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5.04.2014 1 5.04.2014 2 5.04.2014 3 5.04.2014 •Kontakt os | •Omdømmeprosjektet | •In English Drammen 10° •Hjem •Aktivitetskal ender •Mat •Shopping •Besøke Drammen •Bilder •Flytte til Drammen •Næringsliv •Om Drammen Bilde 20 av 44 ma ti on to fr lø sø 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 » 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 5.04.2014 I forbindelse med byens 200-årsjubileum 2011 ble Bildene i galleriet nedenunder er tatt av Birgitte Si Se flere drammensbilder i menyen til •Kontakt oss | •Omdømmeprosjektet | •In English Drammen 10° •Hjem •Aktivitetskal ender •Mat •Shopping •Besøke Drammen •Bilder •Flytte til Drammen •Næringsliv •Om Drammen ma ti on to fr Elvebyen Drammen - lø sø 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 » 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - et samarbeidsprosjekt m 31 It’s better to ask your way forward Instead of answering yourself away 5 5.04.2014 6 5.04.2014 Map of Estonia.mht Can experienses from Norway be usefull in Estonia? What kind of experienses are we talking about Help to Children and families - Norway have done this for about 60 years. It has changed from mostly institutional care to out patient treatment. It has been based on the medical way of thinking that it is something wrong that has to be repaired. This way of seeing it has still a strong position. It has been a shift from individualism to family-network-cultural and socioeconomic thinking. A new shift from relational contex to manualized based treatment from (NPM) mainly from economical reasons. Family interventions seems to loose in this context? So yes, maybe you can learn not to do the same mistakes as we have done! 7 5.04.2014 What if we could start all over again? What do we know now that we did not know earlier? Poverty is the most significant risk factor for children's problems Parents mental illness or addiction is a big risk factor Children’s problems occur in contexts with others, family, schools, friends etc. The problems is best solved as close to the Childs living area as possible The most important factor for change is the resources within the people itself Relations between the helper and those to be helped is much more important than methods It is helpful to bring the family relations into treatment of children (and others) It is important to ask the clients of their experiences systematically and how they evaluate We might ask questions about how we use our resources on assessment and diagnose focused work. We are maybe to hung up in the thinking of : first we need to assess then evaluate the put a diagnose- then treatment. This might be a parallel process? This brings us into the next question. How can we organise the help in the most useful way for those we are seeking to give help? We try to organize the help as close to where the children and family live as possible. -de-centralized thinking in organising (not from the top) - the helpers comes more out from their offices -competence is high on the local level (how?) (active competence building) -” You never walk alone” - net work groups and sharing in local municip. - look at possibilities of having groups of clients/families in treatment Only a low number are coming to the centres/hospitals for treatment? A shift in the way we look at clients? - away from the “experts” thinking( those who knows best without asking) - bringing in the clients competence and expertise on to their lives - thinking more like a co-searcher and “together with” We are more becoming the experts on relations and how to have a resource focus We are not the ones who know nothing, but we are in an asking position and in dialogue with those we are supposed to help 8 5.04.2014 A local net worked based organisation Multi family groups 9 5.04.2014 Is it possible to use peoples own competence in a helping position? 19 Client based and Outcome Directed Services? A new way? What works in therapy? M. Lambert 2010 Findings Adults after therapy: 14.1 % is cured 20.9 % is better 56.8 % no change So 65% no change or worse!! 8,2% is worse Children in state health in America 25% is getting worse 10 5.04.2014 What is the most important resource in the work with people in need? Hey You! Don’t make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let them into your heart Then you can start to make it better Hey You! Don’t be afraid. You were made to go out and help them. The minute you let them under your skin, Then you begin to make it better. 11 5.04.2014 4 quest.. 1 4 questions which can help you in improving your relations and give value to the opinion of the clients 1 Relations between you and your therapeut (for adults) I did not experience to bee seen, understood and respected 1 10 (10 cm) I experienced to bee heard, understood and respected To be heared (for youngsters) Did not listen well to me 1 10 (10 cm) Listened well to me 23 4 quest… 2 2 We did not talk about what I wanted to , and did not work with what I wanted to Goal and themas (for adults) 1 (10 cm) 10 Vi talked and worked with the things I wanted to work with and talk about How important (for youngsters) The things we talked about and did, was not important to me 1 (10 cm) 10 What we talked about and did was important to me 24 12 5.04.2014 4 quest.. 3 3 Approach and methode (for Adults) The therapists approach did not suit me 1 10 (10 cm) The thereapists approach suited me well What we did (for youngsters I did not like the things we did today 1 10 (10 cm) I liked the things we did taday 25 4 quest…4 4 In general (for adults) Something was missing in our conversation today 1 (10 cm) 10 The conversation today was good to me All together (for youngsters) I wish to do something else 1 (10 cm) 10 I hope we can do something like this next time These questions are taken from the scedules from; The Institute of Therapeutic Change 26 13 5.04.2014 14