Vol 38 Number 1, April 2015 Model Baru.indd - LEMIGAS
Vol 38 Number 1, April 2015 Model Baru.indd - LEMIGAS
Cover: Tools Name: EOR Laboratory ISSN : 2089-3361 Volume 38, No. 1, April 2015 SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL & GAS is a media for the dissemination of information on research activities, technology engineering development and testing in oil and gas field. Insured Editor : Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS) Chief Editor : Prof. Dr. Maizar Rahman (Chemical Engineering, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS) Managing Editor : Ir. Daru Siswanto (Chemical Engineering, LEMIGAS) Ass. Managing Editor : Drs. Heribertus Joko Kristadi, M.Si. (Geophysic, LEMIGAS) Language Editor : 1. David Lloyd Hickman, M.M. Lc. (Economic Management - Australia) 2. Ferry Imanuddin Sadikin, S.T., M.E. (Electrical Engineering, LIPI) 3. Wiwin Winarsih, S.H., M.H. (Economic and Technology Law/Bussiness Law LEMIGAS) Copy Editor : Bagus Aribowo, S.Kom. Lay Outer : Rasikin, Nurhadi Setiawan, A.Md. Secretariat : Budi Mulia, Dulhamidin Publisher : LEMIGAS Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Afilliation and Publication Division Printed by : Grafika LEMIGAS Address: LEMIGAS Research and Development Division for Afilliation and Publication, Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA, STT: No. 348/SK/DITJEN PPG/ STT/1987/May 12, 1977, Phone: 7394422 - Ext. 1222, 1223, Fax : 62 - 21 - 7246150, e-mail: redaksiSCOG@lemigas.esdm.go.id LEMIGAS Scientific Contributions (LSC) published since 1977 which has been renamed Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas (SCOG) published 3 times a year in April, August, and December. The editor accepts the scientific paper, the results of research, which is closely related to oil and gas research. Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas is published by “LEMIGAS” Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Insured editor: Dr. Ir. Bambang Widarsono, M.Sc. Managing Editor: Ir. Daru Siswanto. i ISSN : 2089-3361 Volume 38, No. 1, April 2015 SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL & GAS is a media for the dissemination of information on research activities, technology engineering development and testing in oil and gas field. Editorial Boards : 1. Dr. Mudjito (Petroleum Geology, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS) 2. Prof. M. Udiharto (Biology, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS) 3. Prof. Dr. E. Suhardono (Industrial Chemistry, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS) 4. Dr. Adiwar (Separation Process, Scientific Board - LEMIGAS) 5. Dr. Oberlin Sidjabat (Chemical Engineering and Catalyst, LEMIGAS) Scientific Editors : 1. Dr. Ir. Usman, M.Eng. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS) 2. Ir. Sugeng Riyono, M.Phil. (Petroleum Engineering, LEMIGAS) 3. Dr. Ir. Eko Budi Lelono (Palynologist, LEMIGAS) 4. Ir. Bambang Wicaksono T.M., M.Sc. (Petroleum Geology, LEMIGAS) 5. Drs. Chairil Anwar, M.Si. (Industrial Chemistry, LEMIGAS) 6. Abdul Haris, S.Si., M.Si. (Chemistry and Environment, LEMIGAS) 7. Ratu Ulfiati, S.Si., M.Eng. (Chemical Engineering, LEMIGAS) Peer Reviewer : 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Septoratno Siregar (Petroleum Engineering, ITB - Indonesia) 2. Prof. Dr. R.P. Koesoemadinata (Geological Engineering, ITB - Indonesia) 3. Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Kholil, M.Kom. (Management of Environment, USAHID/ IPB - Indonesia) 4. Ir. Bagas Pujilaksono, M.Sc., Lic.Eng., PhD. (Physics Chemistry Engineering, UGM - Indonesia) 5. Prof. Dr. Renanto, M.Sc., PhD. (Chemical Engineering, ITS - Indonesia) 6. John G. Kaldi, M.Sc., PhD. (Petroleum - Australia) 7. Dr. Robert John Morley (Palinology and Stratigrapher - Inggris) 8. Dr Ulrike Schacht (Marine Geo Chemistry - Germany) ii ISSN : 2089-3361 Volume 38, Number 1, April 2015 CONTENTS Page CONTENTS iii PREFACE v ABSTRACTS vii PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE JAMBI SUB-BASIN, SOUTH SUMATRA Christina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus 1 - 12 HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF TOLO BAY MOROWALI REGENCY: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro 13 - 24 INVESTIGATION OF THE RISKS OF INTRODUCING PRODUCED WATER INTO FRESHWATER INJECTION SYSTEM Usman 25 - 37 THE INFLUENCE OF BIODIESEL BLENDS (UP TO B-20) FOR PARTS OF DIESEL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM BY IMMERSION TEST Riesta Anggarani, Cahyo S.Wibowo, and Emi Yuliarita 39 - 45 EFFECT OF ACTIVATION TEMPERATURE AND ZnCl2 CONCENTRATION FOR MERCURY ADSORPTION IN NATURAL GAS BY ACTIVATED COCONUT CARBONS Lisna Rosmayati 47 - 52 iii iv PREFACE Dear Readers, As part of our ongoing effort to become the only publication that discusses upstream, downstream and inter-sectoral oil and gas activities in Indonesia and to be published internationally, Scientific Contributions on Oil and Gas provides the latest research results, which are based on laboratory analysis activities, as well as in site and survey activities in the oil and gas field. Research and development of oil and gas technology is a series of sustainable activities which are linked to various branches of science. In this edition, we present several articles based on Palynology analysis, which provides results in the form of sedimentary rock age and depositional environment interpretation of outcrops that were exposed at the Sungai Merangin, Muara Jernih and Mengupeh. Meanwhile, the further research in the article Hydrocarbons Potential of Tolo Bay, Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis has proposed using the latest seismic data which has been conducted by PT TGS-NOPEC and PT ECI-PGS, in order to reduce the risk of the presence of source rock and the posible reservoir as well. The research entitled Investigation of the Risk of Introducing Produced Water into Fresh Water System is about finding a method to reduce the risk of loss oil recovery. It found that using an injection of a mixture of 50% of fresh water with 50% produced water will result in a decrease in oil recovery of up to 16 %, when compared to using only fresh water which resulted in oil recovery of 46.1%. In relation to government policies that require the use of substitute fuel oil to diesel fuel with a presentation of a minimum of 20% bio diesel, the research in the article The Influence of Biodiesel Blend (Up to 20%) for Parts of Diesel Engine Fuel System by Immersion Test was conducted in order to identify the components of non-metallic materials with test FTIR, DSC and XRD and XRF test for metal components of vehicles. In this issue we are also presenting the results of research into mercury element contained in natural gas, which has become a serious environmental concern due to its high volatility and toxicity content. This research is outlined in the article Effect of Activation Temperature and ZnCl2 Concentration for Mercury Absorption in Natural Gas by Activated Coconut Carbons. The Editorial Board and the Council Publisher would like to thank the reviewer, editor and all the authors who have contributed the results of their research to this latest edition of Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas (1st edition April 2015). It is hoped that this publication will be useful not only for the readers but that it also makes a positive contribution to science and technology, both in Indonesia and internationally, especially in the field of oil and gas technology. Jakarta, April 2015 Best regads, Editorial Board v vi ABSTRACTS The descriptions given are free terms. This abstract sheet may be reproduced without permission or charge UDC: 550.8+553.9 Christina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono and Iskandar Firdaus, “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/ JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 6221-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: christina@lemigas.esdm.go.id, id, E-mail: ekobl@ lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: iskandarf@lemigas. esdm.go.id. PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE JAMBI SUB-BASIN, SOUTH SUMATRA Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, April 2015, Volume 38, Number 1, p. 1-12 ABSTRAK Studi palinologi di Sub-cekungan Jambi, Sumatera Selatan dilakukan untuk menyusun biostratigrafi formasi batuan terpilih yang telah diidentifikasi. Analisis palinologi ini memberikan hasil berupa umur batuan sedimen serta interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan. Penelitian dilakukan pada percontoh permukaan (outcrops) yang tersingkap di Sungai Merangin, daerah Muara Jernih dan Mengupeh. Umur sedimen daerah penelitian berkisar antara Miosen Awal sampai Miosen Tengah. Batas atas umur Miosen Tengah ditandai oleh kemunculan polen Florschuetzia levipoli dan Florschuetzia meridionalis, sementara batas bawah umur Miosen Awal dicirikan oleh kemunculan nanoplangton Sphenolithus compactust. Batuan sedimen di Sungai Merangin dan daerah Muara Jernih yang diperkirakan sebagai Formasi Talang Akar, diendapkan di lingkungan lower delta plain sampai delta front selama umur Miosen Awal. Di daerah Mengupeh, lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Talang Akar ini bergeser ke arah darat menjadi upper delta plain sampai lower delta plain pada umur Miosen Tengah. Kata Kunci: sub-cekungan Jambi, formasi Talang Akar, palinologi ABSTRACT The palynological study of the Jambi Subbasin, South Sumatera is carried out to construct biostratigraphy of the identified formation. The palynological analysis provides an age interpretation as well as environment of depositional interpretation. The study uses outcrop samples which were collected from Merangin River, Muara Jernih and Mengupeh areas. The age of the studied sediment ranges from Early to Middle Miocene. The top Middle Miocene age is identified by the occurrence of pollen Florschuetzia levipoli and Florschuetzia meridionalis, whilst the base of Early Miocene is marked by the appearance of nannoplankton Sphenolithus compactust. The studied sediment cropping out at the Merangin River and Muara Jernih area interpreted as Talang Akar Formation was deposited in a lower delta plain to delta front during Early Miocene. In the Mengupeh area, this sediment shifted landward into upper delta plain to lower delta plain environment during Middle Miocene. (Author) Keywords: Jambi sub-basin, Talang Akar Formation, Palynology UDC: 528.4+622.1 Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro, “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. e-mail: suliantara@lemigas.esdm.go.id., e-mail:trimujis@ lemigas.esdm.go.id. HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF TOLO BAY MOROWALI REGENCY: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, April 2015, Volume 38, Number 1, p. 13-24 vii ABSTRAK Teluk Tolo terletak diantara Lengan Timur dengan Lengan Tenggara Sulawesi, kedalaman mencapai 3500 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Secara regional daerah ini termasuk dalam Cekungan Banggai yang terdapat beberapa lapangan migas yang telah berproduksi. Lapangan yang terdekat adalah lapangan Minyak Tiaka yang berjarak sekitar 125 km di sebelah Barat Laut daerah kajian. Kaji ulang geo-science dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi keberadaan migas di daerah kajian. Berdasarkan data penelitian terdahulu, makalah ilmiah dan data bawah permukaan yang diperloleh dari Direktorat Minyak dan Gas Bumi, blok ini terletak pada kawasan benturan Lempeng Mikro Banggai – Sula dengan Sulawesi. Benturan ini diperkirakan terjadi pada Akhir Kapur dan Miosen Tengah. Pada fase drifting terjadi proses sedimentasi pada muka Lempeng Mikro Banggai-Sula, dengan kondisi sama dengan passive margin. Sedimen ini berpotensi sebagai batuan induk dan batuan reservoir. Sementara wilayah kajian pada fase ini diduga terletak di sisi Selatan Lempeng Mikro Banggai-Sula. Perbedaan lokasi tektonik ini akan mempengaruhi terbentuknya jenis batuan sedimen sehingga keberadaan batuan induk dan batuan reservoir di bagian ini tidak jelas. Akibat keberadaan batuan induk dan reservoir yang tidak jelas maka kegiatan eksplorasi migas di blok ini mempunyai resiko yang sangat tinggi. Dalam rangka mengurangi tingkat resiko eksplorasi maka diusulkan untuk melakukan studi geologi dan geofisika dengan menggunakan data seismik terbaru yang proses surveinya dilakukan ole PT. TGS- NOPEC dan PT ECI-PGS. Kata Kunci: morowali, banggai, resiko eksplorasi, drifting, benturan ABSTRACT Tolo Bay is located between East Arm and Southeast Arm Sulawesi, reaching a water depth of up to 3500 meters below sea level. Regionally, this block is situated within Banggai Basin where some gas and oil fields are already in production. The closest field is Tiaka Oil Field located about 125 kilometers northwest of the study area. A geoscience review has been conducted to clarify the potential existence of hydrocarbon in this block. Based on previous reports, papers, and subsurface viii data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the study area is located within the collision area between Banggai-Sula Microcontinent and Sulawesi. This collision occurred during Late Creataceous and Middle Miocene periods. During drifting phase a sedimentation process occurred at the front of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent.. This sediment is potentially source rock and reservoir rock. Meanwhile, during the drifting phase the study area is interpreted as located at the southern part of Banggai-Sula Microcontinent. This different tectonic setting will impact on the type of sedimentary rock, hence source rock and reservoir rock occurrence in the study area is still unclear. As source rock and reservoir rock within the study area are unclear, hydrocarbon explorations will be very risky. In order to reduce exploration risk, it is proposed to conduct geological and geophysical studies using the latest seismic data that was surveyed by PT. TGS – NOPEC and PT. ECI – PGS. (Author) Keywords: morowali, banggai, risk exploration, drifting, collision UDC: 549.8+543.2 Usman, “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/ KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: upasarai@ lemigas.esdm.go.id I N V E S TIGATION OF THE RISKS OF INTRODUCING PRODUCED WATER INTO FRESHWATER INJECTION SYSTEM Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, April 2015, Volume 38, Number 1, p. 25-37 ABSTRAK Penggunaan air injeksi dari berbagai sumber potensial memperburuk resiko kerusakan formasi dan dapat berdampak pada perolehan minyak. Sebuah studi kasus bagaimana menilai resiko tersebut dibahas dalam makalah ini. Studi berdasarkan pada percobaan laboratorium. Material, metode, dan prosedur uji yang tepat untuk mendapatkan kualitas data sebagai acuan teknis interpretasi potensi resiko diuraikan secara detail. Telah diidentifikasi resiko p e nElemen y u m b amerkuri t a n , pyang e n g terkandung e n d a p a n , dalam p e n ugas r ubumi nan permeabilitas, dan kehilangan perolehan minyak telah menjadi perhatian serius dari sisi lingkungan disebabkan penggunaan air terproduksi. Penyumbatan karena sifat volatilitas dan toksisitasnya yang disebabkan keberadaan bakteri dan partikel padatan tinggi. Penyerapan dengan carbon yang teraktivasi dalam air terproduksi. bakteri merupakan suatu metodePertumbuhan mengontrol merkuri tergolong tinggi. Konsentrasi padatan juga yang efektif. Kandungan merkuri dalam gastinggi bumi dengan diameter rata-rata lebih besar dibandingkan harus dihilangkan untuk mencegah terjadinya diameter partikel yang dianggap tidak merusak. kerusakan peralatan dalam plan pengolahan gas Pengendapan CaCO potensi terjadi pada temperatur dan sistem jaringan3 pipa transmisi. Penelitian ini dalam air reservoir akibat konsentrasi HCO menggambarkan proses eliminasi 3 m e r k u r i terproduksi tinggi.dalam Penggunaan air dterproduksi yang terkandung gas bumi e n g a n bersama air tawar penurunan menggunakan karbon menyebabkan aktif dari tempurung kelapa permeabilitas secara signifi kan. Untuk komposisi yang diimpregnasi dengan ZnCl . Temperatur 2 25% air terproduksi dan 75% air ZnCl tawar, merupakan penurunan aktivasi dan konsentrasi larutan 2 permeabilitas berkisar dari permeabilitas awal. variable yang dapat80% mempengaruhi kapasitas Penambahanmerkuri. 2000 ppm biosidatemperatur dan penggunaan penyerapan Pengaruh aktivasi kertas saring 11 mikron kualitas terhadap penyerapan dan konsentrasi larutandapat ZnClmeningkatkan 2 air terproduksi. Dengan komposisi air injeksi yang merkuri oleh adsorben menunjukkan bahwa sama, permeabilitas hanya turun 47%. Analisa kemampuan adsorpsi adsorben telah dipengaruhi oleh ukuran diameter pori batuan dan partikel padatan temperature aktivasi hingga mencapai temperature ikutan dalam700 airoC.menunjukan penggunaan optimumnya Kemampuanperlu adsorpsi meningkat saringan kurang dari 11konsentrasi mikron untuk mencegah dengan meningkatnya larutan ZnCl2 penurunan permeabilitas akibat penyumbatan dan penyerapan optimum pada konsentrasi ZnCl2 partikel padatan. Percobaan dengan injeksi air tawar 7%. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan merkuri menunjukan minyak 46.1%. Bila oleh carbon perolehan teraktivasi yang sebesar terimpregnasi klor menggunakan campuran air terproduksi dan sangat signifikan dan 50% diperoleh temperature 50% air tawar, terjadi penurunan perolehan minyak aktivasi optimumnya. Kesimpulan akhir diperoleh o sebesar 16%aktivasi dibandingkan hasil air temperature optimum 700injeksi C dan hanya 7% ZnCl 2 tawar. Potensi kehilangan perolehan tersebut sebagai konsentrasi impregnasi yangminyak dapat menyerap merepresentasikan efek kuantitatif kerusakan merkuri secara maksimal. formasi terhadap produksi minyak. Informasi ini Kata Kunci: aktivasi, penyerapan merkuri, gas sangatkarbon bermanfaat untukkelapa evaluasi keekonomian bumi, tempurung teraktivasi pengembangan lapangan. ABSTRACT Kata kunci: Air terproduksi, air tawar, kerusakan formasi, penyumbatan, pengendapan, penurunan Elemental mercury from natural gas has become permeabilitas, perolehan an increasingly kehilangan environmental concernminyak due to its high volatility and toxicity. Activated carbon adsorption ABSTRACT is an effective mercury-control method. Mercury Mixing watersgas from different sources may content in theofnatural should be removed to avoid exacerbate the risk of formation damage and equipment damage in the gas processing plant orcan the pipeline transmission system. This research is dealing with the process of mercury removal from natural gas by oil coconut active carbon with impact recovery. A filed case impregnated study is presented . Activation temperature and ZnCl solution ZnCl to demonstrate how to assess these risks. The study 2 2 concentration are significant variables can effect relies on a laboratory-based work. that Appropriate mercury adsorption The effecttoofassure activation materials, methods,capacity. and procedures the temperature concentration forvalid mercury quality of testand dataZnCl and 2derive technically risks adsorption on adsorbentareshowed thatThe adsorption potential interpretations discussed. risks for ability of plugging, adsorbentscaling, had beenpermeability affected by increasing potential reduction, activation temperature up to temperature and oil recovery loss caused byoptimum introducing produced o is 700are C. identifi Abilityed.ofPlugging adsorption wasbyincreased water induced bacterial with increasing concentration and mercury growth and solid ZnCl particles present in produced water. 2 adsorption was optimum at 7% concentration of Bacterial growth is categorized high. Solids ZnCl . The results indicated that the adsorption Concentration is also high with its mean diameter 2 capacity of mercury in natural particle gas by activated larger than the non-damaging size. The carbon-impregnated at reservoir and optimum temperature activation due CaCO3 scale is likelychlor temperature to high concentration was the greatest. of HCO 3- Conclusion in the produced of this paper optimum activation temperature 700oC water.was Mixing of untreated produced water and7% treated impregnated caused on adsorbent significantly canreduction improve and ZnClfreshwater 2 the mercury adsorption natural gas.75% FW mix, in permanently. For the in 25% PW and (Author) the permeability decreases by about 80% of its initial permeability. Adding 2000 ppm of biocide and Keywords: Activation, mercury adsorption, natural filtered using coconut 11 micron filter paper improved the gas, activated carbon quality of produced water. For the same mixing fraction, the permeability decreases only 47%. Analyzed of pore throat size in conjunction with particle size of water samples suggests the need for using a filter less than 11 micron to avoid permeability decline imposed by solid particles. Waterflood experiments showed an ultimate recovery factor of 46.1% of original oil in place obtained from freshwater injection. Introducing 50% of produced water caused an oil recovery loss by 16% compared to freshwater injection alone. This lost oil recovery representing a quantitative effect of formation damage on oil production and may valuable from the economic viewpoint. (Author) Keywords: Produced water, freshwater, formation damage, plugging, scaling, permeability reduction, oil recovery loss ix UDC: 549.8:66.07+662.7 Riesta Anggarani, Cahyo S.Wibowo, and Emi Yuliarita, “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-217394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: riesta@lemigas. esdm.go.id, E-mail: riesta.anggarani@gmail.com, E-mail: cahyow@lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: emiy@lemigas.esdm. go.id, THE INFLUENCE OF BIODIESEL BLENDS (UP TO B-20) FOR PARTS OF DIESEL ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM BY IMMERSION TEST Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, April 2015, Volume 38, Number 1, p. 39-45 ABSTRAK Pemerintah Indonesia akan menerapkan kebijakan kewajiban penggunaan campuran Bahan Bakar Minyak jenis Minyak Solar dan Biodiesel dengan persentase minimum 20% (B-20) dimulai pada tahun 2016. Dari sudut pandang teknis, masalah kompatibilitas komponen menjadi salah satu perhatian industri otomotif. Karakteristik biodiesel sebagai pelarut dikhawatirkan akan menjadikannya bereaksi dengan komponen sistem bahan bakar kendaraan mesin diesel, terutama elastomer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi material penyusun komponen sistem bahan bakar, meliputi komponen logam dan non logam, dengan kompatibilitas yang baik terhadap B-20. Identifikasi material penyusun komponen non logam dilakukan dengan uji FTIR dan DSC,dan uji XRD dan XRF untuk komponen logam. Uji perendaman selama 2500 jam dilakukan untuk membandingkan pengaruh 5 (lima) campuran bahan bakar (B-0, B-5, B-10, B-15 dan B-20) terhadap perubahan sifat fisika komponen logam dan non logam sistem bahan bakar kendaraan mesin diesel. Sifat fisika yang diamati adalah berat spesimen komponen uji. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa perubahan berat komponen logam diperoleh pada rentang 0.007% hingga 0.595%. Perubahan berat yang lebih besar diperoleh pada komponen non logam antara 0.001% to 13.85%. Perubahan berat yang lebih rendah terlihat pada komponen logam jenis material CuO, Al2O3 dan SiO, sedang untuk komponen non logam perubahan x terendah diperoleh dari polimer jenis fluoroviton A. Pengamatan terhadap komposisi bahan bakar sebelum dan sesudah uji perendaman komponen dengan FTIR menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan dan efek dari sifat pelarut bahan bakar campuran ini dapat diabaikan. Kata Kunci: kompatibilitas, logam, non logam, biodiesel, material ABSTRACT The Government of Indonesia will implement the mandatory policy on the use of Diesel Fuel and Biodiesel mixture with minimum 20% volume of biodiesel (B-20) start from 2016. From technical point of view, compatibility issue becomes one of the problems to be considered by automotive industries. The concern relate with solvent characteristic of biodiesel, which cause the biodiesel and its blends react with the parts of fuel system, especially the elastomers. This work is aimed to identify the material constructed the fuel system parts, including metal and non-metal parts, which has good compatibility to biodiesel blends up to B-20. Identification of the parts material was done by FTIR and DSC for nonmetal parts and by XRD and XRF for metal parts. The immersion test is used to compare the effect of five biodiesel-diesel fuel blends (B-0, B-5, B-10, B-15, and B-20) to the physical change of metal and non-metal parts of diesel fuel system in a 2500 hours test period. The physical change being checked is the weight of the parts. The result obtained that for immersed metal parts, the change of weight occurred in the range of 0.007% to 0.595%. The higher weight change obtained by non-metal parts in the range of 0.001% to 13.85%. The lowest change was shown by metal parts consists of an alloy of CuO, Al2O3 and SiO, whether for non-metal parts was shown by a polymer type of Fluoroviton A. Through FTIR analysis we also observed that fuels composition before and after immersed with the tested parts were not change significantly means that effect of solvent characteristic of biodiesel in the fuel mixture is negligible. (Author) Keywords: compatibility; metal; non-metal; biodiesel; material UDC: 662.7+662.8 Lisna Rosmayati, “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology. Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA. Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-217394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150. E-mail: lisnar@lemigas. esdm.go.id, EFFECT OF ACTIVATION TEMPERATURE A N D Z n C l 2 C O N C E N T R AT I O N F O R MERCURY ADSORPTION IN NATURAL GAS BY ACTIVATED COCONUT CARBONS Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, April 2015, Volume 38, Number 1, p. 47-52 ABSTRAK Elemen merkuri yang terkandung dalam gas bumi telah menjadi perhatian serius dari sisi lingkungan karena sifat volatilitas dan toksisitasnya yang tinggi. Penyerapan dengan carbon yang teraktivasi merupakan suatu metode mengontrol merkuri yang efektif. Kandungan merkuri dalam gas bumi harus dihilangkan untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan peralatan dalam plan pengolahan gas dan sistem jaringan pipa transmisi. Penelitian ini menggambarkan proses eliminasi merkuri yang terkandung dalam gas bumi dengan menggunakan karbon aktif dari tempurung kelapa yang diimpregnasi dengan ZnCl2. Temperatur aktivasi dan konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 merupakan variable yang dapat mempengaruhi kapasitas penyerapan merkuri. Karbon aktif dibuat dari kulit tempurung kelapa dan diaktivasi pada temperature 600, 700 and 800 oC dalam aliran konstan nitrogen. Pengaruh temperatur aktivasi dan konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 terhadap penyerapan merkuri oleh adsorben menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan adsorpsi adsorben telah dipengaruhi oleh temperature aktivasi hingga mencapai temperature optimumnya 700oC. Kemampuan adsorpsi meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 dan penyerapan optimum pada konsentrasi ZnCl27% Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan merkuri . oleh carbon teraktivasi yang terimpregnasi klor sangat signifikan dan diperoleh temperature aktivasi optimumnya. Kesimpulan akhir diperoleh temperature aktivasi optimum 700 oC dan 7% ZnCl2 sebagai konsentrasi impregnasi yang dapat menyerap merkuri secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: aktivasi, penyerapan merkuri, gas bumi, karbon tempurung kelapa teraktivasi ABSTRACT Elemental mercury from natural gas has increasingly become an environmental concern due to its high volatility and toxicity. Activated carbon adsorption is an effective mercury control method. Mercury content in natural gas should be removed to avoid equipment damage in the gas processing plant or the pipeline transmission system. This research describes the process of mercury removal from natural gas by coconut active carbon impregnated with ZnCl2. Activation temperature and ZnCl2 solution concentration are significant affect the mercury adsorption capacity. Charcoal was prepared from coconut shell and activated at 500, 700 and 900oC in constant flow of nitrogen. The effect of activation temperature and ZnCl2 concentration for mercury adsorption on adsorbent show that the adsorption ability of adsorbent is affected by increasing activation temperature up to an optimum temperature of 700oC. Ability of adsorption increases with increasing ZnCl2 concentration and mercury adsorption was optimum at 7% concentration of ZnCl2. The results indicated that the adsorption capacity of mercury in natural gas by activated carbon-impregnated chlor is very significant. The conclusion of this paper is that optimum activation temperature 700oC and 7% ZnCl2 impregnated on adsorbent can improve the mercury adsorption in natural gas. Keywords: activation, mercury adsorption, natural gas, activated coconut carbon xi SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL AND GAS Vol. 38, Number 1, April 2015: 1 of 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGY LEMIGAS Journal Homepage:http://www.journal.lemigas.esdm.go.id PALYNOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE JAMBI SUB-BASIN, SOUTH SUMATRA STUDI PALINOLOGI SUB-CEKUNGAN JAMBI, SUMATRA SELATAN Christina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150 E-mail: christina@lemigas.esdm.go.id, id, E-mail: ekobl@lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: iskandarf@lemigas.esdm.go.id First Registered on December 12nd 2014; Received after Correction on March 31th 2015 Publication Approval on: April 30th 2015 ABSTRAK Studi palinologi di Sub-cekungan Jambi, Sumatera Selatan dilakukan untuk menyusun biostratigrafi formasi batuan terpilih yang telah diidentifikasi. Analisis palinologi ini memberikan hasil berupa umur batuan sedimen serta interpretasi lingkungan pengendapan. Penelitian dilakukan pada percontoh permukaan (outcrops) yang tersingkap di Sungai Merangin, daerah Muara Jernih dan Mengupeh. Umur sedimen daerah penelitian berkisar antara Miosen Awal sampai Miosen Tengah. Batas atas umur Miosen Tengah ditandai oleh kemunculan polen Florschuetzia levipoli dan Florschuetzia meridionalis, sementara batas bawah umur Miosen Awal dicirikan oleh kemunculan nanoplangton Sphenolithus compactust. Batuan sedimen di Sungai Merangin dan daerah Muara Jernih yang diperkirakan sebagai Formasi Talang Akar, diendapkan di lingkungan lower delta plain sampai delta front selama umur Miosen Awal. Di daerah Mengupeh, lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Talang Akar ini bergeser ke arah darat menjadi upper delta plain sampai lower delta plain pada umur Miosen Tengah. Kata Kunci: sub-cekungan Jambi, formasi Talang Akar, palinologi ABSTRACT The palynological study of the Jambi Sub-basin, South Sumatera is carried out to construct biostratigraphy of the identified formation. The palynological analysis provides an age interpretation as well as environment of depositional interpretation. The study uses outcrop samples which were collected from Merangin River, Muara Jernih and Mengupeh areas. The age of the studied sediment ranges from Early to Middle Miocene. The top Middle Miocene age is identified by the occurrence of pollen Florschuetzia levipoli and Florschuetzia meridionalis, whilst the base of Early Miocene is marked by the appearance of nannoplankton Sphenolithus compactust. The studied sediment cropping out at the Merangin River and Muara Jernih area interpreted as Talang Akar Formation was deposited in a lower delta plain to delta front during Early Miocene. In the Mengupeh area, this sediment shifted landward into upper delta plain to lower delta plain environment during Middle Miocene. Keywords: Jambi sub-basin, Talang Akar Formation, Palynology I. INTRODUCTION It has been known that most hydrocarbons trapped into the Tertiary reservoir rocks in the South Sumatera Basin were mainly expelled from terrestrial to fluvio-deltaic shales and coals of Talang Akar Formation, where the sandstones of this formation are acting as reservoir rocks. On the other hand, in some areas, based on geochemical and geological data, shales of Miocene Gumai Formation also display characteristics and capability of both potential and generating source rocks. 1 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 1 - 12 Geological survey of hydrocarbon potential in the Jambi Sub-basin has been done by LEMIGAS Stratigraphy Group to collect the sedimentary outcropped samples which are predicted as potential source rock for generating hydrocarbon, for determining age and depositional environment of sedimentary rock series of the selected rocks. Meanwhile, the occurrence of older formation in this basin such as shales and coals of the Permian Mengkarang Formation can be considered as other possible source rock. The study area is located at the Muara Bungo – Bangko which is administratively situated in Bungo and Merangin Regency, Jambi Province (Figure 1). This area is geologically included into Jambi subBasin which is located in the northern part of South Sumatera Basin. MuaraBungo This study has been undertaken to understand the stratigraphy of the Muara Bungo – Bangko area of the Jambi Sub-basin, South Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to determine biostratigraphy of the identified formations especially those which are predicted as potential source rocks. The palynological analysis will provide a zonal subdivision to determine age of the sediment and also the depositional of environment interpretation. The result of this analysis is cross-checked by the foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton analyses and integrated with the previous works done by LEMIGAS with the target of Talang Akar Formation. Target locations are located in the northern and southern parts of the studied area. Muara Bungo area is a southern target, whilst Merangin/Mengkarang River and Muara Jernih area are the northern targets. The type of analysed sample is outcrop sample. All MuaraTebo 3 Jambi 2 1 Bangko Sarolangun Figure 1 The study area is spanning from Muara Bungo to Bangko (Number 1 represents sample location of MJ and MRG sections. Number 2 shows sample location of MGP and BT sections. Number 3 indicates sample location of Mengupeh-Bukit Kerendo section (secondary data obtained from LEMIGAS Stratigraphy Group during the period 1993-1995). 2 1. Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra (Cristina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus) Figure 2 Locality map of the South Sumatra Basin (de Coster 1974). samples were processed using standard palynological preparation technique applied in the Stratigraphy Laboratory of LEMIGAS, Jakarta. Geology of the Jambi Sub-basin The South Sumatra basin is located in the southern part of Sumatra Island, which is regarded as a back-arc basin bounded by the Barisan Mountains in the southwest and by the Pre-Tertiary Sunda Shelf to the northeast (de Coster 1974). The South Sumatra Basin is separated from the Central Sumatra Basin by the Tigapuluh High. To the east the Lampung High separates it from the Sunda Basin at the Java Sea (Figure 2). The basin was formed by the extension of “pre-Tertiary basement” rocks on “pre-existing faults” and the subsiding graben in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene (Barber and Crow 2003). In Williams et al. (1995), the South Sumatra Basin has been divided into five subbasins as follows: Jambi, North Palembang, Central Palembang, South Palembang and Bandar Jaya. In contrast, Clure (1991) divided South Sumatera Basin into two sub-basins including Palembang and the Jambi. Three tectonic events have formed the South Sumatra Basin. Firstly, the Paleocene to Early Miocene extension grabens, which trend in a north direction and were later filled with sediments of Eocene to early Miocene. Secondly, the inactive Late Miocene to Early Pliocene normal fault. Thirdly, 3 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 1 - 12 the Pliocene to Present compression of the basement rocks with the inversion of basin and reverse normal faults that formed anticline related oil traps. Generally, the South Sumatra Basin consists of “semi-connected NNW-SSE trending synrift basins” (i.e. the Jambi Sub-basin and the Palembang Subbasin). Figure 3 shows the Jambi Sub-basin and the Palembang Sub-basin with the basement faults and anticlines. This region has also being divided according to the stacking patterns “tectonostratigraphy” (the pre-rift, the horst and graben stage and the transgression and regression stage) of the Tertiary sediment that filled the basins (Barber 2000). The Jambi Sub-basin is oriented in a NE – SW direction. It is smaller and more proximal to the source than the Palembang Sub-basin (Doust and Noble 2008). It has an area of many faults that are closely spaced (fault zones) called the Tembesi Fault (Figure 3). The Tembesi fault trends in a southwest to northeast direction and also forms the northwest edge of the Jambi Trough (Hutchison 1996). Stratigraphy The general stratigraphy of the South Sumatera Basin is shown in Figure 4. basement of the South Sumatra Basin is pre-Tertiary rocks, comprising various igneous and low grade meta-sediments. It is overlain unconformably by the Eocene-Oligocene Figure 3 The structural features of the South Sumatra Basin: the Jambi Sub-basin, the Palembang Sub-basins and the Tembesi Fault. (Hutchison 1996). 4 Alluvial Pliocene Kasai Muaraenim Miocene Middle Airbenakat Gumai Early Baturaja Talangakar Oligocene Lahat/Kikim Eocene Source+ Seal+ Reservoir ReservoirRock ReservoirRock Rock Late PALEONTOLOGY GEOLOGICALHISTORY/ FORAM NANNO TECTONIC N12 NN9 N11 N10 N9 NN8 NN7 NN6 N8 N7 NN5 NN4 CompressionandUplift SagBasin N6 NN2Ͳ3 N5 NN2 N12 N4(7) NN1 Indeterminated Quartenary LITHOLOGY Indeterminated FORMATION Seal AGE MARKER 1. Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra (Cristina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus) GrabenFill Paleocene PreͲTertiary Basement Figure 4 The stratigraphy of rock successions in the South Sumatra Basin (taken from Tarazona et al.1999 in Hermiyanto et al. 2009). Lahat (Kikim) Formation consisting of purple green and red brown tuff, tuffaceous clays, andesite, breccia and conglomerate. In turn, the Lahat Formation is unconformably overlain by the Oligocene-Miocene Talang Akar Formation, composed of medium to coarse grained sandstones and coal seams in the lower part; and calcareous grey shale and sandstone with coal seams in the upper part. Thickness of the Talang Akar Formation is approximately (up to) 900 m. Locally, the Talang Akar Formation was deposited in a terrestrial to paralic environment, resting unconformably on top of the pre-Tertiary basement. The Talang Akar Formation is conformably overlain by the shallow marine calcareous shale and limestone of the Baturaja Formation. Moreover, the Baturaja Formation is conformably underlain by the Gumai Formation composed of marl, claystone, shale, and silty shale, with occasionally thin limestone and sandstone intercalations. The Gumai sediments were deposited in a deeper open marine environment. In turn, the Gumai Formation is conformably overlain by the littoral to shallow marine Air Benakat Formation comprising sandy and marly claystone, 5 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 1 - 12 with intercalations of glauconitic sometimes calcareous sandstone. The deposition of Talang Akar Formation up to Air Benakat Formation occurred during Oligo-Miocene time. Subsequently, the Late Miocene-Pliocene Muaraenim Formation conformably overlying the Air Benakat Formation which is divided into Member a (interstratified sandstone and brownish claystone with principal coal seams) and Member b (greenish blue claystone with numerous ligniteous coal seams) deposited in a brackish environment (Suwarna 2006). The youngest unit is the Kasai Formation, consisting of gravel, tuffaceous sands and clays, volcanic concretion, pumice, and tuff. This formation conformably to unconformably overlies the MioPliocene Muaraenim Formation. The deposition of the Kasai Formation coincided with volcanic and magmatic activity occurring in the area. This activity formed some igneous intrusives intruding the coal layers such as found in the Bukit Asam coal mine. II. METHODOLOGY The study area is situated within the Geological Maps of Muara Bungo Sheet (Suwarna et al. 1992) and Sarolangun Sheet (Simanjuntak et al. 1994). These maps are used for basic reference in knowing the distribution of the Permian Mengkarang Formation, Talang Akar Formation, Gumai Formation, Air Benakat Formation, and Muaraenim Formation. The study focuses on the sedimentary rocks series which represent the target formations including Mengkarang and Talang Akar Formations. These formations are predicted to be potential source rocks. However, a view sample was collected from the younger sequences of the Air Benakat Formation in order to validate the palynological analysis of the target formations. Eventually, each formation was selected for a representative section, which was followed by collecting rock samples for laboratory analysis purposes. Systematic sampling was performed to obtain reliable analysis. For palynological analysis, it is preferable to have a fine grain sample with dark colour such as shale and coal. A total of 21 samples were collected for this study consisting of 7 samples from Mengkarang Formation, 11 samples of Talang Akar Formation and 3 samples representing Air Benakat Formation. All samples were processed using standard palynological 6 preparation technique in the Stratigraphy Laboratory of LEMIGAS including HCl, HF and HNO 3 macerations, which were employed to get sufficient recovery of plant micro-fossils for palynological analysis. These acid treatments were followed by the alkali treatment using 10% KOH to clear up the residue. Sieving using 5 microns sieve was conducted to collect more palynomorphs by separating them from debris materials. Finally, residue was mounted on the slides using polyvinyl alcohol and canada balsam. The fossil examination was taken under the transmitted light microscope with an oil immersion objective and X 12. 5 eye piece. The result of examination is recorded in the determination sheets and used for the analyses. As this study applies quantitative analysis, it is required to count 250 palynomorphs in each sample. The percentage abundance of palynomorphs from every sample was plotted onto a chart to illustrate temporal abundance fluctuations of each palynomorph type, using astatistically viable population (=count number) of palynomorphs in every sample. All analysed samples are integrated into a chart according to their stratigraphic position defined on the basis of field observation. Age interpretation is based on palynological zonations which were proposed by Rahardjo et al. in 1994. On the other hand, the environmental classification used in this paper refers to the deltaic environment modified by Winantris et al. (2014). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In general, the studied sections provide low to moderate pollen assemblages with moderate preservation. Palynomorphs occurring in these sections derived from various vegetations including mangrove, backmangrove, riparian, peat swamp, and freshwater. Some selected palynomorphs which significantly appear in these sections are Zonocostites ramonae (mangrove pollen), Florschuetzia trilobata (back-mangrove pollen), Marginipollis concinus (riparian pollen), Sapotaceoidaepollenites type (peatswamp pollen) and Callophyllum type (freshwater pollen) (Figure 5). The significant occurrence of fresh water pollen indicates the development of freshwater vegetation under wet climate condition. In addition, considerable appearance of peatswamp pollen strongly supports wet climate indication. 1. Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra (Cristina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus) Figure 5 Quantitative palynological distribution chart occurring in the studied area. A. Age Interpretation Palynological zonation of the studied area is assigned to Early to Middle Miocene age. The sedimentary rocks taken from the Merangin River and the Muara Jernih area can be dated as not younger than Early Miocene as indicated by the appearance of biomarker Florschuetzia trilobata along the samples MRG-4c, MRG-2b, MRG-2a and MJ-12 and MJ-15 (see Figure 1 for sample location). Moreover, the sediment crouping out in the Mengupeh area also represents Early to Middle Miocene age as marked by the presence of index pollen Florschuetzia trilobata, F. levipoli and F. Meridionalis in samples MGP-1, MGP-4 and MGP-7 (see Figure 1 for sample location). Most studied samples show lack of nannoplankton assemblage. However, some index nannoplankton occur to indicate the age of the analised samples. Basically, nannoplankton analysis confirms the age interpretation based on palynomorphs as suggested by the occurrence of Sphenolithus compactus in sample MJ-15 of the Muara Jernih area. It is supported by 7 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 1 - 12 the existence of Sphenolithus moriformis at sample MGP-3 of the Mengupeh area suggesting zone NN9 to zone NN12 which equals to Early Miocene age (Bown 2012). The foraminiferal assemblage yields poor recovery along the analysed sections. However, the presence of Globigerinoides subquadratus in the Mengupeh area indicates the top Early Miocene (BouDagher-Fadel 2012). In light of the above discussion, it is concluded that the sediment situated in the studied intervals is assigned to Early to Middle Miocene. Figure 6 Biostratigraphic data summary log of the studied area. 8 1. Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra (Cristina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus) Figure 7 Quantitative palynological distribution chart of the Mengupeh – Bukit Kerendo section (see Figure 1 for sample location). B. Paleoenvironment Analysis The study shows that the analysed sediment was formed in various deltaic environments ranging from upper delta plain to delta front (Figure 6). The sequences found in the Merangin River and the Muara Jernih area considered as Talang Akar Formation were possibly deposited in upper delta plain to lower delta plain (littoral). Meanwhile, the sediment of the Talang Akar Formation in the Mengupeh area was formed in lower delta plain to delta front (littoral-inner neritic). High abundance of brackish pollen Zonocostites ramonae appears in Early Miocene indicating the influence of marine environment during sedimentation (Figure 5). The studied sections are marked by significant occurrence of some freshwater pollen produced by peatswamp and freshwater swamp vegetation such as Cephalomappa type, Campnospermae type and Sapotaceoidaepollenites spp. Riparian elements regularly appear as shown by Marginipollis concinus and Myrtaecidites spp. Review Of Previous Works The secondary data used in this study is part of the result of South Sumatra Basin research, which was done by LEMIGAS Stratigraphy Group, Exploration Division in 1993–1995. The data was generated mainly from the field samples along some measure sections in the Mengupeh – Bukit Kerendo area, Jambi which are close to the study area (see Figure 1 for location). The palynological analysis of the Talang Akar Formation obtained from the Mengupeh – Bukit Kerendo sections exhibits low to moderate pollen 9 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 1 - 12 Figure 8 Biostratigraphic data summary log of the Mengupeh – Bukit Kerendo section (see Figure 1 for sample location). 10 1. Palynological Study of the Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra (Cristina Ani Setyaningsih, Eko Budi Lelono, and Iskandar Firdaus) assemblage. It is dominated by fresh water pollen including Pometia sp., Marginipollis robustus (riparian), Durio type and Garcinia cuspidata (peatswamp) (Figure 7). In this area, the Talang Akar formation is predicted to have an age of not younger than Early Miocene. This is based on the occurrence of pollen index Florschuetzia trilobata along the sample MK24 to sample MK26. Foraminiferal investigation shows that most of the analysed samples are barren. Referring to the appearance of some index of planktonic foraminifer, the sediment of the Mengupeh-Bukit Kerendo sections possesses the age ranging from Early to Late Miocene as indicated by the occurrence of Globorotalia birnageae, Globigerinoides bispaericus, Globigerina leroyi and Globorotalia acostaensis. The Early to Middle Miocene sediment is marked by the last occurrence of Globorotalia birnageae at the top suggesting the existence of the Gumai Formation. In addition, the presence of Globorotalia acostaensis in the upper section suggests that the sediment within the upper section is attributed to the Late Miocene age (Figure 8). Similar to foraminiferal analysis, most studied sediment is barren of nannoplankton assemblage. Calcareous nannoplankton mostly distributed within the lower part of the studied section. The last occurrence of Helicosphaera ampliaperta and the occurrence of Sphenolithus heteromorphus indicate zone NN5 which is equivalent to Middle Miocene age. Meanwhile, the occurrence of Helicosphaera ampliaperta at the lower part of this section defines the age of not older than zone NN2 (Early Miocene) as seen in Figure 8. By using data integration of their benthonic foraminiferal and palynological assemblages, paleoenvironment of the studied sediment is reconstructed. In addition, this reconstruction also considers the presence of planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, other fossils and the existing lithology (inferred from cutting). Paleoenvironment of the studied area occurs in littoral which gradually shifts seaward into inner neritic and continuing to shallow middle neritic. Littoral environment is characterised by barren foraminifer. Litologically, it contains sandstones, clay with intercalations lignit and coal, and sediments structure of laminations and cross bedding. Inner neritic environment is represented by benthic forms of Haplopragmoides and Bolivina (Adisaputra et al. 2010). Meanwhile, the shallow middle neritic environment is indicated by the appearance of Bolivina, Planulina, Pseudorotalia, Ammonia and Cancris sp. supported by common foraminifer and calcareous nannoplankton. After all, it can be concluded that the previous works conducted by LEMIGAS Stratigraphy Group suggest the age of Early Miocene for the Talang Akar Formation. This formation shows transgressive sucession as indicated by gradual change from transition (littoral) into shallow marine (inner neritic to shallow middle neritic). Due to the locations being close to the study area, this result is useful for reference of the current study. IV. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that the studied sediment mostly provides low to moderate pollen assemblages with moderate preservation. Palynomorphs are assumed to derive from various vegetations including mangrove, backmangrove, riparian, peat swamp and freshwater. The studied sediment has an age of Early to Middle Miocene which may be attributed to the Talang Akar Formation. Top Early Miocene is defined by the first occurrence of pollen Florschuetzia levipoli and the occurrence of F. trilobata supported by the occurrence of planktonic foraminiferal species Globigerinoides subquadratus. Meanwhile, the Middle Miocene age is indicated by the occurrence of pollen F. levipoli and F. meridionalis. Paleoenvironment of the studied sediment initially occur in upper delta plain to lower delta plain (littoral) during Early Miocene at the Merangin River and Muara Jernih area. It subsequently shifts into lower delta plain to delta front (littoral to inner neritic) at the Mengupeh area during Middle Miocene. This interpretation is supported by the previous study done by LEMIGAS Stratigraphy Group during 1993 to 1995. REFERENCES Adisaputra, M. K., Hendrizan, M. & Kholiq, A. 2010. Katalog Foraminifera Perairan Indonesia. 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SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL AND GAS Vol. 38, Number 1, April 2015: 2 of 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGY LEMIGAS Journal Homepage:http://www.journal.lemigas.esdm.go.id HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF TOLO BAY MOROWALI REGENCY: QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS POTENSI MIGAS TELUK TOLO KABUPATEN MOROWALI: ANALISIS KWALITATIF Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150 e-mail: suliantara@lemigas.esdm.go.id., e-mail:trimujis@lemigas.esdm.go.id. First Registered on December 12nd 2014; Received after Corection on April 15th 2015 Publication Approval on: April 30th 2015 ABSTRAK Teluk Tolo terletak diantara Lengan Timur dengan Lengan Tenggara Sulawesi, kedalaman mencapai 3500 meter di bawah permukaan laut. Secara regional daerah ini termasuk dalam Cekungan Banggai yang terdapat beberapa lapangan migas yang telah berproduksi. Lapangan yang terdekat adalah lapangan Minyak Tiaka yang berjarak sekitar 125 km di sebelah Barat Laut daerah kajian. Kaji ulang geo-science dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi keberadaan migas di daerah kajian. Berdasarkan data penelitian terdahulu, makalah ilmiah dan data bawah permukaan yang diperoleh dari Direktorat Minyak dan Gas Bumi, blok ini terletak pada kawasan benturan Lempeng Mikro Banggai – Sula dengan Sulawesi. Benturan ini diperkirakan terjadi pada Akhir Kapur dan Miosen Tengah. Pada fase drifting terjadi proses sedimentasi pada muka Lempeng Mikro Banggai-Sula, dengan kondisi sama dengan passive margin. Sedimen ini berpotensi sebagai batuan induk dan batuan reservoir. Sementara wilayah kajian pada fase ini diduga terletak di sisi Selatan Lempeng Mikro Banggai-Sula. Perbedaan lokasi tektonik ini akan mempengaruhi terbentuknya jenis batuan sedimen sehingga keberadaan batuan induk dan batuan reservoir di bagian ini tidak jelas. Akibat keberadaan batuan induk dan reservoir yang tidak jelas maka kegiatan eksplorasi migas di blok ini mempunyai resiko yang sangat tinggi. Dalam rangka mengurangi tingkat resiko eksplorasi maka diusulkan untuk melakukan studi geologi dan geofisika dengan menggunakan data seismik terbaru yang proses surveinya dilakukan ole PT. TGS- NOPEC dan PT ECI-PGS. Kata Kunci: morowali, banggai, resiko eksplorasi, drifting, benturan ABSTRACT Tolo Bay is located between East Arm and Southeast Arm Sulawesi, reaching a water depth of up to 3500 meters below sea level. Regionally, this block is situated within Banggai Basin where some gas and oil fields are already in production. The closest field is Tiaka Oil Field located about 125 kilometers northwest of the study area. A geo-science review has been conducted to clarify the potential existence of hydrocarbon in this block. Based on previous reports, papers, and subsurface data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, the study area is located within the collision area between Banggai-Sula Microcontinent and Sulawesi. This collision occurred during Late Creataceous and Middle Miocene periods. During drifting phase a sedimentation process occurred at the front of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent. This sediment is potentially source rock and reservoir rock. Meanwhile, during the drifting phase the study area is interpreted as located at the southern part of Banggai-Sula Microcontinent. This different tectonic setting will impact on the type of sedimentary rock, hence source rock and reservoir rock occurrence in the study area is still unclear. As source rock and reservoir rock within the study area are unclear, hydrocarbon explorations 13 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 will be very risky. In order to reduce exploration risk, it is proposed to conduct geological and geophysical studies using the latest seismic data that was surveyed by PT. TGS – NOPEC and PT. ECI – PGS. Keywords: morowali, banggai, risk exploration, drifting, collision I. INTRODUCTION In Indonesia energy consumption trends increase in line with economic growth. That energy is dominated by oil and gas energy, therefore its resources and reserves must be preserved. In order to substitute oil and gas reserves, exploration activity must be conducted continuously, so production and discovery are in balance. Unfortunately during the last ten years, a reduction in available blocks has led to a reduction in oil and gas discovery. In early 2011, the oil and gas sector of the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry held a meeting with an agenda to increase investor interest in hydrocarbon exploration in new working areas. This meeting decided on a few strategies to improve the situation. One decision was to assign LEMIGAS to conduct a geo-science review over selected available blocks. The study area is located offshore of Southeast Sulawesi Arm, at Tolo Bay with water depth up to 3500 meters below sea level. This area is included within Banggai Basin, where some gas fields are already in production. The closest field is Tiaka Oil Field located about 125 km North West of the interest area (Figure 1). This review will evaluate hydrocarbon occurrence within the interested area by considering petroleum system elements based on available data. Several in-house research reports from LEMIGAS and a scientific paper from the Indonesia Petroleum Association were used as the main information. Fifteen seismic lines from Petra Nusa Data can’t be used as they are of poor quality. Well reports on #Dongkala-1 and #Tolo-1 show limited information. Regional maps i.e.: free air gravity, heat-flow unit, bathymetry, sedimentary thickness, seepages and field maps are considered as support data. Qualitative assessment of each petroleum system elements are a guide to the probability of hydrocarbon occurrence. Figure 1 Situation Map Showing Study Area. 14 2. Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis (Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro) Figure 2 Tectonic Elements of Banggai-Sula (Rudyawan A. & Hall R. 2012). Tectonic Setting The study area is situated within Banggai Basin where it is believed to be controlled by three major plates, i.e. western side is Eurasia, eastern side is Indo-Australia, and north-eastern side is Pacific (Figure 2). There are some models that have been suggested by researchers. Audley-Charles et al. (1972) in Rudyawan and Hall (2012) linked the Banggai-Sula block with Misool Island which is located 300 km east. Hamilton (1979) and Norvick (1979) in Rudyawan and Hall (2012) suggested that BanggaiSula sliced from the Bird’s Head Papua, meanwhile Pigram et al. (1984) and Garrard et al. (1988) in Rudyawan and Hall (2012) suggested that this block had traveled from Central Papua. All interpretation is based on stratigraphic similarities. Hall et al. (2009) and Spakman & Hall (2010) suggested that Banggai-Sula was not from New Guinea, but was part of Sula Spur which collided with the Sulawesi North Arm in Early Miocene and has fragmented by extension since the Middle Miocene due to subduction rollback into the Banda embayment. The study area is separated by South Sula Fault into northern and southern parts. The northern part lies on the microcontinent terrain, whereas the southern part lies on an offshore extension of the microcontinent terrain. Some major structures occurred in the surrounding area i.e.: Batui-Balatak fold and thrust belt, Tolo Thrust, Palu-Koro Fault, Kolaka Fault, Lawanopo Fault, Hamilton Fault, and Matano Fault (Figure 3). Satyana A.H. (2006) applied the docking and post-docking tectonic escape theory in the 15 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 Banggai-Sula Area. This theory explains the effect of collision between two plates and earth lateral motion after collision. Early Cretaceous – Early Tertiary (70-50) ma, South Sulawesi is part of Sunda Platform, as island arc and melange as a result of oceanic plate subduction over the continental plate. Early Eocene – Middle Miocene (50 – 10) ma, stress from east continued and rifting occurred in Makassar Strait, Bone Gulf, Gorontalo Gulf, subduction to continent plate occurred several times and revealed magmatism and volcanic forms in West Sulawesi. During Middle Miocene – Pliocene (15 – 5) ma, significant tectonic events occurred, Banggai-Sula collided with Sulawesi East Arm, and Buton-Tukangbesi collided with Sulawesi from the southeast. This collision revealed that Sulawesi Southeast Arm rotated in an anticlockwise direction, hence wider bone basin, Sulawesi North Arm rotated clockwise, and hence produced Gorontalo Basin. Recent (0-5) ma, at the finalization stage, after collision of the Banggai-Sula and Buton-Tukangbesi to Sulawesi, tectonic escape occurred, such as the major transform fault which caused Sulawesi to become cracked and slide. In general, sliding is eastward to Figure 3 Regional Structure Banggai-Sula Based on Stratigraphic Similarity (modified from Satyana 2006). 16 2. Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis (Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro) Gambar 4 Regional Structure of Banggai-Sula Based on Seismic and Multy-Beam Data (modified from Rudyawan & Hall 2012). free oceanic edge. These faults include Palu-Koro, Matano, Lawanopo, Kolaka, and Balatak. This tectonic activity also manifested in Banggai-Sula and in the Buton-Tukangbesi area. According to Rudyawan and Hall (2012), the Banggai-Sula area is divided into five zones, Continental-Oceanic Transition, Oceanic Crust, Sorong Fault, Extensional, and Gravitational Structure. The northern part of the study area is included within Extensional and Continent-Oceanic Transition; meanwhile the southern part of this block is a part of Gravitational – Structure (Figure 4). Stratigraphy Ferdian (2010) defined stratigraphic of the Banggai-Sula Island from older to younger as follows: Metamorphic/basement, Mangole Volcanic, Banggai Granit, Bobong Formation, Buya Formation, Tanamu Formation, Salodik Formation, Pancoran Formation, and Peleng Formation. (Figure 5). The oldest rock is metamorphic rock of Carbonaceous or greater age, intruded by Permo- Triassic granites associated with acid volcanic rock of similar age. This rock unit is equal with “A” seismic unit. Bobong Formation is equivalent with Kabauw Formation (Triassic – Middle Jura), unconformity above basement, and it is suggested it consists of continental canalized red bed and coarse sedimentary rocks. This rock unit is interpreted as equal with “B1” seismic unit. Buya Formation (Middle Jura – Lower Cretaceous), unconformity above Bobong Formation/ Kabauw Formation, consists of marine sediments including quartz-rich sandstones, shales and limestone. This rock unit is considered equivalent to “B2” seismic unit. Tanamu Formation (Upper Creataceous – Paleocene) was unconformably deposited above Buya Formation, and this rock unit is interpreted to be deposited at a deeper marine environment, and interpreted as equal with “B3” seismic unit. Salodik Formation (Eocene – Miocene), which is unconformity above Tanamu Formation, consists of carbonate platform, marls, and locally reef that are based by siliciclastic rocks. Salodik Formation 17 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 Figure 5 Regional Stratigraphy of Banggai Basin (modified from Ferdian et al. 2010). 18 2. Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis (Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro) Figure 6 Free Air Gravity Map of Sulawesi and Surrounding Area. is considered equal with “C1” and C2” seismic units. Pancoran (Middle Miocene – Pliocene), is interfingered with Salodik Formation and lithologically similar. Pancoran Formation is suggested to be equal with “C2” seimic unit. Peleng Formation/Luwuk Formation(Pliocene – Recent), is unconformity above Pancoran/Salodik Formation, consists of conglomerate with coral fragments, molluscs, algae, and foraminifera. Petroleum System In Banggai Basin it is suggested that potential source rock occur in several stratigraphy intervals, such as coal and marine clay of Triassic and Jurrasic age; claystone and limestone of Paleogene age; and limestone, coal, and marine clay of Early to Middle Miocene age. Geochemical analyses from seepages and wells show high sulfur percentage and biomarker related with Miocene age (LEMIGAS, 2007). Reservoir rock also suggested they come from several stratigraphic levels, such as clastic sediment and reef limestone of Middle Jurassic to Upper Jurassic age and limestone and sandstone of Eocene to Miocene age. Cap rock suggested at fine grained sedimentary rock of Middle Jurassic – Upper Jurassic, fine sedimentary rock of Late Cretaceous age, and sedimentary rock of Pliocene age. Trapping, it is suggested, occurred as stratigraphic traps (pinchout and reef) and structure trap (anticline), and migration through fault plane that connected source rock to reservoir rock. II. METHODOLOGY These qualitative analyses for hydrocarbon potential in Tolo Trough applied several data sources, such as bathymetry, air gravity anomaly, heat-flow map, seismic section, well data, scientific papers, and reports from previous study. According to Smith and Sandwell (1977), the bathymetry map is created based on satellite remote sensing data of Geosat and ERS-1 (http://marine.csiro.au/). The air gravity anomaly can be downloaded at http://topex.ucsd. edu/cgi-nin/get. The cgi data is recorded by remote sensing satellite of Geosat (http://marine.csiro.au/). The Heat-Flow map sources are from PPPTMGB LEMIGAS Database, and seismic data and well data 19 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 source are from Petra Nusa Data and the Directorate of Oil and Gas. Because the processed seismic data is not able to show a layer of rock, the subsurface mapping cannot be conducted. Interpretation is conducted based on the published information in scientific publications. Data processing of the bathymetry shows sea depth within the study area, hence support to identified technical risk during drilling. The air gravity anomaly processing shows the depth of the basement rock, hence sedimentary thickness can be interpreted for identification of the potential source rock location. Processing of the Heat-Flow shows heat-flow distribution trend, and it can be a guide to identify statues of hydrocarbon maturity. A comprehensive analysis is conducted simultaneously over the gathered data and supported by petroleum geology knowledge hence reveal petroleum system statues of the study area. IV. DISCUSSION The study area on the Topography and Bathymetry map is located at offshore area with water depth of up to 3500 meters below sea level, the deepest located in the eastern area. The air gravity anomaly value varies between (-100) mgal to (+100) mgal, hence a low area is located in the western area. A low area is usually potentially a kitchen area (Figure 6). Based on a regional Heat-Flow map, the study area located on the Q HFU value varies from 1.0 to 2.0, where the high value lies on the western part (figure 7). This medium Q HFU value shows a source rock likely to be mature for hydrocarbon generation. According to Pertamina and Unocal (1977), sedimentary thickness in Banggai Basin is up to 4000 meters. Sedimentary thickness and its distribution is shown at figure 8. Hydrocarbon seepages are not identified within the Study area, but along eastern Sulawesi located about 50 kilometer west of study area some gas and seepages have been already mapped (Figure 9). Overlying analyses over gravity map, heat-flow map, and sedimentary thickness map shows the western part of the study area as low area, thick sedimentary up to 4000 meters, and high Q HFU value up to 2.0. That condition supports hydrocarbon generation from existing source rock. Figure 7 Heat-Flow Unit Map of Sulawesi and Surrounding Area. 20 2. Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis (Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro) Figure 8 Sedimentary Rock Map of Eastern Indonesia (modified from Livsey et al. 1992). Figure 9 Existing Hydrocarbon Field and Seepages of Eastern Indonesia (modified Livsey et al. 1992). 21 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 The study area is located within the collision between Banggai-Sula and Sulawesi, hence exploration will refer to existing oil and gas field within the collision area (figure 10). Sedimentary rock that was deposited in front of the microcontinent possibly act as source and reservoir rock, and subduction of source rock will improve rock maturity and then be covered by molasses sediment (figure 11). During the drifting phase, environmentally in front of the microcontinent equivalent with passive margin, hence sedimentation produce intercalation coarse grain and fine grain. The northern part of the study area is included within Extensional and Continent-Oceanic Transition, meanwhile the southern part is included within Gravitational – Structure. A thrust fault seen on the east edge, with basement rock overlaid oceanic plate and sediment thickness around 1.5 second only. There is a gravitational collapse structure identified within basement and between “A” and “B” (Figure 12). Hence, considering the sediment thickness and heatflow unit, the probability of hydrocarbon occurrence in northern parts is higher compared to the southern parts. These seismic sections show thick Mesozoic sedimentary rock, therefore these sections can be an s exploration target for the near future. Tectonic setting between the Study area with existing oil and gas field, such as Tiaka Oil Field, Mentawa Gas Field, Minahaki Gas Field, and Senoro Field is deferent. All existing oil and gas fields located in front of Banggai-Sula Microcontinent during drifting and collision phases, while the study area is located at the southern area. Hence, source rock and reservoir rock occurrence is unclear. Structure trap and cap rock from Sulawesi molasses may have occurred in the study area. Since two element petroleum system in this block at unclear statues, hence exploration will be risky. Before deposited Salodik Formation a regional unconformity is identified, it means uplift occurred, Figure 10 Play Model at Collision Area 22 2. Hydrocarbon Potential of Tolo bay Morowali Regency: Qualitative Analysis (Suliantara and Trimuji Susantoro) Figure 11 Collision Model in East Sulawesi (Satyana 2010) Figure 12 Seismic line and its interpretation (modifield from Rudyawan & Hall 2012) 23 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 13 - 24 so if hydrocarbons already mature at this time will migrate and no hydrocarbon is trapped. This condition increases exploration risk. V. CONCLUSIONS The hydrocarbon potential analyses of the study area that were conducted are based on scientific publications, LEMIGAS internal studies, and seismic and wells data from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas. Based on references studied, the study area is located within the collision area between Banggai-Sula Microcontinent and Sulawesi at Late Cretaceous and Middle Miocene. Regionally the study area is an interesting area for exploration, as some oil and gas fields are already productive and some oil seepages are found just west of this block. Unfortunately, this area during collision and drifting is on the south side of the microcontinent, different to the Matindok, Minahaki, and Tiaka areas that are located in front of the Banggai-Sula Microcontinent. Therefore, source rock and reservoir rock within the study area are still unclear. New seismic data shows better quality compared to the old data. These data penetrate more than 6 seconds and show sediment rock that is interpreted as from the Mesozoic age. Hence, the Mesozoic sedimentary rock may be an exploration target in this study area. In order to reevaluate the petroleum system element of the study area, it is suggested that a geology and geophysical study be conducted by applying the latest seismic data that was surveyed by PT. TGS - NOPEC and by PT. ECI – PGS. REFERENCES Ferdian F., 2010, Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospect of The North Banggai-Sula Area : Application of Sea Seeps TM The Technology For Hydrocarbone Exploration in Unexplored Areas, , Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta. Ferdian F., Hall R., & Watkinson I., 2010, A Structural Re-Evaluation Of The North Banggai-Sula Area, 24 Eastern Indonesia,, Proc. Indon. Petrol.Assoc., 34th Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta. Garrard R.A., Supandjono J.B., & Surono, 1988, The Geology of The Banggai-Sula Microcontinent, Eastern Indonesia, Proc. Indon. Petrol.Assoc., 17th Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta. Hamilton, W., 1979, Tectonics of the Indonesian Region, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1078. http://topex.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/get_data.cgi http://www.marine.csiro.au/eez_data/doc/bathy/gebco_08.pdf LEMIGAS, 2007, Kuantifikasi Sumberdaya Hidrokarbon Indonesia, Riset Internal LEMIGAS, Jakarta. Livsey A.R., Duxbury N. & Richard F., 1992, The Geochemistry of Tertiary and Pre-Tertiary Source Rocks and Associated Oil in Eastern Indonesia, Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 21st Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta Pertamina – Unocal Indonesia Company, 1997. Total Sedimen Thickness Map of The Indonesia Region. Jakarta Pigram C. J. dan Panggabean H., 1984, Rifting of the northern margin of the Australian continent and the origin of some microcontinents in eastern Indonesia. Tectonophysics 107, pp.331-353. see also Pigram C. J., Discussion, in Tectonophysics 121, pp.345-350 Rudyawan A. & Hall R., 2012, Structural Reassessment of The South Banggai-Sula Area : No Sorong Fault Zone, Proc. Indon. Petrol.Assoc., 36th Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta. Satyana A.H., 2006, Docking and Post-Docking Tectonic Escape of Eastern Sulawesi : Collisional Convergence and Their Implication to Petroleum Habitat, Proc. Indon. Petrol.Assoc., 34th Annual Convention & Exhibition, Jakarta. Smith, W. H. F., & D. T. Sandwell, 1997. Global seafloor topography from satellite altimetry and ship depth soundings, Science, v. 277, pp. 1957-1962. SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL AND GAS Vol. 38, Number 1, April 2015: 3 of 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGY LEMIGAS Journal Homepage:http://www.journal.lemigas.esdm.go.id INVESTIGATION OF THE RISKS OF INTRODUCING PRODUCED WATER INTO FRESHWATER INJECTION SYSTEM INVESTIGASI RESIKO PENAMBAHAN AIR TERPRODUKSI KE SISTEM INJEKSI AIR TAWAR Usman “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150 E-mail: upasarai@lemigas.esdm.go.id First Registered on April 1st 2015; Received after Corection on April 24th 2015 Publication Approval on: April 30th 2015 ABSTRAK Penggunaan air injeksi dari berbagai sumber potensial memperburuk resiko kerusakan formasi dan dapat berdampak pada perolehan minyak. Sebuah studi kasus bagaimana menilai resiko tersebut dibahas dalam makalah ini. Studi berdasarkan pada percobaan laboratorium. Material, metode, dan prosedur uji yang tepat untuk mendapatkan kualitas data sebagai acuan teknis interpretasi potensi resiko diuraikan secara detail. Telah diidentifikasi resiko penyumbatan, pengendapan, penurunan permeabilitas, dan kehilangan perolehan minyak disebabkan penggunaan air terproduksi. Penyumbatan disebabkan keberadaan bakteri dan partikel padatan dalam air terproduksi. Pertumbuhan bakteri tergolong tinggi. Konsentrasi padatan juga tinggi dengan diameter rata-rata lebih besar dibandingkan diameter partikel yang dianggap tidak merusak. Pengendapan CaCO3 potensi terjadi pada temperatur reservoir akibat konsentrasi HCO 3 dalam air terproduksi tinggi. Penggunaan air terproduksi bersama air tawar menyebabkan penurunan permeabilitas secara signifikan. Untuk komposisi 25% air terproduksi dan 75% air tawar, penurunan permeabilitas berkisar 80% dari permeabilitas awal. Penambahan 2000 ppm biosida dan penggunaan kertas saring 11 mikron dapat meningkatkan kualitas air terproduksi. Dengan komposisi air injeksi yang sama, permeabilitas hanya turun 47%. Analisa ukuran diameter pori batuan dan partikel padatan ikutan dalam air menunjukan perlu penggunaan saringan kurang dari 11 mikron untuk mencegah penurunan permeabilitas akibat penyumbatan partikel padatan. Percobaan dengan injeksi air tawar menunjukan perolehan minyak sebesar 46.1%. Bila menggunakan campuran 50% air terproduksi dan 50% air tawar, terjadi penurunan perolehan minyak sebesar 16% dibandingkan hasil injeksi hanya air tawar. Potensi kehilangan perolehan minyak tersebut merepresentasikan efek kuantitatif kerusakan formasi terhadap produksi minyak. Informasi ini sangat bermanfaat untuk evaluasi keekonomian pengembangan lapangan. Kata Kunci: Air terproduksi, air tawar, kerusakan formasi, penyumbatan, pengendapan, penurunan permeabilitas, kehilangan perolehan minyak ABSTRACT Mixing of waters from different sources may exacerbate the risk of formation damage and can impact on oil recovery. A case study is presented to demonstrate how to assess these risks. The study relies on laboratory-based work. Appropriate materials, methods, and procedures to assure the quality of test data and derive technically valid risks potential interpretations are discussed. The risks for potential plugging, 25 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 scaling, permeability reduction, and oil recovery loss caused by introducing produced water are identified. Plugging is caused by bacterial growth and solid particles present in produced water. Bacterial growth is categorized as high. Solids Concentration is also high with its mean diameter larger than the non-damaging particle size. The CaCO3 scale is likely at reservoir temperature due to high concentration of HCO 3 in the produced water. Mixing of untreated produced water and treated freshwater caused signifi- cantly reduction in permeability. For the 25% PW and 75% FW mix, the permeability decreases by about 80% of its initial permeability. Adding 2000 ppm of biocide and filtered using 11 micron filter paper improved the quality of produced water. For the same mixing fraction, the permeability decreases only 47%. Analysis of pore throat size in conjunction with particle size of water samples suggests the need for using a filter less than 11 micron to avoid permeability decline imposed by solid particles. Waterflood experiments showed an ultimate recovery factor of 46.1% of original oil in place obtained from freshwater injection. Introducing 50% of produced water caused an oil recovery loss of 16% compared to freshwater injection alone. This lost oil recovery represents a quantitative effect of formation damage on oil production and may be valuable from the economic viewpoint. Keywords: Produced water, freshwater, formation damage, plugging, scaling, permeability reduction, oil recovery loss I. INTRODUCTION Injection of water for pressure maintenance and sweeping oil towards production wells is a common practice in the oil industry. The main reason behind using this technique has been that it offers high efficiency in displacing light to medium gravity crude oils, ease of injection into oil-bearing formations, availability and affordability of water, and lower capital and operating costs, leading to a favorable economic outcome compared to other improved oil recovery methods. The possible sources of injected water are produced water from a reservoir that is brought to the surface along with oil production and a suitable source from an external reservoir. External sources range from seawater, lake water, river water, to shallow aquifer freshwater. A successful water injection project can increase oil recovery from 5% to 25% normally seen under primary recovery, up to typically a 45% recovery of original oil in place. At the start of a water injection project, all the injected water is sourced from an external reservoir. As oil production continues, the volume of water produced by a well and a field will increase. Then, the percentage of produced water reinjected is also increased. This does come without risks because both surface and produced waters are usually different in composition. Mixing of waters from different sources may exacerbate the risk of formation damage and can impact oil recovery. Evans (1994) provides a good description of the different activities required during produced water reinjection project to avoid any risk associated with the project. They are produced 26 water characterization, plugging, scaling, souring studies, microbiology, corrosion, coreflooding tests, and injectivity evaluation. Most of the recent studies of mixing produced water with surface water concern the formation damage caused by plugging, scaling, souring, and permeability reduction. Ba-Taweel et al. (2006) investigated the risks of injectivity decline in water injectors caused by mixing produced water with seawater using core samples from Arab-D. Experimental results showed that introducing different ratios of produced water to the seawater resulted in permeability loss in core samples. Bedrikovetsky et al. (2006) has shown that mixing of cation-rich produced water and seawater with sulfate anions resulted in a significant decrease in injectivity even for barium levels at decimal fraction of parts per million (ppm). Mackay (2007) studied the scaling risks at production wells due to injection of mixture of seawater and produced water. The scaling tendency at the production well through precipitation of barium and sulphate was investigated using the STARS reactive transport finite difference reservoir simulator. Zuluaga et al. (2011) studied the risk of both scaling and souring when produced water reinjection is supplemented by seawater in a field scale. Mahmoud (2014) investigated the damage caused by deposition of calcium sulfate precipitation by use of the material-balance method. Core flood experiments were performed to assess the damage and a computed-tomography scan used to locate the damage inside the core. The results of experimental 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) data showed reduction of permeability of 20% from its initial value after seawater injection, caused by calcium sulfate precipitation. Plugging risk is controlled by bacterial growth, oil content, and solid material in the water injected. Bacteria can plug rock pores by liberating H2S, which causes precipitation of iron sulfide flocs, and by creation of bacterial slimes (Lappan and Fogler, 1995). The severity of plugging by oil will depend on oil droplet size and concentration. Large oil droplets can plug the pore throats. Increased oil saturation around the wellbore results in lowering the relative permeability to water and reduces injectivity (Ba-Taweel et al. 2006). Factors which control the plugging by suspended solid particles are particle size and solid concentration (Ochi et al. 2007). Suspended solids with large size will create an external filter cake and cause face plugging. The accumulation of the deposited particles inside the core reduces the pore sizes, blocks thin pore throats, and leads to permeability reduction. Scaling may be induced by incompatible fluids. Two waters are called incompatible if they are mixed and interact chemically to form a solid that precipitates minerals. Mineral scales can be both calcium carbonate and or iron sulphide formation arising from produced water itself and sulfate scales arising from the comingling of barium, strontium, and calcium contained in produced water with freshwater (Zuluaga et al. 2011). Another mechanism of scaling is induced by pressure or temperature changes. Decrease in pressure and or increase in temperature of water leads to a reduction in the salt solubility, leading to precipitation of carbonate. Proper mitigation of formation damage requires knowing the type of damage occurred, since treatment is damage-specific. A case study is presented to demonstrate how the potential risks of plugging, scaling, permeability reduction, and oil recovery loss caused by mixing produced water with freshwater are assessed. Loss in oil recovery is provided to get insight into how the damage affects economic field life. The field is a sandstone reservoir with current production supported mainly by freshwater injected into main zone reservoir for pressure maintenance and reservoir sweeping. The freshwater is taken from shallow aquifer formations in the same structure of the oil reservoir through several dedicated water producer wells. Currently, the produced water is disposed in the river after being treated to reduce oil content below the maximum allowable by the government requirement. Having high produced water disposed in the river, replacing freshwater with produced water for water injection has emerged from the water management strategy viewpoint. II. METHODOLOGY This work relies on a laboratory-based study. Appropriate materials, methods, and to procedures are needed to assure the quality of test data and to derive technically valid risks potential interpretations. Details of these issues are described in the following subsections. A. Experimental Materials Water Properties. Water samples representing both freshwater and produced water were collected from different sampling points. Freshwater samples were taken from three points: one at the gathering network and two samples collected at freshwater producer wellheads. Produced water samples were collected at the Oily Water Treatment Unit (OWTU) outlet flotator. Sampling was conducted daily for ten days at different times, namely morning, afternoon, and evening. There was no sampling on the seventh day owing to rain. The samples were stored in a lab fridge to prevent bacterial growth over time. Reconciliation of water properties were obtained by averaging over the geochemical analysis of samples taken during ten consecutive days. Table 1 gives the average value and corresponding properties for each type of water. Produced water is warmer and contains higher concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) compared to freshwater. Given TDS of 1,644 and 2,920 mg/L for freshwater and produced water, both waters are classified as brackish slightly saline water. Cores Selection and Preparation. Four tubes of full diameter cores were obtained from a sandstone reservoir. Different laboratory tests were performed to select consistent core samples in terms of petrophysical properties as well as homogeneity. These include full diameter core X-ray computerized tomography (CT) scan, core plug CT scan, and routine core analysis. The analysis of X-ray CT scanning was performed on the well-site core tube 27 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 to provide an initial non-destructive control over internal geological features before further analysis. The full diameter cores were scanned at 0o and 90o to help in selecting core-plug samples that have sedimentary bedding planes parallel to the flow direction. Ten horizontal core plugs have been cut from full diameter cores based on the results of full diameter CT scan. Core plug dimensions are 1.5 inch in diameter and 3 inch in length. The core plugs were then CT scanned to screen out any core with fractures or permeability barriers. Routine core analysis includes porosity, air permeability, and grain density determinations were carried out for the selected cores at 4292 psig of confining pressure and temperature of 80oC. Brief lithology descriptions were also provided. Porosity was measured using helium gas porosimeter. Permeability was determined through the use of nitrogen gas permeameter. Table 2 lists the porosity permeability measurements and lithology description of the selected cores. Core plugs are grouped according to their porosity permeability and lithology characteristics for further coreflooding experiments. The first group consists of core plugs #1 and #2 will be used to assess the risk of injected water on reservoir permeability. The second group of core plugs #3, #4, and #5 are for an oil recovery study. Mineral composition of rock samples were also investigated with the help of X-ray diffraction (XRD). XRD chipped samples were taken at the end site of core plugs #1 and #2. The sample materials are composed of approximately 81% quartz, 9% kaolinite, 3% illite, 3% siderite, and less than 5% for other minerals such as plagioclase, pyrite, and gypsum. Table 1 Geochemical analysis and corresponding properties for sources of water &RQFHQWUDWLRQPJ/ ,RQV )UHVKZDWHU 3URGXFHG:DWHU 62 R 7 & 7'6 6*# ) S+ 1D &D 0J )H %D 6U &O 2+ &2 +&2 2LO&RQWHQW R Table 2 Basic properties for core plugs used for coreflooding experiments &RUH 3OXJ 28 /HQJWK 'LDPHWHU FP FP 3RURVLW\ $LU3HUPHD ELOLW\P' *UDLQ'HQVLW\ JUFF /LWKRORJ\'HVFULSWLRQ 66JU\PHGKUGIJUVEDQJ±VE UGGZHOOVUWGVOLVKDOHT] 66JU\PHGKUGIJUVEDQJ±VE UGGZHOOVUWGVOLVKDOHT]FDUEIODNV 66OLJKWEUQPHGKUGPJUVEDQJ± VEUGGPRGVUWGT] 66OLJKWEUQPHGKUGPJUVEDQJ± VEUGGPRGVUWGT] 66OLJKWEUQPHGKUGPJUVEDQJ± VEUGGPRGVUWGT] 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) B. Methods and Procedures Methods and procedures of laboratory testing to investigate any risks associated with water injection scenarios are described below. Plugging. Formation plugging can be impaired over time by injecting produced water with higher population of bacteria, oil content, and solid mineral. All of these can increase the risk of plugging pore throat in the near-well region where the injected water first enters the formation. Bacterial growth was determined using most probable number (MPN) method by distributing and separating the microorganisms in liquid dilution tubes. The MPN for injection water is based on the API RP-38 method. Optimal growth medium, incubation temperature, and period are required to allow any single viable cell to grow and become quantifiable. Bacteria identification was carried out by means of purifying monocultures isolates from bacterial colonies within a dish containing nutrient agar and then observed using Bergey’s manual. Oil content in produced water was determined utilizing the Concawe – 1/72 method. Total suspended solid (TSS) was measured by use of membrane filter according to NACE TM-01-73. The sample is pressed through the filter of 0.45 m at constant pressure until a certain volume has passed the filter or for a set time. Test involves determination of the value of membrane filter test slope number (MTSN). Degree of plugging potential is expressed by relative plugging index (RPI) with the following relationship: RPI = TSS - MSTN (1) As MTSN always has a negative value, then the RPI is the sum generated from TSS with MTSN. A guide developed by AMOCO Production Co. Research Center is used to relate RPI with degree of plugging as presented in Table 3. Scaling. Laboratory experimental was carried out for produced water sample to see the scale risk if produced water is introduced in the freshwater injection system. The risk for potential scale precipitation was investigated at ambient and reservoir temperatures of 74oF and 94oF, respectively. Scaling risks induced by calcium sulfate (CaSO4), barium sulfate (BaSO 4), and strontium sulfate (SrSO4) are based on solubility calculation using Table 3 Water quality rating guide by AMOCO 53, 4XDOLW\5DWLQJ H[FHOOHQW ± JRRG±IDLU ± TXHVWLRQDEOH ! SRRU 5HPDUNV VXLWDEOHIRUDOOIRUPDWLRQV JRRGWRIDLU FDQFDXVHSOXJJLQJLQ VDQGVWRQHV FDQEHXVHGIRUGRORPLWHIUDFWXUH LQMHFWLRQEXWJHQHUDOO\QHHG WUHDWPHQW the following equation, providing values of Ksp are known for each compound: 6 u ª ; . VS ;º (2) «¬ »¼ Here S is solubility expressed in milliequivalents/ Liter (meq/L), Ksp is the solubility product, and X is excess ion concentration in moles/L. The S is related to scale formation as follows: - S > the actual concentration, water is undersaturated with CaSO4, BaSO4, or SrSO4 and scale is unlikely. - S = the actual concentration, water is saturated or in equilibrium with CaSO4, BaSO4, or SrSO4. Scale layer is neither precipitated nor dissolved. - S < the actual concentration, water is supersaturated with CaSO4, BaSO4, or SrSO4 and scale is likely. where the actual concentration of sulfate compound in solution is equal to the smaller of the Ca2+ / Ba2+ / Sr2+ or SO42- concentrations in the water of interest. The risks posed by calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scales were investigated by the Stiff Davis Method. Scaling risk indicated by scaling index (SI) as follows: SI = pH (measured) - pHs (3) with the pHs is the condition at which water is saturated in calcium carbonate. Interpretation of SI is: - For SI > 0, water is supersaturated and tends to precipitate a scale layer of CaCO3. - For SI = 0, water is saturated (in equilibrium) with CaCO3. A scale layer of CaCO3 is neither precipitated nor dissolved. - For SI < 0, water is undersaturated and tends to dissolve solid CaCO3. Different ratios of produced water to the freshwater were tested for compatibility assessment 29 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 using the hot rolling method. Water samples are first filtered through a 0.45 m filter paper. Put the samples into the 500 cc sized of stainless steel cell. Place the cell in a hot roll oven for 24 hours at reservoir temperature with rotational speed of 50 rpm. After being cooled sample are re-filtered: then compare TSS formed from the testing of mixed water with TSS of 100% freshwater and 100% produced water. If the weight of precipitate minerals of mixed water is less or equal to the comparator, then the mixed water is considered compatible and vice versa. Permeability Reduction. Core plugs #1, #2, and #3 were used to research the risk of permeability reduction resulting from injecting the mixed produced water with freshwater at various volume ratios. Two tests were undertaken. First, the produced water without any biocide treatment and filtration was used with freshwater for the water injection system. The experiment was done using core plug #1. Second, the produced water was treated by adding biocide and filtered using 11 micron filter paper before being mixed with the freshwater and injected into the core plugs #2 and #3. All experiments were performed under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions, which are 3600 psi and 60 oC respectively. The experimental procedures include: - Load a freshwater saturated core plug into core holder and put it in the 60 oC oven and applying confining pressure of 4100 psi. - Inject freshwater that has been filtered using 11 micron filter paper at pressure of 3600 psi up to several pore volume (PV) to get stabilized differential pressure (dP) between inlet and outlet of injection fluid. - Inject mix of 25% of freshwater with 75% of production water up to several PVs and investigate the reduction trend of both differential pressures. - If the permeability damage is not severe, then inject mix of 50% of freshwater with 50% of production water, 75% of freshwater with 25% of production water, and finally 100% of production water. - Perform a post freshwater injection to see whether the permeability damage could be recovered back to its original. Oil Recovery Loss. Quantitative effect of risks related formation damage caused by commingling produced water with freshwater to oil production is 30 expressed by loss of oil recovery. Three waterflood experiments were conducted to assess the risks. They are 100% freshwater, 50% freshwater and 50% produced water mix, and 100% produced water injections. Core plugs #4, #5, and #6 were used in those experiments. The experimental procedure is described below: - Inject freshwater of 3 PV and heat the cell and core at reservoir temperature of 60oC. - Measure initial permeability to water, kw@Soi. - Inject Marcol 52 until the pressure drops across the core plug is stabilized and no more water production. - Measure initial permeability to oil at irreducible water saturation, ko1@Swi. - Measure the displaced water volume accurately, - Inject toluene of 1 PV. - Inject filtered crude oil of 5 PV and measure initial permeability to oil at irreducible water saturation, ko2@Swi. - Shut-in the cell with pressure and temperature to restore rock and fluids wettability for one week. - Perform core waterflooding and calculate the oil recovery factor versus water injection volume. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Risks which arise when introducing produced water into the freshwater injection system for pressure maintenance and sweeping oil in a sandstone oil field studied are discussed below. A. Plugging Table 4 gives the average RPI values for freshwater and produced water measured during the ten consecutive days both onsite and in the laboratory. Test results shown that produced water rated poorly in term of RPI, indicating faster plugging of the filter. It means that a high potential plugging may arise when produced water is introduced into the freshwater water injection system without any treatments. The RPI becomes more severe when it tested again in the laboratory due to the increase in value of MTSN and TSS as seen in Figure 1. Meanwhile the fresh water in general rated as excellent with a few having a quality rating good to fair. MTSN and TSS measured in laboratory and onsite are relatively unchanged as depicted in Figure 2. 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) be less than 1.0-1.4 m using the 1/10th – 1/7th rule. Table 6 provides particle size distribution and solid concentration on four water samples. The mean diameter of solids in produced water and freshwater are 5.4 and 5.5 m, respectively, which 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 0761766 0761216,7( 076121/$% 766216,7( 76621/$% Figure 1 MTSN and TSS values of produced water obtained from laboratory and onsite tests 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 'D\ 0761766 The variation of MTSN and TSS is controlled by bacterial growth, oil content, and solid particles material. Microbiological analysis indicated that both produced water and freshwater generally contain insignificant anaerobic bacteria with population less than 10 cell/mg. Specific anaerobic bacteria include sulfate-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) and sulfatereduction bacteria (SRB) were also found in an insignificant number. But aerobic bacteria in the produced water were generally found to be high density of 10,000 – 99,999 cell/ ml. Oil content in produced water measured during the ten consecutive days ranged from 0.5 up to 5.0 mg/L with the average value is 1.9 mg/L, a very low level compared with the standard dischargeable value of less than 30 mg/L (Arthur et al. 2005). Bacteria can produce biofilm. Oil and solids particles entrained in produced water may be trapped by the developing bacterial biofilm. This explains higher MTSN value from the laboratory tests compared with the onsite tests. The increasing of TSS was triggered by the bacterial content since they add the actual weight of filter paper. Another source of plugging comes from the particle size and solids concentration on waters related to the pore throat distribution. Non-damaging particle size distribution should not be larger than 1/10th – 1/7th of pore throat size (Ba-Taweel et al. 2006). Table 5 gives a summary of pore size distribution measured from four core samples. It showed that pore aperture diameter of 10-30 m around 39% and 1-10 m about 25%. For an average (D50) pore throat size of 10 m, the non-damaging diameter for the invading particle has to 0761216,7( 076121/$% 766216,7( 76621/$% Figure 2 MTSN and TSS values of freshwater obtained from laboratory and onsite tests Table 4 RPI analysis of water samples :DWHU6DPSOH 0RUQLQJSURGXFHGZDWHU $IWHUQRRQSURGXFHGZDWHU (YHQLQJSURGXFHGZDWHU )UHVKZDWHUJDWKHULQJOLQH )UHVKZDWHU:HOO )UHVKZDWHU:HOO 0761 2QVLWH 766 53, 5DWLQJ SRRU SRRU IDLU JRRG H[FHOOHQW H[FHOOHQW 0761 /DERUDWRU\ 766 53, 5DWLQJ SRRU SRRU SRRU H[FHOOHQW IDLU H[FHOOHQW 31 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 is larger than the non-damaging particle size. Solid concentration in produced water is also much higher than freshwater. The increase in solid concentration will increase the risk of plugging. The above results indicate that plugging risk will increase by injecting produced water into the freshwater injection system, but levels are expected to be manageable through the use of suitable biocide and filters. Appropriate biocide with optimal concentration is generally effective in reducing the number of bacterial cells. Waters should be screened using filter below 10 m to ensure removal of fine particles greater than 5 m in order to reduce the risk of plugging. Table 5 Pore size distribution from core samples 3RUH6L]H'LVWULEXWLRQ39 3HUPHDELOLW\ 3RURVLW\ P' PP P P PP PP PP !PP P P P P P P ! P ! P Table 6 P Particle size distribution of solids in waterP samples PP :DWHU6DPSOH &RXQW P PP P ' PP &RXQW P ' &RXQW P' 0RUQLQJSURGXFHGZDWHU $IWHUQRRQSURGXFHGZDWHU (YHQLQJSURGXFHGZDWHU )UHVKZDWHUJDWKHULQJOLQH Table 7 Scaling index tendency calculations for produced water 6FDOH 32 $FWXDO&RQFHQWUDWLRQ PHT/ R) R) 6PHT/ 7HQGHQF\ 6PHT/ 7HQGHQF\ &D62 XQOLNHO\ XQOLNHO\ %D62 XQOLNHO\ XQOLNHO\ 6U62 XQOLNHO\ XQOLNHO\ 6, 6, &D&2 XQOLNHO\ OLNHO\ 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) N G3 N G3 NSRVW G3SRVW G3SVL Table 7 presents the average values of scaling index tendency calculations from 27 produced water samples that were taken three times a day for nine days. The highlighted cell indicates a condition that is interpreted high risk for potential scale precipitation. Precipitation of CaSO 4 , BaSO4, and SrSO4 are not likely because the produced water is under saturated with those sulfate mineral scales. The S values calculated for CaSO4, BaSO4, and SrSO4 are higher than actual concentration both at the ambient and reservoir temperatures. Cation and anion levels present in the produced water are found not sensitive to the temperature change in forming precipitation of sulfate mineral scales. The risk for potential sulfate mineral scales is further investigated through compatibility test. Different ratios of produced water to freshwater are tested. Table 8 presents the results for the mixing fraction that were used in the compatibility test. PW refers to produced water, while FW refers to freshwater. The results show that the weight of precipitation formed after mixing according the scenarios is below the average weight of proportional precipitate. It means that no precipitation from the mixing of two waters is expected. Scaling index calculations and compatibility tests are found consistent with the geochemical analysis reported in Table 1. Less amounts of sulfate mineral scale-associated ions in the produced water leads to a low risk for potential scale precipitation. The laboratory testing of 27 water samples indicated that there is a tendency for CaCO3 to precipitate at ambient temperature, although unlikely on average. At reservoir temperature, the tendency for CaCO3 scale is likely. In other words, CaCO3 scaling risk increases with temperature. Increases in temperature leads to a reduction in the solubility of the salt. Decreasing solubility caused the compounds precipitate from solution as solids. Level of dissolved bicarbonate HCO 3- concentration which appeared in the produced water samples is likely sensitive to the temperature change in forming CaCO3 scale. Cooling the injected water temperature by increasing fraction of freshwater may NP' B. Scaling 39 Figure 3 Differential pressure and permeability profile as a function of PV injected for mixture of untreated produced water and filtered freshwater Table 8 Compatibility of produced water (PW) versus freshwater (FW) 0L[LQJ)UDFWLRQ &RPSDWLELOLW\ 3URSRUWLRQDO3UHFLSLWDWH 3:): PJ/ PJ/ &RPSDWLEOH &RPSDWLEOH &RPSDWLEOH 5HPDUN 33 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 decrease the risk of CaCO 3 scale. Mitigation through scale inhibitor squeeze treatments can also be performed to remove accumulations of this type of scale. After finishing freshwater injection, the mixed of 25% produced water and 75% freshwater began to be introduced into the core. Results are shown by green lines in Figure 3. The differential pressure is inversely proportional to the permeability. Sharp increases of differential pressure up to 5 PV injected resulted in sharp decline in core permeability. Average permeability decreases quickly and sharply from 125 mD to 72 mD after 5 PV of injection. This suggested a fast damaging rate in the core. Then, the differential pressure decline is proportional to the cumulative 34 N GS G3 N G3 G3SRVW G3SVL NP' Test 1: Untreated production water 39 Figure 4 Differential pressure and permeability profile as a function of PV injected for mixture of treated produced water and filtered freshwater 3HUPHDELOLW\ 3HUPHDELOLW\5HGXFWLRQ 3HUPHDELOLW\5HGXFWLRQ NP' Core plug #1 was used in this experiment. The base permeability was first established using filtered freshwater. Then, the mixed produced water and freshwater were injected into the core sample. A post freshwater injection was performed at the end of the experiment. Figure 3 reveals the differential pressure and permeability profile as a function of PV injected for various mixing of fraction produced water to freshwater (PW/FW). The injection of freshwater did not cause any damage to the core permeability. The water permeability is relatively constant with an average of 116 mD after 27 PV freshwater being injected. A stabilized pressure drop of around 4 psi was observed during the injection also indicating there is no any damage to the flow system along the core. N NSRVW G3 C. Permeability Reduction Two tests were conducted to assess permeability loss of core samples when introducing produced water into the freshwater injection system. Results of each experiment are detailed below. N N G3 0L[LQJ)UDFWLRQ3:): SRVW Figure 5 Permeability reduction after injecting 17 PV of various mixtures of treated produced water and filtered freshwater volume injected and permeability reduction decreases gradually to finally stabilize at around 25 mD after 27.4 PV of injection. It means that the core loses 80% of its initial permeability. This severe reduction in permeability is probably caused by high bacterial counts and TDS present in the produced water. Since the core suffered substantial permeability reduction, injection with mix of water containing more than 25% of produced water was not further evaluated. A post freshwater injection was carried out to further evaluate the damage characteristic. Results are depicted by blue lines in Figure 3. No improvement is observed after injecting 8.5 PV of freshwater shown by relatively constant differential pressure and permeability. Average permeability of around 20 mD suggested that the permeability losses cannot be recovered. Untreated produced 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) water caused permanently permeability impairment, which is attributed to the entrainment of bacteria and solid particles with high concentration in the produced water. The in-situ secretion of bacterial slimes can be a cause of substantial permeability impairment. Test 2: Treated production water Produced water was treated by adding 2000 ppm of biocide and filtered using 11 micron filter paper. Figure 4 depicts the differential pressure and permeability profile as a function of PV injected for mixture of treated produced water and filtered freshwater using core plug #2. Increasing differential pressure resulted in decreasing permeability. Results of freshwater injection show a similar trend observed in Figure 3. Both differential pressure and permeability are relatively constant during the injection. An average permeability is around 135 mD after 22 PV freshwater being injected. However, a different trend was observed for the mixed water injection. Introducing produced water caused a gradual decline in core permeability and the decline is linear to the PV injected. The permeability impairment is significantly improved using treated produced water. Mixing 25% volume of produced water with freshwater resulted in the improvement of core permeability losses from 80% for the untreated to 47% for the treated produced waters after injecting the same PV of mixed water. This improvement is attributed to the effectiveness of biocide in suppressing the bacterial growth. The observation for 28 days shows that there was no bacterial growth in the produced water after added 2000 ppm of biocide. Figure 5 shows the reduction in permeability which resulted from mixing freshwater with different fraction of produced water after injecting 17 PV. Increasing the fraction of produced water causes an increase in the severity of permeability reduction. However, the permeability reduction was observed to reach a saturated value when the fraction of produced water increased more than 50% of PV. A higher permeability reduction of 55% was reached when 50% of produced water was injected. The severity of permeability reduction decreased when the volume of produced water increased more than 50% volume. For example, 75% and 100% volume of produced water caused reduction in core permeability by 44% and 40%, respectively. Post freshwater injection at the end of the experiment did not show significant improvement in permeability. After 17 PV mixed water was injected, the permeability is relatively constant at 80 mD or corresponding to 42% in permeability loss. The major source of permeability impairment for this test 2 was induced by the solid particles. The solid particles passed the 11 micron filter paper migrate and block mechanically within the pore throats, which have the size less than 11 m. The mean diameter of solids in produced water and freshwater are 5.4 and 5.5 m, respectively. Therefore, there is a high risk for the potential bridging of solids within the core and caused permeability reduction. In addition, high concentration of TDS in produced water resulted in more severe permeability reduction imposed by mixing waters compared to the freshwater alone. The severity of permeability reduction observed in both tests can be related to the fraction of pore throats having a diameter of less than 11 m. When the fraction becomes larger, the water permeability tends to decrease. This is supported by the results obtained from the freshwater injection into the core plugs #1 and #2. Even though the core plug #1 has higher absolute permeability, its average water permeability is less compared to the core plug #2. Table 9 Basic data for oil recovery determination &RUH )OXLG &RUH3URSHUWLHV NZ NZ#6RL N#6ZL 3OXJ ,QMHFWHG 39 6RL 6ZF P' P' P' ): 3:): 3: 35 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 25 - 37 D. Oil Recovery Loss The risk of oil recovery loss induced by mixing produced water with freshwater presented was evaluated through three waterflood experiments performed on core plugs # 3, 4, and 5. The basic data for those experiments derived during coreflooding are given in Table 9. The permeability varied from 808 to 2270 mD representing the reservoir heterogeneity. Produced water and freshwater were treated the same as that used in test 2 of the permeability measurement. Figure 6 depicts the oil recovery factor which resulted from the waterflood experiments. The results show a higher ultimate recovery factor of 46.1% of original oil in place obtained from freshwater injection as expected. When the 50% PW/50% FW mix is considered, the ultimate recovery factor decreases to 38.7%. The recovery factor of produced water injection reaches 30.6%. Contrary to permeability reduction, the 50% PW / 50% FW mix gives a good result compared to the 100% produced water. This is probably due to the fact that permeability of core plug #4 used in the 50% PW / 50% FW mix experiment is significantly higher compared to permeability of core plug #5 used in the 100% produced water. Knowing that the average permeability used in the freshwater injection is approximately 836 36 mD, the waterflood result that consider the permeability of 2270 is very conservative in terms of oil recovery loss. An important result from this experiment is to demonstrate the quantitative effect of risks related formation damage to oil production caused by introducing produced water into the freshwater injection system. Introducing 50% of produced water caused oil recovery loss of 16% compared to freshwater injection alone. This reduction of oil recovery is consistent with the previous experiment results. IV. CONCLUSIONS Risks which arise when introducing produced water into the freshwater injection system were investigated through laboratory experiments. The field case study demonstrated that there is a risk for potential plugging, scaling, permeability reduction, and oil recovery loss. Plugging is caused by bacterial growth and solid particles present in produced water. Bacterial growth is categorized high. Solids Concentration is also high with its mean diameter larger than the non-damaging particle size. The CaCO3 scale is likely at reservoir temperature due to high concentration of HCO 3- in the produced water. Plugging and scale resulted in permeability reduction as well as oil recovery loss, even though that scale plug was considerably less due to the fact both waters are compatible. Mixing of untreated produced water and treated freshwater caused significant reduction in permeability. For the 25% PW and 75% FW mix, the permeability decreases by about 80% of its initial permeability. Adding 2000 ppm of biocide and filtered using 11 micron filter paper improved the quality of produced water. For the same mixing fraction, the permeability decreases only 47%. This improvement attributed to the effectiveness of biocide in suppressing the bacterial growth. The permeability decline is triggered by high concentration of solids with particle size greater than non-damaging particles size. Analysis of pore throat size in conjunction with particle size of water samples suggests the need 5)22,3 This is due to the fact that the core plug #1 contains pore throat size of 1-10 m about 27.4% of PV, while the core plug #2 has only 21.4%, as revealed in Table 5. It means that with the same concentration of solid particles less than 11 m, reduction in permeability for core plug #1 tends to be higher than core plug #2. Using a 5 micron filter paper is expected to reduce permeability reduction induced by solids particles. Unfortunately, no injection of freshwater that has been filtered by filter paper of less than 11 micron was performed on both tests. ): 3:): 3: 39 Figure 6 Oil recovery factor obtained from injecting different waters 3. Investigation of the Risks of Introducing Produced Water into Freshwater Injection System (Usman) for using a filter paper less than 11 micron to avoid permeability decline imposed by solid particles. Risk of using produced water on the oil production is assessed through waterflood experiments. The results show an ultimate recovery factor of 46.1% of original oil in place obtained from freshwater injection. Introducing 50% of produced water caused an oil recovery loss of 16% compared to freshwater injection alone. This loss of oil recovery represents a quantitative effect of formation damage on oil production and may be valuable from the economic viewpoint. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author acknowledges the support received from Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology “LEMIGAS” laboratories. Drilling Laboratory is thanked for help in water sampling and analysis. Core Laboratory is acknowledged for core analysis. Biotechnology Laboratory is thanked for conducting microbiological analysis. EOR Laboratory is acknowledged for coreflooding experiments. And also I would like to extend my deepest thanks to Sugihardjo for his fruitful discussion and scientific support. REFERENCES Arthur, J.D., Langhus, B.G., and Patel, C., 2005. “Technical Summary of Oil & Gas Produced Water Treatment Technologies”, All Consulting, LLC, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. Ba-Taweel, M.A., Al-Anazi, H.A., Al-Otaibi, M., Abitrabi Balian, A.N., and Hilab, V.V., 2006. “Core Flood Study of Injectivity Decline by Mixing Produced Oily Water with Seawater in Arab-D Reservoir”, The SPE Technical Symposium of Saudi Arabia Section – 106356, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 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Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150 E-mail: riesta@lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: riesta.anggarani@gmail.com, E-mail: cahyow@lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: emiy@lemigas.esdm.go.id, First Registered on April 2nd 2015; Received after Corection on April 23th 2015 Publication Approval on: April 30th 2015 ABSTRAK Pemerintah Indonesia akan menerapkan kebijakan kewajiban penggunaan campuran Bahan Bakar Minyak jenis Minyak Solar dan Biodiesel dengan persentase minimum 20% (B-20) dimulai pada tahun 2016. Dari sudut pandang teknis, masalah kompatibilitas komponen menjadi salah satu perhatian industri otomotif. Karakteristik biodiesel sebagai pelarut dikhawatirkan akan menjadikannya bereaksi dengan komponen sistem bahan bakar kendaraan mesin diesel, terutama elastomer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi material penyusun komponen sistem bahan bakar, meliputi komponen logam dan non logam, dengan kompatibilitas yang baik terhadap B-20. Identifikasi material penyusun komponen non logam dilakukan dengan uji FTIR dan DSC,dan uji XRD dan XRF untuk komponen logam. Uji perendaman selama 2500 jam dilakukan untuk membandingkan pengaruh 5 (lima) campuran bahan bakar (B-0, B-5, B-10, B-15 dan B-20) terhadap perubahan sifat fisika komponen logam dan non logam sistem bahan bakar kendaraan mesin diesel. Sifat fisika yang diamati adalah berat spesimen komponen uji. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa perubahan berat komponen logam diperoleh pada rentang 0.007% hingga 0.595%. Perubahan berat yang lebih besar diperoleh pada komponen non logam antara 0.001% to 13.85%. Perubahan berat yang lebih rendah terlihat pada komponen logam jenis material CuO, Al2O3 dan SiO, sedang untuk komponen non logam perubahan terendah diperoleh dari polimer jenis fluoroviton A. Pengamatan terhadap komposisi bahan bakar sebelum dan sesudah uji perendaman komponen dengan FTIR menunjukkan tidak ada perubahan yang signifikan dan efek dari sifat pelarut bahan bakar campuran ini dapat diabaikan. Kata Kunci: kompatibilitas, logam, non logam, biodiesel, material ABSTRACT The Government of Indonesia will implement the mandatory policy on the use of Diesel Fuel and Biodiesel mixture with minimum 20% volume of biodiesel (B-20) start from 2016. From technical point of view, compatibility issue becomes one of the problems to be considered by automotive industries. The concern relate with solvent characteristic of biodiesel, which cause the biodiesel and its blends react with the parts of fuel system, especially the elastomers. This work is aimed to identify the material constructed the fuel system parts, including metal and non-metal parts, which has good compatibility to biodiesel blends up to B-20. Identification of the parts material was done by FTIR and DSC for non-metal parts and by XRD and XRF for metal parts. The immersion test is used to compare the effect of five biodiesel-diesel fuel blends (B0, B-5, B-10, B-15, and B-20) to the physical change of metal and non-metal parts of diesel fuel system in 39 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 39 - 45 a 2500 hours test period. The physical change being checked is the weight of the parts. The result obtained that for immersed metal parts, the change of weight occurred in the range of 0.007% to 0.595%. The higher weight change obtained by non-metal parts in the range of 0.001% to 13.85%. The lowest change was shown by metal parts consists of an alloy of CuO, Al2O3 and SiO, whether for non-metal parts was shown by a polymer type of Fluoroviton A. Through FTIR analysis we also observed that fuels composition before and after immersed with the tested parts were not change significantly means that effect of solvent characteristic of biodiesel in the fuel mixture is negligible. Keywords: compatibility; metal; non-metal; biodiesel; material I. INTRODUCTION Application of the mixture of diesel fuel and biodiesel known as B-XX (where XX represent percent volume of biodiesel) for transportation sector now become a common policy taken by countries to solve their dependence on fossil fuel. Combined with another benefits such as carbon emission reduction, cleaner gas emission, increasing added value of some non-productive plants, and decreasing of fossil fuel imports, the use of biodiesel to substitute diesel fuel will be accelerated to the contents of 20% from national demand start from 2016 by Government of Indonesia (DEMR No/2014). The policy of using the mixture of diesel fuel and biodiesel becomes a mandatory since end of 2013 by implementing B-10. Now, in the next 2 years the content of biodiesel usage will be doubled to B-20. Currently, the usage of biodiesel mixture for automotive still limited to low percentage in the countries worldwide. In ASEAN countries, Malaysia has just implement B-10, Thailand reached B-7 and Philippines use B-5. From the automobile makers point of view, the recommended blending for diesel vehicles even lower which only B-5, as stated in the document of World Wide Fuel Charter (WWFC) 2012 edition. It is because some limitation that the producers of automobile considered biodiesel will affect engine performance in some ways. Biodiesel is observed to provide slightly lower power and torque, and higher fuel consumption (Demirbas 2007). Distinction between diesel fuel and biodiesel that being attributed to their difference in chemical nature may becomes the root cause in the technical problems. Besides the major fatty ester components, minor constituents of biodiesel include intermediary mono-and di-glycerides and residual triglycerides resulting from the transesterification reaction, methanol, free fatty acids, sterols etc (Knothe 2010). Due to its unsaturated molecules and compositional 40 effects, it is oxidative and causes enhanced corrosion and material degradation (Jain & Sharma 2010). (Fazal et al. 2010) concluded on their paper that auto-oxidation, higroscopic nature, higher electrical conductivity, polarity and solvency properties of biodiesel cause enhanced corrosion of metal and degradation of polimers. In relation with non-metal parts compatibility, (Bessee & Fey 1997) investigated the effect of methyl soy ester and diesel blends on the tensile strength, elongation, hardness, and swelling of several common elastomers. They showed that nitrile rubber, nylon 6/6, and high density polypropylene exhibited changes in physical properties while Teflon ®, Viton® 401-C and Viton® GFLT were unaffected. Another study by (Haseeb et al. 2011) conduct a static immersion test for 500 hours of three different elastomer materials; nitrile rubber (NBR), polychlorophrene, and fluoro-viton A in B-0 (diesel fuel), B-10 (blend sof 10% vol. palm biodiesel and diesel fuel) and B-100 (biodiesel). At the end of immersion, degradation behavior of the tested materials was characterized by measuring changes in mass, volume, hardness, tensile strength and elongation. On the conclusion, from these three materials they assure consumer confidence on using fluoro-viton for biodiesel use. They explained that less dissolving elastomer has less possibility to exhibit swelling or cracking. This reveals that it is important to find such a material having low solubility in biodiesel or its blends. Another research focusing on material compatibility to biodiesel and its blends work on metal part compatibility. Copper, mild carbon steel, aluminium and stainless steel are four important metals widely used in diesel engines. (Enzhu Hu et al. 2012) immersed four metal strips: copper, carbon steel, aluminium and stainless steel for two months in B-0 and B-100 from rapeseed methyl ester (RME). 4. The Influence of Biodiesel Blends (up to B-20) for Parts of Diesel Engine Fuel System by Immersion Test (Riesta Anggarani, Cahyo S. Wibowo, and Emi Yuliarita) Characterization of the metal surface were done using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-Ray analysis (SEM/EDS) and an X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). After the study they conclude that corrosion effects of biodiesel on copper and carbon steel are more severe than those on aluminium and stainless steel. Another experiment was done by (Fazal et al. 2010) where copper, aluminium, and 316 stainless steel were immersed in diesel and palm biodiesel for 600 hours and 1200 hours. They found that biodiesel is more corrosive for copper and aluminium and that copper acts as strong catalyst to oxidize palm biodiesel. The differences between research results exist because they conduct different test conditions and also different fuels. From the published papers focusing on material compatibility to biodiesel, the materials used are specific sheet or strips prepared for the immersion test, not from the existing fuel system of a vehicle. A research by (Reza Sukaraharja et al. 2011) conduct an immersion test using specimen from existing fuel system parts, both for metal and non-metal parts, on a diesel (B-0) and B-10 exhibit a swelling behavior for some non-metal parts. It is not identified on that research the type of the material that being swollen or corroded more than the others. In order to provide useful information for automotive industries and identification of the current existing parts material having better compatibilities to blends of diesel fuel and biodiesel up to 20% volume (B-20), we conduct an immersion test of the current fuel system parts. The difference between this work and other available work on compatibility to biodiesel is we use the current parts inside fuel system of diesel vehicles in Indonesia and identify the constituent components of the parts to select the more compatible materials than others to B-20. For both metal and nonmetal parts, we cut the specimen into a particular size in order to facilitate each specimen to be immersed in tested fuels inside 1 litre HDPE bottle. By doing this work we expect to provide recommendation for the government, industries and also public consumers about the materials compatible to B-20. II. METHODOLOGY Before immersion test, fuel samples to be tested were prepared by blending diesel fuel and biodiesel. Five fuels consist of pure diesel fuel (B-0) and the blends B-5, B-10, B-15 and B-20 are used as tested fuels. Some physical and chemical parameters of the tested fuels were compared to the diesel fuel specification in Indonesia. The fuel system part specimens from 3 types of diesel vehicles marketed in Indonesia, two from the conventional diesel engine and one from the common rail vehicle were prepared for the immersion test. Both metal and nonmetal parts were cut into a particular size in order to facilitate each specimen to be immersed in tested fuels inside 1 litre HDPE bottle. The measurements of the specimen weight were taken before the immersion. Elemental analysis was conducted using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) to identify material elements of non-metal specimens and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) to identify material elements of metal specimens. The weight of each specimens were observed before immersed and 2500 hours at the end of the immersion test. Before taking the weight data, the remain tested fuels that attached on the surface of the test specimens were dissolved by using acetone for 2-3 minutes then put it on a dry cloth to dry it. Soon after the specimen dry then the weight data was taken directly. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The following results were presented: the physical and chemical properties of the tested fuels, elemental analysis of the material constructed the test specimens and the weight change of the immersed specimens during 2500 hours of test period. A. Physical and chemical analysis of the tested fuels All of the tested fuels are checked for its physical and chemical properties in order to ensure its quality referring to the diesel fuel specification in Indonesia (called Minyak Solar 48 specification). Table 1 below shows us the result of all fuel quality testing From Table 1, all of the tested fuels fulfill the specification of Minyak Solar 48, except for the limit of FAME content. This is understandable that in this study the FAME content for the fuels are varied to understand the effect of biodiesel content to material degradation during immersion test. The compliance between the results and the specification ensure us that the tested fuels are having good quality. 41 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 39 - 45 Table 1 Physical and chemical properties of the tested fuels 1R )XHO3URSHUWLHV 8QLW % % % % % /LPLWYDOXH UHIHUWR ,QGRQHVLDQ VSHF 7HVW0HWKRG &HWDQH1XPEHU 0LQ $670' &&, 0LQ $670' 6SHFLILFJUDYLW\#& NJPñ $670' .LQHPDWLF9LVFRVLW\#& PPðV ± $670' 6XOSKXU&RQWHQW PP 0D[ $670' 'LVWLOODWLRQ7 & 0D[ $670' )ODVK3RLQW & 0LQ $670' &DUERQ5HVLGXH QLO QLO QLO QLO 1LO 0D[ $670' )$0(&RQWHQW YY 0LQ $670' &RSSHU6WULS&RUURVLRQ 0HULW D D D D 0D[&ODVV $670' 6HGLPHQW&RQWHQW QLO QLO QLO QLO 1LO 0D[ $670' 9LVXDO$SSHDUDQFH &OHDU EULJKW &OHDU EULJKW &OHDU EULJKW &OHDU EULJKW &OHDU EULJKW &OHDU EULJKW /XEULFLW\ 0LFURQ 0D[ $670' Table 2 Result of XRD and XRF for elemental analysis of metal parts 3DUWV1DPH )XHO3XPS ,QMHFWLRQ3XPS ,QMHFWLRQ3XPS )XHO,QMHFWLRQ3XPS (OHPHQW (OHPHQW (OHPHQW (OHPHQW (OHPHQW )H2 )H2 )H2 &X2 &X2 =Q2 $O2 $O2 $O2 $O2 $O2 =Q2 &X2 6L2 6L2 &X2 6L2 6L2 32 =Q2 6L2 0Q2 =Q2 )H2 6Q2 B. Elemental analysis of metal and non-metal parts Different test are conducted to identify the elements constructing the test specimens that are grouped to; the metal parts using XRD and XRF analysis whether the non-metal parts using FTIR and DSC analysis. Table 2 shows us the result of 42 )XHO,QMHFWLRQ3XPS elemental analysis for metal parts and Table 3 shows the result of non-metal parts. From Table 2 we can observe that for parts in pump section, material constructing the parts mainly consist of ferrous alloy in majority or more than 80% in mass concentration. Other constituents belong to zinc alloy and aluminum alloy. For fuel injection 4. The Influence of Biodiesel Blends (up to B-20) for Parts of Diesel Engine Fuel System by Immersion Test (Riesta Anggarani, Cahyo S. Wibowo, and Emi Yuliarita) pump parts, the materials dominated by copper alloy followed by aluminum alloy as the constituent. The result of FTIR and DSC for identification of polymer type constructing the non-metal parts reveals that common polymer used in the fuel system parts belong to Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) groups, and other polymer identified is the group of Fluorocarbon type V (Viton A). By identifying the elements for the test specimens, we can observe the type of material that is suitable for biodiesel blends up to 20% use. C. Dimension change during Immersion Test From previous study done in Lemigas by Sukaraharja, we noted that the effect of biodiesel use to polymeric materials in fuel Table 3 Result of FTIR and DSC for elemental analysis of non-metal parts 3DUWV1DPH 3RO\PHU 3ODVWLFL]HU )XHO,QMHFWLRQ3XPS )OXRURFDUERQUXEEHU9LWRQ )XHO3XPS 3RO\EXWDGLHQHFR DFU\ORQLWULOH1%5 SODVWLFL]HU )XHO,QMHFWLRQ3XPS 3RO\EXWDGLHQHFR DFU\ORQLWULOH1%5 3KWDODWHHVWKHU D EF Figure 1 Weight change of metal parts : (a) parts of injection pump, (b) parts of injection pipe, (c) parts of fuel injection tube 43 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 39 - 45 compatible material for B-20. The lowest change of the metal parts immersed in B-20 is belong to parts of injection pump with the change only 0.048%. Tracing back to Table 2, it is observed that parts of fuel injection pump are constructed from the alloy of CuO and Al2O3 and other elements in smaller concentration. This observation lead us to choose the more compatible parts in contact with B-20 is made from the alloy of CuO, Al2O3 and SiO. Figure 2 shows the weight change of non-metal parts during 2500 hours of immersion test. Similar with the result show on Figure 1, the positive value in Figure 2 indicate weight increasing of the test specimens. Higher weight change of the non-metal line system is observed from the weight increasing of the test specimen (Reza Sukaraharja et al. 2011). Graph of weight change as presented in Figure 1 (a), (b), and (c) shows us that after 2500 hours being immersed in the tested fuels, the change of the metal specimens weight ranging from 0.007% for the parts of injection pump immersed in B-0 to 0.595% for parts of fuel injection tube immersed in B-20. The positive values of the result show that the weight of all test specimens increased. Deeper observation over these 3 figures reveals that weight change happened in all tested fuels including B-0 or the diesel fuel. Further observation focusing on the change of parts immersed in B-20 as our goals is finding the most D EF Figure 2 Weight change of non-metal parts : (a) parts of injection pump, (b) parts of fuel filter, (c) parts of fuel injection pump 44 4. The Influence of Biodiesel Blends (up to B-20) for Parts of Diesel Engine Fuel System by Immersion Test (Riesta Anggarani, Cahyo S. Wibowo, and Emi Yuliarita) parts compared to the metal parts can be observed from Figure 2, where the range of weight change is from 0.001% for parts of fuel injection pump immersed in B-0 to 13.85% for parts of injection pump immersed in B-5. The effect of biodiesel blends to non-metal parts is higher than metal because swelling phenomenon occur in non-metal parts. Swelling occur because the interaction between biodiesel and polymer constructing the non-metal parts caused absorption of the biodiesel liquid take part into the polymer bodies. This liquid absorption increasing the volume and also affected the weight of the non-metal parts immersed in biodiesel blends. The weight change occured for all tested fuels, even in B-0 swelling also occured. Focusing our observation to B-20, we could find the lowest weight change is belong to parts of fuel injection pump. Tracing back to Table 3, we can find that there are 2 types of fuel injection pump parts used in this research. From the identification number of related part, we conclude that the part with lowest change is the one constructed from Fluorocarbon rubber (Viton A). IV. CONCLUSION Evaluation on the results of present work focusing on the identification of current fuel system parts that having better compatibility to B-20 lead us to conclude the following points: 1. Higher compatibility in the matter of weight change to the application of B-20 is shown by metal parts of injection pump constructed from alloy of CuO, Al2O3 and SiO. 2. For non-metal parts, higher compatibility in the matter of weight change on the application of B-20 is shown by parts of fuel injection pump made from Fluorocarbon rubber (Viton A). REFERENCES Bessee G.B., Fey J.P., 1997, Society of Automotive Engineering technical paper no 971690. Decree of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia No. 20, 2014. Demirbas A., 2007, “Progress and recent trends in biofuels”, Prog Energy Combust Sci. 33:1-18. Fazal M.A., Haseeb A.S.M.A., Masjuki H.H., 2011, “Biodiesel Feasibility Study: An evaluation of material compatibility; performance; esmission and engine durability”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 15: 1314-1324. 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Reza Sukaraharja et al., 2011, ”Final reports of study on biodiesel effects on hardness and dimension change of diesel engine non-metal parts”, a research project report prepared for LEMIGAS. 45 46 SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OIL AND GAS Vol. 38, Number 1, April 2015: 5 of 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR OIL & GAS TECHNOLOGY LEMIGAS Journal Homepage:http://www.journal.lemigas.esdm.go.id EFFECT OF ACTIVATION TEMPERATURE AND ZnCl2 CONCENTRATION FOR MERCURY ADSORPTION IN NATURAL GAS BY ACTIVATED COCONUT CARBONS PENGARUH TEMPERATUR AKTIVASI DAN KONSENTRASI ZnCl2 TERHADAP PENYERAPAN MERKURI DALAM GAS BUMI OLEH KARBON TEMPURUNG KELAPA YANG TERAKTIVASI Lisna Rosmayati “LEMIGAS” R & D Centre for Oil and Gas Technology Jl. Ciledug Raya, Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, P.O. Box 1089/JKT, Jakarta Selatan 12230 INDONESIA Tromol Pos: 6022/KBYB-Jakarta 12120, Telephone: 62-21-7394422, Faxsimile: 62-21-7246150 E-mail: lisnar@lemigas.esdm.go.id, E-mail: riesta.anggarani@gmail.com First Registered on March 25th 2015; Received after Corection on April 22nd 2015 Publication Approval on: April 30th 2015 ABSTRAK Elemen merkuri yang terkandung dalam gas bumi telah menjadi perhatian serius dari sisi lingkungan karena sifat volatilitas dan toksisitasnya yang tinggi. Penyerapan dengan carbon yang teraktivasi merupakan suatu metode mengontrol merkuri yang efektif. Kandungan merkuri dalam gas bumi harus dihilangkan untuk mencegah terjadinya kerusakan peralatan dalam plan pengolahan gas dan sistem jaringan pipa transmisi. Penelitian ini menggambarkan proses eliminasi merkuri yang terkandung dalam gas bumi dengan menggunakan karbon aktif dari tempurung kelapa yang diimpregnasi dengan ZnCl2. Temperatur aktivasi dan konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 merupakan variable yang dapat mempengaruhi kapasitas penyerapan merkuri. Karbon aktif dibuat dari kulit tempurung kelapa dan diaktivasi pada temperature 600, 700 and 800oC dalam aliran konstan nitrogen. Pengaruh temperatur aktivasi dan konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 terhadap penyerapan merkuri oleh adsorben menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan adsorpsi adsorben telah dipengaruhi oleh temperature aktivasi hingga mencapai temperature optimumnya 700oC. Kemampuan adsorpsi meningkat dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi larutan ZnCl2 dan penyerapan optimum pada konsentrasi ZnCl27% . Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penyerapan merkuri oleh carbon teraktivasi yang terimpregnasi klor sangat signifikan dan diperoleh temperature aktivasi optimumnya. Kesimpulan akhir diperoleh temperature aktivasi optimum 700oC dan 7% ZnCl2 sebagai konsentrasi impregnasi yang dapat menyerap merkuri secara maksimal. Kata Kunci: aktivasi, penyerapan merkuri, gas bumi, karbon tempurung kelapa teraktivasi ABSTRACT Elemental mercury from natural gas has increasingly become an environmental concern due to its high volatility and toxicity. Activated carbon adsorption is an effective mercury control method. Mercury content in natural gas should be removed to avoid equipment damage in the gas processing plant or the pipeline transmission system. This research describes the process of mercury removal from natural gas by coconut active carbon impregnated with ZnCl2. Activation temperature and ZnCl2 solution concentration are significant affect the mercury adsorption capacity. Charcoal was prepared from coconut shell and activated at 500, 700 and 900oC in constant flow of nitrogen. The effect of activation temperature and ZnCl2 concentration for mercury adsorption on adsorbent show that the adsorption ability of adsorbent is affected by increasing activation temperature up to an optimum temperature of 700oC. Ability of adsorption increases with increasing ZnCl2 concentration and mercury adsorption was optimum at 7% concentration of ZnCl2. The results indicated that the adsorption capacity of mercury in natural gas by activated carbon-impregnated 47 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 47 - 52 chlor is very significant. The conclusion of this paper is that optimum activation temperature 700oC and 7% ZnCl2 impregnated on adsorbent can improve the mercury adsorption in natural gas. Keywords: activation, mercury adsorption, natural gas, activated coconut carbon I. INTRODUCTION Mercury (Hg2+) is heavy metal in environmental. Mercury content is found in natural gas as a trace element. The increased concern by environmentalist and government on the effect of heavy metals and attempt to protect public health gave rise to a lot of research in the development of advance technology to remove heavy metals from the natural gas as fuels. The metal adsorption is development of advance technology to remove of mercury in natural gas and the adsorption ability of a powdered activated carbon (PAC) is derived from coconut shell. It was a more economic and effective adsorbent for the control of Hg(II) ion in the natural gas industry (Zabihi & Ahmadpour 2009). Mercury can be removed from the natural gas through activated carbons. Activated carbon adsorption is an effective mercury control method but there are cost limits. Coconut charcoal may act as a low-cost sorbent used for controlling mercury levels. In the natural gas processing industry, activated carbon is frequently employed for the removal of mercury to protect aluminum heat exchangers and for a safe working environment at the plant. Various types of activated carbons were developed from organic sewage sludge (SS) using H2SO4, H3PO4 and ZnCl2 as chemical activation reagents, and the removal of Hg(II) from aqueous solution by these carbons was effectively demonstrated (Zhang et al. 2005). Mercury in water can be removed by using adsorption processes such as activated carbon that is impregnated with zinc chloride (ZnCl2), which has been done by Zeng at al in 2003. That experiment showed that chloride impregnation with ZnCl 2 solution significantly enhanced the adsorptive capacity for mercury. Ademiluyi and David in 2012 had done research of heavy metals adsorption about the effect of chemical activation on the adsorption of metals ions Cr2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+ using bamboo, coconut shell and palm kernel shell was investigated. Bamboo, coconut shell and palm kernel shell activated at 800oC using six activating agents. The highest metal ions adsorbed were obtained from bamboo activated with HNO3 (Ademiluyi et al. 2010). Similarly, in the work of Ramírez Zamora et al., petroleum coke was activated with ZnCl2 and preparation of activated 48 carbon from Neem Husk by chemical activation with ZnCl2 has investigated by Alau K et al. The degree of physicochemical alteration was significantly different for the three carbons obtained after activation with three chemicals. Activated carbon activated with H3PO4 being the strongest was able to adsorb mercury. Mercury content in the natural gas should be removed to avoid damaging equipment in the gas processing plant or the pipeline transmission system from mercury amalgamation and embrittlement of aluminium (Crippen & Chao1997). Mercury can be removed by using adsorption processes such as activated carbon impregnated with chlor (Yan & Ling 2003), iodine or sulfur (John & Radisav 1997, Behrooz & Robert 2002). Activated carbons can be made from a wide variety of products and are made from 100% natural products such as hardwoods, coconut shells, and bamboo. In this paper, activated carbons were made from coconut shells. Furthermore, the coconut shells beenwas modified by physical and chemical treatment. Surface modification of a carbon adsorbent with a strong oxidizing agent, generates more adsorption sites on its solid surface for metal adsorption (Sandhya & Tonni 2004). The adsorbents are made up of coconut shell (Cocos nucifera L.), an agricultural waste from local coconut industries. Surface modifications of it with activator agents, such as Zinc Chloride respectively, are also conducted to improve removal performance. Physical and chemical properties of coconut active carbon and modified activated carbon were analyzed to investigate the effect of adsorbate properties and temperature activation on activated carbon adsorption performance (Li et al. 2012). Mercury adsorption was tested by zinc chloride impregnated activated carbon, which used ZnCl2 solution. In order to increase the utilization of activated carbon, many efforts have been made to increase these functional groups by modifying with compounds of chlorine ( Hu et al. 2009). The effects of activation temperature and ZnCl2 activator concentration on adsorbent were studied. II. METHODOLOGY In this paper, the adsorptive potential of a modified activated carbon using ZnCl2 for mercury 5. Effect of Activation Temperature and ZnCl2 Concentration for Mercury Adsorption in Natural Gas by Activated Coconut Carbons (Lisna Rosmayati) vapor was investigated both in a laboratory and in the gas demonstration. Their pore structure and surface chemical properties were characterized by Iodine number, BET and SEM-ADX (Tan et al. 2011). Textural characteristics of samples were determined by nitrogen (N2) adsorption with an accelerated surface area was calculated from the isotherms by using the Brunauer - Emmett-Teller (BET) equation (Brunauer et al. 1938). The pore volume was found from the amount of N2 adsorbed at a relative pressure of 0.99. The average pore diameter was calculated from three times of the pore volume over the BET surface area. The experiment was carried out in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory and The Gas Demonstration System Plant of Gas Technology Unit, PPPTMGB ”LEMIGAS” Jakarta. A. Sample Preparation Activated coconut carbon that has 70 mesh size was prepared from coconut shell by physical activation in a stainless steel reactor with temperature range of 500 – 900 oC. Nitrogen was passs through a preheater at the temperature 250-300oC. The products were washed sequentially with 0.5 N HCl, hot water and finally cold distilled water to remove residual organic and mineral matters. Activated coconut carbons were treated by impregnation with activator agent of ZnCl2 solution in the a concentration range of 0, 3, 5 and 7 % (w/v) for 24 hours. Impregnated activated coconut carbons were dried in an oven at 90oC, cooled down to room temperature and then stored in desiccators for future use. B. Sample Characterisation Characterization of the activated carbons includes Iodine Number with standard method of ASTM D 4607-94, BET surface area was calculated based on N2 adsorption isotherm by using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) equation (Brunauer et al. 1938). The average BET surface area, pore diameter and total volume pore was calculated three times (triple calculations). The textural characteristics of the untreated and ZnCl2-impregnated activated carbons was analyzed by SEM-ADX. The analysis of this data is provided in Figure 4. 3. Mercury Vapor Adsorption in Natural Gas The experiment of mercury vapor adsorption in natural gas is described in a schematic diagram shown in Fig 1. The working principle of this mercury removal equipment is to pass the natural gas containing mercury vapor at known concentration through an adsorbent. An amount of mercury is adsorbed and the remaining mercury in the natural gas will be adsorbed by KMnO 4 solution. The solution is then analyzed by a Lumex mercury analyzer. The volume of the flowing gas is measured by wet test meter equipment. Measurement of Table 1 Natural Gas Composition $QDO\VLV 0HWKRGH 8QLW *3$ PRO 5HVXOW &RPSRVLWLRQ 1LWURJHQ &DUERQGLR[LGH 0HWKDQH (WKDQH 3URSDQH LVR%XWDQH 1%XWDQH LVR3HQWDQH 13HQWDQH +H[DQHSOXV 6XOSKXUFRPSRXQG +\GURJHQ6XOILGH+6 0HUFDSWDQH56+ $670' SSP &DUERQ\O6XOILGH&26 SSE M SSP 0HUFXU\ :DWHU&RQWDLQ ,62 1HW+HDWLQJ9DOXH*+9 &RPSUHVVLELOLW\IDFWRU= *URVV+HDWLQJ9DOXH*+9 XJP $670' /E0PVFI %WXIW *3$ Figure 1 Schematic diagram of Mercury Adsorption 49 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 47 - 52 standard mercury and mercury sample is made in an Outlet Adsorber (AWWA 1975). The natural gas is flown through mercury stainless steel reactor adsorber at a temperature of 32oC. The gas from the outlet of the mercury cylinder is put into a mercury solution (KMnO4 + H2SO4), and the mercury concentration is in the solution is analyzed by a Mercury Analyzer (Lumex 91), measured in μg/m3. The experiment of Mercury adsorption was carried out by using 40 kg activated coconut carbons. The natural gas as a sample and the operation conditions were natural gas pressure of 100 psig, temperature 32oC, and flow 50 Cuft/ hour. Mercury standard solution was known 14570 μg/m3. The natural gas concentration that was used on performance test was dry gas. It had flown to the system via a vessel/cylinder that contained standard mercury. The characteristics of natural gas is showed in Table 1. Natural gas composition above was resulted from analysis of the natural gas sample by using a gas chromatography instrument with series number GC-NGA HP 6890 with a TCD detector. The composition analysis was done by GPA 2261-00 methods and the heating value calculated with GPA 2172:2009. The mercury concentration was analyzed by using ISO 6978 standard and mercury analyzer. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This paper discusses the results of this research on mercury adsorbent characteristics. The experiment has data on the effect of temperature activation and ZnCl2 concentration. The laboratory testing of the adsorbent involved iodine number, BET surface area and optimum adsorption of mercury. The iodine number is the most fundamental parameter used in characterizing activated carbon. It is a measure of activity level and the micropore content of the activated carbon (higher number indicates higher degree of activation (Activated carbon 2012). This result showes that ability of the activated coconut carbons is different at the low (500oC) and the high temperature (700oC). Furthermore, the difference in the iodine number in the temperature range due the existence of the suitable temperature for the mercury adsorption. Iodine number is the ability of the adsorbent to 50 adsorp the adsorbat. When the activation temperature is at 700°C, the adsorption reached the highest level, due to the increasing physical adsorption ability, as a result of increasing the surface area and total volume pore on the adsorbent. At 900°C, mercury adsorption was lower than that at 700°C due to desorption making physical adsorption decrease, so that the total adsorption decreased (Figure 2). Decreasing of iodine number related with decreasing of mercury adsorption and its reverse. That is indicating a typical physisorption mechanism due to van der waals forces between the adsorbate and the adsorbent. Heating of adsorbent will produce some new pore and increasing of its surface area. Impregnation with ZnCl2 concentration 3% up to 7% showes that the iodine number of adsorbent significantly increased (Figure 3). That means ZnCl2 impregnation actually decreased both the BET surface area and the total pore volume of the activated carbons samples due to the blockage of internal porosity by incorporated ZnCl2 molecules. Impregnation at a higher temperature promotes a more uniform distribution of Chlor on the adsorbent pore structure. The iodine number result for untreated ZnCl2 was lower than impregnated ZnCl2. The average pore size of the activated carbon also increased when increasing the ZnCl2 (IIHFWRIDFWLYDWLRQWHPSHUDWXUH RQ,RGLQH1XPEHU 1200 1000 800 %LO,RGLQ 600 ActivationII ActivationI 400 200 0 0 500 700 900 7HPSHUDWXU Figure 2 Iodine Number and Activation Temperature Figure 3 Effect of ZnCl2 Concentration (%) for Iodine Number 5. Effect of Activation Temperature and ZnCl2 Concentration for Mercury Adsorption in Natural Gas by Activated Coconut Carbons (Lisna Rosmayati) solution concentration. That means the adsorbent is blocking micropores, resulting in a drop in specific surface area and total pore volume. The iodine number result for non activator and with activator is shown in Table 2. Table 3 indicates that BET surface area and the total pore volume of the activated carbons samples without activator were higher than activator agent with concentration 7%. Activated carbon morphology is shown at Figure 4. The experiment testing result of mercury adsorption onto activated coconut carbons indicated that performance of pilot plant adsorber mercury adsorption was satisfied. Mercury concentration was decreasing after the natural gas was flowing to the equipment system of adsorption mercury and was able to adsorb mercury vapor with efficiency 99,97% with natural gas pressure gas 100 psia, temperature 37oC and natural gas flow 50 Cuft/jam. The mechanism of chemisorption of mercury onto the Cl-impregnated activated carbons with reaction ZnCl2 + CnHxOy Zn + [Cl2-CnHxOy] where functional group Cl is very important to the process. Cl atoms which are created by ZnCl2 impregnation, are involved by probably forming various complexes, for example [HgCl]+, [HgCl2] and if more of the Cl concentration, the reaction result [HgCl4] 2-. The results suggested that Cl-active carbon had excellent adsorption potential for elemental mercury even at a relative higher temperature, and the enhancing-effect was more obvious with increasing Cl content (Lau et al. 2012). There was an optimum ZnCl2 concentration for impregnation. The increase of performance of adsorbent is probably due to the increase of active sites for mercury adsorption. The kind of Cl functional groups on the original and ZnCl2-modified active carbon was found to be different, the latter is of the active site for mercury adsorption and oxidation, and for the former it is negligible. There is an optimum Cl content on the ZnCl2-modified adsorbent carbon for mercury removal that could be formed during mercury sorption. These results demonstrate significant enhancement of activated coconut carbon reactivity with minimal treatment and are applicable to mercury removal in natural gas plant facilities. IV. CONCLUSIONS The effect of adsorbent activation temperature for adsorption of the mercury vapor from natural gas Table 2 Iodine Number Result 1R 1RQ=Q&O =Q&O Table 3 BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) Result 12 $FWLYDWHG &DUERQ 6XUIDFH $UHD%(7 PJ 7RWDO3RUH 9ROXPH FFJ 0HDQRI 5DGLXV 3RUH c 1RQ=Q&O =Q&O 1RQ=Q&O =Q&O 1RQ=Q&O =Q&O Figure 4 Morfology of activated coconut carbons surface area with activated coconut carbon is now much clearer. Adsorption by activated carbons, particularly those impregnated with chloride (Cl) is a technology that offers great potential for the removal of Hgo from the natural gas. Chloride impregnation with 7% ZnCl2 solution actually decreased both the BET surface area and the total pore volume of the activated carbons samples due to the blockage of micropores by incorporated chemicals. Zinc Chloride-impregnated activated coconut carbon showed that it significantly enhanced the adsorptive capacity for mercury. The experiment of activation temperature variation can explain how temperature affects mercury adsorption performance. The treatment 51 Scientific Contributions Oil & Gas, Vol. 38. No. 1, April 2015: 47 - 52 with ZnCl2 impregnation on activated carbon have been effectively reducing the mercury content in natural gas. Physical activation with optimum temperature o 700 C of adsorbent will produce some new pore and increase of its surface area until reaching the optimum temperature. A decrease in the iodine number results in a decrease in mercury adsorption. Mercury adsorption in natural gas involves both physisorption and chemisorptions, ACKNOWLEDMENT My very great appreciation is to PPPTMGB “LEMIGAS” for the research fund, facilities and opportunity. Also special thanks to Mrs. Dra. Yayun Andriani, M.Si and Mr. Ir. Bambang Wicaksono, M.Sc. for their advice given and help in this research. I would like to thank the following for their help: 1. Team work at Gas Analysis Technology, 2. PT. Aimtopindo, 3. PT. Detmark REFERENCES “Activated carbon,” 2012, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Activated_carbon. Alau K.K., Gimba C.E., Kagbu J,A., 2010. Preparation of activated carbon from NeemHusk by Chemical Activation with H3PO4, KOH and ZnCl2, Applied Science Research, 2010, 2(5): 451-455. ASTM D 4607-94, Standard Test Method for Determination of Iodine Number of Activated Carbon. 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SUBJECT INDEX A K Air terproduksi 25 Kerusakan formasi 25 Air tawar 25 Kehilangan perolehan minyak 25 Aktivasi 47 Kompatibilitas 39 Activation 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Karbon tempurung kelapa teraktivasi 47 Activated coconut carbon 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 L B Logam 39 Banggai 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24 Benturan 13 M Banggai 13, 14, 15. 16. 17, 19, 20, 22, 24 Morowali 13 Biodiesel 39, 40, 41, 43, 45 Material 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 C Metal 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Mercury adsorption 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Corrosion 139, 140, 141, 142, 145 Collision 13, 14, 16, 22, 24 N Compatibility 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Non logam 39 D Non-metal 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Natural gas 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 Drifting 13, 14, 22, 24 O F Oil recovery loss 26, 27, 30, 36, 37 Formasi Talang Akar 1 Freshwater 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Formation damage 25, 26, 27, 30, 36, 37 G P Palinologi 1 Palynology 1 Penyumbatan 25 Pengendapan 25 Gas bumi 47 Penurunan permeabilitas 25 J Produced water 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Jambi sub-basin 1, 2, 3, 4 Plugging 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36 53 Permeability reduction 26, 27, 30, 34, 35, 36 Penyerapan merkuri 47 R S Sub-cekungan Jambi 1 Scaling 26, 27, 29, 33, 36, 37 Resiko eksplorasi 13 Risk exploration 14 T Talang Akar Formation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Symposium,((('HWURLW0, 7KHVLVRU 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 8QSXEOLVKHG +RV +RV-3Mechanochemically Synthesized Nanomaterials for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Membranes3K'GLVVHUWDWLRQ8QLYHUVLW\RI :HVWHUQ$XVWUDOLD 7KHVLVRU 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 3XEOLVKHG 0D\ 0D\%A Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud%ULVWRO8.&DQRSXV3XEOLVKLQJ %DULO 7KHVLVRU 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 5HWULHYHGIURPD 'DWDEDVH %DULO0A Distributed Conceptual Model for Stream Salinity Generation Processes: A Systematic Data-based Approach:8$YDLODEOHIURP $XVWUDODVLDQ'LJLWDO7KHVHV3URJUDP>$XJXVW@ :RUOG:LGH:HE 7\SHRI6RXUFH &LWLQJLQ7H[W :ULWLQJ5HIHUHQFHV 'RFXPHQWRQWKH ::: DXWKRUVSRQVRU JLYHQEXWQRW GDWHG *UHHQSHDFHQGThe Future Is GE FreeYLHZHG $FFRUGLQJWR *UHHQSHDFHQG 6HSWHPEHUIURP JHQHWLFDOO\PRGLILHG KWWSZZZJUHHQSHDFHRUJDXJHIDUPLQJFDQRODKWPO IRRGVDUH«RU 1RWH7KHWLWOHRIDZHESDJHLVWUHDWHGOLNHWKHWLWOHRID *UHHQSHDFHQG ERRN,WLVZULWWHQLQitalicsLQWKHUHIHUHQFHOLVW RIUHFRPPHQGV WKDWµIHZHU JHQHWLFDOO\«¶ ,GHQWLILDEOH SHUVRQDODXWKRU 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