Final programme
Final programme
Final programme EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY Maison de la Mutualité, PARIS, FRANCE Proud to work for rare disease populations with great needs. A Clinical-stage Biotechnology Company At the Forefront of Therapies for Rare and Orphan Diseases® P/NPS/01 0161/EU5-16 TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome Address 4 Committees 8 Scientific Programme Schedule at a Glance 10 Detailed Programme Wednesday, 25th May 2016 13 Thursday, 26 May 201614 th Friday, 27th May 2016 17 Saturday, 28th May 2016 20 Index of Chairs & Speakers 22 Posters 23 This programme is also available on the web app: Sponsored by: Exhibition Floor Plan 33 List of Exhibitors33 Company Profil es34 Social Networking Programme 37 General Information & Access38 Registration 40 Accommodation 42 Congress Center Floor Plan44 Sponsors Acknowledgement 47 CONTACT CONGRESS OFFICE ESPD 2016 - MCI France - 24, rue Chauchat 75009 Paris - France Phone: +33 1 53 85 82 56 Fax: +33 1 53 85 82 83 FOR SPECIFIC QUESTIONS REGARDING: General information: Registration & Accommodation: Exhibition & Sponsorship: Abstract & scientic programme: Website: 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 3 WELCOME ADDRESS Dear colleagues, dear friends, WELCOME TO PARIS! It is a great pleasure and honour for all members of the French Society of Paediatric Dermatology to welcome you for the 13th Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD), which will be held May 26 to 28, 2016. The organization of this conference is a great challenge that we are going to conduct in close collaboration with our colleagues involved in the so exciting field of the paediatric dermatology. Our wish, for this conference, is to offer a scientific programme covering all topics of our specialty, at the highest level. All day, from 8:00 to 6:00 p.m., many enthusiastic and highly qualified specialists will propose to share with you their experience and knowledge. We especially hope that the Congress will be a true moment of encounter and exchange between dermatologists, paediatricians, researchers and paramedics involved so deeply to give the best to our young patients and their families. The scientific programme will highlight all the basic and clinical research advances in paediatric dermatology, keeping foremost in mind their practical usefulness for patients and their families. A time for reflection will be organized to try to reinforce European networks in different areas. Our specialty is extremely rich, diverse and stimulating. It is this wealth that we want to live in this conference and, with at the same time, many, human, multi-cultural encounters. “Let those who want to turn their backs on the world! I can understand only in human terms”!* The conference takes place at the «House of Mutuality» in the centre of old Paris! Social programmes will be designed to allow discovery of all that is the soul of Paris: its monuments, museums, history, music, beautiful places and «petits cafés». We will all be available to help you make the right choices and to enjoy Paris in this so good time of year in our capital. We are looking forward to welcoming you in May 2016 to the 13th ESPD Congress! With best Wishes Professor Christine Bodemer Congress President *“Laissez donc ceux qui veulent tourner le dos au monde. Je ne puis comprendre qu’en termes humains”, d’après Albert Camus (L’envers et l’Endroit; Le mythe de Sisyphe) 4 WELCOME FROM THE ESPD PRESIDENT Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 13th Congress of the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD) to be held in Paris, from May 26 to 28, 2016. The French Society for Pediatric Dermatology organized this congress in close collaboration with the ESPD. As the ESPD is devoted to achieving the highest quality of training and academic interactions, the scientific programme will include some of the latest developments in clinical and experimental Pediatric Dermatology. We are also looking forward to a relaxed social program organized in this magnificent location in the medieval center of Paris to favor social interaction between the participants. Such networking opportunities between pediatric dermatologists, pediatricians, dermatologists, basic scientists, and clinicians are key to promote international exchange and cooperation. We, a society dedicated to patient care, clinical teaching and scientific knwoledge, are proud to assist this European collaboration. Together we can provide excellence in patient care through research! So please contribute to our development, become active in our society and join the ESPD if you are not yet a member. The ESPD is pleased to welcome you to this wonderful venue at the Maison de la Mutualité. We are sure that you will to enjoy three exciting days crammed with the most recent clinic and scientific information in pediatric dermatology. I personally would like to thank the local organizers, the administrative team from MCI, the speakers, the new back office in Prague and last but not least the sponsors, the pharmaceutical companies, and everybody else who has contributed to bring our 13th ESPD Congress to life. Preliminary programme & Call for abstracts I wish everybody a pleasant and exciting stay in Paris, Cordially Yours Prof. Dr. med. Daniel Hohl President of the ESPD ABOUT ESPD The European Society for Pediatric Dermatology (ESPD) was established already in 1983 and held its first Congress in 1984 in Munster, Germany, organized by Rudolf Happle and Heiko Traupe. Our Society travelled a long journey since and is now well established, professional, independent and non-profit scientific society that strives to promote clinical care, interdisciplinary research, education and training. It also serves as a platform favouring international contacts within Europe and worldwide in the field of Pediatric Dermatology. Our aim is thus to promote at best the interests of the ESPD and to serve the ESPD and its members at the same time. This year’s already the 13th ESPD Congress proves the above to be a correct direction worth maintaining. Lately, for a more scientific focus of the ESPD’s activities in the field, the EUROPEDRA (Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance on the European level) Initiative has been established. We are proud to assist this European collaboration and to boost interactions necessary for the development of clinical and scientific quality in the ESPD. Together we can provide excellence in patient care through research! European Society for Pediatric Dermatology EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR C-IN, Prague Congress Centre, PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY 5. kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic Maison de la Mutualité, E-mail: Web: Tel: +420 261 174 318 Fax: +420 261 174 307 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 PARIS, FRANCE 5 Both sensitive and strong, our skin envelops and protects us. It resists the drying wind and the burning sun, it repairs our wounds. It feels our emotions and the benefits of the sun. It is our greatest ally, the protector of our body. At Bioderma, skin is our passion, our expertise, our model. It is by observing skin’s biology and analysing what it naturally does best, that we found the inspiration to create dermatological skin cares that restore its natural balance to strengthen it. THE SKIN ITSELF inspired BIODERMA to find biological solutions to preserve the health and beauty of our skin. NAOS - RCS Lyon 817 485 725 - CL-CS (0196-Avril 2016) In a lasting way. BIOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF DERMATOLOGY Symposium Mustela Friday 27th of May 2016 13:00 pm - 14:00 pm Sorbonne room Baby’s skin from the very first days: equal chances? Professor Christine Bodemer Chairwoman, President of the congress Professor Smail Hadj Rabia, France Professor Joachim W. Fluhr, Germany Professor Antonio Torrelo, Spain Doctor Clarence de Belilovsky, France • Focus on premature skin • Skin physiology after birth new data, different skin types • Neonatal skincares a multidisciplinary approach A lunchbox will be provided at the entrance of the room. • Atopic dermatitis prevention from birth review and next steps MUSTELA ® , IT ALL STARTS WITH SKIN COMMITTEES STEERING COMMITTEE Prof Christine BODEMER, Paris President Prof Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux Vice-President Honorary Presidents Prof Yves de PROST, Paris Prof Gérard LORETTE, Tours Prof Jean-François STALDER, Nantes Prof Alain TAIEB, Bordeaux Prof Jean-Philippe LACOUR, Nice Organising Committee Chairman Prof Pierre VABRES, Dijon Scientific Committee Chairman Prof Smail HADJ-RABIA, Paris CME/Training Committee Chairman NATIONAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Jean-Philippe LACOUR, Nice Sébastien BARBAROT, Nantes Olivia BOCCARA, Paris Christine BODEMER, Paris Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux Christine LABRÈZE, Bordeaux Gérard LORETTE, Tours Emmanuel MAHÉ, Argenteuil Juliette MAZEREEUW-HAUTIER, Toulouse Pierre VABRES, Dijon Brigitte BADER-MEUNIER, Paris Christine BODEMER, Paris Franck BORALEVI, Bordeaux Yves de PROST, Paris Sylvie FRAITAG, Paris Smail HADJ-RABIA, Paris Ludovic MARTIN, Angers Annabel MARUANI, Tours 8 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE David ATHERTON, United Kingdom Ulrike BLUME-PEYTAVI, Germany Christine BODEMER, France Ernesto BONIFAZI, Italy Stéphanie CHRISTEN-ZAECH, Switzerland Linda DE RAEVE, Belgium Flora DE WAARD-VAN DER SPEK, The Netherlands Juan FERRANDO, Spain Regina FÖLSTER-HOLST, Germany Carlo GELMETTI, Italy Ramon GRIMALT, Spain Rudolf HAPPLE, Germany John HARPER, United Kingdom Daniel HOHL, Switzerland Jan IZAKOVIC, Switzerland Talia KAKOUROU, Greece Veronica KINSLER, United Kingdom Osman KÖSE, Turkey Barbara KUNZ, Germany Marc LACOUR, Switzerland Klara MARTINASKOVA, Slovak Republic Alberto Joaquim Vieira MOTA, Portugal Slobodna MURAT-SUSIC, Croatia Milos NIKOLIC, Serbia Arnold ORANJE, The Netherlands J. Henk SILLEVIS SMITT, The Netherlands Zsuzsanna SZALAI, Hungary Alain TAIEB, France Antonio TORRELO, Spain Umit UKSAL, Turkey Dirk VAN GYSEL, Belgium Ayse Deniz YÜCELTEN, Turkey NATIONAL CME/TRAINING COMMITTEE Smail HADJ-RABIA, Paris Emmanuelle BOURRAT, Paris Frédéric CAMBAZARD, St Etienne Christine CHIAVERINI, Nice Hélène DUFRESNE, Paris Maryam PIRAM, Paris Jean-François STALDER, Nantes Alain TAIEB, Bordeaux 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 9 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE WEDNESDAY, 25TH MAY 2016 16:00 19:00 19:00 21:00 REGISTRATION DESK OPENING GROUND FLOOR BOARD MEETING ESPD ROOM: BIÈVRE LEVEL 5 Opening Networking Amphitheater LEVEL -1 & Exhibition Area LEVEL 3 THURSDAY, 26TH MAY 2016 HOURS 08:00 09:30 09:30 10:00 10:00 11:30 AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 1: DEBATE AND COMMENTS WITH THE EXPERT CHAIRS SEMINAR 1: NEONATAL DERMATOLOGY SEMINAR 3: HAIR/SCALP AND NAIL SYMPOSIUM 1: ATOPIC DERMATITIS 1 PLENARY LECTURE: INHERID SKIN DISEASES: DISCOVERY AND RECOVERY 12:15 13:00 LUNCH BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition 14:00 14:15 14:15 15:45 12:30 - 13:30 DISCUSSION OF BEST POSTERS POSTER AREA SYMPOSIUM 2: GENETICS IN PAEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY 15:45 16:15 16:15 17:45 10 SEMINAR 2: ADVANCES IN DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES COFFEE BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition History of Pediatric Dermatology 11:45 12:15 13:00 14:00 SORBONNE LEVEL 5 SEMINAR 4: CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES: UPDATE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ESPD SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM PAMPERS SEMINAR 6: CHILDHOOD PSORIASIS SEMINAR 5: DRUG REACTIONS AND ALLERGY COFFEE BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition SYMPOSIUM 3: INFECTIOUS DISEASES SEMINAR 8: ACNE AND FACIAL DERMATOSES SEMINAR 7: ICHTHYOSES: UPDATE LEGEND Simultaneous translation from English into French Limited to 120 seats Limited to 100 seats FRIDAY, 27TH MAY 2016 HOURS 08:00 09:30 AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 11:45 12:15 12:30 - 13:30 POSTER AREA DISCUSSION OF BEST POSTERS 16:15 18:15 20:00 SEMINAR 9: MICROSCOPY SHEDDING LIGHT ON CLINICS 1 SEMINAR 11: UV SENSITIVITY WORKSHOP PLENARY LECTURE: PHARMACOGENOMICS 13:00 14:00 15:45 16:15 SEMINAR 12: ATOPIC DERMATITIS 2 SYMPOSIUM 4: VASCULAR ANOMALIES BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition 14:15 15:45 SORBONNE LEVEL 5 COFFEE BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition 12:15 13:00 14:00 14:15 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 2: DEBATE AND COMMENTS WITH THE EXPERT CHAIRS SEMINAR 10 : NEVI AND NEVOID OVERGROWTH 09:30 10:00 10:00 11:30 SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 PIERRE FABRE DERMATOLOGIE 11:45 - 12:45 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM PIERRE FABRE DERMATOLOGIE SYMPOSIUM 5: PIGMENTATION DISORDERS SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES D’URIAGE SEMINAR 14: INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE SEMINAR 13: CELL PROLIFERATION COFFEE BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition SYMPOSIUM 6: UPDATE IN THERAPEUTICS SEMINAR 15: AUTO-IMMUNE AND AUTOINFLAMMATORY DISEASES CONGRESS DINNER MUSÉE DES ARTS FORAINS PAVILLONS DE BERCY 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 11 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE LEGEND Simultaneous translation from English into French Limited to 120 seats Limited to 100 seats SATURDAY, 28TH MAY 2016 HOURS AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 08:00 09:30 SEMINAR 17: BULLOUS AND MUCOUS MEMBRANE DISORDERS 09:30 10:00 10:00 11:30 12:30 13:00 13:00 13:30 12 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 3: DEBATE AND COMMENTS WITH THE EXPERT CHAIRS SORBONNE LEVEL 5 SEMINAR 16: ENDOCRINE APPROACH TO SKIN DISEASES COFFEE BREAK Poster viewing & visit of the Exhibition SYMPOSIUM 7: CHANGING PARADIGMS 11:30 12:00 12:00 12:30 SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 PLENARY LECTURE: THE HUMAN GENETIC DETERMINISM OF PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES PLENARY LECTURE: FROM DATA TO KNOWLEDGE: BIOMEDICAL DATA WAREHOUSE AND DATA MINING CONGRESS CLOSING SEMINAR 18: ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA SEMINAR 19: MICROSCOPY SHEDDING LIGHT ON CLINICS 2 DETAILED PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY, 25TH MAY 2016 16:00 REGISTRATION DESK OPENING 16:00 BOARD MEETING ROOM: BIÈVRE LEVEL 5 19:00-19:30 OPENING SPEECH AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Prof. Christine Bodemer, President of the ESPD 2016 congress Prof. Daniel Hohl, President of the ESPD 19:30-20:00 LES DÉSAXÉS - SAXOPHONE CONCERT AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 «Les Désaxés», something like the «misfits» in English, with a SAX in it, as a nod in the direction of the instrument they play. First of all, this band of scatty musicians is an unquestionably sax quartet virtuosi. Prompted by their passion for entertainment and challenges they also became actors, dancers, sounds effect engineers, quite in the same style as the Marx Brothers. These artists travelled to every corners of the world, getting as much distinction as applauses for their performance. 20:00-21:00 WINE & CHEESE COCKTAIL IN THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 13 THURSDAY, 26TH MAY 2016 08:00-09:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 1: Debate and comments with the Expert Chairs SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Chairs: Sebastien Barbarot (Nantes, France), Daniel Hohl (Lausanne, Switzerland) 08:00 | CO01 | Topical corticosteroid phobia in atopic dermatitis: an international validation study of the topicop score Stalder J.-F.*, Aubert H., Anthoine E., Moret L., Barbarot S. et Topicop Investigative Group (Nantes, France) 08:09 | CO02 | Monitoring of topical corticosteroid phobia among parents in atopic dermatitis children with TOPICOP® scale: prevalence, risk factors and therapeutic patient education’s impact Lasek A.*, Gonzales F., Modiano P. (Lille, France) 08:18 | CO03 | Prevalence and odds of Staphylococcus aureus carriage in atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Totté J.*, van der Feltz W., Hennekam M., van Belkum A., van Zuuren E., Pasmans S. (Rotterdam, Netherlands) 08:27 | CO04 | Two Phase 3 studies in atopic dermatitis with crisaborole, the novel, nonsteroidal topical phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor Paller A., Tom W., Lebwohl M., Blumenthal R., Boguniewicz M., Call R., Eichenfield L.*, Forsha D., Rees W., Simpson E., Stein Gold L., Zaenglein A., Spellman M., Zane L., Hebert A. (San Diego, United States) 08:36 | CO05 | Superfine merino wool in the management of childhood atopic dermatitis Su J. C.*, Dailey R., Zallmann M., Leins E., Taresch L., Heah S. S., Donath S., Lowe A. J. (Parkville Melbourne, Australia) 08:45 | CO06 | Preliminary results of the CLOTHES Trial: a randomised controlled trial of silk clothing for the management of eczema in children Thomas K., Burrows N.* et CLOTHES Trial Working Group (Cambridge, United Kingdom) 08:54 | CO07 | Use of systemic agents in pediatric psoriasis: characteristics, comorbidities, and reported adverse events in an international registry. Bronckers I.*, Paller A., Kiguradze T., West D., Groenewoud H., Seyger M. et European Working Group on Pediatric Psoriasis (EWPP) and Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance (PeDRA) (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 09:03 | CO08 | Obesity and pediatric psoriasis: Prevalence, impact on disease severity and progression Ergun T., Seckin Gencosmanoglu D., Aydiner E., Salman A., Tekin B.*, Bulbul-Baskan E., Alpsoy E., Cakiroglu A., Onsun Onarir N. (Istanbul, Turkey) 09:12 | CO09 | Management of childhood psoriasis in France. A national survey among general practitioners, pediatricians, and dermatologists Mahé E.*, Bursztejn A.-C., Phan A., Corgibet F., Sid-Mohand D., Beauchet A., Sigal M.-L. (Argenteuil, France) 09:21 | CO10 | Safe and Effective Use of Photo(chemo)therapy in Children: A Single-Center Retrospective Review Tekin B.*, Seckin Gencosmanoglu D., Yucelten D., Ergun T. (Istanbul, Turkey) 08:00-09:30 SEMINAR 1: NEONATAL DERMATOLOGY AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Talia Kakourou (Athens, Greece), Arnold Oranje (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) • • • 08:00-09:30 Exanthema in neonates Peter Hoeger (Hamburg, Germany) Iatrogenic disorder Mario Cutrone (Venice, Italy) Congenital skin defects Smail Hadj-Rabia (Paris, France) SEMINAR 2: ADVANCES IN DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs : Pierre Vabres (Dijon, France), Susanna Puig (Barcelona, Spain) • • • 14 Dermoscopy and confocal imaging in childhood, Susana Puig (Barcelona, Spain) Imaging in vascular anomalies and prenatal diagnosis, Audrey Lacalm (Lyon, France) Advances in molecular diagnosis, Jean-Baptiste Rivière (Montreal, Canada) 09:30-10:00 COFFEE BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 09:30-10:00 History of Pediatric Dermatology AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Speaker: Alain Taieb (Bordeaux, France) 10:00-11:30 SYMPOSIUM 1: ATOPIC DERMATITIS 1 AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Marjolein de Bruin-Weller (Utrecht, The Netherlands), Alain Taieb (Bordeaux, France) • • • 10:00-11:30 Epidemiology and co-morbidities, Carsten Flohr (London, United Kingdom) Epidermal Barrier and genetics, Alan Irvine (Dublin, Ireland) Targeted therapeutic strategies, Andreas Wollenberg (Munich, Germany) SEMINAR 3: HAIR/SCALP AND NAIL SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: Robert Baran (Cannes, France), Annalisa Patrizi (Bologna, Italy) SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE • • • 10:00-11:30 Diagnosis of nail disorders in children, Bertrand Richert (Brussels, Belgium) Alopecia areata, Ramon Grimalt (Barcelona, Spain) Nodular lesions of the scalp, Hala Megarbané (Beirut, Lebanon) SEMINAR 4: CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASES: UPDATE SORBONNE LEVEL 5 • • • 11:45-12:15 Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum, Ludovic Martin (Angers, France) Cutis Laxa, Eli Sprecher (Tel Aviv, Israel) Hereditary Connective Tissue Diseases in Young Adult Stroke Olivier Vanakker (Gent, Belgium) PLENARY LECTURE AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 INHERITED SKIN DISEASES: DISCOVERY AND RECOVERY Speaker: John McGrath (London, United Kingdom) 12:15-14:15 BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 12:30-13:00 GENERAL ASSEMBLY ESPD SORBONNE - LEVEL 5 12:30-13:30 DISCUSSION OF BEST POSTERS - POSTER AREA - LEVEL 5 13:00-14:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM PAMPERS EVIDENCE-BASED CARE PRACTICES AND GUIDELINES ON INFANT SKIN CARE SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 THURSDAY, 26TH MAY 2016 Expert Chairs: Olivier Vanakker (Gent, Belgium), Anca Chiriac (Lasi, Romania) Chair: Alain Taieb (Bordeaux, France) • • • Skin characteristics of the newborn Dirk Van Gysel (Aalst, Belgium) Skin care in newborn infants - Latest update Ioanna Thanopoulou (Athens, Greece) Skin care in children with barrier dysfunction Barbara Kunz (Hamburg, Germany) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 15 14:15-15:45 SYMPOSIUM 2: GENETICS IN PAEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: John McGrath (London, United Kingdom), Elie Sprecher (Tel Aviv, Israel) • • • 14:15-15:45 Genetics of vascular anomalies, Miikka Vikkula (Brussels, Belgium) Gene therapy of Skin disorders, Alain Hovnanian (Paris, France) Revertant mosaicism: therapeutic perspectives, Marcel Jonkman (Groningen, The Netherlands) SEMINAR 5: DRUG REACTIONS AND ALLERGY SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs: Petra Staubach (Mainz, Germany), Annick Barbaud (Nancy, France) SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE • Drug reaction assessment : state of the art, Annick Barbaud (Nancy, France) • Urticaria, Martin Church (Berlin, Germany) • Contact dermatitis in children, Dominique Tennstedt (Leuven, Belgium) 14:15-15:45 SEMINAR 6: CHILDHOOD PSORIASIS SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: John Harper (London, United Kingdom), Lawrence Eichenfield (San Diego, United States) • • • Epidemiology-Comorbidities, Emmanuel Mahé (Argenteuil, France) Treatment, Marieke Seyger (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) Particularities of psoriasis in infants and preschool children, Danielle Marcoux, (Montreal, Canada) 15:45-16:15 COFFEE BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 16:15-17:45 SYMPOSIUM 3: INFECTIOUS DISEASES AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Emmanuel Laffitte (Geneva, Switzerland), Regina Fölster-Holst (Kiel, Germany) THURSDAY, 26TH MAY 2016 • • • 16:15-17:45 Scabies, Franck Boralevi (Bordeaux, France) Bacterial Toxin Disorders, Annalisa Patrizi (Bologna, Italy) Infectious diseases in Immune Deficiencies: Focus on new data? Emmanuelle Jouanguy (Paris, France) SEMINAR 7: ICHTHYOSES: UPDATE SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs: Heiko Traupe (Munster, Germany), Juliette Mazereeuw-Hautier (Toulouse, France) • • • 16:15-17:45 Genetics and classification, Judith Fischer (Freiburg, Germany) What can we expect from a skin biopsy, Stéphanie Leclerc-Mercier (Paris, France) General rules of management, Angela Hernandez (Madrid, Spain) SEMINAR 8: ACNE AND FACIAL DERMATOSES SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: Zsuzsanna Szalai (Budapest, Hungary), Nadia Ismaili (Rabat, Morocco) SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE Adolescent acne, Christos Zouboulis (Berlin, Germany) Diagnostic approach to facial rash, Carlo Gelmetti (Milan, Italy) Rosacea and aseptic facial granuloma, Olivia Boccara (Paris, France) • • • 16 FRIDAY, 27TH MAY 2016 08:00-09:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 2: Debate and comments with the Expert Chairs SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Chairs: Ludovic Martin (Angers, France), Anette Bygum (Odense, Denmark) 08:00 | CO11 | Skin patterns associated with upper airway infantile hemangiomas: a retrospective multicenter study. Uthurriague C.*, Boccara O., Catteau B., Fayoux P., Léauté-Labrèze C., Chiaverini C., Maruani A., PondavenLetourmy S., Alaidarous K., Puzenat E., Hubiche T., Mallet S., Dreyfus I., Mazereeuw-Hautier J. (Toulouse, France) 08:09 | CO12 | Multiple infantile haemangiomas–who to screen for extra-cutaneous complications? Mahon C.*, Alband N., Kinsler V. (London, United Kingdom) 08:18 | CO13 | Hypothyroidism in the early phase of infantile hemangiomas. Bonniaud B.*, Triquet G., Nardin C., Perez-Martin S., Ben Signor C., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) 08:27 | CO14 | Radiological Investigations of midline infantile haemangiomas overlying the scalp or spine: 5 year single centre experience Cartledge N.*, Kinsler V., Martinez A. (London, United Kingdom) 08:36 | CO15 | LYMPHATIC NET-LIKE MALFORMATION Noguera-Morel L.*, Stein S., Xirotagaros G., Hernández-Martín Á., De Prada I., Requena L., Frieden I., Torrelo A. (Madrid, Spain) 08:45 | CO16 | Topical sirolimus for facial angiofibromas Carvalho S.*, Machado S., Mota F., Selores M. (Oporto, Portugal) 08:54 | CO17 | Distribution of bradykinin-mediated angio-oedema conditions in paediatric patients admitted to a reference centre Sarre M.-E., Humeau H., Troussier F., Chapotte C., Ponard D., Drouet C., Martin L.* (ANGERS, France) 09:03 | CO18 | Dermatological features of Kawasaki disease: data extracted from the French Kawasaki disease cohort (Kawanet) Specht C.*, Darce M., Brochard K., Lechevalier P., Launay E., Kone Paut I., Piram M. et the Kawanet study group (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France) 09:12 | CO19 | Sun exposure in school: evaluation of risk (erythemal dose), profit (vitamien D synthesis), and behaviors, in France Mahé E.*, de Paula Correa M., Vouldoukis I., Godin-Beekmann S., Beauchet A. (Argenteuil, France) 09:21 | CO20 | Retrospective study of ivermectin treatment in 12 patients with rosacea and / or perioral dermatitis Noguera-Morel L.*, Gerlero P., Hernández-Martín Á., Torrelo A. (Madrid, Spain) 08:00-09:30 SEMINAR 9: MICROSCOPY SHEDDING LIGHT ON CLINICS 1 SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs: David Atherton (London, United Kingdom), Bernard Cribier (Strasbourg, France) • • • • 08:00-09:30 Genodermatoses - Pathology, Stéphanie Leclerc-Mercier (Paris, France) Genodermatoses - Clinics, Daniel Hohl (Lausanne, Switzerland) Tumours - Pathology, Sylvie Fraitag (Paris, France) Tumours, Lisa Weibel (Zürich, Switzerland) SEMINAR 10: NEVI AND NEVOID OVERGROWTH AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Rudolf Happle (Freiburg, Germany), Peter Steijlen (Maastricht, The Netherlands) • • • 09:30-10:00 Congenital melanocytic nevi, Veronica Kinsler (London, United Kingdom) Cloves and overgrowth sydromes, Pierre Vabres (Dijon, France) Epidermal nevi, Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain) COFFEE BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 17 10:00-11:30 SYMPOSIUM 4: VASCULAR ANOMALIES AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Aïcha Salhi (Algiers, Algeria), Jean-Philippe Lacour (Nice, France) • • • 10:00-11:30 Congenital vascular tumours, Peter Hoeger (Hamburg, Germany) Drug therapy of va in 2016, Christine Labreze (Bordeaux, France) Port wine stains : lasers and beyond, Eulalia Baselga (Barcelona, Spain) SEMINAR 11: UV SENSITIVITY SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chair: Emmanuel Mahé (Paris, France), Jan Izakovic (Basel, Switzerland) • • • 10:00-11:30 SPONSORED BY SEMINAR 12: ATOPIC DERMATITIS 2 SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: Jean-François Stalder (Nantes, France), Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier (Zurich, Switzerland) • • • 11:45-12:15 Porphyrias, Jean-Charles Deybach (Paris, France) Poikilodermas, Leena Bruckner Tuderman (Freiburg, Germany) UV protection in children, Jan Izakovic (Basel, Switzerland) Atopic dermatitis, the Skin-Disease, Daniel Wallach (Paris, France) Update Treatments, Thomas Luger (Münster, Germany) Patient Education, Sebastien Barbarot (Nantes, France) PLENARY LECTURE AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 PHARMACOGENOMICS Speaker: Munir Pirmohamed (Liverpool, United Kingdom) 11:45-12:45 WORKSHOP PIERRE FABRE DERMATOLOGIE MOLLUSCUM CONTAGIOSUM: PATIENT ADAPTED TREATMENT SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Chair & Speaker: Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain) FRIDAY, 27TH MAY 2016 • • • 12:15-14:15 Update in the management of Molluscum contagiosum Clinical Cases Questions BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 12:30-13:30 DISCUSSION OF BEST POSTERS - POSTER AREA - LEVEL 5 13:00-14:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM PIERRE FABRE DERMATOLOGIE NEW LOOKS ON INFANTILE HEMANGIOMA AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 • The new face of infantile hemangiomas since the use of propranolol, • • 18 Christine Leaute-Labreze (Bordeaux, France) & Alain Delarue (Lavaur, France) A new look on patients: seeing beyond diagnosis, the Positive Exposure experience in vascular anomalies, Rick Guidotti (New York City, USA) Conclusion 13:00-14:00 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES D’URIAGE ATOPIC DERMATITIS : WHAT’S HOT ? SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Chair: Yves De Prost (Paris, France) • • • 13:00-14:00 Microbioma, innate immunity and antimicrobial peptides in AD. Carlo Gelmetti (Milano, Italie) New therapies in AD. Jean-Philippe Lacour (Nice, France) Lipoxins and Toll Like Receptors as targets of maintenance therapy. Marius-Anton Ionescu (Paris, France) SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE BABY’S SKIN FROM THE VERY FIRST DAY: EQUAL CHANCES? SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Chair: Christine Bodemer (Paris, France) • • • • 14:15-15:45 Focus on premature skin Smail Hadj Rabia (Paris, France) Skin physiology after birth: New data, different skin types? Joachim Fluhr (Berlin, Germany) Neonatal skin cares: a multidisciplinary approach Clarence de Belilovsky (Paris, France) Atopic dermatitis prevention from birth: review and next steps Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain) SYMPOSIUM 5: PIGMENTATION DISORDERS AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: J. Henk Sillevis Smitt (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Thierry Passeron (Nice, France) • • • 14:15 - 15:45 Congenital melanocytic nevi management, Suzanne Pasmans (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Vitiligo, Khaled Ezzedine (Paris, France) Pigmentation in RASopathies, Veronica Kinsler (London, United Kingdom) SEMINAR 13: CELL PROLIFERATION SORBONNE LEVEL 5 SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE Mastocytosis, Dirk Van Gysel (Aalst, Belgium) Cutaneous pediatric lymphoproliferative disorders, Lorenzo Cerroni (Graz, Austria) Spitz Tumours and Pediatric melanoma, Arnaud de la Fouchardière (Lyon, France) • • • 14:15 - 15:45 SEMINAR 14: INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2 SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: Danielle Marcoux, (Montreal, Canada), Frederic Cambazard (Saint Etienne, France) SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE Herpesviruses, Marie-Anne Morren (Leuven, Belgium) Tinea and onychomycosis, Arti Nanda (Salmiya, Kuwait) Viral Exanthem, Regina Fölster-Holst (Kiel, Germany) • • • 15:45-16:15 COFFE BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 16:15-17:45 SYMPOSIUM 6: UPDATE IN THERAPEUTICS AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs : Yves de Prost (Paris, France), Linda De Raeve (Brussels, Belgium) • • • FRIDAY, 27TH MAY 2016 Expert Chairs: Sylvie Fraitag (Paris, France), Eulalia Baselga (Barcelona, Spain) Antibiotics : use and misuse, Lawrence Eichenfield (San Diego, United States) Biologics in paediatric dermatology, Catherine McCuaig (Montreal, Canada) Hot topics in childhood therapeutics, Annabel Maruani (Tours, France) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 19 16:15-18:15 SEMINAR 15: AUTO-IMMUNE AND AUTO-INFLAMMATORY DISEASES SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Expert Chairs: Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain), Stéphanie Christen-Zaech (Lausanne, Switzerland) SOLVING CLINICAL SITUATION THROUGH ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE • • • • 20:00 Kawasaki Disease, Maryam Piram (Paris, France) Granulomatous diseases in children, Carine Wouters (Leuven, Belgium) Candle syndrome, Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain) Pediatric Lupus Update, Brigitte Bader-Meunier (Paris, France) CONGRESS DINNER - MUSÉE DES ART FORAINS SATURDAY, 28TH MAY 2016 08:00-09:30 FREE COMMUNICATIONS 3: Debate and comments with the Expert Chairs SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 Chairs: Pierre Vabres (Dijon, France), Regina Fölster-Holst (Kiel, Germany) 08:00 | CO21 | Absence of phenotypic predictors of PIK3CA mosaicism in a cohort of children with vascular malformations with and without overgrowth Polubothu S.*, Knox R., Al-Olabi L., Eastwood D., Eleftheriou G., Gholam K., Glover M., Kangesu L., Lomas D., Mahon C., Martinez A., Shaw L., Sivakumar B., Smith G., Syed S., Tasani M., Parker V., Semple R., Kinsler V. (London, United Kingdom) 08:09 | CO22 | Postzygotic BRAF p.Lys601Asn Mutation in Phacomatosis Pigmentokeratotica with Woolly Hair Naevus and Focal Cortical Dysplasia. Kuentz P., Mignot C., Bonniaud B.*, Duffourd Y., Olivier-Faivre L., Rivière J.-B., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) 08:18 | CO23 | Postzygotic activating mutations of MTOR cause hypomelanosis of Ito with brain overgrowth Vabres P.*, Parker V., Mignot C., Duffourd Y., Olivier-Faivre L., Semple R., Rivière J.-B. (DIJON, France) 08:27 | CO24 | Phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of extensive dermal melanocytosis Polubothu S.*, Al-Olabi L., Vabres P., Riviere J.-B., Kinsler V. (London, United Kingdom) 08:36 | CO25 | Combination of palmoplantar keratoderma and hair shaft anomalies: a warning signal of severe cardiac disorder? A systematic review on desmosomal diseases Polivka L.*, Bodermer C., Hadj-Rabia S. (Paris, France) 08:45 | CO26 | Inherited Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa with COL17A1 mutations: genotypic and phenotypic analysis of 30 cases Herisse A.-L.*, Chiaverini C., Charlesworth A., Bourrat E., Gaudron S., Meneguzzi G. , Hadj-Rabia S., Bodemer C., Lacour J-P. (Nice, France) 08:54 | CO27 | Pain evaluation of patients with localized epidermolysis bullosa simplex Brun J.*, Chiaverini C., Leclerc-Mercier S., Mazereeuw J., Bourrat E., Lacour J. P. et Research Group of the French Society of Pediatric Dermatology (Nice, France) 09:03 | CO28 | A 17-year retrospective review of the incidence, diagnosis and outcomes of retinal pathology in infants with incontinentia pigmenti Alband N., Mahon C., Glover M., Gholam K., Henderson R., Wong C., Martinez A. E.* (London, United Kingdom) 09:12 | CO29 | Familial BAP1 mutation presenting in a child with innocuous-looking skin lesions demonstrating histologically distinct subtype of atypical Spitzoid tumour, and fatal paraganglioma in the father Watchorn R. E.*, Calonje E., Taibjee S. (Exeter, United Kingdom) 09:21 | CO30 | Cutaneous granulomas in patients with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS) and Ataxiatelangiectasia (AT) – diagnostic and treatment challenge Heropolitanska-Pliszka E.*, Pietrucha B., Wolska-Kuśnierz B., Piatosa B. (Warsaw, Poland) 20 08:00-09:30 SEMINAR 16: ENDOCRINE APPROACH TO SKIN DISEASES SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs: Maya El Hachem (Rome, Italy), Anna Belloni Fortina (Padua, Italy) • • • 08:00-09:30 Hormonal assessment in skin diseases, Michel Polak (Paris, France) HPA axis in topical steroid therapy, Flora de Waard-van der Spek (Rotterdam / Schiedam, The Netherlands) & Arnold Oranje (Rotterdam / Alkmaar / Breda, The Netherlands) Hypertrichoses in children, Christine Chiaverini (Nice, France) SEMINAR 17: BULLOUS AND MUCOUS MEMBRANE DISORDERS AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Johann Bauer (Salzburg, Austria), Peter Itin (Basel, Switzerland) • • • Pediatric autoimmune bullous diseases, Emmanuel Laffitte (Geneva, Switzerland) Epidermolysis bullosa, Cristina Has (Freiburg, Germany) Genital lichen sclerosus, Peter Itin (Basel, Switzerland) 09:30-10:00 COFFE BREAK - POSTER VIEWING LEVEL 5 & VISIT OF THE EXHIBITION LEVEL 3 10:00-11:30 SYMPOSIUM 7: CHANGING PARADIGMS AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 Expert Chairs: Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain), Leena Bruckner (Freiburg, Germany) • • • 10:00 - 11:30 Inflammation to autoinflammation, Christine Bodemer (Paris, France) From nevi to mosaics, Rudolf Happle (Freiburg, Germany) Microbiome, Jean-François Bach (Paris, France) SEMINAR 18: ECTODERMAL DYSPLASIA SAINT VICTOR LEVEL 3 • • • 10:00 - 12:00 Pathophysiological pathways, Smaïl Hadj-Rabia (Paris, France) New Ectodermal dysplasias Syndrome, Gianluca Tadini (Milan, Italy) Genetic approach to hair dysplasia, Regina Betz (Bonn, Germany) SEMINAR 19: MICROSCOPY SHEDDING LIGHT ON CLINICS 2 SORBONNE LEVEL 5 Expert Chairs: Ernesto Bonifazzi (Bari, Italy), Alice Phan (Lyon, France) • • • • 12:00-12:30 Vascular anomalies - Pathology, Isabel Colmenero (Birmingham, United Kingdom) Vascular anomalies - Clinics, Peter Hoeger (Hamburg, Germany) Inflammatory diseases - Pathology, Jaime Eduardo Calonje (London, United Kingdom) Inflammatory diseases - Clinics, Maya El Hachem (Rome, Italy) PLENARY LECTURE AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 THE HUMAN GENETIC DETERMINISM OF PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Speaker: Anne Puel (Paris, France) 12:30-13:00 PLENARY LECTURE AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 FROM DATA TO KNOWLEDGE: BIOMEDICAL DATA WAREHOUSE AND DATA MINING SATURDAY, 28TH MAY 2016 Expert Chairs: Celia Moss (Birmingham, United Kingdom), Smaïl Hadj-Rabia (Paris, France) Speaker: Nicolas Garcelon (Paris, France) 13:00-13:30 CONGRESS CLOSING AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 21 INDEX OF CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS A Atherton David, 17 B Bach Jean-François, 21 Bader-Meunier Brigitte, 20 Baran Robert, 15 Barbarot Sebastien, 14, 18 Barbaud Annick, 16 Baselga Eulalia, 18, 19 Bauer Johann, 21 Belloni Fortina Anna, 21 Betz Regina, 21 Boccara Olivia, 16 Bodemer Christine, 19, 21 Bonifazi Ernesto, 21 Bonniaud Bertille, 17, 20 Boralevi Franck, 16 Bronckers Inge, 14 Bruckner-Tuderman Leena, 18, 21 Brun Jennifer, 20 Burrows Nigel, 14 Bygum Anette, 17 C Cambazard Frederic, 19 Cartledge Natalia, 17 Carvalho Sandrina, 17 Cerroni Lorenzo, 19 Chiaverini Christine, 21 Chiriac Anca, 15 Christen-Zaech Stephanie, 20 Church Martin, 16 Colmenero Isabel, 21 Cribier Bernard, 17 Cutrone Mario, 14 D De Belilovsky Clarence, 19 De Bruin-Weller Marjolein, 15 De la Fouchardière Arnaud, 19 Delarue Alain, 18 Deybach Jean-Charles, 18 De Prost Yves, 19 De Raeve Linda, 19 De Waard-Van Der Spek Flora, 21 E Eduardo-Calonje Jaime, 21 Eichenfield Lawrence, 14, 16, 19 El Hachem Maya, 21 Ezzedine Khaled, 19 F Fischer Judith, 16 Flohr Carsten, 15 Fluhr Joachim, 19 Fölster-Holst Regina, 16, 19, 20 Fraitag Sylvie, 17, 19 22 G Garcelon Nicolas, 21 Gelmetti Carlo, 16, 19 Grimalt Ramon, 15 Guidotti Rick, 18 H Hadj-Rabia Smaïl, 4, 19, 21 Happle Rudolf, 17, 21 Harper John, 16 Has Cristina, 21 Herisse Anne-Laure, 20 Hernandez Angela, 16 Heropolitanska-Pliszka Edyta, 20 Hoeger Peter, 14, 18, 21 Hohl Daniel, 14, 17 Hovnanian Alain, 16 I Ionescu Marius-Anton, 19 Irvine Alan, 15 Ismaili Nadia, 16 Itin Peter, 21 Izakovic Jan, 18 J Jonkman Marcel, 16 Jouanguy Emmanuelle, 16 K Kakourou Talia, 14 Kinsler Veronica, 17, 19 Kunz Barbara, 15 L Labreze Christine, 18 Lacalm Audrey, 14 Lacour Jean-Philippe, 18, 19 Laffitte Emmanuel, 16, 21 Lasek Audrey, 14 Leclerc-Mercier Stéphanie, 16, 17 Luger Thomas, 18 M Mahé Emmanuel, 14, 16, 17, 18 Mahon Caroline, 17 Marcoux Danielle, 16, 19 Martin Ludovic, 15, 17 Martinez Anna E., 20 Maruani Annabel, 19 Mazereeuw-Hautier Juliette, 16 McCuaig Catherine, 19 McGrath John, 15, 16 Megarbané Hala, 15 Morren Marie-Anne, 19 Moss Celia, 21 N Nanda Arti, 19 Noguera-Morel Lucero, 17 O Oranje Arnold, 14, 21 P Pasmans Suzanne, 19 Passeron Thierry, 19 Patrizi Annalisa, 15, 16 Phan Alice, 21 Piram Maryam, 20 Pirmohamed Munir, 18 Polak Michel, 21 Polivka Laura, 20 Polubothu Satyamaanasa, 20 Puel Anne, 21 Puig Susanna, 14 R Richert Bertrand, 15 Rivière Jean-Baptiste, 14 S Salhi Aïcha, 18 Sarre Marie-Elodie, 17 Schmid-Grendelmeier Peter, 18 Seyger Marieke, 16 Sillevis Smitt J. Henk, 19 Specht Clémentine, 17 Sprecher Eli, 15, 16 Stalder Jean-François, 14, 18 Staubach Petra, 16 Steijlen Peter, 17 Su John, 14 Szalai Zsuzsanna, 16 T Tadini Gianluca, 21 Taieb Alain, 15 Tekin Burak, 14 Tennstedt Dominique, 16 Thanopoulou Ioanna, 15 Torrelo Antonio, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Totté Joan, 14 Traupe Heiko, 16 U Uthurriague Claire, 17 V Vabres Pierre, 14, 17, 20 Van Gysel Dirk, 15, 19 Vanakker Olivier, 15 Vikkula Miikka, 16 W Wallach Daniel, 18 Watchorn Richard, 20 Weibel Lisa, 17 Wollenberg Andreas, 15 Wouters Carine, 20 Z Zouboulis Christos, 16 POSTERS The poster area is situated on the Level 5. Plan p. 45 SESSION 1 ROOM: CONSEIL • • • • • • • • • Autoimmune and inflammatory systemic diseases: From P001 to P002 + P116 Blistering disorders: From P003 to P004 Cases in search of a diagnosis or a treatment: From P005 to P006 Genodermatoses: From P007 to P029 + P117 Hair and nail disorders: From P030 to P031 Inborn errors of metabolism and the skin: From P032 to P034 Malformation syndromes and mosaic skin conditions: From P035 to P042 Neonatal and prenatal dermatology : From P043 to P050 Psoriasis and disorders of cornification: From P051 to P054 SESSION 2 ROOM: PONTOISE • • • • • • • • Acne and facial dermatoses: From P055 to P058 Atopic dermatitis: From P059 to P070 Contact dermatitis and allergy: P071 Drug reactions: P072 Exanthemas: P073 Infections and infestations of the skin: From P074 to P083 Photodermatology: P084 Therapeutic Education: P085 SESSION 3 ROOM: POISSY • • • • • Auto-inflammatory diseases: From P086 to P088 Mastocytosis: P090 Pigmentary disorders: From P091 to P092 Tumors and neoplasia: From P093 to P103 + P118 Vascular anomalies: From P104 to P115 The organisers would like to thank Laboratoire BIODERMA for its help with the design and printing of the posters chosen for the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology congress. POSTERS will also be displayed on computer screens on site located in a dedicated E-POSTERS area on Level 5. Congress participants will be able to view them any time during the entire duration of the meeting. The best poster will be awarded a prize of 500 euros by the Bioderma foundation. The winner will be announced during the congress closing, held on Saturday 28th May, 13:00, Amphitheater (LEVEL -1) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 23 POSTER SESSION 1 ROOM: CONSEIL AUTOIMMUNE AND INFLAMMATORY SYSTEMIC DISEASES P001 | An exceptional case of association of cutaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis and coeliac disease in a child Monnier J.*, Morand J.-J., Roman C., Oudin C., Macagno N., Hesse S., Gaudy-Marqueste C., Monestier S., Richard M.-A., Grob J.-J., Mallet S. (Marseille, France) P002 | Severe aplastic anemia associated with eosinophilic fasciitis : report of pediatric case. Victoria M.*, Benoit S., Claire O., Vincent B., Catherine C., Claire G., Sylvie H., Caroline G.-M., Nicolas M., Nathalie C., Gerard M., Jean-jacques G., Marie-aleth R., Stephanie M. (Marseille, France) P116 | More than white patches, white halos, white hairs: Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome Hamm* H., Reichel A., Meyer-ter-Vehn T., Wobser M., Holl-Wieden A. (Würzburg, Germany) BLISTERING DISORDERS P003 | Using negative pressure wound treatment in a neonate with epidermolysis bullosa Schwieger-Briel A.*, Schlueer A.-B., Schiestl C., Theiler M., Weibel L. (Zurich, Switzerland) P004 | Kaposi varicelliform eruption in a patient with Dowling-Meara epidermolysis bullosa Abasq-Thomas C., Huguen J*., Fraitag S., Misery L. (Brest, France) CASES IN SEARCH OF A DIAGNOSIS OR A TREATMENT P005 | Thalidomide in pediatric resistant recurrent aphthous stomatitis Chasseuil E., Aubert H., Tessier M.-H., Tiriau S., Poignant S., Barbarot S.* (Nantes, France) P006 | Pustular psoriasis and palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) with features of ectodermal dysplasia and mutation in the plakin domain of the desmoplakin gene – a new entity or mere coincidence? Volc-Platzer B., Gruber R., Rainer G.* (Vienna, Austria) GENODERMATOSES P007 | Topical sirolimus as an effective treatment for a deep neurofibroma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type I. Levy J. M. S., Fiorillo L.* (Edmonton, Canada) P008 | Natural history of cutaneous changes in pseudoxanthoma elasticum Navasiolava N., Maréchal-Girault S., Pararajasingam A., Croué A., Leftheriotis G., Martin L.* (Angers, France) P009 | Skin fragility-woolly hair syndrome Mestach L.*, Legius E., Goeteyn M., Morren M.-A. (Leuven, Belgium) P010 | Papillon–Lefèvre syndrome: Case series of 6 patients and identification of a novel mutation Tekin B.*, Yucelten D., Beleggia F., Sarig O., Sprecher E. (Istanbul, Turkey) P011 | Ehlers-Danlos arthrochalasic or cardiac type? Case report Chiriac A. E., Pinteala T., Butnariu L., Chiriac A.* (iasi, Romania) P012 | Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome in a child: a disturbing genetic case. Bernier V.*, Debray F.-G., Pêtre J., Philippet P. (Liège, Belgium) P013 | Functional analysis of LEMD3 mutation in Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome Hagiwara C.*, Nakano H., Sawamura D., Korekawa A. (Hirosaki, Japan) P014 | GAPO syndrome with growth hormone deficiency Sahel H., Ait Sahnoune G., Otsmane F., BOUADJAR B.* (Alger, Algeria) P015 | Collodion baby diagnosed with ichthyosis variegata at the age of 3 years Pallesen K. A. U.*, Hertz J. M., Fischer J., Hotz A., Clemmensen O., Bygum A. (Odense C, Denmark) 24 P016 | Cutaneous Granular Cell Tumor in Noonan syndrome Zavattaro E.*, Guala A., Selicorni A., Farinelli P., Giacalone A., Colombo E. (Novara, Italy) P017 | Mosaic neurofibromatosis type 1. unreported findings and systemic anomalies in a series of 39 children Vazquez-Osorio I., Duat-Rodriguez A., García-Martínez F.-J., Torrelo A., Noguera-Morel L., Hernandez-Martin A.* (Gijon, Spain) P018 | Primary erythromelalgia caused by an idenitifable genetic mutation and treated with a targeted therapy. Wlodek C.*, Kelly A., Shaw L. (Bristol, United Kingdom) P019 | Reflectance confocal microscopy as a non-invasive diagnostic tool for nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome management Oliveira A.*, Mendes-Bastos P., Zalaudek I. (Lisboa, Portugal) P020 | Hereditary ichthyosis and achieving the oral mucosa, retrospective study of 33 cases Omar B. S.*, Amina L. (Tlemcen, Algeria) P021 | Dermatologic examination revealing Carney complex in a 6-year old girl with ischemic cerebellar stroke Abasq-Thomas C.*, Acquitter M., Laparra V., Peudenier S., Clauser E., Misery L. (Brest, France) P022 | Albino day hospital: a multidisciplinary approach helping for diagnosis and management of the patients Morice-Picard F.*, Paya C., Lasseaux E., Labrèze C., Dutkiewicz A.-S., Boralevi F., Arveiler B., Taieb A. (Bordeaux, France) P023 | Compound heterozygous mutations in COL7A1 gene in a girl with unusual phenotype of Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Colmant C.*, Sznajer Y., Baeck M., Kamsteeg E.-J., Spanoudi-Kitrimi I., Tennstedt D., Dekeuleneer V. (Brussels, Belgium) P024 | Evaluation of learning disabilities in segmental neurofibromatosis Marmottant-Debled E., Chiaverini C.*, Fossoud C., Passeron T., Barbarot S., Lacour J.-P. (Nice, France) P025 | Acanthosis nigricans, hyponchondroplasia and FGFR3 mutation: four cases and review of the literature Muguet Guenot L., Aubert H.*, Isidor B., Toutain A., Mazereeuw-Hautier J., Collet C., Bourrat E., Barbarot S. (Nantes, France) P026 | Two cases of extensive postzygotic mosaicism in epidermolytic ichthyosis closely mimicking a classical form of epidermolytic ichthyosis Severino M.*, Tournier E., Chassaing N., Jonca N., Mazereuuw-hautier J. (Toulouse, France) P027 | A Case of H Syndrome Presenting with Histopathological Features of Rosai-Dorfman Disease Powell J.*, Cohen V., Miedzybrodzki B. (Montreal, Canada) P028 | Dermoscopy of basal cell carcinoma in patients with xeroderma pigmentosum Radia C.*, Salim G., FZ M. (Fez, Morocco) P029 | Pediatric pilomatricomas in Kabuki syndrome Marcoux D.*, Schreiber A., Coulombe J., Bernier F.-E. (Québec, Canada) HAIR AND NAIL DISORDERS P030 | Halo scalp ring in three children Garritsen F.*, de Graaf M., Toonstra J. (Utrecht, Netherlands) P031 | Anterior cervical hypertrichosis: Report of 2 cases Kieselova K.*, Santiago F., Guiote V., Henrique M. (Leiria, Portugal) P117 | Clinical Features and Treatment Outcome in Nine Patients with Netherton Syndrome and Influence of Immunoglobulin on Hair Growth Niculescu* L., Wollenberg A., Thomas P., Schmidt, Renner E.,Wolff H., Notheis G., Braun-Falco M., Oji4 V., Ruzicka T., Fischer J., Giehl K. (Munich, Germany) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 25 INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM AND THE SKIN P032 | When Deficits Result in Excess: The Irony of Inborn Errors of Metabolism A 1-year-old female with Maple Syrup Urine Disease presenting with Acrodermatitis Enteropathicalike lesions Abad R. M. R.*, Lazo-Dizon J. P. (Manila, Philippines) P033 | Skin rash in a GLUT1 deficient adolescent Norrenberg S.*, Bonafé L., Hohl D., Christen-Zäch S. (Lausanne, Switzerland) P034 | Acrodermatitis enteropathica-like syndrome Kazandjieva J.*, Guleva D., Sonya M., Nikolova A. (Sofia, Bulgaria) MALFORMATION SYNDROMES AND MOSAIC SKIN CONDITIONS P035 | Hallermann- Streiff Syndrome: a new case and difficulties in management Fatma Zohra Z., fatma zohra D., ryma O., sidi dris A., Bakar B.* (ALGIERS, Algeria) P036 | Mosaic ectodermal dysplasia-skin fragility syndrome: first reported case Rodriguez Diaz E.*, Vazquez Osorio I., Gonzalez Sabin M., Bueno E., Gonzalvo P., Torrelo A. (Gijon, Spain) P037 | A patient with trisomy 20 mosaicism presenting as Hypomelanosis of Ito Coelho de Sousa V.*, Marques I., Cordeiro A. I., Paiva Lopes M. J. (Lisboa, Portugal) P038 | Somatic HRAS, PIK3CA and FGFR3 gene mutations in keratinocytic epidermal naevi: a case series. Denorme P.*, Morren M.-A., Brems H., Spaepen M., Legius E. (Leuven, Belgium) P039 | Nevus of striated muscle with segmental hypertrophy: presentation of 3 cases Torrelo A.*, Boente M. D. C., Noguera-Morel L., Hernández-Martín A., Colmenero I., Asial R., Requena L. (Madrid, Spain) P040 | Goltz syndrome: a new case in a male patient. Grandpeix Guyodo C.*, Popovic K., Hjartarson H., Darafshian H., Nordgren A., Magnusson I. (Stockholm, Sweden) P041 | Neonatal cutis laxa in Sotos syndrome Bou-assi E.*, Bonniaud B., Grimaldi M., Olivier-Faivre L., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) P042 | Mutational spectrum of PIK3CA in CLOVES and MCAP syndromes Kuentz P., Duffourd Y., Olivier-Faivre L., Rivière J.-B., Vabres P.* (DIJON, France) NEONATAL AND PRENATAL DERMATOLOGY P043 | Iatrogenic skin disorders and related factors in newborn infants Csoma Z. R.*, Doró P., Meszes A., Ábrahám R., Tálosi G. (Szeged, Hungary) P044 | Cutaneous lesions in healthy neonates and their relationship with maternal-neonatal factors Ábrahám R.*, Meszes A., Bakki J., Gyurkovits Z., Orvos H., Csoma Z. R. (Szeged, Hungary) P045 | Congenital smooth muscle hamartoma mimicking cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita Buechner A.*, Theiler M., Weibel L. (Zurich, Switzerland) P046 | Characterization of dry skin in vitro and in vivo in a pediatric population Brédif S., Boyer G.*, Bellemère G., Moga A., de Belilovsky C., BAUDOUIN C. (EPERNON, France) P047 | Eczema bleeding: key sign in the early diagnosis of Glanzmann disease in an infant Martín-Santiago A.*, Garcia-Recio M., Knöpfel N., Ferrés L., Hervás D., Bauzá A., Galmés B. (PALMA DE MALLORCA, Spain) P048 | An unconventional rash Magnano M., Neri I., Loi C., Patrizi A.*, Bergamaschi R., Gennari M. (Bologna, Italy) P049 | Typical vascular and pigmentary dermoscopic pattern of capillary malformations in CM-AVM syndrome: report of three cases. Gandon C., Bonniaud B., Collet E., Dalac S., Jeudy G., Vabres P.* (Dijon, France) P050 | Mosaic Activating FGFR2 Mutation in Two Foetuses with Exophytic Papillomatous Pedunculated Sebaceous Naevus. Kuentz P., Fraitag S., Gonzales M., Dhombres F., Duffourd Y., Olivier-Faivre L., Rivière J.-B., Vabres P.* (DIJON, France) 26 PSORIASIS AND DISORDERS OF CORNIFICATION P051 | Aquagenic syringeal acrokeratoderma in a 13-year old boy - a case report Zychowska M., Baran W.* (Wroclaw, Poland) P052 | A de-novo CARD14 mutation in an infant with severe erythroderma Schwieger-Briel A.*, Technau K., Fischer J., Has C. (Zurich, Switzerland) P053 | « Théo et les psorianautes » (Théo and the Psorianautes) a serious game developed for children with psoriasis Aubin M., Piérard N., Mahé E.* (Argenteuil, France) P054 | Psoriasis can it be associated with contact sensitization in childhood? Korbi M.*, Belhadjali H., Kammoun S., Youssef M., Mohamed M., Akkari H., Soua Y., Henchi M. A., Zili J. (Monastir, Tunisia) POSTER SESSION 2 ROOM: PONTOISE ACNE AND FACIAL DERMATOSES P055 | Lucie Frey syndrome complicating trigemenal nerve zoster in a child: a rare presentation Ramid H.*, Hali F., Chiheb S. (Casablanca, Morocco) P056 | OBSERVATIONAL STUDY IN PREADOLESCENTS WITH FACIAL ACNE VULGARIS Thouvenin M.-D., Saint Aroman M.*, Rossi A. B. (Lavaur, France) P057 | Follicular keratosis of the chin – familial occurrence and impressive effect of topical treatment with tacalcitol Buechner A.*, Theiler M., Weibel L. (Zurich, Switzerland) P058 | Familial Frey syndrome: is it only of peripheral nerve origin? Monia Y., Korbi M.*, benchieikh R., Soua Y., Belhadjali H., Zili J. (Monastir, Tunisia) ATOPIC DERMATITIS P059 | Dermatologic Manifestations of Hyper IgE syndrome: study of 19 cases Ramid H.*, Hali F., Khadir K., Chiheb S. (Casablanca, Morocco) P060 | Evaluation of new therapeutic molecules on infants with moderate atopic dermatitis: effect on SCORAD and Quality of Life of patients. Rouaud-Tinguely P., Boudier D.*, Le Guillou M., Bordes S., Closs B. (Saint-Viance, France) P061 | The Efficacy of Omalizumab in Patients of Childhood Onset Atopic Dermatitis with High Serum IgE Kuo K.-L.*, Wang C.-W., Chung W.-H. (Keelung, Taiwan, Province of China) P062 | Ex vivo evaluation of the effects of niacinamide and phytosterols on epidermal barrier recovery following damage Gasparri F.*, Marconi A., Pincelli C. (Casalfiumanese, Italy) P063 | The significance of a short term structured educational program for parents of children with atopic dermatitis on the quality of family life Pustisek N.*, Šitum M., Vurnek Zivkovic Vurnek M. (Zagreb, Croatia) P064 | Cyclosporin therapy in children with severe atopic dermatitis. efficacy and adverse effects profile assessment. Hernandez-Martin A.*, Noguera-Morel L., Torrelo A., Bernardo-Cuesta B., Perez-Martin M.-A., Aparicio-Lopez C., de LucasCollantes C. (Madrid, Spain) P065 | Association atopic dermatitis and psoriasis in moroccan children Elfatoiki F. Z.*, fouzia H., khadir K., chiheb S. (casablanca, Morocco) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 27 P066 | Molecular and Conventional Investigation of Penton Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) Production and Biofilm Forming Abilities of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) Strains Isolated From Anterior Nares of Children with Atopic Dermatitis Uzunoglu E.*, Ocal D., Koksuz T., Sahin A. M., Avcı E., Dolapci I. (Giresun, Turkey) P067 | A new marker of atopic dermatitis Korbi M.*, Belhadjali H., Soua Y., Youssef M., Mohamed M., Henchi M. A., Zili J. (Monastir, Tunisia) P068 | How patient-reported outcomes can be useful in routine practice in children with atopic dermatitis? Barbarot S.*, Aubert H., Stalder J.-F. (Nantes, France) P069 | Reduced pruritus and signs of atopic dermatitis in phase 3 trials with a nonsteroidal topical phosphodiesterase inhibitor, crisaborole Hebert A., Eichenfield L.*, Lebwohl M., Paller A., Simpson E., Tom W., Spellman M., Hughes M., Zane L. (San Diego, United States) P070 | Long-term safety of crisaborole in children and adults with mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis Eichenfield L.*, Call R., Forsha D., Fowler J., Hebert A., Spellman M., Stein Gold L., Van Syoc M., Zane L., Tschen E. (San Diego, United States) CONTACT DERMATITIS AND ALLERGY P071 | Antiseptics contact dermatitis in children: not only chlorhexidine… Darrigade A.-S., Boralevi F*., Labrèze C., Milpied B. (BORDEAUX, France) DRUG REACTIONS P072 | Fixed drug eruption due to an antipyretic drug containing phenobarbital: Interest of patch test! Korbi M.*, Belhadjali H., Ben Fredj N., Soua Y., Youssef M., Chaabane A., Mohamed M., Aouam K., Zili J. (Monastir, Tunisia) EXANTHEMAS P073 | «Red penis» in infants: two unusual clinical cases. Cutrone M.*, Valerio E., Favot F., Mattei I. (Venice, Italy) INFECTIONS AND INFESTATIONS OF THE SKIN P074 | Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis of the child in a refugee camp El Amraoui M.*, Boui M. (Rabat, Morocco) P075 | Trends in onychomycosis in the South West of England between 2006-2014. Wlodek C.*, Trickey A., Johnson E. M. (Bristol, United Kingdom) P076 | Study of leprosy in chidren Rao A. G.* (Mahbubnagar, India) P077 | Coexistence of immunologically divergent types of cutaneous tuberculosis in immunocompetent children -a study Rao A. G.* (Mahbubnagar, India) P078 | Cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis in pediatric population: retrospective collection of data on a Hospital Hernández-Núñez A.*, Freites A., Tardío J., García E., Molina L., Puente de Pablo N., Borbujo J. (Madrid, Spain) P079 | Novel gain-of-function signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) mutation in chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis Knöpfel N.*, Escudero-Góngora M. D. M., Martínez Pomar N., Molina Fuentes Á., Lacruz L., Dueñas J., Martín-Santiago A. (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) P080 | Emergence of african species of dermatophytes in tinea capitis: a 16 year experience at a montreal pediatric hospital Marcoux D.*, Dang J., Gendron R. (montreal, Canada) 28 P081 | Tinea capitis outbreak among pediatric refugee population, an evolving health care challenge Mashiah J.*, Kutz A., Benami R., Savion M., Goldberg I., Ganor T., Zidan O., Sprecher E., Harel A. (Tel-Aviv, Israel) P082 | Topical imiquimod for external anogenital warts in pediatric population: a retrospective study of 23 cases. Genix M.*, Maruani A., Chiaverini C., Boralevi F., Miquel J., Mahé E., Kupfer-Bessaguet I., Cochat P., Phan A. (BRON, France) P083 | Adverse reactions due to BCG vaccine: 11 cases Sellami K., Amouri M., Mseddi M.*, Guirat R., Aloulou H., Ben Mansour L., Kamoun T., Kmiha S., Hachicha M., Turki H. (Sfax, Tunisia) PHOTODERMATOLOGY P084 | ERythropoietic protoporphyria in two brothers Romero Pérez D.*, González Villanueva I., Encabo Durán B., Hispán Ocete P., Berbegal De Gracia L., De León Marrero F., Betlloch Mas I. (Alicante, Spain) THERAPEUTIC EDUCATION P085 | Pilot feasibility study: children preference in the choice of galenic formulation in atopic dermatitis: impact on treatment adherence Kogge A.*, Chavigny J.-M., Aubert H., Barbarot S., stalder J.-F. (Nantes, France) POSTER SESSION 3 ROOM: POISSY AUTO-INFLAMMATORY DISEASES P086 | Pyoderma gangrenosum in a nursling: atypical presentation Ramid H.*, Hali F., Chiheb S. (Casablanca, Morocco) P087 | STING - Associated Vasculopathy with Onset in Infancy: detection of a novel germline point mutation in the TMEM173 gene associated with a mild phenotype. Van Aerde E.*, Morren M., Van den Oord J., De Haes P., Wouters C., Meyts I., Legius E. (Leuven, Belgium) P088 | The interest of potassium iodide in auto-inflammatory syndrome Korbi M.*, Aounallah A., Fetoui Ghariani N., Zeglaoui H., Boussofara L., Mokni S., Saidi W., Denguezli M., Ghariani N., Belaajouza C., Rafiaa N. (Sousse, Tunisia) MASTOCYTOSIS P090 | Topical Pimecrolimus for Pediatric Cutaneous Mastocytosis Mashiah J.*, Kutz A., Bodemer C., Hadj Rabia S., Goldberg I., Sprecher E., Harel A. (Tel-Aviv, Israel) PIGMENTARY DISORDERS P091 | Dermoscopy in Pigmented Purpuric Dermatosis Oliveira A.* (Alvor - Algarve, Portugal) P092 | Eruptive Lentigines and Abnormal Skin Fold Pigmentation after Nitrogen Mustard Treatment for Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Bernigaud C.*, Bonniaud B., Briandet C., Grimaldi M., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 29 TUMORS AND NEOPLASIA P093 | A child pyoderma gangrenosum revealing systemic anaplastic lymphoma Ramli I. I.*, rachadi H., amarouch H., benzekri L., senouci K., hassam B., Ismaili N. (Rabat, Morocco) P094 | Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia occurred in infancy Korekawa A.*, Nakajima K., Nakano H., Sawamura D. (Hirosaki, Japan) P095 | Infantile myofibromatosis: a case report of a rare condition. Marques I.*, Coelho de Sousa V., Diamantino F., Cordeiro A. I., Duarte R., Paiva Lopes M. J. (Barreiro, Portugal) P096 | Lymphomatoid papulosis in children and adolescents: A Systematic Review Wieser I.*, Wohlmuth C., Nunez C., Duvic M. (Houston, Texas, United States) P097 | Langerhans cell histiocytosis involving the skin and the thymus: an underestimated association and its prognostic value Escudero Góngora M. D. M.*, Knöpfel N., Guibelalde M., Amador E., Saus C., Bauzá A., Martín-Santiago A. (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) P098 | Multiple and desmoplastic spitz nevi arising in congenital speckled lentiginous nevus Valdivielso M.*, Rivera T., Eguren C., Silvente C., Conde E., Martin A., De la Cueva P. (Madrid, Spain) P099 | A Raccoon Eyes syndrome associated with neuroblastoma in remission Plaquevent M.*, SAMAIN A., Filhon B., BALGUERIE X., JOLY P. (Rouen, France) P100 | Spindle cell haemangioma and abnormal skin pigmentation in constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome. Dhers M.*, Bonniaud B., Bernigaud C., Aubriot-Lorton M. H., Briandet C., Bottollier-Colomb E., Wassef M., Olivier-Faivre L., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) P101 | Granulomatous mycosis fungoides in an adolescent patient – A rare case and review of the literature Wieser I.*, Wohlmuth C., Duvic M. (Salzburg, Austria) P102 | A case of histiocytosis mimicking a diffuse neonatal hemangiomatosis Belloni Fortina A.*, Fontana E., Salmaso R. (Padova, Italy) P103 | Sarcoidosis masquering an anaplastic large cell lymphoma in a child. Marchetti A.*, Balme B., Cochat P., Phan A. (Lyon, France) P118 | Clinical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Aspects in Five Children with Disseminated Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Roussel* P., Benoit S., Ruzicka T., Rueff F., Niculescu L., Schmidt H., Hamm H., Giehl K. (Munich, Germany) VASCULAR ANOMALIES P104 | Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation syndrome: are all the cutaneous stains actually arteriovenous malformations? Puente-Pablo N.*, Hernández-Núñez A., Echeverría B., Tardío J. C., Freites A. D., Martínez-Morán C., Martínez-Sánchez D., Borbujo J. (Fuenlabrada, Spain) P105 | Educational intervention and teledermatology, two tools for reducing the age of assessment and treatment of infantile hemangioma Betlloch I.*, Azaña J.-M., Martínez-Miravete M.-T. (Alicante, Spain) P106 | Early use of sirolimus therapy for infants and children with problematic Kaposiform Haemangioendothelioma and tufted angioma. Tasani M.*, Glover M. (London, United Kingdom) P107 | Atenolol treatment for severe infantile hemangiomas: a single-centre prospective study Alexopoulos A.*, Thanopoulou I., Xaidara A., Chrousos G., Kakourou T. (Athens, Greece) P108 | A kaposiform hemangioendothelioma successfully and safely treated with sirolimus. Should sirolimus be first-line treatment for this indication? Wlodek C.*, Ng A., Shaw L. (Bristol, United Kingdom) 30 P109 | Atenonol: an promising alternative therapy to propranolol for the treatment of infantile haemangioma. Tasani M.*, Shaw L. (London, United Kingdom) P110 | Linear facial posrt-wine stain: a blaschkolinear mosaicism? Dutkiewicz A.-S.*, Ezzedine K., Mazereeuw-Hautier J., Lacour J.-P., Barbarot S., Vabres P., Miquel J., Balguerie X., Martin L., Boralevi F., Bessou P., Morice-Picard F., Chateil J.-F., Léauté-Labrèze C. (BORDEAUX, France) P111 | Haemangioma in an infant whose mother was receiving long-term propranolol treatment during pregnancy Mechineaud M.*, Nicaise D., Martin L. (Angers, France) P112 | Rapidly and partially involutive congenital hemangiomas: a retrospective study of 51 cases Boccara O.*, Ronjat L., Gurioli C., Hubiche T., Boralevi F., Bodemer C., Léauté-Labrèze C. (Paris, France) P113 | Validity of centralized photographic assessment of treatment response in infantile hemangioma. Vabres P.*, Liacu D., Léauté-Labrèze C., Delarue A., Voisard J.-J. (DIJON, France) P114 | Association of infantile hemangioma location with presentation at birth Hars B., Bonniaud B.*, Devilliers H., Perez-Martin S., Vabres P. (DIJON, France) P115 | Multiple segmental congenital hemangiomas Bursztejn A.-C.*, Goffinet L., Journeau P., Simon E., Mainard L. (Nancy, France) Xémose FOR ATOPIC, DRY SKIN SCORAD : -52%1 SRRC : -52%1 CLQI : -59%2 Chronoxine Up-regulate lipoxins3,4 TLR2-Régul Modulate Toll Like Receptor 23 Cérasterol 2F Repair intercellular cement3 1 Clinical trial in a series of 75 babies and infants (mean age 2 y.o.). Xémose Crème or Xémose Cérat were applied 2X/ day for 30 days. Dermatologist’s assessment - SCORAD: SCORing Atopic Dermatitis - SRRC: Scaling, Roughness, Redness, Cracks. 2 Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) Lewis-Jones MS, and al.Br J Dermatol 1995; 132(6): 942-9. 3 Uriage Satellite Symposium ESPD 2016 “What’s New in atopic Dermatitis?” De Prost Y, Gelmetti C, Lacour JP, Ionescu MA. 4 Poster 3777 - American Academy of Dermatology Washington DC - 2016 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 31 EXHIBITION FLOOR PLAN - MAUBERT LEVEL 3 27 03A 04 24 23 05 06 07 08 28 22 20 08A 03 15 02 14 15A 16 17 13 12 18 19 11 09 01 26 PATIENT SUPPORT GROUPS - ODÉON LEVEL 3 A B C D E F 32 LIST OF EXHIBITORS COMPANIES BOOTH N° DOODERM 20 DR HOENLE MEDIZINTECHNIK GMBH 8 H & O EQUIPMENTS SA LA ROCHE POSAY LABORATOIRE BIODERMA 9 4-5 1-2-3 LABORATOIRE DERMATOLOGIQUE ACM 18 LABORATOIRE SVR 3A LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES D'URIAGE 22 LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES EUCERIN 6-7 LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE LABORATOIRES NOREVA LABORATOIRES PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE LEO PHARMA MEDITHEQUE BOOKSHOP PAMPERS - PROCTER & GAMBLE 12 - 17 23 13 - 14 - 15 - 15A - 16 8A 28 11 - 19 TOPICREM 24 VEA 26 WISEPRESS MEDICAL BOOKSHOP 27 PATIENT SUPPORT GROUPS PATIENT SUPPORT GROUPS BOOTH N° GENESPOIR, Association française des albinismes A APPF, Association Pemphigus Pemphigoide de France B A.N.R., Association Neurofibromatoses et Recklinghausen C Association Française du Vitiligo D Association NAEVUS 2000 France - Europe E A. Genespoir, Association française des albinismes B. Association Pemphigus/pemphigoide de France (APPF) C. Neurofibromatose et Recklinghausen D. Association Française du Vitiligo E. Association NAEVUS 2000 France - Europe 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 33 COMPANY PROFILES* DOODERM BOOTH N°20 Françoise RAVERDY - 59 Avenue de l’Union 59200 Tourcoing - FRANCE Phone: +33 9 83 03 89 67 Website: Dooderm sells innovative textiles combining the benefits of natural cotton (95%) and silver metal wire (5%) for sensitized skin. Metallic silver is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti fungal properties. Dooderm products are recommended for people suffering from eczéma, psoriasis and allergies. DR HOENLE MEDIZINTECHNIK GMBH BOOTH N°8 Petra KLEINHANS - Dornierstrasse 4 - 82205 - Gilching - GERMANY Phone: +49 8105 730290 Fax: +49 8105 73029-50 Email: Website: Since 40 years, the company Dr. Hönle Medizintechnik GmbH has specialized in the development, manufacture, sales and service of high-quality UV irradiation devices for the treatment of skin conditions as well as of iontophoresis devices for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. H & O EQUIPMENTS SA BOOTH N°9 Maurice SMEETS - 1 Rue des Journaliers - 7822 - Ghislenghien - BELGIUM Phone: +32 68 26 86 00 Fax: +32 68 552848 Email: Website: The CryoPen offers the solution of an instrument that can help you to treat warts accurately, quickly, effectively and with no stress. Meet us at booth 9 to guide you towards a professional approach for additional service to your patients. LA ROCHE POSAY BOOTH N°4-5 Marion ALVES DE OLIVEIRA - 3 avenue Sainte Anne - 92600 - Asnières sur Seine - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 46 88 68 00 Email: Website: LA ROCHE-POSAY LABORATOIRE DERMATOLOGIQUE, a worldwide leader in cosmetics offers a complete range of skincare. Products are developed as main or adjunctive treatments, formulated with La Roche-Posay thermal spring water, rich in anti-free radicals selenium, and benefit from the latest technical innovations. LABORATOIRE BIODERMA BOOTH N°1-2-3 Corinne MINMIN - 75, cours Albert Thomas - 69003 - Lyon - FRANCE Phone: +33 4 72 11 48 00 - Fax: +33 4 78 53 82 54 - Email: Website: A pioneer since the 1970s, BIODERMA has acquired unique expertise by placing biology at the service of dermatology. This original scientific approach relies first and foremost on knowledge of the skin and its biological mechanisms to formulate products directly inspired by them. LABORATOIRE DERMATOLOGIQUE ACM BOOTH N°18 Hélène RUELLAND - 17 rue de Neuilly - 92110 - Clichy - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 47 37 80 79 Fax: +33 1 47 37 90 88 Email: Website: For more than 20 years ACM teams have been developing and marketing skin and cosmetic products for medical prescription. Our expertise in matters affecting the skin, hair and nails and our close collaboration with the world of dermatology means we provide effective solution to restore the skin. 34 LABORATOIRE SVR BOOTH N°: 3A Anne-Claire BERGEROL - 2 rue de lisbonne - 75008 - Paris - FRANCE Email: Website: SVR Laboratory, a key player in dermo-cosmetics. The know-how of SVR? Providing formulas with high concentrations of dermatological active ingredients to maximize performance while ensuring high tolerance for the most sensitive skins. With SVR, dermatology means beauty. LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES D’URIAGE BOOTH N°: 22 Dragana STIJAKOVIC - 6 boulevard du Parc - 92200 - Neuilly sur Seine - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 40 88 45 49 Email: Website: Les Laboratoires Dermatologiques d’Uriage® are since 1992 in the core of dermo-cosmetic innovation and continue to provide to prescribing doctors and to their patients, ranges of perfectly tolerated and effective products in many indications in dermatology and pediatric dermatology. LABORATOIRES DERMATOLOGIQUES EUCERIN BOOTH N°: 6-7 Ariane SANTERRE - 118 avenue de France - 75214 - Paris cedex 13 - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 70 37 32 00 Fax: +33 1 70 37 32 30 Email: Website: We are skin care: - Founded in 1882 Hamburg / Germany - About 16.500 dedicated employees worldwide - Global presence with more than 150 affiliates - Leading international brands like EUCERIN, NIVEA, La Prairie - More than 130 years of experience in research and development of skin care LABORATOIRES EXPANSCIENCE BOOTH N°: 12-17 Khadija NIEGER NAJI - 10 avenue de l’arche - 92400 - Courbevoie - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 43 34 61 35 Email: Website: Expanscience a French independently-owned pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetics laboratory generated turnover of €272.3 million, 51,3% of which was through exports. The company has built up a solid international reputation as an innovator and as a specialist in skin and the treatment of arthritis. LABORATOIRES NOREVA BOOTH N°: 23 Audrey POPOVICI - 5 rue Louis Bleriot Bâtiment 5C - 63017 - Clermont-Ferrand - FRANCE Phone: +33 4 73 83 80 80 Email: Noreva Laboratory is a a pioneer laboratory in the field of dermatology for over 20 years. It, answers to the expectations of dermatologists, pharmacists and consumers, by making available a wide range of highly-efficient treatments that are in line with dermocosmetics innovations. LABORATOIRES PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE BOOTH N°: 13-14-15-15A-16 Pascale BARRE - 182 Vieille route de Toulouse - 81506 - Lavaur - FRANCE Phone: +33 5 63 58 97 00 Email: Website: We design our dermo-cosmetic care to comply with the most stringent performance and safety criteria. Our dermo-cosmetic products are recommended by professionals who are trained in our ethical approach to beauty. 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 35 LEO PHARMA BOOTH N°: 8A Agathe MAURY-LE-BRETON - Le Val Saint Quentin 2, rue René Caudron - 78960 - Voisins-Le-Bretonneux - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 30 14 40 00 Fax: +33 1 34 60 47 90 Email: Website: LEO Pharma helps people achieve healthy skin. By offering care solutions to patients in more than 100 countries globally, LEO Pharma supports people in managing their skin conditions. Founded in 1908, the healthcare company owned by the LEO Foundation is headquartered in Denmark. MEDITHEQUE BOOKSHOP BOOTH N°: 28 Philippe BON - 88 rue des Moines - 75017 - Paris - FRANCE Phone: +33 6 11 56 53 81 Fax: +33 1 42 28 21 17 Email: Website: Medical books and multimedia products in several languages from all leading publishers. Sales on site or online PAMPERS - PROCTER & GAMBLE BOOTH N°: 11-19 Ioannis HATZOPOULOS - Sulzbacher Straße 40 - 65824 - Schwalbach a. Ts. - GERMANY Phone: + 49 6196 89 4418 Fax: + 49 6196 892 4418 Email: Website: P&G serves consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Always®, Ariel®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, and Vicks®. The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. TOPICREM BOOTH N°: 24 Laura MARETHEU - 6, avenue de l’Europe - 78401 - Chatou - FRANCE Phone: +33 1 34 80 41 17 Fax: +33 1 34 80 41 14 Email: Website: Topicrem is a dermo-cosmetic brand that belongs to a French family-owned pharmaceutical laboratory. Our dermatological laboratory offers safe formulas for babies, children and adults’ sensitive skin. Our main areas of expertise cover: Atopic Dermatitis, Damaged skin, Acne, Xerosis. VEA BOOTH N°: 26 Jérome GRAPINET - 89 chemin des cigales - 06370 - Mouans Sartoux - FRANCE Phone: +33 4 89 35 71 47 Fax: +33 4 93 70 48 69 Email: Website: The brand name VEA was created and developed by notable experience gained over the years, relatively to the activity of Vitamin E being able to work on sensitive skin or physiologically compromised skin. WISEPRESS MEDICAL BOOKSHOP BOOTH N°: 27 Hannah LEACH - 25 High Path - SW19 2JL - London - UNITED KINGDOM Phone: +44 0 208 715 1812 Email: Website: Wisepress, Europe’s leading conference bookseller, has a range of books and journals relevant to the themes of the meeting. In addition to attending 200 conferences per year, Wisepress has a comprehensive medical and scientific bookshop online with great offers. Follow us on Twitter @WisepressBooks * List of exhibitors, company details, profiles and floor plan at the date of printing. All company details and profiles included in the Final Programme were provided by the exhibitors and it is their responsibility to ensure accuracy. 36 SOCIAL NETWORKING PROGRAMME OPENING NETWORKING WEDNESDAY, 25TH MAY 2016 19:00 - 21:00 Maison de la Mutualité AMPHITHEATER AND EXHIBITION AREA All participants and exhibitors are welcome to join this opening networking session to celebrate the launch of ESPD 2016 and catch up with colleagues and friends from all over the world! (See detailled programme on page 13) Included in the registration fees CONGRESS DINER FRIDAY, 27TH MAY 2016 - 20:00 Musée des Arts Forains PAVILLONS DE BERCY Since the beginning of time man has been attracted by the curious, by illusion and by things that are extraordinary. where can you find in Paris such magic place to dream and to adopt a child’s view of the world? Come to celebrate ESPD 2016 at the MUSEE DES ARTS FORAINS where you will be drawn into an extraordinary atmosphere, bringing on a feeling of amusement and conviviality. You will enjoy attractions and rides in perfect working conditions… Let your sensitivity guides you through this evening of discovery! Price per Person (VAT included): 120€ for delegates, 120€ for additional tickets No transfer TOURS & VISITS Paris is a dynamic and renowned cultural capital, always at the forefront of trends and new ideas. But it is also home to tradition and history. No matter what you are most inclined toward, you will always find, in the City of Lights, something exciting to experience and to match your tastes and expectations! A hospitality desk will be located in the Welcome Area during the event on 26th and 27th May for any reservations. 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 37 GENERAL INFORMATION & ACCESS VISIT PARIS Paris is a dynamic and renowned cultural capital, always at the forefront of trends and new ideas. But it is also home to tradition and history. No matter what you are most interested in, you will always find it in the «City of Light»; something exciting to experience and to match your tastes and expectations! Your visit will be an excellent opportunity to discover some of the most outstanding artistic and historic highlights of Paris and its surrounding areas. ENJOY PARIS ! THE VENUE MAISON DE LA MUTUALITÉ Inaugurated in 1931 by the French President Paul Doumer, the Maison de la Mutualité was one of the emblematic centres of the capital’s social and cultural life. The building is a magnificent example of Art Deco architecture and was fully renovated in 2011 by Jean-Michel Wilmotte, who restored the place to its former glory while adding sober, modern touches to the interior design. Today, the Maison de la Mutualité has once again become a major venue for events on the Left Bank. LANGUAGE The official language of the congress is English. Simultaneous translation from English into French in the Amphitheater. CLIMATE AND CLOTHING The month of May is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing from 17°C to 21°C over the course of the month. CURRENCY EXCHANGE ALL RATES given in the programme are in EUROS: € 38 ELECTRICITY Electricity used in France is 220 Volts; its frequency is 50 Hz and the plugs have two male contact points. Plan to bring a transformer for your electrical or electronic equipment using different voltage. EXHIBITION & SPONSORSHIP For exhibition or sponsorship, you can contact any time the Congress Office: INSURANCE & LIABILITY The Organisers will accept no liability for personal injuries sustained by or for loss or damage to property belonging to Congress participants, either during or as a result of the Congress or during all events. Participants are strongly recommended to seek insurance coverage for health and accident, lost luggage and trip cancellation. LUNCHES Lunches are NOT included in the registration fees but sandwiches and snacks can be purchased within the premises of the Maison de la Mutualité and its surroundings. TELEPHONES For international calls to France, dial the international code followed by 33 and the correspondent’s number without the “0”. VISA & PASSPORTS Every person entering France should be in possession of a valid passport and/or identification card. Some countries require a Visa. Please contact the nearest French Embassy or Consulate to your home for further information. ADDRESS Maison de la Mutualité 24, rue Saint-Victor - 75005 Paris ACCESS RER (Express Commuter Train): Station Saint-Michel Notre-Dame, line B Car Parks : PARKING MAUBERT COLLÈGE DES BERNARDINS 37 boulevard St Germain 75005 Paris PARKING LAGRANGE MAUBERT 15 rue Lagrange 75005 Paris THE BEST FARE FOR YOUR AIRLINE TICKET Attractive discounts on a wide range of fares on all Air France and KLM flights worldwide Event ID Code to keep for the booking: 23820AF Valid for travel from 21/05/2016 to 02/06/2016 USEFUL WEB SITES RATP (CITY TRANSPORT NETWORK): MAPPY (ITINERARIES/DIRECTIONS): PARIS TOURIST OFFICE: AIR FRANCE: SNCF (FRENCH RAILWAYS NETWORK): ADP (PARIS AIRPORTS): WIFI Free wifi is available for the duration of the congress Access code: ESPD Password: espd2016 GPS coordinates: 48.8486110 2.3504103 Subway: Station Jussieu: line 7 Stations Maubert-Mutualité, Cardinal Lemoine: line 10 Bus: Station Monge - Mutualité: lines 63, 86, 87 Station Maubert - Mutualité: lines 24, 63, 47 Station Cardinal Lemoine - Monge: line 89 Station Jussieu: line 67 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 39 REGISTRATION DESK HOURS : Wednesday May 25th, 2016 from 16:00 to 19:00 Thursday May 26th, 2016 from 07:00 to 18:30 Friday May 27th, 2016 from 07:00 to 18:30 Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 07:00 to 13:30 CLOAKROOM: PREVIEW ROOM HOURS : Preview room is situated on level 5 room: Sully Wednesday May 25th, 2016 from 16:00 to 19:00 Thursday May 26th, 2016 from 07:00 to 19:00 Friday May 27th, 2016 from 07:00 to 19:00 Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 07:00 to 13:15 SPONSORED BY The cloakroom is situated on Level - 1 Wednesday May 25th, 2016 from 16:00 to 21:30 Thursday May 26th, 2016 from 07:00 to 18:30 Friday May 27th, 2016 from 07:00 to 18:45 Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 07:00 to 14:00 ABSTRACTS : Abstracts will be published in the Journal Pediatric Dermatology. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE : EXHIBITION HOURS : Wednesday May 25 , 2016 from 20:00 to 21:00 Thursday May 26th, 2016 from 8:00 to 18:00 Friday May 27th, 2016 from 8:00 to 18:15 Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 8:00 to 14:00 th All registered participants will receive a certificate of attendance after the congress. TAXI G7: 3607 +33 1 47 39 47 39 REGISTRATION ON SITE: All indicate rates below include a VAT of 20% at current rate at the day of printing. REGISTRATION CATEGORIES ON SITE REGISTRATION AS FROM MAY 25TH, 2016 Member ESPD 600,00 € Non Member 700,00 € Student* 300,00 € Doctor in training* 400,00 € Accompanying Person(s) 200,00 € * Registration must be accompanied by a written confirmation from the Head of Department or a student card. DELEGATES’ REGISTRATION FEES INCLUDE: • Admission to scientific sessions and satellite symposia • Congress bag with congress documents • Final programme • Certificate of attendance (after the congress) • Opening ceremony on Wednesday, 25th May • Admission to exhibition ACCOMPANYING PERSONS’ REGISTRATION FEES INCLUDE: • Opening ceremony on Wednesday, 25th May • Admission to exhibition TERMS OF PAYMENT ESPD 2016 has given mandate to MCI for the organization of the 13th European Society for Pediatric Dermatology and therefore to act and receive the fees on its behalf. 40 Payments may be made either: • by cheque payable in France to the order of ESPD 2016 - MCI • by credit card: VISA, EURO/MASTER CARD or AMEX only (NO other cards accepted) • by cash CANCELLATION POLICY FOR INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION & RESERVATIONS All cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail or e-mail) to the Congress Office according to the following conditions and reimbursement will be processed AFTER the Congress. Requests for refunds made after July 15th, 2016 will not be considered: • Up to March 31st, 2016: reimbursement of 50% of the fees paid • After March 31st, 2016: no refund. 40 SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM ® Thursday, May 26th 13:00 - 14:00 Room St Victor Evidence-based care practices and guidelines on infant skin care Chair: Pr Alain TAIEB, Bordeaux, France SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM • Skin characteristics of the newborn Dr Dirk VAN GYSEL, Aalst, Belgium • Skin care in newborn infants-Latest update Dr Ioanna THANOPOULOU, Athens, Greece VIVACTIS ADVANCE • Skin care in children with barrier dysfunction Dr Barbara KUNZ, Hamburg, Germany 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 ACCOMMODATION LIST OF HOTELS CAT. HOTEL TYPE SINGLE ROOM DOUBLE ROOM BREAKFAST CITY TAXE NEAREST METRO 4* PULLMAN MONTPARNASSE Standard 236,48 € 264,96 € Incl. Incl. Montparnasse Bienvenue (line 4, 6, 12 and 13) 4* CONCORDE MONTPARNASSE Incl. Montparnasse Bienvenue (line 4, 6, 12 and 13) 3 4* NOVOTEL PARIS MONTPARNASSE Standard 227,48 € 247,96 € Incl. Incl. Montparnasse Bienvenue (line 4, 6, 12 and 13) 4 4* MERCURE GARE MONTPARNASSE Standard 227,48 € 247,96 € Incl. Incl. Gaité (line 13) 5 3* MERCURE LA SORBONNE Standard 311,48 € 318,96 € Incl. Incl. Maubert Mutualité (line 10) 6 3* BEST WESTERN JARDIN DE CLUNY Superior 230,00 € 250,00 € Incl. Incl. Maubert Mutualité (line 10) 7 3* ELYSA LUXEMBOURG Classic 275,00 € 290,00 € Incl. Incl. Luxembourg (line RER C) 7 3* ELYSA LUXEMBOURG Superior 305,00 € 320,00 € Incl. Incl. Luxembourg (line RER C) 8 3* GRAND HOTEL SAINT MICHEL Standard 337,48 € 354,96 € Incl. Incl. Luxembourg (line RER C) 1 2 Standard 212,48 € 224,96 € Incl. All rates are indicated in Euros (€) per night and per room and include VAT tax and service, breakfast and city tax. Reservations for the hotels listed above must be made through the Congress Office to guarantee the indicated rates. According to their location, some hotels are at walking distance from the Congress venue, some other a few minutes away by public transportation. There will be no shuttle services provided by the Congress between the official hotels and the “Maison de la Mutualité”. 42 A PAYMENT of the FULL STAY will be requested for all hotel reservations. It will be automatically deducted from the total amount of your hotel bill when leaving. Cancellation conditions for hotel reservations : All cancellations must be notified in writing (by mail or e-mail) to the Congress Office according to the following conditions and reimbursement will be processed AFTER the Congress. Requests for refunds made after July 15th, 2016 will not be considered: • Up to February 15th, 2016: reimbursement of 50% of the fees paid • After February 15th, 2016: no refund. For cancellation conditions for group reservations, please contact the Congress Office. MAP OF HOTELS Mercure La Sorbonne 5 Grand Hotel Saint Michel 8 7 Best Western Jardin De Cluny 6 Congress venue: Maison de la Mutualité Elysa Luxembourg Mercure Gare Montparnasse Novotel Paris Montparnasse 3 4 2 1 Concorde Montparnasse Pullman Montparnasse 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 43 CONGRESS CENTER FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 5 POSTERS AREA ROOMS: SORBONNE - BIEVRE SOUFFLOT - PANTHEON - SULLY LEVEL 3 EXHIBITION ROOMS: MAUBERT SAINT VICTOR - ODEON GROUND FLOOR REGISTRATION DESK LEVEL -1 CLOAKROOM AMPHITHEATER 44 LEVEL 3 EXHIBITION AREA ROOM: MAUBERT AMPHITHEATER LEVEL -1 PATIENT SUPPORT GROUPS ROOM: ODEON ROOM: SAINT-VICTOR LEVEL 5 ROOM: SORBONNE ROOM: BIÈVRE POSTER AREA SESSION 2 ROOM: PONTOISE POSTER AREA SESSION 1 ROOM: SALLE DU CONSEIL E POSTER AREA POSTER AREA SESSION 3 ROOM: POISSY PREVIEW ROOM SULLY 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 45 ACCESS TO THE MAISON DE LA MUTUALITÉ Ru e de P ont ois e 46 SPONSORS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Organising Committee would like to thank the following companies for their support: PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS Preliminary programme & Call for abstracts BRONZE SPONSOR The 13th ESPD Congress (ESPD 2016) is endorsed by the European Society for Pediatric Dermatology EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY Maison de la Mutualité, 13th ESPD Congress - PARIS, 26-28 May 2016 47 Keynote Speakers Ilona Frieden (San Francisco, USA) Raoul CM Hennekam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Sinead Langan (London, United Kingdom) Jemima Mellerio (London, United Kingdom) Peter Robinson (Berlin, Germany) Antonio Torrelo (Madrid, Spain)