Dec 2005
Dec 2005
News Magazine December 2005 A Publication of the Sou thEast Valley Regional Associati on of REALTORS® INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Four SEVRAR Members Receive REALTOR® Emeritus Award Legal Q&A SEVRAR Member Benefit Providers Free Technical Support Service for Members 2006 SEVRAR Board Installation Calendar of Events Virginia Reichard, Reichard Realty, Inc. Doice Shults, Shults Realty Frances Rang Chenoweth, Royal Express Realty Harold Lindell, Sunlakes Homeowners Realty SEVRAR MEMBERS HONORED WITH REALTOR ® EMERITUS Any person who has held membership in the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) as a REALTOR®, REALTOR-ASSOCIATE®, or a combination of both, for a cumulative period of forty years in one or more associations of REALTORS® is eligible for REALTOR® Emeritus status. Upon the approval of the Board of Directors of NAR, no further payment of dues is necessary to NAR by the member association of which the REALTOR® Emeritus is a member. By Barney Thornton, SEVRAR Administrative Assistant / Rental Coordinator EVRAR is pleased to present four honorees that have received the distinguished REALTOR® Emeritus status; Frances Rang Chenoweth, Virginia Reichard, Harold Lindell, and Doice Shults. Frances Rang Chenoweth truly exemplifies having “done it all” within the Real Estate profession. She was first licensed in 1961 and joined the Yuma Board of REALTORS®. In 1971 she relocated to the valley and became a member of The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® (SEVRAR). Mrs. Chenoweth served on the Board of Directors as a Director from 1978 through 1979, continued as Vice President during 1980 to 1981, and was voted on by her peers to take the role as Board President in 1982. The years during 1981 to 1983 proved to be extremely busy for Mrs. Chenoweth. She was a Director for the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service (ARMLS), served on the Executive Committee for the Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) and was a committee member for the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). In addition, SEVRAR members awarded her REALTOR® of the Year in 1981 as well as the REALTOR® Appreciation Award in 1982. Mrs. Chenoweth’s dedication to her profession clearly makes her a worthy recipient for the Emeritus Award. Virginia Reichard was first licensed in 1960 while residing in Pocatello, Idaho. Just a few years later she moved to Tucson, Arizona and joined the Tucson Association of REALTORS®. It was during 1968 that Mrs. Reichard made yet another move—to the valley of the sun at which time she joined the SEVRAR. Mrs. Reichard held the distinct honor of Sales Woman of the Year for the association in 1969, 1970, 1971, and 1972. It was in 1985 she served as President of the ARMLS. Throughout her membership with SEVRAR she has participated in and chaired several committees at the association. Remaining active in the real estate community, she was a Designated REALTOR for thirty-eight years and still works as an active REALTOR®. 2 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 On February 6, 2005 she celebrated with her husband Rod, their 50th wedding anniversary. They have had the fortune to work together over the years while passing on their dedication and love of real estate onto their three daughters. It brings them great pride to see their daughters working in the real estate industry today. Harold Lindell was first licensed in Willmar, Minnesota. He was a member of the West Central Board of REALTORS® from 1960 to 1965. After moving to Colorado he joined the Fort Collins Board of REALTORS® and was an active member for thirty years. During his term as Chairman of Fort Collins Multiple Listing Service, his influence afforded all REALTORS® the ability to fully utilize the multiple listing service. It was during 1981 that Mr. Lindell served as President of the state association, the Colorado Association of REALTORS®. In addition, he served as a Director for the National Association of REALTORS®. During his term Mr. Lindell took a special interest with NAR’s voting policies. His work was instrumental in making changes. Today these changes have given all REALTORS®, not just Designated REALTORS® the right to vote. Today, Mr. Lindell is still an active member of the SEVRAR since joining the in 1987. Doice Shults was first licensed and joined the Mesa, Chandler, Tempe Board of REALTORS® in 1954. As a developer he was responsible for building one of the first “strip” shopping centers in the downtown Phoenix area. The project was located on 16th Street and Osborn. At that time the shopping center filled to capacity with a total of nine businesses. Today, he still owns commercial buildings and remains busy managing a variety of properties in his own portfolio. Mr. Shults would like to recognize to his most valued secretary, Sue Stead. She has been a loyal and trusted employee for forty years. We recognize your dedication—a dedication that has brought each of you distinguishing careers. Congratulations to each of the honorees for your Emeritus Award. ■■■ INSIDE THIS ISSUE President’s Perspective THE YEAR IN REVIEW……………….. pg 03 News & Features REALTOR® EMERITUS AWARDS..… MEET THE 2006 BOARD……..……... 2006 COMMITTEE CHAIRS ……….. AFFILIATE CORNER………………….. 2005 PHOTO PAGES ………………… GUEST COLUMN: MATT FOX ……. EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS ……. LEGAL Q&A……………………………... LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS…….. WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP……….. YOUR ORAL HEALTH………………... TECH HOTLINE TECH TIPS……….. SEVRAR INSTALLATION RSVP…… pg 02 pg 04 pg 06 pg 09 pg 10 pg 11 pg 11 pg 12 pg 17 pg 20 pg 22 pg 25 pg 27 Politically Speaking COMMUNITY VALUE.................... pg 13 New Members AFFILIATE MEMBERS……………….. REALTOR® MEMBERS……………….. pg 09 pg 14 Designees ABR DESIGNEES……………………... E-PRO DESIGNEES…………………… GRI DESIGNEES……………………... pg 19 pg 19 pg 19 Education Schedule CCIM CLASS……………………………. DECEMBER……………………………... pg 20 pg 21 Member Benefits ASU TICKET PACKAGE FOR YOUR CLIENTS……………………….. APPLETON DENTAL…………………. FREE TECH SUPPORT……………... CURVES MEMBERSHIP…………….. Calendar of Events December 2005 & January 2006… Advertisers Arizona Chapter CRS Commission Express Convenient Termite & Pest Control Fast Mobile Auto Repair First Horizon Home Loans Freedom Financial & Mortgage Home Warranty Plus by Sears Homes & Land / Summit Design Hyundai of Tempe Ideal Home Inspections J. Dewey Property Inspection LandAmerica Lawyers Title Landmark Maintenance Services Legacy Home Mortgage Nationwide Premier Inspectors of America PRS Property Management ServiceOne Home Warranties Simplify Professional Organizing Sterling Mortgage World Inspection Network Country Wide Home Loans PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE As I write this article I find it amazing that the year has already passed with Christmas just around the corner. This has been a banner year for Real Estate across the country, as well as for our members. The Changing Market Duane Washkowiak, 2005 SEVRAR President By Duane Washkowiak,By2005 SEVRAR Board President s we review the events of this year I would like to ask each of you to consider what you will do to become involved with the association or community organizations during 2006. REALTORS® have a vested joint interest in each of the communities we serve. It is apparent that no one cares more about these communities than the professionals I have had the honor of working with over the years. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) will continue to focus their efforts in this direction as well. Their public awareness campaign features the positive impacts REALTORS® have each day. I encourage you to share the story of the contributions, involvement, and support you’ve given to the communities across the valley. (Simply e-mail Wyndi Ballard at SEVRAR, In coming months, I suspect that we will be reading in the newspapers that real estate is changing and the sky is falling. Let me remind you that we are merely returning to a normal market after explosive increases in price. If you review history, it would show that we typically carry over 20,000 listings to as many as 28,000 listings at any point in time dating back to the early 1990’s. The market for 2006 is still strong (per most experts) and it needs to slow down as those rates could not be sustained. I would recommend that each of you to refer to recently published reports from NAR. Including over 130 markets—the Anti-Bubble Report provides a picture of specific areas for the future. As you meet people during the Holiday season, share the details that point to the fact that real estate is still a great which will continue to be for a significant period of time. These reports can be viewed at the NAR website SEVRAR recently held the annual Board elections with more candidates on the ballot than any time in the recent future. Having just attended the recent NAR Conference & Expo in San Francisco, I am encouraged that we are closer to solving the Health Insurance issue and Group coverage for our members. We are stronger as an association than ever before, but we need to be more vocal individually. When we ask for you to write your elected officials we need to have more response through the NAR Action Center to move these issues forward. I know that the e-mails you receive are many, but in order to be successful you must respond to these requests to make a difference. In reviewing the year I would like to point out some recent accomplishments: pg pg pg pg 23 23 23 23 pg 26 pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg 13 15 07 21 21 14 07 05 19 24 06 12 24 bc 18 16 07 20 17 20 22 25 • Completion of an agreement with Tech Hotline. Tech Hotline provides complete FREE technical support for all members (call 888-618-3400). I encourage you to take full advantage of this service— some members have reported that this service has saved them hundreds of dollars. • Renovation and modernization of the front lobby to assist members more efficiently. • Relocated and expanded the SEVRAR RealMart Store (remains on site near the conference center). • Updated the technology equipment used in the Conference Center. • Worked with the Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) in rolling out the Homewards Program. This program will be an opportunity for you to be a speaker to train at local schools. • Completed the Habitat for Humanity Home in Chandler with the SEVRAR Affordable Housing Committee. Also obtained approval to build the next home in Tempe. • Partnership with ASU for free client ticket packages. • Focus on serving members from staff through each Board member. • Higher level of involvement with AAR and NAR committees. • Improved communication vehicles—SEVRAR News Magazine, FastFacts e-mail & re-design of website. We will be meeting shortly to plan the 2006 year as well as reviewing survey data as a part of that process. Our focus will continue to be on member needs and on how best to improve involvement. I also want to remind you that the annual dues billing has been sent out—and you will note that we are asking for each member to contribute their fair share of just $30. towards RAPAC. This is the least expensive form of insurance for your business and it is less than a dime a day. There are many other issues to be fought and it is in your best interest to contribute. (70% of the donation is retained in the State for local issues.) I ask each of you to consider making this contribution to help make a difference. It has been a pleasure to serve as your President this year and I wish each of you a great Holiday Season! Regards, Duane Washkowiak Century 21 Metro Alliance 2005 SEVRAR Board President ■■■ SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 3 GET TO KNOW YOUR 2006 BOARD Congratulations to the members of the 2006 Board of Directors. PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT VICE PRESIDENT SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE & STAFF John Stih, RCE Chief Executive Officer GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Samuel Aubrey, Director of Government Affairs PAST PRESIDENT MARKETING Wyndi Ballard, Director of Marketing EDUCATION Vicki Rocha, Director of Education PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Jackie Whittaker, Professional Standards MEMBERSHIP Bonnie Hanson, Membership Coordinator Sara Kovach, Membership Assistant Jacqueline Ince, Membership Assistant FINANCE Lynn Mura, Controller Patsy McManus, Accounting Manager Rebecca Furlano, Data Specialist Linda Berg ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, LTG, PMN, RRC Coldwell Banker Residential TREASURER Liz Echeverria ABR, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, LTG, PMN, RRC, SRES Realty Executives Ahwatukee Jim Amdahl ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI, REBAC Keller Williams Realty Sonoran Living DIRECTOR Duane Washkowiak ABR, CRS, GRI Century 21 Metro Alliance DIRECTOR DIRECTOR REAL MART STORE Cathy Blake, Real Mart Store Manager ADMINISTRATION / FACILITIES Barney Thornton, Admin. Assistant/Rental Coordinator Ramon Torres, Facilities Manager Melissa Graham, Reception Dawn Sorensen, Reception SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE is the official news and information source of the SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® which is published six times per year. MEMBERS: Send change of address to or log onto the website at POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS®, 1363 South Vineyard, Mesa, Arizona 85210-8932. The purpose of The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® is to serve its members by providing programs, products, services, and activities which enhance members’ freedom and ability to conduct their real estate practices successfully, with integrity, and competency, and through collective action to promote and protect private property rights. Jayne Burgess ABR, CRS, GRI Re/MAX Alliance Group DIRECTOR Laurie Allen LandAmerica Lawyers Title DIRECTOR Theresa Helmick ABR Coldwell Banker Residential DIRECTOR Jennifer Hurley GRI Prime Realty Group DIRECTOR The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the articles contained herein. The contents of information of articles are the opinions of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent those of officers, directors, staff, or The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS®. Advertisements contained in the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE should not be construed as an endorsement by the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE staff. The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® does not test advertised products or services, and therefore, cannot ensure their quality, accuracy or reliability. Advertisement content and placement is at the discretion of the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE editor and/or Board of Directors. All real estate advertising in this publication is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of eighteen living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under eighteen. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination, call HUD at (800) 669-9777; the hearing impaired call (800) 927-9275. REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark that identifies , and may be used ONLY by real estate professionals who are members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics. Vicki Kelly ABR, e-PRO, GRI, LTG, PMN Century 21 Club Realty DIRECTOR Paul Pastore ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI Re/MAX Achievers Patrick Sanders Century 21 Aware Realty Janette Shivka Shivka Realty Copyright © 2005 by The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS®, 1363 South Vineyard, Mesa, Arizona 85210-8932. Telephone: (480) 833-7510. Fax: (480) 835-1329. Articles unassigned in this publication may be reproduced providing credit is given to SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE with a copy mailed to the editor. Reproduction of articles written by all others is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. DIRECTOR Thank You A very special thank you to the 2005 SEVRAR Board of Directors. Your leadership, service, and commitment is greatly appreciated. This year will reflect a dedicated, hard-working Board that “raised the bar” throughout the association. We thank you for your contributions. Crisanna Tutera ABR, GRI, PMN, AZ MRE Society Keller Williams Legacy One Realty Nancy Vitkovich CRS, GRI, LTG, PMN, SRES Realty Executives 4 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 Duane Washkowiak, President Linda Berg, President Elect Jack Williams, Vice President Kate Rose, Past President Jayne Burgess, Treasurer Jim Amdahl, Director Liz Echeverria, Director Vicki Kelly, Director Bob Krause, Director Yvette Myer, Director Paul Pastore, Director Patrick Sanders, Director Janette Shivka, Director Connie Walker, Director SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 5 SEVRAR NAMES NEW COMMITTEE CHAIR’S FOR 2006 Utilize SEVRAR’s Blue Ribbon Affiliates on your next transaction. Show them how much you appreciate all they do for you and SEVRAR. Visit and click on the Blue Ribbon link on the left side of the website. SEVRAR members voluntarily serve on dozens of committees that give direction and manpower to operate the many programs, services and events of the association. As a member you have a "say" in the association and are encouraged to participate as your time and talents allow. Your participation creates an increased sense of belonging and multiplies the benefits you receive from the association. SEVRAR invites all members to review the list of committees and sign up to serve "your" association. Affiliate Committee (Meetings: 2nd Thursday each month @ SEVRAR / 9:00am) Co-Chairperson: Mari Winkfein / / Tel: (480) 844-3984 Contact: Co-Chairperson: Kent Rini / / Tel: (480) 481-8090 Affordable Housing Committee (Meetings: 3rd Tuesday each month @ SEVRAR / 3:00pm) Chairperson: Chris Bastian / / Tel: (480) 730-3538 Benefits Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Liz Echeverria / / Tel: (480) 691-5800 Builders Liaison Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Marshall Cleveland / / Tel: (602) 526-6500 Bylaws Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Michele Edison / / Tel: (480) 838-7772 Commercial MLS Committee (Meetings: 4th Thursday each month @ SEVRAR / 7:30am) Chairperson: George Bliss / / Tel: (480) 844-2273 Education Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Leah Lichter-Roedig / / Tel: (480) 899-1808 Election Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Janet Seagraves / / Tel: (480) 834-9131 Finance Committee (Meetings: Tuesday the week of Board of Directors Meeting @ SEVRAR / 1:00pm) Chairperson: Jayne Burgess / / Tel: (480) 892-5300 Government Affairs Committee (Meetings: Monday the week of Board of Directors meeting @ SEVRAR / 12:00pm) Chairperson: Hercel Spears / / Tel: (480) 892-5300 Grievance Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Co-Chairperson: Todd Menard / / Tel: (480) 444-2311 Co-Chairperson: David Rider / / Tel: (480) 940-6410 Leadership Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Marshall Cleveland / / Tel: (480) 526-6500 MLS Committee (Meetings: 2nd Monday each month @ SEVRAR / 10:30am) Co-Chairperson: Ron Krystofik / / Tel: (480) 456-8600 Co-Chairperson: Doug McVinua / / Tel: (480) 963-2222 Professional Standards Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Dennis Keith / / Tel: (480) 838-7772 Vice Chairperson: Stephen Chader / / Tel: (480) 854-2400 Property Management Committee (Meetings: When necessary) Chairperson: Steve Urie / / Tel: (480) 539-5700 ■■■ 6 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 7 AFFILIATE CORNER The SEVRAR Affiliate Committee has had a great year. During 2005 the committee supported and sponsored several events for the REALTOR® community. By Anna Bowers, 2005 Affiliate Committee Chairperson would like to acknowledge and thank some special members of the committee for their contributions which will continue through the coming year. And, I am pleased to present the 2006 Affiliate Committee and Sub-Committee leaders: 2006 SEVRAR Affiliate Committee Mari Winkfein, Co-Chairperson Kent Rini, Co-Chairperson Patrick Ritchie, Treasurer Affiliate Sub-Committees Laurie Allen, Chairperson for the Annual SEVRAR Family Picnic Gerard Brokerhof, Chairperson for the Annual REALTOR® Play Day Golf Tournament Bob Branstetter, Chairperson for the REALTOR® Expo Mandy Jones, Chairperson for Affiliate Orientation AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIP CONTACT GUIDE This year the committee published its first Affiliate Membership Contact Guide. This guide includes a complete list of all the Affiliate members, a special section for quick name and phone number look-up, and highlighted section for each Blue Ribbon Affiliate member. The guide will be available to all new and existing REALTOR® members. Published (with the help of Wyndi Ballard, Director of Marketing) and updated quarterly, please be sure to pick up your copy the next time you visit the SEVRAR office. SPONSORSHIPS In addition, many of the Affiliate members sponsored several events and education classes during 2005. This included ALL the new REALTOR® Orientation classes, and designation classes such as GRI, CRS, & ABR. The Affiliate committee will continue to help SEVRAR’s Education Committee by sponsoring all the upcoming classes. A variety of Q&A sessions were held during 2005; from technology, a panel of multi-million dollar producers sharing their secrets, to a special presentation by Dr. Jay Butler—these informative Q&A session will continue in 2006. The sponsorships provided by the Affiliate committee enable the REALTOR® community and members to attend for free with lunch provided. Watch for details upcoming issues of the SEVRAR News Magazine as well as the weekly Fast Facts email. As the Affordable Housing Committee gets closer to their goals of raising funds to build the next Habitat for Humanity home in the southeast valley (Tempe)— the Affiliate committee looks forward to sponsoring the hospitality tent again in 2006. This hospitality tent is a key part of keeping the build crews on task— hydrating and feeding volunteers from ground breaking ceremony to its completion. GOALS FOR 2006 The Affiliate Committee has a full schedule planned for 2006. Our goal is to be supportive of the SEVRAR REALTOR® community and to bring value to each member. When seeking goods and services I want to encourage you to utilize your Affiliate’s. They work very hard and many times (when they have exceeded their company’s budget) spend money out of their own pockets to provide fun, educational, and rewarding events that benefit the entire SEVRAR community. Please take a moment to look at the names on the Blue Ribbon Affiliate list and considering using them in your next transaction. There are many different types of businesses to fit a variety of your needs. These Affiliates deserve your business. My request would be, PLEASE USE THEM. I can not think of a better way to thank them for all they do for YOU the membership of SEVRAR. NEW SEVRAR AFFILIATE MEMBERS This list reflects new members that joined during the period of October through November 15, 2005. Accurate Home Inspection Damon Dustin Ron M. Dye All American Wiring & Electric Brian J. Slicker Alliance for Affordable Health Services Richard A. Kovach American Dream Home Inspection Paul G. Gonzales Arizona Hi Tech Inspections Larry Strong Arizona Republic, The Diana Cox Kent Johnson Christie E. Ludwig Brooke Insurance Ron Palmer Cash For Notes J. Harold Smith 8 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 CEI Inspection Services Doyle Chaney Home Warranty of America Kathryn Lansden Premier Dream Home Inspections Richard W. Wells Chase Donna J. Thompson Ideal Home Inspections Levi J. Degner Realty Arranger Trent Powell Chase Home Finance Wes Waddle Inspect-It 1st Dwight A. Sossaman Rise, Inc. Ira Roush Chompies Restaurant Frank Lara Instar Pest Management Christopher L. Wiles Service One Warranties Ben Mecham Convenient Termite & Pest Control Isidro A. Gloria LandAmerica Property Inspection Services Morris C. Christensen William Pokorny David A. Ungacta Termagon Inc Mike H. Nevitt Countrywide Home Loans Leanne Wayne Desert Breeze Property Inspection, L.L.C. Dennis Welch Elite Professional Home Inspections Lee Barlow Home Loan Experts Lulu G. Musel LandAmerica TransNation Paul G. Guenther Native Son Inspection Services Robert J. Vandenberg New South Federal Savings Bank Major R. Hofheins Newcomer's Inspection Services Mark A. Mandery United Mortgage Financial Group, Inc. Leah Osterhoudt Valley Mortgage & Investment Inc. Sean Card Warranty Services of America Dell Foster Young's Building Inspections Chris D. Young Installed 2005 Board President Duane Washkowiak presents 2004 Board President Kate Rose with a gift. Bill Ryan and his team give a presentation to SEVRAR members during a Q&A session free to members. A clown entertains during the SEVRAR Family picnic in April 2005. SEVRAR, the Affordable Housing Committee with Habitat for Humanity dedicate the home to the Maldonado’s. Queen Creek Mayor Wendy Feldman-Kerr with John Kross, Assist. Town Mgr. during a special SEVRAR presentation. Members of the SouthEast Valley Chapter of WCR greet guests during the Fashion Extravaganza. SEVRAR CEO and SEVRAR Director Jack Williams. Kent Rini and Mari Winkfein captured during an event. SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 9 John McCord with an event golfer presents an award at the SEVRAR REALTOR® Play Day Golf Tournament. Another presentation at the annual SEVRAR REALTOR® Play Day Golf Tournament SEVRAR staff members Barney Thornton, Wyndi Ballard, and Vicki Rocha during an event for RAPAC donations. The 2005 SEVRAR Leadership Graduates. Target Pest Solutions pose at their booth during the 2005 SEVRAR Affiliate Expo. SEVRAR staff member Sara Kovach at the newly renovated office. SEVRAR members and participants at the annual SEVRAR Chili Cook-Off. Patrick Sanders (L) and Jackie Whittaker (R) present Carol Whitworth (C) with Sunshine Acres a donation check. 10 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 SEVRAR GUEST COLUMN Increase Your Tax Benefit with a Solo-K Plan By Matt Fox argely as a result of the bursting of the tech bubble at the end of the 20th century and the recessionary period that followed, the unemployment rolls swelled dramatically. Many of the people who found themselves on the outside looking in were long-term employees with years of experience. When these dislocated former employees applied for other jobs, they often learned they were “over-qualified” and were immediately out of the running. After a couple of these unfortunate interviews, many out-of-work individuals turned to an option they should have considered from the beginning: selfemployment. As a REALTOR®, you may be one of these entrepreneurs, and a solo-K plan may be just what you’re looking for. A solo-K plan is a 401(k) plan whose eligibility is limited to businesses that have no employees other than business owners and their spouses. What is so attractive about a solo-K plan is that it permits business owners (even self-employed individuals) to make before-tax contributions to the plan both as an employee and as the employer. The tax savings, not to mention the opportunity to increase your retirement savings, can be terrific. SEVRAR SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS The SEVRAR Board of Directors is continually looking for new ways to “raise the bar” for our association members. One way to help achieve this is through the recently established SEVRAR Scholarship Fund. ach year SEVRAR budgets reimbursement funds for members who have taken various approved education courses. This also includes any Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) or National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) meetings or events where a cost is involved. Each member must meet the established criteria to be eligible for a $100 Scholarship reimbursement. Applicants must be a REALTOR® or Affiliate member in good standing with SEVRAR for a minimum of six months with active participation on a committee, or serve on the SEVRAR Board of Directors. Proof must be provided to confirm that the course was paid for and completed by you. Only non-company expenses will be considered. Requests for reimbursement must be completed and turned in within forty-five days from completion of the course date and must be verified by either company presidents or Designated REALTORS. To illustrate how this plan might work for you, let’s assume your self-employed earnings as a REALTOR® amount to $100,000 in 2005. As a participating employee in the plan, you can defer up to $14,000. In addition, you can contribute 25% of your includible income to the plan as the employer. (If you are selfemployed or a partner, your includible income is your self-employed income minus the amount you contribute to the plan.) The plan contribution you can make as your own employer is, therefore, $18,616. So, based on your $100,000 self-employed earnings, you can make combined contributions to your solo-K plan amounting to $32,616 in 2005. If your selfemployed earnings are greater than $100,000, you can increase your contributions. Although the limit on elective deferrals (that is, your contribution as an employee) is still limited to $14,000 in 2005, your allowable employer contribution can increase if your earnings are higher. You just need to be sure your total contributions don’t exceed $42,000 for 2005. The tax benefits don’t stop there if you are age 50 or older. Owners who are age 50 or older may make catch-up contributions to the plan. For 2005, the maximum catch-up contribution to a 401(k) plan is $4,000. So, your total contribution, depending on your income, may be as high as $46,000. Reimbursement will be up to $100 or cost per event (whichever is less). Claims will be limited to two per member, per year. The total number of scholarships paid by SEVRAR will not exceed yearly budget amounts. This is a perfect way to increase your knowledge as well as your earning power. Take advantage of this opportunity and apply now. For more information and to get an application visit ■■■ Based on the $100,000 self-employed earnings, however, your total contribution can be $32,616. Depending on your tax filing status, your total tax bracket may be 30%. What that means to you is your $32,616 contribution to the plan may save you $9,785 in state and federal income taxes this year! ■■■ Matt Fox is the owner of Fox Financial Solutions, LLC and has over 9 years experience in the insurance and financial services industry. Matt can be contacted at: Fox Financial Solutions, LLC, 1152 N. Power Rd., Ste 101, Mesa, AZ 85205, Tel: 480-985-0760, E-mail: DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the views or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement of any member, company, or individual, nor reflect in any way upon the products and/or services provided by an organization or individual. SEVRAR reminds members to visit the Arizona Multiple Listing Service for the most recent monthly home sales reports. Simply go to: and click on the STATISTICS link. SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 11 LEGAL Q&A We are pleased to offer a special Legal Q&A section of the SEVRAR News Magazine. This area was specifically designed for a panel of qualified attorney’s answer a variety of legal questions for SEVRAR members. If you have a an issue as it relates to your business and/or clients that you would like addressed, please e-mail your question to and we will do our best to answer your question in our next issue. By Lezlie Benham, Kathleen Fox, and Laura Stover UESTION: A year ago, my homeowners’ association fined me $500 for refusing to remove a basketball hoop I had installed on my garage; with late fees and default interest, the fine now exceeds $750. My home is now in escrow and the homeowners’ association is asserting that it has a lien against my property for this amount, which must be paid at closing. Does the homeowners’ association have a lien against my property for the amount of the fine, late fees and default interest? paid the inspector for his work. Is the contract provision limiting my recourse to the return of the $300 home-inspection fee enforceable? ANSWER: Probably yes. Absent fraud or some unusual circumstance regarding your signing of the home-inspection contract, the provision limiting your recourse to the return of the $300 home-inspection fee is probably enforceable. ANSWER: No. While the association does hold an automatic lien for the payment of assessments, and of fees and collection costs related to assessments, pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1807(A) the association must obtain a judgment in a civil lawsuit to obtain a lien for the payment of fines, penalties and other charges unrelated to the payment of assessments. Thus, while the $750 fine remains your personal obligation after closing, the fine does not constitute a lien against your property which must be paid as a condition of closing. (Note: The CC&Rs could contain provisions regarding the new owner’s responsibility for the fine.) Laura Stover, a Partner with the Nearhood Law Offices, P.L.C., has extensive experience in estate planning and probate administration. QUESTION: When I purchased my home in Mesa last year, I hired a reputable home inspector. I recently discovered a major plumbing problem in my home, which will cost me $5,000 to fix. I believe the home inspector should have noticed the problem and included it in his report. However, when I contacted the home inspector, he informed me that, under the terms of the contract I signed with the home inspector, even if he negligently failed to discover the plumbing problem, I am entitled to nothing more than the return of the $300 I Kathleen Fox, a State Bar of Arizona Certified Real Estate Specialist practices in the areas of real estate transactions and litigation and business organizations. 12 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 Lezlie Benham, who holds an LL.M. in taxation, practices in the areas of real estate, taxation and business organizations. Note: Questions e-mailed for the SEVRAR News Magazine Legal Q&A section does not result in attorney-client relationship. The Legal Q&A column is a source of legal and ethical information and no such attorney-client relationship is intended or implied. POLITICALLY SPEAKING: COMMUNITY VALUE Unlike many of us today, it took Bill and Ann until the age of fifty before they were able to purchase their first home. A brand new four-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath, eighteen-hundred square foot home was probably more than either of them had ever dreamed could be possible. I encourage each of you to search out these “jewels” in every community and to establish and nurture a relationship with each of them. Also, pass their names along to local leaders who may not know or comprehend the value these individuals bring to the neighborhoods they represent. They are truly deserving of the highest compliment and consideration we can give. In closing, on behalf of your association, thank you for the service you provide to increase homeownership and spread the value of “home” to so many. Happy Holidays! Samuel Aubrey can be reached at or 480-505-6401. By Samuel Aubrey, Director of Government Affairs heir success in acquiring the less than twenty thousand dollar mortgage to purchase their dream home was like “living the impossible dream”. That was nearly forty years ago. I remember the day Bill told me he and Ann had paid off their mortgage after thirty years of payments. We could have celebrated the event. But, like most things with Bill, the announcement was more reflective than celebratory. You see, it wasn’t so much the amazing accomplishment of receiving a note bearing a “PAID IN FULL” stamp, it was a sense of pride in the building of community over the past thirty years that increased the value of such an accomplishment. Cornerstone of Community Every community has that someone (or someone's) who provides that something special which adds character, value, heart, and soul to the neighborhood. When I think of our small community, I think of Bill and Ann. I think of their commitment over time that has served as the cornerstone in the building of our neighborhood. I think of something irreplaceable—that has stood the test of time—that has made it possible for other families to enjoy their dreams of homeownership in a thriving and progressive community. There are numerous Bill’s and Ann’s in communities all across this great nation—and, on every socio-economic level. And, believe me when I say that every one of them are worth finding and extending a heart-felt thank you to. We all owe them no less than that. We all realize a community is far more than the homes that line the streets of a neighborhood. It is all about the people and families who invest in a community with their time, talents, and resources that provides the sustained vitality which keeps a community vibrant for decades. Standard of Excellence City leadership where I live, probably knows very little about those special individuals in the communities within its borders who are the foundation on which thriving neighborhoods are built. I am sure they are aware they exist. However, in Bill and Ann’s case, there is very little fanfare accompanying the hard work and dedication involved in what they do for our community. It is, however, from this type of foundation that all other achievements and advancements in the community are made possible. For example, our neighborhood has a standard in part due to individuals like Bill and Ann who established one years before—and settled for nothing less. As a result of their expectation of quality and excellence, many individuals and families enjoy the enhanced amenities, timely service, and attentive city leadership that are viewed as customary in our community. Personally, I don’t believe these benefits would have come to fruition on their own without someone within the community demanding their existence. As REALTORS® you have already—or, will meet and/or discover—one of these “anchors” in the communities in which you work and serve. You will know them by their caring concern regarding the things of “community” which they hold in high regard. Some, you will meet in passing who seem interested in sharing with you the value of “home” and not just homeownership. Others, may simply offer a kind word or sincere welcome to you and your client as a neighborhood ambassador demonstrating the collective tenor of their community. Without a doubt you will remember the encounter and know the importance of commitment and value associated with the brief exchange. SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 13 NEW SEVRAR REALTOR ® MEMBERS Ashby Realty Group, LLC John R. Cochran Aaron J. Stradling William J. Wegner This list reflects new SEVRAR members that joined the association during the period of October through November 11, 2005 and have completed the Orientation/Code of Ethics requirements. Assist 2 Sell Buyers & Sellers Rommel S. Lagasca 1st USA Commercial Properties L.L.C Catalin Isfan Acres4U Land & Development Noelle W. Wang Assurance Realty LLC Michael J. Lanzieri Sr Action Property Management Abby L. Johnson AZ State of Mind Realty Constance Sanders Aladdin Properties Jean A. Severtson AZPI Bethany E. Longmire Kelly M. Thatcher 1st USA Realty Professionals Synthia R. Daniels Heidi L. Feliz Stacey L. Handley Jennifer E. Heinsler Debbie L. Hill Christopher T. Hilts Erin B. Hines Kameo R. Houser Debi J. Johnson Morris Johnson Richard T. Johnson Eric King Adam Lee Patricia A. Lewis Jonathan L. Lim Cora M. Lyall Lee Anna Morlan Paul J. Morrissey Traci A. Papineau Julie R.B. Quesada Lisa M. Racz Ryan A. Rodriquez Sylvia Romero Robert F. Slaughter Aracely Tarango Rocke P. Vacanti Jana L. Waters Randall K. Waters Andrea C. Wolf American Allstar Realty Brian K. Prestwich American Realty Brokers Ed Laiq Sara M. Medina Amiri Realty Group Melissa A. Lent Andersen & Associates Clayton E. Lee Apartment Kings Scott Stowater Arizona Walter H. Joppie Arizona Prime Estates Shannon Gorny Arizona Territory Real Estate Nate T. Hingst Armor Appraisals Anthony C. Pierson Jr. Assist-2-Sell, Sellers & Buyers Realty, LLC Mark K. Hansen Blue Ribbon Realty Kathleen J. Bliss-Porter Brewer-Caldwell Property Mngt Jonathan W. Call Brad L. Farr Elliott S. Miller Bud Crawley Real Estate Sam D. Yarbrough Bud Gragg & Associates Monique L. Van Holten Builders Realty Carrie E. Vidamo Call Realty, Inc. Gerritt V. Bake Jefferson R. Berrey Marilyn Crosby Robert M. Foster Alice Franco-Anderson Damary E. Gonzalez Scott D. McGraw Bart A. Mendonca Jeffrey J. Stocco Christopher A. Stratton Tony Q. Tran Century 21 All Star REALTORS Christine M. Groves Century 21 Arizona Foothills Jamal M. Johnson Jutta Sheehan Marilyn Smith Century 21 Arizona-Foothills Claudia M. Santos Thurata Skudrinja Son H. Tyler Century 21 Club Realty Michaell E. Lapadu Century 21 Desert Palm Rona Ayache Kevin D. Church Betsy E. Tohinaka Century 21 Metro Alliance Richard K. Carlburg Winsome H. Chua Linda K. Cossette Century 21 Metro Alliance San Tan Audrey J. Julian Deborah L. Strong Century 21 Northwest Realty Sal Covarrubias Theresa A. Gilsenan Kristi M. Yates Century 21 Platinum Real Estate Alberta M. Jordan Century 21 R.A.N. Realty Robert J. Burnham Brian A. Petersheim Aily D. Torres-Mayorga Charles Cotter Real Estate Bennie C. Cotter CJT Investments, Ltd Timothy M. Beglin Coldwell Banker Pinal Properties Brent L. Bowsher Judi L. Hyland Lindy B. Mason Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Ray L. Brown Olga A. Cervantes Kelly M. Cheney Jennifer D. Clausen Michelle L. Coelho Jennifer A. Kunes Kristi A. Larsen Michael L. Rebuck Soo Roy Karin Salvato Complete Real Estate Solutions David A. Devore Copeland & Associates Patrick A. Copeland Denham Real Estate & Investments Anthony A. Purkiss Denman Realty Group, L.L.C. James D. Abbott 14 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 Diamond GMAC Real Estate Bill L. Kell Jack Shaffer Diamondback Realty, L.L.C. Jacqueline M. Welch Discount Real Estate Brokers, L.L.C. Murl R. Kidder DPR Realty Riad Abdo Jason E. Allen Maria D. Angel Gary G. Bates Anthony J. Black Judy S. Cheng Mohammed E. Hoque Dustin P. Loftis Mary K. Maldonado Pamela J. Meister Jamie S. Namock EagleRock Realty Leslie G. Alvey Edwards Realty Source Robert J. Desruisseau ERA Lucas Realty Group Amy P. Strehl Marlene E. Turneybest Era The Realty Group Matthew A. Trandel Evolve Realty Richard G. Johnson Charles A. Newsom IV Exit Realty Luxury Properties Steven E. Moore Nancy L. Zundel First Call, REALTORS Yongkoo Park First Class Realty Billy J. Kidd First Step Realty, LLC Emily R. Pickett First Tucson Real Estate John A. Christian Focus Real Estate & Investment Bo B. Brown Gold Trust Realty Judy L. Lee Jin Shao Grand Western Homes Stefany D. Gustafson Jeannie Malan Tony Sekla H F M Realty, Inc Michelle L. Smith Help-U-Sell Platinum Realty Najja Banks Help-U-Sell Superstition Springs Adam C. Bailey Cynthia L. Kirshman Help-U-Sell Valley Wide Buyers Charmaine D. Metrolis Hogan & Associates, Inc. Gerry L. Paquin Alfred A. Sandoval Home One Real Estate Services Susan Ulrich HomeSmart Sang N. Ha Douglas Holland David W. Kohout Cris A. Kolls Trudy Moore Joi K. Orlando Sherri A. Scates Tracy W. Smith Susan E. Steinbeck Karen L. Wallace Devan B. Williams Ian Pugh Appraisals Ian R. Pugh Independence Realty Profession Ronald J. Anderson Washington Gonzalez James C. Kelley Eileen G. Martinez Jessica A. Vierkoetter Daryl W. Williams Jerad R. Hunsaker Infinity Wealth Real Estate Susanna Widjaja Inspiression Realty, LLC. Molly A. Reynolds J and F Associates Richard H. Mauch John Hall & Associates Lourdes Navarrete Just Listed, Just Sold, LLC Bruce P. Anderson Ali Baker Terry Barson James R. Kost Christine Moreno Christopher M. Oliver Connie S. Roberts Karen Cameron Wendy M. Hayes Keller Williams East Valley Anne K. Cheney Stan D. Cronin Sherrilee Denton Keith B. Enger Diane D. Hamilton Susan C. Hammer Kimberlee D. Juarez Susan F. Liggett Courtney Schaefer-Gorder Miranda Whitmore Keller Williams Integrity First Realty Joseph M. Albert L. Michele Bashor Bill Boryshuk Mary K. Brown Alicia A. Carman Jackqulyn J. Cook Rick G. Del Barto Max L. Hansen Christopher C. Low Rochell L. MacCosham Joseph R. Maguire Steve Moreland Diana L. Olson Brian D. Refshaw David B. Roby Kimberley D. Ruybalid Eric R. Shinn Tammy J. Vavra Linda G. Weidner Keller Williams Legacy One Jeanne E. Fares Kirk D. Flake April D. Harper Scott D. Kump Troy K. Lau Kathleen S. Norris Theresa M. Phillips Elaine S. Proffitt Elena E. Rivera Woods Nancy E. Velarde Paul R. Woods Keller Williams Legacy One Ocotillo Market Center Angelica R. Aguirre Jack T. Arnold Tina E. Barton Alma E. Fuentes Michael R. Molina Sheri L. Morrison Ty Peters Keller Williams Realty Southeast Valley Russell G. Baker Bonnie S. Giordano Daniel P. Jones Ellen P. Miller David J. Redding David Torres SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 15 CONT. NEW SEVRAR REALTOR® MEMBERS Keller Williams Realty, Ahwatukee Kem Browning Stan Bziukiewicz Bram G. Chamness Chun L. Crouse Maria R. Gardiola Carolyn H. Hickman Chung-Yu LIn Diana C. Marshall Tammy E. Marston Norma A. Pargas Art C. Pierce Michael G. Tucker Keller Williams Realty, Sonoran Living Tasha C. Boersma John C. Chapman Vikki I. Colvin Robert Dowdy M. Elaine Fleming Samuel B. Kelner Rhonda W. Mitchell Robert E. Scott Lajuana L. Somerville Stacey D. White Keller Williams Southwest Realty Petra Haugen Robert Nield Kent W. Mitchell Realty Frank J. Cotter Kent W. Mitchell LaFlesch Realty, LLC. Anthony V. Paterno Larry John Wright RE, Inc. Smita Dhole Lisa Hebb Aaron C. Huber Brent M. Yoches Larry Mather, Broker Larry D. Mather Long Realty Alliance Colleen A. Aver Matthew R. Bernard Lauren M. Collignon Rafael M. Douglas Kellie A. Greene Robin M. Harris Danielle N. Hutton Joanne Mills Scot F. Olson Alicia Rodriguez Richard G. Shumway Gregory M. Test Dmitry M. Zotman M & B Realty Roxann D. Heussner Majac Realty Marilyn D. Jackson Mandalay Realty Stephen L. Fodor Maria Silva Realty Maria A. Silva Maricopa Realty & Trust Heidi M. Tarvin Market Watch Investment, L.C.C Glenn Bezuyen Marsh Real Estate and Investments, Inc Rick D. Ullery MG Prime Realty Joseph P. Pagaduan MLS Realty Southwest James C. Schaller Model Home Center, Inc. Carol A. Beckett Christopher M. Burrows Marci Trim Mountain Sage Realty Allison Britton Nickie L. Moore Travis B. Sanders Norm J. Tanner Luan D. Vu N.B. Andrews and Associates Nicholas B. Andrews Network Realty & Investment Inc. Luana M. Bean Thomas M. Mura NuWay Realty LuJuana Moody Park Place Realty, L.L.C. Patricia A. Sokalick PJ Property Management & Leasing Patrice A. Velasco Plumb Realty Stephanie S. Burgen Norma D. Mota Prime Realty Group Anna L. Short Professional Real Estate Partners Michael P. Stang Danila R. Vecchies Alecia R. Vollin Prout and Associates Randi B. Prout Proval Craig R. Rebeck Prudential American Asso. R.E. Faye A. Brown Alex M. Kerns Kenneth Kim Dusty S. Kryder Sharon K. Wild Prudential American Associates Marianna R. Bapple Dennis L. Brokaw John E. Brooks Catherine T. Cataldo 16 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 Karen E. Crispeno Daniel W. Kroy Matt J. Patton Slade C. Richards David D. Vujanov Jessica A. Wipf Fiona D. Worthy Prudential Arizona Properties Willie B. Howard Greg L. Howard Amy J. Kaufman Monika Nanda Jennifer M. Perrotta Michelle L. Schreiber Queen Valley Properties, Inc, Leslie R. Bryant Phyllis M. Joyce Re/Max 2000 Michelle L. Book Staci L. Fanchini Caesar A. Frondozo Jennifer A. Hannan Cathleen D. Jones George Katona Michelle L. Lee Michael A. Lemons Ken A. Mayo Kenneth C. O'Haver John E. Pascoe Kristina L. Passeno Dorothy L. Ralston Payam H. Raouf Gurinder Singh Re/Max Achievers Michael M. Bednarz Terri L. Roan Cory A. Whyte Re/Max Alliance Group Adrienne L. Bryant Roberta L. Constantineau Stephen E. Drum Re/Max Anasazi Realty Nancy F. Hawkes David S. Lorti Craig A. Lucas Re/Max Desert Affiliates Nicole L. Bernal Re/Max Elite Realty Sali H. Daiza Dale L. French Alan M. Mandel Nathan A. Murphy Re/Max Gateway Red Mountain Natalie E. DiBernardo Larry F. Haidek Re/Max Power Realty James E. Hurley Scott M. Phillips Cindy L. Rickard Re/Max Select Team Realty Lisa J. Arnold Realty Executives Stacy Bullock Eric M. Cavner Shahnaz Currim Tiffany M. Glazier William J. Gonzalez Jason P. Hansen Jerusha L. Johnson Emily L. Tice Rudi L. Williams Michael M. Kempton Realty Executives-Ahwatukee Norman R. Cholagh Superstition Realty James E. Moyle Windermere Copper Desert Properties, Inc. Don H. Flanders Alexandria L. Walden Realty USA Southwest Johanna E. Perez The Conway Team Real Estate Tyson E. Martinez World Savings and Loan Mitchell S. Layton Red Brick Realty, L.L.C. Matthew K. Byers Marya R. Kosisky Patricia L. Lederman Laval S. Watson Michelle A. Webb The Matthews Group Realty Renae Hemphill Alexis L. Contreras Jenell M. Fox Craig F. Skipper REO Realty Tiffiny A. Lilley Robin W. Skelton Results Guaranteed Realty Deborah M. Ethier David M. Gorman Riptide Properties Luke A. Del Bianco Sabrina Greenwood Ross Realty Frank D. Rosenberg Russ Lundell Seth W. Grasteit Russ Lyon Realty Company Heather R. Horvath Becca E. Sharp Saguaro Mountain Realty Catherine Connery Sessions Real Estate Ronald Steiner Shimp & Assoc. Real Estate Bro Peter Daniel Hondo C. Judd Shivka Realty Brian Daw Jr. Debra M. Novak-Scott Signature Properties Bill Hammond Statesman Corp. USA, Inc. Georgette Kelly Sunbelt Business Advisors, LLC Tower Appraisal Group Matthew P. Cox Trails and Paths Premier Prop Colin S. Whicher Transcity Property Management Shane J. Dahlen Upland Group, Inc. William R. Douglass US Preferred Realty Brian D. Appel Susan K. Beane Cinde Pursley USA Prime Real Estate Emily A. Bertram Brad K. Hekekia The more you know about your community… The more you become involved in the area that you live and sell in… The more successful you are likely to be… Valley National Realty Rebecca Carlo Valleywide Premier Properties, Inc. Edward A. Chambers Jenny J. Lee Rudolph Lyons Jennifer E. McGuffin Mary J. Morgan Mary Lou R. Sanchez Keri L. Slack West USA Realty Dohyon Cha Christina A. Chitwood Cynthia D. De Santi Russell A. Diehl Homer A. Ferguson Gabriel Padilla Judy M. Parker White House Properties Chad J. Lambson BE ONE OF THE FEW SELECTED TO THE 2006 SEVRAR LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Get your application today! leadership2006.pdf SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 17 18 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ABR DESIGNEES GRI DESIGNEES The Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR®) designation is the benchmark of excellence in buyer representation. This list represents the SEVRAR members that received their ABR designation during the period of October-November 15, 2005. The Graduate REALTOR® Institute (GRI) symbol is the mark of a real estate professional who has made a commitment to providing a superior level of professionalism services by earning the GRI designation. This list represents the SEVRAR members that received their GRI designation during the period of October-November 15, 2005. Lesa S. Bockhorn, ABR Call Realty, Inc. Jean Ann Bodwin, ABR GRI Century 21 R.A.N. Realty Kathy A. Camamo, ABR GRI Phoenician Properties Linda L. Carlson-Smith, ABR GRI Re/Max 2000 Robert J. Castellini, ABR Realty Executives Amy R. Loria, ABR Prudential Arizona Properties Stephanie A. Blaine, GRI Re/Max 2000 Monica P. Greenman, ABR GRI West USA Realty Stephen D. Bothwell, ABR GRI Model Home Center, INC. Carol Hodges, GRI Keller Williams Integrity First Realty Marilyn M. Merrill, ABR Farnsworth Realty & Management Kathy A. Camamo, ABR GRI Phoenician Properties Sue Lorentzen, ABR GRI Keller Williams Legacy One Suzy O'Reilly, ABR 1st USA Realty Professionals Peter J. Celenza, GRI 1st USA Realty Professionals Carole A. Molnar, GRI Century 21 Arizona Foothills Marsha A. Dorris, GRI Lake Realty Andrea L. Ortega, GRI Model Home Center, INC. Joy R. Dugie, GRI Re/Max Commercial Investment Nancy D. Perry, GRI Re/Max 2000 Blaine Erie, ABR GRI Leisure World Realty Brian Rhode, GRI DPR Realty Marion J. Gamez, ABR GRI Re/Max Alliance Group Casey R. Rhode, GRI DPR Realty Renee Y. Good, ABR GRI Re/Max 2000 Audry Wolff, ABR GRI Century 21 Club Realty Alison McAteer, ABR Russ Lyon Realty Company Catherine M. Pedersen, ABR 1st USA Realty Professionals Amy Cooper, ABR Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Carol A. Prusa, ABR Re/Max Elite Realty Carole A. Day, ABR Keller Williams East Valley Carolyn S. Rhinehart, ABR, GRI Keller Williams East Valley Deena L. Fischer, ABR Keller Williams Integrity First Realty Melissa Selleh, ABR Keller Williams East Valley Jamie Geiger, ABR Keller Williams East Valley Veronica M. Vega, ABR Re/Max Achievers Anthony T. Gendill, ABR CONDObrokers Jorge Villafana, ABR Century 21 Platinum Real Estate Debbie K. Gendron, ABR Model Home Center, INC. C. Denise Wedepohl, ABR Heritage Success Realty, LLC Kelly Grant, e-Pro GRI Re/Max 2000 E-PRO DESIGNEES The REALTOR e-PRO® Certification is NAR’s certification raising the bar for REALTORS® in Internet & technical expertise. This list represents the SEVRAR members that received their e-PRO® designation during the period of October-November 15, 2005. Linda M. Gibson, ABR Home One Real Estate Services Clara Gonzalez, ABR Model Home Center, INC. Timothy Robert Hale, ABR Curtis Johnson Realty Kimberly Helfenbein, ABR Re/Max Achievers Kelly Grant, e-PRO, GRI Re/Max 2000 Margaret R. Hodson, ABR Prudential Arizona Properties Barbara L. Humphries, ABR GRI Re/Max Achievers MARK EDWARDS Gary S. Humphries, ABR Re/Max Achievers Jan Jackson, ABR Century 21 Platinum Real Estate FLEET INTERNET MANAGER HYUNDAI OF TEMPE 8050 S. AUTOPLEX LOOP TEMPE, AZ 85284 Sue Lorentzen, ABR GRI Keller Williams Legacy One 480-961-4800 480-296-1040 We offer low, no-haggle prices, great selection, with America’s Best Warranty. Stacia L. Kurcz, ABR Re/Max Gateway Red Mountain Stacie Kvanvig, ABR Russ Lyon Realty Company phone: mobile: 5-STAR CRASH SAFETY RATING National Highway Traffic Safety Administration THE ALL-NEW 2006 SONATA SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 19 CCIM COURSE CI INTRO – INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE ANALYSIS Mesa, Arizona January 23-24, 2006 Enhance your knowledge! This introductory course provides an overview of every aspect of commercial real estate – from property inspection through follow-through after the property is sold. You will be introduced to the many ways to profit in the multi-faceted, dynamic field of commercial investment real estate. Learn with and from your peers and expand your contacts among commercial property practitioners. Every phase of commercial real estate analysis is represented through a real-world application to a real property. Course Outline Course Location • Learn the financial calculator • Overview of Commercial Investment Real Estate • Understand Commercial Leases • Learn the basics of Investment Analysis • Mortgage Loans • Comprehensive Case Study Course Credits • 1 CCIM Elective Course Credit • 16 CE Credit hrs Broker/Sales – Arizona • Visit the CCIM Web Site for CE credits in your state • CPE Units - Pending Approval (for further information regarding CPE credit, please visit the NASBA website at Location SEVRAR, 1363 S Vineyard, Mesa, AZ 85210, Tel: 480-833-7510 Date and Time January 23-24, 2006 (First day check-in: 7:30 – 8:30 a.m.) Class: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Tuition $325 Register by phone at (800) 621-7027; Register online at ENTER TO WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP! SEVRAR staff has mailed the annual membership Dues Statements to all members. Watch your home mail boxes for your personal copy. By simply updating your Communication Consent form, you will be entered to win a FREE SEVRAR Membership! Visit for an entry form. Entries accepted until 12:00am, Sunday, January 15, 2006. Submission accepted by mail (postmarked) with dues payment or via facsimile (time and date stamped). Drawing is for local membership dues only. Winner will be notified via telephone and local dues will be reimbursed. 20 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 DECEMBER EDUCATION SCHEDULE Monday, Dec. 5 8:00am to 12:00pm / Orientation for New REALTOR® Members @ SEVRAR 1:00pm to 4:00pm / The Code @ SEVRAR Tuesday, Dec. 6 9:00am to 12:00pm / I Represent Who @ Ahwatukee Wednesday, Dec. 7 9:00am to 12:00pm / Residential Purchase Agreement Release @ SEVRAR 1:00pm to 4:00pm / Housing Fair 4 All @ SEVRAR Thursday, Dec. 8 9:00am to 12:00pm / Broker Management Clinic @ Apache Junction Monday, Dec. 12 8:00am to 12:00pm / Orientation for New REALTOR® Members @ SEVRAR 1:00pm to 4:00pm / Code of EthicsDuties to REALTORS® @ SEVRAR Wednesday, Dec. 14 9:00am to 12:00pm / Mold a Growing Concern @ SEVRAR 1:00pm to 4:00pm / Not On Your Life Safety Class @ SEVRAR Tuesday, Dec. 20 9:00am to 12:00pm / Minor Issues, Major Problems @ Ahwatukee Wednesday, Dec. 21 9:00am to 12:00pm / Legalistically Speaking @ SEVRAR 1:00pm to 4:00pm / Broker Management Clinic @ SEVRAR Thursday, Dec. 22 9:00am to 12:00pm / This SPDS For You @ Apache Junction Wednesday, Dec. 28 9:00am to 12:00pm / From Lincoln to Now @ 1:00pm to 4:00pm / You Will Pay Me Won’t You @ SEVRAR LOCATIONS: SEVRAR Conference Center 1363 S. Vineyard Mesa, AZ 85210 Tel: 480-833-7510 AHWATUKEE Ahwatukee Foothills Health Center 4545 E. Chandler Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85048 Tel: 480-961-2300 APACHE JUNCTION Express Inn 1101 W Apache Trail Apache Junction, AZ 85220 Tel: 480-982-9200 CONVENIENT & COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS AT COMPETITIVE RATES DIRECTLY AT YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. • • • Batteries No Starts Brakes • • • Timing Belts Diagnostics Cooling Systems AND MUCH MORE! Steve McManus, Owner Alan Head, Owner FREE CLASSES FOR MEMBERS! (NON-MEMBERS $5.00 / INACTIVE MEMBERS $10.00) REGISTRATION Seats fill up quickly – please PRE-REGISTER. PHONE: 480-833-7510 FAX: 480-835-1329 ONLINE: (under Education) F a st Mob ile Au to R epa ir P.O. Box 40905 ı Mesa, AZ 85274 SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 21 DRY MOUTH AND YOUR ORAL HEALTH Oral health is so much more than a wonderful smile. Poor oral health can have a very significant impact on the quality of life. In many cases, the condition of the mouth mirrors the condition of the body as a whole. By Dr. Tony Hashemian ry mouth (xerostomia) is the condition of not having enough saliva in the mouth. The saliva in your mouth performs many important functions: it lubricates and protects teeth and the soft tissues of the mouth such as gums from decay and infection, helps you chew and swallow, and helps digest food. Symptoms of dry mouth will include extended periods of thirst, dryness, a sticky sensation in the mouth, roughness of the tongue, burning sensations, trouble chewing, swallowing and speaking, sores or infections in the mouth, and bad breath. Causes of Dry Mouth Dry mouth is regarded as a symptom, not a disorder of itself, and can be the result of several causes. Dry mouth is an unfortunate side effect of a large number of medications, both prescribed and over the counter. Read the information on the drugs you take, and inform your physician or dentist if you are experiencing side effects. Sometimes a prescription or drug dosage can be adjusted to alleviate problems. Dry mouth may also be caused by disease, such as Sjogren’s, Parkinson’s, and diabetes. Hormonal changes associated with menopause and pregnancy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, and stress may also be factors. Dry Mouth and Your Oral Health It is critically important that you maintain the highest level of oral hygiene if you suffer from dry mouth syndrome, whatever its cause. Saliva protects and cleans the teeth and gums and the entire oral cavity. People with dry mouth 22 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 are at increased risk for cavities and periodontal disease. Brush and floss frequently. Inform your dentist of your condition, and provide him or her with a complete medical history, including a list of drugs you are currently taking, both prescription and non-prescription. Some steps worth considering: • • • • • • Increase fluid intake—keep water with you and take small sips through the day Use sugar free gum or hard candy to stimulate saliva production Reduce or eliminate the use of caffeine, alcohol, and carbonated drinks Use a saliva substitute (available at most pharmacies) Use an air humidifier See your dentist regularly Your dentist will work with you to manage this problem and minimize its adverse effects. Dr. Tony Hashemian has been creating beautiful smiles for more than nine years in the Valley of the sun. He is a graduate of Creighton University School of Dentistry in Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Hashemian is also a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts in Human Physiology. In addition, Dr. Hashemian is a provider of the Appleton SEVRAR MEMBER BENEFIT PROVIDERS SEVRAR is pleased to provide you with a variety of potential savings. Benefits are made available to you by vendors who recognize the buying power of an organization suchSUPPORT as ours. Throughout the year we MEMBERS Free ASU Ticket Package For Your Clients FREE TECH SERVICE FOR strive to bring you the best in member benefits. DISCOUNTED CURVES MEMBERSHIP DENTAL PLAN FOR YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY Any club strengthens your body. Only Curves strengthens your resolve. At Curves, we give the support you need to achieve 30-minute fitness and commonsense weight loss. If you are looking for low cost dental coverage in a family dental plan, you're in the right place! Appleton Dental Plan is a discount dental plan that provides affordable dental coverage to the residents of Arizona. We offer individual dental coverage and family dental coverage in Arizona. Take advantage of the special offer for SEVRAR members for just $29. / per month* SouthEast Valley Curves Locations: Ahwatukee NWC Chandler Blvd & S. Mountain Pkwy (40th Street) / Tel: 480-759-4340 Apache Junction Apache Trail & Phelps / Tel: 480-474-0733 SWC Signal Butte & Apache Trail / Tel: 480380-0822 Chandler SWC Chandler Blvd & Kyrene / Tel: 480753-5503 SEC Ray Rd. & Dobson / Tel: 480-786-3909 NWC Queen Creek & Alma School / Tel: 480-917-5700 NWC Chandler Heights & Gilbert / Tel: 480883-2300 Gilbert SEC Elliot Rd & Mc Queen / Tel: 480-5581070 NEC Ray Rd & Val Vista / Tel: 480-917-0020 SEC Pecos & Higley / Tel: 480 988-2449 Gold Canyon NEC US 60 & Superstition Mountain / Tel: 480-982-0333 Mesa NWC Baseline & Extension / Tel: 480-8382151 NEC University & Extension / Tel: 480-8122787 SEC Southern & Gilbert / Tel: 480-892-2618 SWC McKellips & Gilbert / Tel: 480-8442900 ¼ E of Power on Main St. / Tel: 480-3254964 SEC McKellips & Recker / Tel: 480-218-9500 SEC Guadalupe & Sossaman / Tel: 480-9695856 SWC Signal Butte & Apache Trail / Tel: 480380-0822 We are not a dental insurance company, yet we have many of the same benefits and few of the restrictions of traditional health insurance. In addition our plan offers a higher level of benefits in certain areas, such as no yearly maximum, no pre-existing clauses, and no waiting periods. You will realize considerable savings with Appleton Dental Plan. Signing up is easy to do. Under the Plan you are entitled to discounted fees from our participating dentists that are significantly lower than those customarily charged by dentists in your area. Visit for more information. ■■■ APPLETON PLAN RATES Queen Creek SWC Chandler Heights & Power / Tel: 480840-3000 Tempe SEC Mill Ave & Baseline / Tel: 480-894-5120 NEC Warner & Rural / Tel: 480-456-5120 SEC University & Hardy / Tel: 480-921-1887 *Special corporate rate includes 1 time setup fee of $29.00, plus $29.00 per month with a 12-month commitment including automatic checking withdraw. Not valid with any other offer. ■■■ ASU TICKETS Individual $120. SEVRAR $60. Individual +1 $160. SEVRAR $80. Family $245. SEVRAR $120. FREE TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR MEMBERS SEVRAR is pleased to provide the TECH HOTLINE as an additional member benefit. Who’s covered? The entire SEVRAR membership is covered. Take advantage of this great offer—the ASU Welcome Package specifically designed as a closing gift to your clients. Clients will have their choice of 4 FREE tickets to Football, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball or Baseball. (or any ticketed Olympic Sport such as Women’s Gymnastics, Women’s Soccer, Softball, Women’s Volleyball, Wrestling, or Track and Field). Plus, 10% off merchandise at Sparky’s Stadium Shop at Sun Devil Stadium and a free copy of Twelve Great Moments in ASU Athletic History CDROM. Submissions will be accepted beginning September 1, 2005. REALTORS® will be required to complete a claim form with a copy of either a MLS Agent Report or a Final HUD-1 Closing Statement. Offer is valid to your “buyer” clients only. (Random audits will be conducted to ensure authenticity.) Visit for all the details. What info do you need? Your NRDS ID number, office address, and phone numbers are all provided to the tech hotline provider to verify membership, so have them handy for reference info. What’s covered? Most major brands of computers, laptops, printers, scanners, digital cameras, PDAs, etc. As well as, most major brands of software products, such as Microsoft Windows, Top Producer, WinFax, ACT!, etc. Internet issues related to Microsoft and Netscape browsers and common email clients (Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, etc.) are supported. Not Covered? Any MLS related issue (please contact your MLS provider for assistance) and Networking issues. Hours: Toll Free: E-mail Address: 9:00am to 5:00pm / Monday through Friday 888-618-3400 ■■■ ■■■ SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 23 ADOT TO OPEN FREEWAY SECTION he Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) with city officials prepare to open the next section of the Santan Freeway. Starting from Arizona Avenue to Gilbert Road, construction crews are completing the 3.1 mile section by working on the final items such as; the electrical system, traffic lights, and rubberized asphalt. Residents are invited to attend the freeway party scheduled for Saturday, December 17th. The following Monday, December 19 will mark the first day for commuters to tryout the new section of freeway. By the end of next year the final segment of the Santan Freeway will connect 12 miles from Gilbert Road to Power Road and meet with the U.S. 60 interchange. Upon completion, the entire Santan Freeway will be approximately 25 miles in length. 24 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 TECH HOTLINE TECH TIPS: NO PHOTOS, NO BUYERS, NO KIDDING How many agents does it take to put a photo on the web? Answer: One. But you’d never know it by looking at some real estate sites. Recent studies put the numbers around six in ten listings with one photo of the property. By Matthew Ferrara hich leads to a second question: Question: How many buyers do you get without a photo on the listing? Answer: Zero. No kidding! It’s no joke. Too many online listings lack important elements of Internet marketing. For starters, textual content is usually minimal at best: less specs end up on the web than end up on fancy printouts, leaving web listings with the bland “2 bed”. “2 bath” and hardly anything else about the rest of the home. And some listings with descriptions look undecipherable, full of word abbreviations no normal buyer cares to untangle. At a bare text level, too many agents continue to treat the Internet like a newspaper ad, conserving type as if it cost per letter, when a web-page ideally could hold hundreds of words. And most mysterious of all, almost four in ten listings lack photos. Not even one. It’s a mystery, since most real estate agents claim to own a digital camera. And they seem to have no problem making printouts with photos, or mailing postcards with multiple images. Yet, on page after page of Internet listings, Joe Consumer finds nothing but bizarre boxes stating, “Too new for photo” or “Photo Missing”. many agents. Browse any for-sale-byowner web sites, where listings with any photos most likely have multiple photos. Why? Because the sellers bought the same camera you did; they just have the motivation to use it. Click, click, click and they can add a dozen photos faster than many a REALTOR®. They can do it in real time, within seconds of purchasing an online ad. Oh, sorry, you already knew that. It’s been a major concern lately, that sellers can create attractive, compelling marketing pieces online just like the professionals can. Why, then, would they possibly need you, especially when any “preview” of your work reveals 40% of listings without a single photo? Looks to them like, for four in ten sellers, you couldn’t be bothered to do the marketing right. Internet listings without photos get no clicks. None. Not even a quick glance. Buyers don’t take the time to click text-only ads, just like they never read text-only classifieds in the newspaper. Ever see a listing sheet without a photo? Didn’t think so. So why do we see so many photo-free listings online? Well, it’s not because of hard technology, that’s for sure. Agents can upload photos into company pages in seconds. And it’s not lack of hardware: most agents with photo-free listings on the web don’t have any problems using their digital camera to print photo-full flyers. It just seems like 40% of agents are not doing their job. Oh, well, the photos get up there within a few days, you say? A few days in an on-demand world is almost as bad as never. Unless you are hoping your sellers will forget their home is for sale for a few days after they hire you, “a few days” is just a poor excuse, isn’t it? A few days? Harrumpf! Not you, you say? Your listings have photos. Well, don’t congratulate yourself just yet. Even if you have a photo or two on every listing, when other agents in your company fail to upload photos, your company’s web site will still look partially empty. Any prospective seller who previews your photo-lacking company site may not invite anyone to make a presentation. So it’s not just your photos that are important; it’s a company-wide competitive issue. Heck, if your competitors are smart, they’ll use this fact when comparing themselves to you in a presentation. Imagine a competitor previewing your company site, determining how many listings lack photos, and then mentioning those stats as a powerful comparative statement when they compete for the same listing. We do it all the time in this industry. We have this feature, they don’t; they do this to market the home, we don’t. Well, what about, we have almost twice as many photos per listing on our web site as they do. Will that make a difference to you, Mr. Seller, when choosing someone to market your home online? You bet it will. ■■■ Too new for a photo? What do you say to that? That you didn’t have time to take a photo the night you took the listing contract (i.e., the night you were hired)? That it’s the office administrator’s job to upload it to the web site? That it’s too hard to upload a photo? Give me a break. If those are your excuses, let’s hope nobody tells your sellers. For every listing without a photo, the only explanation is: The listing agent failed to do their job! How does this happen? Listing agents obviously arrive at presentations with lots of color images, photos of the company, their photo on a personal resume, glossy photos of past consumers. And the bottom line argument of any listing presentation is mostly; “Hire me because I’m the marketing expert”. So what’s the deal with Internet listings without the most important marketing element the photo? In fact, some sellers already promote their properties online better than SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 25 1 8:15am AHWATUKEE Marketing Meeting CALENDAR OF EVENTS 9:00am APACHE JUN. Marketing Meeting 9:00am SAN TAN AREA Marketing Meeting 4 5 6 8:15am CHANDLER Marketing Meeting 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 7 8:30am MESA / EAST MESA Marketing Meeting 2nd Annual SEVRAR Classic 100 Golf Tournament 11 12 13 1:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 10:00am MLS Committee Meeting 8:15am GILBERT / HIGLEY Marketing Meeting 12:00pm Government Affairs Committee Meeting 18 19 20 3:00pm Affordable Housing Committee Meeting 25 26 27 DECEMBER 8 9 10 16 17 8:00am MARICOPA Marketing Meeting 9:00am Affiliate Committee Meeting 8:15am AHWATUKEE Marketing Meeting 15 9:00am SAN TAN AREA Marketing Meeting 1:00pm Board of Directors Meeting 21 22 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 7:30am Commercial MLS Committee Meeting 8:15am GOLD CANYON Marketing Meeting 8:00am MARICOPA Marketing Meeting 28 29 23 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 30 8:15am GILBERT / HIGLEY Marketing Meeting SEVRAR CLOSED 3 9:00am APACHE JUNC. Marketing Meeting 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 8:15am CHANDLER Marketing Meeting CHRISTMAS DAY 14 2 SEVRAR CLOSES @ 12:00pm 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 1 2 NEW YEAR’S DAY SEVRAR CLOSED 3 8:15am CHANDLER Marketing Meeting 4 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 8:30am MESA / EAST MESA Marketing Meeting 5 9:00am APACHE JUN. Marketing Meeting 9:00am SAN TAN AREA Marketing Meeting 8 9 10 10:00am MLS Committee Meeting 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 12:00pm Government Affairs Committee Meeting 15 16 MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY SEVRAR CLOSED 23 17 8:15am CHANDLER Marketing Meeting 1:00pm Finance Committee Meeting 24 18 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 13 14 20 21 27 28 9:00am Affiliate Committee Meeting 29 8:15am AHWATUKEE Marketing Meeting 19 9:00am APACHE JUNC. Marketing Meeting 9:00am SAN TAN AREA Marketing Meeting 8:30am MESA / EAST MESA Marketing Meeting 1:00pm Board of Directors Meeting 25 8:15am TEMPE Marketing Meeting 30 12 JANUARY 8:00am MARICOPA Marketing Meeting 8:15am GOLD CANYON Marketing Meeting 8:15am GILBERT / HIGLEY Marketing Meeting 29 30 26 7:30am Commercial MLS Committee Meeting 8:00am MARICOPA Marketing Meeting = SEVRAR Meeting = SEVRAR Marketing Meeting = SEVRAR Event = Holiday = Regional / National Event = SEVRAR Member Benefit Presentation 26 ι SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 7 11:30am 2006 SEVRAR Installation Luncheon 3:00pm Affordable Housing Committee Meeting 22 11 8:15am GILBERT / HIGLEY Marketing Meeting 6 8:15am AHWATUKEE Marketing Meeting We’re embarking on a new year. Join us and start enjoying the endless possibilities where... MEMBERSHIP HAS ITS REWARDS. It begins with the 2006 Installation of Linda Berg, President along with SEVRAR Officers & Directors Membership has its rewards. The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS ® Wednesday, January 11, 2006 11:30am to 2:00pm Hilton Phoenix East/Mesa Hotel 1011 W. Holmes Avenue Mesa, Arizona 85204 Mr. Bill Jilbert, Emcee & MR. ELLIOT POLLACK Special Guest Speaker Please RSVP by Friday, January 6, 2006 Contact Barney Thornton at Telephone: 480-833-7510 for any questions or simply complete and submit the form below. 2006 SEVRAR BOARD INSTALLATION TICKET & TABLE RESERVATION FORM Name Company Name Billing Address Suite # ( ( ) Telephone (As it should appear if you are sponsoring a table. City ) ( Company Fax Check Enclosed State Zip ) Mobile Telephone Please charge my: American Express MasterCard Visa E-mail Address Card Number Exp. Date Billing Zip Code $ Signature Charge Amount Please mail my ticket/s to the above address. Please hold my tickets at the venue door. DE ADLI NE / FRID AY, JANU ARY 6t h. Complete Form and Fax to: 480-835- 1329 The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® I 1363 S. Vineyard Sponsored Table (Table seats eight (8). Includes Company reservation signage at table.) _______ x $175. ea = $________ Installation Ticket (Table seats eight (8). _______ x $ 25. ea = $________ Total Due $_______ I Mesa, AZ 85210 I Tel: 480-833-7510 I Fax: 480-835-1329 I SEVRAR News Magazine December 2005 ι 27 136 3 S . V in ey a r d M esa, A Z 85 210