Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad Asset management, PAAB perspective
Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad Asset management, PAAB perspective
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 OVERVIEW PENGURUSAN ASET AIR BERHAD (“PAAB”) 2 OVERVIEW MALAYSIA’S WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY 3 ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT 5 ASSET MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK 6 ISSUES AND CHALLENGGES 7 SOLUTIONS AND METHODOLOGY 8 SUMMARY 2 1 OVERVIEW PENGURUSAN ASET AIR BERHAD (“PAAB”) 1. PAAB was established in May 2006 with the primary responsibility of developing nation’s water infrastructure in Peninsular Malaysia and Labuan. 2. PAAB is wholly-owned by the Government of Malaysia (“GoM”). 3. As at 31 March 2010, the paid up capital stood at RM 410 million. 4. PAAB is tasked with the following objectives: - a. Construct, refurbish, improve, upgrade, maintain and repair water infrastructure and all other assets in relation to the system. b. Source and obtain competitive financing for the development of the nation’s water assets. c. Assist the GoM to restructure the nation’s water industry. 3 2 OVERVIEW MALAYSIA’S WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY The Federal The respective States in Malaysia is responsible for their water supply services prior to the amendments to the Constitution. In early 2003, the Federal Government began the restructuring process in the effort to create a more effective and efficient Water Services industry. Constitutions was amended in Jan 2005 whereby water supply services on treatment and distribution are made to a joint responsibility between the State Government and the Federal Government. The National Water Services Commission (“SPAN”) Act and Water Services Industry Act (“WSIA”) were established to provide framework and regulated the water services. Existing States’ Water Supply Departments to be corporatized. Establishment of PAAB to hold the Facilities License under the WSIA and facilitate process of transformation into new water supply industry framework. 4 •Federal Government •State Government •National Water Resources Council •SPAN •PAAB •Policy matters •Water matters basin •Governance matters Description OVERVIEW MALAYSIA’S WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY (Con’t) Area of Responsibility Body 2 •Development of a holistic water policy for the country by setting policy directions. •Manage existing water basins with the view of protecting the quality of raw water and identifying new water basins when required. •Ensures coordination with the various State Government in the management of the water basins. •Regulatory matters •Regulate the whole water industry based on the policy directions set out by the Federal Government. •Asset Matter •Manage existing water develop future Assets. assets and 5 2 OVERVIEW MALAYSIA’S WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY (Con’t) States Water Assets as of Migration date State Signing Date Asset Value (RM - Mil) Melaka 16-Dec-2008 770,328,815.15 Negeri Sembilan 31-Dec-2008 1,211,782,747.86 Johor 11-Mar-2009 4,303,846,267.54 Perlis 2-Aug-2010 85,311,054.18 Pulau Pinang 2-Jun-2011 655,248,416.64 6 2 OVERVIEW MALAYSIA’S WATER SERVICES INDUSTRY (Con’t) Malaysia has a total population of more than 28 million The population growth is at 1.30% per year**. Average population served with piped water supply is at 95.5% (Urban coverage at 96.4% and rural at 94.7%)* Reduction of Non Revenue Water ( 35.19%)* Improvement to existing assets. Funding future water assets developments. Due to the increase in population and the need to supply water, Malaysia has embarked on following initiatives: *Source : SPAN Water Services Industry Performance Report 2010 ** 2010 Demographic Indicators , Department Of Statistics Economics of operation and maintenance 7 3 ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT No Date Organization / Country Activities Remarks 1 1990 Australia, New Zealand State Governments in Australia put AM and UK into practice Source : APIGAM 2 1997 Canada Canada adopted AM Source : APIGAM 3 2000 Interest on AM Source : APIGAM 4 2007 United States of America PWD (Public Works Department) National Asset and Facility Convention 2007 (NAFAM 2007) Officiated by Former PM Tun Abdullah bin Hj. Ahmad Badawi 13 August Formation of Government Asset Management Committee (GAMC) Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Aset Kerajaan (JPAK) 24 August 2007 Workshop on Government Asset Management Policy (GAMP) 23 January Draft on GAMP to GAMC 27 February Circulation of GAMC to other Agency 01 April Finalization of GAMC and Total Asset Management Manual (TAMM) 25 September 5 2008 PWD MAPMA Established on Nov 2008 (Malaysian Asset and Project Management Association) Initiated by PWD 8 3 ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT (Con’t) No Date Organization / Country Activities 6 2009 PWD Approval on GMAC and TAMM from Ministry Official launch on GMAC and TAMM 7 2010 CIDB (Construction Industry Development Board) PWD 8 2011 PWD CIDB 9 Achieving Better Value in Construction Industry Through Value Management & Life Cycle Costing Remarks 20 Mac 2009 Seminar- 20 April Development of TPATA (Government Immovable Asset Management Procedures ) and MySPATA (Asset Management System for Immovable Assets) MySPATA Rollout Asset and Facility Management Implementation Manual IAM Malaysia IAM Malaysia Chapter formation (Institute of Asset Management, Malaysia) 2012 IAM Submission on the Constitution to the Registrar of Societies International Seminar On Asset And Facility Management 16 Nov Proterm 1st Meeting : 10 Nov Proterm 2nd Meeting : 22 Dec End of March / Early April 1st AGM To be held on May 9 3 ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES OF GOVERNMENT ASSET MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. Creation and Maintenance of Assets able to support the continuous and smooth Government delivery system. Systematic, holistic and sustainable approach in Asset Management are uphold in optimizing the asset values. Systematic, complete, accurate and data with integrity is always available; and The Total Asset Management practice is implemented and monitored. COMPREHENSIVE GOVERNMENT AM STRATEGIES NAFAM 2007 RESOLUTION : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create the Government Asset Management Framework & Policy Create the Mechanism/System to monitor the Functional Status of Assets Improve the procurement process of asset management services Formulate the Financial Model for Asset Management ; and Develop the competencies in Asset Management 10 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT What is Asset Management? Asset Management as the systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organization optimally and sustainably manages its assets and asset systems, their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their life cycles for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan. . . . . . BSI-PAS 55-1 : 2008 Objective : To Ensure All Assets Are Operated And Maintained By All Service Licensees In a Sustainable And Cost Effective Manner, So That They Provide The Required LOS For Present And Future Customer. . . . . . PAAB : 2009 11 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT Institute of Asset Management Conceptual Model *Source : Institute of Asset Management 12 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE To Ensure All Assets Are Operated And Maintained By All Service Licensees In a Sustainable And Cost Effective Manner, So That They Provide The Required LOS For Present And Future Customer. OBJECTIVE Water Service Licensees is “Customer Service” Therefore Water Service Licensees must maintain assets in order to provide the service. A new management practice is required to provide a sustainable and economic service. 13 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT(Con’t) Centralized Total Asset Management System Meeting water demand Rehabilitation of Water Supply Systems Economics of operations Goals Development of Critical Level of Assets Criteria Objectives Complying with standard Standardization and Of Nationwide Data regulation Model Modernization of Water Supply Systems Increasing water revenue 14 4 PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT(Con’t) Current State of the Assets Long-Term Funding Strategy Required Level of Service Asset Management Minimum Life Cycle Costs Critical Assets 15 4 Source PAAB’S ASSET MANAGEMENT(Con’t) Pumping Facility Storage Treatment Consumer Distribution o All assets are not created equal o All assets eventually fail o Failures directly affect system performance; failures constrained by cost o Investment should be guided by the likelihood and consequence of failure. 16 5 ASSET MANAGEMENT : FRAMEWORK 17 6 ISSUES AND CHALLENGGES High Non Revenue Water Low water tariff Poor loan repayment Meeting water demand Rehabilitation of Water Supply Systems Economics of operations Delivery of high quality facilities and services Issues Poor conditions of assets Lack of standardization Lack of asset management system Challenges Complying with standard and regulation Modernization of Water Supply Systems Increasing water revenue 18 7 SOLUTIONS AND METHODOLOGY : ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS 1 2 Stage 1 Stage 2 Develop basic data templates for data collection Develop a simple data spreadsheet in MS Excel and database in MS Access Populate the database Verification and validation of assets data Development of Nationwide Data Model. Development of Criteria for Critical Assets. Development of Executive Web Dashboard for Decision Making Process 19 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - BASIC STEPS TO ASSET MANAGEMENT Inventory assets and rate condition Group and classify assets Establish asset criticality and level of service standards Track costs to asset level Assign maintenance schedules to assets Perform condition monitoring Analyze data to optimize reliability and costs 20 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS 7 - SYSTEMS SURVEY Software No States 1 Johor 2 Melaka 3 Negeri Sembilan Asset GIS Modelling Database Land System NA Smallworld 4.0 NA Oracle NA NA Strumap 5 Inforworks NA NA NA ESRI AQUIS NA NA System 4 Selangor NA ESRI AQUIS NA NA 5 Perak NA Strumap 5 Inforworks NA NA 6 Pulau Pinang NA Strumap 5 NA NA NA 7 Perlis NA Mapinfo NA NA NA 8 Kedah NA Mapinfo NA NA NA 9 Kelantan NA ESRI Bentley Oracle NA 10 Terenggannu NA ESRI AQUIS NA NA 11 Pahang NA ESRI NA NA NA 12 Labuan NA ESRI NETBASE NA NA 21 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - CONCEPTUAL SYSTEM DATA MODEL SPAN KeTTHA MOF WO Service Licensees @ Water Operators 22 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - DATA MODEL DEVELOPMENT 23 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - ASSET MANAGEMENT TOOLS GIS & MCDM o Map/maintain/re port on existing assets o Planning o Identify suitable alignments o Analysis o Budget VS Constrain o Integrate data from other systems Asset Management Software o Asset-based tracking o Improve response times o Increase ratio of proactive to reactive maintenance o Integrate with purchasing, financial, other systems SCADA oMonitor major assets oMonitor system operation oRemotely control operations oFlag problems quickly 24 24 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - GIS WEB DASHBOARD 25 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - GIS WEB DASHBOARD(Cont’) 26 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - GIS WEB DASHBOARD(Cont’) 27 6 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 28 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Con’t) 29 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Con’t) 30 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Con’t) 31 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS THE ASSET MANAGEMENT TEAM ( PAAB @ WATER OPERATORS) Cross Functional All stakeholders should be represented Key Players Planning, engineering, O&M, finance, and IT Job Formulate implementation plan Goal Thorough, consistent program across the agency 32 7 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATIONS - REFERENCES 33 8 SUMMARY 1. Development of Nationwide Centralized Water Management Dashboard. 2. Partnership with water industry policy makers (KeTTHA and SPAN) for organization supports to ensure full benefits of Asset Management. 3. Cooperation and Coordination with water operators on the data exchange / integration purposes. 4. Communicating with all stakeholders on the importance of complying of AM System in order to achieve the Strategic Plan. 5. Continuous Benchmarking by adopting Practices and Improve Business Process. International Best Pengurusan Aset Air Berhad ( 732544-D ) 24th Floor, Menara Multi Purpose, Capital Square, 8, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur - 6 03 2614 5555 - 6 03 2614 5588