From the Vice President: Bownanza 2011


From the Vice President: Bownanza 2011
From the
Vice President:
Bownanza 2011
by Jill & Patrick Seiver
After a lot of
hard work from the
course marshal, Galen Mauden, the course
captains, and the work parties, CRB’s four courses
were set up and ready for shooting at this year’s
Festivities began on Friday night, with the
Smoker Round, run by Edo Gebenini. With only
one arrow per shooter, the stakes were high, but
great fun was had by all. Later, shooters set off for
the ‘Coon Shoot, run by Don Mahler. In the dark,
by the light of flashlights and head lamps, shooters
aimed for their targets, and had a ball doing it.
Saturday dawned picture perfect, with
plenty of sun and a light wind to keep the
temperatures bearable. Approximately 225
shooters participated in Saturday’s shoot, and
several more registered for Sunday only, resulting
in 248 shooters for the weekend. The courses
were in fine form, thanks to the course captains: A
course was designed by Dave Garrison, B was
designed by Edo, Don Mahler designed C course,
and Pat Seiver designed D. Many members helped
to set up and pull down the targets on these
courses, and the work parties leading up to
Bownanza ensured that the trails were clear and in
good condition. The shooters voted A course their
most favorite – congratulations Dave!
After a day of shooting, many archers
headed out for the Smoker Round and the ‘Coon
shoot in the evening. Thanks to Edo and Don for
running those events both days.
Sunday began with rain, which tapered off
to drizzle as the day progressed. But the shooters
were unfazed, wearing their mostly camo rain gear
and flinging their arrows with good spirit.
VOLUME: 2011
The cook shack served two dinners during
Bownanza: Friday night’s spaghetti feed was so
popular that the cook shack ran out of food! And
the steak feed on Saturday night filled up some
growling stomachs. Breakfast was served on
Saturday and Sunday mornings, which meant that
the cook shack volunteers had to be up and ready
to serve beginning at 7 am. During the day there
were hamburgers, hot dogs, soft drinks and candy
for hungry shooters and CRB volunteers. Shad
and his wife did an outstanding job of coordinating
the volunteers and organizing all of the food.
Margaret Garrison volunteered in the cook shack
many hours on both Saturday and Sunday, and
many different club members took their turns
cooking and selling food. Thank goodness for
these awesome volunteers!
Many club members volunteered their time
for this event. Cindy Duncan and Dani Sletten
spent many hours in their booth selling t-shirts and
mulligans. Mike Garrett ran registration and
calculated the winning scores for each category
and gave out the awards. Walt Watkins and Mike
Stefanick ran the 21 shoot, and Roxanne Chavis
ran the balloon shoot. There were so many people
giving up so much of their time, that I’m sure I have
forgotten many valuable contributions. But all of us
need to remember that without the volunteers,
there is no way that our shoots could be run. If
you’ve never volunteered, you should! It’s fun to
contribute, and you’ll be so glad that you did.
After the awards ceremony – which was
approximately 30 minutes shorter than last year,
thanks to announcing Saturday’s drawing winners
via a bulletin board – many club members stayed
late to close up. The cook shack had to be cleaned
and the food removed, the garbage had to be
loaded into Michael Winney’s trailer to be taken to
the dump, all of the targets had to be pulled and
stored in the cargo containers, and all of the
banners and other materials had to be taken down.
Without all of the hard work of those who stayed
late, our club would not have been safe to lock up.
The people who pulled the targets deserve a
special accolade for their neat and orderly stowing
of the targets; the targets will be a lot easier to get
to at the next shoot, thanks to their hard work.
There were a few hiccups over the
weekend, but overall, the shooters had a good time
and our Club really looked good.
Mahler graciously consented to give up part of
their weekend to do this. Cabela's puts this
event on every year as a free, ongoing
education tool for their customers. Pat did the
seminar on Saturday and Don on Sunday.
They did such a good Job that Cedar River
Bowmen was asked to come back and do this
again. Our thanks to both Pat Moore and Don
Mahler for giving of their time and knowledge!
New Arrow Post
My $50 Winning Arrow
By Dave Garrison
I was one of two people who hit this dot
over the weekend. There were over two
hundred shooters each day and only two
arrows made it into the ring. I guess I was
pretty lucky. The shot was around fifty yards.
(Editor’s note: Dave is being modest. He is excellent at
judging distance and a very accurate shooter as this
Western Archery Days
At Cabelas
July 9th and 10th was Western Archery
Days at Cabela’s Store in Lacey, Washington.
Cedar River Bowmen was asked to send a
representative to put on both a Bow Tuning
and Arrow Selection Seminar in Cabela's
archery department. Pat Moore and Don
By Mike Wallace
It started out as a simple sign
post. Similar to the one along the
Alcan Highway, which has now
become a sign post forest. I was on
my way to a Saturday morning work
party to prep the pole when I began
thinking about turning it into a large
arrow. I passed my Idea around
with the other club members
present that day and I got positive
feedback from everyone.
of my conversations that day was with Richard
Lemon at which point he volunteered to sculpt
the parts out of 3/16th plate steel. How could I
say no.
After a couple of weeks it was general
consensus that it should be ready for
BOWNANZA for maximum shock and awe. On
the Saturday before BOWNANZA it all came
together. The parts were ready and the right
people were present. It truly became a club
project with everyone there pitching in. The first
pole proved to be too large so we switched up
to another pole and managed to get that one in
the ground without crushing the registration
booth. Scott Chavis was the guiding light
during this process and was most appreciated.
After a short break I spoke with Don Mahler
about building a scaffolding with lumber the
club had on hand and he was agreeable, so,
on we went.
After we constructed the scaffolding Don
and Dustin Veenker perched themselves on
top and began installing the feathers that
Richard had made. We also mounted the bell
on the Nock end of the arrow. We may have to
make some adjustments to the bell. At this
point it really began to take shape. We
dismantled the scaffolding and then installed
the four bladed broadhead that mister Lemon
had fashioned and it was complete. Once the
dust had settled I attached a sign I had made
for a good friends club in San Diego California.
Besides the club name I also included the
Mileage as the arrow flys. I would like to have
used the yardage but at 1,848,000 yards I
didn't have room.
Here's the deal. If you have a friend that is a
member of another club, Invite them to make a
sign with their Info on it and mount it on our
sign post pointing the way to their club. Other
signs are being made as this is being written.
Soon I Hope the San Diego Archers won’t be
the only sign. I also placed my broken belt
buckle from the 1995 Redding Trail Shoot on
the pole. I am excited to see what shows up.
Please Keep it Archery related. Who knows, in
a few years maybe CRB will have a signpost
I would like to thank everyone that
participated on the project and wish I could
name everyone that was there, but I am going
to let the pictures that were taken that day do
that for me. I will give special thanks to Scott
Chavis for his expertise in pole planting and
Walt Watkins for all he did that day. And to Don
Mahler and Dustin Veenker for climbing up that
rickety scaffolding and hanging ten. And to
Richard Lemon for his donation of time and
material which will distinguish this sign post
from all others. I hope this thing catches on
and becomes an interesting side note at CRB
Fellow CRB Member
Mike Wallace
Some Bownanza Pictures
Edo Gebenini
giving out some
Edo along with
Patrick Seiver
think they did a very good job.
were responsible
for the running of
Bownanza and I
Sammie and Mom “Dani” working the Raffle Both
Pattie and Galen Mauden, Galen was Shoot Marshal
Some of the prizes
Walt and Mike working the “21” game
Pattie and Cindy working the Raffle Tickets
A devoted blind father helping his son into archery
A Vender and her wares
Michael Winney and youngsters
Michael not only helped pick up targets after the
shoot but volunteered the use of his special quad
during the shoot as well as donating the use of his
special dump trailer for trash disposal.
August 2011 Membership News
Final Tune Session
On Sunday afternoon, July 24th we held a follow up to
the Shooters Day Basic Bow Tuning and Broadhead
demonstration with a hands on at the range Bow Tuning
and Broadhead tuning session. Chris Ray took charge
with the fundamentals, but primarily checked and
squared bows for 2nd and 3rd axis. D loops, peep tie
down and other setup details were fixed. These folks
were then handed off to Don Mahler who took over with
broadhead tuning.
his broadheads to impact with his field points. It took a
couple of minor adjustments and he had both arrows
impacting together in the 50 yard sand pit. At that point
Don began assisting others, getting target points and
broadheads to fly and impact at similar spots.
Don also helped a bit with shooting form. Here, he is
holding one of the youngsters showing her proper
shooting form.
Welcome New & Renewing members:
Membership continues to grow. If you have
questions or problems regarding membership, give
me a call: Mike Stefanick, the Membership
Chairman a call at: 253-630-1184.
A reminder to old and new members regarding
the Membership Drive; recruiting new members will
earn you a reduction in your membership dues for
next year if both, you and your sponsored member,
rejoin by the first weekend in February key
exchange shoot.
For this month, please welcome recent renewing
and new members: Troy & Kari Lacobee, David
Snoen, Gerald Hickman, Rick Matthes
Summer League:
Tuesday evening, 6:30pm start at the Flat Range.
Summer league shooting which started on Tue,
May 24th.will end on Tuesday August 16th. Come
join the crowd on Tuesday evening to meet new
friends and sharpen up your shooting skills.
Summer League: Tuesday’s 6:30pm
Board Meeting 6:30 Clubhouse
19th Friday
Work Party BROADHEAD Shoot
9am, no shooting until it’s over
20th Saturday
21st Sunday
CRB Club Picnic & Shoot
August Calendar of Events:
Bowhunter Warm-up Lewis & Clark
Hunter Warm-up
Silver Arrow
NW Marked 3-D Sectionals Skookum
3rd Leg W WA Buckle Wapiti
CRB Board Meeting 6:30 pm at Club
13/14 State FITA Field
It was a beautiful day, one of the few so far this summer,
for the dozen or so club members taking advantage of
this session. For those unable to make it, catch Don,
Chris, Dave or Mike at the Flat range for a few pointers
and help with bow tuning and tuning broadheads.
Broadhead Shoot, Cedar River
CRB Club Picnic & Club Shoot
Lucky Shot Pre-Season, Lucky Shot
20/21 Big Game 3-D
Bowhunter Warm-up Chinook
Ol’ School 3-D
Cedar River Bowmen present the
Saturday, August 20th 2011
1-Day Only.
Make sure your Arrows & Broadheads are
flying straight for hunting season.
1. Use your Broadheads on real 3-D targets.
2. All field point shooters are welcome.
3. Their will be no shooting stakes. Just follow
the flags and hunt for each animal.
4. Scoring: 10, 8, -5 and 0. Shots outside the
g are considered wounds and are
ed as such, minus (-5) points. Missed
targets are 0.
5. Only one arrow per target
6. Rangefinders and Binoculars are OK.
7. All Cedar River Bowmen Rules Apply.
Shoot Hours:
Adults: ……………………………………………...........$15.00
Young Adult: (13 -17) ………………………….…....... $12.00
Youth: (9 – 12) ........…………………………...…....... $10.00
Cubs and younger are prohibited from shooting Broadheads.
Family Maximum:………………………………….........$35.00
Saturday…8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Scoring is 10, 8,-5 & 0
Shots outside the 8 ring are considered
wounds and therefore are -5 points.
Directions from the North:
Going south on SR 169 follow road across the Green River Gorge bridge to
the Enumclaw Franklin Road and turn left. Go about 1 mile to the CRB gate
on right. Go through gate and follow the road up the small hill and to the
right. Our Club is a short distance beyond the gate.
Directions from the South:
From Enumclaw go North on SR 169 to the Enumclaw Franklin road and
turn right. Go about 1 mile to the CRB gate on right. Go through gate and
follow the road up the small hill and to the right. Our Club is a short
distance beyond the gate.
For information email:
GPS Coordinates: N – 47 / 16.004, W – 121 / 58.684
MapQuest Address: 38000 Enumclaw Franklin Rd SE, Enumclaw, WA
98022. This address will get you within ¼ mile of the range
Visit our Website @
3-D Archery Tournament / Picnic / Potluck
This will be your last chance to shoot at a CRB 3-D Tournament this year!
Sunday, August 21st 2011 / One Day Only!
What the Club will supply:
Compliments of
3. Burger, hotdogs, pop and condiments.
What Members need to supply:
4. Hot dish, Cold dish, Salad or Desert.
Dutch Oven Cook Off:
5. If you have a Dutch Oven and want to participate
bring your oven, and your best recipe.
6. Trophies for 1st, 2nd & 3rdplace.
Tournament Details:
7. Shoot 30 mixed animal 3-D targets.
8. Scoring is 10, 8, outside 8 ring, minus 5 (-5) pts.
9. All Cedar River Bowmen Club rules apply.
*The PICNIC and SHOOT are FREE to all club
members and their family. Members are allowed to
August 21st, 2011
bring guests. Guest price is $4.00 per non-member or
$10.00 per non-member family.
10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Thank You Club Members!
CRB would like to thank all its members for making it
great place to socialize or shoot. Come join us at the
Club for a *Free day of shooting and socializing. Meet
your friends and fellow Club Members. All members
are encouraged to bring their families and guests. We
have swings and play equipment for the kids,
horseshoes for the adults and just plain old socializing
if none of the above interests you.
Visit our website @
Walter Watkins
4713 Lake Alice Rd. S.E.
Fall City, Wash. 98024-9605
These are the officers and board members for the year 2011
Jim Walker
Vice President
Patrick Seiver
Roxanne Chavis
Chris Gates
Tournament Chairman
Mike Garrett
Bowhunting Chairman
Dave Garrison
Asst. Field Side
Asst. Animal Side
Scott Chavis
Chris Ray
Edo Gebenini
Doug Lyons
John Hill
Dustin Veenker
Don Mahler
Membership Chairman
“Puffs” Editor
Mike Stefanick
Walt Watkins
425-222 -5611