Pat Quealey
Pat Quealey
14-‐10-‐15 Preparing for BC’s Catastrophic Earthquake: Unity of effort in the face of adversity Pat Quealey Assistant Deputy Minister EMBC Union of BC Municipalities September 22, 2014 Presentation Outline Purpose: To describe what EMBC is doing to improve BC’s earthquake preparedness Scope: Ø Strategic context Ø Planning so far Ø Next steps 1 14-‐10-‐15 Strategic Plan 2014-2017 - MISSION Emergency Management British Columbia is responsible to British Columbians for leading the management of provincial level emergencies and disasters and supporting other authorities within their areas of jurisdiction. h"p://‐ Strategic-‐Plan.pdf Strategic Plan 2014-2017 - GOALS 1. EMBC is a learning organization with a culture of continuous improvement 2. EMBC is expert in leading the management of catastrophic disasters of provincial significance and impact 3. EMBC is effective in supporting other responsible authorities in their mandate to mitigate and manage emergencies and disasters 4. EMBC excels in the provision of the Office of the Fire Commissioner’s and BC Coroner Service’s unique services 5. EMBC empowers and strengthens volunteer organizations 2 14-‐10-‐15 EMBC Initiatives • Emergency warning and alerting Ø Updating the Provincial Emergency Notification System (PENS) • Enhanced public education Ø Developing a public education strategy EMBC Initiatives Con’t • Logistics capacity within EMBC Ø Forming a logistics team Ø Provincial level management of resources • Catastrophic earthquake planning Ø Dedicated BC Earthquake Planning Team 3 14-‐10-‐15 Earthquake Planning Focus Threat area is BC’s major population and infrastructure centres: Ø Greater Vancouver/Lower Fraser Valley Ø Southern Vancouver Island Ø Operational Area includes all of BC and key lines of communications into BC Rationale: Ø Population density/number impacted Ø Effect on seat of government Ø Economic importance Ø Key transportation hub Earthquake Multi-Year Roadmap March 2014 March 2015 Immediate Response Plan March 2016 March 2017 4 Lines of OperaDons with 19 Work Components Sustained Response Plan Recovery Planning 4 14-‐10-‐15 Intent of Immediate Response TO • implement a unified Provincial Concept of Operations BY • engaging federal, provincial and local authorities, First Nations, NGOs and the private sector TO • conduct effective response activities throughout the operational area which includes all of BC and adjoining jurisdictions Immediate Response Phase - Planning Command, Control and Coordination Logistics and Support • • • • • • • • • • • Develop Command and Control Framework Develop Communications Matrix Develop Information Management Process Develop Provincial Declaration Powers Matrix Develop Reconnaissance Plan Develop Decision Support Process for Prioritization of Resources Review and Update Request for Assistance packages Develop Initial Damage Assessment Framework Develop Decision Support Framework for CI Restoration Prioritization Confirm Canadian & International SAR Deployment Processes Develop Volunteer Convergence Framework • Identify Critical Transportation Routes • Develop Logistics Movement System Essential Human Services • Develop Mass Care Framework • Confirm Health Care Plans • Confirm Mass Casualty Strategic Communications • Develop and Deliver Public Education Campaign • Develop Key Public Information Messaging • Develop inter-agency Media Communications Plan 5 14-‐10-‐15 Notional Concept of Operations Potential Support Staging from International Area of Impact PotenDal Provincial Staging Area Airport Rail Node Helicopter Support Marine Support Major Highway TransportaDon Route Areas and Domestic and Partners Unity of Effort - Planning Partners (so far) Ministry of Transport Canadian Red Cross BC Housing Public Safety Canada & GOC Integrated Disaster Council of BC Natural Resources Canada Ministry of Health Department of National Defence Emergency Management BC Local Authorities First Responders Earthquake Planning Partners First Nations 6 14-‐10-‐15 Conclusion Ø Local authorities are critical to our emergency management success. Ø Communication and updates forthcoming as the BC Earthquake Immediate Response Plan continues to be built. Ø Focus on catastrophic preparedness is an opportunity for strengthening our collective resiliency. Thank You Pat Quealey Assistant Deputy Minister EMBC 7
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