Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church
Saint Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church 33 New Hyde Park Road, Franklin Square, New York 11010-3692 Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez Music Director Evelyn Fiore Organist Jonathan D’Amico Faith Formation Coordinator Debbie Hurley Pastor Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Associate Pastors Rev. Johnny Mendonca Rev. Charles N. Srion Rev. Michael Diochi Trustee Peter Brandel Marion G. Dreyfus Retired Priest in Residence Rev. William D. O’Rourke Parish office: (516) 352-0146 FAX: (516) 326-7427 Faith Formation: (516) 354-4554 Social Ministry (Outreach): (516) 775-0840 Web Site: Sunday Masses Saturday: Sienna Center 5:00PM; Church 8:00PM Sunday: Church 7:30AM, 9:30AM and 11:30AM Sienna Center 9:00AM, 11:00AM and 1:00PM Weekday Masses Monday through Friday: 7:30AM & 8:30AM Mondays: 7:30PM (except Holidays) Saturdays: 8:30AM Parish Office Hours (990 Holzheimer Street) Monday to Thursday, 9 AM—8 PM; Friday, 9 AM—7 PM Saturday, 9:00AM—4:00 PM; Sunday, 10:00 AM—1:00PM Parish Social Ministry (Outreach) Hours Monday through Thursday, 10:00AM-1:00PM Additional hours by appointment only. Anointing of the Sick There is a communal Anointing of the Sick on Thursday during the 8:30AM Mass. Please notify a priest if anyone is sick at home. Emergency sick calls at any time: Call 352-0146 We Celebrate Baptism We celebrate welcoming new people to our parish through Baptism. Call the Parish Office to make arrangements. Children: Celebrated every Sunday at 2:00PM Prep. Class: 2nd Tuesday & 4th Wednesday at 7:30PM (pre-registration is required) Adults: Adults to be Baptized or Confirmed are invited to call the Parish Office for assistance. Reconciliation Saturday: 4:00PM-5:00PM, 7:30PM-8:00PM Parish Membership New members are welcome to our parish family and should register at the Parish Office. All are invited to join our many and varied Parish Ministries and Societies. Getting Married? Please make an appointment with a priest or deacon before making social arrangements. Prayer Life Adoration: Fridays 9:00AM-9:00PM Sienna Center Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after the 8:30AM and 7:30PM Masses in the Church. Parishioners with Special Needs The Church & Sienna Center are accessible through the doors on the right side of the Church, where two buildings meet. The Sienna Center is accessible through front door. An elevator is available through main door of Sienna Center (left side of stairs) which allows access to Church as well. Assisted Listening Devices are available in the Church, for the hearing impaired. Please ask an usher if you need one. Special Needs Advocacy: Dr. Priscilla O’Connell may be reached by calling the Parish Social Ministry Office at 775-0840, if you have additional needs to be addressed. Mass for those with special needs, family & friends is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 3:00PM Sienna Center. Professional Therapy & Counseling Family, marriage, and individual therapies, provided by New York licensed therapists, are available to our parish. Call Dr. Giuliani, Catholic Counseling Ctr., 631-243-2503. Fourth Sunday of Easter APRIL 21, 2013 SANCTUARY LAMP During the week of April 14, the Sanctuary Lamp will burn in our Church In Memory of Joan Lisa With love and prayers of the Ruth & Bill Rottkamp. BREAD AND WINE For The Week Of (Apr 22 - Apr 28) MON. 7:30 AM 8:30 AM 7:30 PM Apr 22 Mary Canning Frank Kircheim Teddulfo Bawar TUES. 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Apr 23 - Sts. George & Adalbert Kathy Guarascio Patrick Troia WED. 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Apr 24– St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Charlotte Russell Guerrino Forte THURS. 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Apr 25 - St. Mark Frank Kircheim Lucia, Vincenzo, Francis & Benny Proce FRI. 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Apr 26 Antoinette Paladini Ida Pica SAT. 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Apr 27 John Cerra Philip Castro Mary & Nick Stipelcovich Margaret & Howard Woltmann Frances Biegner Josephine Barresi Philip Merenda 8:00 PM SUN. 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30AM (SC) 9:00 AM 11:00AM 1:00 PM Apr 28 – 5th Sunday of Easter For the People of the Parish Msgr. Conrad B. Lutz Josephine Reilly Santa Catliotti James Hawks Celebrating 100 years as a Faith Community & Parish. During the week of April 14, the Bread and Wine used at Masses will be In Memory of John Itak With love and prayers of the Itak Family. OUTREACH W ORK W E DO TO HELP OTHERS THIS W EEK IS In Honor of Deacon John Fodale With the prayers of Parish Social Ministry Staff. PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM Host Family/Individual: PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Steve & Virginia Hernandez CUP OF PRAYER Parish Office PRAY for DECEASED and their Families: John D. Wos, Francis B. Fezza, Patrick Kelly, Leoncio Ortega. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. PRAY for the SICK: Rosemary Summers, Arthur Polack, Kathleen Puya, Arlene Pellino, Joan Walsh, Frances Sall, Lorraine Falcone, Dominick Consolazio, John Astolfi. U.S.ARMY Maj. Thomas Babbitt Maj. Catherine Babbitt Capt. Richard Babbitt Capt. Shaun R. Cullen A.N.G. M. Sgt. Peter Jacobsen Lt. Col. Christopher Congalise 1St Lt. Gerard J. Connolly Pvt. Joseph Blaikie U.S.NAVY Esn. Anthony Patrick Huskisson ET3 Peter J. King USMC Sgt. Patrick Brady PFC Erik Jacobsen Sgt. Michael Salemi USAF Chaplain Col. Msgr. Mark Rowan Airman 1st Class. Phil Gautiere MISSION STATEMENT As members of St. Catherine of Sienna Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed by our Baptism to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ by living our faith in loving service to all people. Inspired by the Holy Spirit and through worship and prayer, we use our time, talent and treasure, to nourish the soul, care for the needy, minister to the alienated, nurture the children and WELCOME all people into our community of faith. From Msgr. Figliozzi Scriptural Reflection for the Week ―The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.‖ (see the Acts of the Apostles 13:43-52) So says Saint Luke as he reports about the life of the early Christians. What were they so joyful about? That they were recognized for their goodness? No. The facts are the opposite. They were filled ―with joy and the Holy Spirit‖ after remaining faithful to Christ during a time of rejection and persecution. How about us? Is your commitment to Christ strong enough that you are willing to face the same rejection from those who mock and ridicule the Catholic way of life? The Sacrament of Confirmation 180 young people of our parish will be confirmed this TUESDAY, April 23rd by Bishop Robert Brennan. Please keep these young people and their families in prayers as they receive God the Holy Spirit who is sent to enlighten and encourage them in the living out of our Catholic Faith. Centennial Anniversary Mass Next Sunday, April 28th at 1pm in the Sienna Center. Join with Bishop Murphy as we celebrate 100 years as a parish and community of faith. Following Mass, there will be a reception in the Auditorium. Join us in celebrating and giving thanks for this important moment in the history of St. Catherine of Sienna Parish. One Final Thought ―We must give Jesus absolute reign in our homes. Once we have Jesus with us, then we can give Him to others.‖ Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Centennial Raffle -Less than 200 tickets left to be sold! $5000.00 worth of prime sports tickets are offered for a donation of $25.00 per ticket (or five for $100). Our generous benefactor has joined in our Centennial Spirit to help us mark our special anniversary. Only 500 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held on Sunday, April 28th. Please call the Parish Office to obtain your tickets– and tell your friends about it as well. Year of Faith Great Mission in Franklin Square Continues at 5pm on Sundays, April 21,28 and May 5th in our parking field. Join us in praying the Evening Prayer of the Church, witness talks and praise music as we seek out those called to reconnect with God and His Church. Welcome Father Michael Diochi! Father Diochi will be joining us from April 22nd to the end of June, at which time we hope to receive a new associate pastor. Father Diochi most recently served as Chaplin at Franklin General Hospital. Father is originally from Nigeria. Please make him feel at home during his stay with us. Mass in Italian This Saturday, April 27th, at 7:30pm in the Sienna Center. Catholic Ministries Appeal With only about one third of our family participating to date, we are already more than halfway to our goal. I want to encourage all our households to make your pledge soon. Remember, just an average gift of $150.00 will enable us to reach our goal and realize a rebate of almost $20,000. Last Week’s Collections First: $15,564.00 Second: $5,768.00 Thank you for your generosity. Stewardship….. Fourth Sunday of Easter Reflection Paul and Barnabas encountered both violent rejection and joyful acceptance of the message that they preached. We, too, may meet with mixed reactions when we use our gifts in the service of God. But, the Gospel assures us, the reward for those who follow faithfully is eternal life. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who further the message and mission of Jesus through daily witness and through ministries of evangelization and catechesis. lit · ur · gy n. a form of public worship; a collection of formularies for public worship; the celebration of the Eucharist Saint Catherine of Sienna Parish LITURGICAL CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS APRIL 2013 (Month of the Holy Eucharist) 25 Saint Mark, Evangelist (Feast) 27 Mass in Italian (7:30PM Sienna Center) 28 Mass IHO Parish Centennial ―100 Years as Faith Community” (1:00PM Sienna Center) 29 Saint Catherine of Sienna (Memorial) (7:30AM, 8:30AM, 7:30PM Church) Scripture Readings for NEXT SUNDAY. . . 5th Sunday of Easter 4.28.13 Bring Church into your home; read, reflect and pray with scripture. In this YEAR OF FAITH and our 100 Years as a Faith Community & Parish, demonstrate your faith, bear witness, read and think about the messages within scripture for weekend Mass. Reading I - Acts 14: 21-27 Reading II - Revelation 21: 1-5a Gospel - John 13: 33a, 34-35 For weekday readings visit our diocesan website at and go to THE DAILY READINGS As we continue to rejoice and celebrate this Easter Season, PRAY DAILY … PRAYER TO FOLLOW CHRIST O Lord Jesus, gentle and humble of heart, full of compassion and maker of peace, you lived in poverty and suffered persecution for the cause of justice. You chose the Cross as the path to glory to show us the way of salvation. May we receive the word of the Gospel joyfully and live by your example as heirs and citizens of your kingdom. AMEN. EASTER - A SEASON OF SACRAMENTS By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca During the Easter Season, which lasts 50 days and ends on the Feast of Pentecost, this year on May 19th, there is an explosion of sacramental celebrations. Easter is a season of Sacraments, so come Easter there are many Baptisms. Some churches schedule them on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, but more churches are including them as part of the Sunday Mass, which is very fitting since it brings the entire community of faith to welcome the baby. And this sacrament is the beginning of our spiritual journey. The Power of the Sacraments brings us into that place where we receive this supernatural life. During the Easter Season, the Church recognizes her own death and resurrection: we die to sin and death, and rise triumphantly with Christ into our Heavenly Father's loving arms: into a relationship of boundless love and everlasting life where sin and death no longer have meaning. This treasure of God's merciful love that leads to eternal life cannot be attained on our own; only when we die to our old selves and are buried with Him can we hope to share in the infinite joy of His resurrection. Thus, the shift from Good Friday to Easter must be two things at once: joy at the most wonderful gift of God's grace, and determination to keep the promises made at our baptism. This is why the Church, in her limitless wisdom, decrees that on Easter Day we renew our baptismal promises as a reminder of our commitment to be living witnesses and perfect examples of the goodness, truth, and beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Easter also points us to the sacrament of Confirmation, a sacrament that is an integral part of the initiation into the faith community and not merely a "rite of passage," or a mature decision to be Catholic. Instead, we become more like Christ and are open to a deeper presence and fullness of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the personal expression of God's love and teaches us to live in His name: to become holy. The Spirit that animates the Easter Mystery helps us to grow in love, opening our hearts more deeply to respond to His call to be faithful and faith-filled witnesses of Jesus Christ. Being sealed with the gift of the Spirit reminds us all that we belong to Christ and are living temples of the Word. The Resurrection Gift of the Lord's Body and Blood opens our hearts, making us more aware of Jesus' Real Presence in our lives and the lives of every human person. In becoming one flesh with the Risen Lord we have the courage to say "Yes" to God's invitation to new life in Him and that gives us the courage to say, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." In the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, we share in God's life in a deeply personal and intimate way. There is no greater way to remain in His love than to unite our bodies with His so that we may have life and our joy may be complete. Let’s live this Easter Season as first Christian communities did. Let’s make it a moment of celebration of the mysteries — the sacraments Christ instituted for us and entrusted to the Church. Let’s live Easter in prayerful study of the Scriptures. Let us come to see this “new Life”—the Church and her sacraments—for all that God has made it to be. Faith Formation News WE WELCOME THE NEWLY BAPTIZED INTO OUR CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: for the Month of March 2013 Yeshua Jose Corea Isabella Maria Anthony Correa Isaac Benedict Diaz Briella Marie Casprowitz Figueroa Anthony Santino Fraraccio Mirella Jade Galletta John Pierce Garcia Laura Vivienne Giancarlo Sophia Rose Jaime James Carmine Loiacono Jr. Sandra Elizabeth Licona John Anthony Michael O’Keefe Ava Filomena Perciballi Aryanna Ashlee Pierre Isabella Nicole Reece McKenna ’Lai Rose Ross Rebecca Jude Ryan Michael Salvatore Scultore Surie Carel Sicat CONFIRMATION The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered in this parish on Tuesday, April 23 by Bishop Robert Brennan. Please keep the Confirmandi, sponsors and families in your prayers. ‘IN HOME’ PARISH PRAYER PROGRAMS ENCOURAGING FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS TO PRAY DAILY IN THE HOME OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM STATUE... This program promotes daily praying of the Rosary and began here 25 years ago. Initiated by a parishioner devoted to Our Lady of Fatima and praying of the Rosary, it has touched hundreds of families and individuals over the years. A ‘pilgrim’ statue of Our Lady of Fatima travels to a home, delivered by a member of the parish, and displayed to inspire praying the Rosary and other prayers DAILY. There are specific prayers led by the person that delivers and picks up the ‘pilgrim’ statue and a booklet with prayers for use by those that gather in the home to pray throughout the week. CUP OF PRAYER... NEED SPECIAL PRAYERS ? The Sisters of Saint Catherine of Sienna Convent will gladly remember your special intentions in their daily Masses and community prayers. Place your petitions in the weekly collection basket or drop off at the Parish Welcome Desk. God Bless You. PLEASE, NO DONATIONS The CUP OF PRAYER reminds us of the importance of daily prayer. It has traveled throughout the community weekly to families and individuals. It was initiated in 2010 by a group on a pilgrimage hosted by our parish that visited Ars, the home of Saint John Marie Vianney, the Patron of Parish Priests. The cup was presented to the parish by them to encourage increased daily prayer in the home. Through our prayer program intentions are presented by many for needed vocations to the priesthood, our parish priests and their intentions, our parish family, and the intentions of those that pray in the presence of the cup. The CUP is presented at weekend Mass of your choice; the family or individual receives a blessing witnessed by those in the assembly. A Cup of Prayer booklet provides suggested prayers. CALL THE PARISH OFFICE AT 516-352-0146 THE HOST FAMILY WILL BE LISTED IN THE BULLETIN FOR EACH PROGRAM WEEKLY hard Rev. Msgr. Ric astor M. Figliozzi, P d an astor ca, Associate P on d en M y n n Rev. Joh te Pastor . Srion, Associa N s le ar h C . ev tor R i, Associate Pas ch io D l ae h ic Rev. M in Residence ourke, Retired 'R O . D am li il Rev. W h Benincasa Deacon Josep Gonzalez Deacon Frank and ff Our Parish Sta r u o r fo s u in jo to u o y e it v in Cordially ass M y r a s r e v i n n rish Centennial A mmunity & Pa rs as a Faith Co 0 Yea Celebrating 10 d William Mur Most Reveren elebrant entre, Main C Rockville C phy, Diocese of on Sunday, April 28 , 2013 1:00 PM Sienna Center ass ly Follows M te ia ed m m I n tio ep ec R l Centennia CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION NEWS ... Centennial Raffle ... “Sports Lovers’ Dream” With centennial spirit, a wonderful benefactor donated a special sports lovers’ dream package to encourage everyone to get into the spirit and celebrate! ONLY 500 TICKETS LESS THAN 200 STILL AVAILABLE! Centennial Anniversary Mass Sunday, April 28 – 1:00PM Sienna Center Bishop Murphy, Main Celebrant and Centennial Reception Grand First Prize Immediately following Mass SCS Auditorium 2013 NY YANKEES 4 Box Seats (HomePlate) Admission to Legends Club AND 2013 NY KNICKS 4 Luxury Suite Seats AND 2013 NY GIANTS 2 seats - 50 Yard Line Runner Up Prize 2013 NY Mets - 4 Box Seats DID YOU FIND ALL WORDS IN OUR CENTENNIAL WORD SEARCH PUZZLE? (Easter Bulletin Issue) One word was missing — PICNIC! Why? … YOU MUST BE IN IT, TO WIN IT! we want you to mark your calendar! Drawing at Centennial Reception Sunday, April 28 following Centennial Mass (NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN) THIS IS LAST WEEKEND ... TICKETS AVAILABLE AT OUR CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION TABLE IN SIENNA CENTER LOBBY AFTER MASS OR CALL PARISH OFFICE 516-352-0146 Centennial Parish Family Picnic Saturday, August 24 – Lido Beach Barbeque, Family Fun & Activities MORE DETAILS TO COME 2014 Changes in Mass Schedule Due to the number of funeral and memorial Masses and the parish priests now covering two parishes for the foreseeable future, a new mass schedule will come into effect beginning January 2014. We ask that you pray for more vocations to the priesthood. In 2014 the Mass Schedule is as follows: Weekdays: Monday—Saturday: 8:00am Weekends: Saturday: 5:00pm (Sienna Center); 8:00pm (Church– April - December) Sunday: 7:30am; 11:30am (Church); 9:30am; 11:00am; 1:00pm (Sienna Center) Mass Book for 2014 now open (Jan-Apr) ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday 9:00AM to 9:00PM Saint Catherine of Sienna Chapel (Sienna Center) CATHERINE’S CORNER 100 YEARS AS A FAITH COMMUNITY & PARISH The memorial of our patroness, Catherine of Sienna, is April 29. She was only 33 when she died in 1380. She survived three outbreaks of the Black Death, led a truly spiritual life, and was a member of the Dominican Third Order. She worked tirelessly for the reform and ultimate unity of the Church. She suffered a severe stroke and died shortly after. Rejoice! During this Easter Season which continues to Pentecost Sunday (May 19th) in this YEAR OF FAITH. Spend time in silent prayer and reflection in the Real Presence of Christ. Live your faith and celebrate our 100 Years as a Faith Community & Parish. Benediction is at approximately 8:50PM. Be with Him for whatever time you can—an hour, a half hour or even 15 minutes. Keep Him company, pray for others, for your needs and in thanksgiving. SPEND TIME WITH JESUS! We will remember her next Sunday, April 28, as we celebrate our Centennial Anniversary Mass at 1:00PM. We shall honor her on her feast day as our parish patron saint in praying together at Masses on April 29 at 7:30AM, 8:30AM and 7:30PM. The Dialogue is one of her most famous written works. She spent hours and hours dictating her thoughts which are in a conversational style, an exchange between herself and God. As we ready ourselves for her feast day, take time to reflect on this excerpt from the book: Charity it is true, has many offshoots, like a tree with many branches. But what gives life to both the tree and its branches is its root, so long as that root is planted in the soil of humility. … The tree finds its nourishment in the soil within the expanse of the circle, but uprooted from the soil it would die fruitless. So think of the soul as a tree made for love and living only by love. Indeed, with this divine love, which is true and perfect charity, death would be her fruit instead of life. SAINT CATHERINE OF SIENNA, PRAY FOR US! In celebration of the Year of Faith, the Diocese of Rockville Centre offers this Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. Please save the date and join us, together with faithful from all across our diocese, on Saturday, September 28, 2013 for a day-long experience filled with opportunities for prayer, reflection, reconciliation and fellowship. More information will be coming soon from the Office of the Bishop and the Office of Worship. Please watch your bulletin and the diocesan website,, for details as they develop. Messa in Italiano La Messa in Italiano sarà celebrata Sabato 27, aprile 7:30 PM. Sienna Center. Siete pregati di partecipare tutti, e anche informare i vostri amici. Italian Mass. All parishioners who would like to attend the Italian Mass please join us on Saturday, April 27th at 7:30 PM in the Sienna Center. Saint Catherine of Sienna Light of Christ Prayer Group Pantry “Item of the Week” Items to bring Next Week: PREPARED PASTA SAUCE (JARRED) You may leave it in the green bins, labeled for this purpose, conveniently located in the Church and Sienna Center, Parish Activity Complex Welcome Desk or Outreach Offices during regular office hours. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CLOTHING OR OTHER ITEMS IN THESE BINS. They are for GROCERIES ONLY. Thank you for your continued support! Sister Joyce Hummel will be speaking Monday evening, April 22nd at 8:15pm. Her topic is “The Year of Faith”. New members always welcome!!! Hope to see you there! Bring a friend… COUPLES MARRIED 50 YEARS OR MORE This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgy on Sunday, May 5th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. The liturgy will begin at 2:30pm. Registration forms can be picked up at the Parish Activities Bldg Welcome Desk. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENNA SINGLES GROUP Attention: Single, Divorced, Widowed.... If you are 40+ and would like to spend some time with other Christian singles you may be interested in our group. It is a multi-faceted group of singles from St. Catherine's and surrounding areas. Our program has spiritual, service and social aspects, with participants able to join in all or any of the activities, as they choose. They meet the first Friday of each month at 7:30pm in the Sienna Center. No long term commitment is required. For more information please call Maureen Amato at 516-568-3066. Our next meeting is Friday May 10th. We look forward to meeting you there. PLEASE CHECK EXPIRATION DATES. WE CAN’T DISTRIBUTE EXPIRED FOOD! CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS All women of the parish are welcome to join us at our General Meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd at 8:00 p.m. in the Sienna Center. As Christian women we share fellowship and strive to work together to support our parish family by responding with gospel values to the needs of our church and community. Our meetings include prayer, scripture reading, short business meeting, program, and light refreshments. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matt. 18:20. SUPERMARKET BINGO Sponsored by: Confraternity of Christian Mother Friday, May 10, 2013 Parish Doors open @ 6:30 P.M. Held in Parish Activity Center Auditorium Cost: $5.00 Includes cake, coffee and one bingo board. Tickets will be sold at the door. For information call: 516-437-7599. Join us for an evening of fun. g itin Exc s& trip ies! ivit act Le exp ss en tha sive na sit ter ! “At Camp Sienna we recognize that each child is a unique gift from God. We create a safe, supportive, and fun summer environment where every child can make memories and build lasting friendships.” July 1st—August 9th (Closed July 4th & 5th in observance of Independence Day) CAMP HOURS: Regular Day: 9:00am-3:00pm Extended Day: 9:00am-6:00pm Camper Registration Starts Now! Don’t miss out on another fun summer at Camp Sienna 2013! We have already begun planning for an adventurous summer which will include some of our favorites: Poll, Bowling, Petting Zoo, Karate & Mini Golf. Some New activities include: Leap Day, Star Wars Day & The Mad Scientist’s Laboratory. These are just a few of the surprises that we have in store for you! All information regarding Camp Sienna’s prices, enrollment and deposit policy can be found on our registration form. If you have any further questions: Phone (516) 352-0146. Email: Quick Facts: Camp is 6 weeks! Now offering daily rates! Everyone gets a T-shirt! Camp Groups: Kiddie Camp: 3-6 yrs Children’s Camp: 7-10 yrs Teen Camp: 11-14 yrs St. Catherine of Sienna RC Church 100 years as a faith Community & Parish Camp Sienna is inspected by the Nassau County Department of Health twice yearly. Inspection reports concerning such camps are filed at 106 Charles Lindbergh Blvd., Uniondale, NY. Inquiries can be made Mon.—Fri., 9:00am-4:45pm at (516) 227-9711. Need a summer job? Camp Sienna is currently looking for counselors, lifeguards, and EMTS to join our 2013 staff. If interested send in your resume and we will get back to you (employment opportunities available for those age 16 and over). Correspondence should be sent to: St. Catherine of Sienna RC Church 33 New Hyde Park Road Franklin Square, NY 11010 Attn: Human Resources Excerpt From Andrea Tornielli's "Francis, Pope of a New World" Rome, April 03, 2013 ( | Here is an excerpt from Andrea Tornielli's biography "Francis, Pope of a New World," which is due out from Ignatius Press on April 10. The selection is from Chapter 4, "Risotto in the Bergoglio House," regarding the Bergoglio family life in Argentina as a family of immigrants Bergoglio fondly remembers the moments he shared with his family, even cooking. “My mother was paralyzed after she had the last child, the fifth, although she recovered over time. When we got home from school during that time, she would be sitting down peeling potatoes, with all of the ingredients ready. She told us how we should mix them together and cook them, for we had no idea what we were doing: „Now put this in the pot, put that in the pan . . .‟, she would tell us. This is how we learned to cook. We all know how to do it, at the very least cotolette alla ilanese.” As a bishop, Bergoglio had less time to cook, but “when I lived in the Colégio Máximo, since there was no cook on Sunday, I cooked for my students.” The quality? “Well, I never killed anyone with my food . . .” The pope‟s sister Maria Elena explained the family‟s life together to the Italian newspaper Reppublica: Before they had me, the youngest, twelve years after Jorge, mother lost another child. And I was thirteen when our father, Mario, died from a heart attack. But until then, it was in 1959, we were a happy family. Above all, we were an Italian family—Tanos, they called us in Argentina. I remember the sacredness of Sundays: first we went to Mass, in the church of San José, then the long lunches late into the afternoon. Those never-ending and very beautiful lunches with five, six, even seven courses. And with dessert. We were poor but with great dignity, and always faithful to what was for us the Italian tradition. Mother was an exceptional cook. She made fresh pasta, cappelletti and ragù, risotto piemontese, and delicious baked chicken. She always said that when she married Papa she didn‟t even know how to make a fried egg. Then our nonna Rosa, who fled Piedmont in 1929, taught her the tricks. Grandmother Rosa was a heroine for us, a very brave lady. I‟ll never forget when she told us how in her town, in Italy, she took the pulpit in church to condemn the dictatorship, Mussolini, fascism. Francis‟ sister also spoke of the affinity between the new pope and his father. Papa was an accountant, and he was also the only one in the house who had a job. And God knows how hard he worked to raise us. When he came to Argentina, he already had a degree, but they did not recognize it, and so he worked in a factory. But he could not sign the books; another person did. And because of this, they paid him less than they should have. He was always a joyful man, and my brother Jorge Mario reminds me so much of him. He never got angry. And he never hit us. That was the big difference between the Italian immigrant families and the other families in Argentina. The man was the authority in the house but without exaggerated masculinity. We—Jorge too, who was the oldest—were terrified of the looks Papa gave us when we knew we were into mischief. For him a look was really enough. Sometimes I would have preferred a hun- dred lashes to one of his reproachful glances. It annihilated me. He was so in love with Mama, and he always brought her presents. He would take my hand, and we would secretly go out and buy something, anything, for Mama. Jorge always reminded me of both of them: Mama, because he too cooks very well, he makes fantastic stuffed calamari; but above all he reminds me of Papa. On Sunday, Papa did his work at home. He put those enormous accounting books on the table and turned on the phonograph, which filled our little house with music. He listened to opera and sometimes to Italian popular music. Classical music was the soundtrack of our Sundays. Still today, Jorge is like Papa: he loves opera and every so often a good tango. And Edith Piaf. And like Papa, he is the only one of us to be a fan of San Lorenzo. The Bergoglio family was not well off, nor did they lack the necessities. “We were poor with dignity”, the Pope‟s sister recalls. “At home we didn‟t throw anything out. Mama succeeded in salvaging some article of clothing for us even from our father‟s things. A ripped shirt, threadbare pants, were repaired, sewn up, and became ours. Perhaps my brother‟s and my extreme frugality comes from this. But there was one problem. Mama could never serve the same thing twice in a row for a meal. Papa would be upset. And so she made something up, disguised all the left-overs.” As an adolescent, Jorge played soccer with his friends in the neighborhood. He loved sports. And growing up, he had a passion for the tango as well. When he was twelve, he liked a girl named Amalia, who lived nearby. Today she still lives in the same quarter, surrounded by her children and grandchildren. “He always liked to joke, but he was a gentleman”, she says. “Our families, who were Piedmontese immigrants with good principles, thought we were still too young for love.” She does not think that her affection for Jorge was anything serious: “Of course not! We were only children, it was something very innocent. We grew up together, but I began to see him more when we turned twelve.” Amalia speaks of a sunny and tranquil childhood: “We mostly played on the sidewalk or in the parks in the area. We started to spend all our afternoons together.” She says that already at that time the future pope knew something of his vocation. “Once he said to me: „If you don‟t marry me, I‟m going to be a priest!‟ So certainly the idea was already floating around in his head, but there were still a few years before he made the decision.” In fact, Jorge Bergoglio told a different story about the circumstances that led him to embrace the priesthood and to enter the Society of Jesus. The Office of Multicultural Diversity Diocese of Rockville Centre Presents A Concert for Mercy Saturday, May 4, 2013, 3:00PM St. Agnes Parish Center, 29 Quealy Place, Rockville Centre, NY To Benefit “La Maison des enfants de Madame Mole” Orphanage, Haiti Sisters of Charity of St. Louis Ticket Donation: $10.00 Contact: Jemima Desroches, Administrative Assistant Office of Multicultural Diversity, 516-678-5800, X407 Doo-Wop Dinner/Dance Knights of Columbus Twelve Apostles # 5001 Featuring “The Accords” playing your favorites from the fifties, sixties and seventies. Full course, sit down dinner with choice of Prime Rib, Chicken Francese, or Salmon Saturday, May 4, 7-11 PM, St. Vincent de Paul Auditorium Tickets are $50 and include dinner, dancing, beer, wine, soda, coffee, tea and dessert Call 352-2127 for more information or to make a reservation. UPCOMING EVENTS: Keep the Date opened for our Annual Family Picnic @ Lido Beach on Sat. July13, 2013 Details to follow. Please read the bulletin for upcoming parish events. MEETING NOTICE: Next Officers meeting will be on May 6th @ 7:30pm DUES NOTICE: Jim Walsh PGK FS has sent out second notices for membership dues. Please keep your membership current to avoid suspension. Any question contact the Grand Knight. The Office of Communication for the Diocese of Rockville Centre wants to make it easier for you to have access to updated events and information.LOG ON to at