HEAT FLOW THROUGH A TYPICAL WALL IN AKURE By Adeyinka Adeniran Progress (ARC/06/8483) Department of Architecture, Federal University of Technology, Akure-Nigeria Email: was_nig@yahoo.com For ARC 810: Applied Climatology Course lecturer Ogunsote, O. O. Federal University of Technology, Akure Email: profogunsote@gmail.com; Web sites: sdngnet.com, sdecng.net, archnetng.org ABSTRACT This paper assesses heat flow through a typical wall in Akure. Heat flow through sandcrete block wall is a combined conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. It shows that the resistance of the block itself depends on the temperature difference between the external and internal parts. Each wall layer has its own conductance, and this we identify to vary the rate of heat transfer through sandcrete block walls. The objectives used in this research work are; to identify built walls in Akure, particularly the materials for wall construction and sandcrete-block wall was chosen for case study. The paper examines also, heat flow through block wall with illustrations. It submits that heat flow through wall depends on the thermal quantities of the wall layers and according to the K-Value, UFactor and the R-Value. In conclusion, it identifies conductive heat transfer in the solid of the block, convective heat transfer in the air of the cavities and radiative heat transfer between the internal surfaces of the cavity as the mechanism of heat flow in block walls. 1 Keywords: K-value, R-value, U-Factor, Adobe laterite bricks, metal wall, timber wall, bamboo wall, canopy wall , Sandcrete block wall, cavities, solid of the block, conductive heat transfer, convective heat, Radiative heat transfer. 1. INTRODUCTION Building materials no matter the section of construction they belong to, they either gain or loss heat from or to the environment respectively. The total heat gained by a building must be lost in order to maintain a thermal balance (Ogunsote, 1991). The heat energy gained will not remain on surfaces or totally trapped within an internal layer without attempting to flow through by several transformative mechanisms. In this paper, we are assessing heat flow through a typical wall in Akure, and Sandcrete block was chosen for case study. The mechanisms of heat flow in block walls are majorly convection, conduction and radiation. Traditionally in Nigeria, sandcrete blocks are available in two categories; the six inches and the nine inches thick blocks with two internal cavities, of which heat transfer can depend upon, see plate 1 and 2 of appendix 1. 2. THERMAL QUANTITIES First of all, let us define Heat as a form of energy measured in Joules (J). Every wall material have a Specific Heat, which is the amount of heat energy necessary to cause unit temperature increase of a unit mass of the substance, it is measured in J/kg deg C (Ogunsote, 1991). The Thermal capacity of the material is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the body by one unit. It is measured in J/deg C. the Thermal Conductivity of a material is the rate of heat flow through a unit area of unit thickness of the material for a unit temperature difference across the material. It is (known as the K-value and) measured in W/m deg C (Ogunsote, 1991). 2 The Thermal Conductance is the rate of heat flow through a unit area of a body when the temperature difference between the two surfaces is one degree Celsius. It is also known as the Uvalue (thermal transmittance) and is measured in W/m2 deg C (Ogunsote, 1991). The thermal resistance is the reciprocal of thermal conductance known as the R-value. Block walls used in Akure are partially hollow. Over the face of the wall, there are significant areas that are solid and hollow, and each area has a different thermal transmittance. U-Factor can further be defined as the rate of steady-state heat flow. It is the amount of heat in Btu (British thermal units) that flows each hour through one square foot, when there is a one degree temperature difference between the inside air and outside air. The heat flow can be in either direction, as heat will flow from the warmer side to the cooler side (Taylor et al, 2005). Each layer of a building wall has its own conductance, or rate of heat transfer. The conductance for an individual layer is like the U-Factor, and it has the same units. The difference is that it is only for a single element or layer. 3. WALL CONSTRUCTION IN AKURE Akure being the capital city of Ondo-State Nigeria is a developed city as far as Ondo-State standard is concern. Laterite wall, timber wall, bamboo wall, sandcrete block wall, etc are some of the noticeable building materials traditionally used for wall construction in the coastal and forest climatic zones of the country, particularly in the Yoruba speaking communities. But laterite, timber, and bamboo walls are not so common here in Akure. Perhaps, it is as a resulting of social esteem or their availability. If you go round town, you can still find adobe laterite brick, metal, timber, bamboo, canopy, sandcrete block walls in their proportion being use for wall construction, see appendix 2. This segment of the paper tries to look at the choice building 3 material for wall construction in Akure, to be presented for assessment towards the aim of this paper. Block Walls Sandcrete block is the most prevalent building material used for wall construction in Nigeria. Most buildings are enclosed in this plastered and painted hollow cement-sand mixture, see plate 4, appendix 2. When laid in course to appropriate bonding, plastered and finished, each layer has its own conductance, or rate of heat transfer. The heat flow is also dependent on the thickness of block, either nine inches or six inches block as shown in appendix 1. The heat transfer processes include conductive heat transfer in the solid of the block, convective heat transfer in the air of the cavities and radiative heat transfer between the internal surfaces of the cavity (Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada, 2006). The wall we are considering in this paper is a sandcrete block wall. This is because it has a predominant use in the city and is worth examined under this research work. 4. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The aim of the research is to assess the heat flow through a typical wall in Akure. The objectives used to appraise and to compose this paper are: to identify built walls in Akure, particularly the materials for wall construction, and of heat flow through block wall. Data Collection The data used for the research was collected from various sampled field work at Alaba layout, Federal University of Technology, Akure south gate, in Akure-Nigeria. This data of the samples taking in this area is similar to any other of the same likeness in the city comparatively. The 4 literature review was based on library, Internet searches and personal observations noticeable and assumed of the matter. Scope of research The scope of this research work as been limited to assessment of heat flow in block walls in Akure. It does not entail practical measurement of any form or the use of any special instrument for investigation neither does it involves the use of mathematical models for analysis. Careful steps were taking to study the types of walls in Akure and quantities were used to justify the assumptions by library researches. Definition of thermal quantities. The thermal quantities were defined based on the definitions given by Ogunsote, in chapter five of his book “Introduction to Building Climatology”. Other necessary quantities were also from material studied as referenced. 5. HEAT FLOW THROUGH BLOCK WALL 5.1.Thermal Quantities of block wall The U-Factor The U-Factor includes the conductance of every element of the building wall, including the interior and exterior surfaces of the block walls. The surface conductance quantify the rate at which heat is transferred between the surface of the block wall and the surrounding environment (Taylor et al, 2005). 5 The dynamic heat storage properties of the Block walls alter the thermal behavior of the wall, and the U-Factor becomes less accurate as a predictor of heat flow rates. Figure 1 illustrates the rate of steady heat flow through block wall. INTERIOR EXTERIOR Typical block wall in Akure Heat Figure 1: diagram illustrating heat flow through a typical wall in Akure. Source: researcher. The R-Values The R-Value are also used to describe steady-state heat flow, but in a slightly different way. The R-Value is the thermal resistance to heat flow. A larger R-Value has greater thermal resistance, or more insulating ability, than a smaller R-Value. The big advantage of R-Values is that they can be added together. The total R-Values of a block wall is the sum of the R-Values of each of the layers. The layers should include the wall plaster and the wall finishes and weatherproofing elements like paints. The U-Factor is the inverse of the total R-Value (CMACN, 2006). The R-Value is widely recognized in the building industry and is used to describe insulation effectiveness. The insulation R-Value is not the total R-Value of the wall, however. It only describes the thermal resistance of the insulation material. The R-Value of the entire wall assembly can be significantly lower when metal framing penetrates the insulation (Hassid, 2011). 6 5.2.Heat Flow Mechanism in Sandcrete Block Wall Convection: this refers to heat loss or gain through the air in the cavity of the block wall cause by the tendency of any heated surface. The amount of heat that will flow through a cavity block wall is significantly lower than that of a mass of block. Of course, air is not a perfect insulator, some amount of heat flows through by convection. As the heated surface is heating up the air molecule in the cavity are charged also. Hence, if the as illustrated in figure 2. Sandcrete block Wall plaster & finishes Heat Block binding mortar Hollow of block wall contains heated air. air Heated surface Unheated surface AKURE HOT & HUMID EXTERIOR INTERIOR OF AKURE HOUSES Figure 2: shows heat flow through a typical block wall section: the heated wall absorbs and transfer heat into the less heated interior. Source: researcher. Conduction: do not confuse convection for conduction. When metal frames or conductors penetrate the wall, there is high tendency of heat transfer by conduction through the wall molecules. Similarly, a block wall is not a perfect insulator, we expect some amount of heat energy to flow through the blocks, plaster and finishes depending on their R-Value which is the thermal resistance to heat flow. 7 Radiation: this refers to the heat emitted that takes place when the trapped heat is equally emitted as longwise radiation into the less heated interior. Radiative heat transfer can be between the internal surfaces of the cavity. 6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The assessment of heat-flow through a typical wall in Akure has been examined in clear terms using block-wall as case-study. It involves the use of thermal quantities for appraisal and ascertained that heat flow through building wall operates under different heat levels. Outdoor heat flows through respective layers of the wall according to the K-Value, U- Factor and the RValue. In conclusion, it identifies conductive heat transfer in the solid of the block, convective heat transfer in the air of the cavities and radiative heat transfer between the internal surfaces of the cavity. 7. REFERENCES Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada (2006). Steady-State Heat Flow. Retrieved from www.CMACN.com InspectAPedia (2011). How to Measure & Correct Unwanted Building Heat. Retrieved from www.InspectAPedia.com Ogunsote O. O. (1991). Introduction to Building Climatology-a basic cause for architectural students. Ahmadu Bello University press limited, Zaria, Nigeria. 8 S. Hassid & E. Levinsky (2011). Heat Transfer in Block Walls; Environmental & Water Resources Engineering Department Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000 – Israel. PDF. Taylor, P. Fuller, R. &Luther, M. (2005). Study of heat flow through a rammed earth wall building. Kevan Publisher Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, N.S.W. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10536/DRO/DU:30009690 8. APPENDIXES 8.1.APPENDIX 1: sandcrete blocks Plate 1: 6 inches block for wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. 9 Plate 2: 9 inches block for wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. 8.2. APPENDIX 2: types of walls in Akure Plate 3: bamboo, for bamboo wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. 10 Plate 4: timber wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. Plate 5: sandcrete block wall construction Source: researchers field survey 11 Plate 6: metal wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. Plate 7: canopy used for wall construction (tent structure). Source: researchers field survey. 12 Plate 8: Adobe laterite bricks used for brick wall construction. Source: researchers field survey. 13