Summer 2015


Summer 2015
The Jesus Way in Indigenous Context
A publication of Indigenous Pathways
Summer 2015 - Volume 2 - Issue 2
It has been a long winter in
most parts of North America
but at last we can see camping weather on the horizon!
Indigenous Pathways
PO Box 181 Carlisle, ON
L0R 1H0 Canada
PO Box 130061
St. Paul, MN 55113 USA
PH: 1.866.724.0352
Check us out on
A Word from the Director...
And our iEmergence camp staff
and volunteers are scurrying
about getting ready. Last year we
had record numbers of youth
engaged with the best staff and
volunteer complement in camping
– and it showed in the outcomes.
Kids experienced a week of fun activity, challenging talks and stories – and many
met our Creator’s son, Jesus, wearing Native skin, for the first time.
I know that each year we let you know how important it is for our kids to see Jesus walking with
them within their own culture – and each year we are as surprised as anyone how much of a
difference it makes. Last year the storytelling times were the most amazing. How many of you
could say you have seen 8 through 12 year olds sitting attentively, leaning into a story told by a
master story-teller that brought them closer to Jesus and their own people at the same time? I
can! Thanks for working with us to make it possible for campers this summer.
This year promises to be the best camping year ever, starting with our Muskoka Leadership
Camp, followed by the Mish Adventures Camp and then wrapping up with the 13 th year of Kid’s
Culture Camp. Junior leaders formed at Kid’s Culture Camp over the years, will be providing a
new level of leadership in the Mish Adventures Camp as we implement our plan to selectively
integrate aspects of the camps. This allows at least some of our “camp graduates” the opportunity
to continue to learn and grow with us. Please pray for the directors, camp staff, volunteers and
The summer will be filled with many other things –
from conferences on mission and ministry that staff will
be presenting at, to the annual NAIITS symposium,
this year once again co-sponsored and hosted by
Wheaton College. And there will be more meetings
with band councils, First Nations, and Metis folk than I
can ever remember. It looks to be a busy summer for
all. Again, please accept our heartfelt thanks for
making it possible through your prayer and financial
~ Terry LeBlanc
The Board of Trustees, Faculty, Staff of Acadia
Divinity College, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS
granted Rev. Dr. Terry LeBlanc a Doctor of
Divinity Honorary on May 10, 2015.
Summer 2015 - Pg. 1
“...As she shared part of her story her load lightened by her Savior who
loves, embraces her, and has also been abused by others.”
Board of Directors:
~ Ray Aldred, Cree
~ Cheryl Bear, Carrier Sekani
~ Casey Church, Pottawotomi
~ Adrian Jacobs, Cayuga
~ Marc Levasseur,Anishinabe Metis
~ Wendy Peterson, Sect’y, Metis
~ Shari Russell, Treas., Saulteaux
~ Andrea Smith, Cherokee
~ Randy Woodley, Keetowah
Staff and Associates:
~ Elaine Aldred (Euro-Canadian)
~ Tom and Karen Bursma
~ Laurie Conway (Euro-American)
~ Christina Devries(Euro-Canadian)
~ Wes & Summer Graham
~ Heather Kooiman(Euro-Canadian)
~ Matt LeBlanc, (Mi’kmaq/Acadian)
~ Terry and Bev LeBlanc
~ Rick and Linda Martin (Cree)
~ Jon Spence,(Philippino Canadian)
~ Tim & Yin Mooi Stime
(Norwegian & Malaysian)
~ Karen & Jeff Ward
~ Deanna Zantingh(Euro-Canadian)
Day Camps in Ontario
Wahgoshig First Nation
July 20-24
Shawanaga First Nation
July 27-31
Henvey Inlet First Nation
Aug 10-14
Magnetawan First Nation
Aug 17-21
Contact Tom & Karen Bursma
How many people do you trust?
As Melissa shares her testimony she says
that she attended church for four years, but
never experienced the peace that Scripture
describes until this new journey this past
year. Last year Melissa messaged me this
picture (at center) captioned, “the amount of
people I trust,” but now her circle of trust is
enlarging. Now she is empowering new
women to open up their hearts. One of the
ladies in the group recently stated, “I don’t
trust anyone. I have never told anyone any
of this,” but as she shared part of her story
her load was lightened
by her Savior who loves,
embraces her, and also
has been abused by
I mean really trust… ...not only with your
challenges but with your ugliest moments? ...with
moments you have been
vulnerable and abused? ...and even with the
moments you have
else pain? Have you
ever shared these
moments and still felt
loved and embraced
builds this sort of The amount of people I trust.
Tonight nine women on the Blackfeet Reservation in northwest Montana will meet to
discuss our ugliest moments and to hear
Jesus’ words of love in the midst. This group
started out of a seed planted by the
Inenimowin Circle Workshop hosted by My
People in Montana a year ago. Melissa
Pakas was one of the participants and the
training set her heart on fire for transformation in her life as well as in the lives of others.
She and I now weekly co-lead seven other
women. Tonight we will hear stories from the
ladies and discuss the story of Tamar’s rape
in II Samuel 13. Each week is intense and
It is this sort of honesty and
vulnerability Melissa feels is drastically
missing in the community and it led her to
write an article (on right) for the local paper
inviting people to the freedom she has found.
Tonight our youngest
group member, a senior
in high school, will share
her story. Her courage
and that of the others each week is breaking
a cycle. These women are choosing to trust
again. While others in the community attack
the drug and alcohol abuse, I believe this
group is uncovering underlying pain and
offering people healing through another solution: A Love that extends even to our very
ugliest moments. A Loves that knows every
intimate scar and remains unchanging! A
Love that is Trustworthy! May we be the
~ Summer Graham
12th Annual Symposium:
Theologies of Reconciliation
Dialogue that changes paradigm and transforms
minds is happening at Wheaton College, IL as you
read this (June 4-6).
Melissa and Summer
at Melissa’s graduation from Blackfeet
Community College.
Summer 2015 - Pg. 2
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Payment Options:
Cheque (Payable to Indigenous Pathways)
Credit Card (Please provide information below) _Visa _MC
Donation Amount $_________
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Cut and return above portion to address on the back.
Count on me to sponsor a child for summer
I’m ready to become a monthly financial partner
in ministry.
Count on me for prayer support.
Please send me updates and newsletters through
email. My email address is
I have enclosed my gift for…
__NAIITS __My People __iEmergence __Where Most Needed
Upcoming Camps and Inenimowin:
Mish Adventures Camp
July 11– Aug 2 , 2015
Mishkeegogamang Reserve, Ontario
Kids Culture Camp
Aug 9 –14, 2015
Pioneer Lodge in Sundre, Alberta
Inenimowin Circle
Aug 16-20, 2015
Hungry Horse, Montana
Inenimowin is a Cree
word meaning, “the
feelings we have in our
During this
workshop men and
women find a safe
place to learn needed
skills to deal with personal abuse issues and
to lead others through
emotional healing.
October 26-31, 2015
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Register - Donate - Volunteer
Register - Donate
Summer 2015 - Pg. 3
PO Box 181 Carlisle, ON
L0R 1H0 Canada
The Jesus Way in Indigenous Context
Summer 2015 - Volume 2 - Issue 2
PO Box 130061
St. Paul, MN 55113-0001
PH: 1.866.724.0352
Indigenous Pathways on Facebook
Annual Staff Meeting Highlights
We were all blessed by our annual staff retreat at
Muskoka Woods in March. It was in the words of one of our
staff members: “a delightful and uplifting time. We all got to hear
each others’ stories of what God is doing in the wide areas of
ministry in our Indigenous Pathways families.” Another staff
member commented, “The staff conference is always enjoyable
if only to have some face-to-face time with those whom we do
not often share space, but with whom we do share the journey.”
The staff also enjoyed connecting and being encouraged by the
Board members in attendance. It was great to have them pray
for and with the staff. The sentiment was clear, “We all needed
that time together.”
Necessary conversations and connections.
As you can tell from
the last newsletter
But we
are also shrinking
by one as Kristy
Spence prepares to
leave us to go on
maternity leave July 1. Kristy has been with us at
Indigenous Pathways since March of 2014 working
as our data entry clerk. Together with her husband
Jon, a youth pastor in the Greater Toronto Area,
they have brought the experiences and challenges
of a young family following Jesus into our
Indigenous Pathways extended family. Kristy has
been a great blessing to us filling a role that
has very little fanfare but is integral to the
success of our ministry.
IP staff, by Our Creator’s hand,
bridging the gap between faith & culture.
From all of us at Indigenous Pathways, whether
board , staff or volunteers, best wishes to you and
Jon Kristy, as you prepare for the new baby and all
that life will bring in the days ahead.
Summer 2015 - Pg. 4