NaturalParadise - Turismo de Asturias
NaturalParadise - Turismo de Asturias
#NaturalParadise #preromanesque #caveart #UNESCO #museums #festivals Edit: SOCIEDAD PÚBLICA DE GESTIÓN Y PROMOCIÓN TURÍSTICA Y CULTURAL DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS, SAU Design: Paco Currás Diseñadores Layout: Creativos Cayco Cartography: Intermapa Texts: Sociedad Pública de Gestión y Promoción Turística y Cultural del Principado de Asturias, SAU Translation: Claudine Centro de Idiomas y Traductores, Orchestra Photography: Front cover - Benedicto Santos. Inside pages - Alfonso Suárez and own files Printed by: Imprenta Mundo, S.L.U. D.L.: AS- 03149-2015 ©CONSEJERIA DE EMPLEO, INDUSTRIA Y TURISMO DEL PRINCIPADO DE ASTURIAS DON’T THROW ME AWAY, RECYCLE ME! TAKE CARE OF NATURAL PARADISE Fine Arts Museum of Oviedo DENMARK UNITED KINGDOM NETHERLANDS BELGIUM GERMANY FRANCE SWITZERLAND AUSTRIA PRINCIPALITY OF ASTURIAS SPAIN PORTUGAL BARCELONA MADRID ITALY VALENCIA SEVILLE ALICANTE PALMA DE MALLORCA MALAGA A sturias is a Natural Paradise treasuring its remarkable historical background resulting in a very rich cultural heritage, a legacy that becomes part of its identity and constitutes a major touristic destination. Within this heritage, art expressions declared World Heritage by UNESCO such as the Palaeolithic rock art and the Pre Romanesque stand out on their own. Even though it is a not a very large region, the diversity of the Principality of Asturias is enormous. This cultural mosaic must be discovered: from East to West without disregarding the peculiarity and remarkable personality of Aviles, Gijon and Oviedo conforming an essential triangle. It is a territory where archaeological sites, medieval towers and temples, noble houses of the modern period, coal mine towers or 19th industrial facilities live in harmony together with a magnificent ethnographic heritage that constantly surprises and shows the roots of this land. This tradition, crystallized in the mythology inherited from the most primitive believes and in the festivals as living celebrations reveal the real nature of Asturias and of the Asturian people. Those towns receiving the Prince of Asturias Award are distinguishable features of a tradition being carefully preserved. They are villages where hundredyear-old houses, hórreos (food warehouses), paneras (bread warehouses) and mills witness how their inhabitants fight together for the survival of their way of living and of those values which do not have to be against progress. During the 19th and 20th centuries, Asturias underwent decisive changes thanks to both the industrialization process and the emigration to America which modelled its territory and defined its idiosyncrasy thus ensuring the preservation of its cultural heritage and its own identity up to the 21st century. For this reason, anyone who comes to Asturias enjoys the green paradise, the traces of its history. Heritage and identity permeate the process of experiencing indescribable, unique and one and only feelings. That is why Asturias is living culture. #asturias #culture 01 Santa María del Naranco (Oviedo) 02 #asturias #culture 01 Introduction 04 UNESCO World Heritage Palaeolithic Rock Art Pre Romanesque in Asturias The Way of St. James 14 Covandonga Covadonga and is paths 19 Tradition and identity 20 The Latin American memory 22 The Great Industrialization Legacy 24 Facilities for 21 st Century The Niemeyer Centre Laboral City of Culture The architectural complex of Buenavista 28 Asturias, Cinema Paradise The camera loves Asturias 31 A country of festivals Living celebrations 37 Museums and Resources of Interest 44 Map #NaturalParadise #preromanesque #caveart #UNESCO #museums #festivals #asturias #culture 03 Covaciella Cave (Cabrales) UNESCO World Heritage The brand that recognises the excellence of the cultural legacy of humanity is inclusion on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage. Asturias has three important elements appearing on this distinguished list, raising awareness beyond our borders of the five Palaeolithic rock art caves, the six buildings of Asturian preRomanesque architecture, and the coastal routes of the Way of St. James, explicitly recognising their exceptional value and global significance. They are all there for us to enjoy. San Julián de los Prados (Oviedo) 04 #asturias #culture Cámara Santa (Oviedo) La Peña Cave (Candamo) The Palaeolithic rock art Five Asturian caves have been included on the World Heritage list within the declaration of Northern Spanish Palaeolithic Rock Art. The Principality is full of late Palaeolithic testimonies (between 35,000 and 9,000 B.C.), as it counts on paints and engravings found in caves which are unmistakable remains of the existence of hunters and collectors in the Upper Palaeolithic and which document the artistic activity and the creation of later sedentary social communities. Among all them El Pindal, Tito Bustillo, Candamo, Covaciella and Llonín were chosen to become the best acknowledged Asturian sites worldwide. EL PINDAL (PIMIANGO, RIBADEDEVA). It is located at the mouth of the River Cares – Deva, in the Eastern part of Asturias, which is a coastal area known as San Emeterio Cape. It counts on a unique way into the sea overlooking the coastli- ne and on a 600m longitudinal gallery out of which the first 300m can only be visited. Divided into five areas, this set from the Magdalenian period houses zoomorphic representations such as deer, horses and bison standing out a fish and a mammoth. TITO BUSTILLO CAVE is located in the Villa of Ribadesella. It opens at the mountain mass of Ardines integrating with the Karstic complex located next to the mouth of the River Sella where other caves such as La Lloseta or la Biesca stand out. Discovered in 1968, it is made up of just one 700m gallery long to which to adjacent areas lead. Its collection is organized into 11 sets (some including several panels) which gather more than a hundred engraved and painted representations related to two stages being the pre-Magdalenian period (red signals and little animal figures) and the Magdalenian period with several zoomorphic representations and different techniques. It should be #asturias #culture 05 El Pindal Cave (Ribadedeva) mentioned that horses and reindeer transmit an extraordinary and living polychrome feeling thanks to using different pigments and to scraping off the outlines. The Gallery of Horses, Chamber of Vulvas and the recently discovered Anthropomorphic Gallery should also be highlighted. In addition, the adjacent Ardines Cave (inhabited later than Tito Bustillo cave) can be visited. It presents a large central room and visits are welcome during the whole year. Likewise, the Tito Bustillo Rock Art Centre building is located nearby. This innovating building displays an overall view of Asturias prehistory providing information and interesting archaeological pieces particularly these unique representations of the cave. LA PEÑA CAVE is located in San Román (Candamo) in the lower reaches of the River Nalón and close to its mouth and represents the most Western European Palaeolithic site. It opens at the base of a limestone hill and is made up of a small gallery that leads to a large room thus being totally 70 m long. This artistic area (some belongs to the Gravettian period up to the end of the Magdalenian period) is located in the Room of Engravings and it includes 6 panels. The two outstanding ones are the Wall of Engravings because of its numerous images and a complex organization based on superimposition and the Chamber which is a high cavity with representations of horses and bovid displayed as such to be looked at from the room thus revealing a clear and attractive scenography concept. Candamo Rock Information Centre and Didactic House are located in the refurbished Palace of Valdés-Bazán, a wonderful civil works from the 17th century. It displays full-scale reproductions of cave treasures together with a multimedia system dealing with Cantabrian rock art. 06 #asturias #culture El Camarín (Candamo) STONE AGE Palaeolithic Mesolithic Upper Neolithic Lower Asturian Rock Art 120.000 B:C. 35.000 B:C. 10.000 B:C. 7.000 B:C. Technique • 1 or 2 colours (black and red or yellow). • They used their fingers, burnt branches and rudimentary brushes. Topics: • • • • 4.000B:C. Animals (bulls, bisons, horses, deer, bears….) Hands and sexual organs. Abstract symbols. Quite realistic style except for the human figures highlighting their sexual organs. Other caves in Asturias with rock art that can be visited are La Loja Cave (El Mazo, Peñamellera Baja), El Buxu Cave (Cardes, Cangas de Onís), La Lluera Cave (Las Caldas, Oviedo), Conde Cave and the Santo Adriano rock shelter (Tuñon, Santo Adriano). Llonín and Covaciella complete the World Heritage Caves list and are fundamental to acknowledge Western Asturias as “Cave Paradise”. Teverga Prehistorical Park constitutes an authentic and complete experience to know this period particularly thanks to its “Cueva de Cuevas (Cave of Caves)” where the main European Palaeolithic Art samples are fully recreated. Prehistorical Park (Teverga) Santa María del Naranco (Oviedo) Asturian Pre Romanesque Art In 1985 UNESCO agreed to register Santa María del Naranco, San Miguel de Lillo and Santa Cristina de Lena on the World Heritage list. In 1998, the registration was enlarged to include San Julián de los Prados, la Foncalada and the Holy Chamber of Oviedo’s Cathedral. Therefore, a total number of six the 9th century Asturian monuments enjoy such privilege thus confirming what experts had already stated. “It constitutes the most complex and homogenous set of Western Europe early Middle Ages architecture. Its geographical gathering and the exceptional conservation quality of its original status turn it into a unique piece.” Its name may suggest that this art constitutes the prelude of the later Romanesque architecture but nothing could be further from the truth. The architecture identified with the origin of the Kingdom of Asturias and dated in the 9th century and early 10th century A.C is the end period of a constructive tradition starting during the Paleochristian period as its techniques, spaces and decorations show. It is demonstrated that this set takes part in the European trends of its time contrary to the repeated assertion of the isolation and delay of our cultural expresssions. Our Pre Romanesque architecture proves how the Kingdom of Asturias was involved with major European building trends equalling the level reached by the Carolingian and Byzantine courts. It shares some features found in European architecture of similar scale or intention. Different typologies live together: exteriors show spatial compartmentalisation whereas interiors are directed to semidarkness, bonding and concealment. Decorations are different but based on a rich western repertoire as back as the Late antiquity. The decorations of these works present a combination of original pieces and those recycled from pillaging. However, it is the pictorial decoration the main achievement of this structural set. Even though the external decoration has been worn out by the passing of time, the extraordinary interior is preserved which could be classified as the most important Western European painting set from early Middle Age. SANTA MARÍA DEL NARANCO. This work, dated in year 848 due to its altar dedication, is still an enigma nowadays. It was not for liturgical use and might have been part of a larger set to be the residence (fixed or temporary) of King Ramiro I, its promoter. It was used as a temple at least from the beginning of the 12th century to the first quarter of the 20th century although it originally fulfilled other aims. Its symmetric and harmonic arrangement with two floors and three rooms on each is quite different from what is expected for such purpose despite the religious icons found in its rich decoration (a collection of 32 medallions stands out). It could have witnessed performances, celebrations and private masses. Santa María del Naranco (Oviedo) #asturias #culture 07 San Miguel de Lillo (Oviedo) SAN MIGUEL DE LILLO This temple was also erected at the bottom of the Naranco Mountain between the years 842 and 850 and was also promoted by Ramiro I. It honoured San Miguel from the 12th century onwards. Only one third of the original construction remains today as most of the totally vaulted building collapsed at the end of the 11th century. Having the structure been consolidated, it was completed with a basic Eastern chapel during the same period. Among its sculptural decorations, 20 column bases with symbolic representations of the evangelists stand out and particularly, the portico jambs with two outstanding monolithic pieces representing Roman circus games. FONCALADA This monument, the only witness of the hydraulic architecture of the Early Middle Ages in Europe, is the least known element of the architectural heritage in the Kingdom of Asturias. The monument itself was profusely covered with inscriptions, out of which only the main one located on the façade of the shape of a vaulted chapel is legible. The analysis of character features in this inscription, very similar to those in the inscription of San Tirso de Oviedo, make it possible for experts to date its construction possibly in the first half of the 9th century. It consists of three elements: pond more than 14 m. length, Aedicula or small temple and channel. The original canal was discovered in the excavations conducted in the 1990s and allowed to restore its monumentality. 08 #asturias #culture Foncalada (Oviedo) Santa Cristina (Lena) SANTA CRISTINA DE LENA It is a unique case due to the complexity of its internal distribution and its floor plan. It has a single access, indicating its use by an undifferentiated congregation dedicated to serving a monastery. This theory is reinforced by the richness of the iconographic program which can be inferred from the internal capitals and latticework as well in the project’s mastery technique subject to metric rations. It is dated a little bit later than year 848. Its current appearance comes from the restoration process taken place at the end of the 19th century and the repair works after the 1934 Revolution. It is a single nave building, to which four protruding bodies are attached, lined up according to the two symmetry axes, corresponding to two lateral rooms, a portico with a superimposed chamber and a raised chapel. In the eastern sector, the Presbyterian space is raised and separated by an amazing arch of triumph, a sculptural treasure inside the temple, with three stilted semicircular arches, over reused columns, and Corinthian capitals. Fretted latticework was placed in the arcade spandrels and the boards and the central bars of the inner door, with incomplete inscriptions, are found under this arch. The fresco technique, the geometric, vegetation and architectural patterns, together with the aniconic nature of the programme,take us back to the classic 1st century prototypes from Pompey and models from Ancient History. The majesty inside Santullano allows to appropriately value the cultural level reached in the court of Oviedo. The building was also coated externally, covering the poor wall bond. Its original appearance had nothing in common with its current one. SAN JULIÁN DE LOS PRADOS (SANTULLANO) Alfonso II (791 – 842) built a church in honour of the Egyptian martyrs San Julián and Santa Basilisa, in the place known as Los Prados de Oviedo. This oversize and admirably harmonic church has a basilica floor plan with 3 naves, transept that stands out for its height, triple header and three porticos (two side ones and the other located to the west). Its transcendental importance lies in the conservation of the internal pictorial decoration, unparalleled in Western Europe, due to its extension, degree of conservation and iconographic programme. San Julián de los Prados (Oviedo) #asturias #culture 09 THE HOLY CHAMBER It is found in the South-eastern corner of the southerly arm of Oviedo’s cathedral transept. This place has not only an enormous cultural, artistic but also a symbolic one.Its chronology seems to refer to the time of Alfonso II (791-842). It comprises two superimposed and isolated sanctuaries, with independent accesses: the lower one known as the crypt of Santa Leocadia (where the remains of the martyr saints will rest) the upper known as the Chapel of San Miguel which repeats the layout of the presbytery and nave. At the end of the 12the century the chapel underwent important modifications: a stone vaulted roof was built supported by three transverse arches resting on columns. The apostles were carved in their shafts thus constituting one of the summits of Hispanic Romanesque sculpture. The outstanding goldsmithing preserved from the same period shows the cultural and material richness of those times: the Cross of Angels, dated in year 808 and the symbol of Oviedo; the Cross of Victory, dated in year 908 and the symbol of Asturias; and the Chest of Agates, a reliquary donated by Fruela II in 910. where they were dated such as Santianes de Pravia. There are also civil Works, the Old Tower of San Salvador (Oviedo), whose lower body houses a fortress to protect the weakest side of the Holy Chamber. Some other isolated or decontextualized remains are preserved such as the head wall of San Tirso in Oviedo with a great triplet round-arched window under an alfiz which can be seen from outside, or pieces such as windows, latticework, inscriptions or capitals found all around our geography. The pre Romanesque list exceedes the 6 monuments awarded by UNESCO. There are some other highly valued assets linked to this exclusive group most of which are temples such as Valdediós: an outstanding example even preserving its original roof. Some of these buildings have preserved a good deal of the design and construction features of the period Outstanding features of Pre Romanesque Art: • Constructions with semicircular arches. • Masonry walls with external buttresses. • Basilical floor with 3 naves, and different heights between the central nave • • • • • Cross of Victory (Oviedo) 10 #asturias #culture and side ones. Rich painting decoration. Latticework in windows and triple arched windows in headers and central chambers. Asturias has preserved the most comprehensive collection of early medieval buildings in Western Europe. We are not just talking about well-preserved architecture, but also about some extraordinary work with precious metals. Pre-Romanesque art is the most important testimony to the cultural traditions of the Kingdom of Asturias. Twelve temples and three civilian buildings have been preserved. Other examples of Asturian pre-Romanesque art include: San Pedro de Nora, Santa María de Bendones, Santo Adriano de Tuñón, San Salvador de Valdediós, San Salvador de Priesca, Santiago de Gobiendes, Santa María de Arbazal, San Andrés de Bedriñana, and the wall of San Tirso de Oviedo. Caravia The Way of St. James The French Way of St. James and the French routes for the Way were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993 and 1998 respectively, to which the Original Way, the Coastal Way, the Basque-Rioja Way and the Way of Liébana were added in 2015. Passing through Asturias are the Original Way, also known as the “Inland Way”, which crosses the greenest and most mountainous part of Asturias, from Oviedo to the Port of Acebo, passing through the districts of Oviedo, Las Regueras, Grado, Salas, Tineo, Allande and Grandes de Salime; and the Coastal Way, which enters from Cantabria travelling along the entire Asturian coastline, crossing the districts of Llanes, Ribadesella, Caravia, Colunga, Villaviciosa, Gijón, Carreño, Avilés, Castrillón, soto del Barco, Muros de Nalón, Cudillero, Valdés, Navia, Coaña, El Franco, Tapia de Casariego, Castropol and Vegadeo. The route known as the “Camino del Salvador” helps link the French Way, from León, to the Original Way in Oviedo, passing through Lena, Mieres and Ribera de Arriba. In the 9th century, King Alfonso II, the Chaste, journeyed to Iria Flavia (Padrón) to see the recently discovered tomb of the apostle St. James, thus becoming the first pilgrim to Compostela. #asturias #culture 11 Oviedo News of the tomb’s appearance spread throughout the whole of Europe and many pilgrims started to travel to Compostela, where Alfonso II had ordered a church to be built to house the relics of the saint. This was the start of the Jacobean route, the most important spiritual and cultural pilgrim route in Europe, followed by thousands of pilgrims from the 9th century to today. Throughout its twelve centuries of history, the Way of St. James has been an important channel of communication, a renowned commercial hub and the route for sharing knowledge between countries. There are many reasons to walk the Jacobean route. The Way of St. James may be followed for religious reasons, as was normal in the Middle Ages, but nowadays we can find pilgrims following the Way for reasons of culture, sport, contact with nature, existential or introspective reasons, etc. Almost everyone follows the Way on foot, although it is possible to do it by bicycle or even on horseback. It must be taken into account that preference is shown to pilgrims who travel on foot when it comes to staying overnight in refuges. The Way of St. James is divided into stages that connect two towns and pilgrims stay overnight in the refuges, public or private, located in these towns. The Way is signposted with the image of a scallop shell, the symbol of the Way of St. James and a mollusc typically found along the Galician coast. Many pilgrims carry a hanging scallop shell. This is because in the past this was the way for pilgrims to demonstrate on their return to their village that they had reached Santiago de Compostela. The pilgrim’s credential. While the majority of pilgrims carry 12 #asturias #culture a kind of standard template with boxes in which to add the stamps, a simple notebook can be used which will be stamped in the towns through which they pass. Churches, refuges, tourist offices and other establishments have stamps to prove that pilgrims are following the Way. These stamps help those who want to stay in the refuges and at the end of the Way they allow the pilgrim to obtain the “Compostelana”, a certificate issued in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. This is given to those pilgrims who have travelled a minimum of 100 kilometres on foot or horseback and 200 kilometres on a bicycle. There are two types of “Compostelanas”, one for those who state that they have taken the Way for religious or spiritual reasons, and another for those doing it for any other reasons. Following the Way of St. James is hard. It is important to prepare a little before starting the Way and have a minimum fitness level. It is advisable to start taking walks some months before setting off on the pilgrimage. Wear comfortable footwear that has been used worn in. Bring some slippers to use in the refuges. Your backpack must not be too heavy. It is essential to bring sun cream and a raincoat. Experts recommend that the final weight should not exceed 10 kilos. As well as clothing, other basic objects include a sleeping bag, a floor mat, a small first aid kit, a torch and a walking stick. Highlights along the Way of St. James: • • • • On the Way, while passing through Asturias, you can enjoy other areas that have been declared a World Heritage Site: The Rock Art of the Cantabrian Coast (El Pindal, Tito Bustillo and La Peña Cave are open to the public) and the Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of Asturias (the Asturian pre-Romanesque art). There are thousands of ways to follow the Jacobean Route in Asturias and they are all rewarding. On foot, by bicycle, by car.... are all good ways to really discover the land and its people, its history and its stories, its gastronomy, its curiosities, its legends, etc. The reasons for completing the pilgrimage can be very diverse: religious, cultural, love of nature, sports, an introspective journey to find oneself, etc. It offers a life-enhancing experience during which the pilgrims experience unforgettable moments, filled with surprising encounters. ¡Buen Camino! (Good Journey!) is the universal greeting of the pilgrims on the Way of St. James. #asturias #culture 13 Sanctuary of Covadonga Covadonga, the origin of an identity 14 #asturias #culture Just 11 km. from Cangas de Onis, is the Sanctuary of Covadonga, a place of great importance for Asturians, where nature, religion and history are joined. The victory of Don Pelayo in Covadonga in the year 722, led to a Christian church being established there, which has endured for more than 12 centuries, uninterrupted until the present day. The result was favourable for the depleted Christian forces, Pelayo was made king and the cross and prophetic divine message became the standard and emblem of the Asturian monarchy. The complex today consists of the Basilica of Covadonga, the cave with a small chapel inside, ecclesiastic buildings and several catering establishments. The Repelao. The entrance to the Sanctuary of Covadonga and the Picos de Europa Nature Reserve is marked by an obelisk, and is known as El Repelao. Legend has it that it is the place where Pelayo was proclaimed leader by acclamation of the Asturian and Cantabrian warriors. The Cave. It can be reached in two ways, either through the Basilica esplanade or by some steps set into the base of the mountain which houses the cave. These steps, called the “Steps of the Promises”, are frequently used by pilgrims who climb them on their knees, carrying out a promise or to make a petition to the Virgin, located in a small chapel inside the cave. Imagen of the Santina. The present image of the Santina dates from the 17th century, and was donated by the chapter of Oviedo Cathedral as a substitute for the Romanesque image which disappeared during a fire. On the Santina’s feast day she wears the magnificent original crowns, made of platinum, diamonds and other precious stones, which can be admired in the museum for the rest of the year. Sepulchres. Before reaching the image of the Virgin, one passes a tomb on which is inscribed “Here lies King Don Pelayo, elected in the year 716, who in this miraculous cave began the restoration of Spain. Defeated the Moors, he died in 737, and is accompanied by his wife and sister“. Here are preserved the stone sepulchres of Don Pelayo, his wife and sister, and that of Alfonso I and his wife. #asturias #culture 15 View of the Basilica of Covadonga Fountain of Marriage. At the feet of the Holy Cave is located the so-called “Fountain of Marriage”, and, according to folklore, the girl that drinks from it will marry within a year. Virgin, by Samsó, the paintings of Don Pelayo in Covadonga, by Madrazo, and the excellent Baroque work, the Assumption of the Virgin of Carducho, in its interior. The Collegiate Church of San Fernando. The Collegiate Church of San Fernando, is the oldest of the preserved Covadonga buildings. Placed with its back against the mountain, it was built in the 16th century where the medieval monastery was located, and in its cloister can be found some magnificent Romanesque sepulchres, probably dating from the 12th century. Museum of Covadonga. The Museum offers an interesting tour through the history of the Sanctuary. It has a series of canvases of all the kings of Asturias, as well as interesting gold and silver pieces, sculptures (an ivory Christ) and other decorative art works, such as the cloak, embroidered in gold, which Queen Isabel II presented to the Virgin. The basílica. On climbing the steep bends in the road to the sanctuary one suddenly finds oneself in a rugged area, site of the Basilica. The building in pink limestone from the Covadonga mountain itself, together with its dramatic setting, make it remarkable, along with the seated image of the The Campanona. The spectacular bell, three metres tall and weighing 4 tons, decorated with scenes from the Divine Comedy, won the gold Arts medal at the Universal Exhibition, held in Paris in 1900. 16 #asturias #culture Park of the Prince. A path crosses the park through luxuriant vegetation and over beautiful wooden bridges which, along with valuable historical and artistic architectural pieces, highlight the beauty of the setting. Other Buildings of Interest. The Hotel Pelayo (1908), the House of the Musicians (18th century), the Pilgrims Inn (18th century) a building in mountain architecture style, which, in its time, was the only lodging place in the Sanctuary and which, later, also became the headquarters of the Covadonga Schola Santorum and site of the old schools, now fitted out as a youth hostel and, in the Prince’s Park, as a meeting point for young people. Holy Cave of Covadonga Pilgrimages Route Andariega Crossing Historic Route to Covadonga from Llanes GIJÓN Deva Route from Muñigo to Covadonga Route to the Priena Cross Vega de Orandi Route Route to the Lakes VILLAVICIOSA Amandi LLANES Sietes Los Callejos POLA SIERO OVIEDO Lamuño NAVA Bendición Piloñeta Martinporra LANGREO ARRIONDAS Villanueva CANGAS DE ONÍS Llames INFIESTO Corao Espinaredo La Matosa La Gargantada Muñigo El Sellón Posada Vega del Puerto Cruz de Priena Covadonga Vega de Orandi Lago Enol Lago Ercina Covadonga and its paths PATHS IN THE SETTING OF THE ROYAL SUMMER RESIDENCE From Muñigo to Covadonga. This path begins at the Muñigo car park, located beside the AS-262 highway, and is approximately 1.5 km. long. After crossing a wooden gangplank, one climbs a pedestrians-only path through a forest of chestnut, birch and maple trees. The route ends at the western part of the Covadonga collection of monuments. The route can be covered in an hour and a quarter, starting from Repelao (AS-262). It is a zig zag route, ending at a cross, known as the Priena Cross or the Cross of Pelayo, as it was the place where Don Pelayo ambushed the Saracen troops in 722, resulting in the Battle of Covadonga and the start of the Reconquest. The Priena Cross Route. This route, at an altitude of more than 700 metres, is a privileged observatory, with views of the sea, the Sueve, Arriondas, Cangas de Onis, and the Los Lagos highway. The greatest summits of these valleys can also be seen. Vega de Orandi Route. PR-PNPE-6. The route to the Vega de Orandi, one of the prettiest landscapes in the area, begins at the Covadonga Sanctuary. It ascends the slopes of Mount Auseva, through a beautiful closed forest, to the Colladín de Orandi, and from there it begins its descent which leads to the Vega de Orandi. #asturias #culture 17 Lake Ercina (Covadonga) Route to the Lakes of Covadonga. They are the main access to the interior of the Picos de Europa National Park, via the highway which leads directly to the lakes. This winding ascent offers a panoramic view of the area. The lakes (Enol and Ercina) are located in a setting of great natural beauty, which provides the tourist with a multitude of options, ranging from the basic circular route starting at the Buferrera car park, to an infinite number of medium to hard routes and trails to different corners of the Park. PILGRIMAGE PATHS Pilgrimages Route. From Oviedo to Covadonga. This route is 104 km long and is travelled in seven stages, which wander through different villages, valleys and sheep-folds: Oviedo - La Gargantada highway (15.0 km.); Gargantada – Espinadal Heights (17.5 km.); Espinadal Heights- Miera Bridge (16.7 km.); Miera Bridge - Espinaredo (9.5 km.); Espinaredo - La Matosa. (14.0 km.); La Matosa - Cangas de Onís (19.5 km.), and Cangas de Onís - Covadonga (13.5 km.). 18 #asturias #culture Andariega Crossing. From Gijón to Covadonga. This is a long route of approximately 75 km., which is covered in three stages, passing through areas of great natural beauty: Deva - Amandi (25 km.); Amandi - Llames de Parres (25 km.), and Llames de Parres - Covadonga (25 km.). The Historic Route to Covadonga from Llanes. Recuperated some years ago and divided into three stages, it crosses magnificent natural areas: Llanes - Los Callejos (15.6 km.); Los Callejos - Vega del Puerto - Corao (19 km.), and Corao - Abamia- Cruz de Priena - Covadonga (9 km.). Tradition and identity: The real Asturias Asturias has possessed a rich cultural heritage since prehistoric times, and proof of this are the abundant examples of cave paintings to be found in the whole region, some of which have been declared a World Heritage. From this fruitful prehistory to the pre Roman and military Asturias, –more visible in western Asturias -, the Roman Asturias– perfectly identified in the territories through which run the main Roman roads, especially in the central area of the region -, medieval Asturias – to the Asturias of the Reconquest, the Monarchy and the Road to Santiago-, without forgetting the Asturias of the Enlightenment, the great ethnographic wealth and the hydraulic and rural devices of the Industrial Revolution, or the Spanish-American emigration, all are present in modern Asturias through live evidence, festivals and celebrations, facilities and museums which recall an intense and unsettled past, transformations, changes and revolutions that have contributed to the shaping of the Europe of today. Asturias, in a serene and determined way, is a great bastion of the Spanish and continental identity, and extols it through its respect for the traditions, seen in its villages and towns, fishing villages, cities, natural spaces and biosphere reserves. In Asturias, traditions are an inexhaustible source for researchers, but also a many-faceted resource for all types of travellers: those who love history, art and monuments, those who enjoy traditional culture and ethnography, lovers of nature and rural life, those who delight in the ages of the architecture, those who feel like archaeologists for a day, or those who simply give themselves up, body and soul, to any fiesta which has music, merriment, good food and the ritual of cider drinking. #asturias #culture 19 The LatinAmerican memory: The indianos (Asturian people emigrated to Latin America) Many Asturian people headed to America looking for a better life from mid-19th century to the first quarter of 20th century. They were both from the Eastern and Western parts of the region and embarked for a long trip which was a return journey many times. Demographic pressure and resource scarcity or just avoidance of being called up for the military service spurred many of them to go on this adventure mainly characterized but its entrepreneurial nature, hard work and the creation of close bonds with other emigrants to preserve their identity marks. Either individually or gathered in associations, they began projects in their homeland which made it possible to build roads, install public lighting, urbanize squares, construct fountains and washing places but above all, they built up, furnished and kept schools and their teachers in many villages thus allowing primary education to be available everywhere. 20 #asturias #culture Their Mansions or detached houses following the bourgeoisie mentality and taste proved to their neighbours the social and financial status of those succeeded overseas because of their dimensions, singularity, quality and decorations, thus using the architecture as distinguishing feature. The surrounding gardens frequently including palm trees also showed that differentiation and status. Finally the magnificent family vaults and tombs were meant to transcend and take their acknowledgement beyond. The Indianos Archive Foundation -Museum of Emigration installed at the Quinta Guadalupe, in Colombres (Ribadedeva) is the main facility to discover how historically significant this movement was. It is a beautiful mansion built up in 1906 by Íñigo Noriega who immigrated to Mexico. The rich “Latin American” heritage is present all around Asturias. There are very good examples on the Western coast such as in Navia (particularly in Tox or Villapedre), Valdés (where the most outstanding buildings are around Barcellina or Villar) or Cudillero. If a site is worth to stand out because of its extraordinary architecture or the high number of mansions with gardens, this is Somao (Pravia). “Llanes Indiana route” links excellent pieces located in the municipality. There are also routes of interest in Cangas de Onís, with an amazing group of houses from the 20th century, in Piloña (Sevares, Villamayor and Coya), Caravia and other places in Eastern Asturias. On some occasions, green areas and gardens care service was transferred to the community. This is why Asturias counts on many public parks donated and furnished by indianos, such as Vicente Loriente park in Castropol or Ballina park in Villaviciosa, just to mention two examples. “Indianos“ files (Colombres) At the beginning of July the “Indiana Fair” is held in Colombre which turns into a real market where goods and overseas products can be found together with local craftwork and gastronomy. The Festival Agenda also includes guided visits, music performances and exhibitions. #asturias #culture 21 The great industrialization legacy: Working-class heritage Industrialization meant deepest and fastest transformation undergone by Asturias. The traditional model started in the Middle Ages came into a crisis, the Modern age arrived, as well as capitalism, urban development and, of course, the working-class movement. It had an impact on how the territory was organized by favouring the centre where coal mines and iron and steel industry settled although it affected the whole Principality. Iron and steel factories were located in the coalmining areas until the first Spanish iron and Steel company, ENSIDESA, was founded in Avilés. Communications (particularly railways and ports) developed in the light of this activity. Energy production, both using small and early hydroelectric stations in the mountains (La Malva, in Somiedo) as well as great postwar waterfalls (Grandas or Tanes), enrich this legacy together with thermoelectric plants or the so called urban factories (Gas factory in Oviedo for example). Daily live was changed. The rural country houses as production and accommodation units lost their primacy not only because of the massive exodus to cities where working-class neighbourhoods or buildings for rent were built up but also due to the creation of working-class barracks and barricades from rural areas to the mountains. The so called “industrial paternalism” meant a new relation between workers and employers as they were offered other supplies apart from housing 22 #asturias #culture (low-cost supermarket), health care (hospitals) and education (religious schools). An excellent example of this industrial paternalism is displayed in (Mieres), an example of this type of housing which follows the garden-city model. Construction quality and shape are unusual, not only in the semi-detached houses but also in the equipment provided by Sociedad Hullera Española to give assistance, fidelize and shortly control their inhabitants, schools, health care centre, low-cost supermarket, church, leisure centre, etc. San Esteban de Pravia (Muros de Nalón) port which was the main coal port in Spain is an example of how its fishing and leisure uses live together with an excellently preserved industrial heritage of its own. The visitor may contemplate many port buildings (customs, police headquarters, warehouse, Works Board…), walk along the old narrow gauge railway trench, turned into a pedestrians path or gaze at the restored material stowage cranes or mineral loading bay. The Principality counts on many other examples of its early industrialization process such as The “Arnao” Mine Museum the first mining vertical shaft deepened in Asturias located in Arnao (Castrillón). It includes a peculiar mine castle lined up with zinc plates built up by the Royal Asturian Mining Company. One may have a walk along the company village where there are houses (both for workers and for middle management and owners), schools, low-cost supermarkets, etc., or one of the first railway to link it with San Juan de Nieva. The Caudal mining area includes a “must” visit: Turón Valley (Mieres). It houses lots of mining remains enclosed within its narrow bottom and rugged slopes where the Santa Bárbara Shaft(1914), the first one to be declared an Asset of Cultural Interest of the Principality of Asturias is located. Nalón Valley is another place with its own name within the history of mining. Its great legacy is ready to be discovered such as the Ecomuseum of Samuño Valley in Langreo, with its ancient San Luis well, the mining village of La Nueva, generated by this, and the cutting and crossing of the mining railway track that transported the coal and permits visitors to the EcoMuseum to ride an authentic mining train and travel the old coal route. And the visit to see inside Sotón Pit, built in the first decades of the 20th century and still operational. Coal stopped being extracted on 31 December 2014 and it now operates as an auxiliary pit to the Maria Luisa pit. The tour lasts for 4 hours and covers around 5km. It goes through the “La Jota” chimney, between the 8th, 9th and 10th floors, at a depth of between approximately 386m and 556m below the earth’s surface. A tour around old railway lines (linked to different industrial and mining exploitations) which were turned into pedestrians paths and cycling lanes can be considered as an alternative that combines a visit to old productive areas with healthy exercise outdoors. This is the case of the well-known Bear Pedestrian Path that goes across Santo Adriano, Proaza, Teverga and Quirós councils, Turón Green Route (Mieres) that recovers former railway lines used by Hulleras de Turón. We must also include La Camocha Green Route (Gijón) with more than 7 km between La Camocha and Los Campones. During the last years, three main facilities have been established to provide historical information and research of the three main industrialization process foundations in Asturias: The Museum of Mining and Industry, The Iron and Steel Museum and Railway Museum. THE MUSEUM OF MINING AND INDUSTRY (MUMI) It is located in El Entrego (San Martín del Rey Aurelio). The permanent exhibition: a look at the history of mining in Europe from the Steam Age to the period of maximum industrialisation in Asturias. Furthermore, the museum has reproduced some typical mining objects and areas such as materials laboratories, infirmary and washhouse. MUMI’s main part is located in a metallic mine castle outside whereas inside it accesses the ground floor to find “a repro- The Museum of Mining and The Industry (El Entrego) duction of a mine” which is the facility’s core activity. It is a full-scale reproduction of a mine with real equipment simulating the most important aspects of coal extraction, underground ventilation and transport. You can feel the shocking experience of descending to the exploitation in a cage and of perceiving the smell and sounds of this working place…..a safe feeling. THE IRON AND STEEL MUSEUM (MUSI) The museum reception is set in an impressive cooling tower belonging to the former iron and steel factory owned by Duro Felguera, a Spanish pioneering company established in the 19th century. It proposes a historical timeline starting with the creation of the company and how it influenced the population and the land. Thanks to models, information panels and interactive modules, and collections pieces we may understand the historical evolution of the company and its facilities as well as its impact on the town of Langreo. Besides, MUSI offers either the chance of guided visits to the permanent exhibitions or to follow other optional closelyrelated routes such as “Working class housing in La Felguera: places to live in” and “La Felguera, Pedro Duro entrepreneurial nature and the origin and development of the urban centre”. RAILWAY MUSEUM It is located in the refurbished North Railway Station facilities in Gijon. It is devoted to keeping, researching and spreading Asturias railway history. It offers a broad view of the relationship between the railway and the social, technical and economic evolution of Asturias while studying the influence of the Industrial Revolution and the technological development brought about by the implementation of the railway in our region. More than fifty of restored mobile material pieces are displayed, being some of them in use, coming from Asturias rail network (one of the denser in Spain). Steam-powered locomotives, old wagons and many other highly valued pieces displayed on the railway thus allowing living a whole experience. #asturias #culture 23 Facilities for 21st century New cultural scenarios. The history of Asturias, built on a hard but beautiful territory, fraught with men and women who put their dreams and their backs into their development expressed in the rich cultural legacy, is still increasing nowadays and will remain in the future. Therefore, Asturias houses ambitious projects that extend beyond the regional borders to be classified within artistic and cultural innovatin thus creating a large offer available to every visitor ready to be surprised. 24 #asturias #culture The Niemeyer Centre, much more than a symbol The Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, one of the most influencing modern architects, was a pioneer when exploring reinforced concrete building and plastic possibilities. Among other acknowledgements, he was granted the Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts (1989). Nowadays, his figure is inseparable from Aviles and from Asturias thanks to his only work in Spain and, in his own words, his most beloved work out of those built outside Brazil. In 2006, when the Awards celebrated their 25th Anniversary, the Foundation contacted all laureates to take part in the celebration either by giving a master class, a seminar, or a meeting with the public “I am an architect and so, what I know is to design buildings and this is what I am going to do, to design a building”. Located by Aviles estuary, just outside town’s historic quarter, the Niemeyer Centre has transformed the industrial area into a space for excellence and creativity. It has already become a symbol of the future Asturias, a country betting on sustainability, technology, education and culture as engines of development without disregarding its industrial roots. The complex is made up of five independent while complementary parts. The auditorium: with 998 seats whose back stage wall can be opened thus making it possible to enjoy the performance at the square; the dome: enclosing an open space for exhibitions including highly plastic elements; the tower: a 20 m sight-seeing tower, restaurant and cocktail lounge and the multi-purpose building: including rehearsal, meeting and conference rooms as well as the coffee area, the shop and the reception. Finally, there is a great square to welcome men and women all around the world, an impressive theatre box overlooking the estuary and the town of Avilés”. #asturias #culture 25 Laboral, City of Culture “Laboral – Ciudad de la Cultura”, an extraordinary architectonical complex located in Gijón brings new life by turning into a place devoted to promoting training, culture and avantgarde artistic creativity. The former Universidad Laboral de Gijón was conceived as a mining orphanage and began its construction in 1948 under the direction of the architect Luis Moya Blanco. It was meant to train generations of workers as qualified professionals. It counted on classrooms, workshops, events room, residencies and even a 100 hectare farm apart from its more than 130,000 square meters of impressive premises. This so-called “City of Culture” opened its doors in 2007 thus becoming a space which pays attention to innovation in the world of Art. Its magnificent Theatre and the Art and Industrial Creation Centre stand out as the main candidates to become the cultural centre of Asturias. Leaving aside the current activities of the complex, its architecture has an undisputable charming. Its scale, quality and peculiarity do not leave the visitor indifferent. Its majestic central patio surrounded by vaulted porches is the area around which the complex is structured. In the East, the former Headship’s building; in the South, the Board’s; in the North, the Theatre where classicism prevails in the external façade; in the West, the impressive church dominates the square. Behind the temple, a 117m enormous tower stands with a panoramic lift that reaches the terrace at the top to enjoy stunning views of Gijon’s bay and its surroundings. LABORAL ART AND INDUSTRIAL CREATION CENTRE One of its fundamental focuses is this exhibition centre specifically devoted to art, science, technology and advanced visual industries. It is a place meant to research, train and carry out artistic and technical production as well as to project new forms of art and industrial creation. Casual Visitors are given the chance to enjoy both the permanent collection as well as the interesting temporary exhibitions included in the agenda. 26 #asturias #culture The architectural complex of Buenavista Located in Oviedo, this complex whose Convention and Exhibition Centre stands out as the central part of it, displays the talent of the Valencia-born engineer and architect Santiago Calatrava Valls. It has become an absolutely contemporary complement for a town full of culture and events such as the opera season and of reference facilities integrated in its Historic Quarter such as the Fine Arts Museum of Asturias or the Archaeological Museum. It has been defined as the greatest civil work after the Universidad Laboral and addresses a wide agenda hosted by the categorical and personal shapes of this architect. The project will end this great work which began to be developed in 2001 and which today constitutes one of the most famous icons of the capital of Asturias The Convention and Exhibition Centre is located in the middle of a half-open square and encircled by a “U” where several constructions interweaved. The surrounding building that encircles it on three sides presents glazing containers supported by very high steel arrows. An enormous shopping centre (MODOO) was establish in the lower part and a public space of more than 30,000 square feet was created around it. THE CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE It was designed as an ovoid structure located under two white steel ribs characteristic of Calatrava’s style. It is a kind of helmet ending in an overhanging canopy. From both material and formal points of view, it is a characteristic work of the architect: magnificent, expressive and beautiful. He uses concrete, glass and steel to obtain peculiar material quality, colours and lighting with an awesome result which meets the proposed use requirements: singularity, capacity and functionality. He should mention first the outdoor terrace over the shopping centre access porch covered by the building visor which displays several potential uses and then the auditorium under a 45m internal vault height and a stage of more than 350 square feet. This major international architectonic work contributes to make Oviedo become a worldwide reference in congress and event organization. #asturias #culture 27 Asturias, Cinema Paradise: At the other side of the screen 28 #asturias #culture Frame of the movie “What’s a Bear For?” The camera loves Asturias Asturias, with its natural beauty, its landscapes, its heritage and its people, has captured the attention of many artists throughout time, including film directors, from the time that the Lumiere brothers invented film until now, and television, of course, has also set its sights on an Asturias whose colours, and scenery are the dream of the best scriptwriters, producers and directors. The Film Archive of Asturias (Oviedo, Plaza Daoiz y Velarde, 11. Tel. +34 985 207 350) has documentary and physical examples of films inspired by Asturias. A scene from “El Orfanato” (LLanes) shooting #asturias #culture 29 A scene from “La Señora” (Cadavedo) shooting In recent years, several directors have frequently used Asturias as a setting for their works. Some of the most outstanding films and television series are listed below: TV SERIES · Carlos V (Ribadedeva and Llanes). FILMES · The night watchman (2015) by Miguel Ángel Jiménez (Langreo, Morcín). · La Señora (Llanes, Ribadedeva, Aller and Valdés). · El futuro ya no es lo que era (2015) by Pedro Barbero (Oviedo, Llanes). · Para qué sirve un oso (2010) by Tom Fernández (Proaza, Quirós, Teverga and Somiedo). · Fuga de cerebros (2009) by Fernando González Molina (Gijón). · Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008) by Woody Allen (Oviedo). · El Orfanato (2007) by José Antonio Bayona (Llanes and Ribadesella). · Luz de domingo (2007) by José Luis Garci (Oviedo, Gijón, Avilés…). · Oviedo Express (2007) by Gonzalo Suárez (Oviedo). · El Abuelo (1998) by José Luis Garci (Llanes, Gijón, Lena, Oviedo, Siero, Valdés and Cudillero). · Volver a Empezar (1982) by José Luis Garci (Gijón and Cangas de Onís). Oscar winner. 30 #asturias #culture · Doctor Mateo (Colunga). · La Regenta (Oviedo and Mieres). · Vientos de Agua (Gijón, Sobrescobio, San Martín del Rey Aurelio). The natural stage that is Asturias has won the love of audiences, those who have thrilled to the stories on the big and small screen. The arrival of thousands of film and television fans has given rise to the emergence of routes and tourist products like: • Llanes Cinema (LLanes) • Doctor Mateo Route (Lastres) Also, the region has many film festivals, the most famous of which, and one of the oldest, is the Gijon International Film Festival, which is more than fifty years old and is a reference point in the European avant garde and independent film world. A country of festivals: Living celebrations International Descent of Sella River When one celebrates one of the traditional Asturian festivals held along the year and around the whole territory, takes part and enjoys an amusing and social event. The romería or pilgrimage, the “puya’l ramu” (the bunch is given for public auction) and the verbena or open-air dance are common to every Asturian festival. The romería is a pilgrimage to the sacred place, a temple dedicated to a certain image where mass is celebrated and the image and the “bunch” are brought out in a procession and carried on portable platforms by several neighbours. It consists on a wooden structure decorated with bunches of laurel and flowers from which bread loaf or bread rolls hang. Then the “puya’l ramu” or auction takes places among the neighbours. The money collected is invested in the following festival. At this point, the banquet takes place, amused by drums or bagpipes or by a small band. The festival ends with an open-air dance at night, time to dance. It is also common for participants to wear the “traxe’l país”: the traditional costume which is an essential part of our cultural identity. There is a certain correlation between the most characteristic festivals in Asturias and those declared to be of Touristic Interest. All of them form part of the intensive festival calendar in Asturias rich of ancient remains and timeless emotions. #asturias #culture 31 Festival days JANUARY El Guirria y el Aguinaldo, in Ponga. The Guirria procession and the riders of Christmas box lead for San Juan de Beleño towards the Cainava neighbourhood around midday on New Year’s Day. That is the starting point of the diabolical route around Beleño and when it arrives in Cainava it goes into all open houses and kisses as many young girls as possible. FEBRUARY Gastronomic day of slaughter, in Amieva and Alto Sella. Every weekend in this month, local restaurants offer menus based on pork and slaughter-related products. Antroxu (Carnival), in Gijón. It officially begins on the night of the traditional “Jueves de Comadres” (Mates’ Thursday) and lasts until Ash Wednesday when the Sardine is buried Parades, murgas, floats and dances amuse one of the most intense carnival celebrations in Asturias. Antroxu (Carnival), in Avilés. Carnival is celebrated from Antroxu Thursday until Viella Sunday. Among the different events taking place, the Galiana International Fluvial Descent stands out in which floats go down one of streets of the historical quartier full of foam while water is thrown over pedestrians. MARCH Easter, in Avilés. Aviles Easter celebration is a tradition that goes back as far as 1948 where the first procession took place. The celebration has never been interrupted since then with processions from Palm Sunday to Good Friday. Holy Week, in Villaviciosa This is one of the oldest and most traditional in the region and has maintained its customs virtually unchanged since its founding in 1668. The streets are decorated in the violet colour of the Nazarenes (those taking part in the procession), and a large audience gathers to attend the commemoration of the passion and death of Christ. Painted Eggs Festival, in Pola de Siero. The festival is amused by performances of Asturian folklore bands. Thousands of artistically decorated Easter Eggs are exhibited and sold. It is held on Easter Tuesday. Painted Eggs Festival, Pola de Siero 32 #asturias #culture APRIL Salmon Fair, Cornellana, Salas. It is a compulsory meeting point for salmon, fishing and nature lovers worldwide. It means the beginning of the fishing season, a deeply rooted Asturian tradition that created the striking competition of fishing the “campanu” or first salmon of the season. El Bollo festivity, in Avilés. Its origin goes back to the 19th century and it was the expression of coexistence and popular participation. It celebrates the arrival of springtime and the end of the Paschal fast on Easter Monday. Picadillo and Sabadiego (minced meat and Spanish red sausage), in Noreña. The pigmeat industry guild created this festival 25 years ago to pay tribute to their patron saint, San Marcos. Later, it became a popular festival. MAY Trasona Dam Pilgrimage, in Corvera de Asturias. It is held on every 1st of May. Lots of people have enjoyed this traditional pilgrimage for more than 50 years. Rice Pudding Festival, in Cabranes. It is part of San Francisco de Paula Festival Agenda. For more than 200 years, it has been held the 2nd Sunday of each month in Santa Eulalia de Cabranes. It includes craftsman market, rice pudding workshops, music, etc. Ascension Fair, en Oviedo. It is held on the closest Sunday to Ascension Day. Stockbreeding Fair, activities and product exhibition to pay a tribute to those country men and women who do not only preserve the traditions but also do their best to keep the agricultural and stockbreeder activities of our country. Floral carpets of the Corpus, in Castropol. On the Sunday after the Corpus Christi the narrow streets are carefully decorated using flowers, seeds, shells and other materials to create a carpet along which the Corpse of Christ will walk together with the children making their First Holy Communion and the band. JUNE San Antonio de Padua Festival, in Cangas de Onís. This devotion is dated in the 17th century. The traditional escanda bread auction goes back to 1749. Cué Sacramental, in Llanes. It is held on San Juan Day. The whole village knits awesome floral carpets to decorate the streets. Astur Market, in Nava. It is the recreation of a traditional Asturian market in Nava: good food and cider, craftsmen… L’Amuravela Festival, in Cudillero. L’ Amuravela traditional and secular sermon is given every 29th June at the port. Standing on a landed motorboat, local speaks in Cudillero old and local language (pixueto) and ironically recalls in detail what has happened during the year. Seafarers’ Procession of San Juan, San Juan de la Arena (Soto del Barco) The centenary seafarers’ procession of San Juan, runs along the streets of the town as a tribute to seafarers traditionally marking the start of the white tuna campaign. 17 images are carried by young men wearing the summer uniform of the navy, creating a unique spectacle. JULY The Exconxuraos, in Llanera. This medieval dinner is one of the attractive events given during the festival. It moves us back to the Middle Ages to celebrate a historical event when the neighbours went to Oviedo on a pilgrimage to seek forgiveness to exempt themselves from communion. It is held during the first weekend of July. Lamb Festival, in el Prau Llagüezos (Quirós – Lena). It is a popular Asturian pilgrimage which turns into a great steakhouse of lamb roasted on a stake in Llagüezos field from first time in the morning. Folklore band performances and traditional sports take place in the morning. Cider Festival, in Nava. It is held during the second weekend of July to pay tribute to the cider. There are folklore expressions, free cider tasting, markets, etc. Nuestra Señora del Carmen Festival, in Cangas del Narcea. The Descarga (Fireworks). The Descarga (Fireworks) takes place on the 16th of July when the image of the Virgin reaches the highest point of the bridge where Narcea and Luiña rivers join. The intense noise of thousands of rockets raises a unique pray of fireworks up to heaven. Santa María Magdalena Festival, in Llanes. The transfer and burning of the “bonfire” starts on the great day, 22nd July and ends with Rodeo dance and Danza Prima performances. Santa María Magdalena Festival, in Cangas del Narcea. A procession dedicated to the Virgin is held on the 22nd of July and the Magdalena club organizes fireworks and musical performances among other activities. Interceltique Festival, in Avilés and its municipality. Celtic music from different regions can be enjoyed at different stages around the municipality of Aviles as well as Celtic art, passacaglia, sport exhibition, traditional games, etc. #asturias #culture 33 La Regalina Carmín de la Pola Festival, in Pola de Siero. A fun-religious festival that has been held for more than 300 years on the Monday following the 16th of July. It includes lunch and a pilgrimage to continue along the streets of the town. Shepherd’s Festival, in la Vega d’Enol (Cangas de Onís). The Shepherd Corporation and Council have an Open Council meeting after the mass at the Buen Pastor chapel where they distribute pastures among the shepherds living in the mountains of Covadonga. Bollu Festival, in La Peruyal (Parres). The festival starts with the reading of the opening address at the Town Hall balcony. Then, bagpipers walk along the streets of the town to warn neighbours that the celebration is about to arrive. Vaqueira (Cowboy) Festival, in Aristébano (Tineo - Valdés). It is held in the Braña of Aristébano on the last Sunday of July. Although the most important event is the Vaqueira wedding, the festival in itself is a celebration of the Vaqueiros of Alzada customs and culture Beach Tennis Tournament in Luanco (Gozón). It is a unique sport tournament in which first-level tennis players play on the Rivery Beach. It is held at the end of July or beginning of August. Festival of Bagpipes Bands “Villa de Candás”, in Candás (Carreño). Thousands of people from all over Europe meet at this event to enjoy a varied selection of the best bagpipes bands from the whole of the Celtic world. National Gold Panning Championship in Navelgas (Tineo). The best way to get into this sport and learn panning techniques. This sporting event is attended by both Spanish and foreign fans, who exchange knowhow and news. AUGUST National Gold Panning Championship in Navelgas (Tineo). An activity as unique as prospecting for gold in the sands of the river with a pan. Along with the official competition, panning workshops are held in the Gold Museum so that everyone can enjoy the experience. 34 #asturias #culture El Carmen, in Torazo (Cabranes) Its origins date back to 1766, and its uniqueness lies in the celebration date, which is not the traditional day on which this saint is worshipped. It is believed that this is because the residents agreed to wait to harvest the spelt, at the end of August, so that they could make the breads that were offered to the Virgin as thanks for favours granted. Sardine Festival, in Candás (Carreño). The tradition invites to eat grilled sardines prepared at the stands of participating restaurants along San Antonio promenade every 1st of August at 5 o’clock. Canoeing Festival. International Descent of Sella River. Parres – Ribadesella. It has been held since 1930 on the first Sunday of August. The festival starts with a contestants’ parade around the streets of Arriondas. The Descent gathers a large number of peculiar canoeists and is followed by thousands of spectators located at the banks of the river or on a train that runs parallel to the canoeists. Navia Estuary Swim, in Navia. Both national and international Sportsmen take part in this event which is the best excuse to celebrate some other festival events. Asturias Day, in Gijón. A traditional parade from the Jardines de la Reina to Cerro de Santa Catalina during the first Sunday of August. Valdesoto floats, in Siero. The traditional Valdesoto float parade goes back as far as 1950 when a group of neighbours decided to go to the festival on decorated carts. Nuestra Señora de Andrín Festival, in Llanes. It is a fun-religious celebration where bands of bagpipers walk along the streets of the town. It is held on the 15th. Nuestra Señora del Cébrano, in Carrea (Teverga). It is a traditional Asturian pilgrimage dedicated to the Virgin. It is held on the 15th. Nuestra Señora del Rosario, in Luarca (Valdés). Rosario festival stands out because of its typical habaneras and its seamen procession dedicated to the Virgin whose image is taken out to walk along the local coastline. It is held on the 15th. Alba Festival, in Quirós. A festival to honour the Virgin of Alba. It is held on the 15th at the Rock which holds the same name (Aramo Sierra) and where the sanctuary is located. San Roque Festival, in Llanes. This folklore festival’ great day is on the 16th of August where Llanes council folklore bands perform some traditional dances. San Roque Festival, in Tineo. A Vaqueiro (migrating herdsmen from the mountains of Asturias and Leon) festival takes place in San Roque field. A folklore festival where dances, songs and customs are presented while worshipping the Saint on the 16th. Asturcón Festival, in the Sueve (Piloña). Asturcon horse dressage takes place in the middle of a festive atmosphere where the new born are marked and the Senior Sueve Shepherd is appointed. San Pedrín de la Cueva Festival, in Nárzana (Sariego). On the 19th, the festival day, the Saint is taken out in a procession from the chapel where it is located to a natural cave. San Timoteo, in Luarca (Valdés). On the 22nd of August in the morning, rockets and firecrackers are ignited. Clubs, charangas, and bagpipe bands go on a procession to the field of San Timoteo. All villagers wear typical local costumes: a loose shirt, a cane and a bread T hanging on the neck. Folklore Descent of Nalón River, in Pola de Laviana. The Folklore Descent of the Nalon River takes place at the same time as the local patron saint festivals on the last weekend of August. Contestants are dressed up in costumes and go down the river on vessels built up by them. Casín Cheese Contest, in Caso. This contest is held at the Arnicio hill (Caso) on the last weekend of August. There are tastings, sales and workshops to learn how this cheese awarded with Protected Designation of Origin symbol. Asturias People’s Day , in Navelgas (Tineo). It is a brotherhood festival which recalls old harvesting traditions. People from every village enjoy folklore bands and charangas, bands and the most varied gastronomy. Cabrales Cheese Contest, in Las Arenas (Cabrales). Cabrales cheese exhibitions and demonstrations of how it is produced. The event is amused by folklore bands. La Regalina, in Cadavedo (Valdés). This festival was created in 1931 as an expression of Asturian folklore, customs and traditions to honour the Virgin whose image was found in a place called Riégala or Regla. It is held on the last weekend of August. Cider Festival, in Gijón. Held on the last weekend of August, this festival focuses on the most popular beverage in Asturias and attempts to beat the Guinness record of simultaneous “escanciado” (the art of pouring cider) every year. Cattle Market in San Martín de Luiña (Cudillero). A traditional market with local products and a varied sample of crafts and traditional games, which ends with a bovine wedding. Intercelticu L’Occidente Festival in Tapia de Casariego. A reference point in Celtic music, a must-visit for lovers of folk music. But if there is anything that makes this festival special it is its natural stage on the Murallón beach, a spectacular natural amphitheatre with the sea as a backdrop Oles Traditional Market, Villaviciosa A market re-enacted with the entire traditional Asturian essence, with performances of theatre groups, comedians and all kinds of craftsmanship. There are samples of crafts and traditional work: black amber, clogs, wood, pottery and ceramics. First Disembark of Charles V in Tazones, Villaviciosa Re-enactment made of the disembark of Emperor Charles I of Spain and V of Germany at the Port of Tazones (Villaviciosa) in 1517 and of the welcoming afforded to the king and his entourage by the local people. Every year the neighbours of Tazones, aided by the Contraste theatre group, are in charge of representing the arrival of such an illustrious figure with representations of everyday life and crafts, music, traditional games, the market, etc. Nuestra Señora de Andrín Festival, in Llanes #asturias #culture 35 Virgen de la Guía Festival, in Llanes. SEPTEMBER Virgen de la Guía Festival, in Llanes. Patron Saint festivals held on the 8th ofSeptember in which the night procession of the Virgen de la Guía image stands out. Festival of Nuestra Señora de El Carbayu, in Langreo Popular celebration whose important day is 8, which is dedicated to the Virgin of El Carbayu and can enjoy religious and recreational activities for all ages and tastes. America’s Day in Asturias, in Oviedo. On the 19th, a float parade takes places long the main streets of the city in order to pay a tribute to all those who emigrated to America together with folklore bands as part of local San Mateo festival. Santos Mártires de Valdecuna pilgrimage (Mieres). Those taken part in the pilgrimage go up to the Martyrs chapel (San Cosme and San Damián) on the festival day. There, they attend to mass and to the public auction of the “ramu” and have an outdoor meal. It is celebrated on the 27th. Rallye Princess of Asturias, several councils. This car race takes places around many parts of Asturias. Numerous local and national supporters follow it. Fiesta of the Santo Cristo del Amparo in Nueva (Llanes). Village and porruano passacaglias go through the streets in search of bands to accompany in the procession to the Saint, which ends with the traditional and outstanding dance of Christ on the “prau” of the Fiesta. 36 #asturias #culture OCTOBER Hazelnut Festival, in Infiesto (Piloña). This festival is held at the beginning of October. It is halfway a festival and gastronomic event focused on this dry fruit. Apple Festival, in Villaviciosa. It is held on the closest weekend to Columbus Day. It involves visiting Apple fields, tasting cider and apples and attending to exhibitions among other activities. It takes place on odd years. Festival of Cangas Quality Wine Harvest, in Cangas del Narcea This popular and religious festival of the Virgen del Acebo takes place at the end of grape harvest during the previous week to Hispanidad festival. Cheese Competition of Gamoneo in Benia (Onís). Sale, sample, exhibition and tasting of traditional cheeses. The cheese shops and producers of the area compete for the Prize for variety and the Gamonéu del Valle Prize. NOVEMBER Magic Night and Esfoyón and Amagosto Festival, in Navelgas (Tineo). It is meant to recover traditions such as esfoyón (to pluck corncob) and Amagüestu (roasted chestnuts), duerno sider (cider of pressed apples that still has yet to ferment), old forge working, craftsmen working (mangueiros, wooden shoemakers, etc, ...) Turnip Festival, in Sotrondio (S. Martín del Rey Aurelio). One may taste different menus based on turnip at the different associated restaurants. Humanitarian Festival, in Moreda (Aller). Chanted mass amused by bagpipes. After mass, there is a float parade where participants are dressed up in local costumes. Stuffed Onion Festival, in El Entrego (S. Martín del Rey Aurelio). Menus based on stuffed onions can be tasted at different restaurants. Rock Art: facilities and caves to be visited In Asturias, caves housing pre-historic art can be visited deep inside thus bringing back the magic of these places our ancestors turned into sanctuaries. Tito Bustillo Cave Tito Bustillo Rock Art Centre Ribadesella. Avenida de Tito Bustillo. Phones: +34 985 185 583 / +34 985 861 255 Teverga Pre Historical Park Teverga. San Salvador de Alesga Phones: +34 985 185 583 / +34 985-764-739 Peña de Candamo Cave Candamo Cave Information Centre Candamo. San Román Phones: +34 985 829 702 (information Center) / +34 985 828 056 (Town Hall) Buxu Cave Cangas de Onís. Cardes Phone: +34 608 175 467 Peruyal Cave Glacial Wildlife Information Centre Onís. Avin - Benia Information at Glacial Wildlife information Centre. Phone: +34 616 212 483 La Loja Cave La Loja cave Didactic Centre Peñamellera Baja. El Mazo Phones: +34 985 414 417 / +34 676 128 176 Pindal Cave Information Centre Ribadedeva. Pimiango Ctra Mirador del Picu al Faro. Phone: +34 608 175 284 (Guide) La Lluera Cave Oviedo. Las Caldas Phones: +34 622 643 317 / +34 985 761 403 Cueva Conde y Abrigo de Santo Adriano Santo Adriano. Tuñón Phones: +34 622 643 317 / +34 985 761 403 Ardines Cave Ribadesella. Avda. de Tito Bustillo Phone: +34 902 306 600 #asturias #culture 37 Asturian Pre Romanesque Visit the Pre Romanesque monuments is immersed in a time of kings and legends that shaped the Kingdom of Asturias. Asturian Pre Romanesque Information and Welcome Centre Oviedo. Antiguas escuelas del Naranco Phones: +34 985 114 901 / +34 902 306 600 Pre-Romanesque Museun of Santianes de Pravia Pravia. Santianes Phone: +34 985 821 204 (Tourist Office). Pre-Romanesque Museum of San Martín de Salas Salas. Plaza de la Campa Phone: +34 985 830 988 (Tourist Office) / + 34 985 830 004 (Ayuntamiento) Basilica of San Juan (Santianes de Pravia) Pravia. Santianes Phone: +34 985 821 204 (Tourist Office) Santo Adriano Church Santo Adriano. Tuñón Phones: +34 622 643 317 / +34 985 761 403 Santa María del Naranco Oviedo. Monte Naranco Phone: +34 638 260 163 (Guide) Foncalada Fountain Oviedo C/ Foncalada, corner with C/ Gascona 38 #asturias #culture San Miguel de Lillo Church Oviedo. Monte Naranco Phone: +34 638 260 163 (Guide) San Julián de los Prados Church Oviedo. C / Selgas, 2 Phone: +34 687 052 826 (Guide) Holy Chamber and Gothic Cloister of the Cathedral Oviedo. Pza. Alfonso II (Cathedral inside) Phones: +34 985 219 642 / +34 985 203 117 (Museum). Santa Cristina de Lena Lena. La Cobertoria Phones: +34 985 497 608 / +34 609 942 153 (housekeeper) La Cobertoria Asturian Pre Romanesque Didactic Centre Lena .La Cobertoria Phone: +34 985 497 606 San Salvador de Valdediós Church (convent and monastery) Villaviciosa. Valdediós Phone: +34 670 242 372 (Guide) Santiago de Gobiendes Church Colunga. Parroquia de Sales. Gobiendes Phone: +34 655 809 773 / +34 985 869 043 (Guardesa) The World of Art A whole universe of artistic creativity is reflected in Asturias. Fine Arts Museum of Asturias Oviedo. C/Santa Ana, 1-3 Phones: +34 985 213 061 / +34 985 212 057 Nicanor Piñole Museum Gijón. Plaza de Europa, 28 Phone: +34 985 359 594 / +34 985 185 152 Langreo Municipal Art Gallery - Eduardo Úrculo Langreo. C /La Unión, 31 Phone: +34 984 182 858 Juan Barjola Museum Gijón. C / Trinidad, 17 Phone: +34 985 357 939 Evaristo Valle Museum Gijón. Camino de Cabueñes, 261. Somió Phone: +34 985 334 000 Jovellanos Museum (the house where he was born) Gijón. Pza. Jovellanos Phone: +34 985 185 152 Candá Sculpture Center Antón Museum Carreño. Pza. del Cueto. Candás Phone: +34 985 871 800 Laboral Art and Industrial Creation Centre Gijón. Los Prados, 121 Phone: +34 985 185 577 #asturias #culture 39 The Legacy of History Human activity has been developing in Asturias for millenniums. The History of Asturias at hand. Archaeological Museum of Asturias Oviedo. C / San Vicente, 3-5 Telephone: +34 985 208 977 Campo Valdés Roman Baths Gijón. Campo Valdés s/n Phone: +34 985 185 151 Veranes Roman Villa Gijón. St. Maria de Veranes Phones: +34 985 185 129 / +34 629 755 409 Coaña Iron-Age Castro Didactic Centre Coaña. Villacondide Phone: +34 985 978 401 40 #asturias #culture Chao Samartín Museum and Iron-Age Castros Grandas de Salime. Castro Phone: +34 985 627 143 Peña Tú Idol Llanes. Puertas de Vidiago Phone: +34 664 382 026 (Tourism Office) Campa Torres Natural Archaeological Park Gijón. Ctra. Campa de Torres Phone: +34 985 185 234 Valduno Romans Baths Las Regueras. Valduno museos Tradition and Ethnography The great ethnographical richness and uniqueness of Asturias allows opening museums where traditions are alive. Ethnographic Museum of Asturian People Gijón. Paseo Doctor Fleming, 877 Phones: +34 985 182 960 / +34 985 182 963 Grandas de Salime Ethnographic Museum Grandas de Salime. Avda. El Ferreiro Phone: +34 985 627 243 Ethnographic Museum - Marquis of Sargadelos House Santa Eulalia de Oscos. Ferrereila de Baxo Phone: +34 985 621 295 / +34 985 626 032 (Town Hall) “Juan Pérez Villamil” Ethnographic Museum and Entrance to the Historical Park Navia. Puerto de Vega Phone: +34 985 648 805 Vaqueiro (Cow-boy) Museum (MUVAS) Tineo. Naraval Phone: +34 677 896 992 Somiedo Ethnographic Museum Somiedo. Caunedo Phones: +34 985 763 984 / +34 985 763 652 Grado Ethnographic Museum Grado. Finca “La Cardosa” Phone: +34 985 752 277 Ethnographic Museum of Quirós and Municipality San Salvador, AS-229, pk. 8,4. Phones: +34 985 768 160 Reservations: + 34 689 754 466 #asturias #culture 41 Ethnographic Museum of Llecheria Morcín. C / Naveo, 31 – La Foz Telephone: +34 985 795 222 / +34 985 795 461 Wood and Beekeeping Museum Caso. Veneros y Tanes Phone: +34 985 608 097 / +34 985 608 002 Prior Booking Maritime Museum of Asturias Gozón. Luanco Telephone: +34 985 880 101 Ethnographic Museum of Eastern Asturias Llanes. Porrúa Phone: +34 985 402 547 Cider Museum of Asturias Nava. Pza. Príncipe de Asturias Telephone: +34 985 717 422 Rural School Museum Cabranes. Viñón Phone: +34 985 898 213 / +34 985 898 002 (Town Hall) 42 #asturias #culture Os Teixois Ethnographic Site Taramundi. Teixois Phones: +34 985 979 684 / +34 608 248 913 Cangas Wine Museum Cangas del Narcea. Barrio de San Tiso Phones: +34 984 497 009 / +34 680 148 012 Museums and Thematic Facilities Asturias is full of facilities to be enjoyed. For further information please visit and Tourism Offices of the Principality of Asturias. Jurassic Museum of Asturias (MUJA) Colunga. Rosa de San Telmo Phones: +34 985 185 583 / +34 985 868 000 Indiano Archive Foundation Ribadedeva. Colombres Phone: +34 985 412 005 Selgas Fagalde Foundation Cudillero. La Quinta (El Pito) Phone: +34 985 590 120 – prior booking Bustiello Mining Village Information Centre Mieres. Bustiello Phone: +34 985 422 185 The Iron and Steel Museum (MUSI) Langreo. La Felguera Phone: +34 985 678 477 Railway Museum of Asturias Gijón. Pza. Estación del Norte Phone: +34 985 181 777 Museum of Mining and Industry (MUMI) San Martín del Rey Aurelio. El Entrego Phone: +34 985 663 133 Gijon Aquarium Gijón. Playa de Poniente Phone: +34 985 185 220 Atlantic Botanic Garden Gijón. Avenida Jardín Botánico Phones: +34 985 185 130 / +34 985 185 131 Gold Museum of Asturias (MOA) Tineo. Navelgas Phone: +34 985 806 018 Urban History Museum of Avilés Avilés. Calle la Ferrería, 35 Phone: +34 985 565 512 Radio Museum Bimenes. Suares T Phone: +34 985 700 004 Philippe Cousteau Anchor Museum Castrillón. Salinas Phone: +34 985 502 163 - free visit Valle de Samuño Mining Eco-Museum Langreo. Ciaño Phone: +34 984 082 215 Arnao Mine Museum Castrillón. Arnao Phone: +34 985 507 799 Interpretation Center of “el Hórreo” (the granary) Ribera de Arriba. Güeno / Bueño. Phone: +34 985 087 223 Museum Fernando Alonso Llanera.La Morgal. Phone: +34 984 180 808 #asturias #culture 43 Puerto del Palo 1.146 El Cabril Now at: ri u to s a ri tu s .a www rve and rese search, select odation your accomm asturias : Follow us on urismoAsturias @TurismoAstur ias urismoAsturias sEs TurismoAsturia sturias oAsturias /Turism ise #NaturalParad 860 (+34) 985 185 785 (+34) 984 493
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