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Outeniqua Orchids “The Nursery for Collectors” 2016 catalogue July 1st 2016 Sole ‘all of Africa’ Agent for Carter and Holmes Orchids in U.S.A. Visit their website: For colour catalogue and pricelist contact: Elsa Hall Email: Web: Phone: (044) 870 8150 Fax: (044) 870 8915 INDEX CATEGORY PAGE NUMBER SPECIES 2 – 12 CATTLEYA ALLIANCE MERICLONES 12 – 16 CATTLEYA ALLIANCE HYBRIDS 16 – 18 OTHER GENERA MOSTLY FROM 18 -22 CARTER AND HOLMES CATTLEYAS FROM ORCHIDS BY HAUSERMANN 23 PAPHIOPEDILUM SPECIES 24 – 25 PAPHIOPEDILUM HYBRIDS 25 - 27 CYMBIDIUM SPECIES 27 – 28 CYMBIDIUM HYBRIDS 28 - 34 ACCESSORIES 35 CONDITIONS AND BANK DETAILS 36 ORDER FORM 37 DENDROBIUM SPECIOSUM PHOTO 38 1 CATTLEYA AND OTHER SPECIES – CARTER AND HOLMES ORCHIDS Code Madag Description Aerangis articulate Small sized, warm growing Madagascan epiphyte at elevations of up to 2000m. Blooms on pendant inflorescences with up to 18 jasmine scented, long-lived, waxy flowers. Mount on cork or tree fern and give ample shade and humidity. 8cm pots. Price 185.00 Madag Aerangis biloba Small sized warm growing epiphyte from west and central Africa. It has bilobed leathery, dull green leaves with black spots that blooms in spring and summer on a long pendant raceme that carries from 2 – 20 waxy, fragrant, long-lived flowers. Require high humidity. Grow in a pot with bark mix or mount on cork. 8cm pots. Aeranthes arachnites Small sized, warm growing epiphytic species found on Reunion and Madagascar. Blooms on 20cm long pendant, successively single flowered, raceme with a few fragrant flowers occurring in summer and fall. 8cm pots. Angraecum didieri A miniature to small sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with a short stem that likes a humid environment. From Madagascar, it carries a solitary flower. Best wood mounted. 8cm pots. 175.00 Angraecum eburneum subsp. eburneum This winter blooming Angraecum makes a large plant with sprays of 10-30, 4” green/white blooms with a spur. It is the largest growing Angraecum. Young plants in 9 cm pots, near blooming size. 145.00 Madag Madag 7594 2 175.00 175.00 O/o O/o Madag O/o Angraecum eburneum Large blooming sized plants of this winter blooming Madagascan species. Plants need medium – high light and intermediate-warm conditions. 15cm pots. Angraecum elephantinum Found in Madagascar as a miniature to small sized, cool to warm growing epiphyte with a stout stem. Blooms in winter with one or occasionally, two blooms. 8cm pots. 200.00 Angraecum magdalenae A medium sized, warm to cool growing lithophytic monopodial species from Madagascar. Blooms spring through summer with large, white fragrant flowers. 8cm pots,. Angraecum sesquipedale var. Bosseri Known as Darwin’s Orchid, this subspecies has slightly larger flowers. Huge blooms in early summer with a long spur. Near blooming size plants in 15cm pots. 175.00 125.00 250.00 Madag Agraecum sesquipedale Vigorous young plants in 9cm pots. R175.00 O/o Ansellia africana Known as the ‘leopard orchid’ this epiphyte is found in the summer rainfall areas of southern Africa. Selected for very good quality with heavy spotting. Blooming size. Mostly mountd/hanging plants. 195.00 9279 New Brassavola digbyana (‘Crestwood Emerald’ x ‘ Belize no. 2’) Now known as Rhyncolaelia this warm growing epiphyte from Mexico through to Costa Rica grows at elevations up to 1,000m. Inflorescence bears a single, lemon scented flower in summer. 225.00 Out of stock New stock Sept 3 Brassavola nodosa ‘Bill’s Spots x ‘Susan Fuchs’ FCC/AOS Known as the Lady of the Night orchid, it is a vigorous grower with compact foliage. Very fragrant. F/size. 8cm pots. Cattleya amethystoglossa ‘El Camino’ AM/AOS x self This tall growing species from Brazil appreciates bright light with a distinct winter rest to flower properly. Clusters of waxy pink blooms with purple spotting appear on elegant upright stems. Winter/spring. 9cm pots. Limited. C amethystoglossa Same as above but this one from Floralia. 9cm pots. 175.00 M7431 C. bowringiana var. superba ‘Augusta’ AM/AOS Tall bifoliate growths hold clusters of dark lavender blooms. Recent award to a favourite species. 9cm pots 225.00 C C. gaskelliana ‘Color Spot’ x ‘Charm’ One of the easiest and most fragrant cattleya species on offer. Large showy displays of light lavender blooms with ruffled white and yellow lips. Fast growing, will make beautiful specimens as mature plants. Summer blooming. 9cm pots. C. intermedia var. Orlata ‘Rio’ Fabulous clone of this easy to grow cattleya species. In wooden baskets, blooming size. Two sizes available. 225.00 C. leopoldii ‘Mendenhall’ AM Large inflorescence of flowers in a dark brown/maroon with heavy spotting are held on tall stems. Lips have uniform magenta colour. 9cm pots. 225.00 1 left 8913 New 8393 Floral E/o M7144 4 295.00 Out of stock 225.00 350.00 And 250.00 Floral Floral Floral 8819 M3492 9480 New 9663 New M3486 C leopoldii As above, this one from Floralia. 9cm pots. C loddigesii A medium sized, cool to warm growing, bifoliate epiphyte from Brazil. Blooms in late summer with few to several flowered inflorescence with waxy, fragrant, long-lasting blooms. Floralia. C lueddemaniana Unifoliate from Venezuela, it is a warm growing epiphyte growing up to 500m. blooms in summer or fall with strongly fragrant flowers. 9cm pots. Floralia. C mossiae var. coerulea Endemic to Venezuela, this warm growing, unifoliate orchid is found at elevations up to 1,500m. it has a few to several flowered inflorescence which bloom in the spring on a mature pseudobulb. C. percivaliana ‘Summit’ FCC/AOS Smooth lavender blooms with silky plum coloured throats. Easy to grow and flower. Winter blooming. 9cm pots. 225.00 C. schilleriana (‘Cashens’ x ‘5637 no. 1’) Small sized cool to hot growing epiphytic, bifoliate orchid. Inflorescences have 1 – 5 flowers that bloom in summer and fall with fragrant, waxy blooms that are long lived. C. schroderae ‘Newberry’ x ‘no. 2’ Beautiful and rare, this Colombian species is great for the collector. The blooms from this grex are flowering in shades of baby pink with a solid yellow disk in the throat. Very fragrant for spring. 9cm pots. C. skinneri ‘Casa Luna’ AM/CCM/AOS Large clusters of pink/lavender blooms for winter. Mature plants make excellent specimens for show season. 9cm pots 225.00 5 275.00 250.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 225.00 O/o Dendrobium formosum Small to medium sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte from Thailand and Vietnam. Blooms from autumn to winter with one to four fragrant flowers that arise from the apex of the leafy mature cane. 9cm pots. Dendrobium jiewhoei This cool, often pendant growing epiphyte blooms in spring with flowers arising from the nodes towards the apex of the pendant stem. 8cm pots. 225.00 D/o Dendrobium kingianum Australian dendrobium species – this time the alba form. Mounted plants. 125.00 D/o Dendrobium kingianum Easy to grow Australian dendrobium species. Commonly known as the ‘Pink Rock Orchid’, it is a warm growing lithophyte which blooms in spring and makes wonderful specimen plants. Mounted plants, dark lavender. Dendrobium speciosum Widespread Australian orchid found as an epiphyte or a lithophyte mostly along the east coast of Australia. It forms gigantic clumps often in full sun from sea-level to mountain tops. Colour varies from cream to bright yellow. 9cm pots, vigorous. Jumellea major Found in Northern Madagascar as a warm growing, large sized epiphyte with a fan of 11 to 17 leaves. It blooms in autumn and is perfumed at night. Grow in medium to fine bark and give warm temperatures and medium shade. 9cm pots. Laelia anceps x self Vigorous plants of this winter blooming lavender from Mexico. It is a warm growing epiphyte and likes a well-drained medium. Mounted plants. 125.00 O/o RK/ O/o O/o 6 155.00 1 left 135.00 125.00 155.00 8469 Laelia grandis var leucoglossa ‘no. 2’ x self A rarely seen species from Brazil allied with L tenebrosa. Tawny yellow segments ae curled and twisted and the lip is white – striking. Spring/summer. 9cm pots. Laelia purpurata var. atropurpurrea x self This colour form has snowy white petals and a purple trumpet with white markings. 9cm Disa pots. 225.00 1 left 8814 Laelia purpurata v. carnea ‘Adventure-1’ x ‘Newberry Perfection’ Another lovely white purpurata with a pink lip. 9cm pots. 225.00 8800 Laelia purpurata flammea ‘Jean Webster’ AM/AOS x self Showy displays of white blooms overlaid with vibrant fuchsia striations. A must have! Large growing plants will require bright light at maturity. Spring/summer. 9cm pots. Laelia purpurata semi-alba ‘Lenette no.20’ x ‘Newberry Red Lip’ White petals with vibrant fuchia purple trumpet. The best of this form C & H has seen. Blooming size. 9cm pots. 225.00 9248 Laelia purpurata striata ‘Doraci’ HCC/AOS x L purpurata flamea ‘Jean’ AM/AOS. This grex uses rare awarded parents. Blooms will be showy and vibrant with deep petal striations. Large, warm growing species. Fragrant for late spring and summer. 9cm pots. 225.00 9425 Laelia purpurata schusteriana ‘Mendenhall’ x ‘Lenette’s Lucky 13’ AM/AOS This form has smooth white petals and contrasting deep indigo trumpets. Late spring blooming. 225.00 1 left 7781 8730 7 225.00 225.00 O/0 Laelia purpurata ‘Violetta x Flammea’ Blooming size plants growing in 15cm clay pots with holes in the sides. Very vigorous. A few smaller plants at lower prices in plastic pots. . 350.00 And 250.00 E/o Laelia purpurata var. Werkhauseri Near blooming size plants of this striking variety. In clay pots, 350.00 8609 Laelia tenebrosa ‘Taylor Bronze’ AM/AOS x (aurea x ‘Rainforest’ FCC/AOS) Trumpet shaped blooms in shades of bronze and copper. Beautiful foliage with faint maroon freckling. 10cm pots. Maxillaria tenuifolia This cool to hot growing epiphyte is found from Mexico to Costa Rica and Guatamala. It has an ascending growth habit and flowers form on mature pseudobulbs during spring and summer. Commonly known as the ‘coconut orchid’ due to its strong scent. Lovely blooming size plants. Maxillaria variabilis (yellow) Small epiphytic orchid native to the highlands of Central America. Easy to cultivate and bloom. Water well in growing season and mist to keep humidity high. B/s in 8cm pots. Neofinetia falcata ‘Mendenhall’ x ‘Amani Island’ From Japan and Korea, it is a warm to cool grower found in areas that have a shady summer. Epiphytic. Inflorescences appear in early summer with nocturnal fragrant flowers. Miniature growing. 250.00 O/o O/o 9253 8 150.00 175.00 1 left 225.00 Sold out Madag Oeoniella polystachys Epiphyte from Madagascar, has arching stems with 7-15 fragrant flowers. Fall to spring blooming. 8cm pots. Limited. 175.00 2 only 10024 Onc. ornithorhynchum ‘Sellon’ x ‘Newberry’ (now renamed as Onc. sotoanum) Pink/lavender Central American species which is cold to warm growing and found as a epiphyte in humid forests at altitudes of up to 1,500m. it likes a semi winter rest. Blooms late fall and winter and has numerous fragrant longlasting flowers. Likes to be mounted and can bloom more than once a year. Oncidium sphacelatum Warm growing epiphyte from Mexico and Guatamala. Grows into a large plant which divides easily. Semi arching stems are long lasting and slightly fragrant for spring to early summer. Flowering size divisions in 15cm pots. 225.00 E/o Phaius tankervilleae alba Large terrestrial species from China. The inflorescence can be 120cm long. Spring blooming. 12.5cm pots. 185.00 Equa Phrag. dallessandroi Found in Equador as a medium sized, cool to warm growing terrestrial that is very similar to P besseae but differs in the petals and sepals as well as the staminode and size of slipper opening. 9cm pots. 500.00 O/o 9 145.00 Equa New New New New Phrag. fischerii This delightful ink, purple and white species has various blooming seasons, grows in low to medium light conditions and likes intermediate temperatures. 8cm pots. Prosthechea garciana (Anacheilium garcianum) Sympodial, miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte blooming in the autumn in Venezuela on a 3.5cm long inflorescence with a single flower. Extremely long lasting and fragrant if warm. Mounted. Prosthechea ionophlebia (Anacheilium ionophlebium) Found only in Costa Rica and Panama as a warm to cool growing epiphyte or terrestrial. Blooms in spring on 15cm long stems with 2 – 7 blooms. Blooming size. Prosthechea pachysepala (Anacheilium pachysepalum) Found in Brazil at elevations of 1,000m as a small sized, warm to cool growing lithophyte that blooms in the late spring on an erect 20cm long, up to 20 flowered inflorescence carrying nonresupinate flowers. 295.00 Prosthechea prismatocarpa (Panarica prismatocarpa) Found in Costa Rica and Panama this epiphyte is found at elevations of 1200 - 3300m as a large sized, cool to cold growing orchid. It carries bright, long lasting, fragrant flowers in the spring, summer and fall on a few to many flowered raceme on the newly matured pseudobulb with long-lasting waxy, fragrant flowers. 275.00 10 225.00 275.00 195.00 9302 New New E/o Prosthechea radiata ‘Jeff’s Select’ x self (Anacheilium radiatum) An interesting and easy to grow species. Pale green blooms with maroon striping appear from the centre of each year’s new growth in spring. Blooming size. Prosthechea sceptra (Anacheilium sceptrum) Epiphytic/lithophytic species from Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador found at elevations of 150 – 2000m. Medium sized, hot to cool growing, it blooms in summer and fall or a terminal, erect or arching, 60cm long, many flowered inflorescence with scented flowers held well above the leaves. Blooming size. Prosthechea vespa (Anacheilium crassilabium) Found in Cuba, Colombia and others as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte or lithophyte in pine oak forests. It carries a 30cm long, few to many flowered inflorescence arising on a newly matured pseudobulb with fleshy, rigid, color variable flowers. Blooming size. Psychopsis papilio Nice blooming sized plants in 12cm pots of this fabulous species. One of my favourites! I grow mine in a small pot with my seedling mix, I put it in a hanging basket next to the east side of the greenhouse where it gets lots of light and air. 11 285.00 250.00 225.00 350.00 O/o Psychopsis papilio alba As above but a different colour form. Blooming size plants in small plastic sleeves. 275.00 O/o Sobralia macrantha This is a large sized terrestrial orchid, warm to cool growing found in Central America at elevations of 900 to 3,000m. It produces large 7– 10cm pink to purple flowers at the end of the leafy stems during midsummer which are fragrant but short lived. Blooming sized plants in 15cm pots. Many will bloom 2015. 250.00 CATTLEYA ALLIANCE MERICLONES – CARTER AND HOLMES ORCHIDS Code Description M8061 Blc Campobello ‘Mendenhall’ HCC/AOS. This starts flowering on young plants and gets more wonderful each year. Pale green-yellow blooms with a brighter wash of lemon in the throat. Blc Chia Lin Shinsu ‘New City’ AM/AOS Everything you could want in a showy dark lavender cattleya – vigor , size, substance and fragrance Blooms fall/winter. Limited. M8055 Price 12 295.00 225.00 1 left M6930 Blc. Fort Watson ‘Mendenhall’ The flowers are red with ruffled lips that are almost blood red. Expect up to 4 large blooms per stem on tall upright growths. Summer. Fragrant. 10cm pots. 330.00 M9563 Blc George King ‘Serendipity’ AM/AOS. This is a cross of Rlc Buttercup x Cattleya Bob Betts and was registered in 1970. This hybrid embodies all of the fine qualities one would expect in a standard Cattleya. 2 or 3 large, flat flowers are produced and well held on strong inflorescences. Flowers are spaced nicely. They open a soft pink and progress to a salmon peach colour. Delicious fragrance. A Cattleya Classic and a must for every collection! Blc. Memoria Grant Eichler ‘Lenette’ HCC/AOS Very large lavender for late winter, perfect for the early shows. Vigorous and blooms every year without fail. 10cm pots. Won Best on Show at Southern Cape Orchid Soc. Show 2015. Limited. 295.00 M8671 Blc. Owen Holmes ‘Fire Cup’ New satiny red clone from the original cross of Blc. Harlequin x Oconee. Large blooms with heavy substance flower in late summer on tall growths. Extremely fragrant. 295.00 M3764 Blc. Owen Holmes ‘Mendenhall’ AM/AOS (Blc. Harlequin x Blc. Oconee) Carter & Holmes largest and best formed red cattleya. The 6” flowers are truly spectacular. Fragrant. 10cm pots. Limited. 330.00 M9379 Blc. Waikiki Gold ‘Lea’ Clusters of 4 inch blooms open chartreuse green with a pink blush and turn deeper yellow over time keeping the candy pink accents. Blooms are long lasting and fragrant. 9cm pots. 225.00 M7189 13 295.00 M8063 Blc. Walhalla ‘Frog Level’ Unique mericlone from C. Fort Motte x Blc. Golden Galleon. Clusters of waxy golden booms with deep orange freckles and cherry red lips. Very fragrant and easy to grow. 12.5cm pots. 195.00 M9368 Catyclia Ruth Beckenbach ‘Glen’s Berg’ AM/AOS An exciting new mericlone produced from the rare alba forms of C guttata x Enc cordigera. Upright stems of vivid, apple green blooms with pure white lips. Best grown away from intense light. Lc. Ahmat Sheiki ‘Mendenhall’ AM/AOS Superior semi-alba blooms in late winter. Flowers well held and have good substance. Vigorous growing plants. Very popular plants! 9cm pots. 295.00 M9840 Lc. Amphion ‘Cherry Pie’ Remake of original cross of Lc. S J Bracey x L tenebrosa. Tall growing plants with bold bronzedorange blooms with vivid purple lips. Late summer. 8cm pots. 175.00 M8045 Lc. Marcia Foster ‘Bob Sanker’ AM/AOS Recently awarded with 89 pt. AM. Large growing plant that will make specimens easily. Cream coloured blooms are overlaid with a light lavender-pink blush on the petals. Stunning dark lips. Spring blooming. Near blooming size. Fragrant. 12.5cm pots. Lc. Mary Ellen Carter ‘Dixie Hummingbird’ HCC/AOS C & H is the original home of this world famous mericlone. Blooms are golden-yellow with a heavy overlay of deep orange shading. The ruffled lip is edged with red and shows gold veining in throat. Blooms twice a year. Fragrant. 9cm Disa pots. 225.00 M3772 M5596 14 225.00 1 left 330.00 M9381 Lc. Mini Purple ‘Heavens to Betsy’ (C. walkeriana x L. pumila) This new clone has very dark blue colouring. Very flat 4” blooms have sparkling lilac blue petals and deep, rich violet lips. Compact, free flowering and fragrant. 8cm pots. 225.00 M9704 Potinara Greg Uzar ‘Newberry Majesty’ C & H’s latest and greatest stunning yellow cattleya mericlone. Bred from Pot Frank Gilmore x Blc South Island. Impressive displays of clear yellow flowers with vivid pink lip markings. Very vigorous and will easily produce multiple leads. 8cm pots. Potinara Susan Fender ‘Cinnamon Stick’ AM/AOS All time favourite available again. Intensely coloured orange artshade blooms on sturdy plants. Bright citrus fragrance. Blooms twice per year. 8cm pots. 295.00 M8066 Pot. Susan Fender ‘Newberry’ Showy stems of bright yellow blooms edged in burnt orange and paired with cherry red lip colouring. Fantastic! The slender, upright growth habit makes this a winner. Fragrant. 9cm pots. 225.00 M7850 Sc. June Bug ‘Venice Sunshine’ AM/AOS Compact growing plants with bright yellow and red blooms. Perfect for basket or mount culture. Autumn and various blooming times. 8cm pots. 175.00 Out of stock M5764 15 295.00 1 left M8674 Slc. Circle of Life ‘Trailblazer’ AM/AOS The blooms on this awarded mericlone are an intense orangered with excellent shape. Foliage is compact with red flushing from the coccinea influence. Grow in cool to intermediate conditions for best results. 225.00 CATTLEYA ALLIANCE HYBRIDS – CARTER AND HOLMES ORCHIDS Code Description 8898 Blc. Waianae King ‘Orchidheights’ HCC/AOS x Blc Waianae King ‘Kosaki’ This new sib cross should yield very round peaches and oranges on strong stems. A vigorous grower. Fragrant for summer. 15cm pots. Near blooming size. C. Gravesiana semi-alba (C leuddemanniana semi-alba x C mossiae ‘Blanca’ AM/AOS) Very popular primary hybrid with large fragrant white blooms with distinct purple veining on the lip. Spring blooming. Vigorous. 185.00 9977 C. Interglossa coerulea ‘Hackneau’ AM/AOS x self This cross is from C intermedia x C amethystoglossa, rare blue forms of these species were used in the cross. The awarded parent has tall stems of waxy white blooms with lilac-blue lips and some faint lavender freckles. Seedlings will be more of the same. 295.00 10070 C. labiata coerulea ‘Canaimas Heidelbeer’ x Lc Marcello Miranda ‘Emily’ AM/AOS One of Carter and Holmes best blue labiatas used in this cross. Looking for larger rounder blooms on elegant stems. 295.00 9241 Price 16 295.00 C. loddigesii ‘Blue Sky’ AM/AOS x Lc Egerland ‘Blushape’ AM/AOS Expect seedlings to show a combination of both parents with clusters of pale blue blooms with darker indigo lips,. Very unique! Photo Lc Egerland ‘Blushape’ C. Swan Lake ‘Cimmaron Valley’ x C. Sierra Blanca (photo) A combination of classis and recently awarded parents. Intensely ruffled clear white blooms with darker yellow throats. Very vigorous. Fragrant. 12.5cm pots. Lc. Bella (C labiata x L purpurata). Interesting primary hybrid from Carter and Holmes. Photo Cattleya labiata. 15cm pots, vigorous and near blooming size. 175.00 8722 Lc. Canhamiana coerulea x C warneri rosea Photo: Lc Canhamiana coerulea Another lovely blue purpurata type blooming in summer. 175.00 8779 Lc. Good Fairy ‘no. 1’ x Lc Melody Fair ‘Mishima’ (photo) Lc Good Fairy has unusual colouring for a semi-alba with no yellow throat markings. Fall blooming, fragrant flowers. 12.5cm pots. Lc. Lake Cachuma ‘New Spring’ (photo) x Blc. Arie Hareema ‘Mendenhall’ Expect large pinks for spring shows on vigorous plants. Blooming size. 15cm pots. 175.00 Lc. Twilight Song 4N (C. walkeriana alba 4N x L. anceps alba 4N) Blooms will be a shade of light pink to cream on short upright stems. Fast growing and free flowering these are perfect for basket or mount culture. 12.5cm pots. 175.00 9154 8143 9347 8925 8413 17 195.00 225.00 250.00 8701 8889 Pot. Keep me in Mind (Pot. Beaufort Gold ‘Susan Fender AM/AOS x C. Horace ‘Maxima’ AM/AOS). Expect compact lavenders, yellows and peaches with excellent round form. Various blooming times. 8cm pots. (Photo Pot Beaufort Gold) Pot. Susan Fender ‘Cinnamon Stick’ x C. Chocolate Drop ‘Kodama’ AM/AOS Heads of glossy bronze, red and orange blooms on standard sized plants. Should be interesting. 15cm pots. Near blooming size. 175.00 175.00 FOR FURTHER PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS VISIT THE CARTER AND HOLMES WEBSITE YOU CAN ALSO DOWNLOAD THE LATEST CATALOGUE FROM CARTER & HOLMES ORCHIDS – SPRING 2016 AVAILABLE NOW ON THEIR WEBSITE – SOON WILL BE SUMMER 2016 AVAILABLE OTHER GENERA – HYBRIDS AND MERICLONES FROM CARTER AND HOLMES AND OTHERS Code E/o Description Adaglossom Summit ‘French Town’ Blooming sized plants of this interesting hybrid. Often has two stems per bulb so very floriferous. 15cm pots. Madag Angraecum Crestwood (Angraecum Veitchii x A sesquipedale). Grows into a large plant which has scented flowers for early spring with flowers that are white to off-white. The bloom is very waxy and long-lasting. The stigma surface is green to white. Each spike is full of blooms an often produces multiple spikes. Overwhelming scent is only detected at night. 10cm pots. 18 Price 250.00 250.00 Madag Madag O/E O/E 9891 EO/ E/or Angraecum Crestwood – mutation This winter blooming mericlone has 5 – 10 blooms per stem with a flower diameter of 15cm. The mutant form is described as having ‘3 lips’. 10cm pots, vigorous plants. Angraecum Orchidglade (Ang. sesquipedale x A. eburneum subsp. giryamae) Another stunning Angraecum hybrid producing large winter blooming plants. They grow well with bright diffuse light and should have sturdy stems and medium-green leaves. 10cm pots. 250.00 250.00 Beallara Eurostar This cross is of Beallara Tahoma Glacier and Onc schroederianum. Quite large maroon and white blooms are held on upright stems that are showy and quite long lasting. Allow to become moderately dry in between watering. Spray leaves early morning for extra humidity in the summer. 15cm pots, b/size. Beallara Tahoma Glacier This vigorous hybrid blooms from winter to spring when the new bulbs have formed. It likes fairly shady conditions and a fair amount of humidity. After flowering give plants a 2 – 4 week slightly drier period and then resume watering every week. 12cm pots. Bifrenaria Fuersten Mountain x sib. (Bifrenaria inodora x harrisoniae) Interesting cross from Carter and Holmes of the light green/lavender lipped B. inordora with B harrisoniae (see photo). Need winter rest, blooms in early summer for shows. Young plants in 7cm pots. Colmanara Catatanthe ‘Pacific Sun Spots’ This cross is of Onc Sphacetante x Oncostele Wildcat. Plants are blooming size in 15cm pots producing rusty orange flowers on a tall branching stem. Easy to care for and really vigorous 250.00 Cycnoches Taiwan Gold This genus is related to the Catasetums. It is an intermediate grower, likes diffused light, requires no winter rest and can be fed throughout the year. Grow in a general bark mix and repot every 2 years. 8cm plastic sleeve. 195.00 19 150.00 95.00 250.00 M8044 Den. Fire Coral ‘Super Star’ AM/AOS Tall growing plants with semi-evergreen foliage will be covered in bright orange lipped blooms. Allow temperatures to drop for best flowering but keep watering throughout the year. Near blooming size. 10cm pots 250.00 O/o Den. (Ranger x Berry) x Den. Graham Hewitt. Delightful Aussie native type blooming in springtime for the shows. Colours can vary from cream with blush pink tips through to pinks. Flowering size in 9cm Disa pots. Photo Den. Berry Encyclia profusa x Enc aromatica Both parents in this new hybrid have clouds of pale cream-green and pink blooms on long, branching stems. Perfect for a variety of growing conditions. 135.00 Encyclia Paula Gross x Encyclia cordigera The back cross wil have heavy influence from Enc cordigera. Flowers are expected to be rose and dark lavender with tessellated petals and a candy like fragrance. Summer blooming. Enclyclia Orchid Jungle x Encyclia recurvate Sprays of small chocolate and pink blooms with a sweet fragrance. Very warmth tolerant. 9cm pots. 225.00 Lycaste Erin Crocker (Lycaste leucantha x Lycaste schilleriana) Exclusive to C & H! clear apple green blooms with contrasting white and pale pink lip. Compact growing and vigorous. Intermediate, summer blooming. 9cm Disa pots. Miltonia Sunset (Miltonia regnellii x Milt. Goodale Moir) The flowers have a pale to bright yellow colour, while the lip is purple and presents a dark purple waterfall pattern. Vigorous. Blooming size plants. 225.00 9858 New 9534 New 9531 New 9213 O/E 20 225.00 225.00 250.00 Odontocidium Wild Cat ‘Bob Cat’ Now classified as Oncostele, these attractive orchids with branching stems like lower light conditions and cooler temperatures to thrive. Pot in late winter and early spring so roots are established before the summer heat. They do well in a pine based medium. Blooming size plants in 15cm pots. Onc. Sharry Baby ‘Sweet Fragrance’ AM/AOS The famous ‘Chocolate’ orchid. Tall branched sprays with miniature burgundy and cream coloured blooms. Fragrance is a very sweet blend of vanilla and milk chocolate. Heavenly! Adult plants are free flowering throughout the year. Blooming size plants. 12.5cm pots. 250.00 O/o Onc. Sharry Baby ‘Tricolor’ Different colour form of Sharry Baby. Same lovely chocolate perfume and just as vigorous. Blooming size plants. 10cm pots. 250.00 O/o Onc. Twinkle ‘Red Fantasy’ These extremely popular Oncidiums make lovely specimen plants. Expect sprays of tiny flowers in the spring that are delicately perfumed. Blooming size mounted plants. Onc. Twinkle ‘Fragrance Fantasy’ Blooming size plants in small pots. This clone is a dark yellow with lovely fragrance. 145.00 9760 Paph. Hsinying Jewel ‘Raye’ x Hsinying Jewel ‘September’ Lovely quality green maudiae type paph with tall stems and striped green dorsal. 8cm pots. 250.00 7576 Paph. Pinocchio Very popular, easy to grow lady slipper orchid. Sequential stems produce one flower after the other for months. Green with pink lips. Near blooming size. 9cm pot. 250.00 O/E M5753 O/o 21 250.00 Out of stock 145.00 Phrag. Cardinale This is one of the nicest white, pink, rose combinations. They form multiple growths on plants that are vigorous and generally flower twice a year. 12.5cm pots. Phrag. Hanne Popow (Phrag besseae x Phrag schlimii) A remake of a wonderful primary and is one of the easiest phrag hybrids to grow. Flowers can range in colour from pink to 2-tone pink and white flowers. These may also be slightly fragrant of roses. 9cm pots, blooming size. 450.00 Equa Phrag. Scarlett O’Hara (Jason Fischer x besseae) Expect fabulous reds with broad petals and well-shaped blooms. A must for every lover of Phrags! 9cm pots. 650.00 O/o Sarcochilus Fitzhart (fitzgeraldii x hartmanii) Delightful spring blooming Australian primary hybrid for showtime end September. Make wonderful specimen plants covered in white blooms with red centre. 9cm Disa pots Vanda Paki x Vanda Bill Burke Paki is (cristata x tricolor) and Bill Burke is (dennisoniana x cristata). The photo is of the first blooming of the hybrid. A lovely combination of warm loving species. Flowers will be yellow and cream with reddish freckles and lip marking. Summer blooming. Zygopetalum Hybrids - Assorted This genus is a fragrant and exotic new world orchid that grows in a cool rainforest environment. They like moderate light levels and a little more water than Cattleyas. Do not allow thin leaves to overheat. Soak potting mix thoroughly when watering and allow to almost dry before watering again. Apply a balanced fertilizer once a month during the growing months. Do not feed when dormant. The perfume alone is worth growing the lovely species. 12cm pots. 95.00 Equa. 9971 9542 O/E 22 330.00 295.00 250.00 CATTLEYAS FROM ORCHIDS BY HAUSERMANN C. Bob Betts ‘White Lightening’ HCC/AOS Famous cross of C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae. This spectacular white Cattleya blooms in Autumn. Very vigorous plants, blooming size. 15cm pots. Limited. C. Gertrude Hausermann ‘EFG’ Another stunning white for Autumn. Near blooming size. 15cm pots. 375.00 z15734C C. Swingtime ‘First Spring’ This show stopping white blooms at the perfect time for spring shows. Near blooming size plants, some will bloom in time for the World Orchid Show! 12.5cm pots. 375.00 Z-789C C. Jose Marti ‘Mothers Favorite’ (C. Bob Betts x C Bow Bells) Another exceptional white, this one again for spring blooming. Near blooming to blooming size plants. 15cm pots. Limited. 375.00 Z-775C Z1360C 375.00 PLEASE NOTE YOU CAN TYPE A NAME IN THE GOOGLE SPACE BAR AND YOU WILL GENERALLY GET A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE PLANT YOU REQUESTED. Go to: PAPHIOPEDILUM MIX AVAILABLE @ R40.00 FOR 1.5kg BAG See page 36 for details. REMEMBER THAT I WILL BE COMING TO PIETERMARITZBURG FOR THE NATIONAL SHOW AND CAN BRING ORDERS WITH 23 PAPHIOPEDILUM SPECIES – VARIOUS SIZES, SPECIALS ON ALL SMALL PLANTS ON REQUEST. VERY LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE. O/o Paph. charlesworthii Cool to warm growing epiphyte from India, Thailand and S W China. Grows in leafmould on limestone rocks. Blooms in late summer and autumn on single flowered, erect 25cm long stem. Flower is long lasting. Leaves are clear green with purple spots near the base. Limited. 350.00 O/o Paph insigne Small to medium species found growing on limestone outcroppings at elevations of 1000-2000m in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Cool growing plant that flowers in late autumn and winter. One or two blooms on a long stem which is dark green/brown with spotting on the dorsal. Easy to grow. 9cm pots. Paph hangianum sib This Paph likes a cold dry winter and a wet, warm summer. Slightly sweet smelling, large flowers occur during the spring. 2 small plants left. 125.00 O/O O/o MC/ Paph. gratrixianum Found growing in leaf litter in southeastern Laos and Northern Vietnam in evergreen cloud forests with no dry season and constant humidity. Produces an erect 25cm long, single flowered inflorescence that is autumn and early winter blooming. Easy to grow and bloom. Paph. haynaldianum sib This is a large sized, warm growing Philippine terrestrial species found on limestone hills from sea level to 1500m. It is aspring multifloral bloomer on an erect 45cm long, successively opening several (3–6) flowered inflorescence. 8 cm pot. 24 250.00 On special 350.00 250.00 On special M/C O/o Paph. spicerianum sib This small sized terrestrial has dull green leaves that are speckled purple on the outer suface towards the base and is from the Assam region of India as well as Yunnan China on steep rocky slopes at elevations of 300 to 2000m. Single blooms are held on 20 to 40cm stems in late winter. Plant needs shade with no winter rest. Paph sukhakulii ‘Henduen Wings’ x self Found in NE Thailand, it is a warm growing humus epiphyte with dark green mottled leaves. Single flower on a 20cm stem with a purple, brown and white haired inflorescence. Vigorous plants in 8cm pots. 235.00 200.00 PAPHIOPEDILUM HYBRIDS CH/ 9958 P. Deperle (Paph. delanatii ‘QF’ x P. primulinum) Semi-sequential stems with pastel cream, yellow or pink blooms. Dark variegated foliage. 8cm pots. Vigorous single growth plants from Carter and Holmes. 135.00 Z7441 Paph Big Surprise ‘Lavender Lovely’ x P Pacific Shamrock ‘Rotunda’. The first have already bloomed, some with pink lips – very attractive. Bulb and growth in 9cm pots from O/Zone. P. Gege Hughes ‘Harvest Moon’ x P Golden Emperor ‘Cyclop’ Expect large gold complex paphs for winter months. Vigorous single growth plants in 8cm pots from Orchid Zone. Paph. Hsingying Jewel ‘Raye’ x ‘September’ Not only a pretty flower but grow for its fabulous mottled foliage! Vigorous and blooms on first growth. 8cm pots. 175.00 Z8271 9760 25 175.00 250.00 HS4628 Paph. Lady Isabel ‘Bear-4’ x Lady Isabel ‘Hung Sheng’ SM/TPS (P stonei x P rothschildianum) Brown, mahogany blooms on upright stems for spring and summer. Intermediate to warm growing in low to medium light conditions. 7cm pot HS4097 Paph. Lady Isabel ‘Hung Sheng’ SM/TPS x P rothschildianum ‘New Bear’ SM/TPS (Photo P rothschildianum) See flower above crossed with P rothschildianum. 7cm pot Paph. Living Desert x P. tonsum. CH/ 10118 Blond maudiae type blooms – should be a nice blend of light green, white and pink flushing. 8cm pots. Vigorous single growths from Carter and Holmes. (P Living desert is P Alma Gevaert x P mastersianum.)Photo P Alma Gevaert. Paph Magic Lantern MC./ (P micranthum x P delanatii) Pink blooms for spring on well held stems. Grow intermediate to warm in low/medium light conditions. Withhold watering in winter to induce flowering. 9cm Disa pot. HS3241 Paph. Olympian Yard x P. spicerianum ‘Miao Hua’ The first batch of plants is nearly sold out and the ones I have bloomed are very nice and similar to photo. New plants are vigorous. 9cm pots. Paph. Pinocchio 7576 Near blooming size plants of this delightful multi-floral from Carter and Holmes. 9cm Disa pots. TSG/ Paph. Stone Lovely Large blooming size plants of this shapely green/maroon/white complex paph. Photo. Paph. Stone Lovely. 10cm pots, blooming size. Limited. 26 150.00 On special 150.00 On special 135.00 250.00 On special. 250.00 250.00 275.00 1 left Z7442 Paph. Van Ness ‘Lillian’ x P. Gege Hughes ‘Harvest Moon’. Photo P Van Ness. Golds and blonde complex paphs of good shape and size for winter. Bulb and growth in 9cm pots from Orchid Zone. 175.00 NURSERY OPEN TIMES EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING FROM 10AM – 1PM ALL OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT! I TRY MY BEST TO FIT IN WITH YOU. CYMBIDIUMS A FEW CYMBIDIUM SPECIES NOW AVAILABLE Cym. ensifolium Found in Japan, China, Vietnam etc along water courses or mossy limestone rocks from sea level to 1500m. This medium sized, hot to cool growing terrestrial species can sometimes have variegated leaves. 3 – 9 blooms are carried on 30cm long stems with fragrant and long lasting flowers. 14cm pots. 250.00 Cym. finlaysonianum A large sized hot to cool growing epiphyte on large trees or lithophyte on humus covered rocky outcrops in countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia. Blooms in spring on a 60150cm pendulous inflorescence with many flowers which are fragrant. 14cm pots. 250.00 1 left 27 Cym. sinense Wan Dai Fu sp. This warm to cool growing terrestrial is from China and N Vietnam. It carries a long, up to 80cm inflorescence with up to 20 blooms per stem. The fragrant flowers are carried well above the leaves from autumn through to spring. Blooming size plants in 18cm pots. Limited. Cym. sinense Tao Ji Pink form of this South-Eastern Asian orchid. 14cm pots. 350.00 Cym. suavissimum Found in China and Vietnam as a large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte, lithophyte or terrestrial at elevations of 700 – 1100m. Blooms in summer on a robust stem with up to 50 blooms which are sweetly, fruit scented, close-set flowers. 14cm pots. 250.00 1 left 250.00 CYMBIDIUMS FABULOUS NEW LIST OF CYMBIDIUMS HYBRIDS Code Cym. Description Brenda ‘Hi-Lites’ This cross is Cym. (Jessica Dubroff x George Boulton) both of which were done by A.Easton. Brenda was first registered in 2002. Blooming size standard white cymbidium in 17.5cm pots. Price 195.00 Cym. Brenda ‘Loveable’ Slightly different lip on this clone of Brenda but still very classy! Near blooming size standard in 15cm pots. 125.00 On special 28 Cym. KMP04 Dame Catherine ‘Spring Day’ Lime green miniature, lovely clear colour petals and sepals, excellent show quality. Upright stems. 14cm pots. 195.00 Cym. KPM11 Darling Jade ‘Strawberry Lips’ (goeringii x Fareguard). This is a green intermediate with Asian characteristics. 14cm pots. 195.00 Cym. Desert Gold ‘Geyserland’ Interesting cross of Cym. Tom Thumb x Claudona giving a nice sized intermediate with bold lips and upright stems. Colour is mustard with maroon overlay. 18cm pots, blooming size plants for 2016. 295.00 Cym. Devon Lord ‘Shell Pink’ This super cross of Cym. Devon Park x Rincon produces lovely pink blooms on upright stems for August/September shows. Blooming size in 15 cm pots. Free flowering. 175.00 Cym. Duckitt ‘Bicentennial’ x James Toya Hendrik Expect large, dark red standards from this cross. 12cm pots. Photo James Toya. 80.00 29 Fay Deverell ‘Rave’ Cym. (Solana Beach x Pebbles) Large pink standard with spots. Super quality! Photo: Cym Solana Beach Blooming size in 17cm pots. 195.00 Cym. Fay Deverell ‘Rave’ Photo: Cym Pebbles to illustrate cross above 12.5 cm pots. 95.00 On special Cym. Fiery Beauty This cross of Fiery Queen x Darling Beauty was registered in 2009 by Duckitt Nurseries. Well shaped, large blooms on tall stems. Standard. 12cm pots. 80.00 Cym. Golden Elf ‘Stardust’ The most famous and free blooming of the heat tolerant cymbidiums. This mildly fragrant, golden-yellow alba miniature is so floriferous it has been known to flower in the flask! Blooms August/September. Blooming size in 15cm pots. 125.00 On special Cym. KP1202 iridioides x sinense Beautiful scented brown flowers from this primary hybrid. 14cm pots. Photo Cym iridioides 195.00 Cym. Khaipour ‘Symmetry’ Large plants in 18cm pots carrying many stems of very dark blooms of intermediate size. Can be staked upright or allowed to hang down semi-arching. 295.00 Cym. 30 Cym. Kintyre Gold ‘Paardeberg Goldilocks’ Cym. (Putana x Gold Run). Reg. by McBeans in 1990. Cream/yellow blooms on upright stems with broad band of red on the lips. Near Blooming size in 15cm pots. 125.00 On special Cym. Mem. Marvin Gaye ‘Royal’ Deep bronze, intermediate size blooms with stunning solid maroon lips for late winter into spring. Semi-pendulous spikes make a lovely display for show time. 18cm pots. Blooming size. 295.00 Cym. Mighty Tracey ‘Floricultura’ x Tracey Winner ‘President’ Two good quality standard yellows combine to form this yellow hybrid with a red band on the lip. Vigorous. Photo: Cym. Mighty Tracey. Blooming size in 17.5cm pots. 195.00 Cym. Nut ‘H & R’ Red Beauty x sinense This interesting oriental looking hybrid gives tall stems with many blooms around August. Long lasting and floriferous. Slightly scented. Very vigorous. Many new growths, in 15cm pots, blooming size. 175.00 31 Cym. Cym. Cym. KP 1206 Cym. Cym. (Parish Jewel x Dr Baker) ‘Lava Flow’ Parish Jewel is ( Cym sanderae x Miss Muffet) crossed with Dr Baker which is a darker red/brown also with dark lips. All should be pendulous red/browns. Mericlone. Near blooming size. Photo Cym. Dr Baker. Very vigorous plants in 12.5cm square pots. B/size. Plum Crazy ‘Toffee’ This cross is of Justa Kiwi Girl x Pontac Duckitt. Tall stems of intermediate sized blooms with plenty of flowers in early September through to early October. Blooming size plants in 18cm pots. 135.00 On special Ruby Eyes ‘Red Baron’ floribundum x Sensation This hybrid was first registered by Wondabah Orchids in Australia in 1978 and I saw the first plants available at Wildroot Orchids in the early 80’s. Lovely miniature, true red, pendulous to semi-pendulous. 12cm baskets, blooming size for 2016/17. Ruby Eyes ‘Red Baron’ x traceyanum Expect larger plants than the miniature parent with long stems of red flowers. Interesting cross! 14cm pots. Photo Ruby Eyes. 150.00 KPM29 Ruby Pendant Good shape, deep red pendulous intermediate. The cross is Last Tango x Ruby Eyes. 18cm pots, blooming size for 2016. Maybe some awards here! 026 Showgirl x Mother of Pearl Expect a good, clean, white intermediate with red markings on the lip and upright stems. 14cm pots. Photo of first bloomed seedling. 295.00 32 295.00 195.00 195.00 Cym. KPM25 Street Hawk ‘Mem Tom Monk’ Good clear red with arching spikes. 18cm pots, blooming size. 295.00 Cym. Street Tango ‘Da Vinci’ Found 3 of these when taking stock. 15cm pots. 125.00 On special Cym. KP1211 Sweet Spring ‘Lady Luck’ x Duckitt Bicentennial ‘Frieda’ Expect dark red intermediates with plenty of blooms per stem. 14cm pots. Photo Cym. Duckitt Bicentennial. KP1210 Sweet Spring ‘Lady Luck’ x Fiery Queen Expect bright orange intermediates that give lots of flowers. 14cm pots. Photo Cym. Fiery Queen. 195.00 Cym. KP1212 Sweet Spring ‘Lady Luck’ x John Wooden Expect good clear pink intermediates, very floriferous. 14cm pots. Photo Cym John Wooden. 195.00 Cym. KP1213 Sweet Spring ‘Lady Luck’ x Khan Flame Mocha Expect polychrome greens overlaid with brown intermediate size, with many blooms per tall stem. Near blooming size. 14cm pots. 195.00 KP 1204 Sweet Spring ‘Lady Luck’ x Ruby Valley ‘Clare’ Expect tall stems of dark pink to polychromes with excellent flower count. Photo Ruby Valley. 14cm pots. 195.00 Cym. 33 195.00 Cym. Tracey Winner ‘First Choice’ Tall stems of yellow/green with a band of red on the yellow lip. Near blooming size in 15cm pots. 125.00 On special Cym. KP06 traceyanum x iridiodes This primary hybrid will be similar to the parents and have brownish blooms on long stems with many flowers per stem. 14cm pots. Near blooming size. Photo C traceyanum Yellow River ‘Steffi’ Reg. by Floricultura in 1995. It is the cross of Cym. Vanguard x Tracey Reddaway. Standard cymbidium, large white. Photo of Cym Yellow River ‘Steffi’. 12.5cm square pots. Near blooming size. 195.00 Cym. 95.00 On special ORCHID SHOW The Orchid Society of the Southern Cape will hold its yearly orchid show to be held at the Presbyterian Church Hall, Caledon Street, George (behind the George Library) From Thursday 22nd September To Saturday 24th September Open Thursday and Friday 9am – 5pm Saturday 9m – 2pm We will have a fabulous selection of blooming orchids for sale! Potting demonstrations twice daily Refreshments available Raffle tickets for super Cymbidium orchid in bloom Come and visit – last year’s show was an outstanding success! 34 ACCESSORIES, FERTILISERS AND POTTING MIX Price. GARDEN CARE FERTILISER ‘NUTRIFEED’ – a balanced general plant R75.00 food suitable for orchids. 500gm re-sealable pack. I use this as a foliar spray for all young plants. I use half strength for most orchids. GROWING ORCHIDS FERTILISER – A high nitrogen fertiliser made for orchids. 500gm re-sealable pack. Use from spring through to January for maximum growth on cymbidiums especially. R75.00 FLOWERING ORCHIDS FERTILISER – This is a low nitrogen, water soluble formulation for supplementing the nutrient requirements of all flowering orchids in a variety of growing media. 500gm re-sealable packets. 6:20:30. R75.00 POT LABELS (WHITE) Pot labels 100 x 13mm per 25 labels R12.50 POT LABELS (WHITE) Pot labels 125mm x 13mm per 25 labels R15.00 POT LABELS (WHITE) Pot labels 150mm x 13mm per 25 labels R18.00 PLAIN BARK – VARIOUS SIZES Medium and Large –size 42cm R100.00 SEEDLING MIX (approx. 1.5 kg) This is my special bark recipe which I use for all plants in a 12.5cm pot and smaller. It has excellent drainage and is also great for repotting Phalaenopsis. Highly recommended for Paphiopedilums and Phals. R40.00 CYMBIDIUM/CATTLEYA MIX (approx. 5 kg) Coarser bark mix for use in all orchids growing in pot size 15cm and larger. It is well drained and contains all the necessary ingredients for plant growth. (EX. NURSERY ONLY – or be prepared to pay extra for packing and postage). R85.00 All mix sent via normal parcel post taking 5 days. Packing charge of R30 and then exact parcel post charged as per weight of mix sent. CORK MOUNTS - thick but small size cork mounts with hooks CLAY POTS 15cm handmade clay pots with holes in the sides for excellent drainage. Suitable for Vandas and I love them for mini-Catts. Preferable ex-Nursery only due to weight and possible breakages. 35 R20.00 R85.00 CONDITIONS 1. All prices are nett and include V.A.T. 2. Mail orders are my speciality, I normally pack on a Monday or Tuesday. Please add 15% to value of the order to cover courier. Minimum courier charge is R185.00 for 2kg parcel. Please also add a packing charge of R60.00 per order. 3. Note! All plants are sent via Speed Services to your Post Office. Large plants like the blooming size Cymbidium are sent via Dawn Wing couriers to your door. Courier charge quoted individually on weight of box. You can choose if you want an overnight service or the cheaper 2 – 3 day service. I will quote on individual orders in order to save customers money. 4. Small plants are all sent in their containers with the potting mix sealed into the pot. Large plants will be sent bare-root unless by prior arrangement. 5. The nursery is open Wednesdays from 10am – 1pm. All other times by appointment. We are still open if Wednesday falls on a Public Holiday. 6. Payment should preferable be made by direct deposit to Outeniqua Orchids. Our account is with Nedbank, Stellenbosch branch code 107-110, Account number 1071-257-633. Fax copies of deposit slip to 044-8708915. WE NO LONGER HAVE VISA FACILITIES! 7. Please note that this list cancels all other lists. 8. DIRECTIONS TO THE NURSERY FROM N2:ADDRESS: The Ark, Maitland Street, Blanco. George, Western Province From Cape Town: After Great Brak continue towards George. Take turnoff GEORGE AIRPORT/HEROLDS BAY. At bottom of off-ramp, turn left to the airport. You will pass entrance to airport on your left. At stop sign, continue straight over the old N2 – direction OUDTSHOORN. From this stop, continue a further 5km – at the end of this distance, you will have Fancourt Golf Estate main entrance on your right hand side – continue another 800m – turn left into Maitland Street at traffic lights – follow this street until the tar roads ends (approx. 1 km) and go onto gravel – follow signs to THE ARK – as you enter the house area, please park on the right hand side. From Knysna: Continue on N2 past George – Take turnoff left GEORGE AIRPORT/HEROLDS BAY – at bottom of off-ramp turn right to the airport. You will pass ……..(see above). 9. To place an order please download and print the order form directly from the website. Complete your order manually and fax it through to 044-8708915 or email to I will contact you with availability of plants prior to asking you for payment of the order 36 ORDER FORM Outeniqua The Ark Farm Maitland Street Blanco, George Tel:044-870 8150 P O Box 802 George, 6530 South Africa Fax: 044-8708915 NAME: ……………………………………………… DATE………… ADDRESS………………………………………… TEL……………. …………………………………………………………… FAX …………… ………………………………… CODE ……….. EMAIL ……..…… QUANTITY CATALOGUE NUMBER & NAME PRICE Payment of R ……………….. is Sub-total enclosed Method of payment – pls tick which applies:- R Cheque Direct Deposit R Courier 15% (Minimum R185.00) Packing Handling Signature:………………………………….. Total 37 & R R 60.00 DENDROBIUM SPECIOSUM var. ‘Woodcroft’ This photo is just to show you what can be done with a Dendrobium speciosum. This plant was imported from Australia 18 years ago and photographed in my shaded area in September 2014. What a pity I couldn’t get it to the World Orchid Show! It made the local show and Best Specimen Plant – transported as usual in the horsebox which was the only vehicle it could fit into! Robert looking on. Small plants available using slightly darker yellow parents – see Species section. 38