Membership Brochure - Kentucky Thoroughbred Association
Membership Brochure - Kentucky Thoroughbred Association
Membership and Benefits Our Mission We are committed to long-term solutions that will enable us to protect and promote the Thoroughbred industry. We strive to increase our influence on issues that impact our industry locally, nationally and internationally. “KTA protects the investments of all in the Kentucky Thoroughbred business. They are our ‘dog in the fight’ for all things political and economic pertaining to our industry.” GARRETT O’ROURKE KTOB was founded by Kentucky’s leading breeders in 1961. Originally called Thoroughbred Breeders of Kentucky, it was formed to promote and protect Kentucky’s Thoroughbred industry. In 1980, the organization expanded to include owners as well as breeders. KTA was founded in 1983 by a group of Kentucky horsemen. The concept was twofold: to unite the industry by addressing long-term problems and offering national representation and to maintain the highest standards of racing, breeding and training in the Commonwealth. to be a Member 1. Unite owners, breeders, and trainers to 2. Stay aware of legislative matters – nationally, statewide, and locally 3. Keep abreast of key issues regarding horse health and welfare 4. Make yourself eligible for 5. Be aware of racetrack and gaming issues 6. medication information 7. promote the KY Thoroughbred industry Locally / Nationally / Internationally Newsclips and updates from the American Horse Council and Frankfort Animal Health / Environmental group advantages and savings Insurance Plans / Equipment Purchasing Racetrack Contracts / Simulcasting / Online Gaming Stay current on Industry Studies / Rules and Regulations Be on top of tax and economic news Capital Gains / Depreciation / Market Trends the Main Voice for Kentucky-breds Member Benefits Seven Reasons Strength is in numbers! We encourage your participation for more control and increased affordability. Association Insurance Program One of the many benefits a KTA/KTOB membership provides is the opportunity to take advantage of the ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD – KTA/KTOB Association Insurance Program. Employers whose primary line of business is Thoroughbred-related are eligible to take advantage of the program. This Association program has been in existence for over 20 years. Currently, it is helping over 200 Kentucky domiciled employers, who represent 4,000 covered lives, join together to take advantage of larger group pricing. Both Jack and I serve on this committee, and we strongly believe that the best way to keep this program competitive is to make sure that current and potential members are aware of the benefits available through the KTA/KTOB Association Insurance Program. We encourage you to have Jeff Truitt at Benefit Insurance Marketing provide you with a quote now or at your next renewal date, and find out more about this insurance program. Sincerely, Jackie Smith, CFO Juddmonte Farms The Thoroughbred industry is the #1 tourist attraction and a top cash crop with a tremendous economic impact on the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Jack Mullikin, CFO WinStar Farm Only members with businesses located in Kentucky are eligible for the KTA/KTOB Association Insurance Program. To obtain more information or a proposal from the KTA/KTOB Association program please contact Jeff Truitt at Benefit Insurance Marketing 859-255-9455 or KTA/KTOB Association Insurance Program Advantages: 2010-2012 were less than 5% as life, dental, and vision for your convenience in the standard Anthem market offers in-network benefits to participating BC/BS providers in any state • Lines of Coverage include medical as well • Coverage is processed on one monthly bill • Choose from more health plans than • Uses PPO national Blue Card Network, which We are excited to announce a new benefit beginning in 2012. Partnering with Liberty Mutual, our members and their employees can receive discounted rates for personal insurance coverage. Liberty Mutual offers automobile, motorcycle, homeowner, condominium, renters and personal catastrophe insurance. Association Insurance • Average rate increases in KTA/KTOB Working on Issues that Impact You Legislation • Partnered with American Horse Council and NTRA to promote positive legislation such as the Equine Equity Act, which reduces depreciation standards for race horses from 7 years to 3 years and qualifies equines for USDA Disaster Assistance Programs • Worked with Kentucky Thoroughbred Farm Managers’ Club on Breeders’ Incentive Program to increase the economic benefits to Kentucky • Worked to receive a funding mechanism for the Breeders’ Incentive Program which is included in Kentucky’s Tax Modernization bill • Continually play an active role in legislative matters of concern on a statewide and national level Services / Information • Provide association group health insurance to eligible Kentucky employers • Serve as an informational and directional source in equine matters for Kentuckians as well as visitors from other states and countries We succeed through united representation. We need your support now as we deal with the myriad of issues facing our industry! Simulcasting and Purses • Developed KTDF (Kentucky Thoroughbred Development Fund), a purse supplement, which has offered over $160 million since 1995 • Instrumental in legislation of whole-card simulcasting and the Breeders’ Awards • Continue efforts for the protection of the KTDF and enhancement of Kentucky purse structure Horse Health / Research • Founding member of the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium; nationally led the initiative for uniform race day medication • Continually participate in local zoning issues that protect our farms and our ability to raise horses • Instrumental in developing the Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR) in Lexington which currently preserves farmland for future generations Industry Promotion • Developed international marketing program with Keeneland: in 2011 buyers from 50 different countries generated $103 million in sales • Established Scholarship Day with Kentucky race tracks; since inception 452 full-time college students have shared in $452,000 towards their tuition • Established KTOB Foundation which funds reproductive-based research; in 2011 it funded important research on nocardioform placentitis • Initiated Vision 20/20 in 2009, for young industry members; group developed a Fantasy Horse Racing Game and were invited to offer input in the McKinsey Report and participate at The Jockey Club Round Table • Lobbied successfully to secure $28.5 million in funding from the state for renovation of the University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory • Developed strategic plan for KTA/KTOB’s future, which features an aggressive marketing plan for promoting Kentucky-breds Working for You • Negotiated with Churchill Downs and Keeneland for the highest percentage of revenue to purses from ALL sources in the country, including ADW agreements Farmland / Conservation KTA/KTOB Community Service Industry Projects American Horse Council Backside Health Fair Blue Grass Farm Chaplaincy Bluegrass Conservancy Bluegrass Tomorrow Champion Awards Churchill Downs Backside Benevolence Churchill Downs Backside Director Fayette Alliance Grayson Jockey Club Foundation Hats Off Horse Farm Workers’ Education Fund KTA Scholarships KTDF Awards KY Derby Museum Education Outreach Program KY Derby Trainers’ Dinner KY Equine Humane Center KY Equine Management Internship (KEMI) KY Horse Park Literacy Program KY Thoroughbred Farm Managers’ Club Klein Learning Center NTRA RMTC Race for Education Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation Community Projects “KTA/KTOB provides an established model through KY-Bred incentive programs. It gives back to the community with programs like the Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program and Vision 20/20. KTA/KTOB is truly making a positive difference on a local, state and national level.“ KATHERINE WHEELER American Cancer Society Baby Health Services Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program National FFA Friends of KY 4-H Habitat for Humanity KY Council on Problem Gambling Lexington Arts & Cultural Council March of Dimes – Walk America Ronald McDonald House Vision 20/20 Future leaders strengthening the Thoroughbred industry through promotion, awareness, solutions, education and innovation History The board of directors of the KTA/KTOB invited some 60 individuals to a meeting held in August of 2009 to work on identifying, engaging, and expediting the development of the Kentucky Thoroughbred industry’s next generation of leaders, in which each person invited was identified as a potential leader. They called the project Vision 20/20. The intent of the project was to expose the industry’s next generation of potential leaders to the multitude of issues the industry is facing, the leadership and framework of the industry’s most valued institutions, and the political climate in which the industry must operate. The KTA/KTOB board of directors recognized how difficult it can be for the young stakeholders – our future leaders – to be heard. The KTA/KTOB fostered the effort to cultivate this group by hosting a series of meetings with the leaders of our most important organizations. Membership There is an open nomination process to join Vision 20/20, with no member size restriction. Since we are ‘future leaders’ of the industry, the only qualifications that stand are that you are under the age of 40, and have a strong desire to contribute to the advancement of the Thoroughbred industry. To learn more about becoming a Vision 20/20 member, email: Sasha Sanan, Chairperson Andrew Cary John Cox, Jr. Bret Jones Will Mayer Nick Nicholson, Jr. Byron Rogers Katherine Wheeler Dr. Cory Williams “Vision 20/20 allows a younger demographic the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues facing our industry. KTA/KTOB has provided these young constituents the opportunity to fulfill Vision 20/20’s Mission Statement.” SASHA SANAN “The KTA/KTOB deserves credit for recognizing that young people need to be more involved in the industry. I am extremely grateful for Vision 20/20 and the initiative to cultivate the industry leaders of tomorrow.” BRET JONES Community Outreach Steering Committee Members: “ “ The KTA/KTOB works tirelessly to protect our rich history of outstanding horses and to support the people who raise and train them. GOV. STEVE BESHEAR If you’re involved in the Thoroughbred business in Kentucky, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t be a member. Not only is the KTA/KTOB our main voice, but the insurance program is access for an independent farmer to have group insurance. ” “ ” KTA/KTOB is THE organization for racing, breeding and promotion of the Thoroughbred business in Kentucky! “ DON ROBINSON The group insurance plan provides high-quality health coverage for myself and my employees. We also utilize information pertaining to KTDF awards and legislative updates. If you’re in our industry the KTA/KTOB is a ‘must join.’ CATHERINE PARKE We have a great product in Kentucky, along with a world-class infrastructure, and the role of promoting the Kentucky Thoroughbred belongs to all of us. It is critical that Kentucky owners, breeders, and trainers continue their support. ” “ FRANK PENN “ ” “ CRAIG BANDOROFF KTA/KTOB has always tried to do what is right for the game and for the horse. I am proud to be associated with it. DELL HANCOCK ” Kentucky Thoroughbred breeding and racing are so much richer for the decades of KTA/KTOB leadership. I can’t imagine running Lantern Hill without access to their group health insurance, or being able to race our homebreds without KTDF-funded purses. ” SUZI SHOEMAKER ” Staff: David L. Switzer • Executive Director Vickie Garcia • Office Manager Melissa Nolan • Marketing Director Jenny Gordon • Administrative Assistant/KTDF Registrar Lanny Kohnhorst • Racetrack Representative David Schneck • Racetrack Representative David Switzer Vickie Garcia Melissa Nolan Jenny Gordon Kentucky Thoroughbred Association, Inc. Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners & Breeders, Inc. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4079 Iron Works Parkway Lexington, Kentucky 40511-8483 (859) 381-1414 Officers: President - Clifford Barry KTA Vice President - Garrett O’Rourke KTOB Vice President - John Greely, IV Secretary - R. Eric Waldman Treasurer - Pope McLean, Jr. Directors: Lanny Kohnhorst David Schneck Directors Emeritus: Walter W. Hillenmeyer, III Tony Holmes Neil A. Howard Stephen E. Johnson Frank Penn Philip A. Sims Mark Taylor Jeffrey D. Thornbury Tim Thornton PHOTOS © LINDA DOANE / PHOTOS BY Z / BOO HARDY Don Ball Darrell Brown Alice H. Chandler Dell Hancock William L. S. Landes, III A. Gary Lavin, V. M. D. J. David Richardson, M. D. Don M. Robinson Frederick J. Seitz John T. Ward, Jr. Henry D. White About Us George R. Arnold Craig Bandoroff James G. Bell Price Bell Frank L. Brothers Stuart E. Brown, II, D. V. M. Martha Buckner John Burke David M. Carroll Tom Evans At Churchill: 4079 Iron Works Parkway Lexington, KY 40511-8483