JUNE 2016 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
JUNE 2016 - Immanuel Lutheran Church
The monthly newsletter of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Almelund, MN TRIO CON BRIO STOCKHOLM Carina Cederwall, flute Jan Holmgren, oboe/ English horn Stig Andersson, piano FEATURING A MIX OF CLASSICAL, RELIGIOUS AND POP—YOU ARE SURE TO ENJOY THIS CONCERT. JUNE 2016 Tues., June 28, 7:00 p.m., at Immanuel! DIRECT FROM SWEDEN... “Music Without Limits – In Our Way” Immanuel Lutheran Church Staff Change Service Requested Immanuel Lutheran Church 37515 Park Trail Almelund, MN 55012-7511 Almelund, Minnesota A welcoming community rooted in Christ, growing in faith and serving with joy! Our Mission Statement: Marla L. Amborn, Pastor, 651-315-3354 pastormarla@immanuelalmelund.org Merrie Tolzmann, Administrative Assistant Stephanie Wendel, Financial Recorder/Secretary Rick Berthiaume, Church Custodian Momoh Freeman, Organist/Choral Director Pat Remer, Accompanist Daryl Abrahamson, Cemetery Groundskeeper Immanuel Lutheran Church, Companion to Itonya Congregation - Tanzania, Africa Office Phone: 651-583-2340 Church e-mail address: imcal@frontiernet.net web site: www.immanuelalmelund.org JUNE 2016 Immanuel Messenger Invite your friends! Refreshments served. Free-will offering. Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing, Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing. Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty. What would life be without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say: Thank you for the music, for giving it to me! Non-Profit Organization Permit #5 Center City, MN 55012 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY JUNE 19th, Youth serving root beer floats! Pastor’s Perspectives June, 2016 Gifted for God’s Purposes On Pentecost Sunday we celebrated many gifts: gifts from this congregation to our companion congregation in Itonya, Tanzania; gifts that God has given each one of us to share in our lives together here at Immanuel, and in our homes, workplaces, and community; gifts of bread and wine, Jesus’ body and blood given and shed so that our sins might be forgiven and we may have eternal life. In addition to these gifts that we celebrated, God has gifted this congregation in other ways. God has sent us people to lead important parts of our ministry – Momoh to lead our worship music and choir, Jason and DeeDee Fredlund to lead our youth ministry, Jim Mielke to lead Bible studies, Sarah DePoppe to lead the Sunday School and children’s ministry. All of these people bring new energy and fresh ideas to enrich our ministry. Many others continue serving faithfully in ways they have supported our work together for years. God also sends us financial resources to do the work he is calling us to. We have been meeting our expenses while also contributing to an Emergency Reserve Fund, Endowment Fund, Building Fund and Memorial Fund. We anticipate receiving a significant donation from Elsie Nord’s estate when her land sells. Immanuel has been named as 1/3 beneficiary to her estate along with Elsie’s niece and nephew in her will. What will we do with it when that donation arrives? Pray. Pray that God reveals to us his purpose in sending these resources our way. God gives gifts so that they might be used for his purposes. It is our job to seek to discover God’s purposes and use the gifts he sends our way to support the ministry he calls us to do. The disciples received Pentecostal power when they faced a Pentecostal task. The Holy Spirit was given to the disciples because God had work for them to do. With all the gifts we are receiving it is clear that God has important work for us to do. Let us seek together to know God’s will for Immanuel’s ministry and faithfully do it. Let us come together to live out our mission as God’s people at Immanuel of Almelund. In Christ’s service, Pastor Marla Rev. Marla L. Amborn Pastor's report: Very positive feed back from youth group. Young members very enthusiastic! Mission trip coming soon—--many congregational members have helped to prepare for this mission. Note change in vacation schedule for this summer. Mutual Ministry Sharing: Committee Reports: Christian Ed- no meeting Finance- talked about need for plan for investing endowment fund Memorial- meeting May 18th for scholarships. Sara Circle would like $2000 from undesignated Memorial fund to purchase carpet. MSP for Sara Circle to ask Memorial Committee for money. Worship and Music- need to follow thru with selecting eternal light for altar. Memorial fund is available for payment when decision is made. Trio Con Brio coming June 28th. Outdoor worship service with potluck scheduled for July 27th. Property- MSP to approve driveway repair by kitchen door for up to $3000. Building fund will pay for repair. This will repair grate and fix steep incline. Checking on bids to reseal parking lot. Plywood has been installed on garage windows...thanks you Dave Rue. Front pew moved to back of church to provide adequate room for musicians. This is a trial. Paint samples have been obtained for fellowship hall. StewardshipYouth Group-Thank you from all the recipients for the Mother's Day cookie bags! Planning rootbeer floats for Father's Day. Cemetery- church still owes cemetery fund $8000. Task Force- 90 day Schwan’s promotion has started. A total of $3618 in emergency fund. Communion and Securing the Offering: June 5th- Royce Chinander, Steve Peterson, Steve Blomquist June 19th- Martha Strecker, Wayne Carlson, Clay Ryberg Meeting adjourned at 9pm with Lord's Prayer. Respectfully Submitted, Martha Strecker Council Secretary Immanuel Church Council Meeting Minutes - May 11, 2016 Present: Pastor Marla, Martha Strecker, Lynn Schultz, Steve Peterson, Steve Blomquist, Royce Chinander, David Rue, Clay Ryberg Meeting called to order at 7pm by President Steve Peterson. Opening prayer for guidance and peace given by Pastor Marla. MSP to approve secretary's minutes from April. Old Business: Strategic Plan update- committee has had 2 meetings to organize and plan a format. Next meeting scheduled June 13th. By-Laws/Constitution- Committee has put by-laws in form recommended by synod. Congregational meeting scheduled for June 12th to vote on reorganization. Itonya council gift- Pastor Marla showed the four communion kits purchased, plus a clerical shirt for the Pastor. Outdoor lighting- 2 motion lights have been purchased and will be installed to improve security Endowment fund- in depth explanation for congregation was put in bulletin. Further questions should be addressed to committee. Benevolence Giving- A review of “benevolence giving” determined a need to revise and clarify the distributions. If you want our benevolence donation to be directed to a specific fund, please name the fund on you donation envelope. Undesignated or unspecified donations will be divided among Immanuel's committed financial obligations. Annual Commitment: Synod $9000, Luther Point $1400, Radio Furaha $500 and Itonya $1100. This notice will go in bulletin and newsletter to update congregation. New Business: The church garden will be located north of the garage. Clay Ryberg will till the area. Pesticides will not be used near the garden area. Gina Sapp sent a note that she will be goneJune 18th for a period, so that council/ benevolence committees are aware the seeds will need attention. July 11th council meeting to be held at Pastor Marla's home. Time and details at next mtg Steve Blomquist requested use of building for firearms safety instruction class, June 20-23rd. MSP to approve if there are no conflicting events at church . Reports: Financial: need to check on Luther Point deadline for payment obligation. Needs to be paid b/4 youth sign up so they get benefit. Need to check with Moultens and Stephenie Wendel for explanation of percentage of payment. (Council minutes continued on next page…) Mark 12:28-34 Summary -Jesus helps an inquiring scribe understand what is most important in a life devoted to God, and we learn the importance of putting the things of God first in our lives. PUTTING FIRST THINGS FIRST The owner of a large company was faced with a difficult problem. Although he was manufacturing a product that was very much in demand, his company was not making any money. The reasons were obvious to the owner. Nearly every phase of his business was operating inefficiently. There were problems in research and marketing. There were problems with getting orders processed and in customer service. There were problems in transportation and distribution. There were problems in production and quality control. There were performance problems with his managers and his workers. In an effort to address this problem, the owner offered a bonus of $10,000 to anyone who could come up with a system that would help the company to function more efficiently and profitably. That night during dinner, the owner told his family about his company’s dilemma and his bonus-offer idea. Present for the meal that night was the owner’s future son in law. Even though the young man was assured a secure place in the company after the wedding, he was still going to have to work his way through the different departments of the company -- the owner had insisted on it. At present, the young man was working on the loading dock. After the owner had finished his description of his company’s troubles, the young man spoke up and said he a suggested solution. The owner encouraged the young man to say what was on his mind. “Go on, tell me your idea.” “Everyday when you get to work,” the young man began, “make a list of all the things that need to be done that day. After you finish listing everything, go back and prioritize everything. You must decide what the number-one most important thing on the list is. Then decide what the number-two most important is, and so on. Then do the things on your list in the order of their importance. Don’t go on to the next thing until the thing you are working on is complete. You may not finish your list everyday, but at least the most important things will get done. The key is to make sure that first things are done first.” The owner sat quietly for a long time. Finally he said, “That is a good idea. We’ll start tomorrow.” The strategy was implemented at every level of the company. Within a few months the profit structure had changed dramatically. The future son in law got the $10,000 bonus and a promotion. Putting first things first proved to be a revitalizing strategy that saved the company. (continued on next page…) First things for Jesus In a real sense, the conversation between Jesus and the scribe in Mark 12:28ff is all about determining what comes first, not just in business, but in life as a whole. For many Jews living in the first century, the Law of Moses was the supreme revelation and source of truth. It was from this law that Jews drew their identity as well as guidance for daily living. Scholars in Jesus’ day, like the scribe for instance, as well as rabbis and others, often speculated about what in the Law was most important. There were little games religious leaders would play. One rabbi might ask his students, “Can you recite the whole law while standing on one leg?” The students, who were aware of the length of time it would take to recite the entire Torah, would answer the rabbi’s question with a “no.” Then the rabbi would stand on one leg and offer some summary of the law, something similar to the summary Jesus offered to the scribe. The point being was that the whole law might be summed up in a just a few words. Jesus was aware of these kinds of games and assumed the scribe wanted to play. Possibly he did not realize at first that this scribe was really seeking to know what comes first with God. What is the first thing first that all of us should attend to? But even if Jesus thought the scribe was playing some academic game, he gave him a straight answer. Jesus offered him not only a summation of the Law, but also a statement of the very essence of the law: “There is no commandment greater than these.” In some encounters like this, a debate would ensue after Jesus offered his unique perspective. In other instances those who had questioned Jesus were too stunned by his wisdom to even form a response -- they often skulked quietly away before Jesus could embarrass them further. But this scribe neither debated nor walked away. He embraced Jesus’ response and began unpacking its significance out loud. It was then that Jesus realized his questioner was not trying to lay a trap for him as others had done. This was a genuine seeker -- he really wanted to know how to do first things first. He was also astute enough to recognize the truth when he heard it. “You are right, teacher ….” Our challenge The scribe had found the answer he had been searching for. He knew what came first with God. The only thing that remained was for him to implement the first-things-first strategy in his own life. Unfortunately, the text does not say whether he actually made it. We are left with him being “not far from the kingdom.” For us, however, it is a different matter. We are challenged by what we find here to determine in our own lives if we are willing to put first things first. And it is a challenge. Loving God, the first part of the firstthings-first strategy, means we give ourselves completely to God in obedience and trust. Loving God means we follow God and stay with God even if we don’t get what we want -- even if we suffer. (continued on next page…) IMMANUEL IN OUR COMMUNITY! BREAD DAY IN ALMELUND—Fri., June 10, 3:30 at the Township Office. A small donation will get you many loaves & treats from this community service Sunday, June 5—Food Shelf Sunday and all month long - We are collecting for kid’s meals during the summer. Donate things like Spaghettio’s, Beef Stew, Chicken & Stars soup, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Fruit Cups, Breakfast Cereal as well as the regular donations like canned tuna and chicken, Hamburger Helper, chili, canned veggies and fruit. High protein menu items are most desired. Bring items to the grocery cart in the narthex. Firearm Safety Class Offering - June 20-24, 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm The first 4 classes are held in the basement of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Almelund. The final class will be a field test day held near Almelund, MN. Students must be 11 years old or older on June 20th. The cost of the class is $7.50 paid directly to the DNR. All parents are welcome to attend the class; there are plenty of tables and chairs in the classroom. If interested in signing up, please call Steve Blomquist, 651-583-2038 or email at salblom@frontiernet.net . ALMELUND NIGHTS ON THE TOWN! Celebrate summer with an old-fashioned community get-together with music provided by INTERSTATE BAND! Come the 1st Fridays of June, July and August from 6-7pm at Triangle Park! Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnic supper. Don’t want to cook? Try these: Fresh made pizza or subs from Rod’s Country Corner or Sausage on a stick and root beer floats from Almelund Mercantile. Come early to check out the Farmers Market and take a stroll through the Amador Heritage Center! FARMERS MARKET! The Almelund Farmers Market begins it's NINTH SEASON starting Friday, May 27th. The market is held every Friday during the summer months from 3-6:00pm at Rod's Country Corner. Check out the local items...produce [asparagus should be ready!!], garden plants, fresh eggs, home-made breads and goodies! New vendors are encouraged and welcomed to join in this fun community get-together. If interested, contact Alice Burnside, Jewell Peterson, Pat Remer or Gina Sapp. Attention Readers...make sure to check out the many new book selections in the Immanuel Library. Please let us know what titles/authors you'd be interested in seeing in our Library. Thanks! -The Library Committee COFFEE SERVERS NEEDED TO RAISE FUNDS FOR LUTHERPOINT CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS! WELCA wants to remind everyone that WELCA pays 2/3rds of the camperships to Luther Point Bible Camp. If you are signing your child(ren) up for camp, please let Diane Rothe know and tell the camp that you are from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Almelund and you only need to pay 1/3. The money is raised with the donations given for Sunday coffee. We would like to request that everyone take a Sunday and sign up for coffee -Diane Loving God means developing and practicing meaningful worship practices. Loving God means prayer and communion with him. And not just at some emotional level, or at some abstract cognitive level. The first thing we are called to do in life is love God with all we have -- mind, heart, soul and strength. This is priority one. And if we follow the first-things-first strategy, we don’t go on to the next thing until we have done this first thing. There is a certain logic to this in terms of the way the commandments work. We begin with a relationship with God and only then move on to a relationship with our neighbor. The fact is, we may not be in a position to fully appreciate the value and needs of our neighbor until we have faithfully discharged the duty we owe God. Out of a developed love for God, we are able to love our neighbor in a way that makes a difference. Loving our neighbors means always seeking their best interests. In the words of the Apostle Paul, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” There is one final piece to Jesus’ first-things-first strategy. It is sometimes overlooked because it is buried in the rest of the commandment. It is actually an assumption Jesus makes, but in our day and time, we cannot afford to take it for granted. Taken as a whole, Jesus’ instruction on what comes first is: love God, love your neighbor, and love yourself. There are some misunderstandings of the Christian faith that lead some people away from the idea of “loving yourself.” There are those who would say that self-love is the root of all our problems. But that is not entirely accurate. Selfishness and self-centeredness are not healthy expressions of self-love. Exercising an appropriate self-love means we recognize that our life is a gift from God. We practice good stewardship with our life and our gifts. We have an honest appreciation for our strengths and our weaknesses. And we take care of ourselves -- mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Just as we seek the best interest for our neighbors because we love them, in the same way we seek to make the best decisions we can for ourselves. We take care of the life God has given us because God loves us, and we have a healthy regard for our own life. Making the list This is the first-things-first list Jesus made. If we follow this list, and do first things first, we should achieve the objective for which God created us. And what is that objective? When the scribe recognized the wisdom of what Jesus told him, Jesus replied, “You are not far from the kingdom.” That is the purpose of our list-making and priority strategizing -- entering the kingdom of God. Doing the right first-things-first ought to get us close. Blessings on Your Stewardship Journey! -Your Stewardship Committee 1 FUND RAISING TASK FORCE is working with Schwan’s Cares again this Spring! Through Schwan’s-Cares.com, you can order Schwan’s Home Delivery and help our church toward our fundraising goals. When you order by June 15, 2016, 20% of the product and 40% of eGift Card sales will go back to our organization. Here are two ways to support us: Order Online 1. Visit www.schwans-cares.com/c26780 2. Click “Shop to Give” 3. Start Shopping! Our campaign ID is 26780 or Order by phone: Call 1-855-870-7208 and provide Campaign ID: 26780 BENEVOLENCE UPDATE...A review of “benevolence giving” determined a need to revise and clarify the distributions. If you want your benevolence donation to be directed to a specific fund, please name the fund on your donation envelope. Undesignated or unspecified donations will be divided among Immanuel's committed financial obligations . Annual Commitment Synod $9000 Luther Point $1400 Radio Furaha $500 Itonya $1100 TANZANIA REPORT— Sent 5/20 Please continue to pray for Pastor Marla and her fellow travelers as they visit the congregations, schools, hospitals we support and get a first hand knowledge of how things are going for our people in Tanzania! Pastor Marla will be back in America on June 1 and will share her experiences with us at worship on June 5th –wear your Together in Christ shirt if you have one! May 18 –We have all arrived in Tanzania; deplaning in Dar es Salaam exactly 24 hours after we left Minneapolis. All luggage arrived safely and there were no complications along the way although we got bogged down at customs with things being brought in for another organization. Karen, Marla and Jim arrived late at Wistas Chalet where they quickly got settled into their rooms for a short nights’ sleep. Ken was already in Iringa having arrived there Tuesday afternoon. They were up about 6 hours later to connect for breakfast with Dan and Sue McIntyre, Julia and Gail Hubbard and her aunt Susan. Once in route they quickly adjusted to some regular changes associated with being in Tanzania such as driving on the left side of the highway, sun passing by on the north, markets and people all crowded along the roads and lots of traffic congestion. It was a long 11 hour drive to Iringa, arriving at sundown after driving through Mikumi park where they saw elephants, baboons, giraffes, zebra, many impala, wildebeest and cape buffalo. We finally got a full nights’ sleep, having settled into the Lutheran Center in Iringa. It’s nice to have the whole group together. Everyone seemed to get a good night of rest as we began the new day. We’re immediately jumping into a full schedule: visiting the Iringa diocese office, Marla preaching live on Radio Furaha as this report is written, and doing a variety of shopping as we prepare to leave for Lukani tomorrow (Saturday). We leave for Lukani at 9 am (American time!) to visit local schools, discuss scholarships support, meet with church leaders, dedicate the new water system at the dispensary and worship on Sunday morning. More info shared on Sun., June 5. THANKS FOR BEING AWESOME! You help make a big impact on our community. Thank you for supporting us each and every month. We really appreciate you help. Gayle—Food Shelf Coordinator A SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR THE KINDNESS YOU’VE SHOWN. Dear Prayer Shawl Group, The prayer shawl that you made is so beautiful. I know it was made with love. I feel the love of Jesus when I have it around me. Thank you for helping me through this cancer journey. God bless each one of you. Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. In Him, Love, Linda Renteria Though the words are simple they come from the heart… Thank You! To the ladies of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, I want to thank you all for the giving of your time, talents, and delicious (I am sure!) treats to go towards the coffee hour that was donated toward the MS Society. It means a lot to me. Thank You! Love! Jody Noyes Shoberg IMMANUEL CONNECTION—THANKS! Thank you to Dave and Judy Nelson for opening their home and farm, and sharing the beautiful lambs with those that attended the Immanuel Connection in May. Watch for upcoming Immanuel Connection activities! This is great for all ages to get together for a visit, getting to know one another better. Judy even had games ready if youngsters wanted to play! -Merrie Tolzmann MEMBER NOTES: Our Christian Love and Sympathy goes to the family of Paul Henderson. Paul died early on Sat. May 21. His celebration of life will be held on Fri., June 3, with visitation at 10am, funeral at 11am and luncheon following in the Fellowship Hall (group 5 serving) after Pastor Marla returns from Africa. Please keep Mary and her family in your prayers as they mourn their loss and celebrate the life that Paul lived among us! New members will be received on June 26. If you know of someone who is interested in learning more about Immanuel and would like to sign up for the next series of New Member classes, please let Merrie know at the church office (651-583-2340) soon as we are now scheduling classes! Members are encouraged to let friends and neighbors know about our church. This is a great time to come and get to know Immanuel! Let’s GROW our church for the future! Get ready to GROW! Friends and visitors are invited to attend any of the meetings! SING, STITCH, AND SEW! June 2016 Luther Point Bible Camp | 11525 Luther Point Road | Grantsburg | WI | 54840 SUNSHINE SINGERS SCHEDULE Rehearsal - Mon., June 6, 1:30 p.m. Greetings from Luther Point PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY June 1, June 15, 1:30 p.m. at Church IMMANUEL QUILTERS SEWING DAY The Immanuel quilters group will meet Tuesday, June 21st, 10am to 3pm. No experience need, everyone welcome. Fabric, sewing machines, yarn, coffee and conversation provided! Awesome potluck at noon. A quilt warms your body and comforts your soul! Immanuel’s Circle Meetings Naomi Circle - Naomi Circle will meet at the Oak Inn, Tues., June 14th, at 11:30 a.m. for lunch. Please let Lois know by Sun., June 12th, if you will be going. We hope everyone can make it. If you are not a member of Naomi but would like to join us for lunch you are welcomed to come. Just RSVP to Lois know by Sun., June 12! Sarah Circle minutes - Present: Connie, Lynn, Laurie, Jody, Katie, Alice, Diane and Loraine, Carpet Squares – Lynn asked council if Sarah circle could ask Memorial for the additional money for the carpet square. They approved up to $2000. Jody will take it to the Memorial meeting on May 18. Painting of the fellowship hall was approved by the property committee. Paint samples were given to Rick. Cleaning of the kitchen, and cabinets were all labeled on May 11. Lynn created a kitchen facility check-list and it is posted in the kitchen. Loraine will make signs to post in the kitchen, that the table cloths and aprons are stored in the closet next to the elevator. Laurie will purchase two large totes and Jody will purchase two small totes and dividers. More info next month. Watch for next meeting date. Judy’s Crock Pot 12 Hour Beans—Great Picnic Fare! 4 c. dry navy beans (rinse and 1/2 lb ham or bacon pick out bad ones) 1 sm. Onion, diced 2 tsp. dried mustard 1 c. brown sugar 4 T. molasses 1/4 c. ketchup 2 1/2 tsp. salt 7 c. water 1/2 tsp pepper Mix all ingredients together in the evening. Start crock pot on high for 2 hours, turn to low and cook until done. (Usually 7-8 more hours.) Submitted by Linda Peterson for “125 Years of Our Favorite Recipes” anniversary cookbook, available in the church office -$12all for general fund. It’s not too late to register for summer camp! While this coming summer is filling up, we still have registration open for various sessions and for all ages! Adventure filled options for on and off site camp programs include Outpost Pioneers and the 35-40 Mile Canoe Trip on the Saint Croix River. Younger campers, who want to experience camp but not commit to staying an entire week away from family, can be signed up for options such as Day at Camp and 1st/2nd Grade Overnight Camp. Senior High Camp opportunities include Night Life, Horse, and Lake Superior Kayak Trip. For these camps we offer a wider variety of atypical camp activities, off site as well as onsite. Family Camps are for the whole family, including Grandparents! Try out our weeklong camp, or consider our weekend camp, if you cannot dedicate an entire week. Contact our program staff who are glad to help you navigate your choices and/or visit www.LutherPoint.org to view a brochure and to register. Everyone should be able to afford to go to camp! A core belief of Luther Point is that everyone can go to camp, regardless of their ability to pay. To help make this a reality we established a “Campership” fund. To help defray the cost of camp, families can apply for a full or partial scholarship, based on need. All requests are confidential. Applications are available on our website, keywords: CAMPERSHIP FUND. Camperships have allowed countless families to attend camp, and it is through continued support from our generous donors and member congregations that this is made possible. We invite you to prayerfully consider a donation to Luther Point benefiting camperships. Check our website for our new Spring/Summer Newsletter for 2016! Save the date! Our annual Quilt Auction and Summer Celebration is Sunday, August 7th. Stay tuned! Questions about registration: Call camp at 715-689-2347 or check the web: www.lutherpoint.org Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For More Information Be sure to visit www.LutherPoint.org for more information! Grace and Peace, Rev. Mark T. Peters, Executive Director COME AND MAKE “SPECIAL MUSIC” THIS SUMMER! We are open to any musicians or singers from Immanuel or our community to provide summer music. Give me a call and we can work together on some special music for a service! I look forward to hearing from you. -Momoh Freeman, Choral Director 763-647-9019! IMMANUEL CONNECTION-June 11! Get together the 2nd Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm for a time to get to know one another better! All ages welcome! Watch for upcoming meeting location each month. On June 11 we will meet from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at Meredee's Bistro (old Dinnerbell) 12565 Lake Blvd. Lindstrom, MN 55045. (651) 2579144! If you would like to car pool, meet in the Immanuel parking lot at 1:40. If you need a ride call Darlene Anderson 651-583-3153 or Judy Nelson 651-674-5920. IMMANUEL ENDOWMENT— If you would like to contribute to the endowment fund, a form is available in the gathering area. The deadline for submitting the form and the donation is June 12, for this quarter. If the donation is $1,000.00 or more your name can be added to the plaque in the Gathering area and all donations will be recognized at the June 19 worship service. Thank you! Christian Women’s Connection Luncheon “Tea” at 11:30 AM Monday, June 20, 2016, at Chisago Lake Lutheran Church, 1 Summit Avenue, Center City, MN Carol Mohr will be both the Special Feature presenting information on Music and Movement. Her title is “What a Drama Queen Knows”. Kim Glenna and Elizabeth will provide the music. Reservations and cancellations are needed. Please contact Mary at 715-554-2330 or Betty 651-5927416 to make your reservation no later than NOON Tuesday, June 14. Bring a friend. The cost is $10.00 inclusive for the program with luncheon. For specific questions or considerations, Dena can be reached prior to the luncheon at 715-755-2463. Greeting cards are for sale in the south Fellowship Hall. Card sales support WELCA in our church. Fathers Day recognition - June 19 Serve Root Beer Floats after church Upcoming Summer Fundraisers: Relay for Life car wash All Youth, grade 5 & up are encouraged to attend and get Involved! Live For Jesus. That’s What Matters! Thank you to all who support our activities and work with our youth. Youth Group Leaders: Jason & DeeDee Fredlund Lori Haag -208-3512 CONGRATULATIONS to our members who are celebrating their Graduation from High School! Destiny Pierce Jessica Pierce Keith Pierce Kelsey Larson Mikayla Johnson Kirstin Haag God’s Blessings to you for a bright future! On Sunday, June 12 our congregation will be recognizing our High School Grads and presenting a gift at worship on Sunday, June 12! We ask that all those grads plan to be here on that date with their family for a special day in honor of them! Please RSVP to Pastor Marla at 651-315-3354, the church office at 651-5832340 or email: imcal@frontiernet.net We will also be awarding the Church scholarships that day! IMMANUEL’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS SET FOR AUGUST 15-18— FOUR DAYS OF FUN! Please contact VBS Coordinator Sara DePoppe at 612-790-8337, if you would like to be involved this summer. You will be notified of upcoming meetings to attend. All Youth are welcome and all older youth who want to help with the younger children please sign up, too. Sign up, donations and registration forms will be available in future weeks. JUNE 2016 June 2016 Thank you to those helping with the Worship Services! As you celebrate your birthday, remember to celebrate your Spiritual Birthday each year. Light a candle to remember your Baptism, too! 1st - Goldeann Carlson, Grant Johnson, Lindsey Thorsen, Adam Oknich, Please let the office 2nd - Kylie Lundsted, Bruce Nelson, Doug Peterson know of errors or 3rd - Julie Burgin, Jim Rue, omissions on this list. Gwen Swenson, Willa Tauer th 4 - Derek Meyer 5th - Donna Kaufmann, Philip Larson 7th - Diane Rothe 8th - James Anderson, Stacy Burnside, Travis Mohn 9th - Mike DeVault 10th - Lance Johnson, Garth Olson 11th - Wade Holt, Vern Johnson, Ellie Lehto, Angela Ryberg 12th - Jared Scherek, Corey Sellman 13th - Oliver Goodwin 15th - Harlan Bostrom 16th - Skip Buck, June McKenzie, Cindy Weslander 17th - Darin Anderson, Wayne Carlson 19th - Jim Mielke 20th - Steve Anderson 21st - Eric Nadeau 22nd-Carl Sandberg, Lillian Tauer 25th– Pat Blomquist, Nicholas Meyer, Coralee Muggli, Gary Peterson, Alyssa Sellman, Dale Rue 26th– Gus Garbe, Sarah Plank 27th– Dave Rue 28th - Christine Edelman, Dana Johnson, Dennis Peterson 29th - Craig Johnson 30th - John Ryberg Pray for everyone on the birthday list and by the end of the year everyone in church will be prayed for by our church family! A.V. Tech Sun. June 5 WOW Service, Welcome back Pastor! Ushers Greeters Readers Kid’s Coffee Sermon Servers Steve Marty Tracy and Blomquist and Jody Merrie Johnson Tolzmann Steve Marty Destiny Sun. June 12 Blomquist and Jody Pierce Johnson Congrats Grads! Sun. June 19 Father’s Day! Nancy Nadeau Tracy Tolzmann Pastor Marla Marco Sherve Marshall Johnson Marty Martha and Bob and Jody Martin Stirling Johnson Strecker Mylo Marty Diane Sun. June 26 Lundquist and Jody Rothe Johnson New Members Received! Youth Group serving Root Beer Floats Diane Rothe LEADERS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE: Altar Guild: Bernice Pearson & Merrie Tolzmann Homemade Communion Bread: Judy Nelson Communion Wine: Wild Mountain Winery/Alan & Judy Olson Communion Servers/Securing Offering: June 5th: Royce Chinander, Steve Blomquist, Steve Peterson June 19th: Wayne Carlson, Martha Strecker, Clay Ryberg Head Usher: Marty Johnson Offering Counters: Pat Remer, Alice Burnside, Deb Krengel REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR YOUR PRAYER SISTER! JUNE 2016 Sun Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. -Romans 12:12 Mon Tue Wed Thu FOOD SHELF COLLECTION FOR JUNE 5! Bring items for kid’s meals during the upcoming summer days when kids are not at school. Bring your donations anytime during the month of June! ALUMINUM RECYCLING JUNE 5! Bring your aluminum cans to church—save the earth and raise funds for your church! SCHWAN’S FUNDRAISER CONTINUES! 1 Pastor Marla returns 2 from Africa! 5 - Aluminum Recycling and Food Shelf collections 9:30 –WOW Worship Service, Holy Communion 10:30-Coffee Time 1:30-Prayer Shawl Ministry 6 7 8 1:30-Sunshine Singers 10:00-Text Time 10:00-Worship Team 9 6:00-Parish Care Team Pastor Marla back from Africa! Wear your Together In Christ t-shirts or a bright color! 12 9:30-Worship, Graduate recognition, Scholarship awards, 10:30– Coffee - Relay for Life 11:00- Congregational meeting to vote on By-Laws/Constitutionupdate 19—HAPPY FATHERS DAY! 9:30-Worship Service, Holy Communion 10:30– Coffee time-Youth serve Root Beer Floats! 13 3:30-Strategic Planning 6:00-Property Committee 7:00-Church Council 14 10:00-Text Time 20 21 6:00-Stewardship 11:30- Naomi Circle Lunch at Oak Inn, NB. RSVP by 6/12 with Lois Ness. All women are invited to join us-please RSVP. 10:00-3:00 Quilters Sewing Day, Potluck at noon! DEADLINE 16 1:00-Archives 22 Endowment donation dedication 26 27 28 6:00-Worship & Music 10:00-Text Time 7:00-Trio Con Brio Concert Instrumentalists from Sweden, coffee after the concert -see newsletter cover! 3 4 Paul Henderson10am visitation, 11am funeral and Lunch 3-6:00-Farmer’s Market @ Rod’s 6-7:00-Interstate Band Concert in Triangle Park 10:00-WOW worship band rehearsal 10 11 3:30-bread day at Amador offices 3-6:00-Farmer’s Market @ Rod’s 2-4pm-Immanuel Connection at Meridee’s Bistro in Lindstrom. All invited to come and mingle! 17 18 23 24 3-6:00-Farmer’s Market @ Rod’s Firearms safety class concludes with field testing 29 Sat 3-6:00-Farmer’s Market @ Rod’s 1:30-Prayer Shawl Ministry 10:00-Text Time 12:30-3:30pm daily in F.H. —Firearms Safety Class thru 23rd 9:30-Worship Service, New Members Received 10:30-Coffee time 15 NEWSLETTER Fri 30 25