Global trends with local effects
Global trends with local effects
Global trends with local effects The Swedish Life Science Industry 1998-2012 Anna Sandström DONE IN PIPELINE • Life Science Consultancies (Q3-Q4) • Automotive Update Automotive • Chemicals Trains, railroad • Cleantech (Aircrafts etc.) • Metals (Machine industry) • ICT …. • Maritime • Mining and minerals • Energy • Pulp and paper Uppsala Solna Danderyd Stockholms stad Stockholm Sundbyberg Göteborg Göteborgs stad Mölndal Helsingborgs stad Helsingborg Malmö stad Malmö Maritime Automotive Chemicals Lund Life Science ICT Solna stad Sollentuna kommun Danderyds kommun Västerås stad Västerås stad Solna stad Solna stad Stockholms stad Sundbybergs stad Stockholms stad Stockholms stad Stockholms stad Göteborgs stad Göteborgs stad Mölndals stad Göteborgs stad Borås stad Helsingborgs stad Helsingborgs stad Malmö stad Linköpings kommun Malmö stad Helsingborgs stad Malmö stad Lunds kommun Energy Cleantech Stockholms stad Lunds kommun Metals Mining Medical technology • Collaboration with healthcare systems necessary for innovation – throughout the innovation process and product life cycle • Emerging markets booming – stagnation in mature markets • Consolidation leading to oligopolistic markets • Systems delivery • Small companies increasingly partners, suppliers or acquired… • Adjusting products to specific markets • Cost containment procedures Pharmaceuticals Trends… • Emerging markets booming – stagnation in mature markets • Patents expires – at unprecedented pace • Generics (Biosimilars) – gaining ground • Big Pharma downsizing – R&D flexibility • M&A – Big Pharma mergers and acquisitions of SMEs • Radical innovation – radical risks • Unmet medical needs – e.g. pain, cancer, CNS • New targets, new technologies – new opportunities • Steep regulatory demands & cost containment procedures Reducing the risks…. Pharmaceuticals – reducing the risks… • Orphan drugs • Reformulation & New indications & Combinatory medicine • Big Pharma is downsizing in-house R&D • Partnering; Big Pharma, SME, academia, PPP • Open platforms • Personalised/stratified medicine using companion diagnostics Policy responses… The development for each of the corporate groups with more than 250 employees in Sweden in Life Sciences 2012, years 2007-2012 2007 0 AstraZeneca GE Healthcare Grp Getinge Grp Gambro Fresenius Kabi Dentsply McNeil St. Jude Medical Recipharm Grp Octapharma Pfizer Phadia Apotek Produktion & Laboratorier AB Nobel Biocare Swedish Orphan Biovitrum Q-Med Mölnlycke Health Care Hemocue Cambrex Attends Healthcare Elekta group 2008 2000 1960 1867 1046 1008 964 775 714 680 677 534 487 491 407 393 362 350 308 296 293 253 2009 2010 4000 2011 2012 6000 8000 6232 10000 Number of companies… 50-250 800 700 10-49 1-9 employees Number of companies 50-250 800 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 10-49 1-9 employees Number of companies … and employees according to size (excluding previously mentioned large companies 2012) Dynamics in recent years… PROFITABLE EXIT/PARTNERSHIP: Duocort Premacure Index Pharmaceuticals CLOSING OR DOWNSIZING IN SWEDEN: St Jude Medical (US) – Malaysia Becton Dickinson (US) – India, Singapore and Mexico Carmel Pharma (US) – Spain Two comp. in Getinge group (SE)- CN/PL St Jude Uppsala (US) Nobel Biocare (CH) – CH, US, CA NEW OWNER: GROWING OR INVESTING: Gambro – Baxter (US) Sectra Mamea – Philips (US) Atos Medical (LU) Octapharma (CH) Cellartis – Cellectics (FR) AstraTech – Dentsply (US) Q-Med – Galderma (CH) Phadia – Thermo Fisher Scientific (US) Carmel Pharma – Becton Dickinson (US) Cochlear (AU) Fresenius (DE) Elos Medtech (SE)Maquet (SE) )Recipharm (SE) Dentsply (US) Mölnlycke (SE) Bactiguard (SE) Elekta (SE) Cepheid AB (US) Hemocue AB (US) Vitrolife (SE) Cambio (SE) Development of employment Total number of employees in 2012: 40 764 25 000 25 000 20 000 20 000 15 000 15 000 10 000 10 000 5 000 5 000 Number of employees Absolute change in employment since 2009 Relative change in employment since 2009 [%] -37 -4.1 Assistive products for persons with disability 222 38.9 Information and communication tools -88 -7.8 Radiation and imaging devices 125 7.9 Electromechanical medical devices 29 4.9 Anaesthetic and respiratory devices -77 -3.0 Implantable devices - active and non-active -550 -6.0 Healthcare facility products and single-use products -203 -70 Agro-, environmental and food related biotechnology -133 -19.7 -239 -22.5 Biotech production 39 1.8 Biotech tools and supplies -198 -18.7 CRO -24 -3.0 Biotech medical technology 48 3.9 In vitro diagnostics -0.4 Drug discovery, development, delivery and production -25 001998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 -20,1 -1,1 AstraZeneca Sales and marketing In total: -5.2 percent in employment (-2 242 employees) since 2009 Source: VINNOVA Database of Life Science companies and data from Swedish Companies Registration Office via PAR AB -1563 -118 Skåne Regional distribution of employment in relation to population aged 16-64 2,1% 0,7% 0,6% 0,2% 0,3% 0,2% 0,3% 0,4% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,5% 0,4% 0,0% 0,0% 0,1% 0,0% 0,4% 0,3% 0,0% 0,1% SKÅNE 4 835 employees in 2012, 16 % of the Swedish Life Science industry 3 5 10 1 6 Number of company facilities 38 19 10 7 25 16 25 7 17 200 24 54 180 57 160 140 120 1 213 100 1 565 Number of employees 2012 80 60 211 40 404 20 0 471 347 181 94 139 74 Drug discovery, development, delivery and production Healthcare facility products and single-use products In vitro diagnostics Implantable devices - active and non-active Biotech medical technology Anaesthetic and respiratory devices CRO Electromechanical medical devices Biotech tools and supplies Radiation and imaging devices Agro-, environmental and food related biotechnology Information and communication tools Biotech production Assistive products for persons with disability Employment in SKÅNE Change in employment since 2009 4 000 3 500 3 000 2 500 2 000 1 500 1 000 500 0 Number of employees 4 1 -1 23 -12 -30 -333 -119 -41 -8 -48 17 45 -1 004 Assistive products for persons with disability Information and communication tools Radiation and imaging devices Electromechanical medical devices Anaesthetic and respiratory devices Implantable devices - active and non-active Healthcare facility products and single-use products Agro-, environmental and food related biotechnology Biotech production Biotech tools and supplies CRO Biotech medical technology In vitro diagnostics Drug discovery, development, delivery and production - 23 percent in employment (1 506 employees) since 2009 Take home messages… • Research and export intensive industry… • Global consolidation… changes in strategic focus • A few mature companies are downsizing in Sweden, dominating the decline – but some segments are growing… • Fewer micro- and small-sized companies… • Increasing foreign ownership… • High participation in FP7 • ICT content and opportunities increasing • New business models, New technologies… and New opportunities • Competitiveness and attractiveness of the Swedish Life Science eco-system is continuously challenged The industrial structure is changing… Government initiatives 2013-2016 Initiative MSEK 2013 MSEK 2014 MSEK 2015 MSEK 2016 SciLifeLab 150 150 150 200 Infection and antibiotics [VR] 40 75 75 75 Ageing and health [Forte + VR] 50 100 100 100 Drug discovery platform [KTH] 40 50 50 50 Small molecules, org chem. [SP] 100 40 10 - Coordination of clinical trials 30 40 40 50 Clinical resarch fund [VR] 20 50 75 75 Health care research [VR and Forte]* 70 80 80 80 Bild 16 * …”within budget” What next??? – some examples of issues • Fewer or more SMEs? • Drug discovery – who takes care of radical innovation addressing unmet or poorly met medical needs… • …and preventive care innovations… • E-health – how will the three parts evolve… • What are the disruptive technologies of today that will change the therapies of the future… • How to stimulate the healthcare service being a part of the innovation processes … again… • Trust… not only incentives… • AND translation goes both ways… policy response??? • Public measures to support radical or incremental innovation? • Public measures to contribute to the anchoring of mature companies? Bild 17 TRADE 20 SEK (billion, not deflated) EXPORT IMPORT NET EXPORT 16 Medical technnology 12 8 4 0 -4 SEK (billion, not deflated) 80 60 40 IMPORT EXPORT NET EXPORT Pharma 20 0 Source: Statistics Sweden Medtech SPIN: 26.600; 32.501; 32.502 Pharma SITC: 542; 541 Value added per employee / Net turnover per employee Value added per employee / Result after financial items 6000 Value added per employee Companies > 5 employees 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 6000 0 -1000 1000 -1000 3000 5000 7000 9000 Value added per employee 5000 Net turnover per employee [kSEK] 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 -1000 -500 -1000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 -2000 Bild 19 -3000 Result after financial items [MSEK]
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