clodhopper - FIBERFAB.US
clodhopper - FIBERFAB.US
CLODHOPPER D i v i s io n o f V e lo c id a d ,I n c . FIBERFAB SANTA CLA,RA,CALIFORNIA95050 2365 LAFAYETTE, ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS CLODHOPPER Tableof Contents 1. 1 ]NTR0DUCT|0N... 2 2. ACQUIRINGAWFLOORPAN.. ,....,3 3, REMOVINGTHEVWBODY. 4. THEFLOORPAN . . . . . . . 6 PREPARING/SHORTENING 5. ONTHE'PAN. . . . . . THECLODHOPPER MOUNTING 6. W|RING,ETC.. 7. CoRVAIRPoWER? ..11 ......15 8 :l 1. INTRODUCTION of fiberglassbodiesfor shortenedVolkswagen . The Clgdhqppqlis Fiberfab's-entryin the ever-expa$ -aryay is manufactured products-- from the highestqualityglassfi5er, chassis. The Clodhopper -- as.areall.F.iberfab polyesterresin an_d_ gel-coatsthat are commercially available. ln additionto this highquility y6uwill-note;when you reccive your Clodhopper,severalu.niquedesignfeatures -- richly and permanenlly textuied interior suriaces; integral, heavily-reinforcedbatterywells; one-piecehoodand dashboard;etc. -- wtrichplaces it a notchabove the competition andassuresyou that yourClodhopper is therrbestbuyrtin the fun-vehicle'market. is very easily assembled The Clodhopper ontoa shortenedVWfloorpan. The instructionsdeal with all asoects of your Clodhopper constructionprojectwith emphasifiT'TT6i6ipan prepaiationand shortening-- the shortening'being the "toughest"part of the.project. lf yourre-doing the.shorteningyou'll needan oxy-acetylenewelding,/cuttingoutfit. lf yourrenot, the followinginventoryof tools andsuppliesihould suffice: HANDTOOLS VL6u , 3/8tt , 7/L6t' , L/2" , 9/L6n , 5,/8" sockets(3/8u - drive) and/oropen-end wrenches of thesamesize. 3/8" - driveratchethandle blade Standard screw-driver-- medlum Phillipsscrew-driver blade -- medium Straight-edge Steeltape(72") Assorted rasps,files anddrills holesaws Woodworking 2'(for steering column cutout) cutout) 4 L/4't (for speedoheter tool Wireterminal crimping workshop variety Poprivet gun-- horne TOOLS POWER L/4" capacityelectric drill (Sabresaw andL/2t' capacityelectricdrill are helpful.) MATERlALS 2 doz. AmericanStandard,roundhead, squareneck, stepbolts , 5/161'- L8, L L/4 " longwith nuts, washersandlockwashers. Assortedmachinebolts, nuts, washersand.lockwash erci L/4" , 5/L6" 3/8" variouslengths l" to 3r'. Assortedheavy-gauge,sheetmetalsctews Poprivets, assortedlengths, L/4n to L/2x Quartof rust-inhibitingpaint -1- : and N G V OLK S W A GEFLOOR PAN 2 . AC Q U IR IN A bodykit wish to replacethe travel-wornshell of the "beetle"they a Clodhopper ManypersonsFurchasing froma salvageyardandrefurbishthis "outalreadvowh. Otheibuildersplanto acquirea wreckedVolkswagen parts. ln either instance,thls brief and perhapsa few "fresh" mechanical cast" with a newClodhopper'body builders. sectionshouldbe of interestto all prospective familyilcan be dividedinto four groups:1) Pre-1950beetle, 2) For our ourooses,the "Volkswagen Post-|961brietie, 3i Variant, 4) Karmann-Ghia.TheVariantandGhiaare not suitablefor use as chassis ge^arbox. employ-a4-speed, non-synchromesh for a Clodhopper.'The earlier beetlesare all 36 . and all employa 4-speed, startingat 5,000,001) .all.haveleast 4O-hors-epower The latercaii (englnenumbers gearbox. All the beetlesare suitable, but the later modelsare preferred. synchromesh are listed in a dismantlers ln the localeof Fiberfab-- the San FranciscoBay Area-- reputableautomobile oublicationcalledthe PARTSL0CAT0R. The PARTSL0CATORis issuedmonthlyand containsextensivelists NorthernCalifornia. Most likely, similarpublicationsexist in your in yardsthroughout bf all wreckedautomobiles utilize usedparts. For you reference,the PARTSL0CATOR areaandwouldassist you sigriificantlyif you choose_to Avenue, San Leandro,California,94577 , addressis: PARTSL0CAT0R, 1696 Washington Whenbrowsingthroughthe wreckingyards, remernberthat what you needconsistsof four majorpieces: 1. 2. 3, 4. Floorpan-- the VW 'rplatformframel unit includingthe steeringcolumn Frontsuspension/steering Transaxle-- gearbox,differentialandaxles En g i n e (perhaps partfroma dismantlerand partfroma You can buv all four piecesin onewreckor buy themseparately rebuilder). Someminorcompatibilityproblemsarisewhenpre-1960and post-1960partsare piecedtocomoonent gether, but thesecan generallybe solvedwith little difficulty. windshieldwiperm-otor Clodhopper;,e.9.; can also be usedto.finish-your Manybits and piecesof VW hardware assemntyigaugesiignition, headlightanddimmerswitches;wheels(unlessspecialwheelsare goingto be used; etc. gas tank (1961or later); weatherstripping; as they vary considerably. the cqqP-onggt! It is extremelydifficult to estimat_e_pri-cgs_fg1 fo-r_$_25--$50, completeand running(not^ll acrossthe country-.We haveseen1954-1958Volkswagen for$100-$250. C ompl etepost-1960wr ecksr un 1 9 5 8 -6 0 fl o o rp a n sw i thrunni nggearsel l weli. lut r u n n i n q i . updnage and condifion. Sourcesof Volkswageqp3l!.sother.thanwreckingyardsare ilo*'SZbO to $6rSO depending -from used yourautomo.bile VW [totals", local newspaper insurance brokerconcerning cheiper(e. g.', tips sometimes car ads and VW repaiishopbare other potentialsourcesof the parts you need. Unlessvou are equippedwith metricand specialVW tools (andlike to tinkerwith enginesand transaxles) it i. ot oU i [l i a a u i i a U l t[ri ]n v e s ta l i ttl e m orei nal ow -mi l eagew reck. l nanycase, w henbuyi ngachassiswit h for iri enginealone),havethe sellerrun the enginebeforeyoucompletethe purchase. "ngi;e Alwayskeepin mindthat, if the four itemslisted aboveare intact, the wreckis usable-- DON!TLET A M A NG L E .D BOD YF O OLYOU ! -2- 3 , R EMOV ]N GA W FLOOR P A N withoutthe body, you can skip this section. lf not, readon! lf you acquireda wreckedVolkswagen Beforethe VW bodycan be separatedfrom the floorpanthe followingtasks mustbe completed: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. thefrontandrearseats Remove loosecarpeting andfloormats Remove the battery andremove Disconnect thegaslines Drainthegastankanddisconnect the gastank Remove thehydraulicfluid reservoir fiomth body Separate (e.g., coil, electricchoke,etc.) wiringfromtheengine all electrical Disconnect canbeextracted fromthe bodyandusedas a sourceof wire. Thewiringharness the left frontwheel. Remove Unboltsteeringshaftretainer Unboltthesteeringcolumnclampat thedashboard thesteering assemlby column Remove Now you are readyto unboltand removethe Volkswagenbody. Referringto Figure I -- removethe body retaininqbolts at the locationsshown. Side bolts are accessibleunderthe edgeof the bodyand rearboltsare is nowfree of the floorpanandcan be lifted-off using accessiblefromwithin the body(carpetlifted. The body rrstrong andwillingil helpers. The VW bodyis extremely a blockandtackle, chainhoist, or yourselfandseveral removingit. lt i-sbecauseof this weight.loss,incidentally, careshouldbe exercisedwhen heavyand consideiable performance fromyour completedClodhopper. that you can expectconsiderablybetter-than-Volkswagen -3- $t $c HNm' inR $il$ I FIGURE lsfu Nut \ i, Nr\N AU\ $AT {sq ^ ?/ / / ./ .t ./ .x r\* {{ vt1 / ,' at\ ,t "* .{l oh r(,Y' ,ou a -I- / // / /' / II '-f* I I l- -4- 4 . P R E PA R IN G/S H OR TE N IN THGE FLOOR P A N (di stancefromthe centero f t he M o s t " d u n eb u g g i e s "a re v e h i c l eshavi ng,nomi nal l y,80" w heel bases f r ontw h e e l sto th e c e n te ro f th e re a rw heel s). V W ' s have94.5" w heel bases.Therefore the V W fl oo r panm ust he C l odhopper body. In addi ti onto shorteni ng, be s ho rte n eadb o u t1 4 " to a c c o mo d a tte the' panshoul dbe cleaned, andthe frontsuspensi on t he r e a rw h e e l ss h o u l db e d ,e c a m b e r ed, bod yis secur ed " softened"beforethe C l odhopper t o it . Th e g e n e racl l e a n -u ps h o u l dc l e arthe fl oorpanof bi ts,andpi ecesof tornfl oor coveri ngandw eather st r ipping. or sw eptoff. R ustspotsshoul dbe sandedto baremet aland S t one s ,b ro k e ng l a s s , e tc , s h o u l db e vacuumed c ov er e d w i th a ru s t i n h i b i ti n gp a i n to r p ri mer-- speci alattenti onshoul dbe gi venthe areasurroundi nthe g VW bat t e rytra yw h e reb a tte rya c i d m a yh a vespi l l ed. A ny hol esi n the ' panshoul dbe pl ugqed or patched. g e fl oorpani s decamberi ng i he V W rearsuspensi on.D ecamberi ng Th e n e x ts te pi n p re p a ri nth i s r equir ed causedby the replacement to compensate for the reductionin sprung-w-eight of the VW steel bodywith the Clodhopper yourC l odhopper w i l l ri de severali nchestoo hi gh i n the rear. Decam ber ing f iber g l a s b s o d y . W i th o u d t e c a m b e ring i s pl anned. is us u a l l yn o t re q u i re di f C o rv a i r-p o w er the torsi onbar, i ncl udi ngradi usarm(referred D e c a m b e ri ni sga c c o mp l i s h ebdy di sengagi ng to by VW as fro rrth e s p l i n e sa t th e centerof the fl oorpan,i . e., pul l -outthe barandradi usarm. Nowr ot at e " s pr in g -p l a te " ), t he ba ra rrdra d i u sa rm/ a s s h o w ni n F igure2, several" notches"andre-engage the bar i n the spl i nes . Af t er bothbarshavebeenrotatedequivalently,the settingis checkedby rolling the floorpanon wheels, backandforth wit h t w o p e o p l es ta n d i n go n th e re a ro f the ' pan-- the rearw heel sshoul dbe verti calw henthe torsi onb ar sar e set properl y .* \^p aYle o)'\ o-\s,J<- Sgl"'oo'nrl,on ^ u','ic f ldY..urf .,lo pull out torsion barsand -.r "r,androtateas shown. radiusarms LEFT EAD'd'S AEPI F)-----K .:ir,,;i :l:1,, -\-."-* 6/Ls \ r----(6] 2 FIGURE &6;a/f e4DtL^t &1 of barscomposed by removing the fronttorsionbars-- rectangular Front-endloweringcan be accomplished six or morestripsof steel-- anddisabling,by cutting, half the strips in eachbar(cut bothsidesof bothbars-the torsionbarhousings-is to drill throu_gh upperand lowei). Anothermethodof halvingthg front-ehdTpring-rate w i l l nowact as an diill t h ro u q ho n es o c k e to n l y (s e eF i g u re1). The torsi onbarrunni ngthroughthe dri l l eds-ocket w i th a 1'r dr ill- bit anti -sw aybarcanbe removed.D ri l l i ngi s performed ant i- s w a y l a ra n dth e " o ri g i n a l -e q u ipment" securedto the endof a 3-foot extension. is accomplished by cutting-outthe piecebetweenthe dotted Referringfirst to FigureI -- floorpanshortening the.gearshifr ftor nt he gear linesa n dre j o i h i n gth e tw o p i e c e so f th e' panas-show inn Fi gure3. To begi n,rem_ove access. Remove shift pedestil. Nlxt, uncouplethe shiftinqrod fromthe transaxle-- see Figure1 for couplin-g t he s h i fti n gro d th ro u g hth e a c c e s sh o leat the frontof therpan. S cri bea 15r' l i ne on the shi fti ngrod p ar allelt o t he ax is o f th e ro d . R e m o v a e 1 4 l /4 " secti onof the rbd suchthat 3/8" of the scri bedl i ne appears on t he t wo piec e sre ma i n i n gJ. o i n th e s etw o p i e ces,by w el di ng,w i th the tw o scri bedl i nesal i gned. *T he d e c a mb e ri nogp e ra ti o cna n b e h a stened Set is S et . The C am ber consi derablby y usi nga Fi berfabC amber the torsionbars. adjustment of camberwithou-tre1m-?ifrf-7ernftT-of easily installedandprovidescontinuous -5- accesshole in lhe tgp of the "tunnel", Startthe holeabout4" behindthe emergency Now, cut a temporary brakemounting andcut as shownin Figure1. Beqdthe tubesrunninginsidethe tunnelawayfromthe sidesof tlie tunnelso that they will not be damaged duringthe subsequent cuttingoperation. Breakthe retainingweldssecuring brakemounting thesetubesto the tunnelbehindthe emergency -- breakall welds includingthoseat the pointswhere the tubesexit the rearof the tunnel. Movethe brakeline, runningoutsidethe tunnelon the floor, awayfromthe side of t he t unn e l . Mark the floorpanwith chalkandcut as shownin Figure1. Use an oxy-acetylene torchor a sabresaw. Remove the cut-outsectionby withdrawingit overthe endsof the tubes. Reinsertthe tubesin the holes in the rearsectionof the tunneland movethe frontand rear piecesof the 'pan togetheras shownin Figure3. Checkdimensions "X" (X is approximately 54 L/2") to see that they equal. Nowweld the shortened 'pantogether. Reweldthe tubeto the end of the tunnelandcut off the excess. lnstall the shortened shift rod. Shortenthe variouscablesusingcable aftercutting-outL4 L/4tt, Coil the excessbrakeand gas lines. spficesor by havingnewendsswaged-on patching,.shortening, etc. completed the floorpanneedonly be paintedwith a rustWith the cleaning,sanding_, body. inhibitingpaintto makeit readyfor the Clodhopper -6- t) ,L " vl.r-o ( - u - ^ - - n "Yn""' ,.{ \r 5. MOUNTING THECLODHOPPER ONTHE'PAN The Clodhopper bodymountsdirectlyto the s.hortened floorpah. The originalVW body-6-panweather' using8 step-boltsper side, pasiedthrorr4hthe strip can be used,ifavailable. Bolt the bo{y !o_th.e 'pan holes in the rpanand 5/L6" holesdrilled in the mountinglii of the body., Heavyoriginal.body mounting gaugesheetmetalscrewsshouldbe usedto securethe bodyto the 'pan alongthe front andrear mounting' lip -- put washersunderthe screwheads. Generalplacement of the bodyis shownin Figure4. Figure5 showsthe mountingof othercomponents in the Clodhopper body. The qas tank is placedin the pre-formed well in the noseof the bodyandsecuredusingstock-VWgas tank hold-downclamps. Headliqhts are mounted on the molded-inpedestalson the body-- the recommended lampsare manufactured by: R . E . D i etzC ompanv 225 W i l ki nsonS tre6t Syracuse,NewYork L32OL andcarrypart numbers 820-B and 820-C for blackandchromeunits, respectively. The windshieldprovidedwith the Clodhopper kit is boltedto the sidesof the hoodwith the vertical portionof the frameparallelto the face of the dashboard.Placethe weatherstrip, providedwith the windshield, betweenthe frameandthe top of the dashboard.The windshieldis securedto the hood,as shown in Figure5, with 5/16" hardware is gainedusingplated,flat-head(oi filister head) -- Urebestappearance machinebofts. With the framein positiondrill throughthe frameandsidesof the dashwith a5/16" drill -countersink the holes if flat-headbolts are to be used. * To f it the steerjngcolumn,,boreal-3/4". hole in the firewall 10" fromthscenterof the bodyand4" downfromthe top of the firewall. Passthe columnthroughthe holeahdsecurethe steeringshaftlo the universal-jointon the steeringbox. Supportthe columntemporarily until the hoodis securedto the body. Mountthe windshieldwiper motorin the ho'odby drilling throughthe pair of mountingbosseswith a 7/I6't drill . Place the wiper shaft bushingsthroughthe holes and securewith stock hardware. Added supportfor the wiperassemblycan be providedwith a bracketmounted on the lowerI ip of the dashboard. on the forwardside of the "firewall" usinga standard3" hose The brakefluid reservoircan be mounted clampaffixedto the fiberglassusingpoprivets or small machinebolts and nuts. the gas tankfillet placethe hoodin positionon the body After boringa hole in the hoodto accomodate and securewith poprivets, sheetmetalScrewsor #10 machinebolts. Drill the bodyandhood, to accept the fasteners,as shownin Figure5. Nowlift the steeringcolumnto the lowersurfaceof the dashboard and at[ach it using stock VW hardware(U.-clampand rubbergromme0. 0n to th e w i ri n g . t * see pagel5 for the preciselocationof the windshieldif a soft top is to be installed -8- <4 c:- -A c:::- : wl ul r' l ,.*/ "&f /7 \--\"-. v q:f,r,""", l', l1 I rnv L0rl. ,$ \ .FIGURE 5 -I0- tl*'u'- "l*3- .,fe.tffi;f (;"+*tT'r rtt ,t lct( a,' no{ 6. WIRING, ETC. -Y \rJ ttt"t for completing the basicwiringof your This sectionof the instructionsprovidesthe ground-rules described below is basedon the factory-assembled wiring system,or body. The configuration Clodhopper to the widestvarietyof engine/instrumentation/lighting "harness", which has proventhe mostadaptable harnesses are available,as partof the Clodhopper Wiring Kit, from combinatidns.The factoryprgpared Fiberfabat extra cost. To begin,a wiring harnessshouldprovidefor the following: 1. Enginestarting 2. E n g i n ei g n i ti on Instrumentation -- engineoiI pressure,fuel level, battery,/generator condition,etc. 4. lnteriorlighting-- dashboardlights, etc. tai l l i ghts,etc. E x te ri o rl i g h ti ng-- headl i ghts, t. manyitemsto be wired havebeeninstalled,viz,, of yourClodhopper, At this staqein the construction the starter,startersolenoid,ignitioncoil, generator,voltageregulator,fuel level sender,oil pressure switchand'headlights.The itemsin the list below, however,are yet to be installed. Additionally,this and locationsof theseto-be-installeditemsplus recommethods mounting list containsremarksconcerning mendedsources-is gained-1. TAIL LIGHT/BRAKELIGHTS: 0n the reardecklip wherevera pleasingappearance CorvetteStingray,'55 Chevroletor VW to namea few. N D IC A T0RLIGH TS : 0n top of the frontfendersnearthe headl i gh t s 2. . F R 0 N T PA R K IN G/T U RIN or on eachside olthe front licenseplate-- e.9., late modelVVKarmann Ghia. i nstal l ed V W w i ndshi el w d i permotorandmechani sm W IP ERM 0 T 0 R: S tandard 3. WIN D S H IE L D hood. in the Clodhopper usingthe molded-inmountingbosses conventionally 4. DIMMERSWITCH: 0n the rrfirewall"just to the left of the clutchpe{al -- factory-builtcars all employFord switchesbut anydimmerunit shouldoperatesuccessfully. I'firewall' nearthe lowerright handcorner-- use a VW horn. 5. H0RN: 0n the outsideof the 6. FUSE BL0CK: 0n the insideof the "firewallt'abovethe centerof the floorpanbrace-- factorybuilt cars use blockshavinga capacityof four fuses: A. H e a d l i g h ts,parki ngl i ghts, tai l l i ghts B. Brakelights C. Turn indicators accessories,etc. D. Horn, windshieldwipermotor,instruments, fuse holders blocks be asry1n[te-d-rping may The fuse block is partof the WiringKit. Fuse availablefroma local electronicspartsstore(e.9., part number57 E3006 as listed in the Allied Electronicscatalogfor 1968I body. Boreholes 7. BATTERY: ln the right-handbox moldedinto the rearseatof the Clodhopper in the sidesof the box throughwhichto passthe cables. Althoughstock Volkswageninstrumentscan be_used,manyof our customersprefer,touse a more extensives-etof garges in th-eirnew Clodhopper. The V.DOgaugesused in_factory.-Fltltvehicles are given il'ih;itFftOni liSf lppendedto theseinsdrlctions. The gausesin the 0PTl0N LIST maybe ordered fromyourlocalVD0 dealeror directlyfromFiberfab. majorsections-- hub-to-rearandhub-to{ront--vfiere the The wiring harnessis dividedinto two rrhubr''of the generalroutingof .these the wiring. Figure6,show.s instrument nini,l is .onsideiedlo Uettre t'ainJsieJrLjitiuJto itu shortenedVolkswagenfloorpan. The hub-to-frontharnessis routedthroughthe i;ai;;w;li; At this pointthe harnessdivides in a "T". The .lrsi i,-rO.ithefuel tank-mountinglurface-. tefi-nanapdition ot the harnessis broughtto the left edgeof fhe tank-mountingsurfacewhereit fgain . biancheitii*, onebranchrunninqforwaidalongthe side of the gastank to ihe headlightsand parkinglights. switch. The right-handportionis routed Tne otn"r brinilr is routedbackilonq the firewallto the dirnmer parking and light. headlight to the right the left as the manner in same - 11- 61e t4 . /7 p KErt 7p rt/ulrcA /N 7Et(r 6 FIGURE /ax Ii^*' O 4^tutE l*ot* -t2- downthe insidesurfaceof thefirewallto thefloorandthenback harnessis brought Thehub-to-rear thefloorandcentralI'tunnel" alongthejoint between -- alongtherightsideof thetunnel- lt is passed lip at the baseof therearseatandfromthereit is extended to through the bodyjust abovethe mounting thestarter,rearlightsandengine. shownin Figure6, thewiresin theharnesses terminate as follows: to thenumbers Referring REARHARNESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. L2. rrhot'rlead (8)* FYik. Startermotorprimary-- electricalsystemprimary Startersolenoid(14) F. Spare(14) F. Spare(16) F. (14) F. coil "BATilterminal lg-nition lightpower) switch (16) F. (warning 0il Pressure (16) F. (warninglightpower) Voltageregulator "61r' terminal (14) B. (wirein clusterwith3,4,5,6 is grounded to engine) Lightinggiound Tail lisht(s)(14) F. Brakelight(s) (14) F. Leftturnlight (14) F. Rightturnlight(14) F. FRONTHARNESS L3. L4. 15. 16. L7. 18. I9. 20. 2]-. 22, 23. 24. 25. Brakelight switchpower(I4) F. (to oneterminalof the pressureswitchmountedin the end of the brakemastercvlinder) Brakelight switchrelurn(14) T. (to the otherpressureswitchterminal) F u e l ta n ks e n d (1 6 ) T . Headlightpower(10) F. (to dimmerswitch) Hi g hb e a mp o w e r (1 2 ) A. Low beampower (I2) A. in the sameterminalas wire#I7) light power (16) T. (terminated High beam-indicator wire (14) F. Holn operating(ground) HornPower (14) F. F r o n te n dg ro u n d(1 4 ) A (1 2 ) T. P a rk i n gl i s h t(s ) (1 4 ) F . Left turn light (14) F. Ri g h ttu rn l i g h t (1 4 ) F . Allwires leadto or fromthe hubwith the exceptionof the rearharnessground(wire#B), low beampower (# 18) andhigh beampower(#17). The wiring of the.hub,.and the connection to it, is of the harnesses (viz., speedo-. diagrammed in Figure7. The diagramin Figure7 is.basedon the use of VW instrumentation meier, iqnitionswitch, headliqhtswitch, windshieldwiperswitch, fuel gaugeand3-wire turn signalswitch). e l o c ka re i n c l udedi nthew i ri ngki t(e.s., 47 E 1876 and 57 E 3005 as T he t 6r m in abl l o c ka n d -fu s b listed in the Allied Electronicscatalogfor 1968). * numbersin parentheses wire sizes refer to recommended #F = f r omh u b , T = to h u b , A = a h e a di n harness,B = backi n harness -1 3 - $t IH d)t $$ t: rl I rrJ I Il -l t bs ir .Q t Hist $!$I$ \tr i$ vr " i$ ++ 0 i UR -L4- TOUCHES FORYOURCLODHOPPER FINISHING yourClodhopper can be.accomplished usingpart or all of the materialslisted in the Upholstering 0PTION LIST. The principalitemof upholsteryis the carpet-- "stock" VW front seatscan be used and the rearseat spaceneedonly be coveredwith a pieceof plywoodforminga I'minimumt' seat. are: The materialsrequiredto carpetyourClodhopper 1. 2. 3. 4. (36rrw i de) e ng 4 y d s . a u to mo ti vcarpetti 4 yds. carpetjute for padding l 0 y d s . v i n y l c a r pet-bi ndi ng I spraycan of trim adhesive Use heavykraft paperto makepatternsof the floor area. Transferthe patternsto the carpet (makingsure it is nodubside-down)'and cut. Sew on the binding. Cut the jute to matchthe iarpetting. Spraythe floor with trim adhesiveand install the jute. Thenspraythe jute and install the carpetting over it. grabfor interiorfinishingincludeashtrays(mounted in the dashboard), Otheritemsto be considered be yourgui de. bar s , s c u ff-p l a te o s n th e " d o o r"s i l l s , etc., etc., etc. Let youri magi nati on FiguresB and9 showhowthis top lf you decideto use the Fiberfabsoft-topon yourClodhopper, is installed. Referringto thesefigures-- the top{ows are assembled with the small bowto the rear. brackets,as shown,with#10 self-tapping The tops of the bowsshouldbe parallel. Installthe mounting screws. fromthe centertop edgeof the rearseat Checkthe positionof the top of the windshieldby measuring to the centerfrontedgeof the windshield. This measurement shouldbe 60 inches. lf tlris dimensionis moreor less tffifi-60 inchesthe top will not fit or will fit improperly. check, centerthe top on the bowsanddrill throughthe seamsin the top into lf all measurements screws. Tuck the frontflap of the top into the bowsand securethe top to the bowswith chrome-washered the groovein the windshieldframeand pull the top reanvarduntil it is taut. Then, startingat the center snap, markthe bodyto locatethe snap-stud. Drill the bodyand install the stud. Workout fromthe center processuntil all the snapsare affixedto snap-studs. Finally, pull the repeatingthe locating-and-drilling top smoothlyoverthe windshieldframeand locate,drill and install the frontsnap-studs. 4 I 60 w -t5- Chrome-washered screws 9 FIGURE -t6- 7. C OR V A IRP OW E R the Volkswagen For more"G0" fromyourClodhopper, engineis readilyreplacedwith a muchmore powerfulCorvairglSilq. GoodCorvairengines. 1962 or later, are availableat mostwreckingyardsfor engi nes.$f 00.0 0 to $ 3 0 0 .0 0 , d e p e n d i nogn yearandcondi ti on.A voi dthe turbo-charged the Volkswagen floorpanif Corvairpoweris usedas the addedweight It is not necessary to decamber of the CoiG-irenginecompensates for the Volkswagen camber. transaxleto a VW shopandhavethemput the ring gearon the otherside of the Takethe Volksw-agen case(thedirectionof rotationof the Corvairengineopposesthat of the VW. The ring gearilflopoverl by one unfamiliarwith settingup automotive shorrldrrot be attempted rearends. Next, lhe removed fromthe Corvairenginein preparation for mounting a Corvair-toto adapters--w_estronglyrecommend Vr,lkswagen adapterplate. With re-gard the use of the adapterkits prodrr,:ed hy CrownManufacturing Company,651 West Seventeerith Street, CostaMesa, Califoinia. T hc Cro w nAd a p te K r it includes: N o . 5 0 01 No. 5002 N o . 5 0 03 N o . 5 0 04 N o . 5 005 N o . 5 008 E ngi neA dapter StarterAdapter H eavy-duty' Fl yw heel P l ate H eavy-duty P ressure P l ate C l utchD i sc U ni versalThrottl eLi nkage Crownalso manufactures a numberof accessoryit_ems suchas muffler-exhaust systemswhichcan be usedtor yourCorvairpoweredClodhopper.Furfter information is availablefromCrownManufacturing. l h e ny o uw ri te ,.i f y o umenti on that the ki t i s to be usedw i th a Fi berfabbody. I t will h e i re l p fuw After the bell-housingis removed,removethe Corvairpilot bearingin the endof the crankshaftand r eplac ew i th th e e x te n d e d -ty pseu p p l i edby C row n-- the-ori gi nal beari nghasthe properl D butdoesnot engagecnoughof the Volkswagen transmission inputshaft. Bolt the adapterplateto the Corvair(if the oil seal is not yet installedin youradapterplate, makesurethat whenyou do install it you referto the or irina l C o rv a i b r e l l -h o u s i nto g a v o i dp l aci ngi t i n backw ards).N ext, bol t the adapted fl yw heelto the Cor v a i rrra n k s h a ft a n dth e nb o l t th e c l u tchpl atecover(w i thcl utchdi sc i n pl ace)to the fl yw heel . Drivethe starter-motor-shaft bushingout of the VW transaxleandreplacewith the specialbushing in the StarterAdapterkit. Nowbolt the Corvairto the Volkswagen transhxle--interferenbe betweenthe transaxleand the engineheaterduct is eliminatedby reshaping the ductsor replacingthemwith Crown #5012 HeaterAdapters, The Corvairstarteris usedby meansof the starteradapter. To completethe engineinstallation,the Volkswagen throttlewire is coupledto the Corvairvia the Univ ers aTl h ro ttl eL i n k a g ea n da s u i ta bl eexhaustsystemi s i nstal l ed(e.9., C row n#5010). Us i n gth e C o rv a i e 12-vol t i nsteadof the V ol ksw agen r n g i n e ,th e e l e ctri calsystembecomes 6-vol t . T hewi ri n gh a rn e s s edse s c ri b e di n Se cti on5 are, how ever,sti l l appl i cabl e.A l l bul bsgauges,gauge s lndc r ri n i ts e tc . m u s tb e l 2 -v o l t L r ni ts-- or -- 6-vol t uni tsw i th seri esvol tagedroppi ng resi stors. -t7- CLODHOPPER OPTION LIST finish Two-tone solidcoloror Metal-flake vinyltop(whiteor black) Covertible (black,vinyl-textured) Hardtop Show-bar0oll barfor looks) safety) Go-bar(roll barfor maximum Carpets(blackonly),set pair Frontseatcovers(blackvented-vinyl), andbackresO,set Rearseat(cushion Economy sidecurtains,pair (withframe),pair sidecurtains Deluxe Bootfor top (6 or 12 vol0, complete kit WiringHarness $ s0.00 7 5 . 0 089.00 29.95 59.95 35.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 1 0 0 . 0 0 '- 25.00 39.50 SETBYVDo CoMPLETE 6 VoLT TNSTRUMENTS, Description List Price VDONo. gauge pressure Oil De3501 $ 10.97 sender Oil pressure L2,30 De3601 gauge Oif temperature L3.92 Fe 32L3 sender Oif temperature 6,78 Fe 3272 Fueffevefgauge L3,68 Fu 3001 Kit Tanklnstallation 2,52 Tf 225r 14,22 TankUnit Tf 220t Ammeter 6.25 Am1903 gauge Vacuum L3.07 Va 0002 gaugeinstallation kit - 12 ft. 5.30 Vacuum (764 rev/nild 23.A5 Speedometer Sp L222 VW-to-VDO speedometer cable- 5 ft. 2.80 (4 cyl.) Tachometer 44.85 aaiqn SETBYVDo CoMPLETE 12 VoLT TNSTRUMENTS, List Price Description VDONo. pressure gauge 0il De 3502 $ 10.97 L4.40 sender 0il pressure De3603 gauge L6,75 0il temperature Fe 32L6 6.78 sender Oil temperature Fe 3273 L3.68 Fuellevelgauge Fu 3002 L4.22 Tankunit Tf 220L unit 2.52 Tankinstallation Tf 225L 6.25 Ammeter Am1903 gauge L3.07 Vacuum Va 0002 gaugeinstallation s.30 kit - LZ ft. Vacuum 23.05 Speedometer U 64 rev/milel Sp 1222 2. B0 cable- 6 ft. VW-to-VD0speedometer (6 cyl.) 44.85 Tachometer zeisA -t 8 - { ,o ,, si) 2'?' do 6 d 'a v DE0II'EERI'{G T}IE F,EA-Ri\IEEEIS Gene Rj-Ceout, Eeili:ighann, Wash., reports that after clriving his Porsc,he about 2OTOOO ni1es, nosily with just hi.nseif in the car, it developed a port list; r+e donrt know his weight, :ut u:rusl,al angles have developed on other cirs at about the sane nileage. Gene got out hj-s shop nurual ard reised the lefi: rear of his car one degree and lowered ttre right rear one degree, and reports thlngs are back on arr even ke e1 . The operation on the rear torsion bars ca:: be done by alnosi ar{fone who can turn a lrrench provided sorne guidance is available. John Snyder, Potorec Region, conducted some adjustEenl on hri-s rear torsion bars and lrrote up the details and explained a few techalcal polnts as he went, along. Our only preface to Johnts artr icle ls that you should not play around 'r:ith the torsion bars just because you have notlring else to do on a Sirnday afterrroon. We suggestthat jJ you lo:row there is a, a droop snoot, or /cu want the rear end to hold in corpetition, then go ahead and do the job. WeLl equinned =ifriii""r ''"rlani pot"crt"sr.op.t ".-pruru uol """ neasure the angle &5A), ttrat will accurately on lhe rear radius arna. The radius arm (uhicb is attached to the end of the rear torsion bar) when hlngJng^free, should have an angle of from 6f" to 7, doi.rn from the l.rorizontal. Many Porsche owners have erperienced the tendency of thelr car to oversteer, that 1s, to follow a path of progres$ive1y decreasing ridiue in any one given turning position oJ the steerjng rheelp requlring the driver to ropen uprr on the steering wheel 1n order to steer around a curve of constant radius. l'lany have al-so e:rperienced the tendency of the car to "wander" at higher speeds, particularly under the influence of a crossuind. These conditions r€y in large part, and in many case, be eonr pletely overcotne by decanrbering the rear wheels. : L ^-; _'.j-r, ^,,+ gc -^ out ano Du;r a nerr pair. of .f;.cnt -uor_ --+ s:c:- :p:'irrgs. if no*", read '-::e res-; of tf:is a l f h c u g h a s l i g n t c e c a n t e : i n g o f th e : ': -l e; :,e e l s :-=e e v e n j J r a n e w c a r : : , a ; , 'b e q u i te . :3rz:ax]g. lhe effect of or: the oiers:€er=g teridenc."*is rather +.ecjtnlcai and need e:i c::-eern us here, suffice it to say that ciec"--::e:irg the rear ;heels of a porscbe, .rdnether '.::e car be new or used, has a pronounced"iffecl :r the oversteering tencie::cy and rtrilL decrease j-t in all cases, causi:.g ihe car to have trcre cr less a neutral_ steering .uendency. ?he :::cice::tal effect of decanberGg which causes ..i_ to have greater directior:al stability i=" is easily understandable when it is real_ized 'i:at cecamberilg the rear wheels lov.ers the rear enC of the car aad that lo"*ering the rear end of tte car will tend to create i greater degree of caster of the front wheels, cester in *.91f"-being the anount tha"" th; kin4rjns are tilted toward the rear of tbe car at thelr i.q:per ends. fhe greater the degree of caster, k-e g:'eater tendeney for the front rfieels to reroirl in or return to the stral.ght-ahead positioa, hence greater directional stability. .4lo'r,Ler factor contributing to directibnal sta_ is the proper anount of toe in of the lielty lront wheels, rdrich is, of course, a requirenenl mdgl any circunstances. &'e urlterrs auJomobile, a J-953 coupe, possessed a great tendency to overdte;r, a pre no-,:src€d degreq ,of .directional instaUi i i ty, and a.l'so a tenalency- to-shj-rm6r. A1l of faults -ihese Here ccrrected by decanbering the fear 'I'he fact that the shfurmying disappeired "h;;t;. shous tlrat there r,l.astoo Little front wleel caster bejor.e deeanberilg the rear wheels, since the frcni e:rd in all other respects uas 1n gocd shape. lecarnbering the rear wheels is a rathel . si:Fle. job, although perhaps an hour to ar houtr and a h-aif should be allowed. The first stpn The ciegree of carnber of the rear lrheels is 5.s to jack up the car and remove o"" oi'ti""lhat degree to which the rear wheels are tilted rear rreels. Then r€move the three sets of outwardly so that their upper portions nulvs and bolts nhlch connect the bifurcated are disp_1aced outrardty of the road contacting po:,tions. rear end of the trailing arm to the a:rte hous!,heri lhe rear wheels are perfeerJ-y verl,ilal5 they, ho of the nuts and bolts also servj_r:p are said to have zero canber. Because of the to att€cil the shock absorber lewer bracket"to rr€rner irl rfrich ihe rear wheels of the porsche the ar*ie housing. In the ,*,riterrs car, these nuis and boLts fitted are inciepencienlly suspended, lowering of the a 19 mn, -,rench, a1_ i:cugh z 3nt" soeket rues also used to good rear enc of the car wiih respect to the rear ad'":hee1sproduces negative canber. rz::+.ege. The iraiii.rg Although arn is a length of metal i-he suspension gecr:etry of t,he car rnay'be ab:r{+. 5il wide and about VB" at 3/16', .,hick, perfectiy proper when new, the front torsion a::c rtich extends foru:ardly of the rear'ax"le bars apparen+,Iy have a greater tendency to be conneciion to the franne. liu,sine for pivotal perrnanen'"1ydefo:'rned than do the rear torslon li:--h -,hese three nuts and bol_ts re"rorrea, puff .a rs so i hat af ler pr c longed us e, t h e f r o n t t-ie rea:. axLe housing reanlard3.y so as io l-eave '1ir? rs:i end of enci of the car nay tre lower to the grou:rd fhan the trailing anrr free. ?o do i'" orirhali;' was, whereas the rear end nay be '-:is, ::! nay be necessary to loosen +,ls n1"m at substar-rfiaii-y< its origir:a1 height, causing c:r t,:e a-tle housing which serves ,, ;;;; the ca:" t. h31,iea noscd do'rrnappearanee. It fc: :he .flexlble bra_ke hose and to"" nove this is in such cases tha+. lhe above-neniioned overc1a:e sl-igh.uly ou.urrardly to preve;ri it fron :teering lendency and lack of dlrec.uional stasir'; the heat exchanger fc;r the heater and bility Jf you have ihe perriii, -"he rear axle housilg to are nosl noticeabl"e. be back 38 a si:Ji::ien-, a;stance ic :lear en.d cj -;e l:ailirg a:,=, il: j: I' t' I l.! F r,re forked,rear rr---h t-: -,:'a11irg a::t t;lus ireed, it ldll pr,:ba:-y be '- such a pcs:.-,i-on ,,nat iis lower ecige :-s e:ga::i aga=:ls-L -_:e siop on the frane jusi r:-rrzrl; of the F,:=t at which tne trail_ 1ng a::-- :s l::-::ecteci t,c --:.s rea:, torsion bar. It shc':*rj be roteci at tr:.- point that tire optfunn ;:sit::: of the arnr will probab1y be =:ch :;:! when fre:, iti lower edge vi1l eit::el ,'::st :-ear Ine s-r:; or be spaced no more +-han i a'' ab.:;e it. !fuc: n:ore ,p""ing than this l wel ;::oab-i; nake it ve:y diffitult io ,"*o,r. anci re-;lace :be rear r*te: since there r+ill be i.ns'i-fii:ient clearance bei"*een tle brate Crun and fe::er. ?ne nerL ste_: is to renove the four i,rlts -s=:_chseeure :ie dust for "ure tors:o:r bar Lo f,bg fyene, "orl, eiit er""pa 17 rm '-:rencbor a 2V32" srencb,iii-dJ. rhe dy:l *O vili probably have to be pr5.ei'orf wl!tr a screl=rivere since it carrles on lts rnner siCe a resilient b-:shing drictr ernbraces the oEtes ed of a boss .drich extend.s transversel-;; thrc:gh and is rigidly secured to the ronraFd end of 1;ru 13ai],lng ana, the flt being ra+.her s:';g. The bcss is fr6ffoin .na f"-, terna.Ll.y spJ_i.nedand recelves the splined outer end of tle torsion bar. Tbe nexl step is the bai'lina ara autwardly €o that it !o-p"y pur r-q off frca tbe outer end of -ttre torsion -U""l-Oufo"" Eoneve, it n'il"l prcbably t" !"T. doing tbls to uark a vertical iine on-tfre outer,face of t- torsibn bar (nai]. podlf, q!/ s-o thet rbe original position of the "fff torst on ber can be Ce^"errrlnsdo { [. i.j ii ir P. p ii t, I t. F li Fr lt lz al E n fi i! ll lV:iJ F; it tr ft.ere are lrlr splines on the outer end of the tcrsi.on bar and its ir:ner end is provided rfith LC gpfir€s' Since rctating the freed traiL. ir.g am, eve! nne spline irith respect io the torston bar so tbe rear end of the arrn 1s moved uprrerdJ.y f,rcq j"ts orLgiml position and then reengagi::g t}:e a:'n rrith tb"e torsion bar railI effect a ccnsilerable Cegree of 1or"-ering of the reaf e:d of the car on tlat side, it wi1J. probably be nec€ssar:/ to rne-nipulate both the inner end of the icrsion bar a:d the outer end to adriere the lesired resrlt. I?ris is rather easiiy acco=lished since there are fer+er s'pli.nes on ,r:ne lnner enri of the bar than there are o:i rhe c.jter end, a:-; the best rnanner of proeee:ing is to Cisenga;e the inner end of the bar a;C rot€-.e j-t one spl1ne il the directlon which ';oirl"C :a':se raisi-::i of the r:ear end of the ar: irere it a+-tached ."o ihe torsion bar and to the: rotz'-e and re-er..gage the arm one spline fron r:s or:;iral positi:n on the bar in a direct:.3:r whlc: wcu]d 'icwer its rear end from its orj-gj-*ii p:,::.,ion, the :-::t effect of ,,hese two sieps be'i;rg -ro jus.u ve:-; s1igh.t,1y raise the rear end ci the a:n wherr ,,he ;arts are all reassenbl"ed. I: othe: w6rds, on :he feft rear wheel, Lhe bar :s rotaied c:e spii_ne in a counterclcclc;:,se c-ection, uh1-e the arm is rotated one spii;re a cloclcdse directi_on, arrd vice versa icr +-le -- ctfier siCe of the car. These two steps should be repeat,eci lmtil- the lower edge thg.traiii:rg arn jiist ciea:.s or is no iore ?I thar 1/bil frcnr tne st,op. Incicentai"ty, .hnen re_ rnoving fhe ir:::er end cf the torsion bar .fron its socket, it is best to first renove the rub_ ber bushing wirich is slipped i-ntc the frane and enbraces the ir^:rer end of the trailj.rrg arrr boss wnen lhe parts are assenbled. Thrs nrikes it easier to grab the iorsion bar anc exert tne necessary pullrng force io renove it fror its spl-ured socket. Insofar as ti:e i:rsion bar is concet-nec. particular care shoulcj be taken not to scratch it an$" although the splirres are ^".-oi not, lubri-cated, there shouLd be a coatin!-of g""ur. throughout the internrediate length oi tne Uar to protect it fron rust. Needless'to say, the trailing _ atrr on both sides of the car sniirra be so positionea --ft that, both wheeLs are identically camt,erua. should be reraernbered that even a very slight overall adjustnent of the trailing ."r, res,:lt in very.rewarding "iii and noticeable results, .o *oJ_f eration ishould be the keynote. WitU ifre parts reassenbled, hop in the car and head for the nearest dirt road, and if you canrt take that curve faster and wlth less rear end sliding, let rne trorou. WIPTREI"ADES . The rrindshields, as well as the rrj-n_ d91s, in Porsches are,rnade pf a specfai glass whigh.le shatter-proof tho it, is ;;; oi trru sandrich construption whLch is farn:i.liar a_ rounct uetroit. tne'bf the dlsadvantases of the Porsche nildshield material is ttrli it is sonewtrat softer thsn ordina# gb;r.- son" of us have discovererl that the irui"i-i" ti:" uindshield rriper b3.adeholders will scratcn the vindshield. If this. scratching beco*es bad,enough, many state lavs requir8 tfr"t tn. Ii' be renewed. One of our rnembers suggests that if the snall rivets, uhlch are used to aftaeh the blade holders to the n-iper arrrs, are kepr , tight the netal parLs cannot tip over far enough to touch the windshleld. We tried this on a 'rtiredlr blade holder by tappi-ng '1 i f rr ^^-,^-^ ugrlry severa_L -L+1., unes uith a snal1 harnmer, usilg a larger haruner as an anvil on the other end of the rivet. This dld the trick brut we suggest that you be careful the rlvet is not so tight that j"t vil1 prevent free movement of the holder as i-t passes over Lhe curved surface of the rindshleld. 'v{e also noticed that the viper.s did a bet,uer job afier the rivets nere tightened" WIPERSV{ORKING? E ugene R i deout of B sl l i ngh,,-, H ,rshi ngr,rn w i ;r,rc i r D pl S .n,has some go.d aJ,. r..'.,f,.,r, .'ri ni ui n,n6 w i ndshi el d w i per machani sms, C 6.6s burne,J.ui ti ,e motor duri ng rhe *'arranry peri ,r,_l. \l l i .,n he rerel v e,l a new onet he reprtcked the gear case *.j rh a li .qh: gradc of Lubri -pl are. Ir w orke,l ... n!) rj rL\rerr oui rl c . I hrs w oul d probabl v appl v rr, r,;l ,l rrr_.rrl rcr , i i nrar,__r as w el l as rai ny ones. 39/ 1'1 " 6 .v". ? , e-1 - - -y--'/ I