting & Crafts
Business Seminar for potential start up
DCFS Piron Oven
Craft Display Workshop
Annual Craft Fair
Farmers Market
Soil Sampling
Info Meetings
Silage Sampling
Milk recording
Broadband Info Seminar
Farm Accounts Workshop
Towards Occupation
Alzheimers Coffee Morning
I ASIST Training
Safe TALK on suicide alertness
Polytunnel Training Facility
Information Dissemination
Youth Clubs & Groups
Youth Information Service
Dyslexia Parents & Children
Afterschools Homework Support
Social & Personal Development
Summer Camps
Asylum seekers & Migrant Workers
Resources to Groups
Goal 3:
Increase in people
work readiness and
employment prospects
and cultura
activities & resources
Job Centre
Preparation for employment & enhancing
Enterprise Support
New Enterprise
Community Enterprise
Craft & Enterprise Network
Focal Farmer Efficiency
Mental Health Promotion
Goal 4:
Promote engagement
with policy, practice
and decision making
processes on matters
affecting local
Women’s Forum
Community Development Forum
Supporting Volunteerism
Empowerment of Older People
Empowerment of People with disabilities
Support for Family Carers
Domestic Violence
Feile Dhuthalla Seminar on Hanna Sheehy Skeffington
Seminar on entitlements & pensions
Mary MacKillop Mass
Health Seminar for Women
Womens Agriculture Conference
Environmental Awareness Month
Lyre Community Family Day
Heritage Week
Care & Repair
Community Radio
Cork & Kerry Volunteer Bureaus
Dromtariffe Active Retired
Freemount Comhaltas
Donoughmore Senior Group - Line Dancing
Castlemagner Sinsir Club Art Classes
Older Persons Brochure
Sign Language Classes
Boccia Team Equipment
Duhallow Sports Ability Day
Basic Sign Language 2nd Course
Carers Coffee Morning
Carers Annual Day out
Workshop on Domestic Violence
page 20
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Lo c a l C o m m u n i t y D eve l o p m e n t P ro g ra m m e
Local Community and Development Programme 2011-2013
The Local and Community Development Programme (LCDP) is the
successor to the Local Development Social Inclusion Programme and
was developed in response to the issues and priorities highlighted in
the National Strategic Framework for Social Inclusion (2007-2013) in
Ireland entitled Supporting and Enabling Dynamic Regions.
This new programme focuses the majority of the supports on
increasing access to education and increasing the work readiness of
people. The programme is split into four goals with 80% of the
budget mandatorily allocated to goals 2 and 3.
The objectives of the Goals are:
Promote awareness, knowledge and uptake of a wide
range of statutory, voluntary and community services.
Increase access to formal and informal educational,
recreational and cultural development activities and
Increase the work readiness of people to enter the
labour market.
Promote engagement with policy, practice and decision
making processes on matters affecting local
Cover design for our Local & Community Development Plan was created by
Michael John Kearney who is on graduate placement with IRD Duhallow.
IRD Duhallow hosted a final public consultation evening in March
2011 to further engage people on the challenges and opportunities
facing disadvantaged individuals and groups in Duhallow. One of the
main topics for discussion on the night was the dramatic reduction in
budget allocations over the past three years for the programme. With
this in mind, the community development team presented the main
supports that have been delivered to the Duhallow region over the
past 10 years. It was then open to the floor to discuss the shape of the
new strategic plan and what supports should be enhanced, reduced
or dropped altogether. The consultation allowed people the
opportunity to have their say on where they feel resources should be
allocated. From this meeting it became apparent that all of the
supports being delivered to the target groups of the region from the
focal farmer programmes, carers support, bereavement and domestic
violence support groups, dyslexia supports, our monthly newsletter
etc needed to continue if any locally relevant social inclusion was to
be achieved in the region. IRD Duhallow was given a clear mandate
on the night to continue to deliver these essential supports to the
Duhallow region.
Discussing the roll out of TÚS with Bernie O’ Donoghue Dept. of Social Protection,
Ann O Sullivan Cork City Partnership, Eamonn O’ Rielly North & East Kerry, Eileen
Linehan and Maura Walsh IRD Duhallow, Tim Meaghar Cork City Partnership and
Joseph McCrohan South West Kerry Partnership.
Strategic Planning Process
IRD Duhallow has just recently submitted our LCDP Strategic Plan
2011-2013 for evaluation to Pobal. The strategic planning process
which commenced in 2009 set out to identify local needs and define
responses for the next three years by consulting with all beneficiary
groups in Duhallow including community groups, youth clubs, older
people, carers, lone parents, disability access groups, entrepreneurs,
the unemployed, statutory agencies and more. Enhancing
community involvement and developing solutions to issues that
impact on the quality of life of rural people remains a key focus of the
Board of IRD Duhallow.
Conor Counihan with participants of the TO Programme who welcomed Sam
Maguire to Newmarket after 20 years.
Members of Kanturk Foroíge Youth Club in the St. Patricks Day Parade after
receiving LCDP funding for training for their dance and music piece.
In planning for the delivery of the programme a concise socioeconomic and demographic profile of Duhallow was created. Pobal
instructed us to identify the areas of the region that are most
disadvantaged and in need of support and accordingly prioritise
these regions. It emerged that IRD Duhallow’s catchment territory is
the most disadvantaged of any LEADER Partnership area in the South
West Region. Thus, there is a very clear need for direct targeting of the
entire Duhallow territory in tackling disadvantage. Some Duhallow
areas are experiencing depravation scores on a par with conditions in
designated urban RAPID areas. Rooted in the bottom up approach to
rural development IRD Duhallow will continue to implement the
LCDP programme with a LEADER ethos, mobilising the potential of
the most disadvantaged groups and communities throughout
Duhallow in order to improve their lives and circumstances.
page 21
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
D u h a l l ow C a re rs G ro u p
Aidan and
Bourke with
their mom
Mary, a
member of
Carers dedicate their lives to the well-being of those
they care for on an entirely voluntary basis. Statistics show that
Duhallow has the greatest ageing population in the country, with an
ever increasing number of elderly residents in our region leading to a
proportional increase in the number of carers in Duhallow. The issue
is that many of these people are thrust into their caring role, having
had little or no prior experience of coping in such situations and the
majority of carers encounter social isolation, as they care 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, with little time for themselves.
The Duhallow Carers’ Group aims to combat this isolation, and
provides peer support, information and advice to carers throughout
the region. It also gives carers the opportunity of relaxation outside
their home in a welcoming environment. This year the Chair passed
to Sheila Crowley from the Community Sector of the Board.
Participants of the Care in the Home Course which was accredited by City and Guilds
and funded under Dormant Accounts Funding.
Monthly Meetings and Carers’
The Duhallow Carers’ Group meets on a
monthly basis in the James O’Keeffe
Institute. Other people who have
experienced similar problems and
challenges are often the most valuable
source of information in a time of crisis
and worry and so the Carers group
provides the perfect space for this
networking. There is a theme to each
Bridget King who cares for her
meeting covering a wide and vast range
niece Rachel King.
of topics from important carers’ issues,
to cookery and stress management. A new initiative this year is the
publication of the Duhallow Carers’ Newsletter, which keeps carers
informed about upcoming events and issues.
Members of the Duhallow Carers Group who graduated with theeir certification in
caring from courses run through Dormant Accounts Funding.
Information Seminars
The group regularly hosts information
seminars on topical issues affecting
carers. Through the dormant accounts
funding, and collaboration with other
organisations and agencies the
Carers’ Group has run seminars on
Rights and Entitlements, Tele-Health
Systems, Guardianship, Inheritance
and Living Wills. These have all proved
extremely beneficial to carers, acting
Noreen Cronin and her Mom
as a means of information and
Sheila O'Connell.
Engaging in advocacy and raising the profile of Carers issues is seen
as one of the most important aspects to the Duhallow Carers’ Group.
It is often said that ‘change comes about not through the mighty, but
through lots of little shoves from ordinary people!’ Due to the huge
strain on the HSE services in the Duhallow area, the need for carers to
actively engage in advocacy is becoming increasingly important in
our region. It is through their unity Carers in Duhallow get a voice on
both a local, regional and national level. Prior to the general election,
the group compiled a lobbying document, which was distributed
throughout Duhallow. This helped raise awareness and promote the
issues experienced by Carers in our area.
Carers’ Training Courses
In 2008 the Duhallow Carers Group was awarded funding under
Dormant Accounts to run training courses for family and voluntary
Carers. Throughout 2010 and 2011 this was used to up-skill carers
throughout Duhallow. The courses included: a City and Guilds
accredited Care in the Home, Caring for Children with Special Needs,
Patient Manual Handling, Infection Prevention and Control and
Occupational First Aid. Courses like these, give carers confidence in
their ability to carry out their caring role, as well as improving the
quality of life of those they are caring for.
Extremely important aspects
to the Duhallow Carers’ Group
are outings and social
gatherings. The group
regularly organises day trips
and outings; In December, the
group met to have their
traditional Christmas dinner
and during the summer
Breda Buckley and Kay O’Sullivan examining months the carers went on a
some of Glebe Garden’s Vegetables at the
bus trip. Carers’ Week is an
summer Carers’ outing, which went to
internationally recognised
week dedicated to raising the
profile of Carers world-wide and this year the Duhallow Carers’ Group
decided to mark the event by holding a coffee morning in Kanturk
Farmers’ Market. Each December, the Duhallow Carers organise a
Carers’ mass, which remembers past members of the group and those
who are now deceased, but were cared for by members of the
Duhallow Carers Group.
Members of the Duhallow Carers’ Group at the Carers’ Coffee Morning which was held
to mark International Carers Week in June.
page 22
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E q u a l i t y, D i s a b i l i t y & M i g ra n t s
For many years IRD Duhallow and the Equality Working Group have
been working to counter disadvantage and promote equality and
social inclusion to create a fairer, tolerant and more caring society
where everyone can participate equally and have the opportunity to
fulfil their potential. The Working Group continues to implement
initiatives, activities and projects designed to facilitate and
encourage more equal participation in all aspects of community life.
IRD Duhallow supported Drishane
Sports Day in conjunction with Cork
Sports Partnership.
The Intercultural Food Event generated
huge interest.
The Equality Working Group recognises it is vitally important to build
informal links between asylum seekers, migrant workers and the local
community therefore support was offered to the Summer Barbeque
in Drishane Accomodation Centre which provided an important
opportunity to all communities to integrate and to learn more about
different cultures. This was a tremendous success with
a huge attendance.
A huge turnout at for IRD Duhallow’s Multi-Cultural Community Events in the Trade
Union Hall, Kanturk.
Integration Supports
IRD Duhallow has received funding through the Small Grants Scheme
– Integration Fund from the Office of the Minister for Integration
since 2007 and since 2009 is being administered by the Local
Authorities. For the last two years IRD Duhallow accessed this
funding through the Community & Enterprise Department of Kerry
County Council which covers the East Kerry portion of Duhallow. The
Social Inclusion Measure Working Group of Kerry County
Development Board which our Manager Maura Walsh is Chairperson
developed and launched an Integration Strategy for the County.
IRD Duhallow would welcome a similar strategy for our Cork Area.
Whilst inward migration
to Ireland has reduced it
has been identified
through the Social
Centre Meetings in
Duhallow that the
foreign nationals that are
in Duhallow at present
intend remaining here
Peter Lesiak with members of our Polish
long term. Therefore as a
Community receiving English Language Training. result of the funding that
is received for Local Community Development the Equality Working
Group implements a variety of measures to ensure that integration is
still being supported.
The development of the Rathmore Social Centre provides an
opportunity for foreign nationals to come together to meet, chat and
exchange experiences. Furthermore a very successful Intercultural
Food Event was held in June 2011 allowing for the chance to
celebrate and encourage participation and involvement of a number
of different nationalities through the sharing of diverse and local
food. Another enlightening occasion is the continuation of the MultiCultural Community events
which are held annually in
Rathmore, Kanturk and
These multi-cultural days
give adults and children the
opportunity to integrate and
to find out more about
international traditions and Solongo Munkhtogloki
from Mongolia with Mr
and Mrs Santa Claus
Michelle Bama from
Kenya after receiving a
present from Santa.
In the 2006 Census it was recorded
that there were 2,332 persons with
a disability in Duhallow. IRD
Duhallow has undertaken a
number of infrastructural projects
to make community venues,
facilities and events fully accessible,
Participants learn the basics of Irish
and this has worked to challenge
Sign Language for communication
prejudices and obstacles that have
and conversation.
acted as barriers to enabling
people with disabilities to realise their full potential. Other supports
that IRD Duhallow offer pertain to the provision of Sign Language
Training which aims to empower and educate members of the
Duhallow Community in the use
of Sign Language thereby heightening
the awareness of those with disabilities in
our community. This course covered such
topics as; Meeting People with a hearing
impairment, Finger Spelling, Finger Signs,
Family, Numbers and Counting, Time,
Food and Drink. Due to the very high
demand a second course was also
A successful Sports Ability Day was
Tim Galvin with his eye on the
ball learning Boccia for the
organised by IRD Duhallow which
first time.
promoted physical activity and sport to
people with a disability in the Duhallow Area. This event allowed
individuals the opportunity to try out a wide variety of sports and
physical activities including Badminton and Boccia. Boccia is a sport
that can be played by individuals, pairs or teams. The game focuses
around a target and must be played from a seated position which
makes it accessible for wheelchair users and older people.
Importantly all levels and abilities can partake in this sport and vitally
it can serve as an outlet for social contact. The Sports Ability Day was
particularly relevant for individuals, coaches, parents, youth club
leaders, carers, special needs assistants and was also for anyone who
has an interest in promoting sport and physical activity. Importantly
to ensure access for all, Duhallow Area Rural Transport was available
for anyone who required transport to this inclusive event.
Everyone getting
involved and
taking part at the
Sports Ability
Day held in
Community Hall.
page 23
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E m p l oy m e n t & Tra i n i n g
Since 2007, the labour market context in Duhallow has changed
significantly with unemployment rates rising dramatically. Duhallow
has suffered from extensive redundancies in traditional enterprises
which have had a negative impact on the number of opportunities
available locally; this in turn has proved to be demoralising for those
seeking work in the local community. Young people under 25 years,
lower skilled workers and craftspeople have been particularly
affected by this increase in unemployment. Given the broader
economic backdrop and recent unemployment figures, it is no
surprise that expectations for 2011 are for modest growth at best,
therefore specific interventions and supports are required now more
than ever.
Job Centre, workshops were delivered to aid Job Seekers become
more confident and aware when seeking employment. Two
workshops were delivered focusing on Job Seeking Strategies and
Interview Preparation.
IRD Duhallow’s Employment and Training Working Group which
consists of representatives from FAS, VEC, DSP, MABS, TEAGASC, SIPTU,
and Third Level Institutions is now focusing on intervention
programmes which will provide people with the necessary skills to
improve their employability. With the support of LCDP and LEADER,
IRD Duhallow is focusing on reducing long term unemployment,
improving youth unemployment, tackling gender gaps and
providing a focused approach to education and training.
Advanced Computer Class about to embark on a 16 week training course funded
Preparation for
Employment and
The importance of
Education and Training
is now more important
than ever with Long
Term Unemployed and
under employed
individuals needing to Brid Sullivan, Michael John Kearney and Laura
Corcoran who have completed work placements with
upskill, retrain and
IRD Duhallow. .
enhance their
employment opportunities. IRD Duhallow recognises that the
provision of education and training is a means for which unemployed
people can be equipped with the skills and qualifications needed to
compete in a restructured labour market.
IRD Duhallow has targeted disadvantaged and socially excluded
individuals in order to enhance their capacity to participate in the
workforce through a number of tailored courses delivered locally.
One to One Meeting with Thomas O’ Connell – CV Preparation.
Job Centre
IRD Duhallow operates a Job Centre that is available and accessible
to everyone. The Job Centre has supported over 350 individuals in a
variety of ways such as Job Placement, Career Advice, aid with writing
CV’s and Cover Letters, Interview Preparation and the provision of
“Pathfinder”. The Job Centre is an essential element to the people of
Duhallow as it is flexible and locally based and importantly it
supports individuals and their needs on a one to one basis.
There is a high demand for broadband training in Duhallow.
Provision of the software package “Pathfinder” continues to be an
essential career guidance programme for young people and adults,
which will match individual’s interests to jobs, careers and Higher
Education subjects and courses.
In order to provide targeted
interventions to improve the
options available to long
term unemployed, short
term unemployed and those
most distant from the
Labour Market the Working
Group recognises that
individuals must receive
guidance and information in
relation to making choices
appropriate to their needs
Mary Mullane enjoying her training on a Basic and the needs of the
Computer Training Course funded through the
labour market. Through the
LCDP Programme.
Information Computer Technology Training
The Working Group appreciates the need to deliver, coordinate and
resource training initiatives and in particular the area of I.T. is a key
necessity. Skills in I.T. are now required in a variety of sectors including
manufacturing, tourism, food and technology etc. Therefore it is a
requirement that people who do not have the experience using
computers are given the opportunity to receive training and not be
Participants on the Basic Bookkeeping and Payroll Training Course funded
through LEADER.
page 24
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E m p l oy m e n t & Tra i n i n g
bursaries. In the last year IRD Duhallow has allocated 11 bursaries to
target group individuals participating in varied courses from
Counselling to Photography to Accounting Technician Training. The
provision of these bursaries has enabled these individuals to
participate and access Further and Higher Level Education.
A full house at the James O’ Keeffe Institute for participants waiting to receive their
left behind by the technological advances that continue to manifest.
Over the past year the Working Group delivered a number of courses
in I.T. through funding received from LEADER including Advanced
Computer Training, two Internet and Email Training Courses and a
Basic Computer Training Course which have successfully trained over
58 people.
Basic and Computerised Bookkeeping and Payroll Training
In order to provide locally tailored interventions in driving economic
development and diversification IRD Duhallow has provided a Basic
and Computerised Bookkeeping and Payroll Training course funded
through LEADER. This programme has allowed rural dwellers to
develop the skills required to set up and manage Bookkeeping and
Payroll systems within Micro Enterprises.
An array of participants who received computer training with IRD Duhallow
receiving their Certificates at the well attended Graduation Ceremony.
Adult Celebratory Graduation Ceremony
Through LEADER & LCDP we contributed to enhancing the training
opportunities available to adult learners in Duhallow. In February of
this year we hosted a graduation ceremony which celebrated the
achievements of participants who successfully completed training
courses with IRD Duhallow. This event proved a tremendous success
with over 220 individuals receiving certificates in Bookkeeping,
Information Computer Technology Training, Sign Language, English
Language Training, E-Feirm, Care in the Home, Dependent Adult
Training, Food Hygiene, Sewing/Upholstery and Cooking. This event
celebrated the achievements of each individual and also offered an
opportunity for participants to catch up with their class. We would
like to congratulate everyone who received their certificate.
Adult and Second Chance
IRD Duhallow recognises that people from rurally isolated areas face
many difficulties when trying to access further and higher education.
These barriers may include reduced financial means; lack of
knowledge and information pertaining to appropriate access routes;
lack of suitable and affordable transport; and poor broadband and
communications infrastructure. The Employment and Training
Working Group through the Adult and Second Chance Measure
continues to promote and improve access to relevant and practical
training & educational opportunities for those who may not have had
the opportunity to complete their education through the provision of
Speakers at the Information Evening on “Know Your Rights”; Hannah Casey,
Margaret O’ Doherty of Citizens Information Service along with Colette Vaughan
representing Department of Social Protection and John Kirwan Chairperson of the
Employment and Training Working Group.
Information Seminar “Know Your Rights”
In 2010 we delivered an information evening on “Know Your Rights”.
Through funding received from LCDP the information seminar was
specifically targeted towards unemployed individuals in the region.
Speakers on the night included Collette Vaughan from the Social
Welfare Office in Newmarket and Margaret O’ Doherty from the
Citizens Information Office. The working group recognises that it is
important to inform those that have lost their jobs, about income,
savings and pensions. The information seminar provided an
important opportunity to provide information on Social Welfare
Payments and Entitlements, Back to Work Enterprise Allowance, how
to effectively manage your money and tax reliefs that are available.
The Tús initiative is a community work placement scheme providing
short-term working opportunities for unemployed people. The work
opportunities are to benefit the community and are to be provided
by community and voluntary organisations in both urban and rural
5,000 places in the Tús scheme will
become available during 2011. Forty
places have been made available to IRD
Duhallow. Unemployed people who
are eligible to participate in the scheme
were selected and contacted by the
Department of Social Protection in
June and the first scheme got
underway on Monday 18th July.
Participants had a wide variety of skills
and previous work experience and will Don Murphy
work across the Duhallow region and
also across the Tús measures which are
broadly the same as the Rural Social
Scheme. These included Warmer
Homes, community facilities, meals on
wheels, village renewal, countryside
enhancement heritage projects and
community administration. Two
supervisors, Don Murphy and Con O’
Sullivan have been appointed.
page 25
Con O’ Sullivan
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
M e n t a l H e a l t h a n d Tra n s i t i o n t o E m p l oy m e n t
Mental Health and Well Being
Looking after our mental health is as important as any other part of
our wellbeing. One in four people will be affected by mental or
neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Mental health is a
state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own
abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her
community. In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for
individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community.
Everyone has mental health needs, whether or not they have a
diagnosis of mental illness. IRD Duhallow’s Equality working group
promote positive mental health for all and actively aim to reduce the
discrimination and social exclusion associated with mental health
difficulties in Duhallow.
Participants of the Towards Occupation Programme busy at work in IRD
Duhallow’s newly constructed Poly tunnel.
Towards Occupation Programme (TO)
Participation in valuable work plays a major role in positive mental
health and for recovery from mental health problems, and is thus
inextricably linked with the human right to the highest attainable
standard of mental health. Unemployment not only creates economic
disadvantage but also decreases self-esteem and increases isolation
and marginalisation. The UN Committee on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights notes that governments must take steps to achieve
the full realisation of the right to work, including “technical and
vocational guidance and training programmes, policies and
techniques to achieve…full and productive employment” (Article
6(2)). The TO Programme strives to provide and deliver a meaningful
and holistic combination of training, guidance and support to people
with mental ill health in their own community. This programme is a
partnership programme between IRD Duhallow, Ballyhoura
Development Ltd., Avondhu Blackwater Ltd, West Limerick Resources
and South East Cork Area Development. The programme emphasises
the principles of social inclusion, choice, participation and equality.
TO targets those feeling
isolated, lacking confidence
and those who are long
term unemployed for
whatever reason.
Participants explore a range
of new skills and are
supported to set achievable
goals. A strong emphasis is
placed on confidence
building, communication
skills, increasing self belief
and promoting social
interaction. This year
Triona Murphy, Development Officer IRD
Duhallow having a chat with Towards
participants of TO
Occupation Participant Catherine Guerin.
participated in Upholstery
classes, Creative Casting and a Healthy Living course. The group are
also taking part in Horticulture classes in the newly constructed Poly
tunnel which is based on the grounds of the James O’Keeffe Institute,
Participants of the Towards Occupation Programme practicing a skincare routine
during a Healthy Living workshop.
Now more than ever, with a clear absence of open market job
opportunities, participants of the Towards Occupation Programme
desperately need community based employment opportunities,
which provide flexible working arrangements to meet their individual
needs. Some of these participants may realistically never be able to
access the open labour market due to lack of skills, lack of mobility
and reluctance on the part of employers to employ the long term
unemployed. The social economy approach offers these individuals
the dignity of work and a role in improving their direct environment
through the provision of services.
IRD Duhallow is
currently in the
process of
establishing an
innovative furniture
recycling and reuse
project in Duhallow.
Participants of the
RSS have been busy
collecting unwanted
household furniture
Duhallow which is
Participants of the Towards Occupation Programme
suitable for re-use.
learn new skills in basic furniture restoration.
The project which
will be based in
Newmarket, will provide furniture for disadvantaged older people
and low-income householders in the community whilst providing
employment and training opportunities for individuals with mental
health difficulties in furniture repair and reuse.
Community Caregivers including, health workers, Teachers, Community Workers,
Youth workers & volunteers who took part in one of the I ASIST workshops.
Suicide has touched the lives of many people in Duhallow. Aside from
the tragic and unnecessary loss of each life, the devastating impact
each suicide has on those left behind is a major issue. In response to
this I ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and Safetalk
training programmes were offered to community groups and
professionals in Duhallow who come into contact with people who
may be expressing suicidal thoughts. These programmes were
delivered by the HSE and supported by the National Office for Suicide
page 26
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
M e n t a l H e a l t h a n d Tra n s i t i o n t o E m p l oy m e n t
Prevention. 60 people were trained in the two-day I ASIST skills
programme in 2010. This two day intensive, interactive workshop is
designed to equip community members with the skills to help them
identify individuals who may be at risk of suicide in their
communities, work places or even their families. Furthermore, the
programme provides participants with the awareness, knowledge
and confidence to help and enable them to intervene and essentially
prevent the immediate risk of suicide.
Bereavement & Loss Support
The IRD Duhallow Bereavement & Loss Support service is over 10
years in operation and has continued to provide an invaluable free
and confidential listening service to people who have experienced a
loss or bereavement in their lives. Everyone in life is touched by the
loss of a loved one either through death, separation or divorce at
some stage in their life and it is when a person experiences difficulty
in dealing with this loss and change that this support service can
step in and help. The service operates with 14 trained volunteers who
meet people on both a one-to-one basis and in a group setting.
Volunteers can be met at a suitable time and people can avail of as
many one to one sessions as they feel they require. The voluntary
effort of local people on this service has helped to ensure that it
continues to operate as efficiently as possible. The team of volunteers
are constantly raising awareness on the supports available through
the distribution of brochures and business cards on the service
throughout the region. All volunteers have been trained by IRD
Duhallow in Listening Skills and in Bereavement and Loss as well as
attending various workshops relevant to the service. IRD Duhallow
hosted a Bereavement & Loss Seminar in May 2011. The speakers on
the night were Mary Roberts, Psychiatric Nurse and Cindy O’Connor
Clinical Director of Pieta House, The Centre for the Prevention of Self
Harm or Suicide. Ms Roberts spoke about coping with loss and
accessing the supports available. Ms O’Connor spoke on the
opportunities and help that exist for people at risk of suicide and self
harm and she also focused on the assistance available for family
members of those at risk. There was good interaction from the
audience on the night and a lot of questions were asked in relation to
the grieving process and help for recognising the behavioural signs
and symptoms of those who are at risk of self harm and suicide.
Mary Roberts, Community Psychiatric Nurse , Maura Walsh, IRD Duhallow,
Kathleen Dennehy, Volunteer, Cindy O’Connor , Pieta House and Helen O’Sullivan,
IRD Duhallow at the Bereavement and Loss Seminar.
Peer Support Education Programme
Young adults are often the first point of contact in times of distress
and therefore play a valuable role in supporting their friends. Often
when a crisis arises, peers are willing to give their time and to offer
themselves in the role of listener when professional help is not
perceived to be available, accessible, or advantageous. The Peer
Support Education Programme is a community based suicide
awareness programme specifically designed to address the needs of
young people. The programme aims to help participants to develop
their listening and communication skills so that they might help
other young people who are in some difficulty or crisis in a practical
and logical way. Four of IRD Duhallow’s Development Officers have
been trained by the HSE and the National Learning Network. The
programme was rolled out to Transition Year students in Scoil Phobail
Sliabh Luachra, Rahmore and Boherbue Comprehensive in 2010-2011.
Pat Fitzpatrick, IRD Duhallow with Students from Scoil Phobail Sliabh Luachra,
Rathmore and Mary McHugh IRD Duhallow with student from Boherbue
Comprehensive who completed the Peer Support Education Programme.
Drugs and Alcohol Awareness
IRD Duhallow hosted a Drugs and Alcohol information evening for
parents as a result of public concern about the growing drug and
alcohol problem in Duhallow. Rural parents often perceive their
children to be less at risk, and sometimes struggle more than their
urban counterparts to identify and respond to their teenagers’ alcohol
and drug use. Olive O’Reilly who is a Drug Counsellor and Manager of
the Matt Talbot Adolescent Services (MTAS) and Cara Lodge spoke on
the night. Her presentation focused on the realities of the drug and
alcohol abuse epidemic, why young people use drugs, warning signs
and the ill effects of usage. She also offered some useful strategies for
parents. Don Brennan, Community Garda who is based in Kanturk
spoke on the night about the extent of underage drinking in
Duhallow, the ease of access which young people have to alcohol and
the benefits in delaying the age at which young people start to drink.
The Irish government published its National Drugs Strategy
2009–2016 in 2009 which aims to create a safer society through the
reduction of the supply and availability of drugs for illicit use. Despite
a clear need, at present Duhallow does not have a regional drugs
worker based in the area. The Youth and Education working group is
in the process of addressing this with the Southern Regional Drugs
Task Force.
Participants of the Towards Occupation Programme receive their certificates at the
IRD Duhallow Graduation Night.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Kanturk Historic Walking Guide
Kanturk Community Council
developed a historic walking guide
promoting the historic significance
of buildings and structures in the
town with LEADER support. The
guide consists of 3 walking routes in
the town with 32 points of interest
for walkers to visit. This guide will
especially appeal to people returning
to visit or tracing their heritage.
To u r i s m
Duhallow may never be able to compete with more popular tourist
destinations in Cork and Kerry but can compliment them with its
own unique package. Exclusive to Duhallow is the wealth of culture
that Sliabh Luachra possesses which coupled with outdoor activities
makes for a unique experience. IRD Duhallow’s strategic plan has set
out a tourism strategy under Environmental, Cultural and Human
Resource Themes. It targets cultural training, environmental
awareness and heritage management as well as the development of
cultural centres, environment projects, facilities for activities
including walks, cycle tracks, equine and accommodation.
Community projects such as village renewal and local historic and
cultural publications and guides will enhance the tourism product
being developed.
Tim Ring IRD Duhallow discusses the
requirements of the National Walks Scheme
with landowner Jerry O’Mahony of
Cyclists build
up speed on the
in the start of
the art LEADER
funded cycling
track in Kanturk
Local Youth Club utilise the newly
opened cycling track.
A Local fisherman enjoys the
solitude of the River Blackwater
while fishing for trout.
Kanturk Cycling Track
In 2010 Kanturk Cycling Club
developed a state of the art off road
cycling track & velodrome that is the
largest facility of its kind in Ireland and
quickly becoming a major tourist
attraction. Like many rural regions our
road network is such that most are just
about sufficient for two cars to pass,
making cycling a very hazardous
pastime for adults and children,
moreover when agricultural
machinery and lorries also traverse our
roads. From travelling abroad to
competitions, the committee
recognised that outdoor recreational
facilities in other countries greatly
boosted tourism in these areas and
would compliment the existing tourist
attractions in our region such as
Ballyhass Lakes, Angling and Millstreet
Country Park. A LEADER Grant funded
the facility, which is now open to the
public with a variety of events planned
for the future.
Millstreet Walking Festival
IRD Duhallow since it’s inception has undertaken a vast amount of
work in the development of walking routes. The Duhallow Way
which is a 30km stretch of the Munster Way and forms part of the
European E8 Walking Route together with 6 looped walks and 3 long
distance walks have all been developed.
Derry Sheehan, Deputy Aine
Collins, Tony McCaul and
Gordan O’Keeffe of
Millstreet Development
Association who were
involved in the planning
stages of the new Clara
Loop Walk along with Tim
Ring Rural Social Scheme
Supervisor. IRD Duhallow
was responsible for
developing this walk under
the Walks Scheme and will
maintain it in the future.
Donie Howard of Millstreet Country Park gets set to
take a group of outdoor enthusiasts on a guided tour
of Millstreet Country Park as part of Millstreet
Walking Festival.
Thomas Mulcahy Millstreet
who will be investing in a new
pair of hiking boots after his
enjoyable walk during the
Millstreet Walking Festival.
A great turn out at Millstreet Country Park which was one of the 6 different routes
during the Millstreet Walking Festival.
GO Kerry!
On the Kerry side of Duhallow, IRD Duhallow is involved in a tourism
marketing initiative called Go Kerry, led by All Kerry Tourism (AKT) of
which we are a member. This initiative aims to exclusively market the
county of Kerry as a destination involving the business and tourism
sectors and community and voluntary groups. Currently an interterritorial LEADER funded marketing campaign is underway by AKT
with the Sliabh Luachra culture being promoted as well as “An Cathair
Cubh Dearg” known locally as “The City” at the base of the twin
mountains “The Paps” which is the oldest centre of continuous
worship in the western world. Adding to this is the Source of the
Blackwater River, Ireland’s second largest river, forming the border of
Cork & Kerry where IRD Duhallow has developed 2 looped walks. The
work of our Environment Working Group will undoubtedly enhance
Duhallows tourism product and when coupled with the excellent
accommodation base which LEADER is building will give farm families
and the Duhallow economy a further boost.
The view of Kanturk Footbridge shows how attractive the Duhallow region is for angling.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C u l t u re
Duhallow is rich in culture
and heritage with many of
our communities possessing
unique resources which if
developed can contribute to
the sustainable rural
development of the entire
Duhallow region. IRD
Duhallow has identified
culture as one of the four
Mrs Gilman, Kanturk shows her son Charles
main resources that can
& Grandchildren her transcript from the
contribute to the creation of
1937 Folklore Project.
a living countryside in
Duhallow. The oldest site of continuous religious worship is in our
midst in Shrone, An Cathair Cubh Dhearg the first place in Ireland to
be populated which is the centre of our Sliabh Luachra region. The
cultural significance of the Sliabh Luachra region is well documented
and IRD Duhallow continues to support the preservation of the
unique traditions of this region through LEADER funding for Master
Classes which has resulted in a team of 22 young people being
trained in the old Sliabh Luachra style of music song and dance.
Based in the Bruach na Carraige cultural centre in Rockchapel, this
group is the only of its kind in Ireland and is quickly attracting
European demand.
Laharn and Freemount Cultural Centres are also playing their part in
ensuring the cultural traditions of their regions are preserved and
thrive. Dancing at the crossroads is well established in Laharn and
Freemount has just this year revived its summer festival.
stories. As a result, 3 communities were supported this past year to
publish books. Kanturk & District Community Council’s Town Twinning
Committee has been active in Duhallow for over 20 years with groups
travelling to and from Brittany & Duhallow. Local author John Dillon,
Member of Kanturk Twinning Committee wrote the book entitled
“Town Twinning the Duhallow & Brittany Experience”. Rathmore
Church also marked its 150th Anniversary with the publication of a
book on the history of the church as well as recording its unique
gothic architecture and the process involved in its planning and
building. Ballydesmond Development Association published
“Ballydesmond Rural Parish in its Historic Setting” written by Fr.
Tommy Culloty, the book documents emigration from Ballydesmond,
farming advancements, the drama of the Titanic as well as traditional
crafts and customs.
As part of its Memory Through Media project, IRD Duhallow’s SAOI
Network developed three short films – “A day in the Bog” which
documents traditional turf cutting, “The Udder Way” which looks at
old and new milking techniques and “The Box Iron” featuring the old
way of ironing clothes.
Cullen Pipe Band built a practice hall with LEADER support.
Pipe Bands
Duhallow is in a unique position to have three pipe bands in the
region with Millstreet, Cullen and Newmarket carrying on a long
tradition of piping in Duhallow. IRD Duhallow has supported all three
pipe bands in the past and earlier this year, Cullen Pipe Band
completed works on the new band practice hall which was funded
through the LEADER Programme. This facility is a major resource to
the band and has positioned them well to attract new younger
members with the proper facilities to train them.
Members of the Ceoilteoiri Sliabh Luachra Group who have completed Master
Classes Training in Bruach na Carraige, Rockchapel.
The Irish Folklore Commission devised the Schools Folklore
Collection, a collection of material gathered in an eighteen month
period during 1937 and 1938 by approximately 100,000
schoolchildren aged between eleven and fourteen. The aim was to
seek out and record material dealing with a wide range of Irish folk
tradition and embraced folk tales, legends, riddles, proverbs, songs,
customs and beliefs as well as games, pastimes and descriptions of
traditional work practices and crafts. As part of National Heritage
Week, IRD Duhallow hosted an exhibition of the manuscripts written
in Duhallow for the Folklore Collection. The exhibition was of major
interest to many of the people who participated in the project and to
their families and friends. Inspired by this project, IRD Duhallow has
devised a new schools project which will collect contemporary
accounts from children in the 10 Sliabh Luachra schools, who will
consult their parents, grandparents and other members of the
community to gather information
relating to the same themes set out
by the Irish Folklore Commission in
1937. Their responses to the
traditions, customs and social
history will be recorded in the
format of a CD and a radio series.
Historical Publications
In order to preserve the history and
culture of our region, IRD Duhallow Timmy Lynch at the launch of
has supported a number of
“Town Twinning and the Duhallow
communities to document their own Experience” with author John Dillon
Members of the Canticum Novum Choir from the Czech Republic who performed
in Kanturk Church to an appreciative audience.
Cork Choral Fringe Festival
Duhallow boasts an acclaimed Choral Society that has achieved great
success over the years. We were delighted when Eimear Fitzgerald of
Cork International Choral Festival contacted us offering the
opportunity to host a Fringe Concert in Duhallow which featured the
acclaimed 48 member Canticum Novum Choir from the Czech
Republic. With over 200 in attendance, Kanturk Church proved to be
acoustically excellent and we are grateful to Canon Corkery and Fr.
Linehan for providing access to
the venue. The choir was treated
to a meal provided by Duhallow
Community Food Services. The
festival gave locals an opportunity
to experience the Arts and talent
of an international Choir locally.
We hope to develop a
transnational project in the future
with Duhallow Choral Society
Agnes O’ Sullivan, Duhallow SAOI network
and our friends in the Czech
who participated in the Memory Through
Media Training project.
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Yo u t h a n d E d u c a t i o n
Claire Murphy, Scoil Mhuire Kanturk
Young Entrepreneur Finalist 2011 with
her new creation the ‘leggit’
LEADER Young Entrepreneur
Programme (YEP)
Kerry has been awarded European
Entrepreneurial Region for 2011.
With the assistance of LEADER
funding IRD Duhallow together
with the other Kerry Partnerships
funded the Young Entrepreneur
Programme 2010-2011 for 18
Secondary Schools in Kerry and
the 5 Secondary Schools in
Duhallow. LEADER YEP is
dedicated to raising awareness of
entrepreneurship and illustrating
the validity of it as a career choice
and enhancing the awareness of,
and skills associated with, starting
your own business. The
programme provides a unique
opportunity for students with
business ideas to learn first hand
from leading Entrepreneurs.
Students from Colaiste Treasa, Kanturk get information about career opportunities
at our Careers Exhibition.
Careers Exhibition
IRD Duhallow hosted its annual Careers Exhibition in the Edel Quinn
Hall, Kanturk for all Secondary Schools in Duhallow. Students facing
decisions and choices in relation to their career, college, training etc.
were able to meet with representatives from Universities, Institute’s of
Technology, PLC training colleges, agricultural colleges etc to discuss
further educational opportunities including information on specific
course details and requirements.
TD, Michael Moynihan, Michael Twohig, Chairman IRD Duhallow and MEP Brian
Crowley with students of Scoil Mhuire, Kanturk at the Communicating Europe
information workshop.
Community Garda John Crowley speaks to students at the ‘Your Turn’ Leadership
Programme 2011
‘Your Turn’ Leadership Programme
30 Young leaders from Duhallow participated in the 3 day ‘Your Turn’
Leadership programme which was delivered by Common Purpose.
The programme was designed to unlock young peoples leadership
potential by giving them the information and inspiration they need
to make a difference. The students were challenged to think in new
ways about real life issues and encouraged to develop their own
positive and creative solutions as active citizens in their region. The
programme allowed these young people to appreciate their regions
diversity and strengths and provided them with an opportunity to
better understand decision making processes.
Communicating Europe Initiative
Communicating Europe is a Department of Foreign Affairs initiative
which aims to build public understanding and knowledge about
Irelands EU membership. The EU is anxious that both young and old
are aware of the good work being done in local regions as a result of
EU funds. IRD Duhallow secured funding to raise awareness about
how the European Union has benefited our region. Over 10 months
IRD Duhallow published articles on the EU in our community
newsletter. MEP’s Brian Crowley and Seán Kelly also spoke at EU
information workshops in the 5 Secondary Schools in Duhallow.
Seán Kelly, MEP, Transition Year Co-ordinator Eileen Lane, Yvonne Brosnan, IRD
Duhallow, Vice Principal Mary O’Keeffe and Transition Year students from Boherbue
Comprehensive School at the Communicating Europe Information workshop.
Pat Fitzpatrick, Life + Co-ordinator
speaks to students about Special Areas
of Conservation at the ‘Your Turn’
Leadership Programme 2011
Cllr. John Paul O’Shea, Chairperson of the
Youth and Education Working Group
explains the role of the Council to
students at the ‘Your Turn’ Leadership
programme 2011
Afterschools Homework Support
Often, those students who perform poorly in school are the same
students who have difficulty getting their homework completed. They
may lack organisational skills, home support or have other obligations
that prevent them from getting their work done. IRD Duhallow’s
structured afterschools homework support programme is funded in 4
Post Primary Schools and 1 Primary School. It offers the opportunity
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Yo u t h a n d E d u c a t i o n
and support to those students who need assistance to complete
their homework. This year we are also supporting one community
based Afterschools club organised by a Parents Council in Millstreet.
A specific time set aside just for homework helps set an example that
helps students better structure their own time.
John Paul O’Shea, Chair of the Youth and Education Working Group, Val Doughty,
Literacy Tutor, Louise Bourke IRD Duhallow and Michael Forrest, member of the
victorious Meelin Hurling Team, presenting end of term awards to the children
partaking in Literacy Support Classes.
Literacy Support
IRD Duhallow’s Youth and Education Working Group identified that
the most common reason for early school leaving was attributed to
poor literacy skills, which were exasperated by a learning difficulty. To
combat this, a literacy support class was set up to help children with
learning difficulties to reach their full educational potential.
Touch, Type, Read and Spell, is a software programme, which helps
children with dyslexia. It has multiple benefits in that it teaches
children to type, but inadvertently the children also learn to improve
their spelling, reading and concentration skills. IRD Duhallow’s
Community Development Team, co-ordinate weekly TTRS classes,
which compliment the existing Literacy workshops.
Laugh and Learn Summer Camp
In the summer months IRD Duhallow facilitated a ‘Laugh and Learn’
summer camp, which provided extra literacy tuition for children, in
advance of returning to school in September. This week long camp
encompassed a mix of literacy and TTRS classes as well as sports,
baking, art and drama. Huge emphasis was placed on the personal
development and growing each child’s confidence.
Parents Support Group
IRD Duhallow co-ordinates a support group for parents of children
with learning or behavioural difficulties. The group serves to act as a
peer support for parents where they can unite to network and pool
information and resources. The group regularly hosts guest speakers
who discuss topical issues affecting people with learning and
behavioural difficulties. There are also information seminars on
understanding assessments, college supports and how and where to
access resources. In November, an information evening was held
featuring a lecture from the Dyspraxia Association and our in-house
literacy support tutor Val Doughty. Following on from this, in May the
group went on a day trip to C.I.T. where they viewed the supports and
facilities available for students with difficulties. After a tour of the
campus, the group met with the Disability Support Office who
explained the college application process through DARE for persons
with learning or behavioural difficulties. All these focus on what can
be achieved by the child and all the supports available to help to
prevent early school leaving.
Throughout the three school terms, IRD Duhallow delivers two
literacy support classes to provide extra tuition for primary school
children. The classes are given by Val Doughty, an expert in helping
children with learning difficulties. They have proved to be
extremely successful and have helped many children throughout
Duhallow to overcome the huge challenges facing them by their
Tantamount to supporting the child with special needs is the
requirement to support the parents of these children. Each month
we hold Literacy Advisory Clinics, that are open to parents of
children attending the class. This provides regular feedback to
parents on how their child is progressing, and ensures that the
child is getting the support they need and empowers parents to
help their child at home.
Ancillary to helping children with academic work, the other aim of
these literacy classes is confidence building. Many children who
struggle in school have low self-esteem and confidence. Through
literacy support, children can grow and develop in a positive
manner. The group held a show and tell night which incorporated
receiving their awards, and every child was asked to display a
talent, or tell a story. It was a celebration of their achievements,
focusing on their abilities rather than their difficulties.
Katie Guerin who
is the literacy
classroom assistant,
helping a student
with TTRS (Touch,
Type, Read and Spell)
Louise Bourke, IRD Duhallow with members of the newly formed Duhallow Boxing
Club, receiving sponsored equipment from Cork Sports Partnership
Duhallow Boxing Club
Boxing is regarded as being a sport which requires the utmost
dedication and skill. The Youth and Education Working Group
identified the need to set up a boxing club in Duhallow, which will
promote the social inclusion of young adolescents, and engage them
in a meaningful, disciplined sport. In February, a parents’ information
evening was held and from this, a voluntary committee was formed to
help establish the boxing club. The group has secured LCDP funding
and grant aid from Cork Sports Partnership and the club will
commence training in their newly acquired premises at O’Callaghan’s
Garage, Kanturk in early September 2011.
Susan O'Keeffe
and Ciara O'
Sullivan of Kanturk
Basketball Club in
action. The club has
received funding
from LCDP
programme for
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E q u a l i t y fo r Wo m e n & C h i l d c a re
The Women & Childcare Working Group continues to advocate for
the positive development of women’s rights and opportunities
especially those disempowered within rural areas. Women in
Duhallow are still under represented on all decision making bodies
but great potential exists through training, seminars and conferences
to encourage and empower women in Duhallow to participate more.
The National Women’s Council of Ireland developed a Charter for
Women’s Equality which the Board of IRD Duhallow adopted. This
Charter highlights that women still face widespread inequalities and
discrimination. IRD Duhallow will continue to express a strong,
explicit focus on the needs of women in its strategies, policies,
programmes and services.
Michael Twohig,
Chairperson of IRD
Duhallow gave the
opening address at the
mass concelebrated by
11 priests and led by Fr.
Herlihy Parish Priest of
Sisters of S. Joseph
back from Australia
and New Zealand
joined by family and
friends in honour of the
canonisation of St.
Mary Mackillop.
Notable Women in Duhallow
In November 2010, IRD Duhallow hosted a celebratory mass
honouring the canonisation of Sr. Mary MacKillop of the Cross who
was canonised in Rome in October and officially unveiled and
blessed the Grotto of Saint Mary MacKillop in the grounds of the
James O’ Keeffe Institute, Newmarket. The Sisters of St. Joseph have a
rich history in the Duhallow area as the James O’ Keeffe Institute was
their home from 1927-1973, serving as the only Juniorite Convent for
that order outside Australia and through which over 700 young
women entered the order. Yet another notable contribution from
Mná Duhallow. Eleven priest concelebrated mass in the James O’
Keeffe Institute board room which once served as the Chapel in the
former St. Joseph Convent. After the mass the crowd of over 200
people including many sisters from the region who returned from
Australia and New Zealand gathered outside for the official unveiling
and blessing of the Saint Mary MacKillop Grotto, which was funded
through LEADER.
Sisters of St.
Joseph who
attended the
Juniorite Convent
in the James O’
Keeffe institute at
the unveiling of
and blessing of
the Saint Mary
Mackillop Grotto
Information Seminars & Training
Each year IRD Duhallow and the Duhallow Women’s Forum host
information seminars which are of particular relevance to women but
are open and accessible for everyone. In 2010, a seminar entitled
“Women’s Health & Well Being” was delivered.
The Forum organised an evening on “Making Your Will and Succession
Planning” which highlighted the importance of making a will and
illustrated the requirements needed to ensure peace of mind.
(L-R) Dr. Muriel Soden from the Bons
Secours in Tralee with Chairperson of
Duhallow Women’s Forum Judy O’ Leary,
Dr Mary Joyce Leader of Boherbue, and
Dr. Zeile Gaffney of Newmarket, at
“Women’s Health and Well Being”
Mary Cronin of James Lucey & Sons with
Judy O’ Leary Chairperson Duhallow
Women’s Forum and Mary McHugh IRD
Duhallow preparing for “Making Your
Will and Succession Planning”.
IRD Duhallow’s Local and Community Development strategic plan
once again highlights low level of participation in the labour force, by
women which may lead to social exclusion. To address this IRD
Duhallow has delivered a number of training and second chance
education programmes through LCDP, LEADER and the Equality for
Women Measure.
IRD Duhallow was successful in its bid to secure Equality for Women
funding through the Department of Justice and Equality and the
European Social Fund under the Human Capital Investment
Operational Programme 2007 – 2013. The Equality for Women
Measure is a positive action programme for women, which aims to
foster equality in accordance with the National Women’s Strategy
2007 – 2016.
Participants of the FETAC “Reception and Communication Skills” course.
Through the Equality For
Women Measure IRD
Duhallow selected “Access
to Employment” to be its
focus with the aim of
“Providing women who are
currently outside the labour
market with the social skills,
education, and training to
enable women to enter or
Group discussions regularly took place
throughout the course
return to the labour market”.
To implement the Duhallow Rural Action for Women Project, IRD
Duhallow focused its efforts on a number of distinct phases in order
to meet the diverse needs of participants in Duhallow.
Level One involved the delivery of a range of workshops to cater for
women who are outside of the labour market and who wanted to
decide the best course of progressive action in terms of accessing the
job market. The workshops incorporated: Job Seeking Skills,
Presentation Skills and Interview Preparation.
Level Two of the project related to the delivery of four key training
programmes with the intention of enabling women to upskill and
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2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
E q u a l i t y fo r Wo m e n & C h i l d c a re
improve their access to further training, education and employment.
The first training course “Personal Effectiveness” is a FETAC Accredited
course in Personal and Interpersonal Skills which delivers career
guidance to the participants through a structured mediation process.
The second training programme was “Reception and Communication
Skills” and was also FETAC accredited. It was particularly relevant for
women interested in pursuing occupational roles in an office
environment or who wanted to return to the workforce by updating
their office procedure skills.
The “Retail Sales and
Selling” course was also
FETAC Accredited and
designed to provide the
trainees with the skills,
knowledge and attitude
to enable them to carry
out the sales function in a
retail sales setting.
Judith Power practicing before her FETAC Retail
Sales Exam.
Women who took part in the Worklife Balance
Training course getting a taste on how to
prepare healthy meals and cook on a budget.
The last training course
was “Worklife Balance in
Employment”. The
intention of this course is
to support women in
minimising the conflict
between managing home
and work commitments. It
also included the
organisation and advance
preparation of family
meals, healthy eating for a
family and cooking on a
Level Three of IRD Duhallow’s Equality for Women Measure
encompassed Structured Mentoring and Guidance and an
exploration of options for individuals. This allowed the participants to
draw support and professional advice and guidance from a
professional mentor.
Key innovative elements to Duhallow Rural Action for Women
include the provision of transport and childcare as required. It
allowed IRD Duhallow to deliver FETAC Accredited courses and
provide mentoring, guidance and advice to individuals taking part
regardless of their distance from the centre. The effectiveness of the
programme is considerable, particularly in view of the relatively short
lifespan of delivery. The collaborative work involving a number of our
Working Groups must be highlighted. In particular IRD Duhallow will
continue to support the participants.
Sharon Baily (Left) and Teresa
Lawor (Right) getting their first
taste of sewing at the Women’s
Dressmaking Course organised
by IRD Duhallow and the
Women’s Forum with funding
received through LCDP.
The development of local, affordable and accessible community
childcare services has been integral to IRD Duhallow’s approach to
the renewal of rural areas over the past ten years. The success of this
strategy can be seen when young families are able to remain and live
in Duhallow due to the provision of these local and affordable
services. Duhallow has seven community childcare facilities and a
number of Parent and Toddler Groups. Childcare facilities across
Duhallow welcomed the announcement of a full cabinet ministerial
post of Minister for Children and congratulate Deputy Frances
Fitzgerald as the new minister leading the new Department for
Children. Community Childcare facilities are valuable employers in
the region. IRD Duhallow’s CE Scheme has four places which gives
work experience and training for participants looking for
employment in the sector.
The Early Childcare and Education (ECCE) Scheme continues to be a
success with a large percentage of eligible children now participating
in the free preschool year which was introduced nationally in January
2010, it is anticipated that the educational advantages that this
scheme is delivering will be of immense benefit for children as they
enter formal primary school education and we welcome this ongoing
initiative as an effective way of ensuring inclusion of children who
might otherwise not be able to afford pre-school.
Children at the Newmarket Afterschool facility get a real taster on how to “Grow
your Own” at the Polytunnel on the grounds of the James O’ Keeffe Institute.
Newmarket After Schools
In the absence of a community after schools facility, IRD Duhallow set
up Newmarket After Schools in the James O’Keeffe Institute. The After
Schools service provides an essential service to parents in the region,
collecting children from school through DART with passenger
assistants for safety. The After Schools provides an opportunity for
children to complete their homework as well as receiving a nutritious
meal. A wide variety of activities take place with the childcare team
and the facility provides an essential service to parents as it allows
them to remain at work or a training course, content in the
knowledge that their children are being cared for in a safe and
enjoyable environment. The After Schools continues to operate the
Chidcare Subvention Scheme (CSS) which facilitates a tiered pricing
system allowing parents regardless of their financial circumstances to
avail of the service. Former Tánaiste Mary Coughlan visited the facility
last year to officially raise the Green Flag that was awarded to the
After Schools making it the first facility of its kind to receive the
award. The After Schools is currently working towards achieving its
2nd Green Flag from An Taisce with all children actively learning
about Energy Conservation.
Former Minister for Education and Skills Mary Coughlan raises the Green Flag that
was awarded by An Taisce to the Newmarket Afterschools Facility with Deputy
Michael Moynihan, Maura Walsh CEO, Michael Twohig Chairperson IRD Duhallow
with the staff and children of the Newmarket Afterschool Facility.
page 33
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
SAO Í - N e t wo r k fo r Ac t i ve Re t i re d G ro u p s
IRD Duhallow’s SAOI
Older people are a critical
resource to their families,
their communities and the
economy with many
remaining active after
retirement, contributing to
community life and social
cohesion. Many older people
Members of Kiskeam Actively Retired group
enjoying their art work.
are regular volunteers and
are a valuable resource for a number of clubs and associations
throughout Duhallow which would not otherwise exist. However, the
context of demographic ageing often gives rise to a negative
narrative about older people being a burden to society. These
negative perceptions fail to acknowledge the enormous cultural,
social and professional resource represented by older people. Their
ongoing contribution to society often in an unpaid capacity, is too
often overlooked and their potential for wider involvement and
contribution is left untapped. IRD Duhallow’s SAOÍ Network
represents actively retired groups throughout the region and acts as
an advocate for the ‘Third Age’ in Duhallow. These local actively
retired groups are run entirely on a voluntary basis providing
educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly
environment. The ‘Third Age’ is a term, adopted from our partners in
Poland which focuses on the opportunities open to older people later
in life. SAOÍ promotes the participation of older people in local
decision making processes as well as encouraging and supporting
them to avail of the various supports available. It helps to promote
and value the role and contribution of older people in Duhallow
through coordinating the efforts of locally established groups to
develop regional responses to their various needs.
It’s Never Too Late to
IRD Duhallow is focused
on responding to the
educational challenge of an
ageing population in
Duhallow and in providing
the Third Age with
pathways to new learning
Members of Freemount Thursday Club getting
opportunities. Life Long
their creative juices flowing!
Learning changes the lives
of many older people enabling them to gain new insights and
experiences and by improving self confidence and motivation to
learn. IRD Duhallow’s SAOI Network were approved LEADER funding
to organise training workshops for a number of actively retired
groups throughout Duhallow on a variety of different themes
including Art, Physical Activity, Personal Development etc. These
workshops aim to attract more new members and in particular men
who are currently under-represented within these groups. With the
support of IRD Duhallow a new actively retired group has been
Ben O’Sullivan, Freemount and Paddy Buckley, Banteer filming ‘A Day in the Bog’.
established in Boherbue which aims to provide a social and
recreational outlet for all retired men and women in the area. We are
currently in the process of assisting Rathmore in setting up a group
Lisa Fingleton, Community Film
Director at the screening of films
for Bealtaine Festival 2012.
Triona Murphy, IRD Duhallow with Grundtvig
partners from Sisä-Savon Kansalaisopisto,
Finland, Harrow Adult Community and
Family Learning Service, London and
Memory through Media
the Society of the Warsaw Frederic Chopin
The SAOI Network is currently University of the Third Age, Poland.
participating in a 2 year
LEADER funded Memory through Media training project which aims to
explore the themes of memory and reminiscence through film and
online social media. In the first phase of the project the participants
worked with community film director, Lisa Fingleton and learned how
to make a film from start to finish. To celebrate the 2011 Bealtaine
Festival, the SAOI Network presented some of the films they created
during the training themed on milking and titled ‘The Udder Way’,
cutting turf and the traditional ‘box iron’. ‘Bealtaine’ is the Irish
National Arts Festival celebrating creativity in older age. It takes place
each May countrywide and is coordinated by Age & Opportunity - the
national organisation working to promote greater participation by
older people in society.
Triona Murphy, IRD Duhallow with Members of IRD Duhallow’s SAOI Network who
are participating in the LEADER funded Memory through Media Training Project.
Care and Repair Duhallow
Through our ongoing interaction with older people through
Duhallow Community Food Services, Duhallow Area Rural Transport
and particularly the Warmer Homes Scheme, we identified a need to
carry out small “handyman” odd jobs for the elderly. We established
Duhallow Care and Repair in conjunction with Age Action Ireland.
The aim is to carry out necessary small repairs and improvements to
the homes of older people, enabling them to live independently in
the community in increased comfort and safety. The work is identified
through our WHS installers and through the DCFS Delivery Staff.
We also advertise the service in IRD Duhallow’s monthly newsletter.
The service is free of charge and the older
person only has to pay for the cost of the
required materials. We have nine volunteers
trained who have carried out 127 jobs.
Theo Moynihan who
volunteers for our Care
and Repair Programme
repairing the radiator
at the home of Bridie
page 34
Smoke and Socially Monitored Alarms
The Seniors Alert Scheme provides grant
support for equipment to improve the security
and social support of vulnerable older people.
In 2010, IRD Duhallow received funding
through this scheme and we installed socially
monitored alarms, smoke alarms, window
locks, door chains and security lighting for a
number of vulnerable older people,
unfortunately we have not secured funding
for this year.
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Tra n s n a t i o n a l
Networking at regional,
national and European
level, inter-territorial and
transnational co-operation
combine to form one of
seven specific features of
LEADER promoted by the
European Commission.
Networking forges links
between people, projects
and rural areas allowing
Bigger and better next year please! Former
Minister Pat Carey launching the LEADER South LEADER groups to
disseminate innovative
Region Best Practice Guide in the LEADER
Village at the Ploughing Championships.
experiences and learn
from each other. IRD
Duhallow is an active member of ILDN, the National network for local
development at regional and national level. We are regular attendees
at the South West Regional meetings as well as the quarterly National
Council Meetings. Our Manager chairs the Operating Rules Working
Group, while our Chairman is represented at the Chairs Forum and
the Post 2014 Working
Group. IRD Duhallow
represents ILDN at ELARDEuropean Association for
Rural Development and we
represented ELARD at the
Economic and Social
Committee of the European
Union this year.
The first partner meeting
was held in Duhallow in
November 2010, with 28
people from Finland,
Warsaw and Harrow
attending. The visiting
partners participated in
a Reminiscence
Workshop where a
Eileen Linehan at the Day of the Regions event in
collection of traditional
Germany with representative from the Scottish
artefacts were displayed
Dumphries and Galloway LAG.
and used as memory
triggers. Over 80 older people representing 12 actively retired groups
from all over Duhallow attended the workshop also. In May, 14
learners from IRD Duhallow’s SAOI Network visited the University of
the Third Age in Warsaw. Through this sharing at European level, the
partner organisations have found new ways to address the challenges
they face, inspiring and developing new approaches to providing
quality adult education for older learners.
Maura Walsh with Czech MEP Jan Blezina at a
LEADER seminar in the Czech Republic
Day of the Regions
‘The Day of the Regions’ is a
co-operation project led by
our partners in Scotland,
Dumfries and Galloway, which
celebrates peripheral rural
regions and what we
Members of Ceoilteoiri Sliabh Luachra dance contribute not only to the
to huge applause at the Secret Music
economic and social but
Festival, Oland, Sweden.
moreover to the cultural and
environmental richness of Europe. Duhallow will attend this year’s
event in Scotland and will host the event in 2012.
Secret Music Festival
22 young people from the Sliabh Luachra Summer School who
participated in the LEADER funded Master Classes in Irish music, song
and dance in Bruach na Carraige, Rockchapel travelled to the island of
Öland which is located off the coast of Sweden to participate in a
Secret Music Festival. The young people (aged between 14 and 20
years) performed some of the old Irish traditional music, song and
dance including sean nós in four different locations to large
audiences each night. This LEADER funded transnational project
provided an international platform for the Sliabh Luachra local
heritage and culture promoting Duhallow as a culturally distinct
IRD Duhallow has
successfully co-operated
with neighbouring LEADER groups in Counties Cork, Kerry, Limerick
and Clare on a number of joint projects and with Dumfries and
Galloway in Scotland, and groups in Finland, Poland, the Czech
Republic as well as east London. Our co-operation and transnational
projects allow us to achieve economies of scale as well as to develop
links with rural areas, often facing the same challenges as Duhallow.
Unfortunately we had only 1% of our LEADER budget in this measure
which is totally committed since early 2011. We are awaiting a
decision from our Department to increase this to the EC
recommendation of 3% by transfers from our other measures, until
this happens no other co-operation or inter-territorial projects can go
ahead. We are indebted to Grundtvig for facilitating two terrific
projects that would otherwise have been turned away.
Ann O Sullivan (centre)
CEO of Cork City
Partnership receives a
bouquet of flowers from
her colleagues to mark
her retirement. Pat
Mitchell and Eamonn
Reilly NEKD, Deirdre Fox
ILDN, Maura Walsh IRD
Duhallow and Toni
Memory Matters Grundtvig Partnership Project
Part of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme,
Grundtvig focuses on education for adults and it is administered in
Ireland by Leargas. Following on from a Grundtvig contact seminar in
Tallinn, Estonia in November, IRD Duhallow, Sisä-Savon
Kansalaisopisto, Finland, Harrow Adult Community Learning Service,
London and the Society of the Warsaw Frederic Chopin University of
the Third Age, Poland joined together to develop a two year
partnership project entitled “Memory Matters”. The overall objective is
to target older isolated people through the technique of
reminiscence and heritage activity. The co-operation projects also
places an emphasis on strengthening education and learning
practices within each organisation whilst enabling and supporting
the partner groups in exchanging best practices and know how.
Members of IRD
Duhallow’s SAOI
Network who
travelled to
University of the
Third Age as part
of the Memory
Matters Grundvig
Attending the European Economic Social Committee conference “LEADER as a tool
for local development” in Brussels from back left Brian Carty, ILDN, Roman Haken,
EESC, Maura Walsh, IRD Duhallow, Doirin Graham, Clare, Ryan Howard, SECAD,
Jack Roche IRD Duhallow. Front row L-R Michael Ludlow, Meath, Mario Campli,
EESC, Hans-Joachim Wilms, EESC, Pedro Brosei, DG Agri, Urszula Bundzich-Szukala,
page 35
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
environment project, and the expertise of the farmers has proved
invaluable in the completion of works along the river Allow.
Ru ra l S o c i a l S c h e m e
Now in its 8th year in
Duhallow, the Rural
Social Scheme has
grown in strength and
reputation since its
introduction in 2004.
The aim of the scheme
is to keep low income
smallholders farming RSS Supervisors : Tim Ring and Sheila O’ Keeffe
by providing them with off farm employment in the community. The
participants on our scheme have contributed significantly to the
development of their own areas as well as the wider Duhallow
region. Since its inception, the monetary value of the scheme to
Duhallow is over eight million. Not withstanding the importance of
additional income to low income farmers, the social interaction
afforded to many of our participants is of vital importance and the
scheme is key to ensuring positive mental health for rurally isolated
The participants are constantly upgrading their skills and all
participants have completed Manual Handling training and where
necessary they have completed Safe Pass training and training at
heights. All participants undergo Garda Vetting which is necessary to
comply with Garda regulations and which reassures communities
that all vulnerable people such as the elderly or young people are not
at risk.
With the severe weather we
experienced again last winter, our
Rural Social Scheme with DCFS
were on hand to ensure that the
elderly and isolated people did not
go without meals and other
necessities. People living in rural
areas, often without contact from
other people, felt less isolated and Angela Linehan provides administrative
back up for the RSS at IRD Duhallow
were confident that the
ensuring all community projects are
participants would be able to
overcome treacherous conditions scheduled appropriately.
to ensure that they did not have to go without nourishing meals
during the cold spell. We also provided a social link for isolated people
who might need medical assistance or just a friendly face and contact
with the outside world. Participants were in a position to inform
neighbours or relatives if elderly people were in need of assistance.
Paddy Fleming tending to his sow and new litter of Bonamh’s at his farm and at the
Glouneen river walk in Kiskeam as part of his RSS duties.
Benefits of the scheme
Duhallow’s Rural Social Scheme has 58 participants from across the
region who work 19.5 hours per week across a variety of different
community projects. Each brings their own expertise to the scheme
and the wide range of skills available has helped to grow the scheme
to a flexible, demand responsive community friendly scheme. The
participants have contributed enormously to restoring pride to
villages and small towns in the area by their work in maintaining and
upgrading local facilities such as community halls and small rural
schools, and even helping to keep our villages clean and tidy. The
Green Man street sweeper, which was co-funded by Cork County
Council, is operated by a group of our participants on a weekly basis
in the communities that have availed of the service. It plays a
continuous role in keeping the streets of these villages clean which
aids the Communities tidy town efforts.
The ever increasing demand from
communities for RSS participants is
a testament to the positive role they
have played in community
development. The communities
contribute annually to the cost of
materials and their willingness to do
so demonstrate the quality work
Don Horgan RSS participant at
being delivered. Many RSS
work at Tullylease National School.
participants continue to maintain
local sporting and
community facilities
and support
community enterprises
including crèches.
Duhallow Community
Food Services and the
Warmer Homes
Scheme. There is a team
Sheila Looney and Michael Roche part of the RSS
of 20 participants
painting team giving Rochchapel Community
working on the LIFE+
Centre a protective coat before the winter.
Tom Healy RSS Participant, servicing one
of the Warmer Homes vehicles used by
RSS participants in insulating homes for
those with free fuel allowance.
Stephen McAuliffe and Niall Fleming RSS
Participants making desks and office
furniture in preparation for the
commencement of the TÚS Programme
Walks Scheme
In 2010 IRD Duhallow was awarded the National Walks Scheme for the
Duhallow Way. Each landowner along the way can participate by
maintaining their particular stretch of ground along the trail and in
return they receive payment for carrying out the maintenance and
up-grading work. To date 22 landowners have received over €12,500.
Where part of the walk is in state ownership or public ground the
Rural Social Scheme complete the maintenance works.
RSS participants also maintain looped walks throughout the
Duhallow region including the Source of the Blackwater in
Ballydesmond, Mullaghareirk near Meelin, Mt. Hillary in Banteer and
the Island wood in Newmarket.
Minister Michael Ring Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport opens the
refurbished community museum in Millstreet with Deputy Aine Collins TD, Sean
Radley Museum Director, Michael Doyle Board of IRD Duhallow, Triona Murphy
Community Development Team Leader, Mary Kelleher RSS Participant who is based
in the Museum and Tim Ring Senior RSS Supervisor.
page 36
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Wa r m e r H o m e s I n i t i a t i ve
COLM CROWLEY, Certificate in
Business Studies (Marketing)
Colm joined IRD Duhallow in July 2007 as
the Warmer Homes Coordinator and is
responsible for the day to day running of
the scheme. He is a registered BER
Assessor with the Sustainable Energy
Authority of Ireland and is currently
undertaking a 2 year Diploma in Rural
Development through distance learning
with UCC.
The Warmer Homes Scheme aims to improve the energy efficiency
and comfort of homes occupied by low income householders in
receipt of Free Fuel Allowance. Since the scheme was first rolled out
in 2006 in Duhallow, 1400 North Cork homes have had their attics
insulated and 580 homes have received cavity wall insulation.
Householders who are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their
home warm and comfortable and to pay their fuel and electricity bills
can benefit from the assistance available through the Warmer Homes
Warmer Homes Coordinator Colm
Crowley with administrative staff
Denise McGeough and RSS participant
Nuala Riordan
staff, with our current CSP contract approved until December 2013. An
increase in our targets meant that we had to employ 2 new installers
in 2010, adding to the 6 already funded through SEAI. We now
employ 20 people including 8 RSS participants. With the fallout from
the downturn particularly in the construction sector, the jobs
available in the warmer homes scheme have afforded the
opportunity to skilled construction workers to gain employment
Before and After Attic Insulation
Scheme which is part funded by the Department of
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources through the
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). The scheme is
available free of charge to eligible householders that are in receipt of
Free Fuel Allowance.
Successful applicants
under this scheme avail
of energy saving
measures, which include
attic insulation, cavity
wall insulation, draught
proofing of external
doors and windows, cold
water tank and pipe
insulation, low energy
light bulbs and hot water
Warmer home installer Billy Brown goes over
tank jackets, all free of
the details with Jerry O' Leary who got his house
charge and installed by
insulated after his heart transplant.
IRD Duhallows Warmer
Homes Scheme. Our trained surveyors provide householders with
advice on energy conservation during their visit to the home.
Colm Crowley goes over the paperwork
with student Padraig Moynihan from the
University of Limerick who was on work
placement in IRD Duhallow.
Michael Corcoran surveys a dwelling in
advance of our Warmer Homes team
insulating the house.
Quality Control
Our three cavity wall teams
are certified by the National
Standards Authority of Ireland
(NSAI) to install Thermosnug
cavity wall insulation. A NSAI
inspector calls on a yearly
basis to assess our insulation
systems prior to approving
certification. All of our
installers have completed
FETAC Thermal Installer
Insulation, working at heights,
manual handling training and
hold a current Safe Pass.
Houses insulated receive random quality control inspections from
Carillion, who are the managing agents of the Warmer Homes
Scheme. Nationally, IRD Duhallow has an excellent record for quality
of work done. During these inspections, a member of the team visits
each house. These inspections ensure our work is carried out to the
highest standards and facilitate ongoing monitoring and
improvements to our service.
State Agency Support
IRD Duhallow has been fortunate with the ongoing support it has
received from Anne Allen and the ESB Networks, who have to date
supplied 4500 low energy light bulbs and 580 hot water tank jackets
and donated two of their retired vehicles.
2010 saw an increase in funding for the scheme, with SEAI increasing
our targets to 900 attic and cavity wall measures. As a result we
purchased 2 more cavity wall vans and compressors. We now have 3
attic and 3 cavity wall teams insulating houses.
Local Employment
The Duhallow Warmer
Homes initiative was
piloted with Rural
Social Scheme (RSS)
participants in 2006,
while in 2007 the
Community Services
Programme (CSP) made
funding available for a
co-ordinator and four
Installers Theo Moynihan and Francis Lee loading
bead to the cavity homes van.
Patsy and Caitlin Higgins enjoying the benefits after having their home insulated
“We are delighted that the damp is now gone from the walls and the house is so warm”.
page 37
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
F Á S C o m m u n i t y E m p l oy m e n t S c h e m e
Paddy O’Connor
Paddy has been the IRD Duhallow CE
supervisor for over 10 years. As part of the
Community Development Team, he has
responsibility for the eighteen participants on
the scheme as well as for liaising with the
communities where the work is carried out.
His role as the supervisor allows him to
identify the needs of participants in the first instance in terms of
training and further development and also the needs of the
community. He works closely with the Employment and Training
Officer in maximising progression for participants using the Job
Aim of CE
aims to provide
participants with
an opportunity
to avail of quality
training and
that will enhance
their job
prospects on
leaving the
Billy Dennehy, temporary CE Supervisor and Alfie Cooney
scheme. It
of Cooney Park Soccer Pitch, discuss the work plan at
benefits people
Rathcoole Soccer Ground. Jim McPartland has been
who have been
assigned to this facility which is new to IRD Duhallow’s
unemployed by
CE Scheme.
helping them
gain the experience of working and re-training to get back to full
time employment. It offers valuable assistance to people with a
disability or recovering from illness as it gives a sense of well being
and gradually supports them back to mainstream employment.
It is also a great resource to Community Groups who have the benefit
of accessing Community Employment participants who support
them to maintain community facilities and assist in the upkeep of the
buildings, Parks, Village Greens and GAA pitches
IRD Duhallow’s CE
Our current scheme
employs eighteen
participants who
work across the
communities of
Boherbue, Ballydaly,
Kilcorney, Banteer,
Lyre, Dromtarriffe
and Rathcoole. The
participants work
closely with the
Bernie O’ Driscoll and Donal O’ Sullivan ensure the
community groups in
upkeep of Kilcorney Community Gym as part of their maintaining the
duties on the IRD Duhallow CE Scheme.
villages, GAA and
soccer pitches carrying out duties that included grass cutting,
painting, cleaning and weeding. They are also employed as
caretakers in Dromtarriffe Hall, Banteer Community Centre, Kilcorney
and Banteer gyms. Currently we have four participants providing
valuable assistance to Boherbue and Banteer Crèches where they
help out with childcare, cooking and maintenance of the buildings.
The inclusion of the community crèches as part of our scheme was
welcomed as it provides the opportunity for participants to gain
experience in an area where job opportunities exist in the Duhallow
region as we now boast 7 community childcare facilities.
Development through
Training is an integral
part of the CE Scheme
and each participant is
encouraged and assisted
by the supervisor
throughout the
programme to improve
their personal and job
related skills to better
John Gayfer trims the hedges at Banteer
assist them in the quest
Community Sportsfield and ensures the walk
for future employment
around the pondfield is maintained.
once they have
completed the scheme. This is done through a number of FETAC
and FAS certified courses organised during the year.
The most recent training courses the participants have completed
were Child development and early childhood programmes, CSCS Sign
Lighting and guarding at road works, Start your own business course,
Occupational First Aid, Lámh course, Millinery Course, Personal
Development Exit plan and Health & Safety at road works.
The Personal
Development Exit plan
course was very
beneficial to the
participants who
completed it as they
gained better self
confidence, assertiveness,
interview skills, CV
Preparation and tips on
how best to seek
Tutor Dan Hickey demonstrates the correct
method of lifting at the manual handling course
the participants took part in.
Integration with other Programmes
IRD Duhallow provided LEADER funding to Dromtarriffe Hall
Committee for sizeable refurbishment works to the community hall
last year. Two of our CE participants are based there, and they were
instrumental in facilitating the work and continue to provide
maintenance and caretaking in the centre. The undertaking of this
project was no small feat for the community, and the result is an
increased sense of community pride and appreciation for the assets
of the community. The
works have instilled a sense
of pride in work for our
participants and is an
excellent example of how
the FÁS CE scheme as an
integral part of the work of
a Local Action Group can
maximise the benefits to
both the participant and
the community.
page 38
Before: Dromtariffe Hall prior to
a major refurbishment which
was undertaken by the hall
committee and funded through
After: FAS participants did
extensive work to ensure all the
work was completed for the reopening of the hall as part of its
25th anniversary.
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
Ru ra l Tra n s p o r t P ro g ra m m e
Yvonne Brosnan B.A. Information Systems
Management, Dip. International Business,
Cert. E-Commerce, Cert. Supervisory
Management, F.Diploma in Education
and Training
With eight years service, Yvonne is responsible
for the day-to-day running of the Duhallow
Area Rural Transport (DART) and supervising
of Passenger Assistants and Administration
Staff. She generates reports for Pobal under the Rural Transport and
Community Services Programme and liaises with community groups
to meet transport needs.
The Rural Transport
Programme in Duhallow,
known locally as DART has
continued to build on its
success and increase its
passenger numbers again
this year to over 58,000
passengers. DART
subcontracts out services
to nineteen local hackney
DART Team; Eilish Breen briefs the team
and bus operators in the
members Theresa Collins, Vincent McDonnell
with over €1.7 million
and Noreen Courtney on the DART Procedures.
paid to operators since the
introduction of the programme in 2003. The Community Services
Programme funds for a Co-ordinator and four Administration Staff
and Passenger Assistants. The provision of passenger assistants on
DART routes ensures passenger safety is taken care of with older
people, people with disabilities and children receiving help on and
off the bus and help with shopping bags etc.
Rural Transport Network (RTN)
The Rural Transport Network is
the representative body for local
transport groups and is chaired
by IRD Duhallow Board Member
Jack Roche. In 2010 Former
Deputy Mary O’Rourke launched
the Networks Strategy
Document on the Future of the
Rural Transport Programme
which sets out a clear vision for
the future of rural transport by
presenting a number of ways in
which the programme can
Minster of State at the Department of
deliver an integrated transport
Transport, Alan Kelly with Jack Roche
system in rural areas. Pilot models
IRD Duhallow at the Rural Transport
Network National Conference held in
of integration rolled out to date
Athlone in April.
have already made substantial
savings to the Exchequer through more efficient use of vehicles and
service routes particularly in the area of health clinics and hospital
Ciss Guiney Rockchapel who is
collected by the DART every Friday
with the assistance of Passenger
Assistant Marie Shire before heading
to Kanturk.
Yvonne Brosnan DART co-ordinator
congratulating Jerh Scannell Kiskeam,
celebrating his 90th Birthday on the
Tuesday DART service to Kanturk.
Charlie and Eileen
Cavanagh from
Banteer along with
Mrs Mary Herlihy &
Mrs Mary Cronin
from Boherbue use
our weekly service
to the city.
When DART was first introduced
it was seen as a service for older
people. As the service and
peoples confidence in its
reliability has grown, user levels
have increased dramatically.
Duhallow now runs 56 specific
Despite the severe weather conditions
routes, transported 58,000
facing him last winter DART driver Gerard
passengers in 2010, a massive
Stack was able to complete the service
increase on the 3000 passengers from Rockchapel to Newmarket safely.
carried by DART in its first year of
operation in 2003. Our daily service to Mallow College and two
services accessing Cork and Limerick Colleges at the weekends have
increased the amount of young people benefiting from DART.
Thirteen weekly evening services provide much needed access to
local social events such as bingo and other events on in Banteer,
Kanturk and Kilbrin. With the cancellation of a service to Cork City in
the Summer of 2010, DART
piloted a weekly service
from Rockchapel to Cork
which stops in ten villages
on the route and carries
over twenty passengers a
week to access services in
the City.
Complimentarity with
Children from Newmarket and Lismire National
School boarding transported daily to the
other IRD Duhallow
Afterschools service in IRD Duhallow.
In 2011 DART provided a
weekly door to door service
for IRD Duhallow’s Towards
Occupation Programme
and Equality for Women
Measure. DART’ continues
to service the Newmarket
After Schools with routes
from both Lismire and
School Children from Liscarroll National School
boarding the DART bus after swimming lessons
Newmarket Schools daily
during the schools terms. in Mallow.
Local schools and youth clubs
continue to benefit from DART
providing subsidised transport for
various educational and social outings.
DART provided transport to the
Duhallow Carer’s Group for their Annual
Outing to West Cork this year. DART also
complimented LEADER funded initiatives
by providing transport for participants
on the Young Entrepreneur Programme,
the Your Turn Leadership Training
Programme and The Secret Music
Festival. The integrated delivery of DART,
Local Community Development
Programme, Equality for Women and
LEADER means that rural isolation is
Passenger Assistant Kay
being tackled in a real way and no one
O’Sullivan aiding customers on
needs to feel excluded from training
our Millstreet service every
because of geographic location.
page 39
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
D u h a l l ow C o m m u n i t y Fo o d S e r v i c e s
Orlaith Tomkins
Orlaith has worked at Duhallow Community
Food Services since January 2008. She
graduated from GMIT in 1994 with a Degree
in Hotel & Catering Management. Coming
from the private sector she has brought
with her a wide range of experience in both
the food and hospitality industries having
worked in a number of four and five star
hotels. Orlaith completed a Management of
Food Hygiene Course and is a registered
trainer with the HSE.
DCFS Ltd is managed by its Board of 15 Voluntary Directors and as a
community enterprise, has 15 staff employed through the
Community Service Programme and 9 from the Rural Social Scheme.
It is an excellent example of how different schemes can deliver
optimum services to the community through a model of cooperation. The service is fortunate to have two volunteers who give
so generously of their time to assist with deliveries.
DCFS provides a valuable service to
improve the quality of life of some of
the more vulnerable people in
Duhallow. It provides a subsidised
meal service to older people and to
those who are not in a position to
cook for themselves. Last year over
22,200 meals were delivered in the
Duhallow area an increase of two
hundred on the year before. The
service is available at the request of
Liz Walsh works part time in the
the customer either on a long term
meals kitchen.
basis or occasionally. The facility
operates Monday to Friday with many customers taking three meals
on a Friday to reheat over the weekend. The cook chill technology in
operation at the centre, allows for greater flexibility for the provision
of chilled meals to be reheated safely at a later date by the customer
in the comfort of their own home. Meals are also delivered to a
number of Community Centres throughout the area on a weekly
basis where older people gather to avail of the service in the
company of friends and neighbours. The DCFS compliments these
social groups and ensures that an older person receives a hot
nutritious meal and social interaction in the one location. Food
Safety is paramount in our service and all vehicles are equipped with
both hot & cold storage units to ensure that meals are delivered to
the door at the correct temperature. Each individual’s dietary
requirements are catered for e.g. gluten free, diabetic, low salt, dairy
free as meeting the requirements of our customers are also key in
ensuring we provide a locally relevant service.
John O'Connell RSS Participant delivers
meals to the home of Sean Dunne.
Liam Murphy delivers a hot meal to
Jerry Withers.
The primary aim of the company is to provide a hot meal served to
our elderly at a reduced cost, which is made possible through
funding from the state for staffing and a grant from the HSE.
However, there is still a significant gap between income and the cost
of production, and so the company must engage in commercial
activity in order to bridge the gap and ensure the vital community
service to the elderly continues.
DCFS operates three
kitchens, one dedicated to
the production of the meals
supervised by Louise
McBride. Rose Drew
supervises the Bakery where
her team provides fresh,
scones, bread, tarts, cream
buns and cakes to local
shops and the Farmers
We provide healthy lunches to Boherbue
Market in Kanturk. The
Comprehensive School on a daily basis.
catering in Boherbue
Comprehensive School is the responsibility of Mary O Connell and her
team. Each morning freshly baked goods & healthy snacks are taken
to the school for sale at the morning and lunch break. DCFS does not
use additives or preservatives of any type in the production of food
which is in line with the healthy eating policy in the school.
The co-ordination of the
transportation of the
goods for delivery is
supervised daily by Neily
O’Flynn. The weather this
winter once again
proved challenging in
reaching people living
on higher ground but
the team rose to the
challenge and no
customer was left
Minister Phil Hogan receives a Duhallow Fine Food without a meal during
Hamper produced by DCFS from Chairman of IRD
the snow. As part of the
Duhallow, Michael Twohig and Maura Walsh on
daily routine staff of
his recent visit to the region.
DCFS check on the
wellbeing of the customers reporting any concerns back where we
make a follow-up call to the family to check all is in order. We often
refer people to IRD Duhallow’s Warmer Homes Scheme, DART, Care
and Repair and other LCDP services.
In 2010 DCFS catered for an increased number of formal dinner events.
DCFS regularly operates outside of normal
opening times and during the weekend to
cater for all types of events. Their Catering
Service has expanded significantly over the
past year. Events ranged from a retirement
party for 600, Birthday parties for 100, formal
dinners, buffets for Communions,
Confirmations, Stations, birthday parties and
funerals. We have developed a brochure in
order to market the service locally through
assistance from the Local Community and
Development Programme. As DCFS is reliant
on the public supporting local business, they
strive to support local suppliers, spending in
excess of €150,000 in materials in the local
area this year.
Without the support of the local community
this community service would not be in a
position to continue the rural meals service to
the most vulnerable of our region.
page 40
The new catering
brochure for DCFS was
developed through
funding from the
Local and Community
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
2010/11 I R D D U H A L L O W
C o m m u n i t i e s i n D u h a l l ow
C o m m u n i t y G ro u p s i n D u h a l l ow
Duhallow The Land & People
The IRD Duhallow region includes
North West Cork and South East Kerry.
It is approximately 1,800 sq.km and has
a population density of 16 per sq.km. It is
a largely Rural area. Over 85% of the
population live in the open countryside or
in settlements of less than 200 people.
The Duhallow region has four market towns:
Kanturk (Pop 1915), Millstreet (Pop 1401),
Newmarket (Pop 949) and Rathmore (Pop 611)
and 36 villages.
I.R.D. Duhallow
James O’Keeffe Institute,
Newmarket, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel: 00-353-29-60633
Fax: 00-353-29-60694
Email: duhallow@eircom.net
Web Site: irdduhallow.com
★★ ★
★★ ★
The European Agricultural Fund
for Rural Development:
Europe investing in Rural Areas
South Eastern Duhallow Communities
Donoughmore & Stuake
New Tipperary
IRD Duhallow Representatives
John Kelleher & Gerald McSweeney
Denis Withers & John Kirwan
Jeanette O’Connell & Sean Kelly
Tom Meaney & Charlie Drake
Patrick Buckley & Michael Forde
Donie Howard & Mary Kelleher
Eileen Forde & Sheila Crowley
Billy Murphy & Donal Murphy
Clodagh McSweeney & Paudie O’Shea
Eily Buckley & Sean Radley
Eamonn Hurley & Liz Burns
Margaret O’Donovan & Peter Cafferkey
Mamie O’Shea & Tony Horgan
Western Duhallow Communities
IRD Duhallow Representatives
Richie O’ Connor & Tim Murphy
Siobhan Moynihan & Billy Lane
Margaret Murphy & Marie Casey
Tom Riordan & Hannah Kelleher
Cormac Collins & Caroline O’Sullivan
Paddy Joe O’Leary & Batt Casey
June Walsh & Ide Fitzgerald
Geraldine O’Connor & Claire Fleming
Patrick Buckley & Denis McAuliffe
Donal McCarthy & Marie O’ Leary
Mike Allen & Breda O Callaghan
Batt O’Callaghan & Jeremiah Murphy
Maureen Fleming & Tim Fitzgerald
Cynthia Daly & Lil Fleming
Liam Doody & Betty Collins
Conon Creedon & Colette Carmody
Annette O’Rielly & Geraldine Cremin.
North Eastern Duhallow Communities
IRD Duhallow Representatives
James Twohig & Andy Burke
Mary Cooney & William Morrissey
Gerald Murphy & John Linehan
Caroline O’Carroll & Pat Keane
John Fuller & Tommy Mullane
Patrick Drumm & Sinead Lynch
Colmon Jones & Sheila Kearney
Eilish Hourigan & Sean Browne
Angela Hannigan & Mary O’Connell
I.R.D. Duhallow
James O’Keeffe Institute,
Newmarket, Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel: 00-353-29-60633
Fax: 00-353-29-60694
I.R.D. Duhallow
P ro g re s s Re p o r t
T h e
S p i r i t
O f
R u r a l
I r e l a n d