ATHS JULY-AUG 2015 Newsletter
ATHS JULY-AUG 2015 Newsletter
ATHS NUTMEG CHAPTER STEERING COLUMN JULY- AUGUST 2015 – OUR THIRTY-SECOND YEAR DON ARNAUCKAS, EDITOR 14 AVALON AVENUE OAKVILLE, CT 06779 Next Meeting: July 12, 2015 Rondeau’s Dairy Bar 1300 Ware St. Route 32 Palmer, MA 01069 Meeting at 2:00 PM ATHS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Jonathan Yeomans 63 Bunker Hill Rd Andover, CT 06232 860-803-5799 Vice President Peter Yeomans 63 Bunker Hill Rd Andover, CT 06232 860-742-6796 Treasurer Thomas Bachand 108 Harrisville Rd. Woodstock, CT 06281 774-230-3553 Secretary Betty Jay 12 East Main St. Brookfield, MA 01506 508-867-4294 At-Large Harold Foskett 187 Peake Brook Rd. Woodstock, CT 06281 860-465-7503 At-Large Colonel Arnold Briggs Membership Elizabeth Robertson Editor Computer Asst. Don Arnauckas Kathy Arnauckas 175 Blackmore Pond Rd West Wareham, MA 02576-1427 P.O. Box 373 Willington, CT 06279 14 Avalon Avenue Oakville, CT 06779 508-317-7726 or 508-748-2500 860-429-3451 860-274-4758 Show Chair John Raymond 27 Rixtown Rd Griswold, CT 06351 860-608-5033 Webmaster Linda Raymond 27 Rixtown Rd Griswold, CT 06351 860-591-1261 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Well, grilling season is upon us and I switch from snowmobiles to boats, both of which require an amount of patience that sometimes escapes me. We are lacking in precipitation likely due to the fact that we got it all in January and February, but hopefully our farmers in the area are doing ok. I can only assume that all of you are supporting them! This newsletter being presented to you, comes with a heavy heart, but also with a rejuvenated excitement over our old trucks. We were hit with the passing of Bob West last month. This newsletter is dedicated in his memory. We also kept him and his family in our thoughts and prayers while looking at the old Macks, Internationals, Fords, etc. at the National show recently in York, PA. As Harold Foskett put it so well during our last meeting at Bob’s house, it is great to be a member of an organization that really comes together during hard times. This club really is a family and the support that was shown to Bernice and the family was outstanding. Memories of Bob were shared and help was there to move Bob’s trucks to the service and setup of the meeting, among many other things. Those of you that knew Bob West I’m sure can say that Bob truly lived a full life and for that we celebrate what a great life he had. I wish I had known him longer but will always be thankful to him for helping my father out in a pinch hauling a newly restored truck to the Syracuse National show. The trucks in heaven gained another driver. Bob, you will be missed. We just got back from the York show which I believe clocked in at 1,213 trucks! This was bittersweet in that my competitive side feels we could have beat that in Springfield had the weather been the same as York, but it was fantastic to have such a turnout for all of us to get to see. There seemed to be a higher percentage of post 1950’s road tractors than the pre-1950’s work horses, but they were great to see. I heard a few 2-cycle diesel trucks buzzing around that I don’t hear too often, along with a few other rarities like a heavy duty 1942 Ford C.O.E (4 spots away from the 1941 C.O.E that we brought), Detroit Diesel racing trucks and twin turbo diesel road tractors, a plethora of Divco milk trucks, Mack mining trucks and wreckers from the 1920’s, and a GMC with a flatbed trailer so nice you could eat a 5 course meal off of it. We had a good showing of Nutmeggers at the show, many with a truck, it was great to see you all! Kudos to the volunteers working the show, it was very well organized. I have posted photos on our Facebook page at We have also populated the Calendar of Events on our web page ( and pictures will be added there as well. As a relatively new member compared to others in the club, I would like some help in writing the history of the club so we can post that on the website as well. Any content you have is appreciated. With that I’ll close with saying I hope to see you all and your trucks at our Brooklyn Show!!! We appreciate the volunteers that come out to help setup, run the show, and then take it down; this makes for a pleasant show for all to see. If your truck is perfect, still working, or in need of a restoration, we want to see it! Sometimes the not-so-perfect trucks are as interesting as the show trucks, so bring them down for all to enjoy! They all have a story to tell. If you don’t have a truck, bring the family, kids love these trucks for sure. And if I don't see you at the truck show, I'll see you at Mike Rondeau’s Ice Cream Shop for our July meeting! -Jonathan Yeomans H E L P W A NT E D BROOKLYN TRUCK SHOW June 27 Sat. Set Up 1 pm to 3 pm June 28 Sun: Starting at 7-7:30 am Truck Registration Flea Market Admissions Main (Back) Gate Show Field Parking (Pick-ups) Admissions Route 169 Gate Show Field Parking (Class 6, 7, 8) Club Booth End of Show Clean-Up Let’s ALL volunteer a few hours to give all our members a chance to enjoy the show. Contact John Raymond NOW at 860-608-5033 or email him at 3 NUTMEG CHAPTER MINUTES OF MEETING May 17, 2015 Call to Order: 2:10 PM by Nutmeg Chapter President Jonathan (Jon) Yeomans Opening: The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance led by the Chapter President. This meeting was held in the West’s Picnic Grove where many Nutmeg Chapter meetings have been held over the years. Jonathan expressed the members’ gratitude to Bernice for hosting this event and Bernice welcomed one and all on behalf of the West Family. Jonathan then led the members in a moment of silence in memory of Robert B. West. Bob was remembered with words of tribute and honored with the symbolic empty chair on which his jacket was placed. Bernice announced that Mike Rondeau sent along ice cream for the members and that it would be served after the meeting. All present expressed genuine appreciation for the generosity of Rondeau’s Dairy Bar. There were 35 members present. Bob West, Jr. was present as were other members of Bob and Bernice’s family. Secretary’s Report: A motion was made to accept the Secretary’s Report of the March 22, 2015 meeting as it appeared in the Newsletter. The motion was seconded and the members voted unanimously to approve the report. Treasurer Report of February 28 – April 20, 2015: Tom Bachand 1. Club Account Activity: Deposits of dues, a Newsletter advertisement fee, and two 2015 Thanks Giving dinner ticket fees were made. A check for the expense of printing and mailing the Newsletter was written from the Club Account. 2. Show Account: Checks were written for the expense posters and flyers printing, and purchasing the 2015 Show Tshirts and dash plaques. Members had no further comments or questions. A motion was made and seconded and the vote was unanimous to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. The Treasurer has the written report on record in Nutmeg Chapter files. Membership Report: Elizabeth Robertson 1. There are currently 168 members in good standing. 112 members have paid their 2015 dues. 2. Members are reminded that they can pay the past due 2014 dues and current 2015 dues at the Brooklyn Show. Newsletter Report: Don Arnauckas 1. Members are requested to submit their articles and stories by June 1 to meet the printing deadline. Don invited anyone present who would like to share thoughts in memory of Bob West to send them into the Newsletter. 2. The Antique Vehicle Law and Bill to increase the age requirement for vehicles is still moving toward legislation. Under the bill, Connecticut vehicles seeking registration as antique, rare or special interest motor vehicles would be required to be at least 25 years old. Currently, vehicles 20 years old or older are eligible for this status and special license plates. For the purpose of property taxes, the bill also increases the assessment of these vehicles in Connecticut from $500 to a higher value yet to be determined. 3. The Calling Tree membership notification system was recently utilized. Don mentioned that it is essential to include new members’ contact information on that list. Elizabeth will forward names and information to Jon. 4. Don reminded members that advertisements placed in the Newsletter for equipment, parts or trucks are free. Also, if anyone has anything to sell, they should bring their posters or advertisements to the National Convention in York, PA for posting on the York Show advertisement board. 5. Newsletter Expense: If you wish to receive the Newsletter electronically, contact Don. The present cost of Newsletter production and mailing is $9.60 per year, per member. Future cost is expected to exceed $10.00. Annual Chapter dues are currently $10.00. Recommendation: The Club initiate a two-tier membership fee effective January 1, 2016: Dues $15.00 for those who wish to receive the Newsletter through the US Mail and $10.00 for those who will receive it electronically. ACTION: This proposal will be mentioned in the Newsletter and at future meetings for members’ feedback. 4 OLD BUSINESS 1. Nutmeg Chapter Web Site: Jon reported that he and Linda Raymond have uploaded stories and have started the Calendar of Events. Pictures will be uploaded in the future. The Nutmeg Chapter Show date is on Face Book. 2. The Past Members Memorial Plaque: Harold Foskett is coordinating the effort to bring the Memorial Plaque up-todate. He and Cynthia are striving to have it presented at the Annual Thanks Giving Dinner in November. Please contact the Foskett’s if you wish to be of assistance. NEW BUSINESS 1. ATHS National Convention and Truck Show 2015 in York Pennsylvania is May 28 – 31 It was noted that Bed and Breakfast Lodgings are the only available accommodations at this time in the York area. 2. The Thanks Giving Dinner: Based on the fact that all members present continue to support holding the Thanks Giving dinner at the Haul of Fame in Canterbury, Jonathan will speak to Denis about the availability for the annual meeting. It was noted that the earlier meeting time of 12:00 with the dinner immediately following the business meeting worked out very well last year. Request to do it again this way as made. 3. Nutmeg Chapter Show Brooklyn CT is June 28, 2015 Jonathan noted that John Raymond reported that everything is in order for the 2015 Nutmeg Show. Volunteers are still needed for Saturday set-up, Sunday breakdown and to serve as alternates in all volunteer positions for the show. A map of the Brooklyn Fairgrounds truck layout schematic will be included in the next Newsletter. Better identification and signage will be provided to direct drivers to the Registration Booth. 4. Mike Rondeau has invited the Nutmeg Chapter to hold its next meeting at Rondeau’s Dairy Bar in Palmer, MA. Members accepted the invitation with gratitude and voted on the date of July 12, 2015 for the meeting. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Jim Dowd sent along a proposal that the Nutmeg Chapter purchase a 6X9 brick at the ATHS Museum in Kansas City in memory of Robert B. West. The recommendation was made to purchase a brick in honor of Bob. Tom will take care of writing the check and placing the order. 2. Get Well Wishes: To Reggie Phillips as he deals with health issues. STORY TIME or TRUCKING with BOB……… In memory of Bob West, several of his friends paid tribute to their friend and fellow truck enthusiast with their own stories of miles and times on the road with Bob over many years and decades. Ken Anderson: While working to develop the Berkshire Green Acres Campground in Ashfield, MA, Ken’s GMC Dump Truck suffered a broken axle. He called Bob West that Friday evening and Bob came out on Saturday to help. It just so happened that Bob needed a driver to haul a carnival ride from Williamstown, MA to Torrington CT and Ken became that driver at 10pm that Saturday night. Until 1985, Ken helped Bob move carnival rides on the “midnight” run. He noted that Bob was great at bartering and could trade off helpers while always treating others fairly and well. Peter Yeomans: Pete had invested ten years in restoring a tandem-axle truck that he had planned to haul to the National ATHS Convention and Show in Syracuse, N.Y. Two days before the show, he finished the restoration project, prepared his F350 and triple-axle trailer to load, only to discover that the main leaf axle on the trailer was shot and couldn’t be used. Pete was devastated. He called Bob to see if he could help by hauling the restored truck to Syracuse. Bob never hesitated, said “Sure, bring it up and you can help me load my golf cart”. Pete expressed a sense of being forever indebted to Bob for making this happen for him. Art Jay: Bob trailered Art’s ’48 Federal to the Baltimore, MD National ATHS Convention & Show. Art recalled his surprise at seeing Bob, Bob’s hauler and the Federal pass him by on the auto bypass level of the George Washington Bridge. 5 George Mudgett: George told of being a kid and skipping school to hitch a ride to Syracuse with Bob. He had a lesson on how to utilize tools on hand when the gas line broke at the carburetor and Bob used a ball-peen hammer to get the fitting back in place. Calvin Hutchison: Calvin has been a member of the club for ten to twelve years or so and regrets that he didn’t get to know Bob longer. He knew Bob’s brother, Byron, as an employee of Ansaldi Concrete in Manchester, CT. Bob West, Jr: In response to Ken Anderson’s question about the hunting rabbit haul from Bucksport Maine, Bob recounted the Sunday that the family spent feeding those rabbits after the truck broke down in route. Jon Yeomans: Jon spoke about the tobacco barns that Bob used to move. Today it would require a wide load escort and be more of a production than it was in the day when Bob knew the job and just got it done. Harold Foskett: The Foskett Family have been part of the Nutmeg Chapter for 27 years. Bob was a founding member of the Club, he set the standard for a non-competitive and rewarding camaraderie among all who wished to be part of it, and remained devoted to the Club and trucks throughout his life. Harold said that it continues to be personally rewarding to be part of an organization where all the members pull together. While Bob’s passing is a loss to each and every one of us and to the Cub, the Club will go forward to live on as it was established. Harold expressed gratitude to Bernice for always being there for Bob and for the Club. “Bob was a good guy”. Dorothy Yeomans: Bob West broke the mold and Bernice was the perfect trucker’s wife. The meeting adjourned at 3:05 PM Respectfully submitted, Betty Jay, Secretary More Trucking with Bob via E-Mail Bob was one very fine gentleman. Always had time to speak, say a kind word, maybe even tell a story or two, but, never, ever, had a mean word about anyone. He represents a true Yankee, hardworking, very resourceful, frugal, and always getting the job done, on time, on budget. He was quick to extend his hand, thanking you for the business. This is one great thing about belonging to an organization such as the Nutmeg Chapter ATHS, as we would never have known him and his lovely wife, Bernice. We are honored to have known Bob, and we wish him well on his next journey, and hope he finds his All-Wheel Drive MACK, for another potato run out of Maine. Rest in Peace, Bob Colonel and Mrs. Arnold Briggs And a phone message from Denis Yaworski Bob was always a regular at the Wednesday morning meetings at the Haul of Fame Museum. It took him about an hour and 40 minutes to get there and he came in any kind of weather. There were times when Bob was released from the hospital on Tuesday and showed up at Yaworski’s on Wednesdays. I recall many times arriving at a truck show and in no time Bob was coming across the field to say “hello”. Bob hauled many old Fords to Canterbury for me and I always appreciated that. At the Wednesday meetings we had many lively conversations about Bob’s “lunch box”, but that is another story. 6 ROBERT B. WEST 1923 - 2015 The members of the Nutmeg Chapter ATHS extend their deepest sympathy to Bernice and Bob’s children, Robert Jr. and Susan on the passing of Robert B. West. A founding and devoted member of the Nutmeg Chapter ATHS, Bob was active in the Chapter until his passing. He attended the January meeting at Matt Pfahl’s and was a vibrant as ever. The following is his obituary as it appeared in the Hartford Courant on April 30, 2015. Robert B. West, 92 of Somers, beloved husband of Bernice (Staniszewski) West entered into eternal peace on April 29, 2015 at Johnson Memorial Hospital, Stafford. He was born in Tolland on January 21, 1923, the son of the late Rupert and Sarah (Wilcox) West. Robert authored an article which appeared in “The Wheels of Time” magazine. In it he described his experiences in trucking when he started in the 1940’s. He enjoyed his work especially when a challenge was involved. He moved a 70-foot log from Cornwall to the Mystic Seaport Museum where it was made into a mast for the Charles W. Morgan, a wooden sailing ship. Another unusual move involved hauling a boxcar to Putnam for a museum. Bob and his truck also took part in moving the Edaville narrow gauge railway from Edaville to the Maine Narrow Gauge Museum in Portland, Maine. He loved dancing, especially the square dances, and traveled many miles to attend them. Bob loved parties and was very happy to see many of his friends at his 90th birthday party which was held at “The Haul of Fame Museum” in Canterbury. He was a member of the Tolland Grange where he served as Master for many years, the American Truck Historical Society (ATHS), Nutmeg Chapter Founding Member (ATHS), Antique Truck Club of America (ATCA), Granite State Chapter (ATCA), Scantic Valley Antique Engine club, and many other related organizations in New England. In addition to his loving wife of 62 years, Bernice, he is survived by two children, Robert B. West, Jr of Portland, Maine and Susan E. West of East Windsor, a sister Ruth Frankfort in LeCanto, FL and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. He was predeceased by three brothers Harold, Byron and Donald. His family received friends on Friday May 1 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at the Somers Funeral Home, 354 Main St., Somers. The funeral service was held on Saturday May 2 at 10 a.m. at the funeral home. Burial followed in North Cemetery in Tolland. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the organization of the donor’s choice. 7 A Tribute to Our Friend Bob By Don Arnauckas Bernice ask me to say a few words about Bob at his funeral. How can you say a few words about Bob? We all have stories about Bob and after 92 years there are a lot of stories. We could say he was hard working, rugged, a business man, mechanically inclined, devoted to his Family and the kind of person you would be proud to call a friend. To narrow this down somewhat, let me tell you what I learned from Bob. After talking to him at truck club shows and meetings, I always came away feeling young. Listening to him talk about the projects he was doing on this truck and improving something on another truck, and let’s not forget the KB International. Bob always had something in the works. I don’t believe he ever got up in the morning and had nothing to do. Bob was into recycling long before it became the “in” thing. Just look at his trucks. They were saved by someone who believed in longevity. Everything Bob had was here for the long haul, even his lunch box! I recall a conversation around ten years ago, with Bob asking me to look for a stainless steel tanker for him. He told me what size would be good for hauling cider and most importantly, it would have to be in good condition because it would have to last him a long time. I thought to myself, “What is a long time to a man in his 80’s?” Well, with Bob West he was into longevity and there was still a lot ahead. Not that long ago he told me he registered and insured his trucks and hopefully he’d work a little because he needed something to do. Work was Bob’s life and he did it in a very professional way. Bob may have been semi-retired but, never retired. He was always dressed for work. Speaking of longevity how about Bob & Bernice married for 62 years!! What a team for the long haul. What I learned from Bob is that there is no finish line in life. You run it like there is no end. I can speak for the guys of the Nutmeg Chapter ATHS that Bob will be missed. When we get to the end of the meeting and they say….Anyone have a story???? How about you Bob……..? Now Bob can swap stories with Roger, Al, TA, Herb, Erv and the other guys. I believe God put Bob here to do his work and brighten all our lives and he did that well. Now he can rest. A Note of Appreciation from Bernice Bernice wishes to extend her sincere gratitude to members and friends of the Nutmeg Chapter for the flowers, cards, and offers of help that she has received. And, it was wonderful to see so many of his friends at the calling hours on Friday and the service on Saturday. Bernice has offered their Picnic Area as a site for future meetings and writes the following: I was sincere when I agreed to our picnic area as a site for future meetings. Like Bob, I enjoy seeing the place utilized and everyone having a good time. I realize that the trucks will not be there and this is a big factor in the Club choosing a place for a meeting. Everyone was wonderful with helping in setting up and then cleaning up. Please include this in the newsletter. I think our chef, Robbie LaPlante deserves a big thank you for serving as chef. His wife says he never cooks at home and she took pictures to remind him of his capability. I’m afraid that I cannot add anything other than that right now because I feel Bob has just gone on another trip and will be back. I cannot accept anything else for now. B.W. 8 Bob West & ATHS National Shows Bob attended the National Shows whenever they were in the Eastern part of the country. At the 2014 Springfield Show, Bob had six of his trucks there. The 2011 South Bend, IN show was the debut of Bob’s 1947 International KB-11 thanks to Wayne DeVoe. In 2006 at the Baltimore, MD show, Bob brought the Mack B-61, his 1935 Ford and Art Jay’s Federal. I recall seeing Bob at the Auburn, IN show and Bob Manchester and I needed a ride to our motel in Fort Wayne. Bob said “Hop in my Lincoln and I will drive you.” Large Lincolns were Bob’s car of choice. Also in the car was Bob’s sidekick, Bob Kenyon. Bob and Bob were travelling buddies, and if you saw one, the other Bob sure to be nearby. In 2003 Bob was in Syracuse, NY with two trucks. In 2000 Bob had his one-of-a-kind Mack B Model 4 x 4 at Valley Forge, PA. Bob and his Ford Dump were in Greensboro, NC in 1997 and in 1994 Bob had his Mack B-61 at the Buffalo, NY show. Needless to say, Bob West was a Supporter of the ATHS and antique truck enthusiasts. The 2015 ATHS Show in York, PA was the largest antique truck show to date, with the unofficial count of 1200 plus trucks on display. Golf Carts were sold out and people that did not mind walking were looking for a place to sit down in the shade. There were trucks everywhere and when you thought you saw them all, you found another area full of antique trucks. I think those who attended came home “trucked-out”! It was a great show. On a sad note, it was the first time in decades where we did not see a familiar red truck with black fenders from Connecticut. I did see Bob Kenyon, but the other half of the Bob and Bob travelling buddies wasn’t there…..Or was he there? A high point of Bob’s trucking career was having a six-page article about him in the 2013 July-August of Wheels of Time, featuring Bob’s trucking experiences till he was 90 years old. This article is proof that an old trucker can write down his stories to pass on. Our newer members should try to obtain this issue of WOT and read this excellent story of a real old-school trucker. You will not be disappointed. 9 MY LUNCH BOX By Bob West I was given this lunch box when I began first grade in Snipsic Lake School. I was six years old at the time. I put it on Miss Smith’s desk because I didn’t want anyone to damage it. Also, I could see it from where I sat. The handle didn’t last very long so my Grandfather Wilcox, who had a woodworking shop and grain business, made a new handle from a harness strap. It is still on it and in use today. This lunch box has been around. I used it through grammar school and I carried it to work for many years. I did not use it when I hauled furniture or potatoes. Now I use it once a week when my wife lets me. Every Wednesday a group of us meet at The Haul of Fame Museum to get together and swap stories. My wife does not like this lunchbox so when I didn’t take it for several weeks with my lunch, the guys made this Declaration of Lunch Box Freedom and signed it. I now use it every Wednesday. 11/03/2012 Bob has written down some of his other stories and Bernice has lovingly collected them over the years. There may be more “Trucking with Bob” stories in future issues. 10 Mack MH Sleeper Cab with Trailer 11 2015 Nutmeg Chapter’s Brooklyn Show Truck Art Jay’s 1948 Federal is the Nutmeg Chapter’s 2015 Brooklyn Show Dash Plaque Truck. It is a model M16 1 ½ Ton truck has a Hercules JXE 245 ci engine with a 5-speed direct transmission. Art provides the following history of his truck: The original owner was Kapla Paving Company located in the south end of Hartford. Several people in the Nutmeg Chapter do remember this company. Kapla was involved in road work throughout the Hartford area. The truck had a Worthington air compressor, mounted on a custom fitted stylish body. The truck was most likely purchased from a one-time Federal truck dealership, also located in Hartford’s south end. The truck was eventually owned by Ken Miller, who had several Federal’s at his Broad Brook, CT location. Ken removed the air compressor and changed the style of the body. As he began to downsize his Federal fleet, he brought his truck to the Nutmeg Chapter Annual Show in June 1994 and offered it for sale. I had joined the ATHS earlier, had just retired from a UPS career and was actively looking for a truck of my own….a retirement hobby. I met Ken for the first time at this show and he did offer it to me saying, “If there is anything immediately wrong, or you don’t like it, I will take it back.” I never forgot that honesty. Ken has always been a friend and a man of his word and the trusting Hercules motor might run forever. I average 500 plus miles a year and have had to rebuild only a water pump over that twenty-one year period. I have attended four ATHS National Shows including driving it to Syracuse and have attended thirty-one regional shows. NEXT MEETING OUR JULY 12, 2015 meeting will be held at 2:00 p.m. at RONDEAU’S ICE CREAM BAR located at 1300 Ware Street, ROUTE 32 in PALMER, MA. Mike invites us to bring your truck if you’d like, come early for lunch and stay for the 2:00 meeting and gathering. Call Mike at 413-283-5281 for further details. We are looking forward to some delicious ICE CREAM! JOHN B. MONTVILLE RECEIVES “HISTORIAN OF THE INDUSTRY AWARD” Congratulations to John B. Montville of Poughkeepsie, NY who received the Historian of the Industry Award at the ATHS 2015 Convention and Show in York, PA. John wrote his first book about trucks, titled simply “Mack” in 1973. Detailing the history of Mack Trucks from 1890 to 1973, Montville’s book has become a valuable reference source, with information about various Mack models and production numbers. A second Montville book, “Bulldog” published in 1979, recounts the history of Mack’s AC models from 1912 to 1938. Montville’s most recent book, “Refuse Truck Photo Archive”, a history of refuse collection trucks, was published in 2001. John has been a member of the Nutmeg Chapter for many years and has been selling his books, as well as other books, at many truck shows and meetings. John Montville with Don Arnauckas at York, PA Awards Banquet 12 ITEMS FOR SALE TRUCK PARTS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1966 Mack B-83SX Tractor One Aluminum Fuel Tank 100 GAL, Length 44” Diameter 28” with 2-5” Straps and 2 Aluminum Frame Hangers with Footstep Two Dietz Chrome Steel Headlights, Round for a Peterbilt or Autocar. New in the Box. Never Mounted Call Ubald Saskal at 203-584-5105 BOOK FOR SALE by Don Arnauckas NH-250 Cummins with Quad Box. 55,000 Rears 12x24 Radial Tires. All Tires in Good Condition. Truck Runs Great. $15,000. Call Bill Mitchell at 203-739-0118 FOR SALE 1945 GMC COE Crew Cab A collection of 82 Black & White and Color Photos taken in Connecticut in the 1950’s, 1960’s & 1970’s. Photos of Defunct Freight Hauling Companies & some OwnerOperator Rigs. These are working that will be remembered by drivers who were part of the Golden Age of Trucking. Priced at $35 including tax (Plus $5 if mailed). Contact Don Arnauckas at 860-274-4758 or email at Originally a line-truck for NJ Bell Telephone Co. I’ve owned truck since 1979. Last run in 2002 to ATHS Brooklyn Show. Some parts removed for restoration work. Still need restoration. Towable. Removed & extra parts will be needed to pack up for transport. Sales Price $5,000. Rebate up to $4,000 after we’ve been treated with respect & you’ve removed everything. (You will need the $4,000 & more to restore this unusual truck.) Contact Charles Dainton of Mansfield, CT 860-456-2033 (H) or 860-933-5407 (C) FOR SALE 1950 IH L-160 PLATFORM DUMP Has not run in a while, Rough condition. Truck located in Hebron, CT For More Information Contact Lee Johnson at 860-617-6445 MIKE’S MYSTERY TRUCK??????????? Visit our Nutmeg Chapter WEBSITE: 13 Visit the Nutmeg Chapter on FACEBOOK at: ATHS CT Nutmeg Chapter Steering Column Calendar of Events for 2015 June 13 2015 Truck Driving Championship sponsored by Motor Transport Association of CT at NETTTS, 32 Field Rd, Somers, CT. 8:00 am Sharp! Nutmeg Chapter is a sponsor of this event and will display trucks at this event. Contact Jon Yeomans for further details at 860-803-5799 or June 13 Touch-a-Truck at the Lutz Children’s Museum, 247 South Main St, Manchester, CT Contact Bob Eckert at 860-643-0949 ext. 18 or June 13-14 ATCA Connecticut Yankee Chapter Show—8 AM to 4 PM (Always the week before the Macungie Show) Bethlehem Fair Grounds, RT 61, Bethlehem, CT. Contact Bill Mitchell at 203-739-0118. June 14 4th Annual Mass. Diesel Truck Show at Brockton Fair Grounds, Brockton, MA. Starts at 8:30 am June 19-20 ATCA Annual Truck Show and Flea Market, Macungie Memorial Park, RT 100 Macungie, PA Contact ATCA at 610-367-2567 June 27-28 Transport for Christ Truck Rally & Rally Celebration at Lebanon Expo Center, Lebanon, PA. Contact Cerwin & Doris High @717-665-6347 or June 28 ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Annual Truck Show and Flea Market (Always the week after Father’s Day) Brooklyn Fairgrounds, Brooklyn, CT.- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact John Raymond 860-608-5033 (cell) July 9-11 Walcott Truckers Jamboree, Iowa 80 Truck Stop, Walcott, IA. Visit the website for more details July 11-12 ATHS LI Chapter 14th Annual Show at Island Antique Power Association Grounds, Riverhead, NY. Contact Denis Ryan at 631-821-4845 July 12 ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting at Rondeau’s Dairy Bar, 1300 Ware St., Route 32, Palmer, MA Business meeting at 2 PM. Contact Jonathan at 860-803-5799 or Mike at 413-283-5281 July 12 ATCA New England Chapter Truck Show, 8:00 to 3:00, Bolton Fairgrounds, RT 117, Lancaster, MA. Contact Bill Semple at 978-460-0465 or Able to deliver trucks on Saturday, self-contained motor home parking. Vendors & food available. Parking for 500 trucks. July 18-19 QVEA-Zagray Farm Summer Show, Route 85 in Colchester, CT - 8:00 am- 3:00 pm. Contact George Lehr @ 860-639-1213, Ed @ 860-442-5182 or July 18-19 ATHS Pine Tree Chapter Commercial Vehicle Meet, Transportation Museum, Owls Head, ME Contact John Ellingwood at 207-590-2298 July 26 ATCA Bay State Chapter 14th Annual Show at Worchester Sand & Gravel, 182 Holden St, Shrewsbury, MA Contact Mike @508-852-1683 July 26 ATCA Uncle Sam Chapter Antique Truck Show @ Washington County Fair Grounds, Route 29, Greenwich, NY. Contact Clarence Ritchie at 518-642-9437 July 31–Aug 2 Northeast Rockbusters Antique Construction Equipment Show & Display, Mark Gluck’s Farm, 159 Packerville Rd, Plainfield, CT 8 to 5 daily. for more details. Aug 1 ATHS Green Mountain Chapter Truck Show (Always the Saturday before the first Sunday in August), High School Grounds, RT 5, Bellows Falls, VT. Contact Roger Martin at 802-439-5797. Aug 2 Belltown Auto Show, Firemen’s Field, RT 16, East Hampton, CT. Contact Larry Emmons @ 860-2678584 Aug 6-9 16th Annual Brockway Show, Brockway Museum, I-81 Exit 12, Cortland, NY. Contact or 607-299-4185 Aug 9 ATCA Mid-Hudson Chapter 12th Annual Truck Show, Ulster County Fairgrounds, New Platz, NY. Contact 845-255-6211 or 14 Aug 21-22 ATHS Classic “White Bash” @ IOWA 80 Truck Stop, Walcott, IA. Contact Bruce Ohnstad @ 612-824-5843 Aug 23 ATCA Granite State Chapter Show for Vehicles 1960 or Older-NEW LOCATION is Epping New Hampshire Speedway, 15 miles south of previous location, RT 27 (a mile from RT 125). Contact Marilyn Smith at 603-664-9761 Sept 4-6 Woodstock Fair, County Fairgrounds, Woodstock, CT. (Always Labor Day Weekend) Contact Cal Neely at 860-928-0341 or Harold Foskett at 860-928-5748 Sept 12 2015 Mack TrucktoberFest, Mack Service Center Museum, Allentown, PA - Contact 610-351-8999 or for details. Sept TBA ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Meeting Date and Location TBA Sept 13 2015 “Wishes on Wheels”, Rentschler Field, East Hartford, CT - Registration at 6:30 am; Convoy at 9:30 am. Information at Sept 19 US Diesel Truckin’ Nationals, Raceway Park, Englishtown, NJ. Phone 743-446-7800 or visit website for details at Sept 19-20 Bennington Antique and Classic Car Show and Swap Meet (Always the second week after Labor Day) RT 7, Powmat, VT. Sept 25-26 ATHS Hudson Mohawk Chapter Antique Truck Show and Flea Market (Always the third week after Labor Day) Ballson Spa, NY. Contact Dick Linstead at 518-581-1829. Sept 26 Friends of Autocar Annual Show & Luncheon at Goshen Fire Co., West Chester, PA. Contact Ed Goldsborough @610-667-0629 or Sept 26-27 CT Antique Machinery Association Fall Festival (Always the last weekend of September), RT 7 One mile north of Kent, CT. Oct 2-3 Gerhart’s Mack Day, Lititz, PA. Contact 717-626-8544 for more information Oct 3-4 QVEA-Zagray Farm Fall Show, Route 85, Colchester, CT 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. Contact Ed @860-442-5182; George @860-639-1213 or Oct 3-4 Old Time Fair, Blue Slope Museum, Inc., 135 Blue Hill Road, Franklin, CT. Contact Ernest Staebauer at 860-642-6413, or cell 860-377-3747 Oct 11 ATHS Pioneer Valley Chapter Annual Truck Show (Always Columbus Day weekend), Mestek Field, RT 10 & 202, North Elm St, Westfield, MA. Contact Don or Nancy Prifti at 413-569-3666 NOV TBA ATHS Nutmeg Chapter Annual Thanks-Giving Dinner and Annual Meeting. Location and date TBA. Please call the contact number(s) before traveling to a listed event to verify that the information contained in this list is correct. Refer to “WHEELS OF TIME- THE ROUTE GUIDE” for other ATHS events Thank You Arnold and Jonathan for your continued support of The Steering Column! Colonel Arnold Briggs 175 Blackmore Pond Road West Wareham, MA 02576-1427 Cell: 508-317-7726 Home : 508-748-2500 Email: 15 FROM THE EDITOR’S LOG BOOK Nutmeg Chapter Welcomes New Member Ronald Emanuelson of Middletown, CT CARES & CONCERNS Members extend Get Well Wishes to Reggie Phillips who has been hospitalized recently. We wish Elizabeth Robertson, our Membership person, a speedy recovery after a recent fall. Looking for any photos, short stories on your restoration project or “road stories” to share with fellow members. Please give the Editor a call or email, if you prefer, and we can put something together for you. Everyone has a story that should be shared with your fellow truck enthusiasts! AND if you have any stories to share about Bob West, please contact Don Arnauckas. We will publish them in the next newsletter. If you have any information for our Cares and Concerns column, we need to hear from you. Do you have something to sell, some part for your restoration project that you are looking for? Contact Don at 860274-4758 or You can advertise it for FREE in our newsletter! Mike’s Mystery Truck? This month’s truck is a 1930 MACK BX Tractor owned by Wooster Express Co. located in Hartford, CT. Thank You Mike Pietraroia for your continuing contributions to the Steering Column. Did you know that the Nutmeg Chapter Newsletter is available via e-mail? Photos will be in color in the e-mail version rather than black and white. Please contact Don Arnauckas to receive The Steering Column’s e-mail version. Jonathan has posted many wonderful photos of trucks at the York, PA show on our Facebook page. Check it out! Also, go to the ATHS website for videos and photos of the York Convention & Show events! Jon is looking for assistance in writing the Nutmeg Chapter’s history for the website. If you are one of our long-time members, you can be of help. Contact Jon, he will be happy for your help. IF your mailing label is marked in red and does not state 2015; that means we have not received your dues for 2015. Please mail you membership dues ($10) today or see Elizabeth Robertson at the Club Booth at the Brooklyn Truck Show! Thank you. The Nutmeg Chapter Of The American Truck Historical Society Membership Application ***MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE UPDATED ON YOUR ADDRESS LABEL*** Renew for 2015 Now ! $10 PER YEAR ~~~ SEND YOUR DUES TO MEMBERSHIP CHAIRPERSON, ELIZABETH ROBERTSON, NUTMEG CHAPTER, ATHS, P.O. Box 373., WILLINGTON, CT 06279; Phone: 860 429-3451 OR E-MAIL Elizabeth at IS THIS A NEW MEMBERSHIP_________________________ RENEWAL__________________________ __ _ ____ NAME ______________________________ _____ ___ _____ SPOUSE’S NAME_________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS __________ _ ________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________ ________ State ____ ________Zip/Postal Code Email_________________________________________ In what form do you wish to receive The Steering Column? Yes _ _____ _ (Only Used For Important Notification) Hard Copy _____ E-Mail ____ Phone Number (________)________ _______________ Cell Phone (____ ___)_ Are you a Veteran? ___ _____ ___ ___ _ __ No____ IF YOU OWN A TRUCK (S) ENTER INFO HERE AND ON AN ADDITIONAL SHEET: MAKE _________ _____MODEL ______ ______YEAR____ ____ NUTMEG CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN TRUCK HISTORICAL ESTABLISHED IN 1983 PUBLISHES THIS NEWSLETTER, EMAIL: ATHS BYLAWS STATE THAT LOCAL MEMBERS MUST ALSO BE NATIONAL MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING . 16
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