Spink Detailed Accident Report
Spink Detailed Accident Report
Attorney General August 21, 2013 Page 2 of 2 (B) the specific address or the highway or street where the accident occurred; or (C) the name of any person involved in the accident. The requestor has not provided those items listed in section 550.065. Therefore, the City believes it cannot release that portion of the report. Based on the foregoing, the City of Wichita Falls respectfully requests an opinion from the Attorney General as to whether the City is required to release the requested information. By copy of this letter, we are advising the requestor that the City wishes to withhold the information requested, and that it is seeking a decision from your office as to whether the information is excepted from public disclosure. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, James McKechnie Assistant City Attorney xc: Joshua Harman 2537 Clarks Valley Rd. Swards Creek, VA 24649 ■••■■■■■•• OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY jA7/764i4 TEXAS NUG5frieS. 4o/deo Orportuntries. August 21, 2013 Honorable Gregg Abbott Texas Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Opinion Records Division P. 0. Box 12548 Austin, Texas 78711-2548 [CM RRR #7011 3500 0001 9559 5085 ] Re: City of Wichita Falls/Request for Public Information Joshua Harman (10 + 15 Day Letter) Dear Sir or Madam: On August 13, 2013, the City of Wichita Falls received a request from Mr. Harman for certain documents maintained by the Wichita Falls Police Department. A copy of the request is attached as Exhibit 1. In all future correspondence with the City of Wichita Falls regarding this case, please refer to it as "City ID #474." The City seeks to withhold the release of information (Exhibit 2, 3a & 3b) pursuant to the following exception of Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (TGC): TGC §552.101 Information Confidential by Law-Common Law Privacy Section 552.101 of the GOVERNMENT CODE, excepts from required public disclosure information considered to be confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision. Pursuant to the Texas Supreme Court decision in Indus. Found v. Tex. Indus. Accident Bd., 540 S.W.2d 668, 685 (Tex. 1976), section 552.101 applies to information when its disclosure would constitute the common law tort of invasion of privacy through the disclosure of private facts. This exception encompasses the doctrine of common-law privacy, which protects information that is: (1) highly intimate or embarrassing, such that its release would be highly objectionable to a reasonable person, and (2) not of legitimate concern to the public. [ ] Bracketed information has been redacted from the requestor copy of this letter. Further, there is an accident report included in this request. As stated by Texas Transportation Code, Section 550.065, in order to be released, the Requestor must specifically provide two out of three details of the accident: (A) the date of the accident; Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (869) WANG, AlVNETTE RAE Supplement Type: ID TECH Date /Time 7/14/2011 10:59 ON 07/14/11 AT APPROXIMATELY 1000 HOURS, PER THE REQUEST OF OFFICER NEWTON I TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE LEXUS AT THE W.F.P.D. IMPOUND: TWO (2) PAIRS OF SHOES, BLANKET/BAG, COMPACT DISCS, GPS, WALKER, CLOTHES, CANS, UMBRELLA, MAP BOOK, AND DRIVER'S LICENSE WITH #00345035 BELONGING TO MICHAEL SPINK. THE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BE SECURED IN THE ID OFFICE. END OF REPORT, A.R. WANG Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 10 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Officer's Supplement Officer 19045 Date / Time Reported TUJuI 12, 2011 13:12 THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY HOSPITAL FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS. HE STATED THAT I WOULD NEED TO SIGN SOME PAPERWORK SHOWING THAT THE SAMPLES WERE RELEASED TO ME. I CONTACTED THE MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICE TO INQUIRE ON HOW QUICKLY THEY NEEDED THE SAMPLES, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND REPORT COPY. I NEEDED TO KNOW IF THEY NEEDED THE INFORMATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE OR WHEN THE NEXT BODY IS SHIPPED. I WAS TOLD THAT THEY NEEDED THE INFORMATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SINCE IS NOT KNOWN WHEN THE NEXT BODY WOULD BE SHIPPED. I WAS PLANNING ON DELIVERING THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND SAMPLES TO THE MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICE THIS FRIDAY PER SGT. VAUGHN. LATE WEDNESDAY AFTERNNON I WAS ADVISED THAT JUVENILE DETECTIVES WERE GOING TO THAT LOCATION AND I COULD SEND THE ITEMS WITH THEM. I WENT TO THE CHEMISTRY LAB AT THE HOSPITAL AND SPOKE WITH CRISTIN JUNE FLORENCE. SHE GATHERED THE SAMPLES FOR ME AND I SIGNED A RELEASE FORM FROM THE HOSPITAL. I HAD HER MAKE A COPY AND IT WAS SUBMITTED TO RECORDS FOR IMAGING. I THEN TOOK THE BLOOD AND URINE SAMPLE AND SUBMITTED IT INTO EVIDENCE. I ADVISED THEM THAT JUVENILE DETECTIVES WOULD BE GETTING IT IN THE MORNING. I THEN GATHERED THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM ID TECH CALLAGHAN. I TOOK THE PHOTOGRAPHS AND A COPY OF THE CRASH REPORT TO OFFICER WILDE AND OFFICER HENDERSON. I ADVISED THEM THAT THE BLOOD AND URINE WAS IN PROPERTY AND IT WOULD BE READY IN THE MORNING FOR THEM TO PICK UP. I WAS REVIEWING THE SUPPLEMENTS AND HAD SEEN THAT JOSHUA MARIANO HAD WITNESSED THE CRASH. I CONTACTED MARIANO. MARIANO STATED THAT HE WAS SOUTHBOUND IN THE RIGHT LANE ON HENRY S. GRACE FWY AND HE OBSERVED THE WHITE LEXUS ENTER THE FREEWAY FROM THE MIDWESTERN PKWY INTERSECTION. MARIANO STATED THAT HE WAS DOING ABOUT 61 MPH AND THE VEHICLE IN FRONT OF HIM BY ABOUT 50-60 FEET. MARIANO COULD NOT TELL IF THE DRIVER WAS MESSING WITH A CHILD OR SOMETHING IN THE BACK SEAT. MARIANO STATED THAT THE VEHICLE WAS IN THE RIGHT LANE AND THEN DRIFTED OFF THE ROADWAY AND CRASHED INTO THE GUARDRAIL. THERE WAS NO SWERVING OR BRAKING PRIOR TO THE CRASH. MARIANO STOPPED TO ASSIST. ON 071411 OFFICER PAUL HARPER RECEIVED A CALL FROM MIKE SPINK. SPINK WANTED TO GATHER SOME PERSONAL ITEMS FROM THE VEHICLE. I CONTACTED ID TECH WANG AND REQUESTED HER TO MEET US AT THE WFPD IMPOUND LOT AT 1000 HOURS. WE MET SPINK AND GATHERED THE ITEMS REQUESTED FOR HIM. ID TECH WANG PHOTOGRAPHED THE ITEMS PRIOR TO US GIVING THEM TO HIM. SEE HER SUPPLEMENT. OFFICER SANDY LAMB AND OFFICER JOE LEMOND WORKED THE CRASH REPORT AND DIAGRAMS. SEE THEIR REPORTS AND SUPPLEMENTS. OFFICER PAUL HARPER SPOKE WITH SOME FAMILY MEMBERS AT THE HOSPITAL. SEE HIS SUPPLEMENT REPORT. INFORMATION THAT WAS FAXED TO THE TARRANT COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICER WAS SUBMITTED TO RECORDS TO BE IMAGED. I CONTACTED THE COOKS CHILDRENS HOSPITAL TO CHECK THE STATUS OF LILYANNA. THEY ADVISED THAT SHE WAS IN STABLE CONDITION AND SHE WAS DOING GOOD. THEY STATED THAT SHE WOULD BE GOING IN TO THE O.R. LATER TODAY BUT WOULD NOT ELABORATE WHAT FOR. I INQUIRED ABOUT HER INJURIES, IN PARTICULAR, HER LEFT FOOT. THEY COULD NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION ON THE CONDITION OR STATUS OF IT. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 6 T THAUGOt :Ct :UGaDYNI ".". 4 Paul Newton/CWF To Siobain Callahan/CWFOCWF 07/29/2011 11:39 AM cc alawaaaaalaa. bcc Subject 11-070706 COPIES OF THE PICTURES FROM THE CRASH ONLY CAN BE RELEASED TO RANDY KILDOW OR MIKE SPINK. PLEASE DO NOT RELEASE PHOTOS OF CONNIE SPINK. THANKS, PAUL NEWTON Property/Evidence Submittal Report TTO YO UL O Wichita Falls Police Department //--4 °M:IrCIC0 Case Number: e/afS /Id/ Offense: CI /3 // • Cate & Time S (Submitting 0 Related Case Number: Felony (i st ) (2nd ) (V) (State Jail) (Misd.) (TABC) &PO 0 Location: raechnician Signature) /6to //'` < "7 (Submitting Officer[Technician Printed Name) (Badge) • co": "01 (VictIm/Compl6inant Name) Z.) /7/3 // Date Submitted: Property /Evidence Seized By: ❑ Found ❑ Contraband ❑ Patrol (Property Owner's Name) ❑ Property Submitted: Time Submitted: /' /2- ❑ Personal Property CIS ❑ Tactical 0 Narcotics n Person ❑ ❑ ID Tech G35<affic ❑ Other Locker # Arrest 1. Name: Race: Sex: Age: 2. Name: Race: Sex: Age: 3. Name: Race: Sex: Age: Item Code Qty / / e Description: Item Serial number GtJI iL tk Code I Qty 1 Z0 )° Measurements oz. lbs. gms. ‘-‘ 6-1 -1 c" 5e9,Af._ _z_4_6/acariZia Serial number I I I gms. Measurements lbs. oz. gms. Measurements oz. lbs. Description: Item Code Qty j Serial number Description: odes: -Evidence GO 100.035 "B" — are° CS - - -ecovere ' -- on-sca • _ - _un Page / of / I if ._ • - a. 10 VAXIel 040, z Q -:(-- 17 Wade e 6 'Macke, Ca 131 -2- II Yr, 3 12 Stow , NL 5 45 le VehIorr Towed POW (CIreild dl/ - Pratt --i. 3 79 therm. T " X /sP Reason For Impoukd 4 ...100•1agtallilialillill 5 Time 4 / a. // 6 '14w 15 / Case N ji 12 5 4 Nis 114 YIN 32 ,11 6b11 2b2.1)bb 'Abu!, Rear Wide Deny Other 18 Remick* t LI (0 yt ..--. Battery Illidlator r tll > 1.---.." .-../" .., "- Left -- -- - Right -__.t..C_ E)( 4. --(1 S; \ie__. r'ra A 4 eACLM- CA- v- Wheels ----- - Engine Tranadassion . Rear End Mlerore inside = From PtI f-"-__,_ Front LT _ Rear RT. , Rear LT . Spate Otter te-- . to.,--- Tire 2 .--- RadloiSlerao in-Dash 1--- RI laaidar '"."-'-'" ...—--m, Front RT Front LT. 4/...k'''' Under Dash Rear RT Rear Cr. Spare Other & 0, rld 1-c-r SiR-... —Vn Tape Deck _ C.O. rtarrn C.B. Antenna Sttoakar From -BOdk L-N. C7L-1'4" rip 11 6,0-(--.0,e3 e. kIDICIIL/P\ __ -. --ise.-- 16 Yohdio loydday i ,-, 111, - 41, * &LA. 11!■■ a■ i c- — a - c t .f. i- _ a.- -'- a • • e •::. V- . AL. , .-- Is r - ..o..v"(--&: , a --- ea matted 9 142117111 21 -- aty*. Ifp7 C 0 W44 C. (A. p r..1 I V. R V V .‘* 22 Aetna.» . L__) 1 WI. 24 We - '64- •.., le ....• . . .- - - t . --1\ i o-ir- t) •‘• 115 A-P.-) 20 Merturs 2/0 /140./40 In Impound Lot MO Da • Addiet • 5;-,,IY--, M Len Nolo./ - mtSc-. 1.•', 0 G2,,x_ , ex- - Sp,'N v-. 23 °Home z ■ - 1 Y- -C s ■ 11 Z i 30 7-S- " •2 Location Stored FLOw 31 01 Tog 32 /WeNG, 0 ite. so. - Ofico El CIF r. on,,, ...=.1.--,...00-1 .• -- - 35 —. Bodoo N 47)/ 1. 35 NoacatIon Lein kokSiir Li -ORAL St': ci '6:G TCEDVIII , 1 1 - 0 01 O.3 v untkaa.,0 irtartJureti rt0rUll I WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT owestityrw 0 40 Coon Nocewd NYneda Impound Flea i 42 441 Vehicle Ralwased By 37 &II (saw Nolited NOtifed ely 39 Rdko4141 Aulhoctrod By . ,' 1 Bane ' FINN S 43 awe 44 71n14 45 ' Amount Vohtdo Rodimid By Rocuwks 10.10# : . 1" ' 1111 .. t I a )ATE lT,1 ___ BY. '7,7‘let 43.47 1.144166 o . 1/'"o9 209'7CPCP CHAIN OF CUSTODY- SHORT FORM OFFICE OF CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER Tarrant County Medical Examiner's District 200 Feliks Gwozdz Place Fort Worth, Texas 76104-4919 773 ge- 772/M 66D 817-920-5700 ! FAX 817-920-5713 _Al'i W.c-11.6. Fills kl_11_:__ ____ __ _ __ 4,!2 4 Res iced: 03110/2011 ' _I I ' 1 ' EA-Miiiitta )1 • ' 1,1. - 01 010(0 ?-0 (9 10 i4-0l :ehi Y. k.,..),s0A: st- 17, 1 1 5 „ IV ._ Victims) • firm:of Offense Agency Address & Ph -one c.i , l ( r. 3 ti - S?; 1\ 11-1 (I d,vin:e... Date of Offense 763 01 07.,a•H Contact Name & Phone Billing Info (if different from above) \ .4) .. 0 N : IC ‘ ATTAI ' ( CIL{ 441 Ac c 3. .4 1- N TCME Exhibit # c).5..4 Ill C.,7 4-z ✓l P.....3,A-a r it=t4o- -70.1 0 '5b00 (7,...i.A0Le (000 Slot - c,: {-c Suspect(s) 30 ! ',Jr Di 7160i Quantity Description of Articles ,RIS 5'47 14 S14 L)r-1 1.4r!ru,, I TCME Exhibit # Date / Time 07 . 14 . II 1000 Requests: Relinquished By . 4,„, c Print --r Sign — ,, ,, ,,,, 7I ii4.. ._ I Received By I Print Sign Print Print Sign Sign Print Print Sign Sign Print I Print Sign Sign Print Print Sign Sign Print Print Sign , Sign Print Print Sign Sign Print Print Sign Sign .17TPICIA i_RASHID • '1-12 IMAGED 14 :18 :23 07/28 /2011 NO. IN THE JUSTICE COURT, SITTING THE STATE OF TEXAS AS A COURT OF INQUEST PRECINCT 1, PLACE 2 COUNTY OF WICHITA WICHITA COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER FOR AUTOPSY I, Michael R. Little, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2, Wichita aunty, Texas, upon the ,c).e;n1( authority vested in me by law hereby order an autopsy upon the body of in connection with an Inquest to establish the cause and nature of death for the detection of crime or foul play. I hereby appoint any physician of the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office and Forensic Laboratories to perform said autopsy, in the presence of and with the assistance of, whomever they deem necessary. You are ordered to send the autopsy report to the court at the address listed below. ***NO INFORMATION MAY BE RELEASED UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY THE COURT*** I further order_Dave Newton_or his agent of Wichita Falls Mortician Service to transport and deliver the above named body to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office and Forensic Laboratories, 200 Felix Gwozda Place, Fort Worth, Texas 76104-4919. I further order that upon completion of the autopsy, thy,\Tarrant County Medical Examiner's Office and Forensic Laboratories shall deliver the remains of unIn funeral home: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PHONE NUMBER: Signed: day o JUSTICE OF THE PEACE WICHITA COUNTY, TEXAS PRECINCT 1, PLACE 2 PHONE: 940-766-8115 FAX: 940-766-8283 It& the following IMAGED 14 :18 :21 07/28/201 1 11-061 0 10& Tarrant County Medical Examiner District Medical Examiner's Officer 200 Feliks Gwozdz Place, Fort Worth, Texas 76104-4919 (817) 920-5700 FAX (817) 920-5713 Web site: tarrantcotatty.coin BIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET DECEDENT'S LAST NAME: SPINK (FIRST NAME) CONNIE Date of Birth: 11 / 1 / 56 Sex: Female Race: White Date of Death: 7 / 12 / 11 Place of Death: 1600 11 TH ST Relationship: HUSBAND Name of next-of-kin: MIKE SPINK Address of next-of-kin: 285 ELLIOTT RD (Street, Apt) WICHITA FALLS (City), TX (State) 76310 (Zip) Phone: (940) 733-0843 Place of Death: 1600 11 TH ST WICHITA FALLS (City) Did the decedent die in a Hospital / ER? How long was the Hospital / ER stay? 0 YES ❑ NO 1 Days Name of Hospital / ER: UNITED REGIONAL HEALTHCARE CENTER, WICHITA FALLS (City) TX (State) Did you provide a copy of the Hospital / ER Report? 0 YES ❑ NO Was the decedent being treated by a Physician? El YES ❑ NO If YES, please provide the Physician's name and phone number: DR BETH SUTTON MD (Name) 940-764-2122 (Phone #) Is a law enforcement agency investigating the death? 0 YES ❑ NO If YES, please provide the name of the agency (or Officer): WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT / PAUL NEWTON #;t621 PLEASE PROVIDE BRIEF SUMMARY OF SCENE / CIRCUMSTANCES OF DEATH VICTIM WAS DRIVER OF A 2002 LEXUS. DRIVER WAS TRAVELING SOUTHBOUND IN THE 4000 BLK OF HENRY S. GRACE FRVVY. DRIVER SWERVED OFF THE ROADWAY AND STRUCK A GUARDRAIL. WITNESSES STATED THAT THE DRIVER WAS DRIVING APPROXIMATELY 65-70 MPH. THE GUARDRAIL ENTERED THROUGH THE DRIVER SIDE WINDOW AND EXITED THROUGH THE TRUNK. DRIVER'S LEFT FOOT WAS SEVERED AND THE RIGHT LEG WAS SEVERED DRIVER DIED AT THE HOSPITAL. ANY SPECIAL REQUEST OR TEST(S) TO BE PERFORMED? FULL TOXICOLOGY //-©70 'o INVESTIGATOR'S REPORT OFFICE OF CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER TARRANT -- PARKER COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER'S DISTRICT Case Number ME c> ?GO 200 FELIKS GWOZDZ PLACE FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76104-4919 Phone: (817) 920-5700 Fax: (817) 920.5713 TIE/8 UL° Nizam Peerwani, M.D. Chief Medical Examiner Darrell Thompson Chief Medical Investigator Deceased: SPINK, CONNIE LYNN (Last, First, Middle) Address: 285 ELLIOTT City of WICHITA FALLS Zip Code 76310 Age: 54 RACE (Last Birthday) Birth Date: White SEX Female 11/01/56 Marital Status: Married Phone: (940) 733-0843 Social Security Number: 451-21-5893 Manner of Dress: NUDE Occupation HOMEMAKER Place of Employment NONE Place of Death 1600 11" ST City of WICHITA FALL S HOSPITALIZED (includes ER) YES If yes, DATE I TIME OF ADMISSION 07/12/11 / 1312 HOURS Character of Premises of Death HOSPITAL Date and Time M.E. Notified 07/12/11 / 1600 HOURS Time of Arrival at Scene 1620 HOURS Reported By: HOSPITAL STAFF Address: 1600 11 Th ST Phone: (940) 764-2122 Pronounced Dead By: DR. BETH SUTTON MD Treated By: DR BETH SUTTON MD DATE OF DEATH 07/12/11 TIME 1532 HOURS DETAILS OF INJURY Place of Occurrence 4000 HENRY S. GRACE FRWY City of WICHITA FALLS TEXS Character of Premises ROADWAY Environmental Conditions PARTLY CLOUDY Date of Injury 07/12/11 Time 1312 HOURS Injury at Work ❑ YES E NO Identified By HOSPITAL STAFF Address 1600 11 TH ST Phcne (940) 764-2122 Relative's Name MIKE SPINK Relationship HUSBAND Relative's Address 285 ELLIOTT Phone (940)733-0843 Relatives Notified By HOSPITAL STAFF Date 07/12/11 Time 1540 HOURS Body Removed to TARRANT COUNTY ME Conveyance WICHITA MORTUARY SERVICE Funeral Home MORRISON FUNERAL HOME Authorized By MIKE SPINK Relationship HUSBAND Date and Time Deceased Arrived at Morgue Date and Time Deceased Released to Funeral Home PROPERTY NONE Medical Investigator IMAGED 14 :18 :19 07/2 8/2011 Wichita Falls Police Department 610 Holliday Street Wichita Falls, Texas 76301 940-761-7762 July 12, 2011 Tarrant County Medical Examiner To Whom It May Concern: Reference to: CONNIE LYNN SPINK Please submit a bill of all charges to: Wichita County Auditor ATTN: Accounts Payable 600 Scott Street, Suite 301 Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Thank you for your assistance in this investigation. Sincerely, Dennis Bachman Chief of Police Wichita Falls Police Department 610 Holliday Street Wichita Falls, Texas Investigator PAUL NEWTON Crash Investigations IMAGED 14 :18 :180 7/28 /20 11 OFFICE OF CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 200 Feliks Gwozdz Place Fort Worth, Texas 76104-4919 Phone (817) 920-5700 Fax (817) 920-5713 Date: 07/12/11 This authorizes the Office of Chief Medical Examiner of Tarrant County, Texas, to deliver the remains of CONNIE LYNN SPINK (HUDSON) to the MORRISON Funeral home. Please complete funeral home information below: Address: 700 OAK ST City: GRAHAM State: TX Zip: 76450 Phone: 940-549-2121 Fax: 940-549-1725 Authorization is also given to the above named funeral home, or its designated agents, to remove the said deceased to their place of business to care for, and prepare for disposition in accordance with professional standards. Funeral Home is authorized to receive valuables: [Z1 yes n PAUL NEWTON Printed Name CRASH INVESTIGATOR Relationship NOTE: Cash over $50.00 must be picked up in person by next-of-kin. no TTO Z/E/L 0 L T :8T :t T GHDVNI i-o-20qo Co FAX COVER SHEET WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: 07/12/11 TIME: GP 35 An NUMBER OF PAGES: Including Cover Sheet TO: NAME: TARRANT COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS PHONE NUMBER: 817-920-5700 FAX NUMBER: 817-920-5713 CRASH INVESTIGATION SECTION FROM: OFFICER: PAUL NEWTON PHONE NUMBER: 940-720-5034 FAX NUMBER: 940-720-5095 NOTES: NONE Confidentiality Notice: This fax is sent in support of official Police business. If received in error, please notify sending agency immediately. Any misuse, disclosure, dissemination or unauthorized distribution may be punishable through civil penalty or criminal prosecution. TTO UH/L 09 :8 1 :tT GHDYNI /7-o •70 1 0 RELEASE OF BLOOD SAMPLES PATIENT'S NAME: a?IfIK. SAMPLE TYPE: 'bocci , Urine ate MR NUMBER: 1.i) i 4 4:11 -12- If DATEJTIME COLLECTED: RELEASED BY (LABORATORY PERSONNEL): Cxiakio qtraito I, the undersigned, an officer of the Wichita Falls, Texas, dice Departmen r Wichita County Sheriff's Department (circle one), do hereby acknowledge receipt of the above described blood sample(s). gil Officer's Signature U Date Jul 29 11 09:44a p.1 WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY RELEASE DISPOSITION AUTHORIZATION tri ITOUOT/80 80 :ST o Page I of 1 'ZZ— Date/Time' ,'229 // Officer: 71 Case Number 11070706 illeu,hr.) /f/ Property was booked into die Property Unit under this case number. Please check the status of the case and indicate what disposition should be made on all property listed. Please return this form to the Property Room within 10 days. Note: It is the officer's responsibility to check the status of the case and make the appropriate disposition on all property. Officer shall verify the property is not related to another WFPD case or another agency's case. The Property Room sends this disposition request as a reminder, not as a notice that property is no longer needed for pending criminal cases or investigations. (Include a description of property or list Tag number when available. All can be used when appropriate) Tag: 1. Hold for Court Case # Defendant's Name: Offense: 2. Hold — further investigation required on this or related offenses 3. Photograph and release to owner: Tag: Owner's Name: Date Time notified by Officer: Method of notification: By Phone ( Other. ) In Person ( ) Certified Mail [Officer shall advise OKSICT to =intact the Property Unit (761-719 hr; to make an Appointment to pickup property) 4. Release to Owner (or authorized person): Owner's/Authorized Person's Name: Date Time notified by Officer: Method of notification: By Phone ( Other: Tag: ) In Parson ( ) Certified Mail ( ) [Wu= shall advise on to cooled the Property Unit C761-7795) to make an appointment to pickup property' 5. Destroy as authorized by Code of Criminal Procedures and General Order 100.035 Tag: 6. Dispose of as authorized by Code of Criminal Procedures and General Order 100.035 Tag: (includes donations, assumption for Department use, auctions, and possible destruction) Officer's Signature Badge Number: Date: fr.', '7,29 // CH KG FATALITY TAG I/ LCC V 8 246 F8310 p53r0 ITM DS!' 1 3 DESCRIPTION 1-ONE DIAPER BAG CONTAINING MISC BABY ITEMS 2-ONE CAR SEAT SERIAL # I—I Jul 29 L11 11:45a to .9 • Lu. • WFPD Accident Inv C") t-E1 cz) .. t—L U1 .. ci ----1 C-D 00 9407205095 • p .1 WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY RELEASE DISPOSITION AUTHORIZA7ION Page I of I Ale.... 4 .., Case Number 11070706 Daterfinic: e 1,24 ,.( / It (5--Ofnccr; 747? )KiProperty was booked into the Property Unit tinder this case number. Please chock the status of the case and indicate what disposition should be made on all property listed. Please return this form to the Property Room within 10 days. Note: It is the offiett's responsiersty to check the status eCthe ease and maim the appropriate disposition on al) property. Officer shall verify the property is net related to soot tier WFPD case or another agency's case. The Property Room sends this disposition ropiest as a reminder, sac as a notice that property is no longer needed for pending criminal cases or investigations. (Include a description ti property or list Tag number when available. All can be used when appropriate) I. Noll for Court Case # Tag: Defendant's Name: Offense 2. Hold - further investigation required on this or related offenses 3. Photograph and release to owns: Tag: Owner's Faint Date Time notified by Officer. Method of notification*. By Phone ( Othm-. ) In Person ( ) ( Certified OGIccr shall adds: owner to =taxa the Propertylkit(76 I 4791F. to mai.e an sepoirarramat to pkialp property) 1,// 4. Release to Owner (or authorized person): Owner'sdAuthorized Person's Name: Pl• 1? Date Time °mined by Onicer 6 97 9 // / / / Method of notificatiocc By Phone ( En moo Other Tag: ) Certified Moil ( ) proontsi 5. Destroy as authorized by Code of Criounal Procedures and Generat Order 100.035 fOltia:r shell advise woner to ocestact Ow Property Unit (761 -7791) to stake ail appointment to picks* Tag: 6. Dispose of as authorized by Code of Criminai Procedures and General Order 100.035 Tag: (includes donations, assumption for Department use, auctions, and passible destruction) Officer's Signature Badge Number: Date: c 729 CHRG: FATALITY TAGif LAC 27314d FWD 2:711847 RUM ITM OSP GEsca/PTION I 1-ONE DIAPER. 84,G CONTAINING MIsC UAW 2 2-0NE CAR SEAT SELIAL miss 9 WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY RELEASE FORM I hereby acknowledge receipt of the items listed below from the Property Room of the Wichita Falls Police Department. By signature, I certify that I have a lawful claim to this property and that any false claim to right v ..r of possession shall subject me to criminal prosecution. cz) DATE/ TIME Cr+ c=:' co ."--.. i-. , : RELEASED BY: DI\ i.,\ W T,"IY \ \ ‘k S SIGNATURE 2W PRINT NAME CITY ,275- 5 ;.--///; tAii di rAit (/‘ TELEPHONE LOC rolKe -C701,0/K _ A ADDRESS CASE NUMBER: 11070706 TAG # ITM cp DSP 'I Va- 735- vs-K SERIAL NUM DESCRIPTION 278846 1 F83/0 1-ONE DIAPER BAG CONTAINING MISC BABY ITEMS 278847 2 F83/0 2-ONE CAR SEAT RELEASED RELEASED Wichita Falls Police Department - Evidence Lo FATALITY Offense: Location: E HATTON AND HENRY S GRACE Date/Time: 071211 / 1400 Officer/ID Tech: S. SMITH Item # Evidence Description and Location Found Collected By 1 ONE (1) BLACK COLORED BAG CONTAINING DIAPERS, BABY WIPES, BABY COLD MEDICATION, TWO (2) BABY TOYS. TWO (2) PAIRS OF BABY SANDALS, AND ONE (1) BABY OUTFIT FROM THE GROUND NEAR THE ROAD. ONE PINK COLORED CAR SEAT FROM THE GROUND NEAR THE VEHICLE. S. SMITH 071211 / 1521 2 IMAGED 09:59:00 08/10/2011 S. SMITH 071211 / 1521 Case #: 11070706 Badge#: 903 How Evidence Marked NONE To Property By NONE S. SMITH 071311 / 1516 S. SMITH 071311 / 1516 CASE 0 : DATE: TIME: LOCATION: VICTIM: OFFICER: WICHITA FAILS POLICE DEPARLYEIT VICUND SHEET BODY FRONT t I CY)0')0Q) BODY BACK • Left Side t {Cr r)()0(i) DATE: n VICTIM: (-An ti CASE WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT WOUND IDENTIFICATION CHART ID TECH/BADGE OFFICER ITO UOT/80 Body Front 4,/u003-&g_c? NOTES Body Back G-0 4{ si,32 5AN C,.f ,,-As-c6s I, • I aft C;r4. 1---1 . .--. 5; Wichita Falls Police Department Identification Service Request Form t-E1 cp kr) Case Number: ) 1 C51 Requested By: .. ,,C) TTO UOT/8 0 L....) Offense: 0'1 0761p J.16 Afii , 4-eath:et, ),--, L Date Requested: Section: Ji Offense Date: 7/ •3 ,/ t if C7/Ji I Several items of Property from the same case number can be requested on each form. Please underline across the form under each item of property and request to separate each item. Examination/Test Requested Description of the Item tc, DV ica,m/k. Date Received 6 7 1,)-1 I GO 100.035 " L " Date Assigned 0 '1 IQ-I I Assigned To IL-) Date Completed 0 7 I ..1 I VEHICLE SECTION -1 ..• 5 Soo . . . 0264. ZetreelIS %MP impodrod 4 Dee e 1 10 WOW Cr co a Yew A/k 5 a // 8 Wroclaw Cp. Tani, 12 Slow Do Of 0994 Is P.m*. ,..,- .....- rime Whesas 'locator ----- Front RT ----. Engin* ..""' Front LT I. TransmIssIon '4."" Roar RT. g..-Rear End I.Z. ROW IT. --_,G 1.0: Minn; Spare Paha Lori Rot 1 ,1 VW Front eries: Bettary N1.- 5 13 License /X 77e AttaX2NT MI CI 162;1651 1/10 *9 VeNcle Towed Away? (CFOs) .(1219 ,.141. e_ie,f5x 17 vetede Ea --- I3V- - it Yr --53 4 1 Gm. I 2/ 5- • 2 Laotian oukrcound 6' --"r' —1,L- _____= ,-°' Front RT Front LT. Roar RT. Roar IT Spare Other Other '---- -r L— to".-- EX-krIS; Ve_ rran 4 cAci-mc,y.... .V.- Radio/Stereo In-Dash Undo( Bash 1/' and Eauek2or k.c.C.4 5+aq- C\ c"e•-• ‘CICX31k LA . ("10li- if 44rVCO t)C Tap. Deck C.B. Radio C.B. Antenna ---- - Speak./ Front _____AC__ ___IG. Back 19 VE904 inventory fili C...-4-0,\<, - (StiCri- SQ4 cloc:ce.+-S --,11'r hi 4( .-C14)40P5 -?c,,ikeif C4-4)- m t 5 c-, ,s -Ct Jod i ..i.-N 5 m cc, We L.A.Doe X 60 v- NA AA C ,P 5 -'Du Ca SE ■,1/4) [NM W v-00. .7 1 U L) -Ix 0\itoitilti 9 h5\5E'S - picl Ca- rt-fc-42 5 — 1A)ai V.er - .5 \xi\ Nit ,t7.2.. ttac\k/x A 6e,J - M 4)hi uay c k . 9ck; r a `74.o.t- - le:41-tto of de fre2 — r(i5C Cio-KirJ3— - - - - - - - - . . 20 Auund 9 21 Drhoorli Mans 22 t■koe, L-15 -1 0111 cilT731)* V.h c_hiA-k -Fit.c kl 5 -1-,A -ItoIn 24 . Ad45A-P) Sp;k1Y... 25 Lion So der 28 Adams 27 Wr02454r ,, uni mito 29 Floconed In InoPOung1 Log ;;TION Dos 7 23 i /it a 30 Locialon Stoned . Imre ZS Hrs , Row eitAg 31 Space n9 38 Noliacarto Lain *Me ❑ Invo414$144 ❑ 40 Cash Rota* Nowbera Impound Fon a • 37 NC004418y • gite// ( 085e* 13 Nano CI co. 35 84d94 g 24.6v 39 FWaase Autivanzsei By, . • Bond 1 F444./ 43 is7 lig 32 Kays- ;r 39 COUP t404/140 . . 4 a li l101. -' _ Tag 7-41 t " I 11; 40 Address Co4Ni e... S p,',.1 K 22 Owner TORA TTO UTT/80 90 :E :6 0=VIE VEHICLE IMPOUND REPORT WiONITA FALLS POUCE DEPARTMENT 44 Tone /G ic yl.,11 . Nalivod Sy (7---'- ............4 2_8 _.... 1ILEASED 1 47 Wow I ___, Jul 29 11 09;44a P.1 /(-00'70 TTO Ut U80 U :t0 :0T WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT PROPERTY RELEASE DISPOSITION AUTHORIZATION 7?) ec Page I oft 742a. A-44.4 Case Number 11010706 Datefrime: AO 1724 // and indicate what case aft status the Property was booked into the Property Unit under this case number. Please check disposition should be made on all property listed. Please return this form to the Property Room within 10 days. Officer. Note: It is the officer's responsibility to check the stems of the case and make the appropriate disposition on all property. Officer dun verify the property is set related to another WITPD case or another agency's case. The Property Room Kalb this dispasitioa request as a reminder, not as a notice that property is no longer needed fir pending crimirud cases or investigations. (Include a description of property or list Tag number when available. All can be used when appropriate) 1. Hold for Court Case It Tag: Defendant's Name: Offense: 2. Hold — further investigation required on this or related offenses 3. Photograph and release to owner: Tag: Owner's Name: Date Time notified by Officer Method of notification: By Phone ( Other: ) In Person ( ) ) Certified Mall ( [Meer it aching tomer to contact the PropertyUrit (761•77JS) to snake an rippoinrneat to plckn ► ProPertY1 (/ 4 Release to Owner (or authorized person): Tag: Owner's/Authorized Persorr's Name: 7)7, fit! .5Esiorin Date Time notified by Officer: d 1791 /// Method of noti fication: By Phone ( In ) (X ) Other Certified Mail ( ) fOrtoer sbn8 eitviee easier to aortae' the Property Unit (761-T,91) as unite en appointment to picirup poverty! 5. Destroy as authorized by Code of Criminal Procedures and General Order 100.035 Tag: 6. Dispose of as authorized by Code of Criminal Procedures and General Order 100.035 Tag: (inhales donations, assumption for Department use, *whops, and possible destruction) Dow 4 729 '/ Officer's Signature Badge Number. FATALITY TAO:, LOC F.G: ITU DSP DIOCRIPTION 271246 raw 1 I-ONE DIAPER 279149 FtrtaD 2 2-0NE CAR SEAT BAG CONTAINING MISC BABY ITEMS SERIAL TMACED 10 :06 :27 08/24 /2011 Jul 28 11 11:29a • • I A,/ 1 PLILICLIVAI I P. 5 006/000 /(-o ?olocp 1108501 nnie Lynn Spink Page 5 of 5 The brain weighs 1341 grams presenting moderate congestion of the leptomeninges. Overlying dura is intact and unremarkable. Cerebral hemispheres reveal a normal gyral pattern with moderate global edema. The brainstem and cerebelli are normal in appearance with no evidence of cerebellar tonsillar notching. The Circle of Willis is patent, presenting no evidence of thrombosis or berry aneurysm. On coronal sectioning of the brain the ventricular system is symmetrical and contains clear cerebrospinal fluid. There are no space occupying lesions present. Spinal cord is not examined. SPECIMENS AND EVIDENCE COLLECTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 30 mL of aortic blood, 10 mL of subclavian blood, and 5 mL of vitreous for possible further examination Representative tissue sections in forrnalin for possible further examination Blood card Representative photographs EDC: 09/11/11 Completed: 07115111 SB IMAGED 10 :06 :25 08/24 /2011 Jul 28 11 11:29a a (Ii' 1.•L kAJ st.L p.4 0.)05/005 /7, 0 1 0/7640 Page 4 015 1108601 Connie Lynn Spink 6. GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: The esophagus is intact with normal gastroesophageal junctions and without erosions or varices. The stomach is also normal without gastritis or ulcers, and contains no food particles. Loops of small and large bower appear grossly unremarkable. The appendix is unremarkable. The liver weighs 1380 grams presenting a brown smooth glistening surface. Focal patchy yellow discoloration due to mild fatty metamorphosis Is present. On sectioning the hepatic parenchyma is yellow-brown, homogeneous and congested. The gallbladder is unremarkable containing approximately 5 mL of greenish bile. There is no cholecystitis or tithiasis. The biliary tree is patent. The pancreas weighs 161 grams and presents a iobulated yellow cut surface without acute or chronic pancreatitis. 6. GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: The left kidney weighs 156 grams, and the right is smaller and weights 43 grams. On sectioning the cortex presents a normal thickness above the medulla. The renal columns of Bertin extend between the well-demarcated pyramids and appear unremarkable. The medulla presents normal renal pyramids with unremarkable papillae. The pelvis is of normal size and lined by gray glistening mucosa. There are no calculi, Renal arteries and veins are normal. The ureters are of normal caliber lying in their course within the retroperitoneum and draining into an unremarkable urinary bladder containing no urine. External genitalia are those of an adult female with intact vulva and vagina. The uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries are unremarkable_ 7. HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM: The spleen weighs 139 grams, presenting a There is no intact capsule and a dark red parenchyma. lymphadenopathy. The thymus gland is involuted. gray pink - 8. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Thyroid gland is of normal size and shape, presenting two well-defined lobes with connecting isthmus and a beefy brown cut-surface. There are no goitrous changes or adenomas present. The adrenal glands are of normal size and shape and sectioning presents no gross pathological lesions. 9. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: A scalp incision, craniotomy and evacuation of the brain are carried out in the usual fashion. The scalp is intact without contusions or lacerations. The cahrarium is likewise intact without bony abnormalities or fractures. Jul 28 11 11:29a v ■-• ...V VI SO I riataltUN 1 l.0 Page 3 of 5 sr, 3 4004/006 1108601 Ca ue Lynn Spink SCARS AND TATTOOS: None. W. INTERNAL EXAMINATION INTEGUMENT: A Y-shaped thoracoabdominal incision is made and the 1. organs are examined in-situ and eviscerated in the usual fashion. The subcutaneous fat is normally distributed, moist and bright yellow. The musculature of the chest and abdominal area is of normal color and texture_ SEROUS CAVITIES: The chest wall is intact without rib, sternal, or 2. clavicular fractures. The pleura and peritoneum are congested, smooth glistening and essentially dry, devoid of adhesions or effusion. There is no scoliosls, kyphosis. or lordosis present. The left and right diaphragms are in their normal location and appear grossly unremarkable. The pericardial sac is intact, smooth, glistening and contains normal amounts of serous fluid. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 381 grams and there is 3. no chamber hypertrophy or dilatation. The left ventricular wall is 1.4 cm and the right 0.4 cm. The cardiac valves appear unremarkable. The coronary ostia are in the normal anatomical location leading into widely patent coronary arteries. Right dominant circulation is present. The endocardiel surface is smooth without thrombi or inflammation. Sectioning of the myocardium presents no gross evidence of ischemic changes either of recent or remote origin. The aortic arch along with the great vessels appears grossly unremarkable. 4. PULMONARY SYSTEM: The neck presents an intact hyoid bone as well as thyroid and cricoid cartilages. The larynx is comprised of unremarkable vocal cords and folds, appearing widely patent without foreign material, and is lined by smooth, glistening membrane. The epiglottis is a characteristic plate-like structure without edema, trauma, or pathological lesions. Both the musculature and the vasculature of the anterior neck are unremarkable. The trachea and spine are in the midline, presenting no traumatic injuries or pathological lesions. The lungs appear hyperinflated and together weigh 671 grams. Both the lungs appear moderately congested and edematous. There are no gross pneumonic lesions or abnormal masses identified. The tracheobronchial tree and pulmonary arterial system are intact and grossly unremarkable. The pleural surfaces are pink and smooth with focal mild anthracosis. N p.2 Jul 28 11 11:28a IAAAAM1 4.0 Mt 21001/008 /(--0 70-7416 1108601 Page 2 ot 5 Can ie Lynn SpInk A complete autopsy is carried out at the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's T TO UtU8 0 Morgue. GROSS ANATOMIC DESCRIPTION I. CLOTHING AND PERSONAL EFFECTS: The body is presented to the Morgue wrapped in a white sheet and secured in a white body bag. H. THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION: 1. An oral-endotracheal tube 2. A Foley catheter 1 A right antecubital intravenous line 4. 4 EKG pads 5. 2 pacer pads 6. A C-collar III. EXTERNAL BODY DESCRIPTION: The body is that of a normally developed adult white female appearing the stated age of 54 years with a body length of 49 inches and body weight of 214 pounds. The body presents medium build with average nutrition, normal hydration, and good preservation. Rigor mortis is moderate, and lividity is well-developed on the posterior surfaces of the body and is fixed. The body is cold to touch post refrigeration. The head is covered by long, brown hair. The face is unremarkable. There is average body hair of adult female pattern distribution. The eyes are dosed with clear bulbar and palpebral conjunctivae. The irides are hazel with white sclerae. There are no cataracts or arcus present. Pupils are equal at 5 mm. The orbits appear normal. The nasal cavities are unremarkable with intact septum. The oral cavity presents natural teeth with good oral hygiene. The ears are unremarkable with no hemorrhage in the external aucitory canal. The neck is rigid due to postmortem changes, and there are no palpable masses. The chest is symmetrical with medium size breasts. The abdomen is moderately protuberant. The injuries are described above. The upper extremities are equal and symmetrical presenting cyanotic nail beds without dubbing or edema. The injuries of legs and right hand are described above. External genitalia are those of an adult female with intact vulva and vagina. The back reveals dependent !Witty with contact pallor. The integument is of normal color. T T N/t U 80 66 : ') O :U LULTLfiAi Jul 28 11 11:28a ► .. fly ► ► O 14AAAPI Lv L ,' p.1 ti102/006 at lt-ole)<, Office of Chief Medical Examiner Tarrant County Medical Examiner's District Tarrant County, Texas 200 Faiga Goat& Rack Fort Walt, Texas 76106-491g (517} 920-5730 FAX (517) 920-5713 AUTOPSY REPORT Name: Connie Lynn Spink Approximate Age: 54 Years CASE NO: 1105501 Sex: Female Height 49 Inches Weight: 214 Pounds I hereby certify that on the 13a' day of July, 2011, beginning at 0930 hours, Shiping Sao, M.D., pursuant to Court Order issued by Justice Michael R. Little of Wichita County, Texas, performed a complete autopsy on the body of Connie Lynn Spink at the Tarrant County Medical Examiner's District Morgue in Fort Worth, Texas and upon investigation of the essential facts concerning the circumstances of the death and history of the case as known to me, I am of the opinion that the findings, cause and manner of death are as follows: FINDINGS: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Pronounced dead at hospital shortly after motor vehicle-fixed object collision ( driver) No medical history reported Transection of left lower thigh Transection of right upper thigh with right pelvic fractures A 15° x 3.0° band abrasion/contusion on left shoulder and chest (seat belt injury) A 10° x 7.0" band abrasion/contusion on left loWer abdomen (seat belt injury) Two small abrasions on right hand up to 1/2" x 114" VIII. Postmortem toxicology study: Pending CAUSE OF DEATH: BLUNT AND SHARP FORCE TRAUMA DUE TO MOTOR VEHICLE - FIXED OBJECT COLLISION (DRIVER) (MANNER OF DEATH: ACCIDENT Shiping Bao, Deputy Medical Examiner ITO UtZ/80U :90 :0 T CEDVIII SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OCA 11070706 Agency: WFPD 4031110111* i! irgjrzowikw4LwIlfwg..whminntEg Investigator: Newton, Paul James 19045 Contact: ,,,mmii1111111110=, Date / Time: 07/28/2011 15:14:32 Thursday Reference: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT ON 072811 I RECEIVED THE AUTOPSY REPORT FOR CONNIE SPINK. AFTER REVIEWING THE REPORT, I BELIEVED THERE TO BE NOTHING THAT WOULD INDICATE ANY CRIMINAL ACTIVITY HAD OCCURRED IN THE DEATH OF CONNIE SPINK. THE AUTOPSY REPORT WAS SUBMI1 I hD TO RECORDS FOR IMAGING. I RECOMMEND THIS CASE BE CLEARED AND CLOSED. R Supp3 Page 1 of 1 WICHITA FALLS POLICE DEPARTMENT TEMPORARY RECEIPT OF PROPERTY THIS TEMPORARY RECEIPT IS VALID FOR 72 HOURS FROM THE TIME THE PROPERTY IS RELEASED. IT SHALL BECOME A PERMANENT RECEIPT AFTER 72 HOURS. (72 HOUR TIME LIMIT DOES NOT APPLY TO ITEMS SENT TO LAB ) DATE/TIME: 07Ao 07- I LI - 1 1 FOR PROPERTY ROOM USE ONLY ****************************************************** ***** **** * CASE NO: 11070706 RELEASED BY ** RECEIVED BY * * * DATE/TIME RETURNED 1 7 , * * ... g06-y\ Qe AS / 1 P- IP( * * *************************************************************** THE PROPERTY LISTED BELOW WAS RECEIVED BY THE PURPOSE OF FOR 14 TAG # ITM LOC 278842 1 77 4nd..."ov/ FRS 2 • DSP DESCRIPTION 1 - 4:51- 1 SERIAL # BLOOD TUBES AND URINE SAMPLE IN WHITE BOX I/Leads Page 1 of 1 City of Wichita Falls, TX Mail - Open Records Request Annette Wang <annette.wang@wfpd.net > Open Records Request 1 message Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM Danny Valdez <danny.valdez@wfpd.net> To: Annette Wang <annette.wang@wfpd.net > -Annette, ) Please get the photos for the following case's 11-070705 a d T1-070706 ; Kris Krugle told me that Alice has already gotten with you about these photo's. Please ju t giv them to Krugle since she has the Request in her office. Thanks, Valdez be' 44\ n (51PY https://mail.google.cornimail/?ui=2&ik=827fafre3&view=pt&search=inbox&th=l3d3bb09.. . 3/5/2013 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Witness List Name (Last, First, Middle) Name Address Employer Name Address Employer Couffer, Sheena DOB 08/27/1985 2317 Vernon Ave, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 H: Mayflower Moving B: Mariano, Josh 1542 Cynthia Ln, Wichita Falls, TX 76302 Wichita County Da's Office Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Age Race Sex 25 WF 940 -257-5272 09/23/1983 27 A M x:325 -374-4032 B: 940 -766-8120 Page: 20 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Victims, Owners, Reporting Persons and Other Involved NameCode/# Name (Last, First, Middle) 102 Florance, Cristin Crime # Victim of DOB 06/23/1987 Race Sex Age 24 W F U M W M Address 5601 Central Fwy Apt. 925, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Empl/Addr Urhcs / 160011TH, WF, TX B: 940 -764-3184 00 103 Shiflett, David Address H: Empl/Addr Morrison Funeral Home / 700 OAK ST, GRAHAM TEXAS 76450 B: 940 -549-1725 104 Wells, Gary Address 4 Canyon Cliff Ct, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 Empl/Addr Urhcs 1 1 th St / 160011TH ST CODES 00 H: 940 -696-9468 B: 940 -235-5237 V = Victim 0 = Owner (if other than Victim) R= Reporting Person (if other than Victim) I=Other Involved Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 19 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (571) LAUGHLIN, JOHN EDWARD Supplement Typ. AT APPROX. 13 WAS AT THE OF SHID WHILE I I TRANSPORTED THE ITEM TO THE WFPD AND STORED IT IN A TEMPORARY EVIDENCE LOCATION WITHIN THE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS SECTION. I LATER DELIVERED THE ITEM TO THE WFPD PROPERTY ROOM. JOHN E. LAUGHLIN #571 Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 18 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11.070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (621) NEWTON, PAUL JAMES Supplementypyi T OF ' wevitamApr 11:17 SEkyTO tt . I ON 072911, MI f., SP , GARIVMUL?,,KA::; Pii:;s7 PROPERTY COMPLETED A ROOM. I ALSO CONTACTED ID TECH CALLAHAN AND HAD HER RELEASE COPIES OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE CRASH SCENE FOR SPINK'S INSURANCE COMPANY. THE AUTHORIZATION FORM WAS SUBMITTED TO RECORDS Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 TO BE IMAGED, Page: 17 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (621) NEWTON, PAUL JAMES Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT Date / Time 7/28/2011 15:14 ON 072811 I RECEIVED THE AUTOPSY REPORT FOR CONNIE SPINK. AFTER REVIEWING THE REPORT, I BELIEVED THERE TO BE NOTHING THAT WOULD INDICATE ANY CRIMINAL ACTIVITY HAD OCCURRED IN THE DEATH OF CONNIE SPINK. THE AUTOPSY REPORT WAS SUBMITTED TO RECORDS FOR IMAGING. I RECOMMEND THIS CASE BE CLEARED AND CLOSED. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 16 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : 1 1 -070706 Wichita Falls Police Department Additional Officer Supplements PERSONNEL ONLY THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED Officer (611) HARPER, PAUL A Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 15 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: 11-070706 Wichita Falls Police Department Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (611) HARPER, PAUL A Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT Date / Time 7/20/2011 14:26 I ARRIVED AT THE SCENE OF THIS CRASH AND OFFICER SANDY LAMB FROM OUR CRASH UNIT HAD ALREADY ARRIVED ON THE SCENE. EMERGENCY PERSONNEL WERE WORKING ON GETTING THE DRIVER OUT OF THE INVOLVED VEHICLE. I HAD PASSED AN AMBULANCE RUNNING CODE THREE TOWARD UNITED REGIONAL HEALTH CARE ON THE WAY TO THIS CRASH. IT WAS LEARNED WHEN I ARRIVED THAT AN AMBULANCE HAD ALREADY LEFT THE SCENE WITH A SMALL CHILD THAT HAD BEEN EJECTED FROM THE INVOLVED VEHICLE. ONCE SGT S. VAUGHN ARRIVED I WAS SENT TO UNITED REGIONAL HEALTH CARE TO CHECK ON THE OCCUPANTS OF THE VEHICLE. BEFORE LEAVING THE CRASH SCENE OFFICER SANDY LAMB HANDED ME A BLACK PURSE THAT BELONGED TO THE DRIVER OF THE VEHICLE. OFFICER S. LAMB ADVISED THAT SHE WAS HANDED THE PURSE BY SGT LARRY ROBINETT WHO WAS ON THE SCENE WHEN SHE ARRIVED. OFFICER S. LAMB ALSO GAVE ME A TEXAS DRIVERS LICENSE BELONGING TO THE DRIVER. THE DRIVERS NAME WAS CONNIE LYNN SPINK. WHEN I GOT TO THE HOSPITAL I HEARD A PHONE RINGING INSIDE THE PURSE. ONCE INSIDE THE HOSPITAL THE ER STAFF WAS WANTING ON INFORMATION ON THE DRIVER. I GAVE THE STAFF THE NAME FROM THE TEXAS DRIVERS LICENSE. THE PHONE AGAIN RANG IN THE PURSE. I WENT THROUGH THE PURSE TO SEE IF I COULD GET THE PHONE AND GET POSSIBLE NEXT OF KIN FOR CONNIE SPINK. I FOUND THE CELL PHONE IN A SIDE POCKET OF THE PURSE WHICH WAS ZIPPED. THIS INDICATED TO ME THAT CONNIE SPINK WAS NOT ON THE CELL PHONE AT THE TIME OF THE CRASH. THE NAME OF MIKE WAS FOUND IN THE PHONE AND HE HAD BEEN THE ONE CALLING WHEN I HEARD THE PHONE RINGING. A ER NURSE CALLED MIKE AND HE ARRIVED A THE HOSPITAL. MY THE TIME HE GOT THERE CONNIE SPINK WAS BEING TAKEN TO THE OPERATING ROOM AND MIKE SPINK WENT TO THE SURGERY WAITING AREA. THE CHILD WAS IDENTIFIED AS HOSPITAL. AND HER PARENTS, MAURO AND LESLIE ESCOBEDO ARRIVED AT THE I ALSO TALKED TO MAURO ESCOBEDO'S MOTHER, DIANN ESCOBEDO. SHE ADVISED THAT WOULD NOT STAY IN HER CAR SEAT AND WAS ALWAYS COMING OUT OF IT. DIANN STATED THAT IT WAS HARD TO KEEP HER IN THE CAR SEAT. DIANN STATED THAT LILLYANNA WOULD ONLY STAY IN THE CAR SEAT FOR HER FATHER. OFFICER PAUL NEWTON ARRIVED AT THE ER AND HE AND I WENT UP TO SURGERY WAITING AREA AND GAVE MIKE SPINK HIS WIFES PURSE. I OFFERED TO GO THROUGH THE PURSE WITH HIM AND CHECK AND MAKE SURE EVERYTHING WAS THERE AND HE ADVISED IT WAS FINE HE TRUSTED US. IN THE PURSE WAS A MAKEUP BAG, WALLET, THE CELL PHONE. I ASKED MIKE IF HE KNEW WHERE CONNIE HAD BEEN. MIKE STATED THAT SHE HAD TAKEN HIM TO DECATUR TO PICK UP HIS NEW PICKUP. MIKE STATED THAT CONNIE LEFT AND HE HAD TO WAIT A LITTLE BIT FOR HIS TRUCK TO BE FINISHED. MIKE STATED THAT WHEN HE GOT TO THE CRASH SCENE HE HAD TO DETOUR TO THE ACCESS ROAD AND SAW THE CRASHED VEHICLE. MIKE STATED THAT HE THOUGHT IT WAS HIS CAR BUT IT WAS TORE UP FROM THE CRASH HE DID NOT RECOGNIZE IT. THEN WHEN HE GOT HOME AND CONNIE WAS NOT THERE HE KNEW THE CRASHED CAR WAS HIS CAR. AFTER GETTING INFORMATION FROM MIKE I WENT BACK TO THE ER. AFTER A SHORT WHILE IT WAS LEARNED THAT CONNIE SPINK HAD DIED IN ICU. OFFICER NEWTON AND I WENT TO ICU AND WAITED FOR THE JUDGE LITTLE. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE OFFICER NEWTON'S SUPPLEMENT. END OF SUPPLEMENT PAUL HARPER #611 Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 14 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (644) LAMB, SANDY L Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT Date / Time 7/19/2011 11:43 On 07-13-2011, I, Officer S. Lamb was dispatched to the 4000 block of Henry S. Grace Freeway in reference to a one vehicle traffic accident involving two people with serious injuries. I responded to the location and noticed numerous other emergency personnel on the scene. I viewed a white 4-door Lexus bearing Texas license plate # RDD329. The vehicle had obviously been traveling in the south bound lane of Henry S Grace Freeway and struck the guardrail located on the right side of the roadway. The end of the guardrail had entered the driver's side door behind the left front tire and traveled across the driver's seat. The guardrail continued through the two front seats and the middle of the rear seat and coming to a rest in the trunk of the vehicle. Debris from the guardrail and from the inside of the vehicle was scattered along the roadway and on the side of the embankment. The driver and sole passenger of the vehicle were transported to the U.R.H.C.S emergency room by AMR. Officers Harper and Newton, who had also arrived on the scene, left to conduct a follow-up investigation and the hospital. ID Tech Wang processed the scene. Officer Lemond and I secured the scene and took measurements for the accident report (see case# 11-070705). Al's Wrecker Service towed the vehicle to the city's impound lot. I spoke to (WI) Smelley who had been traveling behind, and for a short time, beside the white Lexus on Henry S Grace Freeway. Smelley stated that he noticed that the Lexus was veering to the right while the driver was turned around paying attention to something in the backseat. Smelley said that he could not see what was in the backseat that was dividing the driver's attention. Smelley stated that he viewed the Lexus strike the guardrail. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 13 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : 11-070706 Wichita Falls Police Department Officer's Narrative (continued) BLK OF HENRY S. GRACE FRWY. A W/F, 54 YOA, WAS KILLED IN A CAR CRASH IN THE 4000 Printed at:8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 3 Agency Name I N C ORI 1 TX2430500 D E Crime Incident UCR: 999 Local Statute: FATALITY Crime Incident UCR: Local Statute: 3 Crime Incident UCR: Local Statute: 41 N T D #2 A T it A MO FATALITY I 11-070706 Date / Time Reported TU Jul 12, 2011 ❑ Alt p Com 0 Ad TUJul 12, 2011 ❑ Com TU Jul 12, 2011 M Victim of Crime # / T H E R S 940 -733-0843 Employer Name/Address I N V 0 L v E D - Make Model LEXUS IS300 Color Style SEDAN. 4 WHI Lic/Lis - JUVENILE Juv, Race Sex Home Address . Home Phone Employer Name/Address Business Phone Code Name (Last, First, Middle) I01 Spink, Mike Victim of Crime # F y W 1 Age / DOB Race Sex 52 05/20/1959 W M Home Phone Home Address 940 - 733 - 0843 285 Elliott Rd, Wichita Falls, TX 76310 Business Phone Employer Name/Address F = Found U = Unknown L = Lost S = Stolen R = Recovered D = Damaged Z = Seized B = Burned C = Counterfeit / Forged Status (Check "OJ" column if recovered for other jurisdiction) Codes Victim Property Description OJ QTY Value UCR Status - Date # P R 0 P E R T VIN JTHBD192520051406 RDD329 TX CODES: V- Victim (Denote V2, V3) 0 = Owner (if other than victim) R = Reporting Person (if other than victim) I = Other Involved Age / DOB Vic tim o f Type: Individual Code Name (Last, First, Middle) C rime # V12 F Business Phone None 0 W Home Phone 285 Elliott Rd, Wichita Falls, TX 76310 2002 ❑ 54 11/01/1956 Relationship to Offenders Home Address VYR 'Offense I Tract No IRI N/A Yes Forcible Entry I Residency Status Non-Resident Age / DOB Race Sex C T I 13:12 ❑ Att ❑ Com Fatal V V1 Spink, Connie Lynn I 13:12 At Found ❑ Injury 13:12 Last Known Secure Premise Type Highway/Road/Alley Location of Incident 4000 Henry S Grace Fwy, Wichita Falls, TX 76302 How Attacked or Committed Weapon / Tools Type Individual 2 # Victims Victim/Business Name (Last, First, Middle) OCA INCIDENT / INVESTIGATION REPORT ** Contains Restricted Names ** Wichita Falls Police Department 80 77 - 7/12/2011 - 7/12/2011 42 03 - 7/13/2011 - 7/12/2011 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 Make/Model Serial Number 1-One Diaper Bag Containing Misc Baby 2-One Car Seat Blood Tubes And Urine Sample In White Box 2002 WHI RDD329 TX LEXS IS3 JTHBD19252005140 Y ID Number of Vehicles Stolen Officer 0 Officer Signature 0 Number Vehicles Recovered I Superv (z (621) NEWTON, PAUL JAMES Complainant Signature Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Case Status: a ugGHN, BRYAN SCOTT Vnl 15)g— Case Disposition: Active July 12, 2011 age: Incident / Investigation Report C CA: 11-070706 Wichita Falls Police Department Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (629) HENDERSON, TODD C Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT ON 07-14-11, I TRANSPORTED THE FOLLOWING PIECES OF EVIDENCE FROM THIS EXAMINERS OFFICE. Date / Time 7/15/2011 09:49 CASE TO THE TARRANT COUNTY MEDICAL PROPERTY TAG# 278842 - BLOOD TUBE AND URINE SAMPLE IN SINGLE WHITE BOX. THE PROPERTY WAS NOT TAMPERED WITH OR OPENED WHILE IN MY POSSESSION. TODD HENDERSON #629 Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 12 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (24469) SMITH, SAMANTHA Supplement Type: ID TECH Date / Time 7/14/2011 15:31 ON 071211 AT APPROXIMATELY 1400 HOURS I WAS DISPATCHED TO HENRY S GRACE AND HATTON ROAD IN REFERENCE TO A FATALITY. UPON MY ARRIVAL I TOOK THE FOLLOWING DIGITAL VIDEO: OVERALLS OF THE ROAD TO INCLUDE DAMAGE TO THE GUARD RAIL, SUSPECTED BLOOD AND HUMAN TISSUE IN THE ROAD, A WHITE COLOR LEXUS IS300 (TX RDD 329), SEVERAL VIEWS OF DEBRIS AROUND THE VEHICLE AND IN THE MEDIAN, AND A CAR SEAT ON THE GROUND NEAR THE VEHICLE. I COLLECTED THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCE: ONE (1) DIAPER BAG AND ONE (1) CAR SEAT. (SEE EVIDENCE LOG) ON 071311 AT APPROXIMATELY 1516 HOURS I PACKAGED, SEALED, TAGGED, AND TURNED THE ABOVE EVIDENCE INTO THE WFPD PROPERTY ROOM. DIGITAL VIDEO WILL BE MAINTAINED IN THE ID OFFICE. END OF REPORT, S. SMITH. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 11 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (515) ATNIP, DANNY DEWAYNE Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT Date / Time 7/13/2011 10:44 On 07-12-11 at approx 1312 I Officer Atnip responded to Henry S Grace and Hatton for an Upon arrival I saw a white car that had struck the guardrail. It appeared that a first on scene was treating a subject that was pinned in the car. A Juvenile female had been vehicle and was on the overpass embankment approximately 20' southwest of the vehicle. injury accident. responder who was ejected from the I went to the juvenile and assisted with first aid. I observed a major laceration to the victims left foot and several small cuts and scrapes on her left leg. The victim had a laceration on her left cheek and several scratches on her face. The victim also had a laceration to the left side of her head. I assisted with first aid and keeping the victim in a stable position until first responders and AMR arrived on scene. I assisted First and AMR by keeping the left foot injury covered and compressed with a bandage. When the victim was strapped to a backboard and stabilized I assisted AMR with loading the victim in the ambulance. I responded to URHCS 11th Street campus and stayed with the child and Adult victim once they both arrived. I remained at 11th street until relived by accident Investigator Harper. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 9 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (869) WANG, ANNETI'E RAE Supplement Type: ID TECH Date / Time 7/13/2011 08:43 ON 07/12/11 AT APPROXIMATELY 1328 HOURS, I WAS DISPATCHED TO HENRY S. GRACE FRWY AND HATTON ROAD IN REFERENCE TO A FATALITY ACCIDENT. AT APPROXIMATELY 1338 HOURS, I MET WITH OFFICERS LEMOND AND S. LAMB, WHO REQUESTED THAT I TAKE PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEO. I TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FOLLOWING: VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE HENRY S. GRACE FRWY ABOVE THE HATTON ROAD EXIT, THE DAMAGE DONE TO THE GUARDRAIL, VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE WHITE LEXUS, THE TIRES ON THE LEXUS, VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE FRONT SEAT AREA, BACK SEAT AREA, AND TRUNK OF THE LEXUS, VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE VEHICLE AND GUARDRAIL DEBRIS, THE CAR SEAT BY THE VEHICLE, AND THE SPOT WHERE THE FEMALE CHILD HAD BEEN FOUND. SEE CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN S. SMITH'S SUPPLEMENT IN REFERENCE TO VIDEO THAT SHE TOOK. AT APPROXIMATELY 1440 HOURS, I ARRIVED AT THE UNITED REGIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS' 11TH STREET E.R. AND TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FOLLOWING, PER THE REQUEST OF OFFICERS NEWTON AND HARPER: FACE OF FEMALE CHILD, LILYANNA ESCOBEDO, FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES, THE LACERATION ON THE RIGHT CHEEK AREA, THE LACERATIONS ON THE FOREHEAD, THE LACERATIONS ON THE RIGHT AND LEFT SIDE OF THE HEAD, THE LACERATION ON THE INSIDE OF THE LEFT FOREARM, THE SEVERED LEFT FOOT OF CONNIE SPINK, AND THE SEVERED RIGHT LEG AND FOOT OF CONNIE SPINK. SEE WOUND CHART. AT APPROXIMATELY 1615 HOURS, I ARRIVED AT THE U.R.H.C.S.' ICU. PER THE REQUEST OF OFFICERS NEWTON AND HARPER, I TOOK PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE FOLLOWING: FACE OF DECEASED ADULT FEMALE, CONNIE SPINK, FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES, VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE FRONT OF THE BODY, THE BANDAGES ON THE BODY,THE BRUISE ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE TORSO, THE BRUISES AND SWELLING ON THE LEFT FOREARM, THE BRUISES BY THE OUTSIDE OF THE LEFT EYE, THE BRUISES AND ABRASIONS ON THE CHEST AND FRONT OF THE LEFT SHOULDER. SEE WOUND CHART. THE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHS WILL BE SECURED IN THE ID OFFICE. END OF REPORT, A.R. WANG Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 8 Incident / Investigation Report OCA : Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Additional Officer Supplements THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Officer (619) WHITEFIELD, DOROTHY SUE Supplement Type: OFFICER SUPPLEMENT Date / Time 7/12/2011 13:12 On 07-12-2011 at 1312 hours Officers were dispatched to Henry S. Grace, over Hatton road, regarding an injury accident. Upon arrival I spoke with a couple of witnesses. Tommy Smiley stated that he was on Henry S. Grace when the vehicle in question entered onto Henry S. Grace from the access road. Smiley stated that the vehicle in question cut him off and swerved in front of him while they were getting up onto the frwy. Smiley stated that while driving behind the vehicle, he saw the vehicle swerve again, hit the guardrail and saw a baby get ejected from the vehicle. Smiley stopped at the accident and called the Police. Josh Mariano stated that he was behind Smiley and he observed the vehicle in question swerve and hit the guardrail, he also stopped at the accident. Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 7 Incident / Investigation Report OCA: Wichita Falls Police Department 11-070706 Officer's Supplement Officer 19045 Date / Time Reported 13:12 TU Jul 12, 2011 THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY APPROXIMATELY 6 INCHES OUT THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE TRUNK. THE TRUNK WAS OPEN. THERE WAS SEVERE DAMAGE TO THE FRONT RIGHT OF THE VEHICLE AS WELL. ID TECH ANNETTE WANG ARRIVED ON SCENE AND BEGAN PHOTOGRAPHING THE SCENE. SEE HER SUPPLEMENT. AFTER GATHERING ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION AND SPEAKING WITH WITNESSES, I RESPONDED TO THE URHCS 11TH ST CAMPUS. WHEN I ARRIVED, I WAS ADVISED BY MY PARTNER, OFFICER HARPER, THAT THE DRIVER, CONNIE SPINK, HAD ) WAS BEING TREATED AND WAS GOING BEEN TAKEN TO THE OPERATING ROOM AND THAT THE PASSENGER, TO BE CARE FLIGHTED TO COOK'S CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL. ID TECH WANG CAME TO THE HOSPITAL AND WE WENT TO THE MORGUE TO PHOTOGRAPH THE LEFT FOOT AND RIGHT LEG OF SPINK, WHICH HAD BEEN SEVERED IN THE CRASH. UPON COMPLETION OF THAT WE WENT BACK TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM 'S INJURIES. THERE WAS A LACERATION TO HER LEFT ARM, ABRASIONS AREA. WE WERE ABLE TO PHOTOGRAPH TO HER LEFT CHEST AND HIP AREA, LACERATION ON HER RIGHT CHEEK, LACERATIONS TO HER FOREHEAD AND LACERATIONS ON THE TOP OF HER HEAD. WE WERE ADVISED THAT SHE HAD SEVERE TRAUMA TO HER LEFT FOOT WHICH WAS WRAPPED, SO PHOTOGRAPHS COULD NOT BE TAKEN OF THOSE INJURES. WE WERE ADVISED THAT SPINK HAD BEEN MOVED FROM THE O.R. AND WAS IN I.C.U. WE WENT TO THE I.C.U. DEPARTMENT AND WAS ADVISED THAT SPINK HAD PASSED AWAY. SPINK WAS PRONOUNCED BY DR. BETH SUTTON, MD. AT 1532 HOURS. I CONTACTED SGT. VAUGHN OF THE UPDATE AND THE HOSPITAL STAFF CONTACTED JUDGE LITTLE. AT 1620 HOURS JUDGE LITTLE ARRIVED AT THE HOSPITAL. THE MORTICIAN SERVICE WAS CONTACTED. JUDGE LITTLE REQUESTED A COPY OF THE CRASH REPORT TO BE FAXED TO HIM. ON 071311 AT APPROXIMATELY 1530 HOURS I FAXED A COPY TO HIS OFFICE. JUDGE LITTLE COMPLETED HIS PAPERWORK AND AN ORDER FOR AN AUTOPSY WAS GIVEN. ID TECH WANG PHOTOGRAPHED SPINK AND HER INJURIES. THE WICHITA COUNTY MORTICIAN SERVICE ARRIVED AT 1717 HOURS AND TOOK POSSESSION OF SPINK'S BODY INCLUDING HER LEG AND FOOT WHICH WAS IN THE MORGUE. AFTER COMPLETION OF MY INVESTIGATION AT THE HOSPITAL I WENT TO THE OFFICE TO START ON PAPERWORK WHICH NEEDED TO BE FAXED TO THE TARRANT COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICE. ALL NECESSARY PAPERWORK WAS FAXED AT APPROXIMATELY 1835 HOURS. A SHORT WHILE LATER, I CONTACTED THE TARRANT COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICE TO CONFIRM THAT THEY HAD RECEIVED THE INFORMATION. I SPOKE WITH AMY. AMY ADVISED THAT THEY HAD. SHE GAVE ME THE MEDICAL EXAMINERS CASE #1108601, WHICH WAS ASSIGNED TO THIS AUTOPSY. AMY REQUESTED PHOTOGRAPHS AND A COPY OF THE CRASH REPORT FOR THE DOCTOR WHO WOULD BE PERFORMING THE AUTOPSY. SHE ALSO STATED THAT THEY WOULD BE NEEDING ADMITTING BLOOD AND URINE FROM THE HOSPITAL. I CONTACTED THE URHCS 11TH ST CAMPUS AND SPOKE WITH TOM IN THE CHEMISTRY LAB. TOM STATED THAT THEY DID HAVE THE SAMPLES AND THEY WOULD HOLD IT FOR US. TOM WAS UNSURE IF WE WOULD NEED A SUBPEONA TO GET THIS OR IF THERE WOULD BE CHAIN OF CUSTODY ISSUES. TOM STATED THAT HE WOULD PASS THIS ON TO HIS SUPERVISOR AND THEY WOULD CONTACT ME IN THE MORNING. I RELAYED THE INFORMATION TO AMY AT THE MEDICAL EXAMINERS OFFICE. MIKE SPINK CONTACTED OFFICER PAUL HARPER AND ADVISED HIM THAT CONNIE WOULD BE GOING TO THE MORRISON FUNERAL HOME IN GRAHAM, TEXAS. I CONTACTED THE FUNERAL HOME AND SPOKE WITH DAVID SHIFFLETT, THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. I ADVISED HIM OF THE SITUATION AND THAT CONNIE SPINK WOULD BE SENT TO THEM UPON COMPLETION OF THE AUTOPSY. ON 071311 I SPOKE WITH GARY WELLS WITH THE CHEMISTRY LAB AT THE HOSPITAL. WELLS HAD NO PROBLEM RELEASING THE BLOOD AND URINE SAMPLES. HE STATED THAT THERE REALLY IS NOT A CHAIN OF CUSTODY THAT IS DONE AT THE Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 5 Incident I Investigation Report OCA: 11-070706 Wichita Falls Police Department Officer's Supplement Officer 19045 Date / Time Reported TU Jul 12, 2011 13:12 THE INFORMATION BELOW IS CONFIDENTIAL - FOR USE BY AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY ON 071211 AT APPROXIMATELY 1320 HOURS I RESPONDED TO A CRASH AT HENRY S. GRACE FRWY AND HATTON RD. THIS CRASH WAS A SINGLE VEHICLE CRASH. SEE RELATED CASE #11-070705. THE VEHICLE INVOLVED WAS A 2002 WHITE LEXUS IS300, TXTAG RDD329. THIS VEHICLE WAS DRIVEN BY A W/F WHO WAS LATER IDENTIFIED AS CONNIE LYNN SPINK. THE PASSENGER WAS LATER IDENTIFIED AS ) - JUVENILE. THE CRASH OCCURRED IN THE SOUTHBOUND LANE OF THE 4000 BLK OF HENRY S. GRACE FRWY. THE ROAD SURFACE WAS CONCRETE. IT WAS PARTLY CLOUDY AND DRY AT THE TIME OF THE CRASH. THE ROADWAY CONSISTS OF TWO DRIVE LANES WITH A LARGE RIGHT SHOULDER. THE FRONTAGE ROAD IS CONSTRUCTED FOR ONE-WAY TRAFFIC, SOUTHBOUND. THE SPEED LIMIT IS POSTED WITH A 60 MPH SIGN. THERE WERE TWO WITNESSES AT THE SCENE. I SPOKE WITH TRUMAN SMELLEY FIRST. SMELLEY STATED THAT HE WAS HEADED BACK TO WORK ON PROFESSIONAL DRIVE. SMELLEY WAS DRIVING SOUTHBOUND ON HENRY S. GRACE FRWY IN THE RIGHT LANE AND STATED THAT THE OTHER VEHICLE CAME FROM THE ON RAMP AND SHE WAS GOING FASTER THAN HIM BECAUSE SHE WAS PULLING AWAY FROM HIM. I POINTED BACK IN THE DIRECTION THAT THE VEHICLES WOULD HAVE BEEN COMING AND INQUIRED ABOUT THE ON RAMP APPROXIMATELY 1/2 MILE BACK. SMELLEY BELIEVED THAT WAS THE ONE FROM WHICH SHE CAME. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AT MIDWESTERN PKWY. SMELLEY STATED THAT HE WAS DOING ABOUT 65 MPH AND SHE WAS AHEAD OF HIM. SMELLEY STATED THAT SHE STARTED VEERING OFF THE ROADWAY SO HE GOT INTO THE LEFT LANE AND HAMMERED IT TO CATCH UP TO HER TO BLOW HIS HORN AND GET HER ATTENTION. SMELLEY STATED THAT HE THEN SLOWED DOWN BECAUSE HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE WAS GOING TO DO AND SHE THEN STRUCK THE GUARDRAIL. SMELLEY STATED THAT IT LOOKED LIKE THE DRIVER WAS TURNED AROUND MESSING WITH THE BABY OR SOMETHING AND THEN SHE STRUCK THE GUARDRAIL. SMELLEY STATED THAT THE DOOR OPENED AND SOMETHING FLEW OUT. SMELLEY CHECKED ON THE DRIVER FIRST AND HIS DAUGHTER, SHEENA COUFFER, SAW THE BABY SEAT AND SHE RAN AROUND TO SEE IF ANYONE WAS LYING OUT THERE. SMELLEY STATED THAT THE DRIVER OF THE VEHICLE DID NOT BRAKE, OR JERK THE VEHICLE IN ANY WAY. THE VEHICLE JUST VEERED OFF THE ROADWAY. SMELLEY STATED THAT THE VEHICLE HAD TO BE GOING AT LEAST 70 MPH. SMELLEY STATED THAT IT LOOKED LIKE THE DRIVER WAS TRYING TO GET THE KID BACK INTO THE CARSEAT OR SOMETHING. SMELLEY STATED THAT THE DRIVER WAS GROANING AND HE WAS TRYING TO KEEP HER CALM AND THAT HELP WAS ON THE WAY. SMELLEY STATED THAT HE THEN TOOK SOME TOWELS OVER TO THE BABY TO HELP KEEP THE SUN OFF OF HER. I THEN SPOKE WITH SHEENA COUFFER. COUFFER STATED THAT SHE WAS TALKING TO HER DAD AND HE WAS DRIVING AT APPROXIMATELY 55-60 MPH OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. COUFFER STATED THAT THE VEHICLE WAS ALREADY IN FRONT OF THEM AND STARTED GOING FASTER AND THEN IT JUST VEERED AND KEPT GOING. SHE STATED THAT HER DAD TRIED TO CATCH UP TO THE VEHICLE TO GET THE DRIVERS ATTENTION BUT WHEN THEY CAUGHT UP THE VEHICLE HAD SLAMMED INTO THE GUARDRAIL. COUFFER STATED THAT HER DAD STOPPED AND THEY RAN TO CHECK ON THE OCCUPANT. WHEN SHE SAW THE BABY CAR SEAT SHE RAN TO THE OTHER SIDE AND LOCATED THE BABY. COUFFER STATED THAT THERE WAS NO JERKING OF THE WHEEL. THE VEHICLE JUST DRIFTED AND THEN CRASHED. COUFFER THOUGHT MAYBE THE DRIVER WAS FALLING ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL. COUFFER COULD NOT SEE IF THE DRIVER WAS DISTRACTED WITH THE CHILD IN THE BACK SEAT. COUFFER DID NOT REMEMBER SEEING ANY BRAKE LIGHTS FROM THE VEHICLE. COUFFER STATED THAT THE CAR SEAT WAS IN THE CAR AND WAS NOT OUTSIDE OF THE VEHICLE. COUFFER DID NOT KNOW IF THE CAR SEAT WAS FASTENED TO THE CAR. COUFFER STATED THAT SHE CHECKED THE BABIES PULSE AND IT WAS REALLY WEAK. SHE STARTED RUBBING THE BABIES BACK AND TALKING WITH HER AND THE BABY STARTED MOVING MORE AND GETTING LOUDER. HELP ARRIVED AND GOT THE BABY. I OBSERVED WHERE THE GUARDRAIL HAD ENTERED THROUGH THE DRIVER SEATING AREA. THE GUARDRAIL THEN WENT BETWEEN THE FRONT DRIVER AND PASSENGER SEATING AREA, PENETRATED THE CENTER OF THE BACK SEAT AND EXITED Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: 4 Incident / Investigation Report fichita Falls Police Department S --. Codes .., .,,,..,. Status OCA : — mecovereu u = uamagect Quantity L = Seized B = Burned C = Counterfeit / Forged Type Measure F = Found 11-070706 U = Unknown Suspected Drug Type D R U G S 0 F F N D R Offender(s) Suspected of Using ❑ Drugs ❑ Alcohol ❑ Computerr Offender 1 Offender 2 Age: RI N/A Race: Sex: Age: Race: Sex: Age: Offender 4 DOB. Race Sex Hat Jacket Was Suspect Armed? Make T N E S Smelley, Truman I Hgt Wgt Age: Sex: Race: Sex: Primary Offender Resident Status Resident Non-Resident Unknown Offender 6 Home Phone Business Phone Build Style/Doors Color Model ❑ Yes l Home Address 2806 Avenue R, Wichita Falls, TX 76309 Hair Color Eye Color Hair Length Glasses Socks Shoes Mode of Travel Coat/Suit I Pants/Dress/Skirt Direction of Travel Shirt/Blouse Tie/Scarf Type of Weapon Name (Last, First, Middle) v E Sex: Hair Style I Scars, Marks, Tattoos, or other distinguishing features (i.e. limp, foreign accent, voice characteristics) W A R R T Race: Race: I Business Address Suspect Hate / Bias Motivated: N Age: Home Address / Age VYR s Sex: Offender 5 Age: Name (L, F M) AKA Occupation S U s P E C T Offender 3 Race: No Vin Lic/Lis Type: D.O.B. 10/12/1958 Home Phone Age 52 Race Sex W M Emp oyer Dwight Moving And Storage Phone 940 -322-2126 Assisting Officers (13059) YONTS, MICHAEL EUGENE (400) VENABLE, CARY LEE (414) ROBINETT, LARRY J. (523) KIRKPATRICK, CASEY L (515) ATNIP, DANNY DEWAYNE (521) POWELL, DOUGLAS DWAIN PIPER, RALPH RYAN NEWTON, PAUL JAMES HARPER, PAUL A VANDERBURG, WALTER E III (401) DOTSON, JAMES VAN (645) (621) (611) (408) (431) VAUGHN, BRYAN SCOTT (644) LAMB, SANDY L Printed at: 8/13/2013 11:56 Page: