energy - D`Appolonia
energy - D`Appolonia
ENERGY Oil & Gas Power Generation Asset Integrity Management COMPANY PROFILE With a history going back 150 years, RINA is a global Corporation serving Clients worldwide; our mission is to support the growth of Client businesses offering consulting & engineering, testing, inspection and certification. Consulting & engineering services within RINA are provided by D’Appolonia S.p.A. This brand, originally established in 1956, joined RINA in 2011. Recently D’Appolonia’s capabilities, staff and experience have been increased by merging C.Engineering, Projenia and part of RINA Services, making the company a market leader. D’Appolonia is a team of engineers, consultants, designers, planners and specialists supporting public and private Clients from concept to decommissioning, through consultancy, design, management, operation and maintenance. The company operates in the markets of Energy, Transport and Infrastructures, Industry and Investor Support. We provide a wide range of services such as feasibility and specialized studies, design, Project Management, site engineering and operation & maintenance management. In addition, we offer technical capabilities to cover all aspects related to the environment, health and safety, geosciences and innovation for specific applications. With a staff of about 700 engineers, scientists and associated professionals located in 20 offices worldwide, D’Appolonia offers high-end services to investors, promoters, operators and contractors, as well as to insurers and public administrations, to support their initiatives. All D’Appolonia services are performed at the highest professional level, understanding and complying with Client’s needs and requirements while taking into due consideration sustainability and health, safety and environmental goals. ENERGY The cornerstone of the Energy business markets is achieving several strategic goals among which: efficient energy and material consumption, respect of the environment, sustainable business, safe operations, asset integrity and continuous and efficient production. The exploitation of deep water and of unconventional energy fields, the production of energy from new and unconventional sources, the extension of the production life of existing structures and a sustainable economic growth are now the drivers of these markets: a constantly growing business characterised by new technological challenges that require innovative, bespoke and reliable solutions. Investments require prompt, far-sighted decisions in order to fully exploit the opportunities to bring down costs and to further improve the safety, accessibility, duration and performance of assets: that is when major companies rely on our team’s skills and experience. D’Appolonia Energy team operates successfully in the fields of Oil&Gas, Petrochemical and Chemical, Power Generation and Renewables. Services provided by D’Appolonia S.p.A include: Geosciences; Environment and Permitting; Energy & Sustainability; Health, Safety & Loss Prevention; Simulation & Modeling; Concept, Screening, Feasibility Study & Design; Project Management Consulting; Operation & Maintenance; Asset Integrity Management (AIM+); Innovation Consulting. GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL SURVEY - TAP PIPELINE GEOSCIENCES Client: TAP Consortium/Statoil Location: Adriatic Sea, Albania and Italy Scope of Work: The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) consortium plans construction of an offshore pipeline from Albania to mainland Italy. D’Appolonia performed all field investigations for the pipeline landfalls. The survey required a wide array of vessels, from light geophysical crafts to self elevating jack-up rigs and a dedicated CPT barge. Work included UXO clearance, geophysical surveys, environmental baseline sampling, as well as an extensive geotechnical program. D’Appolonia also provided all onboard and onshore laboratory testing and engineering services for the deepwater section of the pipeline. SOUTHSTREAM PIPELINE - SEISMIC AND GEOHAZARD ENGINEERING D’Appolonia provides a full range of marine and terrestrial geoscience services. Our team provides all site characterization required to mitigate project risks, to engineer remedial measures, and to carry out design of engineered facilities. We deal with the existing site environment: the earth on which the facility will be based, the sea or air with which the structure will interact, and external environmental events which may affect the project (earthquakes, landslides, floods, windstorms,faults, tsunami etc.). The main activities include: Site investigations; Geohazard assessments; Geotechnical engineering; Metocean & coastal engineering. Geoscience input is required for all man-made structures, from offshore oil platforms and pipelines to mines, ports, infrastructure, nuclear power plants and LNG terminals. Our team provides the basic data for design, and carries forward special issues such as geotechnical engineering and monitoring. At D’Appolonia we believe that a thorough understanding of geoscience issues is essential for the success of any construction project. We gear our services to providing the Client the most up-todate technologies, whether collecting high quality soil samples in extreme water depth or quantifying earthquake risk for a critical facility. The quest for a complete understanding of site conditions has pushed D’Appolonia Geosciences Teams to expand from the original base of geotechnical engineering into associated fields of seismic hazard, soil dynamics, metocean modeling and quantitative risks assessment. Client: IntecSea Location: Black Sea Scope of Work: After being involved in the pre-FEED phase of the project, D’Appolonia was responsible for Geohazard Assessment and Slope Stability for the FEED contractor of the South Stream Pipeline. Main activities were: definition of geotechnical onshore testing (including advanced dynamic testing), interpretation of results of Detailed Marine Surveys (including geohazard core logging and age date testing), static and dynamic slope stability, assessment of rock fall, turbidity current and debris flow hazards. This information served as input for the final geohazard risk assessment and pipeline integrity analyses. GEOTECHNICAL EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - SHAH DENIZ PHASE 2 Client: BP Exploration Operating Company Ltd. / JP Kenny Location: Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan Scope of Work: BP is developing Phase 2 of the Shah Deniz project, in the Caspian Sea Offshore Azerbaijan. The development will use deepwater subsea wells tied back to a shallow water platform. D’Appolonia contributions included: definition of seismic design basis, evaluation of effects of liquefaction on platform foundation and non-linear dynamic analysis for performance based of design of suction pile foundations. METOCEAN AND STRUCTURAL MONITORING (MSM) SYSTEM FOR VEGA A PLATFORM Client: EDISON Location: Vega A Platform, Sicily, Italy Scope of Work: EDISON contracted D’Appolonia to design, install, and manage a combined metocean/structural monitoring system (MSM) at the VEGA A platform, off the coast of Sicily. The MSM system was designed to provide real-time acquisition of metocean parameters near a fixed structure as well as structural parameters to assess structural integrity. Metocean and structural parameters measured synchronously at high frequency allowed the continuous monitoring of the structure’s health, and the comparison between measured load and design load conditions. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT EXPLORATION WELLS OFFSHORE MOZAMBIQUE ENVIRONMENT AND PERMITTING Client: Eni Exploration and Production Division Location: Mozambique Scope of work: The scope of the work is to perform an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for their deepwater exploration drilling operation in Mozambique in Concession Area 4 of the Rovuma Offshore Area. To carry out these activities D’appolonia contracted with a local consultant. D’appolonia supervised all the activities, partecipated to the public meeting, checked all the docuements and reports respecting time schedule with ENI E&P. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR POST COSTA CONCORDIA SHIPWRECK D’Appolonia plays a market leader role in engineering consultancy, design and management services in the environmental and sustainable energy field, with a significant presence in various strategic areas of the world, for public and private sectors. D’Appolonia provides effective services all over the world and have a significant market position in several countries worldwide. Our team includes environmental scientists, engineers, chemists, ecologists and biologists, planners, air quality experts, geologists, hydro geologists, social and development experts, specialists in environmental law and experts in greenhouse gas management, operating in the Oil & Gas sector(upstream and downstream), chemical and petrochemical and energy production & transmission. Our main clients include energy and oil&gas companies and operators, project financiers and public entities. We offer our services during the whole development cycle of major and complex projects: project planning, feasibility studies and design, assistance during the development phase, site investigation and supervision during construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning. D’Appolonia provides a full range of consultancy and engineering services and related fieldwork in the environmental field, such as: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment; Environmental Modeling and Monitoring; Permitting and Licensing; Environmental Due Diligence and Audit; Environmental and Health Risk Assessment; Site Remedial Investigation, Design and Management. Client: Costa SpA. Location: Isola del Giglio (Italy) Scope of work: D’Appolonia was involved from the early stage of the wreck (March 2012) by contributing to the initial emergency management; We have been then appointed to carry out specific environmental studies and plans, including environmental impact assessment, monitoring plans and environmental risk analysis. TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR CONTAMINATED SITES MANAGEMENT IN CHINA Client: Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection Location: China Scope of work: Technical support for the transfer of the current knowledge on the Italian and European practice and experience in contaminated sites management to MEP, making available the know-how gathered during site investigation and remediation projects already fully achieved. Joint development of Manuals of Practice (MoP’s) for selected industrial sectors to assure uniform high quality practice when dealing with contaminated sites, in different parts of the country. OIL EXPORT BUOY OFF THE COAST OF TAZERKA TUNISIA Client: ENI E&P Location: Offshore Tunisia Scope of work: Identification of onshore and offshore territorial restraints (fishing and aquacolture areas, poseidonia beds, etc); Providing a preliminary framework of the applicable authorizations required for the project, according to Tunisian national/local laws and regulations. CHP PLANT REBUILDING STUDY – TECHNICAL ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS Client: IRIDE S.p.A. Location: Genova (Italy) Scope of work: ENERGY & SUSTAINABILITY D’Appolonia provides a full range of consultancy and engineering services and related fieldwork in the sustainable energy field: Renewable Energy; Energy and Resource Efficiency Audits; Sustainability Studies; Energy Efficient Buildings; Carbon Offset Projects and Carbon Management; Climate Change Policy Advisory and Capacity Building. Specialized services are offered to public bodies and local institutions and the private sector.Our main clients are energy and oil&gas companies and industrial groups in a broad range of sectors, such as: steel, paper, chemical, refining, cement, textile, food processing, beverage, pharmaceutical, renewable, waste and water management. We also serve engineering and construction companies and contractors, facility owners, public entities, brokers and insurers. D’Appolonia provides engineering services in the renewable energy sector, with specific reference to the wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and biomass and sustainable energy field, including sustainable planning services. In the climate change and carbon management sector, we offer a deep understanding of greenhouse gas reduction technologies and processes relevant to compliance and to the voluntary carbon market. We also provide technical and financial studies and audits for efficient use of energy and resources for industry and buildings, both on commercial/tertiary and residential facilities. We also offer institutional capacity building in the field of environmental management and energy efficiency improvement. Analysis of the current operating CHP unit (30 MWe and 25 MWt) – Energy balance and equipment assessment; Evaluation of different rebuilding options; Technical and economical analysis of 3 identified options; Preliminary design of the most profitable solution. PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY / POLLUTION PREVENTION FACTORY ASSESSMENTS FOR FABRIC MILLS AND DYE HOUSES IN ITALY Client: Kering Group Location: North part of Italy Scope of Work: Data collection and preliminary assessment of 4 target facilities; Resource Efficiency Audit and review of available documents; Selection of the pilot facility and detailed resource efficiency assessment; Preliminary design of the most profitable improvement solution. MASTER PLANS FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF KOLAŠIN AND ZABLJAK Client: Ministry of Tourism of Montenegro Location: Montenegro Scope of work: Definition of a sustainability-driven approach; Analysis of the current situation and identification of the main goal; Implementation of measures and actions in key sectors (urban development, energy, etc.); Development of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan for the Covenant of Mayors EU Program. ALGAE BIOENERGY SITING, COMMERCIAL DEPLOYMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS Client: European Commission – DG Energy Location: EU Scope of Work: Algae cultivation systems deployment potential assessments, siting and GIS mapping; Identification of most promising bio-energy and co-products chains and barriers analysis; Recommendations. STATOIL KDD OILSANDS CORNER PROJECT - HAZOP, LOPA, SAFETY REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION AND RISK ASSESSMENT STUDIES HEALTH, SAFETY & LOSS PREVENTION D’Appolonia HSE Engineering Team offers expertise and skills in Safety, Occupational Health, Risk Analysis, Loss Prevention, and HSE Management services, for onshore and offshore Projects and Facilities worldwide in the Oil&Gas, Power Generation, Chemical and Petrochemical sectors. D’Appolonia client-oriented Health and Safety services helps in achieving optimal performance, minimizing risks and maintaining a safe and satisfactory workplace. Our services are aimed at helping Clients with production/operation problems including prevention and mitigation of Major Hazards, Safety and HSE Engineering and Design activities, Regulatory compliance, Occupational Health, Equipment costs, working environment, indoor environmental pollution, HSE and safety Training, Reliability and Maintainability, and Process efficiency. A brief, not exhaustive list of the offered Services follows. HSE Management Systems & HSE compliance monitoring and Auditing; Permitting and Authority Engineering; HSE Design Reviews and Project Peer Reviews; Project HSE Management; HAZID & ENVID and HAZOP; HAZAN, SIMOPS, SAFOP, PHA, What-if and ENVOP; Quantitative Risk Analyses (QRA); Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analyses; Dropped Object Studies; Escape, Evacuation and Rescue Analyses (EERA); Emergency Systems Survivability Analyses (ESSA); Fire analyses, Blast analyses and gas dispersion evaluations; Design of fire-fighting systems and mitigation measures; Reliability and availability studies of critical safety equipment; Three dimensional (CFD) analyses of fire and gas dispersion scenarios; Hazardous Area Classifications; Noise and vibration exposure analyses; Job Hazard Analyses and working Environment, Ergonomics studies; Human Factors/Human Reliability Analyses and HSE Training; Process Failure Modes & Effects Analyses (FMEA / FMECA); Reliability Block Diagrams / Fault Trees; Availability Analyses and Criticality Analyses; Maintainability Analyses and Accessibility Studies. Client: Saipem Canada and Statoil Location: Canada Scope of work: The Project consists of a flowlines gathering system and a new Central Processing Facility (CPF), including a diluent bitumen processing facility, a water treatment system, a water supply system and several utility systems. D’Appolonia scope has included the Risk Analyses for the Project, inclusive of QRA (Quantitative Risk Assessment), DAL (Design Accidental Loads) Specification, BRA (Building Risk Assessment), all the Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP) for the FEED Phase, and the relevant Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment via the LOPA method. D’Appolonia has also developed the Safety Requirements Specification (SRS) for all the Safety Functions. NEW EST SLURRY TECHNOLOGY - HAZOP, SIL, SAFETY REPORT Client: Saipem/Eni R&M Location: Italy (Pavia) Scope of work: The Sannazzaro EST Refinery New Slurry Technology Project is a strategic Project based on the new Slurry Technology. Within the framework of the Project, D’Appolonia developed the HAZOP and SIL Analyses and the Preliminary Safety Analysis (NOF) in accordance to Italian Application of the EU Seveso Directive - Italian Laws 334/99 and 238/05 (96/82/EC - Seveso II and 2003/105/EC - Seveso III European Council Directives), including design activities characterization, frequency analyses, consequence analyses, index method risk assessments for each plant unit. HSE ACTIVITIES FOR LITCHENDJILI OFFSHORE PLATFORM Client: Maris s.r.l. Location: Congo Scope of work: The Litchendjili field is located in the Marine XII Block permission (offshore Congo). The exploitation of Litchendjili field will be performed by a new oil and gas production platform located in the field, unmanned and remotely controlled. D’Appolonia provided for the EPC Contractor (Maris srl) all HSE activities for the EPC Phase of the Project Development WP3 – EPC Phase. The following studies will be performed: HSE, Fire&Gas Detection and Active-Passive Fire Protection criteria; HAZOP studies terms of References, HAC, FERA, EERA, ESSA, Noise Study, Dropped Object Study, Maximum Firewater Demand Calculation, SIMOPS QRA, Safety critical Elements and Performance Standards, HAZOP/HAZID/SIL Analysis, SIL Verification, Flare Radiation & Dispersion Study, QRA, Emergency Response Plan. LAM FIELD UPGRADE (OFFSHORE FIXED PLATFORMS LAM 75, 10, 21) Client: Dragon Oil Turkmenistan Ltd (DOTL) Location: Caspian Sea (Turkmenistan – Offshore Cheleken) Scope of work: SIMULATION & MODELLING The exploitation of unconventional reservoirs and life extension of existing facilities are among today key drivers for the Energy market and represent a continuously evolving engineering challenge which requires cutting-edge techniques. For that reasons D’Appolonia focuses on providing realistic and reliable modelling skills, which may play key roles in decision making, identification of criticalities and relevant mitigation measures, by building a team dedicated to numerical analyses and simulations. For the Oil&Gas Industry the following services can be provided: Structural Assessment of Existing Fixed Offshore Units; Hydrodynamic and Seakeeping Analysis of Floating Units; Mooring Analysis of FSRU, FPSO and other offshore floating units at fixed locations; Ship Handling / Manoeuvring Simulation for Offshore/Inshore/Coastal/Port and Sheltered Water Terminals; Consultancy in Feasibility Studies, FEED, PRE-FEED and Engineering Design; Logistic Simulations aimed to assessing Offshore/Onshore Terminal Efficiency. The above mentioned activities are carried out by means of tools and methods which nowadays represent the state of the art in numeric analysis and simulation, such as SACS, ISYMOST, NSO, OPTIMOOR, MOSES, ORCAFLEX, AQWA, POWERSIM, MATLAB, NAVAL++ and many more. The results are then critically reviewed and carefully analyzed by our team of experts, which use them to find solutions that really fit our customers’ needs. Data Gathering; Non-Linear In-Service Analysis (including PSI); Seismic Analysis; Push Over. TEODORICO GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT Client: Po Valley Operations Ltd. Location: Adriatic Sea (Italy – Offshore Ravenna) Scope of work: Logistic Analysis; Cost Estimate; Basic Platform Structural Design; Basic Pipeline Design. GNL DEL PLATA Client: Foster Wheeler Iberia S.A.U. Location: Offshore Uruguay Scope of work: Seakeeping Analysis; Side-by-Side Mooring Study; Assessment of Terminal Availability. DEVELOPMENT OF LNG REGASIFICATION TERMINAL Client: Enérgie Electrique de Tahadart. Location: Offshore Morocco Scope of work: Ship Handling Simulation; Seakeeping Study; Assessment of Terminal Availability; CAPEX/OPEX Estimation; Financial Model; Basic design of breakwater, jetty and offshore platform. GENT POWER PLANT Client: Siemens A.G. Location: Belgium Scope of work: new green field 320 MW power generation based on blast furnace firing; D’Appolonia scope was the provision of multidisciplinary engineering services for the overall plant; in particular: CONCEPT SCREENING, FEASIBILITY STUDY & DESIGN D’Appolonia’s engineers are familiar with complex projects and able to work within tight time lines. They can provide both the extra resources needed to deliver a project on time and the ideas, innovative solutions and detailed engineering to make the project work. In particular D’Appolonia is capable to develop conceptual and basic design with associated cost and schedule estimates, to form the basis for detailed design. Moreover D’Appolonia has the competencies for developing a multidisciplinary detailed design of onshore or offshore facilities. Detailed engineering covers the provision of services in all the disciplines as appropriate to allow the project scope to be fully developed: Process, Piping, Instrument, Electrical, Structural, Civil, HVAC, and Safety. In the development of detailed design, D’Appolonia normally utilizes the most advanced 3D model tools in order to addres the following typical issues: Documents’ Revisions & time schedule; Multidisciplinary design optimization; Clash free design and real time modifications; Site erection benefits; Reuse of databases for similar projects; O&M management advantages. D’Appolonia services also includedeveloping specialized studies (e.g. plant modularization studies) and detailed calculations (e.g. rotating machine foundations, fatigue analysis, etc), preparing preliminary plans and sketches; updating Customer P&ID’s, maintaining Customer engineering drawing system, doing required field measurements and checking, preparing final plans and specifications, including shop detail sketches, preparing standards and design procedures, reviewing construction contractor’s shop drawings and interpreting plans and specifications, ensuring quality assurance is achieved and submitting pre-defined periodic reports to Customer regarding progress of project assignments. Civil works; Overall mechanical and piping design, stress analysis included; Overall electrical and instrumental design; 3D integrated model. AUGUSTA BIOMASSES POWER PLANT Client: Siram S.p.A. Location: Italy Scope of work: new 14 MW woodchips and sawmill fired power plant: D’Appolonia provided following services: Feasibility study; Basic and detail design of the overall power plat; Procurement engineering and suppliers follow up; Site supervision for construction & commissioning phases. REVITHOUSSA LNG TERMINAL 2ND EXPANSION PROJECT Client: Hellenig Gas Transmission System Operator S.A (DESFA) Location: Greece Scope of work: the project involves the construction of a third LNG tank, the upgrade of the marine facility, the installation of additional cryogenic facilities and the upgrade of the metereing system; D’Appolonia was involved on the cryogenic facilities and the additional metering station, and, jointly with a local partner who was focused on the environmental stuadies, developed following Basic design; ± 15% Cost Estimation; EPC Contractor technical specification. Moreover, D’Appolonia developed the feasibility study for the upgrading of the marin facilities (loading arms) aimed to the possibility to operaty the terminal as a LNG fueling terminal. GRAN CHACO GAS FIELD Client: Comart S.p.A. Location: Bolivia Scope of work: D’Appolonia developed for Comart S.p.A., a supplier of the Spanish Main Contractor Tecnicas Reunidas, the multidisciplinary detail design of the gas treatment plant; in particular it was designed by applying a modularization philosophy aimed to allow to Comart to prefabricate at own premises in Italy the entire plant which was divided in 38 transportable complete modules with significant cost saving and delivery time reduction. OLT OFFSHORE LNG TERMINAL Client: OLT Offshore LNG Toscana S.p.A. - Saipem S.p.A. Location: Mediterranean Sea Scope of work: the project consisted on the construction and installation of a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) 22 km far from the Tuscany shore and relevant 30 km long natural gas send out sea line; the overall production capacity is up to 4 billions of cubic meters per year. D’Appolonia provided following services during the entire life cycle of the project: PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING Oil & Gas industry knows that the execution of a multimillionaire project can fail due to lack in project management and technical capabilities. For such reason big players in the Oil & Gas industry seek on the market consultant companies capable to support them in managing all the aspects of their key projects. The main task of the Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services provided by D’Appolonia is to support Clients in project management in the different phases of a project including: Tendering phase, Design phase and Construction phase. During tendering phase D’Appolonia provides Clients with support in defining the contractual strategy as well as developing the technical documentation for the Invitation to Tender. As part of the assistance provided, D’Appolonia is capable to help the Client in developing the scoring models to be used for assessing the bids received through a list of items to be evaluated in each bid as well as a weighting system that allows the Client to give different importance to the different items according to its need. During design phase D’Appolonia provides the Client with a team made up of managers and engineers that will run the project on his behalf. The service content may vary according to the Client’s needs, however typically the following tasks are included: Management of Contractors and contractual obligations fulfilment; Cost & planning control; Documents’ management (to ensure full security and liability for data storage and retrieving); Design review, to verify compliance of design carried out by the EPC Contractors with Contract requirements, Codes and Standards, good engineering practices and adequacy for the service. During construction D’Appolonia is capable of providing the Client with a team of experts that will overview each construction activity up to the Commissioning. Construction supervision activities include: Supervision procedures establishment; Team coordination and organization; Construction management and supervision; Progress monitoring, through development of daily/weekly/monthly reports; Non-conformances management, through implementation of procedures for identifying, controlling and solving non-conformances highlighted during each project phase. Authority Engineering and assistance during the authorization process; Review of technical specifications for environmental survey monitoring; Design review of FSRU during the EPC phase; Final Assessment of FSRU design documentation and signature by a chartered engineer. ADRIATIC LNG TERMINAL Client: Terminale GNL Adriatico S.r.l. – Aker Solutions S.A. Location: Mediterranean Sea Scope of work: Adriatic LNG terminal is the first offshore gravity based structure (GBS) in the world aimed to the reception, storage and regasification of LNG; the production capacity (up to 8 billions of cubic meters per year) is able to satisfy the 10 % of yearly Italian NG demand. D’Appolonia provided a wide range of consulting and engineering services: Consultancy services to support the Client in the permitting and authorization process; GBS concrete structures design review and assessment for relevant Italian laws compliance verifications, including the design documentation signature by a chartered engineer; Firefighting and fire & gas systems design review and assessment for relevant Italian laws compliance verifications, including the design documentation signature by a chartered engineer; Inspections, auditing and surveillance activities to verify that the plant erection, construction and installation is made in accordance with the relevant design/applicable Italian standards and practice; Supervision and verification of the different systems installed on the topside of the terminal which have been done in different places all around the world, i.e.: Korea (Tanks), Sweden (Living Quarter), and Indonesia (Electrical Instrumentation Building); Witness of the Factory Acceptance Tests on the critical equipment; Witness of functional tests of firefighting and fire and gas systems and final conformity certification by a chartered engineer according to fire brigade requirements; Final Conformity Certification of the offshore terminal on behalf of EPC. TORINO NORD 400 MW COGENERATION PLANT Client: IREN ENERGIA Location: Italy Scope of work: D’Appolonia acted as Owner Engineer during the design construction and installation of the combined cycle based cogeneration plant aimed to feed the Torino town district heating; in particular following typical services have been provided Review of EPC Contractor design; Site Construction & Commissioning Supervision; Overall plant O&M Manuals. VAL D’AGRI OIL CENTRE AND GATHERING SYSTEM Client: ENI E&P Location: Basilicata, Italy Scope of work: Construction and Commissioning Supervision activities for realization of civil works, mechanical and electrical assembling of equipment and piping, gathering systems and environmental clean up. More than 100 professional experts involved in the following areas: OPERATION & MAINTENANCE D’Appolonia provides Operation and Maintenance Services in Energy Market to EPC Contractors, Oil Companies and Plant Owners. The services are aimed at the Operability Assurance of the plants ensuring that all installation will be designed and constructed with the proactive participation of suitably qualified and experienced Operations and Maintenance (O&M) personnel. Participation improves the design and meets the Client’s safety, operability and maintainability objectives. D’Appolonia assists EPC contractors during the whole life cycle of a project as well as Oil & gas Companies for their assets continuous improvements. Maintenance & Inspection Engineering is usually developed during the engineering, procurement and construction phase of a new plant, when D’Appolonia experts work hand in hand with clients to integrate their operational backgrounds, the owner’s specific knowledge of their installations and the geographical context. The Operation and Maintenance services provided by D’Appolonia include: MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING: Reliability Availability Maintainability (RAM) Studies, Maintainability & Accessibility Studies, Failure Modes & Effects Analysis, Criticality studies, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Preventive Maintenance Routines & Maintenance Plans, Spare Parts management and CMMS Implementation. INSPECTION ENGINEERING: Corrosion loops identification, Inspection asset register, Damage mechanism & Consequence of Failure analysis, Risk based inspection (RBI) studies, Criticality risk ranking, Inspection plan. OPERATION ENGINEERING: Operating & Maintenance Manuals, Training Services, Field Engineering, Pre-commissioning and Commissioning, Start Up Operation, Operation & Maintenance Support. Coordination and Management (Administration, Planning, Cost Control, Field Engineering, Construction Coordination); Plant Staff (QA/QC, Welding, Warehouse, Accounting); Operation (Process, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, Automation); Commissioning (Process, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, Automation); Safety (Safety coordination, supervision and management). CMMS IMPLEMENTATION AND MANAGEMENT Client: ENI IRAQ bv Location: Zubair, Iraq Scope of work: Implementation and Management of a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) in the existing field of Zubair, Governatorate of Basrah, South Iraq, with a dedicated team (of more than 35 experts) mobilized directly on site in Iraq. Set up the CMMS system, loading all the relevant data; Development and update of the technical database for the operation and maintenance activities; Maintenance management; Implementation of the maintenance engineering strategy; Materials and Spare Parts Management. DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATING MANUALS AND 3D INTERACTIVE TRAINING MODULES Client: ADCO (Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Operations) Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE Scope of work: The development and implementation of the new integrated framework for Operating Manuals and E-Learning modules, including a completely brand new technologies for 3D interactive training modules Development of a Web Based framework for the Operating Manuals; Review and update the Bu Hasa existing operating manuals; Development E-learning modules (3D and Multimedia contents) system. SHAH GAS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT – INTEGRATED AIM SERVICES Client: different EPC’s: Package 1– Tecnicas Reunidas; Package 2&3, 5 – Saipem; Package 4 – Samsung Engineering; Package 11 – Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) Location: U.A.E. Scope of work: ASSET INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT (AIM+) Asset Integrity Management outlines the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently to reach the business objectives whilst safeguarding people, the environment and the Company reputation for the entire lifecycle. AIM+ (Asset Integrity Management Comprehensive Services) offered by D’Appolonia is an integrated package of innovative and added-value engineering services. The techniques and tools adopted in Safety Engineering and Reliability Engineering, traditionally applied as separate entities, are merged together to provide a comprehensive approach where all studies are interdependent and focused at the same objective of ensuring a safe and productive plant. Different studies such as RBI, RCM, SIL, Bow-Tie, RAM, HAZOP, FMEA and QRA are integrated to develop a RISK BASED INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE PLAN. D’Appolonia has also developed skills and competences in the design and implementation of ON-LINE MONITORING systems, and in the relevant data management and processing. Then, the evolution of external parameters resulting from the above mentioned inspection and monitoring activities, as well as the parameters of the assets themselves, can be modelled and used as input to other models: this is an ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS, which allows predicting future performance of the assets and optimizing the AIM planning. The whole AIM+ process is supported by expertise in the field of DESIGN & MATERIAL ENGINEERING, such as Process Re-Engineering, Life extension, Materials selection, Corrosion Assessment, Cathodic Protection, Failure Analysis and Fitness for Service. Thanks to its specific competences and experience, D’Appolonia is also capable to integrate the AIM+ package with the following additional services: SAFETY & SECURITY, COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT, SOFTWARE AND DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and LOSS ANALYSIS AND RISK TRANSFER, which is an estimate of the probability of monetary losses to the asset, design of loss prevention measures and possible decision of risk transfer to the insurance industry. Finally, the AIM+ approach may lead to implement a BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN through the identification of critical business functions and related impacts resulting from their disruption, prioritization of critical business functions and recovery strategies definition. DATA Collection and Master Equipment List implementation; RAM Analysis, FMECA and Criticality Analysis; RCM Studies (aligned approach for the different EPC’s); RBI Studies (Qualitative & Quantitative approach); CMMS Implementation, Spare parts Analysis and Maintenance Manual; Technical Support and Coordination, Training delivery. RUMAILA GAS REHABILITATION PROJECT – RBI, INSPECTION SUPERVISION AND RESULTS ANALYSIS Client: GE Oil & Gas – Nuovo Pignone S.p.A. Location: IRAQ Scope of work: The following activities have been carried out for nr. 10 Gas Compression stations operated by the General Basra Gas Company (BGC) — a joint venture between the state-run South Gas Company (SGC), Shell and Mitsubishi Corrosion Risk Assessment and following Risk Based Inspection Plan development; NDT and Inspection supervision, results analysis and consequent action plan definition. VAL D’AGRI OIL FIELD – RBI AND AUDIT ON AIM SYSTEM Client: ENI E&P Location: ITALY Scope of work: Corrosion Risk Assessment and following Risk Based Inspection Plan development for the DBN Gas phase 2 project (new gas treatment unit); Audit on the Asset Integrity Management System, based on OGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) report n. 415 Requirements, aimed at the overall AIM System Improvement. ABU QIR PETROLEUM (AQP) FACILITIES – SUPPORT IN ASSET INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT AUDIT Client: EDISON Location: EGYPT Scope of work: Preparation of the methodology for the AIM Audit, aimed at its application to AQP sites; Training on the Audit methodology and on auditing guidelines acc. to ISO19011. BUILDING UP COORDINATION ACTION: ROADMAP ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS Period: 2010-2012 Client: European Commission Location: Brussels (Belgium) Scope of work: Identification of cross-sectorial research and innovation targets up to 2020 and beyond related to nanotechnology, materials and processes, in order to improve the energy efficiency in built environment; To obtain such goal, involving different European Technology Platforms(ETPs) and other stakeholders. INNOVATION CONSULTING D’Appolonia provides a full range of services to systematically create growth opportunities through innovation. Proprietary tools and market-tested methodologies allow D’Appolonia to have substantial impact in a short period of time, and facilitate knowledge transfer and skill building. D’Appolonia manages the whole life cycle of innovation projects, spanning from technological trends analyses, conceptual design of novel solutions, engineering adaptation and design, partnerships and raise of the necessary funds, up to integration, testing and validation. As innovation is a major concern of public institutions, stakeholders constituencies and development agencies, we help them in designing, implementing and monitoring the most suitable funding instruments and supporting programs. D’Appolonia supports Clients in evaluating business cases and valuing intangibles through in-depth technology due diligence and assessment services. D’Appolonia Innovation Consulting division has developed long term experience in the Energy sector, providing consultancy services to private and public entities. The Innovation consulting team provides strategic consulting on new products and processes (technology strategy, technology scouting, competitors benchmark) as well as product and process engineering and a full set of capabilities for the implementation of solutions for energy efficiency in the built environment (at appliance, dwelling, building and district levels) including the design of innovative systems to its implementation, monitoring and data analysis, oriented to the management and optimization of the energy flows. New materials (including nanobased materials) as well as tailored thermal and energy simulations and ICT solutions to increase energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings have been developed. Dedicated services of LCA – LCC are available to clients interested in benchmarking innovative solutions with State of the art technologies. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS Period: 2011 - Ongoing Client: ESA ESTEC Location: Noordvijk (NL) Scope of work: Identification of the boundaries for the LCA in the aerospace and spatial missions; Assessment of specific missions environmental impacts on the basis of contractors experiences and data; Evaluation and revision of the results with the ESA offices. EC’s FP7 SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES CALL 2013 Period: 2012 Client: CONFIDENTIAL (Lead electricity distribution company) Location: Italy Scope of work: Strategic definition of partnership; Matching of the Client’s R&D objective with the available funding opportunity; Set up of R&D project as well as partnership in such a way that it optimally responded to the topic called and the funding scheme; Support to proposal preparation and submission. BRIMEE: Period: 2013-2017 Client: European Commission Location: Brussels (Belgium) Scope of work: Reduction of the energy demand through the use of insulating materials, still remains a challenge for European building designers and materials producers. The BRIMEE project, strong of 14 partners from 9 EU countries is focused to develop insulation material for the building sector, that is self extinguishing, not degradable, unshrinkable or non-settling, safe during handling and installation, neutral for the indoor building environment, while having a low embodied energy, based on residuals from the paper process industry. TITLE COMPETENCIES Descrizione ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY HEALTH, SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION MARINE AND TERRESTRIAL GEOSCIENCES ELECTRONICS MOBILITY & LOGISTICS SPECIALIZED STUDIES AND MODELLING PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION MGMT MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE INVESTMENT SAFEGUARD COMMISSIONING INNOVATION CONSULTING D’APPOLONIA S.p.A. Via San Nazaro, 19 - 16145 GENOVA - Italy Tel. +39 010 3628148 - Fax +39 010 3621078 e-mail: