ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL FINAL PROGRAMME Chairman: Massimo SANTINI Co-Chairmen: Renato P. RICCI, Claudio PANdozI www.pacing2014.com ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL Chairman: Massimo SANTINI Co-Chairmen: Renato P. RICCI, Claudio PANdozI UNDER THE AUSPICES OF 2014 4 2014 Pag. Acknowledgements 6 FAculty 8 timetAble 15 scientiFic ProgrAmme tuesday, december 2 26 wednesday, december 3 68 thursday, december 4 111 Friday, december 5 154 wednesday, december 3 171 thursday, december 4 181 scientiFic And generAl inFormAtion scientific information 192 general information 195 congress venue And exhibition FloorPlAn 200 exhibition guide 203 index oF chAirmen And Authors 221 5 CONTENTS Poster sessions 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Organizers express their gratitude to the following Companies, which have generously contributed to the best success of the XVI International Symposium on Progress in Clinical Pacing. PrincipalSponsor MajorSponsors 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2014 Sponsors 7 FACULTY 2014 H. Abdeddayem (Tunis, Tunisia) A. Abdel-Aziz (Cairo, Egypt) H. Abe (Kitakyushu, Japan) B. Abi-Saleh (Beirut, Lebanon) K. Adalet (Istanbul, Turkey) P. Adragao (Carnaxide, Portugal) P.M.G. Agricola (Crema-CR, Italy) T. Agricola (Pescara, Italy) L. Aguinaga (Buenos Aires, Argentina) A. Aiello (Rome, Italy) C. Akdeniz (Istanbul, Turkey) A. Al Fagih (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) Y. Al Hebaishi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) A.M. Al Musaad (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) J.P. Albenque (Toulouse, France) E. Aliot (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France) S. Alkaabi (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) A.S. Al-Khadra (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) J. Almendral Garrote (Madrid, Spain) G. Al-Mohani (Rome, Italy) N. Al-Rawahi (Muscat, Oman) E.U. Alt (Houston-TX, USA) G. Altamura (Rome, Italy) V. Altamura (Rome, Italy) M. Alvarez (Granada, Spain) C. Amellone (Ciriè-TO, Italy) F. Ammirati (Rome, Italy) K. Ando (Kitakyushu, Japan) F. Andreotti (Rome, Italy) D. Andresen (Berlin, Germany) G. Andrikopoulos (Athens, Greece) G. Ansalone (Rome, Italy) F. Anselme (Rouen, France) K. Aonuma (Tsukuba, Japan) S. Aquilani (Rome, Italy) O. Aquilina (Msida, Malta) A. Ardashev (Moscow, Russian Federation) G. Arena (Massa, Italy) A. Arenal-Maiz (Madrid, Spain) F. Arribas (Madrid, Spain) N. Asaad (Doha, Qatar) N. Aspromonte (Rome, Italy) A. Auriti (Rome, Italy) H. Baccar (Sfax, Tunisia) Y. Badaineh (Amman, Jordan) H.K. Bali (Chandigarh, India) D. Bänsch (Rostock, Germany) G. Barbato (Bologna, Italy) N. Basterra Sola (Pamplona, Spain) W.R. Bauer (Wuerzburg, Germany) F. Bedogni (Milan, Italy) 8 F. Bello Morgado (Lisbon, Portugal) F. Bellocci (Rome, Italy) F. Belloni (Rome, Italy) G. Bencsik (Szeged, Hungary) D.G. Benditt (Minneapolis-MN, USA) H. Benkemoun (Saint Cyprien, France) S. Benussi (Milan, Italy) O. Berenfeld (Ann Arbor-MI, USA) A. Berkowitsch (Bad Nauheim, Germany) M. Bernabei (Lancaster-PA, USA) A. Berni (Rome, Italy) M. Bertaglia (Mirano-VE, Italy) S. Berti (Massa, Italy) F. Bianchi (Turin, Italy) S. Bianchi (Rome, Italy) L. Bianconi (Rome, Italy) A. Biffi (Rome, Italy) M. Biffi (Bologna, Italy) L. Binner (Ulm, Germany) G. Bisignani (Castrovillari-CS, Italy) J.J. Blanc (Brest, France) P.E. Bloch-Thomsen (Aalborg, Denmark) C. Blomstrom Lundqvist (Uppsala, Sweden) M. Bocchiardo (Pietra Ligure-SV, Italy) L.V. Boersma (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands) F. Bokhari (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) M.G. Bongiorni (Pisa, Italy) H. Bonnemeier (Kiel, Germany) A. Bonso (Feltre-BL, Italy) L. Bontempi (Brescia, Italy) J. Borbola (Budapest, Hungary) G. Boriani (Bologna, Italy) A. Borrelli (Rome, Italy) F. Borrello (Catanzaro, Italy) E. Boschetti (Terni, Italy) G.L. Botto (Como, Italy) N. Bottoni (Reggio Emilia, Italy) J. Brachmann (Coburg, Germany) F.A. Bracke (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) A. Braghiroli (Veruno-NO, Italy) A. Brandes (Odense, Denmark) F. Briand (Besançon, France) M. Brieda (Pordenone, Italy) M. Brignole (Lavagna-GE, Italy) A. Buiatti (Munich, Germany) A. Bulava (České Budějovice, Czech Republic) N. Cabanelas (Coimbra, Portugal) G. Calcagnini (Rome, Italy) L. Calò (Rome, Italy) V.I. Calvi (Catania, Italy) A. Campana (Salerno, Italy) F. Del Carpio (La Crosse-WI, USA) M. Del Greco (Rovereto-TN, Italy) P. Della Bella (Milan, Italy) A. Dello Russo (Milan, Italy) P.P. Delnoy (Zwolle, The Netherlands) T. Deneke (Bad Neustadt, Germany) P. Derpytis (Vilnius, Lithuania) L. Di Biase (Austin-TX, USA) S.A. Di Fusco (Rome, Italy) G. Di Pasquale (Bologna, Italy) T. Dickfeld (Baltimore-MD, USA) P. Diotallevi (Alessandria, Italy) M. Disertori (Trento, Italy) P. Donateo (Lavagna-GE, Italy) A. D’Onofrio (Naples, Italy) A. D’Urso (Rome, Italy) F. Drago (Rome, Italy) V. Ducceschi (Vallo Lucania-SA, Italy) F. Duru (Zurich, Switzerland) M. Duytschaever (Gent, Belgium) S.K. Dwivedi (Lucknow, India) N. El Sherif (New York-NY, USA) B. Elencwajg (Buenos Aires, Argentina) C. Ermis (Antalya, Turkey) N.A.M. Estes III (Boston-MA, USA) S. Faerestrand (Bergen, Norway) A.S. Fak (Istanbul, Turkey) G.M. Fassini (Milan, Italy) M. Faustino (Pescara, Italy) S. Favale (Bari, Italy) F. Fedele (Rome, Italy) S. Fichtner (Munich, Germany) S. Ficili (Rome, Italy) J.D. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) S. Foresti (Milan, Italy) G.B. Forleo (Rome, Italy) N. Fragakis (Thessaloniki, Greece) P. Francia (Rome, Italy) M. Frigerio (Milan, Italy) P. Fumero Lessmann (Caracas, Venezuela) F. Gadler (Stockholm, Sweden) F. Gaita (Turin, Italy) A. Galassi (Catania, Italy) M. Galeazzi (Rome, Italy) M. Gallagher (London, UK) A. Ganguly (Durgapur, India) T. Gaspar (Leipzig, Germany) A. Gaspardone (Rome, Italy) M. Gasparini (Milan, Italy) J.C. Geller (Bad Berka, Germany) G.F. Gensini (Florence, Italy) G. Campisi (Ragusa, Italy) I. Can (Ankara, Turkey) R. Cappato (Milan, Italy) A. Capucci (Ancona, Italy) F. Caravati (Varese, Italy) C. Carbucicchio (Milan, Italy) M.D. Carlson (Sylmar-CA, USA) G. Carreras (Terni, Italy) E. Casali (Modena, Italy) A. Casini (Milan, Italy) S. Castelletti (London, UK) A. Castro (Rome, Italy) D. Catanzariti (Rovereto-TN, Italy) E. Celentano (Bari, Italy) F. Censi (Rome, Italy) N. Chadha (Faridabad, India) S. Chandra (New Delhi, India) M. Chauvin (Strasbourg, France) K. Chen (Beijing, Republic of China) G.B. Chierchia (Brussels, Belgium) R. Choudhury (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) M. Chudzik (Lodz, Poland) K.R.J. Chun (Frankfurt, Germany) C. Cianfrocca (Rome, Italy) R. Ciudin (Bucharest, Romania) J. Clementy (Bordeaux, France) C.R. Cole (Colorado Springs-CO, USA) F. Colivicchi (Rome, Italy) N. Combes (Toulose, France) G. Corbucci (Milan, Italy) J. Cosedis Nielsen (Skejby, Denmark) F. Crea (Rome, Italy) E. Crystal (Toronto-ON, Canada) A. Curcio (Catanzaro, Italy) A. Curnis (Brescia, Italy) M. Czajkowski (Lublin, Poland) C. D’Agostino (Bari, Italy) K. Dagriri (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) P. Danna (Milan, Italy) J.C. Daubert (Rennes, France) D.W. Davies (London, UK) C. De Asmundis (Brussels, Belgium) C. De Chillou (Nancy, France) P. De Filippo (Bergamo, Italy) G. De Martino (Bari, Italy) R. De Ponti (Varese, Italy) E. De Ruvo (Rome, Italy) F. De Seta (Rome, Italy) A. De Simone (Maddaloni-CE, Italy) P. Defaye (Grenoble, France) J.C. Deharo (Marseille, France) 9 FACULTY 2014 FACULTY 2014 F. Giada (Mestre-VE, Italy) L. Gianfranchi (Ferrara, Italy) G. Giannola (Cefalù-PA, Italy) A. Giardina (Cagliari, Italy) U. Giordano (Palermo, Italy) K. Girotra (Fontainbleu, France) C. Giustetto (Turin, Italy) P.G. Golzio (Turin, Italy) A. Gopi (Calicut, India) B. Gorenek (Eskisehir, Turkey) A. Grace (Cambridge, UK) L. Gramegna (Trento, Italy) A. Granatelli (Rome, Italy) D. Gras (Nantes, France) C. Grasso (Catania, Italy) M. Grimaldi (Acquaviva delle Fonti-BA, Italy) E.G. Gronda (Milan, Italy) S. Grossi (Turin, Italy) A. Guaricci (Foggia, Italy) F. Guarracini (Milan, Italy) J.M. Guerra Ramos (Barcelona, Spain) M. Gulizia (Catania, Italy) R. Gupta (New Delhi, India) M. Gwechenberger (Vienna, Austria) A. Hamaad (Walsall, UK) R. Hatala (Bratislava, Slovakia) M. Hayashi (Tokyo, Japan) A. Hersi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) G. Hindricks (Leipzig, Germany) K. Hirao (Tokyo, Japan) E. Hoffmann (Munich, Germany) M.M. Hossain (Dhaka, Bangladesh) W. Hua (Beijing, Republic of China) D. Huang (Chengdu, Republic of China) S. Iacopino (Bari, Italy) D. Igidbashian (Gorizia, Italy) S. Ikeguchi (Moriyama City, Japan) K. Imai (Hiroshima, Japan) G. Inama (Cremona, Italy) D. Irini (Rome, Italy) T. Ishikawa (Yokohama, Japan) C.W. Israel (Frankfurt, Germany) E. Ivanitskiy (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation) J.W.E. Jarman (London, UK) C. Jazra (Beirut, Lebanon) D.K. Jhamb (New Delhi, India) L.J.L.M. Jordaens (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) W. Jung (Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany) R.A. Kaba (Chertsey, UK) N. Kadri (Amman, Jordan) 10 A. Kapoor (Lucknow, India) T. Karagoz (Ankara, Turkey) C. Karmelic Serrano (Santiago, Chile) J. Kautzner (Prague, Czech Republic) R. Keegan (Bahia Blanca, Argentina) C. Kennergren (Goteborg, Sweden) U. Khanolkar (Goa, India) M. Khoury (Beirut, Lebanon) T. Klingenheben (Bonn, Germany) A. Kloppe (Bochum, Germany) S. Klugmann (Milan, Italy) R.E. Knops (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Y. Kobayashi (Tokyo, Japan) J. Kobe (Munster, Germany) B. Köktürk (Köln, Germany) A. Kol (Rome, Italy) C. Kolb (Munich, Germany) S. Koulouris (Bayreuth, Germany) J. Koyama (Kumamoto City, Japan) M. Kuniss (Bad Nauheim, Germany) A. Kutarski (Lublin, Poland) V. Kuznetsov (Tyumen, Russian Federation) M. La Meir (Maastricht, The Netherlands) M.T. La Rovere (Montescano-PV, Italy) F. Lamberti (Rome, Italy) M. Landolina (Pavia, Italy) F. Laurenzi (Rome, Italy) C. Lavalle (Rome, Italy) M. Lawrance Jesuraj (Coimbatore, India) J.Y. Le Heuzey (Paris, France) B. Lemke (Luedenscheid, Germany) M. Lettino (Milan, Italy) S. Levy (Marseille, France) T. Lewalter (Munich, Germany) F. Leyva (Birmingham, UK) H. Li (Beijing, Republic of China) D. Liao (Shanghai, Republic of China) D. Lin (Philadelphia-PA, USA) X. Liu (Beijing, Republic of China) T.C.A. Lobban (Stratford Upon Avon, UK) E.T. Locati (Milan, Italy) M. Lovrić Benčić (Zagreb, Croatia) A. Lubiński (Lodz, Poland) R. Luise (L’Aquila, Italy) M. Lunati (Milan, Italy) A. Lupo (Mirano-VE, Italy) M. Luzi (Ancona, Italy) G. Luzzi (Bari, Italy) P. Mabo (Rennes, France) G. Maccabelli (Milan, Italy) A. Maciag (Warsaw, Poland) L. Macle (Montreal, Canada) M. Magdi (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) G. Magenta (Milan, Italy) A.P. Maggioni (Florence, Italy) G. Maglia (Catanzaro, Italy) G. Magliano (Rome, Italy) B. Malecka (Krakow, Poland) M.N. Mamedov (Moscow, Russian Federation) T. Manaka (Tokyo, Japan) P.C. Mandal (Kolkatta, India) H. Mansour (Beirut, Lebanon) M. Mantica (Milan, Italy) R. Mantovan (Cesena-FC, Italy) B. Mariconti (Cesate-MI, Italy) M. Marini (Trento, Italy) M.F. Márquez Murillo (Mexico City, Mexico) C. Marquié (Lille, France) N.F. Marrouche (Salt Lake City-UT, USA) D.T. Martin (Burlington-MA, USA) M. Martinek (Innsbruck, Austria) G. Mascioli (Bergamo, Italy) K. Matsumoto (Saitama, Japan) S. Matsuo (Tokyo, Japan) P. Mazzone (Milan, Italy) A. Meijer (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) M. Meine (Utrecht, The Netherlands) F. Melandri (Sassuolo-MO, Italy) J. Melichercik (Lahr, Germany) E. Menardi (Cuneo, Italy) J. Michaelsen (Lingen, Germany) A. Michelucci (Florence, Italy) E. Mikhaylov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) G. Milasinovic (Belgrade, Serbia) A. Mishra (Shillong, India) P. Mitkowski (Poznan, Poland) D. Mocini (Rome, Italy) L.G. Molina (Mexico City, Mexico) G. Molon (Negrar-VR, Italy) M. Moltrasio (Milan, Italy) L. Mont (Barcelona, Spain) A.S. Montenero (Sesto S. Giovanni-MI, Italy) R. Moosdorf (Marburg, Germany) J.M. Morgan (Southampton, UK) C. Moro Serrano (Madrid, Spain) F.M. Moscoso Costa (Lisbon, Portugal) C. Muto (Naples, Italy) F. Naccarella (Bologna, Italy) T. Nakai (Tokyo, Japan) H. Nakajima (Tokyo, Japan) Y. Nakano (Hiroshima, Japan) Y. Nakazato (Tokyo, Japan) K.K.N. Namboodiri (Thiruvananthapuram, India) S. Nardi (Castel Volturno-CE, Italy) R. Nayak (Thodupuzha, India) N. Neminushiy (Moscow, Russian Federation) G. Neri (Montebelluna-TV, Italy) T. Neumann (Bad Nauheim, Germany) P. Neužil (Prague, Czech Republic) V. Nissardi (Cagliari, Italy) T. Nitta (Tokyo, Japan) A. Nogami (Tsukuba, Japan) P. Notarstefano (Arezzo, Italy) E. Occhetta (Novara, Italy) D. O’Donnell (Melbourne, Australia) K. Okishige (Yokohama, Japan) K. Okumura (Hirosaki, Japan) M. Oliveira (Lisbon, Portugal) S. Orazi (Rieti, Italy) O. Oseroff (Buenos Aires, Argentina) A. Oto (Ankara, Turkey) L. Ottaviano (Milan, Italy) B. Ozin (Ankara, Turkey) D.L. Packer (Rochester-MN, USA) L. Padeletti (Florence, Italy) E.C. Palma (New York-NY, USA) P. Palmisano (Tricase-LE, Italy) L. Pandolfo (Rome, Italy) A. Pandozi (Rome, Italy) C. Pandozi (Rome, Italy) L.P. Papavasileiou (Athens, Greece) A. Pappalardo (Rome, Italy) S. Paraskevaidis (Thessaloniki, Greece) Q. Parisi (Campobasso, Italy) V. Pasceri (Rome, Italy) J.L. Pasquié (Montpellier, France) G. Pastore (Rovigo, Italy) M. Patete Ayala (Caracas, Venezuela) R. Patrizi (Rome, Italy) G. Patti (Rome, Italy) D. Pecora (Brescia, Italy) R.F.E. Pedretti (Tradate-VA, Italy) G. Pelargonio (Rome, Italy) F. Pelliccia (Rome, Italy) G.B. Perego (Milan, Italy) T. Pezawas (Vienna, Austria) B. Pezzulich (Turin, Italy) M. Piacenti (Pisa, Italy) E. Picano (Pisa, Italy) G. Piccirillo (Rome, Italy) 11 FACULTY 2014 FACULTY 2014 P. Pieragnoli (Florence, Italy) C. Pignalberi (Rome, Italy) R. Piotrowicz (Warsaw, Poland) B. Pironi (Rome, Italy) E.C.L. Pisanò (Lecce, Italy) F. Piscione (Salerno, Italy) E. Pokushalov (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) A. Polewczyk (Kielce, Poland) D. Porcelli (Rome, Italy) S. Porcellini (Paderno Dugnano-MI, Italy) D. Potenza (S. Giovanni Rotondo-FG, Italy) C. Pratola (Ferrara, Italy) C. Pristipino (Rome, Italy) A. Proclemer (Udine, Italy) F. Quartieri (Reggio Emilia, Italy) A. Quesada (Valencia, Spain) V. Radeljič (Zagreb, Croatia) K. Rajappan (Oxford, UK) A. Rapacciuolo (Naples, Italy) L. Rapallini (Mounds View-MN, USA) A. Raviele (Mestre-VE, Italy) M. Rebecchi (Rome, Italy) A.S. Revishvili (Moscow, Russian Federation) R.P. Ricci (Rome, Italy) D. Ricciardi (Rome, Italy) S. Rigattieri (Rome, Italy) M. Rillo (Taranto, Italy) C.A. Rinaldi (London, UK) P. Ritter (Bordeaux, France) G. Rodriguez Diez (Mexico City, Mexico) H. Rodriguez Reyes (Aguascalientes, Mexico) A. Roguin (Haifa, Israel) V. Romano (Rome, Italy) A. Romanov (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) F. Romeo (Rome, Italy) A. Rónaszéki (Nice, France) R. Rordorf (Pavia, Italy) M. Roser (Berlin, Germany) P. Rossi (Rome, Italy) A. Rossillo (Mestre-VE, Italy) G. Rovaris (Monza-MI, Italy) E. Rowland (London, UK) G. Russo (Como, Italy) M. Russo (Rome, Italy) V. Russo (Taranto, Italy) H. Sabbour (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) F. Sacher (Bordeaux, France) S. Sack (Munich, Germany) A. Sagone (Milan, Italy) T. Samsel (Minneapolis-MN, USA) 12 T. Sanna (Rome, Italy) M. Santamaria (Campobasso, Italy) L. Santini (Rome, Italy) M. Santini (Rome, Italy) M. Santomauro (Naples, Italy) O.V. Sapelnikov (Moscow, Russian Federation) R. Sapra (Faridabad, India) G. Sardella (Rome, Italy) B. Sarubbi (Naples, Italy) B. Sassone (Bentivoglio-BO, Italy) I. Savelieva (London, UK) S. Saxena (Chandigarh, India) M. Scaglione (Asti, Italy) C. Scavée (Brussels, Belgium) M.J. Schalij (Leiden, The Netherlands) R. Schilling (London, UK) A. Schirdewan (Berlin, Germany) H. Schmidinger (Vienna, Austria) B. Schmidt (Frankfurt, Germany) C. Schmidt (Minneapolis-MN, USA) M.A.E. Schneider (Sindelfingen, Germany) J.O. Schwab (Bonn, Germany) P.J. Schwartz (Milan, Italy) E. Sciaraffia (Uppsala, Sweden) A.M. Sciegata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) P. Scipione (Ancona, Italy) A. Scopinaro (Alessandria, Italy) L. Segreti (Pisa, Italy) K. Seidl (Ingolstadt, Germany) G. Senatore (Ciriè-TO, Italy) J. Senges (Heidelberg, Germany) M. Senni (Bergamo, Italy) R. Serdoz (Rome, Italy) P. Serpytis (Vilnius, Lithuania) S. Setti (Genoa, Italy) G. Sgarito (Palermo, Italy) M. Sgueglia (Rome, Italy) A. Shafquat (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) S. Sharma (Jammu, India) M. Shenasa (San Jose-CA, USA) W. Shimizu (Tokyo, Japan) E. Shlyakhto (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) M. Shoda (Tokyo, Japan) M. Siebert (Berlin, Germany) M. Silvano (Mestre-VE, Italy) M.S. Silvetti (Rome, Italy) E.N. Simantirakis (Heraklion, Greece) K. Soejima (Tokyo, Japan) A.P.M. Sohrabuzzaman (Dhaka, Bangladesh) E. Soldati (Pisa, Italy) 2014 G. Turitto (Brooklyn-NY, USA) V. Tuzcu (Istanbul, Turkey) A. Ungar (Florence, Italy) K. Uno (Tokyo, Japan) A. Vado (Cuneo, Italy) E. Vanoli (Milan, Italy) P.E. Vardas (Heraklion, Greece) N. Varma (Cleveland-OH, USA) A. Varveri (Rome, Italy) V.P. Vassilikos (Thessaloniki, Greece) G. Vergara (Rovereto-TN, Italy) R. Verlato (Camposampiero-PD, Italy) A. Verma (Toronto-ON, Canada) E.G. Vester (Duesseldorf, Germany) S. Viani (Pisa, Italy) R. Vijayvergiya (Chandigarh, India) J.F. Viles-Gonzalez (Miami-FL, USA) G.Q. Villani (Piacenza, Italy) R. Villuendas (Badalona, Spain) A. Vincenti (Monza-MI, Italy) X. Viñolas Prat (Barcelona, Spain) R. Violini (Rome, Italy) L. Vitali-Serdoz (Coburg, Germany) M. Volpe (Rome, Italy) D. Weishaupt (Zurich, Switzerland) E. Wissner (Hamburg, Germany) K. Witte (Leeds, UK) C. Wolpert (Ludwigsburg, Germany) S.J. Worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) J.K. Wranicz (Lodz, Poland) M. Wright (London, UK) T. Yamane (Tokyo, Japan) J. Yang (Beijing, Republic of China) S.M. Yashin (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation) H. Yokoshiki (Sapporo, Japan) F. Zanon (Rovigo, Italy) G. Zanotto (Legnago-VR, Italy) M. Zardini (Parma, Italy) W. Zareba (Rochester-NY, USA) P. Zartner (Sankt Augustin, Germany) R. Zbinden (Zurich, Switzerland) M. Zecchin (Trieste, Italy) S. Zhang (Beijing, Republic of China) M. Ziacchi (Bologna, Italy) G. Zingarini (San Sisto-PG, Italy) M. Zoni Berisso (Genoa, Italy) J. Zou (Nanjing, Republic of China) H. Zouzou (Algiers, Algeria) B. Zrenner (Munich, Germany) L.M. Zuccaro (Rome, Italy) FACULTY F. Solimene (Mercogliano-AV, Italy) P. Sommer (Leipzig, Germany) T. Sommer (Neuwied, Germany) D. Spaziani (Magenta-MI, Italy) G. Speciale (Rome, Italy) J. Sperzel (Bad Nauheim, Germany) S. Spitzer (Dresden, Germany) A. Stabile (Palermo, Italy) G. Stabile (Naples, Italy) C.T. Starck (Zurich, Switzerland) T. Steen (Oslo, Norway) C. Stefanadis (Athens, Greece) P. Stefano (Florence, Italy) G. Steinbeck (Munich, Germany) D.M. Steinhaus (Kansas City-MO, USA) C. Stellbrink (Bielefeld, Germany) M. Stewart (Mounds View-MN, USA) M. Stockburger (Nauen, Germany) C. Stoepel (Neuss, Germany) C. Storti (Pavia, Italy) F. Straube (Munich, Germany) M. Strieper (Atlanta-GA, USA) C. Suga (Saitama, Japan) R. Sutton (Monte Carlo, Monaco) T. Szili-Torok (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) M. Taborsky (Olomouc, Czech Republic) H. Tada (Fukui, Japan) M. Takagi (Osaka, Japan) N. Takahashi (Oita, Japan) S. Takatsuki (Tokyo, Japan) G. Tanzilli (Rome, Italy) L. Tavazzi (Cotignola-RA, Italy) A. Thajudeen (Trivandrum, India) S. Thanvi (Gujarat, India) S. Themistoclakis (Mestre-VE, Italy) B. Thibault (Montreal, Canada) D. Thomas (Heidelberg, Germany) G. Tola (Cagliari, Italy) F. Tomai (Rome, Italy) M. Tomaino (Bolzano, Italy) L. Tomasi (Verona, Italy) A. Tomassino (Rome, Italy) C. Tondo (Milan, Italy) M. Toniolo (Udine, Italy) S. Tonioni (Rome, Italy) M. Toscano (Colleferro-RM, Italy) H.J. Trappe (Herne, Germany) E. Trip (Berlin, Germany) M. Tritto (Castellanza-VA, Italy) R. Tukkie (Haarlem, The Netherlands) 13 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL TIMETABLE 2014 Tuesday, December 2 leptis magna 4 leptis magna 2 09.00/10.30 orange 1 orange 2 course course symPosium interventionAl device imPlAntAtion novel orAl AnticoAgulAnts session i session i: state of the art reliAbility And clinicAl imPAct oF AutomAtic PAcing ProgrAmming 10.30/11.00 breAk 11.00/12.30 symPosium course course symPosium newcomers in Prevention And treAtment oF AtriAl tAchyArrhythmiAs: A comPlete ArmAmentArium interventionAl device imPlAntAtion novel orAl AnticoAgulAnts sudden deAth risk strAtiFicAtion by surFAce ecg session ii session ii: noacs troubles and troubleshooting “stAte oF the Art” lectures “stAte oF the Art” lectures luncheon PAnel Free PAPers business meets medicine: Process oPtimiZAtion in cArdiAc rhythm mAnAgement syncoPe symPosium symPosium leAds: technology, reliAbility And monitoring AFter 60 yeArs oF cArdiAc PAcing new trAnscAtheter PAcing system technology: reducing dimensions, improving outcomes symPosium symPosium current APProAches to reduce FluoroscoPy while oPtimiZing outcomes in the eP lAb globAl dAtA collection to increAse PAtient’s sAFety And QuAlity oF liFe Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias 12.30/14.00 TIMETABLE Forum 14.00/15.30 heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session i: sustainability of Public health system worldwide session i: impact of financial crisis on arrhythmia treatment in europe symPosium 15.30/17.00 oPtimiZing APProAch And leAd Position in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session ii: Pacing / icd controversial topics 17.00/17.30 breAk 17.30/20.00 oPening ceremony 16 2014 tarragona spalato Pola cesarea interventionAl eP curriculum Alumni meeting Free PAPers symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion: surgicAl And cAtheter AblAtion new technology For PAcing And electroPhysiology the russian point of view oPtimAl identiFicAtion And mAnAgement oF crt PAtients Joint session with ishne supported by st. Jude medical 08.30/10.20 10.30/11.00 breAk interventionAl eP curriculum Alumni meeting Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion renAl denervAtion: A multiPurPose treAtment uPdAte on the risk strAtiFicAtion oF scd And ventriculAr tAchyArrhythmiAs Joint session with ishne Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers icd outcome Algorithms And FlowchArts to oPtimiZe crt outcome AblAtion oF ventriculAr tAchyArrhythmiAs symPosium Forum symPosium symPosium mAnAging icd interventions AtriAl FibrillAtion leAdless PAcemAker cied survivAl And troubles in the lAst ten yeArs supported by st. Jude medical 10.20/12.40 interventionAl eP curriculum Alumni meeting session i: Pathology and natural history supported by st. Jude medical session ii: imaging to better understand Atrial Fibrillation mechanisms symPosium Forum symPosium symPosium new And old drugs to treAt cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs AtriAl FibrillAtion eFFicAcy And sAFety oF ventriculAr AntitAchycArdiA PAcing chAllenges in cArdiAc PAcing For heArt FAilure session iii: trouble and troubleshooting 17.00/17.30 breAk 17 TIMETABLE 12.45/13.30 2014 Wednesday, December 3 leptis magna 4 leptis magna 2 09.00/10.30 orange 1 Forum symPosium symPosium heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias new PersPectives in the eP lAb: role oF the most AdvAnced technologies in the treAtment oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs the subcutAneous deFibrillAtor: long-term Follow-uP session ii: evaluating cost-benefits of new technologies in electrophysiology orange 2 10.30/11.00 breAk And Poster visit 11.00/12.30 symPosium symPosium symPosium unexPlAined syncoPe: oPtimAl diAgnostic PAthwAy And therAPeutic APProAch home monitoring bridging the 15th yeAr oF clinicAl PrActice: whAt hAve we leArned? chAnging PArAdigms in treAtment oF brAdyArrhythmiAs leadless Pacing and crtP “stAte oF the Art” lectures “stAte oF the Art” lectures luncheon PAnel monitoring ischemiA by cied: the insight study TIMETABLE 12.30/14.00 14.00/15.30 15.30/17.00 symPosium symPosium symPosium cryoAblAtion: setting the new stAndArd oF AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion brAin Protection in PAtients with AtriAl FibrillAtion: one yeAr with dAbigAtrAn new technologies, new solutions symPosium symPosium symPosium imPlAntAble device And mri: AdoPtion And clinicAl imPlicAtions todAy do we need remote monitoring only? reAl solutions For AdvAnced PAtient mAnAgement corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA iniZio ore 10.00 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA termine ore 13.00 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA iniZio ore 14.30 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione hAemodynAmic oPtimiZAtion in crt: cArdiAcA Per inFermieri results And reseArch e tecnici di cArdiologiA PersPectives termine ore 17.30 17.00/17.30 breAk And Poster visit 17.30/19.00 Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers clinicAl electroPhysiology icd inAPProPriAte shock And remote monitoring news on imPlAntAtion techniQues leAds inFection And extrAction 18 2014 tarragona spalato Pola cesarea euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion stroke Prevention in AtriAl FibrillAtion Avoiding AnticoAgulAtion doubts on icd rePlAcement session iii: controversial in pacing and electrophysiology session iv: managing arrhythmia recurrences after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session iv: updating on brugada syndrome Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion mAnAgement oF electricAl storm leAd inFection: diAgnosis And treAtment session v: Atrial Fibrillation Ablation in unique disease settings luncheon PAnel Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers AtriAl FibrillAtion Prevention And treAtment AtriAl FibrillAtion: Prediction And treAtment oPtimiZing results oF AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion multiPoint PAcing symPosium Forum symPosium symPosium globAl ArrhythmiA Forum (gAF) AtriAl FibrillAtion sick sinus syndrome todAy session i: Pacemaker remote control session vi: First option therapeutical strategies for Atrial Fibrillation news on inherited Arrhythmogenic cArdioPAthies symPosium Forum symPosium symPosium controversiAl indicAtions For icd imPlAnt AtriAl FibrillAtion outcome in crt PAtients AblAtion oF ventriculAr tAchycArdiA And ventriculAr FibrillAtion session vii: clinical issues 17.00/17.30 breAk And Poster visit Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers clinicAl PAcing cAtheter AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion sudden deAth risk strAtiFicAtion cArdiAc resyncroniZAtion therAPy 19 TIMETABLE 10.30/11.00 breAk And Poster visit 2014 Thursday, December 4 leptis magna 4 leptis magna 2 09.00/10.30 orange 1 orange 2 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA iniZio ore 08.30 symPosium symPosium symPosium insights into mechAnisms And AdvAnced mAPPing oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs: imPlicAtions For cAtheter AblAtion? the rechArgeAble PAcemAker/icd Join session with world society of Arrhythmias cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs in FemAles 10.30/11.00 breAk And Poster visit 11.00/12.30 symPosium symPosium Forum cArdiAc PAcing And true PhysiologicAl rAte modulAtion: An “old” or A new reAl PersPective? duty-cycled PhAsed rF: the evolution oF rF AblAtion heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias “stAte oF the Art” lectures “stAte oF the Art” lectures session iii: ethical and financial considerations on leads and devices Advisory call TIMETABLE 15.30/17.00 FeAtured symPosium cryoAblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion 12.30/14.00 14.00/15.30 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA symPosium symPosium symPosium mri devices: first choice or just an option? heArt FAilure: imPAct And outcome oF new technologies Prediction And mAnAgement oF mAJor cArdiovAsculAr events in PAtients with device: hyPe, hoPe or reAlity? symPosium symPosium symPosium sleeP APneA: diseAse For heArt sPeciAlists? stroke reduction by imPlAntAble devices diAgnostics: Angels AtriAl FibrillAtion ProJects the subcutAneous deFibrillAtor: stAte oF the heArt corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA termine ore 13.00 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA iniZio ore 14.30 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA termine ore 17.30 17.00/17.30 breAk And Poster visit 17.30/19.00 Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers crt: selection oF cAndidAtes And ProgrAmming oPtimiZAtion leAds insertion And venous obstruction heArt FAilure Follow-uP by imPlAnted devices crt: new leAds And Algorithms 20 2014 tarragona spalato Pola cesarea euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion reliAbility And clinicAl imPAct oF icd dAtA storAge And AlArms sudden deAth: understAnding, Preventing And treAting session v: Pharmacological treatment of cardiac arrhythmias session viii: rate control Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion session ix: living with permanent Atrial Fibrillation mAnAgement oF tAchycArdiAs And ectoPic beAts From the ventriculAr outFlow trAct brAdy And tAchyArrhythmiAs in ccu luncheon PAnel Free PAPers luncheon PAnel Free PAPers uPdAte in cArdiAc PAcing genetics And mAPPing oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs new technology For heArt FAilure treAtment bAroreFlex ActivAtion therAPy Predictors oF crt outcome globAl ArrhythmiA Forum (gAF) Forum symPosium symPosium AtriAl FibrillAtion debAtAble indicAtions For cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy PediAtric ArrhythmiAs AblAtion treAtment euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session vi: ilr and remote care solutions: what’s new? session ii: syncope update session x: Ablation of paroxysmal and persistent Atrial Fibrillation: optimizing technique and outcome symPosium symPosium symPosium Free PAPers sudden deAth: mechAnisms And timing leAds And devices recAll in the lAst decAde new technology For ePi/ endocArdiAl APProAch leAds extrAction 17.00/17.30 breAk And Poster visit Free PAPers Free PAPers Free PAPers symPosium devices FAilure And reintervention stroke Prevention in device PAtients new devices And Algorithms Join session with gulF eP live© dubAi 21 TIMETABLE 10.30/11.00 breAk And Poster visit 2014 Friday, December 5 leptis magna 4 leptis magna 2 09.00/10.30 orange 1 orange 2 corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA iniZio ore 08.30 symPosium symPosium symPosium AnticoAgulAtion: bAlAncing the hAemorrhAgic And the thrombotic risks syncoPe And structurAl heArt diseAse PAcemAker oPtimAl ProgrAmming 10.30/11.00 breAk 11.00/12.30 symPosium symPosium symPosium how to mAximiZe the resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy cied reuse rAre indicAtions For PermAnent vvi PAcing corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA 12.15/13.05 13.15/14.00 TIMETABLE corso AvAnZAto di elettroFisiologiA ed elettrostimolAZione cArdiAcA Per inFermieri e tecnici di cArdiologiA 14.05/15.05 15.05/15.50 22 2014 tarragona spalato Pola symPosium symPosium symPosium cied inFections diFFicult crt cAses diagnosis and treatment Progress in interventionAl cArdiology left Atrial Appendage closure by implantable devices cesarea 10.30/11.00 breAk symPosium symPosium symPosium the role oF echocArdiogrAPhy in electroPhysiology cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: imProving PAtients QuAlity oF liFe Progress in interventionAl cArdiology debates in coronary interventions 10.30/12.15 symPosium Progress in interventionAl cArdiology debates in coronary interventions luncheon PAnel Progress in interventionAl cArdiology symPosium Progress in interventionAl cArdiology updates on structural heart disease symPosium Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Flash debate PFo closure 2014 23 TIMETABLE debates in coronary interventions 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 8:30-10:00|Tarragona interventionAl eP curriculum Alumni meeting Supported by St. Jude Medical Directors: P. della bella (Milan, I) g. hindricks (Leipzig, D) 08:30 – 08:40 Welcome and Introduction the best of the technology 08:40 – 09:00 Why are Contact Force catheters becoming my catheters of choice? m. wright (London, UK) 09:00 – 09:20 Mediguide / Velocity: the couple which improves my AF ablations P. sommer (Leipzig, D) 09:20 – 09:40 The Precision module enhances my VT ablations P. della bella (Milan, I) 09:40 – 10:00 Flexability: a new generation for AF ablation catheters F. sacher (Bordeaux, F) 26 2014 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna2 course on interventionAl device imPlAntAtion Director: s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) session i Chairs: m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) The Basics of Interventional Device Implantation t. steen (Oslo, N) How to Cross a Subclavian Occlusion for Venous Access s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) How and when to perform subclavian venoplasty for venous access e.c. Palma (New York-NY, USA) How and when to perform femoral extraction F.A. bracke (Eindhoven, NL) Retained wire lead extraction followed by subclavian venoplasty m. bernabei (Lancaster-PA, USA) 27 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 9:00-10:30|Orange1 course on novel orAl AnticoAgulAnts session i state of the art Chairs: F. Ammirati (Rome, I) F. crea (Rome, I) Incidence and prevalence of thrombotic and haemorrhagic events with Warfarin A. Polewczyk (Kielce, PL) Difficulties in continued anticoagulation by Warfarin d. mocini (Rome, I) Dabigatran: in RCT and in clinical practice g. di Pasquale (Bologna, I) Rivaroxaban i. savelieva (London, UK) Apixaban F. colivicchi (Rome, I) Edoxaban m. lettino (Milan, I) 28 2014 9:00-10:30|Orange2 reliAbility And clinicAl imPAct oF AutomAtic PAcing ProgrAmming Chairs: d.k. Jhamb (New Delhi, IND) v. tuzcu (Istanbul, TR) Rate responsiveness l.P. Papavasileiou (Athens, GR) Automatic AV interval regulation g. sgarito (Palermo, I) Auto threshold r. gupta (New Delhi, IND) Antitachycardia pacing s. Porcellini (Paderno Dugnano-MI, I) Automatic pacing programming in children A.m. sciegata (Buenos Aires, RA) 29 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 9:00-10:30|Spalato Free Papers AtriAl FibrillAtion: surgicAl And cAtheter AblAtion Chairs: c. Pandozi (Rome, I) s. takatsuki (Tokyo, JP) our exPerience oF combined mAnAgement oF AF surgicAl treAtment R. Latypov, O. Sapelnikov, D. Cherkashin, I. Grishin, A. Toporinsky, A. Partigulova, R. Akchurin Moscow, RUSSIA initiAl exPerience oF seQuentiAl surgicAl cryomAZe Followed by rF cAtheter AblAtion in PAtients with AtriAl FibrillAtion M. Eisenberger, A. Bulava, A. Mokracek, J. Hanis, V. Kurfirst Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC comPleteness And durAbility oF the AblAtion lines AFter cryomAZe oPerAtion M. Eisenberger, A. Bulava, A. Mokracek, J. Hanis, V. Kurfirst Ceske Budejovice, CZECH REPUBLIC eFFicAcy oF second-generAtion cryobAllon PulmonAry vein isolAtion in PAtients with PAroxysmAl versus Persistent AtriAl FibrillAtion. A single center exPerience A. Curnis, F. Salghetti, M. Cerini, A. Lipari, F. Vassanelli, M. Belotti Cassa, N. Ashofair, M. Siciliano, S. Bardari, L. Inama, F. Guidetti, L. Bontempi Brescia, ITALY the chA2ds2-vAsc score As A Predictor oF AtriAl FibrillAtion recurrences AFter cryobAllon PulmonAry vein isolAtion. A 12 months single center exPerience F. Salghetti, A. Curnis, M. Cerini, A. Lipari, F. Vassanelli, M. Belotti Cassa, N. Ashofair, M. Siciliano, S. Bardari, L. Inama, F. Guidetti, L. Bontempi Brescia, ITALY smArt AblAtion oF PAroxysmAl AtriAl FibrillAtion with An Ancient PerFume P. Turco, A. Antonelli, E. Gronda Milan, ITALY 30 2014 9:00-10:30|Pola new technology For PAcing And electroPhysiology the russian point of view Chairs: A. revishvily (Moscow, RUS) A. romanov (Novosibirsk, RUS) Evolution of pacing and electrophysiology in Russia: key trends and results A. revishvily (Moscow, RUS) Cryo technology in Russia: current experience and prospective e. mikhaylov (Saint Petersburg, RUS) Use of Implantable Cardiac Monitor to improve AF management. What comes next? A. romanov (Novosibirsk, RUS) ICD in Russia: moving to shock-free paradigm n. neminushiy (Moscow, RUS) 31 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 9:00-10:30|Cesarea oPtimAl identiFicAtion And mAnAgement oF crt PAtients Joint session with ishne Chairs: d.t. martin (Burlington-MA, USA) w. Zareba (Rochester-NY, USA) QRS morphology: how to identify optimal ECG patterns for CRT candidates? w. Zareba (Rochester-NY, USA) QRS duration >150 ms is it mandatory? l. gianfranchi (Ferrara, I) Optimal management of AF patients with CRT g. de martino (Bari, I) Quality of life in CRT patients b. sassone (Bentivoglio-BO, I) Improvement on CRT outcome by renal denervation e. boschetti (Terni, I) New methods of monitoring patients with devices J.k. wranicz (Lodz, PL) 32 2014 10:20-13:30|Tarragona interventionAl eP curriculum Alumni meeting Supported by St. Jude Medical Directors: P. della bella (Milan, I) g. hindricks (Leipzig, D) The Boxe Ring 10:20 – 11:00 Stroke prevention after AF ablation - Pro LAAO P. della bella (Milan, I) - Pro NOACS g. hindricks (Leipzig, D) 11:00 – 11:40 A Contact Force controlled RF ablation strategy is better than a single shot device strategy - Contact Force controlled RF ablation strategy k. rajappan (Oxford, UK) - Single shot device strategy b. schmidt (Frankfurt, D) The Environment 11:40 – 12:10 European reimbursement for AF ablation m. siebert (Berlin, D) 12:10 – 12:40 How a Patient Association can help: the UK example t.c.A. lobban (Stratford Upon Avon, UK) The Best Case Award 12:45 – 13:15 3 AF cases presentation by Alumni as selected by the IEPC Faculty l. macle (Montreal, CDN) - m. scaglione (Asti, I) 13:15 – 13:20 Voting for the best case c. scavée (Brussels, B) 13:20 Award ceremony & Wrap-up 13:30 Closing 33 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna4 newcomers in Prevention And treAtment oF AtriAl tAchyArrhythmiAs: A comPlete ArmAmentArium Chairs: b. gorenek (Eskisehir, TR) l. Padeletti (Florence, I) MVP, atrial preventive and atrial tachycardia pacing, reduce progression to long lasting AF and permanent AF g. inama (Cremona, I) Role and benefits of MVP compared with standard dual chamber pacing J. cosedis nielsen (Skejby, DK) Impact of Reactive ATP on clinical outcomes L. Mont (Barcelona, E) Impact of MVP and atrial ATP on Health Care Utilization g. boriani (Bologna, I) Remote monitoring of atrial arrhythmic burden allows optimal treatment of patients with implanted devices g. molon (Negrar-VR, I) The role of pharmacological treatment to increase the efficacy of atrial preventive and antitachy pacing r. tukkie (Haarlem, NL) 34 2014 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna2 course on interventionAl device imPlAntAtion Director: s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) session ii Chairs: t. steen (Oslo, N) s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) Systematic Use of a 9 Fr. ID Guide Support for LV Lead Placement: it’s not about finding the CS, but what you can do when you are there t. steen (Oslo, N) How to Perform Coronary Venoplasty for LV Lead Implantation and the potential complications k. Ando (Kitakyushu, JP) Snares for LV Lead Implantation: the most powerful technique for difficult LV lead insertion that often replaces venoplasty and anchor balloons s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) How I use interventional techniques for LV lead Implantation d. o’donnell (Melbourne, AUS) Interventional vs. Traditional Approach to Device Implantation s.J. worley (Lancaster-PA, USA) 35 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 Tuesday, December 2 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 11:00-12:30|Orange1 course on novel orAl AnticoAgulAnts session ii noacs troubles and troubleshooting Chairs: m. chudzik (Lodz, PL) F. romeo (Rome, I) How to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy l. bianconi (Rome, I) How to stop haemorrhages A. Aiello (Rome, I) How to manage patients with renal insufficiency g. Andrikopoulos (Athens, GR) How to manage elderly patients c. karmelic serrano (Santiago, RCH) How to manage patients with previous cerebral haemorrhages x. viñolas Prat (Barcelona, E) NOACS: are they all the same? When shifting from one to another NOAC? F. colivicchi (Rome, I) 36 2014 11:00-12:30|Orange2 sudden deAth risk strAtiFicAtion by surFAce ecg Chairs: s. saxena (Chandigarh, IND) g. turitto (Brooklyn-NY, USA) Long-QT: correct measurement and interpretation A. brandes (Odense, DK) Early repolarization patterns s. Foresti (Milan, I) QRS fragmentation r.F.e. Pedretti (Tradate-VA, I) T wave alternans during exercise t. klingenheben (Bonn, D) Ecg changes in arrhythmogenic displasic cardiomyopathy A. campana (Salerno, I) Ecg variables in Brugada syndrome: how to screen the false positive? m. shoda (Tokyo, JP) 37 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 11:00-12:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session i Pathology and natural history Chairs: c. de chillou (Nancy, F) r. de Ponti (Varese, I) Structural remodelling of left atrium in atrial fibrillation s. Ficili (Rome, I) Atriomyopathy due to severe left atrial scarring c. storti (Pavia, I) Correlation between MRI scar and low voltage areas in persistent atrial fibrillation k. uno (Tokyo, JP) Predictors of atrial fibrillation recurrences F. bello morgado (Lisbon, P) Predictors of poor outcome in patients with atrial fibrillation A. buiatti (Munich, D) Reduced mortality by remote monitoring of atrial fibrillation s. bianchi (Rome, I) 38 2014 11:00-12:30|Pola renAl denervAtion: A multiPurPose treAtment Chairs: e. shlyakhto (Saint Petersburg, RUS) g. speciale (Rome, I) The rationale behind Renal Denervation b. Zrenner (Munich, D) Technique, trouble and troubleshooting c. stefanadis (Athens, GR) Long term benefits of renal denervation in resistant hypertension m. volpe (Rome, I) Benefits of renal denervation in patients with heart failure r. hatala (Bratislava, SK) Benefits of renal denervation in patients submitted to AF ablation c. stellbrink (Bielefeld, D) Cost-benefit of renal denervation v. Pasceri (Rome, I) 39 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 11:00-12:30|Cesarea uPdAte on the risk strAtiFicAtion oF scd And ventriculAr tAchyArrhythmiAs Joint session with ishne Chairs: n. el sherif (New York-NY, USA) r. Piotrowicz (Warsaw, PL) Early repolarization pattern: benign versus malignant r. Piotrowicz (Warsaw, PL) Nonsustained VT c. carbucicchio (Milan, I) QRS fragmentation and amplitude w. Zareba (Rochester-NY, USA) QT variability g. Piccirillo (Rome, I) Very low frequency HRV in risk stratification m. gallagher (London, UK) 40 2014 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna4 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: m. la meir (Maastricht, NL) t. nitta (Tokyo, JP) Atrial fibrillation surgical treatment A.s. revishvili (Moscow, RUS) Genetic arrhythmias: what’s new P.J. schwartz (Milan, I) 41 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna2 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: e. crystal (Toronto-ON, CDN) t. yamane (Tokyo, JP) Laser endoscopic ablation t. lewalter (Munich, D) Robotic ablation of cardiac arrhythmias e. crystal (Toronto-ON, CDN) 42 2014 12:30-14:00|Orange1 luncheon PAnel business meets medicine: Process oPtimiZAtion in cArdiAc rhythm mAnAgement Chairs: h. bonnemeier (Kiel, D) l. santini (Rome, I) How to do things better?: Designing Innovative Operational Systems for Better Outcomes and Profits k. girotra (INSEAD Business School, France) Driving efficiency at Karolinska: A NayaMed Center of Excellence F. gadler (Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden) Stripping away the hidden costs: Outcomes of the Hospital Efficiency SuRvey PrOject m. biffi (Policlinico S. Orsola - Malpighi, Italy) 43 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 12:30-14:00|Orange2 Free Papers syncoPe Chairs: d.g. benditt (Minneapolis, MN, USA) g. turitto (Brooklyn, NY, USA) diAgnostic yield oF imPlAntAble looP recorders in PAtients with unexPlAined syncoPe F. de Jong, D. Grootendorst, B. van Vlies, G. Verdel, M. Janssen, M. Keijzers, R. Tukkie Haarlem, NETHERLANDS role oF tilt tAble test to Predict recurrences oF neurAlly-mediAted reFlex syncoPe in PAtients treAted using A PAcemAker selected by imPlAntAble looP recorder M. Tomaino, M. Unterhuber, P. Sgobino, C. Romeo, P. Donolato, D. Corazzola Bolzano, ITALY sAFety And tolerAbility oF tilt testing And cArotid sinus mAssAge in the oldest old G. Rivasi, G. Toffanello, M. Rafanelli, A. Ceccofiglio, F. Tesi, G. Bulli, N. Marchionni, A. Ungar Florence, ITALY APPlicAtion oF boston risk score in PAtients with syncoPe in emergency G. Mora, M. Quintero Bogota, COLOMBIA relAtionshiP between electrocArdiogrAPhic bAsAl PAttern And brAdyArrhythmiA detection in PAtients with imPlAntAble cArdiAc monitor F. Martinez-Garcia, M. Pombo-Jimenez, L. Inigo-Garcia, A. Esteban-Luque, E. FernandezOchagavia, F. Ruiz-Mateas Marbella, SPAIN imPlAntAble looP recorder: A syncoPe unit exPerience M. Rafanelli, A. Ceccofiglio, S. Venzo, F. Tesi, G. Toffanello, V. Chisciotti, G. Bulli, N. Marchionni, A. Ungar Florence, ITALY 44 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 12:30-14:00|Spalato Free Papers icd outcome Chairs: r. choudhury (Sharjah, UAE) A. michelucci (Florence, I) Age inFluences intrAcArdiAc deFibrillAtor comPlicAtions C. E. P. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D.J. Wright 2 1 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM women with icds: is there A greAt outcome diFFerence? S. Magnani, I. Puggia, G. Morea, M. Narciso, A. Nordio, M. Muca, L. Salvatore, L. Vitali-Serdoz, M. Zecchin, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY longevity oF imPlAntAble cArdioverter deFibrillAtors in dAily clinicAl PrActice: comPArAtive AnAlysis oF devices From severAl mAnuFActurers J. De Sousa, N. Cortes-Dias, A. Magalhaes, R. Placido, M. Menezes, A.R. Francisco, T. Guimaraes, G. Silva, A. Bernardes, L. Carpinteiro Lisbon, PORTUGAL Predictors oF Prohibitively high deFibrillAtion threshold At the time oF icd imPlAntAtion K. Sedlacek, L. Stefan, J. Kautzner Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC right ventriculAr biPolAr electrogrAmm AmPlitude chAnging AFter APProPriAte icd shock in PAtients with Prior myocArdiAl inFArction G. Gromyko 1, S. Chetverikov 2, A. Kazakov 3, E. Lyan 3, S .Yashin 3 1 Moscow, 2 Khanty Mansiysk, 3 Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA dry PerForAtion - FreQuent mechAnism oF icd leAd dysFunction A. Kutarski, A. Tomaszewski, W. Brzozowski, K. Oleszczak Lublin, POLAND 46 2014 12:30-14:00|Pola Free Papers Algorithms And FlowchArts to oPtimiZe crt outcome Chairs: A. Arenal-maiz (Madrid, E) g. molon (Negrar, VR, I) A new Algorithm For electricAl delAy meAsurement in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy devices F. Zanon 3, G. Forleo 2, L. Santini 2, M.T. Lucciola 1, G. Pastore 3, D. Potenza 4, R. Massaro 4, E. Menardi 5 , G. P Ballari 5, E. Bertaglia 6, F. Migliore 6, L. Calò 2, A. Fagagnini 2, G. Morani 7, L. Tomasi 7, A. Curnis 8, L. Bontempi 8, V. Calabrese 2, F. Marullo 2, M. Giammaria 1 1 Turin, 2 Rome, 3 Rovigo, 4 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, 5 Cuneo, 6 Padua, 7 Verona, 8 Brescia, ITALY detection And eArly intervention in worsening heArt FAilure ePisodes with home monitoring. results From the homeguide registry G. Zanotto 1, L. Calò 2, A. Curnis 3, G. Mantovani 4, E. Bertaglia 5, M. Santamaria 6, V. Calvi 7, F. Chiusso8, A. Gargaro 8, R.P. Ricci 2 1 Legnago, VR, 2 Rome, 3 Brescia, 4 Desio, MB, 5 Padua, 6 Campobasso, 7 Catania, 8 Milan, ITALY eFFicAcy And sAFety oF ventriculAr AntitAchycArdiA PAcing therAPies in heArt FAilure PAtients weAring A cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion device with deFibrillAtion bAck-uP R.P. Ricci 1, M. Landolina 2, G. Boriani 3, E. Daleffe 4, A. Proclemer 4, M. Lunati 5, G. Molon 6, P. Turrini7, A. Rossillo 8, M. Gasparini 9 Rome, 2 Pavia, 3 Bologna, 4 Udine, 5 Milan, 6 Negrar, VR, 7 Camposampiero, PD, 8 Mestre, 9 Rozzano, MI, ITALY 1 myocArdiAl viAbility At the leFt ventriculAr leAd locAtion could be AssociAted with the occurrence oF ventriculAr tAchyArrhythmiAs in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy D. Zizek, M. Cvijic, I. Zupan Ljubljana, SLOVENIA service liFe oF imPlAntAble cArdioverter-deFibrillAtors For cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: An AnAlysis oF determinAnts in current clinicAl PrActice G. Morani 1, M. Landolina 2, A. Curnis 3, A. Vado 4, E. Ammendola 5, A. D’Onofrio 5, G. Stabile 5, M. Crosato6, B. Petracci 2, C. Ceriotti 8, L. Bontempi 3, M. Morosato 1, G. P Ballari 4, M. Gasparini 8 1 Verona, 2 Pavia, 3 Brescia, 4 Cuneo, 5 Naples, 6 Treviso, 8 Rozzano, MI, ITALY trAnsForming the morbidities oF electro-mechAnicAl dysynchrony. comPlicAtions within 1-yeAr oF cArdiAc re-synchronisAtion Procedures C.E.P. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D.J. Wright 2 1 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM 47 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 12:30-14:00|Cesarea Free Papers AblAtion oF ventriculAr tAchyArrhythmiAs Chairs: c. carbucicchio (Milan, I) c. de chillou (Nancy, F) imPAct oF intrAcArdiAc echocArdiogrAPhy on electricAl storm AblAtion F. Turreni, A. Castro, M.L. Loricchio, M. Mercurio, F. Messina, G. Altamura Rome, ITALY mechAnism And FeAtures oF uPPer sePtAl leFt ventriculAr tAchycArdiA: A distinct tyPe oF verAPAmil-sensitive idioPAthic leFt ventriculAr tAchycArdiA A. Talib 1, A. Nogami 1, Y. Sekiguchi 1, S. Kurosaki 2, K. Kowase 2, A. Takahashi 3, S. Naito 4, S Uno5, K Aonuma 1 1 Tsukuba, 2 Yokohama, 3 Yokosuka, 4 Gunma, 5 Sapporo, JAPAN evAluAtion oF not cAPtured lAte And FrActionAted PotentiAl during AblAtion reduces the burden oF lesions And results eFFective to Avoid ventriculAr tAchycArdiA G. Carreras, S. Donzelli, C. Marini, M. Pirrami, M. Castelli, C. Poltronieri, D. Bovelli, M. Bazzucchi, E. Boschetti Terni, ITALY imPortAnce oF ePicArdiAl APProAch For ventriculAr tAchycArdiA AblAtion. A Possible Procedure Protocol G. Barbato, F. Pergolini, V. Carinci, G. Casella, P. Sangiorgio, G. Di Pasquale Bologna, ITALY neAr Zero x-rAy in ArrhythmiAs AblAtion using ensite nAvx system: A multicenter exPerience M. Giaccardi 1, A. Del Rosso 2, V. Guarnaccia 2, L. Chiodi 1, A. Colella 1 1 Florence, 2 Empoli, ITALY A ProsPective study on sAFety oF cAtheter AblAtion Procedures: contAct Force guided AblAtion reduces the risk oF cArdiAc PerForAtion F. Akca, P. Janse, D.A.M.J. Theuns, T. Szili-Torok Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS 48 2014 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna4 Forum on heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias session i impact of financial crisis on arrhythmia treatment in europe Chairs: d.w. davies (London, UK) P.e. vardas (Heraklion, GR) Sustainability of the Public Health System Cost in Europe g.F. gensini (Florence, I) Evidence based comparison between arrhythmia invasive treatments and other cardiological and non cardiological invasive procedures g.l. botto (Como, I) Value of HTA in the evaluation of available CIED c. wolpert (Ludwigsburg, D) Centralized purchase by regional or national tender: pros and cons g. boriani (Bologna, I) The new concept of “Total Service” to provide low cost sets for cardiological invasive procedures s. klugmann (Milan, I) 49 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna2 euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session i sustainability of Public health system worldwide Chairs: k. okumura (Hirosaki, JP) m. santini (Rome, I) When and for which patient the “lower price” is acceptable in the CIED purchase? c. ermis (Antalya, TK) Which scientific evidence is requested to evaluate “real added value” of devices new algorithms? l. Padeletti (Florence, I) Should we select different devices and treatments according to the patient ’s age? k. matsumoto (Saitama, JP) Are females with arrhythmias still undertreated also in industrialized countries? A. Quesada (Madrid, E) Optimal relationship among Regulators, Scientific Societies, Devices Industries: which future can we foresee? k. soejima (Tokyo, JP) 50 2014 14:00-15:30|Orange1 leAds: technology, reliAbility And monitoring AFter 60 yeArs oF cArdiAc PAcing Chairs: l. Aguinaga (Buenos Aires, RA) A. curnis (Brescia, I) In what terms the cardiac leads are today different from the past: the role of design, testing and monitoring: the physician side s. iacopino (Bari, I) In what terms the cardiac leads are today different from the past: the role of design, testing and monitoring: the industry side e. trip (Berlin, D) The role of remote monitoring: does it help - and in what extent - to address safety of leads in the follow up? m. bertaglia (Mirano-VE, I) CRT and high voltage lead today: have size and new design an impact on reliability? c. de Asmundis (Brussels, B) Left endocardial pacing: a hype or a possible solutions of a subset of patients? P. de Filippo (Bergamo, I) Epicardial leads: an old fashion solution? c.t. starck (Zurich, CH) 51 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 14:00-15:30|Orange2 new trAnscAtheter PAcing system technology reducing dimensions, improving outcomes Chairs: m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) P. neuzil (Prague, CZ) Why do we need leadless pacemakers? l. mont (Barcelona, E) Design and animal results of the Micra Transcatheter Pacing System l. rapallini (Mounds View-MN, USA) Early clinical experience with Micra l.v. boersma (Nieuwegein, NL) Discussion 52 2014 14:00-15:30|Tarragona mAnAging icd interventions Chairs: F. Anselme (Roven, F) m. lunati (Milan, I) Patient survival and clinical outcome after an ICD therapy A. kloppe (Bochum, D) How to reduce inappropriate ICD interventions m. gasparini (Milan, I) Should we look at inappropriate shocks only? Role of ATP in reducing the appropriate ones A. Arenal-maiz (Madrid, E) Role of antiarrhythmic drug treatment and ablation in optimal ICD programmed patients g. rovaris (Monza-MI, I) Economic benefit and cost benefit of optimal ICD programming A. Proclemer (Udine, I) Evidence based medicine in ICD therapy: theory or practice? A. meijer (Eindhoven, NL) 53 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 14:00-15:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session ii imaging to better understand Atrial Fibrillation mechanisms Chairs: t. lewalter (Munich, D) A. oto (Ankara, TR) Mechanisms underlying persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation t. lewalter (Munich, D) Focal impulse and rotor modulation as AF sources m. Zardini (Parma, I) Differences in mapping of paroxysmal, persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation in humans A. Ardashev (Moscow, RUS) Usefulness of pre ablation imaging to optimize patient selection and outcome A. bonso (Feltre-BL, I) Long term atrial structural changes after successful ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation m. silvano (Mestre-VE, I) Usefulness of implantable loop-recorder to monitor atrial fibrillation onset e.g. vester (Duesseldorf, D) 54 2014 14:00-15:30|Pola leAdless PAcemAker Chairs: w. Jung (Villingen-Schwenningen, D) r.e. knops (Amsterdam, NL) Surgical pacemaker implant and replacement related infections l. segreti (Pisa, I) Subclavian vein obstruction in paced patients: incidence and clinical relevance l.m. Zuccaro (Rome, I) The concept of the leadless pacemaker: how is it implanted and how it works? l. bontempi (Brescia, I) Preliminary results with the leadless pacemaker in humans r.e. knops (Amsterdam, NL) Dual and triple chamber leadless pacing: the future challenge m.d. carlson (Sylmar-CA, USA) Cost-benefit J. michaelsen (Lingen, D) 55 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 14:00-15:30|Cesarea cied survivAl And troubles in the lAst ten yeArs Chairs: c. Jazra (Beirut, RL) A. raviele (Mestre-VE, I) Pacemaker leads e. casali (Modena, I) Left ventricular leads P. mitkowski (Poznan, PL) ICD leads A. raviele (Mestre-VE, I) Single, double and triple chamber pacemakers r. ciudin (Bucharest, RO) Single, double and triple chamber ICD h. benkemoun (Saint Cyprien, F) Prolonged CIED life by remote control P. mazzone (Milan, I) 56 2014 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna4 oPtimiZing APProAch And leAd Position in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy Chairs: g.l. botto (Como, I) s. thanvi (Gujarat, IND) CRT in real world from the Heart Failure Clinician Perspective: do we implant all indicated patients? l. tavazzi (Cotignola-RA, I) CRT in real world from the EP perspective: we implant all indicated patients! F. Arribas (Madrid, E) BLOCK HF: a “Game Changer” for Cardiac Pacing d. Pecora (Brescia, I) Towards optimal CRT response: a better Performance g. giannola (Cefalù-PA, I) New lead technology to overcome anatomical barriers m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) Transeptal approach for non-responders to CRT? The ALSYNC trial m. biffi (Bologna, I) 57 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna2 euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session ii Pacing / icd controversial topics Chairs: g. hindricks (Leipzig, D) t. nitta (Tokyo, JP) Usefulness of CIED automatic algorithms: real clinical impact or just a gadget? t. ishikawa (Yokohama, JP) CIED remote control improves patients quality of life and prolongs battery duration n. varma (Cleveland-OH, USA) All the abandoned intracardiac leads should be extracted c. kennergren (Goteborg, S) Does silent thromboembolism matter through the ablation procedure for atrial fibrillation? t. yamane (Tokyo, JP) All the patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation submitted to heart surgery should receive concomitant epicardial pulmonary vein isolation and closure of the left atrial appendage k. imai (Hiroshima, JP) After two unsuccessful AF catheter ablations a third one should not be adviced s. takatsuki (Tokyo, JP) 58 2014 15:30-17:00|Orange1 current APProAches to reduce FluoroscoPy while oPtimiZing outcomes in the eP lAb Chairs: m. Alvarez (Granada, E) A. curnis (Brescia, I) Ablation fluoroscopy and radiation exposure reduction: safety and cost implications e. Picano (Pisa, I) CRT implants guided by 3D navigation and advanced mapping system m. del greco (Rovereto-TN, I) Minimally invasive approach by 3D mapping system to treat cardiac arrhythmias in pediatric patients F. drago (Rome, I) SVT ablation using 3D advanced mapping system and no rx exposure: exception of routine? m. Piacenti (Pisa, I) Clinical experience in mapping and catheter ablation using 4D navigation gMPS technology m. martinek (Innsbruck, A) Impact of gMPS technology in the workflow and outcomes of CRT procedures b. thibault (Montreal, CDN) 59 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 15:30-17:00|Orange2 globAl dAtA collection to increAse PAtient’s sAFety And QuAlity oF liFe Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias Chairs: k. matsumoto (Saitama, JP) P.e. vardas (Heraklion, GR) Usefulness and lessons from the World and National Registries A. Proclemer (Udine, I) Long term efficacy of atrial fibrillation ablation: data from International Registries r. cappato (Milan, I) Reuse of ablation catheters and implantable device: pros and cons c. israel (Frankfurt, D) Device and lead malfunction worldwide: should we have an open access common website? J.d. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) International prices of implantable devices and ablation catheters: should they be shown in a dedicated website? o. oseroff (Buenos Aires, RA) Cost effectiveness of ICD therapies in today economical world beyond guidelines m. shenasa (San Jose-CA, USA) 60 2014 15:30-17:00|Tarragona new And old drugs to treAt cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs Chairs: F. Ammirati (Rome, I) J.J. blanc (Brest, F) Ivabradine in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia J.y. le heuzey (Paris, F) Drug treatment for catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia recurrences in ICD patients n. el sherif (New York-NY, USA) Association of Amiodarone and Ranolazine to cardiovert paroxysmal atrial fibrillation i. savelieva (London, UK) Antiarrhythmic effects of Omega-3 fatter acids: which is the evidence? A.P. maggioni (Florence, I) Should Noacs become the first choice to anticoagulate patients with atrial fibrillation? F. Ammirati (Rome, I) 61 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 15:30-17:00|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session iii trouble and troubleshooting Chairs: m. kuniss (Bad Nauheim, D) F. lamberti (Rome, I) Silent cerebral thromboembolism post AF ablation J.F. viles-gonzalez (Miami-FL, USA) The impact of atrial fibrillation termination mode during catheter ablation procedure on maintenance of sinus rhythm m. Faustino (Pescara, I) Electrical isolation of left atrial appendage: pros and cons s. grossi (Turin, I) Usefulness of monitoring esophageal temperature during AF ablation m. tritto (Castellanza-VA, I) Prevalence and management of vascular complications in patients submitted to AF ablation g. bencsik (Szeged, H) Incidence of stroke and death post AF ablation g. stabile (Naples, I) 62 2014 15:30-17:00|Pola eFFicAcy And sAFety oF ventriculAr AntitAchycArdiA PAcing Chairs: A. Al Fagih (Riyadh, SA) J. clementy (Bordeaux, F) How to optimize ATP programming r. keegan (Bahia Blanca, RA) Ventricular tachycardia acceleration by ATP: can it be predicted and avoided? t. nakai (Tokyo, JP) Benefits and risks of a combined ATP and antiarrhythmic drug treatment w.r. bauer (Wuerzburg, D) When to switch off ATP therapy? A. lupo (Mirano-VE, I) ATP HTA: Less hospitalizations? Less shocks? Prolonged battery life? P. rossi (Rome, I) 63 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 15:30-17:00|Cesarea chAllenges in cArdiAc PAcing For heArt FAilure Chairs: y. badaineh (Amman, HKJ) e. rowland (London, UK) Usefulness of MRI to assess mechanical dissynchrony g. bisignani (Castrovillari-CS, I) Selection of optimal left ventricular pacing site by quadripolar coronary sinus lead c. d’Agostino (Bari, I) CRTP Vs CRTD in heart failure pts A. rapacciuolo (Naples, I) Ventricular arrhythmias in CRT responders: increased or decreased? J. koyama (Kumamoto City, JP) Coronary sinus lead extraction: trouble and troubleshooting d. catanzariti (Rovereto-TN, I) Carotid Baroreceptor Activation Therapy: a new treatment for systolic HF patients e.g. gronda (Milan, I) 64 2014 17:30-20:00|Leptismagna4 oPening ceremony 17:30 Welcome Address Congress Chairman m. santini Scientific Societies P.e. vardas (WSA) g. hindricks (EHRA) n.A.m. estes (HRS) r. cappato (ECAS) y. kobayashi (APHRS) l. Aguinaga (SOLAECE) k. okumura (JHRS) s. Zhang (CSA) g.l. botto (AIAC) 18.30 Awards 19.00 Magistral Lectures: J.d. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) r.P. ricci (Rome, I) 20.00 Welcome Reception 65 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 19:00-19:30|Leptismagna4 mAgistrAl lecture PACE journal: 50 years of scientific information in cardiac pacing and eletrophysiology J.d. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) Dr. Fisher is Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and served for many years as Director of the Einstein-Montefiore Arrhythmia Service, which includes two component services, namely Clinical Electrophysiology and Pacemakers/ ICDs. The Arrhythmia Service has close ties withy CT surgery, imaging, basic EP, and pediatric EP. He is also the Training Program Director for the ACGME-accredited fellowship in clinical EP (CCEP). Education: Yale BA, Wayne State MD, Boston City Hospital and NY Hospital-Cornell (Int. Med Residency), Montefiore and Royal Postgraduate Medical School-Imperial College London UK (Cardiology and EP). Interests: Arrhythmia mechanisms and treatment, ablation, VT, VF, SVT, AF, WPW, pacemakers, ICDs, heart failure resynchronization devices, syncope. R-1006 66 2014 19:30-20:00|Leptismagna4 mAgistrAl lecture Remote management of CIED patients r.P. ricci (Rome, I) Renato Pietro Ricci, MD, Cardiologist, Fellow ANMCO, FESC, Professor of Cardiovascular Diseases at Catholic University in Rome, Italy, teacher at ANMCO and ESC Learning Courses. Responsible for cardiac pacing and outpatient clinic at San Filippo Neri Hospital in Rome. Past Vice President of the Italian Society of Pacing and Arrhythmology (AIAC) (2008-2010). In-coming chairman of the Working Group on Arrhythmias of ANMCO (2015-2016). EHRA representative in the HRS Expert Consensus Statement on Remote Monitoring (2014-2015). Chairman of the AIAC Working Group on Remote Monitoring of implanted devices since 2006. Chairman of the AIAC Task Force for surveillance of device and lead failures and recall (2004-2010), member of task forces and policy document committees of the EHRA for ICD shocks and implantable loop recorders. Chairpersons for the Cardiostim-Europace 2014 and EHRA Europace 2015 Scientific Program Committee for the topic of device remote monitoring. Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the AIAC National Congress in 2010. Author of about 200 peer reviewed manuscripts, editor of 4 books and author of 40 book chapters. H-index 28. Invited speaker at the major international cardiology congresses, referee of several international journals. 67 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Tuesday, December 2 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna4 Forum on heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias session ii evaluating cost-benefits of new technologies in electrophysiology Chairs: J. morgan (Southampton, UK) h.J. trappe (Herne, D) Various technological models to monitor heart failure by CIED: which one is beneficial for patients and NHS? k. seidl (Ingolstadt, D) Monitoring ongoing myocardial ischemia by CIED: do we reduce acute coronary syndromes and prolong patients survival? c. kolb (Munich, D) Remote monitoring of CIED: are there any more doubts to reimburse it? F. caravati (Varese, I) Leadless pacemaker: quantifying social and financial benefits to justify its reimbursement c. wolpert (Ludwigsburg, D) Subcutaneous ICD: which is the real impact on infections and on patients’ quality of life? b. sarubbi (Naples, I) The injectable loop recorder: add value and clinical impact d.m. steinhaus (Kansas City-MO, USA) 68 2014 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna2 new PersPectives in the eP lAb: role oF the most AdvAnced technologies in the treAtment oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs Chairs: m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) c. Pandozi (Rome, I) Fluoro Integration in the 3D Mapping system: a new era for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in children F. drago (Rome, I) Circular Ablation Technology: Why, How, When g.m. Fassini (Monza-MI, I) How Contact Force and Fluoro integration in the 3D mapping can improve safety and efficacy in the treatment of VT ablation? g. maccabelli (Milan, I) Why it’s important to get linear lesions and how the new technologies can ensure it? m. grimaldi (Aquaviva delle Fonti-BA, I) Catheter-Tissue Contact Force guided mapping and ablation in AF : how can we increase the lesion formation? m. duytschaever (Gent, B) VT ablation: how a new 3D Navigation Platform can support the mapping phase and predict effective lesions? e. wissner (Hamburg, D) 69 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 9:00-10:30|Orange1 the subcutAneous deFibrillAtor: long-term Follow-uP Chairs: A. grace (Cambridge, UK) m.J. schalij (Leiden, NL) Fewer lead related complications with the subcutaneous compared to single or dual chamber ICD b. thibault (Montreal, CDN) Is the inability to pacing an important limitation in young patients to an ICD? v. russo (Taranto, I) Suitability for subcutaneous defibrillator implantation: data from routine clinical practice P. Francia (Rome, I) When to replace an explanted, infected endocardial ICD with the subcutaneous defibrillator? d. igidbashian (Gorizia, I) Cost effectiveness of the subcutaneous defibrillator m.A.e. schneider (Sindelfingen, D) 70 2014 9:00-10:30|Tarragona euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session iii controversial in pacing and electrophysiology Chairs: k. Aonuma (Tsukuba, JP) J.c. daubert (Rennes, F) Long standing atrial fibrillation should not be considered for PVI catheter ablation r. schilling (London, UK) All implanted pacemakers / ICD should be MRI conditional c. suga (Saitama, JP) CRT-D patients should be implanted with a quadripolar system t. manaka (Tokyo, JP) CRT, only for symptomatic patients? A. Quesada (Madrid, E) ATP therapies should be always switched on in ICD patients t. nakai (Tokyo, JP) Catheter ablation is also an optimal therapeutic strategy in octogenarians with tachyarrhythmias m. hayashi (Tokyo, JP) 71 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 9:00-10:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session iv managing arrhythmia recurrences after Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Chairs: s. levy (Marseille, F) A.s. montenero (Sesto S. Giovanni-MI, I) Ablation of atrial tachycardia after AF ablation A. berkowitsch (Bad Nauheim, D) Antiarrhythmic drugs versus a second ablation to treat AF recurrences g. Pelargonio (Rome, I) Significance of post-ablation early recurrences of atrial fibrillation o. berenfeld (Ann Arbor-MI, USA) Efficacy of monitoring post ablation recurrences of atrial fibrillation by an implantable loop recorder e. menardi (Cuneo, I) Minimally invasive surgical treatment of post ablation AF recurrences s. benussi (Milan, I) Hybrid, catheter and surgical, ablation of recurrent atrial firbrillation c.r. cole (Colorado Springs-CO, USA) 72 2014 9:00-10:30|Pola stroke Prevention in AtriAl FibrillAtion Avoiding AnticoAgulAtion Chairs: P. danna (Milan, I) m. lawrance Jesuraj (Coimbatore, IND) Left atrial appendage occluders: indications and evidence r. violini (Rome, I) Epicardial approaches for appendage occlusion A.s. revishvili (Moscow, RUS) Left atrial appendage patency after device or surgical closure v. Pasceri (Rome, I) Concomitant left atrial appendage closure during bypass or valvular surgery r. moosdorf (Marburg, D) Stand alone surgical closure of left atrial appendage to avoid anticoagulation P. stefano (Florence, I) Hybrid ablation for atrial fibrillation A. bulava (České Budějovice, CZ) 73 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 9:00-10:30|Cesarea doubts on icd rePlAcement Chairs: A. meijer (Eindhoven, NL) k. okumura (Hirosaki, JP) In channelopathies without ICD intervention A. sagone (Milan, I) In athletes with ICD for hypertrophic cardiomyopathies at the end of competitive sport activity n. Fragakis (Thessaloniki, GR) In dilated cardiomyopathies with recovered Ejection Fraction over 40% d. gras (Nantes, F) In end stage heart failure and no indications to heart transplantation m. Zoni berisso (Milan, I) After complete cardiac revascularization in patients treated by ICD for secondary prevention of sudden death A. Ardashev (Moscow, RUS) In ICD patients submitted to VT ablation without recurrences during the follow-up d.g. benditt (Minneapolis-MN, USA) 74 2014 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna4 unexPlAined syncoPe: oPtimAl diAgnostic PAthwAy And therAPeutic APProAch Chairs: F. Ammirati (Rome, I) J.J. blanc (Brest, F) The challenges in managing patients with unexplained neuro-mediated syncope and normal heart J.c. deharo (Marseille, F) Should ILR be the first diagnostic option? d. Andresen (Berlin, D) Are Tilt Test and ILR complementary to increase the diagnostic power? m. brignole (Lavagna-GE, I) Prevalence of brady and tachyarrhythmias detected by ILR in patients with neuro-mediated syncope A. ungar (Florence, I) Long term follow-up of patients with neuro-mediated syncope treated by permanent pacing m. tomaino (Bolzano, I) How to manage vasodepressive neuro-mediated syncope? P.e. vardas (Heraklion, GR) 75 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna2 home monitoring bridging the 15th yeAr oF clinicAl PrActice: whAt hAve we leArned? Chairs: A. d’onofrio (Naples, I) n. varma (Cleveland-OH, USA) How important is the organizational model and what can be achieved? The lessons from HomeGuide Study r.P. ricci (Rome, I) Monitoring and remote follow up of Pacemaker and ICD: a given? P. mabo (Rennes, F) The value of AF monitoring and its impact on device therapy: the MATRIX study g. maglia (Catanzaro, I) Monitoring of ventricular arrhythmias in ICD to guide ablation and follow up: the PARTITA study P. della bella (Milan, I) Can Heart Failure risk be anticipated to be managed in a timely manner? k. witte (Leeds, UK) Home Monitoring: what’s next? Is it time for a bidirectional interaction? g. Zanotto (Legnago-VR, I) 76 2014 11:00-12:30|Orange1 chAnging PArAdigms in treAtment oF brAdyArrhythmiAs leadless Pacing and crtP Chairs: e. rowland (London, UK) m. santini (Rome, I) Leadless Pacing: improving patient care and expanding access l. Padeletti (Florence, I) Leadless clinical results overview J. sperzel (Bad Nauheim, D) CRTP for Brady: review of the data and guidelines. Implications for the treatment of bradyarrhythmias m. lunati (Milan, I) Better outcome and less complications: quadripolar lead in CRTP g.b. Forleo (Rome, I) Improve clinical outcome of the brady patient: Remote Control and advanced algorithm g. milasinovic (Belgrade, SRB) 77 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 11:00-12:30|Tarragona euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session iv updating on brugada syndrome Chairs: y. nakazato (Tokyo, JP) r. sutton (Monte Carlo, Monaco) Genetics and prevalence w. shimizu (Tokyo, JP) Surface ecg types k. okishige (Yokohama, JP) The role of flecainide test in clinical practice r. schilling (London, UK) The role of EP study P. Adragao (Carnaxide, P) When and which ICD? m. shoda (Tokyo, JP) Long term follow-up A. oto (Ankara, TK) 78 2014 11:00-12:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session v Atrial Fibrillation Ablation in unique disease settings Chairs: J. Almendral garrote (Madrid, E) k. Aonuma (Tsukuba, JP) Catheter ablation in very long lasting atrial fibrillation g. tola (Cagliari, I) Atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with advanced congestive heart failure y. nakano (Hiroshima, JP) Atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy l. di biase (Austin-TX, USA) Atrial fibrillation ablation in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy b. köktürk (Köln, D) Atrial fibrillation ablation in very elderly patients c. Amellone (Ciriè-TO, I) Atrial fibrillation ablation in adult patients with congenital heart disease A. dello russo (Milan, I) 79 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 11:00-12:30|Pola mAnAgement oF electricAl storm Chairs: d.g. benditt (Minneapolis-MN, USA) b. ozin (Ankara, TR) Clinical management of electrical storm A.P.m. sohrabuzzaman (Dhaka, BD) Electrophysiological management of electrical storm m. Ziacchi (Bologna, I) The VT Unit in the management of electrical storm c. lavalle (Rome, I) Prognostic meaning of ICD shocks and of electrical storm A. hersi (Riyadh, SA) Timing of VT ablation in patients with structural heart disease: earlier is better? s. grossi (Turin, I) Electrical storm in patients without structural heart disease m. taborsky (Olomouc, CZ) 80 2014 11:00-12:30|Cesarea leAd inFection: diAgnosis And treAtment Chairs: A. mishra (Shillong, IND) c. Pignalberi (Rome, I) Diagnostic flowchart for lead infection A. maciag (Warsaw, PL) Echocardiographic findings g. Arena (Massa, I) Antibiotic therapy: selection and timing d. Porcelli (Rome, I) Lead extraction: first or final option? y. Al hebaishi (Riyadh, SA) When to reimplant a new lead? A. kutarski (Lublin, PL) Complications: do we need the heart surgery stand-by? c. kennergren (Goteborg, S) 81 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna4 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: o. berenfeld (Ann Arbor-MI, USA) n.F. marrouche (Salt Lake City-UT, USA) Mechanism and mapping of atrial fibrillation o. berenfeld (Ann Arbor-MI, USA) Thoracoscopic ablation of atrial fibrillation m. la meir (Maastricht, NL) 82 2014 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna2 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: g. Altamura (Rome, I) s. levy (Marseille, F) Continuous monitoring to control post-mi arrhythmic risk P.e. bloch-thomsen (Aalborg, DK) Altered cardiac electrophysiology in diabetes d.t. martin (Burlington-MA, USA) 83 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 12:30-14:00|Orange1 luncheon PAnel monitoring ischemiA by cied: the insight study Chairs: b. thibault (Montreal, CDN) m. Zardini (Parma, I) Reliability of ST segment continuous monitoring by ICD v. nissardi (Cagliari, I) Clinical impact of continuous ST segment monitoring: the Insight Study J.k. wranicz (Lodz, PL) Continuous monitoring of ST segment: Healt Technology Assessment l. santini (Rome, I) 84 2014 12:30-14:00|Tarragona luncheon PAnel AtriAl FibrillAtion Prevention And treAtment Chairs: m. gulizia (Catania, I) m. santini (Rome, I) Flecainide Acetate: the most used antiarrhythmic drugs to prevent and treat atrial fibrillation l. calò (Rome, I) Benefits of Flecainide prolonged release m. grimaldi (Acquaviva delle Fonti-BA, I) Potential role of Flecainide prolonged release in the various atrial fibrillation patterns m. lunati (Milan, I) 85 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 12:30-14:00|Spalato Free Papers AtriAl FibrillAtion: Prediction And treAtment Chairs: m. gallagher (London, UK) b. mariconti (Cesate-MI, I) P wAve AnAlysis with wAvelets AtriAl FibrillAtion risk in hyPertensive PAtients: A cross-sectionAl AnAlysis And 1 yeAr Follow-uP G. Dakos 1, D. Konstantinou 2, Y. Chatzizisis 3, I. Chouvarda 1, D. Filos 1, S. Paraskevaidis 1, L. Mantziari 1, N. Maglaveras 1, H. Karvounis 1, V. Vassilikos 1 1 Thessaloniki, GREECE, 2 London, UNITED KINGDOM, 3 Boston, MA, USA serum gAlectin-3 levels Are elevAted in PAtients with AtriAl FibrillAtion And normAl leFt ventriculAr Function K.M. Gurses, M.U. Yalcin, D. Kocyigit, H. Canpinar, B. Evranos, H. Yorgun, M.L. Sahiner, E.B. Kaya, N. Ozer, L. Tokgozoglu, M.A. Oto, D Guc, K. Aytemir Ankara, TURKEY botulinum toxin inJection in ePicArdiAl FAt PAds cAn Prevent recurrences oF AtriAl FibrillAtion AFter cArdiAc surgery: results oF A rAndomiZed Pilot study S. Bayramova 1, A. Strelnikov 1, D. Losik 1, E. Pokushalov 1, B. Kozlov 2, A. Romanov 1, D. Sergeevichev1, A. Bogachev-Prokophiev 1, S. Zheleznev 1, V. Shipulin 2, D. Risteski 3, A. Karaskov 1, S. Po 4, J. Steinberg 5 Novosibirsk, 2 Tomsk, RUSSIA, 3 Skopje, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA – FYROM, 4 Oklahoma, OK, 5 New York, NY, USA 1 endocArdiAl botulinum toxin inJection in gAnglionAted Plexi For Prevention recurrences oF AtriAl FibrillAtion A. Strelnikov 1, S. Bayramova 1, D. Losik 1, E. Pokushalov 1, A. Romanov 1, D. Sergeevichev 1, S. Artyomenko 1 , A. Yakubov 1, A. Karaskov 1, D. Risteski 2, S. Po 3, J. Steinberg 4 1 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA, 2 Skopje, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA – FYROM, 3 Oklahoma, OK, 4 New York, NY, USA suPerior eFFicAcy oF the combined use oF rAnolAZine And AmiodArone comPAred with AmiodArone Alone For conversion oF PAroxysmAl AtriAl FibrillAtion N. Fragakis, K. Koskinas, K. Rossios, E. Pagurelias, D. Tanos, A. Photoglidis, V. Skeberis, V. Vasilikos Thessaloniki, GREECE 86 2014 12:30-14:00|Pola Free Papers oPtimiZing results oF AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion Chairs: F. bianchi (Turin, I) J.c. deharo (Marseille, F) unuseFulness oF imAging integrAtion in rAdioFreQuency cAtheter AblAtion oF PAroxysmAl AtriAl FibrillAtion with multielectrode mAPPing systems B. Majocchi, F. Tundo, G. Fassini, S. Riva, A. Dello Russo, M. Casella, M. Moltrasio, V. Marino, E. Russo, C. Tondo Milan, ITALY cryobAlloon AblAtion For Persistent AtriAl FibrillAtion: one yeAr Follow-uP L. Ottaviano, M. Longobardi, M.C. Negro, E. Broglia, E. Cannas, A.S. Montenero, C. Storti Pavia, ITALY oPen or closed irrigAted cAtheters in AF AblAtion Procedure. our exPerience O. Sapelnikov, P. Mazentsev, R. Latypov, A. Partigulova, D. Cherkashin, I. Grishin, A. Chapurnikh, R. Akchurin Moscow, RUSSIA PulmonAry vein disconnection by using PulmonAry vein stimulAtion: conFrontAtion with conventionAl APProAch And successFul AblAtion M. Rillo, S. Palumbo, R. Punzi, G.B. Semeraro, A. Aloisio, C. Giannattasio, L. My, C. Larosa Taranto, ITALY renAl denervAtion For imProving outcomes oF cAtheter AblAtion in PAtients with AtriAl FibrillAtion And hyPertension: eArly exPerience D. Losik 1, S. Bayramova 1, A. Strelnikov 1, E. Pokushalov 1, A. Romanov 1, D. Katritsis 2, S. Artyomenko1, V. Baranova 1, D. Risteski 3, A. Karaskov 1, J. Steinberg 4 1 Novosibirsk, RUSSIA, 2 Athens, GREECE, 3 Skopje, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA - FYROM, 4 New York, NY, USA AsPects oF AntiArhythmic treAtment oF AtriAl FibrillAtion beFore And AFter AblAtion A. Partigulova, O. Sapelnikov, R. Latypov, P. Mezentsev, D. Cherkashin, A. Toporinsky, A. Chapurnikh, R. Akchurin Moscow, RUSSIA 87 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 12:30-14:00|Cesarea Free Papers multiPoint PAcing Chairs: P.P. delnoy (Zwolle, NL) c.A. rinaldi (London, UK) multiPoint leFt ventriculAr PAcing Provides AdditionAl echocArdiogrAPhic beneFit to resPonders And non-resPonders to conventionAl cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy A. Cuko 1, Z. Calovic 1, L.C. McSpadden 2, C. Jordan 2, K. Ryu 2, E. Romano 3, M. Baldi 1, A. Pappone 1, M. Saviano 1, L. Giannelli 1, C. Ciaccio 1, C. Catalano 1, A. Petretta 1, M. Moscatiello 1, A. Fundaliotis 4, R. Vitale 1, B. Ionescu 1, G. Vicedomini 1, V. Santinelli 1, C. Pappone 1 1 Cotignola, RA, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA, 3 Milan, 4 Novara, ITALY imProvements in hemodynAmic PArAmeters in A crt-d PAtient using oPtimAl mPP ProgrAmming M. Carnazza, G. Doria, M. Audoly, D. Castelli, G. Arcidiacono, F. Cangemi Catania, ITALY A new Algorithm For multi Point PAcing in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: FeAsibility From A multicenter exPerience M. Giammaria 3, G. Forleo 2, F. Zanon 1, E. Baracca 1, M .T. Lucciola 3, D. Potenza 4, G. Di Stolfo 4, E. Menardi 5, G.P. Ballari 5, E. Bertaglia 6, F. Migliore 6, L. Calò 2, E. De Ruvo 2, G. Morani 7, L. Tomasi 7 , A. Curnis 8, L. Bontempi 8, V. Calabrese 2, D. Ricciardi 2, L. Santini 2 1 Rovigo, 2 Rome, 3 Turin, 4 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, 5 Cuneo, 6 Padua, 7 Verona, 8 Brescia, ITALY oPtimiZAtion oF multi-Point PAcing devices in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: Focus on clinicAl PrActice D. Potenza 1, G. Forleo 2, L. Santini 2, M. Giammaria 4, G. Di Stolfo 1, G. Pastore 3, M. T. Lucciola 4, A. Vado 5, G. Rossetti 5, E. Bertaglia 6, F. Migliore 6, L. Calò 2, A. Martino 2, G. Morani 7, L. Tomasi 7, A. Curnis 8, L. Bontempi 8, G. Di Giovanni 2, D. Ricciardi 2, F. Zanon 3 1 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, 2 Rome, 3 Rovigo, 4 Turin, 5 Cuneo, 6 Padua, 7 Verona, 8 Brescia, ITALY multi-Point PAcing in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: eFFects on Qrs F. Zanon 1, L. Santini 2, M. Giammaria 3, E. Baracca 1, M.T. Lucciola 3, D. Potenza 4, R. Massaro 4, A. Vado 5, G. Rossetti 5, A. Curnis 6, L. Bontempi 6, E. Bertaglia 7, F. Migliore 7, V. Calabrese 2, D. Ricciardi 2, C. D’Agostino 8, M. Palella 8, G. Ansalone 2, L. Pauselli 2, G. Forleo 2 1 Rovigo, 2 Rome, 3 Turin, 4 San Giovanni Rotondo, FG, 5 Cuneo, 6 Brescia, 7 Padua, 8 Bari, ITALY Progression oF resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy with multiPoint leFt ventriculAr PAcing in A single coronAry sinus brAnch From 3 months to 12 months Z. Calovic 1, A. Cuko 1, L.C. McSpadden 2, C. Jordan 2, K. Ryu 2, E. Romano 3, M. Baldi 1, A. Pappone 1, M. Saviano 1, L. Giannelli 1, C. Catalano 1, C. Ciaccio 1, A. Petretta 1, M. Moscatiello 1, A. Fundaliotis 4, R. Vitale 1, B. Ionescu 1, G. Vicedomini 1, V. Santinelli 1, C. Pappone 1 1 Cotignola, RA, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA, 3 Milan, 4 Novara, ITALY 88 2014 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna4 cryoAblAtion: setting the new stAndArd oF AF AblAtion Chairs: d.w. davies (London, UK) m. kuniss (Bad Nauheim, D) Best practices with Cryoballoon: state of the art after 100.000 worldwide cases e. hoffmann (Munich, D) Cryoablation in persistent atrial fibrillation c. blomstrom lundqvist (Uppsala, S) New strategies in Cryoablation of Atrial Fibrillation: from the standard to the tailored approach c. tondo (Milan, I) Comparing outcomes of radiofrequency ablation and cryoablation for atrial fibrillation d.l. Packer (Rochester-MN, USA) Cryoablation as a first line atrial fibrillation therapy g.b. chierchia (Brussels, B) Next generation cryoballon: which differences, which benefits? k.r.J. chun (Frankfurt, D) 89 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna2 brAin Protection in PAtients with AtriAl FibrillAtion: one yeAr with dAbigAtrAn Chairs: F. Fedele (Rome, I) P.e. vardas (Heraklion, GR) The reason for this choice g. di Pasquale (Bologna, I) Use of the drug during cardioversion or ablation F. Andreotti (Rome, I) Management of anticoagulation in pacemaker patients A. capucci (Ancona, I) Lessons on pharmaco-economy g. boriani (Bologna, I) 90 2014 14:00-15:30|Orange1 new technologies, new solutions Chairs: P. Adragao (Carnaxide, P) m. Piacenti (Pisa, I) Flutter ablation: what’s new? r. verlato (Camposampiero-PD, I) New technologies for quadripolar LV pacing l. mont (Barcelona, E) Real world data about S-ICD g.l. botto (Como, I) MRI safety: is the lead the crucial part of the system? g. Forleo (Rome, I) Clinical and device update about LAA occlusion g. senatore (Ciriè-TO, I) New perspectives on left atrial mapping r. mantovan (Cesena-FC, I) 91 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 14:00-15:30|Tarragona globAl ArrhythmiA Forum (gAF) session i Pacemaker remote control Chairs: m. santini (Rome, I) s. Zhang (Beijing, Republic of China) Remote control of pacemaker malfunctions J. yang (Beijing, Republic of China) Remote control of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias w. hua (Beijing, Republic of China) Remote control of ventricular tachyarrhythmias g. magliano (Rome, I) The optimal organization for a Remote Control Center h. li (Beijing, Republic of China) Cost-benefit of pacemaker remote control m. roser (Berlin, D) Remote control in China: state of the art and perspectives k. chen (Beijing, Republic of China) 92 2014 14:00-15:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session vi First option therapeutical strategies for Atrial Fibrillation Chairs: A. Ardashev (Moscow, RUS) s. sharma (Jammu, IND) No treatment l.g. molina (Mexico City, MEX) Antiarrhythmic drugs: when, which? F. del carpio (La Crosse-WI, USA) Rate control: drug, AV node ablation? k.k.n. namboodiri (Thiruvananthapuram, IND) Antiplatelets or anticoagulants n. takahashi (Oita, JP) Catheter ablation; when, which energy source? c. Pratola (Ferrara, I) Hybrid ablation (catheter and surgical): when, how? c. Pandozi (Rome, I) 93 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 14:00-15:30|Pola sick sinus syndrome todAy Chairs: t. ishikawa (Yokohama, JP) b. lemke (Luedenscheid, D) Incidence and prevalence of Sick Sinus Syndrome in the pacemaker, ICD population A. ganguly (Durgapur, IND) Can we increase pharmacologically the sinus rate in Sick Sinus Syndrome m. marini (Trento, I) The permanent pacing therapeutical option: advantages and disadvantages A. michelucci (Florence, I) Catheter ablation to treat atrial tachyarrhythmias in the brady-tachy syndrome s.m. yashin (Saint Petersburg, RUS) Ablate and pace in patient with Sick Sinus Syndrome: pros and cons F. Quartieri (Reggio Emilia, I) Pharmacological antiarrhythmic therapy for atrial tachyarrhytmias in Sick Sinus Syndrome v.P. vassilikos (Thessaloniki, GR) 94 2014 14:00-15:30|Cesarea news on inherited Arrhythmogenic cArdioPAthies Chairs: A.m. Al musaad (Riyadh, SA) e.u. Alt (Houston-TX, USA) The Short QT syndrome: detection and treatment c. giustetto (Turin, I) The Long QT syndrome: when drugs, when implantable devices s. castelletti (London, UK) Cathecholaminergic ventricular tachycardia the role of catheter ablation and ICD A. castro (Rome, I) Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Displasia: to whom to implant an ICD d. Potenza (S. Giovanni Rotondo-FG, I) Brugada Syndrome: should we implant an ICD in all the Type I patients, regardless of genetic testing? t. manaka (Tokyo, JP) Hypertrophic Cardiomiopathy: role of drugs and implantable devices to prevent sudden death m.F. márquez murillo (Mexico City, MEX) 95 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna4 imPlAntAble device And mri: AdoPtion And clinicAl imPlicAtions todAy Chairs: J.m. guerra romos (Barcelona, E) m. santini (Rome, I) European and International legislation on MRI scan in patients with device and the role of National Health Institutions g. calcagnini (Rome, I) The role of the radiologist and his cooperation with cardiologist to manage MRI patient flow nowadays d. weishaupt (Zurich, CH) What is the ‘real life’ approach in the clinical practice? J.m. guerra romos (Barcelona, E) MRI conditional leads: is their reliability better, worse or the same of conventional leads? g. senatore (Ciriè-TO, I) MRI conditional pacemaker and ICD: is it time to offer them to everybody? g. maglia (Catanzaro, I) What are the potential medical – legal problems? A. d’urso (Rome, I) 96 2014 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna2 do we need remote monitoring only? reAl solutions For AdvAnced PAtient mAnAgement Chairs: m. khoury (Beirut, RL) r.P. ricci (Rome, I) Different benefits of Remote Patient Management based on the pathology and the implanted device m. bertaglia (Mirano-VE, I) After 10 years of Remote Patient management, is there still room for in-clinic follow-up? r. verlato (Camposampiero-PD, I) Remote Patient Management solutions to implement hub and spoke models n. basterra sola (Pamplona, E) Actuality and potentiality of handling aggregated data F. Quartieri (Reggio Emilia, I) A fully integrated and universal solution to simplify patients follow-up: my experience with the Mediconnect system c. stoepel (Neuss, D) The real economic value of Remote Patient Management g. Perego (Milan, I) 97 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 15:30-17:00|Orange1 hAemodynAmic oPtimiZAtion in crt: results And reseArch PersPectives Chairs: m.m. oliveira (Lisbon, P) l. Padeletti (Florence, I) CRT settings optimization: state of the art m. lunati (Milan, I) Clinical cases of CRT haemodynamic optimization r. Zbinden (Zurich, CH) Impact of systematic optimization on CRT costs m. Piacenti (Pisa, I) Towards new solutions to optimize leads position P.P. delnoy (Zwolle, NL) What’s new from a stethoscope? P. ritter (Bordeaux, F) 98 2014 15:30-17:00|Tarragona controversiAl indicAtions For icd imPlAnt Chairs: n.A.m. estes iii (Boston-MA, USA) y. nakazato (Tokyo, JP) Early after myocardial infarction h. schmidinger (Vienna, A) Very Elderly patients h.k. bali (Chandigarh, IND) Severe Renal disfunction s. sack (Munich, D) Dual Vs single chamber in primary prevention F. borrello (Catanzaro, I) Appropriate timing of ICD reimplant after infected leads removal b. malecka (Krakow, PL) Subcutaneous ICD s. viani (Pisa, I) 99 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 15:30-17:00|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session vii clinical issues Chairs: m. disertori (Trento, I) h. Zouzou (Algiers, DZ) Increase of cognitive impairment by chronic atrial fibrillation F. briand (Besançon, F) Silent cerebral events after atrial fibrillation ablation t. deneke (Bad Neustadt, D) Long-term improvement in quality of life and reduction in hospitalization by catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation m. santamaria (Campobasso, I) Retinal microvascular injuries in patients with atrial fibrillation A. lubiński (Lodz, PL) Biomarkers of inflammation as predictors of atrial fibrillation progression to a permanent type s. koulouris (Bayreuth, D) Post ablation increase in biomarkers of myocardial injury: relationship with the energy source m. rebecchi (Rome, I) 100 2014 15:30-17:00|Pola outcome in crt PAtients Chairs: m. gulizia (Catania, I) h. mansour (Beirut, RL) Myocardial scar quantification may predict outcome in CRT patients s. matsuo (Tokyo, JP) Gender difference in outcome of CRT patients c. marquié (Lille, F) Outcome of CRT in patients with atrial fibrillation o. Aquilina (Msida, M) When considering not to replace a CRTD device? s. Aquilani (Rome, I) When considering to deactivate ICD in CRT-D patients? A. vincenti (Monza-MI, I) 101 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 15:30-17:00|Cesarea AblAtion oF ventriculAr tAchycArdiA And ventriculAr FibrillAtion Chairs: c. lavalle (Rome, I) t. szili-torok (Rotterdam, NL) How to identify the epicardial origin of ventricular tachycardia A. scopinaro (Alessandria, I) Catheter ablation of epicardial ventricular tachycardia c. de chillou (Nancy, F) Post ablation non inducibility of sustained ventricular tachycardia: can we trust it? d.l. Packer (Rochester-MN, USA) Catheter ablation of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia and ventricular ectopic beats s. ikeguchi (Moriyama City, JP) Catheter ablation for electrical storm in ICD patients t. deneke (Bad Neustadt, D) Haemodynamic support for VT ablation k. Adalet (Istanbul, TR) 102 2014 17:30-19:00|Leptismagna4 Free Papers clinicAl electroPhysiology Chairs: A.s. Fak (Istanbul, TR) l. gramegna (Trento, I) AtriAl FibrillAtion incidentAlly detected during PAcemAker Follow-uP. eFFects on Antithrombotic treAtment S. Magnani, S. Franco, M. Zecchin, A. Nordio, M. Muca, I. Puggia, G. Morea, M. Narciso, E. Franco, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY AtriAl FibrillAtion AFter orthotoPic heArt trAnsPlAntAtion: risk FActors And clinicAl relevAnce S. Ferretto, I. Giuliani, G. Vettor, T. Bottio, G. Feltrin, A. Gambino, G. Toscano, A. Angelini, S. Iliceto, G. Gerosa, L. Leoni Padua, ITALY high PrevAlence oF brAdy-tAchy sinus node diseAse AFter AF AblAtion E. Pelissero, C. Amellone, G. Trapani, M. Giuggia, B. Giordano, G. Senatore Ciriè, TO, ITALY PAce-mAker dePendency At Follow-uP AFter tAvr Procedures M. Morosin, L. Vitali Serdoz, M. Zecchin, A. Perkan, K. Salam, E. Fabris, F. Longaro, G. Barbati, B. Pinamonti, A. Salvi, A. Pappalardo, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY AttenuAtion oF clock-bmAl1 trAnscriPtionAlly decreAses the exPression oF betA1-Ar to AnticiPAte the occurrence oF ventriculAr ArrhythmiA AFter chronic heArt FAilure J. Yuan, Z. Qian, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, J. Zou Nanjing, CHINA ventriculAr tAchycArdiA in leFt dominAnt Arrhythmogenic cArdiomyoPAthy: when the ecg leAds to the diAgnosis F. De Sensi, A. Cresti, G. Miracapillo, S. Severi Grosseto, ITALY 103 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 17:30-19:00|Leptismagna2 Free Papers icd inAPProPriAte shock And remote monitoring Chairs: g. barbato (Bologna, I) A. nogami (Tsukuba, JP) high tAchy detection rAte in icd PAtients: imPAct on inAPProPriAte shocks in oPtion study G. Molon 1, G. Mantovani 2, P. Bertocchi 3, E. Aime’ 4, A. Pezzotta 5, C. A. Kolb 6 1 Negrar, VE, 2 Desio, MB, 3 Pavia, 4 S. Donato Milanese, MI, 5 Milan, ITALY, 6 Munich, GERMANY sensible reduction oF inAPProPriAte shock rAtes in heArt FAilure PAtients with crt/icds using A novel suite oF detection Algorithms A. Proclemer 1, D. Facchin 1, G. Boriani 2, M. Landolina 3, R.P. Ricci 4, M. Maines 5, L. Tomasi 6, G.B. Perego 7, G. Allocca 8, M. Gasparini 9, M. Lunati 7 1 Udine, 2 Bologna, 3 Pavia, 4 Rome, 5 Rovereto, 6 Verona, 7 Milan, 8 Conegliano, TV, 9 Rozzano, MI, ITALY remote monitoring imProves outcome AFter icd imPlAntAtion: the clinicAl eFFicAcy oF remote monitoring in the mAnAgement oF heArt FAilure (eFFect) study M. Luzi 1, A. De Simone 2, G. Stabile 3, L. Leoni 4, C. Amellone 5, V. La Rocca 2, A. Capucci 1, A. D’Onofrio3, E. Ammendola 3, F. Accardi 6, S. Valsecchi 6, S. Guardiani 6, G. Buja 4 1 Ancona, 2 Maddaloni, CE, 3 Naples, 4 Padua, 5 Ciriè, TO, 6 Milan, ITALY how big is the clinicAl Problem with inAPProPriAte shocks when diAgnosis And treAtment Are FAcilitAted by remote monitoring? E. Sandgren 1, C. Rorsman 1, J. Engdahl 2, N. Edvardsson 3 1 Varberg, 2 Halmstad, 3 Gothenburg, SWEDEN remote monitoring oF duAl chAmber imPlAntAble cArdioverter-deFibrillAtors detects chAnges in ventriculAr PAcing AssociAted with An increAsed AtriAl ArrhythmiA burden J.O. Schwab 1, H. Nägele 2, H. Oswald 3, G. Klein 3, O. Gunkel 4, A. Lang 5, W. R. Bauer 6, P. Korb 7, T. Hauser 7 1 Bonn, 2 Reinbek, 3 Hannover, 4 Frankfurt/Oder, 5 Erfurt, 6 Würzburg, 7 Berlin, GERMANY PreliminAry results oF the heAlth economics evAluAtion registry For remote Follow-uP (tAriFF) R.P. Ricci 1, A. Vicentini 2, A. D’Onofrio 3, A. Sagone 4, A. Vincenti 5, L. Padeletti 6, L. Morichelli 1, A. Fusco 2, W. Bianchi 3, L. Lombardi 4, M. Santini 1 1 Rome, 2 Peschiera del Garda, VR, 3 Naples, 4 Milan, 5 Monza, 6 Florence, ITALY 104 2014 17:30-19:00|Orange1 Free Papers news on imPlAntAtion techniQues Chairs: P.e. bloch-thomsen (Aalborg, DK) e. occhetta (Novara, I) blind AxillAry vein Access by shAllow needle trAJectory techniQues in deFibrillAtion leAd imPlAntAtion: A 4-yeAr exPerience From A single centre in chinA T. Zhang, M.H. Zang, J.L. Mao Shanghai, CHINA AxillAry vein techniQue For imPlAntAble deFibrillAtor leAds imPlAntAtion: A sAFe And eFFective AlternAtive APProAch F. Migliore, M. Siciliano, S. Ferretto, C. Dalla Valle, M. De Lazzari, S. Iliceto, E. Bertaglia Padua, ITALY imPlAntAtion oF cArdiAc electronic devices in young PAtients: rePort oF A long-term single-center exPerience with subAxillAry APProAch M. Morosato, G. Morani, P. Silvestre, L. Tomasi, G. Mugnai, B. Bolzan, C. Vassanelli Verona, ITALY ultrAsound-guided venous Access For PAcemAkers And deFibrillAtors. rAndomiZed triAl M. Liccardo 1, P. Nocerino 1, A. Russo 2, B. Bonamassa 1, A. Borrino 1, C. Carbone 1, P. Follero 1, C. Ciardiello 1, L. Prato 3, G. Salzano 3 1 Naples, ITALY, 2 Syracuse, NY, USA, 3 Milan, ITALY ecg criteriA For right ventriculAr leAd Positioning. An AnAlysis From the right PAce study M. Racheli 1, S. Calcagno 2, F. Dettori 3, V. Carinci 4, D. Porcelli 5, G. Nigro 6, M. Giammaria 7, V. Calvi8, G. Ciaramitaro 8, D. Pecora 8, G. Maglia 8, G. L Botto 8, M. Malacrida 9, M. Campari 9, E. Savoldelli9, C. Muto 10 Gavardo, BS, 2 Civitavecchia, RM, 3 Oristano, 4 Bologna, 5 Rome, 6 Naples, 7 Turin, 8 Right Pace Study Group, 9 Milan, 10 Nola, NA, ITALY 1 the eFFect oF sePtAl versus APicAl right ventriculAr PAcing on leFt And right ventriculAr PerFormAnce: A cArdiAc mAgnetic resonAnce imAging study A. Marzan 1, T. Bischof 1, S.A. Mueggler 1, R. Berli 2, J. Peter 3, R. Maire 4, C. Beynon 1, A. Mueller1, R. Zbinden 1 1 Zurich, 2 Uznach, 3 Schaffhausen, 4 Maennedorf, SWITZERLAND 105 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 17:30-19:00|Orange2 Free Papers leAds inFection And extrAction Chairs: P.g. golzio (Turin, I) h. nakajima (Tokyo, JP) conservAtive treAtment oF PAcemAker Pocket inFection: is it A viAble oPtion? A. Bisignani 1, G. Bisignani 2, G. San Pasquale 2, S. De Bonis 2 1 Rome, 2 Castrovillari, CS, ITALY useFulness oF sPectroPhotometry in Assessment oF suPerFiciAl dAmAges on silicone leAds extrActed by mAnuAl trAction B. Malecka, A. Zabek, K. Boczar, M. Ziabka Krakow, POLAND extrActed leAd body dwelling time. should it inFluece on tle scenArio? A. Kutarski 1, M. Grabowski 2, A. Polewczyk 3, M. Polewczyk 3, M. Czajkowski 1 1 Lublin, 2 Warsaw, 3 Kielce, POLAND eFFicAcy And sAFety oF PermAnent ePicArdiAl leAd imPlAntAtion beFore leAd extrAction in PAcemAker-dePendent PAtients with endocArditis. A single site exPerience L. Bontempi 1, G.L. Bisleri 1, F. Rosati 1, M. Cerini 1, A. Lipari 1, F. Vassanelli 1, N. Ashofair 1, M. Belotti Cassa 1, F. Chiusso 2, M. Siciliano 1, S. Bardari 1, L. Inama 1, F. Guidetti 1, F. Salghetti 1, C. Muneretto1, A. Curnis 1 1 Brescia, 2 Vimodrone, MI, ITALY extrAction oF PermAnent PAcemAker And imPlAntAble deFibrillAtor leAds: A single center exPerience L. Inama 1, L. Bontempi 1, A. Lipari 1, M. Cerini 1, F. Chiusso 2, M. Belotti Cassa 1, F. Salghetti 1, N. Ashofair 1, F. Guidetti 1, M.C. Siciliano 1, F. Vassanelli 1, A. Curnis 1 1 Brescia, 2 Vimodrone, MI, ITALY 106 2014 17:30-19:00|Tarragona Free Papers clinicAl PAcing Chairs: m. del greco (Rovereto-TN, I) k. hirao (Tokyo, JP) long-term Follow-uP oF endocArdiAl PAcemAkers imPlAnted in children under Age 6 yeArs J. Solís Mexico DF, MEXICO inFluence oF gender on long-term ddd PAcing M. Debski, M. Ulman, A. Zabek, K. Haberka, J. Lelakowski, B. Malecka Krakow, POLAND mortAlity in PAtients with chAgAs cArdiomyoPAthy users imPlAntAble cArdioverter deFibrillAtor For PrimAry Prevention oF sudden cArdiAc deAth G. Mora, C. Portilla Bogota, COLOMBIA mAlFunctioning oF cArdiAc devices AFter rAdiotherAPy not due to ioniZing rAdiAtion. exPerimentAl dAtA G. Morea, M. Zecchin, E. Sergi, A. Baratto Rodan, M. Severgnini, A. Nordio, E. Bianco, S. Magnani, M. Muca, A. Zorzin Fantasia, V. Milan, G. Giannini, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY PerFormAnce oF the Accent mri PAcemAker system in PAtients undergoing highPower thorAcic mri scAnning A. Marzan 1, T. Bischof 1, S.A. Mueggler 1, A. Mueller 1, C. Beynon 1, R. Berli 2, J. Peter 3, R. Maire4, M. Simon 5, R. Zbinden 1 1 Zurich, 2 Uznach, 3 Schaffhausen, 4 Maennedorf, SWITZERLAND, 5 Zaventem, BELGIUM Acute PerFormAnce And hAndling oF novel mr-conditionAl icd And crt-d leAds. results From the reAlly Promri PhAse 1 survey G. Maglia 1, A. Curnis 2, R.P. Ricci 3, M. Brieda 4, P. Bonfanti 5, F. Caravati 5, D. Orsida 6, L. Santini 3, M. Anaclerio 7, A. Fagagnini 3, V. Caccavo 8 Catanzaro, 2 Brescia, 3 Rome, 4 Pordenone, 5 Varese, 6 Gallarate, VA, 7 Bari, 8 Acquaviva delle Fonti, BA, ITALY 1 107 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 17:30-19:00|Spalato Free Papers cAtheter AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion Chairs: n. bottoni (Reggio Emilia, I) b. köktürk (Köln, D) AF AblAtion As “First line therAPy”. Five yeArs Follow uP oF A single centre C. Pratola, M. Bertini, L. Marcantoni, M. Malagù, F. Casadei, R. Ferrari Ferrara, ITALY eliminAtion oF dormAnt conduction reveAled by Adenosine And cronic PulmonAry vein reconnection: lesson From the redo Procedures E. Lyan, A. Morozov, A. Kazakov, A. Merkureva Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA imPAct oF esoPhAgeAl temPerAture monitoring-guided strAtegy during rAdioFreQuency AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion on PulmonAry vein reconnection M. Leo, M. Pedersen, K. Rajappan, M. Ginks, Y. Bashir, T. Betts Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM PhAsed rF evAluAtion oF PulmonAry vein isolAtion with new genius And PvAc gold: Precision-gold study Y. De Greef 1, L. Dekker 2, L. Boersma 3, S. Murray 4, M. Wieczorek 5, S. Spitzer 6, N. Davidson 7, S. Furniss 8, M. Hocini 9, J. C. Geller 10, Z. Csanádi 11 Antwerp, BELGIUM, 2 Eindhoven, 3 Nieuwegein, THE NETHERLANDS, 4 Newcastle upon Tyne, UNITED KINGDOM, 5 Bocholt, 6 Dresden, GERMANY, 7 Manchester, 8 Sussex, UNITED KINGDOM, 9 Bordeaux, FRANCE, 10Bad Berka, GERMANY, 11 Debrecen, HUNGARY 1 leFt AtriAl AnAtomicAl model recontruction For AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion: reliAbility oF new mAPPing And contAct systems A. Bonso 1, S. Ferrara 1, M. Fantinel 1, G. Scalchi 1, M. Beraldo 1, S. Indiani 2, F. Calore 2 1 Feltre, BL, 2 Agrate Brianza, MB, ITALY eFFicAcy And sAFety ProFile oF rFcA oF sePtAl Accessory PAthwAys guided by 3d mAPPing A. Avella, P. De Girolamo, F. Laurenzi, A. Pappalardo, M. Uguccioni Rome, ITALY 108 2014 17:30-19:00|Pola Free Papers sudden deAth risk strAtiFicAtion Chairs: v.i. calvi (Catania, I) P. neuzil (Prague, CZ) risk oF sudden deAth From non-cArdiAc And cArdiAc medicAtions understAnding drug-induced brugAdA And long Qt syndromes M. Santomauro, L. Matarazzo, G. Langella, G. Pirozzi, A. Magliocca, G. Palma, C. Riganti, C. Vosa Naples, ITALY exercise-induced chAnges in brugAdA ecg P. Carvalho, L. Colombatti, A. Previti, G.P. Varalda, R. Pozzi Orbassano, TO, ITALY brugAdA syndrome: new Algorithm For Arrhythmic risk strAtiFicAtion P. Ferrari, F. Giofre, P. De Filippo Bergamo, ITALY the Qt intervAl As A risk FActor oF the sudden cArdiAc deAth in PAtients with coronAry heArt diseAse combined with tyPe 2 diAbetes A. Garipova, R.G. Saifutdinov, G.R. Vagapova Kazan, RUSSIA induction oF ventriculAr FibrillAtion during electroPhysiologicAl study. sPeciFicity And Prognostic vAlue N. Valera, H. Quiroga Ponce, L. Onetto, L. Tomassini, R. Keegan Bahia Blanca, ARGENTINA Arrhythmic risk strAtiFicAtion in PAtients with idioPAthic dilAted cArdiomyoPAthy And no conventionAl indicAtions For imPlAntAble cArdiAc deFibrillAtor F. Pirozzi, D. Stolfo, M. Alonge, M. Gigli, E. Bianco, L. Vitali Serdoz, G. Barbati, M. Zecchin, M. Merlo, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY 109 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Wednesday, December 3 17:30-19:00|Cesarea Free Papers cArdiAc resyncroniZAtion therAPy Chairs: m. meine (Utrecht, NL) g. Pastore (Rovigo, I) decreAses in interventriculAr electricAl conduction delAy during 12-month oF crt Are AssociAted with crt resPonse C. Pappone 1, Z. Calovic 1, A. Cuko 1, L. McSpadden 2, C. Jordan 2, K. Ryu 2, E. Romano 3, M. Baldi1, A. Pappone 1, M. Saviano 1, L. Gianneli 1, C. Ciaccio 1, A. Petretta 1, M. Moscatiello 1, C. Catalano 4, A. Fundaliotis 1, R. Vitale 1, B. Ionescu 1, G. Vicedomini 1, V. Santinelli Cotignola, RA, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA, 3 Milan, 4 Novara, ITALY 1 role oF electrocArdiogrAm in the evAluAtion oF long term Prognosis in PAtients undergoing cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion F. Casadei, L. Marcantoni, M. Malagu’, C. Pratola, T. Toselli, M Bertini Ferrara, ITALY role oF echocArdiogrAPhic Assessment oF right ventriculAr Function in order to Predicts the resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy S. Maffè, P. Paffoni, P. Dellavesa, L. Bergamasco, A.M. Paino, L. Baduena, F. Zenone, L. Cucchi, F. Signorotti, N. Franchetti Pardo, U. Parravicini Borgomanero, NO, ITALY PrevAlence oF true leFt bundle brAnch block in current PrActice oF cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy imPlAntAtion F. Migliore 1, A. Baritussio 1, G. Stabile 2, L. Padeletti 3, P. Palmisano 4, A. D’Onofrio 5, A. De Simone , S. I. Caico 7, A. Reggiani 8, M. Malacrida 9, E. Bertaglia 1 6 Padua, 2 Naples, 3 Florence, 4 Tricase, LE, 5 Naples, 6 Maddaloni, CE, 7 Gallarate, VA, 8 Mantova, 9 Milan, ITALY 1 leAds Position does not Predict outcome in PAtients who underwent cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy E. Zubarev, M. Trukshina, V. Lebedeva, D. Lebedev Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA eFFect oF Post-imPlAntAtion hemodynAmic resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy on FunctionAl mitrAl regurgitAtion in idioPAthic dilAted cArdiomyoPAthy D. Stolfo, E. Tonet, G. Barbati, M. Gigli, B. Pinamonti, M. Zecchin, F. Ramani, M .Merlo, G. Sinagra Trieste, ITALY 110 2014 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna4 insights into mechAnisms And AdvAnced mAPPing oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs: imPlicAtions For cAtheter AblAtion? Chairs: J. Almendral garrote (Madrid, E) F. gaita (Turin, I) Fragmented activity mapping and relationship with underlying atrial substrate e. de ruvo (Rome, I) Electrical coupling discriminates lesion transmurality in humans: from the experimental model to the clinical facts c. tondo (Milan, I) Which long term data in AF ablation are available on contact force measured by optical technology? J.P. Albenque (Toulouse, F) Long term clinical experience on flex tip ablation catheter design: optimal titration of RF energy and irrigation flow t. gaspar (Leipzig, D) Non contact and hybrid contact-non contact mapping in VT ablation m. oliveira (Lisbon, P) Importance of late ventricular activation mapping P. della bella (Milan, I) 111 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna2 the rechArgeAble PAcemAker/icd Join session with world society of Arrhythmias Chairs: F. de seta (Rome, I) m. santini (Rome, I) Rationale for a rechargeable CIED g. corbucci (Milan, I) External recharge: technology available, pros and cons c. schmidt (Minneapolis-MN, USA) Automatic recharge: technology available, pros and cons m.d. carlson (Sylmar-CA, USA) Potential clinical impact e. Aliot (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, F) Potential financial impact F. naccarella (Bologna, I) Why is it not yet available? F. bellocci (Rome, I) 112 2014 9:00-10:30|Orange1 cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs in FemAles Chairs: J.c. geller (Bad Berka, D) F. straube (Munich, D) How to manage brady and tachyarrhythmias in view of pregnancy v. romano (Rome, I) How to treat brady and tachyarrhythmias during pregnancy m. gwechenberger (Vienna, A) Potential problems during pregnancy in pacemaker/ICD patients: their prevention and treatment e. sciaraffia (Uppsala, S) Arrhythmias in “menopause”: when and how to treat them s.A. di Fusco (Rome, I) Ventricular tachyarrhythmias in patients with post-partum cardiomyopathy: selecting the most appropriate therapy m. lovrić benčić (Zagreb, HR) Cardiac Resynchronization therapy: are females undertreated in clinical practice? l. vitali-serdoz (Coburg, D) 113 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 9:00-10:30|Tarragona euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session v Pharmacological treatment of cardiac arrhythmias Chairs: k. hirao (Tokyo, JP) l. Padeletti (Florence, I) Atrial fibrillation: rate or rhythm control y. kobayashi (Tokyo, JP) Supraventricular tachycardias J. kautzner (Prague, CZ) Sustained ventricular tachycardias A. nogami (Tsukuba, JP) Idiopatic ventricular fibrillation g. hindricks (Leipzig, D) Electrical storm h. tada (Fukui, JP) Hybrid pharmacological and electrical therapy for ventricular tachyarrhyhtmias s. ikeguchi (Moriyama City, JP) 114 2014 9:00-10:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session viii rate control Chairs: h. baccar (Sfax, TN) J. borbola (Budapest, H) Rate control in atrial fibrillation: how many and which patients should we consider? A. de simone (Maddaloni-CE, I) Which cardiac rate is acceptable on a long term basis? Does age or EF matter? P. Fumero lessmann (Caracas, YV) Clinical follow-up: how to monitor ventricular deterioration? n. Aspromonte (Rome, I) Indications and contraindications to a pharmacological rate control r. vijayvergia (Chandigarh, IND) Indications and contraindications to permanent pacing m. sgueglia (Rome, I) Ablate and Pace is superior to pharmacological rate control? c. muto (Naples, I) 115 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 9:00-10:30|Pola reliAbility And clinicAl imPAct oF icd dAtA storAge And AlArms Chairs: n. Al-rawahi (Muscat, OM) A. schirdewan (Berlin, D) Atrial fibrillation burden A. borrelli (Rome, I) Ventricular tachyarrhythmias P. scipione (Ancona, I) Chest fluid accumulation s. chandra (New Delhi, IND) St segment changes e.c.l. Pisanò (Lecce, I) Lead damage P.m.g. Agricola (Crema-CR, I) 116 2014 9:00-10:30|Cesarea sudden deAth: understAnding, Preventing And treAting Chairs: e.u. Alt (Houston-TX, USA) g. steinbeck (Munich, D) Influence of smoke on appropriate ICD interventions A. Pandozi (Rome, I) Are the complications of ICD implant underestimated? F. bokhari (Jeddah, SA) The current role of antiarrhythmic drugs in genetic arrhythmias g. Zingarini (Perugia, I) ICD interventions in Brugada syndrome: data from National and International Registries P. donateo (Lavagna-GE, I) The wearable defibrillator: indications and cost-benefit ratio s. orazi (Rieti, I) Clinical outcome after Electrical Storm in ICD patients g. neri (Montebelluna-TV, I) 117 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna4 cArdiAc PAcing And true PhysiologicAl rAte modulAtion: An “old” or A new reAl PersPective? Chairs: J.c. deharo (Marseille, F) s. Favale (Bari, I) Rate modulation adapted to contractility through the Closed Loop Stimulation: what is the physiological background? A. hamaad (Walsall, UK) Rate Modulation adapted to contractility: is there a role in Sick Sinus Syndrome? J.m. guerra ramos (Barcelona, E) Rate Modulation adapted to contractility: is there a role in response to Syncope? e. occhetta (Novara, I) Rate Modulation adapted to contractility: is there a role in managing hypertension? e. celentano (Bari, I) Rate Modulation adapted to contractility: is there a role in tracking and responding to mental stress? A. sagone (Milan, I) Rate Modulation adapted to contractility combined to algorithms to promote AV conduction: a synergic combination? A. capucci (Ancona, I) 118 2014 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna2 duty-cycled PhAsed rF: the evolution oF rF AblAtion Chairs: d.l. Packer (Rochester-MN, USA) m.A.e. schneider (Sindelfingen, D) Duty-Cycled Phased RF technology principles c. geller (Bad Berka, D) Biophysics of Phased RF Ablation and lesion assessment A. verma (Toronto-ON, CDN) World Wide Experience with 1st and 2nd generation multi-electrode ablation catheters s. spitzer (Dresden, D) Multielectrode-Phased RF Ablation: an update from the clinical trials l.v. boersma (Nieuwegein, NL) Next Generation of Multi-electrode Phased RF catheters: a look into the future m. stewart (Monds View-MN, USA) 119 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 11:00-12:30|Orange1 Forum on heAlth technology Assessment Joint session with world society of Arrhythmias session iii ethical and financial considerations on leads and devices Advisory call Chairs: r. cappato (Milan, I) k. soejima (Tokyo, JP) The many systems to control the safety of implantable leads and electronic devices by manufactures t. samsel (Minneapolis-MN, USA) Should we have standard rules for all the CIED manufactures, to start an Advisory action and consequent operative flow-chart? m.d. carlson (Sylmar-CA, USA) Do we need International Registries for CIED malfunctions run by International Scientific Societies? r. cappato (Milan, I) Should the “level” of medical reaction to an Advisory Call be decided by a Joint Committee including medical and industry members? J.m. morgan (Southampton, UK) Should we consider any reimbursement by Industry to the Public Health System for the unforeseen overwork? m. santomauro (Naples, I) Medical-legal implications of an Advisory requesting a reintervention on the patient: whose responsibility (manufactures, hospitals, implanting physicians)? n.A.m. estes iii (Boston-MA, USA) 120 2014 11:00-12:30|Tarragona euro-JAPAn ArrhythmiA Forum (eJAF) session vi ilr and remote care solutions: what’s new? Chairs: h. Abe (Kitakyushu, JP) m. santini (Rome, I) ILR to reduce stroke r. sutton (Monte Carlo, Monaco) ILR to monitor syncopal attacks h. Abe (Kitakyushu, JP) ILR and remote monitoring usefulness after catheter or surgical AF ablation J.c. daubert (Rennes, F) Key Remote Care System features to utilize when managing complex patients m. takagi (Osaka, JP) Remote Care Systems: ILR are they all the same? A. oto (Ankara, TR) ILR provided by remote control cost efficacy ratio r.P. ricci (Rome, I) 121 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 11:00-12:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session ix living with permanent Atrial Fibrillation Chairs: s. matsuo (Tokyo, JP) g. vergara (Rovereto-TN, I) Quality of life in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation t. neumann (Bad Nauheim, D) How to reach by drugs an acceptable heart rate without prolonged nocturnal asystole F. giada (Mestre-VE, I) Balancing the benefit of a rhythmic ventricular filling with the damage of ventricular desynchronization in candidates to ablate and Pace therapy P. Pieragnoli (Florence, I) When maintaining atrial fibrillation can be the first therapeutical option? g.Q. villani (Piacenza, I) Long-term changes of echocardiographic parameters in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation s. Ficili (Rome, I) Sport practicing with chronic atrial fibrillation: which one, when, for how long F.m. moscosa costa (Lisbon, P) 122 2014 11:00-12:30|Pola mAnAgement oF tAchycArdiAs And ectoPic beAts From the ventriculAr outFlow trAct Chairs: A. berkowitsch (Bad Nauheim, D) c. Pandozi (Rome, I) Complex anatomy of the ventricular outflow tract m. galeazzi (Rome, I) Outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias: always a benign condition? r. luise (L’Aquila, I) Outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias: how to distinguish true idiopathic from early stage ARVD/C? t. dickfeld (Baltimore-MD, USA) Indications to ablation of ectopic beats from the outflow tract: the role of LV enlargement, symptoms and arrhythmia burden g. rodriguez diez (Mexico City, MEX) Technique and results of ablation of VT on ectopic beats from the RVOT and the LVOT m. shenasa (San Jose-CA, USA) Complications management s. Fichtner (Munich, D) 123 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 11:00-12:30|Cesarea brAdy And tAchyArrhythmiAs in ccu Chairs: b. gorenek (Eskisehir, TK) P. serpytis (Vilnius, LT) How to interpret and treat frequent ventricular ectopic beats in ACS v. radeljič (Zagreb, HR) Sinus arrest, complete AV block in inferior AMI: which outcome? How to treat? g. magenta (Milan, I) Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia in ACS: antiarrhythmic drugs or revascularization? A. kol (Rome, I) Ventricular fibrillation in ACS: relationship to patient outcome P. notarstefano (Arezzo, I) Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in ACS: rhythm or rate control? v. Altamura (Rome, I) 124 2014 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna4 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: r. cappato (Milan, I) J.d. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) Usefulness of MRI in arrhythmia treatment n.F. marrouche (Salt Lake City-UT, USA) Update in intracardiac echocardiography J. kautzner (Prague, CZ) 125 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 12:30-14:00|Leptismagna2 “stAte oF the Art” lectures Chairs: J. brachmann (Coburg, D) w. shimizu (Tokyo, JP) Antiarrhythmic gene therapy d. thomas (Heidelberg, D) Syncope: diagnostic and therapeutic flowchart g. steinbeck (Munich, D) 126 2014 12:30-14:00|Orange1 Featured symposium cryoAblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion Chairs: d. catanzariti (Rovereto-TN, I) c. tondo (Milan, I) Predictors oF Acute success in cryobAllon AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion C. Kowalewski, D. Vukajlovic, F. Heissenhuber, K. Kurzidim Regensburg, GERMANY leFt AtriAl diAstolic strAin As Predictor oF AtriAl FibrillAtion recurrences AFter cryobAlloon PulmonAry vein isolAtion G. Ricciardi, A. Giomi, P. Pieragnoli, A. Paoletti Perini, P. Attanà, M. Nesti, G. Mascia, L. Padeletti, A. Michelucci Florence, ITALY the new generAtion cryobAlloon technology imProves the therAPy both For PAroxysmAl And Persistent AtriAl FibrillAtion D. Brala, L. Koch, S. Tessin, M. Roser, O. Goeing, A. Schirdewan Berlin, GERMANY electro-AnAtomicAl mAPPing oF the leFt Atrium beFore And AFter cryobAlloon PulmonAry vein isolAtion: comPArison between two diFFerent bAlloon generAtions P. Pieragnoli 1, G. Ricciardi 1, A. Giomi 1, M. Nesti 1, G. Mascia 1, P. Rodia 2, L. Padeletti 1, A. Michelucci 1 1 Florence, 2 Sesto San Giovanni, MI, ITALY working with FocAl cryoAblAtion cAtheters As First choice is FeAsible And sAFe S. Porcellini, G. Tortora, G. Macca, A. Rimini, S. Biasi Paderno Dugnano, MI, ITALY one shot technologies to PulmonAry vein isolAtion (1stoP) ProJect: the stAndArd clinicAl PrActice in itAly G. Arena 1, C. Tondo 2, A. Curnis 3, M. Lunati 2, P. De Filippo 4, L. Leoni 4, S. Porcellini 6, D. Catanzariti7, L. Sciarra 8, L. Padeletti 9 1 Massa, 2 Milan, 3 Brescia, 4 Bergamo, 5 Padua, 6 Paderno Dugnano, MI, 7 Rovereto, TN, Florence, ITALY 127 8 Rome, 9 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 12:30-14:00|Tarragona luncheon PAnel uPdAte in cArdiAc PAcing Chairs: n.A.m. estes iii (Boston-MA, USA) m. gulizia (Catania, I) Benefits of quadripolar coronary sinus lead in CRT: the More CRT trial g. boriani (Bologna, I) News on MRI conditional implantable devices A. roguin (Haifa, IL) New techniques to optimize CRT selection and follow-up J. melichercik (Lahr, D) 128 2014 12:30-14:00|Spalato Free Papers genetics And mAPPing oF cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs Chairs: m. Faustino (Pescara, I) k. okishige (Yokohama, JP) the genetic ProFile oF Arrhythmogenic right ventriculAr cArdiomyoPAthy in sAudi ArAbiA Z. Al-Hassnan, F. Alhatheq, M. Rababh, W. Almanea, M. Alfayyadh, A. Shafquat, B. Alghamdi Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA PrimAry diAgnosis oF brAdyArrhythmiAs For Pre-PAcemAker Assessments using novel AutomAted device technology F. Ara 1, O. Ahmed 1, I. John 1, C. Crockford 2, R. A. Kaba 1 1 London, 2 Cardiocity Limited, UNITED KINGDOM electrocArdiogrAPhic And electroPhysiologicAl PArAmeters Predictors oF sinus node diseAse in PAtients with Persistent AtriAl Flutter And cAvotricusPid isthmus AblAtion. R. Jimenez Lopez, R. R. Nolasco, M. Ortiz Muñoz, I. Carrasco, J.C. Solis Mexico DF, MEXICO cArdiAc mAgnetic resonAnce imAging studies in PAtients with inAPProPriAte sinus node tAchycArdiA J. Borbola 1, T. Simor 2, C.S. Földesi 1, A. Kardos 1 1 Budapest, 2 Pécs, HUNGARY noninvAsive PAnorAmic mAPPing oF humAn ventriculAr FibrillAtion A. Tsyganov 1, V. Kalinin 1, M. Chmelevsky 2, M. Yakovleva 1 1 Moscow, 2 Saint Petersburg, RUSSIA utility oF cArdiAc mAgnetic Field mAPPing in A ProsPective study oF monoZygotic And diZygotic heAlthy twins to identiFy cArdiAc diseAse Predictors D. Brala, A. Gapelyuk, O. Göing, A. Busjahn, A. Schirdewan Berlin, GERMANY 129 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 12:30-14:00|Pola luncheon PAnel new technology For heArt FAilure treAtment bAroreFlex ActivAtion therAPy Chair: e.g. gronda (Milan, I) Activation of the Autonomic Nervous System during Heart Failure m.t. la rovere (Montescano-PV, I) A new implantable device to treat heart failure: implant technique troubles and troubleshooting A. casini (Milan, I) Medium term benefits of baroreflex activation therapy e. vanoli (Milan, I) 130 2014 12:30-14:00|Cesarea Free Papers Predictors oF crt outcome Chairs: h. bonnemeier (Kiel, D) v. nissardi (Cagliari, I) ArteriAl bAroreFlex eFFectiveness index in risk strAtiFicAtion oF chronic heArt FAilure PAtients cAndidAtes to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy J. Serodio, S. Laranjo, C. Tavares, P. Cunha, J. Feliciano, L. Branco, A. Abreu, S. Alves, I. Rocha, M. Oliveira, R. Ferreira Lisbon, PORTUGAL trAnsPulmonAry grAdient And PulmonAry vAsculAr resistence in PAtients with severe leFt venriculAr dysFunction T. Minarik 1, M. Fedorco 2, M. Taborsky 2 1 Ostrava, 2 Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC relAtionshiP between betA1-AdrenorecePtor Antibodies And resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy A. Michelucci, M.M. D’Elios, E. Sticchi, P. Pieragnoli, G. Ricciardi, C. Fatini, M. Benagiano, E. Niccolai, L. Emmi, M. Nesti, A. Giomi, F. Ristalli, L. Padeletti, R. Abbate Florence, ITALY A novel mArker oF true comPlete leFt bundle brAnch block indePendently Predicts Qrs comPlex shortening by cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy D. Wichterle 1, J. Hanuliakova 2, H. Jansova 1, V. Vancura 1, K. Sedlacek 1, J. Kautzner 1 1 Prague, 2 Liberec, CZECH REPUBLIC leFt ventriculAr leAd electricAl delAy Predicts long term heArt FAilure morbidity And mortAlity in PAtients receiving cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy T. Roubicek 1, D. Wichterle 2, J. Hanuliakova 1, P. Kucera 1, J. Kupec 1, R. Polasek 1 1 Liberec, 2 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC relAtionshiP between bAseline electricAl meAsurements And 12-month resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy Z. Calovic 1, A. Cuko 1, L.C. McSpadden 2, C. Jordan 2, K. Ryu 2, E. Romano 3, M. Baldi 1, A. Pappone1, M. Saviano 1, L. Giannelli 1, C. Catalano 1, C. Ciaccio 1, A. Petretta 1, M. Moscatiello 1, A. Fundaliotis 1, R. Vitale 4, B. Ionescu 1, G. Vicedomini 1, V. Santinelli 1, C. Pappone 1 1 Cotignola, RA, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA, 3 Milan, 4 Novara, ITALY 131 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna4 mri devices: first choice or just an option? Chairs: F. duru (Zurich, CH) A. roguin (Haifa, IL) MRI need for cardiac implantable device population J. morgan (Southampton, UK) A close look at technology: not all devices are created equal t. sommer (Neuwied, D) Should MRI conditional devices be the first option: the radiologist’s point of view A. guaricci (Foggia, I) Should MRI conditional devices be the first option: the electrophysiologist’s point of view m. del greco (Rovereto-TN, I) Medical legal implications: recommendations for implanters and radiologists l. binner (Ulm, D) Cost benefit of MRI conditional devices l. santini (Rome, I) 132 2014 14:00-15:30|Leptismagna2 heArt FAilure: imPAct And outcome oF new technologies Chairs: m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) g.l. botto (Como, I) Heart failure: epidemic disease with high economic and social impact g.l. botto (Como, I) Diastolic HF. Monitoring and treatment strategies m. Frigerio (Milan, I) Systolic HF. Monitoring and treatment strategies g.b. Perego (Milan, I) Multi Point Pacing: are acute improvements confirmed by chronic outcome? P.P. delnoy (Zwolle, NL) Patient with lower response to CRT: can MPP help? c.A. rinaldi (London, UK) LV lead positioning guided by 3D mapping A. vado (Cuneo, I) 133 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 14:00-15:30|Orange1 Prediction And mAnAgement oF mAJor cArdiovAsculAr events in PAtients with device: hyPe, hoPe or reAlity? Chairs: v.i. calvi (Catania, I) m. chauvin (Strasbourg, F) One or multiple parameters to monitor and react to HF worsening risk? g. Zanotto (Legnago-VR, I) Continuous hemodynamic monitoring of cardiac function through device: what is the value? r. Zbinden (Zurich, CH) How important is to detect and address AF episodes? r.A. kaba (Chertsey, UK) What is the prognostic value of an implantable diagnostic cardiac monitor? J.l. Pasquié (Montpellier, F) The SELENE HF study: initial learning and the long term goals of an integrated approach to predict major cardiovascular events l. calò (Rome, I) From arrhythmias to patient management: how frequent is necessary to receive objective diagnostic data through remote monitoring to address patient in a timely manner? d. Pecora (Brescia, I) 134 2014 14:00-15:30|Tarragona globAl ArrhythmiA Forum (gAF) session ii syncope update Chairs: e. Aliot (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, F) d. huang (Chengdu, Republic of China) Neuromediated syncope x. liu (Beijing, Republic of China) Syncope in structural heart disease J. Zou (Nanjing, Republic of China) Syncope in pacemaker patients r. sutton (Monte Carlo, Monaco) Syncope in ICD patients d. liao (Shanghai, Republic of China) Operative diagnostical and therapeutical flow-chart F. Ammirati (Rome, I) 135 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 14:00-15:30|Spalato Forum on AtriAl FibrillAtion session x Ablation of paroxysmal and persistent Atrial Fibrillation: optimizing technique and outcome Chairs: l. di biase (Austin-TX, USA) F. straube (Munich, D) Selection of the optimal approach and energy source l. ottaviano (Milan, I) Real time monitoring of the lesion development s. nardi (Castel Volturno-CE, I) Contact force monitoring: is it mandatory? s. themistoclakis (Mestre-VE, I) A new approach for catheter ablation of atrial tachycardia following atrial fibrillation ablation t. Agricola (Pescara, I) Could renal denervation improve outcome post AF ablation? e. Pokushalov (Novosibirsk, RUS) Usefulness of MRI imaging to guide AF ablation s. matsuo (Tokyo, JP) 136 2014 14:00-15:30|Pola debAtAble indicAtions For cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy Chairs: s. Alkaabi (Abu Dhabi, UAE) c. moro serrano (Madrid, E) CRT in patients with RBBB or IVCD v. kuznetsov (Tyumen, RUS) CRT in patients with narrow QRS A. kapoor (Lucknow, IND) CRT in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation J. clementy (Bordeaux, F) Upgrading VVI-DDD to CRT pacing modality m. brieda (Pordenone, I) When to use CRT-P only? d. ricciardi (Rome, I) CRT in elderly patients e. casali (Modena, I) 137 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 14:00-15:30|Cesarea PediAtric ArrhythmiAs AblAtion treAtment Chairs: c. Akdeniz (Istanbul, TK) F. drago (Rome, I) Ablation in WPW syndrome: when, which energy source? b. Pezzulich (Turin, I) Ablation of supraventricular nodal tachycardia m. scaglione (Asti, I) Ablation of focal atrial tachycardia m.s. silvetti (Rome, I) Ablation of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias m. strieper (Atlanta-GA, USA) Permanent pacing in children: trouble and troubleshooting k. dagriri (Riyadh, SA) ICD implant in children techniques: trouble and troubleshooting P. Zartner (Sankt Augustin, D) 138 2014 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna4 sleeP APneA: diseAse For heArt sPeciAlists? Chairs: m.g. bongiorni (Pisa, I) P. defaye (Grenoble, F) Impact of SAS on cardiovascular diseases n. combes (Toulouse, F) Undiagnosed SAS: what is the cost? g.l. botto (Como, I) SAS screening in pacemaker population r. villuendas (Badalona, E) What’s new in SAS therapy? A. braghiroli (Veruno-NO, I) How to manage SAS diagnosed paced patients? A. sagone (Milan, I) 139 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 15:30-17:00|Leptismagna2 stroke reduction by imPlAntAble devices diAgnostics: Angels AF ProJects Chairs: A. capucci (Ancona, I) g. senatore (Ciriè-TO, I) Early detection of atrial fibrillation by device remote control: how to implement it? A. thajudeen (Trivandrum, IND) Management of oral anticoagulation therapy guided by device diagnostics remote control A. rossillo (Mestre-VE,I) How to decide oral anticoagulation therapy based on AF burden, AF frequency and stroke risk factors A. capucci (Ancona, I) Usefulness of implantable loop recorder in monitoring post-ablation AF recurrences m. mantica (Milan, I) Usefulness of implantable loop recorder in cryptogenetic stroke t. sanna (Rome, I) Reveal LINQ system: a new era in cardiac monitoring m. moltrasio (Milan, I) 140 2014 15:30-17:00|Orange1 the subcutAneous deFibrillAtor: stAte oF the heArt Chairs: r. choudhury (Sharjah, UAE) J.m. morgan (Southampton, UK) Selection of the appropriate candidate m. luzi (Ancona, I) Acute and long-term efficacy J. kobe (Munster, D) Incidence of the inappropriate interventions A. grace (Cambridge, UK) Advantages and disadvantages on a long-term follow-up: the UK national experience J.w.e. Jarman (London, UK) Combination of a previous DDD pacemaker with a new subcutaneous defibrillator implant for sudden death prevention l.J.l.m. Jordaens (Rotterdam, NL) Next generation: what is to be expected? r. cappato (Milan, I) 141 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 15:30-17:00|Tarragona sudden deAth: mechAnisms And timing Chairs: n. Asaad (Doha, Q) J. brachmann (Coburg, D) Sudden death in patients with preserved cardiac function g. carreras (Terni, I) Relationship between sex hormone levels and sudden death risk w. Jung (Villingen-Schwenningen, D) Increased risk of sudden death by exercise A. biffi (Rome, I) Circadian and seasonal variations of sudden death h. rodriguez reyes (Aguascalientes, MEX) Influence of autonomic nervous system on cardiac arrest r. hatala (Bratislava, SK) Sleep apnea and ventricular arrhythmias A. curcio (Catanzaro, I) 142 2014 15:30-17:00|Spalato leAds And devices recAll in the lAst decAde Chairs: m.m. hossain (Dhaka, BD) c.w. israel (Frankfurt, D) Pacemakers and ICD m. toniolo (Udine, I) Leads m. landolina (Pavia, I) What should Companies do more to reduce malfunctions? P. neužil (Prague, CZ) Which would be the optimal management of CIED recall? F. laurenzi (Rome, I) The role of Scientific Societies in managing devices recall l. santini (Rome, I) Potential legal problems for implanting physicians, hospital, industries J. senges (Heidelberg, D) 143 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 15:30-17:00|Pola new technology For ePi/endocArdiAl APProAch Chairs: d.l. Packer (Rochester-MN, USA) c. Pandozi (Rome, I) Novel epicardial approach needle l. di biase (Austin-TX, USA) Novel active fixation left ventricular leads F. gadler (Stockholm, S) Endocardial approach for autonomic ablation A. Pappalardo (Rome, I) Thoracoscopic approach for right and left ventricular lead implantation e. ivanitskiy (Krasnoyarsk, RUS) Intracardiac echocardiography to guide invasive antiarrhythmic procedures o.v. sapelnikov (Moscow, RUS) 144 2014 15:30-17:00|Cesarea Free Papers leAds extrAction Chairs: c. kennergren (Goteborg, S) e. soldati (Pisa, I) cArdiAc rhythm mAnAgement device extrAction. exPerience From A united kingdom tertiAry cArdio-thorAcic centre C. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D.J. Wright 2 1 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM clinicAl And ProcedurAl imPAct oF the evolution® mechAnicAl dilAtor sheAth As First line APProAch in comPlex trAnsvenous leAd extrActions G. Domenichini, H. Gonna, L. Fiorista, S. Conti, S. Jones, M.M. Gallagher London, UNITED KINGDOM 1-yeAr PAtients’ survivAl AFter trAnsvenous leAds extrAction A. Zabek, B. Malecka, K. Boczar, K. Haberka, A. Rydlewska, R. Pfitzner , J. Lelakowski Krakow, POLAND trAnsvenous extrAction oF A curly looPed AtriAl leAd in leFt unnAmed vein P. Turco, A. Antonelli, E. Gronda Milan, ITALY trAnsvenous leAd extrAction in nAnogenAriAns. sAFety & eFFectiveness. single centre exPerience Among 1684 Procedures A. Kutarski 1, M. Czajkowski 1, M. Polewczyk 2, A. M. Polewczyk 2, A. Polewczyk 2 1 Lublin, 2 Kielce, POLAND leAd dePendent inFective endocArditis without vegetAtions. diAgnostic Problem A. Polewczyk 1, A. Tomaszewski 2, W. Brzozowski 2, M. Janion 1, A. Kutarski 2 1 Kielce, 2 Lublin, POLAND 145 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 17:30-19:00|Leptismagna4 Free Papers crt: selection oF cAndidAtes And ProgrAmming oPtimiZAtion Chairs: u. giordano (Palermo, I) h. schmidinger (Vienna, A) the P-wAve durAtion: A PotentiAl determinAnt oF the oPtimAl Av intervAl in PAtients undergoing crt G. Savarese 1, A. Rapacciuolo 2, A .Pierantozzi 3, T. Giovannini 4, A. Spotti 5, A. Talarico 6, D. Spaziani 7, G. Bisignani 8, A. Agresta 2, F. Esposito 2, M. Malacrida 9, L. Placentino 9, G. Stabile 2 1 9 Foligno, PG, 2 Naples, 3 Pesaro, PU, 4 Prato, 5 Cremona, 6 Cosenza, 7 Magenta, MI, 8 Castrovillari, CS, Milan, ITALY imPAct oF sonr PArAmeters dynAmics on resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy D. Zizek, M. Cvijic, A. Djordjevic, P. Milovanovic, I. Zupan Ljubljana, SLOVENIA uPgrAde to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: PresentAtion oF PAtients And clinicAl determinAnts oF the intervention in the current clinicAl PrActice M. Santamaria1, Q. Parisi1, M. Viscusi2, A. Rapacciuolo3, P. Palmisano4, G. Savarese5, S. Badolati 6, M. Accogli 4, L. Messano 1, G. L. Botto 7, M. Malacrida 8, F. Maddaluno 8, B. M Bozzo 8, G. Stabile 3 Campobasso, 2 Caserta, 3 Naples, 4 Tricase, LE, 5 Foligno, PG, 6 La Spezia, 7 San Fermo della Battaglia, CO, 8 Milan, ITALY 1 is there An uPPer limit oF Qrs durAtion in leFt bundle brAnch block Above which cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy FAils to Provide beneFit? M. Beltrami 1, L. Padeletti 1, M. Bertini 3, G. Mascioli 4, S. Bressan 2, G. Fucà 2, F. Pacchioni 2, M. Pedaci 2, F. Michelotti 4, L. Bacchi Reggiani 5, A. Paoletti Perini 1, S. Gambetti 2, B. Sassone 2 1 Florence, 2 Cento, FE, 3 Ferrara, 4 Bergamo, 5 Bologna, ITALY Prolonged electricAl lAtency during lv PAcing: extent And mAgnitude in the crt PoPulAtion N. Agostini 1, S. I. Caico 1, V. Bianchi 2, G. Stabile 2, M. Accogli 3, A. Reggiani 4, P. Pepi 4, A. De Simone 5, L. Padeletti 6, G. Maglia 7, M. Marini 8, D. Orsida 1, P. Palmisano 4, M. Malacrida 9, M. Campari 9, A. Colombo 9, A. D’Onofrio 2 1 9 Gallarate, VA, 2 Naples, 3 Tricase, LE, 4 Mantova, 5 Maddaloni, CE, 6 Florence, 7 Catanzaro, 8 Trento, Milan, ITALY inter-leAd distAnce And inter-ventriculAr electricAl delAy For the Prediction oF crt resPonse T. Giovannini 1, M. Marini 2, A. D’Onofrio 3, G. Arena 4, P. Pepi 5, A. Reggiani 5, A. De Simone 6, D. Pecora 7, S. I. Caico 8, A. Iuliano 3, M. Malacrida 9, A. Zamboni 9, G. Stabile 3 1 Prato, 2 Trento, 3 Naples, 4 Massa, 5 Mantova, 6 Maddaloni, CE, 7 Brescia, 8 Gallarate, VA, 9 Milan, ITALY 146 2014 17:30-19:00|Leptismagna2 Free Papers leAds insertion And venous obstruction Chairs: P. diotallevi (Alessandria, I) m. stockburger (Nauen, D) right ventriculAr PAcing And AtriAl FibrillAtion G. Pastore, F. Zanon, E. Baracca, S. Aggio, C. Piccariello, D. Lanza, M. Carraro, L. Conte, L. Roncon Rovigo, ITALY right ventriculAr leAd PlAcement in A PAcemAker PoPulAtion: comPArison oF APicAl And sePtAl Positions. the right PAce study L. M. Zuccaro 1, V. Calvi 2, R. Calvanese 3, G. Maglia 4, G.L. Botto 5, G. Ciaramitaro 6, D. Pecora 7, A. Costa 8, A. Lilli 8, A. Reggiani 8, G. Carreras 8, M. Malacrida 9, M. Campari 9, V. Fagiani 9, C. Muto 10 Rome, 2 Catania, 3 Naples, 4 Catanzaro, 5 San Fermo della Battaglia, CO, 6 Palermo, 7 Brescia, 8 Right Pace Study Group, 9 Milan, 10 Nola, NA, ITALY 1 gender-dePendent vein occlusion in the Presence oF heArt stimulAting system K. Boczar, A. Zabek, B. Malecka, K. Haberka, J. Bednarek, A. Rydlewska, T. Senderek, M. Hardzina, J. Lelakowski Krakow, POLAND centrAl venous obstruction in heArt rhythm devices cArriers: rePort From A single center S. Di Fusco, R.P. Ricci, A. Santini, F. Colivicchi, M. Santini Rome, ITALY troubleshooting in uPgrAding Procedures: PercutAneous techniQues to overcome venous stenosis M. Morosato, G. Morani, L. Tomasi, B. Bolzan, C. Vassanelli Verona, ITALY myocArdiAl inJury is detectAble during PAcemAker imPlAntAtion A. Salacata, C. Kazmierzak, B. Rosenberg Alpena, MI, USA 147 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 17:30-19:00|Orange1 Free Papers heArt FAilure Follow-uP by imPlAnted devices Chairs: n. chadha (Faridabad, IND) v. ducceschi (Vallo Lucania-SA, I) role oF nt-ProbnP in the Assessment oF clinicAl outcome And Prediction oF Arrhythmic events E. Menardi 1, A. Vado 1, G.P. Ballari 1, G. Rossetti 1, M. Landolina 2, A. Castro 3, R. Massa 4, M. Sassara 5, A. Kheir 6, S. Orazi 7, C. Vasco 7, F. Achilli 7, C. Klersy 8, M. Malacrida 9, F. Accardi 9, L. M. Biasucci 3 1 Cuneo, 2 Pavia, 3 Rome, 4 Alessandria, 5 Viterbo, 6 Ponte S. Pietro, BG, 7 CAMI GUIDE Study Group, 8 Pavia, 9 Milan, ITALY long-term monitoring oF the resPirAtory rAte in PAtients with heArt FAilure: the multitude-hF study M. Campoli 1, L. Santini 2, M. Malavasi 1, A. Scaccia 3, L. Carbonardi 4, F. Lamberti 2, G. Carreras 6, C. Marini 5, S. Orazi 6, D. Della Rocca 2, M. Menichelli 4, M. Sassara 1, M. Lovecchio 7, L. Ariota 7, S. Valsecchi 7, F. Romeo 2, G. B. Forleo 2 1 Viterbo, 2 Rome, 3 Sora, FR, 4 Frosinone, 5 Terni, 6 Rieti, 7 Milan, ITALY the lung imPedAnce monitoring in treAtment oF chronic heArt FAilure (limitchF study): interim results G. Domenichini, C. Rahneva, I.G. Diab, O. Dhillon, V. Baker, R.J. Hunter, M.J. Earley, R.J. Schilling London, UNITED KINGDOM evAluAtion oF the sAFer mode in PAtients with A duAl chAmber PAcemAker indicAtion (Answer): long-term clinicAl outcome results oF the Answer triAl M. Stockburger, J. Moreno, S. Boveda, B. Stancak, J.P. Villacastin, A. Lazarus, J. Sipoetz, J. GarciaSeara, M. Rolando, P. Defaye Nauen, GERMANY A trAnsthorAcic imPedAnce sensor For recognition oF resPirAtory sleeP disturbAnces in icd PAtients with leFt ventriculAr dysFunction L. Cicchini, D. Della Rocca, G. Forleo, M. Albanese, A. Romigi, V. Ribatti, L. Guddelmoni, D. Sergi, L. Santini, N. Mercuri, F. Romeo Rome, ITALY Pocket hemAtomA AFter cArdiAc electronic device imPlAntAtion in PAtients receiving AntiPlAtelet And AnticoAgulAnt treAtment: A single-center exPerience G. Demir, G. Guler, E. Guler, F. Kizilirmak, H. Gunes, M. Omaygenc, B. Cakal, F. Olgun, E. Ibisoglu, U. Savur, I. Barutcu, F. Kilicaslan Istanbul, TURKEY 148 2014 17:30-19:00|Orange2 Free Papers crt: new leAds And Algorithms Chairs: l.J.lm. Jordaens (Rotterdam, NL) s. setti (Genoa, I) A new trAnsvenous Active FixAtion leFt ventriculAr leAd For stAble tArgeted PlAcement S. Faerestrand, S. Faerestrand, H. Keilegavlen, T. Hovstad Bergen, NORWAY FemorAl imPlAntAtion And Pull through As An AdJunct to trAditionAl methods in cArdiAc resynchronisAtion therAPy G. Domenichini 1, H. Gonna 1, Z. Zuberi 2, S. Adhya 1, P. Dhillon 3, M.M. Gallagher 1 1 London, 2 Guildford, 3 Chertsey, UNITED KINGDOM electricAl PerFormAnce And leAd hAndling evAluAtion oF A new Active FixAtion lv leAd: results oF An itAliAn multicenter exPerience M. Biffi 1, M. Landolina 2, G. Giannola 3, M.G. Bongiorni 4, G. Luzzi 5, P. Maglia 6, A. Curnis 7, M. Gasparini 8, M Lunati 9 1 Bologna, 2 Pavia, 3 Cefalù, PA, 4 Pisa, 5 Bari, 6 Catanzaro, 7 Brescia, 8 Rozzano, MI, 9 Milan, ITALY 18 month exPerience with A novel sensor-bAsed electromAgnetic trAcking system (mediguide™) during resynchroniZAtion therAPy imPlAnt Procedures: where does the time go? B. Thibault, M. Dubuc, K. Dyrda, P. Guerra, P. Khairy, B. Mondesert, L. Rivard, D. Roy, M. Talajic, L. Macle Montreal, CANADA Algorithm For oFF-line conFirmAtion oF lv cAPture in crt device. the dreAm (crt device leFt cAPture conFirmAtion through An electrogrAm’s AnAlysis model) study S. Baccillieri 1, D. Ambroso 2, E. Pudia 3, P. Turrini 1, E. Dalla Vecchia 2, R. Verlato 1 1 Camposampiero, PD, 2 Marano Vicentino, VI, 3 Padua, ITALY 149 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 17:30-19:00|Tarragona Free Papers devices FAilure And reintervention Chairs: A. giardina (Cagliari, I) A. oto (Ankara, TR) cArdiAc device FAilure As indicAtion to reintervention in medium volume centre G. Boggian, S. Sacca’, R. Vandelli, F. Serafini, A. Lombardi, A. Capecchi, R. Parlangeli, B. Bresciani, C. Lofiego, A.C. Musuraca, M.D. Scarfoglio, L.G. Pancaldi Bologna, ITALY whAt And when should be imPlAnted AFter tAvi-Procedures? O. Sapelnikov, T. Imaev, D. Cherkashin, A. Komlev, A. Partigulova, A. Kolagaev, R. Latypov, I. Grishin, K. Gruzdev, P. Lepilin, A. Margolina, M. Lepilin, M. Saidova, R. Akchurin Moscow, RUSSIA Pocket hemAtomA occurrence And intrinsic bleeding risk in PAtients undergoing cArdiAc imPlAntAble electronic devices Procedures with uninterruPted orAl AnticoAgulAtion F. De Sensi 1, L. Addonisio 1, F. Paneni 2, M. Breschi 1, S. Severi 1, G. Miracapillo 1 1 Grosseto, ITALY, 2 Stockholm, SWEDEN the eFFect oF increAsing donor Age on PermAnent PAcing AFter orthotoPic heArt trAnsPlAntAtion. A thirty yeArs exPerience F. Akca, T. Szili-Torok, R. Muslem, O. Manintveld, A. Constantinescu, O. Birim, K. Caliskan Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS results From the Fine registry: hAndling, sAFety And electricAl PerFormAnces oF brAdycArdiA leAds, in Acute conditions H. Benkemoun 1, S. Prevot 2, J.A. Lapuerta 3, X. Dessenne 4, P. Khattar 5, P. Sbragia 2, M. Rolando6, P. Deutsch 7 1 7 Perpignan, 2 Marseille, FRANCE, 3 Giron, SPAIN, 4 Evry, 5 Lorient, FRANCE, 6 Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, Saint-Malo, FRANCE conseQuences oF hosPitAl Admission stAtus And cArdiAc imPlAntAble electronic device reciPient clinicAl outcomes C. E. P. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D. J. Wright 2 1 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM 150 2014 17:30-19:00|Spalato Free Papers stroke Prevention in device PAtients Chairs: l. Pandolfo (Rome, I) h. yokoshiki (Sapporo, JP) stroke incidence in PAtients with cArdiAc imPlAntAble electronic devices remotely controlled. dAtA From the homeguide registry D. Vaccari 1, B. Villari 2, G. Zingarini 3, A. Di Girolamo 4, G. Piraino 5, E. Pisanò 6, E. Fanchiotti 7, N. Rovai 8, A. Gargaro 8, R. P. Ricci 9 1 9 Montebelluna, TV, 2 Benevento, 3 Perugia, 4 Trapani, 5 Palermo, 6 Lecce, 7 Marsicovetere, PZ, 8 Milan, Rome, ITALY Prognostic imPAct oF chA2ds2-vAsc And renAl dysFunction in non vAlvulAr AtriAl FibrillAtion PAtients. which is the best eQuAtion to strAtiFy the risk oF Future events? S Magnani, C Mazzone, C Carriere, G Barbati, A Cherubini, E Grande, G Russo, K Stellato, M Zecchin, A Di Lenarda Trieste, ITALY orAl AnticoAgulAtion in PAtients with duAl chAmber PAcemAkers And AtriAl FibrillAtion detected F Martinez-Garcia, M Pombo-Jimenez, L Iñigo-Garcia, A Esteban-Luque, E Fernandez-Ochagavia, F Gonzalez-Bonilla, J Torres-Ortiz, F Ruiz-Mateas Marbella, SPAIN does AntiPlAtelet therAPy increAse the bleeding events Among PAtients with novel orAl AnticoAgulAnt (noAc) in reAl world? Y Okamoto, S Fujii, M Ozaki, M Yoshino, N Oohashi, H Tasaka, K Kadota, K Mitsudo Kurashiki, JAPAN AtriAl FibrillAtion screening: cArdioembolic stroke Prevention in A smAll cAlAbriAn community S De Bonis 1, A Bisignani 2, G Bisignani 1 1 Castrovillari, CS, 2 Rome, ITALY reduction oF leFt Atrium sPontAneous echocontrAst AFter leFt AtriAl APPendAge closure E Pelissero 1, C Amellone 1, G Trapani 1, M Giuggia 1, B Giordano 1, M Peluso 2, G Senatore 1 1 Ciriè, TO, 2 Milan, ITALY 151 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 17:30-19:00|Pola Free Papers new devices And Algorithms Chairs: P. mazzone (Milan, I) c. suga (Saitama, JP) PermAnent leAdless PAcemAker: single centre exPerience A. Curnis 1, M. Siciliano 2, M. Cerini 1, A. Lipari 1, F. Vassanelli 1, M. Belotti 1, N. Ashofair 1, F. Salghetti 1, F. Guidetti 1, L. Bontempi 1 1 Brescia, 2 Padua, ITALY sAFety And eFFicAcy oF An AlternAtive techniQue For s-icd imPlAntAtion: A single-center exPerience A. Vado 1, E. Menardi 1, G. P. Ballari 1, M. Malacrida 2, D. Muò 2, S. Chiarenza 2, G. Rossetti 1 1 Cuneo, 2 Milan, ITALY PerFormAnce And sAFety oF sAint Jude medicAl AcAP conFirm Algorythm A. Otmani 1, F.E.l. Ghelbazouri 2, X. Dessenne 3, G. Theodore 4, T. Bontemps 5, J.L. Baupre 6, P. Mansour 7, H. Bader 8, A. Guillemot 9, O. Citerne 10 1 Paris, 2 Montargis, 3 Evry, 4 Nice, 5 Limoges, 6 Chatellerault, 7 Gueret, 8 Pau, 9 Dinan, 10 Caen, FRANCE evAluAtion And mid-term PerFormAnce oF novel right ventriculAr And AtriAl AutomAtic cAPture control Algorithms: results From the essentiAl registry M. Biffi 1, M. Bertini 2, D. Saporito 3, G. Belotti 4, F. Quartieri 5, A. Pucci 6, G. Mazzocca 7, D. Giorgi 8, A. Gargaro 9, D. Grassini 9 Bologna, 2 Ferrara, 3 Rimini, 4 Treviglio, BG, 5 Reggio Emilia, 6 Carrara, MS, 7 Cecina, LI, 8 Monte San Quirico, LU, 9 Milan, ITALY 1 multicentre comPArison oF shock eFFicAcy using duAl- vs single-coil leAds And AnodAl vs cAthodAl PolArity in PAtients undergoing icd imPlAntAtion: the modAlity study S. Baccillieri 1, G. Gasparini 2, L. Benacchio 1, A. Zorzi 3, E. Marras 4, F. Zerbo 5, L. Tomasi 6, D. Vaccari 7, G. Pastore 8, C. Bonanno 9, A. Olivieri 1, D. Corrado 3, R. Verlato 1 1 8 Camposampiero, PD, 2 Mestre, 3 Padua, 4 Conegliano, TV, 5 Mirano, VE, 6 Verona, 7 Montebelluna, TV, Rovigo, 9 Vicenza, ITALY morbidity beyond the PrimAry cArdiAc rhythm mAnAgement device imPlAnt. Are PAtients AdeQuAtely inFormed? C. E. P. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D. J. Wright 2 1 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM 152 2014 17:30-19:00|Cesarea Joint session with gulF eP live© dubAi Chairs: r. choudhury (Sharjah, UAE) m. magdi (Sharjah, UAE) Pacemakers and ICD’s lessons from the trials in Heart Failure patients n. Asaad (Doha, Q) Follow up of patients with CRT: drug and device optimization c. Jazra (Beirut, RL) Strength and weakness of implementing AF ablation in the region m. khoury (Beirut, RL) VT ablation in the extreme cases, is it really an option? y. Al hebaishi (Riyadh, SA) Left Atrial Appendage closure A. Abdel-Aziz (Cairo, ET) Is right ventricular pacing really decremental? A. Al Fagih (Riyadh, SA) 153 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday, December 4 2014 Friday, December 5 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna4 AnticoAgulAtion: bAlAncing the hAemorrhAgic And the thrombotic risks Chairs: A.s. Fak (Istanbul, TR) r. sapra (Faridabad, IND) In paroxysmal, persistent and permanent atrial fibrillation m. Patete Ayala (Caracas, YV) In dilated cardiomyopathy e.n. simantirakis (Heraklion, GR) In patients with ventricular aneurism g. Al-mohani (Rome, I) In very elderly patients m. bocchiardo (Pietra Ligure-SV, I) In patients with previous cerebral haemorrhage J.o. schwab (Bonn, D) In patients already under post ptca double antithrombotic treatment v. Pasceri (Rome, I) 154 2014 9:00-10:30|Leptismagna2 syncoPe And structurAl heArt diseAse Chairs: h. Abdeddayem (Tunis, TN) l. Aguinaga (Tucuman, RA) In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy t. Pezawas (Vienna, A) In ischemic cardiomyopathy g. russo (Como, I) In dilated idiopatic cardiomyopathy r. rordorf (Pavia, I) New role of External Loop Recorder in Arrhythmia and Syncope assessment e.t. locati (Milan, I) In pacemaker patients A. shafquat (Riyadh, SA) In ICD patients h. yokoshiki (Sapporo, JP) 155 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 9:00-10:30|Orange1 PAcemAker oPtimAl ProgrAmming Chairs: s. Paraskevaidis (Thessaloniki, GR) k. seidl (Ingolstadt, D) RV pacing minimization in all pacemaker patients? h. bonnemeier (Kiel, D) In congestive heart failure patients Q. Parisi (Campobasso, I) In permanent atrial fibrillation s. Faerestrand (Bergen, N) In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy F. guarracini (Milan, I) In athletes l. tomasi (Verona, I) 156 2014 9:00-10:30|Tarragona cied inFections Chairs: n. kadri (Amman, HKJ) A. kutarski (Lublin, PL) Diagnostic flow chart to identify infected leads g. luzzi (Bari, I) Lead extraction as first therapy: to whom? h. nakajima (Tokyo, JP) When reimplant a new pacing system in pacemaker dependent patients? m. rillo (Taranto, I) Post-extraction usefulness of the wearable defibrillator waiting for the new implant optimal timing m. stockburger (Nauen, D) When considering a down grading of the system implanting a subcutaneous defibrillator? b. thibault (Montreal, CDN) 157 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 9:00-10:30|Spalato diFFicult crt cAses diagnosis and treatment Chairs: A. gopi (Calicut, IND) c. Pignalberi (Rome, I) Difficult implantation m. biffi (Bologna, I) Device programming optimization P.c. mandal (Kolkatta, IND) Managing non responders b. elencwajg (Buenos Aires, RA) Left ventricular lead troubles g. mascioli (Bergamo, I) Recurrent atrial fibrillation in CRT remotely control g. campisi (Ragusa, I) Surgical lead implant: when, which position? m. czajkowski (Lublin, PL) 158 2014 9:00-10:30|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology left Atrial Appendage closure by implantable devices Chairs: m. magdi (Sharjah, UAE) g. speciale (Rome, I) Selection of the appropriate candidate P. danna (Milan, I) Are all the available implantable devices similarly effective? s. berti (Massa, I) Concomitant atrial fibrillation catheter ablation and left atrial appendage closure l.v. boersma (Nieuwegein, NL) Periprocedural complications: how to avoid them m.J. schalij (Leiden, NL) Long-term follow-up c. tondo (Milan, I) Cost-benefit on a long-term basis c. Pristipino (Rome, I) 159 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 10:30-12:15|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Chairman: g. speciale (Rome, I) debates in coronary interventions Chairs: m.n. mamedov (Moscow, RUS) r.P. ricci (Rome, I) Pretreatment with P2y12 inhibitors in acute coronary syndromes 10:30 – 10:45 Time to switch to new drugs F. colivicchi (Rome, I) 10:45 – 11:00 Clopidogrel still has an important role g. Patti (Rome, I) 11:00 – 11:20 Discussion s. tonioni (Rome, I) thrombectomy in stemi 11:20 – 11:35 Again useful and effective g. sardella (Rome, I) 11:35 – 11:55 No more space in primary PCI s. rigattieri (Rome, I) 11:55 – 12:15 Discussion A. granatelli (Rome,I) A. varveri (Rome, I) 160 2014 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna4 how to mAximiZe the resPonse to cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy Chairs: s. Favale (Bari, I) m. senni (Bergamo, I) CRT indications: state of the art u. khanolkar (Goa, IND) Who and when? The importance of patient selection for improving CRT responsiveness m. landolina (Pavia, I) Optimizing left ventricular pacing: from Echo to the novel AdaptiveCRT algorithm m. meine (Utrecht, NL) Efficacy of device based algorithms: results from AdaptivCRT Trial b. lemke (Luedenscheid, D) How do we translate the Partners HF results into clinical practice? Optimal HF patients management through remote monitoring and diagnosis l. calo’ (Rome, I) What’s next in CRT? Clinical, economical and cost-benefit aspects F. leyva (Birmingham, UK) 161 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 11:00-12:30|Leptismagna2 cied reuse Chairs: r. ciudin (Bucharest, RO) m. toscano (Colleferro-RM, I) How many implanted devices could be considered for reuse? d. spaziani (Magenta-MI, I) Safety of sterilization processes and biocompatibility F. censi (Rome, I) Should all the extracted devices be controlled by its manufacturer before to be reimplanted in another patient? c.w. israel (Frankfurt, D) Should the patient be informed and accept the implant of a reused device? Etical and legal problems i. can (Ankara, TR) Cost-benefit of PMK/ICD reuse e. soldati (Pisa, I) 162 2014 11:00-12:30|Orange1 rAre indicAtions For PermAnent vvi PAcing Chairs: A. Abdel-Aziz (Cairo, ET) l. santini (Rome, I) In Sick Sinus Syndrome s.k. dwivedi (Lucknow, IND) In paroxysmal AV block r. nayak (Thodupuzha, IND) In anatomic venous abnormalities F. melandri (Sassuolo-MO, I) In post-extraction of infected pacing systems P. Palmisano (Tricase-LE, I) In sleep apnea with prolonged asystolic pauses b. Abi-saleh (Beirut, RL) In pediatric patients t. karagoz (Ankara, TR) 163 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 11:00-12:30|Tarragona the role oF echocArdiogrAPhy in electroPhysiology Chairs: s. Ficili (Rome, I) A. raviele (Mestre-VE, I) Evaluation of intra-interventricular dissinchrony and guide for CRT optimal programming m. russo (Rome, I) Evaluating of atrial and ventricular function pre and post cardioversion for atrial fibrillation A. Auriti (Rome, I) Reduction of mitral valve insufficiency by optimal programming of AV and VV intervals A. rónaszéki (Nice, F) Identification and quantification of PFO in patients with TIA c. cianfrocca (Rome, I) Identification of infected vegetations on cardiac valves or intracardiac pacing leads n. cabanelas (Coimbra, P) Intracardiac echocardiography: a multipurpose technique d. lin (Philadelphia-PA, USA) 164 2014 11:00-12:30|Spalato cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy: imProving PAtients QuAlity oF liFe Chairs: A.s. Al-khadra (Riyadh, SA) g. Ansalone (Rome, I) How to predict ATP effectiveness in CRTD patients d. bänsch (Rostock, D) Right versus biventricular ATP: which is more effective? J.o. schwab (Bonn, D) Preventing loss of capture by optimal selection and positioning of the LV lead F. Zanon (Rovigo, I) Benefits of device remote control in CRTD patients F. solimene (Mercogliano-AV, I) Infections in CRTD implants: prevalence and management h. sabbour (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Cost-efficacy of CRTD on a long term basis m. Zecchin (Trieste, I) 165 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 Friday, December 5 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 12:15-13:05|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Chairman: g. speciale (Rome, I) debates in coronary interventions Chairs: v. Pasceri (Rome, I) F. Piscione (Salerno, I) bioabsorbable scaffolds or bioresorbable polymer des for complex lesions 12:15 – 12:30 The future is now A. galassi (Catania, I) 12:30 – 12:45 Wait a minute F. tomai (Rome, I) 12:45 -13:05 Discussion F. belloni (Rome, I) b. Pironi (Rome, I) 166 2014 13:15-14:00|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Chairman: g. speciale (Rome, I) luncheon PAnel debates in coronary interventions Chairs: v. Pasceri (Rome, I) F. Piscione (Salerno, I) timing of revascularization in Ami patients with multivessel disease 13:15 – 13:30 Aggressive strategy g. tanzilli (Rome, I) 13:30 – 13:45 Elective strategy A. berni (Rome, I) 13:45 – 14:00 Discussion r. serdoz (Rome, I) A. tomassino (Rome, I) 167 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 14:05-15:05|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Chairman: g. speciale (Rome, I) updates on structural heart disease Chairs: P. derpytis (Vilnius, LT) A. stabile (Palermo, I) 14:05 – 14:20 Second generation TAVI devices: will they make a difference? F. bedogni (Milan, I) 14:20 – 14:35 TAVI for patients with low gradient and low flow P. danna (Milan, I) 14:35 – 14:50 Interventional treatment of mitral regurgitation c. grasso (Catania, I) 14:50 – 15:05 Discussion v. Pasceri (Rome, I) r. Patrizi (Rome, I) 168 2014 15:05-15:50|Pola Progress in interventionAl cArdiology Chairman: g. speciale (Rome, I) Flash debate PFo closure 2014 Chairs: g. Patti (Rome, I) g. speciale (Rome, I) 15:05 – 15:20 Still an important indication A. gaspardone (Rome, I) 15:20 – 15:35 Medical therapy is the first choice F. Pelliccia (Rome, I) 15:35 – 15:50 Discussion P. danna (Milan, I) d. irini (Rome, I) 169 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Friday, December 5 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL POSTER SESSION Wednesday, December 3 2014 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 1 Assessment oF the AssociAtion between blood FAtty Acid levels And cArdiAc Autonomic Functions in obese children And Adolescents M. Gulgun, M.K. Fidanci, A. Genc, A. Tas, A. Kilic Ankara, TURKEY 2 PrevAlence oF cArdiovAsculAr risk FActors in Army PoPulAtion AFter one yeAr trAining M. Febrianora 1, D. Novera 2, D. Herlambang 1, C. Achmad 3 1 3 Garut, 2 Jakarta, 3 Bandung, INDONESIA conduction disorders AFter orthotoPic heArt trAnsPlAntAtion: incidence, risk FActors And outcome S. Ferretto, E. Tafciu, T. Bottio, G. Feltrin, A Gambino, G. Toscano, A. Angelini, S. Iliceto, G. Gerosa, L. Leoni Padua, ITALY 4 eFFect oF n-3PuFA AdministrAtion on incidence oF AF in PAtients with sick sinus syndrome M. Lovric Bencic, D. Fabijanovic, T. Simoncek, M. Mihajlovic Zagreb, CROATIA 5 congenitAl AnomAlies oF the inFerior venA cAvA comPlicAting electroPhysiology studies J. Jez, F. Lehar, Z. Starek, J. Wolf, T. Kulik, A. Zbankova, M. Lukasova Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC 6 eArly rePolAriZAtion And ventriculAr FibrillAtion in PAtient with thyroid storm L. Valeri, A. Coppolino, G. Bricco, A. Dellavalle, A. Bassignana, L. Correndo, M. De Benedictis, S. Dogliani, A. Magliarditi, D. Pancaldo, D. Tedeschi, B. Doronzo Savigliano, CN, ITALY 7 eArly rePolAriZAtion: A benign evidence…but not AlwAys F. Melandri, G. Lolli, M. Scapinelli, P. Bellesi, S. Merighi, A. Guerra Sassuolo, MO, ITALY 8 A strAnge cAse oF intermittent PreexcitAtion with mArked rePolAriZAtion AlterAtions exclusively during PhysicAl Activity D. Malaspina 1, R. De Ponti 2, M. Pala 1, G. Guenzati 1, A. Mafrici 1 1 Milan, 2 Varese, ITALY 172 9 lyme diseAse Presenting with comPlete inFrA-hisiAn Atrio-ventriculAr block A. Pinsino 1, L. Mastrine 2, G. Turitto 2 1 10 Milan, ITALY, 2 Brooklyn, NY, USA diAbetes mellitus And AtrioventriculAr block: A new AssociAtion? D. Severino, B. Santos, C. Costa, L. Marta, V. Martins, M.L. Pitta, M. Leal Santarem, PORTUGAL 11 immunohistochemistry oF endocArdiAl bioPsy sAmPles For PlAkoglobin in PAtients with Arrhythmogenic right ventriculAr cArdiomyoPAthy N. Murakoshi 1, S. Kawano 1, D. Xu 1, Y. Sekiguchi 1, M. Igarashi 1, H. Yamasaki 1, T. Kuroki1, T. Machino 1, Y. Seo 1, A Haussaini 1, I. Yamaguchi 2, H. Tada 3, A. Nogami 1, K. Aonuma 1 1 12 common vAriAnts At scn5A, scn10A, And hey2 Are AssociAted with cArdiAc conduction disturbAnce in PAtients with brugAdA syndrome D. Xu 1, N. Murakoshi 1, A. Nogami 1, Y. Naruse 3, S. Kowase 3, N. Makita 2, K. Aonuma 1 1 13 Tsukuba, 2 Nagasaki, 3 Yokohama, JAPAN clinicAl And Prognostic signiFicAnce oF idioPAthic intrAventriculAr conduction disturbAnces in young subJects L. Ucci 1, G. Allocca 1, N. Sitta 1, L. Sciarra 2, F. Sperandii 2, A. Cati 1, M. Centa 1, L. Coro’ 1, L. Calo’ 2, P. Delise 1 1 14 Tsukuba, 2 Mito, 3 Fukui, JAPAN Conegliano, TV, 2 Rome, ITALY Anti-tAchicArdiA PAcing in elderly PAtients. modern concePt oF hybrid therAPy I. Skigin, I. Pyaterichenko, K. Shorokhov, T. Elizarova, E. Voitkovskaya, A. Abramov Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 15 t wAve oversensing in cArdiAc rhythm devices: the eFFect oF hyPerkAlemiA B. Bolzan, M. Morosato, L. Tomasi, R. Tomei, G. Morani, C. Vassanelli Verona, ITALY 16 clinicAl imPAct oF An AutomAted leAd surveillAnce system J. Sperzel, J. Leick, D. Pajitnev, S. Wolter, T. Neumann, M. Kuniss Bad Nauheim, GERMANY 17 how long is A leArning curve on leAd extrAction. PersonAl exPerience A. Kutarski 1, M. Czajkowski 1, M. Polewczyk 2, A. M. Polewczyk 2, A. Polewczyk 2 1 Lublin, 2 Kielce, POLAND 173 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 2014 2014 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 18 chronic PerFormAnce oF A leAdless cArdiAc PAcemAker: single center 18-month Follow-uP results F. Tjong, J. R. De Groot, A. A. M Wilde, R. E. Knops Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS 19 increAsing device longevity by using new Algorithms And oPtimiZing device settings M. Ziacchi 1, D. Saporito 2, M. Zardini 3, F. Quartieri 4, G. Morgagni 5, E. De Maria 6, M. Bertini 7, M. Luzi 8, G. Boriani 1, M. Biffi 1 1 20 Bologna, 2 Rimini, 3 Parma, 4 Reggio Emilia, 5 Macerata, 6 Carpi, 7 Ferrara, 8 Ancona, ITALY continuous mobile monitoring lowers emergency room And clinic visits Post-AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion L. Kanamu, S. Hamele, J. Rabkin, C. Pacchia, H. Margetts, N. Marrouche Salt Lake City, UT, USA 21 remote monitoring in sAssuolo AreA. the role oF the tecnicAl cArdiology F. Melandri, G. Lolli, M. Scapinelli, P. Bellesi, S. Merighi, A. Guerra Sassuolo, MO, ITALY 22 FeAtures oF connection to the system oF remote monitoring oF imPlAntAble cArdioverters-deFibrillAtors in russiA R. Marchenko, S. Durmanov, O. Popilkova, N. Makarova, A. Kozlov, V. Bazilev Penza, RUSSIA 23 remote monitoring oF PermAnent PAcemAkers is AssociAted with reduced mortAlity B. Davies, I.B. Harries, L. Schultz, B. Chandrasekaran, W.A. Mccrea, P.W. Foley Swindon, UNITED KINGDOM 24 beneFits oF iecg APPlicAtion in the Assessment oF PAcing eFFectiveness F. Zanon 1, E. Baracca 1, P. China 2, A. Corrado 2, G. Pastore 1, G. Gasparini 2, A. Barbetta 3, F. Di Gregorio 3 1 25 Rovigo, 2 Mestre Venezia, 3 Rubano, PD, ITALY clinicAl beneFit oF the sAFer mode in A mixed duAl chAmber PoPulAtion: results From the Answer study M. Stockburger 1, J. Moreno 2, S. Boveda 3, B. Stancak 4, J.P. Villacastin 2, A. Lazarus 5, J. Sipoetz 6, J. Garcia-Seara 7, M. Rolando 8, P. Defaye 9 Berlin, GERMANY, 2 Madrid, SPAIN, 3 Toulouse, FRANCE, 4 Kosice, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, 5 Neuilly, FRANCE, 6 Vienna, AUSTRIA, 7 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN, 8 Saluggia, VC, ITALY, 9 Grenoble, FRANCE 1 174 26 mAgnetic resonAnce imAging-induced rAdioFreQuency heAting oF imPlAntAble cArdioverter-deFibrillAtor leAds Q. Wang, S. Feng, C. Wen, J. Chen Houston, TX, USA 27 results From the ikone study: clinicAl evAluAtion oF the korA And beFlex leAd mAgnetic resonAnce conditionAl PAcing system A. Savoure, A. Bouharaoua, M. Burban, F. Maneval, A. Lazarus 1 28 Rouen, 2 Marseille, 3 Nantes, 4 Clamart, 5 Saint-Cloud, FRANCE long-term PerFormAnce oF A mri-conditionAl ventriculAr leAd: beFlex mri rF46d J. Lapuerta Irigoyen, P. Vigil Escalera Gijon, SPAIN 29 incidence And Predictors oF wound hemAtomA Following deFibrillAtor imPlAntAtion: results From the shockless imPlAnt evAluAtion (simPle) triAl S. Masiero 1,2, S.J. Connolly 1, D. Birnie 3, J. Neuzner 4, S.H. Hohnloser 5, X. Vinolas 6, J. Kautzner 7, G. O’Hara 8, L. VanErven 9, F. Gadler 10, J. Wang 1, P. Mabo 11, M. Glikson 12, V. Kutyifa 13, D. J. Wright 14 and J.S. Healey, 1 On behalf of the SIMPLE Investigators Hamilton, CANADA, 2 Ancona, ITALY, 3 Ottawa, CANADA, 4 Kassel, 5 Frankfurt, GERMANY, 6 Barcelona, SPAIN, 7 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, 8 Québec, CANADA, 9 Leiden, THE NETHERLANDS, 10 Stockholm, SWEDEN, 11 Rennes, FRANCE, 12 Tel Hashomer, ISRAEL, 13 New York, NY, USA, 14 Liverpool, UK 1 30 we should do venous contrAst exAminAtion beFore device imPlAntAtion to Avoid technicAl comPlicAtions T. Sakai 1, T. Muramatsu 1, R. Tsukahara 1, M. Noro 2, K. Sugi 2 1 31 Yokohama, 2 Tokyo, JAPAN mArkers oF coAgulAtion ActivAtion in PAtients with imPlAntAble devices M. Sepsi, G. Chlupova, T. Novakova, P. Scheer Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC 32 PercutAneous intervention oF Post-PermAnent PAcemAker imPlAntAtion subclAviAn vein stenosis R Vijayvergiya Chandigarh, INDIA 33 An incidence And Predictors oF ventriculAr leAd dislodgement in eArly PostoPerAtive Period (A single center exPerience) S. Zadorozhnaya, V. Agapov, V. Samitin, D. Terehov Regional Cardiosurgical Center, Saratov, RUSSIA 175 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 2014 2014 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 34 decline oF deFibrillAtion testing use in clinicAl PrActice: An 8-yeAr nAtion-wide Assessment E. Occhetta 1, M. G. Bongiorni 2, A. Proclemer 3, S. Favale 4, M. Gasparini 5, S. Valsecchi 6, C. Rojatti 6, M. Brignole 7 1 35 diAgnostic AccurAcy oF the First PostPAcing intervAl stAbility in Arrhythmic ePisodes detected by icds J. Martinez Sanchez 1, A. Garcia Alberola 1, P. Peñafiel Verdu 1, J. Martinez Ferrer 2, J. Alzueta 3, X. Viñolas 4, A. Rodríguez 5, N. Basterra 6 1 36 Novara, 2 Pisa, 3 Udine, 4 Bari, 5 Rozzano, MI, 6 Milan, 7 Lavagna, GE, ITALY Murcia, 2 Alava, 3 Malaga, 4 Barcelona, 5 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 6 Pamplona, SPAIN deActivAtion oF deFibrillAtors. considerAtions At the end oF liFe in our exPerience N. Matsushita, Y. Momose, K. Hoshida, S. Higuchi, Y. Miwa, I. Togashi, A. Ueda, T. Sato, K. Soejima, H. Yoshino Tokyo, JAPAN 37 elderly PAtients And Prevention oF sudden cArdiAc deAth with imPlAntAble cArdioverter deFibrillAtor: A single centre rePort K. Polymeropoulos, A. Vosnakidis, P. Ioannidis, G. Maligos, P. Giannakopoulou, J. Zarifis Thessaloniki, GREECE 38 FAilure oF icd therAPy For ventriculAr FibrillAtion due to A lAck oF sensing AmPlitude during ventriculAr FibrillAtion (through 2 cAses) T. Sakai 1, T. Muramatsu 1, R. Tsukahara 1, M. Noro 2, K. Sugi 2 1 39 Yokohama, 2 Tokyo, JAPAN resPirAte ProJect 2: the hF PAtient’s co-mAnAgement between hF sPeciAlist And generAl PrActitioner P. Rocca, P. Neri, L. Viscardi, A. Locatelli, B. Casiraghi, M. Tespili, V. Giudici Seriate, BG, ITALY 40 investigAtion on routine Follow-uP (Fu) in congestive heArt FAilure PAtients with remotely monitored imPlAnted cArdioverter deFibrillAtors (icd) systems. incontAct study C. Hansen Goettingen, GERMANY 176 41 our exPerience with neurostimulAtion in the treAtment oF chronic heArt FAilure (sPinAl vs vAgAl stimulAtion) M. Mudroch 1, J. Naar 1, H. Psotová 1, J. Petru 1, M. Ståhlberg 2, J. Sorf 1, J. Meschede 3, J. Neuzil1 1 42 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2 Stockholm, SWEDEN, 3 Diagem, BELGIUM tricusPid regurgitAtion Following PAcemAker imPlAntAtion. An underestimAted Problem A. Rydlewska, A. Zabek, K. Boczar, J. Lelakowski, B. Malecka Krakow, POLAND 43 successFull Av node AblAtion And cArdiAc resynchronisAtion in PAtient AFter senning Procedure with Persistent AtriAl Flutter And severe tricusPid regurgitAtion (A cAse rePort) M. Lovric Bencic, I. Aladrovic, J. Bulum, J. Separovic Hazevacki, D. Anic, B. Ferek Petric, A. Ernst, B. Glavas Konja Zagreb, CROATIA 44 brugAdA PhenocoPy in the contest oF PericArdiAl tAmPonAde A. Coppolino, G. Bricco, L. Valeri, D. Tedeschi, D. Pancaldo, L. Correndo, M. De Benedictis, A. Magliarditi, S. Dogliani, A. Bassignana, B. Doronzo Savigliano, CN, ITALY 45 the burden oF scAr rAther thAn the Aetiology oF cArdiomyoPAthy indicAtes the risk For icd-therAPy in PAtients with crt-d M. Grett, H. J. Trappe Herne, GERMANY 46 Acute exAcerbAtion oF heArt FAilure Attributed to comPlete AtrioventriculAr block in A PAtient with leFt univentriculAr PAcing by cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy N. Nishiyama, S. Takatsuki, S. Kashimura, Y. Katsumata, T. Nishiyama, T. Kimura, Y. Aizawa, K. Fukumoto, Y. Hagiwara, K. Fukuda Tokyo, JAPAN 47 the Fide ProJect (Fitness in imPlAntAble devices) B. Di Giacinto, M.R. Squeo, M. Santini, M.L. Sette, A. Parisi, A. Spataro, A. Biffi Rome, ITALY 48 course oF PAtients with sArcoidosis who received PAcemAker imPlAntAtion: eFFicAcy oF corticosteroids I. Abe, Y. Ebata, S. Saito, H. Kondo, T. Shinohara, Y. Teshima, K. Yufu, M. Nakagawa, N. Takahashi Oita, JAPAN 177 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 2014 2014 POSTER SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3 49 Are there Any sPeciFic FActors AFFecting vegetAtions develoPment in PAtients with imPlAntAble PAcing systems? A. Polewczyk 1 A. Tomaszewski 2, W. Brzozowski 2, M. Janion 1, A. Kutarski 2 1 50 Kielce, 2 Lublin, POLAND PrevAlence oF ecg AbnormAlities in A lArge school PoPulAtion M. Mignano, L. Santini, G. Cassoni, M. Santini Rome, ITALY 178 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL POSTER SESSION Thursday, December 4 2014 1 the trend in AtriAl FibrillAtion treAtment in the JAPAnese PoPulAtion T. Sakai 1, T. Muramatsu 1, R. Tsukahara 1, M. Noro 2, K. Sugi 2 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 1 2 bePridil is extremely eFFective to PAroxysmAl AtriAl FibrillAtion T. Sakai 1, T. Muramatsu 1, R. Tsukahara 1, M. Noro 2, K. Sugi 2 1 3 Yokohama, 2 Tokyo, JAPAN Yokohama, 2 Tokyo, JAPAN survivAl until hosPitAl dischArge AFter successFul deFibrillAtion in relAtion to the number oF shocks delivered in victims From ohcA with An initiAl shockAble rhythm M. Christ, K. I. von Auenmueller, J. Liebeton, J. P. Noelke, M. Grett, I. M. Breker, M. Brand, H.J. Trappe Herne, GERMANY 4 emergent cAtheter AblAtion in PAtients with Poor overAll medicAl condition is highly eFFective T. Sakai 1, T. Muramatsu 1, R. Tsukahara 1, M. Noro 2, K. Sugi 2 1 5 Yokohama, 2 Tokyo, JAPAN comPlex diAgnosis oF trAnsient loss oF consciousness in older PAtients: A cAse rePort F. Tesi, M. Rafanelli, A. Ceccofiglio, G. Toffanello, G. Bulli, S. Venzo, G. Rivasi, D. Romagnolo, N. Marchionni, A. Ungar Florence, ITALY 6 insertAble cArdiAc monitor. multidisciPlinAry decision mAking I. Skigin, A. Zorin, I. Pyaterichenko, K. Shorokhov, T. Elizarova, E. Voitkovskaya, A. Abramov, M. Steblyankina Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 7 long-term monitoring oF heArt rhythm subcutAneous monitor: First exPerience in young PAtients with cryPtogenic ischemic stroke M. Fedorco, D. Sanak, M. Taborsky, P. Kanovsky, M. Hutyra, M. Kral, T. Skala, T. Veverka Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC 8 coronAry sinus reentrAnt tAchycArdiA AFter AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion: From bAd to worse P. Turco, A. Antonelli, E. Gronda Milan, ITALY 182 2014 PulmonAry vein isolAtion with the second-generAtion cryobAlloon cAtheter Arctic Front AdvAnce J. Petru 1, V. Reddy 2, L. Sediva 1, J. Skoda 1, M. Chovanec 1, S. Dukkipati 2, P. Neuzil 1 1 10 Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, 2 New York, NY, USA FeAsibility And sAFety oF cAtheter AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion with Zero FluoroscoPy: evidence From more thAn hundred cAses E. Lyan, A. Kazakov, S. Yashin Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 11 cryobAlloon AblAtion oF A “stumP” PulmonAry vein B. Evranos, M. Gürses, S. Asil, D. Koçyigit, V. Hekimsoy, H. Yorgun, L. Sahiner, B. Kaya, N. Ozer, G. Kabakci, L. Tokgözoglu, K. Aytemir Ankara, TURKEY 12 single center exPerience with simultAneous imAging oF the leFt Atrium And esoPhAgus using three-dimensionAl rotAtionAl AtriogrAPhy A. Zbankova, T. Kulik, Z. Starek, J. Jez, F. Lehar, J. Wolf, M. Lukasova Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC 13 three dimensionAl rotAtionAl AtriogrAPhy And ventriculogrAPhy suPPorting the treAtment oF comPlex cArdiAc ArrhythmiAs. single center exPerience: 500 PAtients T. Kulik, A. Zbankova, Z. Starek, F. Lehar, J. Jez, J. Wolf, M. Lukasova Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC 14 AblAtion oF A right Free wAll Accessory PAthwAy And disAPPeArAnce oF right ventriculAr outFlow trAct PremAture ventriculAr contrActions. whAt is the common link? T. Szili-Torok, F. Akca Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS 15 PulmonAry vein isolAtion For PAroxysmAl AtriAl FibrilAtion with circulAr multiPolAr irrigAted nmArQ cAtheter L. Sediva, M. Janotka, J. Petru, J. Skoda, M. Chovanec, P. Neuzil Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC 16 comPArison oF clinicAl outcome And sAFety oF cAtheter AblAtion For AtriAl FibrillAtion guided by ct scAn or three-dimensionAl rotAtionAl AngiogrAm oF leFt Atrium F. Lehar 1, Z. Starek 1, J. Jez 1, M. Novak 1, T. Kulik 1, A. Zbankova 1, R. Jancar 2 1 Brno, 2 Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC 183 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 9 2014 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 17 evAluAtion oF the First soFtwAre tool FeAturing 3d visuAliZAtion oF cryo bAlloon AblAtion cAtheters in AtriAl FibrillAtion AblAtion Procedures C. Kowalewski, D. Vukajlovic, F. Heissenhuber, K. Kurzidim Regensburg, GERMANY 18 AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion And esoPhAgeAl inJury: the role oF biPolAr And uniPolAr energy using A novel multiPolAr irrigAted AblAtion cAtheter (nmArQ) A. Di Monaco, F. Quadrini, G. Katsouras, G. Cecere, T. Langialonga, M. Grimaldi Acquaviva delle Fonti, BA, ITALY 19 AtriAl Flutter AblAtion through suPerior venA cAvA in A PAtient with congenitAl Absence oF inFerior venA cAvA Y. Shirai, T. Nishimura, K. Sugiyama, S. Tao, T. Sasaki, M. Kawabata, T. Sasano, M. Goya, K. Hirao Tokyo, JAPAN 20 First clinicAl exPerience using A new FluoroscoPy-integrAted cAtheter trAcking system (mediguide) For AblAtion oF ventriculAr tAchycArdiA M. Derndorfer, E. Sigmund, G. Kollias, S. Winter, H.J. Nesser, H. Pürerfellner, M. Martinek Linz, AUSTRIA 21 A nurse-led Pre Admission clinic. A new stAndArd For PAtients scheduled For AblAtion oF AtriAl FibrillAtion Z. Pidova, M. Eisenberger, A. Bulava, J. Svejdova, A. Hudackova Budweis, CZECH REPUBLIC 22 PerimitrAl AtriAl Flutter. extrAPolAtion oF ArrhythmiA simulAtion dAtA to AblAtion clinicAl results E. Zhelyakov, A. Ardashev, M. Mazurov, I. Kaluzhny, V. Finko Moscow, RUSSIA 23 regulAr AtriAl tAchycArdiAs occurring AFter surgicAl treAtment oF AtriAl FibrillAtion: electroPhysiologicAl AnAlysis And AblAtion strAtegies R. Krausova, D. Wichterle, P. Peichl, J. Kautzner, J. Pirk Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC 24 clinicAl imPlicAtion oF uniPolAr recording For the slow PAthwAy mAPPing in PAtient with tyPicAl Av node re-entry tAchycArdiA And Prolonged Pr intervAl E. Zhelyakov, A. Ardashev Moscow, RUSSIA 184 2014 comPlex electroPhysiology intervention in A PAtient with An inFerior venA cAvA Filter: cAse rePort Z. Starek, J. Jez, F. Lehar, J. Wolf Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC 26 beneFiciAl eFFect oF cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy in betA thAlAssemiA PAtient H. Zouzou 1, J.C. Deharo 2, D. Nibouche 1 1 27 Algiers, ALGERIA, 2 Marseiile, FRANCE the role oF holter monitoring during Follow-uP in PAtients with cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy S. Zadorozhnaya, V. Agapov, V. Samitin, D. Terehov Regional Cardiosurgical Center, Saratov, RUSSIA 28 Acute PerFormAnce oF A short sPAced new QuAdriPolAr leFt ventriculAr leAd M. Ziacchi 1, D. Saporito 2, M. Zardini 3, F. Quartieri 4, G. Morgagni 5, E. De Maria 6, M. Bertini 7, M. Luzi 8, G. Boriani 1, M. Biffi 1 1 8 29 Post imPlAnt PAyor cost AnAlysis oF PAtients with QuAdriPolAr vs biPolAr crt-d: A comPArAtive eFFectiveness AnAlysis modeled For the us heAlthcAre system D. Della Rocca 1, G. B Forleo 1, G. Panattoni 1, E. Romano 1, R. Bharmi 2, N. Dalal 2, L. Duro1, V. Ribatti 1, F. Onorato 1, D. Sergi 1, L. Papavasileiou 1, L. Santini 1, F. Romeo 1 1 30 Rome, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA new QuAdriPolAr leFt ventriculAr leAd design eliminAtes Phrenic nerve stimulAtion J. Castro Dorticós 1, J. Balaguer 1, S. Moreno 1, B. Tarancón 1, E. Novo 1, A. Salas 2, G. Sanchez 2, M. Iglesias 2 1 31 Bologna, 2 Rimini, 3 Parma, 4 Reggio Emilia, 5 Macerata, 6 Carpi, MO, 7 Ferrara, Ancona, ITALY Guadalajara, 2 Madrid, SPAIN reduced Phrenic nerve stimulAtion And mortAlity with QuAdriPolAr leFt ventriculAr leAds For cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy comPAred with conventionAl biPolAr leAds J. Behar, J. Bostock, A. Li, H .Chin, M. Sohal, T. Jackson, S. Claridge, E. Sammut, C.A. Rinaldi London, UNITED KINGDOM 185 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 25 2014 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 32 incidence oF unresolvAble Pns during the Peri-oPerAtive Period relAted to the QuArtet™ lv leAd R. Corbisiero1, M. Cao2, S. Beau3, S. Allison4, D. Schleinkofer 5, T.G. Farazi 6, S Zhang 7, N. Harbert 8, D Martin 9 Browns Mills, NJ, 2 Rosemead, CA, 3 Little Rock, AR, 4 Birmingham, AL, 5 Fort Wayne, IN, 6 Sunnyvale, CA, 7 Sylmar, CA, 8 Plano, TX, 9 Burlington, VT, USA 1 33 comPArison oF All cAuse re-hosPitAliZAtion rAtes At 30, 90 And 180 dAys Post heArt FAilure hosPitAliZAtion For QuAdriPolAr And biPolAr cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy V. Ribatti 1, G.B. Forleo 1, A. Pollastrelli 1, R. Bharmi 2, N. Dalal 2, G. Panattoni 1, V. Schirripa 1 , G. Magliano 1, D. Sergi 1, L. Papavasileiou 1, D. Della Rocca 1, L. Santini 1, F. Romeo 1 1 34 Rome, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA QuAdriPolAr leFt ventriculAr leAd imProves hemodynAmic resPonse in PAtients with cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy B. Urbanek, M. Chudzik, J.K. Wranicz Lodz, POLAND 35 sonr® A new Algorithm For cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy. cAse rePort R. Luise, G. De Berardinis, G. Palermo, T. Civitarese, S. Cicogna L’Aquila, ITALY 36 Assessment oF inFluence oF levosimendAn on the Process oF heArt reverse remodeling in PAtients with dilAted cArdiomyoPAthy And imPlAnted crt R. Marchenko, S. Durmanov, N. Makarova, A. Kozlov, V. Bazilev Penza, RUSSIA 37 AssistAnce oF A trAining doctor From Another hosPitAl during leAd extrAction. underestimAted risk FActor oF tle comPlicAtions? A. Kutarski 1, M. Czajkowski 1, M. Polewczyk 2, A. M. Polewczyk 2, A. Polewczyk 2 1 38 Lublin, 2 Kielce, POLAND the eFFect oF diAbetes on heArt FAilure outcome in A lArge QuAdriPolAr crt-d registry D. Martin1, M. Cao2, S. Beau3, S. Allison4, D. Schleinkofer5, T.G. Farazi 6, S. Zhang 7, N. Harbert 8, R. Corbisiero 9 Burlington, VT, 2 Rosemead, CA, 3 Little Rock, AR, 4 Birmingham, AL, 5 Fort Wayne, IN, 6 Sunnyvale, CA, 7 Sylmar, CA, 8 Plano, TX, USA, 9 Browns Mills, NJ, USA 1 186 39 non invAsive hemodynAmic AnAlysis in crt PAtients weAring QuAdriPolAr leFt ventriculAr leAds L. Santini, F. Condemi, J. Legramante, M. Gugliotta, V. Doldo, L.M. Santucci, P. Crobeddu, D. Sergi, G. Magliano, G.B. Forleo, F. Romeo Rome, ITALY 40 suPPression oF PremAture ventriculAr contrAction with multiPoint lv PAcing in cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy reciPients A. Cuko 1, Z. Calovic 1, L.C. McSpadden 2, F. Qu 2, K. Ryu 2, M. Baldi 1, A. Pappone 1, M. Saviano 1, L. Giannelli 1, C. Ciaccio 1, A. Petretta 1, C. Catalano 1, M. Moscatiello 1, R. Vitale 1, B. Ionescu 1, G. Vicedomini 1, V. Santinelli 1, C. Pappone 1 1 41 Cotignola, RA, ITALY, 2 Sylmar, CA, USA PrevAlence For AdditionAl treAtment with the mitrAcliP® device in PAtients with cArdiAc resynchroniZAtion therAPy And Persistent severe FunctionAl mitrAl regurgitAtion J. Roeing Genannt Noelke, M. Grett, I.M. Breker, T. Butz, M. Christ, S. Tzikas, R. Wennemann, H.J. Trappe Herne, GERMANY 42 imProving cArdiAc imPlAntAble electronic device imPlAntAtion stAndArds through stAndArdised comPlicAtion rePorting. introducing mortAlity censoring C. E. P. Brough 1,2, C. McGee 2, A. Rao 2, D. J. Wright 2 1 43 London, 2 Liverpool, UNITED KINGDOM single center exPerience with subcutAneous imPlAntAble cArdioverter-deFibrillAtor (s-icd) L. Hodacova, J. Petru, L. Sediva, K. Holdova, P. Neuzil Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC 44 sAFety oF mAgnetic resonAnce imAging in PAtients with imPlAntAble subcutAneous cArdioverter-deFibrillAtor (s-icd) K. Holdova, L. Hodacova, J. Petru, J. Keller, M. Janotka, J. Brada, J. Vymazal, J. Weichet, P. Neuzil Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC 45 the subcutAneous imPlAntAble deFibrillAtor: PersonAl exPerience in A lArge volume icd leAd extrAction centre S. Viani, E. Soldati, G. Zucchelli, A. Di Cori, L. Segreti, L. Paperini, A. Boem, D. Levorato, G. Branchitta, D. Andreini, M.G. Bongiorni Pisa, ITALY 187 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 2014 2014 POSTER SESSION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 46 evAluAtion oF A young PoPulAtion cAndidAte For s-icd. is inAbility to PAcing An imPortAnt limitAtion? P. Galvão, D. Cavaco, P. Adragão, F. Morgado, P. Carmo, F. Costa, S. Carvalho, K. Reis Santos, M. Abecasis, M. Mendes Lisbon, PORTUGAL 47 hyPertroPhic cArdiomyoPAthy: subcutAneous icd system is better thAn trAnsvenous icd. A cAse rePort E. Ammendola, G. Del Giorno, L. Santangelo, D. Masarone, G. Limogelli, G. Pacileo, l.M.G. Russo, R. Calabrò Naples, ITALY 48 “AsymPtomAtic” right ventricle PerForAtion by imPlAntAble cArdioverter-deFibrillAtor leAd in A child D. Lebedev, E. Grehov, D. Chuev, V. Lebedeva, E. Zubarev, E. Vasichkina, M. Samohvalova Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA 49 the eFFectiveness oF Anti tAchycArdiA PAcing in selected PAtients with imPlAntAble cArdioverter deFibrillAtor H. Zouzou, D. Nibouche Algiers, ALGERIA 50 imPlAntAble cArdioverter deFibrillAtor And Prevention oF sudden cArdiAc deAth: A single centre rePort K. Polymeropoulos, A. Vosnakidis, P. Ioannidis, G. Maligos, J. Zarifis Thessaloniki, GREECE 51 trends oF cArdiAc imPlAntAble electronic device dAtA during time FrAmes Preceding deAth. results From the homeguide registry A. D’Onofrio 1, G. Buja 2, P. Vaccaro 3, L. Vasquez 4, D. Pecora 4, A. Vaglio 6, L. Rossi 7, L. Giovene 8, F. Chiusso 8, R. P. Ricci 9 Naples, 2 Padua, 3 Palermo, 4 Milazzo, ME, 5 Brescia, 6 Venice, 7 Piacenza, 8 Milan, 9 Rome, ITALY 1 188 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL SCIENTIFIC AND GENERAL INFORMATION 2014 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION Faculty guidelines for chairs: * find yourself in the Meeting Room at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the Session * respect the timing assigned to the Session and to each presentation * all presentations, discussions and questions must be in English. guidelines for speakers: * follow the instructions indicated at the paragraph “Audiovisual Instructions” * find yourself in the Room assigned for presentation at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the Session * respect the timing allowed for your presentation * all presentations, discussions and questions must be in English Audiovisual Instructions A Slide Centre is located in the Congress Venue at Floor -2 . ONLY PC DATA PROJECTION IS AVAILABLE DURING THE CONGRESS Each room is provided with a laptop. Therefore the use of one’s laptop is not allowed. Should speakers have their personal laptop or USB key, they are kindly requested to go to the Slide Centre to have their presentation copied. The presentation will be then forwarded through a LAN network from the Slide Centre directly to the computer in the presentation room. We kindly recommend speakers to contact the Slide Centre the day before presentation. If this is not possible, please visit the Slide Centre as below: * 45 minutes before for Power Point presentation on USB key * 1 hour before for Power Point presentations on Personal Computer Free Papers Free Paper Sessions are held from Tuesday, December 2 to Thursday, December 4, 2014. guidelines for speakers: * find yourself in the Room assigned for presentation at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the Session to meet the Chairs * you will have 10 minutes at disposal for the speech and 5 for discussion * respect the timing allowed for your presentation * all presentations, discussions and questions must be in English * please note that the presenting author must be registered to the Symposium to give his/her presentation 192 instructions for Power Point presentations: * Standard fonts should be used (included in Windows XP SP3/Vista and Office 2007) On the contrary, if other fonts are used, please bring them to the Slide Centre, at least 6 hours before the presentation, informing the technicians who will be present there. * To make the download of the presentation at the Slide Centre, USB device is advisable. However, the presentation can be downloaded from a personal computer by visiting the slide centre at least 3 hours before the presentation. Posters All delegates are invited to visit the posters which are displayed in the Corridor at Floor -1 guidelines for poster display * your poster has been given a number and shall be fixed on the poster board marked with the same number * poster size must be cm. 75 (width) x cm. 150 (height) and the format must be VERTICAL Posters session december 3: must be hanged on December 3 from 08:00 to 09:00 and removed on December 3 from 18:00 to 19:00. Posters session december 4: must be hanged on December 4 from 08:00 to 09:00 and removed on December 4 from 18:00 to 19:00. * * * * All posters that have not been collected on December 3 and 4 will be thrown away and the Organizing Secretariat is not responsible for them you are kindly asked to stand by your Poster from 10.30 to 11.00 and from 17:00 to 17:30 on December 3 and 4 according to the day of your poster for possible questions by Congress delegates. Otherwise, please hang a note to inform when you will be available all presentations, discussions and questions must be in English pins and tape will be at your disposal at the Congress Venue, in case you need them please note that the presenting author must be registered to the Congress to give his/ her presentation 193 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION 2014 2014 SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION luncheon Panels The participation in the Luncheon Panels is reserved only to duly registered delegates on a first come first served basis, according to room capacity. You will find the coupons of the Luncheon Panels inside your badge. The coupons are distinguished by different colors according to the day and will be collected at the entrance of the room before the beginning of the session. tuesdAy, december 2 · 12.30/14.00 BUSINESS MEETS MEDICINE: PROCESS OPTIMIZATION IN CARDIAC RHYTHM MANAGEMENT (PG. 43 - Orange 1) wednesdAy, december 3 · 12:30/14:00 MONITORING ISCHEMIA BY CIED: THE INSIGHT STUDY (PG. 84 - Orange 1) ATRIAL FIBRILLATION PREVENTION AND TREATMENT (PG. 85 - Tarragona) thursdAy, december 4 · 12:30/14:00 CRYOABLATION OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (PG. 127 - Orange 1) UPDATE IN CARDIAC PACING (PG. 128 - Tarragona) NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR HEART FAILURE TREATMENT BAROREFLEX ACTIVATION THERAPY (PG. 130 - Pola) FridAy december 5 - 13:15/14:00 PROGRESS IN INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY (PG. 167 - Pola) 194 2014 Congressvenue ErgifePalaceHotel Via Aurelia, 619 00165 Rome – Italy Phone +39 06 66 441 www.ergifepalacehotel.com Language The official language of the Congress is English. Simultaneous translation will not be provided. OpeningCeremonyandWelcomeReception The official Opening Ceremony of the Congress takes place on Tuesday, December 2 in Leptis Magna 4 at 17:30 hrs. Prof. Massimo Santini, Chairman of the Congress, and the Representatives of most of the National and International Societies, welcome the Participants. Magistral Lectures, given by Prof. J.D. Fisher (New York-NY, USA) and Dott. R.P. Ricci (Rome, I) will follow. After the Opening Ceremony, all participants are invited to attend the Welcome Reception which takes place at ground floor of Ergife Palace Hotel. Access to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception is included in the registration fee. Registration RegistrationDeskOpeninghours • December 2 7:30 - 17:30 hrs. • December 3-4 8:00 - 19:00 hrs. • December 5 8:00 - 13:30 hrs Delegateregistrationfee On-site registration fee € 1108,00 (22% VAT included)* *Should Italian VAT increase, registration fees will be revised accordingly. - Payment is possible only by credit card - Daily registration is not prouded Theregistrationfeeentitlesdelegatestothefollowing: > entry to all Scientific Sessions including Luncheon Panels and Exhibition Area > admission to the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception > scientific material > abstract book available on the official Congress website 195 GENERAL INFORMATION The Meeting will take place in Rome, at the Ergife Palace Hotel. It combines a comfortable accommodation solution with a large and efficient Congress Centre. 2014 Exhibitorregistrationfee On-site registration fee € 444,00 (22% VAT included)* GENERAL INFORMATION *Should Italian VAT increase, registration fees will be revised accordingly. - Payment is possibile only by credit card - Daily registration is not provided Theregistrationfeeentitlesexhibitorstothefollowing: • entry to exhibition area and does not include any scientific material Badges Admission to the Sessions is restricted to registered participants wearing their name badge. lost badges are replaced against the payment of a handling fee of € 50,00 (VAT 22% included) and upon proof of original registration. Accompanying persons are not entitled to attend the congress. Delegate: violet Faculty: red Exhibitors: yellow Press: green AttendanceCertificates Certificate of attendance is issued on request to all registered participants at the end of the Congress. Exhibition A technical, pharmaceutical and publication exhibition takes place in the Congress Venue throughout the scientific works. Exhibitionopeninghours • December 2-3-4 8:30 - 17:30 hrs. • December 5 8:30 - 14:00 hrs. Exhibitiondeskopeninghours • December 2 7:30 - 17:30 hrs. • December 3-4 8:00 - 17:30 hrs. • December 5 8:00 - 14:00 hrs. Cloakroom A cloakroom is at participants’ disposal at their own charge at floor 0 in the Congress Venue. Delegates are requested not to leave their personal belongings after the closingtime. 196 2014 Bar&Restaruant Insurance The congress organizers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained or for loss of or damage to property belonging to congress participants, either during or as a result of the congress. Please check the validity of your own insurance. NO-SMOKING Smoking in the Congress area is not allowed. MOBILEPHONES Delegates are kindly requested to set their mobile phones on silent mode in the Rooms where scientific sessions are being held. TravelandAccommodationDesk The Travel and Accommodation Desk is at participants’ disposal in the Congress Venue for the following services: • flight and train reservations and information • hotel booking • transfer services • car rental • guided tours of Rome • pre-post congress tours • tourist information TravelandAccomodationDeskopeninghours: • December 2 7:30 - 17:30 hrs. • December 3-4 8:00 - 19:00 hrs. • December 5 8:00 - 13:30 hrs. HotelAccommodation official housing bureau of the conference at your disposal in the meeting venue for all the duration of the congress: AIM Group International – AIM Congress – Milan Office Via G. Ripamonti, 129 – 20141 Milan, Italy Phone: +39 02 566011 – Fax: +39 02 56609043 E-mail: pacing2014.hotel@aimgroup.eu 197 GENERAL INFORMATION A bar and a restaurant are located at floor 0 is at participants’ disposal at their own charge 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION Publictransportation •Subway The 2-line system has an X shape, with both lines meeting at the Central Railway Station Termini. LineA links Anagnina, in the south, with Battistini. LineB goes from Laurentina to Rebibbia. The metro operates from 5:30 until 23:30 hrs. (0:30 hrs. on Saturdays) every 3-4 minutes during rush hours, every 5-6 minutes during the day and every 8-10 minutes early morning and late evening. •Taxi Licensed taxis are white, have an identification number, and are equipped with a taxi-meter. A taxi can be called at the following telephone numbers: 063570, 064994, 065551. •Buses There are two companies providing bus service in Rome: ATAC and COTRAL. Lines and timetables may be consulted on the websites: http://www.atac.roma.it http://www.cotralspa.it Currency According to the Monetary Union, the official currency is the Euro. Bankandexchange Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 13:30 hrs. and some of them again in the afternoon from 14:45 to 15:45 hrs. (afternoon opening may vary depending on the bank). Banks are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Weather December weather in Rome is generally cold. Rain is also possible. The temperature doesn’t rise over 10°. Electricity Voltage in Italy is mostly 220 volts - 50 Hz. Foreign appliances could require an adapter. Tipping Service is usually included in the bill in bars and restaurants, but tips are welcome. Usefullinks •www.romaturismo.it •www.metroroma.it •www.adr.it •www.rome.info •www.liveinrome.com 198 GENERAL INFORMATION 2014 199 CONGRESS VENUE AND EXHIBITION FLOORPOLAN 2014 CongressVenueandExhibitionFloorplan Boothn. AIAC - Italian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiac Pacing ........................... 10 ARRHYTHMIA ALLIANCE ......................................................................................... 8 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION ........................................................................................... 28 BIOTRONIK ITALIA .................................................................................................. 2 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM ..................................................................................... 15 BOSTON SCIENTIFIC ........................................................................................6+6B BRUNO FARMACEUTICI ........................................................................................ 20 CARDIAC RHYTHM NEWS ..................................................................................... 29 CARDIAC SCIENCE ............................................................................................... 24 CARDIOSTIM 2016 ............................................................................................... 25 COOK MEDICAL - William Cook Europe................................................................. 16 CVRX ................................................................................................................... 12 ECAS - European Cardiac Arrhythmia Society ......................................................... 9 EUMACO Helth Care System ................................................................................ 21 FIAB..................................................................................................................... 19 IL CUORE DI ROMA ONLUS ................................................................................... 23 JHRS ..................................................................................................................... 7 MEDICO ................................................................................................................. 3 MEDITERRANEAN CARDIOLOGY MEETING ............................................................ 26 MEDTRONIC ITALIA ................................................................................................ 5 MERIT MEDICAL................................................................................................... 30 MICROLIFE - Colpharma......................................................................................... 4 NUUBO ............................................................................................................... 11 PLACE 2015......................................................................................................... 31 SANIMPRESA ...................................................................................................... 13 SORIN GROUP ITALIA............................................................................................ 18 ST. JUDE MEDICAL ................................................................................................. 1 VENICE ARRHYTMIAS ......................................................................................... 27 VIOLATECH .......................................................................................................... 14 WISEPRESS ........................................................................................................ 22 WSA – WORLD SOCIETY OF ARRHYTHMIAS .......................................................... 17 200 ENTRANCE RESTAURANT CONGRESS BAG REGISTRATION AREA GROUND FLOOR FLOOR -1 ORANGE 2 ER ST PO E AR A N°31 N°30 MILETO HAMA SABRATHA EFESO MERIDA SPALATO POLA TREVIRI ALCANTARA CE SA R EA NA GO RA R TA ORANGE 1 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL EXHIBITION GUIDE 2014 AiAc - italian Association of Arrhythmology and cardiac Pacing booth n. 10 EXHIBITION GUIDE Via Biagio Petrocelli 226 00173 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 42020412 Fax: +39 06 42020037 E-mail: segreteria@aiac.it Website: www.aiac.it contact Persons: Dott. Giovanni Luca Botto (President), Dott. Emanuele Bertaglia (National Secretary). AIAC (Italian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiac Pacing) is an organization of physicians, scientists and allied professionals throughout the Italian country dedicated to the study and management of cardiac arrhythmias. The mission of the Association is to improve the care of patients by promoting research, education and training for arrhythmias management, providing leadership toward optimal healthcare policies and standards. The Association counts more and less 1000 members and a board of twelve trustees is elected by the members at the biennial meeting of the Association. The Executive Committee is represented by the President, one VicePresident, a Treasurer and a Secretary. Since 2006 the new president is nominated in advance (elected president). The present Board members are: Botto (President), Boriani (Elected-President), D’Onofrio (Vicepresident), Bertaglia (Secretary), Pisanò (Treasurer), Calvi (Coordinator of Regional Presidents), Golzio, Maglia, Nissardi, Santini, Padeletti (past president) and Lunati (Editorial Director). AIAC has several Committees, Task Forces and Registries, which have the task to design the scientific and education strategy of the Society (see the website for more details). AIAC has website (www.aiac.it) which can be visited without any charge. Furthermore, AIAC has an intense research activity, organizing multicentric trials on various topics in the field of cardiac pacing and arrhythmias. AIAC is a member of the Italian Federation of Cardiology and represents the Italian Arrhythmology in the Italian Government Institutions and in the European Society of Cardiology. 204 2014 ArrhythmiA AlliAnce booth n. 8 Arrhythmia Alliance is a coalition of charities, professional medical organisations and industry groups that works to promote the timely diagnosis and effective management of arrhythmias. By raising awareness and campaigning for the improved detection and care of heart rhythm disorders, Arrhythmia Alliance aims to extend and improve the lives of the millions around the world that these conditions effect. ATRIALFIBRILLATION booth n. 28 Corso Matteotti 200 51016 Montecatini Terme, Italy Phone: +39 0572911864 Fax: +39 0572904259 E-mail: c.valentini@bk1.it Website: www.bk1.it/events contact Person: Chiaralberta Valentini The XI edition International Meeting on Atrial Fibrillation and Hearth Failure will take place on February, 19-20 2015. This confirms a great interest, due to the presence of an international faculty with the highest level of experience. This edition will deal with the following main topics: • The genome of the AF patient • Atrial fibrosis as the only pathologic substratum • Rate control easy in-hospital but in real life? • New hopes in rhythm control pharmacology • Dronedarone, Ranolazine, Vernakalant: new fighters to come • CRT and AF: odd couple or possible coexistence? • New and easy ablation techniques enlarge the horizon • How to make the ablation procedure really safe • How to reproduce the positive results of the ablation procedures 205 EXHIBITION GUIDE PO Box 3697, Stratford Upon Avon Worwickshire, cv 37 89L, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1789450787 Fax: +44 1789450682 E-mail: beckyhughes@heartrhythmcharity.org.uk Website: www.aa-international.org contact Person: Becky Hughes 2014 biotronik itAliA booth n. 2 EXHIBITION GUIDE Via delle Industrie 11 20090 Vimodrone, Italy Phone: +39.02.274394.200 Fax: +39 0227 4394313 E-mail: info@biotronik.com Website: www.biotronik.com contact Person: Vita Mangogna One of the world’s leading manufacturers of cardio- and endovascular medical devices, BIOTRONIK is headquartered in Berlin, Germany, and represented in over 100 countries by a global workforce of more than 5600 employees. Several million patients have received BIOTRONIK implants designed to save lives and improve quality of life. Our mission is to develop and manufacture products of the highest quality that save patients’ lives and improve their quality of life. BIOTRONIK strives to incorporate our vision of “excellence for life” in everything we do. boehringer ingelheim booth n. 15 Via Lorenzini 8 20139 Milan, Italy Phone: +39 025355.1 Fax: +39 02 5355222 E-mail: marta.scoccianti@boehringer-ingelheim.com Website: www.boehringer-ingelheim.com contact Person: Marta Scoccianti Boehringer Ingelheim’s corporate culture is characterised by its guiding principles (Leitbild) and its vision Value through Innovation Our Leitbild defines our corporate values and guides our business, innovation, technology and organisation and thus our corporate culture. Our Value through Innovation vision has guided and will continue to guide our company. It is the driver and strength of our corporate principles and values. 206 2014 boston scientiFic s.P.A. booth n. 6+6b Boston Scientific is a worldwide developer, manufacturer and marketer of medical devices with approximately 23,000 employees and 12 manufacturing facilities worldwide. For more than 30 years, Boston Scientific has advanced the practice of less-invasive medicine by providing a broad and deep portfolio of innovative products, technologies and services across a wide range of medical specialties. The Company’s products help physicians and other medical professionals improve their patients’ quality of life by providing alternatives to surgery. For more information, please visit www.bostonscientific-international.com bruno FArmAceutici booth n. 20 Via Delle Ande, 15 00144 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 6050601 Fax: +39 06 60506050 E-mail: rosanna@brunofarmaceutici.it Website: www.brunofarmaceutici.org contact Person: Rosanna Pennasilico Bruno Farmaceutici SpA is a fast-growing Italian pharmaceutical company focused on researching, developing and offering the market advanced therapeutic solutions and improved formulations. Since a long time Bruno is the Italian market leader in the solid oral corticosteroid segment and in the Metformin market for Type-2 diabetes. In the recent years Bruno has evolved into a more complete and mature company, developing advanced and improved formulations of Alendronate, Flecainide and Ciprofloxacin for otologic use. Also a new breakthrough technology in the Ophtalmic market for the dry-eye syndrome has been developed and launched internationally in the last two years. Still based in Italy with a strong focus on the internal market, Bruno ha salso started expanding abroad with the final purpose of making available its products in several markets throughout Europe. 207 EXHIBITION GUIDE Viale Forlanini 23 20134 Milan, Italy Phone: +39 02 269831 Fax: +39 02 26993230 E-mail: grazia.bellarte@bsci.com Website: www.bostonscientific-international.com contact Person: Grazia Bellarte 2014 cArdiAc rhythm news booth n. 29 44 Burlington Road London SW6 4NX, United Kingdom Phone: +44 2077368788 Fax: +44 2077368283 E-mail: info@bibamedical.com Website: cardiacrhythmnews.com contact Person: Noora Lobo EXHIBITION GUIDE Cardiac Rhythm News is the one-stop source for news, views, comment and controversy. It is an editorially independent newspaper that reflects the voice of the cardiac rhythm management specialist. cArdiAc science booth n. 24 Via Francesco Corselli 11 29122 Piacenza, Italy Phone: +39 0523 1901052 Fax: +39 0523 1885099 E-Mail: italia@cardiacscience.com Website: www.cardiacscience.it contact Person: Stefano Santini cardiac science: At the heart of saving lives™ Cardiac Science designs, manufactures and markets Powerheart® automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and related services that facilitate successful deployments. Our growing list of AED placements include today’s Fortune 500® businesses, physician offices, schools, restaurants, malls, airports, sports fields and other public places to combat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), the leading cause of the death in the United States. Cardiac Science extends lives by providing the public and healthcare professionals with lifesaving devices. We are committed to eliminating needless delays between sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and life-saving defibrillation by ensuring automated external defibrillators (AED)s are accessible and simple to use. Our innovative, patented Powerheart AEDs provide assistance to SCA victims in all walks of life. Protecting Communities Through Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) Programs. Our life-saving defibrillators are needed everywhere the public can access them to save lives. For practical purposes, that means at home or wherever two or more meet: at work, school, in restaurants, malls, airports, libraries, and other public places. A Subsidiary of Opto Cardiac Care Limited. Cardiac Science is a global medical device company and a subsidiary of Opto Cardiac Care Ltd. Our global capabilities include direct and indirect sales personnel and distribution in more than 100 countries and an extensive worldwide service network. Headquartered in Waukesha, Wisconsin, just west of Milwaukee, the company also has a manufacturing facility in Deerfield, Wisconsin, as well as operations in California, Denmark, France, Italy and the United Kingdom. 208 2014 cArdiostim 2016 booth n. 25 world congress on cardiac electrophysiology The next edition will be held on June 8-11, 2016 in Nice, France. It is a congress dedicated to Electrophysiology and device therapies, which was created by Jacques Mugica, MD in 1978. In 2014, there were over 5650 participants from all over the world, 700 speakers and chairmen, and more than 200 scientific sessions. The Congress is unique as programs are organized by Europeans, in close relationship with North Americans, South Americans and Asians, and offers a platform for the industry to present its latest technological advances. The language of the congress is English. cook medicAl - williAm cook euroPe booth n.16 Sandet 6 4632 Bjaeverskov, Denmark E-mail: nunzia.radogna@cookmedical.com Website: www.cookmedical.com contact Person: Nunzia Radogna Cook Medical - Pioneering Lead Extraction devices and techniques for 25 years. The Advanced Platform devices give you the Cook Mechanical Advantage throughout the most challenging Lead Extraction™ procedures. These devices give you a secure traction source, advanced vessel access, dilate tissue along the entire length of the lead and stabilize binding sites. 209 EXHIBITION GUIDE 52-54 quai de Dion-Bouton CS80001 Puteaux Cedex, France Phone: +33 1 47 56 24 56 Fax: +33 1 47 56 24 55 Email: cardiostim@wanadoo.fr Website: www. cardiostim.com contact Person: Jocelyne Toulouse, PA to Dr Philippe Ritter, Chairman 2014 cvrx booth n. 12 EXHIBITION GUIDE C/O Gesis Srl, Centro Direzionale Colleoni, Palazzo Astrolabio, Via Cardano 2 20864 Agrate Brianza, Italy Phone: +33613865709 E-Mail: jpzana@cvrx.com; gioacchino.iannolo@businessita.com Website: www.cvrx.com contact Person: Jean-Philippe Zana CVRx® developed a proprietary implantable technology for the treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure. Barostim neo uses CVRx-patented technology that is designed to trigger the body’s own natural blood flow regulation system to treat these conditions. Barostim neo can be adjusted to meet each patient’s individual therapy needs. ecAs - euroPeAn cArdiAc ArrhythmiA society booth n. 9 2 Place Delibes 13008 Marseille, France Phone: +33(0)953 677 241 E-mail: samuel@samuel-levy.com Website: www.ecas-heartrhythm.org contact Person: Samuel Levy ECAS is a non-profit Society registered in August 2004 and located in Marseille, France’. Objective: of the Society: to promote excellence in the care of patients with cardiac rhythm disorders and promote education of the general public. Various categories of membership: MDs, Scientists, fellows, technicians, nurses (See website). TEL: +33 4 89 14 45 33 Cell: +33 6 26 07 55 74 e-mail: josette.razafimbelo@sfr.fr ecAs goals The missions of ECAS are to promote excellence in the care of patients with cardiac arrhythmias by: fostering continuing medical education And training; by the design, performance, coordination and interpretation of multicenter basic and clinical research aimed at improving therapies providing leadership toward optimal healthcare policies and standards; supporting applied and clinical research; improving communication with the medical community and health care authorities; organization of symposia, meetings and workshops Education of the General Public related to cardiac arrhythmias. 210 2014 eumAco health care system booth n. 21 EUMACO is the leading company in telemedicine in Italy. We offer solutions for Telecardiology and telemonitoring with the purpose of monitoring the patient through the recording and transmission of medical parameters. EUMACO’s organization permits to offer both products and turnkey projects developed on the specific technological and logistic needs of each single customer. We operate in the Italian market since 2006 and our customers are public and private hospitals, public administrations, pharmaceutical companies, private cardiologists, gp, and so on. Eumaco’s engineer staff offers technical support services for our devices, create softwares for the management of the devices when required, and constantly look for new technologies to provide the best possible solutions to our customers. FiAb sPA booth n. 19 Via Costoli 4 50039 Vicchio (Fi), Italy Phone: +39 055.8497999 Fax: +39 055.8497979 E-mail: fiab@fiab.it Website: www.fiab.it contact Person: Roberta Bonini FIAB is an Italian manufacturer of temporary cardiac pacing devices as diagnostic and pacing lead, trans-esophageal cardiac pacing leads and stimulators, external pacemaker, Esotest device for the esophageal temperature monitoring, PSA and accessories for cardiac stimulation. 211 EXHIBITION GUIDE Viale Regione Veneto, 19 35127 Padua, Italy Phone: +39 049.7800837 Fax: +39 049.7806979 E-Mail: info@eumaco.it Website: www.eumaco.it contact Person: Ilena Stecconi 2014 il cuore di romA onlus booth n. 23 EXHIBITION GUIDE Cardiovascular Department, S. Filippo Neri Hospital Via G. Martinotti 20 00135 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 3306 3191 Fax: +39 06 3306 2489 E-mail: info@ilcuorediroma.org Website: www.ilcuorediroma.org contact Person: Giulia Carganico “Il Cuore di Roma ” is a non-profit organization for Social Utility (Onlus). It pursues only charitable initiatives in social and health care areas for cardiovascular diseases. It works in the field of prevention, therapy, rehabilitation and information for patients, also encouraging initiatives for social recoveries of heart patients. A quarterly magazine “Il Cuore di Roma” dealing with the main cardiological news is also available. Jhrs booth n. 7 Kiyo Tokyo Building 6F, 2-5 Kanda Ogawamachi 101-0052 Tokyo, Japan Phone: 81-3-5283-5591 E-Mail: office@jhrs.or.jp Website: jhrs.or.jp contact Person: Yoko Sato In 2015, the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society will be merged with the Japanese Society of Electrocardiology and a new body bearing the name Japanese Heart Rhythm Society will be established. It is believed that the merger between the JHRS and JSE will promote further development in the field of arrhythmia via a multidisciplinary approach spanning pathology, diagnosis and treatment. In addition, the merger is also expected to promote a closer relationship between basic and clinical electrocardiology. As to the next congress, the 30th annual meeting of the JHRS will be held jointly with the JSE in Kyoto from July 29 to August 1, 2015. To reflect our hope of helping to shape a brighter tomorrow, we propose the meeting be held under the theme Prologue to a Glorious Future. The JHRS and JSE welcome and encourage the submission of abstracts from abroad and the participation of international guests. 212 2014 medico sPA booth n.3 40 years for the heart with the heart - this is our long story of commitment to the advancement of cardiac pacing, run by people motivated by life. Medico’s principal interest is Cardiac Rhythm Management (pacing and cardiac resynchronization systems). All along its 40 years of activity MEDICO SPA has been investigating and developing new cardiac stimulation solutions to ensure top technology pacing devices to physicians and patients. The corporate philosophy is founded on the principles of Quality, Safety and Innovation with the ambition to supply physicians with suitable tools for optimizing the pacing therapy in each single patient and to ensure a better quality life. Come to visit us in our booth, we will show our innovations in detail. mediterrAneAn cArdiology meeting booth n. 26 c/o Adria Congrex srl – Organizing Secretariat Via Sassonia, 30 47921 Rimini Phone: +39 0541 305822 +39 0541.305820 Fax: +39 0541 305842 E-Mail: l.bini@adriacongrex.it Website: www.mcmweb.it contact Person: Lucia Bini In April 2015 Catania (Italy) will host the 7th edition of the Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting (MCM). Over thousand and five hundred participants attended our last meeting with a strong international attendance which confirmed the highest interest aroused by this biannual meeting. An outstanding Faculty, selected between the leading experts on these fields, will provide the highest quality teaching, highlighting the current state and limitation of scientific knowledge and presenting a detailed analysis of the most recent developments in the treatment of: Atrial Fibrillation, Sudden Cardiac Death, Heart Failure, Acute Coronary Syndromes, Global Cardiovascular Prevention, Syncope, Genetics and Cardiac Monitoring technologies. The main target of the meeting is to give the latest update on Clinical & Interventional Cardiology and it is addressed to cardiologists, internists, first aid clinicians, physicians of general medicine, fellows, nurses and technicians with high interest in the whole management of cardiac pathologies. 213 EXHIBITION GUIDE Via Pitagora 15 35030 Rubano, Italy Phone: +39 0498976755 E-Mail: nigro@medicoweb.com Website: www.medicoweb.com contact Person: Gabriella Nigro 2014 medtronic itAliA sPA booth n. 5 EXHIBITION GUIDE Via Varesina 162 20156 Milan, Italy Phone: 02.24137.1 Fax: 02.241381 E-Mail: mariarosa.santeramo@medtronic.com Website: www.medtronic.it contact Person: Maria Rosa Santeramo Medtronic is the world’s largest medical technology company, offering an unprecedented breadth and depth of innovative therapies to fulfill our Mission of alleviating pain, restoring health, and extending life. Last year, more than 10 million people benefited from our medical therapies, which treat cardiac and vascular diseases, diabetes, and neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. With a global reach that extends to more than 140 countries, we have a deep understanding of many universal healthcare challenges. We’re using our experience, extensive partnerships, and the passion of 49,000+ employees to help transform healthcare worldwide by improving outcomes, expanding access, and enhancing value. merit medicAl booth n. 30 Amerikalaan 42 6199 Ae Maasctricht-Airport, Netherlands Phone: +31 43 3588222 Fax: +31 43 3555221 E-Mail: luisa.prearo@merit.com Website: www.merit.com contact Person: Luisa Prearo Merit Medical offers diverse, integrated portfolio of products that support radial procedures from preparation to close. What’s more, you can pick and choose which of our products you want in a custom procedure pack to optimise your clinical, procedural and economical efficiency. Our new radial products include the PreludeEASE™ Hydrophilic Sheath Introducer, designed to deliver smooth transitions, and the HeartSpan® Steerable Sheath Introducer that delivers responsive control and a softer, flexible tip. The steerable sheath works in unison with our HeartSpan® Transseptal Needle. We will also be showcasing our Worley™ Advanced LV Lead Delivery System, proven to decrease failed LV lead implants, improve LV lead location, and shorten procedure times. Merit Medical is an international company with leading-edge manufacturing and distribution facilities supported by dedicated sales representatives, customer service professionals, and clinical experts who are globally ready to support you. 214 2014 microliFe - colPhArmA booth n. 4 Microlife is one of the world leaders in the development and manufacturing of medical diagnostic equipment for home monitoring and institutional use. Blood pressure monitors, digital thermometers, asthma monitors are Microlife’s core business. Our vision is to empower consumers through our products and services to be able to manage and promote their own health. We strive for high quality, reliability and accuracy. Our medical devices are clinically validated and guarantee the highest level of safety. Microlife’s technology provides you with accurate and reliable solutions for consumer and professional target. In 2006, Microlife patented the technology Microlife AFIB ( Atrial Fibrillation ) for the detection of Atrial fibrillation, a major risk factor for stroke ischemic stroke , with an oscillometric blood pressure monitor . In 2013 NICE - UK, AFIB validation. nuubo booth n. 11 Calle Toronga, 21 Local 1 28043 Madrid, Spain Phone: +39 913604431 Fax: +39 913605649 E-Mail: ljara@nuubo.com Website: www.nuubo.com contact Person: Lidia Jara Nuubo envisions wireless health and remote monitoring of physiological parameters as a simple, transparent and non-intrusive experience that should be available to anyone, anywhere. Nuubo is a wearable wireless medical device company, with headquarters based in Madrid (Spain) and R&D labs and manufacturing facilities in Valencia (Spain). The company designs, manufactures and sells a proprietary portfolio of innovative wearable wireless medical technologies for cardiac prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation. 215 EXHIBITION GUIDE Ivia Aquileia 37 20092 Cinisello Balsamo, Italy Phone: +39 340 2660439 E-Mail: v.belloni@colpharma.com Website: www.microlife.it contact Person: Valter Belloni 2014 PlAce 2015 booth n. 31 EXHIBITION GUIDE Rome/Palazzo Colonna November 18/19/20, 2015 6° edition c/o Adria Congrex srl Via Sassonia, 30 47921 Rimini, Italy Phone: +3 9 0541.305838 Fax No. +39 0541.305842 E-Mail: v.vicenzi@adriacongrex.it; cardiac@adriacongrex.it Website: www.ace-web.org contact Person: Virna Vicenzi PLACE the new event chaired by Leonardo Calò, Policlinico Casilino Rome - Italy and Fiorenzo Gaita, AOU Città della salute e della scienza Turin, Italy. A wide workshops program dedicated to the advances in cardiology experiences Topics: • ATRIAL FIBRILLATION – ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY • HEART DISEASE AND STRATIFICATION - SUDDEN DEATH • SPORT AND CARDIOLOGY – SYNCOPE • ELECTROSTIMULATION - HEART FAILURE – TELEMEDICINE • HEMODYNAMIC - SURGICAL AND INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY • HEALTH & CARDIOLOGY • CARDIO CHARYTY • NEW TECHNOLOGIES & COMMUNICATION sAnimPresA booth n. 13 Via Enrico Tazzoli,6 00195 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 Fax: +39 06.37.500.617 E-Mail: comunicazione@sanimpresa.it Website: www.sanimpresa.it contact Person: Lorenzo Ciavoni With its 80,000 associated workers and more, Sanimpresa is the point of reference for companies and working categories. Sanimpresa’s numbers speak for themselves. The non-profit organization, established by sectoral collective bargaining, increased its catchment area, being the only one organization for every branch of the tertiary sector. Since November 2006, moreover, Sanimpresa has approved the possibilities of admission for every working category that provided integrative health care in their collective bargaining. Sanimpresa provides high level health services in the best clinics, health centers and laboratories in Rome, in Lazio, in Italy. Sanimpresa’s health policy costs 252 euro per year: less than a coffee a day. 216 2014 sorin grouP itAliA srl booth n. 18 Sorin Group is a global medical device company and a leader in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The Company develops, manufactures and markets medical technologies for cardiac surgery and for the treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. With over 3,500 employees worldwide, the company focuses on three major therapeutic areas: Cardiopulmonary bypass, Cardiac rhythm management (CRM) and Heart valve repair and replacement. st. Jude medicAl booth n. 1 Centro Direzionale Colleoni Palazzo Andromeda, 20/3 20864 Agrate Brianza (MB), Italy Phone: +39 039 607471 Fax: +39 039 6074744 E-Mail: lresnati@sjm.com Website: www.sjm.com contact Person: Luciano Resnati Turning What If Into Why Not™ What if a company could invent breakthrough technologies that transform the treatment of some of the world’s most expensive epidemic diseases? At St. Jude Medical we are turning what if into why not by partnering with physicians, hospitals and insurers to save and improve millions of lives worldwide, while reducing health care costs for all. St. Jude Medical is committed to meeting or exceeding the high quality and safety expectations of our patients, customers and regulators. Quality is the shared belief that unites all 16,000 of our employees; it is built into everything we do and is the guiding principle behind every product we create. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minn., USA, St. Jude Medical is a global medical technology leader focused on six key treatment areas: Heart Failure, Arrhythmias, Vascular Disease, Structural Heart, Chronic Pain, Neurological Diseases. 217 EXHIBITION GUIDE Via Benigno Crespi 17 20159 Milan, Italy Phone: +39 02 69465368 Fax: +39 02 69465343 E-Mail: Patrizia.garavaglia@sorin.com Website: www.sorin.com contact Person: Patrizia Garavaglia 2014 venice ArrhythmiAs booth n. 27 EXHIBITION GUIDE c/o Adria Congrex srl Via Sassonia, 30 47921 Rimini Phone: +39 0541.305820 Fax: +39 0541 305842 E-Mail: r.reggiani@adriacongrex.it ; info@venicearrhythmias.org Website: www.venicearrhythmias.org contact Person: Rita Reggiani Venice Arrhythmias 2015 will be held in Venice, Italy on October 16-18, 2015, under the auspices of the most important International Scientific Societies. The Scientific program will be focused on the following central topics: Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, Syncope, Heart Failure and Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, Pacemakers and ICDs, Sport and Arrhythmology, Surgical Approach to Cardiac Arrhythmias. It also provides special Corner Sessions prepared in co-operation with Scientific Societies and representatives of different geographic areas, including emerging countries. A unique feature of the 14th International Workshop will be a special program dedicated to the relationship between Food and Arrhythmias. violAtech booth n. 14 Via Armando Armuzzi, 6 00122 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06.5922087 Fax: +39 0659290468 E-Mail: info@violatech.it Website: www.violatech.it contact Person: Daniela Coluzzi Violatech operates in the field of high specialized supplies offering the most advanced equipment and life-saving devices for the Interventional Cardiology, Vascular Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Electrostimulation and Cardiac Surgery. 218 2014 wisePress ltd booth n. 22 Wisepress.com, Europe’s leading conference bookseller, has a range of books and journals relevant to the themes of the meeting. In addition to attending 200 conferences per year, Wisepress has a comprehensive medical and scientific bookshop online with great offers. Follow us on Twitter for the latest news @WisepressBooks. wsA – world society of Arrhythmias booth n. 17 Cardiovascular Department, S. Filippo Neri Hospital Via G. Martinotti 20 00135 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 3306 3191 Fax: +39 06 3306 2489 E-mail: info@wsa-icpes.org Web Site: www.wsa-icpes.org contact Persons: Prof. Massimo Santini Ms. Giulia Carganico (Secretary) In confederation with national and international scientific societies, the WSA promotes worldwide education in the field of cardiac pacing and electrophysiology and supplies an international platform for scientific exchange. Every four years the WSA hosts the World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology. The XV WSA – World Congress on Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology will be held from “September 17 to 20, 2015 in Beijing” and will be organized by the next Secretary General Prof. Zhang Shu. 219 EXHIBITION GUIDE 25 High Path Merton Abbey, London, United Kingdom Phone: +44 2087151812 Fax: +44 2087151722 E-Mail: james.davie@wisepress.com Website: www.wisepress.com contact Person: James Davie 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2 - 5, 2014 ROME, ITALY - DECEMBER 2-5, 2014 - ERGIFE PALACE HOTEL INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 A Abbate R. Abdeddayem H. Abdel-Aziz A. Abe H. Abecasis M. Abi-Saleh B. Abramov A. Abreu A. Accardi F. Accogli M. Achilli F. Achmad C. Adalet K. Addonisio L. Adhya S. Adragão P. Agapov V. Aggio S. Agostini N. Agresta A. Agricola P.M.G. Agricola T. Aguinaga L. Ahmed O. Aiello A. Aime E. Aizawa Y. Akca F. Akchurin R. Akdeniz C. Al-Mohani G. Al Fagih A. Al Hebaishi Y. Al Musaad A.M. Al-Hassnan Z. Al-Khadra A.S. Al-Rawahi N. Aladrovic I. Albanese M. Albenque J.P. Alfayyadh M. Alghamdi B. Alhatheq F. Aliot E. Alkaabi S. Allison S. Allocca G. Almanea W. Almendral Garrote J. Aloisio A. Alonge M. Alt E.U. Altamura G. Altamura V. Alvarez M. Alves S. Alzueta J. Ambroso D. Amellone C. Ammendola E. Ammirati F. Anaclerio M. Ando K. Andreini D. Andreotti F. Andresen D. Andrikopoulos G. Angelini A. Anic D. Ansalone G. Anselme F. Antonelli A. Aonuma K. Aquilani S. Aquilina O. Ara F. Arcidiacono G. Ardashev A. Arena G. Arenal-Maiz A. Ariota L. Arribas F. Artyomenko S. Asaad N. Ashofair N. Asil S. Aspromonte N. Attanà P. Audoly M. Auriti A. Avella A. Aytemir K. 131 155 153, 163 121, 177 188 163 173, 182 131 104, 148 146 148 172 102 150 149 78, 91, 188 175, 185 147 146 146 116 136 51, 65, 155 129 36 104 177 48, 150, 183 87, 30, 150 138 154 63, 153 81, 153 95 129 165 116 177 148 111 129 129 129 112, 135 137 186 104, 173 129 79, 111 87 109 95, 117 48, 83 124 59 131 176 149 79, 103, 104, 151 47, 104, 188 28, 61, 75, 135 107 35 187 90 75 36 103, 172 177 88, 165 53 30, 145, 182 48, 71, 79, 173 101 101 129 88 54, 74, 93, 184 81, 127, 146 47, 53 148 57 86, 87 142, 153 30, 106, 152 183 115 127 88 164 108 86, 183 B Baccar H. Bacchi Reggiani L. Baccillieri S. Badaineh Y. Bader H. Badolati S. Baduena L. 222 115 146 149, 152 64 152 146 110 Baker V. Balaguer J. Baldi M. Bali H.K. Ballari G. P. Bänsch D. Baracca E. Baranova V. Baratto Rodan A. Barbati G. Barbato G. Barbetta A. Bardari S. Baritussio A. Barutcu I. Bashir Y. Bassignana A. Basterra Sola N. Bauer W.R. Baupre J. L. Bayramova S. Bazilev V. Bazzucchi M. Beau S. Bednarek J. Bedogni F. Behar J. Bellesi P. Bello Morgado F. Bellocci F. Belloni F. Belotti G. Belotti Cassa M. Beltrami M. Benacchio L. Benagiano M. Bencsik G. Benditt D.G. Benkemoun H. Benussi S. Beraldo M. Berenfeld O. Bergamasco L. Berkowitsch A. Berli R. Bernabei M. Bernardes A. Berni A. Bertaglia E. Bertaglia M. Berti S. Bertini M. Bertocchi P. 148 185 88, 110, 131, 187 99 47, 88, 148, 152 165 88, 147, 174 87 107 103, 109, 110, 151 48, 104 174 30, 106 110 148 108 172, 177 97, 176 63, 104 152 86, 87 174, 186 48 186 147 168 185 172, 174 38 112 166 152 30, 106, 152 146 152 131 62 44, 74, 80 56, 150 72 108 72, 82 110 72, 123 105, 107 27 46 167 47, 88, 105, 110 51, 97 159 108, 110, 146, 152, 174, 185 104 Betts T. Beynon C. Bharmi R. Bianchi F. Bianchi S. Bianchi V. Bianchi W. Bianco E. Bianconi L. Biasi S. Biasucci L. M. Biffi A. Biffi M. 108 105, 107 185, 186 87 38 146 104 107, 109 36 127 148 142, 177 43, 57, 149, 152, 158, 174, 185 Binner L. 132 Birim O. 150 Birnie D. 175 Bischof T. 105, 107 Bisignani A. 106, 151 Bisignani G. 64, 106, 146, 151 Bisleri G.L. 106 Blanc J.J. 61, 75 Bloch-Thomsen P.E. 83, 105 Blomstrom Lundqvist C. 89 Bocchiardo M. 154 Boczar K. 106, 145, 147, 177 Boem A. 187 Boersma L.V. 52, 108, 119, 159 Bogachev-Prokophiev A. 86 Boggian G. 150 Bokhari F. 117 Bolzan B. 105, 147, 173 Bonamassa B. 105 Bonanno C. 152 Bonfanti P. 107 Bongiorni M.G. 27, 52, 57, 69, 133, 139, 149, 176, 187 Bonnemeier H. 43, 131, 156 Bonso A. 54, 108 Bontempi L. 30, 47, 55, 88, 106, 152 Bontemps T. 152 Borbola J. 115, 129 Boriani G. 34, 47, 49, 90, 104, 128, 174, 185 Borrelli A. 116 Borrello F. 99 Borrino A. 105 Boschetti E. 32, 48 Bostock J. 185 Bottio T. 103, 172 Botto G.L. 49, 57, 65, 91, 105, 133, 139, 146, 147 Bottoni N. 108 223 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Bouharaoua A. Boveda S. Boveda S. Bovelli D. Bozzo B. M. Brachmann J. Bracke F.A. Brada J. Braghiroli A. Brala D. Branchitta G. Branco L. Brand M. Brandes A. Breker I. M. Breschi M. Bresciani B. Bressan S. Briand F. Bricco G. Brieda M. Brignole M. Broglia E. Brough C.E.P. Brzozowski W. Buiatti A. Buja G. Bulava A. Bulli G. Bulum J. Burban M. Busjahn A. Butz T. 175 148 174 48 146 126, 142 27 187 139 127, 129 187 131 182 37 182, 187 150 150 146 100 172, 177 107, 137 75, 176 87 46, 47, 145, 150, 152, 187 46, 145, 178 38 104, 188 30, 73, 184 44, 182 177 175 129 187 C Cabanelas N. Caccavo V. Caico S.I. Cakal B. Calabrese V. Calabrò R. Calcagnini G. Calcagno S. Caliskan K. Calò L. Calore F. Calovic Z. Calvanese R. Calvi V. I. Campana A. Campari M. 164 107 110, 146 148 47, 88 188 96 105 150 47, 85, 88, 134, 161, 173 108 88, 110, 131, 187 147 47, 105, 109, 134, 147 37 105, 146, 147 224 Campisi G. Campoli M. Can I. Cangemi F. Cannas E. Canpinar H. Cao M. Capecchi A. Cappato R. Capucci A. Caravati F. Carbonardi L. Carbone C. Carbucicchio C. Carinci V. Carlson M.D. Carmo P. Carnazza M. Carpinteiro L. Carraro M. Carrasco I. Carreras G. Carriere C. Carvalho P. Carvalho S. Casadei F. Casali E. Casella G. Casella M. Casini A. Casiraghi B. Cassa Cassoni G. Castelletti S. Castelli D. Castelli M. Castro A. Castro Dorticós J. Catalano C. Catanzariti D. Cati A. Cavaco D. Ceccofiglio A. Cecere G. Celentano E. Censi F. Centa M. Cerini M. Ceriotti C. Chadha N. Chandra S. Chandrasekaran B. Chapurnikh A. 158 148 162 88 87 86 186 150 60, 65, 120, 125, 141 90, 104, 118, 140 68, 107 148 105 40, 48 48, 105 55, 112, 120 188 88 46 147 129 48, 142, 147, 148 151 109 188 108, 110 56, 137 48 87 130 176 106 178 95 88 48 48, 95, 148 185 88, 110, 131, 187 64, 127 173 188 44, 182 184 118 162 173 30, 106, 152 47 148 116 174 87 Chatzizisis Y. Chauvin M. Chen J. Chen K. Chen Y. Cherkashin D. Cherubini A. Chetverikov S. Chiarenza S. Chierchia G.B. Chin H. China P. Chiodi L. Chisciotti V. Chiusso F. Chlupova G. Chmelevsky M. Choudhury R. Chouvarda I. Chovanec M. Christ M. Chudzik M. Chuev D. Chun K.R.J. Ciaccio C. Cianfrocca C. Ciaramitaro G. Ciardiello C. Cicchini L. Cicogna S. Citerne O. Ciudin R. Civitarese T. Claridge S. Clementy J. Cole C.R. Colella A. Colivicchi F. Colombatti L. Colombo A. Combes N. Condemi F. Connolly S.J. Constantinescu A. Conte L. Conti S. Coppolino A. Corazzola D. Corbisiero R. Corbucci G. Coro L. Corrado A. Corrado D. 86 134 175 92 103 30, 87, 150 151 46 152 89 185 174 48 44 47, 106, 188 175 129 46, 141, 153 86 183 182, 187 36, 186 188 89 88, 110, 131, 187 164 105, 147 105 148 186 152 56, 162 186 185 63, 137 72 48 28, 36, 147, 160 109 146 139 187 175 150 147 145 172, 177 44 186 112 173 174 152 Correndo L. Cortes-Dias N. Cosedis Nielsen J. Costa A. Costa C. Costa F. Crea F. Cresti A. Crobeddu P. Crockford C. Crosato M. Crystal E. Csanádi Z. Cucchi L. Cuko A. Cunha P. Curnis A. Cvijic M. Czajkowski M. 172, 177 46 34 147 173 188 28 103 187 129 47 42 108 110 88, 110, 131, 187 131 30, 47, 51, 59, 88, 106, 107, 127, 142, 149, 152 47, 146 106, 145, 158, 173, 186 D D’Agostino C. D’Elios M.M. D’Onofrio A. D’Urso A. Dagriri K. Dakos G. Dalal N. Daleffe E. Dalla Valle C. Dalla Vecchia E. Danna P. Daubert J.C. Davidson N. Davies B. Davies D.W. De Asmundis C. De Benedictis M. De Berardinis G. De Bonis S. De Chillou C. De Filippo P. De Girolamo P. De Greef Y. De Groot J. R. de Jong F. De Lazzari M. De Maria E. De Martino G. De Ponti R. De Ruvo E. 225 64, 88 131 47, 76, 104, 110, 146, 188 96 138 86 185, 186 47 105 149 73, 159, 168, 169 50, 71, 121 108 174 49, 89 51 172, 177 186 106, 151 38, 48, 102 51, 109, 127 108 108 174 44 105 174, 185 32 38, 172 88, 111 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 De Sensi F. De Seta F. De Simone A. De Sousa J. Debski M. Defaye P. Deharo J.C. Dekker L. Del Carpio F. Del Giorno G. Del Greco M. Del Rosso A. Delise P. Della Bella P. Della Rocca D. Dellavalle A. Dellavesa P. Dello Russo A. Delnoy P.P. Demir G. Deneke T. Derndorfer M. Derpytis P. Dessenne X. Dettori F. Deutsch P. Dhillon O. Dhillon P. Di Biase L. Di Cori A. Di Fusco S. Di Fusco S.A. Di Giacinto B. Di Giovanni G. Di Girolamo A. Di Gregorio F. Di Lenarda A. Di Monaco A. Di Pasquale G. Di Stolfo G. Diab I.G. Dickfeld T. Diotallevi P. Disertori M. Djordjevic A. Dogliani S. Doldo V. Domenichini G. Donateo P. Donolato P. Donzelli S. Doria G. 103, 150 112 104, 110, 115, 146 46 107 139, 148, 174 75, 87, 118, 185 108 93 188 59, 107, 132 48 173 26, 33, 45, 76, 111 148, 185, 186 172 110 79, 87 88, 98, 133 148 100, 102 184 168 150, 152 105 150 148 149 79, 136, 144 187 147 113 177 88 151 174 151 184 28, 48, 90 88 148 123 147 100 146 172, 177 187 145, 148, 149 117 44 48 88 Doronzo B. Drago F. Dubuc M. Ducceschi V. Dukkipati S. Durmanov S. Duro L. Duru F. Duytschaever M. Dwivedi S.K. Dyrda K. 172, 177 59, 69, 138 149 148 183 174, 186 185 132 69 163 149 E Earley M.J. Ebata Y. Edvardsson N. Eisenberger M. El Sherif N. Elencwajg B. Elizarova T. Emmi L. Engdahl J. Ermis C. Ernst A. Esposito F. Esteban-Luque A. Estes N.A.M. Evranos B. 148 177 104 30, 184 40, 61 158 173, 182 131 104 50 177 146 44, 151 65, 99, 120, 128 86, 183 F Fabijanovic D. Fabris E. Facchin D. Faerestrand S. Fagagnini A. Fagiani V. Fak A.S. Fanchiotti E. Fantinel M. Farazi T.G. Fassini G.M. Fatini C. Faustino M. Favale S. Febrianora M. Fedele F. Fedorco M. Feliciano J. Feltrin G. 226 172 103 104 149, 156 47, 107 147 103, 154 151 108 186 69, 87 131 62, 129 118, 161, 176 172 90 131, 182 131 103, 172 Feng S. 175 Ferek Petric B. 177 Fernandez-Ochagavia E. 44, 151 Ferrara S. 108, 109 Ferreira R. 131 Ferretto S. 103, 105, 172 Fichtner S. 123 Ficili S. 38, 122, 164 Fidanci M. K. 172 Filos D. 86 Finko V. 184 Fiorista L. 145 Fisher J.D. 60, 65, 66, 125 Földesi C.S. 129 Foley P. W. 174 Follero P. 105 Foresti S. 37 Forleo G.B. 47, 77, 88, 91, 148, 185, 186, 187 Fragakis N. 74, 86 Franchetti Pardo N. 110 Francia P. 70 Francisco A. R. 46 Franco E. 103 Franco S. 103 Frigerio M. 133 Fucà G. 146 Fujii S. 151 Fukuda K. 177 Fukumoto K. 177 Fumero Lessmann P. 115 Fundaliotis A. 88, 110, 131 Furniss S. 108 Fusco A. 104 G Gadler F. Gaita F. Galassi A. Galeazzi M. Galizio N.O. Gallagher M. Galvão P. Gambetti S. Gambino A. Ganguly A. Gapelyuk A. Garcia Alberola A. Garcia-Seara J. Gargaro A. Garipova A. Gaspar T. 43, 144, 175 111 168 123 29 40, 86, 145, 149 188 146 103, 172 94 129 176 174, 148 47, 151, 152 109 111 Gaspardone A. Gasparini G. Gasparini M. Geller J. C. Genc A. Gensini G.F. Gerosa G. Ghelbazouri F. E. l. Giaccardi M. Giada F. Giammaria M. Gianfranchi L. Giannakopoulou P. Giannattasio C. Gianneli L. Giannelli L. Giannini G. Giannola G. Giardina A. Gigli M. Ginks M. Giofre F. Giomi A. Giordano B. Giordano U. Giorgi D. Giovannini T. Giovene L. Girotra K. Giudici V. Giuggia M. Giuliani I. Giustetto C. Glavas Konja B. Glikson M. Göing O. Golzio P.G. Gonna H. Gonzalez-Bonilla F. Gopi A. Gorenek B. Goya M. Grabowski M. Grace A. Gramegna L. Granatelli A. Grande E. Gras D. Grassini D. Grasso C. Grehov E. Grett M. Grimaldi M. 227 169 152, 174 47, 53, 104, 149, 176 108, 113, 119 172 49 103, 172 152 48 122 47, 88, 105 32 176 87 110 88, 131, 187 107 57, 149 150 109, 110 108 109 127, 131 103, 151 146 152 146 188 43 176 103, 151 103 95 177 175 127, 129 106 145, 149 151 158 34, 124 184 106 70, 141 103 160 151 74 152 168 188 177, 182, 187 69, 85, 184 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Grishin I. Gromyko G. Gronda E.G. Grootendorst D. Grossi S. Gruzdev K. Guardiani S. Guaricci A. Guarnaccia V. Guarracini F. Guc D. Guddelmoni L. Guenzati G. Guerra A. Guerra P. Guerra Romos J.M. Gugliotta M. Guidetti F. Guillemot A. Guimaraes T. Guler E. Guler G. Gulgun M. Gulizia M. Gunes H. Gunkel O. Gupta R. Gurses K.M. Gürses M. Gwechenberger M. 30, 87, 150 46 30, 64, 130, 145, 182 44 62, 80 150 104 132 48 156 86 148 172 172, 174 149 96, 118 187 30, 106, 152 F. 152 46 148 148 172 85, 101, 128 148 104 29 86 183 113 Hersi A. Higuchi S. Hindricks G. Hirao K. Hocini M. Hodacova L. Hoffmann E. Hohnloser S.H. Holdova K. Hoshida K. Hossain M.M. Hovstad T. Hua W. Huang D. Hudackova A. Hunter R.J. Hutyra M. I Iacopino S. Ibisoglu E. Igarashi M. Igidbashian D. Iglesias M. Ikeguchi S. Iliceto S. Imaev T. Imai K. Inama G. Inama L. Indiani S. Inigo-Garcia L. Ioannidis P. Ionescu B. Irini D. Ishikawa T. Israel C.W. Iuliano A. Ivanitskiy E. H Haberka K. Hagiwara Y. Hamaad A. Hamele S. Hanis J. Hansen C. Hanuliakova J. Harbert N. Hardas S. Hardzina M. Harries I. B. Hatala R. Hauser T. Haussaini A. Hayashi M. Healey J.S. Heissenhuber F. Hekimsoy V. Hentati M. Herlambang D. 80 176 26, 33, 45, 58, 65, 114 107, 114, 184 108 187 89 175 187 176 143 149 92 135 184 148 182 107, 145, 147 177 118 174 30 176 131 186 124 147 174 39, 142 104 173 71 175 127, 184 183 115 172 51 148 173 70 185 102, 114 103, 105, 172 150 58 34 30, 106 108 44, 151 176, 188 88, 110, 131, 187 109 58, 94 60, 143, 162 146 144 J Jackson T. Jancar R. Janion M. Janotka M. Janse P. Jansova H. Janssen M. Jarman J.W.E. Jazra C. Jez J. 228 185 183 145, 178 183, 187 48 131 44 141 56, 153 172, 183, 185 Jhamb D.K. Jimenez R. John I. Jones S. Jordaens L.J.L.M. Jordan C. Jung W. 29 129 129 145 141, 149 88, 110, 131 55, 142 K Kaba R.A. Kabakci G. Kadota K. Kadri N. Kalinin V. Kaluzhny I. Kanamu L. Kanovsky P. Kapoor A. Karagoz T. Karaskov A. Kardos A. Karmelic Serrano C. Karvounis H. Kashimura S. Katritsis D. Katsouras G. Katsumata Y. Kautzner J. Kawabata M. Kawano S. Kaya E.B. Kazakov A. Kazmierzak C. Keegan R. Keijzers M. Keilegavlen H. Keller J. Kennergren C. Khairy P. Khanolkar U. Khattar P. Kheir A. Khoury M. Kilic A. Kilicaslan F. Kimura T. Kizilirmak F. Klein G. Klersy C. Klingenheben T. Kloppe A. 129, 134 183 151 157 129 184 174 182 137 163 86, 87 129 36 86 177 87 184 177 46, 114, 125, 131, 175, 184 184 173 86, 183 46, 108, 183 147 63, 109 44 149 187 58, 81, 145 149 161 150 148 97, 153 172 148 177 148 104 148 37 53 Klugmann S. Knops R.E. Kobayashi Y. Kobe J. Koch L. Kocyigit D. Köktürk B. Kol A. Kolagaev A. Kolb C. Kollias G. Komlev A. Kondo H. Konstantinou D. Korb P. Koskinas K. Koulouris S. Kowalewski C. Kowase K. Kowase S. Koyama J. Kozlov A. Kozlov B. Kral M. Krausova R. Kucera P. Kulik T. Kumar J.S. Kumavat K. Kuniss M. Kupec J. Kurfirst V. Kuroki T. Kurosaki S. Kurzidim K. Kutarski A. Kutyifa V. Kuznetsov V. 49 55, 174 65, 114 141 127 86, 183 79, 108 124 150 68, 104 184 150 177 86 104 86 100 127, 184 48 173 64 174, 186 86 182 184 131 172, 183 61 63 62, 89, 173 131 30 173 48 127, 184 46, 81, 106, 145, 157, 173, 178, 186 175 137 L La Meir M. La Rocca V. La Rovere M.T. Lamberti F. Landolina M. Lang A. Langella G. Langialonga T. Lanza D. Lapuerta Irigoyen J. Lapuerta J.A. 229 41, 82 104 130 62, 148 47, 104, 143, 148, 149, 161 104 109 184 147 175 150 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Laranjo S. Larosa C. Latypov R. Laurenzi F. Lavalle C. Lawrence Jesuraj M. Lazarus A. Le Heuzey J.Y. Leal M. Lebedev D. Lebedeva V. Legramante J. Lehar F. Leick J. Lelakowski J. Lemke B. Leo M. Leoni E. Leoni L. Lepilin M. Lepilin P. Lettino M. Levorato D. Levy S. Lewalter T. Leyva F. Li A. Li H. Liao D. Liccardo M. Liebeton J. Lilli A. Limogelli G. Lin D. Lipari A. Liu X. Lobban T.C.A. Locatelli A. Locati E.T. Lofiego C. Lolli G. Lombardi A. Lombardi L. Longaro F. Longobardi M. Lopez Nolasco R.R. Loricchio M.L. Losik D. Lovecchio M. Lovrić Benčić M. Lubiński A. Lucciola M.T. 131 87 30, 87, 150 108, 143 80, 102 73 148, 174, 175 61 173 110, 188 110, 188 187 172, 183, 185 173 107, 145, 147, 177 94, 161 108 103, 127, 172 104 150 150 28 187 72, 83 42, 54 161 185 92 135 105 182 147 188 164 30, 106, 152 135 33 176 155 150 172, 174 150 104 103 87 129 48 86, 87 148 113, 172, 177 100 47, 88 Luise R. Lukasova M. Lunati M. Lupo A. Luzi M. Luzzi G. Lyan E. 123, 186 172, 183 47, 53, 77, 85, 98, 104, 127, 149 63 104, 141, 174, 185 149, 157 46, 108, 183 M Mabo P. Macca G. Maccabelli G. Machino T. Maciag A. Macle L. Maddaluno F. Maffè S. Mafrici A. Magalhaes A. Magdi M. Magenta G. Maggioni A.P. Maglaveras N. Maglia G. Maglia P. Magliano G. Magliarditi A. Magliocca A. Magnani S. Maines M. Maire R. Majocchi B. Makarova N. Makita N. Malacrida M. Malagù M. Malaspina D. Malavasi M. Malecka B. Maligos G. Mamedov M.N. Manaka T. Mandal P.C. Maneval F. Manintveld O. Mansour H. Mansour P. Mantica M. Mantovan R. Mantovani G. 230 76, 175 127 69 173 81 33, 149 146 110 172 46 153, 159 124 61 86 76, 96, 105, 107, 146, 147 149 92, 186, 187 172, 177 109 46, 103, 107, 151 104 105, 107 87 174, 186 173 105, 110, 146, 147, 148, 152 108, 110 172 148 99, 106, 107, 145, 147, 177 176, 188 160 71, 95 158 175 150 101 152 140 91 47, 104 Mantziari L. Mao J.L. Marcantoni L. Marchenko R. Marchionni N. Margetts H. Margolina A. Mariconti B. Marini C. Marini M. Marino V. Márquez Murillo M.F. Marquié C. Marras E. Marrouche N.F. Marta L. Martin D.T. Martinek M. Martinez Ferrer J. Martinez Sanchez J. Martinez-Garcia F. Martino A. Martins V. Marullo F. Marzan A. Masarone D. Mascia G. Mascioli G. Masiero S. Massa R. Massaro R. Mastrine L. Matarazzo L. Matsumoto K. Matsuo S. Matsushita N. Mazentsev P. Mazurov M. Mazzocca G. Mazzone C. Mazzone P. Mccrea W. A. McGee C. McSpadden L. C. Meijer A. Meine M. Melandri F. Melichercik J. Menardi E. Menezes M. Menichelli M. Mercuri N. Mercurio M. 86 105 108, 110 174, 186 44, 182 174 150 86 48, 148 94, 146 87 95 101 152 82, 125, 174 173 32, 83, 186 59, 184 176 176 44, 151 88 173 47 105, 107 188 127 146, 158 175 148 47, 88 173 109 50, 60 101, 122, 136 176 87 184 152 151 56, 152 174 46, 47, 145, 150, 152, 187 88, 110, 131, 187 53, 74 110, 161 163, 172, 174 128 47, 72, 88, 148, 152 46, 188 148 148 48 Merighi S. Merkureva A. Merlo M. Meschede J. Messano L. Messina F. Mezentsev P. Michaelsen J. Michelotti F. Michelucci A. Migliore F. Mignano M. Mihajlovic M. Mikhaylov E. Milan V. Milasinovic G. Milovanovic P. Minarik T. Miracapillo G. Mishra A. Mitkowski P. Mitsudo K. Miwa Y. Mocini D. Mokracek A. Molina L.G. Molon G. Moltrasio M. Momose Y. Mondesert B. Mont L. Montenero A.S. Moosdorf R. Mora G. 172, 174 108 109, 110 177 146 48 87 55 146 46, 94, 127, 131 47, 88, 105, 110 178 172 31 107 77 146 131 103, 150 81 56 151 176 28 30 93 34, 47, 104 87, 140 176 149 34, 52, 91 72, 87 73 44, 47 ,107, 88, 101, 105, 147, 173 Morea G. 46, 103, 107 Moreno J. 148, 174 Moreno S. 185 Morgado F. 188 Morgagni G. 174, 185 Morgan J.M. 68, 120, 132, 141 Morichelli L. 104 Moro Serrano C. 137 Morosato M. 47, 105, 147, 173 Morosin M. 103 Morozov A. 108 Moscatiello M. 88, 110, 131, 187 Moscosa Costa F.M. 122 Muca M. 46, 103, 107 Mudroch M. 177 Mueggler S.A. 105, 107 Mueller A. 105, 107 231 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Mugnai G. Muneretto C. Muò D. Murakoshi N. Muramatsu T. Murray S. Muslem R. Musuraca A.C. Muto C. My L. 105 106 152 173 175, 176, 182 108 150 150 105, 115, 147 87 Novak M. Novakova T. Novera D. Novo E. O O’Donnell D. O’Hara G. Occhetta E. Okamoto Y. Okishige K. Okumura K. Oleszczak K. Olgun F. Oliveira M. Olivieri A. Omaygenc M. Onetto L. Onorato F. Oohashi N. Orazi S. Orsida D. Ortiz Muñoz M. Oseroff O. Oswald H. Otmani A. Oto A. Ottaviano L. Ozaki M. Ozer N. Ozin B. N Naar J. Naccarella F. Nägele H. Naito S. Nakagawa M. Nakai T. Nakajima H. Nakano Y. Nakazato Y. Namboodiri K.K.N. Narciso M. Nardi S. Naruse Y. Nayak R. Negro M. C. Neminushiy N. Neri G. Neri P. Nesser H. J. Nesti M. Neumann T. Neuzic P. Neuzil J. Neužil P. Neuzner J. Nibouche D. Niccolai E. Nigro G. Nishimura T. Nishiyama N. Nishiyama T. Nissardi V. Nitta T. Nocerino P. Noelke J. P. Nogami A. Nordio A. Noro M. Notarstefano P. 183 175 172 185 177 112 104 48 177 63, 71 106, 157 79 78, 99 93 46, 103 136 173 163 87 31 117 176 184 127, 131 122, 173 52 177 52, 109, 143, 183, 187 175 185, 188 131 105 184 177 177 84, 131 41, 58 105 182 48, 104, 114, 114, 173 46, 103, 107 175, 176, 182 124 35 175 105, 118, 176 151 78, 129 50, 65, 74 46 148 98, 111, 131 152 148 109 185 151 117, 148 107, 146 129 60 104 152 54, 78, 86, 121, 150 87, 136 151 86, 183 80 P Pacchia C. Pacchioni F. Pacileo G. Packer D.L. Padeletti L. Paffoni P. Pagurelias E. Paino A.M. Pajitnev D. Pala M. Palella M. Palermo G. Palma E.C. Palma G. Palmisano P. Palumbo S. Panattoni G. 232 174 146 188 89, 102, 119, 144 34, 50, 77, 98, 104, 110, 114, 127, 131, 146 110 86 110 173 172 88 186 27 109 110, 146, 163 87 185, 186 Pancaldi L.G. Pancaldo D. Pandolfo L. Pandozi A. Pandozi C. Paneni F. Paoletti Perini A. Papavasileiou L.P. Paperini L. Pappalardo A. Pappone A. Pappone C. Paraskevaidis S. Parisi A. Parisi Q. Parlangeli R. Parravicini U. Partigulova A. Pasceri V. Pasquié J.L. Pastore G. Patete Ayala M. Pathak V. Patrizi R. Patti G. Pauselli L. Pecora D. Pedaci M. Pedersen M. Pedretti R.F.E. Peichl P. Pelargonio G. Pelissero E. Pelissero L. Pelliccia F. Peluso M. Peñafiel Verdu P. Pepi P. Perego G.B. Pergolini F. Perkan A. Peter J. Petracci B. Petretta A. Petru J. Pezawas T. Pezzotta A. Pezzulich B. Pfitzner R. Photoglidis A. Piacenti M. Picano E. Piccariello C. 150 172, 177 151 117 30, 69, 93, 123, 144 150 127, 146 29, 185, 186 187 103, 108, 144 88, 110, 131, 187 88, 110, 131, 187 86, 156 177 146, 156 150 110 30, 87, 150 39, 73, 154, 166, 167, 168 134 47, 88, 110, 147, 152, 174 154 56 168 160, 169 88 57, 105, 134, 146, 147, 188 146 108 37 184 72 151 103 169 151 176 146 97, 104, 133 48 103 105, 107 47 88, 110, 131, 187 177, 183, 187 155 104 138 145 86 59, 91, 98 59 147 Piccirillo G. Pidova Z. Pieragnoli P. Pierantozzi A. Pignalberi C. Pinamonti B. Pinsino A. Piotrowicz R. Piraino G. Pirk J. Pironi B. Pirozzi F. Pirozzi G. Pirrami M. Pisanò E.C.L. Piscione F. Pitta M.L. Placentino L. Placido R. Po S. Pokushalov E. Polasek R. Polewczyk A. Polewczyk M. Pollastrelli A. Poltronieri C. Polymeropoulos K. Pombo-Jimenez M. Popilkova O. Porcelli D. Porcellini S. Portilla C. Potenza D. Pozzi R. Prato L. Pratola C. Prdetti R.F.E. Previti A. Prevot S. Pristipino C. Proclemer A. Psotová H. Pucci A. Pudia E. Puggia I. Punzi R. Pürerfellner H. Pyaterichenko I. 40 184 122, 127,131 146 81, 158 103, 110 173 40 151 184 166 109 109 48 116, 151 166, 167 173 146 46 86 86, 87, 136 131 28, 106, 145, 173, 178, 186 106, 145, 173, 186 186 48 176, 188 44, 151 174 81, 105 29, 127 107 47, 88, 95 109 105 93, 108, 110 37 109 150 159 47, 53, 60, 104, 176 177 152 149 46, 103 87 184 173, 182 Q Qian Z. 233 103 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Qu F. Quartieri F. Quesada A. Quintero M. Quiroga Ponce H. 187 94, 97, 152, 174, 184, 185 50, 71 44 109 R Rababh M. Rabkin J. Racheli M. Radeljič V. Rafanelli M. Rahneva C. Rajappan K. Ramani F. Rao A. Rapacciuolo A. Rapallini L. Raviele A. Rebecchi M. Reddy V. Reggiani A. Reis Santos K. Revishvili A.S. Ribatti V. Ricci R.P. 129 174 105 124 44, 182 148 33, 108 110 46, 47, 145, 150, 152, 187 64, 146 52 56, 164 100 183 110, 146, 147 188 31, 41, 73 148, 185, 186 47, 65, 67, 76, 97, 104, 107, 121, 147, 151, 159, 188 Ricciardi D. 88, 137 Ricciardi G. 127, 131 Riganti C. 109 Rigattieri S. 160 Rillo M. 87, 157 Rimini A. 127 Rinaldi C.A. 88, 133, 185 Ristalli F. 131 Risteski D. 86, 87 Ritter P. 98 Riva S. 87 Rivard L. 149 Rivasi G. 44, 182 Rocca P. 176 Rocha I. 131 Rodia P. 127 Rodríguez A. 176 Rodriguez Diez G. 123 Rodriguez Reyes H. 142 Roeing Genannt Noelke J. 187 Roguin A. 128, 132 Rojatti C. 176 Rolando M. 148, 150, 174 Romagnolo D. 182 234 Romano E. Romano V. Romanov A. Romeo C. Romeo F. Romigi A. Rónaszéki A. Roncon L. Rordorf R. Rorsman C. Rosati F. Rosenberg B. Roser M. Rossetti G. Rossi L. Rossi P. Rossillo A. Rossios K. Roubicek T. Rovai N. Rovaris G. Rowland E. Roy D. Ruiz-Mateas F. Russo A. Russo E. Russo G. Russo M.G. Russo M. Russo V. Rydlewska A. Ryu K. 88, 110, 131, 185 113 31, 86, 87 44 36, 148, 185, 186, 187 148 164 147 155 104 106 147 92, 127 88, 148, 152 188 63 47, 140 86 131 151 53 64, 77 149 44, 151 105 87 151, 155 188 164 70 145, 147, 177 88, 110, 131, 187 S Sabbour H. Sacca S. Sacher F. Sack S. Sagone A. Sahiner L. Sahiner M.L. Saidova M. Saifutdinov R.G. Saito S. Sakai T. Salacata A. Salam K. Salas A. Salghetti F. Salvatore L. Salvi A. 165 150 26 99 74, 104, 118, 139 183 86 150 109 177 175, 176, 182 147 103 185 30, 106, 152 46 103 Salzano G. Samitin V. Sammut E. Samohvalova M. Samsel T. San Pasquale G. Sanak D. Sanchez G. Sandgren E. Sangiorgio P. Sanna T. Santamaria M. Santangelo L. Santinelli V. Santini A. Santini L. Santini M. Santomauro M. Santos B. Santucci L. M. Sapelnikov O.V. Saporito D. Sapra R. Sardella G. Sarubbi B. Sasaki T. Sasano T. Sassara M. Sassone B. Sato T. Savarese G. Savelieva I. Saviano M. Savoldelli E. Savoure A. Savur U. Saxena S. Sbragia P. Scaccia A. Scaglione M. Scalchi G. Scapinelli M. Scarfoglio M.D. Scavée C. Schalij M.J. Scheer P. Schilling R. Schilling R.J. Schirdewan A. Schirripa V. Schleinkofer D. 105 175, 185 185 188 120 106 182 185 104 48 140 47, 100, 146 188 88, 110, 131, 187 147 43, 47, 84, 88, 107, 132, 143, 148, 163, 178, 185, 186, 187 50, 65, 77, 85, 92, 96, 104, 112, 121, 147, 177, 178 109, 120 173 187 30, 87, 144, 150 152, 174, 185 154 160 68 184 184 148 32, 146 176 146 28, 61 88, 110, 131, 187 105 175 148 37 150 148 33, 138 108 172, 174 150 33 70, 159 175 71, 78 148 116, 127, 129 186 186 Schmidinger H. Schmidt B. Schmidt C. Schneider M.A.E. Schultz L. Schwab J.O. Schwartz P.J. Sciaraffia E. Sciarra L. Sciegata A.M. Scipione P. Scopinaro A. Sediva L. Sedlacek K. Segreti L. Seidl K. Sekiguchi Y. Semeraro G.B. Senatore G. Senderek T. Senges J. Senni M. Seo Y. Separovic Hazevacki J. Sepsi M. Serafini F. Serdoz R. Sergeevichev D. Sergi D. Sergi E. Serodio J. Serpytis P. Sethi R. Sette M. L. Setti S. Severgnini M. Severi S. Severino D. Sgarito G. Sgobino P. Sgueglia M. Shafquat A. Sharma S. Shenasa M. Shimizu W. Shinohara T. Shipulin V. Shirai Y. Shlyakhto E. Shoda M. Shorokhov K. Skeberis V. Siciliano M. 235 99, 146 33 112 70, 119 174 104, 154, 165 41 113 127, 173 29 116 102 183, 187 46, 131 55, 187 68, 156 48, 173 87 91, 96, 103, 140, 151 147 143 161 173 177 175 150 167 86 148, 185, 186, 187 107 131 124 122 177 149 107 103, 150 173 29 44 115 129, 155 93 60, 123 78, 126 177 86 184 39 37, 78 173, 182 86 30, 105, 106, 152 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 Siebert M. 33 Sigmund E. 184 Signorotti F. 110 Silva G. 46 Silvano M. 54 Silvestre P. 105 Silvetti M.S. 138 Simantirakis E.N. 154 Simon M. 107 Simoncek T. 172 Simor T. 129 Sinagra G. 46, 103, 107, 109, 110 Sipoetz J. 148, 174 Sitta N. 173 Skala T. 182 Skigin I. 173, 182 Skoda J. 183 Soejima K. 50, 120, 176 Sohal M. 185 Sohrabuzzaman A.P.M.80 Soldati E. 145, 162, 187 Solimene F. 165 Solís J. 107, 129 Sommer P. 26 Sommer T. 132 Sorf J. 177 Spataro A. 177 Spaziani D. 146, 162 Speciale G. 39, 159, 160, 166, 167, 168, 169 Sperandii F. 173 Sperzel J. 77, 116, 173 Spitzer S. 108, 119 Spotti A. 146 Squeo M. R. 177 Stabile G. 47, 62, 104, 110, 146, 168 Ståhlberg M. 177 Stancak B. 148, 174 Starck C.T. 51 Starek Z. 172, 183, 185 Steblyankina M. 182 Steen T. 27, 35 Stefan L. 46 Stefanadis C. 39 Stefano P. 73 Steinbeck G. 117, 126 Steinberg J. 86 , 87 Steinhaus D.M. 68 Steinwender C. 52 Stellato K. 151 Stellbrink C. 39 Stewart M. 119 Sticchi E. 131 236 Stockburger M. Stoepel C. Stolfo D. Storti C. Straube F. Strelnikov A. Strieper M. Suga C. Sugi K. Sugiyama K. Sutton R. Svejdova J. Szili-Torok T. 147, 157, 174, 148 97 109, 110 38, 87 113, 136 86, 87 138 71, 152 175, 176, 182 184 78, 121, 135 184 48, 102, 150, 183 T Taborsky M. Tada H. Tafciu E. Takagi M. Takahashi A. Takahashi N. Takatsuki S. Talajic M. Talarico A. Talib A. Tanos D. Tanzilli G. Tao S. Tarancón B. Tas A. Tasaka H. Tavares C. Tavazzi L. Tedeschi D. Terehov D. Teshima Y. Tesi F. Tespili M. Tessin S. Thajudeen A. Thanvi S. Themistoclakis S. Theodore G. Theuns D.A.M.J. Thibault B. Thomas D. Tjong F. Toffanello G. Togashi I. Tokgözoglu L. Tola G. Tomai F. 80, 131, 182 114, 173 172 121 48 93, 177 30, 58, 177 149 146 48 86 167 184 185 172 151 131 57 172, 177 175 , 185 177 44, 182 176 127 140 57 136 152 48 59, 70, 84, 149, 157 126 174 44, 182 176 86, 183 79 166 Tomaino M. Tomasi L. Tomassini L. Tomassino A. Tomaszewski A. Tomei R. Tondo C. Tonet E. Toniolo M. Tonioni S. Toporinsky A. Torres-Ortiz J. Tortora G. Toscano G. Toscano M. Toselli T. Trapani G. Trappe H. J. Trip E. Tritto M. Trukshina M. Tsukahara R. Tsyganov A. Tukkie R. Tundo F. Turco P. Turitto G. Turreni F. Turrini P. Tuzcu V. Tzikas S. 44, 75 47, 88, 104, 105, 147, 152, 156, 173 109 167 46, 145, 178 173 87, 89, 111, 127, 159 110 143 160 30, 87 151 127 103, 172 162 110 103, 151 68, 177, 182, 187 51 62 110 175, 176, 182 129 34, 44 87 30, 145, 182 37, 44, 173 48 47, 149 29 187 U Ucci L. Ueda A. Uguccioni M. Ulman M. Ungar A. Uno K. Uno S. Unterhuber M. Urbanek B. 173 176 108 107 44, 75, 182 38 48 44 186 V Vaccari D. Vaccaro P. Vado A. Vagapova G.R. Vaglio A. Valera N. 151, 152 188 47, 88, 133, 148, 152 109 188 109 Valeri L. Valsecchi S. Van Vlies B. Vancura V. Vandelli R. VanErven L. Vanoli E. Varalda G.P. Vardas P.E. Varma N. Varveri A. Vasco C. Vasichkina E. Vasilikos V. Vasquez L. Vassanelli C. Vassanelli F. Vassilikos V.P. Venzo S. Verdel G. Vergara G. Verlato R. Verma A. Vester E.G. Vettor G. Veverka T. Viani S. Vicedomini G. Vicenti A. Vicentini A. Vigil Escalera P. Vijayvergiya R. Viles-Gonzalez J.F. Villacastin J.P. Villani G.Q. Villari B. Villuendas R. Vincenti A. Viñolas Prat X. Viñolas X. Violini R. Viscardi L. Viscusi M. Vitale R. Vitali-Serdoz L. Voitkovskaya E. Volpe M. Von Auenmueller K. I. Vosa C. Vosnakidis A. Vukajlovic D. Vymazal J. 237 172, 177 104, 148, 176 44 131 150 175 130 109 49, 60, 65, 75, 90 58, 76 160 148 188 86 188 105, 147, 173 30, 106, 152 86 , 94 44, 182 44 122 91, 97, 149, 152 119 54 103 182 99, 187 88, 110, 131, 187 101 104 175 115, 175 62 148, 174 122 151 139 101, 104 36 175, 176 73 176 146 88, 110, 131, 187 46, 103, 109, 113 173, 182 39 182 109 176, 188 127, 184 187 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 INDEX OF CHAIRMEN AND AUTHORS 2014 W Wang J. Wang Q. Wang Y. Weichet J. Weishaupt D. Wen C. Wennemann R. Wichterle D. Wieczorek M. Wilde A. A. M. Winter S. Wissner E. Witte K. Wolf J. Wolpert C. Wolter S. Worley S.J. Wranicz J.K. Wright D. J. Wright M. 175 175 103 187 96 175 187 131, 184 108 174 184 69 76 172, 183, 185 49, 68 173 27, 35 32, 84, 186 46, 47, 145, 150, 152, 175, 187 26 X Xu D. 173 Y Yakovleva M. Yakubov A. Yalcin M. U. Yamaguchi I. Yamane T. Yamasaki H. Yang J. Yashin S.M. Yokoshiki H. Yorgun H. Yoshino H. Yoshino M. Yuan J. Yufu K. 129 86 86 173 42, 58 173 92 46, 94, 183 151, 155 86, 183 176 151 103 177 Z Zabek A. Zadorozhnaya S. Zamboni A. 106, 107, 145, 147, 177 175, 185 146 238 Zang M.H. Zanon F. Zanotto G. Zardini M. Zareba W. Zarifis J. Zartner P. Zbankova A. Zbinden R. Zecchin M. Zenone F. Zerbo F. Zhang S. Zhang T. Zheleznev S. Zhelyakov E. Ziabka M. Ziacchi M. Zingarini G. Zizek D. Zoni Berisso M. Zorin A. Zorzin Fantasia A. Zou J. Zouzou H. Zrenner B. Zubarev E. Zuberi Z. Zuccaro L.M. Zucchelli G. Zupan I. 105 47, 88, 147, 174, 165 47, 76, 134 54, 84, 174, 185 32, 40 176, 188 138 172, 183 98, 105, 107, 134 46, 103, 107, 109, 110, 151, 165 110 152 65, 92, 186 105 86 184 106 80, 174, 185 117, 151 47, 146 74 152, 182 107 103, 135 100, 185, 188 39 110, 188 149 55, 147 187 47, 146 2014 Scientific Secretariat CardiovascularDepartment–S.FilippoNeriHospital ViaG.Martinotti,20–00135Rome,Italy Ph.+390633063191–Fax+390633062489 E-mail:m.santini@rmnet.it Organizing Secretariat AIMGroupInternational ViaFlaminia,1068–00189Rome,Italy Ph.+3906330531–Fax+390633053229 E-mail:pacing2014@aimgroup.eu SECRETARIATS
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