Please click here to Mobile Marketer`s Classic Guide to


Please click here to Mobile Marketer`s Classic Guide to
INTRODUCTION: Mobile on a gallop, stealing budgets from traditional media
By Giselle Tsirulnik
Why invest in mobile marketing?
By R. Cass Baker
How to deliver one message to multiple platforms
By Martin Hayward
Five ways to increase engagement, sales and loyalty with mobile
By Jack Philbin
Basic principles of mobile marketing
By Stephen Upstone
Three best-practice tips for evaluating mobile ad performance
By Bill Dinan
Stop talking and listen: Two-way communication of mobile
By Shuli Lowy
Mobile marketing for the small- to medium-sized business
By Jennifer McCoy
How to craft a mobile advertising campaign
By Alison Gensheimer
Case study: Mobile display advertising for B2B engagement
By Marc Keating
Live it to sell it
By Judy Hamilton
The power of mobile bar codes
By Laura Marriott
Text message marketing: Who’s opting in?
By Derek Johnson
Digital advertising convergence: Is it further away than ever before?
By Dale Carr
Mobile strategy should employ multiple means of engagement
By Jeff Hasen
Overcoming mobile’s growing pains
By Joe Laszlo
Converting a mobile impression into a click
By Lindsay Woodworth
Distinguishing marketing from spamming
By Shuli Lowy
Maximizing pay-per-call profits
By Earl Brown
Will HTML5 help battle fragmentation in 2012?
By Matevz Klanjsek
Mobile audience micro targeting in the real world
By Greg Stewart
Tips for an effective mobile video advertising strategy
By Matthew Ellsworth
8 tips for successful mobile app promotion
By Micah Adler
Is Wi-Fi a mobile media channel?
By Gregor Isbister
Mobile bifucrates into two distinct advertising practices
By Harry Kargman
To app or not to app: That is the question
By Dave Schwartz
Mobile advertising: Why it’s got to be rich
By Elena Perez
Consumers eager for hyper-relevant location-triggered messages
By Patrick Moorhead
Case study: Discovery Channel’s Storm Chasers
By staff reports
Staying ahead of the changing mobile video advertising market
By Paul Bremer
Legal screenshots for interactive, integrated campaigns
By Susan Tillotson Bunch
Beyond show and tell: The rise of mobile marketing and advertising
By Kevin McGuire
Mobile on a gallop, stealing budgets from traditional media
obile advertising works when used as part of a crossmedia campaign and dialogue. According to Berg Insight, mobile will account for 15.2 percent of global online ad
spend in 2016. The total value of the global mobile marketing
and advertising market will grow from $3.4 billion in 2010 at
a compound annual growth rate of 37 percent to $22.4 billion
in 2016.
Mobile advertising matured drastically in 2011, with more sophisticated ad units and campaign executions. This maturation has made consumers more open to mobile ads. According
to Nielsen’s State of the Media: Consumer Usage Report, 51
percent of consumers say that they are OK with advertising
on their devices if it means they can access content for free.
Already big brands such as The Coca-Cola Co., Starbucks,
Target and Home Depot have embraced mobile advertising,
proving that when it is done right, the channel can produce
astounding results.
For 2012 expect to see more integration of social into mobile ads and marketing programs. Also, location will be a key
aspect of mobile marketing and advertising strategy. Larger
budgets will lead to higher fill rates for publishers.
With that we present the industry with the Classic Guide to
Mobile Advertising to help understand the value of mobile
and its context in advertising and marketing. This document
presents how-to articles, case studies, trend pieces and common misconceptions to industry members with the goal of
educating readers on this fast-paced subchannel of mobile.
Thank you to all of the companies that participated in putting
this guide together. Their insight and expertise is what made
this possible.
These expert bylined articles offer tips on how to run and
measure mobile ad campaigns, targeting and location, SMS
campaigns and database building, integration with print and
stores, HTML5, iPad ads, site design, search engine optimization, paid search, in-application ads, social media, content
creation and the effectiveness of mobile coupons.
Also included are analytical pieces as well as thought leadership on the privacy debate and legal boundaries that should
not be crossed, buying mobile media, augmented reality, international differences and similarities, display ads and mobile
video advertising.
Thank you to staff reporter Rimma Kats for layout and art
direction. Also, a big thank-you to editor in chief Mickey Alam
Khan for his help and supervision during the production of
this guide.
Thank you also to ad sales director Jodie Solomon for convincing others to invest in this guide and others before it.
Feel free to email a link to this large document rather than
forwarding the entire file. The passion is obvious in the copy
and the subject.
Giselle Tsirulnik
Deputy Managing Editor
Mickey Alam Khan
Editor in Chief
Chantal Tode
Associate Editor
Lauren Johnson
Editorial Assistant
Giselle Tsirulnik
Deputy Managing Editor
Rimma Kats
Staff Reporter
Jodie Solomon
Director, Ad Sales
401 Broadway, Suite 1408
New York, NY 10013
Tel: 212-334-6305
Fax: 212-334-6339
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Why invest in mobile marketing?
By R. Cass Baker
or global brands today, it is less about questioning
whether to invest in mobile marketing. Now it is a
matter of how and how much.
Perhaps most importantly, it is a question of why to invest in mobile marketing.
In the beginning, mobile marketing was about brand
building and consumer engagement. It was about
bright, shiny, interactive marketing designed to engender loyalty, awareness and brand promise. And it
was about showing innovation and life in an emerging
advertising channel.
Today, it is about much more. It has to be.
Mobile’s growth
According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s October 2011 “State of Mobile Measurement” report,
the growth in mobile advertising spend and consumer usage requires sound measurement and reliable
methodologies to understand audience behavior and
ad effectiveness.
As with any other marketing investment, C-level executives expect a measurable, high-value ROI in the form
of new revenue and profits. It is no longer good enough
to offer applications or mobile games, and to justify the
investment in the form of fans.
dress it while on the go. It may be scheduling an immediate home service request, signing up for a new
credit card before a big vacation or even shopping
for a car.
Through mobile devices, consumers can quickly assess
the information they need to make a decision, making
them even more determined to buy right now.
If you can deliver the right mobile experience at the
right time — and in the context of a broadly integrated
marketing campaign — you win.
Connecting the dots
When the rubber hits the road, most brands find it difficult to connect the dots between mobile engagement
and mobile sales.
The reality is that revenue through mobile marketing has
very little to do with mobile marketing in its own right,
and everything to do with understanding your consumers and the purchase experiences they desire.
Increasingly, today’s consumers are turning to mobile at
pivotal points in a sales process.
So why invest in mobile marketing?
Success depends on guiding the consumer through a
seamless, end-to-end experience — from initial mobile
impression through to Web sites and call centers — to
create targeted, data-rich experiences that drive highvalue, high-margin purchases.
Invest in mobile
While consumers are busier than ever, they also are more
heavily engaged.
If you can craft the right experience from start to finish, the mobile channel is incredibly measurable, proven
and successful.
They are on their mobile devices day and night. And one
thing is clear – when they are researching a specific
product or service from these devices, they are ready
to buy.
Without question, mobile can play a pivotal role in driving significant, incremental revenue to your business this
year. Success depends on tying its impact all the way
through to the ultimate outcome — sales.
Consumers research a brand on mobile because they
have an urgent need, and they are looking to ad-
R. Cass Baker is executive vice president of Leapfrog Online,
Evanston, IL. Reach him at
Basic principles of mobile marketing
By Stephen Upstone
o make mobile marketing programs achieve maximum impact and long-term value, it is essential
to move beyond one-off initiatives and create a
holistic strategy for targeting customers.
This is done using robust mobile platforms that incorporate a full range of tactics.
While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there is
a basic framework and set of guidelines that can be
applied across the majority of mobile marketing initiatives to drive results. Whether you are a brand,
agency, wireless carrier or publisher, the following
strategic approach will set you on course to achieve
maximum results:
The first step is to identify your business objective: is it Reach – mobile reach means establishing the first point
to raise your brand’s profile or build loyalty and prevent of mobile interaction, such as a banner ad on a mobile
customer churn?
Web site or QR code on a billboard and the call to action
that drives the mobile user to click.
After identifying the objective, the next step is to examine your audience. Understanding your audience and By carefully choosing publishers and media targeted
how they interact with their mobile device will help you to the audience you wish to engage, you cost-effidevelop a campaign that delivers value to the consumer ciently maximize reach and the opportunity to get
and drives financial success.
your message in front of as many target customers
paigns can deliver participation rates of more than 30
percent with numerous interactions per consumer, resulting in a high level of active
consumer engagement with
the brand every day.
For example, Argos, a large
British ecommerce site, took
the decision to develop a new
mobile channel in order to
create a flexible way for its
customers to interact with it.
Developing mobile services
such as Text and Take Home
has generated new revenues.
In 2009 alone, Argos’ mobile channel delivered more than
$100 million of incremental revenue and the service has
Engage – once the consumer has responded to a call to generated over 100 percent year-over-year growth of
action, you are now ready to engage and convert them the user base.
into a profitable relationship.
For another example, National Geographic leverThis interaction can be a mobile site, landing page or aged mobile and social media to promote “The
Last Lions” film and increase contributions to its
mobile application.
Big Cats Initiative.
Providing customers with something interesting, timely
and relevant like coupons, social media promotions and Engaged consumers visited a mobile Web site, entered a
rewards, will help create the engagement that is neces- sweepstakes, and posted on social media sites, increasing both ticket sales and donations.
sary to make the campaign successful.
as possible.
Analyze – measuring the success of your ongoing The campaign boasted nearly a 50 percent clickcampaign will help you adjust your strategy as your through-rate.
campaign progresses, so make sure you have a strong
There is no doubt that mobile marketing campaigns can
technology platform that enables this capability.
deliver great results, when deployed in the right way.
One of the strengths of mobile is that it is highly measurable, making it easy to track how quickly you are con- The trick is to know your audience, develop a compelling
user experience with engaging creative and content, and
verting customers and how much this is costing.
analyse to optimize media placement, creative, call to
Developing a robust mobile marketing strategy can de- action, and ultimately, results.
liver extremely compelling results.
Stephen Upstone is vice president of sales at Velti,
Well-run, large-scale SMS promotions and loyalty cam- London. Reach him at
Stop talking and listen: Two-way communication of mobile
By Shuli Lowy
or many companies, mobile marketing simply means
capturing as many phone numbers as possible and
pushing out marketing messages to their database.
While lists of phone numbers may be useful points of
contact, each phone number belongs to a unique person with specific interests, income levels, preferences,
prejudices and wishes.
Marketers often lose sight of the people behind the endless pile of numbers. They overlook the unique opportunity mobile provides for going beyond the numbers and
getting to know something about the users.
their opinion will feel better serviced. When possible, use
Unlike a commercial, newspaper ad, or billboard in which unique coupon codes for each consumer. This will enable
there is no room for a two way communication, mobile you to track their purchases and thereby predict what
marketing has the ability to spur a dialogue between a their future purchases may be.
consumer and a company.
Instead of receiving a cookie-cutter mobile coupon
This is infinitely more valuable since it creates a personal promising a 10 percent discount, imagine a consumer
connection between the mobile user and the brand and getting a text that reads:
helps marketers optimize their messages by ensuring the
content caters to the characteristics of each individual “Samantha, we just got in beige heels that go perfectly
with the green dress you bought. We’re putting them
aside for you in size 8.5.”
Here are a few ways to spur a two-way communication with your consumers:
Without doubt, the latter option would be considerably
more effective at driving sales.
Use your mobile campaigns to take polls. Ask consumers
to text in their favorite athlete, dish on a menu, article If you listen to the voice of consumers’ mobile activity,
of clothing, or anything else connected to your business. you can respond to them in the appropriate language.
Increasing the multi-directional communication allows
This information will allow you to learn more about your companies to build personal connections with each conconsumers and may also provide interesting insights into sumer and target their messages appropriately—ensuring
how you run your business.
each message is relevant and desirable to the end-user.
Allow consumers to text comments about your product
or service to your customer service department. This will
make it more convenient for individuals to provide feedback on their purchase experience and for your company
to improve its products accordingly.
Additionally, consumers who have the chance to voice
Wise marketers realize that the goal of mobile marketing
is not just to acquire contacts, but rather to build relationships and long-term value.
Shuli Lowy is Beverly Hills, CA-based manager of client
services and marketing Manager at Ping Mobile. Reach
her at
How to craft a mobile advertising campaign
By Alison Gensheimer
obile advertising is no longer a niche technology The steps to get there are simple and often overlooked.
market where only large brands with the ability
to carve out a percentage of their digital media Step one
budgets dominate.
Start with the end in mind.
Today mobile media has a budget of its own. It is not When we began as marketers and media buyers, we did
just about the media. Platform advancements have taken little without a clearly defined goal.
one-time static and dull banners and turned them into
valuable engaging experiences.
However, innovative technologies made it more difficult
to measure, so we all started throwing things at the wall
In short the mobile advertising industry is a lot more just to see what would stick.
complex today. Therefore it is imperative that a mobile
advertiser has a complete and flexible plan when ap- Not anymore.
proaching their mobile strategy.
Advancements in targeting and end-to-end reporting enA successful mobile advertising campaign is a combina- able us once again to have a goal. Goals can be as simple
tion of goals, statistics, creativity and an intuitive knowl- as generating clicks or as complex as in-store visits.
edge of the mobile consumer.
You should try drawing the full mobile advertising user
experience on a piece of paper and handing it to anyone
sitting next to you.
Do not stop there. Once the ad is in QA ask you coworker
or friend to test it. You will learn a lot about how the
average user engages by simply asking.
Once live, check your reporting regularly to see if users are participating they way you hoped. If not then
change it.
Step four
Either way, a clearly defined goal is essential to proving Be creative and do not be afraid to try something new.
the value of your mobile advertising plan.
We were only able to arrive at this moment because
those before us succeed and failed. They put themselves
Step two
out there.
Understand and respect the consumer.
To quote Steve Jobs, “Be hungry, be foolish.”
As more devices enter the mainstream, the more consumers are bombarded with advertisements.
Also be ready, it may not work. But what you have gained
is something greater. You now know something that no
You likely have a great brand, one that you are very one else knows, that it did not work.
proud of, but just because your brand is great does not
naturally mean that consumers will give up their time Finally, pick the right mobile advertising partner. The
and energy to engage with it.
right partner is hard to find.
The formula is simple. Offer consumers value in a quick
engaging manner.
First and foremost they will be interested in tracking as
much of the user experience as possible.
Two clicks and they are in.
No reporting, no go.
Step three
Consider the complete user experience, not just the
media advertisement. The advertisement is just
the beginning.
Additionally, they will challenge you to think through
your goals, target, placement and end-to-end
user experience.
Lastly, the right partner does not stop working for
Think through where the user entered the ad. What did you when the campaign goes live – that is the
they give up to engage with your brand? What will they easy part.
do next?
They work throughout the entire campaign, opWe are operating on one of the most highly timizing and suggesting changes that achieve
interruptible channels – phone calls, text messages, a your goals.
tunnel – all these things can take your consumer out of
the mobile advertising experience.
Alison Gensheimer is director of customer development at
Velti, San Francisco. Reach her at
Live it to sell it
By Judy Hamilton
ith the rapid adoption of smartphones by consumers, the pressure on traditional marketers
to go mobile is mounting.
Unfortunately, many marketers have succumbed to the
shiny object syndrome and a lot of throw-it-out-there
campaigns have been created just so their brand can be
viewed as leading-edge.
This lack of strategy has turned mobile consumers off
and hurt mobile marketing efforts in general before
marketers even really got started.
The good news is that marketers are now taking a
step in the right direction to solve this by seeking help
from agencies and developers that have experience
with mobile.
The bad news is that the conversation between marketer and mobile professional often seems to focus
on which smartphone to develop for or disputing mobile Web versus native app or QR code versus near
field communication.
These are important options to consider, but there is a
fundamental step that is being missed.
Understand the smartphone user
As a brand marketer, have you actually experienced what
your mobile customer does?
In other words, do you own a smartphone?
The number of marketers moving into mobile who answer “no” to this question might shock you.
Why is this important? It is like trying to market a new
high-performance sports car when you have never actually driven a car.
Marketers must take the time to understand what their
customers want at that critical moment in time when
they opt-in to engage with a brand. Equally important is
determining how you can reward customers for particiMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
pating in this highly coveted one-to-one medium.
With mobile marketing, you must always put yourself in
the head of the customer who will be asking, “What is
in it for me?”
No agency or developer knows your product or your customers better than you do.
But, do you know what your customers want when they
are out and about, smartphone in hand?
The only way to really figure this out is to get mobile
yourself and become your own perfect mobile customer.
If you experience what your customer does on a daily
basis, you will not only see where your product can be
truly useful to them, but also the potential for alliances them all about your beer.
with other complementary brands that can extend your
However, a more valuable solution for your customers
reach and increase your ROI.
would be to list all the pubs in the area that carry your
For example, say you are a marketer for a microbrewery beer and use geo-location to show them where the closand you want to place an outdoor ad highlighting your est one is that is currently serving it up.
latest craft ale. You could simply provide a link on your
ad that takes your customers to a mobile site that tells Even better, you could partner with each of the local
pubs and post a QR code coupon that when scanned offers customers 10 percent off of a bucket of wings for
every friend they bring with them.
Marketers who offer rewards and benefits to their mobile
customers, not only make a sale, they make satisfied customers who are more than likely to do it again.
To really understand today’s mobile smartphone customers, marketers have to walk a mile in their customers’
shoes – literally.
What you will find at the end of your long walk is that
all you really want is to find the closest tall, cold one and
maybe get a deal on a snack if you bring your friends.
In other words, you have to live it to sell it.
Judy Hamilton is founder/CEO of TerraTap Technologies
Inc., New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Reach
her at
Text message marketing: Who’s opting in?
By Derek Johnson
segment having the
highest past participation rate in a text message campaign, it was
actually the 25-34 age
On average 18-24-year-olds are sending and receiving segment with an averalmost 110 text messages per day. It is no surprise either age 58 percent particithat as you look at text messaging with each older age pation rate.
segment, there is a significant drop in usage when compared to the 18-24-year olds.
The 18-24-year-old
segment came in secHow big of a drop? Well 18-24-year-olds send more ond at a significantly lower 42 percent participation rate.
than double the text messages as 25-34-year-olds and
23-times the amount of text messages as users who are The second key difference we found was that gender
played a predominate factor in the likelihood of having
65 or older.
participated in a text message marketing campaign.
Most would assume that with higher text message usage within the youngest age segment, there would also While the Pew Internet study found that text message
be a higher percentage of participation in text message usage by both males and females varied by only two percentage points, 40.9 percent and 42 percent respectively,
marketing campaigns.
our survey results indicated there was a much greater
This assumption that age segments that send more text difference in their past participation in a text messagmessages are more likely to have participated in a text ing campaign. It was found that 39 percent of females
reported to have participated in a text messaging cammessaging campaign is incorrect.
paign, while males were 9 percentage points higher, at
In August 2011, Tatango released a report based off a 48 percent.
survey of 500 U.S. consumers, which explored this concept. In the report, we detailed two key differences be- Most interesting was that in the 55-plus age segment,
tween text message usage and the likelihood of having the difference between male and female participation
in a text messaging campaign was nearly 20 points,
participated in a text message marketing campaign.
40 percent and 21 percent respectively.
The first difference we found was that while there was
a rough correlation between sending and receiving text So what can we learn from this study? I think the
messages and having participated in a text messaging most important takeaway is to not discount text mescampaign, the differences between younger and older sage marketing as only something that will appeal to a
younger customer.
age segments were not nearly as recognizable.
hen you look at a recent Pew Internet study
on Americans and SMS usage, it is no surprise
that 18-24 year olds send and receive a ton of
text messages.
While the biggest gap in text message usage between age categories was a staggering 23-times,
past participation in a text messaging campaign produced less than a two-times difference between
age segments.
While the older age segments may not be sending as
many text messages as the younger generation, older
age segments are not to be forgotten when planning and
executing your text message marketing campaign.
Derek Johnson is the CEO of, Seattle. Reach
It was also found that instead of the 18-24-year-old him at
Mobile strategy should employ multiple means of engagement
By Jeff Hasen
TIA reports that mobile phone penetration
in the United States is greater than 96 percent with more than 300 million current wireless subscribers, 72.5 million of which are using
smartphones (comScore).
Now let us consider the large number of operating systems – iOS, Android, Microsoft’s Mango, BlackBerry –
and the ever-increasing different devices in use.
Savvy brands understand that we are each individuals when it comes to our mobile devices. Leading
brands such as Macy’s, MillerCoors and Ford understand this concept, and provide multiple options for
mobile engagement.
This has led to a number of successful mobile marketing
and advertising programs.
Macy’s multichannel approach
In spring 2011, Macy’s launched its Backstage Pass program, which engages shoppers in-store via multiple calls
to action to use a mobile device.
Recognizing that not
all its shoppers have
QR code readers, the
iconic department
store added a short
code to in-store
signage, giving consumers a choice and
ensuring that no one
is left out.
When the QR code is
scanned, or the short code is texted shoppers are forwarded to a backstage look at a video from the designer
of their choice including Kenneth Cole, Sean “Diddy”
Combs, Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors, Rachel Roy, Jessica Simpson and Martha Stewart.
The videos offer design suggestions, style tips and more.
Shoppers can even enter a sweepstakes to win Macy’s
gift cards.
The program has gained wide acclaim and interaction,
sparking Macy’s to implement a second video series for
the fall shopping season. Click here to watch the video.
MillerCoors scores with sports fans
MillerCoors, the second largest beer company in
America, recognizes that beer and sports go hand
in hand.
The company designated nearly 75 percent of its ad
spend to sporting events in 2010.
The brand’s goal was to include mobile calls to action in
its national print, radio and TV advertisements to give
potential customers an opportunity to interact with the
car brand on a personal level.
The first phase of FordDirect’s program included adding short codes to its national ads for the Ford Year
End event.
The car company was able to generate more than 1,000
leads across 38 regional dealer groups and achieve a
12.5 percent conversion rate.
In 2011, Ford is projected to spend $1.3 billion on advertising, primarily targeted at creating leads that turn
into sales.
As part of that effort, FordDirect has now expanded its
mobile marketing program to include all of its print and
TV advertisements. The program has achieved a 15.4 percent lead conversion rate.
However, MillerCoors recognizes that there is a substantial opportunity to take these advertisements to the next
level. By adding a mobile element to its advertisements,
MillerCoors is able to connect with customers and build
lasting relationships.
MillerCoors tapped Hipcricket to run a cross-media marketing campaign, leveraging traditional mobile elements,
to help increase awareness of the Coors Light brand during Super Bowl XLV and the Miller Lite brand during the
2011 NCAA tournament.
These campaigns included QR codes, mobile Web sites,
SMS and contesting.
The success of these programs has led to an expanded program which includes QR codes among other
mobile channels.
Give the customers
what they want
With a myriad of ways
for people to consume
mobile content on a host
of mobile devices, why
should a brand’s mobile playbook only have
one play?
By choosing to implement only a QR code or only
an iPhone app, for example, brands are excluding a large portion of their potential customers.
The campaigns resulted in over 159,000 interactions
from 86,000 mobile participants and over 60 percent of However, by implementing a mobile strategy that emwhich fell into one of MillerCoors’ key demographics – ploys multiple means of engagement, brands give the
the 21-34 age range.
customer choices in interaction – and this has proven to
be a very successful strategy.
FordDirect focuses on leads
FordDirect, a joint venture between Ford Motor Co. and Jeff Hasen is chief marketing officer at Hipcricket, Kirkits dealers, implemented its first mobile program in 2010. land, WA. Reach him at
Converting a mobile impression into a click
By Lindsay Woodworth
great mobile advertising campaign is just not a
well-designed ad banner, QR code or SMS displayed to a targeted audience. A great mobile
campaign is one that converts an impression to a click
and a click to an engaged customer.
Many companies are missing the mark in mobile. Too
many mobile advertisements and QR scans take users to
a desktop-sized Web site instead of a mobile site.
Mobile landing pages and mobile microsites provide a
mobile-friendly and hyper-focused experience that is
designed to accomplish the singular goal of your advertising efforts – conversion.
Mobile landing pages provide the critical next step in
an advertising message and can easily be leveraged
even if an advertiser does not have an existing company
mobile site.
A shockingly high 63 percent of marketers are not measuring or do not know the return on investment of their
mobile campaigns, according to a King Fish Media study
ing time at an airport – calls to action must be appropriconducted in May 2011.
ate for the mobile user.
A mobile landing page created in support of a mobile
advertising campaign also offers an extended level of There needs to be a measurable response beyond general
branding information.
valuable metrics for the advertiser.
So how can mobile advertisers best leverage mobile Here are a few examples:
landing pages?
• Watch a video
Similar to online advertising, start by connecting the • Access a mobile coupon
campaign messaging and design of the mobile advertise- • Search for a local business & map it
• Click to call
ment to its landing page.
• Download an app
Once you have converted an impression to an engaged • Like us on Facebook
viewer, an effective headline that can be read in three • Fill out a brief survey
seconds or less and an obvious call-to-action come • Opt in for SMS or email alerts
• Vote for your favorite
into play.
Considering the characteristics of an anytime, anywhere To achieve success with mobile advertising, advertisers
mobile audience – on the soccer field, in a store, or kill- need to map out the entire mobile user experience.
That determines the best approach to copy, creative, design and technology.
4. Do not use Flash or fancy JavaScript. Not all phones
support it.
Here are a few best practices for mobile landing pages
and common pitfalls to avoid.
Mobile engagement
1. Take advantage of the mobile channel’s unique features such as click-to-call, interactive maps and location-based promotions.
Messaging and copy
1. Keep copy very concise and put the most important
information at the top. When you think you have cut 2. Provide a link to your main Web site to allow viewers
the option of using the site they already know. This is
down on copy, cut some more.
also a common request for tablet users.
2. Make it obvious what you want your viewers to do.
1. Minimize the load time. It does not matter how inDesign
1. Create finger-friendly buttons and well-spaced links triguing your content is if it takes too long to load. You
to eliminate the possibility of frustrating viewers that hit risk a negative brand impression and lost page views.
the wrong link.
2. Keep page titles short allowing viewers to know what
2. Keep the design clean and make sure graphics are page they are on. Mobile browsers and bookmarks typireadable even when sized down. If viewers have to scroll, cally display between 25-40 characters.
make them scroll down, never across.
Lindsay Woodworth is director of market3. Maintain a consistent brand look so consumers feel ing at 2ergo Americas, Arlington, VA. Reach her
comfortable interacting with you via the mobile channel. at
Maximizing pay-per-call profits
By Earl Brown
s pay-per-call marketing professionals we must
deliver more than just prospects on the phone. We
also need to provide our advertiser clients with
the advice and expertise needed to help them wring out
maximum value from their calls.
The standard qualifying window eliminates the
need to delay call response with a filter intercept,
but caller’s interests and innate skepticism must
be considered.
The most likely setup is calls are answered live by the
Call tracking and call management are obviously im- advertiser’s sales team during business hours with
portant features, but there are many other elements a overflow and after-hours calls going to a call center
successful pay-per-call campaign needs to evaluate or voicemail.
and prioritize.
Telephone technology captures caller ID and contact inEvery component must be weighed to determine formation even if the caller hangs up without leaving a
the contribution each makes to the campaign’s message. Is it OK to call them back? Probably OK if a call
overall success.
back notice is included in a pre-recorded message.
Objective: The first thing to look at is the campaign’s
objectives. What is the advertiser’s goal? Sales? Promotion? Information? Branding? Lead generation?
Each aspect needs to be carefully analyzed in order
to provide the advertiser with the most interested,
qualified prospects.
Product: Is it unique? Complicated? Specialized? Does it
take experienced sales people to handle prospects’ questions or can call center agents do the job?
The beauty of the pay-per-call model is the ability to
take general-interest calls and walk prospects down the
purchase path through the research and shopping stages
to the purchase point, but you can bet the caller has
questions that need specific answers.
Call source: What’s the caller responding to? A mobile
display ad or video? SMS message? Publisher’s skyscraper? Web form? Yellow Pages? Breakout microsite?
Advertising encourages prospects to call for information,
and pay per call provides the one thing advertiser’s prize
above all else – customer engagement.
Response: How are calls answered? Advertiser’s sales
team? IVR? Call center?
ence and is being replaced by directresponse CPA.
As this trend grows, the effectiveness
of every ad, listing, click and impression
will be scrutinized thoroughly.
A click to a Web site pales in comparison to the value of a telephone inquiry
by a motivated prospect.
Performance and accountability
Advertisers do not want impressions or
clicks. They want clients and customers.
Performance and accountability is now
the name of the game.
The current interest shown by Google,
Commission Junction and Linkshare
to name a few, proves that PPCall
is here to stay, and the demand by
advertisers to buy calls is evidence
that this new marketing model is
gaining traction.
Advertisers also are beginning to realize that unlike most other forms of CPA
marketing, PPCall is easy to understand,
quick to learn and tough to game.
And, that the 40 percent average PPCall
conversion rate is ten times better than
the 4 percent average conversion rate of
affiliate marketing.
They are obviously interested in the product or they
would not have called in the first place.
Mobile is the ideal platform for generating, tracking and
delivering PPCalls.
There are a lot of other aspects a successful pay-per-call Chief marketing officers need to know how to maximize
campaign must consider:
their PPCall ROI, which they can do by targeting, filtering and appealing to their market.
Audience profiling, creative production, IVR greeting,
mobile video, pricing, fraud, tracking, recording, data This helps to better allocate their media budgets.
portal, analytics and account management.
Earl Brown is CEO of ValueLeads, Santa Barbara, CA.
PPC, CPM and similar advertising is losing influ- Reach him at
Mobile audience micro targeting in the real world
By Gregg Stewart
ith global mobile advertising spend projected
to reach $20 billion in 2015 (Gartner Research,
June 2011) it is hard not to be excited about
mobile marketing.
er, remains extremely challenging today due to the
technological fragmentation that exists at the device, operating system and browser levels of the
mobile ecosystem.
The global proliferation of smartphones and tablets, the
emergence of HTML5 as a mobile browser standard and
innovations such as location-based services, direct mobile payments, and augmented reality promise to revolutionize how retailers, brands and marketers engage and
interact with consumers.
In addition, for reasons related to technical complexity and consumer privacy concerns, the sophisticated
ad serving systems that enable direct demographic,
behavioral and contextual targeting and retargeting in
the world of online display advertising have not yet been
fully developed in the mobile ecosystem.
One-to-one marketing
Mobile may well be the medium that for the first time
enables marketers to consistently deliver one-to-one
messages that engage, delight and inspire consumers to
immediate action.
For online marketers used to operating in the traditional
desktop display environment, the complexities of the
current mobile ecosystem can seem daunting.
However, opportunistic mobile marketers have developed innovative data-driven approaches to audience
The development and broad-based deployment of targeting that exploit this complexity to gain improved
such engaging mobile-optimized content, howev- campaign performance.
One such approach is progressive targeting.
Progressive targeting
While traditional online marketing relies on buying traffic from sites with demographics that
match those of target users and that consequently
are expected to convert well, progressive targeting is a structured analytic approach to mobile
marketing that empirically and precisely identifies which segments convert well and which ones
do not.
Within progressive targeting, a “segment” is defined as a multi-variate combination of click
stream data elements and, in general, the more
complex the data available, the more precise the
With such an approach, the fragmentation
of the mobile ecosystem becomes a powerful enabler of enhanced audience targeting and
campaign optimization.
are not.
These learnings can be immediately fed back into the
media buying targeting systems, with a clear and immediate positive impact on
campaign performance.
The most sophisticated mobile campaigns integrate
click stream data such as
lead quality, sales and lifetime value from the advertiser’s customer relationship
management system.
Segmentation is accomplished by visualization
of the click stream data from one or a series of
test campaigns.
A simple yet effective click stream data set would integrate data elements from both the ad network and the
mobile media buyer’s systems.
Click stream data from a mobile ad network typically includes timestamp, handset, carrier, encoded
publisher or site identifier and category, channel or
keyword designation.
Click stream data from a mobile media buyer’s platform
typically includes campaign name, creative identifier and
links to the campaign hierarchy.
Visualization of the click stream data will clearly identify segments that are out-performing and those that
to track
call center.
Depending on the advertiser,
offer and campaign, these
variables could indicate an
app download or installation, a call to a sales center, a Web site login, use of a
free trial service, upgrade to a
premium service, a purchase
or any other consumer action that the advertiser is able
a Web site, app or
Such tracking enables highly-optimized targeting of segments that are most likely to convert on the offer, even
for long tail campaigns.
Although fragmentation in the mobile ecosystem continues to be a challenge for retailers, brands and marketers, it is possible to take advantage of the resulting
complexity to improve audience targeting and overall
campaign performance.
Progressive targeting based on visualization of multivariate click stream data is one such proven approach.
Gregg Stewart is vice president of new media platforms at
Neverblue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Reach
him at
8 tips for successful mobile app promotion
By Micah Adler
onsumers have an insatiable appetite for downloading the hottest new applications that reside
among the half a million crowding the app stores.
or sheer “wow” factors that can equal the power of a
top ranking.
The challenges of app promotion are complex and can
easily consume large chunks of your marketing budget.
But they do not have to.
As a mobile marketer, this spells both challenge and opportunity. Those 500,000-plus apps are competing with
yours for users. How can you ensure that they will find
and download yours?
The following eight simple and proven best practices can
help you improve your mobile app marketing results and
The solution is in loyal user acquisition.
achieve your business goals.
Loyal users are those who take an action, such as an inapp purchase or registration. And the key to attracting
loyal users is app store visibility.
There is no amount of buzz, PR, one-off ad campaigns
With app ad copy, less is more. Unlike traditional ad copy,
mobile real estate is limited.
Keep your ad text short, punchy and straight to the point,
and make your call to action immediate and valuable.
Write your landing page for mobile consumption. When
composing your app store landing page, do not focus on
how it will look on the desktop, but rather how it will
look on mobile devices, since this is where the majority
of app download decision-making will occur.
Drive downloads through your title. When creating your
app’s title, look beyond your brand and also consider
terms of app store search results and conversion of users
who arrive on your app store landing page. For example,
if you have a photography-oriented app, speak to the
functionality of the app in its title by referencing a feature such as “picture color.”
This way you are just as likely to appear in the
app store search results for a user looking for a
“photography” solution.
Work with as many traffic sources as possible. Using just
one traffic source like a mobile ad network, real-time
bidding platform or incentive based program can limit
your results.
It is better to work with as many traffic sources as possible. This will enable you to reach your largest potential
audience, realize the lowest-possible acquisition cost,
and also protect your app from audience saturation.
Focus on loyal users. Loyal users are most critical to your
business success.
However you cannot rely solely on your traffic sources to
deliver them. It requires your initiative.
To get loyal users we recommend the following:
• Define the characteristics of your loyal user based on
your success metrics and goals
• Automate the tracking of the loyal user characteristics
• Identify the traffic sources that generated these
loyal users
• Steer your ad spend toward these traffic sources
users. You should be actively targeting organic users because they are the most likely to become your loyal users.
Consider differentiated or alternative categories. Your
app probably fits into a number of categories and, while
your gut instinct may be to place it in one of the most
popular categories, you may fare better in an alternative
category with a higher ranking opportunity.
For example, it might be better to rank fifth in a smaller
category as opposed to 25th in Games.
Know which traffic sources drive loyal users. Based on
your definition of a loyal user, you need to understand
how many loyal users you are generating from each ad
network and traffic source, and at what cost.
Drive and track downloads from organic users. Organic
users are those who actively seek and download your app Measure and recalibrate to get the mix right.
without any paid marketing influence.
Micah Adler is CEO of Fiksu, Boston. Reach him
They have a much higher lifetime value than ad-driven at
Mobile bifucrates into two distinct advertising practices
By Harry Kargman
he current mobile advertising landscape has bifurcated into two separate and distinct advertising
practices. The first is the direct response opportunity where advertisers are looking for reach and conversion based upon pre-defined metrics.
of success. The context of where the ad appears is less
relevant, if relevant at all.
The challenge of this model from a publisher perspective is that it creates a race to the so-called bottom from a pricing perspective – commoditizing the
This practice is less concerned with the quality and con- value of traffic, in general, since the price per click
text of where the ads run and more concerned with per- from a adult site, blog, social networking site or amaformance – getting the lowest pricing on a cost-per-click teur Web site, has the same value as that of a well(CPC) basis or numeric conversion on acquisition metrics known, professionally edited, nationally recognized site
such as downloads of a particular application from the or app.
iTunes app store.
The context of where the ad appears is only as relevant
Reach and conversion
in so far as the performance.
In the performance game, the advertising serves as a
means unto an end, meaning the goal is a click to a site A site or app is only rated upon a conversion metric
or downloads of an app, and they are the sole metrics against one another.
For those advertisers looking to achieve a very specific goal, where brand-safe context is irrelevant,
this approach is best served by negotiating the
lowest CPCs possible while measuring campaign
performance rigorously.
ported across most mobile-optimized sites and apps.
The downside of this approach is that it does not
take into account potential brand dilution or even
harm since CPC campaigns tend to run on bottombasement sites.
However, the challenge with this simplistic approach is
making the effectiveness of the creative, or lack thereof,
work from a campaign objective standpoint – a.k.a a
high engagement rate.
While many smaller advertisers who buy keywords or
choose performance campaigns may not want to pay a
premium to assure transparency in site relevance and
context, those brands which spent years and untold resources to create and build their brands should be very
careful when buying in this way as performance campaigns do not come with transparency.
A standard display banner on a rich HMTL5 or xHTML
site or within a iPhone or Android app will be lost in the
content surrounding it.
Context and placement
The second approach is a display advertising opportunity
where context and placement of the advertisement on a
site or app is considered a critically important component in the overall campaign objective.
Therefore, advertisers and marketers can easily create,
manage and measure these campaigns and produce them
in scale.
If the campaign is measured for effectiveness via metrics
such as click-through rate, it is natural that the rate will
be suppressed – if the content is more attractive than
the ad.
Therefore, there needs to be innovation to this approach
where the display advertising and branding objectives
are met by having the advertising creative be supported
by the content around it.
While other metrics such as click-through rate are
measured to determine effectiveness of the creative, this approach at its core recognizes that context and placement of an ad does indeed influence
consumer perceptions.
In essence, the advertising needs to be considered as
interesting, or more engaging than that of the content
surrounding it.
The challenge in this approach is determining if
the creative – in many cases, the banners – have
the level of effectiveness from an influence and
engagement perspective.
These units provide a relatively easy way for brand advertisers to run effective display campaigns that generate consumer interest and awareness with higher clickthrough rates.
Beyond the banner
Given this challenge, there are a number of mobile rich
One of the initial and guiding principles in the buying media advertising units that have recently come to mardecision is to situate the advertising in content that will ket from companies such as Medialets, Crisp, Vdopia,
reflect well on the brand and brand objectives.
Phluant, Sprout and Celtra.
The advantage of standard mobile banners both on site These rich media units are less standard than those of
and in app is that they are easy to produce, traffic and banners and require more thought from a creative standreport on.
point. However, they generate greater returns to the
brand advertiser.
The mobile industry has created Mobile Marketing Association industry-standard banner sizes that are sup- This is a great first step in the augmentation of the
advertising experience.
tegrate into the content where the result is fresh
and compelling.
The second logical step – potentially leap, if you will – is
to create context sensitive rich integrations within the The industry should focus on driving engagement and
sites and apps themselves.
participation while creating real value for the consumer
to participate and interact with the advertising.
A banner campaign or even rich media campaign will
have difficulty competing with well-executed, contextu- The next level is to go beyond the banner by rallying
ally relevant content integrations where the advertising around a few key easy-to-create and reproduce content
is integrated into the content itself.
integrations that advertisers can confidently buy and
measure producing real value with overall engagement.
The concept is simple: to build advertiser-sponsored relevant content extensions into the very fabric of the site Standardization of these few rich mobile content inteor apps. The advertising surrounds the content and in grations should be the aspiration and goal for 2012 for
some cases becomes the content.
the publishing industry.
The objective of the publisher community should be
to create standard ways in which advertisers can in-
Harry Kargman is founder/CEO of Kargo, New York. Reach
him at
Mobile advertising: Why it’s got to be rich
By Elena Perez
martphones and tablets have propelled us into
the future, where rich information and entertainment leap off our screens, draw us in by fingertips
so deeply that we crash blindly into one another while
walking down the street.
By incorporating video content and image galleries
directly into creative ad units, brands give users more
options for response.
The integration of Facebook and Twitter take advantage
of mobile consumers’ social media habits and extend the
For marketers, mobile’s growth represents an excep- connection between consumer and brand beyond the life
tionally personal environment in which to connect with of the campaign.
consumers and an exceptionally fertile ground to deliver
meaningful display advertising.
Nielsen recently reported that 53 percent of social networkers follow brands and 40 percent are accessing via
Gives them what they want
mobile devices.
The ability to touch, shake and spin a device adds a
new dimension of interaction that device owners love Forms for data collection, store locators, click-to-call
to explore.
buttons and shopping carts directly in an ad unit drive
users further down the purchase funnel.
The portability of the device raises the bar for the kind of
media consumers expect on the go.
Preserve the integrity of user experience
Tour target audience is engaging with an application or
This new mix of interaction and expectation opens the mobile Web site because they are interested in the condoor to truly meaningful engagement.
tent or information provided. Anything that disrupts that
the cost and effort of your simple
static ad.
Measurement and delivering
Mobile rich media is 100
percent measurable.
Whether delivered to app or
mobile Web site, every one of
the interactions that are built
into a creative can be measured to give you complete insight into the performance of
your campaign.
Measure the time spent engaging with creative, track the
number of users who share your
brand message, how many times
a form was filled out and how far
down the funnel your creative
experience can undermine a brand’s investment.
leads consumers.
Rich ads allow brands to engage without breaking continuity of experience, enabling consumers to watch product demos, scroll through product specs, virtually drive a
car and share a brand message with their closest friends
without asking them to a new environment.
Rich media offers more than just a click-through, it tells
a comprehensive story of the ad unit’s success and provides valuable insight for your next steps.
Mobile rich media has evolved quickly
In just a short period of time, mobile rich media has
The recent Polo Ralph Lauren sponsorship of The New evolved from an opportunity fueled by cutting-edge novYork Times’ iPad app made it possible to access an in- elty to one that offers a full spectrum of creative posdepth catalog, complete with live video and an in-ad sibilities that meet the needs of different brands, indusunit shopping cart without leaving the app, providing a tries and – importantly – deadlines.
more seamless experience that fosters a better perception of both the publisher and brand.
Now that you can use mobile rich media to deliver seamless experiences that rise to the expectations set by the
The self-contained experience of mobile rich media pro- dynamic devices on which they run – without getting
vides another important benefit.
cut on the bleeding edge - perhaps the next person who
blindly crashes into you while walking down the street
By enabling brands to lead users all the way down the will be locked into a deep and meaningful engagement
funnel to lead generation or even purchase, mobile rich with your brand.
media becomes a viable alternative to developing, promoting and maintaining a mobile app or mobile-opti- Elena Perez is director of marketing at Medialets, New
mized landing page, both of which incrementally affect York. Reach her at
Case study: Discovery Channel’s Storm Chasers
By staff reports
any verticals have embraced mobile advertising,
but entertainment in particular has seen early
and consistent success in tapping into the creativity and impact of the mobile environment.
The Discovery Channel is notable among entertainment’s
mobile innovators, with standout work including the
mobile rich media campaign supporting Season 4 of the
popular series, Storm Chasers.
“We wanted to create a campaign that captured the excitement and spirit of Storm Chasers,” said Sal Candela, mobile director of
PHD. “We knew from
previous experience
that Medialets could
deliver a memorable
and immersive campaign that met the
campaign’s goals.”
Campaign goals
The mobile component
was part of a broader
mix designed to drive
tune-in for the cable
adults 25-54 who are
receptive to media
content that involves
characterdriven human-interest
stories and hands-on
technology fun.
The Discovery Channel worked with media agency PHD. PHD
enlisted Medialets to
create, deliver and
measure a rich media
campaign that reached
the target audience.
PHD and Medialets had previously collaborated on
a number of rich media campaigns, including the
campaign for HBO’s True Blood.
Mobile rich media creative was chosen to give consumers a first-person point-of-view of a storm.
The creative execution initiated as banner that expanded
when the user taps anywhere in app.
The expansion launches a tornado that takes over the
app screen, speakers and even vibrates.
Then, the tornado wipes away everything in its on-screen
path and cracks the iPhone screen.
As the tornado faded away, the user is prompted to
tap-to-watch the full screen Storm Chasers season
4 trailer.
The trailer then plays inside the app to avoid disrupting the
user experience.
The immersive Storm Chasers creative delivered more
than 5 million impressions across multiple apps. It
was well received by users, generating instant buzz
on Twitter and coverage in industry trades such as
Mobile Marketer.
Several of the brand attributes associated with Storm
Chasers also grew; “is fascinating” grew 16 percent and “is a program I’m excited about” grew
19 percent.
The campaign was also recognized by the MOBI Awards,
OMMA Awards and IAB MIXX Awards.
The engagement rate for the campaign averaged 17 percent, exponentially higher than online rich media’s low,
single-digit benchmarks.
An Insight Express study was also conducted, giving additional insight into the campaigns success.
More than 60 percent of those exposed to the
mobile campaign had a favorable opinion of
Storm Chasers and would be willing to watch
the program.
In fact, after exposure to the mobile campaign, intent to
view grew by 28 percent.
Legal screenshots for interactive, integrated campaigns
By Susan Tillotson Bunch
ielsen Co. predicts that smartphones will surpass
feature phones by November 2011. Besides oldfashioned talking and messaging, consumers now
use location-based features, such as mapping, checking-in and tagging, which create exciting advertising
opportunities to target specific audiences.
You might consider these questions as you enthusiastically plan your company’s next cutting edge mobileplus campaign.
Will your promotion include free offers, product
health or efficacy claims, restricted offers or kiddirected ads?
Ironically, as the communication technologies and de- General advertising rules such as material terms and
vices compress, the variety of potentially applicable conditions, no unfair or deceptive representations, claim
substantiation and CARU Guidelines still apply.
regulaions expands.
Are your disclosures easily viewable?
Adequacy of disclosure in a mobile medium may turn on
screen features, accompanying animation, distracting
graphics or other dynamic content, run time, font size
and pixel resolution.
Do not expect regulatory sympathy for compliance obstacles posed by shrinking real estate.
Will your campaign encourage word-of-mouth praise
from loyal customers?
If so, make sure you can satisfy substantiation and material connection disclosure requirements for endorsements and testimonials.
Will you offer prizes?
Sweepstakes, games of chance and contests are subject
to often overlapping legal requirements, including gambling and lottery prohibitions, registration requirements
(often with surety bonding) and official rules disclosures.
Requiring an entrant to pay for a text message, give up
do-not-call rights, opt in to a mobile alert database, expend substantial effort, transfer rights to user-generated content or satisfy other conditions may amount to
consideration, requiring a separate free entry method to
avoid a lottery challenge.
In addition, premium text-to-enter sweepstakes that offer nothing of value to MMS entrants other than an entry may be challenged as illegal lotteries even if a free
method is offered.
sion of privacy, or more creative theories like trespass,
stalking and computer fraud.
Informed consent is top priority but notice will not likely
be one-size-fits-all - rather, the nature, frequency and
prominence necessary for adequate notice will turn on
factors such as sensitivity of collected data, its intended
use and disclosure, transparency of collection, and the
collection mechanism, i.e., whether it is automatically
collected or requires affirmative consumer input.
Online boiler-print disclosures will not suffice for multichannel campaigns encouraging immediate and direct
consumer interaction.
Will you collect data from tweens or younger?
Mobile campaigns are equally subject to COPPA Rules,
and if approved, proposed and expansive amendments
will directly and substantially impact mobile, online and
behavioral marketing to kids under 13.
Clearly, an ounce of prevention – awareness of potential
hazards illustrated above – when planning your exciting
multichannel mobile-integrated campaign – is worth a
pound of cure – dollars spent redesigning a campaign,
defending distracting litigation, or implementing PR
damage control.
Do you plan to push text messages to consumers or
encourage them to post promotion-related messages
on their Facebook or MySpace pages?
If so, beware of potential Telephone Consumer Protection Act and Can-Spam claims. Facebook posts by consumers may be treated as your spam and invite litigation.
Acquainting oneself with questions above can reduce legal headaches while optimizing marketing benefits from
these promising new advertising tools.
Susan Tillotson Bunch is an attorney at Thomas & LoCicero PL, Tampa, FL. Reach her at
What consumer data are you collecting, using
and sharing?
Privacy issues are churning as lawmakers rush to appease
constituents who often voice fears of identity theft on
Monday, yet cheerfully blog, tweet or post intimate details of their personal lives on Tuesday.
Interactive campaigns involving data collection, QR code
scavenger hunts, location-based gaming and check-in
incentives could trigger individual or class actions claiming breach of privacy policies, false advertising or invaMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
How to deliver one message to multiple platforms
By Martin Hayward
ew mobile devices hit the market rapidly over
the past year, with more than 120 smartphones
launched from April 2010 to March 2011 alone.
same content – screen sizes, resolution and video support can vary significantly between an iPhone, Android
device or BlackBerry.
As a growing number of consumers demand these powerful devices at their fingertips, marketers are afforded a
tremendous opportunity to reach the right audience at
the right time with the right message.
Therefore a company needs to be cognizant of device demographics when building a mobile site and developing
a mobile marketing campaign.
Not only do marketers, advertisers and Internet retailWith the ability of these devices to display rich media ers need to understand the purchasing behavior of existcontent and detect a precise location, marketers can ing and prospective customers, but also which devices
more accurately reach consumers with high purchase those consumers are using to research their products
intent and increase the odds of them clicking on ads by and services.
deploying a one-on-one marketing experience unique
and relevant to the individual.
In other words, marketing campaigns today should be
supported by new dimensions of consumer data in the
With the diversity of smartphones on the market today, form of device demographics – research that goes bemarketers are faced with the challenge of delivering yond reliance on traditional shopper profiles, purchasing
the same message for a mobile marketing campaign to preferences and spending habits.
multiple platforms.
Device detection can also help marketers in other asDevice demographics
pects of mobile marketing, such as with locationDevices do not all necessarily support the delivery of the based marketing.
This capability can determine the location of the visitor and adjust the response of delivered content, all in
real time.
For example, the content could be an advertisement,
a coupon or a map that shows their current location and other points of interest in relation to their
current position.
Location-based technology combined with device detection will improve target marketing significantly
over the next year and beyond. Advertisers can deploy hyper-local technology to avoid delivering irrelevant content and ads that display incorrectly on
consumers’ devices.
Mobile content delivery
To truly capitalize on device demographics, brands must
be open to reevaluating their mobile content delivery
A one-size-fits-all approach will not work and undoubtedly marketers will have to make technology
changes that redefine how they create campaigns,
as well as how those campaigns are disseminated to
the consumer.
To help deliver optimized content to each device, marketers can benefit from partnering with a content delivery network to create a more engaging mobile experience for the end user.
Advertisers and marketers are clearly recognizing the
benefits of targeting potential customers via mobile.
According to Gartner Research, global mobile advertising revenue will
hit $3.3 billion in
2011, a huge increase from the
$1.6 billion in revenue in 2010.
With an increasing number of advertisers using mobile
display campaigns to reach consumers, tailoring content
delivery by device demographics is almost as important
as the message itself for telling a story and moving consumers through the decision sales funnel.
Leveraging device detection capabilities and location-based capabilities enables marketers to effectively deliver appropriate content that resonates with
consumer preferences.
Consumers benefit from receiving content that is relevant to their spending behaviors, needs and interests.
Martin Hayward is director of marketing at Mirror Image Internet, Tewksbury, MA. Reach him
Five ways to increase engagement, sales and loyalty with mobile
By Jack Philbin
here is no doubt most marketers’ core business
objectives always include increasing engagement,
sales and loyalty to consumers.
wallets than their phones and 91 percent of them keep
their mobile phones within three feet of them 24 hours
a day, seven days a week, according to published reports.
To do so, they are most likely using traditional media To successfully infuse mobile into the marketing mix,
mixes of print, television, radio and email to create con- marketers need to think of it as a horizontal conduit
versations with consumers.
across all marketing channels rather than its own vertical.
But if marketers really want to turn those conversations
into meaningful, ongoing dialogues with audiences, they
need to think about mobile – the most personal communication device that allows brands to build relationships
with consumers and engage in ways other traditional
media cannot.
Today, if deployed at all, mobile is likely a subcategory in
digital, but its impact can reverberate louder if activated
at the nucleus of media activities.
The following are five lessons marketers can implement
to ensure the success of their mobile initiatives and
improve the value of their overall marketing strategy
Mobile wields one-on-one engagement because it is the throughout the customer lifecycle:
device many consumers want to be contacted on. It also
exerts the power of ubiquity.
Do not deploy mobile in a silo. Always add a mobile call
to action (CTA) across all advertising channels.
Many Americans say they would rather be without their
Whether it is for consumers to join a loyalty program or
to take advantage of discounts, distribute a CTA on all
marketers’ media buys.
This can be as simple as including a CTA on print, radio,
TV, out of home and direct mail.
Adding a channel-appropriate CTA such as, “Text SAVE
to 12345 for a 20 percent off coupon,” is simple and effective.
Winning loyalty is both an art and a science. As the
saying goes, it is all about first impressions.
Text messaging is a lot like starting a relationship – marketers have to nurture the relationship in the beginning
and make sure they are not waiting too long to send a
second message after consumers opt in.
If marketers wait too long, they risk losing the relationships, and consumers may think they are spamming them.
The secret: Give them the right content at the right time.
Only use mobile when time, location and interaction Do not send them the same offer just sent through email
matter. Time, location and interaction are essential ele- via text too. Converse with consumers the same way you
prefer communicating.
ments to successful marketing campaigns.
Mobile is all about immediacy.
If marketers need to interact with consumers now,
now means now, not three hours later. Marketers will
also want to make sure they connect with them at the
right time.
Measure and test your mobile campaign. If marketers
are not testing, they are not learning, and if they are not
learning, their brands will be left behind.
Analyzing metrics allows marketers to adjust their CTAs
if they are not working as planned and enable them to
improve the efficiency of their media spend.
Ask yourself: Where consumers will be when they receive
By adding a mobile CTA across traditional chanmessages and engage with brands?
nels, marketers are one step closer to finding their
Engage, do not interrupt. Mobile campaigns must be best use of media spend. Take the next step and comunique to make consumers feel special, after all that is mit to testing at least one new mobile program
this year.
why they opt in to databases.
If they do not feel special, marketers run the risk of
interrupting them.
Jack Philbin is cofounder and president of Vibes, Chicago.
Reach him at
Three best-practice tips for evaluating mobile ad performance
By Bill Dinan
obile advertising has been adopted faster than
other media – including cable television in the
80s and the Internet in the 90s. And while the
channel is still in its relative infancy, it has quickly become a must-have element in the overall marketing mix.
Typically, there is no better way to cut to the chase and
get the information needed to make a purchase decision
than to call the business directly—from your smartphone
where you found the mobile ad.
Even small- to medium-sized businesses are in on it, A mobile advertising strategy can take many forms.
with 80 percent planning to include mobile in their 2012
advertising budgets.
Whether advertisers are utilizing a mobile ad network,
banner ads or in-app ads, they want to know how their
The traction of mobile advertising is ultimately driven by mobile programs are performing so they can monetize.
consumers – they rely on their mobile devices more than
any other piece of technology.
That means employing effective measurement and establishing tangible metrics that are easily understood.
Plus, there is immediacy about mobile that drives higher
response rates, not to mention limited mobile real estate Here are three best practice tips for evaluating mobile
for content.
ad performance:
Know how you want
to measure
More so than other digital channels, mobile offers
the opportunity to
measure and gain additional insight beyond
the click.
relevant leads.
Evaluate your copy and distribution strategy to make
sure there are no gaps in your demographic targeting.
Optimize mobile call details
If you follow the first two best practices, a natural extension to measuring mobile ad performance
is to use mobile call detail to optimize your overall
mobile campaigns.
Clicks offer detail on how a mobile consumer arrived There is no better way to use measurement stats than
to a business, but advertisers should also analyze the to feed them back into the program to improve your
resulting calls.
lead rate.
The primary use of a smartphone is for calling and mobile This starts with a simple and concise measurement tool
consumers are typically ready to purchase, so calls are a that does not overcomplicate the metrics and can clearly
natural next step in the purchase cycle.
display aggregate trending data.
Mobile call tracking is crucial as valuable lead insights One way advertisers can use this data to maximize their
can be gleaned from detailed call data including whether ad spend is to evaluate how the different mobile lead
the call connected, how long it lasted and the demo- sources are performing.
graphic profile of the caller.
Call durations are a lead quality indicator and the longer
Also, do not forget to consider other ROI indicators such a consumer stays on the line, the more likely they are
as direction downloads, QR codes and map views.
to convert.
Focus on your creative content strategy
Advertisers should compare the call durations each moToday, mobile content does not offer the same breadth bile lead source is generating and use that data to optiand depth as traditional or digital creative content so a mize mobile programs for quality leads.
targeted content strategy is key.
As all lead sources are not created equal, performance
You are dealing with smaller screens and the user’s feedback is a key optimization tool to validate the quality
need for immediate gratification, so mobile content of each mobile source being used in the advertising buy.
must walk the fine line of being short but well defined
and targeted.
Capturing and analyzing mobile call details and caller
intelligence is paramount for optimizing mobile ad spend
Content that is too general may not result in quality leads. to drive more leads.
As an example, while attorney calls typically have a lon- Visibility into mobile-driven calls will help advertisers
ger average duration, mobile leads to a specific law firm measure how customers are responding to mobile ads
were generating very short calls.
and inform valuable modifications to reflect specific
trends or keywords.
The problem? Customers were calling about a practice
area not offered by that attorney.
Bill Dinan is president of Telmetrics, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. He can be reached
This is an opportunity to tweak the content for more at
Mobile marketing for the small- to medium-sized business
By Jennifer McCoy
.P. Morgan estimated that mobile ad spend would
top $1.2 billion in 2011. On average, corporations
are allocating approximately 20-30 percent of their
budget towards mobile.
With these types of numbers, how can a local-, small- or
medium-sized business be expected to compete in the
mobile space?
The mobile industry has begun to see commoditization
of available software, which is allowing for extremely
competitive pricing.
And, more free resources for application building are
popping up, allowing users with essentially zero tech
skills to build iPhone, Android, Windows and BlackBerry
apps for next to nothing.
Lastly, the ability to hyper-target mobile banner ads allows businesses to keep their ad budgets low and still
see results.
SMS marketing
The first step for a local business is to determine
what type of mobile advertising will be most effective
for it.
The next step is to look for locally-owned companies
that offer mobile as part of their whole package.
A lot of media companies offer some aspects of mobile – primarily SMS – and because of this, the
past few years have seen dramatic reductions in
price models.
If you are a small business that wants to get into SMS
advertising, look to your local media company.
Most likely you already have an ad rep that you work
with and trust – and they can help you learn as much
about mobile as you can.
From there, negotiating a great price point – usually unMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
der a few hundred a month – can be achieved.
Once you do your research, you can also find online options for less than $100 per month.
Just be sure to look into best practices and use online resources and the mobile community to ensure your campaign is going to be effective and adhere to standards in
the mobile industry.
Mobile apps for less
Mobile apps are all the rage and can be a great extension
of your brand.
First, sit down and consider what you want your app
to do. What is most important? Do you want your customers to be able to shop? Interact with other customers? Review products? The goal should be to get your
app opened as often as possible- constantly reinforcing
your brand.
Finding a purpose to your app, and therefore giving consumers a reason to download and utilize it, is the most
essential step before searching for an app developer.
Make sure they are well-versed in multiple platforms,
and they can build for each operating system.
Also, make sure they understand the rules and regulations
for getting apps approved through the corresponding app
store, be it Apple’s App Store or Google’s Android Market.
Apps can run anywhere from a few hundred to tens of
thousands of dollars, but for a small budget of a couple
thousand dollars your business can absolutely create a
functional and necessary mobile application.
Mobile display advertising
When you read reports of companies paying a
half a million for an interactive iAd - that can be
The good news is: there are a ton of new developers and very intimidating.
new companies out there that are ready to make their
mark. Search for a local developer that is hungry and The truth is that there are options out there for the rest
willing to work with you to get the best product possible. of us.
The more functions, the more expensive.
One of the best options out there is hyperlocal ads offered by Google’s AdMob.
These ads utilize distance information and click-to-call
functionalities to pull in immediate business.
CPC rates for these ads can be as low as $0.40, and
since you can set a budget much like you would with
online banner ads, a business can control all aspects of
their spending.
Mobile will continue to grow – not only as a viable medium – but also as a necessary marketing tool.
Make sure that your business is knowledgeable and ready
to jump in.
Look to local experts to rein in costs and help with strategy and best practices, work with up and coming developers to ensure your budgets stay together, and explore
mobile search and banner options that bring you into the
mobile realm.
Jennifer McCoy is owner of Ballyhoo Mobile Marketing Inc., Jacksonville, FL. Reach her
Case study: Mobile display advertising for B2B engagement
By Marc Keating
e now live in a world that is not only multichannel but also multi-device. That means
that if marketers are looking to reach their
target audiences in an ever fragmented communications
landscape, a contact strategy now has to include all possible channels that a prospect could use to research and
evaluate a brand.
As part of an integrated campaign for Siemens targeting a highly connected C-level audience, mobile marketing was a primary channel to build the brand and reach
prospects as part of a wider Web banner campaign.
The objective behind the Web and mobile banner campaign was to globally announce the repositioning of Siemens IT Solutions and Services as The
Business Technologists.
Siemens wanted to spread the message that it had moved
beyond information technology into a new realm called
business technology.
It is where technology solutions and services are integral to business strategy, making organizations
more effective.
A targeted campaign needed to communicate
to key decision makers such as CEOs and chief
information officers.
Reaching the target
In order to reach the target audiences, Siemens, working with its agency—IAS b2b marketing—selected
key markets: United States, Austria, Britain and Germany to reach high-quality audiences via prominent
technology publications.
Siemens wanted to own the business technology category so it was necessary to make a big impact with
Web banners.
the value the audiences placed on social media channels
such as LinkedIn. It also pointed to the increasing popularity of iPhones and BlackBerrys with chief information
officers and senior IT managers.
The campaign was delivered across a number of different,
growing communication channels. Research uncovered
Based on the research, media plan was developed that
not only took into account the standard online Web site
business technologists from Siemens writing about
IT issues and trends of interest to IT professionals with clear calls to action and links to the Siemens
Web site.
The campaign ran from January–February 2011.
Besides the exclusive banner placement on all of
IDG B2B mobile Web sites and iPhone apps, mobile
banners appeared in mobile advertorial across the
IDG network.
Siemens was also the exclusive launch partner sponsor
of the CIO BlackBerry application.
When the application was loading, a logo and banner appeared on all pages linking to the Siemens
mobile microsite.
Overall, the campaign achieved 7,212 clicks at a clickthrough rate of 0.21 percent.
The click-through rates exceeded the industry average of
0.1 percent for mobile, surpassing all expectations with
click-through rates of 0.30 percent.
Mobile banners over-delivered by 264 percent, amounting to $121,557 in added-value.
The Siemens program won a mobile award from the
Business Marketing Association in the U.S. in 2011.
placements but also utilized newer mobile capabilities.
The Business Technology campaign demonstrated the
power of mobile advertising as part of a combined Web
and print campaign and proved that mobile now has its
place as part of a multichannel strategy that complements PPC, email and direct mail.
Siemens and IAS b2b marketing partnered with IDG to
position Web banners on some of their major, global
With the continuing growth in Web access from mobrand publications such as CIO and ComputerWorld.
bile devices, marketers who ignore mobile will do so at
To achieve maximum exposure, banners ran across pub- their peril.
lication Web sites as well as on their mobile sites, mobile
Marc Keating is head of digital at IAS B2B Marapps and in print magazines.
keting, Bollington, Cheshire, Britain. Reach him
Creative included banners introducing individual at
The power of mobile bar codes
By Laura Marriott
obile has changed the way in which advertisers can and should interact with the consumer.
The mobile device’s personal, always on nature
has changed the dynamic of consumer-brand interaction
for good, moving it away from the interruption-based
model of the past and putting the consumer firmly in the
driving seat.
bar codes to bring interactivity to trade show collateral
and drive traffic to its range of both free and premium
mobile applications.
Kodak has integrated mobile bar codes on shelf talkers
in-store and on the cover of user guides to provide consumers with added value videos, product specifications,
reviews and in the case of the user guide, a range of
It has made engagement all about flexibility and conve- available accessories.
nience – accessing information and services whenever
and wherever the consumer wants, on demand and when Ultimately, if brands can provide the right incentive to
it is relevant to them.
scan and offer consumers value based on convenience,
utility or education then there is a very real expectaAs we can see from the number of mobile bar codes that tion that they can reap impressive rewards from mobile
are popping up all around us, just about anywhere you bar code campaigns.
can think of – on billboards, on-pack, in bars and restaurants, shops, in magazines or on the side of a bus – Couple this with a platform that will enable a positive
mobile bar codes are rapidly emerging as a key means of user experience at each and every scan and deliver realenabling this tailored, interactive engagement.
time measurement that offers insight and the opportunity to further tailor campaigns based on available conFrom providing nutritional information on a cere- sumer data and you have a winning combination that
al packet to cinema listings and trailers from a movie really is taking the mobile marketing and advertising
poster or a buy-one-get-one-free offer in the window world by storm.
of a store, used in the right way – based on value, relevance and a seamless user experience – mobile bar Laura Marriott is board chairwoman and CEO
codes are creating rich media experiences for consumers of NeoMedia Technologies, Atlanta. Reach her
on the go.
By allowing consumers to quickly access content, helpful information and mobile commerce services effortlessly and customizing content delivery and access
according to user location and preferences, brands
are able to create a one-to-one relationship with
the target consumer, boost loyalty and, ultimately,
drive sales.
Bar codes in practice
A recent on-pack campaign has seen more than 500,000
scans in less than three months, delivering far higher click-through or call rates than including a URL
or 1-800 number.
Additionally, hunting retailer Realtree has used mobile
Digital advertising convergence: Is it further away than ever before?
By Dale Carr
hile vast opportunities exist in the mobile advertising space, there still remains a hesitance
to embrace this relatively new medium, in part
due to lack of knowledge as well as a general middle
to late adopter mindset that many corporations adopt
when it comes to new technology.
the potential of mobile advertising and where to focus
their budgets?
The main issue is that this technology convergence has
not translated into a united marketplace for advertisers.
Easy, right?
Let us imagine digital advertising utopia for a minute. I
sell old fashioned widgets and want to boost sales. I do
not care if I advertise on apps, Web, mobile Web, Android, iOS or Windows. I just want sales. In this utopian
Less than 1 percent of global advertising revenue is mo- world, I can go to a single agency or ad network, place
bile related and much of that is being driven from within my ads targeted at certain demographics or keywords
the emerging technology itself.
and voila, in come the leads.
In fact the opposite is true.
Lack of convergence
Google’s decision to separate its mobile Web and application advertising between AdSense and Admob, while
making it easier for traditional Web advertisers to also
target mobile Web, is increasing the fragmentation of
the mobile advertising market by splitting mobile into
apps versus Web.
Unfortunately, 2012 will not herald this one-stopshop approach.
The reality is that advertisers not only have to focus
separately on Web versus mobile Web versus mobile
app, but need different strategies, ad types and creatives
for each.
So will there ever be digital convergence and what do
advertisers do in the mean time?
So is 2012 going to begin to see advertisers being able Perhaps we are expecting a little too much, too soon.
to target all digital mediums from one source? Or, are
traditional advertisers going to continue to struggle with The reality is that mobile technology, and therefore the
advertising possibilities, are developing at
such a fast rate, that
trying to converge all
the digital mediums
today, will be irrelevant tomorrow. And
it is not all bad news.
There are an increasing number of ad networks trying to bridge
this gap of mobile and
Web. How successful
they are at doing this
is debatable, but despite Google’s move,
there are eyes focusing on the prize.
the next few years.
Also, there are groups like ORMMA (Open Rich And if 2012 will still be about apps, beyond that will be
Media Mobile Advertising) trying to standard- about video.
ize rules for rich media so it can be displayed across
While, currently only making up less that 5 percent
multiple platforms.
of total mobile advertising, it is expected to grow
at a faster rate than any other medium and is preAll these are steps towards Digital Utopia.
dicted to occupy over 65 percent of mobile traffic
by 2013.
So in the meantime, where should advertisers focus?
2011 was definitely the year of the app.
Within a few months, app advertising will surpass mobile Web display advertising.
This trend is expected to continue throughout 2012.
With so much choice, advertisers will find it hard to select which medium and technology to go with and while
many formats are still platform specific, the challenge
still remains for them to select where they should allocate their spend.
However, most of this advertising is coming from digital
brands promoting their own apps.
Until the technologies truly converge, the utopia that
we dream of where you create your advertising message
once and run anywhere, will remain a pipe dream.
Also, HTML5 will begin to converge the two mediums
and might make the whole discussion irrelevant within
Dale Carr is CEO of LeadBolt, Sydney, Australia. Reach him
Overcoming mobile’s growing pains
By Joe Laszlo
s a young medium, mobile advertising has huge
promise, but also faces significant growing pains.
With the increasing popularity of smart phones
and mobile applications more advertisers are seeking innovative and engaging ways to take advantage of the
rich capabilities of mobile in-app advertising.
Creating the ads can be complicated and time consuming.
Numerous vendors are offering solutions to enable dynamic mobile rich media ads resulting in multiple, incompatible application programming interfaces.
These incompatible solutions force creative developers to
rewrite the programming behind their ads multiple times
depending on the publishers/apps in the media plan.
A diverse, competitive market is great, leading to rapid innovation in an ever-changing landscape. However, these inefficiencies delay and inhibit marketers
from seizing on the exciting possibilities of mobile rich
media advertising.
If a mobile app is MRAID compliant it will communicate
with, understand and correctly display ads developed using the MRAID instruction set.
Therefore, MRAID-based mobile rich media ads can operate within any MRAID-compliant app, allowing agencies
to quickly and easily run rich, interactive mobile creative
across different publishers working with diverse rich
media enablers.
MRAID 1.0 is a vital first step, simplifying expandable and
interstitial ads, but there is still more work to be done.
The IAB plans to continue to increase MRAID’s scope and
capabilities, reconvening the working group to work on
MRAID 2.0 in the near future.
Even so, MRAID will never be exhaustive, and
should in no way limit innovation or differentiation.
There’s no restriction on rich media vendors and publishers building on top of and extending beyond the foundational capabilities MRAID will establish.
The IAB expects to release the final MRAID 1.0 in late
Simplifying the process
October. With any initiative like MRAID, the obvious
In early 2011, the mobile media industry agreed to come question is “now that we’ve built it, will they come?”
together to simplify the process of developing mobile
rich media creative.
Speaking personally, it has been extremely rewarding
to work on a project with such a broad and supportive
The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Mobile Marketing group of members, who have devoted significant time
Center of Excellence launched a project with members as and expertise to MRAID.
well as others in the ecosystem to develop Mobile Rich
Media Ad Interface Definitions version 1.0, which was Many of the key enablers of mobile rich media advertisreleased for public comment in September.
ing were at the table devising MRAID 1.0, so they are
well aware of the project and its goals.
MRAID defines a common API for mobile rich media ads
running in mobile apps.
Given the clear benefits to both buyers and sellers of
mobile advertising, we expect MRAID will start to gain
In simpler terms, MRAID provides a standardized set of traction in late 2011, accelerating the growth of this excommands, compatible with HTML5 and JavaScript, that citing part of the mobile market.
developers creating mobile rich media ads will use to
communicate what those in-app ads do including ex- Joe Laszlo is deputy director of the Mobile Marketing
pand, resize, and in the future get access to device func- Center of Excellence at the Interactive Advertising Butionalities such as the accelerometer.
reau, New York. Reach him at
Distinguishing marketing from spamming
By Shuli Lowy
s mobile marketing becomes increasingly more
popular, marketing professionals must ask
themselves “Do consumers enjoy getting so
many texts?”
Interacting with consumers via text messages can be extremely beneficial to them—sending desired convenience
information and local relevant discounts, for example.
However, when abused, mobile marketing can be viewed
by the consumer as spam and create a negative brand
experience, even if the consumer has technically optedin to receive messages.
Here are three simple, important guidelines to making
sure your SMS promotions remain friendly marketing
experiences and are not viewed as spam:
To illustrate, a properly introduced SMS promotional
message would read as follows: “Jim’s Coffee House:
Free coffee with purchase of croissant 10-11 AM.”
Only message consumers who have double opted-in to
your database. While a double opt-in request is not legally required, it has been included in the Mobile Marketing Association’s best practices guideline for a reason. Send a healthy and consistent amount of messages to
your database. The general recommendation is to send
Aside from the ethics involved in sending consumers in- four to five messages a month. It is also unhealthy to
formation they do not want, it simply is not effective and leave excessive gaps between messaging your database.
generates negative brand experiences.
If, for any reason, you must put your mobile marketing
If consumers do not want to hear from you on their efforts on hold, be sure to send out at least one message
phones, do not message them. When pushing content to a month to make sure your database does not go stale
out to mobile phones, make sure to preface the message and that consumers continue to connect the receipt of
your messages with their request for them.
with the name of your company.
Content which is not properly introduced is often instantly deleted by consumers who are too busy to read
through the whole message. Worse, consumers may also
see that it is a commercial message and automatically
assume it is spam.
When a message is prefaced by the name of the company, the consumer will remember having double opted-in
and will understand why he/she is receiving the message. This will make the consumer more inclined to read
through it.
Employing these three tips will help increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and decrease the number of
respondents who opt-out.
Remember, a properly structured SMS promotion can be
a wonderful marketing experience for both the consumer
and the brand.
Shuli Lowy is Beverly Hills, CA-based manager of client services and marketing at Ping Mobile. Reach her
Will HTML5 help battle fragmentation in 2012?
By Matevz Klanjsek
s smartphones get smarter and tablet usage is on
the rise, marketers need to realize that consumer
expectations are changing in terms of the types of
advertising experiences they expect.
Rich media can help marketers fulfill consumers’ expectations, if done right. Here are five best practices for rich
media mobile advertising.
Develop clear goals for the campaign. If the goal is brand
building, customer acquisition or brand loyalty, a different number of pages, features and actions should
be used.
For brand building and brand loyalty, funnel ads or ads
with multiple pages are ideal for driving consumer interaction and extending the time users spend with
the brand.
A simple rich media ad with a strong call-to-action is typically most effective in helping to drive
customer acquisition
Determine which formats and features will drive the
desired results.
Consumers want to purchase, research, discuss and interact with brands and their products.
Through expandable ads with video, companies can
provide extra information so users can satisfy their
research goals.
Sharing via social media allows brands to extend their
brand message and make their campaign viral while
enabling a brand dialog.
Gaming encourages users to spend quality time with Create one campaign
brands while playing users are focused and engaged with that can be delivthe brand.
ered across multiple
platforms—includAds based on dynamic content such as location or ing mobile Web, apps
weather, help to provide a personalized, relevant and tablets.
experience with the brand.
HTML5 promises a
Capabilities like tapping, swiping, tilting, shaking and consistent and rich
painting provide a human touch.
user experience across
multiple platforms.
Brands and marketers need to design a consistent expeBuild your ad with a rich media platform to save
rience across multiple platforms.
time and cost. There is a better way of creatThere is no reason why experiences should be different ing your next mobile advertising campaign than
custom coding.
across any of the platforms.
A rich media ad creation platform enables rapid development of advanced rich media mobile ads without any
software coding skills.
When selecting a platform, make sure it optimizes elements for various OS platforms and
device differences.
The advantage is that you can create one ad
and serve it across different platforms and
distribution networks.
The result – ads work flawlessly on all targeted devices
without a lot of testing and optimization.
Track your campaign across multiple properties and
devices with universal reporting.
Effective rich media advertising metrics track users across platforms, enabling brands and agencies to track interaction and conversion throughout
the campaign.
Reports should also include detailed insight into user engagement so you can measure ROI and brand interaction
across the entire campaign.
Matevz Klanjsek is cofounder and chief product officer at
Celtra, Boston. Reach him at
Tips for an effective mobile video advertising strategy
By Matthew Ellsworth
ideo advertising—traditionally television advertising—has always been the focal point in a brand’s
marketing mix, but how has this truism changed
in the digital era and especially in the age of smartphones and the tablet revolution?
quires the attention and strategy in planning to run an
effective mobile video campaign.
The mobile Web continues to yield the largest amount of
consumption, especially unique users. Mobile Web offers
reach but there are creative limitations.
Mobile can be perceived as the connective tissue between all mediums. As social platforms such as Twitter Mobile video must be delivered in a single stream, reand Facebook explode during TV events, marketers need quiring ad content to be stitched against content delivto contemplate new ways of deploying video to leverage ery, which limits video interactivity.
these new media consumption habits.
The need for a coordinated mobile video strategy becomes more
important as users continue to seamlessly weave — often simultaneously
— from TV to online to mobile.
There is much to consider: the technology behind mobile video delivery,
the inherently social nature of mobile video and the different creative
needs for mobile video.
The first step in developing an effective, coordinated video campaign is
to understand the importance of the
accessibility of that video.
In order to deliver scale, mobile video
needs to be aligned with a cross platform approach — not just across onair and online.
Cross platform in mobile splinters into different platforms such
as in-application and mobile Web.
However both need to be covered
to reach the scale that impacts
national brands.
A single platform strategy only chips
away at reach. Each platform reMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
Companion ads served before and after the stream add
measurable interactivity required by advertisers.
community usage from mobile devices.
As these mobile users post links, share content
The app ecosystem, primarily iOS, yields a higher- and tweet, advertisers not participating in moquality and more customized, yet slightly lower reach, bile Web video campaigns against this shared conadvertising experience.
tent will not be rewarded in this active viral sharing
by users.
Mobile video ads can be dynamically inserted in-app
providing greater real-time control over tracking and Creative
creative messaging.
Whether paired with social content, in-app video, or the
mobile Web, great creative remains pivotal to maximizIn addition to dynamic video ad delivery, a fraction of ing overall advertising effectiveness.
devices are able to support HTTP Live Streaming.
It is important to note that the different usage patterns
This protocol allows for adaptive bit-rate stream- of mobile and tablet devices have re-written some rules
ing, which gives the advertiser the ability to provide around creative development.
the highest quality video experience for a device on a
given network.
Mobile ads require new creative—not repurposed TV or
online creative.
Combining mobile Web’s larger reach with the higher engagement in apps is critical for metric-moving When developing the video and companions, advertisbrand advertising.
ers need to consider factors such as the mobile environment, time of use and methods of interaction includBut neither should be overlooked.
ing taps, touches, swipes, originating phone calls, and
text messages.
Even a cursory glance at how users interact with mobile Our research shows that a mobile-optimized clickvideo immediately shows that it is inherently social.
through experience is critical to avoid alienating an
audience that is tapping your message to interact with
Users unlock, share and discover video across all mobile your brand.
and tablet devices.
Another important difference in the mobile space is the
Today’s TV viewer is more socially engaged with his or creative refresh rate needs to be much higher.
her favorite content than ever before.
Freshness and innovation are extremely important to this
Participation via check-ins, audio fingerprinting, tweets, finicky audience who does not want to see the same ad
likes and status updates indicate that users are in- repeated as they consume content.
terested in a two-way dialogue with shows, actors
and talent.
In addition to fresh creative, incorporating research into
mobile video campaigns can provide learning and value
Through various social TV apps, advertisers have the to advertisers as they navigate the ever-changing mobile
ability to capture these users and effectively get their video landscape in real-time.
messaging across through unlocking content, interactive
messaging and more.
Matthew Ellsworth is vice president of marketing for
digital media at NBC Universal, New York. Reach him
Social platforms are experiencing tremendous growth in at
Is Wi-Fi a mobile media channel?
By Gregor Isbister
he last five years has seen a profound change in
mobile. Factors such as higher mobile bandwidth,
competitive data plans and the widespread uptake
of smartphones coupled with applications and optimized
mobile Internet sites based on HTML5 have combined to
create a perfect mobile storm.
initiate mobile experiences via optimized mobile campaign Web sites. The growth of public Wi-Fi networks
deepens these opportunities.
But, the explosion in demand of mobile as a data channel
has, especially in overcrowded metropolitan areas, led to
overcrowding, slower mobile Internet connectivity and a
disappointing user experience.
Increasingly though, Wi-Fi is offered in large metropolitan
areas with big Wi-Fi network owners like Towerstream
that has ubiquitous coverage across all of Manhattan.
When you add a mobile media layer to this connectivity
what you get is a powerful marketing channel.
Monetizing mobile Wi-Fi traffic
The beauty of advertising over Wi-Fi is the connection
speed. At 54mbs it is the quickest mobile delivery chanMoreover, the medium is reaching maturity as brands nel and as such allows the delivery of rich media and
and agencies are increasingly aware of its unique prop- applications which are larger than the normal mobile
erties, not least how it can help their consumers engage Internet files sizes. No more need for developers to keep
and interact with them, spontaneously, wherever they their file sizes below 20 MB.
are, whenever they want to.
Not only can Wi-Fi deliver at record speeds but it is also
This spontaneity coupled with unique mobile targeting targeted on true location meaning brands can use the
properties such as time, location, handset type and pub- channel to deliver campaigns based on geo-targeting.
lisher has led some advertisers to elevate mobile to the This might be a business lounge at an airport or other
central plank of their marketing strategy.
venue where the audience is quite clearly segmented.
Is 4G going to change things?
Inevitably all mobile networks will upgrade to 4G.
With Towerstream, for example, the user journey starts
with an interstitial advertising page as part of the signup process. Click the advert and view a page of promoted
applications, click and download.
This new bandwidth provides a reported four times faster connection speed but the sheer number of projected
smartphone handset sales will see network demand rise
to more than 27 times the level of what we are seeing App distribution then is a key part of the commercial
today and this is set to keep on rising.
model for the mobile layer over Wi-Fi and using it as a
distribution channel allows brands to deliver and track
More wireless carriers are rolling back their all-you-can- application downloads, fingerprint installations and proeat data tariffs, preferring instead to cap usage at pre- duce meaningful reporting and campaign optimizations
agreed limits. As a consequence of this, Wi-Fi has grown based on this fine-grained data.
in importance as it represents a convenient hand-off to
overstretched mobile networks and mobile users are al- As smartphone and tablet usage takes off against overready habituated to connecting to Wi-Fi at home or in stretched mobile networks, it is Wi-Fi that offers the optheir work place.
portunity to marketers to maintain and build engagement with consumers.
A growing number of advertisers are seeing an opportunity to use Wi-Fi as a new and faster mobile media chan- Gregor Isbister is CEO of BlisMobile, London. Reach him
nel to advertise applications, rich media products or even at
To app or not to app: That is the question
By Dave Schwartz
s is the case with any new medium, applications
have their champions and their detractors. Some
would argue that apps are the ultimate marketing
weapon. Others are convinced that apps are a waste of
money and do not yield consistent results.
They are both right. And they are both wrong.
I would argue that it is because so many marketers are
building bad apps. There are a lot of bad branded apps
on the store.
And unlike bad commercials, you cannot pay to make
the apps run again and again in the hopes that someone
starts using it.
Saying apps are good or bad is like saying television It is only natural that there would be so much bad
commercials are good or bad. Apps are simply a medium. work out there. Four years ago, apps did not exist as a
creative medium.
How they are used is what is critical. The question should
not be, “do we need an app?” The question should be, Today, marketers, strategists, creatives and developers
“what problem could we use an app to solve, and what is are only just starting to realize the true potential of mothe best use of mobile to do that?”
bile as a marketing tool.
Apps are currently being downloaded by the millions ev- Here are five of the biggest reasons apps fail.
ery day. Clearly, people continue to find new reasons to
return the Apple App Store – or the Android Marketplace. Failing to provide value – Whether branded or not, it is
essential for apps to provide a level of value to the user
So if that is the case, why did EffectiveUI recently state for it to be adopted into their everyday lives. A good crethat 70 percent of brands are dismissing mobile apps as ative brain thrives on weaving brand strategy together
a part of their brand strategy?
with an engaging experience.
Do: Let your creative partners imagine a new way to deliver on your brand’s values. Do not: simply offer an app
version of the company’s Web site.
to piggyback off the popularity of proven successful categories. However, it is a huge risk to try and recreate a
branded version of an already successful app.
Not building to the strengths of the OS – Apps should
be geo-aware. They should use the camera. They should
capture video. They should connect to social media. They
should be a touch-based experience that invites a consumer to tap and swipe and play.
In cases where you really want to do so, first consider a much simpler solution: buy them and re-skin
the technology.
Joining an overcrowded category – It is natural to want
The result: a poorly functioning app. Nearly 70 percent of
users say that a negative app experience casts a negative
halo over the brand
Skimping on testing to meet a deadline – It is impossible to stress how essential the beta-testing process is
You should be able to shake them, or rotate them, or flip to app development.
them on their side.
Brands spend countless dollars and man hours compiling
You have got to train your brain to think in these new content, mulling over design, but then skip over testing
dimensions if you want your app to be successful.
to meet a deadline.
Rushing into development – The old adage of
measure twice and cut once is incredibly true in
software development.
Just because a designer has comped up some beautiful screens does not mean that an app has been
thought through.
Illogical user flow or a confusing user interface can kill
a great concept.
The numbers in favor of mobile apps are indisputably strong with over 425,000 apps in the App
Store to date, and the market for apps anticipated
to pass $15.1 billion by the end of 2012, according
to Gartner.
It is time for brands, advertisers and marketers to
truly embrace apps as the creative medium that
they are.
There is gold in them hills. Here is to the ones who are
learning how to mine for it.
Dave Swartz is cofounder and chief creative officer of Medl Mobile, Los Angeles. Reach him
Consumers eager for hyper-relevant location-triggered messages
By Patrick Moorhead
n digital marketing, context has played a pivotal role using the phone as a lens through which to organize the
in both how ad media is purchased and also how dy- digital world around them is emerging as a dominant
namic creative messages are created and delivered.
consumer attitude, particularly as smartphones further
penetrate the market.
Increasingly, location is becoming the primary context
within which advertisers are connecting with consumers. As part of our continued effort at Draftfcb to explore and
master this consumer attitude, and the mobile-based loThe mobile device is to the consumer as much a location- cation services designed to facilitate it, we took advantage of a unique pilot program earlier this year.
awareness device as it is a computer or a phone.
The little blue dot in the center of the map is the new
digital representation of me, and the mobile device increasingly serves to organize a vast sea of digital information through the filter of me, right here in this place,
and right now at this moment.
Me. Here. Now.
The so-called “Me. Here. Now.” world view of consumers
Location, location, location
AT&T partnered with location-based mobile marketing
platform Placecast to offer consumers ShopAlerts, which
consisted of messages, offers, rewards or coupons sent
to their mobile phones when they were near a store or
brand via a technology called geo-fencing.
The location-based mobile messaging service was tested
from April 3 through June 4, 2011, among AT&T custom- fence. The minimum time interval was two days between
ers in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco messages received.
who opted in to receive messages.
We polled consumers who opted in to the ShopAlerts
The pilot included eight major marketers, including four among our four clients after the program ended, and we
Draftfcb clients. We also conducted a post-test survey got some stunning results. With a nearly 100 percent
among consumers who engaged with ShopAlerts offered open rate on the alerts, 50 percent of consumers who
by the four marketers to determine consumer prefer- opted in to receive messages from the brands wanted
ences and attitudes.
more information. We even found in some cases there
was a 22-25 percent purchase conversion on some of
Each of the ShopAlert participants had different business the offers.
challenges ranging from pure coupon delivery scanable
from the phone screen at the register, to more broadly We believe this test, and the strong survey data resulting
defined brand awareness objectives. Our goal was to try from it, are clear indications that consumers are eager
and determine if the geo-triggered messages would work for the hyper-relevancy that location-triggered messagbeyond pure offer delivery and redemption, to influence es can deliver, and that location is truly the new context
other key marketing objectives.
for digital marketing.
Consumers who opted in for the ShopAlerts received a
maximum of three messages per week from three different brands based on their proximity to the brand’s geoMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
Patrick Moorhead is senior vice president and group management director of mobile platforms at Draftfcb, New
York. Reach him at
Staying ahead of the changing mobile video advertising market
By Paul Bremer
he number of people watching mobile video continues to rapidly grow. In the second quarter of
2011, full episode video consumption for Rhythm’s
premium media partners increased 200 percent.
By 2012, half of all Americans will be reachable through
mobile video advertising. This growth is fueled by more
mobile usage and an increase in ad supported video
content. Further, mobile video capabilities are growing
and expanding.
ner video. This unique ad plays video automatically in a
non-expanded banner, enticing the viewer to tap. Once
the viewer taps, the ad expands seamlessly while the
video re-starts with audio, allowing viewers to watch
the entire video in a more robust experience. This type
of ad fosters additional post-tap interaction through
customizable buttons.
Finally, the tap-to video ad unit offers consumer the
choice of experiencing a video ad. Any display ad can tap
to a full screen video ad.
As more content providers move to mobile, video ad inventory continues to grow exponentially. But not all in- Understanding the characteristics of the various units
ventory is created equal, video ads running in unnatural will help marketers accomplish desired outcomes and
craft the most effective mobile video advertising camlocations hurt the overall experience.
paigns possible.
Premium publisher content provides a trusted association for brand advertisers. Video ads within premium Mobile is moving fast and industry knowledge about best
video content provide a fair value exchange for viewers practices continues to evolve. At Rhythm, we have emwho expect to watch an ad in order to access content. ployed tactics that improve mobile advertising programs.
Advertisers should be wary of mobile video inventory For example, campaigns with social media goals should
while remembering that, like other mediums, premium utilize full-page ads, they see a 57 percent higher CTR
when including social media options.
video content reigns supreme.
Much like online, the in-stream video ad unit is the premiere advertising option in mobile. These units appear
within the video experience- directly before videos clips
or as a commercial break in full episodes.
These highly immersive ads have an average completion
rate of 87 percent or higher across Rhythm’s partners.
These ads are often interactive with call-to-action buttons, giving options to engaged consumers.
Another unit, interactive pre-roll video/interstitial
video/pre-app video, is called by many names in the
industry. These ads appear outside of the video experience- at app launch or between game levels, for example. Because this ad can appear in numerous placements and in any type of app, there is more supply than
in-stream video.
A new and exciting type of mobile unit is the in-banMobile Marketer CLASSIC GUIDE TO MOBILE ADVERTISING
Additionally, combining video with display or rich media
increases consumer engagement. Banner and full-page
ads experience a 45-50 percent increase in CTR when
paired with in-stream video. As in any medium, it is important that advertisers demand transparency and know
where mobile ads run, in order to maintain control over
your brand.
It is an exciting time to be in mobile as more content
providers and advertisers seek to reach the increasingly
wireless consumer.
Mobile video advertising is one of the fastest growing
and best branding mediums ever. I am excited to see
what the future has in store.
Paul Bremer is chief revenue officer
Rhythm NewMedia, New York. Reach him
Beyond show and tell: The rise of mobile marketing and advertising
By Kevin McGuire
he search for ever-more compelling ways to market
goods and services is nearly as old as civilization
itself. From papyrus posters in ancient Rome to the
first newspaper advertising in London in the 1600s to
the inaugural radio spot on WEAF in New York in 1922,
innovative marketers have always been quick to exploit
new forms of communication in their quest to reach the
buying public.
More recent technology advances have given rise to new
kinds of marketing, such as television commercials and
digital advertising. But if the media mix has changed over
time, the goal remains the same: to engage the minds of
potential customers in the most unforgettable way possible in order to inspire them to take action.
Now, with the rise of mobile marketing and advertising,
we’re witnessing the birth of the most effective business-to-consumer marketing channel ever conceived.
Although it only accounts for a few percentage points of
ad spending today, by 2015, it will be a dominant part of
the marketing mix for most advertisers.
Ben Franklin
This may sound like a big claim for a medium that is
very much in its infancy, but to understand what makes
mobile so powerful, it helps to turn to Benjamin Franklin.
One of history’s great media and marketing minds—the
very first magazine ad appeared in his General Magazine in 1741—he’s often credited with a quote that captures the fundamental difference between messages that
flicker briefly across our consciousness and those that
stick in our brains forever.
Mobile marketing and advertising is different.
“Tell me and I’ll forget,” wrote Franklin. “Show me and I
may remember. Involve me and I’ll understand.”
A growing body of research shows that the types of digital activities that people engage in when they pick up
a mobile phone activate the brain in ways that traditional marketing channels can never replicate. And from
making a call to sending a text, searching for a location,
checking a score, or tweeting, mobile is inherently interactive, personal, and involved.
From papyrus to print to broadcast, marketers have always engaged in a lot of telling and accepted a lot of
forgetting in hopes of achieving just a little showing
and remembering.
This makes mobile the holy grail of marketing—an advertising medium that lights up people’s brains by enabling
them to interact, solve problems, and generate the kind
of positive emotions that are created when people con-
nect to one another. And that is just part of the power of
mobile marketing.
Spray and pray
In the past, marketers have targeted consumers by casting a wide net and hoping that a small handful of the
right customers will pass a certain location, pick up a
specific publication, or turn on a particular broadcast or
digital experience.
In contrast, mobile offers the opportunity to deliver messages that are customized to individual preferences and
served up at a time when potential customers who are
most likely to act are engaged in an activity that makes
them most likely to respond.
The result is a marketing medium that is already enabling
today’s most innovative marketers to deliver highly relevant, deeply interactive experiences that are based on
people’s interests, location, and the device they have in
their hand.
But this is truly just the beginning. Soon, we’ll see a
new generation of immersive mobile marketing and
advertising campaigns that reflect people’s aspirations
and tap into the fundamental human desire to build
social connections.
These experiences will create a level of engagement and
involvement with brands that will make the showing
and telling we have relied on up to now seem like ancient history. And they will make the forgetting that we
used to accept as the cost of doing business a thing of
the past.
Kevin McGuire is vice president of product at Motricity, Bellevue, WA. Reach him at